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Thanksgiving Worship Service for the Publication of the German Edition of Rev. John H. Oak’s “Called to Awaken the Laity” September 6th, 2011 • 3:30 PM Andreas Hermes Akademie EDI Greeting Words Rev. Jung-hyun Oh Senior Pastor, SaRang Community Church Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I thank you all for coming to this thanksgiving worship service and gathering from all over the European continent as well as from overseas. The late Rev. John Oak was a very well respected figure in Korea and he has spent his entire ministry life in making our Lord Jesus Christ’s disciples. The very spiritual legacy he has left behind has greatly impacted the church of Korea as well as the global church in numerous ways, and I am certain this will continue in the future days to come. His life resembled that of our Lord Jesus Christ in recognizing and having infinite value on each soul. All Christians being called out of the world as God’s people, Rev. John Oak always had keen interest in training them by the Word of God, to make them better disciples to be sent back out to the world to live true missional life of disciples. During the past 26 years, a total of 19,187 church leaders had come to attend the Called to Awaken the Laity (CAL) seminar among which 1,484 leaders were international attendees. Especially many evangelical Anglican Church leaders from Asian countries and influential international mission organization leaderships including SIM (Serving In Mission) attended the CAL seminar to be challenged by the program. As a result, many of them returned home and to their respective ministry sites to faithfully and dynamically implement the disciple making ministry philosophy. After the “Called to Awaken the Laity” French version was published 2 in 2006, the German version took 5 more years to be published. I still remember Rev. John Oak and his humble demeanor as he attended the thanksgiving worship for the French version in Paris 5 years ago, humbled by the fact that his book was being published in John Calvin’s country. And now, once again, the book is being published in German language. This has a very special meaning and it truly is a very joyous occasion. The fact that this very book containing philosophy and core value of disciple making is published on the 1st year anniversary of Rev. John Oak’s passing away, the fact that this very book about making Christ church healthier and more biblically sound is being published in Germany where the Christian reformation took place long ago, has a very special meaning on this joyous moment for us all. I sincerely wish for the German version of the Called to Awaken the Laity book will greatly encourage and serve churches of Europe as well as in globalizing healthy disciple making church ministry and thereby further expanding God’s kingdom in the future days to come. Let us continue to cooperate for spiritual revival of the European continent where everything of the Christian church first began. Thank you very much. Jung-hyun Oh Senior Pastor of SaRang Community Church 3 For Publishing German Edition Rev. John H. Oak Pastor Emeritus of SaRang Community Church, Principal of DMI Discipleship training was a very vital public ministry of Jesus Christ deeply embedded in his everyday life style. Emphasizing significance of one soul in Jesus’ life was evident as He personally called and trained His disciples though they were not worthy to be called. He told them to “go and make disciples of all nations” in Matthew 28:19, and during the past 2000 years of history, to this date, His salvation plan of taking the gospel and making disciples of all nations never ceased. I never imagined SaRang Community Church to be a several tens of thousands membered mega church when I first planted it in 1978 with only 9 members. My only focus and all my energy were put into training my members to live like true disciples of Jesus Christ according to the biblical standards. As the people called out of this world they are His people who are also sent into the world as Jesus’ disciples. And they had the clear objective of making disciples of others according to Timothy II 2:2. It always was my desire for SaRang to be the church of community, driven by awakened laity, so it left me with no other choice but to emphasize the importance of ‘one soul’ philosophy every step of the way. As a pastor with the flock of sheep bestowed unto care by God, I spent the last 30 years merely committing my life in raising and pursuing the true biblical ecclesiology of teaching them to live the life modeled after Jesus Christ, as the true example in life and in character. ‘Called to Awaken the Laity’ introduces the discipleship training and its core value as the church’s ministry philosophy. Since its first publication in 1984, it constantly generated more interest and reactions also with increasing interest and attendance at the ‘Called to Awaken the La- 4 ity’ (CAL) seminar at SaRang Community Church. I never imagined it to have such colossal impact on Korean churches as well as many international church leaders and