of Salmonids of Japan Con tents ......................................................
of Salmonids of Japan Con tents ......................................................
;r c j . 3 $ J J # ~ ,Sci. Rep. Hokkaido Salmon Hatchery, (41) : 1-75 (1987) A Checklist and Bibliography of Parasites of Salmonids of Japan Kazuya NAGASAWA*',Shigehiko URAWA", and Teruhiko AWAKURA*~ Abstract Information on the parasites of salmonids in Japanese waters that was published during the years 1889-1986 is assembled in the form of Parasite-Host and HostParasite lists with accompanying bibliography. Ninety-four named species of parasites (18 Protozoa, 5 Monogenea, 2 1 Trematoda, 7 Cestoidea, 19 Nematoda, 15 Acanthocephala, 1 Hirudinoidea, 1 Mollusca, 1 Branchiura, 5 Copepoda, 1 Isopoda) have been reported, and numerous other parasites not identified to species level are also included. The Parasite-Host list, arranged on a taxonomic basis, includes for each parasite species its currently recognized scientific name, and synonyms occurring in the literature, habitat (freshwater or marine), location of infection (site) within the host, species of host(s), known geographical distribution in Japanese waters, and the published source for each host and locality record. Where necessary, remarks and footnotes dealing with such topics as taxonomy, nomenclature, and misidentifications are included. The Host-Parasite list summarizes the species of parasites from each species of salmonid and their geographical distributions. Although taxonomic revision is not the aim of the checklist, the following three new combinations and one new synonym are proposed : Microsporidium takedai (Awakura, 1974) n. comb. for Nosemu tukedui ; Sterliudochonu ephemeridurum (Linstow, 1872) n. comb. for Cystidicoloides ephemeridurum ; and Salvelinema ishii (Fujita, 1941) new synonym of S. salvelini (Fujita, 1939) n. comb. for Metabronemu salvelini. Contents Introduction ................................................................................................ 2 Parasite-Host List ....................................................................................... 6 Host-Parasite List ....................................................................................... 41 4L&%2 It . 2 -bAlGU6fW%~S%303% *'Hokkaido Fisheries Experimental Station, 1-2-66 Yunokawa-cho, Hakodate, Hokkaido 042, JAPAN (Ei%+O a : jL&gzm&l&&3%$%). *'Hokkaido Salmon Hatchery, Fisheries Agency of Japan, 2-2 Nakanoshirna, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 062, JAPAN (?%$O&% : 7k&6=;lL&?&2 1-f . & ? A ~ L % ) . *3Hokkaido Fish Hatchery, Mashike Branch, Shokanzawa-mura, Mashike, Hokkaido 077-02, JAPAN (%&@ g ' ~L?&2iZ7k&EiL%E%Z%). I Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura Acknowledgments ....................................................................................... References ................................................................................................ Supplementary References ........................................................................... Index ......................................................................................................... 49 50 66 69 Introduction In 1889, the first paper on parasites of Japanese salmonids was published by Prof. I. Ijima of Tokyo Imperial University. Since then, a number of papers dealing with parasites of salmonids in Japanese waters have been published. In 1958 and 1961, Prof. T. Fukui of Yokohama Municipal University compiled excellent reviews of parasites of Japanese salmonids. However, during the last two decades, our knowledge on this subject has increased considerably. Thus, it seems necessary and timely to make a new checklist and bibliography. Additionally, since many papers on salmonid parasites in Japanese waters have been written in Japanese, a checklist compiled in English will be useful to introduce our knowledge to foreign investigators. This checklist involves records during the period 1889-1986 from published scientific literature and annual reports of national and prefectural government institutions. Where necessary, records contained in publications that do not provide original host or locality data and those from abstracts and proceedings of scientific meetings are also included. However, recent records of parasites of masu salmon from the Annual Reports of the Hokkaido Fish Hatchery are excluded, because based on the same material Dr. T. Awakura and his colleagues (1981-) have been publishing serial papers, records from which are included. This checklist consists of seven sections : Introduction, Parasite-Host List, Host-Parasite List, Acknowledgmknts, References, Supplementary References, and Index. This composition is the same as given by Margolis and Arthur (1979). In the PARASITE-HOST LIST, parasites are arranged by their phyla and classes in the following order : Sarcomastigophora (Zoomastigophorea), Apicomplexa (Sporozoea), Microspora (Microsporea), Ascetospora (Stellatosporea), Myxozoa (Myxosporea), Ciliophora (Kinetofragminophorea, Oligohymenophorea), Platyhelminthes (Monogenea, Trematoda, Cestoidea), Nemathelminthes (Nematoda, Nematomorpha), Acanthocephala, Annelida (Hirudinoidea), Mollusca, and Arthropoda (Crustacea : Branchiura, Copepoda, Isopoda). The basis of the system of higher classification used herein for the “Metazoa” follows that given by Margolis and Arthur (1979), whereas classification of the “Protozoa” follows that newly proposed by Levine et al. (1980). Families, genera, and species are listed alphabetically. For each species of parasite contained herein, the following information is provided : 1) The current scientific name, including author(s) and date(s), followed by any recognized synonyms that have been used in establishing records from Japanese salmonid(s). No attempt has been made to evaluate systematically the validity of the published reports. However, attention is drawn to obvious errors and tentative or uncertain identifications, and a few new name emendations are proposed where considered absolutely necessary. In addition, Harada’s 2 Checklist of Parasites of Japanese Salmonids (1935) view that the three species of Acanthocephalus, A. oncorhynchi, A. aculeatus and A, acerbus, are synomymous with A. echigoensis is not accepted herein because his proposal seems to require reassessment based on abundant material. 2) The habitat in which the parasite was acquired and normally completes its life cycle is given as FW for fresh water, and M for marine. 3) The site($ or location(s) of infection of the parasite in or on its host(s). In cases where the site was not given in the original report, the typical site of occurrence was determined from other records and is enclosed in square brackets. Furthermore, attention is drawn to aberrant sites of infection. 4) The host(s). Records are listed by host based on the scientific names used in the ‘‘List of Japanese Fishes” that appeared in the ‘‘Dictionary of Japanese Fish Names and Their Foreign Equivalents” edited by the Ichthyological Society of Japan (1981). In cases where only common names were given in original reports, assignment of species was based on the common name used or on collection locality. The specific names of Japanese charrs of the genus Salvelinus requires a special comment. Fujita (1928), Yamaguti (1935, 1941, 1954), and Fukui and Morisita (1937, 1938) used “Sulvelinus malma” for charrs collected in Honshu, the main island of Japan. However, since in Japan this fish is restricted to Hokkaido, Salvelinus pluvius is used based on collection locality. Fujita (1940) also used “Salvelinus malma” for charrs from the Chitose River, Hokkaido, but as pointed out by Moravec et al.(1985) these charrs are apparently Salvelinus leucomaenis. In addition, although Seki (1975b) used “Salvelinus malma” for charrs caught in Lake Shikaribetsu, Salvelinus malma miyabei, which was given as “S. miyabei” in the “List of Japanese Fishes”, is used because this local form is apparently a variant of S. malma and endemic in the lake. Numbers in parentheses after each host name correspond with the numbers assigned to the references establishing the particular parasite-host records. 5) The distribution (Dist.) of the parasite is indicated by Prefectural boundaries (Fig. 1) in geographical order from northeast to southwest. The records from the southern Kurile Islands such as Etorofu Island and Shikotan Island are also included. In cases of marine species, the name of the prefecture nearest the collection site is given. 6) The record(s). The authors responsible for the records are listed in chronological order. Reference numbers correspond to those given after the appropriate host species. Each reference is followed by the locality or localities consisting of two parts, prefecture(s) and detailed collection locality or localities from which the parasite was reported. For references in which locality record was not given, the geographical locality is shown by a dash (-). When only one host species is listed for a particular parasite the references are not numbered, and when all records are from the same prefecture only detailed collection localities were listed after the authors’ names. 7) Remarks. Under Remarks, comments are given on systematics, nomenclature, and the reassignment of misidentified material. 8) Footnotes. Under Footnotes are included notes on specific topics such as tentative identifications, aberrant sites of infection, and the misspelling of the parasite’s scientific names 3 Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura and of collection localities. In the HOST-PARASITE LIST, genera and species of hosts are listed alphabetically. Each host’s scientific name including author(s) is followed by the English common name and the Japanese common name(s). Host synonyms included are only those associated with Japanese parasite records. After the name of each species of parasite, its geographic distribution for the host in question is given in parentheses. A single asterisk (*) after the parasite name indicates a tentative or ambiguous parasite identification, and a double asterisk (**) after the parasite name shows that the occurrence of the parasite in the host in question has been considered as abnormal. An interrogation mark (?) preceding a parasite name indicates questionable validity of the parasite identification and the same mark after a locality citation indicates an ambiguous or uncertain locality record. The REFERENCES include those directly referred to in the parasite-host list, and the SUPPLEMENTARY REFERENCES involve publications dealing with various aspects of parasites of Japanese salmonids but which do not contain original parasite-host records. In both reference lists, authors are listed in alphabetical and chronological orders. In cases where only a Japanese title was given by the original author(s), the equivalent English title is provided in square brackets. An INDEX to parasite and host scientific names is given to facilitate access to information in the parasite-host and host-parasite lists. 4 Checklist of Parasites of Japanese Salmonids ' ' b h o t s k Sea fl North Pacific Ocean b P D Fig. 1 A map of the Japanese Archipelago showing Prefectural boundaries. Prefectural names are arranged in alphabetical order. Aichi: 24 Gunma: 14 Kochi: 42 Niigata: 11 Tochigi: 13 Akita: 7 Hiroshima : 37 Kumamoto: 47 O i t a : 46 Tokushirna : 40 Aomori: 5 Hokkaido: 4 Kunashiri Is. : 3 Okayama: 35 T o k y o : 17 Chiba: 15 Hyogo: 33 Kyoto: 29 O s a k a : 31 Tottori: 34 Ehime: 41 Ibaraki: 12 M i e : 28 S a g a : 44 T o y a m a : 22 Etorofu Is. : 1 Ishikawa: 25 Miyagi: 8 Saitama: 16 W a k a y a m a : 32 Fukui: 26 Iwate: 6 Miyazaki: 48 Shiga : 27 Yamagata: 9 F u k u o k a : 43 Fukushima : 10 K a g a w a : 39 Nagano: 20 Shikotan Is. : 2 Y amaguchi : 38 Kagoshima : 49 Nagasaki: 45 Shimane: 36 Yamanashi : 19 Gifu: 23 Kanagawa: 18 N a r a : 30 Shizuoka: 21 5 Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura Parasite-Host List PHYLUM SARCOMASTIGOPHORA SUBPHYLUM MASTIGOPHORA Trout Farms) ; 5. Tashiro and Yamazaki 1976 (Nagano : unspecified locality) ; 6. Awakura 1980 (Hokkaido : unspecified locality) ; 7. Awakura et al. 1984a (Hokkaido: Mori Branch of Hokkaido Fish Hatchery); 8. Urawa 1985 (Hokkaido : unspecified locality) CLASSZOOMASTIGOPHOREA ORDER KINETOPLASTIDA SUBORDER BODONINA Family BODONIDAE Ichtyobodo sp. (FW) Ichtyobodo necator (Henneguy, 1883) Pinto, Syn.: Costia sp. of Nobusawa, Kimura, 1928 (FW) Arai and Satsunami, 1983 Syn. : Costia necatrix (Henneguy, 1883) Site : gills Includes : Costia sp. of Awakura, 1980 Host : Salmo gairdneri Sites : skin, fins, gills Dist. : Gunma Hosts : Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (8) Record : Nobusawa et al. 1983 (Agatsuma) 0. keta (8) 0. masou (7) Family CRYPTOBIIDAE Salmo gairdneri (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Cryptobia branchialis Nie in Cheng, 1956 Unspecified Salmonidae (6) (FW) Dist. : Hokkaido, Yamanashi, Shizuoka, Includes: Cryptobia sp. of Sano, 1970 and Nagano, Gifu, Shimane of Sano and Ushiyama, 1970 Records: 1. Sano 1966 (Yamanashi: Site : gills Oshino Trout Experimental Station, Hosts: Oncorhynchus nerka (1, 2 ) Shizuoka : Inokashira Trout ExperiSalmo gairdnem‘ (3, 4) mental Station, Nagano : Hotaka Trout Dist. : Saitama, Shizuoka Farm, Takabayashi Trout Farm, Hinode Records: 1. Sano 1966 (Saitama: KumaTrout Farm, Gifu : Gifu Prefectural gaya Trout Experimental Station), 2. Fisheries Experimental Station, Shima1970a (same locality as in Sano (1966)), n e : Yodoe Trout Farm), 2. 1970a 3. 1970b (Shizuoka: Sendai Trout (same localities as in Sano (1966)), 3. Far m); 4. Sano and Ushiyama 1970a 1970b (Shizuoka : Taiheiyo Trout Farm, (Shizuoka : “D, 0” Trout Farms) Onaka Trout Farm, Kiyokawa Trout Farm, Sei Trout Farm, Takeda Trout ORDER DIPLOMONADIDA Farm, Kaihatsu-nokyo Trout Farm, Sendai Trout Farm, Gakunan Trout Farm) ; SUBORDER DIPLOMONADIN A 4. S a n o and Ushiyama 1970a Family HEXAMITIDAE ( S h i z u o k a : “A, D, F, G, J, L, 0” 6 Checklist of Parasites of Japanese Salmonids Hexamita sp. Hexamitu salmonis (Moore, 1923) (FW) Syn. : Hexamita sp. of Awakura, 1980’ Site : digestive tract Host : Salmo gairdneri Dist. : Shimane Record : Murakami 1982d (unspecified locality) Site : intestine Hosts : Oncorhynchus masou (7, 8 ) 0. rhodurus (7) Salmo gairdneri (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Dist. : Hokkaido, Iwate, Yamanashi, Shizuoka Records : 1. Miura and Oshima 1960 (Iwate : near Morioka) ; 2. Sano et al. 1961 (Iwate: Tamayama); 3. Sano 1970a (Yamanashi: Sanko Trout Farm), 4. 1970b (Shizuoka : Sendai Trout Farm, Sei Trout Farm, Kaihatsu-nokyo Trout Farm, Sukawa Trout Farm, Gotemba Fisheries Experimental Station) ; 5. Sano and Ushiyama 1970a (Shizuoka : “D, L, M, 0, R” Trout Farms), 6. 1970b (Shizuoka : unspecified locality) ; 7. Awakura and Matsumoto 1970 (Hokkaido : Chitose Hatchery) ; 8. Awakura 1980 (Hokkaido : unspecified locali- SUBPHYLUM SARCODINA SUPERCLASS RHIZOPODA CLASS LOBOSEA SUBCLASS GYMNAMOEBIA ORDER AMOEBIDA Unidentified “amoeba” (Fw) Site : gills Host : Oncorhynchus rhodurus Dist.: Shiga Record: Kubota and Kamata 1971 (Samegai Trout Experimental Station) ty) PHYLUM APICOMPLEXA CLASS SPOROZOEA Site : pyloric caecal epithelium Host : Oncorhynchus masou Dist. : Hokkaido Records: Awakura et al. 1983 (Atsuta River, Mena River, Masuhoro River, Kokamotsu River), 1984b (-) SUBCLASS COCCIDIA ORDER EUCOCCIDIIDA SUBORDER EIMERIINA Family EIMERIIDAE Eimeria truttae (L6ger and Hesse, 1919) Stankovitch, 1924 (FW) Syn.: Eimeria sp. of Awakura, Tanaka, Sakai and Koide, 1984 ~ ~ ’Awakura (1984) listed this parasite as H. salmonis. 