The final program - International Conference on Environment and
The final program - International Conference on Environment and
IEEE EEEIC 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FINAL PROGRAM 7-10 June 2016 Florence Italy IEEE EEEIC 2016 WELCOME MESSAGE FROM GENERAL CHAIRS Dear ladies and gentlemen, we are honored and delighted to welcome you to the 16th edition of the IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering in Florence, Italy, from Thursday June 7th until Friday June 10th, 2016. This year the Conference is jointly organized by the Sapienza University of Rome and the University of Florence which hosts the conference in the beautiful historical city of Florence, a venue that will guarantee a successful technical conference amid culture and amazing sceneries. Also this year the conference received the technical co-sponsorship by three well-known IEEE international societies: Electromagnetic Society (EMC), Industrial Application Society (IAS), and Power and Energy Society (PES), along with the technical support of the IEEE Poland Section and the financial support of the IEEE Italy Section. Over the past sixteen years, the conference has become a worldwide scientific guiding conference devoted to understand all the present-state matters between electrical engineering and environmental aspects. Delegates from university, industry, governmental and non-governmental organizations providers will present their views on hot-topics strictly related to the environmental-electrical engineering pair. Everyone knows the far-reaching challenges that we must face in the present days: If the current trends in technological progress and innovation continue, the demand for energy will be always greater and greater than what it is now and adverse environmental effects will make feel their burden shortly. Hence we would like to make a groundbreaking conference where the participants can help through their contributions in reshaping burning issues on the table, such as renewable energy production, energy storage, smart grids management, smart buildings, energy conversion, sustainable transport systems, EMC control in lightning and grounding systems, novel materials and nanotechnology. All these problems must be faced always keeping in mind that the development of future leading technologies is the paramount key to meet the present economic challenges. The conference further aims at providing an overview of the scientific, technical, economic, and social issues of electrical engineering applications under the hat of all the related environmental issues in order to give an impetus to the green economy and to present new developments in this area. The conference will provide a forum for leading corporate, academic and governmental people to discuss recent developments and set up collaborations. As conference chairs, we know that the success of the conference depends ultimately on the many people who have worked with us in planning and organizing both the technical program and supporting social arrangements. In particular, we thank the Techical Program Chairs for their wise advice and brilliant suggestion on organizing the technical program and the Local Co-Chair for providing his wisdom and guidance and for his tireless efforts to schedule all events. Finally, recognition should go to the Local Organizing Committee members who have all worked extremely hard for the details of important aspects of the conference programs and social activities. The four-day international conference will consist of plenary talks and oral presentations by international experts, as well as poster sessions. This year the EEEIC community enlarged: We expect to welcome about 400 international participants from over 68 countries. We would like to give a warm welcome to this year’s EEEIC and look forward to meeting you over the four days of the conference. Enjoy your conference! Warmest Regards Luigi Martirano and Rodolfo Araneo DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONAUTICAL, ELECTRICAL AND ENERGETIC ENGINEERING University of Rome “Sapienza” Via Eudossiana 18 – 00184, Rome, Italy Luigi Martirano General Chair Rodolfo Araneo General Chair EEEIC2016 Final Program WELCOME MESSAGE FROM TP CHAIRS The 16th edition of the IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering includes original technical and social events. The technical and organizing committee has planned and designed this edition with the goal of ensuring the most enriching technical and professional networking opportunities possible. It has prepared four days of top-rated, peer-reviewed technical papers presented by experts in multi-track sessions. Our technical program is rich and varied with three talks that will show different contributions of European Union to the preservation of the environment. About 70 parallel oral and poster sessions will contribute to increase the scientific knowledge on electrical engineering and its application to environment improvement. Special sessions have brought in a record number of technical papers on very important and actual topics. A poster session for PhD students is organized to encourage their active participation to the conference. In addition the conference is linked to special issues of international journals to which selected authors could submit extended versions of their conference papers. Some words on the social program: on June 8th, a beautiful walking guided tour through the ancient Florence is scheduled, and then the attendees can enjoy a Welcome Reception Cocktail in the amazing ancient Orto Botanico. On June 9th, an elegant Gala Dinner will take place in Palazzo Capponi Annunziata. So we would like to give a sincere welcome to IEEE EEEIC16 and look forward to meeting you during the conference, that we hope to be for you a memorable experience. Enjoy your conference! Kind Regards Maria Carmen Falvo DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONAUTICAL, ELECTRICAL AND ENERGETIC ENGINEERING University of Rome “Sapienza” Via Eudossiana 18 – 00184, Rome, Italy Zbigniew Leonowicz, FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Wroclaw University of Science and Technology ul. Janiszewskiego 8, 50 – 377 Wrocław, Poland FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 Maria Carmen Falvo Zbigniew Leonowicz TP Chair TP Chair WELCOME MESSAGE FROM LOCAL CO-CHAIR I am honored and delighted to welcome authors and participant to 16th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering which is going to be yield in Florence from June 7th to June 10th, 2016. I believe we have chosen a venue that guarantees a successful technical conference amid the culture and scenery of Florence, the city of Renaissance where beautiful minds contributed to the development of world progress. I know that the success of the conference depends on the many people who have worked with us in planning and organizing both the technical program and supporting social arrangements. In particular, a special recognition must go to the Local Organizing Committee members who have all worked extremely hard for the details of important aspects of the conference programs and social activities. I also feel the need to thank the General Chairs for their contributions based on the organization of previous edition of the conference; and the Technical Program Chairs for their wise advice and brilliant suggestion on organizing the technical program; the Program Committee for their thorough and timely reviewing of the papers. Best Regards Alberto Reatti DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION ENGINEERING University of Florence Via S. Marta 3 50139, Firenze, Italy Alberto Reatti Local Co-Chair EEEIC2016 Final Program SPECIAL SESSIONS CHAIRS Fabio Bisegna DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONAUTICAL, ELECTRICAL AND ENERGETIC ENGINEERING University of Rome “Sapienza” Via Eudossiana 18 – 00184, Rome, Italy Pierluigi Siano DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING University of Salerno Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 – 84084 Fisciano (SA) Fabio Bisegna Special Session Chair Pierluigi Siano Special Session Chair PUBLICITY AND PUBLIC RELATION CHAIR Gaetano Zizzo DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, INFORMATION ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICAL MODELS University of Palermo Viale delle Scienze Ed. 9, 90128 Palermo Gaetano Zizzo Publicity and Public Relation Chair FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 ABOUT EEEIC EEEIC is an international forum for the exchange of ideas and information on energy systems both today and in the future. The conference provides a unique opportunity for industry to interact directly with university researchers, manufacturers and distributors of energy equipment and to discuss a wide variety of topics related to energy systems and environmental issues. The conference is technically and financially sponsored and organized by IEEE Italy Section. The scope of the Conference is to promote a forum, where researchers and engineers involved with electrical power systems may exchange their experiences and present solutions found for present and future problems. The conference offers prominent academia and industrial practitioners from all over the world the forum for discussion about the future of electrical energy and environmental issues and presents a base for identifying directions for continuation of research. The Conference has been technically co-sponsored by IEEE since 2008. Accepted and orally presented papers are submitted to IEEE Xplore, and will also be submitted for indexing through INSPEC®, EI’s engineering information index, COMPENDEX®, and ISI Thomson’s scientific and technical proceedings®, ISTP®/ISI proceedings. The conference proceedings have been indexed by Scopus since 2010 and by Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) since 2013. EEEIC 2016 is the 16th annual conference, making it one of the largest, longest-running, professional networking and educational event of its kind in Europe. The 16th edition will be held Florence, Italy. Since 2015 the conference is fully sponsored by IEEE. IEEE EEEIC Zbigniew Leonowicz TP and Web&Publication Chair EEEIC2016 Final Program CHAIRS AND STEERING COMMITTEE GENERAL CHAIRS Luigi Martirano and Rodolfo Araneo TECHNICAL PROGRAM CHAIRS Maria Carmen Falvo and Zbigniew Leonowicz LOCAL CO-CHAIR Alberto Reatti WEB & PUBLICATIONS CHAIR Zbigniew Leonowicz SPECIAL SESSION CHAIRS Fabio Bisegna and Pierluigi Siano PUBLICITY AND PUBLIC RELATION CHAIR Gaetano Zizzo IEEE ITALY AND POLAND CHAPTER CHAIRS Ermanno Cardelli Marian P. Kazmierkowsk Luigi Caputo (EMCS) Stefano Massucco (PES) Giuseppe Parise (IAS) FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 INTERNATIONAL STEERING COMMITTEE R. Araneo Italy J. Brandao Faria Portugal M.C. Falvo Italy L. Floyd USA R. Gono Czech Republic S. M. Halpin USA M. P. Kazmierkowski Poland M. Klingler France Z. Leonowicz Poland D. Lucarella Italy L. Martirano Italy M. Mitolo USA C.A. Nucci Italy G. Parise Italy F. Pilo Italy F. Rachidi Switzerland H. Schwarz Germany PROGRAM COMMITTEE V. Aaradhi M. Abdelhalim H. Abdelmageed O. Abedinia G. Ala A. Al-Awaad G. Antonini T. Araujo P. Arboleya M. Ariatabar A. Bahramiazar S. Barmada C. Baslis A. Bernadic I. Bertini M. Biagi S. Biricik F. Bisegna F. R. Blánquez G. Cafaro L. Caracasian B. Chitti Babu O. Chiver J.F.G. Cobben J. Corbett S. Costinas P. Cucala P. Dehghanian F. Delfino L. Dusonchet A. El-Rifaie Y. Errami M. Ettehadi M. Fahrioglu A. Faiza R. Faranda M. Fazli G. Fedele P. Ferreira E. Fiorucci F. Foiadelli F. Gao A. Gabash M. Gavrilas K. Gerasimov G. M. Giannuzzi R. Gono D. Grabowski S. Grivet Talocia D. Grimaldi Z. Grozdev T. Gu S. Kiene M. Kloeppel P. Kostyla S. Kovalenko M. P. Ksmaei G. Lambert-Torres R. Lamedica A. Lampasi R. Langella M. Leone H. Li Y. Li A. Mackow B. Mahdad N. Mahdhi A. Mahnitko F. Mangiatordi F. Massaro M. Mitolo A. Mohamed M. Mohiti E. Moreno-Goytia F. Mottola F. Munteanu M. Mohammadi C. Murthy H. Nafisi R. Napoli G. Nicolaescu N. Nikolaev L. Neamt I. Opris N. Ostahie O. Ozerdem E. Pallotti M. Paolone T. Papadopoulos G. Pathirikka O. Petrov L. Piegari T. Plavsic D. Poli E. Pyrgioti G. Redlarski S. K. Ram E. Rebollo B. Ricci A. Sajadi N. Salerno R. A. Sanchez P. Siano F. Santi S. Sobhani J. Sousa I. S. Stievano G. Sulligoi M. Stet L. A. Trujillo J. Tkac Y. Tsai J. Usaola G. Valtorta R. Varfolomejeva Z. Waclawek M. E. Zarei L. Zemite I. Zicmane V. Zilajevs P. Zu EEEIC2016 Final Program LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME Matteo Manganelli (Sapienza IAS SBC Chair) – Coordinator Simone Bovenzi, Chiara Burattini, Federico Ciontoli, Andrea De Santis, Mattia Deriu, Giacomo Falanga, Claudia Farci, Marco Gambacorta, Simone Giachè, Gabriele Greco, Giacomo Greco, Mostafa Kermani, Marco Maccioni, Benedetta Mattoni, Waled Mohamed, Alessandro Ruvio. UNIVERSITY OF FLORENCE Maria Cristina Piccirilli (University of Florence) – Coordinator Francesco Grasso, Antonio Luchetta, Stefano Manetti, Rosa Anna Mastromauro SPONSORS & PARTNERS FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 ABOUT THE VENUE The conference venue is at Palazzina de’ Servi (A), located in Via Gino Capponi 9 in Florence, one of the historic sites of the University of Florence, built in 1700 by the friars of the Ordine dei Servi di Maria as a dormitory. Enlarged in 1867, it was donated to the Florentino Stvdiorvm Athenæo in 1872 that has long hosted the Faculty of Chemistry. Inside are several frescoes since 1700, including works by Luigi Catani and Niccolò Nannetti. The ancient classroom of Chemistry is unique because it was the first to be built with sloping stairways. Near its entrance there is a small hall with famous chemists medallions: Antoine Lavoisier, Claude Louis Berthollet, Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac and Carl Wilhelm Scheele. The Palazzina de’ Servi is located in the city centre, very close to the famous historical sights and monuments, such as the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (F), San Lorenzo Church, Ospedale degli Innocenti and Medici Chapels, famous for the monumental tombs of Lorenzo il Magnifico and Giuliano dei Medici, designed by Michelangelo and where is possible to access (on request) a secret room, on the walls of which have recently been discovered and restored 56 large drawings of human figures (almost all of them have been attributed to Michelangelo). The Conference venue is within walking distance from the train station Santa Maria Novella (G). The opening plenary session of the Conference will be located in the Aula Magna of the Rectorate of the University of Florence (B), which is located in a beautiful building formerly used as a grand-ducal stable, and, after 1429, there was launched the construction of a college of "Sapienza" wanted by Niccolò da Uzzano and patronage from the Art of Merchants, so that it could accommodate fifty young people, half foreigners and half Florentine. The building was designed by Lorenzo di Bicci, but the work did not see the light soon, as most of the money left by Niccolò were confiscated by the Republic to finance wars and other needs. The palace has two courtyards, a main one, where there is a small garden, and a secondary one, which overlooks the entrance to the Museum of Mineralogy. Among the various areas, as well as the “aula magna” decorated with frescoes of the period when Florence was the capital, the staircase in the neoclassical style, the hall of the University Senate and the small historical library. Palazzina de’ Servi STUDENTS EVENTS PHD POSTER SESSION AWARD EVENT Thursday, June 9th, 2016 h. 14.00 Venue: Poster Area 1st floor STUDENTS DINNER Friday June 10th 2016, h. 20:00 The students registered to the conference with a student fee are invited to participate to the dinner that will take place at Teatro della Pergola, Via della Pergola 12/32, Firenze. Other info will be available at desk during the conference. EEEIC2016 Final Program G F A CONFERENCE VENUE Palazzina de’ Servi Via Gino Capponi, 9 D SOCIAL DINNER Palazzo Capponi Annunziata Via Gino Capponi, 26 B WELCOME SESSION AULA MAGNA Rectorate of the University of Florence Piazza San Marco, 4 E SOCIAL DINNER PHD STUDENTS Teatro della Pergola Via della Pergola 12/32 C WELCOME COCKTAIL Orto Botanico ”Giardino dei Semplici” Via Pier Antonio Micheli, 3 FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 C D B A E F THE CATHEDRAL OF FLORENCE G TRAIN STATION SANTA MARIA NOVELLA EEEIC2016 Final Program PLENARY SESSION WELCOME MESSAGES & TALKS ON TUESDAY June 7th 2016 7th h. 14.00 - 18.00 Venue: Aula Magna Rettorato (Entrance: Piazza San Marco 4) WELCOME MESSAGE Rodolfo Araneo and Luigi Martirano General Chairs IEEE EEEIC 2016 Alberto Reatti Local co-chair Luigi Dei Rector of University of Firenze Enrico del Re Head of Department of Information Engineering Greetings from Town Councillor of Municipality of Florence Zbigniew Leonowicz Founder of IEEE EEEIC Ermanno Cardelli President of IEEE Italy Section Massimo Mitolo IAS Executive Board Member Maria Carmen Falvo Technical Program Chair TALKS MODERATORS: Ermanno Cardelli IEEE Italy Chapter Chair Massimo Mitolo IAS Executive Board Member 01. Francesco Profumo President of the Compagnia di San Paolo 02. Angelo Consoli Director of the European Office of Jeremy Rifkin 03. Alessandro Colombo European Patent Office “EUROPEAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO INNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY MARKETS” 01. THE EU APPROACH: ENERGY MEETS DIGITAL Speaker: Francesco Profumo. Full professor of Electrical Machines and Drives at the University of Turin and Visiting Professor at the University of Bologna. Since May 2016 he is also president of the Compagnia di San Paolo. He has been Ministry for Education, University and Research of the Italian Government from November 2011 to April 2012. He was also president of CNR (Italian Research Council) from August 2011 to January 2012. In 2003 he was Dean of the school of Engineering of the Polytechnic School of Turin. He has also been Rector of the University of Turin from 2005 to 2011. Francesco Profumo cooperated and still cooperates with several international Universities in Argentina, China, Hungary, Albania, Romania, Latvia, USA, Japan, and Czech Republic. He also gained the honorary PhD degree from 10 Universities of different countries. Topic. The presentation shows how the energy and digital worlds can be brought closer according to the needs and wishes expressed by the new European Commission President Juncker. Moreover, Gunther Oettinger, former Energy Commissioner with President Barroso and now Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, are personally promoting this intersection. The presentation clearly illustrates the goals of this activity, which are: to promote a crosscutting strategy for the Digital Single Market; to bring together stakeholders from the worlds of industry, innovation, education, infrastructure, security and finance; to promote the concept of digital technologies not as a threat but as an opportunity for a huge transformation across the industry and services providers. Among several interesting topics the presentation will provide examples of the drivers of a new management and examples of Innovation Projects in the area of electrical and thermal energy aimed to make the energy market more transparent and enable consumers to save energy. FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 PLENARY SESSION 02. THE THIRD INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: A NEW DISTRIBUTED, SHARED, DIGITAL AND SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC MODEL Speaker: Angelo Consoli. Writer and blogger, he is currently director of the European Office of Jeremy Rifkin, the founder and president of CETRI – TIRES. This office advises business and political leaders at global level on non-entropic energy policies in order to effectively fight climate change and contribute to the international decision process to establish a new energy model, introducing the vision of the Third Industrial Revolution presented by Jeremy Rifkin. Angelo Consoli is co-author, with Livio de Santoli, of the book “Zero Territory. For a new society with zero emissions, zero waste and zero food miles”. He helped draft the Master Plan of the Third Industrial Revolution and of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) for Roma Capitale. As a coordinator of the working group of the University of Gastronomic Sciences, Angelo Consoli has developed guidelines for the Slow Food organization and the Terra Madre network, Italian advisors on ecologically, socially and economically sustainable strategies. Topic. The fossil-based economy is running an irreversible ecological, economic and social crisis, threatening the survival of all living species, and bringing the inequality between the rich and the poor to unsustainable levels. Fortunately, a new global awareness, that puts the human being at the center of the economy, is emerging with the Third Industrial Revolution. This idea is poised to fundamentally change the way we organize the economic life on the planet. In this new million market sustainable circular economy, new companies, connected by the Internet of Things use solar energy, advanced analytics, and new business models to increase the efficiency and productivity of goods and services. We are requested to facilitate this transition, to avoid catastrophic climate changes and to create a more prosperous world and a more humane and environmentally sustainable economy, as authoritatively indicated also by Pope Francis. 