SR-7 5 P enetrator I nstru cti ons
SR-7 5 P enetrator I nstru cti ons
F I nstructions 5 Penetrator SR-7 HISTORY i t r b While most aircraft watchers are looking for the Aurora to be a singular fantastic advanced aircraft, there is good reason to believe it is actually a 2 plane system. Secondly, Aurorais not the proper codeword even though that word is commonly and widely used to designate the hypersonic system. The correct codeurordfor the system remainsclassified. As best as can be determined at this point in time there is a "mother' aircraft that we have termed SR-75 and a craft - that is capable of hypersonic speed - which is launched from the back of the SR-75. This craft we ha\p designated XR-7. You have the SR-75 model. You can also build he fantasticXR-7, Testor kit No. 567, in matching 1172sale to mount atop the SR-75. This makes a most imoressivecombination. The SR-75 spans 97 feet 6 inches and is 160 fe€t 10 inches long. Power is four huge turbojetswith afterburners. lt has a 3 man crew: pilot; reconnaissance systems op€rator and a reanivard sitting faunch control officer to monitor the uariety of loads which can be launched from the back of fre SR-75. The SR-75 is capable of lvlach3.5 and can fly reconnaissance missions as well as gi;r:r' is likely he airplanehas being a 1u*n*91 se*se niJclearmaterials, tha abilify 13 r:,i:-,1.,;'ri'"' and their lii::::g. '";:::*ghighiy sensitiw gamma deifet,}rs.:|".il r:ihq. si.3vicss.This, in today's iinportantmission not only wcrli, is ii !.ei':", be*efitir:g the United Stat€s but also other.nations ccncsrnsd with protiferationof nudear wea2ons. The airplane has been seen in ffight throughout the LJnitodStatss - both night and day - and appears to be operational. lt is said to have been built by the Lockheed Cg5grration's Skunk Works division. First flights we6-lrom the remote test facility at Groom Lake, Nerada. The Testor nnodelsof bo$ the SR-75 and lhp XR-7 are based upon the best information opBnly available at tris time. A number of technological guessos aro incorporated in the model designs since the actual airplanes are still very secret. REFERENCES No.568 PAINTING can obtainan excellentfinishon yourmodel You Foradditionalinformationon hypersonicaircraft usingTesbr productsand paints. Deailed seehe followingbook: Aurora - The Pentadescriptions of painttypesand colorare induded gon's S*ret Hypaconic Spyplanc; llll-Tech Sariee;BillSweebnan ; llotorbookslnbmational, on the pagesthat follow. Osceola,Wisconsin54020USA. Goodbrushesare essenlialfor properdetailing. includedin this Testorbrushesare recommended, kit,and are availableat goodhobbystores. Be BEFORESTARTING sureyou haw he entireselectionfor all your modelingneeds.Alwaysdean themin Testor 1. Studytre illussationsand sequenceof asthinner,washin soapandwater,and stor€with semblybeforebeginning. brisdesupwardwhennot in use. 2. Decidehow muchdetailyou wishto add to ' yourmodeland whetheror not yotl intendto Washplasticpartsbeforedeachingthemfrom tre parts bee. Warmwater ard liquid clshwashmodifyor'convert'thebasicmodelin any ing detergentwill remow he oils leftfromthe way. Studycarefullyall availablerelerence process.Let he partsdry and manufacturing materialbeforebeginningto ensurean auaroid excessivehanding. lmmediablybefore thenticmodel. painting,wipethe partswifr a'trac rag' (avaibble 3. Dueto he amountof partsin this kit, do not at autopartsstores)to removedust ard lint. detachhe partsfromthe runnerof the parts tree untilyou needtrem. This helpsavoid Mostsmallpartsare bestpaintedwhilestillattachedto the partstee. You can also detach confusionand lost parts. hem and holdwith