Give2014 Campaign | JFCS Seder Photos | PJ Library


Give2014 Campaign | JFCS Seder Photos | PJ Library
Give2014 Campaign | JFCS Seder Photos | PJ Library and more!
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis • 952-546-0616 •
Spring 2014
It’s unanimous! Volunteer extraordinaire
Robin Sharpe Landy to receive Spirit of JFCS Award
fter serving six years on the JFCS
Board of Directors and another
two years as the Board President,
the first thought Robin Sharpe Landy
had when she was announced as the
2014 Spirit of JFCS Award winner
was disbelief.
But the reality is that there are few as
deserving as Robin for the Spirit Award,
which is the highest honor awarded to an
individual who demonstrates outstanding
leadership and service to our agency,
clients and community.
“I’m still surprised by it,” Robin said.
“But it’s a very nice honor and I’m
excited about it.” Robin will be presented
with the Spirit Award at the JFCS
Annual Meeting Thursday, June 12, at
Beth El Synagogue.
JFCS Chief Executive Officer Judy
Halper said that getting to work so
closely with Robin when she was Board
President was an absolute pleasure.
“Robin is consistently optimistic,
enthusiastic, and willing to do anything
she is asked.” Halper said. “As a
volunteer, Robin dedicates herself to
making sure all who seek help at JFCS
are served with dignity and respect. She
is the consummate JFCS ambassador and
so deserving of this award!”
Robin’s involvement at JFCS in
many ways originates with her father,
Sid Sharpe. Many years ago — after he
retired — Robin’s mother “didn’t want
him sitting on the couch — so he became
a huge volunteer for JFCS,” Robin said.
He volunteered many years for what
is now JFCS’s Deikel Transportation
Services, driving seniors to doctor’s
appointments and other errands.
He even wrote a book about his
experiences, “Tales of a
Volunteer Cabbie.”
For Robin, her own
involvement at JFCS began
in 1990 when she and her
family served as a host
family in the JFCS
Resettlement program.
She also volunteered as a
Citizen Advocate for the
program. Robin, who is
an attorney, used her law background to
help immigrants become U.S. citizens.
Because JFCS had been such a positive
part of her father’s life, Robin wanted
to get involved with the agency herself.
JFCS 104th Annual
Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, June 12, at
Beth El Synagogue.
Story on Page 2.
She thought it was a good way to bridge
her professional life with the Jewish
community. “I’m the only Jewish person
in my law firm,” she said. “It’s nice to
have that connection in the community.”
Later, Robin served as a “Big Sister”
in JFCS’s Jewish Big Brother/Big Sister
Program for several years. She has also
participated in countless client Passover
Seders and Chanukah parties.
“Robin’s day starts where most
people’s ends,” her proud husband,
Bryan, said. “Whether it’s a JFCS
meeting, volunteering to deliver Passover
bags, or being a Big Sister, she always
looks forward to her time in the many
capacities helping JFCS.” Thanks to
Robin’s meaningful experiences, he said,
their children, Barry, Julie and Erin, have
learned the value of volunteering and that
it is always better to give than to receive.
About 10 years ago, seeing the positive
impact Robin was making as a volunteer,
a JFCS staff member recommended
her to serve on the agency’s Board of
Directors. After serving six years on the
Board, Robin was asked to become Board
President in 2011. She said the two years
Landy: Continued on page 3
5 Celebrations See photos from the Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis 25th Annual Benefit
6 Tankenoffs The Tankenoff Family provides support to JFCS in order to ‘effect change’
8 Holidays See photos from JFCS’s annual Passover Seders
Annual Meeting set for Thursday, June 12
JFCS, along with Co-Chairs Tina Rafowitz and Nan Greenfield, invites you to attend
our 104th Annual Meeting. Please RSVP to 952-542-4878 or by
Friday, May 30.
WHEN: Thursday, June 12. A dessert reception will be held at 6:30 p.m.
The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Beth El Synagogue (5224 W. 26th St., St. Louis Park)
WHO: Robin Sharpe Landy will receive the 2014 Spirit of JFCS Award. BMO
Harris Bank will receive a special recognition. Beth Grafman, Program Officer for
the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, will present “PJ Library — Igniting
Jewish Connections.”
JFCS Board and staff
members will be recognized
for milestone years
of service:
Board Honorees
Completing 6 years on JFCS Board
Jason Bass
Lynn Goldbloom
Eileen Kohn
Howard Zack
Danny Zouber
Board President
Howard Zack
Staff Honorees
25 years
Amy Taswell
20 years
Judy Halper
Rosanne Jacobsen
Frances Richter
Barbara Rudnick
10 years
Angie Podvin
Annette Sandler
5 years
Katie de Carvalho
Pennie Shapiro
15 years
Alex Botvinnik
Margaret Macneale
Nicole Mickelson
is published by Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis, a beneficiary of the
Minneapolis Jewish Federation and the Greater Twin Cities United Way.
Chief Executive Officer
Judy Halper
2 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Communications Director
Robin Segal
Marc Ingber
Graphic Designer
Kristin Bohley
After beating chronic kidney disease, Lance
returns to working full-time with help from JFCS
hen Lance was diagnosed
in 2006 with End Stage
Renal Disease (ESRD), the
last stage of chronic kidney disease, he
was shocked and confused. “I was very
angry — I thought, ‘Where does my life
go from here?’” he said. “I thought I was
going to die. I was scared to death.”
For those with ESRD, it is necessary
to receive dialysis and/or a kidney
transplant in order to live. Lance
began dialysis right away when he was
diagnosed. Though it required him to
receive treatment for more than three
hours a day, three days per week, he
continued to work full-time at his job in
the printing industry. He wanted to stay
at his job because working full time was
all he had ever known.
“But after two years I reached a
breaking point where I couldn’t do it
anymore,” he said. “I couldn’t work — I
didn’t want to accept it, but I had to.”
Not having the stamina to continue
working, Lance qualified for federal
disability benefits and quit his job to
focus on his health. He was put on a
kidney transplant list in 2008. “They told
me the wait would be five to seven years,
but it gave me a glimmer of hope,” he
said. “I knew the whole time I was going
to go back to work.”
The lucky call for Lance came a little
after 11 p.m. one night in 2012 — his
turn on the list came up and he had a
one-hour window to arrive at the hospital
for a kidney transplant. He rushed down
there and had the operation, which was
a success.
After recovering from the kidney
transplant, Lance wanted to build
his stamina back up, so he spent time
working out at the gym. When he felt
he was fully recovered, he began to work
on finding employment. He came to
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of
Minneapolis (JFCS) through a referral.
At JFCS, Lance worked with Justin
Elvebak, an Employment Specialist in
the Vocational Rehabilitation program,
which provides personalized services
to individuals with disabilities who are
seeking to improve their work lives or
find employment.
Lance had not been employed for
several years, so Elvebak helped him
with building his résumé, working on
interview skills, and applying for job
openings in person and online. “He was
very employable,” Elvebak said. “He felt
he wanted to work full-time. I told him,
‘The employer who hires you is going to
be lucky.’”
In March, Lance was offered a job as
a mail machine operator with a media
printing company. The position met all
of his employment goals in respect to
compensation, location and a position
that was related to his employment
In addition to working full-time,
Lance volunteers with the National
Kidney Foundation, advocating for
current patients undergoing dialysis
in Minnesota and New York. He also
counsels people who were recently
diagnosed with kidney disease. “I saw
people coming in younger and younger
that had the same look I did,” he said.
Thanks to his volunteering efforts, Lance
was asked to serve on the National
Kidney Foundation’s Board of Directors.
He feels fortunate to be in this
position and is grateful to JFCS for
providing essential services to find
full-time employment, allowing him
to contribute to the community in
a multitude of ways. “JFCS was a
tremendous help for me,” he said. “I was
very happy when I got my job — I feel
like I accomplished another goal.”
Landy: From page 1
she served in this role was a rewarding
experience for her.
“Robin is such a great role model for
our community,” said Howard Zack,
the current JFCS Board President. “She
has balanced family life, career and
volunteerism for many years. When
the opportunity came to lead JFCS as
President, Robin was there as a trusted
partner to the CEO and staff.”
Robin said she enjoys volunteering
with JFCS because so many people have
positive experiences with its programs
and services. “It’s such a wonderful
agency,” she said. “It’s rare these days
where you have an agency that incites
such positivity in the community.”
She especially praised the JFCS
NextGen program, which promotes
philanthropy and community
involvement among adults ages 21 to 36.
“It connects young people to the agency
and will serve us well into the future,”
she said.
Bryan said Robin always anticipates
the next Board meeting and volunteer
opportunity with enthusiasm
and enjoyment. “I know for Robin
and our family, our futures will always
include a role of volunteering and helping
at JFCS,” he said. directions • Spring 2014 3
JFCS’s Annual Membership Campaign is now
“Every year the needs of the community grow. The Give2014
Campaign supports more than 16,000 people in the Jewish and
broader community by raising unrestricted funds that are used where
it’s most needed.”
— Give2014 Co-Chairs
Gary Kohler and Kerry Bader
Last year the JFCS Membership Campaign raised $380,000. This year, the campaign is called “Give2014” and
our goal is to raise $500,000! These funds are used for a broad spectrum of services and programs, touching
every age group in the community. Many of the funds set up through JFCS are earmarked for specific
programs or needs. The Give2014 Campaign raises unrestricted funds that can be used where needed most,
helping the entire community. To support Give2014, call 952-546-0616 or visit, then click on
“Donate Now” and select “Give2014.”
Give help. Give hope.
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4 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
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In Session
JFCS 25th
Annual Benefit
December 7, 2013
Hilton Minneapolis
JFCS’s milestone 25th Annual Benefit was its most successful ever, netting more than $400,000.
Comedian Elon Gold provided entertainment and The Deborah and Gary Kohler Family was honored
with the JFCS Friends of the Family Award.
directions • Spring 2014 5
Tankenoff family supports JFCS to effect
change and address ‘real, emotional needs’
cott and Hindy Tankenoff ’s guiding
philosophy when it comes to
philanthropy is to “leave the place
better than you found it,” referring to the
community as a whole.
The family has supported several
organizations in the Twin Cities for
a long time, but much of their focus
in recent years has been donating and
volunteering at Jewish Family and
Children’s Service of Minneapolis
“Social service is not just about dollars
— it’s also about dignity,” Scott said.
“JFCS understands this and distributes
support in a broad sense. It addresses
real, flesh-and-blood, emotional needs.
It’s all about effecting change and helping
the most vulnerable in the community.”
They appreciate that JFCS does more
than just write checks for clients and
programs — its staff members have
backgrounds and expertise in the areas
being funded who bring a “social service
skill-set” to help clients beyond financial
stability, Scott said.
JFCS Chief Executive Officer Judy
Halper praised the Tankenoffs for their
long-time commitment to the agency.
“They care deeply about the future of
the Jewish and broader communities and
apply their time and their contributions
in ways that can make the greatest
impact,” she said. “They understand the
importance of investing in our children
so that our community remains strong,
vibrant, and healthy.”
Scott’s parents, Marsha and Gary —
who are also generous supporters of JFCS
— instilled in him the importance of
providing help for people facing financial
challenges. “The ability to help the most
vulnerable people has always been a
priority for my dad,” Scott said. “The
difference between success and not can be
razor thin.”
It is for this reason that Emergency
Financial Assistance for families
experiencing a financial crisis is one of
the areas he and Hindy focus their giving
to at JFCS. They also said the agency’s
Jewish Free Loan Program — which
provides interest-free loans to members
of the Jewish community who face
unexpected financial challenges — is a
wonderful asset to the community.
Another program area the Tankenoffs
support is JFCS’s Camp Scholarships.
They feel their children’s non-classroom
educational experiences have been very
important and want other children
in the community to have the same
Marsha and Gary are proud that Scott
and Hindy have carried on this tradition
of philanthropy. “Their commitment
sustains a strong, caring community that
cherishes compassion and values,”
they said.
In 2012, Scott and Hindy established
an Endowment fund at JFCS to support
hunger relief and hunger-related
programs. “Hunger is an issue that needs
a much brighter spotlight in the Twin
Cities,” Scott said.
6 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Scott, who is a commercial real estate
developer, did a business favor for a
friend last year. In lieu of payment for
the gesture, Scott simply told his friend
to “take me to lunch one day.” It was at
that lunch that Scott’s friend told him
he would like to donate to a place of his
choosing — Scott chose JFCS and one
other organization.
“As soon as he said he wanted to
donate money, we were excited as a
family,” he said. “We felt great about the
money going to places in the community
we value.”
Like Scott, Hindy said she learned
the importance of giving back to the
community from her parents. It is she
and Scott’s hope that their own children,
Danny, Samantha and Mollie, carry on
this tradition.
PJ Library program to be highlighted at
JFCS’s Annual Meeting
Children through age 8 can receive a
free Jewish-themed book each month
through the PJ Library® program. It is
an international award-winning program
designed to strengthen Jewish identity.
The PJ Library is a program of JFCS
and is funded in part through the Louis
Herman Memorial Fund, a designated
fund of the Jewish Community
Foundation of the Minneapolis Jewish
Federation, and a grant from Harry and
Sandy Lerner.
Beth Grafman, Program
Officer at Harold
Grinspoon Foundation,
will present, “PJ Library
— Igniting Jewish
Connections,” at the
JFCS Annual Meeting
on Thursday, June 12, at Beth
Beth El Synagogue.
Cassie and David Benowitz have a
2-year-old son, Leo, who is one of more than
800 children who receive books from
PJ Library each month.
How long have you received the
PJ Library books and why were you
interested in signing up for the
Cassie: We started receiving them
shortly after Leo was born — a friend
signed us up, so the first book was
actually a great surprise. We immediately
loved the idea of incorporating Jewish
stories into our child’s book library.
Do you feel the books do a good job of
introducing your son to Jewish holidays
and traditions?
Absolutely. They introduce Jewish values
and explain holidays, like Tu B’Shevat,
that may otherwise pass without notice.
It’s a nice way to acknowledge Jewish
celebrations that we don’t generally
At the same time, it’s so great to
have new stories to incorporate into
our traditions for Shabbat, Chanukah,
The Benowitz Family
Passover and the High Holidays. It
broadens and deepens our understanding
of what’s behind the holidays we’ve
celebrated for years.
Would you recommend the program to
Without question. PJ Library is an
excellent reminder that we are part of
a community that cares deeply for its
children and is committed to growing
future generations of connected Jews.
Register today for these great opportunities!
Shalom Baby JFCS has gift bags for
new babies and their families
filled with fun items,
information on PJ Library
and local Jewish activities and
organizations, and
much more!
We are looking for families of newborns
to receive these bags, and volunteers to
distribute the bags and connect with
these families.
PJ Library Children through
age 8 can receive a
free Jewish-themed
book each month through PJ Library.
These books are a wonderful way for
families to read and learn about Jewish
themes and holidays. Families can sign up by visiting the
PJ Library website at
PJ Library is on Facebook, too! Search for
“PJ Library-Minneapolis” and “like” us to
stay up-to-date with future activities.
Upcoming PJ Library events
Super Stretch Sunday
10 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 10, at the
Minnesota Children’s Museum
(10 7th St W, St. Paul).
If you...
• Have questions about Shalom Baby or
PJ Library
• Would like to register for an event
• Would like to volunteer
Contact Debbie Wolfe, PJ Library
Coordinator, at 952-417-2139 or
“PJ Library” and “PJ Library logo” are registered trademarks of
the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. All rights reserved.
Stretch your mind, stretch your body,
stretch your imagination! PJ Library
presents this special, fourth annual
summer community-wide event for
families with children ages 0-8. Watch
for more information closer to the event!
directions • Spring 2014 7
Springtime means
Seders at JFCS
JFCS celebrated Passover this spring
with its annual Jewish Big Brother/
Big Sister (BB/BS) Program Seder
and Tybie Proman Passover Seder for
adults with disabilities.
8 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
THANK YOU to our
$$$ donors for helping to
ARD Sameach (Happy Holidays)
provide holiday gifts and Passover
foods to families in need.
Beverly & Marvin Aaron
Sybille Aaron
Bonnie Abrahamson
Joanne Rogin-Abrams &
Ronald Abrams
Jeanne & Elliot Abrons
Adath Jeshurun
Elaine Adelman
Lynne Hvidsten &
Cindy Amberger
Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
Phyllis Appelbaum
Brad Arnold
Lisa & Glenn Aronauer
Ax-Man Surplus
Richard Bachrach
Kerry & Scott Bader
Susan Colby & Larry Baill
Sally & Charlie Bans
Amy & Stan Baratz
Wendy Fox & Jeff Barin
Judy & Bruce Barnett
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Barron
Shari & Ron Barry
Irene Bartram
Robyn & Jason Bass
Jane & Steve Benowitz
Jenny & Jon Benowitz
Carol & Michael Berde
Elaine Lehman Berg &
Henry Berg
Charlotte & Lanny Berke
Hallie & Barry Bershow
Bet Shalom Congregation
Beth El Synagogue
Beth El Synagogue
Aleph School
Beth El Women’s League
Sadie Blicher
BOND Women
Eleanor & Bernard Borkon
Jane & Gene Borochoff
Adena Borodkin
Darlene & Larry Braufman
Linda & Miles Braufman
Sally & Eric Bressler
Sheila & David Brod
Carol & Michael Bromer
Marcia Kohn-Bunin &
James Bunin
Esther Burke
Fran & Marvin Burstein
Harriette & Fred Burstein
Karen & Andy Burton
Carole Cera & Dave Reitman
Lynn Blumenthal &
Stuart A. Chazin
Marilyn & Richard Chern
Lili & Sheldon Chester
Elayne & Larry Chiat
Marilyn & Gary Christensen
Shelly & Rick Christensen
Circle of Friends
Bobby & Elliot Cohen
Fredell & Joe Cohen
Margaret Macneale &
Gary Cohen
Phyllis & Earl Cohen
Julie Coleman
Deborah Cook
Elena Cooperman
Joan Blinkoff Corbett
Elsabeth Crohn
Clarice Cutts
Karen & Morris Davidman
Carole Davidson
Shellie Specter &
Robert Davidson
Susan Server &
Sheldon Davidson
Rita Davis
Sheila & Charles Davis
Sharon & Harvey Defren
Peggy & Ira Denenholz
Anne & Steve Devitt
Lois & Sherman Devitt
Susan & Alan Divine
Judy Dodd
Beverly Dolinsky
Peter Durand
Margie & Michael Earhart
Barbara Eiger
Trent Eisenberg
Tami Smith & Stephen Elias
Julie & Allen Engle
Marilyn Engle
Carole & Gene Epstein
Fairy Finery
Judy & Rich Fine
Sheryl Cohen & Dan Fink
Mari Forbush
Merrie & Bruce Forstein
Tessa & Charlie Frank
Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.
Linda & Jeff Freidson
Asya & Sender Fridland
Julie & Steven Friedman
Maida & James Fruen
Carol & Glen Fuerstneau
Katie & Jake Fuerstneau
Janet Gabor
Renee & Jim Gainsley
Meir & David Galili
Sue Garnett
Phyllis & Phil Garon
Robbie Perl & Rick Garon
Peni & Steven Gensler
Eloise & Jeff Gershone
Natalie Levin &
Steve Gilberstadt
Linda Gilfix
Sandy & Ron Glassman
Mimi & Sherman Gleekel
Tatiana Glistvain
Globo Tec, Inc.
