Packet - Faribault
Packet - Faribault
Planning Commission City Hall Council Chambers 1. Call To Order/Roll Call 1.A. 1. Agenda 6-06-16 Documents: 1. 06-06-16.PDF 2. Approve Minutes 2.A. 2A. Minutes 5-16-16 Documents: 2A. MINUTES OF 05-16-16.PDF 3. Public Hearings 3.A. 3A. ZTA 27-16 Zoning Text Amendment To Include Auto Sales As A Use Allowed With CUP In I-1 Documents: 3A. ZTA 27-16 TEXT AMENDMENT FOR AUTO SALES IN IDISTRICTS.PDF 3.B. 3B. CUP 28-16 CUP Application For Auto Sales In I-1, At 1320 2nd Avenue NW For Malecha's Auto Body Documents: 3B. CUP 28-16 MALECHA AUTO SALES IN I-DISTRICTS 1320 2ND AVE NW.PDF 3.C. 3C. CUP 29-16 CUP And Lot Combination Application For Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center For Parking Lot In R-2, At 1200 Division Street Documents: ST..PDF 3C. CUP 29-16 ISLAMIC CENTER PARKING LOT 1200 DIVISION 4. Work Session 4.A. Work Session Agenda Revised Documents: 5. Adjourn WORK SESSION REVISED AGENDA.PDF 1. FARIBAULT PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Monday, June 6, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. 3. City Hall - Council Chambers 7:00 PM Minutes of May 16, 2016 PUBLIC HEARINGS A. ZTA 27-16 Zoning Text Amendment to include Auto Sales as a use allowed with a conditional use permit in I-1, Light Industrial Districts. B. CUP 28-16 Conditional Use Permit Application for Auto Sales in the I-1, Light Industrial District at 1320 2nd Avenue NW for Malecha’s Auto Body, applicant and KC Partnership, property owners. C. CUP 29-16 Conditional Use Permit and Lot Combination Application for Abubakar AsSaddique Islamic Center for a parking lot in the R-2, Low Density Residential District at 1200 Division Street 4. ADJOURN Please contact the City Planning Division (507.333.0387) if you need special accommodations related to a disability to attend this meeting. The Public Hearings are broadcast live on FCTV. 2A FARIBAULT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES May 16, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Haefner called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Commissioners present: Chuck Ackman, Dave Albers, Brian Haefner, Mike Schendel, Deb Smits, and Tom Spooner Commissioners Absent: Steve White Staff present: City Planner David Wanberg, Planning Coordinator Peter Waldock, and Department Secretary Sandi Tidemann 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Albers made a motion to approve the Minutes of May 2, 2016, as presented. Commissioner Schendel seconded the motion. Motion carried (6/0). 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CUP 25-16 Request for a Religious Institution as a place of assembly in the R-3 Medium Density Residential District by The River Community Church to locate at 520 4th Avenue NW. (Commissioner Spooner recused himself from the discussion and vote) Waldock gave the presentation. The River Community Church has designs to purchase the Old Sacred Heart Church for their new home but since the building has been vacant over one year and has no existing CUP, all the “grandfathered rights” have expired. To be able to re-establish the property as a Religious Institution in the R-3 zone, a CUP is necessary. The parking lot, with diagonal striping, could allow for 42 spaces with the remaining spaces needed (8) as street parking on the north side of the building, which has a curb cut-out and has been used as Church parking for many years. The building has sufficient seating and would be a good addition to the neighborhood and re-use of the building. The DRC reviewed the proposal and commented but had no objections. Staff is recommending approval of the draft Resolution 2016-XX as written with 11 findings, 1 additional finding and four conditions listed below: Combine the two parcels into one lot Signage permitted with approval and permit Parking stalls painted to maximize efficient use of onsite area Screening fence to reduce headlight glare Only comments Staff has received from public is in support of the request. Chair Haefner asked the Commission for questions. Commissioner Ackman wanted clarification on the buildings on the south end of property and that the property line isn’t going through the building – No, the Church’s two-car garage is very close to property line and the other sheds belong with the other property. With no further questions from Staff, Chair Haefner asked the applicant if he cared to speak. Pastor Steve thanked the Commission and Staff for their help and time. With no further Faribault Planning Commission Minutes 05/16/16 Page 2 questions, he opened the public hearing. With no comments, the hearing was closed and brought back to the Commission for action. Commissioner Ackman asked for the minutes to reflect the addition of the 12th finding and asked for the 11th and 12th findings to be flipped to follow form by keeping the last finding as: “The conditional use, in all other respects, conforms to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located.” Commissioner Ackman made a motion to approve CUP 26-16 as presented in the draft Resolution adding the additional finding as the 11th finding. Commissioner Albers seconded the motion. Motion carried (yea 5/0 - Abstain 1). B. FP -16 Request by Faribault Transportation, final plat including a waiver from the Subdivision Regulations regarding dead-end streets, at 2615 1st Avenue NW and including 2601 2nd Avenue NW. Waldock presented the report. Faribault Transportation is requesting Final Plat approval for the Faribault Transportation Addition. Preliminary Plant was approved by City Council 2-23-16 along with first readings of the Ordinances for an associated Vacation and Rezoning to I-1 Light Industrial District. The property on 2601 2nd Ave NW is owned by Faribault Transportation and will be combined with the main lot. Acquisition of the Century Link property has not been finalized so will be excluded from the request. The property to the south has also been purchased to avoid any right-of-way issue. The request is asking for final plat approval vacating portion of Hwy 218 right-of-way, excluding the frontage of Century Link Property, one exception to the Ordinance which prohibits dead-end streets, and the creation of two lots (one residential and one industrial). The DRC reviewed the reports and recommends approval with comments: Exception from Subdivision Ordinance prohibiting dead-end-streets Vacation of right of way, except for the unimproved ROW in front of Century Link Easements for drainage and utilities Final plat is consistent with Preliminary Plat as approved Staff recommends approval of FP 26-16 as presented in the draft ordinance with findings. Chair Haefner asked the Commission for questions. Commissioner Albers asked for a clear view of where the Century Link property is located. Ackman wondered what the dead-end would look like: Staff noted there is no proposed physical change until Century Link is acquired. Spooner asked about the southern lot and if they would be allowing a property without access – Staff noted the parcel is an outlot and not buildable. The applicant thanked the Commission and Staff for their help. Chair Haefner opened the public hearing. The southern neighbor asked the Commission to approve the proposal as he is in favor of it and thinks it will be a benefit to the community. With no more public comments, Haefner closed the hearing and brought it back to the Commission for action. Faribault Planning Commission Minutes 05/16/16 Page 3 Commissioner Schendel made a motion to approve FP 26-16 as presented in the draft Resolution with findings. Commissioner Spooner seconded the motion. Motion carried (6/0). A motion was made by Commissioner Smits and seconded by Commissioner Ackman to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Motion carried (6/0). Respectfully Submitted, Sandi Tidemann, Department Secretary MINUTES APPROVED: ______________________________ Brian Haefner, Chair 3A. FARIBAULT PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 6, 2016 PUBLIC HEARING Case Numbers and Requests: ZTA 27-16 Zoning text amendment to allow Automobile Sales in Industrial Districts Applicant: