European Commission: Review of The Package Travel, Package
European Commission: Review of The Package Travel, Package
Protecting the Travel Consumer European Commission: Review of The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Directive The Consumer Perspective 2008 ‘The Summer of Consumer Discontent’ 17 April 2009 Contents: ITEM: PAGE NUMBER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 4 INTRODUCTION TO HOLIDAYTRAVELWATCH 5 STATISTICAL TRENDS • INTRODUCTION o THE 261/2004 SURVEY DATA – 2007/8 o PACKAGE/DIY HOLIDAY TRENDS SURVEY – 2007/8 o PACKAGE/DIY HOLIDAY TRENDS SURVEY – 2008/9 o ANALYSIS OF THE STATISTICAL TRENDS 6 - 36 6 7 – 21 22 – 26 THE DETRIMENT TO THE TRAVEL CONSUMER • AN INTRODUCTION: o 261/2004 o AIRLINE COLLAPSES o BOOKING PROBLEMS & HOLIDAY OVERBOOKINGS o BUILDING WORKS o DISABILITY o DIY/PACKAGE HOLIDAYS o FLIGHT PRICE CHANGES o HOLIDAY ACCIDENT o HOLIDAY CLUBS o HOLIDAY PRICE CHANGES o HOLIDAY SAFETY o HOLIDAY SICKNESS o HYGIENE o INSURANCE o MISREPRESENTATION o NAME CHANGES o NO FLIGHTS o PRICE FIXING o QUALITY COMPLAINTS o RISK DESTINATIONS o SHIPPING COLLAPSES o SIGNIFICANT CHANGE o SURCHARGES o TRANSFERS o TRAVEL AGENT COLLAPSES o TRAVEL COMPANIES o WITHHELD DEPOSITS & DEPOSIT COMPLAINTS 37 – 197 37 – 41 42 – 43 43 – 46 46 – 57 27 – 35 36 57 – 63 63 – 66 66 – 81 82 83 – 88 88 – 89 89 – 91 91 – 95 95 – 132 132 – 133 133 – 134 134 – 137 137 – 138 138 138 – 139 139 – 161 161 – 162 163 163 – 190 190 – 192 192 – 193 193 193 – 194 194 - 197 2 DEBATES & CONCERNS • INTRODUCTION o IS IT JUST THE BRITS ABROAD? o THE BULLYING OF HOLIDAYMAKERS o THE BIOHAZARD DETRIMENT o ANALYSIS OF THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY VIEW The battle of words! We are all Travel Agents Now! Order in the Court! To Package or not to Package! The Information Point! Significant Change & Compensation! Sliding Scales! Statistics, statistics and yet more Statistics! Safety, Liability & Accidents! Time to Complain! Hotel Safety! Air Safety! The Risk Destination! Acts of God – With Notice! The DIY Connection! Strictly Liable! 198 - 229 198 198 – 202 203 – 210 210 - 213 214 - 229 214 – 215 215 – 217 217 – 218 218 – 220 220 220 221 221 – 222 REGULATORY MINIMUMS 230 - 234 CONCLUSION 235 - 236 222 – 224 224 224 225 – 226 226 – 228 228 229 229 © HolidayTravelWatch 2009 – Publication of part or the whole of this report only with the express permission of HolidayTravelWatch. Permission is however extended to the EU Commission, EU Parliament, UK Parliament and UK Government Departments. 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is 4 years since the death of our Founder, Brenda Wall. Her outstanding determination and courage, led to a new dialogue between the Consumer and The Travel Industry. Such dialogue has created a greater awareness of corporate behaviour and the need for Consumer Protections that benefit both the Consumer and The Travel Industry. At a time of great flux, never has there been a greater need for the continuation of her life’s work and a wider recognition of the suffering of Travel Consumers from all over Europe! 4 INTRODUCTION TO HOLIDAYTRAVELWATCH The European Commission has ordered a review of the current Package Travel Directive, which has been implemented into UK Law as The Package Travel, Package Tours and Package Travel Regulations 1992. The review forms part of the general consideration of the consumer acquis; such a review has become more urgent given the rise of internet sales of holidays, the decision in the UK case of R v CAA, and the apparent held belief by Government and other agencies, that no detriment is currently suffered by the travel consumer in the sale or purchase of travel arrangements. HolidayTravelWatch (HTW) updates its opinions through this report, based upon the relevant consumer opinion and its experience of The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992 (PTR) and the Council Directive 90/314/EEC 13 June 1990 (Directive). HolidayTravelWatch is British based consumers organisation founded in 1995. Through 12 years of operation, it has provided information, advice and assistance to over 170,000 holidaymakers, through its dedicated helpline and website. This should however be put into context with the 65,000,000 individual trips taken by British Citizens in 2005 1. It suggests that HTW only receives a small proportion of all complaints, however, these holiday complaints tend to reflect the more serious element of contractual, illness and injury difficulties faced by the consumer. The Organisation currently provides information and advice, assisting some 60% of all travel consumers who contact HTW, to find a resolution to their travel complaint. The remaining complainants are then given the opportunity to progress toward litigation, through travel law specialists. It is estimated that more than 70,000 holidaymakers have received such legal assistance, and have achieved in excess of £15,000,000 in compensation for their holiday complaints, holiday illness and injuries. This report will update and cite the relevant experience of this Organisation and the Travel Consumer, in support of its conclusions. 1 Lord Treisman – FCO Reception March 2006 5 STATISTICAL TRENDS Introduction: Through its own website, HTW offers the opportunity to visitors, to take part in its surveys. The surveys are designed to provide a ‘snapshot’ of travel trends and are not subject to heavy marketing or the use of public relations agencies to promote the goal of Consumer participation. The survey control on the HTW website is purely voluntary and no prompts are provided to visiting consumers to take part in the survey. As a result, the surveys currently provide modest returns. It should also be noted that our surveys do not have any compulsory controls; therefore some consumers have not answered every question within the various query groups. It is clear that the consumers taking part in these surveys are doing so voluntarily and entirely at random. The surveys illustrated within this report provide an insight into the operation of 2 EU Directives and will provide explanations, observations and conclusions where appropriate. 6 The 261/2004 Survey Data – 2007-8: This survey relates to the EU Directive that provides rights to the Consumer where they have suffered Flight Delay, Denied Boarding or Flight Cancellation. This survey operated between May 2007 and May 2008. In all, an average of 36.5 travel consumers chose to take part in this survey 2. This relatively low number does not surprise this Organisation 3, simply because the majority of calls of complaint received, concern problems within holiday contracts. From the perspective of HTW, the survey accurately reflects the nature of the complaints concerning airlines. We have chosen to illustrate this ‘261’ survey to demonstrate the nature and extent of complaints experienced by air passengers. As options to choose components in order to create a package holiday, become more popular, this survey is a timely reminder of the practical problems that lay ahead and how the failure in one ‘component’ could have a serious impact upon the operation of the other ‘components’. The survey also provokes the debate on whether the free market principle of consumer choice and a so called level playing field through deregulation will actually deliver a safer or higher quality product? Given the concern expressed by the ‘traditional’ travel industry, that airlines selling ‘Package Holidays’, sit outside a Regulatory Environment, this survey illustrates the consequences to Consumers of a working EU Directive. It is clear that the airlines have some considerable way to go before it can be said that they are actively providing rights under ‘261’; the burning question is this, if 2 Full details of the survey can be obtained from HTW upon written request HTW notes the TV survey results of major cosmetic companies which provides < 100 responses to product claims 3 7 Travel Consumers suffer detriment under ‘261’, what extra methods of enforcement should be imported if the Package Travel Directive were extended to include the commercial activities of airlines? YES 60.53 56.76 NO 39.47 43.24 The survey began with the following base questions: 1. Did you fly or take a flight to a destination outside the European Union, either to or from the UK? 2. Did you fly or take a flight within the European Union, either to or from the UK? It establishes the nature of the flights taken, whether they were extra-community or intracommunity 4. The survey reveals an almost even split between extra & intra community flights taken. 4 Article 3 – 261/2004 – Scope of the Regulations 8 YES 10 15.38 80.56 NO 90 84.62 19.44 Under 261/2004, the Directive requires that certain information on rights be given to the air passenger, the questions asked were as follows: 3. Did you receive or were you shown, from either the airline or tour operator, any notice about your rights before departure? 4. Did you see or were you shown any information about your rights, at the time you checked in for your flight? 5 5. Do you think that the airlines and tour operators should provide you with a copy of your rights before you depart? We found that only between 10 & 15% of those surveyed either received or saw notices affecting their rights! A massive 80.56% surveyed considered that they should receive a copy of their rights before departure! The result clearly suggests that despite the requirement within the 261/2004 Directive, requiring notices to be displayed at check-in, very few airlines appear to be complying. Within the blog feature on our website, the blog entitled ‘The Dawn Patrol’ provides an 5 Article 14 – 261/2004 – Obligation to inform passengers of their rights 9 example of the experience of one young couple at check in! 6 Complaints made to HolidayTravelWatch often express surprise and frustration of the lack of information and delivery of the ‘261’ rights. The results of this question suggest that lack of information is the root cause as to why the Directive is not fully effective! In any consideration of the Package Travel Directive, the lesson of ‘261’ must be learned – the Travel Consumer must be supplied with a key facts document as part of a standard form of contract! YES 80 16.22 30.77 NO 20 83.78 69.23 This section of the survey highlights the nature of the problems suffered by air passengers. The questions asked: 6. Have you recently experienced a flight delay?7 7. Have you recently been denied from boarding your flight? 8 6 HTW Blog – The Crow’s Nest – ‘The Dawn Patrol’ - 7 8 Article 6 – 261/2004 - Delay Article 4 – 261/2004 – Denied Boarding 10 8. Have you recently had your flight cancelled? 9 These results reflect the majority of complaints we receive about ‘261’ rights. As in the survey, the majority of complaints we receive concern flight delays. It is noteworthy that the line between what constitutes a delay or a cancellation becomes blurred when a flight is ‘delayed’ until the next day. During the 2008 holiday season, such delay issues or indeed those involving lengthy same day delays, have been observed to often have a serious impact on so called ‘component’ purchased holidays. YES 27.78 51.43 13.51 NO 36.11 17.14 48.65 N/A -DON'T KNOW - NRR 36.11 31.43 37.84 The questions then sought more detail on the nature of the delay experience. The Travel Consumer was asked: 9. If you were delayed was it for more than 2 hours but less than 5 hours? 10 10. If you were delayed was it for more than 5 hours? 11 11. If you were delayed by more than 5 hours were you offered reimbursement? 12 9 Article 5 – 261/2004 - Cancellation Article 6 – 261/2004 - Delay 11 Article 6 – 261/2004 - Delay 12 Article’s 6 & 8 – 261/2004 – Delay & Right to reimbursement or re-routing 10 11 Over 50% of those surveyed declared that they had been delayed by more than 5 hours! Nearly 28% advised that they had suffered delays of more than 2 hours but less than 5. 48.65% stated that they had not been offered reimbursement of their flight where they had been delayed by more than 5 hours and only 13.51% declared that they had been offered such a reimbursement. When questioning holidaymakers, we again find that it is the lack of knowledge on their rights that contributes to the shortfall on this consumer benefit. The shortfall is often compounded by unwillingness on the part of the airline to ‘advise’ or ‘offer’ the said right. YES 8.33 27.03 5.41 NO 13.89 16.22 29.73 N/A -DON'T KNOW - NRR 77.78 56.76 64.86 These questions concentrate solely upon the Denied Boarding or Cancellation Rights. We asked: 12 12. If you were denied from boarding your flight did they ask you to volunteer first? 13 13. If you were denied boarding or your flight was cancelled were you reimbursed or re-routed? 14 14. If your flight was cancelled were you informed more than 2 weeks before your flight was scheduled? 15 Given the high number of responses within the ‘N/A – Don’t Know – NRR (No Response Recorded)’ category, we would suggest that this is again an area where there is a lack of understanding of the question, simply because they did not understand what their rights were. If that is the case, then this again repeats the issue of a lack of notice provision to the Consumer! With regard to the general issues raised by the questions, it is difficult to conclude from the data recorded whether such rights are being offered; is it safe to assume from the limited data that such rights are not being offered? YES 47.37 13.51 NO 52.63 86.49 The provision of assistance to the Travel Consumer clearly demonstrates the care, or lack 13 Article 4 – 261/2004 – Denied Boarding Article’s 4, 5 & 8 – 261/2004 – Denied Boarding, Cancellation and Right to reimbursement or rerouting respectively 15 Article 5 – 261/2004 - Cancellation 14 13 of care, that should be delivered at the front end of the air transport product. We asked: 15. If you suffered a Delay, Denied Boarding or Cancellation, were you provided with reasonable meals and refreshments? 16 16. If you suffered a Delay, Denied Boarding or Cancellation, were you provided access to telephone calls or faxes or telexes or e mails? The survey results demonstrate that the issue of whether the Travel Consumer was provided with refreshments is close to being evenly split. The issue of access to communication demonstrates that nearly 87% of those surveyed were not provided with this facility! A good example of a typical flight delay scenario can again be found through the HTW blog in its article, ‘The Long Good Friday’. It illustrates the issues of : • ‘261’ interpretation, • lack of information; • lack of assistance; • lack of notices; • poor levels of cash/vouchers offered for refreshments within airport complexes! 17 16 Article 9 – 261/2004 – Right to care HTW Blog – ‘The Crow’s Nest’ – ‘The Long Good Friday’ 17 14 YES 37.5 32.43 NO 7.5 5.41 N/A -DON'T KNOW - NRR 55 62.16 Where a flight is seriously delayed or cancelled, the care that should be offered to passengers should include overnight accommodation. We asked: 17. If you suffered delay, denied boarding or cancellation were you provided with appropriate hotel accommodation? 18 18. If you suffered delay, denied boarding or cancellation and were offered hotel accommodation, did they provide transportation to/from the hotel? Roughly one third of those surveyed declared that they had received the assistance of hotel accommodation and transport to the hotel. Once again, we received a high volume of returns in response to this question within the category ‘N/A – Don’t Know – NRR (No Response Recorded) (2/3rds of those surveyed). This suggests 2 issues; firstly it is either the opinion of those surveyed, who considered that this question did not apply to them, or they simply did not know nor were aware of the rights that were available to them. 18 Article 9 – 261/2004 – Right to care 15 YES 7.89 NO 23.68 N/A -DON'T KNOW - NRR 68.42 The Directive makes a specific reference to the extra care that should be given to people with reduced mobility, special needs and children. 19 We asked: 19. If you were delayed, denied boarding or suffered a flight cancellation and you are disabled or had children, did they understand your needs and did they cater for you? Less than 8% surveyed declared that they had received any additional assistance; 23.68% positively stated that they did not receive any assistance. We again received a high volume of returns in response to this question within the category of ‘N/A – Don’t Know – NRR (No Response Recorded). Just under 70% voted in this response category. This suggests several issues; firstly it may be a reflection of those surveyed, who considered that this did not apply to them, or, they simply did not know nor were aware of the rights that were available to them. 19 Article 11 – 261/2004 – Persons with reduced mobility or special needs 16 YES 58.06 NO 41.94 This question was an attempt to establish the numbers responding to this survey that may have been travelling on the airline as part of a package holiday. We asked: 20. If you were on a Package Holiday did you also complain to the Tour Operator? The survey revealed that just over 58% had been affected by ‘261’ issues, whilst on a Package Holiday. It also suggests that just under 42% of those surveyed, did not complain or may be independent travellers or on so called ‘component’ Package Holidays. 17 YES 55.56 8.57 17.14 NO 44.44 91.43 82.86 261/2004 provides a defence mechanism of ‘Extraordinary Circumstances’ to the Airlines, which offsets a claim for compensation following cancellation of a flight. 20 We asked the questions: 21. Were the reasons given to you, (‘extraordinary circumstances’, or technical reasons), that appeared to affect the safety of the aircraft? 22. Were you in a position to be able to challenge the accuracy of the ‘technical reason’ given? 23. Were you satisfied with the technical reasons given? Just over 55% of those surveyed advised that they had been given an ‘extraordinary circumstances’ explanation. Over 91% stated clearly that they found that they could not challenge the reasons given and a further 82.86% declared that they were not satisfied with the reasons given. In examining preamble 15, we can see that the Directive was very broadly drafted, allowing we suggest for a wide interpretation by Airlines, as to what constitutes an ‘Extraordinary Circumstance’ The issue of what can be construed as an ‘Extraordinary Circumstance’ has recently been determined before the European Court Justice (22/12/2008). An Austrian passenger suffered a flight cancellation 5 minutes before departure. The Airline claimed ‘Extraordinary Circumstance’. The Court held that, “Consequently, technical problems which come to light during maintenance of aircraft or on account of failure to carry out such maintenance cannot constitute, in themselves, ‘extraordinary circumstances’ under Article 5(3) of Regulation 261/2004” and “It is therefore for the referring court to ascertain whether the technical problems cited by the carrier involved in the case in the main proceedings stemmed from events which are not inherent in 20 Preamble 15 & Article 5(3) – 261/2004 – ‘Extraordinary Circumstances’ & Cancellation 18 the normal exercise of the activity of the air carrier concerned and were beyond its actual control”. 21 This air passenger had to take their claim all the way to the European Court of Justice for €260! This should serve as a clear example of the need to draft clear and comprehensive Directives, so that Travel Consumers are not hindered from claiming what has rightfully been granted to them by law! YES 22.22 NO 77.78 As we will demonstrate within the following section, ‘The Detriment of the Holidaymaker’, the issue is one of confidence in the operation of both 261/2004 and we suggest, The Package Travel Directive. In this section of the survey we asked the question: 24. Given your experiences would you fly with the same airline again? Over ¾ declared that they would not travel with the same airline again! 21 Fredericke Wallentin-Hermann v Alitalia – Linee Aeree Italiene SpA - 19 YES 14.29 10.71 NO 85.71 89.29 The questions highlighted above, on the reasons given to air passengers, illustrate clearly the extent and lack of confidence in that information. Further we have demonstrated the lengths a consumer will have to pursue their rights; in one case all the way to the European Court of Human Rights, on the question of what constitutes an ‘Extraordinary Circumstance’! We asked: 25. As a result of your complaint have you had to take either the airline or the tour operator to court? 26. Were you successful in your court case? Less than 15% decided to take the matter to court and less than 11% were successful in the pursuit of their claim. Between 80 to 90% clearly chose not to progress their claim to court. However, the survey it reveals that with the correct presentation of the claim, there is a high chance of success in succeeding (as illustrated by those who brought their claims to court), but we would always advise Consumers to prepare and take necessary advices before launching such an action! Can this Directive be considered to be vague on some issues? Is it difficult to enforce? Are 20 commercial decisions being made in order to circumvent its provisions? There is a clear need to consider the experience of 261/2004 and how this is measured against the need to promote the rights of Travel Consumers within the general holiday contract! 21 Package/DIY Holiday Trends Survey 2007-8: In tandem with our 261/2004 survey, we also created a short survey on Package/DIY Holiday trends. This survey operated between May 2007 and May 2008. In all, an average of 98.375 travel consumers chose to take part in this survey 22. This relatively low number does not surprise this Organisation 23. We suggest that our survey controls provide a completely random and voluntary contribution, adds to an authentic ‘snapshot’ of the trends. From the perspective of HTW, the survey accurately reflects the nature of the complaints concerning Tour Operators or Travel Providers. We have chosen to illustrate this Package Holiday survey to demonstrate the nature and extent of complaints experienced by holidaymakers. As options to choose components, in order to create a package holiday, becomes more popular, this survey serves a timely reminder of the practical problems that lay ahead. It also illustrates how the failure in one ‘component’ could have a serious impact upon the operation of the other ‘components’. It also reminds us of the need to be vigilant on the operation of the ‘traditional’ package holiday, particularly on the issues of significant change and health & safety. The survey provokes the debate on whether the free market principle of consumer choice and a so called level playing field through deregulation will actually deliver a safer and higher quality product? 22 Full details of the survey can be obtained from HTW upon written request HTW notes the TV survey results of major cosmetic companies which provides < 100 responses to product claims 23 22 YES 82.46 30.56 NO 15.74 69.44 The primary questions seek to establish what kind of holiday was taken, we asked: 1. Have you recently taken a package holiday? 2. Have you recently taken a DIY holiday? Consideration must be given to the notion that whilst ‘traditional’ Package Holidays appeared to dominate the market during this period, a sizeable proportion (30.56%) declared that they had purchased a DIY or Component Holiday. We should be cautious as to the findings; we would suggest that there was a lesser Consumer understanding of what constituted a Component Package Holiday or Package Holiday during this survey period. 23 YES 73.79 10.1 NO 26.21 89.9 We asked the following: 3. Did you have any reason to complain about your package holiday? 4. Did you have any reason to complain about any element of your DIY holiday? Surprisingly over 73% stated that they had reason to complain about their Package Holiday with some 10% complaining about their DIY product! We suggest that whilst there may be confusion amongst Travel Consumers during this period, as to what constitutes a Component Package Holiday or Package Holiday; the responses suggest a clear unease as to aspects of the quality of their holiday product. 24 YES 33.02 5.62 NO 66.98 94.38 This Organisation hears from many holidaymakers either reporting sickness or injury. We asked: 5. Did you become ill or were you injured during your package holiday? 6. Did you become ill or were you injured during your DIY holiday? Overall some 38.64% of those surveyed advised that they had suffered holiday illness or injury. We would suggest that a proportion of those surveyed, may have become ill or injured outside of their holiday contracts. In October 2006, through our article ‘The Shameful Cost of Holiday Illness’ 24 we attempted to determine the actual level of holidaymakers who may suffer illness within a Package Holiday. Our samples demonstrated that group actions can report between 21% and 50% of people affected. We chose to adopt a ‘conservative’ approach and determined a 5% figure of all 24 HTW Article – ‘The Shameful Cost of Holiday Illness’ 25 holidaymakers being affected. We concluded that the overall cost to the UK from Holiday Illness rested at £222m! YES 36.46 53.85 NO 63.54 46.15 The final questions related to issues of confidence, we asked: 7. Would you take another package holiday with the same tour operator again? 8. Would you take another holiday by DIY arrangements again? For this period there appeared to be less confidence within the Package Holiday model whereas the DIY model only managed to demonstrate a 53.85% level of confidence! 26 Package/DIY Holiday Trends Survey - 2008-9: This survey operated between May 2008 and March 2009. In all, an average of 40.66 travel consumers chose to take part in this survey 25. This relatively low number does not surprise this Organisation 26. We suggest that our survey controls provide a completely random and voluntary contribution, adds to an authentic ‘snapshot’ of the trends. From the perspective of HTW, the survey accurately reflects the nature of the complaints concerning Tour Operators or Travel Providers. We have chosen to illustrate this Package Holiday survey to demonstrate the nature and extent of complaints experienced by holidaymakers. As options to choose components, in order to create a package holiday, becomes more popular, this survey serves a timely reminder of the practical problems that lay ahead. It also illustrates how the failure in one ‘component’ could have a serious impact upon the operation of the other ‘components’. It also reminds us of the need to be vigilant on the operation of the ‘traditional’ package holiday, particularly on the issues of significant change and health & safety. The survey provokes the debate on whether the free market principle of consumer choice and a so called level playing field through deregulation will actually deliver a safer quality product? 25 Full details of the survey can be obtained from HTW upon written request HTW notes the TV survey results of major cosmetic companies which provides < 100 responses to product claims 26 27 Package Holiday 53.66 DIY Holiday 39.02 NRR 7.32 The primary questions seek to establish what kind of holiday was taken, we asked: 1a. Have you recently taken a package holiday? 1b. Have you recently taken a DIY holiday? We suggest that this survey period, illustrates a growing awareness of the ‘types’ of holiday product description. From our experience, it does not provide any greater belief or realisation by the Travel Consumer, that they are buying anything other than a Package Holiday! The responses demonstrate that the Package Holiday remains popular with the DIY model providing just under 40% of holiday choices 28 Yes 63.41 No 29.27 NRR 7.32 We decided to ask a general question on the holiday product: 2. Did you complain about the holiday product, from the time of booking to your contracts conclusion? Some 83% in the previous survey stated that they had made a complaint; this survey suggests that complaints have fallen! This could be for several reasons, firstly Travel Consumers often feel that in establishing a complaint they will not be heard or they do not have the energy for the litigation process. Our experience during the last 2 years has revealed that complaints received has increased (there is a summary in the following section of the work of HTW). We suggest that this question reveals that 2/3rds of those surveyed clearly considered that they had reason to complain about their holiday product! 29 Yes 19.51 14.63 No 65.85 75.61 NRR 14.63 9.76 This section asked the following questions: 3. Did you suffer any illness whilst you were on holiday? 4. Did you suffer any injury whilst you were on holiday? Overall some 34.14% of those surveyed advised that they had suffered holiday illness or injury (this compares to 38.64% in the previous survey). We would suggest that a number of those surveyed may have become ill or injured outside of their holiday contracts. In October 2006, through our article ‘The Shameful Cost of Holiday Illness’ 27 we attempted to determine the actual level of holidaymakers who may suffer illness. Our samples demonstrated that group actions can report between 21% and 50% of people affected. We chose to adopt a ‘conservative’ approach and determined a 5% figure of all holidaymakers being affected. We concluded that the overall cost to the UK from Holiday Illness rested at £222m! 27 HTW Article – ‘The Shameful Cost of Holiday Illness’ 30 Yes 17.07 No 68.29 NRR 14.63 On the issue of complaints we asked: 5. Have you resolved your complaints? This survey suggests that nearly 70% of holidaymakers do not manage to settle their complaints. The full range and examples of such unresolved complaints are set out in the following section to this report. 31 Yes 41.46 No 46.34 NRR 12.2 This is a question that seeks to determine levels of confidence amongst holidaymakers, with the so called range of ‘different’ Holiday Products now available, we asked: 6. Would you ever book or take the same style of holiday package again? 46.34% of those surveyed stated that they would not use the same Holiday product again; clearly nearly half of all those taking either Package Holidays or so called ‘Component’ Package Holidays do not have the confidence to return to the same product following their experiences! Yes 45 No 52.5 NRR 2.5 The debate on the future of the Package Travel Directive has throughout 2008, centred upon Consumer Financial Protection. This is understandable following the collapse of airlines and travel providers during 2008. We asked: 7. Do you know what ATOL Consumer Protection is? It is encouraging to see that 45% of Travel Consumers appear to have some knowledge of 32 the Air Tour Operators Licence (ATOL) scheme. This in part must be due to the efforts of Consumer Advice Organisations and also the UK Civil Aviation Authority. The question did not seek to establish whether DIY or so called ‘Component’ Package Holidaymakers either knew of or had the benefit of the ATOL scheme within their purchases; this is clearly an issue that must be reinforced within any redrafted Package Travel Directive, with Airlines joining their colleagues in the Travel Industry under the banner of regulatory obligations! Yes No 40 NRR 55 5 We asked: 8. Do you know what Consumer Rights exist under the Package Travel Regulations? It is disappointing to note that despite consumer campaigns and publicity on ‘Holidays from Hell’ since 1997, only 40% of those responding to this survey indicated that they had any knowledge of the Package Travel Regulations! We suggest that the discussion in recent years on what apparently constitutes a ‘Package’, may have contributed to this knowledge dilution. 33 We also suggest that if a holidaymaker is being told that they are being sold a DIY or Component Holiday, and therefore ‘regulations’ do not apply, then the Travel Consumer will potentially discount any legal protections, believing that they will not apply to their situation. There has been much debate on the use of the word ‘Package’; we have previously suggested that the expression ‘Holiday Contract’ is probably more appropriate given the clear march to ‘reinvent’ the market. Yes 22.5 No 75 NRR 2.5 We often provide advices on how to make a claim through credit cards. We asked: 9. Do you know what rights exist under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act? It was of no surprise to HTW that 75% stated that they did not know of their rights. Holidaymakers often report difficulties in claiming from their card issuer or bank (in the case where a debit card is used), who simply dismiss their attempt to claim. Our guidance on this matter typically states, “The rules for recovering your money from a debit card are different to when you pay by credit card. We understand that if you pay by Maestro card, the bank is not obliged to refund you under current UK domestic law or where there a bankruptcy arises. The 34 only exception would be if you ordered goods or services online from a company whose website's centre of operations lay outside the UK. If you paid by a Visa Debit card, then you will be able to claim your money back through the Visa Debit Chargeback Scheme. You can claim your money back if the goods are damaged or the products or services are not delivered. You must make such a claim with your card issuer within 120 days of you not receiving the goods or where the company has gone into administration. (We would strongly recommend that these issues are checked before taking action. This link directs you to a BBC article on this matter ). If you paid by credit card there is also an argument that your credit card company should also assist you to resolve this dispute under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act. You should consider contacting them to lodge your complaint. The following link relates to a template letter you could send to your credit card company to activate your complaint with them (this is provided by Consumer Direct) “ 35 Analysis of the Statistical Trends: The inclusion of the 261/2004 survey provides a clear ‘snapshot’ of how one industry works with, and in some cases, interprets and applies the Consumer Rights within the Directive. It clearly demonstrates the problems that arise where poor drafting or definition leads to further difficulty and detriment of the Consumer. It raises the question; if the EU Commission is minded to include Airlines and Online Travel Retailers into the scope of any new Package Travel Directive, will further rights need to be ‘awarded’ to Consumers to ensure that they can enforce their base rights? The conclusion to be drawn from these surveys are: 1. Any Directive drafted must be clear and unambiguous; 2. That all travel entities must be incorporated into any new Directive drafted, to ensure a uniform market; 3. The Consumer must be given clear ‘key facts’ information within a standard holiday contract (or within the purchase of a flight ticket where 261/2004 is considered); 4. That Consumers Health & Safety must be given priority within any new Directive; 5. The Consumer must benefit from improved complaint structures and responses; 36 THE DETRIMENT TO THE TRAVEL CONSUMER An Introduction: Detriment is defined as ‘loss, damage, disadvantage or injury’ or ‘a cause of loss of damage or injury’ 28. 2008 began with the Kenyan Crisis, where many holidaymakers were faced with danger and the prospect of being without valid travel insurance. This event led rapidly to many reports of significant changes being made to individual holidays elsewhere. Inevitably as the season developed we were faced with many reports of holiday sickness, poor health & hygiene, inadequate responses to complaints in resorts and a myriad of contractual complaints, not least of which was the roll on effect of airline and tour operator collapses. We attended a meeting in September 2007 at the then Department for Trade & Industry (now DBERR), where it appeared that there seemed to be some difficulty in establishing that the consumer was in fact suffering detriment in holiday contracts! The answer to that conundrum we suggest lays in the Government statistics of 2006, where it was declared that Consumer Direct had received 13,740 complaints concerning failures in holiday contracts 29! We must also guard against ‘detriment’ appearing to be a uniquely a ‘British’ problem and not one that affects the rest of the European population! The lure of that argument would then perhaps suggest Regulation may deserve a ‘light or horizontal touch’; can this really be correct? During 2008, HTW again experienced an unprecedented level of calls for assistance. The Organisation demonstrated an average range of 219 e mail calls for assistance 28 29 37 each month; during the busy summer months (July, August & September), this figure reached as high as 500. In addition we still maintained a reasonable level of incoming correspondence (this relatively low level is due to the changing nature of communication), which ranges from 25 to 100 letters per month, depending upon the time of year. HTW maintains a helpline which provides an average of 70 to 100 calls per week, however, during the period 1 July through to the end of October 2009, we received an average of 22 calls per day (on some days this was noted to be as high as 30 calls). In all this has created a potential of over 9000 calls for assistance. It should be noted however that within those calls, there is a small percentage (approximately 10%), where contact cannot be made due to the incorrect or poor recording of personal details or they have resolved their own claims and do not require our assistance. In determining the number of actual complainant holidaymakers, it is reasonable to state that each complaint ‘hides’ on average, a further 3 members of the same party (it is acknowledged that sometimes this figure can range from 1 person up to 20+). These figures indicate that we have received a potential 30,000 holiday complaints during the 2008 season. This is considered by HTW to rest at the higher end of expectation of annual complaints received, which usually rests between 20,000 to 30,000 holiday complaints (usually nearer to the 20,000 mark). Another barometer of the detriment suffered by Travel Consumer is contained within the ‘Call to Arms’ feature on the website of HTW. This is a device used to unite holidaymakers locked within a complaints process or who may be progressing toward litigation. The device is used responsibly and simply states that complaints have been received and that guidance has been provided to the complainant holidaymakers. The ‘’Call to Arms’ feature is regularly assessed and older ‘calls’ are removed into a non viewable archive after a 12 month period (this is to account for holidaymakers who may be using a complaints process or for the standard 6 month investigation period used under the Civil Procedure Rules – it assumes that aggrieved holidaymakers will invest some considerable time reviewing their options toward resolving their claims). 38 In the period 12 March 2008 to 12 March 2009, one hundred and fifty-one (151) such ‘calls’ were placed on the website of HTW. In previous years the average figure was 35 ‘calls’. In 2007 it rose sharply to 75 and is now followed by ‘calls’ for the 2008 holiday period rising by a further 100%. The following detriment examples are written in the words of the holidaymakers who have contacted HTW. We have not sought to change formatting, grammar or spelling except to make an issue clearly understood. Names, organisations and sensitive or inappropriate opinions have been edited. The majority of complaints have been selected from the period 1 June 2008 to 5 February 2009. We have only chosen a selection of the e mails received from this period. We have chosen to edit the names of the companies, replacing them with a simple explanation as to the various companies’ statuses. We consider that the holidaymakers’ comments on detriment are sufficiently powerful without the distraction of naming companies. The examples were chosen at random. HTW experienced difficulty in isolating the complaints into one particular type of complaint or another as many are multi-faceted and cover a range of contractual and personal injury complaints. The complaints illustrated reflect typically the volume that we receive on a given subject matter, received through our various sources. 39 We have provided 523 case examples of Consumer Detriment. All the holidaymaker complaints have been taken from our e mail contacts only. Nature of Complaint: Number of Case Studies: 261/2004 6 Airline Collapses 12 Booking Problems & Holiday 48 Overbookings Building Works 24 Disability 9 DIY/Package Holidays 45 Flight Price Changes 4 Holiday Accident 14 Holiday Clubs 1 Holiday Price Changes 7 Holiday Safety 9 Holiday Sickness 156 Hygiene 2 Insurance 7 Misrepresentation 10 Name Changes 3 No Flights 1 Price Fixing 2 Quality Complaints 42 Risk Destinations 6 Shipping Collapses 1 Significant Change 83 Surcharges 10 Transfers 3 Travel Agent Collapses 2 40 Travel Companies 4 Withheld Deposits & Deposit 12 Complaints Total: 523 In 2007, HTW was aware of consumer complaints against 448 tour operators, travel agents and travel providers; this figure has risen to 564 during 2008. This suggests an increase in the rise of complaints against companies of over 20% since 2007. However, it is important to note that within the list of companies a small number (suggested 10%) either do not exist or have ceased trading. Nonetheless, the rise of internet based sites has contributed to the rise of complaints but these are still eclipsed by the number of complaints made against the established companies of the Travel Industry. The following Travel Consumer stories and experiences are compelling and must surely nail the lie that the Consumer does not suffer any detriment in holiday contracts? 41 261/2004 We have just returned from a week in Menorca with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. Our outbound flight was delayed by nearly 24 hours. On check in we were advised there was disruption within [NAME OF AIRLINE] therefore would be flying with [NAME OF AIRLINE] at 2145 instead of 1435. After hours of waiting in airport gate showed then disappeared, we only found out by word of mouth the the flight was now cancelled until following day. We much confusion we had to claim our luggage and we given hotel for night and were told that the flight was not going due to a mechanical fault. (EM - 30.6.08) **** Please can you advise me of what I should do as a result of the following situation: I am enquiring on behalf of my mother - She arrived at baden baden airport on the 11th in order to return to the Uk after a short holiday, the flight was cancelled due to fog. She was told to return on 13th for a seat on the next available flight. despite being told originally there were 5 places available on the evening flight .On arrival the flight was cancelled again but there was one seat left but this went before my mother got to the front of the queue. She asked if priority could be given as she had already missed a place on the Saturday flight. My mother is 76, was travelling alone and the staff were rude and most unhelpful. She was put on a coach to go and collect her luggage on both occasions one of which was after after a 3 hour wait.. She has a chronic heart condition and everyone was most unhelpful and at times downright rude to her. As a result she had to return to Calw where she had been staying twice this was an hour and a half from the airport. a 3 hour round journey.After phoning me distraught I suggested she return home on another airline which was on the Tuesday 14th from Stuttgart to Manchester, not Stanstead as on the previous flight. She then had to travel back to Northamptonshire . [NAME OF LOW COST AIRLINE] told her to write to [NAME OF CITY] to ask for a refund. Apart from this refund and £100 from th Insurance company she is still out of pocket for the travelling to and from Baden Baden airport, to Stuttgart airport and for the outstanding balance of the difference in price between the flights . Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Do airlines have a time limit by which passengers should be given an alternative flight. Are there EU directives about compensation in such circumstances? Thankyou for your time I look forward to hearing your comments. (EM - 30.10.08) **** Good afternoon. I am seeking guidance with regard to a possible compensation claim. On our (my wife and I) return from Turkey we were subjected to a 15 hour delay. Our flight was due to depart at 0500 hrs; no tour rep [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] was present to inform us of any delay. We went through security at 0830 hrs and watched as our flight arrived and the luggage removed. At 1000 hrs the aircraft departed without us. We demanded to see a [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] rep who arrived and informed us that, due to bad weather, the flight had been diverted and the pilot was now out of hours. We were told that we would be sent 42 to a hotel in due course. No refreshment was offered until we arrived at our hotel at 1230 hrs (over 7 hrs after flight time). When we returned to the airport we were told that the aircraft would be flying to Manchester, despite being told by our rep at the hotel that our destination was Newcastle. This resulted in a 4 hour coach journey back home. I have written to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] who have responded with..'delays have become an accepted part of air travel' and 'appropriate provisions were made available during the delay'. Can you please offer advice as to whether I have valid grounds for a claim? Thank you. (EM - 2.12.08) *** I flew with [MAJOR LOW COST AIRLINE] to Newquay from Manchester in June, unfortunately the plane couldn't land due to bad weather and we had to return to Manchester. On landing we were handed out letters saying we would only be entitled to a credit note, I asked a member of their staff if we could have a cash refund and were told we could. I arrived home and telephoned their customer services to see if I could fly the next day, they only had seats left for the day of my return, 4 days later, which was not suitable. They said I would have to write requesting a refund which I did. I requested a cash refund but was only forwarded a credit note with an expiry date of 6 months. To use this you have to telephone them to book even though I booked online, when I did this they would not give me the internet price, so instead of a bill of about £80 they wanted to charge me £120. As I'm sure you will agree I have been treated very badly and would welcome your advice on how to resolve this and also the legal position. My preference would me a refund on my credit card (the method I originally paid by). I look forward to you reply. (EM - 17/12/08) **** The airline took more than 12 hours before sending us to a hotel at 12+am. And the bus basically dump us outside a subway where we need to lug the luggages through the subway to reach the hotel. Only lunch voucher was provided throughout the 12 hours. When we reach the hotel, the kitchen was already closed. The other groups of people from later flight was able to check in to the hotel by 1030pm. (EM 6.1.09) **** I have had difficulty regarding an 8 hour delay to a flight from Majorca, our plane was allocated to a different flight because thier plane was not air worthy, I have been in touch with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and they will not give me a satifactory answer to my question, I know hundreds of people were incensed by the treatment we received at palma airport and were told blatant lies all day can you help me please (EM - 17.1.09) Airline Collapses 43 Hi there we booked a holiday some time ago for February 2009 to Antigua with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] to watch England play cricket. I have recieved a phone call this morning saying that Excel who [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] use have cancelled the flight. Where do i stand with this as the prices are ridiculously high now. [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] have offered a refund, but are they obliged to get us on another flight at the cost absorbed by thereselfs. Could you please give some advice please Thankyou. (EM - 1.9.08) **** I flew to Vancouver on Zoom arilines. They went into liquidation. I have been told i may not get money back,£600, as i paid direct. I also had to fork out £700 to get back home. More money i will loose. I have been unable to get straight answers from anybody. I paid with mastercard. I also paid year travel protection. (4.9.08) **** I want to claim back our holiday money we had booked a holiday with Freedom Direct and were flying with XLAirline and as you probable knoe they have gon into reveivership thnak you (EM - 12.9.08) **** we had a holiday booked to fly out 16.10.08 to 23.10.08 through [NAME OF TRAVEL AGENCY], the flights are with freedom travel and accomodation is at costa teguise, lanzarote. We have been told today that the company have gone into liquidation, there are 12 of us, please advise me of what i can do. (EM - 12.9.08) **** booked package holidaiy through l[MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] and am unable to contact them to find out what the position is as package included xl flights. Travel date 3-11 Oct 08. Advice would be appreciated (EM - 12.9.08) **** booked holiday through [TOUR OPERATOR] flights with XL . flights to depart 27th september. booking ref go4721. alterntive filghts were arranged by the travel comany at a further cost of 1800 pounds we are still waiting for the refund of 1100 pound.. spoke to travel agent 3 weeks ago. they confirmed that the forms have been sent to ABTA, still not heard anything ? [TOUR OPERATOR] can not provide a date the forms were sent to you.. I have little confidence in [TOUR OPERATOR] . please advise. thank you. (EM - 8.11.08) **** Please see attached my letter to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] re. compensation claim for losses. This was due to the XL airlines collapse. Their reply was that they are unable to meet any claim and that I should contact the CAA for advice. What should be my next step? (EM - 14.11.08) 44 **** can you tell me the state of affairs regarding compensation from ABTA for the Zoom Airlines collapse? (EM - 24.11.08) **** I booked a holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] online. Turned up at airport to find out the air line had gone 'bust' 10 days previous and no-one had contacted us. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] won't refund fuel surcharges and won't compensate. Had to wait a month for refund of invoice and fight for it. They won't answer emails, telephone calls or reply to latest letter. (EM - 24.11.08) **** Our Holiday was late September 08 to Kefalonia. Left booking late on advice from friends. Had a strict time window of 2 weeks by employer. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR TRAVEL AGENCY] advised 14 day holiday that fitted holiday window. Paid in full some 3 weeks before travel. 3 days after paying for it news broke of XL airlines insolvency. We remained unaware that [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] had sub-contracted return trip to XL. Week later - we were contacted - advised holida cancelled but offered same resort, same hotel, same time window but 10 days instead of 14 days - for the same price !! within two weeks of paying for the 14 day offer. Pressed to accept on the spot. Quality of service from revised package offered was poor - from collection of tickets, description of resort and facilities, interest by tour rep, and errors in return ticket leading to Manchester instead of Birmingham (next to home) incurring extra cost. In all we felt that we were subject to sharp practice by [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] by attempting to get us to accept the same but shorter package for the same price rather than take our business away from them, and then to deny that their service was less than ideal. We have complained to Chief Exec. but case has been handled by staff who are in denial and despite kind words, do not accept liability. We are naturally incenced at the arrogance and lack of a simple small goodwill gesture and genuine unconditional apology . We are now considering firstly - writing to the Chief Executive at his home address (in public domain) to bring it to his attention, following on then to raise the matter in small claims court if no success and to name the Chief Executive as the recipient of the action. In this respect your view would be greatly appreciated. We are in our 50's. This holiday was very important to us. It was our only break in 08 and despite a lovely Island, the holiday has been tarnished by what we see as sharp practice by [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] through the opportunity presented by XL in the same week, and from shoddy service not in keeping with the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] Mission statement. (EM - 8.12.08) **** I have been trying to recover a £ 700+ refund from [TOUR OPERATOR] since mid October due to the demise of Zoom airlines. I have been fobbed off with countless tales throughout my dealings with this company. I would be obliged if you could 45 assist in any way to resolve this problem. [TOUR COMPANY REFERENCE NUMBER] (EM - 8.12.08) **** My husband and I are still awaiting the refund from our lost holiday with excel airway s. We have been told that "ATOL are dealing with it". How much longer will we have to wait? (EM - 14.1.09) Booking Problems & Holiday Overbookings In April I travelled to Egypt with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR], upon arrival I was told my hotel was overbooked and was moved to a hotel 20km away from the resort centre in the middle of an area of considerable building development. The hotel did not provide entertainment and the restaurant was more like a canteen. I have written to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] who have not provided a satisfactory response, would i have a claim against them ? I asked for a move or a flight home and was refused both. The hotel had new management presumably because of the problems it was experiencing. I would be grateful for your advise. (EM - 7.6.08) **** Hi. I would please like some advice, last week i phoned up a company called [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] i paid for a 1week holiday for myself,partner&3 children.Upon recieving an email with the confirmation,i checked the accomodation out online,i was horrified at all the bad comments including that it had featured on the television program ”holiday from hell”. As you can imagine we did not want to take our children there&ruin their holidays.I phoned the company back up&since it had being less than 24 hours said i would like to cancel.A woman called [NAME] said i would have to cancel via email to their accounts dept. After an email&several frustrating phone calls later, I receieved an email stating that if i cancelled it was a 100% fee! I rung back again......women said she was the owner&that was her policy&rudely told me either I take the holiday or she would take my money whatever happened! Can that be so.can somebody justify the cost of fourteen hundred pounds for less than 24 hours,how much paperwork does it take? (EM - 11.6.08) **** We recently had a bad experience of overbooking, we have enclosed letters to the holiday company and also [NAME OF AIRLINE] as we were delayed on the way home for 48 hours and lost 2 days work/pay and were treated badly not giving us meals and leaving us for hours at the airport waiting without information. We have had a letter back which states that we were offered a like for like hotel - which is rubbish and we can contact the hotel ourselves if we want! can you advise what we should do next as this was a package holiday and they are washing their hands of any responsibility. (EM - 13.6.08) **** 46 Recieved my travel documents, (airline tickets, hotel confimation), only problem being i phoned to cancel the holiday back in Febuary (EM - 14.6.08) **** I have had a problem with [MAJOR ONLINE HOTELIER] not honouring their price guarantee promise before I go into too much detail as this is an Internet problem and I believe their head office is in France. Who can I complain to? The hotel in question I was booking was in London. (EM - 20.6.08) **** I would like your advice on a complaint I have about a package holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. They sent a letter saying they had 'overbooked' the villa we booked for next month but are not responding to my phone calls, letters or emails. I don't know what is the best course of action and would like your advice. (EM 22.6.08) **** Hi, a prty to 4 adults (2 couples) and 2 infants recently booked a package holiday via [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. One person in the party has become seriously ill and is in hospital, none of the parties wishes to travel. 2 People have cancleed their part of the booking as the holiday insurance will cover as one person is in hospital. Mt aprtner and I have chosen not to go as we want to be near our friends at this difficult time. We contacted [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] who confirmed that this would be ok if we sell teh holiday as long as we pay the name transfer fees. We decided to sell by E bay, and recived a question from a prospective buyer, we contacted [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] again only to be told that this was an error, and one of teh original people on the booking must travel. According however to The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992, section 10 (1) "In every contract there is an implied term that where the consumer is prevented from proceeding with the package the consumer may transfer his booking to a person who satisfies all the conditions applicable to the package, provided that the consumer gives reasonable notice to the other party to the contract of his intention to transfer before the date when departure is due to take place.". Can you please confirm which one is true, and if [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] cannot stop us from transferring the booking on sale. (EM - 23.6.08) **** Daughter went on holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. came home and they hounded her for two days stat ing that she hadnt paid for her holiday...Our Daughter has on going post natal depression... this intimidation has set her was paid in full by ourselves.. emailed them to complain and they have only stated that they had passed our email to their customer service department 03/06/08...still waiting for a reply...I am disgusted that they can operate a business with bullying tactics for money they had but couldnt find....(EM - 26.6.08) 47 **** i bookd a 13 night holiday to jamaica dept on 10 march 08 on arrival at hotel was told my booking was only for 3 nights we were told by the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] rep we had no option but to move hotel we were moved to a very large hotel i requested not to go above the 3rd floor the rep said he would make sure of this. asked if i needed any booking conformation he said no they were expecting us .when we arrived we were told there was no booking for us it took 3 and half hours to sort out we were even told we would have to pay eventually we go a room but it was on the 15 floor .this is only a part of our ruined holiday (EM 9.7.08) **** I booked an all inclusive holiday with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] for six people, however, when i received confirmation, they said that it was only for two rooms. i have rung and emailed since sunday night but still no resolve. I was on the phone being transferred for 1hr and17 mins, i then gave up. In the booking form, there are no fields to request room amounts. They said if i wanted another room, i would have to pay a further £500 which is scandalous as this is spain 3* out of season. 4 of the passengers are pensioners. Nobody is prepared to listen, they say you have to email and we will endeavour to respong within 48hrs. This is now making me ill and i am at my wits end. Pleade can you help. (EM - 9.7.08) **** Previously went on holiday to Egypt, booked with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR], London. They informed Myself and my husband that all our transfers were booked along with our internal flights, but when we arrived at Hurghada we had no one to meet us at the airport, we then paid for a taxi to take us to the hotel. We could not speak to the representative until the following day, he informed us that he was not aware that we were coming, also we had to have alternate accomadation to what we were supposed to have, but this was acceptable. But to top it all, on sunday we asked who would be taking us to Luxor airport for our flight home, the rep said that we had no transfer. We ended up having to telephone several people and eventually at 23.30 hrs were told that the only way we could get to the airport for our flight home was to pay a coach driver £100 to take us to Luxor, and he could only take us so far, then we had to pay for a taxi, which cost another£10, or we would have been left stranded in Egypt. (EM - 11.7.08) **** When I booked with [MAJOR TOUR OIPERATOR] on the phone after their online system problems, they said the breakfast was included. But the voueher we got later w as for room only. When I called they said the breakfast was a mistake and offered me to cancel the hotel (but not the flight). Although I'm still talking to them, I wish to check my rights in this. My depature date is July 17 and I paid nearly GBP3,500 for a family of 4 in all for 5 days. (EM - 12.7.08) **** 48 We have recently made a complaint via [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] for a holiday to Disneyland Paris via [NAME OF TRAVEL PROVIDER] for my family of 10, which did not happen for my disabled son and wife as carer due to tickets for [NAME OF TRAVEL PROVIDER] not being confirmed. The remaining party of 8 on a seperate booking ref. were able to go. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] asked for 28days before replying, then another 14days, now they say they want another 14days.Is this correct? (EM - 15.7.08) **** I contacted you about [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] who accepted a booking for a hotel that they had ceased trading with since 2007. I have passed all the details onto Trading Standards and am awaiting their response. In the meantime I have written to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] putting my complaint to them in an attempt for them to compensate us for the differential in the holiday booked and the holiday we eventually took. I have today received a reply in which they totally ignore the fact they they are committing a criminal offence and still suggest that the prolem arose because the hotel would not honour our booking. I am absolutely livid that they are so hard faced to continue with their fraud. I have contacted Trading Stds and I intend now to contact Abta. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] are still advertising the same hotel!!!!! (EM - 16.7.08) **** hi, i need advice ,we went on a holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to rhodes in june. our dep arture tickets printed the wrong departure times as such we missed our flights and were treated badly. we wer made to go on standby and forced to pay for extra flights in cash and given no receipt,we also had to pay taxi fares when arrived in england, i have senr repeated requests to their office by recorded delivery and they are not responding, before i go to court where can i get legal advice please,i have copies of all papaerwork (EM - 12.9.08) **** We have a holiday booked with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] departing on the 29th. To date we have not rec eived our airline ticketswhen telephoning I was informed that we would not receive until 3-5 days bbefore departure. This to me seems very short notice if anything is incorrect. Your opinion would help, because of the termoil in the travel industry we are very worried (EM - 15.9.08) **** I booked a tour for next year with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to the USA costing £2890, I paid £200 deposit and received an invoice from them balance due £2690. This morning I telephoned them to amend a few details they had wrong and asked them for smoking rooms, she said yes that is fine. I received a new invoice a few minutes later for over £700 extra that is what it seems they were charging me for smoking roomsI immediately telephoned them to cancel my smoking rooms and informed him that [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] 49 did not charge for smoking rooms. He said that smoking rooms are very expensive in the USA. I have checked all he hotel websites and smoking rooms cost the same as non smoking rooms so why can tour companies be allowed to charge this huge amount? (EM - 16.9.08) **** after a holiday in margarita came back with a lot of problems,room not as discribed,bathr oom not in avery nice state,food awfull------ but the main thing is the upgrade to a VIP package, expected more for the money £196 for 2 weeks we had a free key for the safe,cut up fruit on a plate a few cans of beer/soft drinks/bottle of a small fridge on arrival,should be free (all inclusive) this is with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR].I have asked them to justify the cost of the package because take away the alcohol you have nothing and £196 is a lot to pay for nothing they say they have no control over the price ,they advertise it and they sell it , so i say that that should juustify it.the invoice states pool veiw we did not get.this has been going on since 07/07/08.they have offered £75.or £35.50 per person there are other items that they will not address. (EM - 25.9.08) **** we booked a holiday with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] 23/07/2008. when we got to birmingham airport they had no knowledge of our booking and we missed our flight.they arranged for another flight for us seven hours later from east midlands. they told us we had booked the holiday on the internet but we had not been put on the flight system.we had to pay fot the taxi £95 for both trips.I have written 3 letters now and have had non commital replys. i think they are just fobbing us off. (EM - 7.10.08) **** Under occupancy charges for children query - these were not advised at the time of booking with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] internet/[MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and only known when paper work arrived. £133 per child. Have email contact about this with company who have stated this charges are not made known at time of booking? Where does the fair trading come into this - adds £399 to holiday. Also accommodation not booked as requested, rooms came as a surprise- 3 booked very kindly squashed us into 2 rooms!! So far company have given standard £100 discount and offered further£176 off £5000 holiday. Sales manager very nice but this still does not sit right with us. (EM - 10.10.08) **** I was contacted yesterday to be advised that [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] have overbooked the accommodation and have therefore moved us to the apartments which sleeps 2 - 8 people and they will give us £110 compensation. This is not an acceptable solution as earlier indicated and i feel that offering £110 for a problem of this size is a cheek. I have been told that the only other alternative is to arrange another accommodation at a substantially increased cost to us or accept a refund. I am absolutely appalled by either of these suggestions as I have already paid in full for 50 this holiday and cannot afford to pay any extra amount on top, and I feel that both [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and [MAJOR TOUR OPOERATOR] will both be aware that given the season in which we are travelling and by providing us with only 41 days notice it is not possible to book an alternative for a similar value. (EM 4.11.08) **** i booked a holiday to cyprus with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] holidays. my wife is a vegatarian so when i booked our inflight meals we booked on special request. of which there is a wide selection.for a meal going and on the return journey. on the flight out they did not have a vegatarian meal so my wife did not have a meal. on the way home i asked the holiday rep to ring and confirm that a vegatarian meal was avaliable for my wife on the plane. which she did when i was with her. on the journey home we were told they did not have a vegatarian meal for my wife. when i told them that the rep had phoned to confirm. they said they knew nothing about the call i have written to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. and have just received a reply stating that my request for a vegatarian was not noted on their system. and they do not guarantee any special requests. they also say they will not give a refund because in their words i had meals on the plane. i did not have any meals .they are refusing to refund the cost of two meals. (EM - 5.11.08) **** booked/fully paid [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] holiday online. 3 girls correclty IDd as children in booking confirmation. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] demanding about £55 to change Ms to Miss or they will cancel holiday! Deadline 21/11 (EM 12.11.08) **** Would like some advice about getting a refund from [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] I booked transfers too and from our holiday destination and they do not seem able or willing to reply to my correspondence when asking for a refund. (EM - 12.11.08) **** we went to zante in aug flight only with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and paid for luggage we have no printer so only took the reference code , they gave u s online no problems going out from ema coming back the check in rep at zante airport demanded payment for this although we had already paid we got a reciept for this and are now finding it hard to get the money back from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] 3 months later . they never answer the phone num for complaints ive tried nearly every day sometimes waiting up to 30 mins before getting cut off this at my cost. i have wrote several letters but have only rec 2 back saying we are still looking in to the matter, what is there to look into i have sent off my reciept to them so now why the hassle over getting my money back my husband even called the same day of my return to confirm the luggage had been paid for , the episode has 51 left a very sour taste i will not travel with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] ever again i am considering legal action over this (EM - 13.11.08) **** I booked a fly drive with a company called [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] last week in the belief that the luggage allowance was 20 Kgs. The deposit was £125.00 per person for 5 adults (and an infant at no charge). When the Invoice arrived the Luggage was declared at 15 Kgs for a suitcase and 5 Kgs for hand luggage. I was told that the total allowance was 20 Kgs, but I had thought that this would be a total for suitcase weight. Am I able to cancel my booking without losing my deposit, as I feel that I have been mislead. The Company state that this is not the case, but I feel that they have been less than completely up front about this? (EM - 16.11.08) **** I prepaid my rental car and airline ticket by debit card with [TOUR OPERATOR] A fortn ight later on 31st Oct they went into liquidation. I had my tickets and vouchers which were accepted w/o question on 3 Nov when I travelled to Gran Canary. On the 17th Nov when I returned the car I found that the car co. had charged me again on my credit card on the10th Nov. They had no authorisation to do so and exceeded the card limit as a result. The sum involved is 230 euros plus £12 over limit fee. Could you please advise me as I cannot communicate with the travel agency. Thank you. (EM - 20.11.08) **** I would like to know how I may resolve an issue with the travel agents who gave me incorrect information reqarding cancellation fee in an email. But I have paid the sum under duress to them because they were refusing to let me have my tickets. Your advice very much appreciated. (EM - 24.11.08) **** I have purchased a ticket from [MAJOR ONLINE RETAILER]. There was nothing in the Terms & Conditions section stating that this is a non refundab le flight. Neither does the documentation / email /irtenerary state that the ticket in question is non refundable. However, when I called then for a refund, they said that the ticket is non - refundable. Please help (EM - 28.11.08) **** complaint regarding charges for travel with [MAJOR TRAIN COMPANY] from London to Paris on the 05/09/2008.This ttavel has been dobelt booked for the same day but no one will give refund. (EM - 1.12.08) **** Hi take you in advance for your advice. I booked a holiday for 6 me my wife my mother and father and my 2 children with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]on 18/11/08 52 for dubai 08/12/08-14/12/08. We have not recieved tickets yet but noticed that we had made a mistake with my mothers name [NAME] instead of [NAME] which is written in her passport. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] hvae charged us the cost of a whole new flight ticket at 372 pounds claiming that they have to issue a whole new ticket. I know [NAME OF LOW COST AIRLINE] chrge £20 to change a name. Surely this is excessive. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and [MAJOR AIRLINE] are 2 different groups apparently. What can I do (EM - 2.12.08) **** hi i have a complaint against [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR].i booked a coach transfer and it did not arrive and i had to pay for taxi,and it caused me lot os stress.i wrote to them and they jsut say thanks for feedback.i am trying to get a reciept for the taxi,which is going to be quite hard,but that is what they have asked for,but i dont think they want to pay up (EM - 12.12.08) **** I would like to check that a company called [ONLINE TRAVEL PROVIDER] exist s. I have booked a villa with them for 28 July - 4 August 2009 and i can not gte hold of anyone at the company. Emails are bouncing back and telephone number is dead. I was advised by Trading Standards to contact you. (EM - 12.12.08) **** I was wondering whether you could advise me on my holiday situation. We have had a skiing trip booked via a travel firm for just over 2 months now, planning to go 27th December, but were told yesterday they have over booked the hotel and there were no more hotels in that resort available, so they were moving us to another resort in a different hotel, which in my opinion the hotel was not of the same standard. When questioned, they said we would get a refund if we cancel, but if we decide to go and we aren't happy, there is no option of compensation. I feel very angry that they only notify us in less than 2 weeks before we are due to depart. Is there any advice you could give me on which way to approach this problem? (EM 18.12.08) **** I booked a package holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] 11 months before departure for the 9th to the 16th may2008 to portAventurain spain a universal themed holiday with water park and theme park for 8 people. i made the proper checks on internet and i spoke with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] prior departure and was told that there was no change to holiday.and when We got to our holiday hotel there where no signs saying the water park was going to be closed.i tried to phone the holiday rep on number provided but could not get an answer. when i returned i contacted [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and they said that they had not been informed the water park was going to be closed. and that they should have been informed and suggested i put in a claim for compensation as i never received the holiday i booked and paid for . i done this but [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] 53 wrote back and said some facility can be with drawn out of season . i wrote back and advised [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] That the hotel was fully booked and that they coul d check up. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] has said they are not going to offer compensation even when i have stated had i had known the water park was going to be closed we would have canceled our holiday as the holiday was based on the water park. i told them that i never received the holiday i booked and paid for,but [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] has stated they are not going to compensate me even when i have Threatened them with court .can you please advise if i have a case against [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and could you please advise me what cause of action i should take. (EM - 22.12.08) **** I am having a dispute with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] over fees for cancelling a holiday - we were not informed we were booking a low deposit scheme - but on cancelling have been informed it was and so we need to pay more - we have been given different figures which just seem to be made up as the company goes along they will not refer our complaint to a manager or even give us the name of the person replying to us although this has been asked for (EM - 22.12.08) **** Paid for inflight meals £13.00 eacg and £15.00 as we were told [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] only had a 15kg luggage allowance, so by paying the extra £15 each we could take up to 20kg. A week before we travelled we received a phone call from [MAJOR TRAVEL AGENCY] with whom we booked our holiday to Morocco, with new flight tickets. When we boarded the airline was 20kg anyway and we had to pay for our meal as our paid inflight meals did not count on the flight, so we have actually paid £56.00 more.Upon returning home informed [MAJOR TRAVEL AGENCY] (sillyme i thought they would reimburse us immediately, i had to sit in there shop and write a letter of complaint to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] asking for our money back. The lady done photstats to send them and said we would hear within 28 days. That was on the Friday 24th October 2008. On the 6th november i received a letter from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] saying they were investigating. I emailed 3 times , going places have not even had the decency to ring me, then on the 8th December 08 i received another letter saying they are responding to my complaing and that the matter is in hane. Obviously £56 is nothing to them, and i am still waiting my refund. I shall never book with them or [MAJOR TRAVEL AGENCY] again, who acted as my agent now dont want to know. No one answers the phone when i ring t[MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR], and now [MAJOR TRAVEL AGENCY] tell me it can take 56 days. Im disgusted that im still waitng. (EM - 2.1.09) **** last august my family an i booked a allinclusive holiday with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] when we arrived at palma airport there were no transfers for us this allso happened on the return transfer journy . we have sent [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] all the receipts from the taxes and a letter explaining what happened which they have aknoledged and they would get us the money back from 54 thier transfer company and refund the arridginal transfer cost. after weeks an months of phone calls with no outcome an no refund we would like some help what to do next we have kept all the oridginal documents an paperwork (EM - 6.1.09) **** I have just recently booked a holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] holidays through [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR TRAVEL AGENCY]. I bo oked a package holiday to include hotel and flights from Hewathrow to San Francisco to Los Angeles to Hawaii to Hawaii then back to Heathrow. After booking the holiday my partner came across an article in Which magazine that advised [MAJOR US AIRLINE] are charging $15 dollars for the first bag and $25 for the second gor each flight. I was unaware of this at the time of booking as I used an agent to find all these details out for me. I rang them and they said they never heard of the charges and neither did [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] TRAVEL AGENCY. Upon contacting [MAJOR US AIRLINE] they informed them of the charges and [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR TRAVEL AGENCY] said they could not do aything about it as it was out of there hands. As you can appreciate this unacceptable practice for an agent not to know these details of these hidden costs and inform these clients. Do i have the right to a full refund from them or compensation. (EM - 7.1.09) **** We booked a holiday yesterday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR} to Dominican Republic at [MAJOR TRAVEL AGENCY]. I then went home to find that if I had booked the same holiday on the Internet, I would have saved myself over £300. My husband spoke to the manager of the [MAJOR TRAVEL AGENCY] who was very stubborn and did not want to help us in any way and was not interested in the fact that we could have saved this amount of money with the same company. We booked at the [MAJOR TRAVEL AGENCY] in good faith that we would receive the best price for the holiday. they did not have a brochure available for us to read the terms and conditions but I feel that we have been extremely unfairly treated and forced to pay over the odds for a holiday. Are you able to help us please? (EM 8.1.09) **** The complaint I have with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] is the misleading information on their website in relation to cancellation procedure and payment procedure, all of which has led me to incur cancellation fees with the travel company in question. Basically [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] will not comment on this information at all. Can you help me / point me in the right direction as to how to escalate this? (EM - 20.1.09) **** Help - I am supposed to be traveling on holiday 28th Jan. The travel agent has not sent me any flight tickets, transfers, cruise liner tickets, hotel tickets. They keep ignoring when I ring. This is really urgent. can you please ring me. I don't know where to turn. (EM - 21.1.09) 55 **** Dear Sir,I have been kept on hold on the telephone 5 times for 20 minutes each and think this is appalling customer service. I will now have a huge telephone bill thankyou. I made a booking: Reference Number [NUMBER] to Bali departing 8th feb 09. You have charged me 2% for using a credit card when I DID NOT. I used my bank DEBIT card and therefore would like the charge of £45.25 refunded immediately. (EM - 22.1.09) **** After paying full balance on 12th November 2008 to [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL PROVIDER] I found out that the reservation for 5 passengers I booked with [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL PROVIDER] were cancelled by [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL PROVIDER]. So I contacted [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL PROVIDER] agent [NAME] to query the issue. I was told that there was a problem with [NAME OF AIRLINE] who canceled the reservations. As there was [NAME OF AIRLINE] sales going on and promotional offers available on [NAME OF AIRLINE] flights to Mauritius I was quite happy to change Airline preference but [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL PROVIDER] failed yet again to secure the reservations and to this date I still don't have confirmation of my booking despite [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL PROVIDER] holding my money. They don't return my calls and refusing to inform me about the status of my reservations. I want them to give me a deadline and the whole issue resolved, with the tickets issued by the given deadline as I can't anticipate any uncertainty as Mauritius is a popular destination and the seats does get sold out fairly quickly. Their behavior in dealing with the issue have been appalling and unprofessional. Please help! (EM - 24.1.09) **** We paid 80Euros(refundable) deposit on our apartment in Benidorm and are still fighting to get this m oney back,can you help put me in touch with the right people to complain to (EM - 26.1.09) **** I have booked a 3 day break on 6/2/09 through [MAJOR ONLINE ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER], ref y647705. On receiving e-m ail confirmation it came to light that the property stood on the same land as the owners, which had I had known prior to booking would not have proceeded. I contacted [MAJOR ONLINE ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER] within 24 hrs to try and sort the problem out but was told that I would have to pay a £50 admin charge despite me being prepared to transfer to a more expensive booking. When I stated that the information was misleading I was told that they have no control as to how the properties on their website are advertised by their owners. I feel that this is unfair and that I have been mislead . At this point I am in a position where I have had to accept a booking which I am not happy with or pay a £50 charge which I cannot afford. I think the agent should have taken responsibility for this misleading information and waived the admin fee. (EM - 27.1.09) 56 **** im enquiring about my rights to cancellation. yesterday myself and my family and etended f amily booked a holiday for 11. through the [MAJOR BRAND NAME] travel agent. we were sold a very very poor allinclusive in turkey which is very unsuitable for a family with kids. i phoned the travel agent about 4 hours after booking to say how shocked i was to go home and read up on the holiday , she only briefly showed us a computer screen.i asked could i change , she said yes but with the same compamy [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] . they offerd only 1 more alli inc of the same poor standard but more expensive. ive been told if i cancell i have to pay full deposit of 1100. please help nobody would spend over 6000 pounds on this , a holiday is once a yr and thanks (EM - 29.1.09) **** i went on holiday to sharm el sheikh, 25.12.08 to 01.01.09.i booked a couple of excursions with the holiday rep which came to a total of £1,198.because i was paying with my debit card i was told that the cost would be converted into us dollars. the rep said the exchange rate was 1.7 and the total was $2009.40 which i paid . when i came home i checked my bank statement and found that a total of £1,423,42. had been taken from my account. this is approx £230 more than the cost of the excursions. i believe that i was charged at the wrong exchange rate, which i believe should have been about 1.4. i have contacted the holiday company on two occasions but they say that they have done nothing wrong. your advice would be welcome. thank you. (EM - 30.1.09) Building Works The noise level from the building work was extremely loud, on the 30th May it sent vibrations through our room from 8 in the morning and it continued throughout the day. This was totally unacceptable as I had been assured that the hotel was completed. This totally ruined our first night and full day at your hotel. After a lot of telephone calls to reception and on speaking with three members of staff, [NAME] said she may be able to move me to a Standard suit on the Saturday? Obviously this was unacceptable as we had paid for a Garden suit. This holiday was booked in January if you were aware that building work would be ongoing you should either have informed the residents or not taking booking for that area of the hotel. (EM 9.6.08) **** We booked a family holiday with travel city direct to the [NAME OF HOTEL]l in Lake buena vista Florida in April 2006 for July 2007. When we arrived at the hotel, the hotel was mid way through a total refurbishment programme. We complained to [TOUR OPERATOR] and were moved to a lower class of hotel. (EM - 11.6.08) **** 57 I have just spent two weeks in Canada, the whole two weeks was noisy and distressing, there was construction all around and in the hotel, I sent an email stating the problems I had, to the tour operator, which is [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR], and asked them for compensation, they refused, saying more or less, they can not do anything about it (EM - 18.6.08) **** I have just come back from a 5 star all inclusive holiday in North Cyprus [NAME OF HOTEL] wh ich, by the way, was NOT cheap! There was building work going on to the new casino - which we were not informed about by the travel agent. We realised later that they were trying to finish it for a specific night when it opened (20th June). The first Sunday that we were there (15th), a grinder was used until, wait for it, 12.45am! Yes, that's 12.45 on the MONDAY morning! I rang several times after 10.00pm on the Sunday and the management kept promising me (their words) that it would stop in 10 mins. It didn't. The work resumed at 7.30am the following morning. I complained and complained to no avail. I could not sit on the balcony EVER as the work went on all day - not even a siesta to allow us some piece. They were even working in the bar area where we were sitting up to 9.30 at night!! When the JCB moved in on the Thursday I was mortified.It carried on all day. Every time I complained I was told that "Yes, it was terrible and I quite agree with you" and that a lot of other people ha d compalined. I was offered another room - near the one I was in so no point there then! Or, he said, I could have another room "but it wasn't a very nice one"!! As I explained to them, I live under a flightpath and the reason I chose this holiday was for the peace and quiet. It totally ruined the whole holiday. What can I do about it please? I can't seem to get any definitive advice from anywhere on the net. (em - 22.6.08) **** me and my partner have just been informed by the travel agent that there will be building works at our hotel during the period we are staying. we are both worried by this and currently trying to contact the travel agent to find out the extent of the works going on. do we have an legal rights to do with this? i do not want the holiday ruined by going to a construction site. can the travel agent actually send us to a place with major works going on? please advise (EM - 15.7.08) **** I was looking for advise regarding my on going battle with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR], who did not advise of the building work adjacent to our hotel and the subsequent "relaying" of the one and only entry road to the hotel, thus making us "stuntmen and women" when we wanted to leave and get away from the work. Are they legal obliged to advise before we travel/book or not? (EM - 15.7.08) **** Hi,I have made a complaint about my family holiday this year with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. Basicaly the cap site in France that we go too every year was in the middle of a masive construction project. The noise alone ruined the holiday.I have 58 complained to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR],they offered £148 compensation,then uped it to £198 when we refused this original amount. We still feel this offer is very insulting.Is there any action we can take?I have sent you a few photos of the camp site. (EM - 15.7.08) **** On the 23/06/2008 we were awoken at 7:30am with extremely loud building works – especially loud ground diggers that were so near to our room the floor would vibrate. In the hope that these works were only going on for one day (wishful thinking) I decided to not call reception but vacate the room for the day. Little did I know that these works were to carry on EVERY morning until my departure date A relaxing holiday I DON’T THINK (Please find enclosed photographs of the building works from the balcony outside our door, I also have videos recorded at various times of the day so you are able to hear how loud the works were – I can send all of these too you on request) On 24/06/2008, I called reception and asked to see or speak to the Manager about our further issues, (never mind the fact that I had spent the day before on the toilet/ doctors surgery); he was not available at the time, so I asked the front desk about these works and when they were to be stopping. All he could tell me was that he did not know. In all honesty I did not feel I got any sort of apology, never mind an explanation. I then asked for the Rep to contact me, I heard nothing back. I requested to move rooms but was told nothing was available at that time. (EM - 25.7.08) **** I have been in dispute with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] since 23-11-07.I booke d a holiday and entered into a contract and payed £4,622.80 for a package holiday to [NAME OF HOTEL], maldives.the hotel was a building site and nowhere near completion on the 05-12-08.We had photographic evidense to support this .We sent 42 e-mails and 7 phone calls requesting to be sent to altrenative accommodation but stuggled to get any response.We cancelled the booking as we were informed either cancel or go. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] then cancelled all holiday makers trvel to the above on the 24-12-08 and offered alternative accommodation.We took our case to the arbitrator whoose findings awarded us compensation due to breach of the package tour regs.However,payment should have been received within 21 days.To date we have not received any resonpse from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and the 21 days is up thursday.Can you advise what we need to do next as they appear to be a law unto themselves. (EM - 4.8.08) **** I need some help and advise please. I have just paid the final installments on our holiday. We paid 3568, my partner is 40 and it is his dream to go to vegas. We booked with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] thinking we wouldnt have any problems. Once we paid in full they sent a letter saying the hotel they had put us in was under going works. This is a 4 * hotel, had we known it would be under going works we wouldnt have booked the holiday. I have phoned them up and they have said to get a hotel the same * rating will cost us another 122 pounds, and they are sorry our hotel is under going works, but are un prepared to do anything about this. This can 59 not be legal. I wouldnt have paid if i knew this before, and it such a speacial holiday, what can i do. I paid in good faith for a good holiday to be told after its going to be nosie cant be right, please can you tell me what i need to do, or who to contact to help me, as [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] doesnt seem to think it is a issue. (EM 17.8.08) **** due to travel to mexico on 9.9.08 with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. letter today notifies building work "visible on entry to hotel..some noise may also be loss of facilities.." They say this does not constitute a sig. change so no obligations to allow cancellation. will give free amendment, but no comparable hotel available...advise please. many thanks (EM - 21.8.08) **** I stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] in bavaro, dom rep for 1 week in june 2008. this was for a special event out 5 wedding aniversary and chose bavaro as it was where we went for our honeymoon. We splash out on a 5 star hotel but to our horror when we arrived the hotels beautiful lobby and front entrance was blocked out by bliuding work. we had drilling from 10am to 8pm with 1 hour for siesta. wehen ever we ate we had to put up with the loud drilling. We could not use the lobby bar and enjoy the main entrance which is one of the attractions to this property. They even drove us throught the building work when they took us to & from our room. I am still awaiting a responce from my travel agent and trying to catch my rep was just silly. (EM - 30.8.08) **** We have just arrived back from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR HOTEL] in Jamacia from a 14 night stay . We booked this direct with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. When we arrved there was a new block of luxury rooms being built which we were not tod about prior to departure (the documentation printed under Rennovation work / Important information there was nothing mentiond. We also never received the room we booked due to the block that was being built being the rooms we had booked. We complained to various management before going to the General Manager. He had a meeting with ourselves and 2 other couples. We went through our lists of complaints (not just the building work) and the general Manager agreed we would get a FULL refund for the accomodation to our credit cards and look into compenstating us with another accomodation when we required it. He was going to come back with the compensation but the refund was agreed. On the day we left, we cheked out at 12pm and we received a letter as we left our room which stated that he had been called offsite but could only offer us a another 14 night stay when it was convient to them. This was going back on what we had agreed. (EM - 1.10.08) **** Had a holiday from hell with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. Villa was substandard, very dirty. Builders next door extremly noisy. They ([MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]) 60 have offered £100 of our next booking with them. Which I have refused. I have lots of video and photographic evidence. (EM - 29.10.08) **** My husband and I booked our honeymoon approximately a year ago and have just been informed by letter, with only 4 days to go to our flight, that there will be building work on our Maldivian Island. We have been told that we could move islands but will have to cover any increase in costs. At this late notice we have decided to stay with our current resort booking. The only other similar island is already fully booked. The management have said they will attempt to relocate everyone to rooms away from the work but that is not 100% guarantee and the work 'may still be visible'. This is incredibly dissapointing to us as we have saved for more than 3 years for our honeymoon and paid over £3000. (EM - 4.11.08) **** My partner and I have recently returned from a holiday booked through [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR], the entire holiday was a complete nightmare with extensive building work at the resort and next door to our suite. We were not pre-warned by [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] of this work being carried out and the work had been started long before we arrived. For 2-weeks all we heard was 10hrs per day from 8am-6pm 6 days a week of loud drilling, hammering and building work. I sent a 5-paged detailed letter by Special Nect day delivery to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] on 23rd October, which they would have received the following day and we have received no response from them whatsoever. I have photographic and video evidence of the resort in my possession. The reps at our resort were useless and let us down badly! the day we left they wrote us a report outlining the issues and asked us to send this report along with our complaint letter to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] on our return. (EM - 7.11.08) **** We have just returned from a trip to rome. The hotel was booked through [MAJOR ONLINE AGENCY]. We were very unhappy to discover our hotel was undergoing extensive building works. We couldnt even open the window because of scaffolding. Noisy building works were occuring outside our room from as early as 7.30 am. Neither the hotel or the agent informed of these works prior to booking and we paid full rate for the rooms. We did complain to the desk and to the agent on return. We have had an apology from the hotel..but received no offer of compensation what so ever. We were furious because no one pre-warned us of the works going on and this ruined our planned 'relaxing' break. We have photos and have recorded the noise level of our disruption. [MAJOR ONLINE AGENCY] are not a member of abta so we need some advice on how to proceed with this complaint. (EM - 22.11.08) **** We have recently returned from [NAME OF RESORT] in the Maldives. We booked the holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. It was advertised as 4 star, relaxing, 61 tranqual holiday. But what we actualy got was a 0 star, stressfull, noisy holiday, the exact opposite of what we wanted and paid for. When we got their the whole island was under major refurbishment in all areas. There was also serious desputes going on between Management and staff which left us with no service at times. There was no furniture in our room nor a working telepnone. The island was dangerous with open trenches dug all around for cabling. Their was old broken furnature and rubbish piled high every where. Workmen would entre our room with out notice and move our personal items around to carry out work. It was very noisy even when snorkling in the sea! I could go on.........Our problem is that we can not get [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to even acknowledge our letter or follow up email to them . If they keep egnoring for a length of time they can then say we didn't claim with in the time of the terms and conditions, can't they? Can you help? We are devastated over this. Please help, (EM - 11.12.08) **** Hi, I hope you can help? We have booked a twin centre holiday for our wedding thro ugh what was [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and now has been taken over by [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. We are due to fly to Sri Lanka on 27 December and to the [NAME OF RESORT] in the Maldives on 4 Jan. I am sure I dont have to say that this has cost a lot of money. It has been booked for 18 months and we did a lot of research before deciding on the destinations. We have been very much looking forward to it. We received a letter from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] yesterday to say that there is MODERATE building work on the [NAME OF RESORT], and that largely guests are not being effected but we are in our rights to ask for alternative options but differences in the price must be payed. The building work that they are referring to is the development of 10 new accomodation blocks and a swimming pool. Apparently structural work is complete but tiling, electrics etc are still in progress. Presumably the work must be causing complaints as they have felt the need to inform us. I would appreciate any guidance that you may be able to offer on this situation. The call centre people have been unhelpful and unsympathetic. Should we not have been told about this sooner? The costs to change to different accommodation that we have been quoted are significant (hundreds of pounds). Do we have a leg to stand on in terms of asking to be moved at no cost or is it up to us to pay? I would really appreciate your advice on what we should do. You only have one honeymoon, and far from feeling excited I feel like crying! (18.12.08) **** We were not made aware of the extensive building work in progress, and to our horror we were subject to constant noise from the block opposite us from 7.30 am until past 9.30 pm with power tools and hammering e.t.c. going on. Lorries were delivering materials and furniture early in the morning directly opposite our room. We could not rest properly and the fire alarms were going of through out the night and morning giving us very little rest as we had to get up and go out of the room. Moving was not an option as there were other blocks having work done too. The complex should not have been opened for bookings in this condition. It is disgusting to expect people to accept this at their expense. They say they are sorry for the building work but they are hiding behind the old trick of health and safety. Well we 62 don’t call closing and knocking down half the dam complex down in front of us essential maintenance to the resorts infrastructure it’s a major referb. (EM - 6.1.09) **** a holiday to egypt turned out to be a holiday next to a building site with diggers and lorries working from 730 until 2300 some nights the rep for [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] told us we should have received a letter prior to the holiday informing us of this this didnt happen as we would have moved hotels if asked a phone video has been taken of the building site [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] told us in a letter that it was nothing to do with the hotel although in the reception area there was a minature map of the finnished hotel complex including the building site so with this in mind this get out by [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] is not just.[MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] have not offered any compansation only a thank you for our input regarding the matter this is not what i expect from such a large company please help us in this matter as you can imagine this was upsetting throughout the week when we did eventualy find the rep she offered to move us the afternoon before we travelled home. (EM - 7.1.09) Disability I wish to make a complaint regarding my mothers recent holiday 4th June-18th June. Staying at [NAME OF HOTEL] resort Ibiza. Before booking her holiday the staff where made aware of my mothers disabled status. On arrival at the hotel chosen for her by staff at the[NAME OF TRAVEL AGENT] she was dismayed to find the hotel was up a very steep hill had no handrails and the only acces to and from the hotel was up a very steep ramp consequently once in the hotel my mother could not leave even to get basic requirement such as bottled water e.t.c. She was a virtual prisoner in her room for two weeks watching from her balcony holiday makes enjoy their time on the beach. The nearest supermarket was also up a steep hill and some distance from the hotel. She was given a room on the third floor but much to her dismay the lift was often out of service so she had to struggle up and down three flights of stairs in order to get to the resaurant there was even steps down to the resaurant area she had to rely on the kindness of staff to assist her. As i stated earlier my mother could not get to a supermarket for essential items she had to buy bottled water from the bar at a premium which had to be carried up three flights of stairs but worst of all she could not buy any insect repellant and was cosequently bitten by mosquitos in her room she became very ill as the bites became infected and had to call a doctor who gave her an injection. In fact she has made several visits to her GP since returning home and is still not yet fully recovered. I am totally disgusted that my mother who is seventy seven years old was sent to a situation she described to me as being in prison for to weeks my mothers condition is clearly visable and staff at the branch must have seen this. I therefore sugest at the very least a full refund before i seek legal advice regarding this matter. I look forward to your prompt reply. The cost of my mothers suffering in total came to £666.00 plus coach transfer of £89.00 so this was by no means an inexpensive holiday. (EM 21.7.08) 63 **** WE have a disabled son and our villa was booked as described in the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] brochure with downstairs bedroom & bathroom, which didn't exist and was misdescribed in the brochure.There were other aspects of the accommodation which were not described and totally unsuitable for a disabled person and the photos in the brochure of the villa were in fact of another villa. Our claim to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] has not been responded to within the 28 days as stipulated by ABTA. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] claim to have a backlog and have purely sent 2 acknowledgements to date. I think we may be better seeking legal advice. Can you help? (EM - 23.7.08) **** I was recently missold an excursion on my holiday as I advised them I had mobility problems and had terrible problems with steep hills and excessive walking. On return from the excursion, my rep stated that no refund could be given as there were no problems they knew of for guests with mobility problems. I had spent £400 on the excursion and did not enjoy it as it was becoming painful to walk.This clearly was not the case and I want to take it further and get a refund. PLease help! (EM 28.8.08) **** I am writing this email in the hope that you can help us with some good advice on how to solve a problem. To start off my name is [NAME] my wife is [NAME]. I have a 16 year old son [NAME] who is disabled and uses a wheelchair. My youngest child is [NAME] 13. I booked a holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] on 27th June this year to Rhodes departing 29th July 2009 returning 13th August 2009. The hotels name is [NAME], [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] booking ref. [NUMBER] On booking I asked sales guy, [NAME], if there was any problem with this hotel regarding disabled access. On which he looked and I remember him asking if [NAME] was able to walk a few steps as there were no ramps or lifts at this particular hotel. I replied by saying that he was ok to walk a few steps. On this info we went ahead and booked holiday. We paid £237 as a low deposit and were told that if we cancelled then we would have to pay the full deposit in total £397, which we agreed with. On returning from this year’s holiday I thought I would have a look to see if there was any more in on the hotel. This info was on their website, [NAME OF TOUR OPERATOR]. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATORS WEBSITE] When I looked at this page I found that it said, almost first line, that this hotel was not suitable for wheelchair or disabled people. On seeing this I phoned [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to try and either cancel holiday or find an alternative. On speaking to [NAME] he did have a look to see if an alternative holiday was available for roughly the same price. He did not find an alternative but said he would continue looking. A few hours later he phoned back to say that there were no alternatives and that we would have to pay the full deposit to cancel. I argued that I felt that I was miss-sold holiday and that I should not have to pay and asked for refund. [NAME] said he would have a listen to the telephone conversation we had as he could not remember exact conversation. The next day he phoned back saying that he had listened to conversation and that I was aware that there were no ramps or lifts and that I said 64 [NAME] was able to walk a few steps. In my eyes this does not say that this hotel is unsuitable for my son. I sent an email to them asking for a copy of the telephone conversation on 28th August, so that I could remember what was said. As of yet I have had no reply. As I booked the holiday over a year before leaving and cancelled within 11 months of departure I feel this is plenty of time for them to resell holiday. The holiday is still being sold on their web site so it is not as if I was stopping someone else having this holiday. Also holiday is now almost £100 dearer per person than when I booked. If you can help it would be much appreciated as £400 is almost the cost of one person and we can’t really afford to lose it. (EM - 5.1.08) **** I am looking for advice regarding an issue with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. I went on holiday with my wife in June 08 but unfortunatly they did not cater for our Disabled needs despite assurances before we left. We have tried to sort out the problems with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] directly but to no avail. We now appear to have reached a stale mate even to the extent of them retracting there £50.00 voucher, as I am using my friends computer could you please phone me on the above number to discuss this matter further. I am more than willing to send the paperwork and statements to you in due course. (EM - 4.1.09) **** Having complained to [NAME OF TOUR OPERATOR AIRLINE] about the appalling treatment experienced by m disabled daughter. I received a 'holding response'. Some 5 months later, three further letters, emails to the board of directors, & some 20 hours of phone calls, i cannot elicit an update/ (EM - 9.9.08) **** On the 21/11/2007, I booked a cruise through [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR COMPANY]. It was for ten days, starting August the 27th to 6th of September, At the time of booking I mentioned that I would need a disabled cabin, as my wife was disabled badly after a stroke. To cut a long story short, we never got what we booked and because of this my wife suffered numerus bruses, to her leg, arm, and aspecially, her thigh, and buttocks. The holiday was a nightmare, for her, the room we got was not for the disabled, and the bathroom was too small, for two people, as i have to assist my wife 24/7. (EM - 25.9.08) **** I am looking for advice regarding an issue with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. I went on holiday with my wife in June 08 but unfortunatly they did not cater for our Disabled needs despite assurances before we left. We have tried to sort out the problems with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] directly but to no avail. We now appear to have reached a stale mate even to the extent of them retracting there £50.00 voucher (EM - 5.1.09) **** 65 Arrived at hotal about 4am hotel closed. no one there to help us. so we stayed on the coach till last drop off. sat on the streets of turkey, i am disable and in a wheelchair this was about 6am.found a hotel till we could get hold of the company.[MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL PROVIDER] got a to a other hotel about 8pm that night, lost of a days hols. when we left the hotel they charged us £140 for a extra day. company said it was down to us.they will not give us any compensation. a lot more to this story. (EM - 12.1.09) DIY/Package Holiday I tried to book a holiday on 5 june 2008 with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] but make a mistake the lape top went blank and a flight was booked which was wrong. They did not give details and took the card deposit at once and I told the company about the flight. And they said I would lose my deposit and the holiday was only booked on 5 june and the flight is 134 miles away from the resort I dont no what to do the holiday is 84 days away on august 27 2008. they gsve no invoice and no break down of costs the holiday is with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. Also they took 611 pounds deposit with is 3 quarters of the holiday. which costs 997 plus 12 pounds can you help I have sent loads of emails to theses people and I am getting nowhere can not afford to lose 611 deposit. (EM - 9.6.08) **** I rented an apartment in Spain from a British owner who falsely advertised the facilities on teh web. I need to know how to get my money back, as I had to leave after three days due to the mis-information. I have details, screenshots of the apartment etc., if this is something you can help with. (EM - 12.6.08) **** Hello. Having booked a hotel on the internet with a licenced Spanish Travel Agency, having got a price, paying 10% deposit, getting a reciept and a voucher to present at hotel check in, booking independent flights and making full payment, I am now been asked by the Spanish Travel Agency to make an additional payment of 315 euros because of a fault in the system offering me the hotel price at a much to cheap a rate. They have told me that because other persons also got the reduced rate offer by mistake, that it would be too much for them to cover the cost. They are saying this is not THEIR problem and i can either pay the difference or cancel my holiday. I would gladly provide complete details on request. What are my consumer rights or who may i contact to complain. Please help me. (EM - 24.6.08) **** I booked a return transfer separate from my package holiday through [MAJOR TRANSFER COMPANY] they didnt turn up for my return trip to the airport at the end of my holiday and i was told to get a taxi, which cost 112 euro. i complained 66 when i got back and was toldi would get a refund, in the mean time, i put a review on, just as a warning for other travellers. i was then told by [MAJOR TRANSFER COMPANY] that because i had done this i would only get what i had paid for the transfre back (£32) and not the 112e i had spent on the taxi. i have copies of all emaisl etc and a receipt from the taxi and would like some further advice on how to get my money back Thanks (EM - 30.6.08) **** I feel I have been mis-sold a holiday. I booked and paid in full on 01.07.08 [NAME OF CREDIT CARD] for a flight and B&B accomodation in Venice. I wanted to fly from Manchester but was told there were no direct flights to Venice, so would have to fly from Liverpool. I was told I would be flying into Marco-Polo airport, the booking form says I am flying to Rome (!) and I am actually going to Teviso! I asked for a 3* and above hotel, was actually booked into a room above shops by the travel agent. I checked the supposed hotel on the internet and rang the agent who then changed me into a 3* hotel and asked for £111 more. I was at no time told I would be flying with a budget airline [NAME OF LOW COST AIRLINE], just that i would be flying from Liverpool. I really feel that I have paid for a holiday that the travel agent wanted and not me. Nothing I wanted was taken into consideration and I would like to know my legal rights. I am supposed to be going on 10th July 08. I have spoken to the travel agent in person who refuses point blank to do anything about this. (EM 2.7.08) **** I booked a holiday on line on the 17th June: On completing the form with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] I submitted the form but an error message came up, advising that the holiday would be held for one week and to telephone a certain number. Later that day I booked a second holiday. In the meantime I received an email confirmation from the first holiday company saying that the holiday was booked and I was given a reference number. I replied to this email cancelling the first holiday straightaway, as I was not aware that I had booked it due to the error message. Even though I cancelled on the email with proof of timing etc., on the 18th June, the full amount of the package holiday was taken from my account £2,300.00. I have written to [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] but they refuse to refund my money and say that an error message never comes up on their web site. I cancelled this holiday on the same day in writing on the email. I can't afford to pay for two holidays and there seems to be no one to help me with this complaint regarding the tour operater and their "slick" way of operating. Please advise me as soon as possible please, what can I do? Also are you aware that ABTA Members are running their business like this, without giving anyone a grace period, Surely this can't be right? (EM - 8.7.08) **** I had booked a 5 night stay at the [NAME OF HOTEL] in Barcelona for a treble room with [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER],for the 7th Sept to the 12th Sept. For atotal price of£647.35, subject to availability. This was done on the 7th of July. The booking was confirmed on the 9th of July. I then proceeded to book flights. On 67 the 15th of July I was contacted by [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] saying there had been a mistake with the pricing, and they wanted a further £180. I have not agreed to this as our budget will not allow. I am awaiting a call from them today. Could you please advise me where I stand on this matter. Thankyou (EM - 15.7.08) **** Hiya, Me & a friend have booked a holiday to Laganas, Zante. As we new what accomodation we wanted to stay in & couldnt find it with a tour operator. We booked it over the phone with a company we/friends/relatives have used for years. which meant the flights & hotel booked individually. We fly 20th July for 2 weeks, staying at [NAME OF HOTEL] Laganas. We have recieved a phone call today, to say this accomodation is now overbooked & we are to be moved. Ive explained that theres NO WHERE in laganas that i want to stay other than the original hotel. Our holiday supplier is trying here best to sort this but im wondering where we stand if we refuse to move?? This holiday has been booked since April !! Please Help! (EM 17.7.08) **** We took a package holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to Prague in June. There was no problem with the holiday until we got to the airport to return and found the flight had left 2 hours early. We complained to [MAJOR LOW COST AIRLINE] representatives there and were told they had sent an email to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] in April. We had no recourse but to buy new tickets home at a cost of over £1000 between 5. This was to another airport, so we then had to travel to our original airport (BHX) to get our cars back, at further expense. We contacted [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] by letter and email, and they insist they contacted the member of our party who booked the trip in April. She has no email from them, and her deleted records go back to March. They have produced a screen dump "proving" that they sent the email, but there is no read receipt attached to this. They admit that they normally follow this email up with a phone call, which they did not do in this case. Our legal advice is that they did not make reasonable effort to inform us of this change and that we would have a case at small claims. They have advised that we pursue all other available avenues first, and that we check the success rate of similar claims in the past. (EM - 24.7.08) **** I confirmed (on weds 30th July 2008)a holiday (inc flights, hotel, taxi transfers) over the internet with an ABTA, ATOL bonded operator. The holiday was for 6 people to majorca in a 4* hotel - total cost £1725 approx. However, the company have called to say rooms at the hotel are not available now at the price they confirmed. Therefore we can change but will have to pay a lot more for the accommodation. Are they allowed to do this? Im not sure how Im going to tell my two children that we may not be able to afford to go on holiday after all. Fingers crossed you can help. (EM - 1.8.08) **** 68 I have booked and paid a deposit to a company called [MAJOR ONLINE BED BANK] on the internet who display ABTA badge, for a holiday on 15th August but cannot contact them now for the hotel details and voucher and final payment. Their ABTA No; is quoted as [NUMBER]. ABTA numbers [NUMBER] and [NUMBER]. Can you confirm they are ABTA registered and suggest what we can do, I am getting desperate now as I have nothing to prove our hotel has been booked. (EM - 3.8.08) **** We booked an apartment through [TOUR OPERATOR] last september and received an email from them on thursday informing us the apartment is no longer available. They have offered us an alternative apartment which isn't suitable for young children and as we have a 3 year old and 6 month old we're not prepared to accept this. I would like to know what we are entitled to - the options are limited for accommodation now as it is only 5 weeks before we are due to go. [TOUR OPERATOR] have offered a full refund but we feel we would be losing out. Can we push for a more expensive apartment which we know is available through them or could we ask for compensation aswell as a full refund and costs to cover flights which we booked independently? (EM - 4.8.08) **** Booked Florida holiday online though [TOUR OPERATOR]. Quoted great price of £2217 for 2 adults and 2 kids. This was in a 4 bedroom apa rtment! Couldnt believe my luck. Also quoted roughly the same price for a 4 bed villa but decided to go with apartment because of proximity to Disney. I took a screenshot of holiday quote and price breakdown (2 adults and two kids) on 'confirm payment' page before I paid the deposit so have proof! After details confirmed, I received an email stating whole holiday was for £2600. Phoned customer helpline and it was spotted that I had put my sons as 'mr' rather than 'master' in their details and was being charged for 4 adults. Girl told me not to worry, easy to sort out and price would revert back to original... Over two weeks later still waiting but plot thickening by the day (and I am on to them EVERY day!). Seems the holiday was advertised wrongly and the 4 bedroom was a much more expensive holiday. Also I would be charged 'under occupancy' which means even more than the £2600 for 4 adults!) I contacted the property themselves and was advised that the 4 bedrooms are never let out to holiday companies and can only be booked privately. I now am £400 down and have no idea where I am going on holiday or how much it is going to cost. Apparently it is being investigated by their 'e-commerce dept'. Surely if they sell me a holiday at £2217, and I have proof that this is for 2 adults and 2 children, they have to abide by that? (EM - 4.8.08) **** I purchased 5 return flights to cyprus £1,087.56 on 04/08/2008 with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] and recieved an order number by e-mail. I was then phoned by a unknown number to be told that my purchase has been increased by over £200 by the operator, I tried to explain I purchased the flights in good faith and that if the mafia had done this they would be arrested for extortion. I am disappointed in this practice being accepted if it is at all, and the customer being 69 treated so poorly when purchasing their holiday flights in good faith. They said it was not their fault and that I had to pay the increase for my flights to be confirmed. I declined and disappointedly cancelled the purchase based on the lack of respect to the customer care and attention. Is this acceptable by ABTA to allow such practices by travel companies that operate under the ABTA logo. What can be done to abolish such trading and give the customer a better service. Therefore, I wish to make a formal complaint of this type of practice and that I seek ABTA to response to this complaint or to the said company. Please can you let me know if this practise is acceptable and what can be done. (EM - 5.8.08) **** we have just come back from zante.4 adults we booked with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR].we booked on line.we booked allocated on said we would be allocated a 3 star self catering studios.they put us in a 1 key we complained and was told there was nothing they could do there was only 1 pan.we had to buy our own toilet rolls .the rubbish was only collected every 3 days.there was a hand held shower no shower curtain.the place was terrible there was no way we could cook in the room there was not the proper self catering facilities.our holiday was spoiled from when we arrived there was no rep on the bus the driver dropped us a resort away.can you tell me what i should do (EM - 5.8.08) **** Booked with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] hotel accom with [MAJOR ONLINE BED BANK], [NAME OF HOTEL] Bulgaria. I was told on !st morning we would be ill, even doc was ill, it was terrible like a boxer trying to get out. Transferred after 6 Days 2nd Hotel food was served up cold, had to eat out, [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] are in ABTA but as Itemised bill not covered under 1992 Package Hol Regs, been offered £129 for a goodwill gesture but holiday cost over £1039 AI we spent money on taxis and had to pay to move, Holiday was a total disaster. What Next? (EM - 7.8.08) **** We have just returned from a 2 week holiday in Turkey. The flight was delayed 14 ho urs and we have been told to claim on the Insurance rather that [NAME OF AIRLINE]. The Villa we booked was double booked and we were put in an inferior one. Please see attached letter to our booking agents. We would appreciate your advice on how far to push this. We booked flights, and the villa separately through [NAME OF BED BANK] (EM - 8.8.08) **** I booked a holiday with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] to the [NAME OF HOTEL] in Marmaris, Turkey. Upon arrival we w ere informed that the broker had not paid for the room and it had been cancelled. We were advised that this had been happening a lot and we should try the [NAME OF HOTEL] to see if they had a reservation for us. We traveled to the [NAME OF HOTEL] and they did indeed have a room for us but it soon became apparent that this hotel was very poor and 70 nowhere near the standard of the [NAME OF HOTEL]. There were lots of other families there that had the same issues. I spoke to [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] and they informed me it was because their broker in Turkey went out of buisiness and to send a complaint in writing. I am in the process of doing this but would like to ask if you are aware of this issue and should I also be complaining to the broker that [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] use in the UK? (EM 15.8.08) **** I have booked a Disney holiday on the 26th July, 2008 We paid in full for this holiday on the 26th July, 2008 what was supposed to be for the amount of £5135.01, but we were debited £5396 because the web site did not take off our 5% discount I phone on the 27th July, 2008 and was promised the discount refund would be back in our bank account by Friday 1st August, 2008 (at this point we had to borrow the extra money we were overcharged on from family members to make sure we could still pay our normal bills) I phoned on 1st August, 2008, spoke to [NAME] (very helpful) and i was promised the discount would be back into bank account by 8th August, 2008 I phoned on 8th August, 2008 spoke to [NAME] who was really helpful and she said the discount refund was actioned on the 31st July, 2008 (after she contacted your accounts) who said that accounts guaranteed that the refund deposit would be paid into my bank account by Monday 11th August, 2008 I phoned on 11th August, 2008 and the American lady would not put me through but told me that the discount was actioned on the 8th August, 2008 and will not be in my bank account till 15th August, 2008 I phoned back on 11th August and spoke to [NAME] who said the same thing as the American lady and after apologising, told me the money will be in my account by 15th August, 2008 On the 15th August 2008 i still had not received anything and was told by [NAME] again that the money will be in our account by the following Tuesday, I told [NAME] that I wished to cancel our holiday and as we had not received a confirmation invoice or charged the correct amount, I asked for confirmation that the FULL amount would be refunded to us, he told me to send an email to the cancellation department, this is did on the 15th August, 2008 and I have still received no call or email. We paid £5396 on this holiday, this was from our life savings as we wanted to take our 5 year old to Orlando as he battled a rare form of eye cancer last year and lost his right eye and we wanted to give him a really good holiday for being brave. The way we have been treated is disgraceful, we chose [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] as the advert said `[BRANDING QUOTE]` i was told by a family member not to book a holiday so expensive online, but i felt confident about it as it was a [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] site. Please will you deal with my enquiry as no one seems to want to help and now when I ring and give my name im just put on hold for 20 minutes, I wish somebody to contact me and confim that we will be getting the full amount of £5396.57 back. (EM - 19.8.08) **** I booked a holiday on line with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR].I booked for the 14th September for what I thought was 12 nights. I printed the details off which said the duration of the holiday was for 12 nights. On recieving our tickets the tickets had printed on them 11 nights. I telephoned [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] regarding this and they said that this is how the flight times fell. departing for the holiday on 71 14/09/08 at 18.05 and returning from Alicante at 00.10 on the 26/09/08.I said that this was only 11 nights holiday when the details I printed off said 12 nights duration. (EM - 25.8.08) **** I have recently returned from a gite holiday in france. It was independently owned. The matresses on the double beds were sub standard and were replaced by the gite owners amangement company on our second day. Unfortunately, the beds were a double size and the new matresses, king size, leaving an elevated overhang which was not an improvement. We conteacted the owner on our return who to complain about the discomfort and seek some compensation for 7 nights disturbed sleep and he has said that the photos we took were contrived to look worth than the situation actually was, our complaint was subjective and he was not a 5 star hotel and that they must have been ok because we slept on them for a week etc. He has not apologised to us and he management company have lied about the finer points of our contact whilst in France, in short basically saying we are trouble makers and are only after the compensation. He has also taken money from our deposit to cover the cost of his management company replacing the matresses and said that if we dont agree to this deal he will with hold all of our deposit. Can he do this? (EM - 1.9.08) **** I have purchasaed a holiday online with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] I am due to fly on 11.9.8 with my husband and two children. i have e-mailed [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] asking for my tickets but have not recieved a responce. I have telephoned them today and been advised my tickets were dispatched on 23.8.8. i have advised i have not recieved anything and was told to write a number on a peice of paper and present that at the airport two hours before i fly. Obviously i am very concerned about this and said i was not happy to do this, coudl they send me details throught the post, of which they hung up on me. i have been on hold for over 30 minutes for this. can you please advise me if this is common practice (EM - 2.9.08) **** i booked a holiday with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] and after I had given my credit card detail and the holiday was booke d, the next page informed me that I needed to pay an extra 30 pounds for hold luggage and an extra 19 pounds for the credit card booking. Is this legal (EM - 5.9.08) **** Hi, Could we have some advice please? We've booked a holiday 26/9/08-3/10 through [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] consisting of a flight, transfer and hotel. They texted us this morning to let us know that the accommodation provider, MedLife (part of the XL group) has gone bust. We could not get through on the phone. On their website it says: "All accommodation bookings made with Medlife Hotels Limited are now null and void. We are hopeful, however, that we will be able 72 to transfer or refund payments made against Medlife Hotels Limited bookings where the check-in date is on or after today. You will now need to make a new hotel reservation with a different hotel provider. We strongly recommend you book through this through [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] without delay as there will be many travellers seeking new accommodation as a result of this failure and availability will be limited." We have contacted the hotel directly, they have not gone bust, as MedLife were only a booking agent. They have the room and would supply it at the same price as before. However, we can't book that directly with the hotel until we know we're getting our money back for the hotel part of our booking with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR]. Could you advise on the following: 1. As I a see it, we bought the hotel accommodation from [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR]. The fact that their booking agency has liquidated is unfortunate, but not my problem. As [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] have failed to provide the service we've paid for, so we should be entitled to a refund for the hotel -or the whole holiday. Is this correct? 2. The [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] website booking conditions claim that our holiday does not constitute a package - so isn't covered under ABTA. However the CAB website say that because the items were purchased together, it probably does. Which is right? 3. If the booking is covered by ABTA, I don't think that they have followed ABTA guidelines, because they haven't offered a full refund or alternative accommodation of the same standard, and to organise it themselves. They told us to book new accommodation ourselves at, possibly our expense. 4. If [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] products don't constitute packages, their ABTA membership is useless, and so advertising their membership is misleading, as is their claim that booking with them is 'safe'. 5. If it is covered by ABTA, they are next to useless. I emailed them today and got an automatic response back, saying they can take 14-21 days to reply! Fat lot of use as we depart in 2 weeks. We'd really appreciate any help/advice you could give us on what to do next. All the stuff we've read online is either about booking direct through Medlife/XL air or through an XL agent. None of it covers our situation. (EM - 12.9.08) **** I have a complaint about being missold a transfer as part of my package holiday with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR]. I was told the transfer would increase the cost of my holiday by 22 pounds, then I received an email invoice with the seperate components, the transfer cost 92.55 pounds. I asked them to cancel the transfer and refund me my money as this is not what I was told it would cost. They have refused. Do I have any right to request a full refund for my transfer? I am due to depart on Sunday, (EM - 18.9.08) **** WE ARE DUE TO PAY OUR CUBAN HOLIDAY BALANCE TO [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] TOMORROW. WE HAVE SEEN PHOTOS OF OUR HOTEL AND VERY MUCH DOUBT IT IS GOING TO BE READY FOR 12.12.08. I DO NOT WANT TO BE SENT ANYWHERE ELSE - CAN YOU PLEASE GIVE ME ADVICE ALL I WANT IS MY HOLIDAY (EM - 18.9.08) **** 73 Holiday date 13 - 19/9/08 booked through [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] and lost everything due to XL airw ays collapse. We are told that we can try and claim for the flights but not the hotel. What are our rights? [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] say that they have paid the airline and hotel and therefore won't give us a refund. Can you advise? (EM - 20.9.08) **** I currently have an issue with a reservation I made on Sunday initally through [MAJOR ONLINE RETAILER] acting for [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] with a holiday apparnatly from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. In short I was confused over the dates and then when I read some reviews of the hotel we decided to cancel as this is a special time for us and a rare opportunity for a holiday - it is our wedding anniversary. I phoned the companies within hours and tried to cancel. It was only then that I was infomred that I had made a contract! I have never booked a so called 'late deal' before and so I had no idea of any terms and conditions. As afr as I knew [MAJOR ONLINE RETAILER] siad I would receive the details in writing. They are claiming that if I cancel we will lose 100% as it is written in the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] conttract. I never knew or was told about any of this at the time of making the reservation. Can you help?............I have been so upset and I no longer trust these companies with our precious savings and t ime away together. I just want our moiney back and probably a quiet week at home. (EM - 7.10.08) **** I had a holiday booked at the [NAME OF HOTEL], Oludeniz, Turkey. The holiday was cancelled due to the XL flight administration. I tried to book the same hotel trough an alternative company but there was no availability as they were fully booked (this was for the same dates) however I am being charge £40 cancallation fee by [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR]. Apparently this is a changed levied by the hotel though [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR]. I am not convinced of this charge and would like to contact the hotel to discuss and verify this. (EM - 15.10.08) **** On 5 Sept 08 myself and sister purchased an all inclusive holiday to [NAME OF HOTEL], Sharm El Sh eikh, Egypt from [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] Holidays having seen it advertised on their website. We phoned and booked paying £580.64 each by credit cards. We then heard on 12 Sept that XL had folded and phoned [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] holidays. We were told that we could book another holiday but it had to be a week earlier, departing on the 9 Oct and they would refund the first amount. We paid £709.49 each by credit card. No refund was made. We never received any details in writing and were not informed of any terms and conditions verbally. Despite numerous tel calls, no refund was made and no details of holiday was received until 2 days before the flight when I received email of accommodation voucher, transfer vouchers but no tickets. We were told to get to Bristol Airport 2 1/2 hrs early to[MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] desk to have tickets printed. I had asked for written confirmation for both bookings before departure. Only correspondence was a letter saying we had to sign saying we 74 would not pursue a claim through our credit cards and that they would pay for accommodation and would supply a form to claim flights back from ATOL, I tried to contact [NAME] credit card but their letter said they would not do anything until [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] wrote and said they would not pay up or that we could not claim from ATOL. I have been in touch with Consumer Direct and know we have a right to claim from [CREDIT CARD COMPANY NAME] as being joint and severally liable. We have not signed the letter to [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR]. I was not happy to drive for 4 hrs and not get tickets so phoned the air desk at the airport and [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] confirmed tickets would be there. We found inflight meals were included but had not requested these on first booking and were told by [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] that all was same as previously booked. On arrival home, found 2 letters from [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR]. One letter dated 7 Sept posted on 7 Oct, sets out confirmation details of flight on 6 Oct with Freedom Flights then gives details of Flights on 14 Oct returning on 21 Oct (not even correct dates of holiday taken). It gives Tour cost of £678, accommodation of £487.99 Card Charge of £39.27, less discount of £43.98 total £1161.28 marked paid. No breakdown of exactly how much flights cost. The 2nd letter undated sent 7 Oct states that out holiday is not covered by the Package Travel Regs as the regs relate to 'packages' ie contract involving pre-arranged combination of at least 2 out of 3 specified components, namely transport, accommodation and other tourist services. I have been on the BERR website and found our holiday matches the definition of a package as one single price paid for the holiday with no breakdown. The letter refers to the letter previously sent (says copy enclosed but not) setting out procedure for claiming flights from CAA who are administering the bond provided by FFL. I have not responded in writing as yet as I need to get my statutory and contractual rights clarified. Please give advice as to what to do with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] and my credit card company [NAME]. (EM - 19.10.08) **** we travelled to sharm el shiekh in august with [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER], and when we arrived they had no reservation for us at the hotel even thogh we provided our holiday voucher and threw us out in the street at 1am, and we had to find an apartment for the night, there was also other issues. we have complained to them at the end of augsut they wrote back and said they would respond with in 28 says which expired on the 5th october, i then chased them for 3 days and eventually some one called me back on the 9th and they said a cheque was being raised although they couldnt tell me the amount and it would be with me by the middle of last week, i have had no cheque and called them for the last two days and all they will tell me that they are still waiting on [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] and wont give me a timescale, just looking for some advice as what to do next as they dont really seem bothered. (EM - 21.10.08) **** After arriving at dalaman airport with my husband and 2 daughters we were taken to the wrong hot el after 2hours back too our proper hotel we arrived to find it was closed down this was now 10 at night we got on to our tour opperators who dident know what to do and said they would get back to us. in the timethis took we was 75 asked to leave the bus as their job was done they had took us to our hotel not their fault it had shut down we had now been in turkey 4 hours and had nothing to eat or drink. luckily we had friends already on holiday and they said go to them and they would help us so we got a taxi from calis to ovacek were we managed to get in a hotel for the night [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] finally got us anotther hotel at 2 the next afternoon as wehad to be out of that hotel by 12 noon. we paid for the hotel taxis and food out of our own money ,we had booked half board we are still waiting for [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] to get back to us as they keep asking us to wait while they sort it we got home on the 19 of august , what can we do now please (EM - 24/10/08) **** We booked flights, aiport parking & resort transfers through [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] travelling 13.9. 08. 