TCA Booklet for HMADS - Holy Martyrs Armenian Day


TCA Booklet for HMADS - Holy Martyrs Armenian Day
Srpox Nahadagax Amen0rya3 War=aran
Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School
Invites You to a Theatrical Afternoon Presented by
:ekeyan M,agov;a3in Miov;ivn
Mhyr Mgrd[yan :adyraqovmp
Tekeyan Cultural Association ² TCA Mher Megerdchian Theatrical Group
April 28, 2013 at 2:00pm
5700 223RD STREET, BAYSIDE, NY 11364
YROVANT )DYAN (1869- 1926)
Pazmawasdag Yrci/apan yv py.ovn craced Yrovant )dyan y.av anmah Baronyani
ar=anavor 3a]ortu1 Ampo.] yryk dasnamyag mna3ovn nyrga3ov;ivn mu y.av ha3 cragan
yrgnagamarin wra31 Abryxav ir =o.owovrtin qosdmnalix zar;0nkin5 nayv amyna6
o.pyrcagan ,r]anin hyd1 Ir craganov;yamp amen0rya3 masnagixn ov wga3i[u y.av a3t
?nav Bolis7 )dyan nahabydagan undanikin 3argin dag1 Dagavin haziv dasu
darygan5 h0ry.p0r` 3a3dni mdavoragan Cricor )dyani hyd g\yr;a3 Fransa yv Idalia1
Aba g\anxni _ovmania5 ovr ha3ru gu ba,d0nawarer ipryv )smanyan hivbados1
19156in5 ha3 mdavoraganov;yan hyd inkn al gu daracrovi Der6Z0r7 abrylow ir
azcin dy.ahanov;yan yv godora/i sarsa’n ov a.edu1 Saga3n hra,kow gu ‘rgovi ov
Bolis gu wyrata-na3 19206in1 Y0;u darinyrov un;axkin g4ovnyna3 py.ovn cor/ovneov;ivn
sdy./acor/ylow avyli kan 15 hadornyr1Ani/yal Darinyr wavyragan cor/ow gov da3 arhavirki 0ryrovn 3ov,yru1
19226in g\yr;a3 Be3rov;5 3ydo3 g\anxni Cahire yv hon gu my-ni 19266in1
Yervat Odian was born in Constantinople, Turkey on September 1869 and died in Cairo, Egypt in the year 1926. Odian is considered to be one
of the most influential Armenian satirists, along with the roughly contemporary Hagop Baronian. Odian’s writings, which include novels and short stories, often humorously point out humanity’s vices. He had the unique ability to conceive of and write stories at any given instant.
In 1915, during the Armenian Genocide Yervant Odian was deported from Istanbul to the Syrian desert. He was able to avoid falling victim by
becoming a translator for German officials in Deir el-Zor since he knew French and Turkish. In 1918, after World War I, he took up the responsibility
of collecting orphans left over from deportations in the deserts of Syria and placing them in orphanages. His only real source of income was through
his writing. He left Constantinople in 1922 and lived in Bucharest and different parts of the Near East. Yervant Odian died in Cairo Egypt 1926
For over 45 years, Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School (HMADS) has earned a welldeservedreputation for academic excellence and for inspiring
a love of Armenian heritagein her students. From its modest beginnings in 1967, the Hye Bardez Nursery School has grown into an elementary school,
housing nursery through sixth grade. HMADS combines the best elements of American education with an emphasis on Armenian language and culture. The school takes pride in its reputation of maintaining high academic standards, and bearing the distinguished honor of being the #1 private
school in Queens twice in its recent history.
The school is fully accredited by the New York State Department of Education and is superbly guided by its Principal, Zarminé Boghosian. With
a dedicated teaching staff, the school strives towards new goals and high standards as part of daily life. Children explore their rich heritage through
literature, history, music, and dance, while being instilled with values that strengthen them as they grow into adulthood. While enriching their minds
and souls in this friendly environment, new generations of Armenians create an unbreakable bond not only with the school, but with each other. Thus,
the legacy continues in the nurturing of minds and character.
Housed in the community center of the Armenian Church of the Holy Martyrs in Oakland Gardens, New York, the school is supported by various
philanthropic organizations. An endowment fund has been established welcoming the generosity of the international community, an endeavor that
will hopefully attract broad participation and allow for expansion of the present facilities.
One need only visit Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School to appreciate the invaluable contribution it is making to the future of our nation and people – carefully nurturing the growth of our children not only as Americans, but also as Armenians.
The alumni of HMADS have distinguished themselves in their secondary schools, colleges, and careers since the first class of graduates in 1982.
Including the class of 2012, a total of 250 students have graduated from HMADS. Many have been honored by their high schools, are recipients of
scholarships to colleges and universities, and are respected, active members of their communities. HMADS is proudly welcoming the "Fruits of Our
Roots," with many earlier alumni returning home as parents and members of the PTO, School Board, and Friends fundraising committee, further nurturing and assuring their alma mater’s continuity.
