andOchsner Now - Ochsner Health System
andOchsner Now - Ochsner Health System
Summer 2007 T he Academic Division joins the entire Ochsner Health System in celebrating the 65 years of Ochsner’s commitment to patient care, education, and research across the Gulf Coast and the world. To fully appreciate these 65 years, we want to remind you of the notable milestones achieved by thousands of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who have contributed over six decades to what Ochsner is today. Dr. Alton Ochsner and his four partners never imagined 65 years ago how far their idea would go. Ochsner Health System has evolved into a true New Orleans icon and a symbol of hope. Medical contributions made by Ochsner physicians and other professionals over the six decades have impacted the world. The Academic Division sincerely salutes all who have contributed to these 65 years of healthcare and looks forward to the next chapters in Ochsner history. Happy 65th Birthday, Ochsner! Ochsner Then.... TM ...andOchsner Now In this Issue! Special Commemorative Ochsner History Section Summer Progress Inside This Issue Ochsner’s 65th Anniversary Summer Progress Medical Education House Staff Completing Residencies/Fellowships IRB Highlights Library News News Notes Research Night Awards/Achievements Conferences/Classes Student Activities Nursing Research Recent Nursing Presentations Media/Technology Summer Science Youth Academy Alumni/Anesthesiology Respiratory Therapy Graduation Radiologic Technology Commencement House Staff Commencement Grant Announcements 1 2 3-4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 © 2007 Academic Division All rights reserved. 1514 Jefferson Highway New Orleans, Louisiana 70121 To contribute to Academic Update or for more information, contact: tel: (504) 842-3761 fax: (504) 842-5137 email: Academic Update Staff: Ethel Madden, MLIS, AHIP Director, Center for Knowledge Management Lori Monteleone Senior Medical Editor Barbara Siede, MS Art Director Marion Stafford, MS Editorial Consultant Connie Kringas, MA Senior Medical Editor Siobhan McKiernan Flahive Editorial Assistant Kathleen Hawkins Special Services Coordinator The Measures of Our Success As we close the second quarter of 2007, the metrics indicate that we are on target for a very successful year. On the research front, the number of clinical trials that are being made available to Ochsner investigators is gradually increasing and there continues to be consistent growth in research revenue and opportunity. Two of our scientists, Drs. Yong S. Choi and Om Prakash have received very competitive grant awards. The National Institutes of Health awarded a grant to Dr. Choi in support of his project “B Cell Lymphoma Therapy.” Dr. Prakash received a grant from the Ladies Leukemia League of the Gulf South for his research into B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL). The 2006–2007 academic year has come to a close and a significant number of our residents and allied health graduates have become Ochsner employees. The Summer Science Youth program has been expanded to two sessions, hosting students from the New Orleans Charter Science and Mathematics High School and the Patrick F. Taylor Science and Technology Academy. The GPOA Foundation, which supports programs that serve children in Louisiana, provided Ochsner with a grant to help fund this worthy project. The Ochsner Library has opened several “branch” locations at our new facilities and is offering resource services at all locations. In the coming months, the Ochsner Archives will be coming back to the main campus with a permanent display in the library. Quantitative Metrics Measure New Clinical Trials % Accrual to Clinical Trials Clinical Trials Closed with No Accrual Employee Engagement Year to Date Target 89 40% 28 4.32 116 90% 0 4.35 Note: Final student conversion to employee rates will be reported in third quarter metrics. To access the Academic Update online, go to Medical Education Program Director(s): Ochsner physician Program Directors are responsible for the organization, administration, implementation, and supervision of all aspects of a specific residency program, including selection and supervision of faculty members, recruitment, selection, instruction, supervision, counseling, evaluation, and advancement of residents. For a current listing of Ochsner’s Program Directors, please visit the GME Intranet site at http://ochweb/frame. cfm?id=1590. Program Director Meetings are held quarterly with the GMEC and resident representatives. Medical Education is an intrinsically rewarding, complex series of activities for all involved in making sense of a maze of regulations while providing quality education, guidance, and support to our residents, fellows, and students. The benefits of Ochsner’s support network among executives, administrators, coordinators, program directors, medical staff, residents, nursing, human resources, information services, clinical management, and staff are apparent and far-reaching. Ochsner is a major independent academic medical center where everyone is invested in the success of first-class training programs. Currently, Ochsner independently sponsors 17 accredited residency and fellowship programs with 214 residents appointed in Anesthesiology, Colon and Rectal Surgery, Cardiology, Diagnostic Radiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, General Surgery (Preliminary and Categorical), Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine (Preliminary and Categorical), Interventional Cardiology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oncology, Orthopedic Surgery, Rheumatology, Thoracic Surgery, and Vascular Surgery. Barbara McNamara (Director, Medical Education) oversees all administrative and operational activities of allied health, graduate, and undergraduate medical education at Ochsner. The GME Staff perform a variety of administrative functions in support of the residency and fellowship training programs and serve as a resource for program directors, program support staff, and trainees. For a current listing of GME staff, please visit the GME Intranet site at http://ochweb/academics.cfm?id=680. Ochsner co-sponsors four joint programs with LSU and Tulane with 88 residents appointed in Ophthalmology (LSU), Pediatrics (Tulane), Psychiatry (LSU), and Urology (LSU). Ochsner is the parent sponsor of the joint Urology Program. Approximately 70 residents rotate to Ochsner under affiliation agreements with LSU, Tulane, and East Jefferson in Allergy and Immunology, Child Psychiatry, Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, ENT, Family Medicine, Geriatric Psychiatry, Hematopathology, Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine/ Pediatrics, Nephrology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthopedics, Pathology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Plastic Surgery, and Pulmonary Critical Care. The general structure of Graduate Medical Education is established by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), with key identified roles as follow: Designated Institutional Official (DIO): The Ochsner DIO is Dr. William W. Pinsky, Executive Vice-President and Chief Academic Officer. Dr. Pinsky has the authority and responsibility for the oversight and administration of the GME programs for the entire institution. Front row, L to R: Reonda Victor, Seimone Gilbert, Liz Carter, Anne Fleming. Middle row, L to R: Rosa Perkins, Beverly Rueb, Donna Guidroz, Nicole Magee, Kathy Dixon. Back row, L to R: Deborah Ladmirault, Denise Arseneaux, Barbara McNamara, Margaret Saux. Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC): Dr. Hector Ventura is the GMEC Chair for Ochsner and has the responsibility for monitoring and advising on all aspects of residency education. Assisting Dr. Ventura are the GMEC Committee members: Dr. William W. Pinsky (DIO), Dr. Robert Cunningham (Pediatrics), Dr. William Davis (Medicine), Dr. John Bolton (Surgery), Dr. Dean Hickman (Psychiatry), Dr. Chris Winters (Urology), Dr. Brett Winthrop (President, Fellows’ Association), and Barbara McNamara (Administration). The GMEC meets monthly. HOUSE STAFF COMPLETING RESIDENCIES/FELLOWSHIPS Activities of the Office of Graduate Medical Education Administration include: • Liaison activities with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) • ACGME Institutional Compliance • Maintenance of accurate data files for Direct Graduate Medical Education (DGME) and Indirect Medical Education (IME) reimbursement • Performance of internal reviews of all ACGME-accredited residency and fellowship programs • House Staff database • Core Lecture Series • Policy development • Fiscal management • Resident travel, book allowance, and loan deferment management • Visa sponsorship and management • Resident payroll and benefits management • Resident licensure and Patient Compensation Fund (PCF) enrollment • Resident recruitment, selection and appointment management • Maintenance of official academic files and credentialing • Resident evaluation system management • Medical Education webpages • Development and management of master affiliation agreements and program supplements with universities and teaching hospitals • Management of the medical student and allied health programs • Resident orientation, graduation, and other special programs • Coordination of the education-related committees, including the Graduate Medical Education Committee, the Program Directors Group, the GMEC/Fellows’ Association Meeting, and the Chief Residents Council to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas between residents and administration • Serving an ombuds function for residents, supplementing support from the Employee Assistance Program • Advocating for issues important to residents/trainees ANESTHESIOLOGY INTERNAL MEDICINE Emilie E. Donaldson, MD Logan S. Emory, MD Kristie D. Osteen, MD Eric I. Royster, MD Melissa B. Russo, MD Ryan E. Wall, MD Brett E. Winthrop, MD Pavan Chava, DO Amanda M. Davis, MD Edward A. Espinosa, DO Faiq Hasan, MD Fadi Hawawini, DO Kendra McAnally, DO Rochelle RobicheauxClementine, MD Yabiz Sedghi, MD CARDIOLOGY Medical Resident) (Chief Michael C. Cunningham, MD Anish P. Shah, DO George T. Deriso III, MD (Chief Medical Resident) Arthur G. Grant III, MD John T. Vengal, MD David E. Good, MD Joseph K. Imsais, MD INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY Zola M. N’Dandu, MD Showkat A. Haji, MD J. Kyle Hewett, MD COLON & RECTAL SURGERY David N. Ferraro, Jr., MD Kerry L. Hammond, MD DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY Wilma L. Cotto-Oyola, MD Shamita B. Shah, MD GENERAL SURGERY Michael W. Cook, MD Jason K. Kim, MD Sean G. Mayfield, MD Joseph H. Morris, III, MD Jonathan E. Weiler, MD Residency program managers, department-based coordinators, and administrative staff are responsible for daily support of individual residency/fellowship programs, including—but not limited to—resident schedules and rotation coordination, recruitment, conferences, grand rounds, journal clubs, procedure logs, evaluations, data gathering, and document preparation for accreditation site visits. For a current listing of staff serving in these roles, please visit the GME Intranet site at http://ochweb/academics.cfm?id=680. GLAUCOMA OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY ONCOLOGY Carrie J. Ball, MD Robin L. Meyer, MD Julie E. S. Price, MD Jennifer K. Shumate, MD ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY N. Lurie, Jr, MD Douglas Anuj S. Puppala, MD Steve Shin, MD RETINA/VITREOUS THORACIC CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY Michael J. Bates, MD UROLOGY Christopher C. Roth, MD Anthony J. Woodruff, MD Viet N. Bui, MD HEART FAILURE TRANSPLANT VASCULAR SURGERY HEPATOLOGY Srikrishna Mannava, MD John L. Gosserand, MD INFECTIOUS DISEASES Changa Kurukularatne, MD Sachin B. Patel, MD Shamsa Ali, MD Carlos D. Giraldo, MD Graduate medical education occurs in microsystems of patient care, administration, and professional relationships. Good systems and structure make it easy to do things right— but great people in all areas of the organization, committed and actively engaged in the success of outstanding medical education programs, make it impossible not to succeed. Michele M. Crockett, MD Todd E. Layman, MD Bassam S. Ghabache, MD Peter Wagner, MD Shazia Faiz, MD GASTROENTEROLOGY MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Francine Belleville, MD Spencer A. Chang, MD Jeffrey A. Dedelow, MD Fernando S. Descartes, MD Paul M. Jackson, MD William J. Knox, IV, MD Forrest B. Walker, MD ENDOCRINOLOGY IRB Highlights Institutional Review Board (IRB) The purpose of the IRB is to protect the safety, rights, and welfare of humans who are subjects of research. There are three IRB panels, each made up of nine members of various backgrounds who review and provide continuous oversight of all human research that is conducted at Ochsner facilities or utilizes Ochsner personnel or other resources. Each panel has the authority to approve, disapprove, or require modifications to research activities involving human subjects. The services of the IRB office and its staff, however, go beyond regulatory obligation and authority. Perhaps the most important service we offer to investigators and other study staff is guidance. It is our goal to provide the tools and guidance necessary to assist staff involved in research to adhere to federal regulations and ICH (International Conference on Harmonization) guidelines inherent in good clinical practices (GCP). In July 2005, the IRB introduced its electronic application system, ERSA (Electronic Research Study Application). As we designed ERSA, we spent many months formulating questions that, when answered appropriately, would provide the platform for compliance with regulations as well as GCP. We invested much additional time to build logic into the system: Depending on how certain key questions are answered, ERSA presents the user with appropriate application screens to provide needed additional information. Several clinical research coordinators were involved in alpha and beta testing of the system, providing feedback concerning ease of use and comprehension of application questions. The IRB staff is a resource for investigators and coordinators involved in human research, dedicated to providing excellent customer service. With this in mind, we would like to extend an offer to come to your department to train residents and new study staff in the use of ERSA and to answer any regulatory questions you might have. To arrange group training sessions, please contact the IRB office at x23535 or email Of course, we are always available to help individuals as well, so pick up the phone and call us. In response to feedback we received, particularly from our resident staff, we decided to move ERSA to a secure Internet server. This transition allows research study staff to access ERSA from non-Ochsner locations while maintaining system security. The IRB staff consists of: Joseph Breault, MD, ScD, CIP – IRB Chairman. Dr. Breault has been the IRB Chair for five years. He sees patients two days per week in Family Practice. Karen Marie Sorapuru, CIP – IRB Administrator. Ms. Sorapuru has been the IRB Administrator for three years. She joined Ochsner from the Manchester VA Medical Center in Manchester, NH, where she worked as the Research Administrative Officer in affiliation with Harvard Medical School. Arlene Becker, RN – IRB Specialist. Ms. Becker joined the IRB office in 2003, bringing both clinical and quality assurance expertise to the staff. Robbie Bowman – IRB Special Services Coordinator. Ms. Bowman joined the IRB staff in 2005. Having previously worked as study staff in Nephrology Research, she has been an important part of our understanding the needs of study staff in order to provide improved customer service. Ms. Bowman will celebrate her 10th anniversary with Ochsner this year. Library News Medical Library REcovery Project Library Extreme Makeover February 28, 2007 marked the end of the Medical Library REcovery Project. However, while the project ended on paper, this is just the beginning of the many projects that have come out of the biggest challenge the Medical Library & Archives has ever faced. On April 24, 2007, the Library hosted a special luncheon to honor all the accomplishments of this project. Renovations are currently underway to bring back the Medical Library at Ochsner Baptist Medical Center on the second floor of the Napoleon Plaza. The library will have a collection of new reference texts as well as a bound journal collection. Four computer workstations will allow employees access to thousands of online journals and books as well as databases such as PubMed, UpToDate, MD Consult, and CINAHL for nursing. Project Summary The Ochsner Library was the first library to reopen in the New Orleans area after Hurricane Katrina. The librarians felt strongly that, more than ever, our Ochsner health care professionals and those unaffiliated with Ochsner needed access to the National Library of Medicine’s electronic resources. Consequently, in early September of 2005, the Ochsner library staff teamed up with the National Library of Medicine, librarians at Southeastern Louisiana Area Health Education Center in Hammond, and the Leonard J. Chabert Medical Center in Houma to establish the Medical Library REcovery for