2 days before we were due to fly I received a call from [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] stating there was some confusion over our drop off in Puerto Pollensa. I explained that we had to pick up the keys for aprtment at [NAME OF RESORT OFFICE] which is in the centre of the resort so would be happy to be dropped there the Representative said he would sort this and ring me back, which he didn't do, I tried numerous occasions to get back to them but held in a queue, in desperation I e-mailed them but still no response. When we arrived at Palma airport we reported to [NAME] bus company showing them our receipt. They had no booking for us. We were 4 elderly pensioners aging between 63 and 69, we had to search out a taxi to get us to the resort. I emailed [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] from the resort and they telephoned the next day telling me to take this up with Cutomer Relations on our return, but they assured the coach would pick us up for our return to Palma. I telephoned [NAME OF BUS COMPANY] the day before we were due home a nd yet again they hd no record of this booking. It cost 140 Euros for taxis plus the initial £84.44. paid over the internet for transfers. This caused a lot of stress during our holiday having to make calls using internet cafe and also searching out taxis I wrote to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] on 28.9.08 and received acknowledgement from them on 2.10.08 stating they would look into this for me. To date I have had no further corrspondence from them and would welcome your advice and what steps I should now take. (EM - 26.10.08) **** My family of 5 went to [NAME OF HOTEL] in Los Christianos Tenerife in August this year. I booked with [TOUR OPERATOR] and paid [TOUR OPERATOR]. They keep saying that they are just the travel agent and [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] are the service provider. I am getting nowhere with my complaint re: mainly lack of facilities as advertised. Please advise me what I can do. (EM - 6.11.08) **** [ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] have been in breach of contract on two counts nobody to collect me at airport in dead of night - I waited from 1am-3am for their hotel receptionist to try and rouse their driver without success and eventually had to get a taxi as advised by them, for which they paid - putting my safety at risk on a journey of 80km from Larnaca to Kyrenia, crossing the Greek/Turkish borders with 76 a total stranger! This is my main issue with them as I am elderly and was in a state of anguish throughout this journey at 3am in the morning. They were further in breach of contract by not having a rep at the hotel (he/she absconded 2 days prior to my arrival) and so [ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] made the Hotel Manager their "temporary rep". This I found unacceptable and not in keeping with the statement in their brochure and on the web - as a rep, in my view, is impartial - and what would happen if I had had a problem with hotel management - to whom would I turn? I have written to [ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] and they have refused me compensation, stating that I should have telephoned them from Kyreni a to London to advise them of my distress. (EM - 8.11.08) **** I am experiencing difficulty with a double payment to a hotel in France booked throu gh [ONLINE TRAVEL MPROVIDER] They are claiming a refund has been made but none has been received. I am communicating through email with a rep of the company as I don't speak fluent french. Can you advise the correct course of action please and how I would persue this matter. Many thanks (EM - 17.11.08) **** I booked accommodation for 3 people at Calella Spain through [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] and paid that compan y by credit card. On arrival the hotel was overbooked and I was transferred to another similar hotel but some miles away at Pineda. Because one of my party has a disability it was essential that we stayed in Calella so I sent [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] a fax asking to be relocated back to Calella. I also advised [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] that failure to arrange a relocation would result in my making a claim for a full refund. The fax was ignored. On return I made a claim for a full refund only to be advised by [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] that my contract was with other agencies and that they wpould lodge my complaint with the 3rd parties. As I made the booking with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR and paid [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] I maintained that my contract was with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] and no one else. After several months and much correspondence I was offered some compensation but not a refund for services that were not supplied. I tried my credit card company [NAME OF COMPANY] and after some consideration I was informed that as I did not pay the for the hotel booking directly with my credit card, then [NAME OF COMPANY] could not help. It appears that [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] sub let my contract and now disown any liability and because [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] acted in this manner [NAME OF CREDIT CARD COMPANY] say I did not pay the booking directly by credit card so they cannot act. I also contacted ABTA who concluded that as [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] has sub let the booking to other operators who were not ABTA bonded then ABTA could not be involved. As I paid for services thet I did not get I believe i am entitled to a refund from [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] or [NAME OF CREDIT CARD COMPANY]. Am I correct in this and should I now make a claim through the small claims court. (EM - 21.11.08) **** 77 I feel I have no option but to officially complain about the above company due to our recent experiences that I've highlighted below. Booked holiday to Turkey, due to fly from Stansted on Thursday 2nd Oct. On Sat 27th Sept we get a call from them saying that the flight was cancelled! If we still wanted to go away, we had to say yes immediately to accepting another flight from Gatwick on the Friday 3rd for an extra £90. I asked why the extra charge but was given no real answer. We felt we had no choice but to begrudgingly accept. I subsequently called the airline and asked why the extra charge. They amazingly siad that they had no knowledge of the charge, I'd better ask the tour operator! Also the flight was actually cancelled in July!!! So they wait till close to departure date, and pressurise you into making on the spot costly decisions. It gets better. On arrival at the hotel, we were not on their register. They still had us down as expected the day before, so thought we were 'no shows'. So it took over an hour to persuade them to give us a room. Better still, they day before our departure we get a call from reception saying that we should have been out of the room that morning! We tried to explain to the manager what had happened but he wasn’t interested. I had a very heated and embarrassing confrontation with him. He said we either had to leave within 15 minutes or pay an extra £55 to stay another day. I tried calling and faxing [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] on their 'emergency' numbers but they wouldn’t answer! I had no option but to pay the man. Later that day the manager said that he had finally contacted [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER], and he was told that would would be refunded the money on our return. Ten weeks later, and despit countless phone calls and e-mails they still have not paid us a penny. They ignore my e-mails, and w hen I get to talk to a member of staff, they fill me with hollow promises of payment. They have shown a complete disregard of the customer, and quite frankly are a disgrace to their profession. I hope that there is something that you can do to stop them treating us and other people like this. (EM - 12.12.08) **** I have just returned from a short break to Prague, booked completely through [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER], the flights were with [NAME OF AIRLINE], we also booked the [NAME OF HOTEL] and a transfer taxi through [NAME OF TRANSFER OPERATOR], the link is on [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER]. The journey started at Manchester airport where our Flight LX0391 had been delayed due to bad weather in Zurich for an hour. This is where all the trouble began, as our flight had been delayed we were forced to miss our connecting flight to Prague, we were informed on the plane that the staff didn’t know what was going to happen to us and we were to go to the transfer desk in Zurich airport. We queued at the transfer desk for near on 3 hrs, there was no sense of urgency by any of the staff behind the desk, to be greeted by [NAME], who served myself and partner behind the desk, he was rude and obnoxious, didn’t explain completely what was happening to us, we felt like we were stranded in a foreign airport, he only gave us a voucher for food and the telephone because we asked for it. The service we received caused me to become extremely upset in the airport. We were told we had to wait for a plane to Munich and then catch a transferring plane to Prague, due to arrive in Prague at 11ish P.M, almost 10 hrs later than originally expected, cutting into our 3 day short break. I also called the taxi company once we knew what was happening to us, only to be told that we would have to pay an extra 500chz, because of the inconvenience caused to them. As this was not our fault I felt that [NAME OF 78 AIRLINE] should stand this charge, so I proceeded back to the transfer desk, where I was met by another lovely gentleman who told me it was my fault for booking the taxi in advance as this kind if thing happens all the time!!!!! I received no money to cover this charge, which later left us short on our break. It is my understanding that it often snows in Zurich so how does a world renouned company not have a better strategy for dealing with such problems, I felt, had the company been more prepared for our outbound journey none of what happened to us over the weekend, would have. So we proceeded through baggage control to head for our flight to Munich, where I was told that I could not take a bottle of Rum, which I had purchased in Manchester Airport and not touched, this bottle cost me £10 and it had to go into the bin, why was this sold to me if I was only going to be told to waste it in the following airport? I told the lady who served me what our journey plan was to avoid this situation. The treatment from this lady security officer only added to my stress levels after what had happened in the last few hours. As we were seated on out [NAME OF AIRLINE] flight to Munich where were informed that this plane had also been delayed due to the plane needing de-icing, more poor management, in my eyes this should have all been dealt with better. On hearing the news that this flight had been delayed for 1hr, my body could not take any more, I actually sobbed my heart out. All I really wanted to do was get home now, I knew we were going to have the same problems to deal with in Munich, a country we hadn’t even known we would be visiting, when our day began. When we arrived at Munich, the treatment of the staff at the [NAME OF AIRLINE] Desk, was absoloutly second to none, the lady was very pleasant and polite, she apologised, the first one we had received through all this, and we weren’t even supposed to be flying with this company. They put us up in a hotel and we were to board the 7am flight to Prague the following morning. We were to arrive in Prague at 8ish, 19hrs later than originally planned, and cutting our 3 day break in half. I also called the lady at the taxi company who was getting very annoyed with all the changes we were having to make. Through no fault of out own. The plane was slightly delayed but we arrived in Prague finally at 8.30ish am. The taxi driver was waiting patiently for us and we began to feel that maybe all the problems were over, how wrong was I. The journey was about one and a half hours long due to traffic levels and we arrived at the [NAME OF HOTEL] at 10am. We were scowled at by the receptionist, [NAME], this was our greeting. After I had explained everything that had happened, she informed us that because we hadn’t arrived on our original day they had kindly cancelled our room, but only charged us for the one night, the hotel was now full as they had given our room away. They said because we had booked with [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER], we didn’t, that we were out of contract and we should have contacted them yesterday to let them know what was happening, maybe it was a fault on my behalf, but I was under the impression that because we had paid in full in September when we booked the holiday that our room would be the last of our worries. [NAME] proceeded to tell me it was not their problem that we didn’t arrive on time, that they would put us up in the sister hotel at a charge of nearly 5000chz, which would only leave us with 2 500chz for the remaining days. The manager was no where to be seen and when he did come out all he could tell us is that he was actually doing us a good deal. I asked could I call the [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] from their phone, and I was snapped at by [NAME], told yes you can but you will have to pay. So after the journey we had, we were now faced with having nowhere to stay for the next 2 nights, and being shouted at by a very unhelpful receptionist. The manager finally agreed to let us use the phone, where I spoke to a man called [NAME form [MAJOR 79 ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] after being kept on hold for 20 minutes. He asked could he call me back within 30 mins. I was not really happy with this after all the hours we had lost on this break already. I realise now that he was only trying to do his job, I was just very angry, distressed and upset after the way we had been treated over the last 2 days. Sure enough he called back within the time and managed to pay for the room at the sister hotel [NAME OF HOTEL]. The manager and receptionist at [NAME OF HOTEL] were extremely rude and un-helpful, they were quite happy just to leave us with nowhere to stay and just wanted to get us out of their reception. How this hotel can boast that they have 4 stars after our treatment is a joke. They caused myself and my partner nothing but upset and grief. We stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] for 2 nights, I was asked to put 1000chz on my bank card as a deposit for anything in the mini bar, even though we had no intention of using it. I didn’t have this money in the bank and can only hope that the bank dosen’t charge me as I now have no faith in [NAME OF HOTEL CHAIN] and they probably wont pay this money back as we didn’t use anything, we were only in the hotel to sleep, we had to fit everything we had planned into a day and a half, Prague itself is beautiful, and we feel that we have now missed out because of our delayed flights and treatment in the hotels. I couldn’t actually relax through the break because I knew at the end of it we had another in-direct flight with [NAME OF AIRLINE], which we may have the same difficulties. I also had to mess the taxi company about again, again due to no fault of our own. On departing from hotel [NAME OF HOTEL] we were asked to pay 66chz for a phone call which we didn’t make, we were kept waiting with no explanation f or 10 mins, also keeping our taxi waiting, only to be told ok just go. Again this isn’t 4star service. I will be writing to all companies involved in causing myself and my partner stress, as I was almost having panic attacks on the journey home just waiting for something else to happen. I also now will be staying in the U.K for a long time, as I never want to be in this situation again. All these horrible occourences over the last few days were caused by no fault of our own, however they will leave a lasting impression. On top of all this both my partner and myself have had to book an extra day off work today as we are not only physically but also mentally exhausted from everything that has happened over the last few days. (EM - 16.12.08) **** Hi I booked a holiday through [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER]. When we arrived at the hotel there were no rooms from me & M y family. it was only booked two days before our arrival. We were found a hotel but it was over 65klm away. We had to hire car, pay petrol, taxi's but we can not recover the costs. The confirmation came in the name of [MAJOR TRAVEL RETAILER] who claim the contract was with [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] but both [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] and Abta say the contract is with [MAJOR TRAVEL RETAILER]. Please help. (EM - 17/12/08) **** i booked a holiday with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] and i am due to fly out on the 5th jan 09 with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR AIRLINE] but i had an entopic pregnancy on the 31st dec and was advised not to fly as my fallopian tube was at high risk of rupture [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] were more than 80 heplful and give me a creit note tho [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR AIRLINE] will not help me at all i rang them on the 31st and explained to the girl but she was not interested told me as long as i have a letter from the hospital it will be ok now they told me i have lost my money which is £391.96 all i asked them to do was change the dates i go away can anyone help me on this do i have any rights as i did not have insurance (EM - 4.1.09) **** Hello, I was hoping you might be able to help. Had booked a ski hol (3 night break) with a company, due to go on Thursday morning (today is Monday). The company can no longer fulfil the holiday that we booked - the hotel we were due to stay in hasn't even been built. They have offered us another hotel (bad reviews online) at a completely different resort. We have decided to ask for a refund - we had made plans (i.e. directions, piste maps etc) so a change would have really thrown us at such short notice. We paid £629 for the holiday, which included [LOW COST AIRLINE] flights, but it was sold as a 'package' £329 per person. I have a receipt, which does NOT break it down per item, it just lists it all and then charges us £692 The company are now stalling on our refund request - they are saying that we are only entitled to a refund of accommodation costs, but our argument is that they sold it as a package and as they cannot fulfil the orginal holiday spec we expect a refund. Please advise what rights we have on this. (EM - 5.1.09) **** I have recently been on holiday to Benidorm, Spain, and the hotel we stayed at was both unsafe, and dirty. We ended up leaving the hotel 3 days early, and checked into another hotel nearby. When we spoke to a representative of the agent over the phone they promised us a full refund of the nights which we did not stay in the hotel. We have been in contact with the agent since we returned, however they are only offering a small amount of compensation, which has been offered by the tour operator not the agent. They are not taking any responsibility. We were wondering what our rights were, as we only booked the hotel through the agent. (EM 18.1.09) **** i booked a hotel with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPETRATOR] on dec 27th and then cancelled within 24 hrs i recieved e mail stating money would be refunded within 7-10 days, still not been put back into my account, have sent e mails and all ignored tried to telephone and advice line says has to be done by e mail or letter,have sent letter,can you advise me as to how i can get money back from [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR],they are abta protected,i am just vbeing ignored by them despite my efforts thankyou (EM - 20.1.09) 81 Flight Price Changes We are going to the Maldives next Jan we are due to pay the full amount in Oct.Can the airline add fuel surcharges once you have paid the full amount. (EM - 9.8.08) **** I JUST BOOKED A CHEAP FLIGHT TO SPAIN BUT THE EXTRAS COME TO £168 ON TOP OF THE FARE ? I THOUGHT THI S WAS BEING STOPPED? (EM 13.8.08) **** On Sunday 24th August I booked a flight to Florida through [MAJOR ONLINE FLIGHT ARRANGER]. A friend had phoned them on my behalf and was told cost was £427 and they would hold it for 10mins. for me. I did this and was told it was £427 so I booked it. However on checking my bank statement I find they have charged me £438.90. I phoned to ask why this had happened and was told this had been price quoted and it was a good deal. Had I gone elsewhere it would have been £150 more.( Totally irrelevant) I phoned and was assured this was price quoted. IT WAS NOT. It is a small amount and I still would have paid but it is worrying that [MAJOR ONLINE FLIGHT ARRANGER] can quote one price and yet take extra money from my account. I would be grateful for your advice. I can provide e-mail of friend who was quoted same price. (EM - 28.8.08) **** I cannot be the only person to have made this mistake, but I bet there are not many people who have done it twice, and the second time in spades. I booked with [AIRLINE] on the 4th July last year to travel to Boston on the 17th Sept and paid £761.80 for two grunt class tickets. About two weeks later they announced a 'SALE' and these tickets dropped by about £150 each. I was spitting blood, but there was nothing I could do. On the 20th Oct this year we decided to treat ourselves and book Club Class tickets to Orlando Florida, travelling on 2nd Jan 2009. The best deal at the time was with [AIRLINE] and we paid £1548.50 each for an Upper Class experience. Last Friday, 31st Oct, [AIRLINE] announce another 'SALE' and they are now offering a Club World ticket for a mere £1200.00. The difference being an eye watering £348.50 each. Of course [AIRLINE] have now announced their 'SALE' and I cannot bring myself to check how much they have chopped off this ticket. My Question is, is there any pattern to these 'SALES'? I do not want to make this mistake AGAIN! It is always a fine line in judging how long to wait before you book a flight and risk availability. We always worked on a 10 week rule as being the optimum time, or maybe we are just plain unlucky? (EM - 4.11.08) 82 Holiday Accident We had our holiday safari to kenya and tanzania in oct 07.we had a horrendus time,accomadation changed,11 hour drives,hardley any safari and suffered as a result of skidding off road on atrocios conditions,speeds of up to 60-70 km per hour we have seen a soliceter and they have advised us to get some advice for us to issue procedings against [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR].we have witness statements and photos,also medical reports from when we arrived back to the uk.the soliceter has said it may be better and cheaper if we issue procedings myself.can you advise on how best to proceed.thank you. (EM - 29.6.08) **** On our 2nd night staying at the hotel, we were sitting in bed watching television and the headboard fell from the wall on one side. My boyfriend who had his arm around me leaning against the headboard tried to catch it as it fell to prevent any damage to me, and injured his hand to the extent that he was unable to do any activities on holiday therefore totally running the holiday. We have photographs of the damaged headboard (included with this letter) and the bruising of the hand and we are looking to you for compensation for this. We informed the hotel and again the customer service was poor, they sent someone to repair the head board but no apology was given. It’s interesting to note that the headboard is only held to the wall by 2 hooks (as you will see from the photographs), which is potentially hazardous in various ways. (EM - 7.7.08) **** On the 8th June 2008 my wife and I travelled to Mexico and stayed in the [NAME OF HOTEL] hotel in Playacar, on the day after our arrival my wife slipped on a tiled floor and broke her wrist in four places as she made her way to shelter from a small rain storm that had been frequent to the area so we were told by other guests staying there. We feel that the hotel could have done more to prevent this from happening, as the tiles when wet were absolutely lethal, also we noted these same tiles in the foyer had anti slip mats, but unfortunately they had not placed them anywhere else. We did contact [NATIONAL COMPENSATION HELPLINE] who informed us that because it happened in Mexico it was not worth pursuing, we feel that the because the [HOTEL CHAIN] and [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] are all connected and a European company they should be held accountable, unfortunately we cannot find there address to write to them and complain and ask for compensation. (EM - 7.7.08) **** While staying in accommodation at the hotel [NAME OF HOTEL] (Sharm El Sheikh) I reported on a number of occasions over the course of the first few days of my stay a seemingly 'on-going' fault associated with the apartments' washrooms toilet flushing system to the hotel staff. To which, on each occasion a repair was carried out to the system only for the original fault to redevelop hours 83 later. On the date of the accident, 24th June 2008 the units fault reoccurred for a fourth time, but on this occasion it also had developed a small water leak which was passing onto the marble floor area around the toilets' basin making it dangerously slippery. The shiny natural state of the marble effect tiles upon the washroom floor made it difficult to see that the tiles were indeed wet. After spending the evening confined to my apartment due to having a severe stomach upset (as were the case with numerous other fellow holidaymakers stay at the same resort), I place the light on and entered the washroom at around 23.00pm to use the facilities. At this point of time I was total unaware of the hazardous floor surface that I was about to step upon. As I turned myself around (barefooted) within the room in order to seat upon the toilet basin both of my feet suddenly slipped in a backward motion launching my upper-body forward towards the outwardly protruding marble washbasin (see attached photo of washroom design layout). As I began to fall forward I tried desperately in vein to steady myself by reaching out towards the marble washbasin. This act however did not prevent me from hitting the top of my fore-head heavily against the washbasin. My wife whom was within the apartment with me at the time along with our 2 young children came into the washroom to find myself lying on the floor holding my bleeding fore-head. She immediately contacted the hotel reception via phone to inform them of the incident expressing urgency to them that medical treatment was required. 20mins elapsed after her call before a knock was heard upon our apartment door. Apparently the hotel receptionist must have placed the toilet leak as his first priority and the knock to the door was the hotel plummer whom had been called to our room in order to make yet another attempt at repairing the unit. To this my wife had to make 2 further phone calls to the receptionist before, what was now over 45mins after her initial phone call, the duty hotel manager finally came to our room to investigate the accident. Approximately, 70 mins had passed since the accident was first reported before I taken to receive medical treatment by a hotel doctor for a painfully deep flesh gash wound to my head. (EM - 12.7.08) **** hi i recently came back from my honeymoon. while on my honey moon we had endless problems with the hotelwe reported all problems to the management but not alot was done. i even had an accident while there which was a result of the hotels fault. we had already been moved to a different hotel before we went as we ahd a letter 1 week before our wedding saying that half the hotel was closed for improvments. we got no compensation for this and we met other familys abroad that had also been moved (EM - 12.7.08) **** hello on friday 01 august i was on holiday in spain [NAME OF HOTEL] majorca when my 10 year old son ran through a glass window he has since had a skin graft back in GB there were no stickers on these windows and the glass was not saftey or toughened although i except that it was not a door so he shouldnt be using it as one it was so low to the floor that all the kids would use it as one also it was in the kids games room causing even more use by kids to gain access to the arcade was the hotel under any legal obligation to ensure this couldnt happen and can we make a 84 complaint to ensure they change the set up so this cant happen to any other children (EM - 4.8.08) **** I was making myself and some of my party a cup of tea on Friday morning at around midday. The cups were on the side just next to the cooker extractor fan. As I leant forward to put suger into a cup mt fore head touched the extractor which was made of a metal possibly stainless steel. I remember a bright white light in my eyes an a searing pain through my head. There was a loud bang inside my head like my ears exploding and I was thrown across the room backwards. Witnesses said they heard the bang and my eyes rolled back into my head as I was shot backwards. I remember coming round sitting on a rug screaming and my whole body was shaking. I was picked up and sat on a chair and given some water to drink. My fiance ran to see the people whom run the villa and a lady called [NAME] returned with a tool something like a screwdriver which lit up when she touched the extractor & said it was live & rushed back to her office. I while later the electricity was switched off. An electrician came shortly after & the power was off for a good hour. Another man arrived shortly after and believe they agreed that there was a loose wire which was touching the hood and caused it to be live. This wire was taped up and made safe and I was taken to hospital by my fiance and friend. My fiance said I neede to go to hospital as I was becoming very poorly couldnt move my joints properly and my head was thumping with pain. I was also still shaking and couldnt control my bodily functions properly. The man whom runs the villa [NAME] said they would take me but my fiance and friend took me in our hire car. They followed us in their car. Once at the hospital I was seen straight away my heart rate was irratic and I was in shock. I was given various drugs via a UV line and given an ECG. I was monitored for 8 hours and given further medication to calm me & relax my muscles. I was also given something to control my nervous sytem as I was suffering from a form of paralysis which Im told is n ormal after an electric shock. [NAME] whom runs the villas collected me with his daughter and paid all of my medical bills.I spent the following day in bed feeling nauseas and with pain throughout my body. I am now still suffering severe headaches and neckpain. I have seen my GP today whom has advised I do not go to work for the next week and that I need to rest. (EM - 11.8.08) *** TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I WOULD LIKE TO PUT A COMPLAINT IN TO [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] WHO I THINK SHOULD BE SERIOUSLY LOOKING IN TO THE FOLLOWING COMPLAINTS ABOUT OUR STAY IN THE [NAME OF HOTEL] MEXICO! 1) ON ARRIVAL WE SHOWED OUR MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE AND TOLD THE STAFF WE WERE ON OUR HONEYMOON, WE EXPECTED A ROOM WITH A DOUBLE BED AND WERE GIVEN A ROOM WITH TWO SINGLE BEDS. THEY CHANGED IT TO A ROOM WITH A DOUBLE BUT THE ROOM WAS STILL NOT THE CLASS OF A 5 STAR. WE ALSO EXPECTED (AS IN THE BROCHURE) FLOWERS AND CHAMPAGNE ON ARRIVAL. WE GOT NOTHING. OUR BEDDING WAS CHANGED TWICE IN TWO WEEKS. 2) WE AT FIRST THOUGHT THE CHOICE OF FOOD WAS FINE UNTIL MY HUSBAND WAS RUSHED IN TO CANCUN HOSPITAL WITH FOOD POISONING ON THE 4TH DAY. THE DOCTOR TOLD HIM IT 85 WAS A COMMON COMPLAINT IN MEXICO AS THE SALADS AND FRUIT ARE WASHED IN THE LOCAL WATER. WE HAD TO PAY $750 PLUS A FURTHER $380 UP FRONT BEFORE THEY WOULD TREAT MY HUSBAND. THIS WAS THROUGH [NAME OF BANK] INSURANCE (NOT YOUR HOLIDAY INSURANCE) BUT THE FOOD POISONING WAS FROM THE HOTEL AS WE HAD NEVER LEFT IT ONCE. WE WOULD NOT HAVE HAD TO MAKE A CLAIM IF THE HOTEL HAD BEEN CLEAN. WHILE WE WERE THERE WE DID NOTICE INSPECTORS GOING AROUND ALL THE BARS AND RESTAURANTS, WAS THIS DUE TO SEVERAL MORE CASES OF POISONING? 3) WE HAD 3 POWER CUTS DURING OUR TWO WEEK STAY AND ON ONE OCCASION WE WERE STUCK IN A LIFT WHICH WAS VERY FRIGHTENING. THERE WAS NO AIR AND EIGHT PEOPLE IN A LIFT TAKING PANIC ATTACKS WAS AWFUL. 4) THE AIR CONDITIONING IN OUR ROOM SOUNDED LIKE A MOTOR BIKE BUT WE COULD NOT SWITCH IT OFF BECAUSE IT WAS SO HUMID. WE REPORTED IT TWICE TO THE HOTEL STAFF WHO SAID THEY WOULD SEND SOMEBODY UP, THEY NEVER BOTHERED TO DO SO. 5) THE POOLS WERE VERY VERY SMALL SO WE CHOSE TO GO IN THE LARGEST WHICH WAS FULL OF AMERICANS. TO OUR HORROR WE SAW COUPLES BEING INTIMATE IN THE POOL AND ANOTHER COUPLE TOLD US THEY WERE URINATING IN THE POOL. WE NEVER WENT IN THE POOL AGAIN. 6) THE TWO WEEKS WE WERE THERE WE NEVER HAD A LOUNGER AS THE AMERICANS GOT UP AT SEVEN AND PUT TOWELS ON THE BEDS TO RESERVE THEM. WE OFTEN WENT TO THE BEACH TO FIND THE SAND FULL OF BROKEN GLASS AND RUBBISH. 7) THE FIRST WEEK WE WENT OUT ON A CATAMARAN AS IT WAS ADVERTISED FREE IN THE HOTEL BROCHURE IN OUR ROOM. WE COULD NOT GET BACK ONSHORE AND WERE CHARGED $40 DOLLARS TO BE BROUGHT BACK IN. WE SIGNED A DISCLAIMER SAYING WE WENT OUT AT OUR OWN RISK. THEY SAID WE COULD HAVE TWO HOURS THE FOLLOWING WEEK BECAUSE OF THE CHARGE AND WE WOULD BE SHOWN HOW TO HANDLE THE CATAMARAN. AFTER MY HUSBAND RECOVERED FROM HIS FOOD POISONING WE DECIDED TO GIVE THE CATAMARAN ANOTHER GO AND THIS TIME SIGNED NO DISCLAIMER. THE WORKER HAD A LIFE JACKET ON AND OBVIOUSLY WE THOUGHT HE WAS COMING WITH US. WE GOT ON AND THREE PEOPLE INCLUDING A LADY PUSHED US OUT TO SEA ON OUR OWN. WE WERE FINE UNTIL THE WIND PICKED US UP AND WE STARTED TRAVELLING AT A VERY HIGH SPEED. TEN MINUTES LATER THE WHOLE THING CAPSIZED AND WE WERE FLUNG IN TO THE SEA. I WAS DRAGGED UNDER IT AND BOTH MY LEGS WERE BADLY BRUISED AND I HURT MY LOWER BACK. I BANGED MY MOUTH AND A BRIDGE I HAD FITTED IN MY MOUTH WAS BANGED AGAINST THE BAR OF THE CATAMARAN AND HAS MOVED LEAVING A GAP IN MY TEETH. I HAVE NOT BEEN TO THE DENTIST YET BUT WILL HAVE TO. MY HUSBAND HAD A LOT OF BRUISES TOO BUT I GOT THE WORST OF IT. AFTER APPROX. TEN MINUTES WHICH SEEMED LIKE TEN HOURS TWO MEN CAME OUT TO RESCUE US. NOT A LOT WAS SAID AND WE RETURNED TO OUR ROOM. I MYSELF COULD HARDLY WALK FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE HOLIDAY (20TH THIS HAPPENED) AND HAD THE MOST UNCOMFORTABLE JOURNEY HOME ON THE PLANE. IT WAS SO UNCOMFORTABLE TRYING TO SIT FOR 12 HOURS. I DID NOT GO TO THE HOSPITAL AS FOR 1) WE HAD JUST PAID OUT NEARLY £1,000 STERLING 86 AND 2) TO BE QUITE HONEST I WAS SCARED TO GO IN. I WENT TO [NAME OF HOSPITAL] AS SOON AS I CAME BACK AND WAS TOLD NOT TO WORK FOR AT LEAST A MONTH. I WAS ALSO TOLD TO TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS OF MY INJURIES FOR PROOF, WHICH WE DID. FORTUNATELY AND VERY MUCH TO OUR SURPRISE A COUPLE FROM [NAME OF AREA], LIVING VERY CLOSE TO US WERE STAYING IN THE HOTEL AND WITNESSED MY INJURIES. SURELY THE HOTEL SHOULD KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON DOWN THERE AT THE BEACH. FORTUNATELY THAT DAY WE DID NOT SIGN A DISCLAIMER. THIS MEANS THEY ARE ENTIRELY RESPONSIBLE. I WOULD LIKE [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] TO READ THIS CAREFULLY AND THINK HOW THEY WOULD HAVE FELT BEING ON HONEYMOON AND HAVING A HOLIDAY FROM HELL. I AWAIT THEIR COMMENTS. (EM - 25.8.08) **** My wife broke her arm on holiday in Menorca 2 weeks ago after slipping in a swimmi ng pool. We understand that the pool my wife slipped in was not part a hotel under the tour operator we travelled with, although it was a hotel for a sister tour operator in the group....... Who is the claim against and what options do we have to proceed? (EM - 11.9.08) **** she fell down the manhole that was not covered and within minutes we reported this to the only person on site available, a [TOUR COMPANY] security man. This man saw [NAME] in pain and her arm in a sling and the cut we bandaged up. The bruises on her legs and arm came out over the week we were there and again we took her to the office but they did not seem interested. It is acknowledged by [TOUR COMPANY] that this happend and they just think they can pass this off as unfortunate. (EM - 15.9.08) **** We returned on 17th September and had our holiday ruined by 1stly my husband coming down with sickness/diarrhoea whereby he was confined to the room for 3 days and then 2ndly me having an accident at the complex which involved me being taken to hospital in an ambulance and meant I was unable to walk for the remaining 6 days of our holiday and [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] Reps made us hire a wheelchair from them at £5 per day - they wouldnt even offer to let me have it free of charge, even though the accident happened through no fault of mine and happened on outside steps by the pool (photo attached), that had no gripper tape, no handrail or not even a sign saying slippery when wet. Since coming back I have emailed [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] twice to ask how I send my complaint to them. So far, they havent responded, apart from their usual automated response to say that my email has been received and will be dealt with shortly. I've now waited a week for this information - proof of their un-professional service (EM - 26.9.08) **** 87 A friend and I stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] in the Bahamas in July 2008. Both of us have traveled extensively and were shocked an d disgusted by the [NAME OF HOTEL CHAIN]. We had only been at the hotel for 3 hours and we were in pool when I felt something slice open the bottom of my foot and saw a lot of blood come to the surface of the water. I exited the pool and approached a local staff member. Believe it or not the pool area DID NOT have a first aid kit and they used scotch tape and a small bandage to try and cover up a deep cut. I was later told that it was a broken ceramic tile that had lacerated my foot. When I continued bleeding I asked the hotel staff where I could receive medical attention. My friend and I were put in a cab in our bathing suits and taken off the island to a local, dodgy hospital even though there was a first aid clinic within walking distance of the hotel. Nobody from the hotel accompanied us despite that fact that we had been on the island for only a little over 3 hours and had no idea where we were going. (EM - 26.9.08) **** Firstly, there were no seatbelts on the coach, my daughter received a sprained and bruised ankle that required a doctor’s visit on our return to the resort, and my partner received bruising to her leg, these were impact injuries as a direct result of the collision and lack of seatbelts available for passengers to use. Furthermore, as the front exit door of the coach as no longer working due to the damage of the collision, there was no emergency exit for passengers to use, indeed, we had to climb out the front broken windscreen and jump onto the road. Luckily no one was injured badly, but if that coach had caught fire, it would had been a death trap, as there was no way out accept via the front door which no longer worked, no safety hammers to break windows, no alternative exit, windows that would not open, the whole coach was a death trap. I booked the excursion on the advice of one of your reps, who stated that it was best to book through them, as [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] had guest’s safety and enjoyment as their first concern, and they were approved tours on this basis, what utter rubbish. (EM - 17.10.08) **** i purchased a package holiday (travel and accomodation) last year, whilst going down stairs outside the hotel leading to a bar i slipped and fel l. who can i clim agaisnt.please advise. (EM - 20.1.09) Holiday Clubs Can you advise if there is an ABTA bonded company called either [TOUR OPERATOR] or [TRAVEL AGENCY] – [NAME OF DISTRICT] based I think. We have apparently WON a holiday with them through [NAME OF COMPANY] (who appear to be above board). They will be writing giving us a choice of 9 European destinations for the cost of £49, each which includes flights, accommodation and transfers. We want to be prepared so would be grateful for any relative information you might hold on this company as we have been assured that they are ABTA 88 bonded in a telephone conversation this evening (27/10/2008). I cannot find anything on the web for them so I am rather apprehensive (EM - 27.10.08) Holiday Price Changes Hello, Can you help with some advise. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] indicated a holiday on the Internet and still do at £568 -When I booked they then added Luggage allowence, £40.00, along with Transfer which I accept - However they then stated that the room had increased by £65.00- Taking the total holiday to £729 Unfortunatley I felt pressurised as it was the last room and my wife did want to go to this facility. I have since looked at other option and the same holiday at the same location with the same flight average £660 - The room being the key diference for a hotel that i was told was full - I have yet to receive confirmation of the reservation but when I raised the issue i was told that if I wanted to cacell the holiday I would lose the full payment - Can you advise (EM - 21.6.08) **** I require advice please about a holiday I booked on Friday 21 June with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] over the internet. The holiday departs on 22 July 2008 and I paid the full cost by credit card. It was a great price of £225 for 4 adults going to Crete. I telephoned customer services to check that the price was correct and was told that if that was the price on screen that was the price of the holiday. I went ahead and booked. I received a confirmation invoice giving all details and showing payment. However, on Saturday whilst viewing my booking on-line, the account showed the cost of the holiday was over £34000.00! I telephoned [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to enquire. I was informed that they would look into the matter and would ring me on Monday. Yesterday I was asked to email the confirmation to them which I did. I was also told that there was a possibility they would cancel the holiday under their terms and conditions because they would not let me have that holiday for the amount I had paid. They are awaiting a decision from the tour operator [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. I need clarification on the contract and whether they are allowed to do this please. I have done nothing wrong, I checked with their customer services prior to booking, they accepted payment and confirmed the booking. How is it possible that they can cancel. I would be so grateful for your help. Thank you (EM - 24.6.08) **** I have tried to contact [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR], by going into their branch on [ADDRESS OF MAJOR TOUR OPERATORS BRANCH AGENCY], or by using their Contact Number with no result. THey are in breach of my Consumer Rights, as they and I entered an agreement with a price for my Honeymoon & Wedding in Antigua as £8612.01 after I had paid my deposit. They confirmed this again on the 16th June, whilst forgetting that they had provided me with Travel Insurance, yet 11 days later they had upped that agreed pprice by £600 without explantion. This is despite the party already paying a fuel surcharge. I need this resolved as I have to feel confident that [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] will honour all of their committments, otherwise 89 I have no recourse than to use the other more laborious legal option. Can you please help? Their reference is [NUMBER]. Secondly, why do they not have a Customer Services Department under their various links on the Internet? (EM 25.7.08) **** I booked a holiday to Cyprus with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] on 9th August for three weeks at an agreed price o f £629 and £250 deposit was deducted from my account that day. I was assured that there were no other suppliments to pay. It was booked over the phone from an ad. in the [NATIONAL NEWSPAPER] that appeared 2/8/08. quoting ref. [NUMBER]. It clearly states that there are no single suppliments between 1/11/08 - 30/04/09. My holiday is from 3/11/08 but I have only just heard that I am expected to pay a suppliment of £10 a day (£210 for the whole duration) or cancel my holiday. Apparently [NAME] who I booked with is new to the job and booked me in a room with a suppliment instead of one without. Surely I should not be expected to pay for her mistakes. When booking a holiday over the phone, is it not a verbally binding contract if price has been agreed and a deposit paid? I have attempted to speak with a manager or someone in higher authoriity to resolve this ( a lady called [NAME] did try to help) but have simply been told that I need to speak to [NAME] when she returns on Tuesday. This to me does not seem exceptable or very business like. I should be grateful if you could let me know if [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] are within their rights to make such drastic changes to the price after agreeing it and taking deposit? And if an advert says that there are no single suppliments can they then at a later date introduce one? Many ~Thanks for any help you can give me on this. (EM - 23.8.08) **** I checked the Internet price on 30th Oct, 2nd Nov & again at 12.00 on the 3rd Nov for a holiday to [NAME OF HOTEL] departing 11th Feb for 14 nights. The cost was £2538 at the time and the site said technical difficulties please phone them direct. I contacted them at 12.30 on the 3rd Nov, price agreed including private taxi from the airport was £2574 and I gave my debit card details for a deposit of £360. They advised they would phone within 10 minutes back confirming the holiday and seats together on the plane. I also asked if I was given holiday vouchers could I use these to pay some of the balance and was advised yes, go into a [MAJOR TRAVEL AGENT] shop to pay the balance or send in direct. I was happy with the price despite the deposit being over £300 higher than booking online, system advised contact [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] because of technical difficulties. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] phoned back over 30 minutes later now saying the price on the Internet was £150 higher, I had seen the original price an hour earlier. Which basically meant they had updated the Internet and increased the price, I naturally said no and received no suitable explanation? The reason I would like to go higher is just e mailing “contact us” has no name on any reply and no opportunity to escalate higher as staff just follow procedure. I have to say that after using [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] for many years their customer service has decorated rapidly since merging with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR], I even tried one of there shops in [NAME OF TOWN] and after waiting over 30 minutes without even an acknowledgement of we will be with you shortly like other potential customers left. I 90 would have thought any genuine business would like to retain customers not drive them away. (EM - 3/11) **** I was just about to con firm a booking with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and was advised last week that the cost was £3809 but yesterday it had increased by £500 because "the flight and holiday is proving popular so they have increased the cost". Of course we haven't booked and I've written a letter of complaint to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] but doubt that I will get a reply (EM - 21.11.08) **** We booked a Hol in Nov 08 through [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] . we are now informed that from 1st Jan 09 the hotel [NAME OF RESORT] have introduced a utiliy charge of 100 euro. Can they do this now ?? (EM - 5.1.09) Holiday Safety Travelled to Corsica with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. Although described in brochu re as steep staircase, no hand rail and top stair rung to appartment totally worn away, extremely dangerous as access is sideways on into door. Had reported to rep and also to company on return but feel accomodation should be withdrawn from brochure. Also very dangerous saucepans in kitchen. Apartment not cleaned before our arrival. Had to wait outside in bar for approx 3 hours to gain access because of cleaning situations but no cleaner actually had been. We do not want anybody else to have to go into a very dangerous property. (EM - 19.6.08) **** On arrival we were very impressed by the villa, however that night while we were all asleep somebody entered the villa. Whilst we accept that there is crime all over the world and opportunists are everywhere, we where somewhat amazed to find no form of entry, who ever had entered the villa had got a key!!!! They took a large amount of money and a watch all belonging to the family we were on holiday with, we were staying in the upper part of the villa and it would seem they did not enter our room, However what concerns us more than what was took is that our children were asleep in the bedrooms downstairs, whoever entered this villa walked past our children sleeping to gain access to the bedroom where they took the items from. You can imagine our hysteria in the morning on finding all of this, after what happened last year in Portugal we still cannot believe somebody entered that villa with a key!!!! Thank god our children were still where we left them. The following morning we called your emergency number and spoke to a lady called [NAME], who informed us [NAME] would call around about 4pm as he was scheduled to call anyway, we were not very happy with this and asked for a manager to call us as soon 91 as possible. We went to the local police station to report the robbery. On arrival back at the villa one of your managers [NAME] telephoned to say he would be calling around shortly, which he did along with two agents from the villa letting agency. He seemed very concerned by the agent telling us only her and her cleaner had keys to the villa, when questioned about her whereabouts the previous night she became very defensive as I expect we all would, however this did still not explain who or how they had entered the villa. [NAME] then walked outside and a few minutes later returned and told us they thought they had found how they entered, through a bathroom window that was apparently locked, which belonged to the owners bedroom, which was also locked, which nobody has a key but the owner!! Did the owner take our money???? After many hours of phone calls and deliberation [NAME] offered us some alternative accommodation which was not suitable to us, one was apartments and one was a villa in the hills, which we visited and felt was far to isolated, especially after what we had been through. The agents assured us that the villa would be made secure, the lighting in the main corridor was not working, quite a few bulbs in lights and lamps were not working, also there would be an alarm put on the property the next day. We decided we would stay where we were after all they would not come back!!! Would they?? Yes they did on the Sunday morning at 2.30am we were awakened by the neighbours guard dog barking, also a car parked outside the villa with the engine running, there was a bang, which we now assume was the grate under the window being stood on, so at 3am our Husbands were walking around outside the villa with weapons in there hands looking for intruders what a holiday!! We were sat in the lounge until 6.30am when we dared go back to bed, after putting chairs and bookcases in front of doors to ‘barricade’ ourselves in. The following morning we spoke to the neighbour who told us he had seen the security lights on at 2.30am after checking what his dog was barking at, also telling us this was not the first time the villa had been targeted. As you can imagine we were not spending another night there. I rang [NAME] again and explained the situation that somebody had returned, he said he would see if any accommodation was available and call back, which he did and informed us the only accommodation available was the villa which he offered originally, I told him if we had wanted to be isolated we would have booked a villa in the hills originally. I spoke to one of the agents who had got a villa but wanted 1000euros which we did not have, I put this to [NAME] who said [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] would not pay as it was not one of there villas. After many phone calls he found us a villa in Amancil, we had already packed after deciding we would be safer sleeping in the cars than the villa, we eventually got the new villa at 4pm another day wasted. On the whole the holiday was a nightmare what should have been a nice relaxing time turned into a stressful, anxious time, for us all, the children spent all week in our beds with us as they were to afraid to sleep alone, and would not even go to the toilet without one of us being with them. As I said at the beginning we accept there are burglaries wherever you go, but they had got a key to enter this villa, I dare not think what would have happened if one of us had woken to find them there, [NAME] said he thought they had been disturbed as they left mobile phones the children’s computer games and even car keys, is this why they came back, thank god we did not have to find out. There are a lot of unanswered questions about this incident, the agent told us apparently the corridor lights were working on the day we arrived, the agent had been to the villa before us to check it had been cleaned, why where they not working in the evening, how was the window in the owners bedroom left undone, had somebody entered the villa before our arrival? Was there somebody in the villa 92 while we were there?, after all they knew the money had been put in the bedside cabinet drawer, as the safety deposit box had no instructions with it. Whilst we appreciate [NAME] offering us alternative accommodation on the Friday he did so quite easily and now thinking about it seemed quite keen for us to move, which makes us question whether he has had previous problems with this villa. Surely these properties are checked and double checked before you advertise them, would the owner want to compensate us for our loss, inconvenience and the sheer fright we have all suffered, after all he has given this said key to somebody, only he knows who!! (EM - 7.7.08) **** My son rented self catering accommodation in France via an ABTA Travel Agent . On arrival he discovered the accommodation was on three floors accessed by open staircases i.e. with no balustrade with a drop onto a concrete floor. As there were two chidren aged five in the party he considered the staircase presented a serious risk of injury (Rospa state that most serious accidents to children arise from falls off staircases during hoildays) in view of this he did not move in. The Travel Agent was informed but was unable to assist. With some difficulty my son sourced alternative accommodation in Spain. He considers that he should have been informed that the accommodation was not suitable for young children and is seeking recovery of the additional costs incurred. Your comments would be appreciated. (EM - 20.8.08) **** Whilst on holiday in June in [NAME OF DESTINATION], i was assaulted by a member of staff in the hotel i was staying at. I booked my holiday with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] and emailed them as soon as i got back to report this, they said they would look into the matter but i have heard nothing from them since, despite emailing them 3 more times, is there anything else i can do as im very concerned that this man could well be assaulting other women. (EM - 7.9.08) **** Back in June 2008 myself, my husband, my sister, her husband and daughter stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] Sha rm el Sheikh. We didn't have the best of holidays. Firstly our room smelt of raw sewage, the hotel was not what it was as described on the internet 4plus rating and most importantly 4 days before we were due to come home there was a serious fire in a hotel room 3 doors down from hours, none of the staff knew what to do, my husband ended up dragging a member of staff out of the room and putting the fire out, another guest activated the fire alarm but nothing happened. We were told not to alarm people and to leave them in there rooms. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] are saying it was my husbands choice to help as we are seeking for our money back as our holiday was ruined. Would you be able to help me with the current fire regulations in Egypt? We did meet with a [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] resort manager in Egypt and he promised a full investigation would take place nothing has happened and i am worried that this may happen again but this time someone may lose there life. Because we have had hardly no reponse from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] we have applied to the courts for our money 93 back. We have a picture of a fire alarm point which is disconnected and witnesses. (EM - 16.10.08) **** Following a disastrous holiday at the [NAME OF HOTEL] in Konakli, Turkey in July this year, I wrote a letter of complaint to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] Holidays to say that we didn't think it was worth the money we paid. It was supposed to be all inclusive, but we had to buy our own diet drinks and ice-cream. the food was exactly the same for lunch and dinner every day (very little cholice), the beer was more off than on, the pool by the water slide was contaminated for most of our 2 week stay. There were many health and safety issues of which we have photographic evidence, including a sheer drop of about 150 foot on the 5th floor of the hotel because there was no cover on a lift shaft, and a gaping hole in the wall which led out onto the roof. We have a list of things that were unacceptable - i.e. missing shower door, no light in the apartment, no air conditioning, we paid for 2 rooms but only one was available, etc. etc. I have written twice to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] with copies of the photographs, and they apologised and have offered us £80 as a gesture of good will! We paid £2,3 56 for the 2 week holiday for myself, partner and two grandsons, which certainly was not good value for money. We had the Turkish [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] rep out to the hotel a few times during out stay and he was horrified by the things we pointed out to him. I wondered if you could advise us whether to accept the £80 or take the matter further. There were only 7 British families at the hotel, and we all have put complaints in about this hotel. I am supposed to let them know today whether or not to accept their offer of £80. (EM - 23.10.08) **** Experienced the most unruly passengers on route to Dominican Republic – [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] have advised they are not responsilbe for conduct of passengers but our argument is the situation would not have arisen had the cabin crew not continued to sell them alcohol. We were given assurance that the matter would be reported to the UK to ensure we would not endure a similiar experience on route home - matter was never reported to UK and it was until arrival at airport for journey home that we found out we wouldn't be seated next to the group. (EM - 24.10.08) **** I have been offered £100 cash for an extremely unsafe coach transfer to Gerona August. Driver was tired ,veering across carriageway on autostrada etc. Have written 2 detailed letters to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] on this. Initial compensation was £100 voucher so did get somewhere, but what really concerns me is not the amount of money but the (what I feel)disingenuousness evasiveness and lack of seriousness especially initially. I would not want anyone else to experience such a hazardous journey. I would be happy to send you copies of the extensive correspondence if you think it may be worthwhile. Thank you ! (EM 15.11.08) 94 **** someone broke into our hotel room at 2 am on sunday 11/01/09. we (me, my wife and our 18month old boy)were asleep in the room at the time. I had to force them out of the room. the management seem very apathetic at resolving this issue. (EM 12.1.09) Holiday Sickness We went on holiday last October to [NAME OF HOTEL] Turkey Whilst there two of our party were ill diareahia stomach cramps and vomiting and needed medical assistancewhich included being on an IV for over two hours. Entertainment was virtually none execistant three shows in two weeks, food was apalling and very very limted alcohol couldnt even make cocktails they were advertising. We were given the wrong rooms on arriaval this took four days to resovle after repeatingly going to see the rep. everything was reported to the htel rep at the time and a report was completed. On return to the Uk we complained to the tour op who blamed the hotel and its management. they have also recenlty said that I cannot prove that the hotel was at fualt for my and onther person in our parties illness (EM - 3.6.08) **** I have been to Teneriffe 13/5/08 to 20/5/08 and contracted food poisoning(campylobacter)fro m the hotel food where i stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] in Playa de Parasio and spent the whole holiday in bed and then in the hospital over there and have also missed three weeks off work since my return.i have written to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] over ten days ago to ask for compensation but as yet no reply from them. (EM - 11.6.08) **** Hi my boyfriend and I returned from a holiday in Sharm El Sheik on 6th May 08 with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] . We were both ill with sickness and diaorea both on holiday and on our return home. The bathroom in the hotel was of a shocking standard and the water that came from the taps yellow.....Since our return I have written to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] highlighting my concerns. I also sent them a sample of the water and photos of the room. They replied saying that no compensation would be paid as we did not complain while we were on holiday. They also tried to distance themselves from the hotel saying that its staff and hygene standards were not under their control. Can they get away with this? They have not even made any atempt in my eyes to appologise for the standard of the room (advertised as 3 star). We understand as i said that standards vary in Egypt but surely they should take this into account in their ratings? (EM - 13.6.08) **** 95 We have just returned from Turkey where my wife was ill. After visitin our own GP, a stool sample was sent, and she was diagnosed with ha ving salmonella from the sample. We are writing a letter of complaint (EM - 16.6.08) **** been to eygpt 31.5.08 for 7 nights [NAME] had the runs for 2 days,not ate nothing 2 days.when i got home on the sunday i started iam now on the 10 th day .[NAME] went back to work as he thought he was clear ,on17 .06.2008 went work returned home,@11am.not a verhappy customer (EM - 17.6.08) **** We travelled with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] from Birmingham to Bulgaria hotel ([NAME OF HOTEL]) on Monday 9th June 2008 returning on Monday 16th June 2008. Late Wednesday nght/Thursday morning I started having severe sickness and diarrhea, which subsequently stopped sufficiently for us to return home on Monday the 16th despite feelling very ill. My husband started with this complaint on the Wednesday night. Our own GP has diagnosed food poisioning......We are still suffering and taking tablets from our GP -we are not to go out into sunlight nor eat any dairy products. The holiday Rep was made aware but dismissed it! (EM 18.6.08) **** I have just returend hopme foirm Spain having stayed in a 4 star hotel namely the [NAME OF HOTEL] with my family. There was no disabled access to the pool for my disabled daughter, ther resturant was serving very poor and often cold food. The plates werte being brought pout with dried up food on them,as was the cutlery. Flower displalys above the food was so matted in dust it was falling off in the food, and to top that off there were flies in the returant landing on tables,plates food etc, simply anywhere they could land. Meat was only partly cooked and the fuit was covered in fruit fly. I have brought home a salt pop that is covered in greese outside and the inside is worse. The entertainment was mainly in spanish and of a verp poor quality. I brought this to the attentioj of the rep in resort and have made a written compalint to the travelagent [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. While away myself and my wife ate in the resturant and have been suffereing with diarohea while we were there and since we returned home. (EM - 19.6.08) **** I returned in March from a ski holiday to Austria with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. While there my companion and I noticed the odd bite flare up but weren't too sure what to make of them. Then on the plane home the itching became unbearable and we found leisons all over our bodies. We both ´saw our GP's and had it confirmed that we had been bitten by bed bugs while on holiday (up to 5 days after the bite for it to flare up accoeding to GP) We were both perscribed antibiotics and were very distressed. I have been in contact with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] regarding some form of compensation. I've sent them pics of my bites taken the day I got back and my companion has sent them a letter from her GP confirming the diagnoses. As yet 96 [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] have not offered us anyting and have sent two emails saying they are compiling a report . (EM - 21.6.08) **** We have recently come back from Bulgeria where my partner was ill with salom onela. We would like to complain as he was ill for the whole 2 weeks and had to be put aon a drip for 2 days. Please can you give me some advice. (EM - 30.6.08) **** I would greatly appreciate information concerning health and safety rules, if these exist where UK coach tours are concerned. In early April I went on a break in Scotland and a fellow passenger brought the norovirus on the coach. I can show that the coach driver knew there was a problem by the end of the first day (and ought, reasonably, to have known about it earlier). At no time did he say anything, other than that the coach toilet was blocked. Had I been informed, I would have elected to go home. I only found out when I started vomiting, etc., when the company-owned hotel told my friend I had the norovirus - i.e. they knew and had said nothing until too late. I consider I was forced into the role of victim of illness when this might have been avoided, and that the nature of the illness (an infection) comprises a nail in my coffin, given I am elderly. I still have a sore stomach and no longer feel like eating certain foods, such as eggs. I wrote to the company and received a patronising and dishonest reply. I wish to learn precisely what they ought to have done in the circumstances before writing again and, if necessary, taking the matter further. I'd really appreciate your help. (EM - 2.7.08) **** Hi there I wondered if you can tell me if there have been any enquiries about the [NAME OF HOTEL], Egypt this year. Within a week of arriving at the beginning of June, my husband went down with a very debilitating tummy bug which continued throughout the rest of the holiday and for two weeks after returning. He went to his g.p. where a stool sample was taken and was told it was ecoli. I had the same bug but it wasn't nearly as bad as my husband. The holiday was taken with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and am just curious to know whether others had experienced the same thing. I look forward to hearing from you. (EM - 3.7.08) **** i traveled to egypt 1/6/08-8/6/08 i stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] sharm the 2nd night there i got food poisoning i was given antibiotics their but was still suffering upon return home so went to gp at home who gave me more but still not recovered it is now 4wks iafter which is a real concern so what do you suggest i do next (EM 3.7.08) **** I am finding it very difficult to claim back money from a holiday me and my girlfriend had recently at the above hotel. I have letters I've sent to [MAJOR TOUR 97 OPERATOR], who have then palmed me off to a solicitors and are basically not listening to any of my comments. We have medical reports that state the horrible illness we both had on holiday is airborne and the same is happening to a lot of people a ridiculous amount. The hotel has a serious problem. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] have recently had to settle another load of claims based around this same problem (at the same hotel) which date back to 2000-2002! Surely this is gross negligence? I have letters and other correspondance i can email for you to read if you like. But firstly, how do i stand, given what you probably already know about this hotel's issues? (EM - 5.7.08) **** Hi,my family and i have returned from Egypt where we spent 2 weeks at Sharm El Sheik at the [NAME OF HOTEL]. I had my mother,2 sons and partner with me and we were all affected by an illness with symptoms ranging from severe daihorrea,sickness,muscle and joint pain and feeling really unwell.I am at home now but we are all mostly still suffering symptoms with my partner being admitted to hospital and both of us having to be off work for the past fortnight.My partner and 2 sons also had Henna tattoos done inside a shop within the grounds of our hotel but they have swollen up and are badly inflammed and leaking fluids,not very nice at all as i think they will be scarred for life.I would appreciate any guidance from anyone.My partner has been to a doctor and hospital,i was supposed to but i cant afford anymore time off work.Thanks. (EM - 5.7.08) **** My daughter and I have just returned from a week holiday in Tenerife at the [NAME OF HOTEL], through T[MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. We paid over £1,100 for a 4* half board deal. We arrived Fri 27th, and by evening of Sat 28th I had severe gastroenteritis, the doctor had to be called, I receved an injection and she said it was due to something I had eaten. By Monday, my daughter also had gastro enteritis, and was admitted to hospital and put on a drip and medication. I stayed with her as she is only 16. She was not released till the afternoon of Wed 2nd July, and was in bed in the hotel all Thurs. We returned home Friday. Therefore we did not have a holiday, and suffered a severe and distressing illness. She is pregant, and even thought she would loose the baby. We had only eaten in the hotel prior to my illness, and she only ate there whilst I was ill, before she became ill. This can only have been contracted in the hotel. I have medical receipts, and I informed the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] rep when she was in hosptial, I also informed them of my illness as we had to cancel a trip. I am most resentful of the waste of £1,100 in the holiday costs. My insurance has dealt with medical costs, but do I have a claim against Thomsons for the holiday costs? (EM - 7.7.08) **** We arrived on 18/5/2008 after a just short flight delay, the hotel looked impressive and the weather was great. The next two days were excellent and we looked forward to the rest of the week, It was a bit annoying that the two times we went to the [FACILITY] we were hassled by the reps from [TIMESHARE COMPANY] standing at the gate between the two. On the Tuesday at 11pm my son started to 98 vomit and became very weak. We presumed he might have had to much to eat and thought he would get better. On the Wednesday my wife started vomiting and my son had also developed diarrhoea. I reported it to the rep and we filled a form in, he said they would get someone to sterilise the room, my wife was in the room the whole time and no one turned up even after I went to hospital with my son. My wife had the same symptoms as my son but seemed to get better by Friday, my son was so weak by now all he could do was be sick and sleep so I took him to the doctors who sent us to the recommended hospital. My daughter told us there were children being sick in the kids club as well The hospital was awful because hardly anyone spoke English and they kept asking me to leave the room while they took blood or tried in vain to get a drip connected to his arm while he screamed for his daddy. I stayed the rest of the day and my wife took over for the evening shift. A welfare lady came and told my wife she would get a meal and some drink. Nothing ever turned up and she was left alone until nurses burst in tat 9pm telling her to leave the room while they took more blood as my son screamed for his mummy. We spoke to other families at the hospital who told us their children had the same symptoms as ours. I returned the next day and together we waited until 11pm without seeing anyone at which point I went downstairs and was told the doctor would come when all the other patients had been seen. The doctor came up and said if he kept his food down he could go. They gave us some food at about 2pm and said he could go at 2.10pm. I returned to the hotel at about 3.40pm and my wife and I said we would make the last day on the Sunday special. We went to break fast in the morning but my daughter could not eat a she had stomach pains, we returned to the room and she lay on the bed and slept. She awoke and was sick everywhere shortly followed by diarrhoea. I thanked god that I had paid for late checkout when there was a knock at door telling us she was cleaning the room as we were leaving. After two visits to the reception and the rep it was finally agreed that we had indeed paid for late checkout. I went down to get some food at about 1pm for the well members of my family but was told that all inclusive finished at 12pm. In the brochure that I have in front of me that I used when booking it clearly says that all inclusive finishes at midnight on the day of departure. The brochure is November 2007 to October 2008 first edition, it is on page 50 under the sub heading drink. Having read the letter you have sent to me stating that it finishes at 12.00pm I have enclosed a photocopy of the page in the brochure that you printed. Clearly stating that it finishes at midnight. The whole holiday was ruined as I ended up sitting alone at mealtimes or sitting with my daughter, it was not my idea of romance sitting with a 6 year old on romantic night. I was told rather glibly by the rep that there were a lot more cases the week before and after speaking to guests who had been there the previous week they confirmed there had been a lot of sickness. The rep said it was like the virus that hit the cruise boat and had been brought over by someone from the united kingdom. Why were we not warned about this epidemic and the hotel closed to allow for proper cleansing to take place. I have read about holiday parks that get similar outbreaks and are closed for weeks while they clean, I understand this is the start of the busy season but guests health should have come first. (EM 7.7.08) **** we stayed in [NAME OF HOTEL] sharm el sheik from12th june to 24th june, my son was unwell by 13th with diar rhea, stomach cramps and feeling sick all the holiday, by 99 the sat my husband was unwell by sun I was unwell, on the last day my daughter ate a burger she was on the toilet within half an hour with diarrheathen again at the airport and feeling sick tummy cramps then when she got home they are still not quite better, six times in the eleven days we were there was diarrhea in the pool. the drinks were warm the ice cream was always melted, the pool had scum marks all round the edge and a fiilm of stuff on the top often the pools were not clean, the food didnt look cooked sometimes I could go on but Im very disappointed I wont go back to egypt it has put me off for life (EM - 7.7.08) **** We have just got back from the Holiday [NAME OF HOTEL] Egypt, holiday period June 23rd - July 7th 2008. Out of a party of 17, 12 became ill with the same illness stomach cramps and diarrhoea, also when you spoke to other holiday makers the same illness was effecting them. Out of the 14 days i was ill for 10 days this did ruin the holiday for me as you had to stay near an avalible toilet most of the time. (EM 9.7.08) **** After only ONE day and having only ONE evening meal and one breakfast I became very ill with diarrohea and vomiting sickness. This was reported immediately to the hotel clinic located at the hotel for the apparently regular cases. I spoke to the assistant doctor.The doctor was not on site at this time so I decided to go straight away to the local pharmacy shop and get some medication for my distressing symptoms. I received some Antidel medication and some other medication and salt tablets, which I proceeded to take as prescribed. Unfortunately, my symptoms did not alleviate immediately and I had severe illness for several days and could not eat almost at all although I did eat some bread and water as I was advised to do so. It is my opinion that the hotel food caused this illness. Which has obviously ruined my holiday. Additionally, you need to be aware that there is a serious situation here at this hotel and there are an alarming number of people with the same symptoms some on drips and actually one evening a person was carried out of the dining room vomiting. This situation is serious and I have spoken to the doctor and his assistant about this and they have both agreed that it is not acceptable ,although when I asked how many people where getting ill they refused to comment, but the doctor did say he was very concerned about the situation. I talked to several people in the hotel and it seemed that the people that were only bed and breakfast were ok and no problems ,although admittedly I am no expert but this does warrant serious investigation. It is important that you know that I also had a private meeting with hotel manager about this situation but of course he would not admit liability and made excuses of the different climate conditions and eating cold and hot fluids which upset the stomach. However, I totally refute this and suggest he is avoiding the serious situation. I firmly believe that this is now a serious Health and Safety Issue and should be reported to the relevant Health and Safety Executive who deals with this. (EM - 9.7.08) **** 100 I stayed in the Red Sea [NAME OF HOTEL] for 14 nights from the 19 May 2008 and all of my family wer e poorly, their were also other issues. I took up my complaint with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and they offered me £260 holiday voucher which i rejected - can you help me take it further, I have attached the 2 letters i have sent to first choice, there last response was to say no other compensation will be awarded and I am free to pursue by alternative means if I wish. HOW CAN TRAVEL COMPANIES GET AWAY WITH THIS (EM - 10.7.08) **** We just returned from the Dominican Republic where we stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL in Punta Can a. Everything about it from the cleanliness to the food quality was appalling and we were ill throughout our stay there. Despite several complaints to the on site management team there was no resolution or apology made and we are seeking advice on how to claim compensation. In addition one of us suffered a knee injury that required hospital treatment. The injury was caused due to slipping on wet paint around the pool area that was not signed. A copy of the email we sent to the Excellence is attached. (EM - 10.7.08) **** i have just returned from Sharm el sheikh and throughout the whole ten days i was ill with Diarrhoea. it wasnt until i consulted my own gp that it came to light that i have salmonella, the whole holiday was ruined and the full inclusive deal was a waste of money for me personally, my partner suffered aswell but my daughter did not suffer at all, but she did not eat any of the food we had ie: salad's and fruit. I have been off work a full two weeks now and am awaiting more lab results of samples i have submitted. Can you advise me if i will be able to get compensation from my travel operators [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]? (EM - 10.7.08) **** booked through [MAJOR TRAVEL AGENCY] a [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] we stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] in sharm egypt 15th - 26th june we arrived late about 10pm but still managed to get evening buffet style food unfortunately myself and partner then became very ill with sickness, diarrhoea, hot/cold sweats and severe stomach cramps this went on for about 5 days stayed in room most of it needed to consently be near a toilet! we did get some tablets from the pharmacy opposite the hotel 1 for sickness and 1 for dehydration which did hep. didnt eat or drink in hotel slowly got a bit better. went to cario got back very late so we thought we would order room service safer option i had plain pizza and was ok [NAME] ordered a chicken dish and through the night he was so sick to the point of almost passing out! 3 days he was back in bed again i was worried sick about him because we are both very healthy people that are never ill. i informed the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] rep and she said that she gets this complaint all the time but other than going to doctors she couldnt do anything else!! we spoke to many english at the hotel and everyone who went all inclusive was poorly sometime of there holiday it is a serious problem and do not except to pay good money for a 5 star hotel to get so ill. we have been back almost two weeks and still slight sickness and stomach pains not able to eat some foods.thought it would go away but hasnt so i have a doctors 101 appt on monday. could you please give me some advice on who i complain to and what to do next. many thanks (EM - 12.7.08) **** a sickness bug that affected our children at the [NAME OF HOTEL] Costa Del Sol in Benalmadena in May (EM - 14.7.08) **** my wife and i have just returned from malta .we stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] in mellieha. on the day of fl ight home i became ill gradually getting worse when home. i had a test done at the g.p to discover i have e coli 0157 has anyone else reported this to you (EM - 14.7.08) **** Hi i recently came back from Egypt on June 29th and had a very bad experience w ith my tour company/booking company [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] .I have E mailed them and they responded to say sorry about my troubles but that is all they have done.Can anyone help as my partner and i were ill when we were there and had to be moved from [NAME OF HOTEL] in Nabq Bay to [NAME OF HOTEL] in Naama Bay because the hotel was inhospitable and had several basic problems and shouldn't have even been advertised. Many thanks (EM - 14.7.08) **** We travelled to [NAME OF HOTEL] in Egypt on May 16th on return both my wife and myself were ill. after tests we both had gastrointeritis and had to have time off work on our return, still not 100% (EM - 16.7.08) **** I HAVE COME BACK FROM THE [NAME OF HOTEL] IN TURKEY. WHILST OUT THERE MY 3 CHILDREN WERE ILL WITH TUMMY BUGS, BEING SI CK AND NOT EATING FOR 4 DAYS. I HAVE COME HOME ILL, AND FOR 8 DAYS NOW I DONT SEEM TO BE GETTING BETTER. I HAVE BEEN TO THE DOCTOR WHO SAID THIS COULD GO ON FOR 21 DAYS. WHAT CAN I DO? I HAVE ALRAEDY SENT IN A COMPLAINT TO [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] AND FILLED OUT THE STOMACH UPSET FORMS WHILST OUT THERE (EM 18.7.08) **** my son and partner with there 2 daughters, and 2 best friends who went to be wit nesses went to sri lanka to get married,they had a very bad start as they had problems with there flight which after flying around for4 hrs,to burn off fuel had a 20 hr delay, they were put in wrong room when they first arrived as there were no beds for the children, . my son and his friend also there youngest daughter 2years old , had severe sickness and diarrhoea, my grandaughter had to go into hospital not 102 sure how long, there was alot of other guestsaffected also . the hotel mnager was apparetly beaten up by local people and was in hospital for 4/5 days , they could'nt swim in the sea as it was too rough , this is all i know at the moment but im sure my daghter- in law will give a more detailed list , but were not sure how to go on with trying o get some sort of compensation as this was supposed to be a wedding and honeymoon , which turned out to be a big expense for a very upsetting time (EM 19.7.08) **** HI my son became ill with fever, diarrhoea, sickness etc whilst on our second wee k at the [NAME OF HOTEL] Turkey (AI) since returning home he has had to have two and half weeks off of school & we have since found out he had salmonella poisoning. I have put a complaint forward to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] but don't really know where we stand with regards to compensation. 4 other people in the party also had some form of the same thing only lasting a day, but we did not report these people. My son ended up in hospital in Turkey. (EM - 21.7.08) **** I stayed at [NAME OF HOTEL], taba egypt 12-19 july. During stay contracted ? food poisoning. No real response from hotel or travel company. Virtually everyone on trip was also ill with people collapsing and requiring IV fluids. Several were told it was the 'heat'. Is there any group action concerning this. I see that it was aslo an issue in April. I will be writing to complain to hotel and company but any info from you gratefully received. I have seen GP on return. Thanks (EM - 21.7.08) **** food poisoning after staying at [NAME OF HOTEL] egypt 25th may2008 -1st june 2008 contacted [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] on r eturn told it needs to be proven bacterial.stool sample was checked given antibiotics after four days due to severity gp had never heard of the poisoning i had contracted but hospital advised antibiotics for 2 months can be contracted from turkey or eggs or poor hygiene. (EM - 25.7.08) **** My family and I have just returned from the [NAME OF HOTEL]l on 23/07 and we have all suffered stomach cramps,diarrhea,lack of appetite etc for the full two weeks.My wife and son incurred medical bills for over £800 between them.Can you contact me soon as possible please? (EM - 25.7.08) **** Returned from the [NAME OF HOTEL] ([NAME OF MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]) in Turkey on July 1st 2008. Suffered with dreadful gastric complaint upon arrival home - now confirmed as salmonella. What action should I take? I be;eive that this is not the first time the hotel has poisened guests. (EM - 25.7.08) **** 103 On the third day of my holiday, in which the only food/drink consumed had been in the hotel, I became extremely ill with the above. Please see my bill/medical report. We visited the onsite doctor/clinic within hours of my illness starting. The doctor took my blood pressure, which had substantially dropped (50/80) and I was recommended that I need immediate medical attention due to this and the fact that I had been vomiting for the last 9 hours. The medication/treatment prescribed has been listed on my bill. As I only ate in the hotel I can only assume that this was the cause. I did question the doctor further about this, but he would not accept liability and put it down to the change in climate condition. I explained how I had never experienced this in any other country, and found this reason very unlikely. Again he just said it is down to the climate. (EM - 28.7.08) **** WE ARE A PARTY OF 6 ADULTS & 1 CHILD WHO TRAVELLED TO THE [NAME OF HOTEL] ON 3/7/08 F OR 2 WEEKS.WE WERE ALL STRUCK DOWN WITH DIARRHOEA AND INTENSE STOMACH PAIN.IMMODIUM PLUS DID NOTHING TO EASE THE SUFFERING AND WE HAD TO PURCHASE DROTAZIDE & STREPTOQUIN @ £15 PER PERSON TO EASE THE PROBLEMS,HOWEVER WE ARE STILL SUFFERING 2 WEEKS AFTER WE RETURNED.PLEASE ADVISE AT YOUR CONVENIENCE. (EM - 31.7.08) **** I would like to make a complaint about my holiday to Sharm El Sheilk. Ref [NUMBER]. The main complaints are noted below, please note that none of these were resolved. 1. I suffered diarrhoea & stomach cramps for 12 days, my wife and children also suffered these symptoms 2. Poor food quality. 3. Not a 4* hotel. 4. I witnessed unhygienic procedures in the restaurant. 5. Hassel from hotel staff by the pool side. 6. Ampitheartre not child or elderly friendly. 7. Electric bikes going to fast and dangerous, this was on a path which had to be crossed to access the beach. 8. Holiday was mis sold as there was a lot of extras not included in the all inclusive package. 9. Bear wire in the light switch which was located in the kids room. 10. My daughter cut her foot twice on the pool floor, there was no evidence of any sharp objects. I believe it was poor workmanship when the pool was tiled. 11. Was served raw and under cooked meat on three occasion. 12. Restaurant was like a cattle market and at times it was mayhem. I paid £3500 for this holiday and was a looking for a relaxing time as my wife is recovering from cancer. This was the worst holiday I have ever had. After 2 or 3 days I spoke to a rep to see about flights to come home. She informed me that it would cost me £700, which I couldn't afford. To say me and my family were unhappy is an understatement. We paid alot of money and were in need of a good holiday and what we got was illness and hassel. I look forward to hearing your responce regarding this complaint. (EM - 2.8.08) **** Came back from two weeks holiday 05/07/08 - 19/07/08 and my family had been sick during that period. At no time did the Hotel inform us of any Novo-Virus or offer us 104 any alternative accomodation we had to seek Doctor's advice and also spent time in the Hotel Room. We beleieve you are dealing with this case. (EM - 4.8.08) **** my wife,my son and I returned from a trip to egypt. first week was excellant a trip down the nile. 2nd week was poor my wife and son were ill with food poisening and my wife was almost too ill to travel home. the tour operators [TOUR OPERATOR] have replied to my letter of complaint saying this was due to heat etc i would like to discuss this further and see what compensation we can try to get. (EM - 5.8.08) **** myself and my family have recently returned from a holiday in sharm el s heikh we stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] , during the holiday and weeks after the majority of us have suffered with illness, which includes severe stomach cramps and diarrohea and sickness, i have been to my g.p and provided a sample which has come back as positive for shighella, which i beleive is a form of dysentry, we also as a result of this test have been contacted by the local environmetal health dept , to confirm the origin of the bug, which has pretty much been isolated to the resort we stayed at. i would like to know what my rights are as overall we had a miserable holiday and could not enjoy the all inclusive package and facilities as we were mostly bed/room bound !!!! (EM - 5.8.08) **** re, [NAME OF HOTEL] costa del sol. visited 6th july-20th july 2008, 2 kids and 2 adults suffered stomach cramps, frequent visited to toilet with youngest quite sick and still being sick now at home. Advised to contact youreselves (EM - 8.8.08) **** On the 27 June 2008 we travelled to Costa Rica with your company to undertake for 1 week the grand tour of Costa Rica followed for 1 week by a stay in an all inclusive 4 * hotel the [NAME OF HOTEL] copies of the booking invoice enclosed. On Friday 4 July 2008 I and my two sons fell ill with sickness and diarrhoea which was so violent and catastrophic that my one son was admitted to hospital on the 8 July 2008 overnight in an attempt to control some of the symptoms. My husband was the only one that was fit enough to accompany my son to hospital although he also felt ill during the same time period but symptoms only became worse for him on the 9 July 2008. As all meals and drinks were provided on the tour we feel that the illness was caused by the food we ate in the last hotel of the tour the [NAME OF HOTEL], Tortuguero, Limon Province, Costa Rica. The standard of hygiene in the hotel concerning the food was poor, no food was covered and flies were over the food at all meals. Out of 20 people attending the tour 10 people had the same symptoms and illness with 2 admitted to hospital (1 being my son). 2 others had milder symptoms which amounted to 12 people in total out of twenty who became ill that amounts to 60 % of the people on the tour or taken as family groups 6 out of 8 groups affected 75% which is pretty significant. A list of the people affected by illness due to food at the [NAME OF HOTEL] is attached to this letter. The whole 105 of the second week of our holiday was spent in our rooms with no food or drink other than water and was completely spoilt. We cannot have contracted this illness in the UK due to the timescales involved and after return to the UK a week later we are still ill and have had to undertake tests for which we are awaiting results and consult a UK doctor and been unable to attend work, a copy of my sick note is included (the boys as students didn’t need one and my husband self certificated for 2 days). Had this been a hotel in this country a full environmental health inspection would have been initiated by these results. Our holiday has been completely ruined by this and although we understand that most travellers will pick up some form of mild diarrhoea for which you take appropriate medicine on holiday for these eventualities this has been extreme and proprietary medicines from the UK had no effect on this illness. We managed to talk to your representative at the hotel [NAME] on several occasions who has full details of the problems and I enclose his completed report sheets about the problems and copies of the medical diagnosis and expenses incurred when my son was admitted to hospital. The week in an all inclusive hotel should have been peaceful and restful with all that we wanted to eat and drink for a week, not once were we able to enjoy a drink or the food or any of the facilities on offer. The plane journey home was awful and I had to buy extra leg room seats which negated our group seating payment so that we could sit up and forward for when we were sick. Additionally the hotel is listed in your brochure as a 4 Star and after a week being in a hotel room I feel that the 4 star rating in your brochure is inaccurate. The furniture in the rooms was dirty with dirty headboards and chest of drawers, the sides of the furniture was expanded and split and the cleanliness of the rooms left a lot to be desired. The couple of times that one of us managed to get down to the restaurant area to get water the area smelt so badly of sewage especially after rain that there was an obvious problem with the drains on site. Had we felt well enough we would have photographed the poor state of the rooms as evidence but in our ill state that was beyond us. The hotel at best is 3 * possibly a 2*+ but definitely not 4*. We also feel that your tropical brochure is inaccurate as it leads you to believe that you can walk on the beach at Tortuguero were the turtles lay and then gives the times of year for hatching and laying implying that you can see this, yet the beach is closed at 6 pm and you are arrested if you set foot on it after that time and if you want to see turtles you have to pay locally which amounted to $80 for 4 people. To summarise we feel that we should be recompensed for a full week for 4 people having a week of their holiday ruined and being unable to enjoy any of the facilities food and drink on offer in what was clearly not a 4 star hotel, the extra payment for leg room seats at $240 and the loss of group seating at £40 (4 @ £10 each way) and the $80 turtle watching. I look forward to a speedy resolution to these matters and hearing from you. (EM - 8.8.08) **** Hi , I stayed at holiday [NAME OF HOTEL] Can Picafort on 15 July for one week .I had very bad sickness for 3 weeks after i came home , my both sons were sick for about 2 weeks . I have just regained my appetite and have lost 10 pounds in weight. Could you give me any advice (EM - 12.8.08) **** 106 After returning from Benidorm, Spain at 11pm Sunday 3rd August, i became seriously poorly starting at midnight on this day, worsening throughout the followin week.the emergancy doctor was contacted on Tuesday evening, i also saw my doctor on Thursday, and attended A&E Thursday evening. blood and stool samples were taken and have come back confirming i had Campylobacter. My doctor has informed the Environmental Health today, advising me to inform......... [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR], who i booked my holiday with. Environmental Health are very sure that i got this from food in my hotel, [NAME OF HOTEL]. [MAJOE TOUR OPERATOR] were not at all helpful and were abrupt with me, tellling me that until this is in writing to them, they cannot do anything. Due to this illness i have sofar lost a weeks earnings from work. I would be very grateful to hear from you about this matter, and if you have been informed of anyone else staying at this hotel, with similar illnesses. (EM - 14.8.08) **** I am writing to you on advice from my local authority's Environmental Health Services. My husband recently returned from a business trip to Karachi, Pakistan. He stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] in Karachi. As this was his 3rd business trip there in 2 months he decided to only eat at the hotel's restaurants. On previous occassions eating elsewhere had made him feel ill. However, on his last trip he came home with Shigella Food Poisoning which he picked up at the hotel. He is now better, but he did have to go to A&E and was put on a course of antibiotics. (EM 14.8.08) **** This we believe was the main cause of guests illnesses which included diarrhoea and sickness and unfortunately for some guests, a trip to the local hospital was essential. I was bedridden for two days with diarrhoea and constipation. [NAME] offered to take me to hospital but we had taken our own medication and felt that at the time it would be enough. I was able to leave the room after two days but I was not in full health for the rest of the holiday and was very cautious of eating most of the hotel food and drank mainly water. This completely ruined our evenings as we both like to have a few alcoholic beverages but were unable to do so. As of today's date I am still suffering from diarrhoea and stomach cramps. Food was extremely basic and repetitive. All food was left open to the elements. Flies crawled all over it and birds managed to get at the hot plates and peck at the food. This left the food, in our opinion, inedible. Within the first 3 days both my wife and myself found hairs in our food. Our diet therefore consisted of pasta, soup and bread for almost the entire fortnight as we felt that these were the safest things to eat. On some occasions we braved the chicken where we found parts undercooked. Beef on the other hand was overcooked and difficult to digest and even cut!. With regard to plates and cutlery, unless you arrived for your meals early, you would struggle to get either. The staff were sometimes rude and laughed at you when you asked for a plate or knife and fork and then they would only bring a limited supply which obviously went very quickly (EM - 14.8.08) **** 107 I have been to sharm el sheikh, egypt and have had salmonella from eating in the [NAME] resturant on the [NAME OF HOTEL] complex. (EM - 15.8.08) **** My husband and I stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] Cayo Coco in Cuba between 2nd and 17th July an d although we enjoyed our holiday we both suffered with severe problems with our stomachs. We spoke to quite a few guests who were also suffering. On my return to the UK I received a telephone call from the tour operator [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] asking me whether we had enjoyed our holiday - to which I replied that we did apart from not being very well for a few days during the holiday. They asked me to elaborate and told me that someone would be contacting me and then about a week later we received a cheque from them for £500 in full and final settlement of the inconvenience caused to us. To say we were astonished is an understatement as we didn't complain but merely told [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] about the situation during the telephone call. I am very curious to know what problem occurred at this hotel for the tour operator to give compensation without complaint - it must be something very serious. I would be most obliged to you if you could possibly throw some light on this situation for me. (EM - 15.8.08) **** On the 28 July’08 I had really had enough by this point as the past 4/5 days had been spent in the room as one of us was constantly on the toilet, I went down to see [NAME] the representative and advised him I wanted to make a complaint regarding the virus that was raging around the hotel and nothing was being done to control this. At this point [NAME] turned around and told me that there had been no other reports of any virus (bug) going around the hotel, I knew this was untrue as I had spoken to a rep several days prior and asked them information about the nearest chemist, he told me unless someone fills in a form then its not officially logged. The reps must have been walking around with their eyes closed if they where unaware of any illness around the hotel as you had people being vomiting in the restaurant, children being changed by the pool due to sever diaoreah (on one occasion there was a five year old boy wearing a nappy as he couldn’t control his diaoreah) and Vomit on the floor of the main bar. When I was sat at the desk filling the forms out there where three other ladies there complaining there where members of their family ill with the same symptoms so don’t tell me they weren’t aware of the situation. (EM - 17.8.08) **** I require help following a recent nightmare trip i had in Barcelona. Im trying to find out who i need to contact to prevent any further people staying in the apartment i stopped in. The boiler at the apartment is faulty and as a result myself and 5 friends suffered carbon monoxide poisoning and one of my friends being so bad she had a seizure. All we are worried about is further people stopping in the apartment and not being as lucky as us to escape in time. Could you advise who i need to contact in Barcelona to get someone to investigate this (EM - 20.8.08) 108 **** I was admitted to hospital for 1 day in Bavaro and given antibiotics and an IV infusion for dehydration associated with vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. The hotel was the [NAME OF HOTEL] and was all inclusive, therefore I did not eat anywhere else to pick up this problem. I was admitted on the 5th day of the holiday. Can I claim compensation? (EM - 21.8.08) **** i returned from egypt [NAME OF HOTEL] on 21st august and have been ill ever since with fever and the runs with severe stomach cramps (EM - 24.8.08) **** just returned from 2 weeks in [NAME OF HOTEL] sharm el sheikh with my fiance. serious stomach pains and diahorea since day 3! sti ll have pains and diahorea now, we've been home for 3 days. Hotel was dirty, bars and food areas unclean and full of flies. Food was not covered properly and mostly served luke warm. (EM - 27.8.08) **** We stayed @ [NAME OF HOTEL] in Red Sea from 7th til 14th August this year. All 5 of the party suffered serious diarrhoea and vomiting throughout the holiday,and both my husband and i had to recieve antibiotics from the doctor on return to the U.K. We have written a letter of complaint to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and to date we have had no reply. (EM - 31.8.08) **** My family and i 6 in total all went to the [NAME OF HOTEL] in Torremolinos in February 2008. This was a family holiday away to get away from every thing as my oldest daughter and her fiance had lost baby twin girls born at 23 weeks in January. We had only been at the hotel a couple of days when i went down with Violent Vomiting and Dhiaoria and stomach cramps the vomiting and diahrea started at 12.45am and last until 10.30am the cramps were unbelieveable. The hotel were blaming it on the hospital bug back in the united kingdom. i have never been so ill in all my life and would not go back to this hotel again. There were only two out of the six that did not suffer (EM - 1.9.08) **** I have currently have friends, husband, wife and 2 children aged 9 & 8, staying at [NAME OF HOTEL] in Sarig erme. they arrived on friday and they are there for 2 weeks. They are experiencing very bad stomach upsets and the 8 year old has got an ear infection. They have compalined to the rep but have had no joy. As they are there for 2 weeks they are unsure of the best course of action to take and your advice would be appriecated. (EM - 1.9.08) **** 109 Saturday 7th June-whilst in the dining room for evening meal my husband became quite ill, he had not yet eaten but we had to leave the room as he was becomingly increasingly ill and as I work for Emergency Services I was aware this was not good. However, after some fresh air he felt a little better but had become extremely weak and wanted to sleep. We returned to our room at approx 7pm (Room 212) and he immediately started with violent diarrhoea. This continued throughout the night and he was beginning to dehydrate. By 9pm I too had become very ill, and had both D&V. By 2.30am we had no water left in our room and we were desperately ill and in danger of serious dehydration. [HOTEL NAME] offers no water in rooms, All Inclusive and you can’t have water? I managed to get to reception at 3am and ask for water, the young man on reception informed me the bars and dining room were locked and therefore he could source none for me. My only alternative I was told was to go outside to find some! At 3am, lone female, and very ill? However, this man did recognise how ill I was and actually gave me a bottle of his own water. Sunday 8th June-No sleep the night before, exhausted, and now I am suffering from rectal bleeding due to the severity of the diarrhoea. Both still suffering from D&V and have not eaten for almost 48 hours. Did not move out of room all this day or night. Had to say in bed. Monday 9th June-My birthday and the reason for this holiday. Had to stay in bed, so weak. My husband by now was starting to feel a little better and went outside to buy water and plain biscuits to try and build up our strength. Evening- able to go outside and try to eat. We could not face the dining room; the smell was resulting in further nausea for both of us. We decided to try and eat elsewhere and paid 40 euros for a meal neither of us could tolerate. Tuesday 10th June- By this time, between us we had lost 18 of the AI meals we had paid for. Not to mention drinks. At the hotel on this date, we contacted your representative immediately, but said he could not satisfactorily resolve our complaint in the resort. He had no interest whatsoever in our illness, and said not to worry, it would pass and it was not in the hotel, but was airborne in the vicinity. He did take our room number and how many were in our party and how many had become ill. He then offered me some painkillers as I had developed excruciating pain in my right side. Big mistake! He should not have done this. His attitude was shocking, he did not want to know about anything other than the young girls arriving at the hotel and propping up the bar at the [NAME OF BAR]. He was rarely sober and spent most of his time larking about or on Facebook in the hotel foyer. Thursday 19th June- Departure day. I had a very painful journey home and my D&V started again in Palma airport which was both humiliating and upsetting. My pain had become increasingly worse and my husband had to struggle with our luggage alone as I was almost unable to walk. The added distance from Birmingham airport added to my discomfort and by this time I was very upset and very fed up. Friday 20th June- I see my GP who is horrified when he sees me. He diagnoses that my body had gone into shock, my muscles were in spasm and I had some damage through the projectile vomiting, to my kidney as there was a presence of blood in my urine. My GP was also disgusted that I had not been informed of the cause or the strain of virus to enable him to treat me effectively. I am also aware that Public Health Inspectors visited the hotel twice and yet [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] still kept on sending guests out there. 110 Monday 21st July- I arrive at work at 8am and I am in excruciating pain again, at 9am I am transported to hospital by ambulance, canulated and given morphine. I have X Rays and an ultrasound and I am admitted for over a week. During this period I am given strong antibiotics and Tramadol (a morphine based painkiller). By this point I have lost 10lb in body weight, I am unable to tolerate food and my pain is increasing. Friday 25th July- Released from hospital with more painkillers and further antibiotics and a note for 4 weeks off work. Also, an appointment to the Renal Unit at the [NAME] Hospital in [NAME OF TOWN]. Saturday 26th July- Suffer a serious reaction to antibiotics and painkillers, body covered in hives and terrible constant itching of the skin. Stop taking these tablets and suffer the pain until my appointment in [NAME OF TOWN]. Friday 8th August- Renal Clinic, [NAME OF TOWN]. Described my illness to the Specialist Registrar, who then asked me if I had been abroad recently. She carried out various blood and microbiology tests and prescribed antibiotics again (a different type) and painkillers for a further 2 weeks. Appointment made for 2 weeks. Friday 22nd August- Renal Clinic [NAME OF TOWN]. Met with same Dr who informed me the virus I had contracted, and in her opinion whilst on my holiday at [NAME OF HOTEL], was still with me and was the reason I was not progressing towards good health. Prescribed antibiotics for yet another 2 weeks and given a further appointment for Friday 5th September. It was in this consultation I was informed that the bug I had was none other than E Coli and as I had not eaten any beef whilst out there, it was presumed to be from the water. (EM - 2.9.08) **** My Partner and I returned from our holiday on 15th August. For over a week we both suffered fro m servier upset stomaches and stomache cramps which continued on our return. A report was not made to the reps on the resort due to their attitude and miss handling of this and other issues with our selves and other holiday makers Since coming back we have discovered that alot of people have suffered the same or worse, and need guidance on the situation (EM - 3.9.08) **** Stayed in [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] ([NAME OF HOTEL] hotel) [NAME OF RESORT] Turkey from july 28th---11 th August been ill since I returned (3weeks) have a copy of microbioligy report saying I have salmonella.what do I do now? (EM 3.9.08) **** I have just returned from the [NAME OF HOTEL] in [NAME OF RESORT], Turkey. Like the majority of people staying there, we too have suffered food poisoning. Can you help and advise with regards to my complaints letter. We returned on Monday 1st Sept, after a 1 week stay. (EM - 4.9.08) **** 111 hi we have stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] turkey 25th aug to the 2nd sept on the orange side me and my family came down with the dreadful bug of sickness n diarhea and very painful tummy cramps were still ill now wat a hloiday from hell we av sent stools off to docs and wrote a letter of comlaint to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] demanding my money bk pls advise me further on wat we shud do many thanx (EM - 4.9.08) **** I have been to majotca recently and was diagnosed with Cryptosporid ium when i came back. I have been seen by a GP and by the [NAME OF TOWN] council, and was very ill for a prolonged amount of time and i am still feeling the effects. Due to my diabetes, i have been effected very bad and my sugar levels have been very eratic and up and down since. I am still feeling ill and it has been 2 months since, so i would like to know what action i can take. thankyou very much. (EM - 5.9.08) **** I was given your details by the local Environmental Health officer.Very briefly, travell ed to Kusadasi,Turkey with my family and stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] 5 star hotel all inclusive. The hotel has absolutely no Health,Hygiene or Safety in place. I have taken photographs of various issues in question. I was the only one who developed severe abdominal pains & diarrohea on the day before returning to the U.K. On return, my GP sent a stool sample for analysis to the hospital where it was confirmed I had Salmonella. (EM - 05.9.08) **** We became ill as did many of the guests during the first couple of days of our holiday.The doctor had to be called in to both my wife and myself 3 times, costing us €70, we were given injections to help ease the intense pain we felt in our stomachs, and to help with the vomiting, we were confined to our room due to being too ill to go out. (EM - 5.9.08) **** We holiday'd at the [NAME OF HOTEL], Sharm El Sheik August 7th to 21st and we were all ill with stomach pains, the runs, etc. Additionally both my husband and daughter had ear infections and I had a throat virus, and my son and I had a cough (EM - 5.9.08) **** Went to the [NAME OF HOTEL] in July, both me and my partner were very ill with stomach bugs whilst we were there and my partner had to have antibiotics when he returned, the place was filty and took pictures of the mould on the tables and the food very poor sent a letter of complaint but they are just thanking me for my comments. what shall I do? (EM - 8.9.08) **** 112 Wanting some advice on how i can complain about my holiday and advise other people about the hotel i stayed at. Contracted Cryptosporidium during the second week and was due to go back to work on 1st September but had to take a futher week off work due to the illness. (EM - 8.9.08) **** we have come back from [NAME OF HOTEL] , Dom. republic with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. Wife got salmonella , what compensation are we due ? We have a CRS from [NAME OF TOUR OPERATOR] because of other things that were wrong , like air con being turned off during the day (!) amongst other things.... (EM - 8.9.08) **** My family an I returned from [NAME OF HOTEL], Elenite, Bulgaria on 2 6th August 2008. Four of the five members of family suffered from diarrhoea towards the end of the holiday. My 11 year old son still continues to be ill and after tests has been diagnosed with dysentery. The environmental health have visited at home and the source must be the hotel. The whole thing has been very distressing and I would like advice on how to make a formal complaint and what rights i have. (EM - 8.9.08) **** i have just returned from the [NAME OF HOTEL] sarigerme .my self and family 4alltoget her we was there 4 days and we went down with sickness and diarrhoea.......... all i can say thay was droping like flyes with drips in there arms people with cuts and bruses some in wheel chairs were the have fullen on food on floor not cleaned up and arond the poolwere it was so slipperey i dont no why it has not been closed down. (EM - 9.9.08) **** I stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL], Egypt from 7/8/08 to 21/8/08 with my wife and two young children. We all suffered sickness etc and upon return my daughter had a stool sample taken. This came back as Salmonlla. I have just submitted a sample and will know the results soon. Please advise on our next course of action if possible. (EM - 10.9.08) **** Just come back from [NAME OF HOTEL] Turkey - holiday from HELL. Flew back 4 days earlier and £500.00 lighter. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] were no help what so ever. All but my eldest son was poorly. Been back since 6th Sept and my husband and 1 year old is still poorly. I would not recommend anyone to go until this nasty bug and hygiene is sorted out. Dont listen to what [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] tell you. Its a nightmare (EM - 10.9.08) **** 113 We went to the [NAME OF HOTEL] on 29.09.08 we were ill from 30.08.08 until we came home I have been to the Doctors today as the symptoms although not as severe as they were are still with me. I have had to provide a sample for the Doctor which will be tested dependant on how it is they will do blood tests too, there were 5 of us in our party 4 were ill my youngest son did not eat any of the buffet only Chicken Nuggets and chips which were deep fried!! We have written to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]........any advice would be most appreciated! (EM - 10.9.08) **** absoloutlety disgusted someone needs to sew these people ecspecially [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] for there lack of concern of peoples health especially children. Selling these holidays!! knowing theres a huge problem we were all looking foward to our 2 week holiday and what did we get sickness and direah and an ear infection! may aswell chucked the money down the drain and stayed at home! hygeine standards are filthy id rather stay in a shed with pigs they have less germs than ive come back with! if this goes to court il be more than happy to contact everyfamily i can docter is a [EXPLETIVE DELETED] puts you on a drip for salmonella and tells you its climate change!!! and airbourne and none of the staff come down with it coz they dont eat there you no why i caught a [EXPLETIVE DELETED] rep get a taxi into town to the shop for a snack why? not snack at the all inc [NAME OF HOTEL]!! also cannot go back to work because 1 works with food and the other works with sick old people in a care home. I have much more to say but i would be here forever so please could you contact us. O and also 1% my [EXPLETIVE DELETED] i went down and saw 400 hundred people uproaring so [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] will now be [REFERENCE DELETED] (EM - 10.9.08) **** stayed at [NAME OF HOTEL] in may this year and all 6 of us came down with the bug went to chemist who gave us tablets but sadly did not relise went to the doctors when we came back. just got a reply from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and all they want to do is say sorry not happy (EM - 10.9.08) **** recent travel to [NAME OF HOTEL] in bodrum turkey. whilst there all family ill with upset tummy on return daughter still ill, stool sample shows E-coli 0527 enviromental health advised to contact you, (EM - 11.9.08) **** I have recently stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] in Sharm 14.07.08 to 28.07.08. Whilst there I was ill twice with fever, vomiting and Diarrhea, these attacks lasted 3 days each. I informed my reps who sent my wife to the Pharmacy at the entrance to get medication. I was treated with antibiotics. My wife and child were also ill once each, my 10 yr old daughter included our travel home and she was vomiting through the airport and all the way home on the plane, in which the toilets had blocked and reduced the available toilets. She has subsequently asked to not go away again it was so traumatic. My wife was also treated from the Pharmacy. On retuning home within 114 24hr I fell ill again this time much worse with fever, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pains and severe headache, this lasted 7 days and I lost another weeks holiday and 2 days sick as I had ran out of holidays to take. I went to the doctor and tested positive for e-coli poisoning in my urine. I have since been on 3 courses of antibiotics and still can not get rid of the infection. I have been to see a uroligy specialist and I am going in for Kidney scans and a battery of other uncomfortable tests. Due to the infection I have been in severe pain since my holiday and regulary pass blood, this is very traumantic and worying (EM - 11.9.08) **** Just returned from [NAME OF HOTEL] - Majorca. All of my family have been really ill. My daughter seemed to be more affected and I had to the doctor at 4am. The following day a letter was put through our door stating there was an airborne virus going around and offering us advice and telling us they were going to clean our room throughly.I returned on the 10th September and visited the doctor who gave a stool sample bottle to get tested. Pools were being shut off but not drained and cleaned properly. The question the hotel doctor asked if my daughter had been in the pool. (EM - 11.9.08) **** Stayed at [NAME OF HOTEL] Turkey 18 Aug to 1 Sept. Both my wife and I and son have now b een confirmed by own doctor have Salmonella. Son also suffered from ear infection. Tour Reps not interested. Left over food was being served as midnight buffet. Pool closed constantly as a result of people pooing in pool. Food hygiene appalling. (EM - 12.9.08) **** I have just been reading the article about Sarigerme, we were there in August and my son had a bowel infection, diagnosed by the hotel doctor my husband also suffered diarrhoea whilst we were there. (EM - 13.9.08) **** Following a recent tripto Mexico myself ,my family and friends contacted food piosoni ng whilst out there this has been confirmed by our gp through stool samples, we also had a number of other issues regarding the hotel that we were staying at. I am wanting advice on how to deal with the travel company (EM - 15.9.08) **** my husband and i returned from sarigerme on friday 12th sept after having spent almost 2 weeks unwell due to the virus that we picked up during our stay in the [NAME OF HOTEL] sarigerme, my husband ended up being put on a drip in the doctors office to which we were told he was dehydrated , change of water and food and being in the sun and this was only our 3rd day. I asked to be returned home or moved to another hotel to be told by [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] there was 115 nothing available.Since our return on friday we have been to our own doctor and awaiting results but i have been really sick cant eat feel really ill. (EM - 15.9.08) **** I went on holiday with my children to olu-deniz in turkey. My 15 year old became ill while we were on holiday, on return she was seen by the doctor and diagnosed with salmonella food poisoning. Envirmental health contacted me (EM - 17.9.08) **** arrived back [NAME OF HOTEL] sarigerme turkey 8th sept my husband went down with the bug people still queing to see the doctor problem still there worst holiday i have ever had (EM - 17.9.08) **** we arrived back from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] [NAME OF HOTEL] turkey on 9 august after all 6 of us being ill with dieorria and sickness, but whilst there half the site had it and 20 people adults and children were taken to hospital with the same we reported it to the rep but was told she had only just been told of the illness and that it had been brought over from england? we spent the second half off our holiday in the room the 6mth baby was poorly still when we got home. (EM - 17.9.08) **** I have recently returned from the [NAME OF HOTEL] turkey, where I was taken very ill due to the 'norovirus' the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] representatives are claiming to be spreading around the comlex. I consulted the doctors and was told I was dehydrated and given two courses of tablets to take for the sickness, extreme pain and diarrohea. I was told to give a sample and did this and the when I returned to the doctors to get my results they were not ready. I have since returned home and the doctor has assured me he will post them to me. I am very concerned as I believe that the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] representatives are not dealing with the problem effectively and are playing down the problem even when their own representatives are being taken ill aswelll. The hotel is very smelly, flies are over the food all the time and there was even faeces in the swimming pools. I do intend on taking legal action and have consulted with the doctors in the UK where I am awaiting further test results. Can you give me any advice or recommendations on what to do next? (EM - 17.9.08) **** I went to [NAME OF HOTEL] Alcudia 23rs August 2008 and since our return my 2 year old son has been diagnosed with Cryptosporidium. I made a complaint to the rep at the hotel on 31.08.08 regarding a number of issues and now want to take the complaint further now we are home, can you please advise the steps I should take. (EM - 18.9.08) **** 116 hi ,took aholiday recently, with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] staying at .the [NAME OF HOTEL] /bahamas.absolutely not acceptable .booked a premier holiday .didnt get a premier holiday .guests where coming down with sickness .including two in my party .[NAME] had severe sickness and sweating .pooldirty stains on carpets .badly stained chairs &couches .filthy armchairs. the most rude of barstaff .i good go on .just have a look at [MAJOR TRAVEL REVIEW WEBSITE] the reviews are appalling .i was almost glad .when ike came and they evacuated guests .i think [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] should be ashamed .since returning i found a complaint on another site .same hotel (EM - 20.9.08) **** we have returned from [NAME OF HOTEL] Skanes Monastir Tunisia having suffered 11 days of a 14 day holiday with travel sickness - our GP thinks poss salmonella. Poor hygeine flies uncovered food reheated recycled food. We want to complain to our travel provider and possibly claim compensation but unsure what we need to do. Many others at our hotel also had symptoms (EM - 21.9.08) **** [NAME OF HOTEL] TUNISINA, SEPTEMBER 2008. CONTRACTED A SEVERE CASE OF CRYPTOSPORIDIUM, LASTING WELL OVER TWO WEEKS. CONFIRMED BY MY GP ON RETURN TO ENGLAND (EM - 21.9.08) **** holiday in [MAJOR UK HOLIDAY CAMP] with viral gastroenteritis,which had been going round the holiday park 3 weeks be fore our arriving. (EM - 22.9.08) **** hello, I stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] Aug 22-29 and ended up in the hospital due to a stomach virus and a bout 100 others in the hotel were sick. the hospital bill was USD $2k and I didn't have insurance. it was a vacation from hell and I am placing a complaint with the hotel because it was an epidemic and i believe i got sick from the food. any suggestions or free advice? (EM - 22.9.08) **** I have just returned from the [NAME OF HOTEL] turkey and since returning I ah ve had constant diarrhea and extremely bad stomach cramps...... I am unable to go to work and feel so ill. I received a letter when we arrived about a stomach bug but it said it was over and during the holiday had the runs a few times but this is so bad. (EM - 23.9.08) **** The food at the hotel was disgusting, It was a Turkish style breakfast which we did not have a problem with and usually enjoy eating the local cuisine ,however the flies 117 that accompanied the trays of food did put us off ,the lunch and dinner was worse it consisted of a tray of rice and chips and two further dishes of either chicken or stew of some kind and was usually cold,. it did vary every few days to a burger or fish but they also came with flies. After only a couple of days we all got a stomach upset so I then decided to just eat bread and jam and bread and cheese for dinner,[NAME] and the children mainly stuck to soup and bread. after four days we decided to eat away from the hotel to try to salvage something of a holiday from the disaster that we had found ourselves in at this hotel. To save money we did not have a breakfast and just had a toastie or sandwich for lunch and ate out at night ,this soon used our spending money which we had taken .We had to use our credit card towards the end of the holiday. We had taken £1000.00 in cash and cheques and apart from the £230.00 on trips the rest was used to feed ourselves and did not bring any presents home for family and friends ,this money was spent on things that we thought would be provided by our hotel and we feel very let down after a year of saving hard for this trip we do not feel like we have had the service we paid for. (EM - 23.9.08) **** we recently travelled to the [NAME OF HOTEL],olu deniz turkey with [NAME OF AIRLINE] .we have a lad of 19 in a whe elchair and were all ill. the hotel was diabolical and we were not given what we paid for.the food was horrid and cleanliness appalling,we have contacted [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] re a refund and compensation.if you check the holiday report sites you will see we are not the only ones and even one states problems with pool water tests we are wondering if you can help in any way thankyou (EM - 24.9.08) **** Can you help resolve a dispute with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] re Holiday to Villamoura 8th May to 22 May 2008 staying in the [NAME OF HOTEL] We were badly biten by bed bugs the manager of the hotel has offered us our accomodatiom monies back plus a free weeks accomodation next year. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] seem reluctant to refund this part of the monies paid to them for the holiday and say we must deal with the hotel direct. Whilst the Manager of the Hotel [NAME] states we must go through [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to get the refund. I have supporting evidence as we had to see a doctor whilst away photograpic evidence also emails from [NAME] etc it totally ruined our holiday, please can you help i am fed up getting passed about thank you (EM - 24.9.08) **** Traveller [NAME OF HOTEL] all family ill having talks with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] who are now requesting medical evidence re illness on return offered holiday cost refund no compensation friends offered full costs + £2000 compen for only minimal disruption to holiday settled with minimal corespondance not sure if need legal mput (EM - 27.9.08) **** 118 I am after some adive on my recent holiday. My wife became very sick on our honeymoon in august 08 and as a result spent two days in a cyprus hospital as a result of gastroenteritis(food poisoning). we have wrote [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] a letter as advised by consumer direct and we have now received their response. (EM - 28.9.08) **** We returned from [NAME OF HOTEL], Sarigerme, Turkey on 22nd September and a 2 week holiday. Since then my wife started getting diarrhea and has now had it for 5 days (today 30/09/08). My son and me got tested for Salmonella. We got the results today and it appears that he definitely has Cryptosporidium, and to be clarified shortly, also Salmonella. I would like to know how to legally deal with this. I feel totally let down by [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] as no mention of this potential food poisoning was mentioned to us until we got on the connecting bus from the airport to the complex on the first day. This immediately was unsettling and didn't start the holiday off well. My son was ill on holiday and we had to attend a doctor twice. Both times they said it was heat stroke, a sore throat and then an absys. I do not believe any of their diagnosis' were right. This has caused us problem on our return due to our nursery refusing to take our son until the results come back negative. Now my wife is unwell, she now has to be tested this also affects her work due to the high probability that she has contracted the same. (EM - 30.9.08) **** On holiday in Morrocco all inclusive Mar 08 husband ill for last for days on return he was admitted to hospital in isolation for 7 days found out he had severe campylobactor had another 2 weeks off work. The holiday company are offering a goodwill guesture and are requesting what we would find fair we haven't got a clue (EM - 1.10.09) **** WE've just returned from [NAME OF HOTEL] in Sharm el Sheik. 3 out of the 4 of my party were very ill, my 3 year old severly ill - he needed 3 injuections and 4 different medicines to stop the sickness, diarrhoea, fever and stomach cramps. Our 2 week holiday was spent in the room looking after him. On return we got a stool sample done and it turns out hes got salmonella poinsoning. More tests are being done on the rest of the party. Hes now recovered after anti biotics but its completely traumatised him and frightened the life out of me! I'm 11 weeks pregnant and if i'd eaten the eggs that they all ate (which we're sure what made them ill) i would probably no longer be pregnant! Salmonella is also contagious so lets just say I'm lucky I didn't contract it too. (EM - 1.10.08) **** Went to Sarigerme, [NAME OF HOTEL] - 4/8 to 19/8 - all ill but 7 yr old son very badly affected. Returned home to find he had salmonella. Lost lots of weight and still not eating propoerly now. Reps were informed but although acknowledged there was a problem as they had said extra cleaning was being done - they did nothing to 119 assist us personally. We missed out on one of the trips we had planned and they refused to give us the money back because it was the day before the trip. (EM 2.10.08) **** I have recently been on holiday to the Bahamas with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. OUr dates of travel were 12/08-26/08. The hotel is advertised as a 4* plus hotel but we found it to be not worthy of that rating. My husband and I both got ill during our stay. The hotel is advertised as family friendly however this is not the case. The pool doesnt have any shallow parts which is not suitable for small children, my children are aged 6 and 1yrs old. The transfer to resort was potentially a hazard as they had insufficient seating so my 6 year old son had to sit on my knee for the 45min journey. No seatbelts are fitted arpart from the 'high risk' seats. We have complained to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and subsequently received an incredibly condescending response, which included holiday vouchers to the total of £185. (EM - 2.10.08) **** hi my wife & i plus 2 friends have just arrived back from the [NAME OF HOTEL] sharm. three out of the four of us along with many more people became very ill with diarrhoea & stomach pains. the food & wine can only be described as vile & the resort in places was dirty especially the dining room area (EM - 6.10.08) **** We've been on a package holiday recently with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to Turkey and had the following problems: 1. Put in to to temp / cheaper accomodation for the first few days due to them overbooking, this also wasted our time as we had to move accomodation mid holiday. 2. Suffered from food poisioning, which we were told by the rep was a 'virus' and they could get blood test results within 10min?! My partner is a nurse so 1 knows the difference between food poisining and a virus and 2 know you cant get blood back in 10min. 3. Lost time due to having to change hotels & waiting around for time slots for reps to make complaints. 4. Hotel & rooms were dirty and security was a major issue, although we didn't have anything stolen alot of people did which meant we had to be extra careful, hotel would take no responsibility for this. I want to put together a letter to claim compensation but from what I've read on the web [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] aren't very forthcoming with this. I would also like to know if the practise of delibrately overbooking (as this was an ongoing this from speaking to other guests) is legal? I appreciate that you're very busy but look forward to your response (EM - 8.10.08) **** My husband and I went on 8th Sept 2008, 2 days into the hols, I collapsed and was ill I have medical back up to say that we had both contracted Shigella Sonnei. which is a bug from contaminated food/drink. It may take up to 6 months to get over such an episode. (EM - 10.10.08) 120 **** Visited the [NAME OF HOTEL] in Sal Cape Verde islands in August and became extremely unwell during day 9 and then again on day 13 travelling home which lasted for a further 5 days when I got back to the UK. Had been diagonoised with Shigella Food poisoining. My daughter also was very unwell on holiday and had to be taken to the medical centre for a injection and various other medication. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] are unwilling to reply to my 7 letters which I have sent to various team members and MD's, but todate some 6 weeks later I have still heard nothing. Can you help? (EM - 10.10.08) **** The food was very repetitive with the theme restaurants being of little difference. I think the hygiene standards were very poor as flies were constantly crawling all over the food and cutlery etc in the snack bar, and it was no different in the evening when it became a themed restaurant, I think this may have contributed to the sickness and diarrhoea in the hotel and it’s sister hotel next door the [NAME OF HOTEL], my wife and I were ill ourselves spending two days of our holiday in bed and are still suffering now back home. We weren’t the only ones affected, we heard of many others including one lady who had to go the clinic in the local town. We did inform the rep on site who only advised us to “drink water and eat rice and peas” (EM 10.10.08) **** the problems at the [NAME OF HOTEL] have not stopped. my wife and myself have been i ll with s&d since sept 26 for 10 days and still have it. why do [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] still send 1000 per week there when they know of a problem .i was only one of many on the last week i want my moneyy back (EM - 11.10.08) **** i stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] in september and out of our party of 6 .5 of us were struck with sickness and dioreah, we told the rep at the hotel who just said "oh dear" i have contacted [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to complain but am still waiting for a respoce, is there any more i can do? out of 2 weeks holiday we only had 4 days out the room. (EM - 11.10.08) **** Stayed at this hotel and travelled with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] from the 19th Sept - 3rd Oct 2008. I got severe stomach cramps and the runs from day 3 for the rest of the holiday. My fella got it a few days after me and he is Mr Iron Guts! Two nights I actually thought I was going to pass out as my tummy was that bad and I cried on the last night cause I was so upset about it all! We could not go on any of the trips or into the town cause we had to know there was a toilet near us all the time within running distance as we were only getting about a 30 second warning if you know what I mean!!! A few nights he was up all night with it as well but I only 121 had it during the day thank god! Kept listening in to other peoples conversations around the pool (like you do) and there was alot of it going about. Complained to the rep on the last night cause it's not got enough for the amount of money we spent to go there! She didnt think it was anything to do with the hotel though! We have been back over a week and are still not right. I TRIED TO POST THIS EXCACT SAME REPORT ON THE [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] WEBSITE BUT SURPRISE SURPRISE THEY HAVE NOT PUBLISHED IT (EM - 14.10.08) **** I stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] (Marina Bay) in Bulgaria between the dates of 22-29 September 08. I caught Salmonella during my stay and suffered chronically for 2.5 weeks since. (EM - 14.10.08) **** [NAME OF HOTEL] Turkey: Our holiday was 25/8/08 - 8/9/08. Our family were all ill. What should we do? (EM - 15.10.08) **** We went to cape verde & stayed at [NAME OF HOTEL] on 12th Aug 08, 2 of our 4 adults party were took ill on our 3rd day , my wife [NAME] was one , we had to come home a week early the other person stayed there , we have wrote to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] i have attached the letter we sent. we have had only letter to say they are dealing with our complaint that was on sept 3rd. (EM - 15.10.08) **** We spent 2 weeks at [NAME OF HOTEL], Sal, Cape Cerde in August this year. Aft er 2 days our youngest daughter developed severe sickness and diarrhoea.Over the next 10 days we passed this around between the four of us.It was we believe a highly contageous virus such as Norovirus. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] Reps in the hotel played it down - saying only a few people were affected by the bug.We do not believe this to be true - everyone was talking about how ill they had all been - and we whitnessed guests collapsing in the restaurant. I have written to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] - but still not received a reply - despite it being more that 20 days since my 1st letter.ABTA are also aware. The holiday cost almost £4500 for basically 2 good days at the start and a couple of dodgy days at the end. (EM 15.10.08) **** My husband and i travelled to the [NAME OF HOTEL] cape verde 15th july to 22nd july. We were ill with sickness diahorrea and violent stomache cramps. We have complained to travel company but they are not being very helpfull hope you can help (EM - 16.10.08) **** 122 My family and i travelled to [NAME OF HOITEL] on 30 September, and returned on 14 October. Whilst there we all suffered sickness and diarrhoea. My 10 year old was locked in the toliets by the cleaner. Worst of all, my 4 year old was electricuted and the guy in charge basically said that it wouldn't have hurt her as is was only 12 volts! (EM - 17.10.08) **** Hi there, my partner and I were staying at the [NAME OF HOTEL] from the 1st of Aug to the 15th. Whil e we were there we both got quite upset stomaches and ended up taking immodium, and getting more from the local chemist in Santa Maria. (EM - 19.10.08) **** My complaint is about [NAME OF HOTEL] in cozumel mexico, had food poisioning, son had accident and partner broke his leg and knee still in hospital (EM - 20.10.08) **** We went on a holiday were we were infested with bed bugs and treat in an apauling manner. (EM - 20.10.08) **** We returned form [NAME OF HOTEL], Sal Cv on Tuesday last actually Wednesday as the plane was 4 hours late. 2 weeks ago on 8 October I fell ill. I was in bed for 4 days, ill for the rest of the holiday and I am still off work with the illness. I saw a doctor there who said I had gastroenteritis and gave me a pescription for antibiotis and other drugs. The rep took details. I have seen the doctor here and I am wairting results. I wrote to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] before the holiday as I was worries about reports of the hotel. They assured me that they would not send me to where there was a problem. I feel cheated that I have been deprived of mt well earned holiday........ The rep at the airport told me that it was Africa nad I should expect a tummy bug! I have written all the incidents down. (EM - 20.10.08) **** During the holiday we suffered chronic diarrhoea to the extent that we had very limited toilet control consisting of mostly faecal water and had frequent accidents. None of us have got back to normal i.e. pre-holiday. Shigella has been detected via the [NAME] Hospital following stool sampling. As we were on a full board cruise we only ate and drank from one source – our cruise ship; we only drank bottled water including to brush our teeth. I feel the food was re-served at each meal. Many other passengers also had constant toilet trips. (EM - 21.10.08) **** i had a stomace bug whilst on holiday in the cape verde islands i arrived back home on the 10th of october i am still very ill my doctor has given me antibiotics in the 123 hotel we were staying in lots of the people had the same as me i complained to the rep she told me that regular hygine checks were made the hotel [NAME OF HOTEL] in sal [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] holidays i would be grateful if you could let me know if anyone else has complained and is still suffering thank you (EM - 21.10.08) **** Visited [NAME OF HOTEL] Cpe Verde 23 Sept to 7 October Been Ill since return. Doctore confirms roday I have shigella sonnei. Am still ill but on antibiotics. (EM 22.10.08) **** We we’re having a fantastic time up until the 4th day, when I started to feel quite poorly with a tummy ache and diarrhoea. I stayed in our suite and dosed myself up on paracetamol and immodium hoping that it would soon pass. Unfortunately the next day my condition worsened. My husband contacted the on-sight medical center where a doctor came out to our suite and said that I was dehydrated (through an interpreter) and that it would be best if I went up to the medical centre. While I was there they put me on a drip, and prescribed some tablets, and was told it was due to climate change. I returned to my suite within a couple of hours, still not feeling well.......I waited to hear back from [NAME] but heard nothing. Instead of any of the reps asking how I was, they knew who I was and seemed to be avoiding all eye contact with me. I tried to forget about it until I got home but inside I was burning with rage, my honeymoon had been ruined and nobody seemed to care. I couldn’t relax and play in the pools with my children as the doctor had advised me to stay out of the water, and to make matters worse my husband became poorly with a tummy ache and diarrhoea with 3 days remaining of the holiday. On the upside we were just glad that the children had not been poorly. I couldn’t believe it! While we were waiting for the coach to take us to the airport, my daughter (who had not been herself for the past hour) turned to me and said that she didn’t feel very well then proceeded to projectile vomit all over the reception floor, again at the airport, and again on the plane! We could not get home quick enough! Talk about the honeymoon from hell! I couldn’t believe on returning home what I was reading bout your [NAME OF HOTEL] on the net. Literally hundreds of people being taken ill, why were we not informed of the situation out there before we left? Its obvious you are well aware of the problem out there. Yet you continue to send people out there blissfully unaware of what might happen to them. I have never had to have my hands sprayed before entering a restaurant on any other holiday! (EM - 22.10.08) **** Recently returned from [NAME OF HOTEL] in Turkey (First Choice Holidays). Myself & the rest of my family have all been unwell. I have now been diagnosed with Cryptosporidium. Other members of my family have been tested but await results. (EM - 23.10.08) **** 124 [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] not responding to my complaint. Sickness bug as with many others whil on hol. Sent complaint letter received standard letter back gave that the 28days allowed. cant get them by telephone and travel agent sending email not responding. Customer service does not exist what is the next step (EM 23.10.08) **** My family and i went to Egypt, Sharm EL Sheikh in August. The hotel was substandard and we complained as soon as we had chance to speak to the rep. We had paid for a four star hotel was no entertainment as we were informed for the children, the food was rubbish and my wife was ill 3 times ending with us eating out everyday. The service was inadequate as was the room and we had the best one. I spent the best part of two weeks complaining with no joy or resolution (EM 24.10.08) **** so far my letters of complaint have been ignored by the company ([MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]), & includes everything from the Miss selling of the Holiday, & Islands as "The New Caribean",to the sub standard & shoddy "5* Star" hotel, poor hygene practises witnessed daily, Dangerous Childrens club, were the staff didn't notice Children go missing, or attack each other., Selling the holiday as a Diving & water sports site, when that is too sporadic & you can't get a straight answer, due to strong & Dangerous currents, Lost Luggage, poor lunch food, crawling with flies, foul smells from drains in the club & foyer area etc etc, & all 3 of us been very ill, myself seriously so, & still suffering now, we have a few supporting photos, etc, (EM 25.10.08) **** On the 5th day of our holiday we decided to spend the day by the hotels tranquil pool. We swam in the morning and after being in the pool for about 10 minutes we were asked to get out by the maintenance staff as they hadn’t had a chance to clean it yet. Later on that day I spent about an hour swimming in the pool, when I got out I can noticed what can only be described as scum forming on top of the water. We duly informed maintenance and the pool was again cleaned. Furthermore our arms and legs had turned yellow. The next morning I awoke in significant ear pain and after a day of suffering I had no option but to go to the doctors who on inspection informed me that I had a bacterial infection brought which was almost certainly brought on from swimming in dirty water. This cost me $200 (US) and whilst I hope my insurance company will reimburse me it has cost £75, as this is the excess on my policy. I spoke to [NAME] who filed an accident report and also informed me that th is was not an isolated incident. (EM - 28.10.08) **** We stayed there in Aug 08 and also had sickness bug food terrible. Ive wrote letter complaint to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] getting nowhere. (EM - 30.10.08) 125 **** I am having trouble with getting a resposne or apology from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] following conditions in our villa holiday in Greece - 3 out of 4 of us became ill due to water ingress in the villa and mould spores, the plug socket blew up following water leaking in, the lock on the door had been forced when we arrived and these complaints were not listened to when we were there, and are being met with a blank reponse of this being "acceptable" depsite the obvious health and safety risks which we suffered when there. I have written to the company involved, and have tried to call but am receiving no help or assistance for this matter at all and would like some advice on how to proceed. (EM - 5.11.08) **** we went to [NAME OF HOTEL] majorca 30 august for 1 week my 2 year old was very ill. since re turning he has tested positive for cryptospiridium - and is still testing positive and is still ill now. was at doctors with him again today. (EM - 6.11.08) **** hi my family and i have had a holiday from hell a week at the [NAME OF HOTEL] in co rfu the food was terrible cold flyridden my wife had a tummy bug for the whole holiday and on her return the entertainment was terrible and the worst part was the water park [which was the main reason we went ] was closed etc etc (EM - 6.11.08) **** Reference stay at [NAME OF HOTEL] 29 july to 12 August 08. We have only just found your site and are having extreme difficulties with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and indeed the [NAME OF HOTEL BRAND] Chain with regards to our abysmal stay at this hotel during which my wife and I were very poorly with gastric problems which continued long after returning home. (EM - 7.11.08) **** Within 36 hours of arriving at our resort my wife became ill with diarrhea and vomiting. It was so severe that during the night she became feverish, disorientated and suffered 2 episodes of loss of consciousness, whilst passing stool and vomiting. I contacted the on site reps to ask if anyone else was ill or if they were aware of a problem within the resort. They stated that there was no problem. My wifes condition concerned me so much that I requested an Ambulance to take her to the Clinic. At the Clinic, she received 2 saline IV infusions, with drug therapy, and was subjected to 3 hours observation. A prescription for medication was issued which we obtained from the local Pharmacy, and returned to the resort, where we returned to our room. By the evening of the 14th August 2008, I myself began to display similar symptoms, as my wife, which came to a head by early the next day. I attempted to treat myself with medication that I had brought from the United Kingdom, but it was of no use. I visited the Clinic on Saturday 16th August 2008, where I received a thorough examination and a prescription which was again obtained from the local Pharmacy. Throughout all this the on-site reps stated time 126 and again that there was not a problem at the resort. They said that they could not take any action until over 1% of the guests reported a problem, and by the second week they had changed this statement to one where they said only approximately 20 guests had been ill. I found this strange because at anyone time my wife and I had spoken to a least 20 different people on a number of occasions, all of whom had described events similar to ours. (EM - 7.11.08) **** was at [NAME OF HOTEL] august 2008 absolutly hated the place, we did have diahorria whilst there and lots of other problems also, i,e flies, cockroaches, cleanlyness and hygene, and also had a disturbin incident in [NAME] town too (EM 7.11.08) **** We returned from our holiday in Cyprus we stayed there between 9 - 23rd Oct we stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] we were fully inclusive. At the end of the holiday and on return my wife was very ill she eventually went to the doctors who confirmed she had food poisening specifically E coli she was visted by environmental health (EM - 10.11.08) **** Hi I just wanted to let you guys know about a problem my wife and I had at the [NAME OF HOTEL] in Sharm el Sheikh. You wont be surprised to hear the problem was serious diarrhea and stomach cramps. We were extremely careful, only drinking bottled water and using alcohol gels to sterilise our hands. I suffer from Diabetes as well and this was complicated no end by not being able to face food. (EM - 18.11.08) **** Following the death of both my husband and my father, my sister decided to take our children for some late sun and a well deserved break for us all. A holiday in Tunisia was a nightmare with us all returning sick and with diarrhoea( full details on three page letter submited to [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR]. I would like to pass this complaint on to abta who i believe there are registered with. As yet there has been no responce from [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] even after two and a half weeks. Can you advise me on what I should do next. (EM - 18.11.08) **** I stayed at the [NAME OF HOTEL] in sharm el sheikh from the 09november 16november. I have fallen ill by eating their buffet food and have been advised by the doctors that i have bateria/salonella poisioning. (EM - 19.11.08) **** A party of 18 of us travelled to Cape Verde on August 4th 2008 to stay at the [NAME OF HOTEL] for 2 weeks. During our stay 16 of us were ill with 127 uncontrollable vomiting and diarroehea. None of us visited a doctor although we along with a lot of other holidaymakers were constantly visiting the reps for advice. we were given various excuses as to what the problem was. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] have told us through their complaint procedure that they will do nothing about compensating us as we have no medical evidence to back up our complaint. This was no ordinary illness that we suffered and we are certain that this place has got a serious hygiene problem. Is there anything else we can do to proceed with our complaint? (EM - 21.11.08) **** When I was on holidays in Corfu in October in a five * hotel all inclusive I ended up with Salmonella Poisoning which spoilt both my wife's and my holidays. The holiday cost £1200 but [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] are only offering me £350.00 in compensation. (EM - 27.11.08) **** We travelled with[MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] 26/08/2008 til 09/09/2008 To [NAME OF HOTEL] a, Holguin area. We believe that out of our family of four we had one adult and two children with food poisioning, as a midwife I am convinced that it was due to the horrendus severity and the need for antibiotics, and sulpha medication. I was ill for 4 days, and the children for 5 days. We were also advised that we would be evacuated from the path of Hurricane Ike, instead we were left whilst 1.2million cubans were evacuated from Holguin area. Despite being told for approx six days that we would be evacuated if the storm was projected to hit. Two of us also had no inflight entertainment enroute to Cuba for 9 hours!!! The complaint is with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] Management Team. following email to directors board but 2weeks later still waiting reply to this second letter. Initial compensation of £100.85 for one night in hurricane shelter ( per [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]) in actual fact they forgot to tel us that there was a hurricane shelter. I dont know if you can help us complain/claim and compensation or anything. Please help if you can, this holiday cost £3500, and we had a near death experience, food poision and a rubbish time. Not to mention the Post Truamatic Stress diagnoised from the events!! Await your reply (EM - 7.12.08) **** I would like you to contact me reference advice on my daughter contacting 'samonella' whilst st aying at the [NAME OF HOTEL] in Turkey in Aug 2008. I have contacted [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR], and they are only prepared to offer £200 as a gesture of goodwill to end this complaint. I have medical evidence to state my daughter suffered from samonella for almost 8-10 weeks. (EM - 15.12.08) **** Stayed in [NAME OF HOTEL] in [NAME OF SRTEET] in London on the 26th December for the night, the room was full of bed bugs and my daughter was badly bitten. We took photographs and the Hotel are refusing to refund us. What can we do? (EM - 27.12.08) 128 **** been looking at reviews for [NAME OF HOTEL] turkey and noticed all the people suffering with diarrhoea and stomach cramps.Myself,my partner and son (aged12) all started with these symptoms into the second week of our holiday,we went on 10th Aug 2008.We were not made aware by anyone that there was a problem,I suffered for 5 weeks from coming home with really bad diarrhoea,but being a stubborn nurse thought it was best for it to run its course,and put it down to a "turksih tummy".I would like you to be made aware of 3 other sufferers,poorly on holidat whilst staying at the [NAME OF HOTEL], (EM - 29.12.08) **** Went to Sharm, Egypt with [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL PROVIDER] working on behalf of [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR]. Was sold a diving package that when at the hotel didn't exisit and the company are not offering compansation! The hotel ([NAME OF HOTEL]) was not finished being built. the way into Namma bay was down a steep cliff face, which had no lighting, exposed overhead cables everywhere and spikes sticking out of rendered walls. There was piles of rubble and bricks stacked up everywhere. The all inclusive package hardly included anything. No juice, no snacks and everything after 10pm had to be paid for. Even some local beers weren't included! The food was so bad there I ate out the whole holiday, after got food poising the 1st day - resulting in loosing 2 days of holiday. (EM - 8.1.09) **** Hurricane Ike hit Cuba on the 8th of September 2008. Having heard nothing from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and following a visit to our local [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR TRAVEL AGENCY] shop in [NAME OF TOWN] and our tickets arriving two weeks prior to departure. We were assured that our holiday was going ahead as planned. However on Wednesday the 8th of October, we arrived home from work to find a message left on our answer machine, informing us that our holiday had to be changed as a result of Hurricane damage, and to contact you as a matter of urgency. I attempted to contact [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] through the numbers provided from 6.15pm onwards, for 45 minutes, listening to music. I hung up and tried again, only to find that the office had closed at 6.30pm. I had hung on for half an hour, when there was no one available to take my call, anxious about what was happening to our holiday. We were due to leave for London on Sunday, 3 days from the time your representative called. We are very disappointed that [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] waited so long to contact us. We believe [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] used this as a tactic so that we would continue with our booking, as they betted that we would bags packed and eager to go. We had to wait until the next day to find out and were advised that we had 2 options. Cancel the holiday or take an alternative to the, [NAME OF HOTEL] 4 star plus hotel in Varadero. My Husband asked about the hotel and its facilities. He was informed that the hotel was like for like to what we had booked and that it was a four star plus hotel and more expensive than the one we had booked. She informed my husband that that was it, no other choice available for the size of our party. We decided that we would change hotels, despite the fact that it would cost us more money to 129 change our connecting flights back home to Scotland on return from Cuba. We had to pay an extra £340 pounds because the flight from Cuba had changed, arriving hours later than our original flight. But we thought that we were getting a slightly better hotel. How wrong we were. On arrival at the [NAME OF HOTEL] we discovered to our horror: Large Scale Building works on new hotels right next door to our hotel. There were 5 large cranes, visible from everywhere in the resort, with Drilling, digging with constant noise from the site from early in the morning, we could not eat outside during this as all you could hear was the noise form the building site. None of which we were aware of prior to accepting this hotel. There is no way that first choice did not know about the building works and the impact it had on the resort. We were devastated because we were never informed. We wanted to go home as soon as we arrived, we would never have accepted the holiday if we were aware of the building works. However there were worse things to come; workmen from the building site would stare from the fence between the hotel and building site, they were frequently in the grounds. They approached my husband and young son on separate occasions, asking them for there room numbers, money and clothing. They told my husband that they were builders when he asked who they were. They walked along the beach staring at the women on the beach, especially topless or young women / teenagers. We found this to be very alarming. We did not feel safe. The building works and workmen completely ruined our holiday. It was constantly noisy, visible from everywhere and frightening. There is no way as a female I was prepared to walk in the grounds adjacent to the building site. The children had to be escorted everywhere, we felt trapped, after being asked for our room numbers, we couldn’t sleep properly at night. From the first day in the resort we felt absolutely sick and as time went on these feelings got worse We had already been informed that this hotel was our only option for accommodation available, the hotel staff did not help despite our complaints and your representative was only interested in selling us excursions rather than helping. The rooms were substandard, tatty, and dirty, the cleaners spent more time shaping our towels to earn tips rather than cleaning. One day I had to pay the cleaner 10 dollars for her to clean sand that had accumulated in the walk in wardrobe. The drawers in the wardrobe were un-usable due to the dirt contained within them, our sinks were not cleaned and fridges not stalked until you paid someone to do it. We were plagued by ants, despite not eating or having any food in our rooms. It took me complaining 5 times over 2 days to get them to treat the rooms for ants, no one cared. The food was atrocious, our original booking had promised, 6 restaurants and 5 were ala carte food. What we got at the Tryp was 4 restaurants and only two of those were ala carte, When food is described as this you expect certain standards, it was awful which flies in the face of what your representative told us when it was like for like. The buffet restaurants were health hazards. Flies and insects infested uncovered cheese, cold meats, and salads. They landed on milk jugs that were left uncovered, in fact all food that was in the open. We all had diarrhoea and vomiting through out our holiday; our choices were restricted to covered food. Ala carte restaurants were rubbish, again standards and quality were expected, but failed. The food was no different than the buffet. Tinned vegetables, overcooked, dry and tasteless. , We did not use our full allocation of the ala carte restaurants during our stay because they were so bad. Facilities, the description provided on your website were of, rifle shooting, archery, tennis, mini golf, pool, table tennis etc. Of these activities. Rifle shooting was only available twice during our two week stay and this was at the convenience of the hotel staff, despite 130 asking every day for this activity, along with the archery. The archery was never available, without explanation or an alternative offered. When it rained we could not use the table tennis or the pool table. The tennis courts were left to dry out in the sun, unfortunately there were many nights of rain and despite asking for the courts to be cleared, we were ignored. It took most of the day for the wet areas to completely dry out. However we were horrified, when the staff had cleared one of the courts so that they could have a game of tennis and left the remaining courts wet and dangerous, making the courts unusable. The mini golf was a joke, when described as mini golf, you have expectations, the ,realit y was; A couple of wholes in long grass on no bigger a patch of land than 20x 20 feet. The pools, despite being assured that the hotel change was like for like. We discovered there were only one main pool and 1 Childs pool at the [NAME OF HOTEL]. Our original hotel had promised 4 pools, and 3 child pools. The [NAME OF HOTEL] pool was controlled by the drunks at the bar, they shouted, abusive and aggressive language to each other and guests around the pool. Despite this the staff continued to serve them alcohol and not control there behaviour. (EM - 13.1.09) **** My husband and I stayed at [NAME OF HOTEL] and it was a nightmare! Our room spelt of damp as soon as you walked into it, we suffered a leaking toilet which flooded the room continously for 4/5 days, we were using their towels to soak up the mess then left without replacement towels ,constantly ringing reception!! Husband sick for 4 days unable to leave the room!!! TV not working properly and not receiving all the channels!!! Paid for AI yet the bar ran out of beverages or more than 1 occasion!!!! You needed to scramble to get a seat or what ever kind of cutlery you could lay your hands on. Rats included Please Help!!! (EM - 19.1.09) **** hi i have just returned from the [NAME OF HOTEL] (1/1/09) to(15/1/09) 3 days into the holiday i had a massage about an hour later the pain was so bad in my neck and shoulder i had to in the end report it to holiday reps which then really did nothing and told me i should go and see hotel manager which i did all he said was it was my fault for having one and after a while he just said i will give your money back but wouldnt hear me out to stop this from happening again even parents with children were being asked to give kids massages i have had to go to my hospital as soon as i got back and have been told they have really made a mess of my shoulder and neck and i am now of work i cant even drive please can you help me as i dont no what to doo i could be of work for weeks or even months (EM - 19.1.09) **** Hi, We got e coli poisoning while on holiday in Sharm Egypt between 11/09/08 25/09/08, we ate exclusively at our resort in Sharm [NAME OF HOTEL]. As a result of this our 2 and a half year old son's kidneys shut down as his illness worsened to HUS d+ and he ended up in [NAME OF HOSPITAL] in London for one month and needed 2 operations and a blood transfusion and dialysis. He has improved (thank goodness) but we worry as we don't know if there may be any long term damage ie kidney scarring etc. (EM - 19.1.09) 131 **** My little boy [NAME] aged 2 contracted Cryptosporidium whilst at [NAME OF HOTEL] in August!! [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] complaints team telling me that it is very rare and hard to prove!! Feel I am being FOBBED off!! Please could u advise me on this matter. Thankyou (EM - 23.1.09) **** Dysentery Shigella Sonnei Illness caused by breakdown in food hygiene at the [NAME OF HOTEL] [NAME] and [NAME] became severely ill on Saturday 22nd November 2008 and were affected with severe symptoms including sickness and diarrhoea, for a period of four days whilst on holiday and for a further 7 days after return on the 25th November. [NAME] became ill on 24th November, 2008 with symptoms including sickness and diarrhoea and was severely ill for approximately three weeks after return. After submitting a laboratory test she was diagnosed with Dysentery Shigella Sonnei and was visited by an Officer of [NAME OF COUNCIL] Enviromental Health Department (letter enclosed). She was prescribed anti sickness pills and pain relief on 27th November, and antibiotics on 29th November and again on 08 December to treat this illness. She was not able to leave the house during this time except for visits to the Doctor. A number of other guests of the hotel were taken ill during the time that we were there (EM - 23.1.09) **** [NAME OF HOTEL] Sarigerm 21.09.08-05.09.08 sickness bug and not getting inflight meals on return flight. which I paid for, have written to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and apparently it is with there legal team, have not heard a thing, (EM - 27.1.09) **** Holiday booking ref. [NUMBER] Taken 11 Dec 2008 with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to [NAME OF HOTEL], Belamadena. Dreadful holiday, infestation problems in room and hotel dreadfully cold etc. Became ill prior to arriving home. Compalint form [NUMBER] to rep. at [NAME OF HOTEL. Letter to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] dated 10/01/09. No acknowledgement. E-mailed same 22/01/09. No reply. No response to date to either lettter or e-mail. (EM - 1.2.09) Hygiene Hello and help! Booked a cooking and shopping holiday to Tuscany through [TOUR OPERATOR]. Course cancelled and offered alternative. Location completely different (staying with family rather than 3 star hotel) and was not aware. Company told my friend according to them but she did not appear aware either. Cooking facilities dirty, flies everywhere etc. Cold room with unlockable door. I enclose all 132 correspondence I have had from my email hope you can make sense of it. Think company are pretty pants whats your take on things? Thank you! (EM - 2.12.08) **** We had been informed, when asking on arrival by the hotel reception, that the tap water was safe to wash/clean our teeth in but not to drink. We acted on recommendation. However, every time we ran the tap the water was very dirty to the extend that the water was not clear but brown. This is extremely unhygienic and I can not understand why we were told it was clean. (EM - 25.7.08) Insurance i had to cancel a hoilday due to a death in the family the day before we were going away and i had no travel insurance. will i be able to claim anything back? (EM 9.6.08) **** My annual travel insurance is not acceptable to the tour company with whom I have made a booking.It meets with European Travel Package Regulations,as far as I can tell and is underwritten by AXA.Is there anything that I can do? (EM - 30.6.08) **** can you deal with complaints regarding holiday insurance companies. i took ill on holiday was in hospital very ill and cut my holiday short to return to england. i ended up in hospital in england with pnumonia. my travel insurance say it is not there responsability to pay for the flight home or lose of holiday or any other expenses incurred through my illness (EM - 19.7.08) **** after receiving a letter form our hoilday insurance company telling us that our claim for medical expenses for our 18month old son has been declined due to pre excisting medical conditions.We did not declare this 'condition' slight asthma at the time of booking but we were never asked about pre excisting m c at the time, as my son is growing out of this 'condition' and only has it if he has a cold or is teething where do we stand! help we had to pay out £700. (EM - 20.10.08) **** Having had to cut short our holiday due to my partners father suddenly dying,, the insurance company will offer no compensation as they state it was a pre condition. He had the condition for about the past 20 years but he had not been given a set life expectancy and could have lived many more years than he did ? Please tell me how i can challenge this. (EM - 13.11.08) 133 **** We are very distressed that we have booked a cruise with [MAJOR CRUISE LINE] and due to a recurring unforseen illness with our daughter have cancelled 56 days before the cruise and within the specified period, cruise date 23rd Dec, only to be told that we have lost our deposit. On trying to rebook on another date for the same company we have been told that our deposit is to be forfeited....We have travel insurance with [NAME OF INSURANCE COMPANY] but because we found out we could not go away before we had paid for the holiday in full we were told that we would loose our deposit our Insurance will not cover an illness that has re occurred even though she had not had a problem for several years. We tried to move the deposit onto a holiday at a later date but [MAJOR CRUISE LINE] told us that we had to loose it completely. Can you help as we have taken a long time to save for this holiday. (EM - 25.11.08) **** My wife and I were spending 2 nights in Hong Kong then the rest of the 2 week s in Thailand. Due to the airport being closed we could not get to Bangkok, we had to stay in hong kong an extra 4 nights untill a flight was available to fly back to the uk, our insurance company do not want to know basically , however I feel we had to spend the additional time and money waiting in hong kong before we could retun home , we were not in thailand trying to return , I feel we have been unfairly treated by our insurance company. Could please comment. (EM - 4.12.08) Misrepresentation I have written to my tour operator to complain about our holiday in Egypt and have received a reply totaly, in my opinion, sweeping most of my complaints under the carpet. I feel I have been conned and the tour operator has mis-represented the hotel and surrounding area. I would like to know what to do next. (EM - 14.6.08) **** I booked a holiday last year with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] for myself my husband and two teenagers. When we arrived we found that the brochure was incorrect and that the distances to the nearest shop, tavernas and resort were way out. We complained to the rep on resort and he told us that it had been bably misreresented and he could not do anything whilst we were on holiday because everywhere was fully booked, he told us to wait until we got home and to make a complaint. We have been trying to resolve this for almost a year now and have just been offered a refund of our car hire and taxi fares which amounts to £287.00. I have refused this and because they say it is out of the 9 month guide lines they will not except abritration. Please help I dont know what to do next, I have all the documentation to support my case and [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] have finally 134 admitted that the brochure had been wrongly printed and that ot was a human error. What are the next steps I should take. (EM - 22.7.08) **** i wonder if you can help. i am one of 8 veterinary students who recently travelled to ghana on a vet project. we paid a company who specialise in setting students up with a project tailored to suit their needs. we made our needs know on several occasions and we were sorely let down by the company. in total we paid euro12,0000 for the company. they mislead us greatly and now we are back and very upset by their behaviour. this is a UK company can you help? (EM - 31.7.08) **** I would like to lodge a complaint against [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] . We found a holiday on Monday 11th august 2008 internet via [WEBSITE ADDRESS] advertising [NAME OF HOTEL] Benidorm all inclusive along side photograph of the hotel and descripition of all that it had to offer. We phoned the number it gave at the bottom of the details [TELEPHONE NUMBER] and booked and paid for Tuesday 19th August 2008. This advertisement is so misleading. Then the invoice came through it stated that we had booked into apartments which where 10/15 mins from the hotel. I contacted [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] as this was not what I had booked according to the advertisement. After two days of negotiations with [NAME] admin [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPORATOR] phoning us and we phoning them phone they offered us [NAME OF HOTEL] Benidorm. [NAME] then told us to take the weekend to look the hotel up and phone her on Monday, she then exclaimed 'Oh Deara you aare going on Tuesday you must give me your answer within ten minutes as we are closing. As i would be busy looking the hotel up I asked her to phone me up before they close, she said that this was not possible as she had restrictions phoning on that line! Immediately after putting the phone down [NAME] a rep for [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] phoned and kept blaming us using an offensive tone. I felt that he didn't want me to come off the phone as he was repeating himself and trying to 'draw' me intio the highly stressed conversation. I knew I had to phone [NAME] at the admin [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] before it closed at 7pm and therefore had to cut him off, I then phoned at 6.55pm [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] and they were closed! I am totally disappointed and disgusted at this service as in my opinion they have purposefully prevented us accepting or declining their offer. They have cleverly tried to avoid the situation. I would appreciate any advice on taking this matter further. (EM - 15.8.08) **** I wish to complain about a holiday that was miss sold to my 83 year old mother, the hotel was in Tunisia was sold as an adults only hotel in the brochure, but did mention thst other tour operators "may take children" wel lthere was no "may" about it as there was a full mickey mouse childrens club and the hotel was absolutey full of children, abeit not English Children but hords of children never the less. I would like to know if we have a case for mis representation of the facts The brochure states that [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] do not accept bookings for children at this property although other operators may do so, Also the "evening 135 entertainment programme featuring regular shows and pianist in the bar" there was no adult enterainmnent at all only a childrens disco early in the evening every night. The holiday was sold to my mother as an adults holiday which featured adult enterainment, and luxury spar treatments. but instead it was a family holiday resort catering for German and Russian families with only 2 English couples in the whole hotel. Are you able advise if there is a case of misleading /miselling this holiday (EM 28.8.08) **** we have just returned from 2 weeks in the [NAME OF HOTEL] lara turkey. On arrival we were not booked i n and had no room, we were sent to another hotel and were to be picked up at 11am in the morning, The [NAME OF HOTEL] was filthy but it was 3.30am and we were exhausted, we waited until 11.30am and had to get the reception to find out when we were going to be picked up, a car arrived took us to the prima, we were then told the room would not be readt until after 12pm we asked for something to eat and drink and was sent to the restaurant, there was no tea no milk just bread and water, when we asked about it the woman just shrugged her shoulders and walked away. We evetually got in our room and thought lets go and see the beach which was described to be 5m from hotel we saw some sand and walked there only to find a sheer drop to the sea. The beach is actually 50metres and you have to get on a bus at designated times and come back at designated times so we wasnt able to go their and stay when we wanted or left when we wanted. Went down for dinner, it was disgusting and inedible only one c hoice which i think was chicken stew but according to other tourists every dinner was the same, we never ate there again not even breakfast as that was scrambled eggs every morning.when we went to bed and turned on the air conditioning it drip all over my partners bed and smelt mouldy,so we had to move the bed, 2 light bulbs werent working told the man at the desk and when we left they still hadnt replaced them.I feel we were sold a holiday that was completely misrepresented, there was no garden, no childrens play area, no disco, and no afternoon tea, no al a carte menu, we saved up all year for this holiday the only way we got through this was the fact that there were other brits there with more complaints than us. The rep never turned up when he said he would and we had to wait 2 days to see him, he wasnt interested in our complaints just if we wanted excursions, This hotl is listed as a 3+ it should be downgraded or closed so no one else wastes their money (EM 12.9.08) **** We selected a holiday advertised on the [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] web site [NAME OF HOTEL] Protaras Cyprus. It was advertised as a Brand New Hotel. On arrival it was very clear that it was anything but that it was in fact some eight years old. How do we stand with this as this was clearly not what we selected and paid for? (EM - 15.9.08) **** Recently traveled to Bulgaria to stay in a 4 star hotel which clearly wasn't an d have a photo of the certificate for the restaurant which states it was a 3 star restaurant. 136 Hotel was terrible and have pictures and a video to prove. [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] response is not acceptable to the endless list of other complaints which we have made . (EM - 21.10.08) **** When we arrived at our accommodation we did not recognise the building that was pictured in the brochure, especially my husband who had only seen the picture and had no involvement in the booking. His first words were “this is not the hotel”, I agreed. We can only describe the building as resembling a tenement block, a sub standard hotel maybe that had been acquired by the [NAME OF COMPANY] and had the [BRAND NAME] façade added to it. The reception, bedrooms smelt damp and musty, the smell was overwhelming, doors ill fitting and wallpaper dirty and peeling from wall, armchairs in the reception area too dirty to sit on, balcony railings rusty had been painted over. (EM - 6.11.08) **** We took a private villa with pool holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] July 08. It was described as extremely secluded and tucked away. The high walls surrounding the garden give completEprivacy. In reality the villa was next to a large noisy hotel, the balconies looked over the villa pool area and the car park looked over the tiny sunbathing area. There was a 4 stroey villa next door with all their balconies overlooking the pool and sunbathing area. The wall was waist to chest height, and overlooked the main road to the beach so people cars trucks and bikes going past day and night looking over. I have contacted [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] through their correct complaints procedure, all I get back is stalling tactics. I have contacted ABTA but they don't seem to be diong anything either. PLEASE CAN YOU HELP ME - (EM - 16.12.08) Name Changes Booked a holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] over internet - received e-mail confirmation which showed I'd entered my parners surname as [NAME] not [NAME]. Informed [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] straightaway, they want £40 to change name. Is there anything i can do? (24.6.08) **** I am looking for advice on a problem we have had with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR]. My boyfriend booked flights on [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] to Thailand using [NAME OF AIRLINE]. We recently looked at the booking confirmation and noticed that they had incorrectly noted my boyfriend's surname, giving him the same surname as me. This is not an error I believe was made by him but by the website. We contacted [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] who said that they no longer had our booking records as the booking was made over 2 months ago (3 months ago). However, dispite the fact that they cannot bring 137 up any proof that is is our error not their's, they are refusing to change the name. They will only offer a refund at the cost of £240 for both and then have advised us to rebook the tickets, which are now £200 each more expensive. This was their error and they are not assisting us at all. We have now been advised to e-mail their customer services which has a 28 day turn-around time. We do not want to wait this long if the likelihood is that they will never change the name as in this time the flights are will have increased in price further still. My question therefore is - are we wasting our time persuing this? We have contacted [NAME OF AIRLINE] who will not amend the booking because it came through [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR]. Advice on this situation would be much appreciated. (EM - 23.7.08) **** Received holiday tickets approximately 2 weeks ago. One of the surnames is wrong only by 1 letter. My travel agent informs me this is fine but it states quite clearly on the ticket from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR AIRLINE] that the spelling must be correct. I have tried repeatedly by phone and e-mail yesterday for the tickets to be changed but the travel agent has not done so. I fly out tomorrow and am really worried we will not be able to board the plane because of this difficutly. The travel agent has stated they would phone the airline for me and sent me written proof that one spelling error will not affect our holiday. To date I have not received this. What can I do? (EM - 10.9.08) No Flights Majorca (booking ref [NUMBER]) with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] They had not booked our flights, so upon arriving at the airport alternative outboard arranges had to be made and return flights were not confirmed till 3days before coming home. Their negligence caused stress, unset, frustration and anger. Four of us were in the travel party and have only been offered £200 and £150 travel voucher which is unacceptable. Please can you help us with advice on how we can proceed? (EM – 3.11.08) Price Fixing Could you please explain why a trip to America costs £300 pounds more in high season than in low season. I have travelled in low season and the plane has the same number as passengers as in the high season. The services are the same no matter what season you travel.Is this just another way of ripping a family of who can only travel during the school holiday period. (EM - 4.1.09) **** Hello, i have an issue regarding holiday prices being unfairly raised during school holidays. My wife is a teacher and we are currently looking for a skiing holiday in Feb 138 09 half term but the prices are almost double that of other weeks. I understand supply and demand but isn't there an issue with price fixing ? Also for the week we need to go, if we go from Belfast then the price is almost normal, why?? It's further to fly from belfast but about £300 cheaper for the same holiday than if we fly from Birmingham or a London Airport. I dont understand. Thanks in anticipation of your response. (EM - 4.1.09) Quality Complaints I have an enquiry regarding our rights in complaining about an unsatisfactory holiday. It was booked t hrough a holiday lettings website and we dealt directly with the owner of the property. When we arrived we discovered that the house did not have two bedrooms as advertised. It had a single lounge space in which there were three beds which doubled as sofas. In addition the owner expected to leave her cats in the house (no pets were allowed in the conditions.) We asked for these to be removed, especially since one of our party is asthmatic and allergic to cats. After a couple of days it became clear that there was a flea infestation. We complained to the owner about this, as well as the lack of bedrooms, asking for compensation. At the time she wrote a note offering £50. We did not reply to this. She also sprayed the house with insecticide while we were out. This was not effective, we continued both to see fleas, and to be bitten. On return we wrote to the website and the owner complaining about these three problems. The owner denies that there were fleas in the house. While we were away she had contacted the website and the advertisement had been changed to more accurately reflect the nature of the accommodation. We do have hard copy of the original misleading advertisement. The offer of £50 has not been repeated. The website states that they do not get involved in disputes between customers and owners. At one point I mentioned the possibility of a posting on a holiday watch website, to which the owner replied that she would take legal action if 'untrue' allegations about fleas were posted. What are our rights in this situation? (EM - 13.6.08) **** This holiday was booked on 19TH February 2007 and since booking with you myself and my family has encountered nothing but problems. My first complaint was back in March 2007 regarding my elder daughter who had booked separately. As we are all travelling as a family and we had been offered the option to upgrade our seats we wanted to upgrade my elder daughter’s seats too. This was not to be and despite both parties paying nearly £15,000 for the holiday, [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] would not offer to upgrade my elder daughter’s seats at the same price that we had paid (£109). Instead we were told that my daughter would have to pay £290 per seat. [NAME] at MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] head office was supposed to be dealing with the complaint, however, in his final email to myself informed me that he was leaving the company and another member of staff would investigate the problem. This did not happen and all the premium seats were sold therefore meaning the group are now split up. 139 When we booked the holiday we informed the agent, whom we only knew as [NAME] that we would be travelling with an infant and would it be possible to purchase a child’s meal for him on the aeroplane. He told us that this was not possible at the time of the booking but we could purchase this when we paid our final balance. In January when I paid my balance I asked [NAME], the manager of [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] if we could purchase an extra child’s meal. She informed me that I could and I paid an extra £10 so my grandson could enjoy a meal on the 10 ½ hr flight. I was given a receipt and [NAME] even circled the appropriate detail to show that I had in fact purchased a meal for my grandson. Imagine my horror and annoyance when upon collecting my tickets on 3rd April that my infant grandson had not been allocated a meal. I spoke to [NAME] to ask her to rectify this problem only to be told that she had upgraded my eldest grandchild’s meal and not allocated my infant a meal. I was helpfully told that the children could share the meal if they wanted! I was not even offered the £10 charge back. Why on earth would I upgrade a meal when I had paid for upgraded seats meaning the meal would be upgraded anyway? [NAME] also informed me that it would not be a problem to take sandwiches for the infant on board. I personally would not eat sandwiches that were hours old so why should I expect my grandson too? My other complaint is the way the wedding of my daughter has been conducted. Upon booking I was told that she would receive a wedding date within six weeks of booking. In fact despite many phone calls she was only told the date a matter of weeks ago and even then it could not be confirmed. We were never told that my daughter and her fiancé could have an extra 10kg of luggage due to their wedding. Again we had to find this out and contact [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] ourselves. The [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] wedding department could not even get the legal documents correct. After complying with everything that [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] had told us the documents were posted back from the Foreign office as the legal requirements had changed. Surely [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] should be aware of any legal changes as they happen NOT the customer. I had to ring [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] who then sent a letter to all guests getting married informing them of the changes. My daughter has been so worried about the wedding that she emailed [NAME OF HOTEL] hotel directly. Imagine her surprise that they told her the wedding date and time along with information regarding the wedding video and dress facilities. All of which [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] did not know. This will be the last time that I will ever use [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] for any future holidays. People I have spoken to who have booked with [NAMES OF OTHER TOUR OPERATORS] have not experienced any problems like we have. Your customer service is appalling and your staff attitudes leave a lot to be desired. I was told by the manager that she would call me Saturday. At the time of writing this letter I am still waiting for the call three days later. (EM - 22.6.08) 140 **** We are in dispute with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] over our holiday. When we booked we explained that we needed a child friendly pool, there was no mention of the depth of the pool when we booked and this would of changed everything as our son is only a toddler. The pool started at 1.4m. Also the villa was incredibly damp which we feared could cause a health problem. We came home early without them offering us other accommodation and now will only apologise. Is there anything else we can do as we lost alot of money on this holiday/honeymoon. Your advice would be most welcome. Thank you. (EM - 24.6.08) **** After three days of listening to loud music that started at around each evening until late I finally had enough and on the third day on a particularly bad night I asked the reception staff to come to my room to experience the loud noise which was stopping me getting any sleep. They refused to come to my room to admit liability but agreed to move me to another quieter room.I agreed and at 2.0am packed my bags and went to a different room number 738 at the top end of the resort. Unbelievably, at 7.0am I was awoken by the sound of building work which was going on outside of my apartment block on a site and believe me the noise was very loud. This noise went on each day until around 6.45 pm during each and every day. I also have pictures to evaluate this situation. This was mentioned to the reception staff and also to the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] Rep at our resort who admittedly smirked and said ‘You have been unlucky’. No action was taken by the reception staff to this grievance and therefore this makes them completely negligent. (EM 9.7.08) **** I complained to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] regarding my holiday to Cyprus on 3 counts: The villa was advertised as within a short walk from the resort - it was over 4Km The included car hire arrangements proved different from those referred to in the brochure Electrical safety was dreadful and I sent photographs as evidence The response was dismissive: "brochures are printed many months in advance and are correct at the time of going to press" "all rentals are subject to the renal company terms and conditions" "Basis standards of safety that we expect in the UK do not automatically apply .... in our...resorts" The letter did however go on to say that the safety issues would be referred to the resort office Di I have any redress? (EM - 12.7.08) **** I recently booked my honeymoon in Corsica through [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER (acting as agents for [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] from the 25th May to the 1st June. This did not go well. The property was dirty, the electrics were unsafe and sparked, and the roof leaked incessantly. Can you tell me how I can proceed to try and reclaim at least some of the large amount of money I paid for the trip? I have written to both [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] and [MAJOR TOUR 141 OPERATOR] but have received back only pro-forma letters. Any help would be greatly appreciated. .... 1: Upon arriving the keys to the property were not in the location [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] had specified, necessitating a frantic hour-long search of the property. We called the [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] office who could offer us no help or advice in finding it. 2: Eventually we found the key and discovered that the [PROPERTY NAME] had not been cleaned. Smoldering coals lay in the fireplace, the whole tower stank of fire fumes, and there were no sheets on the beds. The downstairs bedroom was incredibly dusty. The pool was a murky green and had obviously not been cleaned. By this time the [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER rep – [NAME] – had arrived and can confirm the dire state of the building. She said she would inform her superiors about providing us with a partial refund for the day and provide us with new sheets the following day (when she did they were the wrong size). My new wife and I were left to clean the tower ourselves. 3: Three days into our stay a rainstorm took place. The tower began to leak. A lot. Water gushed underneath the door to the roof and through the skylight, shortcircuiting a light circuit in our bedroom below, and covering the floor of the bedroom in water. We were forced to move to the second bedroom beneath the kitchen, but water gushing through the chimney flooded the kitchen and leaked through into the other bedroom, soaking us in our bed and causing electrical appliances to spark. At 4am my wife and I were forced to mop and bail out water furiously. 4: After a sleepless night we called [NAME] – the [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] rep – and asked her to locate us to a dry and safe hotel for the next night. She claimed [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] did not do such things for their clients. Fortunately the building’s caretaker – [NAME] – arrived later in the morning. We showed him the devastation – by this time the whole tower stank of mold and was sopping wet – and he and the owners of the Tower agreed to relocate us to the two-star [HOTEL NAME] in Propriano. 5: The [HOTEL NAME] was hardly commensurate in cost or charm to the [PROPERTY NAME]. We returned to the [PROPERTY NAME] for our last night and bivouaced in the basement amongst buckets and mops. Considering we spent 1516.74 pounds for a week at the[PROPERTY NAME]. The fact that it was our honeymoon which had been ruined made things doubly grating. I would say that it is only reasonable that at least three nights of our stay are refunded – one for the unclean condition the tower was in when we arrived, and two for the rained-out nights. This would be an approximate refund of 650 pounds. Corroboration of the details above can be gained from [NAME] – the [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] rep, who said she would contact the [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] office about our problems– and from [NAME], the 142 caretaker for the [PROPERTY NAME] and other [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] properties in Olmeto-Plage. (EM - 21.7.08) **** I travelled to orlando, usa with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] (booked via my travel agent) on April 1st 200 8. On our arrival I found the hotel accommodation very unsatisfactory. I had booked a basic, budget hotel rated as 2*+ I found that the [NAME OF HOTEL], International Drive was dirty and dishevelled. I complained bitterly to the resort rep at the meeting the next morning and was charged $167 to "upgrade" to the [NAME OF HOTEL], Lake Beuna Vista. I checked the brochure and the [NAME OF HOTEL}, rated 3* by [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR], is advertised in the brochure as cheaper than the [NAME OF HOTEL] on our travel dates! I paid the upgrade charge on the understanding that I could complain on our return home, as advised by the rep, it was either pay and move or stay and staying at [NAME OF HOTEL] with my two children was not an option. I complained on our return, along with two other families who also complained and moved accommodation. My first complaint was responded to refusing to refund my upgrade charge. I complained again and received a "gesture of goodwill" £100 in [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] vouchers. I have refused the vouchers and am now seeking advice. One of the other families has photo evidence of the state of the accommodation. We are seeking a refund of the "upgrade" charge and compensation for the inconvenience and distress caused. My agent has advised me to make an offer of what compensation I deem sufficient to resolve the complaint. How should I calculate this? The longer the matter remains unresolved the more angry and annoyed I am becoming as my dream once-in-a-lifetime holiday has been well & truly spoilt by [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. Any advice would be very helpful. (EM - 21.7.08) **** we have just returned from a Nile cruise during which our cabin was flooded - we awoke at 03.00 to the noise of the crew baling out the corridor outside our suite - I got out of bed to see what was happening - to find the floor ankle deep in water! we were sent to the bar and given free tea and cakes - allowed back to our room at 05.30 with a wake up call at 07.00 for the day trip - we lost all items on the floor books and mags but worse of all - we had taken the portable dvd player - that was floating - the tour agent gave 10% off our bar bill - but we need to replace the DVD player - it's under the excess for our house insurance - can we claim from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] the flood was caused by a 'pipe' on the boat and noting to do with us? - we have photos of the water pouring from the player in the room but did not bring it back with us. (EM - 22.7.08) **** I wish to make a formal complaint in regards to a holiday we have returned from this week. To be quite honest, anything to do with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] on this holiday has been one huge disappointment which has left my partner and me very upset. I would like to list exactly what did or did not go on, on our holiday below, unfortunately there is rather a lot. We have a booking number of [NUMBER] of the holiday, date of travel 22/04/08 When checking in at the [NAME OF HOTEL] Hotel 143 in Cairo there were no details of our reservation as they had us under the name of a [NAME] who had cancelled their holiday in December (we know this because a couple we met are friends of [NAME]). They had to double check our e ticket for the hotel reservation and then we had to fill out some paperwork crossing out [NAME] details and replacing them with our details. We were then advised that we were unable to have a double room now which we paid for and had to have a twin room. The whole point of our detour to Sharm el Sheikh via Cairo in which we only had 2 full days was the main reason of most tourists was to see the pyramids and museum. Well what a complete and utter disaster and upset at this due to the tour guide you use who to be completely fair needs a stern word with or in my opinion sacking. His name was [NAME] and he picked us up from the [NAME OF HOTEL] Hotel on Wednesday 23rd April at 11am. We were booked in to visit the pyramids. In total including transporting us from one pyramid to the viewing point and to the sphinx we were allowed a total of 45 minutes. We were constantly being pushed for time, we were told there was no point walking around the pyramid as it looks the same all around, we were driven past the 2nd pyramid as apparently it is the same as the first pyramid, (it was not until we spoke with the other couple that were staying at the hotel on the exact same package as us that at the 2nd pyramid there were opportunities for camel rides, a solar boat we could have looked at and the chance to go inside the pyramid)! The whole reason for the extra expense was the chance to see everything and to be offered everything by your apparently trained and knowledgeable trustworthy tour guides. Then what really takes the biscuit as I shall put are the ‘factories’ we were taken round instead of being taken straight back to our hotel after a very disappointing trip. These ‘factories’ which the tour guide made out were amazing were in fact shops of his friends where we were intimidated and made to feel obliged to purchase gifts and tat otherwise we were asked why we were not buying things by the owners and the tour guide and made to feel we had to spend money that we just did not have. We were taken to 4 shops, on the 5th we had to say enough is enough and to take us back to the hotel, [NAME] was not happy with this. We were only allowed 45 minutes at the pyramids where we had spent £64 on this excursion through you but he was happy to drag us around for 2.5 hours to visit his friends’ shops and being forced to spend money. We reluctantly spent the equivalent of £50 but were made to feel that this was not enough. Unfortunately having spent so much to visit Cairo before Sharm el Sheikh we were on a daily budget and have not got loads of money to throw at the tour guides friends, which I am quite sure he does to a lot of his tourists and earns commission off this. It is an utter disgrace. We then got picked up at 12pm Thursday 24th April hoping the visit to the museum would be a better experience. [NAME] took us to the museum and showed us around what he called the master pieces for approximately 30 – 40 minutes. In this time he constantly looked at his watch. He by passed the first floor and took us to the second floor. When we got to a part in the museum he said tour guides were not allowed in there so he was off to wait outside and we were to meet him outside in 15 minutes!!! 15 minutes; have you seen the size of the museum, we were wanting a good hour to have a look around, when we said this he would not settle for that and said 30 minutes maximum, and in his words were told 30 minutes is enough as we would get bored!! Could he get any worse? We were constantly rushed and not allowed to look at anything and missed the opportunity to do and see things on both excursions and we feel it is a huge let down, a waste of money and we feel cheated out of the whole experience. We spent £110 in total charged by you on these excursions and for what? The couple who also 144 had the same holiday package as us had the same tours but on different days and they were fortunate to have a very good tour guide and were given 2.5 hours at each excursion. On the way back from the excursion [NAME] did not even have the decency to escort us all the way back to the hotel and got out the van half way whilst we were stuck in traffic as he had to get back to his car!! Speaking quite frankly our short stay in Cairo was totally ruined by the disappointing excursions and for this we want a full refund of the excursions and compensation for the way we were treated by the tour guide that you hire to carry out the excursions. We might as well have just gone straight to Sharm el Sheikh and saved hundreds of pounds. On the way to the airport to travel from Cairo to Sharm el Sheikh our tour representative rung us and we made a full report to him at the airport and he said he was going to file it and send it to you so it was all recorded for when we wrote this letter. His name was [NAME] (I think his surname was [NAME]). He was our tour representative from April 22-25 at [NAME OF HOTEL] Cairo. If this has happened which I certainly suggest has I would have expected a letter by now from you asking us for full details but as of today we have not received anything from you. This too is not good. Also, about 2 months before we were due to fly to Egypt we were called to say that our return flight was changed from [AIRLINE] to [AIRLINE]. When collecting our tickets we queried this and asked that we were compensated for the difference of the flight tickets. We were told that a refund would not be due as the standard of flight would be the exact same. Well like hell it was. On the way to Egypt we had our own televisions with a selection of films, we were given drinks throughout the flight, we had an in flight meal, we had complete comfort and luxury and this is what we were guaranteed on the way back. On the way back as we expected we were given no drinks, except we were allowed a cup of tap water each, no meal (the flight was an hour longer than on the way out – a 5.5 hour flight), there was a television about 3 rows ahead which showed 1 film and if we wanted to watch it we had to pay £3 each. As we were told it would be the same standard we had no money on us so were unable to purchase drinks or food which were provided on the flight on the way out. For this I demand a refund of the flight home as it yet another disgrace of your company on what was a very disappointing and expensive holiday. I have always booked my holidays through you and on this occasion we also booked a [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] holiday as a bit of extra luxury for a well deserved holiday and it has been a huge disappoint which has left us very upset and angry about it. I would be very grateful if you can look in to this matter further and make the necessary arrangements to compensate us for our disappointment and anger as well as a refund on the excursions and the flight back to England. The money to be sent by a cheque, not [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] vouchers, thank you. I am not one for holding grudges and hope that I can book holidays through you again and not experience this kind of treatment again from such a reputable company. (EM - 25.7.08) **** I went to [NAME OF HOTEL] in sharm in my and found rats running around.derin king out of re-used paper cups,generly very bed hygine, very bad lighting around the complex thet didnt light up crumbley steps and manhole covers that were not put down properly and building work.I have complained to [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL PROVIDER] but they have called my a liar and that a rep was there the day before i was there and there was nothing wrong.and i paid for waht i not happy with 145 this as people have complained about the same things on [TRAVEL REVIEW SITE] and [TRAVEL REVIEW SITE].can i take this further and how? (EM - 4.8.08) **** I am writing to express my disgust in the quality and cleanliness of the caravan accommodation recently endured by my family on holiday in [NAME OF HOLIDAY PARK], Tenby. Upon arrival we were not happy with the location of our caravan which backed on to the petrol station at the park entrance. This did not meet our expectations so we enquired about any available alternative locations on the park. The first option offered was an older caravan with broken door handles and did not meet our expectations. We therefore complained for a second time and were moved to the caravan on [NAME OF LOCATION], No. [NUMBER] which, had been explained to us, was a ‘Gold Crown caravan the year before’. After arriving at this accommodation we were faced with soiled bed clothes, which had been folded ready for re-use, and dirty smelly carpets, sofa and curtains. Obviously we returned back to reception, however at this stage we were told that there were no other options available and that we would have to stay at this caravan. If, at the time we had been told that no better accommodation was available then we would have stayed at our original caravan. We were however, given the impression that we would actually be offered something of an improvement. The reality was that the options offered were far worse. An attempt was made to clean the carpets and sofa and the dirty soiled linen was replaced so we agreed reluctantly to stay at this location. I also purchased some cleaning products and air fresheners from the shop to try and improve the situation. The following day, Wednesday 30thJuly, after returning from a day out, it was obvious that nothing was going to improve the smell encountered, which was a mixture of damp and stale urine. I therefore complained again to reception ([NAME]) and left my details so that the site manager ([NAME]) could contact me. I also rang the [TOUR OPERATOR] main number and spoke to customer services asking them to put pressure on the park to improve our situation. No effort was made to contact me so I complained again on the Thursday 31st in the hope that our last 2 nights might be spent in better accommodation. I suggested that maybe [TOUR OPERATOR] could arrange for us to stay in one of the parks private caravans but again no action was taken. You can only imagine our frustration when, on the wettest day of our stay, we all changed and visited the indoor pool only to be faced with the fact that it had been closed for the day due to water quality issues! Having had a thoroughly depressing and upsetting holiday we finally left the park one night early, unable to endure the damp smelly environment any longer. I have enclosed some photographs taken of the accommodation which go some way to representing how awful this was, showing stained bed clothes, stained and mouldy curtains and ripped curtains. Can you please explain how it is possible for me and my family to be housed in such accommodation at this park? After spending over £500 for this short break and booking the ‘Superior Plus’ accommodation, which looks beautiful on the website, we had high expectations. [TOUR OPERATOR] have fell woefully short of fulfilling these, to the extent where I felt there were health risks, particularly for my young children (who have both suffered sickness bugs since staying at [NAME OF HOLIDAY PARK]. After all, it is difficult to explain to young children that they shouldn’t play on the floor or walk around without any shoes on. I feel that the holiday has been mis-sold to me and I am currently considering taking further action to recover the money spent. (EM - 5.8.08) 146 **** dear sir madame, i have sent 3 emails to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] regarding the in flight meal we had on a return jurney from ibiza in june 08.when starting to eat my meal there was a peice of string in it about 3 inch long, when i asked to see the head steward she was not at all (EM - 13.8.08) **** To begin with we boarded our flight at Manchester to find our seats were broken, the seat pads were not attached to the seat and proceeded to come off with any movement, when we put our heads back there was just a metal bar in place of a head rest. When we tried to inform the staff about the problems before setting off we realised they were all Turkish and did not speak any English so could not deal with our complaint. We were of course disappointed by this; it was a four hour flight and it was not at all pleasant. On arrival to the hotel we were most disappointed to here we could not check in. Apparently we needed some reference numbers, or so we managed to guess from the conversation the coach rep was having with the receptionist. The rep managed to sort out that we could check in and she left, unfortunately we were then told that a room would not be ready until 1pm, after we had traveled all night and it was now 7.35am we were not pleased and protested, he then agreed to give us a temporary room until 1pm then we would have to move, again I protested and eventually he agreed to give us a room we could remain in. Great we had eventually got somewhere, he spoke no English and it was extremely difficult to communicate. We were taken to our room by the receptionist to find the previous family had only just left and the room had not been cleaned at all, the bed looked like people had just got out of it, the toilet was all stained with brown marks and the floor was filthy with hair and what looked like chocolate all over the floor, a folded bed was even in there still opened which we requested to be moved. We had to leave the hotel for two hours while the receptionist had the cleaners come and clean our room. We were most annoyed, we were exhausted by the traveling and wanted to sleep. We later discovered our fridge was broken which meant we could not drink any cold drinks while in our room, in 45 degree heat this was a problem. We informed the staff daily asking for it to be fixed with no joy; we also reported it to our [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] rep [NAME] and she also had no joy. On 24th of July my partner spend 6.5 hours waiting in reception for a technician being told he would be there in ten minutes every half an hour! Eventually after 6.5 hours someone appeared to fix our fridge, unfortunately he didn’t fix it and we spent everyday telling the staff. The problem never did get solved. Our Toilet seat was broken; we had barely any light in our room as most of the light bulbs were missing. The lights in the corridors were not switched on at night which was dangerous and you could not see your door to put the key in the lock. There was no hot water; we found staff sleeping in the children’s room everyday. The children’s play area was overgrown and dangerous with concrete parasol weights in there with metal poles sticking out of the tops all that was missing from that area was a [SUPERMARKET NAME] shopping trolley and a bike wheel and it would have been complete. The slides were only switched on for half an hour twice a day and the water at the bottom was green. They were unsafe to slide down as there was no water flow, the children proceeded to carry huge bottles of water to the top so they could slide 147 down, if the hotel could not afford them to be on they should have fenced of the area for safety. Also by the slides there was a huge man hole about 15ft deep with no cover on! We actually had three different colour pools the children’s was white, the adults was brown and the slide pool was green! They were so filthy you could not see your own feet! There were broken windows and mirrors all over the hotel which one child cut his finger on. We only had one pillow to share on a double bed, we had no supply of toilet paper given or towels all holiday. My partner managed to find the cleaners cupboard and we had to help ourselves because when we asked no one understood what we were asking for. The cleaners only appeared to change the bed once in two weeks and emptied the bin a few times. 27th July we had no running water all day, I was actually in the shower with a head full of shampoo and my partner had to go out and buy the water to rinse my hair! 30th July we had no water or electric for most of the day. The water seemed to be delivered and the hotel often ran out for a few hours. 