William Malecha, of Malecha Auto Body, 1320 2nd Ave. NW Staff Recommendation: Approve the proposed Zoning Text Amendment to add Automobile Sales in I-P and I-1 Districts as a conditional use. Deadline for Council Action: August 6, 2016 Unless Extended by the City From: Peter J. Waldock, AICP, Planning Coordinator BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY OF REQUEST Currently the Unified Development Regulations (UDO) provides for automobile Services such as convenience facilities, and auto repair shops (for both minor and major repairs) in Industrial Districts in the City. Truck, Trailer, and Recreational Vehicle Sales and Services are allowed in Industrial Districts as well, but this has been interpreted to mean large trucks such as semis, but does not include light trucks like pickups (unless it is a camper). Auto sales are permitted in C-2 and C-3 Districts presently. The Applicant in this case owns and operates an auto body repair shop at 1320 2 nd Avenue NW in an I-1 Light Industrial District. They are currently licensed by the State to sell cars and would like to use this site for this purpose as well. The applicants appeared at work session of the Planning Commission on May 2nd and asked for sought guidance on the proposal to add auto sales to the list of uses allowed in I-1 zones. The commissioners present for this discussion, agreed that auto sales seemed to be a reasonable land use in the district in that auto repair businesses are similar in impact, and they have been conducted without issue in the district. However the Commissioners felt it should be allowed as a conditional use to address unique conditions at individual locations. OVERVIEW OF THE PROPOSAL The zoning text amendment if approved would amend Section 12-30, Table 12-1 regarding principal uses in Industrial Districts in the City. Based on the work session discussion, the applicants have submitted an application for a zoning text amendment to allow auto sales in I-1 districts. Staff has drafted a proposed ordinance to allow auto sales as a conditional use in the I1 Districts and also in the I-P Districts. It is felt that this request will allow more business opportunities in the City without negative impacts to other businesses in these Districts or surrounding properties. Page 1 of 3 The proposed ordinance has been drafted to require a CUP for this use in industrial districts to address aesthetics, display and storage of cars on site. Applicable Code Sections: Chapter 2, Article 5, Faribault Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), requirements and procedures for Zoning Amendments. Chapter 12, Faribault Unified Development Ordinance, Section 12-30 Table 12-1, regarding principal uses in Industrial Districts DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE The Development Review Committee (DRC) discussed the proposal on May 23, 2016. The DRC recommends approval of the request and had the following comments and observations. 1. The CUP process would provide an opportunity and authority under the ordinance to address unforeseen circumstance unique to individual sites. 2. It was felt that this use was appropriate in light industrial districts such as I-1 and I-P. RECOMMENDED FINDINGS Section 2-180 of the UDO includes five required findings as a prerequisite for approval of zoning text amendments. The draft ordinance prepared by staff and provided with this report includes a reference to the required findings of the ordinance. Section 2-180, Required Findings on Zoning Amendments The City Council shall make each of the following findings before granting approval of a request to amend this ordinance or to change the zoning designation of an individual property: (1) Whether the amendment is consistent with the applicable policies of the city's Land Use Plan. (2) Whether the amendment is in the public interest and is not solely for the benefit of a single property owner. (3) Whether the existing uses of property and the zoning classification of property within the general area of the property in question are compatible with the proposed zoning classification, where the amendment is to change the zoning classification of a particular property. (4) Whether there are reasonable uses of the property in question permitted under the existing zoning classification, where the amendment is to change the zoning classification of a particular property. (5) Whether there has been a change in the character or trend of development in the general area of the property in question, which has taken place since such property was placed in its present zoning classification, where the amendment is to change the zoning classification of a particular property. Page 2 of 3 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposed ordinance 2016-X including finding in support of the amendment of the Unified Development Ordinance to allow auto sales in specified industrial districts as a conditional use. ATTACHMENT Proposed Ordinance Zoning Map Page 3 of 3 State of Minnesota County of Rice CITY OF FARIBAULT PROPOSED ORDINANCE 2016-X AMENDING THE FARIBAULT CODE OF ORDINANCES, APPENDIX B, UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE REGARDING AUTOMOBILE SALES IN INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICTS WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend the Faribault Code of Ordinances, Appendix B Unified Development Regulations, Section 12-30 to include Automobile Sales as a conditional use in I-P, Industrial Park District and I-1, Light Industrial Districts in the City; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission on the 6th day of June, 2016 following proper notice, held a public hearing regarding said amendment; and WHEREAS, following said public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve the ordinance amendment, based in part on the findings that the ordinance amendment is consistent with the findings for approval of an ordinance amendment as required by Section 2-180 of the City’s Unified Development Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and City Council hereby finds the ordinance amendment is consistent with the required findings for approval described in Section 2-180 of the City’s Unified Development Ordinance as follows: (1) That the amendment is consistent with the applicable policies of the city's Land Use Plan. (2) That the amendment is in the public interest and is not solely for the benefit of a single property owner. (3) Whether the existing uses of property and the zoning classification of property within the general area of the property in question are compatible with the proposed zoning classification, where the amendment is to change the zoning classification of a particular property. This amendment will not change a zoning classification of a particular property and will be effective in all I-P and I-1, zoning districts City wide. (4) Whether there are reasonable uses of the property in question permitted under the existing zoning classification, where the amendment is to change the zoning classification of a particular property. This amendment will not change a zoning classification of a particular property and will be effective in all I-P and I-1, zoning districts City wide. (5) That there has been a change in the character or trend of development in the general area of the property in question, which has taken place since such property was placed in its present zoning classification, where the amendment is to change the zoning classification of a particular property. Proposed Ordinance 2016-X Page 2 of 3 ; and WHEREAS, the City Council on the ____ day of _________, 2016, considered the request; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF FARIBAULT, RICE COUNTY, MINNESOTA, HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1: The Unified Development Ordinance, Section 12-30, Table 12-1which lists authorized permitted and conditional uses in Industrial Districts, is hereby amended to add Automobile Sales as a Conditional Use among the Automobile Services category as follows: Table 12-1. Principal uses in the industrial districts. Development Standards