Southeast Louisiana Project. Watch for the grand opening this summer! Librarian Steps in as Guest Speaker for Health Sciences Class Thirty-five computers, known as Library E-Stations, were approved to be placed at Ochsner regional and neighborhood clinics throughout the area. In addition, the National Library of Medicine approved stations to be placed at non-affiliated sites in St. Tammany and Terrebonne Parishes. Nital Sheridan, Library Manager, was invited in March to speak to the graduate students of the Health Sciences and Information Centers Class at Louisiana State University’s School of Library and Information Science. Nital discussed the challenges faced by a library in a growing institution, and gave anecdotes of the creative ways in which Ochsner Medical Library & Archives has provided services and training to Ochsner physicians, residents, and staff. The Library E-Stations provided an electronic library for healthcare professionals and patients in areas that had seen an influx of displaced residents, yet did not have direct access to a medical library. National Library Week The Medical Library & Archives celebrated National Library Week this year with several different activities. This year’s theme was “@ your library.” Activities included tours of the library, an MD Consult class, an online library scavenger hunt, raffled prizes, and visits to satellite Ochsner libraries at Ochsner Medical Center Kenner, Ochsner Medical Center West Bank, and Ochsner St. Anne in Raceland. Ben-Lin Chen from Basic Science/Molecular Research won a parking spot in the garage for the month of May (Library Manager Nital Sheridan graciously donated this prize). Chris Vincent from ISD won the scavenger hunt raffle. Project Highlights • Funding from the National Library of Medicine has helped reopen libraries at the Ochsner St. Anne General Hospital and Ochsner Medical Center Baton Rouge. • Funding has allowed us to deploy E-Stations to Ochsner Medical Center Kenner and Ochsner Medical Center West Bank, as well as to provide new print and online reference materials. • Funding is being used to bring back the Ochsner Baptist Medical Library for summer 2007. Librarians Pitch in at Area Schools More important than the branch libraries that have opened, the Library E-Stations deployed, or all the training provided within the last year is the environment of outreach and sharing that the Medical Library REcovery Project has created. While the funding project door has closed, so many other doors have opened that strengthen the need for medical libraries and medical librarians. The Ochsner Medical Library & Archives is currently assisting the libraries of four adopted schools, each of which is located near an Ochsner hospital in the New Orleans area. The four adopted schools are Patrick F. Taylor Science and Technology Academy, Alfred Bonnabel High School, George Cox Elementary, and Samuel J. Green Charter School. Outreach Librarian Amanda Riley and Academic Community Outreach Project Coordinator Kaela Barnett have already visited each school and are working to assess the needs of each one. Both Amanda and Kaela will be working with Grants Support Coordinator Barbara Attebery to locate grants that will help the school libraries add materials to their collections. In addition, Information and Technical Services Librarian Judith Gardner is providing cataloging assistance each week to the library at the Patrick F. Taylor Science and Technology Academy. L: Ethel Madden, MLIS, AHIP, Director, Center for Knowledge Management, Ochsner Clinic Foundation. R: Renee Bougard, Associate Director of National Network of Libraries of Medicine, South Central Region. Harry Potter in the Medical Library! Stop by the Medical Library and Archives on the first floor of OMC New New Orleans during the month of July to see a magical window display. Learn about the library’s resources and services with a wizardly twist! News Notes 22nd Annual Ochsner Run Congratulations to Erin Stanley, MPH, who has been promoted to Senior Project Coordinator for the Center for Health Research. Erin’s position prior to her promotion was Research Program Manager. On Saturday, March 24, 2007, Ochsner Health System hosted the 22nd Annual Ochsner Run. The event included a one-mile fun run and a 5K race, both of which took place along the Mississippi River levee. After the race, runners and their families and friends enjoyed food from some of New Orleans’ best restaurants and live music from The Topcats at the “Rhythm & Sole” party. The Department of Surgery held its First Annual Research Symposium on Friday, June 8, 2007. Kathryn Q. Bernabe, MD, won Best Research Presentation for her paper “Intestinal epithelial cell proliferation is influenced by smooth muscle cell production of Amphiregulin.” Congratulations! Anne Nicolay, Director of Research Operations, noted, “It is always lots of fun to participate in the Levee Run. It is a great family event and there is something for everyone. Working on the run always gives me an opportunity to meet new people at Ochsner and it’s a fun way to support the institution away from my desk.” Jason K. Kim, MD, was named Outstanding Chief Resident Teacher of the Year. Ethel Madden, Director, Center for Knowledge Management, said, “My family always looks forward to the annual Ochsner Pediatric Fun Run. It’s a tradition for the Madden family to run and walk the race. We really enjoy the great food, the lively entertainment, and the Teddy Bear Clinic!” Jackson Ellisor, the videographer behind “Surviving the Storm” (see p. 14), is the recipient of four Telly Awards for the “Team Katrina” video. Jackson received awards in the following Film/ Video Non-Broadcast Production categories: • Silver - Corporate Image • Silver - Employee Communications • Bronze - Public Relations • Bronze - Motivational Clinical Pharmacy Staff News The Telly Awards honor the best local, regional, and cable television commercials and programs, as well as the finest video and film productions. The 27th annual Telly Awards received over 13,000 entries from all 50 states and five continents. Marianne Billeter, PharmD, BCPS, has been promoted to Manager of Clinical Pharmacy Services, replacing Debbie Simonson, who was recently promoted to Director. Marianne received both her bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy and her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Purdue University. She then completed a residency in Clinical Pharmacy and a fellowship in Infectious Diseases at the University of Kentucky Medical Center. Marianne was formerly the Infectious Diseases Pharmacist for Ochsner. She can be reached at (504) 842-3043. Graduating Residents Celebrate at New Orleans Arena Graduating residents celebrated in the Super Suite of the New Orleans Arena at a Hornets vs. Lakers game on March 23, 2007. The event was sponsored by the Alumni Activities Office. Academic Division Wins Spelling Bee The Ochsner Career Center and the Academic Division collaborated to host the Second Annual Ochsner Spelling Bee on May 30, 2007 to promote Adult Education for Ochsner employees. The Word Busters team consisted of Anne Nicolay, Karen Marie Sorapuru, and Linda Hand. Ten teams competed in this event, including Human Resources, Transplant, Administration, Business Services, and Academics. Special thanks go out to Ethel Madden, enunciator; Alison Atkinson, event coordinator; Kaela Barnett, judge and assistant coordinator; Chris “DJ Jazzy Chris” Atkinson, event disc jockey; Stacy Melvin, official timekeeper; Amanda Riley, judge; Diana Tran, photographer and statistician; and, of course, the Spelling Bee teams. All proceeds raised went to the Ochsner Adult Literacy Fund, which was created in 2006. There are currently seven Ochsner employees enrolled in the program. The Spelling Bee raised over $700, Second Annual which was earmarked to purchase GED self-study books, educational games, flash cards, and Ochsner Bee DVDs, and to help pay for examination fees. The winning team members each received a $50 Exxon Wednesday, May 30th from 12pm-2pmSpelling in the Whitney OD&T Training Room,-Suite. 