As you can see, the legacy continues…
Gyankow Papaqovn
46-amya3 Srpox Nahadagax Amen0rya3 War=aranu
SNAW6i gr;agan 0jaqu /an0; e hama3nkis ir a,agyrdov;yan hanteb da/a/ paxa-ig hocadarov;yamp yv
ha3gagan ov amyrigyan zovcahy- un;axo. gr;agan /racri ovsovxmamp1
Ha3 manovgnyrovn] ka3lyrow movdku a3s war=aranen nyrs gu badrasde zirynk par2raco3n gr;agan
hasdadov;ivnnyrov me] badovapyr tirkyr sdan2nylov myr hama3nken nyrs1 Ho4s e or irynx me] gu syrmanovi cidov;yan
hanteb seru7 inknajana[man yv paro3agan ar=eknyrov cidagxov;ivnn ov anonx ivraxovmu gu sgsi a3s cy.yxig
mi]awa3ren nyrs or gu go[ovi SNAW1 A3sdy. e or a,agyrdnyru irynx ovsovxi[nyrovn hocadar hsgo.ov;yan dag glanova/
a,qadankow g\a-a]nortovin timacravylov abacan1
Ka-asovn hinc darinyre i wyr syrovntnyr gu snanin azca3in par2r ar=eknyrov cidagxov;yamp yv hmdov;yamp1
Pazmazan 2y-nargnyrow yv tasarana3in ardatasarana3in a,qadanknyrow ivrakan[ivr a,agyrdin dysata,du
g4untla3ni zanonk a-a]nortylov irynx yraznyrov iraganaxman1
#ydatar2 na3ova/kow mu yraqdacidov;yamp g4ovzynk o.]ovnyl a3n polor Havadavor Paryranyru5 Gamavor
A,qado.nyru5 Hocapar2ov;yan5 Gr;agan #an2naqovmpi yv Parygamnyrov #an2naqovmpi Antamnyru5 oronk 0rn i povn
avi, ov 3o3s gu nyrargyn myzi1 Mia=amanag` myr yraqdacidov;ivnu gu ‘oqanxynk ha3 tbroxi havadaxo. ivrakan[ivr
ha3 anhadin1
Wsdah ynk or amen #ovnisin ivrakan[ivr ,r]anavard qovmpin hyd anonk war2adrova/ gu zcan irynk zirynk
aganadys ta-nalow tebi nor horizonnyr sava-nylov badrasd syrovntin ylo3;in1 Anonk anba3man0ren bidi ta-nan
wa.ovan a-a]nortnyru1 Arten isg sgsa/ yn /a-a3ylov myr hama3nki zanazan hasdadov;ivnnyren nyrs1
?na/ e Be3rov; yv 19766in yv dy.a’oqova/ e Niv York1
:adyragan ir a-a]in ‘or2a-ov;ivnu sgsa/ e Cricor Sa;amyani pymatrov;yamp HPUMi
8Arda,ad9 ;adyraqovmpin hyd5 ovr sdan2na/ e clqavor tyryr1 A-anx paxa-ov;yan mas
gazma/ e ;adyraqovmpi polor nyrga3axovmnyrovn7 a3sbes` 8My/abadiv Movraxgannyr95
8Sdaq0s Mu G\ovzovi95 8M;in Gadagyrcov;ivn95 8Gasga/u Gno] Mdkin Me]95 8Amovsnov;yan
A-a]arg9 yva3ln1
Ancami mu hamar masnagxa/ e A-a]nortarani ;adyraqovmpin5 pymatrov;yamp` N,an
“arlakyani1 #arov; mas gazma/ e nayv 8Hamazca3in9i ;adyraqovmpin tyryr wyrxnylow
8Hy;ovm Arka39i (pymatrov;yamp` Nigola3 ?adovryani) yv 8Yrginken Y0;u A;o- Ingan9i
(pymatrov;yamp` Hrant Marcaryani) ;adyraqa.yrovn me]1
Pymagan ir ,norhnyru nayv 3a3dnapyra/ e barow519776en i wyr mas gazmylow HPUMi
8Antranig9 baraqovmpin orbes mynabaro.1
Yrgov dasnamyage i wyr mas gu gazme :MM My/n7 Niv Yorki ma3r war[ov;yan5 orovn hamaadynabydn e nyrga3is1
Himnatir antamnyren e 8Mhyr Mgrd[yan9 ;adyraqovmpin (1997)5 mas gazmylow anor antranig nyrga3axman 8777 Yv
Tar2yal Baronyan9i me] Ba.dasari yv Tyrasani tyryrow1 A3novhydyv ,arovnaga/ e mas gazmyl ;adyraqovmpin
marmanvorylow hydyvyal tyryru7 Ben Alyksantri 8Im Sirdu Ly-nyrovn Me]95 Naqacahi 8O|vr G\yr;as O4w Ha3
+o.owovrt95 :rovfaldino3i 8Yrgov Diro] ?a-a395 :a’a-nigosi 8Adamnapo3=n Aryvylyan95 Daniel Korbani 8?ov.ag95
“alo, Wanyxii 8Sqalnyrov Gadagyrcov;ivnu95 Jimi Sk0;i 8Ginyru Pnav Sovd {yn Q0sir95 +or= )dfei 8Gno]s Anovnu
M0ris E9 nyrga3axovmnyrovn me]1 8<o.okor;9i nyrga3axman me] an wyrxovxa/ e Babigi (<o.okor;) clqavor tyru1 8Ser yv
?i/a.9 a3s nyrga3axman me] gu marmnavore Mi,eli tyru1
Myr ;adyraqovmpin hamar pymatra/ e _ober :oma3i 8?ov.ag9u5 Moris Hennukeni 8Ginyru Pnav Sovd {yn Q0sir9 yv
_affi <ar;i 8Gno]s Anovnu M0ris E9 ;adyraqa.yru1 Cricor Sa;amyanin orbes 0cnagan pymatri[ sdan2nyx
Yrovant )dyani 8Ser Yv ?i/a.9 ;adyraqa.i t=ovarin badasqanadovov;ivnu1
:adyraqovmpi war[ov;ivnu cnahadylow #arov; {a;majyani darinyrov wra3 yrgaro. ;adyragan wasdagu yv anor
/a-a3ov;ivn :MM 8Mhyr Mgrd[yan9 ;adyraqovmpin yv war[ov;ynen nyrs5 #ovnis 15 20076in5 masnavor 8Cnahadacir9ow
zink badova/ e1
Harout was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. He immigrated to the United States in 1976 and settled in New York. His first theatrical experiences in the 1970’s and 1980’s were with director Krikor Satamian of the AGBU Ardashad Theatrical Group. He played major roles in most of Ardashad’s performances – “The Liar”, “The Honorable Beggars”, “The Marriage Proposal”, “Black Comedy”, “A Flea in Her Ear”, “In Search of a Liar”,
“Robbery at Midnight” and “How the Other Half Loves”. Krikor Satamian was and continues to be a mentor and a role model for Harout.
He joined the AGBU Antranig Dance Ensemble in 1977 and became one of the group’s leading soloists.
In the 1980’s, Harout also worked with the Armenian Diocese’s Theatrical Group and director Nishan Parlakian, in “Kena Merir Yegur Sirem”.
In the 1990’s, Harout participated in performances presented by the Theatrical Group of the New York Hamazkayin Education and Cultural Society – “King Hetoum” directed by Nicolai Tsatoorian and “Seven Chairs Fell from Heaven” directed by Herand Markarian.
Harout is a committee member of Tekeyan Cultural Association’s New York Chapter. He is also a member of the Mher Megerdchian Theatrical
Group’s committee. He was one of the founding actors of the Mher Megerdchian Theatrical Group.
Harout has participated in Mher Megerdchian Theatrical Group’s performances since it’s origination in 1998. With director Tamar Hovhannisian,
he portrayed the roles of Baghdasar and Porter in Hagop Baronian’s “And Baronian Again”, the role of Ben Alexander in William Saroyan’s “My Heart
is in the Highlands”, and the role of the President in Zareh Melkonian’s “Whereto, Oh Armenians?”. With director Vartan Karnigi Hovhannisian, he
appeared as Trufaldino in Carlo Goldoni’s “Servant of Two Masters” and as Taparnigos in Hagop Baronian’s “The Eastern Dentist”.
In 2005, Harout faced the Armenian community as a director for the first time. He directed Robert Tomas’s “The Trap”, where he once again
took on the leading role, the role of Daniel Corban.
In Shakespeare’s “The Comedy of Errors”, directed by Berge Fazlian, Harout portrayed the “Vanetzi Palosh”. In the comedy “Women Never Lie”,
Harout was the director and lead actor, portraying Jimmy Scott.
In “My Wife’s Name is Maurice”, Harout has dual roles. He is the director and lead actor in the role of Georges Audefey. In today’s comedy Harout
plays the role of Mishel.
