Orthogenesis versus Darwinism : The Russian case
Orthogenesis versus Darwinism : The Russian case
Armand Colin Orthogenesis versus Darwinism : The Russian case Author(s): Igor POPOV Source: Revue d'histoire des sciences, T. 61, No. 2 (juillet-décembre 2008), pp. 367-397 Published by: Armand Colin Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/23634280 . Accessed: 05/10/2014 15:58 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. . Armand Colin is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Revue d'histoire des sciences. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions versus Darwinism : The Russian case Orthogenesis * Igor POPOV » : cette expres : « La Russie, la seconde patrie du darwinisme servit de de Darwin, Kliment Timiriazev du disciple (1843-1920), russes mot d'ordre aux historiens et biologistes jusqu'a jusqu'à aujourd'hui. ne furent pas les diverses versions russes de l'antidarwinisme I'antidarwinisme Toutefois, Resume Résumé sion L'une desire leurs détracteurs. désiré detracteurs. I'auraient insignifiantes que l'auraient vivants une soutient ce qui suit suit: : les organismes possederaient posséderaient àa varier dans certaines et cette prédisposition directions, predisposition position aussi d'elles prédis predis meme même devolution l'évolution meme ; de même que les forme, les tendances phylogene phylogéné de certaines se développeraient selon lois, sans tenir compte tiques developperaient idee fut le plus souvent ni de la sélection selection naturelle. Cette idée l'adaptation I'adaptation » (orthos, direct). « évolution » ou « orthogenèse Dans evolution orthogenese appelee appelée dirigee dirigée Lev S. Berg et Dmitry les années annees deux russes, 1920, scientifiques d'abord determinerait déterminerait cristaux croissent N. Sobolev, cette notion. présentèrent presentment Par la suite, développement developpement sur les versions une de certaine des conceptions evolutionnistes évolutionnistes non seulement cette idée idee connut fondees fondées sur en Russie un aussi une influence essentielle el le exerça propre, mais elle exerga une moderne. Ce fait constitue russes du darwinisme recentes récentes entre les histoires significative en Russie et dans le monde anglophone. de devolution l'évolution Mots-cles : orthogenese ; Russie. difference différence Summary statement serves les tendances suivant - the : « Russia ; nomogenese native second land ; darwinisme of Darwinism Darwin's Kliment Timiriazev apostle by Russian historians and biologists as the motto for the Russian However, various as insignificant versions claimed be versions so phylogenetic and adaptation of anti-Darwinism biologie de » - this (1843-1920) up to today. were not as One of these by their opponents. : living organisms have a predisposition prédisposition determines and this very prédisposition predisposition desirable désirable the following to vary in certain trends of évolution evolution « directed Russian would la directions, of all; ; as crystals grow, accepting a certain form, first ofall laws irrespective of trends develop internal internai following was most often called natural selection. sélection. This idea » or « orthogenesis » (orthos, straight). In the 1920s - Lev S. and presented Berg Dmitry N. Sobolev based on this idea. In the following years in evolutionary concepts not only in itself, but also exerted an essential Russia this idea developed evolution évolution two Russian influence scientists on the Russian versions modern of modem Darwinism. This fact * Institute, Russia 198504 Saint-Pe Igor Popov, Saint-Petersburg State University, Biological sh., 2. E-mail : igorioshapopov@mail.ru tersburg, Stary Peterhof, Oranienbaumskoye Revue d'histoire des sciences j Tome 61 -2 juillet-decembre 2008 | 367-397 This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 367 Igor POPOV represente lutionary Keywords between the recent a significant différence in Russia and in the English-speaking histories : orthogenesis ; nomogenesis ; Darwinism of evo world. biology ; Russia. Introduction « Russia - the second native land of Darwinism » : this statement by has ser Darwin's Russian apostle Kliment Timiriazev (1843-1920) ved as a motto for Russian biologists and historians of biology since late xixth century up to today. The idea of évolution received an enthusiastic and the educated welcome by Russian biologists the Darwinism in Russian and of has public position biology remained for the 150 Various versions of anti strong past years. envi Darwinism, however, even in this primarily pro-Darwinian ronment were significant. One of these versions claimed that living to vary in certain directions, and organisms have a prédisposition this prédisposition determines trends of évolution ; as crystals grow, trends evolve following their taking a certain form, so phylogenetic internai laws irrespective of adaptation and natural sélection. Most » or « orthoge frequently this idea was named « directed évolution in a certain direction nesis » (orthos, straight) - development Introduced by Germán though this notion also had other meanings. in 1893 to characterize the (1855-1912) zoologist Wilhelm Haacke of constraints on variation \ later the term « orthogene existence sis » was often used by palaeontologists and taxonomists to desí series of forms. At the same time, this view on gnate various évolution was often described by other terms, such as autogénesis, and ologe autoevolution, typogenesis, nomogenesis, apogenesis nesis. The concept of directed évolution was first formulated in the 1860s 2, but then later re-appeared several times. Every developed country had its own concept of orthogenesis, or even ■Wilhelm Haacke, Cestaltung und Vererbung : Eine Entwickelungsmechanik men (Leipzig : T. O. Weigel Nachfolger, 1893). ■Rudolf Albert von Kóllicker, Über die Darwin'sche Schopfungstheorie, more than der Organis Zeitschrift für 14 (1864), 114-186. Cari Wilhelm von Nàgeli, Entstehung Zoologie, und Begriff der naturhistorischen Art (München : Verlag der Akademie, 1865). Alpheus between the différent stages of the life in the individual and Hyatt, On the parallelism those in the entire group of the molluscous order Tetrabranchiata, Memoirs read before the Boston Society of natural history ; being a new series ofthe Boston journal of natural 198-210. Edward Cope, On the origin of genera, Proceedings of history, 1 (1866), 4 (1868), 242-305. Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia, wissenschaftliche 368 This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Orthogenesis versus Darwinism : The Russian case one 3, and Russia was no exception. in Orthogenesis appeared Russian biology in the xixth century in statements critical of Darwi nism 4. But these statements failed to provide an alternative to Darwinism and were ignored by most Russian biologists. However in the 1920s orthogenesis turned out to be at the foreground of Russian Several on the scientists claimed biology. on évolution, and the spécial of concepts were elaborated, which turned out to be signifi evolutionary of this view support directed évolution Russian biology. Two Russian cantforthefollowing developmentof Lev Berg and palaeonto biologists ichthyologist and geographer - elaborated them independently from each logist Dmitry Sobolev other. The development of the directed évolution concept was an essential part of biology in Russia in the xxth century. While in and partly in German-speaking here English-speaking biologiesthe sies of orthogenesis were rediscovered only relatively recently, and were presented in form of new concepts 5, in Russia this non Darwinian tradition was not interrupted. The « directed évolution » influenced the Russian versions of modem Darwinism, « evolutionary ted in parailel to the American (1940-1990s). which exis synthesis » - See for review : Игорь Юрьевич Попов, Ортогенез против дарвинизма : Историко-ноуиньш анализ концепций напраленной эволюции (Санкт-Петербург : Санкт-Петербургский госу дарственный университет, 2005) (Igor Popov, Orthogenesis versus Darwinism : A historie in Arrlgo A. Cigna, Marco issue). Id., Directed évolution of mankind and biosphère, Durante (eds.), Impact of radiation risk in normal and emergency situations (Dordrecht : Springer Verlag, 2006), 211-218. - Karl Ernst von Baer, Über Darwin'sche Lehre, in Studien aus dem Gebiete der Naturwis senschaften (St-Petersburg : Verlag der Calferlichen H. Schmissdorf, Hofbuchhandlung Николай Яковлевич Данилевский, 1876), 235-479. Дарвиниз/п : Критическое исследование 1885) (Nikolay Danilevsky, Darwinism : CriticaI research). (Санкт-Петербург, - Nils Punctuated Eldredge, Stephen Jay Could, equilibrla : An alternative to phyletic ¡n Models in paleobiology (San Francisco : Freeman and Cooper, 1972), gradualism, 82-115. Stephen Jay Could, The return of hopeful monsters, Natural history, 86 (1977), 22-30. Id., Darwinism and the expansion of evolutionary theory, Science, 216 (1982), : Flarvard Univ. Press, 380-387. Id., The Structure of evolutionary theory (Cambridge Id. and Richard Lewontin, The spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian ofthe Royal Society of paradigm : A critique of the adaptationist program, Proceedings 581-598. Antonio Lima de Faria, Evolution without sélection London, 205 (1979), - New York - Oxford: (Amsterdam Elsevier, 1988). Id., Biological periodicity : Its : Conn. JAI Press, USA, molecular mechanism and evolutionary implication (Greenwich in der Evolution : Schwim 1995). Wolfgang Friedrich Cutmann, Konstruktionszwange mende Vierfüsser, Natur undMuséum, 124/6 (1994), 165-189. Id., Gibtes Alternativwege Natur und Muséum, 126/8 (1996), für die Entwicklung der Organisation von Lebewesen, 2002). auf den Bereich der klassischen Biologie and Id., Globalisierung-Rückwirkung Natur und Muséum, 127/7 (1997), 209-219. Kunio Kawamura, The origin Palâontologie, of life from « the life of subjectivity », Fundamentáis of Ufe (2002), 563-575. 