7 Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura PHYLUM MICROSPORA CLASSMICROSPOREA 0. keta (2, 4, 5 ) 0. masou (2, 5, 8) 0. nerku (2, 5) 0. tshawytscha (5) Salmo gairdneri (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Salvelinus leucomaenis (1, 5) Dist. : Hokkaido Records : 1. Takeda 1933 (Chitose Hatche r y ) ; 2. A wakur a 1965 (Chitose Hatchery, Chitose River); 3. Awakura et al. 1966 (Lake Tokito-numa) ; 4. Awakura and Kurahashi 1967 (Chitose Hatchery) ; 5. Awakura 1974 (Chitose Hatchery, Chitose River, Lake Tokitonuma); 6. Miki and Awakura 1977 (Chitose River); 7. Awakura 1978 (Lake Akan); 8. Anonymous 1985 (Chitose River) Remarks: Based on Egusa’s (1982) view that this parasite does not belong to Nosema and is systematically close to Microsporidium seriohe, this parasite is assigned to the collective group Microsporidium. Dykov5 and Lom (1980) and Anonymous (1985) treated this parasite as a species of Microsporidium without any comments. ORDER MICROSPORIDA SUBORDER APANSPOROBLASTINA Family GLUGEIDAE Loma salmonae (Putz, Hoffman and Dunbar, 1965) Morrison and Sprague, 1981 (FW) Syn. : Plistophora salmonae Putz, Hoffman and Dunbar, 1965’ Site: gills [cyst] Host : Salmo gairdneri Dist. : Hokkaido Record : Awakura 1970 (Kamikawa) Remarks: The identity of this parasite requires reassessment. It may be identical with Loma sp. reported by Awakura et al. (1982b). Loma sp. (FW Site: gills [cyst] Host : Oncorhynchus masou Dist. : Hokkaido Record: Awakura et al. 1982b (Mori Hatchery) Microsporida of Uncertain Position Unidentified Mierosporida Microsporidium takedai (Awakura, 1974) n. comb. (FW) Syn.: Plistophora sp. of Takeda, 1933; Awa kura , 1965 ; A w a k u r a , Kurahashi and Matsumoto, 1966 Glugea tukedai Awakura, 1974 Nosema takedai (Awakura, 1974) Sites : musculature, heart Hosts : Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (5) Microsporida gen. sp. (FW) Sites : heart, musculature Host : Salmo gairdneri Dist. : Gifu, Mie Records; Kubota 1967 (Mie: Kamori Trout Hatchery) ; Funahashi et al. 1973 (Gifu : Gifu Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station) Remarks : Awakura (1974) stated that this parasite is probably identical with ’Awakura (1970) reported this parasite as “Plistophora salmonae Putz and Hoffman 1964”. 8 Checklist of Parasites of Japanese Salmonids Microsporidium takedai (as “Glugea take- dai”). PHYLUM ASCETOSPORA CLASSSTELLATOSPOREA (Shiga : Samegai Trout Experimental Station) ; 2. Awakura et al. 1981b (Hokkaido : Atsuta River, Shiribetsu River, Shakotan River, Kokamotsu River, Shari River, Kitamihorobetsu River, Nobusha River, Tokushibetsu River, Chitose Hatchery, Mori Hatchery, Erimo Hatchery, Shakotan Fish Farm, Adachi Fish Farm, Tenpoku Fish Farm, Kashima Fish Farm, Izawa Fish Farm, Saito Fish Farm, Yajima Fish Farm, Taisetsu Fish Farm, Okhotsk Sea off Omu, Japan Sea off Suttsu), 3. 1984b (Hokkaido: Shari River, Kitamihorobetsu River, Nobusha River, Mena River3) Remarks : Awakura et al. (1981b) stated that the parasite from 0.gorbuscha is a different species from the parasite from the other salmonids. ORDER BALANOSPORIDA Balanosporida gen. spp. (FW) Syn. : “Haplosporidia-like organisms” of Awakura, Kojima and Sugiwaka, 1981 Haplosporidia gen. sp. of Awakura, Tanaka, Sakai and Koide, 1984 Includes : Haplosporidia gen. sp. of Kubota and Kamata, 1972 Site : kidney Hosts : Oncorhynchus gorbuscha ( 2 ) 0. musou (2, 3) 0. rhodurus (1) Salmo gairdneri (2) Salvelinus leucomaenis (2) Dist. : Hokkaido, Shiga Records: 1. Kubota and Kamata 1972 PHYLUM MYXOZOA CLASSMYXOSPOREA Nishibetsu River) ; Awakura et al. 1984b (Nobusha River, Mena River) ORDER BIVALVULIDA SUBORDER BIPOLARINA Mpidium spp. (FW) Site : kidney Hosts : Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (1) 0. musou (1, 2) Salvelinus leucomaenis (1) Dist. : Hokkaido Family MYXIDIIDAE Myxidium oncorhynchi Fujita, 1923 (FW) Site : gall bladder Host : Oncorhynchus mmou Dist. : Hokkaido Records : Fujita 1923 (Ishikari River, 3The Mena River is a branch of the Shiribetsu River reported by Awakura et al. (1981b). 9 Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura Records : 1. Awakura et al. 1981b (Atsuta River, Shiribetsu River, Shakotan River, Shari River, Kitamihorobetsu River, Nobusha River, Tokushibetsu River, Shakotan Fish Farm, Adachi Fish Farm, Tenpoku Fish Farm, Saito Fish Farm), 2. 19841, (Shari River, Kitamihorobetsu River, Nobusha River, Mena River4) Remarks: Awakura et al. (1981b) stated that the parasite from 0 . gorbuscka is a different species from the parasite from the other salmonids. Site: gall bladder Hosts: Oncorhynckus keta (2, 3, 4) Salvelinus leucomaenis (1) Dist. : Hokkaido Records : 1. Fujita 1923 (Lake Shikotsu) ; 2. Anonymous 1983 (Chitose River) ; 3. Urawa and Hiroi 1986 (Chitose River) ; 4. Urawa 1986 (Chitose River) Chloromyxum tunaizai Fujita, 1936 (FW) Site : gall bladder Host : Oncorkynckus keta Dist. : Hokkaido Record : Fujita 1936 (Kushiro River) SUBORDER EURYSPORINA Family SPHAEROSPORIDAE Ckloromyxum wardi Kudo, 1920 (FW) Syn. : Chloromyxum ckitosense Fujita, 1923 Site: gall bladder Host : Oncorkynchus keta Dist. : Hokkaido Records : Fujita 1923 (Chitose River) ; Anonymous 1983 (Chitose River) ; Urawa and Hiroi 1986 (Chitose River) ; Urawa 1986 (Chitose River) Chloromyxum giganteum Fujita, 1923 (FW) Site: gall bladder Host : Oncorkynckus gorbuscka Dist. : Hokkaido Record : Fujita 1923 (Nishibetsu River) Chloromyxum oncorkyncki Fujita, 1936 (FW) Site: gall bladder Host : Oncorhynchus masou Dist. : Etorofu Island5 Record : Fujita 1936 (Bettobi River) Chloromyxum sp. (FW) Site: gall bladder Host : Oncorkynckus masou Dist. : Hokkaido, Niigata, Hiroshima Records : Murakami 1982d (Hiroshima : Tsutsuga) ; Awakura et al. 198413 (Hokkaido : Shari River, Kitamihorobetsu River, Nobusha River, Mena River, Furen River, Niigata : Miomote River) Chloromyxum quadr$orme Fujita, 1923 (FW) Site : gall bladder Hosts : Oncorkynckus gorbuscha 0. keta 0. masou Dist. : Hokkaido Record : Fujita 1923 (Nishibetsu River) SUBORDER PLATYSPORINA Chloromyxum salve lini Fujita, 1923 (FW) Family MYXOBOLIDAE Myxobolus aycticus Pugachev and Khokhlov, ‘See footnote 3. T h e prefectural name mas reported as “Hokkaido”, but the Bettobi River is actually located on Etorofu Island. 10 1979 (FW) Syn. : Myxobolus neurobius Schuberg and Checklist of Parasites of Japanese Salmonids Schroder, 1905 of Awakura, 1983, 1984, and of Anonymous, 1983 Myxobolus sp. B of Awakura, Kojima, Sugiwaka and Ogawa, 1982 and of Awakura, Tanaka, Sakai and Koide, 1984 Includes : Myxobolus sp. of Murakami, 1982 Myxosporidia gen. spp. of Murakami, 1979 (partim), 1980 (partim) Myxosporea gen. sp. (Type C) of Murakami, 1982 Sites : brain, spinal cord Hosts : Oncorhynchus keta (10, 13) 0. masou (1,2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12) 0. rhodurus (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) Dist. : Hokkaido, Niigata, Toyama, Hiroshima Records : 1. Murakami, 1979a (Hiroshima : “A, B” Trout Farms), 2. 19791, (Hiroshima: “A, B” Trout Farms), 3. 1979c (Hiroshima : unspecified five trout farms, Oze River, Ota River, Takahashi River (Tojo River)), 4. 1980a (Hiroshima : “A, B” Trout Farms), 5. 1980b (Hiroshima : “B” Trout Farm), 6. 1982a (Hiroshima: ‘‘A, B, C, D, E, H” Trout Farms, Oze River, Ota River), 7. 1982e (Hiroshima : “A” and unspecified trout farms) ; 8. Awakura et al. 1982a (Hokkaido : Kenichi River, Furen River, Kokamotsu River, Shakotan River, Mori Hatchery, Otobe Hatchery, Adachi Fish Farm, Saito Fish Farm, Okhotsk Sea off Omu, Japan Sea off Kamuenai and Suttsu, Niigata : Miomote River, Toyama : Jinzu River‘); 9. Awakura 1983a 1983a (Hokkaido : Okhotsk Sea, Japan S e a ); 10. Anonymous 1983 (Hokkai6This river was reported as the “Jintsu River” d o : Chitose River, Japan Sea off Atsuta); 11. Awakura et al. 1984b (Hokkaido : Furen River, Niigata : Miomote River, Toyama : Jinzu River) ; 12. Anonymous 1985 (Hokkaido : Chitose River) ; 13. Urawa 1986 (Hokkaido: Chitose River) Remarks : Awakura (1983a, 1984a) treated Myxobolus sp. B reported by Awakura et al. (1982a, 1984b) as Myxobolus neurobius. However, M . neurobius regarded by him and also Anonymous (1983, [Urawa, unpublished]) is in accordance with M. arcticus described by Pugachev and Khokhlov (1979) in shape and size of spore. A pyriform myxosporean reported by Murakami (1979a, b, c, 1980a, b, 1982a, e) seems to be identical with M. arcticus. Because the parasite identification remains confused, there is a need for detailed comparative studies based on the materials from a number of host species and localities. Myxobolus neurobius Schuberg and Schroder, 1905 (FW) Syn.: Myxobolus sp. A of Awakura, Kojima, Sugiwaka and Ogawa, 1982 and of Awakura, Tanaka, Sakai and Koide, 1984 Myxobolus sp. of Awakura, 1983, 1984 Includes: Myxobolus sp. (Type p) of Murakami, 1982 Myxobolus sp. (Type P) of Murakami, 1983 Myxobolus sp. of Murakami, 1984 Myxosporidia gen. spp. of Murakami, 1979 (partim), 1980 (partim) Myxosporea gen. sp.(Type P) of Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura Murakami, 1982 Site : spinal cord Hosts : Oncorhynchus mmou (1, 2 , 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15) 0. rhodurus (1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13) Dist. : Hokkaido, Hiroshima Records: 1. Murakami 1979a (Hiroshima : “A, B” Trout Farms), 2. 1979b (Hiroshima: “A, B” Trout Farms), 3. 1979c (Hiroshima : unspecified five trout farms, Oze River, Ota River, Takahashi River (Tojo River)), 4. 1980a (Hiroshima : “A, B” Trout Farms), 5. 1980b (Hiroshima : “B” Trout Farm), 6. 1982a (Hiroshima: “A, B, J” Trout Farms, Oze River, Ota River), 7. 1982b (Hiroshima: “A, B” Trout Farms), 8. 1982c (Hiroshima : “A, B” Trout Farms), 9. 1982e (Hiroshima : unspecified three trout farms); 10. Awakura et al. 1982a (Hokkaido : Atsuta River, Mena River, Shari River, Shimonaefutoro River, Masuhoro River, Nobusha River, Kenichi River, Furen River, Kokamotsu River, Shakotan River, Shimamaki Hatchery, Chitose Hatchery, Shakotan Fish Farm, Okhotsk Sea off Omu, Japan Sea off Kamuenai and Suttsu); 11. Awakura 1983a (Hokkaido : Okhotsk Sea, Japan Sea); 12. Murakami 1983 (Hiroshima : unspecified trout farm), 13. 1984 (Hiroshima : unspecified trout farm) ; 14. Awakura et al. 1984b (Hokkaido : Shari River, Nobusha River, Mena River, Mena River, Furen River) ; 15. Anonymous 1985 (Hokkaido : Chitose River7) Remarks : Awakura (1983a, 1984a) treated Myxobolus sp. A described by Awakura et al. (1982a, 1984b) as Myxobolus sp. Based on Pugachev and Khokhlov (1979), this species is identifiable as Myxobolus neurobius by its shape and size of spore. An oviform myxosporean reported by Murakami (1979a, b, c, 1980a, b, 1982a, b, c, e, 1983, 1984) seems to be identical with M . neurobius. Because the parasite identification remains confused, there is a need for detailed comparative studies based on the materials from a number of host species and localities. PHYLUM CILIOPHORA CLASSKINETOFRAGMINOPHOREA SUBCLASS HYPOSTOMATIA SUPERORDER PHYLLOPHARYNGIDEA Jankowski, 1980 (FW) Syn. : Chilodonella cyibrini (Moroff, 1902) Includes: Chilodonella sp. of Sano, 1966 and of Awakura, 1976, 1980’ Sites: skin, gills ORDER CYRTOPHORIDA SUBORDER CHLAMYDODONTINA ’Oncorhynchus masou infected with M. neurobius were introduced from the Mena River to the Chitose River. ‘Awakura (1984a) listed this parasite as C. Discicola (as ttc,q9n’ni,,), Family CH LAMY DODON TIDAE Chilodonella piscicola (Zacharias, 1894) 12 Checklist of Parasites of Japanese Salmonids Hosts Oncorhynchus musou (7) 0. nertza (1) Salmo gairdneri (1,2, 3, 4) Unspecified Salmonidae (5, 6) Dist. : Hokkaido, Saitama, Yamanashi, Shizuoka, Shimane Records: 1. Sano 1966 (Saitama: Kumagaya Trout Experimental Station, Yamanashi : Oshino Trout Experimental Station, Shimane : Yodoe Trout Farm), 2. 1970a (Yamanashi: Oshino Trout Experimental Station), 3. 1970b (Shizuoka : unspecified locality) ; 4 . Sano and Ushiyama 1970a (Shizuoka: unspecified locality) ; 5. Awakura 1976 (Hokkaido : unspecified locality), 6. 1980 (Hokkaido : unspecified locality), 7. 1984a (-) Unidentified Suctoria Suctoria gen. sp. (FW Syn. : “Suctoriu” of Sano, 1970 and of Sano and Ushiyama, 1970 Site: not specified Host : Salmo gairdneri Dist. : Shizuoka Records : Sano 1970b (Gakunan Trout Farm) ; Sano and Ushiyama 1970a (“K” Trout Farm) CLASSOLIGOHYMENOPHOREA SUBCLASS HYMENOSTOMATIA ORDER HYMENOSTOMATIDA SUBORDER OPHRYOGLENINA Family OPHRYOGLENIDAE Chilodonella sp. (FW) Sites : gills, skin Host : Salmo gairdneri Dist. : Niigata, Nagano Records : Tashiro and Yamazaki 1976 (Nagano : unspecified locality) ; Nomura and Seki 1977 (Niigata: Koide Branch of Niigata Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station) Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet, 1876 (FW) Includes : Ichthyophthirius sp. of Awakura, 1980 Sites : gills, skin Hosts : Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (1) 0. keta (1) 0. musou (1, 9) Salmo gairdneri (1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 8) Unspecified Salmonidae (7) Dist. : Hokkaido, Gunma, Nagano, Shizuoka, Shimane Records : 1. Watanabe 1935 (Hokkaido : Oshoro); 2. Sano 1966 ( N a g a n o : Takabayashi Trout Farm, Ina Trout Farm, Shizuoka : Inokashira Trout Experimental Station, Shimane : Yodoe Trout Farm), 3. 1970a (Nagano : Takabayashi Trout Farm, Ina Trout Farm, Shizuoka : Inokashira Trout Experimental Station), 1970b (Shizuoka : Tsuchida Trout Farm, Mitsui Trout SUBCLASS SUCTORIA ORDER SUCTORIDA SUBORDER ENDOGENINA Family DENDROSOMATIDAE Trichophrya sp. (FW) Site : gills Host : Salmo gairdneri Dist. : Gifu Records : Sano 1966 (Gifu Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station), 1970a (same locality as in Sano (1966)) 13 Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura Farm, Maeda Trout Farm, Gakunan Trout Farm, Takeda Trout Farm, Taiheiyo Trout Farm) ; 5. Sano and Ushiyama 1970a (Shizuoka : “A, B, C, F, I, K” Trout Farms) ; 6. Tashiro and Yamazaki 1976 (Nagano : unspecified locality) ; 7. Awakura 1980 (Hokkaido : unspecified locality) ; 8. Nobusawa et a]. 1983 (Gunma : Agatsuma) ; 9. Awakura 1984a (-) not based on morphological studies and requires reassessment. Trichodinu sp. (FW) Sites : gills, skin Host : Salmo guirdneri Dist. : Niigata, Nagano, Shizuoka, Gifu Records: Sano 1966 (Nagano: Ina Trout Farm, Hotaka Trout Farm, Shizuoka : Inokashira Trout Experimental Station, Gifu : Gifu Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station), 1970a (same localities as in Sano (1966)),1970b (Shizuoka : Maeda Trout Farm, Gakunan Trout Farm) ; Sano and Ushiyama 1970a (Shizuoka : “I, K” Trout Farms); Nomura and Seki 1977 (Niigata : Koide Branch of Niigata Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station) SUBCLASS PER~TR~CHIA ORDER PERITRICHIDA SUBORDER MO BI LI N A Family URCEOLARIIDAE Trichodina domerguei (Wallengren, 1897) Heider, 1964 (FW) Syn. : Cyclochaetu domerguei Wallengren, 1897 Sites: skin, fins Hosts: Hucho perryi (2) Oncorhynchus ketu (1, 2 ) 0. masou ( 2 ) Sulvelinus mulma ( 2 ) Dist. : Hokkaido Records: 1. Takeda et al. 1969 (Ichani Hatchery); 2. Takeda 1971 (Rausu Hatchery, Nemuro Hatchery) Remarks : The parasite identification is Urceolariidae gen. sp. (FW) Syn. : Trichodina sp. of Awakura, 1976 “urceolarid” of Awakura, 1980 Sites : skin, gills Hosts : Oncorhynchus masou (3) Unspecified Salmonidae (1,’2) Dist. : Hokkaido Records : 1. Awakura 1976 (unspecified locality), 2. 1980 (unspecified locality), 3. 1984a (-) PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES Encotylhbe masu Ishii and Sawada, 1938 (M) Site : gills Host : Oncorhynchus masou Dist. : not specified Record : Ishii and Sawada 1938 CLASS MONOGENEA ORDER MONOPISTHOCOTYLEA Superf amily CAPSALOIDEA Family CAPSALIDAE 14 Checklist of Parasites of Japanese Salmonids Superfamily DACTY LOGY ROIDEA Records: 1. Sano 1966 (Shizuoka: Inokashira Trout Experimental Staion, Family DACTY LOGY RIDAE Nagano : Hotaka Trout Farm, TakaDuctylogyrus sp. (JW bayashi Trout Farm, 2. 1970a (same localities as in Sano (1966)), 3. 