Parton Distributions for the LHC
Parton Distributions for the LHC
RHUL, 12 January 2011 Parton Distributions for the LHC James Stirling Cambridge University (with thanks to Alan Martin, Robert Thorne, Graeme Watt) parton distribution functions • introduced by Feynman (1969) in the parton model, to explain Bjorken scaling in deep inelastic scattering data; interpretation as probability distributions • according to the QCD factorisation theorem for inclusive hard scattering processes, universal distributions containing long-distance structure of hadrons; related to parton model distributions at leading order, but with logarithmic scaling violations (DGLAP) • key ingredients for Tevatron and LHC phenomenology outline • deep inelastic scattering and parton distribution functions • the MSTW08 parton distributions • implications for LHC cross sections • issues and outlook 1 deep inelastic scattering and parton distributions deep inelastic scattering • variables electron qµ X h 2 × 10−16 m GeV λ = = Q Q at HERA, Q2 < 105 GeV2 ⇒ λ > 10-18 m = rp/1000 •in general, we can write where the Fi(x,Q2) are called structure functions 1.2 2 inelasticity Q2 x= Q 2 + M X2 − M p2 ⇒0<x≤1 1.0 0.8 Bjorken Scaling 2 Q (GeV ) 1.5 3.0 5.0 8.0 11.0 8.75 24.5 230 80 800 8000 2 • resolution proton F2(x,Q ) • pµ Q2 = –q2 x = Q2 /2p·q (Bjorken x) ( y = Q2 /x s ) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 the parton model (Feynman 1969) • photon scatters incoherently off massless, • pointlike, spin-1/2 quarks probability that a quark carries fraction ξ of parent proton’s momentum is q(ξ), (0< ξ < 1) F2 ( x) = 1 ∑ ∫ q ,q = • infinite momentum frame 0 dξ eq2 ξ q (ξ ) δ ( x − ξ ) = ∑ eq2 x q( x) q ,q 4 1 1 x u ( x) + x d ( x) + x s ( x) + ... 9 9 9 the functions u(x), d(x), s(x), … are called parton distribution functions (pdfs) - they encode information about the proton’s deep structure 6 extracting pdfs from experiment • • different beams (e,µ,ν,…) & targets (H,D,Fe,…) measure different combinations of quark pdfs thus the individual q(x) can be extracted from a set of structure function measurements 4 1 1 (u + u ) + (d + d ) + ( s + s ) + ... 9 9 9 1 1 4 = (u + u ) + ( d + d ) + ( s + s ) + ... 9 9 9 = 2 d + s + u + ... F2ep = F2en F2νp F2νn [ ] = 2 [u + d + s + ...] • directly, gluon not measured but carries about 5 νN s = s = F2 − 3F2eN 6 1/2 the proton’s momentum ∑ ∫ dx x (q( x) + q( x)) = 0.55 1 q 0 7 8 40 years of Deep Inelastic Scattering 1.2 2 1.0 0.8 2 F2(x,Q ) 2 Q (GeV ) 1.5 3.0 5.0 8.0 11.0 8.75 24.5 230 80 800 8000 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 x 9 scaling violations and QCD The structure function data exhibit systematic violations of Bjorken scaling: 6 4 F2 2 Q2 > Q1 Q1 quarks emit gluons! 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 x DGLAP equations 10 beyond lowest order in pQCD going to higher orders in pQCD is straightforward in principle, since the above structure for F2 and for DGLAP generalises in a straightforward way: 1972-77 1977-80 2004 The 2004 calculation of the complete set of P(2) splitting functions by Moch, Vermaseren and Vogt (hep-ph/0403192,0404111) completes the calculational tools for a consistent NNLO (massless) pQCD treatment of Tevatron & LHC hard-scattering cross sections 12 summary: how pdfs are obtained • • • • choose a factorisation scheme (e.g. MSbar), an order in perturbation theory (see below, e.g. LO, NLO, NNLO) and a ‘starting scale’ Q0 where pQCD applies (e.g. 1-2 GeV) parametrise the quark and gluon distributions at Q0,, e.g. solve DGLAP equations to obtain the pdfs at any x and scale Q > Q0 ; fit data for parameters {Ai,ai, …αS} approximate the exact solutions (e.g. interpolation grids, expansions in polynomials etc) for ease of use; thus the output ‘global fits’ are available ‘off the