250-262. Revue d'histoire des sciences | Tome 61 -2 i juillet-décembre This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 2008 369 Igor POPOV Lev Berg and nomogenesis Lev Semionovich Berg was born March 14, 1876 into a Jewish of Moldova now). His family in Bendery in Bessarabia (republic father was a notary, and thus could provide his son a decent primary and secondary éducation in the town Kishiniov (now capital of A good student Berg earned a gold medal, which entitled Moldova). him to enter any university, and he chose Moscow. Although that time in Russia Moscow University did not accept Jewish students, overcame this obstacle Berg by accepting christening. At Moscow from to he 1894 1898 conducted research in ichthyo University in which he had been interested since childhood. logy, Despite a successful early scientific career, after graduation Berg was assigned the rather unimportant position of inspector of fisheries for the Aral Sea located in a remóte provincial Kazakh city. Berg did not despair and started intensive researches in ichthyology, limnology, geology, and geography. After several years he wrote a book on Aral and its surrounding territories, which in 1909 he submitted as a master's thesis. His committee considered it such a valuable contribution that it awarded him the degree of doctor of sciences. Even after such a success, however, he could not find a better position until 1916, when he became a professor at Petrograd University 6. He worked there up to his death in 1950 7. The scientific héritage of Berg is huge. He is considered to be the founder of Russian ichthyology by right. Every study on Russian still begins with the references to Berg's general ichthyofauna treatises on the fishes of Russia. At the same time Berg was not less known as a geographer, and he was elected Academician as a He conducted numerous researches on the changes of geographer. of the division into landscape climate, the principies areas, the the of etc. was a glacial loess, changes, origin Berg person of Besides the main trends of his research encyclopaedic knowledge. 6 - Saint-Petersburg was renamed into Petrograd in 1914 when the war with Germany started, then in 1924 after Lenin's death it was renamed into Leningrad, and then in 1991 - into Saint-Petersburg back. 7 - Лев Семёнович Берг. Автобиографическая записка, в кн. Па/пяти акадетика П. С. иерга : АН СССР, 1955), 8-17 (Leo Berg, Sketch on autobiography). (Москва Ленинград : Владимир Александрович Исаченков, Дмитрий Дмитриевич Квасов, П. С. Берг (Москва 1988) (Vladimir A. Isachenkov, Просвещение, Dmitry D. Kvasov, L. S. Berg). Игорь Л. С. Берг (1876-1950) : Штиинца, Аркадьевич Крупеников, (Кишенёв 1976) (Igor А. Krupenikov, L. S. Berg). 370 This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Orthogenesis versus Darwinism : The Russian case he addressed, for example, even such topics or the origin of land plants 8. as an origin of Aleuts, During a period of wars and révolutions Berg wrote his main treatises (1914-1922), evolutionary including his famous book on « nomogenesis » - « évolution on the basis of law ». When the possibility of relatively normal activity at scientific institutions had this book was published 9. Itwastranslated reappeared, intoEnglish and printed in Great Britain soon after10. The main idea of nomo of everything against Darwinism. (But genesis is a generalizaron not against Darwin personally. his Berg emphasized respect and he could not agree with him delight of Darwin, but nevertheless in anything concerning évolution.) practically Berg formulated briefly the main points of his concept in 10 theses : « (1 ) Organisms evolved from thousands of primary forms. (2) Their évolution took (and partly divergence). (3) on place mainly in form of convergence the basis of laws, (4) embracing numerous individuáis over enor mous territory, (5) in discrète steps. (6) The number of hereditary variations is limited, and they follow definite directions. (7) The for and natural existence sélection are not the factors of the struggle are conserva evolutionary progress. Moreover, these phenomena tive forces keeping the norm. (8) Species are separated clearly from each other. (9) A significant part of évolution is the development of sources. Extinction is caused not external (10) pre-existed only by factors, but by internai ones as well 11. » Except for these postulâtes contains the idea of direct action of the environment nomogenesis transformation. to Berg some diffé upon evolutionary According rences among species and intraspecific catégories resulted from the action of « geographical ». landscapes a huge set of data from numerous : disciplines Berg generalized Ele could discuss, genetics, morphology, taxonomy, palaeontology. for example, the parailelism of flowers and the reproductive organs 8 - Leo of the V pacifie science congress. Berg, On the origin of the Aleuts, Proceedings Лев Семёнович Canada. 5 (1933) (Toronto : Univ. of Toronto press, 1934), 2773-2775. наземных растений, Природа, 2 (1949), 434-447 (Lev Berg, Origin Берг, Происхождение of land plants). : Гос. 9 - Лев Семёнович Берг, Но/погенез или эволюция на основе законо/перностей (Петербург or évolution on Т. 1. (Lev Berg, Nomogenesis изд., 1922), Труды географического тнетитута, the basis of laws). 10 - Leo Berg, Nomogenesis or évolution determined 1926). 11 - Лев Семёнович Берг, Труды по теории Writings on evolutionary theory, 311). by law (London эволюции (Москва : Constable : Наука, 1977) & Со. Itd., (Leo Revue d'histoire des sciences | Tome 61 -2 j juillet-décembre This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Berg, 2008 371 Igor POPOV studies (Cnetales), by plants palaeontological de Vries, anthropological experiments by Hugo of studies by Franz Boas, etc. He noticed ail main achievements with citations of at that the text time, decorating expressive biology modem scientists and The ancient and philosophers. bibliography of nomogenesis contains hundreds of sources. It is interesting that Berg almost did not use his own data on fishes, aiming to create a This fact confused greatly some of balanced survey on évolution. that Berg demonstra his critics. They were forced to acknowledge oí gnetaceous Edward Cope, ted a great érudition 12. from the viewpoint that any chance event is a Berg proceeded For example, a person can display of some regular processes. send a letter not writing address. But such a chance accidentally event has a quite definite frequency. In 1908 in Russia 1,2 billion of letters were sent, and 27 per 1 million of them were without an address. In 1910 1,5 billion of letters were sent, and among them also 27 per one million were without addresses. Turning to biolo gical phenomena Berg protested against any claim of chance and distribution of organic characters. He objected appearance mainly on the facts of similarities among groups of organisms a huge number of inexplicable by direct relationship, collecting them : electrical in différent groups of fishes, organs appeared hornless cattle originated in various continents independently, extinct cephalopods différent branches could have representing very similar shells, etc. From Berg's viewpoint such data indicated that évolution proceeds If that is mainly in theform of convergence. the case then adaptation is just a relatively insignificant by-product of such a process. In this connection Berg criticized many adapta tionistic explanations. For example, Darwinian interprétation of the e. origin of flying fishes means that they have adapted to flight, because of sélection pressure the fins of the ancestors of these fishes became elongated, the fishes became capable of jumping, and now we can observe an original construction - flying fishes. Berg did not He asserted that fins could be elongated accept such explanation. of any sélection of the irrespectively pressure and requirements environment. There are fishes, which used to jump from the water, but they have quite normal fins, and on the contrary, there are fishes 12 - Теория нотогенеза. Новая фаза в развитии российского антидарвиниз/па : Сборник критических : Гос. тимирязевский статей, пок ред. В. М. Козо-Полкнскоео (Москва научно-иссл. : New phase in the development of Russian институт, 1928) (Theory of nomogenesis anti-Darwinism. Collection of critical articles). 372 This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Orthogenesis versus Darwinism : The Russian case with never jump out of water, living fins, which elongated somewhere at the bottom. Berg argued that the existence of long fins is one of the possible kinds of variation, which is typical for some fishes and occurs sometimes as an anomaly in other species himself such at noticed Rutilus (he roach, rutilus, in the anomaly Aral sea). Such kinds origínate spontaneously, irrespectively of the of environment, though in some conditions they seem requirements to be adaptations. abundant Berg collected évolution in a definite material to prove the fact of spontaneous but he could not say almost direction, of evolutionary transformation. He anything about a mechanism that « steriochemical of a hypothesis just expressed properties definite directions in évolution. proteins » caused Berg did not allow any hints on « mystical » or non-material forces moving him in the religious but the critics used to accuse évolution, In 1930 the caricature was published in a newspaper obscurantisme of the Leningrad University : Berg was drawn dressed in Russian » and Remark's roman about national suit holding « Nomogenesis in nomogenesis war. Marxist ideologists detected with other which were not and features, compatible many pacifism were related the Such accusations of Soviet society. partly ideology with the fact that Berg was a « tolstovets », i. e. a follower of Russian writer count Lev Tolstoy (1828-1910). Tolstoy was prea « mutual a non-resistance to evil force », love, equality of by ching the first world the simplicity of family life, rejection of any rights, vegetarianism, etc. In 1880s his views came into particular prominence luxury, a for base peculiar religious doctrine reminiscent Buddhism being and Christianity. Since the adhérents of this doctrine interpreted Bible too freely and expressed passive protest against autocracy, they were persecuted by Tsar Régime and Orthodox Church. He really was a vegetarían Berg tried to follow Tolstoy principies. He started to rear his children in the remóte Russian and ascetic. which would not village trying to teach them in the environment, contain anything evil. (Révolution destroyed such an idyllic.) Berg but the real ly had not only scientific protest against Darwinism, of totalitarianism moral one as well. He foresaw the establishment to the in Russia. The ideology of totalitarian society corresponds therefore role of struggle in the évolution, idea of the progressive Revue d'histoire des sciences j Tome 61 -2 | juillet-décembre This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 2008 Igor POPOV Darwin's However because hint on to resist theory. Berg wanted the attacks of Soviet ideologists Berg kept such views only in his them in his scientific activity. it as far as possible 13. were not well-founded, family, not allowing any He had never attracted attention by Russian national suit (Tolstoy used to do it), never » and never wrote anything aboutTolstoy's behaved as « God'sfool in his principies evolutionary treatises. If to appreciate Berg only on the basis of reading nomogenesis, it is impossible to guess his style of life. Berg always stressed, that the motives of nomogenesis are « scientific. He often cited Maxwell's statement purely Accepting dogma the science makes a suicide », pointing out that Darwinism could not be accepted as a perennial He stated for the dogma. of our of évolution. progress knowledge to the reason hardly influenced which Berg's appeal ideologists, his persécution in late 1920s. Isaac Présent (1902-1969), organized which became later a fellow-fighter of Lysenko, was especially in it. However active the persécution not despite Berg was because repressed. It was happened Berg never replied the ideolo In 1930 when the persécution a high reached gist's accusations. point Berg left University himself. Thefaculty of geography began to without him, that is why the university leaders asked Berg collapse to corne back, and he did it in 1936. That time the passion for criticism was settled a little, and Berg did not provoke nomogenesis it anymore. He continued his studies in geology, geo successfully graphy, biology (mainly ichthyology) and the history of a science reaching highest académie positions : in 1940 he was elected to be the président of the Russian Geographical Society, and in 1946 - member of the of sciences of USSR. A remarkable case Academy to Berg during the élection of academician. At first he happened was one of the two candidates for this position, but he became the another candidate only one, because Nikolay Baransky (1881 1963) - rejected the vacancy claiming the following : « Nobody could be an Academician, when Berg is not an Academician 14. » Dmitry Sobolev and « historical biogenetics » Sobolev was born in 1872 in the village Khri Dmitry Nikolaevich of Kostroma peli région (Central Russia) into the family of a priest. 