mission organizations, and this truly was the grace and blessing of God on my part. I never imagined the book to be translated and published to be read by many foreign church leaders of major language groups such as, English, Chinese, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. And now, as God continually adds more languages to its translation and publication, German language as well as in Estonian and Dutch translations are being added. European continent was the very origin of church reformation, the starting point of great spiritual revival and world mission movement. And it is my sincere prayer that many European churches and church leaders will experience great reawakening for spiritual revival and healthy church growth in the future days to come, once again. Through this German language publication, I pray that God’s promise of “the least of you becoming a thousand, and the smallest a might nation” mentioned in Isaiah 60:22, will come true in Europe again. Rev. John H. Oak Pastor Emeritus of SaRang Community Church Principal of DMI (Disciple-Making Ministries International) 5 Forward to the German Edition Rev. Peter P. J. Beyerhaus Professor Emeritus of Gomaringen, Director of Diakrisis Institute Considering the ongoing decline of the churches and the de-Christianization in our Western European countries, it is now our foremost concern to build up churches in all geographical and social centers of the population; churches which do not shut themselves away self-sufficiently from the world or leave all the spiritual duties to the pastor, but churches which follow Jesus’ command to be the salt of the earth, the light of the world, and a city on a hill that cannot be hidden (Mt 5:13-16). The key is to mobilize the Laity who strive for “the royal priesthood of all believers” according to 1 Peter 2:9. In established churches, the Laity has to be activated to participate in mission. In areas where one fails to do so it may help to build new churches nearby who are zealous to fulfill this task. During my visits to Korea I got to know many churches that grew inwardly and outwardly and I rejoiced in their intensive prayer life and the abundance of their missionary and diaconal activities. I was delighted that missionaries from Korea came to Germany to evangelize, to build new churches and to practice the principles of discipleship through training their members. It is very encouraging to know that the Sarang Community Church has translated and published Pastor John Oak’s yet-to-be-known book in Germany, “Called to awaken the Laity”. It is also very significant that their work was done in remembrance of Pastor John Oak’s legacy, the founder of the Sarang Community Church in Korea who passed away last year. The book gives a simple and an easily understood answer to the question, “How do you turn the members 6 of your church into mature disciples of Jesus Christ?” The answer is, “It’s not enough just to hope and dream that people will get involved in serving Jesus. Your church needs an intentional strategy for leading people to deeper commitment and greater service for Christ. Teach first what the Bible says about the church, spiritual growth, serving and spiritual gifts. Discover gifts and talents of your members and find the best place for each one to serve and use their talents.” The world-famous founder of the Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, Dr. Rick Warren writes in his foreword for the English edition, “This book is full of wisdom that comes from serving Christ for many years. What Pastor Oak shares in the book is not mere theory. It works! You should never stop teaching how important it is that each Christian has a duty within the ministry. This book can be your guide.” It is my desire that the now available German publication of Pastor John Oak’s work will find readers who are willing to learn. I pray for the members of the Sarang Community Church for God-blessed service in the years and decades to come in which their co-workers prove themselves to be willing instruments for the Missio Dei, the Triune God’s own mission in Korea, Germany and beyond. Peter P. J. Beyerhaus Professor Emeritus in Gomaringen Director of Diakrisis Institute 7 Opening Address Rev. Heinrich Derksen Director, Bible Seminar Bonn Dear brothers and sisters, dear guests and friends, It is a great honour to me to give the opening address at this thanksgiving celebration on this day. We are here for the publication of the German translation of the book “Called to Awaken the Laity” of Pastor John H. Oak from Korea who unfortunately is not among us anymore. But we are very thankful to have Pastor Dr. David Yoo among us as a special guest from the SaRang Community Church of Seoul. We are also very thankful for the coming of the son of the author of the book, Sung Ho Oak and Pastor Myung Ho Kim as special guests. We are here to celebrate the completion of a good and a successful book project. But the publication of this book is only the beginning. Now, it is very important that this book will find broad circulation. Personally, I had the privilege of co-working with the proofreading of the book and for me, this book was convincing. 