Sample file - Unlock the Past
Sample file - Unlock the Past
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This file is fully searchable (read search tips page) but is not FASTFIND enabled New South Wales Police Gazette 1889 Ref. AU2103-1889 ISBN: 978 1 921371 99 8 This book was kindly loaned to Archive CD Books Australia by Griffith University Library Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use the bookmarks and Adobe Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages. Alternatively use any table of contents or book index to look for specific information and then use Adobe Reader’s page navigation controls in the status bar at the bottom of the window to go to the relevant page. Searching this CD • This CD is searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later. It is also FASTFIND enabled, giving very fast searches of all files on the CD at once! The FASTFIND search enhancement only works with Adobe Reader 6 or later. Use the Binoculars/Search icon in Adobe Reader or “Search” under the Edit menu to initiate all searches. • For more information on advanced searching and other tips for the best search results click here • Generally 95% - 99% of the words can be searched. Where the original type was poor the words may not be recognised for searching. The technical advancements that allow this searching bring a wonderful finding aid but there is still no substitute for reading the book! This is just one of over 500 Australian and New Zealand products and approximately 3000 internationally from the international Archive CD Books project Click on this box for the full online catalogue FREE download samplers available for most Australian and New Zealand products Archive CD Books Australia exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available in digital form, and to co-operate with family and local history societies, libraries, museums and record offices to digitise their collections in return for other benefits. Copyright © 2007 Archive CD Books Australia Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved . E TH POLICE GAZETTE, SOTT . WALES Ifa8)R-) M INDEX. A A'Beckett Albert R., 357 Abbott Frederick, 69 Abbott J., alias Behrens, alias Graham, 101 Abbott Charles, 217 Abbott Emma, 319 Abdullah Joseph, 224 Abel Constable, 16, 23 Abel Mrs. E. J., 67 Abel Thomas, 385 Abernethy Abrahams Abrahams Abrahams Abrahams John Campbell, 67 Lionel, 157, 187, 202 Mr., 221 ,Joseph. 228 Lewis, alias James Lewis, 271 Abrahams Mrs., 286 Absalom Isaac, 312 Acrett Acton Adam Adams Adams Adams Maggie, 316 Joseph, 325 Arthur , 2S David, 27 William J., 123 john, 154 Adams Ellen, 223, 211 Adams Ellen, or Appleyard, 211 Adams Charles, 259 Adams H. J., 312 Adams William, 348 Adamson James, 245 Adamson Annie, 245 Adamstown Lodge ofOddfellows, 72 Addison John, alias Jones, 102 Addison S., 104, 112 Addy Francis, 138 Adlard John Alexander, 375 Adlard Mary Jane, 375 Adlington Charles, 264 Ager Frank , 336 Agassiz Augustus, 118 Agnew Andrew, 78 Agnew George, 336 AliChoc, 43 Ali Chin, 46 AliChoy, 214 AliChue, 248 AliChee, 248 All Chong, 296 Ali Chong, 315 , 364 AliCoy AliFook, 150 AliFoo, 193 Ali Fee Lizzie, 194 Ali Fee, 264 AliFook, 317 AliGock, 240 AliHung, 34,43 Ah Hooke, 92 AliHoy, 95 AllHong, 100 AliHoo, 135 AliHong, 158 AliHun, 164 Aliby, 186 AliHoLin,256 Ali Hung, 342 AliKitt,43 Ali Ki, 54 AliKue, 125 AliLing,9 AliLie,158 AliLow,186 Al? Lum, 223 AliLem, 248 AliLung, 382 AliMoon, 101 AliNam, 292 AhPueAnnie, 1941 AliSee,aliasAliYo 19 AliSow, 92,136 Ali Sam, 287 Ali See, 312 AliSam, 342 Ah Ali Ali Ali Sing, Tac, Wan, Yam, 369 4 277 34 AliYew, 43 AliYat,175 AliYing, 240 Ahern Joseph, 118 Ahern Michael, 390 Aili David, 360 Ainsworth Miss, 225 Airey Lieutenant-Colonel, 243 A.J.S. Bank, 34, 43, 50, 101, 118, 164, 240, 264, 287, 290, 376, 378, 381 Akehurst William, 307 Akers George Arthur, 363 Akers John, 398 Alchin Elizabeth, 277 Aldrich Charles, 272 Aldridge Robert A., 126 Aldridge James Henry, 224 Alexander George, 83 Alexander Leiser, 92 Alexander George, 126 Alexander --' 235 Alexander Henry, 287 Alexander Godfrey, 308 Ali Sheik, 255 Allan Matilda, 78 Allan John, 211, 218 Allanson John, 218 Allerdice Florrie, 328 Allan James, 9 Allen Minnie, 31, 63 Allen William, alias Kit Allen, 62, 83 Allen John, 62 Allen Sarah 62 Richard, 64 Henry, 73 Joseph, 113, 343 Agnes, 113 James, 126, 135 Bowden, & Farnell, Mary, 139 Robert, 174,187 William, 191, 248 Appointments in the Police Force, 25, 26 37, 97, 98, 200, 201, 303, 304 359 Alleyne, William, 102 Apps James, 73 Allison Arbuckle Mrs., 206 William, 158 Allison J. H., 325 Archer Elizabeth, 213 Ailneave Christopher, 104, 119 Allpress Charles R., 50, 66 Allsop Thomas, 379 Alma, Towns Police Act extended to, 95 Alnwick Richard, 193 Alpin Hugo, 334 Alward George, 296 Archibald Clara Thomas, alias Archbold, 173, 202 Archibald Ethel May, 331 Arent William, 342 Arkins Patrick, 240 Arkins John, 398 Armfield George H., 265 Armfield Edward, 375, 382 Armitage and Powell, 1.58 Armour R. W., 64 Armstrong Henrietta G., 16, 126 Armstrong George T. C., f6 Armstrong Frances, 28 Armstrong Mrs. M., 29 Armstrong L., 46 Armstrong Henry C., 57 Armstrong Brothers , 88 , 98 Armstrong, alias Wilson, alias Lewis, alias Charlton, &c., 126 Armstrong Brothers, 150 Armstrong Alexander, 233 Armstrong George, 252 , 272 Armstrong Alexander, 283 Armstrong Robert, 283 Armstrong Edward, alias Shortland, alias Millard, &c., 328 Armstrong Robert, 336 Armstrong Alexander, 336 A .M .P . Society , 43 Ambrosoli Ligue , 201 Amos A . and R . 235 Anderson Mrs . J ., 49 Anderson C . A ., 72 AndErson Geor Anderson Cilarls 112 Anderson Thomas , 113 113 A n d erson Anderson Peter , alias Bismarck, 131 Anderson William A 159 Anderson Geor g e , 164 , 342 R B ., 170 Anderson J 173 Anderson James , 181 Anderson Jose p h , 194 Anderson John , 215 Anderson Peter , Anderson James , 235 Anderson William G ., 236, 366 Anderson Thomas , 280 Anderson Richard Charles, 283 Anderson John, alias Graham, 297 An d erson, alias Alfred Murray, ge, 104 , 119 Ali You, alias Ali Ah Yan, 150 Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen, Allen Allen Allen Allestine, alias Louis Victor Andre, &c., 83 Alleyne, Lewis, 23 Mara, i . ., 224 Ande rson Anderson A nderson Anderson 864 Carrie, 319 John, 321 Fred R., 338 , alias Joseph Jacob, • Anderson Michael, 369 Anderson Carrie, 381 Anderson Jessie, 395 Andre Louis Victor, alias Allestine, alias Wilson' &c., 83 An d re w Arthur Willoughby, 351 A.n drew s B F. H. 49 , Andrews William, alias Jones, alias Billy the Whiffler, 50 - Andrews Andrews Andrews, 78 Andrews Andrews Andrews William J., 62, ].74 Margaret, 62 alias Kate De Lawrie, Armstrong John, 377 Arnall Arndale Arnde'll Arneas Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arthur and Jackson, 329 Alfred, 18 Robert, or Arnold, Martin, 289 A., 9 James, 63, 118 138 -, ' 154 Clarence, 277 Emma, 320 131 Arundel George, 92 Asher Samuel, 146 Asher Jennie, 146 Ashfield, abandoned child found, 21, 103 Ashton John, alias Thompson, 49 Assam Charley, 150 Assam G th u , , 1 307 Astill Arthur 381 Astolfi Jean, 223 Andrews Frederick, 363 Angel Richard, 194 Aston William, 15'7& Astuage Frederick, 162, 175 Atcherley and Dawson, 210 Atherton George, 341 Atherton Henry George Denis, 372 Athrall Henry, 62, 131 Athrall Julia, 62, 131 Atkin George, 125, 187 Allen William, 329 Angus T. 0., 138 Atkins Edward, 238 Allen Archibald, 352 Allen Mary, 355 Allen Thomas, 369 Allen Thomas, 372 Allen Mark, alias John Clancy, alias Maid, alias Lawson, 382 Angus John, 166 Angus George, 355 Anson William, 375 Antill John Macquarie, 339 Aplett Henry, 311 Apostolles Aristide, 323 Appleyard Ellenz or Adams, 241 Atkins Thomas, 342 Atkins Elizabeth or Wilson, 319 Attridge William, 163, 225 Attridge Sarah, 163, 225 Attwood William, 323 Aubin Henry John, 209 Aubusson Charles .T., 165 Allen John Fnnie, 386 130 W. S., 138 H., 143 Frederick, 163 ' 2 NEW SOUTH WALES Aurousseau Francois, 89, 9 5, 109 Austin Edward William, 1,4 Austin T. R., 10 Austin Thomas, 147 Austin William, 240 Austin -, 332, 335 Austin John, 370 Austin Hospital, Victoria, 175 Austin's Pawn Office, 154Australian Builders' Publishing Co 82, 126 Australian Kerosene Oil Co., ,46 Australasian Mortgage and Agency Co., 342 Australian Newspaper Co., 269 Australian Wool Co., 296 Avery Frank, alias Ingram, 142 Axam George, 73 POLICE Barclay Joseph, 245 Barden Alfred, 154 Barden Leah, 274 Barden Frank, 291 Bardsley Isaac 0., 23 Barker -, 21 Barker J., 233 Barker Mr., 238 Barker A., 360 Barlow T. E., 54 Barlow Martin, 287 Barnard Alfred, 191, 202 Barnes W. J., 34 Barnes William, 43 Barnes William, 224 Barnes John D., 274 Barnes Frederick, 289 Barnes Henry, 341 Aylett Charles, alias Elliott, 240 Barnes William E., 357 Ayling Mr., 28 Barnes Thomas, 376 Ayton H. W., 68 Barnett Mrs., 15 Barnett A., 233 Barnett Eugene, 289 Barney Matthew, or Martin, 320 Barnier George, 210 Baas Mr., 235 Bachall Thomas, 336 Barnsley A., 23 Barr Elizabeth, 101, 119 Bachelor William, 131, 187 Barrett, alias William Edwards, Bachelor E., 131, 187 31 Baehm H. Al., 15 Barrett Patrick J., 53 Baggott Robert, 173 Bahr Richard, alias Robert Barrett A., 153 Barrett Patrick, 186 Simon, 193 Barret Thomas, alias Bourke, Bailey Mrs. J. Al., 3 2.33 Bailey J. A., 92 Barrett Jane, 260 Bailey Francis, 108 Bailey A. W., 209, 229 Barrett Michael, 331 Barrett, or Squ-'re Firth, 338 Bailey, Alma, 209, 229 Barrett -, 339 Bailey George, 261 Barrett Amy, 370 Bailey Jack, 296 Barron Patti, 290 Bailie William, 122 Bailiff Grant, 161 Barry William, 125 Barry Samuel, 163, Bain Donald, 309 Barry Bridget, 163, 224 Bain Ada, 363, 370 Bainbrigge Herman, 277 Barry John, 237, 290 Barry Martin, 308 Baines Walter, 385 Baker Harry, 5 Barry Redmond, alias James Baker Francis, 62, 109 Stevenson, 319 Barsht Judah, 68 Baker Patrick, 83 Bartel C. F., Baker H. P., 86 Baker William, E., 87, 102 Bartlett John, 25, 245 Bartlett William, alias Brown, 73 Baker Fanny, 87, 102 Bartlett Richard, 74 Baker W. J., 206 Bartlett W. J., 104 Baker Joseph, 218 Bartlett James Herbert, 351 Baker John, 223 Bartley Martin, 175 Baker M. Jane, 223 Bartley Joseph, 175 Baker George, alias Joseph Bartley Joseph, 370 Williams, 325 Barton W. J., 5, 35 Baker John, alias William Barton Thomas, 83, 102 Jones, 341 Barton Henry, 372 Bakewell William and Tom, 18 Barton Catherine, 378 Bakey Michael, 85 Balchin Albert, 305 Barton Henry, 383 Baleombe James, 287 Barz Albert, 217 Baleombe James, 320 Bastablc Edward, 118 Baldwin Miss, 145 Baston Benjamin, 3 Batcheldor G. A., 224 Bale John H., 101 Batchelor George A., 117 Balfour James, 238 Bateman Charles, 64 Balfour James, 356 Ball J., 119 Bates John, alias Clark, 105 Ballwell -, 319 Bates Charles, 214, 274 Balmy Fred, alms Martin, 9, 64 Bates Charles, 240 Bates Caroline, 305 Bama Sand Hills, Moira Run, Bates William, 366 body of man found, 181 Bathurst Record, arson, 45 Banberry James, 49 Batten John, 372, 383 Banfield Hewitt, 173, 233 Banfield Dorothy, 173, 233 Batton Emily Maud, 352 Bank of Austral^,sia, 9, 23, 34, 157 Batts Ellen, 331 Batty Thomas, 104, 127 Bank of New South Wales, 10, 73, 82, 142, 158, 201, 210, 225, Battye Edward, 283 Battye John, 364 287, 297, 320, 41, 356 Bank of New Zealand, 63, 92, 382 Bauer Robeit, 197 Bank of South Australia, 378, 394 Bauer Mrs., 200 Bauer Frederick, 281 Bank of Victoria, 167 Banks Mrs. E., i 7 Baxter James, 46 Banks Frederick A., 261 Baxter A. E., 11 4 Banks William, 272 Baxter Samuel, 126 Bannerman James, 34 Baxter Henry, 191 Bannerman W., 96 Baxter Henry, 253, 283 Bannerman James, 372, 378 Baxter Henry, 296 Bannister W . H ., 394 Baxter Henr y, 300 , 336 Baragry Denis, 164, 261 Baxter George, alias James Barber, David, 73 Paxton, 335 Farber John, 86 Barber George, 142 Bayliss Charles, 14 Barber Elizabeth, 147 Bayliss Charles, 42 Barber Mrs , 206 Barber Silas, 386 Bayliss Charles, 145 ., 22,7 77 Bayley Walter, 73 Bayley Mr.,308 GAZETTE INDEX-1889. Bayliss & Sons, 385 Beach Susan, Berry Thomas, 190 180 Berry James, 233 Berry Frederick, 244 Bear John, 86 Berry Ellen, 252 Beard Alice, 119 Berry John A., 269 Beard James, 138, 147 Berry Frank, 348 Beard John, 158 Berskoffsky Martin, 370 Beard William, 369 Bertie Joseph, 101 Bearpark Ambrose, Bertram Alexander, 271 Beaseley Robert T., 355 Besomo D„ 146 Beaton Neil, 63 Best William, 102 Beattie Elizabeth, 49 Best James, 277, 290 Beattie A. 0., or Brownrigg, 261 Betelmann Marie Ad. 6.,3 Beattie Thomas Henry, 376 Bethel Fi ank, 30 Beatty William, 118 Bethel Frank, 50 Beaumont J. T., 2 Betts Mrs., 46 Beaumont --, 286 Betts Dr., 68 Beaumont Stephen, 336 Betts A. 236, 260 Beaver W. R., 274, 329 Bevit's Pawn Office, 3 Beck Mary Beynon William, 261 42 Beckenham William, 30), 356 Bezt.r Edward, 261 Beckett Peter, 118 Biggall William, 136 Bedford R., 46 Bignell Henry, 34 Bedford Ann, 296 Rignell Alfred, 50 Bedser Emily, 119 Billy the Whiffler, alias Jones, Beecher George, 105 alias Andrews, 60 Begg John E., 271, 329 Billy (half-caste), 323 Behan Joseph, 277 Bindoff Frank, 237, 248 Behnke Charles, 308 Bingera, unclaimed property for Behrens Carl, 88 sale, 45 Behrens F., alias Graham, alias Binskin H. T., 122 Abbott, 101. Binskin Henry, 256 Behrens William, 235 Binsted W. H., 68, Belcher Elizabeth, 88 Birch Rupert, alias Maxwell, 113 Belcher Henry, Birnshaw William, 142 382 Belford Richard, 83 Birrell Peter, 187, 218 Belford Richard, 102 Birrell Andrew, 364 Belian John, 352 Bishop of Riverina, Belice Mrs., 122 Bishop Annie, 103 Bishop William, 130 Bell Thomas, 3 Bell Henry, 10 Bishop William It., 133 Bell, alias Midnight, alias Bishop William D., 193 Swindell, 58 Bishop William R., 281 Bell Charles, 73 Bishop Charles, 333 Bismarck, alias Peter Anderson, Bell Hugh, 92 Bell John, 92 134 Black A. T., 4 Bell Henry, 126 Bell John Henry, 236 Black George, 38 Black William C., 125 Bell Arthur, 335 Black Edward, 218 Bell Frank, 348 Beale Alfred, 92 305 Al., J., 7) 363, 118 Bell C. J., 376 BlackJohn,280 Bell Frank, 376 Bellinger Heads, a seaman named Rosenholm drowned from schooner "Bellinger," 181 Bender William, 10 Benerembah, man, name unknown, killed by falling from train, 148 Bengham John, 268 Benham Robert, 92 Benjamin H. H. A., 269 Benjamin Morris, 320 Benjamin's Pawn Office, 79, 259; 279, 323 Bennett A. J., 10 Bennett John, 27 Bennett Oliver, 40 Bennett Andrew, 100 Bennett William, 147, 167 Bennett A. S., 164,182 Bennett A. J., 178 Black Charles, Blackey Edward, 52 Blackey Frank, 372 Blackman Robert H., 286 Blackmore John, 214 Blackshaw Henry, 218 Blackwattle Bay, body of woman, name unknown, found, 92 Blackwell John, 299 Blair Henry, 50 Blair Lily, 64 Blair Robei t, 87, 119 Blair, alias Thomas Lee, 324 Blair Eliza, 87, 119 Blake Patrick, 111. Blake A. John, 164 Bennett R. W., Blake James, 307 197,206 Bennett Henry, 256 Bennett Frank, 317 Bennis James, 331 Benson Thomas, 60 Benson Willis A., 108 Benson Fanny, 217 Bent John, 150 Bentell Jacob, 100 Benton Frederick, or Orr, 191 Benzly Joe, 1 6 Berzon Benjamin, 73 Benzon Mary, 189 Bergamasco John, 344 Berger Daniel, 108 Berger D., 376 Berguist John, 394 Berkholz Charles , 193 Berkmann William, 305 Berkinan William, 324, :t36 Berkman's Pawn Office, 3 Bernstein Mr., 236 Bernstein David, 289 Berridge James E, 163 Berry Lizzie, 52 9 297 Black Mr., 316 Blackburn Blackburn Blackburn George V., 49, 93, 1C9 John, 118, 143 alias D. Duffy, 132 Blackburn Henry, 3393 Blake Mary Ann, 390 Blakebrook Hotel, Lismore, arson, 316 Blakely A., 73, 101 Blanchfield John, 223 Llanchfield John, 363, 376 Blantern George, 158, 182 Blatch George, 235 Blatchford Thomas, 1.18 Al., Blaxland Richard 118 Blay Henry, 4 Bligh Miss, 206 Bliss George T., senior-constable, deceased, 26 Bliss John, 391 Bloomfield John, 80 Bloomfield Matthew, 135,253 113 , 122, Bloomfield Charlotte, 113, 122, 135 Bloomfield John, alias Davis, alias Dargan, alias Jerry Blossom, 118 Bloomfield Matthew, 296 NEW Bloomfield Jim, 328 Bloom ' s Pawn Office , 4, 178, 227 Blore, George, 158 Blossom Jerry, alias Bloomfield, dec.,118 I3loxham Thomas Richard, 301, 317 Bloxsome Oswald, 17 0 Bloxsome Oswald, 193 Bloxsome Reginald, 236 Bludon Mrs., 229 ' Blundell Herbert Chamberlin, 4J09, 320 Blundell Kate, 309 Blyth James, 381 Board A. J., 157 Boat stolen at Port 214 Hacking, SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1889. Bowen , alias Henry Williams, alias Christopher Farrell, 329- Briggs Briggs Phoebe, 218 Brown Arthur, 233 Bowes John, 364 Briggs W. M., 274 Bright George, 57 Brown Harry, 238, 240 Brown, alias Coulahan, alias George Culligan, 256 Brown William J., 261 Brown Alexander, 271 Brown Thomas , alias Arthur Sickel, 271. Brown, Mr., 299 Brown Esther, 328 Brown Peter, 332 Bowling Bela, 153 Bowman Edward, 139 Bozeat Thomas, 202 Foxey (Jap.), 193 Boxhall George, 279 Boxhall James, 355 Boxsell George T., 54 Boxsell J. A., 61 Boxsell George, 64 Boyd Esther, 34 Boyd James, 131, 174 Boyd Alexander, 221 Boyd John, 240 Brown John, 233 Phoebe, 181 Bright William J., 70, 132 Brighton John, 73 Brighton M ary, 73 Brillard Fred, 211 Briscoe Edward, 86 British, alias Liverpool, alias Howard, 10 Britton Louis, 218 Broad Isaac, 236 Broadbent Alexander J., 27 Broadley Joseph, 1.1, 28 Brock Hugh J., 130 Broader Constable, 148 Broderick John, 79 Brodin N. Y., 96 Brody Michael, 61 Broinowski J. J., 104 Boyd James, 344 Boyd Olive, 344 Boyes Arnold W., 27 Bobby Charles , 361, 376 Boylan Patrick, 206 Bodies found , 2, 9, 13 , 21, 27, 31, Boylan 256 72, 85, 92, 97>, 98, 105, 129, Boyle Patrick, 240 Broke & Singleton, obstruction 135, 137, 142, 145, 153, 161, Boylson Daniel, 312 placed on roadway, 72 166, 169, 173, 181, 1.3, 186, Boynton Thomas H., 28 Broken Hill, Nuisance Preven189, 193, 195, 205, 206, 232, Bozanse James, 126 tion Act extended to, 37 240, 251, 273, 281, 299, 303, Bracken Mrs. Broken Hill, unclaimed property 307, 312, 315, 316, 337, 349, Braddock Charles, 28 for sale, 59 359, 365, 366, 381, 391 Bradley William, 73 Broken Hill , Circuit Court to be Bodin Marcella, 57 Bradley F. J., 143 held at, 95 Bodin Alexander , 280, 297 Bradley F. J., 151 Broken Hill, Police Act extended Bradley Emily, 300 to, 189 Boehme Henry, 296 Bradshaw John, 150 Broken Hill, the Kiosk destroyed Boekmann Miss T., 47, 53 Bradshaw Timothy, 305 by fire, 351, 365 Boggs John, 277 Brady Maria M., 3, Bromley John, 10 Boiilson H. G., 82, 126 Brady Michael, 35 Bromley John, 10 Boik Thomas Henry, 395 Brady Margaret, 50 Brondell John Christian, 369 Boileau George W., 31, 167 Brady Marie M., 51 Brooks Herbert, alias ParkinBoland Catherine, 10 1 Brady E. J., 60 son, 32 Boland John, 336 Brady John, 92 Brooks Arthur, 59 Bollard John, 237 Brady Dirs., 95 Brooks James, alias John WilBolton John, 38 Brady Thomas, 101 liams, 101 Bolton T homas, 186 Brady Elizabeth, 237 Brooks Richard, 148 Bolton Hein y, 325 Brady William, 256 Brooks Mary, 148 Boltz Alice, 178 Brady Terence, 264 Brooks Edward, 150 Bond Charles, 27 Brooks John, 224 Brady Miss, 300 Bond Margaret, 272 Brady Miss, 324 Brooks John, 251 Bond Martin, 320 B raid Maud, Brooks James, 271 Bone Frank, 247 Brooks Ted, 303 Brailey James, 390 Bone F . C., 394 Braithwaite Daniel, 23 Brooks Arthur, 315 Bonnmy Thomas, 267 Brooksbank Thomas, 341 Brakewell Brother 101 Boness Thomas, 196 Brand James, 126 Broomfield John, or Bloom eld, 80 Boness Maria R., 19fi Brandney John, 352 Brotherson Samuel, 45 Bonnett William, 13 Brandy's Creek Bridge, near Brougham -street, body of infant Bonney George S., 247 Orange, sticking-np, 291 found , 337 Bonnor Thomas, 11 Branson Henry , 274 Brown Thomas , 9 Bonsor George, 108 Branxton , Police Act extended Brown Henry , 10 Boore Walter Thomas, 296 to, 285 Brown George, 15 Booth Frederick, 63, 83 Brasen John , 277 Brown Charles , 22 Booth W'lliam, 73 Brassett Amy, 331 Brown Margaret , 22 Booth L., 112 Braton William, 38 Brown Hannah , 29 , 37 Booth Thomas G .. 113, 131, 167 Braun's Pawn Office , 220 .Brown James A. , alias CampBooth Elsie, 113 Bray John, 4 bell , 29 Booth Edward, 126 Bray John , 16 Brown - , 30 Booth Joseph, Bray Sophie, 16 Brown Miss, 52 Booth John Alexander, 391 John, 355 Brown Miss, 60 Borland James, 373 B raz i er Ch arl es E ., 74 B rown G eorge R ., or C o l one l , 61 Borlase Bredero Francis , 14 Brown Annie E. , 65, 92 Bornstein ' s Pawn 69, 215, Breen Frederick, 150 Brown Miss, 68 236, 352 Breen Edward , 289, 312 Brown William , alias Bartlett , 73 Borsboom Henry, 220 Breheny Edward, 86 Brown Robert 77 , 85 Borthwick and Sons, 109 Breillat Robert, 244 Brown Mary A. , 77 Bostrom John P., 38 Brellit Thoinas C., 29 Brown David , 86 , 96 Botany -street , body of infant Bremner George, 255 Brown John , 88 found , 359, 365 Brennan Albert, 10 Brown Samuel , 92 Bott George, 82 Brennan Michael, Brown Robert , 100 Bouch Benjamin, 10 Brennan John, 221 Brown Thomas , 103 Boulton Thomas, 46, 60 Brennan John, 244 Brown Charles , 108 Boulton Henry, 361 Brennan Agnes , 286 Brown Amy , or Lascelles , 117 Bourke David, 34 Brennan Martin, 91 Brown George , 131 , 166 Bourke James, 130 Brennan Peter , 325 Brown John , 145 , 153 Bourke Thomas, alias Parrett, Brennan William, 338 Brown George , 147 253 Brennan Thomas James , Brown Clara , 150 Bourke Catherine , 316, 303 Brent H., 348 Brown Thomas, 150 Bourke street , abandoned child Brereton William, 186, 194 ,Brown Charles, 170 found, 343 Brereton William, 292 Brown Louis, 172 Bourne George, 87, 131 Bressington Harry , alias Novice, Frown Beckc, 172 Bourne Anne, 87 296, 313 Brown Maria, 181 Bourne Richard, 11)9 Brett Charles , alias Spofforth, Brown Mary, 183 Bourne Mary A., 193 210 Brown Thomas, 1`:4 Bovis William, 181 Brower G., 261) Brown Arthur F., 184 Bowden John, 236 Brewin Richard, 191 Brown James, 186 Bowden Robert, 72 Brickett John, 277 Brown John, 190 Bowden George, 314 Brickley Joseph, 19 Brown Charles , 191, 247, 329. Bowen , alias D'Downes, 49, 70, Bridge John, 394 Brown Elizabeth, 202 Bridges & Renton, 123 Brown Arthur, 206, 215 Bowen---, 53 Brierly Rosina, 92 Brown John, 209 Bowen Brothers, 232 Brietenbach Martin , alias Bruce, 9 Brown Thomas E., 220, 240 Bobardt John, 146 Thomas, Al.A.,22 34t fi 2`6 Brayley John,1.58 Office, IT., 1421 341 ,348 2 221 8 Brown John, 338, 344 Brown John , 338, 354 Brown Janet, 338 Brown Robert, 348 Brown Annie, 348 Brown Edwin F,, 349 Brown James, 356 Brown Andrew A., 356 Brown John, 394 Brown William , alias Henry Tickletoes, 364 Brown E. D., 367 Brown John M., 369, 398 Brown J. T., 375 Brown Mrs., 378 Brown James, alias Frank Smith, alias Thomas Kilpatrick, 381 Brown Alfred Edward, alias Stewart, 382 Brown John, 391 Browning Mr., 103 Browning Joseph , 118, 158 Browning C. J., 122 Brownlow T. and A., 339 Brownrigg A. or Beattie, 261 Bruce Martin, 9 Bruce John , 170, 178 Braggy Martin, 398 Brunekhorst Johann C., 224 Brunker Hon. J . N., 146 Brunnick Wm., 324, 335 Brunton Co., 82 Brushgrove, remains of man found at Tynedale Range, 105 Bryan Mr., 145 Bryan William. 170 Bryan Michael Joseph, 355 Bryan James, 369 Bryan Thomas , 379, 391 Bryan Mary Emily, 379 Bryant Samuel, 4 Bryant James , 101 0., & Bryant Elizabeth , 117 Bryant A ., 162 Bryant Thomas , 237 , 290 Bryant Frederick , 290 Bryant Edward Henry , alias Count de Beaumont , 341 Bryson William , 193 Buchanan Charles , 96 Buchannan John , 1.22 Buchannan Edward H ., 12G Buchannan Robert , 138 Buchannan Mr., 317 Buck Robert , 169 Buck James , 218 Buckham & Warby , 269 , 283 Buckin g Charles , 42 Buckingham Haywood , 88 Buckley James , 289 Buckle y Miss , 297 Buckley Patrick , 342 Buddington Edward , 72 Buddle , J . T ., 92 Budgen John , 155 Bug g y James , 269 Hulbert Phili p, 46 Bull Mr ., 229 Bull , maliciously mutilated , 40 , 51 Bull, maliciously mutilated at Wollombi, 379, 393 Bullard W. A., 54, 101 Buller C. W., 138 Bullock, maliciously shot at Ulmarra, 70 Bullock William , 195, 218, 233 Below William, 268 Biingwall Rocks, man named Peter Carey washed off rocks and drowned, 395 Burburgate Station, Gunnedah wire suspension bridge maliciously destroyed, 273 Burch Henry W., 37 4 NEW Burcher Burehill SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1889. John, or Burehill, 360 John , or Burcher , 360 Caro Albert, 233 Calbraith George, 63 Chapman Thomas, 49 Callaghan Matthew , 16 Car p enter Ral p h , 73 , 209 , 210 Cha p man Richard , 72 Carpenter Richard, 173 Chapman William, 74 Callaghan John, 16 Burehett William, 283 Callaghan Sarah, 180 Carr Peter, alias Carl, 73 Chapman E. C. S., 87 Burford. Alfred, 332 Callaghan William, 183 Carr Mary, 122 Chapman Henry, 109 Burg A., 320 Callaghan James, 369 Carrick Thomas, 386 Chapman Alexander G., 190 Burgess Arthur, 68, 79 Carroll Denis, 15 Chapman Percival H., 304 Callaghan Frederick, 372 Burgess Thomas, 193 Callaghan Mary, 372 Carroll Owen, 15 Chapman William, 341 Burgess -, 227 Callen Edward, 290 Carroll J. G., 82 Chapman Joseph, 366 Caller Thomas, 62, 64 Carroll Denis, Senior-sergeant, Chapman Selina, 398 Burgoyne Charles, 3?5 Burke John, alias Fullrnoon, 16, Calman William, 190, 202 to be acting Sub-inspector, 103 Chappel William, 286 31, 50 Camden, Nuisances Prevention Carroll George, 148 Charles R. H., 73 Burke Sarah, 34 Carroll James G., 174 Charlesworth William, 244 Act extended to, 299 Burke Patrick, 174 Cameron James, 11 Carroll Augustus, 196 Charley Kay, 72 Burke Thomas, 186 Cameron James, 59 Carroll James, 240 Charley Ryan (ab.), 92 Burke William, 187 Carroll James, 287 Charley Short (E. I.), 163 Cameron J. E., 82 Burke William, alias Toby Burke, Cameron William, 112 Carroll John, 355 Charley -, 291 193 Cameron James, 238, 283 Carroll Denis, acting Sub-inspect- Charley -, 311 Burke Thomas, 206 Cameron A. M. L., 253, 370 tor, to be Sub-inspector, 359 Charley Chong, or Charley Ali Burke Edward, 233 Cameron Brothers, 256 Carroll Michael, 370 Chong, 385 Burleigh John, 363 Cameron Sub-inspector, 307, 359 Carroll James Henry, 386 Charlton Arthur, 16 Burless William, 383 Carrow Peter, 190 Charlton, alias Clare, alias Ridley, Cameron George, 398 Burling John, 170 Campbell John, 9 Cersells W., 83 alias Lewis, 126 Burman F., 146 Campbell John, 19 Carson Isabella, 158 Charman William, 190 Campbell, alias A. J. Brown, 29 Carson Andrew, 232 Burn Frederick, 10 Chatfield Charles, 363 Burnell Thomas C., 65 Campbell G. L., 35 Carstairs Reuthen,193 Chatham George, 164, 182 Burgess W., 307 Campbell L., 38 Carter Charles, 28 Chavasse Mary, 344 Burnett Isabella, or Hislop, 21 Campbell George M., alias Moffitt, Carter James, 117 Cheeseman Mrs. Henry, alias Burnett Charles, 108 65 Carter Thomas, 117 Minnie Coleman, 284 Burns, alias Ryan, alias Reynolds, Campbell P. D., 88 Carter Alexander, 117 Chewchin Thomas, 82 alias Wood, alias Corbett, 28 Campbell A. P., 104, 119 Carter Joseph, 167 Chi Ong, 233 Burns James, 112 Campbell James, .122 Carter F. A., 169 Chick William, 166 Burns Henry, 147 Campbell Sarah, 122 Carter John Q., 259 Chignell Hannah, 43 Burns Patrick, 161 Campbell L. S., 122 Carter Charles, 319, 342 Children found abandoned, 3, 13, Campbell William, 138 Burns Andrew, 178 Carthew William George, 240 2t, 37, 455, 51, 67, 78, 103, 111, Burns William, alias Stewart, Campbell John 51., 142 Cartlidge John, alias Fuller, 210 145,161, 205, 251, 267, 279, 343, alias Danglade, 256 Campbell John M., 150 Cartlidge William John, 247 359, 365, 371, 377, 393 Campbell P. C., 158, 182 Burns John, 269, 275 Carton Margaret, 369 Childs Christopher, 158 Burns Thomas, 328 Campbell Annie, alias Maud Cartwright William, 83 Chiltern Arthur, 16 Burns William, 335 Pemberton, 180 Cartwright Edward, 296 Chiltern Andy, 360 Burns Charles, 117, Carvose Mary, 15 Chin Lee, 364 Campbell Peter, 191 Burridge J. E., 181 Campbell William B., 209 Casey Patrick, 158 Chinaman, name unknown, Burridge J. E., 196 Casey J. V., 206 indecent assault, 269, 283 Campbell Malcolm, 228 Burton John, 61 Casey Michael, Ching Sing. 289 Campbell Alexander, 233 Burton Alexander , alias Francis , Campbell Hu g h , 236 Case y Patrick , 355 Chisholm Edward , 256 Campbe'l Mary Jane, 240 Casey Mary Jane, 393 Chit George, 209 Campbell Alexander D., 256 Burt's Pawn Office, 286 Cash Charles G., 313, 370 Chit William, 386 Burwood, abandoned child found, Campbell Agnes, 283 Cashman William, 369 Chittern William, 335 111 Campbell John Donald, 237, 356 Caskey D., 221 Chiviss Annie, 352 Burwood Coal Company, 193 Campbell Joseph, 356 CassallJoseph, 33 Chong Joseph, 202 Busby Mrs., 147 Campbell Peter, 359 Casse A. A., 65, 92 Christenson Rasmus, 73 Busby Alexander, 309 Campbell Joseph, 370 Cassella Joseph, 2 68 Christenson John, 355 Bush Lavinia, 271 Campbelltown, body of man, Cassells William .J., 240 Christianson John, 332 Bush Rose, 393 Cassidy George, 126 Christie W. B., 43 name unknown, found on railButler Martha, 42 way line , 166 Cassidy Go -rge, 355 Christie Patrick, 181 Butler William, alias Kelly, 82 Canavan Ethel, 135 Cassidy George, 381 Christie James, 196 Butler William, 186 Candelo, Police Act extended to, Cassidy Peter, 3S1 Cbristodul Paul, 169, 211 Butler George, 236 299 Cassin D., 113 Christy Allerdice, 260 Cane Michael, 148 Butler Edward, 247 Cassin William, 360 Christy Sarah, 280 Butler Albert, alias Whitbread, Canfell Patrick, 193 Casson Henry, 371 Chung Fat, 248 320 Canham Emily, 126, 135 Castellotti Maria, nee Delgrosso, Chung-Wing, 261 Butler Sarah, or Meekleson, 332, Canning James, 193 157 Circuit Courts, 1, 95 342 Canning William, 218 Casterson Michael, 142 Clachan Mrs., 104, 112 Butler Mary T., 338 Cannon Ada, 28 Castier Henry, 18 Clancy Martin, 164, 182, 187 Butler James, 356 Castillan Jane, 145 Clancy Louisa, 247 Butler William, Castles Henry, 332 Clancy D. R., 255, 277 Cannon Charles, 297 Buttner Ernest, 103, 219 Cant Simon, 174 Catania Frederick, 25, 93, 122 Clancy Thomas, 308 Buttswortli Henry Robert, 375 Cantwell Edward, 2.1 Catania A. Isabella, 25, 93, 122 Clancy John, alias Mark Allen, Buzein Vincent, 214 Capanna Salvatore, 232 Cather Jo] rn, 65 alias Maid, alias Lawson, 382 Byrne Thomas, or James, 73 Cape Three Points, George West Cathrin Albert, 178 Clare C. C., 63, 83 Byrne James, 82 Catt Alice, 275 Clare, alias Charlton, alias Ridley, reported to have been washed Byrne Mrs. W., 157 o2t' the rocks at, 217 Catt Alice, 315 &c., Byrne Michael, 15 Capper Mrs. E., 79 Catton Thomas, 11-2 Clarence and Richmond S. N. Byrne John, 301 Catton John, 332 Company, 372 Capron Elizabeth, 30 Byrne George, 311, 320 Cardwell Mara, 217 Cauldfield Eagar, 26 Clarke John K., 18 Byrne Andrew, 395 Cardwell Frederick, 348 Cavanagh John, 125 Clarke Frederick, 42, 50 Byrnes William, 142 Clarke Augustus H., 43 Carew Alfred , or Cram , Cavanagh Andrew , 361 Byrnes Mary A., 180 Cavill Mr., 315 Clarke Elizabe' h, 49 Byrnes Patrick J., 319 Centennial Park, body of woman Clarke Owen, 49 Carey James, 2 32, 248 Byrnes C., 386 Carey Peter, 395 named Maria Whitehorn, found Clarke -, 53 :Byrnes John, 390 Clarke John, 63, 105 floating in No. 3 dam, 251 Carfoot William, 2.56 Byers William, 210 Clarke Louisa, 78 Carl Peter, alias Carr, Chaffy George, Byfield Henry, 181 Clarke William, 101 Challinor Richard, 42, 50 Canine George, Byron Henry, 274 Clarke Charles, 109 Chalmers James, 30 Carlisle Henry, 210 Clarke Mary A., 109 Chalmers James, or Scotty, 300 Carlson Andrew, 163 Clarke Percy H., 117, 127 Chalmers A. M., 345 Carlson Annie, 163 C Clarke Walter, 162 Chamberlain John, 10, 19 Carlton Messrs. T. and A., 352 Clarke Clara, 164 Chambers William, 4, 47 Carman Charles , 40 Cabalan Michael , 259 Clarke Sarah, 187 Chambers Robert, 319 Carmichael Henry, 211 Cable Mrs, Champion George, alias Robinson, Clarke James, 187 Carnegie W. D., 216 Cadell W. T., 5I Clarke John W. R., 211 102 Carnes Peter, 118, 143 Cadman John, 53 Clarke James, 213 Champion George, 182 Carney Thomas, 39 Cadman Bridget, 53 Clarke S. R, 214, 248 Chan Wa Jun., 147 Carney lblichael, 147 Caeron Carl, 30 Clarke Mrs. A., 224 Carney Joseph, alias Dillon, 217 Chandler Jacob, 4 Caffrey Daniel, 261 Clarke William, 253 Carney David, 311 Chandler & Co., 25, 3.1 Cahill John S., 23 Clarke Mary, 253 Chandler Annie, 118 Caanley William, 181 Cahill John L., 255 Clarke William, alias Scott, 256 Caro Julius, 23 Chandler Isaac, 338 Cahill William, 312 Burchill Ann,360 1137 218 367,382 390 Cannon William, 139 275, 126 2 Carey Janies, 197 .59 3,32 197 73 378 STEW SOUTH Clarke, alias The Quack, alias William Robert Spencely, 256 Clarke Patrick J., 257 Clarke Matthew, 277 Clarke Thomas, 277 'ilarke George, 300 vlarke Gertrude, or Legard, 300 Clarke William Henry, 301 Clarke Eliza Georgiana, 301 Clarke Charles, 317 Clarke Ernest, 323, 349 Clarke Frederick, alias Joshua Edmondson, 329 Clarke James Martin, 335 Clarke George, 336 !, rke Marcus, 375 Clarke, John, 394 Clarke Frederick, alias Robert Dobbin, 395 Clarke George E., 398 Clarken Barney, alias Gallagher, 319 Clay Louisa, 32 Clayton Mrs. H., 117 Clayton J. F. W., 372, 378 Cleary Mary, 52 Cleary Michael A., 187 Cleary David, 328 Cleave J. H. W., 64 Cleeve J. K., 363, 382 Clegg Ginger, 147 Cleggitt Thomas, 43 Clery Edward L., 324 Clifford James, 10 Clifford Ada, 18 Clifford J., 27 Clifford Daniel, 161 Clifford John D., 181 Clifford Sarah, 320 Clifton George, 57 Climpson James, 272 Clissold Frederick, 205, 218 Clissold Alfred, 372, 378 Clode George J., 175 Clough Duffina, 43 Clough Thomas, 105 Clough E. Madeline, 174 Cloury John, 253 Clulow H. R., 366 Clutterbuck George, 240 Clutterbuck George, 289 Coady Richard, 395 Coady Sarah Ann, 395' Coan Downs Station, body of man, name unknown, found, 157 Coast Hospital, Little Bay, escape of Chinese leper, 72 Coates George, 22, 30 Cobb & Co., 27 Cobb W. C., 170 Cobbin John, 31, 218 Cobbin John, 260 Lobby (ab.), 227 Coburn Patrick, 284 Cochrane William, 83 Cochrane Lachlan, 312 Cockney George , alias Newman 183 Cocks William J., 31 Cocks Thomas, 93 215 Mr. M., 34: Cocks Edmund, Cocksedge T. Z., 170, 178 Coen Coffee Peter, 102 Coffey John, 79 Coffey Mary , 86, 102 Coffill Joseph, 218 Coffill Joseph, 325 Cogan John, 264 Cogan Ann, 360 Coghlan John, 52, 60 Coghlan Thomas, 191 Coghlan Richard, 218 Coghlan Mrs. Ellen, 342 Cohen William, 23 Cohen & Levy, 45 Cohen Clement, 86 Cohen Frederick, 197 Cohen Wolf, 240 Cohen L., 260 Cohen Nathan , alias Charles or Henry Goggins, 264 Cohen Isaiah R., 275 'ioben Solomon , 296, 320 'ohen Solomon , 297, 300 Cohen Elizabeth, 331 WALES POLICE Cohen David & Co., 398 Cohen's Pawn Office, 138, 220, 267 Coins, number of stolen, property of A. ,T. Ross, 86 Coins, old English, number of, stolen from Empire Hotel, 219 Cole David, 42 Cole William H., 68 Cole Robert C., 125 Cole George, alias Clare, alias Charleton, 126 Cole James W., 211 Cole Edward, 277 Cole Edward, 394 Coleman Fanny, or Harris, 31 Coleman James, 130 Coleman James, 150 Coleman Otho, 220 Coleman Mrs., 237 Coleman Minnie, alias Mrs. Henry, 284 Coleman Denis, 354 Coleman Albert, 354 Coll William, 228 Collaroy Company, 5, 309 Coller James W., 154 Colless Joseph, 142 Colley George, 280 Collie James, 352 Collinridge Miss, 206 Collins Charles, 16 Collins Rosetta, 16 Collins Joseph, 102 Collins William, 150 Collins E. H., 214 Collins John James, 218 Collins Joseph, 233 Collins James, 289 Collins William Stuart, 333 Collins' Pawn Office, 313, 372 Collis Henry, 53 Collis Alfred W., 121, 129 Collis John, 150 Collison Thomas, 181 Colonial Bank of Australasia, Yarra Flats, 211 Colonial Sugar Company, Ill Colquhoun Hector, 50 Colvin Galvin, 269, 277 Colwell Charles, 345 Commercial Bank, 1C, 18, 34, 50, GAZETTE INDEX--1889. 