13 - Раиса Львовна генетика Берг, Суховей : Воспо/пишния мысли, 2003) (Raisa Berg, Dry wind : Memories исторической 14 - Cit. from Berg, op. cit. in п. 13, 265. : Памятники (Москва of geneticist). 374 This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions versus Orthogenesis According seminary, Darwinism : The to family tradition but after it he chose Russian case he studied in the Kostroma another career : he entered spiritual Warsaw branch of the faculty of physics University in the natural sciences and mathematics. Sobolev from the university in 1899 graduated with a gold medal. In the years that followed he worked in the Warsaw polytechnic institute in the laboratory of geology. In 1905 1906 he got a temporary St-Petersburg position in the faculty of mineralogy institute. polytechnic at the In 1911, Sobolev was awarded a master's degree for his research on the Devonian fossils of Poland. Three years later he submitted a doctoral thesis on goniatites (a group of extinct cephalopods) to the Kiev University 15. Unfortunately, the thesis failed to receive appro val. It was rumoured that the board was displeased with inappro priate citations from the poems of Lucretius, which Sobolev plenti decorated his book with 16. Sobolev himself refused to believe fully that so insignificant a reason could affect the judgment of compé tent scientists, and explained their displeasure by the fact that his thesis was of a « heretical character » trampling upon a common view of évolution. The « heretical character » was expressed not in the citations from in but rather citations from the Lucretius, writings of the advocates - Theodor of the idea of directed évolution Eimer (1843-1898), Steinmann Cari von Nageli Gustav (1856-1929), (1817-1891), and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1878-1945) (1744 Edgar Dacqué much more significant place in the 1829). These citations occupied book by Sobolev than the « harmless » fragments of antique poetry. Sobolev almost did not mention Darwin's évolution, Discussing it was hardly related to the explanation of evolu theory, because tionary novelties. Sobolev regarded the popularity of the theory of : in this field as a misunderstanding natural sélection « Darwin's followers proclaimed the omnipotence of natural sélec tion in the origin of the new organic forms. However it sounds rather strange because even Darwin himself did not aspire to explain the origin of novelties, ascribing it to chance. He just explained the 15 - ДмитрийНиколевич Соболаев, Наброски по филогении гониатитов,Изв.Варшавского И/пператора политехниуеского института Sketch on phylogeny of goniatits). Николая II, 1 (1914), 1-191 (Dmitry Sobolev, биогенетики 16 - ДмитрийНиколаевичСоболев, Началаисторической (Симферополь : Гос. изд. Украины, 1924) (Dmitry Sobolev, Bases of históricaI biogenetics, 1). Revue d'histoire des sciences | "Tome 61 -2 ! juillet-décembre This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 2008 375 Igor POPOV advantage of survival of those forms which have some characters suitable for the struggle for existence 17. » In addition to novelties Sobolev referred to the data on mutations and combinations, which were also opposed to Darwinism at that time. Besides the neglect of Darwin's writings the « heretical cha racter » became to taxonomy. apparent in the Sobolev's approach Confronted with thegreat variety of cephalopod shells he looked for formulas and laws, which would let him overcome the chaos. Sobolev considered living organisms to be something like « isomor which should be decom phic mixtures » of chemical substances, to clarify their classification. posed to their consistent components Sobolev's book was very original and precious, which explains, probably, the displeasure of his senior colleagues. Even in the face of criticism Sobolev did not change his viewpoint or compromise : he continued instead to develop his concept. his merits were appreciated, and he got appropriate Eventually the failure of the doctoral thesis, positions and degrees. Despite Sobolev became chair of the geology department of the Kharkov this position until his death in 1949. From University. He occupied 1922 upto 1933 he was director of the research institute on geology as well, and in 1934-1935 he was dean of thefaculty of geology and In 1934 he was final ly awarded the doctoral degree 18. geography. In 1924 a book Bases of históricaI biogenetics was by Sobolev in which the ideas close to nomogenesis were presen published, ted 19. Later Sobolev several other writings, which were published written during times of war and révolution 20. Sobolev never consi dered them out-of-date and made no essential corrections in later 17 - Sobolev, 18 - Николай op. cit. in n. 15, 105 Николаевич Яковлев, Пять лет со дня смерти Д. Н. Соболева, Ежегодник Всесоюзного палеонтологического общества, XV (1954-1955), 369-371 (Nikolay N. Yakov lev, Five years from the death of D. N. Sobolev). Юдович Лапкин, Игорь Иосиф Николаевич Соболев Ремизов, Дмитрий Николаевич со дня рождения), (К столетию Известия АН СССР, Серия геол., 8 (1972), 129-132 (losif Yu. Lapkin, Igor N. Remizov, Sobolev - То 100-year annlversary of birthday). Dmitry Nikolaevich 19 - Sobolev, op. cit. in n. 16. 20 - Дмитрий Николаевич Зетля и жизнь. I. Геодогшеские циклы (Киев : Научно Соболев, 1-я серия, 1926) (Dmitry Sobolev, популярная библиотека Укр. Отд. Геол. Комитета. Earth and Ufe. 1. Ceological Николаевич Зетля и жизнь. cycles). Дмитрий Соболев, II. Эволюция и революции в истории органического : Научно-популярная библио тира (Киев тека Укр. Отд. Геол. Комитета. 1-я серия, 1927) (Id., Earth and Ufe. 2. Evolution and révolutions in the history of organic world). Дмитрий Николаевич Зетля и Соболев, жизнь. III. О причинах выпирания организтов (Киев : библиотека Научно-популярная Укр. 1-я серия, 1928) (ld., On the causes of extinction of organisme). Отд. Геол. Комитета. 376 This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Orthogenesis versus Darwinism : The Russian case éditions ofthem. In the years that followed, as well as inthecase of the non-Darwinian heresies remained from his offi Berg, sepárate ciai career. Sobolev was acknowledged as an expert in historical and paleontology in these fields he also geology (although « » « » His historical ¡deas). expressed many disputable biogenetics were overlooked. Unlike Berg, Sobolev continued some theoretical researches but they very less related with évolution, concerning « of Darwinism versus ». Sobolev was polemics orthogenesis concerned with other problems. He became more interested in the of the évolution of the entire biosphère. But the global processes core of his concepts presented in his early writings hardly changed. The main question, which consisted in the following : Sobolev put concerning évolution, « Whether it is an accumulation and sélection of random variations occurring in every possible directions, which in themselves do not predetermine a defined course of phylogenetic trend, which is directed only by sélection, or this elementary variability is ordered and is subordinated to definite laws, which predetermine the direc tion of évolution irrespectively of sélection 21 ? » Sobolev The claim of resolutely asserted the second viewpoint. évolution on the basis of laws was his central point. His main book » consists of the présentation « of the laws of about « biogenetics « » ». is the same that is biogénesis Biogénesis usually called « évo lution ». Sobolev preferred to use term « évolution » in its initial sense close to the sense of a term « preformism », /'.e. to desígnate the process of display of something that already existed. In such a case it turns out, that « Darwin reaped a fine crop there, where he had not sown, he acquired while glory as the founder evolutionism not being an evolutionist22 ». Only by misunderstanding had his doctrine ». concept got the name of « evolutionary « misunderstanding ». It was not a single example of terminological For some reason Sobolev aspired to change the common termino logy of biology, including even the most general terms : he replaced » with historical « biology » with « biontology », « palaeontology « biontology ». The word in the title of his book - « historical » » - means « biogénesis the science of studying biogenetics 21 - Sobolev, op. cit. in n. 16, 24. 22 - Ibid., 32. Revue d'histoire des sciences | Tome 61 -2 | juillet-décembre This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 2008 377 Igor POPOV - « normal of living forms related successive change generi 23 ». Moreover Sobolev introduced spécial terms for taxono cally « military » terms, of cephalopods. He invented mic catégories which could greatly amuse the reader. He described the « hordes » of ammonites, which split intothe « bands », « cohorts », « phalan book an impressive image of a xes », etc. After reading Sobolev's full-scale military offensive to modernity by various quaint créatu res arises. As in a world war whole columns of them perished, and for them. Some new ones substituted survived by organisms chance, forever. but the large and maybe the best part of them disappeared a style of présentation was not popular in the in world, but doing so Sobolev presented rather valuable ideas about ordering data on variety. He tried to reveal in living elements organisms something like the periodic System of chemical Certainly scientific such or the homologous series of organic substances. He ordered his « divisions », « maniples », « phalanxes », etc. in parallel series. In summarized his studies on goniatites, presenting a 1927, Sobolev « reticular gradational-combinational system » ofthem. He tried to and typological : he invented Sys unify genealogical approaches « historical tems affinities introducing typological reflecting numerous tables aspects » in them. For this purpose he composed of combinations of features : vertical lines of them demonstrated « steady traces » which originated in form of saltations, while « gradational traces » which origina horizontal lines demonstrated ted in process of évolution in definite directions. « Periodicity is not alien to my system »-noticed Sobolev-« horizontal series to other the similar ved in the transition fromone transformations are obser » 24. Sobolev noticed that his concept corresponded to nomogenesis in general, but specified some distinctions with ¡t. The most essential différence concerns the problem of irreversibility. Sobolev believed that reversible movement is an integral part of évolution as well as a movement forward. As it is known, each specialized organism originates from less specialized ancestors. However any organism, 23 - Sobolev, op. cit. in n. 16, 3. 