1970b Sites : skin, gills Host : Sulmo gairdneri (Shizuoka : Gakunan Trout Farm, TakeDist. : Niigata da Trout Farm, Taiheiyo Trout Farm, Record: Nomura and Seki 1977 (Koide Kaihatsu-nokyo Trout Farm, Watanabe Branch of Niigata Prefectural Fisheries Trout Farm) ; 4. Sano and Ushiyama Experimental Station) 1970a (Shizuoka: “A, F, K, Q” Trout Farms) ; 5. Nobusawa et al. 1983 (GunSuperfamily GYRODACTYLOIDEA ma : Tsumagoi, Agatsuma, Higashi, Onogami, Shirasawa, Kawaba, KuroFamily GYRODACTYLIDAE hone, Nakasato, Kurabuchi) Remarks : Ogawa (1983) treated GyroGyrodactylus masu Ogawa, 1986 (FW) dactylus eleguns reported by Sano (1966) Syn. : Gyrodactylus sp. of Ogawa, 1983 Includes : Gyroductylus sp. of Awakura, as Gyrodactylus sp. 1984 Sites : fins, gills, gill arches, body surface Superfamily TETRAONCHOIDEA Hosts: Oncorhynchus musou (2, 3) Family TETRAONCHIDAE 0. rhodurus (3) Tetruonchus uluskensis Price, 1937 (FW) Salmo gairdneri (1, 3 ) Site : [gills] Dist. : Hokkaido, Tokyo, Tokushima Host : Sulvelinus leucomaenis Records : 1. Ogawa 1983 (-) ; 2. Awakura 1984a (-); 3. Ogawa 1986 (HoDist. : Hokkaido kkaido : Chitose Hatchery, Tokyo : Record : Awakura et al. 1981a (unspecified localities) Okutama Branch of Tokyo Metropolitan Fisheries Experimental Station, TokuRemarks : Awakura et al. (1981a, p. 62) shima : Kitoh) stated that this parasite occurred on the fish from Hokkaido lakes. Gyroductylus sp. (FW) Syn. : Gyrodactylus eleguns Nordmann, 1832 of Sano, 1966, 1970 Includes : Gyrodactylus sp. of Sano, 1970 ; Sano and Ushiyama, 1970 ; Nobusawa, Kimura, Arai and Satsunami, 1983 Sites : gills, fins Hosts : Oncorhynchus musou ( 5 ) Salmo guirdneri (1, 2 , 3, 4, 5 ) Sulvelinus pluvius (5) Dist. : Gunma, Nagano, Shizuoka Tetruonchus awakurui Ogawa and Egusa, 1978 (FW) Syn. : Tetraonchus (Tetruonchus) sp. of Awakura, 1966 Site : gills Hosts : Oncorhynchus masou (1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6) 0. rhodurus (4) Sulmo gairdneri (2) Dist. : Hokkaido, Tokyo, Yamanashi, Nara, Okayama 15 Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura Records : 1. Awakura 1966 (Hokkaido : Shibetsu River) ; 2. Ogawa and Egusa 1978 (Yamanashi : unspecified locality) ; 3. Awakura et al. 1981a (Hokkaido: Atsuta River, Shakotan River, Kokamotsu River, Mori Hatchery, Shakotan Fish Farm); 4. Anonymous 1982 (Tokyo, Yamanashi, Nara, Okayama : unspecified localities) ; 5. Awakura et al. 198413 (-); 6 . Ogawa and Egusa 1985 (Tokyo: Okutama Branch of Tokyo Metropolitan Fisheries Experimental Station) ORDER STRIGEIDA SUBORDER STRIGEATA Superfamily STRIGEOIDEA Family DIPLOSTOMATIDAE Diplostomum sp. (FW) Includes : ‘‘parasitic trematoda” of Kubota, 1976 Site: eye Host : Salmo gairdneri Dist. : Shizuoka Records: Sat0 et al. 1975 (unspecified locality) ; Kubota 1976 (-) Tetraonchus oncorhynchi Ogawa and Egusa, 1978 (FW) Site : gills Host : Oncorhynchus masou Dist. : Tokyo, Yamanashi Records: Ogawa and Egusa 1978 (Yamanashi : unspecified locality), 1985 (Tokyo : Okutama Branch of Tokyo Metropolitan Fisheries Experimental Station) SUBORDER AZYGIATA Superfamily AZY GIOIDEA Family AZYGIIDAE Azygia perryii Fujita, 1918 (FW) Syn. : Azygia lucii 0.F. Muller, 1776 of Seki, 1975 Sites : stomach, esophagus (buccal cavity, branchial cavity, gills, operculum, pectoral fins)g Hosts: Hucho perryi (1, 4) Salvelinus leucomaenis (3, 4) Unspecified Salmonidae (2) Dist. : Hokkaido Records : 1. Fujita 1918 (Lake Kussharo) ; 2. Seki 1975a (unspecified locality), 3. 1975b (Lake Panketo); 4. Shimazu 1981 (Kushiro River system, Bekanbeushi River system) ORDER POLYOPISTHOCOTYLEA Superfamily MICROCOTYLOIDEA Family MICROCOTYLIDAE (FW) Microcotylidae gen. sp. Syn. : “microcotylid monogenetic trematodes” of Shimazu, 1981 Site : gills Host : Hucho Perry; Dist. : Hokkaido Record : Shimazu 1981 (Kushiro River system and/or Bekanbeushi River system) SUBORDER HEMIURATA Superfamily HEMIUROIDEA CLASSTREMATODA SUBCLASS DIGENEA ’The locations in parentheses are apparently the results of the parasite’s migration after death of the fish. 16 Checklist of Parasites of Japanese Salmonids Dist. : Niigata Records: Awakura and Nomura 1983 (Japan Sea off Miomote, Miomote River) ; Awakura et al. 1984b (-) Family HEMIURIDAE Brachwhallus crenatus (Rudolphi, 1802) Odhner, 1905 (M) Sites : stomach, pyloric caeca, intestine Hosts : Oncorhynchus gorbuschu (2, 3, 4, 5) 0. keta (6, 8, 10) 0. masou (1, 7 , 9) Sulvelinus leucomaenis (3) Dist. : Shikotan Island, Hokkaido, Niigata Records: 1. Yamaguti 1934a ( - ) ; 2. Margolis 1957 (Hokkaido : Yubetsu River); 3. Zhukov 1960 (Shikotan Island : unspecified l o c a l i t y ) ; 4 . Fukui 1960 (Hokkaido : unspecified locality), 5. 1961 (Hokkaido : Shari) ; 6. Machida et al. 1972 (Hokkaido: Samani); 7. Awakura and Nomura 1983 (Hokkaido : Okhotsk Sea off Omu, Japan Sea off Rebun, Kamuenai and Suttsu, Shari River, Nobusha River, Furen River, Niigata: Japan Sea off Miomote); 8. Anonymous 1983 (Hokkaido: Chitose River, Japan Sea off Atsuta) ; 9. Awakura et al. 1984b (-) ; 10. Urawa 1986 (Hokkaido: Chitose River) Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Layman, 1930) Yamaguti, 1934 (MI Sites : intestine, stomach Hosts: Oncorhynchus ketu (5, 7 ) 0. mmou (3, 4, 6 ) Salvelinus leucomaenis (1) Unspecified Salmonidae (2) Dist. : Shikotan Island, Hokkaido, Niigata Records: 1. Zhukov 1960 (Shikotan Island : unspecified locality) ; 2. Seki 1975a (Hokkaido : unspecified locality), 3. 1975b (Hokkaido: Mena River); 4. Awakura and Nomura 1983 (Hokkaido : Okhotsk Sea off Omu, Japan Sea off Kamuenai and Suttsu, Nobusha River, Niigata: Japan Sea off Miomote); 5. Anonymous 1983 (Hokkaido : Chitose River); 6. Awakura et al. 1984b (-1 7. Urawa 1986 (Hokkaido: Chitose River) Hemiuridae gen. sp (MI Syn. : ? Allocreadium sp. of Shirahata and Hatori, 1979 Site : stomach Host : Oncorhynchus keta Dist. : Hokkaido Record : Shirahata and Hatori 1979 (Lake Saroma) Remarks: The material of Shirahata and Hatori (1979) was reexamined and identified as a hemiurid (Nagasawa, unpublished). Hemiurus levinseni Odhner, 1905 (M) Site : stomach Host : Oncorhynchus gorbuschu Dist. : Shikotan Island, Hokkaido Records : Margolis 1957 (Hokkaido : Yubetsu River) ; Anonymous 1958a (Hokkaido : unspecified locality) ; Zhukov 1960 (Shikotan Island : unspecified locality) Parahemiurus merus (Linton, 1910) Woolcock, 1935 (MI Site : digestive tract Host : Oncorhynchus masou Family DEROGENIDAE Derogenes varicus (0.F. Miiller, 1784) Looss, 17 Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura 5. Zhukov 1960 (Shikotan Island: unspecified locality) ; 6. Fukui 1960 (Hokkaido : unspecified locality), 7. 1961 (Hokkaido: Tanno) ; 8. Machida et al. 1972 ( H o k k a i d o : Samani) ; 9. Awakura and Nomura 1983 (Hokkaido and/or Niigata : unspecified localities) ; 10. Anonymous 1983 (Hokkaido : Chitose River, Japan Sea off Atsuta); l l . Awakura et al. 1984b (-) ; 12. Urawa 1986 (Hokkaido : Chitose River) 1901 (MI Site : stomach Host : Salvelinus leucomaenis Dist. : Shikotan Island Record : Zhukov 1960 (unspecified locality) Genarchopsis mullem' (Levinsen, 1881) Yamaguti, 1954 (MI Syn. : Genarches mulleri (Levinsen, 1881) Site : [digestive tract] Host : Oncorhynchus masou Dist. : not specified Record : Awakura et al. 1984b Lecithaster sp. (MI Site : not specified Host : Oncorhynchus rhodurus Dist. : Gifu, Mie Record: Sorimachi et al. 1984 (Gifu: Nagara River, Mie: Ise Bay off Suzuka, Miya River) Family BUNOCOTYLIDAE Genolinea anura (Layman, 1930) Yamaguti, 1954 (MI Site : intestine Host : Salvelinus leucomaenis Dist. : Shikotan Island Record : Zhukov 1960 (unspecified locality) SUBORDER BRACHYLAIMATA Superfamily BUCEPHALOIDEA Family LECITHASTERIDAE Family BUCEPHALIDAE Lecithuster gibbosus (Rudolphi, 1802) Luhe, 1901 (MI Syn. : Lecithaster salmonis Yamaguti, 1934 Includes: Lecithaster sp. of Awakura, Tanaka, Sakai and Koide, 1984 Sites : intestine, pyloric caeca Hosts : Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (2, 5 ) 0. keta (1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12) 0. masou (9, 11) Salvelinus leucomaenis (5) Dist. : Shikotan Island, Hokkaido, Niigata ? Records: 1. Yamaguti 1934a ( - ) ; 2. Margolis 1957 (Hokkaido : Yubetsu River); 3. Fukui 195813 (Hokkaido: unspecified locality) ; 4. Anonymous 1959 (Hokkaido : unspecified locality) ; Prosorhynchoides gracilescens (Rudolphi, 1819) Stunkard, 1976 (MI Syn. : Bucephalopsis gracilescens (Rudolphi, 1819) Sites : pyloric caeca, intestine Host : Salvelinus leucomaenis Dist. : Shikotan Island Record : Zhukov 1960 (unspecified locality) ORDER PLAGIORCHIIDA SUBORDER PLAGIORCHIATA Superfamily ALLOCREADIOIDEA Family ALLOCREADIIDAE Allocreadium sp. Site : [digestive tract] 18 Checklist of Parasites of Japanese Salmonids Hosts : Oncorhynchus masou (3) Salvelinus leucomaenis (2) Unspecified Salmonidae (1) Dist. : Hokkaido Records: 1. Seki 1975a (unspecified locality), 2. 1975b (Lake Panketo); 3. Awakura et al. 1948b (-) Remarks : Shimazu (1981) stated that Seki's specimens from Salvelinus leucomaenis are probably identical with Allocreadium transversale or a closely related species. Crepidostomum metoecus (Braun, 1900) Braun, 1900 (FW) Site : intestine Hosts : Salvelinus malmo miyabei (2) Unspecified Salmonidae (1) Dist. : Hokkaido Records: 1. Seki 1975a (unspecified locality), 2. 1975b (Lake Shikaribetsu) Crepidostomum salmonis Fujita, 1921 (FW) Syn. : Crepidostomum sp. of Fujita, 1916 Site : intestine Host : Oncorhynchus keta Dist. : Hokkaido Records : Fujita 1916 (Sapporo), 1921b (same locality as in Fujita (1916)) Remarks : Margolis (1982, p. 149) suggested that this species may be a synonym of C. metoecus. Bunodera luciopercae (0.F. Muller, 1776) Luhe, 1909 (FW) Sites : intestine, pyloric caeca Hosts: Hucho perryi Sa h e lin us leucomae nis" Dist. : Hokkaido Record : Shimazu 1981 (Kushiro River system) (FW) Crepidostomum uchimii Fujita, 1920 Site : intestine Host : Oncorhynchus masou Dist. : Hokkaido Record : Fujita 1920a (Nishibetsu River) Remarks : Margolis (1982, p. 149) suggested that this species may be a synonym of C. farionis. Crepidostomum farionis (0.F. Muller, 1784) Luhe, 1909 (FW) Sites : intestine, pyloric caeca Hosts: Salmo gairdneri (3) Salvelinus leucomaenis (1, 3, 4) Unspecified Salmonidae (2) Dist. : Shikotan Island, Hokkaido Records: 1. Zhukov 1960 (Shikotan Island : unspecified locality) ; 2. Seki 1975a (Hokkaido : unspecified locality), 3. 1975b (Hokkaido: Lake Panketo, Lake Shikaribetsu) ; 4. Shimazu 1981 (Hokkaido : Kushiro River system) Remarks : Shimazu (1981) stated that Seki's specimens from Salvelinus leucomaenis and Salmo gairdneri involved C. metoecus. Crepidostomum sp. (FW) Site : not specified Hosts : Salvelinus malma miyabei ( 2 ) Unspecified Salmonidae (1) Dist. : Hokkaido Records: 1. Seki 1975a (unspecified locality), 2. 1975b (Lake Shikaribetsu) Remarks: Shimazu (1981) stated that this parasite resembled C. farionis. Family LEPOCREADIIDAE 'OThe record from this host is based on a tentative parasite ientification. 19 Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura Pseudolepidapedon kobayashii Dist. : Shikotan Island Record : Zhukov 1960 (unspecified locality) Yamaguti, 1938 (MI Syn. : Lepodora sp. of Kobayashi, 1921 Site : intestine Host : Oncorhynchus mmou Dist. : not specified Record : Kobayashi 1921 Remarks : Yamaguti (1938) treated Lepodora sp. reported by Kobayashi (1921) as a new species of Pseudolepidapedon. Superfamily TROGLOTREMATOIDEA Family NANOPHYETIDAE Nunophyetus japonensis Saito, Saito, Y amashita, Watanabe and Sekikawa, 1982 (metacercaria) (FW) Sites : gills, musculature, kidney, intestine Hosts : Oncorhynchus masou (1, 3) 0. rhodurus (2) Sulmo guirdneri" (2) Sulvelinus pluuius (1) Dist. : Iwate, Yamagata, Hiroshima Records : 1. Saito et al. 1982 (Yamagata : Yonezawa, Kaminoyama) ; 2. Saito 1984b (Hiroshima : unspecified locality), 3. 1985 (Iwate: Yasuka Fish Farm) Family OPECOELIDAE Dirnerosaccus oncorhynchi (Eguchi, 1931) Shimazu, 1980 (FW) Syn. : Allocreadium oncorhynchi Eguchi, 1931 Sites : intestine, pyloric caeca Hosts : Oncorhynchus mmou (3) 0. rhodurus (1, 2, 3) Salvelinus pluuius (3) Dist : Iwate, Nagano, Gifu Records: 1. Eguchi 1931 (Gifu: Nagara River), 2. 1932a (same locality as in Eguchi (1931)) ; 3. Shimazu 1980 (Iwat e : Horei River, Nagano: Samu River, Hime River, Gifu : Nagara River) ORDER OPISTHORCHIIDA SUBORDER OPISTHORCHIATA Superfamily OPISTHORCHIOIDEA Family HETROPHYIDAE Metagonimus yokogawai (Katsurada, 1912) Katsurada, 1912 (metacercaria) (FW) Syn. : Metagonimus yokogawai ovutus (Kobayashi, 1912) Site: scales Hosts: Oncorhynchus mmou (2, 3) 0. rhodurus (1) Dist. : Shiga, Oita Records: 1. Muto 1917 (Shiga: Lake Biwa); 2. Koga 1939 (Oita: Chikugo River); 3. Okabe 1939 (Oita: Chikugo River) Plagiopoms zacconis (Yamaguti, 1934) Yamaguti, 1954 (FW) Syn. : Caudotestis zacconis Yamaguti, 1934 Site : intestine Host : Oncorhynchus masou Dist. : Ibaraki Record : Yamaguti 1942 (Lake Kasumigaura) Podocotyle atomon (Rudolphi, 1802) Odhner, 1905 Site : intestine Hosts : Oncorhynchus gorbzcscha Salvelinus Leucomaenis (M) Metagonimus sp. metacercaria (FW) "This fish was collected from an unknown locality 20 Checklist of Parasites of Japanese Salmonids Site: scales Hosts : Oncorhynchus masou Salvelinus pluvius Dist. : not specified Record : Saito 1984a Remarks: Saito (1984a) stated that this species is probably distinct from Metagonimus yokogawai and M. takahushii. Unidentified Digenea Digenea gen. sp. metacercaria (FW) Site : heart Host : Salmo gairdneri Dist. : Mie Record: Kubota 1967 (Kamori Trout Hatchery) Dist. : Hokkaido, Niigata, Toyama Records : 1. Anonymous 1983 (Hokkaido : Japan Sea off Atsuta, Chitose River) ; 2. Awakura et al. 1984b” (Hokkaido : Shari River, Nobusha River, Mena River, Furen River, Niigata : Miomote River, T o y a m a : Jinzu River); 3. Urawa 1986 (Hokkaido : Chitose River) Tentacularia sp. plerocercoid (MI Site : musculature Host : Salvelinus leucomaenis Dist. : Hokkaido Record : Shimazu 1981 (Kushiro River system) ORDER PSEUDOPHYLLIDEA CLASSCESTOIDEA SUBCLASS CESTODA ORDER SPATHEBOTHRIIDEA Family CYATHOCEPHALIDAE Bothrimonus sp. (MI Syn. : Diplocotyle sp. of Zhukov, 1960 Site : pyloric caeca Host Salvelinus leucomaenis Dist. : Shikotan Island Record : Zhukov 1960 (unspecified locality) Remarks: Burt and Sandeman (1969) suppressed Diplocotyle as a synonym of Bothrimonus and assigned Bothrimonus to Cyathocephalidae. ORDER TRYPANORHYNCHA Family TENTACULARIIDAE Nybelinia surmenicola Okada in Dollfus, 1929 (plerocercoid) (MI Sites : body cavity, musculature Hosts: Oncorkynchus keta (1, 3) 0. masou (2) Family AMPHICOTY LIDAE Eubothrium crassum (Block, 1776) Nybelin, 1922 (M) Sun. : Eubothrium sp. of Anonymous, 1958 and of Anonymous, 1983 Sites : intestine, pyloric caeca Hosts : Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (1) 0. keta (2, 3, 4, 5) Dist. : Shikotan Island, Hokkaido Records : 1. Zhukov 1960 (Shikotan Island : unspecified locality) ; 2. Anonymous 19581, (Hokkaido : T a n n ~ ’ ~ , Abashiri, two locations in Nemuro and Tokachi) ; 3. Fukui 1961 (Hokkaido : Abashiri, Tanno) ; 4. Anonymous 1983 (Hokkaid o : Chitose River); 5. Urawa 1986 (Hokkaido : Chitose River) Eubothrium sp. Site : digestive tract lZThegeneric name of this species was misspelled as “Nibelinia” 13This locality was misreported as “Hatano”. Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura Hosts : Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (1) 0. masou (2) Dist. : Hokkaido Records : 1. Margolis 1957 (Yubetsu River) ; 2. Awakura et al. 1984b (-1 Kyoto Records: 1. Ijima 1889 (Hokkaido: unspecified locality, Ibaraki and/or Chib a ? : Tone River?); 2. Eguchi 1922 (Gifu: Jinzu River), 3. 1924 (same locality as in Eguchi (1922)), 4. 1925 (Gifu and/or Toyama: Jinzu River, Gifu: Kiso River), 5. Sen0 et al. 1925 (Iwate : Miyako, Toyama: Jinzu River); 6. Eguchi 1926a (Gifu and Toyama: Jinzu River, Gifu: Shira River, Kiso River), 7. 1926b (Gifu and Toyama: Jinzu River, Gifu: Shira River, Kiso River), 8. 1929 (Hokkaido : unspecified locality, Gifu and Toyama: Jinzu River”, Shira River”, Gifu : Nagara R i v e P , Hida RiverL5,Aichi : Kiso Ri~ er’~;) 9. Imagawa 1929 (Niigata : Aga River) ; 10. Kato 1931 (Kurile Islands and Hokkaido : unspecified localities, Toyama and/or Gifu : Jinzu River) ; 11. Eguchi 1932b (same localities as in Eguchi (1929)); 12. Eguchi et al. 1935 (Fukui : Kuzuryu River); 13. Margolis 1957 ( H o k k a i d o : Yubetsu River) ; 14. Anonymous 1973 (Hokkaido : unspecified locality); 15. Seki 1975a (Hokkaido: Mena River), 16. 1975b (same locality as in Seki (1975a)) ; 17. Oshima 1976 (Hokkaido : Shiribetsu River) ; 18. Yoshimura et al. 1976 (Toyama: Jinzu River) ; 19. Ohbayashi et al. 1977 (Hokkaido : Mena River, Shari, Monbetsu) ; 20. Anonymous 1977 (Toyama: Jinzu River, Japan S ea) ; 21. Yarnaguchi 1978 (Hokkaido: Mena River); 22. Yamaguchi et al. 1978 (Aomori? : unspecified locality); 23. Hotta et al. Family BOTHRIOCEPHALIDAE Bothriocepha Lm sp. (?) Site : pyloric caeca Host : Hucho perryi Dist. : Hokkaido Record : Shimazu 1981 (Kushiro River system) Family DIPHYLLOBOTHRIIDAE Diphyllobothrium latum (Linnaeus, 1758) Luhe, 1910 (plero~ercoid)’~ (MI Syn. : Bothriocephalus latus (Linnaeus, 1758) Dibothriocephalus latus (Linnaeus, 1758) Diphyllobothrium sp. of Margolis, 1957 and of Awakura, Tanaka, Sakai and Koide, 1984 Site : musculature Hosts : Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 19, 23, 25, 32) 0. masou (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34) 0 . masou x 0. rhodurm (6, 7) 0. nerka (10) 0. rhodurus (4,6, 7) Salmo gairdneri (4, 6, 7) Dist. : Kurile Islands, Hokkaido, Aomori, Iwate, Akita, Miyagi, Yamagata, Niigata, Ibaraki and/or Chiba ?, Tokyo, Toyama, Gifu, Aichi, Ishikawa, Fukui, “These rivers were reported as the “Jintsu River”, “ S h i r a k a w a River”, “ N a g a r a g a w a R i v e r ” , “Hidagawa River”, and “Kisogawa River”, respect ively. “See addendum (p. 74). 22 Checklist of Parasites of Japanese Salmonids salmon of Japan were believed to be D. lutum, its exact identification has not been made so far, except for the work by Hotta et al. (1978),and there is a need for detailed comparative studies based on the materials from Europe and other countries (see addendum [p. 741). 