Ezra Golberstein
Leah Golberstein
Esta & Gerald Gold
Kaye Goldberg
Marlene & Sandy Goldberg
Rivia & Harold Goldberg
Rosalie & Fredric Goldberg
Ruth Goldberg
Diane & Louis Goldenberg
Judy & Herb Goldenberg
Susan & Bill Goldenberg
Miriam Goldfein
Margaret &
Howard Goldfine
Bonnie & Gary Goldish
Pamela & Robert Goldman
Judy Goldstein
Nancy & David Goldstein
John Goodman
Bari & Avron Gordon
Joy Leslie Gordon
Susan & Rand Gottlieb
Lisa & Jeff Gottstein
Adeline Gould
Reginald Graupmann
Debra Orbuch Grayson &
Scott Grayson
Susan & Doug Greenberg
Diane Greenberger
Lori & David Greenblat
Dr. Carol Grabowski & Dr.
Joel Greenwald
Judy & Andy Halper
Phyllis & Howard Harris
Christine & Seth Hausman
Bobbi & Randy Heiligman
Avis & Robert Held
Barb & Phillip Herman
Harriet & Dan Hilecher
Barb & Earl Hoffman
Geraldine Hoffman
Karen & Thomas Hoffman
Pamela Wolfe &
Gerald Honigstock
Ann Hunegs
Rob Hunegs
Diana Idelkope
Evie & Alan Ingber
IWJ Charitable Foundation
Evan Jacobson
Colleen Jensen
Bea Johnson
Sandra & Jerry Johnson
Marlys & Glenn Joly
Marion & Steven Kahn
Raleigh & Randy Kaminsky
Merle & Mort Kane
Jean Kanter
Carole & Martin Kaplan
Donna & Michael Kaplan
Eloise & Elliot Kaplan
Gayle Kaplan
Manuel Kaplan
Roz & Fred Kaplan
Shirley & Arnold Kaplan
Kar-Ben Publishing
Bruce Karsner
Ruth Kasdan
Harvey Katz
Jennifer & Ken Katz
Judy & Orrin Kessel
Jan & Steven Keswin
Mariel Kieval
Mimi & Steve Klane
Caron Klein
Deborah & Gary Kohler
Eileen & Michael Kopman
Bette & Louis Kotlarz
Sarah Kozberg
Susi Saxl & Robert Kramer
Susan & Hart Kuller
Diane & Allen Kuperman
Susan Kushner
Etta Lambright
Robin & Bryan Landy
Joey & Jerry Laurie
Betty Smithberg &
Marty Lederman
Sharon Lehrman
Janice Levin
Sharon & Matthew Levitt
Liberty Diversified
Patricia & Samuel
William Lipschultz
Helen & Jon Liss
Judie & Marvin Liszt
Lisa & Erving London
Lurie, Besikof, Lapidus
and Co., LLP
Gail & Steve Machov
Gerri & Stan Maisel
Paula & Robert Maisel
Jeff Mandell
Debbie & Gil Mann
Jill Ann Marks
Margie & Michael Marks
Sandra & David Marrinson
Anne & Patrick McGraw
Susan & Brad Melnick
Patti Meshbesher
Sue Smukler &
Brian Milavetz
Nancy Miller
Carolyn & John Mirviss
Mitzi & Larry Mulmed
Gloria & Jeffrey Murman
Judith & Aaron Nathenson
Charlotte & Irving Nudell
Oak Ridge Country Club
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Juli Olson
Erica Strohl &
Craig Oppegaard
Jill & David Orbuch
Joyce & Martin Orbuch
Naomi & Joel Oxman
Sheila & Hy Paisner
Patti & Howard Palay
Sharon Palay
Barbara & Lawrence Parks
Patricia Kenton &
Philip Politz
Linda Maach & Jason Potek
Project Linus - Greater Twin
Cities Area MN Chapter
Purple Mountain
Foundation — Barry &
Karen Shapiro, Directors
Marilyn & Stan Rakieten
Anne-Monique &
Ed Rapoport
Diane & Jon Rappaport
Jane Levin &
Judith Reisman
Helen & Sheldon Resig
Nancy & Kevin Rhein
Gail & Bill Ribnick
Bev Richman
Joe Rine
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Ellen & Aron Rolnitzky
Andrea & Fred Rose
Elaine & Richard Rosen
Jodi & Danny Rosen
Tema & Marty Rosenbaum
Gerry Rosenberg
Estelle Rosenblum
Audrae & Jerry Rosenzweig
Karen & Russ Rubin
Sheryl & Randy Rutzick
Sabes Jewish
Community Center
Sabes Jewish Community
Center ECC
Dr. Laura Saliterman
Mimi Sanders
Annette & Vic Sandler
Ellen Wersan & Tim Sandry
Barbara Saunders
Debra & Gregg Savitt
Georganne & Arnold Savitt
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Lieba & Dan Savitt
Janice & Jeff Schachtman
Dolores Schlaifer
Margie & Bart Schneider
Nancy & Michael
Peggy Schraiber
Todd & Brenda
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Millie & Howard Segal
Robin & Nolan Segal
Shelley Segal
Jaye Sela
Juliana & Jacob Sellers
Carol & Alan Shapiro
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Pennie Shapiro
Helene Share
Sharei Chesed
Cari & Jeff Shaw
Rita Shear
Roza Shenderovich
Estie & Jim Sherman
Nancy & Joel Shinder
Wendy & Marty Shragg
Lisa Siegel
Roberta & Bob Sigel
Laura Oliven Silberfarb &
Stephen Silberfarb
Bonnie Silberstein
Sarene Silver
Peshie & Frank Silverberg
Orlin Silverman
Phyllis Simon
Suzie Singer
Maraline & Gordon Slovut
Deborah & Robert Smith
Rabbi Lee & Judy Snitzer
Michelle Solomon
Specially Yours
Gayle Stein
Debbie & Jed Stillman
Liba & Tom Stillman
Vicki & Alan Sussman
Janet & Edward Swadden
Harriet & Stephen Swartz
Susie & Stuart Swartz
Jim Tankenoff
Betsy & Mayer Tapper
Julie & Ethan Tarshish
Sophie Teener
Leah & Simon Temkin
Temple Israel Early
Childhood Center
Temple Israel
Na’aseh V’nishma
Emma Nadler &
Christopher Thomson
Stephani & James Tikalsky
Debbie &
Howard Toberman
Sandy Unger
Cindy Uran
Brenda & Jeff Vogel
Annette Walder
Zelda Rae Walder
Judi Belzer &
Jerry Waldman
Sharon & Joel Waller
Anna & Bert Walter
Linda & Allen Ward
Nannette &
Leonard Washko
Ann & Neil Wasserman
Jackie Henning &
Jim Waters
Sue & Stuart Weinstein
Diane & Burt Weisberg
Laurie & Scott Weisman
Marilyn Wert
Ardis & Thomas Wexler
Wild Rose Cloggers
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Debbie & Brent Wolfe
Randi & Barry Wolfish
Margaret Wolfson
Suzann & Steven Yussen
Kathy & Howard Zack
Ilene & Gary Zechmann
Jane & Ed Zeman
Lonnie & Casey
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Muriel & Felix Zwiebel
*This list includes
donations made from
April 1, 2013, through
March 31, 2014.
directions • Spring 2014 9
to our amazing
who put so much heart
into all they do for JFCS!
David Abrams
Zander Abrams
David Abramson
Nina Abramson
Ed Agranoff
Aarah Aizman
Jodi Alter*
Jill Altman
Amy Amberger
Cindy Amberger
Harriet Amdur
Cliff Ancier
LeeAnn Ancier
Mark Anderson
Mary Anderson
Shawn Anderson
Shelby Andress
Jan Apple
Molly Apple
Debra Arbit
Jessica Ariza
Claudine Arndt
Lisa Aronauer
Geoffrey Azuz
Kerry Bader
Mike Badower
Mary Bahneman*
Hannah Baillen
Barbara Bakal
Abbey Baker
& Family
Elizabeth Balayeva
Isaac Ballen
Heather & Michael
Bank & Family
Meir Christopher
Jeff Barin
Fred Baron
Sandy Baron*
Etta Barry
Carly Bass
Jack Bass
Jason Bass
Mark Bass
Robyn Bass
Yvette Baudelaire
Eileen Bayer
Barbara Bearmon
Melissa Bebchuk
Adam Beck
Brittany Beck*
Jody Beck
Debi Becker
Anya K. Belenky
Charity Bell Harala
Judi Belzer
Jon Benowitz
Alan Bensman
Carol Bensman
Sivan Benzaquen
Andy Berenberg
Lara Berenberg
Tiffany Berenberg
Sam Berenson
Samantha Berenson
Pam Berkwitz
Bart Berlin
Charlotte Berman
Frank Berman
Gail Berman
Lilly Berman
Heather Besikof
Kevin Besikof
Rachel Besonen
Mara & Troy
Beugen & Family
Max Bialick
Emily Bick
Rachel Biesse
Rina Bileski
Brenda Blaisdell
Arnie Blatt
Sura-Fraida Blatt
Lora Bloom
Sam Blustin
Heather Boeser*
Roberta Bonoff
Nancy Braman
Stuart Braman
Jill Brazner
Barys Brehman
Catherine Breier
Eric Bressler
Andrea Brink
Carol Bromer
Marilyn Broms
Linda Brooks
George Broostin
Eva Broude
Chloe Brown
Marlys Buchler
Sue Buckland
Rachel Buckner
Sondra Buckstein
Jenna Budda
Avinoam Bundt
Amanda Bunger
Nancy Burke
Janice Burr
Fran Burstein
Marvin Burstein
Dee Burton
Elaine Burton
Julie Burton
Karen Burton
Sophie Burton
Nancy Cahn
Mary Calof
Eilon Capsi
Beth Carmany
Haley Carneol
Julia Carpenter*
Noah Carpenter
Tom Carpenter
Nathan Cera
Deborah Charan
Abby Chargo
Sue Chargo
Miriam Charney
Stuart A. Chazin
Karen Cherwien
Matt Chodosh
Aaron Christensen
Terrence Clark
Keri Clifton
Alisa Cohen
Bobby Cohen
Gary Cohen
Laura L. Cohen
Rabbi Norman
Sara Cohen
Tammy Cohen*
Eileen Cohler
Marcia Cohodes
Laura Condon
Maya Condon
Chase Conner
Debra Constantine
Deborah Cook
Doreen Cordova
Nate Croce
Sarah Croce
Sheree Curry
Alex Dachis
Aaron Dahl
Bruce Dahlgren
Jeffrey Daniels
& Lucy
Karen Davidman
Carole Davidson
Maureen Davis
Rita Davis
Anni Dhir
Gary J. Diamond
Susan Dingle
Arlene Dockman
Debbie Donaldson
Deborah Dora
Ann Drivas
Cindy Dubansky
Meredith Dworsky
Robert Dworsky
Fran Edelson
Sam Edelstein
Jean Efron
Julie Engle
Bob Epstein
Ellen Etzkin
Liz Evans & Gaby
Jennifer Ezrilov
Julie Ezrilov
Tanya Farber
Jessica FarberIgelnik
Irwin Farkas
10 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Lisa Feder
Aimee Feldman
Gerry Feldman
Mollie Feldman
Noah Feldman
Steve Feldman
Sue Feldman
Helen Fern
Sherri Feuer
Albert Fine
Irena Fine
Beth Fink & Elyssa
Danielle Fink
Beverly Finkelstein
Harriet Finkelstein
Andy Finn
Janie Finn
Libby Finn
Colleen Fischer
Mark Fischer
Natalie Fischman
Mindy Fisdel
Barb Fishman
Eva Fishman
Linda Fiterman
Darryl Flam
Janet Flam*
Sonya Floum
Charles Fodor
Merrie Forstein
Paula Fox
Wendy Fox
Barb Frank
Gitti Fredman
Rabbi David
Adam Friedman
Jennifer Friedman
Bernice Frisch
Carol Fuerstneau
Nancy Fursetzer
Patty Gadberry
Renee Gainsley
Sonja Galinson
Josh Gallop
Eileen Gantman
Michal Garber
Nancy Garber
Sue Garnett
Marlene Garvis
Judy Gaviser
Zvi Geffen
Kim Gelperin
Beth Gendler
Susan Genis
Hanna Gensler
Marc Gensler
Carolyn Gerr
Jeff Gershone
Alan Gilbert
Hannah Gilfix
Linda Gilfix
Roni Gingold
Roy Ginsburg
Sandy Glassman
Anna GlassmanKaufman
Barbara Gleekel
Tatiana Glistvain
Barbara Goldberg
Kaye Goldberg
Marlene Goldberg
Rosalie Goldberg
Esther GoldbergDavis & Micah
Alan Goldbloom
Lynn Goldbloom
Andrea Golden
Cheryl Goldenberg
Diane Goldenberg
Louis Goldenberg
Stuart Goldenberg
Isabel Goldfarb
Kayla Goldfarb
Lily Goldfarb
Adam Goldfine
Amy Goldfine
Harold Goldfine
Cookie Goldman
Josh Goldman
& Family
Michael Goldman
Susan Goldman
Rose Goldsteen
Emily Goldstein
Kay Goldstein
Riva Goldstein
Mara GollinGarrett
Marsha C. Golob
Bette Globus
Wendy Goodman
Joy L. Gordon*
Nancy Gordon
Terri Gordon
Tim Gothmann
Rachael Gotlieb
Sara Gottlieb
Adeline Gould
Judy Goulin
Karen Grabow
Judy Graceman
Jason Grais
Becky Gray
Scott Gray
Terri Gray
Daniel Grayson
Debra Orbuch
Scott Grayson
Joel Green
Harry Greenberg
Norman Greenberg
Steve Greenberg
Allison Greenstein
Brooke Greenwell*
Ester Greyzdorf
Yakov Grichener
Raisa Gringauz
Zhanna Gromyko
Jaclyn Grossfield
Beverly Grossman
David Grossman
Ben Gruber
Maureen Gruenke
Steven Gruenke
Molly Gruesner
Barbara Gurovitsch
Brian Hage
Terry Hallfin
Judy Halper*
Lia Harel
Marla Harris
Phyllis Harris
Howard Held
Jack Held
Justin Held
Lynne Hendricks
Jackie Henning*
Andy Herman
Beatrice Herman
Dorothy Herman
Jory M. Herman
Laurel Herold
Zoe Hertsig
Gay Herzberg
Louisa Hext
Jordan Hoberman
Carly Hoffman
Jay Hoffman
Karen Hoffman*
Roberta Hoffman
Stacey Hoffman
Gloria Horowitz
Greg Horwitz
Monica Howell
Harris Hubers
Lynne Hvidsten
Vickie Hymanson
Diana Idelkope
Alan Ingber
Evie Ingber
Jami Irwin
Mindy Isaacs
Pat Isaak
Vernon Isaak
Marilyn Israel
Natalya Itskovich
Julie Jacobs
Carrie Jacobson
Colette Jaffe
Joey Jaffe
Jack Jagoda
Rachel Javitch
Deanna Johnson*
Diana Johnson
Jordan Johnson
Betty Jonas
Jessica Jordani
David Jurisz
Miryam Kabakov
Ethan Kadet
Ken Kadet
Ryan Kadet
Sharon Kadet
Amy Kahn
Carly Kahn
Marion Kahn
Amara Kaiyalethe
Jeremy Kalin
Steve Kalin
Howard Kaminsky
Michelle Kaminsky
Laurie Kamman
Chad Kampe
Steven Kane
Rachael Kantaris
Amy Kanter
Brad Kanter
Cindy Kanter
Doug Kanter
Maria Eugenia
Donna Kaplan
Lauren Kaplan
& Shayna
Roz Kaplan
Darla Kashian
Judy Kauffman
Audrey Kaufman
Jeanne Kaufman
Micki Kay
Rose Kay
Fay Kaye
Zac Kaye
Josh Kelner
Rita Kelner
Sam Kelner
Raleigh Kent
Becky Kern
Judy Kessel
Steven Kessler
Steven Keswin
Andrea Kibort
Luiza Kieffer
Melissa Kieffer
Sharon Kieffer
Sophia Kieffer
Rabbi Emma
Christine Kitchener
Rachel Kitchener
Crickie Klegon
Kandra Kleiman
Susan Klett
Deborah Kohler
Gary Kohler
Eileen Kohn
Shelley Kornblum
Lisa Kotlarz
David Koyrakh
Natasha Koyrakh*
Abby Kozberg
Julie Kozberg
Joel Kramer
Robert Kramer
Iris Krandel
Jennifer Kreiman
Mollie Krengel
Steven Krikava
Kyla Kristal
Debbie Krovitz
Brita Kukich
Allen Kuperman
Diane Kuperman
Jan Kuretsky
Lori Kurman
Renee Kurnow
Maxim Kushner
Robert Kusnetz
Sheree Kvasnik
Mary Lampert
Robin Landy
Sara Lang
Linda Lapp
Rabbi Michael Latz
Leslie Laub
Bonnie Lazar
Talia Lazar
Reida Lazer-Chein
Kimmy Lear
Sophie Lebewitz
Gwyneth Leder
Lori Leder-Fogel
Lynn Lederman
Stephen Lederman
Pam LeedsRagborg
Alex Lehman
Austin Lehman
Diane Lehman
Jeffrey Lehman
Pam Lehman
Polly Lehman
Brad Lehrman
Michelle Lepouce
Delores Lerman
Charlotte Lerner
Alexander Levin
Jessica Levin
Laurence Levin
Natalie Levin
Barbie Levine
Sharon Levine
Margo Levitt
Rabbi Lynn
Carol Lichterman
Patricia Lichterman
Amy Lieberman
Jane Lifson
Martin Lipshutz
Patti Lisberg
Helen Liss
Rabbi David
Joel Locketz**
Phyllis Long
Idelle S. Longman
Ari Low
Courtney Low
Melissa Lowe*
Robert Lowe*
Melanie Lowin
Francie Lurie
Rita Lusky
Laurel Luxenberg
Sandra Lynn
Gail Machov
Liz Mack
Gerri Maisel
Paula Maisel
Robert Maisel
Ben Malakoff
Sarah Malakoff
Nadia Mammadov
Judy Marcus*
Joe Marin
Allie Markman
Nancy Markowitz
Jill Ann Marks
Margie Marks
David Marrinson
Sandra Marrinson
Judi Marshall
Linda Mash
Sally Masnek
Alex McCarthy
Erin McCloskey
Nancy McKay
Bernard Meier
Fran Meier
Marc Meirovitz
Susan & Brad
Melnick & Family
Wendy Metchnek
Gail Meyer
Laura Migliorino
Jerre Miller
Raleigh Miller
Gail Milstein
Howie Milstein
Sally Minsberg
Diane Mintz
Carolyn Mirviss
Danna Mirviss
Jeff Mirviss
Jill Mirviss
Tony Moldo
Ben Molever
Cathy Molever
Joy Monro
Ilana Farb Moshe
Adam Moss
Anna Mostov* &
Leonid Mostov
Mary Mulherin
Gloria Murman*
Kristi Murray*
Michael Murray
Dan Myers
Daniel Nabedrick
Melissa Nachmias
Cheryl Nash
Lev Nasonovskiy
Linda Nass-Tell
Bob Nelson
Bobby Nemer
Rick Nemer
Mary Neuman
Harriet Newman
Jane Newman
Sarah Norsted
Boris Novikov
William Oberg
Arnold Odessky
Alice Okrent
Allen Oleisky
Bob Oleisky
Jill Oleisky
Marcia Oleisky
Sally Olsen
Juli Olson & Addie
Joyce Orbuch
Martin Orbuch
David Ornstein
Garnet Ostlund*
Phil Oxman
Sharon Palay
Daniel Paley
Danya Paley
Semen Paley
Gabrielle Parish
Rachel Parnes
Leslie Paskoff
Amy Paster
Michael Patton
Nancy Patton
Loie Paul
Abbe & Jim Payton
& Eli
Matt Peiken
Hadassah Perez
Benjamin Perlman
Gail Pesis
Beth Pfeifer
Nick Philbrook
Alaina Phillips
Harriet Phillips
Joelle Pink
Marni Pollack
Sydney Pomish
Alina Portnoy*
Jane Powers
Jeanne Prawer
Margaret Prohofsky
& Family
Nancy Proman
Richard Proman
Ryan Puerner
Jill S. Rabinovitz
Jessica Rae Levin
Sam Rafowitz
Tina Rafowitz
Bob Ramsey
Ed Rapoport
Jody Rappaport
Ken Raskin
Lisa Ratner
Maya Raz
Lynne Redleaf
& Family
Susan Rees
Tory Reiss
Irina Reshetnikova
Jon Reynolds
Eugenia Reznik
David Rhein
Kevin Rhein
Nancy Rhein
Sue Ribnick
Josh Ribnick-Mann
Mark Rice
Debbie Richman
Sumner Richman
Jennifer Riff
Joe Rine
Rollye Rinkey
Mark Robbins
Janie Rockler
Jason Rose
Lindsey Rose
Marilyn Rose
Jodi Rosen
Max Rosen
Minda Rosen
Amy Rosenblatt
Ken Rosenblum
Evelyn RosenBudd
Bill Rosenfeld
Olivia Rosenfeld
Randee Rosenfield
Christine Rosenthal
Louise Ross
Lydia Roth Laube
Lisa Rothstein
Marc Rubenstein
Dana Rubin*
David Rubin
Karen Rubin
Orin Rubin*
Rochelle Rubin
Harolyn Rudoy
Marjorie Rukavina
Loey Rutman
Riki Rutman
Ryan Rutzick
Sheryl Rutzick
Adeel Saad
Elaine Sadoff
Igor Sagalov
Maurrie Salenger
James Sanders
Van Sanders
Amy Sandler
Connie Sandler
Todd Sandler*
Debra Savitt*
Georganne Savitt
Zachary Savitz
Susi Saxl
Josh Scal
Janice Schachtman
Jeff Schachtman
Nancy Schachtman
Haley Schaffer
Niza Schear
Kelly Schechter
& Eli
Laura Schindelman
Dolores Schlaifer
Julie Schlaifer
& Family
Barry Schwabe
Jan Schwartz
Raleigh Schwartz
Wendy Schwartz
& Family
Howard Segal
Millie Segal
Nolan Segal
Robin Segal*
Tom Segal*
Sheri Sell* & Eli
Emily M. Sepler
Judy Serrell
Justin Shanedling
Brad Shapiro
Carol Shapiro
Cindy Shapiro
Dana Shapiro*
Lilly Shapiro
Pennie Shapiro*
Rich Shapiro
Vicki Shapiro
Annie Share
Rita Shear
Roza Shenderovich
Rachel Sher
Jeffrey Sherman
Judy Sherman
Natalie Shermeta
Jim Shirley
Mary Shirley
Anne Shom
Art Shragg
Judy Shragg
Marty Shragg
Sarah Shragg
Benjamin Siegel
Marjorie Sigel
Joye Sigelman
Eric Silver
Sarene Silver
Artice Silverman
Julie A. Silverman
Loreen Silverman
Perry Silverman
Andrew Silverstein
& Sydney
Lee Silverstein
Sybil Silverstein
Beth Silverwater
Jacob Simms
Sadie Simon*
Stacy Simon & Jack
Linda Singer
Isabella Siskin
Mike Siskin
Vicki Siskin
Joram Slager
Raphaela Slager
Shelley Sloan
Maraline Slovut
Debbie Slutsker
Bella Smith
Edith N. Smith
Phillip Smith
Wendy Smith
Betty Smithberg
Cathy Snyder
Sandy Sondell
Brenda Soumekh
Tobie Soumekh
Braden Spencer
Carly Spencer
David Spencer
Stacey Spencer*
Elaine Spiegel
Sara Spiegel
Amy Stangl
Ariel Stein
Dana Stein
Rhonda Stein
Rosa Stein
James Stelle
Evan Stern
Katie Stern
Michael Stern
Sherry Stern
Zoe Stern
Rabbi Sharon
Guy Still
Andrew Stillman
Marvin Stillman
Mark Stipakov
Brett Striker