03. TECHNOLOGY MONITORING FOR MODERN POWER GRID OPERATION. THE ROLE OF THE EPO IN SUPPORTING INNOVATION IN RENEWABLE ENERGY Speaker: Alessandro Colombo. Alessandro Colombo received his Master Degree from Polytechnic of Milan in April 1992 and received a further Master in IP Management and Law, from CEIPI, Strasbourg, July 2011. He got the EQE Qualification in 2008 (all modules). Since March 2012 he is Patent Examiner at European Patent Office in Munich (DE) (Area: Electricity - Search, Examination, Opposition of Patent Applications in the field of Electrical Power Systems – Transmission and Distribution (field H02J). He is also Instructor at the Patent Academy, provided seminars on “Search Matters” and “Examination Matters”, and internal EPO courses and CPC trainings for USPTO and JPO. He was previously enrolled as Patent Examiner at the European Patent Office in The Hague (NL) from September 2003 to March 2012. Colombo ad also worked from March 1997 to August 2003 at ABB Sace TMS Dalmine (IT) as R&D Manager of Electronic Protection Devices; from September 1992 to Feb 1997 at CESI – Milan (IT) as Responsible of Test and Test equipment designer Topic. Several technologies for intelligent operation of power grids are being developed, which address the challenges related to distributed generation and the variability of power sources. The present tutorial offers an overview of the patent activity and the trend in that field, by scrutinizing the content and the statistics of the relevant classes in the patent classification scheme. The presentation focuses on technologies related, among others, to remote monitoring, demand-response mechanisms, high-dynamic storage, smart metering, generation/load predictive algorithms, grid simulation and modeling, tariff-based grid management. Some examples in the EPO’s Espacenet platform will show useful criteria for an effective patent search and technology monitoring in the area of smart grids. EPO also launched a new online platform known as INSPIRE (International Standards and Patents in Renewable Energy platform). It is the first and most complete solution of its kind, helping users locate, search and analyze more than two million patent documents and 400 international standards relating to renewable energy and carbon mitigation technologies. It helps users in performing metadata analysis of technology trends, comparing development within, or between, different technologies. EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS & CHAIRS 8th WEDNESDAY June 8th 2016 TECHNICAL SESSION NUMBER AND CODE TECHNICAL SESSION TOPIC TECHNICAL SESSION CHAIR TECHNICAL SESSION 1 (M1-TS1) Sustainable transport systems: power infrastructure and electrical vehicles - 1 Luca Pugi TECHNICAL SESSION 2 (M1-TS2) - SPECIAL SESSION Sustainable Energy Micro-Systems in Buildings Fabio Massaro TECHNICAL SESSION 3 (M1-TS3) Measurements - 1 Maria Cristina Piccirili TECHNICAL SESSION 4 (M1-TS4) - SPECIAL SESSION Power Converters: Power Quality Improvement, Harmonics Mitigation and fault detection and identification - 1 Francesco Grasso, Alberto Reatti TECHNICAL SESSION 5 (M1-TS5) Renewable energy sources in power systems, distributed generation - 1 Renata Varfolomejeva TECHNICAL SESSION 6 (M1-TS6) Smart Buildings, Lighting, Metering, Demand Side Management - 1 Gaetano Zizzo TECHNICAL SESSION 7 (N1-TS1) Sustainable transport systems: power infrastructure and electrical vehicles - 2 Luca Pugi TECHNICAL SESSION 8 (N1-TS2) - SPECIAL SESSION Transport systems and sustainable mobility - 1 Mariano Gallo TECHNICAL SESSION 9 (N1-TS3) Measurements - 2 Jana Heckenbergerova TECHNICAL SESSION 10 (N1-TS4) - SPECIAL SESSION Power Converters: Power Quality Improvement, Harmonics Mitigation and fault detection and identification - 1 Francesco Grasso, Alberto Reatti TECHNICAL SESSION 11 (N1-TS5) Renewable energy sources in power systems, distributed generation - 2 Renata Varfolomejeva TECHNICAL SESSION 12 (N1-TS6) Smart Buildings, Lighting, Metering, Demand Side Management - 2 Mark Halpin TECHNICAL SESSION 13 (A1-TS1) Maintenance, operation and safety in power systems Heiko Thimm TECHNICAL SESSION 14 (A1-TS2) - SPECIAL SESSION Transport systems and sustainable mobility - 2 Mariano Gallo TECHNICAL SESSION 15 (A1-TS3) Power systems: distribution grids components and operation - 1 Massimo Mitolo TECHNICAL SESSION 16 (A1-TS4) - SPECIAL SESSION LV loads and DGs: their effects on the grid Roberto Faranda TECHNICAL SESSION 17 (A1-TS5) Renewable energy sources in power systems, distributed generation - 3 Alessandro Burgio TECHNICAL SESSION 18 (A1-TS6) - SPECIAL SESSION Industry authors & Wireless Power Transfer and Sergio Saponara, Sami Barmada Energy Harvesting POSTER SESSION 1 (PS1) Poster Session 1 FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 Pierluigi Siano, Fabio Bisegna TECHNICAL SESSIONS & CHAIRS 9th THURSDAY June 9th 2016 TECHNICAL SESSION NUMBER AND CODE TECHNICAL SESSION TOPIC TECHNICAL SESSION CHAIR TECHNICAL SESSION 19 (M2-TS1) - SPECIAL SESSION Technologies for smart energy communities Antonio Moreno-Munoz TECHNICAL SESSION 20 (M2-TS2) - SPECIAL SESSION Lighting and daylighting Mojtaba Navvab TECHNICAL SESSION 21 (M2-TS3) - SPECIAL SESSION Economical assessments for the develoment of electrical power plants based on renewable energetic resources Vincenzo Di Dio, Valerio Lobrano TECHNICAL SESSION 22 (M2-TS4) - SPECIAL SESSION Microgrids: new improvement in management and control - 1 Sonia Leva TECHNICAL SESSION 23 (M2-TS5) - SPECIAL SESSION Electrical Safety Engineering Massimo Mitolo TECHNICAL SESSION 24 (M2-TS6) - SPECIAL SESSION Monitoring, diagnosis and reliability of renewable energy sources and electric vehicles Silvano Vergura, Loredana Cristaldi TECHNICAL SESSION 25 (N2-TS1) - SPECIAL SESSION Energy storage for smart grids Davide Poli TECHNICAL SESSION 26 (N2-TS2) - SPECIAL SESSION Renewable energy sources and storages - 1 Farivar Fazelpour TECHNICAL SESSION 27 (N2-TS3) Energy storages for power systems application Sandra Castaño Solis TECHNICAL SESSION 28 (N2-TS4) ) - SPECIAL SESSION Microgrids: new improvement in management and control - 2 Sonia Leva TECHNICAL SESSION 29 (N2-TS5) Grounding - 1 Giuseppe Parise TECHNICAL SESSION 30 (N2-TS6) Power system stability, security and resiliency - 1 Sergey Kovalenko TECHNICAL SESSION 31 (A2-TS1) - SPECIAL SESSION Resiliency oriented operation and planning of energy systems - 1 Pierluigi Siano, Alireza Soroudi TECHNICAL SESSION 32 (A2-TS2) - SPECIAL SESSION Renewable energy sources and storages - 2 Farivar Fazelpour TECHNICAL SESSION 33 (A2-TS3) - SPECIAL SESSION SPONSORED BY IEEE PES ITALY Smart Campus Morris Brenna, Michela Longo TECHNICAL SESSION 34 (A2-TS4) - SPECIAL SESSION Technologies for the cultural heritage Fabio Bisegna TECHNICAL SESSION 35 (A2-TS5) - SPECIAL SESSION Arch flash Michele Tartaglia TECHNICAL SESSION 36 (A2-TS6) Power system stability, security and resiliency - 2 Sergey Kovalenko TECHNICAL SESSION 37 (E2-TS1) - SPECIAL SESSION Resiliency oriented operation and planning of energy systems - 2 Pierluigi Siano, Alireza Soroudi EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS & CHAIRS 9th THURSDAY June 9th 2016 TECHNICAL SESSION NUMBER AND CODE TECHNICAL SESSION TOPIC TECHNICAL SESSION CHAIR TECHNICAL SESSION 38 (E2-TS2) Power systems: distribution grids components and operation - 2 Silvia Canevese TECHNICAL SESSION 39 (E2-TS3) - SPECIAL SESSION Challenges in future HVDC grids Massimo Bongiorno TECHNICAL SESSION 40 (E2-TS4) - SPECIAL SESSION Environmental monitoring using satellites Antonio Paolozzi, Erricos Pavlis TECHNICAL SESSION 41 (E2-TS5) Grounding - 2 Sergio Panetta TECHNICAL SESSION 42 (E2-TS6) Power systems: micro-grids components, models and operation Alessandro Burgio PHD POSTER SESSION (PHD PS) PhD Poster Session Pierluigi Siano, Fabio Bisegna 10th FRIDAY June 10th 2016 TECHNICAL SESSION NUMBER AND CODE TECHNICAL SESSION TOPIC TECHNICAL SESSION CHAIR TECHNICAL SESSION 43 (M3-TS1) - SPECIAL SESSION 3S - Systems Special Session - 1 Wesley Pacheco Calixto, Jose Luis Domingos TECHNICAL SESSION 44 (M3-TS2) - SPECIAL SESSION Control of Power Converters for Renewable Energies Systems - 1 Rosa Mastromauro TECHNICAL SESSION 45 (M3-TS3) - SPECIAL SESSION Renewable Energies and the future Cristian Lazaroiu TECHNICAL SESSION 46 (M3-TS4) Renewable energy sources in power systems, distributed generation - 4 Lorenzo Ciani TECHNICAL SESSION 47 (M3-TS5) Regulation and electricity markets Mazaher Hajibashi TECHNICAL SESSION 48 (M3-TS6) Electrical Machines and Power Converters - 1 Alberto Reatti TECHNICAL SESSION 49 (N3-TS1) - SPECIAL SESSION 3S - Systems Special Session - 2 Wesley Pacheco Calixto, Jose Luis Domingos TECHNICAL SESSION 50 (N3-TS2) - SPECIAL SESSION Control of Power Converters for Renewable Energies Systems - 2 Rosa Mastromauro TECHNICAL SESSION 51 (N3-TS3) Environmental phenomena related to the power systems Rodolfo Araneo FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS & CHAIRS 10th FRIDAY June 10th 2016 TECHNICAL SESSION NUMBER AND CODE TECHNICAL SESSION TOPIC TECHNICAL SESSION CHAIR TECHNICAL SESSION 52 (N3-TS4) Models for energy systems Maria Carmen Falvo TECHNICAL SESSION 53 (N3-TS5) - SPECIAL SESSION Design, management, inspection and maintenance of off-shore power generation Benedetto Allotta, Luca Pugi TECHNICAL SESSION 54 (N3-TS6) Electrical Machines and Power Converters - 2 Alberto Reatti TECHNICAL SESSION 55 (A3-TS2) Power electronics and smart grids Abel Antonio Ferreira TECHNICAL SESSION 56 (A3-TS3) Circuits, Sensors, Actuators, Electromagnetic Compatibility Gianpaolo Vitale TECHNICAL SESSION 57 (A3-TS4) Power systems: transmission grids components and operation - 1 Przemyslaw Janik TECHNICAL SESSION 58 (A3-TS5) - SPECIAL SESSION Energy efficient and safe solutions for a smart city environment Fabio Bisegna TECHNICAL SESSION 59 (A3-TS6) Electrical Machines and Power Converters - 3 Francesco Grasso TECHNICAL SESSION 60 (E3-TS1) Smart Energy Storage and Management of Ground Vehicle Systems Benedetto Allotta , Luca Pugi TECHNICAL SESSION 61 (E3-TS2) ICT for smart grids Gaetano Zizzo TECHNICAL SESSION 62 (E3-TS3) Power systems: transmission grids components and operation - 2 Stefano Lauria TECHNICAL SESSION 63 (E3-TS5) Smart Buildings, Lighting, Metering, Demand Side Management - 3 Luigi Martirano TECHNICAL SESSION 64 (E3-TS6) Materials: nanotechnology for renewable energy, novel materials for energy harvesting Marcantonio Catelani POSTER SESSION 2 (PS2) Poster Session 2 Pierluigi Siano, Fabio Bisegna CHAIRED REMOTE TECHNICAL SESSION (CRS) Zbigniew Leonowicz EEEIC2016 Final Program VIA GINO CAPPONI, 9 GROUND FLOOR COFFEE BREAK AULA 3 WC SEATS 34 AULA 2 SEATS 25 WC AULA 7 AULA 9 AULA 10 AULA 1 SEATS 34 SEATS 34 SEATS 34 SEATS 34 COMPUTER LOUNGE CONFERENCE ROOMS RESTROOM CONFERENCE ROOM ENTRANCE MAIN ENTRANCE STAIRS TO FIRST FLOOR FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 SOCIAL EVENT MEETING POINT FIRST FLOOR POSTER SESSION AREA POSTER SESSION AREA EEEIC2016 Final Program PRESENTATION INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ORAL PRESENTATIONS PRESENTATION TIME: Presentation time is critical; each paper is allocated about 15 minutes for technical sessions, including time for questions, session-chair introductions, and any set up that is not completed in advance. We recommend that the presentation of your slides leave minutes for introduction by the session chair and questions from the audience. To achieve appropriate timing, organize your slides around the points you intend to make, using no more than one slide per minute. A reasonable strategy is to allocate about 2 minutes per slide when there are equations or important key points to make, and one minute per slide when the content is less complex. Be prepared to begin your presentation as soon as the prior presenter has finished; it is important to keep on schedule. PRIOR TO YOUR PRESENTATION: Come to the room during the break immediately prior to your session and upload your presentation to the computer in the room. Note: the presentation computer has ONLY a USB port; there is no CD-ROM or other disc drive. You must also meet with your Session Chair at this time so that your Session Chair is aware that you are present; your Session Chair may also have last-minute instructions for your presentation. EQUIPMENT PROVIDED: All lecture rooms will be equipped with a computer, a video projector, and in some of them a microphone. Each computer will have a USB port; there will be no other equipment available. Each computer will have a recent version of the Windows OS installed as well as Acrobat Reader software. While PowerPoint will also be provided, presenters are strongly urged to use PDF for their presentations to avoid issues with fonts and other problems. Remember to embed all your fonts into your PDF presentation. Keep in mind that some of the oral presentations will be given in halls that are quite large. When preparing your slides, make sure that they will be legible for the entire audience (i.e., use fonts of sufficient size). Important note: all the accepted papers have been assigned as an oral presentation in a Technical Session or a poster presentation in a Poster Session. Please consider that papers are scheduled into oral and poster sessions based on thematic coherence and not by paper quality. In either case, the full paper appears in IEEE Xplore, and there is no indication in Xplore as to whether the paper was presented orally or as a poster. FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 PRESENTATION INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS FOR POSTER PRESENTATIONS DIMENSIONS: For your poster, a board will be provided; the board is oriented in a “portrait” format and has dimensions of 90cm wide and 120cm tall (approximately 35in wide and 47in tall), for containing A0 posters (84,1 × 118,9 cm). Push tacks or Velcro fasteners will be provided at the conference to mount your poster to the board. ORGANIZING YOUR POSTER: Poster sessions are a good medium for authors to present papers and meet with interested attendees for in-depth technical discussions. In addition, attendees find the poster sessions a good way to sample many papers in parallel sessions. Thus it is important that you display your message clearly and noticeably to attract people who might have an interest in your paper. Carefully and completely prepare your poster well in advance of the conference. Try tacking up the poster before you leave for the conference to see what it will look like and to make sure that you have all of the necessary pieces. The title of your poster should appear at the top in CAPITAL letters about 25mm high. Below the title, put the author(s)’ name(s) and affiliation(s). The flow of your poster should be from the top left to the bottom right. Use arrows to lead your viewer through the poster. Use color for highlighting and to make your poster more attractive. Use pictures, diagrams, cartoons, figures, etc., rather than text wherever possible. Try to state your main result in 6 lines or less, in lettering about 15mm high so that people can read the poster from a distance. The smallest text on your poster should be at least 9mm high, and the important points should be in a larger size. PRESENTING YOUR POSTER: Prepare a short presentation of about 5 or 10 minutes that you can periodically give to those assembled around your poster throughout the poster session. If you need extra presentation materials, such as a video display or computer, you are required to bring them yourself; note that any equipment used in the poster area should be battery-operated, since power will not be provided on the floor. Each poster session is 2 hours long; a presenter must be present at your poster during the entirety of the session. If possible, more than one author should attend the session to aid in presentations and discussions, and to provide the presenters with the chance to rest or briefly view other posters. PRIOR TO YOUR PRESENTATION: Please put up your poster during the break before your session starts, and take it down immediately after your session ends. Please go to the poster session 30 minutes before the session starting. EQUIPMENT PROVIDED: Push tacks or Velcro fasteners will be provided at the conference to mount your poster to the board. No printers are available on site. Important note: all the accepted papers have been assigned as an oral presentation in a Technical Session or a poster presentation in a Poster Session. Please consider that papers are scheduled into oral and poster sessions based on thematic coherence and not by paper quality. In either case, the full paper appears in IEEE Xplore, and there is no indication in Xplore as to whether the paper was presented orally or as a poster. EEEIC2016 Final Program 7 JUNE TUESDAY DAY 1 - 7 JUNE TUESDAY Luca Pugi AULA 2 M1-TS2AULA 2 Fabio Massaro M1-TS6 AULA 10 POSTER AREA AT 1st FLOOR M2-TS2AULA 2 AULA 3 AULA 7 9 JUNE THURSDAY 9 JUNE THURSDAY AULA 2 M2-TS3AULA 3 Renewable energy sources in power Renata Varfolomejeva M1-TS5 systems, distributed Renata Varfolomejeva generation - 1 Gaetano Zizzo Chair Mojtaba Navvab Smart Buildings, Lighting, Metering, Gaetano Zizzo - 1 Demand Side Management AULA 9 M2-TS5AULA 9 Massimo Mitolo AULA 10 M2-TS6 AULA 10 MORNING TECHNICAL SESSIONS 8:30 Technologies for smart energy Antonio Moreno-Munoz communities (SS) Smart Buildings, Lighting, Metering, Demand Smart Buildings, Lighting, N1-TS6 Mark Halpin - 2 AULA 1 Side Managem Side Management Chair M2-TS4 Microgrids:new improvement in Sonia Leva management and control - 1 (SS) Engineering M2-TS5 Electrical Safety Massimo Mitolo (SS) Monitoring, diagnosis and reliability of Silvano Vergura - Loredana Silvano Vergura - Loredana M2-TS6renewable energy sources and electric Cristaldi Cristaldi vehicles MORNING TECHNICAL SESSIONS 8:30 AULA 2 M3-TS2AULA 2 Rosa Mastromauro M3-TS3AULA 3 Cristian Lazaroiu AULA 7 M3-TS4AULA 7 Lorenzo Ciani Renewable energy sources in power M3-TS4 systems, distributed Lorenzo Ciani generation -4 AULA 9 M3-TS5AULA 9 Mazaher Hajibashi electricity markets M3-TS5 Regulation and Mazaher Hajibashi AULA 10 M3-TS6 AULA 10 Alberto Reatti POSTER AREA AT 1st FLOOR 11:00 Energy storageAULA for sm energy sources Renewable energy sources and storages - Renewable 1 (SS) N2-TS2 Farivar Fazelpour AULA Energy storagesSandra for power systems Energy storages for power N2-TS3 Castaño Solisapplication AULA Microgrids:new improvem Microgrids:new improvement in management N2-TS4 Sonia Leva AULAand control and control - 2 (SS) Electrical Safety N2-TS5Engineering (SS) Giuseppe Parise N2-TS5 Monitoring, diagnosis and reliability of renewable energy sources and electric N2-TS6 Sergey Kovalenko vehicles NOON TECHNICAL 8:30 10:30 SESSIONS Chair Power system stability, security and resiliency Power - 1 system stability, secu1 N2-TS6 Sergey Kovalenko AULA Chair 13:00 Wesley Pacheco Calixto 3S - SystemsN3-TS1 Special SessionWesley - 1 (SS)Pacheco Calixto - N3-TS1 3S - Systems Special Session - 2-(SS) Jose Luis Domingos Jose Luis Domingos Renewable energy sources in power N3-TS4 generation Maria systems, distributed - 4 Carmen Falvo PhD Poster S PhD Fabio PosterBisegna Session NOON TECHNICAL 11:00 SESSIONS Renewable Energies (SS) Araneo N3-TS3and the futureRodolfo Grounding AULA Grounding -1 Giuseppe Parise PhD PS Fabio Bisegna Contol of Power Converters for RenewableContol of Power Converters for Renewable M3-TS2 Rosa Mastromauro N3-TS2 Rosa Mastromauro Energies Systems - 1 (SS) Energies Systems - 1 (SS) Renewable Energies andLazaroiu the future (SS) M3-TS3 Cristian 13:00 Poster Sessio Microgrids:new improvement in N2-TS4 management and control - 1 (SS) Sonia Leva Chair 10:30 Wesley Pacheco Calixto - Jose Wesley Pacheco Calixto - Jose M3-TS1 3S - Systems Special Session - 1 (SS) Luis Domingos Luis Domingos Chair for smart N2-TS1 Energy storage Davide Poli grids (SS) LightingN2-TS2 and daylighting (SS)Farivar Fazelpour PhD PS Chair Fabio Bisegna Poster Session- Pierluigi -1 Siano PS1 NOON TECHNICAL 11:00 SESSIONS Technologies for smart energy N2-TS1 Davide Poli communities (SS) POSTER AREA AT 1st FLOOR 10 JUNE FRIDAY Fabio Bisegna - Pierluigi Siano NOON TECHNICAL 8:30 10:30 SESSIONS Lighting and daylighting Mojtaba Navvab(SS) M2-TS2 M3-TS1AULA 1 FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 Smart Buildings, Lighting, Metering, Demand N1-TS6 Side Management - 1 Mark Halpin Chair 10:30 AULA 1 POSTER AREA AT 1st FLOOR Renewable energy sources in power systems, Renewable energy source N1-TS5 Renata Varfolomejeva AULA distributed generation - 2 distributed gene Economical assessments for the Economical assessments for the develoment of electrical power plants develoment of electrical power plants Vincenzo Di Dio - Valerio Vincenzo Di Dio - Valerio M2-TS3 N2-TS3energetic resources Sandra Castaño Solis based on renewableLobrano energetic resources based on renewable Lobrano (SS) (SS) MORNING TECHNICAL SESSIONS 10 JUNE FRIDAY M1-TS6 Antonio Moreno-MunozM2-TS1 Sonia Leva AULA 3 Measuremen AULA Renewable energy sources in power N1-TS5 generation Renata systems, distributed - 1 Varfolomejeva PS1 M2-TS4AULA 7 POSTER AREA AT 1st FLOOR Measurements -2 Jana Heckenbergerova Power Converters: Power Quality Power Converters: Power Quality Power Converters: Power Quality Improvement, Power Converters: Power Q Francesco Grasso - Alberto Francesco Grasso - Alberto Francesco Grasso - Alberto Francesco Harmonics Mitigation and fault detection Harmonics and Improvement, Harmonics Mitigation and Improvement, N1-TS4 Harmonics Mitigation andGrasso - Alberto N1-TS4 Mitigation and M1-TS4 AULA Reatti Reatti Reatti identification - 2 (SS) fault detection and identification - 1 (SS) fault detection and identification - 1 (SS)Reatti identification MORNING TECHNICAL SESSIONS M2-TS1AULA 1 Sustainable transport s AULA infrastructure and elect Transport systems and sustainable mobility -1 Transport systems and sust N1-TS2 Mariano AULA (SS) Gallo (SS) Measurements - 1 Jana Heckenbergerova N1-TS3 N1-TS3 POSTER AREA AT 1st FLOOR AULA 1 11:00 9 JUNE THURSDAY AULA 10 13:00 A 11:00 3S - Systems Special AULA Contol of Power Converters for RenewableContol of Power Convert N3-TS2 RosaSystems Mastromauro AULA Energies - 2 (SS) Energies System 10 JUNE FRIDAY M1-TS5AULA 9 Chair Sustainable transport systems: power N1-TS1infrastructure andLuca Pugi vehicles - 2 electrical COFFEE BREAK AULA 9 Measurements 1 Maria Cristina-Piccirili Maria Cristina Piccirili M1-TS3 NOON