FE11 JUICE EXTRACTION SYSTEMS: Mills and Diffusers - The Brazilian Experience By J.L. OLIVERIO, A.C.R. D AVILA, A.N. FABER, P.A. SOARES DEDINI S/A Indústrias de Base Rod. Rio Claro-Piracicaba, km 26,3, CEP 13412-900, Piracicaba - São Paulo – Brazil Email: jose.oliverio@dedini.com.br KEYWORDS: juice extraction; diffuser; modular diffuser; chainless diffuser, crusher; milling unit/tandem Abstract For cane juice extraction, two systems are used worldwide: milling tandem or diffuser. In Brazil, the preference has been for the mills solution. Data from the 2004/2005 milling season shows that, out of a total of 347 mills in operation, 341 use mills and 6 the diffuser, corresponding to 1.7% of the extraction systems. Since 2003, the sucro-energy industry in Brazil has grown considerably, from 320 million tonnes of processed cane to 620 million in 2010/11, and new Greenfield projects were implemented. In 2011, 455 mills had already decided on the extraction system, with 32 mills using diffusers built or contracted, representing 7%. Therefore, there has been a significant increase of diffusers and a growth even more expressive if we consider only the Greenfield projects defined since 2004: 108 decisions have been made, and 25 diffusers have been built or contracted, accounting for 23.1% of the choices. Given the typical characteristics of the sugarcane industry in Brazil, with plants designed for expansion and high milling capacities, one of the factors that contributed to the increased choice for the diffuser solution was a new product, the chainless modular diffuser, which is expandible and more easily applicable to process large amounts of sugarcane. This paper presents a technical comparative review of both extraction systems, milling and diffusion, their basic characteristics, operational data, recommended use for one or other system, and ratio of investments and costs between milling tandem and diffusers.. Taking into account that the sector will continue to grow in Brazil– forecasted to reach up to 1.2 billion tonnes of cane in the 2020 season and nearly 100 new Greenfield projects to be implemented – this work seems to be opportune and may serve as a guide for future decision-making on extraction systems, mills or diffuser, either for the new mills or expansion of the existing ones. 1 SISTEMAS DE EXTRAÇÃO DE CALDO: Moendas e Difusores – A Experiência Brasileira Por J.L. OLIVERIO, A.C.R. D AVILA, A. N. FABER, P.A. SOARES DEDINI S/A Indústrias de Base Rod. Rio Claro-Piracicaba, km 26,3, CEP 13412-900, Piracicaba - São Paulo – Brazil Email: jose.oliverio@dedini.com.br PALAVRA-CHAVE: extração do caldo; difusor; difusor modular; difusor sem corrente, moenda; unidade de moagem/tandem Resumo Para a extração do caldo de cana, dois sistemas são hoje utilizados no mundo todo: moendas e difusores. No Brasil, a preferência tem sido pela solução com moendas. Um levantamento feito sobre a safra 2004/2005 mostrou que de um total de 347 usinas em operação, 341 optaram por moendas, e 6 por difusores, o que corresponde a 1.7% dos sistemas de extração. A partir de 2003, a indústria sucroalcooleira brasileira cresceu significativamente, de 320 milhões de toneladas de cana processada para 620 milhões em 2010/11, e novos projetos “greenfield” foram implantados. Em 2011, 455 usinas há haviam decidido sobre o sistema de extração empregado, com 32 usinas já com difusores implantados ou contratados, representando 7%. Portanto, houve um aumento significativo de difusores e um crescimento ainda mais expressivo se considerarmos apenas os projetos “greenfield” definidos desde 2004: 108 decisões já foram tomadas, e 25 difusores foram implantados ou contratados, respondendo por 23.1% das escolhas. Dadas as características da indústria canavieira no Brasil, com plantas previstas para expansão e elevadas capacidades de moagem, um dos fatores que contribuíram para o aumento das opções por difusores foi o difusor modular sem corrente, que é expansível e mais facilmente aplicável para processar grandes quantidades de cana-de-açúcar. Este trabalho apresenta uma análise técnica comparativa de ambos os sistemas de extração, moagem e difusão, suas características básicas, dados operacionais, uso recomendado para este ou aquele sistema, e a relação entre investimentos e custos de um tandem de moendas e difusor. Considerando-se que o setor deverá continuar a crescer no Brasil – as projeções indicam 1.2 bilhões de toneladas de cana na safra de 2020, e cerca de 100 novos projetos “greenfield” a serem implantados – este trabalho parece ser oportuno e poderá servir como um guia para futuras decisões a serem tomadas quanto ao sistema de extração, moendas ou difusor, tanto para novas usinas como para a expansão das existentes. 