tweezersor'magic'tape 4. Wien csmentingthe partstogether,checkthe only. lf your whilepainting.Paintin one c$rection way one partfitstogefterwith another.This paintis the conecthicknesshush stokes will assuresa neatlob wih no surprises. disappearas fre colordries. lf the paintseems whenworkingwith plastic 5. Always-remember too thick,thinwitr T€sbr PaintThinner. Wheels modelcementand paintto keepyourwork may be detachedfrom the parb tee and fit onto plastic areawell ventilated,The tumeskom for painting.Just hoH toothpbksor matchsticks modelingproductscan be harmfulif inhaled. he paintbrushagainstthe edgeof the wheeland rotratethe stickandwheelto obtaina neatfinish. OF PARTS PREPARATION L€t the paintdy completelybeforehandling. Whdnhe partsare dry, q$€emblethe model, 1. Newr tear partsoff the runner(partsfoe). Usea TestorHobbyKnife;fingomail.clippers, followingthe directionscliaely. Remember cementwill noJhold srongly to paint€dsurfacss. or a smallwire cuttersto rernoveth€ parts UseyourTcstorHobbyKnifeto caretullyremove from the tree. from.allsurfacasto be cem€ntsd.Afteryou 2. lt is possiblesomepartsmay requirea little "paintgsse"mbled have he modelyou can touchup attentionwith a file or sandpaperto ensdlea areaCu&E*oeaient mighthave manedthe finish. propeqfit and neatapp€arance.Hobbyftles .; and TestorHobbySandpaperappropriatefor .modelbuildingare availablein mostgood hobbyshops. 2 Tweezers willbe usefulin assembling the manysmallpartsin thiskit. Thetypeused by postagestampcollectorsis recommended. The Testor Model Master paint system is speciallydesignedto be usedon military models.The PreliminaryPaintinginstructions on this sheet indicatewhich Model Mastercrlors to use as indicatedby name and FederalStandard(FS) number. These colors are called out by bold italic type . Wherever liodel lhster colors are not applicablelhe requiredTestorcolor will be calledout by numberand name in regular bold type. Liquidcement,Testor#3502,is recommendedfor constructionsinceit can produce quickest,andstrongest the neatest, glue joints.Applysmallamountsof cement, usingthe tip ol a Testorfubdel brush,to the surfacesto be loined while ',/€,sterNo.2 holdingths pans in place. D,onot use large amountsof cement. Note: Clearpartsare bestgluedin place withwhiteglue. Whitegluewillnotmarthe plasticandthus resultsin a betterap,pearancethanconventional modelc€ment. Use these drawingsas a guideto locatethe parts in the kh. In the insiructionsheet assemblystepsthe windscreen,for example, will be calledas 40E while the upperforward fuselagewill be named as 11C. Do not removepartsf rom PartsTree D untilyou are readyto use them in an assemblystep. rG-5!Ey Htfl-fio-_\ 'J --!! ill lll-*Ml lllll+"m-"[rfil r r"il' ffi-+%imre-, , r ct-,r@',8 6 6 6 i @ '' | fu;g_@-Z#= 1 2 _A /".} vza-"1!za1 # jjoJeol. H A A RiA H r u , ' R ' p ' ff' 3 338i ; 6ro1@e] i# i..f,$\ru_ir_* -lA ,Z_____,p tt,l F---t IL+--m,',RgHli[] i l(}'9616i=" lL rL--ll ""1' "_- ll lLll : ll: ]L : l:i i iffi--Sr=[46]Ui i' vii- - 1..= llv F Ii ri + q -t 2 L i,$'i@l-ln I o I IIIIY I f f ii ] i isel l il l'l .=-ilL ,r,,L-],-!-l COLORKEY A FS 17038GlossBhck B FS 37038FIet Black C FS 36375Llght Ghost Gray D FS 17875lnslgnlaWhite E FS3$STOllveIhab F F530279Da*Tan G FS 17178Chrome Sllver H F533531Sp,nd I No.1lGl Red J No. 1124Green K l,lo.1114Yellow II I t I HAIN INTERIORDETAILS PrellmlnaryPalntlng Paintdelailsas shownbeforeassembly. Followlettercalloutsand CokcrKay. Assambly 1. CementMainLandingGearBox,2D, intoplacs. Followwithlhe Outboard Left GearBoxes,23D.Nowcementthe IntakeRamp,4D,andthe RightRamP, 3D, intoplaceas shown. into 2. Cementthe NozzleSplitters,6C, the NozzleBoxes,7C, andthencement the Boxesintothe LowerAft Fuselage, 1A. Nowcementthe EngineAft Pipe Bulkheads,22D,lo the Aft Fuselageas shown. 