Adsorption of copper to different biogenic oyster shell structures
Adsorption of copper to different biogenic oyster shell structures
Applied Surface Science 311 (2014) 264–272 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Applied Surface Science journal homepage: Adsorption of copper to different biogenic oyster shell structures Qiong Wu a , Jie Chen a , Malcolm Clark b , Yan Yu a,∗ a b College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, New Campus, Minhou, Fujian Province 350108, China Marine Ecology Research Centre, School of Environment, Science and Engineering, Southern Cross University, P.O. Box 157, Lismore, NSW 2480, Australia a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 12 October 2013 Received in revised form 11 May 2014 Accepted 11 May 2014 Available online 19 May 2014 Keywords: Adsorption Copper ion Oyster shell Prismatic layer Nacreous layer a b s t r a c t The removal of copper from solution by oyster shell powder was investigated for potential wastewater treatment uses. In particular, adsorption behavior differences between the prismatic (PP) and nacreous (NP) shell layers, and how this affects copper removal, were investigated. Experimental results indicated that copper adsorption was highly pH-dependent with optimal copper removal at pH 5.5, where the powdered whole raw shell (RP) removed up to 99.9% of the copper within 24 h at a 10 mg/L initial copper concentration. Langmuir and Freundlich models were used to analyze the isotherm PP, NP and RP data. These results showed a strong homogeneous Langmuir model for low initial copper concentrations (5–30 mg/L) to both RP and PP layer, while strong agreement with a heterogeneous Freundlich model for high initial copper concentrations (30–200 mg/L); nevertheless, a homogeneous Langmuir model provided the best fit for the more dense NP layer across the initial concentration range (5–200 mg/L). The distribution coefficient (Kd ) value of PP layer for each initial concentration investigated was substantially higher than the NP layer and it was also found that the PP layer dominated the adsorption process with an adsorption capacity of 8.9 mg/g, while the adsorption capacity of the NP layer was 2.6 mg/g. These differences are believed to be because of the more porous structure of the PP layer, which was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and thermogravimetry–differential thermal analyses. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Copper contamination of water is of considerable concern worldwide, although some industries (particularly in developing countries) still dispose of copper-rich effluents. These effluents can have serious implications not only for the environment but also for human populations via the food chain, because excess Cu2+ may cause several diseases and disorders that can be fatal [1–3]. However, copper carbonate precipitation is an effective way of reducing copper concentrations, and copper is also known to adsorb carbonate minerals [4]. Moreover, with the development of oyster cultivation in China, large quantities of oyster shell residues are dumped, where for each dozen oysters consumed (∼1 kg) 370–700 g of the shell residue is produced [5]. This shell residue, often with attached meat, must be deposed of because of undesirable odors, and fly and mosquito attraction. Most Chinese market oyster meat traders pay for waste oyster shell removal, which reduces profitability. Hence, an oyster shell reuse option in industrial and/or environmental applications provides an opportunity to ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 591 22866540; fax: +86 591 22866534. E-mail address: yuyan (Y. Yu). 