5 Cox Frederick F., 88 Cox Charles 96, 112 Cox Mary M., 142 Cox Mr., 206 Cox James, 215 Cox Joseph, 223 Cox John L., 236 Coyle Elizabeth, 21 Coyle J. E. T., 352 Coyle Patrick, 370 Crago P. F., 364 Craig John, 18 Craig & Aitkens, 34 Craig William J., 224 Craig John, 373 Craig John, 390 Craigie Andrew, 328 Craik Jane, 224 Crake Gunner F., 233 Craker Robert, 324 Cram Alfred, or Carew, 187 Cram Ephraim, 197, 309, 332 ' CopeJ. W., 65 Cramp Alfred, 355 Cramp Edward, 376, 382 Copeland David, 34 Copeland Joseph, 104 Crampton Stephen, 69, 336 Crampton Edith, 69, 336 Copeland J. Montague, 269 Crandon H., 46 Copes John, 30, 39 Copp Captain, 92, 109 Crane John, 370 Coppin George, 336 Crankshaw Henry, 336 Cranston G., 244, 271 Coppin John, 342 Coppin Richard, 372 Cranston Isabella Mary, 305 Coppin Susan, 372 Cranswick Thomas, 47, 224, 232 Craven E. S., 395 Coppinger David, 325 Crawford A., 10 Coquet Alice, 82 Corbett Harry, alias Wood, alias Crawford Edward, 43 Cook Annie, 155 Cook Cornelius, 181 Cook Frank, 187, 202 Cook Otway, 253 Cook John, 348 Cook R. B., 378 Cooney Kate, or Grant, 181 Cooper W., 14 Cooper George, 30 Cooper George, 34 Cooper Alfred, 52 Cooper Rosetta C., 74 Cooper J. J., 88, 1C2 Cooper Robert, 210 Cooper Frank, 247, 335 Cooper R. C., 271 Cooper, alias George Henderson, 312 Cooper James, 320 Cooper George, 391 Coopernook, unclaimed property for sale, 77 Reynolds, &c., 28 Corbett Thomas, 366 Corbett William, 395 Corcoran John, 373 Cordingley J., 162 Corin William, 313 Cork F., 163, 187 Cork Mrs., 227 Cork Albert, alias Jimmy Ducks, 352 Cormarek James, 98 Cornelius Edwin F., 289, 301 Cornett James, acting Sub-inspec., tor, to be Sub-inspector, 37 Corney Mrs., 202 Cornish Henry John, 233 Corrick Henry, 138 202, 210, 224, 261, 269, 348, Corrigan R. D., 49 363, 365, ,381 Corrigan Thomas, 170, 181 Commins John, 256 Corry John, 14 Commissioners for Railways, 43, Corsells W., 83 88, 109, 121, 135, 150, 259, 363, Cortese Pan], 67 370 Cortis Dr., 308 Commons Elizabeth, 190 Cory Gilbert, 123 Cosgrove James, 92 Compton W., 96 Cosgrove Angelina J., 193 Compton R., 164 Cosgrove Nora, 342 Condy Frederick, 382 Coslatt Henry, 57 Conlon John, 164, 264 Coss George, 332, 348 Connell Edward, 10 Connell David, 43 Costello James, sell., 83 Connell Michael, 58 Costello James, jun., 83 Connell Michael, 74 Costello Patrick, alias Flash Patsy, 174 Connell C. J., 77, 85, 175 Costin Harriett, 111, 121 Connelly William, 129 Costin Peter L., Ill Connelly Daniel, 170 Connelly Martin, 224 Cottrill Frederick, alias Myring, 240 Connolly Thomas, 16 Couch George, 50 Connolly Patrick, 134 Connolly John J., 201 Couch - , 64 Connor William, 360 Couch George, 261 Connors Arthur, 10 Coughlan John, 73 Coulahan, alias Brown, 256 Connors D., 184 Connors Mary, 186 Coulson and Naylor, 10 Connors Patrick, 197, 241 Coulson Henry, 252 Connors Hance, alias Wilton, 305 Coulter George, 315 Connors Francis Patrick, 335, 370 Coupe William, 331 Connors Francis, 336 Court of Petty Sessions established at Thackeringa, 279 Conroy John, 50 Courtney, John, 316 Constable R. S., or S. Phillips, 139, 143 Court of Quarter Sessions, 1, 2, 103 Conti G., 232 Convery Henry, 370 Cousins Mrs, 169 Conway A. & Sons, 145 Couty John Church, 370 Conway James, 351 Coveney Miss J., 5 Cook William, 2 Coverdale John, 69 Cook & Co., 27 Cowap Henry, 356 Cowen Donald, 64 Cook J. B., 72 Cowham Richard, 292 Cook Thomas G., 118 Cook William J., 134 Cowhey Margaret, 324, 341 Cowie David, 133 Cook Edward 147, 194 Cook John , 148, 167 Cowie William M ., 193 Cox Ada E., 31, 74 Cook David, 155 66,102,13-1,166,181,191,194, Crawford Edward, 64 Crawford R. Henry, 232 Crawford George, 312 Crawford George, 348 Crawford Arthur, 372 Crawley C., 122 Crawley James, 311 Crease Charles, 9 Creer James, 236 Cregan John, 252 Creighton Alexander, 215 Creswell Charles, 57 Creswick Frederick, 220 Cridland Martin, 371, Crisistelly William, 280 Crisp Edward T., 9 Critcher Alfred J., 267, 291 Critcher Flora, 267 Criton Alfred, 35 Croak Pierce, 109 Croft W. W.. 206 Crofton E., 122 Cromack Jabez A., 126 Cronin Emily, 45 Cronin James, 118 Crooke Robert W., 22 Crosby,Tohn L., 101 Crosby George Edward, 344 Crosby Mary, 344 Crosby Manse], 376 Crosier Ellen, 345, 364 Cross Sarah A., 13 Cross Stephen, 47 Cross Phoebe, 47 Cross William Russell, 375, 382 Cross Mary E., 398 Crough Patrick, 14 Crow (ab.), 312 Crowley Clarence W., 210 Crowley Emily, 296 Crowley William, 328 Croxford Arthur R., 191 Crozier John, 202 Crozier William, 244 Cruiksliank Alexander, 112 Cruise James, 201 Cubitt Edward, 146 Cubitt Thomas, 283 Cudd Albert, alias Williams, 65 Cudmore Brothers, 356, 370 Culbertson: James, 139 Culbertson Bella, 139 Culbertson James, or Cully, 163, 225 Cull James, 22 Cullen F., 39 Cullen Charles, 122 Cullen Cullen Cullen Culley James, alias Mason, 143 Thomas, 202 Joseph, 369 James , or Culbertson , 163 -225 G NEW Culligan Culligan 2,56 Constable, 62, 61 George, alias Coulahan, Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham James, 42, 5:0 Dr. H. L., 42 James, 82 Thomas, 148 Alfred, 148 W. J., 240 A. P., 31 John, 52 Joseph. 92 Graham, 150 CunninghamA., 191 Cunningham George. 197, 218 Cunningham George, 218 Cunningham Catherine, 218 Cunningham James, 300 Cunningham -, 307 Cunningham George, alias Harrison, 328 Cunningham Alexander, 393 Curley Ellison, alias William Ellison, 177, 248 Curley Mr., 296, 313 Curling Charles, 87 Curran Rev. W., 45 Curran John, 253 Curran Mary, 283 Curran Annie, 283 Currie Joseph W., 47 Currie Patrick, 369 Curry Paper, or Patrick Christie, 181 Curry John, 218 Curry John, 344 Curtin Peter, 46 Curtin Cornelius John, 283 Curtis Esther, 271 Curtis Edith, 274 Curtis Richard, 317 Curtis James Anthony, 324, 356 Curtis Mrs. G. H, 352 Curtis Arthur, 373 Curtis Edward, 394 Curvin Frederick, 122 Curwin James, 166 Cutter Richard, 4 D Daecke Anna E,, 284 Dailey John, 272 Dailey John, 324 Dairy Peter, 46 Dalby Johanna, 337 Dale John, 52 Daley Thomas, 4 Daley James, 28 Daley John, 30 Daley Michael, 64 Daley James, 86 Daley Robert, 122 Daley Lucina Celestine, 325 Dalgetty & Co., 375 Dalgleish Anthony, a" Dallas J. A., 14 Dailey Edwin, 34, 83 Dalton Fred G., 16 Dalton Thomas, 16 Dalzell Josepli, 118 Dan -, 88 Dangar W. J., 10 Danglade, alias Stewart, alias William Burns, 256 Daniels George, 224 Daniels Martin, alias Gascoigne, 381 Darby Captain A. J., 32 Darby Mrs., 40 Darby James, 378 D'Archy Teresa, 57 Dt'Archy Mary J., 57 Darchy Michael, 241, 325 Darcy Walter, 303 Dargan --, alias Peter Davis, alias Blossom, 118 Dargan Frederick, 271 Darker Michael, 283 barley John. 229 Darling W. C., alias Edward Dugan, 341 Darling Harbour, body of infant found, 195 Darling River, body of infant found, 169, 189 SOUTH WALES POLICE Darlington Road, abandoned child found, 267 Da Silva Joseph J., 174 Dave (ab.), 323 Davey Mrs. E., or Scott, 97 Davey Daniel, 125 Davey William, 211 Davey William, 220 Davidson William, alias Mitchell, 103 Davidson Robert, 158 Davidson Mortis, 363 Davidson Alexander, 398 Davis' Pawn Office, 3,22, 22,130, 147, 178, 252, 269, 308, 309, 316, 323 Davis Thomas, 4 Davis Robert, 39 Davis Annie, 46, 175 Davis Mark, 54, 64, 74 Davis Squatty, alias William Dawson, 63, 93 Davis Thomas, 64 Davis Fanny, 78 Davis George, 105, 143 Davis Sarah, 105 Davis Peter, alias Dargan, alias Blossom, alias McKenzie, &c., 118 Davis E. M., 125, 225 Davis Arthur Thomas, alias Slater, 126 Davis Rachel, 138 Davis Thomas, 138 Davis Annie, 142 Davis F. A., 142 Davis Edward, 1(30 Davis Thomas, 150 Davis Villiam, 164 Davis Albert, 166 Davis Annie S, 153 Davis Harry, 187 Davis John, 1l0 Davis Mrs. Jane, 197, 210 Davis John J., 197 Davis William, 211 Davis John, 229 Davis Sophia, 229 Davis R. D., 263 Davis Thomas, 269 Davis William, 269, 277 Davis Emily, 269, 277 Davis Henry, 312 Davis F. R., 324 Davis `V. H., 341, 318 Davis Martin, 344, 398 Davis Annie, 341 Davis John, 348 Davis Blanche, 352 Davis John, 355 Davis Thomas, 355 Davis Rock, 356 Davis --, 350 Davis Dunne, 390 Davis Andrew, 395 Davison John W., alias Wallace, 58 Davison George, 101 Davison Alfred, 147 Davison Mfrs, M. A., 371 Dawbarn Ernest P., 118, 127 Dawe William, 15 Dawes Edward, to Dawes Edward, 83 Dawes Rev. W., 193 Dawes Abraham, 332, 378 Daws George, 277, 290 Dawson T. R., 4 Dawson Alexander, 39 Dawson William, alias Squatty Davis, 63, 93 Dawson Ralph and Thomas, 83 Dawson A., 220, 229 Dawson Leslie, 317, 328 Dawson Daniel, 341 Dawson William Boyne, 395 Dawson's Pawn Office, 377 Day William, 31, 63 Day George, 135 Day John, 181, 191 Day George, 197 Day Mrs., 232 Day George, 256 Day John; 296 Day Thomas, 354, 398 Deacon William Herbert, 320 Deacy Acting -Gaoler, 202 GAZETTE INDEX-1889. Dean James, 10 Dean Joseph, 27 Dean John, 132, 21E Dean II., 131 Dean Frederick C., 249, 265 Dean Elizabeth, 274 Dean James, 3.3 Dean Lai, 355 De Belin Frederick, 191, 202 Be Beaumont Count, alias Bryant, 341 De Cressai Louis, 255 De Clarival Adolphus Laird, 305 Be Lawarie Kate, alias Andrews, 78 De Lissa & Philips, 348 Be PIivitz R , 42 Be Platter M., 3t0 Be Rome Thomas, 82 Be Silva Joseph F., 131 Deserters from Her Majesty's Service- continued. Curtis Richard C., 317 Dawson Alexander, 39 Delaney Michael, 339 Downes William, 191 bullet George, 289 Edwards Samuel, 16 Edwards John A., 223 Ellery William, 155 England George, 312 Everett Charles, 139 Fleming Thomas H., 163 Gazzard A., 53 Gibbs William E., 289 Godden John J., 186 Green Edward, 292 Gregory Charles H,, 158 Gregory Charles Henry, 317 Griffiths Llewellyn, 335 Hamilton Montgomery, 131 Be Yore Cecil, alias Downes, Heydon Andrew, 237 alias Penny, 290 Da Wolski Colonel, 235 Hudson, F. R., 209 Irwin Thomas, 345 Defries Louis, 100 Dege Alfred, 78 Johnson A, 88, 119 Delainore Gustavus, 101 Jordan George, 229, 364 Delaney William, 22 Kirchner William, 125, 225 Leonard Patrick, 229 Delaney John, 62 Delaney Henry, 73 Loader, H. H., 269, 283 Lnbston John, 186 Delaney Mary A., 190 Delaney Patrick, 296, 305 Longston Samuel, 87 Delaney Maria, 296 Lyle John, 131 Delaney itilicllael, 339 Maher John J., 181 Delaney George, 342 Marsh Benjamin, 125,158 Marshall Isaac, 9 Delgrosso Dominico, 157 Delgross, nee Maria CosteIIotti, Melcombe Frederick, 280 157 Mercer Percy E., 139 Delgustin Frederick, 289 Moore John, 163 Delvhcry Margaret, 52 Moore Joseph Frederick, 369 Delprat Antoine, 300 Mosford William, 139 Delvin John, 370 Moss John, 139 Demaine George, 180, 203 Mulcahy Joseph Ignatius, 355 Dembi,,kie -, 217 Murtagh Michael, 355 Dempsey James, alias Mason, 74 M' D,onald John, 186 Dempsey John, 344, 383 M'Donald Andrew, 339 M'Millan H., 70 Dempsey Archibald, alias Kennedy, 369 Norfolk George, 369 Denard James, 5 O'Malley Patrick, 336 Onsly Robert, 363 G., 203 D nilignin, remains of infant Phipps Thomas H., 97 found, 137 Power Edward, 311 Denis Henry George A., 210 Raftery Thomas, 321 Robertson James, 245 Denison John, '07 Denny and Fenuick, 238, 240 Rouse Walter, 173, 182 Denning Henry, 113 Sanders Albert, 280 Denny John, 202 Seymour John, 196 Denny Sophia, 341,349 Sheridan Thomas, 286 Dent 51r_ F., 105 Smith David, 53 Dent James, 356 Sneyd Samuel Charles, 355 St. Clair William George, 223 Dessaix Thomas P., 296 Dessaix '.Thomas Patrick, 342 , 345 Stuart Arthur, 324 Deth Sarah, 69 Sullivan Jeremiah, 324 Dever Annie, Taylor John C., 245 Deves Frederick, 341 Taylor Robert, 301 Devin Edward, constable, 26 Tobin Michael, 245 Toohey James J., 139 Devine James, 232, 320 Torrington Henry, 277 Devitt Annie, 394 Walsh William, 289 Devlin Joseph, 150 Devlin James, 174 Walsh Maurice, 335 Devlin W., 228 Walter Charles, 31 Devlin Charles James, 354 Waterman Martin, 237 Watts Joseph, 324 Devlin Ellen Jane, 354 Williams John, 50 Devonshire Lawn Tennis Club, Williams John, 125 378, 385 Woodward James Edwin, 311 Pews Thomas, 240 Wylde Charles George, 317 Dewsbury J. W., 49' Deserters from German warDeserters from Her Majesty's Service :Ah Fook 317 Gallin Otto Hermann Eugene, Anderson George, 164, 342 Baines Walter, 385 354 Gust Heinrich Friedrich, 369 Barclay Joseph, 245 Hammer Edward, Bell Arthur, 335 Hessel Paul Max, 354 Black John, 280 Hiller Friedrich C., 369 Borland James, 373 Lygwon Heinrich, 354 Brent H.. 348 Brondell John Christian, 369 Palm Ernest W., 209 Bryan James, 369 Pasehke Herman Richard, 369 Westerroth Heinrich, 369 Budgen John, 155 Cannon William, 139 Diamond A., 68 Clarke James Martin, 335 Diamond, alias D. M'Kay 174 Dibbey Henry, 324 Clery Edward L., 324 Cohtn William, 23 Dick John, 73 Connell Edward, 10 Dick A., 196, 211 Craker Robert, 324 Dick Deavy (ab.), 205 Croft W. W., 206 Dicken Richard, 157 Cunningham Graham, 159) Dickey Bungery (ab.), 382 Thomas Denby F. 1.50 ships:Fuchs August Friedrich, 369 173,191,20E NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE Dickinson Dr., 75, 80 Dorrington Amy, 138 Dickinson George William R., 211 Dougherty C., 30 Dickinson Samuel P., 220, 248 Dougherty Charles, 35 Dickinson Thomas, 252 Douglas Thomas, 57 Dickson John, 5, 50, 122 Douglas Eva, 60 Dickson Isabella, 5, 50, 122 Douglas Walter, 73 Dickson J. G., 40, 51 Douglas Arthur, 82 Dickson William, 46, 53 Douglas W. H., 186, 248 Dickson W. R., alias Train, 74 Douglas Walter, 197 Dickson James, 229 Douglas William, 269, 283 Dickson Robert, 360 Douglas Walter, 279, 297 Dickson Mary, 360 Douglas Walter, 309, 320 bier Fanny, 72 Douglas 377 Digby John, alias Gray, alias Dowards G., 135 Dowd Michael, 30 Diggins Frederick, 354 Dowell Kate, 184 Diggins Harriett, 354 Dowie Alexander, 398 Dight G. W., Esq., 69, 104 Dowley Thomas, 267 Digman George, alias Williams, Dowley Jane, 267 213, 243 Dowling John, 174 Dillon Joseph, alias Carney, 217 Dowling Richard John, alias Dillon Gerald, 260 " Shrimps," 193 Dillon John, 328 Dowling Francis Henry, 275 Dillon Charles, 328 Dowling Delia, 379 Dillon Patrick, 328 Dowling Mina, 379 Din Imun, 398 Down G. A., 252, 280 Dingy stolen at Manly, 86 Downer Robert, 158 Dispersyn Marie, 178 Downey James, 194 Downing Alice, 38 Ditehatr. James, 43 Ditcham James, 64 Downs David, alias Bowen, 49, Divall Frederick, 211 70, 221 Diversi Ferdinand , 375, 390 Downs F. J., 189 Divertuck Arthur, 323 Downs William, 191 Downs William H.. 274 Dixon Jemima, 40, 54 Dixon Thomas, 42 Downs Herbert, 363 Doyle William, 29, 37 Dixon Richard, 130 Dixon Richard, 153 Doyle Albert, 72, 102' Doyle Edward, 118 Dixon Charles, 170, 17 8 Dixon Frank, 272 Doyle R. F., 131 Doames John, alias Penny, alias Doyle Mirie, 186 Doyle Mary, 233 De Vere, 290 Dobbin Robert, alias Frederick Doyle Mrs., 280 Doyle Patrick, 393 Clarke, 395 Drabble J. H., 97 Dobbyns George, 137 Drake George, 184 Dobinson Thomas G., 205 Doble Edinund, 317 Dray William, 18 Dray William, 201 Dobson Robert, 181 Dodd William F., 60 Drew F. H., 139, 167 Dodd J. M., 283 Drew Mrs., 190 Drew Thomas v., 211 Dodds Douglas, 73, 83, 92 Doger Harry, alias Howard, 341 Drew John, 236 Dodson Miss, 300 Drew -, 286 Doetsch Annie, 147, 225 Drewett William, 118 Doherty P., 52, 74 brews Henry, 112 Doherty Charles, 181), 194 Driscoll Sarah Jane, 224 Drock Richard, 113 Doherty Mary, 311, 320 Drock Margaret, 113 Doige Stewart, 219 Dolby Alfred, 253 Druitt Joseph, 360, 366 Drummond Eva, 18 Dolby Maria, 253 Drummond Robert, 376 Dole Thomas G, 53 Drury George F., 63 Dombrain Harry, 180 Dominick G., 214 Drury John, 69, 87 Don Alfred, 218 Drury Arthur, 162 Dubbo , sticking up of several Donald Edward , 277 Donaldson James Edwin , 73 persons onCoonamble Road , 307 Doney Thomas , 320 Donkin Ellen , or Gleeson , 134 , Dubost Bazile Alexander Eugene , 303 143 Donnell Thomas , 259 Duck Creek , near Canonbar , Donnelly Edward , 31 body of man , supposed that of William M'Donald Donnelly William , 31 found , 193 Ducker Benjamin , 184 Donnelly Emily , 31 Donnison Thomas , 87 , 297 Ducker Sarah , 184 Donoghue W . N , 35 Ducker Benjamin , alias RobinDonohoe Jeremiah , 54 , 83 son , 354 Ducker Susan Ann , 354 Donohoe John , 126 , 135 Duckworth Henry , 256 Donohoe William , 324 Donohoe James , alias Edward Duey Isabella or Kennedy , 182 Dudgeon John , 390 Doonolly , 398 Duff Charles, 16 , 28 Donovan Edward , 28 Duffett George , 289 Donovan Henry John , 73 Duffill Rev. Charles , 363, 382 Donovan Michael , 142 Duffy J. , alias Finnerty , 54 , Donovan Joseph , 223 Donovan Alice , 223 Duffy David, 70 , 132 Duffy C. , 79 Donovan Joseph , 237 , 248 Doolan Edmund , 348 Duffy John , 134 Duffy -, 303 Doonolly Edward , alias James Duffy John, 319 Donohoe, 398 Duffy Francis, 332 Doorne Harry, 119 Duffy Mrs, 371 Doran Jack, alias White, alias Taylor, 113 Dugan Edward, alias Darling E341 Doran W. II., 122 Duggan William, 28 Dorn Louis, 134 Duggan John, 47 Dorn Louis, 150 Duggan Ann, 47 Dorney Martin, 201 Duggan Frank, 79 Dorrington Edward, 29 Duggan Rachel, 79 Dorrington John, 131, 182 M'Alister, 297 , 70 Duffy's PawnOffice, 39 Dorrington Mary, 131, 182 Duggan Thomas, 105 GAZETTE INDEX-1889. 7 Duggan Mary, 148 Duggan Daniel, 390 Duley George, 344, 360 Du Narbourne Custard , alias Edwards Edwards, Edwards 23 Dunbar Mrs., 247 Duncan A. M-Evor, 57 Duncan Samuel, 68, 79 Duncan John, 1.35 Duncan William, 139 Duncan David, 162 Duncan Rebecca, 190 Duncan Lizzie, 205 Duncan William , 399 Dung Ka, 147 Dunkley Andrew, 274 Edwards 31 Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Newmont, 181 Dunlop William, 67, 126 Dunlop George F., 134, 225 Dunlop George F., 223 Dunn James, 65 Dunn John, 73 Dunn Augusta, 87 Dunn Andrew, 135 Dunn John, 146 Dunn Thomas, 148 Dunn Joseph, 170 Dunn Ellen. 174 Dunn Miss S., 189 Dunn Thomas J., 217 Dunn James, 312 Dunn James, 316 Dunn Thomas, 38; Dunrich, L+. F., 151 Dunstan W. H., 104 Dunstan W. B., 162 Dunstan William, 325 Dures William, 351 Dutch Joe, alias Emilius Enochson, 3;28 Dutnell Stephen, 386 Dutton James R., 63 Dutton,Tames R., 92 Duval Ernest, 191 Duvalpurtel E., 323 Duzip -, 169 Dwyer Mary, 70 Dwyer Thomas. 102 Dwyer John, 170 Dwyer M. R., 201 Dwyer Thomas, 228 Dwyer Catherine Emily E., 273 Dwyer Thomas, 297 Dwyer D., 363 Dyer Charles, 19 Dyer Sidney, 42, 312 Dyer Lily, 135 Dyer Thomas, 181 Dyme Dick, alias Richard Williams, 148 Dyson Robert, 274 E Eades Henry, 289 .fades Mary A., 289 Earner & Co., 303, 329 Earl D., 69, 79 Earl Margaret, 78 Easterbrook C., 162 Eastman James, 224 Eastmuir Arthur, 336 Easton G. T., 303, 329 Easton Charlotte, 393 Eastwood Job, 145 Father James, 28 Eather John J., 79 Eather Eliza, 79 Father Thomas, 256 Father Frederick, 256 William , alias Barrett , Charles , 74 William, 157 A. J., 187 - 220 Edwards J. A. , 223 Edwards A. S. , 244 Ed wa rd s N a th an, 247 Edwards , alias Mason , alias Edgar Ernest Thurston , 256 Edwards John , 283 Edwards Jane , 287 Edwards Thomas , 297 Edwards William Thomas , 305 Edwards Charles , 316 Edwards Charles , 336 Edwards William , 345 Edwards Walter , $56 Edwards Richard , 382 Edwards Mrs., 394 Edwards River, near Deniliquin , body of man found , 366 Edye .Tohn T., 251 Egan J. H. , 10 Egan Denis , 146 Egan James , 174 , 194 , 211 Egan Charles , 1187 Egan William , 215 Egar Edward, 300 , 309 Egge John & Co. , 381 Eland Percy , 376 Elbert Moses , 139 Elbert Mrs. , 139 Elbournes A. , 162 Elboux Louis , W.D. , 386 Eley Edward C. , 10 Elias Mrs. or Howard , 256 Elizabeth- street , abandoned child found , 3 Elkin John G. , 325 Elkin Charles , 361 , 382 Elkington & Tween , 19 Ell James , 348 Ella William , 18 Ellery William , 155 Elliott Frederick , 3 Elliott George , 5 , 105 Elliott Mary , 5 Elliott John , 38 Elliott Francis , 58 Elliott George or Ford , 64 Elliott H . M ., 82 Elliott Thomas , 101 Elliott H. E. , 121 Elliott Charles , alias Aylett , 240 Elliott Richard , 268 Elliott William, 332 Ellis R. E., 4 Ellis Thomas E., 10 Ellis Frederick, 60 Ellis John, 101 , Ellis William, 301, 382 Ellis Elizabeth, 301 Ellis George S., 335, 356 Ellison Curly, 74, 177, 248 Elmer W. B., 153 Elney James, 79, 93 Elney Mary, 79 Elroy Venetia, 296 Elston Stephen, 54 Elvy James, 148 Elwood John, 43 Elyird John, 215 Emanuel & Co., 367 Emberson William Nelson, 393 Emerson E., 18 Ebbs Edward, 79 to, Edge Andrew, 162 Edgington Ed:ninston Smythe , Edwards W. , 28 Dunks T. W., 63 Ebzery James , 236 Eden, Police Act extended 129 Eden Henry, 158 Peter, 4 , 15 Samuel , 16 Henry, alias T. & Co., 121 Stanley, alias Thomas M'Donald, 187 Emily (ab.), 227 Emmett Michael, alias Sheedy, 135 Enderson Alexander or Henderson, 74 Enenoff A., 139 England George, 312 Edmonds Robert, 118 England William, 394 Edmonds Joseph, 247 Edmondson George, 102 Edmondson Joshua, alias Clarke, 329 Englefield J. W., 375, 398 English James, 21 Edmunds W. T., 46 Edmunds Thomas, Edols Robert, 232 336 English Edward, 153 English Elizabeth, 2'9 Engrehardt Maximilian, Ennis Catherine, 146 Ennis John, 155 83 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE 8 Ennis dirs., 267 E-rochsou Einilias, alias Dutch Joe, 328 Easor Edward W., 33 Enwright Henry, 9 Epple Christian, 299 Erby George Thomas, 312 Erskineville Railway-station entered, 244 E. S. & A. C. Bank, 311, 320, 336 Esam Edwin, 164 Esam Edwin, 341 Escapees and expirees from New Caledonia, 275 Essenhigh Alfred, 218 Eughem Amelia, 28 Evans J. B., 46 Evans F. F., 64 Evans F. L., 73 Evans William, 77, 85 Evans Louisa, 123 Evans Robert, 178 Evans William, 193 Evans Richard, 221 Evans Henry William, 277 Evans R. T., 279 Evans Gloucester, 285 Evans George Sydney, 297 Evans Henry, 329 Evans Margaret, 360 Evans Henry, 394 Evans Louise, 391 Everett Charlie, 139 Everett Mrs., 360 Everett A., 363 Everingham A., 155 Everingham Clara, alias Ellen Green, 223 Evers Edward, 232, 248 Everson John, 328 Ewen Senior-constable, 181 Ewing Rev. R. K., 10, 35 Ewing Thomas, 15 Ewing James N., 97 Ewing Sarah J., 97 Eyde Andrew, 54 Eylcs Alexander, 57 Escaped prisoners and lunat'esBishop William R., 281 Bowen, alias Christopher Farrell, alias Williams, 329 Burns John, 269 Byrne John, 301 Clarke Frederick, alias Edmondson , 329 Craig John, 373, 391 Edmondson Joshua, alias Clarke, 329 Farrell Christopher, alias Williams, alias Bowen, 329 Ford Stewart, 170, 187, 219 Frederickson Hans, 215 Hansen August, 321 Johnson Jarrres, 196 Meyers Ernest, 170, 187 Tiloltzen Thomas, 275 Murley Alfred, alias Jones, alias Corkery, 325 M`LaugblanFelix, 170,187, 219 Oliver James, 285 Shoobridge Robert, 82 Snow Emma, 100 Tommy Ryan (ab.), 45 Tommy Ryan (ab.), 373 Tregonuing James, 339, 348 Williams Henry, alias Christopher Farrell, alias Bowen, 329 F 73 Fagan, John, Fahey Michael, 195, S_'03 Fahey John, 292 Fahey Patrick, 369 Fairbairn Thomas H., 158 Fairchild, Jo;;epli W., 193 Faircli ffe Mrs., 186 Fairfax George It., 74 Falconer J. D., 142 Falk P. & Co., 398 Falkiner Franc Sadlier, 274, 285 Fallon James, 92 Fallon E . J., 108 Falls Charles, 289 Fanning Arthur, 256 Fanny All ,Jog, 78 Fanny Song Hing, 356 Far y Ernest `26I, 290 Fargo H. N., 216 Farley Edward, 181 Farley Michael, 181 Farm Cove, body of infant found, 195, 205 Farmer James, 268, 289 Farmer William H., 366 Farnsworth H., 236 Farquharson Charles W. B., 287 Farquharson Jane, 296 Farr Mrs., 178 Farrell Mrs., 3 Farrell James, 59 Farrell Michael, 78, 96 Farrell Daniel, 125 Farrell Maude, 193 Farrell H. M., 267 Farrell John, 271 Farrell Christopher, alias Williams, alias Bowen, 329 Farrell James, 366 Farrell James, 375 Farrugia M., 69 Faulding F. H. & Co., 398 Faulkner Mary Jane, 122 Faulkner Edward, alias Armstrong, alias Shorthand, 328 Faull Robert, 49, 135 Faull Robert, alias Anderson, 233 Fawcett Joseph, 244 Fay Edward, 363 Fealy William, 370 Fearson William, 335 Feather Thomas, 363 Featherstone Bridget, 210 Featherstone Mr., 352 Feebrey Alicia, 227 If., Feebrey Gertrude, 227 Feech Otto, 27 INDEX-1889. Firth, Squire, or Barrett, 338, 386 Firth Emily, 338 Fisher Charles, 85 Fisher Frederick, 109, 131 Fisher Elizabeth, 109, 131 Fisher -, 279 Fitzgerald Thomas, 32 Fitzgerald Edmund, 32 Fitzgerald Mrs. C., 69 Fitzgerald John, 97 Fitzgerald Mrs. A., 130, 147 Fitzgerald Mr. John, 178 Fitzgerald Charles, 190 Fitzgerald James, 247 Fitzgerald A. J., 252 Fitzgerald Patrick, 255, 277 Fitzgerald James, 274, 329 Fitzgerald Richard, 281 Fitzgerald Nellie, 289 Fitzgerald James, 291 Fitzgerald Patrick, 291 Fitzgerald Edward, 291 Fitzgerald Michael, 292 Fitzgerald Henry, 342 Fitzgerald Lizzie, 390 Fitzgibbon John, 83 Fitzgibbon Joseph, 312 Fitzpatrick Francis, 30 Fitzpatrick T., 38 Fitzpatrick William, 82 Fitzpatrick William John, 161 Fitzpatrick George, 161 Fitzroy Grace, 269, 283 Fitzroy Annie, 324 Fitzroy Henry, 375 Fitzroy Henry or Fitshenry, 390 Fitzsimmons John, 58 Fitzsimmons Mrs. A. F., 111 Fitzsimmons Charles, or Wingfall, 134, 256 Fitton Miss, 378 Flack Samuel, 217,248 Flahey John, 215 Feeney Patrick, 42, 50 Flanagan John, 118 Feeney Andrew, 92 Flanagan Ernest A., 126 Fegan C. B., 378 Flanagan Denis, 150 Flanagan Edward F., 211 Felix John, alias Robert, or Flanagan James, 211 S. Sali, 225 Flanagan William, 355 Fell Mrs., 261 Felt Simon, 122, 143 Flash Patsy, alias Patrick Felton Leonard, 237 Costello, 174 Flashmaii John, 319 Felton Henry, 279 Plateau Dr., 338 Fencing, injuries to, notice of, Fleet William, 180 279 Fleet Bridget, 180 Fenn Edwin, 158 Fleming Thomas H., 163 Fenwick Robert, 126 Fleming Joseph, 205 Fenwick, A. T., 328 Fergeson Hugh, alias M'Millan , Fleming Ada, 390 193 Fleming Arthur, 394 Fletcher William, 42 Ferguson John, 18 Ferguson James, 49 Fletcher T. W., 203 Ferguson Alexander, 95 Fletcher John E., 214 Fletcher James, 220 Ferguson John, 105 Ferguson John, 221 Fletcher Alfred, alias Kemp, 225, Ferguson Maude, 398 274 Fernand Charles, 135 Fletcher Archibald, 289 Fletcher John, 317, 328 Ferrier Emil F., 63 Ferry Elizabeth, alias Watson, 10 Flint John, 190 Ferry Miss, 308 Flood William, 119 Fetley, alias A. W. F. Hedley, 73 Flood Constable, 370 Field E. P., 269 Florence Miss, 154 Field Charles, 320 Flowers William Benjamin, 382 Floyd Thomas, 286 Field Mary Jane, 318 Field T. P. C., 366 Flynn Frank, 18 Field William, alias Lee, 390 Flynn Edward, 166 Flynn John, 233 Fielding Edward, 28 Fields Mary, 376 Flynn Margaret, 268 Flynn Michael, 328 Findlay Robert, 269 Finkernage William, 240 Fluton Maurice, 138 Fogarty Thomas, 162 Firikh Ernest, 311 Finlay Joseph, 101 Fogwell J. B., 202 Finlay James, 240 Foley Philip, 101 Foley Mrs., 214 Finn J. F., 100 Foley Martin, 292 Finn John, 150 Finn Patrick, 320 Foley Margaret, 308 Foley Mary, 360 Finnamore John, 370 Finnan Join, 101 Foley John, 376 Finneran Patrick, 209, 283 Foote George H., 316 Finneran Rebecca. 209, 233 Forbes Dr. Armitage, 296 Ford James, 18 Finnerty Jammes, alias Duffy, 54, 70 Ford Henry, 18 Finney Thomas, 332, 838, 383 Ford George, alias Elliott, 61,215 Finney Miss, 378 Ford James, 154 Firman Mrs., 223 Ford Stewart, 170, 187, 219 Ford Richard, 189 Firth Thomas, 30 Ford James Richard, 317 Firth Thomas C., 201 Ford and Callaghan, 855 Firth-James T.,18 Ford Alexander Drew, 38.3 Foreman James, 174 Forged Commercial Bank £1 notes uttered, 147, 157 Forman William J., 74 Forrest David, 257 Forsythe Miss, 119 Forty Edward, 232 FosberyE . O., aliasPaul Zglia Ski, 28 Foss William, 367 Foss Clara, 367 Foster Joseph, 42 Foster George, 46 Foster Frederick C., 82, 126 Foster Frederick C., 100 Foster George, 101 Foster .James, 109 Foster Mr . H., 238 Foster George, 244, 268 Foster Joseph, 281 Foster James, 319, 370 Foster Annie, 337 Foster W. T., 365 Pawn Office, 69, 154, 169, 268 Fotheringham James, 10 Fotheringham Nicholas, 73 Fotheringham Miss, 130 Fotheringham George, 261 Foulger Edward Hartnett, 381 Found various articles of property, 314 Fouracre Thomas, 292 Fowler Florence, 92 Fowler Archibald, 214 Fowler P. III., 251 Fowler Alfred, 309 Fowles Stephen, 39 Fox William, 14 Fox Isaac J., 30 Fox Robert, 113 Fox Lottie, alias Solomon, 158 Fox Georgiana, 344 Foy Mark, 34 France William, 301 Francis George, alias Stanley, Poster's 173, 215,283 Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis William, 191, 256 Mary, 191 James, 191, 277 Elizabeth, 191, 277 A. E., 233 Alexander, alias Burton, 367,382 Francis George, 375 Francis J., 390 Francois Pauline , alias Madame Wein, 272 Franklin Joseph, 211 Fraser Catherine, 60, 87 Fraser George K., 135 Fraser George D., 243 Fraser George, 301 Fraser Mary Jane, 382 Frater John, 54, 102 Fratis Miss, 206 Frazer James , alias Hall, 93 Frazer A. C., 122 Frazer William J., 186 Frazer Mrs., 300 Frederickson Hans, 215 Free Mrs, 42 Freeman Alfred, 19 Freeman John, 68 Freeman Sarah Jane, 232 Freeman George T. W., 248 Freeman Mrs. J., 308 Frelin Charles, 83 Fremlin & Co., 34 French Escapees from New Cale. donia, 275 French A. E., 325 French Rufus 0., 369 Frera Mr., 145 Fretwell A. A., 131 Fretwell Emma, 131 Freyer R. A., 191 Friday, alias Thomas Friedman A., 78,154 Friedwald F., 138, 378 Friend Sarah, 163 Friend George, 236 Friend George, 256 Friendship Sarah, 43 Petty Sessions M'Cauley, 61 Frogmore Court of established, 77 NEW Frollick Thomas, alias Loo Ching, alias Harris Wilson, 64 Froome E. J., 369 Frost T. W., 30 SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1889. Gazzard A., 53 Geary Annie, 378 Gee Lee, 100 Gehrig C. Henry, 197, 225 Gelston William, 238 Gent George, 23 George -, 72 George Ka Fong, George (ab.), 3 0, 336 Gcorgeson Nicholas, 92 German Church, Goulburn-street, stealing from, 193 Gerratt Jam( s W, 261 Gershom Mrs. A. J, 316 Getston -, 243 Gold ring stolen between Bourke and Sydney, 280 Gold Thomas, 335 Gold Isaac P., 369, 376, 382 Frost 11. P., Goldberg Albert, 269 Frost Adam, 183 Golding Frederick, 300 Frost James A., 260, 272 Goldsmid George, 74 Frost Jane, 260, 272 Goldsmid George, 297 Frost Walter, 364 Goldsmith George, 383 Fruland Arthur, 386 Goldstein A., 54 Fry Edward H., 164 Goldstein Albert, 142 Fry Walter, 210 Goldstein Samuel, 181 Fry Henry, 247 Goldstein Rosella, 352 Fryman August, 4 G oldthurpe George, 18 Fuchs August Friedrich, 369 Gollan Mary, 49 ggles Richard James, 23, 35 Golledge A., 146 Gibbons S: S, 35 ager George, 138 2 Gibbons Arthur, 134 Gomard Jack, 386 Fuller Henry, 183 Gomes Joseph, 328 Gibbons Gerald F., 237, 313 Fuller Henry, 193 Gong Dee, 356 Gibbs F., 1.00 Fuller John, alias Cartlidge, 210 Gibbs Sliallard, & Co., 112 Good Emma, 38, 60 Fullmoon John, alias Bourke, Gibbs William E., 289 Goodes Thomas, 92 16,34,50 Goodfellow Ailian, 64 Gibson Ethel, 157 Fureur Owen, 23 Gibson Charles, 274, 297 Goodfellow William, 336 Furland J. H., 82 Gibson John, 290 Goodhead Frederick, 305 Furlong John, 5, 53 Gibson James, 360 Goodheim Solomon, 175 Furlong John, 39, 351 Gibson Eliza, 360 Goodier William, 274 Furlong Elizabeth, 39 Gibson James T., 379 Goodlet J. H., 166 Forney George, 382 Gibson George, 394 Goodman Maurice, 390 Furze John, 356 Gilbert Charles, 10 Goodsell William, 172, 233 Fusedale John, 363, 398 Gilbert George W., 10 Goodsell Elizabeth, 172, 233 Futeher Amelia, 376 Gilbert John, 281 Goodsell Mrs., 363 Fnzeldeen, 34 Gilbert Harry, 366 Goodsell William, 367 Fuzil Mrs. Gr., 154 Gilchrist W. J., 34 Goodwillie Ellen, 269, 277 Gilchrist, J. 112 Goodwillie James, 33.3 Goodwin Herbert, 101 Gilchrist John, 382 G Gilder Sherrington, 43 Goodwin Alice, alias Rose Read, Gabriel Alexius, 32, 80 Giles James, 274 104 Gagin Thomas, 49 Giles Winifred Agnes, 393 Goodwin Miss, 214 Gailey William, 164 Giles Edward, 393 Goodwin T. H. H., 240 Galbraith R. F, 57 Gilnalmore Station, body of man Goodwin James, alias Jim the Gale Robert, 4, 104 found, 105 Butcher, 305 Gale Edward, 163,187 Gilgandra Mechanics' Institute, 74 Goodwin -, 372 Gale Mary, 191 Goon Sing, 21 Gill Robert, 166 Gallaghan James H., 10 Goon Li, 130 Gallaghan William, alias Woods, Gillespie Alexander, 260 Gillespie James, 339 Gordon Miss, 68. 102 alias Charles Lawson, 34, 43 Gillies Arthur William alias Gordon Jane, 104 Gallaghan William, 193 Waterloo, 345, 391 Gordon William B., 122, 182 Gallagher Hngh, 38, 58 Gilligan & Parry, 275 Gordon Rebecca, 122, 182 Gallagher Anne, 73 Gallagher Anne, 125 Gilligan Bridget, 309 Gordon Bella, 214 Gilligan Denis J., 381 Gordon Teresa, 240 Gallagher Hugh, 180, 203 Gilmore John, 4 Gordon James, 319 Gallagher Hugh, 273 Gilmore Charles, 10 Gordon James H., 361, 365 Gallagher Patrick, 312 Gordon Robert, 376 Gallagher Barney, alias Clarkson, Gilmore William, 308 Gilroy Ralph, 86 Gordon's Pawn Office, 22, 79, 195 319, 370 Ginger alias John Laity, 174, 187 Gore William, 166 Gallagher Margaret. 