3. Givethis assemblyplentyof timeto dry to Step2. The Main beforeproceeding LandingGearBoxneedsthe mosttime to dry sinceit will be supportingthe weightof the entiremodelonceyour modelis completed- * AFT FUSELAGEUNIT Note:Decideif youwillbuildingyourSR-75 to havethe XR-7mountsdon its backas shownon page10. lf so you mustboroout the two holesin the top of the UpperRear Fuselage, SB. PrellmlnaryPalntlng Thereis no Preliminary paintingrequired. Assembly 1. Carefullyc€msnlthe UpperandLower RearFuselagehalves,SB and1A, logsthsr.Afterthe partshavedriedfor d shortlimecleartapecanbe usedto hsldthemtogether.Be neat. COLOHKEY A FS 17038Glogs Bbck B FS3m38 F/p,tBlack C FS 36375Llght Ghost Gray D FS 17875lnslgnlaWhite E FSgiUnTOfive hab F FSSO279 Da*Tan G FS 17178Chronp Sllver H F533531Spind I ilo.1lfil Red .t b.1124 Green K 1{o.1114Yelbw TechnlcalNote ThebulgeduFperareaof the SR-75is cargo areaas wellas fuelstorage.hs usevaries withthe missionrequirements. As wellas carryingand launchingthe Mach7 reconnaissanceaircraftthe TestorCorporation has namedas XR-7 ThunderDart,TestorKit No.567,the baycan also holdand launch satelliteboostingrocketsto plae nervsmall sizedreconnaissance satellilesinioorbit. TheSR-75is versatileandthismakesit valuableandcosteffectivein a timeof downsieedmilitarybudgets. COCKF{TTUB PrellmlnaryPalntlng Paintthe partsas shownbeforeassembly. Usea littleimagination in paintingthe 3 panels.Theknobsshouldhavea instrument varietyof olors: red,yellow,green. Use yourgoodjudgement.Paintthe 3 Seatsand the GockpitTray,27D,as shown. Assembly 1. Assemblethe Seatpartsas shownin thefirstblockof the paintingpanels. Cementthe Pilot'sControlStick,31D, intoplace. Nerl cementthe 3 Seais followedby the Panels,28D,29Dand 30D. /1>.<\-->e ,-Y<-,.-<9 No.568 2N UPPERNOSE FORWARD PrellmlnaryPalntlng Painttheedgeof the ViewGlass,32E,as shown.lf youwantto showyourmodelwith in place Socket,33D, the AerialRefueling thenpainlit as shown. Assembly 1. lf buildingwiththe ARS,33D,in place youmustcutthe ARSpaneloutof the UpperNose,11C, top of the Foruvard whereshown.Leavethe panelin placeif youarenotgoingto installthe ARSin the reluelingposition. cementtheViewGlass, 2. Nowcarefully 32E,intoplace.Nextcementthe CockpitTraylrom Step3 intoplaceas shownon 11C. FORWARDFUSELAGE PrellmlnaryPalntlng Nonerequiredin thisstep. Assembly 1. Cementthe NoseGearBox,12D,tothe LowerFonrvard Fuselage,9C, where shown. NextcEmentthe CrushSpacer, C10b,to the LowerFonvardFuselage, 9C. 2. Nowcarefully csmentthe upper,11C,to the bwer fuselage,9C, as shown. Be sureto guidelhe upperendof C10binto the properpl*e in the upperfuselage. Allowthe partsto dry beforegoingto Step6. CENTERUNIT PrellmlnaryPalntlng Nonerequiredin this Step. Asscmbly 1. Carelullyand neatlycsmentthe lonrard fuselageunitto the Aftunh. Set asideafter checkingalignment andallowplentyoftime to dry. Overnightis best. >\ -.1 *c* BASICAIRPLANE PreliminaryPalntlng Nonerequiredin thisStep. Assembly CementLeftLowerOuterWing,18C,to LeftWinglet,17C. Dothe samefor RightLowerWing,16C,andRight Winglet,15C. Nowcementthetip units to the wingsas shown. FairingPlug, 2. CementPylonConnector 21C,to thefuselagetakingcareto see that it fitswellandsmoothlywhhtop. whelheryouwantto show 3. Determine yourmodelin a conliguration withthe forwardcanardliftingsurfacesin an op€n or retractedposition. Normallythe Y-t/-a>canards are extended when the SR-75 "V,r-df- "is on the ground. lf extended,cement alrenurrvifr z 13c the Left Canard, 13C, and the Right /-,! -/ -fCanard,14C, into place as shown. A ---'/ lf buildingwithoutthe canardsextended, ALTERNATTVE cemsnt t-heCanard Fairings,19D and a,* Canardsurfacesfold back for high speed flightand are used only for takeotfsandlandings.Theyprovide morepitchcontrolauthorityin critical lowspeedflightflightregimes. 