Erin Striker
Michael Striker
Susan Striker
Erica G. Strohl
& Family
Sharon Stulberg
Nicolas Styles
Faith Suckerman
Phyllis Sudit
Margaret Sullivan
Lloyd Sussman
Marge Sussman
Janet Swadden
Laura Swartz
Continued on next page
From previous page
Stephen Swartz
Harriet Swatez
Colleen Sweet
Jamie Szymanski
Hindy & Scott
Tankenoff &
Enzi Tanner
Betsy Tapper
Mayer Tapper
Howard Tarkow
Adam Tarshish
Benjamin Tarshish
Amy Taswell*
Luca Tedesco
Kim Teplinsky
Josh Theleman
David Thomas
Laura Thorne
Brian Tifft
Bob Tomasik*
Corrine Toretsky
Mark Toretsky
Sharon Traub
Rollie Troup
Sam TroupCardoso
Viatcheslav Trusov
Shirley Ungar
Sandy Unger
Sidney Usem
Kim Van Swol
Jayson Vaysberg
Christina Vega*
Grigoriy Veksler
Judy Victor
Lisa Villalta
Dmitriy Vinokur
Melanie Vinokur
Annette Walder
Zelda Rae Walder
Jerry Waldman
Sharon Waller
Linda Ward
Susie Wartnick
Ann Wasserman
Marci Wasserman
Debbie Waterous
Mari Waterous
Diane Weinerman
Rabbi Aaron
Joan Weinstein
Sue Weinstein
Suzanne Weinstein
Lauren Weiser
Amy Weiss
& Family
Jill Weiss
Alec Weissman
Lori Weissman
Steve Weitz
Danielle Werder
Debbie Wert
Marilyn Wert
Larry Wertheim
Marcia Werthmeier
Jayne White
Stacy White
Alaine Wilensky*
Howard Wilensky
Eve Winters*
Esther Winthrop
Judy Witebsky
Debbie Wolf*
Brent Wolfe
Debbie Wolfe*
Pamela Wolfe
Jonathan Wolfish
Randi Wolfish
Margaret Wolfson
Debbie Wolk
Max Wolk
Nate Wolk
Steven Yussen
Suzann Yussen
Howard Zack
Kathy Zack
Rory Zamansky
Randy Zats
Jessica Zimmerman
Ted Zingman
Danny Zouber
Dawn Zouber
Harvey Zuckman
NCSY Youth Group
PJ Library Families
Temple Israel 7/8
grade Na’aseh
V’nishma families
* Staff
** Deceased
Volunteer service
reflected on this
list is from April
1, 2013, to March
31, 2014. If you
have inadvertently
been omitted from
this list, please
contact Debra
Savitt, Community
Manager, at
org or 952-5424859 in order to be
listed at a later date.
Staff accomplishments
Joy Gordon, Nurturing
Our Retired Citizens
(NORC) Community
Specialist, was certified
as a MNSure Navigator,
helping people navigate
the MNSure website to access health
Amy Taswell, L’Chaim
Senior Services Case
Manager, was certified as
a First Steps® Advanced
Care Planning Facilitator
in October. This program
serves as the “foundation for weaving
Advanced Care Planning discussions
into the routine of good patient care and
preventative healthcare for all adults.”
Tammy Cohen, Human
Resources Director,
completed her MBA
with a focus in Human
Resources Management
from the Keller School of
Elena Borochin, L’Chaim
Senior Services Program
Manager, completed the
Learning and Teaching
about Aging program
at the University of
Minnesota, Center on Aging. This
program is for professionals who work in
aging services. Elena focused her project
on the future of serving older adults and
trends in the industry.
Haley Stemig,
Minnesota Family
Investment Program
(MFIP) Employment
Specialist, completed the
Motivational Interview
Coach Training program through the
Minnesota Department of Human
Services and Minneapolis Community
& Technical College. The purpose of the
program is to help clients find their own
intrinsic motivation for making positive
changes in their lives.
12 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Laura Welper, ACT
Program Case Manager,
received the George
Kressin Memorial Fund
Internship Award, along
with a $500 cash award,
from FamilyWise, an agency that
provides family support services. She
received the award for writing an essay
about how her time and experience at an
internship at FamilyWise impacted the
work she does with families today
at JFCS.
Adam Tarshish, Jewish
Big Brother/Big Sister
Program Intern, received
the Rose Rees Award.
The National Council of
Jewish Women presents
this award to high school seniors who
have demonstrated a special interest
in and commitment to international
relations and world peace.
JFCS and community benefit from
Kaufmans’ ongoing support
or a couple who celebrated their
70th wedding anniversary in 2013,
Al and Audrey Kaufman are still
going strong, enjoying life and helping
Though they spend most of the winter
in a warmer climate, when in town they
exercise almost every day at the Sabes
Jewish Community Center’s Silver
Sneakers Program. Al is often a part
of the minyan at Beth El Synagogue
and they both attend Shabbat services
at Beth El every Saturday. Al also
continues to volunteer for the Veteran’s
Administration (VA) office, the
Lion’s Club and the Masonic Scottish
Rite organization.
Their activity includes philanthropy as
well — JFCS has benefitted from Al and
Audrey’s volunteering and generosity for
more than 20 years.
In 1992, through JFCS’s Resettlement
program, they became hosts for a family
who moved here from Russia. The father
had been a doctor there, but was unable
to practice in the U.S. He spoke English
well, but his wife did not. Al and Audrey
helped the couple enroll at Hennepin
Technical College, where the man
studied to become a health aide.
Audrey remembers visiting the family
at their apartment, where the couple and
their two sons would be busy studying.
Eventually, the father took a job in a
nursing home and the two sons were
also success stories, earning degrees and
moving to the East Coast.
“They were such nice people,” Audrey
said. “I really enjoyed knowing them and
I felt they appreciated my efforts to help
them at a stressful time in their lives.”
Around 1990, Al began volunteering
for what is now known as JFCS’s Deikel
Transportation Program, driving seniors
to doctor’s appointments, pharmacies and
other locations. He even coordinated the
program for a number of years.
Al and Audrey have also volunteered
for JFCS’s Hag Sameach program, which
provides gifts, food and ritual items to
families during Chanukah and Passover.
They’ve volunteered for other programs
at JFCS’s office too, helping with
mailings and other tasks. “We were there
whenever they needed us,” Audrey said.
“JFCS does such wonderful work. Every
aspect of it — programs for children,
seniors, financial help and with schools.”
The Kaufmans created an Endowment
fund at JFCS in 2009 that is used where
most needed. Over the years, they
have watched the agency expand its
programming to meet the growing needs
of the community. “We always knew
JFCS was there if you needed it,” Audrey
said. “Supporting the Jewish community
is very important to us.”
They have also set up an Endowment
with the Jewish Community Foundation,
which includes a Promise for the Future
gift for JFCS.
Success, along with the desire to give
back, describes the Kaufman family. Both
of their sons are doctors. Their daughter
retired as a captain in the Naval Reserve
after serving for 29 years, including
service in Operation Desert Storm. She
is now a practicing dietician. Al and
Audrey have eight grandchildren and six
great-grandchildren, whom they are very
proud of for continuing the tradition of
tikkun olam (repairing the world) in their
own ways.
Audrey, who was a dancer ever since
she was a child, danced with St. Louis
Park’s popular senior tap dancing troupe,
the Satin Dolls, for more than a decade.
She also spent several years volunteering
as a teacher’s aide at St. Louis Park
She and Al attribute their volunteering
and community service activities to their
longevity. “You meet nice people, it gives
you purpose and you feel like you’re
accomplishing something,” Audrey said.
Pennie Shapiro, JFCS Development
Associate, said Al and Audrey are
treasures to JFCS and the community
at large.
“With great care, warmth, and
energy, they quietly and modestly make
a difference to people across a broad
spectrum of life,” she said. “They are
strong financial supporters of JFCS and
are generous with their time and energy
as well. From installing new batteries in
countless watches and sorting gifts for
Hag Sameach to helping people with
transportation needs and more, we are so
fortunate to have the Kaufmans’ support.”
directions • Spring 2014 13
JFCS NextGen program earns a
national 2014 Kovod Award
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis ( JFCS) earned a national
Kovod Award this year from the Association of Jewish Family & Children’s
Agencies (AJFCA) in the category of “Meaningful Engagement of Young Adults.”
JFCS earned this award due to its NextGen program, a long-term development
plan that inspires the next generation of Jewish leaders. NextGen provides opportunities and motivation
for Jewish young adults ages 21-36 to connect with each other, with JFCS, and the Twin Cities Jewish
community. Three integrated features — the Fund, Club and Board — provide opportunities for training,
education, philanthropy, leadership development and networking that are designed to meet the varying
needs of the next generation. Todd Sandler, Development Associate, accepted the Kovod Award at the
AJFCA Conference in Montreal.
See what’s happening at NextGen
For more information, contact Todd Sandler, JFCS Development Associate, at or 952-542-4854, or visit
“Like” us on Facebook too!
14 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Programs & Services
The ACT Program
AskBarbara (
Career Development
Career Initiatives, including:
IT Pathways
Platinum Program
West Hennepin Community
Outreach Program
Caring Connections
Consultation Services
Deikel Family AlterCare Adult Day Program
Dislocated Worker Program
Emergency Financial Assistance
Volunteering — it’s all about family!
JFCS knows you want to maximize your family time, while also doing
good for the community. We offer family volunteer opportunities
throughout the year — to stay on top of all the possibilities, make sure
you are on our Mitzvah Madness email list.
Throughout the year, watch for opportunities like these:
• Shop ‘til you drop for Hag Sameach (Happy Holidays) Program
• Hag Sameach gift wrapping and delivery
• Puppy parades
• STEP (St. Louis Park Emergency Program) events
• Special events
• Small group projects
• And more!
For more information
on volunteer
opportunities and
joining the Mitzvah
Madness mailing
list, contact Deb
Savitt, Community
Manager, at
or 952-542-4859.
Family Life Education
Hag Sameach (Happy Holidays) Program
Intake and Resource Connection
Jewish Big Brother/Big Sister Program
Jewish Camp Scholarships
L’Chaim Senior Services, including:
Deikel Transportation Services
Kosher Meals on Wheels
Mental Health Support Services
Minnesota Family Investment Program
Nurturing Our Retired Citizens
Parent-Child Home Program
PJ Library
Scholarship Services
Shalom Baby
Special Events
Survivor Support Services
Twin Cities Jewish Healing Program
Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Volunteer Resources
Partnerships and Collaborations Healthy Youth–Healthy Communities
Jewish Domestic Abuse Collaborative
Jewish Free Loan Program
Mental Health Education Project
Minneapolis Jewish Community Inclusion
Program for People with Disabilities
directions • Spring 2014 15
Deikel Family AlterCare, an adult day
care, fit for kings and queens
By Linda Mankoff Romeo
aking care of parents is a loving
mitzvah, and I’m so happy that I
could help my parents enjoy their later
years. One of the best presents I gave
my parents was sending them to Deikel
Family AlterCare Adult Day Program, fit
for kings and queens.
In 2001, my dad’s doctor said that
dad had dementia and suggested that my
mother and I explore respite. I
wasn’t familiar with the term, but it
sounded scary and awful until I asked
what it meant.
Respite is when you give the family a
break from the daily routine of caregiving
for a loved one. This gives the family
members time to relax and revitalize.
As luck had it, I had recently read
an article in the “American Jewish
World” about AlterCare, located in
St. Louis Park. It was a program of
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of
Minneapolis (JFCS).
That day, I phoned the program
director and set up an appointment with
her, my dad and mother. When she bent
down to talk to my dad at eye level, I
knew this place was for him. My dad said
the people looked old. I told him that was
because he looked young.
Dad attended AlterCare for five years
while he lived at home with my mother.
When he moved to Sholom Home West,
I was relieved that he could continue to
attend AlterCare, where he was treated
like a king. When I would ask dad about
his day at AlterCare, he would smile and
say, “Wonderful!”
Years later, I needed this program for
my mother and my aunt, who both live
at Knollwood Place. They used to spend
much of their day just siting in the lobby.
Now, as AlterCare participants, they are
Linda Mankoff Romeo (far right) pictured at Deikel Family AlterCare with her
aunt, Polly Salloway (far left), and mother, Marlene Mankoff (center).
stimulated all day through a variety of
social and therapeutic activities.
In the morning, one of the AlterCare
staff picks up my mother in her
apartment lobby and they walk through
the indoor passage until they get to
AlterCare. No boots, no coats!
AlterCare is offered Monday through
Friday. It’s an alternative to long-term
care that offers occupational, music, art,
physical, speech, and pet therapies, in
addition to strength and balance training.
In the morning, the clients have toast
and juice and then read the highlights of
the newspaper. They socialize, sing songs,
make art projects, bake, play games,
exercise, eat a kosher lunch, and attend
holiday parties. Personal care, including
bathing, is also offered.
I would like to thank the dedicated,
caring and long-term staff at AlterCare
16 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
for all that they do. Thank you for
treating everyone so respectfully —
participants always have a fun and active
day at your facility.
I hope JFCS and the community will
continue to support AlterCare. It is a
wonderful option. It provides mental
stimulation and prevents isolation for
clients in a loving, safe and caring
environment. In addition, it gives the
caregiver a break from long difficult days
and the peace of mind that your loved
one is well taken care of. It is the best
present you can give.
Dementia consultant helps family manage
caregiving for loved one
ichard was suffering from mild
cognitive impairment. His wife,
Pam, and their two adult sons were
feeling overwhelmed in managing his
caregiving. They contacted JFCS, which
scheduled a consultation with the family.
With its Consultation Services, JFCS’s
professional staff facilitates meetings
for families who are concerned about a
loved one. The goal is to define the issue,
develop a plan, and identify resources to
achieve desirable results. At Richard’s
family consultation, staff provided many
dementia resources and recommended
they meet with Jayne Clairmont, JFCS’s
dementia consultant.
During a home visit, Clairmont
provided a warm and caring environment
for the family, where they were each
able to share their thoughts, feelings and
opinions. She recommended Richard
meet with his physician to evaluate
his medications and join a gym, where
he could get regular exercise. She also
discussed the benefits of essential oils, an
emerging area in helping with reducing
anxiety and stress.
Clairmont focused
on the importance
of communication
between family
members, and how
everyone needs to
feel valued in life.
The family
Jayne Clairmont
followed through
on her advice and
saw their situation improve immensely.
Pam now attends a monthly caregiver
support group, which provides her an
outlet to share her feelings. Richard
saw improvements in his health and
his family members began feeling less
overwhelmed by their situation. Pam
praised Clairmont as a capable and smart
woman who always looks out for the best
interest of those she is working with.
Clairmont’s services are available to
JFCS clients through its Assessment
Education & Behavior Management
(AEM) Service for people with
Alzheimer’s, dementia or other memory
loss. She helps guide you and your loved
one in making changes to improve
everyday home life.
Clairmont provides expert advice
• In-Home Assessments
• A Comprehensive Report and
Care Plan
• Caregiver Education
• Behavior/Communication Analysis
and Training
To learn more about Family
Consultations and Alzheimer’s
Assessment Education and Behavior
Management, call JFCS at 952-546-0616.
The Alzheimer’s services are funded in
part by the Kelner-Witebsky Memory
Care Fund at JFCS.