?na/ e Haleb1 :adyragan ir a-a]in ka3lyru a-a/ e dy.vo3n Gr;asirax war=aranin
me] ov aba masnagxa/` Gr;asirax M,agov;a3in Miov;yan ;adyragan gyankin5 orbes
war[agan antam ov tyragadar1 !(^$6en sgsyal Misak mas gazma/ e HPUMi HYUi 8Bydros
Atamyan ;adyraqovmpin1 Sdan2na/ e tyryr Bsa;asi 8Bahan]vovm E Sdaq0su9 (1970)5
Goldonii 8Yrgov Diro] ?a-a39 yv Edovard0 du Fili’’o3i 8?nntyan D0nyru Sinyor Gobylo3i
Dan Me]9 (1975) ;adyraqa.yrovn me]1
19786in undanikow gu dy.a’oqovi Niv York ov gu ,arovnage ;adyragan ir hy6
dakrkrov;ivnnyru5 a3s ancam mas gazmylow HPUMi 8Arda,ad9 ;adyraqovmpin wyrxnylow
zanazan tyryr5 pymatrov;yampu` Cricor Sa;amyani1 Gu masnagxi A-a]nortarani
;adyraqovmpi nyrga3axovmnyrovn` 8:aksi5 :aksi9 pymatrov;yamp` N,an “arlakyani yv
8Myr Gyanki Ha3ylien Nyrs9 pymatrov;yamp` Ma3kul Nywrovzyani1 2009-in mas gu gazme Srpox
Nahadagax ygy.yxvo3 8Arovsyag “a’azyan9 ;adyraqovmpi nyrga3axovxa/ N,an “arlakyani 8Wyr]in Mohiganu9
;adyraqa.in5 pymatrov;yamp` Lovsin +amgo[yan6Jrjryani1
Misak Niv York =amanovmin a-a]in 0ren mas gazma/ e ir digno]` Zarminein hyd :MM My/n Niv Yorki masnajiv.i
war[ov;yan5 orovn adynabydov;ivnu wara/ e yrgov ,r]an1
Himnatir antamnyren e 8Mhyr Mgrd[yan9 ;adyraqovmpin (1997)5 mas gazmylow anor antranig nyrga3axman 8777
Yv Tar2yal Baronyan9i me] )cseni yv Manovg A.a3i tyryrow1 A3novhydyv ,arovnaga/ e mas gazmyl ;adyraqovmpin
marmnavorylow hydyvyal tyryru7 Alfryd0 Amorzo3i 8Filovmyna Mar;ovran095 Byrj Bahyanxi tyrow Zaryh
Mylkonyanin 8O|vr G\yr;as O4w Ha3 +o.owovrt95 Pantalonei 8Yrgov Diro] ?a-a395 Inknadiosi 8Sqalnyrov
Gadagyrcov;ivnu95 yv #owse’i 8<o.okor;9 nyrga3axovmnyrovn me]1 8Ser Yv ?i/a.9i a3s nyrga3axman me] an
wyrxovxa/ e Mylkoni tyru1
:adyraqovmpi war[ov;ivnu cnahadylow Misak B0.osyani darinyrov wra3 yrgaro. ;adyragan wasdagu5 Sybdympyr
25, 2005-in5 zink badova/ e masnavor 8Cnahadacir9ow1
Born in Aleppo, Syria. Missak has taken his first steps in theatre at the local “Grtasiratz” Cultural Association’s theatrical group, as a committee
member and an actor. Starting in 1964, Missak has participated in the AGBU-AYO “Bedros Atamian” Theatrical Group. He has taken on roles in such
plays as Dimitri Psatha’s “Liar Needed” (1970), Carlo Goldoni’s “Servant of Two Masters”, Eduardo De Filippo’s “Christmas at the Cupiello’s” (1975).
In 1978, he immigrated to New York with his family. He continued his involvement with Armenian theatre by joining the AGBU “Ardashad” Theatrical Group, and appeared in various roles under the direction of Krikor Satamian. He also participated in the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church’s
theatrical presentations of “Taxi, Taxi” under the direction of Nishan Parlakian and “Our Life Through a Mirror” directed by Michael Nevruzian. In
2009, he participated in the Holy Martyr’s Armenian Church “Arousiag Papazian” Theatrical Group and took a role in Nishan Parlakian’s “The Last Mohigan” directed by Lucyn Jamgotchian-Djirdjirian.
Missak, along with his wife Zarminé , has been a part of the Greater New York Tekeyan Cultural Association from his inception and has acted as
chairman for two terms.
He is also a founding member of the TCA “Mher Megerdchian” Theatrical Group (1977) taking part in its first production, “… And Again Baronian” appearing in the roles of Oksen and Manug Agha. He has since then taken on numerous roles such as: Alfredo Amoroso in “Filumena Marturano”, Berj Bahiants in “Whereto, Oh Armenians?”, Pantalone in “Servant of Two Masters”, Egeon in “The Comedy of Errors and Hovsep in “The
In today’s production of “Love & Laughter” he appears in the role of Melkon.
?na/ e Zovixyrio3 <ovaz ka.aku )cosdos !&5 !((^6in1 Gu 3ajaqe For; Lii ha3 skovlu1
Y0;u darinyr bara/ e 8<ov,i9 baraqovmpen1 Dasu daryganin masnagxa/ e Hamazca3ini
;adyraqovmpin pymatra/ 8Jorj;aovni D.anyru9 ; me]5 or ovnyxav kani mu
hivraqa.yr1 Mylanin gu ,arovnage pyryl masnagxov;ivn niv yorkaha3 m,agov;a3in yv ungyra3in
yridasartagan gyankin1 Ir a-a]in masnagxov;ivnn e myr ;adyraqovmpen yv a3s nyrga3axman
me] wyrxovxa/ e Yrgrort Gno] tyru1
Born in Schwaz, Austria on August 17, 1996, Melanie currently attends Fort Lee High School, where she participates in cross country and track & field. She was a member of the Shushi Armenian Dance Ensemble for seven years. Additionally, she joined the
Hamazkayin Theatrical Group when she was ten years old. Melanie performed in the play The Georgetown Boys at numerous venues, including the
Kennedy Center. She continues to help and be involved in the Armenian community. This is Melanie’s first performance with the Mher Megerdchian
Theatrical Group. In this play, she is in the role of the second lady.