TECHNICAL 11:00 SESSIONS Sustainable Energy Micro-Systems in N1-TS2 (SS) Mariano Gallo Buildings COFFEE BREAK M1-TS4AULA 7 Sustainable Energy Micro-Systems in Fabio Massaro Buildings (SS) Chair Sustainable transport systems: power infrastructureN1-TS1 and electrical vehicles - Luca 1 Pugi COFFE BREAK AULA 7 M1-TS3AULA 3 Sustainable transport systems: power M1-TS1 Luca Pugivehicles - 1 infrastructure and electrical M1-TS2 NOON TECHNICAL 8:30 10:30 SESSIONS Chair 10:30 COFFEE BREAK AULA 3 8:30 8 JUNE WEDNESDAY M1-TS1AULA 1 MORNING TECHNICAL SESSIONS COFFE BREAK Chair AULA 1 8 JUNE W EDNESDAY 8 JUNE W EDNESDAY MORNING TECHNICAL SESSIONS COFFEE BREAK DAY 1 - 7 JUNE TUESDAY PROGRAM AT GLANCE Environmental phenomena related to the Environmental power phenomena N3-TS3 Rodolfo Araneo AULA systems systems N3-TS4 Models for energy Maria Carmensystems Falvo Models forAULA energ Design, management, Design, management, inspection and Benedetto Allotta - Luca Benedetto Allotta - Luca Regulation N3-TS5 and electricity markets maintenance of off-shore maintenance of off-shore power generation N3-TS5 AULA Pugi plantsPugi (SS) plants (S Machines and Power Converters Electrical Machines and Power ConvertersElectrical M3-TS6 Alberto Reatti N3-TS6 Alberto Reatti 1 1 PS2 Pierluigi Siano MachinesAULA and Po Electrical Machines and Power -2 N3-TS6 Alberto ReattiConvertersElectrical 1 PS2 Poster Session -2 Pierluigi Siano Poster Sessio Chair 16:00 Maintenance, operation and safety in Heiko Thimm power systems 14:00 16:00 16:30 2Mariano Gallo Transport systems and sustainable mobility Transport systems and sustainable mobility A1-TS2 Mariano - 2 (SS) Gallo - 2 (SS) Alessandro 9 Burgio A1-TS5 Meeting at main entrance Plesso DidatticoMeeting Capponiat main entrance Plesso Didattico Capponi Via Capponi Via Capponi 9 LV loads and DGs: their effects on the gridLV loads and DGs: their effects on the9grid Roberto Faranda (SS) (SS) Renewable energy sources in power Alessandro Burgio - 3 systems, distributed generation Chiostro close to Aula Magna Rettorato (Entrance: piazza San Marco 4) 21:30 19:30 21:30 Power systems: distribution grids components and operation - 1 TOUR EEEIC16 Roberto 7 Faranda A1-TS4 19:30 18:30 16:30 20:00 Maintenance, operation and safety in power systems A1-TS1 Power systems: distribution grids Massimo Mitolo - 1 components and operation 18:30 18:30 20:00 COFFEE BREAK Chiostro close to Aula Magna PLENARY SESSION: Welcome messages and Talks onSESSION: Welcome messages and Talks on PLENARY Rettorato (Entrance: “European Contributions to Innovative and Sustainable Energy Markets ” “European Contributions to Innovative and Sustainable Energy Markets ” piazza San Marco 4) 1Heiko Thimm Massimo 3 Mitolo A1-TS3 18:30 Orro Botanico (Entrance via Micheli 3) WELCOME COCKTAIL AFTERNOON 14:00 TECHNICAL SESSIONS 18:00 WELCOME COCKTAIL Chair 18:00 TOUR EEEIC16 Aula n Marco Magna 4) Rettorato (Entrance: Piazza San Marco 4) 14:00 COFFEE BREAK 14:00 Orro Botanico (Entrance via Micheli 3) Renewable energy sources in power systems, distributed generation - 3 Industry authors & Wireless Power TransferIndustry authors & Wireless Power Transfer gio Saponara/Sami Sergio Saponara/Sami 10 A1-TS6 and Energy Harvesting (SS) and Energy Harvesting Barmada Barmada (SS) AFTERNOON 14:00 TECHNICAL SESSIONS Chair 15:30 EVENING TECHNICAL 14:00 15:30 SESSIONS Chair EVENING TECHNICAL 16:00 SESSIONS Chair17:30 20:00 17:30 16:00 23:00 i1Siano - Alireza Soroudi A2-TS1 Resiliency oriented operation and planning Resiliency oriented operation and planning Resiliency oriented operation planning Resiliency oriented operation and planning Pierluigi Siano - Alireza Pierluigi Siano and - Alireza Pierluigi - Alireza Soroudi E2-TS1 of energyE2-TS1 systems - 1 (SS) of energy systems - 2 (SS) of energySiano systems - 1 (SS) of energy systems - 2 (SS) Soroudi Soroudi Farivar 2 Fazelpour A2-TS2 Renewable energy sources and storages - Renewable 2 energy sources and storages - 2 Farivar E2-TS2 Silvia Canevese (SS)Fazelpour (SS) the cultural heritage (SS)Technologies forE2-TS4 the cultural heritageAntonio (SS) A2-TS4 Technologies for Fabio Bisegna Paolozzi Sergey 10 Kovalenko A2-TS6 Arch flash (SS) E2-TS5 Arch flashTartaglia (SS) Michele Michele 9 Tartaglia A2-TS5 Power system stability, security and Sergey Kovalenko resiliency -2 Sergio Panetta Power system stability, security and E2-TS6 - 2 Alessandro Burgio resiliency future HVDC grids (SS) E2-TS3Challenges inMassimo Bongiorno Challenges in future HVDC grids (SS) Palazzo Capponi Palazzo Capponi Environmental monitoring using satellitesEnvironmental monitoring using satellites E2-TS4 Antonio Annunziata (SS) Annunziata (SS) Paolozzi Via Gino Capponi 26 Via Gino Capponi 26 E2-TS5 23:00 Power systems: distribution grids components and operation - 2 SOCIAL DINNER COFFEE BREAK 7Fabio Bisegna Smart Campus (SS) - SPONSORED BY IEEE Smart Campus (SS) - SPONSORED BY IEEE Morris Brenna - Michela Longo E2-TS3 Massimo Bongiorno PES ITALY PES ITALY COFFEE BREAK Brenna 3 - Michela Longo A2-TS3 Power systems: distribution grids E2-TS2 componentsSilvia Canevese - 2 and operation 20:00 SOCIAL DINNER Chair Grounding - 2 Grounding 2 Sergio -Panetta Power systems: micro-grids components, Power systems: micro-grids components, E2-TS6 Burgio models and operation modelsAlessandro and operation PhD PS AWARD --- A3-TS1 2Abel Ferreira A3-TS2 Chair 16:00 Power electronics smart grids Abel and Ferreira Circuits, Sensors, Actuators, Gianpaolo Vitale Electromagnetic Compatibility Przemyslaw 7 Janik A3-TS4 Power systems: transmission grids Przemyslaw Janik - 1 components and operation A3-TS5 --E3-TS1 --- --- Alessandro 3 Vitale A3-TS3 9Fabio Bisegna EVENING TECHNICAL 14:00 16:00 SESSIONS Energy efficient and safe solutions for a Bisegna(SS) smart city Fabio environment Chair EVENING TECHNICAL 16:30 SESSIONS Chair18:00 16:30 18:00 andAllotta Management Benedetto Allotta - Luca Smart Energy Storage Benedetto - Luca ofSmart Energy Storage and Management of E3-TS1 Ground VehiclePugi Systems Ground Vehicle Systems Pugi Power electronics and smart grids Gaetano Zizzo E3-TS2 Circuits, Sensors, Actuators, E3-TS3Compatibility Electromagnetic --- COFFEE BREAK 1 AFTERNOON 14:00 TECHNICAL SESSIONS COFFEE BREAK Chair Power systems: transmission grids E3-TS4 components and operation - 1 Stefano Lauria Energy efficient and safe solutions for a Luigi Martirano smart cityE3-TS5 environment (SS) E3-TS2 E3-TS3 ICT for smart grids Gaetano Zizzo --- --- ICT for smart grids --- Power systems: transmission grids E3-TS4 components Stefano Lauria - 2 and operation Power systems: transmission grids components and operation - 2 Smart Buildings, Lighting, Metering, E3-TS5 Demand SideLuigi Martirano - 3 Management Smart Buildings, Lighting, Metering, Demand Side Management - 3 Materials: nanotechnology for renewable Materials: nanotechnology for renewable Machines and Power Converters Electrical Machines and Power ConvertersElectrical energy, novel materials for energy materials for energy Francesco 10 Grasso A3-TS6 Francesco Grasso E3-TS6 Marcantonio Catelani E3-TS6 energy, novel Marcantonio Catelani 3 3 harvesting harvesting EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY June 8th 2016 Morning Session M1 8th TECHNICAL SESSION 1 (M1-TS1) SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT SYSTEMS: POWER INFRASTRUCTURE AND ELECTRICAL VEHICLES - 1 Session Chair: Luca Pugi University of Florence Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 1 M1-TS1 338 M1-TS1 421 M1-TS1 440 M1-TS1 457 M1-TS1 488 M1-TS1 518 Electric and diesel microbuses driving cycles in Firenze city center Riccardo Barbieri, Gianni Campatelli, Lorenzo Berzi, Marco Pierini, Matteo Lapi Università degli Studi di Firenze Analysis of characteristics for the identification of lead-acid battery technologies used in micro-hybrid vehicles Tara Feizi(1,3), Monika Kwiecien(1,3), Dirk Uwe Sauer(1,2,3) (1) Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems Group, Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA), RWTH Aachen University, Germany (2) Institute for Power Generation and Storage Systems (PGS), E.ON ERC, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, (3) Jülich Aachen Research Alliance, JARA-Energy, Germany Vehicle-to-Grid Utilization Possibility based on Run Data of Electric Vehicles Shin Fukushima The University of Tokyo Technologies, feasibility, and management strategies for on-board multi-source energy networks Sanjana Ahmed, Alberto Castellazzi, Arthur Williams University of Nottingham Multiport converters and ESS on 3kV DC railway lines: case study for braking energy savings Alessio Clerici, Enrico Tironi, Francesco Castelli Dezza Politecnico di Milano Power collection system for electrical vehicles Adrian Plesca(1), Catalin Calistru(1), Catalin Dumitrescu(2) (1) Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iasi, (2) Telekom TECHNICAL SESSION 2 (M1-TS2) SUSTAINABLE ENERGY MICRO-SYSTEMS IN BUILDINGS (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Fabio Massaro University of Palermo Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 2 FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE M1-TS2 198 M1-TS2 256 M1-TS2 675 M1-TS2 681 M1-TS2 428 DE.DU.ENER.T. project: a prototype of a sustainable energy microsystems Gaetano Zizzo(1), Diego La Cascia(1), Fabio Massaro(1), Salvatore Favuzza(1), Luigi Dusonchet(1), Salah Ben Mabrouk(2), Brahim Bessais(2), Amira Ben Mabrouk(2), Kamel Harzli(2), Hatem Oueslati(2) (1) University of Palermo, (2) CRTEN An optimization and management tool for complex multi-generation systems F. D’Urso(1), A. Giarratana(2), P. Lazzeroni(5), E. Pons(3), M. Repetto(3), L. Spairani(4), L. Vandoni(1), G. Zamboni(2) (1) Emisfera Società Cooperativa, (2) HAL SERVICE Srl, (3) Politecnico di Torino, Dipartimento Energia, (4) Net Surfing S.r.l., (5) SiTI - Istituto Superiore sui Sistemi Territoriali per l’Innovazione Monitoring of renewable energy prototype for the DE.DU.ENER.T research project Gaetano Zizzo(1), Diego La Cascia(1), Fabio Massaro(1), Salvatore Favuzza(1), Luigi Dusonchet(1), Salah Ben Mabrouk(2), Hatem Oueslati(2), Amira Ben Mabrouk(2) (1) University of Palermo, (2) CRTEn - Research and Technology Centre of Energy Load match and grid interaction optimization of a net zero energy building through electricity storage M. Ferraro(1), F. Sergi(1), V. Antonucci(1), F. Guarino(2), G. Tumminia(2), M. Cellura(2) (1) Italian National Research Council, Institute for Advanced Energy Technologies "Nicola Giordano", Messina, Italy, (2) University of Palermo, DEIM Department, Palermo, Italy Feasibility analysis and study of a grid-connected hybrid electric system application in the building Sector H. Oueslati (1), S. Ben Mabrouk(1), A. Ben Mabrouk(1), D. La Cascia(1), G. Zizzo(2), L. Dusonchet(2), S. Favuzza(2), F. Massaro(2) (1) Research and Technology Centre of Energy, CRTEn, (2) University of Palermo TECHNICAL SESSION 3 (M1-TS3) MEASUREMENTS - 1 Session Chair: Maria Cristina Piccirilli University of Florence Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 3 M1-TS3 151 M1-TS3 241 M1-TS3 254 M1-TS3 275 A simple and accurate FPGA-based synchronizing method for power-line signal acquisition Angel Quiros-Olozabal, Maria-Angeles Cifredo-Chacon, Juan-Jose Gonzalez-de-la-Rosa, Jose Sierra-Fernandez Universidad de Cadiz Blueberries field irrigation management and monitoring system using PLC based control and wireless sensor network Nuno Martins, Maria do Rosário Calado, José Pombo, Sílvio Mariano Universidade da Beira Interior A fast and effective procedure for sensing solar irradiance in photovoltaic arrays Antonino Laudani(1), Francesco Riganti Fulginei(1), Alessandro Salvini(1), Gabriele Maria Lozito(1), Miguel Carrasco(2), Fernando Mancilla-David(2) (1) Rome Tre University, (2) University of Colorado Denver Upgrading smart meters as key components of integated power quality monitoring system Mustafa Music, Nedzad Hasanspahic, Adnan Bosovic, Damir Aganovic, Samir Avdakovic Public Electric Utility Elektroprivreda of Bosnia and Herzegovina d.d.-Sarajevo EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE M1-TS3 286 M1-TS3 294 M1-TS3 307 Applicability of coefficients for the defect identification of partial discharges in air under AC voltage stress based on the pulse shape Ulrich Lühring, Daniel Wienold, Frank Jenau TU Dortmund University Energy management of a base transceiver station: monitoring of consumption and power saving Carmela Vetromile, Antonio Spagnuolo, Carmine Lubritto Second University of Naples SCADA system with power quality monitoring in Smart Grid model Michael Regula, Alena Otcenasova, Marek Roch, Roman Bodnar, Michal Repak University of Žilina TECHNICAL SESSION 4 (M1-TS4) POWER CONVERTERS: POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT, HARMONICS MITIGATION AND FAULT DETECTION AND IDENTIFICATION – 1 (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Francesco Grasso, Alberto Reatti University of Florence Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 7 M1-TS4 510 M1-TS4 682 M1-TS4 388 M1-TS4 165 M1-TS4 752 M1-TS4 081 Losses and cost comparison of DS-HB and SD-FB MMC based large utility grade STATCOM Georgios Tsolaridis(1), Heverton Augusto Pereira(2), Allan Fagner Cupertino(3), Remus Teodorescu(1), Massimo Bongiorno(4) (1) Aalborg University, (2) Federal University of Viçosa (3) Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais, (4) Chalmers University of Technology Noise cancellation and feature generation of voltage disturbance for identification smart grid faults Turgay Yalcin, Muammer Ozdemir Ondokuz Mayis University An improved current controller to ensure the robust performance of grid-connected converters under weak grid conditions Hesam Khazraj, Filipe Faria Da Silva, Claus Let Bak Aalborg University A controllably inductive power filtering method for large-power industrial rectifier system Qianyi Liu(1), Yong Li(1), Fang Liu(2), Shijia Hu(1), Bin Xie(1), Longfu Luo(1), Yijia Cao(1) (1) Hunan University, (2) Central South University Derating Active Power Filters Considering Network and Bus Voltage Total Harmonic Distortions Sara Deilami, Mohammad A.S. Masoum, Moayed Moghbel Curtin University FFT based reference signal generation to compensate simultaneous voltage sag/swell and voltage harmonics Mustafa Inci, Mehmet Büyük, Mehmet Tümay Çukurova University FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SESSION 5 (M1-TS5) RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES IN POWER SYSTEMS, DISTRIBUTED GENERATION - 1 Session Chair: Renata Varfolomejeva Riga Technical University Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 9 M1-TS5 108 M1-TS5 126 M1-TS5 133 M1-TS5 159 M1-TS5 567 M1-TS5 161 M1-TS5 190 Energy efficiency projects involving solar water heating systems in homes of low-income families Bruno Menita(1), Jose Domingos(1), Elder Geraldo Domingues(1), Aylton Alves(1), Wesley Calixto(1), Adriano Faria(2), Marcio Miguel(2) (1) Federal Institute of Goias- IFG-GO , (2) CELG Distribution S/A -CELG-D Capacity credit of Philippine wind farms in Luzon Adonis Emmanuel DC. Tio, Arjan Jake de Guzman University of the Philippines Solar irradiance forecasting model based on extreme learning machine Tomas Burianek, Stanislav Misak VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava Real-time optimal power flow under wind energy penetration-part I: approach Erfan Mohagheghi, Aouss Gabash, Pu Li Ilmenau University of Technology An effective power management strategy for photovoltaic based distributed generation URVI PATEL(1), Dr. Hiren Patel(2) (1) C. K. Pithawala College of Engineering & Technology, (2) Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology Real-time optimal power flow under wind energy penetration-part II: implementation Erfan Mohagheghi, Aouss Gabash, Pu Li Ilmenau University of Technology The Demand Response Support Under Weather Impacts Using PV Generation and EV Energy Storage Qin Yan, Bei Zhang, Mladen Kezunovic Texas A&M University TECHNICAL SESSION 6 (M1-TS6) SMART BUILDINGS, LIGHTING, METERING, DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT - 1 Session Chair: Gaetano Zizzo University of Palermo Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 10 EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE M1-TS6 100 M1-TS6 175 M1-TS6 181 M1-TS6 685 M1-TS6 199 M1-TS6 020 M1-TS6 211 A time-of-use-based residential electricity demand model for smart grid applications Federica Bizzozero, Giambattista Gruosso, Nicolò Vezzini Politecnico di Milano Optimization models for the demand-side and supply-side scheduling in smart grid Wooi Nee Tan, Ming Tao Gan, Zheng Ling Tan Multimedia University Optimal electricity purchasing model for smart homes using genetic algorithm Esrom Malatji, Dan Nicolae University of Johannesburg Model predictive control technique for energy optimization in residential sector R. Godina(1), E.M.G. Rodrigues(1), E. Pouresmaeil(1), J.C.O. Matias (2), J.P.S. Catalão(3) (1) C-MAST/UBI and INESC-ID/IST, (2) DEGEIT, Univ. Aveiro, (3) INESC TEC and FEUP Load signatures enhancemnet via odd-order harmonic currents Aggelos Bouhouras, Nikolaos Poulakis, Georgios Christoforidis Western Macedonia University of Applied Sciences Design and realization of an electronic system for the management of tactile switches of the capacitive type for a home automation system KNX Lorenzo Capineri University of Florence An optimization management strategy for energy efficiency of air conditioning loads in smart building Rui Fan, Yong Li, Yijia Cao, Wei Xie, Yi Tan, Ye Cai Hunan University WEDNESDAY June 8th 2016 Noon Session N1 8th TECHNICAL SESSION 7 (N1-TS1) SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT SYSTEMS: POWER INFRASTRUCTURE AND ELECTRICAL VEHICLES - 2 Session Chair: Luca Pugi University of Florence Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 1 N1-TS1 559 N1-TS1 563 PV charging station for electric vehicles. Management and interface system Maria do Rosário Calado, Sílvio Mariano, José Pombo, Rita Pinto Universidade da Beira Interior Wireless sensor network based management system for electric bicycle-sharing M. Prist (1), A. Freddiy (2), S. Longhi(1), A. Monteriù(1), P. Antonini (3) (1) University Politecnica Marche, (2) University degli Studi eCampus (3) Picchio s.p.a., FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE N1-TS1 661 N1-TS1 071 N1-TS1 714 N1-TS1 736 N1-TS1 014 N1-TS1 705 Modelling and estimation parameters of electronic differential system for an electric vehicle using radial basis neural network Merve Yildirim, Mehmet Cem Catalbas, Arif Gulten, Hasan Kurum Firat University High penetration of electric vehicles in an isolated grid: a study in Guadeloupe Guillaume Guérin, Richard Bucknall University College London A sustainability analysis for electric vehicles batteries including ageing phenomena Caterina Antonia Dattilo, Massimo Delogu, Lorenzo Berzi, Marco Pierini University of Florence Survivable transportation network design for electric vehicles Subhasis Thakur University of L'Aquila Driving electronic board with adjustable piloting signal parameters for characterization of common rail diesel injectors with pure biodiesel Paolo Visconti, Vito Ventura, Antonio Paolo Carlucci, Luciano Strafella University of Salento Cartel formation in charging network for electric vehicles Subhasis Thakur, Giovanni De Gasperis University of L'Aquila TECHNICAL SESSION 8 (N1-TS2) TRANSPORT SYSTEMS AND SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY - 1 (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Mariano Gallo University of Sannio Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 2 N1-TS2 101 N1-TS2 113 N1-TS2 138 N1-TS2 157 N1-TS2 178 Modelling the daily energy consumption of escalators with various passenger volumes Semen Uimonen(1), Toni Tukia(1), Marja-Liisa Siikonen(2), Matti Lehtonen(1) (1) Aalto University, (2) KONE Corporation A model for estimating road traffic noise in urban areas Mariano Gallo(1), Orazio Mascolino(1), Giuseppe Mazza(2) (1) University OF Sannio, (2) Artea S.r.l. Improving energy efficiency for freight trains during operation: the use of simulation Valerio De Martinis, Ulrich Weidmann ETH Zurich - Institut for Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme ITS to change behaviour a focus about bike mobility monitoring and incentive – The SaveMyBike system Massimiliano Petri(1), Marco Frosolini(1), Marino Lupi(2), Antonio Pratelli(2) (1) University of Pisa, (2) University Centre Logistics Systems of Leghorn From EBSF to EBSF-2: A compelling agenda for the bus of the future. A decade of research for more attractive and sustainable buses Maria Vittoria Corazza(1), Umberto Guida(2), UITP; Antonio Musso(1), Michele Tozzi(2) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) International Association of Public Transport UITP EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE N1-TS2 182 N1-TS2 240 N1-TS2 291 Assessing public transport reliability of services connecting the major airport of a low density region by using AVL and GIS technologies Giuseppe Guido, Alessandro Vitale, Daniele Rogano University of Calabria Energy consumption minimization in railway planning Teresa Montrone(1), Paola Pellegrini(2) , Paolo Nobili(1), Giovanni Longo(3) (1) University ofl Salento, (2) University Lille Nord de France, (2) University of Trieste A proposal for an self contained electrical bus service for medium sized cities Luigi Biggiero, Francesca Pagliara University Federico II of Naples TECHNICAL SESSION 9 (N1-TS3) MEASUREMENTS - 2 Session Chair: Jana Heckenbergerova University of Pardubice Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 3 N1-TS3 313 N1-TS3 419 N1-TS3 422 N1-TS3 424 N1-TS3 462 N1-TS3 498 Harvesting-aware energy management for environmental monitoring WSN James Rodway, Petr Musilek University of Alberta Remote consulting for product EMC compliance by means of virtual workspace and cloud computing Wei Wu(1), Shisheng Chen(2), Chunchao Cai(3), Yi Xu(2) (1) Zhoushan Puhua Electronic Tech, (2) Senken Group Co. Ltd, (3) Shenou communication equipment Co. LTD Novel methodology for