20D,intoplacewherethe Ganard surfaceswouldhavegone. COLORKEY A FS 170fi GlossBlack B FS 37038FIat Black C FS 36375Light Ghost Cray D FS 17875lnslgnlaWhite E FSgtUTOlive Drab F F530279DarkTan C FS 17178Chrome Silver H F933531 Sand I Red J No.1124Green K No.1114Yellow TechnicalNote TheSR-75hasa crewof three- on" tnotd SR-71.Thethird thanthe Lockheed crewmanis the LaunchControlOfficer(LOO). the LCOcommunicates Facingrearward, withthe pilotin the XR-7andcandetermine is okaypriorto the launchof the if everything XR-7fromthe backof the SR-75.TheLCO and is very importanito the coordination safetyof launches. COCKPITAREA PrellmlnaryPalntlng il Paintthe partsas shownafterdetermining you aregoirg to buildthe graylblacktest aircraftor the all-blackoperationalSR-75. Assembly 36D,34D 1 . Cementthe PanelFairings, and35D,intoplaceas shown.ll You arebuildingyourmodelwiththe Canopy 38Eand37E,closed Hatches,39E, thencarefullycementthemintoplaceas shownin FigureA. Nowcementthe rOE,intoplace. Windscreen, 2. lf buildingwiththe CanopyHatchesin the openpositioncementthe Windscrsenintoplacefirst. Thencarelully cemsntthe canopiesandActuator 41Dand 42D(2),intoplaceas Cylinders, shownin FigureB. Workverycarefully andneatlyandcheckpartsfor alignmentwhilsthecementis drYing. ALTERNATIVE '[ FigureA h'i*, FlgureB No.568 I I NosEGEAR Prellmlnary Palntlng Paintthe various landinggear parts and doors as indicated. Be neat. Assembly 1. Cementthe lnnerNoseWheel Halves, 45D, to the Outer Nose Wheel Halves, 44D. Now cementthese wheel and tire unitsto the axles of the Nose Gear Strut,43D. Next,cementthe strut into place in the Nose Gear Box as shown. 2. Cut the Nose Gear Door Unit, 10C, as shown. (lf you are buildingyour model with the landinggear up and the model is to be hung lrom a ceilingthen do not buildthe landinggear and simply cementthe Door Unit,10C, intothe fuselage.) 3. Cementthe Door Hinge Links,tl6D (6 of them) to the doors as shown. Now ce;nentboth doors into place. Carefully checklor alignmentand neatness. 5. 1 0 MA'NLANDTNG GEAR BuildlngReferenceNote:Thisis a very criticalStep.Takeyourtimeandallowtime forthe cementto set. Allthe weightol your modelwill be restingon lhese partsso work carefully andslowly.Whenwe suggestthat youallowthecementto drywe meanit. Be patient!lf youplanon buildingthe modd in flightconfiguration thenyoucan nowcemenl the MainGearDoors,54D,andthe OutboardGearDoors,5C, intoplaceandin the closedpositions. PreliminaryPainting Forthe LandingGearDownconfiguration paintthe detailpartsas shownin the lettered calloutswhilereferencing the Color Key. Assembly 1. Gementthe RetractLink,53D,to the MainGearStrut,52D,as shown.Allow 10 minutesfor the cementto set a little. Nowcementthe MainGearBogey,51D, to thestrut. Carefully checkalignment andsetasideto dry. CementtheOutboardStrutWheels, 56D,to the OutboardStruts,57D and 58D. Nowcemenlthe OutboardStrut unitsinloplaceas shown. Nextcement the OutboardStrutCoverDoors,5C, intoplace. 4 InboardMainWheelUnits 3. Assemble usingparts 47Dandtl8D. Next assemble 4 OutboardMainWheelUnits usingparts49Dand50D. Allowallthe unitsto dry. Cement4 MainGearDoorHingeLinks, 55D,to eachof the2 MainGearDoors, 54D. Checkalignment andallowto dry. Nowcenw6lhe lnboardMainWheel Unitsto the Sogeyaxles. Aligncarefully. Set askleto dry. Nowcernentthe MainGearDoorsto the dooropenfulg in thef uselage.Lineup carefully. 