March 1, 2015 - Church of the Pines
March 1, 2015 - Church of the Pines
Worship on Sunday, March 1, 2015 Second Sunday in Lent Into the Presence of God Prelude Special Music As We Forgive UMCOP Choir “Restoration” Greeting and News of a Church Alive *Introit Holy God, We Praise Thy Name The Word of God UMH 79 Scriptures Matthew 20:20-34 *Call to Worship Leader: Welcome this day, to the second step on our Lenten journey. People: We come with great hope & expectation, as we walk the way of Christ. Leader: Today’s journey will demand much of us. People: Lord, make us ready to offer ourselves to You. Leader: Come, let us begin again the wondrous excursion. People: Let us place our lives in God’s abiding love. Amen. Fred Melms pg.22 of the New Testament *Hymn The Servant Song FWS 2222 Interpretation of the Word Pastor Mark Gilbert “It’s All About You” Moment for Reflection The Table of our Lord Call to Communion Blessing of the Sacraments Sharing the Body and Blood of Christ As We Gather At Your Table *Hymn In Christ There Is No East or West UMH 548 Our Response Prayer of Confession Guiding Lord, even though we hesitated on our Lenten journey, we vowed to come with You through all the trials and fears toward the Cross. Today we face the challenge which true commitment brings. Are we willing to offer our whole selves to You in service? We would like to think that we can do that, but we are aware of how many times we have turned away from service and instead focused on our own desires. Remind us again of the commitment You would have us give if we are to become disciples. Forgive us our stubbornness and fears. Lead us forward, gracious Lord, up these steps toward the Cross. Amen. Words of Assurance The journey of discipleship is never easy, but you can be assured that you will not be on this journey alone. Place your trust in Jesus. Amen. Time for Children Andrea Yates Offertory There Is A Wideness In God’s Mercy *Doxology Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow *Prayer of Dedication UMH 94 Lenten Theme: A World Worth Saving Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer *Hymn One Bread, One Body SERVICE OF THE WORSHIP OF GOD March 1, 2015 10:00 am and March 4, 2015 5:50 pm UMH 620 Into the World Theme: Serve God by Serving Others Text: Matthew 20:20-34 This worship service will help me see that following Jesus means letting go of myself. *Benediction Pastor Mark Gilbert *People’s Response: Live Christ’s Love NOW! *Closing Song Forth In Thy Name UMH 438 Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go My daily labor to pursue Thee, only Thee resolved to know In all I think or speak or do Postlude Though the Mountains May Fall 415 Chippewa Street (corner of Chicago St. and Highway 51N) P.O. Box 144 Minocqua, Wisconsin 54548 (715) 356-3041 FAX: (715) 356-3225 Email: Facebook: United Methodist Church of the Pines Rocking Horse Childcare Center & Preschool: (715) 356-5567 We are a Stephen Ministry Church. March-April 2015 Worshippers, please sign the red Friendship Pads, located in the hymnal racks. Guests, please place your name and comments in the Guest Registry in the South Entry. Guest name tags are available in the hymnal racks. We encourage you to use the time before worship for prayer, to open your heart and mind to God and His message for you. Please be considerate of others when you enter the Sanctuary by entering quietly. Large print bulletins, hymnals, and Bibles are available. Hearing assistance is also available. Please ask an usher about any of these! If you have a prayer request, please complete a prayer card. These are pink and can be found in the pew rack. Hand the card to an usher when we receive the offering. There are activity bulletins for children. Child Care is offered at 10:00 in the Nursery for children four years old & younger. We also have a Cry Room at the back of the Sanctuary. Please ask an usher or a greeter if you need assistance. Please join us in the Ministry Center for coffee fellowship at 11:00. Worship Stewards Greeters: Bob and Pat Schuld Liturgist: Fred Melms Ushers: Joe and Karen Augitto WOW Musician: Anna Gilbert Sunday M 1 2 9:00 Choir 9:45 Child Care 10:00 Worship 11:00 Coffee Hour 15 9:00 Choir 9:45 Child Care 10:00 Worship 11:00 Coffee Hour Mission Stock Sales 22 9:45 Child Care 10:00 Worship 11:00 Coffee Hour 7:00 Bible study 23 To be on our book club email list, contact Sandi Rexroade, 6:30 Ministry Council 24 10:00 Between Friends 2:00 Bible study 5:30 Group studies 29 9:00 Choir 9:45 Child Care 10:00 Worship 7:00 SPRC 30 S 7 13 14 1:00 Martha Circle 3:30 WOW classes 4:45 A Time To Be Still 5:15 Dinner 5:50 WOW Worship 6:30 GROW & Impact 11 9:30 Dawn Circle 12 9:30 Lydia Circle 