April/May - Second Presbyterian Church


April/May - Second Presbyterian Church
April Worship:
Sailing Lessons
(Learning to Rely
on God’s Power)
On Sundays in April we’ll be learning how to discern the movements
of God’s Spirit and adjust our
“sails” accordingly. April 3 is a
Communion Sunday. April 10 is
Ignite. April 17 is Children and
Youth Sunday (Gracie Hellweg will
be preaching). On April 24 the
Firestarters will lead us in worship.
Starting April 3rd,
Sail with the Spirit
Sailing Lessons – A sermon series on following the Holy Spirit in your
personal daily living.
Sailboat Church – A Sunday morning discussion group for people who want to explore a different way of
“doing” church. We’re using Sailboat Church by Joan S. Gray. You can order it through Whistlestop
Bookshop or get a copy in the church office. Led by Pastor Jennifer.
50 Days Under Sail – An interactive experience in discerning the movement
of the Holy Spirit in your life and in our congregation’s life. We’ll celebrate the
journey on Pentecost, May 15. Led by Pastor Jeff. Participate as you are able.
Daily devotions and prayer prompts will be e-mailed to you.*
Weekly experiments in “sailing” will be suggested to you.*
A short-term Sunday morning small group –
we’ll share what we’re learning through our
prayers and sailing experiments.
Check out Sailboat Church. We’ll e-mail you the
first two chapters.*
*Subscribe to e-mails through GrowWithSecond.org.
May Worship: Something for
May 1 – Presbyterian Women will lead worship in
a variety of ways as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. The Kirk Ringers will play.
May 8 – Mother’s Day – On this Sunday we’ll
thank God for those who gave us birth and reflect
on the gift (and challenges) of family. Ignite is at
May 15 – Pentecost – We’ll celebrate the gift of
the Holy Spirit as we ordain and install our new Elders and Deacons.
May 22 – Older Adult Sunday – We’ll look at the spiritual questions asked by
“Senior Saints” and see that the journey of faith is always slightly uphill (no
coasting allowed). The Firestarters will lead us in worship.
Office Hours
8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
May 29 – Memorial Day Weekend – We’ll remember men and women who
died in service to their country and the Sanctuary Choir will sing their final anthem of the season.
Telephone: (717) 243-4571
News from Your Session
Sunday at the Church
We hosted the Presbytery of Carfor worship and other events in
lisle once in January and once in
that space. The Buildings and
Grounds Committee is finishing a
February. The first event was a
landscaping project near the
training gathering for about 50
local church leaders. The second
Rockledge Drive entrance and
event was a meeting of almost
working on repairing the bell tower
150 representatives from the conin the Memorial Garden.
gregations in our Presbytery. Over
$1600 was given during worship  The Worship Committee is lining
to help Syrian refugees in our local
up guest preachers for the sumarea.
mer and other occasions.
Several Session members
have been studying Sailboat
Church, by Joan S. Gray,
with Pastor Jeff as preparation for our visioning process. The book challenges
us to lead based on the
guiding of the Holy Spirit. A
visioning retreat for church
leaders has been scheduled
for June 4. Margaret Marcuson, a nationally known
author and church consultant, will facilitate.
134 people attended Ignite
in February and over 100
came in March. The service
is growing despite difficulties with
the sermon-streaming technology.
Several Inquirers
met with the Elders
at the March meeting. On Palm Sunday, eight joined the
The Nominating
Committee is identifying potential Elders and Deacons.
The Music Ministry Staffing Task
Force is interviewing candidates.
Worship Services: 8 and
Sunday School for all ages: 9am
Staff and Board Contacts
Rev. Dr. Jeffrey W. Gibelius,
Rev. Jennifer J. McKenna,
Associate Pastor
Gracie Hellweg,
Director of Youth Ministries
Vicki Lantz,
Director of Christian Education
Deb Brandberg,
Property Manager/ Program
Jonathan Swaney,
Assistant Director of Music
David Price, Treasurer
Destinee Friskey,
Office Manager
Jeremy Tritle,
Digital Communications Director
Eric Henry, Custodian
Lloyd Kappeler, Clerk
of Session
Mary Jane Russelburg,
Moderator of Deacons
Joanne Beard, Moderator of PW
 A Youth Ministry
Staffing Task Force will soon be
We are in the process of upgrad-  Pastor Jennifer has started an iniing the electrical in the Rotunda,
tiative that brings black and white
replacing the range in the kitchen,
clergy together, breaking a long
and designing an all new Welcome
history of de facto segregation in
Center (information desk) for the
the Carlisle ministerium.
