- Invest Korea
- Invest Korea
INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN KOREA BIOPHARMACEUTICAL R1 CH HO R2 OH INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN KOREA BIOPHARMACEUTICAL KOREA, Where Success Knows No Limits Contents 04 Industry overview The pharmaceutical industry Biotech industry 10 Competitive standing and outlook Global market outlook Future development of pharmaceutical and biotech industries 18 Government policies and related regulations Government policies by industry 22 Cost 24 Success cases 28 Related companies and associations 05 01 INDUSTRY OVERVIEW INDUSTRY OVERVIEW The pharmaceutical industry Korea’s pharmaceutical market stood at KRW 19.291 trillion (USD 17.3 billion)* in 2013, up 0.3% YoY, and posted a five-year CAGR of 2.3% from 2008 to 2013. Given that the market recorded a higher growth rate than the global market until 2010, its growth pace has slowed. However, Korea’s pharmaceutical market continues on a steady growth path despite the global economic crisis. •In particular, it is notable that Korea’s pharmaceutical production increased by 4.1% YoY, to KRW 16.2 trillion, in 2013, departing from a stagnant growth trend since 2010. Korea’s pharmaceutical exports posted a 2008 - 2013 CAGR of 13% driven by Korean pharmaceutical companies with a growing presence in the global market. •In contrast, Korea’s pharmaceutical imports dropped 10% YoY, to KRW 5.2 trillion in 2013, contributing to a sharp decline in trade deficits. In a nut shell, Korea’s pharmaceutical industry records modest growth across the board. As Korean pharmaceutical companies have steadily sharpened their competitiveness, the Korean industry has increased exports and production volumes and fast reduced trade deficits. Korea’s pharmaceutical industry employed 78,259 individuals in 2013, up 5.1% YoY, or 3,782 individuals. This marks an upturn in pharmaceutical employment, breaking from a downward trend since 2010, and indicates that business activities have recently gained momentum in Korea’s pharmaceutical industry. Recent developments in Korea’s pharmaceutical industry Production (Unit: KRW million) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 % YoY A 5-year CAGR 13,893,810 14,788,387 15,569,588 15,440,251 15,560,663 16,191,845 4.1% 3.1% Export 1,255,891 1,772,242 1,770,059 1,943,493 2,309,534 2,318,522 0.4% 13.0% Import 4,319,756 4,953,881 5,108,911 5,447,053 5,728,874 5,155,829 -10.0% 3.6% Trade balance -3,063,865 -3,181,639 -3,338,852 -3,503,560 -3,419,340 -2,837,308 -17.0% -1.5% Market size 16,957,675 17,970,026 18,908,439 18,943,812 18,980,003 19,029,152 0.3% 2.3% * Source: Korea Health Industry Development Institute (2014), Analysis of Korea’s Pharmaceutical Industry (2013) * Currency conversion based on March 10, 2015 rate. 06 BIOPHARMACEUTICAL Pharmaceutical researchers numbered 5,437, accounting for 6.9% of the total workforce in Korea’s pharmaceutical industry. As much as 70.2% of researchers have master’s or doctoral degrees and the research workforce structure was based mostly on higher-skilled talent. Number of people employed in Korea’s pharmaceutical industry 82,000 07 01 INDUSTRY OVERVIEW Biotech industry The biotech industry uses biotechnologies based on DNA, protein and cells to produce various products, such as biopharmaceuticals, and to create value-added services. The industry includes biopharmaceuticals, bioengineered food, biochemicals and bio-environment, bioelectronics, bio-process and device, bio-energy resources, others such as biological assay (assessment) and bioinformatics services. Korea’s biotech industry stood at KRW 7.52 trillion in 2013, up 5.3% YoY, in terms of domestic sales and exports, and posted a high CAGR of 8.9% from 2009 to 2013. 81,204 80,000 78,259 78,000 76,000 In terms of production value, the bioengineered food segment is the largest contributor, with annual production of KRW 3.21 trillion in 2013, accounting for 40% of the biotech industry. The second-largest contributor is biopharmaceuticals, with annual production of KRW 2.78 trillion. Biochemicals and other biotech segments are small in terms of absolute production value but expand at a fast pace, raising expectations that they will represent an increasing share of the biotech industry’s production. 77,314 75,406 74,477 74,000 72,000 70,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Korean biotech industry production (domestic sales + exports) * Source: Korea Health Industry Development Institute (2014), Analysis of Korea’s Pharmaceutical Industry (2013) Year Research workforce breakdown by educational background (Unit: People) 2009 2010 Others 107 2011 Ph.D. holders 637 B.S. degree holders 1,509 2012 2013 % YoY M.S. degree holders 3,184 * Source: Korea Health Industry Development Institute (2014), Analysis of Korea’s Pharmaceutical Industry (2013) Production (Unit: KRW million) Total Biopharmaceuticals Biochemicals Bioengineered food Other Domestic sales 2,907,448 1,564,251 260,356 283,954 601,718 Export 2,728,749 1,209,223 69,907 722,474 371,403 Domestic sales 3,346,287 1,521,210 230,073 989,797 605,207 Export 2,441,539 852,028 60,352 1,356,334 172,825 Domestic sales 3,646,896 1,506,329 355,684 1,065,834 719,049 Export 2,749,356 954,412 74,783 1,531,965 188,195 Domestic sales 4,068,644 1,577,572 408,226 1,261,325 821,521 Export 3,060,585 1,139,980 97,173 1,610,631 212,802 Domestic sales 4,357,396 1,636,942 451,091 1,338,933 930,430 Export 3,166,435 1,138,462 111,110 1,682,131 234,731 Domestic sales 7.10% 3.76% 10.50% 6.15% 13.26% Export 3.46% -0.13% 14.34% 4.44% 10.30% 10.64% 1.14% 14.73% 47.36% 11.51% 3.79% -1.50% 12.28% 23.53% -10.84% Domestic sales CAGR (2009 - 2013) Export * Source: Korea Statistical Information Service (www.kosis.kr) The domestic biotech market stood at KRW 5.87 trillion in 2013, up 6.1% YoY, posting a CAGR of 8.5% from 2009 to 2013. •By segment, the biochemicals segment posted the fastest growth, at 8.5% YoY. Of other biotech segments, the bioelectronics and bio-environment segments recorded a high growth rate of 53.8% YoY and 9.6% YoY, respectively, although their domestic sales were relatively low, at KRW 37.3 billion and KRW 30.3 billion. 