12:00 Ruth Circle 3:30 WOW classes 4:45 A Time To Be Still 5:15 Dinner 5:50 WOW Worship 6:30 GROW & Impact 18 5:30 Odd 5:30 Choir rehearsal Couples 6:00 Family 6:30 Stephen Movie Night Ministry 19 20 21 27 28 31 3 4 3:30 WOW classes 4:45 A Time To Be Still 5:15 Dinner 5:30 Turn-the-Page 5:50 WOW Worship Book Club Mission Stock Sales 6:30 GROW & Impact 25 12:00 UMW General Meeting 26 8:00 Men’s Breakfast 3:30 WOW classes 4:45 A Time To Be Still 5:15 Dinner 5:50 WOW Worship 5:30 Choir rehearsal 6:30 GROW & Impact 2 1 12:00 Good Friday service 2:00 Bible study Palm Sunday 11:00 Coffee Hour 4:45 A Time to be Still 6:00 Maundy Thursday service 7:00 Bible study Next Week’s Worship F 6 12:00 Keenagers 2:00 Bible study MARCH: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith hosted by Bryn Lottig March 19, 5:30, at Bryn’s house in Arbor Vitae 17 T 5 12:00 Esther Circle 2:00 Bible study 5:30 Group studies 7:00 Bible study 16 W 4 5:30 Missions 6:00 Deborah 5:30 Group studies Circle 6:30 Trustees 7:00 Bible study 8 9 10 Daylight Savings Begins 9:45 Child Care 1:00 Prayer shawl 2:00 Bible study 10:00 Worship knitters 11:00 Coffee Hour 5:30 Group studies Turn-the-Page Book Club meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 5:30—join us! T 3 Official Cancelation Policy: During the week, if the schools are closed, all church activities are canceled (meetings, classes, meals, services). If there is a safety issue, the office will close at the discretion of the Pastor. Sunday morning cancellations will take place at discretion of the pastor, Ministry Council chair, and Lay Leader, with notification being made as early as possible, preferably the night before. If school is canceled ahead of time for Thursday, Sunday’s procedure will apply to WOW activities. Lenten Theme: A World Worth Saving Greeters: Byron and Mary Wechter Theme: Feeding Others and Starving Our Guilt Ushers: Larry and Bonnie Duffee Liturgist: Lynn Tosch Text: Matthew 25:31-46 This worship service will help me see that, when Music: Celebration Brass Quintet I serve others, I serve Christ. Flowers: Jeff and Sue Nienow United Methodist Church of the Pines Staff Rev. Mark D. Gilbert………..…………………....................……...………..Pastor Andrea Yates………....Coordinator of Children, Youth & Family Ministries Anna Gilbert……..………..…………………...………….Administrative Assistant Kim Albano………………..………...………………………....…..Childcare Provider Rudy Vlosak……………………………………………………………………….Custodian Sue Meyers……………………………………..…………..…………………….Organist Lisa Hernandez..………………...…………………..…………..…….Choir Director Carol Cady……………….……………………………………………………...Lay Leader Daniel and Rachel Gabler…………………...………………………..Missionaries W.O.W. United Methodist Women Deborah Circle will meet tomorrow, March 2, Our General Meeting is March 25, at noon, in the Ministry Center. Deborah and Martha Circles are hosting. A speaker at 6:00 pm in the Ministry Center. from the Tri-County Council on Domestic Violence & Sexual Esther Circle meets this Wednesday, March Assault will be presenting. This is an agency we support 4, at 12:00 in the Pine Room. Remember to through our mission money, and we will have a chance to bring a sandwich! hear their story. The program is open to anyone, not only Martha Circle will meet this Thursday, March UMW members. To hear the program only, please come 5, at 1:00 pm in the Ministry Center. after lunch at 1:00. Dawn Circle will meet next Wednesday, March 11, at 9:30 am in the Ministry Center. Bonnie Duffee and Marilyn Remien are hosts. Worship On Wednesday March 4, 2015 5:50 pm Into the Presence of God Passing the Peace Prayer Worship through Music Prayers of the People and Lord’s Prayer Ruth Circle will meet next Wednesday, March 11, at noon, at “Tootsie’s.” Call Jean Bishop or Nancy Pallin for more information. Scripture Lydia Circle will meet next Thursday, March 12, at 9:30 am, in the Ministry Center. Luella Lakich will lead the study of chapter 9. Sue Loeffler will host. Children, Youth, and Family Ministries Would you consider being a positive role model for a child, and teaching them about Christ’s love? We are in NEED of adults who will encourage, nurture, love, and help teach our children what it means to Live Christ’s Love NOW! Current and upcoming opportunities include: assistant in the Nursery on Wed. & Sun. evenings Vacation Bible School Leader (July 2015) L.A.M.B.S. Leader (Fall 2015) King’s Kids Leader (Fall 2015) Christmas Program Assistants (Fall 2015) Message Our Response Communion Offering and Closing Song Into the World The Word of God Matthew 20:20-34 Pastor Mark Gilbert Benediction Live Christ’s Love NOW! UPDATED! Join us for our next Family Movie Night on Friday, March 13 at 6:00 in the Ministry