Plugged - Fairlawn Chamber of Commerce
Plugged - Fairlawn Chamber of Commerce
Connection the Fairlawn Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter • January/February/March 2016 January General Meeting / Luncheon - Monday, January 11, 2016 “State of the City” Luncheon Mayor William J. Roth, Jr. Hilton Akron/Fairlawn - 3180 W. Market Street, Fairlawn, OH 44333 11:00 a.m. Networking • 11:40 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Luncheon RSVP by January 7th to: 330-777-0032 or get Plugged in... board and committee rosters dates to remember from the president profile circuits Bill Roth grew up in Buffalo, New York. In 1980, Bill earned his B.A. in History with a minor in Political Science from the State University of New York in Buffalo. Bill then went on to earn his Juris Doctorate in 1983, from the University of Akron’s School of Law. Bill worked at the Summit County Prosecutor’s Office as an assistant prosecutor for six years. Bill spent three years in private practice with the law firm of A. Russell Smith Co., LPA before starting his own law firm now located in Fairlawn. In November of 2015, Bill was re-elected to his 6th term as Mayor of the City of Fairlawn. In addition to his mayoral responsibilities and running his private practice, Bill is a member and past president of the Summit County Mayors Association and is currently serving on and is past president of the Akron/Bath/ Fairlawn JEDD Board. Bill also serves on the Summit/Akron Solid Waste Management Authority Board, the Summit County OPWC District 8 Committee and the Blossom Board of Overseers. Bill guest lectures at the University of Akron, is a member of the Copley-Fairlawn Kiwanis Club, the AHEPA, Fairlawn FOPA Lodge 82, and is active at his church. He also is a member of the Akron and Ohio State Bar Associations. Bill and his wife, Jolene, have resided in Fairlawn since 1986. February General Meeting / Luncheon - Monday, February 8, 2016 Hilton Akron/Fairlawn - 3180 W. Market Street 11:00 a.m. Networking • 11:40 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Luncheon RSVP by February 5th to: 330-777-0032 or “Robin Sacks is positive energy personified!” Robin is a full-time speaker, trainer, and writer. member benefits & discounts roster to your health investment ideas Through keynotes, workshops, and articles, she provides a simple, creative, and humorous bent on Stress Management and Motivation. Robin provides tools and thinking which allow you to get out of your own way and succeed, beginning the moment you walk out the door. Her clients range from Girl Scout Troops to Fortune 100 companies. Robin has facilitated personal and professional development workshops throughout the United States and Canada for companies including Microsoft, Lubrizol, Parker Hannifan, Eaton Corp., Key Bank, Levi Strauss and Fifth Third Bank. Professionally, Robin is an award-winning journalist, award-winning playwright, author, speaker and motivator. Personally she is a mom, wife, and friend. Robin’s job is to help you Get Out of Your Own Way! Not just for an hour or two at a workshop or session, but for the rest of your life. Her philosophy is beyond simple: You are over-thinking everything! Get Clarity...Get Moving...Get Results! March General Meeting / Luncheon - Luncheon - Monday, March 14, 2016 “State of the Townships” Luncheon Hilton Akron/Fairlawn • 3180 W. Market Street • Fairlawn, OH 11:00 a.m. Networking • 11:40 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Luncheon RSVP by March 10th to: 330-777-0032 or Bath Township is located on the western edge of Summit County next to Medina County. The town ship was founded in 1818 and comprises approximately 23 square miles. The majority of the Township is zoned residential with the Montrose commercial district to the south. Home to Hale Farm and Homestead, Revere Local Schools serves the majority of Bath Township and has earned an “Excellent” rating, the highest rating possible, for the District’s performance on the Ohio Department of Education’s Local Report Card for the past 10 years. Founded in 1819, Copley Township is located in the western portion of Summit County, and is a large urban Township with over 14,000 residents. The majority of the Township is zoned residential however; there are large areas of commercial and industrial development. Most of Copley Township falls within the Copley-Fairlawn City School District, which boasts an “Excellent with Distinction” district rating on the 2009-2010 District Report Card from the Ohio Department of Education. The mission of Copley Township is to maintain a sense of community; to provide the highest level of service and programs that will enhance the quality of life for all businesses and residents. Page 2 • Fairlawn Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter • January/February/March 2016 2015-2016 Board Missy McWhorter President Tom Green Past President Kastner Westman & Wilkins, LLC Amy Holbrook President-Elect dates to Remember Premier Bank & Trust of Directors Lori Drugan Treasurer Gallery of Framing/ Art Gallery Brad Lubinger Secretary Town Planner Eileen