California Academy of Sciences Annual Report


California Academy of Sciences Annual Report
California Academy of Sciences Annual Report
Welcome Letter
Each of us encounters the natural world in different ways — through the
wonder of childhood or the intellect of a scientist; under a microscope or
on a planetarium dome; deep in a Madagascar rainforest or in our own
John C. Atwater
chairman, board of trustees
At the California Academy of Sciences, we offer unique perspectives on
the nature and future of life on Earth through our distinctive combination of
engaging public-floor exhibits, education programs, explorations by citizenscientists and Ph.D. scientists, award-winning digital productions, and a
growing array of online channels that share the Academy with the world.
Through these lenses on life, one view comes into sharp focus: there simply
is more wonder in nature than any of us can comprehend, and even after
centuries of exploration, we have barely begun to understand the awesome
mystery and diversity of life on Earth.
The mission of the Academy — to explore, explain, and sustain life — is more
fascinating and urgent than ever. We’ve come a long way since moving into
our reinvented Golden Gate Park home — a home built to deliver the message
that sustaining life on Earth is everyone’s responsibility. In the years ahead,
the Academy will take that message to an even wider audience, within and
beyond Academy walls, through some of the most innovative and accessible
science programming and outreach on the planet.
Dr. Gregory C. Farrington
executive director, William R.
and Gretchen B. Kimball Chair
As Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Executive Director of the
Academy, we both are deeply honored to steward a vision that will define
this institution long beyond our time as its leaders. This summer, Greg will
retire from the global enterprise he did so much to set in motion, and the
Academy will welcome a new executive director. Thanks to your support
for the mission we share with you, our new leader will inherit an Academy
poised to explore nature and engage visitors — in Golden Gate Park and
worldwide — for generations to come.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Ten Academy partners share ten world views
Marc Leviste talks about saving coral reefs. Randi Fisher
shares a vision of people and nature in harmony.
Maya Walton says thanks for her career in science.
Elizabeth Blackburn explains how an Academy field
trip shapes lives. Mollie Cueva-Dabkoski shares
her experience as a Student Science Fellow.
Andrea Williams explores the intersection of science
and citizenship. Don Johanson reveals what makes
us human. Russ Mittermeier applauds the Academy’s
work in Madagascar. Susan & Bill Oberndorf
honor a friend and colleague. Luis Valentino talks
teacher training.
Andrea Williams
Susan & Bill
Marc Leviste
Maya Walton
Don Johanson
Mollie CuevaDabkoski
Randi Fisher
Elizabeth Blackburn
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Luis Valentino
Russ Mittermeier
Marc Leviste
On how the Academy is helping him save Philippine reefs
”The Batangas Provincial
Government is so pleased to be
partnering with the California
Academy of Sciences in
developing a sustainable
coastal management plan for
the province. The Academy
has an international reputation
as a scientific institution and
together we will develop a plan
that will ensure the unique
marine biodiversity of the
Philippines will be preserved
for future generations.”
— Marc Leviste
Conservation In The Philippines
Marc Leviste is Vice Governor of Batangas
Province in the Philippines. In 2013, the
Batangas provincial legislature voted
unanimously to create a Coastal Ecosystems
Development Plan in order to protect
their vital marine habitats and asked the
Academy to help guide these efforts.
The Philippines have been an important site of Academy research and
community outreach for more than a century. And although Academy
scientists have discovered and described hundreds of new species in this
hottest of biodiversity hotspots, they’ve barely scratched the surface: on
every visit, including a recent expedition of unprecedented scale made
possible through the generosity of Margaret and Will Hearst, the Academy
found dozens of new species. Understanding and protecting diverse and
threatened life isn’t the only outcome. Academy educators work with
teachers, groups, and museums in the Philippines to share research findings,
raising awareness of the value of this unique environment and its benefits to
local communities. The Academy’s work focuses on coral reef and mangrove
ecosystems that support hundreds of thousands of local families and protect
coastal communities against hurricanes and typhoons.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Randi Fisher
On the importance of improving global environmental literacy
“Our Foundation’s vision is
people and nature thriving
together, and when I walk the
floor at the Academy I see this
vision coming to life around me.
The Pisces Foundation believes
environmental literacy is a
critical component of a more
sustainable world. We made a
significant gift to the Academy
as our partner in this important
work because of the institution’s
creative and exciting efforts
to expand the reach of
environmental education.”
— Randi Fisher
Reaching Global Audiences
Academy Trustee Randi Fisher is a
dedicated advocate for the planet. In
addition to her service to the Academy,
she also serves as Trustee of the Golden
Gate National Parks Conservancy and
has played leadership roles in a variety of
other nonprofit organizations advancing
environmental literacy.
With its renowned global research, enlightening education programs,
eye-opening exhibits, and many distinctive features — coral reef, indoor
rainforest, living roof — the Academy is so much more than a building.
It’s a destination for discovery. And it is increasingly becoming not just
a physical destination but a virtual one, thanks to a gift from the Pisces
Foundation, an environmental philanthropy co-founded by Academy Trustee
Randi Fisher. This generous gift is fueling a departure from museum tradition
that will extend the Academy’s reach far beyond San Francisco. Innovative
new online learning initiatives; productions by the Academy’s award-winning
planetarium distributed to domes and universities around the world; engaging
science content translated into several languages; “Science Today” videos
and stories shared through diverse digital media outlets — these are just a few
global initiatives that are turning the Academy into a museum without walls,
a resource not just for Bay Area audiences but for science enthusiasts around
the world.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Maya Walton
On the lasting impact of her Careers in Science experience
“My interests in marine
ecology, climate change, and
biodiversity were seeded when
I was a high school intern at
the Academy. The mentorship I
received through the Careers in
Science program benefitted me
in so many ways, professional
and personal. Thank you for
continuing to support such
a meaningful and successful
— Maya Walton
Careers in Science Internships
Former Academy Careers in Science intern
Maya Walton is a graduate student in the
Zoology Department at the University of
Hawaii. Her first scientific paper, about
future climate change scenarios, was
published in the journal Nature in October
2013 and was covered in The New York Times.
What does it take to make a scientist? Inspiration, education, experience,
confidence — and opportunity. With generous support from a number of
donors, including San Francisco’s Department of Children, Youth & Their
Families and Wells Fargo Foundation, the Academy’s Careers in Science
program provides them all, with an emphasis on opportunity for young
women and minority students, who are traditionally underrepresented in
the sciences. Recruited primarily from San Francisco public high schools,
interns receive immersive training in science and sustainability concepts,
engage in lab and field study, collaborate on team projects, and teach on the
Academy’s public floor. Their mentors — working Academy scientists and
educators —coach interns as they consider college and career. Learning in a
paid work environment, interns develop career skills and confidence through
a program that isn’t just changing young lives; it’s shaping the next generation
of scientists.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Elizabeth Blackburn
On the curiosity nurtured by a field trip to the Academy
“Exposure to science outside
of the classroom is critically
important for students to
become personally engaged
with science. A school field
trip to the Academy is an ideal
way to nurture the interest and
natural curiosity of the children
who will be our future scientists.
It provides valuable resources
and experiences that are not
available in their classrooms.”
— Elizabeth Blackburn
School Field Trips
Academy Fellow and Trustee Elizabeth
Blackburn is the Morris Herzstein Professor
of Biology and Physiology in the Department
of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the
University of California, San Francisco.
In 2009, she was awarded the Nobel Prize
in Physiology or Medicine for discovering
how telomeres and the enzyme telomerase
protect chromosomes.
If you remember your first encounter with the Academy, you are in good
company. For many young visitors, a school field trip is an unforgettable
first encounter with science and the wonders of the natural world. And it
can transform youthful curiosity into a lifelong interest in sustaining life
on Earth. In 2013, the Academy’s School and Youth Field Trips program
engaged 150,000 young people, grades pre-K through 12, with real-life science
through eye-opening Academy exhibits, hands-on laboratory experiences,
and immersive planetarium shows. Back in the classroom, Academy online
resources helped teachers extend the learning. The Academy also piloted a
virtual field trip program in 2013, allowing students in the Sierra foothills and
beyond to experience the Academy through live streaming video. Thanks to
Academy friends like E. Richard Jones Family Foundation and The Horace
W. Goldsmith Foundation, this extremely successful program will reach even
more schools in 2014.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Mollie Cueva-Dabkoski
On what inspired her to pursue a future in science
“The Student Science Fellows
program has taught me what
my high school science classes
and textbooks could not. The
program has gifted me with
increased scientific literacy,
inspired me to pursue the
sciences, and motivated me
to use biological research to
support conservation efforts in
my home country of Ecuador.”