integrated analog front-end signal processing blocks based portable multifunctional sensor for biomedical applications D.F. Cruz(1), E.M.G. Rodrigues(1), R. Godina(1), C.M.P. Cabrita(1), J.C.O. Matias(2), J.P.S. Catalão(3) (1) UBI and CISE, (2) DEGEIT, Univ. Aveiro, (3) INESC TEC and FEUP Innovative experimental low cost electronics operated instrumentation for wearable health systems with high resolution physiological measurements D.F. Cruz(1), E.M.G. Rodrigues(1), R. Godina(1), C.M.P. Cabrita(1), J.C.O. Matias(2), J.P.S. Catalão(3) (1) UBI and CISE, (2) DEGEIT, Univ. Aveiro, (3) INESC TEC and FEUP A new adaptive sampling method for energy-efficient measurement of environmental parameters Sam Ezeora(1), Jana Heckenbergerova(1), Petr Musilek(2) (1) University of Pardubice, (2) University of Alberta Application of matching pursuit based method to identify sources of time-vary magnetic field Beata Palczynska Gdynia Maritime University FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SESSION 10 (N1-TS4) POWER CONVERTERS: POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT, HARMONICS MITIGATION AND FAULT DETECTION AND IDENTIFICATION – 2 (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Francesco Grasso, Alberto Reatti University of Florence Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 7 N1-TS4 701 N1-TS4 581 N1-TS4 112 N1-TS4 080 N1-TS4 082 N1-TS4 753 Open-switch fault diagnosis for five-level h-bridge neutral point piloted or t-type converters Philippe Poure(1), Florent Becker(1), Shahrokh Saadate(1), Eshan Jamshidpour(2) (1) Institut Jean Lamour, (2) Green Laboratory Challenges with harmonic compensation at a remote bus in offshore WPP Sanjay K. Chaudhary (1), Cristian Lascu(1), Bakhtyar Hoseinzadeh (1), Remus Teodorescu (1), Łukasz H. Kocewiak(2), Troels Sørensen (2), Christian F. Jensen (3) (1) Aalborg University, (2) DONG Energy Wind Power, (3) Voltage quality studies in electric power systems: an AC/DC network for a Shipboard application Regina Lamedica(1), Alfonso Capasso(1), Alessandro Ruvio(1), Enrico Tironi(2), Matteo Corti(2), Stefano Lauria(1) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) Politecnico di Milano Performance evaluation of LLCL filter for active power filter Mehmet Büyük, Mustafa İnci, Mehmet Tümay Çukurova University MLMVNN for parameter fault detection in PWM DC-DC converters and its applications for buck DC DC Converter Alberto Reatti(1), Antonio Luchetta(1), Stefano Manetti(1), Maria Cristina Piccirilli(1), Lorenzo Ciani(1), Marian Kazimierczuk(2), Marcantonio Catelani(1) (1) DINFO - University of Florence (2) Wright State University A novel ZVS full-bridge converter Nasir, Jon Cobb Bournemouth University TECHNICAL SESSION 11 (N1-TS5) RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES IN POWER SYSTEMS, DISTRIBUTED GENERATION - 2 Session Chair: Renata Varfolomejeva Riga Technical University Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 9 N1-TS5 205 Performance of a small photovoltaic power plant under different meteorological conditions Ana Cabrera-Tobar, Oriol Gomis Bellmunt Polytechnic University of Catalonia EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE N1-TS5 218 N1-TS5 251 N1-TS5 029 N1-TS5 305 N1-TS5 309 N1-TS5 526 Effects of the air density value on a wind generator electricity production capability Diego La Cascia(1), Vincenzo Di Dio(2), Valerio Lo Brano(2), Giuseppina Ciulla(2), Francesco Montanta(2) (1) CRTeN, (2) University of Palermo The distributed generation of hydropower resources of the Republic of Tajikistan on the basis of fuzzy models Vadim Zinovjevich Manusov(1), Alifbek Kirgisov(2) (1) Novosibirsk State Technical University, (2) Tajik Technical University Impact of optimal location, size and number of distributed generation units on the performance of radial distribution systems Mohamed Shekeew, Mostafa Elshahed, Magdy Elmarsafawy Cairo University Analysis of the transformer inrush current in a hydro generator Camilo Carrillo(1), Eloy Diaz-Dorado(1), José Cidrás(1), David Romen(2), Javier Grande(2), Antonio Gallego(2) (1) University of Vigo, (2) Magallanes Renovables, S.L. SW framework for simulation and evaluation of partial shading effects in configurable PV systems Marco Severini, Andrea Scorrano, Stefano Squartini, Marco Fagiani, Francesco Piazza University Politecnica delle Marche The limiting factors and supporting schemes influenece on small-scale power plant work Renata Varfolomejeva, Inga Iljina, Hasan Coban, Nikita Sokolovs, Antans Sauhats Riga Technical University TECHNICAL SESSION 12 (N1-TS6) SMART BUILDINGS, LIGHTING, METERING, DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT - 2 Session Chair: Marck Halpin Auburn University Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 10 N1-TS6 292 N1-TS6 310 N1-TS6 333 N1-TS6 380 N1-TS6 450 Towards a generic procedure for modeling buildings and their thermal zones Sullivan Royer, Stéphane Thil, Thierry Talbert PROMES-CNRS User-centric energy management for the smart grid Shida Zhang, Petr Musilek University of Alberta A smart air conditioner in smart home Hanife Apaydin Özkan, Aydın Aybar Anadolu University Carbon cement-based sensors for dynamic monitoring of structures A. D’Alessandro (1), F. Ubertini (1), A.L. Materazzi (1), S. Laflamme (2), A. Cancelli (2), L. Micheli (2) (1)University of Perugia, (2) Iowa State University HEMS as network support tool: facilitating network operator in congestion management and overvoltage mitigation M.S.H. Nizami(1), Niyam Haque(1), P.H. Nguyen(1), Frits Bliek(2) (1) Eindhoven University of Technology, (2) DNV GL Energy FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE POSTER SESSION 1 (PS1) Session Chair: Fabio Bisegna, University of Rome Sapienza Session Chair: Pierluigi Siano, University of Salerno Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Poster Area (1st Floor) PS1 002 PS1 045 PS1 054 PS1 121 PS1 237 PS1 270 PS1 272 PS1 316 PS1 358 PS1 393 PS1 456 Wireless smart system for monitoring and driving of household electrical facilities remotely controlled by Internet Paolo Visconti(1), Aimè Lay-Ekuakille(1), Patrizio Primiceri(1), Giorgio Cavalera(2) (1) University of Salento, (2) Cavalera Company Srl - Galatone A Review of LCC-HVDC and VSC-HVDC Technologies and Applications Oluwafemi Oni, Innocent Davidson, Kamati Mbangula University of KwaZulu-Natal Optimization of Energy Consumption of an Wastewater Treatment Plant by Using Technological Forecasts and Green Energy Cristian Andrei Badea, Horia Leonard Andrei Valahia University Characteristic of Core-less Tubular Type PM Linear Generator Nobuyuki Naoe, Akio Imazawa Kanazawa Technical College Long- and short-term electric load forecasting on quarter-hour data: a 3-torus approach Alice Guerini, Giuseppe De Nicolao University of Pavia Estonian Experience by Implementation of Incentive Type of Price Regulation Märt Ots(1), Arvi Hamburg(2), Einari Kisel(3), Tarmo Mere(4) (1)Estonian Competition Authority, (2)Tallinn University of Technology, (3) World Energy Council, (4) Elektrilevi OÜ Smart driving and control board for creating water and light plays synchronized with a music track applied to dancing fountains Paolo Visconti(1), Paolo Costantini(1), Giorgio Cavalera (2) (1) University of Salento, (2) Cavalera Company Srl - Galatone Meeting of Energy Skills: An Educational Framework for Energy Professionals in NZEB Georgios Christoforidis(1), Angelos Nousdilis(2), Grigoris Papagiannis(2), Valeria Branciforti(3), Daniela Melandri(3), Elisa Peñalvo(4) (1) Western Macedonia University of Applied Sciences, (2) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, (3) Knowledge Transfer Network, UK, (4) Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Magnetic field calculations within substation environment for EMC studies Aine Izzati Tarmizi, Mihai D. Rotaru , Jan K. Sykulski University of Southampton Solar Powered WSN for monitoring environment and soil parameters by specific app for mobile devices usable for early flood prediction or water savings Paolo Visconti, Cosimo Orlando, Patrizio Primiceri University of Salento Microgrid Laboratory for Educational and Research Purposes Catalin Patrascu, Nicolae Muntean, Octavian Cornea, Alexandru Hedes Politehnica University of Timisoara EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE PS1 545 PS1 583 PS1 673 PS1 695 PS1 697 PS1 698 PS1 746 PS1 747 PS1 750 PS1 751 PS1 761 Power Measurement of Electric Arc Furnace Based on Multi-Resolution Structure Babak Abdolmaleki(1), Haidar Samet(1), Yosr Boukhris(2) (1) Shiraz University ,(2) Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis Impact of Measurement Accuracy in a Multi-Agent Control System for Active Distribution Networks Susanna Mocci, Simona Ruggeri, Sara Sulis University of Cagliari A contribution of demand response for the reliability of a power system Alvaro Gomes, Claudia Gaspar University of Coimbra ME3A: Software Tool for the identification of energy saving measures in existing buildings José Molina(1), Servando Álvarez(1), Laura Romero(1), José Salmerón(1), José Sánchez(2), Francisco Sanchez(2) (1) University of Seville, (2) University of Cádiz A New Voltage Instability Detection Index based on Real-time Synchronophasor Measurements H.K Chappa(1) Tripta Thakur(2), Behzad Kazemtabrizi (1) (1), Durham University, (2) MANIT Bhopal, Modified Dual Second-order Generalised Integrator FLL for Synchronization of a Distributed Generator to a Weak Grid Kalpeshkumr R. Patil, Hiren H. Patel Sarvajanik College of Engineering A Probabilistic Estimation for Dynamic Thermal Rating of Transmission Lines Soheila Karimi(1), Andy Knight(1), Petr Musilek(2), Jana Heckenbergerova(3) (1) University of Calgary, (2) University of Alberta, (3) University of Pardubice Oscillating transient component for detection and localization of faults in HVDC systems Arkadiusz Burek(1), Jacek Rezme(2), Tomasz Sikorski(2) (1) ABB Corporate Research Center Krakow, (2) Wroclaw University of Technology Optimal Sizing of Renewable Energy Plant–Storage System for Network Support Xoese Kobla Nanewortor(1), Przemyslaw Janik(2) , Zbigniew Waclawek(2), Zbigniew Leonowicz(2) (1) Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus - Senftenberg, (2) Wroclaw University of Science and Technology Sizing of Photovoltaic Power and Storage System for Optimized Hosting Capacity Zbigniew Waclawek(1), Jacek Rezmer(1), Przemyslaw Janik(1), Xoese Kobla Nanewortor(2) (1) Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, (2) Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus - Senftenberg Mitigating Voltage Sags due to short circuits using Dynamic Voltage Restorer Trinh Tran Duy(1), Dung Vo Tien(2), Radomir Gono(2), Zbigniew Leonowicz(3) (1) Vinh University of Technology Education, (2) VSB-TUO Ostrava, (3) Wroclaw University of Science and Technology FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY June 8th 2016 Afternoon Session A1 8th TECHNICAL SESSION 13 (A1-TS1) MAINTENANCE, OPERATION AND SAFETY IN POWER SYSTEMS Session Chair: Heiko Thimm Pforzheim Univeristy Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 14:00 – 16:00 Venue: Aula 1 A1-TS1 204 A1-TS1 022 A1-TS1 278 A1-TS1 405 A1-TS1 538 A1-TS1 079 Enhancement of thermal conductivity of transformer oil by exfoliated white graphene nanosheets Swati Das(1), Paramita Chattopadhyay(1), Kalyan Chattopadhyay(2), Mississippi Bhunia(1), Sourav Das(2) (1) IIEST, Shibpur, (2) Jadavpur University Probabilistic realtime failure detection for safety enforcement workflows Heiko Thimm Pforzheim University A novel approach of partial discharges detection in real environment Stanislav Misak, Tomas Jezowicz, Jan Fulnecek, Tomas Vantuch, Tomas Burianek VSB - Technical University of Ostrava Experimental study of maintenance system for horizontal axis tidal turbine using guide wires Myeong Joo Kim, Chul-Hee Jo, Su-Jin Hwang, Chan-Hoe Goo Inha University A new algorith for the design of metal oxide varistor surge arresters Nicolae Tarfulea(1), Flaviu Mihai Frigura-Iliasa(1), Doru Vatau(1), Petru Andea(1), Florin Ionel Balcu(2), Amalia Corina Macarie(2) (1) Politehnica University Timisoara, (2) National Institute for Research and Development in Electrochemistry TM Combined heat and power plants towards efficient and flexible operation Polina Ivanova(1), Olegs Linkevics(2), Antans Sauhats(1), Maris Balodis(2) (1) Riga Technical University, (2) Latvenergo TECHNICAL SESSION 14 (A1-TS2) TRANSPORT SYSTEMS AND SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY - 2 (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Mariano Gallo University of Sannio Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 14:00 – 16:00 Venue: Aula 2 EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE A1-TS2 030 A1-TS2 179 A1-TS2 441 A1-TS2 465 A1-TS2 486 A1-TS2 083 A1-TS2 095 A1-TS2 099 Particulate matter concentrations in urban metro systems: case studies and a litterature review Armando Carteni University of Naples Federico II Modelling and simulation of electric urban transportation systems with energy storage Regina Lamedica(1), Alfonso Capasso(1), Alessandro Ruvio(1), Massimo Ceraolo(2), Giovanni Lutzemberger(2) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) University of Pisa Experimental validation of a steady-state metro network simulator for eco-drive operations Giuseppe Graber(1), Vincenzo Galdi(1), Luigi Fratelli(2), Vito Calderaro(1), Antonio Piccolo(1) (1) University of Salerno, (2) Hitachi Rail Italy Modelling components for the fuel consumption investigation in model in the loop environment Luigi Pariota, Sebastian Rosario Pastore, Francesco Timpone University of Naples Federico II A method for in-situ characterization of PMSM traction machines Sebastian Hall, Rasmus Andersson, Mats Alaküla Lund University Defining economic and environmental feasibility thresholds in the case of rail signalling systems based on satellite technology Marilisa Botte, Claudia Di Salvo, Chiara Caropreso, Bruno Montella, Luca D'Acierno University of Naples Federico II Model-based design and testing for electric vehicle driveability analysis Sebastian Ciceo(1), Claudia Martis(1), Herman Van der Auweraer(2), Johan Gyselinck(3), Mathieu Sarrazin(2), Yves Mollet(3) (1) Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, (2) Siemens Industry Software NV, (3) University libre de Bruxelles Evaluating and improving the energy efficiency of counterbalanced elevators based on passenger traffic Toni Tukia(1), Semen Uimonen(1), Matti Lehtonen(1), Marja-Liisa Siikonen(2), Claudio Donghi(3) (1) Aalto University, (2) KONE Corporation, (3) KONE Industrial TECHNICAL SESSION 15 (A1-TS3) POWER SYSTEMS: DISTRIBUTION GRIDS COMPONENTS AND OPERATION - 1 Session Chair: Massimo Mitolo ESI Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 14:00 – 16:00 Venue: Aula 3 A1-TS3 109 A1-TS3 122 Optimization of distribution system reliability Laila Zemite, Janis Gerhards, Mikhail Gorobetz, Anatoly Levchenkov Riga Technical University Minimization of the power losses and of the cable cross-section in the power-supply systems using population-based algorithms Pavel Matrenin, Vadim Manusov, Elena Tretyakova Novosibirsk State Technical University FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE A1-TS3 530 A1-TS3 155 A1-TS3 214 A1-TS3 231 A1-TS3 320 Confirming correct operation of fast switches in their simultaneous allocation with dgs and directional over-current relays Seyed Salman Dorkhosh, Haidar Samet Shiraz University Solving district heating problems by using cooperative game theory methods Igors Moskins, Antans Sauhats Riga Technical University Cost-benefit analysis of simplified substations Svetlana Beryozkina, Nauris Jankovskis, Antans Sauhats Riga Technical University Mean life estimation of metal oxide surge arresters under harmonic distortion Pitshou Bokoro University of Johannesburg Harmonic state estimation for distribution systems based on synchrophasors Igor Melo, José Pereira, Abilio Variz, Braulio Oliveira Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora TECHNICAL SESSION 16 (A1-TS4) LV LOADS AND DGS: THEIR EFFECTS ON THE GRID (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Roberto Faranda Politecnico di Milano Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 14:00 – 16:00 Venue: Aula 7 A1-TS4 094 A1-TS4 281 A1-TS4 298 A1-TS4 443 A1-TS4 451 A1-TS4 460 A1-TS4 577 An optimal control of distributed energy resources to improve the power quality and to reduce energy costs of a hybrid AC-DC microgrid Pierluigi Caramia(1), Guido Carpinelli(2), Fabio Mottola(2), Giulio Russo(2) (1) University of Naples Parthenope, (2) University of Naples Federico II Harmonic distortion in low voltage isolated distribution grids Gaetano Abbatantuono, Sergio Bruno, Massimo La Scala, Augusto Naschetti, Ugo Stecchi Politecnico di Bari Evaluating impact of new technologies on low voltage grids using probabilistic data enriched scenarios Raoul Bernards(1), Johan Morren(2), Han Slootweg(2) (1) Eindhoven University of Technology, (2) Enexis A comparative study of centralized and decentralized active power control in residential energy districts Patrizia Santoro, Vincenzo Galdi, Vito Calderaro, Antonio Piccolo University of Salerno LV distribution system modelling for distributed energy resources Mario Russo(1), Anna Rita Di Fazio(1), Sara Valeri(1), Michele De Santis(2) (1) University of Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, (2) Niccolò Cusano University Reassessment of voltage stability for distribution networks in presence of DG Jaser Sa'ed(1), Mohammad Jubran(1), Salvatore Favuzza(2), Fabio Massaro(2) (1) Birzeit University, (2) University of Palermo Load management by voltage optimization Hossein Hafezi(1), Roberto Faranda(1), Zeinab Shafizadeh(1), Alfio Fontana(2) (1) Politecnico Di Milano, (2) Gruppo Carrefour Italia EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE A1-TS4 605 Influence of load management in distribution network on voltages and active power losses: case study Kresimir Fekete, Zvonimir Klaic University of Osijek TECHNICAL SESSION 17 (A1-TS5) RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES IN POWER SYSTEMS, DISTRIBUTED GENERATION - 3 Session Chair: Alessandro Burgio University of Calabria Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 14:00 – 16:00 Venue: Aula 9 A1-TS5 361 A1-TS5 573 A1-TS5 389 A1-TS5 395 A1-TS5 396 A1-TS5 406 A1-TS5 386 A1-TS5 608 Optimal management of a virtual power plant Dan Jigoria-Oprea, Gheorghe Vuc, Marcela Litcanu Politehnica University Timisoara A local real-time controller to face the problem of power imbalance in a VED consisting of several DC Microgrids Giovanni Brusco, Anna Pinnarelli, Giuseppe Barone, Daniele Menniti, Nicola Sorrentino, Alessandro Burgio, Francesco Certo University of Calabria Remote islanded distribution networks supplied by bess integrated PV generation units Fatihe Abusief, Roberto Caldon, Fabio Bignucolo University of Padova Evaluation of wind energy potential and economics for the city of Kahnuj in Kerman province, Iran Nima Soltani, Farivar Fazelpour Islamic Azad University Techno-economic feasibity of grid-connected photovoltaic power plant in Qeshm island, Iran Farivar Fazelpour, Mahla Shariatzadeh, Nima Soltani Islamic Azad University Techno-Economic Analysis of Hybrid Power Systems for a Residential Building in Zabol, Iran Farivar Fazelpour, Sepideh Farahi, Nima Soltani Islamic Azad University Distribution networks reconfiguration based on variable daily load profiles and limitation of distributed generation resources using harmony search algorithm Masoud Abbasi Apedco Comparing standard recommendations with site-specific measurements for sizing residential alternative energy applications Mark Halpin, Maria Arechavaleta Auburn University FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SESSION 18 (A1-TS6) INDUSTRY AUTHORS AND WIRELESS POWER TRANSFER AND ENERGY HARVESTING (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Sergio Saponara, Sami Barmada University of Pisa Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 14:00 – 16:00 Venue: Aula 10 A1-TS6 021 A1-TS6 225 A1-TS6 302 A1-TS6 065 A1-TS6 402 A1-TS6 568 Predictive analysis in energy management system Kiamran Radjabli(1), Keith Hock(2), Dave McGinnis(1), Murali Boddeti(3) (1) Utilicast, (2) Ameren, (3) ERCOT High-level feasibility analysis of an electronic Distributed Control System for Oil&Gas turbomachinery S. Saponara (1), L. Fanucci (1), Edoardo Giomi(1), Luca Fanucci(1), A. Franchi(2), E. Giomi(2), P. Meloni(2), G. Nardini (2) (1) University of Pisa, (2) GE Nuova PignonE Efficient monitoring system for data center: Agorà case study Daniela Isidori, Laura Standardi, Massimiliano Manca, Cristina Cristalli Loccioni Group Design of a multi-channel LED lighting system on flexible supports for high-end 2-wheel vehicles Sergio Saponara(1), Simone De Santis(1), Roberto Roncella(1), Roberto Saletti(1), David Benedetti (2), Jacopo Agnelli (2) (1) University of Pisa, (2) Carbon Dream spa Optimal design of high frequency H-bridge inverter for wireless power transfer systems for EV applications Osama Mohammed, Ahmed Mohamed, Allen Dueal, Tarek Youssef Florida International University Design and energetic analysis of a self-powered bluetooth low energy speed sensor Luca Buccolini, Paola Pierleoni, Massimo Conti Università Politecnica delle Marche EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE THURSDAY June 9th 2016 Morning Session M2 9th TECHNICAL SESSION 19 (M2-TS1) SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT SYSTEMS: POWER INFRASTRUCTURE AND ELECTRICAL VEHICLES - 1 Session Chair: Antonio Moreno-Munoz University of Cordoba Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 1 M2-TS1 749 M2-TS1 146 M2-TS1 152 M2-TS1 170 M2-TS1 192 M2-TS1 533 M2-TS1 096 Fostering electric mobility in Florence Giacomo Parenti Municipality of Florence Local energy micro-storage systems in smart communities with active, reactive and harmonic control Maria Milanes-Montero(1), Eva González-Romera(1), Fermín Barrero-González(1), Enrique Romero-Cadaval(1), Antonio Moreno-Munoz(2) (1) University of Extremadura, (2) Universidad de Córdoba