Untitled - American Association of Professional Landmen


Untitled - American Association of Professional Landmen
Magazine Staff
Executive Vice President
Marty Schardt
Le’Ann Callihan
Advertising Sales/Billing
Brent Schreiber
For general inquires regarding advertising in Landman Magazine,
AAPL’s Membership Directory & Guidebook or Annual Meeting Program,
please contact AAPL headquarters: 817-847-7700; aapl@landman.org.
If submitting artwork, please e-mail files to Brent Schreiber and Le’Ann Callihan.
Placement is not guaranteed.
Alphabetical Listings
Geographical Listings
Company Listings
This Directory is a Membership Benefit Provided by the American Association of Professional Landmen
Revised for 2013
AAPL’s flagship publication
The Landman magazine is published every other month and mailed to members of the AAPL. With in-depth coverage of issues
directly affecting petroleum/mineral land professionals as well as monthly articles from AAPL leadership and industry
experts, the magazine has been a longtime and valuable membership benefit and resource for oil and gas professionals.
Advertisers past and present have experienced great results due to reaching such a specific audience. Consistent color
and printing quality ensure that your message will be seen as intended.
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Half Page
7.25” x 4.75”
Full Page
7.25” x 10”
Bleed ad is 8.5”
x 11” plus 1/8”
bleed all sides
Half Page
4.75” x 7.25”
Quarter Page
4.75” x 3.75”
Eighth Page
Eighth Page
4.75” x 1.75”
Eighth Page
2.25” x 3.75”
Color is available for an additional
$400 per ad. Please specify on
the contract.
Premium placement such as back cover, inside front cover and inside back cover is available at a higher rate.
Contact the advertising department at 817-847-7700 for availability and pricing.
(Issues publishing schedule subject to change)
Materials Deadline
Mailing (week of)
JAN 15
FEB 15
MAR 15
APR 15
MAY 15
AUG 15
OCT 15
NOV 15
DEC 15
AAPL Annual
Directory & Guidebook
AAPL has more than 17,000 members. As that number continues to grow each month, it is important that our members
are able to stay connected.
The AAPL Annual Directory & Guidebook is published every November and mailed to each of our members. Its primary use
is as an index of members; however, it also contains valuable information on AAPL membership services, committees,
board of directors and local AAPL affiliated associations across the country. Further information regarding the AAPL
bylaws, Code of Ethics, standards of practice and certification program is also available through the directory.
Advertising in the directory gives your business the opportunity to stay in front of our members all year long. Your company’s
message included in this valuable tool will ensure that you get the most out of your advertising campaign.
Back Cover: $2,000
Inside Front Cover: $1,800
Inside Back Cover: $1500
Full Page: $1,000
Half Page: $500
Full Page
7.25” x 10”
Half Page
7.25” x 4.75”
Bleed ad is 8.5”
x 11” plus 1/8”
bleed all sides
Half Page
4.75” x 7.25”
Quarter Page: $300
Eighth Page: $200
Eighth Page
4.75” x 1.75”
Quarter Page
4.75” x 3.75”
Eighth Page
2.25” x 3.75”
Color is available for an additional $400 per ad. Please specify on the contract.
(Publish date subject to change)
Mailing (week of)
AAPL Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting Program is a bound publication (8.5” by 11” trim size). All ads included in the program are subject to
approval by AAPL.
This is another great opportunity to have your business in front of landmen as well as oil and gas executives from all over
the United States. The program is the go-to guide for AAPL’s annual conference events as well as entertainment options
held at the annual meeting each year.
Ad Deadline is May 1
Back Cover: $2,500
Inside Front or Inside Back Cover: $2,000
Full Page
7.25” x 10”
Full Page
7.25” x 10”
Bleed ad is 8.5”
x 11” plus 1/8”
bleed all sides
Bleed ad is 8.5”
x 11” plus 1/8”
bleed all sides
Full Page: $1,500
Half Page: $850
Full Page
7.25” x 10”
Half Page
7.25” x 4.75”
Bleed ad is 8.5”
x 11” plus 1/8”
bleed all sides
Quarter Page: $600
Eighth Page: $400
Eighth Page
3.5” x 2.375”
Quarter Page
3.5” x 4.75”
Ad prices for the Annual Meeting Program include full color processing.