08 BIOPHARMACEUTICAL 09 01 INDUSTRY OVERVIEW In terms of domestic sales, biopharmaceuticals are the largest segment, accounting for 50% of the biotech market. However, biopharmaceuticals record a slower growth rate than other segments, while bioengineered food and biochemicals marked higher growth rates. The biotech market is expected to grow beyond biopharmaceuticals to include diverse segments such as biochemical, bioengineered food and other biotech segments. Changes in number of biotech companies 1,000 900 913 958 971 2011 2012 2013 800 700 600 Size of Korea’s biotech market (domestic sales + import) 2009 2010 2011 2012 (Unit: KRW million) 2013 500 CGAR % YoY (2009 - 2013) 400 Total 4,236,695 4,751,946 5,208,078 5,643,437 5,866,853 3.96% 8.48% 300 Biopharmaceuticals 2,536,348 2,620,986 2,736,657 2,819,494 2,961,578 5.04% 3.95% 200 Biochemicals 372,034 324,505 435,402 476,952 515,177 8.01% 8.48% 100 Bioengineered food 317,692 999,180 1,098,907 1,320,973 1,385,571 4.89% 44.51% 0 Other 813,452 807,273 937,112 1,026,018 1,004,527 -2.09% 5.42% * Source: Korea Statistical Information Service (www.kosis.kr) The number of companies in Korea’s biotech industry increased by 13, from 958 in 2011 to 971 in 2012, marking an upward trend. •By segment, the number of biotech companies increased in the biopharmaceuticals, biochemicals and other segments but slightly declined in the bioengineered food segment. 276 188 Total The number of researchers amounted to 11,605 individuals, or 30.4% of the employees in Korea’s biotech industry. About 60% of researchers have master’s or doctoral degrees. The workforce is highly skilled in the biotech industry, as seen in the pharmaceutical industry. Biopharmaceuticals 204 203 Biochemicals 247 250 252 202 199 199 Bioengineered food Other * Source: Biotech Industry Study (2014) Workforce structure of Korea’s biotech industry Segment Biopharmaceuticals In 2013, the number of people employed by biotech companies stood at 38,197, marking an increase of 627 individuals from 2012. In other words, the average number of employees per biotech firm stood at 39.3. 305 317 Biochemicals Bioengineered food Other Total * Source: Biotech Industry Study (2014) People Doctoral degree Master’s degree Bachelor’s degree Other Share (%) People People People People 18,469 1,030 3,519 6,877 7,043 100% 6% 19% 37% 38% 4,936 362 1,355 1,937 1,282 100% 7% 27% 39% 26% 8,070 345 1,298 3,527 2,900 100% 4% 16% 44% 36% 6,722 359 1,239 3,079 2,045 100% 5.34% 18.43% 45.80% 30.42% 38,197 2,096 7,411 15,420 1,285 100% 5.49% 19.40% 40.37% 3.36% 10 BIOPHARMACEUTICAL 02 COMPETITIVE STANDING AND OUTLOOK Global market outlook 11 The global pharmaceutical and biotech markets have steadily expanded thanks to an aging population and growing awareness of healthy lifestyles worldwide. •The global pharmaceutical industry expanded 2.4% YoY, to USD 959 billion in 2012, and posted a high CAGR of 5.3% from 2007 to 2012. The growth rates are relatively low compared to the pre-crisis growth rate of about 8%. However, the global pharmaceutical industry has continued on a steady growth path despite a global economic slowdown, as national healthcare spending and demand for healthcare have increased amid aging populations in Asia. •The global biotech market amounted to USD 1.18 trillion in 2012. This global industry is one of the most promising and expected to reach USD 1.57 trillion in 2015, with a 2010 - 2015 CAGR of 9.7%. Size and growth outlook of the global biotech market Year Value (USD billion) Growth rate (%) % YoY CAGR 2010 987.2 9.1% 9.7% 2011 1,079.0 9.3% 9.7% 2012 1,181.5 9.5% 9.7% 2013 1,298.4 9.9% 9.7% 2014 1,434.7 10.5% 9.7% 2015 1,572.4 9.6% 9.7% * Source: IMS Health (2012) COMPETITIVE STANDING AND OUTLOOK Future development of pharmaceutical and biotech industries The future development of the pharmaceutical and biotech industries is expected to be led by technology convergence-driven new industries, such as BIT. •The “ubiquitous” healthcare industry has emerged thanks to IT-related innovative technologies, creating new medical device markets such as portable diagnostic devices for remote health monitoring, remote consultation and remote treatment. The personalized healthcare market is estimated to reach USD 63.9 billion in 2015, from USD 33.7 billion in 2010. Thanks to dramatic technological developments in DNA analysis, key product categories will include chips and diagnosis kits based on DNA sequencing and protein analysis. •The preventive medicine segment, such as the introduction of biosensors and biomarkers, is expected to develop thanks to growing demand for products that enable fast diagnosis and early detection, for disease prevention. The development of personalized target therapy and companion biomarkers (companion diagnostics) are expected to emerge as a new business model for the pharmaceutical industry. 