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
th Annual
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Event Co-Chairs
Libby Finn
Jill Mirviss
Save the
date and
stay tuned
for more
directions • Spring 2014 17
Mitzvah Card Tributes
The following donations were received between Aug. 1 and Nov. 30, 2013.
In Honor of:
Jack Abrahamson
90th Birthday
Tom Bates
Ellen Mack
Naomi Maul
Kalman Abrams
90th Birthday
Linda & Paul Benenson
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Sally & Michael Abrams
Birth of Grandson &
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Sally & Michael Abrams
Danny & Laura’s Marriage
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Elaine Abramson
70th Birthday
Linda & Les Fieldman
Shira & Mike Altman
Birth of Daughter, Lucy
Annette & Vic Sandler
Glenn Aronauer
40th Birthday
Ann & Neil Covin
Lynne Hvidsten &
Cindy Amberger
Elaine Lehman Berg &
Henry Berg
Doris Ginsberg
Joanne Savitt
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Lisa & Glenn Aronauer
Wedding Anniversary
Ann & Neil Covin
Loni & Darrell Ansel
55th Wedding Anniversary
Amy & Richard Ansel
Shussie & Allen Blumenthal
Rita & Larry Covin
Arlene & Sidney Harris
Diana Idelkope
Gloria Jaffe
Gayle Lightowler
Shelly & Howard Reichert
Andrea & Fred Rose
Sandra Scherling &
Louie Inks
Wendy & Howard Bach
Birth of Grandchild
Debra & Gregg Savitt
Molly & Sid Bader
Wedding Anniversary
Kerry & Scott Bader
Stuart Bader
Kerry Bader
60th Birthday
Abby & Shel Badzin
Martha Bitran
Cindy & Donald Brown
Melanie & Vic Greenstein
Brina & Milton Krelitz
Cheryle Kristal
Linda & Max Rutman
Sid Bader
Kerry & Scott Bader
Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Stuart Bader
Fern Badzin
Special Birthday
Shirley Hill
Fern Badzin
A Lovely Party
Delores Kelber
Laura Migliorino &
Mary Bahneman
Joy Leslie Gordon
Adrienne Bank
Special Birthday
Sandy & Art Lavintman
Lois Liss
Abbie Miller
Harold Roitenberg
Heather & Michael Bank
20th Wedding Anniversary
Shelly & Howard Reichert
Mitzvah Cards are a convenient way to make a contribution to
JFCS and honor someone you care about at the same time!
Larry Barenbaum
Special Birthday
Abby & Ron Rabinovitz
1. Go to and click on “Donate,” then
“Mitzvah Tribute Cards.”
2. or Send us one of our donation envelopes.
3. or Call 952-542-4817 to make a donation by phone.
Upon receiving your donation, a beautiful Mitzvah Card will be
sent to the designated recipient.
For more information, or if you would like to receive a packet of
donation envelopes, call the Mitzvah Hotline at 952-542-4817
or email your request to
Lynn & Bernard Abramson
50th Wedding Anniversary
Arlene & Sidney Harris
Joanie Levinsohn
Lynn Abramson
75th Birthday
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Eileen & Harold Scherling
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Linda & Tom Sklar
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Jane & Leonard Siedband
Heidi Wilensky
Molly & Sid Bader
Wedding Anniversary
Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Granddaughter, Abbie’s
Bat Mitzvah
Sandra & Bob Wallack
18 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Melanie & Chuck Barry
Grandson’s Bar Mitzvah
Diana Idelkope
Melanie & Chuck Barry
Birth of Grandson & Happy
New Year
Sybil & Seymour Wilensky
Robyn & Jason Bass
Birth of Daughters,
Charlotte & Hannah
Debra & Gregg Savitt
Jody & Howard Sigal
Thalia Shamash &
David Baumgarten
Marilyn & Tim Broms
Martin Bell
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Allison & Joshua Berdass
Annie’s 1st Birthday
Bobbi & Randy Heiligman
Doris Berde
100th Birthday
Sheryl & Randy Rutzick
Elaine Lehman Berg &
Henry Berg
Marissa & Jake’s Marriage
Rita & Larry Covin
Henry Berg
Special Birthday
Bette & Louis Kotlarz
Charlotte &
Richard Berman
Birth of Granddaughter, Lilah
Ann & Neil Wasserman
Toby & Frank Berman
Bat & Bar Mitzvah of Mia &
Shane Litman
Linda & Miles Braufman
Jane & David Broude
Carol & Mark Epstein
Berris Family
Happy Chanukah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Aileen & Harold Bershow
70th Wedding Anniversary
Bill Aberman
Patti & Michael Colich
Laura & Luis Wasserman
Shelly Besikof
65th Birthday
Ann & Neil Covin
Randi & Alan Birk
Birth of Maxwell
Lisa & Rabbi
Stephen Pinsky
Steve Birke
60th Birthday
Anne & Allen Wolf
Corrine Birnberg
Granddaughter’s Bat Mitzvah
Simie & Al Kaye
Fredda & Mark Bisman
45th Wedding Anniversary
Betty Sue &
David Lipschultz
Sura-Fraida & Arnie Blatt
50th Wedding Anniversary
Elaine & Charles Abramson
Bobbi & Larry Friedman
Eileen & Jim Mitson
Wendy & Mark Bloom
35th Wedding Anniversary
Gerri & Stan Maisel
Shussie Blumenthal
Special Birthday
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Debbie & Jim Bomberg
Tommy & Jordi’s Engagement
Robin & Bryan Landy
Linda & Miles Braufman
45th Wedding Anniversary
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Madalyn Braufman
Jane & David Broude
Cindy & Donald Brown
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Bobby & Elliot Cohen
Margie & Stuart Cohen
Barbara & Neal Frank
Sandra & Wayne Freeman
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Elaine Langer
Betty Sue &
David Lipschultz
Sandy & Howard Marker
Mary & Bob Mersky
Suzi & Fred Nathanson
Andrea & David Ornstein
Abby & Ron Rabinovitz
Barbara & David Rosenberg
Jana Rubin
Linda & Tom Sklar
Liba & Tom Stillman
Sue & Tom Stillman
Toodie & Frank Trestman
Lois & Bob Verb
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Susan & Paul Yellin
Ivan Brodsky
Special Birthday
Paula & Robert Maisel
Marilyn & Tim Broms
30th Wedding Anniversary
Gail & Bill Ribnick
Jane & David Broude
45th Wedding Anniversary
Linda & Tom Sklar
Anne & Allen Wolf
Diane Burhenne
Gail & Bill Ribnick
Melvin Burstein
Special Birthday
Harriet & Stephen Swartz
Paula & Mike Byrd
50th Wedding Anniversary
Nettie & Ben Kramer
Judy Carl
Special Birthday
Barbara & Tom Carlstrom
Mark Cherniack
Special Birthday
Linda & Miles Braufman
Judy & Jon Harris
Nancy & Steve Schachtman
Haley Schaffer &
Martin Chester
Rose Isabel’s Brit Bat
Melanie & Andre LaMere
Lili Chester
Special Birthday
Loreen & Perry Silverman
Shelly & Rick Christensen
Son’s Marriage
Marilyn & Gary Christensen
Phyllis Chucker
Special Birthday
Bette & Louis Kotlarz
Bob Cohen
70th Birthday
Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz
Dana & Laurence Cohen
Happy Chanukah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Diane & Richard Cohen
Tom & Stacey’s Engagement
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Barbara & Tom Carlstrom
Diane & Richard Cohen
Stacie & Tommy’s Marriage
Karen & Morris Davidman
Susan & Richard Proman
Linda & Tom Sklar
Diane & Richard Cohen
A Wonderful Evening
Linda & Tom Sklar
Margie & Stuart Cohen
50th Wedding Anniversary
Etta & Mike Barry
Linda & Miles Braufman
Paula & Arvin Cohen
Rita & Larry Covin
Judy Graceman
Leslie & Jerad Hahn
Carole & Martin Kaplan
Olivia Rothstein
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Linda & Tom Sklar
Margie & Stuart Cohen
Grandson Grant’s
Bar Mitzvah
Linda & Miles Braufman
Leslie & Jerad Hahn
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Paula & Arvin Cohen
50th Wedding Anniversary
Shari & Ron Barry
Joni & Jerry Blizen
Margie & Stuart Cohen
Lois & Sherman Devitt
Susan & Robert Diamond
Vivian & Bob Ezrilov
Harriet & Marvin Goldstein
Harmony & Joel Kaplan
Karen & Irving Katz
Cheryle Kristal
Al Levitt
Sue & Chuck Muscoplat
Lil Raen
Linda & Max Rutman
Merle Shapiro
Ricki Roberts &
Mark Simon
Cathy Snyder
Chelle & Marvin Stillman
Marsha & Phillip Sussman
Judi Belzer & Jerry Waldman
Joan & Paul Wernick
Paula & Arvin Cohen
Grandson, Grant Cohen’s
Bar Mitzvah
Ricki Roberts & Mark
Sheryl Cohen
Special Birthday
Margaret Macneale &
Gary Cohen
Davidman/Green Family
Happy Chanukah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Laura & Steven Engler
Daughter’s Marriage
Sheri & Steve Abrams
Happy Chanukah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Marja Engler
Granddaughter’s Marriage
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Carole Davidson
Marriage of Steven &
Roz & Fred Kaplan
Bobbie & Alan Miller
Valerie & Shel Ettinger
50th Wedding Anniversary
Eileen & James Gantman
Ami & Greg Denenberg
Jacob’s Mar Mitzvah
Sharon & Jeffrey Kivens
Sherri Wolfish &
David Factor
10th Wedding Anniversary
Randi & Barry Wolfish
Barbara Diamond
90th Birthday
Marilyn & Michael
Cecilia & Steven Dobrin
Birth of Granddaughter, Marlo
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Sheila Cohen
In Her Honor
Friends of Sheila Cohen
Lois & Dale Dobrin
Joey & Liora’s Marriage
Fran & Marvin Burstein
Sharon & Jeffrey Kivens
Cohen Family
Happy Chanukah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Beverly Dolinsky
Grandson’s Bar Mitzvah
Darlene & Nathan Schwartz
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Lexie’s Bat Mitzvah
Rita & Larry Covin
Peretz Dworsky
100th Birthday
Judy Dworsky
Irene & James Cooperman
Special Wedding Anniversary
Joanne & Joel Glotter
Dorothy & William Sipkins
Margie & Michael Earhart
Marriage of Katie & Eli
Judy & Andy Halper
Jill Ann Marks
Debra Savitt
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Betsy & Steve Sitkoff
Stacey & David Spencer
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Ann & Neil Covin
45th Wedding Anniversary
Lisa & Glenn Aronauer
Arlene & Steven Badiner
Rita & Larry Covin
Midge & Barry Frailich
Phyllis & Phil Garon
Avis & Robert Held
Les Novak
Sandy & Jason Sondell
Harriet Swatez
Jill & Stephen Wolpert
Rhona Shwaid &
Jon Wolpert
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Grandson, Zachary’s
Bar Mitzvah
Susan Chalfen & Dan Silvers
Ron Dachis
Induction into The St. Louis
Park Athletic Hall of Fame
Debbie Dachis Gold &
Michael Gold
Jodi & Jeffrey Danovsky
Ann & Neil Covin
Linda Erlich
In Her Honor
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Louise Ehrlich
Birth of Great-Granddaughter
Louise & Jerry Segal
Barbara Eiger
Granddaughter’s Marriage
Delores Kelber
Nancy Strauss
Corky & Mitchell Einzig
Special Wedding Anniversary
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Jodi & Glen Ellis
Sandy & Allen Harris
Gene Engelson
85th Birthday
Linda & Les Fieldman
Marlene & Aaron Gimpel
Debbie & Douglas Engen
40th Wedding Anniversary
Carole Davidson
Peter Fahndrich
65th Birthday
Lilly & Hersh Berman
Evie & Alan Ingber
Bobbie & Michael
Birth of Granddaughter, Abby
Jill Ann Marks
Debe & Adam Fefferman
Birth of Daughter, Abby
Jill Ann Marks
David Fink
80th Birthday
Riva Gruenberg
Sharon & Mark Finn
Carol & Greg’s Marriage
Eileen & Jim Mitson
Mark Fischer
Special Birthday
Ellen Etzkin
Bette Globus Goodman
Harold Rosenthal
Bev & Bill Fishman
Ross & Dorit’s Marriage
Marilyn & Tim Broms
Linda Fiterman
65th Birthday
Margo Berdass
Heidi & Howard Gilbert
Judy & Jon Harris
Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz
Nancy & Steve Schachtman
Harriet Swatez
Linda & Mike Fiterman
A Happy Hanukkah
Georgia & Gary Jacobsen
Frida & Yossi Flaksberg
50th Wedding Anniversary
Susan & Len Druskin
Marlene & Sandy Goldberg
Faye & Stephen Krupp
Karen & Russ Rubin
Don Rudin
Elaine Simon
Harvey Flom
80th Birthday
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Karee & Brad Lehrman
directions • Spring 2014 19
Carole & Harold Fogel
Special Wedding Anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Fogel
Elaine Langer
Sharon & Michael
Carole & Harold Fogel
Granddaughter, Emma’s
Bat Mitzvah
Linda & Miles Braufman
Sharon & Michael
Debbie Frank
60th Birthday
Roz & Fred Kaplan
Shirley & Byron Frank
Shirley & Byron Frank
Heidi & Howard Gilbert
Leon Frankel
Special Birthday
Marilyn Feder
Sara Estrin &
Ben Freedland
Nettie & Ben Kramer
Linda & Jeff Freidson
10th Anniversary
Carri & Michael Lazarus
Nancy Friedell
Special Birthday
Molly Grossman
Nancy & Jack Held
Donna Krietzman
Faye & Ralph Stillman
Barbara Friedman
75th Birthday
Sybil & Seymour Wilensky
Sandra & Paul Friedman
Special Wedding Anniversary
Joanne & Joel Glotter
Dorothy & William Sipkins
Lori & Brad Fritz
Son, Max’s Engagement
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Stacy & Jonathan Gallop
Special Wedding Anniversay
Debra Orbuch Grayson &
Scott Grayson
Diane Ganeles
Special Birthday
Sandy & Allen Harris
Sherman Garon
90th Birthday
Linda & Paul Benenson
Ann & Neil Covin
Joan & Bob Levine
Ellie & Mark Wolpert
Allan Garvis
Special Birthday
Susan & Richard Proman
Barbara & David Rosenberg
Idy & Allan Garvis
A Happy Chanukah
Carole & Martin Kaplan
Anita Geller
Grandson, Andy Weisman’s
Bar Mitzvah
Linda & Miles Braufman
Peni & Steven Gensler
Birth of Grandson
Marilyn & Ralph Shapiro
Teddy Gerr
84th Birthday
Ruth Hollischer
Sue Gershman
90th Birthday
Evelyn Abramson
Abby & Shel Badzin
Melanie & Vic Greenstein
Chick Held
Fern & Ernest Gershone
Steve & Adele’s Engagement
Sharon & Michael
Fern & Ernest Gershone
Birth of Lior
Sharon & Michael
Diane & Louis Goldenberg
Sophie’s Bat Mitzvah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Bill Goldenberg
75th Birthday
Judy Graceman
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Adam Goldfine
Being Named President of the
NextGen Board
Hillary & Daniel Feder
Irene Goldfine
90th Birthday
Annette Walder
Zelda Rae Walder
Lillian Goldfine
85th Birthday
Annette Walder
Zelda Rae Walder
Susan Goldman
75th Birthday
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Arlene & Sidney Harris
Alan Gingold
65th Birthday
Jane & Jonathan Gordon
Henry Goldstein
90th Birthday
Anne Dachis
Mike Salloway
Vicki & Alan Givant
50th Wedding Anniversary
Barbara & Tom Carlstrom
Lillian Goltzman
86th Birthday
Ruth Hollischer
Arthur Glassman
Pennie Shapiro
Elaine & Myron Goodman
40th Wedding Anniversary
Bette Globus Goodman
Jana Rubin
Adam Glick
Renee & Jim Gainsley
Debbie Glotter
60th Birthday
Robin & Bryan Landy
Ricki Roberts &
Mark Simon
Esta Gold
Special Birthday
Nancy Calvin
Esta & Gerald Gold
60th Wedding Anniversary
Harriette & Fred Burstein
Richard, Ernest &
Rebecca Goldblatt
In Honor of Their Lives
Sheree Goldblatt
Nancy Golden
Special Birthday
Barbara & Tom Carlstrom
Shelly & Ira Golden
Birth of Two Grandsons
Cathy & Jeff Molever
Cheryl & David
Sophie’s Bat Mitzvah
Sheree Goldblatt
Sylvia & Salo Gorschtein
Grandson, Luis’ Bar Mitzvah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Shani Graber
Ann & Neil Covin
Debra Orbuch Grayson
50th Birthday
Robin & Bryan Landy
Alice & Larry Greenbaum
Birth of Grandson
Colleen Moore
Joy Greenberg
75th Birthday
Joanie Levinsohn
Gayle Lightowler
Lori & Jeff Greenberg
Wedding Anniversary
Harriet Swatez
Sandra & Morton
Sandra’s Special Birthday &
Special Wedding Anniversary
Judie & Stephen Elston
Rita Greenberg
90th Birthday
Lisa & Gary Greenberg
20 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Doreen & Marvin
60th Wedding Anniversary
Lois & Sheldon Epstein
Judy Graceman
Merna Goldetsky &
Dave Gross
Harriett & Harvey Rochlin
Cliff Greene
Cardozo’s Lifetime
Committment Award
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Yakov Grichener
Retirement as a JFCS
Senior Companion
Beverly Aaron
Sean Guberman
Bar Mitzvah
Miriam & Robert Kleinbaum
Susan & Bruce Hammer
Dan & Erin’s Marriage
Debra & Gregg Savitt
Samuel Harris
90th Birthday
Marilyn & Richard Chern
Carole Davidson
Harriet Swatez
Sidney Harris
85th Birthday
Molly Grossman
Joanie Levinsohn
Harriet & Alan Sherman
Nancy & Bob Hartman
Benji’s Medical School
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Bernice Heiligman
Birth of Twin GreatGrandsons
Bess & Samuel Harris
Bobbi Heiligman
55th Birthday
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Gale Held
Special Birthday
Sharon & Jeffrey Kivens
Beatrice Herman
98th Birthday
Harriet & Stan Phillips
Bernice Hertz
Kathy & Gary Diamond
Mitzi Diamond
Denise & Marshall Hertz
Lauren & Ben’s Marriage
Nancy & Rick Grobovsky
Lorraine Hertz
Special Birthday
Susan & Richard Proman
Blanche Singer
Julie & Benjamin
Charlotte’s 1st Birthday
Barbara & Tom Carlstrom
Louis Hockenberg
65th Birthday
Barbara & Tom Carlstrom
Diane & Neil Hoffman
A Happy Chanukah
Carole & Martin Kaplan
Kathy Hoffman
55th Birthday
Betty Josewich
William Hope
80th Birthday
Marilyn & Marvin Sternberg
Chelle & Marvin Stillman
Dobie & Richard Hunegs
60th Wedding Anniversary
Bernice & Percy Greenberg
Sandy & Fred Hyman
Anna Rettig’s Bat Mitzvah
Wendy & Wayne Salita
Joni Hymanson
Grandson’s Bar Mitzvah
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Jerry Ingber
70th Birthday
Evie & Alan Ingber
Mildred Ingber
94th Birthday
Pearl & Dan Berdass
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Mindy Isaacs
Jessie’s Engagement
Anne Dachis
Rhea Isaacs
Daughter’s Marriage
Lenore & Al Feldman
Petrina Iverson
Elaine & Peter Levy
Horacio Jinich
Special Birthday
Louise & Jerry Segal
Betty Jonas
Special Birthday
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Mitzi & Terry Kane
45th Wedding Anniversary
Hallie & Barry Bershow
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Judy & Michael Emmons
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Karen & Irving Katz
Betty Sue &
David Lipschultz
Bonnie Sell
Eloise Kaplan
75th Birthday
Marilyn Wert
Manuel Kaplan
Karen & Morris Davidman
Suzanne & Harvey Kaplan
Birth of Grandson, Rocky
Susie & Stuart Swartz
Sylvia Kaplan
Eloise & Elliot Kaplan
Pennie Shapiro
Audrey Kaufman
Nettie & Ben Kramer
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
70th Wedding Anniversary
Shirley Jaffe
Nettie & Ben Kramer
Rae Resnick
Arlene & Hill Sweet
Esther Kaufman
Nettie & Ben Kramer
Sharon & Allen Kaufmann
Jessica & Matt’s Marriage
Linda & Paul Benenson
Scott Godes
Simie Kaye
Special Birthday
Sharon & Jerry Trestman
Delores Kelber
Granddaughter, Shira’s
Betty & Peter Jonas
Delores Kelber
Shira & Bill’s Marriage
Sybil Rubin
Larry Kelner
60th Birthday
Rita & Ron Kelner
Rita & Ron Kelner
In Their Honor
Suzann & Steven Yussen
Robert Ketroser
60th Birthday
Margo Berdass
Nancy & Rick Grobovsky
Eva Kieffer
Special Birthday
Abby & Shel Badzin
Eva & Sheldon Kieffer
Wedding Anniversary
Gloria Jaffe
Judy Lebedoff &
Hugh Klein
Wedding Anniversary
Susan & Robert Diamond
Hess Kline
Special Birthday
Lorraine & Sidney
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Edith Goldschmidt
Gloria Jaffe
Sandy & Art Lavintman
Elaine & Leon Lerner
Abbie Miller
Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz
Shelly & Howard Reichert
Harold Roitenberg
Linda & Max Rutman
Roz & David Schwartzman
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Renee Kline
Special Birthday
Lorraine & Sidney
Shirley Baratz
Edith Goldschmidt
Lisa & Gary Greenberg
Gloria Jaffe
Eva & Sheldon Kieffer
Sandy & Art Lavintman
Elaine & Leon Lerner
Abbie Miller
Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz
Shelly & Howard Reichert
Harold Roitenberg
Linda & Max Rutman
Roz & David Schwartzman
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Deborah & Gary Kohler
JFCS Friends of the
Family Award
Hillary & Daniel Feder
Heidi & Howard Gilbert
Donnna & Avrum Goldstein
Alisa & Ted Kesten
Paula & Robert Maisel
Cindy & Jack Mayeron
Patti & Howard Palay
Linda Platt
Gary Kohler
Birthday & a Speedy Recovery
Norma & Bill Topp
Marvin Korengold
90th Birthday
Shirley Korengold
Julie & Marc Kozberg
25th Wedding Anniversary
Adeline Gould
Sarah Kozberg
Bat Mitzvah
Sheree Goldblatt
Susi Saxl & Robert Kramer
32nd Wedding Anniversary
Nettie & Ben Kramer
Irene & Richard Kretch
60th Wedding Anniversary
Susan & Bill Goldenberg
Roz & David Schwartzman
Steven Krikava
Joan & Bob Levine
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Beverly Kunin
Special Birthday
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Linda & Miles Braufman
Simie & Al Kaye
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Michael Kuperman
Michael’s Birthday
Ann & Neil Covin
Howard Kuretsky
Special Birthday
Abbie Miller
Harold Roitenberg
Shirleymae Lane
Millie Weinberg
Art Lavintman
Special Birthday
Gena & Joe Janetka
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Mitzvah Card Tributes
Debbie Mann
Mimi & Steve Klane
Laura Oliven Silberfarb
Holly & Nathan Neff
Neal Neff & Staci Greenbaum’s
Lisa & Rabbi
Stephen Pinsky
Lois & Peter Marcus
70th Wedding Anniversary
Eileen & Loren Colman
Mildred Ingber
Leslie & Lex Nerenberg
Mark & Amanda’s Engagement
Linda & Paul Benenson
Greg Marvy
50th Birthday
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Sally & Sheldon Masnek
Birth of Grandchild
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Barbie Levine &
Sara Lynn Newberger
Birth of Ruby
Mari Forbush
Judy Lazar
Special Birthday
Loreen & Perry Silverman
Diane & Joe Mast
Special Wedding Anniversary
Linda & Miles Braufman
Carole & Marshall Lebow
40th Wedding Anniversary
Carri & Michael Lazarus
Hal Mendelsohn
Special Birthday
Louise & Jerry Rotman
Barbara Leder
Pennie Shapiro
Alan Miller
In His Honor
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Paula & Marshall Lehman
Marissa & Jake’s Marriage
Marilyn & Tim Broms
Esta Miller
Birth of Charlie
Sandra & David Marrinson
Joan Noun
Speedy Recovery
Lorraine & Sidney
Michelle &
Darren Lepouce
1st Wedding Anniversary
Gloria & Jeffrey Murman
Evan Miller
Birth of Mason
Joy Wener
Jean Nudell
Happy Hanukkah
Susan Nudell Kalin
Anita Mittelman
Life of Anita Mittelman
Sheree Goldblatt
Irving Nudell
90th Birthday
Lois & Marty Kozberg
Joyce Moscoe
85th Birthday
Lorraine & Sidney
Linda & Miles Braufman
Cindy & Donald Brown
Melissa & David Gewolb
Susan & Bill Goldenberg
Gloria Jaffe
Brina & Milton Krelitz
Suzi & Fred Nathanson
Shelly & Howard Reichert
Roz & David Schwartzman
Nancy Olkon
Sandy & Sheldon Olkon
Alan Levey
Special Birthday
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Sylvan & Ethel Levitan
Lives of Sylvan &
Ethel Levitan
Sheree Goldblatt
Jeffrey A. Levy
Special Birthday
Neal Frank
Lynne Hendricks
Jodi & Noah Lipschultz
Wedding Anniversary
Harriet Swatez
Roberta & Howard Liszt
Daniel’s Marriage
Kerry & Scott Bader
Jill Ann Marks
Susanna & Tim Lodge
25th Wedding Anniversary
Millie & Howard Segal
Naomi Lyman
Special Birthday
Miriam & Robert Kleinbaum
Paula & Robert Maisel
Naming of Granddaughter,
Sara Morgan Levin
Trudy & Stephen Weisberg
Sharon Mangine
70th Birthday
Linda & Tom Sklar
Amy Taswell &
Jim Moscowitz
Dori”s Engagement
Judy & Andy Halper
Linda & Jeff Noddle
45th Wedding Anniversary
Lorraine & Sidney
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Susan & Robert Diamond
Melanie & Vic Greenstein
Linda & Tom Sklar
Anne & Allen Wolf
Barrie & Steve Orloff
Danielle’s Bat Mitzvah
Eileen & Jim Mitson
Sheila & Hy Paisner
Granddaughter’s Bat Mitzvah
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Sam Peltz
Birth of Great-Granddaughter,
Marilyn & Marvin Sternberg
Joyce & Steve Perlman
65th Wedding Anniversary
Judith Yesnes
Bruce Moss
70th Birthday
Linda & Paul Benenson
Mary & Bob Mersky
Helain & James Pesis
Son’s Marriage
Gloria & Jeffrey Murman
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Mimi Winger &
Howard Shapiro
Eileen Winger
Chuck Muscoplat
65th Birthday
Ann & Neil Covin
Rose Naiman
90th Birthday
Ann & Neil Covin
Judith & Aaron Nathenson
Birth of Granddaughter
Karen & Morris Davidman
Arlene & Steven Pine
Birth of Granddaughter
Lilly & Hersh Berman
Posen/Kestenberg Family
Happy Chanukah
Karen & Morris Davidman
directions • Spring 2014 21
Jeanne & Steven Prawer
Molli & Scott’s Engagement
Karen & Irving Katz
Donna Robbins
Special Birthday
Renee & Mike Selnick
Louise & Joe Price
Birth of Emily
Jill Ann Marks
Ethan Roberts
Receiving Sorkin Award
Margie Earhart
Sharon Lehrman &
Steve Ptaszek
Jessica’s Marriage
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Amy Rodich
Trent Eisenberg
Toni Raihill
Special Birthday
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Toni & Sanford Raihill
Granddaughter’s Bat Mitzvah
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Marilyn & Stan Rakieten
60th Wedding Anniversary
Diana Idelkope
Bette & Louis Kotlarz
Joan & Bob Levine
Rona Sher
Ida Rapoport
Ronit’s Wedding
Nancy Strauss
Diane & Jon Rappaport
Birth of Granddaughter,
Judy & Andy Halper
Annette & Vic Sandler
Linda & Tom Sklar
Arlene & Asher Tilchin
Jody Rappaport
New Job
Joanne Savitt
Joyce & Edward Ratner
Rebecca’s Engagement
Judy & Andy Halper
Howard Reichert
75th Birthday
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Rita & Larry Covin
Barbara Grossman
Abbie Miller
Suzi & Fred Nathanson
Ron Reichert
Harold Roitenberg
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Sharon & Marvin Resnick
Annabelle’s Bat Mitzvah
Annabelle Resnick
Lisa & Chris Rettig
Anna Rettig’s Bat Mitzvah
Wendy & Wayne Salita
Chuck Rinkey
65th Birthday
Carole Davidson
Marilyn & Jeff Rivkin
Sarah & Marc’s Engagement
Judy & Andy Halper
Dona & Michael Rodich
Amy’s Engagement
Randee & Sam Wolfson
Robert Rose
Special Birthday
Harriet & Stephen Swartz
Barbara & David Rosenberg
A Happy Chanukah
Carole & Martin Kaplan
Caryn & Charles Rosenberg
50th Wedding Anniversary
Rita & Larry Covin
Harold Engler
Joey & Jerry Laurie
Ella Mogilevsky
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Margery & Stuart Pihlstrom
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Eileen & David Roston
Jodi & Jeff ’s Marriage
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Rotstein Family
Happy Chanukah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Marilyn Rovner
85th Birthday
Linda & Paul Benenson
Sharie & Jerry Frank
Hilarie & Norman Stein
Sandra Salsberg
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Lynne & Stewart Segal
Special Wedding Anniversary
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Natalie Saxon
Special Birthday
Marlene & Aaron Gimpel
Louise & Jerry Rotman
Martin Segal
93rd Birthday
Susan Segal
Janice & Jeff Schachtman
40th Wedding Anniversary
Molly & Kenneth Garelick
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Nancy & Steve Schachtman
Grandson, Sam’s Bar Mitzvah
Linda & Miles Braufman
Todd Braufman
Nicole & Todd Schachtman
Sam’s Bar Mitzavh
Paula & Robert Maisel
Linda Schloff
Special Birthday
Louise & Jerry Rotman
Barbara & Phil Schneider
45th Wedding Anniversary
Jane & David Broude
Ani & Elie Schochet
Fredell & Joe Cohen
Margaret Macneale &
Gary Cohen
Sheryl Cohen & Dan Fink
Annie Fay Schoenberger
1st Birthday
Julie & Ethan Tarshish
Nancy & Michael
Birth of Granddaughter
Evie & Alan Ingber
CeCe Rubin
75th Birthday
Judy Graceman
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Judith & Steven
30th Wedding Anniversary
Marilyn & Richard Chern
Dana Rubin
New Position at JFCS
Bette Globus Goodman
Judith & Steven
Stacey’s Graduation
From Kellogg
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Donald Rudin
80th Birthday
Lois & Walter Baum
Marlene & Sandy Goldberg
Arlene & Sidney Harris
Simie & Al Kaye
Ryvelle & Bill Tilsner
Sharon & Jerry Trestman
Ellen Saffron
Special Birthday
Cindy & Doug Kanter
Beth & Mark Saliterman
Special Wedding Anniversary
Elaine Lehman Berg &
Henry Berg
Mindy & Bill Salper
Special Wedding Anniversary
Julie & Allen Engle
Esther Schwartz
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Jo & Dan Schwartz
Jacob’s Bar Mitzvah
Sharon & Jeffrey Kivens
Sharon & Burton Schwartz
50th Wedding Anniversary
Mitzi & Larry Mulmed
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Howard Segal
Mardi & Mark Kunik
Susanna & Tim Lodge
Lisa Segal &
Arthur Strimling
22 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Stewart Segal
Special Birthday
Renee & Jim Gainsley
Nancy Held
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Millie & Howard Segal
Sheri Sell
Son’s Bar Mitzvah
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Debra Savitt
Ruth Seltz
90th Birthday
Lil Raen
Eveline Tysk
Shari Cohen & Steve Serber
Happy Chanukah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Estelle Weiss &
Steve Shamblott
A Happy Chanukah
Carole & Martin Kaplan
Cindy & Joel Shapiro
35th Wedding Anniversary
Kerry & Scott Bader
Marilyn & Richard Chern
Leslee Shapiro
80th Birthday
Lorraine & Sidney
Kerry & Scott Bader
Shirley Baratz
Gloria Jaffe
Eva & Sheldon Kieffer
Abbie Miller
Shelly & Howard Reichert
Harold Roitenberg
Roz & David Schwartzman
Marilyn Shapiro
Special Birthday
Pam Brin
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
5th Anniversary
Chelle & Marvin Stillman
Rose Jean Sharpe
Special Birthday
Mildred Miller
Sally Rubenstein
Gert Shechtman
80th Birthday
Sheldon Klugman
Estie & Jim Sherman
60th Wedding Anniversary
Bette & Louis Kotlarz
Julie & David Sherman
Birth of Granddaughter, Elsie
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Sandy & Alan Witebsky
Ibby & Joe Shuster
Grandson’s Bar Mitzvah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Janny & Alan Silver
Amy’s Marriage
Nancy & Rick Grobovsky
Ruth Silverberg
Louise & Jerry Rotman
Ginger & Howard Silvers
Birth of Grandson, Austin
Linda & Miles Braufman
Susie Simon
60th Birthday
Abby & Shel Badzin
Susie & Jim Simon
Birth of Granddaughter, Rose
Bill Aberman
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Melanie & Vic Greenstein
Roberta & Howard Liszt
Stephen Sinykin
Special Birthday
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Millie & Howard Segal
Deborah Smith
Special Birthday
Lorraine & Sidney
Diane & Richard Smookler
Granddaughter, Beta Katz’s
Bat Mitzvah
Linda & Miles Braufman
Susan & Martin Snow
40th Wedding Anniversary
Carole Davidson
Lynn & Len Snyder
40th Wedding Anniversary
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Jason Sondell
Ann & Neil Covin
Allan Soposnick
Harolyn & Steven Rudoy
Goldie & Martin Sosnick
Jewish Study Network Award
Sharon & Jeffrey Kivens
Sheinman Family
Happy Chanukah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Jack, Livia, Ryan &
William Spiegel
Happy Chanukah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Julie & David Sherman
Birth of Granddaughter, Elsie
Judy & Andy Halper
Spiegel Family
Happy Chanukah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Spiegel/Stancer Family
Happy Chanukah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Cindy & Jon Tarshish
Gabe’s Engagement
Judy & Andy Halper
Lisa Squillace
60th Birthday
Judie & Cary Shaich
Beverly & Irving Thorne
Laura’s Marriage
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Rhonda Stein
In Her Honor
Alyssa & Douglas Epstein
Debbie Toberman
Special Birthday
Geri Serber Sweet &
Jeff Sweet
Sarah Kaplan &
Leon Steinberg
Simon’s College Graduation
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Vicki & Lloyd Stern
A Happy Chanukah
Carole & Martin Kaplan
Barbara Stillman
70th Birthday
Harriet Swatez
Chelle & Marvin Stillman
Granddaughter, Leah’s
Bat Mitzvah
Sybil & Seymour Wilensky
Mindy & Jeff Stillman
25th Wedding Anniversary
Chelle & Marvin Stillman
Liba Stillman
75th Birthday
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Liba & Tom Stillman
A Happy Chanukah
Carole & Martin Kaplan
Tom Stillman
75th Birthday
Janice Levin
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Nancy & Robert Stone
Birth of Great-Grandson, Levi
Marilyn & Howard
Sharon Stulberg
Marilyn & Gary Christensen
Phyllis Sudit
Special Birthday
Harriette & Fred Burstein
Donna Krietzman
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Marilyn & Martin Weisberg
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Jeff Swartz
Special Birthday
Linda & Miles Braufman
Larry Swartz
Helen & Donald Swartz
Betsy & Mayer Tapper
50th Wedding Anniversary
Marian & Osher Altrowitz
Barbara Gaines
Judy Karon
Lisa & Rabbi
Stephen Pinsky
Sharon Tapper
Helen Toretsky
90th Birthday
Beverly & Marvin Aaron
David Feiler
Marissa & David Upin
Judy Dworsky
Erin & Michael Waldman
Birth of Son, Thomas
Mari Forbush
Judi Belzer &
Jerry Waldman
Birth of Grandson, Thomas
Mari Forbush
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Wedding Anniversary
Gloria Jaffe
Devra & Eddie Wasser
Happy Chanukah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Jay Weinblatt
Esta Miller
Joan Weiner
60th Birthday
Melanie & Vic Greenstein
Linda & Jeff Noddle
Linda & Tom Sklar
Joan & Stan Weiner
Marriage of Melissa & Brett
Jane & David Broude
Mimi & Gene Weisman
Wedding Anniversary &
Gene’s Birthday
Cheryl & Jack Perecman
Stephanie & Steve Weitz
Adam’s Bar Mitzvah
Dana Shapiro
Paul Wernick
Barbara & Neal Frank
Judy & Stephen Witebsky
In Their Honor
Suzann & Steven Yussen
Anne & Allen Wolf
Grandson, Charles’
Bar Mitzvah
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Linda & Tom Sklar
Judy & Peter Wolf
50th Wedding Anniversary
Jane & David Broude
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Roberta & Howard Liszt
Abbie Miller
Harold Roitenberg
Jana Rubin
Linda & Tom Sklar
Jim Tankenoff
Larry Wolf
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Peter Wolf
Special Birthday
Abbie Miller
Harold Roitenberg
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Linda & Tom Sklar
Sheila Wolfish
Randi & Barry Wolfish
Ellie & Mark Wolpert
15th Wedding Anniversary
Lisa & Glenn Aronauer
Les Novak
Sandy & Jason Sondell
Harriet Swatez
Jill & Stephen Wolpert
Rhona Shwaid &
Jon Wolpert
Gillian Yanoff
Suzann & Steven Yussen
Stuart Yellen
Special Birthday
Tammy & Carl Birnberg
Rita & Larry Covin
Sandra Scherling &
Louie Inks
Dana & Josh Youman
Bo’s Bar Mitzvah
Carri & Michael Lazarus
Suzann & Steven Yussen
Birth of Granddaughter,
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Lynn & Ron Zamansky
Birth of Grandson,
Noah Franklin
Stacey & David Spencer
Natalie & Drew Zamansky
Birth of Noah Franklin
Stacey & David Spencer
Sue Zelickson
In Her Honor
Molly & Sid Bader
Penny & Mark Ziessman
45th Wedding Anniversary
Arlene & Steven Badiner
Jill Zipkin
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
50th Wedding Anniversary
Lynn & Bernard Abramson
Jane & David Broude
Bobby & Elliot Cohen
Judy Graceman
Jane & Norman Gurstel
Gayle Lightowler
Roberta & Howard Liszt
Linda & Jeff Noddle
Harriett & Harvey Rochlin
Sharon & Joel Waller
Mitzvah Card Tributes
Ricki Butwinick
Nancy Golden
Lori Herman
Jana Rubin
Janet Flam
Marcia Cherniack
Judy & Michael Emmons
Lawrence Zoll
80th Birthday
Neil Feinberg
Marcia Milkis
Phil Oxman &
Harvey Zuckman
Phyllis Chucker
Margie & Michael Earhart
Mari Forbush
Marlee & Howard Kaminsky
Gayle Lightowler
Andrea & Bob Oleisky
Harriet & Stan Phillips
Bruce Zwick
65th Birthday
Melanie & Vic Greenstein
Deborah & Gary Kohler
In Appreciation of:
Joyce Abramson
Idy Garvis
Diane & Richard Cohen
A Great Party & Happy
New Year
Jane & David Broude
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Susan Chalfen &
Dan Silvers
A Lovely Party
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Myrna & Gary Bell
Jane & David Broude
Ricki Butwinick
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Judy & Michael Emmons
Neil Feinberg
Idy & Allan Garvis
Linda & Jeff Noddle
Susan & Richard Proman
Linda & Tom Sklar
Anne & Allen Wolf
Toni Dachis
Party Photos
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Chelle Stillman
A Great Party
Marilyn Marker
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Carl & Tammy Birnberg
Bobby & Elliot Cohen
Margie & Stuart Cohen
Rita & Larry Covin
Dee Dempsey
Karen & Irv Katz
Miriam & Lee Kieffer
Elaine & Howard Kuretsky
Joan Levinsohn
Marcia Levine &
Billy Lipschultz
Myrna Pinto
Tony & Sanford Rahill
Shelley & Howard Reichert
Harriet & Harvey Rochlin
Bonnie Shapiro
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Elaine Siegel
Linda & Tom Sklar
Sharon & Phil Snyder
Chelle & Marvin Stillman
Estelle & Bob Stillman
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Marlys & Elliott Badzin
Linda & Miles Braufman
Cookie & Michael Goldman
Leni Erickson
Generous Soaring Spirit
Sheree Goldblatt
Jake Garber
A Wonderrful Evening
Patricia Kenton & Philip
James Goldfarb
Esther Shanedling
Libby & Buddy Hoffman
Lois & Mitchell Johnson
Shelli Goodman & Bernie
Platt Geri & Jim Sherman
Cecille & Albert Silverman
A Wonderful Party
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Anne & Allen Wolf
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Felice Kronfeld
Judy & Margin Kuretsky
Jeanne & Steven Prawer
Cookie & Michael Goldman
Robin Landy
Susan Hammer
Erin Luxenberg
Sue Nauss & Ron Bearman
Your Concern
Harriet & Stan Phillips
directions • Spring 2014 23
Elizabeth Latts
Lillian & Ben Pilcher
Sharon & Michael
Posnansky Maxine &
Harold Slobof
Carole & Harold Fogel
Frank Abramson
Joyce & David Abramson
Rachel Geretz
Beverly & Marvin Aaron
Melvin Lebewitz
Harriet & Stan Phillips
Charlotte Aizman
Beverly & Marvin Aaron
Barry Gerr
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Sarah & Ben Malakoff
Being Great Bigs!!