?na/ e La;akia5 Sovria1 Arapagan dy.agan war=aranu avardyle ydk yga/ e
Miaxyal Nahancnyr !(&*6in ov hasdadova/` Niv York1 Ir azca3in /a-a3ov;ivnu novira/ e
ha3 tbroxin5 havadalow anor a-akylov;yan1 Be3 Sa3di Niv Yorki Srpox Nahadagax
Amen0rya3 war=arani /no.agan 3an2naqovmpi yrgaramya3 adynabydn e y.a/ yv nayv no3n
war=arani parygamnyrov 3an2naqovmpi antamn e1 Yrgaramya3 antamn e :MM My/aco3n Niv
Yorki ma3r war[ov;yan1
:adyragan ir a-a]in ‘or2a-ov;ivnu ovnyxa/ e Niv Yorki 8Aryvag9 ;adyraqovmpin
hyd5 pymatrov;yamp` Nadia Isgivzari1 An gu ka]alyre ir undanikin polor antamnyrovn
mianalov 8Mhyr Mgrd[yan9 ;adyraqovmpin1
8Sirds Ly-nyrovn Me]9 ;adyraqa.i me] Baron Ova3lii tyrow <mavon a-a]in ancam pym
gu par2rana3 myr ;adyraqovmpin hyd5 !(((in1 A3novhydyv ,arovnaga/ e mas gazmyl ;adyraqovmpin marmnavorylow
hydyvyal tyryru 6 “askoval No[ylla3i 8Filovmyna Mar;ovran09i5 Qoren Qohovnii 8O|vr G\yr;as O4w Ha3 +o.owovrt95
:owmasi 8Adamnapo3=n Aryvylyan95 Aramazt M,yxii 8Sqalnyrov Gadagyrcov;ivnu95 Osdiganabydi 8?ov.ag95
_o=ei 8Gno]s Anovnu M0ris E9 nyrga3axovmnyrovn me]1 8<o.okor;9i a3s nyrga3axman me] an wyrxovxa/ e :atei tyru1
Shemavon was born in Latakia, Syria and was educated through the local Arabic school system. He immigrated to the United States in 1978.
His theatrical experience started with the Arevak theatrical group and director Nadia Isguzar.
He believes in the importance of Armenian schools and has dedicated his time to serve this cause. He continues to be involved with the Holy
Martyr’s Armenian Day School, its Parent Teacher Organization and is a member of the HMADS Friends Committee.
In addition to his involvement with the Armenian school, Shemavon is also a committee member of Tekeyan Cultural Association’s New York Chapter.
Shemavon joined the Mher Megerdchian Theatrical Group in 1999 by first portraying the role of Mister Wiley in William Saroyan’s “My Heart is
in the Highlands” in April followed by the role of Pasquale Nochella in Eduardo De Philipo’s “Filomena Morturano” in October. He also brought to life
Khoren Khohuni in Zareh Melkonian’s “Whereto, Oh Armenians” in 2000 and Tovmas in Hagop Baronian’s “The Eastern Dentist” in 2004.
In “The Trap,” Shemavon impersonated the Police Inspector. In “The Comedy of Errors”, Shemavon appeared in the role of “Aramazt of Moush.“
As recently as in 2008, in “My Wife’s Name is Maurice,” Shemavon portrayed the role of Roger. And, in June 2010, in the re-enactment of Saroyan’s
“My Heart’s in the Highlands” Shemavon returned in his role as Mr. Wiley.
In today’s presentation of “The Flatterer,” Shemavon appears in the role of Tateh.
?na/ e Engulwovd5 Ni Jurzi5 Jybyjyan arovysdaser undaniki 3argen nyrs1
:adyragan a-a]in ka3lyru nyda/ e ovsano.ov;yan 0ryrovn5 amyrigyan tbroxagan
;adyraqovmpin me]5 For; Li5 ovnynalow ov,acrav clqavor tyryr1 Zavy,dnyrow an 3ajaq
mas gazma/ e :ynufla3i S7 :owmas ygy.yxvo3 hantisov;ivnnyrovn1 Diran gu mna3 ir syrovnti
a3n yzagi yridasartnyren5 or ovni lovr] hydakrkrov;ivn azca3in ygy.yxagan gyankin hyd yv
manava4nt ser myr m,agov;a3in ar=eknyrovn ngadmamp1 An mas gu gazme Niv Jurzii
Ha3gagan _adi0=ami an2nagazmin1
:MM 8Mhyr Mgrd[yan9 ;adyraqovmpi antranig nyrga3axmamp` 8777 Yv Tar2yal
Baronyan9ow lovsangari[i tyrow Diran movdk gu cor/er ira4v Ha3 :adroni pymen nyrs5
ta-nalow himnatir antamnyren ;adyraqovmpin1 !% darinyrov yrga~r paxaga3ov;yne ydk5
tar2yal an gu wyrata-na3 ir ma3r ;adyraqovmpin ov gu miana3 ir harazad dan pymi
ungyrnyrovn1 Pari wyratar2 siryli Diran1
)dyani 8Ser Yv ?i/a.9 nyrga3axman me] wyrxovxa/ e “a3lagi tyru1
Born in Eglewood, NJ. Diran grew up in a culturally rich family. He first became involved in theater while attending Fort Lee High School. He is
a deacon and serves in the Armenian Church and community. He is dedicated to preserving Armenian culture in the Diaspora. He is also a host of
the Armenian Radio Hour of NJ.
Diran was one of TCA Mher Megerdchian Theatrical Group’s founding actors with his role as the painter in the Group’s first production, “… And
Again Baronian.”
After a long 15 year absence, Diran returns to Mher Megerdchian Theatrical Group with his role as “Paylag” in Yervant Odian’s “Love and Laughter.” Welcome back Diran!