90% of the time there was no beer spirits wine or soft drinks available, only flat coke or flat fanta and the fanta ran out after a week. When the beer was on it was poured out of bottled and once opened they were left open in the sun so it was warm and flat. On our first day there was one bottle of Vodka, my partner asked for some to be told we were not allowed it; it was for the polish only! Breakfast was ham and cheese, dinner was rice and what looked like small meat balls and tea was rice and peas, occasionally some scraps of chicken, all the same for two weeks, no desserts other then water melon every meal. The families we met who ate the food and the first few days we attempted to eat the food we all ended up poorly with upset stomachs, the food was always cold and if you were not there early it was all gone. We consequently had to eat out every meal, buy our own drinks, water beer and snacks. The hotels idea of snacks was a plate of cucumber and a plate of tomato left out in the sun to go warm, there were no other snacks so we couldn’t even survive of those. We took very little money with us as the holiday was supposed to be all inclusive. The money we withdrew on the holiday had to be taken from credit cards because we had no other money, this cost us commission to withdraw in the booths, the credit card company charge me 3% of the amount I’m withdrawing because its cash, they charge because the transaction is abroad and also charge 30% interest of the balance until it is fully repaid. I could not afford the spending money to take I could certainly not afford to spend more while I was there and I defiantly can’t now afford to pay my bills back. I have spent the whole holiday panicking about how we are going to pay our bills when we returned home, but we had no choice we had to eat, I even stupidly tried not to eat much and ended up nearly fainting as a result. The hygiene levels in the hotel were generally appalling, the floors were dirty, the toilets stunk awful and even human waste was found outside the toilets on the floor, there was never toilet paper and the floors were always very wet. The dining room was filthy with scraps of food left all over. The table cloths were never changed and by the amount of food encrusted of them they looked like they had been there since the hotel opened. They staff swept the table cloths with the same dust pan and brush used for the floor; I lifted a table cloth to find the underneath covered in mould. The hotel never had enough cups, so the one barman had to go round collecting the cups, wash them (in a washing bowl full of dirty water) to then serve the people waiting. The music by the pool was played so loud you had to shout while having a conversation, we repeatedly asked for it to be turned down just to be laughed at and it to be turned louder. 25th July the staff were fighting outside the hotel at night and the police turned up. Russians were 148 fighting another night and smashed two of the glass table tops outside the front of the hotel. The following day the staff just covered the tables with table cloths so they could continue to be used! We saw a family eating there later on and tried to show them, they were not English speaking but they moved tables. We told the staff about this but they just left them there. 29th July one of the English families went home (there were only six English families in the hotel and they were all horrified by the hotel and had all proceeded to complain to the hotel and any reps but had no joy. When the family was leaving a staff member came over and apologized for there awful holiday saying he knew the hotel was not good enough. The beach which was supposedly across the street but was more like across a motorway. The road directly outside the hotel was six lanes wide with no crossing and what appeared like no speed limit, we risked crossing it one day and were so shocked by how difficult it was we did not cross it again. To get to our hotels part of the beach it took at least twenty minutes to walk there because you had to cross the road which took ten minutes then walk past all the other hotels beaches to get to ours. If you dared stay on another hotels beach for more than a few minutes you were moved on by the police. We did try to address all of our problems with the staff but unfortunately they could not speak English and nothing ever got solved. We then made verbal and written complaints to our [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] rep, 20th and 25th July. We tried to call yourselves on the 25th but got no answer, we attained a different number and tried with success to contact you on the 26th and made a complaint with [NAME] previously mentioned in this letter. Our rep [NAME] tried her best for us, as she could speak Turkish but the manager would not speak to her, she tasted wine and soft drinks and said she would not drink them herself. She inspected the hotel and after many complaints from her other families staying had her boss come out, meet the manager and inspect the hotel himself. The day this happened was a joke, it was the first time we had seen the manager dressed smartly, there was spirits and beer available (only while the inspection took place) the music was on and the staff were getting everyone dancing round the pool. It was clearly all an act for the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] boss and once he had left things returned to normal how ironic! [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] explained the hotel was going to sort out the water and drinks problems and put on some different food we could eat but none of this ever materialized. The rep did all she could but I regret to say I feel we were miss sold one of her trips, we booked to go on a market trip on our first day not realizing we wouldn’t be able to afford to go. Little did we know at the time but there was a market twice a week on the waste land which is next to the hotel, it was huge and I feel it was quite unethical of her to sell us something which cost £44.00! That was free right next to the hotel twice a week. I attempted to gain a refund to be conveniently told there was a non refund policy I thought this was disgusting. To conclude, we were most disappointed by our holiday we had saved up to pay for. We paid for all inclusive and we had to spend money that cost us money to get out when we had not expected to be spending money at all. Not only did we pay for something we didn’t get but we had to pay for the privilege. I estimate just for our food it has cost us 1120 lira which works out to be about 486 pounds extra than the money we took, we could barely afford the holiday and I am extremely angry that I have had to spend this money which I can not afford to pay back. I would like to be compensated for the money I have spent and regret to say that if we cannot settle this matter amicably I will have no choice but to involve solicitors. (EM - 14.8.08) **** 149 returned from [NAME OF HOTEL] - Elenite, Bulgaria 2/8/08. This hotel was on GMTV rec ently with 90 + cases of food poisioning.Sent letter of complaint to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] Re:condition of accommodation(when booked rated 4 star July 07) now rated as 3 stars.Also uncooked food and poor hygene. Received response from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] - Standard resposns, not addressing individual issues,£104 voucher towards next holiday. Not happy, how do I proceed to the next stage. (EM - 15.8.08) **** We contacting you in complaint of a holiday we had on the 2nd august 2008 We booked our holiday 2-3 weeks before our departure date with a company called [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] (ABTA [NUMBER]), the holiday was booked with named accommodation at the resort of Porto Colom in Majorca , The Hotel was called [HOTEL NAME] and was a 3 star hotel booked for 1 week all inclusive for 2 adults and 1 child aged 4. On the Thurs before our departure we got a letter in the post from the company saying our flight was to be delayed by 2.5 hours which made our flight time 2.40 am on the 3rd august which we were not to happy about because we thought that the flight time of 12 midnight was bad enough with a small child. The next day Friday before departure on the Saturday we returned home from work to find a message on our answer machine saying there had been a problem with our booking so we had been Moved to another hotel, we could really make out the name by the message so we tried to call them we could not in touch until the morning after when we were given the name of the hotel and also informed it was also in a different resort. We were not happy about this as we had heard so much about the resort of porto colom and really wanted to go there because we wanted a more quiet resort. The lady on the said she would see what she could find and get back to us, after half hour we got a call said they had found a place for in porto colom at a hotel called [NAME OF HOTEL]. We asked about the hotel and told them we wanted to which they replied that it was what we were looking for , so we went ahead with there recommendation. There was no issues with the flight just a slight delay and we arrived at the hotel at about 8.30 am on Sunday the 3rd august , on arrival we had to walk through the pool area if you could call it that it was minute with maybe 20- 30 sun beds and 3-4 tables and chairs, we were told that the hotel had 70 rooms so you do the maths when it came to sitting round the pool, the area was also covered in the night before’s left over glasses and cigarette ends ( we only saw the area cleaned 2 that week). When booking our names were not on the list which was not surprising due to our late change, it took quite a few phone calls before the receptionist said yes you are here And we were given a room key and off we went, we had to go up a flight of stairs and along a landing to our room and on the floors was a carpet the was so filthy and worn it was distgusting, on entering our room we could not believe the size we had edge our way around the beds to get in, the wardrobe door was hanging off, ceiling fan was missing (there was no air in the rooms there was at the original hotel), there was plaster falling off the walls everywhere. After we had thrown our cases down we headed down stairs to get something to eat as it was now breakfast time, on the way down the stairs we were greeted by a guest saying welcome to hell, we stared at each other oh my god. In the restaurant we took a tray and looked at the food available Oh dear it looked awful continental buffet looked like it had been there a week and the hot food buffet was 150 just floating in a mass of fat apart from the fried eggs where the fat had gone cold and you had to peel the eggs out of there resting pace, we settled for as we did for the rest of the holiday for French bread with jam. After breakfast we went to complain about the room but we had along queue in front of us with similar complaints. All we eventually got was a desk fan to keep the room cool. With going in to much lengthy detail about all the issues we had I will try and listing my issues. The pool area was unclean and there was no space. The bar was very often unmanned and you had to get someone from reception to serve you. The bar staff were very rude and ate meals behind the bar when they should have been serving waiting guests. The food was the same everyday and disgusting ( the restaurant was never busy as I’m sure most people were eating out as we did on a few occasions) you shouldn’t have to do this when you have paid all inclusive. The hotel as a whole was filthy and run down. Our sheets were changed once all week. The entertainment was pathetic Bingo and a magic show ( nothing during the day not even music playing). The nights were very hot which is not the hotels fault but there should have been air con or at least a large fan in the room. On the second day we could not take anymore so we called a number on the info sheet we had been given to complain, a man who didn’t speak good English took our details and said he would get back to us but after an hour we heard nothing so we tried another to which we got told we needed to call another number which we did to find it put us through to the same office we had originally called but this time got an English girl who said sorry for her colleague not calling us back but she would get something sorted and call us back to which we said we hoped she would this time even if it’s with a flight home. We never heard a thing back from her. We just tried to get on with the holiday the best we could by spending as little time at the hotel as possible. One day we were out walking and saw the hotel we had originally booked for so we went for a looked round it was a different world, we went to the reception maybe they’ve had a cancellation and could save us from this hell but no they were booked full. The receptionist had heard of our plight many times and from her description it sounded like this happens a lot the travel company just take the bookings with checking availability then and up dumping the poor soles in the hell hole [NAME OF HOTEL]. On our next to last we were told to be out of our rooms by 11 am the following day but we were not flying until midnight, when we and other guests thought about this we could not understand why we had to be out as we had paid for 7 nights but had only had 6 so we thought we should have had the rooms all day but nom said the receptionist and said we would have to pay 20 euro’s to the keep room on. We paid the 20 euro’s as we had a small child with a us and thought it would be easier with the long wait as we could still enjoy our day then wash later before the flight home. On the day of departure we got up and went to the bathroom to find there was no water so I went down to ask why and was told it was a minor problem and it would be back on in 15 mins, so we went for breakfast and after the water was still off, so again I went down and was told it would be on in an hour. We decided not to hang around and set off to the beach and returned 3 hours later to find the water still off and the hotel starting to smell terrible as all the toilets had been used numerous times and were unable to flush. We went to complain saying we had paid 20 euro’s to keep our room but it was a waste because there was no water. The receptionist said they were working on the issue but there was nothing she could do, at this point other guests were getting annoyed as there were nom toilets and no drinks available so they demanded the manager be called to the hotel. The manager arrived at the hotel half an hour later to a group of very unhappy guests the 151 complaints were put forward and we were given a room in another part of the hotel where there ad was water ( why couldn’t this have happened earlier ) but even worst condition horrible. After the manager had gone and we were washed and ready to go home , we were sat with other guests who had complained to the manger about allsorts of issues including the state of the hotel. The coach eventually came to rescue us all from this and we all jumped aboard, as the coach pulled away everybody cheered which I had never seen before on a holiday. Hopefully something can be done about this holiday from hell. (EM - 18.8.08) **** The Pool The pool was Disgusting, it had clumps of hair floating in it as well as dead bees, bird droppings and numerous other floating items. Of The filter grills around the pool half of them were wooden which is very unhygienic and started to lift up causing a trip hazard, these were around the shallow end of the pool which is where the small children were running in and out of the pool, the wooden grills were replaced with proper plastic grills for half a day this was due to the fact that they had a health inspection, once the inspector had left the wooden grills were put back in and the plastic grills were taken away I complained about the disgusting condition of the pool and it was given a thorough clean in which 3 black sacks of rubbish / debris was collected from the filters (i then found out that they were due an health inspection) it was cleaned one other time which was Thursday 21st but it has not been cleaned since which is un acceptable as if we had not complained it would have not been cleaned after the inspection. Unfortunately one other day there was excrement in the pool which a lady showed to the so called lifeguard (who was actually a security guard) he just shrugged his shoulders. It was left to the ladies husband to scoop out the excrement from the pool. The pool was not cleaned or any precautions taken to kill the germs. The pool area was also very unclean when we put out towels out in the morning on several occasions both myself and my mother in law collected glasses from the floor and placed them on the bar, when on the few occasions the glasses were collected during the day the waiters just threw the drink out of the cup over the floor which attracted even more ants. The food / Resturants The food was totally unacceptable we had 4 BBQ’s in two weeks in which the food was not cooked properly the chicken was under cooked (it was red inside)we ended up eating out rather rather than facing another BBQ this cost us $150 US dollars In the buffet there was no children’s section (it is meant to be a child friendly hotel) In the breakfast section which was toast omelette or cereal with warm milk, if you got the wrong chef the omelette was under cooked and this is very dangerous in my view!! There was also no vegetarian section . The pool snack bar which opened everyday at 12pm. One day it opened 1 hour late, we found out that this was due to the health inspectors visit, that was the only day the food was hot from there. The cleanliness of the buffet hall was also very poor it always had a sticky floor near the drink section morning noon or night the floor never got cleaned. In the two weeks we were there, there was ice cream only once my 7 year old son got what he thought was vanilla with chocolate chips when in fact it was rum and raisin which is totally wrong for children to have. We were told by [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] 152 that long trousers must be worn in any of the restaurants but people were in them in swimming shorts, vest tops and baseball caps. Entertainment / kids club The children’s entertainment was very poor the so called animation team did not come near us even when they saw our two children walking through the hotel they just walked past, call me old fashioned but you shouldn’t see the animation team drinking alcohol while they are working, one night we saw one of the on duty animation team walking around chatting up girls whilst drinking a bottle of beer, then 3 of them were swigging from a bottle of Chivers Regal (which is whiskey) which to my mind is totally un-acceptable !! The mini disco was just 3 songs and the same old game (pass the hat) but most of the spoken words were in Spanish by the person doing the mini disco. The evening show did not start until 10pm at the earliest which if you were eating at 7pm is just to late, this was all aimed towards the locals. Staff Apart from three members of staff the rest were all miserable un-helpful and very un-friendly the worst being the reception staff they were all rude and un-helpful and if you were queuing and a local was behind you they would talk to them in Spanish and serve them first. The same happened with the bar staff, at the weekend when the place was packed with locals they would just push in front of you and the bar staff would serve them first no matter how long you were waiting. On the weekends when the locals descended on the hotel and made a mess and were as rude as can be the staff could just not cope with it, tables stayed dirty for up to an hour and you could wait for over 10 minutes for a drink. Our complaint to the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] rep We did complain to [NAME] out [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] rep, he directed us to the guest relations manager a man called [NAME] he tried to help but all he could do to appease the situation was tell us that we could use the 3 a’la’carte restaurants as much as we wanted which was nice but there is only so many times you can eat Mexican, steak or Italian food, (the service in the Italian was terrible) Time share In our welcome meeting we were informed by our rep that the hotel is also a time share hotel and that we would get pestered by the sales men (this was never mentioned in your brochure) well this truly happened as both myself and my father in law got pestered every time we went near the foyer area, this was yet another thing that ruined our holiday as no matter how many times we said no thank you they just kept pestering us. This was a complete miss sale of a holiday!!!!! (EM 31.8.08) **** We recently arrived back from a holiday abroad, There were a numerous amount of thing that went wrong on the holiday. We had requested a low floor apartment due 153 to us having a 2 year old with us, when we got there we were on the top floor, no lift, so we had to carry the baby, buggy, and numerous bags and cases up five flights of stairs, with no help offered. When we got to our room, the apartment hadn't been cleaned, beds hadn't been made, and no clean bedding, or towels had been left. We had to go and collect them ourselves. We then went out on the evening and came back late at night, to find that all the lights were broken in the stairwells, so had to walk up all 5 flights of stairs with the baby in the dark. We then found that the baby became ill, and were offered no support from the Holiday rep..... This is only some of the situations we found ourselves in, The holiday was disaterous, and [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] did not help us at all. (EM - 1.9.08) **** We have just returned from Altinkum Turkey we stayed in [NAME OF HOTEL] it was unbeliveable what it was like we had no hot water or electric for 2 days we had to carry buckets of water from the pool up 5 flights of stairs so to flush toilets we had no cleaner or bedding, towels change we paid for breakfast but they ran out of food so had to go to cafe next door to pay for breakfast for last 4 days. The place was filthy everywhere pool closed as infected it was dark green rubbish left in staiwells it should never have been let in the first place we had no rep the contact details for [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] was unavailable we had 2 numbers 1 was unavailable the other was engaged continuosly it was terrible there everyone complained please contact me as this should not have been allowed to happen. We booked through [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] we phoned them whilst in Turkey they were so unhelpful, (EM - 28.9.08) **** Hi wanted your advice please from a holiday my family & i have just returned from. Not sure how much detail you want but i will make it short for now. We spent a week in Turlkey in a hotel that was sold to us by [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] as a 4* & 5* applied for, it sounded beautiful, we have many many issues with the hotel the main one being that for the whole week of our holiday we had no security at all, the patio windows were broken & the handle hanging off, the glass balcony was smashed & shatterd and very very dangerous as our 9yr old daughter nearly found out. We did complain to rep filled in all the relevant forms, but no action was taken immediately, only 5 days later with a bang on the door at 11.30pm at night !!!!!!! we told them to go away as we thought this very inappropriate due to the time and the young man having no i.d at all on him. (EM - 1.10.09) **** Help with advice about aboating holiday in the uk our boat needing constant repairs and attention.We have already been offered a replacement holiday boat but feel that this is not what we want, we are seeking a total refund+ (EM - 16.10.08] **** Arrived at the [NAME OF HOTEL] Paphos Cyprus & was given key to room 04, on the ground floor, we queried this as our booking stated sea view, we were told it 154 would be sorted next day. Finding the room & pulling the shhets back, a cockroach jumped out onto the flloor, the air conditioning did'nt work, the cooker was rested on 4 blocks of wood, the toilet seat was broken & would not flush, & resorted to filling up the mop bucket to flush. (EM - 20.10.08) **** We had problems with the standard of the accomodation provided by [BRAND NAME] Holdays ([MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]) and have been persuing a complaint with them. Briefly, the problems were the poor standard of repair of the villa, a bad smell, an ant infestation and a faulty smoke alarm. We contacted the local office and left messages stating we were not happy and intended to complain. The smoke alarm was looked at while we were out but was still faulty. I contacted [BRAND NAME] with photographs and details and we have been going back and forth with letters for the last 12 months since the holiday. Each time they take at least 6 weeks to respond. At first they said they lost my complaint when their database went down. Then they said I hadn't contacted them in resort so my claim was invalid. I corrected them and eventually they have offered me £200. I asked for a breakdown of how this was reached and was told it was 50% of the accomodation costs rounded up. When we booked the holiday we paid a single package fee which appears to be flights + accomodation for two (£638). At no point did we pay for accomodation separately. The only reference to accomodation costs I could find was in the brochure and the price was £450. My stance on this offer is that any compensation award should be based on the package price and not an internal interpretation of accommodation costs, which was never invoiced or agreed to. The flights alone were of no use to us without satisfactory accommodation, and we bought them as a package. I have asked them to re-consider the offer, but the have re-stated the £200 offer. (EM - 21.10.08) **** My husband [NAME] confronted one of the chefs for putting his hand in the raw steak meat tin to put it on the grill, then with the same hand rearranging the cooked food on the counter without washing it or even wiping it first. he made out that he could not understand me, so I reported it to the rep who said she would pass it on to the manager. (EM - 7.11.08) **** We went with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] to Kemer, Turkey, [NAME OF HOTEL] ( not [NAME OF OTHER HOTEL]). It was alledgedly 4star but in reality it was not even a 1 star. I along with the other 4 English people who were there on week one, we were the only English on week two, have put entries onto The Hotels website and I have created an entry on [MAJOR TRAVEL REVIEW WEBSITE]. I have written to the Operator initially on the 16th August 2008 and in contact since. I received a letter today informing me that because I did not complain in resort then I am barred from anything. There was however no Rep in resort or as they indicated an emergency phone number. I did however contact their office at my expense and informed them that I would be making an official complaint on return to the UK. The Hotel was poor, food was buffet style and outdoor where wasps and 155 flies got first helpings. There was a fight with the Hotel staff and guests. There were no gardens as was advertised. It advertised a free shuttle bus to the beach but in fact we had to pay 2 euros a day. The staff did not understand English or our complaints. I would like to take my case further can you please advise me of my position. (EM 11.11.08) **** I cannot express strongly enough my concerns over the filthy, unhygienic, extremely dangerous and to add to this the disgusting food that the [NAME OF HOTEL] offers. My original letter outlines some of the concerns, but on the day of writing this letter, I was advised by another lady that she had witnessed a Chef, stripped to the waist, dripping with sweat (outside temp was in the 40’s) in the kitchen stirring a big pan of food! We discussed this with your Rep [NAME] who immediately questioned the kitchen staff who advised her it was the dishwasher. Not that it matters who is was and on further questioning [NAME] established that it was in the cooking area, not the washing area. There was no way that the witness could have been aware of the different areas and confirmed that he had a Chef’s hat on. This is absolutely unacceptable. You will note from my previous letter that I found (and photographed) mouse droppings in the restaurant under a table. The table was covered with a long cloth to the floor and on lifting it, along with empty boxes and junk, there were mouse droppings. Water was filled from the mains and NOT a “special water tank” as we were mislead to believe by your Rep [NAME] (I shall speak more of her later). This accommodation is unsafe, please note the photo’s of live wires on the end of a wall (lamp missing) this is outside the restaurant on the terrace where people eat. It is only about 3 foot high and easy for children to touch. Please also note the picture of the live wired behind my bed!! It is unacceptable to pay £15 for a safety deposit box then find the receptionist asleep in another room. My husband is a professional safe engineer and could have opened several deposit boxes in a few minutes. I feel I am repeating my first letter to you, so shall stop myself. What I must add though is Rep [NAME] is a credit to your company. She is calm, sympathetic, understanding, level headed and very skilled in calming down a situation (I am a senior psychiatric nurse and easily recognise these skills) whereas that awful Rep [NAME]! On the morning of the trip (that never was) we witnessed her totally unprofessional, unhelpful, rude and arrogant behaviour towards an elderly couple who had booked another hotel, only to arrive and find it was overbooked. They were in reception at 5.55am when we arrived. They had booked a specific hotel as the lady was disabled and could not manage stairs. When they approached [NAME] about 9am (the lady was in tears at this time) she listened, then replied “it’s nothing to do with me – it’s up to the manager here to find you another hotel”. The lady completely broke down and [NAME] sympathetic response – she flung her arms in the air and said I can’t deal with this – I don’t start work for another 10 minutes!! (EM - 11.11.08) **** I went on a [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] holiday to Kefalonia back in July 08, the accommodation was not a described in the brochure. Also the electrics were blowing on a regular intervals and the cooker provided along with the fridge did not work. On top of all this the rooms did not have the air conditioning fitted and there 156 were no mosquito nets up on the windows. I have wrote three times to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] who dont want to know. can you help. (EM - 19.11.08) **** We took a holiday to Cuba in the summer of this year which was really dreadful, I camplained to the travel agent who them past my letter to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR], I beleive they are obliged to reply within 28days and this friday 20th nov 08 it will be 52 days and I still have not heard anything. Would you be kind enough to tell me what is the next step. (EM - 20.11.08) **** The [NAME OF HOTEL]was in contrast very noisy, with gangs of boys, shouting in the early hours of the morning, even with my doors closed the noise could be heard from the nights entertainment. Hygiene and safety aspects at the poolside was not managed, littering of pool side with food, cigarettes and alcohol on one occasion faeces was reported and no attempt was made to clean the pool. Other Guest cleaned the pool themselves. Safety signs displayed by the pool side showed clearly pictorially that inflatable’s bed/boats etc. were not to be used along with no smoking or eating in the pool. (Photographic evidence provided) Cleanliness and toilet facilities at pool side, and within the hotel foyer was substandard and blocked for a number of days. This disrupted the holiday as constant visits to our room had to be made throughout the day, No changing facilities were available to attend to babies, were told to use toilet which had not special provision for changing of babies nappies etc. We were simple told to use the toilet, disgraceful. Lifts regularly out of order and when operational at busy period it was impossible to get a vacant lift (party included young children and pram) subsequently the party had to take in turns carrying pram up and down four/six flights of to restaurant and reception. Activities for the children were poor consisting of tiny pack of paper and a few colours. At no time over the 2 weeks did any representative come around to encourage children to join in the so call activities displayed on the board in reception. (EM - 24.11.08) **** The Drinks were served in a plastic cup. This I find highly embarrassing for someone as so called prestigious as [NAME OF RESORT].The swimming pool, I can only describe as a paddling pool and the hot tub never worked all the time we were there and the Hot tub which was supposed to be at between 35 and 38 degrees. When I got in it, it was freezing. The toilets around the pool in the gents the toilet seat was broken and there was no hand towel in the ladies so my wife tells me. No locks on the back of the toilet doors either. When we go around to our side of the complex to use our own private pool we found that this was closed off with yellow tape. No one had told us about this and there were no signs visible to this effect. We went down to the beach only to be blown about and the blue jellyfish was very amusing, needless to say that this was the last time we went there.There is only one lift in this complex and as we were on the third floor, this made progress difficult. Going up and down stairs with wobbly handrails and poor lighting at night with occasional blackouts made safety an issue. On our floor we had three old handrails with rusty 157 screws poking out. These were on our floor for about five days along with missing trims on the floor joining the tiles exposing the concrete. If you were exiting the honeymoon suite, going for a moonlit stroll you will be in for a surprise as the walkway suddenly stops and there is a four foot drop. The wooden stairs piled up on the floor at the bottom. We did make our findings apparent to the general manager but, had a meeting with the assistant manager. We were offered a mini bar and it was accepted but, to be quite honest we just wanted to come. We had had enough of the bad weather, unpredictable I know, Hurricane Paloma with its torrential rain, sitting in the lobby bar drinking liquer coffees in our waterproofs and fleeces listening to Bingo, Hoopla and Darts competitions for two days.It comes to something when you start packing five days before you are due to fly home. As for the transfer home, which took almost three hours that in itself was an event. We had no notification from the rep [NAME], we guessed that we had to depart from our room by eleven o’clock. Didn’t know if there was a porter service, so down three flights of steps with 30kgs of luggage and when we got to reception don’t know where to put our bags. Several coaches came and went but no one was there to organise our transfer. One of the other guests approached the driver and noticed his name was on the list I managed to see if we were on there as well. Yup, we were. Great organising. Once at the Airport, we didn’t have any news or information in terms of where to go, where to check in, nothing. We didn’t even know if the flight was delayed or on time. This has been without doubt the worst holiday I have ever experienced. It has been one calamity after another. I have taken photos and have video footage of this resort (EM - 25.11.08) **** our complaint was that the hotel was dirty, the rooms were damp and mouldy the bathroom tiles were broken and the bath cracked, the stench pipe on the loo was broken this was in the 3rd room that we were given we accepted it as it was the beast we had seen. The first room was in the loft area and my children where the only ones able to stand up right in the bathroom we booked two rooms with 3 beds in each and where given three rooms with 2 beds and the staff expected my children to sleep in a room on their own my children where 6 and 13, the 2nd room was underground dark and dingy, the food was also not acceptable we had to eat out most days we asked for our money back nothing extra for compensation just a refund this holiday was supposed to be a celebration as my mum has been ill with cancer and was well enough to travel it was our first holiday for 4 years and was a disaster and couldnt wait to come home (EM - 3.12.08) **** I'm wishing to write a letter of complaint to [TOUR OPERATOR] whom I recently booked a holiday through and my apartment was broken into while I was there. I'm just looking for some advice with regards to writing this letter. (EM - 9.12.08) **** hi i booked a transfer with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR],and on the return they did not pick me up from turkey.i had to get taxi to airport,and i wrote and complained and they just said thanks for your you have any ideas how i can obtain 158 my money back for the taxi ,and the transfer,and if i am entitled to compensation because it caused me lot of stress as i was all on my own in the dark (EM - 9.12.08) **** have made a complaint regarding my holiday with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] Was notified to allow 28 days for reply. Have sent a total of 6 emails and had no reply after over 6 weeks. (EM - 9.12.08) **** We had a holiday from hell in Lanzarote [NAME OF HOTEL] which was plagued by ants and our son was only 11 months old then and had ants in his bottles and changing bag etc. We have complained to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] twice with no joy and ABTA but they haven't replied yet. (EM - 10.12.08) **** We took a private villa with pool holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] July 08. It was described as extremely secluded and tucked away. The high walls surrounding the garden give completEprivacy. In reality the villa was next to a large noisy hotel, the balconies looked over the villa pool area and the car park looked over the tiny sunbathing area. There was a 4 stroey villa next door with all their balconies overlooking the pool and sunbathing area. The wall was waist to chest height, and overlooked the main road to the beach so people cars trucks and bikes going past day and night looking over. I have contacted [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] through their correct complaints procedure, all I get back is stalling tactics. I have contacted ABTA but they don't seem to be diong anything either. PLEASE CAN YOU HELP ME (EM - 15.12.08) **** I need to ask advice about a complaint i have made to a villa owner, who withheld my deposit without evidence of the damage he alleges we caused to his property. He also withheld a refund promised to us for non working air conditioning. i have written a review on [NAME OF TRAVEL PROVIDER] website which was posted for a little while and has now been removed. Villa was flea infested and of poor quality for the money we paid. Elements of the advertisement on [TRAVEL PROVIDER'S WEBSITE ADDRESS] are incorrect and misleading and i want to prevent other people being treated the way we have been. (EM - 27.12.08) **** When in Cyprus on holiday September 2008, my family and had constant problems with the air conditioning system which constantly dripped until fixed. When the carpet (where it had dripped) started drying out the smell was unbearable. The toilet started to overflow on numerous occasions. The maintainence man would continue to fix it and sewarage would be left for me to clean up. The stench in the room was disgusting. They said they could not move us to another room because they were fully booked. Eventully moved on 24th for 1 night only, then on to another room on 159 the 25th untill 28th when we departed. On the day of departure the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] rep tried to obtain the room key G137 to investigate-she was told that she could not have it because it was no longer in service. Although I have written to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] on a couple of occasions they have not given any explanations. They seem to think this is nomal plumbing in Cyprus. (EM - 13.1.09) **** I wrote letter of complaint to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] through my travel agent 29/10 /08 and all I get is "it is being looked into". What is a reasonable time for a proper response? (EM - 20.1.09) **** on arrival at the airport we were kept waiting on the coach transfer for over an hour without explanation on arrival at the hotel we were kept waiting by inefficient reception staff for well over an hour our hotel room was very small, scruffy and overlooked a building site we were offered another room which was just as scruffy and small but overlooked the pool. However the balcony was covered over with a wooden board and you couldn't see anything unless you stood up (EM - 21.1.09) **** Myself and partner went on a self catering holiday to Tenerife on 20th December for 7 nights. When arriving at the accommodation, we were told there was no hot water and this should be fixed by the next day. Next day comes, no hot water, it took them4 days to get the hot water running, and hot it wasnt . Many other problems occurred whilst on holiday, no water in the pool, the patio doors didnt lock, the fridge was all mouldy and rusty, the room was cold, everything had to be hired. i.e. heaters, kettles, toasters, tv etc. These are some of the problems that occurred, in which we complained to the apartments on a number of occassions, and still the problems were not resolved. It became that bad, myself and partner got an early flight home on 24th December, as we couldnt cope anymore, and with my partner being pregnant, the standards of the apartment were not acceptable. I have complained to the company [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] who i booked the holiday through, and their response is unacceptable, and doesnt offer any sort of compensation. (EM - 22.1.09) **** We got married Oct 2007 and went on honeymoon with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to Egypt. On an excursion they LEFT US AT THE VALLEY OF THE KINGS and did not even realise. We put in a complaint in resort but when we got home [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] claimed they knew nothing about it. We have been fighting with them..........for over a year!!!!!!! (EM - 22.1.09) **** Dear coustomer service, We have just had a holiday in Cuba, Cayo Coco. Your brochure and website always promises that your holidays will be just as we read 160 about them. Well, i'm afraid your description on the [NAME OF HOTEL] is completely wrong. Your website and brochure give this hotel a 5 star rating. I understand a 5 star rating in Cuba is not the same a some other countries. But even for Cuba i would hardly rate this hotel a 2 star. The first 4 days we had no hot water.Another day we had no water. The rest of the days we had warm water at night but no hot water any morning. "The Buffet", we had to queue most nights for dinner sometimes for half an hour and when we did get in there was another big queue. When we did get in we had to look for our own cutlery and dinner plates. The table cloths were sometimes quite filthy. The staff seem to be run off their feet. There was never any tea or coffee to be had. The food was maybe about 2 star. Most of the toilets around the complex were dirty, did not work, no toilet paper and only one toilet at the pool which was a mess. Most of the time we had to use our own room toilet. There was live wiring and water piping lying above ground over many parts of the complex.Most of the pathways were broken up.It could be a very dangerous hotel to be in if you were not careful. I love going to Cuba and will be going in the future but i will be giving the [NAME OF HOTEL] a wide berth. (EM - 30.1.09) Risk Destinations I went to Cuba on 3rd September and stayed in [NAME OF HOTEL] We flew with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. Hurricane IKe hit our hotel on Sunday 7th September and was left devastated. We didn'y fly home until the following thursday and left with no running water, little food etc. I have contacted [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] with an email and attached diary of events which I have attached below. I paid £2K for the holiday for me and my partner and they have offered £782.80. I feel this isn't enough with the problems we had with them. (EM - 25.9.08) **** I recently went to Cuba and was hit by hurricane Ike, resulting in my holiday being cut short. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] took 4 days to evacuate us and in this time my girlfriend caught Salmonella (were told this by our GP after medical tests). [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] offered us 40% of our holiday cost back as a refund, but because we chased them for the money they cancelled the first check as it may have been lost in the post, though it arrived at my address. They haven't sent a second check until i rung up and asked why i havent recieved one yet. 4 weeks and we have received nothing now. (EM - 14.10.08) **** We have booked a holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to travel to India on 4th December. Ou r trip is to Dheli, Agra & Jaipur for 9 days. The cost of the holiday is over £2,000 each. When the Mumbia situation occurred, I immediately contacted [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and eventually spoke to the Managing Director. I told her that as the FO had now issued a new element to the advice that terrorists were now targetting 5* hotels and foreign tourists, I was extremely 161 concerned about our trip. We are booked into the [BRAND] and [BRAND] hotels (the same group as those targetted in Mumbai). However, basically, she told me that the position is that we either go or we lose virtually all our money. I spoke to the FO and they told me that the targetting of 5* hotels is new advice and should be heeded. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] are intransigent the moment and I feel desperate about this. Whilst I accept that it is not [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] fault that this has happened, but it is not my fault either and surely they have a duty of care to their clients and on that basis they should be trying to reach some kind of compromise. I really would appreciate an early response as I am not sleeping with worry. thank you (EM - 28.11.08) **** My husband and I are very concerned about the current situation in Bangkok, Thailand. We supose to fly there on the 9th of December for 10 days holidays. To be really honest we don't want to go there any more, because of the current situation, but we have the flights bought, and the hotels bougth as well. Now, the company that we bougth the flights from,([NAME OF TRAVEL AGENCY]) is telling us that they don't know anything about the situation, and if we do cancel now, and the flight goes to Bangkok anyway, we'll loose our money because it's our decition not to go, we are wondering if this is true, we would like to go, but we aren't sure that we'll be safe, also, I checked the foreing and commonwealth office website and they recommended not to go. We've also booked some in-flights from Bangkok to Phuket diretly with one of their airlines, do we loose this too? Our travel insurance is saying that we're not covered full stop. So, what do we do?we spent a lot of money on this holiday, and by the looks of it, we are going to loose it all, and, most probabilly not going to go anyway? (EM - 1.12.08) **** My partner and I have just came back from Thailand where we were victims of the airport shutdown protest. We had to book at our own expenses a new flight as Thai airways would not help us to get safely home. will you be able to help us with that? (EM - 9.12.08) **** I booked a 2 centre holiday in bangkok and Maldives. due to fly onwards during protest at airport, did not reach maldives and were charged for extra accommodation by tour company who advised us to leave Bangkok due to dangerous situation. Never left Thailand and were flown home early via Kuala Lumpur and did not get trip to maldives can we claim compensation? (EM - 24.1.09) 162 Shipping Collapses I have just found out that Speedferries have gone into administration. I have a return trip which has been paid in full with them, am I likely to get a refund and are thet ABTA bonded? (EM - 28.11.08) Significant Change Booked a holiday package with a company named [TOUR OPERATOR] in May to Minorca. Upon our arrival at the airport no-one was there to meet us, no car hire had been booked, despite us being informed both on the phone and via email that we would be met by a named representative. it transpired that the local rep had NOT been notified of our booking, and knew nothing of our arrival or anyc ar hire arrangements. We booked and paid in full for our trip just under 2 weeks before travelling. I have since e-mailed twice, phoned twice and now written a letter to the company for an explanation as to why we were "dumped". Have had no response at all, despite the distress and inconvenience caused. Could you please advise the next steps I may take. Many thanks. (EM - 10.6.08) **** Dear Sir/Madam, Iasm writing to you to ask you for your advice on a complaint about a travel company we used. We have used them before with no problems but this time we had more than one problem with them. They took our payment for our holiday in September and final payment in February. We went to the airport by taxi and found that they did not book our flights then also found that thy did not book 2 rooms at the hotel that we needed. They did rebook our flights and hotel but it has cost us in excess of £300 in extra taxies and phone calls. (EM - 10.6.08) **** We booked a holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] in February at the [NAME OF ACCOMMODATION]. Puerto Pollensa in Majorca. We received a letter today tating that due to maintenance work there will be no air conditioning in the period we're staying there which is 30/6/08-14/7/08. I contacted them for a change of hotel but they were most unhelpful. Where do we stand on this. (EM - 11.6.08) **** My daughter and her boyfriend have booked a honeymoon to the maldives through [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] for Sept 2009. THey have now been contacted to say that the carrier is no longer flying to their destination. They have been told that they can transfer to a different airline but that they must pay an extra £400 to use this airline. Do they have to pay the difference or should [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] bear the cost? (EM - 11.6.08) 163 **** We booked an All Inclusive holiday on 14 May 2008 with [TOUR OPERATOR] to the [NAME OF HOTEL] (4*) in Costa Brava-3 June - 11 June for 6 adults and 2 children. On 2 June at 4.20pm customer services at [TOUR OPERATOR] phoned me and said there was no room at this hotel and that we could go to the [NAME OF HOTEL](which is classed as a 4* but it is a 2/3*). I have been to the [NAME OF HOTEL] hotel 6 years ago and it is very basic and horrible. I said we have paid for the [NAME OF HOTEL] and that is where we are going(there are 4 hotels in this complex) - I said we do not mind having rooms in any of the other hotels in the complex. She said she checked and that there was no rooms available but we could pick another hotel via the internet with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] (their Agents) or have a refund for the accommodation (I panicked because we were flying at 8am in the morning with two little children)- we picked another hotel - she phoned me back-no vacancy. I gave her another hotel-no vacancy. I frantically phoned several travel agents to find alternative accommodation and when I put the phone down I had a message - from customer services at [TOUR OPERATOR] at 5.37pm saying that she had changed the transfer details so we could go with our original paper-work. I immediately phoned [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] at 7.15pm to be told that [NAME] from Customer services had gone home and that we were going to the [NAME OF HOTEL] I had not confirmed this but what could I do? While we was on holiday I emailed the [NAME OF HOTEL] and asked them if there had been a reservation made for us - they replied saying that they could not check the computor but that they did have vacancies for these dates(I have the e-mail to prove this).We did a lot of research on the internet looking for the right hotel before we booked this holiday because it ticked all the boxes for us - 6 swimming pools, indoor heated pool, gym, swim-up bar, tennis courts, bowling, etc. I paid £3,000 for thi s holiday - if I wanted to go to the [NAME OF HOTEL] it would have been half the price. Also while we was at the [NAME OF HOTEL] -four people complained on the 4 June and guess where they transferred to - the Evenia Olympic Garden hotel[NAME OF HOTEL] ad name-90% of the people in this hotel were complaining-they will never go back to this resort because of the poor standard of food and decor that has not been changed for at least 20 years. We survived on chips with cheese at lunch-time and ate out most evenings-the food was disgusting.We had a horrible holiday and was glad to get back to England.......Please could you help me to try to get my money back or at least for the company to give us the holiday we booked? We did visit the [NAME OF HOTEL] while we was there-it is beautiful-there really is no comparison between the two hotels. I hope you can help me to solve this matter. (EM - 12.6.08) **** I booked a 7night package holiday on internet with [TOUR OPERATOR] on 1.6.08 to Kalkan, Turkey - [NAME OF HOTEL] travelling on 7.6.08 with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. They confirmed the booking by phone on 2.6.08 and I paid by Visa Debit Card. They confirmed the booking by e-mail and post with tickets to be collected from the airport. On Thursday, 5.6.08 I received a phone call at work from [TOUR OPERATOR] saying there was a problem with the hotel in that they had failed to confirm the booking and therefore they were changing the hotel. They wanted to change us to the [NAME OF HOTEL] which is about two miles outside 164 Kalkan. I refused this change and requested a full refund. This was refused. They then agreed to look for alternative accomodation and would ring me the following morning (Friday, 6.6.08) I checked the internet on Thursday evening and the [NAME OF HOTEL] was still showing as available. Early Friday I rang [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] direct and made a general enquiry about this hotel. I was told the same holiday I had booked was still available. [TOUR OPERATOR] AKA [OTHER MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] did ring back and I told them of my findings. They were unhappy that I had done this and said [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] should not have spoken to me. As I pointed out I just made a general enquiry without names. I asked why I was being told the hotel wasw not available when clearly it was. They said they would speak to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] ande ring me back. ?This they did and said yes indeed the [NAME OF HOTEL] was still available and we were reinstated back as oringinally booked. I asked [TOUR OPERATOR] to consider some form of compensation for the stress this had all caused. They said they would consider this and it was agreed that I would ring them back at lunchtime. When I did this they said there as another problem and the hotel was again unavailable. They still refused to give me a refund. They asked me if there was a hotel that we would consider. I told them we would consider the [NAME OF HOTEL] and they did successfully book us into this hotel. They did refund me £80 compensation for the stress caused but refu sed to refund the difference in price (The [NAME OF HOTEL] was much cheaper at £468 - I had paid £768). Whilst in Kalkan we visited the [NAME OF HOTEL] and we were told that they no longer have any dealings with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] since last year. We were also told we were the second people to visit the hotel with the same story and these people had indeed gone to the [NAME OF HOTEL] and were paying a fortune in taxis. I have today spoken to Consumer Direct who are passing the detail onto Trading Standards and they also suggested I contact yourselves. I want a refund of the difference in the cost of the two hotels and more importantly I want [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] prosecuted! They are defrauding customers by advertising holidays they cannot provide and then obtaining money by deception. The whole thing is a scam! Are you able to help please? I would be grateful for any help you are able to give. Consumer Direct have suggested I write to [TOUR OPERATOR] and copy in [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] giving them 21 days to respond to my complain t. I have not done this as of yet. I would be quite willing to give a statement and assist in any prosecution. Many thanks (EM - 16.6.08) **** Early this year we booked ourselves, 2 adults and a 5-year old boy, on a [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] all-inclusive holiday for 2 weeks at the [NAME OF HOTEL] in Kos (ref no: [NUMBER]). A month or so ago we noticed that [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and the hotel in question had been successfully sued by a man, [NAME], for not telling him all the activities and amenities for his family would be in German. [NAME OF JUDGE] awarded him £750 (20% of the cost of the holiday) and said that "the brochure is significantly misleading" in not making it clear that the activities would not be in English. Yesterday we received a letter from [MAJOR TOURE OPERATOR] which states "…we would like to clarify that the hotel-run children's club is operated for and by our sister company, [NAME OF COMPANY]. In light of this information it will not be possible for [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] customers to enrol their children into this children's club". It seems we've been sold this holiday under false pretences. It makes no mention of the activities for adults but 165 it might still be the case that they're only given in German. One of the main reason we booked the holiday was because of the childrens club. This would have allowed us time to ourselves to really relax and allow our 5-year old child to mix with other children. We've been on [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] hols before and there's always been English reps. It seems they've had a year to do something to rectify this and they've done nothing. Our holiday is now only about 5 weeks away - we are due to leave on 26th July - and it would seem unlikey we would be able to change it at this late stage. This is very upsetting, outrageous and unbelievable. (EM - 17.6.08) **** I would value some advice from you reagarding an issue I have with [NAME OF MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] based in [NAME OF TOWN]. I booked a return flight to Cancun, Mexico, airport transfer to hotel and 7 nights "all inclusive" accomodation at the 5 star [NAME OF HOTEL]. The package was booked and paid for (£1500) in Jan 2008 for departure on 30 March 2008. After 10hr flight and transfer, arrived at hotel with accomodation voucher but no reservation had been made! In view of my distress and tiredness, the hotel gave me a room and said they would look into matter. 3 days later was called to reception and told in view of no reservation could stay but would have to pay again for hotel before my departure! I phoned the travel co's emergency no and left a mess (7 hrs time diff) and also got my partner in UK to phone travel co to try and resolve. He spoke on several occasions and the Co. said they would sort it but they didin't! I spent so much time of my holiday at the reception desk with all the documentation and phoning my partner to no avail. The day before I was due to leave, I pho ned the emergency no again at 5.30am (mexican time) and spoke to someone who said all was ok and they would speak to hotel direct. As they couldn't get thro' they rang me, I went to reception and handed my mobile phone over to the girl on reception and by 11am all was sorted. It had taken 3 days to resolve and only because of my efforts and none by the Co. I am currently in correspondence with the Co who asked for 4/6 weeks to investigate but immediately thought that the hotel had made a mistake and why was I so upset as the hotel had given me a room after all!!!!!! I have sent my mobile phone biils to them seeking reimbursement, an apology, an explanation and compensation for the lack of enjoyment of my hol and the distress caused. They are yet to reply in full and in the meantime would like to know my legal position in such a case. I have obtained a copy of the Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tour Regulations 1992 in anticipation! For information the actual flights wer e with [NAME OF AIRLINE] and arranged by [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and the transfer and accomodation by [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] web site quotes that [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] are commercial Partners! Your views would be appreciated. Thankyou (EM - 19.6.08) **** Booked holiday to cyprus july 2007 to travel 25 may 2008 received final comformation letter7 may quoting a different hotel this was then change again by the 13 may to hotel no 3 this was unacceiptable and i had to pay for an upgrade to stay on the beach but on arrival in cyprus there was record of a booking for this hotel and actually traveled to the resort not knowing where we would be staying can you 166 please give me advice on possible actions i can take i have just sent the second letter of complaint to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] (EM - 23.6.08) **** 12/9/8 BOOKED 14 NIGHT HOL. FOR 4 WITH [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] TO MAJORCA.16/7/8-30/7/8. ON 19.6.8, HUSBAND WAS ON DONCASTER AIRPORT W.SITE, AND NOTED THERE WASNT A FLIGHT FOR 16/7. CONTACTED [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] WHO CONFIRMED ALL OK WITH ARE FLIGHT DATE 16/7. HUSBAND ASKED THEM TO RECHECK. NO FLIGHT ON 16/7- [NAME OF AIRLINE] HAD CHANGED FLIGHT TO 15/7-31/7(16DAYS). [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] SAY [NAME OF AIRLINE], DIDNT LET THEM KNOW OF FLIGHT CHANGE. [NAME OF AIRLINE] STATES THEY EMAILED [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] ON 27/11, AND EVERY MONTH AFTER. [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] SAID THET DIDNT GET EMAILS. YOUR HOLS SAID THEY WOULD COVER COST OF 2 NIGHTS EXTRA ACCOMMODATION, THEN BACKTRACTED-WILL ONLY PAY £50 OF £233. (EM - 24.6.08) **** Our holiday has been cancelled with less than 7 days notice due to 'being double booked'. Our holiday was booked in 2007 for a June 2008 holiday. Can you offer some advice (EM - 26.6.08) **** I booked a holiday through [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] nearly 12 months ago as I wanted to ensure that we had a hotel that provided a kids club. I received my final invoice having paid all monies owed and noticed an amendment at the bottom i.e. the kids club no longer available. I have contacted [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and have been told that they are not liable as this is a minor change. Also, if if I want to change accommodation etc., I shall be liable to a charge of £40 per passenger. I find this unfair as the lack of a kids club will spoil the holiday. It is not now the holiday we originally booked. Also, why leave it so near to departure date to inform us? Could you please advise as to our rights in this matter. Thanks (EM - 26.6.08) **** Hi, I booked a honeymoon with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] for roughly £4000. They have not allocated us the accomodation we specified. I only found this out by contacting the resort myself. It has taken them 6 weeks to offer us different, slighly inferior, accomodation and £200 compensation. This feels unfair and insulting. What do you think? Is it a fair offer (EM - 28.6.08) **** I booked and fully paid for a holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] due to commence in August this year. I was advised that the holiday was cancelled on 7th 167 June but have not received a refund yet, despite at least three requests and a recorded delivery request? What should I do next? (EM - 2.7.08) **** On arrival at the hotel, we were informed that we did not have a booking with them and it was only when i produced my booking confirmation they let us stay. 3 days later, we received a call saying that we had no booking with them and we had to leave. [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] emailed us the confirmation and it was then we realised that they had booked our accommodation for a month later. They transferred us to another hotel but we had to pay the bill and also spent a lot of time on the phone to them. We had to get taxi's to transfer and then they said that we would be receiving a free taxi transfer to the airport that didnt show up. They then did not send us the correspondance that they said they had are now taking 28 days from every contact we have had with them. I have incurred bank charges since ive been back due to this and i dont seem to be getting anywhere! (EM - 2.7.08) **** I booked a holiday via [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] when I arrived at the 'booked' hotel I was told the booking was not with them and sent to another (lower star hotel in a different resort). On arrival there I was told they only had one room with one bed for myself and 9 year old daughter). The next day I was moved to another room with two beds and that night the hallway ceiling collapsed (due to faulty air conditioning system). Despite complaining to UK call centre [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] and local rep (who did not reply for 3 days)- I was moved on 4th day to another hotel- but not the one I had booked (where other family members were staying). (EM - 7.7.08) **** I have booked a package holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] - flight next Tuesday, 15th July, and received telephone call yesterday, accommodation is overbooked, and I now need to stay at a different hotel (downgrated) in a different resort, or cancel!. Really disappointed, had the holiday booked for 10 months, and I intend to register notice of my complaint before I go on the holiday. Can you provide any advice? (EM - 11.7.08) **** Can you please tell me if a cruise holiday contract comes under the package travel regulations or the unfair consumer contracts. My sister has an issue with [NAME OF MAJOR CRUISE COMPANY] where the cruise was amended 7 days before departure. No refund was offerred prior to departure, and the company are refusing any refund because they are referring to their terms and conditions that state they can amend without prior notice (EM - 15.7.08) **** 168 We booked and paid for package holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] £2300 ; 2 one bed apartments with living areas via credit card, 3 weeks later they say apartments not available and have downgraded to 2 one room studios. 11 year old now sharing bedroom with parents. £112 comp offered we feel it should be more. Could you please advise on level of compensation. Also is there a legal requirement to accommodate us somehere else. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] say nowhere available. Thank you. (EM - 17.7.08) **** URGENT - We are due to fly to Bulgaria this eveneing - 18.07.08 - at 8.55 pm to [NAME OF HOTEL] which has been featured on GMTV this morning with regards to bad service and hygiene. Could you please advise if I can ask to be moved to another holiday or ask for my money back. As you can appreciate this is extremely urgent - many, many thanks. (EM - 18.7.08) **** I have book to go to [NAME OF HOTEL], Elenite, Bulgaria on the 1st August. It was on GM TV this morning talking about food poisoning plus it being unhygenic. I am really worried about going, what are my rights? Would I be able to cancel? (EM 18.7.08) **** earlier i contacted you about a holiday we booked to turkey with a1 travel in jan feb we were told that our flights have changed and now had to go from manchester not birmingham you gave me a number [HTW REFERENCE NUMBER] to contact you with but in the end we decided to pay the £50.00 extra and keep our holiday then we were issued a £42.00 fuel surcharge i asked them for an invoice for the 50.00 paid and the 42.00 paid which they had no record of then they found the payment and said they would send me an invoicefor them they sent me one by email but it was somebody addressed in ireland i phoned them an explained they apologised and said they would send me a new invoice in the post which i have not received today 18th july one week before we go i phoned to ask where tickets were and they sent them out on the 9th july but they dont know who to because apparently they havent got my address only e mail contact he explained he would e mail details on how to pick tickets up from airport i have now received another e mail telling me that the hotel has now double booked and i will be staying in a diff erent hotel please could you advise me what to do with just one week to go i feel helpless and dont want to change hotels hav i got a choice (EM - 18.7.08) **** My daughter & 3 friends booked in January to travel to Kalamaki in Zakynthos on 3/8/08. The travel agent was advised by the tour operator, [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR], yesterday (12 days before departure) that their accomodation & resort are overbooked and that they will have to accept equivalent accomodation in a different resort about 8 miles away. The Girls are aged 17 and the resort and accomodation were chosen because they have been there before so know it ,and 169 because they have friends staying in the same resort. The agent says they have no choice but to accept or cancel and they have no right to compensation of any kind. Isthis correct? (EM - 22.7.08) **** going to rhodes next wed and concerned that our accomadtion was evcuated earlier this week because of the forest fires there have spoken to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and while they have said everything fine would like to know cancelation rights if any to change destination thanks (EM - 30.7.08) **** Due to fly to Italy with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] 30th July 2007, [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] called 15:00 on the 29th July 2007 stating apts where double booked (holiday booked Jan 2007), they did offer alternative accommodation but not to our liking so we cancelled, (they offerred £40 compensation). The same happened with the same company last year, what can I do, should the notice period of change be greater than 24 hours??? (EM - 31.7.08) **** I want to make a complaint about [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] who say they informed me of a change to my flight to Canada in May but they did not. Therfore we cannot resolve the issue between us & i wish to pursue this further. Your advice on how to go about this would be appreicated. (EM - 2.8.08) **** I booked a holiday in May for me and my wife, with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. It was for a week tour plus a week beach holiday in Kerala India this November. I have just received a letter from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] cancelling the holiday because it wasn't popular (or profitable). They have offered me a full refund, but to get that holiday at this late stage I will have to go 'Tailor Made' which will cost about £1000 more. A lot of time and effort went in choosing hotels and tour etc. prior to booking. Are we entitled to compensation as well as our deposit refund and how do we go about claiming? (EM - 7.8.08) **** Booked Sept 2007 a Safari/beach holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR], [BRANCH NAME] branch. Fully paid for in July (nearly £4K) Just after payment made we received a letter stating the Safari had been cancelled and we had been transferred to another (a downgrade and the schedule had all been changed) This was not a satisfactory option so we cancelled on 30.07 and confimred with a signed fax the following day. After chasing 3 times the promise of a refund which generally takes 3 days, so I was told, has not been forthcoming and I have been told now it could take 3 weeks !!!! Both myself and my daughter have vacs. booked this Frid. costing nearly £100. So if we do not get our refund back by Frid. to give us a chance of finding another holiday, these vacs. will be not only a waste of time but money as 170 well. Who wants to be vac, against yelow fever if you don't need it. Is there anything else I can do to get our money back? (EM - 11.8.08) **** My brother arrived in cancun yesterday and upon arrival has been told (along with the rest of the people on his flight) that the hote l is full and they have moved to another hotel. This hotel is not the same star rating and his view is of a building site. He paid £1500 for the holiday and is understandably not happy. The travel rep is offering £119 in compensation which is the difference in cost between the two hotels. What can we do about the situation? The booked with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] on credit card. He has spent his first day in a 4 hour meeting with a travel rep along with everyone else (EM - 13.8.08) **** holiday to crete back in june booked through [TOUR OPERATOR] who arranged a 4 star hote l the [NAME OF HOTEL]. arrived at the hotel to be informed the hotel was full sent to a 2 star hotel. this was not the hotel i had purchased and was not the holiday i had planned with my wife as it was a celebratory end of the mortgage after 30 years and was going to be a taste of luxury compared with the holidays we had endured in the course of paying the mortgage. i have corresponded with [TOUR OPERATOR] and the hotel supplier [MAJOR ONLINE BED BANK] who have offered compensation of £85 the price difference of the hotel i booked and the hotel supplied. i have declined as i am seeking compensation of the whole holiday to the figure of £2000. the whole holiday was ruined due to i specifically wanted a four star rated hotel. there was no representative present to offer suitable alternative accomodation. we were only made aware the hotel was overbooked upon arrival at the hotel. do you consider i have a justified case? (EM - 15.8.08) **** We were due to go on holiday to Portugal on 21/08/08. we booked with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] 12 months ago. Our friends ( lead name } recieved a phone call on 12/08/08 from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] stating that the hotel we had booked [NAME OF HOTEL] in Montechoro. There was a dual carriage way being built at the back of the hotel and the manager advised future bookings to find other accommodation. We were offered hotels upto 1 hour from our original location but we had to pay any differance in price. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] offered us holidays in other countries but never matched our cost of holiday.we told to look on the internet to find a holiday else where. we eventually found one in Lanzarote, we then had to wait till next morning to book this holiday hoping it had not gone. we did eventually get this holiday. But the problems and cost I had to pay an extra £70 insurance. Also my sister in law had booked to come to portugal on 2nd week has my wife has been seriously ill since Feb 08 to help care for her. she booked with another tour company after a lot of searching. so now we will holiday in seperate countries. This has caused a lot of stress to us especailly my wife. We wish to make complaint against [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] who should have found us other accommodation in montechoro at no cost to us. Could you please let us know what action we can take against [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]? (EM - 17.8.08) 171 **** We went to Thassos for one week in June, with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. All the organisation and hotel were excellent and could not be faulted. On the third day of our holiday, the Pan Hellenic Motorcycle Festival arrived on the island. There were app. 12,000 bikers. App. 3,000 were camping in the village of Skala Prinou, where our hotel, [NAME OF HOTEL], was situated. The nosie of racing, back firing, burn-outs and roaring around was unbearable and what should have been a peacful holiday was destroyed. At periods, we were unable to use the taxis, buses or hire a car during that period as it was too dangerous and the bikers had blocked off the road for racing at night. We were unable to enjoy a drink or meal at the seafront restaurants, because of the noise, smell of burning rubber, smoke and lack of room. This noise continued through-out the night , every night from Wednesday, until the Sunday,causing the hotelier, who was very distressed, to guard his property until 5.30am in the mornings. A large stage was erected and the rock band Nazareth played. It was not possible to get a good night's sleep, or a peaceful day. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] deny all knowledge of a planned biking festival, but the locals knew, otherwise how can you erect stages, book rock bands, order in stacks of drink, erect barbecues , put on extra ferries, arrange camping facilities for so many etc? I can fully understand that [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] would not want to have an empty hotel for a week, but I do feel we should have been given the option of cancelling. I have been fair and balanced in my approach to them and asked for vouchers off our next holiday, but all they do is deny and prevaricate. Everyone there filled in a complaint form and was furious. Eight of us are in contact with each other and would like to carry our case further. (EM - 21.8.08) **** we booked an online all inclusive holiday an received confirmation of this,9 working days t o the holiday we,ve been told that this is a half bosrd holiday and there is nothing we can do about it (EM - 24.8.08) **** I have just returned from an all inclusive [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] holiday in Ibiza. After some web based research t he hotel I booked was in a quiet area on the north of the island – Club Portinatx. I particularly wanted a beach, not pool, holiday. The holiday I booked offered a hotel beach with beach bar and water sports as part of the package. On arrival at the airport in Ibiza I was told that the chosen hotel was full and was changed to an all-inclusive family hotel – [NAME OF HOTEL] on the east of the island. There was no beach bar or water sports as part of the package. A written complaint was filed with the holiday rep. We were offered approx 35 euro compensation verbally which we refused. We were also verbally offered a quieter hotel on a half board basis (no water sports or beach bar) which we also refused. Can you advise what action I should take to recover my money for an unenjoyable holiday? (EM - 25.8.08) **** 172 Briefly, we booked a package with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR], Oct 2007 to [NAME OF HOTEL], Luxor, Egypt. Arrived in resort Weds 16/04/08 to be told that [NAME OF HOTEL]l was not being used "since the weekend" due to a building works issue (these works had been going on for nearly a year). Did not accept alternative [NAME OF HOTEL] because of poor and insecure rooms which were due for refurbishment. Resort rep said nothing could be done so we made our own accommodation arrangements. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] have dismissed our claim because we did not "dot the i's and cross the t's" in resort, so plan to sue [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] under para 12(a) of Package Holiday Regulations 1992. Please advise: Is changing the hotel a significant enough alteration? Is maybe 3 days sufficient to notify the consumer "as quickly as possible"? We think that we could easily have been told before departure and could have cancelled and used another operator still using the [NAME OF HOTEL]. We have used this hotel many times, and to us is an integral part of our holiday. (EM - 26.8.08) **** Hi I went on holiday via [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] Mon July 21st to Fri July 25th.. When we got there loads of things happened that I wouldn't wish on anybody but the main thing was we paid about £300 each (4 of us travelled) for a 4 Star Hotel in Santa Susannah in Costa Brava but when we arrived they had no rooms for us. About 4 hours after we got to the [NAME OF HOTEL] in S.S (its about 2am by now) we ended up having to pay for a cab to Calella to stay at the [NAME OF HOTEL], where we paid £100 for the first night out of our own pocket plus £20 cab fare and then ended up being put in a 3 Star Hotel for the remaining 3 nights even though we paid for 4 Star. We wrote a complaint to them upon our return and have finally received a reply apologising for the inconvenience and they have only given us a total of £200 compensation . . . taking off £120 for cab and hotel fares out of our own pocket that only gives us £20 compensation each. . . does this sounds fair and right? Please help. (when we arrived we also had no transportatio to our resort and had to wait over 2 hours) (EM - 29.8.08) **** Good afternoon, can you advise me please. I book and paid for a holiday in May with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and at the time of booking, and on 3 occasions since then, i was assured that I was in a certain superior style room (paid extra). I have now found out that I was never booked into that room at all and was allocated a standard room. They are offering me £100 per person comp which i think is unacceptable - not even £10 p.p.per day. Where do i go from here ? Please help as I am due to fly in 3 weeks (EM - 29.8.08) **** I have just returned from a holiday and had to pay for an extra room as the company that I boo ked with only booked a room for 3 persons and we were 3 adults a nd 1 child can you please advise me regarding the complaint procedure.And also the fact that I was not even booked into the original hotel that I had paid for. (EM - 2.9.08) 173 **** We have a complaint with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] regarding the property not been exclusive to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] although it was adveertised as been exclusive.Please can you advise if we can take this further .We have been offered £100 but we are still not hapy with this amount. the second letter said they are not prepared to do anymore and to take it further if we want. (EM - 4.9.08) **** HI, I am just after a bit of advice, if you can help. I am due to go to the [NAME OF HOTEL/RESORT] in Turkey. There is a party of 6, which includes 3 children the youngest being 3. After reading some of the reviews we are increasingly concerned about the ongoing situation at this resort. We have spoke with the Tour Operator [NAME] and they are currently saying that there is nothing wrong and that it is still ok to go and stay in the resort. Please can you offer some advice as to what we are to do for the best. (EM - 7.9.08) **** HIi We have a holiday booked for 9th October to the [NAME OF HOTEL] Turkey Sarigerme, we are very concerned having read the recent reviews concerning food poisoning and so many people being hospitalised. Spoke to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] earlier today and they said there's no problem now and it wasn't food poisoning it was somone in a wedding party that was ill and infected others. She didn't seem bothered about how anxious we are. I don't believe her that it's sorted as there's still people arriving home and reporting on differents sites about the problems they're experiencing and warning people not to go. Juat wondering doyou have any updates on the situation and what would you advise.Are we entitled to a refund? (EM - 8.9.08) **** Due to travel to Sarigerme with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] on Saturday 13 09 with a 2 yr old. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] say that sickness issue is minor and they will not offer an alternative or refund. We want to go but the volume of reports of illness are very concerning. Can you offer any advice or tell us the very latest position at the resort. (EM - 9.9.08) **** my daughter has booked a holiday (booked since last year) at sarigerma turkey. they go Oct 13, 2008. e have just read about the salmonella outbreak in this [NAME OF HOTEL]. In her party is four children (two under four years) and a pregnant lady! what should she do - she does not want to risk the health of children and an unborn baby. Is she in her right to ask for another holdiay resort? (EM - 9.9.08) **** 174 My wife and I paid £1302 for Egypt in June, on the eve of departure we were informed by phone that the tour operator had changed the accomadation due to overbooking. No free amendment or cancelation was offerd, I have lodged complaintand exchanged letters including copy of our booking history but been unable to gain any compensation, can you advise. (EM - 9.9.08) **** Please can you advise the issue I have with the illness, sickness/dihorear which is currently at The [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] [NAME OF HOTEL] -Sarigerme, Turkey. It has come to my attention through a work colleague that there is illness going rife at this [NAME OF HOTEL] with many, many people of all ages becoming ill. Following this conversation with my colleague I rang and spoke to [NAME] at [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR TRAVEL AGENCY] Basildon who knew nothing regarding this epidemic. She later confirmed to me there had been an outbreak of sickness/diohrear which is a result of gastroenteritis. [NAME] all so informed me that Health & Safety have been to the [NAME OF HOTEL] and are quite happy that all standards are in place and the problem is diminishing. After numerous telephone conversations with [NAME] at [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR TRAVEL AGENCY] Basildon, [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] Pre-departure Team and [NAME] at Consumer Direct, there seems to be nothing at this time I can do regarding cancellation of my holiday due to my concern of myself, my Mother and two small children, 11months and 4 years becoming ill whilst we reside at the above as we are leaving on 15th Sept 2008. I also visited [MAJOR TRAVEL REVIEW WEBSITE] and this confirmed my worries that from mid August 2008 until two days ago people are still becoming ill. (EM - 9.9.08) **** Not sure if you can advise. In October 2007 we booked a holiday in Cyprus through [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR TRAVEL AGENCY] ([MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]). We were tokd yesterday that that the apartments we booked are no longer available. We have paid the full fee. We are due to fly out on 21st September. The friends we booked with at the same time, who we expressly said we wanted to be near, have thieir apaortment. Our daughter, son in llaw & 2 very small childen have been told they do not have an apartment. Aparenlty it has been overbooked. Where do we stand? The 6 of us (plus baby & todler) planned a hokday together. We have not really been offered an alternative although the travel agents are 'working on it'. What would you advise & how do we stand legally. We specifically wanted the resort & accommodation. (EM - 9.9.08) **** I am due to fly out to the [NAME OF TOUR OPERATOR HOTEL] in Sarigerme on Mon day 15th Sept 08. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] Holidays will not allow me to change the booking and if I cancel they tell me I will loose my money. However, they will not confirm in writing that there is no Salmonella present. I'm now being told that my travel insurance could be invalid if I know of a health risk before I go! What are my rights? Can they send me out there knowing of a problem and if there is no problem are they not required to confirm this to me in writing? (EM - 11.9.08) 175 **** I am booked to go to [NAME OF HOTEL] in Cape Verde on 26th sept. I have had an email from the Hotel manager stating that there is Gastroenteritis but [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] refuse to say there is a problem. Health & Safety have been to the Hotel this past two weeks but [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] say I cannot change my Holiday. I don't know who else to turn to. (EM - 11.9.08) **** Absolutely desperate! we have a holiday booked to the [NAME OF HOTEL] turkey, but with the awful conditions we have just been made aware of do not wish to travel, if we cancel we loose all. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] are saying there is no problem!!! please help. (EM - 12.9.08) **** HELP!! We are travelling to the [NAME OF HOTEL] Turkey on Monday 22nd September, and are all terrified of becoming ill. There are 11 in our party, 2 of which are disabled children. As you can imagine it is difficult enough as it is, but with the thought of them becoming ill has spoilt my holiday before I start. I have begged to change our holiday and explained my concerns only to be told 'NO' it is safe to travel there, and normal booking conditions apply. Although they refuse to put this in writing to me, However, only last year we were given the option to change our holiday because the times of the ice creams altered, and my friend only last week changed her holiday because there were problems with one of the swimming pools in her hotel (this was not the [NAME OF HOTEL]). WHat is more important, ice creams, swimming pools of being severely ill????? Please help, what am I supposed to do, how can I make such a decision to take my children to a place with such a high risk of infection. This is absolutely terrible, what are we meant to do? (EM 14.9.08) **** I would like a bit of advise as I am travelling to the [NAME OF HOTEL] turkey on 25th sept. I have spoken to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] who adv this is not samonella and they will not be offering alternatives or a refund. I have also spoke to my insurance company who adv they will not cover us as we are aware of the problem. Is there anything I can do? (EM - 15.9.08) **** My family and I were due to fly to Turkey on the 9th October for 1 weeks stay at the [TOUR OPERATOR HOTEL] in Sarigerme. It has become apparent that there is a problem at the resort with an outbreak of sickness, where many holidaymakers have become ill whilst staying at the resort. Many of them (upon their return) have involved a solicitor to act on their behalf to pursue damage from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] Please find attached a sample of the information concerning this, which I obtained from the Internet and also various papers. With this in mind and 176 especially as we have a young daughter aged two and a half, we decided that we should try and change destination due to the possible chance of us picking up whatever bug/illness was at the holiday village. I therefore called into your shop on the 10th October and spoke to [NAME]. I explained the situation to her and she advised she would speak to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to find out what my options were. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] were not very sympathetic to my situation, although they did agree that we could change destinations. However, there were some conditions to the change as follows :1. The date of travel must remain the 09.10.2008. 2. The replacement holiday must be the same value or higher. 3. An administration charge of £50 per person would be applied (this was even to include my daughter) and this would rise to £60 if we left it until tomorrow. 4. If we decided to cancel we would lose 50% of the money we had paid. This would rise to 70% if we left it until tomorrow. I then asked [NAME] to have a look for possible alternatives around the same cost (£799.00) and board basis. This proved difficult, as all the holidays found were much dearer, as the choice had been narrowed due to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] insisting that the travel date stayed the same. [NAME] phoned [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] again to see if they would consider some leeway on either the travel date or to see if they would waive the administration charge. Again, they were adamant that they would not move on any of the conditions and confirmed that ‘Normal’ booking conditions applied. I did make comment that my situation was anything but normal, as I just did not want to take the chance of any of my family being ill, because of the situation at the village (most parents would do exactly the same). [NAME] then involved her Manager, [NAME] who also contacted [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] by telephone (originally [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] had asked the store Manager to send a fax to them confirming my situation, so they could look into it). [NAME] confirmed [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] would not move on any of the conditions apart from reducing the administration charge from £50 per person to £40 (big deal!!). They also confirmed that they would extend the deadline for the decision of how we would proceed until midday tomorrow. Both [NAME] and [NAME] were very sympathetic and understood our position. [NAME] also confirmed that she would pay half of the administration charge for us, even though it would mean [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR TRAVEL AGENCY] taking a loss on the holiday, which I thought was a nice gesture given that she didn’t have to. [NAME] found me some alternative destinations ranging from an increase in price of £250 (including half of the administration fee) to £400. I advised I would discuss everything with my wife that evening and call back into the store the next day to advise our decision. I called back into the store the next day to advise that as none of the optional holidays given were suitable and also due to the additional money I would have to pay, I would reluctantly have to cancel the holiday and stand the loss of £446.48, which included the travel insurance policy I was given free of charge. Before the cancellation was completed, [NAME] tried once more to see if [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] would budge. Unfortunately, the same response was received. They confirmed that they had transferred a senior person to the resort to oversee the situation, they had also sent a doctor to the [NAME OF HOTEL] who would remain there until further notice. I pointed out that with the measures that they had taken, it would suggest that the problem was still there and far from satisfactory. The holiday was therefore reluctantly cancelled and I admitted defeat and stood the 177 loss on the money I had paid. I did not make any ridiculous demands to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR], I simply wanted to change destinations for the sake of my family. I was only asking them to meet me half way on some of their conditions, to enable me to find an alternative destination. (EM - 16.9.08) **** I have booked a week with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] in November. Since booking the hotel has changed hands and they now do not have a private beach but a 20min bus service to public beach I am a 70year old woman who has booked this particular hotel in Egypt for the snorkelling. DO not wish to use a public beach on my own. The latest reviews now on this hotel are much worse. since changing hands. Do I have any redress please . Thanks (EM - 19.9.08) **** i complained to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] they have not replyed to any letters or e mails what would be my next step we book a holiday [REFERENCE NUMBER] [NAME OF HOTEL].turkey and on arrvi at 7.15 in the morn were told there would be no room ava till12 we were made 2 sit round the pool till 1 only 2 be told that they were going to move us to another hotel which was of a lower grade and miles from where we had booked the food was awful that we never ate the following day after many complaints we were told to pack cos we could now return to hotel we had orginal booked there was no apol we complain to the rep and i have a copy but [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] refuses to ans any letters or emails where do i go from here (EM - 22.9.08) **** I have been in communication with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] since October regarding the issues expienced at this resort and would appreciate any advice I can get regarding ways in which I can potentially obtain a refund of deposit. This resort appears to have suffered poor food hygiene practices every year for a few years now and having found evidence of this I no longer wish to travel there. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] appear to be completely unwilling to provide any information regarding the problems and for nearly all of the time spent communicating with them (by phone) they completely denied there was even a problem. After writing the attached letter to them they have contacted me and read a statement over the phone saying they have had the hotel inspected and it is NORWALK VIRUS! I have asked for a copy of the Health and Safety consultants report (Agent Health and Safety) and have been refused access to this information. Surely this information should be available to me upon request, they quote 'Data Protection' as their reson for refusal. (EM - 22.9.08) **** my husband and i booked an all inclusive holiday to sarigerme [NAME OF HOTEL] for the 8th september,but 2 days befofe we were due to go i read all the reviews on the internet,advising people not to travel because of sickness there,my husband went back to the tour operator,but she refused to change the holiday,she said there wasnt 178 a problem it had been blown up out of control,it was a wedding party that brought sickness in and it was all contained.still not happy we phoned [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] still they refused to change our holiday to a differant hotel.On the day we were due to fly salmonella was confirmed at the [NAME OF HOTEL],we didnt want to loose our holiday so we took the flight and booked in to the [NAME OF HOTEL] in calis,on a bed and breakfast basis this hotel was fantastic,but it did mean we had to buy all our food,when we had already paid for an all inclusive holiday,what should have been a quick weeks break ending up costing us another thousand pounds,so in fact for 1 weeks holiday we spent 2 thousand pounds,we dont complain as a rule but this seems totally unfai r,as we our out of pocket, and [NAME OF HOTEL] are no help what so ever. we would be gratful of any advice you could offer (EM - 23.9.08) **** we booked a holiday through [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] for [NAME OF HOTEL] in rhodes, when wee arrived we were told that the hotel we booked and paid for was fully booked and sent to another resort in rhodes, (EM - 29.9.08) **** We recently purchased a family holiday in Cyprus from [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER]. We were given instructions to contact the villa management on arrival. The villa management knew nothing of our booking and our villa had to be rushed together. We were without its full facilities, including pool, for 4 days of our 2 week holiday. I have asked [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] to compensate what we didnt receive but they have not responded to my satisfaction. Could you please give me some advice. (EM - 30.9.08) **** Booked holiday with a tour operator. Wanted a family freindly hotel, a beach holiday, although we were informed that the beach was got to by an elevator, the agent failed to inform us of the 133 decked steps that you had to continue down in order to reach the beach, we have an infant not yet walking, we obtained a picture on a brochure at the hotel of theses steps, but no where did the agent tell us, show us or have a picture of this before we went. They say they cannot be responsible as there is no information of this on the hotels website, and that they cannot visit all resorts personally. (EM - 7.10.08) **** We have recently returned from a holiday from hell. When we arrived in Turkey the accomodation & resort had been changed. The Travel Agent never notified us of this change. They are ABTA member. To us they broke the contrat we made with them. (EM - 7.10.08) **** 179 Went to Cuba with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to stay at [NAME OF HOTEL] in Cayo Coco when we got our resort airport we were told we had been moved to the [NAME OF HOTEL] which is a hotel we would not have chosen but we were given no alternative or choice prior to departure - have not received satisfactory reply from them as yet - we went to cuba on 25 august and returned on 10 september and sent the letter of complaint that week we got back. had a reply saying they will look into the matter but this will take another 28 days. (EM - 9.10.08) **** we have booked to go on holiday on the 13th november 2008 and will stay at the [NAME OF HOTEL] in sharm el sheik we have now found out through reviews that this hotels restaurant has not yet opened and people have to go over to the [NAME OF HOTEL] for meals which has a lot off stairs to climb to their restaurant i have a heart condition and my friend has rumatiod arthitis and would prove very difficult for us we have conacted our travel agent and have been told we would have to pay another £30 each to transfer to another hotel plus more expence if the hotel is dearer could you please give us your views on this as i think it is not our fault for the travel agent s mistake (EM - 13.10.08) **** On holiday in June to Cozumel we were not pleased with the hotel as it was not finished and the accommodation was not up to stanard with the price we payed as we had up graded to a Royal Suite that was a joke one small room. There was a lot of issues we had with the hotel, told one week before we went that the childrens pool would not be open said that was ok as we were not taking any children with us. But when we got there it was the main pool that was not open. Not very good as this pool was the swim up pool which was attached to the restaurant for your meals at lunch time. In the heat the men were chipping away at this pool and dust was flying about everywhere into the restaurant. Which was very hygiene as birds and insects were flying through this restaurant as well so you had to keep your food and drink covered with napkins so nothing would land on it. The food in the restaurant was not covered and was not served hot at any time. The floor was alway dirty an I never seen it getting washed. We had solo use of the vip restaurant as we though as we had upgraded but not so you had to book and you sometimes did not get in. But other people who were not vip's got in because they payed but we had already payed by up grading. They keep saying we were in the vip are no differant to the rest the rooms same size on differance bathrobes and dvd player and the price. I have a lot of issues and have contacted [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] . But do not seem interested apart from getting your money. (EM - 20.10.08) **** I have a serious problem with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]........They have advised me less than one week prior to departure on a nile cruise, that children under six are no longer allowed on the ship. Our daughter is three. There are six people travelling, two of which have come over from USA to come with us. It is half term, and we cannot find a suitable alternative, so are left with no holiday. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] have only offered us £100 per adult compensation. Please could you 180 advise how I can get [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to compensate us properly for causing us massive inconvenience and ruining our family holiday (EM - 20.10.08) **** I had a holiday booked through [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] leaving on 28.09. This we found upon chance to have been cancelled on the evening of 27.09 with no notification from them. we had been refunded with no knowledge. We had to book another holiday at £280 to another area of cyprus and travel across to a wedding we were attending at a cost of £150. we have to this date still not received any notification of the cancellation and reason for it. our flights were booked with [NAME OF AIRLINE]. We asked if we could travel from the airport across to our original hotel but told this wasnt possible although our room remained as hadnt been cancelled. we missed out on spending the week with family after the wedding. (EM - 22.10.08) **** Hi, just booked a holiday to [NAME OF HOTEL] with [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] where it clearly says that 'guests receive compliamentary use of sauna, whirlpool, steam bath and gym..' However I have just phoned and been told that this may not be correct and they will look at it. I affects my whole holiday booking and seems very clear on the website. What can I do if they will not honour this now that I have paid? (EM - 27.10.08) **** My wife and I require compensation for our holiday to Lanzarote which was booked for September 2008. We were suppoised to fly from Edinburgh airport on 11 September but when we arrived at the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] desk to collect our tickets, we were told by the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] rep that we were supposed to fly out with Futura airlines, but they had gone bust. He stated that if we agreed to continue with our holiday we would be compensated for the disruption. Not only did we have to wait approx 19 hrs at Edinburgh airport which involved added expense for meals etc the return flight took us into Glasgow airport about 12 hours later than the original planned times which caused confusion and difficulty for our family who was collecting us. Not only was our holiday cut short by nearly a day, we paid the hotel extra to keep our room for longer on the day of departure. Can you please advise how I go about claiming and receiving compensation.Our documentation which we received on our RETURN, from holiday from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] quotes the ATOL number [No] (EM - 27.10.08) **** Dear Sir or Madam, We have just received a letter from you explaining that you are unable to provide us with the first class rail holiday for which we have paid in full. You also enclosed a cheque for £60 as compensation. We were not notified about this change before paying for the holiday and we definately did not agree to accept any compensation. Assuming that we would accept either the change from first class travel or the compensation is in my opinion very bad practice on your part and so 181 we have real concerns about all of the holiday now.This was to be a very special trip for us and so far you have made it a real worry. We now expect either the holiday that we booked and paid for or a complete refund. (EM - 10.11.08) **** Hi My parents are on a nile cruise at the moment, they booked a 5* ship and paid for a room upgrade, however on arriving they were told the ship was full and put them on a different ship which is nowhere near a 5*. They have no reps to complain to is there anything they can do, and will they be able to claim any money back. (EM - 11.11.08) **** I BOOKED A HOLIDAY THROUGH [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] TO GO TO THE [NAME OF HOTEL] IN YALIKAVAK WHICH WAS A 4* ALL INCLUSIVE HOTEL BUT WHEN I ARRIVED AT BODRUM AIRPORT WAS TOLD THAT I WAS GOING TO THE [NAME OF HOTEL] INSTEAD. I WAS TOLD I WAS BEING UPGRADED BUT OUR 2 WEEK STAY TURNED INTO A NIGHTMARE THE HOTEL WAS DISCUSTING THE FOOD WAS TERRIBLE AND EVERYBODY WAS COMPLAINING I HAVE LITERALLY DOZENS AND DOZENS OF PEOPLES EMAILS WHO ALL FEEL THE SAME WE HAVE BEEN RIPPED OFF IF YOU LOOK AT [MAJOR TRAVEL REVIEW WESBITE] YOU WILL SEE WHAT I MEAN BY THE FEEDBACKS AND I THINK THE EMAILS I HAVE ARE JUST A DROP IN THE OCEAN COMPARED TO THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE THAT ARE INVOLVED JUDGING BY MY FEEDBACK IT SEEMS TO INVOLVE [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] WHO SUPPLIED THE HOTEL ACCOMODATION (EM - 12.11.08) **** We booked a week to the 5 star all inclusive hotel, [NAME OF HOTEL] in Yalikavak. I searched long and hard for the holiday that was just right for us as we had our 16 year old son with us, so I really needed lots of activities to keep him happy. We paid 1600 pounds for one week, which was a little more than I anticipated but it looked really well worth it. We arrived at Bodrum airport to be told that our hotel was full and we were being transferred to the sister hotel - not in the same resort and certainly not of the same standard. We were given a tiny room for the 3 of us overlooking the bins with no balcony or sea view as we had requested. I went to reception and was told in very bad English that the hotel was full and we could move in the morning. We were eventually moved to a room with a view of the pool but it was very small and not 5 star. We were told at the airport that a rep would visit us at 3.30pm the day after we arrived. So we left our luggage packed and waited for the rep. $pm came and went and still no rep. I went to the reception and he phoned the off ice and he sai the rep would be here later and he would come and find us. He never did. The next day we tried again and they once again phoned and this time said that the rep would be here later that day with more arrivals. We are now at the end of day 3 out of 6 and we think sod it let's unpack and resign ourselves to the fact that we are here to stay. There were no facilities for anyone let alone our son. None of the expected sports facilities, no water sports, no 182 restaurant choice, no bar choice, no turkish bath - it was empty, crap food, no draught beer, no water, the list is absolutely endless. The reviews on the t[MAJOR TRAVEL REVIEW WEBSITE] give you a very clear picture that lots of people have been conned into believing they were buying a luxury 5 star hotel and were all shipped to a totally different resort to a much lower standard of hotel. We did not get what we paid for and this is in breach of contract I feel. Considering we only booked on the Tuesday for travel on the Sunday they must have known the hotel was full. Also the Sales Manager called [NAME] (From [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]) rang my husband on the Thursday evening to confirm that he had spoken to the hotel to request us a seaview (this did not appear on my confirmation so I queried it) It was one lie after another. The travel company say they were not aware of the problem, they say we should have contacted the UK, but why would we when the rep was supposing to be dealing with it and when you are only there for a week there becomes a time when you think you cannot waste anymore of your holiday trying to sort it out. Even after we returned they were still sending people to the [NAME OF HOTEL] and everyone was being shipped to the [NAME OF HOTEL]. The food was absolutely disgusting, it was rationed by the staff, they smoked around the food, the floors were dangerous, it was repetative and I could go on and on. the hotel itself was an absolute disgrace and not anywhere near 5 star. We feel cheated out of our holiday t hat i had researched both the resort and the hotel in great detail to ensure we were making the right choice. Imagine our horror to be told at the airport that you were going to a totally different resort that we knew nothing about. I did not even know where Bitez was in comparison to Yalikavak. In their response [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] state that the distance between the resorts was minimal but they nust have a different map to me! Please help the many people to receive the compensation that we deserve for being totally missold a holiday from hell! (EM - 13.11.08) **** I phoned up [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] looking for a 5 star all inclusive deal to Cyprus; this was on Sunday 6th July 2008. The sales agent was courteous and seemed very knowledgeable regarding the resort and hotel. He said he had found us what we wanted a five star fully all inclusive. I asked about the all inclusive to which he replied, ‘well, you don’t have to take your wallet!’ (Glad we didn’t take his advice on that one.) I asked further about the drinks and food on the all inclusive and he said all inclusive meant ‘everything’. I had the rep on loud speaker as my partner and neighbour was next to me. I explained that we didn’t have a computer/laptop at home and we needed as much information as possible. He said it was a beautiful hotel, it was definitely a five star and all drinks, snacks and main meals are included in the price. He advised us not to book the transfers through him as the taxi’s are cheaper. I thanked him for his advice. On Monday I printed the e-mailed voucher off my works pc and set about finishing the remaining issues at work as I would be away for a fortnight. We arrived at the hotel early hours 10th July after paying the taxi driver 55 Euros (extortionate) I would like to know how much you charge for transfers. We then noticed the sign outside which stated FOUR star!!! We went inside to check in and the receptionist said,’ I see you’ve booked with YOU travel, you will be on all inclusive light’ I said, ‘what does that mean?’ he said, ‘ You are only allowed the breakfast, lunch and main meal and you’re not allowed shorts or cocktails or snacks.’ I said, ‘I think you’re mistaken as we’ve paid for all inclusive (at a 183 five star) and then asked if there is another crown resort in Paphos?’ He told us that he is sick of getting all this flak from disgruntled guests on all inclusive light and that it is a fix, a con conjured up by [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] and the [HOTEL chain so guests pay the extra 14 Euros each per person per night to upgrade. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. We went to the room to find it clean but basic more like a three star plus. There were two tea bags and two sachets of coffee, these were not replenished like you would think being a ‘five star all inc.’. The fridge in the room was locked and you had to pay a rental and pay for the contents we were informed by reception !!!!. Due to post midnight arrival we missed breakfast and we came down at 11.00. So we went to the snack bar where we seen various guests enjoying burgers, pizza, Panini’s, etc. We opted for two cheeseburgers and chips and were told we would have to pay as our wristbands denoted this as ‘all inclusive light’. We went to reception to further enquire what we were not allowed and we were given two information sheets, one was all inc. and one was all inc.light. I couldn’t believe what I was reading, the standard all Inc had an hour extra free drinks at the bar, a fully conclusive cocktail menu, all snacks at all times. We had none of the above. We tried to get this rectified by the hotel but they didn’t want to know, they just said, ’why don’t you just upgrade?’ We decided to contact the Rep [NAME] from [SERVICE AGENT]. I searched around the hotel for a number then phoned. I was having a polite conversation with her when I asked about the all inclusive light? She then replied that her husband had just died and she is not on shift. I asked her for a further number and got in touch with [NAME] who said she would e-mail my complaint but couldn’t do anything as it was an issue with [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] website and [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] mis-selling you the holiday in the first place. We never saw a Rep from either [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] or the handling agent in the full two weeks and the receptionist said he wasn’t surprised. We just had a letter the next day waiting at reception confirming this by saying ‘there is nothing Head Office can do. The next day we phoned [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] and put our views across to [NAME] who in turn said to expect a phone call back she will attempt to sort this out. Nobody phoned back so we called the next day and was told ‘someone will call you back’. The day after I received a phone call from a lady called [NAME] from [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER], I explained to her all our issues; we had asked for a five star fully all inclusive hotel from her Rep and had been on the phone a long time as we explained we are not on the internet and needed as much (truthful) information as possible. We explained to her that no one had mentioned the all inclusive light option, the extortionate taxi fare (there and back was 110 Euros) and the fact that the hotel was a 3 star plus not a five star. I explained to her that my phone was on loud speaker so that my partner could hear the description of the holiday we were about to purchase; our neighbour was also there listening to the description also. She said to us in a very condescending manner, ‘that if she was spending that sort of money on a holiday she would have checked it out!’ I couldn’t believe what she was saying; does she mean you can’t trust the words of her Sales Reps??? She then went on to say that the phone calls were recorded and she would look back and try to trace ours, I was overjoyed by this as she would then find that what we were told by the Sales Rep was a pack of lies. She said in the mean time, ‘why don’t you pay the difference to upgrade and then try to claim the money back on our return?’ After having to pay 110 Euros (taxis) on top of £1419.00 for what we thought was ‘ALL INCLUSIVE’ we had next to nothing left. [NAME] phoned back later to say (funnily enough) she 184 couldn’t trace our original phone call. My partner and I hadn’t been away for over 12 months due to an operation my partner had and as I explained to the sales rep, this needed to be ‘special’, it definitely wasn’t, far from it in fact. We ate out most dinnertimes as the ’30 selection’ choice was the same chicken nuggets and ‘just warm chips’ that what was on offer the day before. This whole holiday experience was a trauma considering that all we wanted is what we were promised which was a ‘FIVE STAR ALL INCLUSIVE TWO WEEK BREAK’ To top off what we already now assume, when we got back to Manchester we found in our invoice pack from [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] was somebody else’s invoice inside ours??? (EM - 26.11.08) **** My holiday company have changed the flight times and the airline we are flying with on our holiday. Am i entitled to cancel and get a refund of my deposit. (EM 27.11.08) **** I feel I have no option but to officially complain about the above company due to our recent experiences that I've highlighted below. Booked holiday to Turkey, due to fly from Stansted on Thursday 2nd Oct. On Sat 27th Sept we get a call from them saying that the flight was cancelled! If we still wanted to go away, we had to say yes immediately to accepting another flight from Gatwick on the Friday 3rd for an extra £90. I asked why the extra charge but was given no real answer. We felt we had no choice but to begrudgingly accept. I subsequently called the airline and asked why the extra charge. They amazingly siad that they had no knowledge of the charge, I'd better ask the tour operator! Also the flight was actually cancelled in July!!! So they wait till close to departure date, and pressurise you into making on the spot costly decisions. It gets better. On arrival at the hotel, we were not on their register. They still had us down as expected the day before, so thought we were 'no shows'. So it took over an hour to persuade them to give us a room. Better still, they day before our departure we get a call from reception saying that we should have been out of the room that morning! We tried to explain to the manager what had happened but he wasn’t interested. I had a very heated and embarrassing confrontation with him. He said we either had to leave within 15 minutes or pay an extra £55 to stay another day. I tried calling and faxing [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR] on their 'emergency' numbers but they wouldn’t answer! I had no option but to pay the man. Later that day the manager said that he had finally contacted [MAJOR ONLINE TOUR OPERATOR], and he was told that would would be refunded the money on our return. Ten weeks later, and despit countless phone calls and e-mails they still have not paid us a penny. They ignore my e-mails, and w hen I get to talk to a member of staff, they fill me with hollow promises of payment. They have shown a complete disregard of the customer, and quite frankly are a disgrace to their profession. I hope that there is something that you can do to stop them treating us and other people like this. (EM - 12.12.08) **** 185 I have booked a cruise for 2009. There is a party of 4 for the cruise. We originally booked the holiday in July 08 for the holiday to take place Oct 16th 09. The holiday has now completly changed from what we booked. It is now a week later, is 13 days instead of 14, we loose out on a port, spend an extra day at sea and now have to go down the suez canal. This is not what was originally booked. I have written to the holiday company [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] but have not yet had a reply. The letter was sent on October 23rd 08. I have complained to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] on the phone and was spoken to rather rudely and told that the only compensation that they would offer me was £100. I feel that £100 is not enough as the dates have changed, that lenght of the holiday is shorter and the destinations are not what was originally booked. (EM - 19.12.08) **** I was wondering whether you could advise me on my holiday situation. We have had a skiing trip booked via a travel firm for just over 2 months now, planning to go 27th December, but were told yesterday they have over booked the hotel and there were no more hotels in that resort available, so they were moving us to another resort in a different hotel, which in my opinion the hotel was not of the same standard. When questioned, they said we would get a refund if we cancel, but if we decide to go and we aren't happy, there is no option of compensation. I feel very angry that they only notify us in less than 2 weeks before we are due to depart. Is there any advice you could give me on which way to approach this problem? (EM 18.12.08) **** I would welcome your advice please on taking further compensation claim against a holiday company who have admitted responsibility for our holiday going horribly wrong and have offered £275 in compensation via a cheque which is approx. 10% of the total cost of our purchase. I have kept ALL letters/emails/receipts involved. Very briefly, to put you in the picture, we purchased a complete package, flight, transportation, hotel on HB basis. We flew out on 3rd October 2008 (Friday) for a weeks stay. All went well until we got to hotel approx. 10pm with 4 adults and 2 infants (both 20 months) with the relevant luggage, buggy etc. The hotel, upon going to reception desk did not have any booking for us for our weeks stay. We had booked 2 suites so we were all going to be close by one another for us all to help out with the twins. The hotel did its very best in as much they only had 1 double room on offer for that night which would not accommodate the 2 adults/2 infants so would have to try to find alternative accommodation for them. They phoned around numerous hotels in the vicinity to see if they had a suite available. All this took around 1 hour whilst we waited in the foyer with 2 very tired, irritable infants and luggage strewn around. A hotel was found which could accommodate with a suite for 1 night. This hotel was "next door", but next door proved to be 1/2 mile away so 2 taxis were called which we had to pay for. All the luggage etc had to be paked back into transportation to take us to the other hotel. Luggage was then unloaded once more and we had to carry it all indoors ourselves. We struggled upstairs and managed to get the babies settled where my husband and myself had then to call another taxi to take us back to our original hotel to take up the double room for the night. We were advised at reception to all come back to reception after breakfast as 186 there may be 2 suites available by then after others had checked out. Morning came and my daughter/husband/2 infants had breakfast at 1 hotel and my husband and I had ours at our hotel. We went down to reception to find my daught er waiting with the 2 infants, but no husband. 1 taxi could not carry all the luggage and 4 persons, so my daughters husband had called another taxi to transport him back to our hotel. Some 20 minutes passed and eventually he came staggering into our hotel, loaded with a case on his shoulder and pulling 2 other cases behind him. Apparently when his taxi had arrived, they had refused to take him the 1/2 mile so he had to walk. Our reception now had news that 1 suite was available and my daughter/husband and 2 infants could take up residence, but only after 2pm after room had been cleaned. My husband and I had a choice, we could stay in our double room for the rest of our stay or we could now move to a suite, but only for 2 nights and then would again have to move to another suite as the 1st suite was already spoken for. The double room was not an option as this was in a completely different part of the hotel and I had booked 2 suites so we could all be in close proximity to one another. We opted to go to the suite with the understanding that come Monday morning, we would have to pack up again and move further down the corridor to another suite. This is what we did. To put it in a nutshell, we all spent Friday night being pushed from pillar to post, Saturday mostly hanging around waiting for the suites to become available after 2pm and by the time we had unpacked the day had gone. Sunday OK, b ut Monday again packing up and moving and day completely wasted hanging around waiting for clearance and unpacking again. Our holiday did not fully start until Tuesday and we had to pack up again Friday ready for vacating the rooms by 11am and flying back home. The agency used in Majorca to book our suites were contacted by hotel reception on Monday morning the 6th October and they admitted they had messed up and 3 faxes actually came into reception whilst we spoke on the phone, informing our hotel that 4 adults were arriving on 3rd October requiring 2 suites (still no mention of the 2 infants). This some 3 days after our arrival. As mentioned earlier, the booking holiday company have admitted responsibility that communication between them and the agency they used for booking hotels in Majorca had broken down and have offered £275 compensation for the difference of a double room from a suite and a little compensation extra for our inconvenience. I did write back to the company stating that this was not acceptable and that I didn't think they understood the utter misery and inconvenience we had experienced. They have written back stating that they think the offer as being fair and final. I find this unacceptable and would appreciate your thoughts on the matter. (EM - 5.1.09) **** I was recently stranded in Bangkok on a two centre holiday to Bangkok and Maldives due to protest at the airport. We never reached the Maldives and ended up returning 2 days early via U Tapao military airport and Kuala Lumpur, without having the holiday we had paid for. It has cost me £1000 for accomodation and transfers. (I have all the receipts.) We were advised by the tour company to leave Bangkok as they deemed it unsafe for our welfare and charged for alternative accomodation. I complained to my travel agent on 10th December 08 who forwarded it to the travel operator as yet I have heard nothing regarding the complaint and request for compensation. What can I do next? Is there a set time period for replies to 187 complaints and claims for compensation? Am I entitled to claim from the operator? (EM - 8.1.09) **** We arrived at our designated hotel 10pm on Friday 3rd October 2008, 4 adults and 2 infants. The hotel was not aware of any booking made for us and could only accommodate 2 adults in a double room (we had actually booked 2 suites at this hotel, not double rooms) for that night, the other 2 adults and 2 infants they would phone around neighbouring hotels to see if they could accommodate with a suite for the night. A hotel 1/2 mile away offered help. By now it was around 10.45pm and you can understand that we were now stressed, tired and had all our luggage, double buggy and 2 very irritable infants to contend with. 2 taxis were called for transportation, which arrived, we re-loaded all our things into the taxis, (which we had to pay for) and duly arrived at the other hotel. We once more unloaded the taxis and had to strugggle into reception and then in the lift to get to the suite for the night for 2 adults + 2 infants. The other 2 adults had then to call another taxi (w hich we paid for) to take us back to our hotel to stay the night in a double room. We were all advised to come back to reception after breakfast and see what, if anything could be done for us. Saturday morning after breakfast, my husband and myself went to reception to find my daughter and 2 infants waiting, she had arrived by taxi,(which we had to pay for) her husband and relevant luggage were waiting for another taxi. After approx. 20 mins. her husband staggered through hotel doors carrying a case over his shoulder and pulling 2 cases behind him, apparently the taxi he had called had arrived and promptly refused to take him the 1/2 mile, so he ended up walking. Reception now said that 1 suite would be available after 2pm and would be ok for the rest of the week. That was fine for 2 adults + 2 infants, so they were at least settled although occupation could not take place until after the suite had been cleaned which at the earliest would be 2pm. For the other 2 adults (my hus band and myself) we had 2 options. We could stay in the double room for the rest of the week (this was not an option for us as we had paid for and booked 2 suites and also the double rooms were in a completely different part of the hotel than the suites). I had booked 2 suites purposefully so we would all be together for our family holiday and where my husband and myself could offer assistance with the infants. Our 2nd option was that a suite for us was availlable for Saturday and Sunday, but come Monday morning (6th October) we would have to vacate that particular suite and move to another suite as the 1st 1 was already spoken for. We chose this option. We now had to amuse ourselves, for 3-4 hours awaiting the suites to be cleaned, bearing in mind that we were now experiencing a night and 1/2 day with no access to our luggage to get toothbrushes, change of clothes etc. unless we rooted through our luggage in the reception foyer. We decided to just go for some lunch and wait. We had access to our suites by 3pm where at least my daughter, husband and infants could unpack and get things sorted. My husband and I moved from our DB room to the suite where we unpacked most of our things, this was now ok for us for 2 nights. Come Monday morning, we had to vacate our suite by 11am, so all had to be packed up again. Again we had to wait around the hotel till 3pm where at last our suite for the rest of our week was available. Again we unpacked our things. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday passed in a blur of taxis, packing, unpacking, waiting around etc. Our holiday didn't truly start until Tuesday morning when we could all now relax, but only for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, because come Friday morning, we 188 all had to pack up again and vacate our suites by 11am and later in the day travel back home. (EM - 9.1.09) **** I’ve booked a hotel with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] through [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] (booked on 7th Jan 2009) for a trip to San Francisco on 27th Jan 2009 staying for 4 nights at the [NAME OF HOTEL]. I called them today to say that I had seen lots of reviews on the web to say that the area in which the hotel was situated was of an unsafe nature. I asked to change hotels and they said that they would charge in 100% cancellation charge on the hotel that I had originally booked. It’s a week away and they won’t refund and book a new hotel for me! I think it’s terrible customer service. Any precedents? Any advice? They say that their terms and conditions state this but even if they do surely it's about providing good customer service? Why would they allow me to go to a hotel that is in a bad area of town, surely if I come back having had an awful time I will complain and ask for a refund anyway. Is it not better to change the booking now and save the trouble? Plus I'll be spending more on the new hotel anyway. (EM - 20.1.09) **** We've booked a one week holidays with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to Dominican Republic from 25 dec 08 to 01 january 2009. When we arrived, the travel rep informed us that we have been transferred to another hotel than the one we've initially booked. The hotel offers less services and amenities from the one we've iniially booked, the transfer time from the airoport is twice the time we've initially booked and the room is much smaller whilst the one we've initially booked is much bigger and offers a Jacuzzi. Also, we've planned iniially the trip with our friends, they've been accomodated in the hotel we'e initially booked whils we have been transferred to another one. Funally, the price of the holidays in the hotel we've been transferred is much cheape than what we've initially booked Please advice on the compensation we should expect from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and the process to follow as they have already offered us a 125£ compensation that we don't want to accept (EM - 18.1.09] **** Ironically I was walking along our local canal this afternoon (at about the time my wife was opening your email!) and saw a notice - issued on the 9th of October 2008 - giving for-warning of the canal closures. I am surprised that your website did not provide this information at the time the booking (18-01-09 - and incidentally still doesn't) and that your email copied below implies that you heard the news of the closure after our booking. (EM - 25.1.09) **** dispute with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] cruises, crusing with [MAJOR CRUISE LINE] on 5/4 th ey have changed the itinery and took off an island to be visited on 14/4 they informed [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] on 16/10, [MAJOR TOUR 189 OPERATOR] havent informed us of the change, i found out by looking on cruise review website, in the orig brochure the island is in there but not now on the website. [MAJOR CRUISE LINE] say no one is due a refund as only minor change, feel it is the fault of [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] not informing customers in advance so that we would have had the chance to change. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] passing blame to [MAJOR CRUISE LINE] and visa versa. I feel we should be due some sort of compensation. do you agree. there are 17 of us going on this trip and no one has been informed of the change. (EM - 4.1.09) Surcharges Could you please advise me, I paid for my holiday in full yesterday but I have received a telephone call today to advise that due a fuel surcharge my holiday price has increased by £100 per person. Can they charge me this cost after I have paid for my holiday (EM - 8.6.08) **** booked holiday priced £309.00 each,paid deposit £200.00.letter from holiday agent fuel surcharge added on £39.64. seen holiday through same company gone down priced £289 each.can we do anything about this? (EM - 10.6.08) **** You asked me to outline my problem by E mail, and I shall be as brief as possible. [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] advertised holidays in Italy, under the trading name [BRAND NAME], on the 19th April 2008, in the [NATIONAL NEWSPAPER]. I chose and paid for,by Debit Card, one of the holidays by telephone on 24th April 2008 for departure to Lake Garda on 7th June 2008. Any one seeing this advertisement would reasonably assume that the Tour Operator was offering the holiday at an "up-to-date" price, and I certainly was not told anything to the contrary. I received confirmation of the booking by Invoice dated 6th May 2008 showing total holiday cost £1,630. 00 fully paid - nil balance due. Two days later, I was sent a new invoice dated 8th May 2008 requiring a surcharge of £101. 28 which had to be paid immediately. I paid the £101, under duress, and have been trying to recover this surcharge, which I consider to be fraudulent since 12th May; so far without success. (EM - 11.7.08) **** Are you collating information in relation to surcharges? I was just about to confirm a booking with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and was advised last week that the cost was £3809 but yesterday it had increased by £500 because "the flight and holiday is proving popular so they have increased the cost". Of course we haven't booked and I've written a letter of complaint to [TOUR OPERATOR PARENT COMPANY] but doubt that I will get a reply. Thought this may be of interest to you, (EM 18.11.08) 190 **** I have just booked a ferry crossing with [MAJOR CRUISE LINE] for July 2009. I find that I have been charged a fuel surcharge of £36. However, when I queried surcharge prices, [MAJOR CRUISE LINE] said they don't have details of surcharges for July 2009. If this is the case then it is my opinion they should not charge me now. This is particularly relevant with the current price of oil being very low and comparable to when surcharges were not levied. I have not been able to elicit a cogent response from [MAJOR CRUISE LINE] - can you help? (EM - 16.12.08) **** We booked a Hol in Nov 08 through [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] . we are now informed that from 1st Jan 09 the [NAME OF HOTEL] in Madeira have introduced a utiliy charge of 100 euro. Can they do this now ?? (EM - 5.1.09) **** We would like to highlight the decision of [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] of [CONTACT DETAILS OF TOUR OPERATOR] ,in levying a surcharge of £763.44 on our holiday to Ecuador and the Galapagos, booked on 17 July 2008 and departing on 18 February 2009, having already paid the sum of £7860.20. We were notified of this on 15 January 2009, a fait accompli, with no rights to holiday cancellation or transfer. Whilst we understand that they have followed EU Regulations in this matter it nevertheless leaves the customer in a totally impossible position with no room to manoeuvre at all, pay up or lose everything is the stark choice! We therefore feel that a change in the law is necessary to protect the consumer from being disadvantaged in this way and would like your help in supporting this process please? It is also vital for people with advanced reservations to be aware of the risk of punitive last minute charging ! (EM - 17.1.09) **** I phoned [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] company and booked a holiday and the full price quoted s eemed expensive to the brochure price but because there are added surcharges and or fuel charges I assumed the extra costs were to do with this. When I received the confirmation the price of the holiday was far in excess to the brochure price. The brochure price was £509 but we were charged £574 and the supplement for under room occupancy was also greater. It also stated the first child free and the second child £149 but we were charged £334. I phoned the company to query this and was informed the reason it was dearer is because they had booked us with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and not [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. I said why would I phone the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] number to be booked with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR]. The young lady said there was nothing she could do about it, I said why was I not informed of this at the time of booking again the young lady said there is nothing she could do about it. I then wrote to the customer service dept at [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] but have had no reply to this letter. I believe this company has breached the sale of goods act by not selling the holiday at the 191 brochure price and would appreciate it if you could look into this complaint for me. (EM - 23.1.09) **** I have a dispute over the terms of my holiday booking (I have the holiday). Basically the brochure and we assumed website said that the departure tax was covered in the holiday price and then six weeks before we went we have received a letter saying the departure tax was going up. We wrote to the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and queried this, they did not respond so we emailed again and they said that this was the terms of the internet. On return from our holiday I wrote to them and complained again as I was not satisfied with their response. They have now said that the brochure and website was incorrect and then in the same sentence state that they did put a note on website. I'm not happy with this. Who can I get to take this up with them - the office of fair trading??? (EM - 28.1.09) **** We went to Mexico in November with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] Holidays afew days prior to our departure from the U.K we had a letter from them stating that we were responsible for paying our own departure tax. A quick visit to the [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] website told a different story and clearly stated that departure tax was part of the cost of the holiday we then checked this information the day before departure from the U.K and also on our return after the holiday and the information remained that this fee was part of the holiday cost. We wrote to [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and asked for a refund of these charges stating our case and including printed off copies of their own web pages to be met with refusal. A second stronger letter to them has not altered their stance. It is our belief that many people who travelled to this region with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] were affected by this charge and would ask for advice how to proceed with getting a refund from them. (EM - 1.2.09) Transfers last august my family an i booked a allinclusive holiday with [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] when we arrived at palma airport there were no transfers for us this allso happened on the return transfer journy . we have sent [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] all the receipts from the taxes and a letter explaining what happened which they have aknoledged and they would get us the money back from thier transfer company and refund the arridginal transfer cost. after weeks an months of phone calls with no outcome an no refund we would like some help what to do next we have kept all the oridginal documents an paperwork .the abta number on our receipt is [NUMBER] hope to here from you soon (EM - 6.1.08) **** 192 hi i booked a transfer with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR],and on the return they did not pick me up from turkey.i had to get taxi to airport,and i wrote and complained and they just said thanks for your you have any ideas how i can obtain my money back for the taxi ,and the transfer,and if i am entitled to compensation because it caused me lot of stress as i was all on my own in the dark - (EM - 9.12.08) **** concerning abta number [NUMBER] ive just come back of holiday and experience d out of pocket payments of 25euros for taxi to airport.As transfers had been paid for when I was informed that the company had stopped trading,could you please tell me if these funds are refundable, I do have a receipt for said taxi and the company who were to pick us up. thank you (EM - 8.12.08) Travel Agent Collapses I prepaid my rental car and airline ticket by debit card with [NAME OF TOUR OPERATOR]. A fortnight later on 31st Oct they went into liquidation. I had my tickets and vouchers which were accepted w/o question on 3 Nov when I travelled to Gran Canary. On the 17th Nov when I returned the car I found that the car co. had charged me again on my credit card on the10th Nov. They had no authorisation to do so and exceeded the card limit as a result. The sum involved is 230 euros plus £12 over - limit fee. Could you please advise me as I cannot communicate with the travel agency. (EM - 20.11.08) **** [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] ceased trading last december and its river cruise business was taken over by [TOUR OPERATOR].they are not abta members but they say they have an independent client account with [NAME OF BANK]. is this a cast iron guarantee of recovery of money paid to them if they went " bust" ? (EM 28.7.08) Travel Companies i have now for 2 months been trying to get a final invoice form from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] and have spent nearly 5 hours ion total on the phone, everyone i speak to says they will send me a form and still 2 months later i have nothing, i am trying to hold off the insurance company who i am making a claim with but now they are getting impatient as it is going on so long i have also written twice with no replies what do i do (EM - 11.6.08) **** I have been trying without sucess to contact [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] for two days. All numbers given are just routed to a queing system for 20mins. I have no idea 193 how to get someone from [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] to answer my query, Any ideas? (EM - 19.6.08) **** We have been back from holiday about a month now. There were a number of problems with the holiday. We contacted the travel agent using the letter you recommended. It is now over three weeks and we have not had a reply. The travel agent is not a member of ABTA though is a member of ATOL. Have you any recommendations as to what we should do next. (EM - 1.9.08) **** I would like to check that a company called [NAME OF COMPANY] exist s. I have booked a villa with them for 28 July - 4 August 2009 and i can not gte hold of anyone at the company. Emails are bouncing back and telephone number is dead. I was advised by Trading Standards to contact you. (EM - 12.12.08) Witheld Deposits & Deposit Complaints We have returned from a villa holiday booked through [TOUR OPERATOR]. On return we have had the majority of the security bond taken on the word of the owner who has made a number of false claims against us. We are the first people to rent the villa this season and it has not been inspected by any independent individual prior or since our booking. How do we stand? (EM - 12.6.08) **** I recently experienced problems with a cruise company which necessitated my cancelling the cuise. THe Company refused to retun my deposiit and despite numeous contacts refused to acknowledge that the cruise had been cancelled (EM 17.6.08) **** We booked a floriday holiday villa through the owner who was advertising on the internet. She will not respond to any of our calls, emails or a letter to get our £250 security bond back. We have been back in from holiday for 3 months now. All payments to her via cheque, all correspondence via email or phone prior to this problem. In addition, we asked her for unspecified amount of compensation from her as pool un-useable for half our holiday. her website is: [WEBSITE ADDRESS] Tel: [NUMBER]. I am in contact with consumer direct who asked me to call you aswell for your advice. (EM - 4.8.08) **** We booked and paid a deposit for a holiday over the phone, we never signed any agreements with the travel agent. We have now been in touch with the agents,as we 194 need to cancel the holiday, as we can no longer afford to go, take in mind the holiday is from 25/12/08, how do we stand with getting any money back, or at least not get charged any more. All the travel agents have done is to send us via the post another contract to sign for this holiday which I won't do as we cannot go. Help please what do we need to do. the travel agents are [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] (EM - 8.8.08) **** We went on a fortnights holiday to Cap Salou in May of this year, on leaving we were suposed to hand in our apartment keys, and get back our deposit of £70.00, But our transfer coach was picking us up at 07.15 in the morning, The hotel office didnt open till 09.00 . on arrival back in the uk we went to the travel agents we booked the holiday with, and explained to them what had happened, and gave them the keys to the apartment, and have heard nothing since, I dont see why we should have to lose our deposit, as it wasnt our fault, can you plese help, we feel we have done everything by the book, (EM - 14.8.08) **** I have just returned fro a holiday were we booked a villa with a site on the internet we had to pay a £260 security deposit which was refundable on our return home. Now the company are saying to to the economy and finincial problems they cant make this payment and the present time what can i do (EM - 1.9.08) **** I am currently chasing my £100 'security bond' to no avail for a holiday rental in Nerja in August 2008. The web Company being [MAJOR ONLINE TRAVEL RETAILER] Upon further research, I have noticed that the Company is complained about in one of your reports, for exactly the same reason. I have tried to call and email the Company, but they fail to reply. How do I get my £100.00 back? How do I stop them doing it to others? (EM - 26.10.08) **** I am in need of urgent advice. I booked a holiday with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] back on 31.12.07. for March 09 via their website. However, due to personal reasons we decided cancel in Oct 08. We had paid a deposit of £60 each. However, after cancellation on 14.10.08 we have been given a further bill of £180 for the remainder of the deposit. When I have queried this the same day they stated that in their terms and conditions we had paid a low cost deposit and it states the rest would be due in full if cancellation occured. As we where unaware of this we now stand to lose £240. We pointed out to them that in the terms it also stated that the full deposit should have been paid 8 weeks after booking, however we where never approached for this, and if we had of been we would have already paid £240 and would not have cancelled when we did some 10 months later. After a conversation with a Supervisor 14.10.08, she agreed to reinstate the holiday for an admin fee of £30 which we agreed to pay and thought the matter resolved. When we heard nothing further I chased again 17.10.08 and was told via email the holiday could not be reinstated and 195 that someone had tried to contact me ( this never happened). I again rang on the 21.10.08 and spoke to another supervisor who basically denied the conversation reinstating the holiday had happened and that we would have to pay the deposit in full or face legal action. We queried this once again and asked for the origional telephone conversation to be listened to as proof. We again heard nothing and when i chased 23.10.08 I was told that it was being dealt with and someone would be in contact. Once again I heard nothing until 07.11 when I once again had to approach them only to be told that someone had again allegedly tried to contact myself to reinstate the holiday 24.10.08 via phone and email.