Mechanical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Trim size: 8 1/2” x 11” (or 51x00 x 66x00 picas). Type page size: 3 columns, each 2 1/4” wide by 10” deep
(13x06 x 60x00 picas). Method of printing: Offset – sheetfed.
When sending electronic files, please send the following to assure that your job can run without delays.
High resolution PDF files (300 dpi) with all fonts embedded are recommended.
Files can be PC or Mac. Files built in QuarkXpress or Indesign can also be submitted with all fonts and
support files supplied with the document. We prefer postscript Type 1 fonts, and you need to be sure to
send both the printer and screen fonts. We can accept True Type fonts. A current set of lasers should be
output and supplied at 100 percent of size.
All bleeds should be 1/8” outside of trim size.
Support files should be in one of the following formats:
• Adobe Illustrator (through 9.02)
• Photoshop (6)
• Corel Draw (9)
• Freehand (9)
• Eps
• Tiff
• Jpeg
Eps, tiff or jpeg must be 300 dpi, or of such a large size that when they are reduced, the dpi will be at
least 266. That means if the photo is 72 dpi (low resolution), it will need to be reduced to approximately
25 percent of the original size.
Note: Most pictures downloaded from the internet are low resolution unless it is a site where you have the
option of downloading the high resolution pictures. This drastically affects the quality of your job.
of Professional
2013 Advertising Contract
I (contact name) _______________________________________________, hereby agree on the behalf of
(company name)_________________________________________________ to advertise in the following
issue(s)/publication(s) at the rates specified by the AAPL staff.
Landman Magazine
Issue: (mark with an x)
Size: (circle one)
Full Page ($1,000)
Color: ($400) YES/NO (circle one)
March/Apr ______
Half Page ($500)
Inside front cover
May/June ______
Quarter Page ($300)
Inside back cover
Eighth Page ($200)
Back cover
(Sold for 2013)
AAPL Directory & Guidebook
AAPL Annual Meeting Program
YES, I would like my ad in the AAPL
Directory & Guidebook (circle size):
YES, I would like my ad in the AAPL
Annual Meeting Program (circle size):
Back Cover ($2,000)
Back Cover ($2,500)
Inside Front Cover ($1,800)
Inside Front Cover ($2,000)
Inside Back Cover ($1,500)
Inside Back Cover ($2,000)
Full Page ($1,000)
Full Page ($1,500)
Half Page ($500)
Half Page ($850)
Quarter Page ($300)
Quarter Page ($600)
Eighth Page ($200)
Eighth Page ($400)
Color: ($400) YES/NO (circle one)
Color: (Included in above pricing)
Ad materials deadline is October 1
Ad materials deadline is May 1
Prepayments not accepted. Invoices go out at publish date.
Payment Information:
Contact: ___________________________________ Phone:_________________ E-mail:____________________________
Method of Payment: __________ Check
__________ American Express __________ VISA
__________ MasterCard
Card Number: __________________________________________________ Exp Date: _____________________________
Make check payable to AAPL. Please send contract to: AAPL, Attn: Advertising, 4100 Fossil Creek Blvd., Fort Worth, TX
76137; Fax: (817) 847-7704; E-mail: aapl@landman.org. Mail check to: AAPL, P.O. Box 225395, Dallas, TX 75222-5395.
AAPL’s mission is to promote the highest standards
of performance for all land professionals, to advance
their stature, and to encourage sound stewardship
of energy and mineral resources.
4100 Fossil Creek Blvd. • Fort Worth, Texas 76137
Phone: 817.847.7700 • Fax: 817.847.7704
E-mail: aapl@landman.org • Web site: www.landman.org