1. The book picks up a highly current subject. 2. The book is biblical. 3. The book supports the practice of many free churches. “Otherwise, according to Pastor Oak the author of the book, the church itself might become a stumbling block that hinders a spiritual revival.” Therefore he writes full of pathos: “Unfortunately in many churches the laymen are dozing. These giants who have an incredible potential don’t use their powers. Of course, every church has a small group of eager and 8 devoting laymen. … Moreover these few laymen, who are involved in very important areas in the church, are often considered as housemaids for the clerics. And this is not all. ... Some of the clerics even say that the passivity of the laymen is a natural result of their own decisions and therefore it is not their responsibility. There is also some truth in this argument. Many of the laymen had the regrettable habit to look for excuses…. They think that their work in the world is demanding and hard enough, therefore it is OK only to do what is demanded from them and to keep their bank in the church warm.” Pastor Oak made us take note of a special task. We are still on the way and can, must, and want to build the community of Christ with all saints and participants. This book can help us to get a clearer profile for our service and mission. Therefore, we want to thank Dr. Peter Chang for his significant contributions to the publishing of this book in German. We thank our co-workers from the SaRang Community Church and all other participants for enabling the translation and the printing. And – last but not least, we thank God for giving Pastor Oak this concern of the book in his heart. Let us now in the name of the triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, celebrate this thanksgiving worship service duly and festively. Rev. Heinrich Derksen Director of Bible Seminar Bonn (BSB) 9 Called to Awaken the Laity Summary Rev. Dr. Peter Chang Senior Pastor, UBF Bonn • Director, UBF Europe “Called to Awaken the Laity,” written by Reverend John H. Oak was first published in 1984 in Korea. “Berufen zur Erweckung der Laien” is the German edition of this book. Rev. John H. Oak was Senior Pastor of SaRang Community Church in Seoul, Korea. He started the church 1978 with only nine members, but it is now one of the largest Presbyterian Churches in the world with over 80,000 members and 2,000 small groups. In the midst of such incredible growth, Rev. Oak never lost his passion for bringing one soul to Christ and helping one soul to grow in faith. His ministry philosophy was centered around his passion: “Make one soul into Christ (Christlike) and amazing things can happen.” I would like to bring out three points from this book. First, in his book “Called to Awaken the Laity,” Rev. Oak first gives insight into ecclesiology, what the church is. Often pastors focus on the methods but overlook the strategy and philosophy behind the methods. Church leaders have to know why the church exists. The answer to this question will establish the ministry philosophy, shape its strategy, and it will be reflected in the methodology. Rev. Oak writes that the church exits to worship God, to preach the gospel to the world and to nurture and train believers. Second, he describes the current status of today’s churches. Churches are more concerned about the ongoing decay and secularization of the world than bringing out the potential of the laity and recovering their spiritual calling and mission. How many laities have lost their biblical roles and positions based on their misconception that going to church once in while is acceptable? How many laities are “slumbering” instead of serving God? 10 Third, he challenges. He wants to make it clear that the laity have to be mobilized and “awakened” in order for the church to function as salt and light in the world. Pastors ought not to neglect and shun the laity. They must equip them as disciples of Jesus. The laity has to be ready to assist the pastors. Rev. Oak believes that discipleship training is the key to awakening the laity and the church. Discipleship training is not mere theory. It works! My experience in Germany for the last 30 years is the living testimony. Discipleship training works. Jesus trained his 12 disciples by teaching them the word of God, being a role model, and helping them to obey the word of God and put what they learned into practice. Through discipleship training 12 ordinary men were transformed into witnesses of Jesus who changed the course of the world history. Through discipleship training SaRang Community Church became one of the largest churches in the world. Rev. Oak encourages his readers that now is the time to start discipleship training and that it is possible in any church in any nation. Europe finds itself in a state of spiritual decline. Many call themselves Christians but God is not in their hearts. The influence of the churches is degenerating. Europe must be spiritually awakened and Europe can be spiritually awakened through disciple making ministries; through laity and