234. gift certificate. It was a great way to have fun with colleagues while supporting a good cause. For more information about the Ochsner Adult Literacy Fund, please contact Alison Atkinson at or (504) 842-3923. For more information on the event or on the Academic Community Outreach program, please visit our website at aspx. Support Our Academic Division team WORDstarring BUSTERS Anne Nicolay Karen Marie Sorapuru Linda Hand Ochsner’s Fourth Annual Research Night The Fourth Annual Ochsner Research Night was held on May 15 in the Brent House atrium. Eighty-two posters were presented. For the first time, the Academic Division welcomed high school student groups who came to view the posters in the early afternoon, and later hosted an open house for employees enrolled in the Pathway to Wellness program. This brought the Research Night experience to a much larger audience than in the past. The popularity of Research Night has grown so greatly that all available slots for posters were filled by the submission deadline in March—a first for the program. Although our post-Katrina guest scientists from the LSU and Tulane medical schools were not with us this year, Ochsner has always had collegial research relationships with these institutions, as evidenced by the presentation of posters by clinicians and scientists with joint appointments at the medical schools and OCF. This scientific cooperation has become ever more important to the New Orleans scientific community in the months following Hurricane Katrina. Research Night provided an excellent opportunity to further cement these ties. The presentations at this year’s program again included submissions in the Clinical, Basic, Translational, Health Service, and Case Report categories. As always, Research Night provided the opportunity for all OCF staff to share in the scientific accomplishments of their colleagues and to gain an appreciation of the impact of research on the Ochsner environment. It also helped expose Ochsner’s friends and community supporters to the research ongoing in the institution. The Center for Knowledge Management, particularly the Medical Illustrations department, was instrumental in making this event a great success. From the design of an electronic abstract submission system to editing of abstracts and the production of high-quality posters, they did an excellent job. Special thanks are due to Ethel Madden, Connie Kringas, and Barbara Siede for jobs very well done. Awards and Achievements Dr. Quinlan Named #1 Most Powerful Physician Executive in the United States Edward D. Frohlich, M.D., Alton Ochsner Distinguished Scientist Dr. Edward D. Frohlich, Alton Ochsner Distinguished Scientist, headed an American College of Cardiology delegation to China from April 4-April 15, 2007 for the purpose of presenting to the leading Chinese cardiologists the major new information presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the College in New Orleans. During his visit, Dr. Frohlich was hosted on visits to the historic Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, the Emperor’s Palace, the Great Wall in Beijing, and the Terra Cotta Warriors in X’ian. Dr. Patrick J. Quinlan, Ochsner’s Chief Executive Officer, was named the #1 Most Powerful Physician Executive in the United States in the May 7 issues of Modern Physician and Modern Healthcare magazines. This distinction recognizes Dr. Quinlan’s leadership during the difficult aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, as well as his central role in bringing together multiple offices and entities to create Ochsner Health System. During the three years that this ranking has been published, Dr. Quinlan’s position has risen steadily; in 2005, Dr. Quinlan was ranked 43rd, and in 2006, he was ranked 10th. On May 21, 2007, Dr. Frohlich was honored with the William Harvey Award of the American Society of Hypertension for his achievements in clinical and experimental hypertension research. This award was named for the scientist, William Harvey (1578-1657), who is considered to be the “father of cardiovascular medicine” for his elucidation of the continuity of circulation in his Execitatio Anatomic de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus, written in 1628. Dr. Harvey developed the first accurate account of how the heart and circulatory system operate. Dr. Frohlich also presented “Mentors, Role Models and Matters of the Heart,” a lecture that will be published in the Journal of the American Society of Hypertension. Dr. Kardinal Receives Lifetime Achievement Award The National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) has awarded its Distinguished Investigator Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Carl J. Kardinal, Director of Ochsner Cancer Institute. This award recognizes Dr. Kardinal’s remarkable work as an investigator and his dedication to the publication and public awareness of clinical research. Louisiana Hospital Quality Award Louisiana Health Care Review recently honored Ochsner Medical Center with its Silver Level 2006 Louisiana Hospital Quality Award. The award is given to institutions in recognition of high-quality healthcare for patients who have heart failure, pneumonia, or acute myocardial infarction, or are in surgical care. Caramia Fairchild, Assistant Editor; Dr. Edward D. Frohlich, Alton Ochsner Distinguished Scientist; Lillian Buffa, Senior Executive Assistant. Dr. Cook Named Researcher of the Year Dr. Pankey Re-Elected to Board Co-Director of Molecular Genetics Julia Cook, PhD, was named 2006 Researcher of the Year at the Spirit of Leadership Awards held on May 19, 2007. Dr. George A. Pankey was elected to serve a second three-year term on the Board of Directors of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. Conferences/Classes “I Have an Idea for a Grant—Now What?” Cultural Leadership Returns to Ochsner Speaker: Dr. M.A. Krousel-Wood July 23, 2007 12:00 – 1:00 • Brent House Conference Rooms Teleconferenced to Baton Rouge and North Shore Have you ever come up with an idea for a grant/research project and just didn’t know what to do next? Please join us for a class led by Dr. M.A. Krousel-Wood of the Center for Health Research, Dee McCloskey of the Philanthropy Department, and Barbara Attebery of the Grant Support Office. Certificates of Participation will be provided. Registration is required—lunch will be served. Please contact Kathleen Hawkins at 842-3244. On Wednesday, June 27, the Academic Division and the Respect through Understanding Committee hosted “Our Defining Moment: Ochsner, Hurricane Katrina, and Redevelopment of Our Community,” an informational breakfast for Cultural Leadership, in the Brent House Conference Center. Cultural Leadership, a non-profit youth leadership development organization from St. Louis, brings together African American and Jewish students to break down the barriers between the two cultures through community service. Every summer, the group takes a community service trip to New Orleans and other locations, including Washington D.C., Atlanta, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee. This marked their third visit to Ochsner. Basic Science in Clinical Medicine Series Lecture Continuing Medical Education (CME) sponsored recent lectures in the Basic Science in Clinical Medicine Series. On April 23, 2007, Guo-Fu Hu, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pathology in Harvard Medical School’s Department of Pathology, gave a lecture entitled “Dual Role of Angiogenin in Prostate Cancer.” In 2006, a Cultural Leadership group visited Ochsner and learned how team members worked together at all levels to ensure continuity of service and care in a time of crisis. This year’s panel included a physician as well as representatives from emergency preparedness, food services, nursing and administration. Students again saw how numerous departments contributed to the cooperative effort, and learned how Ochsner has progressed post-Katrina in terms of new technology and planning. Epidemiology in Medicine Series Lecture Don Morisky, ScD, MSPH, ScM, Professor at the UCLA School of Public Health, presented a lecture on “How to Maximize Adherence to Medical Recommendations: Missed Opportunities in the Health Care Delivery Process” on Friday, May 25, 2007. This lecture was part of the Epidemiology in Medicine lecture series; physicians who attended received one hour of CME credit. CME at Sea Medical Library & Archives 2007 Hands-on Classes The very first Ochsner “CME at Sea” program was held March 17-24, 2007 aboard the Royal Caribbean’s Grandeur of the Seas. The cruise departed from New Orleans and docked in Cozumel, Mexico; George Town, Grand Cayman; and Costa Maya, Mexico, with three days of lectures held while at sea. Dr. Joseph Dalovisio served as the activity director for this course, which had physicians attending from across the nation. The purpose of this course was to update primary care physicians on the latest advances in the fields of Infectious Diseases, Endocrinology, Hospital Medicine, Pediatrics, Rheumatology, and Cardiology. In addition to these lectures, case studies relevant to primary care physicians were also presented. We were very pleased with the excellent course content of the program. Some of Ochsner’s best physician lecturers presented great updates on the latest issues of diagnosis and therapy, covering a broad range of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics conditions. The event also provided a great opportunity for collegial interaction in a very nice setting. We plan to offer a similar course again, and hope to expand our audience to include nurses and mid-level providers in addition to physicians. 