shelf”, e.g. SUBROUTINE PDF(X,Q,U,UBAR,D,DBAR,…,BBAR,GLU) input | output 13 2 MSTW* *Alan Martin, WJS, Robert Thorne, Graeme Watt arXiv:0901.0002, arXiv:0905.3531, arXiv:1006.2753 the MRS/MRST/MSTW project 1985 • since 1987 (with Alan Martin, Dick Roberts, Robert Thorne, Graeme Watt), to produce ‘stateof-the-art’ pdfs • combine experimental data with theoretical formalism to perform ‘global fits' to data to extract the pdfs in user-friendly form for the particle physics community • currently widely used at HERA and the Fermilab Tevatron, and in physics simulations for the LHC • currently, the only available NNLO pdf sets with rigorous treatment of heavy quark flavours MRS(E,B) MRS(E’,B’) 1990 1995 2000 2005 MRS(D-,D0,S0) MRS(A) MRS(A’,G) MRS(Rn) MRS(J,J’) MRST1998 MRST1999 MRSTS2001E MRST2004 MRST2004QED MRST2006 MSTW2008 15 MSTW 2008 update • new data (see next slide) • new theory/infrastructure − δfi from new dynamic tolerance method: 68%cl (1σ) and 90%cl (cf. MRST) sets available − new definition of αS (no more ΛQCD) − new GM-VFNS for c, b (see Martin et al., arXiv:0706.0459) − new fitting codes: FEWZ, VRAP, fastNLO − new grids: denser, broader coverage − slightly extended parametrisation at Q02 :34-4=30 free parameters including αS code, text and figures available at: 16 data sets used in fit 17 MSTW input parametrisation Note: 20 parameters allowed to go free for eigenvector PDF sets, cf. 15 for MRST sets 18 which data sets determine which partons? 19 LO vs NLO vs NNLO? in the MSTW2008 fit χ2 global /dof = 3066/2598 (LO) 2543/2699 (NLO) 2480/2615 (NNLO) LO evolution too slow at small x; NNLO fit marginally better than NLO Note: • an important ingredient missing in the full NNLO global PDF fit is the NNLO correction to the Tevatron high ET jet cross section • LO can be improved (e.g. LO*) for MCs by adding K-factors, relaxing momentum conservation, etc. 20 21 the asymmetric sea •the sea presumably arises when ‘primordial‘ valence quarks emit gluons which in turn split into quark-antiquark pairs, with suppressed splitting into heavier quark pairs The ratio of Drell-Yan cross sections for pp,pn → µ+µ- + X provides a measure of the difference between the u and d sea quark distributions •so we naively expect u ≈ d > s > c > ... • usea, dsea, s obtained from fits to data ▬ • c,b from pQCD, g Q Q 22 strange earliest pdf fits had SU(3) symmetry: later relaxed to include (constant) strange suppression (cf. fragmentation): with κ = 0.4 – 0.5 nowadays, dimuon production in υN DIS (CCFR, NuTeV) allows ‘direct’ determination: in the range 0.01 < x < 0.4 data seem to prefer theoretical explanation?! 23 MSTW 24 charm, bottom considered sufficiently massive to allow pQCD treatment: distinguish two regimes: (i) include full mH dependence to get correct threshold behaviour (ii) treat as ~massless partons to resum αSnlogn(Q2/mH2) via DGLAP FFNS: OK for (i) only ZM-VFNS: OK for (ii) only consistent GM(=general mass)-VFNS now available (e.g. ACOT(χ), RobertsThorne) which interpolates smoothly between the two regimes Note: definition of these is tricky and non-unique (ambiguity in assignment of O(mH2//Q2) contributions), and the implementation of improved treatment (e.g. in going from MRST2006 to MSTW 2008) can have a big effect on light partons 25 charm and bottom structure functions • MSTW 2008 uses fixed values of mc = 1.4 GeV and mb = 4.75 GeV in a GM-VFNS • the sensitivity of the fit to these values, and impact on LHC cross sections, is discussed in arXiv:1006.2753 the pdf industry • many groups now extracting pdfs from ‘global’ data analyses (MSTW, CTEQ, NNPDF, …) • broad agreement, but differences due to – choice of data sets (including cuts and corrections) – treatment of data errors HERA-DIS – treatment of heavy quarks (s,c,b) FT-DIS – order of perturbation