Sass SASS Accounting Services Todd Kennedy Levin Swedler Kennedy Lisa Gould John Dellagnese & Associates, Inc. David Pelland Bear / Pelland Associates Terry Meinen Primerica Leslianne Lake Old Carolina Barbecue Polly Riffle Executive Director Monday, January 11, 2016 General Meeting / Luncheon (Details front page) Monday, February 8, 2016 General Meeting / Luncheon (Details front page) Monday, March 14, 2016 General Meeting / Luncheon (Details front page) Thursday, January 14, 2016 Membership Committee Meeting 8:30 am – 9:30 am Stewart’s Caring Place 2955 W. Market Street, #R Fairlawn, OH 44333 Thursday, February 11, 2016 Membership Committee Meeting 8:30 am – 9:30 am Stewart’s Caring Place 2955 W. Market Street, #R Fairlawn, OH 44333 Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Before 9 7:30 am – 9:30 am The Merriman 209 Merriman Road Akron, OH 44303 Tuesday, February 16, 2016 After 5 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Summit Mall 3265 W. Market Street Akron, OH 44333 Thursday, March 17, 2016 Membership Committee Meeting 8:30 am – 9:30 am Stewart’s Caring Place 2955 W. Market Street, #R Fairlawn, OH 44333 Tuesday, January 19, 2016 After 5 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Mira Hair & Body Studio 3029 Smith Road, Suite 200 Fairlawn, OH 44333 FYE Ribbon Cutting November 20, 2015 Now rsvp Your reservations are important to us! Please call the chamber at 330-777-0032 or email to for all events! Page 3 • Fairlawn Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter • January/February/March 2016 from the president Happy New Year! As we say goodbye to 2015 let’s reflect on the annual Holiday Auction held on Monday, December 14th. Once again the auction committee did an incredible job working together to bring in many donations while under the direction of FACC Executive Director Polly Riffle. The Holiday Auction is the major fundraiser for Fairlawn Area Chamber and it has proven again to be successful by raising $31,000, in turn allowing the Chamber to give back to some of the charitable organizations in Summit County. We would like to thank all committee members for their hard work, the membership for donating and attending and the new friends that attended to support such a worthy cause. As we look ahead at 2016 we are excited to hear from new speakers as well as checking out the network building Before 9’s and After 5’s that Terry Meinen always does a stand up job scheduling. Please contact Terry if you are interested in hosting one of these events as the months fill up fast! Also, remember that there are display tables available for each monthly meeting for you to showcase your business. Contact Polly Riffle for more details if you are interested. It is my hope that this year is prosperous for you all and that you are able to make new connections while building on existing relationships throughout the Fairlawn Area Chamber of Commerce. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Here’s to a happy, healthy and successful 2016! Missy Are you Unwittingly Violating Section 7 of the NLRA? Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) protects the rights of private sector employees to “form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection” as well as the right to refrain from such activities. Section 7’s provision protecting “other concerted activities…for other mutual aid or protection” includes an innumerable variety of activities, so long as such activities relate to wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment and are not solely for the benefit of an individual employee. Where an employee seeks to incite action with other employees regarding employment issues, or where two or more employees join together for the same employment-related purpose, their activity can be protected. It is important to recognize that such protected concerted activity can – and frequently does – occur in a non-union environment, not just when employees are or trying to be represented by a union. Accordingly, employers should be aware of the following practices that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has stated violate Section 7 of the NLRA: • M aintaining and/or enforcing a policy or work rule that prohibits employees from: o engaging in “disrespectful,” “negative,” “inappropriate,” or “rude” conduct towards the employer or management; o discussing wage rates or fringe benefits with one another; or o “disparaging” the employer in any media, such as social media. • Enforcing work rules to limit concerted activity. For example, allowing employees to post materials relating to their child’s school fundraiser on a bulletin board but removing a posting in which two or more employees complain about low wages. • Maintaining and/or enforcing a mandatory arbitration agreement that waives the rights of employees to participate in class or collective actions. Employers should carefully review their policies and practices to ascertain whether they are in violation of the NLRA. Kastner Westman & Wilkins, LLC ( is a Fairlawn, Ohio law firm that represents and counsels employers in all aspects