10 The Library is offering the following hands-on classes in the Brent House Training Room 226. All classes are from 1:30 P.M. – 3:30 P.M. and are available to all Ochsner employees. To register, please contact the Library at (504) 842-3760 or email infodesk@ Monday, August 27 - Resources for Administrators Monday, September 24 - Resources for Evidence-based Medicine Monday, October 22 - Finding Patient Education Materials Upcoming CME July 15-20, 2007 29th Annual Internal Medicine Board Review & Recertification Course Sheraton Hotel, New Orleans, LA August 1-5, 2007 Piedmont Society of Colorectal Surgeons Ponte Vedra Inn & Club, Ponte Vedra, FL October 25-27, 2007 8th Annual Southern Hospital Medicine Update Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans, LA Student Activities Power Ties Students Visit Ochsner Ochsner Medical Center participated as a host institution for the New Orleans Junior League Power Ties Program on Friday, April 20, 2007. The Academic Division welcomed 13 students from Samuel J. Green Charter School, New Orleans. These students spent the morning shadowing employees in the Blood Bank, Cancer Institute, Philanthropy, Volunteer Services, and Information Systems. Power Ties is a career awareness program that links professionals from various occupations with eighth-grade students. This program was created by New Orleans Outreach and operates in partnership with the Junior League. It consists of a series of workshops held at the school site, in which Junior League volunteers teach students how to fill out a job application, write a resume, and dress for success. In addition to the seminars, a job site program allows students to spend a day shadowing employees at local businesses. “With the severe healthcare staff shortages throughout the region, this is an opportunity for Ochsner to showcase its various career opportunities and get students thinking early about a possible career in medicine and healthcare,” says Warner Thomas, President and Chief Operating Officer of Ochsner Health System. The Power Ties students were welcomed by Kaela Barnett, Senior Administrator, Academic Community Outreach. She provided the students with an overview of the day and introduced them to the Power Ties Academic Division Ambassadors: Siobhán McKiernan Flahive, Kathleen Hawkins, Connie Kringas, and Lori Monteleone. These ambassadors escorted the students the hosts they were shadowing, who led them on tours of various Ochsner departments and provided information about the career opportunities. We’d like to thank the managers of these departments, as well as their teams, for the gracious welcome they provided to the Power Ties students: • Volunteer Services: Patrice Jenkins, Manager of Volunteer Services and Guest Services • Human Resources: Kelly Murphy, Employee Relations and Events Consultant • Philanthropy: Blanche “Dee” McCloskey, Director of Planned Gifts and Special Projects • Pediatrics: Dr. Daniel Bronfin and Dr. Amanda Jackson • Information Systems: Cristina Guthrie, AVP Information Systems • Blood Bank and Cancer Institute: Ava Jo Collins, Assistant Vice President of Operations; Sue Champagne, Unit Director, Chemotherapy Infusion Center and Hematology Oncology Clinic; Ken Detiveaux, Director of Blood Bank Donor Services; James Bonnott III, Manager, Radiation Oncology; Doris Ratcliff, Manager of Blood Bank Services The Power Ties program culminated with a career fair at an offcampus site. Mock “potential employers” met with students to test their newly learned interviewing skills. After the interviews, students were treated to a business luncheon. 11 Pharmacy Residents Educate Elementary Students on Poison Prevention President George W. Bush proclaimed March 18-24 National Poison Prevention Week, calling upon all Americans to participate in poison prevention programs and to learn how to prevent poisonings, especially among children. He stressed that “protecting our children is a solemn and special responsibility,” and that “we must all continue to work to reduce the number of poison-related injuries and deaths.” During Poison Prevention Week, Ochsner Medical Center’s Pharmacy residents (Fatima Z. Brakta, PharmD, Shannon Finley, PharmD, Ashley Taylor, PharmD, and Kathryn Sison, PharmD) conducted several activities to educate staff and employees during Poison Prevention Week. Among these activities were information tables in front of the Southport Cafeteria and two lectures on “Tips for Preventing Poison” that were held for Pathway to Wellness. On March 27, the residents visited Alice Birney Elementary School in Metairie, where they conducted a number of activities with students from kindergarten to fifth grade to promote awareness about poison prevention. It was a day full of learning, games, and laughter. During the interactive presentations, students were able to grasp an understanding of the different types of poisons, from plants to common household items, and how to avoid them. They were also given brochures to bring to their parents, providing ideas for making homes safer for their children. To make it enjoyable, the children were taught several songs with tips for avoiding poisonings and for remembering the phone number for the poison hotline (1-800-222-1222) in case of accidental poison. This experience was a rewarding one for all of the residents because it provided them with the opportunity to work as a unit to educate the community about poison prevention. Special thanks to Debbie Anderson, PharmD, for all of her efforts in helping to organize the activities for National Poison Prevention Week. Nursing Research at Ochsner Ochsner nurses have always held a variety of research roles, such as data collectors, research coordinators, and investigators. However, an increased The Center for Nursing Research began in May of 2006 in order to foster and enhance nursing research efforts at Ochsner. emphasis has been placed on research since our nursing program was awarded Magnet® status (Magnet Recognition Program, American Nurses Credentialing Center) in 2003. In order to ensure that nursing research represents rigorous scientific inquiry that stands up to critical analysis, all nursing research must be approved by the Nursing Research Committee prior to Institutional Review Board (IRB) submission. In addition, the committee screens research protocols to assure that sufficient resources are available to facilitate completion of each investigation. Other committee functions include fostering the dissemination of research results and evidencebased projects through presentation and publication. The purpose of the Center is to facilitate the goals of the Nursing Research Committee, mentor staff nurses in evidence-based practice and research, explore and seek external funding for nursing research, oversee compliance with regulatory standards, collaborate with Academic Research, establish community/academic partnerships targeting similar research interests, and facilitate the use of Ochsner as a research site for external research. at the nursing research website (http://academics.ochsner. org/ResearchContent.aspx?id=722). A growing interest in nursing research initially paved the way for the development of a department of nursing research. The Nursing Research Committee comprises 20 members who represent nursing leadership, staff nurses, the medical library, and nursing faculty from the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center (LSUHSC). In addition, three members (Janice Piazza, Academic Administration; Wendy Portier, Corporate Compliance; and Karen Marie Sorapuru, IRB) serve in an advisory role. The committee is co-chaired by Karen Rice, DNS(c), APRN, BC (Program Director, The Center for Nursing Research), and Shelley Thibeau, BSN, RNC (Staff Nurse, NICU). Information about the committee and meeting dates are available Karen Rice is the program director of the Center. Karen is an adult nurse practitioner/clinical nurse specialist who came to Ochsner in 1991. She is currently enrolled in the nursing doctoral program at LSUHSC and expects to complete her dissertation later this year. Karen has previously served on the editorial review board for the Journal of Vascular Nursing and is currently a reviewer for Geriatric Nursing and Nursing 2007. Top (Left to Right) - Dr. Marsha