24 - Дмитрий Николаевич Опыт Соболев, построения ретикулярной градативно комбинативной системы гониатитов, HayRoei записки по бюлогй'. Дерягавне видавництво 170-200 Construction of reticular gradational (1927), (Dmitry Sobolev, Украти combinatlonal System of goniatits, 172). 378 This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions versus Orthogenesis Darwinism : The Russian case » ones, have features of spe including relatively « non-specialized « Nature could not be populated cialization. » - Sobo by schemes lev agreed with Cuvier. For Sobolev the ancestor of any spécialized as well, but it was able to return to earlier stages group is specialized of its évolution and then start to evolve in another direction. This occurs rapidly, and that is why it is impossible to find process transitional forms in the fossil record. Berg was of the other view point. He admitted that theoretically évolution could be reversible, but he thought that it is extremely improbable, that évolution in is an irreversible 25. general process In the last Sobolev's writings another significant différence with became While Berg expected to find the nomogenesis apparent. solution to the problem of evolutionary mechanisms from studies of Sobolev looked to the highest levels of the living organic molécules, world. He came to the conclusion that it is impossible to explain the of évolution, while remaining within the framework of mechanisms researches on isolated organisms. Only the analysis of the évolution of the entire Earth could clarify this problem. Sobolev worked on this subject during the last years of his life, planning to write a spécial treatise about it, but he had no time to complete this work. Like Berg, Sobolev to the lack of laws in biology discus appealed his motives. However the critics tried to find some others to sing discrédit his « biogenetics ». They were less successful in the case than in the case of nomogenesis, of biogenetics, because Sobolev's « not does contain such a détail like tolstovstvo ». biography spicy On the contrary, Sobolev abandoned resolutely the religious family tradition. Like Berg, Sobolev did not allow any hints on non material forces in his scientific research. His writings were full of tables, formulas and laws, /. e. looked purely scientific. That is why the critics used to consider biogenetics as a kind of eccentricity not it seems that Sobolev had some However, properly understood. » motives as well. But unlike Berg's ones, these « non-scientific motives were rather pré-Christian, than Christian ones. Sobolev was He had a profound more influenced by ancient philosophy. and to read antic treatises. of ancient liked knowledge languages in Darwin's context of the rich considered Sobolev theory it as a small e. he appreciated cultural héritage, centuries-old in the long history of science, épisode 25 - Лев Семёнович 292-302 which явления и законы Берг, Изменчивость (Lev Berg, Variation and laws of nature). is not so significant природы, as Природа, 7-9 (1919), Revue d'histoire des sciences | Tome 61 -2 | juillet-décembre This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 2008 379 Igor POPOV His attitude the propagandists claimed. ing than critical. condescend to Darwiriism was rather and his officiai académie was not repressed, Like Berg, Sobolev Sobolev It took in Soviet time. also career progressed place because As into himself. to accusations did not react Berg withdrawing Both « geo moved to geology. moved to geography, Sobolev » suffered lesser ideological and control than biology sciences and lived far from Moscow Sobolev humanities. Moreover, away the and the conflicts on where scientific centers Saint-Petersburg science concentrated. Destiny Russia of the concepts of directed évolution in Directed évolution concept provoked a strong reaction of Russian in 1920s. The appearance of nomogenesis scientific community and biogenetics received a short burst of enthusiastic reaction, which soon was replaced for strong criticism. The regularities or laws of évolution attracted great attention. Many meetings and to directed éditions devoted évolution were organized. Some in Rus Darwinians of the dominance of nomogenesis complained these complaints were hardly well foun sian biology 26. However ded. The reaction was rather négative in general. Even the authors had not supported it actively. There sympathizing orthogenesis were three main reasons of this fact : 1. The writings on orthogenesis provoked an impression of a certain of the formulations unclearness the essence of the concerning évolution mechanism. Yuri So, Russian geneticist Filipchenko He referred to the « auto (1882-1930) expressed such a viewpoint. « with the great sympathy », and often made genetic » viewpoint critical comments always stressed on natural his sceptics sélection not wanting However theory27. to joint some camp he of 26 - БорисМихайловичКозо-Полянский, Последнее словоантидарвинизта: Изложение икрити ческий нового разбортеориинотогенеза, ученияобэволюции органического тира (Краснодар : Last wordof Anti-Darwinism : Summary and 1923) (Boris Kozo-Poliansky, Буревестник, critical research ofthe nomogenesis theory, a new concept on évolution). 27 - Юрий Александрович О параллелизме в живой природе, Успехи совретен филипченко, ной биологии, 4 (1924), 242-257 (Yury Filipchenko, About parallelism in living nature). Филипченко, Юрий Александрович Эволюционная идея в биодогии : исторический обзор : Наука, 1977) (Id., Evolutionary idea in biology : эволюционныхучений XIX века (Москва Historie survey ofthe evolutionary concepts ofxixth century). 380 This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Orthogenesis versus Darwinism : The Russian case evolutionists. He believed, that our knowledge of macroevoiution mechanisms still remains obscure (the terms macro- and microevo lution were introduced by Filipchenko). name was « sacred » for the great majority of because Darwin a progress in biologists, personified could revise Darwin's They concept beyond récognition, but they did not want to reject it. Even so « exotic » views on évolution as symbiogenesis were presented sometimes as « a new rédaction of Darwinism ». Facing with nomogenesis and biogene tics some Darwinians admitted the merits of studies in this field, but did not want to recognizethefailures of the natural sélection theory. 2. The Russian science. Darwin's For example, a zoologist Wladimir Shimkevich who (1858-1923), was one of the most active propagandists of Darwinism, expressed for Berg's initiatives citing his preliminary communica approval tions 28, but after the édition of nomogenesis he started to criticize it « because attacked too the Berg strongly Holy Scripture » of bio 29. Another follower was also Darwin's Pavel Serebrovsky logy interested in orthogenesis. He claimed that the strong criticism of bereaves Darwinism of a valuable material giving itto nomogenesis anti-Darwinians. However he did not want to allow compromises : must be included into Darwinism not it30. orthogenesis destroying 3. The discussion on orthogenesis a political and ideolo acquired with Darwinism character the successes of Soviet leaders. gical in communism Russian the same which occupied biology place in ideology. As inquisitors threatened scientific concepts occupied looked care by Holy Writ, so Soviet biologists and propagandists of in for déviations from the Darwinism fully principies any biolo This becomes for research. typical any polemic style gradually gical was counterpoised too on the problems of évolution. Orthogenesis that is it had not to the officiai ideology, why right to sharply 28 - ВладимирМихайловичШимкевич,О закономерностяхбиологическихявлений,Экскур сионное дело, 2-3 (1921), 214-240 (Wladimir Shimkevich, About regularities of biological phenomena). Новая фаза в развитии российского Михайлович 29 - Владимир Шимкевич, антидарвини : Сборник зма, в кн. : Теория номогенеза. Новая фаза в развитии российского антидарвинизма : Гос. тимирязевский научно (Москва критических статей, ред. Б. М. Козо-Полнский New phase in the Russian anti иссл. институт, 1928), 1-26 (Wladimir Shimkevich, Darwinism development). в кн. : Теория 30 - Павел Владимирович Дарвинизм и учение об ортогенезе, Серебровский, номогенеза. Новая фаза в развитии российского антидарвинизма. Сборник критических статей, : Гос. тимирязевский научно-иссл. институт, 1928), (Москва ред. Б. М. Козо-Полнский 87-158 (Pavel Serebrovsky, Darwinism and orthogenesis doctrine). Revue d'histoire des sciences j Tome 61 -2 | juillet-décembre This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 2008 381 Igor POPOV after 1929, existence. Such a situation became firmly established /'.e. the year of « great turning point » (velikiy perelom) proclaimed by Stalin. Such a turning point meant a complete victory of socia lism and extermination of any capitalist elements in society. with each other so The last two reasons sometimes were connected that it to them. The is absolutely impossible sepárate strongly, scientific héritage of Russian histologist Alexey Zavarzin (1886 demonstrates a remarkable of such a situation. 