— Mollie Cueva-Dabkoski
Student Science Fellows
Mollie Cueva-Dabkoski, a 2013 graduate
of the Academy’s Student Science Fellows
program, is a science undergraduate at
Johns Hopkins University. She’s working
on her first scientific paper, with Academy
entomologist Dave Kavanaugh, describing
a new species of beetle.
The journey from curious kid to working scientist can be challenging. Through
a variety of integrated programs, the Academy is committed to blazing a
pathway that lets budding scientists pursue an evolving passion. Designed for
young people who show strong science aptitude and a serious commitment,
the Student Science Fellows program combines immersive training in all
aspects of research — lab and field work, data analysis, computational work,
sharing results — with personal coaching and the opportunity to be part
of an active museum community. In their first year, fellows are matched
with an Academy mentor working in their area of interest. The next year,
fellows launch their own research projects. Inspiring lectures, team-building
activities, and skill-building workshops round out the experience, made
possible by Brewster Kahle and Mary Austin and the Gordon and Betty
Moore Foundation..
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Andrea Williams
On the value of surveys conducted by citizen scientists
“The Academy’s citizen science
work on Mt. Tamalpais creates
a clearer picture of the plants
in our watershed, including
invasive species that have
come in and native species
that may be in decline. The
work has helped us build both
a knowledge base and a cadre
of interested, better-informed
people united across ages and
skill levels by their connection
to the natural world.”
— Andrea Williams
Citizen Science
Andrea Williams is a plant ecologist at
the Marin Municipal Water District.
She is actively involved in the Academy’s
citizen science project at Mt. Tamalpais,
where she is helping to shape watershed
management plans.
Combine a love of the natural world with an understanding of science.
Then translate both into action, and you have one of the most powerful
conservation forces on the planet: a science-empowered citizen. Through
the Academy’s citizen science program, amateur scientists have the unique
opportunity to participate in authentic biodiversity research. In 2013, the
program mobilized 245 citizen scientists to document plant life at Mt.
Tamalpais and intertidal invertebrates at Pillar Point Harbor. Both projects,
in partnership with the Marin Municipal Water District and Gulf of the
Farallones National Marine Sanctuary respectively, document shifts that may
correlate to climate change, introduced species, and habitat loss. In addition
to building the science-and eco-literacy of participants, continuing citizen
science projects provide a baseline-in-time for biodiversity work that will
guide conservation and policy into the future.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Don Johanson
On the appeal of the new Human Odyssey exhibit
“Humans are profoundly
fascinated by their origins. The
Academy’s Human Odyssey
exhibit offers an engaging and
highly informative introduction
to the fossil evidence of our
origins, showcasing such
landmark discoveries as the 3.3
million-year-old Dikika child
unearthed by the Academy’s
own Zeray Alemseged.”
— Don Johanson
Human Odyssey Exhibit
Paleontologist and Academy Fellow
Don Johanson is founding director of the
Institute of Human Origins at Arizona
State University. In 1974, working in
Ethiopia, he discovered the famous hominid
australopithecine fossil known as Lucy.
With its commitment to exploring the nature and future of life on our planet,
the Academy unearths and shares new discoveries about the origins of
human life. Anthropologist Zeray Alemseged has made some of his field’s
most important recent finds, including Selam, the well-preserved fossilized
remains of an Australopithecus afarensis child. Zeray also uncovered the
earliest evidence to date of tool use by humans. In 2013 he published findings,
based on carbon isotope data from early human teeth, that revealed a
dramatic shift in our ancestors’ diets some 3.5 million years ago. Thanks to
support from the Tusher family, Zeray’s fascinating findings are showcased
in the interactive exhibit Human Odyssey, a dramatic new addition to Tusher
African Hall, where visitors can explore milestones in human evolution.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Russ Mittermeier
On the importance of documenting biodiversity
“The Academy’s work in
Madagascar over the past 15
years has provided critical data
to inform our conservation
strategies. By documenting
and mapping the distribution
of small — often overlooked —
animals like ants, Academy
scientists are helping us create
a more accurate picture of
the country’s biodiversity
and establishing a better
baseline from which to make
conservation decisions that will
protect the highest number of
— Russ Mittermeier
Impact in Madagascar
A renowned expert in the biodiversity
of Madagascar, Russ Mittermeier is
Chief Executive Officer of Conservation
International. Often described as the
Indiana Jones of conservation, he is the only
working field biologist at the head of a major
international environmental organization.
When it comes to the diversity of life on Earth, studying small things is
essential to understanding the big picture. In Madagascar, one of the world’s
most unique and threatened biodiversity hotspots, Academy scientists are
studying some of the island’s smaller life forms — including insects — to create
a more accurate picture of biodiversity on which to base future conservation
decisions. Over the past 15 years, Academy entomologists, botanists,
herpetologists, and invertebrate zoologists have identified more than a
thousand new species from the island and its surrounding waters. With
partners, they have collaborated on comprehensive biodiversity maps that
will guide conservation organizations and Madagascan government officials
in their work toward a sustainable future for all of the island’s inhabitants,
including humans.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Susan & Bill Oberndorf
On their support for the Academy’s Patterson Scholars
“We wanted to make a
donation to remember Bill
Patterson, and we felt the
Academy was the perfect
place to do so. When we were
approached with the idea
of funding the Academy’s
scientists through an endowed
fund, it seemed like the perfect
expression to fulfill Bill’s vision
for the Academy as a place of
scholarly, scientific inquiry.”
— Susan & Bill Oberndorf
Bill Oberndorf was one of three founding
partners, including former Academy board
chair Bill Patterson, in investment firm SPO
Partners. With a generous gift in memory of
their friend and colleague, Bill and his wife
Susan Oberndorf—an Academy Trustee—
founded the Patterson Scholars in Science
and Sustainability.
Patterson Scholars
Bill Patterson didn’t just believe in science. He believed in the scientist in
each of us — from kids, naturally curious about the world; to researchers,
professionally dedicated to answering urgent questions; to adults of all
ages, responsible for stewarding the planet. Most important, Bill believed
in the Academy, with its team of active science heroes, as a place uniquely
equipped to inspire and empower the scientist within. Thanks to Susan and
Bill Oberndorf, the vision Bill Patterson embraced as Board Chair continues
to shape the Academy’s future. In 2013, renowned entomologist Brian Fisher
became the Academy’s first Patterson Scholar in Science and Sustainability, a
chair generously endowed by the Oberndorfs. Fisher’s discoveries about the
world of ants enhance our understanding of biodiversity, fascinate Academy
visitors, and open minds to a deeper understanding of Earth’s life forms—
achievements Bill Patterson would applaud.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Luis Valentino
On the resources that his teachers find invaluable
“The best way to inspire
students to engage with
science is to give them a great
science teacher. The Academy
helps to build capacity in our
teachers by providing valuable
and much-needed resources
and professional development
opportunities that strengthen
their science teaching.”
— Luis Valentino
Teacher Training Programs
Luis Valentino is Associate Superintendent
and Chief Academic Officer for
San Francisco Unified School District.
His district is the seventh largest in
California, educating more than 55,000
students each year.
National and international surveys in recent years show American students
in dire need of effective science education, and that need is particularly
profound in California elementary schools. The Academy is dedicated to
narrowing the science-learning gap, and teachers are an important part of
the solution. In 2013, the Academy’s Teacher Education program offered
20 unique workshops in the natural sciences, covering everything from
coral reef ecology to astronomy and bridging science, art, and literacy.
Sold-out summer sessions explored Next Generation Science Standards.
The Academy’s most intensive professional development program for
educators — a two year offering through the Teacher Institute on Science and
Sustainability — works with teams of teachers recruited from San Francisco
Unified School District and other Bay Area schools to raise science and
sustainability literacy in grades 3-5. Generous support from JPMorgan Chase
& Co., the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Union Bank Foundation and
an anonymous donor make it all possible.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Every gift enables the Academy to open eyes and minds to
the natural world and the role we all can play in sustaining it.
Generous supporters make new perspectives possible
and inspire our great gratitude.
