abu bedi monica salem
abu bedi monica salem
_ _ _ ______ _ * 31(ST113 flarr R1Tth4wwE. F4ft/4 ()i ____ 1 r WIIel -#.,qa rr4 WIG i 1m1tI11993*q'lra **l1a i,unuiawi " 'S * fI5ft IIT 11 Rt, 2005 4Mti TNIRF t wft Sr ftaqflu fin 4nia 2005 NVffl * #WfVft1p1t43 izr1% 1UiZI* 1tri1 4i i4 t31WRF*TI d'fl 4 ~ qif *1 qT 'ft iueii Wt u dlkclikH 't 3U ii 3* flE fr 4'.34wfti ¶@lia S3lfl9VEI993 4 ffij*?lTezrI jrq1; rh WEF* * *W4 *ig tn*wi; ¶Plia 4 * * Mj9lZflfw4 Portuguese Sc Snubs cm on Abu Salem Trial NEWDELHI/MUMlAlßejectingthe CBI's pleathe Portuguese Supreme Court has upheld a lower courtdecision that extraditiontreatywith India wasviolated in Aix, Salem'scase byslappingof new charges against the underworld don thatat- tractdeath penalty. Reactingto the order, CBl clarified on Tuesday that the Portuguese Supreme Court has notcancelledtheextradition ofSalem and thatonlya technical point had been raised. It also said the order is not expected to have any repercussions goingtrial on the status of Salem and on the on- against him in India. Salem, who is behind bars, moved alAoAcourt in Mumbai, seeking closure of thetrial against him in the 1993 Mumbai blastscase. Salem's plea sex-. pected tocome upfor hearingon Wednesday. The European courtgave its orderon Saturday while dismissinga CBI appeal againstthe lower courtdecision. - Pll Portugal top court upholds quashing of Salem extradition NEWS NETWORK New Portugal's D Su preme Court has upheld an order that cancelled extradition of underworld don Abn Salem for violation of deportation rules by slapping new charges :eddealthpenalty that atifacU Rejectin ppeal Dy In- dianauthorities,tfle ScinPor tugal on Saturday upheld the order of Court of Appeal in Lisbon winch had held that there was a breach of 'Rile of Speciality' in extradition of Salem (46) in 2005. Reacting to the order, the "The Portuguese Supreme claimed on Tuesday that the Portugal SC has not can- Court has upheld the decisiou (JBI celled the extradition of Sa- of Court of Appeal, Lisbon, throughwhich it hadheldthat lemandonly atechnicalpoint there was a breach of Rule of had been raised. It also said Speciality in the matter of traditionof Abu Salem. There the order would not have any repercussion on the status of Salem and the ongoing trial tinsthiminlndia. A UBI spokesperson government the plore the proaching would possibility of is expected to be no repercussion on status of Abu Salem and said - on-going the trial ex- Lucknow ap- rejectedhispetitions,"theCßl the Constitutional - and Mumbai have spokesperson said. Bench of Portugal challengingSCorder. on against him. Trial Courts at Salem had flied a petition intheHCinLisbonallegingvi Following the pronounce- ment of the SC order, Salem, who is behind bars, moved a TADA court in Mumbai seek -10 sure of the trial against olation of Rule of Speciality after which a judgement was pronounced on September 19, 2011, saying there had been breach of the Indian undergiventothe Portuguese bim in the 1993 Mumbal blasts taking case, saying continuing it will authorities. be illegal. "We have moved an application seeking closure of Rule of Speciality' trial as continuing th the trial will be illegal," said Salem's lawyer Rashid Ansari in Mumbai. Salem'spleais likely "The issue of 'violation of has been examined at length by the Sn preme Court of India on simi- lar petitions filed by Abu Salem in Indiawhichthrough its come up on Wednesday He is also facing trial in various order )ther been no violation of Rile of Speciality after examiningth to India had given utive assurance to Portu gal that it would not slap any charges that invited death dated September 10, 2010, has held that there has issues pertaining to Speciality Rule 01 with reference and in comparison with extr; penalty to Salem and would dition law not keep him behind bars for a ifit more than 25 years. so!nsaid. t tfle LJK,me US Portugal," the spokesper Vested interest behind 2G