1945) example Zavarzin conducted a profound research on tissues of various in the groups animais, revealing numerous histological parallelisms of organisms, which did not have any relationship in the taxonomic sense. For example, it would seem that the spinal chord of verte brates and the abdominal chord of insects had little in common. However, itturned outthattheir histological patterns are identical : both consist of white and grey matters, both have the pair arrange ment of nerves, etc. Such studies ideally corresponded orthogene did not stress this fact. At the initial stage of his sis, but Zavarzin studies he tried to avoid absolutely the analysis évolution, just the similarities of tissues. an approach However such describing leads to idealistic morphology, which was also a heresy. Extending his studies Zavarzin revised his approach claiming that the refusai from evolutionary was a mistake. this mis approach Overcoming take he conducted a series of studies on « parallelisms and evolu tionary dynamics of tissues ». Citing Berg and other orthogeneticists he developed an idea that ail histological in patterns originated accordance with definite internai laws. However, at the same time, Zavarzin his conclusions to persistently did not wish to oppose natural sélection theory, trying to formúlate compromises31. Such a scientific héritage made difficulties for historians and evolutionists. The conférences in honour of Zavarzin sometimes dis provoked cussions anew. Studying the changes of Zavarzin's views Daniel Alexandrov to distinct pointed out that « it is absolutely impossible internai logic of the conception and the logic of development to criticism 32 ». adaptation 31 - Алексей Алексеевич Заварзин,Трудыпо теориипараллелизтаи эволюционной диналлики тканей : Наука, 1986) (Alexey Zavarzin, Treatises on parallelism and (Ленинград evolutionary dynamics of tissues). 32 - Даниил Александрович Александров, История отечественной эволюционной /порфологии животных в конце XIX в. - первой трети XX в., Авт. канд. биол. наук. (Москва : ИИЕТ, 1996) (Daniel Alexandrov, History ofthe Russian animal evolutionary morphology (rom the end ofxixth century to 1930s, PhD thesis), 18. 382 This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Orthogenesis versus Darwinism : The Russian case The criticism of orthogenesis was hardly related with the movement of synthesis » formation. Genetics ieading to « the evolutionary in in and Russia but 1920s, population progressed nomogenesis were suppressed biogenetics irrespect!vely of it. On the one hand, numerous critics did without genetics. On the other hand, some founders of Russian genetics - especially (1882 Yury Filipchenko and Vavilov 1930) (1887-1943) Nikolay sympathized orthogene was enthusiastic about nomo sis. Even Dobzhansky (1900-1975) that time 33. The founderof modem Darwinism changed his and Vavilov saved such enthusiasm, opinion soon, but Filipchenko himself it later. Filipchenko was not obviously expressed though relate which would had not conducted researches, empirical it. His but Vavilov did directly with the arguments in orthogenesis, » series of variations studies on « homological ideally correspon genesis extensive ded to the idea of directed évolution 34. FHe collected material about cultured plants, and revealed a lot of parailel varia in cereals the tions among numerous species of them. For example, ears could be branchy or not branchy, they could be bearded or not bearded ; the colour of seeds could be white, yellow, red, grey, Vavilov showed that it is possible to detect ail black or deep-brown. these kinds of variabiIity in each cereal species. Moreover, a similar For exists in plants that are not in direct relationship. phenomenon in be detected of the rootform could the identical variants example, and tur carrots (fam. Umbelliferae) beets (fam. Chenopodiacea), Some variants of variabiIity occur over the nips (fam. Cruciferae). whole plant world-gigantism, dwarfism, fasciation, albinism. Such from facts were known earlier, and Vavilov cited his predecessors had not emphasi Darwin's time. Flowever, Vavilov's predecessors zed these facts as an indication on regularities of the whole organic variety. In some cases Vavilov could predict the forms. For example, among pumpkins and while such forms were not were known, the discovery of lobate Vavilov expected were actually found in the south-eastern of new plant discovery melons the lobate forms at watermelons. and they watermelons, known part of Russia. Such cases in the Soviet The birth of the genetic theory of évolution 33 - Theodosius Dobrzhansky, Union in 1920s, in Ernst Mayr, William Provine (eds.), The Evolutionary synthesis : - London : Harvard Univ. Perspectives on the unification of biology (Cambridge (Mass.) Press, 1980), 229-242. 34 - Nikolay Vavilov, The (1922), 47-89. law of homological series in variation, Journal of genetics, Revue d'histoire des sciences | Tome 61 -2 j juillet-décembre This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 12 2008 383 Igor POPOV of prédiction reminded Russian scientists of how Mendeleev pre dicted discoveries of new chemical elements after the formulation of the periodic law. That is why, at least in Russia, Vavilov was often called the « Mendeleev of biology » 35. Berg noticed (1922) that Vavilov had formulated the idea of nomo genesis even better than Berg himself. Vavilov paid the writings of his opinions Berg and Sobolev great attention, but he expressed and only rarely in his scientific publications. In there he cautiously focused mainly on the problems of taxonomy and plant breeding, on évolution. In his correspondence making only brief comments with some colleagues, however, Vavilov clearly expressed support of orthogenetic heresies. To Sobolev he wrote : « Professor Berg informed me recently that in processes of the studies of goniatites you elaborated the ¡deas which are analogous to our conclusions from the studies of plants. I have read your book, and your data on goniatites and the law of parailel development is really close to generaiization that I named « the law of homologous series » 36. » Vavilov was familiar with writings about « orthogene Obviously, sis » as well. For example, in a letter to Cavriil S. Zaitsev he « orthogenetic mentioned rows » : « What do conifers have in common with cereals, or pumpkin and water-melon with wheat ? But their cycles of variability are similar in many respects. There is also a huge abundance of such paralle lisms both in mushrooms, and at animais. It is very easy to find them in any detailed on monograph some large group and even on genera. Reading « Mutationstheorie », scrutinizing closely the mutations, we can see that asa matteroffactall ofthem proceed in the Such an form of orthogenetic rows 37. » « orthogenetic in Russia in genetics » was suppressed as any other except the « genetics » of Lysenko. Ortho also went underground for a long period. However it was 1930-1940s genesis 35 - For détails see : Igor Popov, « Periodical Systems » in biology (a historical Issue), zur Ceschichte und Théorie der Biologie, 9 (2002), 55-69. Verhandlungen Игорь - Мос Попов, Периодические систеты и периодический закон в биологии (Санкт-Петербург ква : КМК, 2008) law in biology. (Igor Popov, Periodical Systems and periodical Moscow, 2008). Saint-Petersburg 36 - From Sobolev, op. cit. in n. 16, 44. 37 - Письма H. И. Вавилова Г. С. Зайцеву, Природа, 4 (1977), 102-115. (Letters of N. I. Vavilov to G. S. Zaitsev, 104). 384 This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions versus Darwinism Orthogenesis : The Russiari case to develop it. The most not forgotten. Some dissidents continued who Liubishev active among them was Alexander (1890-1972), but attracted contributed little to nomogenesis and biogenetics, attention to the problems they raised. He stated in favour of the in 192 5 38, and then criticized directed évolution idea already of biology over almost 50 years Darwinism and other concepts did not escape his criticism). Estimations of his (even nomogenesis are contradictory. Some authors admire him. Numerous of papers were conférences were organized and collections for the criticism of in honour of Liubishev. His passion with the capacity of the « coloured ear » everything was compared and with other extraordinary human gifts 39. of Vladimir Nabokov out that his criticism did not other authors pointed However, the new. main part of the héritage of Moreover, produce anything activity spécial edited remained in letters and lectures not presented in scientific This fact is only partly explained by the heretical publications. character of his ideas. In the 1960s and later, there were some and some of Liubishev's to rise up from underground, possibilities in the académie even were éditions, but they were papers published and as substantial as one would expect 40. The not as numerous Liubishev main part of Liubishev's literature by his colleagues studies 41. was presented in the scientific active in his struggle against Darwi Liubishev became especially nism (he called it « selectogenesis ») after his officiai retirement in 38 - Александр АлександровичЛюбищев, Понятие эволюции и кризис эволюционизма, Изв. Бюлл. НИИ при Пертск. гос.ун-те, 4/4 (1925), 1 37-153 (Alexander Liubishev, Notion of évolution and crisis of evolutionism). Тайный 39 - Михаил Давыдович Любищева, Вестник, жребий профессора Голубовский, 12/15 (2000), 42-47 (Mikhail Golubovsky, Secret lot of professor Liubishev). : Наблюдения и 40 - Александр Любищев, узоры на стёклах Морозные Александрович 23-26 (Alexander Знание - сила, 7 (1973), Liubishev, Frosty биолога, размышления Алексан and discussions traceries on glass : Observations by biologist). Александр 42-44 (ld., Notion of Понятие номогенеза, Природа, 10 (1973), дрович Любищев, О постулатах Любищев, современного Александрович Александр : в кн. : Проблеты эволюции, ред. H. Н. Воронцов, Том III (Новосибирск of modem 31-57 (Id., About postulâtes Александр selectogenesis). Наука, 1973), К классификации эволюционных Любищев, теорий, в кн. : Проблеты Александрович : Наука, 1975), 206-221 (Id., То эволюции, ред. H. Н. Воронцов, Том IV (Новосибирск the classification of evolutionary théories). 41 - Сергей Викторович парадоксы Мейен, Юлий Анатольевич Шрейдер, Биологические А. А. Любищева, Природа, 10 (1973), 38-42 (Sergey Meyen, Yuly Schreider, Biological nomogenesis). селектогенеза, of A. A. Liubishev). Александр Любищев, Александрович Проблеты форты, paradoxes и эволюции организтов. Сборник статей, ред. Ц. В. Мейен, Ю. В. Чайковский систетатики : Наука, 1982) (Alexander Liubishev, Problems of form, systematics and (Москва évolution (Ленинград of organisme). Павел Григорьевич Светлов, : Наука, 1982) (Pavel Svetlov, Alexander Александр Александрович Любищев Alexandrovich Liubishev). Revue d'histoire des sciences | Tome 61 -2 | juillet-décembre This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 2008 385 Igor POPOV 1955 and up to his death in 1972. That time the deliverance from Stalinism and Lysenkoism took place in Russia. The authorities allowed some liberalization, which became apparent in biology. In due to Liubishev's part activity, in part due to other authors nume rous publications on directed évolution 42. In 1977 the appeared was and 43, Berg's nomogenesis republished provoked a new burst of discussions as well as in 1920s. The collections of papers of « » classics Zavarzin and other inconvénient Vavilov, Filipchenko, were also edited that time. view in form of orthogenetic directed évolution took place « old-fashioned » disciplines, In parallel some authors presented new The support of spécial concepts. not only in the framework of classical but the most modem ones as well 44. The sources of such a renaissance are diverse. Absolutely ail of new enthusiasts cited Berg. Liubishev the second in occupied place citations. Sobolev turned out to be almost forgotten. Only some remember his concept now. The foreign palaeontologists-geologists authors of orthogenesis are not well known and not so influential. demonstrates a significant Only one of new modem concepts 42 - МеркурийСергеевич Гиляров, Закономерности и направленная эволюция,Журнал and directed (Merkury Guiliarov, Regularices Завадский, Томас Якобович Сутт, К вопросу о природе эволюционного ограничений процесса, в кн. : История и теория эволюционного учения. 