12 BIOPHARMACEUTICAL The industry shift from one-size-fits-all products to personalized treatment products should be accelerated. •M edicinal treatment and management will take into consideration personal genetic information and physical traits, departing from the practice of applying the same treatment to all patients. In this regard, development of the single-nucleotide mutation search, precision diagnosis and monitoring segments will enable drug response prediction and help establish a system to fend off trial and error and side effects in advance. Diagnosis of Korea’s competitiveness Korea accounts for 1.8% of the global pharmaceutical market and 1.7% of the biotech market in terms of sales revenue. Korea’s biotech and pharmaceutical markets are small in absolute terms but have overtaken the global market in terms of growth rates. For example, Korea’s bioengineered food segment has posted a five-year CAGR of more than 50%, and the domestic sales and exports of biotech products, such as bio-chemicals and biopharmaceuticals, recorded a CAGR of 20 - 30%. Given the brisk pace of market growth and active business, Korea is expected to enhance its competitiveness in the global market. •Korea’s biotech industry is expected to maintain strong growth momentum and record KRW 20 trillion in production and KRW 13 trillion in domestic sales in 2017. •The fast growth of the biotech industry is attributed to socio-demographic and demand and supply-side factors, among others. On the socio-demographic side, the biopharmaceuticals and bio diagnostic device segments have been expanding quickly thanks to growing demand for health checkups, disease prevention and geriatric treatment amid an aging population and longer life expectancy. •On the demand side, the biopharmaceuticals, bio-cosmetics and bioengineered food segments have been rapidly growing due to an increase in disposable income and standard of living and a greater desire for a healthy, younger life. •On the supply side, as national spending on social welfare and public health has increased due to an aging population, it is increasingly important to meet social demand in a more costeffective way. As such, the biotech industry has been a target of active national investments and efforts to develop technology. Developing further on scientific achievements, the biotech industry has been leading national and industrial efforts to generate new growth momentum for industrial development. 02 COMPETITIVE STANDING AND OUTLOOK 13 Competitiveness of the pharmaceutical industry Korean pharmaceutical companies have mostly developed generic drugs. However, the development of new drugs is more important than ever to meet changes in the pharmaceutical environment. As such, industry players, especially major pharmaceutical companies, have strengthened their commitment to investing in new drug development. •The need to develop new drugs is gaining momentum due to government policies and changes in the domestic and foreign pharmaceutical market. Therefore, the commitment and investment of major pharmaceutical companies in new drug development are becoming more important. •K orean pharmaceutical companies have delivered achievements in biosimiliar and incrementally modified drugs (IMD), capitalizing on their knowhow and research expertise, and made significant efforts to develop first-in-class drugs. As a result, Korean companies have exported technologies to multinational companies and conducted global clinical trials, earning recognition for their technological prowess. For example, Hanwha Chemical exported its biosimilar version of Pfizer’s blockbuster rheumatoid arthritis drug Enbrel, and Hanmi Pharmaceutical has licensed out its Poziotinib, a targeted anti-cancer treatment. Korean pharmaceutical companies made research and development (R&D) investments worth KRW 967.2 billion in 2012. The R&D investment posted a high CAGR of 13.7% over the past five years, reflecting a growing commitment to R&D. •In addition, the average concentration ratio of the pharmaceutical industry increased from 6.24 in 2008 to 7.67 in 2012 in the R&D segment. Such an increase in R&D activities, which are essential to the development of the pharmaceutical industry, raises expectations that Korea will be able to enhance its competitiveness. Korean pharmaceutical companies have actively sought partnerships with global pharmaceutical companies. For example, Hanwha Chemical concluded an agreement with Merck to produce and globally market the biosimilar of arthritis blockbuster Enbrel. Samsung BioLogics established a biosimilar joint venture with the U.S.-based Biogen Idec, enhancing comprehensive partnerships in areas such as R&D, manufacturing and marketing. As such, cooperation with multinational pharmaceuticals is expected to generate strong synergy effects. 