0169-4332/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. add value to the waste, thereby increasing profitability for Chinese oyster meat traders. Biogenic CaCO3 is believed to be a good substitute for geological CaCO3 as an adsorbent of trace-metal ions. Biogenic carbonates (e.g., oyster shell) have several advantages over geologic CaCO3 . Firstly, there is no need to establish a mine and exploit fixed earth resources (the oyster shell is the mine) [6]. Secondly, biogenic carbonates typically have a twisted open aragonite structure, and are high in the Mg–CaCO3 phase rather than the more compact calcite structure [7] and thirdly, oyster shell has three welldefined layers: a cuticle, a prismatic (PP) and nacreous (NP) layers [8–10]. The cuticle is mainly composed of cutin and organic matter that covers the surface of the whole oyster shell. After the cuticle is removed, a layered composite structure (>80%) of calcium carbonate remains, which is composed of PP and NP layers [5,11–13]. Hence, oyster shells have many mineralogical and geochemical properties, such as high absorbability, exchange capacity, and reactive surface area that can be used in environmental and industrial applications [14–16]. Several studies have applied waste oyster shell to remove phosphate [16,17], hydrogen sulfide [18], and dissolved contaminant cations (e.g., Pb, Zn, Cd) [7] from wastewater. However, the use of oyster shell as an adsorbent for Q. Wu et al. / Applied Surface Science 311 (2014) 264–272 aqueous copper and the role the different shell layers play in cation adsorption has not been previously investigated. This work investigates the use of the porous and layered oyster shell structure to develop an efficient copper removal material that not only reduces the environmental effects, but also converts and adds value to the waste material. Copper adsorption to the PP and NP layers of the oyster shell is compared to better understand the adsorption preferences, and to determine whether different adsorption mechanisms are active. In addition, different geochemical conditions, such as pH and initial copper concentration, are investigated to optimize adsorption. 265 using several techniques. The crystalline phase(s) of each sample was determined with a Philips X’pert-MPDX-ray diffractometer (XRD) using Cu K␣1 radiation generated at 40 kV and 40 mA with a scan rate of 5◦ min−1 . The cured material microstructures were examined using a Philips XL30 scanning electron microscope (SEM), where the chemical compositions were determined by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDAX). The functional surface groups on the samples were determined by infrared absorption spectroscopy (IR) using a TJ270-30A infrared spectrophotometer (Tianjin, China). Thermogravimetry–differential thermal analysis (TG–DSC, TGA-Q600) was performed to determine weight changes during heating and decalescence (heat release). 2. Materials and methods 3. Results and discussion 2.1. Sample preparation Oyster shells intended for waste disposal at Xiyangxincun market, Fuzhou City were collected, scrubbed clean to remove residual meat and sediments, and air-dried. Powdered whole raw shell (RP) and the separated PP and NP layers were investigated to compare the layers and their contribution to whole shell adsorption. PP and NP layer separation was performed by taking the raw shell and rinsing it with a 5% NaClO solution for 1 day to remove the surface organic matter (cuticle) and attached sediments, and then scraping using a knife to physically separate the PP and NP. The cleaned RP and separated PP and NP shell materials were air-dried for 24 h, and then ground using an agate mortar to generate a fine powder, which was then sieved to <80 (177 m) mesh particle size. 2.2. Solution preparation The analytical grade copper nitrate dihydrate (Cu(NO3 )2 ·2H2 O) was supplied by the Chinese medicine chemical reagent company (Shanghai, China). The copper solution was prepared by dissolving Cu(NO3 )2 ·2H2 O in deionized water at a concentration of 1000 mg/L, which was then further diluted to a range of concentrations with deionized water. 2.3. Adsorption experiments All working volumes of metal solutions were fixed at 50 mL and ambient temperature (25 ◦ C). The initial copper solution concentrations were prepared at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 100 mg/L for 0.5 g RP at pH 5.5 for 24 h. To investigate the adsorption isotherm, two equilibrium models were analyzed: the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm equations. The effect of pH on adsorption was analyzed by placing 0.3 g of PP or NP into a copper solution of 10 mg/L for 24 h with the pH changed from 4 to 8 in 0.5 increments. The optimum removal pH of 5.5 was then selected for further studies. To compare the adsorption