made in italy
made in italy
Collection M A D E I N I TA LY MADE IN ITALY LA NOSTRA STORIA OUR HISTORY FABITA s.r.l. FABITA s.r.l. nasce nel 2010 da un progetto congiunto PLADOS e KATET, come società di produzione e commercializzazione di cappe, piani in vetroceramica ed induzione ed elettrodomestici in genere. La PLADOS è leader mondiale nella produzione e commercializzazione di lavelli da cucina in materiale composito, la KATET è una giovane azienda che opera nella intermediazione e commercializzazione nel settore elettrodomestico. Il nome FABITA nasce dalla fusione delle parole FABRIANO e ITALIA, luoghi di origine della società stessa, ma anche patria di una radicata cultura industriale e di una storica tradizione nella produzione di elettrodomestici: l’unità produttiva è sita, appunto, a Fabriano, uno dei principali poli europei in questo settore. La filosofia e la strategia della FABITA si basano su pochi, ma chiari, concetti fondamentali: • Innovazione tecnologica non più fine a se stessa, ma abbinata ad un design funzionale; FABITA s.r.l. has been founded in 2010 from a joint-project PLADOS and KATET, partners at 50%, as a society of production and marketing of hoods, ceramic and induction cooktops and household appliances in general. are based on few, but clear, fundamental concepts: PLADOS is leader in the production and marketing of kitchen sinks made of composite materials, KATET Srl. is a young Trading Company, dealing in business in the sector of electrical household appliances. • Quality, safety and respect of environment, resulting in attention not just to energy consumption but also to the treatment of materials; FABITA’s name has been created by the fusion of the two words FABRIANO and ITALIA, places of origin of the company, but also homeland of a deep-rooted industrial culture and historical tradition in production of household appliances: the production unit is located precisely in Fabriano, one of the most important European area in this field. The philosophy and strategy of FABITA 2_ • Qualità, sicurezza e rispetto per l’ambiente, che si traduce non solo nell’attenzione ai consumi ma anche nella cura dei materiali; • Personalizzazione del prodotto, spinta anche alla realizzazione di “pezzi unici”, per garantire il massimo rispetto delle esigenze e delle richieste del cliente. Da un esperto lavoro di progettazione e produzione totalmente “made in Italy” nascono oggi le cappe ed i piani cottura Fabita, che, combinando insieme performance innovazione e design, danno vita ad una vastissima gamma di elettrodomestici per la cucina, destinati in special modo al segmento medio/alto del mercato e al settore dei prodotti “su misura”. • Technological innovation no longer end in itself, but combined with a functional design; • Customization of product, pushed till the creation of unique pieces, to ensure maximum compliance with the requirements and customer requests. From expert design work and production totally "made in Italy" are born today Fabita’s hoods and hobs, that, combining together performance and design innovation, give rise to a large range of kitchen appliances, for the medium and high segment of the market. ECCELLENZA ED IMPEGNO SARTORIALE EXCELLENCE AND TAYLORMADE DEDICATION “Noi siamo ciò che ripetitivamente facciamo, l’eccellenza quindi non è un’azione ma un’abitudine” (Aristotele) In tutta la gamma di prodotti Fabita, cappe e piani cottura, lo spirito creativo e la professionalità si combinano al meglio per raggiungere il massimo delle prestazioni. Le linee sono esclusive ed accattivanti, innovazione e tradizione si fondono per offrire al cliente l’eccellenza tecnologica ed estetica. Gamme speciali, destinate a stupire per la scelta dei colori e dei materiali, percorrono e anche anticipano le più attuali tendenze. Prodotti di qualità realizzati con cura ed impegno “sartoriale” nascono ogni giorno per soddisfare anche la singola richiesta del cliente. “We are what we repetitively do, excellence is not an action but just an habit”. (Aristotele) Creative soul and professionality mix together into the whole range of Fabita’s products, hoods and hobs, in order to reach best performances ever. Fascinating and exclusive appeal, innovation and tradition, melt together just to offer to the customer the absolute excellence, in technology and aesthetic. Special ranges born to astonish because of the choice of colours or materials, are always in line or either anticipate new trends. Products of quality, realized with extreme care and tailor-made dedication are created every day to satisfy the even single request of customers. _3 le Cappe FABITA Fabita’s hoods 4_ La cucina, da sempre luogo di passaggio e di ritrovo per tutta la famiglia, è divenuta ai nostri giorni, il vero e proprio cuore pulsante della casa, un ambiente dove il benessere, l’igiene e la tecnologia devono convivere armoniosamente. Passare il proprio tempo in cucina, oggi, è sempre più piacevole, grazie all’utilizzo delle cappe Fabita, che oltre a preservare dalla diffusione di odori e vapori sgradevoli, illuminano ed arredano con stile. Fabita propone una vastissima ed innovativa gamma di cappe, adatte ad ogni ambiente e ad ogni esigenza del consumatore, produzioni di serie e pezzi unici, che assecondano tutti i gusti e tutte le richieste di mercato. Linee semplici ed essenziali abbinate alla tecnologia più avanzata, come nella elegantissima “ai-hood”, forme e soluzioni di aspirazione innovative ed evolute come quelle della nuovissima linea “Kreative”, contorni tradizionali per la famiglia delle “cappe “rustiche”. La collezione incasso 2012 si arricchisce di nuovi interessanti modelli adatti a tutti gli stili e le forme delle cucine attuali e all’interno di questa nuova gamma spiccano i due modelli Top-down Draft e Downdraft, che rappresentano la più innovativa rivoluzione di stile degli ultimi anni in questo settore. E per chi segue ormai Fabita da sempre, non possono mancare tutti i prodotti che hanno contribuito a rendere l’azienda così unica e peculiare. La sempre attuale collezione “Colourdrops”, disponibile, nelle varianti vetro e lamiera verniciata, con finiture lucide e/o opache e una scelta di colori vastissima. Accanto alle gamme tradizionalmente proposte, “pastel, shock, opal, metal,” la collezione Colourdrops offre anche la possibilità di creare prodotti con colori personalizzati, attingendo all’amplissima gamma RAL. Ed infine le cappe US appositamente studiate per il mercato di oltremare, caratterizzate dal design Fabita e da componenti interni che rispettano gli standard statunitensi. The kitchen, which has been always the meeting place for the whole family, is nowadays the real beating heart of the house. It’s a place where wellness, hygiene and technology, must live together in harmony. Today it’s more and more flattering to spend your own time in the kitchen, especially thanks to Fabita’s hoods, that not just preserve from bad smells and steams diffusion, but also lighten and furnish with style. Fabita proposes a very wide and innovative range of cooker hoods, for every kind of furniture style and every customers ‘need, serial productions and unique products, which follow every taste and every market request. Simple and essential lines combined with the most advanced technology, as in the extremely elegant “ai-hood”, shapes and innovative exhausting solutions as in the brand new “Kreative” line, traditional surroundings for the “country” line. The built in collection is enriched with new, interesting models for every kitchen style or shape, and also the two models Top-down Draft and Downdraft, which really represent the most innovative style evolution of recent years in this sector. And for loyal followers of Fabita, still we propose all of the traditional products which have taken part to the Company image building. So here we are the “Colourdrop” Collection, available in glass or steel version, with shiny or matt finishing and a very wide range of colours. Besides the traditional proposals “pastel, shock, opal, metal”, the Colourdrop collection offers also the possibility to create products with customized colours, chosen from the RAL range. In the end the US range: cooker hoods developed especially for the oversea market, featured from Fabita’s design and internal components which respect US security standards. _5 Tecnologie EVOLUTE ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES 6_ COMANDI: L’amplissima varietà di comandi comprende soluzioni adatte ad ogni esigenza, dalle versioni touch acciaio e touch vetro alle elettroniche con LED, sino a comandi classici con tastiere e manopole, che coniugano al tempo stesso classicità e modernità. Su alcuni modelli è inoltre disponibile di serie anche l’uso del telecomando. CONTROLS: the very wide variety of controls includes solutions for every need: touch control on glass or steel, LED indicators, or classic control with push buttons or knobs, that combine at the same time modern and classic style. On some models a “remote control” is also available. SISTEMI DI ASPIRAZIONE: La Fabita è produttrice e detentrice di due sistemi di aspirazione brevettati: il sistema KLASS ed il sistema Smart. EXHAUSITNG SYSTEMS: Fabita owns and produces two patented exhausting systems: the KLASS system and the Smart one. Inoltre, grazie all’innovativa tecnica dell’aspirazione perimetrale, un pannello di acciaio o vetro sostituisce il tradizionale filtro a vista, consentendo all’aria di fluire con maggiore velocità e quindi con minor consumo di energia. Moreover, thanks to the innovative technique of perimeter aspiration, a panel of steel or glass replaces the traditional filter, allowing air to flow with increased speed and therefore with less consumption of energy. SISTEMA KLASS KLASS SYSTEM • Efficienza di aspirazione L’ampia superficie di aspirazione, generata dal posizionamento in verticale dei 4 filtri metallici, comporta che la velocità dell’aria sia rallentata immediatamente dopo la superficie di aspirazione. L’aria passa attraverso i filtri ad una velocità molto ridotta rispetto a quella originaria di aspirazione, per cui le particelle di grasso rimangono intrappolate nel filtro metallico, l’efficienza del sistema di aspirazione KLASS è garantita dai motori di qualità superiore anche con limitata capacità di aspirazione di 500 m3/h. • Exhaust efficiency The large exhaust surface, which is created by the vertical positioning of four metal filters, means that the air speed is reduced immediately after the exhaust aperture. The air passes through the filters at a considerably lower speed than the exhaust speed, so the particles of grease can be trapped in the metal filter. The efficiency of the KLASS exhaust system is ensured by superior quality motors even with limited exhaust capacities of 500 m 3/h. • Design IIl design pulito ed innovativo e l’elevata qualità di tutti i dettagli rende il sistema KLASS indispensabile nell’arredamento della tua cucina. Il modulo può assumere differenti forme estetiche secondo le tendenze più attuali del mercato. La lampada alogena costruita direttamente nel modulo filtrante elimina l’irritante effetto abbagliante della luce