Franklin Township
Franklin Township
TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Township Council Agenda Tuesday, October 28, 2014 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Invocation - Councilman Wright 4. Roll Call 5. Commendations/Proclamations a) Commendation - Retirement of Sue van Aken b) Red Ribbon Week Proclamation (with Red Ribbon Poster Contest Winner) c) Commendation for Redev Group, LLC (Francois) d) Week of the People Commendations (Francois) e) Domestic Violence Awareness Month (Regan) f) Diwali Proclamation (Prasad) g) Extra Mile Day Proclamation (Levine) h) 2014 Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Year End Holiday Crackdown Proclamation 6. Mayor's Report 7. Deputy Mayor's Report 8. Public Discussion 9. Standing Committee Reports a) Administration b) Financial Oversignt c) Public Safety d) Land Use, Open Space, Parks & Recreation e) Public Works 10. Council Comments 11. Township Manager's Report 12. Council Discussion Items a) 2014 Flood Mitigation Status Report b) 2014 Best Practices Inventory c) Change of Polling Location - Consolata Missions to Franklin Park School - Districts 3034 13. Approval of Minutes - None Submitted 14. Approval of Warrants a) Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14 15. Public Hearing and Adoption of Ordinances on Second Reading a) Ordinance #4087-14 - An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, More Particularly Appendix Chapter A401, Telecommunications Franchise, Amending Appendix Article VI, Level 3 Communications, LLC. 16. Ordinances on Introduction and First Reading a) Ordinance #4089-14 - An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, More Particularly Code Chapter 112, Land Development, Article XXXVIII, Provisions Applicable to Planning Board and Zoning Board Of Adjustment, to Require Submission of Digital Copies of Application Materials. 17. Consent Agenda Resolutions a) Resolution #14-504 - Authorize Tax Title Lien Redemptions b) Resolution #14-505 - Adjust Water Charges - Mabel Arinzeh - 24 Leupp Lane, Somerset c) Resolution #14-506 - Adjust Water Charges - Javed Khan - 63 Winding Way, Princeton d) Resolution #14-507 - Authorize Refund of Tax/Water Overpayments e) Resolution #14-508 - Award State Contract - 3 Station Folder Inserter - Government Orders - Tax Collector Office - Amount Not to Exceed $12,426.00 f) Resolution #14-509 - Extend Contract - Transmitters for Fixed-Based Meter Reading System - HD Supply Waterworks, LTD - Not to Exceed $240,000.00 g) Resolution #14-510 - Authorize Release of Winter Bonds h) Resolution #14-511 - Authorize Release of Planning Review Escrows i) Resolution #14-512 - Authorize Performance Bond Release - Folafunmi Odukoya Docket No. BRA12-046 - $41,481.60 j) Resolution #14-513 - Authorize the Bidding and Sale of Plenary Retail Consumption Liquor License k) Resolution #14-514 - Authorize Renewal of 2014-15 Plenary Retail Consumption License No. 1808-33-043-001 - Zelekowitz, Jeffrey & Zelekowitz, Neil l) Resolution #14-515 - Award Bid (B14-29HE) - Property Cleanup, As Needed December 1, 2014 to November 30, 2016 m) Resolution #14-516 - Confirm Appointment of Municipal Judge - Michael Fedun Unexpired Three (3) Year Term Ending November 4, 2015 n) Resolution #14-517 - Authorizing Execution of Subordination and Interceptor Agreement - Independence Crossing o) Resolution #14-518 - Imploring the Somerset County Planning Board to Resolve the Issues Regarding the Polize ("Somerset Diner") Subdivision, 935 & 1045 Easton Avenue p) Resolution #14-519 - Resolution of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, New Jersey Directing the Undertaking of a Continuing Disclosure Review and Authorizing Participation in the "Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation" Initiative of the Division of Enforcement of he U.S. Securities Exchange Commission q) Resolution #14-520 - Authorize Display of Fireworks - The Palace at Somerset Park (November 2014) r) Resolution #14-521 - Authorize Submission & Execution of Grant - 2014 Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Year End Holiday Crackdown - $7,500.00 - December 5, 2014 to January 2, 2015 18. Resolutions, Voted On Separately - None 19. Old Business a) 2014 Boards and Commissions Vacancies 20. Executive Session 21. Adjournment 5.a Township Council 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 Meeting: 10/28/14 07:00 PM Department: Township Council Category: Proclamation/Commendation Prepared By: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy SCHEDULED Initiator: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Sponsors: AGENDA ITEM 2014-63 DOC ID: 3342 Commendation - Retirement of Sue van Aken WHEREAS, Sue van Aken has served the Township of Franklin working in the Recreation Department as ____________ since October 22, 1984, and will retire effective October 31, 2014; and WHEREAS, Sue, with enthusiasm and effectiveness, made an excellent and constructive contribution to our community; and WHEREAS, through various endeavors, she has won the highest regard of all her peers and the admiration of citizens throughout the community; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Brian D. Levine, Mayor of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, on behalf of the Township Council and all our citizens extend our deep appreciation for her distinguished service, and best wishes for continued success in all her future endeavors. As requested by Alice Osipowitz, Recreation Director. Updated: 10/24/2014 2:38 PM by Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Page 1 Packet Pg. 5 5.b Township Council 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 SCHEDULED Meeting: 10/28/14 07:00 PM Department: Township Council Category: Proclamation/Commendation Prepared By: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Initiator: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Sponsors: AGENDA ITEM 2014-64 DOC ID: 3334 Red Ribbon Week Proclamation WHEREAS, Alcohol and drug abuse in this Nation have reached epidemic stages; and WHEREAS, It is imperative that visible, unified prevention education efforts by community members be launched to eliminate the demand for drugs; and WHEREAS, The National Red Ribbon Campaign offers citizens the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to drug-free lifestyles (no use of illegal drugs, no illegal use of legal drugs); and WHEREAS, The National Red Ribbon Campaign will be celebrated in every community in America during Red Ribbon Week, October 23-31; and WHEREAS, business, Government, parents, law enforcement, media, medical institutions, religious institutions, schools, senior citizens, service organizations, and youth will demonstrate their commitment to healthy, drug-free lifestyles by wearing and displaying red ribbons during this week-long campaign; and WHEREAS, the community of the Township of Franklin further commits its resources to ensure the success of the Red Ribbon Campaign; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, I, Brian D. Levine, Mayor of the Township of Franklin, on behalf of the Township Council, do hereby proclaim October 23-31, as RED RIBBON WEEK, and encourages its citizens to participate in drug prevention education activities, not only during Red Ribbon Week, but all year long, making a visible statement that we are strongly committed to a drug-free Franklin Township. As requested by Alice Osipowitz, Recreation Director. Updated: 10/23/2014 5:15 PM by Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Page 1 Packet Pg. 6 5.c Township Council 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 SCHEDULED Meeting: 10/28/14 07:00 PM Department: Township Council Category: Proclamation/Commendation Prepared By: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Initiator: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Sponsors: AGENDA ITEM 2014-65 DOC ID: 3336 Commendation for Redev Group, LLC (Francois) WHEREAS, on April 21, 2003, the Redevelopment Agency of Franklin Township (the “Agency”) entered into a Redevelopment Agreement with a redeveloper for the redevelopment of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 237.02, 236.01 and 238.92 in block 171.02 in the form of 116 owner-occupied attached dwelling units on the 6.962-acre site; and WHEREAS, the original redeveloper started but did not finish the redevelopment project and the site was left in an abandoned, unfinished and unsightly condition for a number of years; and WHEREAS, the Agency was approached by several potential redevelopers seeking to convert the development from an owner-occupied development into a rental development; and WHEREAS, while the Agency desired to have the site redeveloped as soon as possible, the Agency, following the lead of the Agency Chairman Michael Gianotto, held fast to its position that the site be developed with owner-occupied market-rate housing as such housing would be consistent with the nature of the area and would better aid in the revitalization and stabilization of the neighborhood; and WHEREAS, Redev Group, LLC approached the Agency with a well thought-out and ultimately convincing proposal wherein they would market the site, in various very specific ways, for owner-occupied housing but would be permitted to convert the development to rental only if all such marketing for owner-occupied housing failed; and WHEREAS, Redev Group, LLC also agreed to a number of project improvements including: reduction in the number of buildings and units (down to 106 units), construction of a tot lot and additional visitor parking, various aesthetic improvements to the Douglas Avenue entrance, restricting the driveway entrance from Henry Street (via an easement through "Melissa Meadows") to emergency vehicles only, and various aesthetic improvements to the site's Somerset Street frontage; and WHEREAS, as promised, Redev Group, LLC aggressively marketed the site for owneroccupied housing and such efforts were rewarded with a successful owner-occupied housing development that is nearly completed and sold-out; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council, on behalf of Redevelopment Agency of Franklin Township that it hereby commends Redev Group, LLC successfully and faithfully fulfilling their commitment to the Agency to aggressively market site for owner-occupied housing and for redeveloping the formerly-blighted site into attractive owner-occupied residential development that will aid in the revitalization of Renaissance Redevelopment Area. Updated: 10/23/2014 5:36 PM by Ann Marie Marie McCarthy the for the an the Page 1 Packet Pg. 7 5.c Agenda Item 2014-65 Meeting of October 28, 2014 As requested by Councilwoman Kimberly Francois. Updated: 10/23/2014 5:36 PM by Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Page 2 Packet Pg. 8 5.d Township Council 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 SCHEDULED Meeting: 10/28/14 07:00 PM Department: Township Council Category: Proclamation/Commendation Prepared By: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Initiator: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Sponsors: AGENDA ITEM 2014-66 DOC ID: 3341 Week of the People Commendations (Francois) See attached. See attached. Updated: 10/23/2014 6:14 PM by Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Page 1 Packet Pg. 9 5.d.a Franklin Township SOMERSET COUNTY MAYOR AND TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Attachment: WOP - 2014 (2014-66 : Week of the People Commendations (Francois)) COMMENDATION We, Brian D. Levine, Mayor & Kimberly Francois, Councilwoman of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey on behalf of the Township Council and all residents of the Township of Franklin, do hereby extend to A&T Mechanical, LLC appreciation and commendation for their donation and contribution in making the 2014 Week of the People Celebration an overwhelming success. Mayor Brian D. Levine Councilwoman Kimberly Francois October 28, 2014 Packet Pg. 10 5.d.a Franklin Township SOMERSET COUNTY MAYOR AND TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Attachment: WOP - 2014 (2014-66 : Week of the People Commendations (Francois)) COMMENDATION We, Brian D. Levine, Mayor & Kimberly Francois, Councilwoman of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey on behalf of the Township Council and all residents of the Township of Franklin, do hereby extend to Investors Bank appreciation and commendation for their donation and contribution in making the 2014 Week of the People Celebration an overwhelming success. Mayor Brian D. Levine Councilwoman Kimberly Francois October 28, 2014 Packet Pg. 11 5.d.a Franklin Township SOMERSET COUNTY MAYOR AND TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Attachment: WOP - 2014 (2014-66 : Week of the People Commendations (Francois)) COMMENDATION We, Brian D. Levine, Mayor & Kimberly Francois, Councilwoman of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey on behalf of the Township Council and all residents of the Township of Franklin, do hereby extend to McDonald’s, Easton Avenue appreciation and commendation for their donation and contribution in making the 2014 Week of the People Celebration an overwhelming success. Mayor Brian D. Levine Councilwoman Kimberly Francois October 28, 2014 Packet Pg. 12 5.d.a Franklin Township SOMERSET COUNTY MAYOR AND TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Attachment: WOP - 2014 (2014-66 : Week of the People Commendations (Francois)) COMMENDATION We, Brian D. Levine, Mayor & Kimberly Francois, Councilwoman of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey on behalf of the Township Council and all residents of the Township of Franklin, do hereby extend to Frank’s Building Supplies appreciation and commendation for their donation and contribution in making the 2014 Week of the People Celebration an overwhelming success. Mayor Brian D. Levine Councilwoman Kimberly Francois October 28, 2014 Packet Pg. 13 5.d.a Franklin Township SOMERSET COUNTY MAYOR AND TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Attachment: WOP - 2014 (2014-66 : Week of the People Commendations (Francois)) COMMENDATION We, Brian D. Levine, Mayor & Kimberly Francois, Councilwoman of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey on behalf of the Township Council and all residents of the Township of Franklin, do hereby extend to Township Pharmacy appreciation and commendation for their donation and contribution in making the 2014 Week of the People Celebration an overwhelming success. Mayor Brian D. Levine Councilwoman Kimberly Francois October 28, 2014 Packet Pg. 14 5.d.a Franklin Township SOMERSET COUNTY MAYOR AND TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Attachment: WOP - 2014 (2014-66 : Week of the People Commendations (Francois)) COMMENDATION We, Brian D. Levine, Mayor & Kimberly Francois, Councilwoman of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey on behalf of the Township Council and all residents of the Township of Franklin, do hereby extend to Café Amici Pasta & Pizza appreciation and commendation for their donation and contribution in making the 2014 Week of the People Celebration an overwhelming success. Mayor Brian D. Levine Councilwoman Kimberly Francois October 28, 2014 Packet Pg. 15 5.d.a Franklin Township SOMERSET COUNTY MAYOR AND TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Attachment: WOP - 2014 (2014-66 : Week of the People Commendations (Francois)) COMMENDATION We, Brian D. Levine, Mayor & Kimberly Francois, Councilwoman of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey on behalf of the Township Council and all residents of the Township of Franklin, do hereby extend to KFC appreciation and commendation for their donation and contribution in making the 2014 Week of the People Celebration an overwhelming success. Mayor Brian D. Levine Councilwoman Kimberly Francois October 28, 2014 Packet Pg. 16 5.d.a Franklin Township SOMERSET COUNTY MAYOR AND TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Attachment: WOP - 2014 (2014-66 : Week of the People Commendations (Francois)) COMMENDATION We, Brian D. Levine, Mayor & Kimberly Francois, Councilwoman of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey on behalf of the Township Council and all residents of the Township of Franklin, do hereby extend to Frito Lay appreciation and commendation for their donation and contribution in making the 2014 Week of the People Celebration an overwhelming success. Mayor Brian D. Levine Councilwoman Kimberly Francois October 28, 2014 Packet Pg. 17 5.d.a Franklin Township SOMERSET COUNTY MAYOR AND TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Attachment: WOP - 2014 (2014-66 : Week of the People Commendations (Francois)) COMMENDATION We, Brian D. Levine, Mayor & Kimberly Francois, Councilwoman of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey on behalf of the Township Council and all residents of the Township of Franklin, do hereby extend to P.I.M. Brands, LLC appreciation and commendation for their donation and contribution in making the 2014 Week of the People Celebration an overwhelming success. Mayor Brian D. Levine Councilwoman Kimberly Francois October 28, 2014 Packet Pg. 18 5.d.a Franklin Township SOMERSET COUNTY MAYOR AND TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Attachment: WOP - 2014 (2014-66 : Week of the People Commendations (Francois)) COMMENDATION We, Brian D. Levine, Mayor & Kimberly Francois, Councilwoman of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey on behalf of the Township Council and all residents of the Township of Franklin, do hereby extend to Marium Marset of RWJ University Hospital appreciation and commendation for their donation and contribution in making the 2014 Week of the People Celebration an overwhelming success. Mayor Brian D. Levine Councilwoman Kimberly Francois October 28, 2014 Packet Pg. 19 5.e Township Council 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 SCHEDULED Meeting: 10/28/14 07:00 PM Department: Township Council Category: Proclamation/Commendation Prepared By: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Initiator: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Sponsors: AGENDA ITEM 2014-67 DOC ID: 3335 Domestic Violence Awareness Month (Regan) WHEREAS, violence against women, children, and men continues to become more prevalent as a social problem in our society; and WHEREAS, the problems of domestic violence are not confined to any group or groups of people but across all economic, racial and societal barriers, and are supported by societal indifference; and WHEREAS, the crime of domestic violence violates an individual’s privacy, dignity, security, and humanity, due to systematic use of physical, emotional, sexual, psychological and economic control and/or abuse, with impact of this crime being wide-ranging; and WHEREAS, everyone deserves to live a life free from the fear o being hurt or killed by people who are supposed to love them; and WHEREAS, in our quest to impose sanctions on those who break the law by perpetrating violence, we must also meet the needs of victims of domestic violence who often suffer grave physical, psychological and financial losses; and WHEREAS, it is victims of domestic violence themselves who have been in the forefront of efforts to bring peace and equality to the home; and WHEREAS, the Resource Center of Somerset has been serving people affected by domestic violence for over 36 years; and WHEREAS, the Resource Center of Somerset agency services include emergency shelter, legal advocacy, outreach counseling, community education, volunteer Domestic Violence response Teams working with local police departments, and more; and Updated: 10/23/2014 5:25 PM by Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Page 1 Packet Pg. 20 5.e Agenda Item 2014-67 Meeting of October 28, 2014 WHEREAS, the Resource Center of Somerset provides services to survivors of domestic abuse women, men and children - free-of-charge, and in English and Spanish; NOW, THEREFORE, WE, Brian G. Regan, Deputy Mayor and Brian D. Levine, Mayor, on behalf of the Township Council do hereby proclaim the month of October to be National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in our community, and do hereby commend the efforts of the Resource Center of Somerset in aiding victims of domestic violence; and to promote the Resource Center of Somerset 24-Hour Hotline at 866-6851122. A Updated: 10/23/2014 5:25 PM by Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Page 2 Packet Pg. 21 5.f Township Council 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 Meeting: 10/28/14 07:00 PM Department: Township Council Category: Proclamation/Commendation Prepared By: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy SCHEDULED AGENDA ITEM 2014-68 Initiator: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Sponsors: DOC ID: 3337 Diwali Proclamation (Prasad) WHEREAS, Diwali is a festival of lights, during which celebrants light small oil lamps, place them around the home, and pray for health, knowledge and peace; and WHEREAS, celebrants of Diwali believe that rows of lamps symbolize the light within the individual that rids the soul of the darkness of ignorance; and WHEREAS, Diwali falls on the last day of the last month in the lunar calendar and is celebrated as a day of thanksgiving and the beginning of the new year for many Hindus; and WHEREAS, for Hindus, Diwali is a celebration of the victory of good over evil; and WHEREAS, for Sikhs, Diwali is feted as the day that the sixth founding Sikh Guru, or revered teacher, Guru Hargobind, was released from captivity by the Mughal Emperor Jehangir; and WHEREAS, for Jains, Diwali marks the anniversary of the attainment of moksha or liberation by Lord Mahavira, the last of the Tirhankaras, who were the great teachers of Jain dharma, at the end of his life in 527 B.C.; NOW, THEREFORE, I, MAYOR BRIAN D. LEVINE and COUNCILMAN RAJIV PRASAD, on behalf of the Township Council of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset and State of New Jersey, do hereby recognize October 23 through October 27 as “Diwali 2014” in the Township of Franklin and call upon its residents to observe and celebrate Diwali with various activities and programs to learn about its religious and historical significance. As requested by Councilman Rajiv Prasad. Updated: 10/23/2014 5:42 PM by Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Page 1 Packet Pg. 22 5.g Township Council 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 SCHEDULED Meeting: 10/28/14 07:00 PM Department: Township Council Category: Proclamation/Commendation Prepared By: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Initiator: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Sponsors: AGENDA ITEM 2014-69 DOC ID: 3340 Extra Mile Day Proclamation (Levine) WHEREAS, the Township of Franklin is a community which acknowledges that a special vibrancy exists within the entire community when its individual citizens collectively “go the extra mile” in personal effort, volunteerism, and service; and WHEREAS, the Township of Franklin is a community which encourages its citizens to maximize their personal contribution to the community by giving of themselves wholeheartedly and with total effort, commitment, and conviction to their individual ambitions, family, friends, and community; and WHEREAS, the Township of Franklin is a community which chooses to shine a light on and celebrate individuals and organizations within its community who “go the extra mile” in order to make a difference and lift up fellow members of their community; and WHEREAS, the Township of Franklin acknowledges the mission of Extra Mile America to create 500 Extra Mile cities in America and is proud to support “Extra Mile Day” on November 1, 2014. NOW THEREFORE, I, Brian D. Levine, Mayor of the Township of Franklin, on behalf of the Township Council do hereby proclaim November 1, 2014, to be Extra Mile Day. I urge each individual in the community to take time on this day to not only “go the extra mile” in his or her own life, but to also acknowledge all those who are inspirational in their efforts and commitment to make their organizations, families, community, country, or world a better place. Emailed to Mayor: On November 1, 2013, 444 cities declared Extra Mile Day and recognized the individuals and organizations in their local community who were creating positive change by “going the extra mile” and making a difference. We wish Franklin had been counted as one of those cities, but we have our hopes high that in 2014 you will be. I am writing to request a proclamation to declare November 1, 2014, Extra Mile Day.(Sample proclamation language is included at the end of this email.) Extra Mile America ( <>) is Updated: 10/23/2014 6:05 PM by Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Page 1 Packet Pg. 23 5.g Agenda Item 2014-69 Meeting of October 28, 2014 unwavering in its commitment to remind individuals and organizations that creating positive change is not just a water cooler topic, but it is unselfishly tied to go-the-extra-mile action. We continue to be an organization that casts a bright light on the cities and the “Extra Mile Heroes” and change-makers in those cities whose contribution and service make the world a better place. We would be elated if you would join us on Extra Mile Day 2014. Finally, Extra Mile America was founded by a single individual, Shawn Anderson, who believes that one person…one organization…one community…has the power to positively change the world. Having grown from 23 participating cities in its 2009 inaugural year, it is projected that 500 cities will participate this year. One does make a difference…and so does YOUR involvement. We greatly hope that you will join us this year. If there is anything we can do to help you get onboard, we are happy to do whatever we can to make it happen. We look forward to “going the extra mile” with you! With gratitude, Christine Ott <> 310-619-3205 Updated: 10/23/2014 6:05 PM by Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Page 2 Packet Pg. 24 5.h Township Council 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 SCHEDULED AGENDA ITEM 2014-70 Meeting: 10/28/14 07:00 PM Department: Township Council Category: Proclamation/Commendation Prepared By: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Initiator: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Sponsors: DOC ID: 3345 2014 Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Year End Holiday Crackdown Proclamation WHEREAS, local police will be out in force as part of the annual statewide “2014 Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Year End Holiday Crackdown” on impaired driving; and WHEREAS, the crackdown will include high-visibility enforcement throughout Franklin Township, and will run from December 5, 2014 through January 2, 2015; and WHEREAS, officers in the Franklin Township Police Department will be aggressively looking for impaired drivers during the crackdown and will arrest anyone caught driving impaired; and WHEREAS, every year, about one third of all motor vehicle traffic deaths involve one or more impaired drivers or motorcycle operators and holidays such as Christmas and New Year’s are particularly dangerous; and WHEREAS, impaired driving takes a particularly heavy toll among young drivers; and WHEREAS, research has shown that high-visibility enforcement like the 'Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over' campaign reduces impaired driving fatalities by as much as 20 percent and by joining this statewide effort, Franklin’s roadways will be made safer for everyone throughout this holiday season; and WHEREAS, the Franklin Police Department wants to remind everyone that getting behind the wheel impaired is a terrible idea as it impairs your ability to operate a vehicle safely, impairs your judgment and good sense about whether you can, or should drive; and WHEREAS, being arrested for impaired drunk brings a wide range of negative consequences into one’s life such as jail time, loss of driver licenses, and steep financial consequences such as higher insurance rates, attorney fees, court costs, lost time at work, and the potential loss of one’s job along with tremendous personal embarrassment; and WHEREAS, impaired drunk is simply not worth the risk; NOW THEREFORE, I, Brian D. Levine, Mayor of the Township of Franklin, on behalf of the Township Council, do hereby proclaim and announce December 5, 2014 through January 2, 2015 Updated: 10/23/2014 11:20 PM by Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Page 1 Packet Pg. 25 5.h Agenda Item 2014-70 Meeting of October 28, 2014 as “2014 Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Year End Holiday Crackdown” in the Township of Franklin, and urge all citizens to Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over while traveling on our roadways. As requested by our Police Department in conjunction with obtaining the grant for Updated: 10/23/2014 11:20 PM by Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Page 2 Packet Pg. 26 12.a Township Council 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 SCHEDULED AGENDA ITEM 2014-71 Meeting: 10/28/14 07:00 PM Department: Engineering Category: Presentation Prepared By: Scott Thomas Initiator: Scott Thomas Sponsors: DOC ID: 3229 2014 Flood Mitigation Status Report Annual update on the strives being made to make the Township safer and more prepared for flooding events and other disasters. Updated: 10/1/2014 11:52 AM by Scott Thomas Page 1 Packet Pg. 27 12.a.a Franklin Township In Somerset County Municipal Building 475 DeMott Lane, Somerset, NJ 08873-6704 08873 Phone: 732-873-2500 2500 ext. 6237 Fax: 732-873-1059 732 MEMORANDUM To: Franklin Township Mayor and Council From: Scott M. Thomas, Senior Engineer Engineer/CRS Coordinator Subject: Status of Flood Mitigation and All-Hazards Plan Implementation Date: September 30,, 2014 The Township Council adopted the Franklin Township Flood Mitigation Plan in 2003 and the Somerset County Multi-Jurisdictional Jurisdictional Multi Multi-Hazard Plan in 2008. An update to the Somerset County plan was adopted in 2014. Both of these documents contain recommendations on how to lower the risk and impact ct of flooding in the Township. This memorandum supersedes the one I prepared last year at this time and updates what has already been done and what can be done to meet the goals set forth in these plans. In addition to being sent to the Mayor and all Cou Council members, this memo will be distributed to the media and bee made available to the public. This report is available for review in the Engineering Department at the Township Municipal Building Building, 475 DeMott Lane, Somerset and will also be posted on the Township’s website. 1. Background – Franklin Township Flood Mitigation Plan On May 13, 2003, by Resolution #03-231, 231, the Township Council adopted the Franklin Township Flood Mitigation Plan. The Plan an was drafted by the Franklin Township Flood Mitigation Planning Committee organized by the Township Council on September 9, 2002 with assistance from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. A grant was obtained from FEMA through the State Office of Emergency Management. Gregory Westfall Westfall, Water Resource Planner, from the USDA-NRCS USDA was primarily responsible for drafting the plan, but significant input was received from the Committee and the public through a series of public meetings and through a ddistributed questionnaire. The plan concentrates primarily on the flooding hazards along the Millstone River, although it is acknowledged that flooding can and does occur throughout the Township. The plan identifies the following goals: 1. Protect human life and health 2. Identify and mitigate flood hazards 3. Reduce flood losses to existing buildings and contents 4. Prevent increases in flood damage from new construction Packet Pg. 28 Attachment: 2014 510 Progress Report (2014-71 : 2014 Flood Mitigation Status Report) Scott M. Thomas, CFM Senior Engineer, Engineering Department 12.a.a September 30, 2014 5. 6. 7. 8. Reduce the risk of erosion damage Protect natural and beneficial floodplain functions Facilitate accurate insurance ratings Promote the awareness of flood insurance Attachment: 2014 510 Progress Report (2014-71 : 2014 Flood Mitigation Status Report) The plan includes a number of recommendations to help reduce the flooding risk and to protect life and property. The plan also includes 16 action plan items split into the following five categories: 1. Evacuation route enhancement 2. Public participation 3. Incorporation of flood mitigation planning into local ordinances and master planning 4. Public property, institutional and critical facility flood mitigation 5. Private property flood mitigation These action items tend to strengthen the goals for flood hazard mitigation in the Somerset County Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Plan described below. 2. A review of the Plan’s action items: The following is a brief discussion of the progress made to the action plan items detailed in Section H of the plan since 2004. 1. Posting of Flood Evacuation Route Signage: No signage has been posted to date. 2. Traffic Gates and Electronic Signage: Traffic gates have been installed at the causeways across the Millstone River. There is signage on the gates, but it is not electronic. There is a pre-emptive electronic sign installed on Blackwells Mills Road at the intersection with Van Cleef Rd. 3. Removal of Evacuation Route Deficiencies: There are no current plans to access Route 287 from Elizabeth Avenue, raise South Middlebush Road, or create an all-weather crossing to replace Griggstown Causeway. 4. Geo-notification: Somerset County has created a reverse-911 warning system which precludes the need of having the Township utilize GIS to create a local warning system. 5. Public information: Articles are now being published in the Township newsletter outlining specific flooding risks, flood safety tips and flood insurance recommendations. 6. Community Rating System: The Township became qualified in 2009 with an initial rating of 7. The Township has recently undergone its first 5-year revaluation of the CRS program. While the official results have not yet been published, the Township is no danger of losing its current rating of 7. 7. Revision of Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance: Ordinance adopted on 9/18/07. 8. Incorporation of Disaster Mitigation Planning in Master Plan: The Flood Mitigation Plan has been adopted as an addition to the 2006 update to the Master Plan and the Multi-Hazards Plan (see below) should be considered for adoption, as well. Note: due to changes in State law, the Township Master Plan is not required to be updated until 2016. 9. Critical Facilities: The Franklin Township Sewerage Authority has installed two new sump pumps in the dry wells at their Weston Canal pump station. They have also raised all second floor wiring to the third floor. This pump station was flooded during both Hurricane Floyd and Hurricane Irene. 10. Pillar of Fire at Zarephath: Pillar of Fire is actively working on implementing their plan to migrate their facilities outside of the flood zone. Because of their existing large campus, this must be considered a long-term goal. They have already moved their school facilities (Pillar College) offsite to a building on Apgar Drive. They are also constructing an all-purpose Page 2 Packet Pg. 29 12.a.a 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. building on their property, outside of the flood zone. They are finishing the reconstruction of the levee surrounding the campus which was overtopped and damaged during Hurricane Irene in August 2011. Emergency repairs have been made and they are working under NJDEP permitting and supervision to finish the repairs. State-Owned Structures in the Flood Plain: Because of the historic nature of the State-owned buildings, this will be difficult implement. Hopefully they will take into consideration the flood risks when restoring and rehabilitating the buildings, but the Township is not in a position to mandate any changes. Property Owner Survey: No survey has been sent out to flood-prone owners to determine their interest in flood mitigation measures. Identification of Funding Sources: No funding sources have successfully been obtained. Note: The Township is a participating member of the three year-old Raritan and Millstone Flood Control Commission and finding funding sources for smaller site and individual mitigation measures is one of their goals. Individual Property Structure Analysis: Cannot be pursued until funding sources are found. Individual Property Flood Audits: Cannot be pursued until funding sources are found. Implement Flood Mitigation Measures: Cannot be pursued until funding sources are found. 3. Background - Somerset County Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Plan On December 9, 2008, by Resolution #08-640, the Somerset County Multi-Jurisdictional MultiHazard Plan was adopted. The Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Plan was developed with the assistance of a certified floodplain manager (Adam Slutsky, Somerset County Principal Engineer). Steering and Planning Committees were formed to provide input and review of the Plan. Membership of these committees included county and local engineers, emergency coordinators, police, administrators as well as the American Red Cross, NJ Water Authority and citizen representatives. All municipalities in Somerset County participated in and adopted the plan. By regulation, the Plan has to be updated every five years. This update was done by the Committee during 2013. The plan was developed in response to the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000) which requires that states and local governments prepare all hazards mitigation plans in order to remain eligible for pre-disaster mitigation funds. It is important to continue to receive this type of funding in order to be pro-active in dealing with potential disasters in order to help eliminate or lessen the impacts to life, health and property. As part of the planning process, the following was accomplished: • Developed a planning group (Planning Committee) • Identified hazards of concern • Profiled and prioritized these hazards • Estimated inventory at risk and potential losses associated with these hazards • Developed mitigation goals, objectives and actions that address the hazards that impact the area • Developed mitigation plan maintenance procedures to be executed upon conditional approval of the plan form the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management (NJOEM) and FEMA The Committees considered a full range of natural hazards that could impact the area, and then identified and ranked those hazards that presented the greatest concern. Their list of seven hazards of concern, in order of hazard ranking, is as follows: 1. Severe Storms (hurricanes/cyclones, windstorms, thunderstorms, hail, lightning and tornados) Page 3 Packet Pg. 30 Attachment: 2014 510 Progress Report (2014-71 : 2014 Flood Mitigation Status Report) September 30, 2014 12.a.a September 30, 2014 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Severe Winter Storm (heavy snow, blizzards, ice storms, nor’easters) Flooding (riverine, flash, and ice jam) Extreme Temperatures Drought Wildfire Earthquake Through partnerships and careful planning, identify and reduce the vulnerability to natural hazards in order to protect the health, safety, quality of life, environment, and economy of the communities within Somerset County. The plan identifies the following main goals: 1. Protect Life 2. Protect Property 3. Promote a Sustainable Economy 4. Protect the Environment 5. Increase Public Awareness 4. A review of the Plan’s action items: The following is a brief discussion of the progress made to the twenty mitigation initiatives detailed in Section F of Section 9.9 of the plan since 2008. All at least partly deal with flood mitigation and I will only update those aspects of the plan in this report. Note: During the 2013 update to the Plan, a new list of mitigation initiatives has been created. Five initiatives from the 2008 Plan were considered completed and are listed below with the narrative of their status taken from the 2013 Plan. The other actions considered to not yet be complete or are ongoing have been carried over to the 2013 Plan update. 