differences between the PP and NP layers, 0.3 g of PP or NP was placed in copper solutions of 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, or 400 mg/L for 24 h at the optimum pH (5.5). To allow for any secondary adsorption to the container surface, several control experiments without adsorbent were performed, and showed that no secondary adsorption occurred. The equilibrium adsorption capacity (qe , mg/g) and removal efficiency (R, %) for copper were determined using qe = R= (C0 − Ce ) · V m C0 − Ce × 100% C0 (1) (2) where C0 is the initial copper concentration (mg/L), Ce is the concentrations of copper at the equilibrium time (mg/L), m is the mass of adsorbent (g), and V is the volume of copper solution (L). 3.1. Adsorption of copper to RP Some reports have reported the excellent adsorption capacity of oyster shell for phosphate, hydrogen sulfide, and boron [14,18,19]. However, few studies have investigated the adsorption behavior of copper to oyster shell. In this study, several important factors for the adsorption of copper to oyster shell, such as initial copper concentration and metal affinity are discussed. The data obtained were used to develop the adsorption isotherm. 3.1.1. Effect of initial copper concentration on adsorption Fig. 1 shows the effect of initial copper concentration on adsorption to RP. Clearly, RP exhibits a high adsorption capacity for copper, with a maximum removal of 99.9% with an initial copper concentration of 10 mg/L, and maintains >90% removal with an initial copper concentration of 25 mg/L, although this percentage rapidly decreases as the copper concentration further increases (Fig. 1). With initial copper concentrations of 50 and 100 mg/L, the removal efficiencies were 45% and 29% (not shown in Fig. 1), respectively. However, as the percentage adsorbed decreased with 2.4. Characterization All solution pHs were adjusted using a small amount of 0.1 M HCl or NaOH and monitored with a pH electrode (Model 225, pHISE Meter, Denver Instruments, Denver, CO, USA) calibrated with standard buffer solutions (pH 4, 6.86, and 9). The equilibrium copper concentrations were measured by atomic adsorption spectroscopy (TAS-986, PGeneral, Beijing, China). Characterization of the adsorbent pre- and post-adsorption was performed Fig. 1. Effect of initial copper concentrations on copper adsorption parameters qe and removal percentage to RP. 266 Q. Wu et al. / Applied Surface Science 311 (2014) 264–272 increasing initial concentration, the equilibrium adsorption capacity increased, indicating increasing occupation of available binding sites, which is in agreement with Amarasinghe and Rahman et al. [20,21]. They reported that adsorption of heavy metals only takes place at specific sites of the sorbents [21,22]. When the initial concentration increases, there are insufficient binding sites for the heavy metal, leading to a reduction in metal adsorption. In addition, the initial copper concentration directly affects the diffusion of copper from the solution to RP surfaces because diffusion is in equilibrium, and the concentration is controlled. Moreover, the zeta () potential at pH 5.5 (Figure S1, Supplementary Material) indicates that the RP is negatively charged with a -potential of −18.04 mV, thereby providing an electrostatic attraction between the RP surfaces and copper ions. As the initial concentration increases, the copper diffusion rate to the RP surfaces increases with a larger potential difference. With the surface accumulation of metal ions, the surface charge will change with the isoelectric point (IEP, pH where the overall surface charge is 0 mV) increasing as active binding sites reach saturation [23], and the rate of copper diffusion also decreases. In addition, once the surfaces of porous materials become loaded, the adsorbates diffuse into the internal pore structure at a relatively slow rate [24,25]. In this work, the increasing initial concentration and the amount of copper sorbed to RP increased but did not reach saturation. 