3S2 Ginns Carrie, 316 Gc,re Mrs. Ann, 337 Gorman Charles, 43 Henderson, 9 Giraud Vincent, 157 Giraud Leonard, 157 Gorner Sydney, 173, 202 Gallienne George, 369 Gorr'e Thomas, 283 Gallin Otto Herman Eugene, 354 Gladsden Mrs, 286 Glasgow Blanche, 318 Gerry James, 342 Galloway John, 248 Gosper Edward, Galloway Michael, 287, 391 Glasson William, 129 Gough James, 74 Galloway, alias Michael or Arthur Gleach Elizabeth, 371 Glebe, body of in' ant found in Gough George, 135 West, 364 Galong Railway-station, 240 Ferry Iload, 21 Gough Edmund Charles, 277 Gambell George, 18 Gleeson Ellen or Donkin, 134, 143 Gould George, 173, 202 Gleeson Patrick, 312 Gould Patrick, alias John Gannon Frederick, 38 Gannon James, 54 Gleeson Daniel, 312 Williams, 320 Gleeson John, 328 . Goulson Michael, 383 Gannoway Nathaniel Edward, 385 Goulston Michael, Gaya River, Armidale, man, name Gleeson James, 344 unknown, found dead, 373 Gleieb Frederick, Gourdin Mr., 292 Garbett J. E., 60 Glen James, or Dr., 158 Gourh Kan, 177, 248 Garde J. T., 316 tempt to murder Constable Govers John, 325 Gardiner F., 4 Slater, 213 Govey John E., 232 Gardiner Annie, 10 Gardiner George, 15 Glennan Alexander, 28 Gowan Constable, 303 Gardiner Walter, alias Wright, Glover Montague, 150 Grace James, 52, 79 18, 101 Glover Samuel, 162 Gracey James, 82 Gardiner Charles, 43 Glover Annie, 197 Grady James, 103 Gardiner John, 180 Glover William, 264 Graft's Pawn Office, 104, 244 Gardiner Arthur, 190 Glover Edward, 305 Graham Robert, 43 Gardiner Charles, alias The Glover Benjamin, 343 Graham J. R., 60 Doctor, 264 Glover William, 395 Graham and Uttley, 72 Gardiner Herbert, 283 Gobb Charles, 272 Graham, alias Behrens, alias Goddard Alfred, 172, 248 Abbott, 101 Gardiner James S., 239 Gardiner William Albert, 348 Goddard H., 325 Graham James, 126 Garrett Dr., 229 Godden John J., 186 Graham Amelia, 166 Garrett Thomas, 336 Godfrey Peter, 166 Graham Joseph, 177 Garrity Thomas, 22 Godfrey Charles Leonard, 366 Graham Charles, 178 Gascoigne W. H., alias Martin Godwin G. W., 10 Graham Joseph, 211 Daniels, 381 Godwin George, 369 Graham Malcolm, 232 Gatewood William George; 191, rs. C., 42, 255 Graham Henry, 233 247, 329 Graham Archibald, 235 Goggins Charles or Henry, alias Gates Walter C., 73 Henderson, 167, 264 Graham, alias Grant, alias John Gates Frederick, 142 Ross, 240 Gold watch found in Hyde Park, Gates Henry, 148 Graham William, Esq., M.P., 243 72 )Gavin Timothy, 391 Graham Mrs., 252 Gold fish stolen from Baptist Gay Robert, 332, 342 Fountain, Hyde Park, 96 Graham Adolphus, 253, 264 178 2 73 0., Gallatly Henry, aliasWilson, alias 126,135 356 151 Glenmore Road, Paddington, at- Gover Richard, 312 Gogcrley M 9 Graham John, alias Anderson, 297 Graham Alexander, 312, 317 Graham Henry, 320 Grainger James, 69, 87 Grant John, 31, 93 Grant John, 62, 109 Grant John J., 174 181 Grant Kate, or Cooney, Grant Mark A., 218 Grant, alias Graham, alias John Ross, 240 Grant Robert, 378 Grant Stewart W., 385 Granville Protestant Alliance Friendly Society, 345, 391 Grater Emma, 22 Gray James, 18 Gray Michael, 31, 93 Gray Edward, 39 Gray John, 57 Gray Samuel D., 64 Gray John, 74 Cray George, 131 Gray George, 150, 210 Gray John, 224 Gray William, 264 Gray John, alias Digby, M'Allister, 297 Gray Irving, 336 alias Gray J. J., :369 Gray Edward, 394 Grayndler George, 217 Greaghan Daniel, 158 Great Southern Railway, obstruetion placed on, Greatrix Thomas, 19 Greedy T. G., 283 Green William, 27 Green James, 73 Green Mrs. G. H., 82 Green Mary, 103 Green Charles H., 125 Green Sarah, or Russell, 126, 135 Green John,'139 Green Edwin, 146 Green Frederick A., 173 Green James, 174 Green Henry, 18 Green James, 196 Green Ellen, alias Clara Everingliam, 223 Green George H., 227 Green David, or Duke, 237 Green Florence, 247 Green Edward, 292 Green S. C, 325, 336 Green Frank, 335, 342 Green H. L., 31l6 Green Frederick, 393 Greenhalgh Robert, 150 Greenhaugh Jane, 215, 247 Greenhill Mr., 355 Greentree George, 378 Greer Andrew, 34 Greer James, 158 Greer Thomas, 348 Gregg James, 211 Gregg Percy A., 285 Gregory T. E., 47 Gregory John A., 68 Gregory Ralph, 78 Gregory Charles H., 158 Gregory Charles Henry, 317 Gregory Eva, 366 Gregri George, 157, 174 Greig K. F., 125 Greig Frank, 223 Grenfell, body of man found near Seven-mile, 98 Greta, Police Act extended to, 161 Greville George, 138 Gribbin Charles, 52, 60 Grier Thomas, 211 Griffin Margaret, 4 Griffin Margaret, 83 Griffin Miss, 292 Griffin John 341 Griffith L. 0., 11 Griffiths William, 4 Griffiths Brothers, 22 Griffiths Jane, 70 Griffiths George, 143 Griffiths Thomas, alias Murphy, 211 135 1 Griffiths James, 225 Griffiths Charles, 260, 268, 280 Griffiths George C., 281, 296 10 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1889. Griffiths Charles, 304 Griffiths Llewellyn, 335 Griffiths Robert, 345 Griffiths Messrs. H, and A., 395 Griffiths' Pawn Office, 1.5, 53, 2.11 Griffits Alice, 319 Grimsley Mrs., 338 Grining Mrs., 78 Grong Grong, Narrandera, reported robbery under arms of £1,700, 145 carouse William, 27 )roves George, 23 `;Troves Herbert, 261,23 Guernsey Thomas, 33 3 Guefer Peter, 42 Guerin Mrs., 366, 398 Guigni Messrs., 72 Guinery W., 52, 83 Guise William, 202 Gulgong, Police Act extended to, 137 Gallen Thomas, 10 Gumbalic Hotel, arson, 51 Gundry Ellen, 28 Gunn Thomas M., 31, 83 Gunning Thomas, 240 Gu nwood Thomas, 68 Gurney Rachael, 209 Gust Heinrich Frederich, 369 Guthrie John, 34 Gynlay Etele 32, 80 Gynlay Elemer, 32, 80 Haase Thora, 364 Haase Thorvald, 382 Hackett James, 40 Hackett James, 93 Hackett Francis, 382 Haddon W., 60 Haddon Eliza, 117 Hamilton Montgomery, 131 Hamilton John E., 193 Hamilton Robert or Peter, 248 Hamilton Blair, 273, 305 Hamilton Mrs., 286 Hamilton Mrs., 332 Hammer E, 173, 191, 202 Hammil Edward, 361 Hammond H. J., 88 Hammond C. Wi., 130 Hampson B., 3618 Hampson Peter, 328 Hanchard William, 73 Hancock Frederick, 122 Hancock Patrick, 210, 218 Hancock William, 228, 236 Hancock Richard, 275, 283 Handle George, 253, 297 Handley Thomas, 196 Hands Joseph, 72 Hang Hee, 18 Hankey, F. G., 390 Hanley, Peter 74 Hanley Henry, 142 Hanley Joe, 1,97, 241 Hanley Thomas, 223 Hanlon Jane, 338 Hann J ohn, 78, 117 Hanna William, 261 Hannah John, 93 Hannan M., 112 Hanrahan John, 42, 50 Hanrahan Thomas, 108,167 Hansen Thomas, 43 Hansen Charles, 82 Hansen N. C., 82 Hansen H. J., 108 Hansen W., 196 Hansen August, 301 Hansen August, 321 Hansen John, 370 Hansen Mrs., 375 Hansen Andrew, 394 Haddon A. Henry or Jerry, 143 Hansfield Mrs., 386 Haddon Rig Nelson (ab.), Haddon Janes Hadow Charles Hague James, Hansman Abe, 239 Hantley William, 3,15 Happy Jack , alias Thomas Henry 309, 332 Hap Sing & Co., 228 Haran Patrick, 129 Harber Cornelius, 18 Harbour Joe, or Cornelius Joseph, 23, 72 Harbridge John, 321 Hardcastle Alfred, 38 Hardcastle Thomas Henry, 297 Hardge Elizabeth, 103 Harding William, 2`80 Hardman James, 69 Hardman Mrs., 184 Hardwick Thomas, 63 Hardy Robert, 240 Hardy Henry, 283 Hares Edward, 118 Hargraves Samuel, 283 Hargraves Thomas Charles, 301 Hargraves Alice, 308 Harguard Peter N., 172 Harguard Lindsay, 17'3 Harkins Patrick, 390 Harkness John, alias Paine, alias Wray, alias Jackson, 102 H Jack, alias Jack 299, 336 , 352 Stacey, 296 255 Haigh William, 87 Haigh Mrs., 220 Hain Ernest A., 97 Haines H., 30 Haines Mrs.. 286, 292 Haines D., 355 Haitley William, 23, 35 Halay George, 205 Halcroft Richard, 79 Halcroft Mary A., 79 Hale Samuel J., 271 Hales William, 260, 274 Haley James, 394 Halks George, 92 Hall Charles H., 10 Hall Francis, 16 Hall Hall Hall Hall Mrs., 33 James, alias Fraser, 93 Lydia, 123 Patrick, 137 Hall Edward, 150 Hall Thomas B., 186 Hall William, 218 Hall Robert C., 218 Hall Mark W., 237 Welby, 197, Hariot Alfred, 118 Harman James H., 166 Harmer Joseph, 32, 61 Harmer Elizabeth, 369, 376 Hall Patrick, 328 Harmon Mrs. R., 92 Hall William, 328 Hall Thomas, 381 Harnett Jessie, 190 Harnett John, 312 Hall's Pawn Office, 378 Hallam John, 43 Harnick Mr., 161 Hallenstein , alias Alestine, alias Harnicknell, Muller, & Co., 146 Wilson, &c., 83 Harper Richard, 237 Harrigan Edward, 54, 101 Halliday Thomas, 104 Harris Edward, 9, 64 Halliday Ernest, 150 Halliday Isabella, 256 Harris or Fanny Coleman, 31 Harris -, 39 Halliday Hon. William, 289 Halloran Benelict, 382 Harris James, 40 Halpin Daniel, 201 Harris -, 79 Halsall Thomas, 307, 320 Harris William, 101 Halstead Samuel, 178 Harris John, 109 Hamblin George, 186, 231 Harris Moses, 186 Hamblin, Henry, 3513) Harris James, 215 Hamblion Henry W., 233 Harris George, alias Zedwell, Hamer Edward, 181 alas Ryan, 225 Hamilton James, 10, 35 Harris William H., 253, 277 Hamilton Simon, 27 Harris Elizabeth, 253, 277 Hamilton Edward, 112 Harris William, 277 Hall William, 272 Harris & Ackman, 292, 335 Harris John, 303 Harris Mrs., 308 Harris William Henry, 317 Harris Charles, 317 Harris Mary, 317 Harris Emily, 341 Harris.John, 352 Harris Barnett, 364 Harris James, 366 Harrison J. H., 5 Harrison Jessie, 5 Harrison John H., 69 Harrison Jessie, 69 Harrison George , alias Carrie Swain, 73 Harrison William, 170 Harrison -, 219 Harrison & Attwood, 271 Harrison George, alias Cunningham, 328 Harrison George Edward, 348 Harry Butter (ab.), 158 Harry William, 197 Hart Joseph, 52, 60 Hart Stephen, 112 Hart John, 12 i, 356 Hart B. A., 130 Hart E. W., 135 Hart Asher, 135 Hart Abraham M., 189 Hart John, 255 Hart John, 260 Hart John, 308 Hart Louis, 316 Hart Lewis, 348 Hartley Francis, 16 Hartley J. W., 244, 256 Hartog Robert, 10 Harty John, 316, 336 Harvey Alexander, 29 Harvey Fanny, 43 Harvey Charles, 119 Harvey Charles W., 209 HarveyCharles,344 Harvey Elizabeth Ann, 344 Harvey Dr. Richard , 395 Haselgrove Richard W., 252 Hassett William, 173 Hastie John, 38 Hastings R., 82 Haswell Eugene, 367 Hatch James T., 72, 109 Havey John, 86 Hawes John, 62 Hawes Thomas, 125 Hawkins William, 43 Hawkins Walter, 73 Hawkins John, 173 Hawkins C. E., 227, 233 Hawney William, 60 Hawthorn Adam J., 375 Hay Alexander, 197, 233, 2-11 Hay William, 272 Hay Charles, 324 Hayden W., 134 Hayden William, 38 Hayden Richard, 98 Hayden B., 148 Hayes James, 10 Hayes Ellen, 10 Hayes James, 68 Hayes Robert, 137 Hayes Robert, 138 Hayes Patrick, 142 Hayes James, 154 Heaney Patrick, 62, 64 Heaney William J., 244 Heaps Sarah, 366 Heard William, 3C'7 Heath Alexander, 292 Heatherley Albert Henry, 209 Heather Ernest, 117 Heating Thomas, 73 , 232 Heaton Albert Edward, Heaven, alias Frederick Foster, 126 Hedges Frank, 82 Heatley J. W. 93 C. Hedley A. W. F., alias Fetley, 73 H en y John Joseph , alias Kean , 210 Heenze B., 100 Heesh Albert, 182 rn Heffe an Ellen Mary, 49 Heffernan Peter H., 154 Heggie Charles, 378 Heil William G., 267 Heir James, 296 Hellmann Mr., 375 Helmore T. W., 97, 252 Helzinger Henry, 42, 50, 58 Hemmings Harry, 5 Hemmings Henry, 23 Hemmings Frederick, 223 Hemmings Elizabeth, 223 Hempstead Henry Charles, 360 Hempstead Mary Ann, 360 Hemsley John, 191 Hemsley Emily, 191 Henderson, alias Wilson, alias Gellatty, 9 Henderson John, 16, 50 Henderson Norman, 27 Henderson John, 31 Henderson William, alias Murphy, 64 Henderson Alexander B., alias Enderson, 74 Henderson Robert, 82 Henderson Henry, alias Goggins, 167 Henderson Edith , 174 Henderson George, alias Cooper, 312 Henderson George, 319, 329 Henderson David D., 336 Henderson Donald, 375 Henderson Catherine, 394 Hennessy Thomas, 14 Hennessy Denis, 245 Hennessy Mary Jane, 245 Hennessy Edward, 261 Hennings W., 162 Henry Mrs., 46, 60 Henry B., 146 Henry.Alexander David, 368 Hcnser J<,hn, or Houser, 166 Henshaw Thomas, 305 Henson John, 118 Herbert Henry, 308 Herbert John G. O., 319, 336 Herbert Frank, 341 Herman Henry, 60 Herman William, 181 Herman, alias Schroeder, alias Kirchner, 225 Herman Jacob, 261, 269 Herman Isaac, 274 Herman H. AT., 286 Hern Emily Josephine, 376 Herriott William, 34 Hayes Owen, 170 Hesketh William, 336 Hayes A. E„ 173, 202 Hess Frederick Gordon , 319, 342 Hayes Robert, 178 Hessel Paul Max, 354 Hetherington Mrs., 22 Hayes Mrs., 196 Hayes Patrick, 233 Hetherington Thomas, 256 Hayes Elizabeth, 233 Hetherington Christopher, 351, Hayes 267 377 Hayes Thomas, 312 Houser John, or Henser, 166 Hayes Denis, 361 Hovers Kate, 290 Hayes Margaret, 361 Hewitt Henry, 19 Hayes James R., 382 Hewitt Isaac, 398 Hayes John Patrick, 391 Heyde Otto, alias Saunders, Haymarket Building Society, 49 alias Walters, 73 Haymore William, 22 Heyde, Todman, & Co., 135 Haynes Edward, 252 Hazel Daniel, 236 Heyland Thomas, 74 Hazlewood Jaynes, 23, 34 Hibberd William, 3 Head Thomas and Joseph, 150 Hibbard William, 13 Heady John, 147 Hibble William G., 111, 121 Heydon Andrew, 237 Heald John, 19 Healy Arthur, 63 Hickey William, 181 Hickey Johanna, alias Lynch, 211 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1880. Hickey Honora, alias Lynch, 211 hickey Daniel, 394 Hickmott John, 170, 178 Hicks William, 170 Hicks George, 330 Hickson Matilda, 215 Hickson John F., 338 Hidclilston Hugh Charles S., 264, 382 Higgins & Co., 16, 34 Higgins Thomas J., 49, 126 Higgins William, 260 Higgins James, 264 Higgins Walter Darwin, 363 Higgs Georgiana, 86 Hilder H., 154 Hilder James A., 224 Hildred William, 127 Hill Charles, 30 Hill L. J. or J. V., 73, 125 Hill Charles G., 78 Hill Rachel, 172 Hill Percy, 214 Hill Joseph, 268 Hill William J.. 309, 317 Hill Michael , 311 , 336 Hill Donald, 324 Hill Mrs. E., 341 Hill Thomas, 848 Hill Robert, 376 Hiller Friedrich Carl Anton, 369 Hillgrove, Police Act extended to, 259 Hillier James, 236 Hillston, Nuisance Prevention Act extended to, 243 Hilton Richard, 83 Hilton Richard, 102 Hinch John, 27 Hinch J. C. W., 70 Hindle George, 221 Hindmarsh & Mayne, 10 Hinds Joseph, 10 Hinds John, 240 Hines Thomas, 87, 109 Hines Hannah, 87 Hinkle Annie, 269 Hipg:ave Susannah, 281 Hiseocks E., 112 Hislof Isabella, or Burnett, 21. Hitchcock R., 236 Hizal, Samuel 'C., 279 Hoare James, 73 Hobart Henry T., 52 Hobart James, 398 Hobbs Thomas, 16 Hobbs Thomas H., 164 Hobden Robert, or Hopton, 123 Hobe Heinrich, 289, 313 Hobe Julia, 289 Hobson James, 187 Hocking Caroline, 47 Hocking Henry, 49 Howarth Daniel, 64 Howell John, 43 Howell Mrs., 122 Howell Thomas, 148 Howell Melina, 148 How ell James, 162, 169 Howell William George, 3 1 Howells Edward, 109 Howes William, 206 Howetson Robert, 366 Howick H. G.,-82 Howieson James, 75 Howlett Elsie, 39 Hoxey George, 317 Hoxey George, 345 Hoyle James B., 261 Hudson Mrs. M., 37 Hudson Arthur, 39, 64 Honey William, 386 Hudson Thomas, 118 Hudson F, 162 Honeyman W. J., 96 Hudson Frederick R., 209 Honor Henry, 215, 233 Hudson George, 261 Honor Mary, 215, 233 Hood J. B., 73 Hudson William, 300 Hood Thomas, 126 Hughes Harriett, 51 Hughes Maggie, 78 Hood Mrs., 351 Hood Edward , 370 Hughes Thomas , alias Hood , 87 Hughes Laura, 157 Hook George, 22 Hughes John, 170, 187 Hooper Mrs., 3C6 Hughes John, 283 Hopkins Thomas, 142 Hughes, alias Wood, alias Young, Hopkins John, 211 320 Hopkins Ada, 213 Hughes Robert, 352 Hopkins A., 229, 236 Hughes Herbert, 375 Hopkins Edward William, 320 Hughes Arthur Joseph, 376 Hopkins Abraham, 371 lingo Charles, 49 Hopkins Benjamin, 375 Hulbert Walter John, 259 Hopper Walter Paul, 395 'Hull R. J , alias Hill, 73, 125 Hopton J. W., 82 Hull William Henry, 143 Hopton Robert, or Hobden, 123 Holme E. P., 166 Hordern Bros., 16 Hume F. W., 275 Hordern A. & Sons, 43 Hume David T., 378 Hordern Brothers, 232 Humpage George, 193 Horkins Owen, alias P. Riley, 34 Humphrey R., 4 Hornbuckle Arthur E. B., 167 Humphrey Allred, 264, 2E8 Hornby S. H. E., 150 Humphrey Henry, 269 Horncastle James, 9 Humphreys Olga, 292 Horde Louis, 23 Humphreys Charles William, 317 Horne John, 27 Humphreys Mrs., 317 Horne Carl W., 195 Humphries Alfred, 31 Horne Alfred, 386 Humphries George H., 88, 182 , Horner William H., 14 Humphries Henry, 197 Hornidge 31. A., 14 Hunt John, 196 Horses found straying, 164 Hunter River S. N. Co., 342 Horses found in possession of Hunter Frederick, 21 offenders, 240, 241 Hunter Ernest E., 23 Horses maliciously killed, 245, Hunter George, 9 345, 361, 365 Hunter David, 86 Horses maliciously wounded, Hunter Henry, or Woods, 93, 108 113 Hunter John, 119 Horsfall J. S. & Co., 206, 221 Hunter John, 164 Horton John, 166 Hunter F. V., 164 Horton Mary, 166 Hunter William, 243 Horton William George , alias Hunter Annie , 243 Hunter James Alexander, 311 247 Horwood Robert, 372 Hunter George, 328 Hosan Aleck, 236 Hunter Ellen, 328 Hough Charles A., 131, 174 Hunter James Alexander, 342 Hough Patrick, 328 Hunter Thomas, alias Marshall, Houghton Charles E., 173 342 Houlton George, 356, 370 Hunter John, 363 Hounsell Rev. G., 154 Hunziker, Gotthold, 320 Houreson James, 80 Hurford John H., 117 Hourigan Michael, 73 Hurley Denis, 352 Hourigan Patrick, 118 Hurley John, 352 Hourigan Luke, 197, 218 Hurre&l William B., 10 House William, 134 Hurst John W., 37 House Robert P., 193. Hurst Charles, 375 How Yee, 34 Hurstville Chuich of England Howard P., 3 Building Committee, stealing, Howard Annie, alias Williams, 5 364 Howard Frederick, alias British, Husseil Frederick, 150 alias Liverpool, 10, 35 Huston B., 252 Howard Edwin, 38 Hut on Killarney Run destroyed Howard Edwin, 43 by fire, 317 Howard Henry, 74 Hutchiiis John, 316 Howard Percy, 122 Hutchinson John, 154, 170 Howard Harry or Frank, 150 Hutchinson C., 268 Howard William, 220 Hutchinson Frederick, 366 Howard May, 229, 236 Hutchison A. and Sons, 233 Howard Mrs., alias Elias, 256 Hyams David, 109 Howard T. R., 280 Hyde Park, lady's gold watch Howard Ada, 280 found, 72 Howard Elizabeth, 336 Hyde Park, gold fish stolen, 96 Howard Harry, alias " Dodger," Hyde Park, abandoned child 341 found, 251 Holdsworth Mary, 27 Holdsworth John, 103 Holebrook Harry, 367 Holland Mr., 320 Hollander Jacob, 138 Hollands William, 372 Holliday George, 324 Hollis Edwin, 162 Hollister W. W., 72, 97 Holly William, 10 Holly Alexander, 10 Holly Julia, 247, 255, 320 Holmes A., alias Cumberlege, alias Vane Tempest, 19 Holmes William, 320 Holmes George W., 348 Holmes Edward, 390 HoltKate,338 Hook Thomas, 21 Hockley James H.,aliasJimmy M'Creed, the Cook, 135 Hodgart William, 366 Hodge Charles, 10 Hodgert William, 126 Hodges Frederick, 112 Hodgkinson Mrs., 375 Hodgson John, 109 Hodgson John B., 277 Hodson V. T., 45 Hodson Lucy, 45 Hoey Thomas, 4 Hoffman Gustave, 224, 275 Hoffnung & Co., 121 Hoffnung Lizzie, 292 Hogan Jeremiah, 5 Hogan Mr., 18 Hogan Patrick, 69, 93 Hogan Hogan Hogan Patrick, 88 William, 92 Patrick, 93 Hogan R. T., 119 Hogan Hogan James, James, 170 181 Hogarth Annie, 378, 385 Hogg David, 336 Hokins George C., 256 Holborn James, 58 Holcroft Joseph Hurst, 321 Holden R. W., 64 Holden Henry R., 103 Holden Alexander, 364 Holding William J., 43 Holdsworth John, 27 Howard James, 344 Howard William James, 344 Hyde C. E. W., 83, 102 Hynard A,, 21 11, Ifynd Elizabeth, 3!, 49 lIynes James S., 63 lIynes Patrick, 309 flyrd Elizabeth, 78 Horses and cattle stolen (anti, Adams William H,, 17 Adams Henry, 24 Adams Thomas, 245, 2 69 AllChec, 245 Ah Sing, 339 Ah Tong, 179, 238 Aitken George, 48 Alderson W. H., 221, 287 Alexander John, 179, 253 Allen Richard, 198 Allison Frank T., 379 Amos A., 318 Anderson S., 32 Anderson John, 155, 170 Anderson D., 221 Andrews H., 106 Annand Joseph, 326 Appleton Robert, 55 Archibald Robert, 346 Arnold John, 132 Asber y William , 155 Auckland John, 61 Ayre William, 216 Babilinsky Joseph, 361 Bacon George, 123, 139 Badgery F., 367 Baker Walter, 155, 170 Baker George, 326 Bardwell C. D., 318 Barnes Mr,, 282 Barnes Jonn F., 387 Barrett Bros., 132, 178 Bartlett W., 254, 292 Barton H. F., 140 Barton H. T., 318 Baxter George, 6 Bayliss Henry, 70,113 Bedwell C. W„ 114 Belford Richard, 80 Bennett 0., 24 Bennett William, 198 AT., Betts A. 185; Betts Dr., 326, 332 Bevan Denis, 61 Bickford Bros., 339 Bindon Josiah , 114 Blackman J. L., 207, 238 Blaxland J., 230, 261 Bond Samuel, 17 Bootle F. J. E. , 207, 221 Borman A. T., 254 Borthwick J. M. , 7 0, 148 Bowdon George, 149, 164 Bowman Edward, 6 Boyle John, 80 Boyle John, 270 Brabban Henry, 333, 339 Brad y Frank , 326 , 367 Bree John, 396 Brennan Peter , 326 Bright W. J., 70 Broatch John , 185 Brodie W. A., 353 Broidir John, 339 Brown P. , 6 , 32 Brown John, 155,170 Brown Isaac, 171 Brown Edward, 198, 379 Brown Thomas, 230 Brown Joseph, 270, 275 , 287 Buckham P. A. , 171 Buckley William, 155 Buckley John, 302, 339 F. Bull N. U., 17 Burckner Frederick , 339 , 352 Burke Patrick, 99, 132 Burns Michael, 326 Buttel Thomas, 302 Butz Henry , 333 Byrne John, 123, 148 Byrne Reuben, 238 Caley Thomas , 89, 113 Callaghan J., 114 Callan George, 346 Campbell A., 6, 70 Cantrell G. H., 346 Carpenter Charles, 99, 139 Carrigan J. F., 276 Carroll AT. 198 Carroll John, 302, 317 Casey Darby, 310 Causon John, 149 , NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE 12 Horses and cattle stolen from continued. Cavanagh Thomas, 171, 181 Chambers A. L., 288 Clace Robert, 99, 113 Clarke Frederick, 106 Clarke Thomas, 302, 332 Close Harry, 379 Cobcroft Enoch, 333, 345 Cochrane B., 373 Coffil Joseph, 326 Cohalan M., 55 Cohen S. L., 192, 197, 361 Cohen L. and Son, 26`2, 69 Cole James, 310, 325 Coleman James, 270 Cook John, 149 2 Cook David, 171 Cooper Joseph, 149 Cooper Mr., 216 Cople Charles, 24 Cormack James, 99 Cormack A. W., 361, 373 Cornie David, 318, 3-15 Cornwell George, 353, 373 Costigan J. J., 353 Cowell, John, 140 Cox Tom, 32 Cox John, 89 Cram E., 198, 309 Crane John, 132 Creasy Isaac, 192 Crichton William, 262 Crisp David, 16:5 Crook George, 282 Cross William, 53, 98 Croydon Steam Brick Company, 185, 361 Cullen James, 387 Curator of IntestateEstates, 339, 345 Dallas Rev. Alfred, 346 DarIt,y Mary A., 6, 70 Davidson John, 373 Davis J. A, 21 Davis Joseph, 40 Davis John, 07 Davis Henry, 254, 269 Dawling James, 171 Dawson James, 61 Day John, 230, 245 Dean John, 132 Dear Robert, 149 Dearden Herbert, 367 Defrain Henry, 207, 253 Delves Henry, 165, 206 De Little W., 61, Denshire H., 89, 123 2 155 Horses and cattle stolen fromcontinued. Fox W. J., 149 Francis Alfred, 353 Fraser Alexander, 262, 281 Freebody J. J., 114, 132 Fry William, 353 Gaffin Thomas, 114, 132 Galvin Thomas, 353 Gardiner W., 185 Garnsey Edward, 270, 281 Garthorn John, 333 Gates John, 367 Gillard Frederick H., 302, 317 Gleeson Philip, 302 Gosper Henry, 346 Gould William, 21 Graham Thomas, 55 Graham Alexander, 333, 373 Graham Mr., 361 Gray Hugh, 132 Gray Arthur, 132, 170 Green Henry, 302 Griffiths Hugh, 18, 105 Griffiths A , 140 Griffiths A. D., 155, 161 Griffiths Robert, 216, 238 Grill G. F., Grimson William, 17 Gruber Christian, 353 Grunscll Thomas, 165 Gunn Jemmy, 106, 123 Gunston James, 89, 105 Halfpenny A. E., 106 Hall C. P., 32, 80 Hall Thomas, 361 Halton David, 40, 60 Hamilton Robert, 3.53 Handcock Richard, 55 Hanks John, 346 Hann & Halloran, 367, 379 Hannah John, 99 Hanrahan John, 198 Hanrahan L., 262, Harkness James, 310 Harmer John, 379, 395 Harris John, 353, 379 Harris Thomas, 367 Harrison D. B., 185 Hart J., 379, 386 833 275 Harvey Thomas, 6 Hatfield Henry, 32, 60 Haughey John, 40 Hawett Edwin, 282 Hawthorn J., 326, 332 Hayes Patrick, 179, 386 Hayes William, 192 Devine John, 238, 261 Devlin Mark, 333 Dewhurst A., 155 Hearley James, 132 Hearley Patrick, 254 Heffernan Patrick, 302 Henchman Thomas, 24 Herrmann Maurice, 60 Dight G. W., 346, 395 Higgins George A., 332 Dixon R. D., 361 Dougherty Patrick, Doyle Charles, 55 Hill C., 61 Hill William, 192 Hills Christopher, 70 Hines Thomas, 353 Hinton William H., 55 His Excellency the Governor, b0 Hobley Vernon, 230, 253 Hock James, 353, 386 Hogan Frederick, 310 De Silva J. F., 132 318 Doyle L. P., 171 Draper Thomas, 318, 332 Drinan Thomas, 230 Driver A. J., 40 Drummond James, 106 Duffy John, 198 Duggan Marty, 89 Dunstan S., 192, 206 Durham W. & C., 99 Eddy P. P,., 245 Ellis E. C., 207 Ellis John, 333, 339 Elsinore Thomas, 114, 155 Everingham Abel, 346 Farmer John, 282 Fatier C., 61 Feehan M. J. A., 262 Ferguson C. R., 106 Ferguson D., 276 Ferguson W. J., 333 Finch J. A., 276, 373 Finlay John, 262 Fitzgerald Thomas, 32, 40 Flanagan W., 70, 164 Fletcher John T., 339 Flood Edward, 89, 98 Fogarty Cornelius, 207 Ford A., 80 Fordham David, 310, 325 Forsyth Thomas, 123, 301 Fowler Arthur J., 89, 113 55, Holdship J. H., 32 Holohan Hopkins Horsfall Houlihan Howard James, 262, 269 J. W., 99,113 & Co., 207 J., 254 Joseph, 326, 345 Hubbard John, 6 Hudson Robert, 262, 339 Hudson Thomas, 310 Hudson T., 353, 373 Hughes Alfred, 254 Hughes Robert, 353, 379 Inglis William, 221 Ingram J. A., 55 Ivory Thomas, 221 Jackson Thomas, 171 James Henry, 6 James Robert. 55, 60 Jamieson E. H., 270 Jemmy Sam., 80, 105 Jenkins Peter, 387 r Jobson Frederick, 254, 287 John On, 346, 361 Johns Thomas, 17 INDEX-1889. Horses and cattle stolen from continued . Johnson Thomas,'155, Johnston George, 333 Jones David, 61, 88 Jones W. A., 80 Jones William, 198 Jones Edwin, 302, 325 Jones David, 3153, 361 Joseph Ah Foo, 171 Jowitt T. N., 207, 292 Kearins Michael, 238 Kearnau Patrick, 24, 9S Kelly Thomas, 21 Kelly Timothy, 387 Kelton John L ., 302 , 332 Kennedy James, 61, 80, 113 Kennedy John, 38 Keogh Nicholas, 262, 301 Kerr Ron. A. T., 216 Kerwin M., 61 Kiley Patrick, 288 Killen W. W., 245, 281 Kilpatrick John, 149 Kingwill William, 32 2 Kippic Mary, 171,215 Kirkland W. H., 132, 155 Kissane D., 185 Knight John, 40, 80 Krause Charles, 396 Lamb Henry, 40 Lamrock John, 99, 123 Lane Samuel, 326 Lassetter Major, 140 Latham Thomas, 346 Lawrie Rev. James, 326 Lea Albert, 40 Leahy Jeremiah, 207 Leahy T., 245 Leary John, 149, 155 Lee Mrs. A,, 207 Lee.Charles, 310 Leese William J., 55, 70 Le Franke William, 132, 281 Lehane John, 70 Leslie N., 106 Lloyd Frederick A., 149 Lock John Q., 149 Loder George, 17 Loftus Joseph, 24 Lonsdale John, 346 Long Charles A., 346 Low Andrew, 288 Lucas Martin, 353 Lynch John, 165, 2{ 6 Lynch Mary Ann, 316 Macdermott Henry, 302 Macpherson P., 32 Macvean William, 276 Magney Mary, 155 Maguire Owen, 61 Maher George, 106, 148 Maher Matthew, 262 Malone Luke, 149, 184 1 Maloney Edward, 149 Maloy John, 114 Mancer Henry, 270 Manton John, 238, 287 Marsh R. C., 106 Marshall R. H., 132, 164 Martin James, 40, 105 Martin & Johnson, 149, 155 Martin John, 288, 301 Mears Thomas D., 55, 361 Merewether Herbert, 387 Merrifield John, 270, 309 Merry John T., 198 Meyers Charles, 326, 386 Milgate George, 302 Miller Peter, 216 Mills George R.. 40 Milne Arthur, 326 Minnis James, 387 Horses and cattle stolen from- continued . continued . Morris Mr., 353 Morrison John, 379- Morton George, 221 Morton James, 387 Moy Hop, 185 Muldoon James, 245, 332 Mulveny James, 99, 132 Munday Charles , 216, 229 Munn George, 346, Munro Donald, 302, 317 373 M'Alister William, 373 M'Callum J.,254, 281 M'Camey William, 17 M`Carthy William , 379 M'Donald John, 106 M'Donald A.,106, 132 1\7'Donald A., 171 M`Dougall J. T., 55, 80 M`Ewen J. Ii., 198, 215 M'Farlane Robert , 89 M`Farlanc Charles, 114 , 132 M`Goldrick John, 185, 215, 269 M'Govern Charles, 396 M`Gregor John, 61 M`Greschke J., 254 M`Hugh D., 140 M`Hugh George, 310 M`Intyre D., 70 M'Iver Charles, 70 M'Kay William, 114 M'Kay Mr.,140 M'Mahon William, 387 M'Namara Patrick, 123, 139 M`Neilly Hugh, 302, 325 M`Ni.ckle Daniel, 302, 326 Namoi Pastoral Co., 114, 132 Newtown William, 346 Nicholls Thomas, 123, 132 Nicholls Thomas, 185, 197 Nicholson Neil, 61 Nixon John W., 185 Noble George, 48 Noble John, 367 Nott R. H., 310 New South Wales Euriowie Police, Government, 396 Oakman William Henry, 326 Ogilvie R. M., 123 Olden Borthen, 254 Onus Joseph, 80 Oxenheim Henry, 24 O'Connor Patrick, 55 O'Donnell James, 48 O'Hollarn Patrick, 221 O'Keeffe Maurice, 207, 229 O'Keefle James, 373, O'Neil Patrick, 123, 184 Page Henry, 6, 32 395 Palmer William, 106 Parker Alfred, 318 Parker Alfred, 346 Parker Edward J. T., 353 Paton Bros., 106 Pearson John, 216 Pennington V., 24 Perry James, 171, 184 Peter Bros., 17 Picot Phillip, 99 Pollock Mary, 238, 253 Pool William, 6 Powell John, 165, 292 Pratt M. Thomas, 221, 253 Price William, 216 Prince John, 245, 287 Pritchard Owen, 89 Quinn Thomas. 140, 167 Quinn John, 320 Rand William, 192, 206 Randall W., 198 Rankin Robert, 24, 123 Ransley Edward, 165 Mitchell P., 6 Mitchell A., 4 60 Mitchell John T., 61 Moffatt Richard, 230, 245 Rathborne Joseph, 245, 332 Readford John and Edward , 149 Molesworth & Ware, 106 Monk Frederick, 89 Moore Caroline, 373, 379 Moran Thomas, Morgan John, 17 Redman William, 171, 332 48,178 Yorgan William E., 61, 132 Morgan T. S., 216 Morris Robert, 6 Morris George, 198 Morris Henry, 863, 373 Reardon Reardon John, 89 Michael, 339 Rees Michael, 221 Reeves George, 229 Reeves George, 238 Reid Francis, 89 18.5, Reilly Thomas, 6 Reilly Mrs. John , 353 Reynolds W., 276 Reynolds Walter, 346, 867 Richards B., 48 NEW Horses and cattle stolen from- continued. Richards James H., 89 Richards John, 339, 367 Richardson W. H., 123 Ringwood James, 165 Risby George H., 48 Ritchie Robert, 293 Roach Martin, 155 Roach William, 326 Roberts S. E., 179, 221 Roberts Charles H., 373 Robertson T., 216 Robinson William, 6 Rook George, 293, 309 Roph Henry, 387 Roskerton John, 387 Rowland G. D., 48, 88 Rubley Richard, 310, 348 Rudd Joseph , 99, 127 Rule Robert, 6, 32 Ryan Herbert , 207, 261 Sachs Valentine, 387 Salisbury John F., 339, 345, 352 Salter Job, 198, 301 Sam You, 192 Sam Ten, 288, 320 Sar Sin, 207 Sargent Edward, 302, 339 Saunders James, 254 Schutz Henry, 171 Scott Edward, 251 Scott E., 333, 352 Scully Edward, 238 Sendell Joseph, 114 Senior Samuel, 367 Shallard Major, 238, 262 Sherman 1, 40 Shipton Abraham, 361 Simpson Alexander, 17, 32 Simpson W. C., 216 Singleton J. L., 40, 51 Skinner George, 361, 367 Slade James M., 282 Small Robert, 333 Smith T., 80 Smith George, 123 Smith T. H., 123, 139 Smith Robert, 262 Smith William L., 262 Smith C. F,, 282, 317 Smith Thomas H., 282 Smith Peter, 288 Smith F. L., 367 Smith William, 379 Solomon and Hawkey, 155, 170 South James, 61 South John, 346 Sparks Frederick, 61 Stanbridge, hears, & Waugh, 80, 105 Stapleton C., 55, 70 Statham Claude, 123, 309 Stayner Thomas, 32, 47, 80 Stephens John, 333 Stevens William, 149 Stewart Neil, 70 Strand Mrs . A., 367, 386 Strandt Henry, 171 Sullivan Edward, 32, 40 Sulman John , 171, 184, 215 Summerfield W. C., 318 Suttor F. B., 140,148 Sydney Bottle Company , 185 Tansey Martin, 333 Tate Elizabeth, 80 Taylo ; Frederick G., 6 Taylor G . H., 221 Tear Henry , 353, 373 Ten Rev . Soo Hoo, 207 221 Tbackeray James, 21 Thomas George , 106 Thompson Andrew , 192, 229 Thompson Francis, 216 Thompson E., 230 , 325 Thompson Alexander , 238, 245 Thompson William, 318 Thompson Thom'is, 373 Thrift William, 171 Thurlow William, 114 Tibbits Ada, 339 Tierney Patrick, 114 Tierney Patrick, 262, 281 Tomkins Robert, 70, 88 Tong John, 339, 361 Tookey John, 89 Tower Arthur, 353 SOUTH WALES POLICE Horses and cattle stolen fromcontinued. Treweeke L., 179 Trim John J., 276, 281 Trotlow Edward, 387 Tuckwell William, 367, 379 Tully, Armstrong, & Co., 238, 287 Turton Henry, 353 Tuttle Patrick, 267, 253 Urquhart John, 55, 105 Vaurenan H. P., 353 Venn John, 373, 386 Wales Charles, 215, 287 Walker & Swan, 221, 293 Walker Charles, 339 Wallace M., 245 Waller Thomas, 361 Walsh W., 149, 170 Walsh Patrick, 367 Walters Samuel, 70, 88 Warn George, 326, 373 Washing R., 302 Watson William J., 89 Watson Frank, 373 Waugh John, 245 Webb Patrick, 346 Webster F., 353 Wedlock William, 40, 70 Weekes Thomas, 270 White Edward, 106 White George, 282, 332 Whiting Henry, 32 Whittaker Stephen, 353 Wicks John, 179, 309 Wilcox Dawson, 387 Wilkinson John L., 123 Williams W. H., 106, 132 Williams Francis, 185, 197 Williams Daniel, 396 Willis James, 171 Wilson J. J., 48 Wilson F. & Co., 48, 70 Wilson Alexander, 99, 178 Wilson Robert, 379 Wood William, 55 Wood Peter H, 221 Wo d James; 230 Wood Joseph, 302 Wood William, 379 Woodhouse Benjamin, 339 Wortley Henry C., 55 Wright W. T., 6 Wright Moses, 346, 373 Yaleminck J., 132 Yates Leopold, 361 Zuill John, 318 Ice John, 366 Ide Thomas, 122 Iliffe Mrs., 331 Xlliliwa Station, ma il , name unknown, died at, 72 Imber George, 118 Infant, body of, found in Edgecliffe Road, Woollahra, 2, 13 Infant, body of, found in Ferry body of, found 13 157 On fire of two sheds containing oats, hay, &c., situated at Utopia, near Wambroke, the property of Palmer Sutton, 169, 177 On fire of a store situate at Bulli, the property of Thomas G. Dobinson, 2(,5 On fire of a hayslied situate at Weppindally Farm, the property of James Smart, 219 On fire of a house situate at Langlands, the property of Mr. Bass, 235 On fire of an unoccupied house situate at Belinore River, the property of James Anderson, 235 On fire of a slab house situated at Shaw's Creek, near Goulburn, the property of John Brooks, 251 On fire of the "Miller's Arms Hotel," situate at Durham and Rankin Streets, Bathurst, the property of Pierce M. Fowler, 251 On fire of a shed containing hay, situate at Boonate Station, near Conargo, the property of Franc Sadlier Falkiner, 274, 285 On fire of a new unoccupied six-roomed brick cottage, situate in Saber-street, Woollahra, the property of Edward George Power, 274, at Iron Cove, 129, 137 Infant , remains of, found in Algoe Creek, near Deniliquin, 137 Infant , body of, found off Upper Brougham etreet, 145, 153 Infant, body of, found in Moore Park Road, 153, 161 Infant , body of, found in Darling River , 168, 189 Infant , body of, found at Little Manly, 183 Infant , body of, found in Moore Park Road, 139, 195 Infant, body of, found in Darling Harbour, 195 Infant, body of, found at Farm Cove, 195, 2 5 Infant, remains of, found at Kentucky, near Uralla: 247 Infant, body of, found at Woolloomooloo, `j73 Infant found at Mudgce, 299 Infant, body of, found at Redfern,307 INDEX-1889. Infant, body of, found at Orange, Inspectors of Distilleries ap315, 316 pointed, 2 Infants (several) believed to have Interpreters, notice respecting, been starved to death at Wool243 lahra by a woman named Ellen Iron Cove, body of infant found, Batts, 331 129 Infant, b'dy of, found off Irwin Elizabeth A., 277 Brougham-street, 337 Irwin Thomas, 345 Infant, body of,found off BotanyIsaacs Isaac Lewis, 345 street, 359, 365 Isaacs' Pawn Office, 96, 252 Ina-all Walter, 255 Isaacson Jane, 395 Ingersoll Thomas, 178 Isbeston James, 181 Israel Barney, 145 Ingham Henry, 177 Inglis Thomas, 49 Israel Israel, 206 Inglis John A., 157 Israel Joseph, 210 Inglis William & Sons, 228, 237 Israel Joseph, 364 Inglis James, 279 Ives Joseph, 125 Ingram John, 22, 57 Ivey John, 264 Ingram Samuel J., 53 Izzard Joseph, 372 Ingram alias Frank Avery, 142 Inquests and Magisterial InquiriesOn fire of a cottage situate at Clybucca, the property of William Hibbard, 3, 13 On fire of the " Niagara Hotel," Leonard-street, hay, owned by Mr. M`Clymock, 13 On fire of the " Wentworth Hotel," situate at 13, Church Hill, Sydney, 26 On fire of a building used as a photographic gallery, situate in George-street, Grenfell, the property of Robert Read, f9 On fire (f a store and other buildings situate at Stuart Town, owned by Thomas Poile William Scott and Thomas Spratt, 32 On fire of premises situate at Hay, occupied by Percival I11`Kenzie, 0 Charles Buching, George C. Percival, and others, 42 On fire of the Bathurst Record Office, situated in William-street, Bathurst, owned by Bishop Byrne, and occupied by the Rev. W. Curran, 45 On fire of an old store situate at Tarnworth, the property of Messrs. Cohen and Levy, and occupied by Robertson and Hughes, 45 On fire of a store and contents, situate at Mount Costigan, owned by Alfred Pratt, 45 On fire of an unoccupied building situate at Glen Inees, the property of Mary Ann Smith, 67, 77 On fire of shops situate at Dubbo, occupied by Richard Chapman, 72 On fire of a shop situate in High-street, Tcnterfield, owned by R. H. Brown, 77, 85 On fire of a woolshed situate at Wattle Gro• e, near Frogmorc owned by William Evans, 77, 85 On fire of a but at a slaughtering establishment, near Cooma, owned by Cornelius Joseph Connell, 77, 85 On fire of a woolshed situate at Brow nles, near Rcckley, the property of Charles R. M`Phillamy, 85, 89 On fire of a house situate at Belmore, ncr.r Canowindra, the property of Alfred W. Collis, 121, 129 On fire of the " Carrier's Home Hotel," Walcha, the property of Michael Sweeney, 129 On fire of a shed containing hay, at Travallar., near Blayney, the property of William Glasson, 129 On fire of the kitchen at the rear of the " Rising Sun Hotel," at Wangarnon, the property of Robert Box, 129 On fire of the " Roto Hotel," Roto, occupied by Mr. Harnick, and owned by 11Ir. Grant Bailiff, 161 On fine of a store situate at Oxley, the property of Thomas Slater, Road,.Glebe, 21 Infant, GAZETTE ",'S 5 t On fire of the " Court-house Hotel," situate in Icely-street, Carcoar, owned by George BoxhalI, and leased by Henry Russell, 279 On fire of a barn containing maize, situate at Austral, Eden, the property of Gloucester Evans, 285 On fire of a sawmill situate at Wyong, the property Frederick King, 285, 299 On fire of a building known as the " Kiosk," Argent-street, Broken Hill, 351, 365 On fire of a building situate in Woore-street, Wilcannia, owned by the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney, and occupied by W. F. Foster, 365, 371 On the-body of a male infant found on the footpath in Edgeclifl'e Road, Woollahra, 2, 13 14 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE Inquests and Magisterial Inquiries - continued . On the body of a man, name unknown, found at Old Yowandah Run, near Walgett, 9 On the body of a male child found in Miller's Paddock, off Ferry Road, Glebe, 21 On the body of a man , name unknown , found in the bush at Rose Bay, with a bullet wound on right side of head, 27 On the body of a man name unknown , found in the bush near the Torlano shearers ' hut, 31 On the body of a man, name unknown, found on the Wagingo Berembee Run, Murrunzbidgee River, 72 On the body of a name unknown, who died at Illiliwa Station, 72 On the body of Kate Reilly , found on unoccupied premises No. 8, Macquarie - street South, 85, 95 On the body of a woman , name unknown , found at Blackwattle Bay, Pyrmont Bridge Road, 92 On the body of a man , name unknown , found hanging by the neck to a rafter in a shed at Seven - mile, near Grenfb ll, 98 On the body of a man, name unknown , who died in the Pooncarie Lock -up on the 6th March, 98 On the