Հեղինակ` Երուանդ Օտեան
Բեմադրիչ` Գրիգոր Սաթամեան
Օգնական բեմադրիչ` Յարութ Չաթմաճեան
Երգերու յօրինում` Արփի Սամուէլեան
Սողոմէ (Սպասուհի) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Թալին Գարակիւլլէեան
Մելքոն (Միջնորդ) ………………………………………………... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Միսաք Պօղոսեան
Արթին (Ալաթուրքա աղա) ……………………………………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Գառնիկ Ներսէսեան
Նեմզար (Միջնորդ կին) ………………………………………….. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Մելինէ Խիկոյեան
Եւփիմէ (Արթինի կինը) …………………………………...……… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Էլիզապէթ Աքեան
Ռոզ (Արթինի աղջիկը) ……………………………………………… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Դալար Զօքեան
Փայլակ (Յեղափոխական) ……………………………………….. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Տիրան Ճեպեճեան
Ագրիպաս (Փեսացու) …………………………………………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Յարութ Թագւորեան
Էտուար (Ռոզին սիրածը) …………………………………… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Յարութ Պարսումեան
Նուարդ (Ռոզին ընկերուհին) ………………………………… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Գարոլին Մելքոնեան
Միշէլ (Ուսուցիչ) ……………………………………………… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Յարութ Չաթմաճեան
Շաւարշ (Բժիշկ) …………………………………………………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Շմաւոն Ադամեան
Ա. Կին ………………………………………………………….. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Սելին Պըլըքտանեան
Բ. Կին ………………………………………………………………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Մելանի Փլեթնըր
Գ. Կին ……………………………………………………………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Արշօ Գարաճելեան
Բեմի Օգնականներ
Լուսանկար եւ Վիտէօ թեքնիք . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Վիգէն Տէմիրճեան
Երաժշտական Ձեւաւորում …………………………………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Յարութ Պարսումեան
Երաժշտութիւն …………………………………………………….. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Թալին Շէշէթեան
Կողքի Ձեւաւորում ……………………………………………………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Հրաչ Զօքեան
Ծանուցումներ ……………………………………... . . . . . . . . .Zarmine B0.osyan5 Mar0 +amgo[yan
Բեմայարդարման Յղացում …………………………………... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Գրիգոր Սաթամեան
Տարազներ ………………………………………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Մարի Զօքեան եւ Մարի Դուրեան
Դիմանկարներ ………………………………… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Հրաչ Զօքեան եւ Տիրան Ճէպէճեան
Յայտագիր Գրքոյկ …………………………………………... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Յակոբ Վարդիվառեան5
Zarmine B0.osyan5 Mar0 +amgo[yan
E]atrovm yv Dbacrov;ivn …………………………………………... Lidia yv >yvont Ba.dasaryan6
Author – Yervant Odian
Director – Krikor Satamian
Assistant Director – Harout Chatmajian
Music – Arpi Samouelian
Soghome ......................................................................................................................Talin Karagolian
Melkon ......................................................................................................................Missak Boghosian
Artin ..........................................................................................................................Karnig Nercessian
Nemzar .......................................................................................................................Meline Khekoyan
Yevpime .........................................................................................................................Elizabeth Akian
Rose ...................................................................................................................................Talar Zokian
Paylag ............................................................................................................................ Diran Jebejian
Akribas ........................................................................................................................Harout Takvorian
Edward ................................................................................................................... Harout Barsoumian
Nvart ......................................................................................................................... Carolin Melkonian
Mishel .......................................................................................................................Harout Chatmajian
Shavarsh ............................................................................................................... Shemavon Atamian
A. Woman ...............................................................................................................Celine Belekdanian
B. Woman .....................................................................................................................Melanie Plattner
C. Woman .................................................................................................................... Arsho Karajelian
Stage Crew
Photography & Stage Projection .................................................................................Vicken Demirjian
Sound .............................................................................................................................Talin Sesetyan
Music Score ............................................................................................................Harout Barsoumian
Poster.............................................................................................................................. Hratch Zokian
Advertisement .........................................................................Zarminé Boghosian, Maro Jamgotchian
Stage Design.................................................................................................................Krikor Satamian
Costumes ..................................................................................................Marie Zokian & Mari Tourian
Portraits ................................................................................................Hratch Zokian & Diran Jebejian
Booklet .....................................................................................................................Hagop Vartivarian,
Zarminé Boghosian, Maro Jamgotchian
Typesetting & Printing ...................................Arc-O-Type Graphics - Ghevont & Lydia Baghdassarian
?na/ e Kysab1 :adyragan a-a]in ‘or2a-ov;ivnu g\ovnyna3 dy.vo3n Ha3 Ga;o.ige
war=aranen nyrs sdan2nylow 8Ar,in Mal Alan9i yv 8{ar,ulu Ar;in A.a9i ;adyraqa.yrovn
me] wyrxovxa/ clqavor tyryru1
!(&3-in gu dy.a’oqovi Niv York5 ,arovnagylow ir pymagan hydakrkrov;ivnnyru1 Gu
novirovi bararovysdin5 mas gazmylow HPUMi 8Antranig baraqovmpin5 me] unt me] 1980-en i
2004-in Niv Yorki me] gu himne S7 Sarcis ygy.yxvo3 8Yraz9 badanygan baraqovmpu yv
a-a]in 0ren gu ta-na3 qovmpin barovso3xu1
8777 Yv tar2yal Baronyan9i me] A.a3i tyrow an movdk gu cor/e siro.agan
Ha3 Pymin5 ta-nalow himnatir antamnyren` :MM Mhyr Mgrd[yan9 ;adyraqovmpin1
Saro3yani 8Im Sirdu Ly-nyrovn Me]9 ; me]5 !(((6in5 pymatrov;yamp` :amar
#owhannisyani5 sdan2nyx Jysbur Mug6Greguri t=ovarin tyru5 or ha3ryni pymin wra3 marmna6
vora/ er ha3 pymin anmahanovn warbydu` Wahram “a’azyan1 Tyryr wyrxovx nayv Zaryh Mylkonyani 8O|vr G\yr;as
O~w Ha3 +o.owovrt 7779i me] Osgan Orodnyxii gyrbarow1 Carl0 Goldonii 8Yrgov Diro] ?a-a39i nyrga3axmamp Florind0 Arytovzii tyru1
8Adamnapo3=n Aryvylyan9 ; me] Ca-nig gu sdan2ne :owmasi yv <e3ks’iri 8Sqalnyrov
6in5 #owhannes Papaqanyani
Gadagyrcov;ivnu9 nyrga3axman me] gu marmnavore Aramazt Wanyxii tyryru1 Isg 20106
pymatrov;yamp tar2yal pym gu par2rana3 8Im Sirdu Ly-nyrovn Me]9 nyrga3axman me] Jysbur Mug6Greguri tyrow1
)dyani 8Ser Yv ?i/a.9 a3s nyrga3axmamp wyrxovxa/ e Ar;ini clqavor tyru1
I cnahadank ;adyragan ir wasdagin5 ;adyraqovmpi war[ov;ivnu No3ympyr 18, 20126in gu badove Ca-nigu
masnavor 8Cnahadacir9ow1
Karnig Nercessian was born in Kessab, Syria. His first theatrical experience occurs in the Armenian Catholic school in leading roles of the productions “Arshin Mal Alan” and “Charshele Artin Agha”.
He moved to New York in 1973 and continued his interest in performance by joining the AGBU Antranig Dance Ensemble in 1980.
In 2004, he established the Yeraz Dance Ensemble of St. Sarkis Church in New York and became its director and choreographer.
With the role of Apissoghom Agha in the Hagop Baronian play “The Honorable Beggars”, Karnig marked his return to Armenian theatre. In
Saroyan’s “My Heart’s in the Highlands”, he undertook the difficult role of Jasper McGregor, who has previously been played by the immortal Armenian
master actor Vahram Papazyan. In Zareh Melkonian’s “Whereto, Oh Armenians?”, he played the role of Vosgan Vorodentsi. In the production of Carlo
Goldoni’s “The Servant of Two Masters”, he played the role of Florindo Arestusi.
In the play “The Eastern Dentist”, Karnig takes the role of Thomas. And in Shakespeare’s “The Comedy of Errors”, he performs the part of Aramasd Vanetsi. And today he appears again in the role of Jasper McGregor for this production of “My Heart’s in the Highlands”.