P11: Govt Tells Sc That NGO Has Political Motives As It Targets Individual Ministers Dhananjay Mahapatra F ThN New Delhi: The Centre on Thesday told the SupremE offidavits filed in ¶ipport thereof targeting individual ninisters or the attorney gell- NGO 'Centre or the officers of CBI by hlng their back in lic granfl it hrnneh of princiiplles nt est Litigation' in the IrntLwa ftural justice, Court that liadbeec'me the PIL filed b for Public Inter 2G stain apoliticalinterest litigation with the petitioner attempting to personally tar t ministers, the affonicy neralmñoflicersof lhe GET. iedge It is common lmo\t it some of the office-becarers f CPIL are consistently op posed to the ruling party ant cal cc pplication filed by UPIL Salman Khurshid headed law rnh stiy of stall mgi permissinn tn ttothie2Gcase.SpecialJudgeOPSainiallowcdtheprobe agencyto place before it documents which cauld not bebrcught on recordearlieralong withthechargesheet. Saini said, "I maymentiorithat during arguments, it was pointedoutbysoniedefencecounseltliattheentirefilein whichdocun,ents mentioned intheapplicationarecoritained was iiistnhiiierital court's notice sam in ground that could not b spectrum. However the CBlhaddisre gardeclrheconcurreritviewsot Iwo AGENCIES Loop an associate of Essar for thorn to be iable for broach )f u'-01 conthtionsattachedto gram ternied of maybeallowedto be placedori record,towhichspecial public in quent fllThg of chargesheet against former telecoinnñnts- Loop Essor ter standing ;taiiding ol tne lacts aiicl A ilaja, DMK fl mid a host of MPKariimoz corporate bi 0 September ii' cuurt mothtormg of the probe and subse 2010 resulliiig obiecled to Ihe UBI's proposition for prosecution of Loop Essar on the linesof Relliancee Swan in 2G seam on th uthilsEries mid proceeded to file the second suppleinen ed as public interest litigation is nowturriirigto lie apolitica internst litigation,' it said. liiingiiig flic 2G seeking special court here on Tuesday allowedthe Central Bureau related ofinvestigationtopresentadditiorial documents prosecutorhas noobjection." testiga ;tigat ion. UPIL hly a fit Sbwed to present more documents A goeeeding oeo'' winch st lave been adopting the device brhii4 certaul fads on record but, hi the appilcations or the ceb -ecoin CDusing )t tiling appilcations ostensi the die to m , salcllflr'wTflS¬t flspj CB It said the law mhuistry view against huias and pioseculion of Khaitans in the scam was offshoot of 2G his personal under w no way a hindrance for the CBI lo proceed ahead in us iuvesd itoiis. Law mhii porate aID tai chargesheet th the Uoj Kssarcase. Hutpetitionerin2G scanicPlLhadrnovedtheapex )Un alleging that Khurstiid' givhg clean chit to opirnon I oop-FssarpossThly liou of GET's )ffl&fl ledto dilucha]gesheel executiv, " 3flS fl3fl - 3TMJSci **uUUiSTjT ftRl: fiT WFIT*t ThTF thiz IT qr *fIR WMIN W 'im wy ii TTtt WTITWI lT ciiiit - N WTF'T ~r W1 ft 'W'NI S 'ttRT fl VBf2flli RWMthSTffi R 1 ''iti *-9 WT' -i> -teg 'vw'n TTT 'iTT'V lIPIt ThZ -Ttfl tW zifv *WIfIPJrTTh-W fw*lTlm9T n,#L#tti* #NRT im lVftl kt3Wul 'rmt zmfitii T'TTflt 13Oth'iWP1'T' fwitn'i'it HC nod to CBI plea to AGE submit 2G papers CORRESPONDENT NEW DELHI. JAN. 17 be placed by the agency on the courts record. "In Bnishing aside the objec- tions of several accused in the 20 scam case, a Deihl court on Tuesday accepted the CEI's plea to submit as evidence more documents, including the communica- tions between Telecom Regulatory Authority of Indla (Trai) and ment of telecom depart- Fact placed on accused. A. application record Raja and has by bis been allowed, 1 do not. See any reason for decllning the CBI prayer as far as item nuniber 2 (iii) (one particuof document in the lar set Saini list) .is concerned. In view of the facts and circum- allowed the agency's plea to submit to the court addi- stances of the case and the law appllcable on the sub- Special judge tional ering (DOT). view of the that