District Use I-P I-1 I-2 SH Automobile Services Automobile convenience facility P P P C x Automobile repair, major P P P C x Automobile repair, minor P P P C x Automobile Sales C C - C x Section 2. Summary Publication. City Staff shall have the following summary printed in the official City newspaper in lieu of the complete ordinance: On ___________, 2016, the City Council adopted Ordinance 2016-X that amends the table of permitted and conditional uses in Industrial Districts City wide. A printed copy of the ordinance is available for inspection during regular business hours at Faribault City Hall. Section 3: Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to the Faribault City Charter. Public Hearing: First Reading: June 6, 2016 ________, 2016 Proposed Ordinance 2016-X Page 3 of 3 Second Reading: Publication Date: ________, 2016 ________, 2016 Faribault City Council _________________________________ John R. Jasinski, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ Brian J. Anderson, City Administrator Official Zoning Map June 03, 2016 Legend Downtown Sign District Heritage Preservation District Shoreland Overlay District C-1 Neighborhood Commercial C-2 Highway Commercial C-3 Community Commercial CBD Central Business District 170TH ST W § ¦ ¨ R-4 High Density Residential RM Residential Manufactured Home District TUD Transitional Urban Development AMES TRL LV D CityLimits Railroad trail StreetCenterline rd_type INTERSTATE INTERSTATE RAMP STATE HIGHWAY CITY STREET TOWNSHIP/OTHER ROAD AR IN I-2 AL E ST N 14 TH CENTRAL AVE 1ST AVE NW 4TH AVE NW 3RD AVE NW NW T MI LD EL CH R RD CO 48 R-2 O ") 18 1ST ST NE DAIRY LN RIC ES T 3RD AVE SW WI LLO W ST 60 AC LIL 19 " ) 47 " ) 17TH ST SW 20 " ) LN River Bend Nature Center ALBERS AVE 35 ST RAVINE U PA E AV RD 48 " ) ST L AD ST 9TH ST SW 10TH ST SW 7TH AVE SW PRAIRIE AVE AVE S ALE 8TH ST SW 299 MATTESON ST RU LYN D 3RD ST SW DR 2ND AVE W CY GA LE E AV O 3RD ST NW 2ND ST NW 1ST ST NW DIVISION ST W 1ST ST SW 60 § ¦ ¨ TUD 20TH ST NW GRANT ST N ST 4TH CityLimits SHUMWAY AVE D WESTERN AVE N Medium Density Residential COUNTY ROAD 7TH ST NW WESTERN AVE S Low Density Residential R-3 Railroad C RL I 35 30TH ST NW 21 0W Y6 HW Single and Two Family Residential R-2 Street Labels 3 11 " ) lls We Single Family Residential R-1A Park O R-1 R-2 e L ak Open Space / Agricultural R-1 Water 17TH ST NW 35 Industrial Park O e911roads E AV WT VIE BEL § ¦ ¨ Heavy Industrial I-P COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY; CSAH RAMP E AL N SE DR ND LY E FR RIK DE I-1 9TH AVE SW La rds ke be O Light Industrial I-2 Street Numbers ALVEY TRL FA RIB AU LT B T INDUSTRIAL DR PARK AVE N W 76 " ) HUL ETT AVE Ro 21 BAGLEY AVE AIR PO R I-P ACORN TRL BE CK ER TR L 35 I-1 O R-1 G LY N 220TH ST E VI EW " ) TR L 19 " ) 45 8 Prepared By: Planning & Zoning Division 1 inch = 3,900 feet 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles This map is updated periodically to reflect amendments and should be used for general reference purposes. The map is current as of the date of the map. Specific inquiries should be directed to the Planning Division at (507) 334-0100 3B. FARIBAULT PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 6, 2016 PUBLIC HEARING Case Numbers and Requests: CUP 28-16 Conditional Use Permit for Auto Sales in an I-1 Light Industrial District at 1320 2nd Avenue NW Applicant/Owner: William Malecha, of Malecha Auto Body, Applicant / KC Partnership, property owners. Staff Recommendation: Continue the Public Hearing to June 20, 2016 provide an overview and comments. Deadline for Council Action: August 6, 2016 Unless Extended by the City From: Peter J. Waldock, AICP, Planning Coordinator BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY OF REQUEST The Applicant in this case owns and operates an auto body repair shop at 1320 2 nd Avenue NW in an I-1 Light Industrial District. They are currently licensed by the State to sell cars and would like to use the subject site for this purpose as well. The applicants appeared at work session of the Planning Commission on May 2nd and asked for sought guidance on the proposal to add auto sales to the list of uses allowed in I-1 zones. The commissioners present for this discussion, agreed that auto sales seemed to be a reasonable land use in the district in that auto repair businesses are similar in impact, and they have been conducted without issue in the district. However the Commissioners felt it should be allowed as a conditional use to address unique conditions at individual locations. An application for a zoning text amendment has been submitted and staff is recommending approval of the ordinances to allow auto sales in I-P and I-1 zoning districts in the city. The text amendment is being processed concurrently with this CUP application. The subject site in this case is developed with an auto repair shop and a self-service storage building owned by others. The applicants have submitted a parking layout that shows 19 parking spaces that will meet UDO dimensional standards and required drive aisle widths for circulation with one way traffic flow. The shop has 3-service bays and there is one employee and two owners on site that operate the business. DISCUSSION OF THE PROPOSAL The UDO requires 1 parking space per 300 SF of building space for auto sales, and a repair shop is required to have 3 spaces per service bay, plus one space per employee. In this case the ordinance requires 12 spaces for the shop, plus one space for auto sales, and one space for each Page 1 of 4 car displayed for sale on the premise. This is a total of 18 spaces if five cars are displayed for sale on site. The parking layout shows 19 spaces that can meet required dimensions and aisle widths in Section 8-170 (below). The site will need to be limited to no more than 5 cars displayed for sale on premise. Applicable Code Sections: Sec. 8-170. Size. The minimum dimensions for required parking spaces are shown in Figure 8-1 and Table 8-2. Minimum dimensions are exclusive of access drives or aisles, ramps, or columns. In no case shall any part of the public right-of-way contribute towards required stall size. Ninety degree (90°) parking spaces that use a curb overhang over a landscaped area or a minimum seven (7) foot wide sidewalk may be reduced to eighteen (18) feet in length. Table 8-2. Minimum parking space and aisle dimensions. Angle (A) Width (B) Curb length (C) Stall depth (D) 1-way aisle width (E) 2-way aisle width (F) 0o (parallel) 9' 22' 9' 12' 22' 45o 9' 12' 18' 9' 12' 60o 9' 9' 10″ 19' 10″ 18' 24' 90o 9' 9' 20' 20' 24' Sec. 8-200. Specific off-street parking requirements. Page 2 of 4 (A) In general. Accessory, off-street parking shall be provided as specified in Table 8-3 except as otherwise specified in this chapter. When a particular use specifies an "x" under the Notes column, such use is subject to specific standards as identified in Section 8-200(C) below. Table 8-3. Specific off-street parking requirements. Use Minimum spaces required Notes Automobile services Automobile convenience facility 1 per 300 sq. ft. GFA Automobile rental 1 per 300 sq. ft. GFA plus adequate space for rental vehicles Automobile repair 3 per service bay and one per employee Automobile sales 1 per 300 sq. ft. GFA Automobile service station 1 per 300 sq. ft. GFA plus 2 per service bay Car wash 2 spaces per facility plus adequate stacking x x Chapter 2, Article 7, Faribault Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), requirements and procedures for conditional use permits. Chapter 8, Article 3, Faribault Unified Development Ordinance, Section 8-200, Table 8-3 specific off-street parking requirements. Chapter 12, Faribault Unified Development Ordinance, Section 12-30 Table 12-1, regarding principal uses in Industrial Districts DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE The Development Review Committee (DRC) discussed the proposal on May 23, 2016. The DRC recommends approval of the request and had the following comments and observations. 1. The CUP process would provide an opportunity and authority under the ordinance to address unforeseen circumstance unique to individual sites. 