( once again i received no call or email and given this ongoing dispute the last thing I would have done was not respond given the time and effort i had already put in) and that as I had not responded the time had elapsed to reinstate it. I have now been told there is n othing further the can do. I feel that this travel company have gone out of thier way to obstruct me in trying to resolve this matter, in order they can obtain my money and sell the holiday to some else. The attitude of the frontline customer service staff and supervisors is terrible. My wife and I are worried sick over this and have tried our best to resolve this matter and have got nowhere. Please can you advise if there are further steps we can take. (I have copies of all emails I have sent and received If needed) (EM - 12.11.08) **** With the current situation in India are deposits on booked holidays to Goa refundable ? (EM - 27.11.08) **** Unfortunately we will have to cancel our holiday . To date we have paid £786.40. Via email I contacted the Customer Service Department to explain the situation and confirm the cancellation fees . I was shocked to learn that we would lose £726.00 ( £121.00 per person) I made the original booking over the phone and paid the required deposit of £186.00 as confirmed on The Internet There was no mention of “low deposit” and “full deposit”. We then made a further payment of £450.00 on the 3rd July ,followed by a third payment on £150.00 made on the 28th July. I have read through all my “terms and conditions” and nowhere does it mention low deposits, full deposits or a deposit of £121.00/per person being required I expected to loose the initial deposit, but we are giving 150+ days notice for cancellation on a holiday that is currently being advertised at twice the amount we were to pay. In the terms & conditions it states ; More than 56 days notice - loss of deposit -i.e. £186.00 To lose £726.00 is 69.5% of the total holiday cost, which when referring to the terms and conditions equates to 28-22 day notice. This seems totally unreasonable. I was never told about low deposits and full deposits. I don't know now to proceed. I have sent several emails to them, but with no joy. Whatever you suggest would be greatly appreciated (EM - 8.12.08) **** I need to ask advice about a complaint i have made to a villa owner, who withheld my deposit without evidence of the damage he alleges we caused to his property. He also withheld a refund promised to us for non working air conditioning. i have 196 written a review on [NAME OF RENTAL COMPANY] which was posted for a little while and has now been removed. Villa was flea infested and of poor quality for the money we paid. Elements of the advertisement on [WEBSITE ADDRESS] are incorrect and misleading and i want to prevent other people being treated the way we have been. (EM - 29.12.08) **** I am having a dispute with [MAJOR TOUR OPERATOR] over fees for cancelling a holiday - we were not informed we were booking a low deposit scheme - but on cancelling have been informed it was and so we need to pay more - we have been given different figures which just seem to be made up as the company goes along they will not refer our complaint to a manager or even give us the name of the person replying to us although this has been asked for - I would be grateful for a direct e-mail address for yourselves to send copies of all e-mails to. (EM - 22.12.08) 197 DEBATES & CONCERNS Introduction: The collapse of Global confidence has revealed a diverse and intricate structure, in all aspects of international commercial dealings. Within the ordinary holiday contract, the Travel Consumer is a partner to the commercial complexities that underpin such relationships, and with it, the real potential for inequality and detriment. In the debate that swirls around these issues, it is important to stop and consider the existing mythology on these important matters. The Consumer is constantly engaged in a battle to establish fairness and justice within the holiday contract. Individual Consumer actions to address this imbalance are set against a tide of opinion that either seeks to diminish or trivialise complaints, or through an argument that further Regulation is unnecessary and burdensome to a dynamic industry. In this section of the report, we seek to expose and debate current key issues within the Package Travel Directive/Regulations. Is it just the Brits Abroad? Within the Package Holiday debate, there is a ‘false war’ of information, which some will say, seeks to inform or entertain. We suggest that such an approach serves only to divert attention away from the real problems experienced by British or other EU holidaymakers. An example of such information was found in the article, ‘Aroused Elephant Tops List of Bizarre Holiday Grievances’ 30. Within the article (and the photo story that 30 198 accompanied the article) 31 we can see examples of ‘unusual’ holiday complaints, as ‘researched by ABTA and Thomas Cook: • ‘The beach was too sandy...’ • ‘Topless sunbathing on the beach should be banned...’ • ‘We bought ‘Ray-Ban’ sunglasses for five Euros (£3.50) from a street trader...’ • ‘No one told us that there would be fish in the sea....’ • ‘My fiancé and I booked into a twin-bedded room but were placed in a double bedded room. We now hold you responsible for the fact that I now find myself pregnant...’ • ‘There are too many Spanish people...’ • ‘...Your brochure shows the sand as yellow but it was white’ • ‘We had to queue outside with no air conditioning’ • ‘It is your duty as a tour operator to advise us of noisy or unruly guests before we travel’ • ‘We booked an excursion to a water park but no-one told us we had to bring our swimming costumes and towels’ Through speculation, it is possible to understand the motivation for such complaints, however, considered in isolation, you could be left with the impression that these comments are unworthy and trivial in the extreme. The question is this; if we are influenced by a ‘light-hearted’ look at holiday complaints; will this act as a disincentive for others to complain or to legislate? Will such publicity reduce the ‘worthiness’ of holiday complaints in the minds of the lawyers and legislators? It also raises the question; have British Citizens become a Nation of unjustified complainers? 31 199 Consider then the issues raised by the blog on our website - ‘The Cure for Holiday Illness and Complaints – Bring in the Heavies! IV’ 32. This article raised concern over the proposed plans to ‘black list’ serial complainers from taking holidays with a particular tour operator. Within the article, key phrases were used about holidaymakers, such as: • ‘Persistent troublemakers’ • ‘Keeping a list’ • ‘These people will never be happy’ • ‘Black books’ • ‘Whingers’ • ‘Nobody had complained previously’ • ‘Cult of complaint’ • ‘Complainers’ Noble terms and expressions for fee paying customers? Is it any wonder that there is a crisis of confidence? From the British Consumer perspective, are they being made to feel that they are in fact the only ones complaining; would they really want to be tarred with such colourful corporate language? We decided that there was a need to examine, and where possible, demonstrate that British holidaymakers are not unique in the experiences and conditions they face within holiday contracts. Could we find and determine Consumer Detriment in holiday contracts amongst other EU citizens? We confined our study and search through the Google parameter; what follows is a summary of our findings: 32 200 1. German TV Station ‘flooded’ with complaints from German Holidaymakers in Bulgaria (2004) - ; 2. Summary of Austrian and German Complaints (2005) - ; 3. Commentary on a Swedish Tour Coach Crash (date unknown) ; 4. Belgian and French Tourists in Financial Dispute with a Hotel in Turkey (2008) - ; We then established through the following links, (they are listed by country and year), holiday complaints that consisted of: • flight delays; • significant change; • poor service; • poor hygiene; • mould; • sewage smells; • poorly cooked or prepared food; • noise; • poor or inadequate representation; • threats; • poor quality of property; • sickness; • food poisoning. 5. - French Holidaymakers - 2 x France 2007; France 2008; Turkey 2008; 3 x Egypt 2008; France 2009; Tunisia 2009; Tenerife 2009. 6. - Belgian Holidaymakers – 2 x Turkey 2008; France 2008; Italy 2008; Greece 2008; Belgium 2008; Spain 2008. 7. - German 201 Holidaymakers – Portugal 2007; Hungary 2008; Kenya 2009; 4 x Austria 2009; Czech Republic 2009; Gran Canaria 2009; Belgium 2009. 8. - Spanish Holidaymakers – Spain 2008; Lanzarote 2008; Gran Canaria 2008; Margarita Island 2008; England 2009. 9. - Dutch Holidaymakers - Malta 2006; England 2008; 2 x Turkey 2008; Florida 2008; Belgium 2008 (this complaint was interesting because it highlighted the extent that the holidaymaker had to go to, in order to try and obtain a resolution to their claim); USA 2008; Tunisia 2008, England 2009; Holland 2009. 10. - Italian Holidaymakers - England 2008; Egypt 2008; 2 x Greece 2008; Turkey 2008; Cape Verde 2008. 11. - Swedish Holidaymakers - Egypt 2008; Jamaica 2008; Tenerife 2008; Malta 2008; Turkey 2008. 12. - Polish Holidaymakers - Turkey 2005; California 2007; Egypt 2008; 3 x Turkey 2008; 2 x Italy 2008; Tunisia 2008; Greece 2008; France 2008; Lithuania 2008; Czech Republic 2009; Austria 2009. It should be noted, that these holiday complaints are made in the holidaymakers own words and reflect their experiences – we have not been able to confirm the validity or otherwise of their complaints. This listing serves to demonstrate that many other EU Nationals also have similar experiences to British Holidaymakers, many of whom also provide postings through online travel review websites. Can it any longer be said, that the British Holidaymaker is unique in making holiday complaints? 202 The Bullying of Holidaymakers: Since 2007, we have witnessed a growing number of complaints from British Holidaymakers, about the real sense of pressure, when dealing with their holiday complaints. To demonstrate this issue, we refer to the series of blogs (contained within ‘The Crow’s Nest’ on HolidayTravelWatch) that tell the real story of how these issues are dealt with. We do not know if these incidents are part of a coordinated attempt to ‘cure’ the level or range of complaints, but we observe that these complaints come from a wide range of destinations and locations. These commentaries are entitled ‘The Cure for Holiday Illness & Complaints! Bring in the Heavies!’ The experiences presented need no further comment! 1. “Tonight, in a far off holiday destination, there is one very frightened family! Why? Well, they have had the temerity to complain about the failures within their holiday contract, oh, and they and their fellow holidaymakers, are also suffering with holiday illness or sickness. Their reward? They have been provided with their own shadows; they are being observed and followed by the hotel security, following the report of their complaints by the tour operators representative, to the hotel management! Is this a new phenomenon? Regrettably not! In 2007 we reported similar such incidents, occurring from the Caribbean to the Eastern Mediterranean. Holidaymakers were confronted by security if they made complaints as to illness, injury or the conditions within their hotel. In some cases holidaymakers reported that the security were wielding batons, and in one case, we are aware of a Dutch holidaymaker who was arrested for trying to warn new holidaymakers that they may suffer acid burns if they went into the pool. We have also been made aware that this heavy behaviour extends as far as searching rooms for so called 'incriminating' evidence (that is evidence to support a claim upon their return to the UK)! The family I have referred to, contacted HolidayTravelWatch from their hotel, because of the serious nature of their complaints. They needed help, and were clearly getting little assistance from the tour representative. In addition they were, and contine to suffer with sickness, along with many of their fellow 203 holidaymakers. We have provided very clear advices to this family on how to deal with their holiday problems, for example, setting out issues in writing, thus giving the representative and the tour operator to put right what is clearly wrong. The family handed the letter to the representative, invited them to sign the letter, at which stage I am told the representative became angry and unhelpful. To date, this tour operator appears to have simply ignored their requests for help with their problems. It will therefore be of no surprise and certainly no secret, that we have also advised this family to follow the 12 Golden Rules of Travel. Would anyone dare to deny that this is the correct course of action where their complaints have been ignored? Some might argue that we should contact the tour operator directly. Well to that I say we are not an extension of a tour operators office, and where would we draw the line? A typical tour operator has we are told, sophisticated systems to recognise difficulties or trends and thus react accordingly. In any event the Regulations require the local representative to put right what is wrong, that is not something we can do from here! I have already discussed this issue (the 2007 trends!) with major tour operators, and I would now hope that they will take decisive action to stop this distasteful practice, and protect their clients whether they are in dispute with them or not! The time has come for a greater and higher morality by corporations toward a consumer, wherever they are based! So the rules we offer are simple straight-forward steps to be taken by any holidaymaker, where they encounter difficulties within a hotel and resort. There is nothing illegal in these actions; they follow a consumers obligations under The Package Travel Regulations, and prepare the ground to assist the holidaymaker to pursue the complaint upon their return to the UK. These rules also ensure that the tour company has the opportunity to put things right in resort before matters get out of hand. We always advise any holidaymaker, and this was the case with this family, that above anything else, they must ensure that they follow local laws and not do anything that is illegal. So, it was of great concern to me when I heard of this development, and as a result I am in constant touch with the family; they can call me day or night, whatever the hour! I have also advised them on how to deal with their own personal security, and to ensure that they protect their valuables, and any evidence they have obtained, from any possible 'invasion' of their rooms. I shall remain in constant touch with this family until they are safely back in the UK; if necessary, and if things get worse, I shall arrange to fly to this resort, with suitable coverage, to assist this and any other family from the obscene excesses that appear to be taking place. If it means that my own personal security is at risk, then so be it, better that and the undoubted exposure of these shabby practices that would surely follow than for this situation to continue! I will be watching this case very closely, and if necessary, I shall also call upon the Foreign Office to provide urgent assistance to this family. Whilst this will be of the least concern to this family tonight, it is a 204 fundamental right of any British person, to call a defendant to account for failures in their contract before a court or tribunal. It is also a fundamental right that such a consumer should be free to access and collate evidence legally and appropriately. The fact that a British Consumer may actually temporarily reside in a foreign jurisdiction does not dilute that right and I would hope that the jurisdiction in question would actively protect a holidaymaker to exercise their rights against a travel provider, from the pathetic actions of these hapless saps masquerading as security! I would sincerely hope that the British Courts would take a very firm view against any company, where it is proven that they support such practices by any foreign hotelier! I would be very interested to hear from any holidaymaker who has had a similar experience. With regard to any intending holidaymaker I would say, take heart, do not be put off by such practices. It is still entirely possible to collate such evidence, quietly and without fuss, and always remember, we shall work to provide you with appropriate assistance in such difficult circumstances. So tonight, spare a thought for this family, whose only crime was to work for 50 weeks of the last year, for that precious 2 weeks, only to have their holiday dream shattered by lack of consideration for their needs and illness. Try to imagine how you would feel if you were in their position”. 33 2. “Tonight a young couple are sitting in their hotel room, frightened to go out, scared for their own personal safety. Why? They saved hard for a holiday to what they thought was an exotic and luxurious location, only to be faced with many contractual failings in the hotel they were staying in. Like most holidaymakers, they decided not just to complain, but to try and put right what has gone wrong within their holiday contract. They also started to accumulate evidence by taking photographs and taking notes, speaking to other holidaymakers, all with the view of using the Package Travel Directive to resolve their claim when they returned home. So tell me, what was wrong with that? Like most holidaymakers, they took care of their possessions, and placed their valuables into their room safe. Imagine their horror when they returned to their room and discovered that their room had been broken into, and the camera, containing over 100 evidential photographs was gone! It was clear on speaking to this couple that the room had been entered by a duplicate key, and a key was used to open the so-called 'digital' safe (where the camera was kept). Other more valuable items were not stolen. Sounds like an organised crime to me! What was the reaction of the tour operator and their agent? Rejection of their complaints; refusal to help them with any report to the police, disinformation as to how the Police would deal with them (suggesting that they would have to remain 33 205 within the country for longer than scheduled), refusing to acknowledge their complaints, being followed, and having to 'enjoy' the presence of security outside their room. As if this is not enough, they are also sick. Gut instinct, and further advices from HolidayTravelWatch, has seen this couple receive assistance from their respective Embassies! Thank goodness someone local is listening to them! I suspect that if the population of this unique country were aware of how their countrymen treat their guests, the perpetrators may suddenly find themselves on the receiving end of their own medicine! So please don't tell me that holidaymakers are not harassed or subjected to criminal acts when they make complaints, instead, spare a thought tonight for this innocent and genuine couple!” 34 3. “The other day we heard of an outrageous reaction to holidaymakers who reported to their rep that they were ill (there were others apparently ill at the resort). The reaction from the rep? The holidaymakers were ordered to leave the resort! The second story brings to it another element of pressure. There is a hotel in Mexico, which according to holidaymakers we have been speaking to, presents itself with appalling conditions. The result is that this hotel is providing the gift of illness to its holidaymakers in the form of Cryptosporidium and Shigella. If you are 'lucky' not to suffer with those illnesses, it seems that you will suffer with a serious gastric infection! We know from information we have received that the tour operator is well aware of this situation. This major tour operator, instead of suspending their contract with this hotelier, provides 'random' telephone 'customer services satisfaction surveys' to returning holidaymakers. Once they are informed that they have not 'enjoyed' their holiday, they are then presented with a full refund of their holiday cost, PLUS £2000 compensation! If only this same tour operator were so quick and generous when they come to deal with all the holiday claims against them - wouldn't the holidaymakers be happy? Let's hope that they will follow good legal practice, and advise the recipients of such generosity, that they should seek legal advices before they accept their 'gift'! It does not matter what form pressure manifests itself, whether it is through the bullying tactics of resort security or hotel management, or through the subtle mechanism of 'customer care' and an open cheque book, both represent the sharp end of corporate practice. Did it occur to both operators that they should actually be protecting the holidaymakers in their charge and that they should suspend their contracts with each resort? Clearly not! There's money to be made out of those unsuspecting holidaymakers! If anyone thinks that £2000 is fair and just compensation 34 206 from Cryptosporidium AND Shigella infection, then they are clearly kidding themselves and have not received good advices!” 35 4. “Apologies to regular readers of this column; I decided to take a short break, but, we have also been inundated with calls for assistance from angry and sick holidaymakers! I have been struck by the wide range of holiday complaints; poor hygiene and standards in hotels, unsafe balconies, exposed wiring, sickness demonstrating a very wide range of disease and threats to those who complain! I was therefore intrigued to read the banner headline in a recent edition of The Times Online (19/10/08) - 'Thomson bans serial complainers from booking holidays'. Holidaymakers reading this will not be surprised that such an aggressive approach could be made; many can relate their own experiences across a wide range of tour companies and hotels. Tim Williamson (Customer Director) sought to re-assure The Times readers that they were only talking about a 'tiny' number of 'persistent troublemakers', and that they were keeping a list of them. He went onto to state, "Black books by no means always work. So people complain and, if we accept we are in the wrong, we settle and they get next year's holiday free". Yes that's right, if they accept that they are wrong, this company is going to give you next year's holiday for free! Really? I would like to hear from any holidaymaker who has enjoyed such a benefit; it's time for other holiday companies to take note follow their lead! But hang on, the article then raises the view that holidaymakers are 'whingers' - I doubt that the holidaymakers who contacted us this year following their visits to Turkey, Egypt, Cape Verde, Majorca and Spain would recognise that element in themselves! Within the article First Choice talked of the 'cult of the complaint', blaming the rise of the internet and advice and support online - I wonder who they could be talking about? They go on to say, "most of it (online consumer support services) telling people that if they make enough of a fuss, we'll pay up. The truth is that we hardly ever pay out, but we waste a lot of time dealing with the complainers". It would be easy to demonstrate my thoughts on this red herring but I am not going to rise to this bait - our record speaks for itself! Could it be that the online advice community is actually empowering the consumer for them to make these comments and adopt these positions? Is it not the conditions and the low expectations visited upon holidaymakers, after the promise of the brochure that is the root cause of the Great British Complaining Public? Just examine the words and phrases used in this article - 'persistent troublemakers', 'keeping a list', 'these people will never be happy', 'black books', 'whingers', 'nobody had complained previously', 'cult of complaint', 'complainers' - is it any wonder 35 207 that there is a crisis of confidence amongst travel consumers when their true worth is displayed in such noble terms? In the final analysis, this article simply adds to our sincere and deep concern that heavy tactics will be employed against holidaymakers, let's rule them by fear, let's frighten them so they will fear not being able to travel again, let's snuff out the complaint before it has even begun! The 2009 holiday season has already started!” 36 5. “Over the Christmas and New Year period we have been dealing with several group actions of very unhappy holidaymakers. One such group had been to a hotel in Turkey several weeks previously. When they arrived at their hotel they found that the conditions did not meet the standards that had been promised in the brochure. Such complaints included, dimly lit hallways, light switches hanging off the walls, dirty rooms, foul smells, angry staff, the non-delivery of all-inclusive facilities, birds, flies and cockroaches landing/walking/eating the food on the 'buffet' and plates, and little in the way of inedible food. Many people became ill. Understandably the holidaymakers decided that they would complain to the Tour Operators Representative. The complaints were clearly addressed to the hotel management by the Representative. Holidaymakers became concerned for their safety because of the attitude of the staff and many stayed in their rooms. There are many on the outside of the consumer debate who consider that HolidayTravelWatch simply throws 'brickbats' at members of the Travel Industry, that is not so. Our debate rests mainly with a corporate mentality that seeks to shortcut consumer protections and standards and those that carry out their bidding. In this case and to the complete credit of this Tour Operator's Representative, he decided that the holidaymakers under his care should be moved to another hotel given the range and depth of the complaints. The evening before the 'evacuation' the Representative advised the holidaymakers to pack as they were going to be transferred the next morning. We understand that a very short time later the Representative was taken into a back room in the hotel and assaulted. We have been told by other holidaymakers that they tried to get into the room to rescue him, but it was blocked and all they could hear was the cries of the Representative. We understand that moments later vehicles containing other men (it is not clear whether they were police or 'supporters' of the hotel) arrived outside. The situation became very tense and holidaymakers felt that they were under threat. We have been told that the Representative was taken to hospital for treatment on his injuries. The following morning holidaymakers were approached by staff at the hotel and were pleaded with to stay at the hotel; they would make their stay better! The holidaymakers 36 208 refused and at that stage they became concerned for their safety. Fortunately the coach arrived and a desperate scene developed with one pensioner convulsing and others being physically threatened. Again the holidaymakers were 'rescued' by the coach driver who took the brunt of the fists that were flying from this hotel's staff members. I am not surprised to hear a story like this, each one we hear appears to be worse than the one previously! I would however like to commend this Travel Representative for his bravery in what must have been a terrifying situation for him. I would also like to commend the Turkish coach driver for placing himself in the line of fire. Commendations must also be given to all the holidaymakers on this trip and their determination to confront failures in their holiday contracts they should remember that there are certain quarter's in this country who do not believe that there is any detriment suffered by holidaymakers! This is the fifth in a series of 'blogs' on how holidaymakers are leaned on simply because they have the 'temerity' to complain about their holiday - the Travel Industry and National Authorities should take heed and deal with this issue as a matter of urgency, before someone suffers a serious injury, or worse! They say that 'Turkey Welcomes You'; after the events of 2008 we are beginning to wonder if this is true! As I have said previously, I am certain that the vast majority of Turkish people are decent people, who would be horrified to read that 'guests' to their country are being treated like this! Perhaps the Turkish Authorities will do more to put right what has gone wrong in 2008 and stamp out illegal behaviour in whatever form it takes, so that holidaymakers of whatever nationality are better protected?” 37 6. “We recently heard from a holidaymaker who had suffered with serious illness on his holiday. He remains seriously ill. He was not the only one and he also became aware that other holidaymakers before him had also become ill. When he returned home he did what most holidaymakers do, he wrote his letter of complaint to the tour operator. This tour operator has been established for many years and is a member of a trade professional body. The response the holidaymaker received from the tour operator was less than satisfactory, but not deterred, he continued to pursue a resolution to his holiday complaints through contact with the tour operator and seeking advice from a local law firm. When this failed, he contacted this organisation and as he had clearly utilised a complaint process, he was offered and accepted a referral for free initial legal advices. However, this tour operator was not going to be put off by a complaining holidaymaker. One day recently, we received a call from the holidaymaker, advising that the owner of the tour operator was in his front room and that he required urgent 37 209 guidance. It appeared that the owner had apparently advised that the law firm the holidaymaker initially sought advice from was well known to him and that they would not do anything about the holidaymaker's complaint, as he played golf with the managing director! He also made a number of disparaging comments about law firms offering 'no win no fee' arrangements! The owner also sought to use emotional blackmail methods by advising that the holidaymaker was attacking the livelihoods of those they employed and to the greater economy! Naturally we called the holidaymaker and through the telephone loudspeaker, advised all assembled that it was not appropriate to meet and discuss these issues and that their representatives should deal with the matter from thereon - the meeting should end! The holidaymaker later advised that he had felt dirty and that by seeking legal assistance, he was doing so through some back street method! Badgering a holidaymaker, either in resort or upon their return is certain to escalate the problem! The notion that somehow holidaymakers are on some 'compensation culture' quest is distasteful in the extreme. This tabloid and simplistic explanation masks the real culprits - poor hygiene practices, poor customer services, denial of entrenched consumer rights and inappropriate behaviour toward holidaymakers who make complaints! Stand by for more of the same, or will 2009 herald a greater corporate responsibility?” 38 The Biohazard Detriment: Imagine that you have booked a holiday to a sunny destination for you and your family. You arranged this holiday some 12 to 15 months before you are due to travel. One morning, shortly before you are due to travel, you wake up to the news that the hotel you are going to is suffering from a mass outbreak of illness. As you have young children in your party, you are naturally concerned with the news item and seek clarification from the tour operator. You are assured that everything is in order at the hotel, you are told that reports have been exaggerated and that their health and safety people are in resort. Reasonably satisfied, you prepare your family for the long awaited holiday! When you arrive, to your horror, you discover the news report were correct. You are a witness to people being sick in the reception area, many people are complaining to the tour operators representatives and are warning you to get out. 38 210 You witness faecal element and vomit in and around the swimming pools and further stories from other holidaymakers of the terrible time they have had. Being naturally concerned you decide to speak with the tour representative, who again assures you that the sickness problem has only affected less than 1% of holidaymakers staying at the hotel. You are also told that this ‘bug’ is ‘airborne’ and was brought in by a ‘wedding party from the north-east (of England)’. You remain concerned but decide that you and your family will carry on with your holiday but you will keep yourselves to yourselves! By this time the children had already eaten at the hotel and swum in the pools. The next few days pass without incident; you are taking all reasonable precautions to protect your family’s safety. Five days into the holiday, your children wake up in the night suffering with uncontrollable diarrhoea and projectile vomiting. You call for the Doctor and are told to bring the children to the medical centre in the hotel. You are witness to other holidaymakers on trolleys attached to drips! The Doctor decides that you have to go to the local hospital and, with what little money you have, you hire a taxi to get them there. The children remain in hospital for the next few days, during which time your wife becomes very ill. By the time the children are released from hospital, your wife is so weak that she is admitted to the medical centre in the hotel. You spend your reserve cash in buying medical treatment. No one in your party can bear to go out of their rooms and no one wants to eat. You approach the representative who takes your details, provides some sympathy and offers a stool sample test to reassure you. You have to pay for the test and withdraw the cash from your credit card. Stool samples are taken from the whole family, and within the hour you are told that your test has returned with a negative result! Still concerned, you ask if you can be returned home. The representative states that 211 there are no flights to get you back – if you wanted to go to another airport, you will have to pay for the flight! You reluctantly decide to remain in the resort until the end of your holiday. Upon your return to the UK, you attend your GP surgery and he tests your children and wife and discovers that between them they are suffering with Salmonella & Cryptosporidium! You also discover that many hundreds of holidaymakers have complained since their return to the UK, but still the tour operator is stating the same information initially provided to you, that is, that everything is safe! This is a typical annual experience for many holidaymakers. It raises the following important questions: 1. If a regular or major health event arises in a resort or hotel, that is clearly known to a tour operator, should that event be classed as serious ‘biohazard’ event? 2. If the ‘biohazard event’ rises the risk that existing or potential holidaymakers are or will become exposed, shouldn’t they be evacuated or prevented from travelling to this destination? 3. If a ‘biohazard’ event becomes known, shouldn’t the tour operator be legally required to inform the health authorities of the host country and also the country of domicile of the holidaymaker? 4. If they fail to notify the said health authorities, shouldn’t a tour operator be prosecuted for failing to notify a ‘biohazard’ or major health event? 5. If a tour operator ignores the ‘biohazard’ or major health event, taking place within a hotel or resort, and knowingly or recklessly continues to expose either existing or potential holidaymakers, shouldn’t they be prosecuted for committing a ‘biocrime’? The serious consequence of returning holiday illnesses to the UK was surveyed by 212 this Organisation in 2006 (‘The Shameful Cost of Holiday Illness’). We concluded that the effect of serious failings with hotels and resorts cost the UK (usually through the taxpayer and industry) some £200m per annum. 39 If you translate that annual figure into 15 of the EU economies, this potentially presents an annual cost of £3bn (€3.3bn) as a consequent cost of holiday illness! Even if you discount this figure by half, this still represents a cost of €1.65bn per annum! The conditions that holidaymakers experience in illness cases, or for that matter where accidents occur on holiday, appear to be trapped in an artificial political or legal debate on standards. There appears to be a lack of urgency or will to confront this issue and legislate minimum standards in holiday contracts. Within the UK, this issue is historically mired in the many court cases now fought on which standard should be applied within holiday contracts. We take the view that whilst this tactical and artificial debate rumbles on, there is a need to confront the real ‘biohazard’ issue (‘To Package or not to Package – the Biohazard & Biocrime Detriment) 40. We have recently recommended that within any redrafting of the Package Travel Directive, consideration must be given to the creation of ‘biohazard’ and ‘biocrime’ offences, put simply, if the legislature is either unwilling or incapable of imposing standards directly within holiday contracts, then the time has come to impose strict new reporting obligations and strong sanctions upon a company or its officers, where they knowingly, willingly or recklessly expose holidaymakers to a risk. 39 40 213 Analysis of the Travel Industry View: For those engaged within the Travel Debate, it has been a long and arduous road filled with many hours of discussion, and as this report demonstrates, many words! The most important report to date has been commissioned by the EU Parliamentary Committee (IMCO) on the future of The Package Travel Directive – ‘Study on Safety and Liability issues Relating to Package Travel’ 41. We do not intend to rehearse the issues set out within this report, save to say that in general, the report recommends a tightening of the current Directive which we would support. We consider that it is important to examine the views expressed by the Travel Industry, so we have examined the report produced by The European Travel Agents’ and Tour Operators Association. Their report is entitled, ‘ Study on Safety and Liability Issues Relating to Package Travel – Comments of ECTAA’ 42. The battle of words! Within Part 1 of their study, they criticise the authors of the EU report for going beyond the General Resolution of the EU parliament (P6_TA-PROV(2007)0575) – (‘A Renewed EU Tourism Policy’), which simply stated (para 41) [that it]: “regrets the absence of a specific legal instrument covering the safety of services, which is crucial in the tourism sector and calls on the Commission and on member States to evaluate the possibility of addressing this issue in order to allay the concerns expressed by several of its members”. 43 The commissioned EU Parliament Report went onto state: “As regards package tours, Parliament expressly regretted that there is no explicit safety 41 43 (P6_TA-PROV(2007)0575) – Para 41 42 214 provision in existing tourism law” 44. ECTAA considered that the authors of the EU parliamentary report were going beyond the adopted resolution of the Parliament which did not ‘target package travel specifically’. 45 An examination of the Parliamentary Resolution clearly demonstrates that MEP’s were considering the broad range of tourism issues, not least of which were the effects of Package Holidays and Dynamically Packaged Holidays on Consumer Protection. 46 It cannot surely be the central position of ECTAA, that the report is flawed? Their initial comments appear to adopt a semantic approach between a very clear Parliamentary Resolution and its commissioned report! Legislators must be alert to this method of argument; it contains the potential to create two forms of rights – those who take ‘Traditional Package Holidays’ and those who seek to ‘Dynamically Package’. The review of The Package Travel Directive must courageously venture into all areas touched by the Holiday Contract! We are all Travel Agents now! Point 1.1 of the ECTAA report seeks to differentiate between a Retailer and an Organiser. It warns the Commission and Parliament that within Article 5 of the Directive; ‘there should be no reference to the retailer in provisions on liability for performance of a contract. Indeed, the retailer, who acts as an intermediary, is not party to the package travel contract. He can thus not be held liable for the proper performance of a contract to which he is not party’ 47 Study on Safety and Liability issues Relating to Package Travel – Page 2 Study on Safety and Liability Issues Relating to Package Travel – Comments of ECTAA – Page 1 46 (P6_TA-PROV(2007)0575) – Paras 35, 36 & 41 47 Study on Safety and Liability Issues Relating to Package Travel – Comments of ECTAA – Page 2 44 45 215 ECTAA considers that to do so would be ‘unfair’ as the retailer does not have control of the elements that make up a package. If ECTAA are referring to the role of a ‘traditional’ travel agent, this would seem to be a fair proposition. However, the real battle lines are drawn between those ‘traditional’ agents and the so called ‘new breed’ of online ‘travel agents’ who purport to be only acting as an agent. The reality is this; if an online agent is selling ‘traditional’ Package Holidays, then they may be able to rely on the notion that they are acting as a travel agent or retailer. The problem arises where ‘travel agency’ websites provide the veneer of a Tour Operator or Organiser but hide their true purpose, not within the transaction itself, but within the voluminous terms and conditions! Through the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, a famous advert in the UK proclaimed that a new form of banking meant that ‘We are all bank managers now’! The reality was the veneer of customer control, but this was always going to be overshadowed by banking practice and terms and conditions. As we have realised, the rush to deregulate the banking sector has left a wake of Consumers as victims! Is the proposed deregulated or ‘light touch’ regulated market model of the Travel Industry going to be any different to the banking experience? This ‘choice’ approach suggests that the Holidaymaker is in control, when the ‘package’ goes wrong; this lack of control or inequality becomes very apparent. The consumer is then isolated by the free market model. This is an argument that will run within any redraft of Article 2 of the Directive, which we argue should also mirror Regulation 2 of UK’s Package Travel Regulations, which importantly states, “the fact that a combination is arranged at the request of the consumer and in accordance with his specific instructions (whether modified or not) shall not of itself cause it to be 216 treated as other than pre-arranged” This additional requirement under the Regulations was clearly envisaged by the UK Legislators as a future strand of Consumer Protection. The Commission and Parliament must avoid the trap of creating a two tier commercial model, with all the attendant difficulties of Consumer Rights in these complex contracts. Order in the Court! Within ECTAA’s Point 1.2, they provide comment under the ‘Safety & Liability’ banner, that, ‘the liability of Organisers in relation with safety issues should be left to the courts as it is the case today’. 48 We consider that this is a difficult area as there is no uniform method of pursuing claims or receiving similar levels of redress. This is not an issue that we consider can be examined in any detail within this report, this is partially covered within the said Parliamentary report. We would however observe that in the UK Jurisdiction, the Courts system has found some difficulty in determining an appropriate ‘standard’. The pendulum has currently swung away from the Claimant in such actions, in that a myriad of local standards must apply. We would suggest that the position taken by ECTAA is yet another example of how their members would wish to avoid the imposition of safety standards in holiday contracts. Surely, as we have argued in the previous section, the time has come to confront the safety issue within holiday contracts, either directly or indirectly? Better Regulation will surely avoid the cost and time factors faced by most litigants and defendants, 48 Study on Safety and Liability Issues Relating to Package Travel – Comments of ECTAA – Page 2 217 thereby producing a uniform benefit throughout the EU! To package or not to package? ECTAA turns to the problematic issue of what constitutes a package at Point 1.3. They correctly analyse the difference between the traditional holiday market and the reality of internet sales. They also identify what they see as the difference between the regulatory obligations of the ‘traditional’ Package Holiday market and the Dynamic Packaging Industry. This distinction would be correct if it could be shown or demonstrated that a company is truly trading under the ‘Dynamic’ model. The problem for this argument is one of Consumer perception! The majority of Travel Consumers this Organisation speaks with are quite clear: • They like to transact online; • It is usually their intention to buy a holiday which by any interpretation they would classify as a Package; • They cannot see the distinction between a Package Holiday and a Dynamic Holiday; • They consider that the distinction is artificial; • They do not understand what rights they have; • They do not understand what protections they have; • They cannot often understand the contract; • They cannot understand why when things go wrong in their contract, there is suddenly a separation of responsibility. ECTAA considers that the present Directive could be replaced by a ‘horizontal’ instrument. This they argue would impose a; ‘full set of fundamental obligations to all provider/suppliers of services/goods, in any business 218 sector, who sell or offer for sale their services or goods in their own name to consumers’ 49 For the benefit of those reading the issues within this report for the first time, there are potentially two types of EU legal instrument: Horizontal – This is an instrument that deals with a particular aspect of law, in this case holidays, and would provide general provisions (so using food as an example, it could apply to all food and provide general provisions for their hygiene, handling etc). Vertical – This is an instrument that deals with a particular product and would provide more concentrated provisions (so using the food example again, it would deal with each food product and prescribe standards on all aspects of food). The ECTAA approach is interesting; it seeks to incorporate into a regulatory environment, all those currently outside the current regime. They clearly have errant internet travel providers and airlines in mind! They throw the carrot to the Commission and Parliament of creating a specific instrument dealing with repatriation and bankruptcy – that we consider is a nice headline issue, but does little to resolve the problems with current trading models! Through this argument, ECTAA still pursues the notion that anything being sold outside a company’s ‘name’ would fall outside the provisions, thereby we suggest, continuing to create a multi-level playing field with different rights and obligations accorded to Consumers. We do not support the Horizontal approach – we consider that the correct approach is the extension of the current ‘Vertical’ instrument to incorporate all forms or aspects of the tourism industry. At the conclusion of this section, ECTAA suggests that if their own proposals on this matter are not ‘retained’, then the Package Travel Directive should be extended to 49 Study on Safety and Liability Issues Relating to Package Travel – Comments of ECTAA – Page 2 219 include, ‘both genuine packages and dynamic packages’. 50! The Information Point! ECTAA highlights the problems with providing specific information to the Consumer and again draws the comparison between the ‘traditional industry’ and the newer entrants. It is quite clear that they consider that they are operating at what they perceive to be a market disadvantage. The flaw in their position is that rather than increase the standard they suggest that such requirements be ‘deleted’. It is for the Commission and Parliament to ultimately decide on this issue, but we refer to the surveys within this report and ask; surely there is enough confusion amongst Consumers on the issue of pricing or other issues of the holiday contract, should free markets be allowed to run rampant on this issue? Significant Change & Compensation! Where a holiday is subjected to significant changes, the Travel Consumer is entitled to receive a number of rights, one of which is to receive compensation where ‘appropriate’. ECTAA is troubled by the suggestion that the word ‘appropriate’ should be removed from this equation; they argue that it is for the Consumer to ‘demonstrate’ that he has suffered an ‘additional prejudice’ because of the changes made. Readers of this report will have observed the examples of case studies included on the issue of ‘Significant Change’. We consider that the Consumer is not currently receiving sufficient recognition of their rights under this heading – perhaps the automatic right to compensation will concentrate minds and reduce the number of ‘Significant Change’ claims? 50 Study on Safety and Liability Issues Relating to Package Travel – Comments of ECTAA – Page 2 220 Sliding Scales! We have noted the comments made by ECTAA on the issue of cancellation charges in holiday contracts when that contract has been cancelled by the Consumer. We note their conclusions and offer no particular comment except to say that at the formation of the contract, clear notices on this issue should be provided to the Consumer, with the added warning of the need to ensure that they take out appropriate Travel Insurance at that point! By doing so, it will remove the heartache suffered by many Consumers who claim that they did not know or understand their obligations and are sometimes prejudiced by a lack of Insurance! Statistics, Statistics and yet more Statistics! ECTAA is highly critical of what they see as the lack of statistics and the conclusions of the authors of the report. They consider that the report’s conclusion, that there are regular accidents within Package Travel, to be incorrect as the, ‘the authors do not have sufficient relevant and reliable evidences to conclude’ and ‘Such a conclusion is wrong and irrelevant’ (their emphasis) 51 We are concerned that the report does not emphasise the serious detriment in holiday contracts, that of holiday illness. It is true that there is undoubtedly a significant number of accidental injuries, but the primary injury must be considered through the failures in hygiene and food production practices. It is all very well for ECTAA to react so strongly to this issue, however, if they are truly concerned with what they see as a distorted picture, then the answer lays in the hands of their members! The Travel Industry has a sophisticated method of data collection; statistics could be 51 Study on Safety and Liability Issues Relating to Package Travel – Comments of ECTAA – Page 4 221 extracted from the following sources: • Customer Complaint Forms (completed in resort – where available!); • Resort Representative Reports; • Resort Manager Reports; • Destination Manager Reports; • Customer Satisfaction Questionnaires; • Customer Complaint Letters; • Tour Operator Enquiry Documentation; • Tour Operator Statistics! Safety, Liability & Accidents! ECTAA make the distinction that safety rests with the ‘actual service providers’ and improved standards can only be achieved by placing ‘specific obligations on each’ provider. They further argue that their role is simply to select the products and services ‘with due care’. ECTAA argues that their members liability is a ‘contractual liability’ within a package travel contract, as allowed for by Article 5 of the current Directive. They are concerned that the Parliamentary report seeks to extend their members liability for all accidents. They disagree, citing that it is, ‘impossible that a tour operator monitors the correct performance of the services of each supplier’ 52 They consider that it is more important to demonstrate that the tour operator has used due care in their selection or that the provider has acted beyond the tour operators control. 52 Study on Safety and Liability Issues Relating to Package Travel – Comments of ECTAA – Page 5 222 In the case of excursion accidents booked in resort, the report recommends, ‘that the tour operator is liable for trips booked by package travel consumers if the tour operator is involved in any way in the conclusion of the contract’. 53 ECTAA considers this wording too vague! We have been recently contacted by a holidaymaker who is engaged in a debate about her holiday illness with her tour operator. The discussion has been diverted away from the hotel toward the excursion taken by the holidaymaker. The tour operator has stated that this excursion was not part of the Package and as it had been purchased in the resort, her illness was the responsibility of the agent selling and operating the excursion. However, all is not what it appears! The excursion was accompanied by documentation which clearly stated the name of the tour operator and their logo. It also stated that the tour in question had the endorsement of customers of the tour operator. The tour was accompanied by the tour operator representative and a trainee tour operator representative. The tour had been sold by the tour operator hotel representative, who had stated that she did not recommend any other tours, as this brand was operated by the tour operator. The only reference to the ‘agent’ was elsewhere on the brochure, not in an obvious location! This client has been offered nonetheless, £300 for her ‘inconvenience’! We do not consider anything vague about this holidaymaker’s plight nor the proposals of the EU Parliamentary report. ECTAA is concerned that the 2 proposals will lead to ‘legal uncertainty’, we say the nature of uncertainty already exists; the consumer needs security on safety issues and clarity on liability! In addition, the Consumer needs greater certainty than simply being told that all due 53 Study on Safety and Liability issues Relating to Package Travel – Page 29 223 care has been taken to choose the supplier of the product – it is naive in the extreme to assume that most tour operators do not have a greater knowledge or influence over their suppliers or product! The ‘due care’ argument has all the potential to attract vagueness and legal argument, as with ‘extraordinary circumstances’ in the EU Directive 261/2004! Time to complain! ECTAA consider that the need to clarify the period when holidaymakers must make their complaints as unnecessary. We consider that if the Commission and Parliament implements our previous recommendation, that a ‘standard form contract’ should be introduced in Holiday transactions, the issue of setting clear periods is an essential to ensure ‘fairness’ for all parties. Hotel safety! We note the Parliamentary report suggests resurrecting the Fire Safety Directive in tandem with further consideration ‘as a matter of urgency to identify appropriate safety standards for guest use of hotels with a view to their implementation by means of a Directive or Regulation’ 54 ECTAA points out, not unreasonably, that their members are subject to a regulatory regime whereas ‘service providers’ are not. The EU Parliament, through its Resolution, clearly aspires to create the conditions for a developed, regulated and sustainable tourism policy. We suggest that the references in this section and the case studies provided by holidaymakers, create the foundations for an EU wide standard on safety in all aspects. 54 Study on Safety and Liability Issues Relating to Package Travel – Comments of ECTAA – Page 5 224 Air safety! ECTAA are quite clear in their report, they are completely opposed to the proposition that tour operators should be made liable for injuries on board airlines in breach of Community safety regulations. They consider that the shifting of responsibility from ‘National Authorities’ to tour operators as being ‘not acceptable and impossible in practice’ 55 Again, ECTAA refer to the fact that airlines are chosen with ‘due care’ (we note that the method by which this process is apparently applied for airlines, ships and hotels is not methodically demonstrated) and they cite the powers of EU Directive 2111/2005. It is interesting to note that many of the major tour operators belong to the same commercial family group that own airlines; Dynamic Providers will often sell and package seats on those tour operator airlines, or within the low cost airline network. Injuries on aircraft are thankfully not commonplace events; most arise through an aircraft emergency event. However, one area of injury which may increase through growing public awareness or debate, is Aerotoxic or Sick Aircraft Syndrome 56 We consider that the Parliament is making a valid point on behalf of the Consumer, however, our concerns rest with the notion that National Authorities are truly dealing with safety issues;. A closer examination of the ‘Sick Aircraft’ debate, reveals that there is deep concern on this matter, particularly from aircrew. From HTW’s perspective, the reference to 2111/2005 is timely; we ask, is it not the case that Consumer safety could be enhanced with a more proactive use of the powers contained within the Directive by the Commission? Study on Safety and Liability Issues Relating to Package Travel – Comments of ECTAA – Page 6 55 56 225 The choice is clear – either existing powers are used proactively to improve passenger and aircrew safety, or the recommendations of the Parliamentary report are implemented! The Risk Destination! ECTAA repeats the mantra of the Travel Industry; it is impossible to assess risks, that their members rely on advices from Member States. Their unease on this issue is somewhat surprisingly presented at paragraph 3 (page 7) where they state, ‘Imposing an obligation to monitor and inform specific, not generalised risks “of other sources” is also unfair, inappropriate and impossible to manage. What kind of information will the organiser have to collect and provide to his customer? Any risk can be specific for a particular person, depending on its personal situation. For example, will the organiser have to inform the customer about the risk to fly, about the risk to visit a country with another climate than at home, about the risk to eat food which is not prepared by themselves, about the risk of going outside of the holiday resorts, about the risk of driving or doing sport?’ In paragraph 4 (page 7) of their report they conclude, ‘The Consumer is also responsible for assessing the risks of his behaviour and should act as a responsible person when travelling abroad’. What has caused this reaction? The EU Parliamentary report has suggested that a tour operator should have a duty to supply to the consumer: • Monitored information on destinations ‘with regard to specific, not generalised’ risks relating to; o Natural disasters; o Terrorists attacks; 226 o Public Health; o Public Order; o Other matters which the organiser ‘should reasonably foresee’, and to o Inform Consumers pre and post departure as to those risks. We have long advocated that tour operators should share a greater responsibility for the destinations they choose to market within their glossy presentations. We take the view that it is wholly naive to assume that these Multi-National or National Corporations know nothing about the nature of the destinations they market! They must surely have knowledge of the Political and Climatic situations, why for example sell holidays to destinations during the hurricane season, or holidays to destinations such as Egypt or Sri Lanka where active risks are evident and then be able to cry ‘force majeure’ when foreseeable events occur? The importance of this subject should not be underestimated. We have written a number of articles on this issue: • Consumer Group Warns of Problems With Travel Insurance to ‘Risk Destinations’ 57 • HolidayTravelWatch Warns Holidaymakers to Check Travel Insurance Cover to Sri Lanka 58 • Call for ‘Terrorism’ or ‘Risk Destination’ Travel Insurance Clause Review 59 o This links to archived press releases on: Kenya Civil Disorder Acts of God – With Notice! 57 58 59 227 Florida Gun Warnings Egypt Terror Attacks Turkey Terror Attacks Call for Enquiry on Hurricane Stricken Cruise Ship We have always supported the notion that the Consumer is responsible for their own safety. However, given that many Consumers travel with trusted brands, are they really being unreasonable by relying on the ‘promise’ of the brochure? We support the Parliamentary conclusion. It is no longer tenable to simply claim that the provision of information on ‘risk destinations’ is impossible! Acts of God – With Notice! The Parliamentary report recommends that the Consumer be given the right to cancel a holiday contract in the event of a ‘force majeure’. ECTAA appear to miss the point, they claim that it would be ‘highly unlikely’ that a tour operator would perform the contract if there was an imminent danger to the intended holiday. We found that to be an interesting proposition and not reflected within the experiences of holidaymakers to Kenya, Cuba or other Hurricane hit destinations! We were unsure as to the relevance of the reference made by ECTAA to family illness, death of a relative etc. We would not have used those examples to define ‘force majeure’ and we do not think that this was the intention of the report. Given the poor responses provided to Consumers, where a force majeure situation arises, we support the proposals. 228 The DIY Connection! Again ECTAA separate the issue of travel providers selling products in their ‘own name’, with those who do not. They suggest that the former category be included within a ‘revised’ Package Travel Directive. We would urge the Commission and Parliament to be cautious of this route. It would open the possibility for ‘agents’ (which is the current situation) to escape the regulatory regime and perhaps allow established companies to reinvent themselves into a ‘free market model’! Strictly Liable! ECTAA briefly suggests that the strict liability rule suggested by the report be only applicable to organisers, not retailers. We repeat the points raised within the section above ‘We are all Travel Agents Now! 229 STATUTORY MINIMUMS HolidayTravelWatch has previously written detailed reports on the future of the Package Travel Directive/Package Travel Regulations. We do not intend to fully rehearse these issues in this report – our conclusions are contained within the report at the following link: The key features of our recommendations were based upon the UK Package Travel Regulations and can be summarised as follows: Regulation: Area: HTW Recommendation: 1 The Citation Renaming to ‘The Consumers Holiday Contracts Regulations; Creation of Standard Form Contract; Recognition of the levels of Consumer Activity; Consumer Activity Tests; Statutory Warnings on Passports & Visas; Whether Consumer Protections exist or not. 230 2 Definition of Package Reformation of definition to include new definitions on: Brochure; Organiser; Organises & Organised; Retailer; Pre-Arranged; Inclusive Price; Invoice; Package Holiday; Component Package Holiday; Holiday Contract; Consumer; Non Force Majeure Event. 4 Descriptive matters Replace the word ‘Package’ with ‘Holiday Contract’ 5 Requirements as to Replace the word brochures ‘Package’ with ‘Holiday Contract’ 6 7 Circumstances when Amendments to changes binding made to contracts Information before Amendment to produce Contract concluded information at the time of the invoice 8 Information in good time Amendment to produce 8 231 weeks before departure 9 Contents & Form of Replace the word Contract ‘Package’ with ‘Holiday Contract’ – Deletion of 9(2) 10 Transfer of Bookings Replace the word ‘Package’ with ‘Holiday Contract’ 11 Price Revision Replace the word ‘Package’ with ‘Holiday Contract’ 12 Significant Change Amendment to 12 (a), New sub-clause on notification to the Consumer. Introduction of Sanction 13 Significant Change Rights New sub-clause on notification to the Consumer. Introduction of Sanction 14 Inability to deliver a New sub-clause on significant proportion of notification to the services Consumer. Introduction of Sanction 15(8) Liability Amendment extending 232 Rights on Notification 15(9) Liability Introduction of Pre-Action Protocol for Holiday Claims 16 – 20 Bonding Wider consideration of bonding issues As we have detailed within this report, we recommend the introduction of ‘Biohazard’ & ‘Biocrime’ Offences. We are concerned that the tone of the EU Parliamentary report appears to concentrate on accident issues as areas that require legislative support. We would support this proposition if it were an issue presented in isolation. However, it is clear from the statistics within its report, that Personal Injury is not just simply about accidents (we note the nature of their own survey which found that 76% of Norwegians reported to their Travel Insurance Company that they had suffered illness (occurring mostly in Southern & Eastern Europe); 10.1% of German Travellers reported illnesses) 60. It is clear that the vast majority of Personal Injury complaints involve illness related issues (supported by its conclusion under ‘Accidents & Injuries during Package Travel’) 61 – this would also be our conclusion. Within the main conclusions of the report, under ‘Hotel Safety’, it concludes that; “Therefore, Community legislation defining basic safety standards for hotels appears to be necessary” 62 60 Page 13 61 Page i 62 Page ii 233 We note the conclusion within the EU Parliamentary Resolution that; “Calls on the Commission, in cooperation with European hotel and catering organisations, such as HOTREC (Hotels, Restaurants and Cafés in Europe), and with the European consumer protection organisations, to establish a methodology for creating such minimum standards on safety and quality of accommodation services; stresses that such a methodology could include the introduction of an EC mark for accommodation that would encompass pan-European common criteria providing consumers with an assurance as to the minimum level of quality to be expected whatever Member State is visited” 63 If the EU Parliament aspires to improve standards and incorporate provisions to strengthen EU Tourism Policy, it must embrace a structured regulatory platform to include all aspects of personal injury. The Parliament must not be tempted to follow a smorgasbord route on this important issue for Consumers and the Travel Industry alike! Notwithstanding, subject to the comments above, we generally support for the findings of the EU parliamentary report on the issues of Liability, Informational issues, Risk Destinations and Force Majeure. 63 (P6_TA-PROV(2007)0575) – Para 27 234 CONCLUSION As we were concluding this report, we spoke with a desperate holidaymaker in resort, who found herself in a situation not of her choosing. She and her family purchased a week’s holiday in Benidorm, from a so called major online travel provider. From her perspective, she chose the route for booking her package holiday, partly out of convenience and partly out of cost advantages! She purchased an apartment, flight and transfers for one price. When they arrived, they discovered that the apartments were a building site – trenches all around the complex, a 1 metre deep trench outside the front door of their apartment, the swimming pools fenced off by 2 metre high fences, dumper trucks and builders starting work at 8am – there is nowhere on the complex for them to relax! They challenged the ‘tour operator’ as to the conditions, only to be told that this was not their problem, their contract was with the accommodation supplier based in Spain. The accommodation supplier told the family that this was not their problem; this was the fault of the ‘tour operator’. Following 3 days of argument, the family decided that they would ‘rescue’ their holiday by paying extra to stay at another complex in the resort. This brief illustration does not incorporate the difficulty of contacting the relevant parties nor the outrage and anger felt by this family and the sense that they have been cheated! Whatever the experience of this holidaymaker, the Summer of 2008 has proven that the Consumer is in even greater peril through the present structure of holiday contracts. The market through its operations, lobbying and public comment seeks to diminish the hard fought rights of the 1992 Directive. 235 The Commission and Parliament must recognise that if it is to achieve a wider sustainable EU tourism policy, it must protect the weaker of the contracting parties, create a higher standard within holiday contracts and a greater moral responsibility in the delivery of services. By doing so, the opportunity exists to increase confidence and aid recovery through a strong tourism sector! Frank Brehany MD – HolidayTravelWatch 17 April 2009 236