2 Introduction Extraction of sugarcane juice began in the first half of the 16th century in the Brazilian territory with the purpose of supplying sugar to the European countries and the incipient domestic market. The expedition of Martin Afonso de Souza, in 1532, started cane cultivation and implemented the first sugar mill in the state of São Paulo, the Engenho Eramos (a small mill producing sugar and rum), in São Vicente. After that pioneer unit and to reduce transport costs, sugar was produced in states nearer to Europe, in the current states of Pernambuco, Bahia and Rio Janeiro. In this initial stage, the mills installed in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro states already showed the ability to make the sugar industry a profitable activity. The first mills had a similar design, based on family farming activities. For centuries sugar mills have evolved: initially, juice extraction was achieved by low efficiency and low capacity mills driven by animal traction and/or water wheels; later by steam machines; and finally they were mostly driven by steam turbines. (UNICA, 2012). This structure remained until 1975, when the Brazilian government launched the ProAlcohol Program. The National Alcohol Program – ProAlcohol was implemented to reduce the country’s vulnerability to the oil crises. The goal of this program was to use ethanol to replace gasoline from petroleum as a fuel for Otto-cycle engines in light vehicles. This program was supported by the World Bank and led to the expansion of sugarcane crops and juice extraction units, which began to meet the juice demand for sugar production in addition to the volumes required to produce anhydrous ethanol to be blended with gasoline, and hydrous ethanol to be used exclusively in 100% ethanol-powered vehicles (E100). Soon after the second world oil crisis in 1984, national production of light vehicles reached its peak with 95.4% of the engines running on hydrous ethanol. With the softening of the oil crisis and domestic problems in the Brazilian economy, the production of ethanol-powered vehicles began to decline in 1989, and production fell to the minimum level of 1.02% of new vehicles running on hydrous ethanol in 2001. (UNICADATA, 2012) In the early ProAlcohol period, focus was on capacity increase, without major technological advancements but, in the second half of the 1980s, capacity increases came from the combination of increased capacity of juice extraction and processing equipment with technological improvements, which ensured higher extraction yields and better extraction of the sugars contained in sugarcane, associated with major technological advancements in cane cultivation with the introduction of new and more resistant cane varieties. With the advent of the flexible-fuel technology (Flex) for light vehicles in 2003, which can run on both hydrous ethanol (E100) or gasoline “C” (E18 to E25), a new phase of high demand for sugarcane took place in order to produce fuel ethanol. Ethanol was used as a fuel and additive to gasoline, replacing more polluting substances, such as MBTE and lead. This phase is marked by the ethanol production in a free market: the final consumer dictates demand and decision on consumption, based on the economic advantage offered by each fuel. The free market requires that high-performance and high-capacity extraction systems are implemented, so that economies of scale and the optimum use of the feedstock can be attained. The consolidation of the Flex technology occurred simultaneously with the Brazilian regulation of electricity exports to the domestic grid and the global acceptance of sustainability principles for energy generation and utilisation. From 2006, the sustainability concepts, in their broad aspect, especially with the introduction of mechanical harvesting of green cane, became a key impact factor on the mills and juice extraction systems: the mills should process a new raw material, chopped cane with high contents of vegetable and mineral impurities. This is the current situation, in which some paradigms regarding burned and clean sugarcane have already been broken, and a new learning process has began, of how to handle the new raw material, coupled with 3 requirements for a high economic performance, consistent with the free market but yet compliant with the principles of the green economy. Figure 1 shows the evolution of sugarcane milling in Brazil in the past decades, and the projections made by the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy – MME/EPE for 2021 (MME/EPE, 2012). Cane Processed - millions ton/crop 1.200 1.000 800 600 400 200 0 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 2021 Year Fig. 1 – Brazilian sugarcane production and perspectives (UNICA, 2012 and MME/EPE, 2012) Sugarcane Extraction Systems Sugarcane juice extraction is the mill operation that takes place after cane receival, cleaning, and preparation, in which the water and