Cyan Ryden Makro 101000359745


Cyan Ryden Makro 101000359745
Cyan Properties, Main Issue 6 & Makro
Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2016
Main Issues Report Consultation
13th January to 24th March
Response Form
The Main Issues Report describes and invites discussion on options for policies and land allocations in
the next Aberdeen Local Development Plan. No settled view on the content of the next plan has yet been
reached, making the Main Issues Report the key stage for public consultation. Giving us your views will
help to shape the future strategy for development and the policies by which future planning applications
are determined. You can view a copy of the Main Issues Report on our website at: www.aberdeencity.
A series of accompanying documents, including an Interim Environmental Report, Monitoring Statement
and Developer Bids Assessments, can also be viewed online.
How to respond
The Main Issues Report contains a series of issues and questions which we would particularly like to hear
your views on. Use this form to respond to these, or any other issues raised by the Main Issues Report,
Monitoring Statement, Interim Environmental Report or any other accompanying documents. Please
return it to reach us by 5pm on Monday 24th March.
• Post: Local Development Plan Team, Planning and Sustainable Development, Aberdeen City Council,
Business Hub 4 Marischal College, Broad Street, Aberdeen AB10 1AB
• Email: If you are filling out our online PDF form, please be aware that you cannot save what you
have written and come back to it later. Once you have finished filling it in, you can print to PDF. You
could also scan your paper form if you have this facility. You can then email your response to ldp@
• If you prefer not to use this form, you could also send us an email or letter with your comments,
Please include your name, address, telephone number and email address (if applicable), as well as
the details of anyone you are representing.
Data Protection Statement
The comments you make on this form will be used to inform the preparation of the next Local
Development Plan. Aberdeen City Council (ACC) will not share or disclose the personal information
provided on this form with other parties or organisations unless we are required to do so by law.
The Local Development Plan Team may use your contact details to contact you to seek further detail
or information about the comments you have made. Your name and organisation (if relevant) will be
published alongside your comments, but personal contact details (address, telephone, e-mail address)
will not be made public. If you choose not to provide a name or any contact details, your comments will
still be valid.
Aberdeen Local Development Plan : Response Form
For more information on how your information is used, how Aberdeen City Council maintains the security
of your information, and your rights to access information ACC holds about you, please contact Andrew
Brownrigg (LDP Team Leader), Planning and Sustainable Development, Aberdeen City Council, Business
Hub 4, Marischal College, Broad Street, Aberdeen AB10 1AB.
Please provide your name and contact details:
Name (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)
Mr Huw
Organisation (if relevant)
Ryden LLP
25 Albyn Place
AB10 1YL
01224 588866
E-mail address
If you are completing this form on behalf of an organisation, group or landowner, please provide their
details below.
Please tick this box if you wish further correspondence to be directed to this address:
Name (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)
Mr Huw Williams
Cyan Properties
19th Floor, 33 Cavendish Square
020 7433 3333
E-mail address
If you wish to be added to the LDP e-mailing list to be kept informed of our progress in producing the
next LDP, please tick here:
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Aberdeen Local Development Plan : Response Form
Please use a separate box for each issue/question you wish to respond to. If you wish to continue on a
separate sheet, please attach to the paper copy or email.
Main Issue and/or Question Number
MIR Page Number 29
Development Option B1309 - Wellington Road (Makro Superstore)
Retail Centres outwith the City Centre
See Paper Apart
Main Issue and/or Question Number
MIR Page Number
Main Issue and/or Question Number
MIR Page Number
Aberdeen Local Development Plan : Response Form
Cyan Properties Ltd object to the failure of the Main Issues Report (MIR) to identify site B1309,
Wellington Road (Makro Superstore), as a preferred option for supermarket use. It is considered that
the proposed supermarket, which was the subject of a Development Bid, is required to satisfy a
recognised retail deficiency in the area.
The proposal represents a more viable, effective and deliverable alternative to the current Opportunity
Site, identified through the extant Local Development Plan for supermarket use, at the Altens Thistle
Hotel, Souter Head Road (OP76). It is identified in the extant Local Development Plan (LDP) and
acknowledged as a ‘committed development’ in Table 5 of the MIR. There is however, no prospect of it
being developed for supermarket use.
It is therefore, respectfully requested that the allocation of 5,750 sq m of retail floorspace identified within
Table 5 of the MIR be transferred to the Makro site and designated in the proposed LDP as an
Opportunity Site for supermarket development. This will replace the Altens Thistle Hotel site currently
identified as Opportunity Site OP76 in the extant LDP.
The need for additional convenience shopping provision to serve the Cove, Nigg and Kincorth
communities was initially recognised prior to the preparation of the extant LDP. That requirement has
yet to be addressed and the deficiency has again been confirmed by the recent 2013 Shopping Study
undertaken on behalf of Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Councils and published in November.
