SAH Newsletter May 2013
SAH Newsletter May 2013
MAY 2013 THE PULSE OF THE HILL UPCOMING EVENTS: PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE My favorite thing about St. Anne's Hill is getting involved! We are never short of things to do--from Socials, Porch/Patio & Deck Parties, Garden & Alley Clean ups and Brew Pub Activities...there is always something going on in St. Anne's Hill. Getting involved and staying connected is what sets St. Anne's apart from your typical neighborhood. We know one another, help each other and enjoy the company of our neighbors and friends. If you are new to St. Anne's, be sure to come to one of our social activities (there is at least one per month). Join us at our General Membership Meeting the first Tuesday of every month at the Liederkrantz-Turner on the corner of Fifth and High. At the meetings you can meet many neighbors and hear the latest of what is going on in your community. Join the St. Anne's Hill Historic Society (first year is free to new neighbors) and get involved! As we protect our past, we continue to move forward into the 21st Century. If you haven't visited our website recently, please check out . Our neighbor and Board Member, Eric Aielli, did an amazing job on the site. Thanks to all our neighbors for continuing to make St. Anne's Hill a great place to call home! John Edinger, President St. Anne’s Hill Historic Society General Membership Meetings: Tuesday, June 4 Tuesday, July 2 Tuesday, August 6 7:00 p.m. at the Dayton Liederkranz-Turner 1400 E. Fifth Street ALL ARE WELCOME! May Social: Neighborhood Brunch Sunday, May 19 11:00 a.m., 4th Street between Henry and Dutoit – we block off the street and everyone is invited to bring a brunch item to share with neighbors. Questions? Call Mary Jo Dupree, 830-2475. Trash and Treasure: Saturday, June 8, 8 am until ?? Neighborhood Garage Sale. Entry cost is only $5. This gets your address and sale summary on the map. Your fees help offset the cost of marketing and advertising. Please get your check or cash, and entry form, to Briana Snyder by June 1. Questions or to receive an entry form,contact Briana Snyder • (937) 367-5512 • 133 High Street • Email: MAY 2013 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING MINUTES (4.2.13) I. Call to Order: 7:04pm II. Introductions III. Guest Speaker: Landmarks Commission: Fred Holley & Roan Smothers Explained need of Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) for changes to exterior of house since this is a Historic District. Introduced door hangers to be put on every property in Neighborhood to promote awareness. Book: Blue Print for Rehabilitation – available from Commission for free. Is what guides Commission’ decisions. Brochure: Detached garage rules. If meet, do not have to go through Commission. Brochure: Architects on contracts, free of charge, for drawing for major modifications to a house to present to Commission. Question on satellite dishes: Where is appropriate placement? Back is preferred. Side near back of house is secondary location. Attempt to minimize visibility from street. Question on interior: Landmarks does not control interior changes. Question on projects that are nearly complete but not approved: Appeal to Commission to have them make decision. Owner will have to go before Commission to state their case. Inspector or neighbors need before pictures as evidence of work/change. Gave description of appropriate window replacement. Described Commission’s member’s backgrounds. Commission does not have enforcement authority. Need to contact housing inspector, Mike Weincoft for a stop order. Hardy Planks/Cement Board acceptable for house exteriors? As long as it is replacing the current boards and not being placed on top of the current boards. Has to match original wood and reveal. Unsure about a material being appropriate? Take sample to Commission. Paint color restricted? They try not to reject many colors since it can be changed. Roane suggested going to a paint store and asking for a palette of historic colors that will match. Discussed merit of enforcing historic colors on houses. IV. President’s Report: Emailing with Aaron Sorrel about 4th Street Church. Maybe able to have it demolished and have some materials saved. City would have to put it in tax foreclosure, i.e. they would own it, before they could give materials to the neighborhood. 71 McClure – concern about property. John will follow up on the house. Ruth found that REAP program is being changed. Now requiring $2000 deposit before they will start the process. Committee Reports: Marketing: Working on update to website and marketing brochures Membership: 146 members. 99% of last year. Social: May Brunch: Sunday, May 19th, 11am on 4th Street: Bring a dish. SEPB: Ruth will be a rep. She has to get 25 signatures of registered voters Parks & Greenways: April 20 9am, trash pickup on the 35 side of greenway; meet at Josie & La Belle. April 27, 9am, garden cleanup; meet at Victorian Park. Request for volunteers to work on traffic circles and gardens Neighborhood Watch: Organizing block captains. 