Narthex. The Ignite Tech team
has also found funding to enhance
the lighting system in the Rotunda
Second Chronicles, a publication of
the Second Presbyterian Church, is
published 10 months a year. Submissions to this publication are due
on the 10th day of the month prior
to publication date. Place submissions to the editor, Jeremy Tritle, in
the church’s mail box or send an email to:
of our Second
Kim and Claudine Jackson have been married
for 24 years and have two grown children, Brennan (age
20) who is a sophomore at Shippensburg University and a
daughter, Maggie (age 18) who is a senior at Boiling
Springs High School. Kim is a structural engineer and part
owner of Newcomer Associates in Chambersburg. He enjoys spending time outdoors and woodworking. Claudine
works as an Optometrist at the Carlisle Wal-Mart Vision
Center. She also teaches Zumba and Aqua Zumba classes
at the Carlisle YMCA and Golds Gym.
Amy and Brian Martin live in Mt Holly Springs, PA.
They have two sons, Zachary Fry and Ty Martin. Zachary, his
wife Lindsay, and daughter Presley live in Boiling Springs,
PA. Ty is a full time student at Millersville University. He will
graduate in May of 2017. Brian is employed at Carlisle
Syntec, and Amy is an Instructional Specialist at Cumberland Valley School District. They enjoy spending time with
their family and participating in outdoor activities. They are
interested in assisting with the children and youth ministries
at Second Presbyterian.
Gail Hollands was born and raised in Central Pennsylvania. She has four children and seven grandchildren
who mean the world to her. Her interests include Scottish
history, genealogy and scrapbooking.
Carol Ann Crable moved back to the area March
2015 after 23 years in Falcon, Colorado. She has a daughter Erin attending college in Hays, KS and a son Andrew
attending Wyotech in Blairsville, PA. Carol Ann had worked
at the United States Air Force Academy for three years as
a dental hygienist and is now working for Sadler Health
Center as a Public Health Hygiene Practitioner. She enjoys
a good cup of coffee and reconnecting with family and
Julie Rhen moved with her husband, John, to Carlisle
in May 2015 after seeing the world for 26 years in the US
Army. In order to be close to family, they picked Carlisle
and are now exploring the history and natural beauty of
the area. They enjoying traveling, reading, wood crafting,
and quilting.
Christine Opitz is married to Don who is a Presbyterian minister and currently serving as chaplain at Messiah
College. They have two grown daughters and moved here
from Beaver Falls, PA where Don was teaching at Geneva
College. Christine and Don enjoy the outdoors and camping. Christine has gifts in arts and crafts and administration
and has already served in the kitchen on kirk nights and
been greeter on Sunday mornings.
Eric Henry to Solo with
Harrisburg Symphony
On April 16 and 17 principal tubist of the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra, Eric Henry, will perform the world premiere of Journey for Tuba and Orchestra, a new work by
American composer Brian Sadler, written just for him. Eric
is in training to be a Deacon in the Episcopal Church and a
member of our custodial staff.
Children & Youth Sunday
All children and youth K-12th grade are invited to participate in Children and Youth Sunday, April 17th during
the 10:30 Worship Service. Children and youth will serve
as greeters, ushers, readers, speakers and some of our
music groups will also participate. To be a part of the service, contact Vicki (vicki@growwithsecond.org) or Gracie
(gracie@growwithsecond.org). Come join us on Monday, April 4 at 12:00 noon for
soup and dessert. Our program will be presented by
Jeff Wood who will be bringing us an outstanding
topic. If you aren’t here, you will be missing a great
time! (Plus we will miss you!)
To end our season of the XYZ’ers in May we will be traveling to the Historical
Society for a tour of the Museum. We will meet at the Historical Society
at noon on Monday, May 2 for lunch and the walking tour. A bagged lunch will
be available for $5.00. Please contact Barbara Berry @ 422-7879 to order your
We will start our fall season with a picnic in August at the Church. Watch for the
Whale of A Sale: Saturday
April 16!
Doors open at 7:00 am till Noon. Come back at 1:00
PM-3:00PM for $1.00 bag sale.