theory Drell-Yan – parameterisation at Q0 Tevatron jets – theoretical assumptions (if any) about: Tevatron W,Z • flavour symmetries • x→0,1 behaviour •… other 27 MSTW08 CTEQ6.6X NNPDF2.0 HERAPDF1.0 ABKM09 GJR08 HERA DIS * * F-T DIS F-T DY TEV W,Z + TEV jets + GM-VFNS NNLO + Run 1 only * includes new combined H1-ZEUS data 1 – 2.5% increase in quarks at low x (depending on procedure), similar effect on αS(MZ2) if free and somewhat less on gluon; more stable at NNLO (MSTW prelim.) X New (July 2010) CT10 includes new combined H1-ZEUS data + Run 2 jet data 28 + extended gluon parametrisation + … more like MSTW08 impact of Tevatron jet data on fits • a distinguishing feature of pdf sets is whether they use (MRST/MSTW, CTEQ, NNPDF, GJR,…) or do not use (HERAPDF, ABKM, …) Tevatron jet data in the fit: the impact is on the high-x gluon (Note: Run II data requires slightly softer gluon than Run I data) • the (still) missing ingredient is the full NNLO pQCD correction to the cross section, but not expected to have much impact in practice [Kidonakis, Owens (2001)] 29 dijet mass distribution from D0 D0 collaboration: arXiv:1002.4594 30 pdf uncertainties • most groups produce ‘pdfs with errors’ • typically, 20-40 ‘error’ sets based on a ‘best fit’ set to reflect ±1σ variation of all the parameters* {Ai,ai,…,αS} inherent in the fit • these reflect the uncertainties on the data used in the global fit (e.g. δF2 ≈ ±3% → δu ≈ ±3%) • however, there are also systematic pdf uncertainties reflecting theoretical assumptions/prejudices in the way the global fit is set up and performed (see earlier slide) * e.g. 31 pdfs and αS(MZ2) • • • • MSTW08, ABKM09 and GJR08: αS(MZ2) values and uncertainty determined by global fit NNLO value about 0.003 − 0.004 lower than NLO value, e.g. for MSTW08 CTEQ, NNPDF, HERAPDF choose standard values and uncertainties world average (PDG 2009) • • note that the pdfs and αS are correlated! e.g. gluon – αS anticorrelation at small x and quark – αS anticorrelation at large x 33 αS - pdf correlations • MSTW: arXiv:0905.3531 care needed when assessing impact of varying αS on cross sections ~ (αS )n (e.g. top, Higgs) 3 implications for LHC cross sections the QCD factorization theorem for hard-scattering (short-distance) inclusive processes ^σ where X=W, Z, H, high-ET jets, SUSY sparticles, black hole, …, and Q is the ‘hard scale’ (e.g. = MX), usually µF = µR = Q, and σ^ is known … • to some fixed order in pQCD (and EW), e.g. high-ET jets • or ‘improved’ by some leading logarithm approximation (LL, NLL, …) to all orders via resummation momentum fractions x1 and x2 determined by mass and rapidity of X proton proton M x1 P x2 P DGLAP evolution 37 precision phenomenology at LHC • Benchmarking (‘Standard Candles’) – inclusive SM quantities (V, jets, top,… ), calculated to the highest precision available (e.g. NNLO, NNLL, etc) – tools needed: robust jet algorithms, kinematics, decays included, PDFs, … – theory uncertainty in predictions: δσth = δσUHO ⊕ δσPDF ⊕ δσparam ⊕ … • Backgrounds – new physics generally results in some combination of multijets, multileptons, missing ET – therefore, we need to know SM cross sections {V,VV,bb,tt,H,…} + jets to high precision `wish lists’ – ratios can be useful Note: V = γ*,Z,W± 38 • Learning more about PDFs – high-ET jets, top → gluon? – W+,W–,Z0 → quarks? – very forward Drell-Yan (e.g. LHCb) → small x? – … 39 precision phenomenology at LHC • LO for generic PS Monte Carlos • NLO for NLO-MCs and many parton-level signal and background processes • NNLO for a limited number of ‘precision observables’ (W, Z, DY, H, …) + E/W corrections, resummed HO terms etc… 40 41 parton luminosity functions • a quick and easy way to assess the mass, collider energy and pdf dependence of production cross sections √s a b X • i.e. all the