all doctunents, barrhig one, have been sought tobe 0?. documents, considspecial public prose- cutor U.U. Laut's argument that former comunications minister A, Raja has been allowed to three out of the four alreädy take sts of documents sought to the prayer is allowed amt documents are allowed ject, to be pläced on recörd," thö court said. Most of the accused had opposed the CBI's plea for placing the additional doc- uments to Ute court. Sadiq case: CBI seeks more time lowing a key witness Ketai TIMES NEWS NErWORK dabad: The Centralßu reau of Investigation (UBI) has sought six months more from Guj it high )mplet the pro be in the Sadiq Jamal 'rflfl ins issuedto him Tirod kar, whose statement was recorded once, was the only link prior to HG order to establish Before the scientific eviden is made available, it would be difficult to come to aliy couclusiouthe petitioustated. In the meanime. the stat government has not sncceeded initsappealagainstjusticeMß Shah's decision to hand over encounter case that the Bhawiagar youth w killed inpolice custody andthe of 2003. Gujarat police had secured his iad on 16 trans1 ferred the custody the Supreme Court refused to stay CBlprobe and gaveagreen HG June mc prob' -'leg 0e into the allegations of fake c encounter by the city Cr] branch sleuths to (JBI withatime limit of six months. the Central agency has sought extension in the inHowever, vestigationon several grounds. According to GBI connsel Yogesh Ravaili, the petition mentioned that the probe has been Ti moving the Bombay rodkar IL high cour Et challenging th practically stopped fol from Mumbai's en- counter specialist Daya Nayak. During the GBI recorded investigation, statements of the case to CBI. The bench in signal to the central probe agency to come up with itsfinal report. On the contrary government found the itself various witnesses that have establishedthat Sadiqwas incus- state tody of Gujarat police for nearly two weeks. However, GBI has the apex court sought expi thformed HG that various doc- tion from it on how could it set up a special task force (STF) to uments and material evidence have beensentto different labo- fake encounter. ratories for examination, and the probe agency may get reports in the next few months. introuble inthe proceeding, as inquire hito the allegations of tout on Sadiq died in a shiOOtu January 13, 2003 ne tear Galaxy Cinema in Naroda. NEW DELHI: Dismissing the plea of the Central Bureau of In vestigation (CE!), ortugal's Portugal SC Suprénie Coüi-t lipheld the decision of its lower that the court traty with India was violated in Abu Salem's case by slapping of new charges against the underworld don that:attract death penalty. However, the CB! clarified on Tuesday that the Supreme Court had not cancelled the extradition of Salem and that only a technical point had been raised. It also said the not expected order was "have tepercussions any to On the status ofAbu Salem and the ongoing trial against him in India. The Supreme Court its order gave on Saturday while dismissing a CEI appSl against the lower court dcci-. sion which had held that rules had been breached during the! extradition of AbuSalem in 2005. A CBI spokesperson said here that the option of ffling ! az appeal before the Constitutional Court in Portugal was available to the agency likely to be and it was exercised. AbuSalem, the prime accused in the 1993 Mumbfii sé- rial blasts, and his girl friend Monica Bedi were extradited to India on November 11, 2005, after a prolonged legal battle in Pqrtugal that went on for three years. The underworld don was also wanted in the murder of film producer Guishan Kumar. His extradition came after an assurance by the Indian tovernméñt totortugal that he would no! be given death penalty, a key requirement in extradition proceedings in Europe. There iséxpected to be no on the status of repercussion Abu Salem and on the on-gotrial' against ing him. Trial