Government Grants
City and County
of San Francisco
Steinhart Aquarium
Institute of Museum
and Library Services
National Leadership
National Institutes
of Health
Biodefense and
Infectious Diseases
National Oceanic
and Atmospheric
Curation of Biological
Specimens and Historic
Photographs Collected
at Cordell Bank
Enhancing Response and
Data Collection from
Dead Stranded Marine
Mammals in Northern
Identification and
Curation of Alaskan
Identify Invertebrate
Colonization of Pmel
Moorings in Alaskan
Improving Staff
and Volunteer
Qualifications in order
to Enhance Response
and Data Collection
from Dead Stranded
Marine Mammals in
Northern California
Rocky Reef Interpretation
and Restoration
The Worldview Network:
Ecological Literacy
Programming for
Digital Planetariums &
National Science
ARRA - Collaborative
Research: Ants of
the Southwest Indian
Assessing Phylogeny
and Biogeography
in a Mega-diverse
Tropical Plant Family
Catalog of Fishes:
2.1 Prep Comm.
Collaborative Research:
Biotic Surveys of
Central Saharan Oases
Collaborative Research:
Cal Bug, An Interactive
Database Using
Arthropods to Examine
Impacts of Climate &
Habitat Modification
Collaborative Research:
CSBR: Natural
History Collections:
US Fish Collections:
A CommunityBased Model to
Natural History
CSBR: Natural History
Collections: Liquid
Nitrogen Facilities for
Biological Specimen
Global Names
Harnessing the Power of
Herbaria to Understand
the Changing Flora of
Tools to Study
Paleoecology of Early
Hominins from the
Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Phylogeography in
PBI: Collaborative
Research: The
Spider Family
REU Summer
Systematics Institute of
California Academy of
REVSYS Collaborative
Character Evolution,
and Biogeographic
Patterns in the
Phylogenetically Pivotal
Julia Wong and
Roger Kuo
Betsy and Ed McDermott
Tamra and Kurt Mobley
Carrie and Greg Penner
through the Walton
Family Foundation
Diane Greene and
Mendel Rosenblum
Helen and Charles
Regina Kulik-Scully
and John Scully
Tom Steyer and
Kat Taylor
Mary and Jerome C.
$50,000 –$99,999
Bianca and James
Winifred and
W. Richard Bingham
Shawn and Brook Byers
Stasia Obremskey and
Dan Carroll
Buff and Jerry Corsi
Kate and William
Doris Fisher
Ishiyama Foundation in
honor of John and Pam
Ann and Charles Johnson
Barbera Brooks and
Henrik Jones
Gretchen and
Howard Leach
Jeannik M. Littlefield
Leslie Berriman and
Nion T. McEvoy
Katherine and
Kurt Simon
Helen and
Richard Spalding
Wendy and
Richard Yorke
The Presidio Trust
Biotic Survey-Project
Statement Extension
San Francisco
Department of Children,
Youth & Their Families
Careers in Science
Individual Donors
Diana Nelson and
John Atwater
Susan and William
Wendy and Eric Schmidt
$500,000 - $999,999
Penny and James
George Coulter
Karen and Edward
Margaret and
William Hearst III
Elizabeth R. Patterson
$250,000 – $499,999
John H. N. Fisher and
Jennifer Caldwell
Emilie Munger Ogden
and Douglas Ogden
Eva and Bill Price
$100,000 – $249,999
Mary Ann and
Samuel Aronson
Janice and
Matthew Barger
Betsy and Peter Chung
Leslie and Troy Daniels
Shelby Cullom Davis
Charitable Fund
Peter and Laura Fenton
Sakurako and William
Fisher, through the
Sakana Foundation
Shirley and Harry Hagey
$25,000 –$49,999
Anonymous (3)
Martha and Bruce
Atwater through
the Prospect Creek
This list represents donors who made gif ts bet ween January 1 and December 31, 2013 including gif ts to the building campaign.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Individual Donors continued
Joan and Peter Avenali
Barbara and
Gerson Bakar
Susie and Riley Bechtel
William K. Bowes, Jr.
Alison and Owen Brown
Barbara and Roger Brown
Susie Tompkins Buell
and Mark Buell
Carol and Lyman Casey
Drusilla and Jim Davis
Ann and L. John Doerr
Dana and Bob Emery
Cynthia and John Gunn
Mimi Haas
Mary Austin and
Brewster Kahle
Laura and
Michael Lazarus
Sharon Long
Park Loughlin
Julie and Ian McGuire
Janet and
Thomas McKinley
Mary and Gary Pinkus
Gail and Carmen Policy
Lisa and John Pritzker
Sarah and J. Stuart Ryan
Susan Swig
Onnolee and Orlin Trapp
Marcia and Harold
Bob and Judy Waterman
Leigha and Eli Weinberg
$10,000 –$24,999
Anonymous (6)
Daphne and Dick Bertero
Gay-Lynn and
Robert Blanding
Frances Hellman and
Warren Breslau
Ellen Brown
Hamilton Budge
Donovan Ching
Fannie Allen and
George W. Cogan
Carolyn Klebanoff
and Fred Cohen
Martha Ehmann Conte
and Children
Simone and Tench Coxe
Lauren and Alan Dachs
Helen and
Rajnikant Desai
Daphne and
Mike Dickson
Ray and Dagmar Dolby
Family Fund
Sonia and Daniel Elkes
Judith Estrin
Marion Euphrat
Laura and John Fisher
Janie and Donald Friend
Michelle and
Robert Friend
Elizabeth Pang Fullerton
and Richard Fullerton
Sallie Griffith
Ruth and Ben Hammett
Terrie Campbell and
James Henderson
Ingrid von Mangoldt Hills
Hitz Foundation
Bradley and
Christopher James
Amy Cunningham-Bussel
and Tyler Janovitz
Beth and Oliver Jenkyn
Lucille Jewett
Kristine Johnson and
Tim Dattels
E. Richard Jones Family
The Dirk and Charlene
Kabcenell Foundation
Gretchen B. Kimball
Meridee Moore and
Kevin King
Mimi and Dan Kingsley
Judge Quentin L. Kopp
and Mara S. Kopp;
Shepard S. Kopp II,
Bradley J. Kopp,
and Jennifer E.
Kopp Putnam
Wendy W. Kwok
Fred M. Levin and
Nancy Livingston, The
Shenson Foundation
Clement Lewin
Matthew Lewin
Marie and Barry Lipman
Chris and Stan Mattison
Ian McNish
Nancy and George
Montgomery, Jr.
Betty and Gordon Moore
Paula and John Murphy
The Peter and Kristan
Norvig Family Fund,
an advised fund of
the Silicon Valley
Community Foundation
Angela Nomellini and
Kenneth Olivier
Diane Ososke
Julie and William Parish
Marianne H. Peterson
Linnea and George
Arthur and Toni
Rembe Rock
Carol and Ned Spieker
Melanie and Tom Staggs
Dr. Joan E. Steinberg
Pasha and Laney
Pauline and Tom Tusher
Virginia and
Gregory Tusher
Nancy and Sidney
Summer and Brooks
Walker III
Lia and James
Diane B. Wilsey
Mary and Harold Zlot
$5,000 –$9,999
Linda and Andrew Ach
Gibson Anderson
Richard C. Barker
Olive Bavins
Cynthia Hill and
Steven Beckendorf
Lance Berc
Stephen Brady
Nancy Spero and
Norman Brand
Kelly and Samuel
Victoire Reynal Brown
and Owsley Brown
C.P. Burke
Dan and Stacey Case
Family Foundation
Sandraline Cederwall
and Dr. Stephen M.