1978 (Niigata: Japan Sea off Sad0 Island, Uono River, Agano River); 24. Murata et al. 1978 (Hokkaido : Suttsu, Aomori : Oohata, Akita : Hachimori, Oga, Kisakata, Yamagata : Sakata, Niigata : Ryotsu, Toyama : Kurobe) ; 25. Hotta et al. 1979 (Niigata : Agano River, Uono River, Japan Sea near Sad0 Island) ; 26. Yokogawa et al. 1979 (Hokkaido : SuttsuI6, Miyagi : Shizugawa) ; 27. Yoshida et al. 1979a (Kyoto: Yura River), 28. 1979b (Ishikawa : Japan Sea off Noto Peninsula and Hokuriku District, Kyoto : Yura River) ; 29. Maejima et al. 1983 (-) ; 30. Oshima and Wakai 1983 (Hokkaido: Suttsu, Kamuenai, Wakkanai, Yoichi, Aomori : Kodomari, Ajigasawa, Hachinohe, Iwate : Kamaishi, Akita : Noshiro, Hachimori, Yamagata : Sa ka ta , Niigata : Naoetsu); 31. Awakura et al. 1984b (Hokkaido : Shari River, Nobusha River, Mena River, Furen River, Niigata : Miomote River, Toyama : Jinzu River) ; 32. Awakura 1984b (Hokkaido : Japan Sea off Suttsu, Shari River, Furen River, Shikyu River, Nobusha River, Mena River, Niigata : Miomote River, Toyama: Jinzu River); 33. Awakura et al. 1985 (Hokkaido: Japan Sea off Shakotan, Suttsu and Rumoi, Shari River, Furen River, Bettoga River, Shikyu River, Nobusha River, Shokotanbetsu River, Mena River, Niigata : Japan Sea off Miomote, Miomote River, Toy a m a : Jinzu River”); 34. Urawa 1986 (Hokkaido : Chitose River) Remarks : As pointed out by Kamo (1978), although all plerocercoids in Pacific Family LIGULIDAE Ligulidae gen. sp. plerocercoid (FW) Site : [body cavity] Host : Oncorhynchus musou Dist. : Gunma Record : Ishii 1915 (Lake Maru-numa) ORDER TETRAPHYLLIDEA Family PHYLLOBOTHRIIDAE Pelichnibothrium sp. plerocercoid (M) Site : [intestine] Hosts : Oncorhynchus masou ( 2 ) Unspecified Salmonidae (1) Dist. : Hokkaido Records: 1. Seki 1975a (unspecified locality), 2. 1975b (Mena River) Phyllobothrium caudutum (Zschokke and Heitz, 1914) Zmeev, 1936 (plerocercoid) (MI Syn. : Phyllobothrium sp. of Awakura, T a naka, Sakai and Koide, 1984 Sites : intestine, pyloric caeca Hosts : Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (1) 0. ketu (2,4) 0 . masou (3) Dist. : Hokkaido Records : 1. Margolis 1957 (Yubetsu River) ; 2. Anonymous 1983 (Chitose River, Japan Sea off Atsuta) ; 3. Awakura et al. 1984b (-) ; 4. Urawa 1986 (Hokkaido : Chitose River) I6This locality was reported as “Sutsu”. ”See footnote 15. 23 Nagasawa, Remarks : Awakura (1984a) Urawa, treated and Awakura pendent ones Phyllobothrium Sp. reported by Awakura a1. (1984b) et Phyllobothrium as Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid cau- (M) Site: intestine datum. HOst: Oncorhynchns gorbuscha Phyllobothrium salmonis Fujita,1922 (plerocercoid) : intestine, HOsts: Oncorhynchus 0. (M) Niigata, Fujita (HOkkaido: Chiba: TOne Ishikari : POS1 1on 十 Her , 1778 (M) Sp Fulita , 1922 ・ SiteS: tnteStine, gaH bladdeL HOStS: O%COLA O. River18, Niigata: Mi0- River18,TOyama 甘 ・ F ぬ C0CCrCoi7C IncludeS: 1922 O F M (plerocercoid) Ibaraki and/or River18,Nishibetsu River18,Ibaraki and/ mote Of UncePtaIn S60 ぬズクね H 叩%66f 心 Chiba, TOyama 0r 1961 (Yubetsu) TetPaphyIHdea keta masou Dist.: HOkkaid0, Record: : Fukui Record pyloric caeca ・ Sites Dist: HOkkaido Jinzu River18) ゐ (2) ノ mL ん 硲 P り ァる応 C肋 し加 (I) 肌 eれた S ば ?ひ 6はれ ぬル MCO (2) Dist.:Shikotan Island,HOkkaido Phyllobothrium speciousum MOnticelli, 1889 (plerocercoid) (M) Syn.: Pelichnibothrium speciosum (MOnticelli, 1889) Site: [intestine] HOsts: Oncorhynchus keta113 0. Dist. : Records with Sites : intestine, Dist.: HOkkaid0, Gifu, Mie Records: reported under the names salmon-i$, and Margolis that from the 1. Fukui HOwever, the three Williams species reported were "This host locality was and (1968) Cestoda inde- aS reported as Ise Bay off Suzuka, : as unknown "Mutu Cestoda (M, FW) gen.spp Includes: "larval tapeworms" 1958 Sites: stomach, intestine the HOsts : Oncorhynchns "Jintsugawa", respectively. collected in an was Yu- 2. SOrimachi et a1. 1984 (Gifu River, Mie Unidentified "Ishikarigawa", "Nishibetsugawa", "TOnegawa", "Miomotegawa", (HOkkaido: P. caudatum, P. mous, localities 1961 Miya River) Pacific P. speciosum, all belong to species. gorbnscha (1) and P. salmonis are syn- Nagara metacestodes caeca this parasite. also believes Ishi- 0. rhodurus (2) betsu); "This : (Shikotan (M) pyloric HOsts :' Oncorhynchus (Pacific Biological Station, personal "These 1960 PROTEOCEPHALIDEA communication) 0ne Zhukov 什。 た。 ゆ肋応 Sp caudatum regarded 2. Family PROTEOCEPHALIDAE AOmori salmon 1. Fujita 1922 (HOkkaido ORDER masou 0nymous ; Island: unspecified locality) Record : Yamaguti 1934b (Mutsu Bay20) Remarks: Yamaguti (1934b) suggested that Phyllobothrium (as "PelichnibothriuW") : kari) keta (1) O .グゐ odurus (2) locality Bay". 24 Of Anony- : Checklist 0f Parasites 0f Japanese Salmonids Dist.: HOkkaid0, Mie Records: 1. Anonymous 1958b (HOkkaido : Tanno21, Abashiri, locations two PHYLUM Nemuro and Nagasawa (1985) suggested that CapillariaSp. reported by Seki (1975a,b) might be identicalwith thisspecies. ENOPLIDA Capillariidae : Sakai HOst: (FW) 1982 Capillaria curilica Zhukov, 1960 : Oncorhynchus O. masou S . ma7 m 肌 た MCO 棚gれた ORDER (I, 3) (3) Zhukov 1960 "See a synonym fo0tnote Of this species. SECERNENTEA ASCARIDIDA Family ANISAKIDAE Anisakis simplex (Rudolphi, 1809) Dujardin, 1845 (larva) (M) (Shikotan Island: unspecified locality); 2. Seki 1975a (HOkkaido : unspecified locality), 3. 1975b (HOkkaido: Lake Shikaribetsu, Lake Shizunai, Lake Oku-niikappu); 4. MOravec and Nagasawa 1985 (Kyoto: Yura River, Okayama: YOshii River, Miyazaki: Oyodo River) Remarks: MOravec (1980)regarded Capi11ariacurilicadescribed by Zhukov (1960) as et a1. 1984b parasite tS probably identi- Superfamily ASCARIDOIDEA UnSpecHied saImonidae (2) Dist.: Shikotan Island,HOkkaid0, Kyot0, 0kayama, Miyazaki : 1. masou P. salvelini. SUBCLASS S. ? 乃乙 /胴川ひ ? 比f (3) Records : This cal with (4) SMw0 P7fL?wCゎ (3) ぉれ Awakura : Remarks rAo ガ M ァ硲 (4) S&/FC Oncorhynchus Record Site: intestine HOsts and KOide, 1984 Dist.: not specified Capillaria Sp. Of Seki, 1975 : (FW) so Site: [digestivetract] Pseudocapillaria salvelini(POlyansky, 1952) Syn. gen. Syn.: CapillariaSp. of Awakura, Tanaka, Family CAPILLARIIDAE 1ncludes River) NEMATHELMINTHES Superfamily TRICHUROIDEA MOravec, 2. Shiraishi tn ADENOPHOREA ORDER TOkachi); 1958 (Mie : Bano CLASS NEMATODA SUBCLASS and MOravec Syn . : A れたばんた s4 ぬか (GmeIin , 1790) Of 1935 and Of Fujita, 1939, 1940 Yamaguti, Sites: body cavity,musculature, digestive tract H OStS: O 乃 COr 竹几肋俗耳 0 朴MC 肋 (I, 2) O. 比幻□ , 2, 3, 4, 5) 0. masou (2,5) Salvelinnsleucomaenis (3) Dist.: HOkkaido Records: 1. Yamaguti 1935 (-) ; 2. Fujita 1939 (TOnbetsu, TOkushibetsu, Shokotsu, Yubetsu, Shari), 3. 1940 I3 25 Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura (Shubut0, Mashike, Chitose); 4. Anony1983 mous (Chitose River); (AOmori 5. Urawa ?: unspecified Awakura 1986 (Chitose River, Shiriuchi River, 0mu) Includes River, (M) Anisakis Sp. Type : Mena River); River, 8 , T4) Remarks 叩 かか gわ U5) 比ぬ gゐ W 応 た MC0mm A0- Offshore mori ?,Niigata, TOky0, TOyama Records: 1. Margolis 1957 (HOkkaido: Yubetsu River); kkaido : unspecified : Although 2. Uzmann : Kagei nerka the records from HOkkaid0, Ocean. TOyama : Nii Jinzu Hara 1984 waters Jinzu River) (1970,1974) listaS a host 0f this was based on the fish collected Of the NOrth in Pacific Thus, 0. nerka ;s not included in the present checklist. Salmo gairdneri reported by Kagei (1969) ;s an experi- 1957 (H0- locality) ; River, and parasite, its information れた (4) Island, Awakura ed Oncorhynchus UnSpeCMed SaImonidae (18) Dist.: Shikotan River, River, TOyama mote 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 , u , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 17 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22) 立仇 O 22. Furen (HOkkaido: Okhotsk Sea off Omu, Japan Sea off Rebun, Kamuenai and Suttsu, Shari River, Kitamihorobetsu River, Furen River,Shikyu River, NObusha River, Mena River, Niigata: Mi0- I auct. Sites: mesenteries, musculature, body Cavity H OStS: OwCo 杣/WC 九ぬ go 化M 所d (I, 4) O .地加(2 , 3, O . 川仏OM (5 , 21 Shari River, Kitamihorobetsu River, NObusha gata : Miomote Anisakis Sp. larva locality); et a1. 1984b (HOkkaido: mental 3. host. Anonymous 1958c (HOkkaido: unspecified locality); tan 4. Zhukov 1960 Island: unspecified KObayashi Japan); et a1. 1966 COntracaecum (Shik0- locality); 1966 (TOkyo 9. Kato a1. 1968 Yamada Nishimura 1chihara et a1. 1968 a1. yama, 14. 13. 1969 1975a (HOkkaido 20. Yamaguchi K0- KOga (-) ; : et OwCoX ゆ乃仙応如加 (I, 3, 4) 0. masou et (1, 2) Dist.: HOkkaido Records: 15. Kagei 1. Fujita et a1. 1970 1939 (-); (MOnbetsu): 2 3. Anonymous 1983 (Chitose River); 4. Urawa (ChitoseRiver) Of Japan); 1986 unspecified locality),19. 1975b (HOkkaido: Mena River); KObayashi, Kumada, HOStS: Shiraki 1974 (?: northern sea Seki Of K0- 12. (-); Kagei 1969 (?: northern sea Of Japan); 16. KOyama et a1. 1969 (-); 17. 18. B 1968 (-); Shiraki Type 11. 1968 (HOkkaido: unspecified locali- ty) ; Sp. Hirosaki); : T0- 10. Yamaguchi (AOmori: and COntracaecum miya, Oshima, Kagei, Ishiiand Machida, 1969 Site: body cavity22 et a1. 1968 (TOkyo kyo Central Market); et 1802) 1939 : T0- kyo Central Market); ?. Oyanagi 1967 (-); 8. Otsuru 1968 (Niigata: Japan Sea); (Rudolphi, Baylis,1920 (larva) (M) Syn.: COntracaecum tridentatum Fujita, 5. (?: northern sea of 6. Oshima osculatum @ujita (1939) reported the site 0f infection aS the "body", but it is probably erroneous for the body cavity. a1. 1978 26 Checklist Of Parasites Of Japanese Salmonids Remarks: KOyama (1974)treated COntra- sp. Type caecum COntracaecum et a1. (1969) aS HOwever, Sheenko COw Type tridentatum, and A. (RudoIphl , 1802) Of Zhukov, 1960 and Of Fukui, 196 type, COntra- COntmcaecum Of Sp. KOyama, C. unidentatum Of C. osculatum. as synonyms &?M%CMW 什ぽ切 CCMw and POzdnyakov (1981) suppressed this new caecum 1940 B described by KOyama Oshima, KObayashi, Kumada, KOmiya, Kagei, Ishii and Machi da, 1967 Sp. larva COntracaecum :,FW ?) COntracae.cum Site: [digestivetract] HOStS: 077COr 竹乃Cん俗 P0 化M5C 肋 U 0. mason (3,5, 6) 0. rhodurns (?) Unspecified Salmonidae (4) Dist.: HOkkaid0, Records: 1. TOky0, COntracaecum 1957 : Machida, (HOkkaido unspecified locality) et a1. 1968 (TOkyo Kato 4. Seki Market); : TOkyo 1975a Mena : River); a1. 1984b (-); SiteS: The identity a1.'s (1984) assessment (H0- material material from 如勿 C , 2 , 8, 9 , 10) O. んぬ et can occur O . 刑硲OM (2 , 5 , 6, ?) w ル血 grf (9) Salvelinnsleucomaenis (2,3, 9) re- cultured Dist.: Etorofu sardorff ? 血 wCMW and Records and adult) Syn ・ : C0 れわ mCdeCMW (RudoIpht , 1802) : yama (larva Island, 1. Fujita 1932 (HOkkaido : Ishi- River, : UOtsu) AOmori: 3. ; Aisaka, Zhukov T01960 (Shikotan Island : unspecified locality); (M, FW) んゆゆ OF 加 sSi FuLta Shikotan kari River), 2. 1940 (Etorofu Island23: Bettobi, HOkkaido: Kushir0, Oshor0, ;n fresh- Overstreet, 1981 Island, HOkkaid0, AOmori, TOyama in sp. Chitose ガがぬ仰吻ぬ C血W MfC ん (2) SMm0 hosts. water 竹刀肋応即汁 MC 加 (3, 4) O. requires inteStine , , Caeca et fresh waters, although COntracaecum (e. g. C. rudolphii) pyl0riC , H OStS: OW0/ obtained their 0. rhodurus StomaCh et a1. 1984 0f SOrimachi because they Of Anonymous, sp. body CavIty (Gifu: Yamato) Remarks: Of K0- 1983 Central 6. Awakura ?. SOrimachi D 1969 Thynnascaris 3. ; (HOkkaido: unspecified locality), 5. 1975b kkaido Type Sp. KObayashi, Kumada, K0miya, Oshima, Kagei, Ishiiand Yubetsu River); 2. Anonymous 1958a (HOkkaido Of K0- yama, Gifu Margolis C yama, KObayashi, Kumada, K0miya, Oshima, Kagei, Ishiiand Machida, 1969 2) ・ Type Sp. 4. Fukui 1961 1932 sea Of Japan); COntracaecum hypomesi Fujita,1932 (-); COntracaecum okadai Fujita, 1940 Anonymous COntracaecum salvelini Fujita, 1940 River); COntracaecum oshoroensis Fujita, @See 27 ?. Kagei fo0tnote (AOmori: et a1. 1966 5. KObayashi , 6. KOyama et a1. 1970 et a1. 1969 (-); 8. 1983 (HOkkaido: Chitose 9. MOravec 5 Ajigasawa); (?: northern et a1. 1985 (H0- Nagasawa, kkaido: Lake TOr0, Chitose Urawa, Biwa) Salmon Hatchery); 10. Urawa 1986 (HOkkaido: Chitose River) Remarks: KOyama (1974)treated COntraSp. Types caecum KOyama T ぬノ C and Sheenko ever , ・ SpeCteS Of C0 れれ B C and H ・ POzdnyakov species. Family GOEZIIDAE Ow- GOezia oncorhynchi (198U T 任CMW de 乱Hbed , 1939 , 1940)(C by HOst: んゆゆ Og わ s5f, ・ ・ ・ SpeCieS , and Dist. う ・ is also found fn freshwater fishes and and Nagasawa, 1986). the other hand, the nematode " Thynnascaris as 1983) was Sp." treated C ぴしぱ HOsts (Anonymous, (larva) : (M) ・ et a1. 1984b (-) bicornis BOyce, 1971 Sites : intestine, swim bladder 七 Fujita, 1928 Dist. (FW) : Records Fu)ita, 1928 HOkkaido : 1. BOyce 1971 Sites: stomach, intestine 2. Seki HOst: Salmo gairdneri Dist.: Shiga 1975b (Lake Shizunai) Record : Kataoka and MOmma (FW) HOsts: Salvelinusleucomaenis (1,3) Unspecified Salmonidae (2) 1986 (Chitose River) g 阻f Shikaribetsu) Family QUIMPERIIDAE Ezonema Syn.: 乃aゆ hhid砒cariぬ 1975a (unspecified lo 2. 1975b (Lake 3. Awakura HOkkaido Aidのcar ぬ Mwakoens 1. Seki cality), Records : Anonymous 1983 (ChitoseRiver); 乃乙ク HOkkaido Records: 1878) HOst: Oncorhynchns keta Urawa (3) masou Salvelinusmalma miyabei (2) Unspecified Salmonidae (1) Site: musculature : (FW, M) Oncorhynchus : by Syn.: Termnova decipiens(Krabbe, 1978) Dist. stated identity Of this parasite ?血W 硲 Sp Dist. and COlin, 1982 p. 157) Site: [digestivetract] Urawa (1986). Gibson (1982, Family CUCULLANIDAE reported Pseudoterranova decipiens (Krabbe, the true (Mashil Superfamily SEURATOIDEA On this species as Margolis remains obscure. amphipods (see MOravec et a1.,1985; MOravec keta : Fujita 1940 that ported their proposa1. Although this parasite, it ;n HOkkaido Record et al .は 985) Sup- species tS originally a marine species (FW) Oncorhynchns : Remarks: ・ MOraVec Fujita, 1940 quirenda Site: body cavity C. んゅ 0mgsf , C . OC ん 0 たれ sg , C g乃 fw 応 M , C . ひびぉCほれ 血血川, C . g ゎれ g ぼ仇 m , C . O 肋血 f, C Sd 加 gr/%/ , C 70 れ耳 ぬゆ たび 仇川, C Wg5 ゆ f, C . Osho/0g れ Sぬ ) aS SynonymS Of thiS Fujita(1932 (1984) reviewed the syn- Of Raphidascaris including this Onymy typeS and the eleVen regarded theSe new Smith respectively, as TypeS and Remarks: D described by et a1. (1969), れれ 仏切アぬSp and Awakura 1975a (unspecified locality), ORDER 1934 (Lake 28 (Chihase River); SPIRURIDA 3 Checklist 0f Parasites 0f Japanese Salmonids Superfamily CAMALLANOIDEA P.nchn Family CAMALLANIDAE Camallanidae gen. and P. g 佑乃lEa Of Shimazu, Philonema 1981 HOsts: Hucho 加 Fulita, 1940 (FW) HOsts : Salvelinus Dist. system : and/0r (Kushiro River Bekanbeushi River (M) Philonema Salvelinits leucomaenis Dist. : Fujita , 上 AsCd 加ゆ 九七 OwCo ,竹刀 肋硲如 W ば WMwz : Dist. 1. Fujita 1939 Hatchery), Lake Tazawa); kkaido Remarks: HOst: Oncorhynchits gorbuscha (2) 比血 (3) ぬ (1) Dist.: Etorofu Island, HOkkaid0, Rausu (M) Sp Site: not specified 比 Ivelin応 lcucaW&eW Records River River Family CYSTIDICOLIDAE 939 Site: body cavity O. (Kushiro Bekanbeushi Superfamily HABRONEMATOIDEA Phi め乃 e肌 elone は 勿 Fulita, 1940 HOStS: and/or system) (Obihiro River) sは化 6FwF 1981 Shimazu system (FW) は HOkkaido Record: oncorhynchi Kuitunen-Ekbaum, : P ゎ Fたれ gW 0f Shima HOsts : Hue ko perryi masou 193 nematodes" 1981 Fujita, 1940 Site: body cavity : Fujita 1940 (FW) Sp. Site: body cavity 1940) Rasheed, 1963 Oncorhynchus HOkkaido gen. Syn.: "philometrid zu, Syn.: Philometra masu species is probably identi P. oncorhynchi. Philometridae Family PHILOMETRIDAE Record This cal with (Fujita, 1975a (unspecified Io 2. 1975b (Lake Panketo) Remarks: Superfamily DRACUNCULOIDEA : 1. Seki cality), system) Philometroides W&&% (2) HOkkaido Records: 1981 Shimazu leuconwenis Unspecified Salmonidae (1) leucomaenis HOkkaido : Record: ・ P. salvehn乃 i sp. perryi Salvelinus Syn 1939, Site: not specified Site: digestivetract HOst: Dist. Fujita, (FW) so Syn.: "camallanid nematodes" Dist. ぬ nse Fujita, 1939, P. tenuicauda Fujita,1939, 2. HOkkaido : Margolis 1957 (Yubetsu River) Akita (Etorofu Island 1940 (Akita Cystidicola brevicauda Fujita, 1939 species inquirenda (FW) : : 3. Urawa 1986 (H0- Site: intestine : Chitose River) Ivashkin et a1. (1971) : Record HOst: gave the following synonyms Of Philonema rhynchi : Philonema kondai Fujita, 1939, Dist. Salvelinus malma : Etorofu Island Record onc0- Remarks: 29 : Fujita 1939 (Rausu Hatchery) Margolis (1968) stated that this Nagasawa, Urawa, species cannot be accurately assigned generically until the structure buccal region is better known the is discovered. male Awakura Syn.: Cystidicola iwana Fujita, 1928 Metabronema iwana (Fujita,1928) Site: body cavity24 Of the and and HOst: Salve ぱれ硲少 lu 析硲 Dist.:Shiga C ッ Sぱ仇 CO (FW) ぬ Sp Record Site: not specified HOst: Remarks: Oncorhynchns rhodurus et a1. 