sept - Cranbourne South Riding Club
sept - Cranbourne South Riding Club
th u o S e n r u o b n a Cr Riding Club June—September 2012 Presidents Report Morning Mist Reserve Cnr Browns and Langley Rds Cranbourne South, 3977 Mail to: PO Box 7255 Karingal Centre Vic 3199 Enquiries: Note to remember to support our sponsors .. Cranbourne Horse Power is our major sponsor .. Please go there first !! The council has supplied us a new oven for the canteen, power to our equipment shed and we will soon have 4 new bench seats around our grounds. Some of the older seats will be repaired by council too.. Working Bee is scheduled Saturday 22nd September from 10.00am. We need support this day and at our Showjumping day on Sunday 23rd September. Please remember to get your entries in and tell your HRCAV friends!! Jeff Bennett Jeff President CSRC 35 Wanda Road Cranbourne South Vic 3977 Telephone: 03 9775 9686 Email: Rally Dates September 9th September 23rd (please note: there will be NO rally on the 23rd due to the Show jumping day) October 14th October 28th Don’t forget to tell Jeff if you are coming to the rally Editor’s High Horse! Hi Everyone, Please remember that this is YOUR newsletter, I’m just the one who puts it all together! PLEASE ,PLEASE, PLEASE give me interesting things to put in it!!! Short stories, interesting articles, clinics you’ve been too or that are coming up, Birthday announcements…….ANYTHING!!!! Happy to receive emails or FB messages. Thank you to those who have contributed so far! Please keep it coming ☺ Thank you……… Sheridan Pony Profile Name: Jennifer Hawken Pony (horse’s) name: Rosie Favourite part of riding club: That you get to work with such amazing Instructors and the people are so nice and friendly Most memorable moment: Winning my first blue ribbons (2 of them!!!) at PHRC SJ 2012 Best part of having a pony: you get to share a connection with an animal who is 10 time you weight and twice your size! You can tell them anything that’s on your mind! CRANBOURNE SOUTH SHOW JUMPING DAY HRCAV Unoffical Sunday 23rd September *Flyer attached* know when and where you can help. Without your help this day can’t happen Get your entries in!!!! It’s going to be a great day!!! We need your help!!! We need gate stewards and pole picker-uppers and people to pack up!!!! Please let Cilla ☺ Out and about... Cranbourne PC CT & Dressage Day April 29th 2012 Connor Pippard– 1st CT & 2nd Dressage Jess Rayner—7th CT & 7th Dressage Tanaya Jeffery– 6th Dressage Kris Bowles- 5th CT ONGR C ☺ ☺ ☺☺ S N O ATI ATUL Mentone PC CT & Dressage Day May 20th 2012 Jess Rayner—5th Dressage & 5th CT Connor Pippard– 2nd Dressage & 6th CT Tanaya Jeffery– 5th Dressage Sale Yard... WANTED…. The club is looking for donations of second hand tools, still in working condition. Eg, Hammers, saws, chainsaws, mowers, line trimmers, etc. Currently we have very generous members bringing their own tools down to the grounds to do maintenance and it would be nice to have some that belong to the club. If you have something that you think would be suitable, please see Mark Have something you want to sell???? Contact Sheridan and it will appear in the next newsletter. Alternatively, email Jeff and ask him to pass it along WANTED……. Maddy and Meeky are wanting bags, preferably hygain, mitavite sized bags, so they can sell horse manure. If you have any lying around please bring them to any rally for the girls!!!! Fun stuff See if you can make your way through the maze…... Sponsors... HorsePower Warehouse Home of Cranbourne Horse Power “Where your horse matters” 03 5996 4477 Proud Sponsors of the Cranbourne South Riding Club Show Jumping Day Our sponsors…. Brendon Cohen Equine Dentist 0419 523 019 Euro Horseware Amacron Equine Fencing + Happy Hacks Equine Massage 0403 305 997 Total Animal Supplies - 5995 1959 Cranbourne South General Store Farmhand Cranbourne - 5996 1818 ALDI Cranbourne Dean ( Farrier ) Advertising... BIO SCULPTURE GEL NAILS Manicures and Pedicures Discover the difference of a healthier nail treatment that’s a pleasure to use and wear. Bio Sculpture® Gel makes nails beautiful, flexible and strong. It is a superior product that will not damage the natural nail. In fact it will protect and condition them, enhancing their growth. Be pampered in a relaxed environment at my home beauty retreat. Normally $65.00 (extra for artwork) Special $50.00 including artwork upon Request PHONE SHIRIT ON 0425 796089 The Club is now offering advertising to all business and services out side of riding club. Half page advert and website for 12 mths $50 Full page advert and website for 12mths $100 *Some exceptions apply* Please send the advert and remittance to Sheridan Cranbourne South Riding Club UNOFFICIAL HRCAV SHOWJUMPING DAY Sunday September 23rd 2012 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 105cm 90cm 75cm 60cm 45cm AM 7 AM 7 AM 7 AM 7 AM 7 TABLE C TABLE C TABLE C TABLE C TABLE C TOP SCORE TOP SCORE TOP SCORE TOP SCORE TOP SCORE COURSE BUILDER – Paul Rasmussen VENUE: PRIZES: ENQUIRIES: CLOSING DATE: ENTRIES TO: Morning Mist Reserve Cnr Langley Rd and Browns Rd, Cranbourne South (Melw Ref Sashes as per Event Rule 24 in all Levels Prizes for 1st place overall in each section Priscilla Williams 0403 786 486 Email: 16th September 2012 CSRC Showjumping Day, 35 Wanda Rd, Cranbourne South, 3977 Entries must be on Official HRCAV Standard Entry Form Times will be emailed out, or available on CSRC website CHEQUES TO: EVENT CODE & FEES: Cranbourne South Riding Club AM 7 - Event Code: E1 $15.00 TABLE C - Event Code: E2 $15.00 TOP SCORE - Event Code: E3 ALL EVENTS IN SAME LEVEL Event Code: E4 Entries on day per class (Time permitting) $15 $35.00 $20 CONDITIONS OF ENTRY Event run under HRCAV rules & Regulations. Open to current HRCAV members only. Valid HRCAV performance & membership cards need to be presented to secretary ½ hour before competing. Participants may not compete in classes involving jumping over courses set at heights exceeding their level of assessment Competitors to report to gear check 20 minutes prior to their event Medical armbands must be worn for all events Numbers must be displayed on both sides of the horse The organising committee reserves the right to cancel any class or event, divide any class, alter advertised times and refuse entry with or without stating reasons. No refunds after closing date except unless a vet or doctor’s certificate is provided within 7 days of the event. Protests must be lodged in writing, within 20 minutes of posting of results with $20 deposit. Cranbourne South Riding Club does not accept any liability for accidents/damage/injury/illness or loss to any person/horse/ property. Canteen Open All Day