Nancy Kedzierski and
Gordon Chaffee
Ray and Lori Kulvin
Vicki and Jeff Edwards
Mary Escalle
Robin Gates
Louise and Mark
Goodall Family
Charitable Foundation
Robert Greeley
Johnnie and
John Hafernik
Roderick Hall
Carol and John Hamilton
Janet M. Harris
Helen and Robert Heller
Sarah and Jordan
Maryellie and
Rupert Johnson
Roslyn and Donald Kahn
Sylvia Karchmar
Alison and Arthur Kern
Cliff Kernohan
Christine and
Eugene Kim
Kathryn Kelly and
Thomas Klein
Erika Mayo and
Kerry Konrad
Lois Lippincott
Thomas Lippman
Adrienne Zihlman and
Jerold Lowenstein
Richard McGuire
Kathryn McNeil
Celeste and
Anthony Meier
Vera and Ken Meislin
Steven Merrill
Jancy Rickman and
William Michaely
Keira and Charlie Muller
Eleanor Najjar
Daniel Norris
Rozell and
Peter Overmire
Grace and
Roland Perkins
Gina and Stuart Peterson
Julie and Joseph Ratner
Mary and
MacGregor Read
Jeanne and Sanford
Barbara and Richard
Caroline Damsky and
Peter Sargent
Andrea Schultz
Patricia Scott and
David Tirrell
James Shevock
Carla Emil and
Richard Silverstein
Amanda and Chris Smith
Kim Summers-Silva
Catherine and
Michael Topham
Lois and Melvin Tukman
Susan and David Tunnell
Lindsey Walker
John Weeden
Verna White
Sara and Evan Williams
Margaret and
Martin Zankel
$2,500 –$4,999
Anonymous (2)
Betty and Bruce Alberts
Joy and Jonathan
Mary Beth and
Frank Almeda
Gregory Anderson
James Bancroft
Johanna and
Thomas Baruch
Nancy and
Joachim Bechtle
Sabrina Buell and
Yves Behar
Michael J. Bennett
Riva and David Berelson
Lynn Feintech and
Anthony Bernhardt
Loraine and Robert Berry
Sandra and Paul
Susan and Frederick
Olivia Sears and
Craig Bicknell
Phyllis and Sidney Blair
Jennifer Hamilton
and Seth Boro
Terry Gamble Boyer
and Peter Boyer
Josephine Brownback
Gay Callan
Andrea LoPinto and
Robert Carr
Jeanie and
Michael Casey
Kay Cassens
Julie Chaiken
Rachael and
Geoffrey Clarke
Joanna and
Stanley Cohen
Susan Coleman
LaVaughn and
Theodore Craig
In honor of Randi Fisher
from the Crane Family
Edith and William Dagley
Michele Dana
Julia and Jim Davidson
Pilar and Paul Davies, III
Shandy Hauk and
Mark Davis
Betsy and Donald Dixon
Isabelle Dokouzian
Phyllis and
William Draper
Helene Ettelson
Joan and Evan Evans, III
Melinda Ellis Evers
and William Evers
Sandra Donnell and
Justin Faggioli
Mary and Tom Foote
Cheryl Frank
Helen and Kellie Gan
This list represents donors who made gif ts bet ween January 1 and December 31, 2013 including gif ts to the building campaign.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Individual Donors continued
Shelby and
Frederick Gans
Lisa and Douglas
Marcia and John
Susan Valeriote
and Ken Goldman
Susan Gray
Cynthia Grubb
Jane and Jonathan
Wyatt Gruber
Anthia and
Charlie Halfmann
Susan and Richard Hare
Marilyn and
Rennick Harris
Lia and Guy
Haskin Fernald
Katherine Fines and
Henry Heines
Russell and Sara Hirsch
Kristin Hite
Jeanne Hittell
Leslie and George Hume
Dorothy Hyde
Diane Ichiyasu
Liz Hume and Jay Jacobs
Betty K. Jensen
Zem and James Joaquin
Sean Johnston
Stanley H. Judd
Susie Langdon and
Sidney Kass
Donna and Don Kelleher
Melissa and
Scott Kepner
Melissa and Jan Koerner
Jennifer Bennett
and Ben Kolada
Linda Griffith and
Paul Korntheuer
Martha Kropf
Jeanne and Bill Landreth
Randall Laroche and
David Laudon
Rebecca and Alfred Lin
Sandra and
Ronald Linder
Mimi and Charles Lowrey
Bridgett Luther
Leslie MacDonald
Kristin and David
Gail Enfiajian and
William May
Charlotte and John
Mary and Walter
The McElwee Family
Patricia McEveney
Janet McKinley
Leslie and John
Jessica and
Jason Moment
Diane L. Morris
Peggy and Fred Munich
John Nelson
Virginia and Alan Pabst
Gary Demyen and
Leslie Partridge
Janet and Norman Pease
Vicki Friedberg and
William Pollock
Kendra and Erik Ragatz
Ursula Ralph
Laureen and
Robert Schiller
Raphael Schwartz
Ruth Seiler
Alice Ann and
Wayne Settle
Horton Shapiro
Clare Wheeler Sias
and Roane Sias
Judy and Ken Siebel
Colleen and John Silcox
Smita Singh
Joyce and Jim Smith
Margaret and
William Snape
Judith and Jerry
Tania and Michael
Anne Fung and
Jeffrey Sternberg
June and John Sullivan
Roselyne Chroman Swig
Catherine and
Edward Topham
Michele Lamarre and
Brent Townshend
Marjorie and Barry Traub
Arthur Trueger
Grace and
Steven Voorhis
Leslie and
Harvey Wagner
Danielle and
Brooks Walker, Jr.
Lynn and Peter Wendell
Ivy Winters
Anne Robinson and
Montgomery Woods
Margaret McCarthy and
Robert Worth
Sheila and Jerry
Ruth and Roger Wu
Letitia Yang
Vonceil Chun Yara
and Scott Yara
Jean Phillips and
Edward Zuk
$1,000 –$2,499
Anonymous (12)
Marcus Aaron
Sabrina Moyle and
Julian Abdey
Mabel and Daniel
Michel and
Avelina Accad
F. Ward Ackerman
Elizabeth and
James Adams
Maureen Aggeler
Claire and Eric Alt
Julie Lee and
Mark Amman
Melinda Anderson
Shelley Anderson
Nancy Kivelson and
Thomas Angstadt
Nicole Scheer and
Cyd Antang
Terri Arington
Whitney and
Phil Arnautou
Barbara and
Timothy Arnstein
Therese and David
Yat-Pang Au
Teresa and Joel Backman
Laura Baden
Marian and Hans Baldauf
Jill Spangenberg and
Jerome Barakos
Bertha Higa-Baral and
Debasis Baral
Melissa and
Patrick Barber
Leith and Stewart Barry
Jeanne and
William Barulich
Mary S. Baumgartner
Janny Beale
Darren Bechtel
Katherine Bechtel
Kristina Becker
Lily and Tom Beischer
Kim and Richard Beleson
Beller Moses Family
Leslie Larson and
Michael A. Bennett
Juliet and Chip Bergh
Stuart Berkowitz
Susan and Robert
Helen and Joseph
Dale and Mysti Berry
JoAnn and Jack Bertges
Barbara Bessey
Jacqueline Martin and
Mark Biglieri
Mary and Larry
Dawn Black
Marge and H.
Terrence Blaine
Penelope and
E. Ronald Blake
Eva and Andrew Bloch
The Honorable Dianne
Feinstein and
Richard C. Blum
Marissa Mayer and
Zachary Bogue
Beverley Bolt
Carol and Shelby Bonnie
Jennifer Fetner-Booth
and Adrian Booth
Roberta Borgonovo
Vandy and David
Joseph Bou-Saba
Junona Jonas and
Bruce Bowen
Barbara and John Boyle
Ellen and
Andrew Bradley
Marianne and
Donald Bradley
Toni and Peter Breck
Marilyn M. Brennan
Robyn and Victor Brito
Sherrill Lybrook and
Onne Broek
Margery Hom-Brown
and Royal Brown
Su-Moon Paik and
Bob Brown
Melanie Loo and
Nancy Buening
Johanna Merriss and
Peter S. Bulkley
John Buoymaster
Katherine and T.R. Burke
Kelli and G. Steven Burrill
Carolyn and
Preston Butcher
Carolyn and Mark Butler
Frances Campra
Eleanor Canova-Davis
Emily Card and
Susan Card
Jim Carmack
Lycia Carmody
Linda and Marc Carrasco
Christina Carroll
Nina Carroll
Paola and Charles Casey
Heidi Castelein
Frank Caufield
Susan Austin and
Michael Charlson
Ruth Cox and
Milton Chen
Mei and Herald Chen
Christine and
Kevin Chessen
Sylvia and David Chick
Mayme Chinn
Jennifer Chrisman
Pia Deleon-Chuang and
William Chuang
Katherine Harbin and
Adam Clammer
Jillian and Donald Clark
Kristi and David Clover
Annelle Clute
Lisa Erburu and
Mark Cocalis
Cara Colgate and
Chris Conley
Nancy and
Edward Conner
Jean Conner
Fernando Aguayo-Garcia
and Jason Conyard
Bill Cope
Maria Cranor
Mary Lou and
Hartley Cravens
Dodie and Peter
Larissa Roesch and
Jason Crethar
Lucinda and
Charles Crocker
Deborah and
Charles Cronce
Annie Cronin
Barbara and
Michael Cronin
Rosario and
Antonio Cucalon
Holly and
Michael Cuggino
Christina Sinohui and
Michael Dahlman
Arville and Bert Damner
Natalie Dana
Paula and Thomas Daniel
Kirby Walker and
Paul Danielsen
Sonja and Bill Davidow
Ali Long and Keith Davis
Stephen Davis Family
Juliet de Baubigny
Nina and Casper
De Clercq
This list represents donors who made gif ts bet ween January 1 and December 31, 2013 including gif ts to the building campaign.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Individual Donors continued