1984 (Gifu: (1937) trans ぬ&ro0nem ぱ , Sp. with onymous 昭 ii (Fujita, ゐ 0.w (FW) HOSt: SdfUCFw 硲ル MC0 Record Cystidicola. amemasu Cystidicola amemasu (Rausu Hatchery) Margolis (1968) reviewed the Of this species and history assigned it b0 Salvelinema. (FW) was Fujita, 1939 with (Fujita, 川口 CWzS : Fujita 1939 Remarks: taxonomic 1968 , Dist.: Etorofu Island (Fujita, 1939) Margolis, Syn.: Metabronema 1939) Margo@iS Syn.: Metabronema kosugiiFujita,1939 Site: body cavity Record: MOravec and Nagasawa 1985 (Kikuchi River) Remarks: MOravec and Nagasawa (1985) suggested that this species belongs to amemasu 5. 0r 1968 masou Dist. : Kumarnoto Or 5. salmonicola ぬ8/@ Salvelincma either Salvelinema sug (FW) larva Site: stomach Oncorhynchns (1967) gested that this species !s probably syn川口 Salvelinema Fujita Margolis and Kabata nema. Nagara River, Yamat0, Mie: Miya River) HOst: Although Margolis (1968) assigned ft [o Salveli- SOrimachi Cystidicolidae gen. (Lake Biwa) ferred C ノ sstidico 血 i川ほ れば to Me Dist.: Gifu, Mie Record: : Fujita 1928 1939) This suggested to be possibly S. salmonicola Or species identical s. walkeri (Mar golis and Kabata, 1967) Site: intestine HOst. : Salvelinus Salvelinema oncorhynchi (Fujita,1939) Margolis, 1968 (FW) leucomaenis Dist. : Etorofu Island Record : Fujita 1939 (Rausu Hatchery) Remarks: Although Rasheed Syn . (1965) tenta- (1968) reviewed Mgf ほり r0WCw ほ its taxonomic HOst: Margolis and Kabata (1967) suggested that thisspeciestS probably synonymous Dist.: Etorofu Island 5. salmonicola Or 万ヅ乃 CAz FuLta , Cystidicolaoncorhynchi (Fujita,1939) Site: body cavity history and transferred ;t to Salvelinema. with OwC0/ 1939 tivelyassigned thisspeciesto Cystidicola, Margolis : Record Oncor んノ乃 Ch 硲 : Fujita 1939 ma5n ぴ (Rausu Hatchery) S. walkeri. Salvelinema iwana (Fujita,1928) Margolis, 1968 "Fujita (1928) reported the site 0f infection as the "pleural cavity" in the English text, but he de (FW) scribed it aS the "body cavity" in the Japanese text 30 Checklist 0f Parasites 0f Japanese Salmonids Remarks: Although transferred Yamaguti Metabronema (1961) oncorhynchi (HOkkaido Cystidicola, Margolis (1968)reviewed its taxonomic history and transferred ;t to Salvelinema. Margolis and Kabata (1967) suggested that it ;s probably with synonymous S. salmonicola mori: Hatchery) 6. ; Aisaka, Ishikawa : Tetori); 8. Fukui 1960 (AOmori: unspecified locality), 9. 1961 (AOmori: Aisaka Hatchery); 10. Margolis 1967 (-) ; 11. s. 0r : Chitose Yamaguti 1935 (Shiga : Lake Biwa); ?. Fujita 1940 (Etorofu Island: Bettobi27, HOkkaido: Shiraoi, Chitose River, A0- to walkeri. Margolis Salvelinema salmonicola (Ishii,1916) Margolis, 1966 (FW) Syn.: Oxyuris sp. Of KOshida, 190525 Ancymcanthns salmonicola Ishii, and Kabata 1967 (-); 12. Awakura 1968a (HOkkaido: unspecified locality); 13. Awakura (-); MOravec 14. et a1. 1984b and Nagasawa 1986 (AOmori: ROkumaibashi River) 1916 Cystidicola salmonicola (Ishii, 1916) Cystidicola chitosensisFujita,1940 Cystidicola farionis Fisher, 1798 Of Zhukov, s は加 ぬぬg川口 Sd かeF れ f (Fujita , 1939) n . comb (FW) Syn ・ M ぬeばれ 7 Fujtta : 加勿 あ の乃 gW7 R ぬ妨70 杣 O乃乙 HOsts: S7Mg 0 corhyn%c ん硲如加 (1 , 2, 5, 7, 8 , 9 , 0. 々ゐ (FujIta, 1941) Site: ;nteSttne Mt 所 (?) HOst: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ?, 13) S Imo sairdneri Record (4, 5. 12) Salvelinusleucomaenis (5,?, 14) S. pluvins (6) Dist.:Etorofu Island, Shikotan Island, HOkkaid0, AOmori, Niigata, Ishikawa, Shiga Records: !. KOshida 1905 (HOkkaido: 2. Salvelinus leucomaenis Dist.: Etorofu Island O . 彬相 a (1, 2, 5) River), たんが あ ん F (Fujita, 1941) (new な Wgm& Synonym) 10,1U Chitose , T939 Mg ぬとり %g 川口たん ぬ FUjIta , 1941 1960 Sites: swim bladder,body cavity26 O . 川仏OU . 1910 : Fujita 1939 Remarks: (Rausu Hatchery) Metabronema salvelini was re- named M. ishiiby Fujita (1941)because the former name was pre-0ccupied. Although Yamaguti (1961) later transferred M. ishiito Rhabdochona, Margolis (1968) reviewed its taxonomic history and assigned ft to Salvelinema (as S. (HOkkaido: HOkkaido Fisheries Experimental Station); 3. Ishii 1916 (HOkkaido: Chitose Hatchery); 4. Fujita 1931 rectly S. salvelini In accordance with (HOkkaido This species was suggested by Margolis Aisaka : ishii). HOwever, valid Chitose Hatchery, AOmori: Hatchery); 5. Okada 1935 and zo0logical Kabata cal with "KOshida (1905) reported this parasite sp.". as "Oxguris "See 31 fo0tnote nomenclatorial Or S. walkeri. ephemeridarum 5 the rules. (1967) to be possibily identi- S. salmonicala Sterliadochona "This site Of infection is apparently the result 0f the parasite's migration after death 0f the fish. 5. ishii should be cor- (Linstow, Nagasawa, 1872) Spiroptera salvelini yn.: and Awakura (FW) comb n. Urawa, Kikuchi River, Kagoshima Fujita, 1922 River); Cystidicola salvelini(Fujita,1922) Metabronema salvelini(Fujita,1922) Cystidicoloides salvelini(Fujita,1922) Sterliadochona salvelini (Fujita,1922) Cystidicoloides ephemeridarum (Linstow, 1872) Oncnr んノ凡 しん O . れ乙相 a (1, O . L肋ぱuri 硲 Salmo Of the species and (?) SpeCieSpIaCed S 力仇 vim (2) はう 1. Lake Fujita Shikotsu), Biwa) 3. ; Island: 1922 Zhukov 5. 1975b AOmori, (Shiga 1960 (HOkkaido 1984b (-); : Omine Yura go : River, Shiga Kishida : : : Shimane: Ota Kaifu River, Ehime: chi: Shimanto name MOravec and stated that holarctic Rhabdochona River, Sites: intestine, River, Oita Ono Yamaguti , 1935 Fu 爪 a , 所WCM pyloric HOsts : Oncorhynchus : caeca, body cavi iwame (13) 0 . 如妨 1 , 2, 6, 11 0 W 仏ou 12, 13, 14) O . 乃 er , (2) O . ?ぬ odur@s (5 , 9 , 3) ・ River, ん乙 : 上 Salmwo eairdneri(12) River, K0: W 叫O OWO ty28 Taka- TOkushima ばば 1940 River, Hy0- Niyodo salvelini Fujita, 1927 F 肋 とは O 仙 Ow F 肋 MO 肋 OM et a1. : (FW) Of Fujita, 1916 Sp. F 防 &70 仙 OW ば加ぬ (FulHa , 1921) River, Kyoto Takatsu ls genus Cystidicola oncorhynchi Fujita,1921 CystidicolafujiiiFujita,1921 : Lake Mashu, Okayama placed fn Fujita, 1927 and Nagasawa Ado and genus Thus, the nematode Syn.: Cucullanus River, AOmori: YOshino River, hashi River, Hiroshima Lake : : Amano River, Nara valid Rhabdochona oncorhynchi (Fujita,1921) 4. Seki 6. Awakura ?. MOravec 1985 (HOkkaido and a Family RHABDOCHONIDAE (Shikotan locality); Shikaribetsu); aS Cysti- Superfamily THELAZIOIDEA 1975a (HOkkaido: unspecified locality), Lake used in Cノ如必CO 比 ?ぬSShouldbe Sterliadochona. (HOkkaido 2. 1928 unspecified (1981) dis- and herein assigned to the latter gz (5) Shiga, Kyot0, Nara, Hyog0, Okayama, Shimane, Hiroshima, TOkushima, Ehime, KOchi, Oita, Miyazaki, Kumamot0, Kagoshima Records: MOravec taken out Of the Shikotan Island, HOkkaid0, : confused. this problem Of this species Petter (1984) also discussed the taxonomy (6 , 7, 8) Unspeclfied Salmonldae (4) Dist. remains cussed Of this nematode, た ur.riWdew ば 1 , 3) ・ taxonomy 5) miy : Nagasawa (1985)followed him. HOwever, 硲側7SOU 棚 Ima S. The dicoloides ephmeridarum sai/ は ner7 (5) Salvflinw (HOkkaido Shokanbetsu River) Remarks: ites: stomach, intestine HOsts: KOmenotsu : 1986 8. Kitamura River, Miyazaki: Nanuki River, Oyodo River, Sendai River, Hiroto River, Kumamoto "This site 0f infection was reported by Fujita (1927b) "visceral cavity". HOwever, its site is probably the result Of the parasite's migration after death of the fish. : as 32 Checklist Of Parasites Of Japanese Salmonids 5. trutta (12) (1975) and Salvelinusfontinalis(12) S. leucomaenis (2,10, 12) S. pluvius (3,4, ?, 8) Dist.: Shikotan Island,HOkkaid0, AOmori, Akita ?, TOchigi, Nagan0, Kyot0, Nara, roshima, Ehime, ga, TOyama, F 肋 MO 肋 Ow7 Shi 2. Lake Shikotsu), 1921c Biwa), in Fujita HOsts : Hucho 3. (Shiga Dist. : ?. Yamaguti (TOyama: Ozidaira); Tsumetagawa); Bano River); Island Fukui : 10. Hatchery); 12. 1941 kyo); 3. Shimazu system and/or system); (AOmori MOravec Bekanbeushi 4. Awakura Unidentified Aisaka : 1981 (Kushiro River Nematoda et a1. 1981 gen. Nematoda (FW) Site: intestine HOst: River, AOmori: Dist.: HOkkaid0, Nagano Oirase River29, AOmori Lake Akita Lake Chuzenji) : YOshino TOwada, 13. MOravec and River, River, River, Okayama: Hiroshima : Ota TOchigi: (Kyoto: Yura ; 1985 Nagasawa Nara : Hyogo : Takahashi River, Ehime: Salmo Records MOravec : specified locality); Oshima no : The this species taxonomic was River, CLASS exist and (HOkkaido: (Naga BORDIOIDEA Family CHORDODIDAE 14. Chordodes sp.30 Lake confusion (FW) Site: stomach HOst: Oncorhynchw rhodurus of Dist. solved by MOravec : Mie Record and BOyce (1981) misspelled the the "Owada River" (Margolis, Station, personal communithe TOwada River does not corresponds to the "Oirase 1976 NEMATOMORPHA ORDER : Remarks "MOravec, Margolis "TOwada River" aS Pacific Biological cation). HOwever, : un- unspecified locality) Niyodo Shirarutoro) Remarks: 1968a (HOkkaido Kishida Kikuchi River); et a1. 1985 gairdneri Awakura : River, Oita: Ono River, Miyazaki: Nanuki River, Oyodo River, Hiroto River, Kumamoto et a1. 1984b (-) Sp (HOkkaido: Shikyu River, Nishibetsu and/0r River 1960 unspecified locality); 1961 1975a (unspecified l0- (H0- 1958 Zhukov 1. Seki cality), 2. 1975b (Lake Panket0, Lake Shizunai, Lake Oku-niikappu, HOhei- 8. 1954 (Naga9. Shiraishi (2) HOkkaido : Records: 1935 6. Fujita 1940 : Sapporo); 11. (4) masou Unspecified Salmonidae (1) Sappor0, 1927a 5. Yamaguti Tazima); : (Shikotan 5. malma 4. 1927b (same locality as (1927a)); (Kyoto : perryi (3) Oncorhynchns Sap- : (HOkkaido: kkaido (Mie of Salvelinusleucomaenis (2,3) poro), no: nematodes" 1981 Site: digestive tract Miyazaki, 1. Fujita 1916 (HOkkaido : Lake (FW) Sp Shimazu, Kumamoto Records e[ a1. (1981) Syn.: "rhabdochonid Hyog0, Okayama, Oita, MOravec based "The River" 33 generic Shiraishi 1958 (Bano : River) The record Of Shiraishi (1958) is On name a tentative parasite Of this parasite was identifi- misreported Nagasawa, Urawa, cation. The identity Of this parasite PHYLUM ORDER requires Fish (FW) Sp. Remarks 1975a (unspecified Io Family ECHINORHYNCHIDAE Am れ地 0C Of Nakano Of Harada, 1935 and Of masou Records "The : (3) and Kawamura (Nagano : 2. Van Cleave 1931 prefectural but it is now was (Nagano31: reported as species as because Harada's Cleave, 1931 [intestine] Oncorhynchus Dist.: Nagano32 nerka Van Cleave 1931 (Lake : Harada AOki) (1935), relegated whom Yamaguti ones. seems Because Harada's a pr0- t0 require reassessment, also treat them 1924 to (1963) listed the two species as separate posal A. aculeatns Of A. echigoensis . HOwever, synonym Kizaki Fish Cultural Station); name : followed, Nagano 1. Nakano two also treat the two Petrochenko (1956) and GOlvan (1969) 0. nerka (1,4) Salmo gairdneri (1,2, 3, 5, 6) Salvelinusfontinalis(3) Unspecified Salmonidae (?) Dist.: Yamanashi, the We aculeatus Van HOst: Remarks Site: intestine Oncorhynchus (1956) and Yamaguti to require reassessment. seems Record: 1%65 : ones. Site HOshina, Egusa and Shikama, HOsts regarded Of A. (FW) 1924 ゆ肋仇 s g肋埋0g%S ぬ Fu 爪 a , 1920 (1963) separate Naga- 0f A. echigoensis (1969). HOwever, Acanthocephalus and ?. accepted by Petrochenko view (FW) Kawamura, et a1. Hatchery); 1983 (-) species aS independent H 勿乃仇ocep 防 1.mA@acp.rh硲 Van Cleave, 193l ・ 5. HOshina Oizumi to a synonym GOlvan Superfamily ECHINORHYNCHOIDEA Sp Cul 1935 (Naga : Harada's (1935) relegation acerbus PALAEACANTHOCEPHALA H 何% 仇。。ゆ肋 ?硲 Kizaki Fish Hatchery); and Egusa was Syn . : Kizaki); nashi : Oizumi cality), 2. 1975b (Lake Panketo) ORDER and Harada (Yamanashi: sawa 1. Seki 4. 3. Nakai 6. Nagasawa and Egusa 1981b (Yama- (2) HOkkaido Records: (Nagano: Lake no: Unspecified Salmonidae (1) : 1932 1965 leucomaenis Station); tural Station); Site: not specified Dist. Cultural KOkai Family NEOECHINORHYNCHIDAE HOsts : Salvelinus reassessment ACANTHOCEPHALA EOACANTHOCEPHALA Neoechinorhynchtis and Awakura aS we independent species. Acanthocephalns echigoensis Fujita,1920 Kizaki (FW) "Shinano' called "Nagano". 3"See fo0tnote 34 31 Checklist Of Parasites 0f Japanese Salmonids Sites : pyloric caeca, intestine HOsts : Oncorhynchus 0. Records: keta (1) Branch (2) masou 1. 1972 (MOri Branch do Fish Hatchery), Dist.: Niigata, Yamanashi cality aS tn Awakura Records: sawa 1. Fujita 1920b (Niigata: Mi0- mote River); 1936 (Yamanashi: 2. Fukui and Sano MOrisita River) : Harada (1935) synonymized three species, Acanthocephalus A. acerbvs, and his view HOst: Dist. different from : A. echigoensis, it tS tenta- Fujita Of Fu 爪 a , 1916 h 1916 This (Sapporo), species 1921a Petrochenko guti (1963) and cleave , 1925 (FW) relegated to was Of 4. echigoensis by synonym (1935), whom JMU 硲 Van Sp . (Hassabu River) tively included herein. 47 れ地 OC ゆ肪丁M FuLta , 192I HOkkaido Remarks: and MOrisita (1936) fS probably Of Fukui O乃 COr ぬ / 乃 しん f Oncorhynchus Records: separate In addition, although the material Ones. 5. Awa- Site: digestive tract because aS 4. Naga- (-); l0- (FW) reassessment, species (1972)); 1983 Syn . : A 切れ仇0C ゆ肋廿 M A. aculeatus, to require seems treat the four we (same the onc0- A. echigoensis. HOwever, Of HOkkai- 3. 1973 kura et a1.1984b (-) A Cぽ乃仇 OC ゆ肋 ?ぬ Remarks rhynchi, Egusa 2. 3. ; Kagei 1980 (-) with and (MOri Fish Hatchery); Of HOkkaido Awakura Salmo gairdneri (3) 1972 Anonymous HOwever, we different ones Harada (1956), Yama- GOlvan (1969) followed. treat the two until a species Harada's view as is verified. Site: intestine HOst: Salmo gairdneri Dist. AC& 乃仇 OCgp ぬ J俗 Yamanashi : Record : Nagasawa and Egusa an : Syn ・ : HOStS: W 而Or Yamagutt , 1935 (FW) Syn.: Acanthocephalus echigoensis Fujita, 1972 and Of Awa Records: Salmo W 岱0 ea かば neri Salvelinus Unspecified malma ぴ Trout (I , 2 , 3, 5) hara (1 , 2, 3) 1. Ito 1959 Experimental 1964 (TOkyo Matsumoto (1, 2, 3) Salmonidae MatSumoto , 0. rhodurus (6) kura, 1973 OWCO7 力丁 WC 乃M Of Salmo gairdneri (1,2, 3, 4, 5) Salvelinusfontinalis(3,6) Dist.: TOchigi, TOky0, Shiga Site: intestine H OStS: ・ Uncork ゆ几肋us ncY 肋 (6) A 田れ仙OC ゆ肪伽 s Of Anonymous, Sp Site : inteFstins trout ;s considered to be accidental 1920 ゆ肋 Z応 s0.0f It0, 195933 1972 in rainbow occurrence , (FW) Acanthoc ?H 切れ地OC ゆ肋 f硲 Since this species fS an amphibi parasite, its YamagutI 1935 1981b (Oizumi Hatchery) Remarks O力 Sはわたん 妨y7fS 1972 (Shiga: Samegai Station); : Akigawa 2. Ichi- valley); (TOchigi: Lake Yun0- (4) Dist. : HOkkaido "The generic name as " Acanthocepharus". 0f this parasite was 3. misreported 35 Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura a1. 1975 (Shiga: Samegai Trout Experimental Station); 5. Nakajima and Egusa 1975a (Shiga: Samegai Trout Experimental Station); Miomote 6. Nagasawa do : Tanno36, Abashiri, ko); 4. Nakajima et River); 2. Van Cleave 192535 : unspecified (TOkyo Margolis 1957 locality) ; (HOkkaido: 3. Yubetsu River); 4. Anonymous 1958b (HOkkai- et a1. 1983 (TOchigi: Lake Yunoko) Nemuro and TOkachi); two locations in 5. Anonymous 1983 (HOkkaido: Chitose River, Japan Ac はれ 廿ぬ (FW) ocev 肋 lus spp Sea Site: intestine HOsts : 1984b(-); Oncorhynchus and mura Branch Sano 1986 (HOkkaido: GOlvan species, new a (1969) pr0- Echinorhynchus 1977 N0- (1920b), Margolis (Niigata: KOide and Arthur (1979, p. 121) did not accept ;t. Of Niigata Prefectural Fisheries et a1. 1984b (-); 3. Awakura 4. SOrimachi Echinorhynchus truttae Schrank, 1778 (FW) et a1. Site: intestine 1984 (Gifu: Yamato) HOst: Dist. EC 九 f乃 0 杣/ 几肋M CO ぬ Yama9uti , 1935 (FTV) Salvelinus : Record leucomaenis Shikotan Island : Zhukov 1960 (unspecified locality) intestine : HOsts : Oncorhynchus masou (2) P 肋血 wo Salmo gairdneri (2) Salvelinusleucomaenis (1,2) Dist. Although posed (-) ; 2. Experimental Station); Site et a1. ekbaumi, for E. gadi reported by Fujita 1976 Seki ?. Urawa Remarks: Dist.: Niigata, Gifu !. 6. Awakura Chitose River) (3) masou 0. rhodurns (4) Salmo gairdneri (1,2) Records: off Atsuta); : MOnisita, !. Nagasawa River) 1980 (-) ; 2. Records W 仇 ZOega Syn.: Echinorhynchus ・ Fukui ekbaumi GOlvan, Pseudorhadinorhynchus samegaiensis Nakajima and Egusa, 1975 (FW) Site: intestine HOst: Salmo gairdneri Dist.: Shiga 0. keta {1. 4, 5, 7) 0. masou (2, 6) TOky0, Fujita (same locality aS ;n Fukui MOrisita (1937)) Family ILLIOSENTIDAE Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (3) Dist. : HOkkaid0, and MOrisita 1937 (Taguti ・ Site: intestine 1. : in O F M Mer , 196g Records: and (FW) 1937 River), 1938 (M) : m ひ 0g は川 &f Fuku; Dist.: Niigata and Egusa 1981a (Kanita 1776 HOsts Of 止s HOst: Salvelinuspluvius Nagasawa and E 肋ぬ 0所川 杣硲 ん Site: intestine AOmori Records: ,ゆ wC Niigata 1920b "The prefectural name was reported but it ts now called "Niigata". (Niigata34 as @The record Of Van Cleave (1925) tentative parasite identification. "See fo0tnote 13. "Echigo", 36 is based on Checklist 0f Parasites 0f Japanese Salmonids Records: Nakajima et a1. 