Team Interest Form
Team Interest Form
Tennessee 16-19, 20142016 Tennessee Via Via De De Cristo Cristo Weekend Weekend #32. #34. Oct. October 20-23. Team Meetings: Saturday, Sept. 6 at Grace Lutheran OakChurch, Ridge, TN Team Meetings: Saturday, August 27 at Peace Lutheran TN 9:00am 9:00am -- 3:00pm 3:00pm EST Saturday, Sept. 20 at Grace Lutheran Oak Ridge, TN 9:00am - 3:00pm Saturday, September 17 at Peace Lutheran Church, TN 9:00am - 3:00pm EST Saturday, 1 at TBD 9:00am - 3:00pm Saturday, March October 8 at Peace Lutheran Church, TN 9:00am - 3:00pm EST Will you be able to attend all the team meetings? ____________________ If not why not. ________________________________________________________________________________ Have you attended the LEADERSHIP TRAINING class? ______ If so, when? ______________________________ NAME ______________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE __________________________________E-MAIL_____________________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________ZIP CODE _________ VIA DE CRISTO WEEKEND MADE __________________ ARE YOU IN A REUNION GROUP? __________________ DO YOU SING? _______________ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY. ________________________________ Have you served on a previous weekend(s)? ________ If so please circle areas served: Professor: Rollo Room: Outside: Ideal Study Environment Laity Apostolic Action Piety Leaders Christian Community Total Security/4th Day Silent Professor Head Professor Cha Asst. Head Professor Cha Head Cha Asst. Head Cha Table Cha Head Cha Asst. Head Cha Cha Chapel: Kitchen: Music: Other: Head Cha Asst. Head Cha Head Cha Asst. Head Cha Head Cha Asst. Head Cha Communications Cha Cha Cha Serenade Coordinator Prayer Banner The Weekend Crew and Prayer Banner are vital contributions of the 4th Day Community. Volunteers for the Weekend Crew assist with the set up and take down after the Weekend. The Prayer Banner is an important component of the Weekend requiring a commitment of time and willingness to make phone or personal contacts. Other areas will need your assistance also. Other: If you are unable to serve fully, or should you not be asked to serve on this weekend, pleease circle the area(s) that would be of interest to you. Weekend Crew Prayer Banner Other Fill out and mail form to: Teresa Sweet • 657 Bailey Bridge Rd. • Limestone, TN 37681. Email to: Questions can be directed to Teresa at 865-654-1274. NOTE: Completing this form does not guarantee selection to the team, but does inform the Rector of your willingness to serve if asked. Selections are made by the Rector in prayerful consideration and approved by the Secretariat.