Current convenience shopping provision within the area is poor, with only small Tesco and Lidl stores
located to the north of the area on Wellington Road. The nearest large stores are located at the Bridge
of Dee Retail Park to the north-west and Portlethen to the south. All are remote from the Cove, Nigg
and Kincorth Communities and are difficult to access by foot, cycle, public transport and indeed by car,
particularly at peak times.
The deficiency in convenience shopping provision and expenditure leakage from the area will be
exacerbated as a consequence of further major residential land releases sanctioned through the extant
Local Development Plan. These amount to the development of an additional 2,400 houses in the area,
the majority within a 1km radius of the Makro site. Over and above this, an additional 31.5 hectares of
employment land has been released in the immediate area by the extant Plan.
To address the deficiency in convenience shopping provision, the extant LDP identifies the existing
Thistle Hotel site at Souter Head Road for the development of a supermarket with a gross floor area
(gfa) of 5,750 sq m. The site was chosen due to its central location to serve the Nigg, Cove and Kincorth
areas as well as the Cove expansion areas and the existing business and industrial estates at Cove,
Altens and Tullos. However, despite the LDP being adopted in February 2012 that allocation has yet
to be implemented and the hotel continues to trade strongly and, indeed, has been the subject of a
recently completed £4.0m refurbishment programme. A copy of a recent press article confirming this
is attached at Appendix 1. It is also under lease until 2032 (Appendix 2) and as a consequence the
prospect of that site being redeveloped for supermarket use is remote.
The Makro site on Wellington Circle, off Wellington Road sits directly opposite the Altens Thistle Hotel
site (OP76) and shares the same roundabout access onto the A956, Wellington Road. Owned by Cyan
Properties, part of the William Pears Group, the site extends to 3.5 hectares and comprises a wholesale
retail warehouse extending to approximately 10,250 sq m with 507 car parking spaces and rear service
access. Built in 1992 and refurbished in 2001 it is currently leased to Makro until 2015. Makro currently
undertrades and has recently been acquired by Booker Cash and Carry. It is likely that on expiry of their
lease they will either cease to trade or relocate to a smaller unit with the consequent loss of employment
to the area.
The opportunity arises to sub-divide the building and retain Makro in a smaller unit with the remaining
5,750 sq m occupied by a supermarket operator. This would retain employment in the area and have
the added benefit of creating additional employment. A Development Bid was submitted for such use
on behalf of the William Pears Group and this representation requires to be read in conjunction with
that Bid.
Whilst the Council recognise the serious deficiency in convenience shopping provision serving the area,
and have sought to address this through the allocation of the Altens Thistle Hotel site, there is no
realistic prospect of this happening.
The desired retail allocation on the Souter Head Road site has
yet to materialise, indicating a failure of the extant LDP to deliver urgently needed supermarket facilities.
Nor is it likely to be delivered within the near future. Like all hotels in the Aberdeen area the Altens
Thistle Hotel trades exceptionally well and has recently been the subject of a £4.0m refurbishment
programme. Also, as highlighted above, the lease on the hotel runs until 2032. Taken together, there
is simply no incentive for the current owners of the hotel site to redevelop it for supermarket use. Given
current values it would simply not be viable to redevelop the site either in the lifetime of the current LDP
or indeed the LDP Review.
The Makro site enjoys the same central location as the Altens Thistle Hotel site but benefits from an
existing building capable of subdivision and conversion to retain the Makro use and accommodate a
supermarket of 5,750 sq m. This would meet the required gross floor area identified within Table 5 of
the MIR but which is noted as a ‘committed development’. The Makro site also benefits from existing
access infrastructure, car parking and rear service access all of which would assist the early delivery of
a supermarket to serve the area.
It is also important to note that the site currently benefits from a storage and distribution consent which,
should Makro close, would permit other storage and distribution uses to occupy the building and site
without the requirement for planning permission. As a consequence, depending upon the nature of
those uses it could result in a development incompatible with neighbouring uses and which detracts
from the appearance of a main approach to the city. It could also result in a greater number of HGV
movements. The further benefit of the proposed supermarket use is that the change of use application
would allow the planning authority to secure enhancement of the building and its surrounds and impose
controls on traffic movements and secure mitigation or road improvements through the planning
The proposed supermarket use would also create around 250 jobs whilst also retaining the 60 or so
currently employed by Makro. Alternative storage and distribution uses would employ significantly fewer
people. Furthermore, if the Altens Thistle Hotel were ever to be redeveloped, employment in the hotel
trade would be lost to the area.