Brenda Buonaiuto and
David De Jesus
Donna De Santis
Cathy and Sandy Dean
Tina and Ronald DeCloux
Courtney and
Owen Dehoff
Joan and Allen
Dorian DeMaio
Lauren and
Alan Denenberg
H. Louis Detjen, Jr.
Katherine AugustDeWilde and
David DeWilde
Sargun Dhillon
Mary Ann and
Charles Dietrich
Sarah and Jason DiLullo
Pamela and Steven
Thao and
Jerome Dodson
Kristin Klein and
William Donahoe
Carol Donohoe
Jean Ann and
James Douglas
Cara and Scott Douglass
Lee and Daniel Drake
Jennifer and
Matias Duarte
Joyce Dubay
Mikila and Connor Duke
Sherry Dumke
Douglas Durkin
Jennifer Lively and
Eric Edmondson
Jessica and
Michael Eisler
Anna Zara and
Robert English
Charlotte and
David Epstein
Sarah and David Epstein
Jacqueline and
Christian Erdman
Stephanie Evans
Catherine Tai and
Sharif Ezzat
Richard Faggioli
Elizabeth and
Jeffrey Faraday
Jean and Gregory
Concepción and
Irwin Federman
Melissa and
Andrew Felder
Karin Fetherston
Marsha Cohen and
Robert Feyer
Camilla and Matt Field
April and Robert Filer
Jeanne and Frank Fischer
Courtney Benoist
and Jason Fish
Linda Jo Fitz
Francoise Fleishhacker
Astrid and James Flood
Jennifer Fonstad
Marilyn and
William Forni
Wendy and William Fox
Nancy Mueller and
Robert Fox
Gretchen Frank
Amy Windmueller and
Mark Frank
Myrna and
Thomas Frankel
Kevin Franklin
Josephine Freckmann
Deborah and
Todd Frederick
Renata Gasperi and
Donald Frediani
Kathryn and
William Freeman
Phyllis Friedman
Alison Fuller
Maria Luisa and
Matthew Fuller
Susan and Robert
Shelley Marks and
Erik Gaensler
Mary C. Gallo
Jill and Derek Garvens
Penelope Gerbode
Vanessa and
William Getty
Patricia and
Richard Gibbs
Michelle and Rich Gillern
Ingrid Gillette
Mary and
Clinton Gilliland
Kay and Ken Gobalet
Nancy G. Goebner
Marcia and Rick Gold
Emily and
Michael Goldberg
Nancy Elenberger and
Dennis Goldstein
Barbara Goldstein
Hon Mai and
Joseph Goodman
Enid and
Ronald Goodman
Francesca Eastman and
Edward Goodstein
Olga Perkovic and
David Goodstein
Kristin and Peter Gordon
Les Silverman and
Irvin Govan
Marcia Grand
Caroline and
Anthony Grant
Kirsten and
Michael Green
Susan and Robert Green
Shand and
William Green
Marritje and
James Greene
Donald Gregory, Jr.
Janet and D. Wylie Greig
Gary Grethel
Margaret Grey
Megan Gridley Mina
and Michael Gridley
The Griffith Family
Catherine Kennedy and
Daniel Grossman
Elizabeth and
David Grossman
Gruber Family
Phyllis and John Gurney
Julie and Walter Haas
Ross Gillfillan and
Jeremiah Hall
The Halper Family
Elizabeth and
Jonathan Hamren
Aline Avzaradel and
Niv Hanigal
Joan Cambray and
Charles A. Hanson
Karen and Rick Hargrove
Helen and Gary Harmon
Tyson Harper
Yvonne Valiquette and
Donald Harrison
Cynthia Loukides and
Paul Harrison
Heather Tarantino and
Thomas Harrison
Janet and Richard Hart
Jennifer and
David Hatfield
Joanna and
Remy Hathaway
Cynthia Wood and
Jeffrey Hawkins
Lauren Hall and
David Hearth
Noreen and James Helvie
Ana Henderson and
Rand Morimoto
Carolen and
Douglas Herst
Rachel and Jeffrey Hess
Helen Hilton Raiser
Gloria Hing
Laurie Hinkle
Sarah Wigglesworth
and Asiff Hirji
Linda and David Hobbs
Jennifer and
Sam Hocking
Susan and David Hodges
Fumiko and David Hoeft
Beverly and R. W.
Cheri Hoffman
Teresa Holt and
William Hoffman
Donald Holcomb
Michael Nguyen and
James Hormel
Linda and Larry Howell
Shu Hsu
Pamela Bosh and
William Hubbard
Mary Hudson
Nora Gibson and
William Hudson
Michelle and
Justin Hughes
Elizabeth and
Zachary Hulsey
Doniece Sandoval and
Sadik Huseny
Yi-Ling Chen and
Victor Hwang
Gregory Hyde
Ann and John Lannuccillo
Margaret and
Robert Ippolito
Aditi Iyer
Rebecca and Lee Jackrel
Jacqueline and
Donald Jacobberger
Barbara and Carl
Elizabeth and Don James
Kathleen and Ted Janus
Law Offices of Ayanna L.
Brenda Jewett and
George Jewett III
Jennifer and Mike
Rebecca Wong and
Stuart Jivapongse
Erica Johnson
Tracy and Greg Johnson
Katharine Johnson
Mary Jane, Megan
and Clive Jones
Thomas Jones, III
Monica Reina- Kadner
and Noah Kadner
Jessica and Kirk Kaludis
Reena Tejura and
Chetan Kapoor
Keith Kappmeyer
Louise Karr
Angie and Joseph
Kenneth Kelsen
Judith and
David Kennedy
Nancy Thompson
and Andrew Kerr
Raheleh Mansoor and
Pedram Keyani
Terry and Robert Keyes
Judith and
Charles Kimball
Kathryn and
Richard Kimball
Elizabeth King
Maryann E. Kirchner
Amanda and
John Kirkwood
Brian Kliment
Kathleen Bole and
Paul Klingenstein
Joann Franklin-Knox
and Maurice Knox
Helene and Paul Kocher
Kathleen Yu and
David Korba
Catherine and
James Koshland
Virginia and Leo Koulos
Irina and Sasha Kovriga
Joanne Chan and
James Kramer
Brian Kurotsuchi
Meghen and Ken Kurtzig
Sheila and
Michael Lagios
Kelsey and
David Lamond
Ranee Lan
Sue and Roger Lang
Eileen and Jude Laspa
Mike Laster
Laura and Gary Lauder
Jane Lebkowski
Jocelyn Tom and
John Lee
Andrew M. Lee
Cary Lee
Doris and Theodore Lee
Jack Leibman
Edwin Lennette
Jeanne and Henri Lese
Jennifer Lesser
Robin Levi
Wendy Smith and
Simon Lewis
This list represents donors who made gif ts bet ween January 1 and December 31, 2013 including gif ts to the building campaign.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Individual Donors continued
Meg Durbin and
Clinton Lewis
Virginia Lewis
Barbara and Paul Licht
Louise and
William Lidicker
June Lilienthal
Sin Yee Zeng and
Yew Jin Lim
Dr. Lawrence S. Lipkind
Edmund W. Littlefield, Jr.