pastors working together. This book has served as a manual to thousands of pastors to awaken the laity in their churches through discipleship training. It is my hope and prayer that this book may awaken the laity in Europe and spiritually revive Europe. Dr. Peter Chang Senior Pastor of Bonn UBF, Director of Europe UBF 11 Congratulatory Address Rev. Dr. Jürgen Denker Pastor Columberg Theosophy and Christology in ancient times, hamartiology and soteriology in the Middle Ages were the predominant themes of the church history. The Modern Age is startled by the question of what the church is. Thus far is a well-known and a simple description of the history of Christianity. This does not cover all the diverse topics discussed within all the ages. Over the last 50 years, the church in Western Europe as an institution has suffered a profound crisis. Needless to say, it is not only the church which had been affected. The last half of the century has been marked by crises of all institutions... ...At the present day, the Protestant churches in Germany has more voluntary co-workers than ever before. In every church there are one or two volunteer laymen preachers who could at any time hold a service. Churches without the collaboration of the laity are now unimaginable. The Protestant churches in Korea were established through the tremendous missionary zeal of the laity, especially during the decade of revival in 1900-1910. In the 30s, there was a stronger clericalism. It was a result of the cultural imprint of the Koreans by Shamanism, especially through Confucianism. In this background, it was the concern of Rev. Oak to propose a greater appreciation and mobilisation of the laity in the churches. Only then the evangelization through the church would succeed. In the last 50 years, the activation of the laity of worldwide Christianity was strengthened through various historical events. Pastor Oak deserves our thanks and our appreciation for his appeal for layman, for his efforts to grasp and form Christianity as a movement of lay people, not only with words, but with his whole life’s work. Through his assessment on the doctrine of the church, Pastor Oak wants 12 to show that the church can only meet the will of Jesus through a movement of lay people. Pastor Oak does not want to abolish the clergy or ignore the tension between ministers and laymen. However, the minister will fail in his task if he does not serve the laity in the practice of discipleship... ...Thus, the Church in its essence is a movement of disciples as Jesus’ followers, who give witness to Christ in words and deeds. In this way, can we understand the word “apostolic.” Disciples must be trained and empowered to bear witnesses and to invite others to faith. For this, Pastor Oak provides us with many hints. He wants to encourage people to undertake such training. His goal certainly is not for the disciples to learn something about faith in their training, but that they practice it and become Christ-like. It is not just about knowledge and skills, but also about shaping the nature of a disciple, his character and attitude... ...In their Christlikeness, the disciples are able to give a convincing testimony, so that people may come to the faith in the Lord. Nothing is more urgently needed than a new evangelisation of Europe. We pray and hope for such a revival. Spiritual communities will play a crucial role in this. UBF is certainly one of the spiritual communities. But UBF is not alone. In Bavaria we also have Christian communities such as the Brotherhood of Christ in Selb. Pastor Oak has recognized the necessity of the revival among the laity and implemented his concept successfully in the SaRang Community Church. His example, his vision, and his dedication are worthy of recognition. May his mission model fall on the fertile ground of Europe. Rev. Dr. Jürgen Denker Pastor Columberg 13 믿음의 큰 발자국을 남기셨습니다 Missionary Hanna Ryu UBF Mainz, Germany • Intl’ P. E.N. Club Member 삭막한 믿음의 험란한 사랑의 불신의 시대를 외로이 걸어 오시며 큰 발자국을 남기셨습니다. 고통의 역사의 파도를 헤쳐오시며 깊은 향기를 남기셨습니다. 주님 한 분을 온 마음으로 사랑하신 사랑의 삶, 주님의 길을 충성을 다하여 따르는 제자의 삶을 사셨습니다. 목숨을 다하여 주님의 양떼들을 섬기신 헌신의 삶, 한 영혼을 위해 목숨 버리신 주님의 사랑으로 한 영혼을 천하보다 귀히 여기셨습니다. 우리에 들지 않은 양들을 위해 목자의 심정으로 간절히 기도하신 삶, “모든 족속으로 제자삼으라“ 는 주님의 마지막 당부를 목숨 다하는 날까지 철저히 순종하셨습니다. 하나님 나라에 소망을 두고 세상의 욕심을 하나씩 버려나가신 참소망의 삶, 우리 마음에 그리스도의 향기로 머무시고 하나님 나라의 영원한 안식에 들어가셨습니다. 14 불신의 역사 속에 믿음의 큰 발자국을 남기셨습니다. 삭막한 시대에 사랑의 깊은 향기를 남기셨습니다. 님의 불타는 그 사랑 본받아 우리도 한 영혼을 뜨겁게 사랑하기 원합니다. 님의 간절한 그 기도 본받아 우리도 모든 족속으로 제자삼기 원합니다. 고통도 이별도 눈물도 없는 영원한 하나님 나라에서 기쁨으로 다시 뵈올 때까지 주님의 말씀대로 사는 제자의 길을 우리도 충성되이 걸어 가겠습니다. 주님의 말씀을 힘써 가르쳐 모든 족속으로 제자삼는 선교의 길을 끝까지 가겠습니다. 