courts at Lucknow and Mumhis petbai have rejected itions," a CBI spokesperson said. Salem had Mcd a petition in the High Court in Lisbon allégihg violation of Rule of Speciality after which a judgwas pronounced on ment Septemberl9, last year, saying there had been breach of the Indian undertaking given to the Portuguese authorities. The! CBI, through the Ministry rejects CBI plea extradition of External Mfairs, filed a plea in the Portuguese Sulireme CoUrt contending that it was a matter of interpretation of the Rule of Speciality by the highest court of India, which was binding on all subordinate courts in the country, officill sources said. onAbu Salem ektradition Special Correspondent Pörtugal court rejects CBI plea AGE CORRESPONDENT JAN. 17 SALEM MOVES a setback for the CEI, the COURT, SEEKS NEW DELHI, Supreme Court of Justice (Portugal) has upheld verdiet öf the high court of Lisbon which had tenninated the extradition of gangster and 1993 Mumbai serial blast's accused Abu Salon, ThQ high court (Lisbon), litt its order on END TO TRIAL AGE CORRESPONDENT 17 MUMBAI, JAN. Hoürs after the. Portugal Supreme Court ruled that September 20, 2011, had terminated its government' $ India had terrns ot his authorisation of the extradition öf Salern to Indla in treaty, 1993 bomb blasts accused Abu Salern ffled an November 2005 to face trial In aroundelght cases. nated While rejecting Indias plea, Portuguese the Suprenje Court upheld the violated the extradition appllcation with Ute desigTada court seeking an end to Ute trial agalnst hirn. Salem, who is currently order of court of appeal (high court-Lisbon) which lodged in Ute Central Jail In Ta.loja, was brought to had India frorn Portugal In 2005 and has been under trial held that there was a breach of rtile of speclality In the matter of extradit lon 46-year-old of Salem. Cancelling the extradition, high court accused the probe ageneies, Indian Including the CBJ, of violat Ing Ute conditions under which he was permitted to be taken India in to November 2005 to. face trial in eight cases. Reacting to the order, the on Tuesday claimed . since heil. Onj'uesday, Ute Portugal Suprerne Court ruled that Salem's extradition treaty had been violated after charges penalty against attracting had been hirn. As punishment has death slapped capital been banned in Portugal, his extradition treaty was terminated, Ute court aid. CBI that the Supreme Court of Justice (Portugal) has not cancelled the extradition of Constitutional Court thera," sald the official. nical point had been raised. A senior official of.the CBI The offlcial added, "The issue of violation of rule of speciality' has been exam- said, "The order is not expected to have any reper- med cussions on the status of Salem and on the on-going similar petitions mcd by Abu Salem in India which trial against hirn in Indla." "The Union governtuent through its order dated September 10, 2010 has held is exploring the possibility of approaching the that thera has been no violation of Rule of Speciality alter examining the issues Salem and that only a tech- Constitutional Court of Portugal. The Union government is likely to file an appeal against the verdict of Ute Portuguese Supreme Court before the length by at the Supreme Court of India on pertaining to Rule of Speciality with reference to and 1n comparison with extradition laws of the 13K, the 118 and Portugal." Setback to CBI in Abu Salem case NEW DELHI, 17 JAN: The Supreme Court of Portugal today rejected the CBI's plea and upheld aPortuguese lower court's decision that rules have been breached in tile case of the extradition of underwofid don Abu Salem by adding nS charges that carry the death penalty. The CBI, however, maintained that there is no setback in the Salem case and it has another option of filing an appeal before the Constitutional Court in Portugal. 