1. Consider participation in the CRS program: Complete. The Township has entered into the CRS. 4. Develop public info strategy for dissemination of hazard information to residents before an event: Complete. Information will be disseminated to residents via the following methods: reverse 911, Township website, nixel system, and Township cable TV channel. 7. Improve communication to residents of imminent hazards: Communication with residents is done via the following methods: reverse 911, Township website, Nixle system, and Township cable TV channel. Improvements to the system will be evaluated by the Police Department & OEM. The current system is sufficient for communication to residents of imminent hazards. 18. Participate in multi-jurisdictional update of Somerset County All Hazards Mitigation Plan: Complete as of 10/31/2009. 19. Work with County to ensure that flood-prone property owners are warned of impending hazards via reverse 911: As noted in #4, the reverse 911 system is in place, and property owners are now warned of impending hazards via reverse 911. Note: The 2013 proposed hazard mitigation initiatives are listed below. The 2008 list contained 20 initiatives (5 of which are considered complete). 14 new items have been added to the list bringing the total to39.The list has been renumbered and numbers in parenthesis correspond to the initiative numbers carried over from the 2008 list. Page 4 Packet Pg. 31 Attachment: 2014 510 Progress Report (2014-71 : 2014 Flood Mitigation Status Report) The Committees developed the following mission statement: 12.a.a 1. Evacuation route enhancement: It is recommended that signage be posted along the official evacuation route map in the 2013 Plan and the OEM Plan. No signage has been posted to date. 2. Installation of traffic gates and electronic warning signs in the Canal Road vicinity: Traffic gates have been installed at the causeways across the Millstone River. There is signage on the gates, but it is not electronic. There is a pre-emptive electronic sign installed on Blackwells Mills Road at the intersection with Van Cleef Rd. Other intersections have been recommended for electronic signage and they include; Jacques and South Middlebush Roads, Canal Road and Route 514, Blackwells Mills and South Middlebush Roads, Suydam and South Middlebush Roads. 3. (20) Work with neighboring municipalities to establish emergency access entrance to Route 287from Elizabeth Avenue for flood evacuation route from South Bound Brook: The State is working to find acceptable access to Route 287 from Elizabeth Avenue to permit evacuation from South Bound Brook and Franklin Township. Somerset County is investigating the feasibility of providing acceptable access along the entire length of South Middlebush Road. 4. Refine Township Flood Warning Program: It is recommended that the Township refine their program to include identifier information for flood prone properties including; block and lot number, street address, digital photo, and first floor and low opening elevations. The Somerset County Flood Information data would be used to provide flood warning information to individual property owners and occupants. 5. Inform residents to the threats of flooding and the benefits of flood insurance: The Township currently provides this information annually through articles published in the Franklin Times newsletter. It is further recommended to involve area insurance agents in the activity. 6. Incorporate flood mitigation planning into local Ordinances and the Master Plan: It is suggested that the Township revise its Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance to incorporate recommendations from the State Flood Plain Management Program. Note: the Township will be required to update this ordinance in conjunction with the adoption of revised FIRM mapping along the Raritan River. The State recommendations should be weighed when making the revisions required by FEMA. The Master Plan should then incorporate the AllHazards Plan when it is updated prior to 2016. 7. Add disaster planning as an element in the Master Plan and incorporate the Flood Mitigation Plan by reference: It is suggested that the Township add a new element to the Master Plan dealing with disaster planning. It is also suggested that the 2004 Flood Mitigation Plan be incorporated in the Master Plan by reference. 8. Public Property, Institutional and Critical Facility Flood Mitigation: It is suggested that the Township work with critical facility owners to enhance their level of flood protection to the Base Flood Elevation (1% chance a/k/a 100-year flood). Critical facilities include: Zarephath Christian School, Somerset Christian School, east Millstone First Aid Squad, North Brunswick Water Plant, Willow Creek Rehab & Care Center and Guild Housing. 9. Work with Pillar of Fire in implementing their Master Plan: It is suggested that the Township assist Pillar of Fire with its goal of expanding their physical plant outside of the flood plain. The Township should also work with them to help minimize or eliminate any new development within the 100 and 500-year flood plains. 10. Work with State agencies regarding historic buildings in flood plain areas: The Township should partner with State agencies during the rehabilitation and restoration of historic buildings to minimize future flood damage risks. Such efforts should include the adaptive reuse of the structures with the placement of all important equipment such as furnace, hot water heater, refrigerator, etc. above the base flood elevation. Agencies include: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Parks and Forestry, Delaware and Raritan Canal Commission and the New Jersey Water Supply Authority. Page 5 Packet Pg. 32 Attachment: 2014 510 Progress Report (2014-71 : 2014 Flood Mitigation Status Report) September 30, 2014 12.a.a 11. Private Property Flood Mitigation: The Township should survey owners of flood-prone property along the Millstone and Raritan Rivers to determine their level of interest in investing in various flood mitigation measures such as acquisition and demolition, elevation, flood proofing and relocation. 12. Identify funding sources for flood mitigation measures: The Township should identify various funding sources at the Federal, State, County and local level as well as from the private sector that could individually or collectively provide the local share for funding flood mitigation measures. NRC Service PL83-566 Program and the FEMA Flood Mitigation Program provides up to 75% to implement nonstructural measures. The purpose of this initiative is to identify funding sources for the remaining share of the costs. 13. Conduct individual property audits to determine flooding impacts: The Township shall, with the permission of interested owners, conduct individual property audits to determine the impact of flooding on the contents and structure of individual properties. 14. Implement flood mitigation measures on individual properties: The Township shall, with the permission of interested owners, implement appropriate options for flood mitigation. Appropriate measures will be determined on the basis of cost of the option, the eligibility of the property for financial assistance based upon its NFIP damage claim history, engineering feasibility, historic and environmental review, and property owner acceptability. 15. (2) Promote Open Space Acquisition: Promote open space uses within the flood plain via land use, and/or voluntary property acquisition. This is an ongoing program being lead by the Planning Department. 16. (3) Maintain historical flood (and wildfire) data: It is recommended that the Township obtain, record and maintain flood data including flood marks and road closures. The Engineering Department has collected some data, including flood marks from Hurricane Irene. However, historical data sources would need to be sought out and incorporated into the information already on record. 17. (6) Create and enhance mutual aid agreements: This is an existing program lead by the Police, the Office of Emergency Management and Public Works. However, it is suggested that more effort be expended in enhancing mutual aid agreements with neighboring communities for continuity of operations. 18. (8) Warehouse information on critical facilities and infrastructure: This ongoing program is lead by the Engineering Department and Public Works. Currently, Water Department assets are being located using GPS and are being uploaded into the Township GIS. All stormwater detention facilities and outfalls have already been located by GPS and are in the GIS. 19. (9) Develop a post disaster plan: It is recommended that a post disaster plan be developed that includes such things as debris removal. A plan is currently being developed by the Police. 20. (11) Continue to develop, enhance and implement existing emergency response plans to utilize new and developing technology/information as it becomes available: Emergency Management continues to incorporate any new technologies available within budget constraints in order to better prepare for and deal with disaster situations. 21. (13) Enhance the building inventory to include structure values for future use of the HAZUS program: It is recommended that the Township use internal resources such as the Township Assessor and its GIS capabilities to move this initiative forward. 22. (14) Provide higher resolution DEM for future use of the HAZUS program: Data is being collected by Engineering through as-built surveys of construction projects to be used to update the Township’s digital elevation model. 23. (15) Where appropriate, support retrofitting of structures in hazard-prone areas to protect structures from future damages: The Engineering Department maintains a list of “repetitive loss” and other high risk of flooding properties in the Township, and provides the public with information and advice on how to limit future flood damage. Page 6 Packet Pg. 33 Attachment: 2014 510 Progress Report (2014-71 : 2014 Flood Mitigation Status Report) September 30, 2014 12.a.a 24. (16) Provide backup power at vital critical facilities during the course of retrofitting those facilities identified as vulnerable: The Township is currently applying for grant money to install natural gas emergency generators at the Public Works Building and the Community/Senior Center. 25. (17) Strive to maintain compliance with and good-standing in the National Flood Insurance Program: The Township continues to maintain good-standing in the NFIP. The Township is awaiting the official results of a 5-year re-evaluation of its CRS Program, but has been assured that its current ranking of 7 will be maintained. 26. Conduct and facilitate community and public outreach and education for residents and businesses: It is recommended that the Township do the following to promote and effect natural hazard risk reduction: • Provide and maintain links to the Hazard Mitigation Plan website and regularly post notices on the Township web referencing the HMP. • Prepare and distribute informational letters to flood vulnerable property owners and neighborhood associations explaining mitigation grant funding and instructing them on how they can learn more and implement the mitigation measures. • Use email notification systems and newsletters to better educate the public on flood insurance, mitigation grant funding and natural hazard risk reduction measures. • Work with neighborhood associations, civic and business groups to disseminate information on flood insurance and the availability of mitigation grant funding. 27. Utilize ordinances and zoning restrictions to control future development in hazard areas: It is suggested that the Township incorporate ordinance and/or zoning restrictions to control and mitigate future development in identified hazard areas. While this is a new Plan initiative, the Planning Board has for years been pro-active in controlling development in flood hazard areas such as along the Millstone and Raritan Rivers and along Six and Ten-Mile Runs. 28. Develop programs and procedures to capture and archive loss data: It is recommended that procedures be developed to capture data such as: • Location and length of road closures. • Residential and commercial property damage including permit history of repairs. • High water marks. 29. Support ongoing updates of Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans: The Township continues to support multi-jurisdictional emergency management plans. 30. Develop agreements with entities familiar with the submittal of disaster assistance paperwork: It is suggested that the Township develop agreements with entities that can provide support with FEMA/NJOEM paperwork after disasters. Identify entities that have qualified personnel that can help the Township improve post-disaster damage assessment, paperwork compilation, submissions and record keeping. 31. Work with regional agencies to help develop damage assessment capabilities: Work with regional agencies such as Somerset County and NJOEM to help develop damage assessment capabilities at the local level through training programs and certification of qualified individuals such as code officials, floodplain managers and engineers. 32. (18) Continue to support implementation of the Somerset County All Hazards Mitigation Plan: The Township has maintained support the implementation, monitoring and updating of the Plan by maintaining representation on the Plan Committee, maintaining an updated mitigation strategy and submitting annual progress reports. The Township has also fully participated in the latest 5-year update. 33. Obtain and archive elevation certificates: The Township continues to collect elevation certificates for any construction within a Special Flood Hazard Area in accordance the requirements of FEMA’s CRS program. Page 7 Packet Pg. 34 Attachment: 2014 510 Progress Report (2014-71 : 2014 Flood Mitigation Status Report) September 30, 2014 12.a.a 34. Promote participation of Floodplain Administrators: It is suggested that Floodplain Managers become more involved in the planning process and other Township activities. 35. Join NOAA’s “Storm Ready” program: It is suggested that the Township join NOAA’s Storm Ready program to enhance community resilience to severe storms (including winter storms). A basic chart of program requirements can be found here: 36. Require underground utilities in new developments: It is suggested that the Township adopt regulations requiring underground utilities in all new developments. The Township’s Land Development Regulations already require the installation of underground utilities in all larger developments. 37. Waive permit fees for installation of backup power: The Plan suggests that the Township institute a policy of waiving permit fees for the installation of backup power systems on private properties. 38. Educate the public on the use of backup power: The Plan suggests that the Township provide education and outreach on the proper installation and use of backup power. 39. Prevent trees from becoming a threat to lives and impacting power availability: It is suggested that the Township implement, review and enforce municipal policies and programs to prevent trees from threatening lives and impacting power availability and interruptions. 5. Review of recommendations for the current year: • • • • An update to the CRS program points system took effect in 2013. These changes will affect the Township after its next CAV (community assistance visit) which should take place in the next two years. We will need to further study how the changes will impact our points total and what steps will need to be taken to insure the Township at least maintains its current ranking of 7. The CAV took place earlier this year on May 6, 2014. I took the time to read through the regulation changes and prepare for the visit accordingly. I had hoped to take a class on the program changes prior to the visit, but no openings were available at FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute until after. Prepare another informational article for the Franklin Times. The Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 (BW-12) could have a significant impact on some Township residents. Once Congress finalizes how it will be phased in, an article outlining who is affected and what the effects will be would be appropriate. On March 21, 2014, President Obama signed the Homeowners Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014 into law. This law repeals and modifies certain provisions of BW-12. FEMA’s website indicates that they will be preparing a summary of these changes and their impact on the NFIP sometime in the future. As such, I will wait until this information becomes available before preparing the informational article. Continue to support the Millstone and Raritan Rivers Flood Control Commission (RMRFCC) in finding funding sources to complete the US Army Corps of Engineers study of flood prevention methods in Somerset County. While record funding was appropriated in the current fiscal year, no funding has been appropriated for next year. Work with the Commission to make sure this is rectified. Despite no additional funding being added to this year’s budget for the project, the record funding allocated in the previous budget year was enough to fund the preliminary flood prevention study. Continue to work with the RMRFCC to try to find funding sources for individual flood mitigation projects. The RMRFCC has concentrated its efforts on securing support and funding for a large-scale flood mitigation solution. However, other sources have been found, Page 8 Packet Pg. 35 Attachment: 2014 510 Progress Report (2014-71 : 2014 Flood Mitigation Status Report) September 30, 2014 12.a.a • • • • such as a grant from American Water that will be used to install a live camera view of the confluence of the Millstone and Raritan Rivers to be made available on-line 24 hours/day. Continue to provide public information about the CRS program and the 15% discounts afforded those in the Special Flood Hazard Area to encourage those who don’t currently have flood insurance to buy. This was addressed in an article in the Franklin Times. Re-advertise in the Franklin Times that all residents, home buyers and real estate agents are welcome to either call or stop into the Engineering Department in order to obtain information on potential flooding risks to individual parcels. This was addressed in an article in the Franklin Times. The Township needs to continue to obtain conservation easements in flood-prone areas in order to prevent future building. Continue the Engineering Department’s project of mapping all existing conservation easements into GIS. The Township continues to obtain conservation easements in flood-prone areas in conjunction with all Board applications. The mapping of existing conservation easements has stalled due to staff limitations. The Engineering Department needs to continue to provide yearly updates to the Township Tax Maps and Geodetic Information System in order to better link property information currently available from the Tax Assessor and Construction Code. The Engineering Department continued work on updating its Tax Maps over last winter and into the spring. Work on summer construction projects has halted these updates for now. 6. Recommendations for coming year: • • • • • • • Prepare another informational article for the Franklin Times. The Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012, as modified by the Homeowners Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014, could have a significant impact on some Township residents. An article outlining who is affected and what the effects will be would be appropriate. The results of the preliminary phase of the US Army Corps of Engineers study of flood prevention methods in Somerset County were made on September 30, 2014. The benefit to cost ratios virtually eliminated the options of the levee walls or river dredging. The Corps will continue to investigate the non-structural option which they have expanded to study eight different scenarios of. Results of that analysis is due in December of this year. The Millstone and Raritan Rivers Flood Control Commission (RMRFCC) will then need assistance in finding funding sources to complete the next phase of the USACE project through the design and construction phases of whichever mitigation measure is decided upon. Continue to work with the RMRFCC to try to find funding sources for individual flood mitigation projects. Continue to provide public information about the CRS program and the discounts afforded those in the Special Flood Hazard Area to encourage those who don’t currently have flood insurance to buy. Re-advertise in the Franklin Times that all residents, home buyers and real estate agents are welcome to either call or stop into the Engineering Department in order to obtain information on potential flooding risks to individual parcels. The Township needs to continue to obtain conservation easements in flood-prone areas in order to prevent future building. Continue the Engineering Department’s project of mapping all existing conservation easements into GIS. The Engineering Department needs to continue to provide yearly updates to the Township Tax Maps and Geodetic Information System in order to better link property information currently available from the Tax Assessor and Construction Code. Page 9 Packet Pg. 36 Attachment: 2014 510 Progress Report (2014-71 : 2014 Flood Mitigation Status Report) September 30, 2014 12.a.a September 30, 2014 7. Conclusion: Attachment: 2014 510 Progress Report (2014-71 : 2014 Flood Mitigation Status Report) This is the fifth of my annual updates to Township Council and the public on strives the Township staff and others are taking in making Franklin Township safer and more prepared. In 2011, we were hit by a hurricane, a tropical storm, an early, devastating snowstorm and even a small earthquake. Many thought that things couldn’t possibly be worse in 2012, but “Superstorm” Sandy proved otherwise. While not a large rain event in our area, the widespread, long-term loss of power was particularly devastating. Lack of heat and refrigeration made life difficult for many. Those who were lucky to have gas generators spent hours in lines trying to buy fuel. Downed trees and power lines made travel nearly impossible for the first few days. 2013 saw a fairly uneventful spring, summer and fall, but the winter of 2013-2014 was a different story. Despite the lack of a defining foot-plus snowstorm, the total snowfall amount in the area was ranked sixth highest over the last 120 years. We saw repeated smaller snow events and an extended period of sub-freezing temperatures. The result was an exhaustion of the State’s salt supply, an explosion in the number of potholes and a commuting nightmare for many. The joy kids may have felt in getting a large number of days off due to snow was offset by having to make the time up later on in the school year. As part of its continuing participation in FEMA’s CRS program, the Township was subject to a Community Assistance Visit on May 6, 2014. This was the first 5-year recurring visit since the Township began participation in the program in 2009. I was under the impression that the CAV would be a review of my past five year’s annual submissions to FEMA. However, the visit became in actuality a total revaluation of our program and our numerical ranking based upon the new points system instituted in 2013. As such, a great deal of time and resources was expended in filling out forms, writing reports and generating submittals. While the official report has yet to come out, I am happy to report of being told that the Township should have no problem maintaining its current ranking of 7. This means a continuation of the 15% policy discount property owners in the Special Flood Hazard Area are seeing. Other policy owners will continue to see 5% discounts. Flooding is almost becoming routine in some areas of town and that is one reason I am pleased by the continued progress made by the Raritan and Millstone Rivers Flood Control Commission. While the Army Corp’s large-scale flood prevention methods appear to be off the table (levee/flood walls or river dredging) due to low cost-benefit ratios, I am encouraged that “non-structural” methods are still on the table. The eight options being considered would focus on minimizing flood risks to individual residences and commercial buildings. The benefit-cost ratios of these 8 options are due by the end of this year, and the entire report is scheduled to be released by the Corps in middle of next year. The Commission will then use this report as a tool in pursuing its flood mitigation efforts. Clearly, flooding is not restricted to the borders of Franklin Township and the cooperation between the ten participating municipalities and Somerset County is a good step toward a regional approach to flood mitigation. Once again, I welcome all comments and recommendations from Township Council, other Township personnel and the public on how to better prepare in order to lessen the impact of flooding in the Township. Feel free to email me at or call me at (732) 873-2500, ext. 6237. Page 10 Packet Pg. 37 12.b Township Council 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 Meeting: 10/28/14 07:00 PM Department: Township Council Category: Discussion Item Prepared By: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy SCHEDULED AGENDA ITEM 2014-72 Initiator: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Sponsors: DOC ID: 3327 2014 Best Practices Inventory As required, the Best Practices Inventory is to be scheduled and discussed by the Governing Body. Updated: 10/23/2014 9:58 AM by Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Page 1 Packet Pg. 38 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) 1808 Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Question Answer Comments Yes Sharing services has been promoted for many years as a means to control costs. In addition to sharing resources such as labor, facilities and equipment with a county or with neighboring communities, shared services include similar agreements with school boards, independent authorities and fire districts. Shared services do not include cooperative purchasing, cooperative pricing or commodity resale agreements. Did your municipality actively negotiate (i.e. meet with representatives from a neighboring town, your county or another local unit) and/or enter into at least one new shared service agreement, or actively negotiate or enter into the renewal of at least one existing shared service agreement, in the preceding year? Yes Traffic safety policies for utility and construction work should balance the interests of public safety with those of controlling costs. For example, uniformed police officers controlling a cul-de-sac may be excessive; while parking a policeman in a patrol car on a major highway to act in lieu of a “crash truck” may be insufficient and could endanger the officer. An appropriate traffic safety plan should include parameters governing when police officers, flag men and safety apparatus are used in different circumstances. Has your municipality reviewed its policies and staffing requirements for providing traffic safety around utility and construction work, and implemented policies to assure that the most efficient and cost-effective approach is taken? 3 Yes Has your municipality adopted a vehicle use policy prohibiting personal use of municipal vehicles, and providing that employees authorized to use such vehicles for commuting to/from work have a fringe benefit value added to the gross income reported on the employee's W-2 (unless the vehicle meets the "qualified non-personal vehicle" criteria specified by the IRS)? Only answer "N/A" if your municipality does not have any municipally-owned vehicles. 4 Yes Has the appropriate administrative official reviewed the State Comptroller's June 25, 2013 Report with respect to local government legal fees, and does your municipality follow the best practices outlined in the checklist annexed as an Appendix to the report? 1 2 Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) General Management - GM Packet Pg. 39 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Answer 5 6 Question Yes Does your municipality maintain an up-to-date municipal website containing at minimum the following: past three years adopted budgets; the current year's proposed budget including the full adopted budget for current year when approved by governing body; most recent annual financial statement and audits; notification(s) for solicitation of bids and RFPs; easily accessible contact information for elected and appointed officials, municipal administrator or manager, municipal clerk, police chief, municipal court administrator and all department heads; and meeting dates, minutes and agendas for the governing body, planning board, board of adjustment and all commissions? Yes Does your municipality require its elected officials to attend on an annual basis at least one instructional course covering the responsibilities and obligations of elected officials (for example: ethics, municipal finance, labor relations, risk management, shared services, purchasing, land use administration, personnel, technology etcetera)? This item may be satisfied either through a course approved for continuing education credit by DLGS, or inhouse education provided by a professional, vendor or staff member (provided they have significant expertise in their profession and routinely prepare public presentations). Comments Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 Packet Pg. 40 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Answer Question Yes With regard to your municipality's collective bargaining agreements that replaced contracts expiring on or after 1/1/11, is the overall impact of the aggregate economic costs limited to an average increase of 2% or less per year over the contract term? An example of such analysis can be found on the "PERC Summary Form; Public Sector; NonPolice and Non-Fire; Section V Impact of Settlement" and "PERC Summary Form; Police and Fire; Section VII Impact of Settlement" 8 Yes A municipality's participation in FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating System can lead to significant flood insurance premium reductions for its homeowners. An explanation of the program may be found on FEMA's website at, and more information on how the NJDEP's statewide CRS coordinator can assist with improving your rating can be found at Does your municipality have, or is your municipality in the process of attaining, a Community Rating System ranking of at least Class 9? 9 N/A If the ratio of assessed values to market values in your municipality is presently less than 65%, is your municipality in the process of conducting a reassessment or revaluation? Yes The Local Government Ethics Law, designed to ensure transparency in government, requires local government officers to file Financial Disclosure Forms. While far more local officials are required to file Financial Disclosure Forms than simply local elected officials, their compliance is particularly important. Have all of your local elected officials filed their Financial Disclosure Form in 2014 that covers the 2013 calendar year? 7 10 Comments Ratio of assessed values to market values > 65%. Packet Pg. 41 Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) 11 Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Answer Question Yes Many municipalities have created one or more authorities (including fire districts, utilities authorities, redevelopment authorities, housing authorities, port authorities, etc.) to provide greater focus and attention on addressing a public need, or to reduce governing body burdens. While creation of such an authority is often appropriate, and many authorities successfully and efficiently fulfil their missions, authorities with weak membership or insufficient local-level monitoring can become wasteful, inefficient and unresponsive to the public they serve. N.J.S.A. 40A:5A-20 allows a local governing body to dissolve an authority subject to certain parameters and with Local Finance Board approval. Municipalities should at least annually assess the authority or authorities they created and publicly discuss their findings and conclusions. Findings and conclusions should address whether the authority’s continued existence is appropriate, and whether the authority is appropriately and efficiently serving its residents. Does the governing body meet at least once annually to discuss an assessment of the authority or authorities they have created? Comments Finance & Audit - FA 12 Yes Internal accounting control processes, procedures and authorizations are designed to safeguard assets and to limit the risk of loss or misstatement. 1) Are internal accounting control processes, procedures and authorizations documented and communicated to staff; and 2) Does your Administrator/Manager or CFO, as appropriate, evaluate and discuss risk assessment annually with your governing body or an appropriate subcommittee thereof (such as the Audit or Finance Committee) with a focus on developing and updating accounting control processes, procedures and authorizations? If you selected "yes", please state in the Comment section in the approximate date of the discussion and whether the discussion was with the governing body or, if with a subcommittee thereof, name the subcommittee. Discussions have taken place w/ entire Council during the meetings of 1/28/14 (audit), 3/10/14, 3/13/14, 3/24/14, 4/8/14, 4/22/14 & 5/13/14 budget hearings). In addition, these topics are discussed at the monthly Financial Oversight Committee Meetings, specifically at the meetings held 11/25/13, 12/9/13, 1/27/14 & 9/22/14. Packet Pg. 42 Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Answer 13 14 15 Question Comments N/A With respect to note sales (TANs, BANs, Emergency Notes and Special Emergency Notes), proper disclosure and communication with potential bidders can yield optimal results for a municipality. Knowing when to sell on a negotiated or competitive basis, aggregating note sales as much as possible, along with casting a "wide net" to attract the maximum number of bidders for a competitive note sale, is critical to achieving the lowest possible interest Franklin Twp does not traditionally issue notes. rate. Is your municipality 1) marketing note sales beyond publishing the notice required by N.J.S.A. 40A:2-30, and beyond displaying a notice on your municipal website; and 2) issuing a prospectus, official statement or other document to potential lenders disclosing all material financial and budget information? Yes Does your municipality have a Finance Committee (or equivalent) made up of one or more members of the governing body and other appropriate personnel, as may be needed, that meets at least monthly and discusses all significant financial issues? If you answer "Yes", 9/22/2014 phrase state in the Comment section the approximate date of your municipality's most recent Finance Committee meeting. Yes Audit findings address areas needing improvement. Ignoring these findings devalues the process; therefore, municipalities should correct noted deficiencies. Have all audit findings from the 2012 audit been 1) identified in the corrective action plan and 2) addressed such that they are not repeated in the 2013 audit? If the answer is no, please list the repeat findings in the comments section. In the event your municipality wishes to appeal the result of this question, the Director shall determine based on the comment(s) whether the finding(s) is/are sufficiently material to warrant a "no" answer. Packet Pg. 43 Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) 16 17 Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Answer Question Yes The CFO should be capable of preparing the annual financial statement, annual debt statement and budget schedules. Excessive auditor assistance on these documents could create a perception that the auditor is not truly independent of the client in auditing the client’s financial statements. At a minimum, each CFO should prepare balanced and reconciled financial records including books of original entry, general ledgers, subsidiary ledgers and other computer reports that accurately analyze and reflect the municipality's financial position. These records should have sufficient detail for an accountant with sufficient knowledge of New Jersey's municipal accounting system to extract information necessary to prepare financial and debt statements. This requires that, within acceptable tolerance, all financial transactions (cash and non-cash) be posted in the general ledger and that all general ledger accounts be supported by subsidiary ledgers, reports, reconciliations or are otherwise analyzed. A "yes" answer is appropriate if 1) your CFO prepares the annual financial statement, annual debt statement and annual budget, or 2) your CFO presents balanced and reconciled financial records, or 3) you are retaining outside assistance to do so from an individual or entity separate from your municipality's audit firm. Please note that item #2 cannot count as a "yes" answer if the Report of Audit Yes Grant programs can create a significant burden on a municipality's cash flow if program expenses are either not timely reimbursed or are charged to other operating accounts instead of to the grant. Are all grant revenues, along with their corresponding appropriations, reviewed at least quarterly to determine that all program expenses have 1) been filed for reimbursement and 2) have been properly charged to the grant, with follow up communication to grantor agencies in instances where payments are delayed? Comments Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 Packet Pg. 44 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) 18 19 20 Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Answer Question Yes N.J.S.A. 40A:5-4 requires municipalities to complete their annual audit for the preceding fiscal year within 6 months after the close of its fiscal year. Further, N.J.S.A. 40A:5-6 requires the municipality’s auditor to submit a certified duplicate copy of the audit report and recommendations with the Division within 5 days after filing the original with the municipal clerk. Has your municipality received its completed audit for the preceding fiscal year within the statutory timeframe, and confirmed that your auditor has filed a certified duplicate copy of the audit report with the Division? You may only answer this question “N/A” if the Director expressly granted an extension in response to a governing body resolution petitioning for same. Yes For its most recent audit period completed, has the municipality: 1) not had findings reported in the Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs related to potential or actual questioned costs; or 2) not accrued a liability or made payment to a grantor for questioned costs or disallowed expenditures; or 3) not been notified of an amount that must be refunded to a grantor as a result of a contract audit or for any other reason? Yes Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A: 2-40, the chief financial officer each municipality shall, before the end of the first month of the fiscal year, file their Annual Debt Statement with the Division of Local Government Services. The annual debt statement must be filed electronically following the procedure described in Local Finance Notice 2013-3. Did your municipality file its electronic Annual Debt Statement for the preceding fiscal year with the Division no later than January 31 (July 31 for SFY municipalities)? Comments Franklin Township usually qualifies for the Single Audit that extends the filing deadline of the annual audit report. Franklin Township is working to improve the timely filing of the audit report. The CY 2012 Audit Report was dated November 12, 2013; the CY 2013 Audit Report was dated September 15, 2014. The goal for the CY 2014 Audit Report is to file by June 30, 2015 Packet Pg. 45 Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Question Answer 21 Yes Local Finance Notice 2014-09 contains important information about the need for municipalities that have certain outstanding debt to abide by requirements to annually disclose certain information with respect to financial conditions. The continuing financial disclosure obligations are required by federal law and local agreements executed as part of past issuances of debt. Failure to comply can result in penalties against local governments and individual officers responsible for various filings. Failure to comply can also result in a lack of access to capital markets. Has your CFO done all of the following: (1) reviewed Local Finance Notice 2014-09; and (2) undertaken, or caused to be undertaken, a review of past compliance with such requirements? 