Bennett, Barbara Attebery, Vivian Stillwell, Sharon Cusanza, Mary Ellen Kothmann, Margaret Redmond, Renee DiGiovanni Botton - Dale Eppling, Karen Rice, Shelley Thibeau, Dawn Ricouard Missing from picture - Sylvia Hartmann, Sue Champagne, Morris Gilligan, Tere Crouchet, Ann Lockhart, Jackie Lupo, Ann Moll, Janice Piazza, Wendy Portier, Karen Marie Sorapuru 12 Recent Presentations at Professional Meetings: Nursing Week 2007 Ross Pediatrics’ Perinatal Hot Topics Nurse Conference, February 2021, 2007, Rohnert Park, CA “Survivor Hospital - Lessons from Katrina.” Oral presentation. Reneé Taylor, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA Special Class Offered to Nurses! “Challenges of Evacuation.” Oral presentation. Reneé Taylor, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA Translational Research: Bridge or Destination, Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, February 22-24, 2007, Galveston, TX “Unraveling the Mystery Behind Evidence-Based Practice for Staff Nurses: A Bibliometric Analysis—A Pilot Study.” Poster presentation. M.J. Fayland, Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Houston, TX, and Karen Rice, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA Dr. Connie S. Logan Research Day, co-sponsored by Rho Zeta & Epsilon Nu chapters of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, April 20, 2007, Baton Rouge, LA “Impact of the Implementation of a Rapid Response Team on the Percentage of Resuscitation Events Occurring Outside of the Critical Care Areas.” Poster presentation. Don Meyer, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA “Nurses’ Recognition of Delirium in the Hospitalized Older Adult.” Oral presentation. Karen Rice, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA, and Marsha Bennett, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA. “Disaster Preparedness: Concerns and Needs of Nurses in a New Orleans Hospital.” Oral presentation. Reneé Taylor, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA “Neobytes—A Web-based Journal Club for the NICU.” Poster presentation. Shelley Thibeau, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA Mayo Clinic Cardiac and Vascular Nursing Review Course, April 23, 2007, Rochester, MN “Peripheral Vascular Disease.” Oral presentation. Karen Rice, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA Mayo Clinic Fourteenth Annual Heart Disease and Stroke Conference, April 24, 2007, Rochester, MN “Heroes in Disaster: The Role of the Non-emergency Nurses.” Oral presentation. Karen Rice, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA 13 1 Hr Earn &T D O it! Cred • • • • • • • • 12:00 to 1:00 pm August 7 OMC New Orleans Monroe Hall August 22 OMC Baton Rouge Physician’s Plaza 2, Rm 109 September 6 OMC Westbank River Room September 7 OMC Kenner MOB Auditorium October 9 OMC St. Anne 4th Floor Solarium ♦ 1:30 to 3:30 pm—Hands on 2 Hour OD&T September 10 OMC New Orleans Brent House Room 226 Ref res Pro hment s vide d! Media/Technology New Orleans police officers who needed medical attention. He ended up being the only doctor in the Convention Center surrounded by thousands of desperate people. In addition to providing for the city’s healthcare needs, Ochsner hospital administrators were also challenged to issue paychecks without electricity to over 8,000 employees and to find ways to get its employees back into the city. “We sent half our staff out of town before the storm so they could return and relieve essential personnel right after the storm. It took nearly two weeks for our Team B employees to relieve the initial staff on duty. I hope that the lessons we learned, which are highlighted in this documentary, will help other hospitals and healthcare facilities better prepare for a disaster of any kind,” says Warner Thomas. Courtney adds, “This program should serve as an example of why hospitals need to look at everything that could potentially go wrong during a disaster, plan for all of the possibilities, or get patients out of harm’s way.” “Surviving the Storm” shows exclusive footage of hospital operations during storm Louisiana Public Broadcasting (LPB) aired never-beforeseen footage of a hospital experiencing the wrath of Hurricane Katrina in a documentary about Ochsner Medical Center, one of just three hospitals that remained open in the greater New Orleans area in August 2005. The documentary, “Surviving the Storm,” features interviews with Ochsner employees and patients and uses video by Ochsner Videographer Jackson Ellisor. “Surviving the Storm” is narrated by New Orleans resident and actor John Goodman. The one-hour program tells the story of how Ochsner Hospital remained open during Hurricane Katrina and continued to see patients despite the subsequent flooding and devastation. A large portion of the documentary includes video that was shot during the storm by Ochsner Videographer Jackson Ellisor, who initially recorded the hospital images for archival and insurance purposes. “LPB discovered Ochsner’s tapes while developing the LPB story Katrina’s Smallest Victims,” explains Dorothy Kendrick, LPB Producer of Surviving the Storm. “We felt the Ochsner footage could help hospitals worldwide understand the challenges of surviving a disaster.” Ochsner relinquished the tapes and editorial control to LPB. “This story shows how Ochsner spent years preparing for this catastrophic event by soliciting advice from hospitals in Houston and Pensacola which had previously suffered serious damage from hurricanes,” explains Beth Courtney, President and CEO of Louisiana Public Broadcasting. “Through interviews, the staff explains the benefits to having stockpiled supplies like extra generators, toothbrushes, and portable toilets and how it allowed them to continue treating patients and provide care for first responders.” The story unfolds day by day with footage of the hospital staff rallying and shows how their attitude and spirit kept them going and caring for patients without knowing whether their own loved ones had survived the storm. Additional footage and interviews include: • footage of Ochsner operating the city’s only pharmacy for the first three days after Hurricane Katrina, helping patients with chronic illnesses such as asthma and diabetes. • footage of lab workers struggling to keep the blood supply and other lab supplies safe and sterile. • Dr. Gregory Henderson, an Ochsner pathologist, who was in the French Quarter as the storm hit and treated The Academic Division Introduces the SAS Server SAS statistical software has been available to Ochsner users since January 2007. SAS is a leading provider of statistical software, and its application software is the standard for excellence in statistical analysis. The SAS software purchased by the Academic Division includes the SAS/STAT software module. SAS/STAT is an integral component of the SAS analytic platform and provides extensive statistical capabilities with tools for both specialized and enterprise-wide analytical needs. Ready-to-use procedures cover a wide range of statistical analyses, including analysis of variance, regression, categorical data analysis, multivariate analysis, survival analysis, psychometric analysis, cluster analysis, and nonparametric analysis. SAS is committed to enriching its statistical offerings to keep up with evolving statistical methodology, and each new release of SAS/STAT software contains enhancements that reflect that commitment. The SAS software is housed on a dedicated Windows-based server and can support simultaneous multiple users. The SAS server is accessed using Windows Remote Desktop capability, which is standard in all computers running Windows XP; no additional software is required to access the SAS application. The SAS server utilizes the OCF domain security model, so an additional user ID and password are not necessary. Potential SAS users should contact Bob Jones (rjones@ochsner. org) so that the user’s security profile may be updated to provide SAS server access. L to R: Warner Thomas, President; Jackson Ellisor, Video Producer; Patrick Quinlan, MD, Chief Executive Officer. 