Sandy Littlefield
Dominique Lahaussois
and David Low
Eroeda Luck
Patsy and James Ludwig
Carrie and
Ronald Ludwig
Becca Prowda and
Daniel Lurie
Leslie Luttgens
Melissa Ma
Mae and Neil Mackie
Gillian Madill
Douglas Mandell
Armida Marshall
Candyce Martin
In Memory of
Betty J. Martin and
Melvin E. Martin
Susan and
Christopher Masto
Patricia Paulson
and Pat Matthews
Lucia Matzger
Diane May
Barb and Richard
Bobbie and Thomas
Karin and Gregory
Duncan McCosker
Patti Price and
Gene McDaniel
Ellen and Harold
William McIvor
Martha Ehrenfeld and
Carla McKay
Renee and Michael
Carolyn Davis and
Alexander Mehran
Agnés and
Alan Mendelson
Michelle and
Ed Menendez
Lisa and David Merin
Carolyn Meyer Ayag
Marcy and Terry Milby
Carol Mink
Myrna and
Hyman Mitchner
Marta Margeta and
Igor Mitrovic
Hope and Martin
John Monteverdi
Diana Montgomery
and Preston Raisin
Maura and Robert Morey
Anna and Mason Morfit
Sharon and
Jeffrey Morris
Elena and J.G. Motlow
Janesta Noland and
Rick Murphy
Naomi Nakashima
Arun Narayanan
Jackie and Howard
Nancy and William
Lieutenant Governor
Gavin Newsom
and Jennifer Siebel
Jennifer and Dan Niles
Sue and Warden Noble
Cheryl Bonham North
and D. Warner North
Janet O’Brien and
Craig Hartman
Michael OConnor
Anne and
Standish O’Grady
Bill Olds
Melissa and Erik Olson
Elizabeth and
Damien Ornani
Shari Gruner and
Stephanie Oshman
Melinda and
Albert Osterloh
Janet and Clyde Ostler
Patricia Costello and
Darryl Ott
Judy and Michael
Katie Schwab Paige and
Matthew Paige
Wendy and
Frederick Parkin
Nicole-Anne Boyer and
Toby Paterson
Laura and Mike Patnode
Monica and David Pauli
Christen O’Brien and
Paul Paulsson
Laura and Jes Pedersen
Christina and
Adam Pederson
Virginia and Dave Pell
Eileen and Phil Perkins
Marnie Morales and
Benjamin Perrault
Annette Perry
Regina Phelps
Kareline and
Warner Philips
Anthony B. Phillips
Amy Rao and Harry Plant
Laura Edeen and
Michael Plitkins
Leslie and
Nicholas Podell
Eve Niquette and
Charles Pohl
Carrie and Gary
The Precourt Family
Sylvia Pressacco
Donna Pribble
Gwendolyn and
Thomas Price
Veronica and
Wojciech Pulawski
Marie Cameron and
Robin Purohit
Harriet Meyer Quarre
Victoria and
Phillip Raiser
Kathy Fields-Rayant and
Garry Rayant
Kyle and Jamie Redford
Robin Wright and
Ian Reeves
Wendy and
Sherratt Reicher
Janie Rempel
Elizabeth and
Robert Reniers
James Rhemer
Anne M. Rianda
Robina and
John Riccitiello
Dianna Rice
Julie and Chris Ridley
Anne and Richard Riley
Helen Ripple
Jenny and Gerald Risk
Beth and Stephen Robie
Edis and Martin
Julie and Donald Rocap
Gina Sanfilippo and
Frederick Roeber
Lois and John Rogers
Shelagh and
Thomas Rohlen
JoAnn and
Lawson Rollins
Fran Rominger
Lois and Arthur Roth
Cynthia and James Rowe
Peggy and Don Ryan
Jacqueline and
David Sacks
Cynthia Lund and
Richard Saffir
Amrou Salahieh
Ladan and Namdar Saleh
Christi and
Tim Saltonstall
Laura Brugger and
Ross Sappenfield
Rebecca and
Douglas Sayuk
Michael Scharfenstein
Jennifer and
Steve Schimmel
Sandra and
R. David Schmaier
La Verne and
Herbert Schmidt
Peter Lothar Schmidt
Joel Wells and
Albert Schreck
Catarina and
Andy Schwab
Nora and Ivan Schwab
Susan and
Michael Schwartz
Nancy Bush and
Emil Scoffone
Judith and John Sears
Beatie and
Mike Seidenberg
Pearl Anne Seipp
Amy Kuwata and
Stephen Self
John Bradfield and
Dennis Senovich
Nancy and Greg Serrurier
Diane and Carl Shannon
Amy Eskin and
Mitchell Shapson
Andrea and David Shearn
Barbara Shell
Raymond Shone
Yvonne Don and
Richard Shrieve
Stacey and
Thomas Siebel
Jane and John Siegel
Lara Witter and
Curt Sigfstead
Ann and Tim Simon
Cyrena Torrey Simons
Helen Sims
Holly Hagens and
Todd Sisitsky
Danna and Alex Slusky
Darren Smith
Catherine Allman and
Glenn Snyder
Judith and Gary Sorgen
Suzanne and
Laurence Spitters
Laura and Greg Spivy
Elizabeth and
Andrew Spokes
Katherine Copic and
Daniel Spoonhower
Clare Springs
Nancy and Brett Stearns
Jane and
Geoffrey Stearns
Ruth and Alan Stein
Vera and Harold Stein Jr.
W. Bradford Stephens
Mary Murphy and
Mark Stevens
Jo Ann Stewart
Earl Stokes
Kenneth Stone
Sandra Stoppoloni
Christine and Pete Stovell
Rose Heide and
Gary Sweet
Daralyn Durie and
Ragesh Tangri
Tracy Taylor Grubbs
and Richard Taylor
Lloyda Thompson
Richard and
Rhona Thompson
Robert Thompson
Shannon and
Jay Thomson
Henry O. Timnick
Edith and Joseph Tobin
Katherine Tobin
Tiffany Townsend
Alexis and Trevor Traina
Miles and
Merredith Treaster
Siobhan McFeeney
and Dennis Trevino
Dora Tsang
Walter Tschinkel
Suzanne and
Eugene Valla
Kathleen and
Lee Van Boven
Margaret Sullivan and
William Van Dyk
Jennifer and Brian
Van Klompenberg
Patricia Post and
Martin Vanderlaan
Edith and Geerat Vermeij
Barbara Novak and
Ellis Verosub
Wendy Norris and
Stephanie Versin
Jane and Bernard
Von Bothmer
This list represents donors who made gif ts bet ween January 1 and December 31, 2013 including gif ts to the building campaign.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Individual Donors continued
Janet and Christian
von Doepp
Lorraine Voskanian
Molly and David
Lisa Podos Wais and
Michael Wais
Marvalee and
David Wake
Emily and Greg Waldorf
Ashley and
Edward Waltemath
Sally Ward
Delcey and
Harlan Watkins
Teri Kil and Trevor Watt
Willene and
Paul Wattis, Jr.
Priscilla Hung and
Geoffrey Weber
Virginia and
Richard Welsh
Nonie Greene and
Todd Werby
Gloria Wesenberg
Ashley and
J. Minott Wessinger
Sarah Singleton and
Jeff Westmont
Emily Wheeler
James Whitlock
Jeanne and
Michael Williams
Jennifer and
R. Sanders Williams
Timothy Dick and
Nicholas Wilson
Pat and Bill Wilson
Greta and Warner Wims
Beth and James
Jane and Douglas Wolf
Polly and Ward Wolff
Linda and King Won
Jack K. Wong
Polly Tam and
Hsien-Chung Woo
Sharon and Russell Woo
Laura and
Dennis Woodside
Susan and Bruce Worster
Patty and Kirke Wrench
Nancy and Roy Wu
Jo Wunderlich
David Wuson
Karl Schultz and
Ryan Wyatt
Marcia Wythes
Annette and David Yeary
Alice Yen
David Yu
Dawn and David Zierk
Amy and Ted Zook
Jane and Mark Zuercher
$25,000 – $49,999
Able Services
American Securities
Carlson Family
Carmel Partners
Dodge & Cox
Eastdil Secured
GGS Foundation
Mimi and Peter
Haas Fund
Hellman Foundation
Integrated Archive
Systems, Inc.
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Koret Foundation
The Morrison & Foerster
Prime Finance
Sageview Capital LP
Summit Partners
Union Bank Foundation
Visa Inc.
Wallis Foundation
Weil, Gotshal
& Manges LLP
King American
Ambulance Company
Kingfisher Foundation
The Stanley S.
Langendorf Foundation
The Livermore Family In
Memory of John Sealy
McKinsey & Company, Inc.
The Joseph and
Mercedes McMicking
Nasaw Family
National Geographic
Pacific Life Foundation
The Sato Foundation
Jordan L. Shlain, MD
Private Medical
Simpson Thacher &
Bartlett LLP
Webcor Builders
Willis Lease Finance
Rebarber Enterprises
Res-Com Insulation, Inc
B.T. Rocca, Jr. Foundation
Rosendin Electric, Inc.
RT Western
Maintenance, Inc.
Sand Hill Foundation
Sao Tome E Principe
Union Prom
The Schlinger Foundation
True Liberty Bags
Valley Anatomical
Preparations, Inc.
ValleyCrest Landscape
Vector Laboratories, Inc.
Asset Management
Frank A. Campini
Degenkolb Engineers
The Charles Engelhard
Ann and Gordon Getty
$1,000 – $9,999
ACCO Engineered
Alice Phelan Sullivan
Animation on Display
Argo Insurance Brokers
Bartlett Tree Expert Co.
Capital Group
Chevron Corporation
Christine H. Russell
Fund of the Columbia
Craves Family
Thelma Doelger
Charitable Trust
Eighth Street Wineries
Farese Family Foundation
Fox Rothschild LLP
Evelyn and Walter Haas,
Jr. Fund
HBD STP - Investimentos
Turísticos, Unipessoal,
Health Net, Inc.