22 Yes Is your municipality up to date and fully compliant with continuing disclosure obligations as discussed in the previous question? Comments Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 Procurement - P 23 No Municipalities and their agencies are allowed to prohibit the award of public contracts to business entities that have made certain campaign contributions exceeding $300 and to limit the contributions that the holders of a contract can make during the term of a contract to $300. A model ordinance concerning pay-to-play can be found at pay_to_play_ordinancecontractor.doc. Has your municipality adopted a pay-to-play ordinance pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-51 that is more restrictive than state statutory requirements? Packet Pg. 46 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Answer 24 25 Question Comments Yes Changes in energy markets could potentially offer substantial savings for local governments. Local Finance Notice 2012-12 provides important guidance on the competitive procurement of energy. Has your CFO, head purchasing official or other appropriate municipal official evaluated and discussed with your governing body (or an appropriate subcommittee thereof) whether the cooperative or competitive procurement Council Meeting of 3/24/14 of energy would benefit your municipality? If you answer "Yes", please state in the Comment section the approximate date of the discussion and whether the discussion was with the governing body or, if with a subcommittee thereof, name the subcommittee. You may only answer "N/A" if your municipality already participates in competitive energy procurement. Yes The Local Finance Board recently adopted new rules, outlined in Local Finance Notice 201317, expanding municipalities' ability to purchase goods and services with procurement cards. The most significant change is the elimination of the prior per-transaction monetary limitation on P-Cards (15% of local unit’s bid threshold) where a Qualified Purchasing Agent manages a local unit's P-Card program. Has your CFO, head purchasing official or other appropriate municipal official evaluated and discussed with your Financial Oversight Committee Meeting of governing body (or an appropriate subcommittee thereof) how and whether a 1/28/13 procurement card program could benefit the municipality or, if a procurement card program already exists, whether the program complies with the new regulations? If you answered "Yes", please state in the Comment section in the approximate date of the discussion and whether the discussion was with the governing body or, if with a subcommittee thereof, name the subcommittee. If your municipality has a procurement card program, please name the vendor in the Comment section. Packet Pg. 47 Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Question Answer Comments P.L. 2013, c. 37, known as the “Sandy Integrity Monitor Law”, requires the State Treasurer to assign monitors to recovery and rebuilding-related contracts $5 million or above, and grants the Treasurer discretion to assign monitors on contracts below $5 million. Pursuant to authority granted under the law, all Sandy-related recovery and rebuilding contracts over $2 million awarded by local governments must be reported to the State Department Franklin Twp did not receive any Sandy-related 26 N/A recovery & rebuilding contracts > $2 million. of Treasury. Please access Treasury’s Sandy website at for more information on your municipality’s responsibilities under the Sandy Integrity Monitor Law. Has your municipality reported all Superstorm Sandy-related contracts over $2 million to the State Treasurer? N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5 (a)(i) states that, if a municipality utilizes the professional services exemption from the Local Public Contracts Law, “The governing body shall in each instance state supporting reasons for its action in the resolution awarding each contract and shall forthwith cause to be printed once, in the official newspaper, a brief notice stating the 27 Prospective nature, duration, service and amount of the contract, and that the resolution and contract are on file and available for public inspection in the office of the clerk of the [] municipality…”. With respect to the award of professional services contracts, is your municipality complying with the above referenced provision of the Local Public Contracts Law? Budget Preparation and Presentation - BP 28 Yes In preparing your annual budget it is important for both the governing body and public to understand the concept of surplus and how it accumulates (or declines) over the years. A formal policy regarding surplus serves as a basis for decisions concerning future financial solvency, and the lack of a policy could lead bond rating agencies to downgrade your municipality's credit rating. In developing said surplus policy your CFO should analyze and explain at least a five-year trend of surplus; illustrating the factors causing each annual increase or decrease. A surplus policy with realistic and sustainable goals can then be determined. Does your municipality have a written policy goal for the amount of surplus available in support of municipal operations, and is this goal evaluated annually? Packet Pg. 48 Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Answer Question Yes In preparing your annual budget for the current year, it is important that the impact that current budgeting decisions may have on future years' budgets be presented, evaluated and considered before the governing body takes final action. Long term plans concerning revenue, appropriations, tax levy, tax levy cap and surplus are critical to sustaining (or achieving) a solid fiscal condition. Are budget projections 1) factoring in the impact that the current year's budget may have on the future tax levy (as restricted by the levy cap) and future surplus balances for at least two future year's budgets, and 2) are these budget projections discussed with the governing body? 30 N/A Certain municipalities have indirectly pledged prompt payment (i.e. issued a guarantee) of debt service with respect to debt issued by counties, independent authorities or developers. Bond Rating Agencies (e.g. Moody's, Fitch, Standard & Poor's) have downgraded certain municipalities' bond ratings to below investment grade for lack of preparation in the event a lender calls in a debt guarantee. If your municipality guarantees any debt, are direct service revenues that may be pledged against debt repayment monitored by the municipal CFO; and to the extent that cash flow from pledged revenue will not satisfy the debt repayment, are sufficient funds held in reserve to satisfy the guarantee or is an existing authorization in place to issue debt (e.g. a bond ordinance) in the event a lender calls in the guarantee? 31 Yes 32 Yes 33 No 29 Comments Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 Do elected officials receive a written status report at least quarterly on all budget revenues and appropriations as they correspond to the annual adopted budget? In developing your multi-year capital plan, is your municipality dedicating sufficient revenues to fund maintenance, repair and eventual replacement of infrastructure such as roads, storm sewers, sanitary sewers and water systems? N.J.S.A. 40A:4-5 requires that calendar year municipalities approve their introduced budgets no later than February 10, unless the Director sets forth a later date pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:4-5.1. Did your municipality approve its introduced current year budget no later than the date provided by law or as extended by the Director? Packet Pg. 49 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) 34 Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Answer Question No N.J.S.A. 40A:4-10 requires that calendar year municipalities adopt their budgets no later than March 20, unless the Director sets forth a later date pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:4-5.1. Did your municipality adopt its current year budget no later than the date provided by law or as extended by the Director? This question may only be answered “N/A” if your municipality delayed its budget adoption because it awaited a Division determination concerning a grant award or Transitional Aid award. Comments Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 Packet Pg. 50 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Question Comments Does your municipality exclude from healthcare coverage part-time elected and appointed officials (less than 35 hours per week)? Only answer "yes" if no part-time elected or appointed officials receive health benefits. If your municipality has part-time elected or appointed officials who elect to take State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) health benefits (or receive a waiver for not doing so) by virtue of serving in their position continuously since May 21, 2010, you must answer "No". If you answered "No", please list in the Comments section the name and title of each elected or appointed official receiving either health benefits or a waiver payment in lieu of health benefits. The following elected officials receive hospitalization benefits: Councilwoman Kimberly Francois Mayor Brian Levine Councilman Rajiv Prasad Councilman James Vassanella Councilman Carl Wright Answer Health Insurance - HI 35 No 36 Yes 37 No Does your municipality conduct a monthly review of health benefit covered lives itemized on health insurance invoices to determine that health insurance invoices do not include employees, former employees, spouses or dependents who should no longer be receiving coverage? Municipalities frequently contract with or designate insurance brokers to secure healthcare coverage from insurance carriers. Brokers are typically paid by third-party administrators (TPA's) hired to collect, review and pay healthcare bills. The municipality pays the TPA, who in turn pays the broker. Broker fees are often directly related to the amount of insurance premiums or fees paid by the municipality (i.e. the higher the premium, the larger the broker's commission). Thus, the municipality-broker-TPA arrangement is vulnerable to abuse because brokers could face conflicting incentives in seeking lower-cost insurance alternatives. If your municipality contracts with or otherwise designates an insurance broker, is the structure for broker payments set at a flat-fee rather than on a commission basis (so as to mitigate the risk of brokers recommending more expensive insurance coverage to earn higher fees)? Packet Pg. 51 Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Answer 38 39 Question Comments N/A The State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) offers medical, prescription and dental coverage options for more than 850,000 participants, including employees, dependents and retirees. All plans have substantial networks of healthcare providers, and provide services nationwide. 62% of municipalities, and 33% of counties, within New Jersey participate in SHBP. If your municipality has non-SHBP coverage, as your collective bargaining agreements come up for renegotiation, do your municipality's negotiation proposals seek contract provisions allowing its employees to be switched to SHBP or another non-SHBP plan of lesser cost? Franklin Township has a health benefits plan that costs less than the SHBP, and compares quotes to the SHBP annually before adopting new plan. Yes Prior to municipal officers and employees being required to substantially share in the cost of their health benefits, there was no disincentive to officers and employees accepting coverage even though they had alternative coverage. Many municipalities would offer payments in lieu of health benefits to encourage officers and employees to voluntarily drop coverage, provided they had coverage from another source. The policy often saved money by replacing the expensive cost of providing health care with the less expensive payment in lieu of health benefits. The need to pay officers and employees money to not take a health insurance benefit they can receive from another source has largely disappeared, because the cost of premium sharing will cause officers and employees to drop coverage if alternative coverage is available. Has your municipality: (1) explored all necessary actions to end payments in lieu of health benefits (e.g. modifying collective bargaining agreements); and (2) either adopted or discussed at a public meeting a policy prohibiting payments in lieu of health benefits to officers and employees who are not contractually entitled to such payments? An answer of “N/A” is only applicable where there are no instances in the municipality of payments in lieu of health benefits. Franklin Township changed the policy to match the State's language of a max of $5,000. Also implemented Ordinance #4059-14: Approved 4/22/14, Adopted 5/13/14 Packet Pg. 52 Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) 1808 Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Question Answer Comments 40 Yes 41 Yes 42 Yes Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) Personnel - PE The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law that establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor standards affecting full-time and part-time workers in the private sector and in Federal, State, and local governments. The law requires that overtime pay must be paid for all hours over 40 hours in a work week except for those employees classified as exempt and thus not entitled to overtime. Management employees such as elected officials, municipal managers/administrators, municipal clerks, CFOs, public works superintendents, police chiefs and other department heads are typically classified as having exempt status and are not entitled to overtime pay. Other municipal employees may also be classified as exempt under the FLSA (you should consult with your labor counsel for more detailed guidance). Does your municipality refrain from paying overtime to employees who are classified as exempt under the FLSA? In answering this question, be aware that exempt status would also preclude overtime pay for time worked during emergencies, attendance at night meetings, participation in training sessions, and police “off-duty” assignments (a/k/a “Jobs in Blue”). Also, please N.J.S.A. 34:13A-8.2 requires public employers, including municipalities, to file with the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) a copy of all contracts negotiated with public employee representatives. This includes, but is not limited to, collective bargaining agreements, memoranda of understanding, contract amendments, and "side letter" or "side bar" agreements. Copies of same may be emailed to Has your municipality filed all current contracts with PERC? Does your municipality make available to the public free of charge, either through an internet posting or on-site review, documents that show the current salaries of all personnel? Packet Pg. 53 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Answer 43 Yes 44 No Question Comments Accurate records of employee time are critical not only for financial accountability, but also effective management of your workforce. Is your municipality ensuring that 1) employees complete and file standardized forms, either electronically or by paper, to verify all employee time worked (e.g. time cards, electronic time keeping); 2) your personnel/human resources office maintains records accounting for all employee leave time earned and used; and 3) supervisors are reviewing and approving/denying employee time and attendance documentation before those records are submitted to management and, in the case of department heads, is such documentation reviewed and verified independently? Has your municipality instituted a policy to not compensate employees for sick leave accumulated after a certain date? Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 Packet Pg. 54 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Answer 45 Yes 46 No 47 N/A 48 Yes 49 Yes Question Comments Does your municipality have a transitional duty program (light duty) to encourage employees out on workers compensation to return to work? The State Workers Compensation Law provides that, when an employee receives a workrelated injury producing temporary disability, the employee is entitiled to wagecontinuation equal to 70% of the employee's weekly wages, subject to a maximum compensation as determined by the Commissioner of Labor. Does your municipality limit benefits for work-related injuries to the above statutory benefit? The answer to this question can be "prospective" if such a provision was imposed by an arbitrator in binding arbitration but the municipality is seeking to eliminate such a contractual obligation through collective bargaining. The weekly benefit rate provided under the State Temporary Disability Law for a non-workrelated injury is calculated on the basis of claimant's average weekly wage. Each claimant Franklin Twp does not participate in the State is paid 2/3 of their average weekly wage up to the maximum amount payable, which is Temporary Disability Program. Twp offers a $595 for disabilities beginning on or after 1/1/13. Does your municipality refrain from private program w/ lower benefits & once on supplementing the Temporary Disability benefit? The answer to this question can be long term disability employee's contribution "prospective" if such a provision was imposed by an arbitrator in binding arbitration but towards premium for long term benefits becomes the municipality is seeking to eliminate such a contractual obligation through collective 100% of cost. bargaining. Only answer "N/A" if your municipality does not participate in the State Temporary Disability Program. Has your municipality adopted an ordinance, resolution, regulation or policy eliminating longevity awards, bonuses or payments for non-union employees? For any employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement, has your municipality eliminated longevity awards, bonuses or payments for employees hired on or after a specified date, and refrained from increasing longevity awards, bonuses or payments for employees hired before a specified date? The answer to this question can be "prospective" if such provisions were imposed by an arbitrator in binding arbitration but the municipality is seeking to eliminate such a contractual obligation through collective bargaining. Packet Pg. 55 Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Question Answer 50 Yes Employee personnel manuals or handbooks serve as a valuable tool to convey a municipality’s policies, procedures and benefits. Many insurance carriers encourage the adoption of such a document and offer discounted rates for their use. These publications should review employees’ rights and obligations in areas ranging from discrimination, safety, violence, and harassment to vacation and sick days, holidays, use of township vehicles, smoking and political activity, among others. Has your municipality adopted or updated an employee personnel manual/handbook by resolution or ordinance within the last five years? If yes, please provide in the Comments section the date of the meeting during which the personnel manual was adopted. 0 36 7 6 1 50 Select Yes No N/A Prospective Total Answered: 43 86% 0% Comments Resolution: Council Meeting of 6/24/08. Current Manual issued 3/13/12 Score (Yes + N/A + Prospective) Score % Percent Withheld Chief Administrative Officer's Certification I hereby certify that the information provided in this Best Practices Inventory is accurate Certification #(s) to the best of my knowledge. Name & Title: Robert Vornlocker, Manager Date: 10/17/14 Chief Financial Officer's Certification I hereby certify that the information provided in this Best Practices Inventory is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Name: Kathleen D. Moody, Director of Revenue & Finance Certification #(s) N920 Date: 10/17/14 Packet Pg. 56 Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Question Answer Comments Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 Municipal Clerk's Certification I hereby certify that the Governing Body of the Township of Franklin in the County of Somerset discussed/will discuss the CY 2014/SFY 2015 Best Practice Inventory as completed herein at a public meeting on October 28, 2014, with the Inventory results, and the certification thereof by the Chief Administrative and Chief Financial Officers, respectively, to be stated in the minutes of said public meeting. Name: Ann Marie McCarthy Certification #(s) C-1022 Date: October 17, 2014 Packet Pg. 57 12.b.a Best Practices Worksheet CY 2014/SFY2015 Franklin Township (Somerset) Please see Color Key at bottom of sheet for limits on answers Question Answer Comments Red = Repeat Question; Prospective answers not permitted Blue = Questions where neither "not applicable" nor "N/A" answers are permitted Green = Repeat questions where neither "Prospective" nor "Not Applicable" are permitted No Color = "Yes"; "No"; "Prospective" and "Not Applicable" are all permissible answers # of Questions scored yes, prospective, or “not applicable” 41-50 33-40 25-32 17-24 9-16 0-8 Amount of Aid Disbursed 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Impact on final 5% aid payment/impact on total aid No penalty Lose 20% which equals 1% of total aid Lose 40% which equals 2% of total aid Lose 60% which equals 3% of total aid Lose 80% which equals 4% of total aid Lose 100% which equals 5% of total aid Question Table of Weblinks 4 7 7 8 8 20 21 23 24 25 26 Packet Pg. 58 Attachment: 2014 Best Practices Inventory (2014-72 : 2014 Best Practices Inventory) 1808 12.c Township Council 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 SCHEDULED AGENDA ITEM 2014-73 Meeting: 10/28/14 07:00 PM Department: Township Council Category: Discussion Item Prepared By: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Initiator: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Sponsors: DOC ID: 3328 Change of Polling Location - Consolata Missions to Franklin Park School - Districts 30-34 Consolata Missions informed me on Wednesday, October 22nd that their boiler broke down and it won't be repaired until after the November Election, resulting in the need to relocate the polling location. After speaking with the Interim Assistant Superintendent for Business/Board Secretary and the County Board of Elections, we have secured Franklin Park School as the polling location for Districts 30-34 for the General Election to be held on November 4, 2014. There is an annex with a gym and a separate entrance that will be utilized as the polling location. There will be no disruption to the school children on that day. Notification of this change will be made by notices in the newspapers, postcards mailed by my office to all registered voters in those districts (4000+), website and TV channel. On the day of the election, there will be signs at both polling locations directing them to the correct site. The County Board of Elections has recommended that a person be placed at Consolata Missions directing those to show up there to Franklin Park School. Updated: 10/23/2014 10:06 AM by Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Page 1 Packet Pg. 59 14.a Township Council 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 SCHEDULED Meeting: 10/28/14 07:00 PM Department: Township Council Category: Warrant List Prepared By: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Initiator: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Sponsors: AGENDA ITEM 2014-74 DOC ID: 3322 Approval of Warrants - October 28, 2014 Updated: 10/23/2014 8:41 AM by Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Page 1 Packet Pg. 60 14.a.a ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (PRINTED CHECKS) FUND DESCRIPTION MANUAL CHECKS TOTAL PAYMENTS $ 904,095.28 - $ 7,904.62 $ - $ 96,649.42 31,936.61 $ - $ 31,936.61 $ 105,356.46 $ - $ 105,356.46 $ 94,681.77 $ - $ 94,681.77 11 RECREATION TRUST $ 6,119.25 $ - $ 6,119.25 12 TRUST OTHERS $ 52,981.22 $ - $ 52,981.22 13 UNEMPLOYMENT $ $ - $ 15 REDEVELOPMENT $ $ - $ 17 ANIMAL CONTROL $ $ - $ 19 SELF INSURANCE $ $ - $ 20 AFFORDABLE HOUSING $ - $ - $ 30 PAYROLL AGENCY $ - $ 35 Historical Preservation $ - $ - $ - 37 POLICE FORFEITURE $ - $ - $ - 39 WORKER'S COMP $ - $ - $ - 40 OPEN SPACE $ 5,712.42 $ - $ 5,712.42 42 REDEVELOPMENT ESCROW $ 5,484.51 $ - $ 5,484.51 50 COUNTY IMP AUTH FUND $ 1 CURRENT $ 899,372.60 $ 2 GRANT $ 7,904.62 $ 3 TAX TITLE LIEN $ 96,649.42 4 GENERAL CAPITAL $ 5 WATER 6 WATER CAPITAL SUB-TOTAL 51 ESCROW GRAND TOTAL 1,406.00 1,739.32 4,722.68 7,330.06 $ $ - $ 1,309,344.20 $ $ 22,665.86 $ $ 1,332,010.06 $ 12,052.74 - 12,052.74 1,406.00 1,739.32 7,330.06 - $ 1,321,396.94 $ 22,665.86 $ 1,344,062.80 . Packet Pg. 61 Attachment: Warrants (Bill List) Summary #17 - October 28, 2014 (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN WARRANTS (BILL LIST) SUMMARY #17 October 28, 2014 TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN WARRANTS (BILL LIST) SUMMARY #17 October 28, 2014 ACCTS PAYABLE (PRINTED CHECKS) FUND DESCRIPTION MANUAL CHECKS TOTAL PAYMENTS 904,095.28 - $ 7,904.62 $ - $ 96,649.42 31,936.61 $ - $ 31,936.61 $ 105,356.46 $ - $ 105,356.46 WATER CAPITAL $ 94,681.77 $ - $ 94,681.77 11 RECREATION TRUST $ 6,119.25 $ - $ 6,119.25 12 TRUST OTHERS $ 52,981.22 $ - $ 52,981.22 13 UNEMPLOYMENT $ $ - $ 15 REDEVELOPMENT $ $ - $ 17 ANIMAL CONTROL $ $ - $ 19 SELF INSURANCE $ $ - $ 20 AFFORDABLE HOUSING $ - $ - $ 30 PAYROLL AGENCY $ - $ 35 HISTORICAL PRESERVATION $ - $ - $ - 37 POLICE FORFEITURE $ - $ - $ - 39 WORKER'S COMP $ - $ - $ - 40 OPEN SPACE $ 5,712.42 $ - $ 5,712.42 42 REDEVELOPMENT ESCROW $ 5,484.51 $ - $ 5,484.51 50 COUNTY IMP AUTH FUND $ $ - $ SUB-TOTAL $ 1,309,344.20 $ ESCROW $ 22,665.86 $ GRAND TOTAL $ 1,332,010.06 $ CURRENT $ 899,372.60 $ 2 GRANT $ 7,904.62 $ 3 TAX TITLE LIEN $ 96,649.42 4 GENERAL CAPITAL $ 5 WATER 6 51 1,406.00 1,739.32 - 4,722.68 7,330.06 12,052.74 - 12,052.74 $ 1,406.00 1,739.32 7,330.06 - $ 1,321,396.94 $ 22,665.86 $ 1,344,062.80 . Attachment: Warrants (Bill List) Summary #17 - October 28, 2014 (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) 14.a.a Packet Pg. 62 $ 1 October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name P.O. Type: All Include Project Line Items: Yes Range: First to Last Format: Detail without Line Item Notes Received Date Range: 10/15/14 to 10/28/14 Include Non-Budgeted: Y Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Vendor Total: 60.00 15.99 19.99 3.16 20.99 9.95 3.00 133.08 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 Exempt: Y First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date B UNIF FIRE SAFETY PENALTY Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl R 08/08/14 10/28/14 2941 N R R R R R R R 10/06/14 10/06/14 10/06/14 10/06/14 10/06/14 10/06/14 10/06/14 45245E 45245E 45245E 45245E 45245E 45245E 45245E N N N N N N N B WATER METERS R 10/20/14 10/28/14 RELEASE OF ESCR N B PROF & CONSULTING SRVS B PROF & CONSULTING SRVS R R 08/06/14 10/28/14 08/06/14 10/28/14 35480 35481 B B B B B B B VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 133.08 AFFOR005 Affordable Landscaping 14-03688 10/20/14 Release of water meter escrow 1 Release of water meter escrow 740.00 T-12-56-00-0850-802 740.00 N N 525.00 14.a.b Packet Pg. 63 AGRAENVI Agra Environmental & Lab Serv 14-00191 01/23/14 BLANKET @ WATER SAMPLES 1-4/14 17 BLANKET: WATER SAMPLES bal2014 252.00 4-05-55-00-0500-028 18 BLANKET: WATER SAMPLES bal2014 273.00 4-05-55-00-0500-028 525.00 Vendor Total: Void: N Aprv: N Other: Y 3,570.00 ACTIYAMA Action Yamaha 14-03558 10/06/14 Parts for police quad 1 Parts for police quad 2 003 5DM-13440-00-00 Element 3 003-5LP-14451-01-00 4 010 DPRB8EA9 Spark plug N6K 5 003-LUB-10W40-AP-04 6 245-51-1042 Radial full waffle 7 Parts for police quad Vendor Total: Paid: N Held: N State: Y Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description 1075EMER 10-75 Emergency Lighting, LLC 14-02857 08/08/14 Vehicle cabinets and equipment 1 Storage cabinet for vehicle 3,570.00 T-12-56-00-0850-845 Vendor Total: Open: N Rcvd: Y Bid: Y Page No: 1 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description ALLIEDOI ALLIED OIL COMPANY 14-00894 03/11/14 Gasoline and Diesel 35 Unleaded gasoline and diesel 11,546.57 4-01-31-00-0446-074 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date B GAS-MOTOR FUELS Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl R 06/17/14 10/28/14 999635 N B MUNICIPAL CLERK-OTHER CONTRACTUAL ITEMS R 09/18/14 10/28/14 1067412 N B CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION R 06/25/14 10/28/14 CALENDARS N B POLICE DEPT.-CHEMICALS AND GASES R 05/30/14 10/28/14 I11411389 N B B B B R R R R 09/17/14 09/17/14 09/17/14 09/17/14 919961 919961 919961 919961 N N N N 11,546.57 ALLSTATE ALLSTATE BUSINESS ARCHIVES 14-03382 09/18/14 July-December Off-Site Storage 3 July-November Off-Site Storage 322.00 4-01-20-00-0120-029 Vendor Total: 322.00 FERNANGE Angela Fernan 14-02282 06/25/14 2015 calendars 1 2015 calendar 500.00 T-11-56-00-3789-803 Vendor Total: 500.00 APPRFIRE APPROVED FIRE PROTECTION INC. 14-00294 02/03/14 OXYGEN/FIRE EXTINGUISHER REFIL 14 O2/FIRE EXTING refill-est2014 137.34 4-01-25-00-0240-031 Vendor Total: 137.34 ASSOTRUC ASSOCIATED TRUCK PARTS 14-03351 09/17/14 Parts for truck #953 1 Parts for truck #953 2 Part# VHD2769SHD 3 Part# 3600A Drums 4 Part# 2819235 Valve Vendor Total: Page No: 2 88.00 16.00 190.00 42.95 336.95 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 336.95 14.a.b Packet Pg. 64 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description ATT5094 AT& T 14-00550 02/17/14 phone charge Feb thru dec 2014 9 long dist chgs Feb June 2014 13.06 4-01-31-00-0440-076 Vendor Total: 859.92 114.00 309.42 237.48 671.10 5,981.76 3,015.60 11,189.28 14-03411 09/19/14 5.11 RESPONSE JACKET 1 5.11 RESPONSE JACKET 2 5.11 POLICE ID panelset velcro 3-01-25-00-0240-058 3-01-25-00-0240-058 3-01-25-00-0240-058 3-01-25-00-0240-058 3-01-25-00-0240-058 3-01-25-00-0240-058 3-01-25-00-0240-058 48.74 4-01-25-00-0240-043 8.99 4-01-25-00-0240-043 57.73 BOSS Boss 14-03461 09/26/14 Boss Subscription 1 Annual Boss Subscription 1099 Excl R 03/20/14 10/28/14 1160843537 N R R R R R R R 07/17/13 07/17/13 07/17/13 07/17/13 07/17/13 07/17/13 07/17/13 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 SQ80397799 SQ80397799 SQ80397799 SQ80397799 SQ80397799 SQ80397799 SQ80397799 N N N N N N N B POLICE DEPT.-CLOTHING & UNIFORMS B POLICE DEPT.-CLOTHING & UNIFORMS R R 09/19/14 10/28/14 09/19/14 10/28/14 SI90152495 SI90152495 N N P 48 Old Georgetown Road R 10/14/14 10/28/14 B DATA PROCESSING-OTHER CONTRACTUAL ITEMS R 09/26/14 10/28/14 B B B B B B B POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE POLICE DEPT.-OTHER DEPT.-OTHER DEPT.-OTHER DEPT.-OTHER DEPT.-OTHER DEPT.-OTHER DEPT.-OTHER EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP & & & & & & & SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES N 1,060.86 4,995.00 4-01-20-00-0140-029 BSCSUB1410173 N 4,995.00 14.a.b Packet Pg. 65 Vendor Total: B TELEPHONE-TELEPHONE CHARGES Chk/Void Date Invoice 11,247.01 BEDRO005 Bedrock Tower Inc 14-03656 10/14/14 to release inspection escrow 1 to release inspection escrow 1,060.86 1052172869 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 13.06 ATLATACS ATLANTIC TACTICAL OF NJ 13-02564 07/17/13 AMMUNITION 1 .308 WINCHESTER SBS T308A 4 9MM WC91 5 .45 USA45AVP 7 7.62 Q3174 8 .223 RA2235F 9 .40 USA40SW 10 .223 USA223R1 Vendor Total: Page No: 3 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description BURLMECH Burlew Mechanical, LLC 14-03527 10/02/14 Service call to 935 Hamilton 1 Service call to 935 Hamilton 80.35 4-01-26-00-0310-055 Vendor Total: 14-02721 07/30/14 Labor to repair external alarm 1 Labor to repair external alarm 254.50 4-01-26-00-0315-026 1099 Excl B BUILDING & GROUNDS-PLUMBING, A/C, HEATIN R 10/02/14 10/28/14 2323 N B OPEN SPACE - OTHER EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES R 09/17/14 10/28/14 29402 N B B B B B B B B B VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE MAINT.-EQUIP MAINT.-EQUIP MAINT.-EQUIP MAINT.-EQUIP MAINT.-EQUIP MAINT.-EQUIP MAINT.-EQUIP MAINT.-EQUIP MAINT.-EQUIP REPAIR REPAIR REPAIR REPAIR REPAIR REPAIR REPAIR REPAIR REPAIR & & & & & & & & & MAINT MAINT MAINT MAINT MAINT MAINT MAINT MAINT MAINT R R R R R R R R R 07/30/14 07/30/14 07/30/14 07/30/14 07/30/14 07/30/14 07/30/14 07/30/14 10/13/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 43106 43106 43106 43106 43106 43106 43106 43106 43106 N N N N N N N N N B VEHICLE MAINT.-EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT R 07/30/14 10/28/14 43499 N B CY: SC YOUTH ANNUAL GRANT B CY: SC YOUTH ANNUAL GRANT R R 10/14/14 10/28/14 10/14/14 10/28/14 590137 589079 N N 2,000.99 162.26 14.a.b Packet Pg. 66 AMICI CAFE AMICI 14-03664 10/14/14 SCYSC program refreshments 1 SCYSC program refreshments 23.18 G-02-41-12-0708-000 3 SCYSC program refreshments 139.08 G-02-41-12-0708-000 162.26 Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 350.00 C3TECHNO C3 Technologies, LLC 14-02710 07/30/14 Annual Testing of Fuel Pumps 1 Annual fuel pump test.DPW/Mun. 180.00 4-01-26-00-0315-026 2 Pressure Vacuum Vent Cap Test 75.00 4-01-26-00-0315-026 3 Dynamic Backpressure Perform175.00 4-01-26-00-0315-026 4 Mechanical Line Leak Dectector 380.00 4-01-26-00-0315-026 5 Electronic Monitoring System 390.00 4-01-26-00-0315-026 6 Shear Valve Tests/E-Stop Test 150.00 4-01-26-00-0315-026 7 Verificaton of Overfill Pro300.00 4-01-26-00-0315-026 8 0.00 4-01-26-00-0315-026 9 parts-gasket & hose 96.49 4-01-26-00-0315-026 1,746.49 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 80.35 CRGRAPHI C & R Graphics 14-03371 09/17/14 WALK & ROLL STREET BANNER 1 WALK & ROLL STREET BANNER 350.00 T-40-56-14-0366-058 Vendor Total: Page No: 4 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description CANAL WA CANAL WALK ASSOC, LLC 14-03683 10/20/14 Winter Bond Release 1 Winter Bond Release 2 Winter Bond Release 3 Winter Bond Release Vendor Total: 750.00 T-12-56-00-0850-805 750.00 T-12-56-00-0850-805 750.00 T-12-56-00-0850-805 2,250.00 C-04-55-13-4026-902 C-04-55-13-4026-902 C-04-55-13-4026-902 C-04-55-13-4026-902 B SURETY CASH B SURETY CASH B SURETY CASH R R R 10/20/14 10/28/14 10/20/14 10/28/14 10/20/14 10/28/14 BOND RELS #1356 N BOND RELS#14515 N BOND RELS#14520 N B POLICE DEPT.-EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT R 05/30/14 10/28/14 14227497 N B TELEPHONE-TELEPHONE CHARGES R 05/20/14 10/28/14 310402158 N B B B B R R R R 06/16/14 06/16/14 06/16/14 06/16/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 123229180 123229180 123229180 123229180 N N N N R 10/02/14 10/28/14 IV2014584 N 2013 2013 2013 2013 ROAD ROAD ROAD ROAD OVERLAY OVERLAY OVERLAY OVERLAY PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM 1,307.60 CORPTRAI Corporate Training Group 14-03528 10/02/14 Training for Joe Dellaragione 1 Cisco CMA V10.0 2,695.00 4-01-20-00-0140-042 B DATA PROCESSING-EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2,695.00 14.a.b Packet Pg. 67 Vendor Total: 1099 Excl 89.19 CLAYBLOC CLAYTON BLOCK COMPANY, INC. 14-02154 06/16/14 N BRUNSWICK & BAIER REAPIRS 1 N BRUNSWICK & BAIER REAPIRS 378.00 2 N BRUNSWICK & BAIER REAPIRS 504.00 3 N BRUNSWICK & BAIER REAPIRS 325.60 4 shipping 100.00 1,307.60 Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 125.00 CENTLINK CENTURY LINK 14-01744 05/20/14 2014 phone/Bunker Hill alarm 6 2014 Bunker Hill phone 5-12/14 89.19 4-01-31-00-0440-076 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 2,250.00 CANON Canon Solutions America, Inc. 14-00105 01/17/14 COPIER LEASE-INVES DIV 6-12/14 10 COPIER LEASE invest div6-12/14 125.00 4-01-25-00-0240-026 Vendor Total: Page No: 5 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description CROWTROP CROWN TROPHY 14-03745 10/21/14 Plaque 1 12 x 15 Recognition Plaque 110.00 T-11-56-00-3787-801 Vendor Total: 1,652.36 G-02-41-12-0750-100 R 10/21/14 10/28/14 15522 N B CY 2012 CLEAN COMMUMINITIES R 06/09/14 10/28/14 40129951 N B MUNICIPAL COURT-CONFERENCES & MEETINGS R 10/17/14 10/28/14 OCTOBER 17 N B TELEPHONE-TELEPHONE CHARGES R 06/02/14 10/28/14 38136 N B PREMIUM ON TAX SALE B TAX LIEN REDEMPTIONS R R 10/21/14 10/28/14 10/21/14 10/28/14 SALE TAX CERT SALE TAX CERT N N R R R R 05/19/14 05/19/14 05/19/14 05/19/14 160221 160223 160226 160227 N N N N 2,280.67 B B B B LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL SERVICES-LEGAL SERVICES-LEGAL SERVICES-LEGAL SERVICES-LEGAL SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) 14.a.b DECOTIIS DECOTIIS FITZPATRICK COLE LLC 14-00057 01/16/14 Legal Services 90 Legal Services 14,961.03 4-01-20-00-0155-027 91 Legal Services 4,043.32 4-01-20-00-0155-027 92 Legal Services 155.89 4-01-20-00-0155-027 93 Legal Services 907.09 4-01-20-00-0155-027 Packet Pg. 68 B SUMMER CAMPS 1,321.36 WANG DAX DAXUAN WANG 14-03753 10/21/14 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 1 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 1,500.00 T-03-55-00-9999-294 2 780.67 T-03-55-00-9999-914 2,280.67 Vendor Total: 1099 Excl 35.00 DNS DATA NETWORK SOLUTIONS 14-00146 01/22/14 Internet/phone Service all2014 17 Internet/phone Servicebal 2014 1,321.36 4-01-31-00-0440-076 Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 1,652.36 SANTIAGO DAMARIS SANTIAGO 14-03681 10/17/14 TCMCAA Meeting 10/17/14 1 TCMCAA Meeting 10/17/14 35.00 4-01-43-00-0490-041 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 110.00 CUSTBAND CUSTOM BANDAG INC. 14-02016 06/09/14 4 tires for sweeper 1 Tires for street sweeper #955 Vendor Total: Page No: 6 October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description DECOTIIS DECOTIIS FITZPATRICK COLE LLC Continued 14-00057 01/16/14 Legal Services Continued 94 Legal Services 1,774.10 4-01-20-00-0155-027 95 Legal Services 955.10 4-01-20-00-0155-027 96 Legal Services 1,620.00 4-01-20-00-0155-027 97 Legal Services 409.70 4-01-20-00-0155-027 24,826.23 Vendor Total: 3,959.12 7,402.05 1,118.54 2,798.55 3,214.40 18,492.66 Vendor Total: B B B B LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL SERVICES-LEGAL SERVICES-LEGAL SERVICES-LEGAL SERVICES-LEGAL B B B B B IT-PC IT-PC IT-PC IT-PC IT-PC & & & & & SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl R R R R 05/19/14 05/19/14 05/19/14 05/19/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 160228 160230 160231 160220 N N N N C-04-55-14-3914-906 C-04-55-14-3914-906 C-04-55-14-3914-906 C-04-55-14-3914-906 C-04-55-14-3914-906 R R R R R 10/06/14 10/06/14 10/06/14 10/06/14 10/06/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 XJK2J37W5 XJK23F933 XJK1C8732 XJK1D5K88 XJK2DXJ77 N N N N N R R 10/23/14 10/28/14 10/23/14 10/28/14 SEPT 14 SEPT2014 N N B AID TO VOL. FIRE-INSURANCE & SURETY BOND R 10/20/14 10/28/14 PRINTER PRINTER PRINTER PRINTER PRINTER REPLACEMENT REPLACEMENT REPLACEMENT REPLACEMENT REPLACEMENT PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM 18,492.66 DIRENER Direct Energy Business 14-03763 10/23/14 third party utility 1 third party utility 2 third party utility 14.82 4-05-55-00-0500-071 3,152.24 4-01-31-00-0430-071 3,167.06 B ELECTRICITY B ELECTRICITY-ELECTRICITY 3,167.06 PETEEVEL Evelyn J. Peters 14-03694 10/20/14 Life Insurance Benefit 1 Life Insurance Benefit for 2,500.00 4-01-25-00-0255-090 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 24,826.23 DELL DELL MARKETING L.P. 14-03552 10/06/14 PC/Server replacement 1 quote692160487 DC ftwp/ftpd 2 quote692240858 7010 desktops 3 quote692163832 7020smform w/mo 4 quote692240243 7020smform 5 quote692182223 9020highend OEM Vendor Total: Page No: 7 N 2,500.00 14.a.b Packet Pg. 69 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description FEDEXKIN Fed Ex/Kinkos 14-03556 10/06/14 printing of calendars 1 printing of calendars 1,817.10 T-11-56-00-3789-803 Vendor Total: Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl B CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION R 10/06/14 10/28/14 121200004823 N B FINANCIAL ADMIN-POSTAGE R 10/07/14 10/28/14 2-809-68495 N B SUMMER CAMPS B SUMMER CAMPS R R 06/10/14 10/28/14 06/10/14 10/28/14 9043354 9043354 N N B SUMMER CAMPS R 06/10/14 10/28/14 9041459 N B SUMMER CAMPS B SUMMER CAMPS B SUMMER CAMPS R R R 06/10/14 10/28/14 06/10/14 10/28/14 06/10/14 10/28/14 9037796 9040456 9041238 N N N B WATER METERS R 10/20/14 10/28/14 WATER MTR ESCR N 36.84 FIRSSTUD FIRST STUDENT 20628 14-02049 06/10/14 summer camp--funplex 1 Funplex Trip 2 Funplex Trip 885.00 T-11-56-00-3787-801 295.00 T-11-56-00-3787-801 1,180.00 14-02050 06/10/14 summer camp--Brunswick zone 1 Brunswick Zone 975.00 T-11-56-00-3787-801 14-02051 06/10/14 summer camps--Crystal springs 1 crystal springs 195.00 T-11-56-00-3787-801 2 crystal springs 195.00 T-11-56-00-3787-801 3 crystal springs 195.00 T-11-56-00-3787-801 585.00 2,740.00 FLEET FLEET SOMERSET LLC 14-03686 10/20/14 Release of Water Meter Escrow 1 Release of Water Meter Escrow 1,880.50 T-12-56-00-0850-802 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 1,817.10 FEDEX FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. 