3 : ИИЕТ, 1973), 42-49 (Kirill Zavadsky, Tomas Sutt, То the question on (Ленинград Завадский, Александр evolutionary constraints). Кирилл Михайлович Борисович Геор гиевский, К оценке эволюционных взглядов Л. С. Берга, в кн. : Л. С. Берг. Труды по теории : Наука, 1977), 7-42 (Kirill Zavadsky, Alexander Ceorgievsky, То the эволюции (Москва évaluation of evolutionary concept by L. S. Berg). Константин О возможных и осуществлённых Беклемишев, Владимирович направле ниях эволюции беспозвоночных. (Konstantin Журнал общей биологии, 2 (1974), 209-222 общей биологии, XXXI/2 (1970), évolution). Кирилл Михайлович 179-189 About possible and realised directions in évolution). Томас Якобович Beklemishev, : АН ЭССР, 1977) (Tomas Сутт, Проблема направленности органической эволюции (Таллин Sutt, РюЫет ofdirectionality oforganic évolution). Сергей Викторович Мейен, Может ли быть победитель в дискуссии о номогенезе ?, Природа, 9 (1979), 114-116 (Sergey on nomogenesis Meyen, Could exist a winner in discussion ?). Сергей Викторович Мейен, Проблема эволюции, в кн. : Проблемы теории эволюции. Итоги направленности : ВИНИТИ, науки и техники, серия: Зоология позвоночных, 7 (Москва 1975), 66-119 (Sergey Meyen, Problem of the directionality of évolution). Юнир Абдуллович Урман о сходстве в живой природе, Природа, 9 (1979), 116-121 (Yunir Urmant цев, Номогенез on the similarities in living world). sev, Nomogenesis 43 - Berg, op. cit. in п. 11. 44 - Леонид Иванович в молекулярной генома и Корочкин, Параллелизмы организации эволюции, в кн. : Молекулярные механизмы генетических процессов (Москва. : проблемы in molecular (Leonid Korochkin, Parallelisms of Наука, 1985), 132-146 organisation genom and the problem of évolution). Эдуард Борисович Ахназаров, Контуры эволюции : Недра, 2002) (Eduard Akhnazarov, Contours of évolution). Елена (Санкт-Петербург Евгеньевна Коваленко, концепции Дарвина, в кн. : В тени дарвинизма : Альтернатива : Ясный день, 2003), Альернативные теории эволюции в XX веке (Санкт-Петербург 192-218 (Elena Kovalenko, Two alternatives within Darwin's original théory of évolution). 386 This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions versus Orthogenesis Darwinism : The Russian case European influence, that ¡s the concept « contours of évolution » by Eduard Akhnazarov 4S. This author claimed that he (1933-2001) would like to reformulate in purely scientific terms the « phenome non of man » of Teilhard de Chardin. Some authors claimed reso lutely, that they came to directed évolution theoretical influence, /'. e. they established in process of empirical studies, Darwinism for alternative concepts. idea irrespective of any the facts contradicting and then started to look A number of statements in favour of nomogenesis-orthogenesis increased over last three decades continuously up to today. A of socialism in 1990s contributed breakdown greatly to this ten of or re-appearance dency. Now the conditions for the appearance « heresies » are much more favourabie in Russia than earlier, because Darwinism had lost the support of authorities. Neverthe of Darwinism is still strong. The less, the position of the advocates mismatch of a paper with Darwinian principies quite often is of the paper till now. considered as a reason for refusing publication of directed évolution on the of Russian versions of modem development Influence Darwinism As is known, Russian scientists contributed greatly to the formation of modem Darwinism. traditions into They introduced naturalisée basis of the theory of on the making generalizations genetics, natural sélection. The Russian scientists working abroad - Nikolay and Theodosius in Cermany (1900-1981) Timofeeff-Ressovsky - achieved in this successes in the the USA greatest Dobzhansky in their native field. Some Russian scientists, who had remained in the same time. land, also created versions of modem Darwinism treatises by At the end of the 1930s and in the 1940s voluminous Lukin were Efim and Ivan Schmalhausen (1904-1999) (1884-1963) as a Russian part or Russian issued 46, which are usually considered 45 - Akhnazarov, op. cit. in n. 44. 46 - Иван Иванович Шмальгаузен, Организ/п как целое в индивидуалънот и исторшеско/п разви : Изд. АН СССР, 1938) (Ivan Schmalhausen, тии (Москва - Ленинград Organism as a Иван Иванович Шмальгаузен, whole in individual and históricaI development). Пути и : Изд. АН СССР, 1939) (Id., Ways and эволюционного процесса (Москва законотерности of evolutionary process). Иван Иванович эволюции Шмальгаузен, факторы : Изд. АН СССР, 1946) (Id., Factors of évolution). Ефим Иудович Ленинград в из/пенении организтов (Москва Царвинизт и географические законотерности regularities - (Москва Лукин, Revue d'histoire des sciences | Tome 61 -2 | juillet-décembre This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 2008 387 Igor POPOV version of the synthetic theory, although the affinity of these works « evolutionary 47. synthesis » was sometimes challenged Lukin and Schmalhausen stressed the role of modifications, while such a viewpoint was considered to be a hint of Lamarckism. to the at least Schmalhausen déviations from Moreover, expressed « population ». One of his books had the title thinking Organism as a whole (1938), because Schmalhausen a rather preferred organis mocentric approach. both Lukin and Schmalhausen Nevertheless, defended natural sélection strongly or even aggressively theory from any hints of heresies. In this respect they were very close to the « architectsof evolutionary synthesis ». Such an ideology of biology dominated in Russia as well as in the English speaking world. Polemics with orthogenesis was a significant part of some of the first treatises representing modem Darwinism. Bern George Simpson, hard Rensch, Julián Huxley, and Ivan Schmalhausen paid great attention to the analysis of facts cited by the advocates of the directed évolution concept 48. Such an analysis was one of the bases of Schmalhausen's similar to theory of stabilizing sélection » 49. In the years that fol Waddington's concept of « canalization of discrediting seemed to be problem orthogenesis for the Darwinians. After cele completely English-speaking the of Darwin's The 10O-year anniversary brating Origin ofspecies Ernst Mayr claimed that the opponents of « the evolutionary syn thesis » were so rare and so ignorant, that it was meaningless to lowed solved the : Изд. АН СССР, 1940) (Efim Lukin, Darwinism andgeographical Ленинград regulari ces in the changes of organisms). 47 - Эдуард Николаевич От к Мирзоян, теории зарождения учению об организме как целом в индивидуальном и историческом развитии, Эволюционные идеи в биологии, Труды Ленин 85/1 (1984), 9-21 (Eduard Mirzoian, From the градского общества естествоиспытателей, theory of génération to the concept of organism as a whole in individual and historical Учение о /пакроэволюции. На путях к ново/пу Вадим Иванович development). Назаров, : Наука, синтезу (Москва a new synthesis). 1991 ) (Vadim Nazarov, Concept of macroevolution : Towards 48 - Julián Huxley, Evolution : The modem synthesis (London : George Allen and Unwin, Bernhard Rensch, Die paláontologischen 1942). in zoologischer Evolutionsregeln 1-56. Id., Neure Problème der Betrachtung, Biologia generalis, XVII/1 und 2 (1943), : Transspeciphische Evolution (Stuttgart : Enke, 1954). George Gay Abstammungslehre lord Simpson, Tempo and mode of évolution (New York : Columbia University Press, et la théorie synthétique de l'évolution, 1944). Id., L'orthogenèse in Paléontologie et transformisme (Paris: Albin Michel, 1950), 123-168. Schmalhausen (1946), op. cit. inn. 46. 49 - Conrad Waddington, Genetic assimilation of an acquired character, Evolution, 7 (1953), 118-126. 388 This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Orthogenesis versus Darwinism : The Russian case were of the spend time criticizing them 50. Russian Darwinians with related directed the other opinion. They addressed problems last minute concessions. and even made some évolution concepts in one of his last treatises still analyzed Even Schmalhausen and after resolute criticism admitted that orthogenesis-autogenesis, to evolve in certain directions play a significant role in 51. In the 1960s he continued to work intensively on the problem of directionality, aiming to create a general theory unifying and directed of noosphere, the concept elements of cybernetics, tendencies évolution évolution. » made by the représentatives of the next géné The « concessions even greater. They noted were sometimes ration of Darwinians and convergences could not be always quite often, that parallelisms For of and sélection similar adaptation. pressures by explained fishes demóns of Crossopterygii the différent branches example, teeth in the of integumentary in the génération trate parallelism rhombic sca substitutions of of head, formation jaws, stegocephal etc.52. in of round les by teeth, ones, changes rugosity patterns These vague points were interpreted in spécial terms : « historically tendencies formed organization », « common », « evolutionary « of nature of role Schmalhausen basis noted by », morphogenetic were These phenomena organisms pointed out by Darwin », etc. » and as « the factors causing independent as considered similarity it However was the cases, which are still insufficiently explored. évident that « phylogenetic development is a natural process having a definite direction. The question of directionality in évolution in our litera ture was bypassed the last time by silence. Idealistic treatments of the phenomena of directionality of évolution, which were given by the supporters of the theory of orthogenesis (Eimer) and related concepts (Berg, 1922, Osborn, 1930, etc.) resulted in the négation or ignoring of the facts of the directionality in évolution of différent groups 53 ». MA : Harvard University Press, 50 - Ernst Mayr, Animal species and évolution (Cambridge, 1963), 9. : Наука, 1969) (Изд. 2, 51 - Иван Иванович Шмальгаузен, Проблемы дарвинизма (Ленинград Problems oí Darwinism, 145). (Ivan Schmalhausen, переработанное) в эволюции кистепёрых и конвергенции 52 - Эмилия Ивановна Воробьёва, Параллелизмы : Наука, 1980), 7-29 (Emilia рыб, в кн. : Морфологические аспекты эволюции (Москва fishes). in the évolution of Sarcopterigian Vorobiova, Parallelisms and convergences 53 - Guiliarov, op. cit. in