sugars contained in the cane are removed. Basically there are two ways to perform this operation commercially: by cane preparation and mechanical squeezing, which is the case of the mills, or by washing the prepared cane in many stages when the sugars are extracted by diffusion in the unbroken cells (around 10% of the cells) and by leaching in open cells (around 90% of cells) (Figure 13), the diffusers. In this paper, we are considering as part of the extraction process the following steps: extraction itself and final removal of the bagasse moisture, so that bagasse can be sent to the boilers to be burnt with near 50% of moisture. The goal of extraction is to remove the maximum mass amount of the sugar present in the prepared cane and, at the same time, produce bagasse with suitable moisture content to be burnt in biomass or bagasse boilers. Figure 2 illustrates extraction schematically (Wever and Olivério, 2006). 4 Fig. 2 –Objective of the extraction system Figure 3 shows how the mill units perform extraction in successive and gradual compression stages. The combined arrangement of a series of mills forms what we call “milling tandem” or “milling train”, where imbibition water is added in counter-current to the bagasse as shown in Figure 4. The combination of imbibition with mechanical crushing allows attaining extraction rates similar to those of diffusers. (Wever and Oliverio, 2006) Fig. 3 – Juice extraction by mill Fig. 4 – Arrangement of 6 mills forming a milling tandem Figure 5 shows the operating principle of a diffuser, in which the liquid percolates through a bed consisting of the cane fibrous material, the prepared sugarcane, employing gravity as driving force. Since the goal is to extract sugars, the extraction liquid is the imbibition water.. In order that the equipment operates continuously, it is necessary that the cane bed moves continuously, and in counter-current to the imbibition water, enriched with the sugar extracted (which is indicated by brix as the amount of dissolved solids in the solution). Sugars are the predominant dissolved solids in the water solution. 5 Fig. 5 – Juice extraction by lixiviation and diffusion (Oliverio, 2011) Figure 6 illustrates different types of diffusers. In Brazil, the most popular diffuser type until 2006 was the linear one with fixed screen deck. The chains in this equipment are necessary to drag the bed forward (Oliverio, 2011). Fig. 6 – Commercial types of diffusers Another way to move the bed has been developed recently and is based on the principle that when the frictional force between a support plate and the bed is not exceeded, it can be displaced but, if the movement of the support plate exceeds the frictional force, the support plate will move without carrying the bed. The cane bed is dragged in a continuous forth-and-back motion of the parallel support plates or tracks that comprise the screen deck. Forward and reverse hydraulic cylinders drive each track. Figure 7 illustrates the operating principle of this equipment, and shows the interior of the chainless diffuser. The screen deck is made of parallel tracks; they can be expanded by the addition of an even number of tracks. 6 Fig. 7 – Modular Chainless Dedini-Bosch diffusers (Oliverio, 2011) Up to 70 to 80% of the sugars contained in the prepared cane can be extracted by the first stage of the tandem mil, called absolute juice. The solubility of undesirable substances is lower than the sugar solubility in the water present in cane, and this is why it contains low levels of other undesirable substances for edible sugar production, which is constituted of sucrose. By adding one mill stage between cane preparation and the diffuser bed inlet, you can extract absolute juice separately from the diffusion bed juice, called draft or mixed juice. The absolute juice extracted by these first mill stages has characteristics that are more appropriate for sugar production, and the mixed juice, which is more contaminated with other substances existing in the cane cell wall, such as pentoses, polysaccharides, phenols, colorants, etc, can be used for ethanol production, since part of such contaminant substances can be converted into ethanol and the others do not affect the final ethanol quality and very little the fermentation efficiency (Rein, 1995). The first diffuser installed in Brazil, in 1967, was the bagasse type, i.e., after cane preparation, a milling stage was installed, from which absolute juice was extracted. Such absolute juice was then blended to the draft or mixed juice from the diffuser and sent to sugar production, because the mills at the time were almost entirely designed to produce only sugar, and there was no suitable technology for cane preparation. The bagasse diffuser was not accepted by the Brazilian market and was replaced by the so-called cane diffusers, in which the goal of cane preparation was to “open” the cane structure, and the diffuser was fed with the totality of cane, not producing absolute juice, but mixed juice in its totality. The primacy of cane diffusers in Brazil is due to the fact that they were introduced preceded by highly efficient cane preparation systems, with 90% open cells. Figure 8 illustrates the cane diffuser system with the final dewatering stages. 