body of James Grady , found drowned in the Richmond River, near Coraki, 103 On the body of a man, name unknown , found on the Gilgalmor Station, 105 On the body of a man found on Lower Lila Run, 105 On the remains of a man found on a rocky at the back of Tynedale Range , near Brushgrove, 105 . On the body of a woman , name unknown , who died at the hospital, Sydney, 117 On the body of a new -born female infant found on the beach at Iron opposite Callan Park, 129, 137 On the decomposed body of a man, name unknown , found ('n Mole Station, near the Corinda Road, 135 On the decomposed remains of an infant found in Algoe Creek, near Deniliquin, 137 On the remains of a man found in a tent in Ramsay's Bush, at Ash field, 142 On the body of a man found on " Petunia ," an out station on MurteeRun, 142 On the body of a new-born male infant, found in a lane off Up per Brougham -street, near Burton - street, 145 On the body of a man, name unknown, who was killed by accidentally falling (whilst under the influence of liquor ) out of a railway train , between Benerambah and Bringagee, 148 On the body of a Chinaman found in the bush off the main road from to Goulburn, 148 On the body of a man, name unknown, found on the rocks near Otford, by Alpert Nicklin , of Clifton, 148 On the body of a new -born male infant , found in a lane off Upper Brougham-street near Burton-street, 153 On the body of a male infant found on Moore Park Road , by Arthur Barrett, 153, 161 On the body of a man , name unknown , who died in a on Coan Downs Station, 157 On the body of a man , name unknown , found on the railway near Campbelitown, 166 On the body of a new -born female infant found in the Darling River , near Bourke , 169, 18`1 On the body of a man , name unknown, found suspended from a rafter in the she°tr, rs' but at Yarrowin Wroolsheds, 173 On the body of a man , na,ne unknown , found in an untenanted house at East Maitland, 173 On the body of a man , name unknown, found at Bama Sand-hills on the Moira Run, 181 On the body of a man , name supposed John Dixon , found on Moira Run, 181 On the b idv of a new- born infant found on the Beach at Little Manly, 183 On the l.ody of a known only as William, who died suddenly at Talantawa , near Brewarrina, 186 On the body of a man , name unknown , found in a culvert on the roadside at Laguna, near Wollombi, 186 On the body of a new-born male infant found on the Moore Park Road, near Green's Road, 1.89,195 On the body of a man ( supposed identical with William M`Donald) found in the bush at Duck Creek , near Cannonbar, 193 On the remains of a man, name unknown , found in the Murray River ., near Tocumwal, 193 On the body of a new -born female infant found floating in Darling Harbour, near Lime-street Wharf, 195 On the body of a new -born female infant found lying on the rocks at Farm Cove, near th e, entrance to the Botanic Gardens, 195, 205 On the body of a man, name ' unknown , found in a on the Macquarie Mountain 206 On the body of a man, name unknown , found hanging from the branches of a tree at Killarney Bush, 206 On the body of a man who died suddenly in Stream -lane, off Riley-street , Woolloomooloo , on the 15th June, 217 On the body of a man, name unknown , found at Smith's " New England Hotel ," George-street West, 224 On the body of a man, name unknown, found in the bush near Nandillyan Station , Molong, 232 On the body (decomposed ) of a man, name unki own , found in a paddock at Westwood , near Tumut, 240 On the remains of an infant found in a paddock at Kentucky, 247 mail, cliff Cove, Marulan hut Inquests and Magisterial Inquiries - continued. On the body of a woman, identified as Maria Whitehorn, found floating in No. 3 Dam, Centennial Park, 251 On the body of a new-born male infant found in the silt pit of a sewer in Premier-lane, Woolloomooloo, 273 On the remains of a man found in the Tilpa Paddock, Yanda Station, 281 On the body of a female infant found in Hudson-street, Redfern, by John Blackwell, 299, 307 On the body of Crow (ab.), found dead at a camp near Green Hills, Upper Macleay River, 312 On the body of a man, name unknown, found in the Xamoi River, near Walgett, 312 On the body a female infant found at East Orange, 315, 316 On the body of a new-born infant found on a vacant piece of land off Brougham-street, Sydney, On human bones found in the debris of a hut destroyed by fire on the Killarney Run, 343 On the body of a new-born female infant found on a vacant piece of land off Botany-street, Waterloo, 3 59, 365 On the remains of a man found in the bush near the residence Of Mr. J. L. Hordern, of King's Tableland, near Wentworth Falls, 363 On the body of a man, name unknown, found in the Edwards River near Deniliquin, 366 On the decomposed body ofa man (supposed Samuel Firley) found in a creek running into the Murray River , near Albury, 381 137,343 J Jaedet Ellen R., Ill Jack Grant (ab.), 74 Jack Jane, 162 Jackson William R:, 16, 34 Jackson Eliza, 16, 34 Jackson William, 34 Jackson W., 39 Jackson Jane B., 61 Jackson Henry, 73 Jackson John, 86, 147 Jackson, alias Wray, alias Harkness, alias Paine, 102 Jackson Alfred, 136 Jackson John, 181 Jackson James, 191 Jackson Susannah, 223 Jackson H., 228 Jackson Frederick, 233 Jackson William, 234 Jackson Percy K., 269, 277 Jackson Kate, 286 Jackson John, 317, 328 Jackson William Edward, 349 Jackson James, 355 Jackson John, 394 Jacob Joseph, alias Anderson, 364 Jacobs S., 112 Jacobs Janes, 126 Jacobs James, 126 Jacobs Alfred, 319 Jacobs Harry Wolfgang, 364 James Daniel, 14 James John, alias Williams, alia.sPrancis Tippctt, 96 James William, 125 James Charles, 237 James Frederick, 238 James George, alias Sno*, 247 James E. James, 303 James William, 337 James E. A., 369 Jamie Ah Hee, 348 Jamieson James, 50 Jamieson Isabella, 117, 187 Jamieson Edward H., 275 Jard John, 27 Jardine Alfred, 244 Jarrett Alice, 51 Jarrett Alice, or Johnson, 57 Jarrett George, 63 Jarvis George H., 121, 211 Jarvis William George, 229 Javes James, 82 Jeannerrett Mr., 70 Jeffers Robert, 411, 70 Jeffrey Albert, 51 Jeffrey George, 158 Jeffrey Charles, 240 Jeffries Florrie, 193 Jelly William, 232,-248 Jemmy All Tin, 92 Jemmy the Cook, alias Hockley, 135 Jemmy Larry (ab.), 158 Jemmy the Fiddler, alias Seavers, 178 line' Harbour man, range, hut GAZETTE INDEX-1889. Jeng All Fong, 197, 261 Jenkins William, 2 Jenkins Mrs., 4 Jenkins Charles, 16, 34 Jenkins John, 38 Jenkins E. T., 53 Jenkins Mrs., 53 Jenkins Senior Warder ,73 Jenkins P. A., 88 Jenkins Thomas, 170 Jenkins Henry, 197 Jenkins Constable, 201 Jenkins Mrs., 299 Jenkins Thomas, 385 Jenner Thomas Edward, 312, 349, 376 Jennings Miss P., 80 Jennings Sir Patrick, 169 Jennings E. N., 172, 379 Jennings Walter, 197, 210 Jennings William, 240 Jenson James, 390 Jepson Mrs., 229 Jerger John, 356 Jerjer John, 190, 211 Jermyn Willoughby, 348 Jerry Hadden, 143 Jessep John, 286 JesserGeorge, 320 Jewellery found in Pitt street, 65 Jewellery and watches stolen from shop of Carl Simmat, 146 Jewellery and watches stolen from shop of Charles Twemlo,v, 309 Jimmy Le Bung, 42, 64 Jimmy (Ch.), 96 Jimmy LiSing, 2C3 Jimmy Ducks, alias Albert Cork 352 Jobson George, 153 Jobson & Marsh, 281 Joe Ah Fook, 64 Joel Mrs., 309 John Noyeo (Ch.), 18 Johnson William, 4 Johnson Mary Jane, 5 Johnson James, 14 Johnson Alice, 16, 57 Johnson Samuel, 49 Johnson John, 51 Johnson William E., 52 Johnson F. S., 54 Johnson Alice or Jarrett, 57 Johnson Kate, 67 Johnson J., 69 Johnson Charles, 73 Johnson Vita, 79 ,Johnson J., 79 Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Arthur, 88, 119 Kate, 108 N. C., 112, 127 Mary, 112 Robert, 113 William, 121 C., 122 Michael, 131 William, 135 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1889. Johnson Michael, 150 Johnson Neil, 163, 218 Johnson Belinda, 163, 218 Johnson Alfred, alias Watson, 166 Johnson George, 166 Johnson Robert, 166 Johnson Isabella, 178 Johnson John, 196 Johnson Peter, 227 Johnson Daniel, 229 AWinson George, alias Thompson, 'alias Scotty, 243 Johnson William, 259 Johnson Duncan, 289 Johnson Theresa, 312 Johnson Charles, 316 Johnson Anthony, 363 Johnson William, 370 Johnson Charles, 370 Johnson Friedolph, 370 Johnson E., 394 Johnstone Robert, 16, 34 Johnstone William, 30 Johnstone Robert, 34 Johnstone Alexander, 54 Johnstone H. W., 57 Johnstone Joshua, 62, 83 W. Samuel, 109 Johnstone Johnstone T. H., 109 Johnstone Frank, 126 Johnstone Mary, 155 Johnstone Samuel, 158 Johnstone Belinda, 178, 383 Johnstone Frederick, alias Rowley, 182 Johnstone William, 281 Johnstone George William, 296 Johnstone E., 321 Johnstone George, H., 338 Johnstone William, 348 Johnstone C. B., 394 ,To Kin (Ch.), 233 Jolly Robert, 224 Jolly George, 224 Jones Henry, 5 Jones T. T. & Son, 14 Jones Thomas, 18 Jones Dr. S., 39 Jonas N. B., 46 Jones James, 4,9 Jones Francis, 49 Jones James, alias Andrews, alias Billy the Whiffler, 50 Jones ,lames, alias IA'Clelland, 51 Jones William, 52 Jones Alfred M., 53 Jones Mary J., 53 Jones Arthur S., 54 Jones John S., 64 Jones Albert E., 74 Jones Thomas , 88 Jones D. C., 92 Jones William, 92 Jones Thomas , 92 Jones John, 96 Jones Thomas, 98 Jones T. & Co., 100 Jones John, alias Addison, 102 Jones Constable, 108 Jones Charles, 118 Jones R. J., 125 Jones Thomas, alias Dan M'Carthy, 126, 135 Jones Enoch, 136 Jones Thomas , 146, 154 Jones Charles, 158 Jones William, 163 Jones Annie, 163 Jones John A., Jones Frederick, 184, 320 Jones James T., 190 Jones Walter, alias Wilson, 191 Jones William Henry, 201 Jones Thomas, 209, 313 .Jones Honorah, 209 Jones John, 210 Jones John, 210 Jones John, 210 Jones Tom, alias Samuels, alias M`Carthy, 218 Jones A. F. A., 220, 234 Jones -, 220 Jones Charles, 247 Jones John, 247 Jones Amy, 253, 275 Jones Robert, 260, 268 174 Kelly James E., 18 Jones Jane, 268 Kelly John, 38 Jones Alfred, 272 Kelly William, 40 Jones Robert, 272 Kelly Montague, 42, 5) Jones Thomas, 277 Kelly James, 42, 50 Jones Charles, 308 Kelly Richard, 52 ,Tones John, 328 Kelly Michael T., 73 Jones Horace, 328 Kelly William, alias Butler, 82 Jones George, 335 Kelly William 93, 136 Jones Thomas, 336 Kelly Cornelius, 118 Jones George, 341 Kelly -, 119 Jones William, alias Baker, 341 Kelly Archibald, 125 Jones Thomas, 354, 370 Kelly Agnes, 125 Jones George, 363 Kelly Matthew, 139 Jones Frank, 369 Kelly Mms., 139 Jones Henry, 376 Kelly John, 143 Jones James, 376 Kelly James, 240 Jones Thomas, 379 Kelly Charles, 277 Jones Alexander, 382 Kelly James, 283 Jordan William, 30 Kelly William, 305 Jordan Robert, 95 Kelly John, 336 Jordan George, 229, 364 Kelly James, 336 Jorgensen Susanna, 117 Kelly Edward, 344 Joseph Arthur, 88 Josephs' Pawn Office, 2, 190 Kelly Margaret, 344 Josephs, alias Maggie Ryan, 395 Kelly Mrs., 361) Josephson and Nisbet, 49, 93,109 Kelly John, 390 Kemp S. A., 104 Josephson Mrs., 279 Kemp .\lfred, 190, 225, 274 Josling Thomas, 138, 163 Kemp William, 273 Joslyn Thomas C. C., 9 Kemp James, 287 Joyce John, 161 Joyce Michael, 177 Kemps F. W., 109 Joynt John W., 104 Kempsey and Port Macquarie Jude Jonathan, 275 telefgraph dameged, 31 Judge Stephen's residence, GlenKempster Margaret, 65 more Road, attempted murder Kempton George, 277 of Constable Slater at, 213, 213 Kempton George Henry, 319 Kendall Robert, 118 Julia Alm.Foo, alias Tansley, 10 Kendall Fanny, 233 Junction shares reported stolen Kennard Alfred, 324 between Adelaide and Sydney, Kennard Ellen, 324 378, 394 Kenneally Patrick, 367, 376 Junee Court Petty Sessions, 13 Kenneally Charlotte, X67 Jung Ching, 300 Kennedy John, 68 Kennedy Patrick, 92 Kennedy James, 157 K Kennedy James, 190 Kafer Jacob, 364 Kennedy Isabella, or Duey, 182 Kahl William, 175 Kennedy Rachel E ., 227 Kahl William, 390 Kennedy Dr. R., 238 , 283 Kaine Thomas, 280 Kennedy Elliott , 251, 305 Kamoi Al., 283, 290 Kennedy Willi ; m, 308 Kennedy Angus , 329 Kane Mrs. John, 92, 97 Kennedy Michael , 344 Kane Martin, 158 Kane William, 232, 238 Kennedy John , .363 Kane Mary, 232, 238 Kennedy Archibald , alias Kapola John, 236 Dempsey , 369 Karey Arthur, 157 Kennedy Thomas , 370 Kassin Emily, 166 Kennedy William , 3S1 Katoomba, Police Act extended Kennedy John Thomas , 398 to, 13 Kenneth William. C., 3 Kauri Timber Company, 296 Kenniff Matthew, 328 Kavanagh Michael W., 63 Kenniff George , 328 Kavanagh Patrick, 111 Kenny Arthur , 142 Kay Frederick, 186 Kenny Thomas , 264 Keane Michael, 191 Kenny John F., 264 Keane John J., alias Heaney, 210 Kenny Mary, 289 Kearney John, 83 Kenny John, 345 Kearney Daniel, 253, 270 Kensey Eli, 105, 305 Kearney John, 286 Rent Thomas, 88, 336 Kearney David, 336 Kent John, 341 Keary James, 166 Kentucky, near Uralla, remains Keast Annie, 78 of infant found, 247 Keating Mrs., 4 Kenury J. F., 209, 264, 277 Kears William, 280 Keogh Edward, 210, 218 Keeffe Jane, 111 Keogh Thomas, 378 Keeffe Patrick, 209 Keow J. P.,162 Keeffe Daniel F., 370 Kerr Thomas, 72 Keegan J. W., 181 Kerr Henry, 98 Keegan James, 360 Kerr Joseph, 196 Kee Hung, 142 Kerr Michael, 264 Keech Henry, 360 Kerwick Edward, 308 Keen James, 209 Kethro Bessie, 10 Keen Mr., 338 Ketion Richard, alias Nesbit, Keep John & Co., 355 alias Shannon, 43 Keeves Thomas J., 74 Key George A., 52, 60 Kehoe Thomas, 280 Key Charles, 93 Kehoe Elizabeth A., 280 Keyzor Harry, 376 Kehol Gertrude, 343 Kham Rain Charlie, 241 Keighran Alfred, 19 Khan Nabob, 311 Keihone Thomas, 126 Khan N., 378 Keil Emil, 360 Kibley John, 224 Kellett A., 38 Kichner Charles, 351 Kellett Margaret, 92 Kidmnan Charles, 100 Kellett Joseph, 229 Kidrnan Nellie, 312 Kelly Michael, 4 iKidmami Charles, 381 Kelly Patrick, 9 Kieran John, 108 Kelly Martin, 10 Kiley Patrick, 364 178, 15 hutdestroyed by Killarney Run, re, 317, 337 Killeen Eliza, 390 Kilpatrick William John, 173 Kilpatrick Joseph, 232 Kilpatrick Thomas, alias Smith, alias Brown, 381 Kilsyth Miss, 104 Kim John, 218 Kim Ifee, 248 Kimber Walter, 18 Kimnpton George Henry, 329 Kinchela David, 364 King James, 16 King Charles, alias W illiams, 28 King Samuel, 31 King Elizabeth, 37, 50 K George, alias William Smith, 0 King Edwin R., 72 King Henry, 74 King W. H., 82 King Reuben, 88, 102 King Kate, 138 King Patrick, 163 King Stephen, 163 King Patrick, 195, 206 King John, 202 King John, 202 King James, or Michael, 218 King Mr., 220 King Joseph, 229 King Alfred J., 232 King Thomas, 256 King Francis, 285 King William, 291 King Frederick, 299 King Constable, 311 King Edward, 312 King Nate, 325 King Kelso, 337 King Ethel, or Slater, 3,0 Kinnhorn William, 381 King's Tableland, near Wentwom th Falls, remains of man found, 363 Kingston Henry, 277 Kingwill William, 32, 61 Kinloch James, 348 Kinnair Patrick, 93 Kinnaird Thomas, 88 Kinnane Rose, 40 Kinnane William, 82 Kinnear Patrick, 88 Kinnear Thomas, 277 Kinnear W illiam, 386 Kinsella Mr., 39 Kinseela Henry, 196 Kirby S. A., 139 Kirby S. James, 211 Kirby William, 235 Kirchner William, 125, 225 Kirchner William, 125 Kirchner -, 147 Kirchner Karl, 375, 391 Kirgan Andrew, 87, 167, 174 Kirkham James E., 251 Kirkham James E., 383 Kirkland William H., 132 Kirkland Henry,, 209, 218 Kirsch Henry, 211, 225 Kissbee Tonia,12,5, 356 Kit Allen, 62 Kitchner William, 206 Kitson Arthur, 3755 Kitt James, 272 fi Klempsch Mrs. William, 193, 247 Kluge Annie, 83 Knapp Mary Cecilia, 305 Knight Thomas, 28 Knight Henry, 68 Knight Charles, 82 Knight John, 277 Knight George, 324, 378 Knight William Charles, 325, 336 Knight Felix, 329 Knight William T., 353 Knilands Leslie, 131 Knowles James H., 137 Knox Albert, 113 Knox Mary, 113 Koennemit L., 286 Kogarah liail tempt to enter, 228 Kohen Thomas, 255 Komia F., 292, Kong Sing, 259 waystatic n, at312 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-18890 16 Kopsch G. W., 214 Larkin P..R., 218 Lesina Joseph, 137 Larkin Kost Joseph, Krafft Max, Leslie Lewis Larkin Patrick, 290 Kooi Lenard, 300 Roger, 244 Longstaff Alfred, 343 G., 219, 229 Longston Samuel, 87 Lessing Charles Gothold, 291 Loo Ching, 42, 64 Larkins Mrs., 15 Letty Edward, 252 Loo Pang, 240 Larkins John F., 166 Letty Henry, alias Wilson, alias Lostis Robin, alias Lansque, alias Kramer Henry, 209 Larkins Thomas Joseph A., 245, the Nigger, 271, 329 Sandret, 275 Krause William, 134 283 g Louis Isaac, 323, 356 Leverett Maria, 112 Dray Miss, 162 Larkins Mary, 245 Levi 319 Louis (ab.), 382 Kremer C. H., 164 Larnach Henry, 241 Levien C. J., 100 Love Hamilton, 342 Kroff Frank, 240 Larnach Henry, 297 Levy Max, 10 Loveday Mr., 375 Kruse John, 31 Larsen A, 54 Levy Patrick M., 202 Lovelace John, 259, 382 Larsen Richard, 181 Levy llrs., 252 Lovering Mrs., 30 Kugelmann Miss, 386 Laseelles Amy,-or Brown, 117 Levy Sam, 308 Lovern Constable, 82 Kuiitsman Robert, 34, 72, 102 Lascon Peter, 86, 102 Levy W., 381 Lovett Thomas, 286 Kurris Halim, 119 Lasker , alias Vivian , alias Lev y Alexand er, 3S6 L o ve tt J ohn Ch ar le s, 311 Alestine, alias Andre, 83 Levy and Lewis, 390 Low Charles, 74 Kurts Manalius, 108 Lassan Edward, 229 Le Warne J. W., 228 Low Lily, 191 Kurtz Charles, 209 Lassetter & Co., 108, Lewin Henry F., 131, 203 Low Thomas, 213 Kurz Charles, 210 Lassetter Frederick, 147, 3i6 Lewin Alice, 131. Low Mr., 244, 252 Kuschert Henry, 319 Lassetter & Co., 370 Lewis Daniel, 1S Low Thomas, 300 Kutnewsky & Co., 360 Land H. A., 359 Lewis William, 46 Lowden H. L., 95 Kyle Thomas, 46 Laughlin Margaret, 88 Lewis Ellen, 59 Lowe Denis, 16, 23, 80 Laughlin Andrew, 303, 313 Lewis John, 109 Lowe John, 57 Laurent Stephen, 62 Lewis, alias Armstrong, alias Lowe William, 69 Laurent Johanna, 62 Lowe Mary, 193 Cole, alias Ridley, &c., 126 L Laurie Andrew John D, 275 Lewis Brothers, 214 Lack James, 386 Lowe Henry, 224 Lauro Henry, 296 Lackey Charles, 228 Lowe Thomas, 224 Lewis James, alias Louis Lavender Thomas, 260 Abrahams, 271 Lady's gold watch, stolen in Lower Lila Run, body of man Laver Dominick, 69 Lewis John, 363 transit by post, 157 found, 105 Law Maud M., 67 La Franca Gaspar, 227 Lewis William Thomas, .364 Lowrie John, 369 Lawler David, 14 Lewis Richard, 3;4 Lafalaise Joseph Ernest Mylins, Lowry James 113, 29G Lawler Ann, 125 Lidbury Edward, 167 344, 354 Lowry Maria, 113, 290 Lawless John, 267 Lafalaise Esther, 344 Liddle Francis, 385 Loyde Frank, 73 Lawn tennis, clothing, &c., stolen LHdle -, 385 Laffan Mrs. Jane, 377, 398 Lucan Mrs., 173 from Devonshire Club, Sydney, Lill Charles D., 181 La Galle Charles, 27 Lucas Catherine, 39 378, 385 Lage Nicholas, 3 Lill Louisa, 184 Lucas Hon. John, 167 Lawrence Charles, 5 Laggo William, 43 Lilley C. B., 86 Lucas Brothers, 316 Lawrence James, 27 Lilley Joseph, 355 La;go Thomas, 43 Lucking Louisa, 395 Lawrence Fred, 154, 162 Laing James, 190 Lillie Edward, 131 Ludlow Robert. 162 Lawrence Susanna, 174 Lincoln John, 31, 83 Lund Soren, 117, 225 Laing William, 369 Lawrence Agnes, 261. Lincoln Edith, 31, 83 Luptril Annie, 317 Laird Mrs., 109 Law.mon Charles, alias Wilson, Laird Charles, 296 Lind Elizabeth, 122 Luscomb Rev. P. S., 379, 393 alias Gallagan, 34, 13 Laird James, 395 L-i)tton George, 150 Lindros J., 15 Laity John, alias Ginger, 174,187 Lawson John, 69 Lindsay John, '<81 Lydiard William, 224 Lindsay George, 364 Lake Thomas, 126 Lawson J. W., 19 Lygwon Heinrich, 354 Lake Elizabeth, 210 Lawson F. W., 1h7 Lyle John, 131 Linley T. B., 211 Lawson David, 210 Lake Charles, 3i6 Lynch Terence, 4 John, 108 Lake Jane, 386 Lawson Benjamin, 328 Linton Elizabeth, 393 Lynch James, 25 Lawson, alias Maid, alias Clancy, Lismore Agiicultural Society, 134 Lynch Mary, 25 Lakeman John, 136 alias Mark Allen, 382 Lissim Henry, 82 Lalchere A. B., 260 Lynch Michael, 27 Lazarus Henry, 363 Litchfield Ernest, 331 Lynch Edward, 101 Laley Patrick, 4 II[',strange Robert, 325 Lynch William, 130 Little Margaret A,, 18 Lamb Alexander, 256 Leaby Richard, 9, 23, 31 Lynch Joh;,nna, alias Hickey, Little William, 157, 187, 202 Lamb Walter, 275, 297 Little George, 209 Leach William, 109 211 Lambert Brothers, 83, 101 Leahy Richard, 355 Little William. 252, 272 I ynch Honora, alias Hickey, Lambert James, 283 211 Leaks William, 390 Little James, 283 Lambert -, 319 Le Breton Adolphus, 3110 Littlefield William H., 172 Lynch Matthew, 252 Lamond John, 305 Le Breton Wilhelmina, 360 Lynch D. W. J., 260 Litleiel.d Eliza, 172 Lamont Francis, 203 Lynch George, 320 Labrand Charles, 228 Liverpool Asylum, broken into, Lamont George, 338 Lynch Edward, 369 Leddy James, 370 and safe, stolen, 307 Lamont Alice, 333 Loden Louis, 312 Liverpool, alias British, alias Lyne Mary J., 88 Lancaster Alfred, 342 Frank Howard, 10, 35 Lyne Mary J., 289 Lee Fanny, 4,15 Lance Walter & Co., 237 Lee Patrick, 18 Lyon & M'Ewen, 31, 167 Lander James, 46 Llewellyn Ebenezer P., 101 Llewellyn W. E., 154 Landstrom Roland, 18 Lee Elizabeth, I.`.0 Lyons John, 2 Lee Miss E., 157 Lyons Robert E., 45, 51 Llewellyn Mrs, 157 Landy N., 96 Lee Dr. George On, 181 Lyons Samuel, 46 Llewellyn Mrs., 196 Lane Arthur, 83 Llewellyn William E., 316, 329 Lee Ann, 229 Lyons Sidney, 92 Lane George, 181 Lyons David, 135 Lee Thomas, or Blair, 324 Lloyd Miss, 123 Lane William, 398 157 Lee James, 325 Lloyd Walter Reginald, 311, 33G Lyons Bartholomew, Lang Theodore, 215 Lee Elizabeth, 33.3 Lyons Susan, 202 Loader Frederick, 118 Lang Alexander, 390 Lyons Michael, 378 Lee William, alias Field, 390 Loader H. 11., 269, 283 Langdon S. 38 Lees Ernest, 122 Lobston John, 186 Lyons Denis, 394 Langford J., 49, 58 Lysaght Michael, 305 Lees John, 170 Locke John R., 42, 50 Langley Gertrude A., 189 Lees Arthur, 174 Lyster Valetta W., 357 Langley Daniel, 352 Locke James E., 47, 63 Locke Jane, 47, 63 Langridge William Harlowe, 296 Leese William J., 51, 70 Lefevre G ., 267 Locke Eugene , 202 Langrigan Mary , 201 Legard Gertrude, or Clark, 300 Locke Eliza, 328 Langtry J. H., 82 Langwell Frank H., 193 Legard George, 364 Locke Edward, 361 Macallister James, 184 Langworthy Senior-sergeant, to Leggo William, 369 Lockett Annie, 78 Alacallister John, 323 Lefermann Augustus C., 271 Lockwood A. E., 256 be Acting Sub inspector, 3? Macauley Andrew, 271 Leigh James, 331. Loder James, 88, 182 Langworthy William Thomas, Macconini Mrs., 52 Lodge William James, 335 Acting Sub-inspector, to be Leighton Robert, 164, 182 Macdonald Mary, 27 Lemon Frederick, 34 Lowenthal) Mrs., 220, 353 Sub-inspector, 359 Lanigan Bishop, Lowenthal's Pawn Office, 280, 394 Macdonald Childs, 131, 202 Lemon Robert, 35 Macdonald Georgiana S., 133, u._'2 Loftus Alfred, 16 Lempke Ludwick, 2S6 Lankfer Thomas, 173 Macdonald Thomas, 164 Logan Frank, 382 Lender Thomas, 319, 342 Lansque Jean Oliver, alias Eugene Sandret, 275 Macdonald Major, 1f9 Logue William, 181 Lenehan Pierce, 72, 102 Macdonnell Charles, 3 Lenehan John, 130, 163 Logue William, 218 Laoureaux George, 201 Lolla - , 303 Mace Jem , alias E . J.ThompLa p ortre Charles , 256 Lennox Jessie , 103 , 219 224 Leo John, Lomas George, 300 Larcombe Mr., 214 Leonard John, 72, 109 Machon Josef h, 16 Lardner Teresa, alias Scott, 118 Leonard Emma, 170 Macintosh John & Son, 1815, 19.1 London Chartered Bank, 224 Lardner James, 274, 281 Lonergan !V illiam, 52 Macintosh John, 394 Leonard Patrick, 229 Lardner James, 354, 376 Lonergan Kate, 390 Alack Robert, 118 Leonard Patrick, 240 Lare Hector, 319 Mackay John, alias Richards, G:o Leonard Richard, 243 Long William, 271 Large Thomas, 150 Mackay Neil, 104 Lepechild Thomas, 332, 364 Longford Frederick, 137 Larkey Thomas, 46 Mackay Alexander, 193 Longford Pudding, 287 Larkin George, 237 28 2 Xrage Robert, 80 Kruse John,121 KurtsRarnett, 108 351. Kynaston JohnSt.Ledger, 31 378, 6 Linsley M 73 3.51 130,163 Lescur John,390 Loindry, aliasThompson, 54 son, NEW Mackenzie Robert Jones, 311 Mackinnon, Crellen, & Co., 309 Macklin Mary, 30 Maclay Robert, 297 Alacnamarra Richard, 300 Alacnight Joseph P., 72 Macpherson Mrs. E., 241 Macquarie Mountain Range, body of man supposed named Thomas ATacGrath, found, 206 Macquarie River, man named Henry Fry, drowned, 247 Macquarie-street South, body of woman named Kate Rielly, found at rear of, 85 Macready Hugh, 118 A adder Michael, 9 A den John, 92 Madden John, 101 Madden Edward, 126 Madden George, 228 Madden James, 271 Madden H., 271 Madden James, 332, 338 Maddigan John, 10 Maddison W., 134 illaddox Henry, 9 Maddyn William, 376, 382 Mader John, 146 Magill John, 134 Magner James, alias George Rose, 320 Magon Louis E., 97 Maguire Terry, 5 Maguire Andrew, 135 Maguire T. S., 170 Maguire W. C., 2G2 Maguire Jessie, 286, 309 Maguire Matthew, 366 Alaliaffcy William, 130 Maher John, 18 Maher M., 46 Maher John J., 150 Maher Michael, 210 Maher James, 211 Maher James, 225 Maher Matthew, 275, 283 Maher James, alias Patrick Murphy, 309, 336 Maher Peter, 3.I5, 361 Maher Patrick, 361 Mahomrned Goolah, 150 Mahon Michael, 105 Mahoney John, 155 Mahoney W. J,, 158 Mali •ney William, 197, 218 Mahoney Henry, 1P7, 218 Mahoney John, 233 Mahoney Timothy, 301 Mahoney Catherine, 301 Maid Lily, 286, 383 Maid, alias Lawson, alias Allen, alias Clancy, 382 Mailler Captain R., 214 Mailler Thomas, 214 Maitland East, body of man, naive unknown, found at, 173 Makin Billy, 237, 248 Makin -, 363 Malabox Nabob, 34 Malak Antony, 158 Malcolm & Gregg, 43 Maling John, 19 Malley John, or Marley, 240 Malley Charles, 3555 Malmsbury Henry, 147 Malone Constable, 9 Malone Thomas, 215, 233 Malone Emily A., 215, 233 Malone Mary, 215 Malone John, 398 Maloney John, 105, 163 Maloney John, 155 Maloney John, 296 Maloy John, 136 Man, name unknown, body of,. found in Wodonga Creek, 9 Mau, name unknown, body of, found on Old Yowandah Run, 9 Man, name unknown, body of, found at Rose Bay, 27 Man, name unknown body, of, found near Torlano Shearers' Hut, 31 Man, named George, (lied at Old Stockyards, near Brewarrina, 72 B SOUTH WALES POLICE Man, name unknown, died at Illiliwa Station, 72 Aran, name unknown, body of, found at Seven-mile, near Grenfell, 98 Man, name unknown, died at Pooncarie Lock-up, 98 Man, name unknown, found dead on Gilamore Station, 105 Man, name unknown, body of, found on Lower Lila run. 10 5 Man, remains of, found at Tynedale Range, near Brushgrove, 105 Man, name unknown, body of, found on Mole Station, 135 Alan, name unknown, found (lead in Ramsay's Bush, Aslifield, 142 Man, name unknown, body of, found on Petunia Murtee Run, 142 Man, name unknown, killed by falling out of train between Benerembah and Bringagel, 118 Man, remains of, found on Marulan and Goulburn Road, 148 Man, remains of, found on Rocks near Otford, 14S Man, name unknown, found dead on Coan Downs Station, 157 Man, name unknown, uttered a forged £1 note, 157 Man, name unknown, body of, found on railway line near Campbelltown, 166 Man, name unknown, body of, found at 1±ast Maitland, 173 11Tan, name unknown, body of, found in shearer's hut at Yarrowin Wool Sheds, 173 Ban, name unknown, expose person in Tothill-street, Petersham, 174 Man, name unknown, body of, found on Lama Sand hills, Moira Run, 181 Man, named John Nixon, body of, found on Moira Run, 181 Man, named William, died suddenly at Talawanta, near Brewarrina, 186 Alan, name unknown, body of, found at Laguna, near Wollombi, 186 Man, name unknown, utter counterfeit coin, 191 Man, name unknown, utter forged £1 note on Commercial Banking Man, name supposed William M'Donald, body of, found at Duck Creek, near Canonbar, 193 Man, name unknown, body of, found in Murray River, 193 Man, name unknown, utter spurious £1 note, 197 Alan, name supposed to be Thomas M`Grath, body of, found on Macquarie Mountain range, 206 Man, name unknown, body of, found in it hut at Killarney Bush, near Windsor, 206 Man, name unknown,utter valueless cheque in Sydney, 209 Man, name unknown, steal set of harness, property of William Toohey, 210 Man, name unknown, attempted indecent assault, 210 Alan, name unknown, committed rape, on Ada Hopkins, 213 Man, name unknown, fraud, 215 Man, name unknown, died suddenly in Stream-lane, off Rileystreet, 21-7 Alan, name unknown, utter spurious coin at Petersham, 223 Man, name unknown, expose person, in Prince Alfred Park, 224, 247 Man, name unknown, (lied " New England Hotel," George-street West, 224 Co., 191 GAZETTE INDEX-1889. Man, name unknown, expose person, in Point Piper Road, 232 Man, name unknown, body of, found, nearNandillyan Station, 232 Man, namo unknown, body of, found, in paddock, near Tumut, 240 Man, name unknown, skeleton of, found in the Cull paddock, Nelyambo Run, 240 Man, name unknown, remains of, found in '1ilpa paddock, Yanda Station, 281 Ulan, name unknown, indecent assault, 287 Man, name unknown, attempted criminal assault, 296 Man, name unknown, stealing, 303 Man, name unknown, body of, found in Sydney Harbour, 303 Alan, name unknown, body of, found in Namoi River, 312 Man, name unknown, indecency, 319 Man, name unknown, attempted rape, 337 Man, name unknown, remains of, found near Wentworth Falls, 363 Man, name unknown. b)dy of, found in Edwards River, near Deniliquin, 366 Man, name unknown, found dead at Gara River, 373 Man, name unknown, indecency, 375 Mau, name unknown, body of, found in Murray River, 381 Ulan, name unknown, found dead at Woclonga, 391, 399 Managhan Patrick, 3), 93 Manahan Ralph A., 161 Manahan Amy, 161 Manahan Isidore, 161 Mancer Alfred, 117, 167 Manilla, horse and sandle found by police at, 164 Manly, clingy stolen from beach, 86, 96 Manly, body of infant found, 183 Mann, Alexander, 108, 119 Mann John, 227 Mann James, 355 Mlannell John, 364 Manning A. F. H., 23 Manning A. A., 122 ilanning Alice, 320 Manning Martin, 364 Manning Patrick Joseph, 381 Manus William, 312 Munson George H., 125, 159 Manson William Thomas Henry, 147, 356 Munson George, 257 Mantcgazza F. G., 78, 119 Mara May, 214 Mara James, 233 Mara James, 210 Marchant George, 105 Marchant George, 148, 167 Margaret Lang Fong, 328 Margoschis' Pawn Office, 77, 163, 227, 236, 292 Margosehis Alexander, 290 Marks Joseph, 130 Marks James, 137, 147 Marks Alfred, 191 Marks Beatrice, 191 Marks John, 195, 218, 233 Marks Henry, 261, 269 Marks J., 281. 287 Marlborough Susanna, 108 Marlborough, W., 332 Marley,Tohn, or Malley, 240 Harney Edward, 256 Marquand James E., 166 Marr George, 315 Mars John, 264 Marsh John T. R., 68 Marsh R. C., 105 Marsh Benjamin, 125, 158 Marsh Mrs., 220 Marsh or Mai shall, 279, _'O,: Marshall Tsaac, 0 17 Marshall John W., 45 Marshall William, 78 Marshall James, 148 Mai shall Fanny, 162 Marshall Alfred, 162 Marshall or Marsh, 279, 286 Marshall, Allen, & Co., 319 Marshall J. C., 320 Marshall Thomas, alias Hunter, 342 Marshall Charles, alias Valentine Montague, 370 Alarson Leonard Percy, 356 Marston William, 104 Marston G. E., 213 Marston William, alias Martin, 218 Martin Thomas, 4 Martin Fred, alias Balmy Fred, 9, 61 Martin Elizabeth, 18 Martin Mrs. AT., 29 Martin Joseph, 32 Martin George, 53, 60 Martin J. A., 70 Martin John, 135 Martin William, 186 Martin Miss, 236 Martin 248 William, alias Marston, Martin Miss, 253 Martin Isaac, or Jerry, 259, 382 Martin H. A. & Co., 32S Martin James Robert, 342 Martin Mrs. J. D., 3€9, 376 Martin Michael, 372 1llarulan, remains of man, name unknown, found, 148 Mary Ann Ali Foot, 348 Maryatt Mrs., 177 Mason G. F., 30 Macon James, `8 Mason Bros., 74 Ula4on James, alas Dempsey, 74 Mason David, 118 Mason Thomas, 135 Mason James, alias Cullen, 143 Mason Aithur, 22-1 Mason Emily, 252 Mason, alias Edwtiards, alias Thurston, 256 Masoora George, 232 Massart Alfred John, 307 Matchett George, 281 Mather Robert, 18 Mathison A., 122 Matthews S., 15 Matthews Thomas G., 52 Matthews Frank, 64 Matthews Frederick, 135 Matthews William, alias Slade, 363 Matthews W., 371 Mattliewson George, 364 Matthias Frederick, 328 Matusclmka Gottlieb, 83 Mavosk -, 31 Mawby Edward, 324 Mawhiney Samuel, 70 Mawson Richard, 1(5 Mawson- William D., 163 Mawson Angelina, 163 Maxwell R., alias Rupert Birch, 113 Maxwell John, 206 Maxwell Frank, 345 May Ali Kum, 370 Mayne Robert L„ 65 Maze Bros., 271 Mcachamn William, 186 Mead William, 86 Meadows James, 25 Meagher J. & Co., 35 Healing Henry, 181 Meallim Richard, 219 Medley William, 223 Meegan Henry, 117, 382 Meehan Thomas, 101 Meehan Patrick, 214 Meeklesen Sarah, or Butler, 332, 342 Me (rata K., 283, 290, 312 Meiklejohn J., 42, 50, 58 Melcombe Frederick, 280 Meldrum Constable, 31 Mellan J., 360 Melrose George, 22 is NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE Melrose Sydney, alias Trotters, 290 Men (2 ), names unknown, steal £1,000 property of Thomas M`Lean, 197 Men (2 ), names unknown, indecent assault, 319 Men (4 ), names unknown, attempted rape, 385 Menindie , body of man, inaine unknown, found near Torlano Shearers' Hut, 31 Menser Louis , 281, 287, 297 Mentz and Healy. 305 Menzies Frederick P., 164 Menzies David, 364 Menzies Anna Maria, 361 Menzies William G., 375, 38 Mercantile Bank, 49, 93, 109 Mercer P. E., 139 Mercer James, 395 Meredith William, 142 Meredith John P., 287 Merrylands €iailway- station broken into, 39 Merton Casper H., 10 Merton George H., 210, 233 Merton Martha, 320 Meskill Thomas, 46 Messell Charles Waldemar, 356 Messina D., 18 Metyinthin C. A. P., 301 Mew Sang, 42, 50 Meyer David, 96 Meyer John, 223 Milstead John, 97, 105 Milstead Alfred, 97 Milsten Mayer, 121 Milton Miss, 46 Milton Thomas, or Miller, 102 Milton, Police Act extended to, 365 Milwain George G., 196 Milwain Annie, 196 101ineham William Thomas, 296 Miner Edith, 232 Miner Ethel, 232 Minhinnet Joseph, 187, 202 Minniedem James, 87, 119, 1313 Minor Albert or Richard, 69 Minter Henry T., 325 Minto James, 158 Mintotl E. H. S., 145, 153 Mitchell Eliza, 28 Mitchell John, alias Ponto, 42, 50 Mitchell Miss, 68 Mitchell Henry, 72 Mitchell George, 87 Mitchell John, 108, 167 Mitchell William, alias Davidson, 108 Mitchell John, 135 Mitchell James S., 162 Mitchell Minnie, 172 Mitchell A. J., 236 Mitchell Alexander, 292 Mitchell Edward Henry. 38 1 Mitchelmore Jabez, 19 Mittagong, Nuisance Prevention Act extended to, 335 Meyers Michael, 104, 112 Mockler F. L., 131 1loclair Catherine, 93 Meyers Ernest, 170, 187 Moen John, or Mooney, 109 Meyers henry, 211 ILToetz-n Thon3m, 2713 Meyers James R., 260 Moffitt, alias George M. CampMeyers Charlotte, 260 Meyers Henry, or Maximilian, bell, 65 Moffitt Mr., 232 290 Meyers Frederick, 356 Moir Francis, 364 Michael Lizzie, 39 Moira Run, body of man named Middlebrook F. 3., 339 John Nixon found, 181 Middleton A. E. A., 252, 260, 290 Mo Lun, 64 Mole Station, body of man found, Midnight alias Bell alias Swindell, 58 135 Molesworth and Dill, 126 Mikklesen Frederick, 236 Molloy Mary A., 78 Mildwater Robert, 272 Mol uy Patrick, 92 Milgate James, 206 Milham Richard, 102 Molloy Miss, 130 Molloy Towney, 325 Millan Mrs., 248 Molloy Mrs., 366 Millard Edward, alias Armstrong, alias Shortland , alias I+'aulkiner, Moloney Patr',ek, e'9 328 Moloney Andy, alias Williams, Millen Robert, 126 5 1) Moloney Patrick, 101 Miller Samuel, 4 Moloney Denis, 210 Miller Emily, 10 Molyn.eux,John, 211 Miller Alexander, 14 Monahan George, 190 Miller James, 15 Miller William, 27 Monk Thomas, 31 Monk Frank, 197, 272 Miller Henry, 30 Monk Minnie, 286 Miller Thomas , 31, 1.02 A1ontague Neville, 113 Miller Mary, 37 Miller Thomas, 46 111)ntague M,. 