Center! March’s movie is based on the classical theatrical “Our Gang” short subject series. The sanctity of a little boys’ secret club is threatened when one of its most respected members, Alfalfa Switzer, falls in love with a girl! It’s up to Alfalfa’s best friend Spanky McFarland to set his pal straight before Alfalfa’s indiscretions jeopardize the club’s chances of winning the big go-cart race in a few weeks. Kids are encouraged to come in their cozy clothes and bring a sleeping bag or blanket and pillow. Popcorn will be served! Mission Stock Sales: You can support our youth summer mission trip by purchasing Mission Stock after the worship services on March 18 and 22, and on April 19. This summer’s trip will be to Milwaukee the week of June 14. Your donations help with the cost of the rental van and gas, chaperone fees, church t-shirts, and financial scholarships. When you purchase Mission Stock, you will receive a postcard from one of the youth while on the trip, and you will be invited to our Pasta Dinner on July 16. The Dinner is a time of thanks and sharing. We appreciate your generosity and support of these life-changing trips. Andrea Yates, Coordinator of Children, Youth, & Family Ministries (715) 356-3041, ext.3 Ten Ways We Can Be a Church that Welcomes Young Families Thank you for considering this! Please call Andrea Yates to with any questions, or to volunteer! (715) 356-3041, ext. 3 AARP Foundation Tax Aide Free tax help to low-and-moderate-income taxpayers, especially those 60 years and older. Appointments available at the Lakeland Senior Center February 2—April 8, 2015 Mondays, 8:30-3:30 and Wednesdays, 11:30-3:30 For an appointment, call (715) 356-9118 1. Be real. Deal with real issues in sermons, classes, retreats, 7. Help parents, grandparents, and adults become equipped conversations, prayers. to minister to children and youth. How can we learn to offer 2. Listen to parents’ concerns. Listen to children’s concerns. such loving hospitality to the younger people in our midst that they will always experience church as home? 3. Ask how we can pray for them. And then pray for them. 8. Do not use children as cute props. Yes, we know they say 4. Allow/encourage messiness. Noses will run and squirming the darndest things during children’s sermons, but they are will ensue. There might be running. There will definitely be not there to entertain us. noise. 9. Give parents a break. Really. Help struggling parents get 5. Check our personal Stink Eye Quotient. Do we grimace coats and hats on their kids. Hold an umbrella. Assist in wiping when a baby cries? Do we frown when the kids are wearing spills. soccer uniforms? 10. Give parents a break administratively. Make it easy to 6. Refrain from expecting everyone to be the church like we participate. Minimize the unnecessary. have always been the church. excerpt from blog Nurture: growing in our relationship with God and one another. Outreach: reaching out beyond ourselves/our church to love others. Confess your sins to God, repent, and ask God for His mercy and grace. WEEKLY STUDY OPPORTUNITIES Study of Samuel meets in the library on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm. Pastor Mark Gilbert is the leader. You cannot do a kindness too soon, because you never know how soon it will be too late. Afternoon Bible study meets on Tuesdays at 2:00 in the church library. Pastor Mark studies the scripture passage for that upcoming Sunday’s worship service. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Making Sense of the Bible is a book study led by Pastor Mark. Meets in the Ministry Center on Sundays at 5:30 pm. Child care provided. Road Trip: Five Adventures You’re Meant to Live is a book study that meets on Sunday afternoons in the church library at 5:30 pm. Leader is Anna Gilbert. Child care provided. Odd Couples will meet on Friday, March 13 at 5:30 pm at Norwood Pines Supper Club. The hosts are Al and Lindakay Ebel and Skip and Lynn Tosch. Dessert will be served afterwards at the restaurant. To RSVP, please call Lynn Tosch at (715) 356-6656. Sign up for the Prayer Chain! If you are interested in being part of this ministry, please contact Patty Frandy at (715) 3562172 or There will also be a signup sheet in the Ministry Center until March 15. You can either be part of our e-chain, or our traditional phone train. Our chain currently has about 60 “links,” but more participants will only make it stronger! Please keep these individuals in prayer: Fran Ouimette; Fritzi Braatz; Donna Liebenstein; Hedy Blank; Jim Goetz; Betty Jones; Jayne Claflin; Mary Erickson; Mary Ellen McEwen; Eve and Warren Luy; Andrea Yates; Peggy Drehmel; Irene Boudreau; John and Judy Allen; Fran Bechtolt; Jim