House of Air
IBM Corporation
Inavale Foundation, Inc
JEC Foundation
Jobsite Stud Welding
Kwan Wo Ironworks, Inc.
La Bonne Cuisine
Catering and Events
Loomis, Sayles &
Company, L.P.
The Markkula
Meyer Sound
Microsoft Corporation
Mirnahill Foundation
nwk group
Occidental of Elk Hills
Non Unit
Patxi’s Pizza
Corporations and Foundations
Pisces Foundation,
Bob and Randi
Fisher, Trustees
$250,000 –$499,999
S. D. Bechtel, Jr.
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Lakeside Foundation
Gordon and Betty
Moore Foundation
$100,000 –$249,999
Anonymous (2)
Horace W. Goldsmith
The Hearst Foundations
HRH Foundation
The Bernard Osher
Pacific Gas and Electric
Wells Fargo Foundation
$50,000 – $99,999
Aera Energy LLC
California Earthquake
Council on Library and
Information Resources
Frances K. and Charles
D. Field Foundation
Franklin Templeton
The Hoefer Family
Pearson Charitable
Safeway Inc.
Wells Fargo
This list represents donors who made gif ts bet ween January 1 and December 31, 2013 including gif ts to the building campaign.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Blue Angel Spirits LLC
Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management, BOEM
Pacific Region
Caldwell Vineyard
Clif Kid
Gene Coan
Anne and Daniel Cohen
Cornerstone Cellars
Buff and Gerald Corsi
Bulleit Bourbon
Nance and Melvin
Double Rainbow
Gourmet Ice Creams
Francis Ford Coppola
Michelle Gaither
Annette Gavigan
Ghirardelli Ice Cream &
Chocolate Shops
Google Inc.
Bonnie and Terry
Green Barrel Wine
Hafner Vineyard
Beverly and David
KFOG Radio
Martin Lenz
Al Leviton
Magnolia Photo Booth
Morton Salt
Ann and Michael
Peekadoodle Kidsclub
Ana Maria and
Norman Penny
Oceanic USA & Hollis
Plum Organics
Pop Chips
Veronica and
Wojciech Pulawski
Jonnie Pullman
Rodney Strong Vineyards
Jeanne Rose
Safeway Inc.
San Francisco Maritime
National Historical Park
Rudi Schmid
James Shevock
Spellbound Wines
Joan Steinberg
Ten Speed Press
The Bubble Lounge
Tito’s Handmade Vodka
Trader Joe’s
Trumer Pils
Beth Walton
William Colby
Memorial Library
Estate of Dorothy H.
Estate of Hamilton W.
Charles M. Goethe Trust
Estate of Drs. Craig and
Natalie S. Miller
Estate of Henry Perin and
Maryan Atkinson Perin
Rolph-Nicol Fund
Estate of Marjorie A.
Estate of Willis S. and
Marion B. Slusser
Robert and Mary Ann
Diane and William Clarke
Dorothy and
William Clemens
Lewis Coleman
Ms. Susan Coleman
Buff and Gerald Corsi
Ronald Cramer
Arline H. Day
Joan and Allen
Gary Demyen and
Les Partridge
Isabelle Z. Dokouzian
Pamela and
Clarence Donahoe
Tracy Donahoe and
Kenneth Lim
Nance and Melvin
Mary and Thomas Dum
Sherry Dumke
Lynn and Robert Dunne
Susan McComb and
J. D. Durst
Maria Lucila
Echeverria Bustos
Margo and Harold Elberg
Charlotte and
David Epstein
Veronica Espada
Helene Ettelson
Edward T. Faber and
Phyllis M. Faber Trust
Neil E. Fahy
Marie and
Lawrence Feldman
Elizabeth S. Fisher
Jean Fisher
Susan Forsythe
Renata Gasperi and
Donald Frediani
Elazar Friedman
William Fries II
Laura Fujii
Stuart M. Fullerton
Jennifer and Ellis Gans
Evelina Vecchiato Gara
Arlene Getz
Robert Glavin
Robert Godersky
Jeannie Graham-Gilliat
Paul Guest
Charles and
Ginger Guthrie
Johnnie and
John Hafernik
Florence Haimes
Anthia and Charlie
Jack Halpern
James Heagy
Deborah and
Robert Hector
Helen and Robert Heller
Virginia Helleskov
Ms. Terry Helm
Michael A. Heymann
Louise and Donald
Cynthia Hill and
Steven Beckendorf
Sue and Mike Hoey
Joan Holman
Richard W. Holmes
Royal C. Brown and
Margie Hom
Judith and John
Diane Ichiyasu
Virginia M. Ingham
Julianna and
Alex Iosilevsky
Bonnie and Michael Irwin
Bernice Itkin
Eve Iversen
Donald and Jacqueline
Hazel Jacoby
Pauline Kerber and
John Jennings
Stanley Judd
Estate of Frank W. and
Margaret Adelstein
Estate of Stanley M.
Eastwood Associates Legacy Giving
Michele and
Mark Aldrich
Anthony Alfidi
Mary Allen
Mary Beth and
Frank Almeda
Barbara D. Andrews
Terri J. Arington in
memory of Hector
and Grayce Ceschi
Madeline and Paul
Arnaud, Jr.
Mary Ann and
Samuel Aronson
Jay Auslander
Joan and Peter Avenali
Malou Babilonia
Nancy Abbott Baker
Pamela Baldwin
Charna Ball
Alkmene and
Raymond Bandar
Charles Madsen
Marie Schoppe Bartee
Joan Beavin
Mildred and Edward
Michael Bennett and
Leslie Larson
Michael J. Bennett
Riva and David
Berelson, Jr.
Medea and Bruce Bern
Helen Bernstein
Loraine and Robert Berry
Barbara Bessey and
Kevin Gilmartin
Susan and
Frederick Bianucci
W. Richard Bingham
Phyllis Blair
Roberta and
Roy Borgonovo
Norman Brand
Ellen and Russell
Melinda M. and
James R. Brown
Josephine H. Brownback
Joanne Bruggemann
Dr. Margaret
Gould Burke
Eva Buxton
Brook and Shawn Byers
Carla Carpentier
Andrea LoPinto and
Robert Carr
Jeanie and
Michael Casey
Claudia and David
This list represents donors who made gif ts bet ween January 1 and December 31, 2013 including gif ts to the building campaign.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Eastwood Associates continued
Anne Kahn
Bernice and Jerry Kendall
Kate and Tom Klein
Sue and Roger Lang
Evelyn and
Robert Langston
Dr. Della Laura
Jim Lilienthal
Sandra and
Ronald Linder
Lois B. Lippincott
Pari and Putnam
Park Loughlin
Eroeda Luck
Cynthia and John Major
Brent Malarkey
Josephine Markovich
Sharon and
Michael Marron
Hermine and
Sumner Marshall
Gerald McCallum
Faye and Richard
Pam and John McCosker
Janet and Thomas
Kathryn K. McNeil
Jancy Rickman and
William Michaely
Gigi Babcock and
Ralph Miller
Carol and Charles Mink
Holly Mitchell
Nancy and George
Montgomery, Jr.
Scott Chan and
Vicki Moore
Sylvia and David Morafka
Nearn and
Romano Families
John R. Nelson
Kenneth Ness
Nancy and
Bill Newmeyer
Drs. Charles and
Lois O’Brien
Diane Ososke
Edmund W. Ow
Alan and Virginia Pabst
Janet Parker
Wendy and Fred Parkin
Vicki and John Pearse
Regina Phelps
Carol and Bruce Pollock
Lynette M. Porteous
Veronica and
Wojciech Pulawski
Jane Radcliffe
Sonia A. Raesly
Linda and John Reichel
Mary Renaker and
Eric Brazel
Patricia and
Hugh Reynolds
Anne Rianda
Gary B. Riddle
Dr. Francis J. Rigney, Jr.
Nancy Robison
Diane and Peter
Robert Rofen
Diane and Lloyd Root
Sandra Miller Ross and
Edward S. Ross
Lois and Arthur Roth
Renee Rubin
I.A. Ruffer
Jaclyn Jacobs Rusch
Michael Scharfenstein
Katherine Schick
Margery Schindler
Dr. Evert I. Schlinger, Ph.D.