7 Fig. 8 – Complete juice extraction system by diffusion – cane diffuser We understand that, in the near future, the bagasse diffuser solution may be reintroduced to the Brazilian market, as these systems can deliver up to 70% of absolute juice of good quality for sugar production and the mixed juice that can be sent for ethanol production by means of an optimised juice treatment system designed for each final product. This may result in a new technical and economic optimisation of the future mills. Cane juice mill: historical evolution Today we can distinguish two types of cane-processing plants in Brazil: those producing sugar, ethanol and bioelectricity and those designed for energy production, ethanol and electricity, referred to in Brazil as distillery or ethanol mill. According to the block diagram below (Figures 9 and 10), we can see that, in both cases, there is the juice extraction stage present. However, the optimised design of both types of plants requires different considerations for all processing steps, because the optimum characteristics of the extracted juice that is aimed at sugar production are not necessarily the same of those required for ethanol production. Optimisation of the extracted juice will influence the definition and characteristics of the mills unitary operations, requiring a customised project for each specific case (Olivério, 2011). 8 Fig. 9 – Typical mill diagram for sugar / ethanol / electricity production Fig. 10 - Typical mill diagram for ethanol / electricity production In Brazil, until 1968, all juice extraction systems consisted of mills, and the first bagasse diffuser was introduced to the Brazilian market by Dedini Company in 1967, with a capacity for 100 tonnes of cane/hour (TCH) in São Francisco Mill, Charqueada, SP. In 1983, the same company installed a second and a third diffuser, both for cane, in Galo Bravo Mill, Ribeirão Preto, SP, with a capacity for 150 TCH, and in Coamo Distillery, PR, currently installed at DECOIL Mill. 9 In Brazil, implementation of the new mills follows, almost in its totality, a phased construction schedule in which investments in the industrial sector are compatible with the agricultural sector i.e., according to the amount of cane that can be supplied, requiring that the installed capacity be implemented in phases and expansible in the medium term. In this context, juice extraction by mills allows more flexibility, because it just requires additional mill units and/or the replacement of the first and last mills to achieve a significant capacity increase. In our view, this was the main reason for the market’s almost rejection of extraction performed by diffusers until 2005. In the 2004/2005 crop, a total of 347 mills were in operation, 340 of them using mills, and the other 7 using diffusers, besides two other diffusers being built. In 2005/06, a total of 347 mills were in operation, and 46 new mills were designed, built or started operations in the period. Data collected shows that from 1967 to the end of 2005, 10 diffusers were acquired, of which 1 is inactive, 7 in operation, and 2 being built, totalling 9 diffusers. In 2007, 13 additional units were acquired. Therefore, it was during the 2005/06 crop that the decision on the type of extraction was made, mill or diffuser. In this period, extraction by diffusion had a unit increase of 144%, and of 305% if expressed in nominal processing capacity, making the 2005/06 crop a milestone marking the end of the almost total rejection of diffusers in Brazil. The same data shows that 371 mills using mill tandems were operating in the said milling season, representing 94% of the operating extraction systems, i.e., an absolute supremacy of extraction performed by mill tandems. Figure 11 below summarises the data collected (Olivério, 2011). Fig. 11 – Number of diffusers in the 2004/05 milling season In the period of 2005 to 2012, decisions on a total of 108 extraction systems were made, of which 71 mills acquired new juice extraction systems, among them 25 diffusers, representing 35.2% of the choices made. In the 2010/11 crop, a total of 455 mills were operating in the Brazilian market. Figure 12 shows the percentage of diffusion extraction systems over these years. 