Erickson; Alberta Almekinder; Dick Hewitt; Doretta Strassburg; Tom Caroselli; Alice and Howard Fager; Barb Saving. Please share your joys and concerns on our Prayer Chain so we can all support each other. Call Patty Frandy at (715) 3562172, Jean Bishop at (715) 356-9289, or email the church office, If you have information for this column, or for any prayer chain additions, please contact Mary Fasse, Nurture Team Leader, at (715) 358-5032 . Let kindness guide our actions this Lenten season. Our theme is “A World Worth Saving,” and we are encouraged to put our faith into action. Try to do one simple act of Christian kindness each day! Speak with kindness! He has shown you what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God. ~Micah 6:8 *********************************************** Lakeland Food Pantry accepts non-expired, unopened food items all year long (canned fruit is especially appreciated). New and gently used clothing for children and adults as well as infant and toddler needs are also collected and distributed. New and used books for all ages are always needed. Current magazines are appreciated and go very quickly! Marilyn Remien is wonderful to deliver items to the Food Pantry each week from our collection bin in the cabinet in the Pine Room. Let’s reach out and fill it up in the month of March. UMCOP’s next Pantry day is Tuesday, April 7. Contact Bill and Marilyn Remien at (715) 356-9489 if you are interested in volunteering. Worship: living lives that glorify God every day. Here is a beautiful prayer that was written by Cardinal John Henry Newman in the mid-1800s. It has been most recently used on a daily basis by Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity. What appeals to me most about it is the clear evocation of Christ as light energy that shines through us, as we make ourselves vessels for God's work. Dear Jesus, Help us to spread Your fragrance everywhere we go. Flood our souls with Your spirit and life. Penetrate and possess our whole being so utterly that our lives may only be a radiance of Yours. Shine through us, and be so in us, that every soul we come in contact with may feel Your presence in our soul. Let them look up and see no longer us, but only Jesus! Stay with us, and then we shall begin to shine as You shine; so to share as to be a light to others; the light, O Jesus, and will be all from You, none of it will be ours; it will be You, shining on others through us. Let us preach You without preaching, not by words but by our example, by catching the force, the sympathetic influence of what we do, the evident fullness of the love our hearts bear to You. submitted by Tracey Snyder This second week of Lent, we are challenged to let go of our egos and seek to serve, not to be served, just as Christ came to serve others. Day 1. Reflect on how you did last week - where did you see God? Where did you struggle? Pray for God’s grace to help you begin again today. Review your list from last week, and continue to pray for God’s presence to be revealed. Day 2. Think about President John F. Kennedy’s words, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what can you do for your country.” How do they reflect Jesus’ life? What would it look like if you said ‘Christ’ instead of ‘country’? Day 3. Think about how John Wesley went to preach outside to the Bristol miners so they could hear the gospel where they were. Where are you uncomfortable to go to serve God? Ask God to reveal to you where He wants you to serve others. Day 4. How has God used an unexpected person to change your life? Imagine what your life would be if that person hadn’t shared Christ’s love with you. Pray for God to use you to transform a person, family, or neighborhood. Day 5 and 6. Continue praying for the news stories on your list, and for your ideas of how you could take action in them. What will you do today and in the days ahead to reach out and share God’s love with others? If you have information for this column, please contact Dennis and Lonni Harrison, Outreach Co-Leaders, at (715) 358-0419 or email denlon The season of Lent is upon us, and we have begun, with Jesus, the journey to the cross and Easter. Instead of giving something up for Lent, we are being encouraged to put our faith into action, to Live Christ’s love NOW. Encouragement will come as we follow Rev. George Hovaness Donigan’s A World Worth Saving weekly in our worship. Each week he will give daily suggestions for putting our faith and spiritual practices into action. Day 7. Rest and worship. If you have information for this column, please email, or speak with a member of the WOW Planning Task Force. Blessings, Pastor Mark
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