3.1.2. Metal affinity of adsorption To evaluate the metal affinity of adsorption, the distribution coefficient (Kd , L/kg) was calculated using Kd = qe . ce (3) Kd is defined as the ratio of the mass loading in the solid phase to the concentration in the equilibrium solution after a specific reaction time, and the results are shown in Table 1 [26,27]. A high Kd is usually associated with high metal retention in sorbents through adsorption and chemical reactions, whereas a low Kd indicates a high amount of metal remaining in solution [26,27]. It was observed that the Kd value reached 9183.3 L/kg at 5 mg/L copper concentration, while it decreased to 118.2 L/kg at 100 mg/L. This reveals that more copper ions were adsorbed to the oyster shell at low initial concentrations, and more remained in solution at high concentrations, which is in agreement with the high removal efficiency at low initial concentrations observed above. In addition, a high Kd value indicates a high affinity between the copper ion and the sorbent [26], which means that at low copper ion concentrations the copper ions are more easily adsorbed to specific adsorption sites. Fig. 2. Langmuir models for RP, where three fits are provided, the fit for low copper concentrations (5–30 mg/L), for high concentrations (30–200 mg/L), and a Langmuir fit to all data (5–200 mg/L). adsorption. The dimensionless constant separation factor (RL ) is defined as [30,31] RL = 1 1 + KL · C0 (5) where C0 is the initial concentration of adsorbate (mg/L). RL is considered to be a more reliable indicator of adsorption. There are four possibilities for the RL value: (i) for favorable adsorption, 0 < RL < 1; (ii) for unfavorable adsorption, RL > 1; (iii) for linear adsorption, RL = 1; and (iv) for irreversible adsorption, RL = 0 [31]. The Freundlich isotherm equation in its linear form can be expressed as lg qe = lg KF + 1 lg Ce n (6) where KF is the intercept and n is the derivative of the slope, which are the Freundlich constants representing the adsorption capacity and the adsorption intensity, respectively. In general, the greater the value of KF the greater the heterogeneity, and the larger the value of n (n > 1), the more spontaneous the adsorption process is. The two models were calculated for three different initial concentration ranges (5–200, 5–30, and 30–200 mg/L), as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The Langmuir R2 for the complete initial concentration range 5–200 mg/L was 0.9084. However, the R2 for the range 5–30 mg/L was 0.9932, and larger than the other two concentration 3.1.3. Adsorption isotherm Two of the most commonly used adsorption isotherm models to investigate and describe solution removal processes and mechanisms are the Langmuir and Freundlich models. The Langmuir model assumes a completely homogeneous surface [28], where adsorption to the surface has the same activation energy, whereas the Freundlich model is suitable for highly heterogeneous surfaces [29]. The Langmuir isotherm equation in its linear form can be expressed as 1 1 1 1 = · + qm · KL Ce qm qe (4) where Ce is the equilibrium concentration (mg/L), qe is the amount adsorbed to the solid (mg/g), qm is the maximum saturation capacity at the isotherm temperature (mg/g), and KL (L/mg) is the adsorption equilibrium constant related to the energy of Fig. 3. Freundlich models for RP, where three fits are provided, the fit for low copper concentrations (5–30 mg/L), for high concentrations (30–200 mg/L), and a Freundlich fit to all data (5–200 mg/L). Q. Wu et al. / Applied Surface Science 311 (2014) 264–272 267 Table 1 Distribution coefficient (Kd ) for RP for different initial copper concentrations (C0 ). C0 (mg/L) Kd (L/kg) 5 9188.3 10 6452.9 15 1116.2 20 573.1 25 572.3 30 500 35 473.8 40 549.4 45 189.9 50 181.7 100 118.2 Table 2 Parameters and regression coefficients (R2 ) for the two equilibrium models for RP. C0 (mg/L) Langmuir 5–200 mg/L 5–30 mg/L 30–200 mg/L Freundlich qm (mg/g) KL (L/mg) R2 n KF (L/mg) R2 3.05 2.01 8.22 3.61 6.36 0.09 0.9084 0.9932 0.9697 2.64 3.15 2.23 1.43 1.37 1.19 0.9801 0.9905 0.9793 ranges. This indicates that the removal process for 5–30 mg/L was best fitted with the Langmuir model; that is, the adsorption behavior is single-layer adsorption. In addition, the maximum saturation capacity for 5–30 mg/L was 6.36 mg/g (Table 2) and the values of RL for 5–30 mg/L ranged from 0.005 to 0.03 (Table 3), revealing that adsorption under low initial concentrations is a favorable