14 Summer Science Youth Academy Academic Division Welcomes Summer Science Youth Academy Class of 2007 The Academic Division is pleased to welcome the Class of 2007 to our Ochsner Summer Science Youth Academy. These 11 students are in for an exciting learning experience during their six-week intensive programs. The Summer Science Scholars have demonstrated an interest in science and healthcare and have come highly recommended by their high schools. Each Summer Science Scholar submitted an application and an essay about how the Summer Science Youth Academy would help further their academic and career goals, interviewed with the Summer Science Youth Academy Panel, and attended a Parents’ Day/Open House to get answers to any questions or concerns. The program is designed to provide high school students who excel in the sciences an opportunity to participate in handson scientific research in a laboratory setting with researchfunded scientists in the areas of Molecular Genetics (Dr. Julia Cook and Dr. Jawed Alam); Molecular Cardiology (Dr. T. Cooper Woods); Pediatric Endocrinology (Dr. Robert Gensure and Tulasi Ponnapakkam); Cellular Immunology (Dr. Yong Choi and Dr. Li Li), and Infectious Diseases (Dr. George Pankey). Prior to beginning research in the lab, the students will have a wet lab orientation facilitated by Dr. Alberto Martinez, who will be teaching them lab technique fundamentals. During the six-week program, students will actively participate in every facet of the program, including assignments, projects, rotations, lectures, and tours. L to R: Nikki Jenkins, Shantell Vine, Julianne Brown, and Chelsea Rousseve-Ross. The Summer Science Youth Academy began in 2005 as a partnership between Ochsner Clinic Foundation and the New Orleans Charter Science and Math High School. Previously known as the Summer Scientists Student Program, it was the brainchild of Dr. Edward D. Frohlich, Alton Ochsner Distinguished Scientist, who was very instrumental in the program’s beginnings. Ochsner Summer Science Youth Academy begins with a one-week orientation that introduces students to the hospital policies and procedures and the expectations of the summer program; working in a research lab setting; the functions of the Center for Health Research and Center for Knowledge Management; networking opportunities; and career development courses that provide essential skills such as public speaking and effective teamwork. Students will spend the remaining five weeks working with scientists, attending science classes, learning how to conduct research in the medical library, attending mini lecture series, shadowing departmental rotations, and completing a final project. Upon successful completion of the program, students will unveil these projects and their research subjects at the Culmination Ceremony. Ochsner Summer Science Youth Academy is a collaborative effort of the Academic Division at Ochsner, in partnership with the New Orleans Charter Science and Mathematics High School and the Patrick F. Taylor Science and Technology Academy. 2007 marks the first year that the Summer Science Youth Academy will offer a full-day schedule of hands-on research, classes, rotations, and lab activities. Please join in welcoming the Class of 2007 to the Ochsner Summer Science Youth Academy! For more information about the Ochsner Summer Science Youth Academy, please visit our website at http://academics., or contact Kaela Michele Barnett, Senior Administrator, Academic Community Outreach at (504) 842-5321 or Session 1 of the Academy runs from Monday, June 4 to Friday, July 13. The Session 1 Summer Science Scholars—Julianne Brown, Nikki Jenkins, Craneisha Nettles, Justin Noil, Chelsea Ross, and Shantell Vine—will be led by Academy Team Leader Rachel Ohlmeyer. ERRATUM We regret that the names of two residents, Dr. Debra LePrad and Dr. Natalya Romaniv, were misspelled in the Spring issue of the Academic Update. Session 2 of the Academy runs from Monday, June 18 to Friday, July 27. The five Session 2 Summer Science Scholars—Tasneem Chowdhury, Joseph Craft, Cinnamon Mitchell, Krishna Patel, and Ajantha Ramachandran—will be led by Academy Team Leader Mary Tocco. 15 Alumni/Anesthesiology Alumni Celebrate Founders Week 2007 Award Recipients The Alumni Activities Office celebrated Founders Week with the following events: On May 11, 2007, Dr. Patrick J. Quinlan at the Lecture Luncheon presented “Healthcare Redesign in New Orleans and Louisiana” to Ochsner staff and residents. There were over 100 people in attendance, making this the best turnout ever. CME credit was also awarded to physicians who attended the event in the Brent House Conference Center. That evening, the Alumni Activities Office hosted a Homecoming Reception and Banquet at Andrea’s Restaurant in Metairie, LA. The event celebrated the 10-, 25-, and 50-year graduates as well as the graduating class of 2007. Awards were presented to the Outstanding Alumni, Honorary Alumnus, and the Outstanding Fellow of 2007. Homecoming Weekend concluded on Saturday, May 12, 2007 with the Annual Alumni Golf Tournament. Nearly 30 players enjoyed lunch before taking to the greens and enjoying a round of golf at the Audubon Park Golf Course. For more information on these or upcoming alumni events, please contact Andrea McNeil, Director of Alumni Activities, at (504) 842-7129. Dr. R. Brent Butcher II, MD, Honorary Alumni 2007. Dr. Paul DeCamp, MD, Honorary Alumni 2007. Changa Kurukularatne MD (ID ‘07) receives the Outstanding Fellows Award 2007 from Dr. Ventura, MD (CARD ‘89). Thomas E. Weiss, MD, Outstanding Alumnus Award, 2007 Myrddin (Merv) Rees, MD Honorary Alumnus Award, 2007 R. Brent Butcher II, MD Paul DeCamp, MD Outstanding Fellows Award, 2007 Changa Kurukularatne, MD Class Agents Dabney Ewin, MD, 50-year Myrddin Rees, MD, 25-year Devinder Bhatia, MD, 10-year Dr. Merv Rees receives the Thomas E. Weiss Outstanding Alumnus Award 2007 from Dr. Frank A. Riddick Jr, MD, CEO Emeritus. Andrea McNeil, Director of Alumni Activities, Dr. Michael Trotter, MD (TCV ‘95), Chairman, OAS and President Emeritus, OAA, and Dr. Devinder Bhatia, MD (TCV ‘95 & GS ‘97), President OAA. Anesthesiology News Residency Program is Awarded Accreditation Anesthesiology Department Hosts Conference The Anesthesiology Residency Program was reviewed on November 29, 2006 and has recently received a renewed four-year accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), the national company that provides oversight of residency and fellowship programs. Ochsner Health System sponsored the 33rd Annual Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Residents’ Research Conference at the Monteleone Hotel in New Orleans from April 13-15, 2007. Our Anesthesiology Department hosted this national event, which had over 85 abstracts submitted for presentation. At the conclusion of the conference, participants voted to have the conference in New Orleans again in 2008. Conference Director Dr. David Broussard and Conference Coordinator Kristin Harney were key in making this event a success. New Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Fellowship Program at Ochsner ACGME has also approved the Anesthesiology Department’s application for a new Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Fellowship Program. Donald Harmon, MD, will be the coordinator of this program, which is one of only about 20 such programs nationwide to have been accredited by the ACGME. After the poster presentations on Saturday, April 14, many participants attended a party at the Tropical Isle on Bourbon Street. Entertainment was provided by The 50 Mics—a band made up of Ochsner’s own anesthesia residents. 16 Respiratory Therapy Graduation The graduation ceremony for the Our Lady of Holy Cross College/ Ochsner Program in Respiratory Care was held on June 22, 2007 in the Brent House Conference Center. The Commencement speaker, Dr. Leonardo Seoane, Associate Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency and Staff, Pulmonary, Lung Transplant and Critical Care Medicine at Ochsner, addressed the graduates on the topic of professionalism. Dr. Brad Burns, Medical Director; Mary LaBiche, MEd, Program Director; and Erin Davis, MEd, RRT, Director of Clinical Education, presented pins and certificates to the following six graduates: A’Keem Cadres, Dianna Durr, Angelica George, Jennifer Goloforo, Renee Lemoine Martinez, and Ebony Smith. L to R: Brad Burns, MD, Mary LaBiche, Angelica George, Jennifer Goloforo, Renee Lemoine Martinez, Dianna Durr, A’Keem Cadres, Ebony Smith, and Erin Davis. All six graduates earned their associate degrees from Our Lady of Holy Cross College. At the end of the summer semester, registry-eligible students will receive their baccalaureate degrees. All students who took the national entrylevel certification exam passed. The pass rate and grades were above the national average. The following respiratory care students and staff received special awards and recognition. Outstanding Academic Achievement: Dianna Durr Dianna completed her respiratory academic training with a 3.84 GPA. L to R: Erin Davis, Dianna Durr, Mary LaBiche, and Brad Burns, MD. Outstanding Clinical Achievement: Jennifer Goloforo Jennifer Goloforo was recognized for outstanding clinical performance in the respiratory care program, especially during her critical