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Titles should never contain abbreviations, e
Time series analysis of shoreline changes in Gonghyunjin and Songjiho Beaches, South Korea 1415 Time series analysis of shoreline changes in Gonghyunjin and Songjiho Beaches, South Korea using aerial photographs and remotely sensed imagery In-Ho Kim†, Hyung-Seok Lee‡, Dong-Seob Song† †Dept. of Ocean Construction Engineering, Kangwon National University, Samcheok, 245-711, South Korea kimih@kangwon.ac.kr sds@kangwon.ac.kr ‡ Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hanzhong University, Donghae, 240-713, South Korea lhs0815@empas.com (Corresponding author) www.cerf-jcr.org ABSTRACT Kim, I.H., Lee, H.S. and Song, D.S., 2013. Time series analysis of shoreline changes in Gonghyunjin and Songjiho Beaches, South Korea using aerial photographs and remotely sensed imagery, Proceedings 12th International Coastal Symposium (Plymouth, England), Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, pp. 1415-1420, ISSN 0749-0208. www.JCRonline.org Given the speed and pervasiveness of anthropogenic landcover changes, especially in coastal areas, monitoring shoreline alterations and their impacts is critical for intelligent coastal development and beach use management. In this study, we describe a monitoring and analysis framework that uses aerial photography, remotely sensed imagery, and field surveys to detect changes in beach width and area along Gonghyunjin and Songjiho Beaches in South Korea. We used IKONOS imagery acquired in 2004; aerial photographs captured in 1991, 2005, 2009 and 2010; and field surveys conducted in 2010 and 2011. Based on comparisons of these data sources, we detected widespread erosion on both beaches starting in 2004, resulting in 12% reduction in the plane area of these beaches between 2004 and 2010. Most dramatically, we noted that beach width eroded by 28.5 m at the point 700 m south of Gonghyunjin Harbor, and similar declines occurred at several other locations. Erosion occurred at these locations because extended breakwaters in the Gonghyunjin Harbor either blocked or interrupted drift sand transport processes, causing sand to be carried away from some locations without accretion to replenish it. In addition, according to field surveys, we determined that erosion and accretion processes continued to vary seasonally in 2010 and 2011, resulting in smaller overall changes than those in the study years prior to 2010. However, we suggest that severe erosion may occur in the future at some locations if sand continues to be transported north onto Songjiho Beach without replenishment. Thus, we demonstrated that the construction of artificial structures around the harbor caused changes along the shoreline. Our monitoring framework has important applications for future observation of anthropogenically driven changes to this coastal area and serves as an applicable tool in other coastal regions worldwide. ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS: Aerial photographs, IKONOS image, shoreline change, beach width, plane area. INTRODUCTION The eastern coast of South Korea has historically exhibited a seasonal equilibrium where waves from the northeast erode beaches during winter months while waves from the southeast redeposit sand in summer months. Recent anthropogenic development along this coast, however, has caused substantial erosion on top of the natural equilibrium patterns. In response, the South Korean government has established a coastal monitoring system to detect changes in area along the shoreline and to establish appropriate usage plans. As part of this system, photogrammetric and remote sensing approaches have been proposed as efficient methods for monitoring shoreline changes. Previous studies have successfully used such approaches in similar applications. For example, multiple studies have used series of aerial photographs to monitor erosion conditions and shoreline changes (e.g., Li et al., 1998; Pornpinatepong et al., 2005; Sesli et al., 2009; Sesli, 2010). Similarly, Chalabi et al. (2006) used both IKONOS imagery and aerial photographs to monitor shoreline alterations in Malaysia. In addition, recent changes in the Niger Delta coastline were determined through a time series analysis of satellite imagery (Adegoke et al., 2010). ____________________ DOI: 10.2112/SI65-239.1 received 07 December 2012; accepted 06 March 2013. © Coastal Education & Research Foundation 2013 In such studies, the shoreline can be delineated according to multiple techniques, including visual inspection or digital number (DN) analysis (where the boundary between water and land is detected according to changes in an image’s digital numbers; Marfai et al., 2008). In one study (Muhammad, 2009), the shoreline was delineated through the manual digitization of the dry to wet sand boundary in aerial photographs. In addition, topographic maps and other images can be used as supplementary information for determining shoreline locations (Marfai et al., 2008). In general, these previous studies establish that aerial photography and remotely sensed imagery