process. The Freundlich R2 values for all three concentration ranges were high, with values of 0.9801, 0.9905, and 0.9793, suggesting that the Freundlich model was in good agreement with the experimental data. In addition, the values of n were all >1, indicating that copper removal from the solution to the solid was preferential and spontaneous. However, considering that the Langmuir R2 for 5–30 mg/L was higher, the adsorption process for low initial concentrations (5–30 mg/L) can be described by a Langmuir model while a Freundlich model describes adsorption for high initial concentrations (30–200 mg/L), suggesting a more precipitation driven removal. 3.2. Adsorption of copper to PP and NP Although Fig. 1 shows the adsorption capacity of the whole oyster shell for copper in solution, it can be inferred that the adsorption capacity has a close relationship with the physical structure of the oyster shell [14–16]. Hence, separation of the two major layers in the oyster shell (the PP and NP layers) was performed to determine their separate roles in the adsorption process, which may provide a greater understanding of the adsorption mechanisms requiring further investigation. 3.2.1. Effect of pH on adsorption Solution pH is a primary factor governing metal ion adsorption [32–34], because pH has a significant effect on metal speciation, and particularly on MOH+ , which is the most readily adsorbed species through the pKa of hydration [35–38]. In addition, pH affects the metal adsorption mechanisms (surface precipitation vs. adsorption), surface charge polarity across the isoelectric point, and the adsorption capacity [39]. The effect of pH on copper adsorption to NP and PP is shown in Fig. 4, and indicates that the PP has a greater adsorption capacity than NP for all pH values from 4 to 8. For both PP and NP, the copper removal reached a maximum at pH 6, which is close to the copper pKa of hydration [40], with removal estimates of 99.6% and 95.1%, respectively. Despite the difference in the adsorption capacity, the overall trend was similar for both PP and NP: copper removal Table 3 Separation factor (RL ) for RP for different initial copper concentrations (C0 = 5–30 mg/L). C0 (mg/L) RL 5 0.03 10 0.015 15 0.01 20 0.008 25 0.006 30 0.005 Fig. 4. Effect of pH value on copper removal efficiency to NP and PP layers for a 10 mg/L initial copper concentration. rapidly increased as the pH was increased from 4 to 6 and then reached a plateau for pH > 6. This result agrees well with the copper speciation (Table 4) [41], while as the pH increases from 4 to 6 there is less H+ available to compete with Cu2+ and/or Cu(OH)+ for the same adsorption sites on the surface of the adsorbent. Furthermore, as the pH increases, Cu2+ will hydrolyze to Cu(OH)+ , which is the species most readily adsorbed [35–38] (Figure S2), where at pH 5.5 copper remains below the solubility of the kinetically favored precipitates. However, when the pH increases to 7 or 8, precipitation is more likely to dominate copper removal (Figure S2) than adsorption, although adsorption and co-precipitation are considered to be analogous [37,38]. In addition, copper exists both as Cu(OH)2 and Cu(OH)+ at pH 6–7 (Table 4) and it becomes difficult to determine the effects of precipitation and adsorption without sophisticated techniques such as synchrotron EXAFS and X-ray adsorption near-edge structure spectroscopy. Therefore, the optimum pH was selected as pH 5.5, which is well below the pH of possible precipitation (Figure S2). In the adsorption experiments, it was also found that the postcopper adsorption pH decreases with increasing initial copper concentration, which can be explained by 2M OH+ + Cu2+ → 2(M OCu)+ + 2H+ (7) M OH+ + Cu(OH)+ → (M O)Cu(OH)+ + H+ (8) Table 4 Copper speciation in water for different pH values. pH range Cu2+ speciation dominance pH < 4.0 4.0 ≤ pH < 5.0 5.0 ≤ pH < 6.0 6.0 ≤ pH Cu2+ Cu2+ , CuOH+ CuOH+ , Cu(OH)2 Cu(OH)2 268 Q. Wu et al. / Applied Surface Science 311 (2014) 264–272 3.2.2. Effect of initial copper concentration on adsorption The equilibrium adsorption of copper to PP and NP for different initial copper concentrations (Fig. 5) shows that both PP and NP saturation occurs at about 150 mg/L, where the measured equilibrium