'As of now we cannot comment anything more than this. We will:: first have to study the Portujl Supreme Court order," said a senior CBI officer. The 43-year-old Aim Salem Abdul Qayoom Ansari was an absconding accusedin thel993 Mumbai serial blasts case kad extradited to India in 2005. He had filed a petition in the High Court m Lisbon claiming the CRI had violated the Rule àf Speciality b adding charges which attract death penalqc India had given an "execUtive assurance" to. Portugal that Salem would not be given death pehàky or charged with any section of law which entails iail term of more than 25 years. in iS order on 19 September last yeaE, theHigh Court ;in Lisbon dberved that the CBI had breached the undertaking given by the. Ihdian authorities to the Portuguese authorities. siis 2G press trust CBI allowed to place more docs of india Special ... public prosccmor U Ii lalits argument that former telecom miniskr 17 JAN: Rejecting the thiecrions of almost all the accused, a NEW DELBI, Delhi couxt ttsog the 2G spectrum dieution case today aflovtd the CBF a plea more documents, including the communications between Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (ThAI) and Department of Telecom (DoT), as eiidence. SpecU judge 0 j' Saini allowed the agencys plea to submit to the court additional documents, acceding tocßlls to submit to it has alreadybeen allowed to take three our of the ftsor sets of documents sougiat to be placed by the agency on A Raja the courts rerord. inviewolthe ftctthatalldocu. ments batting one, have been sought to be placed on record by accused A Ra and his application has been allowed, I do not see any reason for declining the CBI prayer as list as item number 2 (110 (one particular set of document in the list) is concerned.. In 'lew of the facts and drrumst2tircs of the cast and the law applicable on the subject, the prayer is allowed and to be placed documents axe allowed on record," the court said. Most of the accused bad opposed airs plea lbr placing the additional documents to else court arguing why CIII did not place them despite having a-telecom Clii had no objection to it, cngthe prayer is allowed and die entire tile in with documents, mendoned in the appbis are contilneti are allowed to be placed onrecord, copies of th have alreac been supplied tee the accused persons," it said: A day scheddedbennlog of the before deposition by chairman Neipendau Misra, them in their possession. The court said former IlWs that during arguments, defence counsel had pointed out that the entire ThAI file, from which the documents have been placed on the court record, should be allowed to be submitted to the court as a 2G case wimess, on 11 January, the Clii had sought to place some adthtkS documents on court records, The dixurnerns include 11W tiles, the corrDndence between Mr Misra and secresary and accused Shldlmeth Debuts on issues of spectrum alloarion. CDI. el its plea, had said the dcoal4lçnLl could not hat been placed on record earlierdue coinadwnence", The agencfs -plea was opposed by some of the accused on the ground that the prosecution should not be allowed to fit such applications as and when it chooses todo sa During the arguments, Mr U-U Lalit submitted Iherewas no legal bar in placing documents which could -not be placed on record earlier with the change-sheet. Bbanwari Dcvi, utterly unequal She may have used sex and threats to get her way, but her murder raises troubling questions about crime and political power the BRINDA KARAT delay ha takhig ton5 hiss against action lain from the cabinet and thi ova ciii party was only because of the court heat rnga Thia blatant oo the ser, TTTF C2Tdirectorwna reiaiiactecl oft Hot Macoil flea and film. Sca on it is a J-ideoutpe. - responsible for a.rresti.ng Blaunwari De i se cii a key Manr fa.r more syst em r when are 'a nis- con- to a fall- caste-based considerations, surety "-oman dangerous clevelopo,enr for than the ftt ie.d to get a return. efforts of ifit is even a through