Aaron Brown
Marian Altrowitz
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Doris Ginsberg
Anne Dachis
Stephen E. Lieberman
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Susan & Robert Diamond
Myrna Bell
Jane & David Broude
Judy & Michael Emmons
Sherman Gleekel
Carol & Sheldon Segal
James Pesis
Julie & Ash Keenan
Gloria & Jeffrey Murman
Nancy & Kevin Rhein
Jessica Finkle
Max Rosen
Being a Great Big Brother
Shai Brown
Cynthia Rosenblatt Ross
Including Us in New Year
Judy & Michael Emmons
Loreen Silverman
Harriet & Stan Phillips
Dan Berdass
Lorraine & Sidney
Patti & Tom Badiner
Marilyn & Richard Chern
Lisa & Igor Furman
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Bernice Heiligman
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Lisa & Bruce Peilen
Cheryl & Jack Perecman
Gayle & James Rapoport
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Renee & Mike Selnick
Pennie Shapiro
Suzi & Michael Stanley
Susan Chalfen &
Dan Silvers
A Great Party & Happy
New Year
Jane & David Broude
Jody Bohrod
Marilyn & Richard Chern
Gloria & jeffrey Murman
Susan Chalfen &
Dan Silvers
Wonderful Hospitality
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Conrad Butwinick
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Linda & Miles Braufman
Margie & Stuart Cohen
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Dee Dempsey
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Jim Tankenoff
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Diane & Jon Rappaport
Anne & Allen Wolf
Judy & Peter Wolf
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Judi Belzer & Jerry Waldman
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
A Wonderful Evening
Elaine Burton
Julie Engle
Patty Gadberry
Nancy Garber
Sue Garnett
Diane Goldenberg
Karen Hoffman
Gloria Murman
Karen Rubin
Doe Schlaifer
Norma Shpayher
Sarene Silver
Suzie Singer
Suzann Yussen
Making Hag Sameach a Success
Joanne Savitt
A Speedy
Recovery to:
Carolyn Aberman
Bill Aberman
Bernard Borkon
Sandy & Allen Harris
Lisa Caplan
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Rod Cooperman
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Andrew Davis
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Kathy Diamond
Barbara & Neal Frank
Sylvia Field
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Evelyn Flom
Linda & Miles Braufman
Evelyn & Harold Wolovitch
Sharie Frank
Sharon & Marvin Resnick
Miriam Freidson
Gloria & Jeffrey Murman
Karen & Russ Rubin
Lisa Furman
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Karen & Russ Rubin
Renee & Mike Selnick
Linda Sklar
Marly Goldberg
Nancy Calvin
Marvin Goldstein
Jane & David Broude
Phyllis Goldstein
Molly Grossman
Nancy J. Gordon
Paula & Arvin Cohen
Beatrice Cowle
Jon Harris
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Kerry & Scott Bader
Sandra & Louis Bennett
Linda & Miles Braufman
Susan & Robert Diamond
Lisa & Gary Greenberg
Jim Tankenoff
Al Haveson
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Bernard Herman
Betty & Jerry Greenstein
Roberta Hoffman
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Mildred Ingber
Linda & Paul Benenson
Bobbie & Alan Miller
Michael Kadin
Harolyn & Steven Rudoy
Jay Kamin
Rita Shear
Elliot Kaplan
Susan & Robert Diamond
Abe Kern
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Mark Kieffer
Sue Garnett
Gloria & Jeffrey Murman
Sharon Kieffer
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Hess Kline
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Margo Berdass
Gloria Jaffe
Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz
Sharon & Jerry Trestman
Merrill Kuller
Lorraine & Sidney
Sidney Ladin
Nancy Toberman
24 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Nancy Malmon
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Nancy Strauss
Sharon Mangine
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Rita Margolis
Sybil Rubin
Lori Marks
Simie & Al Kaye
Florie Marvy
Gayle & James Rapoport
Ellen Nelson
Myrna & Gary Bell
Dasha Mogilyansky
Timmie Rosen
Louis Newman
Mari Forbush
Joan Noun
Cindy & Donald Brown
Alice Okrent
Karen & Russ Rubin
Tessy Oxman
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Robin Perlman
Renee & Mike Selnick
Ann Phillips
Gail Mirviss Berman
Harriet Phillips
Judy Karon
Debra Savitt
Linda & Tom Sklar
Marilyn & Martin Weisberg
Margaret Pistner
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Sharon Posnansky
Roberta & Bob Sigel
Steven Prawer
Carol & Robert Mayeron
Lee Resnick
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Sue Ring
Lorraine & Sidney
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Donna Krietzman
Elaine & Leon Lerner
Ellen Mack & Tom Bates
Mike Salloway
Sharon & Jerry Trestman
Cheri Rolnick
Barbara & Neal Frank
Mimi Sanders
Marlene & Aaron Gimpel
Nancy Schachtman
Kerry & Scott Bader
Judy & Bruce Barnett
Linda & Miles Braufman
Mildred Ingber
Jim Tankenoff
Steve Schachtman
Molly & Sid Bader
Stuart Bader
Linda & Paul Benenson
Lilly & Hersh Berman
Linda & Miles Braufman
Todd Braufman
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Patti & Michael Colich
Ann & Neil Covin
Susan & Robert Diamond
Janet & Darryl Flam
Lisa & Igor Furman
Rivi & Michael Galinson
Bernice Heiligman
Evie & Alan Ingber
Mildred Ingber
Marion & Steven Kahn
Rita & Ron Kelner
Deborah & Gary Kohler
Paula & Robert Maisel
Susan & Richard Proman
Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Vicki & Dennis Rivas
Joyce Rubin
Sandra & Jeffrey Rudoy
Carol & Alan Shapiro
Barbara & Lloyd Sigel
Linda & Tom Sklar
Liba & Tom Stillman
Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Jim Tankenoff
Sharon & Jerry Trestman
Eveline Tysk
Barbara & Bob Weinstine
Karen & Alan Winner
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Barbara & Larry Zweigbaum
Essie Scheinberg
Molly Grossman
Bobbi Schribman
Margery & Stuart Pihlstrom
Robin Seiler
Karen & Irving Katz
Harold Shapiro
Anita & Marvin Greenstein
Pennie Shapiro
Eloise & Elliot Kaplan
David Sherman
Adeline Gould
Judy & Andy Halper
Zel Shrell
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Howard Silvers
Linda & Miles Braufman
Elaine Simon
Marilyn Feder
Sandy & Ron Glassman
Anita & Marvin Greenstein
Simie & Al Kaye
Marilyn & Harold Trestman
Marilyn Smith
Lorraine & Sidney
Rita Soltan
Ruth & Irv Schloff
George Stern
Jan Saffron-Johnson & Tom
Sharon Stulberg
Dorothy & William Sipkins
Michael Swatez
Sandy & Allen Harris
Carri & Michael Lazarus
Jim Tankenoff
Linda & Miles Braufman
Cindy & Doug Kanter
Mary & Bob Mersky
Barry Taran
Carole Davidson
Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Nancy Tatge
Rita & Ron Kelner
Sharon Trestman
Linda & Miles Braufman
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Sylvia Field
Anita & Marvin Greenstein
Dorothy Herman
Lois Liss
Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz
Roslyn Rubenstein
Linda & Max Rutman
Marilyn & Harold Trestman
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Evelyn Weiss
Molly Grossman
Ruth & Irv Schloff
Rivelle White
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Arthur Wiss
Gail Finney
Sandy & James Goodman
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Sandi & Nate Rosenbaum
Suzi & Michael Stanley
Randee & Sam Wolfson
Edie Zidel
Joey & Jerry Laurie
Alan Miller
Suzanne &
Everett Weinstein
Bonnie Ziskin
Heather & Kevin Besikof
Linda & Miles Braufman
Carole Davidson
Janet & Darryl Flam
Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz
Linda & Tom Sklar
Buddy Baum
Shirley Korengold
In Memory of:
Sidney “Sid” Bearman
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Lou Ann Bongard
Irene & James Cooperman
Jill Ann Marks
Pennie Shapiro
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
We note the following 4
individuals who passed away
between Aug. 1 and Nov. 30,
2013. We thank their families
for thoughtfully designating
JFCS for their memorials. It
is a beautiful tribute to those
who passed and a fitting
way to ensure their legacy
will continue to enhance
the lives of many others in
the community. May their
memories always be for a
Sidney Bearman
Stephen Frank
Dorothy Schanfield
Sally Winer
John Abrahams
Susan Nudell Kalin
Jean Nudell
Inez “Inie” Abrams
Linda & Miles Braufman
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Idy & Allan Garvis
Roberta & Howard Liszt
Louise & Bruce Moss
Lisa & Bruce Peilen
Bonnie Sell
Jeanne Silverman
Linda & Tom Sklar
Rollie Ackerman
Jane & Steve Benowitz
Rita & Ron Kelner
Judy & Stephen Witebsky
Frank N. Altman
Reesa & Steve Kleineman
Maxine Applebaum
Molly & Sid Bader
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Mimi & Sherman Gleekel
Cindy & Doug Kanter
Andrea & James Rovner
Barbara & Lloyd Sigel
Seymour Berkowitz
Joan & Bob Levine
Larry Bitkower
Harriet & Alan Sherman
Pearl Bix
Linda & Miles Braufman
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Susan & Richard Proman
Bonnie Sell
Linda & Tom Sklar
Susan Bloom’s Sister, Sandy
Eileen & James Gantman
Joseph Brochin
Marilyn & Tim Broms
Sheree Goldblatt
Janice & Jerry Gould
Diana Idelkope
Evie & Alan Ingber
Roz & Fred Kaplan
Ruth King-Smith
Jack E. Leibman
Janice Levin
Frances Nemet
Demmie &
William Rosenberg
Sybil Rubin
Sheryl & Randy Rutzick
Bethaviva Cohen &
Harry Silver
Georganne & Arnold Savitt
Richard “Dick” Brown
Margery & Stuart Pihlstrom
Milton Caplan
Gail & Seymour Glatzer
Dianne Cooperman
Elaine & Charles Abramson
William Dunning
Roz & Fred Kaplan
Chester Bahr
Paula & Arvin Cohen
Linda Cronen
Linda & Miles Braufman
Chayim Barton
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Raul Cuellar’s Father
& Brother
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Sue Bass
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Diane & Richard Cohen
Julie & Allen Engle
Bonnie & Lester Goldblatt
Audrey Halpern
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Carri & Michael Lazarus
Debra & Gregg Savitt
Rita Shear
Betty Bates
Jan Saffron-Johnson &
Tom Johnson
Blanche Davis
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Edith Davis
Lionel Davis
Ruth Simon Dettering
Sari & Jeff Axelrod
Ed Devitt
Lorraine & Sidney
Mitzvah Card Tributes
Rae Divine
Abby & Shel Badzin
Marilyn & Ralph Shapiro
Andy Engebretson
Sheree Goldblatt
Edna Engelson
Reva & Alan Greenberg
Diana Ensign
Barbara & Neal Frank
Yin & Scott Simpson
Sandy Feldblum
Lorraine & Sidney
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Rose & Jules Levin
Harriet Swatez
Jim Tankenoff
Aaron Feuer
Corrine Goldsmith
Susan & Bill Schmidt
Robin & Henry Stein
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Joyce Field’s Sister
Nancy Strauss
Dick Fine
Mitzi Diamond
Helen “Pouka” Finkelstein
Carole Davidson
Bernice Heiligman
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Freda Finn
Sandra & Louis Bennett
Melanie & Vic Greenstein
Esther Kaufman
Haskel Fishman
Linda & Paul Benenson
Karen & Morris Davidman
Mari Forbush
Rhonda Stein &
Stuart Goldenberg
Adeline Gould
Judy & Andy Halper
Cindy & Doug Kanter
Elaine & Peter Levy
Louise & Bruce Moss
Lynn & Justin Perl
Shirley & Harlan Resnick
Gail & Bill Ribnick
Karen & Russ Rubin
Sheryl & Randy Rutzick
Debra & Gregg Savitt
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Joyce & Mike Shapiro
Marilyn & Ralph Shapiro
Randee & Sam Wolfson
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Stephen Frank
Ben Badiner
Jane & Steve Benowitz
Audrey Freidson
Jane & Steve Benowitz
Lilly & Hersh Berman
Melanie & Vic Greenstein
Rose & Jules Levin
Teri & Barry Zoss
Allan Freund
Joey & Jerry Laurie
Bobbi & Larry
Friedman’s Uncle
Freda & Kent Confeld
Edward Fritzker
Jack E. Leibman
Harvey Fishman
Beverly & Marvin Aaron
George Flashner
Janice Levin
Charlotte & Richard Berman
Fran & Marvin Burstein
Debra & Ed Chesen
Kathy & Gary Diamond
Barbara & Neal Frank
Debbie & Rachel Frank
Nancy & David Goldstein
Jacy & Jason Grais
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Crickie & Richard Klegon
Joey & Jerry Laurie
Paula & Robert Maisel
Gloria & Jeffrey Murman
Beatrice & Melvin Orenstein
Jeanne & Steven Prawer
Debra & Michael Pysno
Sharon & Marvin Resnick
Rollie & Martin Rosen
Marilyn Rovner
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Stylecraft Home
Collection, Inc.