We also need: many hands and feet to clean up at 3:00
pm after the sale. If you can come and help we should
have the Church back in shape within 2 hours. God provides many hands to make light work!
If you have any questions please contact Liz McGovern 440-3386 or Lynn Kennaly 249-6708.
Second Pres Hosts The Carlisle
Cares Emergency Shelter In May
Carlisle CARES provides emergency shelter for individuals and families
who have no home. Area churches provide the space. Each month the
Emergency Shelter moves to another church or churches in the Carlisle
area. The Carlisle CARES Men's Emergency Shelter will move into our
Upper Rotunda on May 1st. Every evening the
homeless Residents will arrive at 9 pm and
spend the night sleeping on mats in the Upper
Rotunda. Carlisle CARES Overnight and Professional Volunteers will arrive at the church
around 8:30 pm.
The Outreach Committee needs your help volunteering. We need one or two volunteer hosts
every night in May from 8:15 pm to 9:45pm to
open the church and greet Residents. Look
for the signup sheet in the Narthex during the
month of April. “One generation shall laud
your works to another”
Psalms 145:4
Where there’s a will, there’s a way
“One generation shall laud your works to another”
Psalms 145:4
Because of bequests to the Generations Fund since 2009 we have been
able to fund a number of church needs that would not otherwise be addressed. Some examples are helping to transform our lower area, updating the lower level sound system, upgrading the Memorial Garden and
upgrading the upper Rotunda which is now being used for Ignite. Through the Second Presbyterian Church Generations Fund every
member can help their congregation in a way that is both significant and
lasting thru either a living gift (gift while you are living) or an estate gift. To
make an estate gift, simply include the “Second Presbyterian Church
Generations Fund” as a named beneficiary in your will, life insurance, or
any other death benefit. If you want more information, simply speak confidentially to one of the pastors.
Dive Into God’s Love!
Kids, get ready to dive into a life-changing
adventure that leads you deeper into
God’s love! At Deep Sea Discovery kids
will participate in the large-group excitement of Celebration Reef, experience
God’s Word at S.S. Discovery, explore the
mysteries of the sea through crafts and
science at Curiosity Cavern, and enjoy
snacks at Pelican Pier and games outside. There’s even a place for little puddle
jumpers at Tide Pool Playland! Along the
way, kids will explore the depths of the
Bible using five dive markers to guide
them. Through Deep Sea Discovery, they
will resurface knowing that God is with
them wherever they go! Go to http://
firstandsecondpres/ for more information
and to register a child for VBS. VBS is
open to children age 4 (potty trained)
through 5th grade as of June 1, 2016.
We’re fishing for VBS supplies
Consumables (will be used and not returned)
Crepe Paper (ocean colors), pool noodles, new bath scrubbies, coffee filters
(white and brown), plastic tablecloths (blue and green) balloons in blues or
greens, construction
paper, tissue paper,
curling ribbon, window paints, window
markers, spray foam
for insulation, Chinese lanterns (dollar
store), plastic fake
Items we will use as
decorations and will
return: fish nets,
scuba gear, flippers
(swim fins), black
lights, stuffed animals with an undersea theme, bubble
machine, sea chests
or treasure chests.
Children are excited by their surroundings. Decorating for VBS allows children to become fully immersed in the theme Deep Sea
Discovery. Members of the congregation are invited to design and decorate one of these areas: Science
(Meeting Room A), Back Hallway, Bottom of the stairs leading to Arts/Crafts, Bible Story (Chapel), Sanctuary (Coral Reef), Lower Lobby (Fun Photo Op-think yellow submarine).
“Sea” what you can do
Pick your team and contact Melanie Reifsteck (mcreifsteck@gmail.com) or
Stephanie Freedman (sdf0701@gmail.com) for design ideas, materials and to
select a space. Don’t wait to get your spot, sign up by April 24th.
Hosted by Dickinson and Second
Presbyterian Churches in partnership with Krislund Camp
July 25-29, 2016 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: 9 AM until 4
Daily Bible Study
The Gaga Ball Pit
Singing Games
9 Square In the Air
A Water Slide
Thursday 9:00 am until Friday at 4:00PM: The camp will “travel” to Krislund
Camp in Madisonburg, PA (2 hours) to experience all that the camp has to offer….climbing wall, ropes courses, zip line, swimming, hiking, campfire and outdoor worship, as well as spending the night in camp lodging. We will return to
Dickinson Presbyterian on Friday by 4:00PM for parent pick up. Transportation will be provided by church volunteers. Check the church website for more
information and to download a registration form.