Peter Lothar Schmidt
Elizabeth Schultz
Werner Schumann
Harold Segelstad
Tom Shamp
Yvonne Don and
Richard Shrieve
Mrs. Eugene A. Shurtleff
Clare Wheeler Sias
Marjorie Silver
Edmund and
Suellynn Smith
Edward Laidlaw Smith
Joyce and Jim Smith
Cornelia Clausen Spanier
Clare H. Springs
Thoralee Crawford
Susan Staebler
Brett C. Stearns
Judith and Jerry
Joan E. Steinberg
Ann and Ellis Stephens
Barbara J. Stevens
Jocelynn Herrick Stone
and Richard Stone
J. Garland Stroup
David and Mary Sutton
Catherine and
Maurice Tauber
Rowena J. Taylor and
Doris C. Taylor
Nancy Thompson and
Andrew Kerr
Blake and Jillian Tyrrell
Stefan Unnasch
Esther M. van Beers
Barbara and Dirk
Van Meurs
Mary and Jerome C.
Helen von Ammon
Janet von Doepp
Dorothy and
Paul Wachter
Susan Wageman
Jake Walker
Julie Walker
Katherine Wallin
Susanne Prokscha and
Timothy Walters
Dr. Shel Weissman and
Claire Hurni Weissman
Linda and
George Wertheim
Gloria Wesenberg
Cherie and
Herbert Wetzel
Jerry Ann White
Ellen and
Edwin Whitman
David Whitridge
Stanley Williams
Stefan Williams
Ron Wilson
Betty and George
Helen and Wil Wong
Melissa and Brian Wong
Joan F. Yates
Flora Zagorites
Wilma & William Follette
Internship in Botany
Dr. Harriet Frizzell Fund
Mimi and Peter Haas
Fund for Early
Childhood Education
Hanna Diatom Chair
Margaret Hanna
Hearst Endowment for
Science Education
Rollie & Mary Henley
Herpetology Endowment
Harry and Diana Hind
Dean of Science and
Research Collections
John T. Howell
Curatorial Chair
Irvine Curatorial Chair
Rupert and Maryellie
Johnson Technology
William R. and Gretchen
B. Kimball Endowment
Lilienthal Lecture Fund
Lindsay Chair of Botany
Dr. George Lindsay &
Geraldine Lindsay Field
Research Fund
Robert Lorenz Trust
Kristina D.Y. Louie
Memorial Fund
Mallick Endowment Fund
Marshall Steel
Curatorial Chair
John E. McCosker Chair
of Aquatic Biology Fund
William McDevitt
Memorial Fund
Myers Family Trust
O’Brien Fund
Patterson Scholars
Endowment Fund
Pepperwood Outreach
Roberts Dean of
Education Fund
Arthur and Toni
Rembe Rock Fund for
Enhanced Museum
John J. Rose Postdoctoral
L & E Rose
Memorial Fund
Vincent Roth
Memorial Fund
Arachnology Chair
Schlinger Diptera Chair
Schlinger Postdoctoral
Tracy & Ruth Storer Fund
Edwin Cooper
Van Dyke Fund
Helen Von Ammon Fund
Robert T. Wallace
Dr. R. Wallace
Internship Fund
Paul & Phyllis Wattis
Foundation Fund
Phyllis C. Wattis
Endowment Fund
Wesendunk Microfossil
Collection Endowment
Wesendunk Mineral
Collection Endowment
Zimmerman Trust
Adelstein Endowment
Augsbury Fund
Elizabeth Bartholomew
Memorial Fund
Hohfeld Fund
Botany Endowment Fund
Owen Bryant Fund
Corsi Digital Library Fund
Arthur Court
Minerals Fund
Daniels, Ruth Cames
Minerology Fund
Benjamin Dean
Memorial Fund
Denning Endowment
Entomology Endowment
Fellows Research
Endowment Fund
W.I. Follett Endowment
This list represents donors who made gif ts bet ween January 1 and December 31, 2013 including gif ts to the building campaign.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Diverse viewpoints on the natural world, advanced by our Fellows,
make the Academy a powerful contributor to science and sustainability.
In 2013, ten new members, nominated by their peers and selected by the
Academy Board of Trustees, joined this illustrious community.
Class of 2013 Fellows:
Joseph DeRisi
University of California,
San Francisco
Genomics, Molecular
Biology, Parasitology,
Virology, Computational
Susan L. Forsburg
University of Southern
Molecular &
Computational Biology
Paul L. Koch
University of California,
Santa Cruz
Geobiology &
Claire Kremen
University of California,
Conservation Biology and
Peter Norvig
Google Inc.
Artificial Intelligence &
Computer Science
Mark Richards
University of California,
Benito C. Tan
University of California,
Katherine S. Pollard
University of California,
San Francisco
Evolution &
Computational Biology
Jonathon H. Stillman
University of
California, Berkeley &
San Francisco State
Invertebrate Physiology &
Molecular Biology
R. Sanders Williams,
Gladstone Institutes &
University of California,
San Francisco
Medicine, Cell Biology,
Distinguished Service Award
Roberta Borgonovo
Former Trustee
and Docent,
California Academy
of Sciences
Sandra Linder
Former Trustee
and Docent,
California Academy
of Sciences
Bob Van Syoc
Former Senior
Collections Manager,
California Academy of
Sciences, Invertebrate
Zoology and Geology
Recipient of the 2013 Fellow’s Medal
James T. Carlton
Professor of Marine
Sciences and Biology
Williams College –
Mystic Seaport
Dr. Carlton is a Professor of Marine Sciences and Biology at Williams College
and Director of the Williams College – Mystic Seaport Maritime Studies
Program. His research focuses on the environmental history of coastal
marine ecosystems, including invasions of non-native species and modernday extinctions in the world’s oceans. His research sites include the Atlantic
and Pacific coasts, the Hawaiian Islands, Argentina, and South Africa. He
is the only scientist to receive the Interagency Recognition Award from the
U.S. federal government for his national and international work to reduce the
impacts of exotic species invasions in the sea.
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
Careful stewardship of financial resources is key to growing
the Academy’s impact at a time when science — advancing it,
understanding it, sharing it — is essential to life on Earth.
o per atin g r e v en u e a n d e xpen s e s
Earned Revenue
Endowment Transfers
Government Grants
Total Revenue
Accounts Payable
Deferred Income
Bonds Payable
Other Long-term Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Exhibits & Public Engagement
Education & Outreach
Biodiversity Science & Sustainability
Development & Membership
Management & General
Total Expenses
49% Earned Revenue
25% Contributions
16% Endowment Transfers
10% Government Grants
fin a n cia l p ositio n
Property & equipment, less depr.
Total Assets
Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
California Academy of Sciences 2013 Annual Report
31% Exhibits & Public Engagement
20% Education & Outreach
18% Biodiversity Science & Sustainability
13% Aquarium
10% Development & Membership
8% Management & General
Forward-looking leaders keep the Academy on track in its mission
to explore, explain, and sustain life. Their vision guides us. Their
enthusiasm inspires us. Their commitment carries us into the future.
Board of Trustees, 2013–2014
William F. Duhamel
Peter Fenton
John H. N. Fisher
Randi Fisher
Peter M. Folger
Mark Gaumond
Edward A. Gilhuly
Rosemary Gillespie, Ph.D.
Diane B. Greene
John Hafernik, Ph.D., President
Harry Hagey
Susan Desmond-Hellmann, M.D.
Glenn W. Holsclaw
Nelson Ishiyama
Oliver Jenkyn
David M. Kennedy, Ph.D.
Salman Khan
Roger G. Kuo
Sharon Long, Ph.D.
Susan Oberndorf
Emilie Munger Ogden
Elizabeth R. Patterson
Gary Pinkus
William S. Price, III
Gregory C. Farrington, Ph.D.
Executive Director, William R.
and Gretchen B. Kimball Chair
Alison Brown
Chief Financial Officer
and Chief of Staff
Terrence M. Gosliner, Ph.D.
Dean of Science and Research
Collections, Harry W. and Diana
V. Hind Chair
Elizabeth C. Babcock, Ph.D.
Chief Public Engagement Officer
and Roberts Dean of Education
Melissa Felder
Chief Marketing Officer
Bruce Alberts, Ph.D.
James N. Alexander
John C. Atwater, Chair
Matthew Barger
Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Ph.D.
Richard C. Blum
Teresa Briggs
Dan Carroll
Peter Y. Chung
Penny Coulter
Troy Daniels
Juliet de Baubigny
Marta Salas-Porras
Wendy Schmidt
Kurt N. Simon
Jill Tarter, Ph.D.
Thomas W. Tusher
Virginia Goss Tusher, Ph.D.
Jerome C. Vascellaro
Geerat J. Vermeij, Ph.D.
Summer Tompkins Walker
Richard Yorke
Adrienne L. Zihlman, Ph.D.
Mary Zlot
Senior Staff
Janet M. Harris
Chief Development Officer
55 Music Concourse Drive
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco, CA 94118
415-379-5405 |