can be effectively used to distinguish shorelines, beach area, and changes in those elements. In this study, we analyzed long-term changes in shoreline characteristics along Gonghyunjin and Songjiho Beaches in the eastern coast of Gangwon province, South Korea. We specifically used aerial photographs and remotely sensed imagery to examine trends in beach width in response to erosion and accretion that could be attributable to the construction of artificial structures along a local harbor. STUDY AREA This study focused on approximately 5 km of shoreline that is part of the Gonghyunjin and Songjiho Beaches in Gangwon Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, 2013 1416 Kim, et al. province, South Korea (Figure 1(a)). In this region, a 140 m northern breakwater was constructed in Gonghyunjin Harbor in 1967, and a 535 m eastern breakwater was constructed in 2005. An additional 225 m southern breakwater and a 60 m groin were constructed in 2007 (Figure 1(b)). Along this stretch of shoreline, waves move in a northeast to southeast direction in spring and summer whereas they tend to move in a northeast to east direction in fall and winter. A strong current that allows for drift sand transport from south to north is typically most noticeable when waves flow from the northeast to the east/southeast. Recently, the stretch of Gonghyunjin Beach between Gajin and Gonghyunjin Harbors has exhibited a consistent decrease in beach area while accretion has been observed only in front of commercial areas south of Gajin Harbor. In addition, the sandy stretch of Songjiho Beach between Gonghyunjin and Oho Harbors displayed a consistent increase in beach area only near the southern breakwater of Gonghyunjin Harbor (Figure 1(c)). The southern area in Songjiho Beach (Figure 1(d)), on the other hand, recently exhibited distinct periods of erosion during spring and summer and accretion during fall and winter. MATERIALS AND METHODS Orthorectification and Delineation of Shoreline We mapped the study area using aerial photographs taken in 1991, 2005, 2009 and 2010 by the National Geographic Information Institute (NGII; Table 1). We also used IKONOS imagery of the area captured in 2004 (Table 1). IKONOS imagery and photography were geometrically orthorectified using a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) produced with the national digital map (scale 1:5,000). We orthorectified both types of imagery in the software PG-STTEMER v.4.2. We were then able to digitize and analyze changes in beach area based on this orthorectified imagery. The change in beach width and plane area was calculated using AutoCAD 2010. For the analysis of shoreline change, we estimated the beach width in sections each year by dividing the shoreline into a total of 40 control sections delineated at 100-m intervals (Figure 3(a)). In addition, the analysis of shorelines with large tidal differences typically requires tidal-level adjustments according to the time of day the image was captured. However, because tidal difference in our study area were less than 20 cm, which is less than the difference in height between the tallest waves and a flat sea, a tidal adjustment was not necessary for shoreline delineation in this study. Field Surveys for Analysis of Beach Changes after 2010 We conducted four shoreline and cross-shore profiling surveys over a span of 15 months (June 2010, November 2010, March 2011, and September 2011) to assess beach characteristics after 2010. We acquired coordinates for shoreline points at 1-s intervals while traveling along the swash zone using a Differential GPS (DGPS). We registered these points to the orthorectified 2009 photograph and 2004 image. The edge of onshore was set as the reference line (Figure 5). We defined the zone from Gonghyunjin Harbor to Gajin Harbor on the north as the “KH01 sector” and the zone from Gonghyunjin Harbor to Oho Harbor on the south as the “KH02 sector”. We defined 20 control sections in KH01 and 40 control sections in KH02 at 50 m intervals. To determine the overall variations in shoreline characteristics after 2010, we estimated beach area for both sectors (KH01 and KH02) as well as the change in area for 6 sectors. RESULTS Changes in the Study Area between 1994 and 2010 According to the 1991 aerial photograph of the study area, a curved sandy beach existed south and north of Gonghyunjin Harbor, and Juk Island (Figure 1) functioned as an offshore breakwater such that the shoreline along the mainland protruded out into Juk Island. In addition, the 1,405 m northern breakwater had been constructed in the Gonghyunjin Harbor at this time. However, this breakwater was too short for the inside of harbor to be clearly visible in the photograph, and the natural shoreline appeared intact (Figure 2(a)). In comparison, the IKONOS image Table 1. Characteristics of aerial photographs and remotely sensed imagery used in this study. Acquisition date Type of data Figure 1. Location of the study area encompassing (a) Gonghyunjin and Songjiho Beaches in Gangwon province, South Korea. This study area included (b) the southern beach below Gonghyunjin