1975 Zhukov (Samegai and Egusa 1975b (Samegai Trout kkaido Experi- Family RHADINORHYNCHIDAE Oncorhynchns : Anonymous 1983 HOsts 1958 : River); (HOkkaido 1957 zu (HOkkaido: Family Hucho locality) ; 1. Abe : 1973 (Saitama locality) ; 2. Oshima : un- 1976 1981 (HOkkaido : Kushiro River system River sytem) 3 ANNELIDA HlRUDINoIDEA H OStS: Oncorh ノれ しん ぴ ,s ゐ P血 O 川dsou RHYNCHOBDELLIDA ・ Salmo gairdneri GLOSSIPHONIIDAE Sal ,nc おれ 硲力 wf? れぱ ?水 Dist.: TOyama ・ Hegmic たがた marg が na 加 (0 F Miiller, 1884) ・ 0f Shimazu, perryi (3) and/or Bekanbeushi 1958a PHYLUM ORDER (FW) spp. (Nagano: unspecifiedlocality);3. Shima- 2. Anonymous : unspecified CLASS gen. "acanthocephalans" : specified (6) 1. Margolis Yubetsu : Records Shikotan Island, HOkkaido Records: Aeanthocephala Salmo gairdneri(1,2) Dist.: HOkkaid0, Saitama, Nagano 0. keta (4, 5, ?) Dist. 1960 (unspecified locality) 1981 HOsts: Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (1,2, 3) 0. masou 1802) (M) Site: intestine intestine : 1986 leucomaenis : Zhukov Includes Sp. Of Margolis, 1957 0f Anonymous, ?. Urawa Chitose River) Salvelinns Acanthocephala BOlbosoma caenoforme (Heitz, 1920) Meyer, 1933 (juvenile) (M) BOlbosoma : Unidentified Family POLYMORPHIDAE Site 5. ; Shikotan Island : Record Superfamily POLYMORPHOIDEA and et a1. 1984b (-); HOst: Dist. tose River) : locality) Site: mesenteries (Chitose River, Japan Sea off Atsuta); Urawa 1986 (Chi- Includes unspeci- COrynosoma strumosum (Rudolphi, Liihe,1904 (juvenile) keta HOkkaido : unspecified (HOkkaido Site: intestine Records : kura Rhadinorhynchns trachuriHarada, 1935 (M) Dist. (Shikotan Island: Anonymous 1983 (HOkkaido: Chitose River,Japan Sea off Atsuta); 6. Awa- mental Station) HOst: 1960 fied locality); 4. Kamegai 196237(H0- Trout Experimental Station); Nakajima (FW) Sites : body surface, fins "The record Of Kamegai (1962) tive parasite identification. 37 is based 0n a tenta Nagasawa, Urawa, Record: Hayaguri 1934 (Shogawa Trout PHYLUM and Awakura Farm) MOLLUSCA CLASS PELECYPODA ORDER O. 研汝細励 Lぬ (HaaS Uyen0, 1966 Syn ・ : M 肝叩桁放刑 WZ ・ O . np.r 肋 1, 2, 3) EULAMELLIBRANCHIA Salmo gairdnerl (1,2) Family UNIONIDAE Mmw (I 2) 廿ぬ%OM S ほぬ CF 乃硲 た MCOWd6% , 1910) TayIor Dist. and HOkkaido : Records: (FW) 1. (same (LinnaeuS , 1758)38 3. Site : gfl1S 1964 Awakura River, Chitose 似ヮ肋火川 び (2y9 localities Hatchery), (Chitose 2. ;n Awakura as 1968b (1964)), 1969 (Chitose River) H OStS: Owor 伽乃肋俗如加は。 2) PHYLUM ARTHROPODA CLASS CRUSTACEA SUBCLASS ORDER BRANCHIURA 1978 (FW) Fisheries Shimura tama g7fX で %e/f (I , 2, 3 , 5 , 6 , 7, 10 , II) Shimura s . 力仇材硲(3) Of TOkyo this (TOkyo species Aichi Experimental Inoue et a1. 1980 (TOkyo Experimental Egusa Station); 1980 (TOkyo: 5 Oku Experimental 1981 (TOkyo Metropolitan Station); : Okutama 6 Branch Fisheries Experi- mental Station); ?. Shimura 1983a (TOkyo: Okutama Branch Of TOkyo Metropolitan Fisheries Experimental YOshino Fish Farm, Nagano: Akashina Fisheries Experimental Station, Kizaki misspelled 0f Branch 0f TOkyo Metropolitan S口比 Cはれ応力れたれ ?/ ゐ (I, 4, 5) (1964) Fisheries 4. and Fisheries Dist.: Nagan0, TOky0, Aichi,Wakayama "Awakura 3. Ishii et al Branch Okutama Branch Of TOkyo Metropolitan (4,5 , 6, 7, 8, 9, 1950 Station); (Aichi: HOrai Station); (2 , 3, 12) HOshina Experi Yamaji Of Aichi Prefectural Fisheries Prefectural 10 , II) 1. Fisheries Wakayanna: 2. Uno et a1. 1975 (Aichi: HOrai Experimental ArgulKS coregoni Thorel1, 1864 Site: body surface H Osts: Oncn 所ynchus m 仏ou Records: Station, Branch Family ARGULIDAE SMmo 0f National mental gori); ARGULOIDEA O . /肋血 r硲 Branch aS "Although "伽即所昨柑倣Z僻所娘げ ments 38 the glochidia attached to the gill fila 0f this host, they did not grow normally Checklist 0f Parasites 0f Japanese Salmonids Station); 8. Shimura et a1.1983b (T0- Dist.: Kurile Islands, HOkkaido kyo : Okutama Records: 1. Yamaguti 1939a (HOkkaido: Branch Of TOkyo Metr0- politan FisheriesExperimental Station); 9. Shimura 1983b (TOkyo: Lake Okutama MOkoto); 2. Shiino 1952 unspecified locality), Islands: (Kurile 1959 (H0- Branch Of TOkyo Metropolitan Fisheries Experimental Station); 10. Shimura kkaido et a1. 1983a (TOkyo Awakura 1980 (HOkkaido: unspecified locality); 6. Anonymous : Okutama Branch 1970 of TOkyo Metropolitan Fisheries Experimental Station); 11. Shimura and In01984 ue (TOkyo: Okutama Branch kkaido: Pacific COPEPODA : 1. ;n musculature 1962 Yamashita 1978 (Shizuoka : Ito) Chitose River) (FW) HOshina yamame 2. Otaki and 1954 et a1., cavity, oper- culum,body surface unco 杣タ %c 乃硲 m ぬou (2 , HOsts: 0. : 3, 4, 6)40 惟袖口田 立加 elm% 応力 血血硲 (5) and Dist.: H Okkaid0, Gunma, Nagano Records: SUBORDER 1. Yamaguti Lake Penke); naga 1954 1939b (HOkkaido 2. HOshina (Nagano: and Kiso : Sue- River); 3. Kabata 1976 (Gunma41: unspecified l0- Family CALIGIDAE cality); 1967 Lepeophtheirns salmonis (Kroyer, 1837) Kroyer, 1863 (M) Syn.: Lepeophtheirus uenoi Yamaguti, 1939 Site: body surface go 朴ぬ C肋 4. HOshina (Gunma: Farm); and Masutani 5. Nishimura Nishimura Trout and Culture HOshina 1977 (Nagano: KOakagawa); 6. Awa- kura et a1. 1984b (-) (I) "HOshina O . 如仇 (2, 3, 6, 8, 9) 0. masou (H0- 1984 SIPHONOSTOMATOIDA 吻 %C わぬ ?. NOrth 1986 1ncludes: Salmincola Sp. Of Awakura with (Kanagawa Aquarium); O 乃 CO : western Sites : gills, gill cavity, mouth Enoshima HOStS: (H0- Atsuta); 9. Urawa Suenaga, (FW) Shizuoka Kasahara (HOkkaido: Salmincola Unspecified Salmonidae (1) Records off 1915 gairdneri (2) Dist.: Kanagawa, 1983 5. Syn.: Salmincola falculata(Wilson, 1908) body protruding externally] HOsts : Salmo coast); Salmincola californiensis (Dana, 1852)Wilson, CYCLOPOIDA [head embedded Okhotsk Family LERNAEOPODIDAE Lernaea cyprinaceaLinnaeus, 1758 : 4. Kimura Sea Ocean); kkaido Family LERNAEIDAE Site Japan 1985 sawa SUBCLASS ENTOMOSTRACA SUBORDER (HOkkaido: River); Awakura et a1. 1984b (-); 8. Naga- of TOkyo Metropolitan Fisheries Experimental Station); 12. Takegami 1984 (Wakayama: Hiki River) ORDER Shibetsu : and Nishimura (1976) suggested that the host reported by HOshina and Suenaga (1954) was probably Oncorhynchus rhodurns. (4, 7) Unspecified Salmonidae (5) "The 39 prefectural name was reported as "Gumma". Nagasawa, Urawa, ぬ M 所CO 肋勿ゆ fowfs (K 印yer , 1837@ WilSon , Syn.: Salmincola smirnovi : mouth HOst: HOsts: Salmo gairdneri Salvelinus leucomaenis Markevich, Dist. : Iwate cavity S巳加 elinus 胴 J胴 Dist.: not Record: 1956 Remarks: Markevich this parasite was but (1956) stated that SWW SUBCLASS obtained rn "Japan", East". , 1936 ROcanf (FW) ん O Hum and Kabata 1986 Meinert, (M) Site: body surface HOst: Oncorhynchw kisutch p? りf ・ : 伽棚r.u 七血 Schioedte 1897 DiSt : H Okkaido ReCord FLABELLIFERA Family AEGIDAE site : Skin 乃M ISOPODA SUBORDER collected in "the ぬ CO 佑 s ぬ /ぬ f硲 MarkeviCh HOSt: MALACOSTRACA ORDER h@ (1940) reported Ln its original description that rL was Far Record : Kumagai 1985 (Matsuo Inland Fisheries Experimental Station) specified Markevich (FW) Sp. Site : not specified 1940 Site Awakura Salmincola (FW) 1915 and (Sun Dist.: HOkkaido PiaZZa Aqua- Records: 。 2) Awakura 198043 (unspecified lo cality),1983b (Hamanaka) "Although the collection locality was reported as "a hacthery", the parasite was actually found 0n the fish reared aL this aquarium in Sappor0. "The generic "ROcinera'. 勿 name Of this parasite was misspelled as Checklist 0f Parasites Of Japanese Salmonids HOst-Parasite List CLASS OSTEICHTHYES ORDER Brachyphallus crenatus (Shikotan Island,HOkkaido) Hemiums levinseni(Shikotan Island, HOkkaido) Lecithaster gibbosus (Shikotan Island, HOkkaido) POdocotyleatomon (Shikotan Island) SALMONIFORMES Family SALMONIDAE Hucho perryi (Brevo0rt) huchen, "ito" Ciliophora ? Trichodina domerguei (HOkkaido) MOnogenea Microcotylidae Cestoidea Diphyllobothrium la-tum plerocercoid (KurileIslands,HOkkaido)* Sp. (HOkkaido) gen. Trematoda Azygia perryii(HOkkaido) Bunodera luciopercae (HOkkaido) sp. (HOkkaido) Nematoda Camallanidae gen. Sp. (HOkkaido) Philometridae gen. sp. (HOkkaido) Rhabdochona Sp. (HOkkaido) Acanthocephala Acanthocephala gen. Island, HOkkaido) Ascarophis Sp. (HOkkaido) COntracaecum Sp. larva (HOkkaido) Hysterothylacium adnncum larva (Shikotan Island,AOmori) Acanthocephala BOlbosoma caenoforme juvenile (Shikotan Island,HOkkaido) Echinorhynchus gadi (HOkkaido) COpepoda Lepeophtheirus salmonis (HOkkaido) (H Okkaido) O 乃 CO C. qnadr 所 f@orme(HOkkaido) MyxXidiuMmsp.(H Okkaido) Ciliophora 所丁 wL ん mura44 MS f川口 mg Kimura and Naka "iwame" "Although this fish is treated aS an independent species throughout the text, it may be regarded as a local form Of Oncorhynchus rhodurus. Tr.h 妨タ Oph 所inu7s 脚MIt が"たた (HOkkaido) 止 Sp. (HOkkaido) Anisakis Sp. larva (Shikotan Oncorhynchvsgorbuscha (Walbaum) pink salmon, "karafutomasu" Syn.: Salmo gorbuscha Walbaum Sarcomastigophora Ichtyobodo necator (HOkkaido) Microspora Microsporidium takedai(HOkkaido) Ascetospora Balanosporida gen.sp.(H Okkaido) Myxozoa Trema Eubothrium Anisakis simplex larva (HOkkaido) Salmincola stellatns (HOkkaido) g 但aれたび 川 (Shikotan Island) Nematoda Sp. (HOkkaido) COpepoda C ん佑加myxu7m crassum Phyllobothrium caudatum plerocercoid (HOkkaido) Phyllobothrium Sp. plerocercoid (HOkkaido) Proteocephalus Sp. (HOkkaido) Scolex pleuronectis plerocercoid (Shikotan Island) Cestoidea BOthriocephalns Eubothrium cona 41 Nagasawa, Urawa, Nematoda and Awakura m ぴMW E 妨 Of ん /fMm F 比 &血肋 ona Onco 所@ynchi(oita) Wy 比7f乃ぬ (H Okka@do) s町川例 f□ 妨 pIeroCerCoid (HOkkaido) OWCOX り,w 杣硲比 MWMwf JOrdan Gregor45 Syn OwCo : ・ and MC F ゆ仇 &0 妨FMm 「 竹 W 仙硲 肋川? 川?wg JOrdan P 50h0w Niigata , TOyama % 杣硲如ぬ ・ chum ,ゆ乃cゐ心肋 salmon, "sake" 「 7d7MW 幻ん 坤gぉ05MW ねび p@eroCerCoid 叩WgCf ぬ (□ ) plCrocercoid HW 七 ほんな F 川力ね X Iarva (H OkkaIdo) beri H ilgendo , f Anisakis sp. larva (HOkkaid0, Niigata) COntra.cae.cum osculatum larva (H Okkaido) ? GOezia oncorhynchi (HOkkaido) gddf (HOkkaido) Hysterothylacium Myxozoa CA 伍叩WW7W , and/or N ematoda Sarcomastigophora Ichtyobodo necator (HOkkaido) Microspora M た, 0ゆ0 (H Okkaido Ibarak@ , (H Okkaido) Walbaum) Syn.: Salmo keta Walbaum Oneo pleroCerCoid Chiba) P SCO ぬズク んツ pleroCercoid ぬ ・ and McGregor Nematoda Philonema oncorhynchi (Akita) OWOr 仰M 血仇 W (HOkkaido) "kunimasu" 7M?/ が0rWg aduncum adult and larva (Etorofu Island,HOkkaido) Philonema oncorhynchi (HOkkaido) (H Okkaido) C. salvelini (HOkkaido) LwMd0 C. C (HOkkaido) Rfvibdochona oncorhynchi (HOkkaid0, AOmori) ・ 血乃ば肋 f (HOkkaido) 川は L7F (HOkkaido) Myxobolns arcticus(HOkkaido) Ciliophora 几ぬ /ぬ y0pAf 乃 7LFM れ放た mM Trematoda Brachyphallus crenatus (HOkkaido) ? Crepidostomum salmonis (HOkkaido) gen. L"Cf ぬ岱ぬ, Echinorhynchus salmonicola @arva (HOkkaid0, gadi (HOkkaid0, (HOkkaido) Tubulovesicula lindbergi(HOkkaido) Cestoidea Cestoda gen. Sp. (HOkkaido) Hirudinoidea Hegmic たがぬ 川りぽma 加 (TOyama) MOllusca "Although species this fish is treated as throughout the text, it may a local form 0r subspecies an 研坤川灰而 (H Okkaicdo) COpepoda Ma independent be regarded Of Oncorhynchns This fish is land-1ocked in Lake Tazawa, Prefecture, but may disappear there due to mental changes. Nii gata) Rhadinorhynchus tmchuri (HOkkaido) BOlbosoma caenoforme juvenile (HOkkaido)* $p. (HOkkaido) g 仏&05 硲 7gC ゆ化 wS AOmori) Acanthocephala Acanthocephalus echigoensis (Niigata) A. oncorhynchi (HOkkaido) ? Trichodina domerguei (HOkkaido) Hemiuridae 乃 0 ひ7 Salve.1ine.W0 (HOkkaido) 七 ぬ rM as nerka ,P" Z ゆeoph 仇ぬrus Akita salmon ぬ (Kurile Is@ands , H Okkaido) environ 42 Checklist 0f Parasites 0f Japanese Salmonids Oncorhynchuskisutch(Walbaum) coho salmon, "ginzake" M. neurobius (HOkkaid0, Hiroshima) Ciliophora Chilodonella piscicola(-) Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (HOkkaido) ? Trichodina domerguei (HOkkaido) Nematoda Hysterofhylacium aduncum larva (Etorofu Island) Salvelinema salmonicola (Etorofu Island) Isopoda Urceolariidae Encotyllabe masu ROcinela maculata (HOkkaido) uncor 如 me 九応 masou me, "sakuramasu, T milktschitsch りf (Ta H ilgendorf , , YamanaShD んノ w しん F (TOkyo , YamanaShD ぬノ Sp . (― ) 力比U ば s C/C れ口 #Ms (H Okkatdo , P cr ゆ;705foW れ川 MC 几 fW Of ガ (H OkkaId0) Dimerosaccus oncorhynchi (Iwate) Gcw Salmo masou Salmo milktschitsch Tanaka Brevo0rt ぱ rchops 七 mu. ぬ .n (― ) Lecithaster gibbosus(HOkkaido and/or S arcomastigophora N iigata) Metagonimns yokogawai metacercaria (Oita) salmonis (HOkkaido) Ichtyobodo necator (HOkkaido) Apicomplexa Metagonitmis N0WO truttae (HOkkaido) ゆみ Sp. metacercaria y6Z ぬ ?ぱク 0wP%S (-) ぼ metaCeLCarla (Iwate,Yamagata) Microspora Parahemiurus (H Okkaido) M 比r0 ゆO/ わか刑加々g7F gen. merus (Niigata) Plagioporus zacconis (Ibaraki) Pseudolepidapedon kobayashii(-) Tubulovesicula lindbergi (HOkkaid0, Niigata) (HOkkaid0) Ascetospora Balanosporida ゎ硲ぱ川 ? んび 川ナ (HOkka@do OWCOr BMC Ijima,1889 ・ (HOkkaid0, TOkyo) (Gunma) N Hgata) OwCoy 竹 %C 几応 pey sp M A J小 Cw ぱせ fMW naka) LOma イ Trematoda f. ishikawai masou Oncorhynchus Eimeria Sp . TOkyo JOrdan and McGregor Hexamita masu G ッ叩 ?d しり yama yamabe" Syn.: Oncorhynchus (-) Gyrodactylus TefmoWC (Brevo0rt) salmon, masu Sp. (HOkkaido) gen. MOnogenea Sp. (HOkkaido) Myxozoa Choloromyxum oncorhynchi (Etorofu Island) C. quadriforme (HOkkaido) Chloromyxum Sp. (HOkkaid0, Niigata, Hiroshima) Myxidium oncorhynchi (HOkkaido) Myxidium Sp. (HOkkaido) Myxobolus arcticus (HOkkaid0, Niigata, TOyama, Hiroshima) Cestoidea DiphyUobothrium latum plerocercoid (HOkkaid0, AOmori, Iwate, Akita, Miyagi, Yamagata, Ibaraki and/or Chiba, TOky0, Niigata, TOyama, 1shikawa, Fukui, Kyoto)"' Eubothrium Sp. (-) Ligulidae gen. (Gunma) 4 Sp. plerocercoid Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (HOkkaido) Ar Pelichnibothrium Sp. plerocercoid E 所ぬ o 幼yn 仙応 cotti (AOm Ori) (HOkkaido) Phyllobothrium caudatum plerocercoid ・ a% 妨oc ゆ肋仇s BOlbosoma spp (― ) ・ juvenile (― ) caen0 九 rme E.gad? (TOkyo)* Hirudinoidea (-) Hegm た坤 5ぬ P. salmonis plerocercoid (HOkkaid0, Niigata, TOyama, Ibaraki and/or Chiba) P. speciosum plerocercoid (AOmori) ma 伊m%ata (TOyama) MOlliisca Ma ゅ ,tt小し切 血g休 (HOkkaido) Branchiura A/gMJ 低 COT 昭O れ ? (TOkyo) COpepoda Nematoda Anisakis simplex larva (HOkkaido) L ゆg0ゆん fAC7L ぬ S07WOw た (H Okkaido) Anisakis Sp. larva (HOkkaid0, SUJWf AOmori, TOky0, Niigata,TOyama) れ CO 切 ?仏0 グ れたれ Sあ 肋 (N agano? , Gunma) Capillaridae gen. SP. (HOkkaido) osculatum larva COntmcaecum Oncorhynchus (HOkkaido) (Brevo0rt) X Onc0- rhynchus rhodurns JOrdan and McGregor COntmcaecum larva Sp. TOkyo) Cucullanus masou (HOkkaid0, Cestoidea Diphyllobothrium latum plerocercoid (experimental)* (-) Sp. Cystidicolidae gen. Sp. (Kumamoto) Hysterothylacium aduncum OwCo 杣タれ所硲W 袖4 (WaIbaum) larva (TOyama) sockeye Philometroides masu (HOkkaido) Kumamot0, Rhabdochona OHCO 所ノ WC 九硲 Onco PA. ゆ肋肋 e仙唱oens ぬ A . minor acerbus 比 770 乃 fS JOrdan 所ヅ n 肋 u5 ncr 祐 va ,. ad70 ぬs JOrdan and McGregor Sarcomastigophora Cryptobia branchialis (Saitama) Microspora Microsporidium takedai(HOkkaido) Ciliophora Chilodonella piscicola(Saitama) Cestoidea Diphyllobothrium latum plerocercoid (KurileIslands)* Sp. (HOkkaido) Acanthocephala ・ wgX and McGregor Miyazaki) Kagoshima) 何H 妨nr "beni Syn.: Oncorhynchus adonis JOrdan and McGregor ? Salvelinema oncofhynchi (Etorofu Island) 5. salmonicola (HOkkaid0, Ishikawa) Sterliadochona ephemeridarum (HOkkaid0, AOmori, Kyot0, Hyog0, Shimane, Kumamot0, Miyazaki, A kokanee, zake, himemasu" Pseudocapillaria salvelini(Kyot0, Miyazaki) Rhabdochona oncorhynchi (HOkkaid0, AOmori and/0r Akita, Kyot0, Hy0g0, salmon, (Nagano) (Yamanashi) Nematoda Rhabdochona oncorhynchi (HOkkaido) (H Okka@do) 4 Checklist 0f Parasites 0f Japanese Salmonids S47ひ Cは Wem0 S77%OwiCo ぬ (HOkkaido) S ぬグ ?血70CA0 乃りゅゐ gmerM ぱ Cestoda gen. Sp. (Mie) Diphyllobothrium latum plerocercoid (Aichi,Gifu)* Proteocephalus Sp. (Gifu,Mie) yMw (H Okkaido) ACanthoCephala ばれ 妨0しゅ 肋 /硲 &6CL と応 A .はしひね dfM A ・ (N agano) Nematoda ? COntracaecum (N agano) 0ク Sぱ Lガ C乃廿乃丁 MOlluSCa M g7L な仏し はア 呵仇 6 ひた (HOkkaid0) COpepoda S は /WfwCo ぬし口 ?