The greatest benefit is to be gained by the residents of Nigg, Cove and Kincorth as well as the
employees of the established and growing business and industrial estates in the immediate vicinity. The
allocation of the Makro site would ensure the early delivery of a supermarket whilst retaining the Makro
facility which many already frequent. The Makro site enjoys an accessible location by all modes of
transport as well as by foot and cycle. It will provide competition and choice in the area for existing
residents as well as those new residents in the Cove and Loirston expansion areas. It will reduce
expenditure leakage from the area but is unlikely to adversely impact on those stores peripheral to the
area due to their dispersed nature and consequently should be allocated to address the retail deficiency
in the area already acknowledged by the Council.
Cyan Properties are committed to the subdivision of the Markro site and the provision of a supermarket
thereon. Their proposals have been presented to the Nigg Community Council and the local City
Councillors within whose are the site falls. The proposals were well received and a meeting is to be
held with the adjoining Cove and Altens Community Council later this month. Scoping has been agreed
in respect of Retail Impact and Transport Assessments and work is ongoing on these. Once completed,
and subject to favourable feedback from the MIR process, a planning application is likely to be submitted
for the partial change of use of the building to accommodate a supermarket use. Subject to obtaining
the necessary permissions, the proposed supermarket could commence trading in the final quarter of
It is considered that the proposal represents a logical alternative to the currently allocated site. There
are no other sites strategically located to serve the entire area. It is further contended that the proposal
complies with adopted and emerging policy and demonstrates an effective element of sustainable
development through using existing ‘resources more efficiently’ and being ‘located in places where they
have as little an effect on the environment as possible’, as required by the Proposed Strategic
Development Plan. As such the proposal supports the city’s role as a Strategic Growth Area (SGA).
Response to Options Assessment
Cyan Properties welcomes the fact that the Council’s Options Assessment notes that the site is ‘highly
suitable for development’ but, for the reasons highlighted above, does not accept that it would be
undesirable as an option for a new food store due to the OP76 allocation opposite. It is acknowledged
that there is no need for an ‘additional’ food store to serve the area. However, with all due respect,
there is no prospect of the allocated site being developed within the lifetime of the extant LDP nor,
indeed, the LDP Review. The proposed supermarket at the Makro site would not be in addition to the
OP76 allocation but instead of it.
Overall the site scores highly in the assessment matrix prepared by the Council with particularly positive
comments made in relation to its landscape fit, relationship to existing settlement and compatibility with
adjoining uses. This, the fact it occupies the same central location as the allocated site and the fact that
the allocated site cannot be delivered would suggest that the Makro site should be identified in the
proposed LDP as an Opportunity Site for supermarket development to replace the OP76 site allocated
in the extant Plan.
In light of the recognised deficiency in convenience shopping provision serving the Nigg, Cove and
Kincorth area the proposed LDP should seek to identify a site for supermarket development that is
deliverable within the lifetime of the LDP. The site identified in the extant LDP is not deliverable. No
progress has been made to redevelop the site for supermarket use since adoption of the extant LDP in
February 2012. The hotel which currently occupies the site is leased until 2032, it trades exceptionally
well and this is demonstrated by the recent £4.0m invested in its refurbishment. Its allocation as an
Opportunity Site should be removed from the Plan.
The Makro site, directly opposite to the West of Wellington Road, shares the same locational
characteristics and benefits, and is capable of early delivery. The site and building is occupied by a
wholesale retail warehouse company, Makro. Their lease expires in 2015 and given the fact they
presently undertrade it is unlikely they will be able to maintain their presence. The proposal by Cyan
Properties provides them with the opportunity to downsize and for the remainder of the existing building
to be utilised for supermarket use. This, as well as retaining the Makro jobs could create an additional
250 jobs. The building was also specifically designed for retail use with adequate parking and rear
service access and as such would lend itself to sub-division for supermarket use.
As noted in the Options Assessment, supermarket use would be compatible with the adjoining uses,
would not intrude into the surrounding landscape and would result in an enhancement of the existing
‘industrial warehouse style’ of the building. Further, the Assessment acknowledges that the site has a
‘strong relationship to existing development at Cove Bay and Altens Industrial Estate. Will also be close
to significant residential/mixed used development at locations to the south of the site’.
Accordingly, on the basis of all of the above the Makro site should be allocated in the proposed LDP
Review as an Opportunity Site for supermarket use in place of the currently allocated site OP76.
In light of the above, it is respectfully requested that the Makro site, promoted by Cyan Properties, be
allocated in the proposed Local Development Plan as an Opportunity Site for the development of a
5,750 sq m supermarket to address the recognised retail deficiency in the area.
In allocating the site, it is further recommended that the site currently allocated (OP76) in the extant
Plan be removed.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2