of workforce management, state and federal legal compliance, labor negotiations, arbitration, OSHA, employee benefits, workers’ compensation, and defense of claims filed with administrative agencies and state and federal courts. Tom Green is one of KWW’s shareholders, and can be reached at 330.867.9998 or Tom Green, OSBA Certified Specialist in Labor & Employment Law, Kastner Westman & Wilkins, LLC 6 Tips on Disaster Planning & Recovery monitored will en-sure that negative changes are noticed immediately, allowing for prompt repair. Sometimes catching a small issue soon enough will allow for repair before it becomes a major catastro-phe. 1. Start with the basics. Review your current backup plan, and put something in place where nothing exists. Even the best disaster recovery plan can’t recover data that’s never been backed up. 5. Spending money now can save money later. I’ve experienced disasters that have lasted minutes, and some that have lasted days. In many cases, there’s been a need to purchase something in order to facilitate the recovery of sys-tems. The expense might be very small, like a new cable; or larger, like airfare and hotel stays. 2. Test restoring something. Regularly. If you’re backing your files up, you likely verify that everything is backing up successfully. When’s the last time you tested restoring something from a backup? Whether you backup a few files, or image entire servers, you need to make sure you can restore data now so when the disaster happens you’re successful. Testing a restore will not only make sure the data can restore successfully, but it helps you understand the process of doing it. In one case, a client did not take my advice to backup their server. The server got hacked and the administrator password was changed. Instead of simply restoring the server back to the day before with minimal loss of data, the client ended up spending hundreds of dollars on software and labor getting the password reset. 3. Have spare hardware. If you have a mission-critical computer or server that you need to have running all the time, make sure you have spare hardware available so you can get yourself back up and running quickly. As an example, Dell offers a warranty package for servers that includes a package of spare components to get you back up and running ASAP. 4. Monitor your systems for changes. Today’s computer systems are too complex to rely on a single person for knowledge of each component and its configuration options and settings. Having your devices 6. Set it and forget it. Make sure that the backup system you implement is working correctly, but also make sure it’s automatic. Don’t rely on a single person to plug in a thumb drive or change a tape. Capitalize on new software and cloud technologies to completely automate the process. ITworks provides backup solutions for companies of all sizes. Steven Taylor CEO, ITworks (330) 247-2471 / Page 4 • Fairlawn Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter • January/February/March 2016 membership Sandra Armbruster My Massage Place 330-573-5804 committee Gina Caniglia Ohio Savings Bank 330-836-9547 Lori Drugan Gallery of Framing 330-835-3046 Chris Fulton Herbalife 330-607-5943 Dale Hansen Family Hearing & Balance Center 330-644-1932 Justyn Jaymes Weathervane Playhouse 330-836-2626 Bethany Kohler Tupperware Consultant 330-697-0773 Motivation Motivates Me 87 Greencrest Terrace Akron, OH 44313 330-903-0982 Consulting Best Version Media Dana Bullock 415 N. Medina Line Road Medina, OH 44256 330-350-0216 Publication For Your Entertainment Tenisha Walla For Your Entertainment 3265 W. Market Street Akron, OH 44333 330-556-6683 Retail BBS & Associates Chadwick Klein 130 Springside Drive, Suite 200 Akron, OH 44333 330-665-5227 Ministry Development Specialists Villa Latese Hickson 3265 W. Market Street Fairlawn, OH 44333 215-279-5658 Retail Karen Leonard Innovative Global Vision 330-425-0922 ext 112 Elaine Neumann Elaine R. Neumann Interiors 330-388-3623 Chris Schroeder Life Leadership 330-603-0428 Kelly Kennedy AdvoCare 330-329-5138 Laura Palmer Weigh 2 Wellness, Ltd 330-701-0734 Jan Seymour Welcome Basket Associates 330-867-9193 Tom Majka Business-Right, Inc. 330-606-1193 Debbie Reiss G.A.S.P. 330-247-1402 Trish Goodin-Yard Mary Kay Cosmetics 330-310-4221 Terry Meinen Primerica 330-644-9910 Team Mindy – State Farm Insurance Mindy Covington 3584 Ridgewood Road Fairlawn, OH 44333 330-665-9300 Insurance Agency RedRhino of Ohio Tom Wolski 1245 Cleveland-Massillon Road Suite 20-P Akron, OH 44321 330-615-7762 Epoxy Flooring & Concrete Cynthia’s Boutique Cynthia Whitford 732 West Exchange Street Akron, OH 44302 330-762-6261 Retail Klean Works, LLC Anita Murphy 1660 Akron Peninsula Rd Suite 203 Akron, OH 44313 216-624-3467 330-319-6691 (Fax) Janitorial Services membership news Towpath Credit Union Jessica Maiher 2969 Smith Road Fairlawn, OH 44333 330-664-4700 Credit Union New Members New Members October Alan Fornoff, Motivation Motivates Me; Missy Klein-McWhorter, FACC President; Dana Bullock, Best Version Media New Members November Missy Klein-McWhorter, FACC President and Mindy