ARPA-SIM, the HydroMeteorological Service of the Emilia
ARPA-SIM, the HydroMeteorological Service of the Emilia
. ABOUT US . HydroMeteorological Service ARPA-SIM, the HydroMeteorological Service of the Emilia-Romagna Regional Agency for Environmental Protection, is involved in operational, research and development activities in meteorology, climatology, agrometeorology, radarmeteorology and environmental meteorology. Further information on SIM activities and services are available on the web site: (only in Italian). Founded in 1985 A Division of the Regional Environmental Protection Agency of the Emilia-Romagna Regional Government Viale Silvani, 6 - 40122 Bologna Italy Tel +39 051 6497511 Fax +39 051 6497501 weather forecasts: tel +39 051 6497600 weather data enquiries: tel +39 051 6497503 internet site e-mail: Forecast rainfall map valid at 5UTC of February, 28th, 2001 In addition to daily updated weather forecasts, on our web site you can find maps of observed and predicted meteorological fields, radar images and data recorded by meteorological stations in Emilia-Romagna. The weekly updated agrometeorological bulletin is also available. Everybody interested in obtaining SIM’s data and products can find all necessary instructions, including prices and modalities, on our site. GPM 500 C meteorological radar in San Pietro Capofiume , Bologna - Italy HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL SERVICE OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES • • • MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Daily weather forecasts (ranges: 12, 24, 48, 72 hours) and weather tendency for days 4 to 7; H24 operational activities in meteorological alert situations. HydroMeteorological observational network management (upper air atmospheric soundings, synoptic and surface hydrometeorological stations). Operational weather radar management for meteorological and hydrological applications. • Operational meteorological limited area modelling. • Quality control of observed meteorological and hydrological data and diagnostics of numerical predictions. • Agrometeorological and climatological support to agricultural activities and eco-compatible cultural practices. • Meteorological assistance to modelling and management. • Hydro Meteorological assistance to National Civil Protection Department and Regional Civil Protection Service • Agro-hydro-meteo-climatological data bases handling and management. • Products dissemination (teletext, TV, radio, newspapers, books, INTERNET). • • Meteorological library. Provision of data, products commercial basis. air-quality and • • Development of numerical model forecasting at high spatial resolution and development of a probabilistic forecasting system to detect at the medium range (3-5 days) weather evolution scenarios with meteohydrological risks. Management of the regional radarmeteorological network (two C-band doppler radars) with link to the national radarmeteorological network. • • • • • • evaluation, services on • • a • Met-ops room “Francesco Nucciotti”. Implementation of hydrological-hydraulic modelling to support studies of regional hydrological basins. Development of an integrated processing and rendering system of observed meteorological and agrometeorological data from different regional networks (GIAS system). Development of integrated systems, based on both GIS techniques and mathematical models, to support decision making procedures by EmiliaRomagna Region in agro-environmental policies. Development of seasonal forecasting techniques. Regionalisation studies of global climate change. Implementation of an ocean model to support the study of eutrophic and mucilaginous events in the North-Adriatic sea and the integrated management of the coastal area. Integration of ARPA-SIM in a co-ordinated system (Centri Funzionali) of national and regional hydrometeorological services for product sharing, resource optimisation and support to National Civil Protection Department. Participation to national projects in co-operation with the National Environment Protection Agency (APAT), the Meteorological Office of Italian Airforce (UGM), the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Participation to programmes of the European Union, of the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts and of other international organisations. Radar map valid at 11.42 (local time) on March, 29th, 2001: echoes of widespread precipitation and cell storms are highlighted in green-orange and red respectively • • • Development of a nowcasting system which integrates observations and very short—range (3-6 hours) weather forecasts to handle extreme weather events. Operational management and development of the regional hydro-meteo-pluviometric network. Air quality evaluation and forecast: implementation of an integrated system made up of meteorological pre-processors and chemical diffusion and prediction models. Map of mean minimum temperature in Emilia-Romagna during frost days (from 1987 to 2000). .