mass and energy dependence is contained in the X-independent parton luminosity function in [ ] • useful combinations are • and also useful for assessing the uncertainty on cross sections due to uncertainties in the pdfs (see later) 42 SS VS more such luminosity plots available at 44 e.g. ggH qqVH qqqqH 45 parton luminosity comparisons positivity constraint on input gluon Run 1 vs. Run 2 Tevatron jet data No Tevatron jet data or FT-DIS data in fit ZM-VFNS momentum sum rule Luminosity and cross section plots from Graeme Watt (MSTW, in preparation), available at 46 restricted parametrisation no Tevatron jet data in fit 47 new combined HERA SF data ZM-VFNS 48 fractional uncertainty comparisons remarkably similar considering the different definitions of pdf uncertainties used by the 3 groups! 49 LHC benchmark study for Standard Model cross sections at 7 TeV LHC 50 51 W, Z 52 benchmark W,Z cross sections differences larger than expected – under investigation! 53 predictions for σ(W,Z) @ Tevatron, LHC: NLO vs. NNLO 14 TeV 54 55 Higgs 56 Harlander,Kilgore Anastasiou, Melnikov Ravindran, Smith, van Neerven … • only scale variation uncertainty shown • central values calculated for a fixed set pdfs with a fixed value of αS(MZ) • even at NNLO, a residual ~ ± 10-15% uncertainty in the predictions from 57 QCD scale variations! benchmark Higgs cross sections … differences from both pdfs and αS ! ... recall additional scale uncertainty of ± 10-15% at NNLO 58 59 top 60 top quark production at hadron colliders dominates at Tevatron dominates at LHC NLO known, but awaits full NNLO pQCD; NNLO & NnLL “soft+virtual” fixed order and resummed approximations exist (Moch, Uwer, Langenfeld; Kidonakis, Vogt; Cacciari, Frixione, Mangano, Nason, Ridolfi; Ahrens, Ferroglia, Neubert, Pecjak, Yang; Beneke, Falgari, Schwinn; …) 61 LO NLO NNLOapprox µf = 2m, m, m/2 Langenfeld, Moch, Uwer, arXiv:0906.5273 62 benchmark top cross sections a precision ATLAS/CMS measurement will be very useful in discriminating between pdf sets! 63 4 summary and outlook summary and outlook • precision phenomenology at high-energy colliders such as the LHC requires an accurate knowledge of the distribution functions of partons in hadrons • determining pdfs from global fits to data is now a major industry… the MSTW collaboration has produced (2008) LO, NLO, NNLO sets specifically for precision phenomenology at LHC • benchmark studies of standard candle cross sections and ratios • W,Z cross sections and ratios well predicted (luminosity measurements?); bigger spread for other cross sections (Higgs, top) • eagerly awaiting precision cross sections at 7,8,...14 TeV! extra slides general structure of a QCD perturbation series • • choose a renormalisation scheme (e.g. MSbar) calculate cross section to some order (e.g. NLO) physical variable(s) process dependent coefficients depending on P renormalisation scale • note dσ/dµ=0 “to all orders”, but in practice dσ(N+n)/dµ= O((N+n)αSN+n+1) • can try to help convergence by using a “physical scale choice”, µ ~ P , e.g. µ = MZ or µ = ETjet or µ = mtop • at hadron colliders, also have factorisation scale µ F alongside µ R the impact of NNLO: W,Z Anastasiou, Dixon, Melnikov, Petriello, 2004 • • only scale variation uncertainty shown central values calculated for a fixed set PDFs with a fixed value of αS(MZ2) using the W+- charge asymmetry at the LHC • at the Tevatron σ(W+) = σ(W–), whereas at LHC σ(W+) ~ (1.4 – 1.3) σ(W–) • can use this asymmetry to calibrate backgrounds to new physics, since typically σNP(X → W+ + …) = σNP(X → W– + …) • example: in this case whereas… which can in principle help distinguish signal and background 69 C.H. Kom & WJS, arXiv:1004.3404 R± increases with jet pTmin R± larger at 7 TeV LHC 70
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