10 Fig. 12 – Percentage of diffusers on the total new Brazilian extraction system Figure 12 shows that, until 2005, only 2.3% of the mills had diffusers, and in 2011 the percentage of the mills with diffusers increased 286%. From 2006 to 2011, 71 new extraction systems were effectively negotiated, among them 23 diffusers, 9 of them are the Modular DEDINI-BOSCH, i.e., 39.1% of the new diffusers acquired were of the new Brazilian chainless and modular type. Technical comparison: milling and diffusers In Brazil, the average percentage of extraction performed by mills and diffusers has a similar order of magnitude: due to the introduction of mechanical harvesting and cane processing without water washing, the expected advantage in extraction yield is of up to 1.0 percentage point for diffusers cannot be confirmed generically, but rather determined by the levels of vegetable and mineral impurities found in each mill. The advantages of diffusers should then be determined by the frequency and quality of maintenance performed in the mill tandems, because they are subject to severe wear during the milling season, affecting the average extraction rates, which is not frequent with diffusers. On the other hand, diffuser extraction rates are more sensitive to vegetal and mineral impurities in the cane feedstock. Figures 13 and 14 illustrate the extraction rates achieved by diffusers and mill tandems in appropriate operating conditions, and are very similar if they are designed according to good engineering practices. 11 Note: Typically, sugar extraction is reached 90% in leaching and 10% in diffusion Fig. 13 – Typical diffuser extraction parameters Fig. 14 – Typical mill extraction parameters Table 1 below summarises the main process differences between diffusion and milling extractions, which we present without the intention of exhausting the subject, but rather presenting a guide for the first and specific selection of a real case. Process Parameter Table 1 - Technical comparison between mills and diffusers Characteristic CANE DIFFUSER Chain and Modular Diffuser Mill Attain good extraction rates with Cane preparation 85% preparation. (Voigt, 2009) Accepts greater amounts of fines or small particles. Requires higher preparation, over 90%. Long fibres are desirable, but fines hinder adequate bed percolation. 12 Causes mill wear but Causes low impact on the apparatus do not affect maintenance. The effect of impurities on momentary extraction extraction cannot be generally quantified both rates for diffusers and mills. Impact of soil Low impact on Clay soils / sludge / gels tend to prevent type / bed extraction / Higher adequate percolation, causing choking and colmatation wear of rollers in clay extraction losses (Rama et al., 2006) (clogging) soils Loss of 2.3 Impact of percentage points of Loss of 3.1 percentage points of capacity for vegetable capacity for every every 1.0% of vegetal impurities. Short fibre impurities (Dias 1.0% of vegetable and fines tend to prevent adequate percolation Paes, 2011) impurity Lower concentrations of suspended solids. Quality of Higher levels of Extracts higher amounts of non-sugars extracted juice suspended solids. substances (ex: phenols, colorants, (Rein, 1995) Requires filtration. polysaccharides, etc.) (Manechini, 2011) Allows up to 80% separation of cane Does not allow separation of absolute juice. Juice dilution absolute juice. Mixed juice usually with higher brix if in Remaining mixed tandem mill, absolute juice is extracted. juice is more diluted. Typical: 200% Allows adjustments to achieve improved 250% of fibre / Usual imbibition process balance: juice brix / bagasse moisture / limited by the mills rate extraction / energy consumption in juice operation. May use evaporation. Typical: 200% - 300% of fibre. higher imbibition (Voigt, 2010) with low capacity. Impact of mineral impurities Required juice evaporation Typically lower imbibition requires lower thermal energy, as steam consumption and/or waste heat recovery from process stream. The learning curve of operational experience will determine the optimum point, particularly in mills producing ethanol and bioelectricity, but preliminary indicators show that imbibition may be optimised from the experience learned from the use of the not burned and mechanically harvested cane. (Voigt, 2010) Hardly exceeds 98%, 98.5% may be achieved with two dewatering and tends to decline Sugars stages, and is barely impacted by wear during extraction rates during the milling the milling season. (Delfini, 2012) in juice season. 