Sylin /na/ e Niv Jurzi yv gu 3ajaqe A’ur Sydul _iwuri 8Cawallini9 mi]nagarc
war=aranu1 Y0;u darinyre i wyr antam e 8<ov,i9 baraqovmpin5 orov hyd mas gazma/ e
zanazan hivraqa.yrov` Amyriga3i5 Canada3i5 Ha3asdani5 Harava3in Amyriga3i yv Mi]in
Aryvylki zanazan ha3a,ad ka.aknyrov me]1 An 3ajaqa/ e Niv Jurzii 8#ownanyan9 amyn0rya3
war=aranu5 in[bes nayv` :ynufla3i S7 :owmas ygy.yxvo3 8Kirigyan9 ,apa;0rya3 war=aranu1
Sylini a-a]in pym par2ranaln e :MM 8Mhyr Mgrd[yan9 ;adyraqovmpin hyd1
Celine Belekdanian is in 7th grade at Cavallini Middle School in Upper Saddle River, NJ. She has been a member of
the Shushi Armenian Dance Ensemble for 7 years and has performed in the U.S., Canada, Armenia, South America,
Lebanon, Syria and Jordan with the dance group. She has also attended Hovnanian Armenian School and currently attends Kirikian Armenian School
in Tenafly and St. Leon’s Sunday School in Fair Lawn. She is active in her Girl Scouts troop and her interests include traveling and reading. This is
Celine’s first performance with the Mher Megerdchian Theatrical Group. In this play, she is in the role of the first lady.
?na/ e Yryvan1 Avarda/ e Yryvani :adyragan Insdidovdu ovsovxi[ ovnynalow ha3 pymi
warbyd yv pymatri[ Hra[ya3 >aplanyanu1 Mas gazma/ e Yryvani 8Drama;igagan9
;adyraqovmpin pym par2ranalow` ha3ryni /an0; tyrasannyr Wlatimir Msryani yv Cov=
Manovgyani go.kin1 Niv York dy.a’oqova/ e 1993-in yv masnagxov;ivn pyra/ e ,r]ani
azca3in gyankin1 Mas gu gazme :MM My/n Niv Yorki ma3r war[ov;yan1
8Filovmyna Mar;ovran09 ;adyraqa.i me] Diana3i tyrow Mylinen a-a]in ancam pym gu
par2rana3 myr ;adyraqovmpin hyd5 !(((6in1 A3novhydyv ,arovnaga/ e mas gazmyl
;adyraqovmpin hydyvyal tyryrow7 Yanqovlii 8Sqalnyrov Gadagyrcov;ivnu95 Marion )dfei
8Gno]s Anovnu M0ris E95 :yryza3i 8<o.okor;9 nyrga3axovmnyrovn me]1 A3s nyrga3axman me] an
wyrxovxa/ e Nymzari tyru1
Meline was born in Yerevan. She graduated from the Yerevan Theatrical Institute where she studied under the direction of the famous Armenian theatrical master Hratchia Ghaplanian. She worked in the Dramatical Theatre Group and shared the stage with popular actors like Vladimir
Meserian and Gouj Manougian. Meline moved to New York in 1993. She joined the Mher Megerdchian Theatrical Group in 1999 and appeared in
“Filomena Marturano” with Tamar Hovanissian and Krikor Satamian. In Shakespeare’s “The Comedy of Errors”, directed by Berj Fazlian, Meline portrayed the role of Yankouli – the witch. Shart’s “My Wife’s Name is Maurice”, Meline appeared as Marion Audefey. Baronian’s “The Flatterer” Meline
portrayed the role of Theresa. In today’s presentation of Odian’s “Love & Laughter she portrays the role of Nemzar.
?na/ e Haleb1 Naqnagan ovsovmu sdaxa/ e dy.vo3n Ha3gazyan War=aranen ov aba`
Ka-en Y’’e Jymaranen1 !(&^6in Amyriga gov ca3 a-an2in` ovsanylov1 Ovsovmu avardylow
an gu wyrata-na3 Haleb1
:alin wyx daryganin arten a-a]in ancam ullalow gu par2rana3 pym yv ir h0r`
Garabydi ka]alyrov;yamp gu sire Ha3 Pymu1 Halebi Hamazca3ini 8Lyvon <an;9
;adyraqovmpin mas gu gazme sdan2nylow clqavor tyryr` 8My/abadiv Movraxgannyr9ov5
8Dhasu9i5 8E9i5 8G\ovzym Dysnyl Mivs )fu9i5 8M;in Gadagyrcov;ivn9i5 8Aryva/a.igs9i5
8?ov.agu9i ;adyraqa.yrovn me]1 Ksanyrgov ;adyraqa.yrow par2raxa/ e pym hydyvyal
pymatri[nyrow` Cricor Kele,yan5 #arov;ivn Junnozyan5 Warov=an Qudu,yan5 Manovel
Ke,i,yan5 Hra[ya3 A,ov.yan1
:alin a-a]in ancam pym gu par2rana3 myr ;adyraqovmpin hyd marmnavorylow Digin
Dov.ovabali tyru <ar;i 8Gno]s Anovnu M0ris E9 nyrga3axman me]1 )dyani a3s nyrga3axman
me] wyrxovxa/ e So.omei tyru1
Talin was born in Aleppo, Syria. She received her education at the Haigazian School and the Karen Yeppe Gemaran. In 1976, she came to the
United States to further her education and then returned to Syria. Talin’s first theatrical appearance was at the age of six. With the encouragement
of her father, Garabed, she devoted herself to Armenian music and theater. She joined the Aleppo Hamazkayin Levon Shant Theater Group and appeared in leading roles in “Honorable Beggars”, “Dhase”, “Eh”, “I Want to See the Other Of”, “Black Comedy”, “My Sunflower” and “The Trap”. She
took part in 22 stage productions with directors Krikor Kalashian, Haroutioun Chennozian, Varoujan Khedeshian, Manuel Keshishian and Hratchia
Talin joins the Mher Megerdchian Theatrical Group by appearing in the role of Madame Dghouabal in Raffy Shart’s “My Wife’s Name is Maurice”. Talin’s role today is Soghome.
?na/ e Be3rov; yv ,ad ‘okr darikin undanikow ‘oqatrova/ e Miaxyal
Nahancnyr ov hasdadova/` Niv Jurzi yv ovr 3ajaqa/ ov ,r]anavard y.a/ e For; Li
Ha3 Skovlen1 Hamalsaranagan gr;ov;ivnu sdaxa/ e Si;un H0l Hamalsaranen
wga3ovylow bsagavor arovysdix wga3aganow1 Dagavin yrgrortagan war=arani ovsano.