14-03575 10/07/14 Delivery of package to NCM 1 Delivery of package to NCM 36.84 4-01-20-00-0130-022 Vendor Total: Page No: 8 1,880.50 14.a.b Packet Pg. 70 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description MAIDFRAN Frances Maidi 14-03608 10/10/14 Refund Cell Phone Tricks Class 1 Refund Cell Phone Tricks Class 20.00 T-11-56-00-3788-601 Page No: 9 First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl B SENIOR ACTIVITIES R 10/10/14 10/28/14 REFUND N P Headlands Realty Corp R 08/31/14 10/28/14 HEADLANDS N P 400 Campus Drive R 08/31/14 10/28/14 N 14-03210 09/09/14 prior year inhouse chgs 1 prior year inhouse chgs 5,696.32 102219606 P Elizabeth & Harper St R 08/31/14 10/28/14 N 14-03211 09/09/14 close account 1 close account P Elizabeth Ave/New Brunswick R 09/09/14 10/28/14 N 14-03212 09/09/14 in house chgs not taken 1 in house chgs not taken 10,708.10 1020219699 P Lakeside @ Franklin-Lakeside R R 08/31/14 10/28/14 N 14-03654 10/14/14 prior year inhouse chgs 1 prior year inhouse chgs 2,088.15 1030219670 P Elizabeth Ave R 10/14/14 10/28/14 N B DEPT OF RECREATION-OTHER CONTRACT SERVIC R B DEPT OF RECREATION-OTHER CONTRACT SERVIC R 05/16/14 10/28/14 05/16/14 10/28/14 FTPD007778 FTPD007778 N N B DEPT OF RECREATION-OTHER CONTRACTUAL ITE R 10/15/14 10/28/14 FTPD007040 N Vendor Total: FTCURR FRANKLIN TWP CURRENT FUND 14-03208 09/09/14 in house chgs 1 in house chgs 14-03209 09/09/14 in house charges 1 in house charges Vendor Total: 20.00 118.53 104273252 11.49 1022172539 0.12 102219619 18,622.71 FTPOLICE FRANKLIN TWP POLICE DEPARTMENT 14-00452 02/10/14 Security Teen Rec & Ham 1st qt 20 Security Teen Rec/Ham qtr 2-3 720.00 4-01-28-00-0370-029 21 Security Teen Rec/Ham qtr 2-3 180.00 4-01-28-00-0370-029 900.00 14.a.b Packet Pg. 71 14-03669 10/15/14 police security Hamilton/Willm 1 police security 540.00 3-01-28-00-0370-029 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description FTPOLICE FRANKLIN TWP POLICE DEPARTMENT Continued 14-03669 10/15/14 police security Hamilton/Willm Continued 2 police security 90.00 3-01-28-00-0370-029 630.00 Vendor Total: 141.58 4-05-55-00-0599-023 10/15/14 10/28/14 FTPD006647 N B REFUND OF CURRENT YR REV R 10/08/14 10/28/14 WATER OVERPAYME N B HR-EDUCATION AND TRAINING R 09/23/14 10/28/14 15994217 N B CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION R 10/21/14 10/28/14 09/05/14INV N B PREMIUM ON TAX SALE B TAX LIEN REDEMPTIONS R R 10/21/14 10/28/14 10/21/14 10/28/14 TAX SALE REDEMP N TAX SALE REDEMP N B GENERAL MACHINERY PARTS & VALVES R 09/29/14 10/28/14 9563412627 8,422.82 GRAINGER GRAINGER 14-03495 09/29/14 HOSE FOR VALVE TURNER EQUIP. 1 HOSE FOR VALVE TURNER EQUIP. 661.32 4-05-55-00-0500-039 N 14.a.b Packet Pg. 72 B DEPT OF RECREATION-OTHER CONTRACTUAL ITE R 70.00 GHARRO GHARRO LLC 14-03746 10/21/14 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 1 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 2,400.00 T-03-55-00-9999-294 2 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 6,022.82 T-03-55-00-9999-914 8,422.82 Vendor Total: 1099 Excl 149.00 CORDGABR Gabriel Cordeiro 14-03714 10/21/14 design cultural arts flyer 1 color flyer 70.00 T-11-56-00-3789-803 Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 141.58 FREDPRYO Fred Pryor Seminars 14-03430 09/23/14 Ess. For 1st Time Mgrs Seminar 1 Ess. For 1st Time Mgrs Seminar 149.00 4-01-20-00-0105-042 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 1,530.00 FTSA FRANKLIN TWP SEWERAGE AUTHORTY 14-03583 10/08/14 WATER OVERPAY 13408-0 1 WATER OVERPAY 13408-0 Vendor Total: Page No: 10 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description GRAINGER GRAINGER Continued 14-03559 10/06/14 Disp. particulate respirators 1 Disp. particulate respirators 52.77 4-01-26-00-0290-056 2 Disp. particulate respirators 52.77 4-05-55-00-0500-056 3 Disp. particulate respirators 52.77 T-40-56-14-0366-069 158.31 Vendor Total: 1099 Excl B STREETS & ROADS-EMERGENCY & SAFETY SUPP. R B EMERGENCY & SAFETY SUPP. R B OPEN SPACE- DPW LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE R 10/06/14 10/28/14 10/06/14 10/28/14 10/06/14 10/28/14 9560171887 9560171887 9560171887 N N N B SITE PLAN PERFORMANCE R 10/20/14 10/28/14 REDUCTION BOND N B INTERCONN/WATER LINE/NB-UNCLASSIFIED B INTERCONN/WATER LINE/NB-UNCLASSIFIED B INTERCONN/WATER LINE/NB-UNCLASSIFIED R R R 03/26/14 10/28/14 03/26/14 10/28/14 03/26/14 10/28/14 IV00195098 IV00195097 IV00198113 N N N B OPEN SPACE- DPW LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE B OPEN SPACE- DPW LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE R R 09/19/14 10/28/14 09/19/14 10/28/14 D030005 D098162 N N B OTHER EQUIP & SUPPLIES B OTHER EQUIP & SUPPLIES R R 09/29/14 10/28/14 09/29/14 10/28/14 D068073 D068073 N N 94,681.77 HDSUPPLY HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS 14-03405 09/19/14 CASTLETON PARK WATER SERVICE 1 CASTLETON PARK WATER SERVICE 3,675.00 T-40-56-14-0366-069 2 COMPRESSION COUPLINGS BID 0-15 805.00 T-40-56-14-0366-069 4,480.00 14-03496 09/29/14 REPAIR BANDS BID ITEMS 1 SINGLE STRAP REPAIR BAND 261 307.00 4-05-55-00-0500-058 2 DOUBLE STRAP REPAIR BAND 262 489.00 4-05-55-00-0500-058 796.00 5,276.00 14.a.b Packet Pg. 73 Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 40,715.83 HATCMOTT HATCH MOTT MACDONALD 14-01099 03/26/14 BERRY STREET PUMP STATION 4 BERRY STREET PUMP STATION 21,168.21 C-06-55-10-0385-000 5 BERRY STREET PUMP STATION 35,179.70 C-06-55-10-0385-000 6 BERRY STREET PUMP STATION 38,333.86 C-06-55-10-0385-000 94,681.77 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 819.63 GROSS005 Grosso Seven Lots LLC 14-03684 10/20/14 Reduction of Cash Bond 1 Reduction of Cash Bond 40,715.83 T-12-56-00-0850-804 Vendor Total: Page No: 11 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description HORI3PEN HORIZON BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD 14-03730 10/21/14 Nov. 2014 Medical & RX Charges 1 Nov. 2014 Medical & RX Charges 599,465.01 4-01-23-00-0220-092 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl B GROUP INSURANCE-MEDICAL INSURANCE R 10/21/14 10/28/14 049597601 N B GROUP INSURANCE-MEDICAL INSURANCE R 10/21/14 10/28/14 049595465 N B GROUP INSURANCE-MEDICAL INSURANCE R 10/21/14 10/28/14 049590508 N B B B B B B B R R R R R R R 08/06/14 08/06/14 08/06/14 08/06/14 08/06/14 08/06/14 08/06/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 8147372 8147373 8147343 8147109 8147108 8147893 8147951 N N N N N N N R R 09/03/14 10/28/14 09/03/14 10/28/14 8147167 8147167 N N 599,465.01 HORICOBR HORIZON BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD 14-03743 10/21/14 November 2014 COBRA Charges 1 November 2014 COBRA Charges 660.94 4-01-23-00-0220-092 Vendor Total: 660.94 HORIDENT HORIZON BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD 14-03744 10/21/14 November 2014 Dental Charges 1 November 2014 Dental Charges 21,918.82 4-01-23-00-0220-092 Vendor Total: 21,918.82 HORIDISP HORIZON DISPOSAL 14-02831 08/06/14 Port a John rental Parks 7 Port a John rental 55.49 T-11-56-00-3787-601 8 Port a John rental 110.98 T-11-56-00-3787-601 9 Port a John rental 70.00 T-11-56-00-3787-601 10 Port a John rental 55.49 T-11-56-00-3787-601 11 Port a John rental 46.94 T-11-56-00-3787-601 12 Port a John rental 46.94 T-11-56-00-3787-601 13 Port a John rental 55.49 T-11-56-00-3787-601 441.33 14-03157 09/03/14 portajohn rental 9/20 1 portajohn rental 9/20 2 portajohn rental 9/20 110.98 T-11-56-00-3789-803 58.02 T-11-56-00-3789-803 169.00 PARK PARK PARK PARK PARK PARK PARK PERMITS PERMITS PERMITS PERMITS PERMITS PERMITS PERMITS B CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION B CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION 610.33 14.a.b Packet Pg. 74 Vendor Total: Page No: 12 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description HOSESHOP HOSE SHOP INC. 14-00884 03/11/14 Hoses for various vehicles 9 Various hydraulic hose assy. 76.59 4-01-26-00-0315-034 14-03549 10/06/14 Hydraulic hose assembly 1054 1 Hydraulic hose assembly/1054 369.20 4-01-26-00-0315-034 2 Item# 518C6-PM6-06FN-28.50" 133.32 4-01-26-00-0315-034 502.52 Vendor Total: R 03/11/14 10/28/14 49007 N B VEHICLE MAINT.-MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS B VEHICLE MAINT.-MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS R R 10/06/14 10/28/14 10/06/14 10/28/14 00048832 00048832 N N P Interest account R 10/14/14 10/28/14 ESCROW RELEASE N B TAX LIEN REDEMPTIONS R 10/21/14 10/28/14 TAX SALE REDEMP N B TAX ASSESSMENT-PROF & CONSULTING SRVS R 09/12/14 10/28/14 SUBCONTRACTOR N B MUNICIPAL COURT-PROF & CONSULTING SRVS R 02/21/14 10/28/14 092314 N B STREETS & ROADS-OTHER CONTRACTUAL ITEMS R 08/07/14 10/28/14 195 N 210.00 KELLWINT KELLY WINTHROP, LLC 14-00100 01/17/14 Deer Carcass Removal Services 8 Deer Carcass Removal Services 342.00 4-01-26-00-0290-029 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) 14.a.b Packet Pg. 75 B VEHICLE MAINT.-MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS 1,600.00 PANGKONG JUNE KONG-JUN PANG 14-00623 02/21/14 Mandarin Interpreter-Jan-Mar 2 Jan-Mar Mandarin Interpreter 210.00 4-01-43-00-0490-028 Vendor Total: 1099 Excl 1,095.37 LAMIJOHN Jonathan P. Lamicella 14-03273 09/12/14 Field Inspector/J. Lamicella 1 Field Inspector/J. Lamicella 1,600.00 4-01-20-00-0150-028 Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 2,802.29 PALUMBO JOHN PALUMBO 14-03747 10/21/14 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 1 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 1,095.37 T-03-55-00-9999-914 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 579.11 JAINC005 Jain Center of New Jersey 14-03649 10/14/14 Release of Inspection fee esc 1 Release of Inspection fee esc 2,802.29 10999999 Vendor Total: Page No: 13 October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description KELLWINT KELLY WINTHROP, LLC Continued 14-00100 01/17/14 Deer Carcass Removal Services Continued 9 Deer Carcass Removal Services 38.00 4-01-26-00-0290-029 380.00 Vendor Total: BRADPAT KELSO AND BRADSHAW 14-03648 10/14/14 Professional fees 1 Professional fees Vendor Total: 180.00 1072172422 1099 Excl B STREETS & ROADS-OTHER CONTRACTUAL ITEMS R 08/07/14 10/28/14 195 N P 4185 Route 27 Princeton nj R 10/14/14 10/28/14 ZBA13-00001 N B OPEN SPACE- DPW LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE R 09/30/14 10/28/14 1275 N B MISC.-REFUND OF CURRENT YR REV R 10/08/14 10/28/14 OVERPAYMENT N B VEHICLE/ACCIDENT INSURAN R 10/10/14 10/28/14 32048 N B UNIF FIRE SAFETY PENALTY R 08/08/14 10/28/14 5377925 N 829.65 2,757.71 MAACO MAACO COLLISION REPAIR AND 14-03600 10/10/14 Body repair work for #821 1 Body repair and paint on #821 1,739.32 T-19-56-62-0130-005 Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 180.00 LINTH005 LIN, THOMAS A & CARRIE 14-03582 10/08/14 TAX OVERPAY 423.01/27.05 1 TAX OVERPAY 423.01/27.05 2,757.71 4-01-90-00-0000-023 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 380.00 LCB LCB, Inc. 14-03520 09/30/14 CASTLETON Pk WATER SERV sand 1 CASTLETON PARK H20 SERV SAND 829.65 T-40-56-14-0366-069 Vendor Total: Page No: 14 1,739.32 MACNAUTO MacNeil Automotive Products 14-02858 08/08/14 Vehicle equipment (floor mats) 1 First Row Floor Liners for 76.79 T-12-56-00-0850-845 14.a.b Packet Pg. 76 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description MACNAUTO MacNeil Automotive Products Continued 14-02858 08/08/14 Vehicle equipment (floor mats) Continued 2 Shipping 18.00 T-12-56-00-0850-845 94.79 Vendor Total: MALOCHEV Malouf Chevy Cadillac, Inc. 14-03522 09/30/14 Fuel tank for #946 1 Fuel tank for #946 Vendor Total: 1,612.50 4-01-26-00-0315-034 MARIPRES MARIANO PRESS 14-03569 10/07/14 UCC FORMS 1 UCC FORMS F221, Qty 5,000 2 UCC FORMS F222, Qty 5,000 3 UCC FORMS F223, Qty 5,000 4 UCC FORMS F224A, Qty 5,000 Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl B UNIF FIRE SAFETY PENALTY R 08/08/14 10/28/14 5377925 N B VEHICLE MAINT.-MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS R 09/30/14 10/28/14 41108 N B VEHICLE MAINT.-MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS R 10/10/14 10/28/14 447891 N B MUNICIPAL COURT-CONFERENCES & MEETINGS R 10/17/14 10/28/14 OCTOBER 17 N B B B B R R R R 10/07/14 10/07/14 10/07/14 10/07/14 54698 54698 54698 54698 N N N N 1,612.50 37.75 DIMAMARI MARIA DI MARZIO 14-03682 10/17/14 TCMCAA Meeting 10/17/14 1 TCMCAA Meeting 10/17/14 35.00 4-01-43-00-0490-041 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 94.79 MALOFORD MALOUF FORD LINCOLN 14-03597 10/10/14 Part for DPW Mason dump 954 1 Part for DPW Mason dump #954 37.75 4-01-26-00-0315-034 Vendor Total: Page No: 15 35.00 229.00 256.00 256.00 256.00 997.00 4-01-22-00-0195-023 4-01-22-00-0195-023 4-01-22-00-0195-023 4-01-22-00-0195-023 UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM CONST CONST CONST CONST CODE-PRINTING CODE-PRINTING CODE-PRINTING CODE-PRINTING AND AND AND AND BINDING BINDING BINDING BINDING 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 997.00 14.a.b Packet Pg. 77 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description SANGMEGH Megha Sanghavi 14-03523 09/30/14 Refund Bollywood Class 1 Refund Bollywood Class First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl B ADULT FITNESS R 09/30/14 10/28/14 CLASS REFUND N B 2014 Roid Grant R 06/03/14 10/28/14 OCTOBER 11 N B REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY- LEGAL SERVICES B REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY- LEGAL SERVICES R R 05/23/14 10/28/14 05/23/14 10/28/14 130635 130058 N N 14-00914 03/12/14 legal services - RPM rdvlpmnt 8 legal services - RPM rdvlpmnt 1,741.11 T-42-56-00-0202-000 9 legal services - RPM rdvlpmnt 1,349.00 T-42-56-00-0202-000 3,090.11 B RPM REDEVELOPMENT ESCROW B RPM REDEVELOPMENT ESCROW R R 03/12/14 10/28/14 03/12/14 10/28/14 130637 130060 N N 14-00916 03/12/14 legal services-leewood rdvlpmn 8 legal services-leewood rdvlpmn 1,140.40 T-42-56-00-0201-000 9 legal services-leewood rdvlpmn 1,254.00 T-42-56-00-0201-000 2,394.40 B LEEWOOD ESCROW B LEEWOOD ESCROW R R 06/25/14 10/28/14 06/25/14 10/28/14 130059 130636 N N B COMMUNITY RESOURCES-CONFERENCES & MEETIN R 10/14/14 10/28/14 11/20/14 CONFER N Vendor Total: 35.00 T-11-56-00-3787-101 Page No: 16 35.00 IANNMICH MICHAEL A. IANNELLA 14-01945 06/03/14 HARMONY DAY COORDINATOR'S FEE 4 HARMONY DAY COORDINATOR'S FEE 250.00 G-02-41-14-0344-855 Vendor Total: 250.00 MCMASCOT MS&B McManimon Scotland Bauman 14-00415 02/10/14 legal-Redev. Agency-Jan-Dec'14 11 legal services-Redev Agency'14 1,045.00 T-15-56-01-0130-027 12 legal services-Redev Agency'14 361.00 T-15-56-01-0130-027 1,406.00 Vendor Total: 6,890.51 MWANJ MUNICIPAL WELFARE ASSOC. OF NJ 14-03665 10/14/14 annual fall conference 1 municipal league brunch 30.00 14.a.b Packet Pg. 78 Vendor Total: 30.00 4-01-27-00-0345-041 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description MURPHUBN Murphy McKeon, P.C. 14-00878 03/11/14 legal services- Planning Board 10 legal services- Planning Board 833.00 4-01-21-00-0180-027 11 legal services- Planning Board 833.00 4-01-21-00-0180-027 12 legal services- Planning Board 833.00 4-01-21-00-0180-027 2,499.00 Vendor Total: Page No: 17 First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl R R R 05/16/14 10/28/14 05/16/14 10/28/14 05/16/14 10/28/14 71177 71017 SEPT 14 70860 AUG 14 N N N B MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS R 01/21/14 10/28/14 1-15940-4 N PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 10/02/14 10/02/14 03/05/14 10/02/14 10/02/14 10/22/14 10/22/14 10/22/14 10/22/14 10/22/14 10/22/14 10/02/14 10/02/14 10/02/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 1-09183-4 1-09182-4 1-12828-5 1-12828-5 1-10496-6 1-09183-4 1-09744-4 1-04356-5 1-10496-6 1-09196-3 1-09866-5 1-12674-5 1-12812-4 1-11299-6 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N B VEHICLE MAINT.-MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS B VEHICLE MAINT.-MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS R R 02/11/14 10/28/14 02/11/14 10/28/14 1-10700-5 1-10700-5 N N B VEHICLE MAINT.-MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS R 09/29/14 10/28/14 1-10499-4 N 2,499.00 NATIPART NATIONAL PARTS SUPPLY CO. INC 14-00127 01/21/14 BLANKET FOR EMERGENCY PARTS 3 BLANKET FOR EMERGENCY PARTS 18.60 4-05-55-00-0500-034 14-00236 01/28/14 BLANKET EMER VEHICLE PARTS 31 BLANKET EMER VEHICLE PARTS 20.62 32 BLANKET EMER VEHICLE PARTS 21.18 33 BLANKET EMER VEHICLE PARTS 18.86 34 BLANKET EMER VEHICLE PARTS 71.01 35 BLANKET EMER VEHICLE PARTS 17.04 36 BLANKET EMER VEHICLE PARTS 19.20 37 BLANKET EMER VEHICLE PARTS 19.2038 BLANKET EMER VEHICLE PARTS 54.0039 BLANKET EMER VEHICLE PARTS 54.00 40 BLANKET EMER VEHICLE PARTS 20.62 41 BLANKET EMER VEHICLE PARTS 20.6242 BLANKET EMER VEHICLE PARTS 14.16 43 BLANKET EMER VEHICLE PARTS 6.25 44 BLANKET EMER VEHICLE PARTS 130.20 299.32 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 4-01-26-00-0315-034 14-00469 02/11/14 VEH. DPW934 STEERING PUMP 1 VEH. DPW934 STEERING PUMP 55.03 4-01-26-00-0315-034 2 VEH. DPW934 CORE CHARGE 35.00 4-01-26-00-0315-034 90.03 Packet Pg. 79 B PLANNING BOARD-LEGAL SERVICES B PLANNING BOARD-LEGAL SERVICES B PLANNING BOARD-LEGAL SERVICES 14-03497 09/29/14 Stock - fluids for shop 1 Stock - fluids for shop 41.40 4-01-26-00-0315-034 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR MAINT.-MOTOR VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE VEHICLE 14.a.b Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description NATIPART NATIONAL PARTS SUPPLY CO. INC Continued 14-03529 10/02/14 Parts for MO41 van 1 Reman star/starter #MO41 van 127.13 4-01-42-00-0890-034 Vendor Total: 1-13382-6 N B WATER R 10/21/14 10/28/14 08/29-09/30/14 N B FIRE HYDRANT CHARGES B FIRE HYDRANT CHARGES R R 06/11/14 10/28/14 06/11/14 10/28/14 823568 N AUG 29- SEPT29 N B AID TO VOL. FIRE-INSURANCE & SURETY BOND R 10/21/14 10/28/14 N B HR - MEDICAL (EXAMS, TESTS, ECT.) R 07/01/14 10/28/14 21177 N B HR-PROF & CONSULTING SRVS R 10/06/14 10/28/14 3788 N 1,386.00 14.a.b Packet Pg. 80 10/02/14 10/28/14 534.00 PRINHEAL PRINCETON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM 14-03564 10/06/14 EAP Charges - 4th Qtr 2014 1 EAP Charges - 4th Q 2014 1,386.00 4-01-20-00-0105-028 Vendor Total: B BOARD OF ED: INTERLOCAL-MOTOR VEHICLE PA R 7,000.00 PREVSPEC PREVENTION SPECIALISTS INC. 14-00223 01/27/14 Random Drug/Alcohol Testing 5 Random Drug/Alcohol Testing 534.00 4-01-20-00-0105-093 Vendor Total: 1099 Excl 2,317.13 RITTPAUL Paulette A. Ritterson 14-03733 10/21/14 Life Insurance Benefit 1 Life Insurance Benefit for 7,000.00 4-01-25-00-0255-090 Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 92,234.83 NJAMHYDR NJ AMERICAN WATER (HYDRANT) 14-02080 06/11/14 3RD & 4TH QUARTER 2014 HYDRANT 5 3RD & 4TH QUARTER HYDRANT 2014 2,009.23 4-05-55-00-0500-073 6 3RD & 4TH QUARTER HYDRANT 2014 307.90 4-05-55-00-0500-073 2,317.13 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 576.48 NEWBRWAT NEW BRUNSWICK WATER UTILITY 14-03724 10/21/14 WATER USAGE SEPTEMBER 2014 1 WATER USAGE SEPTEMBER 2014 92,234.83 4-05-55-00-0500-072 Vendor Total: Page No: 18 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description PSEG1444 PSE&G CO. 14-03756 10/22/14 September utility bill 1 September utility bill 33,340.44 4-01-31-00-0430-071 2 September utility bill 86,032.41 4-01-31-00-0435-075 3 September utility bill 6,901.51 4-05-55-00-0500-071 126,274.36 Page No: 19 First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl B ELECTRICITY-ELECTRICITY B STREET LIGHTING-STREET LIGHTING B ELECTRICITY R R R 10/22/14 10/28/14 10/22/14 10/28/14 10/22/14 10/28/14 SEPT 2014 SEPT 2014 N N N B POLICE DEPT.-EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT R 05/30/14 10/28/14 93402102 N B USE 801 SUMMER CAMPS; WAS PLAYGROUNDS R B DEPT OF RECREATION-EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT R B DEPT OF RECREATION-EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT R 02/10/14 10/28/14 05/16/14 10/28/14 05/16/14 10/28/14 93378531 93184434 N N N 14-00505 02/12/14 COPIER LEASE-DO/TR JAN-JUL '14 19 COPIER LEASE DO JAN-DEC 2014 73.64 4-01-25-00-0240-026 B POLICE DEPT.-EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT R 05/28/14 10/28/14 93378530 N 14-00573 02/19/14 Twp. Mgr's Copier #C40043614 10 Apr-Dec, 2014 Mgr copier 122.00 4-01-20-00-0100-026 B MANAGER-EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT R 04/23/14 10/28/14 93402103 N B ANIMAL CONTROL-EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT R 05/23/14 10/28/14 93402101 N B GROUP INSURANCE-OPTICAL REIMBURSEMENT R 10/22/14 10/28/14 2014 REIMBURSE N Vendor Total: 126,274.36 IKON RICOH USA INC. 14-00104 01/17/14 COPIER LEASE-PSD&RECORDS2-3/14 4 COPIER LEASE records 5-12,2014 1,055.46 4-01-25-00-0240-026 14-00414 02/10/14 Lease for rec copy machine 8 Rec copier est. overages 67.88 T-11-56-00-3787-815 11 Lease for rec copier Apr-Dec14 475.00 4-01-28-00-0370-026 12 Lease for rec copier Apr-Dec14 475.00 4-01-28-00-0370-026 1,017.88 Vendor Total: 2,268.98 RICOUSA Ricoh USA, Inc. 14-01831 05/23/14 COPIER LEASE - AC 2014 3 COPIER LEASE - AC 2014 176.46 4-01-27-00-0340-026 Vendor Total: 176.46 Vendor Total: 150.00 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) 14.a.b Packet Pg. 81 BROWNROB Robert T Brown 14-03754 10/22/14 2014 Optical Reimbursement 1 2014 Optical Reimbursement 150.00 4-01-23-00-0220-096 October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description SHERROZA ROZALYN SHERMAN 14-03667 10/15/14 reimbursement for franklin day 1 supplies from costco 52.94 T-11-56-00-3789-803 Vendor Total: Vendor Total: 197.95 4-05-55-00-0500-024 5.43 4-05-55-00-0500-024 76.90 4-05-55-00-0500-024 280.28 1099 Excl B CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION R 10/15/14 10/28/14 REIMBURSEMENT N B WATER METERS R 10/20/14 10/28/14 ESCROW RELEASE N B BUILDING MAINTENANCE B BUILDING MAINTENANCE B BUILDING MAINTENANCE R R R 08/18/14 10/28/14 08/18/14 10/28/14 08/18/14 10/28/14 0580-2 0580-2 0580-2 N N N B MUNICIPAL ALLIANCE B MUNICIPAL ALLIANCE R R 10/13/14 10/28/14 10/13/14 10/28/14 GIFT CARDS GIFT CARDS N N B HR-EDUCATION AND TRAINING R 06/25/13 10/28/14 280.28 SHOPR030 SHOPRITE/SOMERSET 14-03640 10/13/14 Poster contest gift cards 1 Poster contest gift cards 20.00 T-12-56-00-0850-825 2 Poster contest gift cards 100.00 T-12-56-00-0850-825 120.00 120.00 SHRM Society for Human Resource Mgt 13-02326 06/25/13 Virtual PHR Training 1 Virtual PHR Training 1,645.00 3-01-20-00-0105-042 Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 1,729.60 SHERWILL SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY 14-02971 08/18/14 Paint for renovations 1 Paint for renovations 2 Sales number: 173-1785 9 inch 3 Sales number: 171-3825 3 inch Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 52.94 RPMCONTR RPM Contracting LLC 14-03685 10/20/14 Water Meter Escrow Release 1 Water Meter Escrow Release 1,729.60 T-12-56-00-0850-802 Vendor Total: Page No: 20 N 1,645.00 14.a.b Packet Pg. 82 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description SOMHEALT SOMERSET COUNTY DEPT OF HEALTH 14-00075 01/16/14 Jan-Dec 2014 Monthly Chgs 10 Jan- Dec 2014 Monthly Chgs 50,390.17 4-01-42-00-0894-029 Vendor Total: SPJERENE South JerseyEnergy 14-03677 10/17/14 third party energy 1 third party energy 2 third party energy 3 third party energy 4 third party energy Vendor Total: 6.47 6.29 22.05 0.12 34.93 4-01-31-00-0435-075 4-01-31-00-0435-075 4-01-31-00-0435-075 4-01-31-00-0435-075 1099 Excl B INTERLOCAL - HEALTH DEPT-OTHER CONTRACT. R 05/19/14 10/28/14 OCT 2014 N B B B B R R R R 10/17/14 10/17/14 10/17/14 10/17/14 60001778962 60001778963 60001778964 60001778027 N N N N B TAX COLLECTION-PROF. ASSOC. DUES R 10/07/14 10/28/14 TAXCOLL CERTIF N B WATER METERS R 10/20/14 10/28/14 ESCROW RELEASE N B DISPATCH/911-EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT B DISPATCH/911-EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT B DISPATCH/911-EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT R R R 10/02/14 10/28/14 10/02/14 10/28/14 10/02/14 10/28/14 105025 105025 105025 STREET STREET STREET STREET LIGHTING-STREET LIGHTING-STREET LIGHTING-STREET LIGHTING-STREET LIGHTING LIGHTING LIGHTING LIGHTING 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 50.00 1,880.50 TAPETELE TAPE-TEL ELECTRONICS 14-03541 10/02/14 CA12CD WIRELESS PIT PLANTRONIC 1 CA12CD WIRELESS PIT PLANTRONIC 362.62 4-01-25-00-0250-026 2 SHS-1890-15 WIRED PIT 108.17 4-01-25-00-0250-026 3 SHIPPING 15.00 4-01-25-00-0250-026 485.79 N N N 485.79 14.a.b Packet Pg. 83 Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 34.93 SUPRE005 Supreme Metro Corporation 14-03687 10/20/14 Water meter escrow release 1 Water meter escrow release 1,880.50 T-12-56-00-0850-802 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 50,390.17 STATE TR STATE TREASURER 14-03571 10/07/14 OMAYRA ROSA TAX COLL CERTIFICA 1 OMAYRA ROSA TAX COLL CERTIFICA 50.00 4-01-20-00-0145-044 Vendor Total: Page No: 21 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description CROSTHOM THOMAS E. CROSS 14-01030 03/19/14 Housing Rehab Coordinator 12 Housing Rehab Coordinator 840.00 G-02-41-13-8025-465 Vendor Total: Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl Vendor Total: R 10/08/14 10/28/14 OCT 15,22,2014 N B MISC.-REFUND OF CURRENT YR REV R 10/22/14 10/28/14 REFUND N B MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE R 09/12/14 10/28/14 157339 N B STREETS & ROADS-ROAD MATERIALS B STREETS & ROADS-ROAD MATERIALS R R 08/14/14 10/28/14 08/14/14 10/28/14 8028509 8020041 N N B 2014 Road Resurfacing R 08/15/14 10/28/14 8028509 N B FIRE PREVENTION-BOOKS & PUBLICATIONS R 05/20/14 10/28/14 #9697 N B COMMUNITY RESOURCES-CONFERENCES & MEETIN R 09/12/14 10/28/14 HNJL14 N 82.95 TRAPROCK TRAP ROCK INDUSTRIES 14-02919 08/14/14 Road Materials:Pot hole repair 4 Road Materials for pothole 513.10 4-01-26-00-0290-032 5 Road Materials for pothole 1,967.00 4-01-26-00-0290-032 2,480.10 14-02941 08/15/14 Various Road Materials 10 Various Road Materials 5,785.32 C-04-55-14-4062-902 Vendor Total: 8,265.42 NJ809 TREAS. NJ DIV. OF FIRE SAFETY 14-01749 05/20/14 Subscription service 1 Subscription Service for NJ 240.00 4-01-25-00-0265-033 240.00 170.00 4-01-27-00-0345-041 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) 14.a.b Packet Pg. 84 B CDBG Franklin Twp Housing Rehab Prog 40.00 TIREBARN TIRE BARN 14-03275 09/12/14 VEHICLE WATER 992 ALIGNMENT 1 VEHICLE WATER 992 ALIGNMENT 82.95 4-05-55-00-0500-025 TROPICAN TROPICANA HOTEL 14-03261 09/12/14 league conference 1 HOTEL FOR LEAGUE First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 840.00 THOMA005 Thomas Wyckoff 14-03755 10/22/14 Convenience Center Refund 1 Convenience Center Refund 40.00 4-01-90-00-0000-023 Vendor Total: Page No: 22 October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description TROPICAN TROPICANA HOTEL 14-03261 09/12/14 league conference 2 OCCUPANCY FEE Vendor Total: Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description Continued 20.00 4-01-27-00-0345-041 190.00 09/12/14 10/28/14 HNJL14 N B BUILDING & GROUNDS-BUILDING MAINT&CLEAN R 07/22/14 10/28/14 29-5-14 N B PREMIUM ON TAX SALE B TAX LIEN REDEMPTIONS R R 10/21/14 10/28/14 10/21/14 10/28/14 TAX SALE REDEMP N TAX SALE REDEMP N B PREMIUM ON TAX SALE B TAX LIEN REDEMPTIONS R R 10/21/14 10/28/14 10/21/14 10/28/14 TAX SALE REDEMP N TAX SALE REDEMP N B TAX LIEN REDEMPTIONS R 10/21/14 10/28/14 TAX SALE REDEMP N B PREMIUM ON TAX SALE R 10/21/14 10/28/14 TAX SALE REDEMP N 5,737.64 8,117.32 PRO CAP US BANK CUST/PRO CAP III, LLC 14-03750 10/21/14 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 1 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 1,200.00 T-03-55-00-9999-294 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) 14.a.b Packet Pg. 85 B COMMUNITY RESOURCES-CONFERENCES & MEETIN R 41,707.35 EMP IV US BANK CUST/EMP IV, CAPONE 14-03749 10/21/14 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 1 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 8,117.32 T-03-55-00-9999-914 Vendor Total: 1099 Excl 4,509.00 TLCF US BANK CUST/ TLCF 2012A,LLC 14-03751 10/21/14 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 1 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 4,000.00 T-03-55-00-9999-294 2 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 1,737.64 T-03-55-00-9999-914 5,737.64 Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 190.00 BLUEVIR US BANK CUST FOR BV001 TRUST 14-03748 10/21/14 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 1 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 23,000.00 T-03-55-00-9999-294 2 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 18,707.35 T-03-55-00-9999-914 41,707.35 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date Continued TRUJCLEA TRUJILLO CLEAN SERVICES 14-02646 07/22/14 Janitorial services for June 5 Janitorial Services 4,509.00 4-01-26-00-0310-024 Vendor Total: Page No: 23 October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description PRO CAP US BANK CUST/PRO CAP III, LLC Continued 14-03750 10/21/14 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS Continued 2 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 3,022.83 T-03-55-00-9999-914 4,222.83 Vendor Total: C-04-55-14-3914-902 C-04-55-14-3914-902 C-04-55-14-3914-902 C-04-55-14-3914-902 R 10/21/14 10/28/14 TAX SALE REDEMP N B CLEAN COMMUNITY PROGRAM B CY 2012 CLEAN COMMUMINITIES R R 10/23/14 10/28/14 10/23/14 10/28/14 2014NEWSLETTER N 2014NEWSLETTER N R R R R 10/02/14 10/02/14 10/02/14 10/02/14 287255 287255 287255 287255 N N N N B DATA PROCESSING-PROF & CONSULTING SRVS B DATA PROCESSING-PROF & CONSULTING SRVS R R 05/20/14 10/28/14 05/20/14 10/28/14 FT082514 FT101614 N N B TELEPHONE-TELEPHONE CHARGES R 06/03/14 10/28/14 M55501563114269 N B B B B POLICE:SAFETY POLICE:SAFETY POLICE:SAFETY POLICE:SAFETY EQUIP(VEH) EQUIP(VEH) EQUIP(VEH) EQUIP(VEH) & & & & DEFIBRLLATORS DEFIBRLLATORS DEFIBRLLATORS DEFIBRLLATORS 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 10/28/14 478.00 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) 14.a.b Packet Pg. 86 B TAX LIEN REDEMPTIONS 966.00 VER4832 VERIZON 14-00557 02/18/14 Police trunk radio systems 21 Police trunk radio systems 478.00 4-01-31-00-0440-076 Vendor Total: 1099 Excl 5,979.75 VALIVIDE VALIANT VIDEO PRODUCTIONS 14-01745 05/20/14 Blanket-Videographer 5-12/14 5 Blanket-Videographer 5-12/14 588.00 4-01-20-00-0140-028 6 Blanket-Videographer 5-12/14 378.00 4-01-20-00-0140-028 966.00 Vendor Total: Chk/Void Date Invoice 5,000.00 VERALPH V.E. RALPH & SON, INC. 14-03542 10/02/14 FRX Heartstart Defibrillators 1 FRX Heartstart Defibrillators 4,990.00 2 Carry Case FRX Defibrillators 469.75 3 Infant/Child Key FRX 340.00 4 Smart Pad II FRX 180.00 5,979.75 Vendor Total: First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date 4,222.83 USPOSTKI US POST OFFICE 14-03775 10/23/14 winter 2014 newsletter mailing 1 fall 2014 newsletter mailing 3,181.66 G-02-41-08-0750-099 2 fall 2014 newsletter mailing 1,818.34 G-02-41-12-0750-100 5,000.00 Vendor Total: Page No: 24 October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description VERIBUS Verizon Business 14-00738 03/03/14 Dialogic phone bill 9 Dialogic phone bill-2014 First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl B TELEPHONE CHARGES R 05/23/14 10/28/14 74923221 N B POLICE DEPT.-TELEPHONE CHARGES R 05/28/14 10/28/14 9732986950 N B ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS R 09/29/14 10/28/14 REFUND N B UNIFORM CONST CODE-CLOTHING & UNIFORM R 10/15/14 10/28/14 REIMBURSEMENT N LUPOVINC VINCE LUPO 14-01500 04/28/14 Bldg Safety Conference 5/7-9 1 Building Safety Conference 254.64 4-01-22-00-0195-042 B UNIFORM CONST CODE-EDUCATION AND TRAININ R 04/28/14 10/28/14 CONFERENCE N 14-03676 10/15/14 ICC conference expenses 1 ICC conference expenses-9/2014 1,944.93 4-01-22-00-0195-041 B UNIFORM CONST CODE-CONFERENCES & MEETING R 10/15/14 10/28/14 REIMBURSEMENT N B PREMIUM ON TAX SALE 10/21/14 10/28/14 TAX SALE REDEMP N Vendor Total: 1,329.67 4-05-55-00-0500-076 Page No: 25 1,329.67 VERIW240 VERIZON WIRELESS 14-00103 01/17/14 WIRELESS BILL-jan - feb 2014 9 WIRELESS BILL-Mar-Dec, 2014 3,342.34 4-01-25-00-0240-076 Vendor Total: 3,342.34 HELMVERO Veronica Helm 14-03510 09/29/14 Reimburse Chess Beginner Class 1 Reimburse Chess Beginners 96.00 T-11-56-00-3787-401 Vendor Total: 96.00 PARDVICT VICTOR PARDO 14-03674 10/15/14 UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT 1 UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT Vendor Total: Vendor Total: 101.56 4-01-22-00-0195-043 101.56 2,199.57 R 14.a.b Packet Pg. 87 VIRGO VIRGO MUNICIPAL FINANCE FUND L 14-03752 10/21/14 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS 1 3,200.00 T-03-55-00-9999-294 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description VIRGO VIRGO MUNICIPAL FINANCE FUND L Continued 14-03752 10/21/14 REDEMPTION OF TAX SALE CERTS Continued 2 21,865.42 T-03-55-00-9999-914 25,065.42 Page No: 26 First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date Chk/Void Date Invoice 1099 Excl B TAX LIEN REDEMPTIONS R 10/21/14 10/28/14 TAX SALE REDEMP N B TAX COLLECTION-PROF & CONSULTING SRVS R 09/23/14 10/28/14 V59303 N WBMASON W. B. MASON, INC. 14-00920 03/12/14 Blanket-Small WB Mason Orders 32 Blanket - Office Supplies 14.61 4-01-20-00-0100-036 B MANAGER-OFFICE SUPPLIES R 07/17/14 10/28/14 I21122621 N 14-03557 10/06/14 Office Supplies-Comm. Resource 1 Office Supplies-Comm. Resource 134.42 4-01-20-00-0100-036 B MANAGER-OFFICE SUPPLIES R 10/06/14 10/28/14 I21246992 N B 2014 Server Room Temp Monitor System:IT R B 2014 Server Room Temp Monitor System:IT R 09/05/14 10/28/14 09/05/14 10/28/14 3420750-00 3420750-000 N N B DISPATCH/911-EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT B DISPATCH/911-EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT 09/29/14 10/28/14 09/29/14 10/28/14 24640 24640 N N Vendor Total: 25,065.42 VITAL VITAL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 14-03423 09/23/14 MOD IV TAPE FOR ADDED BILLS 1 MOD IV TAPE FOR ADDED BILLS 100.00 4-01-20-00-0145-028 Vendor Total: Vendor Total: 100.00 149.03 WARSELEC WARSHAUER ELECTRIC 14-03193 09/05/14 Backup power for APC cnt. 1 Backup Power for APC Cnt. 247.52 C-04-55-14-4063-906 2 SQDQOB330 BOLT-ON CB 3P 30A 123.76 C-04-55-14-4063-906 371.28 Vendor Total: 371.28 WESTCALD West Caldwell Labs 14-03512 09/29/14 Calibration Noise Meter 1 Calibration Noise Meter 262.50 4-01-25-00-0250-026 2 Calibrate QC-10 187.50 4-01-25-00-0250-026 R R 14.a.b Packet Pg. 88 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Vendor # Name PO # PO Date Description Item Description Contract PO Type Amount Charge Account Acct Type Description WESTCALD West Caldwell Labs Continued 14-03512 09/29/14 Calibration Noise Meter Continued 3 Shipping 35.00 4-01-25-00-0250-026 485.00 Vendor Total: Total Purchase Orders: Page No: 27 First Rcvd Stat/Chk Enc Date Date B DISPATCH/911-EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT R 09/29/14 10/28/14 Chk/Void Date Invoice 24640 1099 Excl N 485.00 141 Total P.O. Line Items: 256 Total List Amount: 1,332,010.06 Total Void Amount: 0.00 14.a.b Packet Pg. 89 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Page No: 28 Totals by Year-Fund Fund Description Fund Budget Total Revenue Total G/L Total Project Total Total CURRENT 3-01 13,464.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,464.28 CURRENT 4-01 885,908.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 885,908.32 WATER 4-05 105,356.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 105,356.46 4-51 0.00 991,264.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,665.86 22,665.86 22,665.86 1,013,930.64 C-04 31,936.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 31,936.61 C-06 94,681.77 126,618.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 94,681.77 126,618.38 DEVELOPERS ESCROW Year Total: GENERAL CAPITAL WATER CAPITAL Year Total: GRANT G-02 7,904.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,904.62 TAX TITLE LIEN T-03 96,649.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 96,649.42 RECREATION TRUST T-11 6,119.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,119.25 TRUST OTHER T-12 52,981.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 52,981.22 REDEVELOPMENT T-15 1,406.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,406.00 SELF INSURANCE T-19 1,739.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,739.32 OPEN SPACE T-40 5,712.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,712.42 T-42 Year Total: 5,484.51 170,092.