Influence of photovoltaic installation angles and geographical dispersion in the smoothing of photovoltaic fleet power fluctuations Isabel Santiago, David Trillo-Montero, Emilio Palacios-Garcia, Isabel Moreno-Garcia, Antonio Moreno-Munoz University of Cordoba Performance monitoring of a solar photovoltaic power plant using an advanced real-time system Isabel Moreno-Garcia, Emilio Palacios-Garcia, Isabel Santiago, Victor Pallares-Lopez, Antonio Moreno-Munoz University of Cordoba Bottom-up and recursive interconnection for multi-layer DC microgrids Annette Werth(1), Mario Tokoro(2), Kenji Tanaka(1) (1) University of Tokyo, (2) Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc. Photovoltaic inverter with smart grid functions Fermín Barrero-González, Victor Miñambres-Marcos, Miguel Guerrero-Martínez, Enrique Romero-Cadaval, Maria Milanes-Montero, Eva González-Romera University of Extremadura Smart community load matching using stochastic demand modeling and historical production data Emilio Palacios-Garcia(1), Antonio Moreno-Munoz(1), Isabel Santiago(1), Isabel Moreno-Garcia(1), Maria Milanes-Montero(2) (1) Universidad de Cordoba, (2) University of Extremadura FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SESSION 20 (M2-TS2) LIGHTING AND DAYLIGHTING (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Mojtaba Navvab University of Michigan Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 2 M2-TS2 072 M2-TS2 236 M2-TS2 279 M2-TS2 640 M2-TS2 550 M2-TS2 636 Programmable driving boards of xenon flash lamps for photo-ignition process of carbon nanotubes added to air/methane fuel mixture Paolo Visconti, Patrizio Primiceri, Raffaele Tramis, Daniele Longo, Luciano Strafella, Antonio Paolo Carlucci University of Salento Smart multi-workplane lighting control and utilization of daylight using an imaging photosensor Constantinos Bouroussis, Frangiskos Topalis National Technical University of Athens Study for optimizing the daylight “filter” in a pre-tunnel structure Dionysia Drakou, Chiara Burattini, Fabio Nardecchia, Lucia Cellucci, Franco Gugliermetti University of Rome Sapienza LED lighting effect on sleep, sleepiness, mood and vigor Chiara Burattini(1), Giuseppe Curcio(2), Laura Piccardi(2), Fabio Ferlazzo(1), Anna Maria Giannini(1), Fabio Bisegna(1) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) L'Aquila University Estimation of the adaptation luminance under roadway lighting condition Mojtaba Navvab(1), Robert Clear(2) (1) University of Michigan, TCAUP, (2) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA Defining pedestrian’s visual adaptation field under night lighting in venice Mojtaba Navvab(1), Fabio Bisegna(2), Lucia Cellucci(2) (1) University of Michigan, TCAUP, (2) University of Rome Sapienza TECHNICAL SESSION 21 (M2-TS3) ECONOMICAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE DEVELOMENT OF ELECTRICAL POWER PLANTS BASED ON RENEWABLE ENERGETIC RESOURCES (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Vincenzo Di Dio, University of Palermo Session Chair: Valerio Lobrano, Scuola Politecnica Palermo Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 3 M2-TS3 258 M2-TS3 360 Renewable energy efficiency Sergey Karabanov(1), Pavel Bezrukikh(2), Pavel Bezrukikh (Jr.) (2) (1) Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, (2) Yandex Energy and economic assessment of a small domestic wind turbine in Palermo Valerio Lo Brano, Giuseppina Ciulla, Marco Beccali, Edoardo Moreci, Vincenzo La Rocca DEIM ScuolaPolitecnica, Palermo EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE M2-TS3 392 M2-TS3 529 M2-TS3 540 M2-TS3 665 M2-TS3 097 Leading the way toward fuel parity in photovoltaics: the Sicilian utility-scale market Alessandro Massi Pavan(1), Giorgio Sulligoi(1), Vanni Lughi(1), Francesco Pauli(1), Rosario Miceli(2), Vincenzo Di Dio(2), Fabio Viola(2) (1) University of Trieste, (2) University of Palermo Italian incentive strategy and regulations on small wind power turbines: a critical overview Roberto Bissanti(1), Giovanni Cipriani(1), Vincenzo Di Dio(1), Rosario Miceli(1), Jaser Sa'ed(2) (1) University of Palermo, (2) Birzeit University Selection of a suitable standalone power supply system for an off-grid town in western Australia Liaqat Ali(1), Farhad Shahnia(2) (1) Curtin University, (2) Murdoch University Analysis and modeling of distributed generations impact on electricity market prices Hossein Toorian, Saber Nourian, Ehsan Talebian Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University Technical and economic requirements for developing large offshore wind power plants in Romania – Black Sea Mircea Scripcariu, Gabriela Nicoleta Sava, Ștefăniță Pluteanu, Sorina Costinaș University Politehnica of Bucharest TECHNICAL SESSION 22 (M2-TS4) MICROGRIDS:NEW IMPROVEMENT IN MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL - 1 (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Sonia Leva Politecnico di Milano Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 7 M2-TS4 185 M2-TS4 235 M2-TS4 026 M2-TS4 271 M2-TS4 368 M2-TS4 391 Stochastic optimization of microgrids with renewable and storage energy systems George Cristian Lazaroiu(1), Virgil Dumbrava(1), Georgiana Balaban(1), Michela Longo(2), Dario Zaninelli(2) (1) University Politehnica of Bucharest (2) Politecnico di Milano Optimal management algorithm for battery energy storage system included in an islanded micro-grid Alberto Dolara(1), Francesco Grimaccia(1), Gabriele Marchegiani(2), Giulia Magistrati(1) (1) Politecnico di Milano, (2) Elvi Energy Assessing demand side flexibility with renewable energy resources Sambeet Mishra, Hardi Koduvere, Ivo Palu, Reeli Kuhi-Thalfeldt, Argo Rosin Tallinn University of Technology Power quality prediction designed as binary classification in AC coupling off-grid system Tomas Vantuch, Stanislav Misak, Jindřich Stuchlý VSB-TU Ostrava A model predictive control approach for the optimization of polygeneration microgrids and demand response strategies Mansueto Rossi, Stefano Bracco, Federico Delfino, Renato Procopio, Michela Robba University of Genoa PV hourly day-ahead power forecasting in a micro grid context Emanuele Ogliari, Marco Mussetta, Alberto Dolara, Sonia Leva Politecnico di Milano FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SESSION 23 (M2-TS5) ELECTRICAL SAFETY ENGINEERING (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Massimo Mitolo ESI Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 9 M2-TS5 050 M2-TS5 102 M2-TS5 710 M2-TS5 364 M2-TS5 366 M2-TS5 627 M2-TS5 680 Protection of apparatus against lightning surge in an extended earthing arrangement Giovanbattista Lo Piparo(1), Tomasz Kisielewicz(2), Carlo Mazzetti(1), Fabio Fiamingo(3) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) Warsaw University of Technology, (3) INAIL Can we use IEC 61850 for safety related functions? Micaela Caserza Magro, Paolo Pinceti, Luca Rocca University of Genoa Preventable ground wire accidents and fires Sarosh Patel, Lawrence Hmurcik University of Bridgeport Electrical safety of DC urban rail traction systems Enrico Pons, Riccardo Tommasini, Pietro Colella Politecnico di Torino Safety issues in tunnel installation of EHV power cables Roberto Benato, Matteo Baù, Sebastian Dambone Sessa, Francesco Gentilin, Nicola Viafora University of Padova Power system schematics standardization. Human factor Umberto Corbellini, Susanna Pogliani Corbellini Engineering Company The case of the malfunctioning sandblaster Sarosh Patel, Lawrence Hmurcik University of Bridgeport TECHNICAL SESSION 24 (M2-TS6) MONITORING, DIAGNOSIS AND RELIABILITY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES AND ELECTRIC VEHICLES (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Silvano Vergura, Loredana Cristaldi Politecnico di Bari Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 10 M2-TS6 119 M2-TS6 221 A new approach for assessing the clear-sky direct normal irradiance in real time Julien Nou, Rémi Chauvin, Stéphane Thil, Stéphane Grieu PROMES-CNRS Healt diagnostic of PV panels by means of single cell analysis of thermographic images Pierluigi Guerriero, Santolo Daliento, Gerardo Cuozzo University of Naples Federico II EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE M2-TS6 326 M2-TS6 318 M2-TS6 723 M2-TS6 708 Supercapacitor diagnosis using an extended Kalman filtering approach Gianpaolo Vitale(1), Maurizio Cirrincione(2), Francesco Alonge(3), Giulio Rodonò(3) (1) CNR-ISSIA, (2) The University of the South Pacific, (3) University of Palermo PV plants performance analysis under real operating conditions Alessia Cagnano, Enrico De Tuglie Politecnico di Bari Estimation of membrane hydration status for active proton exchange membrane fuel cell systems by impedance measurement: start-up time measurements Lajos Török(1), Simon Sahlin(1), Benoit Bidoggia(2), Søren Kær(1) (1) Aalborg University, (2) FLSmidth A/S Experimental setup for calibration and optimized operation of Maximum Power Point Tracker applied to an innovative under-test photovoltaic system Paolo Visconti, Vincenzo Diviggiano, Aimè Lay-Ekuakille, Patrizio Primiceri University of Salento THURSDAY June 9th 2016 Noon Session N2 9th TECHNICAL SESSION 25 (N2-TS1) ENERGY STORAGE FOR SMART GRIDS (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Davide Poli University of Pisa Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 1 N2-TS1 129 N2-TS1 187 N2-TS1 255 N2-TS1 311 N2-TS1 499 N2-TS1 575 The control concept of multisource off-grid system Petr Vaculik, Petr Kubalik, Stanislav Honus, Jaroslav Frantik VSB - Technical University of Ostrava Centralized control of energy storages for voltage support in low-voltage distribution grids Iromi Ranaweera, Ole-Morten Midtgård Norwegian University of Science and technology Optimal storage operation in EV charging stations delivering grid services Stefano Barsali, Romeno Giglioli, Giovanni Lutzemberger, Davide Poli University of Pisa Optimization of neighborhood power self-consumption using linear programming Rodrigo Martins(1), Petr Musilek(1), Holger Hesse(2) (1) University of Alberta, (2) Technical University of Munich Modeling for optimal operation of PEM fuel cells and electrolyzers Paolo Gabrielli, Benjamin Flamm, Annika Eichler, Matteo Gazzani, John Lygeros, Marco Mazzotti ETH Zürich Battery energy storage systems for the provision of primary and secondary frequency regulation in Italy Michele Benini, Silvia Canevese, Diego Cirio, Antonio Gatti RSE SpA FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SESSION 26 (N2-TS2) RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES AND STORAGES - 1 (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Farivar Fazelpour Islamic Azad University Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 2 N2-TS2 229 N2-TS2 280 N2-TS2 478 N2-TS2 513 N2-TS2 516 N2-TS2 461 N2-TS2 411 Comparison of energy storage operation in vertically integrated and market-based power systems Zora Luburic(1), Hrvoje Pandzic(1). Tomislav Plavsic(2) (1) Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing University of Zagreb, (2) Croatian TSO – HOPS Modeling of a power sharing transmission in a wave energy converter Kristof De Koker, Joris Degrieck, Jeroen De Maeyer, Florian Verbelen, Tim Verbrugghe, Marc Vantorre, Lieven Vandevelde Ghent University Value stream mapping for evaluation of load scheduling possibilities in a district heating plant Raivo Melsas, Argo Rosin, Imre Drovtar Tallinn University of Technology Flexible energy saving solution: an assessment of energy storage systems for photovoltaics & benefits to the grid-connected systems Merve Mendi ENERJİSA World location as associated factor for optimal operation model of parabolic trough concentrating solar thermal power plants Jorge Llamas, David Bullejos, Vicente Barranco, Manuel Ruíz de Adana University of Cordoba Sensitivity analysis of PCA method for wind ramp event detection Jana Heckenbergerova(1), Petr Musilek(2), Marek Janata(1) (1) University of Pardubice, (2) University of Alberta Modelling of battery energy storage systems under faulted conditions: assessment of protection systems behaviour Marco Maccioni(1), Fabio Massimo Gatta(1), Alberto Geri(1), Asia Codino(1), Stefano Lauria(1), Francesco Palone(2), Massimo Rebolini(2), Gianluigi Gemelli(2) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) TERNA TECHNICAL SESSION 27 (N2-TS3) ENERGY STORAGES FOR POWER SYSTEMS APPLICATION Session Chair: Sandra Castaño Solis Universidad Carlos III Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 3 EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE N2-TS3 162 N2-TS3 239 N2-TS3 591 N2-TS3 527 N2-TS3 611 N2-TS3 649 N2-TS3 650 N2-TS3 683 Short-term optimization of storage power plant operation under market conditions Karlis Baltputnis, Zane Broka, Antans Sauhats, Romen Petrichenko Riga Technical University Balancing management system for improving Li-ion batteries capacity usage and lifespan Miguel Beirão, Maria do Rosário Calado, José Pombo, Sílvio Mariano Universidade da Beira Interior BMS Influence on Li-ion Packs Characterization and Modeling Sandra Castano, Daniel Serrano-Jiménez, Javier Sanz Universidad Carlos IIII de Madrid Energy storage operation in power systems considering correlation between wind farms Nhi T. A. Nguyen, Duong D. Le, Cristian Bovo, Alberto Berizzi Politecnico di Milano ETHICAL: a modular supercapacitor-based power amplifier for high-current arbitrary generation Alessandro Lampasi(1), Giuseppe Maffia(1), Giuseppe Taddia(2), Sandro Tenconi(2), Pietro Zito(1) (1) C.R. ENEA di Frascati, (2) OCEM Energy Technology Battery storage systems for peak load shaving applications Part 1: operating strategy and modification of the power diagram Enrico Telaretti, Luigi Dusonchet University of Palermo Battery storage systems for peak load shaving applications Part 2: economic feasibility and sensitivity analysis Enrico Telaretti, Luigi Dusonchet University of Palermo Net Energy Savings in Rubber Tyred Gantry Cranes Equipped with an Active Front End Stefano Pietrosanti(1), Ian Harrison(1), Victor Becerra(2), Antonio Luque(1), William Holderbaum(1) (1) University of Reading, (2) University of Portsmouth TECHNICAL SESSION 28 (N2-TS4) MICROGRIDS:NEW IMPROVEMENT IN MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL – 2 (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Sonia Leva Politecnico di Milano Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 7 N2-TS4 454 N2-TS4 514 Optimal power flow for technically feasible energy management systems in islanded microgrids Eleonora Riva Sanseverino(1), Quynh Tran(1), Maria Luisa Di Silvestre(1), Gaetano Zizzo(1), Ninh Nguyen Quang(2), Adriana C. Luna(3), Josep M. Guerrero(3) (1) University of Palermo, (2) VietNam Academy Of Science And Technology, (3) University of Aalborg Electricity management for persuing green and resilient airport in case of disaster Tomoki Ihara University of Tokyo FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE N2-TS4 531 N2-TS4 720 N2-TS4 696 N2-TS4 767 Equivalence of primary control strategies for AC and DC microgrids Eneko Unamuno, Jon Andoni Barrena Mondragon Unibertsitatea A multi-agent system reinforcement learning based optimal power flow for islanded microgrids Maria Luisa Di Silvestre(1), Eleonora Riva Sanseverino(1), Liliana Mineo(1), Ninh Nguyen Quang(2), Quynh Tran(1), Salvatore Favuzza(1) (1) University of Palermo, (2) VietNam Academy Of Science And Technology Multi agent system for cooperative energy management in microgrids Federica Mangiatordi, Emiliano Pallotti, Diego Panzieri, Licia Capodiferro Fondazione Ugo Bordoni Embedding of Time Series for the Prediction in Photovoltaic Power Plants Antonello Rosato, Rosa Attilio, Massimo Panella, Rodolfo Araneo University of Rome Sapienza TECHNICAL SESSION 29 (N2-TS5) GROUNDING - 1 Session Chair: Giuseppe Parise University of Rome Sapienza Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 9 N2-TS5 718 N2-TS5 525 N2-TS5 590 N2-TS5 711 N2-TS5 195 ROUND TABLE The identification of global earthing systems: a review and comparison of methodologies Pietro Colella, Enrico Pons, Riccardo Tommasini Politecnico di Torino Global earthing systems: characterization of buried metallic parts Giuseppe Cafaro(1), Pietro Colella(2), Pasquale Montegiglio(1), Enrico Pons(2), Riccardo Tommasini(2), Francesco Torelli(1), Giovanni Valtorta(3) (1) Politecnico di Bari; (2) Politecnico di Torino, (3) ENEL Single grounding system intrinsically safe and global grounding system safe as set Luigi Martirano, Giuseppe Parise, Luigi Parise University of Rome Sapienza Field reduction measures for EMC problems caused by asymmetric earthing arrangements and equipotential bonding systems Wolfgang Emmer(1), Ernst Schmautzer(1), Karl Tiran(2) (1) Graz University of Technology, (2) Tiran Trading GmbH On the effects of HV/MV stations on global grounding systems Gaetano Zizzo, Luigi Dusonchet, Stefano Mangione, Maria Luisa Di Silvestre University of Palermo Meterglob Project: main results about the global grounding systems Giuseppe Parise (Moderator) University of Rome Sapienza EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SESSION 30 (N2-TS6) POWER SYSTEM STABILITY SECURITY AND RESILIENCY - 1 Session Chair: Sergey Kovalenko Riga Technical University Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 10 N2-TS6 039 N2-TS6 115 N2-TS6 201 N2-TS6 212 N2-TS6 033 N2-TS6 037 N2-TS6 089 Degree of fault tolerance of the multi - phase traction electric motors: methodology and application Igor Bolvashenkov Technical University of Munich The reliability analysis under generator voltage-class-reduction scheme for the short-term power system plan Yudong Tan, Ye Cai, Junxiong Li Changsha University of Science & Technology Risk analysis of cascading blackout on generator voltage-class-reduction scheme Xian Yang, Yong Li, Lianwei Li, Ye Cai, Yudong Tan, Yi Tan Changsha University of Science & Technology An impedance modulus margin based approach for voltage stability evaluation of distribution networks with wind power generations Jianhao Li(1), Yong Li(1), Yi Tan(1), Rui Fan(1), Fang Liu(2), Yijia Cao(1), Shangmin Chen(3) (1) Hunan University, (2) Central South University, (3) State Grid Hunan Maintenance Company Multi-terminal out-of-step protection system Andrejs Utans(1), Dmitrijs Antonov(1), Antans Sauhats(1), Andrejs Svalovs(2) (1) Riga Technical University, (2) Alstom Wide area angle stability assessment tool based on statistics standard score technique Mohamed Elnaggar Helwan University Analysis of vulnerability of the Latvian electrical power system Aleksejs Sobolevskis, Inga Zicmane Riga Technical University FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE PHD POSTER SESSION (PhD PS) POWER SYSTEM STABILITY SECURITY AND RESILIENCY - 1 Session Chair: Fabio Bisegna , University of Rome Sapienza Session Chair: Pierluigi Siano, University of Salerno Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Poster Area (1st Floor) PHD PS 019 PHD PS 116 PHD PS 164 PHD PS 184 PHD PS 209 PHD PS 213 PHD PS 340 PHD PS 341 PHD PS 348 PHD PS 353 PHD PS 370 Influence of Noise on the IpDFT-based Estimation of the Grid Frequency in Renewable Energy Systems Dariusz Kania, Józef Borkowski Wroclaw University of Technology Applying a hybrid model of BRDF function to determine parameters of solar concentrators Kamil Plachta Wroclaw Univ. of Technology Analysis of the new submarine interconnection system between Italy and Malta: simulation of transmission network operation Giuseppe Paterno (1), Calogero Cassaro (2), Eleonora Riva Sanseverino(1), Antonino Madonia(1), Fabio Massaro(1), Salvatore Favuzza(1), Mariano Giuseppe Ippolito(1), University of Palermo (1) University of Palermo, (2) Terna Rete Italia S.p.A., Regulating output impedance using a PI controller to improve the stability of a single phase inverter under weak grid Jiao Jiao, Robert Nelms Auburn University Demand forecast improvement based on electricity load scale and the electricity demander portfolio Hiroshi Chin, Rikiya Abe, Kenji Tanaka University of Tokyo Frequency Containment and Restoration Process of the Photovoltaic Power Plant in the Smart Region during Overfrequencies Martina Latkova, Peter Bracinik, Juraj Altus Univesity of Zilina Assessing energy performance and economic costs of retrofitting interventions in a university building Elisa Carbonara, Mariagrazia Tiberi University of Rome Sapienza Dependence of Small Induction Machine Losses on Load Martin Mach, Vitezslav Hajek Brno University of Technology A new control method of Brushless DC motor to maximize starting torque Kamil Plachta Wroclaw Univ. of Technology Impacts of different salts on the degradation of acid blue 25 dye using non-thermal plasma A. El-Tayeb (1),(2), A. H. El-Shazly(1), M. F. Elkady(1) (1) Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology, (2)Aswan University, Aswan, Egypt (3) Electrical Characterization of MFC for Low Power Applications Andrea Pietrelli(1), Vincenzo Ferrara(1), Firas Khaled(2), Bruno Allard(2), Francois Buret(3), Francesca Costantini(1) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) Université de Lyon, INSA de Lyon, (3) École Centrale de Lyon EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE PHD PS 400 PHD PS 420 PHD PS 459 PHD PS 584 PHD PS 588 PHD PS 628 PHD PS 688 PHD PS 758 PHD PS 766 An alternative tool for the energy evaluation and the management of thermal networks: the exergy analysis Fabio Nardecchia(1), Simone Minniti (1), Giovanni Puglisi (2), Fabio Bisegna (1), Luca Gugliermetti (1) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) ENEA Lighting Distribution affects the Pedestrians' Sense of Security Lucia Cellucci(1), Mojtaba Navvab (2), Fabio Bisegna (1), Franco Gugliermetti(1) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) University of Michigan TCAUP Methodology for Determination of the Number of Equipment Malfunctions due to Voltage Quality Roman Bodnar, Alena Otcenasova, Michal Regula, Michal Repak University of Zilina A case study of prioritizing thermal zones to retrofit effectively existing building Elisa Carbonara, Mariagrazia Tiberi, Alessio Ceci University of Rome Sapienza A