14 BIOPHARMACEUTICAL 15 02 COMPETITIVE STANDING AND OUTLOOK Korea’s new drug development Company New drug Development stage Celltrion Remsima (anti-rheumatic drugs ) World’s first biosimilar antibody (approved in July 2012 in Korea, June 2013 in EU) Celltrion Biosimilar Herceptin (breast cancer treatment) Phase III clinical trial (completed in Asia in November 2010) Dong-A ST Tedizolid phosphate (super bacteria antibiotics) FDA approval (April 2014) LG Life Sciences Zemiglo (anti-diabetic drug) Phase III clinical trials and sales right agreement (June 2012) Chong Kun Dang Pharmaceutical CKD-732 (anti-obesity drug) Phase III clinical trials underway (October 2014) Pharmicell Hearticellgram (myocardial infarction treatment) World’s first stem cell treatment (July 2011) Medipost CARTISTEM (knee cartilage regeneration treatment) KFDA approval (January 2012) Antrogen Cupistem injection (Crohn's disease treatment) KFDA approval (January 2012) Core Stem HYNR-CS injection (ALS treatment) KFDA approval (July 2014) The therapeutic antibodies segment is among the most promising in the pharmaceutical industry. Korea’s therapeutic antibodies market increased from KRW 30 billion in 2006 to KRW 83 billion in 2010. If the domestic development of new therapeutic antibodies speeds up, Korea’s therapeutic antibodies segment will reach KRW 300 billion in 2015. •ISU ABXIS recorded KRW 3.3 billion in sales with Clotinab, Korea’s first antibody-based treatment. Celltrion has actively conducted R&D in therapeutic antibodies, winning approvals for its infliximab biosimilar Remsima and completing the phase III clinical trial of the biosimilar Herceptine (breast cancer treatment). Outlook for the Korean therapeutic antibodies market (Unit: KRW 100 million) 3,000 3,000 Market size 2,500 R&D investments by Korean pharmaceutical companies (Unit: KRW million) R&D investments 800,000 648,362 600,000 1,500 967,239 1,000,000 2,000 1,000 813,755 684,207 500 578,268 830 300 0 400,000 * Source: Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, Five-year Plan for Technology Innovation (2013) 200,000 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 Competitiveness of the biotech industry 2012 * Source: Korea Health Industry Statistics System (KHISS) R&D concentration among Korean pharmaceutical companies (Unit: %) Given that Korea is one of the countries with the most rapidly aging population, the outlook for demand in the biotech industry is positive. In addition, the biotech industry is expected to continue on a growth path driven by government support and the commitment of large corporations to new business development. 9,00 R&D concentration rate 8,00 7,00 6,00 5,00 6.24 6.50 6.44 2008 2009 2010 7.41 7.67 2011 2012 4,00 3,00 2,00 1,00 0,00 * Source: Korea Health Industry Statistics System (KHISS) Accordingly, Korean companies increase their R&D investments to secure their competitiveness in the biotech industry. Korea’s biotech R&D investments reached KRW 1.165 trillion in 2013, continuing on a growth path. •Korea ranks fifth among OECD member countries, following the United States, France, Japan and Germany in terms of the private sector’s investments in the biotech segment. In addition, the biotech segment accounts for 20% of the Korean government’s investments, the second largest among OECD member countries, following Germany. •Statistics show that the Korean government has played a key role in establishing the scientific foundation for biotech research. The public sector’s efforts have facilitated the private sector’s investments and put the biotech industry on the path to growth and development. 16 BIOPHARMACEUTICAL 02 COMPETITIVE STANDING AND OUTLOOK Korea’s biotech R&D investments (Unit: KRW 100 million) 10,000 8,000 9,302 R&D investments 8,761 9,988 7,686 7,293 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 * Source: Biotech Industry Study (2014) By segment, major market players in the biotech industry are as follows. Segment Major companies Biopharmaceuticals Celltrion, Isu Abxis, Meditox, RNL Bio, JW-Shinyak, etc. Biochemicals CJ CheilJedang, Daesang, SK, LG Chem, GS Caltex, Cheil Industries, etc. Bioengineered food Daesang , CJ CheilJedang, Dongbu Farm Hannong, MOGHU Research Center, etc. Bioelectronics and analytic device Humasis, Bio Focus, Nano Entek, K-MAC, Seegene, Bioneer Other AmorePacific, LG Household & HealthCare, Hankook Cosmetics, Pharmicell , Medipost, etc. The in vitro diagnostic segment is expected to be among the fast-growing markets of the biotech industry. The segment has strong growth potential thanks to new technology development and a rapidly aging population. The market is estimated to reach KRW 420 billion in 2014. Korea’s in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVDs) market 2009 Bioelectronics Bioinformatics & biological assay Bio diagnostics (20% of the diagnostic test market) Total 2010 (KRW 100 million) 2011 2012 2013 2014 369 489 553 624 724 840 1,406 1,355 1,531 1,730 1,955 2,209 600 690 780 881 996 1,125 2,375 2,534 2,864 3,235 3,675 4,174 * Source: Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, Five-year Plan for Technology Innovation (2013) •In particular, the bio-convergence segment has strong growth potential thanks to Korea’s technological capabilities in the semiconductor and IT segments, and Korean electronics companies are showing growing interest in the bio-convergence segment. - This segment includes biochips, biosensors, u-healthcare and diagnostic devices. In particular, the biochip and biosensor markets have demonstrated significant growth potential and delivered strong performance. 17 •In this regard, the development of bio chips has been led by public research institutes and universities such as the Korea Institute of Science & Technology (KIST), Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Seoul National University (SNU) and private research institutes and large corporations such as Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), LG Electronics Tech Center and LG Chem. Recently, an increasing number of biotech startups have been entering the market. •Of Korea’s IVD market, companies such as HBI, SD, Humasis, Bio Focus, Nano EnTek and K-MAC are new entrants in the immune segment, and companies such as Seegene and Bioneer have DNA diagnosis products and globally competitive technologies in the molecular diagnosis segment. •In addition, as the focus of healthcare has shifted from treatment to disease prevention due to an aging population, the personalized healthcare market is expected to fast expand, enabling routine and customized health care through early diagnosis, a ubiquitous healthcare system and personal health records. 