Programming is provided by Krislund Camp staff and church volunteers. All of
whom have undergone background checks. The churches will have adult volunteers present during the entire program.
The Church Library is located in Room 214. The Children’s Library is located
downstairs in the Crossroads Area. The Youth Library is located in the Glory’s Edge Area. The libraries are open anytime the
church is open.
Second Presbyterian Historical Highlights: Our longest-serving pastor,
George Norcross, invoked “The Duty of Remembering the Past” in his farewell
sermon in 1909, saying: “It is very good for us to remember the way in which
God has led us. There was a reason for every step of the way, and we will not
profit . . . unless we make a study of the past.” Norcross requested preparation
of a church history for the 50th anniversary celebration in 1883. Church member Joseph Murray responded with an oral presentation later published as An
Historical Address at the Semi-Centennial of the Second Presbyterian Church.
Norcross himself co-authored a two-volume history, The Centennial Memorial of
the Presbytery of Carlisle. These early histories are valuable resources that later
church historians built upon. Parishioner Richard Arnold produced a welldocumented history for the 150th church anniversary, A Sesquicentennial Review of the Second Presbyterian Church, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 1833-1983.
The Wylies’ A Historical Sketch of Carlisle’s Second Presbyterian Church is an
overview of our church’s history from 1833 to 2015.
Second Presbyterians developed a tradition of periodically celebrating progress
and considering future prospects on special anniversaries. These included the
church’s 50th; 100th, 125th, 150th and 175th anniversaries; the 100th anniversary
of Carlisle Presbytery; Cumberland County’s 250th anniversary; the nation’s Bicentennial; and the 150th anniversary of the Civil War Sunday when the congregation welcomed Confederate soldiers into the sanctuary. Such celebrations
featured historical addresses, activities, and written materials such as 2013’s
booklet Second Presbyterian Church in the Civil War Era. The 175th anniversary celebration, in 2008, was rather exceptional. Elder Jeff Wood developed a
bus tour of Carlisle venues from the perspective of church history, and there
was a unique panel discussion among the six current and former pastors; Reverends Mike Ferguson, Jack Larson, Jim Gilchrist, Juliann Whipple, Jeff Gibeli-
us, and Jennifer McKenna. This discussion
became a joyous teaching moment as the
pastors reflected on the life of a church that
has produced a rich history of ministry, mission and worship.
The 50th anniversary of the current church
building and Second Presbyterian’s 200th
anniversary are important milestones in upcoming years.
Excerpt taken from A Historical Sketch of
Carlisle’s Second Presbyterian Church by
Jim and Janet Wylie, which is posted on our
The Norcross Desk. Pastor Norcross had a
bad back and wrote his sermons standing
at this desk.
Recent additions to the Library:
THE NAKED NOW: Learning to See as the Mystics See by Richard
Rohr: The author, a global leader in spiritual awakening, helps you recognize the forces (such as ego resistance and dual thinking) that separate
you from your deeper self. Then drawing from the Gospels and the greatest Christian contemplatives, shows you what it means to be spiritually
awake. Located in the Christian Living Section (B.1).
THINGS HIDDEN: Scripture as Spirituality by Richard Rohr: In this
exploration of central themes of Scripture, Richard Rohr transforms the
written word, discovering in these ancient texts a new and vital meaning,
relevant and essential for modern Christians. He uncovers what the Bible
says about morality, power, wisdom, and the generosity of God in a manner that demands a life-changing response from believers. Rohr offers his
readers a Christian version of abundance, grace, and joy to counteract a
world filled with scarcity, judgment and fear - a vision that can revolutionize how we relate to ourselves, others, and the world. Located in the Bible
Come save a Life on Sunday, April 10 by donating
Blood! The Blood mobile will be here from 9 am to
noon in our parking lot. Sponsored by the Health
Ministry 11
Dear Ones at Second Pres,
Thank you for the lovely flowers delivered to us this morning by Micky and
her two “coal” grandsons. The bright
yellow blossoms are a sure sign of
welcome spring and a lift after Bob’s
few days in the hospital. Phone calls
and warm wishes expressed remind us
once again of the deep caring and
thoughtfulness of Second Pres.