私oTwfCw5 rhodurus OncorhynchKs (H Okkaid0) ぬ JOrdan and Me "amag0, biwamasu" Gregor Syn.: Oncorhynchus macrostomus Giinther Oncorhynchits stomus OWO/ 九 yw rhodurus (Oncorhy mc 乃 乃硲 ) var 柵n . Acanthocephala Acanthocephalus opsariichthydis (TOchigi) Acanthocephalus Sp. (Gifu) 肌 C/O ぴ Mac 汀 Branchiura stomus Giinther Argulus coregoni (Aichi,Wakayama) Sarcomastigophora Hexamita (Gifu) Chordodes Sp. (Mie)*'** macro Gunther 肋硲所 O 血 rm stomus Gunther Raほノ Wo f. Sp. Cystidicola Sp. (Gifu,Mie) Pseudocapillaria salvelini(Okayama) Rhabdochona oncorhynchi (Mie, Nara, Kyot0, Okayama, Hiroshima, Ehime, 0ita) Sterliadochona ephemeridarum (Shiga, Nara, Okayama, Hiroshima, TOkushima, Ehime, KOchi, Oita) Nematomorpha d た (TOChigD salmonis (HOkkaido) Unidentified amoeba (Shiga) Ascetospora Balanosporida gen. Oncorhynchus M@crospora Sp. (Shiga) (Nara, tshawytscha (Walbaum) chino0k salmon, "masunosuke" Myxozoa Myxobolns arcticus(Hiroshima) M. neurobins (Hiroshima) MOnogenea G ノ/O 血 C ゅ f硲 W 仏M (TOkuShIma) Tg.tra0-n.chus awakurai ・ H6 Mic 仰ゆnridiuW 勿如血i (HOkkaido) Salmo gairdneri Richardson rainbow Syn.: Salmo gairdneri trout, "nijimasu" gairdneri Rich ardson Oka Salmo gairdneri iridensGibbons Salmo gairdneriiirideusGibbons yama) Trematoda Dimerosaccus oncorhynchi (Gifu) Lecilhaster Sp. (Gifu,Mie) MetagonimKs yokogawai metacercaria (Shiga) Nan ゆゆぬ硲 m 力 LOnens ゐ meetacercania (H iroshima) Salmo irideus Gibbons rcomastigophora Cryゆ fob ね & 川爪ch 血応 (Shizuoka) HcC朋 mF 勿 Shizuoka) Hc6xami 加 sp . (Shimane) 乃h ゆ obodo CF , stnidea 如 salmom た (Iwate,Yamanashi, neC ぼ 叱r (N agan0, Yama- Nagasawa, Urawa, nashi,Shizuoka, Gifu, Shimane) Ichtyobodo Sp. (Gunma) Microspora ? LOma salmonae and Awakura R"p ゐ fd"sm イS bfW" ん O例 Sた (ShIga) Rhabdochona oncorhynchi (HOkkaid0, AOmori, TOchigi) Salvelinema salmonicola (HOkkaid0, AOmori) s ぬパぬ 70D 伽乃? ゆ加刑Pわd 口アぴ m (HOkkaido) Acanthocephala (HOkkaido) Microsporidium takedai(HOkkaido) Microsporida gen. Sp. (Gifu,Mie) Ascetospora Balanosporida gen. sp. (HOkkaido) Ciliophora Chilodonella piscicola(Saitama, Yamanashi,Shizuoka, Shimane) Chilodonella sp. (Niigata,Nagano) Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (HOkkaid0, Gunma, Nagan0, Shizuoka) Acanthocephala gen . sp. N agano) H 切れ妨wr を少 ぬZ伍s acerbus (Nagan0, Yamanashi) A e肋阻oens ・ A ・ ゐ (― ) 伽cidus (Yamanashi)** Suctoria gen. Sp. (Shizuoka) A. minor (HOkkaido) Trichodina Sp. A Shizuoka , Gifu) (Niigata, Nagan0, RC MOnogenea ん ナれ Or sp . (N ngata) 応切 tti (AOmori) %ch ゐノ Shiga) sd 雁@ea7iens た H irudinoidea N agan0, He6imfcた力 S心 marg?fna 加 (TOyama) Shizuoka) MOl@usca Te. 加,@nannr.hw aM 硝 urai (Yamanashi) Maorga7n Trematoria すが era la@cひた (HOkkaido) Branchiura C 化や f705ZoWMW gen. カぽパ o れぬ Argulus coregoni (TOky0, Aichi, Wakayama) COpepoda Lernaea cyprinacea(Shizuoka) (H Okkafdo) Sp. metacercaria D ゆ70S め m ぱ m Sp (Shizuoka) (Mie) . metacerCar@a ゆゆ如硲 wpo 雌 %S く thyd な (TOky0, (Shiea) m 止@@MM(TOkyo) Gyro 血 cゆ I俗 sp. (GunmNa, Nm 0ゆ.w?わたん Psseudoァ肋df%o/ 几タ %chns Dac ゆ loeyッ luF sp.(Nntgata) Digenea ・ A 田乃仇oc ゆ肋 ?硲 Tricho クゐり a sp.(Gifu) G ノro 血 C ゆ仇s (Saitama, ぬ metacerCaFa Salmincola sp. (Iwate) ―) Cestoidea Salmo D ゆ竹仇 &0 仇rfMW 妨加刑 pIeroCercoid (experimental)* Nematoda Anisakis sp. trutta Linnaeus brown Nematoda Rhabdochona oncorhynchi (TOchigi) larva (experimental) Hysterothylacium aduncum adult Salvelinvsfontinalis(Mitchill) and larva (HOkkaido) Nematoda trout, "burauntorauto" gen. bro0k Sp. (HOkkaid0, trout, "kawamasu" Nematoda Nagano) Pseudocapillaria salvelini(HOkkaido) Rhabdochona oncorhynchi (HOkkaido) Acanthocephala 妬 Checklist 0f Parasites 0f Japanese Salmonids Acanthocephalus acerbus (Nagano) A. opsanichthydis (TOchigi) (Shikotan Island) Tentacularia Sp. plerocercoid (HOkkaido) Nematoda Anisakis simplex larva (HOkkaido) Hirudinoidea Hemiclepsis marginata (TOyama) Branchiura Argulus coregoni (TOky0, Nagano) Anisakis sp. larva (Shikotan Island) Camallanidae gen. sp. (HOkkaido) Ezonema bicornis(HOkkaido) Salvelinusleucomaenis (Pallas) whitespotted charr, "amemasu, ezoiwana" Syn ・ : Sぬ"" 万 % 硲 ん川必C肋 JOrdan Hysterothylacium Philometridae Balanosporida gen. Philonema Sp. (HOkkaido) (HOkkaido) sp. (HOkkaido) Sterliadochona ephemeridarum (Shiko tan Island) Island) Bunodera luciopercae (HOkkaido)* Crepidostomum farionis (Shikotan Island,HOkkaido) Derogenes various(Shikotan Island) Acanthocephala COrynosoma strumosum juvenile (Shikotan Island) Echinorhynchus cotti(AOmori) E. truttae (Shikotan Island) Neoechinorhynchussp. (HOkkaido) (Shikotanlsland) Lectthasfer gibbosus (Shikotan Island) POdocotyle atomon (Shikotan Island) MOllusca Prosorhynchoides COpepoda tan (Etorofu sp. (HOkkaido) Rhabdochona Brachyphalltts crenatus (Shikotan anura sp. (HOkkaido) ? Salvelinema amemasu (Etorofu Island) ? 5. kosugii(Etorofu Island) S. salmonicola (Shikotan Island, HOkkaid0, AOmori) ? 5. salvelini(Etorofu Island) Azygia perryii(HOkkaido) Genolinea and Pseuciocapillaria $a.1ve.1ini (Shikotan Island,HOkkaido) Rhabdochona oncorhynchi (Shikotan Island) Trematoda sp. gen. Philonema oncorhynchi Island) Of Myxozoa Chloromyxum salvelini(HOkkaido) Myxidium Sp. (HOkkaido) MOnogenea Tetraonchus alaskensis(HOkkaido) A llocreadium adult larva (Shikotan Island,HOkkaido) and Evermann Salvelinus malma (Walbaum) Fujita,1940 Microspora M わ0ゆ0 「 UfM 川加 Agddf (HOkkaId0) Ascetospora aduncum Md gracilescens (Shiko 旭U グ ff火刑 旋亦 (H OkkaIdo) Salmincola sp. (Iwate) Island) Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Shikotan Island) S7JU6F れ応 刑は丁 川ほ (Walbaum) DOlly Varden, "oshorokoma" Cestoidea Ciliophora ? Trichodina domerguei (HOkkaido) BOthrimonns Sp. (Shikotan Island) Scolexpleuronectis plerocercoid 47 Nagasawa, Urawa ?Cystidico ぬあグしひ 7cauda (Etorofu Island) ぼゆ ぱ伍グぬ w0/velin%i (HOkkaido) ・ R 肋 bdo0chona sp.(Hokkaido) Acanthocephala Ar.n.n仇nr ゆ肪 Ins m7nor (H Okkaido) Branchiura COpepoda Argulus coregoni (Aichi) COpepoda Salrmanco 妨 cal所 KOrm%ens尽 (N agano) @iaUl.mfWC.0ln. r乙ゆ 7nn ぬ (□ ) S ほか 乙 はれ 棚 W ひ 0&P7 0ShIma 硲刑乙 ? Miyabe charr, "miyabeiwana" Syn.: Salvelinus malma (Walbaum) Salmonidae Of Salmonidae Seki, 1975 (partim) ゆ MOs 佑 WHm 加 gC Wg 硲 (H Okkaido) CrepidostomumSp. (HOkkaido) N ematoda Cur ul 勿 n 硲 sp.(Hokkaido) i.ぬ rぬ sa 勿 elini ク乃 (HOkkaido) Azygia perryii(HOkkaido) Crepidostomumfarionis(HOkkaido) Salvelinnspluvius (Hilgendorf) C. metoecus (HOkkaido) CrepidostomumSp. (HOkkaido) Tubulovesicula lindbergi(HOkkaido) charr, "iwana" : Salvelinus leucomaenis pluvius (Hilgendorf) Salve-1inus malma Cestoidea (Walbaum) of Pelichnibothrium Sp. plerocercoid Fujita, 1928; Yamaguti, 1935, 1941, 1954 ; Fukui (HOkkaido) and MOrisita, Nematoda 1937, 1938 MOnogenea Gyrodactylus Sp. (HOkkaido) Sp. (HOkkaido) Allocreadium (H Okkaido) Syn. gen. Trematoda ゆぬp.川乙 /7da.rひ W S ぬ /i ぬd0C ん 0wd Species spp. Urceolariidae ・ Pseudoca 0f Undetermined gen. Sarcomastigophora Ichtyobodo necator (HOkkaido) Ciliophora Chilodonella piscicola(HOkkaido) Ichthyophthiriw multifiliis (HOkkaido) "Irematoda C/ Awakura S. salmonicola (Shiga) Sterliadochona ephemeridarum (Shiga) Acanthocephala Rhadinorhynchoides miyagawai (Niigata) Nematoda Pseudoc and Anisakis sp. larva (HOkkaido) COntracaecum sp. (Gunma) Sp. larva (HOkkaido) Cucullanus Sp. larva (HOkkaido) Ezonema Trematoda bicornis (HOkkaido) 肌 Dimerosaccus oncorhynchi (Nagano) 月ぬ iたれし Me 血 aeommmits P$seudo切力 illan 血 salvehmf (H Okkaido) s0. metacercania ( ) Nanophyetus japonensis metacercaria (Yamagata) Rhabdochona oncorhynchi (Nagan0, TOyama, Shiea) iwana Rhabdochona (HOkkaido) sp. (H Okkaido) Sterliほぱ OC 乃 (owd ゆhemcr??ばば rum (HOkkaido) Acanthocephala Nematoda ? Salvelinema sp . NeCoechf%0 所ノ n しん 俗 sp.(Hokkaido) (Shiga) Aca れ地 妬 oc ゆ肋肋 s ace/bus (― ) Checklist Of Parasites 0f Japanese Salmonids A. minor ( @e.rna.g0cyprinacea(Kanagawa) ) ムゆe0p ぬ仙 67 朋 sぱ ?mo れな (H OkkaIdo) COpepoda Acknowledgments We especially are grateful t0 Dr. Leo Margolis, Department Of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific BiologicalStation, Nanaim0, B.C., Canada, and Dr. Frantisek MOravec, Instituteof Parasitology, Czechoslovak Academy Of Sciences, Ceske Budejovice, Czechoslovakia, for reviewing the manuscript. T0 the many manuscript, we people who have given uS infomation and assistance ;n the preparation extend sincere our appreciation: Dr. Syuzo Egusa, Fish Shunya Kamegai and Atsuo Ichihara,Meguro Parasitological Museum National Science Museum (Natural History); Dr. Kazuo Takeshi Shimazu, Nagan0-ken NOboru Nunomura, TOyama sity ; Dr. TOmoo Ryukyus; gata Oshima, Dr. YOsuke Disease Center; Dr. Masaaki Machida, University 0f TOkyo ; Dr Junior COllege ; Dr. Z. Kabata, Pacific Biological Station; Dr Science Museum YOkohama Yamane, Ogawa, ; Of the ; Dr. Hiroyuki YOshimura, City University ; Dr. Hideo Shimane Medical University 49 University; Kanazawa Hasegawa, and Dr. Susumu Univer University Of the Sait0, Yama Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura References Abe, 1. (1973): Histopathological fections ;n rainbow observations Fish Patho1., ? trout. granuloma On : 97-102. caused by acanthocephalan (In Japanese with English summary)46 Anonymous (1958a): Study Of salmon parasites t0 distinguish stocks. Int.NOrth COmm. Annu. in Pac. Fish. Rep. 1957, p. 26-32. Anonymous (1958b): Parasitological studies. Int.NOrth Pac. Fish.COmm. Annu. Rep. 1957, p. 46. Anonymous (1958c): Parasites Of chum salmon. Int. NOrth Pac. Fish. COmm. Annu. Rep. 1957, p.63-65. Anonymous (1959):Racial studies using parasites. Int.NOrth Pac. Fish.COmm. Annu. Rep. 1958,p.60-61. Anonymous (1972): [Tests for control measures 0f fishdiseases. 1. Occurrence and control Uf fish diseases measures Fiscal 1971, p. 132-150. at MOri Branch]. Annu. Rep. HOkkaido Fish Hatchery for (In Japanese). (1973): [Plerocercoid Of Diphyllobothrium latum (Linnaeus,1758) parasitic tn the muscle 0f pink salmon]. Meguro Parasit.Mvs. News, (116): 1-2. (In Japanese). Anonymous Anonymous (1977): [Survey Of Diphyllobothrium latum parasitic tn masu River]. Annu. Rep. TOyama nese). Anonymous (1982): Tetraonchus salmon from the Jinzu Pref.Inst.Public Health for Fiscal 1976, p. 21-22. (In Japaawakurai. fw A dictionary Of the science Of fish diseases, S. Egusa (ed.),p. 212, Kindai Shuppan, TOky0. (In Japanese). Anonymous (1983): [Fundamental survey Of the distribution and prevention 0f parasites]. Annu. Rep. HOkkaido Salmon Hatchery for Fiscal 1982, p. 239-241. (In Japanese). Anonymous (1985): [Survey Of diseasesOf salmonids]. Annu. Rep. HOkkaido Salmon Hatchery for Fiscal 1984, p. 224-225. (In Japanese). Awakura, T. (1964):On the parasiticglochidium Of the fresh-waterpearl musse1, Margaritifera margaritifera (L.)On salmonid fish. Sci. Rep. HOkkaido Fish Hatchery, (19): 1-16. (In Japanese with English summary)47. Awakura, T. (1965): Studies On the Plistophom disease Of salmonoid the state Of the HOkkaido Awakura, Fish occurrence and Hatchery, (20): 1-27. T. (1966): On a monogenetic the cause Observation tn Chitose River fn HOkkaid0. (In Japanese with trematode fishes-1. on Sci. Rep. English summary). parasitic 0n "yamabe". Fish Patho1., 1 2-4. (In Japanese). Awakura, T. (1968a): [Fish diseases ;n HOkkaid0-3. Nematode infections Of rainbow trout] U0 T0 Mizu, (1): 14-15. (In Japanese). Awakura, T. (1968b):The ecology Of parasiticglochidia Of the fresh-water pearl musse1, Margaritifera laevis(Haas). Sri.Rep. HOkkaido Fish Hatchery, (23): 1-21. (In Japanese '"The term "granuloma" was misspelled aS "granulome" in the original paper. "The scientific name 0f the parasite was misspelled as "Margurtifera margurtifera" in the original 50 paper Checklist 0f Parasites 0f Japanese Salmonids with English summary). Awakura, T. (1969): On the correlation between the age composition Of the freshwater pearl musse1, Margaritifera laevis (Haas) and the population size Of salmonoid fishes. Sci. Rep. HOkkaido Fish Hatchery, (24): 55-88. (InJapanese with English summary). Awakura, T. (1970): [Survey Of gill disease in Kamikawa-cho]. Annu. Rep. HOkkaido Fish Hatchery for Fiscal 1969,p. 129. (In Japanese). Awakura, T. (1972): Studies acanthocephaliasis On Of the salmonid fishes infected by Acanth0- cephalus minor Yamaguti, 1935. Sci.Rep. HOkkaido Fish Hatchery, (27): 1-12. (In Japanese Awakura, with English summary). T. (1973): [Fish diseases fn HOkkaid0-10. Acanthocephaliasis]. U0 infection fn salmonoid fishes. T0 Mizu, (8) 12-14. (In Japanese). Awakura, T. (1974): Studies On the miscrosporidian Sci. Rep HOkkaido Fish Hatchery, (29): 1-95. (In Japanese with English summary). Awakura, T. (1976): [Diagnoses and control measures Of major diseases Of salmonids]. /. HOkkaido Awakura, Vet. Med. Assoc., 20 T. (1978): A Patho1., I3 : 17-18. Awakura, Fish : 130-139. epizo0tic Of new (In Japanese with T. (1980): On the parasites Patho1., I4: 207-209. Awakura, parasitology. parasitic diseases 0f salmonid fish tn HOkkaid0. English summary). Myxosporidia Abstracts 0f Fish English summary). and (In Japanese with T. (1983a): Spinal cord northern Japan. (In Japanese). microsporidiosis Of salmonids tn HOkkaid0. a Of masu salmon, Oncorhynchns Of the 1st International Symposium papers Parasites and parasitic diseases Of fish diseases, Ceske Budejovice Awakura, T. (1983b): [Fish diseases !n HOkkaid0-23. Mizu, (21): 28-29. (In Japanese). p. @n masou Of Ichthyo ?, Inst. Parasit., Czecho Slovak Acad. Sci., Awakura, T. (1984a): salmon, Awakura, p. [COntrol measures ROcinelosis Of coho salmon]. 0f diseases and parasites]. 7% Aquaculture 81-107, HOkkaido Fish Hatchery, Sappor0. T. (1984b): domesticating [1. Diphyllobothrium latum¥. system U0 To Of masu (In Japanese). 7% General studies On the development 0f inshore fishery resources, Of p. 34-39, National Institute Of Aqua- culture,FisheriesAgency 0f Japan. (In Japanese). Awakura, T., and T. Hara (1984): [2. AnisakisT. f% General studiesOn the developmentof domesticating system Of inshore fishery culture,FisheriesAgency 0f Japan. Awakura, T., H. KOjima, Oncorhynchns masou-1. and T., H. KOjima, Oncorhynchtts masou-¥¥. (1981a): Studies parasitism Of Tefraonchus The and p. 39-41, National Institute Of Aqua- (In Japanese). K. Sugiwaka iles ;n fresh water. Sci.Rep. HOkkaido English summary). Awakura, resources, K. Sugiwaka The sporozoan Fish on parasites (MOnogenea) parasites masu salmon On the gills Of juven- Hatchery, (36): 57-63. (1981b): Studies On Uf parasites found fn kidney. (In Japanese Of masu with salmon Sci. Rep. HOkkaido Fish Hatchery, (36): 65-73. (In Japanese with English summary). Awakura, T., H. KOjima, K. Sugiwaka, and T. NOmura 51 (1983): Studies 0n parasites Of masu Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura Eimeria masou-'V. truttae (Protozoa: COccidia) found fn pyloric salmon Oncorhynchus caeca. Sci. Rep. HOkkaido Fish Hatchery, (38): 33-38. (In Japanese with English summa- ry). Awakura, T., H. KOjima, K. Sugiwaka, and T. Ogawa (1982a): Studies parasites Of On masu salmon, Oncorhynchns masou-¥¥¥. Myxobolus (Protozoa: Myxosporea) found fu spinal cord. Sci.Rep. HOkkaido Fish Hatchery, (37): 37-47. (In Japanese with English summa- ry). Awakura, T., H. KOjima, and H. Tanaka (1984a): Studies parasites On Of salmon, masu Oncorhynchns masou-'Vl1. COstiasis Of pond-reared masu salmon fry. .Sci. Rep. HOkkaido Fish Hatchery, (39):89-96. (In Japanese with English summary). Awakura, T., and S. Kurahashi (1967):Studies On the Plistophora disease Of salmonoid fishes1l1. On prevention and control Of the disease. Sci. Rep. HOkkaido Fish Hatchery, (22): 51-68. (In Japanese with English summary). Awakura, T., S. Kurahashi, and fishes-11. salmonoid H. Matsumoto Occurrence (1966): Studies On the Plistophora disease of Of the microsporidian disease tn district. a new Sci. Rep. HOkkaido Fish Hatchery, (21):1-12. (In Japanese with English summary). Awakura, T., and amago]. Awakura, H. Matsumoto Annu. T., and masou-V1. (1970): [Studies Rep. HOkkaido T. NOmura Hemiurid Fish Hatchery (1983): Studies On trematodes 0n the Octomitzfs disease Of yamabe for Fiscal 1969, p. 125-126. parasites found in alimentary Of masu tract. and (In Japanese) salmon, Sci. Rep. Oncorhynchus HOkkaido Fish Hatchery, (38):39-46. (In Japanese with English summary). Awakura, T., S. Sakaguti, and rhynchus WOSOM-VII1. T. Hara (1985): Studies Observations the seasonal On On parasites 0f occurrence salmon, Onc0- masu Of Diphyllobothrium latum plerocercoid. Sci.Rep. HOkkaido Fish Hatchery, (40):57-67. (In Japanese with English summary). Awakura, T., M. Tanaka, and M. YOshimizu masou-YV. 0ncorhynchus LOma (1982b): Studies On parasites sp. (Protozoa : Microsporea) Of masu salmon, found tn the gills. Sci. Rep. HOkkaido Fish Hatchery, (37):49-55. (InJapanese with English summary)48. Awakura, salmon T., T. Tanaka, and fn rivers. amago (Japan Sea side)]. inshore fishery Japan. K. Sakai, and N. KOide 1. Masu salmon (1984b): ;n HOkkaid0. f% General studies On the development resources, p. [Survey Of pathogens Of masu 2. Masu salmon fn HOnshu Of the domesticating 3-12, National Institute Of Aquaculture, system of Fisheries Agency 0f (In Japanese). BOyce, N.P.