n. 42, 9. Revue d'histoire des sciences | Tome 61 -2 1juillet-décembre This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 2008 389 Igor POPOV Such mean while look very ambiguous. They by active Darwinians » instead of orthogenesis, of « orthogenesis the admission it is difficult to catch a différence between them. It looks like statements either hidden support, or a manifestation of dogmatism and persis the existence of anything that to recognize tent unwillingness restrains the theory of natural sélection. The indirect influence of directed on modem évolution in the fate of Vavilov's Russian studies on the law of biology is apparent series. Despite the affinity to nomogenesis they were homological « » Vavilov's law was often recalled 54 and it is held in great respect. At the same time the « architects represented even in schoolbooks. of the evolutionary synthesis » did not pay much attention to it, although they were well informed about it. For example, Mayr cited of a spécial kind of taxonomic Vavilov's studies as a démonstration characters : relative species are similar not in diagnostic characters, noticed that but in the typical variations as well5S. Dobzhansky Vavilov's law could be traced in ladybeetles, but he did not stress this fact 56. In the years that followed have been forgotten in English-speaking were to be only researches considered ture practices 57. Vavilov's studies seemed to evolutionary biology. They to improve agricul aiming 54 - Арчжил ЯкимовичИльин, О теоретическом значениизакона гомологическихрядов Н. И. Вавилова, Вопросы философии, 5 (1966), 85-92 (Archzhil llyin, About theoretical of the law of homological rows by N. I. Vavilov). Леппик, significance Ельмар Гомологические и аналогические ряды в эволюции типов цветков, Генетика, 5/5 (1969), 12-23 (Elmar Leppik, Homological and analogical serles in évolution of the kinds of состояние и развитие основных flowers). Пётр Михайлович Жуковский, Современное идей Вавилова, Тр. по прикладной ботанике, генетики и селекции, 54/1 (1975), 229-238 (Piotr M. Zhukovsky, Modem condition and development of the main Vavilov's ideas). Развитие идей Вавилова в современных исследова Владимир Филимонович Дорофеев, 15-22 (Vladimir F. Dorofeev, Development ниях, Вестник с.-х. Науки, 11 (1979), of Vavilov's ideas in modem researches). Борис Михайлович Медников, Научное наследие H. И. Вавилова и общие проблемы биологии, Журнал общей биологии, 48/4 (1987), 435-444 Scientific héritage of Vavilov and general problems of (Boris Mednikov, Закон гомологических и biology). Эмилия Ивановна Воробьёва, рядов Н. И. Вавилова динамическая (Emilia Voro устойчивость, Журнал общей биологии, 48/4 (1987), 444-445 series by N. I. Vavilov and dynamic stability). biova, Law of homological 55 - Ernst Mayr, Systematics and the origin ofspecies from the viewpoint of zoologist (New York : Columbia University Press, 1942). 56 - Theodosius variation in lady beetles, American naturalist, Dobrzhansky, Geographical 67/709 (1933), 97-127. Id., Cenetics and the origin of species (New York : Columbia Univ. Press, 1937). 57 - Marc Adams, Sergei Chetverikov, The Kol'tsov Institute, and the evolutionary synthesis, in Ernst Mayr, William Provine (eds.), The Evolutionary synthesis : Perspectives on the unification of biology (Cambridge (Mass.) - London : Harvard Univ. Press, 1980), 242-279. 390 This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Orthogenesis versus Darwinism : The Russian case Some elements of orthogenesis penetrated even the writings by the most eminent Russian followers of the tradition of the « evolutio nary synthesis ». So, Nikolay Vorontsov (1934-2000), formulating the postulâtes of the synthetic theory of évolution resolutely rejec ted the idea of directed évolution, but admitted and pointed out « vectorization » in évolution instead 58. The substitution of termi nology « solved » the problem. It is curious that Vorontsov took a constraints », collecting numerous great interest in « evolutionary of them. « he claimed there is a examples So, prohibition » to inhabit freshwater for cartilaginous the while are fishes, amphibians not allowed to inhabit sait water. His interest in such observations Eduard Akhnazarov, provoked the merriment of some opponents. for example, noted that the analysis of evolutionary constraints by Darwinians means to score a goal to their own gâte. This situation was especially the examples of « prohibitions » amusing because cited by Vorontsov were not successful. The other Russian theorist of Darwinism, Leonid Tatarinov, pointed out this fact : cartilaginous fishes living in freshwater exist, and some frogs tolérate a great constraints better cor salinity. Such facts of évolution overcoming views propagandized respond to Darwinian actively by Vorontsov. he was absolutely intolérant of any criticism. He never However, agreed with any editorial comments on his writings. In the case of constraints he persistently stressed his viewpoint, maintaining that such exceptions were insignificant59. Tatarinov himself did not avoid the danger of « scoring a goal to his own gâte ». Such a situation took place at the analysis of parallelisms, which he was interested in. this called Tatarinov greatly Discussing phenomenon, them the most complex of évolution. He noted that phenomena « the causes of the abundance of parallelisms in évolution are unclear. With indefinite character of the inherited variabiIity it would be more natural to expect originality of new features even in a case of the adaptation of related organisais to similar conditions of « as a rule, the majority of close ». However, the environment in a parallel way, branches in ail groups of animais always develop ■Николай Николаевич Воронцов, Синтетическаятеория эволюции : её источники, основныепостулатыи нерешённыепроблемы,ЖурналВсесоюзного химического общества ит. Д. И. Менделеева, T. XXV/3 (1980), 295-316 (Nikolay Vorontsov, Synthetic theory of évolution : Its sources, main postulâtes and unsolved problems). - Николай Николаевич Развитие эволюционных идей в биологии (Москва : Изд. Воронцов, Отдел УНЦ ДО МГУ, Прогресс-Традиция, ment ofthe evolutionary ideas in biology). АБФ, 1999) (Nikolay Vorontsov, Revue d'histoire des sciences | Tome 61 -2 ¡ juillet-décembre This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Develop 2008 391 Igor POPOV if these had not originated branches 60 ». environment new absolutely as a resuit of transition to Some of the Russian theorists of the recent period did not allow any « heresy » to penetrate Darwinism but still addressed the problem of directed évolution. (who perso So, Lev Khozatsky (1913-1992) nified vertébrate morphology for several générations of zoologists in Saint-Petersburg) was a convinced Darwinian and communist, In his archives a but he spent a lot of time working on orthogenesis. » was thick packet of reprints and records entitled « directionality found. He obviously searched for compromises between the direc ted évolution concept and the « officiai » point of view. His com in specifying evolutionary trends (for example, promise consisted and naming them manifestations of the origin of vertebrates) « directionality » 61. Alexey Severtsov (the author of generalizing treatises and manualson evolutionary theory) was guided by similar » was even greater. He wrote a mono reasons. His « concession under the title of évolution (1991 ). But despite graph Directionality the intriguing title this treatise does not contain any déviations from an extremely orthodox Darwinian scheme. Severtsov claimed that this scheme is almost universally accepted among biologists, while « The of it the rejection was caused by philosophical arguments. sélection is not only the moving, but also the directing factor of » évolution 62. » In such a contextthe notion of « directed évolution cornes close to the notion of « évolution ». Such meaningless « compromises » demónstrate that even the most orthodox Darwi nians were prepared to re-formulate of orthogenesis. language the synthetic theory using the 60 - ЛеонидПетровичТатаринов,Морфологическая иобщиевопросы эволюция териодонтов фило генетики : Наука, 1976) (Leonid Tatarinov, Morphological évolution ofterio (Москва donts and general problème of phylogenetics), 190. 61 - Лев Исакович Хозацкий, О некоторых эволюции. Некоторые сторонах направленности Лыи. 1 (Ленинград : Ленинградский философские вопросы совре/пенного естествознания, (Lev Khozatsky, About some aspects of 1973), 109-122 государственный университет, the directionality of évolution). Лев Исакович О направленности Хозацкий, эволюции наземных позвоночных, Жизнь на древних континентах, её становление и развитие (Ленин 154-162 of évolution of land (Id., About the directionality град : Наука, 1981), vertebrates). 62 - Алексей Сергеевич Северцов, Направленность Severtsov, Directionality of évolution), 8. эволюции (Москва : МГУ, 392 This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1990) (Alexey versus Orthogenesis Darwinism Why orthogenesis Russia ? : The appeared Russian case and progressed in It ¡s considered that the main particularity of the formation of Russian evolutionary biology consists in the fact, that Darwinism Russian scientists was accepted rapturously, but with corrections. tried to improve Darwin's theory. The main improving concerned to be which seemed the concept of the struggle for existence, 63. Even « Russian Darwin's unsuccessful bulldog » Timiriazev of the notion of « struggle » over 20 years boasted of his avoidance of the Darwinism Such an attitude was explained by propaganda. the vast expanse of the Russian territory. Russians did not observe nor the strong concurrence neither high density of any population, for resources and the struggle for existence, that is why they hardly Cultural that these factors were significant in évolution. believed of traditions of such a people also did not contribute the welcome of Orthodox Church and the ideology the struggle propaganda. to the capitalist were strongly counterpoised peasants'community ideas on the progressive role of struggle. That is why Russian writers discussing évolution tended to pay more attention to the mutual aid » mechanisms. The most remarkable or other « non-aggressive resuit of such atendency represents a « Doctrine of the mutual aid » by the leader of Russian anarchists prince Peter Kropotkin (1848 numerous cases of the collaboration 1921 ) 64. He collected among animais (like joint actions of ants) and claimed that these very cases and served as an example to represented the évolution mechanisms humankind. « Darwin without Malthus » suffered steep turns in The movement xxth century when Tsar Régime was destroyed. The ideology of the materialism in 1920s Orthodox Church was replaced for dialectical in Russia as a was still blamed concept very rapidly. Malthusian The but the ideology of struggle progressed. capitalist viewpoint, on The claim of Russia had not prevented it anymore. vast expanses role of struggle in society was a significant part of progressive Stalinism ideology. 