Covington, Team Mindy-State Farm Insurance Page 5 • Fairlawn Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter • January/February/March 2016 Take Control of Your Traffic: Understanding The Importance of Reports When you are building an online presence it can feel like you are doing a juggling act. You blog, you make sure your website is up to date and responsive. You moderate comments. You manage your social media and you keep track of email signups. Putting out quality blog posts, revamping your site pages and creating stellar landing pages and call to action are great, but your work isn’t done. You need to be tracking the ROI on things like blog posts, lead conversion, referrals and more. If you aren’t analyzing this information, then you could be wasting time and money and missing out on traffic. The Importance Of Analytic Reporting When you go to your Google Dashboard you will see there is a ton of information beyond just page views and bounce rate. The amount of data available on Google Analytics is overwhelming, but when used correctly it is a powerful tool that can increase traffic and rankings. It is a good idea to explore the options and get to know your dashboard. For example, you can quickly figure out how visitors are getting to your site. Are you getting more referrals from Twitter? Or from Google Plus? Facebook? This is huge, because based on this information you can either A.) Tweak your social media strategy to increase referrals from a particular channel, say Twitter, for example. Or B.) You can stop worrying about Twitter because that’s not where your target audience is, and put more effort into other channels. Creating Custom Reports There is a ton of interesting and useful information on your Google Analytics dashboard, but you can do better. Creating custom reports enables you to dig deeper to get the metrics that really mean something to you. A quick look will reveal countless “recipes” that other people use to create custom reports. You can create reports that will tell you how your posts and pages are performing and set goals to find out whether people are taking the actions that you want them to take. Find out where your content is going wrong, and where it is going right. This information is valuable on so many levels. Don’t leave things to chance. Google Analytics reporting is powerful when used to its fullest. There are resources available to you that can help you create the reports that are relevant to your business. So, don’t wait. Head to your dashboard and start experimenting. If you find the process intimidating, get an expert to help you! Karen Leonard Innovative Global Vision, Inc (330) 425-0922. Innovative Global Vision is a full-service digital marketing firm, specializing in Web Design, Hosting, and Marketing & Video Productions Services. “It is all about results” October / November Luncheons Page 6 • Fairlawn Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter • January/February/March 2016 to your health Weight Loss Blunders and Fixes You’ve been eating healthy, sleeping plenty, and working out like a warrior – why hasn’t the scale budged?! There are few things more frustrating than committing to a healthy lifestyle and reaching a plateau in the results. There are many factors that could be at play, so read through our list of culprits and determine which ones apply to you. The great news is, you’re doing great things for your body – so with a few small tweaks, you will start seeing that hard work reflected in no time! 1. Your Routine –If you’ve stuck to the same workout routine for the past 4-6 weeks, chances are your results have plateaued. As you progress through your workouts, your body becomes more efficient, meaning you burn fewer calories doing the same routine. This is an easy problem to fix; all you need to do is switch it up! If you’ve been breaking a sweat with long duration, lower intensity cardio sessions, try an interval workout. If running isn’t your thing, try strength training. There are endless possibilities – the more variety you include in your workouts, the more results you’ll see. 3. Sleep – You’ve heard a hundred times how important sleep is, and you’re about to hear it again. Sleep is a key factor in weight loss, and not getting enough can even lead to weight gain. Sleep can balance out stress and weight gaining hormones, so give your body the rest it needs with at least 7.5 hours each night. 4. Calorie Balance – As hard as you try, you cannot out-exercise poor eating habits. Fuel your workouts with healthy and energizing snacks, recover with protein packed meals afterwards, and nourish your body with plenty of vegetables and fruits throughout the day. As hard as it may be to stick with healthy eating, committing to clean, and whole foods 80% of the time will provide you with some pretty rewarding results. 