masnagxa/ e amyrigyan ;adyragan qovmpyrovn1 Niv Jurzii Ha3 Miov;yan
war[ov;yan antamagxa/ e sdanxnylow` tivanagan ba,d0n1
8<ov,i9 baraqovmpi himnatrov;ynen i wyr mas gazma/ e baraqovmpin orbes
mynabarovhi yv myr hama3nken nyrs /an0; e an ir bara3in arovysdow1 <r]an mu y.a/
e war[agan antam baraqovmpi war[ov;yan yv :MM yridasartax 3an2naqovmpin1
8Filovmyna Mar;ovran09i me] Lov[ia3i tyrow an movdk cor/a/ e :MM Mhyr Mgrd[yan ;adyraqovmpi undaniken
nyrs5 !(((6in1 A3novhydyv ,arovnaga/ e mas gazmyl ;adyraqovmpin marmnavorylow hydyvyal tyryru7 Ezmyraldina3i
8Yrgov Diro] ?a-a395 Floransi 8?ov.ag95 Anahidi 8Sqalnyrov Gadagyrcov;ivn95 S0fii 8Adamnapo3=n Aryvylyan95
Ky;i Harisuni 8Ginyru Yrpyk Sovd {yn Q0sir9 yv Jonii M0r 8Sirds Ly-nyrovn Me]9 yv Sofii 8<o.okor;9
nyrga3axovmnyrovn me]1 8Ser yv ?i/a.9i a3s nyrga3axman me] Talar wyrxovxa/ e _ozi tyru1
Talar was born in Beirut, Lebanon. She immigrated to the United States with her family at a very young age and settled in New Jersey. She
graduated from Fort Lee High School and received a Bachelor Degree from Seton Hall University.
While still in high school, she took part in American theatrical performances. She was a member of the “Shushi” Armenian Dance Ensemble
since its inception through January 2009. She is familiar face to the Armenian community through her performances with “Shushi” and “Mher
Megerdchian” Theatrical Group.
Talar joined “Mher Megerdchian” in October 1999 by portraying the role of Luchia in “Filomena Morturano.” In 2002, she brilliantly represented
Ezmeraldina in “Servant of Two Masters.” Talar has portrayed the role of Madam Elizabeth Corban in “The Trap” and the role of Anahid in “The Comedy of Errors.” In “Women Never Lie” she played the role of Cathy Harrison. In June 2010 re-enactment of William Saroyan’s “My Heart’s in the
Highlands’ she took on the role of Johnny’s visionary mother. In Baronian’s “The Flatterer” Talar played the role of Sofi. In today’s presentation of
“Love & Laughter” she plays the role of Rose.
Ծնած ու հասակ առած է Նիւ Ճըրզի, ուր եւս ունեցած է իր բեմական առաջին փորձառութիւնը
մաս կազմելով համայնքային թէ ծխական երգչախումբերու, պարախումբի եւ նուագախումբի։
Պատանեկութեան, ազգային հանդէսներուն ան յաճախ արտասանած է հայ գրողներու
բանաստեղծութիւններէն։ Հայ Թատերական բեմին առաջին փորձառութիւնը կ’ունենայ Ժիրայր
Անանեանի «Թաքսի-Թաքսի» թատերախաղի մէջ, ստանձնելով Տիկին Պայծառի դերը,
Առաջնորդարանի թատերախումբի կողմէ ներկայացուած եւ բեմադրութեամբը Դոկտ. Նշան
Էլիզապէթ շրջանաւարտ է Ռաթկըրզ-Նուըրք Գոլէճէն ստանալով պսակաւոր արուեստից
հոգեբանութեան ճիւղին մէջ։ Հետեւած է ապա Նիւ Եորք Համալսարանի մէջ եւ մասնագիտացած`
Paralegal Studies ճիւղին մէջ։ Այժմ կ’աշխատի Նիւ Եորքի կարեւոր ֆինանսական ընկերութեան մը
Ազգային հանրային կեանքին բերած է տարիներու ծառայութիւն եւ ծանօթ անուն մըն է ան, անկասկած, Մեծագոյն Նիւ
Եորքի ընկերային, եկեղեցական, կրթական թէ մշակութային կեանքէն ներս։
Օտեանի «Սէր եւ Ծիծաղ» ներկայացման մէջ կը մարմնաւորէ Եւփիմէի դերը։ Էլիզապէթի առաջին մասնակցութիւնն է
ԹՄՄ «Մհեր Մկրտչեան» թատերախումբէն ներս։ Կ’ըսենք բարի եկար։
Born and raised in New Jersey, Elizabeth became familiar with the stage from childhood through her late teens through performances with
school and community-based choral, dance, and orchestral groups, as well as Armenian poetry recitations. Her first experience in the Armenian
theater was portraying the role of Deegeen Baydzar in Jirair Ananyan’s “Taxi Taxi” with the Diocesan Players under the direction of the late Dr.
Nishan Parlakian.
Elizabeth graduated from Rutgers-Newark College of Arts and Sciences with a degree in Psychology, and thereafter received a professional
diploma in Paralegal Studies from New York University. She currently works in the financial services industry.
Over the years, Elizabeth has been actively involved in various cultural, religious, professional and educational organizations, namely the Armenian Network of America – Greater NY Region, as well as the Rutgers Newark Alumni Association.
This production of “Love and Laughter” marks Elizabeth’s debut with the Mher Megerdchian Theatrical Group, in which she portrays the role
of Yevpime.
?na/ e Be3rov; yv undanikin hyd ca.;a/` Miaxyal Nahancnyr !(*!6in yv no3n darin isg
miaxa/ e HPUMi 8Antranig9 baraqovmpin5 orov sirova/ mynabaro.nyren e min[yv a3s0r1
Anor hydakrkrov;ivnnyru a3lazan yn azca3in ov ygy.yxagan myr gyanken nyrs1 Ovnyxa/ e
masnagxov;ivn 8Hamazca3in Ha3 Gr;agan yv M,agov;a3in Miov;yan9 me] yv _ijfildi Srpox
Wartananx ygy.yxien nyrs11995-in 2y-natrova/ e sargavac1
8?ov.ag9i me] Maksimil Wartabydi tyrow #arov; a-a]in ancam ha3 pym gu par2rana3
:MMi 8Mhyr Mgrd[yan9 ;adyraqovmpen5 2005-in1 A3novhydyv ,arovnaga/ e mas gazmyl
;adyraqovmpin marmanvorylow hydyvyal tyryru7 “alo, M,yxii 8Sqalnyrov Gadagyrcov;ivn95
Ovilium Harisuni 8Ginyru Yrpyk Sovd {yn Q0sir95 Moris La’’eni 8Gno]s anovnu M0ris e95
Baron Cosaki 8Sirds Ly-nyrovn Me]95 Par;ymi 8<o.okor;9i nyrga3axovmnyrov me]1 8Ser Yv
?i/a.9 a3s nyrga3axovmow an pym gu par2rana3 Acribasi tyrow1
Harout was born in Beirut, Lebanon and immigrated to the United States in 1981. He joined the AGBU Antranig Dance Ensemble in 1986 and is
currently one of the talented soloists of Antranig. He is very involved in the Armenian community through his work with Hamazkayin and the church
choir. In 1995, he was ordained as Deacon at St. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church in Ridgefield, NJ.
In 2005, Harout started his experience in Armenian theater through the Mher Megerdchian Theatrical Group. In “The Trap“, Harout appeared as
the Priest, Maximil. He was the “Meshetzi Palosh“ in “The Comedy of Errors”. In “Women Never Lie”, he represented William Harrison. In comedy
“My Wif’e’s name is Maurice”, Harout appears in the leading role of Maurice Lappin.