2. It was felt that this use was appropriate in light industrial districts such as I-1 and I-P. RECOMMENDED FINDINGS Section 2-300 of the UDO includes eleven required findings as a prerequisite for approval of conditional use permits. The proposed resolution prepared by staff and provided with this report includes the required findings for this application as recommended by staff. Page 3 of 4 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Section 2-310 of the UDO authorizes the City Council to establish reasonable conditions of approval to mitigate adverse impacts associated with the conditional use, to protect neighboring properties and achieve objectives of the ordinance. Staff is recommending that the following conditions be approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. Conditions of approval are recommended as follows: 1. Parking spaces be restriped according to layout as approved by the City. 2. Business signs shall be permitted in accordance with City Ordinances. 3. Banners and Temporary signs shall be allowed in compliance with applicable regulations in the Unified Development Ordinance. 4. Automobiles and light trucks displayed for sale on site shall be limited to 5 at a time to avoid congestion and overcrowding. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the public hearing be continued to June 20, 2016. The Planning Commission is asked to provide comments on the proposed parking layout as presented. ATTACHMENT Location Maps Application Building Layout Parking Layout Page 4 of 4 Malecha Auto Body CUP for Auto Sales 1320 2nd Avenue NWp Cannon R iver North Alexander Park Two Rivers Park Slevin Park AL EX AN DE R DR Isd Property 16TH ST NW Cannon River Faribault Lake 14TH ST NW 3R 1ST AVE NW DA VE NW 2ND AVE NW 15TH ST NW 4TH AVE NW 13TH ST NW 12TH ST NW May 31, 2016 8 Prepared By: Planning & Zoning Division 1 inch = 216 feet 0 0.01250.025 0.05 Miles This map is updated periodically to reflect amendments and should be used for general reference purposes. The map is current as of the date of the map. Specific inquiries should be directed to the Planning Division at (507) 334-0100 3C. FARIBAULT PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 6, 2016 PUBLIC HEARING Case Numbers and Requests: CUP 29-16 Conditional Use Permit for offsite parking facility in the R-2 Low Density Residential District at 1207 1st Street NW and 1200 Division Street Applicant/Owner: Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center applicant and property owners. Staff Recommendation: Continue the Public Hearing to June 20, 2016 provide an overview and receive public comments. Deadline for Council Action: August 9, 2016 Unless Extended by the City From: Peter J. Waldock, AICP, Planning Coordinator SUMMARY OF REQUEST Brian Welch of ISG has submitted an application for a CUP to construct an offsite parking lot for the Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center. The subject site is located at 1200 Division Street and 1207 1st St. NW (NW corner of Lincoln Ave and Division St.). The subject site is a vacant property owned by the Islamic Center that is situated immediately across the street from their facility. Additional parking is needed as attendance at worship services has increased over the years at the Islamic Center. Plans call for construction of a paved parking lot with 42 stalls. Entrance is from Lincoln Avenue. The parking lot will have curb and gutter boarders, landscaping to screen headlights. The proposal also includes a request for lot combination, to create one lot from 4-lots in the Security Addition. Currently crosswalks are painted crossing Lincoln Ave. at Division St. and across Division St. from the east side of Lincoln Ave. The Division St crosswalk ends in the driveway apron for the Islamic Center onsite parking lot. BACKGROUND The City Council adopted Res. 2000-171 approving an offsite parking lot for Marathon Multimedia in October of 2000. The CUP required construction of the parking lot within one year of the date of approval. The CUP has lapsed since it was not built within the required timeline. The City approved a request to amend the comprehensive plan for commercial uses and rezone the former Marathon Multimedia site to C-2 at the request of Islamic Center upon their purchase of the property in 2013. A CUP for a Religious Institution as a place of assembly in the C-2 District was approved per Res. 2013-112 for the Islamic Center in July of that year. Page 1 of 5 The Conditions of approval were as follows: 1. The CUP specifies an estimated occupancy of 120 persons. A maximum occupancy of 280 persons is permitted upon confirmation of meeting Building Code requirements. Additional occupancy requires review and approval of a CUP amendment. 2. Screening is required on the west side of the property and shall include a 6' privacy fence and landscaping, as shown on the plans dated June 10, 2013. 3. Any additional lighting must comply with the requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance and requires submittal of a photometric plan. Changes to exterior lighting require approval of the Planning Division and shall comply Unified Development Ordinance. 4. The driveways shall be signed for one-way entrance and exit, with the westerly driveway as an entrance only and the easterly driveway as an exit only. A stop sign shall be installed at the exit drive. 5. The parking lot should be re-striped to accommodate one-way traffic flow. A parking plan is required to be submitted and approved by staff prior to striping the parking lot and shall comply with the Unified Development Ordinance. 6. A snow removal plan shall be implemented and snow storage shall not interfere with the required parking. 7. The dumpster shall be screened in compliance with Unified Development Ordinance Section 6-40 Screening of Trash Enclosures. 8. A parking study is recommended to study the driveway visibility, on-street parking, and crosswalk placement. No on-street parking is recommended near the driveways on Division Street. Applicable Code Sections: Sec. 8-170. Size. The minimum dimensions for required parking spaces are shown in Figure 8-1 and Table 8-2. Minimum dimensions are exclusive of access drives or aisles, ramps, or columns. In no case shall any part of the public right-of-way contribute towards required stall size. Ninety degree (90°) parking spaces that use a curb overhang over a landscaped area or a minimum seven (7) foot wide sidewalk may be reduced to eighteen (18) feet in length. Page 2 of 5 Table 8-2. Minimum parking space and aisle dimensions. Angle (A) Width (B) Curb length (C) Stall depth (D) 1-way aisle width (E) 2-way aisle width (F) 0o (parallel) 9' 22' 9' 12' 22' 45o 9' 12' 18' 9' 12' 60o 9' 9' 10″ 19' 10″ 18' 24' 90o 9' 9' 20' 20' 24' Chapter 2, Article 7, Faribault Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), requirements and procedures for conditional use permits. Chapter 4, Faribault Unified Development Ordinance, regarding site plan requirements Chapter 8, Article 3, Faribault Unified Development Ordinance, Section 8-200, Table 8-3 specific off-street parking requirements. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE The Development Review Committee (DRC) discussed the proposal on May 23, 2016. The DRC recommends approval of the request and had the following comments and observations. 1. Confirm current attendance levels with the applicant. Occupancy is rated at 280 persons and may need to be re-evaluated by the Fire Department 2. Parking lot lighting is not proposed and is not required by code. 3. Relocate Division Street crossing to the west side of Lincoln Avenue. Page 3 of 5 4. Flashing Ped X-ing sign is recommended. 