5. Over-training – If you’re a committed workout warrior (and kudos to you!); you need to be watchful for the signs of over-training. If you notice yourself gaining weight, feeling fatigued, have aching muscles, or experience a loss of appetite, you may be over-training. Take a couple weeks off to let yourself recover fully, take simple walks and eat healthy, then return to your regular workout routine gradually. While exercise is a wonderful thing for your body, too much of anything is not a good idea – everything in moderation! So, do any of these weight-loss blunders apply to you? Don’t sweat it – just read through the fixes and get yourself back on track to living your most fit 2. You Never Miss a Workout – While it’s great that you are consistent, and fabulous life! Laura Palmer your body needs a break every now and then to recover and rebuild lean, Weigh 2 Wellness healthy muscles. Try taking one day of each week and include at least one low intensity workout in your routine weekly. This will create the perfect 330.701.0734 balance of fat-burning workouts and muscle building recovery. Article information by FHMatch This New Year commit to a healthier lifestyle not a resolution! Yes it is that time again already. This is the time of year that people make and break their resolutions becoming discouraged with not accomplishing their health and wellness goals. Don’t let this happen to you this year! A healthy lifestyle is much more than just starting to exercise or eat better. Lifestyle encompasses the entire well being of an individual and you must commit to a lifestyle change in order to succeed. Your overall well-being is defined as your mind, body and soul and sometimes a change on just one level will directly affect what it will take to keep your promise of better health this New Year. Beginning to exercise or starting a new exercise regiment will help you to meet the change required for you body. There are key factors that will determine the success and longevity of your commitment to exercise. First must be your motivation and goal setting. Identify which “specific” and “realistic” health and wellness goals you would like to accomplish and put a time frame on when and how you are going to achieve them. In most cases the help of fitness professionals such as degreed exercise physiologists or personal trainers may be helpful as they can put together a safe, efficient and effective exercise plan to keep you on track. They will also provide the accountability that is another key factor. Whether it be working with a personal trainer, workout buddy, or group of friends consistency and accountability are a huge part of completing a change in your lifestyle. This will make exercise more fun and provide you with the necessary motivation to not fall short of your goals. Lastly varying your activities and exercises will keep your motivation high and avoid those discouraging plateaus most exercisers will encounter along the way. Incorporating things like swimming, hiking, group exercise classes, basketball or rock climbing along with your fitness equipment regiment will provide you alternative ways to work out. Don’t live on a treadmill! You must keep a well-balanced exercise plan with various activities to further your progress and keep the motivation and goals moving forward. THIS WILL ALSO HELP TO AVOID MOTIVATION CRIPPLING FITNESS PLATEUS! Building exercise into your daily lifestyle is also a crucial component to your success. When selecting your path to better health and wellness you also need to make time for exercise and plan when and where you are going to fit it in to your busy schedule. Are you going to be an early morning, lunchtime or evening exerciser and how do you find at least 2-4 hours per week to do so? Those people that make exercise part of their day by treating it, as an extension of your workday will be the most successful and commit to change on a long-term basis. But remember exercise is not work it should be enjoyable and stress relieving! Incorporating exercise into your daily routine will affect your entire state of well being as a healthier you will feed positive energy into your mind and help you to have a more up beat outlook on life. Exercise also creates healthy relationships with positive and motivating people to foster a happy and healthy environment for you to flourish in. Good luck with your health and wellness goals this year and remember don’t resolve COMMIT! Justin Berthiaume Membership Manager for Akron general LifeStyles Contributions by: Laurie Cingle, M.Ed, ACSM, NASM, Group Fitness Manager, LifeStyles Page 7 • Fairlawn Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter • January/February/March 2016 Help Take the Guesswork Out of Choosing Investments Strategic investing. Most investors take a strategic approach to asset allocation, meaning they have at least 10 years before they anticipate needing the money they are investing. Strategic investors look at the long term and typically do not make frequent changes to their allocation strategy. A strategic investor would change the way his or her money is invested if there was a fundamental shift in the economy (recession) or if inflation began to outpace the earnings that his or her investments were generating. Asset allocation is a strategy that can help take the guesswork out of choosing investments for your portfolio. Instead of putting all