7. Cementthe MainGearDoorStrutand RetractLinkunitintothe maingearbox as shown.TheMainGearBoxglue jointto the fuselagemust be absolutefy dryandsecure!!Nowcementthe OutboardMainWheelUnitsto the BogeylnboardWheelUnitaxle$tubs. Allowto dryovernight beforeplacingthe weightof the modelon the maingear. SR-75type craft reported seen over SouthernCallf,ornhln 1991. Therearetwo waysto paintyourSR-75. Shownhereis theflighttest schemeas the planemayhaveappearedin early daysat GroomLake. Youcan also paintthe modelin allflatblackpaint to depictan operational SR-75.The Decalg modelis moremenadngin all-black andthe decalsin the kit workwith Decal11 is alsoan easierpaintschemeto do. l- o * !2 c o Decal22 6 places 6' { Decal13 Decal 25 Decal24- red stripes Cutlo l€rpth as needed andcarefullyapply. o rI (or g{ d' =s 'E Io ID o f g o CL (ct o ID Decal 6 4 places Decal 20 Decal8-"NOSTEP' Located54 placeson uppersurtacsas shown. :(l Decal 12 Decal 14 Decal 16 Ganardsurlacesfoldbacklor high speedflightand are usedonlylor takeoffsand landings.Theyprovide morepitchcontrolauthority in critical low-speed-f l(7ht f lightregimes. {D o O Decal10 Decal 19 Decal15 Decal25 Top Vlew The easiestwayto paintyourmodelis to applythe propercolorsas shown. ThenspraywithTestorNo.1961, GlossClear. Whenthat is dry and glossyapplythe decals. Whenthe decalsaredry spraywithTestorNo. 1960or 1260flatfinalfinishes. Decal 18 2 places Decal23 RefuelingguiJes D ecal2- G PSant enna Paint all edges of SR-75, top and bottom, FSgm38 Fret Bt*k Paintpanel FS 33613Radone Ten Basiccoloris FS 364/r(,Gull Gny Paintupperpanels FS 3fi13 SadomeTan o l 6- ;E93 !tF Decal2T Decal 25 F{tr d PaintGunmetal No.568 Bottom Vbw APPLYINGDECALS 1. After carefully masking clear areas, spray entire model with the Testor ,rodet Master gloss paint color called out for the overall color as indicated on the instructionsheet. Decals adhere best to a smooth and shiny surface. The shinier the ftnish he smootrer it is. Allow the paint to dry before going furfrer. 2. Select fp decals you plan to use and cut hem from he decal sheet wih scissors or a Testor Hobby Knife. 3. Working wifi only one decal at a time, cliphe decal in clear water for no more than fiw seconds. Remove it from the water and place on a dry paper towel for about one minub. 4. When the decal slides easily on the backing paper, slide it to he edge of, ard onto, the surface of the model wifr a soft Testq lldel Itraster paint brush or lweezers. Remember the decals are very hin and can be easily ripped. Wo* slowly and carefully. 5. Once he decal is in the desired position apply a small amount of Testor Decal Set #gBO4: This willhelp the decal conform O any inegularities in ttre surface of tre model. Allow tre decal to dry undisturbed. Should you desire to purposely move it before it has dried, apdy a little Decal Set to a soft brush ana pusfi ih6 decal slowly into the desircd position. 6. When the decals are compbtely dry (usually or/ernight),apply a coat of Tesbr ilodel necrer No. 19@ Lus*se Flat or Testor No. 1260 Dulloot€b th€ cntire model. This will girre it an authentic,dull finish and protect the surface of the model. When dry carefully remove the masking from the clear oarts. Paint panel FS 33613 Radorte Tan Paint all edgesof SR-75, top and bottom, FS 37038 Fts't Btack DecalT Decal 6 4 places D ecal5-S pl aees Decal 6 Decal4 - 8 places D ecal l T-2pl aces Paint panels F533613 tudqrcTan Paint inletsand doors FS34nl SAC BomberTan Deca l1 7 -4 p l a c e s Dec allT - 4p l a c e s on each inlet. Basic color is FS 36tttt(, Guil Gny Decal 25 Paintall controlsurfaces