174, 187 Montague Valentine, aliasCharles Miller F. Guy, 49 Marshall, 37t) Miller Samuel, 7' Miller Thomas T., 69, 223 Monte de Piete Loan Office, 53, 63, 79 Miller John, 83 Miller Thomas, or Milton, 102 Monteith, 'I'honias, 317 Montgomery Emily, 69 Miller Alfred, 150 Miller Mrs., 1C6 Montgomery Minnie, 69 Miller Robert, 170 Montgoineiy Henry, 142 MillerJohn, 181 Montgomery ll. T., 33.1, 35u Montgomery, alias James Ross, Miller Joseph, 210 Miller William, 211 alias Doctor M'Pherson, 342 Miller Frederick, 214 Montgomery James, 393 Moodie Captain Robert, 3'7 Miller Henry, 223, 290 Moody Harriett, 267 Miller Sarah, 223, 290 Miller Samuel, 259, 290 Moon John, or Mooney, 10 Moon Robert, 2:36 Miller James, 3i4 Miller John, :363 Moon John Gibbes, 328 Miller Th un i s, 37 7, 391 Mooney .1ohn, or Moon, 1(9 Miller Martha, 330 Mooney Kate, 218 Miller's Pawn Oleo, 372 Mooney Mr., 268 Mooney William, 345 Millikin J. W., 178 Moonstone -, 96 Mills Mr., 4 Moore W. G., 50 Mills Sarah, 101 Mills Samnuel, 211 Moore John, 57 Mills Willienm, 333 Moore William, 88 Moore henry, 105, 163 Milne George, 1:35 Moore Thom. i B., 113, 1 2 Moore Margaret, 113 Milne Mrs. E, Milner Isaac. 23;; Moore W. 11., 119 Milroy Andrew, 113 Moore Henry A., 158 Moore John, 163 Milroy Alexander, 398 MillsAmy, 893 177 Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore INDEX-1889. John, 166 Charles, 174 Elizabeth, 211 John, 213 ' Thomas, 289 Lora Rose, 301 Charles, 30,5 John, 312 Philip, 324, 335 Charles, 331 John, 348 Mountain Arthur Frederick, ::98 Mountstephens Josepb, 240 Mow Chung, 342 Moxham Richard R., 196 Moy Hop, 184, 202 lvloy Thomas, 376 Moyle William J., 47, 123 Mozzola Peter, 150 Muchins Louisa, 236 Muck Cuck, 382 369, Moore Joseph Frederick, 369 Mudge John, 174 Moore Park Road, body of infant found, 153 Moore Park Road, body of infant found, 189, 195 Moorehead Thomas, 4 Moralles F., 60 Moran Michael, 132, 225 Moran William, 164, 166, 234 Moran Francis, 180 Moran Annie, 180 Moran Jaznes, 217 Moran James, 268 Moran Ada J., 268 Moran Daniel, 382 Morcom Erastus, 43 Mordant Montague, 376 Morehead Miss, 312 Moreland Alexander, 328, Moresby Mr., 372 Morg Nathium, 119 Morgan James, 42, 58, 119 Morgan, Mr., 49, 109 Morgan 1Villiam, 83 Morgan Thomas, 102 Morgan Charles, 108 Morgan James, 150 Morgan Eliza A., 150 Morgan James, 161 Morgan James, 173 Morgan Thomas S., 215, 225 Morgan George, 267 Morgan C. H., 363, 382 Morgan Alexander W.,, 366 Morice Robert, 74 Morrin James, 22, 69 Morrin William, 2137 Morris William Thomas, 9 Morris William Henry, 18 Morris C. H., 74 Morris Mr., 88, 119 Morris C., 111 Morris G. H., 125,187 Morris Annie, 142, 167 Moi ris Thomas, 164, 233 Morris Charles, 202 Morris William, 225 Morris Michael Victor, 1301 Morris Ellen Mary, 303, 329, 342 Morris Robert, 342 Morris Henry, 366 Morris John, 377 11Torrfsh James, 248 Moirissey William, 73 Morrison George, 87, 143 Morrison Allen, 111, 126, 135 Morrisorrs James, 166 Morrison James, 183, 189 Morrison William, or Muirson, 232 Morrison Caroline, 287 Morrison Mrs., 308, 317 Morrison George, 338 Morrison W., 376, 395 Morrison John, 379 Morrow John J., 201 Mortensen Christian, 191, 218 Mortensen Mikkel, 395 Morton Henry, 67 Morton Elias, 93 Morton Patrick alias Peter Murray, 129, 137 Morton Annie alias Murray, 129 Morton Henry, 136 Morton Annie, 184 Morton James, 319 Moscrop William, 96, 119 Mosford Willie, 139 Moss Thomas, 26 Moss John, 13) Moss Bridget, 272 Moss AMaryAnn, alias Vickery, 289 Moss Jane, 376 Moss Vale, Nuisance Prevention Act extended to, 153 Mount Kembla Coal and Oil Company, 134 Mudgee, abandoned child found, 279, 299 Mugridge Bros., 10 Muir William, :376 Muirson William or Morrison, 232 Mulcahey Cornelius, 256 Muleahey Joseph Ignatius, 355 Muiheran Patrick, 150 Mullahux Monstee, 247 Mullane Edmund, 230 Mullaney D., 125 Muller Ernest C., 72 Mulligan Daniel, 14 Mulligan Catherine, 61 Mulligan John, 193 Mulligan John, 203 Mullins Annie, 316 Mulry Thomas, 27 Mulvaney John, 169 Mulvaney Alicia, 243 Mulveeney Nicholas, 393 Munday Arthur, 83 Munday William, 118 Munday John, alias Williams, 289, 305 Munro George, 315 Munro William, 3134, 398 Munro George, 390 Munson Julia, 393 Munster Bernard, 338, 344 Murder of Hans Olund, a hawker, at Garibaldi Gully, near Young, 21, 29 Murder of Paddy, an aboriginal, at Vergemount Creek (Q.), by poison, 59 Murder of Kate Reilly, an attendant at Callan Park Asylum, 85 Murder of Amy Manahan (21) and Isidore Manahan (3), and suicide of offender Ralph A. Manahan, 161 Murder of Constable Sutherland in Rockwall-street, Potts' Point, by James Morrison, 183, 189 Murder of Peter James Sherlock near Ringwood, Victoria, 290 Murder of Christian Epple at Wagga Wagga by Thomas Reilly, 299 Murder of James Herbert Bartlett in King-street, .351 Murdoch William, 10 Murdoch Louisa, 92 Murdoch John D. & Co., 174, 187 Murdoch & Co., 233 Murdoch John George, 321 Murdoch John J. & Co., 328 Murdoch John G. & Co , 335, 370 Murdoch Thomas, 398 Murial Herbert E., 42 Murley Alfred, alias Jones, alias Corkery, 325 Murphy John, 4 Murphy E F., 4 Murphy Mary J., 28 Murphy Grace B., 34 Murphy William, 34 Murphy Patrick, 42 Murphy William, alias Henderson, 64 Murphy Joseph, 73 Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy 211 Murphy Murphy Murphy Al., 78 Patrick, 1C8, 119 O. George, 109 Lizzie, 145 James, 166 John, 181 Michael, 186 Thomas, alias Griffiths, John, 233 William, 236, 252 John, or Murray, 247 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1889. M'Glinehy Peter, 130 M'Gloan John, 319 M'Gonigal Peter, 23 M'Carthy James, 271, 329 M'Govern S., 49 M'Carthy Thomas, 300 M'Govern Patrick, 35;, 364 M'Carty John A., 308 M'Gowan Ernest, 49 M'Caskell D., 217 M'Gowan Ernest, 125,150 M'Cauley Thomas, alias Friday, M'Gowan Frederick E., 125 16 M'Gowan Sidney, 286, 292, 383 M'Clelland James, alias Jones, 51 M'Gowen Ernest, 150 M'Clelland & Roach, 133 M`Grade Edward, 95 M'Clennan Mrs. T. B., 193 M'Grail John, 221 M'Closkey Bernard, 379 M'Grath William, 30 M'Clurkin J., 63, 118 AI'Grath Charles, 97 M'Cluskey Mrs., 195 M'Grath Mary, 97 M'Grath Peter, 118 M'Coll John, 244 M'Grath Denis, 2C6 M'Grath Thomas, 206 M`Comiskey J. S., 364 M'Connell Samuel, 363 M'Grath Mary, 223 M'Conville Bernard, 43 M'Grath Edward, 232 M'Corkindale James, 313 M'Grath Charles, 268 M'Cormack Mr, 10 M'Grath Michael, 321 AI`Cormack Michael, 97 M'Grath William C., 372 M`Cormack Mary, M'Gregor James, 18 M'Cormaek Henry, enry, 134 M'Gregor Alexander, 18 AM'Ccirmack Michael, 317 M'Gregor Alexander, 63, 83 M'Gregor John Robert, 209 M'Correy C. H., 379 M'Cosker Cornelius, 181, 277 M'Gregor Ada, 21 0 31'Court James, 201 M'Gnffiu S., or M'Goveyn, 49 M`Coy William, 268 M'Guigau Daniel, 271 M'Cracken A 157, 166 M'Guinness Michael, 181 M'Or e d William, alias Horton, AT'Guinncss May, 299 247 M`Guire John, 51 303 AI'Croric Tironias, 184 M'Guirk John, 2 Murray Rose, 382 M`Cullar M., 151 M'Harrie James, 158 Murray River, body of man found, M'Hugh Edward,1-12, 158 M'CullochThomas, 22 193 M'Culloch Alrs. H., 30 M'Hugh Hugh, 336 Murray River, body of man found, M'Culloch Dr., 37 M'Hhgh Hngh, 355 381 AI'Culloch John, 364 AI'Tlwraith I.avina, 352 Murrell William Henry, 63 AI'Cullum Annie, 186 M'Indoe John, 220 Murrell William. H., 92 M`Inerney John, 42, 312 M'Darra Henry, 4, 22 Murtagh Michael, 333 M'Dermott William, 103 M'Inerncy Frank, 2'29, 241 Masson Mrs., 235 M' Dermott Herbert, 25 .5 M`Inerney Francis, 335 Muswellbreok Railway-station, M'Dermott C. J., 312 M'Innes D., 73 cash bag stolen, 14 M'Derrnott B., 386 M'Innes John, 286 Mutton John M'Donagh Dr., 277 M'Inncs Duncan, 324 Mutton Walter, 393 M'Intosh James, 23 Myers Mrs. A., 27 M'Donald Alexander, 22 M'Intosh Alexander, 63, 83 Myers Frederiek, 27 M'Intosh S. James, 82, 283 M'Donald Rev, Mr., 28 Alyers Mark, 50 M'Donald James, 31 M'Intosh A., 214, 229 Myers Mr., 57 M'Donald J., 42 M'Intosh Ellen, 328 Myers Joseph, 64 M' Donald Angus, 43 M'Intyre John, 4.5 Myers & Co.. 121 M'Donald Joseph, 49 APIntyre James, 52 Myers Mrs., 214 11I'Donald John, 101 M'Intyre Alexander, 64 Alyers J. A. L., 251 AI`Doneld Duncan, 117 M'Intyre William, 244, 257 Myring Frank, alias Cottrell, 249 AUDonld John, 143 M'Ivor Thomas, 196 M `Afee B., 19'6 218 AT`Donald .Tolrn, 186 M'Ivor Robert, 202 M'Afee Bernard, 210, 218 AT Donald Thomas, alias Stanley M'Ivor Samuel, 301 TMI`Allister alias DigbYalias John , Edminston, 1`i7 M`Ivor Maria, 301 a Gray, 297 M'Donald William, 193 M'Kay Daniel, alias Diamond, M'Alpin Mary, 190, 214 M'Donald Childs, 202 174. M' Arthur George, 23 M'Donalcl Georgiana S., 202 M'Kay George Harold, 370 M'Askill D., 61 M'Donald J. W., 24S M'Kechnie John, 275 M`Atcer Matthew, 209 M'Donald Lieut.-Colonel, 268 M'Kechnie Charles, 351 M'Ateer Annie, 319 M'Donalcl Alfred, 277 M'Keernan Thomas, 51 M'Auley 39 11I'Donald John, :105 M-Kell R. P., 174 M'Auley John, 96 1VI'DonaldFrederick J oseph,alias M'Kellar Mrs., 281 M'Auley John, 131 George Henderson, 328, 329 M'Kellar A. R. W., 391 M'Auliff'e J., 218 M'Donald Andrew, 339 M'Kenna Annie, 305 M`Auliffe James, 308 AL'DonaldCharles, orDuncan, 348 M'Kenna William, 328 M'Auliff'e James, 344 M`Kennon Daniel, 134 M'Donald Walter Robert, 345 M'Bean Lachlan, 63 M•Donalcl Ernest F., 367 AI'Kenzie D., 29 M'Bean James, 272 M'Donnell Mary, 118 M'Kenzie P., 42 M'Caffrey John, 331 M'Donnell Patrick, 233 M'Caine Robert, 260 M'Donough 31rs., 95 M'Kenzie, alias Bloomfield, alias M'Call Mrs., 68 M'Dcu ;'all John, 72, 102 Dargan, alias Bios,som, 118 M'Dougall J. G., 131 M'Kenzie James, 139 AT'Dougall R., 244 M'Kenzie A., 162 M'Call John, 331 M'Dougall DougaIl, 285 M'Kenzie W . G. AT,, 256 M'Call David, 335 M`Kenzie John, 378 M`Elhinney's Pawn Office, 121. M'Callurn Florrie, 64 AT'Elrneel Owen, 375 M'Keown Alrs., 2' 9 M'Candles James, 73 M'Evoy Thomas, 15 M'Keown Air., 366 M'Cane James J., 63, 105 M'Ewen James, 283 M'Kervey Thomas, 18 M'Cann .Jaynes, 21,11 M`Ewen Annie, 300 M'Kew James, 335, 356 M'Cann Lavina, 320 M'Kew Kate, 335 M'Farlane George, 193 M'Canu John, 312 AI`Farlane John, '2S7, 305 M'Kinley W. J., 50 M'Cann John, 36-1 M'Kinniary Patrick, 50 APCarthy Emily, 9 AM'Garr•ity John R , 109 AI'Kinnon Malcolm, 101 M`Carthy Denis, 3") M`Uarry Simon, 360 AT`Carthy Daniel. 38 M' eary Peter. 360 M'Lau ;'hlin Alexander, 4 M'Carthy Michael, 73 M'Gee James, 259 A1'Laughlin Felix, 28, 4,, M'Carthy Eugene, 86 M'Geoch John A.. 101 M'Laughlin Felix, 170, 187, 219 M'Carthy James Joseph, 12.5 AT'George Airs, 292 M'Laughlia Archibald, 191, 225 M'Carthy Dan, alias Thomas M'Gillivrey Alexander, 31'Laughlin Robert, 251 Jones, 126, 135 AM'Laughlin Miss, '-8G M'Gillivrey John, 324 AI`Carthy Patrick, 136 M'Ginn' John, 391 M'Laurin A., 108, 173 M'Carthy Floriie, 142, 167 M'Ginnis John, 280 AI'Laurin Andrew, 127 Murphy William, 252 Murphy John, 287 Murphy Michael, 297 Murphy Patrick, alias James Maher, 309, 336 Murphy James, 313, Murphy Joseph, X29 Murphy Martin, 341 Murphy Margaret, 352 Murphy Michael, 364 Murphy Henry, 390 Murray J., 22 Murray Lawrence, 52 Murray Edward, 54 Murray Annie, 78 Murray Robert, 100 Murray Peter, alias Morton, 129, 137 Murray Annie, alias Morton, 129, 137 Murray James R., 135 Murray John, 157 Murray Patrick, 173 Murray A., 214 Murray Richard, 215 Murray W. R., 233 Murray James, or Murphy, 247 Murray James, 256 Murray Thomas J., Murray Mrs., 81 Murray William, 290 Murray Alfred, alias Henderson, 2 M'Carthy, alias Samuels, Torn Jones, alias Thomas, 218 alias &c., M'Clymock Mrs., 13 P7 277 ,, T.,231 AtDonald Charles, 14 M'Kenzie George, 103 At-Call James, 68 M'Call Miss A.,68 M'Garrity J. W.,31 M'Kinnon Jolrn, 101 (11 73 19 M'Laurin James, 240 M`Lean Charles, 125 M'Lean Thomas, 197, 211 M'Lean Angus, 289 . M'Leish Effie, 60 M'Lennan Farquhar, 103 M'I_ennan Donald Alexander,-'161 M'Leod Al. D., 28 M'Leod James, 224 M'Loughlin Edward, 92 M`Loughlin William James, 126 M'Mahon John, 30, 39 M'Mahon M., 52 M'Mahon John, 104 M'Mahon Mary, 117 M`Mahon John, 150 M 'Mahon Mary, 225 M'Mahon J., 269 M`Mahon James, 325, 332 M'Mahon Francis, 332 M'ATanamen John, 123 M'Manus A., 78 M'Alanus Peter, 236 M'Manus George, 277 M'Millan Hugh, 70 M'Millan Samuel, 83 M'Millan D., 143 M'Millan Duncan, 151 M'Millan Hugh, alias Ferguson, 193 M`Millan Joseph, 386 AI'Murtrie ,Tames, 101 M`Alutrie E., 46 M'Namara Patrick, 27 M'Nemara David, 126 M'Namara James, 190 M'Namara Elizabeth, 190 M'Namara William, 201 M'Namee Michael, 138 M•Naught James, 360 M` N sill S., 78 11I`Neill Roderick, 108 M'1, ichol Patrick, 209, 229 M'Nichol Susan, 209, 229 M'Norton J., 78 MThee Archibald, 898 M'Plicrson George, 39 AI'Pherson William, alias Standen, 65 M'Pher,on James, 118 1V1'Pherson Mary, 209, 264, 277 M'Plrerson Peter, 272 M'Plrcrson Dr., alias Montgomery, alias Ross, 342 M'Phillamy Charles R., 85, 95 M'Qucen D. K., 53 M'Queen Susan, 53 M'Queen William, 79 M'Queen Mary, 79 11I'Queen, alias John Sydney Pendred, 305 M'Quin -, 338 M'Rmrc Mrs., 331 M'Rae & Fergusson, I T'Shane John, 289 228 AI'Shane Charles Gregory, 297 M'Sweency Robert, 40 M'Sweenev Michael, 275 M'Tackett Elizabeth, 244 M'Taggart John, 181 M''Taggart Maria C. See Stothard, 240 M"Tiernan Bernard, 125, 272 M'Veigh Thomas, or IW'Vey, 225 M'Vey Thomas, or M'Veigh, 225 i1T`Vical D., 49 N Nagle Richard, 52 Naills Daniel, 119 Nalty Valentine F. G., 399 Namoi Pastoral Company, suspension bridge maliciously destroyed, 273 Namoi River, body of man found, 312 Nandillyan Station, body of man found, 232 Nankivell F. M., 2-87 Napier Michael, 223 Napier Anne, 223 Narinan C., 9, 18 Narrabri, unclaimed properly for sale, 45 Nash James, 63, 83 Nash George, 100 20 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE Nash Mr., 274 Nash Ellen, 352 Nathan A. C., 80, 97 Nathan -, 237 Nathan Miss, 274 Nathan Violet, 366 National Bank of Australasia, 143,312,349,356 National Bank of Australia, 233 Nayless John, 98 Neal Joseph, 256 Neal Mary, 256 Nean Mary A., 10 Nearney Kate, 126 Neary Constable, 297 Neary John, 390 Neat John, 2 Needham Robert E., 221 Neen Alexander, 355 Neil Daniel, 30 Neill William, 329 Neill Charlotte, 329 Neilson James, 60 Nelmes George, 393 Nelson Mrs., 14 Nelson H. & Co., 31, 6.5 Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Jack, Newtown, child found straying, Oldham M. A., 79, 202 37 Oliphant Ellen, 329 O'Donnell John, 54, 101 O'Donnell James, 64 Nichol Margaret, 108 Nichol John, 108 Nicholas Frank, 169 Nicholls Sarah, 47 Nicholls Elizabeth, 63 Nicholls W. F., 150 Nicholls Annie, 175 Nicholls John S., 220 Nicholls Emma, 274 Nicholls George, 312 Nicholls George Robert, 364 Nicholls Frederick, 369 Nicklejohn, alias Meiklejohn,alias Williams, 50, 58 Nicklin Albert, 148 Nicklin Frank, 319, 329 Nightingale, alias Thompson, 3(33 N,thsdale street, abandoned child found, 13, 21 Nivison James A., 197 Nixon John, l81 Nixon William, 297 Nixon F. D., 398 O'Donnell Patrick, 150 O'Donnell Patrick, 305 O'Donohoe John, 286 O'Driscoll Patrick, 153 O'Driscoll Patrick J., 251 O'Dwyer Dr., 28 O'Flaherty Margaret, 319 O'Garry John, 229, 237 O'Grady John, 74 O'Grady John, 223, 241 O'Grady John, 233 Noake Reginald, 194 H. & Co., 65 Thomas, 111 Ada, 147, 150 Frank, 186, 231 Frank, 202, 231 & Co., 287, 364 William, 292, 348 Bernard, 292, 300 Jack, alias Haddon 299, 336 INDEX-1889. N,ble Noble Noble Nolan Nolan Nolan Nolan James, 27 William, 82 John, 367, 382 James, 18 Caroline, 74 Matthew, 112 James, 119 Oliver Frederick, 210 Oliver James, 385 Oliver James, 398 Ollifl'e J. B., 88, 102 Olsen Alexander, 83 Olsen L. A., 183 Olsen Olex Christian, alias Fredcrick Wilson, 319 Olund Hans, murdered at Garibaldi Gully, near Young, 21, 29, 166 Omanly Patrick Judge, 390 O'Halloran Margaret, 274, 332 Ommandson On Kee, 42 On Lee, 43 O'Hanlon C., 4 O'Hara Adam, 68 O'Hara Henry, 92 John, 60 On Sang & Co., 100 O'Keefe Patrick, 225 On,; Lin, 27 O'Keefe Patrick, Onsly Robert, 363 O'Loughlan M., 52 Opium, stolen from Guyra Railway-station, 259 Orange, East, child found abandoned, 137, 161 Orange, body of infant found, 315, 316 Orchard Arthur, 328 Orchard Samuel, 352 Ormes Alfred, 18 O'Loughlan John, 393 O'Malley Richard, 38 O'14Ialley Patrick, 336 O'Mara Edward, 54 O'Mara Amy, 386 O'Neal Edward, 202 O'Neill John, 118 O'Neill William, 158 O'Neill Susannah, 325 O'Neill Jeremiah, 337 Ormond J. S., 255 " Oroya" S.S., 57 Orr William, 74 Orr James, 125, 134 Nolan Charles T., 186, 213 Orr Frederick, or Benton, 191 Rig Nolan George, 215, 381 Orr Robert C , 196, 218 Nolan James, 214 Ortlipp Mary, 5 Nelson Alfred, 339 Nolan James, 232, 248 Osborne Thomas, 108 Nelson Peter, 376 Nolan Thomas, 232 Osborne John, 274 Nelyambo Run, skeleton of man Nolan Philip, 237 Osborne Angus, 395 found, 240 Nomico Andro, 232 Oscar Harry, 378, 385 Nesbit William E., 43 Noon Charles, 34 Otford, remains of man, name unNesbit, alias Shannon, alias Noonan Mark, 18 known, found, 148 Ketion, 43 Noonan John, 3t Ottoway John, 158 Noonan Patrick, 320 Nesbit Thomas, 118 Owen Friend Mrs., 60 Nesbit D., 194 Norfolk George, 3(19 Owen R. 122 Nesbit Charles William, 26 Owen 268 Norgreen 0, 253 Netterfold George, Norgrcen Martha, 23.3 Owen nlrs. G. B., 303 Nettlefold George, 319 Norling Frederick, 352 Owens William John, 356 Nettleton S. W., 112 Owens Sarah, 317, 356 Norman James, 10 Neville F. Stanley, 174 Norman Robert, 11 Owens Emily, 379 New Ernest, 33 Norman Frederick, 155 Oyarzabel Hidalgo, 355 New South Wales Government, Norrie Dr. A., 203 O'Brien Mrs. D., 9 261, 271, 297 Norris Alfred, 57 O'Brien Miss A., 14, 126 Norris Emma, 1')3 O'Brien David, 18 New Lambton, Police Act extended to, 205 No.tli Botany, Nuisance Proven- O'Brien Charles John, 31, 65 " New England Hotel," Georg otion Act extended to, 213 O'Brien Thomas, 50 street, body of man found, 221 Northcotc John, 319 O'Brien John, 58 New Zealand Government, emNorton Thom-,s, 23 O'Brien Thomas, alias Rodney, bezzlement, 225 Norton William, 92 64, 142 New Zealand Loan and MerNorton Edward, 328 O'Brien Rev. Dr., 68 cantile Agency Company, 395 Norton Ada, 335 O'Brien John, 78 Norton Miss, 378 O'Brien William, 83 Newcastle, unclaimed property Novice, alias Harry Bressington, O'Brien J. F., 86 for sale, 77 Newcastle, abandoned child 296 O'Brien Charles J., 108 Nowland Thomas, 92 O'Brien John, 147 found, 205 Newcombe William, 255, 320 Nowler Michael, 69 O'Brien Mrs., 196, 241 Nuisance Prevention Act extended O'Brien Miss, 268 Newell John, 73 37, 153, 213 ,213, 299, 3.9, 385 O'Brien Mrs., 269, 283 Newell John F., 108 Newey Annie , 220 , 210 Numba Post office letter stolen , O'Brien Mrs ., Newman Charles, 28 O'Brien Alfred, 296 Newman :Nary A., 23 Nun Thomas, 36 1 O'Brien Mary, 319, 336 Nunn John, 289 O'Brien Toohey, 3 29 Newman Joseph, Nursey Charles, 228 Newman James, 83 0 Brien Patrick, 311 Newey John, 3.51 O'Brien John, 348 Newman Frederick, O'Brien Thomas, 361 Newman James, 92 Newman James, 158 O'Bryan Sydney, 139 0 Newman Maria, 181 O'Bryan Alice, 139 Newman, C. W., 1.82 Oakes Charles, 109 O'Bryne John, 237 Newman George, alias Cockney Oatley & Cahill, 303 O'Carroll Patrick, 217 Oberg J. A., 15 George,183 O'Connell Kate, 105 Newman Charles W., 223, 53 Oceanic Publishing Company, O'Connell Thomas H., I 18 369, 37(, 382 Newman George, 224 O'Connor D., 4 Newman John H , 297 Ofield Joseph , 166 O'Connor James , 46 Newman C. & Co., 351 Ofield Joseph, 171 O'Connor John, 52 Ogden A., 38 Newman William, 372 O'Connor John, 73 Newman Charles, 381 O'Connor William, 86 Ogilby John, 3.`01 Newman & Thorley, 333 Ogilvie Daniel, 323 O'Connor George, 172 Ogilvie Joseph, 390 Newmarcli William, O'Connor Ellen, 172 Newu:arsh Ur., 280, 378 Ohenrott James. 382 O'Connor Margaret, 178 Newmont alias Custard du Nar- Ohlenschlag r C, 206 O'Connor David, 268 bo:irne, 181 Ohlson A., 170 O'Connor James Thomas, Old Yowandah Run, body of man O'Connor Esther, 335 Newton L avid, 101 found, 9 O'Connor Michael, 360 Newton George, 186 Newton John, Old Stockyards, man named O'Dell John, 5 Newton Mr., 220 George died, 72 O'Donnell James, 4 Newton Bridget, 3i>4 Oldfield Anthony George, 376 O'Donnell James, 25 Newtown Jeremiah, 297 Oldham William, 79, 202 O'Donnell James, 42 312 9 O'Neill Joseph, 356 O'Reilly P. and R., 28 O'Reilly Mrs. C., 8(3 O'Reilly John, 113, 202 O'Reilly Esther, 113, 202 O'Reilly Dr., 378 O'Rourke J. B., 14 O'Rourke S., 68 O'Rourke Mrs., 139 O'Rourke F., 2S0 O'Rourke William, 373 O'Shannessy Bridget, O'Sullivan Maurice, 211 O'Toole Michael, 243 78 -, 3111, 218 , 274- 65) 87,193 2' 50 33.5 18'; 275 P Paddy (ab.), 69 Page Henry, 118 Page Thomas, 12.5 Page John, 181 Page Elizabeth, 190, 196 Page Thomas, 352 Paget Thomas, 369 Paget John, 390 Paine Charles, alias Harkness, . alias Wray, alias Jackson, IL'2 Pakes George, 331, 338 Pakes John, 338 Palethorpe W. H., 372 Paling & Co., 255 Palm Maurice, 21 Palm W. L. E., 209 Palmer 0. H., 39 Palmer William, 101 Palmer William Henry, 117 Palmer George, 150 Palmer Emma, 245 Palmer Henry , 261 , 272 Palmer Mary, 272 Palmer Bridget, 325 Palmer Edward, 369 Palmer Matthew, 391 Pane --, 37$ Pantlin Harry, 290 Panton F. G., 335 Paohtich John, 108 Papperworth Mrs., 52 Paris John, 386 Park John, 247 Parker Parker Parker Mrs. P., 3 Charles J., 9 Ada , 59 Parker Thomas, 96 Parker T. C., 134 Parker David, 139, 329, 336 Parker Susan, 139, 329, 336 Parker H., 142 Parker Williiam, alias Williams, 142 Parker Hannah, 150 Parker Langloh, 153 Parker Jane, 190 Parker William, 224, 232 Parker Thomas, alias Joseph Williams, 241, 272 Parker Alfred, 317 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1889, Parker Alfred, 345 Parkes Frederick, 29 Parkes Fanny, 290 Parkinson, alias H. Brooks, 32 Parkinson William, 272 Parkinson Arthur, 390 Parnell Elizabeth, 50 Parrainatta Road, Forest Lodge, abandoned child found, 137 }Parraniatta. abandoned child found, 377 Parry Charles, 252 Parry Margaret, 292 Parson James, 233 Parson Brothers, 311 Parsons Henry, 173 Parsons W. J., 186 Parsons Thomas, 131 Parsons Charles, 319 Parsons Brothers, 312 Parton Richard, 191 Pascall Annie, 229 Paschke Herman Richard, 369 Pascoe J. II., alias Manson, 147 Pascoe Thomas, 289 Pascoe Frederick S., 303, 320 Paskins John, 28 Pass William H., 53, 70 Pass Mary, 53 Passement Etienne, 260 Patman Thomas, 30 Paton David, 151 Paton William, 195 Patterson A., 51 Patterson J. P., 108 Patterson Louis, 138 Patterson .john, 148 Patterson Thomas D., 150 Patterson William, 158 Patterson A., 184, 221 Patterson Andrew, 211 Patterson William, 224 Patterson Thomas W., 274. Patterson Mark, 275 Patterson George, 325 Patterson Myles, 366 Paul James, 9 Paul Walter, alias Squires, 126, 135 Paul George, 151 Paull William James, 296 Pauls A., 333 Paushon J., 197 Pavey Jame3, 10 Pavil Mr. , 332 Pawley John, 145 Paxton Thomas, 261 Paxton George, 290 Paxton James, alias Baxter , 335 Paxton George, 393 Payer Mrs., 122 Payne Mary E., 14 Payne William, 18 Payne Minnie, 60 Payne Charles E., 108 Payne -,136 Payne Henry, 162, 169 Payne Robert , 289 Payne James, 378 Paynter George A. , 21, 93, 136 Payten Henry, 22 Pead Frederick, 233 Peak Peter, 366 Peapel Elizabeth, 393 Pearce John, 27 Pearce Mary M., 74 Pearce John, 86 Pearce Pearce Pearce Pearce Pearce Pearse Pearse Pearson Pearson Alicia, 142 Austin, 161 James A., 180 Alfred, 308, 324 Thomas, 355 Elizabeth, 244, 297 Charles, 372 William, 15 Olaf, 277 Peat Walter, 193 Peate Thomas, 345 Peatley Charles, 97 )Peck C. H., 46 Peckham Thomas, 97, 126 Peden M. J., 277 Peerman John, 53, 97 Peerman Grace, 53, 97 Pegg Edwin, 169, 190 j egler George 46 0., Tlsker Emily, 240 Peisley George R., 82 Philpot S. C., 103 Pember W. C., 19 Pemberton John, 112 Pemberton Maud, alias Annie Campbell, 180 Fender G. S., 27 Pender William, 54 Pendergast R. J., 209, 225 Pendred Frederick H., 213 Pendred John Sydney, or Sydney Henry, alias M'Queen, 305 Penfold, Brusher, & Co., 224 Pengelly William, 301 Penn S. William, 126 Pennington W., 38 Penny Peter K., 118 Penny T. H., alias Cecil De Vera, alias Doames, 290 Penny Joseph, 381 Peoples Thomas, 15 Pepper Charles, 164 Percival G. E., 42 Percival George F., 359 Perkins Wilfred, 5 Perkins Sarah A., 5 Perkins Edward, 129 Perkins Cissy, 178 Perkins David, 218 Perkins Emily, 218 Perks Thomas, 46 Perlotti P., 9 Permewan, Wright, Sc Co., 247 Perrin Thomas, 300 Perritt William, 4 Perrott Frank, 375 Perry Charles, 15 Perry Charles, 18 Perry F. W., 133 Perry G. H., 236 Perry Joseph, 264 Perry Daniel E, 313 Perry E. A., alias Selke, 390 Persse W. E. C., 9 Peter Wilson, 40 Peters James, 5, 35 Peters James, 22 Peters John, 163 Peters Robert, 233 Peters Marian , 372 Petersham, abandoned child Phippard Mrs. Ann, 259 Phipps Edward, 11, 28 Phipps George, 15 Phipps Thomas H., 97 Pichon A. D. S., 174 Picker William, 64 Pickering and Davidson, 101 Pickering John, 117, 167 Pierce Edward, 74 Pierce James, 261, 283 Pietriche Mario, 274 Piggies Harry, 247 Piggott William T., 26 Piggott William, 164 Pilcher Charles, 3, 15, 300 Pileuge You, 378 Pilkington Eli, 320 Ping Sing, 283 Pinkerton It.,286 Pinkstone Frederick, 158 Pinkstone Eva, 305 Piper Miss, 104 Piper Harry, 301 Piper Thompson, 320 Pirotto Francisco, 268 Pitfield Edward, 86 Pitman William J., 39, 74 Pitt-street, abandoned child found, 37, 45 Pitt-street, jewellery found, 65 Flatten Edward, 240 Plesner Sarah, 18 Pluck Thomas, 117 Plumley Henry , 210 Plummer William, 224 Plummer William, 287 Piunkett Mrs ., 163 , 241 Plunkett Mary, 370 Poole Thomas, 32 Pointer Mrs. 154 Police Act, extended , 13 , , 95 129 , 137 , 161 , 189 , 205 , 235 259 , 285 , 299 , 337 , 359 , 365 Police notices , 1 , 67 , 103 , 183 Pollard N . B ,, 150 Po'lett Thomas, 39 Polley W. , 96 Pollock Thomas AV., 64 Pollock Henry, 74 Pollock Rober t , 264 Pont James, 130 85 Phelan Sarah, 316, 323 Phelp William, 325 Philbrook John, 155 Philbrook Christiana, 155 Phillip William, 25, 35 Phillips Alexander, 10 Phillips William, 18 Phillips John H., 21 Phillips Reginald, 27, 32 Phillips John, 64 Phillips Matthew, 97 Phillips and Wilson, 101 Phillips D. , alias Constable , 139 Phillips William, 142 Phillips Frederick, 197 Phillips Miss , 280 Phillips William H., 283 Phillips William , 312 Phillips Miss, 316 Phillips Frank, 332 Phillips Joseph, 370 P13 7 8ps' Pawn Office, 30, 291, Phillipson Charles, 14, 23 Ponto, alias J. Alitch 11,42, 50 Penton John George, 329 Poole George D., 18 Poole W. F., 117, 187 Poole Amelia M., 280 Pooley Mrs, 130 Pooley Thomas, 244 Pooncarie Lock-up, man, name unknown, died at, 98 Pope Mrs., 14 Pope Mrs., 269 Pope William, 269 Poritatte John, 386 Portels Julian, 135 Porter W. C , 4 Porter J. W. A. H., 31 Porter Porter Porter Porter Porter William, 63, 93 William, 111 George, 162 Arthur, 260, 301 Joseph, 342 Postmaster- General, 155, 277, 291, 305, 348 Potts John, 202 Potts Harriett, 272 Poulton R. R., 247 Powell Joseph, 18 Power Peter, alias Wilson, alias Manson, 356 Power Joseph James, or Powell, alias Young, 391 Praagh P. Van, 118 Pratt -, 3 Pratt Alfred, 45 Pratt John, 78 Pratt Henry, 138, 309 Pratten Richard, 31 Prendergast Robert, 214 Prentice James, 22 Preppel Augustus, 274 Presbury Alice E., 87 Presbyterian Church, Waverley; sacrilege, 96 Prest Michael, 43 Preston Mrs., 30 Price G. F., 61 Price William, 66; Price Henry, 77 Price Tilley, 93 Price George T., 101 Price William, alias Ward, 142 Petersham, child found straying, .5 1 103 Peterson Peter W. , 39 Peterson Annie C. , 39 Peterson Emily , ICl1 Peterson Henry , 146 Peterson Margaret , 215 Peterson John , 228 Peterson Elizabeth , 264 Peterson Frederick Lawrence, 335 Peterson Rosannah , 335 Peterson Abigail , 339 Pettersen Alrick, 83 Pettersen Annie, 83 Petty Sessions established, 13 , 77 , 279 Petty Sessions abolished , 2, 13 Petunia , Murtee Run , body of man found , 142 Pfister Joseph, 68 Phelan Michael, 100, 109 21 16),202, Powell Mr., 138 Powell Mrs., 138 Powell Peter, alias Manson, 147 Powell John, 218 Powell Edward, 361 Powell , alias Joseph James Power, alias Young, 391 Power May, 37 Power John , 60 Power Joseph, 108, 391 Power Mary , 1s2 Power Edward George, 274, 285 Power Patrick, 289 Power Delia, 289 Power Mrs., 300 Power Edward, 311 Power George Henry, 348 Price John, 180 Price John James, 287, 364 Price Frank, 287 Price James, 312 Price Charles, 317, 323 Price Edward, 356 Price Fred, 381 Pride George, 191, 248 Prideaux Arthur James, 5 Prideaux John, 166 Priest Mary E., 223, 297 Pringle James, 53 Prior John M., 125 Priora Brothers, 300 Piisk Paul, 256 Pritchard John, 135 Pritchard John, 150 Pritchard John, alias Charles F. Wearne, 372 Pritchard Henry, 382 Probert J., 105 Proclamations, 315 Proctor Susan, 355 Proctor Seaforth, 370 Proon Jessie L . H ., 45 Puffett Harry, 378 Pugh John W. E., 111 Pulbrook Joseph A., 336 Pullen Elijah, 113, 136 Pullen Catherine , 113 Pullen Alfred Henry , 361 Pullen Alfred Henry , 382 Pundit Redman (Hindoo) , 341 Purcell Miss , 228 , 236 Purchase F. , 162 I'urdie William , 361, 382 Purdy Thomas, 150 Purse William, 259 Pyrah Thomas, 264 Prisoners tried at Circuit Counts Al. and Courts of Quarter Sessions:-Abernethy John Campbell, 115 Abdullah Joseph , 271 Abrahams Louis, 334 Adams William Francis , 71 Adams Matthew, 91 Adams William Francis , 133 Adams William, 397 Addison John, alias Jones, 1 99 Agustine Del Frederick, 327 Agnew George, 388, 389 Ali Foo Julia, alias Townsley, 90 Ali Fook Joe, 91 Ah Hue Dan, 116 AliLee,aliasAliYou,133 AliJoeFanny,172 AliFeeUzzie,231 AliHang,231 AliFoo,aliasSingLee,294 Ali Gock, 311 Ali Corey, 374 Ahearn Joseph, 133 Alexander Leiser, 133 Alchin Elizabeth, 334 Allan Thomas, 90 Allan William, 331 Allen William, alias Allum, 115 Anderson Anderson Charles, 33 William, 33 Anderson George, 199 Kit 22 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1889. Prisoners tried-continued. Prisoners tried -- continued . Prisoners tried -continued . Prisoners tried - continued. Edwards William Thomas, 340 Burchett, William, 56 Cronin .James, 141 Anderson Richard Ch. Arles, 327 Edwards Charles, 388 Burke David, 91 Crouch George, 90 Anderson, alias John Graham, Edmonds Robert, 199 3.3-1 Burke William, 208 Crow Jemmy (ale. ), 7 Elliott llugh, 56 Burkill William, 141 Crowley Emily, 334 Andre Louis, 115 Elliott Charles, or Aylett, 2G:' Andrews, alias James Jones, Burnes George, or Byrnes, 388 Cummings James, 81 Emerson Ernest, 71 Buepit Charles, 91 Cummins James, 33 91 Emmett, alias Michael Sheedy, Angus John, 271 Byrne Thomas or James, 81 Cuneen John, 311 141 Appleton Sydney Hoare, 90 Burgess Thomas, 291 Cunningham, alias Heaney, 115 Enockson Einilius, 388 Arndale Alfred, 56 Caffery Daniel, 331 Cunningham John, 217 Erviue Thomas, or Irvine, 17 2 Arbuckle William, 231 Calbert Charles, 41 Curran Mary, 380 Evers John, 295 Armstrong George, 324 Callaghan George, 81 Curran Annie, 330 Evans Henry William, 311 Callaghan William, 200 Curtin John Michael, 53 Armstrong Robert, 363 Evans George Sydney, 327 Assam Charley, 200 Carlston Jane, 7 Curwin James, 231. Fagan John, 91 Aubisson Charles, 208 Carlton Frank, 41 Daltt Archibald, 91 Fahey Stephen, 8 Austin John, 295 Carlton Frank, 81 Dalziel Joseph, 124 Fallon James, 116 Avery Frank, alias Ingram, 141 Carpenter Patrick or Ralph, Daniels George, 295 Farrell John, 335 217 Dargan, alias M`Kenzie, alias Aylett Frank or Elliott, 262 Farrell Maude, 200 Barratt William, 8 Carthidge William John, 291 Davis, alias Bloomfield, alias Farrell Daniel, 208 Bartlett Richard, 115 Carwright William, 180 Jerry Blossom, 124 Felton Catherine, 17,2 Bartlett Edward alias Brown Carstairs Reuthen, 208 Dargan Frederick, 334 Feebrey Alicia, 327 Darvey Dick (ab.), 327 81 Carthew William, 208 Feeney Patrick, 90 Barnes William, 90 Carew Alfred, alias Cram, 271 Darling, alias Edward Dugan, Feeney Patrick, 115 Barton Thomas, 231 Carl Peter, alias Carr, 9, 362 Finn John, 208 Campbell Mary Jane, 311 Davies, alias Bloomfield, alias Bailey Emma, 295 Finn Patrick, 389 Cannon Ada, 90 Jerry Blossom, &c., 124 Bainbrigge Herman, 371 Field Charles, 368 Davis Bertha, or Liastrum, 8 Bannerman James, 41 Canfell Patrick, 217 Fitzalbert James, 8 Davis Mark, 71 Canfell Patrick, 347 Bateman Charles, 115 Fitzgerald James, 388 Bakey Michael, 156 Cassidy George, 389 ' Davis Peter, alias Brommy, 91 Flannigan William, 397 Banbery James T., 180 Castier Harry, alias Rudolph, Davis Mark, 107 Flemming Edward, alias Dixon, Davis Albert, 172 Bahr Richard, alias Simon, 200 90 239 Chalker George, 8 Davis John, 389 Baker George, alias Joseph Floy Ali, 239 Williams, 271 Challinor Richard, 90, 115 Davidson Susannah, 8 Flynn Frank, 56 Batts Ellen, 388 Chapman Edward, alias WilDavidson Archibald, rt Foley Phillip, 199 hams, 7 Davidson, alias William Bell Joseph, 7 Fong George Ka, 81 Bell Henry, 56 Chapman Henry, 199 Mitchell, 199 Ford William, 8 Bell John, 33 Charles Richard H., 81 Dawes Edward, 1.15 Ford Stewart, 56 Daws George, 327 Bell Hugh, 141 Chamberlain John, 90 Ford James, 90 Benjamin Samuel, 8 Cliamnpion, alias Robinson, 190 Day Henry, 8 Ford James, 115 Bennett Arthur James, 90 Clraeney Louis, 81 Day George, 310 Forrest George, 7 Beattie Elizabeth, 91 Chi Ong, 295 Dee Gong, 389 Forrest Arthur, 7 Chick William, 200 Delaney Henry, 208 Beale Alfred, alias John Crowle, Forrest Donald, alias De Vere, 199 Chillingsworth George, 33 De Rome Thomas, 156 alias Cook, 7 Berry Frank, 374 Chia Lee, 397 De Laurie Kate, 115 Foster William, alias James Chitten William, 388 Do Pass George, 8 Berren Richard, 115 Hayes, 99 Behan Joseph, 327 Chong Joseph, 246 De Vere Charles D., alias Foster Frederick Charles, 199 Belford William, 124 Christie William Bede, 192 Forrest, alias Cook, 7 Foster George, 231 Benson Willis Allatson, 1.99 Clancy Louisa, 294 Do Vere Cecil, 334 Fotheringliam Nichols,, 115 Clancy Duncan Robert, 340 Denton William, 141 Bishop William Robert, 208 Frelin Charles, 107 Bishop William Dennis, 311 Clarke Owen, 81 D.nny John, 293 Fraser Mary Jane, 397 Blakely Thomas Mason, 8 Clarke Charles, 1.56 Dews Thomas, 282 Francis Samuel, 90 Blaney Thomas, 8 Clarke Sarah, 271 Dever James, 8 Fullman John, alias Bourke, 90 Blantern 2eorge, 239 Cleary David, 388 Devine James, 388 Galvin Simon, 71 Clegett Thomas, 71 Diamond, alias Daniel M'Kay, Blackburn James or John, Gallaghan James Herbert, 107 Cle ;horn Robert, 156 271 alias David Duffy, 133 Gambell George, 56 Blackburn George Vernon, 231 Clifford Sarah, 383 Ditehman James, 60 Galley William, 246 Blair Henry, 141 Clough Duffina, alias Kate Dick John, 133 Gardner Charles, 41 Black Edward, 215 O'Brien, 90 Dillon John, 389 Gardiner Walter, alias Wright, Bloomfield, alias M-Kenzie, Cluckie Thomas D., alias Dillon Patrick, 339 107 Dillon Charles, 389 Woods, 7 alias Dargan, alias Davis, Gash John, 7 alias Jerry Bloasorn, 12.1 Clutterhuek George, 239, 317 Dixon, alias Edward Fleming, George (ab.), 368 Bloomfield James, 347 Lobby John, 8 239 Gibbons Sydney Smith, alias Boggs John, 282 Cobby (ab.), 271 Dignam George, 294 Thomas Jones, 90 Cogan John, 362 Donald Edward, 334 Bourke, alias John Fallman, 90 Gilder Sherrington, 91 Donaldson James Edwin, 90 Bourney William, 91 Coghlan Richard, 271 Glover Albert, 295 Bodin Marcella, 91 Coleman James, 298 Donnelly Henry, 7 Goddard Arthur A., 7 Donnelly James, 7 Boland Catherine, 133 Collins Louisa, 7 Golthorpe George, 99 Bolton Thomas, 200 Collins William, 208 Donnelly Arthur, 8 Goff William, 7 Boyes Arnold Watson, 41 Collins James, alias Graham, Dolan Bridget, 7 Gough Daniel, 7 334 Dorlan Edmund, 374 Boylson Dceniel, 327 Dorset Ebenezer alias Dover, 200 Goodfellow Aileen, 91 Boxsell George, 61 Collis John , 217 Goodwin Herbert, 141 Colquhoun Hector , 90, 115 Douglas Arthur, 1.80 Boxhall James, 363 Gogerley Marion, alias May, Bozanee James, 156 Cooey All , 374 Douglas William, 362 115 Brady John, 141 Cook, alias Do Vere, 7 Douglas Arthur, 254 Graham Henry, 3-27 Bradshaw John, 298 Cook Ernest , alias M 'Dougall , Dowling Richard John. 294 Graham, alias Collins, 334 alias Puddy , 56 Dowling John, 180 Brennan Michael, 156 Graham John, alias Anderson, Cook Frank , 255 Downey James, 231 Brennan Michael, 327 334 Breen Frederick, 208 Cooper George , 71 Downer Robert, 199 Graham Henry, 231 Brooks John, 262 Cooper Mayor, 295 Dowley Thomas, 340 Graham, alias Grant, alias Brown William, alias Bartlett, Cooper or Henderson , 383 Doyle Albert, 172 John Ross, 262 81 Connors Mary, 374 Doyle James, alias Marston, Grant Jackey (ab.), 81 Brown Richard George, alias Corston Harriet, 199 &e., 327 Grant, alias Graham, alias Colonel Brown, 115 Costello Patrick , alias Haren, Duckworth Henry, 327 John Ross, 262 Brown John, 2,8 alias Flash Patsey , 254 Duffy David , alias Blackburn, Gray Samuel Donald, 115 Brown Thomas, 334 Cottrell Frank , alias Myring, 13 3 Gray John, 156 Brown Arthur, or Sickle, 389 349 Dugan Edward, alias Darling, Gray John, 294 Brown William, 339 Coughlan John, 81 362 Graccy Jaines, 133 Brommy, alias Peter Davis, 91 Cowan John , 8 Dutton James Pay, 199 Grey William, 334 Bromley John, 107 Cox Frederick Charles, 78 Dwyer 'Tomas, 327 Grey Percy A., 334 Browning Joseph, 141 Crai; William John , 271 Dykes Samuel, alias Loraudo, 8 Grieve Walter, 7 Bryson William, 200 Crag John , 397 Dyer Lily, 208 Grieve Alfred, 7 Britten Louis, 271 Crane John, 374 Bather Frederick, 327 Brickett John, 311 Crawford Edward, 90 Eather Thomas, 327 Griffiths, alias Thomas Murphy, Butler Michael, 56 Crawford George, 388 Eastmuir Arthur, 389 294 Butler Phillip, 81 Cram, alias Carew, 271 Edward John, 327 Griffin Patrick, 116 Edwards Thomas, alias Page, Butler William, 107 Cranfell Patrick , 347 Grier Thomas, 246 Critcher Alfred, 389 334 Buttner Ernest, 142 Griffith George, 141 NEW prisoners tried--continued. Groves Herbert, 334 Grubl Paul, 56 Guefer Peter, 91 Hadden Alfred Henry, 116 Hadden Alfred Henry, 199 Hague James, 368 Hall Charles Henry, 91 Hall Edward, 115 Hall Edward, 208 SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-- 1889. 