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,484.51 170,092.14 Total Of All Funds: 1,309,344.20 0.00 0.00 22,665.86 1,332,010.06 REDEVELOPMENT ESCROW 14.a.b Packet Pg. 90 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:14 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Purchase Order Listing By Vendor Name Project Description Project No. Lakeside @ Franklin-Lakeside R 1020219699 10,708.10 400 Campus Drive 1022172539 11.49 Elizabeth & Harper St 102219606 5,696.32 Elizabeth Ave/New Brunswick 102219619 0.12 Elizabeth Ave 1030219670 Headlands Realty Corp 104273252 48 Old Georgetown Road 1052172869 1,060.86 4185 Route 27 Princeton nj 1072172422 180.00 Interest account 10999999 Total Of All Projects: Page No: 29 Project Total 2,088.15 118.53 2,802.29 22,665.86 14.a.b Packet Pg. 91 Attachment: Purchase Order Listing by Vendor (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:15 AM TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Check Register By Check Date to Last Range of Check Dates: 10/15/14 to 10/28/14 Report Format: Detail Check Type: Computer: Y Manual: Y Dir Deposit: Y Check # Check Date Vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account 01-CURRENT CURRENT FUND 31043 10/23/14 FTAGENCY FRANKLIN AGENCY -(EPD) 14-03762 1 CIGNA - EMPLOYER SEPTEMBER 14 Checking Account Totals Checks: Direct Deposit: Total: Paid 1 0 1 Void 0 0 0 Account Type 4,722.68 4-01-23-00-0220-102 Budget GROUP INSURANCE-DISABILITY INS Amount Paid 4,722.68 0.00 4,722.68 3022 1 1 Amount Void 0.00 0.00 0.00 30-PAYROLLDED EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTION 32396 10/23/14 CIGNADIS LIFE INSURANCE CO OF AMERICA 14-03761 1 CIGNA SEPTEMBER 2014 7,330.06 T-30-56-00-0851-039 Budget PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS- CIGNA DISABILITY Checking Account Totals Checks: Direct Deposit: Total: Paid 1 0 1 Void 0 0 0 Amount Paid 7,330.06 0.00 7,330.06 Amount Void 0.00 0.00 0.00 Report Totals Paid 2 0 2 Void 0 0 0 Amount Paid 12,052.74 0.00 12,052.74 Amount Void 0.00 0.00 0.00 Checks: Direct Deposit: Total: Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref Seq Acct 3021 1 1 Packet Pg. 92 Attachment: Check Register by Check Date (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) Range of Checking Accts: First Report Type: All Checks Page No: 1 14.a.c TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Check Register By Check Date Page No: 2 14.a.c Totals by Year-Fund Fund Description Fund Budget Total Revenue Total G/L Total Total CURRENT 4-01 4,722.68 0.00 0.00 4,722.68 PAYROLL T-30 7,330.06 0.00 0.00 7,330.06 12,052.74 0.00 0.00 12,052.74 Total Of All Funds: Attachment: Check Register by Check Date (2014-74 : Approval of Warrants - 10/28/14) October 24, 2014 10:15 AM Packet Pg. 93 15.a ORDINANCE NO. 4087-14 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN, COUNTY OF SOMERSET, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, MORE PARTICULARLY APPENDIX CHAPTER A401, TELECOMMUNICATIONS FRANCHISE, AMENDING APPENDIX ARTICLE VI, LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC. See attached. SUMMARY An ordinance amending the Code Appendix Chapter A401, Telecommunications Franchises by amending Appendix Article VI, Level 3 Communications, LLC to renew said agreement term to November 1, 2014 through October 31, 2019. BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Code of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset and state of New Jersey is hereby amended as follows: SECTION I Appendix Chapter A401, Telecommunications Franchises, is amended by amending Appendix Article VI, Level 3 Communications, LLC as follows: APPENDIX CHAPTER A401 FRANCHISE - LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC A401-97. Definitions. For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following terms, phrases and words shall have the meaning given herein: a. “Township” means the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, and its government, including the Township Council and its administrative personnel. b. “Level 3 Communications, LLC” is the grantee of rights under this Ordinance and is known as Level 3 Communications, LLC, its servants, employees, agents, officers, directors and contractors. Packet Pg. 94 15.a Franklin Township In Somerset County c. “Telecommunications Service” means the offering of telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used. d. “Scope Offering” means any business or service offering, that Level 3 Communications, LLC currently or in the future may provide to any business or resident, whether or not currently contemplated. Findings and Conclusions. A401-98. The Township has reviewed all documentation regarding Level 3 Communications, LLC’s request for use of the municipality’s public road rights-of-way and feels that it is in the best interest of the residents of Franklin Township to grant said request. A401-99. Grant of Consent. The Township Council of the Township of Franklin hereby consents to the non-exclusive use of its right-of-way for a period of five (5) years. The conditions for the parameters of said use are set forth below. Said period shall begin on October 1, 2008 November 1, 2014 and shall expire five (5) years from said date on September 30, 2013 October 31, 2019. This consent shall permit Level 3 Communications, LLC to place and maintain in, upon, along, across, above, over the public highways and streets in Franklin Township, poles, wires, cable, and fiber optic cables and fixtures necessary for the maintenance and operation of the proposed use. The consent, however, is subject to the provisions of this Ordinance. In the event that Level 3 Communications, LLC violates any provision of this Ordinance, the Township will give notice of such violation and allow Level 3 Communications, LLC thirty (30) days to cure the violation unless additional time is granted by the Township Council. In the event that Level 3 Communications, LLC does not cure the violation in the prescribed time, appropriate action will be taken on behalf of the Township which may include, but is not limited to, court intervention and the voidance of this Ordinance and the termination of any and all relationships between the Township and Level 3 Communications, LLC. A401-100. Conditions of Grant of Public Street Rights-of-Way. The grant of the above public street rights-of-way shall be for the purpose of providing Telecommunications Services. Packet Pg. 95 15.a Franklin Township In Somerset County A401-101. Level 3 Communications, LLC’s Continuing Obligations. The needs of the Township and the public to minimize interruption in street and sidewalk traffic and public and private business, to avoid congestion, environmental degradation, undue cost, inconvenience, reduction in property values, private interests and the like, frustration or burdening of Township planning for future utility installations and operations, maintenance of current utilities and general planning for development by the Township, shall be respected by Level 3 Communications, LLC and Level 3 Communications, LLC will notify the Township of the location of any cable or other fixtures permitted to be installed pursuant to this Ordinance prior to such installation. A401-102. Territory. The consent granted by this Ordinance shall apply to the entirety of Franklin Township. All questions of municipal boundary location, rights and interest in property, federal, state, county and/or other governmental or quasi-governmental rights, privileges and/or interests in real estate shall be investigated and researched at Level 3 Communications, LLC’s own cost and expense; procedures necessary to gather relevant information and to resolve every such question shall be pursued in Level 3 Communication’s own name and the Township shall never be under any obligation to perform investigations or research, conduct or prosecute proceedings, expend legal fees or pay the charge of engineers, surveyors, title searchers or others, or otherwise take any steps to define, delineate, establish or clarify the boundaries or rights of the Township. A401-103. Compliance with Zoning and Other Ordinances. The foregoing consent is and at all times shall be subject to full and complete compliance with the Township Development Ordinance, Chapter 112 of the Code of the Township of Franklin, all other Township Ordinances and regulations, and all rules, regulations and laws of the applicable jurisdictions as to all aspects of location, operation, and maintenance of the fiber optic cables and fixtures necessary thereto. Any fixture other than wires, cable, terminating equipment and electronics and fiber optic cables shall be subject to the Township’s prior written approval before their installation. A401-104. No Interest in Township Property. Packet Pg. 96 15.a Franklin Township In Somerset County No easement, title in fee, leasehold or other interest in real estate, nor any other interest in property of the Township, is hereby granted to Level 3 Communications, LLC. A401-105. Fee. In consideration of the rights and privileges granted to Level 3 Communications, LLC, Level 3 Communications agrees to pay the Township on an annual basis the following fees: A. Two Hundred ($200) Dollars per mile of Level 3 Communications, LLC fiber optic cable located in the public road rights-of-way within the Township with a minimum annual fee of Five Hundred ($500) Dollars. B. All payments due to the Township hereunder by Level 3 Communications, LLC shall be made on or before October November 1 of each year in which access to the Township’s public road rights-of-way is in effect. Any failure to accurately make the payment called for on or before October November 1 of each said year will result in the automatic revocation of the non-exclusive franchise granted to such Level 3 Communications, LLC by the applicable Authorizing Action. A401-106. Conditions of Construction. A. Restoration. In the event level 3 Communications, LLC shall from time to time disturb any public or private pavement, street surfaces, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, above or below ground utilities, lines, fixtures, equipment or other facilities or trees, shrubs or other landscaping or surfaces in the natural topography or any other matter whatsoever, Level 3 Communications, LLC shall, at its sole expense, reasonable restore and replace such places and things so disturbed to and in not less than as good condition as existed prior to each disturbance. In doing so, Level 3 Communications, LLC shall comply with all applicable ordinances, resolutions, laws, rulings and regulations. All restorations shall be completed within thirty (30) working days of the work requiring the same. B. Relocation. If at any time during the period of this consent, the Township shall alter or change the grade of any public street or highway, or alter or change the location of grade of any public water or sewer facility or other utility facility, Packet Pg. 97 15.a Franklin Township In Somerset County Level 3 Communications, LLC, upon reasonable notice by the Township, shall at its own expense, remove, relay and relocate its cables, equipment and other facilities. C. A401-107. Temporary Removal of Cables. Level 3 Communications, LLC shall for the purpose of and upon request of the Township, at Level 3 Communications, LLC’s expense temporarily raise, lower or remove its cables and associated facilities in order to facilitate the moving of buildings, equipment, vehicles and machinery and to accommodate other like circumstances. Level 3 Communications, LLC may suggest alternatives to the temporary removal of cables where such temporary removal may cause a disruption of services or otherwise interfere with the expectations of its customers. However, the Township retains the right to make the final decision regarding said cable removal. Underground Lines. Level 3 Communications, LLC shall respond when requested to mark out underground lines, within forty-eight (48) hours of the request. A401-108. Performance Bonds. To secure the faithful performance by Level 3 Communications, LLC of all of its obligations to the Township, Level 3 Communications, LLC shall deliver to the Township and maintain in force throughout the duration of the use of the Township’s said rights-of-way a surety bond in the penal sum of not less than Fifty Thousand ($50,000) Dollars, conditioned on the faithful performance by Level 3 Communications, LLC of all of its undertakings pursuant to this Ordinance. Said bond must be acceptable in form and content to the Township Attorney. The bonding company shall be authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey. A401-109. Liability Insurance. During the term of the use of the Township’s said rights-of-way, Level 3 Communications, LLC shall deliver to the Township and maintain in force, at its sole expense, sufficient combined automobile and comprehensive general liability insurance naming the Township as an additional insured and insuring against loss by any such claim, suit, judgment, execution or demand in the minimum amounts of: Packet Pg. 98 15.a Franklin Township In Somerset County A. B. C. D. $1,000,000.00 for bodily injury or death to one person. $1,000,000.00 for bodily injury or death from any one accident. $1,000,000.00 for property damage resulting from any one accident. $5,000,000.00 “umbrella” excess liability coverage for both bodily injury and property damage for each occurrence and in the aggregate. The insurance carrier must be acceptable to the Township Attorney and shall be authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey. Level 3 Communications, LLC shall assure that no such policy of insurance shall be canceled without a minimum of thirty (30) days notice to the Township or greater notice if required by regulations of the New Jersey Department of Insurance. A401-110. Indemnity. Level 3 Communications, LLC shall hold and save the Township harmless from and indemnify and defend the Township against every claim, loss and liability or every kind, arising in any and every way directly or indirectly, immediately or consequently from: A. The grant or use of this municipal consent; B. The acquisition or, or negotiation for the acquisition of, any interest in real estate, rights or privileges within or without the Township. C. The making, prosecuting or processing of any application for any governmental approval, permits or license, including all appeals; D. All proceedings or every kind by or against Level 3 Communications, LLC; E. Any act or omission of Level 3 Communications, LLC or any of its officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors, suppliers, materialmen or affiliated companies; F. The exercise or implementation, whether or not proper or lawful, of any right of privilege expressed or implied hereunder, by law or otherwise arising out of this municipal consent; or Packet Pg. 99 15.a Franklin Township In Somerset County G. Level 3 Communications, LLC’s action, inaction, franchise, operation, maintenance, construction or installation of the lines, cables and fixtures described herein. H. “Loss” shall include all legal fees and court costs. A401-111. Limitations. This Ordinance is for Level 3 Communications, LLC’s nonexclusive use of the Township’s said rights-of-way for Telecommunications Services. When and if Level 3 Communication, LLC increases its Scope Offering to any business or resident in the State of New Jersey and said increase in Scope Offering passes through the Level 3 Communications, LLC cable lines located within the Township, the within Ordinance shall be null and void. Level 3 Communications, LLC and the Township must then renegotiate the terms, conditions and fees of the proposed increase in scope. If agreement cannot be reached, this Ordinance will be deemed terminated. The Township is not obligated to accept any increase in scope proposed by Level 3 Communications, LLC. Any proposed increase of scope of this Ordinance must be duly authorized and accepted by the Township after good faith negotiations and acceptance of the proposed change by the Township with the proper ordinance and/or agreement in place prior to Level 3 Communications, LLC’s use of the Township’s said rights-of-way for the increase in scope. A401-112. Severability. Should any provision of this Ordinance be determined invalid by a court or administrative tribunal of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof. A401-113. Captions. The captions and titles assigned to the sections of this Ordinance are for convenience and reference only, and are in no way to be construed as defining, limiting or modifying the scope or intent of the various provisions of this Ordinance. Packet Pg. 100 15.a Franklin Township In Somerset County A401-114. Law Changes. A. In the event applicable law shall, during the term hereof, modify any provision of this Ordinance, the Ordinance shall be automatically modified to incorporate the change. B. If at any time during the term hereof, Level 3 Communications, LLC is deemed to be a public utility, as that term is defined in N.J.S.A. 48:2-13, by the appropriate governmental authority, then Level 3 Communications shall no longer be subject to this Ordinance except to the extent that other public utilities providing Telecommunications Service are subject to like requirements. A401-115. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon final passage and publication according to law and upon receipt by the Township of Level 3 Communications, LLC’s written acceptance of the terms hereof. If such acceptance is not received by the Township Clerk within thirty (30) days of the final passage of the Ordinance, the same will automatically expire and be of no further effect. ORDINANCE NO. 4087-14 This is a true copy of an ordinance adopted by the Township Council, Township of Franklin, Somerset County, New Jersey. Introduced: 10/28/2014 Public Hearing: Adoption: Published: Effective: Packet Pg. 101 15.a Franklin Township In Somerset County Packet Pg. 102 15.a Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Township Council Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Township Clerk MEMORANDUM To: Bob Vornlocker Skipped 10/14/2014 6:37 PM Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Completed Township Council Completed 10/14/2014 6:40 PM 10/14/2014 7:00 PM From: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy,Township Clerk Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 4087-14 An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, More Particularly Appendix Chapter A401, Telecommunications Franchise, Amending Appendix Article VI, Level 3 Communications, LLC. See attached. Packet Pg. 103 Level(3Y .".e--~ "-.__ ., , '~ --- September 30, 2014 Ann Marie McCarthy City Clerk 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ08873 RE: 2014 Telecommunications Level 3 Communications, Franchise Renewal LLC ("Level 3") Dear Ms. McCarthy, Level 3 would like to renew its Telecommunications Franchise (!iA401-118) with Franklin Township, NJ which expired on September 30, 2013. If you require any further information to complete the, renewal please contact me at (720)888-8518 or Sincerely, ~w£J&kP f I Robben Beckman Business Analyst Levei 3 Communications, LLC 1025 Eldorado Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80021 Robben, Beckma Attachment: Level 3 - Telecommunications Franchise Agreement (4087-14 : Telecommunications Franchise - Level 3 Communications LLC) 15.a.a Packet Pg. 104 ~-- Page 1 of2 15.a.a • Attachment: Level 3 - Telecommunications Franchise Agreement (4087-14 : Telecommunications Franchise - Level 3 Communications LLC) TO~'llship of Franklin, NJ Township of Franklin, NJ Wednesday, September 77, 2074 Chapter A401. TELECOMMUNICATIONS FRANCHISES Article VII. Level 3 Communications, S A401-116. LLC Definitions. For the purpose of this ordinance, the following terms, phrases and words shall have the meaning given herein: LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC The grantee of rights under this ordinance and is known as "Level 3 Communications, LLC,"its servants, employees, agents, officers, directors and contractors. SCOPE OFFERING Any business or service offering that Level 3 Communications, LLCcurrently or in the future may provide to any business or resident, whether or not currently contemplated. TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE The offering of telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used. TOWNSHIP The Township of Franklin, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, and its government, including the Township Coun'cil and its administrative personnel. S A401-118. Township consent granted. The Township Council of the Township of Franklin hereby consents to the nonexclusive use of its right-of-way for a period of five years. The conditions for the parameters of said use are set forth below. Said period shall begin on October 1,2008, and shall expire five years from said date on September 30, 2013-This consent shall permit Level 3 Communications, LLCto place and maintain in, upon, along, across, above, over the public highways and streets in Franklin Township poles, wires, cable and fiber optic cables and fixtures necessary for the maintenance and operation of the proposed use. The consent, http://ecode360.comJprint/FR0703?guid=11450014,11450019,11450025 Packet Pg. 105 9/1712014 Page 2 of2 15.a.a TOWJshi~ of Franklin, NJ Attachment: Level 3 - Telecommunications Franchise Agreement (4087-14 : Telecommunications Franchise - Level 3 Communications LLC) however, is subject to the provisions of this ordinance. In the event that Level 3 Communications, LLC violates any provision of this ordinance, the Township will give notice of such violation and allow Level 3 Communications, LLC 30 days to cure the violation unless additional time is granted by the Township Council. In the event that Level 3 Communications, LLC does not cure the violation in the prescribed time, appropriate action will be taken on behalf of the Township, which may include, but is not limited to, court intervention and the voidance of this ordinance and the termination of any and all relationships between the Township and Level 3 Communications, LLC. S A401-124. Fees. In consideration of the rights and privileges granted to Level 3 Communications, LLC, Level ",. 3 Communications agrees to pay the Township on an annual basis the following fees: A. Two hundred dollars per mile of Level 3 Communications, LLC fiber optic cable located in the public road rights-of-way within the Township, with a minimum annual , . •••... B. " fee of$soo . ~ All payments due to the Township hereunder by Level 3 Communications, LLC shall be made on or before October 1 of each year in which access to the Township's public road rights-of-way is in effect. Any failure to accurately make the payment called for on or before October 1 of each said year will result in the automatic revocation of the nonexclusive franchise granted to such Level 3 Communications, LLC by the applicable authorizing action.,11450019,11450025 Packet Pg. 106 9/17/2014 16.a ORDINANCE NO. 4089-14 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN, COUNTY OF SOMERSET, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, MORE PARTICULARLY CODE CHAPTER 112, LAND DEVELOPMENT, ARTICLE XXXVIII, PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, TO REQUIRE SUBMISSION OF DIGITAL COPIES OF APPLICATION MATERIALS. As requested by Mark Healey, Planning Director. SUMMARY This ordinance amends the submission requirements for applications before the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment to require that all application materials be submitted in digital format. Applications prepared by non-professionals (e.g., single and two family homeowners preparing submittals on their own behalf) will not be subject to this requirement. BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Council of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey that the Code of the Township of Franklin is hereby amended as follows: SECTION I New Section 112-320.1 shall be added to Chapter 112, Land Development, and shall read as follows: § 112-320.1 Submittal of Digital Copies of Application Materials. In addition to other submittal requirements in Chapter 112 all application submittals to the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment shall be submitted in digital format in Adobe Acrobat format (.PDF/A or PDF/E standard of a resolution of at least 400 dpi). The requirement for digital submittals shall include all required application forms as well as all other application submittals including but not limited to all submittals prepared by licensed professionals, and all surveys, subdivision plans, site plans, architectural plans, environmental assessments, traffic reports, stormwater reports, stormwater maintenance agreements, planning reports, cover letters or other official correspondence, deeds, easements, and cost estimates. In addition to other submittal requirement in Chapter 112, submittal of such digital submittals shall be required to constitute an application for development and shall be re-submitted as the submittals may be changed or amended. Single- or two-family homeowners preparing submittals on their own behalf for application before the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment shall not be subject to this requirement. Further, this requirement shall not apply to submittal of the W-9 form which shall be submitted in hard copy only. Packet Pg. 107 16.a Franklin Township In Somerset County SECTION II Section 112-300 shall be amended to clarify the requirements for submittal for D Variances as follows: For the purposes of an application pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55-70d, wherein the applicant has elected to submit a separate application for any required approval of a subdivision, site plan or conditional use pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55d-76b, the following information and documents shall be necessary to constitute a complete application for the use variance:Wherein an applicant has submitted an application for any D Variance pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d, the following information and documents shall be required: SECTION III Each clause, section or subsection of this ordinance shall be deemed a separate provision to the intent that if any such clause, section or subsection should be declared invalid, the remainder of the ordinance shall not be affected. SECTION IV All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed as the extent of such inconsistency. SECTION V This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption and publication according to law. ORDINANCE NO. 4089-14 This is a true copy of an ordinance adopted by the Township Council, Township of Franklin, Somerset County, New Jersey. Introduced: 10/28/2014 Public Hearing: Adoption: Published: Effective: Packet Pg. 108 16.a Franklin Township In Somerset County Packet Pg. 109 16.a Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Township Council Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Township Clerk MEMORANDUM To: Bob Vornlocker Pending Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM From: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy,Township Clerk Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 4089-14 An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, More Particularly Code Chapter 112, Land Development, Article XXXVIII, Provisions Applicable to Planning Board and Zoning Board Of Adjustment, to Require Submission of Digital Copies of Application Materials. As requested by Mark Healey, Planning Director. Packet Pg. 110 17.a Resolution #14-504 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - TAX/WATER - AUTHORIZE TAX TITLE LIEN REDEMPTIONS WHEREAS, at a sale of land for delinquent taxes and all liens held by the Collector of Taxes of Franklin Township, Somerset County, various blocks and lots were sold to the following persons; and WHEREAS, said property and/or liens have been redeemed by the owners thereof, and the purchasers of said property are legally entitled to a refund of monies paid at the time of redemption in the following specific amount; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the amounts covering the certificates of sale, together will all the charges due the said individuals at the time of redemption be and the same are hereby ordered refunded to the said individuals, and the proper officials of the Township of Franklin, Somerset County, New Jersey are hereby authorized and empowered to execute a voucher to the said individuals in the following amounts: Lienholder Gharro Block/Lot 193/91 329/24 237/14 34.02/16.03C0231 Premium 1,100.00 1,300.00 Certificate 13-00212 13-00306 13-00247 13-00029 2,400.00 John Palumbo US Bank/BV001 US Bank/Emp VI US Bank/Pro Cap III 291/9.01 286/17 356/6 468.05/11 424.04/317 5.02/39 34.06/16.05C1716 Daxuan, Wang 20,700.00 1,600.00 700.00 23,000.00 471/44.11 US Bank/TLCF 2012A, LLC 19/17 Virgo Mun. Finance TY-11468 171.02/222 34.02/16.03C0146 13-00267 13-00332 13-00445 13-00446 1,200.00 1,200.00 13-00413 1,700.00 1,200.00 1,100.00 4,000.00 13-00008 13-00003 13-00048 3,200.00 3,200.00 11-00154 1,500.00 1,500.00 35,300.00 11-00154 Property Owner Amount Total Garzon, Fredy & Iris M. 3,163.73 George, Jerry G. & Keita, A. 1,252.10 Elliot, L & Elliott, JC 872.56 Baig, Lubna 734.43 6,022.82 Ramirez, Maritza Hooper, Marilyn A. Mills, Barbara Bathan, Oscar & Leminda Emilu Inc. Narvilkar, Mandar Lodi, Valerie Doyle, Donal E. & Merarie Harley, Ayana S. Ptaszyski, Eugene F. Ptaszyski, Eugene F. TOTAL 8,422.82 1,095.37 1,095.37 1,095.37 15,222.61 2,328.96 1,155.78 18,707.35 41,707.35 8,117.32 8,117.32 8,117.32 3,022.84 3,022.84 4,222.83 324.72 944.33 468.59 1,737.64 5,737.64 21,865.42 21,865.42 25,065.42 780.67 780.67 2,280.67 96,649.42 (35,300.00) 61,349.42 Packet Pg. 111 17.a Franklin Township In Somerset County CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: PO No.: By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 112 17.a Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Township Council Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Township Clerk MEMORANDUM To: Bob Vornlocker Pending Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM From: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy,Township Clerk Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-504 Authorize Tax Title Lien Redemptions Packet Pg. 113 17.b Resolution #14-505 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - TAX/WATER - ADJUST WATER CHARGES - MABEL ARINZEH - 24 LEUPP LANE, SOMERSET WHEREAS, Mabel Arinzeh had an unusually high water charge for the quarter 9/1/14 that was in the amount of $2,459.17 for the property known as Block 363 Lot 23.01; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the high usage is the result of hardship; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset and State of New Jersey that the Collector of Revenue is hereby directed to adjust the aforesaid water charges to reflect the charges for said water paid by the Township to its bulk supplier, specifically a reduction to $1,154.32. CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: PO No.: By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 114 17.b Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Revenue Collection Carol Langone MEMORANDUM To: Kathleen Moody Completed Bob Vornlocker Pending 10/23/2014 9:15 AM Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council From: Carol Langone, Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-505 Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM Adjust Water Charges - Mabel Arinzeh - 24 Leupp Lane, Somerset Packet Pg. 115 17.c Resolution #14-506 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - TAX/WATER - ADJUST WATER CHARGES - JAVED KHAN - 63 WINDING WAY, PRINCETON WHEREAS, Javed Kahn had an unusually high water charge for the quarter 5/1/14 that was in the amount of $1,712.32 for the property known as Block 11.01 Lot 13.32; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the high usage is the result of hardship; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset and State of New Jersey that the Collector of Revenue is hereby directed to adjust the aforesaid water charges to reflect the charges for said water paid by the Township to its bulk supplier, specifically a reduction to $885.11. CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: PO No.: By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 116 17.c Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Revenue Collection Carol Langone MEMORANDUM To: Kathleen Moody Completed Bob Vornlocker Pending 10/23/2014 9:18 AM Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council From: Carol Langone, Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-506 Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM Adjust Water Charges - Javed Khan - 63 Winding Way, Princeton Packet Pg. 117 17.d Resolution #14-507 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - TAX/WATER - AUTHORIZE REFUND OF TAX/WATER OVERPAYMENTS WHEREAS, there appears on the books of the Collector of Revenue, refunds due, resulting from Tax/Water Overpayments; and WHEREAS, refunds are to be made to the persons who have made these overpayments; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Treasurer of the Township of Franklin, Somerset County, be instructed to draw checks in the amounts covering the overpayments and to deliver said checks to the proper persons. BLOCK/LOT 423.01/27.05 230 Treptow Road Somerset, NJ 08873 NAME/ADDRESS Lin, Thomas A. & Carrie Paid Twice QTR/YR 4/2014 13408-0 90 Commerce Drive FTSA to Sewer Somerset, NJ 08873 CERTIFICATION From Water AMOUNT $2,757.71 141.58 I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: PO No.: By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 118 17.d Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Revenue Collection Carol Langone MEMORANDUM To: Kathleen Moody Completed Bob Vornlocker Pending 10/23/2014 10:06 AM Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council From: Carol Langone, Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-507 Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM Authorize Refund of Tax/Water Overpayments Packet Pg. 119 17.e Resolution #14-508 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - AWARD PURCHASE - AWARD STATE CONTRACT - 3 STATION FOLDER INSERTER - GOVERNMENT ORDERS - TAX COLLECTOR OFFICE - AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $12,426.00 WHEREAS, the Township of Franklin desires to purchase items as follows through State Contract which items when combined with prior purchases exceed the prevailing bid threshold: VENDORS: Neopost USA, Inc. Government Orders 478 Wheelers Farms Road, Milford, CT 0641 State Contract No. 75256 ITEM: 3-Station Folder Inserter COST: $12,426.00 WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified in writing hereon that funds are available and the Municipal Attorney has reviewed the certification of the Chief Financial Officer and is satisfied that said certification is in proper form. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Council of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset and State of New Jersey does hereby authorize the Mayor and Township Clerk to execute a contract with the above named vendor to purchase the specified items under State Contract. Packet Pg. 120 17.e Franklin Township In Somerset County CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: C-04-55-14-4063-904/C-04-55-14-4063-901 PO No.: R4002579 By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 121 17.e Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Revenue Collection Carol Langone MEMORANDUM To: Kathleen Moody Completed 10/23/2014 10:03 AM Joyce Miller Completed 10/23/2014 10:04 AM Kathleen Moody Completed 10/23/2014 10:05 AM Bob Vornlocker Pending Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council From: Carol Langone, Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-508 Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM Award State Contract - 3 Station Folder Inserter Government Orders - Tax Collector Office - Amount Not to Exceed $12,426.00 Neopost USA, Inc. Government Orders 478 Wheelers Farms Road Milford, CT 06461 NJ State Contract 75256 Packet Pg. 122 17.e Franklin Township In Somerset County C-04-55-14-4063-901 $76 C-04-55-14-4063-904 $12,350 Requisition No. R4002579 NJ STATE CONTRACT 75256 DS75E3ST - 3 STATION FOLDER INSERTER $12,269 ESPO1N POWER LINE CONDITIONER $157 ORD 4063-14 Packet Pg. 123 17.f Resolution #14-509 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - EXTEND CONTRACT - EXTEND CONTRACT - TRANSMITTERS FOR FIXED-BASED METER READING SYSTEM - HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD - NOT TO EXCEED $240,000.00 WHEREAS, a notice to bidders for the receipt of bids for construction of Transmitters for Fixed- Based Meter Reading System was published in the Courier News and posted on the Township’s website on June 9, 2011, and receipt was on June 30, 2011; WHEREAS, a contract was awarded to HD Supply Waterworks for Transmitters for FixedBased Meter Reading System for the period of September 1, 2011 through August 21, 2013 as per Resolution #11-331 on August 9, 2011 and extended as per Resolution #13-358 on August 15, 2013; and WHEREAS, original specifications allowed for the extension of the contract annually for two additional years at the existing terms and agreements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Franklin, Somerset County, New Jersey that the following contract be extended for Transmitters for FixedBased Meter Reading System: VENDOR: ADDRESS: ITEM: AMOUNT: HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD. 61 Gross Avenue, Edison, NJ 08837 Transmitters for Fixed-Based Meter Reading System September 1, 2014 through August 31, 2015 Amount Not to Exceed $240,000.00 WHEREAS that the Chief Financial Officer has certified in writing hereon that funds are available and the Municipal Attorney has reviewed the certification of the Chief Financial Officer and is satisfied that said certification is in proper form; and WHEREAS, continuation of the terms of this contract beyond December 31, 2014 is contingent upon availability of funds in the 2015 CY Budget, and in the event of unavailability of such funds, the Township of Franklin reserves the right to cancel this contract. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the Township Clerk be and the same are hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the above listed company. Packet Pg. 124 17.f Franklin Township In Somerset County CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: water PO No.: as needed By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 125 17.f Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Purchasing Joyce Miller MEMORANDUM To: Joyce Miller Completed 10/20/2014 5:12 PM Kathleen Moody Completed 10/21/2014 8:54 AM Bob Vornlocker Pending Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council From: Joyce Miller, Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-509 Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM Extend Contract - Transmitters for Fixed-Based Meter Reading System - HD Supply Waterworks, LTD - Not to Exceed $240,000.00 The Township bid transmitters for fixed-based meter reading system and awarded Bid B1158WTR on August 9, 2011, 11-331. The original specifications allowed for two annual extensions at the existing terms and conditions. The first extension was on August 15, 2013, 13-358. This is the 2nd and final extension. HD Supply Waterworks, Ltd. 61 Gross Avenue Packet Pg. 126 17.f Franklin Township In Somerset County Edison, NJ 08837 Not-to-exceed $240,000 Packet Pg. 127 17.g Resolution #14-510 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE - CASH - AUTHORIZE RELEASE OF WINTER BONDS WHEREAS, the Township Clerk of the Township of Franklin, Somerset County, New Jersey 08873 has received the following: DATE RECEIPT BY ENGINEERING: NAME OF APPLICANT: ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: ITEM: IN THE AMOUNT OF: DOCKET: FOR: 04/13/2014 K Hovnanian 110 West Front Street, Red Bank, NJ 07701 Check #00050994 $1,150.00 PLN2003-0008 Winter Bond - Block 507.41/Lot 43 - 6 Ginkgo Ct. DATE RECEIPT BY ENGINEERING: NAME OF APPLICANT: ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: ITEM: IN THE AMOUNT OF: DOCKET: FOR: 04/23/2014 K Hovnanian 110 West Front Street, Red Bank, NJ 07701 Check #50993 $1,150.00 PLN2003-0008 Winter Bond - Block 507.41/Lot 42 - 8 Ginkgo Ct. DATE RECEIPT BY ENGINEERING: NAME OF APPLICANT: ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: ITEM: IN THE AMOUNT OF: DOCKET: FOR: 01/10/2014 K Hovnanian 110 West Front Street, Red Bank, NJ 07701 Check #49234 $1,150.00 PLN2003-0008 Winter Bond - Block 507.40/Lot 41 - 10 Ginkgo Ct. DATE RECEIPT BY ENGINEERING: NAME OF APPLICANT: ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: ITEM: IN THE AMOUNT OF: DOCKET: FOR: 01/10/2014 K Hovnanian 110 West Front Street, Red Bank, NJ 07701 Check #49232 $750.00 PLN2003-0008 Winter Bond - Block 507.40/Lot 33 - 53 Spangenberg Lane DATE RECEIPT BY ENGINEERING: NAME OF APPLICANT: ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: 01/29/2014 Canal Walk Associates, LLC 812 Central Avenue, Westfield, NJ 07090 Packet Pg. 128 17.g Franklin Township In Somerset County ITEM: IN THE AMOUNT OF: DOCKET: FOR: Check #1243 $750.00 P99050 Winter Bond - Block 513.38/Lot 5 - 7 Burr Plaza DATE RECEIPT BY ENGINEERING: NAME OF APPLICANT: ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: ITEM: IN THE AMOUNT OF: DOCKET: FOR: 03/03/2014 Canal Walk Associates, LLC 812 Central Avenue, Westfield, NJ 07090 Check #14781 $750.00 P99050 Winter Bond - Block 513.35/Lot 2 - 44 Freedom Lane WHEREAS, the Township Engineer, after inspection, recommends release of the aforesaid Winter Bonds; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset and State of New Jersey that the aforesaid Winter Bonds be release to the aforesaid applicants. CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: PO No.: By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 129 17.g Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Engineering Karen Buckley MEMORANDUM To: Thomas Zilinek Completed 10/20/2014 9:15 AM Kathleen Moody Completed 10/20/2014 9:18 AM Bob Vornlocker Pending Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council From: Karen Buckley, Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-510 Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM Authorize Release of Winter Bonds Winter bond release K.Hovnanian 2 Gigkgo in the amount of $1,150.00 Winter bond release K.Hovnanian 8 Ginkgo in the amount of $1,150.00 Winter bond release K.Havnanian 10 Ginkgo in the amount of $1,150.00 Winter bond release K.Havnanian 53 Spangenberg in the amount of $750.00 Winter bond release Canal Walk 7 Burr in the amount of $750.00 Winter bond relase Canal Walk 44 Freedom Lane in the amount of $750.00 Packet Pg. 130 Attachment: w bnd 6 ginkgo 2 (14-510 : Authorize Release of Winter Bonds) 17.g.a Packet Pg. 131 Attachment: W BND 8 GINKGO (14-510 : Authorize Release of Winter Bonds) 17.g.b Packet Pg. 132 Attachment: W BND 8 GINKGO (14-510 : Authorize Release of Winter Bonds) 17.g.b Packet Pg. 133 Attachment: W BND 10 GINKGO (14-510 : Authorize Release of Winter Bonds) 17.g.c Packet Pg. 134 Attachment: W BND 10 GINKGO (14-510 : Authorize Release of Winter Bonds) 17.g.c Packet Pg. 135 Attachment: W BND 53 SPANGENBERG (14-510 : Authorize Release of Winter Bonds) 17.g.d Packet Pg. 136 Attachment: W BND 7 BURR (14-510 : Authorize Release of Winter Bonds) 17.g.e Packet Pg. 137 Attachment: W BND 44 FREEDOM LN (14-510 : Authorize Release of Winter Bonds) 17.g.f Packet Pg. 138 17.h Resolution #14-511 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - ESCROW RELEASE - AUTHORIZE RELEASE OF PLANNING REVIEW ESCROWS WHEREAS, the Township of Franklin, Somerset County has received escrow monies for purposes of professional fees incurred for review of and/or testimony concerning an application for development in accordance with Section 112-214 of the Code of the Township of Franklin; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the project has been completed and the Township Engineer has certified to the Township Clerk the amount of money charged against the escrow and has recommended that the balance remaining as set forth be returned to the GENERAL FUND: DATE: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: DOCKET NO. BLOCK/LOT: TYPE: AMOUNT RELEASED: 11/19/2013 Matson Construction 4 Nevins Court, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 ZBA-13-00024 283/4 - 4 DeKalb Planning Review $30.83 CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: PO No.: By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 139 17.h Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Engineering Karen Buckley MEMORANDUM To: Thomas Zilinek Completed 10/20/2014 9:16 AM Kathleen Moody Completed 10/20/2014 9:21 AM Bob Vornlocker Pending Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council From: Karen Buckley, Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-511 Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM Authorize Release of Planning Review Escrows Plan review escrow release Matson Construction ZBA-13-00024 in the amount of $30.83 Plan review escrow release Folafunmi Odukoya BRA12-046 in the amount of $2,032.32 Packet Pg. 140 Attachment: Plan Rev escr (14-511 : Authorize Release of Planning Review Escrows) 17.h.a Packet Pg. 141 Attachment: BOND RELEASE (14-511 : Authorize Release of Planning Review Escrows) 17.h.b Packet Pg. 142 17.i Resolution #14-512 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE - CASH - AUTHORIZE PERFORMANCE BOND RELEASE - FOLAFUNMI ODUKOYA - DOCKET NO. BRA12-046 - $41,481.60 WHEREAS, the Township Clerk of the Township of Franklin, Somerset County, New Jersey 08873 has received the following: DATE REC’D BY ENGINEERING: NAME OF APPLICANT: ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: ITEM: NUMBER: DOCKET: FOR: AMOUNT: 03/22/2013 Folafunmi Odukoya 53A Norma Avenue, Somerset, NJ 08873 Performance Bond Check #112535397 BRA12-046 Site Improvements - 159 Cedar Grove Lane - Block 507.38, Lot 12.06 $41,481.60 WHEREAS, the Township Engineer, after inspection, recommends release of the aforesaid Performance Guarantee in the aforesaid amount; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset and State of New Jersey that the aforesaid Performance Guarantee be released in aforesaid amount to the applicant. Packet Pg. 143 17.i Franklin Township In Somerset County CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: PO No.: By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 144 17.i Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Engineering Karen Buckley MEMORANDUM To: Thomas Zilinek Completed 10/20/2014 9:16 AM Kathleen Moody Completed 10/20/2014 9:20 AM Bob Vornlocker Pending Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council From: Karen Buckley, Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-512 Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM Authorize Performance Bond Release - Folafunmi Odukoya - Docket No. BRA12-046 - $41,481.60 Performance Bond release Folafunmi Odukoya BRA12-046 in the amount of $41,481.60 Packet Pg. 145 Attachment: BOND RELEASE (14-512 : Authorize Performance Bond Release - Folafunmi Odukoya) 17.i.a Packet Pg. 146 17.j Resolution #14-513 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - LICENSES - AUTHORIZE THE BIDDING AND SALE OF PLENARY RETAIL CONSUMPTION LIQUOR LICENSE WHEREAS, NJSA 33:1-12.14 provides that no new Plenary Retail Consumption License shall be issued in a municipality unless and until the number of such licenses existing in the municipality is fewer than one (1) for each 3,000 of its population as shown on the last preceding Federal Census; and WHEREAS, NJSA 33:1-12.14 provides that no new Plenary Retail Distribution License shall be issued in a municipality unless and until the number of such licenses existing in the municipality is fewer than one (1) for each 7,500 of its population as shown on the last preceding Federal Census; and WHEREAS, the Federal Census figure for 2010 Census has been certified by the New Jersey Secretary of State Department; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such certified figures, the population of Franklin is 62,300 persons; and WHEREAS, as a result of the foregoing, there resulted in the Township of Franklin the authority to issue five (5) Plenary Retail Consumption Licenses; and WHEREAS, pursuant to NJSA 33:1-19.3, it is the desire of the Township of Franklin, Somerset County to accept sealed bids for said license as required by law subject to the terms and conditions herein specified; and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Township Clerk and the Financial Oversight Committee to bid one (1) Plenary Retail Consumption License at a minimum price of $200,000.00 with additional advertisement and public relations; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey as follows: 1. The Township of Franklin hereby determines that it will sell at public sale one (1) Plenary Retail Consumption License for the sale of alcoholic beverages, in accordance with the procedure set forth in NJSA 33:1-19.3 et seq. 2. The Township Clerk shall publish a notice of proposed issuance of the alcoholic beverage license. The notice shall provide the following: a. The Township, by resolution, has determined to consider the issuance of (1) Packet Pg. 147 17.j Franklin Township In Somerset County Plenary Retail Consumption License by public sale to the highest qualified bidder and invites bids therefore. b. The Notice shall be published in the Courier News not less than two (2) times, which publications shall not be less than one (1) week apart. The second or last notice shall be published at least thirty (30) days before the date established to open all bids from qualified bidders. The minimum time period that must be allowed for bidders to apply for the License is twentyfive (25) days after the second publication. c. All prospective bidders for the license shall apply by submitting to the Clerk of the Township of Franklin in full and complete eleven (11) page application form; a separately sealed envelope with the applicant’s bid and bid deposit fee; and a separate Certification of Proof of Compliance by the applicant that it meets any and all special conditions or requirements contained in the Notice and knows of no reason he or she would be disqualified from having an interest in a Retail License in New Jersey. d. The Notice will advise that all bids will be sealed and that the minimum bid for this new consumption license and this new distribution license shall be $200,000.00 each along with any terms and conditions related to the bid process, such as deposits, returns, forfeitures, etc. e. The Notice shall state the Township reserves the right to reject all bids if the highest bid is not accepted. A sale may be postponed or canceled at any time prior to opening of the bids. f. The Notice shall specify the time, place and last date that applications and bids will be accepted. Also indicate therein will be the requirement that the Clerk of the Governing Body shall publicly announce those applicants who presumptively meet the qualification for bidding as fixed by law, rules and regulations and the enabling resolution and Notice. This public announcement must occur not less than five (5) days prior to the date of opening the sealed bids. g. The time, place and date that the sealed bids will be opened must also be specified in the Notice, which must be no sooner than five (5) days after the public announcement of all presumptively qualified bidders. No bids will be opened from or on behalf of any bidder who does not qualify or has not submitted proof of qualification (full and complete eleven (11) page ABC application form and Certification of Proof of Compliance). Packet Pg. 148 17.j Franklin Township In Somerset County h. At the designated time, place and date, the sealed bids will be opened and all bid amounts and the highest bid amount will be declared. If the issuing authority determines to reject all bids they shall do so by formal resolution. If they determine to accept the highest qualified bid, that also shall be done by resolution under the conditions that the ultimate issuance of the license will be subject to payment of the balance of the bid price; payment of the State $250.00 Application Fee; satisfactory outcome of further municipal background checks to investigate the source of funds used to purchase the license and the receipt of favorable State and/or Federal criminal background checks; and the compliance with the publication, hearing and resolution requirement under NJAC 13:2-2.1 et. seq. 3. The minimum bid price for the Retail Consumption license shall be $200,000.00; 4. Wednesday, December 3, 2014, 12:00 noon at the Office of the Township Clerk, 475 DeMott Lane, Somerset , New Jersey is hereby fixed as the last date and time that applications and bids will be accepted; 5. Wednesday, December 10, 2014, 12:00 noon at the Office of the Township Clerk, 475 DeMott Lane, Somerset. New Jersey is hereby fixed as the date, time and location for a public announcement of all presumptively qualified bidders; 6. Wednesday, December 17, 2014 at 12 noon at the Municipal Building, 475 DeMott Lane is hereby fixed as the date, time and location when sealed bids will be opened and all bid amounts and the highest bid amount will be declared; 7. Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. a Resolution accepting the highest bid amount will be declared and a Resolution accepting the highest bid or rejecting all bids, as the case may be, shall be adopted; 8. Ten 10% of the purchase price shall accompany the sealed bid. The deposit shall be cash, certified check or cashier check; 9. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to excise or relieve an applicant from compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and ordinances including, without limitation, compliance with all provisions of Chapter 75, Alcoholic Beverages, of the Township Code; 10. The Township reserves the right to reject any and all bids where the highest bid is not accepted. Packet Pg. 149 17.j Franklin Township In Somerset County CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: PO No.: By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 150 17.j Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Township Council Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Township Clerk MEMORANDUM To: Bob Vornlocker Pending Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM From: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy,Township Clerk Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-513 Authorize the Bidding and Sale of Plenary Retail Consumption Liquor License My office has received interest from several buyers regarding a plenary retail consumption liquor license. I recommend that we go out to bid and sell one of the five the Township can sell. Packet Pg. 151 17.k Resolution #14-514 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - LICENSES - AUTHORIZE RENEWAL OF 2014-15 PLENARY RETAIL CONSUMPTION LICENSE NO. 1808-33-043-001 - ZELEKOWITZ, JEFFREY & ZELEKOWITZ, NEIL WHEREAS, an application has been received for a Plenary Retail Consumption License; and WHEREAS, said application has been made to the Township Clerk and filing fees have been paid to the Township and to the State of New Jersey, Division of Alcoholic Beverages; and WHEREAS, the Health Officer, the Chief of Police and Fire Inspector have inspected the applicants’ property and have approved them as per letters filed with the Township Clerk; and WHEREAS, no objections have been filed with the Township Clerk; and WHEREAS, said application has been examined by the Township Council and the Township Council finds that: § § § The submitted application forms are complete in all respects: The applicants are qualified to be licensed according to all statutory, regulatory and Local Government Alcoholic Beverage Control Laws and Regulations; The applicants have disclosed and the issuing authority has ascertained and reviewed the source of any additional financing obtained in the previous license term for use in the licensed business; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED this 28th day of October, 2014 by the Township Council of the Township of Franklin in the County of Somerset and State of New Jersey that the Township Clerk be and she is hereby instructed to issue Plenary Retail Consumption Licenses to the following: License No. 1808-33-043-001 Zelekowitz, Jeffrey & Zelekowitz, Neil (No premises site) Packet Pg. 152 17.k Franklin Township In Somerset County CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: PO No.: By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 153 17.k Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Township Council Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Township Clerk MEMORANDUM To: Bob Vornlocker Pending Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM From: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy,Township Clerk Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-514 Authorize Renewal of 2014-15 Plenary Retail Consumption License No. 1808-33-043-001 - Zelekowitz, Jeffrey & Zelekowitz, Neil Packet Pg. 154 17.l Resolution #14-515 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - AWARD BID - AWARD BID (B14-29HE) - PROPERTY CLEANUP, AS NEEDED DECEMBER 1, 2014 TO NOVEMBER 30, 2016 WHEREAS, a Notice to Bidders was published in the Courier News and posted on the Township website on September 17, 2014 for an October 7, 2014 bid opening for Property Cleanup As Needed December 1, 2014 through November 30, 2016 (B14-29HE); and WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified in writing, hereon that funds are available and the Municipal Attorney has reviewed the certification of the Chief Financial Officer and is satisfied that said certification is in proper form; WHEREAS, continuation of the terms of this contract beyond December 31, 2014 is contingent upon availability of funds in the 2015CY Budget, and in the event of unavailability of such funds, the Township of Franklin reserves the right to cancel this contract; BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Franklin, Somerset County, New Jersey that the following contract for Property Cleanup As Needed December 1, 2014 through November 30, 2016 (B14-29HE) be awarded to: Muentnich LHR, Inc. d/b/a Panfietti Construction 215 South Sixth Street Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 5 Hour Rate: $190.00 Disposal One (1) CY Container: $165.00 Total: $355.00 Amount Not to Exceed $50,000.00 each year BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the Township Clerk be and the same are hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the above listed company. Packet Pg. 155 17.l Franklin Township In Somerset County CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: 4-01-30-00-0427-107 PO No.: As Needed By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 156 17.l Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Township Council Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Township Clerk MEMORANDUM To: Joyce Miller Completed 10/23/2014 9:36 AM Kathleen Moody Rejected 10/23/2014 10:14 AM Bob Vornlocker Pending Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM From: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy,Township Clerk Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-515 Award Bid (B14-29HE) - Property Cleanup, As Needed December 1, 2014 to November 30, 2016 Notice to Bidders was published in the Courier News and posted on the Township's website on September 17, 2014. Bids were received on October 7, 2014. Four (4) bids were received. The low bidder is our current vendor, Muentnich LHR, Inc, d/b/a Panfietti Contruction. Based on the more than satisfactory performance of this contractor, it is my recommendation that we award the bid to Muentnich LHR, Inc, d/b/a Panfietti Contruction. Muentnich LHR, Inc, d/b/a Panfietti Contruction 215 South Sixth Street Packet Pg. 157 17.l Franklin Township In Somerset County Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 Hourly Rate for 5 hours: $190.00 Disposal Rate for 10CY Container: $165.00 Total: $355.00 Amount Not to Exceed $50,000.00 each year Packet Pg. 158 17.m Resolution #14-516 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - APPOINTMENTS - CONFIRM APPOINTMENT OF MUNICIPAL JUDGE - MICHAEL FEDUN - UNEXPIRED THREE (3) YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 4, 2015 BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey that it hereby confirms the appointment of Michael Fedun as Municipal Court Judge of the Township of Franklin for an unexpired three-year term ending November 5, 2015. CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: PO No.: By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 159 17.m Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Township Council Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Township Clerk MEMORANDUM To: Bob Vornlocker Pending Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM From: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy,Township Clerk Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-516 Confirm Appointment of Municipal Judge - Michael Fedun - Unexpired Three (3) Year Term Ending November 4, 2015 Michael Fedun's appointment as Municipal Judge is the unexpired term of Honorable Maria Del Valle Koch which ends November 5, 2015. The Township has been directed to amend his appointment to filling the unexpired three year term ending November 5, 2015. Packet Pg. 160 17.n Resolution #14-517 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT - AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SUBORDINATION AND INTERCEPTOR AGREEMENT - INDEPENDENCE CROSSING WHEREAS, Southern Burlington County NAACP v. Tp. of Mount Laurel, 92 N.J. 158 (1983) (hereinafter "Mount Laurel II"), the Fair Housing Act, N.J.S.A. 52:27D-301 et seq., the regulations adopted by the Council On Affordable Housing (hereinafter “COAH”), and other applicable laws require all New Jersey municipalities to create a realistic opportunity for the provision of low and moderate income housing (hereinafter "affordable housing"); and WHEREAS, Genesis FBCCDC Somerset Senior Housing Urban Renewal, LLC (the "Developer") was formed to redevelop the property located at 630 Franklin Boulevard comprising Block 232, Lot 1-39 (the "Site"); and WHEREAS, the Developer constructed an affordable housing project to be known as Independence Crossing on the Site consisting of sixty four (64) low- and moderate-income ("affordable") rental units for seniors (hereinafter “Project”); and WHEREAS, Developer has agreed to abide by all COAH/UHAC regulations including but not limited to: pricing, bedroom mix, low/moderate income split; affirmative marketing; and all other applicable COAH regulations; and WHEREAS, by Resolution, the Township Council of Franklin Township endorsed allocation of $300,000.00 for use by the Project for the purpose of satisfying the Township's obligation for affordability assistance, generally, and for the specific purpose of writing down the rents for the five (5) special needs units in order to make them affordable to very low income households in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:97-8.8.(a)2; and WHEREAS, as a condition of project financing the Township has been asked to execute a Subordination and Interceptor Agreement that would subordinate repayment of the Township's $300,000 contribution to the Project to the main project loan. BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Township Council of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset and State of New Jersey does hereby authorize the Township Manager to execute an Subordination and Interceptor Agreement regarding the Township's $300,000 contribution to the development from the Township Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Packet Pg. 161 17.n Franklin Township In Somerset County CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: PO No.: By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 162 17.n Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Township Council Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Township Clerk MEMORANDUM To: Bob Vornlocker Pending Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM From: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy,Township Clerk Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-517 Authorizing Execution of Subordination and Interceptor Agreement - Independence Crossing Packet Pg. 163 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Citibank, N.A. Transaction Management Group/ Post Closing 390 Greenwich Street, 2nd Floor New York, New York 10013 Attn: Joanne Marcino Independence Crossing Apartments Citi Deal ID No. 8728 SUBORDINATION AND INTERCREDITOR AGREEMENT THIS SUBORDINATION AND INTERCREDITOR AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) dated as of October 10, 2014, is made by and among CITIBANK, N.A., a national banking association, in its capacity as senior lender (together with its successors and assigns, collectively, “Senior Lender”), TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN (together with its successors and assigns, including Assignee, collectively, “Junior Lender”), CITIBANK, N.A., a national banking association, as assignee of the Junior Loan (“Assignee”) and GENESIS FBCCDC SOMERSET SENIOR HOUSING URBAN RENEWAL, LLC, a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey (“Borrower”). RECITALS: A. Senior Lender made a loan to Borrower on February 5, 2013 in the maximum principal amount of $10,589,255.00 (the “Senior Loan”) for the acquisition, construction, development, equipping and/or operation of the Property. B. The Senior Loan is evidenced by the Senior Note (as defined below) and is secured by, among other things, that certain Multifamily Mortgage Assignment of Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing (the “Senior Security Instrument”), dated as of the date hereof, encumbering the Property, and will be advanced to Borrower pursuant to the Loan Agreement (as defined herein). C. Citibank, N.A. (together with its successors and assigns, “Servicer”), will act as the initial servicer of the Senior Loan. D. Borrower previously received a subordinate loan on or about February 1, 2013 from Rockland Housing Action Coalition (“Rockland”) in the maximum principal amount of $630,000 (the “Rockland Loan”) to be used for the acquisition, construction, development, equipping and/or operation of the Property, as subordinated to the Senior Loan by that certain Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement dated February 1, 2013 and recorded in the Somerset County Clerk’s Office under Instrument No. 2013007919. E. The Rockland Loan is evidenced by the Rockland Note (as defined below) and is secured by, among other things, that certain Affordable Housing Program Mortgage (the Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a #28946855_v2 Packet Pg. 164 “Rockland Mortgage”), dated as of February 1, 2013, encumbering the Property, and advanced to Borrower pursuant to the Affordable Housing Program Recapture Agreement dated February 1, 2013 made between Rockland and Borrower. F. Borrower has applied to Junior Lender for a junior loan in the original principal amount of $300,000 (the “Junior Loan”) to be made from proceeds of an Affordable Housing Program loan, which Junior Loan is evidenced by that certain Promissory Note in the amount of the Junior Loan, dated as of October 10, 2014, made by Borrower to Junior Lender (the “Junior Note”) and secured by, the Junior Security Instrument (as hereinafter defined) encumbering the Property. The Junior Note and Junior Security Instrument are being assigned to Assignee pursuant to an Assignment of Note and Mortgage dated as of the date hereof from Junior Lender to Assignee. G. As a condition to the Senior Lender’s consent to the Borrower grant of the Junior Security Instrument and the making of the Senior Loan, Senior Lender requires that Junior Lender and Assignee execute and deliver this Agreement to evidence the subordination of the lien of the Junior Security Instrument to the lien of the Senior Security Instrument. NOW, THEREFORE, for Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, and to induce the making of the Senior Loan and to induce Senior Lender to consent to the Junior Loan and the Junior Security Instrument, Junior Lender and Assignee hereby agree as follows: 1. Definitions. Capitalized terms used but not defined in this Agreement shall have the meanings ascribed thereto in the Senior Security Instrument. As used in this Agreement, the terms set forth below shall have the respective meanings indicated: “Bankruptcy Proceeding” means any bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency, composition, restructuring, dissolution, liquidation, receivership, assignment for the benefit of creditors, or custodianship action or proceeding under any federal or state law with respect to Borrower, any guarantor of any of the Senior Indebtedness, any of their respective properties, or any of their respective partners, members, officers, directors, or shareholders. “Casualty” means the occurrence of damage to or loss of any of the Property by fire or other casualty. “Condemnation” means any proposed or actual condemnation or other taking, or conveyance in lieu thereof, of all or any part of the Property, whether direct or indirect. “Enforcement Action” means the acceleration of all or any part of the Junior Indebtedness, the advertising of or commencement of any foreclosure or trustee’s sale proceedings, the exercise of any power of sale, the acceptance of a deed or assignment in lieu of foreclosure or sale, the collecting of Rents, the obtaining of or seeking of the appointment of a receiver, the seeking of default interest, the taking of possession or control of any of the Property, the commencement of any suit or other legal, administrative, or arbitration proceeding based upon the Junior Note or any other of the Junior Loan Documents, the exercising of any banker’s lien or rights of set-off or recoupment, or the taking of any other enforcement action Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a 2 Packet Pg. 165 against Borrower, any other party liable for any of the Junior Indebtedness or obligated under any of the Junior Loan Documents, or the Property. “Enforcement Action Notice” means a written notice from Junior Lender to Senior Lender, given following a Junior Loan Default and the expiration of any notice or cure periods provided for such Junior Loan Default in the Junior Loan Documents, setting forth in reasonable detail the Enforcement Action proposed to be taken by Junior Lender. “Junior Indebtedness” means all indebtedness of any kind at any time evidenced or secured by, or arising under, the Junior Loan Documents, whether incurred, arising or accruing before or after the filing of any Bankruptcy Proceeding. “Junior Loan Default” means any act, failure to act, event, condition, or occurrence which constitutes, or which with the giving of notice or the passage of time, or both, would constitute, an “Event of Default” as defined in the Junior Security Instrument. “Junior Loan Documents” means, collectively, the Junior Note, the Junior Security Instrument and all other documents evidencing, securing or delivered in connection with the Junior Loan, together with such modifications, amendments and supplements thereto as are approved in writing by Senior Lender prior to their execution. “Junior Security Instrument” means that certain Mortgage, dated as of the date hereof, made by Borrower for the benefit of Junior Lender, as the same may from time to time be extended, consolidated, substituted for, modified, amended or supplemented upon receipt of the consent of Senior Lender. “Loan Agreement” means that certain Construction Loan Agreement dated as of the date hereof by and between Borrower and Senior Lender relating to the Senior Loan. “Loss Proceeds” means all monies received or to be received under any insurance policy, from any condemning authority, or from any other source, as a result of any Condemnation or Casualty. “Property” means (i) the land and improvements known or to be known as Independence Crossing Apartments, located in Township of Franklin, Somerset County, State of New Jersey, which Property is more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto, and (ii) all furniture, fixtures and equipment located at such apartments and other property, accounts, deposits and rights and interests of Borrower encumbered by the Senior Security Instrument and/or the other Senior Loan Documents. “Senior Indebtedness” means all indebtedness of any kind at any time evidenced or secured by, or arising under, the Senior Loan Documents, whether incurred, arising or accruing before or after the filing of any Bankruptcy Proceeding. “Senior Loan Documents” means, collectively, the Senior Security Instrument, the Senior Note, the Loan Agreement and all of the other documents, instruments and agreements now or hereafter evidencing, securing or otherwise executed in connection with the Senior Loan, Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a 3 Packet Pg. 166 as the same may from time to time be extended, consolidated, substituted for, modified, increased, amended and supplemented in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. “Senior Loan Default” means any act, failure to act, event, condition, or occurrence which constitutes, or which with the giving of notice or the passage of time, or both, would constitute, an “Event of Default” as defined in the Senior Security Instrument. “Senior Note” means the Note, as defined by the Senior Security Instrument, as the same may from time to time be extended, consolidated, substituted for, modified, increased, amended and supplemented. “Senior Security Instrument” means that certain Multifamily Mortgage, Assignment of Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing dated as of the date hereof, made by Borrower for the benefit of Senior Lender, as the same may from time to time be extended, consolidated, substituted for, modified, increased, amended and supplemented. 2. Junior Loan and Junior Loan Documents are Subordinate; Acts by Senior Lender do not Affect Subordination. (a) Junior Lender hereby covenants and agrees on behalf of itself and its successors and permitted assigns that the Junior Indebtedness is and shall at all times continue to be, subordinate, subject and inferior (in payment and priority) to the prior payment in full of the Senior Indebtedness, and that the liens, rights, payment interests, priority interests and security interests granted to Junior Lender in connection with the Junior Loan and under the Junior Loan Documents are, and are hereby expressly acknowledged to be in all respects and at all times, subject, subordinate and inferior in all respects to the liens, rights, payment, priority and security interests granted to Senior Lender under the Senior Loan and the Senior Loan Documents and the terms, covenants, conditions, operations and effects thereof. (b) Except as expressly set forth herein, repayment of the Junior Indebtedness, is and shall be postponed and subordinated to repayment in full of the Senior Loan. Prior to a Senior Loan Default (regardless of whether such Default occurs prior to or during the pendency of a Bankruptcy Proceeding), Junior Lender shall be entitled to receive and retain payments made pursuant to and in accordance with the terms of the Junior Loan Documents; provided, however, that no such payment is made more than ten (10) days in advance of the due date thereof. Junior Lender agrees that from and after such time as it has received from either Senior Lender or Borrower written notice that a Senior Loan Default then exists (which has not been expressly waived in writing by Senior Lender) or otherwise has actual knowledge of such a Senior Loan Default, Junior Lender shall not receive or accept any payments under the Junior Loan. If (i) Junior Lender receives any payment, property, or asset of any kind or in any form on account of the Junior Indebtedness (including, without limitation, any proceeds from any Enforcement Action) after a Senior Loan Default of which Junior Lender has actual knowledge or has been given notice, or (ii) Junior Lender receives, voluntarily or involuntarily, by operation of law or otherwise, any payment, property, or asset in or in connection with any Bankruptcy Proceeding, such payment, property, or asset will be received and held in Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a 4 Packet Pg. 167 trust for Senior Lender. Junior Lender will promptly remit, in kind and properly endorsed as necessary, all such payments, properties, and assets to Senior Lender. Senior Lender shall apply any payment, asset, or property so received from Junior Lender to the Senior Indebtedness in such order, amount (with respect to any asset or property other than immediately available funds), and manner as Senior Lender shall determine in its sole and absolute discretion. (c) Without limiting the complete subordination of the Junior Indebtedness to the payment in full of the Senior Indebtedness, in any Bankruptcy Proceeding, upon any payment or distribution (whether in cash, property, securities, or otherwise) to creditors (i) the Senior Indebtedness shall first be paid in full in cash before Junior Lender shall be entitled to receive any payment or other distribution on account of or in respect of the Junior Indebtedness, and (ii) until all of the Senior Indebtedness is paid in full in cash, any payment or distribution to which Junior Lender would be entitled but for this Agreement (whether in cash, property, or other assets) shall be made to Senior Lender. (d) The subordination of the Junior Indebtedness shall continue in the event that any payment under the Senior Loan Documents (whether by or on behalf of Borrower, as proceeds of security or enforcement of any right of set-off or otherwise) is for any reason repaid or returned to Borrower or its insolvent estate, or avoided, set aside or required to be paid to Borrower, a trustee, receiver or other similar party under any bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or similar law. In such event, the Senior Indebtedness or part thereof originally intended to be satisfied shall be deemed to be reinstated and outstanding to the extent of any repayment, return, or other action, as if such payment on account of the Senior Indebtedness had not been made. (e) The subordination of the Junior Loan Documents and of the Junior Indebtedness shall apply and continue notwithstanding (i) the actual date and time of execution, delivery, recording, filing or perfection of the Senior Security Instrument and other Senior Loan Documents and of the Junior Security Instrument and other Junior Loan Documents, and (ii) the availability of any collateral to Senior Lender, including the availability of any collateral other than the Property. (f) By reason of, and without in any way limiting, the full subordination of the Junior Indebtedness and the Junior Loan Documents provided for in this Agreement, all rights and claims of Junior Lender under the Junior Security Instrument or under the Junior Loan Documents in or to the Property or any portion thereof, the proceeds thereof, the Leases thereof, the Rents, issues and profits therefrom, and the Loss Proceeds payable with respect thereto, are expressly subject and subordinate in all respects to the rights and claims of Senior Lender under the Senior Loan Documents in and to the Property or any portion thereof, the proceeds thereof, the Leases thereof, the Rents, issues and profits therefrom, and the Loss Proceeds payable with respect thereto. (g) If Junior Lender, by indemnification, subrogation or otherwise, shall acquire any lien, estate, right or other interest in any of the Property, that lien, estate, right or other interest shall be fully subject and subordinate to the receipt by Senior Lender of payment in full of the Senior Indebtedness, and to the Senior Loan Documents, Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a 5 Packet Pg. 168 to the same extent as the Junior Indebtedness and the Junior Loan Documents are subordinate pursuant to this Agreement. (h) In confirmation, and not as a condition, of the subordination of the Junior Indebtedness and the Junior Loan Documents provided for in this Agreement, Junior Lender shall place on or attach to the Junior Note a notice to the following effect, and shall provide Senior Lender with a copy of the Junior Note showing such notice: “The indebtedness evidenced by this Note is and shall be subordinate in right of payment to the prior payment in full of all amounts then due and payable (including, but not limited to, all amounts due and payable by virtue of any default or acceleration or upon maturity) with respect to the indebtedness evidenced by the Note (as defined by that certain Multifamily Mortgage Assignment of Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing by the Borrower in favor of CITIBANK, N.A.), in the original maximum principal amount of $10,589,255.00, executed by Borrower and payable to CITIBANK, N.A. (“Senior Lender”) to the extent and in the manner provided in that certain Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement, dated as of October 10, 2014, between Senior Lender and the holder of this Note (the “Subordination Agreement”). The rights and remedies of the payee and each subsequent holder of this Note shall be deemed, by virtue of such holder’s acquisition of this Note, to have agreed to perform and observe all of the terms, covenants and conditions to be performed or observed by the “Junior Lender” under the Subordination Agreement.” (i) Junior Lender hereby acknowledges and agrees that Senior Lender may, without the consent or approval of Junior Lender, agree with Borrower to extend, consolidate, modify, increase or amend any or all the Senior Loan Documents and otherwise act or fail to act with respect to any matter set forth in any Senior Loan Document (including, without limitation, the exercise of any rights or remedies, waiver, forbearance or delay in enforcing any rights or remedies, the declaration of acceleration, the declaration of defaults or events of default, the release, in whole or in part, of any collateral or other property, and any consent, approval or waiver), and all such extensions, consolidations, modifications, amendments acts and omissions shall not release, impair or otherwise affect Junior Lender’s obligations and agreements hereunder. 