FS%076 tunz* Gny PaintGunmrtal Paint panel FS 33613 Radome Tan i lo SR-75/XR-7Comblnation TheXR-7 ThunderDartis conceivedas a hypersonicair-breathing vehiclecapableof Mach7+ speed. lt is notorbital. TheSR-75/ XR-71n2 scalemodelcombination makes intoan out-standing modelpresentation. lt illustratesa very advancedaeronautical concept- the "mothership" and 'papoose"lhat actuallydatesbackto WorldWar ll. The mostreceNand historically veriliableuseof the systemwasths Lockheed M-12 mothershiplaunchingLockheedD-21Mach 3.5drones.Therewere3 successful D-21 launches fromthe M-12.TheSR-75/XR-7 is the latestuseol lhe systembasics. XR-7- Testor klt No. 567 Askto seethis kit at yourhobbydealer. r\ 7'-,...--<..__!..- l XR-7launchpylonpartsareincluded in the XR-7modelkit. Theyare not in the SR-75kit. /--- 94c SR-75Testor klt No.568 Furtherbackground ft is notunusualfor the UnitedStates government to notadmitto the existence of advancednewaircraftflyingin the skies. Thiswasdonebackin the 1950'swhenthe CentralIntelligence Agencyneededthe ability1ooverflythe SovietUnion.The Lockheed U-2wasdeveloped for that missionandpedormedfor manyyearsin a spy function.Andto thisveryday laterand largerversionsof the U-2,nowdesignated U-2R,stillfly highlysecretreconnaissance flightsintoor aroundthe bordersof nations potential considered war enemiesof the UnitedStates. Inthe earlydaysit wassufficient to merely takephotographs duringtheday. Much workwasalsodonelo developbettermaps of loreignlandsso thatin the caseof warour Air Force,Navy,andgroundforceswould havegoodinformation. ln additionthe development of longrangemissilesrequired precisetargetinginformation so the missiles wouldknowwhereto go andcoulddo it very precisely.Laterrequirements madeELINT gathering- radio or electronic intelligence andradarsignalsandtransmitter locations a very importantneed. Satellites camson lineto do someof the missions formerlyhandledby the aircraft. Satellitesprovidestrategicintelligence but havea numberof drawbacks.Theyorbiton a predic{able flightpathso the enemyknows whentheyarecomingandstopshissecret activities or bringsthe equipment inside.We do thisat GroomLakeandat othertest installations ourselves.Mannedairplanes or reconnaissance dronesdo not havethat limitation.Bytheirnature,if the launchspot is notknown,the enemydoesn'tevenknow whereto beginlooking.Thelaunchof an XR-7typevehiclefromthebackof an SR-75 typemothership wouldbe a meansto keep the preciselaunchpointa secret.Oneof the otherproblems withsatellites is theiroptics canbe blindedwithhigh-power LASER devicesaimedandfiredfromtheground. To intercept a hypersonic vehiclerequiresan interception systemthatcandetectanddo extremely rapidmathematical calculations in orderto placean intercepting set of devices wherethe reconplane is going to be. And thiswhib that machineis movingat Mach7+ airspeeds!Fewnationscan affordsuch systemsandevenfewercanbuildthem. Today's world also requiresthe ability to remotely detect the location of nuclear materialsand weapons. This is very difficult to do. Yet it was at one time difficuhto detect infraredemissionsas well. That probfemwas solved. Gammaenergy.from radioactivematerialsare the most energetic and easiestto detect. One must also rememberthat radioactivematerialsproduce other effectson gases and materialsaround them which might be easierto detect- those effects become clues so to speak. These sensors may be more effective at detection than even would-begamma detectors. h would be a very foolish nationthat did not attemptto maintainnuclearsurveillancein today's politicallyf racturedworld. Launchinga hypersonicvehiclefrom the back of