23 Prisoners tried-continued. Prisoners tried -continued. Prisoners tried-continued. Howard Frank, alias LiverLawrence Thomas, alias John Mudge John, 200 pool, 56 Wilson, 7 Mullins Mary, 141 Howard Felix,. 90 Lawson David, 262 Mulligan William, 91 Howard Felix, 116 Lee Patrick, 90 Mulhern Patrick, 208 Howard Daniel, 133 Lee Ali, 347 Munday William, 141 Howell John, 56 Lee Cliin, 397 Murray Patrick, 7 Hoyle James Albert, 91 Lebzel Jean, 7 Murray James, 295 Hudson Harry, 8 Leonard James, 8 Murphy Joseph, 7 Hudson Thomas, 199 Leonard Patrick, 362 Murphy Denis Joseph, 8 Hunter Henry, alias Woods, 199 Lewis '1 homas Francis, 8 Murphy William, 90 Hunter George, 327 Lewis Daniel, 61 Murphy , alias Henderson, 99 Hunter William, 388 Lewis John, 180 Murphy Lizzie, 208 Hunter James Alexander, 389 Lever Annie 91, Murphy John, 208 Hunter George, 397 Levy Abraham Judah, 8 MurphyThomas, alias Griffiths, Hunziker Gothold, 397 Levy Max, 90 Hyam David, 199 Murphy Michael, 294 Lin On, 90 Ingram James, 107 Lindsay Samuel John Clarke, 8 Murphy Joseph, 334 Ingram, alias Frank Avery, 141 Myers Joseph, 115 Linstrum Bertha or Davis, 8 Irvine Thomas, or Ervine, 172 Myers Joseph, 199 Liverpool, alias Frank Howard, Jackson William, 61 56 Myring, alias Frank Cottrell, Jackson William, 295 Loo Pang, 311 340 Jackson Frederick, alias Loader Frederick W., 19.3 James, 195 Warner, 311 Locke Eliza, 389 James, 124 Jacobs Henry W., 374 Logue William, 380 M`Court James, 231 James, alias Henry Sands, 246 Long William, 331 M`Carthy James, 334 Jeffrey George, 217 Lorando, alias Samuel Dykes, M`Cudden John P., 56 Jennings William, 295 8 M°Clelland James, 91 Jesser George, 327 Low John, 141 M`Donald Joseph, 90 Johnson William Percy, 56 Lowe Charles! 141 M'Donald James, alias Johnson Henry William, 115 Louie Jean, 7 M`Donnell, 91 Johnson John, 192 Luke Thomas, 8 Angus Fergus, 99 Johnson Alice, 192 Lun Mo, 180 M'Donald John, 311 Johnson George, 294 Lutton George, 208 M`Donald John, 347 Johnson William, 388 Ly Sing Jimmy (Clh.), 310 Frederick Joseph, Lyons Bartholomew, 91 Johnston Robert, 91 388 Johnston Frank, 141 Lyons David, 208 M`Donnell , alias James Johnston Frank, 141 Lyons Bartholomew, 295 91 Lynch John, 331 Johnston James, alias Watson, David, 8 141 Lynch Michael, 56 M`Dougall , alias Cook, alias Mack Ilobert, 199 Johnston James, alias William Puddy, 56 Watson, 141 Mackay, alias George Richards, John, 172 Johnston Robert, 208 115 M'Dougall John, 294 Johnston William, 327 Madden Michael, 84 John, 388 Jones, alias George Watson, 7 Madden John, 107 John Robert, 133 Jones Thomas, alias Gibbons, Madden John, 141 M`Gingan Daniel, 282 90 Maguire James, 8 M`Grath Peter, 199 Jones James, alias Andrews, 91 Maher John, 56 Hugh, 388 Jones Albert Edward, 99 Manson Ada Elizabeth, nee M'Hugh Hugh, 389 Jones William, 116 Nelson, 217 Ellen, 387 Jones, alias John Addison, 199 Marson Leonard Percy, 389 John, 91 ;Marston George Eldred, 271 Jones William Henry, 282 Daniel, alias Diamond, Jones James, 294 Marston William. alias Martin, 271 Jones George, 380 alias Doyle, 327 M`Kemia William, 388 Jones Thomas, 383 Marshall Jolin Wallace, 90 John , alias BloomJones William, alias J,lin Martin, alias James Doyle, &c., eld, alias Dargan, alias Baker, 397 327 Davies, alias Jerry Blossom, Jolly Robert, 340 Mason David, 199 124 Jolly George, 310 Mason Arthur, 271 M'Kerney Thomas, 81 Joslyn Thomas H. C., 107 Mather Robert, L6 M`Kinnon Malcolm, 141 Jnry Robert, 7 Mathias Frederick, 340 John, 141. Ka Fong George, 81 May George, 8 i1I`Laughlin Felix, 66 Kahl William, 208 May, alias Gogerley, 11,5 M`Laughlin Edward, 116 Kearney Daniel, 397 Meacham William, 262 M'Lean John, 107 Keating Thomas, 107 Megata Kuragira, 331 James Alexander, 239 Kersley George W., alias David Meredith William, 208 1%1`ManusFrank, 33 Tye, 7 Messell Charles W., 389 Ger rge, 347 Kelly Michael or Montague, 91 M`Millan Hugh, 208 Meyers Patrick, 116 Belly Patrick, 107 Aleyers Joseph Alexandr Patrick, 115 Kelly William, 180 Laurence, 295 Michael, 208 Kelly James, 294 Meyers Henry, 331 alias Pendred, 397 Kendall Robert, 124 Milson Arthur, alias Seymour, Patrick, 99 Keogh Edward, 294 208 John, 347 Kin Jo, 246 Mills, alias Saunders, alias Nagle John, 33 Bing, alias Thomas Williams, 7 Neal Joseph, 327 Stephens, 56 King Charles, 56 Miller Emily, 90 Neigle David, 7 King, alias William Smith, 91 Miller Samuel, 133 Nelson , alias Ada E. King William, 107 Miller John, 231 217 King James, 294 Mitchell William, alias Nelson Jack , alias Haddon Rig Kingston Henry, alias Wilson, Davidson, 199 Jack (ab.), 327 331• Nesbitt Thomas, 99 Minnhennett John, 254 Kinnear Thomas, 295 Nesbitt Thomas, 141 Moloney Denis, 294 Kirchner William, 295 Moran William, 246 Nesbitt David, 231 Kirsh Henry, 288 Newman James, 99 Morton Henry, 107 Kirwin Andrew, 41 Morton William, 141 Newman James, 200 Kittz Ah (Cli.), 56 Morton Henry, 389 Newtown George, 262 Knapp Mary Cecilia, 334 Morris William Thomas, 90 Newcombe William, 327 Kroff Frank, 282 Morris Charles Henry, 91 Neville Stanley, 208 Kynaston John St. Ledger, 56 Morris Cliarls, 311 Nicholas Frank, 124 Kyzor Harry, 380 Morrison George, 8 Nixon William, 334 Lan ;ridge Win. Harlow, 380 Noble William, 156 Morrison James, 294 Laing George Robert, 208 Moore John, 208 Nolan James, 41 Lamont Francis, 231 Moore, alias Roberts, alias Norton John, 00 Lane Arthur, 180 Smith, 231 Nun Thomas, 374 Lane George, 192 Moore Henry Alfred, 239 Oakes Charles, 21 Larkins John Francis, 192 Moore Elizabeth, 294 O'Brien Kate , alias Clough, 90 Larry James (ab.), 311 O'Brien Thomas, 90 Moore Charles, 347 HallWilliam, alias Henderson, Hamilton Simon, 90 Hammond William J., Hampage George, 231 Hamlion Henry William, 291 Hanrahan William, 7 Hancock Patrick, 294 Hanehard William, 133 Hardy Henry, 283 Haren Pat, alias Costello, alias Flash Patsy, 254 Hargraves John Edward, 91 Hargraves Samuel, 327 Hariot Alfred, 199 Harkness David, 7 Harkness William, 7 Harkness John, alias Payne, 199 Harkins Patrick, 397 Harvey Alexander, 56 Harvey Fanny, 99 Harrison George, 389 Harrison George E., 374 Hanison George, alias Carrie Swain, 115 Harrison John, 56 Harris Edward Bourke, 295 Harris George, 295 Harris William, 90 Harris Edward B Burke, 334 Harris William, Harbor Cornelius Joseph, 90 Hart Abraham Meyer, 294 Hassett William, 295 Hawkins Owen, alias Riley, 41 Hawkins Walter, 115 Hawkins Mary, 295 Hayes E llen, 90 Hayes James, alias William Foster, 99 Hayes Patrick, 282 Hayes Thomas, 327 Hayden Walter, 1:11 Hazlewood Joseph, 91 Hazlewood Janes, 91 Hearne, alias Simpson, 56 Heaney Patrick, alias Cunningham, 115 Hedley Arthur W. T., alias Tetley, 115 156 327 Henderson William Arthur, alias Murphy, 99 Hendersonr George or Cooper 388 Henley Joseph, 8 Henley Richard, 8 Hee Hang, 41 Hesketh William, 383 Hesketh William, 389 Heffernen Helen Mary, 56 Hibble William George, 199 Hibberd William, 389 Hickey William, 239 Hiddlestone Hugh Charles Savage, 295 Higgins James, 5 Hilton Richard, 141 (33 Hinch John,71 Hinds John, .341) l hizde Samuel Christian, 327 Hodson Vernon Frederick William, 91 Hogan John, 107 Hogan Robert T., 141 Hogan James, 208 Hole Margaret, 7 Holmes William, 389 Holdsworth John, 99 Holdsworth John, 141 Holds Worth John, 231 Ilopton John, 107 Hopkins Edward William, 334 Horkins Owen, 56 Horkins Owen, alias P. Riley, 124 Holton George, 368 24 M'Auliffe M'Candless M'Donald M'Donald M'Donald, M'Dougall M'Dougall M'Dougall M'Garritty M'Hugh M'Intosh M'Kay M'Kay M'Kenzie fi M'Kinnon M'Leod M'Manus M'Namara M'Namee M'Queen, M'Rinnery M'Shane Manson, NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1889. 21 Prisoners tried-continued, O'Brien William, 91 O'Brien Thomas, alias Rodney, 91 O' Brien Thomas, 115 O'Brien Alfred, 327 O'Connell David, 56 O'Donnell Patrick, 231 ()'Grady John, 115 291 O'Grady John, O'Neill John, 141 O'Neill William, 311 O'Neill Edward, 327 O'Neill William, 389 Oliver Frederick Alfred, 239 Osborn Thomas, 200 Oliphant Ellen, 389 Orchard Arthur , 317 PageThomas, 141 rage Thomas, 239 Page Thomas, alias Edwards, 831 Page John, 262 Palmer Mary, 334 Parkes Sophia, 199 Parker Hannah, 217 Painell Elizabeth, 90 Pascoe Thomas, 327 Pascoe `Thomas, 3S0 Patterson William, 239 Payne Charles, alias John Harkness, 99 Paul Walter, alias Squires, 200 Peare George, 91. Pemberton John, 156 Pendre 1 John Sydney, alias 11I`Queen, 397 Perkins David, 239 Phillips William, 71 Pilkington Eli, 310 Ping Sing, 335 Pinkstone Frederick, 2:8 Platter Edward, 213 Pollock Robert, 8 Porter William, 199 Portels Julian, 208 Powell Bridget, 8 Powell John, 90 Powell John, 115 Power Delia, 331 Power George Henry, 330 Presdee Ernest, 199 Price George Thomas, 115 Price George Thomas, 208 Price George Thomas, 199 Price, alias William Ward, 231 Price Jai ies, 331 Pritchard John, 208 Paddy, alias Cook, alias iVPDougall, 5; Quigley William, 311 Quinlan Francis, S Quinlan John, 231 Quick Frederick, 271 Raby Edward, 141 Rh lly William , alias Reilly , 99 Ramsay James, 91 Raper Sydney, 331 Rappeneker Peter William, 115 Rawson Samuel, 141 Regan Mary, 71 Raid Robert, Reid Thomas, 13°3 Reid Joseph, 172 R.ily Thomas, 327 Reilly, alias William Raliilly, 99 Reedy John, 2(2 Reedy John, 331 Reeves Funny, 2955 ]ieyndll George On en, lib Reynolds, alias Sinito, 397 Ric'h,rds George, alias Mackay, 115 Rig-ins Joshua, 7 Riley, ali-is Hawkins; 41 Riley, alias Owen Hockins, 124 Riley Peter, 216 Riley Austin, 216 115 R'ley Arthur, 388 331 Ritchie Robert, 331 Ritchie John, Roberts John, 90 Roberts Thc,mas, alias Smith, alias Moore, 231 Robertson George, 327 Prisoners tried-continued. Prisoners tried-continued, P1 isoners tried --continued. Watson, aliasWalters,alias Robinson Thomas, 33 Spence John, 8 Sanderson, 81 Robinson George, alias Spence George, 208 Watson Joseph, alias James Spencer Henry, 133 Champion, 199 Johnston, 141 Spruce William, 107 Robinson James, 200 Watson William, alias Henry Squires Walter William, alias Robinson Lucy, 208 Johnston, 141 Paul, 200 Robinson William, 288 Watson Andrew, 156 Robinson Frank, 295 St. George Edward Hamilton, 8 Watson Roger, 217 Rodgers Maurice, 208 Stanley William, 294 Watson Henry, 294 Stanley Robert, 340 Rodney, alias Thomas O'Brien, Watson Henry, 340 Stanfield Frederick, 7 91 Watkins Thomas, 91 Stapleton Thomas, 200 R:iffey Charles, 156 Watkins Frederick, 91 Starchy, alias William Smith, 7 Rolfe Michael, 353 Watts Roland George, 107 Starky John, 271 Ronan John, 397 Watts George, 156 Steel Samuel, 90 Roirdon Patrick, alias Kirby, 99 Watzek Mathias, 295 Ross William, 133 Steel Sa r uol, 116 Warby John, 295 Stephens, alias Mills, alias Ross John, 199 Ward William, alias Price , 231 Saunders , 56 Ross Cecilia , 200 Ward Sydney Wright, 262 Stephens Joseph, 56 Ross John, alias Graham, alias Warner, alias Jackson, 311 Stephens Henry, 199 Grant, 262 Way, alias Andrew Walker, Stephens William, 334 Ross Jaines, 388 99 Stewart Henry, 397 Roughley James William, 141 Weatherstone Richard, 141 Rowlston Alfred, 41 Street Francis John, 397 Webster Henry, 180 Stockdale William, 141 Rowe Edward, 208 Webster Reuben Harry, 362 Stockdale William, 239 Russell Patrick Henry, 199 Sullivan Edward, 56 Russell William, 397 WehrstedtFrederick Oscar , 29.5 Sullivan John, 90 Rutter Harry (ab. ), 217 Welbourne Edward, 7 Summers Sidney, 388 Ryder Robei t, 380 Wells Ernest, 172 Ryan Martin, 71 Sutton William, 311 Wells William , 180 Ryan Thomas, 115 Swain Carrie, alias George Wells Ernest Arthur , 294 Ryan William, 141 Harrison, 115 Wells Ernest John Arthur , 388 Ryan Charley (ab.), Swindell Thomas , 107 Wells August , 389 Ryan Tommy (ab.), 271 Teek Robert, 141 Wells Annie , 389 Ryan Phillip, Tempest Bernard Vane, 56 West Israel , 7 Ryan Patrick, alias Sparrow, Terrill Francis, 334 West Ernest, 388 397 Tetley , alias Hedley , 115 Westrey William , 1155 Saddler Jimmy (ab.), 56 Thomas Elizabeth, 7 Whelan Francis Patrick , 91 Sampson William, 08 Thomas Albert, 8 Whelan James , 91 Sands Henry, alias James, 246 Thomas William, 81 Wheelar Lillian , 295 Sanndstrom Boland, 282 Thomas Henry, 91 White Francis , 8 Sardella 389 Thomas Jelin, 5 White George , 115 Saunders Henry, 8 Thomas Henry Barron , 231 White William , 156 Saunders Charles, alias Thomas John , alias Williams, White Thomas , 294 Stephens, alias Mills, 56 294 White William Stradling , 397 Saunderson, alias Watson, alias Thomas William, 397 Willis William , 239 Waters, 81 Thompson William, 7 Williams Thomas, alias Kin;, 7 Saunderson Robert, 217 Thompson Hugh, 61 Williams , alias Edward Chap6awyer Isaac, 133 Thompson John , alias Ashton, man , 7 90 Williams Alfred , 33 "cannel William, 208 Thompson William, 99 Williams Francis , 90 Schein Henry, 294 Th aipson George Boniface, Willi ams G eorge, 133 Sehrimshaw Charles, 156 Williams Thomas , 156 Schulphcr John, 172 Williams John, 180 Thompson Fr.dcriek, alias Jim Schussler Frederick , 317 Williams Thomas, 199 Mace, 340 Sehrivencr Joseph Henry , 208 Williams Henry, 208 Thompson William, 389 Sefton Robert , 397 Williams George, 231 Thurston Edgar Ernest, 294 Seymour , alias Milson , 208 Williams Joseph, alias George Tierney Henry, 7 Sharp William , 200 Baker, 271 Tighe Thomas, 295 Shaw George , 8 Tinker Thomas, 3-'0 Williams Henry, alias John Shaw William , 3S9 Thomas, 294 Toms Henry, 362 , 374 Williams William, 374 Tondie John, 172 Shaible Mary , 374 Williams George, 380 Tondic John, 271 Sheedy William , 91 Williams John, 38S Topin John, 7 Sheerly Michael , alias Emmet , Williams Joseph, 388 Treasure Lewis, 81 141 Williams John, 389 Triggell John, 116 Sheehan John 368 Williams Emma, 397 Trip Richard, 90 Sickle Arthur , alias Brown , 3S9 Williamson William, 90 Townsley Julia, alias .Ah Foo, Silva Daniel , 81 Wilkinson Charles, 115 9) Simon Robert , alias Bahr , 200 Wilson John, alias Thomas Toohev Gregory, 199 Simond Thomas . 180 Lawrence, 7 Turnbull Fanny, 8 Simpson Francis James , alias Turkington Ada Florence Wilson George, 7 Hearne , 56 Grace, 295 Wilson Ernest, 8 Simpson Thoinns , 156 Turkington Sophia, 295 Wilson Charles, 124 S ng Pin;, 389 Tuke Francis, 115 a Singleton Thomas , 201 Wilson .Arthur, 208 Tye David, alias George W. Wilson Billy, 295 Skinner Charles William, 107 Kersley, 7 Slater Thomas , 271 Wilson James, 327 Vaughan George, 334 Sloane William, 280 Wilson John, 334 Vigors John, 3'7 Wilson Thomas, 353 Smea George Thomas, 362 Winters Richard, 334 Smith William, alias Starchy, 7 Vile John, 133 Smith Henry . 8 Wilton Robert Stoors , 291 V ite y Geor g e Jose p h , 3r 8 Smith John, 41 Wade Thomas, 199 Smiths William, alias King, 91 Woodward Walter, 327 Waddington Mary Ann, 192 Smith John, 91 Woods, alias Thomas D, Wake Mary, 33 Smith William John, 124 Cluckie, 7 Wakcham Ryther, 208 Smith Alfred-133 Woods John, 172 Willis George, :41 Smith Jelin, 141 Woods, alias Henry Huntet, Wallace Alfred, 8 Smith Algernon, 172 199 Wallace Thomas, 61 Smith James, 192 Wallace George, 295 Woods Peter, 294 Smith William, 208 Wood Cl axles, 172 Walker, alias Andrew Way, 99 Smith, alias Roberts, alias Walker Richard, 11 7 Wood Thomas, 327 Moore, 231 Walsh Patrick, 56 Wood Sam Lee, 334 Smith Kate, 388 Wolland, alias Arthur Woollar, Walsh John, 208 Smith Pringle R., alias Walsh Michael Francis, 389 115 Reynolds, 397 Woollar Arthur, 7 Walters, alias Watson, alias Snow James , 295 Saunderson , 81 Woollar Arthur or Wolland , Sparrow, alias Ryan, 397 Watson George, alias Jones, 7 18) 327 2 -, 16 Sawyer Isaac, 172 294 , Shai .bleWilliam Wiseman Robert Buchbam, 397 8,90 NEW 1-continued. Piisoners trio Woollar Arthur 155 , 199 Wright, alias or Wolland, Gardiner, 107 Wright John, 156 Wright Samuel, 217 Wrigley Henry, 327 Wyndham Samuel Johnstone, 199 Yamma Ada, 192 Yarnold Mary , 397 You Ali, 56 Young 711i-heel, 199 Zliniski Paul, 271 Prisoners discharged freeAddison John or Jones, 48 Adams, alias- Roberts, 362 Ah Ram , alias Chock Lin , all-is Ali Lee, 71 Ali Foon, 107 Ah Lee, 107 Ah Yow, 107 Ali Site, alias George, 387 Ali Coon, 387 Aitken, alias Clifford, alias Hyndcs, 81. Alleyne Leon, 6 Allen Richard, 100 George, 41 Anderson William, 48 Andrew Matthew, 179 Archibald Henry, Archer John, 255 Armidale Alf., 354 Ashley Joseph, 246 ISac Edward Dominick, 41 Baker Owen, 368 Barr William, 165 Barrett John Rodgers , 185 Barrow Albert H. T., 318 Barnes George, alias John' Williams, 124 Anderson 161) Bell James or William, 310 Bennis John, 62 Benjamin Henry Lewis, 380 Bergin John,124 Beveridge John, 81 Bevistock, alias Rainey , Saul alias Sall, 185 Black Robert, alias Blake , 374 Blackmore E. C., 171 Blakeney Henry, 116 Blake Thomas Henrv , 193 Blake, alias Robert Black , 374 Blarney Thomas , 387 Bond Charles , 62 BondIeld Samuel James , 133 Bornstein Frederick , 330 Boneal Jageres or Jacques , 302 Bowler Samuel J. , 149 Boyd William , 41 Bray Elizabeth or Lucy , 89 Britton William , 362 Brockley, alias Reid , alias Thompson , alias Herbert , 100 Brown Robert , 24 Brown William , alias Radcliffe, 31 Brown William , 57 B rown Willi am, a li as M ar k s, 7 1 Brown William, 149 Brown George , 135 Brown William , 833 Brown Mary A, alias Chapman, 340 Brown James, 388 Browning -, 156 Brodie John, 57 Brummy, alias Smith , alias Thomas Bassett, 12-4 Buckley James, alias Charles Melly, 310 Biittner Ernest, 185 a'ias Cain James, 24 Gains Edward, 165 Calouze Louis, 33 Campbell James, 41 Campbell George A. 13., .48 Campbell Edward, 48 Campbell John 116 Lanham Richard, 207 Carter'Willoughby H., 380 Cartwright George, 41 Cartwright Matthew, 81 Casey Joseph, 263 Chapman Richard, 124 Chapman Albert, 326 SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX Prisoners discharged-continued. Prisoners discharged-continued. Chapman, alias Marv A. Brown, FrancisWilliam,aliasM`Donald, alias Hargraves, 71 310 Chardon F. G. H., alias MortiFrost Lawrence, 33 mer, alias Lee, 333 Frost Jaines, 116 Clarke Frederick alias Dobbie, Frost Herbert, 198 263 Georgic, alias Sue, 387 Cleary David, 230 Gilligan Patrick, 263 Clifford Walter, alias Aitkin, Giles Donald S., 362 Gladstone John, 318 alias Paddy Hynds, 81 Chene, alas Thomas Collins, 171 Gleeson James, 81 Collins Thomas, alias Clone, 171 Gleeson Charles, 116 Collins Alfred, alias Nipper, 333 Glover Mary Ann, 33 Collins William, 380 Good William, 140 Conolly Patrick, alias Mahoney, Goodwin Herbert, 288 Godfrey Peter, 1.65 239 Conlon John Francis, 362 Gould Patrick, 239 Constantine Richard, 263 Graham John, 346 Constantine George, 203 Gratton Francis, 149 Conway Henry William, 336 Gray Donald Samuel, 48 Coonan Thomas, 310 Green George, 48 Cook Michael, 263 Green Patrick, 276 Green James, 347 Conn orty Joseph, Greaves Alfred, 81 Coulter Bella , alias Hayes , 263 Grey James, alias Michael Crouch Jane , 133 Foody, 368 Cuddy Denis , 396 Haddon Walter S., 263 Cummins James , 57 Ilague William, 140 Cummings John, 3CS Hamiltbn George, 347 Cunneen Michael , 116 Hankey Guerin, alias Dr. Curran Annie , 179 Hankey, alias Elliott, alias Curran Esau , 387 Wilson, 362 Curtis Edward, alias Smith, Hanson Richard, alias Tracey, 48 282 Danvers Frederick Walter, 333 Harris Jelin Thomas, 81 Darrell Richard John, alias Barris George E., 81 Murphy, alias Woods , 362 Harris Thomas, 124 Davis James , 67 Harris Thomas, 165 Davis Henrietta , 25 Hargraves, alias Francis, alias D a vi s J o h n, 368 Davison Samuel , Harland Alfred, alias William Dawson Henry, alias George Johns n, 183 Kennedy , 185 Hayes, alias Bella Coulter, 263 Dempsey Charles, 124 .Hennessy Patrick, 239 De Vere Cecil, alias Penny , 255 Henderson Patrick, 292 Devine Alexander, 35-1; Henderson, alias Muir, alias Do Gray Raymond, alias Levi , Paul, 333 alias Hinds , 380 Henley Richard, 387 Dickson J. W., alias Simpson, Herbert, alias Thompson, alias 17 Brockley, alias Reid, 100 Dickson Emerson, 71 Herbert Joseph, 246 Dobbie Robert, alias Clarke, Herbert George, 374 263 Heffernan John, 851 Dobbie George, 318 Hilton John, 133 Doolan Bridget, Hing Julia Chat , 198 Doolan John, 276 Hinds , alias Levi , alias Do Donaldson John, 310 Gray, 380 Donohoe James, 133 Hines Daniel , 239 Douglas William, 179 Hobson George , 1(7 Dovell ,Tames O. H., 62 Mogan J.R , alias John Evans , Doyle Gerald, 288 17 Drew Samuel, 35,4 Holt Edward Brown , 2-46 Drewitt James C., 17 Holman John , 41 Dumas Victor, 802 Hong , alias Ali Wong , 48 Dunn Robert, 124 Hornsby Henry , 100 Dunning Henry, alias JamieHowell Joseph , 116 son, 239 Frederick Howlett , alias Duncan Robert, 333 Wills, Edwards Walter, alias Stone, Hudson , alias Hutson , 41 310 H ug h es P ercy J ., 34 7 y, 270 Hurley .Tames, 288 Elliott, alias Jackson, alias Hush Peter , 41 Morrison, 279 Hutson'I'homas , alias Hudson , Elliott, alias Wilson , alias 41 Hankey, 362 Hyades, alias Clifford, alias Ellis Michael, 313 Aitken, 81 Ephram E-lward, alias WilJacob Joseph, 239 liam Johnston, 293 Jackson John, alias Morris n, ITtehells, alias Isaac Smith , alias Wills , 222 89 Jackson, alias Morrison, alias Evans John, arias T.R.Hogan, Elliott, 276 17 James Alfred, 222 Finn Patrick or Michael, 41, Jamieson, alias Henry Dun48 ning, 239 Finney Thomas, 165 Jenkins Arthur, 263 Fitzsimmons James, 387 Johnson Alexander, 17 Flannigan Thomas, 230 Johnson William, alias HarFlood Nicholas, 246 land, 185 Flood Nicholas, 2513 Johnson John R., 255 Floody Michael, alias James Johnson William or John, 276 Guy, 368 Johnston William, alias Foon Ah, 107 Ephraim, 293 Forrest Arthur, 255 Jones Alfred, 6 Forrest George, 263 Jones, alias Morton, alias RobFotheringham Nicholas, 293 son, 24 Foy Timothy, 89 Jones, alias Addison, 48 Ali 3!8 .374 M'Donald, 71 62 Ali 293 Elliott Henr Fraunenfelder Joseph, F1. Jones Edward, 57 1889. 2 Prisoners discharged-continued Jones William C,, alias Pierce, 133 Jones William, 165 Jones Thomas, alias Williams, 310 Josephs David, 318 Jury Robert, 6 KaliJames Olsen, 192 Kelly James, 149 Kennedy James, alias Henry Dawson, 185 Khan Abas, 6 Khan Ameer, 6 Kill George, 41 King William, 67 Kirkwood Joseph, 6 Knapp Samuel, 310 Lacy Frederick, alias Powell, 318 Lahiff Michael, 198 Lake Mary, 239 Latrobe, alias Henry Leighton, 368 Layton Daniel, 362 Lazarus Henry H., 387 Lea G. J., alias Mortimer, alias Chardon, 333 Lee John H., 41 Lee Ah, alias Ah Ran, alias Lin Chock, 71 Lee James George, 133 Lee George, 282 Lee John, 210 Leighton Henry, alias Latrobe, 368 Lenton Mary, 57 Leonard Patrick, 3S7 Lewis , alias Frederick Wilson , 347 Levi, alias Hinds, alias Do Grey, 380 Lin Chock, alias Ah Lee, alias Ran, 71 Linn Alexander, 207 Ali Lockheed Mary Ann, 354 Long William, or Lang, James Pattison , 354 Louis Robin , 263 Lower y John , 89 Madden Francis , 347 Macintosh Ellen , 192 alias Maguire James Francis, 270 Mahoney, alias Patrick Connelly, 239 Marshall Charles, 216 Marks Richard, alias Brown, 71 Martin Chris, 107 Martin, alias Thane, 362 Mason, alias William Otto Muir, 100 Mason William, 263 Massey Alfred, 165 Mather Robert, 354 Mathews Joseph, 207 Meagher Martin, 326 Melley Charles, alias Buckley, 310 Merritt James, 282 Miles Robert Hallett , 81 Milne Stewart de Jouey, 48 Mininga -, 62 Moon Henry Lewis, 18 Montgomery, alias John Erskine Muir, 333 Moore John, alias Reginald Wilson, 239 Morrin Margaret, 380 Morrison George, alias Jackson, alias Wills, 222 Morrison James, alias Jackson, alias Elliott, 276 Morrison Edward, 62 Morris Robert, 140 Mortimer George, alias Chardon, alias Lea, 333 Morton William, alias Jones, alias Robson, 24 Muir Otto William, alias Mason, 100 Muir John E., alias Mont• go,mery, 333 Mullins Michael, 270 Murray Peter, 17 Murray, alias Thomas Smith, 24 Murray Thomas, 263 .5 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1889. 26 Prisoners discharged -° ontinu'd . Prisoners discharged - continued. Murphy James , alias Suimrmer- Sall Thomas, alias R,vistock, hill, 81 ali as Saul, &c., 185 Sanders John, 165 Murphy John, 263 Murphy Henry, 316 Saul, alias Sall, alias Bevistock, Murphy, alia , Darrell, alias &c., 185 Saunders Thomas, alias Sykes, Wood, 362 354 ])enis, alias McDonald, 340 Scanlan Daniel, 81 M`Donald William, 387 Scanlon Michael, alia s Stanley, M`Donald, alias Denis M `Darya, 374 340 Scotson Harry, 71 Sewell John, 198 alias Francis, alias Shea Cornelius, 17 Hargraves, 71 Sherwin John Thomas, 293 John, 124 George, 276 17 Daniel, 116 M`Grath John, Slater Samuel, 3S7 Smith Thomas, alias Murray, Thomas, 246 M`Kinnon John, 28S 21 Male 1m, 288 Smith Isaac, alias ldtchells, 89 Smith Robert Alfred, 100 Michael. 216 1M`Namara Michael, 326 Smith, alias Busset, alias l,rummy, 124 Nagle David, 332 Nalguelie Charles Theodore, 218 Smith Robert, alias Velveteen, Nevitt Francis 'William, 17. 165 Newton Charles, 230 Smith George, 293 Nipper , alias Alfred Collins, 333 Smith, alias Webb, alias Pearce, Nugent Thomas Joseph, 255 340 O'Connor Joni, 326 Spencer Frederick, 33 O'Reilly James, 369 Spice George, 263 Owens Robert, 198 Spooner Benjamin, 270 Owens Wi ll iam, 198 Stan field Frederick, 362 Parker John Thomas, 362 Stanley Michael, alias Scanlon, Parkes Millthos, 216 374 Parkes William Thomas, 255 Stevenson John, 124 Paterson Robert, 310 Stephens William, 318 Pattison James, alias Lang, Stringer Jessie, 124 alias Long, 354 Stone George, alias Walter Paul, alias Muir, alias MontEdwards, 310 gomery, alias Henderson, 333 Sullivan, Timot'iy, 62 Peabody, alias Amos Woods, Sullivan John, 263 116 Sullivan Michael 369 Pearce Edward, 124 Summeihill , alias James Pearce, alias Smith, alias Webb, Murphy, 81 310 Sykes, alias Thomas Saunders, Penny, alias Cecil Da Vera, 25:i 354 Percival James, 222 Tall Martha, 255 Phillips Thomas, 133 Taylor Renrv or Harry, 33 Pierce, alias William C. Jones, Thain Ellen, alias 1M rtin, e62 133 Thompson Charles Bentley, 41 Pinard Sylvan, 230 Thompson William, 48 Pinnock William Charles, 362 Thompson, alias alias Powell William , alias Lacey, Reid, alias Brockley, 100 318 Thompson William, 222 Power John, 318 hompson Jack, alias Poynton John, 363 Woolloomooloo, 2rr3 Pridham Henry, Tiekletoes Henry, alias Brown, 100 310 Primrose Adam J., 57 Tite Joseph, 23) Pritchard Joseph, 173 Topin John, 6 Pritchard Georg.'. 276 Tracey, alias Hanson, 282 Radcli ffe , alias William Brown, Turner William, 207 33 Turner James, 362 Rainey, alias Bevisfock, alias Turkington Ada F. G., 276 Sall, alias Saul, 185 Tweedle William, 196 Ramsay James, 89 Vaughan Henry, 222 Ran Ah , alias Ali Lee, alias M'Darra M'Donald, M'Donald M'Dougall M'Fadden 107 M'Henry M'Kinnon M'Namee T Lill isPr:d-.nore, 71 Howe, Simpsoa aliasJ. W.Dickson, Herbert, Chock Lin, Read George, 48 Read , alias Ilerbert, alias Thompson , alias Brockley, 100 Reid James, 354 Riley John P., 193 Rivett Frederick, 302 Biggins Joshua, 362 Robson , alias Jones, alias Morton, 21 Roberts Thomas, 165 Roberts William, alias Adams, 363 Robertson James, 57 Robertson Alexander, 89 Robinson Thorn ,s A., 140 Robinson Henry William, 213 Robinson Richard, 310 Rodgers William M., 10 ) Rolfe James Taylor, 81 Rolfe C1harleo, 116 Ross John, 216 Ross James H., 374 Rowlston Alfred, 57 Rowland Charles, 57 Ryan John, 192 Ryan Thomas, 246 Ryan Phillip, 347 Reay William F., 54, 64 Rebello Edward, 237, 256 Rebello Frances, 237 Reddan Sarah, 390 Reddington Margaret, 240 Redfern Edward, 266 Redfern, body of infant found, 299, 307 Redgrove Samuel, 112. 121, 163 Redgrove T homas, 121 Reed Joseph , 78, 147 Reed James, 102 Reed William, 289 Reed James, 332 Reed James, 342 Reedy John, 210 Rees Elizabeth, 27 Reeve Mrs . M. A,, 38 Reeves Fanny, 217 Reeves E. D., 261 Reeves T., 291 Res an Mary, 57 Regan Bridget, 103 Regan Joseph, 158 Regan Thomas, 166 Q-carter Sessions , 1, 2, 103 Quail Joseph Stewart, 271 Regan Bridget, 180 Qnarterman W., 162 Regan John, 215 Queensland National Bank, 34, Registrar -General's Department, 182 264, 271 Queensland Mortgage Land and Reichardt William, 381, 391 Investment Co., 125, 159 Reid Robert, 64 Quest C. L., 268 Reid Joseph, 101 Reid Joseph, 101 Quick Henry, 16, 05 Quick Elizabeth, 1(i, 65 Reid William L., 118 Quigley William, 174 Reid James, 210 Quigley Patrick, 244: Reid Robert & Co., 220 Reid John, 244 Quilp (Queensland aboriginal), 296 Reid Henry, 323 Quilty George, 194, 211 Reid Richard, 371 Quin James, or Shaw, 296 Reid Ribert & Co., 390 Quinlan John, 202 Reidy James, 63 Reidy Mary, 63 Quinlivan Lawrence, 113 Quinn Thomas, 187, 202 Reidy John, 146 Reidy Mrs., 252 Quinn Patrick, 217 Quinn P. A., 268 Reilly Michael, 26 Reilly Kate, 8.5, 95 Quinn John , 375, 391 Quinn Henry, 391 Reilly Philip , 97, 109 Reilly Ellen, 97, 109 Quirk Frederick, 193 Quirk John, 240 Rei ll y Thomas, 117 Quirk John, 351 Reilly Michael, 196 Quodling William II , 173, 202 Reilly Michael, 202 Reilly Thomas, 299 Reilly Alfred, 375 R Reilly Philip, 376 Reiney John, 184 Rabbit-proof fences--Notice, in, 279 Reinhard Mary, 100 Remains of man found at TyneRadcliffe Edward, 12.3 dale Range , near BrushgroN e, Raddin Thomas, 105 Remains of infant found in Algoe Radford Charles, 274 Rae John, 34 Creek, Deniliquin, 137 Rae John, 43 Remains of man, name unknown, found on Marulan and GonlRafferty John J., 363 Rafter William, 18 burn Road, 148 Raftery Thomas, 324 Remains of man, name unknown, Rahilly William or Riley, 34 found on rocks at Otford, 148 Remains of infant found in padRailway Station, Musnvellbrook, 14 dock at Kentucky near Railway Station office atMerrylands Uralla, 247 broken into and safe stolen, 39 Remains of man found in but on Rhine A., 157 Killarney Run, 337 Ralph Thomas , 27 Remains of than, name unknown, Ralph John , 117,134 found near Wentworth Falls, Ramage James, 83 363 Ramsay C, 4 Remmington Robert, 323 Ramsey's Bush, AshIield, body Rendall Thomas, 52 of man found, 142 Renn Thomas & Co., 118 Randall Charles , 229 Renuell George 0., 92 Rankin R., 112 Rennie C., 280, 329 Rankin John , 119 Rennie S., 307 Rankin Edward, 352 Restall John, 54 R a,nkmore Rosannab , 97 Retallack James, 130 Raper Sidney Edward , 271, 383 Retallack James, 90 Rappeneker Peter William, 57 Retallack Henry, 269 Rasmussen Charles, 360 Reuss F. H., 252, 272 Ratcliffe Jabez, 3,55 Rewards, 2, 3, 9, 13, 31 , 51, 59, 66, Ravenswood George A., 256 77, 85, 95, 108, 129, 131, 132, Rawlin Nicholas, 300 137, 148, 1,53, 161 , 177, 186, Rawson Samuel , 16, 135 189, 195, 205, 219, 232, 273, 279, Ray John, 40 285, 299, 307, 315, 343, 365, 371, Raymond It. H., 16 379, 393 Razors (10 doz.) stolen from ship Reynolds , alias Ryan, alias Burns, `` Annie W. Weston ," 69 alias Corbett , alias Wood, 28 Read -, 2 Reynolds Peter, 117 Read Robert, 29 Reynolds Joseph, 118 Read Rose, alias Goodwin, 104 Reynolds George Henry, 118 Read William , 375 Reynolds John, 173, 187 Prisoners discharged - continued, Wilson Reginald , alias John 239 Wilson John, 270 Wilson Samuel, 302 Wilson Frederick Lewis, 347 Wilson, alias Elliott, alias Hankey, 362 Wiggins William, 362 Wood Edward, 41 Wood, alias Darrell, alias 1llurphy, 362 Woodward 'J'hoinas, 239 Woods Amos, alias Peabody, 116 Woods Charles, 25! Wong Ali, alias Ali Hong, 48 Woolloomooloo, alias Jack Thompson, 263 Wright John, 62 Wright John, 100 Velveteen , alias Robert Smith, 165 Veneer Alfred G., 156 Wake Margaret, 140 Walker, alias An lrew Way. 340 Way Andrew, alias Walker, 340 Wearne Kate, 318 Webb William, 318 Webb William, alias Smith, alias Pearce, 310 West Israel, 6 West Henry, 62 West Ernest, 316 White George, 21 White Robert, 276 Whitehurst Samuel, 149 Wills, alias Jackson, alias Morrison, 222 Wills Frederick , alias Jac'.: Howlett, 293 Williams William (ab.), 6 Williams Jos-;ph, alias George Barnes, 124 Williams Frank, 165 Williams, a ias Thomas Jones, 310 Williams Harriett J., 326 O Rabey Edward, 57 2.52 NEW Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reyno ds Caroline , 173, 18 Walter, 367, 332 Theresa, 370 ff..J., alias R. 376 Rhodenbach Joseph, 390 Richard Dr., 68 Richards John, 47 Richards Ellen, 47 Richards George, alias Mackay, 65 ' and Bell, 83 Richards George, 158 Richards James, alias Smith, 191 Richards Alfred, 218 Richards James, 252, 264 Richards William Glaskin, 296 Richards James, 344 Richardson Sarah, 30 Richar dson James, 31, 102 Richardson Alexander, 173 Richardson Charles A., 186, 225 Richrno rd Tobacco Factory, Newcastle, 109 Richter Augustus, 325 Rickards Arthur , 228, 236, 253 Riddock G J. I., 364 Rider Joseph, 398 Ridges John, 395 Ridley -, 14 Ridley, alias Cole, alias Lewis, alias Charlton , &e., 126 Henry R., 323, 318 Rightz George, 283 Riley P., 9, 23, 34 Riley -, 34 Riley Ch-rrles, 10 Riley Joseph or Watson, 117 Riley George Thomas, 205 Riley Austin, 247 Riley Peter, 217 Riley Arthur, 312 Riley Arthur, 348 Riley George H ., 371 Rin4s (obscene ) sold at Lauris ton, 88 Riordan Edward, 268 "Rising SunHotel,"Wangamong , arson, 129 Ritchie Thomas, 22 Ritchie Emily, 247 Ritchie Robert, 277 Ritchie John, 277 Ritter, alias Vivian, alias Lasker, alias Hallenstein , &c., 83 Roach William, 19 Robbery of £1,700 under arms at Grong Grong, Narandera, 145 Robbery with arms at Brandy 's Creek Bridge, near Orange, 291 Robbery under arms on Coon amble Road, near Dubbo, 307 Robbins John, 135 Robbins John , 150 Roberts W. G., 22 Roberts .John , 27 Roberts Evan , 50 Roberts, alias Wigger , alias Weir, alias West , 51, 1U2 Roberts -, 111 Roberts Michael , 12`3, 191 Roberts Charles , 120 Roberts Fred., 161 Roberts H. L., 178 Roberts Thomas, 181 Roberts W., 186 Roberts Joseph, 195 Roberts -, 210 Roberts R. G. C., 243 Roberts & Co., 261 Roberts John, 277 Roberts Mrs , 296 Roberts H. T., 300 Roberts William, 3-8 Roberts Joseph Henry, 345 Roberts Charles H., 352 Robertson John, Id Robertson Robert, 31 Robertson Bros., 34 Robertson J. T. & l Iugl>.s, 415) Robertson R. C., 108 Robertson Margaret, 109 Robertson Henry J., 181 Robertson James, 190 Robertson Henry J., 193 oobertson James, 245 Pringle Smythe, t--Richards Rid-out 1 Robertson -, 267 SOUTH 'Robertson Robertson Robertso„ Robertson Robinson WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1889. 