diretta. • Design The clean and innovative design and the high quality of all the details make the KLASS system indispensable in the kitchen environment. The Module can assume different aesthetic forms based on the tastes and trends of the market. The halogen lamp built directly into the filtering module eliminates the annoying glare effect of direct light. • Silenziosità Grazie allo speciale condotto aspirante che convoglia l’aria all’interno di un complesso labirinto, e grazie alla possibilità di installare un condotto di aspirazione esterno, il sistema KLASS rende possibile raggiungere la massima riduzione di rumore, più del 35% rispetto ad un sistema tradizionale. Questo significa che l’ambiente cucina può essere arricchito da altri piacevoli suoni. • Silence Thanks to the special exhaust duct that conveys the air into a complex labyrinth, and with the possibility to install the exhaust unit outdoors, the KLASS system makes it possible to achieve the maximum reduction of noise, up to 35% lower than that of traditional systems. This means that the kitchen environment is free to be enriched with more pleasant sounds. • Modularità La flessibilità del sistema KLASS è rivoluzionaria perché consente di spostare l’unità di aspirazione ovunque anche dopo l’installazione iniziale. • Modularity The flexibility of the KLASS modular system is revolutionary, because it allows you to move the exhaust unit elsewhere, even after the initial installation. • Rispetto per l’ambiente Il sistema KLASS utilizza filtri a carboni attivi rigeneranti HER ad alta efficienza che mantengono perfettamente efficiente il lavoro di aspirazione della cappa: i filtri possono essere lavati nella lavastoviglie e rigenerati in forno alla temperatura di 100° per 10 minuti. Questi filtri comportano risparmi economici considerevoli e eliminano l’emissione di polveri inquinate nell’ambiente. • Respect for the environment The KLASS system uses high-efficiency regenerating HER activated carbon filters, which keep the hood working in a state of perfect efficiency. The filters can be washed in the dishwasher and regenerated in the oven at 100°C for 10 minutes. These filters provide considerable economic savings and eliminate the emission of polluting wastes into the environment. _7 TECNOLOGIA SMART SMART TECHNOLOGY 8_ Libertà del design ed efficienza di aspirazione: il sistema di aspirazione SMART sposa perfettamente due concetti fondamentali che identificano una cappa di alta qualità. Il cuore della struttura SMART concentra in pochissimo spazio, tutta la tecnologia per ottenere potenza di aspirazione in silenziosità. Il Design può realmente seguire forme e tendenze vincenti sui mercati internazionali. Un piccolo gioiello dalle grandi prestazioni. Nel sistema SMART abbiamo distribuito la superficie di filtraggio dell’aria su quattro lati, posti in senso verticale, questa struttura consente una notevole efficienza di aspirazione. Che sia filtrante o aspirante, decidetelo Voi quando volete. La Tecnologia SMART segue sempre i vostri gusti nell’arredare la cucina. Freedom of shape and airflow efficiency: the SMART exhaust system perfectly matches two fundamental concepts that identify a high quality hood. The heart of the SMART structure concentrates all the technology in a very small space, in order to obtain powerful exhausting in complete silence. The design can really follow the prevailing forms and winning trends on the international market. A little jewel with great performances. In the SMART system, we have distributed the air filtering surface over four sides, placed vertically, this structure allows an excellent exhaust efficiency. Whether filtering or ducting, you can decide when you want it. SMART technology always follows your taste in furnishing the kitchen. La cucina il vostro luogo ideale dove ogni giorno, grazie ad una cappa con tecnologia SMART, godrete della presenza delle persone a voi più care, in un ambiente ancora più accogliente, in un ambiente dove l’aria è veramente pulita. The kitchen, your perfect place where every day, thanks to a hood with SMART technology, you will enjoy the presence of your closest people, in an even more comfortable environment, where the air is really clean. CARATTERISTICHE SPECIALI ECO SPECIAL ECO FEATURES L’evoluzione nel mondo dell’illuminazione viene declinata anche nelle cappe Fabita con l’eliminazione delle lampade ad incandescenza e l’introduzione dei LED, che consentono di ampliare la visuale sul piano di lavoro con un occhio ai consumi energetici. Fabita pone sempre maggiore attenzione ai consumi ed alla silenziosità. Il nuovo motore brushless, disponibile sui modelli di punta coniuga entrambe le necessità, mentre i motori super silent riducono sensibilmente il livello sonoro dei prodotti. FILTRAGGIO: Le cappe Fabita sono predisposte per essere utilizzate con un sistema di filtraggio innovativo deThe evolution in the world of lightening is applied also into the Fabita cooker hoods range, through the substitution of the classic lamps with the new LED technology. Thanks to LEDS, you can have a much better illuminated working area, and decrease the energy consumption. Fabita is always very careful for what concerns energy saving and silent, so the new brushless motor, available on every highlight product, combines both aspects, while the super silent motors dramatically reduce the sound level of products. FILTERING: On some Fabita’s hood is possible to use innovative filtering nominato CAPS - Clean Air Purification System: Rispetto ai tradizionali filtri piani, il sistema di filtraggio CAPS ha una superficie maggiore pur rimanendo compatta. Composto da una struttura in acciaio inox AISI 430 perforato con all’interno due panni speciali, offre una superficie maggiore per assorbire tutti i cattivi odori. Non è necessario sostituire l’intero sistema di filtraggio, ma solamente i panni contenuti che oltre tutto è possibile rigenerare in forno. Inoltre grazie al dispositivo “filter change indicator” è molto più semplice determinare il momento esatto in cui effettuare la manutenzione. systems CAPS - Clean Air Purification System: The filtering system CAPS are far larger and more compact than conventional flat filter mats. Consisting of a structure in AISI 430 stainless steel perforated with inside a special cloth, provides a greater surface area for absorbing all unpleasant odors. Another benefit is that only the internal cloth, and not the entire filter, needs to be replaced: furthermore this cloth can be regenerated in the oven. Also thanks to the “Filter change indicator” it is much easier to discover the actual moment in which to do filter cleaning operations. _9 Linea ISOLA IH - ai-hood Isola 10_ ISOLA 0 30 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 805 B 130 400 29-58 150 Aluminium 35 0 570-1000 900 Glass / steel Black Steel touch electronic LED Duct out / recycling 58 450 FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 90 0 0 60 _11 IK3 - Kreative Kompact FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 400 Glass / steel Black / white Touch glass LED Recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium ISOLA 300 40 300 312 400 12_ 400 IK1 - Kreative Flat ISOLA 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 0 30 32 0 570-1000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 450 600/900/1200 Glass / steel Black / white Touch glass LED Duct out / recycling 60 FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 60 0-9 00 -12 00 0 60 _13 IK2 - Kreative Well TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 0 30 32 0 570-1000 600/900/1200 Glass / steel Black / white Touch glass LED Duct out / recycling 60 450 FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version ISOLA 60 0-9 14_ 00 -12 00 0 60 L1 - iConika ISOLA FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 650 Glass / steel Black / white Electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Inox 180:680 ∅150 380 Smart Technology 500 650 L5 - Ramika ISOLA FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 590 Glass / painted steel Black / white Electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Inox 200 200-700 30 200 ∅150 400 Smart Technology 590 590 _15 IP - Panel ISOLA TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Inox 35 8 35 8 700-1050 400 Steel Electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling 40 550 FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 40 0 16_ 0 40 IV - Isola Vista ISOLA TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 282 265 560-950 900 Glass / steel Black / white Touch glass Halogen Duct out / recycling 427 FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 720 470 600 520 Colourdrops Collection available 900 _17 IK7 - Glass 7 Knobs isola TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 5 26 28 2 70 560-950 900 Glass / steel Black Knobs electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling 427 FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version ISOLA Colourdrops Collection available 90 0 18_ 0 60 I7 - Glass 7 Isola ISOLA FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 900 Glass / steel Black Touch glass Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 28 427 70 560-950 2 5 26 Colourdrops Collection available 90 0 0 60 I5 - Isola 5 ISOLA FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 900 Glass / steel Black Touch glass Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 285 26 2 560:950 Colourdrops Collection available 427 50 900 600 _19 I12 - Isola 12 ISOLA FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 900 Steel R Electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 28 2 5 120 Colourdrops Collection available 427 560-950 26 90 0 0 60 I4 - Isola 4 ISOLA FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/900 Steel R Electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 285 26 2 560:950 Colourdrops Collection available 427 50 600-900 20_ 600 IQ - Isola cubo ISOLA FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 400 Steel R Electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 700:1050 Colourdrops Collection available 581 400 400 IO - Isola cilindro ISOLA FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 380 Steel R Electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 660:1030 Colourdrops Collection available 551 380 _21 IS - Isola Scala ISOLA FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 900 Glass / steel Transparent Led electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 255 30 0 550:1070 123 600 900 CE - Ceiling ISOLA FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 1200 x 600 Glass / steel White / Black Electronic and remote control Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 3 36 55 11 72,50 270 53 30 2 150 2 12 25 12 00 0 60 22_ I1 - Isola Cristal 1 ISOLA FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/900 Glass / steel Transparent Push button Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 26 285 2 560:950 427 48 600 600-900 I2 - Isola V2 ISOLA FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/900 Glass / steel Transparent Push button Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 