hi ackm sit, for what she h sri p roviclerl. ha action to fel leisure otticers spoke at se the other. If criminals woman the in office because ofthe tear of out at, of caste to demean the haod aod to val o rise one on tinoe loilced to the faarth issue, th is usc Whdo there is hardly ant rissc-u asian on ho] cis I, sat! es. there are no arred on a.ccusecl in the these in t lao naedia, she ehr, rr,cser assassinat ion of Ehanws' ri widely reader and viewers would agree. Indeed. Dcvi. For example, it was there seems to he cleat evidence 0f tlatck- that CDT officials had founcJ evirtence that mail, politicians, sex, (l)s", the CIII as edoa put it. BhmawariDevise lady CD' on some replayingof .s a.o iS aH the ol th that di is a playing and xchange for therrgranthnother,and ro ooen' in that really what the case a CD? worn ala re.lv awflv ight defence, that whatever she did t tc 'cii nier. Tn all Dcvie cacte, a 'eat the we na rin cannot j us it ii iThanwari character carl behaviour, which centre nfpublic atteiit ion. cases ate en who cia i's vi ct mi Sation in consensual sexual relations. The consent of in a sexua against a.ct is it. L nder Section 375 oft he Indian Pc- nat Curie, there include being aix ass cIa useS, which given intoxieants. unsound us i or] and to on. being of wh cia. if relevant it sating in the ea'se, wouldbe considered aa the as- The consent. During us an coni d then be tried fos i apc on rape law reform, the issue of cape. when the discussions in the 'SOs a sat an u t ii isea po'ec hitsuperior 1'osi- tion to have sexual relations with pioyee. wasalso discussed. I tnfottunateiy, thiswas not accepted. Lnder Section 376. the law tecognises the issue rect im an ena- only in an mdi- r, that ia. by enhancing the pun 'ii an acon ted hat 'ii isused liic position to rapo asubordmato insomo spocitic institutions ] ike remand hornet, hotpoticic st at ions. Iho mrnisrn, pilsils, for the iccu sed puni at in such ci seq years. In Bhanwari's neitherof these case, 'tivu LLtili g!2flj extract d the empi LVOU 15. sexti of Bhaiva ri" S oii the now ont old-see isbn as a result, onlvbc conccture, hut supplicant clearly officials havo donatod part of thoir introducedlie r to the that enable ministers and Ml As the relations were consensaol. the free riorn this however unequal an th nec involved aide, serving a (Hehiot negate in the In mist ci an elected Mt.A ot the ml 36 worn an enipi cams-midwife Singh, an lvi transfer women to r-otd oyed He pal ri ached tiled as an one associate, also auxit ia rv On the coat flu ree- Bhonwam ri first met Mciltdaon IA frnni the a.rea, away (mis home. ft is employees to elected woman yeci the in the Ashok hja other, itV of reta a ions of (In Ca SC gosemment and ci th C lea power rn stop common (1 ft en a case ,ia ,r of they cIuIt to ccxii choose a ilv UCC to RS hay! I1 and getaway in conse 'it? TT3R there - the jeeli a hadeground check of how many Ehanwari Devis there may have been? Tt is not he ins Dev W3S fl VjctiEll argued who had aersou a and iarer agency in th case questions does rais rebarcIiva t behaviourand actions of elected representarives and she disturbing trends that rdflcctod intha dogencrasionand criminal the of exploitation and anise ae of power if the detect reps are ity in the political system. Firstly there is the blat tint sa nat rate 8 per community today is she was, a amoon cent, it as high - reach hun, school She tion tests to iss as 5(5 - in when for her was eves, En lower. die telaooi 88 per cent, here child hIde, who managed to passed hecon,e idwife {ANM). iii Es a.n Et the rtualisica- auxiliaty not a nurse small inst. pur district helong to the S Ifs and hUt. of whom hardly munity. any helens to of power com- chilrlren to school. Todrn those chilnlresa cannot, perhaps, be shieldcd from the bra tality of their mothers death, hut they arid ahott Id ho p rot edo ci fran their mother really th0 iudoenieots can highly ofwho