Smartbox as a low-cost home automation solution for prosumers with a battery storage system in a demand response program Alessandro Burgio; Giovanni Brusco, Anna Pinnarelli, Daniele Menniti, Nicola Sorrentino, Luigi Scarcello, Giuseppe Barone University of Calabria New Approach for Minimizing the Harmonic Currents in Power Systems Salem Saidi(1), Rabeh Abbassi(1,2), Souad Chebbi(1) (1) University of Tunis, (2) University of Hail Modelling of Magnetizing Inductance Saturation in Self-Excited Induction Generators Abdlrhman Alfrhan(1), Shady Gadoue(1), Mohammed A. Elgendy(1), Bashar Zahawi(2), Mohammed Shalaby(3) (1) Newcastle University, (2) Khalifa University, (3) Cairo University Signal behaviour in an indoor environment: Femtocells over macrocells Olaniyi Akindeji Akinlabi, Meera Joseph University of Johannesburg Transient Voltage and Frequency Stability of an Isolated Microgrid Based on Energy Storage Systems Mostafa Kermani(1), Reza Shariatinasab(2), Morteza Kermani(3) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) Birjand University, (3) Islamic Azad University FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE THURSDAY June 9th 2016 Afternoon Session A2 9th TECHNICAL SESSION 31 (A2-TS1) RESILIENCY ORIENTED OPERATION AND PLANNING OF ENERGY SYSTEMS - 1 (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Pierluigi Siano, University of Salerno Session Chair: Alireza Soroudi, University College Dublin Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 14:00 – 15:30 Venue: Aula 1 A2-TS1 137 A2-TS1 223 A2-TS1 263 A2-TS1 332 Gme-theoretic risk assesssment in communication networks Xiaobing He, Zhiyuan Sui, Hermann de Meer University of Passau Wind offshore energy in the Northern Aegean Sea islanding region Eleni Zafeiratou(1), Catalina Spataru(1), Reimund Bleischwitz(2) (1) Energy Institute, University College London (2) Institute for Sustainable Resources, University College, London Geomagnetic disturbance impact study on system reliability at Southern California Edison Chaoyang Jing(1), David Franklin(2), Steven Mavis(2), Dana Cabbell(2) (1) Energy Management via Information Technologies, (2) Southern California Edison Company Application of resilience enhancing smart grid technologies to obtain differentiated reliability Michiel Nijhuis(1), Sjef Cobben(1,2), Madeleine Gibescu(1) (1) Eindhoven University of technology, (2) Liander N.V. TECHNICAL SESSION 32 (A2-TS2) RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES AND STORAGES - 2 (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Farivar Fazelpour Islamic Azad University Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 14:00 – 15:30 Venue: Aula 2 A2-TS2 131 The next generation green data center: a multi-objective energetic analysis for a traditional and CCHP cooling system assessment Francesco De Angelis, Umberto Grasselli University of Rome Sapienza EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE A2-TS2 595 A2-TS2 679 A2-TS2 756 A2-TS2 461 A2-TS2 704 A simple way of determining induced voltages in the damping bars of salient pole synchronous generator Krzysztof Ludwinek, Jan Staszak, Tomasz Bekier, Jaroslaw Kurkiewicz, Zbigniew Gawecki Kielce University of Technology Integration of a storage system in a hybrid system “diesel-photovoltaic” for stand-alone applications Ahmed Belila(1), Bekheira Tabbache(1), Mohamed Benbouzid(2) (1) Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, (2) University of Brest Analysis and modeling of a photovoltaic system using directional irradiances and optimization techniques Przemyslaw Janik(1), Jacek Rezmer(1), Zbigniew Waclawek(1), Zbigniew Leonowicz(1), Erik Blasius(2), Erik Fedarau(2), Tobias Porsinger(2), Xoese Kobla Nanewortor(2) (1) Wroclaw University of Technology, (2) BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg Sensitivity analysis of PCA method for wind ramp event detection Jana Heckenbergerova(1), Petr Musilek(2), Marek Janata(1) (1) University of Pardubice, (2) University of Alberta PI Vector Control Study for Wind PMSG Nikolay Djagarov (1) , Julia Djagarova (2) , Zhivko Grozdev (1) , Milen Bonev (1) (1) Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (2) Technical University Varna TECHNICAL SESSION 33 (A2-TS3) SMART CAMPUS (SPECIAL SESSION) SPONSORED BY IEEE PES ITALY Session Chair: Morris Brenna, Michela Longo Politecnico di Milano Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 14:00 – 15:30 Venue: Aula 3 A2-TS3 186 A2-TS3 242 A2-TS3 288 A2-TS3 299 A2-TS3 376 Energy-informatic-centric smart campus George Cristian Lazaroiu(1), Virgil Dumbrava(1), Mihaela Teliceanu (1), Mihnea Costoiu(1), Cristina Roscia (2) (1) University Politehnuca of Bucharest, (2) Politecnico di Milano E-Campus: the sustainabilization of Engineering Bovisa campus Morris Brenna, Alberto Dolara, Federica Foiadelli, Sonia Leva, Michela Longo Politecnico di Milano Sustainable electric mobility analysis in the Savona campus of the University of Genoa Stefano Bracco(1), Federico Delfino(1), Michela Longo(2), Federica Foiadelli(2), Morris Brenna(1) (1) University of Genoa, (2) Politecnico di Milano A matrix approach to identify and choose efficient strategies to develop the Smart Campus Bendetta Mattoni(1), Francesca Pagliaro(1) ,Vito Ponzo(1), Giulio Corona(1), Franco Gugliermetti(1), Fabio Bisegna(1), Margarito Quintero-Núñez(2) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Evaluating battery energy storage systems: an analysis of their adoption with photovoltaic plants in Italy Simone Franzò, Federico Frattini, Vittorio Chiesa and Davide Chiaroni Politecnico di Milano FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SESSION 34 (A2-TS4) TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE CULTURAL HERITAGE (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Fabio Bisegna University of Rome Sapienza Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 14:00 – 15:30 Venue: Aula 7 A2-TS4 183 A2-TS4 297 A2-TS4 492 A2-TS4 385 A2-TS4 067 A2-TS4 542 CFD, thermal environments, and cultural heritage Taylor Oetelaar AP Dynamics Inc Opportunities for energy savings with interventions on the lighting systems of historical buildings: the case study of Palazzo Medici in Pisa (Italy) Francesco Leccese, Fabio Fantozzi, Giacomo Salvadori, Michele Rocca, Ilaria Capranelli University of Pisa Light design in historical buildings: parameters and prototypes. Comparison of façade behavior: metal meshes vs. high-tenacity polymer composite meshes Ernesto Cesario, Roberta Cocci Grifoni, Angela Leuzzi, Davide Paciotti University of Camerino The tomographic environmental section for environmental mitigation devices in historical centers Enrico Prenna, Maria Federica Ottone, Roberta Cocci Grifoni University of Camerino Assessment of the luminous climate inside historical buildings. experimental measures and lighting simulation of the Hall of Five Hundred in Florence Carla Balocco(1), Dario Paganini(2), Enrico Marmonti(3) (1) University of Firenze, (2) GE Oil&Gas, (3) Engineering Studio Sani Energetic retrofit of an historic public building in Rome Andrea Vallati, Stefano Grignaffini University of Rome Sapienza TECHNICAL SESSION 35 (A2-TS5) ARCH FLASH (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Michele Tartaglia Politecnico di Torino Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 14:00 – 15:30 Venue: Aula 9 A2-TS5 111 Discrimination of transmission line insulator contamination grades using visible light images Zhi-Ren Tian(1), Lijun Jin(1), Chenyi Peng(1), Wei Duan(2), Kai Gao(3) (1) Tongji University, (2) Shanghai Railway Bureau, (3) Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE A2-TS5 130 A2-TS5 553 A2-TS5 757 A2-TS5 764 Arc-flash in large battery energy storage systems – hazard calculation and mitigation Marco Maccioni(1), Alberto Geri(1), Stefano Lauria(1), Fabio Massimo Gatta(1), Francesco Palone(2) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) TERNA Working with NFPA 70 E for a safer electrical system Sergio Panetta I-Gard Corp Arc flash hazard in distribution systems protected with fuses: IEC vs. IEEE approach Massimo Mitolo(1), Michele Tartaglia(2) (1) ESI (2) Politecnico di Torino Arc flash: prevention measures in IEC/EN protection approach Luigi Parise(1), Giuseppe Parise(1), Ennio Berenato(2) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) Schneider-Electric TECHNICAL SESSION 36 (A2-TS6) POWER SYSTEM STABILITY SECURITY AND RESILIENCY - 2 Session Chair: Sergey Kovalenko University of Riga Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 14:00 – 15:30 Venue: Aula 10 A2-TS6 092 A2-TS6 098 A2-TS6 044 A2-TS6 444 A2-TS6 467 A2-TS6 191 New methods and approaches for monitoring and control of complex electrical power systems stability Sergey Kovalenko, Antans Sauhats, Andrejs Utans, Inga Zicmane Riga Technical University Harmonic analysis according to IEC 1000-2-6 of the newly designed Drive Test Field using EMTP-ATP Software Jan Dudek, Petr Orsag, Stanislav Kocman VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava Dynamic voltage stability studies using a modified IEEE 30-bus system Oluwafemi Oni, Innocent Davidson, Kamati Mbangula University of KwaZulu-Natal Congestion management considering optimal capacity DGs by flower pollination algorithm V V Rajagopal Peesapati(1), Niranjan Kumar(1), Vinod Yadav(2) (1) National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, (2) Galgotias University Transient power pulsation calculation in electric motor driving reciprocating compressor Francesco Grasso(1), Luca Pugi(1), Andrea Fusi(2), Alessandro Ussi(2), Bendetto Allotta(1), Andrea Rindi(1) (1) University of Firenze, (2) CST - Compression Service Technology Srl Invasive weed optimization algorithm for solving economic load dispatch Michael Nagib German University in Cairo FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE THURSDAY June 9th 2016 Evening Session E2 9th TECHNICAL SESSION 37 (E2-TS1) RESILIENCY ORIENTED OPERATION AND PLANNING OF ENERGY SYSTEMS – 2 (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Pierluigi Siano, University of Salerno Session Chair: Alireza Soroudi, University College Dublin Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 16:00 – 17:30 Venue: Aula 1 E2-TS1 357 E2-TS1 363 E2-TS1 572 E2-TS1 617 A hybrid-modell for assessing resilience of electricity networks Finn Landegren, Jonas Johansson, Olof Samuelsson Lund University A stochastic control formulation of the continuous-time power system operation problem Magnus Perninge(1), Robert Eriksson(2) (1) Lund University, (2) Svenska Kraftnät Safe operation of transmission system considering EV at distribution level Eduardo Gouveia(1), Paulo Costa(1), Jesus Gonzalez(2), Alireza Soroudi(3) (1) Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, (2) University of Burgos, (3) University College Dublin Restoration strategy in self-healing distribution network with distributed energy resources and flexible loads Bananeh Ansari(1), Alireza Soroudi(2), Marcelo Simoes(1), Andrew Keane(2) (1) Colorado School of Mines, (2) University College Dublin TECHNICAL SESSION 38 (E2-TS2) POWER SYSTEMS: DISTRIBUTION GRIDS COMPONENTS AND OPERATION - 2 Session Chair: Silvia Canavese RSE Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 16:00 – 17:30 Venue: Aula 2 E2-TS2 367 E2-TS2 404 Genetic optimization for prosumers in clustering power system approach Daniel Holtschulte(1), Egon Ortjohann(1), Sasiphong Leksawat(1), Aryo Sayudho Erlangga, Jan Kortenbruck(1), Tawichai Premgamone(1) South Westphalia University IEC 61850: technology standards and cyber-security threats Osama Mohammed, Tarek Youssef, Nicole Bugay, Mohamad Hariri Florida International University EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE E2-TS2 427 E2-TS2 495 E2-TS2 154 Modeling and reliability assessment of microgrids including renewable distributed generation Pilar Meneses de Quevedo(1), Javier Contreras(1), Andrea Mazza(2), Gianfranco Chicco(2), Radu Porumb(3) (1) Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, (2) Politecnico di Torino. (3) University Politehnica Bucharest A time-frequency analysis of electrical users by means of Fourier and wavelet transforms Silvano Vergura(1), Vito Puliafito(2), Mario Carpentieri(1) (1) Politecnico di Bari, (2) Università degli Studi di Messina Impact of the recent EU regulation on HV/MV transformers: possible technical-economic benefits arising from the replacement of old transformers. Two case studies. Marco Maccioni(1), Alberto Geri(1), Fabio Massimo Gatta(1), Francesco Palone(2), Marco Paulucci(3), Massimo Cresta(3), Camilla Maiolini, Giuseppe Cannavale(4), Mirko Scaggiante(4) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) TERNA, (3) ASM Terni, (4) Tamini TECHNICAL SESSION 39 (E2-TS3) CHALLENGES IN FUTURE HVDC GRIDS (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Massimo Bongiorno Chalmers Univerity of TechnologyI Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 16:00 – 17:30 Venue: Aula 3 E2-TS3 321 E2-TS3 621 E2-TS3 690 E2-TS3 706 Combined traveling wave and Fuzzy logic based fault location in multi-terminal HVDC systems Ahmed Hossam-Eldin(1), Ahmed Lotfy(2), Mohammed Elgamal(3), Mohammed Ebeed(4) (1) Alexandria University, (2) Arab Academy for Science, (3) Arab Petroleum Pipelines Co. SUMED, (4) Alexandria Port Authority Energy variation mitigation and reduction of sum capacitor voltage ripple in MMC applications under unbalanced conditions Ruben Martin-Loeches, Remus Teodorescu, Laszlo Mathe, Sanjay Chaudhary, Harsh Parikh and Georgios Tsolaridis Aalborg University A directional protection strategy for multi‐terminal VSC‐HVDC grids Ataollah Mokhberdoran¹, Nuno Silva¹, Helder Leite², Adriano Carvalho² (1)EFACEC, (2) University of Porto Blocking capability for Switching Function and Average Models of Modular Multilevel Converters Salman Saeed Khan (1), Jon Are Suul (1), Elisabetta Tedeschi (2), Muhammad Jafar V(3) (1) NTNU (2) SINTEF Energy Research (3) DNV GL FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SESSION 40 (E2-TS4) ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING USING SATELLITES (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Errico Pavlis, Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology – UMBC Session Chair: Antonio Paolozzi, University of Rome Sapienza Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 16:00 – 17:30 Venue: Aula 7 E2-TS4 153 E2-TS4 528 E2-TS4 537 E2-TS4 543 E2-TS4 729 Satellite based products for supporting forest fires prevention and recovery in Europe Giovanni Laneve(1), Guido Bernini(1), Lorenzo Fusilli(1), Pablo Marzialetti(1), B. Hirn(2) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) IES Consulting, Rome Space debris close approach to LARES satellite. Giampiero Sindoni(1), Tommaso Di Sabato(2), Claudio Paris(1) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) University del Salento Monitoring an active volcanic area and mapping lava flows with multisource data: the case of Mount Etna from 2011 to 2015 Michele Martino(1), Maria Marsella(1), Silvia Scifoni(1), Mauro Coltelli(2), Cristina Proietti(2), Francesca Giannone(3), Tanvir Chowdhury(4), Christian Minet(4) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, (3) Unicusano University, (4) German Aerospace Center The impact of El Niño on Earth rotation from LAGEOS and LARES SLR observations Erricos C. Pavlis(1), Antonio Paolozzi(2,3), Ignazio Ciufolini(3,4), Claudio Paris(2,3), Giampiero Sindoni(3), Magdalena Kuzmicz-Cieslak(1), Alessandro Gabrielli(5) (1) Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology (JCET), University of Maryland, (2) Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche Enrico Fermi, (3) University of Rome Sapienza, (4) Università del Salento, (5) Agenzia Spaziale Italiana A preliminary proposal for a nanosatellite for cosmic ray detection Antonio Paolozzi(1), Marcello Abbrescia(2), Giancarlo Righini(3), Ignazio Ciufolini(4), Claudio Paris(3), Luigi Schirone(1), Giampiero Sindoni(1), Stefano Bianco(2), Luigi Benussi(2), Davide Piccolo(2), Giovanna Saviano(2), Mario Nicola Mazziotta(5) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, (3) Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche Enrico Fermi, (4) University del Salento, (5) INFN Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SESSION 41 (E2-TS5) GROUNDING - 2 Session Chair: Sergio Panetta I-Gard Corp Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 16:00 – 17:30 Venue: Aula 9 E2-TS5 047 E2-TS5 147 E2-TS5 273 E2-TS5 490 E2-TS5 635 Computation of resistance and potential of grounding grids in any geometry Carlos Borges da Silva(1), Diogo Oliveira, Thyago Pires(1), Wesley P. Calixto(2), Aylton Alves(2), Silverio Filho, Antônio Filho (1) University Federal of Goias, (2) Federal Institute of Goias The calculation of steady-state mode of 35 kW radial system with arc suppresion coils considering assymetry of power lines Evgenii Kuznetsov, Stanislav Girshin, Vladimir Goryunov, Dmitrii Safonov Omsk St. Technical University Analysis of the functional dependence of step and touch voltage on soil moisture using the fields interdependence model Mario Kokorus(1), Rasim Gacanovic(2), Hamid Zildzo(2), Aldijana Ahmovic (1) Entegra Eyrich + Appel Gmbh, (2) University of Sarajevo Indirect contacts protection for multi-frequency currents ground faults: preliminary studies Valeria Cocina, Pietro Colella, Federica Palamara, Enrico Pons, Riccardo Tommasini Politecnico di Torino Influence of grounding arrangement parameters on performance of non-linear surge arresters Yu.E. Adamian, Yu.N. Bocharov, N.V. Korovkin, S.I. Krivosheev., I.S. Kolodkin, P.A. Kuligin, A.E. Monastyrskiy, V.V. Titkov Peter the Great Polytechnic University FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SESSION 42 (E2-TS6) POWER SYSTEMS: MICRO-GRIDS COMPONENTS MODELS AND OPERATION Session Chair: Alessandro Burgio University of Calabria Thursday, June 9th, 2016 - 16:00 – 17:30 Venue: Aula 10 E2-TS6 585 E2-TS6 125 E2-TS6 314 E2-TS6 666 E2-TS6 177 A multiperiodal management model at user level for storage systems using artificial neural network forecasts Alessandro Burgio, Daniele Menniti, Anna Pinnarelli, Nicola Sorrentino, Pasquale Vizza, Grazia Belli University della Calabria Active power control using an alternative series connection scheme between the utility grid and Microgrid Qusay Salem, Jian Xie University of Ulm Optimal load management in a low power off-grid wind-photovoltaic micro hybrid system Nedim Tutkun, Ozay Can Duzce University A distributed optimal power flow approach based on the decomposition of generation characteristics Dávid Csercsik (1), Peter Kadar (2) (1) PPKE Pazmany Peter Catholic University, (2) Obuda University A repetitive-based control for a single-phase shunt active power filter for harmonic voltage compensation Alessandro Burgio, Daniele Menniti, Anna Pinnarelli, Nicola Sorrentino, Giovanni Brusco, Michele Motta University of Calabria EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE FRIDAY June 10th 2016 Morning Session M3 10th TECHNICAL SESSION 43 (M3-TS1) 3S - SYSTEMS SPECIAL SESSION - 1 (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Antonio Moreno-Munoz University of Cordoba Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 1 M3-TS1 398 M3-TS1 430 M3-TS1 330 M3-TS1 312 M3-TS1 722 M3-TS1 623 Electrical performance evaluation of PV panel through water cooling technique Calebe Abrenhosa, Licínio Santos, Aylton Alves, Wesley Calixto Federal Institute of Goias Switched reluctance generator efficiency improvement for wind energy applications Márcio Reis(1), Wanderson Araújo(2), Wesley Calixto(1), Aylton Alves(1), José Domingos(1) (1) Federal Institute of Goias, (2) Pontifice University Catholic Speed control for direct current motor using optimization tuning for PID controller Márcio Reis(1), Wanderson Araújo(2), Wesley Calixto(1), Felippe Silva(1), Daniel Araújo(2), Iago Mendes(2), Rafael Rose(2) (1) Federal Institute of Goias, (2) Pontifice University Catholic Calculation of system complexity based on the connections: methodology and applications João Ricardo Braga de Paiva(1), Viviane Margarida Gomes(1), Sóstenes Gutembergue Mamedio Oliveira(1), Elder Domingues(1), Aylton Alves(1), Gélson Júnior(1), Wesley Pacheco Calixto(2) (1) Federal Institute of Goias, (2) Nucleous of Experimental and Technological Research and Study Group (NExT) Soil resistivity study and simulation with finite elements method Thiago Pereira(1), Rodrigo A. Lima(1), Wesley Pacheco Calixto(2), Aylton Alves(1) (1) Federal Institute of Goias, (2) Nucleous of Experimental and Technological Research and Study Group (NExT) Analysis of the soil impedance in high frequencies using a electric impulse generator prototype Rafael da Silva Ferraz(1,2), Sóstenes G. M. Oliveira(1), Sérgio Botelho de Oliveira(1,2), Wesley Pacheco Calixto(1,2) (1) Federal Institute of Goias, (2) Federal University of Goias TECHNICAL SESSION 44 (M3-TS2) CONTROL OF POWER CONVERTERS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGIES SYSTEMS - 1 (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Rosa Mastomauro University of Florence Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 2 FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE M3-TS2 224 M3-TS2 253 M3-TS2 347 M3-TS2 447 M3-TS2 448 M3-TS2 051 Experimental comparison of MPPT methods for pv systems under dynamic partial shading conditions Mohammadreza Aghaei(1), Józef Borkowski(2), Alberto Dolara(1), Francesco Grimaccia(1), Dariusz Kania(2), Sonia Leva(1) (1) Politecnico di Milano, (2) Wroclaw University of Technology Nonlinear droop charging control of a supercapacitor with a bi-directional hybrid DC-DC converter Dan Hulea, Octavian Cornea, Nicolae Muntean Politehnica University of Timisoara Comparison of modular multilevel converters cell selection methods Abel António Ferreira(1), Oriol Gomis Bellmunt(2), Miquel Teixidó(1) (1) Cinergia, (2) Polytechnic University of Catalonia Modelling and control of three-phase grid-connected power supply with small DC-link capacitor for electrolysers Lajos Török, Laszlo Mathe, Carsten Karup Nielsen, Stig Munk-Nielsen Aalborg University Intentional islands in medium voltage