285 262 560:950 427 65 600 600-900 _23 Linea PARETE K4 - Kreative Holes 24_ FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 900 Glass / steel Black / white Touch glass LED Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium PARETE 30 0 0 Colourdrops Collection available 5 40 50 0 480 450 570-1000 28 90 0 _25 PVL - Vista LED PARETE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 277 197 550-975 600/700/800/900 Glass / steel Black / white / cream Touch glass LED Duct out / recycling 450 FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 420 500 Colourdrops Collection available 600 -70 26_ 0-8 00- 900 PV - Vista PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/700/800/900 Glass / steel Black / white / cream Touch glass Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 197 277 550:975 450 420 Colourdrops Collection available 550 500 60 0-7 00 -80 0-9 00 PF - Perfetta GS* PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/700/800/900 Glass / steel Black / white R Electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 197 277 550:975 420 450 Colourdrops Collection available 550 500 60 0-7 00 -80 0-9 00 _27 * Disponibile anche nella versione tutta vetro: PF-PERFETTA GG * Available also in full glass version: PF - PERFETTA GG PFX - Perfetta Steel FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/700/800/900 Steel R Electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium Colourdrops Collection available PARETE 197 277 550:975 420 450 550 500 60 0-7 28_ 00 -80 0-9 00 EK - Eclipse PARETE 550 - 980 580 140 250 44,9 - 62,9 150 Aluminium 197 450 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 277 450 600/700/800/900 Glass / steel Black / white Push button Halogen Duct out / recycling 440 460 FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 300 600 - 70 0 -800 -9 00 _29 PH - ai-Hood murale 5 26 35 0 805 B 130 400 29-58 150 Aluminium 58 546 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 900 Glass / steel Black Steel touch electronic LED Duct out / recycling 640-970 FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version PARETE 90 0 0 45 30_ K2 - Kreative Well 0 28 30 0 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 570-1000 0 50 60 0-9 60 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 600/900/1200 Glass / steel Black / white Touch glass LED Duct out / recycling 450 FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version PARETE 00 -12 00 _31 K1 - Kreative Flat PARETE 600/900/1200 Glass / steel Black / white Touch glass LED Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 0 28 30 0 450 570-1000 FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 0 60 50 60 0-9 32_ 00 -12 00 K3 - Kreative Kompact 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 0 28 30 0 570-1000 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 450 400 Glass / steel Black / white Touch glass LED Duct out / recycling 40 FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version PARETE 40 0 0 40 _33 D1 - Conika PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 650 Glass / steel Black / white Electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Inox ∅150 282 180:680 432 Smart Technology 380 650 510 D5 - Ramika PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600 Glass / painted steel Black / white Electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Inox 18 0 0 730 : 1050 20 400 Smart Technology Colourdrops Collection available 60 0 34_ 0 45 Me-Meridiana PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600 Glass / painted steel Black / white Touch glass / Electronic R Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Inox 23 Smart Technology Colourdrops Collection available 510 : 920 420 4 4 300 18 60 0 0 30 CN 30 - Quadro PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 700 Glass / steel Black Touch glass Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 300 Colourdrops Collection available 298 700:1020 700 600 700 306 _35 PP - Panel PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 400 Steel Electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Inox 35 8 40 550 670-1100 8 37 40 0 0 40 P5 - Parete 5 Touch PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 900 Glass / steel Black Touch glass Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 28 Colourdrops Collection available 50 540 7 635-1050 3 26 90 0 0 48 36_ GK7 - Glass 7 knobs PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 900 Glass / steel Black Knobs electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 28 7 540 70 Colourdrops Collection available 635-1050 3 26 90 0 0 48 G7 - Glass 7 PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 900 Glass / steel Black Touch glass Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 3 28 7 Colourdrops Collection available 70 540 635-1050 26 60 0-9 00 0 48 _37 P7 - P - Sette PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/900 Steel Push button Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 580 140 250 44,9 - 62,9 150 Aluminium 263 287 635:1050 Colourdrops Collection available 540 600 75 -90 0 480 P4 - P Quattro PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/700/800/900 Steel Push button Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 580 140 250 44,9 - 62,9 150 Aluminium 263 287 670:1085 Colourdrops Collection available 540 600 -70 38_ 0-8 40 00- 900 480 CI - Cilindro PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 380 Steel Push button Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 580 140 250 44,9 - 62,9 150 Aluminium 75 301 680:980 Colourdrops Collection available 600 380 CU - Cubo PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 400/600/700/800/900 Steel Push button Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 580 140 250 44,9 - 62,9 150 Aluminium 600:1050 Colourdrops Collection available 550 400-600 -700-800 -900 400 _39 A1 - Angolo PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 900 Steel Push button Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 580 140 250 44,9 - 62,9 150 Aluminium 440 750:1300 650 Colourdrops Collection available 50 900 900 SC - Scala PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 900 Glass / steel Transparent LED electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 263 287 815:1100 540 120 900 480 40_ V1 - Cristal PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/700/900 Glass/steel Transparent Push button Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 580 140 250 44,9 - 62,9 150 Aluminium 263 287 670:1000 530 480 47 600-70 0-900 V2 - Cristal PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/700/900 Glass/steel Transparent Push button Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 580 140 250 44,9 - 62,9 150 Aluminium 3 26 287 625:1035 530 65 490 600-700-900 _41 C2 - Camino PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 500/600/700/900 Steel Push button Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 580 140 250 44,9 - 62,9 150 Aluminium 19 7 280 540:980 Colourdrops Collection available 260 30 480 500-600-700-900 CA - Classic PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/700/800/900 Steel Slider Traditional/Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 580 140 250 44,9 - 62,10 150 Alu type A 280 197 544:984 Colourdrops Collection available 260 600 - 700 - 800- 900 42_ 460 AM - Arco PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/900 Steel Slider Traditional/Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 580 140 250 44,9 - 62,16 150 Alu type A 183 4 23 440:900 400 Colourdrops Collection available 290 0- 60 370 0 90 500 TO - Tonda PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/900 Steel Slider Traditional/Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 580 140 250 44,9 - 62,14 150 Alu type A 250 175 380:840 Colourdrops Collection available 350 500 600 - 900 _43 Linea Klass KU18 - Klass Steel Klass PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/900/1200 Steel S Electronic Dichroic Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Inox 298 300 680:1020 600-900 500 44_ 38 600 KM32 - Klass Moon Klass PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 700 Glass / steel Black / white / orange Touch glass Dichroic Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Inox 300 Colourdrops Collection available 298 700:1020 700 600 306 PS10 - Klass 10 Klass PARETE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 800/900/1200 Glass / steel Transparent Electronic Dichroic Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Inox 263 287 680:1000 570 46 800-900 - 1200 500 _45 IB25 - Isola Klass Cilindro Klass isola FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 1500/1800 Glass / steel Transparent Electronic Dichroic Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Inox 375 525 735:920 375 551 8 150 0-1 8 00 600 IL12 - Isola Klass Side Cristal Klass isola FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 1200/1500/1800 Glass / steel Transparent Electronic Dichroic Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Inox 262 285 735:920 334 447 752 8 1200 -150 0-18 0 46_ 0 500 ID10 - Isola Klass 10 Klass isola FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 900 Glass/steel Transparent S Electronic Dichroic Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Inox 262 285 710:895 413 46 90 0 600 IE16 - Isola Klass Cilindro Klass isola FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 380 Steel Electronic Dichroic Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Inox 735:920 551 380 _47 Linea Built-in TD - Top down draft 48_ FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 900 Glass / steel Black / white Electronic LED Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 150 460 30-58 150 Aluminium SPECIALI DDG - Down draft* FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/900/1200 Glass/steel Black R Electronic Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 800 200 460 59 150 Aluminium SPECIALI _49 * Disponibile anche nella versione tutta acciaio: DDS - Down Draft * Available also in steel version: DDS - Down Draft UK7 - Knobs 7 BI built-in FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 900 Glass / steel Black Knobs electronic Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 28 540 635-1050 7 3 26 70 Colourdrops Collection available 90 0 0 48 UG7 - Glass 7 BI built-in FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 900 Glass / steel Black Touch glass Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium 3 28 7 Colourdrops Collection available 70 540 635-1050 26 60 0-9 00 0 48 50_ S5 - Solid built-in FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 900 Steel Slider Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 580 140 250 44,9-62,10 150 Aluminium 5 26 0 52 286 26 86 2 50 0-3 31 ST - Stream built-in FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/900 Steel Slider Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 580 140 250 44,9-62,10 150 Aluminium 5 210 40 30 60 0-9 00 5 44 _51 IN – INTEGRATA built-in FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600-900 Stainless Steel Electronic Control Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 150 Aluminium Colourdrops Collection available PO - Pull Out built-in FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600 Steel Push button Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-60 150 Aluminium 485 5 15 72 5 Colourdrops Collection available 16 282 342 60 0 32 600 1 50 52_ SO -Slide Out built-in FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600 Steel Push button Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 580 140 250 44,9 - 62,10 150 Aluminium 428 8 15 373 413 40 2 29 6 13 600 8 42 GS - Gruppo built-in FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/800/900 Steel Slider Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 520 120 270 60 150 Aluminium 192 220 435 - 63 540 - 74 5 - 73 5 0840 8 6 25 80 2 _53 Linea RUSTICHE Diversi tipi di massello disponibili per le cappe Rustiche. Different types of solid wood available for all country hoods. 