adsorption capacity values are 8.9 mg/g and 2.6 mg/g (0.89% and 0.26%), respectively. The adsorption capacity of PP is about 3.5 times higher than that of NP, but it is similar to the results obtained for RP (data not shown). This is most likely because of the different microstructures in the PP and NP layers. Several studies have reported that the NP layer is denser than the PP layer because the PP layer is a porous structure [8–10], and this porous structure provides a larger surface area and contribution to the capacity than the NP layer. Fig. 5. Effect of initial copper concentration on surface copper loadings (qe ) of the NP and PP shell layers. 2M OH + Cu2+ → (2M O)Cu + 2H+ M OH + Cu(OH)+ → (M O)Cu(OH) + H+ (9) (10) The hydrolysis of CaCO3 in PP contributes to the negatively charged PP surface. Hence, high Cu2+ and Cu(OH)+ concentrations increase diffusion to the PP surface through electrostatic attraction that then react with OH− and OH (Eqs. (7)–(10)). Fig. 6. Langmuir and Freundlich models for the NP layer (5–200 mg/L initial concentrations): (a) Langmuir; (b) Freundlich. 3.2.3. Adsorption isotherm and metal affinity Adsorption isotherm and copper affinity were investigated to compare fully between PP and NP shell layers. Langmuir, Freundlich and distribution coefficient models were applied to fit the adsorption data of PP and NP layers. Fig. 6 shows the linear curve fitting of Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models for the NP layer across the complete initial concentration range (5–200 mg/L). Clearly, the adsorption of copper to the NP layer correlates better with a Langmuir isotherm (R2 = 0.9995) than a Freundlich isotherm (R2 = 0.6274). These results suggest that adsorption behavior of NP layer is a monolayer adsorption and that Cu2+ was adsorbed to the surface of the NP layer only. However, for the PP layer, two isotherm models were calculated for two different initial concentration ranges (5–30 and 30–200 mg/L), as shown in Fig. 7a and b. For the concentration range 5–30 mg/L, there was a better fit for the Langmuir Fig. 7. Langmuir and Freundlich models for the PP layer (5–200 mg/L initial concentrations): (a) Langmuir; (b) Freundlich. Q. Wu et al. / Applied Surface Science 311 (2014) 264–272 269 Fig. 8. Distribution coefficients (Kd ) for the PP and NP layers for different initial copper concentrations (C0 ). isotherm (R2 = 0.9675) than the Freundlich isotherm (R2 = 0.9258). Whereas, the reverse is true for the higher concentration range 30–200 mg/L, with R2 values of 0.8357 (Langmuir) and 0.9804 (Freundlich). Hence, the adsorption process of PP layer for low initial concentrations (5–30 mg/L) can be described by a homogeneous Langmuir model, but a heterogeneous Freundlich model best describes adsorption for high initial concentrations (30–200 mg/L). This behavior is most likely ascribed to the porous structure of the PP layer [8]. At low initial concentrations, there are abundant binding sites favorable for Cu2+ removal to the surface of PP layer [22], in which case the adsorption is generally single-layer. However, as initial Cu2+ concentration increases, active binding sites reach saturation [21], and Cu2+ either diffuses into the internal pores of PP layer because of potential difference [25], or begins to precipitate as Fig. 10. IR spectra. (a) Pre-adsorption (PP) and post-adsorption (PP(x)) for PP. (b) Pre-adsorption (NP) and post-adsorption (NP(x)) for NP. Fig. 9. XRD patterns and TG–DSC curves of PP and NP layers: (a) pre-adsorption XRD patterns for PP and NP; (b) post-adsorption XRD patterns for PP and NP; (c) pre-adsorption TG–DSC curve for PP; and (d) pre-adsorption TG–DSC curve for NP. 270 Q. Wu et al. / Applied Surface Science 311 (2014) 264–272 poly-nuclear species. This result for the PP layer is consistent with that of RP, which agrees with that PP layer forms most structure of the oyster shell and that the PP layer controls the Cu2+ binding to the whole shell (RP). In addition, the distribution coefficient (Kd ) also differs greatly between PP and NP layers. The Kd values for the initial concentration range 50–400 mg/L are presented in Fig. 8, where the PP layer exhibits a significant decrease in Kd values with increasing initial concentration, while the NP layer shows only a slight decrease. This response (Fig. 8) shows that copper adsorption to PP layer is much more concentration dependent than the NP layer. In addition, the higher PP than NP layer Kd values, suggest that copper is more easily adsorbed and/or precipitated to the PP layer, which agrees with the higher adsorption capacity of the PP layer (Fig. 5). 