čítaj ďalej - Jenewein Group
čítaj ďalej - Jenewein Group
Zo spoločnosti Events 21 km pre deti 21 km for children Bratislava Bratislava Poradenská spoločnosť Amrop Slovakia, člen Jenewein Group, sa v rámci dlhodobého partnerstva s Linkou detskej istoty pri Slovenskom výbore pre UNICEF rozhodla podporiť druhý ročník charitatívneho behu 21 km pre deti. Metropolitan Tribune bol spolu s portálom Profesia.sk mediálnym partnerom iniciatívy HR deťom. ĎAKUJEME!. Činnosť linky, ktorá prostredníctvom telefónneho čísla 116 111 už štrnásť rokov pomáha deťom v núdzi, možno podporiť počas celého roka ľubovoľným príspevkom na číslo účtu: 4040404040/3100. — Following a long-term partnership with Children’s safety line, which is a part of Slovak UNICEF Committee, consulting company Amrop Slovakia – member of Jenewein Group, decided to support the second year of a charitable 21 km run for children. All money raised from the start dues and fees will be given to Children’s safety line. Metropolitan Tribune and portal Profesia. sk have been media partners of the initiative HR for children. THANK YOU!. Activities of the Children’s safety line, which at the phone number 116 111 already for fourteen years help children in need, can be supported by any contribution sent to the account number: 4040404040/3100. 1 1 Foto: Alan Hyža 2 1 | Peter Šťastný, member of European Parliament (No 83) with friends crossing the finishing line 2 | 3 | Eva Dzurindová, director of Children’s safety line with the winner of a half-marathon 4 | From left: Juraj Mišura, chairman UNICEF Slovakia with the winner of a half-marathon and Kvetoslava Horváthová, moderator 5 | Peter Hochschorner, slalom canoer with his girl-friend 6 | From left: Zdeno Cíger, ice-hockey player, Mikuláš Dzurinda, minister of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic and Peter Šťastný, member of European Parliament 7 | Jana Tomková, director of Culture Diplomacy Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic and Ján Ťapák, sculptor 8 | The Amrop run-team (adults from left: Ivan Tomko, senior consultant and leader of the initiative HR for children. THANK YOU!, Silvia Čižmárová, office coordinator, Ladislava Chvostaľová, senior manager and Michal Lukáč, consultant) 3 4 5 6 7 8