54_ RB - Bombé RUSTICHE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/900 Painted steel Slider Traditional/Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 580 140 250 44,9 - 62,19 120 Aluminium B A 300 600=900 MIN.620/MAX.780 600=900 H. 378 102 00 0/9 60 50 0 RT - Tamara RUSTICHE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/900 Painted steel Slider Traditional/Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Version Duct size (mm) Filter 500 130 221 44.7 - 58.6 Duct out 120 Aluminium A B 300 600 MIN.695/MAX.855 600 900 MIN.715/MAX.875 H.433 900 H.453 122 50 0 00 0/9 60 _55 RG - Gloria RUSTICHE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/900 Painted steel Slider Traditional/Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Version Duct size (mm) Filter 500 130 221 44.7 - 58.6 Duct out 120 Aluminium RS - Sofia RUSTICHE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/900 Painted steel Slider Traditional/Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Version Duct size (mm) Filter 500 130 221 44.7 - 58.6 Duct out 120 Aluminium A B 300 600 MIN.730/MAX.890 900 MIN.745/MAX.905 122 50 0 56_ 00 0/9 60 R1 - Eva RUSTICHE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/900 Painted steel Slider Traditional/Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 580 140 250 44,9 - 62,19 120 Alu type A 210 220 240 550 100 600 514 RV - Manhattan 900 RUSTICHE FEATURES Size (mm) Finish Glass finish Controls Lighting Version 600/900 Glass / steel Push button Halogen Duct out / recycling TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Max. Airflow (m3/h) Absorption (W) Pressure (Pa) Noise level dB(A) Duct size (mm) Filter 850 250 540 30-58 120 Aluminium 3 26 287 600:1010 530 -90 0 51 600 4 100 _57 Accessori FABITA ACCESSORIES Fabita offre una gamma di filtri per ogni tipologia di cappa. Fabita offers a range of filters for each type of hood. FILTRI SPECIALI - SPECIAL FILTERS CAPS Clean Air Purification System 58_ Filtri metallici - Metal Filters Aluminium panel - Type A (plastic handle) Aluminium panel - Type B (metal handle) Inox panel - Type C (metal handle) FILTRI CARBONE - Carbon filters HER (smart - klass) Round Rectangular KIT FILTRAGGIO - Filtering kit Kit Filtranti FR1 FQ1 _59 Piani COTTURA COOKTOPS Una cucina moderna ed accessoriata si completa solo quando alla cappa di qualità viene abbinato il meglio del meglio nel settore dei piani cottura elettrici (vetroceramica ed induzione). E Fabita, sempre attenta alle novità ed ai bisogni espressi e inespressi del cliente, realizza con sapienza una gamma vastissima di soluzioni per tutti i gusti. Dai tradizionali modelli in vetroceramica ai tecnologici prodotti ad induzione, Fabita propone un assortimento di piani cottura di tutte le misure e per soddisfare tutte le esigenze di prestazione. E per gli amanti della libertà, Fabita presenta con orgoglio anche i nuovi modelli della gamma Free Standing che possono essere posizionati in tutta libertà in qualsiasi punto della casa o del giardino purché vicino ad una presa di corrente. Più tecnologia, più design e più facilità di utilizzo rendono gli elettrodomestici Fabita perfetti per ogni tipo di cucina! 60_ A modern and fully equipped kitchen is completed only when a quality hood is combined with the best choice in electric cooktops (induction and ceramic) proposals. Fabita, always careful for news, spoken and unspoken customers’ needs, wisely realize a wide range with solutions for every taste. From traditional ceramic models to technological induction products, Fabita proposes a selection of cooktops of all dimensions order to satisfy every kind of performances. For those who love freedom, Fabita proudly presents new freestanding models so to be placed everywhere into the house or garden, near an electricity plug. The more technology, the more design, the more easy access make Fabita’s appliances perfect for every kitchen! INDUZIONE Il mercato dei piani cottura di induzione cresce rapidamente in Europa e Fabita è orgogliosa di dare il proprio contributo presentando una nuova gamma di modelli che impiegano questa tecnologia. Il principio di base della tecnologia a induzione è lo sfruttamento di un campo magnetico che si crea tra pentola e piano nel momento in cui la pentola viene appoggiata su di esso. La reazione che si genera nel momento del contatto consente di trasferire calore alla pentola e di avviare il processo di cottura. Per questa ragione, la temperatura del piano, nelle zone in cui non c’è contatto diretto con pentole o padelle rimane molto bassa, riducendo considerevolmente il rischio di incidenti e scottature. Sfruttando la tecnologia ad induzione il tempo di riscaldamento della pentola e degli alimenti è molto più breve, dal momento che non ci sono mezzi intermedi da riscaldare; il flusso di calore è concentrato solo nella zona del contatto, e risulta proporzionale al diametro della pentola: in questo modo si evitano dispersioni e si sfrutta meglio l’energia erogata. Sebbene la tecnologia ad induzione esista in alcuni Paesi da oltre 20 anni, negli ultimi tempi, la maggior parte dei mercati sta iniziando ad introdurla. La vita di oggi infatti impone una serie di ritmi tali per cui si è persa la possibilità di spendere molte ore in cucina, e i progressi tecnologici hanno fatto sì che i tradizionali fornelli a gas progressivamente vengano sostituiti da prodotti più moderni, veloci e anche efficienti dal punto di vista dei consumi. Attenta da sempre alle tendenze del momento, Fabita cerca di anticipare i desideri dei consumatori con una gamma innovativa e di design, interamente dedicata all’induzione. La gamma ad induzione Fabita è realizzata per soddisfare le diverse esigenze dei mercati, siano esse dettate da esigenze estetiche, tecnologiche o legate ad abitudini di cucina. Si suddivide dunque in due grandi famiglie: Induction Induction market is growing rapidly all over Europe and Fabita is proud to give its contribution with a new range of models which implement this technology. Core assumption of induction technology is the generation of an electric and magnetic field between pot and cooktop when they get in contact. The reaction generated during this contact, in fact, allows the transfer of heat from the hob to the pot and the food inside. So the cooking process begins. Due to this reason, the temperature of the cooktop, in all of the surface which is not involved in the contact with the pot, is quite low. This feature decreases substantially the risk of burns and accidents. With the induction technology heating time of the pot and the food is much faster, no elements in between to warm, and the heat flow is concentrated only inside the contact zone and it is proportional to the pot diameter: this feature avoids wastes and allows to better use the energy supplied. Although the induction technology has been used in few Countries for more than 20 years, only in recent times the most part of markets has started to completely introduce it. Nowadays people don’t have the possibility to spend many hours at cooking, technological progress has made possible the substitution of traditional gas cooktops with new, faster, more modern and efficient products. With its typical attention to market trends of the moment, Fabita tries to anticipate customers’ wishes with a new induction range which combines innovation and design. Fabita’s induction range is divided into 2 main families, created in order to fulfill any market need and trend, aesthetic, technological or binded to special cooking habits: • La prima famiglia implementa la tecnologia PMS e il classico touch control; • The first one implements the PMS technology and the classic Touch Control; • La seconda prevede una zona “hipower” e lo “slider control”: un sistema comandi moderno e sofisticato; Le dimensioni dei piani cottura variano dal formato domino ai 90 cm, per soddisfare ogni richiesta di mercato. • The second one presents a hi-power zone and a modern and advanced slider control; Dimensions go from domino to 90 cm, covering all needs. _61 Piani UNIQO Fabita è orgogliosa di presentare la novità della stagione: il piano cottura ad induzione “UNIQO”. La particolarità di UNIQO è la possibilità di cucinare utilizzando le varie zone di cottura in maniera indipendente oppure accoppiate tra loro, grazie alla nuovissima funzione “bridge”, che consente di unire in verticale due zone di cottura trasformandole in una unica di dimensione maggiore. In questo modo l’utente potrà posizionare la pentola dove vuole, all’interno della suddetta zona. Inoltre il piano è dotato di timer, che consente di programmare esattamente i tempi di cottura e della funzione “memory” che può essere utilizzata come promemoria. Con le funzioni “pause” e “recall” è possibile mettere il piano in stand by e poi in seguito riprendere il funzionamento con le stesse configurazioni. Il programma recall inoltre, ripropone automaticamente, al momento dell’accensione, l’ultima configurazione utilizzata. Infine, il piano fornisce all’utilizzatore la possibilità di scegliere tra alcune temperature predefinite per svolgere particolari tipi di preparazione del cibo. Le temperature proposte sono: 42°C: melting: per sciogliere la cioccolata, il burro o simili; 70° warning: per riscaldare cibi precedentemente cotti; 94° simmering: per portare ad ebollizione lentamente zuppe e minestre o preparare sughi e stufati. La gamma UNIQO si arricchisce di nuovi modelli che affiancano alle funzioni base della gamma PMS la funzione bridge, ma declinata solamente su due zone di cottura, con il comando multislider e la funzione pause/recall. 