13 Operates at 60 Thermal energy Celsius. Requires in the system as lower thermal energy steam demand in extraction Required electric power for drive Bioelectricity available for exports Biological contamination (Mackrory, 1984) 6000 kW installed for 3500 kW installed for a capacity of 13 000 a capacity of 13 000 TCD, except for preparation. The electric TCD, except for power consumption in preparation is similar to preparation the mills. Lower electric power demand for drive / higher Higher electric power thermal energy demand. Depending on the demand for drive / cogeneration design, similar exports can be lower thermal energy obtained, especially in systems with low demand. percentage of condensation in the last cogeneration turbine stage Operates between 80 and 90 Celsius, reducing Operates at lower temperature, microbial activity and losses of reducing enhancing biological sugars. activity. Lower concentration of mineral impurities; higher homogeneity Bagasse quality of bagasse particle sizes, higher moisture stability. Electricity generation / bagasse moisture Typically operates between 80 to 90 Celsius. Requires more thermal energy in extraction and, usually, in evaporation for higher imbibition water rate. Higher contents of mineral impurities; greater amount of large “pieces”; moisture control more difficult with only one mill or one dewatering stage. Higher difficulties in burning and wear of conventional boilers. Bagasse moisture is more stable and, independent of the level of impurities in It may require two complete dewatering mills bagasse feed; it to achieve the same stability obtained with mill ensures more burning tandems. stability in conventional boilers and in turbogenerator operation. 14 Sugar production The mixed juice treatment is more difficult Easy separation of when the purpose is to achieve high quality absolute juice for final sugar, because of high level coloured sugar production may contaminants and others.(Manechini, 2011 and simplify juice Delfini, 2012) Requires one mill after cane treatment in sugar and preparation to allow extraction of absolute ethanol mills. juice for sugar production for easier juice treatment Allows recycling of the juice treatment sludge to diffuser. Some plants have already eliminated the clarification stage. In this case, fermentation will have higher concentration of suspended solids, which may cause damage to the centrifugals and accumulation of solids in the system. This is still a controversial issue. Ethanol production Produces juice with higher concentration of suspended solids and does not allow recycling of the treatment sludge. Variation in cane feed More stable when cane feed fluctuates if More sensitive to cane feed fluctuations. Longthere is control of lasting stops and/ frequent start-ups should be pressure / adjustment avoided. to the gap between rollers. Operational flexibility Allows mill bypass for maintenance. Demands more operators and more attention from operators. Failures of the bed drive system or traction prevent operation. Easy automated control. In the case of modular chainless diffusers, operation will not be interrupted if one of the tracks fails, and so there is no need to stop the system. Comparative maintenance: milling and diffusers Cane milling systems are subjected to great efforts and mechanical loads caused by the presence of impurities in sugarcane or cane feed fluctuations, resulting in mechanical wear of the equipment and the need for constant welding repairs on rollers to ensure the optimum performance of equipment. Diffusers operate under a low level of physical stress and minimal dynamical loads, but are particularly affected by misalignments in the bed transporting system. A failure or damage requiring one mill to stop impacts only this specific stage, which 15 can be removed from service without stopping the whole set. In the case of chain diffusers, such kind of damage requires stopping the whole system, though such occurrence is less probable. Table 2 is a summary of the main maintenance differences or requirements for both systems. Table 2 – Comparative installation and maintenance requirements between mills and diffusers Characteristic Cost, Installation and Maintenance Aspects Installation requirements CANE DIFFUSER Chain diffuser Modular Building and overhead Building/overhead crane not required. Requires crane for maintenance less foundation work. Installation area is similar are required to the mill tandem area. Mill Requires a large and Requires 40 to 50% smaller MCC size system Electric power sophisticated electrical due to the lower electrical power requirements. feed motor control centre I/Os in instrumentation panel is bigger. MCC Allows width Expansible Ideal for expansions Requires a new expansion in steps of capacity up to 3 capacity stages diffusion assembly 1500 TCD capacity. Maintenance during the milling period Checks in the milling season Off-milling season maintenance Maintenance every 3 to 5 milling seasons Maintenance every 10 milling seasons Weld repairs / adjustments or replacement of scrapers / trash plate Lubrication of bearings and gearboxes / large size motors Replacement of scrapers / trash plates / bearings sealing; restoration of roller ribs and welds replacement Replacement of rollers / pinions / bearing