5th Street Improvements Committee: County will provide free dumpsters. Restrictions tight for what can go in the dumpster – these are going to be rewritten. Can be placed on private property. Will hopefully encourage residents to not dump items in alleys. Project for Neighborhood Leadership Institute: Landscaping around Turkish Center or fencing around pool. Alley Sweep: We won lottery: June 29th. Start off at Fred Bremer’s, Dutoit St. (more details to come). Christmas Tour: Call for volunteers: homes, tour guides, servers, neighborhood cleanup, ticket takers. Contact Susan Gray Trash & Treasure: June 8th. Leiderkranz-Turner: Quarter auction this Saturday, April 6. Beer tasting April 19 th Mural damage: It is falling apart. Backer board is & adhesive coming apart due to vandalism. Work on getting someone to remount the mural in near future. V. New Business: Susan Crain – people who were living next to brew pub moved out. The building is for sale. VI. Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm NEWSLETTER We are experimenting with a new format for the newsletter that we hope will make the transition to the website easier. As always, if you have suggestions, please email The newsletter is printed and mailed to all St. Anne’s Hill residents and members in January, April, July, and October. All other months, the newsletter is sent to the listserve and posted on the website MONTH YEAR PARKS AND GREENWAYS Thank you to the neighbors who helped cleaning up trash along Rt 35 and Victorian Park! If you were unable to help in April there are other opportunities to help in the Parks and Greenway. HIGH STREET GALLERY 2013 DSPS SPRING OPEN JURIED SHOW: May 31 – June 23 Opening Reception: Sunday, June 2, 2- 5 pm Over 200 members of the Dayton Society of Painters and Sculptors will have a chance to enter and exhibit their art in the DSPS annual spring show. The diversity in this show has something for everyone. Painting to sculptor, pencil to pastel, traditional to abstract. Don’t miss it! There will be a clean up at Alice's Park in May. 48 High Street, St. Anne’s Hill Gallery Hours: Fri, Sat, Sun 2 – 5 pm First Friday: 2 – 8 pm The neighbors who volunteer at Alice's Park will receive a voucher for free admission for one to a PPD this summer. This is a great opportunity to give back and get something in return! There are sections of the Greenway still available for adoption. If you adopted a section of the Greenway last year please do not neglect it this year. Contact Allison at for questions. April neighborhood social PROPERTIES FOR SALE IN ST. ANNE’S HILL ADDRESS PRICE SQ. FT. CONTACT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 212 S. Dutoit St. 125 High St. 126-130 High St. 160 Henry 214 Henry 1630 E. 5th St. 136-138 High St. 47-49 Potomac St. 28 LaBelle 817 McLain 28 Potomac St. $249,900 $119,900 $86,900 $84,900 $82,900 $69,900 $59,900 $49,900 $44,700 $24,900 $29,000 2,670 1,884 2,400 928 1,472 3,422 1,932 2,432 1,414 1,098 572 Coldwell Banker Irongate LeValley Realty Kamila & Co. Irongate Irongate LeValley Realty Collins R.E. Services A “Frame-off” restoration 2-car attached garage 2 bldgs. w/4 units total Being sold to settle estate Large Garden Shed Commercial Bldg; currently a church 2 houses Brick Double Bank Owned/HUD Repo; occupant buyer only until 4/3 Smallest House in SAH? Big Hill—BH&G St. Anne’s Hill Historic Society P.O. Box 34 Dayton, OH 45401 IMPORTANT PHONE #S: Abandoned Vehicles 333-1058 Animal Control 898-4457 Bulk Waste Pickup 333-4833 City of Dayton Planning Department, Brian Inderrieden 333-3679 Housing Inspection 333-3921 Supervisor, Jim Tredinnick 333-3918 Landmarks Committee 333-3683 Park Maintenance 333-5300 Police 333-COPS District 1 333-1290 District 2 333-7440 Drug Hotline 333-7440 Truancy Hotline 542-3228 Rodent Control 333-3915 S.E. Priority Board 333-7373 S.E. Zoning 333-3887 Sewer Maintenance 333-4915 Sidewalk/Curb Repair 333-3858 Street Cleaning 333-4808 Street Lights 333-3850 Traffic Signs 333-4075 Vacant Lot/Weeds 333-4843 Water Billing 333-3550 Water Distribution 333-4900 WWW.STANNESHILL.ORG Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Dayton, OH Permit #1544 ST. ANNE’S HILL HISTORIC SOCIETY COMMITTEE CHAIRS: OFFICERS: John Edinger, President 838-0681 Ruth Slone, Vice President 222-9687 Walt Colvin, Treasurer 222-7928 Mark Shimko, Secretary 361-3463 BOARD MEMBERS: Mary Jo Dupree Gearld Strickland Eric Aielli Kobi Cornett Susan Gray 830-2475 751-0169 486-4233 253-4264 222-4381 Newsletter: Amy Lopez-Matthews 228-8217 Newsletter Deadline: 20th of each month Alley Cleanup: Fred Bremer 586-0268 Archives Committee: Susan Gray 222-4381 Christmas Tour: Susan Gray 222-4381 Fifth Street Improvements: Ruth Slone 222-9687 Garden Tour: Mary Jo Dupree 830-2475 Grants Committee: Leah Turnbull 227-1388 Housing Inspection/Liaison: Craig Matthews 228-8217 Marketing: Keith Klein 223-5818 Membership: Fred Chatfield 478-9208 New Neighbor: Debbie Tarr 657-3425 Neighborhood Watch: Steve Kardeen 277-2784 Parks & Greenway: Joe Dierkers (Greenway) 414-0313 Allison Shimko (Parks) 361-3463 PDI (Preservation Dayton Inc) Rep: Joe Dierkers 414-0313 SEPB (South East Priority Board): Ruth Slone 222-9687 Social: Mary Jo Dupree 830-2475 Sunshine: Heather Kardeen 277-2784