18 BIOPHARMACEUTICAL GOVERNMENT POLICIES AND RELATED REGULATIONS 03 GOVERNMENT POLICIES AND RELATED REGULATIONS Government policies by industry 19 Korea’s pharmaceutical industry The Korean government announced in July of 2013 the Five-year Comprehensive Plan for the Support and Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry in an effort to promote the pharmaceutical industry. In a fast-changing pharmaceutical industry, the Korean government has launched a five-year initiative to encourage Korean pharmaceutical companies to go global through the development of new drugs and products, departing from growth strategies focused on generic drugs and the domestic market. •The five-year plan envisions that Korea will join the top 10 in the global pharmaceutical industry by recording pharmaceutical exports worth KRW 11 trillion and creating four worldclass new drugs by 2017 through five core tasks, 13 key strategies and 41 action plans. In September of 2013, the Ministry of Health and Welfare launched a fund worth KRW 100 billion specializing in the pharmaceutical industry to promote high-risk investments by pharmaceutical companies. The specialized fund is financed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korea Finance Corporation, Korea Development Bank and Korea Securities Finance Corporation. Its objective is to support Korean pharmaceutical companies in their technology partnerships and overseas expansion and to invest in small- to mid-size tech startups with weak financing capacity. The first global pharmaceutical fund started investments in promising Korean pharmaceutical companies such as Genexine, Crystal Genomics, DiNonA and CorenTec in 2014, providing growth momentum for Korea’s pharmaceutical industry. The Korean government has pursued the PB 300 Project, which provides Korean companies with consulting and advisory services, by recruiting leading experts from overseas as shortterm consultants. The objective of the PB 300 Project is to ensure that the government can help Korean companies tackle challenges and enhance their capability by providing consulting services with a talent pool of overseas experts in new drug R&D, planning, clinical trials, manufacturing, approval and technology marketing. With the help of the PB 300 Project, Korean companies that have technologies but lack clinical trial experience overseas will be able to expand to global markets and emerge as globally competitive players by acquiring advanced technologies and know-how, enhancing their competence in developing and marketing their technologies and products. 20 BIOPHARMACEUTICAL 03 GOVERNMENT POLICIES AND RELATED REGULATIONS To increase awareness of Korea’s pharmaceutical products in the global market, the Korean government has assisted Korean companies in their expansion to new emerging markets, enhancing government-to-government collaboration and sending private-public market development delegations. During Bio Korea 2013 (September 11-13, 2013), Pharm Fair was held on the sidelines to bring together related foreign authorities in the drug approval segment and promote marketing cooperation with overseas drug distribution companies. Pharm Fair created an opportunity for Korean pharmaceutical companies to generate businesses worth KRW 170 billion, including the USD 100 million export deal between BC World Pharm and KOA SHOJI (Japan). Such policy efforts should help Korean companies look beyond the domestic market, reach out to the rest of the world and become globally competitive players. The Korean government introduced a pilot procedure combining drug approval and price evaluation from October to December of 2013, to shorten the time-to-market for new drugs and the evaluation period of drug list prices and thus establish an efficient infrastructure for new drug development. The biotech industry The government has designated the healthcare industry as one of the pillars of and core tasks for Korea’s transition toward a “creative economy.” It has made nation-wide efforts to increase investments, raise private funds, develop a talent pool and enhance infrastructure efficiency. •For this goal, the government has set out key initiatives to develop Korea as one of the top ten players in the global pharmaceutical industry and enhance strategic healthcare R&D by increasing R&D competence in personalized healthcare, stem cell & rehabilitation medicine, new drugs & medical devices and conversion between Western and traditional medicines. In addition, according to the 2nd Basic Development Plan for Bioengineering (2012), the Korean government will increase biotech investments to KRW 9.7 trillion through 2016 and is developing a research talent pool of 73,222 master’s or doctoral degree holders. Government R&D investments in the biotech segment (Unit: KRW 100 million) 2009 2010 2011 CAGR 123,437 137,014 148,902 9.8% Biotech R&D 20,112 23,252 25,808 13.3% Biotech R&D as % of government R&D 16.3% 17.0% 17.3% - Government R&D 21 The Korean government announced in July of 2013 the “Government-wide Mid- to Long-term Action Plans to Promote R&D for National Healthcare,” integrating