Judi Belzer & Jerry Waldman
Lyle Garon
Alvin Apple
Lou Ann Bongard
Lorraine & Sherman Garon
Elaine German
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Diana Idelkope
Bette & Louis Kotlarz
Sandra & David Marrinson
Esther Shanedling
Rona Sher
Judy & Michael Sigelman
Eloise Gershone
Margie & Michael Earhart
Mari Forbush
Diane & Louis Goldenberg
Sandy & Allen Harris
Ann Hunegs
Diana Idelkope
Janet Jaffe
JFCS Hag Sameach
Simie & Al Kaye
Rita & Ron Kelner
Tova & Mike Koren
Michelle & Darren Lepouce
Elaine & Peter Levy
Sandra & David Marrinson
Gloria & Jeffrey Murman
directions • Spring 2014 25
Eloise Gershone
Sharon & Michael
Gail & Bill Ribnick
Sheryl & Randy Rutzick
Annette Walder
Zelda Rae Walder
Florrie Gerstenhaber
Jill & Stephen Wolpert
Leigh Gillman
Marlene & Sandy Goldberg
Ted Ginsburg
Natalie Ginsburg
Jill & Wayne Palmeter
Gene Glick
Melissa & Daniel Segal
Yetta Goldenberg
Kerry & Scott Bader
Molly & Sid Bader
Stuart Bader
Linda & Paul Benenson
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Brina & Milton Krelitz
Donna Krietzman
Sandy & Art Lavintman
Louise & Bruce Moss
Rosalie & Dean Rosoff
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Alice Goldman
Eleanor & Bernard Borkon
Arnold Goldman
Roz & David Schwartzman
Sheldon Goldman
Linda & Miles Braufman
Byron Goldstein
Rita & Ron Kelner
Cooky & Russell Walzer
Nathan Goldstone
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Sidney Goodman
Sheri & Steve Abrams
Lorraine & Sidney
Kerry & Scott Bader
Barbara & Ronald Harris
Susan & Cliff Lake
Susan Chalfen & Dan Silvers
Jim Tankenoff
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Barbara & Bob Weinstine
Bonnie & Alan Ziskin
Paul Gould
Linda & Max Rutman
Avi Gross
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Joel Grossman
Marilyn & Stan Rakieten
Rolee Halper
Lorraine & Sidney
Lois & Walter Baum
Dana Rubin
Jeanne Silverman
Arline Harris
Leonard Lichtblau
Rhoda Hellman
Melanie & Vic Greenstein
Morris Hoffman
Molly & Sid Bader
Gail & Frank Berman
Marilyn Feder
Mari Forbush
Adeline Gould
Molly Grossman
Rose & Jules Levin
Gerri & Stan Maisel
Andrea & Bob Oleisky
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Joyce & Martin Orbuch
Lisa & Bruce Peilen
Sandra Salsberg
Georganne & Arnold Savitt
Ruth & Irv Schloff
Westwood Foot Clinic
David Honigstock
Charlotte & Richard Berman
Alyce Horwitz
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Sandy & Allen Harris
Lois Liss
Sally & Sheldon Masnek
Sybil Rubin
Ruth & Irv Schloff
Zelda Rae & Annette Walder
Ken Israel
Ben Badiner
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Manuel Jaffe
Dolores & Ralph Barnett
Debi & Phillip Becker
Diane & Dennis Peterson
Thomas Schmelz
Al Kagin
Harold Engler
Ella Mogilevsky
Ruth Kantor
Andrea & Bob Oleisky
Arnold Kaplan
Karen & Irving Katz
Evelyn Kaplan
Sura-Fraida & Arnie Blatt
Fran & Marvin Burstein
Harriette & Fred Burstein
Karen & Morris Davidman
Margie & Michael Earhart
Sharie & Jerry Frank
Linda Gilfix
Marlene & Sandy Goldberg
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Pamela Wolfe &
Gerald Honigstock
Vicki & Thomas Hurwitz
Suzanne & Harvey Kaplan
Joey & Jerry Laurie
Paula & Robert Maisel
Andrea & Bob Oleisky
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Susan & Richard Proman
Joellen & Mark Roseman
Loreen & Perry Silverman
Liba & Tom Stillman
Barbara & Todd Striker
Sharon Trilling
Ann & Neil Wasserman
Joan & Sheldon Weinstein
Betty Winston
Lisa & David Wolfe
Lynn & Henry Wolfe
Mickey Kaplan
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Vivian Kaye
Simie & Al Kaye
Valda Kaye’s Mother
Paula & Robert Maisel
Ceil Kieffer
Kerry & Scott Bader
Molly & Sid Bader
Stuart Bader
Karen & Irving Katz
Sarah & Ross Shaich
Diane & Russell Walzer
Marion Kiener’s Sister
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Nancy Kirsch
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Marjorie Kline
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Joanne Ferraro &
Bob Beugen
Diane & Richard Cohen
Paula & Arvin Cohen
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Barbara & Neal Frank
Idy & Allan Garvis
Marlene & Sandy Goldberg
Anita & Marvin Greenstein
Carole & Martin Kaplan
Karen & Irving Katz
Toby & Manny Kohen
Lois & Marty Kozberg
Faye & Stephen Krupp
Joanie Levinsohn
Mildred Miller
Lisa & Bruce Peilen
Margery & Stuart Pihlstrom
Harriett & Harvey Rochlin
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Millie & Howard Segal
Joyce & Mike Shapiro
Hilarie & Norman Stein
Chelle & Marvin Stillman
Liba & Tom Stillman
Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Marilyn Wert
Ned Krahl
Rona Sher
Natalie Krasner
Lois Liss
Randee & Sam Wolfson
Norman Kraus
Fran & Dave Bayer
Esther & Solly Capua
Terri & Steve Coopersmith
Karen & Morris Davidman
Sue & Troy DeLuca
Sherri & Larry Feuer
26 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Lynn & Alan Goldbloom
Marcia Cohodes &
David Goldsteen
Judy & Andy Halper
Marion & Steven Kahn
Joan & Bob Levine
Amy Litman
Betsy & Eduard Michel
Nancy & Kevin Rhein
Layne Harris-Rosen &
Dave Rosen
Debra & Gregg Savitt
Alice & Steve Schultz
Laurie & Greg Swiler
Betty Winston
Randi & Barry Wolfish
Sheila Wolfish
Merrill Kuller
Linda & Miles Braufman
Myron “Mike” Kunin
Audrey Halpern
Virginia & Sam Sarat
Maxine & Charles Lange
Mari Forbush
Felix Lasky
Darlene & Nathan Schwartz
Eva & Robert Launer
Cynthia Launer
Edith Lazarus
Shirley Korengold
Morton Lazor
Jodi Shamblott Jesser &
Kevin Jesser
Shelly Shamblott
Beth Lehrman
Wendy & Wayne Salita
Sylvia Levitov
Paula Maisel
Ethel Levitt
Joanne Ferraro &
Bob Beugen
Idy & Allan Garvis
Bernice & Percy Greenberg
Janice Levin
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Cheryl & Jack Perecman
Ruth Loewenson
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Frances Nemet
Brent Longtin’s Father
Rita & Ron Kelner
Lois Lurie
Beverly & Marvin Aaron
Linda & Paul Benenson
Susan & Richard Proman
Geri Serber Sweet &
Jeff Sweet
Julie & Brian Weisberg
Bonnie & Alan Ziskin
Jesse Lusk
Melanie & Vic Greenstein
Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Andrea Mannis
Barbara & Bradley Herman
Lillian Margolis
Lois & Walter Baum
Jeanne & Steven Prawer
Rita Margolis
Melissa & Daniel Segal
Ruth Margulies
Jane & Steve Benowitz
Helen & Jon Liss
Jami Alanna Marks
Sherri & Larry Feuer
Roland Medansky
Karen & Irving Katz
Rose Meltzer
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Gayle & James Rapoport
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Harriet Swatez
Barry Meyer
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Chuck Miller
Margie & Michael Marks
Patricia & Marvin Silverman
Bernice Mills
Sandra & David Marrinson
Esther Shanedling
Carolyn Lieberman
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Ruth Mogol
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Elaine “Chick” Lieberman
Harriet Davis
Bonnie & Lester Goldblatt
Anita & Marvin Greenstein
Lynn & Justin Perl
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Westwood Foot Clinic
Martin “Marty” Moldo
Marilyn & Tim Broms
Amy & Brad Kanter
Rita & Ron Kelner
Lisa & Erving London
Andrea & Bob Oleisky
Judy & Stephen Witebsky
Harvey Liefman
Sally & Sheldon Masnek
Linda & Max Rutman
Ben Muryen
Cheryl & Jack Perecman
Todd Lifson’s Mother
Amy & David Mastbaum
Fred Nassauer
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Harriet & Arthur Wiss
Joel Locketz
David Bardin
Joan Neren
Millie & Howard Segal
Harold Niefeld
Neil Naftalin
Shirley Novich
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Ruth Ostrow
Melanie & Chuck Barry
Linda & Miles Braufman
Margie & Stuart Cohen
Judy & Michael Emmons
Idy & Allan Garvis
Diana Idelkope
Karen & Irving Katz
Gayle Lightowler
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Shelly & Howard Reichert
Harriett & Harvey Rochlin
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Millie & Howard Segal
Eileen & Jeff Silver
Susan Chalfen & Dan Silvers
Linda & Tom Sklar
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Sharon & Joel Waller
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Deanie & Franklin
Pass’ Mother
Susan & Robert Diamond
Celia Paster
Lorraine & Sidney
Kerry & Scott Bader
Carlyn & Paul Blum
Linda & Miles Braufman
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Diane & Richard Cohen
Paula & Arvin Cohen
Judy & Michael Emmons
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Louise & Bruce Moss
Abbie Miller
Harold Roitenberg
Susan Chalfen & Dan Silvers
Jim Tankenoff
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Dana Beth &
David Weisman
Bonnie & Alan Ziskin
Peter Patton
Barbara & Neal Frank
Sara Pieser
Jodi Shamblott Jesser &
Kevin Jesser
Shelly Shamblott
Gerry Plener
Roberta & Fred Kravitz
Edward Pritzker
Merilyn & Bill Abrams
Lorraine & Sidney
Susan & Robert Diamond
Michael Resnick
Cookie & Charles Abramson
Sandra & Louis Bennett
Nancy Calvin
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Betty & Jerry Greenstein
Audrey Resig
George Robinson
Heidi & Howard Gilbert
Sandra & David Marrinson
Ruth & Irv Schloff
Esther Shanedling
Gerald “Jerry” Robitz
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Marian Kiener
Mia & Raul Posada
Shirley Swerdlick
Doris Rosen
Kerry & Scott Bader
Ben Badiner
Hallie & Barry Bershow
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Freda & Kent Confeld
Lois Liss
Sylvia B. Walzer
Jill Rotman
Sheila & Stephen Lieberman
Roger Royce
Robin & Bryan Landy
Sarah Rozman
Bonnie Sell
Eleanor Rubin
Arlene & Steven Badiner
Ben Badiner
Jane & Steve Benowitz
Carole Davidson
Linda & Les Fieldman
Barbara & Neal Frank
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Mildred Ingber
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Roz & Fred Kaplan
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Cooky & Russell Walzer
Dr. Manly Rubin
Rhonda & Harry Rubin
Amy Sabrina
Joanne & Howard Weiner
Ormond Sacks
Nancy Calvin
Margaret Macneale &
Gary Cohen
Sheryl Cohen & Dan Fink
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Sandy & Allen Harris
Rita & Ron Kelner
Audrey Resig
Shirley & Harlan Resnick
Karen & Russ Rubin
Sheryl & Randy Rutzick
Sybil & Seymour Wilensky
Judy & Stephen Witebsky
Sharon Sacks’s Pets,
Shayna & Tova
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Yvonne Saks
Harold Saks
Sally Salloway
Mike Salloway
Dorothy Schanfield
Freda & Kent Confeld
Margie & Mitchell Fink
Rabbi Sylvan &
Rhoda Kamens
Delores Kelber
Vicki Schraber &
Larry Leventhal
Paula & Robert Maisel
Polly & Michael Saxon
Nan Shaw
Karyl Vincent
Phil Oxman &
Harvey Zuckman
Harriet Scheftel
Rita Nathanson
Millie & Howard Segal
Lois Schenfeld
Anne Dachis
Lory & Randall Herman
Dori & Herb Weisman
Julius Schreiber
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Connie Berman
Idy & Allan Garvis
Judy Graceman
Susan & Richard Proman
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Bernard Schultz
Sherri & Larry Feuer
Billie Schwartz’s Mother,
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Harold Segal
Beverly & Marvin Aaron
Eileen & Alvin Badiner
Harriet & Stan Phillips
Stanley Segal
Lois & Sheldon Epstein
Jean Sekt
Louise & Jerry Rotman
Bernie Shamblott
Jodi Shamblott Jesser &
Kevin Jesser
Shelly Shamblott
Sheldon Shanken
Ruth Hollischer
Elliot Shapero
Dana Beth &
David Weisman
Robert Shapiro
Cindy & Joel Shapiro
Twin Cities Jewish
Tennis Association
Ronni Joye Sherman
Joyce & David Abramson
Lorraine & Sidney
Barbara & Tom Carlstrom
Kathy & Gary Diamond
Cindy & Bruce Idelkope
Millie & Howard Segal
Andi Sherwin
Sherri & Larry Feuer
Sarah Shields
Jay Applebaum
Lorraine & Sidney
Patti & Tom Badiner
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Patti & Michael Colich
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Jeana Ferguson
Judy & Andy Halper
Jackie Harris
Mildred Ingber
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Sheldon Klugman
Nancy & Marc Rosenberg
Ellen & Jay Saffron
Betsy & James Schwartz
Pennie Shapiro
Harriet Swatez
Sharon & Jerry Trestman
Diane & Russell Walzer
Gertrude “Gert” Shiller
Nancy Calvin
Esther & Ed Firestone
Faye Miller
Louise & Bruce Moss
Barbara Masler &
David Perlman
Cooky & Russell Walzer
Deera Tychman
Shirley Baratz
Irene & James Cooperman
Jean Efron
Marlene & Sandy Goldberg
Melanie & Vic Greenstein
Riva Gruenberg
Rita & Ron Kelner
Nettie & Ben Kramer
Lil Raen
Karen & Russ Rubin
Sybil Rubin
Harriet Swatez
Fred Walder
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Marsha & Stan Finkelstein
Eileen & Michael Kopman
Toodie & Frank Trestman
Leon Weiner
Annette Walder
Zelda Rae Walder
Shirley Sigler
Wendy & Steve Simenson
Larry Sirott
Harriette & Fred Burstein
Josephine Solomon
Bess & Samuel Harris
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Merrian Spiegal
Lilly & Hersh Berman
Barbara Spiegler
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Marvin Spokane
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Marilyn Springer’s Father
Lee Feinstein
Cathy & Jeff Molever
Stan Starkman
Rose & Jules Levin
Hays Steinberg’s Father
Charlotte & Richard Berman
Robert Strauss
Hilarie & Norman Stein
Mark Strimling
Bonnie & Lester Goldblatt
Dalia Katz
Neal Tilsner
Linda & Paul Benenson
Marilyn & Tim Broms
Barbara & Bob Weinstine
Ken Tilson
Rona Sher
Elinor & Michael
Weiner’s Mother
Roz & Fred Kaplan
Arthur Showyer
Louise & Jerry Rotman
Ken Tilsen
Judith & Bevan Marvy
Mitzvah Card Tributes
Kathie Williams
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Mitzi Diamond
Heidi & Howard Gilbert
Anita & Marvin Greenstein
Audrey Halpern
Cindy & Bruce Idelkope
Gayle Lightowler
Shirley & Burt Politz
Shirley & Harlan Resnick
Sandra & James Segal
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Sharon Stulberg
Joanne & Howard Weiner
Sally Winer
Joyce & David Abramson
Patti & Bob Aisner
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Kerry & Scott Bader
Stuart Bader
Amy & Stan Baratz
Shirley Baratz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Barnhill, Jr.
Melanie & Chuck Barry
Diana & Bradley Behringer
Myrna & Gary Bell
Paula & Don Bernstein
Bonnie & Allan Beugen
Carlyn & Paul Blum
Ardis & Fred Blumenthal
Shussie & Allen Blumenthal
Linda & Miles Braufman
Jill & Kevin Brazner
Jane & David Broude
Marcia & Jack Brown
Barbara & Tom Carlstrom
Connie & Butch Clayman
Peggy & Billy Cohn
directions • Spring 2014 27
Sally Winer (Continued)
Rita & Larry Covin
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Dee Dempsey
Mitzi Diamond
Susan & Robert Diamond
Trent Eisenberg
Judy & Michael Emmons
Carol & Mark Epstein
Julie & David Ezrilov
Julie & Steve Friedman
Idy & Allan Garvis
Rosalind & Loren Geller
Debra & Mitchell Gensler
Mimi & Sherman Gleekel
Patty & Dennis Goeders
Judy & Herb Goldenberg
Rhonda Stein &
Stuart Goldenberg
Susan & Bill Goldenberg
Harriet & Marvin Goldstein
Bari & Avron Gordon
Gray Plant Mooty
Melanie & Vic Greenstein
Judy & Andy Halper
Janice Hope
Rosanne & Bruce Howard
Ann Hunegs
Jeanne & Stan Kagin
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Carole & Martin Kaplan
Susi Saxl & Robert Kramer
Ronald Krank
Margie & Steve Krause
Joey & Jerry Laurie
Sandy & Art Lavintman
Jon Lebewitz
Kathy Lebewitz
Joanie Levinsohn
Sheila & Stephen Lieberman
Jane & Todd Lifson
Vicki & Howard Londer
Julie & Scott London
Lurie, Besikof, Lapidus
and Co., LLP
Martin Marks
John Martin
Ruth Meany
Kay & Bruce Melemed
Minneapolis Portfolio
Management Group
Bunny Mitchell
Louise & Bruce Moss
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Esther & Jim Paletz
Lisa & Bruce Peilen
Margery & Stuart Pihlstrom
Patricia Kenton &
Philip Politz
Shirley & Burt Politz
Susan & Gary Rappaport
Andrea & Fred Rose
Marsha McDonald &
Amos Rosenbloom
L. J. Rotman
Elaine & Harold Rubin
Linda & Max Rutman
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Nancy & Steve Schachtman
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Stefanie & Marvin Segal
Artice & Morton Silverman
Susan Chalfen & Dan Silvers
Betsy & Steve Sitkoff
Linda & Tom Sklar
Eddie & Jo Allison Smith
Sharon & Phil Snyder
Debbie & Craig Spencer
Liba & Tom Stillman
Phyllis Sudit
Toodie & Frank Trestman
Heidi Wilensky
Sybil & Seymour Wilensky
Fremajane & Blair Wolfson
Kathy & Howard Zack
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Phil Oxman &
Harvey Zuckman
Michael Winston
Abby & Shel Badzin
Linda & Paul Benenson
Nancy Calvin
Carol & Mark Epstein
Nancy & Rick Grobovsky
Burton Neff
Esther & Harvey
Winthrop’s Granddaughter
Lois & Walter Baum
William Wiss
Harriet & Arthur Wiss
Judy Wolson
Carol & David Rosenblatt
Janet Yulman
Arlene & Steven Badiner
Debra & Ed Chesen
Nancy & Marshall Golden
Melanie & Vic Greenstein
Deborah & Gary Kohler
Jill Ann Marks
Linda & Ron Mash
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Nancy & Steve Schachtman
In-kind Gifts:
Thank you to our generous
donors who provided JFCS
with non-cash items and
opportunities for our clients
between Aug. 1 and Nov. 30,
Joyce & David Abramson
Susan & Robert Diamond
Thomas Edelstein
Jane & Norman Gurstel
Anne & Bruce Hope
Linda & Scott Ketover
Sarah & Ben Malakoff
Jill & Jeff Mirviss
Jerri Ann Meshbesher &
Steve Perlman
Joanne & Doug Savitt
Jim Tankenoff
Judi Belzer &
Jerry Waldman
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Mira Zabezhinsky
Jody & Fred Rappaport
Honor someone while supporting JFCS.
Help fortify JFCS today and for the future.
Go to,
click on “Donate,” then
“Mitzvah Tribute Cards” and
“Click Here to Send a Card.”
Upon receipt of your
onation, a beautiful card d
will be sent to the recipient.
Go to and
click on “Donate” at the
top of your screen.
Scroll to “General Contributions.”
“Click Here to Donate Now,” then enter
the information requested.