w, con- cabinet minister hurl with ci iminat, murderous gangs. Thc third issue the not She used her earnings to send her coloured and one-sided use tot sexual natification. Secondly, the tact own literacy was j List Only 47women of Lhe 617 ANMs in jodh- Ui at Blianwa ii no choices she made. but the RSIJSL sthsin even ally for may have tomoke repeated visits. It would, however, he women as ft is alsoworthrememboring that Bhao ri De imd cxossecl several harriers. Ai when the dropout rate inrEv her make such req LIests teprentatives. mister. ni goven,.ment also has made known time when the Wlav was this clone? Are there special rule sectinnewnutdaflaly. AccoicEng torhe law, the utterly she w and ho the power centre, it an un- compassionate gest 050. investiga- its decision to pro isle assist once to them. TheeIrcuulst~Lnces the s he sii o oyees need to of have dis cwsrd money to hctp thc childs cit Jiac Rsi- 1ncounters with the MLA can woutdbu onhancod from sesonycars to ton con- sexual i sau a woman crucial m laws siclered and jast I, an i ch rile 'it if the chine nt cautiouswhen it conies to represeciting wois FtUHNIr VHUKL pet say, in he'. Womenactiviete working on sexual harassnient tion and hlackiaa ailed 'a clepe.iid e'it continuedgoing to school. In fact, in usual While same wruld say she w;th hiacknin it, othe vs know now thor in jail. thc thrcc childrcn are is all should have known that she could not We trcn the t iiith. With the ii ta- t rnwhac1ashc sclaenung through is audio recorclio about'? An elderly political leadertrapped by had amassed huge amounts of nurse wealth throuehhla.ckn,sil." channelsand lb hen rd oak ing for the ci). BLLt ottlie dia 1rticu i explici because i reported concerns 17w T+rilirLs!ainam herofih 0" PMpolithun Extradition rules flouted: Portugal SC EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Supreme Court, contending that it was a NEW DELHI, JANUARY17 matter of interpretation of Rule of Spe- setback for the CBI, Portugal's was binding on all subordinate courts ciality by the highest court of India, which IN A Supreme Court rejected its appealagainst in the countr)c the decision of the Lisbon High Court Meanwhile, Salem has moved aTADA which had held that mles were violated court in Mumbai seeking closure of the during the ext mdition of undeiworld don trial against him Abu Salem since hewas slappedwithnew charges that attract death penalty. dition of Abu Salem," Salem, a key accused in the 1993 blast ABU SALEM CASE confirmed a CBI spokesperson. onWc day. cision ofthe Court of Appeal, Lisbon, vide of Rule of Speciality inthe matter of extm- itwill beillegal.Thc IAL)Acourtwillhearliispl "The PortugueseSChasupheld the de- which it had held that there was a breach the 1993 Mumbaiblasts continuh case, was extradited to Indiawith Monica 11, 2005, Bedi on November after marathon legal process in Portugal. h Court inLisbon allegingviolationof Rule 2c05, the NDAgoveinment gave the exec- of Speciality after which ajudgement was utive have no effect on pronounced on September 19 last year would be tried Salem's ongoingtrial in Mumbaiand Luc- stating that there had been breach of the would not be awarded imprisonment cx- know. Officials pointed out that Portu- given to the Por hxlian undertaking agg tuguese authoriti rities. ceeding25yenThegiwemment alsoun- dertook that he would not be tn d und1er The CBI. however, maintained that the verdict would gal's Supreme Court has not cancelled Salem's extradition, and had only raised India had given an"exe cutive assur gv any assurance to Portugal that Salem only in eight cases and special law. The CBI then justified a technical point. The agency isplanningto ance" to Portugal that Salem would not file an appeal before the constitutional be given death penalty or charged with had no option but to agree to Portugal's court of Portu any section of lawwhich entailsjail tenn of conditions as Salem was holding