Ward 12 Facilities
Ward 12 Facilities
Ward 12 Facilities ST EELES AVE W Arbor Glen PS Lillian PS Pleasant PS D B ST Hillmount PS Cummer Valley MS Avondale Alternative SS YO NG E McNicoll PS Cresthaven PS Pineway PS VICTO RIA PARK AVE Lester B Pearson ES Cherokee PS Sir Samuel B Steele Jr PS Sir Ernest MacMillan Sr PS Chester Le Jr PS L'Amoreaux CI FINCH AVE E Finch PS Crestview PS Churchill PS McKee PS Bayview MS / Avondale PS / Avondale Elementary Alt School Willowdale MS 0 gton nue Beverly Glen Jr PS Seneca Hill PS Georges Vanier SS Lescon PS 5050 Yonge Street TDSB Head Office Earl Haig SS Dallington PS Elkhorn PS Claude Watson School for the Arts Burnett PS Pleasant View JHS Kingslake PS Hollywood PS FINCH AVE E Ernest PS HW Y 40 4 Forest Valley Outdoor Education Centre Don Valley JHS Woodbine JHS / North East Year Round Alternative Centre Brian PS JB Tyrrell Sr PS North Bridlewood Jr PS Sir John A Macdonald CI Fairglen Jr PS Muirhead PS SHEPPARD AVE E ST Oakburn Centre YO NG E BAT HU RS T ST Dublin Heights E & MS Cameron PS 171 Avondale Ave Shaughnessy PS Summit Heights PS HIG Rene Gordon Elem Health & Wellness Academy Owen PS RD Donview Middle Health and Wellness Academy Windfields JHS York Mills CI MI LL S YO RK Vradenburg Jr PS George S Henry Academy Harrison PS St Andrew's JHS 1 40 Armour Heights PS e/ Land Roywood PS Fenside PS YO RK MILLS RD Terraview Heights LC/ Parkview Alternative School / Caring and Safe School Area D TerraviewWillowfield PS Brookbanks PS AVE BAY VIE W Ledbury Park E & MS E ST Rippleton PS Maryvale PS Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts Don Mills MS Glenview Sr PS Park Lane PS 1.3 1.95 Sunny View Jr & Sr PS Legend: Elementary School Northlea Elementary & E & MS Secondary School 2.6 km North Toronto Northern SS CI Eglinton Jr PS Produced by: Planning Division, TDSB August 2015 Source: Base Map- Geospatial Competency Centre Facility - Planning Division, TDSB Data- City of Toronto Secondary School EG LINTO N AVE E ° Other Facility Leaside HS Site Maurice Cody Jr PS Wexford PS Bessborough Drive E & MS L:/GIS/project/Ward maps/Ward Maps 2015/Ward and facilities 2015.mxd George Peck PS Ward Boundary Road Railway Grenoble PS Valley Park MS Sloane PS 12 5 8 6 2 Utilityline Fraser Mustard ELA 4 1 Waterway Victoria Village PS Heron Valley Lots 3 7 9 13 17 11 10 14 15 16 Gateway PS 21 20 19 22 18 EG LINTO N AVE E O'Connor PS Marc Garneau CI Clairlea PS Victoria Park ES Selwyn ES Presteign Heights ES R John Fisher Jr PS Don Mills CI Greenland PS D Blythwood Jr PS Overland PS R 0.65 Gooderham Learning Centre Broadlands PS Norman Ingram PS Lawrence Park CI John Ross Robertson Jr PS Allenby Jr PS Buchanan PS LAWRENCE AVE E DON MIL LS RD Glen Rush PS 0.325 Victoria Park CI Milne Valley MS Bedford Park PS LAIRD DR AVEN UE RD YO NG BAT HU RST ST LC 0 Ranchdale PS Cassandra PS John Wanless Jr PS North Preparatory Jr PS Three Valleys PS LESLIE ST Denlow PS Bannockburn PS Sir Sandford Fleming Academy Glen rk PS HW AY Forest Manor PS HWY 401 Dunlace PS Fairmeadow Centre aywood Arts-Based urriculum School Bridlewood Jr PS Canadian Tire WARDEN AVE Edithvale Land Yorkview PS Charles H Best MS Highland JHS Zion Heights JHS FINCH AVE W Northview Heights SS ES Drewry SS RJ Lang E & MS Kenton PS Cliffwood PS AY Jackson SS AVE Lewis S Beattie Finch Ave nue West and Bathu rst Street (Northview ) Steelesview PS Newtonbrook SS Peckham Centre Fisherville Sr PS / North West Year Round Alt Centre BAYV IEW Rockford PS Gordon
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