63 - Daniel Todes, Darwin's Malthusian metaphor and Russian evolutionary thought, 1859 Loran Graham, Science in Russia and the Soviet Union : 1917, Isis, 78 (1987), 537-551. : Yanus, 1998). A short story. Russian édition (Moscow Взашпная потощъ как аактор эволюции, в кн. П. Кропоткин : 64 - Пётр Алексеевич Кропоткин, : Айрис пресс, 2002), 46-116 (первое издание, 1900) (Peter Kropotkin, Анархия (Москва Mutual aid : A factor of évolution). Revue d'histoire des sciences | Tome 61 -2 j juillet-décembre This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 2008 393 Igor POPOV after Kropotkin's ideas also suffered an « irrational » development révolution. Anarchists actively participated in the civil war. One of - became a leader of Ukrainian them - Nestor Makhno (1888-1934) revolted peasants, which represented a significant military force. He often recalled Kropotkin's ñame and ideas, while their activities had nothing in common. Makhno became a cruel military leader tsarists and communists. He fighting against Germán occupants, had not created any free communities, and had not succeeded in his war for the freedom. Makhno came off second-best, escaped from Russia, and died in émigration (in Paris). His activity resulted in the fact that anarchism was associated with the brigandage and the struggle against Soviet Russia. Makhno was a favourite object of ridicule for Soviet propaganda. However the anarchists-bandits had not discredited » of the He entered the « panthéon Kropotkin. Russian national heroes pointed out by Soviet leaders. Some streets and other places in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg are still bearing his name. in Soviet hierarchy of the heroes Kropotkin's place represents an analogy to the first circle of Dante inferno, /. e. the place for worthy men, which were born long before the communist As for advent, and that is why could not corne into its bosom. biologists, they hardly considered seriously Kropotkin's concept. Neither orthogeneticists, nor their opponents recalled it. The rela tion of the Russian directed évolution with anti concepts Malthusian protest of xixth century seems to be weak. Only Berg's was suppor biography provokes such a suspicion, but orthogenesis ted by dozens of scientists various cultural bac representing These scientists were not « a kgrounds and biological disciplines. sect » or a school of one founder. The orthogenesists often appeared of each other. A modem renaissance of orthogenesis independently was also not related with oíd debates on Malthus. The same concerns other philosophical or ideological traditions. It turned out that orthogenesis does not fit well with any ideology of directed existing in Russia over last 100 years. The concepts évolution were blamed by a majority vote under Tsar, under under and communists-stalinists, under communists-liberals, modem democracy. It would seem that orthogenesis resulted from the activity of those persons, which are always dissatisfied of criticize their colleagues. Such persons everything and always but the majority really existed among orthogeneticists (Liubishev), of them represent quite « normal » scientists. This means that the motives of orthogenesis are based on something else. 394 This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Orthogenesis versus Darwinism : The Russian case To explain the appearance of orthogenesis in Russia it is necessary to point out that its essence differed hardly significantly from the and American directed évolution These European concepts. over the in last 150 various concepts appeared regularly years social contexts. The common scientific argumentation was the only common feature of them. Orthogenesis was based on the criticism and the of the : analysis theory following phenomena in terms of on constraints convergences inexplicable adaptation, of Darwin's variation, évolution of non-adaptive characters, the trends of évo lution leading to extinction, the origin of novelties. These pheno mena are difficult for investigation, that is why they relatively rarely This means that ortho became an object of scientific exploration. of a a rare kind scientist. Such a scientist has geneticists represent a not only to be interested in these difficulties, but to overcome In xixth reaction of his as well. the négative colleagues century in Russia. Only a few of them were were not numerous with évolution. carried out Mainly writers-propagandists dealing on Darwin's that time. That is the polemics why it is not theory in xixth kind of not that a rare researcher had appeared surprising a number of scientists in Russia However (unlike Europe). century During « old grew up rapidly despite any political perturbations. scientists the quantity of scientific régime », as well as during socialism increased. institutions Increasing population continuously increased its variety, that is why rare kinds of researchers appeared. well with the appearance of orthoge Such a process corresponds nesis in Russian in 1910-1920s. of orthogenesis tradition during the period of a The conservation « final victory » of Darwinism could be explained by the fact that « New York Circle » 65 the American similar to the organization in Russia. The sense of -did notexist Simpson -Mayr, Dobzhansky, ail of about the problems (noted in USA complete solving euphoria as well. Unlike their American did not exist historians 66) by some were still Darwinians Russian filling, that they are colleagues The protest against Lysenkoism, a fighting against many enemies. a necessity to ingratiate themselves desire to defend Darwinism, with authorities involved in polemics on évolution, protest against - ail this factors did not « capitalist » and « fascist » sciences activities in 65 - Joseph Caín, Common problems and coopérative solutions : Organizational Isis, 84/75 (1993), 1-25. evolutionary studies, 1937-1946, 66 - Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis, Unifying biology : The evolutionary synthesis and evolutio nary biology (Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1996). Revue d'histoire des sciences ] Tome 61 -2 | juillet-décembre This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 2008 395 Igor POPOV contribute the tendency to unifying biology, that is why the Soviet theoretical biology represented rather mental ferment than a « syn heresies thesis ». Such ferment left some room for non-Darwinian The most educated of Russian Darwinians orthogenesis. that the orthogenesis is concepts, why Russian scientist information on heresies even from an « offi could get abundant ciai » literature, unlike the readers of the modem treatises by the « architects of the Evolutionary the « archi synthesis », because including discussed tects » tended to ignore heresies. So, being editor of the journal Ernst Mayr « prohibited » even the word « orthogene Evolution he rejected sis ». Moreover, sometimes even the papers of his when they addressed to the criticism of opponents, advocates 67. Russian academi because he did not want to raise a discussion cians acted otherwise : they attacked the « dissidents » publicly. effect : instead of These attacks often resulted in the converse discrédit they attracted an attention and sympathy to the object of » book by Vitaly Kor in 1982 a « scandai criticism. For example, dium on évolution of biosphère was published (which had overlap with orthogenesis)68. Three academicians Dmitry Beliaev, Leonid Tatarinov Guiliarov and Merkury gathered together, wrote a « crushing » review and published it in the journal Priroda (Russian « » was hardly successful. 69. Such a Moscow circle A Nature) review represents just a claim that any non-Darwinian is concept in modem allowed science. with such a review Facing every normal scientist dealing with évolution would be interested in book, which had required so strong reading of such a designing reaction of the officiai science. The review really provoked a the book attracted more its author had discussion, attention, got a of a brave and the academicians are condem scientist, réputation ned up to today because they abused their position. Similar events rather contributed three decades. the continuai over last progress of orthogenesis It turned out that it was firmly established in Russian biology. 67 - Joseph Cain, Ernst Mayr as a community architect : Launching the society for the study of évolution and the journal Evolution, Biology & philosophy, 9/3 (1994), 387-429. 68 - Виталий Арнольдович Кордюм, Эволюция и биосфера (Киев : Наукова думка, 1982) (Vitaly Kordium, Evolution and biosphère). 69 - Дмитрий Константинович Беляев, Меркурий Сергеевич Гиляров, Леонид Петрович « Эволюция По поводу книги В. А. Кордюма и биосфера Татаринов, », Природа, 1 (1985), 120-121 (Dmitry Beliaev, Merkury Guillarov, Leonid Tatarinov, About the book « Evolution and biosphère by V. A. Kordium »). 396 This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions versus Orthogenesis Darwinism : The Russian case Conclusion « As though in some trends évolution proceeds in a chosen direc a blind inclination, tion, following ignoring any needs and not » This viewpoint appeared in 70. able to other pave any ways being the process of the investigation of orchids. These plants have very complex structures offlowers ;they require very spécifie conditions It seems that the orchid for pollination, flowering and germination. of attracting them. flowers sometí mes frighten insects instead and such However, despite their seeming strange plants evolved, could be satisfied by a are very enduring. They delicacy they minimal amount of water and very poor soil. This case could serve a good illustration of the history of the idea of in Russia. It did not provide any benefit to its directed évolution of directed évolu on the contrary. However, concepts advocates, rather in but were also tion not only survived Russia, developed had been totally in suppressed intensively. It would seem that they of Russian the late 1920s, but after the most evil years biology (the it turned out that period of the power of Lysenko in 1930-1950s) they still have an important influence on biologists. These concepts in Russia even after the formation greatly disturbed the Darwinians Russia rea11y was the second native of synthetic theory of évolution. but it was the second native land for orthoge land for Darwinism, nesis as well. Aknowledgements for the com I am very grateful to the professor George McGhee on ments on manuscript, correction of my English and discussions theoretical morphology. 70 - Franz der Pflanzen auf experimentelle W. Neger, Biologie (Stuttgart, 1914), cit. from Berg, op. cit. in n. 11, 176. Grundlage (Bionomie) Revue d'histoire des sciences | Tome 61 -2 | juillet-décembre This content downloaded from on Sun, 5 Oct 2014 15:58:30 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 2008 397