a Pak- Salem, 43,whowasextmditedtolndia in 2005, had filed a petition in the High more than 25years. The CBIhad pproached Portugal's dropping of MCOCA charges, saying it istani passport and could have been de portedtoartcountiy. sdoii&ib 1I5R ttcIH 31 3f11 iR's at 4nn - iftwti Stt 39UTf*t9T ftw aiñt *l1 ti 21Mtii 2111 3T 7 iwir W 2005 q5ffgMd:sflNafl 16 3'k 13 YR 5tlt ZN IIR ZI5 Q 2013 ZEF 31( tlR1t 3tff ?qmT UI 1tdF3I 31gTZt *I31V9 3 yIr IZVI1 *1 I5 Sadiq encounter probe: CBI seeks 6 months more LAK( HIliECI:enrrol Bureau olIn- vesluntiorl (CIII los sixinioutit extensou (lujaral sou1hu frotnt]ne Hielt Court for i0 the 2003 police ve.stijting encounter of Sacliq Jamal N4cFatartnT.4ving o[ireer.s ofal ne hitch rank pohee. An application on thin re- Iiti:.il be 11oCt11 in tire 11 igincoit rt on hi onclay. ea'-ct nrnia hud ni-dered 681 robe into the encrettlte r of 6 I? ' bribe1 by Na rode Jo (lEinja rat po1 ire area an aty .13, of the to tfl( ectoplete iroct t'ortprefera ttv witti.i otittix, 'perO]i t mile tvhtc Ii cix got \ltoicI..:iv. Tb IiiI' tie ncou!.t(rr n1< key invoLved fficilot(..iL'jal-!t LdiIg "UspcI"Idc(I As pail ofiawestiution CIII Soh'ssLmddi'sSheikhtkkeen counterc hut he Icl c halle'teed itin the Imn(Jcd h1 ,mthat Elligh court saving that lie ahotikl not Lv inlerro fleece I Ite rsrodkar has also issued simnnnoi CsI5ALuln BibasacI ic)um!JlstL C[3T accesed in has cited rettacate Lila scrrs-recerptrsf reports Jb1Ei. askcI H iii city ott IRS ofhe,r ]) c:,\SIL1n:L,on of the srfsci- striPs tests from Irrb:s. nt.cci to exanhitte more in I tie rate I Ire wa anti pen- un 'nr'u of petittoin n M urnhtti tititnit Crut-t e Intatenpintn ton, issued by ftc agency 15cc we ne.sscs Ki:snI1.irc.4 0 seek exlenyusn. nt his Tiroikar had alkgcd than atliclavit tiled COCA toe rt at special MCc ot Mathraltstca tkat \1LlflH!i polic&s Naval lm(J Li I)ava in I w hen hipNt idanoflSu has air dv cxa'ninccl 107 witneises neonnectionwith wn ase. The over to Cnjai-at nuaiy A not her of cks retttone soic.nrific ited by nd otud to ats vii were riottsoge.n Eoenichh ot remim to iii its it tike]y n1:[nv to kiter for "seok Ltr extettston that rv:poda of aittimbor awaited front me.t tee II. 2003. lie K7B1[ 'vat led i ver SaiL1 toGujarzt pol'cctooblu cE: Ise affidavit t has I On June16Iastveun. HiIu PRESSTRUSTOFINDIA khMtVAt\D.JAN witn. be etotni.neci. C7B111 ttpptics[tiontnatm While nrdeiingChiT probe in he cane inn junali cc. .Tu me lana year, that his brotlict led jat-at encounter by high raoleittg tst)lsee stilseets ita was (Ills- a fake reason- ensitlet-ir g l]attt in thres other police ettootuitter etuses. probe 'vat out aeattat theaatneoifieeru. With aview ta'ttvott! tea.' itt ::aad caty ttjrther::i.ttetytfuture. itt itt the the bias ut tioa 0' bias ut future. Ni '1:1 Shah round upp rehcaueioin tannin hr Sari ic1'e brot Ito Sha its ir in It is peti- tion DIice able'. circuitances theease, tha court ion titat i-ied oLd doe000 tat o1 taptit- maettirtttiot he car hoot iILdS]DeILLkILL like. CBI." tktetvrcl. court had _ _ _ _ _ __ _ jcilll (j,sfiH 'E t ffr: *nT ft lIrl*I ft iikcti dlß'i 4 14)3T c *i a*'iui ft?11 ?sm 11T If IMI4uI 31fl 314t9 f i INT 9va lAti 193 W f % aii 3ttll ti W iiG SR4«( UT 4ukAw 31U1*11 * *rt *lTIa*&T1i(43) 2OOStMcF&i ‚ ‚ IIHI MCI4UI „‚ ft UdlpM 31cIdd '31N1'II ic*IL Vl3 111919 R*T il4lan qii4tift ITIIIT iiiismm iicfl adwft4t r tPti a*nizinaallfl'g dtaiiti MiidwipMtiwhlra aiiqi«i fii R%ts*ft u'u ffmi 11ft141tt 25 1119 11?IT t 11tI t it i 1z *li.n ft Sii ffl altft9pT * R 2U 3T1991 fi * ftiil rgramfilfWM tIM qlgMg -t irnjfia% ftuflrz tf~9, eiul 20103T4311T* iii'iOtS tftfiiv flaflu rr " 3flS fl3fl - 3TMJ5ci **uUUi5TjT ftR1: fiT thiz IT WF1T*t HII1N qr 'im wy ii TTtt lT WT1TW1 ciiiit ft 'W'NI ''iti S 'ttRT fl V8f2flli RWMthSTffi N WTF'T im lVftl -i> -teq 'vw'n TTT *-9 WT' 'iTT'V IIP1t ~r -Ttfl W1 R 1 tW jfv TLWIflPJrTL1TW *impt n,#t"mit #NWT k'3Wu1 zmki T'TTflt 13Oth'iWP1'T' fwit"'i'n