3. Junior Lender Agreements. (a) Without the prior written consent of Senior Lender in each instance, Junior Lender shall not (i) amend, modify, waive, extend, renew or replace any provision of any of the Junior Loan Documents, or (ii) pledge, assign, transfer, convey, or sell any interest in the Junior Indebtedness or any of the Junior Loan Documents; or (iii) accept any payment on account of the Junior Indebtedness other than a regularly scheduled payment of interest or principal and interest made not earlier than ten (10) days prior to the due date thereof; or (iv) take any action which has the effect of increasing the Junior Indebtedness; or (v) appear in, defend or bring any action in connection with the Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a 6 Packet Pg. 169 Property; or (vi) take any action concerning environmental matters affecting the Property. Regardless of any contrary provision in the Junior Loan Documents, Junior Lender shall not collect payments for the purpose of escrowing for any cost or expense related to the Property or for any portion of the Junior Indebtedness. (b) Senior Lender shall have the right, but shall not have any obligation, to cure any Junior Loan Default until ninety (90) days following Senior Lender’s receipt of an Enforcement Action Notice given by Junior Lender as a consequence of the Junior Loan Default. Senior Lender shall not be subrogated to the rights of Junior Lender under the Junior Loan Documents by reason of Senior Lender having cured any Junior Loan Default. However, Junior Lender acknowledges that all amounts advanced or expended by Senior Lender to cure a Junior Loan Default shall be added to and become a part of the Senior Indebtedness pursuant to the terms of the Senior Security Instrument. (c) In the event and to the extent that each of Senior Lender and Junior Lender have under their respective loan documents certain approval or consent rights over the same subject matters (regardless of whether the obligations or rights are identical or substantially identical), Junior Lender agrees that Senior Lender shall exercise such approval rights on behalf of both Senior Lender and Junior Lender, and Junior Lender shall have no right to object to any such action or approval taken by Senior Lender and shall consent thereto and be bound thereby. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Senior Lender shall have all approval, consent and oversight rights in connection with any insurance claims relating to the Property, any decisions regarding the use of insurance proceeds after a casualty loss or condemnation awards, the hiring or firing of property managers, or otherwise related in any way to the Property, and Junior Lender shall have no right to object to any such action or approval taken by Senior Lender and shall consent thereto and be bound thereby. (d) Junior Lender shall not commence or join with any other creditor in commencing any Bankruptcy Proceeding involving Borrower, and Junior Lender shall not initiate and shall not be a party to any action, motion or request, in a Bankruptcy Proceeding involving any other person or entity, which seeks the consolidation of some or all of the assets of Borrower into such Bankruptcy Proceeding. In the event of any Bankruptcy Proceeding relating to Borrower or the Property or, in the event of any Bankruptcy Proceeding relating to any other person or entity into which (notwithstanding the covenant in the first sentence of this clause) the assets or interests of Borrower are consolidated, then in either event, the Senior Loan shall first be paid in full before Junior Lender shall be entitled to receive and retain any payment or distribution in respect to the Junior Loan. Junior Lender agrees that (i) Senior Lender shall receive all payments and distributions of every kind or character in respect of the Junior Loan to which Junior Lender would otherwise be entitled, but for the subordination provisions of this Agreement (including without limitation, any payments or distributions during the pendency of a Bankruptcy Proceeding involving Borrower or the Property and (ii) the subordination of the Junior Loan and the Junior Loan Documents shall not be affected in any way by Senior Lender electing, under Section 1111(b) of the federal bankruptcy code, to have its claim treated as being a fully secured claim. In addition, Junior Lender hereby covenants and agrees that, in connection with a Bankruptcy Proceeding involving Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a 7 Packet Pg. 170 Borrower, neither Junior Lender nor any of its affiliates shall (i) make or participate in a loan facility to or for the benefit of Borrower on a basis that is senior to or pari pasu with the liens and interests held by Senior Lender pursuant to the Senior Loan Documents, (ii) not vote affirmatively in favor of any plan of reorganization or liquidation unless Senior Lender has also voted affirmatively in favor of such plan, and (iii) not contest the continued accrual of interest on the Senior Indebtedness, in accordance with and at the rates specified in the Senior Loan Documents, both for periods before and for periods after the commencement of such Bankruptcy Proceedings. Junior Lender shall execute and deliver to Senior Lender powers of attorney, assignments or other instruments as may be requested by Senior Lender in order to enable it to exercise the above-described authority or powers with respect to any or all of the Junior Loan Documents, and to collect and receive any and all payments or distributions which may be payable or deliverable at any time upon or with respect to any of the Junior Loan Documents to Junior Lender. (e) Junior Lender covenants and agrees that the effectiveness of this Agreement and the rights of Senior Lender hereunder shall be in no way impaired, affected, diminished or released by any renewal or extension of the time of payment of the Senior Loan, by any delay, forbearance, failure, neglect or refusal of Senior Lender in enforcing payment thereof or in enforcing the lien of or attempting to realize upon the Senior Loan Documents or any other security which may have been given or may hereafter be given for the Senior Loan, by any waiver or failure to exercise any right or remedy under the Senior Loan Documents, or by any other act or failure to act by Senior Lender. Junior Lender acknowledges that Senior Lender, at its sole option, may release all or any portion of the Property from the lien of the Senior Security Instrument, and may release or waive any guaranty, surety or indemnity providing additional collateral to Senior Lender, and Junior Lender hereby waives any legal or equitable right in respect of marshaling it might have, in connection with any release of all or any portion of the Property by Senior Lender, to require the separate sales of any portion of the Property or to require Senior Lender to exhaust its remedies against any portion of the Property or any other collateral before proceeding against any other portion of the Property or other collateral (including guarantees) for the Senior Loan. Senior Lender may pursue all rights and remedies available to it under the Senior Loan Documents, at law, or in equity, regardless of any Enforcement Action Notice or Enforcement Action by Junior Lender. At any time or from time to time and any number of times, without notice to Junior Lender and without affecting the liability of Junior Lender, (a) the time for payment of the Senior Indebtedness may be extended or the Senior Indebtedness may be renewed in whole or in part; (b) the time for Borrower’s performance of or compliance with any covenant or agreement contained in the Senior Loan Documents, whether presently existing or hereinafter entered into, may be extended or such performance or compliance may be waived; (c) the maturity of the Senior Indebtedness may be accelerated as provided in the Senior Loan Documents; (d) any Senior Loan Document may be modified or amended by Senior Lender and Borrower in any respect, including, but not limited to, an increase in the principal amount; and (e) any security for the Senior Indebtedness may be modified, exchanged, surrendered or otherwise dealt with or additional security may be pledged or mortgaged for the Senior Indebtedness. If, after the occurrence of a Senior Loan Default, Senior Lender acquires title to any of the Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a 8 Packet Pg. 171 Property pursuant to a mortgage foreclosure conducted in accordance with applicable law, the lien, operation, and effect of the Junior Security Instrument and other Junior Loan Documents automatically shall terminate with respect to such Property upon Senior Lender’s acquisition of title. (f) Junior Lender acknowledges that it entered into the transactions contemplated by the Junior Loan Documents and made the Junior Loan to Borrower without reliance upon any information or advice from Senior Lender. Junior Lender made its own underwriting analysis in connection with the Junior Loan, its own credit review of Borrower, and investigated all matters pertinent, in Junior Lender’s judgment, to its determination to make the Junior Loan to Borrower. Junior Lender acknowledges that it is a sophisticated, experienced commercial lender, and was represented by competent counsel in connection with this Agreement. (g) Junior Lender hereby represents and warrants that, as of the date hereof, the entire proceeds of the Junior Loan have been disbursed to Borrower. Junior Lender hereby further represents and warrants that: (i) Junior Lender is now the owner and holder of the Junior Loan Documents; (ii) the Junior Loan Documents are now in full force and effect; (iii) the Junior Loan Documents have not been modified or amended; (iv) no default or event which, with the passing of time or giving of notice would constitute a default, under the Junior Loan Documents has occurred; (v) the current principal balance of the Junior Indebtedness is THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($300,000.00); (vi) no scheduled monthly payments under the Junior Note have been or will be prepaid except with the prior written consent of Senior Lender; (vii) none of the rights of Junior Lender under any of the Junior Loan Documents are subject to the rights of any third parties, by way of subrogation, indemnification or otherwise; and (viii) it has provided to Senior Lender a true, complete, and correct copy of all the Junior Loan Documents. (h) Junior Lender hereby agrees that notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Junior Loan Documents, for so long as the Senior Loan is outstanding, Borrower shall not be obligated to pay more than seventy-five percent (75%) of Excess Cash Flow (as defined herein) in payments under the Junior Note (but Borrower shall only be required to pay such sums as required under the Junior Note). For the purposes hereof, the following definitions shall apply: “Excess Cash Flow” shall mean, for any period, Gross Revenues for such period less the sum of (i) Expenses of the Property for such period, and (ii) without duplication, all amounts due on the Senior Loan Obligations for such period. “Expenses of the Property” shall mean, for any period, the current expenses, paid or accrued, of operation, maintenance and current repair of the Property, as calculated in accordance with GAAP, and shall include, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, salaries, wages, employee benefits, cost of materials and supplies, costs of routine repairs, renewals, replacements and alterations occurring in the usual course of business, costs and expenses properly designated as capital expenditures (e.g. repairs which would not be payable from amounts on deposit in a repair and replacement fund Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a 9 Packet Pg. 172 held pursuant to the Loan Documents), a management fee (however characterized) not to exceed 6% of Gross Revenues, costs of billings and collections, costs of insurance, and costs of audits. Expenses of the Property shall not include any payments, however characterized, on account of the Junior Loan or any other subordinate financing in respect of the Property or other indebtedness, allowance for depreciation, amortization or other non-cash items, gains and losses or prepaid expenses not customarily prepaid. “Gross Revenues” shall mean all receipts, revenues, income and other moneys received by or on behalf of Borrower and derived from the ownership or operation of the Property, and all rights to receive the same, whether in the form of accounts, accounts receivable, contract rights or other rights, and the proceeds of such rights, and whether now owned or held or hereafter coming into existence and proceeds received upon the foreclosure sale of the Property. Gross Revenues shall not include loan proceeds, equity or capital contributions, or tenant security deposits being held by Borrower in accordance with the applicable law. “Senior Loan Obligations” shall mean and includes, collectively, and without limitation, each of the following: (A) all debt service payments due on the Senior Indebtedness, (B) all obligations of Borrower under the Senior Loan Documents, (C) all capital expenditures required for the proper maintenance of the Property in accordance with the Senior Loan Documents, as calculated by Borrower in accordance with customarily accepted cash basis accounting principles, consistently applied, and in accordance with the terms of the Senior Loan Documents; (D) all amounts required to be deposited into any replacement reserve, completion/repair reserve, operating deficit reserve, principal repayment reserve, replacement hedge reserve or other reserve or escrow established or required by Senior Lender or Servicer in connection with the Senior Loan and the Senior Loan Documents, including the Senior Security Instrument, and (E) all fees, costs and expenses of Senior Lender and Servicer in connection with the Senior Loan. 4. Standstill Agreement; Right to Cure Senior Loan Default. (a) Until such time as any of the Senior Indebtedness has been repaid in full and the Senior Security Instrument has been released and discharged, Junior Lender shall not without the prior written consent of Senior Lender, which may be withheld in Senior Lender’s sole and absolute discretion, take any Enforcement Action, including, without limitation, (i) accelerate the Junior Loan, (ii) exercise any of Junior Lender’s remedies under the Junior Security Instrument or any of the other Junior Loan Documents (including, without limitation, the commencement of any judicial or non-judicial action of proceeding (a) to enforce any obligation of Borrower under any of the Junior Loan Documents, (b) to collect any monies payable to Borrower, (c) to have a receiver appointed to collect any monies payable to Borrower; or (d) to foreclose the lien(s) created by the Junior Security Instrument) or (iii) file or join in the filing of any involuntary Bankruptcy Proceeding against Borrower or any person or entity which owns a direct or indirect interest in Borrower; provided, however, that such limitation on the remedies of Junior Lender shall not derogate or otherwise limit Junior Lender’s rights, following an event of default under the Junior Loan Documents to (a) compute interest on Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a 10 Packet Pg. 173 all amounts due and payable under the Junior Loan at the default rate described in the Junior Loan Documents, (b) compute prepayment premiums and late charges, and (c) enforce against any person, other than Borrower and any guarantors or indemnitors under the Senior Loan Documents, any guaranty of the obligations of Borrower under the Junior Loan. (b) Senior Lender shall, simultaneously with the sending of any notice of a Senior Loan Default to Borrower, send to Junior Lender a copy of said notice under the Senior Loan Documents; provided, however, failure to do so shall not affect the validity of such notice or any obligation of Borrower to Senior Lender and shall not affect the relative priorities between the Senior Loan and the Junior Loan as set forth herein. Borrower covenants and agrees to forward to Junior Lender, within three (3) business days of Borrower’s receipt thereof, a copy of any notice of a Senior Loan Default Borrower receives from Senior Lender. (c) Junior Lender shall have the right, but shall have no obligation, to cure any Senior Loan Default; provided, if Junior Lender shall elect to cure any such Default, it shall so notify Senior Lender and shall commence and complete such curing within any applicable notice or grace period, if any, as Borrower is permitted by the terms of the Senior Loan Documents to cure such Senior Loan Default. Junior Lender shall not be subrogated to the rights of Senior Lender under the Senior Loan Documents by reason of Junior Lender having cured any Senior Loan Default. However, Senior Lender acknowledges that, to the extent so provided in the Junior Loan Documents, amounts advanced or expended by Junior Lender to cure a Senior Loan Default may be added to and become a part of the Junior Indebtedness. (d) Junior Lender agrees that, notwithstanding any contrary provision contained in the Junior Loan Documents, a Senior Loan Default shall not constitute a default under the Junior Loan Documents if no other default occurred under the Junior Loan Documents. (e) Junior Lender acknowledges that any conveyance or other transfer of title to the Property pursuant to a foreclosure of the Junior Security Instrument (including a conveyance or other transfer of title pursuant to the exercise of a power of sale contained in the Junior Security Instrument), or any deed or assignment in lieu of foreclosure or similar arrangement, shall be subject to the transfer provisions of the Senior Loan Documents; and the person (including Junior Lender) who acquires title to the Property pursuant to the foreclosure proceeding (or pursuant to the exercise of a power of sale contained in the Junior Security Instrument) shall not be deemed to be automatically approved by Senior Lender. 5. Insurance. Junior Lender agrees that all original policies of insurance required pursuant to the Senior Security Instrument shall be held by Senior Lender. The preceding sentence shall not preclude Junior Lender from requiring that it be named as a loss payee, as its interest may appear, under all policies of property damage insurance maintained by Borrower with respect to the Property, provided such action does not affect the priority of payment of the proceeds of property damage insurance under the Senior Security Instrument, or that it be named Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a 11 Packet Pg. 174 as an additional insured under all policies of liability insurance maintained by Borrower with respect to the Property. 6. Default. Junior Lender and Borrower acknowledge and agree that a default by either such party under this Agreement shall, at the sole option of Senior Lender, constitute a default under the Senior Loan Documents. Each party hereto acknowledges that in the event any party fails to comply with its obligations hereunder, the other parties shall have all rights available at law and in equity, including the right to obtain specific performance of the obligations of such defaulting party and injunctive relief. No failure or delay on the part of any party hereto in exercising any right, power or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right, power or remedy preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy hereunder. 7. Enforcement Costs. Borrower and Junior Lender agree to reimburse Senior Lender for any and all costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) incurred by Senior Lender in connection with enforcing its rights against Junior Lender under this Agreement. 8. Notices. Any notice which any party hereto may be required or may desire to give hereunder shall be deemed to have been given and shall be effective only if it is in writing and (i) delivered personally, (ii) mailed, postage prepaid, by United State registered or certified mail, return receipts requested, (iii) delivered by overnight express courier or (iv) sent by telecopier, in each instance addressed as follows: To Junior Lender: Township of Franklin Municipal Building, 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, New Jersey 08873-6704 Attn: Township Manager Facsimile: (732) 873-1294 If to Senior Lender: 390 Greenwich Street, 2nd Floor New York, New York 10013 Attention: Desk Head, Transaction Management Group Independence Crossing Apartments Deal ID No. 8728 Facsimile: (212) 723-8642 AND 325 East Hillcrest Drive, Suite 160 Thousand Oaks, California 91360 Attention: Operations Manager/Asset Manager Independence Crossing Apartments Deal ID No. 8728 Facsimile: (805) 557-0924 AND 390 Greenwich Street, 2nd Floor Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a 12 Packet Pg. 175 New York, New York 10013 Attention: Account Specialist Independence Crossing Apartments Deal ID No. 8728 Facsimile: (866) 461-9894 AND 388 Greenwich Street New York, New York 10013 Attention: General Counsel’s Office Independence Crossing Apartments Deal ID No. 8728 Facsimile: (212) 723-8939 or at such other addresses or to the attention of such other persons as may from time to time be designated by the party to be addressed by written notice to the other in the manner herein provided. Notices, demands and requests given in the manner aforesaid shall be deemed sufficiently served or given for all purposes hereunder when received or when delivery is refused or when the same are returned to sender for failure to be called for. 9. WAIVER OF TRIAL BY JURY. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, EACH OF THE PARTIES HERETO (A) COVENANTS AND AGREES NOT TO ELECT A TRIAL BY JURY WITH RESPECT TO ANY ISSUE ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT OR THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PARTIES THAT IS TRIABLE OF RIGHT BY A JURY AND (B) WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY WITH RESPECT TO SUCH ISSUE TO THE EXTENT THAT ANY SUCH RIGHT EXISTS NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. THIS WAIVER OF RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IS SEPARATELY GIVEN BY EACH PARTY, KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY WITH THE BENEFIT OF COMPETENT LEGAL COUNSEL. 10. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date hereof and shall continue until the earliest to occur of the following events: (i) the payment of all of the principal of, interest on and other amounts payable under the Senior Loan Documents; (ii) the payment of all of the principal of, interest on and other amounts payable under the Junior Loan Documents, other than by reason of payments which Junior Lender is obligated to remit to Senior Lender pursuant to the terms hereof; (iii) the acquisition by Senior Lender of title to the Property pursuant to a foreclosure, or a deed in lieu of foreclosure, of (or the exercise of a power of sale contained in) the Senior Security Instrument; or (iv) the acquisition by Junior Lender of title to the Property pursuant to a foreclosure, or a deed in lieu of foreclosure, of (or the exercise of a power of sale contained in) the Junior Security Instrument, but only if such acquisition of title does not violate any of the terms of this Agreement. 11. Miscellaneous. (a) Junior Lender shall, within ten (10) business days following a request from Senior Lender, provide Senior Lender with a written statement setting forth the then current outstanding principal balance of the Junior Loan, the aggregate accrued and unpaid interest under the Junior Loan, and stating whether, to the knowledge of Junior Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a 13 Packet Pg. 176 Lender, any default or event of default exists under the Junior Loan, and containing such other information with respect to the Junior Indebtedness as Senior Lender may require. Upon notice from Senior Lender from time to time, Junior Lender shall execute and deliver such additional instruments and documents, and shall take such actions, as are required by Senior Lender in order to further evidence or effectuate the provisions and intent of this Agreement. (b) Junior Lender shall give Senior Lender a concurrent copy of each notice of a Junior Loan Default or other material notice given by Junior Lender under the Junior Loan Documents. (c) This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of all successors and assigns of Junior Lender and Senior Lender. Senior Lender may assign its interest in the Senior Loan Documents without notice to or consent of Junior Lender. Junior Lender may only assign its rights and interests hereunder following the prior written consent of Senior Lender, which consent may be withheld or conditioned in its sole and absolute discretion. (d) Senior Lender hereby consents to the Junior Loan and the Junior Loan Documents; provided, however, that this Agreement does not constitute an approval by Senior Lender of the terms of the Junior Loan Documents. Junior Lender hereby consents to the Senior Loan and the Senior Loan Documents; provided, however, that this Agreement does not constitute an approval by Junior Lender of the terms of the Senior Loan Documents. (e) This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original document and all of which together shall constitute one agreement. (f) IN ALL RESPECTS, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, MATTERS OF CONSTRUCTION AND PERFORMANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT AND THE OBLIGATIONS ARISING HEREUNDER, THIS AGREEMENT HAS BEEN ENTERED INTO AND DELIVERED IN, AND SHALL BE CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND GOVERNED BY, THE LAWS OF THE STATE WHERE THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED, WITHOUT GIVING EFFECT TO ANY PRINCIPLES OF CONFLICTS OF LAW. (g) Time is of the essence in the performance of every covenant and agreement contained in this Agreement. (h) If any provision or remedy set forth in this Agreement for any reason shall be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision or remedy of this Agreement and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision or remedy had never been set forth herein, but only to the extent of such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability. Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a 14 Packet Pg. 177 (i) Each party hereto hereby represents and warrants that this Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by it and constitutes a legal, valid and binding agreement enforceable in all material respects in accordance with its terms. (j) Borrower hereby acknowledges and consents to the execution of this Agreement, and agrees to be bound by the provisions hereof that are applicable to Borrower. Solely as between Senior Lender and Junior Lender, all of the signatories below hereby agree that to the extent of any conflict between the terms and provisions of this Agreement and the terms and provisions of the Senior Loan Documents and/or the Junior Loan Documents respectively, the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall govern and control. By executing this Agreement in the place provided below, Borrower hereby (i) acknowledges the provisions hereof, (ii) agrees not to take any action inconsistent with Senior Lender’s rights or Junior Lender’s rights under this Agreement, (iii) waives and relinquishes to the maximum extent permitted by law any and all rights, defenses and claims now existing or hereinafter accruing relating to Junior Lender’s forbearance from exercising any rights and remedies pursuant to Section 4 of this Agreement, including, without limitation, any defenses based on the statute of limitations or any equitable defenses, such as laches, and (iv) acknowledges and agrees that (A) this Agreement is entered into for the sole protection and benefit of Senior Lender and Junior Lender (and their respective successors, assigns and participants), and no other person (including Borrower) shall have any benefits, rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement, (B) nothing in this Agreement is intended, or shall be construed to, relieve or discharge the obligations or liabilities of any third party (including Borrower under the Senior Loan Documents and the Junior Loan Documents), (c) neither of them nor any of their affiliates shall be, or be deemed to be, beneficiaries of any of the provisions hereof or have any rights hereunder whatsoever, and (D) no provision of this Agreement is intended to, or shall be construed to, give any such third party (including Borrower) any right subrogating to the rights of, or action against, Senior Lender or Junior Lender. (k) No amendment, supplement, modification, waiver or termination of this Agreement shall be effective against any party unless such amendment, supplement, modification, waiver or termination is contained in a writing signed by such party. (l) No party other than Senior Lender and Junior Lender shall have any rights under, or be deemed a beneficiary of any of the provisions of, this Agreement. (m) Nothing herein or in any of the Senior Loan Documents or Junior Loan Documents shall be deemed to constitute Senior Lender as a joint venturer or partner of Junior Lender. 12. Intentionally Omitted. 13. Attached Exhibits. The following Exhibits are attached to this Agreement and are incorporated by reference herein as if more fully set forth in the text hereof: Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a 15 Packet Pg. 178 Exhibit A – Legal Description Exhibit B – Modifications to Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement The terms of this Agreement are modified and supplemented as set forth in said Exhibits. To the extent of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms of said Exhibits and the text of this Agreement, the terms of said Exhibits shall be controlling in all respects. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a 16 Packet Pg. 179 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have duly executed and delivered this Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement or caused this Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement to be duly executed and delivered by their respective authorized representatives as of the date first set forth above. The undersigned intend that this instrument shall be deemed to be signed and delivered as a sealed instrument. JUNIOR LENDER: TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN By: __________________________________ Name: Title: ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF New Jersey COUNTY OF ) ) ss. ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this ____ day of October, 2014, before me, a Notary Public for the state aforesaid, personally appeared _______________________, known to me or satisfactorily proven to be the Person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement, who acknowledged that he/she is the ___________ of the Township of Franklin; that he/she has been duly authorized to execute, and has executed, such instrument on its behalf for the purposes therein set forth; and that the same is its act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and Notarial Seal, the day and year first above written. ________________________________ Notary Public My commission expires on _________ (signatures follow on subsequent page) Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a S-1 Packet Pg. 180 SENIOR LENDER: CITIBANK, N.A., a national banking association By: __________________________ Name: Tricia Yarger Title: Vice President ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) ) ss. ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this ____ day of October, 2014, before me, a Notary Public for the state aforesaid, personally appeared Tricia Yarger, known to me or satisfactorily proven to be the Person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement, who acknowledged that he is Vice President of Citibank, N.A., a national banking association; that he/she has been duly authorized to execute, and has executed, such instrument on its behalf for the purposes therein set forth; and that the same is its act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and Notarial Seal, the day and year first above written. ________________________________ Notary Public My commission expires on _________ (signatures follow on subsequent page) Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a S-2 Packet Pg. 181 ASSIGNEE: CITIBANK, N.A., a national banking association By: __________________________ Name: Tricia Yarger Title: Vice President ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) ) ss. ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this ____ day of October, 2014, before me, a Notary Public for the state aforesaid, personally appeared Tricia Yarger, known to me or satisfactorily proven to be the Person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement, who acknowledged that he is Vice President of Citibank, N.A., a national banking association; that he/she has been duly authorized to execute, and has executed, such instrument on its behalf for the purposes therein set forth; and that the same is its act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and Notarial Seal, the day and year first above written. ________________________________ Notary Public My commission expires on _________ (signatures follow on subsequent page) Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a S-3 Packet Pg. 182 ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED AS OF THE DATE FIRST SET FORTH ABOVE: BORROWER: GENESIS FBCCDC SOMERSET SENIOR HOUSING URBAN RENEWAL, LLC, a New Jersey limited liability company By: Somerset Senior Manager, LLC, a New Jersey limited liability company, as managing member By: ____________________________ Karim A. Hutson Manager ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) ) ss. ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this ____ day of October, 2014, before me, a Notary Public for the state aforesaid, personally appeared Karim A. Hutson, known to me or satisfactorily proven to be the Person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement, who acknowledged that he is the Manager of Somerset Senior Manager, LLC, the managing member of Genesis FBCCDC Somerset Senior Housing Urban Renewal, LLC, a New Jersey limited liability company; that he/she has been duly authorized to execute, and has executed, such instrument on its behalf for the purposes therein set forth; and that the same is its act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and Notarial Seal, the day and year first above written. ________________________________ Notary Public My commission expires on _________ Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a S-4 Packet Pg. 183 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey TRACT I: BEGINNING at an iron pin with a cap marking the intersection of the westerly line of Norma Avenue with the southerly line of Martin Street; and thence 1. Along the westerly line of Norma Avenue, South 16 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds East 200.00 feet to an iron pin with cap marking the intersection of the northerly line of Hamilton Street with the westerly line of Norma Avenue; and thence 2. Along the northerly line of Hamilton Street, South 73 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds West 400.00 feet to an iron pin with a cap; and thence 3. Continuing along the same line of Hamilton Street, North 16 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West 3.00 feet to a point; and thence 4. Along the same line of Hamilton Street, South 73 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds West 13.92 feet to a point; and thence 5. Still along the northerly line of Hamilton Street, South 83 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds West 73.97 feet to an iron pin with cap; and thence 6. Curving to the right in a northerly direction, having a radius of 29.00 feet and an arc length of 45.21 feet to a point along the easterly line of Franklin Boulevard (F.K.A. Derussey Lane); and thence 7. Along the easterly line of Franklin Boulevard, curving to the left in a northerly direction, having a radius of 665.57 feet and an arc length of 151.39 feet to an iron pin with a cap marking the intersection of the southerly line of Martin Street with the easterly line of Franklin Boulevard; and thence 8. Along the southerly line of Martin Street, South 73 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds West 502.94 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Also Known as: BEGINNING at an iron pin with a cap marking the intersection of the westerly line of Norma Avenue (50’ ROW) with the southerly line of Martin Place (50’ ROW); thence running Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a A-1 Packet Pg. 184 1. South 26 degrees 40 minutes 38 seconds East, along the westerly line of Norma Avenue, a distance of 200.00 feet to an iron pin with cap in the northerly line of Hamilton Street; thence 2. South 63 degrees 19 minutes 22 seconds West, along said line, a distance of 400.00 feet to an iron pin with cap; thence 3. North 26 degrees 40 minutes 38 seconds West, along said line, a distance of 3.00 feet to a point; thence 4. South 63 degrees 19 minutes 22 seconds West, along said line, a distance of 13.92 feet to a point; thence 5. South 73 degrees 19 minutes 22 seconds West, along said line, a distance of 73.97 feet to an iron pin with cap; thence 6. Along a curve to the right having a radius of 29.00 feet, an arc length of 45.21 feet and a chord of North 62 degrees 00 minutes 58 seconds West a distance of 40.77 feet to a point; thence 7. Along a curve to the left having a radius of 665.57 feet, an arc length of 151.41 feet and a chord of North 23 degrees 52 minutes 19 seconds West, along the easterly line of Franklin Boulevard, a distance of 151.08 feet to an iron pin with cap in the southerly line of Martin Street; thence 8. North 63 degrees 19 minutes 22 seconds East, along said line of Martin Street, a distance of 502.95 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING known as All of Lots 175 through 206 and Part of Lots 207 through 212 & 214 as shown on a certain map entitled "Hamilton Park" filed in the Somerset County Clerk's Office on June 24, 1919 as Map No. 150-A. Being known and designated as Lots 1-39, Block 232, as shown on the Current Tax Assessment Map of the Township of Franklin, Somerset County, New Jersey. TRACT II: BEGINNING at a point, witnessed by an iron pin with cap set, as the intersection to the northerly line of Martin Street, (50 feet wide) with the easterly line of Norma Avenue, (50 feet wide) and running; thence 1. Along the said line of Norma Avenue North 16 degrees 50 minutes West 200.00 feet to an iron pin with cap, at the intersection of the easterly line of Norma Avenue with the southerly line of Lewis Street; and thence Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a S-2 Packet Pg. 185 2. Along the southerly line of Lewis Street, North 73 degrees 10 minutes East 100.00 feet to an iron pin with cap; thence 3. South 16 degrees 50 minutes East 200.00 feet to an iron pin with cap in the northerly line of Martin Street; and thence 4. Along the northerly line of Martin Street, South 73 degrees 10 minutes West 100.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING known and designated as Lots 72-79 as shown on "Map of Hamilton Park" filed in the Somerset County Clerk's Office on June 24, 1919 as Map No. 150-A. Being Tax Lots 1 through 8, Block 231, Tax Map of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey. Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a S-3 Packet Pg. 186 EXHIBIT B Modifications To Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement The following modifications are made to the text of the Agreement that precedes this Exhibit: None. B-1 Attachment: Independence Crossing_ Subordination Intercreditor Agreement (Township of Franklin) (14-517 : Authorizing Execution of 17.n.a Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement Independence Crossing Apartments Packet Pg. 187 17.o Resolution #14-518 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - SOMERSET COUNTY - IMPLORING THE SOMERSET COUNTY PLANNING BOARD TO RESOLVE THE ISSUES REGARDING THE POLIZE ("SOMERSET DINER") SUBDIVISION, 935 & 1045 EASTON AVENUE WHEREAS, the Delaware and Raritan Canal towpath is one of the unique amenities that makes Franklin one of the best places to live; and WHEREAS, the Township Council desires to increase opportunities for public access to the Delaware and Raritan Canal towpath; and WHEREAS, due to its adjacency and access to the Somerset population center, various plans (e.g., Canal Access Vision and Strategic Plan - December 2009; the Township's Pathways and Trails Plan - December 2008; and the County's Easton Avenue/ Main Street Corridor Plan - May 2011) have specifically identified the need for a pedestrian bridge providing access to the Delaware and Raritan Canal towpath in the area of the Easton Avenue/ JFK Boulevard intersection; and WHEREAS, an engineering feasibility analysis commissioned by the D&R Canal Commission confirmed the area behind the diner as a feasible location for this pedestrian bridge, with the next step being the production of construction plans for the bridge and associated access path; and WHEREAS, in March 2012 the Township Zoning Board of Adjustment approved a subdivision of the Somerset Diner site, 935 & 1045 Easton Avenue (Docket No. ZBA 11-00030 Polize, Inc.) and as part of the subdivision approval the applicant voluntarily agreed to deed a portion of the site to the Township which will allow for the construction of a pedestrian bridge behind the diner and an access path extending along the right side of the diner; and WHEREAS, since the March 2012 subdivision approval by the Township Zoning Board of Adjustment, the subdivision has been on hold pending an on-going issue of dispute with Somerset County involving future road access to Easton Avenue; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset, that, due to the significant public benefit that would result from a pedestrian bridge providing access to the Delaware and Raritan Canal towpath in the area of the Easton Avenue/ JFK Boulevard intersection, the Somerset County Planning Board is implored to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. Packet Pg. 188 17.o Franklin Township In Somerset County CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: PO No.: By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 189 17.o Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Township Council Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Township Clerk MEMORANDUM To: Bob Vornlocker Pending Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM From: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy,Township Clerk Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-518 Imploring the Somerset County Planning Board to Resolve the Issues Regarding the Polize ("Somerset Diner") Subdivision, 935 & 1045 Easton Avenue As requested by the Land Use, Open Space, Parks & Recreation Standing Committee. Packet Pg. 190 17.p Resolution #14-519 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - AUDIT - RESOLUTION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN, IN THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET, NEW JERSEY DIRECTING THE UNDERTAKING OF A CONTINUING DISCLOSURE REVIEW AND AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE "MUNICIPALITIES CONTINUING DISCLOSURE COOPERATION" INITIATIVE OF THE DIVISION OF ENFORCEMENT OF HE U.S. SECURITIES EXCHANGE COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, New Jersey (the "Issuer") has previously issued one or more series of bonds and or notes, including in the past five (5) years pursuant to one or more preliminary and final official statements (collectively, the "Bonds"); and WHEREAS, in connection with the issuance of such Bonds, the Issuer covenanted with Bondholders to provide certain secondary market information on an annual basis to the Nationally Recognized Municipal Securities Information Repositories (pre-2009) and to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board's Electronic Municipal Market Access Data Port (2009 to present) ("EMMA"), including, but not limited to, audited financial statements, budgets, other financial and operating data and ratings changes; and WHEREAS, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") has recently focused attention on what it alleges is widespread failure of local government issuers across the nation to meet their continuing disclosure obligations and misrepresentation through material misstatements in an official statement (innocently, inadvertently or otherwise) of past compliance with continuing disclosure obligations; and WHEREAS, in an effort to remedy these perceived issues, the SEC has implemented the Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation Initiative (the "MCDC"), a limited-time program ending at 12:00 a.m. on December 1, 2014, that encourages issuers of municipal bonds, including the Issuer, to self-report possible material misstatements or omissions, made in the past five (5) years in an official statement regarding compliance with prior continuing disclosure obligations; and WHEREAS, by participating in the MCDC, issuers agree to accept certain non-monetary penalties, in lieu of unknown, and, potentially significant monetary and non-monetary penalties the SEC has threatened on issuers that do not participate in the MCDC, should the SEC determine than an issuer has made material misstatements in an official statement regarding compliance with prior continuing disclosure obligations; and WHEREAS, by participating in the MCDC, issuers agree to accept the following penalties, if imposed by the SEC (i) compliance with a cease and desist order in which the issuer neither admits nor denies the findings of the SEC, (ii) implementation of policies, procedures and Packet Pg. 191 17.p Franklin Township In Somerset County training regarding continuing disclosure obligations, (iii) compliance with all existing continuing disclosure undertakings, (iv) cooperation with any further SEC investigation, (v) disclosure of settlement terms in any final official statement issued within five years of the date of institution of the proceedings, and (vi) production to the SEC of a compliance certificate regarding the applicable undertakings on the one year anniversary of the proceedings; and WHEREAS, the Issuer desires to conduct a disclosure review which will (i) summarize the results of the Issuer's prior compliance with its secondary market disclosure obligations and (ii) compare those results to the statements made by the Issuer in its official statements regarding past compliance (the "Disclosure Review"); and WHEREAS, the Issuer further desires to retain the services of disclosure specialist to conduct the Disclosure Review; and WHEREAS, based on the results of the Disclosure Review, and weighing the known, nonmonetary penalties that may come through the Issuer's participation in the MCDC versus the unknown, and, by all accounts, potentially significant monetary and non-monetary penalties the SEC has threatened on issuers that do not self-report, the Issuer further desires to delegate to the Chief Financial Officer, in consultation with the Issuer's general counsel, bond counsel, auditor and other finance professionals, the power to prepare and submit all documentation required to enter the Issuer's Bond issues into the MCDC, as necessary; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE ISSUER, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Issuer hereby authorizes completion of the Disclosure Review. Section 2. The Issuer hereby authorizes the Chief Financial Officer to engage the services of a disclosure specialist to complete the Disclosure Review; provided that the award of any contract in connection therewith meets the requirements of Issuer’s applicable public contracting laws. Section 3. In the event the Disclosure Review reveals that the Issuer may have made a material misstatement regarding the Issuer's compliance with prior continuing disclosure undertakings, the Issuer hereby authorizes and directs the Chief Financial Officer to prepare and submit all documentation necessary to enter the Issuer's applicable Bond issues into the MCDC. Section 4. Any action taken by the Chief Financial Officer, or any other officer of the Issuer, with respect to the Disclosure Review, the engagement of a disclosure specialist and participation in the MCDC is hereby ratified and confirmed. Packet Pg. 192 17.p Franklin Township In Somerset County Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately. CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: PO No.: By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 193 17.p Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Township Council Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Township Clerk MEMORANDUM To: Bob Vornlocker Pending Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM From: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy,Township Clerk Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-519 Resolution of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, New Jersey Directing the Undertaking of a Continuing Disclosure Review and Authorizing Participation in the "Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation" Initiative of the Division of Enforcement of he U.S. Securities Exchange Commission As request by our Bond Counsel. See attached letter. Packet Pg. 194 LFN 2014-9 July 23, 2014 Contact Information Director's Office V. 609.292.6613 F. 609.292.9073 Local Government Research V. 609.292.6110 F. 609.292.9073 Financial Regulation and Assistance V. 609.292.4806 F. 609.984.7388 Local Finance Board V. 609.292.0479 F. 609.633.6243 Secondary Bond Market Continuing Disclosure Commitments This Notice is intended to give fair warning to local government officials, including Certified Municipal Finance Officers and comparable staff of authorities and other local governments, that there will be consequences for failing to have identified past noncompliance (where applicable) with continuing financial disclosure requirements related to outstanding bonds and other securities and determining by September 10, 2014 whether to take advantage of a compliance initiative offered by the Securities Exchange Commission’s (SEC). While this notice is important for all local governments that have outstanding bonds, bond anticipation notes, and other securities, it is critically important where local governments anticipate a need to access financial markets in the near future - as with the need to “roll over” Bond Anticipation Notes or to issue bonds. Local Management Services V. 609.292.7842 F. 609.633.6243 Authority Regulation V. 609.984.0132 F. 609.984.7388 Mail and Delivery 101 South Broad St. PO Box 803 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0803 Web: E-mail: Distribution Chief Financial Officers Municipal Clerks Freeholder Board Clerks Authority Officials Auditors Continuing disclosure requirements are indirectly required pursuant to federal law. The CFO, or another local official, was generally required in one or more documents authorizing the issuance of debt (commonly called “Continuing Disclosure Agreements”) to annually, or more frequently, publicly disclose certain information. Consequences of failing to live up to requirements will likely include future difficulty accessing credit markets. Consequences could include, among other things: (1) enforcement actions being brought by the SEC that will result in more severe penalties otherwise available pursuant to “the SEC’s “Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation Initiative” (see below for discussion); (2) denial or deferral of applications made to the Local Finance Board or Director of the Division for various approvals; (3) actions against State licensures in the event of fraudulent attestations of compliance; and/or (4) decreased scores on future “Best Practices Questionnaires” (which will contain questions as to past compliance) that could trigger a withholding of a portion of State Aid. It is important that you read this notice in its entirety and consult your public finance professionals so you understand your continuing disclosure obligations and what must be done to achieve compliance. Attachment: LFN 2014-9 Secondary Bond Market Continuing Disclosure Requirements (14-519 : Directing the Undertaking of a Continuing 17.p.b Packet Pg. 195 17.p.b July 23, 2014 Page 2 Local government access to capital is critical for advancing needed local infrastructure projects and meeting local cash flow needs. As a condition of providing access to capital in the form of debt, the financial community - at the time of buying debt and while debt remains outstanding expects to be kept abreast of key financial information that could impact the value of securities in the secondary market. Legally, local governments have an obligation to provide certain information. They are obligated under federal law to issue certain information at the time of issuing new debt, and they are frequently contractually obligated to continue providing certain information while their debt remains outstanding. Recently, the SEC and the financial community have focused attention on what is alleged to be a widespread failure of local government issuers across the nation to meet their continuing disclosure obligations. They maintain that local government issuers of debt frequently fail to meet their continuing disclosure obligations and misrepresent (sometimes innocently or inadvertently and other times fraudulently) their past compliance when issuing new debt. Earlier this year, the SEC adopted a program to encouraged local government issuers to selfidentify past noncompliance and improve timely continuing disclosure in the future. Their program, known as the “Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation Initiative” essentially establishes lesser enforcement actions provided local government issuers (and others) selfidentify past noncompliance and agree to a plan designed to prevent future noncompliance. You can read more about this program by visiting: It is strongly recommended that local government officials proactively take steps to self-identify their own levels of compliance with Continuing Disclosure Agreements if they have outstanding debt and consult their public finance officials during this process to, among other things, determine if it is advisable to participate in the SEC’s program. The private marketplace is also taking steps to improve disclosure by more closely reviewing past compliance and, as appropriate, refraining from underwriting or buying new debt unless compliance has been achieved. It is critically important that local governments anticipating a need to access financial markets conduct a self-assessment of past continuing disclosure compliance and correct deficiencies. Failure to do so could bar, or delay, access to capital markets. As part of your self-assessment, it is recommended that you first identify your continuing disclosure contractual obligations with respect to past issuances of debt while it remained (or remains) outstanding. These obligations generally include filing audits, budgets, and certain operating data with various depositories. Continuing Disclosure Agreements generally specify what information must be filed and where it must be filed. It is critically important that each local government understand the commitments it has made and live up to them. However, the Division recommends, as a best practice, that local governments with continuing disclosure requirements file the following information though the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s Electronic Municipal Marketplace Access (EMMA) website ( in addition to any information they had previously agreed to provide: Attachment: LFN 2014-9 Secondary Bond Market Continuing Disclosure Requirements (14-519 : Directing the Undertaking of a Continuing Local Finance Notice 2014-9 Packet Pg. 196 17.p.b a) b) c) d) e) July 23, 2014 Page 3 As soon as available: The issuer’s Annual Financial Statement -- or a variation thereof where an Annual Financial Statement is not statutorily required; and As soon as available: The Issuer’s Audited Financial Statements; and As soon as available: The Issuer’s adopted budgets; and Within 180 days of the end of the fiscal year: Annual Operating Data, consisting of: (i) Debt Statistics (ii) Property Tax Information and tax statistics where the issuer relies on property tax collections as a major source of revenue; Net Assessed Valuation Real Property Classifications Ratio of Assessed Valuation to True Value Percentage of Collection Delinquent Tax and Tax Title Lien Information Property Acquired By Tax Title Lien Liquidation Tax Rates Tax Levies Largest Taxpayers (iii) Other major revenue data and statistics where the issuer relies on revenues other than property tax collections; Sewer and water billings; Parking rents and collections; Etc. (iv) Capital Budget (v) New Construction Permits Within 10 business days of the occurrence of any material events consisting of the following: (i) Principal and interest payment delinquencies; (ii) Non-payment related defaults, if material; (iii) Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties; (iv) Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; (v) Substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform; (vi) Adverse tax opinions, the issuance by the Internal Revenue Service of proposed or final determinations of taxability, Notices of Proposed Issue (IRS Form 5701-TEB) or other material notices or determinations with respect to the tax status of the security, or other material events affecting the tax status of the security; (vii) Modifications to rights of security holders, if material; (viii) Bond calls, if material, and tender offers; (ix) Defeasances; (x) Release, substitution, or sale of property securing repayment of the Securities, if material; (xi) Rating changes; Attachment: LFN 2014-9 Secondary Bond Market Continuing Disclosure Requirements (14-519 : Directing the Undertaking of a Continuing Local Finance Notice 2014-9 Packet Pg. 197 17.p.b July 23, 2014 Page 4 (xii) Bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or similar event of the obligated person; (xiii) The consummation of a merger, consolidation, or acquisition involving an obligated person or the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the obligated person, other than in the ordinary course of business, the entry into a definitive agreement to undertake such an action or the termination of a definitive agreement relating to any such actions, other than pursuant to its terms, if material; and (xiv) Appointment of a successor or additional trustee or the change of name of a trustee, if material. f) Any and all additional or other information or documents required by the specific continuing disclosure obligations of such Issuer, for any particular series of Securities outstanding. You should also ensure that past official statements -- or similar documents issued with respect to new issuances of debt -- have accurately reported your past compliance with continuing disclosure requirements. While not required, the Chief Financial Officer is encouraged to seek the assistance of an experienced professional to assist or undertake such self-assessment. As a final matter, the Division will be drafting a proposed Local Finance Notice -- or other appropriate action – to require: (1) CFOs to attest as part of budget submissions to the Division that appropriate steps are being taken to ensure compliance with continuing disclosure requirements; and (2) auditors to treat non-compliance with continuing disclosure requirements as an instance of non-compliance with prevailing laws, statutes, regulations, contracts and agreements that is required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. Approved: Thomas H. Neff, Director Attachment: LFN 2014-9 Secondary Bond Market Continuing Disclosure Requirements (14-519 : Directing the Undertaking of a Continuing Local Finance Notice 2014-9 Packet Pg. 198 17.q Resolution #14-520 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - FIREWORKS DISPLAYS - AUTHORIZE DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS - THE PALACE AT SOMERSET PARK (NOVEMBER 2014) WHEREAS, The Palace at Somerset Park has made application for permission to hold a fireworks display on the following dates: Etelzon/DiBianca Wedding Start Time: Duration: End Time: Saturday, November 1, 2014 Between 8:00 p.m. to 9:40 p.m. 10-12 Minutes Prior to 10 p.m. as per Township Noise Ordinance Hakius/Sorrentino Wedding Start Time: Duration: End Time: Friday, November 14, 2014 Between 8:00 p.m. to 9:40 p.m. 10-12 Minutes Prior to 10 p.m. as per Township Noise Ordinance WHEREAS, the Uniform Fire Code (NJAC 5:70 et seq.) and the New Jersey Fireworks Act (NJSA 21:2-1 et. seq.) provides that the Governing Body of the Municipality may, upon application in writing, grant permission for a public display of fireworks by organizations or groups of individuals; WHEREAS, the following conditions have been met: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Submission to the Director of Fire Prevention an application pursuant to and meeting the specifications of the Uniform Fire Code and the New Jersey Fireworks Act; Approval of the location of the storage place for said fireworks by the Director of Fire Prevention; Submission of Certificate of Insurance by The Palace covering the fireworks; and Submission of Surety as per N.J.S.A. 21:3-5; Notice given to The Palace at Somerset Park that the Fireworks Display must begin no earlier than 9:00 p.m. and no later than 9:40 p.m. and end by 10:00 p.m. as per the Township’s Noise Ordinance NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Township Council of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset and State of New Jersey does hereby authorize The Palace at Somerset Park to hold a fireworks displays on the following dates: Etelzon/DiBianca Wedding Start Time: Duration: End Time: Saturday, November 1, 2014 Between 8:00 p.m. to 9:40 p.m. 10-12 Minutes Prior to 10 p.m. as per Township Noise Ordinance Packet Pg. 199 17.q Franklin Township In Somerset County Hakius/Sorrentino Wedding Start Time: Duration: End Time: Friday, November 14, 2014 Between 8:00 p.m. to 9:40 p.m. 10-12 Minutes Prior to 10 p.m. as per Township Noise Ordinance CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: PO No.: By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 200 17.q Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Township Council Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Township Clerk MEMORANDUM To: Bob Vornlocker Pending Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM From: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy,Township Clerk Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-520 Authorize Display of Fireworks - The Palace at Somerset Park (November 2014) Packet Pg. 201 Thursday, October 16, 2014 Franklin Township Council 475 DeMott Lane Somerset NJ, 08873-6704 Ref: November Fireworks Displays To Whom It May Concern: The Palace at Somerset Park is requesting a resolution for the following fireworks displays in October. We would like to sponsor these events in conjunction with the following events: Etelzon/DiBianca Wedding Hakius/Sorrentino Wedding Saturday, November 1st, 2014 Friday, November 14th, 2014 The displays will begin between 8:00pm and 9:40pm, and will run for approximately 10-12 minutes. Thank you for your consideration. Marc Hamel President & General Manager Attachment: Nov Palace Fireworks (14-520 : Authorize Display of Fireworks - The Palace at Somerset Park (November 2014)) 17.q.a Packet Pg. 202 17.r Resolution #14-521 10/28/2014 RESOLUTION - GRANTS - AUTHORIZE SUBMISSION & EXECUTION OF GRANT - 2014 DRIVE SOBER OR GET PULLED OVER YEAR END HOLIDAY CRACKDOWN - $7,500.00 - DECEMBER 5, 2014 TO JANUARY 2, 2015 BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Township Council of the Township of Franklin, County of Somerset, State of New Jersey does hereby authorize the submission of the 2014 Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Year End Holiday Crackdown Grant in the amount of $7,500.00 and does authorize the appropriate Township officials to execute these grant applications on its behalf. CERTIFICATION I, Ann Marie McCarthy, Clerk of the Township of Franklin, in the County of Somerset, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Township Council at a Work Session/Regular Meeting held on the 10/28/2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Township this 10/28/2014. Ann Marie McCarthy Township Clerk Verified and Encumbered as to Availability of Funds: Date: 10/28/2014 Account No.: PO No.: By: __________________________________________ KATHLEEN MOODY, Director of Revenue & Finance Packet Pg. 203 17.r Franklin Township In Somerset County Council Chambers 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 732.873.2500 Fax: 732.873.1059 Township Council Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Township Clerk MEMORANDUM To: Kathleen Moody Completed Bob Vornlocker Pending 10/24/2014 8:18 AM Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Pending Township Council Pending 10/28/2014 7:00 PM From: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy,Township Clerk Date: 10/28/2014 RE: 14-521 Authorize Submission & Execution of Grant - 2014 Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Year End Holiday Crackdown $7,500.00 - December 5, 2014 to January 2, 2015 From an email to the CFO: The chief of police has requested me to apply for the above referenced DWI enforcement grant. This is a standard HTS reimbursement grant like the one we just completed for the Statewide Labor Day Drive Sober Campaign. If we are approved, the grant will be in the amount of $7,500 totaling 150 hours of patrol at $50/hour. We will need to fund the patrols and will then be reimbursed through the grant. The enforcement period will be from December 15 to January 2 with the final financial claim due by February 2, 2015. Packet Pg. 204 17.r Franklin Township In Somerset County I have completed the grant application in SAGE, and all that is left prior to submission is your approval and the mayor’s approval in SAGE. As with the previous grant, would you also please arrange for the required Council Resolution regarding the grant. We will also need a resolution/proclamation supporting the “2014 Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over Year End Holiday Crackdown”. The grant required press release will be handled by either the County or the police department. Packet Pg. 205 19.a Township Council 475 DeMott Lane Somerset, NJ 08873 SCHEDULED Meeting: 10/28/14 07:00 PM Department: Township Council Category: Appointments Prepared By: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Initiator: Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Sponsors: AGENDA ITEM 2014-60 DOC ID: 3264 2014 Boards and Commissions Vacancies From: <> To: councilman.kramer@twp.fran <mailto:councilman.kramer@twp.fran>, <> Sent: 10/5/2014 3:06:35 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time Subj: reminder Hi, This is a reminder to put on the nomination of James F. Karwoski for ABOH on the agenda for the next council meeting. He is the Executive Director for Earth House.Thanks Cynthia PS the address on his card is 521 Canal Rd, PO Box 2058, East Millstone, NJ 08875 Phone 732-873-2212 HISTORY: 10/14/14 Township Council TABLED Updated: 10/6/2014 3:44 PM by Ann Marie Marie McCarthy Next: 10/28/14 Page 1 Packet Pg. 206 19.a.a 2014 Appointments - Open As of 10/6/2014 Board/Commission Members Position Current 2014 Appointee Term Expiration Advisory Board of Health Student Non-Voting Member Vacant 1 yr. 12/31/2014 Advisory Board of Health Regular Member Vacant (Deon Miller unexp. term) 3 yrs 12/31/2014 Advisory Board of Health Regular Member Vacant (Lydia Trainor unexp. term) 3 yrs 12/31/2014 Advisory Recreation Council Regular Member Vacant (B. Patel unezx. Term) 3 yrs 12/31/2015 Advisory Recreation Council Regular Member Vacant 3 yrs 12/31/2016 Advisory Recreation Council Teen Public School Member Vacant 1 yr. 12/31/2014 Advisory Recreation Council Teen Public School Member Vacant 1 yr. 12/31/2014 Advisory Recreation Council Teen Private School Member Vacant 1 yr. 12/31/2014 Advisory Recreation Council Teen Private School Member Vacant 1 yr. 12/31/2014 2 years 12/31/14 Vacant 3 yrs. 12/31/2015 Steering Committee Member Vacant 3 yrs. 12/31/2015 Cultural Arts Council Steering Committee Member Vacant 3 yrs. 12/31/2015 Cultural Arts Council Steering Committee Member Vacant 3 yrs. 12/31/2015 Cultural Arts Council Steering Committee Member Vacant 3 yrs. 12/31/2014 Cultural Arts Council Steering Committee Member Rozalyn Sherman - Hold Over Appt. 3 yrs 12/31/2016 Cultural Arts Council Steering Committee Member Daniel Glicklich - Hold Over Appt. 3 yrs 12/31/2016 Cultural Arts Council Steering Committee Member Ranolph Haviland - Hold Over Appt. 3 yrs 12/31/2016 Cultural Arts Council Steering Committee Member John Salapatas - Hold Over Appt. 3 yrs 12/31/2016 Cable Television Advisory Committee Regular Member Vacant (Amanda Johnson unexp. term) Cultural Arts Council Steering Committee Member Cultural Arts Council Historic Preservation Advisory Comm Alternate #2 (Class C) Member Vacant (S. Hasan unexp. term) 2 yrs 12/31/2014 Planning Board Class IV Member Vacant (Marvin Coble unexp. term) 4 yrs. 12/31/2015 Rent Leveling Board Citizen Member Vacant 3 yrs. 12/31/2014 Rent Leveling Board Citizen Member Vacant 3 yrs 12/31/2016 Rent Leveling Board Citizen Member Vacant 3 yrs 12/31/2015 Rent Leveling Board Tenant Member Vacant 3 yrs, 12/31/2015 Rent Leveling Board Landlord Member Vacant 3 yrs. 12/31/2016 Rent Leveling Board Alternate #1 Member Vacant 1 yr. 12/31/2014 Rent Leveling Board Alternate #2 Member Vacant 1 yr. 12/31/2014 Sewerage Authority Alternate No. 1 Vacant (William J. Howard unexp. term) 5 yrs 01/31/16 Sr. Citizen Advisory Committee Non-Senior Citizen Member Vacant 1 yr. 12/31/2014 Sr. Citizen Advisory Committee Senior Citizen Non-Club Mbr Vacant 1 yr. 12/31/2014 2014 Appointee Attachment: 2014 Appt Spreadsheet - Bd-Comm - Open - 140923 (2014-60 : 2014 Boards and Board/Commission Packet Pg. 207 19.a.b Township of Franklin, Somerset County, New Jersey 2014 Citizen Leadership Update Form Hamilton Street Advisory Board Advisory Recreation Council Agricultural Advisory Committee Board of Adjustment Cable Television Advisory Committee Cultural Arts Committee Environmental Commission Advisory Board of Health X Historic Preservation Advisory Commission Housing Authority Human Relations Commission Name: Address: , hereby want to serve on the following Joint Advisory Committee/Kingston Library Board of Trustees Open Space Advisory Committee Planning Board Redevelopment Agency Senior Citizen Advisory Committee Sewerage Authority Shade Tree Commission Trails Advisory Committee Youth Services Commission Frank S. Aiello 127 Sunnyvale Ct. Somerset, NJ 08873 Primary Phone Number: 609-558-5219 Cell Phone Number: 609-558-5219 Email Address: Personal Information Not Subject to Public Disclosure Personal Information is deemed confidential for the purpose of P.L. 1963, c. 73 (C.47:1A-1 et seq.) and P.L. 2001, c. 404 (C.47:1A-5 et al.). This form should be completed and submitted to: Ann Marie McCarthy, Township Clerk Township of Franklin 475 DeMott Lane, Somerset NJ 08873 732-873-2500 ext 6208 Attachment: Community Service Interest Form - Frank Aiello (2014-60 : 2014 Boards and Commissions Vacancies) I, Frank S. Aiello A.I.A. municipal authorities, boards or commissions: Packet Pg. 208 19.a.c Curriculum Vitae Frank S. Aiello R.A. 1 of 4 Graduate Certificate Historic Preservation Drew University Registered Architect 1984 New Jersey 1987 Pennsylvania 1992 Virginia 1992 Florida 2004 South Carolina Member: American Institute of Architects National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) National Trust for Historic Preservation Association for Preservation Technology Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC Mr. Aiello has compiled over twenty years of diverse healthcare, commercial, hospitality, institutional and government experience in the construction and design industry. During this period he has developed expertise ranging from new construction to retrofitting and rehabilitation of existing structures for alternative use. His experience covers all facets of design and detailing of masonry, steel, wood and combination of construction types. Mr. Aiello is computer literate in AutoCAD, Microsoft Office Suite, PowerPoint, Excel, and Microsoft Project. His project involvement includes responsibility for assigning tasks and monitoring overall performance throughout project delivery and enforces his understanding of the importance of working within clearly defined budgets and scheduled time constraints. Mr. Aiello has provided construction administration, management/inspection services that include, scheduling and control of periodic construction meetings, shop drawings review and site inspection to insure work in place to be in compliance with construction documents. His responsibility also includes design management within an architectural office and coordination with appropriate consultants, the preparation and monitoring of construction budget, preparing, and responding to RFI’s, review and recommendation related to bids for the work, review and monitoring of construction project schedule, coordinate and chair scheduled project construction meetings, verify work in place, review and recommendation for schedule of payment, identifying deficiencies in the work and notifying parties involved, project closeout included generating punch-list and receiving and cataloging all warranties and product data. Attachment: Resume - Frank Aiello (2014-60 : 2014 Boards and Commissions Vacancies) Bachelor Science of Architecture Florida A & M University Packet Pg. 209 19.a.c Curriculum Vitae Frank S. Aiello R.A. 2 of 4 EMPLOYMENT State of Florida Division of Architectural Services Tallahassee, Florida – 1980-1984 Assistant project manager–Prepare Contract documents and provide construction administration for various State owned facilities including office buildings, warehouses, tourist facilities. Responsibilities included: Preparation of drawings and specifications Prepare bid documents Receive and review shop drawing submittal, request for substitution and MSDS’ Attend progress job meetings Respond to RFI’s Battaglia Seckler Architects – NYC, NY 1984-1988 Project Manager – Various City and Government projects including Brooklyn House of Detentions facade redesign, Fort Hamilton facility design. Preparation and distribution of contract documents (drawings and specifications) Prepare bid documents Incorporating AIA documents not contract documents. Define scope of work and review and respond to request for substitutions, RFI’s, Review of bids, negotiate contract award and recommendation to let contract.. Receive and review shop drawing submittal and MSDS’. Manage project progress meetings Monitor construction progress and review work in place in compliance with contract documents Prepare and receive project close-out documents Aiello Associates – Architecture & Construction – 1988 to current Work Experience as Principal Architect and Consultant that include the following: Construction Project Manager Army Corp of Engineers Americon Inc. 99th Regional Support Command Fort Wadsworth USARC bldg.. 356 Staten Island, NY 11/28/2011-10/28/2012 (completion) Design Plans & Construction Administration for Repair /Replacement HVAC and Controls Attachment: Resume - Frank Aiello (2014-60 : 2014 Boards and Commissions Vacancies) The following is a representative sample of current projects and previous completed work. Project involved removal, repair and replacement of all HVAC equipment, controls and necessary building renovations of Bldg. 356 and 208 at Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, NY. Tasks including but not limited to: Packet Pg. 210 19.a.c Curriculum Vitae Frank S. Aiello R.A. Design Management Provide project scope Preparation of plans and specification for construction Construction Administration Coordinate scope of work, scheduling, and budget Coordinate, prepare, and attend weekly construction progress meetings Quality Control Coordinator GSA - Plaza renovation Martin Luther King Federal Courthouse, Newark, NJ J.M. Waller Associates, Inc. 2/2011 – 11/15/2011 (completion) Construction Quality Control Manager for plaza redesign MLK Federal Courthouse, Newark, NJ. This work also involved site monument protection and restoration. Design Management Provide project scope Coordinate scope of work, scheduling, and budget Coordinate, prepare, and attend weekly construction progress meetings Prepare list of defects and omissions Monitor and inspect al corrective work Enforce OSHA safety requirements Affinity Federal Credit Union Exterior façade and interior design George Street New Brunswick, NJ Reconstruction of exterior façade and complete interior renovation of existing space of approximately 4,000 Square feet. Programming client requirements Preparation of construction documents Review of bids, negotiate contract award and recommendation to let contract.. Receive and review shop drawing submittal and MSDS’. Manage project progress meetings Monitor construction progress and review work in place in compliance with contract documents Hamilton Cardiology Associates – Interior fit-out, Hamilton, NJ – 2009 (completion) Project Architect for 14,000 square foot interior medical facility tenant fit-out, designed under the A.I.A. Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities and HIPPA requirements. The design included the installation of a Siemens Angiography scanner. $1,820,000 completed construction cost Attachment: Resume - Frank Aiello (2014-60 : 2014 Boards and Commissions Vacancies) 3 of 4 Programming client requirements Preparation of construction documents Review of bids, negotiate contract award and recommendation to let contract.. Receive and review shop drawing submittal and MSDS’. Monitor construction progress and review work in place in compliance with contract documents Packet Pg. 211 19.a.c Curriculum Vitae Frank S. Aiello R.A. The Merion Banquet Facility – Cinnaminson, NJ 2009 (completion) Project Architect for The Merion Banquet Facility completed in 2009 is a 70,000 SF structure supporting five ballrooms over three levels with cocktail areas and support spaces including 4,000 SF kitchen , a 40 foot diameter glass dome at the upper level, two meeting rooms along with a the facility corporate offices and conference rooms. The project cost was over $10,000,000. Programming client requirements Preparation of construction documents Receive and review shop drawing submittal and MSDS’. Manage project progress meetings Monitor construction progress and review work in place in compliance with contract documents Capital Commons retail/office – Lawrenceville, NJ – 2008(completion) Steel/concrete frame class “A” single story flex space structure with options to developer for retail and/or office use. Approximately 42,000 square feet completed in 2008 at a cost of $3,800,000. Programming client requirements Preparation of construction documents Review of bids, negotiate contract award and recommendation to let contract.. Receive and review shop drawing submittal and MSDS’. Manage project construction progress meetings Review of bids, negotiate contract award and recommendation to let contract.. Receive and review shop drawing submittal and MSDS’. Manage project progress meetings Monitor construction progress and review work in place in compliance Performance Spine and Sports Medicine –2010 ($750,000) The design of the new 6500 SF in patient care facility for PSSM for the practice of orthopedics and chiropractic medicine. The design complete GE OEC 9800 Digital Imaging System Programming client requirements Preparation of construction documents Review of bids, negotiate contract award and recommendation to let contract.. Receive and review shop drawing submittal and MSDS’. Manage project progress meetings Monitor construction progress and review work in place in compliance with contract documents Attachment: Resume - Frank Aiello (2014-60 : 2014 Boards and Commissions Vacancies) 4 of 4 Packet Pg. 212