62_ Fabita is proud to present the biggest news of the season: the induction cooktop UNIQO. The most particular feature of UNIQO is that it’s possible to cook using every cooking zone independently one from another or matched together through the brand new function “bridge”, which allows to vertically combine two cooking zones transforming them into a bigger area. Thanks to this possibility, the user can put the pot everywhere inside this area. The hob is provided with timer, which allows to set up exactly the cooking time, with “memory” function, which can be used as a reminder. With “pause” and “recall” programs, it is possible to put the cooking process in stand- by, and to recall later all of the previous settings. At the moment of switching on, the “recall” program gives also the possibility to automatically reuse, last setting utilized. Finally, the UNIQO cooktop gives the user the possibility to choose into three default temperatures, in order to carry out particular cooking process. Default temperature are: 42° melting: to melt chocolate, butter, etc… 70° warning: to warn pre cooked food 94° simmering: to slowly simmer soups, sauces, or stews. The UNIQO range is enriched with new models that alongside the basic functions of the PMS have also the bridge function, but declined on only two cooking zones, with the multislider command and the pause/ recall function. BIU960T Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Center Front Center Rear Front Right Rear Right 2100/3700 2100/3700 2100/3700 2100/3700 2100/3700 2100/3700 Std product is with red light in the display Uniqo Induction FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 800 Multi slider Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7400 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing H White glass available Different frames available on request _63 BIU640T Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 2100/3700 2100/3700 2100/3700 2100/3700 induzione UNIQO FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Multi slider Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7400 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing D White glass available Different frames available on request BIU320T Zones θ / W Front Rear 64_ 2100/3700 2100/3700 induzione UNIQO FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 300 Multi slider Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 3700 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing B White glass available Different frames available on request Bridge zone BIL740BT Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 145/1200(1600) 145/1200(1600) 145/1200(1600) 210/1500(2000) induzione UNIQO FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 750 Multi slider Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7200 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing F White glass available Different frames available on request BIL640BT Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 145/1200(1600) 145/1200(1600) 145/1200(1600) 210/1500(2000) Control Multislider induzione UNIQO FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Multi slider Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7200 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing D White glass available Different frames available on request _65 Piani PMS PMS - POWER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PMS TECHNOLOGY- POWER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM La prima famiglia di prodotti implementa la tecnologia PMS che consente all’utilizzatore di regolare l’assorbimento di potenza secondo le proprie necessità. E’ possibile regolare l’assorbimento di potenza scegliendo tra quattro diversi livelli (2,8 kW 3,5 kW - 6 kW* - 7,2 kW*), e l’elettronica automaticamente gestirà la potenza in maniera che questa non superi il limite impostato. Ovviamente l’utilizzatore è libero di modificare l’impostazione in ogni momento. The first product line range implements the PMS (power management system) technology that allows customers to set the maximum power absorption according to their needs. It is possible to set four different levels of power absorption (2,8 kW 3,5 kW - 6 kW* - 7,2 kW*). The electronic will automatically manage the power not allowing it to overcome the limit. But the consumer can modify the set-up at any time. *Questi livelli sono disponibili nei mo- * These levels are available in models delli che raggiungono questa potenza. that achieve this power Bil640T 66_ BIL74GT Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 210/1500(2000) 145/1200(1600) 145/1200(1600) 210/1500(2000) INDUZIONE PMS FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 750 Touch No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7200 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing F White glass available Different frames available on request BIL640T Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 210/1500(2000) 145/1200(1600) 145/1200(1600) 210/1500(2000) INDUZIONE PMS FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Touch No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7200 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing D White glass available Different frames available on request BIM640 Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 210/1500(2000) 145/1200(1600) 145/1200(1600) 210/1500(2000) INDUZIONE PMS FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Touch No Yes No No Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7200 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing D White glass available Different frames available on request _67 BIL630T Zones θ / W Left Front Right Rear Right 210/1500(2000) 145/1200(1600) 210/1500(2000) INDUZIONE PMS FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Touch No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 5600 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing D White glass available Different frames available on request BIM430 Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Right 210/1500(2000) 145/1200(1600) 145/1200(1600) INDUZIONE PMS FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 450 Touch No Yes No No Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 5200 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing C White glass available Different frames available on request BIL320T Zones θ / W Front Rear 68_ 145/1200(1600) 210/1500(2000) INDUZIONE PMS FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 300 Touch No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 3600 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing A White glass available Different frames available on request BIL720T Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Right 210/1500(2000) 210/1400(1800) INDUZIONE PMS FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 680 Touch No No No Yes Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 3600 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing E White glass available Different frames available on request BIM440 Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 210/1500(2000) 145/1200(1600) 145/1200(1600) 210/1500(2000) INDUZIONE PMS FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 520 Touch No Yes No No Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7200 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing C White glass available Different frames available on request _69 Piani HI power GAMMA HI-POWER HI POWER RANGE La famiglia HI-POWER implementa potenze superiori e comandi touch slider (ad eccezione del modello domino), disponibili sia nella più comune versione lineare che in quella più ricercata e di design circolare. Il design pulito e le prestazioni elevate, possizionano questa famiglia di prodotti nel segmento alto del mercato 70_ The HI-POWER line range implements higher power and touch controls with “slider” regulation (with the only exception of domino model), available both in the most common linear version and in the more refined and rounded design. The clean design and the higher features allow this product family to be suitable for the high-end segment of the market. BIS940T Zones θ / W Front Left Center left Center right Front right 200/2300(3000) 160/1400 160/1400 200/2300(3000) Power Induction FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 900 Linear slider No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7400 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing I White glass available Different frames available on request _71 BIS930T Zones θ / W Left Center Right 200/2300(3000) 160/1400 250/2300(3000) Power Induction FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 900 Linear slider No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6700 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing I White glass available Different frames available on request BIS740T Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 72_ 160/1400 200/2300(3000) 160/1400 200/2300(3000) Power Induction FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 750 Linear slider No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7400 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing F White glass available Different frames available on request BIS640T Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 160/1400 200/2300(3000) 160/1400 200/2300(3000) Power Induction FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Linear slider No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7400 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing D White glass available Different frames available on request BIE320T Zones θ / W Front Rear 160/1400 200/2300(3000) Control Linear Slider Power Induction FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 300 Touch No No No Yes Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 3700 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing A White glass available Different frames available on request _73 CONTROL ROUND SLIDER 74_ BIB830RT Zones θ / W Left Center Right 200/2300(3000) 160/1400 200/2300(3000) Power Slider Induction FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 800 Round slider No No No Yes Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6700 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing G White glass available Different frames available on request BIB940RT Zones θ / W Front left Center left Center right Front right 200/2300(3000) 160/1400 160/1400 200/2300(3000) Power Slider Induction FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 900 Round slider No No No Yes Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7400 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing I White glass available Different frames available on request BIB640RT Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 160/1400 200/2300(3000) 160/1400 200/2300(3000) Power Slider Induction FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Round slider No No No Yes Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7400 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing D White glass available Different frames available on request _75 PianiINDUZIONE/HI-LIGHT MIXED HOB RANGE - INDUCTION/HI-LIGHT La Fabita ha introdotto nella propria gamma una nuova tipologia di piani ad induzione - hi-light, che permettono di affiancare le caratteristiche dell’induzione a quelle dei tradizionali piani vetroceramici. Ideali per chi si avvicina all’induzione e desidera al contempo poter continuare ad utilizzare le pentole tradizionali (che non funzionano con i piani induzione). 