늘 그리 하셨듯이 사랑의 눈길과 기도의 손길로 우리와 함께 하여 주소서. 15 Words of Thanks Rev. David Seung Kwan Yoo Mission Pastor of SaRang Community Church I give my thanks and praise to God who had allowed us to publish the German edition of the late Rev. John H. Oak’s book, “Called to Awaken the Laity.” SaRang Community Church started as a small church gathered in a member’s house 33 years ago. And SaRang membership has grown steadily into a 45,000 membership congregation through disciple making ministry philosophy, by recognizing the infinite value on each member’s one soul rather than the world. SaRang also dispatched 160 missionary units in 54 countries worldwide. Rev. Oak has left behind a long lasting spiritual legacy to Korea church. During his life time he has affirmed the vision of the prophet Isaiah, “the least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a might nation” (Isaiah 60:22). As you are all well aware of, Korea was a spiritual waste land 120 years ago before the Gospel was introduced by western missionaries. Only after about a century, Korean churches received much financial and spiritual blessing from God and now feel responsible to share those blessings with the rest of the world. The time has come for Korean churches to fulfill this duty of serving the world church, not only churches in Asia and Africa but also the churches in Europe where the Christianity was first formed and organized. Korean church looks forward for future cooperation opportunities in preparing for revival of European churches. On behalf of SaRang, I would like to express my genuine gratitude to our colleagues who has contributed toward the publication of the “Called to Awaken the Laity” German edition. 16 First of all, I thank Rev. Peter Chang who currently serves as the director of UBF Europe. As you may all know, UBF is an organization who has been raising and training disciples with God’s Word and withe the love of Christ. And Rev. Chang, in the midst of his very busy schedule and emanding agenda, has faithfully served for this German edition publication with humbleness. I also thank Dr. Peter Beyerhaus of Diakrisis. When I visited his residence this past May and asked him for his foreword for the book, he has gladly accepted to write it. Mrs. Beyerhaus also humbly served us dinner that evening. And despite of the weak physical condition and leg injury, Dr. Beyerhaus wrote the foreword. I also thank Dr. Heinrich Derksen of BSB. When I payed a brief visit to him this past May, he provided a very hospitable koinonia dinner. He also expressed a great interest in discipleship training and has agreed to attend SaRang’s Called to Awaken the Laity seminar next year March. I also thank Rev. Johan Lukasse of European Christian Mission International (ECMI) as well as all other great spiritual leaders who has actively been implementing disciple making ministry philosophy in their respective countries after attending CAL seminar. Lastly I sincerely pray that this German edition will truly bring about a new spiritual wind to churches and church leaders in Europe in near future. Thank you very much. David Seung Kwan Yoo Mission Pastor of SaRang Community Church 17 Words of Thanks Sung Ho Oak Director, DMI Publishing To my dear brothers and sisters in Germany, Thank you. As we gather today to celebrate the publication of my father’s book, I miss him all the more. How wonderful would it be if he were here with us today? But when we was alive, he was overjoyed to hear that his book would be translated into German, and he often prayed for its progress. I’m thankful to see his prayers being answered through this publication. For me, the book’s translation into German holds tremendous significance. About 500 years ago during the Reformation, Martin Luther translated the Bible from Latin, a language exclusive to the clergy and the scholarly few, to another that made God’s word readable to the laity: German. My father’s book stands by the same Biblical principle that a call to ministry is intended not only for pastors, but the laity as well. In the aspect, the book’s translation into no other language but German deserves a greater celebration. Germany is home to the greatest, most influential philosophers and theologists in human history. I hope that his book, though small and humble will contribute to Germany’s Protestant revival and help nurture theologists and ministers to surpass their predecessors. In my father’s stead, I would like to thank all the brothers and sisters who worked hard to publish this translation. God bless you. Sung Ho Oak Director of DMI Publishing 18 Future Ministry Introduction Rev. Myung Ho Kim Director, DMI In the occasion of publishing “Called to Awaken the Laity” in German. First of all, let me express my sincere gratitude to all, who took part in taking this wonderful book in to the language of German. I now also wish to introduce to you accompanying ministry in brevity. One of the ministries that has blossomed out of the book is Discipleship Training program. Discipleship training is a focused leadership training over the course of 2 year span to wake lay people to become co-workers in ministry. First year is named Discipleship Training Course (DTC) and the second year is Leadership Training Course (LTC). DTC can be divided in to three major training sections as follows: First, building foundations for Discipleship Training; Second, gaining deeper insights on the truths of Salvation; Third, establishing a life of disciple in one-self through spiritual formation. Those who have successfully completed first year of training are then put through LTC in which they are trained to become