another craft makes practical and operationalsense. Much fuel is used in gettingan aircraftfrom ground levelto an operational altitude. That fuel can be saved with an air launch. Lockheeddemonstrated lhis with the D-21 ramjet powered drones 25 years ago. Why not again but this time higherand faster? Watch the skieslll No.568 The Groom Lake, Nevada,test facilityis also knownas Area51 or Dreamland.Located 94 milesNNW of Las Vegas,it is rich in aviationhistory.Firstbuiltand usedfor the flighttestof LockheedU-2 spyplanesand the trainingol CentralIntelligence Agenry pilotsto fly them, it began its secretdays in 1955. The base has neyerbeen out of publicview from hikeableground locations whilethe militarycountedon the remote locationof the facilityto providea major part of the security. You simplycannot see the base from any highwayin the area. The CIA precursors to the SR-71, the A-11 and A-12, first flew from Groom. They were followed by the F-117 stealthfighterand numerous first flights yet to be revealed. Rumors persistthat even extraterrestrialUFOs have been workedon in the Groom area. Many peoplelaboredlong and hard in total secrecy to test and lly remarkablemachines. Perhaps,wilh the Cold War now over, they can finallytelltheirlamilieswherethe;r disappearedto for weeks at a time. We salutethese dedicatedpeople. Bravol 11 ""; ;\ Clearlyshownis runway14-32(magnetic). Thisfacilityis wherethe CIA U-2, CIA A-11, USAFF-117 StealthFighterand what is now known as Aurorafirst flew. Note the &52 on the ground at top center. The scale of the photo at right is very closelo 'l inch equaling 3, 29 0 1 e e t . To see how the base looked20 years later in 1988,see the instruction sheetof the Testor kit No. 567 ThunderDart. The 1968ohoto hereand the Russian1988photoare the same scaleand when placedside by side clearlyshowthe changesin this once very secretbase. You will see how the runway was lengthenedand changesin the base housingstructures. No true secretsare revealedin eitherol these screened photographic reproductions. The photographat rightwas purchasedin 1984from the NationalCadographicInlormationCenterof 345 MiddlefieldRoad, Menlo Park,CA 94025. This is a U.S. governmentagencyand office. The photo shows the test facilityat Groom Lake,NV, as it appearedon 28 August'1968. The photo is frame 2-147trom roll GS-XVBSL. You can order this photographfrom the aboveoffice. W ruRilP1ASIIC panelto oanel,An automobile engine,withallof itsmetalparts,also is a perfectapplicationfor Metalizerl" Add decalsto a surfacepaintedwith Metalizer" in the usualwav lllrc$IE1000 ...or magnesiumor titanium or even burnt iron. NewModel paintsallowyou MasterMetalizeri, to authentically duplicate almostany natural metal"olate'finish. Premixed forairbrushingin 1/2oz Metalizer* bottles, includes a wide rangeof buffingandnon-buffing metallic colors.SprayMetalizer'" with yourairbrush(internal or external plastic mixJon clean,unpainted modelparts,letdryforabouttenminutes,andthenbuffto thedesired sheenwithfacialtissueor a softcloth. LookfortheMetalizer'" merchandiserandinformative rnstruction booklets on topof theTestorModel Masterpaintracksin yourfavorite hobbystore. Subtlevariances in color-that trulyd is t in g u isyho u rmo d e l-a re TheTestorCorporation yourbuffing obtained by refining 620 BuckbeeStreet technique. Buffvigorously forone Rockford, lllinois 61104 kindof effect, softlyandeasilyfor another. lf you'repainting an aircraft wing,forexample, reflectance and tonecan be precisely delinedf rom c a 6 o o o O o e ! F . " l'.{:;{:4*r4i",r urder rtcense from Met6lizer Products N.4odeloy: N,4ikeFritz '[,4an.lactu'ed o 101393