76_ The Fabita has introduced in its range a new type of mixed hobs induction hi-light, allowing you to combine the features of induction than conventional ceramic hobs. Perfect for those approaching induction and at the same time want to be able to continue to use traditional pots (which does not work with induction plans). BUX631T Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Right 2100/3700 2100/3700 140-210/1000-2200 mixed induction-Hilight FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Multi slider + touch Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6400 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing D Different frames available on request BIH631T* Zones θ / W Left Front Right Rear Right 140-210/1000-2200 160/1400 200/2300(3000) * Disponibile anche con 4 zone mod. BIH641T * Available also with 4 zones mod. BIH641T mixed induction-Hilight FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Touch No No No Yes Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6600 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing D Different frames available on request BIX641T** Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 210/1500(2000) 145/1200 145/1200 (1600) 120-180/700-1700 ** Disponibile anche con 3 zone mod. BIX631T ** Available also with 3 zones mod. BIX631T mixed induction-Hilight FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Touch No No No Yes Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6500 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing D Different frames available on request _77 Piani VETROCERAMICA HI-LIGHT Nel corso degli anni Fabita ha perfezionato ed ampliato la propria offerta di piani vetroceramici, introducendo modelli speciali sia nelle forme che nel design, tramite l’utilizzo di finiture sul vetro di notevole impatto. Dai piani con comando touch a quelli con manopole, dalle classiche forme rettangolari a quelle rotonde, i piani Fabita rispondono a tutte le esigenze del consumatore, anche le più ricercate, mantenendo sempre viva l’attenzione per la semplicità e la quotidianità del cucinare. 78_ In recent years, Fabita has upgraded its own offer of ceramic hobs through the introduction of special models for shape or design, with high impact glass finishing. From cooktops with touch control to those with knobs, from classic squared shapes to rounded ones, Fabita’s ceramic hobs are the perfect reply to all of the customers’ needs, even the most sophisticated, maintaining always a careful attention to the daily simplicity of cooking process. BTOC31T BTOC31T Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Front Right 145/1200 145/1200 120-180/700-1700 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 510 r Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 4100 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing J BTO953PET Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Center Front Right Rear Right 120-180/700-1700 145/1200 ov 170-265/1400-2200 145/1200 140-210/1000-2200 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 900 Mono Slider No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 8500 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing P Different frames available on request BTO941T Zones θ / W Front Left Center Left Center Right Front Right 210/2300 120-180/700/1700 145/1200 145/1200 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 900 Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6400 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing I Different frames available on request _79 BTO742PET Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 140-210/1000-2200 180/1800 145/1200 170-265/1400-2400 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 750 Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7600 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing N Different frames available on request BTO730TS Zones θ / W Left Center Right 210/2300 180/1800 145/1200 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 750 Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 5300 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing O Different frames available on request BTO642T Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 80_ 120-180/700-1700 145/1200 145/1200 140-210/1000-2200 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6300 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing L Different frames available on request BTO642PET Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 120-180/700-1700 145/1200 145/1200 140-250/1100-2000 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6100 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing L Different frames available on request BTO642PAT Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 120-175-210/800-1600-2300 145/1200 145/1200 140-250/1100-2000 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6700 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing L Different frames available on request BTS642PET Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 140-210/1000-2200 145/1200 145/1200 170-265/1400-2400 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Linear slider No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7000 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing L Different frames available on request _81 BTV641T Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 140-210/1000-2200 145/1200 145/1200 180/1800 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6400 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing L Different frames available on request BTO641T Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 180/1800 145/1200 145/1200 140-210/1000-2200 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6400 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing L Different frames available on request BTO640T Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 82_ 180/1800 145/1200 145/1200 180/1800 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6000 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing L Different frames available on request BTE64ET Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 180/1800 145/1200 145/1200 180/1800 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6000 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing L Different frames available on request BTE64E Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 180/1800 145/1200 145/1200 180/1800 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Touch No No No No No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6000 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing L Different frames available on request BTO631PAT* Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Right 180/1800 145/1200 140-210-270/1050-1950-2700 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 5700 9 * Disponibile anche con la tripla zona sulla sinistra mod. BTO631PATS Cut-out reference: Drawing L * Available also with triple zone on the left mod. BTO631PATS Different frames available on request _83 BTO431T Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Right 145/1200 145/1200 120-180/700-1700 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 450 Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 4100 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing C Different frames available on request BTO721T Zones θ / W Left Right 145/1200 120-180/700-1700 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 680 Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 2900 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing M Different frames available on request BTE321T Zones θ / W Front Rear 84_ 145/1200 120-180/700-1700 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 300 Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 2900 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing K Different frames available on request BTE320T Zones θ / W Front Rear 145/1200 180/1800 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 300 Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 3000 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing K Different frames available on request BTE320 Zones θ / W Front Rear 145/1200 180/1800 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 300 Touch No No No No No No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 3000 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing K White glass available Different frames available on request BTG310T Zones θ / W Zone 335*215/1400 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 300 Touch No No No Yes No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 1400 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing K Different frames available on request _85 Piani MANOPOLE Hobs with knobs BMR953PE Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Center Front Right Rear Right 86_ 145/1200 170-265/1400-2200 140-210/1000-2200 120-180/700-1700 145/1200 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 900 Knobs No No No No No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device No No Yes No TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 8500 No Cut-out reference: Drawing P Different frames available on request BMR640 Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 180/1800 145/1200 145/1200 180/1800 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Knobs No No No No No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device No No Yes No TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6000 No Cut-out reference: Drawing L Different frames available on request BMR320 Zones θ / W Front Rear 145/1200 180/1800 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 300 Knobs No No No No No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device No No Yes No TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 3000 No Cut-out reference: Drawing K Different frames available on request BGR310 Zones θ / W Zone 340*190/1400 vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 300 Knob No No No No No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device No No Yes No TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 1400 - Cut-out reference: Drawing K Different frames available on request _87 Piani COMBY Questa famiglia di prodotti è caratterizzata dal fatto che i comandi del piano cottura sono posizionati non sul piano stesso ma sul frontalino del forno. Tradizionalmente costituita solo da modelli vetroceramici, oggi la gamma dei COMBY si arricchisce di tre “new entry” ad induzione, nelle due misure da 60 e da 90 cm. Una linea di prodotti innovativa nata con l’obiettivo di rendere disponibile anche la tecnologia induzione a chi desidera avere i comandi sul forno. 