pastoral small group leaders in terms of their character, skills and leadership. LTC, too, can be sectioned into three parts: First is to reaffirm their faith in Salvation through studying Romans 8 in greater depth, titled under, ‘Key to New Life: Holy Spirit’. It is to renew their heart and experience Spirit led life. 19 Second is to understand Ecclesiology and Discipleship in the section titled ‘Church and Laity”. By touching on ecclesiology they can reflect on the philosophy of discipleship training. Through Discipleship, they will reason to understand necessity and posture of discipleship training. Third section is titled ‘Small Group and Leadership’. Here they learn about most effective and appropriate environment for discipleship training which small group is. They learn about qualities that a small group leader may require and skills to lead a small group. Also studying the Scripture alone and applying it in life through Inductive Bible Study. Once you complete all these training, you will be commissioned to be a small group leader. “Called to Awaken the Laity” Discipleship Training Leaders Seminar is where pastors can be introduced and experience actual ministry of discipleship training. It compacts a great amount of information and experience in 5 days. Since it began in 1986, it is held twice a year in Korea, once in LA, USA and biannually in Brazil. Coming fall we will be opening the doors for the 90th time. The seminar is composed of key lectures - providing theoretical foundation, lectures on small group – introducing small group theory and inductive bible study that one may apply in their ministry, and observational sessions - seeing the discipleship training at work and practicum – experiencing small groups for themselves. Following the seminar we also provide workshops and consultations to assist pastors in deploying discipleship training as their ministry strategy. All these ministries are being done through Disciple-making Ministries 20 Int’l (DMI) DMI with her 8 pastoral and over 50 general staff members has faithfully served to assist pastors in practicing disciple making ministry and ultimately caring for a healthier church. Discipleship training is about focusing on one single person. It is not about church growth. A vision once held by Isaiah about ‘least one’, and Christ’s vision to put all on one person is what discipleship training is about. I pray that with the book and ensuing ministries, the very essence of our pastoral ministry would be restored. The essence of pastoral ministry being not about boasting a bigger church, having a great skills in preaching but rather having to love one soul at a time and discipling them to become true disciples of Christ Jesus. Let me close with words from Colossians 1:28-29. We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me. Rev. Myung Ho Kim Director of DMI 21 Thanksgiving Worship Service 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pastor Stefan Elsholz 2. Representative Prayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pastor Peter Schweitzer Pastor Ok-Hi Park Denker 3. Welcoming & Opening Address . . . . . . President Heinrich Derksen 4. Hymn 5. DMI Introduction Video . . . . . . . . . . . . SaRang Community Church 6. Introduction to “Called to Awaken the Laity” . . . . . . . . . . . . . Missionary Peter Chang 7. Special Song 8. Congratulatory Addresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. Jürgen Denker 22 9. Poem dedicated to Rev. John H. Oak . . . . . . Missionary Hanna Ryu 10.Special Music 11. Greeting words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. Dr. David Yoo . Rev. Sung Ho Oak 12.Future ministry introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. Myung Ho Kim 13.Hymn 14.Blessing Prayer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dr. Friedhelm Jung 15.Commemorative Photo 23 biblical foundation to the ministry and calling of every believer. Highly recommended. “ his book is an eye-opener and a big help for those who “ T want to do what Jesus told us; make disciples. It gives a Johan Lukasse President, European Christian Mission International church as salt and light and as a living member in the body of Christ. Every church leader and layperson should read this book with an open mind. “ book that stirs up and encourages every Chris“ A valuable tian to rediscover and take up his position in his local Markus Rode President , Open Doors Germany days Europe is going through a major change! To “ T hese give our input as Christians, to stand for our values and “ faith, and to even live against some trends, Christians who think and live missionally, not in offices, but as a movement of volunteers who go out and change the world, are needed more than ever. Evi Rodemann Director , Mission-Net believers’... Thankfully this impact is certainly spreading. Dr. Won Suk Ma Executive Director, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies EDI European Discipleship Institute An der Ziegelei 6 • 53127, Bonn Tel.: +49 (0)228 614779 “ book that has brought Korean Christianity much “ O ne closer to the spiritual reality of the ‘priesthood of all