3.3. XRD and TG–DSC analysis The pre- and post-adsorption XRD analyses of the PP and NP layers (Fig. 9a and b) confirm that their crystal structure is calcite. Fig. 11. SEM images and EDAX patterns pre- and post-adsorption. (a) Pre-adsorption and (b) post-adsorption for PP. (c) Pre-adsorption and (d) post-adsorption for NP. Q. Wu et al. / Applied Surface Science 311 (2014) 264–272 Furthermore, the major X-ray fluorescence peaks of the PP and NP layers pre- and post-adsorption differ only in peak intensity (apart from the additional copper peak), indicating the difference in Cu adsorption capacity. Both the XRD and XRF data suggest a highly crystalline calcite structure (a = b = 4.989 Å, c = 17.062 Å) is retained post-copper adsorption for both the PP and NP layers. Moreover, although the saturation loadings are high, particularly for the PP materials, there is insufficient copper to form a new phase detectable by XRD, where concentrations of 2–5% are required for adequate peak detection. In addition, the proportion of organic matter and CaCO3 in the PP and NP layers before copper adsorption was evaluated by TG–DSC (Fig. 9c and d). Two distinct mass loss steps are observed in the PP and NP layers: 0.68% and 1.44% (the loss of organic matter and water) for temperatures up to 530 ◦ C, and then 41.52% and 33.13% (the loss of CaCO3 ) from 530 to 800 ◦ C, respectively. The NP layer had greater mass loss from 300 to 530 ◦ C than the PP layer, indicating a higher proportion of organic matter, which is also seen in the XRD patterns (Fig. 9a and b) where the unloaded materials show a broad organic hump from 15 to 25 2. However, the PP layer has a greater mass loss from 530 to 800 ◦ C, indicating a greater proportion of CaCO3 in the PP layer than the NP layer. A clear peak is observed at 770 ◦ C for both the PP and NP layer, where CaCO3 endothermically decomposes to CaO with CO2 evolution [42]. 3.4. IR analysis To determine the functional groups responsible for metal uptake, IR analyses of the PP and NP layers were performed preand post-adsorption (Fig. 10). The IR spectra show a number of adsorption peaks. The carbonate group internal C–O vibrations are observed at 706, 874, and 1424 cm−1 [8,42], and there is also a strong band at 1797 cm−1 that can be attributed to the C O groups of the carbonate ions [8]. The IR adsorption peak at 1159 cm−1 (Fig. 10) is assigned to organic C C bonds, while the IR bands at 1009 and 1691 cm−1 are assigned to organic molecules or organic matter and calcite structure bonds. O H and/or N H stretching modes are also found in the region 3000–3500 cm−1 , which again indicates the presence of organic matter. The peaks between 2500 and 3000 cm−1 are characteristic of carbonate compounds. Both the PP and NP layer materials contained organic matter and N H and/or O H bonds (Fig. 10). The IR peaks in the region 3000–3500 cm−1 (Fig. 10a) have a greater proportional change in the PP rather than the NP layer materials between pre- and post-adsorption, which is most likely because of the greater copper adsorption by PP than NP (Fig. 5). The pre- and post-adsorption PP IR spectra show some significant differences, indicating that physical and/or chemical changes occur because of copper adsorption. First, a new peak appears at 2875 cm−1 , whereas the peak at 3475 cm−1 disappears. Second, there is increased peak strength at 2515 cm−1 post-adsorption (Fig. 10). These IR spectra changes are most likely because of the ion-exchange between Cu2+ and OH− (Eqs. (7) and (8)). Furthermore, the peak at 1641 cm−1 (Fig. 10a) undergoes a blue-shift to 1691 cm−1 and the peak strength increases for the peaks at 1009, 1077, and 1159 cm−1 , suggesting that the conjugate action from the organic matter may be affected by the ion-exchange or electrostatic attraction on PP surfaces during the adsorption process. Similar results were observed for the NP layer, where the peak at 3457 cm−1 disappears (Fig. 10b), indicating that chemical changes also occurred during adsorption of Cu2+ to the NP layer (possible surface coating, most likely CuCO3 precipitation). The peak at 2973 cm−1 undergoes a blue-shift to 2924 cm−1 , which may be caused by physical adsorption and surface coating development (again most likely CuCO3 precipitation). 