88_ This family of hobs has the typical feature that controls are not positioned on the cooktop itself but on the front panel of the oven. Traditionally composed by just ceramic models, the COMBY range upgrades itself with the introduction of three induction models, in 60cm and 90 cm size. An innovative production line born to make the induction available also for those people who want to have controls on the oven front panel. BIF640E Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 160/1400 200/2300(3000) 160/1400 200/2300(3000) Combi Power Induction FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Knobs on oven No No No No Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7400 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing D White glass available Different frames available on request BIF640 Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 210/1500(2000) 145/1200(1600) 145/1200(1600) 210/1500(2000) Combi PMS Induction FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Knobs on oven No Yes No No Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7200 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing D Different frames available on request _89 BCF642PE Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 140-210/1000-2200 145/1200 180/1800 140-250/1100-2000 Combi vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Control on oven No No No No No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device No No Yes No TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 7200 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing L White glass available Different frames available on request BCF640 Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 180/1800 145/1200 145/1200 180/1800 Combi vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 600 Control on oven No No No No No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device No No Yes No TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6000 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing L White glass available Different frames available on request BCF540 Zones θ / W Front Left Rear Left Front Right Rear Right 90_ 145/1200 180/1800 180/1800 145/1200 Combi vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 500 Control on oven No No No No No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device No No Yes No TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 6000 9 Cut-out reference: Drawing L White glass available Different frames available on request Linea OUTDOOR Cucinare in libertà …..nel vero senso della parola!!! Grazie ai prodotti della linea “outdoor” da oggi è possibile!!! Fabita presenta infatti tutta una gamma di piani cottura freestanding (vetroceramica ed induzione) che possono essere trasportati in qualsiasi zona della casa o del giardino e consentono di cucinare ovunque grazie al semplice collegamento con una presa di corrente. Prodotto di punta della linea outdoor della Fabita è lo Snappy, da sempre testimonial di un modo di mangiare libero e sano. La superficie consente la cottura direttamente sul vetro (basta ungerlo con un filo di olio), il cibo libera i suoi succhi diventando morbido ed appetitoso, ideale per barbecue salutari in compagnia dei propri cari. Ed anche la pulizia dello Snappy è facilissima e veloce, basta raschiare i resti di cibo con l’apposita spatolina e poi detergerlo con un panno imbevuto di sapone liquido. Cooking in total freedom…it’s not a play on words!!! Thanks to the Fabita’s “outdoor” range of cooktops, today it’s possible!!! Fabita presents a whole complete range of freestanding cooktops (ceramic or induction) which can be carried in every place of the house or garden, and allow you to cook everywhere thanks to a simple connection with a plug. Snappy is the most important product of the outdoor range, witness from many years of a free and healthy way of eating. You can cook directly on the ceramic surface (to make greasy with a drop of oil), the food liberates its juices and becomes soft and tasty, the ideal product for healthy barbecues with your loved ones. Snappy is also easy and fast to clean; you simply have to scrape off the food with the special palette knife, and then wash the surface with a cloth soaked in liquid soap. _91 SNAPPY Zones θ / W Zone 92_ 340*220(1600) free-standing vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 430 Knobs No No No No No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device No No Yes No TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 1600 No FIE320T Zones θ / W Front Rear 160/1400 200/2300 (3000) free-standing induction FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 385 Touch No No No Yes Yes No No Yes SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device Yes Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 3700 9 FMS310 Zones θ / W Zone 180/1800 free-standing vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 360 Knobs No No No No No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device No No Yes No TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 1800 No FMS311 Zones θ / W Zone 120-180/700-1700 free-standing vitro ceramic FEATURES Size (mm) Control Bridge Function Power Management System Pre-set Temperatures Timer Booster Pause/Recall Minute Minder Pot Diameter Detection 360 Knobs No No No No No No No No SAFETY Child Lock Auto Switch-off Residual Heat Overflow safety device No No Yes No TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total Power (W) Power Levels 1700 No _93 TECNOLOGIE EVOLUTE E FUNZIONI SU PIANI COTTURA ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND FUNCTIONS ON HOBS 94_ Tutti i piani cottura FABITA possiedono l'indicatore di calore residuo per tutte le zone di cottura e possono essere forniti con un raschietto per vetro come accessorio opzionale. I piani cottura ad induzione richiedono pentole con fondo in materiale ferroso, come le comuni pentole in acciaio, in acciaio smaltato o in ghisa. All FABITA hobs share the residual heat indicator for all cooking zones and can be delivered with a glass scraper as optional accessory. Induction hobs require ferromagnetic pans, such as enamelled steel, cast iron or magnetic stainless steel. MULTISLIDER: I controlli della serie Multislider sono molto precisi, intuitivi e facili da usare. Tutti i livelli di cottura possono essere programmati con il semplice tocco di un dito, scorrendo verso il livello di potenza desiderato, senza la necessità di premere più volte per aumentare o diminuire la potenza di riscaldamento. MULTISLIDER: Multislider series controls are very precise, intuitive and easy to use. All cooking levels can be programmed at the touch of a fingertip, sliding it to the desired power level, without the need to press repeatedly to increase or decrease the heater power. BRIDGE: sono elementi che formano un ponte, cioè uniscono due zone di cottura creando uno spazio più grande per pentole di grandi dimensioni. BRIDGE: bridge elements, pairs-up two cook zones to make one large griddle for large pots and griddles. BOOSTER: la funzione Booster consente di aumentare drasticamente la potenza di lavoro su una superficie di riscaldamento specifica, e allo stesso tempo, quindi velocizza il processo di cottura. BOOSTER: The Booster function enables drastically boosting work power of given heating surface, at the same time fastening cooking. TIMER: Il timer può essere usato per selezionare un tempo da 1 fino a 99 minuti per una qualsiasi delle zone. La zona si spegne automaticamente al termine del tempo, rendendo la cottura facile e sicura TIMER: The timer can be used to select a time from 1-99 minutes for any one of the zones. The zone switches off automatically at the end of the time, making cooking easy and safe. PAUSE/RECALL: Questa funzione consente di spegnere il prodotto se siete interrotti durante la cottura, per poi ripartire alla stessa temperatura, in un istante. Salva automaticamente l'ultima impostazione di calore. PAUSE/RECALL: The Pause/Recall function allows you to switch off if you're interrupted when cooking, then re-start at the same temperature, in an instant. Automatically saves your last heat setting. MINUTE MINDER: La funzione contaminuti è un conto alla rovescia che può essere impostato sul piano. Quando il tempo di conto alla rovescia è terminato, un segnale acustico si attiverà. MINUTE MINDER: The minute minder function is a countdown time that can be set on the Hob. When the countdown time has finished, an audible signal will sound. POT DIAMETER DETECTION: Il piano di cottura funziona solo se "riconosce" il piatto o padella al suo posto. POT DIAMETER DETECTION: The hob will only operate if it “recognizes” the pan in its place. CHILD LOCK: Questo blocco (toccando il simbolo della chiave) può essere attivato per evitare che il piano venga acceso accidentalmente o modificati i parametri e funziona anche quando non è in uso. CHILD LOCK: this lock (touching the key symbol locks) can be activated to prevent the hob from being turned on accidentally or modified. It can also be activated when the hob is not in use AUTO SWITCH-OFF: Come precauzione di sicurezza il piano di cottura è preprogrammato con dei tempi di funzionamento massimi che dipendono dal livello di potenza utilizzato. Se una zona di cottura viene lasciata accesa, l'alimentazione si spegne automaticamente dopo un determinato periodo di tempo. AUTO SWITCH-OFF: As an extra safety precaution the hob has preprogrammed maximum operating times which depend on the power level being used. If a cooking zone is left on, the power automatically cuts out after a set period of time. RESIDUAL HEAT: Quando l'indicatore è acceso, significa che la temperatura delle zone è superiore a 50°C. RESIDUAL HEAT: When the indicator is on, it means that the zone temperature is higher than 50°C. OVERFLOW DEVICE: Disconnessione in caso di fuoriuscita di un liquido OVERFLOW DEVICE: Disconnection in case of liquid overflow. _95 Design FABITA Fabita offre la possibilità di personalizzare qualsiasi piano di cottura, con un vetro bianco oppure con un disegno specifico, previa approvazione da parte di FABITA (alcuni esempi di seguito). Fabita offers different customization options, like white colour glass or with a specific design, prior approval from FABITA (see examples below). 96_ Frame FABITA Fabita offre una gamma di Fabita offers a range of difmodelli diversi di cornici per ferent frame designs for all tutti i piani cottura in vetroce- ceramic and induction hobs. ramica ed induzione. Senza cornice No frame Bisellato Bevelled Profilo PU Outline PU Profilo PA Outline PA Profilo PB Outline PB Frontale Front Raschietto (optional) Glass scraper _97 Specifiche INCASSO Built in specifications INSTALLAZIONE INSTALLATION Consultare il seguente "Schema incasso" per conoscere le esatti dimensioni di incasso per ciascun prodotto. See above “Building-in diagrams” for exact cut-out dimensions. 290 290 51 510 440 50 510 488 510 50 485 268 485 275 490 270 415 490 280 Incasso B Template B Incasso A Template A Incasso C Template C 580 510 370 51 490 430 770 510 680 51 51 488 558 560 Incasso D Template D 98_ 655 660 490 Incasso E Template E 748 320 325 750 Incasso F Template F 488 490 400 800 800 510 350 50 50 775 375 878 475 735 780 900 750 380 880 490 Incasso H Template H Incasso G Template G 330 Incasso I Template I 290 510 580 40 510 40 510 40 488 488 268 558 495 490 270 Incasso J Template J Incasso K Template K 370 328 Incasso L Template L 320 770 510 680 490 560 770 40 40 40 655 745 748 320 488 755 660 325 Incasso M Template M 750 Incasso N Template N 295 305 490 Incasso O Template O 880 510 40 858 860 488 490 Incasso P Template P _99 il freddo FABITA FABITA’S COOLING NON SOLO CAPPE E PIANI COTTURA... La gamma Fabita si arricchisce, a partire dalla stagione 2012/13, di nuovi interessanti prodotti per completare la propria proposta per la cucina del futuro! 