distribution grids Matteo Corti(1), Alessandro Massi Pavan(2), Giorgio Sulligoi(2), Gabrio Superti-Furga(1), Enrico Tironi(1) (1) Politecnico di Milano, University of Trieste Reactive power management in an offshore AC network having multiple voltage source converters Muhammad Raza, Carlos Collados, Oriol Gomis Bellmunt Polytechnic University of Catalonia TECHNICAL SESSION 45 (M3-TS3) RENEWABLE ENERGIES AND THE FUTURE (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Cristian Lazaroiu University Politehnica of Bucharest Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 3 M3-TS3 219 M3-TS3 257 M3-TS3 442 M3-TS3 275 M3-TS3 091 Improved approach to extract maximum power from a small-scale fixed PV system Nedim Tutkun, Melih Aktas Düzce University Mathematical modeling and experimental research of the method of plasma chemical purification of metallurgical-grade silicon Sergey Karabanov, Victor Yasevich, Dmitriy Suvorov, Andrey Karabanov Ryazan State Radio Engineering University A wind speed forecasting model based on artificial neural network and meteorological data Antonella Rosalia Finamore(1), Vincenzo Galdi(1), Gaspare Conio(2), Vito Calderaro(1), Antonio Piccolo(1) (1) University of Salerno, (2) IVPC Service srl Upgrading smart meters as key components of integated power quality monitoring system Mustafa Music, Nedzad Hasanspahic, Adnan Bosovic, Damir Aganovic, Samir Avdakovic Public Electric Utility Elektroprivreda of Bosnia and Herzegovina Energy storage systems and distribution grids: a real case study in Italy Marco Barbetta(1), Maria Carmen Falvo(1), Christian D'Adamo(2), Luigi D'Orazio(2), Emanuele Duca(2) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) Enel Distribuzione EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SESSION 46 (M3-TS4) RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES IN POWER SYSTEMS, DISTRIBUTED GENERATION - 4 Session Chair: Lorenzo Ciani University of Florence Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 7 M3-TS4 043 M3-TS4 437 M3-TS4 655 M3-TS4 637 M3-TS4 644 Optimal Placement of pv array in distribution system for power loss minimization considering feeder reconfiguration Mukul Dixit, Prasanta Kundu, H. R. Jariwala Sardar Valabhbhai National Institute of Technology An approximated multi-state model for reliability evaluation of renewable generation Somboon Nuchprayoon (1), Kunjana Chaiamarit (2) (1)Chiang Mai University, (2) Rajamangala University of Technology Isan A modified game theoretic self-organizing map for wind speed forecasting Mahmoud Ghofrani(1), Jacque Mulcare(1), Mohadesseh Ghayekhloo(2) (1) University of Washington, (2) Islamic Azad University Estimating effects of individual PV panel failures on PV array output Michal Orkisz ABB A multi-agent systems for voltage control of distribution networks by coordinating power factors of distributed generators Shinya Kurisu, Takeshi Nagata Hiroshima Institute of Technology TECHNICAL SESSION 47 (M3-TS5) REGULATION AND ELECTRICITY MARKETS Session Chair: Mazaher Hajibashi Isfahan University of Technology Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 9 M3-TS5 106 M3-TS5 143 M3-TS5 169 Using the transmission congestion expectation (TCE) in optimal transmission expansion planning Adonis Emmanuel DC. Tio, Aaron James Patubo, Julie Miclat, Wilbert Rey Tarnate, Rowaldo del Mundo University of the Philippines Wind power participation in electricity markets - the role of wind power forecasts António Couto, Luis Rodrigues Jr., Paulo Costa, João Silva, Ana Estanqueiro Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia I.P. Impact of european market frameworks on integration of photovoltaics in virtual power plants Eiko Krüger, Elvira Amicarelli, Quoc Tuan Tran CEA-INES FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE M3-TS5 283 M3-TS5 296 M3-TS5 578 M3-TS5 074 M3-TS5 315 Redefining the scarcity price: lessons and recommendations from the colombian electricity market Laura Hinestroza Olascuaga(1), Emanuel Llanos Pérez(2) (1) Technical University of Lisbon, (2) University College London A Model for maximizing the profit of a HPP cascade considering hydraulic link via reservoirs Renata Varfolomejeva(1), Anatolijs Mahnitko(1), Janis Gerhards(1), Tatjana Lomane(1), Vladislav Oboskalov(2) (1) Riga Technical University, (2) Ural Federal University A Solution to economic dispatch problem using heuristic based optimization under pool market with elastic demand and efficient generation Prabhakar Karthikeyan S., Debraj Das, Baishali Mullick VIT University High penetrated wind farm impacts on the electricity price: the danish case Mazaher Hajibashi(1), Gholamreza Yousefi(1), Claus Let Bak(2), Jayakrishnan Radhakrishna Pillai(2), Zhe Chen(2) (1) Isfahan University of Technology, (2) Aalborg University of Denmark Strategic Bid Model of Dispatchable Loads for Demand Response in Marketbased Control Mechanism using Multiagent System Safee Hussain, M. Babar, P. H. Nguyen, I. G. Kamphuis Eindhoven University of Technology TECHNICAL SESSION 48 (M3-TS6) ELECTRICAL MACHINES AND POWER CONVERTERS - 1 Session Chair: Alberto Reatti University of Florence Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 8:30 – 10:30 Venue: Aula 10 M3-TS6 134 M3-TS6 206 M3-TS6 207 M3-TS6 737 M3-TS6 595 M3-TS6 290 Energy Reduction on E-RTGs Antonio Luque (1), Ian Harrison(1), Stefano Pietrosanti(1), Feras Muhieddin Mahmoud Alasali(1), William Holderbaum (1) , Rayner Michael Mayer (1) Victor M. Becerra (2) (1) University of Reading, (2) School of Engineering, University of Portsmouth Online identification of all DFIG parameters and speed based on variable structure theory A. Djoudi (1), S. Makhloufi (1), S. Bacha(2), H. Chekireb (3), E.M. Berkouk (3), D. Saheb-Koussa (1), A. Chahmi (4) (1) Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables, CDER, (2) Univ. Grenoble Alpes, (3) Ecole Nationale Polytechnique (ENP), Algiers, (4) USTO Oran Influence of defects in winding insulation on its operation reliability Veronika Bolgova, Adelya Supueva, Andrey Leonov Tomsk Polytechnic University Experimental force characterization of linear switched reluctance machine Luis Pestana(1), Maria do Rosário Calado(2), Sílvio Mariano(2) (1) Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu, (2) Universidade da Beira Interior A Simple way of determining induced voltages in the damping bars of salient pole synchronous generator Krzysztof Ludwinek, Jan Staszak, Tomasz Bekier, Jaroslaw Kurkiewicz, Zbigniew Gawęcki Kielce University of Technology Impact of technical changes in the production of small electric machinery on costs Eva Vitkova, Vitezslav Hajek Brno University of Technology EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE FRIDAY June 10th 2016 Noon Session N3 10th TECHNICAL SESSION 49 (N3-TS1) 3S - SYSTEMS SPECIAL SESSION - 2 (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Wesley Pacheco Calixto, Jose Luis Domingos NExT Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 1 N3-TS1 565 N3-TS1 586 N3-TS1 598 N3-TS1 615 N3-TS1 434 N3-TS1 317 Methodology to correlate fertilizer and electrical resistance of soil Geovanne Furriel(1), Wesley Pacheco Calixto(2), Aylton Alves(1), Fabiana Godoi(1), Jose Silva(1), Francisco Profeta(1) (1) Federal Institute of Goias, (2) Nucleous of Experimental and Technological Research and Study Group (NExT) Geoelectrical prospection to obtain distribution maps of fertilizer in the soil Geovanne Furriel(1), Aylton Alves(1), Wesley Pacheco Calixto(2), Fabiana Godoi(1), Jose Silva(1), Francisco Profeta(1) (1) Federal Institute of Goias, (2) Nucleous of Experimental and Technological Research and Study Group (NExT) Geoelectrical method to obtain 3D maps for distribution of fertilizer in the soil Geovanne Furriel(1), Wesley Pacheco Calixto(2), Aylton Alves(1), Fabiana Godoi(1), Francisco Profeta(1), Jose Silva(1) (1) Federal Institute of Goias, (2) Nucleous of Experimental and Technological Research and Study Group (NExT) Methodology for validating measurement systems of soil compaction Geovanne Furriel(1), Aylton Alves(1), Wesley Pacheco Calixto(2), Calebe Abrenhosa(1), Uyara Silva(1), Brunna Carolinne Silva(3) (1) Federal Institute of Goias, (2) Nucleous of Experimental and Technological Research and Study Group (NExT), (3) Insituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Goiás Heuristic regression method for descriptive data analysis Flávio Gomes(1), Alfredo Assis(2), Viviane Margarida Gomes, Márcio Reis(2), Gélson Júnior(2), Wesley Calixto(2) (1) Nucleous of Experimental and Technological Research and Study Group (NExT), (2) Federal Institute of Goias High power LED luminaire design optimization Jose Luiz F. Barbosa(1), Wesley Calixto(1), Dan Simon(2) (1) Federal Institute of Goias, (2) Cleveland State University FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SESSION 50 (N3-TS2) CONTROL OF POWER CONVERTERS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGIES SYSTEMS - 2 (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Rosa Mastomauro University of Florence Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 2 N3-TS2 558 N3-TS2 560 N3-TS2 569 N3-TS2 601 N3-TS2 663 N3-TS2 678 N3-TS2 719 A thermoelectric energy harvester with single switch unified control for autonomous applications Philippe Poure, Saima Siouane, Slavisa Jovanovic Institut Jean Lamour Universal operation of a distributed power generation system based on the power converter control Rosa Mastromauro(1), Sante Pugliese(2), Silvio Stasi(2) (1) University of Florence, (2) Politecnico di Bari Wind power system control based on least square support vector machines algorithms Omar Dahhani, Jerry Tekobon, Cristian Nichita, Ismail Boumhidi LESSI and GREAH Laboratories High step up DC-DC converter for renewable energy harvesting Philippe Poure(1), Benjamin Vidales, Serge Weber(1), Domingo Torres (1) Institut Jean Lamour Enhancing output power of PV array operating under non-uniform condition Neha Shah(1), Dr. Hiren Patel(2) (1) SVIT, Vasad, (2) SCET, Surat Three-phase grid connected PV inverters using the proportional resonace controller Althobaiti, M. Armstrong, M. A. Elgendy and F. Mulolani Newcastle University Introducing adaptive multilevel inverter as a PV generator interface to power system Hadi Suhana(1), Ngapuli Irmea Sinisuka(1) , Muhammad Nurdin(1), Yvon Besanger(2) , Vincent Debusschere(2) (1) Institut Teknologi Bandung, (2) G2Elab TECHNICAL SESSION 51 (N3-TS3) ENVIRONMENTAL PHENOMENA RELATED TO THE POWER SYSTEMS Session Chair: Rodolfo Araneo Universiy of Rome La Sapienza Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 3 N3-TS3 104 Layout optimization of framework in substation in view of electromagnetic environment Chenyi Peng, Lijun Jin, Zhiren Tian Tongji University EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE N3-TS3 727 N3-TS3 384 N3-TS3 634 Possibilities thermal utilization of solid char from pyrolysis of municipal solid waste Helena Raclavska, Marek Kucbel, Konstantin Raclavsky, Dagmar Juchelková, Hana Skrobankova VSB - Technical Univerzity Ostrava Environmental economic dispatch of hydrothermal energy system using stud differential evolution Shaikh Saaqib Haroon, Tahir Nadeem Malik University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila Evaluating harmonic emission in frequency range (2-10 kHz) of led street lights in distribution networks Belal Mohamadi kalesar, Javad Behkesh TECHNICAL SESSION 52 (N3-TS4) MODELDS FOR ENERGY SYSTEMS Session Chair: Maria Carmen Falvo Universiy of Rome La Sapienza Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 7 N3-TS4 194 N3-TS4 216 N3-TS4 227 N3-TS4 458 N3-TS4 603 N3-TS4 725 N3-TS6 394 Optimal design of a grid connected PV-diesel hybrid system Takahiro Kushida, Rikiya Abe The University of Tokyo Symmetrical T-network with fractional order elements Maciej Wlodarczyk(1), Jaroslaw Szczepaniak(2) (1) University of Technology, (2) Politechnika Świętokrzyska Automatic classification of voltage dip root causes via pattern recognition S. Subhani, M. Gang, J.F.G. Cobben Eindhoven University of Technology A Conceptual framework for the business model of smart grids Intisar Ali Sajjad(1), Roberto Napoli(2), Luigi Martirano(3), Gianfranco Chicco(2) (1) University of Engineering and Technology, (2) Politecnico di Torino, (3) University of Rome Sapienza Statistical and economic analysis of power quality impact on thermal behaviour and life expectancy of three-phase induction motors Olivio Carlos Nascimento Souto(1), Sergio Silva(1), Rui Vagner Silva(1), Ghunter Paulo Viajante(1), José Carlos de Oliveira(2) (1) Federal Institute of Education of Goias, (2) Federal University of Uberlandia Equivalent electrical circuit of thermoelectric generators under constant heat flow Philippe Poure, Saima Siouane, Slavisa Jovanovic Institut Jean Lamour Model for smart building electrical loads scheduling Francisco Moya Chaves, Luiz da Silva, Luiz C. P. da Silva University of Campinas FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SESSION 53 (N3-TS5) DESIGN, MANAGEMENT, INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF OFF-SHORE POWER GENERATION PLANTS (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Benedetto Allotta, Luca Pugi University of Florence Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 9 N3-TS5 124 N3-TS5 344 N3-TS5 346 Reconfigurable propulsion systems for the inspection of off-shore power generation plants Marco Pagliai, Luca Pugi, Benedetto Alotta University of Florence Basis and method for electrical power grid development planning Margus Laanetu, Alexander Mazikas, Tiit Hõbejõgi, Juhan Valtin Tallinn University of Technology FeelHippo: a low-cost autonomous underwater vehicle for subsea monitoring and inspection A. Ridolfi, R. Costanzi, F. Fanelli, N. Monni, B. Allotta, S. Bianchi, R. Conti, J. Gelli, L. Gori, L. Pugi, A. Rindi University of Florence TECHNICAL SESSION 54 (N3-TS6) ELECTRICAL MACHINES AND POWER CONVERTERS - 2 Session Chair: Alberto Reatti University of Florence Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Aula 10 N3-TS6 343 N3-TS6 453 N3-TS6 463 N3-TS6 520 N3-TS6 557 An improved modelling and construction of power transformer for controlled leakage inductance M.Abu Bakar, Kent Bertilsson Mid Sweden University Intelligent, low-cost and energy-efficient drive for induction motor-based fluid pumping systems using general purpose microcontrollers Walid Ghoneim(1), Hamdy Ashour(1), Mohamed El Quersh(2) (1) Arab Academy for Science and Technology, (2) Bibliotheca Alexandrina Resonance reduction for AC drives with small capacitance in the DC link Laszlo Mathe, Lajos Török, Dong Wang, Dezso Sera Aalborg University A New multilevel inverter topology with reduced device count and blocking voltage Piyush Kamani, Mahmadasraf Mulla SVNIT, Surat Battery pack state of charge balancing algorithm for cascaded H-bridge multilevel converters Laszlo Mathe, Paul Dan Burlacu, Erik Schaltz and Remus Teodorescu Aalborg University EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE POSTER SESSION 2 (PS2) Session Chair: Fabio Bisegna, University of Rome Sapienza Session Chair: Pierluigi Siano, University of Salerno Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 11:00 – 13:00 Venue: Poster Area (1st Floor) PS2 002 PS2 105 PS2 149 PS2 222 PS2 268 PS2 337 PS2 375 PS2 500 PS2 589 PS2 638 PS2 639 Long-Term Monitoring of Flicker and Some Other Parameters of Voltage Quality Petr Krejci (1), Zdenek Brunclik (2) (1) Technical University of Ostrava (2) Czech Power Company (CEZ) On real-time simulation for power quality assessment of a power system with multi steel plants Yu-Jen Liu, Jen-Pang Hung Chung Cheng University PI and Fuzzy Control Strategies for High Voltage Output DC-DC Boost Power Converter – Hardware Implementation And Analysis P. Sanjeevikumar(1), Frede Blaabjerg(2), Pierluigi Siano(3), Luigi Martirano(4), Zbigniew Leonowicz(5), Kiran M. Pandav(6) (1) Ohm Technologies, (2) Aalborg University, (3) University of Salerno, (4) University of Rome Sapienza, (5) Wroclaw University of Technology, (6) MIT, Aurangabad Real time monitoring of solar fields with cost/revenue analysis of fault fixing Pierluigi Guerriero, Fabio Di Napoli, Santolo Daliento University of Naples Federico II Smart n-grid Energy Management with an Open UPQC Maria Carmen Falvo (1), Matteo Manganelli (1), Roberto Faranda (2), Hossein Hafezi (2) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) Politecnico di Milano Design of High Efficiency Line Start Permanent Magnet motor for Submersible Pumps Jeong Jong Lee(1), Se-Hyun Rhyu(1), In-Soung Jung(1), Young-Woon Kim(2) (1) KETI, (2) Han Jin Pump Electricity Infrastructure Enhancement for the Security of Supply against Coordinated Malicious Attacks Abouzar Estebsari, Tao Huang, Enrico Pons, Ettore Bompard Politecnico di Torino Overcoming synchronization issues in wireless technlogy Partial Discharge measurements Vincenzo Li Vigni(1), Antonino Madonia(1), Roberto Candela(2), Eleonora Riva Sanseverino(1), Pietro Romano(1) (1) University of Palermo, (2) Prysmian Electronics S.r.l. Neural Network-Based Diagnostics for PV Plant Loredana Cristaldi (1), Giacomo Leone (1), Silvano Vergura (2) (1) Politecnico di Milano (2) Politecnico di Bari Dual Mode Control of Inverter to Integrate Solar-Wind Hybrid fed DC-Grid with Distributed AC grid A. Awasthi(1), V. Karthikeyan(1), S. Rajasekar(2), P. Sanjeevikumar(3), Pierluigi Siano(4), Ahmet H.Ertas(5) (1) MNNIT, Allahabad, (2) Ohm Technologies, (3) University of Salerno, (4) Karabuk University Single-Phase Seven-Level Stack Multicell Converter Using Level Shifting SPWM Technique P. Sanjeevikumar(1), Pierluigi Siano(2), Ahmet H.Ertas(3), S. Rajasekar(4), M.S. Bhaskar(5), Kiran M. Pandav(5) (1) Ohm Technologies, (2) University of Salerno, (3) Karabuk University, (4) Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, (5) MIT, Aurangabad FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE PS2 670 PS2 699 PS2 702 PS2 712 PS2 754 PS2 760 PS2 762 PS2 735 PS2 755 PS2 501 PS2 509 Comparison of Corona Models for Computing the Surge Propagation in Multiconductor Power Lines Rodolfo Araneo, Marco Maccioni, Stefano Lauria, Alberto Geri, Fabio Massimo Gatta, Salvatore Celozzi University of Rome Sapienza Accuracy Comparison of Low-cost Energy Meters for Home Electrical Consumption Assessment Mohamed Nait Meziane (1), Philippe Ravier (1), Guy Lamarque (1), Jean-Charles Le Bunetel (2), Yves Raingeaud (2) (1) Université d'Orléans (2) CNRS-Université de Tours Hybrid Non-Isolated And Non Inverting Nx Interleaved DC-DC Multilevel Boost Converter For Renewable Energy Applications M.S.Bhaskar(1), R.Kulkarani(1), P.Sanjeevikumar(2), Pierluigi Siano(3), Frede Blaaberg(4) (1) MIT, Aurangabad, (2) Ohm Technologies, (3) University of Salerno, (4) Aalborg University Validation of the Measurement Algorithms in Instrument for Power Quality Estimation Romuald Masnicki Gdynia Maritime University Direct TD Analysis of PLC Channels in HV Transmission Lines with Sectionalized Shield Wires Rodolfo Araneo (1), Salvatore Celozzi (1), Jose Antonio Brandão Faria (2) (1) University of Rome Sapienza (2) Universidade de Lisboa IoT-based Smart Cities: A Survey H. Arasteh (1), V. Hosseinnezhad (1), V. Loia (2), A. Tommasetti (2), O Troisi (2), M. Shafie-khah (2), P. Siano (2) (1) Shahid Beheshti University, A.C., Tehran, (2) University of Salerno, Italy Component Modelling for Microgrids Tobias Porsinger(1); Przemyslaw Janik(2), Zbigniew Leonowicz(2), Radomir Gono(3) (1) 50Hertz Transmission GmbH – Berlin, (2) Wroclaw University of Technology, (3) VSB - Technical University of Ostrava A Measurement System for Creating Datasets of On/Off-Controlled Electrical Loads Mohamed Nait Meziane(1), Thomas Picon, (1), Philippe Ravier(1), Guy Lamarque(1), Jean-Charles Le Bunetel(2), Yves Raingeaud(2) (1) Université d'Orléans (2) CNRS-Université de Tours Simulation of an ESS in a Prosumer Power-Plant with a PV System and an EV Charging Station Rodolfo Araneo, Maria Carmen Falvo University of Rome Sapienza Mathematical modelling of an inverter-based distributed generator H. Shehadeh, V. Boscaino, S. Favuzza, E. Riva Sanseverino University of Palermo A heuristic approach for optimal operation of grid connected source-battery-load systems Salvatore Favuzza, Antonino Augugliaro, Luigi Dusonchet, Mariano Giuseppe Ippolito, Stefano Mangione, Eleonora Riva Sanseverino University of Palermo EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE FRIDAY June 10th 2016 Afternoon Session A3 10th TECHNICAL SESSION 55 (A3-TS2) POWER ELECTRONICS AND SMART GRIDS Session Chair: Abel Antonio Ferreira Cinergia.Coop Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 14:00 – 16:00 Venue: Aula 2 A3-TS2 132 A3-TS2 148 A3-TS2 017 A3-TS2 023 A3-TS2 068 A3-TS2 004 A3-TS2 412 A MMC-SST based power quality improvement method for the medium and high voltage distribution network Yunxuan Li(1), Yong Li(1), Jiye Han(1), Yi Tan, Ye Cai(1), Yin Jiang(2) (1) Hunan University, Changsha, (2) State Grid Fujian Management Training Center Operational limits of four wires three levels npc topology for power quality improvement in weak grids Ionel Vechiu(1), Quentin Tabart(1,2), Aitor Etxeberria(1), Ruben Lopez(1,2) (1) ESTIA Institute of Technology, France (2) Grenoble INP, France Optimization of a medium voltage power distribution network’s reliability indices A. M. Tsimtsios, A. S. Safigianni Democritus University of Thrace Design and assessment of static var compensator on railways power grid operation under normal and contingencies conditions Ahmed Elgebaly(1), Dmitry Panfilov(2), Michael Astashev(3) (1) Tanta University, (2) Moscow Power Engineering Institute, (3) Krzhizhanovsky Power Engineering Institute Management of public water supply to reduce energy cost and improve wind power uptake Rónán Kernan, Xueqin (Amy) Liu, Se'n McLoone, Brendan Fox Queen's University Belfast An adaptable interleaved DC-DC boost converter Ali Al-Omari, Stuart Macveigh, Dr. Mohammed Ahmed, John Welsh, Paul Davey University of Plymouth FPGA-based implementation of a fundamental frequency modulation algorithm for cascaded H-bridge inverters Antonio Martins(1), João Faria(1), Abel António