policy plans established by ministries responsible for the biotech and healthcare industries. Moreover, the Korean government seeks to increase public investments and ease investment restrictions in an effort to promote private investments. As part of a private-public initiative to promote the biochemicals sector, a total of KRW 250 billion will be invested for a five-year period from 2013. The Korean government is also making efforts to establish a full-cycle R&D system through collaboration with related companies and to overhaul the system, which requires that public organizations prioritize the purchase of certain products upon procurement. As such, various mid- to long-term initiatives are underway to ensure Korea will be among the top five in the global biochemicals market by 2020. •The Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy has launched a five-year biochemicals technology development project worth KRW 215.5 billion in 2014 with the goal of accelerating the development of technology and production infrastructure. 22 COST BIOPHARMACEUTICAL 23 04 COST The average annual salary at Korean pharmaceutical companies is USD 27,681, with the top 25% at USD 42,987 and the bottom 25% at USD 15,903. The starting salary at major companies tends to be higher at multinational companies than Korean companies and is distributed as follows. Starting salary at major pharmaceutical companies (Unit: USD) Company Starting salary (USD) GlaxoSmithKline 33,393 Korea Polyol 32,491 AstraZeneca Korea 31,769 Pfizer Korea 31,588 ISU Chemical 30,505 Dong-A Pharm 29,874 Yuhan Corporation 27,076 Dongwoo Fine-Chem 24,368 Average annual income is distributed as follows by academic background. Average annual income by academic background 39,025 40,000 Average salary 35,000 32,139 28,384 30,000 25,000 (Unit: USD) 22,572 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 Associate degree holder Bachelor’s degree holders Master’s degree holders Ph.D. holders 24 BIOPHARMACEUTICAL 05 SUCCESS CASES SUCCESS CASES 25 1) Celltrion: KRW 350 billion in investments from Temasek, Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund, since 2010 •Celltrion attracted KRW 207.9 billion in investments from Temasek, Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund, in 2010 thanks to its superb biosimilar technologies and solid contract manufacturing organization (CMO) business. Temasek acquired a 10% stake in Celltrion Healthcare, Celltrion’s affiliate, and made an additional investment of about KRW 150 billion in 2013. •Investment incentives and outcomes Celltrion has expanded the global market coverage of Remsima, a biosimilar version of Remicade (rheumatoid arthritis drug), winning regulatory approvals in Korea and Europe. With the completion of a phase 3 clinical trial of the biosimilar Herceptine (breast cancer treatment), the company has made significant achievements in the biosimilar segment. •It was biosimilar capability that enabled Celltrion to attract foreign investments. Foreign investments helped Celltrion repay its debts, raise operating capital, enhance its presence in the global capital market and place a greater focus on developing biosimilar and therapeutic antibody technologies. 2) Aprogen: Strategic partnership with Japan’s Nichi-Iko Pharmaceutical (2010) and exclusive sales right worth KRW 30 billion (2014) •Aprogen, a tech venture in the Daeduk Specialized Zone, attracted an investment of KRW 13.3 billion in the biosimilar business from Japan’s Nichi-Iko Pharmaceutical in 2010. Nichi-Iko Pharmaceutical acquired a 33.4% stake in Aprogen and entered into an agreement to conduct clinical trials, file for regulatory approval and sell Aprogen’s biosimilars in Japan. Afterwards, Aprogen developed the Remicade biosimilar and entered into an exclusive supply contract with Nichi-Iko Pharmaceutical for KRW 30 billion in 2014. •Investment incentives and outcomes Aprogen is a subsidiary of Schnell Biopharmaceuticals and the first company in Korea to have promoted the development of new drugs based on protein and antibodies. Aprogen was established in 2000 by two professors from the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) and KAIST and has transferred four biosimilar drug technologies to other companies. Currently, the company is developing four kinds of biosimilars and three kinds of protein-based new drugs. In addition, the company transferred its business right to biosimilars of Ramicade (rheumatoid arthritis treatment) and Rituxan (anti-cancer drug) to Schnell Biopharmaceuticals. Aprogen attracted equity investments from Japan’s Nichi-Iko Pharmaceutical in 2010 to finance its biosimilar production and facilitate its advancement in the global market. The agreement in 2014 includes an investment clause that Nichi-Iko Pharmaceutical will provide capital for Aprogen to build large-scale biosimilar production facilities. As such, Aprogen has secured financing for its production facilities and an exclusive right to supply products. 26 BIOPHARMACEUTICAL 3) Samsung BioLogics: Joint venture between Samsung and Quintiles Transnational Corp. Samsung BioLogics has created a USD 300 million biosimilar development JV with Biogen Idec. •Samsung and Quintiles Transnational Corp, a U.S.