For more information, contact the Mitzvah Hotline:
28 Jewish Family and Children’s
Service of Minneapolis
JFCS Endowment Funds
Providing support annually and for the future
Bill and Bailee Aberman Family
Fund for the hearing impaired and
for use as needed for client services
David and Joyce Abramson Family
Camp Scholarship Fund for
children and youth who, without such
scholarships, would be unlikely to
have a camp experience
*Anonymous Fund to support the
Twin Cities Jewish Healing Program
Bob and Sharon Ansel Fund to
support services for senior citizens
Darrell and Loni Ansel Family Fund
to support programs and services
for children
Donna and Alvin Apple Family
Fund for use where most needed
Lorraine and Sidney Applebaum
Family Fund for use where most
Molly and Sid Bader Family Fund
for children with special needs
Anita and Ben Badiner Family Fund
for use where most needed
Bernard and Fern Badzin Fund for
use where most needed
Barry K. Baines, M.D. Twin Cities
Jewish Healing Program Fund
to support the Twin Cities Jewish
Healing Program
Charlotte and Richard Berman
Family Fund for use where most
Joanne Ferraro and Robert Beugen
Fund to provide cultural scholarships
to encourage young people with
special interests
Sheri and Les Biller Family Fund for
émigré educational scholarships and
general programming
Birger/Goldenberg Family Fund for
use where most needed
Linda and Miles Braufman Family
Fund to support older adult services
to include assisted transportation,
respite care or where most needed
Ghita Davis Brody “Dare to Dream”
Healing Get-Away Fund to help
children who are ill, and their families,
with recreational and cultural needs
*Elaine Budd Special Family Life
Education Fund
Caring for Our Children Fund
to support programs and services
to children with autism spectrum
disorders and other disabilities
Chalfen Family Fund for use where
most needed
Sarah and Ida Chapman Camp
Scholarship Fund
Margie and Michael Baker Fund
to provide scholarships for
guidance counseling
Stuart A. Chazin Young Adult
Outreach Fund
Marilyn and Larry Barenbaum
Family Fund for older adults
and children
Joe and Fredell Cohen Family Fund
for use where most needed
Barbush/Bartram Fund for use
where most needed
Alex, Ben and Jacob Barry Children’s
Fund for services to children
Michael and Etta Barry Family Fund
for use where most needed
Bass/Weinblatt Family Fund to
support family programming
Irving and Deane Bassin Senior
Assistance Fund to support programs
and services for older adults
Ralph and Charlotte Bearman
Family Fund to support services
for older adults and for vocational
Barbara D. and Lee Bearmon Fund
to support programs and services to
children with special needs
Belzer Family Fund for children and
older adults
Jane and Steve Benowitz Fund
for assistance with medical and
dental needs
Fred and Margo Berdass Family
Fund to support services to those
in need
Arvin Cohen Hustle Athletic Fund
to support children and youth to
participate in athletic activities
Laura Leiderman Cohen Fund to
support the Twin Cities Jewish Healing
Program and programs for people
with disabilities
Edythe and Haskell Cohodes
Special Needs Inclusion Fund to
provide staff and resources to children
with special needs
Judy and Rod Cooperman Family
Fund for use where most needed
Stan Cowle Memorial Fund to support
programs and services for older adults
Leo and Yetta Cram Maintenance
Minyan Fund to provide household
maintenance services to older adults and
people with disabilities
Dachis Family Fund for services to
children or where most needed
Davidman Family Fund to support
education and children’s needs
Stephen J. Davidson Technology
Fund to support the services
JFCS provides
Ruth Davis Fund to support athletic
opportunities for youth
Deikel Family Fund for Mental Health
Support Services (MHSS) and the
ACT Program
Mike and Mitzi Diamond Fund for
use where most needed
Robert and Susan Diamond
Emergency Financial Assistance Fund
Rita and Harold Divine Fund for use
where most needed
*Markus and Sabina Gapany
Prescription Drug Fund for the
elderly to help with the cost of
prescription drugs
Ida and Bernard Gingold Fund for
use where most needed
Roy Ginsburg Fund to support
L’Chaim Senior Services
Domestic Abuse Fund to provide
prevention education and training
Greg, Tom, and Elliot Glaser-Leder
Fund for expenses associated with
adoption and child welfare
Elliott S. Dubinsky Fund to support
the ACT Program
Leah Golberstein Family Fund
for the Twin Cities Jewish
Healing Program
Caron H. Dubinsky Fund to
provide assistance to single parents
and financially-challenged families
with school-related costs for Jewish
Lillian Dubinsky-WishnickMuscovitz/Muriel Dubinsky Fund
to assist with educational costs for
youth with disabilities
Doris and Mischa Dworsky Fund for
emergency financial assistance
Michael Engel Memorial Fund for
use where most needed
Michael Engler Children’s Fund
to support programs and services
for children
Mark and Carol Epstein Family
Fund to provide support to children
with special needs
Vivian and Bob Ezrilov Fund to
support services to children
Francine and Neil Feinberg
Healing Fund
Joan and Arnold Feinberg Fund for
use where most needed
David and Dorothy Glickson Senior
Transportation Fund
to support transportation services for
older adults
Gold Family Children’s Fund to
provide services to children
Richard H. Goldblatt Healing Fund
for use where most needed
Cindi and Harold Goldfine Fund
to support the JFCS Annual Benefit
Dessert Reception
Sylvia and Arnold Goldman Fund
for use where most needed
Lois and Stanley Goodman Family
Fund for services to children and
young adults, and to support hospice
services and programs
Bernice Cowl Gordon Mitzvah
Fund for use where most needed
Gary A. Gordon Family Fund for
children with special needs
Guita Bearman Gordon Scholarship
Fund for women in rabbinical or
cantorial studies
Feinstein/Dworsky/Molever Fund
to support L’Chaim Senior Services
and Counseling
Sewell Gordon Scholarship Fund to
support educational expenses based
on need and merit
Aaron Feuer Fund to provide mental
health services for adolescents and
young adults
Adeline and Mel Gould Family
Fund for use where most needed
*Harry Feinstein Memorial Fund
to meet the needs of Russian Jewish
immigrant children
Ida Finne and Janice Kwiat Fund for
services to the elderly
Mike and Linda Fiterman Youth
Experience Fund to provide youth
with special opportunities
Robert and Virginia Forbush Fund
for use where most needed
Jerry and Sharie Frank Family Fund
for mental health services
Libby and Ben Frank Fund to
provide assistance for children with
special needs
Frank Family Fund for L’Chaim
Senior Services, grocery shopping or
other programs
Nancy and Stuart Friedell Family
Fund for use where most needed
Gale, Herman, Segal Fund for use
where most needed
Jacob and Golda Gottlieb Twin
Cities Free Loan Fund to support
the Jewish Free Loan Program in the
Twin Cities area
Arlis and Erwin Grossman Family
Fund for use where most needed
Kopple and Anita Hallock Family
Fund to provide services for children
in foster care, residential placement
and other impermanent living
Judy and Andy Halper Family Fund
for use where most needed
Halpern Green Family Fund for use
where most needed
Sid Hartman Fund to support the
JFCS Jewish Big Brother/Big Sister
Eugene Heck Fund for use where
most needed
Elissa Heilicher Family Fund for
Healthy Family Relationships to
support programs and services to
combat Jewish domestic abuse
directions • Spring 2014 29
Avron (Ron) C. Heiligman Healing
Fund to support activities of the Twin
Cities Jewish Healing Program
Jory M. Herman Family Summer
Youth Experience Fund to assist
youth to attend summer camp or have
an Israel experience
*Agnes Berenberg Hoffman Tribute
Fund for emergency financial
assistance to older adults
Holocaust Survivors Fund for special
programs and services for survivors
Mark (Pesach) Jaffe Fund to support
services and programs of the Twin
Cities Jewish Healing Program
JFCS Bequest Fund for use where
most needed
Lonia and Leon Kuperman Fund for
use where most needed
Alyssa and Jon Marker Fund for use
where most needed
Sharon Plotnick Memorial Fund to
support L’Chaim Senior Services
Teresa and Robert Laing Family
Fund to provide medical and dental
care for children and older adults
Metropolitan Mt. Sinai Fund
for medical prescriptions and
transportation to medical
Alina and Alexander Portnoy Fund
for use where most needed
Jeanette and Max Kurnow Family
Fund to provide food, shelter and
emergency assistance to people
in need
Cliff and Susan Lake Family Fund to
support services for children
Robin and Bryan Landy Family
Fund to support volunteer work
Jerry Lavin Memorial Fund to
support services and programs to
children, with priority to those with
special needs
Marvin A. Jolson Fund to support
individuals with Parkinson’s Disease
and their families
Sam and Betty Lavine Family Fund
for use where most needed
Orlee and Jeffrey Kahn Family Fund
for use where most needed
Angela and Jack Leibman Family
Fund for use where most needed
Al, Stan and Jeanne Kagin Family
Fund for use where most needed
Janice and Steven Kalin Family
Fund for use where most needed
Joe and Estelle Kane Family Fund to
support L’Chaim Senior Services
Doug and Cindy Kanter Family
Endowment Fund for use where
most needed
Esther and Reuben Kaplan Fund
for educational expenses for single
mothers and their children
Bob and Stefanie Karon Fund
to support mental health services
for adolescents
Maynard Katz Tennis Scholarship
Fund to support junior tennis
scholarships for young athletes in
need of financial assistance
Alvin and Audrey Kaufman Fund for
use where most needed
Delores and Robert Kelber Fund for
use where most needed
*Margaret Kelen Emergency Aid to
the Elderly Fund
Eva and Sheldon Kieffer
Campership Fund
*Jaeson and Marjorie Kline Tribute
Fund for emergency financial
assistance to older adults
Deborah and Gary Kohler Family
Fund for use where most needed
Julie and Marc Kozberg Fund to
support services to seniors
Grace and Marvin Kramer Fund to
provide emergency financial assistance
to families with minor children
Nettie and Ben Kramer Family Fund
for emergency financial assistance
Kramer/Saxl Family Fund for use
where most needed
Faye and Mayer Krupp Family
Fund for adults with developmental
Russell F. Lederman Big Brother/
Big Sister Program Fund
Levenson/Spanier Family Fund to
provide mental health support services
Robert and Sally Leventhal Family
Fund for use where most needed
Margie and Leo Levie and Family
Fund to provide respite care for those
who are caregivers for a frail older
adult, ill spouse or sick child
Carol and Jerry Levin Family Fund
for the Jewish Big Brother/Big Sister
Program and for services to older
*Jeanne and Albert Levin Family
Fund to provide emergency aid to
the elderly
George and Marion Levine Fund for
use where most needed
Joan and Robert H. Levine Family
Fund for services to children with
learning and other disabilities
Sid and Joanie Levinsohn
Family Fund for scholarships for
higher education
Lucky and Leonard (Butch) Levy
Memorial Fund to support
volunteer services and for use
where most needed
Lichtblau Family Fund to provide
support to caregivers
Ben and Ruth Liman Family Fund
for use where most needed
Lois and Hy Liss Family Fund
to provide services to Parkinson’s
patients and their families, and to
support programs and services to
older adults
Francelyne and Richard Lurie
Family Spirit of JFCS Fund for use
where most needed
Marian Maisel Mental Health and
Healing Fund
Hymie and Doris Margolis Fund for
special experiences for children
30 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Jacob, Max and Sam Mars Fund
to assist children and youth with
physical or emotional disabilities
Alvin and Mildred Miller Fund for
use where most needed
Ben Miller Foundation Fund to
support L’Chaim Senior Services
Mogilevsky Family Fund for use
where most needed
John Morgan Fund for use where
most needed
*Joyce and Donald Moscoe Family
Emergency Fund
Jeffrey and Gloria Murman Family
Fund for use where most needed
Charles and Candice Nadler Family
Fund to support the Jewish Big
Brother/Big Sister Program
Edith and George E. Nadler Fund to
provide special services for seniors
Nager Greenberg Fund for
educational scholarships for Jewish
students based on need
Corky and Bob Neuman Fund for
services to children
Harriet and Nathan Newman Family
Fund to provide holiday assistance for
Jewish older adults
Louis Newman and Rabbi Amy
Eilberg Fund to support the Twin
Cities Jewish Healing Program
Irv Nudell Special Projects Fund for
use where most needed
Jean Nudell Fund to provide financial
assistance and special opportunities
for single mothers and children
Alice Okrent Hag Sameach Fund to
provide holiday toys, items and other
goods for families in need
Allen and Marcia Oleisky Fund
to support transportation and other
services for Mental Health Support
Services clients
Robert E. Oleisky Fund for young
adult outreach and Mental Health
Support Services
Abe Olkon Fund to support
respite care
Orbuch/Grayson Family Fund
to support competitive workforce
Patients Assistance Fund to
financially assist with medical services
Richard and Sara Pieser Children’s
Fund to support programs and
services for children
Alvin and June Perlman Fund
to support programs and services for
older adults
Scott I. Pink Fund for services to
people with chronic mental illness
Margot and Jeno Por Helping Hand
Fund to provide non-interest loans
or grants, with priority given to single
parents and new Americans
Steve and Jeanne Prawer Family
Fund to support Jewish children and
their families by offering positive
Jewish role models to children who
can benefit from the relationship
Tybie Proman Fund for young adult
programs and for services to adults
with developmental disabilities
Rafowitz Family Fund to support
services related to substance abuse
Ilana Fay Ratner Fund to provide
training and education, emergency
financial assistance, and support and
advocacy for children with special
needs and their families
Sylvia and David Ratner Memorial
Fund for JFCS special needs and
inclusion programs
Rachel Raviv Hoffer Fund to
support the Jewish Big Brother/
Big Sister Program
Andrew Redleaf Fund to support
programs and services to children
Marvin and Sharon Resnick Family
Fund to provide dental services to
those in need and transportation
services to older adults
Rollye and Chuck Rinkey Fund for
use where most needed
Robbins Family Fund for use where
most needed
Roberts Family Fund for emergency
financial assistance
Robin Family University Merit
Scholarship Fund for educational
expenses, based on merit and need
Robins Family Fund to support older
adult services
Robinson-Marks Mental Health
Fund to support mental health
programs and projects
Norton and Bert Rockler Family
Fund for vocational programs and for
use where most needed
Roitenberg Family Fund for use
where most needed
Rolnick Family Fund for use where
most needed
Phyllis and Justin Rosenblatt Fund
for services to children
Ricky Rosoff Memorial Fund to
support the Jewish Big Brother/
Big Sister Program
Marie L. Rothschild Fund for use
where most needed
Karen Rubin Hag Sameach Fund to
provide holiday toys, items and other
goods for families in need
Lisa and Ben Rubin Family
Youth Experience Fund to support
the Jewish Big Brother/
Big Sister Program
Dr. Manly and Sybil Rubin Family
Fund to support the care and shelter
of abused children
Max and Linda Rutman Family
Fund for use where most needed
Sabes Family Foundation Fund for
use where most needed
Sally Salloway Memorial Fund
for emergency financial needs of
Saloshin Fund for special services
for older adults and émigrés, and to
support AlterCare
Connell and Dorothy Saltzman
Fund for older adults and children
with special needs
Stephen and Suzanne Saltzman
Fund to support Alzheimer’s and
ALS respite care
Helen and Michael Sandler Fund
to support programs and services in
healing and hospice
Clara and Leonard Savitt Family
Fund for use where most needed
Sborov Family Fund for services to
émigrés from the former Soviet Union
and for use where most needed
Albert Schneider Memorial Fund to
support services for older adults and
appropriate workshops or lectures
Schochet Family Fund for emergency
financial assistance
Anita B. Schwartz Fund to support
emergency financial assistance to
the elderly
Linda and Ivan Schwartzman Fund
for use where most needed
*Roz and David Schwartzman Fund
for use where most needed
*Gloria M. Segal Fund for services to
adults with chronic mental illness
Millie and Howard Segal Acts
of Kindness Fund for use where
most needed
Serber Family Fund to support
services for children with disabilities
Dick and Rossy Shaller Mentoring
Fund to provide adult mentors for
children at risk
Leonard and Zetta Shapiro
Discretionary Fund for use where
most needed
Sam and Lorraine Shark Family
Emergency Fund for emergency
financial assistance
Carl and Rose Jean Sharpe Family
Camp Scholarship Fund for children
and youth who, without such
scholarships, would be unlikely to
have a camping experience
Sidney Shields Simcha Fund
to support social and cultural outings
for older adults and individuals
with disabilities
Monroe J. and Charlotte K. Shine
Family Fund for use where most
Beverly Siegel Fund to support the
Twin Cities Jewish Healing Program
Young Women’s Fund in Memory of
Debbie Silberstein to support single
mothers and all young women in need
of financial assistance in furtherance
of their personal growth, education,
recreation, familial obligations and
other wants and needs
Bobby Silverman Memorial Fund
for children who are at risk
Loreen and Perry Silverman Fund
for use where most needed
Shirley and Frances Snyder
Memorial Fund for use where
most needed
Evlyn Solomon Fund to support the
Jewish Free Loan Program
*Harold and Fleurette Spear Fund for
Jewish camping experiences and other
enriching experiences for children
Mark Jon Starr Fund to support
services and programs of the Twin
Cities Jewish Healing Program
Samantha and Ari Stein Tikkun Olam
Fund to support children’s services and
where most needed
Marvin and Chelle Stillman Fund
to support the Twin Cities Jewish
Healing Program
Stillman Family Foundation Fund
for children’s programs and services
Marcia and Larry Swartz Fund to
support services for people with abuse
or mental health issues
Susie and Stuart Swartz Family Fund
to support children with special needs
Dr. Ian Swatez Medical Scholarship
Fund to support deserving medical
students based on merit and need
Gary and Marsha, Scott and Hindy
Tankenoff Families Fund to support
hunger relief and hunger support
Paula and Jim Tankenoff Family Fund
to support programs and services
for children
Elizabeth and Mayer Tapper
Educational Fund to support career
services for individuals with barriers
to employment
Sidney and Roslyn Tarshish Family
Fund for Jewish educational, camping
and travel experiences for children and
young adults, and for Jewish individuals
to pursue higher education
Taswell-Moscowitz Family Fund for
use where most needed
Twin Cities Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/
Transgender Program Fund for the
Jewish community
Dr. Gary Velick Memorial Fund
to provide assistance with medical
prescriptions and other medical needs
Named funds for
immediate use
Jerry Waldman Fund to provide
special experiences for children and
youth, and professional enrichment
for Jewish communal workers
Eric and Sally Bressler Family
Fund to support the Jewish Free
Loan Program
Weiner Family Fund for innovative
projects or for use where most needed
MORE for NOW Fund for mortgage
or rent emergency assistance
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Fund
for services to low-income individuals
and families
Kelner-Witebsky Memory Care
Fund to provide family consultations
& education for caregivers
Paul A. Weingarden Law School
Scholarship Fund for Jewish
persons enrolled in or accepted to an
accredited American law school
Jon and Diane Rappaport Family
Fund for use where most needed
Bob and Barbara Weinstine Fund
to support people with learning
Waller Family Fund to provide
transportation for older adults and to
support the Jewish Big Brother/Big
Sister Program
Dr. Martin and Marilyn Weisberg
Family Fund to support L’Chaim
Senior Services
Siegfried Weiser Memorial Fund
to support services for older adults
and émigrés
Dori and Herb Weisman Family
Fund for staff self-care training
Steven and Debra Weiss
Family Fund to support L’Chaim
Senior Services
Shale and Joan Wilensky Fund to
support people with employment
Sybil and Seymour Wilensky Family
Fund for use where most needed
*Norman and Sally Winer Fund to
provide emergency financial assistance
to low-income older adults and youth
Wiss Family Fund to provide
assistance to single parents and
their families
Sheldon and Judy Witebsky Family
Fund for use where most needed
Anne and Allen Wolf and Stephan
Wolf Memorial Fund to support
the Jewish Big Brother/Big Sister
Wolfish Family Fund for use where
most needed
Leo and Helen Wolk Fund for use
where most needed
Yesnes/Finkelstein Family Fund
to benefit the ACT Program and
children with special needs
David C. Zalk Fund for children
and youth
Shirley and Larry Zipkin Family
Fund for use where most needed
*Endowment funds designated to
JFCS through the Jewish Community
New Endowment funds established as
of December 2013
Twin Cities Jewish Healing
Program Fund
Ruth Usem Family Fund to provide
services where most needed
directions • Spring 2014 31
Twin Cities, MN
Permit No. 2669
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
questions mental illness isolationskills
seniors skills unemployment health welln
strengths mental illness answers
mentorship hung
abuse health
mental illne
grief community
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
104th Annual Meeting
13100 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 400
Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305-1842
mental grief
questions mental illness poverty
familyabuse poverty
mental relationships mental illness support hunger
illness wellness
mental isolation strength
answers unemployment unemployment skills abuse
health relationships poverty networking
mentorship poverty family
mental illness answers
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
povertyskillsillness wellness
grief inclusion illness wel
mental isolation strength
answers unemployment skills
grief communityhealth relationships poverty networkingmental iso
mental illness answers
networking relationships mental illness
mentorship health
mental illne
abuse wellness
unemployment skills
JFCS is committed to the inclusion of all people.
JFCS is a beneficiary of:
Jewish Federation
MISSION STATEMENT Inspired by the wisdom and values of our tradition,
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis supports people of all
backgrounds to reach their full potential.
VISION STATEMENT Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis is the first
place people choose for help, to volunteer, to donate, and to work.
JFCS VALUES People: We recognize the unique qualities of our clients, staff, volunteers,
contributors and community.
Compassion: We nurture and treat people with understanding and respect.
Empowerment: We help people identify and maximize their strengths and potential.
Integrity: We operate in a professional manner and provide high-quality services in
an ethical and responsible fashion.
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and events. Keep in touch!
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