Ferreira(2) (1) University of Porto, (2) Cinergia FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SESSION 56 (A3-TS3) CIRCUITS, SENSORS, ACTUATORS ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY Session Chair: Gianpaolo Vitale Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - ISSIA Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 14:00 – 16:00 Venue: Aula 3 A3-TS3 289 A3-TS3 300 A3-TS3 429 A3-TS3 473 A3-TS3 075 An equipment for photovoltaic panels characterization based on a fully programmable DC-DC converter Ermanno Cardelli(1), Antonio Faba(1), Stefano Gaiotto(2), Antonino Laudani(2), Francesco Riganti Fulginei(2), Alessandro Salvini(2) (1) University of Perugia, (2) Rome Tre University Computer aided optimal design of high power density EMI filters G. Ala(1), G. C. Giaconia(1), G. Giglia(1), M. C. Di Piazza(2), M. Luna(2), G. Vitale(2), P. Zanchetta(3) (1) University of Palermo, (2) Istituto di Studi sui Sistemi Intelligenti per l’Automazione, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Palermo, Italy, (3) University of Nottingham Modelling of a prototype brushless permanent magnet DC linear stepping motor employing a flat-armature winding configuration Adel Ismael, Fatih J. Anayi Cardiff University Analytical models synthesis of power electronic converters A. Ales(1), M.A. Cherfi Belhadj(1), D. Moussaoui(1), J-L. Schanen, J. Roudet(2) (1) Ecole Militaire, Polytechnique, Algeria, (2) G2ELab, University of Grenoble DC/DC converter integrated architecture for 48v supplies in micro/mild hybrid vehicle electrical engine control module Sergio Saponara(1), Pierre Tisserand(2), Pierre Chassard(2), Dieu My Ton(2) (1) University of Pisa, (2) VALEO (France) TECHNICAL SESSION 57 (A3-TS4) POWER SYSTEMS: TRANSMISSION GRIDS COMPONENTS AND OPERATION - 1 Session Chair: Przemyslaw Janik University of Wroclaw Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 14:00 – 16:00 Venue: Aula 7 A3-TS4 234 Statistical analysis of operating times of high voltage sf6 circuit breakers Pitshou Bokoro University of Johannesburg EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE A3-TS4 018 A3-TS4 220 A3-TS4 228 A3-TS4 233 A3-TS4 532 A mathematical model of steady-state thermal regime of insulated overhead line conductors Evgenii Kuznetsov, Vladimir Goryunov, Stanislav Girshin, Alexander Bigun, Elena Petrova Omsk State Technical University Hosting capacity assessment and improvement for photovoltaic-based distributed generation in distorted distribution networks Selcuk Sakar(1), Shady Abdel Aleem(2), Murat Balci(3), Ahmed Zobaa(4) (1) Gediz University, (2) 15th of May higher Institute of Engineering, (3) Balikesir University, (4) Brunel University London Mitigating the impact of distributed generation on directional overcurrent relay coordination by adaptive protection scheme Meng Yen Shih(1), Arturo Conde Enríquez(1), Zbigniew Leonowicz(2), Luigi Martirano(3) (1) Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León San Nicolás de los Garza, (2) Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, (3) University of Rome Sapienza Multifunctional system protection for transmission lines based on phasor data Igor Kuzle(1), Igor Ivankovic(2), Renato Sirovina(3) (1) University of Zagreb, (2) HOPS, (3) Koncar-KET A practical strategy of network topology analysis Cheng Long(1), Dahai You(1), Feng Zhang, Gang(1), Wang, Zhe He(1), Jun Huang(1), Guoyan Chen(2), Guojun Lu(2), Yong Wang(2) (1) Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan (2) Guangzhou Power Supply Co. TECHNICAL SESSION 58 (A3-TS5) ENERGY EFFICIENT AND SAFE SOLUTIONS FOR A SMART CITY ENVIRONMENT (SPECIAL SESSION) Session Chair: Fabio Bisegna University of Rome Sapienza Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 14:00 – 16:00 Venue: Aula 9 A3-TS5 114 A3-TS5 301 A3-TS5 497 A3-TS5 446 A3-TS5 535 On the architectural and energy classification of existing buildings: a case study of a district in the city of Palermo Valentina Vaccaro, Gianluca Scaccianoce, Giorgia Peri, Maria La Gennusa, Patrizia Ferrante University of Palermo SC2 - A roadmap toward the development of Sapienza Smart Campus Francesca Pagliaro, Benedetta Mattoni, Franco Gugliermenti, Fabio Bisegna, Bartolomeo Azzaro, Francesco Tomei, Stefano Catucci University of Rome Sapienza Method to define a solar energy platform for historical city centers and identification of new scenarios for sustainability Roberta Cocci Grifoni, Diana Lapucci, Enrica Petrucci, Enrico Prenna University of Camerino The relavance of indoor comfort in the process of prisoners’ rehabilitation: a case study Massimiliano Oliveri(1), Silvia Pennisi, Gianluca Scaccianoce(1), Valentina Vaccaro(1), Fabio Bisegna(2) (1) University of Palermo, (2) University of Rome Sapienza Study of energy performance and analysis of a possible retrofit strategies in a public school building in Rome Andrea Vallati, Stefano Grignaffini University of Rome Sapienza FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE A3-TS5 536 Energy saving in the residential buildings through different types of automatic thermal controls Andrea Vallati, Stefano Grignaffini University of Rome Sapienza TECHNICAL SESSION 59 (A3-TS6) ELECTRICAL MACHINES AND POWER CONVERTERS - 3 Session Chair: Francesco Grasso University of Florence Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 14:00 – 16:00 Venue: Aula 10 A3-TS6 371 A3-TS6 350 A3-TS6 686 A3-TS6 691 A3-TS6 759 Emission phenomenon of supra-harmonics caused by switching of full-power frequency converter of wind turbines generator (pmsg) in smart grid Javad Behkesh Thermal Performance and Efficiency Investigation of Conventional Boost, Z-source and Y-source Converters Brwene Gadalla, Erik Schaltz,Yam Siwakoti, Frede Blaabjerg Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University Drive system of IPMSM with bidirectional DC/DC converter for battery-powered electric vehicles Ahmed M. Omara(1), M. Sleptsov(2) (1) Tanta University, (2) Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI) Space vector modulated three-phase to three-phase direct matrix converter Payal Patel, Mahmadasraf A. Mulla (1) Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology Study of the mechanical behaviour of a disc type flux switching machine for wind application M. Dhifli, H. Ennassiri, G. Barakat GREAH Lab, University of Le Havre/Normandie EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE FRIDAY June 10th 2016 Evening Session E3 10th TECHNICAL SESSION 60 (E3-TS1) SMART ENERGY STORAGE AND MANAGEMENT OF GROUND VEHICLE SYSTEMS Session Chair: Benedetto Allotta, Luca Pugi University of Florence Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 16:30 – 18:00 Venue: Aula 1 E3-TS1 172 E3-TS1 174 E3-TS1 052 E3-TS1 616 Regenerative braking in high speed railway applications: analysis by different simulation tools Giovanni Lutzemberger(1), Massimo Ceraolo(1), Luca Pugi(2), Amedeo Frilli(2) (1) University of Pisa, (2) University of Florence Battery management system (BMS) simulation environment for electric vehicles Massimo Conti, Luca Buccolini, Cristiano Scavongelli, Giuseppe De Maso-Gentile, Adriana Ricci, Simone Orcioni Università Politecnica delle Marche Development and validation of a model for the optimization of regenerative braking of high speed trains Luca Pugi, Amedeo Frilli, Daniele Nocciolini, Enrico Meli, Andrea Rindi University of Florence A comparison of electric vehicles use-case scenarios Lorenzo Berzi, Massimo Delogu, Marco Pierini University of Florence TECHNICAL SESSION 61 (E3-TS2) ICT FOR SMART GRIDS Session Chair: : Gaetano Zizzo University of Palermo Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 16:30 – 18:00 Venue: Aula 2 E3-TS2 449 E3-TS2 466 Integration of power quality information in the framework of a standard semantic model Gianluigi Proserpio(1), Liliana Tenti(1), Daniele Pala(1), Salvatore Pugliese(2), Enea Bionda(1), Davide Della Giustina(2) (1) RSE SpA, (2) A2a Reti Elettriche SpA IEC CIM-61850 harmonization - the logic selectivity case Daniele Pala(1), Gianluigi Proserpio(1), Enea Bionda(1), Salvatore Pugliese(2), Davide Della Giustina(2) (1) RSE SpA, (2) A2a Reti Elettriche SpA FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE E3-TS2 474 E3-TS2 487 E3-TS2 489 ICT applications for improving the generation and distribution efficiency of a small Mediterranean island M. Beccali(1), I. Ciulla(1), M.G. Ippolito(1), D. La Cascia(1), G. Leone, V. Lo Brano(1), G. Zizzo(1), C. Bommarito(2), B. Di Pietra(2), F. Monteleone(2) (1) Università di Palermo, (2) ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development An IoT realization in an interdepartmental real time simulation lab for distribution system control and management studies Abouzar Estebsari(1), Alireza Bahmanyar(2), Enrico Pons(1), Edoardo Patti(1), Million Mengistu(1), Sadegh Jamali(2), Ettore Bompard(1) (1) Politecnico di Torino, (2) Iran University of Science and Technology Virtual grid -how to balance energy production and consumption with the help of intelligent buildings? Klaus Känsälä VTT TECHNICAL SESSION 62 (E3-TS3) POWER SYSTEMS: TRANSMISSION GRIDS COMPONENTS AND OPERATION - 2 Session Chair: Stefano Lauria University of Rome Sapienza Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 16:30 – 18:00 Venue: Aula 7 E3-TS3 024 E3-TS3 027 E3-TS3 397 E3-TS3 410 E3-TS3 436 The model of electrical loads in the steady-state regime rating of electric grids with capacitive current compensation Evgenii Kuznetsov, Vladimir Goryunov, Stanislav Girshin, Elena Petrova Omsk State Technical University DC components in the AC networks containing AC/DC hybrid transmission lines Alexander Novitskiy, Dirk Westermann Ilmenau University of Technology Switching and temporary overvoltages on very long ehv AC cable lines: the sorgente-rizziconi Andrea Mazza, Francesco Palone, Massimo Rebolini, Vincenzo Iuliani TERNA Optimal Power flow application to EHVAC interconnections for gw-sized offshore wind farms Marco Maccioni(1), Asia Codino(1), Stefano Lauria(1), Maddalena Schembari(1), Ayman Faza(2) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) Princess Sumaya University for Technology Vulnerability mitigation of transmission line outages using a demand response approach A. Chaichana(1), M. H. Syed(2), G. M. Burt(2) (1) Transmission System Engineering Division, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, (2) University of Strathclydem EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE TECHNICAL SESSION 63 (E3-TS5) SMART BUILDINGS, LIGHTING, METERING, DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT - 3 Session Chair: Luigi Martirano University of Rome Sapienza Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 16:30 – 18:00 Venue: Aula 9 E3-TS5 606 E3-TS5 660 E3-TS5 662 E3-TS5 196 E3-TS5 602 Incorporating home energy management in distribution system reliability evaluations Mohammad Rastegar Shiraz University Direct load control of central air conditioning systems using fuzzy optimization Leehter Yao, Zolboo Damiran, Wei Hong Lim National Taipei University of Technology A Fuzzy logic based charging scheme for electric vehicle parking station Leehter Yao, Zolboo Damiran, Wei Hong Lim National Taipei University of Technology The BAC factor method: application to a real italian not-residential building M.G. Ippolito(1), D. La Cascia(1), G. Zizzo(1), A. Dinolfo(1), J. A. Sa’ed(2) (1) Università di Palermo, (2) Birzeit University Adaptive control for lighting, shading and hvac systems in near zero energy buildings Fabio Bisegna, Matteo Manganelli, Luigi Martirano, Luigi Parise, Benedetta Mattoni, Chiara Burattini University of Rome Sapienza TECHNICAL SESSION 64 (E3-TS6) MATERIALS: NANOTECHNOLOGY FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY, NOVEL MATERIALS FOR ENERGY HARVESTING Session Chair: Marcantonio Catelani University of Florence Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 16:30 – 18:00 Venue: Aula 10 E3-TS6 369 E3-TS6 593 Fluoropolymeric luminescent downshifting layers for improved performance of flexible polymer solar cells Diego Pintossi, Giovanni Iannaccone, Marinella Levi, Stefano Turri and Gianmarco Griffini Politecnico di Milano Identification of thermal resistances of thermoelectric modules by electrical characterization Saima Siouane, Slavisa Jovanovic, Philippe Poure Institut Jean Lamour (UMR7198), Universitè de Lorraine FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE E3-TS6 077 E3-TS6 622 Thermal analysis on a phase change material latent heat storage in a cold room in case of power outage Benedetta Copertaro, Roberto Fioretti, Paolo Principi Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Università Politecnica delle Marche Fluid flow based micro energy harvester optimization Ernesto Mininno, Filomena Di Modugno, Pasquale Montegiglio, Giuseppe Acciani Politecnico di Bari CHAIRED REMOTE SESSION (CRS) Session Chair: Zbigniew Leonowicz University of Wroclaw, Poland Friday, June 10th, 2016 - 10:00 – 18:00 CRS 016 CRS 036 CRS 042 CRS 063 CRS 076 CRS 085 CRS 107 CRS 136 CRS 139 Feasibility Study of Renewable Energy in Urban Area Shifur Shakil, Md. Jahangir Hossain, Md. Khalilur Rhaman BRAC University The efficiency of an automated centralized remote monitoring system (ACRMS) for precision forestry Amri Yusoff(1), Shahrizuan Shafiril(1), Ashardi Abas(1), Norma Che Yusoff(2) (1) University Pendidikan Sultan Idris, (2) University of Malaya Controlled Phase Shifters Model for Power Grid Operating Modes Calculation Aleksander Rozhkov(1), Dmitry Panfilov(2), Michael Astashev(3) (1) JSC ENIN, (2) Moscow Power Engineering Institute, (3) Krzhizhanovsky Power Engineering Institute Design and Manufacture of Low Speed Permanent Magnet Motor Drive Farshid Abdolahnejad Baroogh(1), Milad Gheydi(2), Samad Taghipour Boroujeni(3), Abbas Khalili(3), Omid Talaee(4) (1) Semnan University, (2) Azad University, (3) Shahrekord University, (4) University of Shiraz Microgrid Optimal Operation Considering Virtual Reserve Capacity Trading of Storage Battery Zhang Xiaobo, Zhang Baohui, Qifei He, Jun Guan Xi'an Jiaotong University The Application of Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter in Fractional Frequency Offshore Wind Power System Pengwei Sun, Xifan Wang, Lianhui NIng, Shenquan Liu, Lei Tang, Ming Lu Xi'an Jiaotong University Research on the distance protection performance for untransposed parallel transmission lines based on six-phase parameter information Wenzhe Chen(1), Zhiguo Hao(1), Jun Guan(1), Yi Qi Dang(1), Dingxiang Du(2), Xing Guo Wang(2) (1) Xi'an Jiaotong University, (2) China Electric Power Research Institute Compensation of Current Transformer Saturation Based on Improved ESPRIT Algorithm Jun Guan, Zhiguo Hao, Wenzhe Chen, Zhiyuan Liu, Xiaojun Yu Xi'an Jiaotong University Construction of electricity consumption mathematical models on railway transport used artificial neural network and fuzzy neural network Alexander Komyakov, Michael Nikiforov, Viktor Erbes, Vasiliy Cheremisin, Vladimir Ivanchenko Omsk State Transport University EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE CRS 167 CRS 176 CRS 226 CRS 243 CRS 244 CRS 276 CRS 599 CRS 304 CRS 319 CRS 327 CRS 328 CRS 331 CRS 342 Unified Iterative Power Flow Algorithm of AC/DC Networks Incorporating Hybrid HVDC Jingming Dou, Baohui Zhang, Runze Chai, Zhe Guan, Chang Liu Xi’an Jiaotong University Improvement in CO2 capture process by optimizing the solvent regeneration temperature Victor Cenusa, Mihaela Norisor, George Darie, Florin Alexe, Diana Tutica University Politehnica of Bucharest Modelling of Cogeneration Units for Energetic Balance Michal Špaček, Zdeněk Hradílek VŠB-TU OSTRAVA Energetic and economic analysis of advanced waste heat recovery from gas turbines, for residential cogeneration Victor Cenusa, Diana Tutica, Florin Alexe, Mihaela Norisor, George Darie University Politehnica of Bucharest Energetic and economic analysis of advanced waste heat recovery from reciprocating engines, for residential cogeneration Victor Cenusa, Florin Alexe, Mihaela Norisor, Diana Tutica, George Darie University Politehnica of Bucharest Identification of parameters of single-phase PM synchronous motor Olivian Chiver, Liviu Neamt, Eleonora Pop, Cristian Barz, Adina Vadean Pop Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Considerations about Medium Voltage SF6 Switch Disconnector Framework Design based on 3D Electrostatic FEA Liviu Neamt, Olivian Chiver, Zoltan Erdei, Cristian Barz Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Optimization of Grounding Grids Multi Design Geometry Carlos Borges da Silva(1), Wesley P. Calixto(2), Diogo Oliveira(1), Thyago Pires(3), Aylton Alves(2), José Nerys(3), Paulo Barbosa(3) (1) University of Brasilia, (2) Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, (3) Federal University of Goias Synchronous compensation versus capacitive compensation for reactive power in industrial systems subjected to harmonic distortion Pedro Henrique Franco Moraes(1), Aylton Alves(2) (1) Federal Institute Technology, (2) Federal Institute of Goias Improved energy management for a power-split multi -source fuel cell vehicle based on optimal source sizing and regenerative braking Hamed Farhadi Gharibeh, Ahmad Sadeghi Yazdankhah, Mohammad Reza Azizian Sahand University Parallel Operation Repowering of Synchronous and Induction Generator Alana S. Magalhães(1,2), Pedro H. F. Moraes(1), Alan H. F. Silva(1), Pedro H. G. Gomes(1,2), Aylton J. Alves(1), Wesley P. Calixto(1,2) (1) Federal Institute of Goias, (2) University of Brasilia Application of Conformal Mapping in Surge and Swab Calculation Uyara F. Silva(1,2), Manoel I. Q. Júnior(1), Alan H. F. Silva(1,2), Wesley P. Calixto(1,2,3), Santiago Lemos(1), Geovanne P. Furriel(1,2) (1) Federal University of Goias, (2) Federal Institute of Goias, (3) University of Brasilia Measurement of illuminance of interior lighting system automatically dimmed to the constant level depending on daylight Pavel Valicek, Tomas Novak, Jan Vanus, Karel Sokansky, Radek Martinek VSB-TU Ostrava FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE CRS 381 CRS 415 CRS 432 CRS 480 CRS 493 CRS 502 CRS 503 CRS 519 CRS 582 CRS 594 CRS 596 CRS 618 Correlation method of physical characteristics with electrical properties of the soil Antonio Silva Filho(1), Carlos Borges da Silva(1), Marco Oliveira(1), Thyago Pires(1), Aylton Alves(2), Wesley P. Calixto(2), Marcelo Narciso(3) (1) Federal University of Goias, (2) Federal Institute of Goias, (3) EMBRAPA Heuristic Methodology for Horizontal Multilayer Soil Stratification Diogo N. Oliveira(1), Carlos L.B. Silva(1), Wesley P. Calixto(2), Aylton J. Alves(2), Viviane Gomes(2), José Luís Domingos(2) (1) University of Brasilia, (2) Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Comparative Analysis Between PI and Fuzzy Controllers Applied to a Workbench With an Induction Motor Márcio Reis(1), Wanderson Araújo(2), Wesley Calixto(2), Daniel Pereira Martins(3), Lehyr Rodrigues(3) (1) Federal Institute of Goias, (2) University of Goias, (3) Pontifice University Catholic Analysis of Energy Balances Three Biogas Stations in Czech Republic Ladislav Novosád, Zdeněk Hradílek VŠB – TU Ostrava Demand response enabled sustainable smart home design in the middle east environment Muhammad Akmal, Arwa El Kashif, Mohammed Ghazal, Anas Al Tarabsheh Abu Dhabi University Optimization Process Applied to Tuning of Dynamic Matrix Control: Study Case with DC Motor Douglas Carvalho, Cleber Ganzaroli, Rafael Dias, Luis Couto, Wesley Pacheco Calixto Federal University of Goias, University of Brasilia Influence of slot geometry on air gap magnetic flux density of rotating machines Rodrigo A. Lima(1), Wesley Pacheco Calixto(2), Paulo Coimbra(3), Tony Almeida(3), Aylton Alves(1) (1) Federal Institute of Goias, (2) Nucleous of Experimental and Technological Research and Study Group (NExT), (3) University of Coimbra Embedded Reconfiguration of Panels to Obtain The Maximum Power of a PV Array Fausto Cadena(1), Javier Munoz(1), Rodrigo Aliaga(1), Jaime Rohten(2), Eduardo Espinosa(3) (1) Universidad de Talca, (2) Universidad del Bío-Bío, (3) Univ. Cat. de la Sant. Concepción Estimation of Time to Voltage Collapse Mahtab Khalilifar(1), Mahmood Joorabian(1), Seyyed Ghodratollah Seifossadat(1), Seyyed Mohammad Shahrtash(2) (1) Chamran University, (2) Iran University of Science & Technology PV emulator based buck converter using Dspace controller Abdelkrim RACHID(1), Hind Djeghloud(2), Fouad Kerrour(1), Rachid Chenni(1) (1) MoDERNa Laboratory, (2) University Constantine 1 Application for simulating the short-circuit current and the transient recovery voltage Liliana Samoila, Susana Arad, Marius Petre University of Petrosani Improve capacity utilization of Substation Transformers via Distribution Network Reconfiguraion and Load Transfer Mohammadreza Dorostkar-Ghamsari(1), Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad(1), Amirsaman Hoshyarzade(2), Matti Lehtonen(3), Amir Safdarian(1) (1) Sharif University of Technology, (2) Amirkabir University of Technology, (3) Aalto University EEEIC2016 Final Program TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE CRS 624 CRS 677 CRS 731 On-Line Estimation of SPSG Parameters using Discrete Kalman Filters Maria Larakeb(1), Amar Bentounsi(2), Hind Djeghloud(3) (1) University of Brothers Mentour, (2) LGEC, (3) University Constantine 1 A Real-time Simulation Algorithm for Power Electronics Circuit Considering Multiple Switching Events and Its Application on PXI Platform Weijiang Ji(1), Keyou Wang(1), Guojie Li(1), Jian Zhuang(2), Siwei Li(3), Jun Li(4) (1) Shanghai Jiaotong University, (2) State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Corporation, (3) Beijing Guodiantong Network Technology Co., Ltd, (4) State Grid Jiaxing Electric Power Corporation Simulation and analysis of an isolated full-bridge DC/DC boost converter operating with a modified P&O MPPT algorithm Calebe Abrenhosa(1), Pedro Henrique Franco Moraes(2), Bruno Fernandes(1), Geovanne Furriel(1), Aylton Alves(1), Wesley Calixto(1) (1) Federal Institute of Goias, (2) Federal Institute Technology FLORENCE | ITALY | 7-10 June 2016 IEEE EEEIC 2016