-based global clinical research service provider, established Samsung BioLogics, a joint venture with KRW 300 billion in capital. BioLogics teamed up with Biogen Idec to establish a joint venture that develops, manufactures and sells biosimilars. Samsung BioLogics started construction of a biopharmaceutical plant with a cell culture capacity of 30,000 liters in June of 2011, with plans to complete the pilot production of therapeutic antibodies in August of 2014 and start mass production in 2015. •Investment incentives and outcomes Samsung BioLogics has secured access to the global biotech industry by attracting foreign investment. In addition, Samsung BioLogics is well-positioned to sharpen its competitiveness in the biopharmaceutical segment, as it can share knowhow with a global company in various areas such as contract manufacturing and preclinical and clinical trials. In addition, the establishment of mass production facilities for biosimilars should allow the company to expand biopharmaceuticals production, extend global market reach and accelerate R&D. 4) Dong-A Pharm: Strategic partnership with GSK •In May of 2010, Dong-A Pharm forged a strategic partnership with the global pharmaceutical company Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK). GSK acquired a 9.9% stake in Dong-A Pharm to jointly operate the sales, clinical trials and commercialization of ethical drugs. It is a comprehensive partnership that enables Dong-A Pharm to secure a stable supply of GSK’s key pipeline drugs and GSK to use Dong-A Pharm’s sales networks and marketing force in Korea. GSK and Dong-A Pharm expanded their partnerships in March of 2012 to include over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, generating synergy effects both in the OTC and ethical drug markets. •Investment incentives and outcomes The partnership between GSK and Dong-A Pharm is an unprecedented model of partnership between a global pharmaceutical company and a Korean pharmaceutical company. In particular, GSK has identified Korea as an attractive investment destination, given Korea’s R&D capacity and clinical trial experiences, and thus showed great interest in Dong-A Pharm’s overseas R&D pipeline. Through partnerships, Dong-A Pharm has secured an opportunity to learn global clinical expertise and successfully expand its global business. 05 SUCCESS CASES 27 5) Genexine: Ajinomoto Genexine, a joint venture with Ajinomoto •Genexine, a Korean biotech venture, formed a joint venture, Ajinomoto Genexine, with Ajinomoto in November of 2012 to produce cell culture media for biopharmaceutical production. Ajinomoto has a 75% equity stake in the joint venture, which has KRW 35.7 billion in capital. With the complement of the cell culture media production facilities at the end of May 2014 in Songdo, Incheon, Ajinomoto Genexine can domestically produce Ajinomoto’s patent-protected serum-free medium, which used to be imported, and plans to expand its market presence, especially in Korea and Asia. 6) Investment incentives and outcomes •Ajinomoto needed to establish a production base in Asia to meet growing demand for biological research and biopharmaceutical production. As such, Ajinomoto formed a joint venture with Genexine, a Korean biotech company with solid biopharmaceutical infrastructure and promising R&D networks. The joint venture makes it easier for Korean biopharmaceutical companies to domestically procure customized cell culture media, which offer higher quality than imported products. In addition, Ajinomoto Genexine is a good example of where a competitive Korean biotech company has attracted foreign investment with its technological prowess. It will pave the way for competitive biotech companies to further enhance their technological competence and develop financing and marketing capacity by attracting foreign investment and forging partnerships. 28 BIOPHARMACEUTICAL 06 RELATED COMPANIES AND ASSOCIATIONS Related associations RELATED COMPANIES AND ASSOCIATIONS Name Website Korea Biodiesel Association blog.naver.com/kbda0711 Korea New & Renewable Energy Association www.knrea.or.kr Korea Pellet Fuel Association cafe.naver.com/ilovepellet Korea Bioplastics Association www.kbpa.net Korea Bio Material Packaging Association www.biopack.or.kr Korea Association of Geriatric Hospitals www.kagh.co.kr Korean Hospital Association www.kha.or.kr Korea Pharmaceutical Association www.kpanet.or.kr Korea Medical Devices Selling Association www.komedia.or.kr Korea Medical Association www.kma.org Korea u-Health Association www.uha.or.kr Korea Association of Health Promotion www.kahp.or.kr Korea International Medical Association www.koreahealthtour.co.kr Korea Global Healthcare Association www.kgha.kr Korea Biopharmaceuticals Association www.ko-bia.or.kr Korea Biotechnology Industry Organization www.koreabio.org Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology www.kbra.or.kr Korea Biosafety Association www.kobsa.net Korea Drug Research Association www.kdra.or.kr Korea Medical Devices Industrial Coop www.medinet.or.kr Korea Medical Devices Industry Association www.kmdia.or.kr Korea Pharmaceutical Distribution Association www.kapw.or.kr Korea Pharmaceutical Traders Association www.kpta.or.kr Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association www.kpma.or.kr Korea Food Industry Association www.kfia.or.kr Korea Crop Protection Association www.koreacpa.org Korea Seed Association www.kosaseed.or.kr Korea Animal Health Product Association www.kahpa.or.kr Korean Veterinary Medical Association www.kvma.or.kr Korea Advanced Farmers’ Federation www.kaff.or.kr Korea Animal Improvement Association www.aiak.or.kr 29 30 BIOPHARMACEUTICAL 06 RELATED COMPANIES AND ASSOCIATIONS Related companies Company Website Seoul Pharma www.seoulpharma.com Suheung www.suheung.com Hutecs Pharmaceutical www.hutecs.co.kr