5. Crossing attendants are needed during high traffic events at the Center. REQUIRED FINDINGS Section 2-300 of the UDO includes eleven required findings as a prerequisite for approval of conditional use permits. A resolution prepared by staff will include the required findings for this application, they are as follows: (1) The conditional use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, or general welfare. (2) The conditional use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the vicinity and will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. (3) The conditional use will be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained in a manner that is compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the surrounding area. (4) The conditional use will not impose hazards or disturbing influences on neighboring properties. (5) The conditional use will not substantially diminish the value of neighboring properties. (6) The site is served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including utilities, access roads, drainage, police and fire protection, and schools or will be served adequately as a result of improvements proposed as part of the conditional use. (7) Development and operation of the conditional use will not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. (8) Adequate measures have been or will be taken to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets and to provide for adequate on-site circulation of traffic. (9) The conditional use will not result in the destruction, loss, or damage of a natural, scenic, or historic feature of major importance to the community. (10) The conditional use is consistent with the applicable policies and recommendations of the city's Land Use Plan or other adopted land use studies. (11) The conditional use, in all other respects, conforms to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Section 2-310 of the UDO authorizes the City Council to establish reasonable conditions of approval to mitigate adverse impacts associated with the conditional use, to protect neighboring properties and achieve objectives of the ordinance. Staff is recommending that the following conditions be approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. Conditions of approval are recommended as follows: 1. The Parking Lot Shall be completed in accordance with plans as approved by the City and attached as Exhibit B. Page 4 of 5 2. Stormwater Management shall be in accordance with City Ordinances as determined by the Water Quality Specialist 3. The parcels shall be combined into one tax lot with an public easement maintained for utilities and drainage where public alley had previously been vacated. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the public hearing be continued to June 20, 2016. The Planning Commission is asked to provide comments on the proposed parking layout as presented. ATTACHMENT Location Maps Application Parking Layout and Plans Page 5 of 5 ISLAMIC CENTER PARKING LOT EXPANSION FARIBAULT, MINNESOTA CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR: ISG PROJECT # 18939 CITY SUBMITTAL LEGEND Sheet List Table EXISTING T1.11 C1.11 C2.11 C3.11 C4.11 C4.12 C5.11 CITY LIMITS SECTION LINE QUARTER SECTION LINE RIGHT OF WAY LINE PROPERTY / LOTLINE EASEMENT LINE ACCESS CONTROL WATER EDGE WETLAND BOUNDARY WETLAND / MARSH FENCE LINE CULVERT STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAIN WATER UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND TV B.M. ELEVATION=1006.23 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Brian M. Welch LINCOLN AVE NW 4TH ST NW (HWY 60) DATE LYNDALE AVE N PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT 9TH AVE SW 1. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, WHICH INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, THE OWNER - CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT, THE PROJECT MANUAL (WHICH INCLUDES GENERAL SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS), DRAWINGS OF ALL DISCIPLINES AND ALL ADDENDA, MODIFICATIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS ISSUED BY THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER. 3. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. NOTIFY ARCHITECT/ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CONDITIONS REQUIRING INFORMATION OR CLARIFICATION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. N PROPOSED ABUBAKER AS-SADDIQUE ISLAMIC CENTER 1201 DIVISION STREET FARIBAULT, MN 55021 PH: W E S LOCATION MAP 0 500' ISLAMIC CENTER PROJECT GENERAL NOTES 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SHALL BE ISSUED TO ALL SUBCONTRACTORS BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN COMPLETE SETS IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THE FULL EXTENT AND COMPLETE COORDINATION OF ALL WORK. CONTOUR MANHOLE CATCH BASIN HYDRANT VALVE LIC. NO. DATE DIVISION ST W OWNER: 51,802 LIC. NO. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I & S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC CONTOUR (MAJOR) CONTOUR (MINOR) DECIDUOUS TREE CONIFEROUS TREE TREE LINE MANHOLE/STRUCTURE CATCH BASIN HYDRANT VALVE CURB STOP POWER POLE UTILITY PEDESTAL / CABINET LOT LINE RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT CULVERT STORM SEWER STORM SEWER (PIPE WIDTH) SANITARY SEWER SANITARY SEWER (PIPE WIDTH) WATER OVERHEAD ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND TV 5/9/16 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRAIRIE AVE SW 990 989 TITLE SHEET EXISTING SITE AND REMOVAL PLAN PROPOSED SITE PLAN SITE GRADING PLAN EXISTING STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN PROPOSED STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITE DETAILS 1000' 4. FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS. NOTIFY ARCHITECT/ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CONDITIONS REQUIRING INFORMATION OR CLARIFICATION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 5. DETAILS SHOWN ARE INTENDED TO BE INDICATIVE OF THE PROFILES AND TYPE OF DETAILING REQUIRED THROUGHOUT THE WORK. DETAILS NOT SHOWN ARE SIMILAR IN CHARACTER TO DETAILS SHOWN. WHERE SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS, DETAILS OR DESIGN INTENT CANNOT BE DETERMINED, NOTIFY ARCHITECT/ENGINEER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 6. ALL MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE APPLIED, INSTALLED, CONNECTED, ERECTED, CLEANED AND CONDITIONED ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURERS' INSTRUCTIONS. IN CASE OF DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN MANUFACTURERS' INSTRUCTIONS AND THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, NOTIFY ARCHITECT/ENGINEER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. PARKING LOT EXPANSION 7. ALL DISSIMILAR METALS SHALL BE EFFECTIVELY ISOLATED FROM EACH OTHER TO AVOID GALVANIC CORROSION. FARIBAULT 8. THE LOCATION AND TYPE OF ALL INPLACE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ONLY AND ARE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF I & S GROUP, INC. (ISG). NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE IS IMPLIED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE SIZES, LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF ALL INPLACE UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM PLAN. NO 9. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, MINIMUM 2 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION / CONSTRUCTION (1-800-252-1166). PROJECT INDEX: MINNESOTA REVISION SCHEDULE DATE DESCRIPTION PROJECT NO. 18939 FILE NAME 18939 T1-TITLE SHEET DRAWN BY CS/MWP DESIGNED BY CS REVIEWED BY BMW/JMS ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE 05/09/16 CLIENT PROJECT NO. PROJECT ADDRESS / LOCATION: MANAGING OFFICE: S:36, T:110, R:021 FARIBAULT OFFICE WELLS TWP FARIBAULT, MINNESOTA 1415 TOWN SQUARE LANE FARIBAULT, MN 55021 PHONE: 507-331-1500 FAX: 507-331-1501 PROJECT MANAGER: BRIAN WELCH EMAIL: SPECIFICATIONS REFERENCE - TITLE ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF FARIBAULTREQUIREMENTS AND MnDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION, 2016 EDITION, AND THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR SANITARY SEWER, STORM DRAIN AND WATERMAIN AS PROPOSED BY THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA 2013, UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE. TITLE SHEET PROJECT DATUM HORIZONTAL COORDINATES HAVE BEEN REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1983 (NAD83), 1996ADJUSTMENT (NAD83(1996)) ON THERICECOUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM, IN U.S. SURVEY FEET. ELEVATIONS HAVE BEEN REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD 88). RTK GPS METHODS WERE USED TO ESTABLISH HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL COORDINATES FOR THIS PROJECT. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SHEET THIS PROJECTS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY CONSISTS OF DATA COLLECTED ON APRIL 2016BY ISG. T1.11 WATER MH SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=999.41 INVERT= FIRST STREET SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=1004.07 INVERT= AVENUE EXISTING PROPERTY LINE, TYP SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=1004.53 INVERT= GM I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Brian M. Welch SAWCUT & REMOVE EXISTING SIDEWALK SAWCUT & REMOVE BITUMINOUS SURFACE AND CURB & GUTTER 5/9/16 DATE LIC. NO. 51,802 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LINCOLN INPLACE UTILITY POLE B.M. ELEVATION=1006.23 LIC. NO. DATE THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I & S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT ISLAMIC CENTER PARKING LOT EXPANSION FARIBAULT MINNESOTA REVISION SCHEDULE REMOVE TREE, TYP NO DATE DESCRIPTION CATCH BASIN RIM=1002.82 INVERT=998.38 INPLACE SIGN, TYP WATER MH STORM MANHOLE RIM=1003.35 INVERT= CATCH BASIN TOP CURB=1003.72 INVERT= wv EXISTING PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK DIVISION BENCHMARK 1006.23 PROJECT NO. 18939 FILE NAME 18939 C1-EXIST DRAWN BY CJS DESIGNED BY CJS REVIEWED BY BMW/JRS ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE 05/09/16 STREET STORM MANHOLE RIM=1003.79 INVERT= SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=1003.77 INVERT= CLIENT PROJECT NO. EXISTING PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK - TITLE 0 20 40 Scale in Feet 60 EXISTING SITE AND REMOVAL PLAN SHEET C1.11 WATER MH SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=999.41 INVERT= FIRST STREET SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=1004.07 INVERT= PLANT CONIFEROUS TREE 10' 12 12 STALLS 22 STALLS AVENUE 18' 9' SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=1004.53 INVERT= GM B.M. ELEVATION=1006.23 F&I: NYLOPLAST 8" DRAIN BASIN 2808AG W/ DROP IN GRATE 0801DI RIM = 1003.29 INV = 999.20 41.59' CONSTRUCT BITUMINOUS SECTION (HATCH) 8" x 172' @ 0.41% HDPE STORM PIPE PLANT DECIDUOUS TREE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Brian M. Welch DATE LINCOLN CONSTRUCT WALK SECTION (HATCH) 24' PLANT CONIFEROUS SHRUB 8 STALLS PROPERTY LINE, TYP PLANT CONIFEROUS TREE THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I & S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT ISLAMIC CENTER PARKING LOT EXPANSION FARIBAULT F&I: NYLOPLAST 12" DRAIN BASIN 2812AG W/ DROP IN GRATE 1201DI RIM = 1003.31 INV = 998.47 SETBACK LINE, TYP 51,802 LIC. NO. DATE CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SECTION (HATCH) PLANT DECIDUOUS TREE LIC. NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PROTECT INPLACE UTILITY POLE CONSTRUCT B618 CURB & GUTTER 5/9/16 MINNESOTA REVISION SCHEDULE NO DATE DESCRIPTION PROTECT INPLACE GUY POLE CONSTRUCT WALK SECTION (HATCH) CATCH BASIN RIM=1002.82 INVERT=998.38 PLANT DECIDUOUS SHRUB PROTECT INPLACE SIGN WATER MH 12" x 21' @ 0.43% HDPE STORM PIPE SALVAGE & REINSTALL INPLACE SIGN DIVISION STORM MANHOLE RIM=1003.35 INVERT= CATCH BASIN TOP CURB=1003.72 INVERT= TIE INTO BACK OF EXISTING STORM STRUCTURE RIM = 1002.82 INV = 998.38 wv BENCHMARK 1006.23 18939 FILE NAME 18939 C2-SITE DRAWN BY - DESIGNED BY - REVIEWED BY - ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE 05/09/16 STREET STORM MANHOLE RIM=1003.79 INVERT= SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=1003.77 INVERT= PROJECT NO. CLIENT PROJECT NO. - TITLE NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE SITE LIGHTING 0 20 40 Scale in Feet 60 PROPOSED SITE PLAN SHEET C2.11 WATER MH SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=999.41 INVERT= FIRST 999 0 100 1 100 100 2 4.44 100 1 004 1003 .46 1004.50 1004 STREET SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=1004.07 INVERT= .35 1004 .34 1004 1004 1004 10 .31 04 1003.55 AVENUE B.M. ELEVATION=1006.23 SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=1004.53 INVERT= 1004 1004 0 4.3 1004 100 .80 03 10 .80 03 10 GM 1003.29 1005 EXISTING CONTOUR I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Brian M. Welch 5/9/16 DATE LIC. NO. 51,802 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. EX IST IST 1005 100 4 G G 1005.64 10 0 10 4.6 2 05 .44 .98 05 10 10 04 .78 05 10 1003.68 EXISTIN G EX EX IST ING 1005.68 100 ING 1005. 59 0 4.2 .23 1005.05 IST .78 05 .30 04 10 1006.40 10 NG STI EXI IN IN .83 .48 05 05 .69 EX 1003 10 10 1005 1005 LINCOLN PROPOSED CONTOUR LIC. NO. DATE THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I & S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT ISLAMIC CENTER PARKING LOT EXPANSION FARIBAULT REVISION SCHEDULE NO 10 04 .10 100 4.7 2 .39 04 10 1003 1003.55 4 100 G IN IST EX EXI STI DATE DESCRIPTION CATCH BASIN RIM=1002.82 INVERT=998.38 10 1004.65 4.15 100 004.12 1 .83 .86 04 10 1004.71 04 .03 05 10 MINNESOTA WATER MH STORM MANHOLE RIM=1003.35 INVERT= CATCH BASIN TOP CURB=1003.72 INVERT= NG wv BENCHMARK 1006.23 PROJECT NO. 18939 FILE NAME 18939 C3-GRADE DRAWN BY CJS DESIGNED BY CJS REVIEWED BY BMW/JRS ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE 05/09/16 CLIENT PROJECT NO. DIVISION STREET TITLE 0 STORM MANHOLE RIM=1003.79 INVERT= SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=1003.77 INVERT= - 20 40 Scale in Feet 60 SITE GRADING PLAN SHEET C3.11 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN NOTES: WATER MH SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=999.41 INVERT= FIRST STREET SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=1004.07 INVERT= 60244 1002.37 ck3 AVENUE 60000 1004.69 ck1 SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=1004.53 INVERT= GM I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Brian M. Welch **PROJECT DOES NOT REQUIRE AN MPCA NPDES PERMIT DATE 5/9/16 LIC. NO. 51,802 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LINCOLN EXISTING DRAINAGE ARROW B.M. ELEVATION=1006.23 LIC. NO. DATE THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I & S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT ISLAMIC CENTER PARKING LOT EXPANSION FARIBAULT MINNESOTA REVISION SCHEDULE NO DATE DESCRIPTION CATCH BASIN RIM=1002.82 INVERT=998.38 WATER MH STORM MANHOLE RIM=1003.35 INVERT= CATCH BASIN TOP CURB=1003.72 INVERT= wv BENCHMARK 1006.23 PROJECT NO. 18939 FILE NAME 18939 C4-SWPP DRAWN BY - DESIGNED BY - REVIEWED BY - ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE 05/09/16 DIVISION STREET CLIENT PROJECT NO. TITLE 0 STORM MANHOLE RIM=1003.79 INVERT= SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=1003.77 INVERT= 20 40 60 Scale in Feet NOTE: ALL SOILS ARE ESTHERVILLE SANDY LOAM, 2-5% SLOPES - EXISTING STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SHEET C4.11 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY NOTES: CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY NOTES: WATER MH SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=999.41 INVERT= FIRST 999 0 100 1 100 2 100 1003 1004 STREET SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=1004.07 INVERT= 1004 60244 1002.37 ck3 1004 60000 1004.69 ck1 AVENUE SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=1004.53 INVERT= 1004 1004 1004 GM I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Brian M. Welch ’ DATE 1005 1005 5/9/16 51,802 LIC. NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LINCOLN 100 4 1005 1005 B.M. ELEVATION=1006.23 LIC. NO. DATE THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I & S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT ISLAMIC CENTER PARKING LOT EXPANSION FARIBAULT MINNESOTA REVISION SCHEDULE NO DATE DESCRIPTION CATCH BASIN RIM=1002.82 INVERT=998.38 04 10 100 4 WATER MH STORM MANHOLE RIM=1003.35 INVERT= CATCH BASIN TOP CURB=1003.72 INVERT= wv DIVISION BENCHMARK 1006.23 SWPPP LEGEND STREET PROJECT NO. 18939 FILE NAME 18939 C4-SWPP