In June 2010, he appeared as Mr. Kosak in the reenactment of William Saroyan’s “My Heart’s in the Highlands.”
In today’s presentation of “The Flatterer,” Harout takes on the role of Partem.
?na/ e Haleb1 #ajaqa/ e dy.vo3n Karen Y’’e Jymaranu yv ,r]anavard e Halebi
bydagan yra=,danoxen masnacidanalow` tasagan6sbanagan gi;a-i yv 30rino.agan
arovysdin1 <r]anavard e nayv dy.vo3n 8Mardiros Saryan9 anovan agatymia3en1
“oqatrova/ e Niv York ovr masnacidaxa/ e 2a3na3in yrgra[a’ov;yan me] yv hasdada/ e
ir an2nagan ungyrov;ivnu a3t marzen nyrs1
Gazma/ e 8#o3syr9 yra=,daqovmpu Niv Yorki S7 Lovsavori[ ygy.yxvo3 howanavorov;yan
dag ullalow` qovmpin cy.arovysdagan .ygawaru1 #arov; ovni a,qo3= masnagxov;ivn
hama3nka3in myr gyanken nyrs1 Anxyalin mas gazma/ e HPUMi 8Antranig9 baraqovmpin1
Masnagxa/ e nayv 0f6brodove3i baraqa-n nyrga3axman` 8Anxovmu lo3si yv ,ovki untme]en9
; me]1 “okr zavy,dnyrow5 anxyalin5 pym par2raxa/ e1
8O|w Sbannyx Aryvylyan Adamnapo3=u9 ;adyraqa.ow a-a]in ancam mas gazmyx Mhyr
Mgrd[yan ;adyraqovmpin1 8<o.okor;9i nyrga3axman5 an wyrxovxa/ er Ar,agi tyru1 A3s
;adyraqa.ow pym gu par2rana3 Edovari tyrow1
Harout was born in Aleppo, Syria. He attended the Karen Yeppe College and graduated from Aleppo State Musical Institute with specialty Classic Spanish guitar and composition. He is also graduate of “Mardiros Saryan” Academy of Aleppo. He moved to New York and studied audio engineering and production at the Institute of Audio Research and established his personal business in the field under the name “Barsoumian Products.”
Recently, 2010 he formed “The Huyser” Music Ensemble of St. Illuminator Armenian Cathedral, NYC, where they practice. He was a very active member of the AGBU “Antranig” Dance Ensemble for seven years where he also edited all their music. He has also appeared in an Off-Broadway musical, Anahid Sofian’s “Passage through Light and Shadows.”
He made his “Mher Megerdchian” debut with “Who killed the Eastern Dentist?” in 2009. In Baronian’s “The Flatterer“ he appeared in the role
of Arshag. In today’s presentation of Odian’s “Love & Laughter” Harout appears in the role of Edward. Also, the music of the play was written and
arranged by Harout.
?na/ e :yhran yv undanikow inu daryganin ‘oqatrova/ e Niv Jurzi1 Masnacidaxa/
e dndysacidov;yan me] yv ,r]anavard y.a/ e Maovn; Cler Hamalsaranen5 Niv Jurzi1
Hasag a-a/ e m,agov;aser undaniki mu 3argin dag1 Anmahanovn cro. Wahan :o;owynxu
y.a/ e ir h0r h0ry.pa3ru1 Ha3ru y.a/ e yra=i,d5 clqavor ;av ]ov;agaharu :yhrani
Simfonig novacaqovmpin5 isg ma3ru` yrc[ovhi` Barsgasdani Azca3in Yra=,daqovmpin me]1
Pazmada.ant Carolin mas gazma/ e tbroxi novacaqovmpin` ;av ]ov;agow5
yrc[aqovmpin5 ;adyraqovmpin1 Ovni nayv da.ant ngar[ov;yan me] ar=ananalow zanazan
Miaxa/ e !^ daryganin HPUM 8Antranig9 Baraqovmpin yv min[yv a3s0r orbes
mynabarovhi mas gu gazme qovmpin1
Ir a-a]in pym yllyln e :MM 8Mhyr Mgrd[yan9 ;adyraqovmpin hyd yv pari calovsd gu
ma.;ynk myr noraco3n antamin1 )dyani 8Ser Yv ?i/a.9 gadagyrcov;yan me] pym gu
par2rana3 Novarti tyrow1
Born in Tehran, Carolin immigrated to New Jersey at the age of nine with her family. She graduated from Montclair University with a degree in
economics. She grew up in a culturally rich family. The renowned author Vahan Totovents was her great uncle.
Her father was a famous violinist with the Symphony Orchestra of Tehran, and her mom, a vocalist with the National Chorus Group of Tehran.
Following in her parents footsteps, Carolin also played the violin in her school’s orchestra, she sang in its chorus group, and was involved in theater.
She also is a very talented artist, and has won numerous awards for her paintings.
At the age of 16, she joined the AGBU Antranig Dance Ensemble, and still performs with Antranig today as one of the Ensemble’s soloists.
This is Corolin’s first performance with the Mher Megerdchian Theatrical Group.
In Yervant Odian’s “Love and Laughter” she skillfully portrays the role of Nvart.
?na/ e Hykunsyk5 Niv Jurzi1 <r]anavard e y.a/ Niv Jurzii 8#ownanyan9 amyn0rya3
war=aranen 2009 ;ovaganin1 A3=m gu 3ajaqe Clifsa3d “arki yrgrortagan war=aranu1
Avardyle ydk gu /racre ,arovnagyl hamalsaranagan par2raco3n ir ovsovmu1 Dasnumeg
darinyre i wyr antam e 8<ov,i9 baraqovmpin5 orov hyd masnagxa/ e pazma;iv hivraqa.yrov1
Born in Hackensack, NJ, Arsho Karajelian graduated from Hovnanian Armenian School in 2009. Currently, she is
a senior at Cliffside Park High School and is planning to go to college next year. She has been a member of the
Shushi Armenian Dance Ensemble for 11 years. This is Arsho’s first performance with the Mher Megerdchian Theatrical Group.
8Sird6srdi dove4k5 siryxe4k zirar5
tovk /novntn ek a3n ha3rynikin5zavagu a3n azcin5
oronk ampo.] a,qarhu zarmaxovxa/ yn ov gu zarmaxnyn5
tovk zira4r bahyxek5 ba,dyxe4k 2yr ho.n ov azcu1
Da4su lyzov sorwyxek5 2yr lyzovn5 2yr havadku .a3im6amovr6hasdad bahyxek19
Qa[adovr Apowyan
Wherever a tree grows, There grows hope.
Whoever plants…Believes in tomorrow!
Diana Der Hovanessian
This booklet was prepared with the highest attention to accuracy and detail.
We could not possibly claim that it is free of errors.
We earnestly apologize for any unintentional omission or accidental misprint.
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