271 3.5. SEM and EDAX analysis SEM and EDAX of the surface structures of PP and NP pre- and post-copper adsorption are shown in Fig. 11, where the PP layer consists of an open-weave structure with a significant amount of open 2–10-m pores (Fig. 11a and b). The pore walls consist of calcite lamellae, giving the PP layer a large specific surface area for copper adsorption. However, the NP layer shows a dense parallellayered lamellar structure where the pore spaces between lamellae are in the order of 100 nm (Fig. 11c). Fig. 11c shows surface etching because of organic matter removal. The tight packing of the lamellae in the NP layer provides a greatly reduced surface area compared with the PP layer materials (Fig. 11a and b), thereby limiting copper adsorption. Furthermore, the EDAX results show that although both EDAX spectra show Cu signals, the Cu signal is much more intense for PP materials than for the NP layer materials (Fig. 11b and d). Hence, the EDAX and SEM data indicate that the shell structure (Fig. 11) of PP provides greater porosity and surface area availability than NP, which is the main reason for the higher copper adsorption to PP than to NP (Fig. 5). This would suggest that the increased surface area for copper adsorption is also mainly responsible for the differences in the XRD patterns (Fig. 9) and IR spectra (Fig. 10). 4. Conclusion The results indicate that oyster shell is an effective and potentially low-cost adsorbent for copper removal from aqueous solution. The solution pH, solution concentration, metal affinity, and zeta potential of the oyster shell greatly affected the adsorption process, with an optimum adsorption pH of 5.5 and an overall negative surface charge facilitating the adsorption process. Electrostatic attraction is the PP layer driving force for copper adsorption to the whole oyster shell through displacement of attached hydroxyl moieties on the calcite surfaces. The adsorption process of both RP and the more porous PP layer was best described by Langmuir and Freundlich models under low and high initial concentrations, respectively. In addition, copper ions are more readily removed to the PP layer than the NP layer. Adsorption isotherm, equilibrium and metal affinity data all demonstrated that it is the PP layer that plays the dominant role in the adsorption of copper rather than the NP layer. This dominance is most likely from the open network-like structure of the PP layer, which provides a substantially larger surface area for copper removal. This open network-like structure and large surface area facilitating adsorption was also reflected in the XRD patterns, TG–DSC generated, and IR responses. These data suggest that applications using waste oyster shell may benefit and be enhanced by separation of the PP and NP layers, where the PP layer is used for adsorption applications and the NP layer is used elsewhere. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Natural Science Fund Project of China (No. 51102047) and the Fujian Provincial Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2012J06011). Appendix A. Supplementary data Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at 2014.05.054. References [1] T. Gotoh, K. Matsushima, K.-I. Kikuchi, Preparation of alginate–chitosan hybrid gel beads and adsorption of divalent metal ions, Chemosphere 55 (2004) 135–140. 272 Q. Wu et al. / Applied Surface Science 311 (2014) 264–272 [2] Y. Sağ, Y. Aktay, Kinetic studies on sorption of Cr(VI) and Cu(II) ions by chitin, chitosan and Rhizopus arrhizus, Biochem. Eng. J. 12 (2002) 143–153. [3] K.C. Justi, V.T. Fávere, M.C.M. Laranjeira, A. Neves, R.A. Peralta, Kinetics and equilibrium adsorption of Cu(II), Cd(II), and Ni(II) ions by chitosan functionalized with 2[-bis-(pyridylmethyl)aminomethyl]-4-methyl-6-formylphenol, J. 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