27 Thomas, 261 William A., 312 Walter, 307 Theresa, 3137 -, 2 Ross James , alias Montgomery , Ryan Jane, 367 alias Dr. 1\1`Pherson , 342 Ryan John B, 3 76 Ross Cecilia, 382 Ryan Stephen, 386 Rossiter Alfred Ambrose , 3 98 Ryan M aggie, alias Josel ,hs, 31'5 ILosson Henry, 391, 395 Ryder Robert, 341 Rouhev James William , 118 Rye Park , Petty Sessions Robinson James, 9, 186 Robinson William, 1$ Rouse Walter, 173 , 182 Established, 7-1 Rousell Miss, 4 Robinson Thomas, 31 Routledge Dr., 28 Robinson Ellen, 42 S Row E., 220 Robinson Benjamin, 52 Robinson James, 6. Rowan John, 21 Sachel Henry, 301, 339 Rowan Billy, 202 Robinson A., 7 9 Sachel Mary Ann, 301 Robinson Samuel, 92 Rowbotham Henry M., 3 Sadler -, 80 1obinson William, 101 Roweliffe Catherine, 211 Sadlier N., 121 Robinson George, alias Champion, Rowe Mr., 65 Sainty H., 233 102 Rowe Mrs. F., 104 Sali S., or Robert, alias John Robinson A. L., 121 Rowe Edward, 181 Felix, 225, 264 Robinson Lucy, 150 Rowles William R., 27 Salkeld Frank, 108, 119 Robinson Arthur, 158 Rowles Patrick, 43 Salmon William, 47 Robinson James, 1 74 Rowley Frederick, alias Johnston, Salotti Isola, 63 Robinson William, 238, 240 182 Salotti Isidore, 319 Robinson Frederick, 240 Rowley Arthur, 372, 378 Salt Thomas A., 22: 3, 233 Robinson Frank, 247 Rowlin John, 53 Sam Lee Wood, 296 Robinson Arthur J., 269 Rowlston Alfred, 34 Sam Ten, 320 Robinson Frank, 275 Roy William, 356 Sampson Mary Jane, 51 Robinson Edward, 2 -4 Royal Permanent Building Sampson Eliza, 51 Robinson George, 305 Society, 284 Sampson William, 135 Robinson G. F., 316 Rozzier Annie, 229, 268 . Sampson Mrs., 162 Sampson George, alias Williams, Robinson John Still, 320 Rubenstein T., 22 Robinson Eliza, 343 Rubley Richard, 348 289 Sams John, Robinson, alias Benjamin Fucker, Rudd Joseph 127 354 Rudd,.r G. A., 18 Sams Mrs., 268 Robson John, 117 Ruddock Sydney, 209, 210, 218 Samuels Sent, alias Williams, Rochester Sarah, 342 Rudglcy Sarnuel, 395 alias M`Carthy, 218 Rockell William, 244 Ruff William, 355 Samuels' Pawn Office, 291 Dodd J. & Co, 153, 163 Rule W., 119 `andeberg John, 146 Sandeman A G. H., 223 Roderick Thomas, 148 Rusden John H., 11,7 Rodger John, 138 Russell Patrick, 109 Sandeman H., 229 Rodger John, 2:12 Russell Sarah or Green, 126), 135 Sanders and Horne, 268 Rodgers James, 138 Russell Richard, 155, 167 Sanders E. J., 280 Rodney, alias Thomas O'Brien, Russell Mary J., 155 Sanders Albert, 280 Sanderson John William, 122, 61, 142 Russell Henry C., 197 Roff -, 309 Russell James, 214 283 Roffey Charles, 57 Russell Henry, 217 Sanderson Robert, 193 Roger Ernest , 227, 2 35 Russell Henry, 224 Sandford G. M., 196 Rogers Thomas, 30 Russell Henry, 279 Sandiford Horace L., 123 Rogers Joseph, 52, 65 Russell John, 280 Sandret Eugene, alias Robin Russ ill William, 364 Rogers Thomas, 63 Louis, alias Lansque, Rogers Morris, 135 Rutherford Isabella, 18 Sands Henry, 202 Rogers W. M., 135 Rutherford Kate, 87 Sands John, 348 Rogers William, 138 Rutherford John, 142 Sandstrom Roland G., 264 Rogers William, 158 Rutherford -, 158, 218 Sandstrom Victoria H., 264 Rogers H. C., 170 Rutherford William, 131 Santley Charles, 356 Rogers M..tilda, 280 Rutter Harry, 203 Sardela (coloured man), 355 Rogers Charles, 312 Eyall Daniel, 101 Sardiz John, 30 Sargent Edward, 291 Rogers Harry, 36`3 Rogers Micha' 1, 381 Ryan Charles, 16 Saunders Charles, 9, 35 Rohu Henry, 96 Ryan, alias Burns, alias Wood, Saunders. W. 1"., 18 Rohu henry S., 157 alias Corbett, 28 Saunders John, 39 Rolfe James T., 131 Ryan Martin, 34 Saunders William, 'alias Otto Rolfe Mary, 131 Ryan Matthew, 46 Heyde, alias Watson, alias Walters, 73 Rolfe Michael , 336, 342 Ryan Martin, 53 Saunders Joseph, 74 Rolfe William, 336 Ryan Patrick, 54, 70 Rolles Annie, 305 Ryan James, alias A. J. Smith, Saunders Joseph, 88 Rollines William, 272 63 Saunders Hannah, 92 Rolls Richard, 82 Ryan William, 64 Saunders John, 118 Rolston Kate, 214 Ryan Thomas, 64 Saunders Matthew, 143 Romer Emily, 130 Ryan John, 68 Saunders John E, 2.53 Romeril E. T., 181 Ryan James, alias A. J. Smith, Saunders Isabella, 253 Ronan John, 37, 50 68 Saunders Mr., 283 Ronan Thomas, 50 Ryan Jane, 78 Sawtell I., 162 Ronan John, 382 Sawyer Isaac, 21, 29 Ryan Ellen, 86 Roney Mrs., 96 Ryan James 87, 376 Sawyer Isaac, 166 Rooke Miss L,, 68 Ryan Mary, alias the Flying Sawyer John, 344 Rooke George William, 147, 167 Send, 92 Saxby George, 69 Rooney Frank, 42 Ryan Patrick, alias Natlran;al Sayers Mrs., 146 Rooney John, 220 Spar ro w, 117, 382 Sayers Thomas C., 191 Rose Bay, body of man found, 27 Ryan John F., 117, 127 Saywell George , 68 Rose Miss, 78 Ryan Catherine, 118 Saywell Thomas, 220 Rose Martha, 157 Ryan Maria, 126 Scanlon Michael, 57 Rose Henry, 202 Ryan Charles, 126 Scanlon John, 101 Rose George, 280 Ryan Mrs. J., 131 Scanlon John, 211 Scanlon Michael, 394 Rose George, alias James Magner, Ryan Harold, 131 320 Ryan Michael, 157 Scannell William, 181 Scannell Patrick, 227 Rosenfeld Rene Armand Martin, Ryan Thomas, 162 Scarr J. A., 138 360, 370 Ryan Nicholas, 163 Scharer Joseph, 68, 112 Rosenholm G. I,., alias George Ryan Patrick, Scharff William, 130 Ross, 181 Ryan John, 170 Schein Henry, 194 Ross Alexander J., 86, Ryan George, 177 Ross Cecilia, 88 Ryan Kate, 17 Schmidt Frederick, 220 Ross William. 118 Ryan J. N.. 193 Schmidt Jacob, 354 Ross Cecilia, 158 R,'an, alias George Harris, alias Schneider Mrs., 162,175 Ross George, alias G. F. Zedivell, 225 Schofield William, 2 Rosenholm, 181 Ryan Cornelius, 265 Schofield John, 52 Ross John, alias Grant, alias Ryan Philip, ,273 clrofield George, 87 Graham, 240 Ryan Thomas E., 283 Schofield Sarah, 87 "S 27j Ryan Michael, 4 170 M) Ross Mrs., 316 8 Ryan Michael, 367 Schofield James, 158 28 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1889. Schofield Margaret, 210 Sharp John, 104, 182 Sheep stolen at South Borambil, Schofield James, 391 Sharp Catherine, 147, 194, 203 near Condoblin, 395 Schrimshaw Charles, 31 Sharp William, 193 Sheerin A. John, 261, 272 Schroeder F., 73 Sharp Henry, 214 Sheerin Sarah, 261, 272 Schroeder W., 1,57 Sharp Thomas, 224 Sheik Ali, 303 Schroeder, alias Hermann, alias Sharp Henry, 236 Shein Maurice, 296, 320 Kerchner, 225 Sharp Henry, 243 Shein Lewis, 297 Schubert P., 16 Shaw John E., 19 Sheltzner Albert, 221 Schubert Samuel, 154, 244 Shaw Emily, 47 Shepherd Isaac, 49, 136 Shaw George, 47, 74 Schuler Charles, 191 Shepherd Charles, 53, 148 Schuler L. F. T., 4 Shaw Susan 47, 74 Shepherd Honora, 53 Shuler Augustus, 296 Shaw Mr., 78 Shepherd A., 122 Schulpher John Thomas, 118 Shaw George A., 143 Sheppard John F., 63, 1.08 Schulte Charles, 381, 391 Shaw Joseph, 196, 218 Sheridan Mr., 170 Schumacker Charles, 3S6 Shaw Catherine, 196, 218 Sheridan Annie, 237 Schussler Frederick, 296 Shaw Mrs. S., 273 Sheridan Thomas, 286 Schuster Adolph, 9, 23, 31 Shaw Mary Ann, 303, 313 Sherlock Peter James, 284, 290 Schuster W., 269 Shaw Alfred & Co., 319, 329 Sheriff Frank, 205 Schwager William, 201 Shaw William, 35.5 Sherry Daniel, 291 Schwager Joseph L., 201 Shean Andrew, 121 Sherry Mrs., 291 Schweppenburg Adolph Von, 249 Shearer George, 252 Shields Sarah, 218 Scobie James, 320 Sheather Mary, 211 Shinnicks Mr., 145 Scott George, 27, 108 Sheerly William, 31 Shone Thomas, 122 Sc,)tt William, 32 Sheerly Michael, alias Emmett, Shoobridtie Robert, 82 Scott William ,1., 43 135 Shore William, 324 Scott Mrs. H., 49 Sheehan Ellen, 217 Shore George. 338, 375 Sheehan Patrick, 328 Scott John, 65 Shore Susan, 338, 375 Scott William C., 67 Sheehan John, 336 Short John, 341 Scott Benedict, 69 Sheen John, 59 Shortell Bridget, 68 Scott Elizabeth, 78 Sheen Michael, 142 Shortland Miss, 291 Scott Thomas, 113 Sheep stolen from Duckmaloi, Shortland, alias Armstrong, alias Scott James A., 117 near Oberon, 5 Falkner, 328 Scott Teresa, alias Lardner, 118 Sheep stolen from Collaroy, near Shotliff Joseph, 312 Scott Eardley, M., 166 Cassilis, 5 Shrimps, alias Richard John Scott John, 172 Sheep stolen at Balmain, 16, 23, Dowling, 193 Scott Louisa, 172 80 Shu Tin, 142, 336 Scott Constable, 173 Sheep stolen from Long Reach, Shultz George, 164 Scott John, 181 near Bundarra, 32 Si Quong, 202 Scott John, 235 Sheep stolen at Deepwater, 51 Sickel Arthur, alias Thomas Scott Mrs., 244, 383 Sheep stolen from the Bogong, Brown, 271 Scott William, alias Clarke, 256 near Kiandra, 83, 98 Sidebottom Ellen L., 210 Scott Jaines, 312 Sheep stolen from Chowar Sta- Sidney Walter, 287 tion, near Moulamein, 113 Siebert William, 117 Scott Henry, 316, 324 Scott Andrew, 313, 394 Sheep stolen at Werriston, Wer- Siely Thomas, 19L0,223 Scott Charles, 370 ris Creek, 131 Siely Clara, 190, 223 Scott William, 371 Sheep stolen from Rothwood Sta- Sienlan George, 126 tion, near Cassilis, 139 Siggtns, alias Seddons, 87, 105, Scott Thomas, 377 Scott, Page, & Co., 398 Sheep stolen at Bloom eld , 118 225 Louisa, 227 Scotting Sheep stolen from Settler 's Flat , Silver Mary Ann, or Sylva, 305 Scotting -Annie Maria, 227 near Oberon, 155 Silver watch found in DowlingScott's Pawn Office, 301, 366, 385 Sheep stolen from Ranger's Valstreet, 117 Scotty -, 31 ley, Emmaville,170 Silver watch found at St. Le,Scotty, alias Thompson, alias Sheep stolen from Long Swamp, nards, 344 George Johnson, 213 Rydal, 170 Silverton, unclaimed property Scrivener Joseph Henry, 158 Sheep stolen from Toolong, near for sale, 59 Seam to Robert, 231 Tumberumba, 170 Silverton Quarter Sessions aboSeaman Robert, 253, 297 Sheep stolen at Keepit, 178 lished, 95 Search Alice, 92 Sheep stolen from KiandraMounSimm Adam, 352 Searle E. W., 108 tains, 178 Simmat M., 30 Searle George, 122 Sheep stolen at Greenwich, Park, Simmat Carl, 146, 151, 163, 178, Searle Emily, 122 near Marulan, 197, 206 364 Searle Samuel, 269 Sheep stolen at Coogee Creek, 197 Simmons Mark, 28 Searle Mrs. C., 323 Sheep stolen at Gundary, near Simmons Isaac, 102, 119 Savers James, alias Jenimy the Goulburn, 197 Simmons Samuel, 182 Fiddler, 178 Sheep stolen from Wongwibinda, Simmons Edmund, 341, 349 Seddons C. Florence, 87, 105 near Guyxa, 221 Simmons Sydney, 381 See John & Co., 10, 130, 381 Sheep stolen at Combaning, Simon Alfred, 170, 211 Seebeck E., 178 Kiandra, 238 Simon Robert, alias Richard Sefton Robert, 359 Sheep stolen from Rye Park, 261, Bahr, 193 Seifl'ert Emil, 393 275 Simon Max, 338 Selig Jacob, 37 2, 391 Sheep stolen from Tarengo, near Simond Thomas, 64 Selke E. A., 381, 390 Burrowa, 275 Simons James, 148 Selkirk Thomas, 257 Sheep stolen from Bald Hills, Simpson W. A., 10 Sell Nettie, 220 near Grenfell, 281 Simpson Thomas, 27 Sellen Charles Henry, 186, 197 Sheep stolen between Werriga Simpson B. C, 60 Semmons James, 229, 281 and Windellama, 281 Simpson Mrs., 147 Semmons Isabella, 229 Sheep stolen at Fish River, 292 Simpson William B., 157 Seadell Joseph, 113 Sheep stolen at Sandy Flat, near Simpson Fanny, 190 Sere-)mbe Arthur R., 63 Cassilis, 309 Simpson Robert William, 221 Seymour Arthur, alias Wilson, Sheep stolen at Collaroy, near Simpson Francis, 221 175 Cassilis, 309 Simpson A. J., 233 Seymour John, 196 Sheep stolen at Derribong, near' Simpson Charles, 289 Seymour Charles, 281 Dandaloo, 309 Simpson William, 351 Seymour Giles M., 289 Sheep stolen near Rockley, 339 Simpson Arthur, 375 Shadbolt Henry, 101 Sheep stolen at South Gundagai,Siml son Arthur, 390 Shadholt William, 275 345 Sims John 0., 43 Shaible William, 361 Sheep stolen at Bimble TridgerySims Edward, 247 Shaible Mary, 364 Paddock, near Baradine, 345 Sinclair H., 15 Shakespeare Margaret, 289 Sheep stolen from Gorianawa, Sinclair William M`Naughton, Shallard Major A., 31 near Baradine, 352 126 Sheep stolen at Locksley, near Shanalian Timothy, 102 Sinclair Mrs., 169 Shand Henry W., 38, 47 O'Connell, 361 Sinclair Matilda, 300 alias Sheep stolen at Mount Pleasant, Shannon , alias Nesbet, Sincock Mrs., 286 Boggabri, 373 Ketion, 43 Sinden William, 74 Sheep stolen at Barmedman, 379 Sing Hing, 264 Shannan Patrick, 247 Sheep stolen at Illunie Station, Shannon William, 377 Singer Manufacturing Company, near Marengo, 386 Sharp John, 65 10, 210 fi Singleton & Broke, obstruction placed on road, 72 Singleton, childfound abandoned, 359, 365 Singleton Thomas, 174 Sinnott William, 335 Skeleton of man found on Nelyambo Run, 240 Skeleton of man found in Tilpa Paddock, Yanda Station, 281. Skellett Septimus, 49 Skellett Albert, 194 Skelton ,Tames, 26 Skidmore Charlotte Mary, 211 Skidmore Louisa Mary, 211 Skillen & Walker, 311 Skinner Joseph, 43 Slack W. J., 394 lade Emily, 138 Slade William, alias Matthews, 363 Stanley William Henry, 303, 329, 342 Slater Thomas, or A. T. Davis, 126 Slater John H., 146 Slater Thomas, 1.51, 167 Slater Constable, attempted murder of, 213, 243 Slater Arthur, 218 Slater William, 342 Slater Ethel, or King, 390 Slatter Alice, 109 Slatter Thomas, 157 Slavin William, 35 Slavin John, 96 Slimes Robert, 284 Slingsby Edward, 324, 332 Sloane Henry, 202 Sloane William, 221 Sloane Alexander, 283 Sloane Peter, 379 Slough Maria, 142 Stnale Frederick, 296 Small Elizabeth, 49 Small George S., 101 Small S., 122 Small Henry, 136 Smalley Edward, 65 Smallman William, 47 Smallwood William, 335 ,Smallwood Sarah Ethel, 335 Smart Millie, 65 Smart Robert, 73 Smart Joseph, 96 Smart James, 219 Smart Alexander, 312 Smirle R.J.,1.30 Smith James R., alias St alilc s, 5 Smith James, 9 Smith William, 10 Smith Kemp, 14 Smith George H., 14 Smith Albert, 16 Smith Joseph, 18 Smith John, 23 Smith William, 25 Smith John, 27 Smith Francis, 31, 126 Smith Stewart, 32 Smith William, 34 Smith Ernest, 38 Smith W. C., 38 Smith, alias Shannon, alt .s Nisbit, alias Ketion, 43 Smith Alfred, 43 Smith Mary A., 47 Smith William, alias George King, 50 Smith Thomas, 51 Smith William, 52 Smith David, Smith R. H., 53 CO Smith Alexander J., 63, 93 Smith Winifred, 63 Smith Shelton, 64 Smith Mary A., 67 Smith Alexander James, alias Ryan, 68 Smith Arthur, 72,1S6 Smith Mary A., 77 Smith Francis, 79 Smith Sydney, 83 Smith Louisa, 88 Smith William H., 92 Smith Charles, 96 Smith Charles L., 100 2. NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1889. Smith Terence, 194 Smith John, 105 Smith Isaac, 112 Smith Charles, 112, 121 Smith Smith Smith Smith John, 118 John W., 118 Alfred, 118, 113 Edwin, 125 Smith William Howard & Sons, 125 Smith John Joseph, 12G Smith Alfred, 132 Smith James H., 134, 2 9 Smith A., 135 1,3 Smith Smith Smith Smith Edith George P., 135 Hon. Sydney, 138, 167 N., 146 Horby N., 150 William, 150 Smith Janes L., 166 Smith William G., 166 Smith John W., 169 Smith Robert , alias Smith Robert, 173 Smith Matthew, 174 Smith Edward, 177 Smith Peter, 178 Smith Robert, 190 Smith James , alias Richards, 191 Smith J. P., 193 Smith Arthur, 202 Smith Thomas, 210 Smith Louie, 210 Smith Frederick, 214 Smith Arthur, 220 Smith Frederick, 237 Smith Andrew, 237 Smith Albert, 243, 256 Smith A. W., 244 Smith Mary, 256 Smith Mrs., 261 Smith J. IT., 265 Smith W. E., 269 Smith Margaret, 296 Smith Archibald, 300 Smith James, 320 Smith F., 323 Smith Leslie, 324 Smith Cecil, 325, 336 Smith Harry, 325 Smith C. 0., 333 Smith Henry, 314 Smith William, 344 Smith James Bell, 345 Smith Charles, 355 Smith Frank, alias Kilpatrick, alias James Brown, 331 Smith Francis, 393 Smith James, 39.5 Smith Margaret, 395 Smith Howard & Sons, 398 Smythe Henry, or Edwards, 23 Smythe George, 123, 194 Smythe George, 323 Smythe Pringle lyevnolds, alias H. .1. Reynolds, 376 Smythe William, 376 Sneddin James, 57 Sneddin Richard, 381 Snelling J. C., 122 Snelling Brothers, 220 Snelson Richard, 10 Sneyd Samuel Charles, 355 Snow Emina , 100 Snow James , alias-George James, 247 Snowdon -, 300 Soames Soane H. T., 255, 272 Sohri Sydney, 336 Solomon Lattie, 10 Solomon Samuel, 138 Solomon Lottie, alias For, 158 Solomon Frederick, 243 Solomon John, 348 Solomon Philip, 360 Solomon John, 377 Solomons W., 23 Solotti Thomas, 61 Somers Jonathan, 193 Somerton , unclaimed property for sale, 45 Somerville Philip 11., 9 South Grafton , Police Act extended to, 337 South Greta Colliery Co., 224, 232 South Gundagai, Police Act extended to, 205" Southern Colliery Co., Wollongong, 190, 225, 274 South Head Read, Waverlcy, woman found unconscious, 117 Southon Annie, 308, 364 Spalding Alexander, 299, 307 Spalding James, 311 Sparke Albert, 62 Sparke Albert, 118 Sparkes G. H., 22 Sparkes George, 139 Sparkes William, 157, 225 Sparrow Nathaniel, alias Patrick Ryan, 382 Spears James, 4 Speck Edmund, 32 Speer William, 223 Spence James G. Al., 9 Spence Alexander, 2S9 Spanceley William R., alias Clark, alias the Quack, 256 Spencer Henry, 101 Spencer George, 170 Spencer George, 182 Spencer Fred, 312 Spencer Mrs., 316 Sperling George Henry, 341 Spicer Alfred, 109 Spicer William, 109, 131 Spier H. J., 4, 15 Spiers Hilary A., 5 Velveteen, 170 John, 261 Sorralls H., 162 Souter George W., 61 Souter Mrs., 296 South Coast and West Camden r.. Co., 337 78323, , Spilbury's Pawn Office , 360 Spinks Kate, 121 Spoflorth Charles , alias Brett , 210 , 336 Sprague George , Spratt Thomas, S pr att S . F ., 209 Spray James , Spr'n g all Joseph, 383 Springfield T. 0. , Spout James, 166 S1 ruce William , 57 Sprulian Michael D., 172, 370 Spruhan Florence, 172 133 32 46 131 Steel Thomas H., 64 Steel -, 96 Stein John, 354 Steinemann Ernest R., 63 Stelzner Frank, 184 Stephens William, 320 Stephens Sarah, 320 Stephens William, 332 Stephens Mrs., 359 Stephenson John D., 15,23 Stephenson Jaines J., 47 Stephenson Joseph G., 157 Stephenson W. H., 183 Stephenson Thomas Charles, 264 Sterett Charles, 22 Stevens Joseph, 10 Stevens Charles B., 101 Stevens Henry, 101 Stevens Frederick, 328 Stevenson Thomas, 2 Stevenson William N., 63, 127 Stevenson Margaret, 63 Stevenson Brothers, 181 Stevenson James, 206, 229 Stevenson John, 211 Stevenson James, alias Redmond Barry, 319 Stevenson Bros., 366, 398 Stewart Nellie, 18 Stewart Constible, 74 Stewart Harry, 82 Stewart D., 137 Stewart James. 139, 167 Stewart Charles, 162, 202 Stewart Alexander, 104 Stewart Sidney, 180, 2 )3 Stewart Alexander, 181 Stewart Willian 187 Stewart Elizabeth, 190 Stewart Sidney, 193 Stewart Isaac, 210 Stewart 5, Co., 211 Stewart, Burns, Stewart alias 25(1 Dangladc, alias Dawson & Co., 259 Stewart William, ?()4 Stewart --, 303 Stewart Robert, 324 Stewart Henry, 328 Stewart Nicholas, 351 Stewart Alfred Edward, alias Brown, 3`2 Stinson Robert, 64 Stirling Miss, 338 Stockdale William, 127 Stoddart IT. H.. 88, 108, 376 Stoid Mary, 390 Stunock Eaton, 138 Sue Mary, 67 Suey Mary, 360 Sullivan Edward, 1€1 Sullivan Thomas, 28 Sullivan John, 34 Sullivan P. H., 42, 119 Sullivan D., 46 Suldvan Henry B., 122 Sullivan Annie, 122 Sullivan John Joseph, 142 Sullivan H., 197, 272 Sullivan Emily, 253 Sullivan Patrick, 256 Sullivan Elizabeth, 289 Sullivan MicliaeI, 292 Sullivan Jeremiah, 324 Sullivan John, 363 Sullivan Joseph, 390 Summerfield Morris, 37 Summer Hill , abandoned child found, 13 Summers George, 43 Summers Alfred, 203 Summerson John, 372 Summerville Charles, 1.5 Sun Tong, 46 'Sunderland Sarah, 341 Surry Hills, abandoned child found, 45 Sutcliffe John, 14 Sutherland John, senior-sergeant, to be police-storekeeper, 37 Sutherland Miss, 68 Sutherland Constable, murdered in Rockwall street, Potts' Point, 183, 201 Sutherland A., 184 Sutherland Sarah, 228 Suttie A., 148 Sutton William, 150 Sutton Palmer, 169, 177 Sutton John, 177 Sutton Charles, 255 Sutton C., 274 Sutton William Herbert, 391 Sutton Forest Butchering Co,, 240 Swain Carrie, alias George Harrison, 73 Swan William Henry, 335, 398 Swann C. J., 193 Swanson Daniel, 151, 16G Swanson Matthew, 305 Sydney, 131 Sweeney Michael, 72 Squatty Davis , alias Dawson , Sweeney Michael, 129 Sweeney Alice, 303 Squires Walter, alias Paul , Sweeney Bridget , 348 12 6, 13 .1 Y Squires William , 369 Sweetman James, 190 Stoke; F. William, 17 7, 193 St. John's College , stealing , 79 Swift George, 52 Stokes Jol€h, 223 St. Andrew's Cathedral , stealing , 177 Stokes Robert, 223 Swift Rev. A. S., 101 Stokes Thomas, 227 Swift Mrs. 'Al. A., 280, 383 St. Andrew Stokes -, 237 Swindalls Samuel, 138 stealing , 193 Stolen watches found in the Hay- Swindalls Miss, 332 St. Kilda, body of infant found, market, 14 Swindell Thomas, 27, 58 349 Stomsy H., 63 Swinnerton Eliza, 215 St. Aubyn Mrs., 359 Swinnerton Alfred John, 215 Stone Martha, 69 St. Clair William George, 223 Stonebridge George, 376 Swinnerton James Henry, 341 S'ackpool Mrs. Al., 130 Stoneham A., 15 Swire Catherine, 96, 24-1 Stainger, alias Thompson, alias Switzer Miss, 247 Storehouse Mrs., 382 Williams, 289 Storey Gordon, 235 Swynnerton Frederick Charles, Standen, alias M`Pherson, 61 Storey Jacob, 341 166 Stanley Philip, 63 Stothard, nee Mrs. M'Tacrgart a ' Sydney Railway station , abanStanley George T., F8 240 d one d c hild foun d , 37 Stanley George T., alias Francis, Strachan John, 96 Sydney Municipal Council, 1C8 '173, 215, 283 Strangham Rev. D. A., 78 Sydney '1 ransfer Co. , 138 Stanley William, 233 Strathfield, child found aban- Sydney Catering Co., 166 Stanley, or Edwin Fortescue cloned, 103 Sydney Marine Benefit Society, Cornelius, 301 Strathfield, Nuisance Prevention 181 Stanley Robert, 305 Act extended to, 153 Sydney Harbour, body of man Stapleford Herbert, 150 Stratton Patrick, 196 found, 303 Staples James R., alias Smith, 5 Stream - lane, Woolloomooloo, Sykes S., '219 Staples N. '1'., 300 man, name unknown, died Sylva Mary Ann, of Silver, 305 Staples Emma Lucy, 352 suddenly, 217 Syme J4,hn, 72 Stapleton Catherine, 54, 73 Street Francis J., 18, lOS, 376 Symmonds Samuel, 291 Stapleton Patric';, 150 Street F. J., 108 Symonds Mr-c, 352 Stapleton -, 217 Strike Clara, alias Treasure, 118 Symons Samuel, Stapleton Sydney George, 281 Strike W. H., 382 Stringer Charlotte, 241 Stapleton Patrick, 328 T Starkey John, 210 Stroud William, 4, 15 I Starkey Joshua, 366 Tacey William. 2;33 Studwick Chary s, 82 Starlight E. W. R., 236 Stuart William M., 60 Taffy, alias William Owen, 240 Sruart Thomas, 252 Taggart Willi-:m, 3i1 Steel John, 15 Tait Charles H., 117 Steel James, 15 Stuart William, 277 Steel P. Henry, 96, 356 Stuart Arthur, 324 Tait Thomas Currie, 31,.'0 Talawanta, near Brewariitin, Steel Kate, 96 Stubbs John, 252 Steel A., 268 Stubbs John, 290 died suddenly, ]QUO Steel George, 324 Stump H. IL, 280 Talbot George F, 2:13 Spurious £I notes uttered in 63, 93 -'tokes William 43 Sweeney JohnM.,251 's School, Pitt-street, 1131 NEW SOUTH 30 WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1889. Talbot Hannah, 223 Tallgren Charles, 228 '1'amkin Eliza, 325 Tamsett Charles, 363 Tamworth Municipal Coun:;i1,117 Tandy Margery, 53 Tangye Richard, 215 Tanner Elijah, 104, 233 Tansley, alias Julia Ali Foo, 10 `['ant Thomas, 247 Tree, unclaimed property for sale, 77 Taree, pavilion maliciously damaged, 186, 189 Tasker William, 43 Tasker IIenry, 60 Tate Mary, 338 Taylor John, 18 Taylor Elizabeth A., 19 Taylor Alfred, 3:i, 47 Enoch, 83 Taylor John, 86 Taylor Charles, 87 Taylor E. H., 101 Taylor William, 105 Taylor Michael, 113 Taylo. Martha, 113 Taylor Charles, 117 Taylor John, 166 Taylor Joseph, 170 Thomas Urias, 229 Thomas -, 247 Thomas Arthur, 252, 260 Thomas Edward, 292, 305 Thomas Thre(ronwell Augustus White, 341, 382 Thomas George, 3,53 Thomas Charles, 369 Thomas William, 376 Thomas Miss, 378 Thomas David, 386 Thompson Robert, 10 Thompson James, 14 Thompson George, 18 Thompson Hugh, 18 Thompson Margaret, 22 Thompson J. F., 23 Thompson J., 30 Thompson Jessie, 34 Thompson Henry, alias Watson, 40 Thompson John, alias Ashton, 49 Thompson, alias Lomdry, 54 Thompson W., 63, 134 Thompson B. S., 73 Thompson William, 79 Thompson Maud, 79 Thompson William, 108 Thompson Thomas, 108 Thompson Richard W., 118 Timbs Samuel, 64 Time George, 112 Tin Gar, 4 Tindall Henry, 38 Tindall George, 73 Tinley Mrs., 13 Tippett F, alias James or Williams, 96 Tippett Grace, 96 Tipple George, 142 Tivey Samuel, 111 Tobacco stolen from Sydney Railway-station, 121 Tobin Michael, 245 Todd William, 51 Todd Mrs., 210 Tomlinson William, 344, 354 Tommy Ryan, 45, 194, 373 Tompson Robert, 260 Tomson, alias 1)r. Marsh, alias Edmund Henry Taylor, 356 Towner James B., 211, 225 Toohey Gregory, 109 Toohey Joseph, 1.39 Toohey William, 183 Toohey William, 210, 225 Toohey Hannah, 224 Toohey Peter, 370 Tool B. 112 Toomey Jeremiah, 49 Taylor John, 174 Thompson Thomas, 126 Tooth Robert L., 146 Taylor David, 174 Taylor George, 196 Taylor Dolly, 201 Taylor Alice, 2 '6 Taylor Orland), 221 Taylor Henry Edmund, 238 Taylor John C., 245 Taylor C. E., 2>3, 283 Taylor Miss, 260 Taylor M. J., 264 Taylor Thomas, 265 Taylor Catherine, 268 Taylor Robert, 301 Taylor Henry, 321 Taylor Edayniid Henry, alias Toinson, alias Dr. Marsh, 356 Taylor J. T., 360 Taylor Mr., 363 Taylor George, 386 Teek Robert, 109 Teelow Sophia, 271 Tegelier Harold, 391 Thompson Mrs , 135 Topham W. H., 64 'l'heempson George, 135 Torpey John, 224 Thompson Samuel, 184 Torrington Henry, 277 Thompson William, 211 Torston Andrew, 133 Thompson E. J., alias Joni Mace, Tosado Mrs., 134 224 Tovey Bertram E, 43 Thompson Joseph, 224 Tovey Syinon S., 73 Thompson Charles, alias Jain Towler Georg;, 31 Marks, 233 Townsend Edward, 27 Thompson William 237 Townsend George N., 190, 271 Thompson Robert C., 240 Tozer Miss, 196 Thompson, alias Scotty, alias Train William R., alias Dickson, George Johnson, 243 74 Thompson George Boniface, 243 Travis William, 395 Thompson Francis, '.,80,297 Treanor Michael, 339 Thompson William, 281, 287, 297 Treasure Lewis, 64 Thompson William, 283 Treasure Edward H., 64 Thompson, alias Stainger, aliasTreasure Clara, alias Strike, 118 Williams, 2811 Treffry George, 47, 126 Thompson James B., 292 Treffry Amelia, 47 Thompson William H., 303, 820 Treffry George, 172 Thompson D , 309 Treffry George, 245, 370 9, 318 Thompson Robert, 33`1 Trenilett Mis=, 51 Tlio:nps m Sarah, 338 Tress Rev. Mr., Thompson Arthur, 341 Trevitt Alfred, 3.;5 Thompson Thomas, 342 Treweeke F., 381 Thompson Alice, 3,52 Trinidad Denis, 109 Thompson, alias Rachel Walker, Tripp Thomas, 127, 143 360 Trodd John. 360, 372 Thompson, alias Nightingale, 363 Trotters, alias Sydney Melrose, Tho'ni)son Albert, 377, 333 289 Thompson Mrs., 378 Trouclic John, alias Wilson, 125 Thompson Joseph, 381 Trustees National Park, boat ''liomp-ion Mrs., 336 stolen, 214 Thompson John J., 3,34 Tubbo Estate Company, 71 Thorn Ja <'cs, 200 Tacker (riles, 101, 112 Thorn Ada. 209 'rocker John 37 1.6 1, 2, Telegrapli wires severed between Thompson William, 319 Port Macquarie and Dempsey, 31 Te'npest Vane, alias Holmes, alias Cumberlege, 19 Ternance S. Elizabeth, 101 Terrill Francis William, 2(34 Terry James & Son, 178 Thackaring i, Petty S,,ssions establis'i;d, 279 Thac'ceray henry, 39 3 Theme iiieliard, 376 Thames (N Z) Bo: ough Cuuae:l, 265 The Quack, alias Clarke, alias Spcnxcley, '23(3 'Til; Doctor,alas CharlesGar, Thomas H,J., 196 Thomas John, alias Williams, alias M'Carthy, alias-Samuels, 218 Thomas Henry Baron, 224 Tregonning James, 33 23, 0..2 't'litirncrofd cline., 2'11 The Nipper, alias Henry Lear, 271, 3 29 Titiell Ern-,it, 308 Thirgood Sarah, 1u)3 Thirgood W. F., 210 Thistlewaite W., 173, 182 Thomas Edmund, 27 Thomas Mary, 31 Thomas William, 43 Thomas John!, 49 Thomas 11. J., 68 Thomas David, 1`)0 Thomas John, 102 Thomas Charles, 105, 296 Thomas Sarah, 103 Thomas E. D., 113, 303 Thomas Annie, 113 Thomas Henry do, 119 Thomas Charles, 119 Thomas Peter, 163 Thomas Clara, alias Arehbold,173, 202 0., S, .52 'Thornton Jobn, 117 Thornton Hon. George. 196 'Thorpe James H., 31, 50 Thor -e 11a,ry M , 34 Tliorp; Frederick, 370 Thorringtnn H. J., 118 Thraldon Francis W., or Waldrnn, 31, 93 Thring Dr., 1(1 Thrush William, 10 Thurgar J., 214 Thuriing William, 73. 83, 93 Thurston Edgar E., alias Mason, alias Edwards, 256 Tibooburra, Police Act extended to, 299 Tickletoes Henry, alias Brown, 3(34 'Tiddy Mrs., 191 Tidsill Alice, 303 Tierney Thomas M., 64 Tierney Nicholas, 220, 210 Tighe .Tames, 78 Tighe Thomas, 224 Tighe R. S., 332, 342 Tilpa Paddock, Yanda Station, remains of man, name unknown, found, 281 Tucker Grace, 237 Tucker \`'illiam, 238 Tucker John, 268 Turkey William S., 142 Tuckwell John, 233 Tuke Francis, 73 Tukey William, 23 Tull Charles, 328 Tullocli Robert & Co., 47 Tulloh Mrs., 200 Tuminer Mrs., 157 Tumpowski J., 154 'l'umut, body of man found, 240 Tunbridge Joseph, 46 Tunbridge Jose:'h, 3 13, "13 Turnbull Mieh.iel, 273 Turner Jane, 43 Turner Charles, 8(3 Turner Frank, 181 Turner John, 241 Turner and Hend %rson, 256 Turn°r John, 261 Turner Geor,e, 275 Turner William, 307 Turner Mr.,308 Turner l dward H., 320 Turner Thomas, 381 Turner Henry, 385 Turner John Fox, 390 Turniclge Henry W., 117 Tuttle & Co., 15S Tweedle Benjamin, 323, Twemlow Charles, 300, 309, 361 Twoir,ey James, 301 Tye E. F., 255 Tyler's Pawn Office, 130, 235 Tynan Michael, 112 Tyne Edward, 372 Tyne Edward, $ 94 . Tyrer H. G., 60 Tyres David, 134 Tyson James, 92 39)3 Tytherleigh &Richards, 231, 3•1i Uhde & Co., 46 Ulide Lewis, 247 Uhde Lewis, 316 Ulo Andrena, 342 Una Lodge, Order of T)iuies, embezzlement, 297 Underwood Frederick, 31, 74 Underwood Anthony, 50 Unger Mooris, 147 UnionBank of Australia, 233, 275, 297, 325 Unsworth William, 118 Upper Brougham-street, body of infant found, 145, 153 _ Upton Edward, 79, 180 Upton Elizabeth, 79 Upton William J., 184, 166 Upton George, 233 Upton William Jaynes, 321 Upton Spencer, $98 Upton Caroline, 324 Uralla, Police Act extended to, 85 Uralla, Nuisance Prevention Act extended to, 213 Urquhart Miss, 38 Urquhart Alexander, 361 Uttley, Guigni, and Graham, 72 Unclaimed property for sale, 45, 59,77 V Valeninck John, 132, 187 Valentine John, 237, 248 Valentine Mary, 237, 248 Vallace S. J., 131 Vallace William, 1.31, 148,_'89 Valvassora Francis, 264 Van Samuel E., 291 Vance J., 319 Vandermaar S., 104 Vanuerinark Carl, 351 Vaughan Michael, 111 Vaughan George, 277 Vaughan (3eorge, 320 Vaughan Ernest, 381 Veen & Co., 10 Velveteen Robert, alias Smith, Vestlan Gust :ve, 6 2 Vicke y George, 143 Vickery Joseph, 214 Vickery E.,221 17) Vickery E.,248 Vickery, alias Mary Ann Moss, 289 Vickery Robert, 317 Vicsey G., 146 Victoria Barracks, Paddington, cheques stolen, 243 Vigors John, 277 Vile John, 118 Viles Mrs., 52 Viles John, 138 Vincent George, 118 Vincent J., Esq., 170 Vinden H. E.,148 Vire :'Tadame, alias Pauline Francois, 272 Vines Sarah, 15 Vitey George Joseph, 286 Vitey George Joseph, .328 Vivian, alias Ritter, alias Wilson, alias Andre, alias Halbestein, &c., Vivitzofl• -, 341 Vizard Constable, 284 Vlies Mrs., 224 Voss Louis, 92 Vyvyan Lawrence, 82 21-9, 83 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1889. Watt David, 382 Watt Alexander, 391 Watterson James, 289 Watterson Mary, 289 Watts Miss, 82, 102 Watts George, alias Henry Waters, 143 Watts Joseph, 324 Waugh Thomas E., Waugh George, 255 Way Andrew, 10 Way Albert, alias Walker, 10, 35 Way James, 80, 97, 1t8 Way Thomas 19., 341 Wearne Charles Francis, alias Pritchard, 372 Weatherlake John T., 286 W eatherstone R ichard, 118 Webb Catherine, 16, 65 Walgett, Namoi River, body of Ward Alexander, 190 Webb William A., 88 Ward Thomas, 214 man found , 312 Webb C. H., 93, 102 Ward Ernest, 223 Walkdeii Robert, 190 Webb George, 122 Ward Sydney Wright, 2 24 Walker A. N., 9 Webb John, 148 Walker Albert, alias Way, 10, 35 Ward George, 240 Webb Kate, 261 Ward C. W., 260 Walker William H., 10, 19 Webb Hector, 308 Wa,,d W. R. B., 268 Walker Martha, 16, 34, 50 Webb Robet.t Uridge, 320 Ward Thomas, 311 Walker Frederick, 47 Ward James, 33 3 Webber Walter, 6s, 79 Walker Mary, 47 Webber John, 31)5 Ward Alfred, 336 Walker Henry , 8'), 119 Webster Charles, 25 Warden John, 96, 117 Walker Annie, Webster Henry, 126 Wards Pawn office, 2, 14, 308 Walker J. , 96 Webster Edward, 255, 272 Warey John, 318 Walker W. H., 101 Warialda, unclaimed property f .r Webster Sarah, 272 Walker James, 118, Webster Edward, alias Willis, 272 sale, 45 Walker Elizabeth, 158 Webster 307 Waring Charles, 10 Walker Alexander, 193 Webster Reuben II'arry, 3.55 Warner Frank, 351 Walker George E., 210 Web4tcr George Co., 3 )0 Warttk n John, 191, 213 Walker David, 257 \Vedderb'ti n 111obert, 54 Warrell William , 4 2 . 2 i 1 250 , 268 Wa lk er W . Wee Waa, fleeces stolen from \Varrerr A., 87 Walker Alfred, 280 backs of sheep, 83 Warren Catherine, 123 Walker Mrs., 286 Warren Solomon, 139, 163 Weekes Henry, 123, 2, 4 Walker Albert , 286 Warren Anastasia, 139, 163 Wehlow, E J., 174 Walker Jolrn , 336 Wehrstedt Fred rick 0, Warren John, 158. 182 Walker John , 348 Wiiley Alexander, alias Cass.,, Warren and Rown, 236 Walker Rachel, alias Thompson, alias Count de t clasco, 92 Warren Dr., 280 alias Wilson , 360 Weingott Harris, 1 Warren Walkom Charles , 210 Warton Ernest, 189 Weir, alias West, alias Roberts, Wall Thomas, 4 Warwick Edith, 5 5h,-102 Wall Jessie , 235 Weir John, 148 Weston John, 126 Wallabalah, Police Act extended Watch found in possession of Weir Duncan, 238 to , 2.35 Welby John T., alias Happy offenders at Narrabri, 92 Wallace Miss, 15 Watches, number of broken, found Jack, 197, Wallace James A., 49 in the Haymarket, 14 Welch Mary, 237 Wallace J. A., 58 Watches and jewellery stolen Welsh Mary , 390 W a ll ace J o h n Willi am, a li as Wells David, 15 from shop of Carl Sitnmat, 146 Davison, 58 Water and Sewerage Beard, 375, Wells John A., 34 Wallace Thomas , E:4 Wells George, 50 398 Wallace George , 131 , 117 Wells Ernest J., 72, 102 Waterhouse James, 2 t2 Wallace Hugh, 162 Wells William, 103 Waterloo, alias Arthur Williain Wallace Walter, 1V., 154,174 Gillies, 315, 391 Wallace Oliver. 