your eggs in one basket, you spread your eggs (dollars) among a variety of baskets (stocks, bonds, and cash). The baskets can be Cyclical investing. Because the economy is cyclical, meaning it moves further divided within each type of investment. in stages of prosperity and recession, some investors change the way they Although many investors understand that they should invest in a variety of allocate their assets based on the cycle of the economy. This is called cyclical securities, they often stumble when it’s time to choose an asset allocation investing – it typically means that an investor will reallocate his or her funds that’s right for them. The allocation that you choose should be based on how every three months to three years. A cyclical investor might invest heavily in much risk you are willing to assume, why you are investing and when you will stocks when the economy experiences growth and, conversely, would invest more dollars in bonds when the economy experiences a period of contraction. need to tap your investments. However, in some cases, once investors choose their allocation, many are Tactical investing. The third type of investor looks at the short-term – a period afraid to change it. As you experience changes in your life, it can be appropriate of one year or less. The tactical investor changes his or her portfolio based on trends in the market. A tactical approach to asset allocation isn’t for everyone to redistribute your assets. as it typically requires an investor to trade rather actively and sometimes trade So, when should you change your asset allocation? It is important to maintain with greater risk. balance in your portfolio. Accordingly, you should reevaluate your allocation strategy at least once a year or when you experience a major life change Each investor has unique goals for his or her money and a distinctive investment such as marriage or the birth of a child. It’s not always necessary to make a style. It is best to talk with your Financial Advisor about what kind of asset fundamental change to the allocation, but you need to make that evaluation on allocation would be right for you and how often you should redistribute your assets. Bear in mind that although asset allocations diversifies your assets, it a regular basis. does not protect against fluctuating markets and uncertain returns. Sometimes your portfolio might just need a tweak to rebalance assets that have either increased or decreased in value. For example, a booming stock market This article was written by Wells Fargo Advisors and provided courtesy of Michele may mean that the value of the stock portion of your portfolio exceeds your Gensel, Senior Vice President Complex Manager in Akron, OH at 330-668-7735. original allocation. If that occurs, you may want to consider selling some stocks Investments in securities and insurance products are: to bring your portfolio back into line with your initial allocation. Rebalancing is a NOT FDIC-INSURED/NOT BANK-GUARANTEED/MAY LOSE VALUE strategy that every investor should take advantage of as a way to ensure their Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and portfolio reflects their current investing goals, time horizon, and tolerance for a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. risk. Further changes to your allocation also may be appropriate depending on ©2015 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. CAR-1115-01778 your particular investing style. Holiday Auction Page 8 • Fairlawn Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter • January/February/March 2016 To each business that so graciously opened your doors to host an After 5 or an Before 9. . . After 5 Now you can get cost savings on your health insurance benefits usually reserved for larger companies. How? You get the purchasing power of the group insurance market through your chamber of commerce membership. PLUS, you also get access to the comprehensive care and quality providers you’ve come to expect. After 5 Thank You! October 13, 2015 Fifth 3rd Bank & Dave’s Cosmic Subs Before 9 November 16, 2015 Brown Mackie College Any member that would be interested in hosting an “After Five” or a “Networking Before Nine” please contact the chamber office at 330-777-0032. Call one of our health insurance agents today! Look in your membership directory to find one. In West Akron, Summa Health Center at White Pond/Park West offers easy access to: You don’t have time to drive miles for lab work, imaging or other healthcare services. • • • • • Summa Health System’s network of 18 health centers in Summit and Medina counties provide convenient, high quality care for busy families. • Bone densitometry • CT scans General ultrasound Digital mammography - 2D and 3D Open MRI and MRA screenings Walk-in laboratory Walk-in X-ray services Visit to learn more about services available at other Summa locations. Summa Health Center at White Pond One Park West Boulevard Suite 130 Akron, OH 44320 (330) 873-1518 (off White Pond Drive and I-77) excellence member You’re busy – with kids’ sports, dance recitals, school, family events, caring for aging