bushings every 3-5 milling seasons Same as for every 5 seasons Checks on chains and pins in bad access area. Checks on the hydraulic system and tracks in easier access area. Inspections on the chains system / pins / drive bushings; pumps Inspection on tracks / drive hydraulic system; pumps Weld repair on bed lifting screws/ inspection on the cane transport system / pumps rotor and sealing Weld repair on bed lifting screws/ tracks, pins and chain bushings / Repairs on bed lifting screws / repairs on pistons and hydraulic system. Same as for every 5 Same as for every 5 seasons / coating of seasons and complete moving tracks replacement of costly channels (may be chains(*) expected) 16 Mixed juice treatment Weld electrodes consumption Lubricant oil consumption Cost of investment in extraction Allows to obtain mixed juice for ethanol and absolute juice for sugar Considered as 100% (typically 8 - 10 g/t cane) Considered as 100% (typically 3g/t cane) Considered as 100% Produces only mixed juice. In plants not producing sugar, it allows simplified juice treatment and less investment. Still a controversial issue. (Manechini, 2011) 20 to 35% of mill (both in diffuser and mill, it depends on maintenance quality) 15 to 30% of mill (both in diffuser and mill, it depends on maintenance quality) Similar or lower than complete mill tandems installations. Considered as 100% For the same processing capacity, maintaining extraction and bagasse moisture levels: 60 to 80% of the mills cost Maintenance costs Considered as 100% For the same processing capacity, maintaining extraction and bagasse moisture levels: 50 to 75% of the mills cost Assembly costs Traditional level, as commonly used in mills Requires more care in chains alignment Operational costs Requires more care in tracks alignment / pistons and clearances control (*) If regularly submitted to appropriate preventive maintenance, the period for total replacement of chains can be extended to 15 – 20 years. Comparative expandability: milling and diffusers The mills capacity can be expanded more easily, allowing increase of the number and/or size of the mills, while chain diffusers do not allow gradual expansion – it requires a new complete line. Modular diffusers allow capacity increases by expanding the bed width. Figure 16 summarises the main expansion possibilities and respective extraction rates for a milling tandem system. 17 Fig. 16 – Possible expansion of mills and diffusers Fig. 16 – Possible expansion of mills and diffusers (Schroder, 2007) As indicated in Figures 16a and 16b, expansion of the mill tandems, as usually implemented, results in lower extraction rates in the first stages of expansion, around 1 percentage point per stage, which does not occur in diffusers, which have constant extraction rates. If there is a phased expansion plan, the cost of non-extracted sugars by the mills should be considered in the feasibility studies and/or when deciding on the extraction equipment. (Schorn, 2005) The diffuser capacity can be increased or expanded when the cane diffuser will be converted into a bagasse diffuser but, for such conversion, the equipment manufacturer should be consulted. Cost analysis should be made in a case-by-case basis and for all expected average extraction rates in the first milling seasons. The best return on investment in the mill will be a good parameter for a final decision. Conclusion The diffuser technology had a significant increase in South Africa in the 1960s and 1970s, and today it is widely accepted in this country, especially because of the existing characteristics of lower capacity and for not requiring capacity expansion in the first years of the mill implementation as done in Brazil. In other cane producing regions, mill tandems predominate, as is the case of Brazil. The recent use of diffusers in Brazil has shown that the correlations in the theory of the diffuser should be subject to further studies (Voigt, 2010), such as the required volume of imbibition water, the influence of the type of soil, quality and adequacy of the analytical methodologies, etc. However, diffusion is an alternative that has proven to be feasible in Brazilian conditions, and the comparative selection criteria for diffuser and mills show advantages and disadvantages that depend on specific technical and operational aspects of each plant and, until now, it has not been possible to define a generic choice for all cases. References 18 Delfini P. (2012) Cana Crua x Extração. 13º Seminário Brasileiro Agroindustrial – A Usina em números. STAB – 24 e 25/10/2012 – Acessed on March 2013 www.stab.org.br. Dias Paes L.A. (2011). Levantamento dos níveis de impurezas nas ultimas safras. Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira – CTC, 12/5/2011. Mackrory L. M. et al. (1984). 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