Harbor (Sept. 2011), (c) a 60 m groin with tetrapods (Nov. 2011), and (d) beach view to be eroded (Sept. 2011). Resolution (meters) Nov. 1991 Aerial Photographs Dec. 2004 IKONOS (Multispectral) 1.0m Nov. 2005 Aerial Photographs 1.0m Aug. 2009 Sept. 2010. Aerial Photographs Aerial Photographs 1.0m 0.5m Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, 2013 1.0m after scanning Time series analysis of shoreline changes in Gonghyunjin and Songjiho Beaches, South Korea from 2004 showed that, 13 years later, the 515 m eastern breakwater and 140 m northern breakwater had been constructed. We also observed an increase in area for both Songjiho Beach and for the southern portion of Gonghyunjin Harbor below the southern breakwater. We also noted a tombolo linking Juk Island to the mainland (Figure 2(b)). Furthermore, a comparison of the 2004 IKONOS image to the 2005 aerial photograph illustrated the completion of the now 535 m eastern breakwater as well as a substantial corresponding increase in the southern shoreline below the southern breakwater of Gonghyunjin Harbor. We also demonstrated that, after the construction of the eastern breakwater of Gonghyunjin Harbor in 2005, a wave shielding area formed during winter months as the breakwater separated the longshore current and drift sands. This initiated erosion processes at the 700 m point (section no. 15 in Figure 3(a)) below the southern breakwater while also creating sand deposits near the breakwater and inside Gonghyunjin Harbor (Figure 2(c)). Examination of the 2009 aerial photograph revealed the current shape of Gonghyunjin Harbor as it exists today as well as substantial increases in shoreline due to accretion along the southern beach below Gonghyunjin Harbor. In addition, we observed that the beach width for the area around the 700 m point below the southern breakwater (which was originally formed by the wave shielding area) was narrower compared to 2005 (Figure 2(d)). Overall beach erosion also occurred over the 3 km zone along the shoreline to Oho Harbor. Finally, we noted that the beach width and area in our study region remained became stable after 2010 (Figure 2(e)). General trends in changes to beach area from 1991 to 2010 are shown in Table 2. We observed that beach area consistently decreased after 2004 due to beach erosion between 2004 and 2010; beach area along the Gonghyunjin and Songjiho Beaches decreased by approximately 25% and 12%, respectively. The largest change in beach width was seen near the southern (a) Nov. 1991 (b) Dec. 2004 1417 Table 2. Plane area changes in each beach by year. Year Area (m2 ) Gonghyunjin Beach Songjiho Beach Total Nov. 1991 50,533 269,777 320,310 Dec. 2004 60,092 364,015 424,107 Nov. 2005 51,358 345,706 397,064 Aug. 2009 47,480 320,114 367,594 Sept. 2010 45,227 321,097 366,324 breakwater of Gonghyunjin Harbor (section no. 11 in Figure 3(a)) where beach width increased by 227.1 m from 1991 to 2010. In addition, the area at section no. 36 (Figure 3(a)) decreased by 84.1 m between 2004 and 2010. The northern (sections 2-10 in Figure 3(a)) and southern (sections 19-39 in Figure 3(a)) shores of Gonghyunjin Harbor experienced continuous erosion after 2004 whereas accretion occurred along the southern shore below the southern breakwater of Gonghyunjin Harbor. This was likely caused by the change in drift sand transport processes following the formation of the wave shielding area near section no. 16. Finally, the most severe change occurred in the cross-shore area at section no. 15, indicating a drift sand transport inside Gonghyunjin Harbor. However, despite these changes, the beaches became stable with natural seasonal variation in beach width after 2009 (Figure 3(b)). Figure 4 shows area changes from the southern breakwater of Gonghyunjin Harbor to the 700 m below the southern breakwater. Although the overall shoreline in 2004 was stable (Figure 4(a)), approximately 30,491 m2 of sand in the south was moved to the north after the extension of the breakwater (Figure 4(b)). Ultimately, the northern area increased by 31,221 m2 (Figure 4(c)) (c) Nov. 2005 (d) Aug. 2009 (e) Sept. 2010 Figure 2. Changes in shoreline and beach area from 1991 to 2010. Major events that likely led to changes in shoreline near Gonghyunjin Harbor include (a) the completion of the 140 m northern breakwater in 1967, (c) the completion of the 535 m eastern breakwater in 2005, and (d) the completion of the 255 m southern breakwater and the 60 m groin at the end of 2007. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, 2013 1418 Kim, et al. (a) 0 250 Meters 500 (b) Figure 3. (a) Control sections at 100 m intervals along Gonghyunjin Beach (1-10) and Songjiho Beach (11-40) used in analysis of (b) changes in beach width from 1991 to 2010. Figure 4. Planar change along the southern beach of the southern breakwater in Gonghyunjin Harbor according to (a) IKONOS imagery captured in Dec. 2004 before the extension of the breakwater, (b) aerial photography taken in Sept. 2010 after the extension of the breakwater, and (c) shoreline surveys completed in Sept. 2011. Summary changes are shown in panel (d) where Ⓐ corresponds to panel (a), Ⓑcorresponds to panel (c), Ⓒ shows accretion from 2004 to 2011 (approximately 31,221 m2), and Ⓓ shows erosion from 2004 to 2011 (approximately 3,100 m2). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, 2013 Time series analysis of shoreline changes in Gonghyunjin and Songjiho Beaches, South Korea while the southern area decreased by 3,100 m2 (Figure 4(d)) by 2011. Beach Changes according to Field Surveys after 2010 Beach width decreased in the KH01 sector and increased between sections no. 1 and 6 in KH02 (Figure 5). Beach width of the other sections in KH02 sector decreased compared to previous data while also fluctuating due to erosion and accretion. After the completion of the southern breakwater at the end of 2007, the beach width along Songjiho Beach in KH02 fluctuated and became generally narrower after 2009 (Figure 5(b)). Thus, we conclude that this beach appears to exist in an equilibrium condition. As illustrated in Figure 6, field survey results showed that the plane area of Gonghyunjin Beach (KH01 sector) decreased consistently from 2004 while the plane area in the northern side of Songjiho Beach (lower zone of Gonghyunjin Harbor; KH02-A) continued to increase. The southern shore (KH02-B), on the other hand, experienced overall erosion with seasonal cycles in erosion and accretion. From 2004 to 2009, the northern area (KH02-A) approximately 700 m south of Gonghyunjin Harbor increased by 1419 22,486 m2 while the southern area (KH02-B) decreased by 36,069 m2 (Table 3). In 2009 compared to 2004, Gonghyunjin Beach showed a rapid decrease in plane area by up to (-) 29%. CONCLUSION Analysis of long-term trends in beach width and area, based on aerial photographs and IKONOS imagery, showed that Gonghyunjin and Songjiho Beaches decreased by 25% and 12% in area, respectively, from 2004 to 2010. Owing to erosion at the 600 m section south of the southern breakwater in Gonghyunjin Harbor, beach width was reduced to approximately 28.5 m at that location. We concluded that this severe reduction in shoreline was due to the blockage and separation of natural sand transport processes caused by the formation of a wave shielding area following the completion of the eastern breakwaters in Gonghyunjin Harbor. In addition, the southern shore of the southern breakwater in Gonghyunjin Harbor exhibited accretion processes beginning in 2004 while the northern shore (i.e., Gonghyunjin Beach) as well as the southern shore (i.e., Songjiho Beach) below Gonghyunjin Harbor continued to erode. Field surveys conducted on the study region in 2010 and 2011 showed that continuous cycles of erosion and accretion have resulted in (Unit: meters) (Unit: meters) Figure 5. Changes in beach width at specific control sections along (a) KH01 (Gonghyunjin Beach) and (b) KH02 (Songjiho Beach) from 2004 to 2011 based on IKONOS imagery, aerial photographs, and field surveys. Control sections shown in photographs correspond to columns in the tables. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, 2013 1420 Kim, et al. (a) KH01 sector (b) KH02 sector Figure 6. Changes in plane area along sectors of (a) KH01 and (b) KH02 from 2004 to 2011 based on IKONOS imagery, aerial photographs, and field surveys. Table 3. Changes of area in KH01 and KH02 sectors. Changes of area (m2 ) Year KH01-A KH01-B KH01-C KH02-A KH02-B KH02-C Dec. 2004(image) – Aug.2009(photo) -4,292 -9,977 -2,895 22,486 -36,069 -31,812 Aug. 2009(photo) – Jun. 2010 -1,033 -527 -13 2,317 -9,295 -771 Jun. 2010 – Nov. 2010 -138 -444 -249 4,095 -1,009 6,637 Nov. 2010 – Mar. 2011 -7 2,308 676 3,355 9,558 8,875 Mar. 2011 – Sept. 2011 38 -3,605 -972 10,530 -24,519 -13,363 only small differences in shoreline structure since 2009. However, we hypothesize that sand transport to the north in Songjiho Beach could result in severe erosion on this stretch of shoreline in the future. Our results underscore that construction in coastal areas can lead to widespread changes in the natural coastal structure and environment. Therefore, quantitative projections of the impacts of such development projects should be considered before construction is initiated. The results of this study can be generalized and applied to other regions to help coastal managers consider the implications of specific coastline modifications to the natural environment. We also established a powerful methodology for conducting long-term coastline monitoring studies in other areas. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was funded by the Korea Meteorological Administration Research and Development Program under Grant CATER no.2012-2023. LITERATURE CITED Adegoke, J.O., Fageja, M., James, G., Agbaje, G., Ologunorisa, T. E., 2010. An Assessment of Recent Changes in the Niger Delta Coastline Using Satellite Imagery, Journal of Sustainable Development, 3(4), 277-296. Chalabi, A., Mohd-Lokman, H., Mohd-Suffian, I., Karamali, M., Karthigeyan, V., and Masita, M., 2006. Monitoring shoreline change using IKONOS image and aerial photographs: A case study of KUALA TERENGGANU area, Malaysia. 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