parents, chores, work. Call (800) 237-8662 for more information or to make an appointment with a Summa physician. circle of Never enough hours in your day? Page 9 • Fairlawn Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter • January/February/March 2016 Don’t Believe the Hype DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE! Whether it’s troubling news out of Europe, China or here at home, investors who follow financial news have plenty to think about. The question they face isn’t how to incorporate this ever-present barrage of headlines into their investment strategy, but when. After all, from a market perspective, most highly publicized crises ultimately have limited financial impact. And while there certainly are exceptions, even those tend to make sense only by looking past the hype surrounding them at the time. TIME PROVIDES PERSPECTIVE Many events that seemed dramatic in real time quickly faded as market forces overcame irrationality. More notably, significant events have gone unnoticed in real time because they didn’t lend to compelling headlines. And that’s the big risk in the 24-hour news cycle: To keep the “new” in “news,” media outlets play up dramatic events without considering their implications. Take the “flash crash.” When that seemingly apocalyptic event unfolded on TV, it interrupted a discussion on financial turmoil in Greece. Five years later, the flash crash is all but forgotten, while Greece was still very much “the word” this summer. (Even now: While many pundits wring their hands over China’s economic growth, Greece is all but forgotten.) CONTEXT IS CRITICAL It’s human nature to see and hear what we want to, especially if it confirms what we already believe. We’re not suggesting global events are unimportant when it comes to investing, but scanning headlines is never going to be a reliable method for determining economic trends. Instead, turn off the 24-hour news channels. Remind yourself why you’re investing. Literally filtering out the noise gives you a chance to discover meaningful market developments that could influence your portfolio without the urgency implied by an all-caps proclamation. That objectivity lets you accurately assess just how “new” the latest news really is – and what it means in terms of risks and opportunities. Article provided by Robert W. Baird & Co. for Paula R. Chesser, CSA®, Vice President, Senior Investment Consultant of Robert W. Baird & Co., member SIPC. | 330-664-5500 | 877-792-7868 | ‘Chipping’ in What you need to know about EMV credit card technology In the wake of several major credit card data breaches and an increasing fraud rate, many retailers are making the shift to EMV. EMV – which stands for Europay, MasterCard and Visa – is the latest global standard for credit card transactions. New credit and debit cards now come equipped with a computer chip that helps secure your account when making a purchase. And a growing number of businesses use this emerging technology to authenticate chipcard transactions, protecting consumers while reducing the risk – and cost – of fraud. But how does the change affect you, especially during this busy shopping season? Here are a few facts that might help. Increased credit card security. The days of the magnetic strip are numbered. You’ll start to see a small metallic square that looks like a computer chip on your new credit and debit cards, if you haven’t already. Unlike the magnetic strip, the chip creates a unique code for each card transaction. So if your information gets stolen from a transaction, it wouldn’t be possible to duplicate your card since the transaction number isn’t reusable. Making purchases is easy. To use your EMV card, you simply insert it into a slot at the bottom of a credit card terminal and wait a few seconds for the transaction to process. That’s it; no more swiping. If you enter your card at the point of sale and you’re not sure what to do, don’t worry, the machine will guide you through the steps. What if a retailer doesn’t use EMV technology? You can still use your chip card. Many new EMV cards have both a chip and a magnetic strip to keep the card transition smooth for the consumer if the retailer does not have the new EMV technology. If you have questions about the new EMV technology, talk to your local banker. You also can contact David Hall at Premier Bank & Trust at 330-843-2823 for more information. Summit Mall 50th Anniversary Page 10 • Fairlawn Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter • January/February/March 2016 Holiday Auction FYE Ribbon Cutting November 13, 2015 Page 11 • Fairlawn Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter • January/February/March 2016 Member benefits & discounts roster! facc member-toAbshire & Haylan 330-689-1990 Receive a FREE simple jewelry repair (up to $25 value) $25 value can be applied towards a higher priced repair. Akron Racers 330-376-8188 Contact TODAY to receive buy one/get one free $7.00 stadium tickets to any 2015 Akron Racers Home Game. Cleaners to the Rescue, A division of Mature Services, Inc. 330-253-4597 ext. 123 Contact Penny Holvey for 10% discount