care training. Most Improved Performance: Angelica George Ms. George earned the Most Improved Student Performance for her academic and clinical performance during the second semester of the program. Outstanding Clinical Preceptor: Craig Vinet, CRT The students voted on the respiratory therapist who was the most helpful in their clinical training. Craig worked with the students in the Emergency Department. L to R: Erin Davis, Angelica George, Mary LaBiche, and Brad Burns, MD. L to R: Ebony Smith, Renee Lemoine Martinez, Angelica George, Craig Vinet, A’Keem Cadres, Dianna Durr, and Jennifer Goloforo. Final reflections given by Barbara McNamara, Director, Medical Education, closed the ceremony. A reception immediately followed. Leonardo Seoane, MD 17 Barbara McNamara Radiologic Technology Program Commencement Nine students graduated from the Ochsner-Our Lady of Holy Cross College Allied Health Program in Radiologic Technology on May 4, 2007. The commencement ceremony was held in the Brent House Conference Center with a reception immediately following. Dr. Dennis Kay, Radiology Chairman, Ochsner Medical Center, delivered the commencement address on the importance of lifelong learning and commitment to the educational process. Certificates and school pins were presented to the graduating students by their radiography program director, department chair, and clinical instructional faculty. Upon completion of the Ochsner Radiologic Technology program, all graduating students received their degrees from Our Lady of Holy Cross College. Seven of the nine received their baccalaureate degrees, and two received their associate degrees in Health Science. Five of the nine graduates are now employed by Ochsner. Of the remaining four, one has accepted a full-time radiography position at Tulane Medical Center; one student has been accepted into a radiation therapy program to complete specialized training; one is pursuing acceptance into a nuclear medicine program; and one is continuing his education in a physician assistant program. All of the graduates took the national American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification examination. Unofficially, all graduates have successfully passed national examination, and (from verbal feedback) the class average for the 2007 registry examination is 90.4%, exceeding state and national averages and the program’s benchmark of 80%. Official results should be available in early 2008. The following radiology graduates received special awards and recognition. Outstanding Academic Achievement: Amy Romagosa Ms. Romagosa completed her baccalaureate degree and professional training curriculum with a perfect 4.00 GPA. She graduated Summa Cum Laude and also received the distinguished honor of “Top Academic Student” from Our Lady of Holy Cross College at the college commencement on May 5, 2007. Outstanding Student Technologist: Carson Somme Ms. Somme was selected by the radiology staff physicians, residents, and technologists as the most outstanding student. Technologists recognized her for demonstrating outstanding clinical performance and demonstrating personal qualities in accordance with the Ochsner guiding principles of health care delivery. This year’s recipient consistently demonstrated perseverance at all levels of her education, was an advocate for outstanding patient care, and has been recognized by the Ochsner medical staff for her accomplishments. Janice Piazza, Vice President, Academics closed the ceremony with a few words of reflection and encouragement to the graduates of the Class of 2007. 18 Amy Romagosa receiving award. L to R: Dr. Dennis Kay, Amy Romagosa, and Carl Tholen. House Staff Commencement Sixty-three Ochsner residents and fellows completed their graduate medical training in 21 specialty and subspecialty areas and were awarded certificates on June 13, 2007. The commencement ceremony was held in the Brent House Conference Center with a reception immediately following. Dr. Hector O. Ventura, Chairman, Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC), presented the welcoming address. Dr. William W. Pinsky, Executive Vice President for System Medical Affairs/Chief Academic Officer, introduced the commencement speaker. Edward D. Frohlich, MD, Alton Ochsner Distinguished Scientist for the Ochsner Clinic Foundation, presented a commencement address entitled “Reflections of Three Decades at Ochsner.” After the address, the following special awards were presented or acknowledged: Changa Kurukularatne, MD, Infectious Diseases Fellow, was acknowledged as the recipient of the 2007 Alumni Outstanding Fellow of the Year; this award was presented previously at the Ochsner Alumni Banquet by Graduate Medical Education Chairman Dr. Hector Ventura. Hector O. Ventura, MD Surya Artham, MD, Internal Medicine, was the recipient of the Case Report Award for his paper entitled “Apical Ballooning Syndrome of Takotsubo Syndrome: A Novel Cardiac Syndrome.” Dr. Artham received $200 and a certificate, and his name will be engraved on a perpetual plaque hung at the entrance to Monroe Hall. Robert E. Noll, Jr., MD, Vascular Surgery, was the recipient of the Dean H. Echols Award for his paper entitled “Long-term Post-Placement after Endovascular Aneurysm Repair.” Dr. Noll received $500 and a certificate, and his name will also be engraved on a perpetual plaque hung at the entrance to Monroe Hall. William W. Pinsky, MD Jason A. Breaux, MD, was the recipient of the Alton Ochsner Resident Leader of the Year Award. This award was developed to acknowledge a resident who symbolizes Ochsner’s collective commitment to its patients. The award was presented to Dr. Breaux by William W. Pinsky, MD, Executive Vice President/Chief Academic Officer. The Outstanding Teacher of the Year Awards for 2007 were presented to Leonardo Seoane, MD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, and Jefferson Kaye, MD, Department of Orthopedics, by Brett Winthrop, MD, President, Fellows’ Association. This award represents the highest honor given to a staff physician from the house staff as an expression of appreciation for the time, preparation, and devotion he or she has given to teaching excellence. Brett Winthrop, MD, President of the Fellows’ Association, 2005-2007, was presented with a special award by resident and Fellows’ Association Secretary Julie Franz, MD, for his dedication and leadership over the past two years. Following the presentation of special awards, certificates were presented to the graduating residents by their respective program directors. Dr. Pinsky concluded the proceedings with a few words of reflection. Edward D. Frohlich, MD 19 Grant Announcements Ochsner’s Yong S. Choi, MD, receives NIH grant The National Institutes of Health has awarded a grant in the amount of 1.3 million dollars over five years to Ochsner Clinic Foundation in support of the project “B Cell Lymphoma Therapy.” The principal investigator is Yong S. Choi, MD. Dr. Choi has been honored with numerous awards for his work exploring the production of antibodies in human lymphoid organs. Yong S. Choi, MD Ladies Leukemia League invests in Om Prakash, PhD At their celebratory luncheon in May, the Ladies Leukemia League of the Gulf South presented Om Prakash, PhD, with the first installment of a $30,000 grant for his research into B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL). The League is a non-profit organization founded in 1969 by a group of ladies dedicated to finding a cure for leukemia. Funds raised through their members’ efforts are used to fund promising grant proposals submitted by medical researchers at institutions in the Gulf South Region (Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi) to a scientific review panel of six volunteer physicians. The league’s grant will fund an interesting new approach targeting an intracellular event in B-CLL pathogenesis. Om Prakash, PhD GPOA Foundation says “Yes” to Ochsner Summer Science Youth Academy The GPOA Foundation has approved a grant of $3,000 to fund the 2007 Summer Science Youth Academy. The GPOA Foundation, which was created from the sale of the German Protestant Orphan Asylum’s State Street Children’s Home in 1979, supports programs that serve children in Louisiana. Since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the foundation’s grants have focused on children’s education. The grant to Ochsner will provide stipends to the college students who act as Academy Leaders for student participants from New Orleans Charter Science and Mathematics High School and the Patrick F. Taylor Science and Technology Academy. Look for these young researchers on campus this summer! 20
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