(1971): Ezonema fishes 0f HOkkaid0, bicornis Japan. gen. et Sp. (Nematoda: Seuratidae) from freshwater /. Parasit., 57 : 1175-1179. Burt, M. D. B., and 1.M. Sandeman (1969):Biology Of BOthrimonus (= Diplocotyle) (Pseud0phyllidea: Cestoda). Part 1. History, description, synonymy, and systematics. /. Fish. Res. BOard Can., 26 : 975-996. Dykova, 1.,and J.LOrn (1980):Tissue reactions to microsporidian infectionsin fish. /. Fish D ぬ ease, 3 : 265 228.3 "The third author's name "M. YOshimizu" was misspelled 52 as "M. YOshimiz" in the original paper. Checklist 0f Parasites 0f Japanese Salmonids Eguchi, S. (1922): [Studies 0n the plerocercoid Of Dibothriocephalnslatus tn the muscles of Oncorhynchns masou from the Jinzu River]. Aichi Igakkai Zasshi, 29: 367-372. (In Japanese). Eguchi, S. (1924): [Studies On Dibothriocephaluslatus}. Nippon Byorigakkai Kaishi, t4: 518521. (In Japanese). Eguchi, S. (1925): [Studies0n Dibothriocephaluslatus(part2)]. Nippon ByorigakkaiKaishi,I5 : 563-564. (In Japanese). Eguchi, S. (1926a): [StudiesOn Dibothriocephaluslatus'}.Nippon ByorigakkaiKaishi,I6 : 253255. (In Japanese). Eguchi, S. (1926b): [Studies0n Dibothriocephaltis latns,with a specialreference t0 itslife-cycle in Japan]. Byorigaku Kiy0, 3 : 1-66, 5 pis. (In Japanese). Eguchi, S. (1929):Studien iiberDibothriocephaluslatus,besondes uber seinen zweiten Zwischenwirt ;n Japan. Nippon Byorigakkai Kaishi, I9: 567-572. Eguchi, S. (1931): [On amago1. a new Of the genus Allocreadium parasitic in Nippon Kiseichugakkai Kiji,3 : 20-22. (In Japanese). Eguchi, S. (1932a): Studies from species Of trematode Oncorhynchus On some macrostomns parasites Of Oncorhynchus Or "amago". fn Japan. 1. A new trematode Osaka KOto Igaku Senmon Gakko Zasshi, 1: 24-29. Eguchi, S. (1932b): Studies On some ry intermediate host Oncorhynchus. fishes Of genus Eguchi, S., Y. O0shir0, and chugakkai Kiji, ? : 69-71. Osaka KOto Igaku Senmon I1. On the seconda- special reference t0 the Gakko Zasshi, 1: 30-36. notes On Taenia solium and geographical and pathological view points]. Nippon Kisei- (In Japanese). microsporidian species from yellowtailjuveniles,Seriola quinqueradiata, Egusa, S. (1982): A "Beko" ;n Japan. latum tn Japan, with T. Kurita (1935): [Supplementary Diphyllobothrium. latum from with parasites Of Oncorhynchus 0f Diphyllobothrium disease. Fish Patho1., t6 : 187-192. (In Japanese with English summary). Fujita,T. (1916): [Vermes parasitic;n chum salmon fry]. DObutsugaku Zasshi,28: 175-177. (In Japanese). Fujita, T. (1918): [On a new species Of the trematode genus Azygia]. DObutsugaku Zasshi, 30 269-274, 1 pt. (In Japanese). Fujita, T. (1920a): DObutsugaku [On a Crepidostomum parasitic fn Oncorhynchus masou from HOkkaido] Zasshi,32 : 105-108,1 pt. (In Japanese with English summary). Fujita, T. (1920b): On the parasites Of Japanese fishes. 1. DObutsugaku Zasshi, 32 : 275-283 I1. DObutsugaku Zasshi, 33 : 1-8, 1 pi II1. DObutsugaku Zasshi, 33 : 137-141 IV. Zasshi, 33 : 292-300 (In Japanese with English summary). Fujita,T. (1921a):: On the parasites Of Japanese fishes. (In Japanese with English summary). Fuiita, T. (1921b): On the parasites Of Japanese fishes. (In Japanese with English summrary). Fujita, T. (1921c): On the parasites 0f Japanese fishes. DObutsugaku (In Japanese with English summary). Fujita, T. (1922): On the parasites 0f Japanese fishes. 53 DObutsugaku Zasshi, 34 : 577-584. (In Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura Japanese with English summary). Fujita,T. (1923):Studies On Myxosporidia 0f Japan. /. COl1.Agric., HOkkaido Imp. Univ., I0 : 191-248, 2 pis. Fujita,T. (1927a): [Vermes parasiticfn fishesOf Lake Biwa (2)]. DObutsugaku Zasshi,39 : 157 -161, 1 pt. (In Japanese). Fujita, T. (1927b): On new species Of nematodes from fishes 0f Lake Biwa. Jpn. J. ZO01., 1: 169-176. Fujita, T. (1928): Further studies nematodes On from fishes Of Lake Biwa. DObutsugaku Zasshi,40 : 303-314. (In Japanese with English summary). Fujita, T. (1931): [On the nematode, Cystidicola salmonicola (Ishii), parasitic;n the swim bladder Of Salmonidae], DObutsugaku Zasshi,43 : 276-280. (In Japanese). Fujita, T. (1932):On new nematodes (COntmcaecum) ;n fishes Of Japan. Bul1.Sch. Fish., HOkkaido Imp. Univ., 2: 24-31, 1 pI. (In Japanese). Fujita, T. (1936): NOtes Myxosporidia On some f0 fresh-water fishes. ZOo/. Mag., 48 : 595-601, English summary). Fujita,T. (1937): [Diseases 0f fishes].304 p. KOseikaku, TOky0. (In Japanese). Fujita,T. (1939):On the Nematoda-parasitesof the Pacific salmon. J. Fac. Agric.,HOkkaido 1 pI. (In Japanese with Imp. Univ., 42 : 239-266, 5 pis. Fujita, T. (1940): Further notes 0n nematodes 0f salmonoid fishes in Japan. Jpn.J. ZO01., 8: 377-394. Fujita, T. (1941): New names for Metabronema salveliniFujita and Cystidicola minuta Fujita. /. Parasit.. 27 : 542. [Studies On parasites Of salmonoid fishes!n Japan. I], Bul1.YOkohama Univ. SOc.,t0 (Nat. Sci.Ser. 1): 581-634. (In Japanese). Fukui, T. (1958b): [Studies On populations Of salmonids recognized by parasites]. INPFC DOc. 221, 4 p. (In Japanese). Fukui, T. (1960): A short preliminary note On parasites0f the NOrth Pacificsalmonoid fishes. Fukui, T. (1958a): Libro HOmenaje Fukui, T. (1961): a@ Dr. Eduardo Caballero y Caballer0, [Studies On parasites Of salmonoid Municipal Univ. SOc., t2 (Nat. Sci. Ser. 2): 1-66. Fukui, T., and T. MOrisita (1936): Three Mag., 48 : 759-764. (In Japanese with Fukui, T., and T. MOrisita (1937): Fukui, T., and T. MOrisita (1938): NOtes (In Japanese) species Of Acanthocephala from Japan. new ZO01. English summary). [Further note Zikken Igaku Zasshi, t2 : 1841-1847. p. 521-522 fishes ;n Japan. 2]. Bul1.YOkohama 0n some species Of Japanese Acanthocephala] (In Japanese). On the acanthocephalan fauna Of Japan. Annot. ZO01. Japon.. I7: 567-576. Funahashi, N., T. Miyazaki, and S. S. Kubota (1973): Histopathological studies On micr0sporidian infection ;n young rainbow trout. Fish Patho1,,8: 64-67. (In Japanese with English summary). GOlvan, Y. J.(1969): Systematique des acanthocephales (Acanthocephala Rudolphi 1801) Premiere partie. L'ordre des Palaeacanthocephala Meyer 1931. Premier fascicule. La 54 Checklist uf Parasites Of Japanese Salmonids super-famille des Echinorhynchoidea (CObbold 1876) GOlvan et HOuin 1963. Mem. Mus. Nat1. Hist. Nat., Ser. A, ZO01., 57 : 1-373. Harada, 1. (1935): Zur Acanthocephalenfauna Japan. von Mem. Fac. Sci. Agric., Taihoku Imp. Univ., I4: ?-23. Hayaguri, M. (1934): [On the damages 0f salmonids by the infectionOf a leech,Hemiclepsis marginata}. YOshoku Kaishi, 4 : 149-150. Uber eine Argulm-Ari HOshina, T. (1950): (In Japanese), fm Salmonidenteich. Bul1. Jpn. SOc. Sci. Fish., I6: 239-243. HOshina, T., S. Egusa, and N. Kawamoto Y. Shikama HOshina, T., and T. Nishimura (1976): On in a salmonid fish, Yamame, nese with (1965): [Fish diseases]. 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(In Japanese). 68 Checklist Of Parasites Of Japanese Salmonids Index PARASITES ACdw 肪OC ゆ肋 7Ms oc ゆ肋仇 s acuM ぬ而 m A □ 乃仙 OC 34 ゆ肋応 e杣叫OMs ・ also 34 7Cg 材応 Aca れ地 Acanthocephalns lucidus Acanthocephalus minor alSo A see , A . nncn/ 35 Bm 肋坤而 77浴 ?ynWchf, and also Bunodera Ams see かば 25 See A .simW力 ?ぱ Ais 叩クん * A4g 柘仇 Cね Sp 38 see A. perryii Azygiidae 14 Plagioporus zacconis, M C. ク七 cico 血 CM 佑 70W がM p ゐお CO 仇 Chilodonella Sp. also see 16 Chloromyxum 6 SSR C. 12 I3 C. piscicola Chlamydodontidae BOdonidae sp C ん ?佑 70WCZ 幻 しゆ ガ wF see A めほた 休 /ひぬ gen. s77 ひ乙 ばれ 7 and Caudotestis zacconis 29 ・ ヵ 7 七 Lぬ 25 Capsalidae 38 A57 LSPM ぱ 0C0 lariidae 26 sp. PsSe.udoca力汀勿ァぬ salveeたれ z. Capillariidae 25 A reu71us coregoni see SRR C? がZぬ y,ぬ Sp Sぱ血ァぬ Areulidae 29 Capillaria curilica salmWonicolaZ A w た ほ.たた Simp ぬ X Aw I9 39 Camallanidae 21 Salvehnem2a はんた lucwpercae Caligidae gen.sp A w ひ用canth 応 salm 而r.n ぬ Anisakidae 18 18 sp. Ainphicotylidae see 硲 oncorhynchi Hemiuridae see H Prosorhynchoides gracilescens see Bunocotylidae A llocreadium oncorhynchi A Z佑 C化ぇ adium 欣 18 BM ゆ肋 Jゆ5* FmCf た s? 18 Dimerosaccus 22 CwW Bucephalidae ん 40 Allocreadiidae see Z) ゆゆ/ぬo み <nthri%川伽加川 see Rnthrinr ゆ肋 lus sp. 35 A . 0ヵ sa パichth@yd七 Aegidae 22 ROthrwor ゆゎal硲 laf 硲 36 ・ .はしし yhm 21 BOthniocepha@idae 35 n 少肋Z応 OPS ぱ /ttcみ廿ん yd ゐ ぬほw ぬOC ゆ肋仇 S Spp Bnf ん nmo 乃硲 sp. 35 しし 37 B. caenoforme see ・ ぬ Sp. A. minor Acanthocephalus oncorhynchi Aranf □川が0rmg BOlbosoma 34 七 A. acerbus and see BOZ&0soW0 12 chitosense 川乙ァぱ 7 CapH 69 Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura Chloromyxum Chloromyxum Chloromyxum Chloromyxum Chloromyxum Chloromyxum Chloromyxum giganteum 10 oncorhynchi 10 quadriforme 10 salvelini 10 tanakai 10 wardi 10 Sp. 10 Chordodes Sp. Cucullanidae Cucullanus 28 28 Sp. also see Rhabdochona Cyathocephalidae 21 Cyclochaeta domerguei see Tnchodina domerguei Cystidicola amemasu 33 see Salvelinema amemasu Chordodidae 33 Cystidicola brevicauda COntracaecum aduncum Cystidi/co血 ChF ぬsens ぬ Hysterothylacium aduncum see see COntracaecum hippoglossi see see hypomesi see Hvがねrothy 血c?um osculatum COntraCg nsh see a 血 ncu 川 see り印 ens 水 Hv が tero 仇タ血 ciMW see ぱみ M 乃 r.uW see also see 27 Sp. and Hyster0- strumosum 37 see COs 血 see np r.n.佑 r see ・ Ich ゆ ohndo salmonicola Sterliadochona ephemeridarum 30 Sterliadochona ephemeridarum Sterliadochona ephemeridarum s0. Ich ゆ nh and Cr ゆfぬ 5加 mum, Cr ゆwnos 加 mum Cr ゆwos 佑 Wum C/ ゆ?dostomum Ich ゆ obodo sp DaCtyIogyridae 19 Cr ゆwo0S 加 mum sp ・ DdC ゆ 7Ogノ /硲 19 DendroSomatidae 13 Dgro が乃り L&rfC 硲 17 6 15 Sp . Derogenidae 19 17 D 仏0 仙バ0C ゆ肋 Z硲血 fM Cr ゆぬ&ぬ Sp. See C. hranc んぬ侭 Cryptobiidae 15 9 凹 Cr ゆ佑&ぬ b川乃肋而応 See Salvelinema Cystidicoloides salvelini Cnsha . np.mtr ぬ ssp oncorhynchi Cystidicolidae 29 Cystidicoloides ephemeridarum thylacium aduncum COrynosoma Rhabdochona Cystidicola Sp. C. osculatum see iwana Cystidicola salvelini C. osculatum see COntracaecum ,竹 w 杣f Onro Salvelinema oncorhynchi Cystidicola salmonicola 乙ぴ川廿 @r%dg.n 加 tu 川 COnfwC&e. 肋 ona Salvelinema see salvflimZ 乃 Z刑しは p.rum R 加 bdo Cystidicola oncorhynchi 26 See Hvがかァ 0ftルノ 肋cMZMW aduncM 川 CO salmonicola C タ sゎ力CO 伍 fWU%& COntracaecum ..um Salvelinema タ okadai ほ ど salmonicola C 二心ねば CO@ ねノ屯 ?/ff Hystero 仙/ 血c7u7m aduncM 川 COntracaecum Salvelinema 29 Cystid た 0 而ヵぼ rぬれ ぬ Hysterothylacium aduncum see COntracaecum oncorhynchi D ゆゆ ZZO&0 仇r7Mm DfWe/oS7CC ぬ OwCo/ Diphyll0bothriidae 6 L 加W 竹れ肋f 22 20 and 70 Checklist 0f Parasites Of Japanese Salmonids D ゆ他 M060 仇パMm D ゆゆ?わ &othrium SRf D 22 L 加W C. see 刑応7 肋tum ・ D ゆ如{@Oゆぬ Hexamf Sp. BOthrimonus Sp Diplostomatidae D ゆゎs比 WFm Sp . I6 see also s salmo れぬ 加 He8xaa?m;血 also 7 sp. H. salmonis see Hexamitidae 16 6 Hemiuridae Echinorhynchidae coth Echino 所rynchw eん bbaumi ECMwor E ガがたro0w 竹肋cium 竹 wC ん応 w 血 36 Ichthyop 7 W 俗M ひ 7M 比 E 妨 Of肝ぬ m CXmSMW E 加 Of かか W Sp . alSo E See ・ ぉんゆ obodo sp . CXmsM 川 LCC む 28 LCC む 応 ZCL 応 fCr L alSo ぽ rしみ 0力 5ぬ W77 ね r7 miilleri ・ UF あ り 0s 硲 sぱ 7w0 FF& る OS ぬ 妨ゐ eda See ナ 37 I8 19 LSCM707 ゆナ血ク F70% ・ 39 39 Lernaeopodidae Ligulidae Gyrodac ゆ r硲 39 Sp . Lernaeidae ¥ Gyrodactylidae 15 Q 卯血 C小仇s p地ans 39 23 LOma salmonae LOma Sp. 8 8 sp. Gyro 血 C ゆ仇s 川仏u sp. PF あ る OsM ・ Lepocreadiidae 28 G ノ ro 血 Cゆ lus L Le.rnae.6@ cyprinacea GOezia oncorhynchi see 18 Sp . See L ゆ070 刑 ゆ0n7diuMm 18 れた LPpg0 少乃 ?ぬ PFLM Sは止 WO れた 18 Glugeidae 8 Glossiphoniidae (Ioeziidae 6 36 LeCIthaSteridaG I8 anura Micro 6 21 Glugea takedai see @or ぱ廿 21 LCC ナが船廿gL Genolinea ぱ放Itぬ ncc Genarches miilleri Gew 13 sp. 1lliosentidae 14 bicornis Genarchopsis fus 九万 ゆ nhndn See See 27 inLuHs mult 折1i水 甘み ナグ I. wu See タ Eimeriidae ん廿ゐ 止九 t乃タ n力ぬ 7 E W ひね Sp . See E . f川 f加e Ezonema a血 36 f川加 g 什わか Mf ぬg EwCo 37 叩ぬ ・ EC 九 fwo 所ヅ w じん 硲 &W 36 I7 ・ See 17 H 。WZML 応仁 UZ 乃 Se 乃 @ HgW た如 5ぬ W 肝叩川加 Hetrophyidae 20 34 E 肋 7no 所lyn7c んmus 7 15 I5 Ma 即研放 ? 七リた 38 ゐ 0&ぱノ俗ん万 71 Nagasawa, M. see M し加 brone see 伊は rit火用 20 0phryoglenidae amem 佑M Salvelinema ameW W Awakura Opecoelidae 仇叩ぼ グ and ・ Ma7rgant 放刑 ma Urawa, 13 0xyuris sp. 岱M Salvelinema see salmonicola Me. 勿hro 碓川ぱ ishii see Me れる Salvelin 汀乃e 肌 salvel@ni ema F 伽mhCmZ% iw ana see Salv elinema 伽7 iw Salvelinema Salvelinema Metabronema Pp.f and 加'.g0ぬm 硲 sp. Oncor Myx7dium spp り'nchi . 9 Myxobolidae 10 10 Mvxobo 応ぱ rr 比 us 休 also 9 umhi ぬ れり M. see M ・ Nanophyetidae Wponens 20 N eoechinorhynchidae NegoechZinnrh ひ乃所硲 sp. NO0seW cn.u 血 tu W@ 5almom ぬ P 如仇 &O 仇rium speciosu P 竹 WO&0f Sp . Sep Micro 寸on ぬum ぬ /ル川 P ・しば see 34 34 20 た sp. Scol ぬク ぬれ Lom ぱ sp. グ ぱ 0 gC 比 g 5almoWfde? Micrn ゆnn muM 川加 如血 f ・ 20 POlymorphidae yi P のs0/ 乃ノ nchoidf@5 切c77gsccnf@ 乃 riw.0C.ゆ防仇 s 21 24 m ぴぱぽ um Proteocephalidae 加十 edadi 23 24 24 z0Crom P7 ぬ f0 ク Iho刑 see はねkcdai Nybel 所Zd.sitrmWe.mcn 勿 23 POdoco ひねりtomoW 20 、s七 29 P7 水 fopAora salmon M. . neurobiM 29 Phyllo あ O 仇グ'?um see Na7nop ゆ ctus 几ナ R ゆ加 bo 妨r而W see and %r 所ノ %chi onco Pfecocercoide ほ yCftCw$ ぱ rc 比 us ほ幻 八九 ザ salvelini P ,・ P 勿.870ゆ 0/uMs I Myxobolus sp. see C わ wg 0nc0 29 u Onco 什タ wchi a@so 上 川岱M 29 柵 Phyllobothriidae 8 9 Myxidium P. 少 .s Phぬ ilonema sp. 加如血 i Myxidiidae 川口 see Phi わ ncW" 16 Micr ,0 ゆnridtum Phi 小 we see 24 m 俗7 Philonema 20 Microcotylidae Myxobo Ovatus spgCiosMm ・ Ph7ilomcf/ni P ぬデ化 mmf 汀tdcfs Sterliado chona ephemeridarum Metagonimns yokogaivai 20 Mp sp Philometridae salvelini 悔onimns yoko 叩 Wm see M . yokosawat wibothriumW see salvelini Mp み しん Ph.i わ metra oncorhynchi Salvelinema see spec@osM川 see PhyTl 佑 &o ぬグ /um kosugii Metabronema oncorhynchi see 17 mp.ruf@ 刀@g.1trhwf.h。 仇八?um Metabronema kosugii see ア応 24 sp. Psse.udnc.a 力 iil 伍ァ @ia sa1vdZini Pseudo ぬ力 18 24 idぱゆ gイ 0W ゐ obayのhii 2.5) 20 Pseudorhadinorhynchus samegaiensis 72 36 Checklist 0f Parasites 0f Japanese Salmonids P5CM70 ぬ L川w0Ud ぱ gC ゆM%S 28 Salvelinema see Salvelinema salvelini iwana 30 Salvelinema kosugii Quimperiidae 28 乃ゆんfd冊Cフ か b伽枕 Ogm 肋@phidas 。" ぬ See see amaeo fum/fi 7?. 0nco 所川 肋 f P 肋 hdn 杣 wna Onrn R 肋 bdochona ,a7tvd7imf see 所タ mrhi sp. Rhabdochonidae see m ひぱ g ほ川ぱ i んぴ /i 36 37 40 39 S . 77 S はわWfwC0 伽 alSo S7MC な wCW Sp See ・ Tetraonchus oncorhynchi Tetraonchus (Tetraonchus) Hysterothylacium aduncum also see Trichophrya Urceolariidae 39 Urceolariidae Unionidae S77 此F 乃 g乃?ほたん 万 14 38 gen. 13 Sp. Tubulovesicula lindbergi 30 T4 14 た %5 た ぬM I6 Sp. Sp. Trichodina Sp. 40 15 15 T. awakurai Trichodina domerguei S . 仰乃九グ wfgwS 七 ほぱWCW awakurai Thynnascaris ぱ mg 放 rW alaskensis Tetraonchus see decipiens 15 Tetraonchus see 40 S . ぬゆ foW た S ほ fm ぬ CO 加 Sぬ rぬ fぬ 川 Pseudoterranova ぴ w ?i¥ decipiens Tetraonchidae S . 田 ?仏Orw ぬれ 5ぬ タ ・ 21 S は ?川わ2CO 佑 S川かれ OL/ See salveli乃 f s5 咋pん乙 me.nda@u Terranova 硲 trac ぬ 7W wCo ぬ WW S ぬパぬ dochona Tentaculariidae S は /WfwCo 佑九わ ? 肋加 See ゆ ぬ emendarumW 32 wC0 勿 C? ゆfo れぬ See S ぬれぬ(ifirhrind ゆぬヲ mg/ida/ S ぬパぬ dnchnna 21 s ほ ?m 所CO 仇 しり ?小OL れぬれ S七 タ 24 Tentacularia Sp. Kricfwg伽棚 r.uM肋Ind 3l 32 37 F 肋 dinor 乃タ %chmfdg.s 3 31 33 Rhadmnorhynchidae Sd7W salvelini See R?. 0mro 所川 rh i F 肪 dinorhvWCn salmonicola Salvelinema see @?. 0ncorhynchi R 肋 bd Och Ona Salvelinema 30 Sphaerosporidae 10 Spiropterasalvelini 7?. hiwaknp.w.sf.S R 肋 bdoc んhwna oncorhynchi Scofejf pleuronectis g 匁f R 肋 bdochona see 28 ぬ Salvelinema I7 sp 73 Nagasawa, Urawa, and Awakura HOSTS 如 rryif Hu ィ肋 O 41 Salmo ・ O. see Oncor h'lynchns ん gorbus 肋 d Salmo gairdneriiiridens 41 Onco グ竹 W 仙 us ぬゐen Oncorhynchus iwame 41 kawamurai OwL0/ ん ivnchus kisntch Onco 杣vn 仙硲 Wac 42 W 所 43 Oncorhynchns f. ishikawai On4co ,竹 me M 湘 な所比杣 ん us O . 川mo ぬ丁 wC 硲 ん Onco 所川 肋 @S O. see Onror see Onrn yw し止 44 ne. us ぬ w 乃 杣nauru Onco/ ん,y W 佑ou 46 S? 几Pたれ 硲乃 れわれ口 /ぬ 46 S. 1cucomae.爪ぬ Sはた PFw 硲 た MCOMgw S77LCFW 硲 た MC0 rhodurus 45 所 wduruS f. Wacrostom 俗 爪切 乙乃ぱ Salvelinus malma pZMLz75 see 47 5. leucomaenis, S. malma miyabei,and S. pluvius var . Macrnfstmns@ ばs 応な 肋,"ツ仁 。肋 47 八 S . 少仇 i@.俗 See also 応 血川硲 応 れ cchw 什M ぬ see 所wdu/ macro S" 比"ltw%s kun 小C肋 ,ぬ i adnon ゐ pe 「 ひ@ 0. rhodurn 。 ア如 wC O. see 44 wgX 如 W 岱OM ゆれ肋硲 milktschitsch SMWO ぴ 乃応ゐ乙血 九 n¥@yWmc (Oncor ゆれ仙硲} masou Salmo 0. rhodurns 杣tywC aee OW 0. rhodurus O . 川佑。れ See グわ X We 成& 竹 nr. ん M Oncorhynchtts Onco Salmo see masou see OwCo/ See は ・ O%Cor 肌 SOH S0fWo masou U 川mo see 如血 see 43 Oncorhynchifs O れ CO Salmo 汀5加刑硲 川の0M 肋M S. gairdneri see 0. rhodurus see OncorhyWic 乃硲 eor& ぬc肪 zridg 硲 Salmo 42 C血 Oncorhynchns ばほ so/ ゐ硲 6肋 see Oncorhynchus OWCO Salmo 0. kawamurai ん S. g irdner@ see 0ncorhynchus kawamurae see S. gairdneri see Salmo gairdneri iridens 0. ke ぬ see 45 S. gairdneri see 物 ner gairdneri Salmo gairdneri gairdneri 0nr n ,ナツ," 肋 us ado0n ぬ 45 Salvelinus malma R2 ぬ " ぱ,,H5 タハ , 血MS miyabei 48 48 Addendum A CeStode SpeCieS known W 所O 乃ん ? ぬれ 7 in the foll0wing aS D ゆ他?加方 O 仇rfMW 勿加W Sp. nov. tapeworm. (Cestoda : Diphyllobothriidae) Shimane wil@ be deSCribed aS D paper: Yamane, Y., H. Kam0, G. Bylund, and B. -J. P. Wikgren ense in Japan J. Med. Sci., t0 : 74 (1986): Diphyllobothrium nihonkai- - revised identification 0f Japanese (in press). broad Checklist 0f Parasites 0f Japanese Salmonids 日本産サケ 科 魚類の寄生虫目録 長 IS89-1986 澤 札 也 ・浦 和 茂 彦 ・ 粟 倉 輝 彦 年に発表された日本産サケ 科魚類の寄生虫に 関する情報を2 つのリスト,寄生虫―宿主 リ入ト と宿主―寄生虫リストに 整理した。本日録には, 94 伎の寄生虫 (原生動物1R 種,車生類5 撞,吸虫類21 種, 条虫類? 椎,線虫類19 種.釣頭虫類 15 俺. 俺@ と ヒル類 I 撞,軟体動物I 俺. .校名がまだ 決定されていない 寄生虫の情報が 含ま ナ Lる 。 奴尾類I 種. 榛脚類5 桂・等脚類I 寄生虫―宿主り7@ ト は寄十 虫の分類に基づ いて配列してあ り, 各 寄生虫毎に最新の 学名,シノ 二ム,寄生部位,宿主,地理的分布および 報告者の情報 が示されている。 値主―寄生虫リストには. 各 宿主毎に寄生虫とその 地理的分布が 整理されている。 本目録 は寄生虫の分類学的再検討が 目的ではないが , 微胞子虫N0wm はぬA8ddf と 線虫 Cyst@dfCo 如 zぬs ゆ如w8 パ 山川川に対して,それぞれ M む川寸 。 7M 山朋 属と sf? 而do 仙。 W 属に所属を変更するように 提案した。 また, ・ 線虫、 止 Ivehnema た h@f に対して, s. ssn.@ ひ p.h/ 血と種名を変更するように 提案」た。 ・ 75
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