on first-time service. Offering private pay Home Health Aides, Homemakers and Cleaners to the Rescue - a heavy duty cleaning service. Familyfoto 330-618-2666 Book your child’s High School Senior Session and get 50% off any package. Call Harvey and mention this ad. Gallery of Framing/Art Gallery 330-835-3046 Contact Lori Drugan for a 15% discount on any custom framing project. Larger discounts may apply for those corporate projects of ten or more pieces. Grand Living 330-858-7689 Refer a resident* and you both receive a $500 gift card. *Must be a new resident. Certain restrictions apply. See agent for details. Klein’s Medical West 330-865-9000 Contact Kelley Fay to receive 10% off any regular priced item in the store. Does not apply to an insurance billed product. Visit us online at Learning Rx 330-668-9711 Contact Steve Buie to receive a FREE Cognitive Skills Assessment for one member of your family. ($149 value) Learning Rx is a one-on-one cognitive training which treats the CAUSE of the learning struggle not the symptom. Our clients range from 5 through adult. Motovation Motivates Me 330-903-0982 Contact Alan D. Fortnoff for a free consultation. Origami Owl 330-723-6167 Contact Denise Wigley for a 15% off your first order. Schedule an Origami Owl Jewelry Bar, ear FREE product and a bonus gift. Pinnacle Sports 330-239-0616 Contact Lea Burn for a 20% discount off of the retail price of all Pinnacle Sports programs, classes and birthday parties. All you need to do is to let us know that you or your company is a member of FACC. PrintPlus 330-836-4239 Contact Connie to receive 15% off the regular price of all new in-house orders. Greenview Assisted Living 330-819-1150 Contact Danka to learn how to qualify for $1000 for new resident referral. H.C. Lobalzo & Sons, Inc. 330-666-6758 Free travel charge on your commercial food equipment service call. A $59.00 value! Just mention FACC member-tomember benefits. We are authorized warranty servicers of most brands of commercial food equipment. Visit for a full list and pricing. Homewatch CareGivers 330-668-1500 Contact Paul Bonacuse for a free in-home evaluation for care. Mention this listing and receive $10 off of 4 hours of personal care service. In Working Order 330-777-0083 Contact Diane Ash for 10% discount on boxes, bubble wrap, and packing materials. Free delivery available. Keller Williams Chervenic Realty 330-414-7733 The Godin Team, Realtors with Keller Williams Chervenic Realty, is offering to pay $250 toward an upgraded home warranty when members buy or sell real estate with us. This is a 50% offer!!!! Kiehl Information Technology Services 330-294-1005 Contact Dennis Kiehl for 5% - 10% discount on equipment, installation and/or new services. SACS Consulting and Investigative Services, Inc. 330-255-1101 ext 305 In honor of SACS Consulting’s Silver Anniversary in 2015, we are offering Fairlawn Chamber members a 25% discount off any of the services we provide. Offer good through December 31, 2015. Call us and we can celebrate together! ServiceMaster by Corbett 330-864-7300 Contact Carol Gumbarevic to receive a 25% discount on all regularly priced carpet, upholstery, & tile cleaning. Good for Residential or Commercial. Sherwin Williams 330-666-0362 Receive 10% off all paint purchases & ask about our in-home or business color consultations. SLG Insurance Services 330-668-2417 Receive a $10 gas card for a no obligation competitive quote on business or personal insurnce. If you are already an insured, receive a $10 gas card for referring a friend or colleague. Summit Mall 330-867-6997 Call Heather Taylor for information on the American Express/Simon Giftcard and our bulk purchase discounts for your business! This Giftcard has no fees after purchase and doesn’t expire!” Wigs N’ Things Boutique 330-864-5251 $30 off any regularly priced wig. get Send Us Your FACC Member-To-Member Benefits and Discount Offers! Energized! Does your firm have a benefit or discount offer you wish to offer other FACC members? Why not send us your firm’s benefit or discount offer, and we’ll include it on our FACC Member-To-Member Benefits and Discounts Roster! Please complete this form and mail it back to: FACC P. O. Box 13388 Fairlawn, OH 44334 Phone at 330-777-0032 or email to: Company Contact/Business Name/Telephone:____________________________ __________________________________________________________________ FACC Member-To-Member Benefit/Discount Offer:________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Connection Download TODAY! the PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Akron, Ohio Permit No. 870 Fairlawn City App P.O. Box 13388 Fairlawn, Ohio 44334 web: e-mail: phone/fax: 330-777-0032 Page 12 • Fairlawn Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter • January/February/March 2016 The Board of Directors would like to thank each and everyone of you for your generous donation to the Holiday Auction! The success of the auction would not have been possible without your participation! We raised over. . . $31,000! FACC Single Number 330-777-0032
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