Alice and Bob Bjorkman
Dear Second Pres,
Words can’t express my thanks to the loving, caring and supportive congregation members here at Second
Presbyterian Church. My sincerest thanks goes out to all that have been there when I e-mailed, called, or
asked you face to face for assistance. Memorial services, lunches, dinners and so many other hospitality
functions were done with your help. It is so rewarding to know you will be there. Please know that I do not
take any one of you for granted. You are all God’s blessings to me.
Deb Brandberg
Thanks for Helping Spread the Good News
Articles for bulletin, Second Chronicles, or e-Chronicles should be e-mailed to
the staff resource person for the relevant ministry area. That staff person will
forward them to the appropriate editor for submission. For example, PW or
Christ Care articles would go to Pastor Jennifer; articles relating to Sunday
School would go to Vicki Lantz; Buildings and Grounds related articles would
go to Deb Brandberg; worship and music pieces go through Pastor Jeff (at
least for now). If you don’t know who should receive an article, simply e-mail it
to any of the staff people listed above and we’ll get it to the right person. This
will help us to ensure that articles don’t get lost in the shuffle and that all articles are accurate and up to date.
The deadline for the May e-Chronicles (digital) is April 15.
The deadline for the Summer (June, July, August) edition of Second Chronicles
(paper) is May 10.
Women's Autumn Retreat
Oct 28-30,2016
04/03 Nancy Wilkes
Paula Hollowell
Elizabeth Wood
Patrick Sutton
Jane Brown
04/04 Mary Light
Betty Lockhart
David Hervey
04/05 Jane Armbrust
04/06 Nathan Romig
Maddi Murphy
Chris Best
04/07 Sue Goodman
04/08 Linda Rose
04/09 Kip Bollinger
04/10 Sharon White
Paul Ferenz
04/11 Alex Eyler
04/12 Greg Miller
Dawn Collins
Dave Bitner
04/13 Elizabeth Smith
Beth Rudge
04/14 Lois McKinney
Sharon Galbraith
Debbie Lane
Brent Sailhamer
04/15 Bob Geist
Bobbie Britton
04/16 Hal Showalter
04/17 Peggy Alexander
Sylvia Rambo
04/18 Ginny Smith
Jim Lott
David Kennaly
Jess Newcomer
04./19 Tom Kelly
Kevin Anderson
Genna Osborn
04/20 Jean Walters
04/20 Sally Kerstetter
04/21 Peg Howland
Sarah Miller
04/22 Phyllis Hinderliter
Megan Bower
Mary Baker
Bob Thompson
Frank Brandt
Brad Antes
Stephen Eyler
Thomas Rhen
Bob Osborne
Judy Parker
Keith Hocker
Chris Zeladonis
Ann Kondas
Mandy Rife
Jessica Innes
Alan Rishel
Edie Beck
Shirley Johnstone
Eric Klindinst
Pierce Parker
Eric Hollowell
Dan Freedman
Kady Freedman
Mya Gilliam
Chip Fenton
Alan Boldosser
Eddie Brown
Emma Reifsteck
Sebastian Strobel
Deb Kelly
Terry Dorshimer
Harmony Groves
Richard Geesaman
Riley Naugle
Aaron Knapp
Laura Bitner
Carol Williams
Wilma Pfadenhauer
Jan Hays
Audrey Perry
Miah Deutsch
Linda Anderson
Devyn Coolidge
Vera Shutt
Leslie Shaw
Melissa Lockhart
Charles Bailey
Zowie Groves
Daryl Walker
Gene Heyman
Mike Shope
Barbara Gleim
Pat Boldosser
Jim Wolford
Bailey Trimble
Don DeMuth
Jon Williams
Nancy Tiley
David royal
Peggy Zeladonis
Lucy Johnston-Walsh
Karen Hockenberry
Bob Yinger
Ben Brown
Morgan Crouch
Andy Knapp
Doug Brehm
Karen Cox
Nancy Sariano
Jay Himes
Carol Lempke
Joshua Bowers
Dorris Gerber
Ron Freed
05/30 Vicki Lantz
Shae Haning
Taylor Hacker
05/30 Bob Rumpf
Bill Parker
05/31 Jared Brigito
Nathan Brigito
Alyssa Brigito
Toby Poster
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Carlisle, PA
528 Garland Drive, Carlisle, PA 17013
717-243-4571 www.GrowWithSecond.org
(Check out the “Sailing” Opportunities inside.)