SS Pharm www.susungpharm.com Ahn Gook Pharm www.ahn-gook.com RP Corp www.rpskorea.com Pharmbio Korea www.pharmbio.co.kr SB Pharmaceutical www.sbp.com Company Website Gwangdong Pharmaceutical www.ekdp.com Kukje Pharm www.kukjepharm.co.kr Green Pharm ‐ BC World Pharm www.bcwp.co.kr Kunwha Pharmaceutical www.kunwha.com GlaxoSmithKline www.gskkorea.co.kr Green Cross www.greencross.com Daelim Pharmaceutical ‐ SK Chemicals www.skchemicals.com Daewoong Pharmaceutical www.daewoong.co.kr Estech Pharma www.estechpharma.com Daewon Pharm www.daewonpharm.com Dream Pharm www.dreampharma.co.kr JW-Shinyak www.jw-shinyak.co.kr Nensys www.nensys.co.kr Dai Han Pharm www.daihan.com LG Life Sciences www.lgls.co.kr Daehwa Pharmaceutical www.dhpharm.co.kr YD Diagnostics www.yd-diagnostics.com Dongkook Pharmaceutical www.dkpharm.co.kr Yungjin Pharmaceutical www.yungjin.co.kr Huniz www.huniz.kr Youyoung Pharmaceutical www.yypharm.co.kr Dong-A Pharm www.donga.co.kr Yuyu Pharma www.yuyu.co.kr Dong Wha Pharm www.dong-wha.co.kr UK Chemi Pharm www.ukchemipharm.co.kr Mundi Pharma mundipharma.co.kr Bioland www.biolandkorea.com Medica Korea www.medicakorea.com Yuhanmedica www.yuhanmedica.co.kr BiNex www.bi-nex.com Yuhan Corporation www.yuhan.co.kr Baxter www.baxter.co.kr Ildong Pharmaceutical www.ildong.com Bolak www.bolak.co.kr Ilsung Pharmaceutical www.ilsung-ph.co.kr Boryung Pharm www.boryung.co.kr ILYANG Pharmaceutical www.ilyang.co.kr Sewon Cellontech www.sewoncellontech.com Ilhwa www.ilhwa.co.kr B. Braun Korea www.bbraun.co.kr JRP www.jrpharm.co.kr Bukwang Pharm www.bukwang.co.kr Kyowa Hakko Kirin Korea www.kyowa-kirin-korea.com Samnam Pharm www.samnam51.com Jeil Pharmaceutical www.jeilpharm.co.kr Samsung Fine Chemicals www.sfc.samsung.co.kr Choa Pharmaceutical www.choa.co.kr Sama Pharm www.samapharm.co.kr Chong Kun Dang Pharmaceutical www.ckdpharm.com Samyang Biopharmaceuticals www.samyangpharm.co.kr JW Pharmaceutical www.cwp.co.kr Sam Yang Chemical www.samyangchem.com Jinyang Pharm www.jinyangpharm.com Samil Pharm www.samil-pharm.co.kr Unimed Pharm www.unimed.co.kr Samjin Pharm www.samjinpharm.co.kr Chunggei Pharm www.chunggei.co.kr Sam Chun Dang Pharm www.scd.co.kr Chodang Pharm www.chodang.com Saehan Pharm www.shpharm.co.kr KMS Pharm www.kmspharm.com 31 32 BIOPHARMACEUTICAL 06 RELATED COMPANIES AND ASSOCIATIONS Company Website Company Website Kolon Pharm www.kolonpharm.co.kr Astellas Pharma Korea www.astellas.com/kr Pharmicell www.pharmicell.com Handok Pharm www.handok.co.kr Tai Guk Pharm www.taiguk.co.kr Hanmi Pharm www.hanmi.co.kr Pharma King www.pharmaking.co.kr Hanbul Pharm www.hanbulpharm.co.kr Taejoon Pharm www.taejoon.co.kr Celltrion www.celltrionph.com Pacific Pharm www.pacificpharm.co.kr Hanall Biopharma www.hanall.co.kr Richwood Pharmaceutical www.richwood.net Hanzhung Pharmaceutical www.hzpharm.co.kr Fresenius Kabi Korea www.fresenius-kabi.co.kr Hanpoong Pharm www.hanpoong.co.kr Hana Pharm www.hanaph.co.kr Han Wha Pharma www.hwpharm.com Hawon Pharm www.hawonpharm.co.kr CMIC CMO cmic-cmo.co.kr Nelson Korea www.nelsonkorea.co.kr Hyundai Pharm www.hyundaipharm.co.kr PMG Pharm www.pmgpharm.co.kr Whanin Pharm www.whanin.com Daiichi Sankyo Korea www.daiichisankyo.co.kr Huons www.huons.co.kr DPH Korea www.dhpkorea.co.kr CJ Health Care www.cjp.co.kr Korea Vaccine www.koreavaccine.com Isu Abxis www.abxis.com Modern Cell & Tissue Technologies www.mctt.co.kr GL Pharm Tech www.glpt.co.kr Han Kook Shin Yak www.hsp.co.kr MG www.medi-green.co.kr Genexine www.genexine.com YD Global Life Science www.bioyd.co.kr Korea Arlico Pharm www.arlico.co.kr Korea Global Pharm www.globalpharm.co.kr Alcone Korea www.alconlabs.co.kr Sungwon Adcock Pharm www.swpharm.com Newgenpharm www.newgenpharm.com Mcnulty Pharmaceutical www.mcnultypharm.com Janssen Korea www.janssenkorea.com Humedix www.humedix.com Eisai Korea www.eisaikorea.com Donwoo Syntech dongwookr.com Otsuka Pharmaceutical www.otsuka.co.kr Samsung Bio Epis www.samsungbioepis.com C&R Research www.cnrres.co.kr White Global Pharmaceutical Corp. www.whpharma.com Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute www.kaeri.re.kr Crystal Genomics www.crystalgenomics.com Korea United Pharm www.kup.co.kr Bio Leaders www.bioleaders.co.kr Union Korea Pharm www.ukp.co.kr Meid Help Line www.medihelpline.co.kr CTC Bio www.ctcbio.com Korea Ginseng Corp. www.kgc.or.kr Hankook Korus Pharm www.koruspharm.co.kr Korea Pharma www.koreapharma.co.kr Pharvis Biotech Korea www.pharvis.co.kr Ferring Pharmaceuticals www.ferring.co.kr Korea Prime Pharma www.koreaprime.co.kr 33 Invest Korea's Global Network Supporting foreign investors worldwide Headquarters Address 13, Heolleung-no, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea Tel (82-2) 1600-7119 Fax (82-2) 3460-7920 E-mail ikonline@kotra.or.kr Homepage www.investkorea.org NORTH AMERICA New York, USA Tel (212) 826-0900 E-mail kotrany@hotmail.com Los Angeles, USA Tel (323) 954-9500 E-mail info@kotrala.com Chicago, USA Tel (312) 644-4323 E-mail info@kotrachicago.com Dallas, USA Tel (972) 243-9300 E-mail joongik@kotradallas.com Washington D.C., USA Tel (202) 857-7919 E-mail washington@kotra.or.kr Silicon Valley, USA Tel (408) 432-5000 E-mail info@kotrasv.org Detroit, USA Tel (248) 619-1601 E-mail detroit@kotradtt.org Vancouver, Canada Tel (604) 683-1820 E-mail ktc@kotrayvr.com Toronto, Canada Tel (416) 368-3399 E-mail info@kotra.ca EUROPE Frankfurt, Germany Tel (49-69) 2429-920/9 E-mail frankfurt@kotra.or.kr Hamburg, Germany Tel (49-40) 3405-740 E-mail 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