184 Walls George, 2:36 Waterman Slartin, Wallace S. Philip , 191 Wells James, 328 Waters Geo' ge, 7 3 Wallace George , 256 Weltnan Mrs., 104, 131 Waters Henry, alias Ges,rge Wallace Hugh, 308 We'sh Edward, 870 Watts, 113 Wallace Stephen, 303 Welsh Peter, 370 Waters Samuel, 2013 Wallace John, 348 Wenban William, 291 Waterson William, 271 Wallace John, 364 "Wentworth Hotel," Church Watkins A., 130 Wallace D., 395 Hill, destroyed by fire, 26 W A :ng George, 164 Wallach Agnes, 271 Wenzell and Eves, 167, 264 Watson, alias Elizabeth Ferry, 10 Wallach Brothers , 381 Werner William, 134 Watson %irs., 38 , 118 Werner Mary, 328 Wallington Henry, 348 Watson-TI., alias Henry Wertheim, Hugo, & Co., 376 Thompson, 40 Wallis George , 130 Wessen Van, 324 Watson James, 51 Wallis George, 153 West Teresa, 38 Watson J. W., alias Walters, Wallis Nathaniel, 244 alias Saunders, alias Heyde, 73 West, alias Weir, alias Roberts, Walmsley William, 4 54, 102 Watson Andrew, 98, 127 Walmsley William , 9 West Thomas, 154 Watson Joseph, 105, 143 West George, 217 Watson William, 105, 143 Walpole James Robert, 398 West Andrew, 218 Walsh Martin, 35 Watson Joseph, or Riley, 117 West B. J., 274 Watson Andrew, 143 Walsh Mary, 64 Ernest D. E, 3 24 Watson Leslie, Walsh Annie, 83 West Ernest, alias George WilWatson Christina, 163 Walsh C., 109 son, alias Major West, 341 Walsh C., Watson Roger, alias A. Johnson, West James, Walsh John, 181 166 West Michael or Arthur, alias Walsh William, 289 Watson James, 169 Galloway, -.64 Walsh Susannah , 297 Watson Robert, 184 West James, 9T76 Watson Henry, 1')0 Walsh Maurice, 335 West Maitland, unclaimed proWalsh Michael Franc's , 356 , 364 , Watson Roger, 202 perty for sal", 77 383 Watson Henry, 211 Westaway William, 277Walsh William , 376 Watson Samuel, 218 Westaway William, 364 Walter Charles, 31 Watson Henry, 235 Westerman Maria Charlotte, 3 9 Watson William, 248 Walter ,Paul, 153 Western John James , 391 Waltcr' Willi am, 4 W atson C . S ., 249 Westerroth Henrich Erich, 369 Walters Will am, 28, 43 Wagon William, 3 9 Westman William, 118 Walters Frank, 23 Wats in Sarah, 398 Westman Gustave A., 307 Walters John, or Watson, alias Watt James W., 195 Weston James E., 16 Saunders, alias Heyde, 73 Watt -, 313 Weston -, 205 Walters Samuel , 132, 155 Watt \ illiam, 364 Westphal F., 46 Walters James, 150 Watt Elizabeth, 372 Walters Henry, 157 Walters William, 193 Walters Henry, 196, 247 Waddington Mary Ann, 145 Waltham Watch Co., 217 Waddington James, 145 Walton Charles, 78 Wade Frank B , 27 Walton 'T'homas, 256 Wade Thomas , 118 Wan Sin Martin, 72 Wades' Pawn Office , 111, 338 Run, Mur- Wangamon(r "Rising Sun Hotel," Wagingo , Berembee arson, 129 rumbidgee River, body of man Wangra Creek, rear Bredbo, found , 72 arson, 161 Wainman William, 112 Warby John, 217 Wait Charles, 146 Ward Thomas, 82 Wake Mary , 27 Ward William, 09 Wakeford George, 3 Ward Henry, 118 Wakeford Sz Wylie, 151, 167 Ward William, alias Price, 142 Wakeham Ryther. 1 50 Waldron F. W., or Thraldon, 31, Ward George, 189 Ward Alfred, 90 93 W 2.'5 80, 119 158 IV, & 1-1 , 1, 73, 271 0 PereyIf.,"IS 3-)9,33).) 177 2.37 Wells Walling John,63 Walrnsley John,75 163 112 V,vest 3,39 31 Westrey William, 27 Wetherill S. W., 50 Wethcrill John, 213 1Vettenhall Mrs. 187 Wetzek Matthias, 211 Weyman Frederick, 142 11 hale William, 101, 119 Whalen Patrick, 42, 50 Whalen Constable, 311 Whally Francis, 126 Wharrie J. A.. 60 If., Whatford A. J., 154 Whatmouth Thornas, 336 Wheatley A., 252 Wheatley Henry, 324, 356 Wheeler Miss, Wheeler lli., 154 Wh ee l er R ob er t , 164 Wheeler Ephraim Wheeler Moses or Jim, 370 Whelan Andrew, 118 Whitley Charles, 305 Whipple Mrs., 206 Whitbread Albert, ,301, 312, 320 White Al xander, 19 White William, 27 White Ricllaid, 34 White Patrick, 54 White George, 92 White Thomas, 9 , 126 Whig Jack, or Doc ran, or Taylor, 113 White Thoma=, 118 White Thomas, 118 White Cathet ine, 186 White Thomas, 194 White Thomas. 220 White White Thomas L., 234 White H. C., White Walter, 2 1 White Thomas, 280 White Edgar, 341 White Sarah, 345, 356 White Elizabeth, 348 White Arnie, 355 Whitehall Thomas, 336 WW'Ir tehead Richard, 395 Whitehorn Matra, 251 Whiteman C. F., 82 Whiteman William, 155 Whitfield G. N., 22, 35 Whitfel i A. E., 328 112,121 J.,1131 05 Brothers, Z24 _,)co (; Whitford Clara, 34 Whiting William J., 78, 87 Wl,iti, g Herbert, 386 Wl,iftakee. Frederick, 17 3 Whittaker 1"rank, 289 Whittaker Henry R, X03 Whittle Wiliam, 1.5 Whittle Ernest, 27.) Whitton C. 14., 13., lg'holohan 3'05 Wholohau Edward, 370 Whyburn Richard, 253 Whyte Christopher, 49, 136 Whyte Matthew, 240 Wicke s G. F., or Wrckens, 31, 126 Wickens George F., 79 Wickens Amin, 79 Wicks George, 47 Annie, Wicks R. E. C., 283 Widders William A., 108 Wiepel Emily, Wigful Leonard, 272 Wigger F. A., or W eir, alias West, alias Robeits, Wigger Francis A., 303, 13 Wight Robert, or Wright, 335 Wild Sydney A, 83, 109 Wild James, 52, 264 Wildie J. & Co., 74 Wilding Thomas, 3.53 Wildman William, 38 Wiley George, 260 Wilkins Mr. D., 220 Wilkins Joseph, 375 Wilkinson Charles, 57 Wilkinson Leo, 73 Wilkinson John L., 182 Wilkinson Annie Kate, 281 Wilkinson Henry E., 342 Wilkinson Thomas, Wilkinson Thomas, 864 Willberg E. J., 100 Willet Thomas, 241 Willetts Benjamin, 142 Willey Frank, 38 289 51,102 2 315 32 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX-1889. Willey W. S., 100 Williams May, alias Annie How. ard, 5 Williams F., 18 Williams Charles, alias King, 28 Williams Alice, 30, 39 Williams Francis, 38 53 Williams John, 42 Williams W., 42 Williams William, 49 Williams John, 49 Williams, alias Nicklcjohn, alias Meiklejohn, 50, 53 Williams John, 50 Williams Mary, 54, 101 Williams A., alias Cudd, 65 Williams George, 69 Williams Henry, 78 Williams, alias J. James, alias Tippett, 96 Williams John, alias James Brooks, 101 Williams Mrs. M. A., 121 Williams John, 123 Williams John, 125 Williams Thomas, 126 Williams John, 126, 171 Williams J., 130 Williams -, 130 Williams William, 132 Williams Henry, 134 Williams George, 135 Williams William, alias Parker, 1 12 Williams William, 146, 360 Williams Richard, alias Dynie, 118 Williams George, 150 Williams Henry, 150 Williams Frederick, 161 Williams Thomas, 163 Williams Henry, 161, 16`), 234 Williams William, 174 Williams David, Williams William, alias Wilson, Willis Willis Willis Willis Willis Willis & Co., 57 William, 181 -, 2.32 Edward, alias Webster, Thomas, 277 Richard G, 281, 318 Willis Arthur B., 296 Wiseman Robert B., 355 Wishart James, 9 Wodonga Creek, body of man 272 found, 9 Wodonga West, man found dead under a tree, 391, 399 Wolfe Joseph, -W Wragge Wray, alias Wright Wright Wright Thomas G., 113 alias Jackson, alias Paine, Harkness, 102 Margaret, 15 Walter, alias Gardiner, 18 Mrs., 30 Wright John, 82 Willis John, 376 Wolfe Samuel, 125 Wright, alias Walter Gardiner, 101 Wilmott Frederick, 191 Wolinski Benny, 173, 202, 211 Wright William, 102 Willnott G. It. W., 19 Wollornbi, body of man, name Wright Agnes, 105 Willoughby William, 233 unknown, found at Laguna, 186 Wright D., 117, 143 Wills Henry, 360 Wolper Jacob, 173 Wright Samuel, 187 Wills-Allen T. P,, 283 Wolter Johanna, 232 Wright W. F., 210 Wilson Mr., 4 Woman, name unknown, unlawWright Albert, 2 21. Wilson, alias Henderson, alias fully detaining child, 31 Wright Edward, 210 Henry Gellatly, 9 Woman, name unknown, body of, Wright Jane, 247, 335 Wilson William, 27 found in Blackwattle Bay, 92 Wright Mrs., 2;,12 Wilson Mrs., 30 Woman, name unknown, found in Wright Harry, 316 Wilson, alias Woods, alias Lawunconscious state on South Wright Margaret, 316 son, alias Gallaghan, 34, 43 Head Road, Waverley, 117 Wright Robert, 325 Wilson Charles, 49 Wonsan, name unknown, child Wright Robert, or Wight, 335 Wilson John, 58 desertion, 155 Wright Elizabeth, 342 Wilson H., alias Loo Ching, alias Woman, name unknown, uttered Wright Henry C., 36 Frollick, 6-1 valueless cheques at Balmain, Wrigley Henry, 297 Wilson Robert, 73 157 Wrikens G. F., or Wickens, 31, Wilson David, 74 Woman, named Weston, abandoned 126 Wilson James H., 78 child at Newcastle, 2 `5 Wyatt Phillip, 316 Wilson Charles, 109 Woman, named Maria White- Wvdler Bans J., 95 Wilson S., 112 horn, body of, found floating in Wy1de Charles George, 317 Wilson A. T., 122 dam, Centennial Park, 251 Wylie and Wakeford, 151, 167 Wilson James, 1'25 Woman, name unknown, Wylie J mss, 383 Wilson John, alias Toudie, 125 abandoned child, 296 Wylie John Clarke, 352 Wilson, alias Armstrong, alias Wond Alfred, 126 Wyman George, 154 Cole, alias Clare, &c., 126 Wond Goldtown, 147 Wyman F. A., 390 Wilson D, 126 Wong On, 320 Wynch Emily, 143 Wilson Catherine, 126 Wong Chong, r21 Wyndham Winifred, 271 Wilson Arthur, 150 Wood John, a'i is Corbett, alias Wyndham R, 355 Wilson '1'lionias J., 154 Ryan, alias Reynolds, 28 Wyndham It., alias Wilson, 360 Wilson Arthur, alias Seymour, 175 Wood William & Co., 68, 79 Wynne Richard, 25 Wilson William, 1S6 Wood Thomas, or Hughes, 87, 143 Wynne J. D., 54 Wilson Walter, alias Jones, 191 Wood Jane, 87 Wynne Charles, 88 Wilson William, 203 Wood Percy, 104 Wynne, Iludson,'& Co., 174, 187 Wilson James, 211 Wood Frank, 139 AVyser Mary, 146 Wilson Leonard, 218 Wood William, 180 Wilson Carlisle, 232, 320 Wood Miss, 196 Y Wilson Charles, 236 Wood John, 2 8 Wood Peter, 247 Williams, man named, (lied srid- Wilson Mrs., 252 Yammer Ada, 9 Wood Tlio.nas, alias Hughes, donly at Talawant_i, noar Wilson Charlotte, 25.3 Yan Sne, 102 Wilson John, 233, 26-1 alias Young, 287, 320 Brewarrina, 186 Yarniach Ada, 10`3 Wilson T. H., 253 Wood Charles, 305 Yarnold Mary, 348 Williams John, 202 Wilson G. H., 261, 275 Woo 1 William, 34`3 Williams Thomas, 206 Yarrowin Wool Sheds , man, name Wilson John, 264 Wood John, 377 Williams George, alias Dignam, unknown, found (lead in Wilson Annie, 265, 274 Woodard Frederick, 23 218, 213 shearers ' hut, 173 Woodfall Alai y, 3 55 Williams Henry, alias Jones, Wilson -, 286 Yates Benjamin S., 82 Wilson Clara Ann, 236 Woodfield Frederick, 3, 34 alias Samuels, alias M'Carthy, Yeard'ey George '1` , 93 Wilson John, 300 Woodfield Thomas, 21 Yeen Hing, 296 &c., 218 Williams Francis C., 233 Wilson Frederick, alias Olex Woodford James, 381 Yelson Mrs. 289 Christian Olsen, 319 Woodgate, L., 82 Yem 150 Williams Henry S., 236 Wilson Alrs., 323 Woodhams Albert, 236, 244 Yeoman Edward, 395 Williams Thomas, 238 Wilson George, 328 Woodhouse Charles, 73 York Charles W., 13 Williams Owen, alias Taffy, 210 Wilson Henry, alias Letty, alias Woodhon. e William, 240 York Mary, 52 Williams Joseph, alias Baker, the Nipper, 329 Woodings William, 10 Yoik J., 161 alias Parker, 211, 2 12, 325 Wilson William, ,138 Woodland E. L., 130 York Frank, 345 Williams Thomas, 271 Wilson George, alias West, 341 Woodlands Elsie, 397 Young Frederick, 27 Williams John, alias AIunday, Wilson Elizabeth, or Atkins, 319 Woodley E. F., 52 Young Frederick, 43 W ilson Peter , alias Power, alias Woodman R. E., 193 Young Robert, 59, 69, 102 Williams William, alias ThompManson, 356 Woodrow George, 274 Young Walter, 64 son, alias Stainger, 289 Wilson, alias Rachel Walker, alias Wo,,dsWilliam,30 YoungMichael,126 Williams Walter, alias George Thompson . 360 Woods George, alias Lawson , Young Duck (Ch.), 1-12 Sampson, 289 Wilson R, alias Wyndham, 363 alias Gallaghan , 34, 43 Young Wa (Ch.), 145 Williams Edward, 293 Wilson Martha Isabella, 383 Woods John, 67 Young A1ils, 146 Williams C., 307 Williams George, 316 Wilson Catherine, 385 Woods Henry, alias Hunter, 93, Young Robert, 150 Williams John, alias Patrick Wilson Robert, 385 108 Young Thomas, 150 Gould, 320 Wilson Charles, 390 Woods J. B., 178 Young John, 180 Williams Joseph, 323 Wilson William James, 398 Woods Thomas, 197, 233, 241 Young May, 210 Williams Henry, alias ChrisWilton R. S., 147, 191, 2"3 Woods Thomas, 261 Young Jane, 260 topher Farrell, alias Bowen, 329 Wiminermark Claes Israel, 9 Woods Bill, 303 Young Alfi ed A., 301 Williams Joseph, 337, 336 Winchester Thomas, 264 Woods & Co., 332, 315 Young, alias Thomas Wood, alias Williams George, 341 Winder Henry, 42 Woods Eliza, 391 Hughes, 320 Williams Emma, 348 Windeyer Judge, 18 Woodven Joseph, 312 Young Ernest Edward, 336 Williams John E., 352 Windeyer Mr., 344 Woodward Welter, 255 Young William (Ch.), 369 Williams John, 355 'Windsor, Killarney Bash, body of Woodward James Edwin, 311 Young Brothere, 3b2 370, 376 Young Edward, 390 Williams George, 361 man, name unknown, found, 206 Woodward Frederick, Williams & Rhodes, 366 Wing War, 197, 264 Woolcy William, 303 Young Joseph, alias Powell or Power, 391 Wingfield Thomas T., 19 Woollahra, body of infant found, Williams Samuel, 370 Wingfield Charles, or Fitz2, 13 Young Martin, 394 Williams Nary, 379 Williams Henry, 381 Winkle James, 68, 21, l°3 Williams John, 398 Winkworth C. R, 154, 163 Woollahra, abandoned child found, Z Williams Robert, 398 Winn W., 237, 313 67 Williamson William, G8 Winscom E. H., 182 Woollahra, abandoned children Zedwell, alias Ryan, alias George Williamson William, 86 Harris, 225 Winsor Albert, 221 found, 371, 377 Williamson George F., 184 Winsor 'I homas, 366 Wcoler Thomas, 284, 342 Zessins Charles John, 351 Williamson J. D., 205 Winter Henry, 261 Woolloornooloo, body of infant Zglinicki Paul, alias Fosbury, 215 Willie Larago, 45, 191 'Winters Richard, 305 found, 273 Zglinicki B, 286 Willie -, 317 Wise B. R., 47 Worsnop Edith M., 237 Zlinski Paul, 174 Willie Ah Foo, 375 Zoueh Richard E., 211 Wiseman Thomas, 10 Worth Charles, 329 Wiles S. H, 10, 35 332, 177,191 187,197 011, 289,305 simmons, 134, 256 SYDNEY : Printed Woollahra, abandoned child found, Young Edward, 398 by CHARLESPOTTER, Government Printer.•---1820. NEWSOUTH WALES 'OJT I POLICE' AND 9' WEEKLY RECORD as to Peports for Compilation Gazette, vide 11"o. 1 of this year. of NOTICE.-£40 NOTICE. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, 6th March, W HEREAS ARSON.-£50 on the 5th 18S9. GEORGE R. DIBBS. ultimo, a shop, situate in High- street, Tenterfield, theproperty ofRobert H.Brown, Colonial Secretary ' s Office, Sydney , 6th March, 1889. ARSON.-£40 REWARD. WHEREAS during the night of the 13th ultimo, some person or persons unknown maliciously set fire to a hut, and also caused other damage to the plant at the slaughtering establishment of Cornelius Joseph Connell, at Mittagang , near Cooma . Notice is hereby given that a reward of Twenty Pounds will be paid by Government (in addition to a reward of Twenty Pounds offered by Mr. Connell ) for such information as shall lead to the apprehension and conviction of the offender or offenders. REWARD. tailor and clothier, was damaged by fire : And whereas, at an inquest held on the 14th ultimo, before the District Coroner, the following verdict was returned :-" That the said premises, situated in High-street, Tenterfield, in the Colony aforesaid, on the morning of the 5th February, 1889, were wilfully set on fire, but there is not sufficient evidence for u3 to say by whom." i,otice is hereby given that a reward of Twenty-five Pounds will be paid by Government (in addition to a reward of Twenty-five Pounds offered by the Mercantile Mutual Insurance Cc mpany) for such information as shall lead to the apprehension and conviction of the guilty person or persons. In addition to the above reward, His Excellency ,he Governor will be advised to extend a free pardon to any accomplice, not being the person who actually set fire to the said property, who shall first give such required information. GEORGE R. DIBBS. [1751] [1889.. Colonial Secretary ' s Office, Sydney , 6th March, 1889. Police The provisions of the Towns Police Act have been extended to the Town of Uralla. Vide Government Gazette, 1889, page 182'3. [1750] CfIME. [1752] NOTICE. Instructions OF WEDNE SDAY, 13 MARCH. No. 11.] For GAZETTE --L, Rockley.-On the Arson. night of the 1st ultimo, a woolshed situate at Brownlea, near Rockley, the property of Charles R. M'Phillamy, was destroyed by fire; and at an inquest held on the 1st instant, before the District Coroner, the following verdict was returned : " That the woolshed at Brownlea, the property of Charles R. M'Phillamy was on the night of the 24th February, 1889, burned by some person or persons unknown." - Value of property destroyed, about £200. Mr. M'Pliillamy offers £100 reward. Manslaughter. Broken Hill.-Michael Bakey, charged with the manslaughter of Charles Fisher, at Broken Hill, on 22nd ultimo, by striking him on the head with a stone, has been arrested by Constable Nolan, Broken Hill Police. Committed by the District Coroner for trial, at Silverton Circuit Court. Bail allowedself in £100, and two sureties in £50 each. REWARD. HERE AS on the night of the 12th January last, a woolshed, sits ate at Wattle Grove, near b'rogmore, BurrowaDistrict, W the prope, ty of William Evans, was destroyed by fire : And, whereas, at an inquest held before the District Coroner, the following verdict was returned :-" That the woolshed and its contents, situated at Wattle Grove, in the Burrowa District, in the Colony aforesaid, on the night of the 12th January, 1889, were totally destroyed by fire by some person or persons to the Jurors unknown." Notice is hereby given that a reward of Twenty Pounds will be paid by Government (in addition to a reward of Twenty Pounds offered by Mr. Evans) for such information as shall lead to the apprehension and conviction of the guilty person or persons. In addition to the above reward, His Excellency the Governor will be advised to extend a free pardon to any accomplice, not being the person who actually set fire to the said property, who shall first give such required Lfo:"snation. GEORGE R. DIBBS. Murder. Sydney.--On the 28th ultimo, the body of a female, named Kate Reilly, 23 years of age (recently an attendant at Callan: Park Asylum), was found on unoccupied premises, No. 8, Macquarie-street South; and at an adjourned inquest held on the 11th instant, before the City Coroner, the following verdict was returned : " That the said Kate Reilly, at Sydney, in the Colony aforesaid, on or about the 26th February, 1889, died from the effects of inj cries unlawfully and feloniously inflicted upon her some days previous, by some person or persons to us unknown, and we, the jurors aforesaid, upon our oath, further say that they the said person or persons to us unknown, at Sydney, in the Colony aforesaid, about the said 26th February, 1889, her the said gate Reilly, in the manner and form aforesaid, feloniously and wilfully did kill and murder." The post-mortem examination conclusively proved that deceased was pregnant, and in the endeavour to obtain abortion had lost her life by malpractice. Pack-saddle Station, 80 miles from Milparinka, George Smith, carrier, Mount Brown Road, near January last. Milparinka. [See Horses and Cattle.] 29 „ Brown mare L over EG near shoulder, soro on near side under saddle, star, aged Gundagai, 28th ultimo R. M. Ogilvie, Gundagai. 31 „ Dark-bay horse FH 3 (FH conjoined) near shoulder, a number underneath saddle ") Gmfton glst ^ T. H. Smith, Gordanbrook. or near 31 „ Light-bay horse y" 9 97 shoulder, hind foot white j ' 28 „ Chestnut gelding DyR near shoulder, collar-marked, bald face Cootamundra, 23rd ultimo W. H. Richardson, Cootamundra. I lApril White heifer, in calf PN on milking side, roan neck. , CeaSnock, March, last » Patrick O'Neill, Cessnock. 9 10 11 12 13 15Mar.. Brown gelding 8 OBS on near shoulder Thomas Forsyth, Church-street, Parramatta. Horseshoe near shoulder, hind feet white, star, 14 hands high, aged. Parramatta, 25 th ultimo lApril Blackhorse 7 „ 24 -r, i j. -i j i -U 4. - * Name and address of Owner, or to whom information to be From where taken, and under what circumstances. given, and reward, if any. CtX off shoulder, blurred AH over trf near shoulder, 15^ hands Grafton, 18th ultimo Claude Statham, Graf ton. high, 6 years old. Black draught horse L 2 over B near shoulder, blaze face, near hind fetlock white South Grafton, 16th ultimo Patrick M'Namara* South Grafton. 6 Vide Police Gazette, 1889, page 24. The iron-gray mare No. 4 in this week's list, the property of Robert Rankin, of Native Dog Hat, near Nimitybelle, has been found. 29 Mar. Bay saddle mare Vide Police Gazette, 1889, page 99. The horse No. 4 in this week's list, the property of John Lamrock, of Rob Roy, near Inverell, has been found. 5 Vide Police Gazette, 1889, page 106. The horse No. 16 in this week's list, the property of Jenny Gunn, has been found, and the saddle stolen at the same time was found in a paddock near Tenterfield by Sergeant Hicks, who also found a chestnut horse, in same paddock, branded Gr 8 near shoulder, the property of Albert Smith, which had been stolen from Drake about the 23rd ultimo. ^ over ^—' near shoulder, 7 years old Forest Lodge, 30th ultimo John Byrne, 7, Foss-street, Forest Lodge, Sydney. Unbranded, strangle marks underneath jaws, hind feet white, 14| Moore Park, 1st instant John Lewis Wilkinson, 3, Thurlow-street, Redfern, hands high, 3J years old. Sydney. 3 25 Mar.. Blaok and white piebald J J near shoulder Fraser Creek, near Ashford, 24th ultimo Thomas Nichols, Frying Pan, near Ashford. saddle mare. 4 5 April Black mare PX near shoulder, near hip down Coonabarabran, 16th ultimo George Bacon, Coonabarabran. Horses and Cattle. &c. Milparinka.—A warrant has been issued by the Milparinka Bench for the arrest of Michael Roberts, charged with stealing the,gelding No. 8 in this week's list, the property of George Smythe, carrier, Mount Brown Road, on or about the middle of January last. Offender is about 33 years of age, 5 feet, 11 inches high, very dark, gruff voice ; a horse driver. 1889. 13 Mar.. Dark-brown horse 3April Racing chestnut Inquiry is requested to be made as to the present whereabouts of Henry Weeks, a miller, a great drunkard and gambler, who deserted his wife and four children 12 years ago, and is supposed to be married again, or living with another woman. Information to Mr3. Weeks, care of Mr. G. H . Pdlmer, news agent, Kepple-street, Bathurst. 1 2 John Williams, about 50 years of age, 6 feet high. Supposed to be employed in the South-western District.—I. R. 80-1099. Brands and Description. Missing from he^ home at Gladesville, since the 29th ultimo, Lydia Hall, 18 years of age, looks younger, about 4 feet 8 inches high, stout build, dark complexion, brown hair and eyes, good looking ; may be dressed in a dark drab or black dreas, black hat trimmed with red ribbon and red feather. Supposed to have gone to Sydney. ! Missing, since the 20th ultimo,—Louisa Evans, 36 years of age, about 5 feet high, medium build, fair complexion, aiiburn hair, blue eyes; wore a brown dress, black cape, white straw hat with brown feather ; wore three rings on finger of left hand ; carried a brown leather handbag. Information to the " Home," Constitution Road, Petersham. Colour and Sex. Information is requested respecting John M'Manamen, who was heard of in the district of Gulgong about three years ago; he is described as about 40 years of age. Information desired by Mrs. Haniey, of No. 2, " D " Terrace, Buckland-street, Alexandria. Information is required as to the present whereabouts of Robert Hobden or Hopten, who was taken to the Sydney Hospital en the 25th of October last, by Constable Murdock, of .No. 2 Station, suffering from a fracture of an arm received at Tom Ugly's Point on the same day. He is a material witness in a case of false pretences to be tried at the present Quarter Sessions. No. Missing Friends. Information is requested respecting Horace Leigh Sandiford, short statuie, fair complexion, H.L.S. on one arm; a draper's assistant; native of Manchester; much addicted to habits of intemperance ; is a good musician. Last heard of in Sydney in October, 1888, gave his address aa "Rope Maker's Arms," 174, George-street. Formerly employed at Price's haberdashery shop, Wellington, N.Z. Was married at Wellington on 4th April, 18S3. His sister's address is Miss Edith Sandiford, 303, Macquarie-street, Hobart, Tasmania, or care of E. E. Edmonds, Esq., Yogeltown, Wellington, N.Z. Batp of ! Report ' Vide Police Gazette, 18S9, page 47. William John Moyle, charged on warrant with child desertion, is eaid to have been seen entering the mail train at Stanthorpe, on the 14th March last, and going towards Brisbane. LIST AND DESCRIPTION OK HORSES AND CATTLE REPORTED TO THE POLICE AS STOLEN DURING TEE WEEK ENDING 10TH APRIL, 1889. Paterson.—A warrant has been issued by th.3 Paterson Bench for the arrest of Renton Bridges, a " Vernon" boy, charged with absconding from his apprenticeship with Gilbert Cory, of Vacy, near Paterson, on the 30th ultimo. Offender is 16 years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches high, fair complexion and hair, small scar on forehead ; dressed in brown tweed suit. Supposed to have gone to Sydney. NEW 386 SOUTH WATCHES Date. AND WALES POLICE JEWELLERY GAZETTE . REPORTED [18 DEC., 1889. STOLEN. (Reference. Description. Owner's Name. 1889. C. Byrnes ........................... Miss M`Laughlin ................. William K innear .................. Mrs. Thompson .................. Silver hunting lever watch, by Charles, of Portsea ................................. 89-990 Lady's silver hunting watch ; silver Albert .......................................... 991 Silver keyless Waltham watch, No. 589497 .......................................... 992 Gold brooch, shell-shape, leaves in centre ; gold brooch, set with hair, " E.T. " 993 on it, Thomas Garrett, M.L.A. ...... Gold hunting lever watch ; gold Albert locket; and member's pass............ 994 2 Dec... (1 Jack Gomard ..................... Silver hunting lever watch .................................. 995 6 „ Mrs . Hansfield ..................... Lady's gold dress ring, set with four pearls, and a number of small diamonds 996 Silver keyless stop watch, by Stewart, Dawson, & Co. ........................... 997 7 „ William Honey .................. 7 „ Chit Win . ........................ Silver hunting Geneva watch, No. 812064 .......................................... 998 8 „ James Lack Silver open-face Waltham watch, No. 2638952; gold Albert, curb pattern; 999 gold compass. John Paris ........................ Silver hunting watch, " H. L. Davis " on face ; silver Albert .................. 1000 10 Silver lever watch, No. 79146; gold Albert .......................................... 1001 10 Alfred Horne ..................... 12 John Poritatte Silver hunting watch ; gold Albert, bar pattern .................................... 1002 12 H. L. Green ....................... Gold necklet and locket ......... . _ ......... .............................. 1003 Silver hunting lever watch, by Ehrhardt ; silver Albert ; gold watch-key ... 1004 12 Stephen Dutnell .................. Silver hunting Geneva watch ; gold Albert and locket ........................... 1005 Alexander Levy .................. 14 Silver bracelet .. ......................................................................... 1006 15 B. M`Dermott ..................... Arthur Fruland ... ............... Silver chain ; gold locket.......... ........................................................ 1007 14 Dec... Amy O' Mara .................. Gold ring, set with three diamonds and three sapphires ; pearl brooch ; gold 1008 brooch. 14 „ Silas Barber ........................ Gold ring, " S.B. " in monogram on it ........• . 1009 16 „ Joseph M'Millin .. ................ Silver hunting Waltham watch, No. 1544327 ............. .... .................. 1010 Silver hunting lever watch, No. 4268, by Rotherham ; silver Albert ......... 1011 ...... Thomas Carrick .................. ........................ ..................... Deserting Wives and Families, &c. Sydney.-Two warrants have been issued by the Central Police Bench for the arrest of James Henry Carroll, charged with disobeying Magisterial orders for the support of his illegitimate children. He is 26 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, medium build, fair moustache only ; a Sydney speiler. Sydney.-A warrant has been issued by the Central Police Bench for the arrest of George Taylor, charged with wife desertion. He is about 28 years of age, 6 feet high, stout build, fair complexion, dark-brown hair, fair moustache only ; dressed in a dark sac coat, light-coloured tweed trousers and vest, and black felt hat ; a tailor. Queensland.-A warrant has been issued by the Toowoomba Bench for the arrest of Herbert Whiting, charged with unlawfully deserting his illegitimate child at Toowoomba, on the 19th October last. Offender is about 20 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, stout build, very pale complexion, darkbrown hair and eyes, round face, pug nose ; a tailor. Supposed to be in Sydney. Dungog.-A warrant has been issued by the Dungog Bench for the arrest of Stephen Ryan, charged with absconding from his apprenticeship with Charles Schumacker, at Wallarabba, near Dungog, on the 28th ultimo. Ryan is 16 years of age, 4 feet 10 or 11 inches high, red hair, freckled complexion, blue eyes, medium build; dressed in old black soft felt bat, print mole trousers, and dark tweed coat. Supposed to have gone to Maitland or Sydney. An apprentice from the " Vernon." Vide Police Gazette, 1889, page 338. Squire Firth, charged on warrant with wife desertion, is said to be residing at Long Gully, by Swiff's Creek, near Cassills Post Office, Gippsland, Victoria. Missing Friends. Information is requested respecting the present whereabouts of Alfred Ward. He is 51 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, medium build, fresh complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, calls himself a clerk, was convicted at the Central Police Court on 9th September last for having no visible lawful means of support, receiving a sentence of three months, and was discharged from Biloela Gaol on 7th instant. On his discharge may have gone to Salvation Army. The Governor of Biloela Gaol has received fron}" England a sum of money for Ward, with information that he is entitled to a considerable sum at home, and instructions as to drawing the same in Sydney. Information to Governor, Biloela Gaol. Charles Lake, about 64 years of age,5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet high, fair complexion, light-brown hair, a native of Manningford, Abbotts Pemsey, Wiltshire, England ; a labourer. About 1866 was heard of at Mount Pleasant, Magill, South Australia. Jane Lake ( sister to above), about 49 years of age, 5 feet 3 inches high, fair complexion, brown hair ; a domestic servant. Both said to have come to Australia in 1856 as immigrants.l. R. 89-1,259- 60. John Finnic Allen, came from Scotland about 18 months ago. Supposed to be employed in the interior. Inquiry at instance of Messrs. Cowan & Co., Wynyard-square, Sydney. Miscellaneous Information. Sydney.-Lost, about 1 p.m. the 9th instant, supposed in King-street, by Miss Kugelmann, of "Melrose" Brooklynstreet, Burwood,-A brown purse containing a railway season ticket, two £10-notes, three sovereigns, a letter, and a number of tram tickets. Sydney.-Lost or stolen, between the hours of 8 and 9 p.m. the 11th instant, from the person of David Thomas, No. 66, Bathurst-street, whilst in Oxford-street, near Bourke-street,A small black leather case , containing a lady's gold open-face watch, maker's name and number unknown ; a lady's gold Albert, fancy link pattern; an oval-shaped gold brooch," forget-me-not" pattern, a pair of gold ear-rings to match ; a pair of small gold car-rings, set with a blue stone ; a lady's gold neck chain with an oval-shaped gold locket attached, containing photo. of a lady ; a lady's small gold neck chain, with small round gold locket attached; two wedding ring, much worn ; and one keeper ring, set with three small stones ; value, £20. Identifiable. Horses and Cattle, &c. Marengo.-Stolen, supposed during February and March last, from Illunie Station, Koorawatha, the property of Louis W. D. Elboux,-About 400 mixed sheep, station bred, some earmarked triangle and slit near ear, two notches off ear, others two notches near ear, triangle and slit off ear. Identifiable. Vide Police Gazette, 1889, page 367. The gray saddle mare No. 14 in this week's list, the property of Mrs . A. Strand, of Tingha, has been found. Vide Police Gazette, 1889, page 353. The brown saddle horse No. 4 in this week's list, the property of James Hock, of Tura Creek, near Bundarra, has been found. Vide Police Gazette , 1889, page 326. . . The horse No. 25 in this week's list , the property of Charles Meyers, has been found. Vide Police Gazette , 1889, page 373. gray-roan Two of the calves No. 6 in this week's list, and the -steer No . 8, the property of John Venn , have been found. Vide Police Gazette, 1889, page 179. The bay . mare No. 6 in this week's list, the property Patrick Hayes, of Alum Creek, has been found. of Vide Police Gazette , 1889, page 379. From inquiries made by the police it is now believed that the cattle No. 11 in this week's list , the property of J. Hart, senr ., Boco, near Animbo, have not been stolen as reported. Getting around this CD NAVIGATING ARCHIVE CD BOOKS CDs All Archive CD Books products can be navigated easily using the handy bookmarks on each CD. The table of contents in most original books, and the original book index where it exists, can provide additional ways of finding the information required. SEARCHING TEXT ON ARCHIVE CD BOOKS AUSTRALIA CDs Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology has been developing over the years as a useful mechanism to convert images (as Archive CD Books pages are) into text which can be searched. The quality of the OCR can still vary, and hence the searchability can vary. Around 95% or 99% of the words in books with good type are searchable—or even higher with very good type. OCR is now a wonderful searching aid in many instances but there is still no substitute for reading the book! DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF ADOBE ACROBAT READER Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later should be used. Adobe Reader 6 (as it is now named) in fact has considerably better searching options and is recommended. • • • Acrobat Reader v4 has both a "Find" and a "Search" tool. Those tools are two *totally* different things. Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool Acrobat Reader v5 has only a "Find" tool (not a "search" tool). Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *FIND* tool. Adobe Reader v6 has only a "Search" tool (not a tool labelled "Find") HOWEVER — what is called "Search" is the same as the tool that used to be called "Find" Our CDs (that are searchable) work with the *SEARCH* tool TIPS FOR SEARCHING AND GETTING MORE FROM THE CD BOOKS • update to Adobe Reader 6 for more versatile searching options, including the ability to bring up a list of all instances of the word you are searching for — across multiple files on a single CD in a single search request. • enter the MINIMUM number of characters needed to bring up the search results required. • use Adobe Reader 6 to do some trial searches to try to identify the characters that may be misread. These can show up in the extra text in the search results list (Adobe 6 only). A few minutes trial will help you to avoid using characters that are more prone to being misread, e.g. try entering "rederi" if you want "Frederick", but find that the letters "F" "c" and "k" are sometimes misread. • use the "Match whole word" option to eliminate unnecessary items in your results list, e.g. to eliminate all the blacksmiths and tinsmiths etc when you only want the name Smith • use the "Match case" option when you want to eliminate all the occupations "smith" if you only want the name "Smith" • Don’t just search for names. Search the book for other names, places and subjects of interest: - look for others of the same name - look for others who lived in the same place or street - who was the postmaster or police officer in the town? - how often and at what time did the coach arrive in town? - what churches were there and what time were services held? - what other activities were there in the community? - look for others who had the same occupation of other interests • All of this and more may be available in a seemingly mundane book such as a directory. You could learn or write much of the background of life at the time, even if your ancestor is not listed there. ADOBE ACROBAT SEARCHING IS A WONDERFUL FIRST FINDING AID. BUT DO NOT RELY ON IT TO PICK UP ALL THE INFORMATION YOU WANT
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