DRAWN BY CS/MWP DESIGNED BY CS REVIEWED BY BMW/JMS ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE 05/09/16 CLIENT PROJECT NO. TITLE STORM MANHOLE RIM=1003.79 INVERT= SANITARY MANHOLE RIM=1003.77 INVERT= NOTE: SEEDING SHALL BE PLACED ON ALL DISTURBED GROUND 0 20 40 60 - PROPOSED STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SHEET Scale in Feet C4.12 CONCRETE SLAB (MIN 4000 PSI) CONCRETE SLAB (MIN 4000 PSI) 6" REVERSE SLOPE 6" 6" 1 R33 4" 7" COMPACTED SUBGRADE STANDARD CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION NTS NTS ST150 18" GUTTER WIDTH HORIZONTAL LINE STANDARD CONCRETE WALK SECTION 6" 3 COMPACTED SUBGRADE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT 1/2" R R33 4" 0.06 FT/FT 5" 4" AGGREGATE BASE 13.5" AGGREGATE BASE 8" B618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER ST120 NTS N.T.S. B.M. ELEVATION=1006.23 ST204 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE BITUMINOUS NON-WEAR COURSE Brian M. Welch AGGREGATE BASE 5/9/16 LIC. NO. 51,802 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 8" 1.5" 1.5" DATE LIC. NO. DATE COMPACTED SUBGRADE THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I & S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT STANDARD BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION NTS ST110 ISLAMIC CENTER ANCHOR EDGE 6" MIN, STAPLE EVER 2' FT (TYP, SEE EDGE ANCHOR DETAIL) 3' CURB STYLE CB INLET PARKING LOT EXPANSION CATEGORY 3 TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT INSTALL PER MANUFACTURE'S INSTRUCTIONS FARIBAULT MINNESOTA REVISION SCHEDULE 3' NO BACK OF CURB LEVEL WITH GUTTER LINE NOTE: GRADE BEHIND CURB TO BE LEFT 2" LOWER THAN GUTTER LINE FLOW LINE TO ALLOW ROOM FOR TRM AND FOR GRASS TO NOT OBSTRUCT FLOW BACK OF CURB INLET PROTECTION DETAIL (CATCH BASIN IN STREET) N.T.S. DESCRIPTION 3' TRANSITION BACK OF CURB DOWN ROUND CB INLET DATE PROJECT NO. 18939 FILE NAME 18939 C5-SITE DETAILS DRAWN BY CS/MWP DESIGNED BY CS REVIEWED BY BMW/JMS ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE 05/09/16 CLIENT PROJECT NO. - TITLE PREASSEMBLED SILT FENCE DETAIL CURB CUT TYPICAL STORM OUTLET N.T.S. NTS SITE DETAILS ST275 SHEET C5.11 4TH ST CROSS AVE LYNDALE AVE Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center Parking Lot Application 1200 Division Street NW LINCOLN AVE NW 2ND ST NW IRV I NG AVE 1ST ST NW PRAIRIE AVE DIVISION ST W May 31, 2016 8 1 inch = 200 feet 0 50 100 200 Feet 1ST ST SW Prepared By: Planning & Zoning Division This map is updated periodically to reflect amendments and should be used for general reference purposes. The map is current as of the date of the map. Specific inquiries should be directed to the Planning Division at (507) 334-0100 Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center 1201 Division Street ST NW CROSS AVE 4TH LINCOLN AVE NW 2ND ST NW R-2 IRV I NG R-4 AVE 1ST ST NW DIVISION ST W C-2 C-2 PRAIRIE AVE I-2 8 R-4 R-4 TOWN SQUARE LN April 15, 2016 1ST ST SW 1 inch = 200 feet 0 55 110 220 Feet Prepared By: Planning & Zoning Division R-2 2ND ST SW This map is updated periodically to reflect amendments and should be used for general reference purposes. The map is current as of the date of the map. Specific inquiries should be directed to the Planning Division at (507) 334-0100 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. FIRST STREET DA PROPERTY LINE PLANT KEY CONTOUR (MAJOR) CONTOUR (MINOR) CONIFEROUS TREE PLANT KEY PROPOSED PLANTS PROPOSED CONTOUR (MAJOR) CONTOUR ( MINOR) SG 1000 1001 2 100 03 10 DECIDUOUS TREE SETBACK NUMBER OF PLANTS 4' WIDE PLANT BED WITH EDGER OVERSTORY TREE 1004 EXIST. EXIST. SOD 1004 CONIFEROUS TREE 1004 SEJ 4 RTD 4 EXISTING SO GM EXIST. 5' WIDE PLANT BEDS WITH EDGER MS 1005 TAR 4 FDD 9 SEJ 6 MS 1005 TGA 15 DMP 7 BS AVENUE 5. DGN 4 EXISTING PLANTS EXISTING PLANT LABELS DECIDUOUS SHRUB CONIFEROUS SHRUB KEY PLAN I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PLANT SCHEDULE DATE LIC. NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. CORY W. TAUER BL SEJ 6 TAR 4 FDD 4 LINCOLN 4. GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 1-800-454-0002 1004 3. LEGEND 1004 2. COORDINATE LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES (LINES, DUCTS, CONDUITS, SLEEVES, FOOTINGS, ETC.) WITH LOCATIONS OF PROPOSED LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS (FENCE, FOOTINGS, TREE ROOTBALLS, ETC.). CONTRACTOR SHALL REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO CONTINUING WORK. SAVE AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING TREES NOT NOTED TO BE REMOVED. REMOVE ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AND MATERIALS INJURIOUSTO PLANT GROWTH FROM PLANTING PITS AND BEDS PRIOR TO BACKFILLING WITH PLANTING MIX. LAWN AREAS SHALL HAVE 6" MINIMUM DEPTH OF TOPSOIL. TOPSOIL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 85% MAXIMUM DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT. REFER TO PLANTING DETAILS PLAN FOR AMENDED SOIL DEPTH IN PLANTING BEDS AND SURROUNDING TREES. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR MIX TYPE. FIELD STAKE PLANTINGS ACCORDING TO PLAN. OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE SHALL APPROVE ALL PLANT LOCATIONS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REVISE PLANTING LAYOUT AT TIME OF INSTALLATION. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE TRUE TO THEIR SCIENTIFIC NAME AND SIZE AS INDICATED IN THE PLANT SCHEDULE. IF DISCREPANCIES EXIST BETWEEN THE NUMBER OF PLANTS DRAWN ON THE PLANTING PLAN AND THE NUMBER OF PLANTS IN THE SCHEDULE, THE PLANTING PLAN SHALL GOVERN. OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REVISE QUANTITIES TO SUIT BUDGET LIMITATIONS. CONTRACTOR'S UNIT BID PRICES SHALL PREVAIL FOR ANY CHANGES IN QUANTITIES. ANY PROPOSED SUBSTITUTIONS OF PLANT SPECIES SHALL BE MADE WITH PLANTS OF EQUIVALENT OVERALL FORM, HEIGHT, BRANCHING HABIT, FLOWER, LEAF, COLOR, FRUIT AND CULTURE, AND ONLY AFTER WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND OWNER. ALL PLANT MATERIALS MUST CONFORM TO AMERICAN STANDARDS FOR NURSERY STOCK (A.N.S.I.), LATEST EDITION PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN, WASHINGTON D.C. LARGER SIZED PLANT MATERIALS OF THE SPECIES LISTED MAY BE USED IF THE STOCK CONFORMS TO A.N.S.I. PROVIDE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH, NATURAL COLOR, IN ALL PLANTING BEDS AND A MINIMUM 2' DIAMETER SURROUNDING ALL PROPOSED TREES TO A 3-INCH MINIMUM DEPTH. APPLY PRE-EMERGENT TO ALL PLANTING BEDS PRIOR TO MULCHING. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE GUARANTEED TO BE IN A LIVE AND HEALTHY GROWING CONDITION FOR ONE FULL GROWING SEASON (ONE YEAR) AFTER FINAL PROJECT ACCEPTANCE OR SHALL BE REPLACED FREE OF CHARGE WITH THE SAME GRADE AND SPECIES. ALL TREES SHALL HAVE A STRONG CENTRAL LEADER. PLANTING BED EDGING SHALL BE 1/8"x4" STEEL EDGING w/ 12" LANDSCAPE SPIKE IN ALL AREAS WHERE PLANTING BED MEETS LAWN AREAS. ALL PLANTING BEDS SHALL HAVE SPADE DUG EDGES, EXCEPT WHERE NOTED OTHERWISE. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DAMAGE DUE TO OPERATIONS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF THE CONTRACT LIMIT LINE. ANY AREAS OUTSIDE THE LIMIT OF WORK THAT ARE DISTURBED SHALL BE RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAL CONDITION AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. ALL TURF AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE SODDED. SOD SECTIONS SHALL BE NO SMALLER THAN 24" X 36" STAKED IN PLACE WITH BIODEGRADABLE SOD STAKES WHEN SLOPE IS STEEPER THAN 5:1 OR WHEN CONDITIONS REQUIRE. ALL PLANTING BEDS SHALL BE MULCHED WITH 3" DEPTH SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. DO NOT USE ANY UNDERLAYMENTS SUCH AS LANDSCAPE FABRIC OR PLASTIC SHEETING. FOR SEEDING, FOLLOW IOWA SUDAS (STATEWIDE URBAN DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS) FOR SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANTING PROCEDURES. (WWW. IOWASUDAS.ORG) 1005 1004 1004 1. UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING UTILITIES ON-SITE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 1005 GENERAL PLANTING NOTES 05-17-16 DATE 42181 LIC. NO. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I & S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT ISLAMIC CENTER PARKING LOT EXPANSION FARIBAULT MINNESOTA REVISION SCHEDULE SO NO DATE DESCRIPTION CITY LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS AS REQUIRED IN THE CITY OF FARIBAULT, MN ZONING CODE. W DATA: TOTAL LOT AREA = 24,397 SF (0.56 ACRES) IMPERVIOUS AREA = 17,512 SF (72% OF TOTAL LOT AREA) W EXISTING W BL 4 100 04 10 wv DIVISION STREET PER CODE, 10 PLANTS PER ACRE REQUIRED FOR 72% IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE. SO, 10 x 0.56 = 5.6 OR 6 PLANTS. A 100% INCREASE IN BASE NUMBERS IS REQUIRE WHEN ADJACENT TO A RESIDENTIAL ZONE. SO, 6 TREES PLUS 100% INCREASE = BENCHMARK 12 PLANTS REQUIRED. 1006.23 PROJECT NO. 18939 FILE NAME 18939 L1-LANDSCAPE DRAWN BY CWT DESIGNED BY CWT REVIEWED BY CWT ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE 05/09/16 OF THE 12 PLANTS REQUIRED: UP TO 31 (4 PLANTS) OF REQUIRED PLANTS MAY BE SHRUBS. AT LEAST 31 (4 PLANTS) MUST BE AN EVERGREEN AT LEAST 50% (6 PLANTS) OF THE REQUIRED PLANTS MUST BE LOCATED WITHIN THE FRONT BUILDING SETBACK. PLANT FROM THE 100% INCREASE FOR RESIDENTIAL ADJACENCY MUST BE LOCATED IN A SETBACK ADJACENT TO THE RESIDENTIAL ZONE. CITY COMMENTS - USE PLANTING TO SCREEN FOR VEHICLE HEADLIGHTS. CLIENT PROJECT NO. - TITLE 0 20 40 Scale in Feet 60 LANDSCAPE & RESTORATION PLAN 71 PLANTS SHOWN (49 ARE EVERGREENS): 8 TREES 63 SHRUBS SHEET L1.11 TREE PLANTING NOTES CONTAINER GROWN TREES 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. PRIOR TO DELIVERY TO THE SITE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE THE BUTTRESS ROOTS OR TRUNK FLARE OF EACH TREE. IF FLARE IS LOCATED MORE THAN 2" DOWN FROM THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL, THE TREE IS REJECTED AND SHALL NOT BE DELIVERED TO THE SITE. ONCE THE PROPERLY GROWN TREE IS DELIVERED TO THE SITE, MEASURE DISTANCE BETWEEN TOP OF THE BUTTRESS ROOTS AND THE BOTTOM OF THE ROOTBALL. SUBTRACT 2" TO DETERMINE DEPTH OF PLANTING PIT. DIG PIT TO DEPTH DETERMINED ABOVE. PIT SHALL BE DISHED WITH SIDEWALLS AS SHOWN BELOW. SCARIFY WALLS AND BOTTOM OF PIT. SET TREE IN PIT SO THAT THE FLARE IS ONE-TWO INCHES ABOVE SURROUNDING GRADE. IN ALL AREAS WITH HEAVY CLAY OR POORLY DRAINED SOILS (MOTTLING), CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. TREE MAY BE RELOCATED OR THE ROOTBALL FURTHER ELEVATED. REMOVE ANY SOIL FROM TOP OF ROOTBALL TO EXPOSE TOP OF FLARE. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY TREE UNLESS THE FLARE IS VISIBLE. 3. LOCATE BUTTRESS ROOTS (SEE NOTES ABOVE). REMOVE EXCESS SOIL FROM TOP OF ROOT BALL TO EXPOSE TRUNK FLARE. MEASURE DEPTH OF ROOTBALL TO DETERMINE DEPTH OF PLANTING PIT. TO ELIMINATE ENCIRCLING ROOTS, MAKE SEVERAL VERTICAL SLITS AROUND PERIMETER OF ROOT MASS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM OF THE ROOTBALL. DEPTH OF SLITS INTO THE ROOTBALL SHALL BE AT LEAST 2". STAKING GUY ASSEMBLY: 16" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE (40 MIL) 1-1/2" WIDE STRIP- (TYP.) DOUBLE STRAND 14 GA WIRE & 3 STEEL STAKES OR SIGN POSTS @ 120 DEG. O.C. (SEE STAKING DIAGRAM). CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE TREES ONLY IF THE TREE(S) BEGIN TO LEAN WITHIN THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. FLARE, SET AT 1"-2" ABOVE SURROUNDING GRADE. SEE NOTE ABOVE BACKFILL WITH 1/2 NATIVE SOILS AND 1/2 PLANTING SOIL. MIX THOROUGHLY PRIOR TO PLACEMENT. DIG THE PLANTING PIT TWO TO THREE TIMES WIDER THAN THE SIZE OF THE ROOTBALL AND AT THE SAME DEPTH AT WHICH THEY GREW IN THE NURSERY. SCARIFY THE SIDES AND BOTTOM OF THE PLANTING PIT. AFTER SETTING ROOT BALL IN PIT, BACKFILL TO WITHIN 12" OF TOP OF ROOTBALL AND SATURATE WITH WATER. · CUT AND REMOVE TO BACKFILL LINE ALL TWINE, WIRE AND/OR BURLAP. · BACKFILL UNTIL PIT IS FULL, WATER AGAIN. 120 DEG. 120 DEG. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE AN INSPECTION BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE 48 HOURS PRIOR TO PLACING MULCH AROUND THE TREE PLANTINGS. UNDISTURBED SOIL OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE STAKING DIAGRAM TREE PLANTING DETAIL KEY PLAN I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. NOT TO SCALE DATE TREES WITH BE REJECTED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: REMOVE BURLAP, WIRE, AND ALL ROPE FROM THE TOP 12" OF THE ROOTBALL -POOR FORM -DAMAGED TRUNK -BURIED ROOT FLARES -ENCIRCLING TRANSPORT ROOTS -UNCONSOLIDATED ROOTBALL SOIL (DUE TO EXCESSIVE HANDLING) DO NOT CREATE WATERING RING AFTER INSTALLATION TRIM OUT DEADWOOD AND/OR DEFORMED TWIGS. DO NOT CUT LEADER COORDINATE STAKING TO INSURE UNIFORM ORIENTATION OF GUY LINES AND STAKES. BACKFILL PLANTING PIT TO WITHIN 12" OF GRADE AND THOROUGHLY WATER. BACKFILL TO THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL 120 DEG. SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH - 3" DEPTH X 3 FT DIAMETER. PULL AWAY FROM TRUNK OF TREE. DO NOT PLACE MULCH UNTIL TREE HAS BEEN INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 10. CONTACT OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE TO INSPECT PLANTING PRIOR TO PLACING ANY MULCH OVER THE ROOT BALL. SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH 3" DEPTH OVER PRE-EMERGENT WEED CONTROL GRANUALS 1' (MIN) TO PAVED SURFACE DIG THE PLANTING PIT TWO TO THREE TIMES WIDER THAN THE SIZE OF THE ROOTBALL AND AT THE SAME DEPTH AT WHICH THEY GREW IN THE NURSERY. SCARIFY THE SIDES AND BOTTOM OF THE PLANTING PIT. METAL EDGING 1/8" X 4" UNDISTURBED SOIL OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE B&B TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL & STABILIZATION NOTE CONTAINER SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. REMOVE CONTAINER (BY CUTTING IF NCCCESARY) 2. IF ROOTS ARE GROWING IN A SPIRAL AROUND THE SOIL MASS, USE A SHARP KNIFE TO SCORE THE OUTSIDE OF SOIL MASS VERTICALLY, JUST DEEP ENOUGH TO CUT THE NET OF THE ROOTS, AND MAKE A CRISS-CROSS CUT ACROSS THE BOTTOM OF THE SOIL MASS. 3. BACKFILL PLANTING BED WITH ORIGINAL SOIL. BREAK UP CLODS OF SOIL. IF SOILS ARE POOR (IE: HEAVY CLAYS, SAND, OR COMPACTED), BACKFILL CAN BE A MIXTURE OF 1/3 SOIL AMENDMENT WITH 2/3 ORIGINAL SOIL. DO NOT USE PEAT AS PART OF BACKFILL IN CLAY SOILS. REMOVE ALL ROCKS AND DEBRIS FROM BACKFILL. 4. THOROUGHLY WATER TO SETTLE THE PLANTS AND FILL VOIDS WITHIN TWO HOURS OF PLANTING. INSTALL MULCH WITHIN 48 HOURS OF WATERING. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. CORY W. TAUER DATE 05-17-16 42181 LIC. NO. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I & S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT ISLAMIC CENTER PARKING LOT EXPANSION NOT TO SCALE TEMPORARY STABILIZATION MEASURES, INCLUDING EROSION CONTROL FENCE, INLET PROTECTION, ETC. MUST BE MAINTAINED UNTIL FINAL SEEDING AND STABILIZATION MEASURES ARE IN PLACE AND APPROVED BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. REFER TO CIVIL SHEETS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. LIC. NO. FARIBAULT MINNESOTA REVISION SCHEDULE LAWN OR GROUNDCOVER METAL LANDSCAPE EDGING 1/8" x 4" NO DATE DESCRIPTION WOOD OR ROCK MULCH TOPSOIL UNDISTURBED SOIL OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE 12" STEEL STAKE EDGER DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NO. 18939 FILE NAME 18939 L1-LANDSCAPE DRAWN BY CJS/MWP DESIGNED BY CJS REVIEWED BY BMW/JRS ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE 05/09/16 CLIENT PROJECT NO. - TITLE LANDSCAPE NOTES & DETAILS SHEET L1.12 FARIBAULT PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION Monday, June 6, 2016 City Hall-Council Chambers Following regular 7:00 pm meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. REQUESTS TO BE HEARD A. None 3. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION A. Wanberg – Comprehensive Plan update – Technical Advisory Committees meeting that was held on May 23rd at South Central College Event Center B. Commission Member Vacancy C. City Attorney Memo Dated June 3, 2016 Re. Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) 4. ROUTINE BUSINESS A. Update on City Council Action B. EDA Update B. Next Meeting – Monday, June 20, 2016 5. ADJOURN