100_ NOT ONLY HOODS AND HOBS... The Fabita range is enriched, from the 2012/13 season, with new exciting products to complete its proposal for the kitchen of the future! Pandora CASSETTO REFRIGERATO FABITA FABITA COOLING BOX Novità assoluta in anteprima mondiale, Fabita presenta il cassetto frigo “Pandora”, una mini cantina da 5 bottiglie (o 4 di champagne), posizionabile in qualunque mobile a cassetti della cucina o di altra stanza ad uso conviviale. L’ingombro è molto ridotto, le dimensioni si adattano perfettamente alla struttura di un cassetto standard, la porta può essere in vetro oppure in acciaio inox. I consumi sono moderati, il cassetto frigo può conservare a temperatura di servizio vini bianchi, rossi e champagne. Non è fantastico? Fabita is proud to present, in worldwide preview, the Pandora cooling box, a mini wine cave for 5 bottles (or 4 if Champagne ones), able to be placed in every cupboard with drawers of the kitchen or other living rooms. Dimensions of Pandora completely fit within a normal kitchen drawer. The cooling box can be realized both with glass door or stainless steel. Energy consumption is moderate, the cooling box can store at servicing temperature white wines, red wines and champagne. How cool is this? Pandora è un prodotto di alta gamma, con finitura acciaio inox, apertura e chiusura soft, illuminazione a led. 5 bottiglie sono il numero perfetto per una serata romantica o una cena con gli amici. Le bevande possono essere conservate per lungo tempo e poi servite alla giusta temperatura. Pandora cooling box is an high range product, with stainless steel finishing, soft opening/closing, led lighting. 5 bottles is the perfect number for a romantic night or a dinner with friends. Beverages can be stored for a long time and then served at the right temperature. _101 Design Il design è semplice e professionale allo stesso tempo, le forme pulite , i materiali tutti riciclabili sono in acciaio inox AISI 304 e 430, in legno e rivestimento in alluminio. Controlli touch e display sono collocati sul lato del prodotto, in modo che lo spazio interno viene completamente utilizzato per il deposito delle bottiglie. Illuminazione a LED offre una buona illuminazione del vano interno. The design is simple and professional at the same time, clean surfaces and shapes; materials fully recyclable are stainless steel AISI 304 and 430, wood and aluminium coating. Touch controls and display are placed on the side of the product, so that inner space is fully utilized for the storage of the bottles. LED lighting provides good lighting compartment. Il cassetto refrigerato ”Pandora” può funzionare correttamente in ambienti in cui la temperatura non supera i 30°C. Se la temperatura è inferiore a questo valore, il consumatore può facilmente impostare qualsiasi valore all'interno dell’intervallo 8°C - 18°C.; la temperatura scelta deve essere comunque quella richiesta dalle tabelle ufficiali per le temperature operative del vino. Wine Pandora cooling box can properly work in environments where the temperature does not overcome the 30°C. If temperature is below this value, consumer can easily sets any value within the range from 8°C and 18°C.; the temperature shall be that suggested by the official tables for the operating temperature of the wine. 102_ TEMPERATURE 10° - 12° C Aged White 12° - 14° C Young and light Rosé 10° - 12° C Aged and bodied Rosé 12° - 14° C Young Red (Nouveau) 10° - 14° C Young and light Red 14° - 16° C Aged and bodied Red 16° - 18° C Very aged and old Red 18° C (20° C) Sweet Wine and Champagne 8° C Red and sweet Champagne 10° - 12° C Champagne “Charmat” 8° - 10° C Champagne “Reserve” 10° - 12° C Champagne “Charmat chevronné” 8° - 10° C Champagne “ Reserve Cuvée” 10° - 12° C Raisin wine and dessert sweet wine 10° - 18° C Fortified wine and Liqueur 10° - 18° C Young White tecniche Caratteristiche Technical Description Il cassetto refrigerato è stato sviluppato utilizzando la tecnologia a basso impatto ambientale, quindi senza l'impiego di CFC e HCFC. In pratica è una cella di Peltier, che si basa su un principio fisico per generare una differenza di temperatura tra i due ambienti utilizzando solo la corrente elettrica. Il sistema di raffreddamento permette al prodotto di lavorare ad una temperatura e umidità stabile (circa 65%); il giusto livello di umidità protegge il sughero da danni e quindi preserva il gusto del vino. Le guide sono dotate di chiusura ammortizzata, in modo da ridurre la possibilità di movimenti improvvisi delle bottiglie. La griglia interna è sagomata con una inclinazione di 2°, per consentire il contatto continuo tra vino e sughero The Cooling Drawer has been developed utilizing low enviromental impact technology, without the use of CFC and HCFC gases. The technology behind the product is one of the Peltier module that is based on a physical principle to generate a temperature difference between the two environments using only the electric current. Cooling system allows the product to work at a stable temperature and humidity (at around 65%); the right level of humidity protect the cork from damage and consequently preserve the taste of the wine. The guides are equipped with soft closing mechanism, so as to reduce the possibility of sudden movements of the bottles. The internal grid is shaped with an inclination of 2° in order to allow the continous contact between wine and cork CF600 - PANDORA FEATURES Size H x W x D (cm) Finish Cooling system Shelves Climate class 164 x 596 x 531 Stainless steel Peltier (no CFC) Beech N TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total gross volume (lt) Total net volume (lt) Fridge net volume (lt) Noise level dB(A) Preservation 22 18 18 43 5 Bottles (4 champagne bottles) COOLING DRAWER 1 53 55 180 163 164 6 59 6 _103 Frigoriferi FRIGORIFERI RETRO RETRO FRIDGE Per gli amanti dello stile “vintage”, per chi ha nostalgia degli intramontabili anni ’50 è invece in arrivo la linea “Happy Days”, la gamma di frigoriferi completamente carrozzati, che racchiudono, in un guscio di colori divertenti, prestazioni assolutamente competitive. I frigo carrozzati arredano con stile ogni tipo di cucina perché le loro forme si sposano alla perfezione sia con la modernità che con le linee country. Il corpo in metallo stampato (per la gioia dei magneti) e lo stile unico, rendono i frigoriferi Happy Days Fabita unici sul mercato. L'interno dispone di tutti i comfort moderni, inclusa una prestazione energetica in classe A+. La struttura esterna può essere scelta attraverso una vasta gamma di colori nuovi. L’arcobaleno è il vostro limite, quale è il colore giusto per voi? For those who love the “vintage” style, those who miss the evergreen 50’s, the new “Happy Days” range Fabita is arriving. A fully coach-worked range of fridges that hold, in a funny coloured shell, the most competitive performance. The Happy Days fridges furnish with style every kind of kitchen, because their rounded shapes match perfectly though with modern and country style. With its stamped metal body (magnet friendly) and unique styling, Fabita fridge is unparalleled in the marketplace. The interior boasts all the modern amenities, including an energy performance class A+. The external cabinet can be chosen within an exciting array of new colours. The rainbow is your limit, which is the one for you? 104_ FABITA’S COOLING _105 HD TM - Top Mounted 106_ FEATURES Size H x W x D (cm) Finish Control Energy efficiency Climate class 1560 x 545 x 560 Painted steel Electronic thermostat A+ N-ST-T TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total gross volume (lt) Total net volume (lt) Fridge net volume (lt) Freezer net volume (lt) Noise level dB(A) Preservation time (h) Freezing capacity (kg) 226 222 180 42 37 14 2 HAPPY DAYS FRIDGE HD BM- Bottom Mounted FEATURES Size H x W x D (cm) Finish Control Energy efficiency Climate class 1784 x 545 x 558 Painted steel Electronic thermostat A+ N-ST HAPPY DAYS FRIDGE FEATURES Size H x W x D (cm) Finish Control Energy efficiency Climate class HD SD-Single Door FEATURES Size H x W x D (cm) Finish Control Energy efficiency Climate class 1234 x 545 x 560 Painted steel Electronic thermostat A+ N-ST-T HD TT-Table Top 1784 x 545 x 558 Painted steel Electronic thermostat A+ N-ST HAPPY DAYS FRIDGE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total gross volume (lt) Total net volume (lt) Fridge net volume (lt) Freezer net volume (lt) Noise level dB(A) Preservation time (h) Freezing capacity (kg) 194 190 174 16 39 11 2 HAPPY DAYS FRIDGE FEATURES Size H x W x D (cm) Finish Control Energy efficiency Climate class 829 x 585 x 555 Painted steel Electronic thermostat A+ SN-T TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Total gross volume (lt) Total net volume (lt) Fridge net volume (lt) Freezer net volume (lt) Noise level dB(A) Preservation time (h) Freezing capacity (kg) 127 125 125 39 - _107 Lavastoviglie COMPACT DISHWASHER COMPATTA OLTRE IL PULITO BEYOND THE CLEAN Se non avete lo spazio per una lavastoviglie standard, il nostro modello compatto Fabita LVST6INC fa al caso vostro. Classe A+ per moderare i consumi energetici, dotata di spazio sufficiente per accogliere 6 coperti standard, perfetta per single, piccole famiglie e coppie. Posizionabile in qualsiasi vano forno da incasso, possiede ben sei tipi di programma per il lavaggio delle stoviglie. Dispone di una vasca interna in acciaio inox con detergente automatico e dosatore brillantante per una maggiore comodità. Tutte queste caratteristiche riducono il tempo trascorso in cucina a lavare i piatti e assicurano più tempo a godersi la vita! 108_ If you don’t have the space for a full-size dishwasher, our compact model Fabita LVST6INC is just for you. The dishwasher is an A+ EnergyStar rated to cut down on energy costs. It features enough space to accommodate 6 standard place settings, making it perfect for singles, small families and couples. It can be placed in every built- in oven compartment, there are six types of water cycles used for dishwashing. It features a durable stainless steel interior and has also automatic detergent and rinse agent dispenser for added convenience. All these features ensure that you spend less time doing dishes and have more time to enjoy your life! LVST6INC COMPACT DISHWASHER FEATURES Size H x W x D (cm) Cabinet Control Energy efficiency Washing efficiency Drying efficiency Rinse aid indicator Salt indicator Delay time 438 x 550 x 500 Stainless steel Electronic with display A+ A A Yes Yes Yes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Programs Water consumption (lt) Noise level dB(A) Set capacity 6 6,5 55 6 _109 Note Note All rights reserved. Please note that the printing process does not always allow an accurate reproduction of colour. Fabita srl reserve the right to change the specifications of the products in this catalogue without notice. Errors and Omissions excepted. Via dell’Industria 60048 Serra San Quirico (AN) Italy Tel. +39 0731 8803 Fax +39 0731 880317 e-mail: