July/August 2012 - Gilbertsville


July/August 2012 - Gilbertsville
July/August 2012
MISSION STATEMENT: The Gilbertsville-Mt. Upton School District is committed to an educational environment that assures equitable opportunity for individuals to become
College and Career Ready and ultimately, responsible, productive members of society. We will encourage individual excellence in students of all ages that they may gain a lifetime
enthusiasm for work and learning
Superintendent’s Message
Congratulations to the Class of 2012
who graduated on June 23, 2012. On behalf
of the District I would like to wish all the
graduates the best of luck in their future
endeavors. Whether they have chosen to
further their education, enter the work force
or the military, we hope that they reach their
dreams and future goals.
This edition of our newsletter gives you
the opportunity to view many of our students’ and staffs’ accomplishments as the
month of June was jam-packed with award
ceremonies and celebrations through the
end of the school year. I would also like to
take this time to thank all those who helped
make the award assemblies, year-end concerts, graduation and other celebrations of
student milestones possible.
The District will be busy implementing many of the new State initiatives this
summer. Many of the staff will be involved
in preparing our District for significant
changes in testing, curriculum, school
accountability and teacher/leader effectiveness. The goal will be to prepare our
students for the future and to be college
and career ready.
Have a great summer and we’ll see you
in the fall!
—Glenn Hamilton, Superintendent
Raiders Safety Patrol Visit
Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia
On May 12th, 33 6th graders traveled
to Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia
with 350 Safety Patrol members from
12 area schools for a 4-day and 3-night
visit. In Washington, D.C. they visited
the U.S. Capitol, U.S. Botanic Garden,
Smithsonian Air and Space Museum
and the Smithsonian Museum of Natural
History. They saw the Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Marine Corps
Memorial, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial and the new Martin Luther
King, Jr. Memorial. Students checked out the Declaration of Independence
and the U.S. Constitution at the National Archives.
The 6th graders attempted to fly their own jet fighter on the Smithsonian
Air and Space Museum Interactive Flight Simulators. Please don’t let 6th graders fly your plane; they have only mastered barrel-rolling and crashing right
now. They also took a ride on the Smithsonian Carousel on the National Mall.
At Arlington National Cemetery they watched the changing of the Guard
at the Tomb of the Unknown and paid our respect to John F. Kennedy and
Robert Kennedy. They also toured the Arlington House—home of General
Robert E. Lee. At the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Steven
H. Udvar-Hazy Center—new home of the space shuttle Discovery—they saw
the Enola Gay, an Air France Concorde and the Lockheed Blackbird, also
known as the Stealth Fighter.
In Philadelphia, the students saw Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell.
They explored science at the Franklin Institute and watched an IMAX movie.
At Independence Park Visitor’s Center, they chatted with Benjamin Franklin,
learned the art of quilling and candle-making, and visited with a soldier of
the American Revolution.
Thanks to parents, school staff and community members for their continuing support and contributions to their trip. And a special thanks to the GMU
Booster Club for the t-shirts, Wilkinson’s Salvage in Mt. Upton for their support with the Steel Drive, and Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Monaco for chaperoning.
—Mr. Bakhuizen, Advisor
May 16
Board of Education Highlights
At their regular meeting May 16, the Board heard the
Superintendent and Administration provide the following
Positive Highlights:
• Grades 3-12 performed for the Spring Instrumental Concert. It was well attended.
• The Movie Night to see RANGO was well attended.
• Prom went well.
• The SADD After-Prom Party was well attended. Thank
you to everyone who helped make it a success.
• The Elementary had their Sweet Melodies, which is a
performance for parents to help prepare them for the
NYSSMA performance.
• The Elementary Student Council sponsored a Ziti Dinner
prior to the Tardy Brothers performance, which was
open to the public and had approximately 350 people in
• The Elementary had their Opening Ceremonies for the
Summer Olympics.
• Elementary, Middle and High School music students had
their NYSSMA performances on May 11-12.
• The week of May 7 we celebrated Teacher Appreciation.
• The week of May 14 we celebrated Transportation and
Cafeteria Appreciation Week.
• The SADD chicken barbeque was a success.
• Grades 6-12 attended a movie called The Bully.
• Heard the District Clerk report the results of the election held
at the May 15, 2012 Annual District Meeting as follows:
Proposition #1
Shall the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the
Gilbertsville-Mount Upton Central School District
be authorized to spend $8,757,180.00 in the 20122013 fiscal year for education programs of the
Gilbertsville-Mount Upton Central School District,
and to levy the necessary tax?
137 YES Votes, 58 NO Votes
The PROPOSITION was approved.
Proposition #2
Shall the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the
Gilbertsville-Mount Upton Central School District
is hereby authorized to establish a capital reserve
fund pursuant to Section 3651 of the Education Law
to be designated “Vehicle and Equipment Reserve
Fund” in order to pay costs of the purchase of the
school transportation vehicles and maintenance
equipment, and, in order to accomplish the same,
said Board is hereby authorized to establish the
ultimate amount of such Reserve Fund not to exceed
$500,000, plus accrued interest and other invest-
ment earnings thereon, with a probable term of ten
years and, to appropriate annually from available
fund balance and/or other legally available funds
of the School District to such Reserve Fund.
143 YES Votes, 52 NO Votes
The PROPOSITION was approved.
Proposition #3
Shall the following resolution be adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the
Gilbertsville-Mount Upton Central School District
is hereby authorized to upgrade the current fluorescent lighting in the original portion of the building.
This will improve energy efficiency and replace the
current T-12 lighting that will become obsolete in
the near future. This will be classified as a small
capital project that cannot exceed $100,000 by state
education regulation and that Capital Reserve Fund
monies shall be used to pay the cost thereof. It will
have no effect on the tax levy.
160 YES Votes, 35 NO Votes
The PROPOSITION was approved.
Election of Two Board Members to the Board
of Education
The result of the election was as follows:
Katherine Schmidt 166 votes
Larry Smith 169 votes
Winning candidates Schmidt and Smith were elected
to three-year terms on the Board of Education to
commence July 1, 2012.
Approved Special Education recommendations.
Received financial reports for April 2012.
Heard a Grievance Hearing Decision.
Approved the 2011-2012 Internal Audit and Corrective
Action Plan.
Approved a Transportation Request for the GuilfordMt. Upton Summer Program.
Approved a Transportation Contract with DCMO BOCES.
Set date for our Annual Re-Organizational Meeting to
be held on July 10, 2012.
The Board discussed the July 2012 board meeting and
the vacated board seat.
Met in executive session to discuss GMUTA Negotiations.
The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
June 5
• At their regular meeting June 5, the Board heard the
Superintendent, Administration and Members provide
the following Positive Highlights:
• The Board acknowledged a thank you note from
Bert Spathelf.
• The Movie Night was well attended.
• Closing Olympic Ceremonies for grades PK-5 is June 15.
Continued on next page
BOE Highlights, cont.
• Everyone who participated in the 4-12 Choral Concert
did a great job.
• The Veteran’s Breakfast sponsored by the National Junior
Honor Society went well.
• Participants in the Memorial Day Parade did an excellent
job. Congratulations to Nathan Beach who received his
Eagle Scout.
• GMU did very well in the Pageant of the Bands.
• Thank you to all of those who attended the Spring Sports
Awards Ceremony. Congratulations to the Girls’ Varsity
Softball Team and the Girls’ Varsity Track Team for
making scholar athlete teams.
• Congratulations to Eddie Ray Cotton and Christina
Hawkins for making it to States for track. Eddie will be
running the 200 meter and Christina will be throwing
the discus. Good luck to both of them.
• Upcoming dates:
June 6—High School Awards Assembly
June 8—Final High School Dance
June 11—Middle School Awards
• Approved Special Education recommendations.
• Approved Year End Fund Balance Transfers and Reserve
Fund Withdrawals for 2011-2012.
• Approved DCMO BOCES Cooperative Purchasing
• Appointed a full-time Food Service Helper and Boys’
Varsity Basketball Coach.
• Approved an Elementary Mathematics textbook.
• The Board discussed a 1st Reading BP 1311—District
Mission, District Vision, District Operating Principles
and vacated board seat.
• The Board convened in executive session to discuss
GMUTA Negotiations.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
250 people were in attendance.
• Congratulations to students who participated in Youth
Softball on a successful season.
• Upcoming dates: PK Moving Up—June 20, K-5 Moving
Up—June 21, Graduation—June 23.
• CSE/CPSE Recommendations were accepted.
• Financial reports for May 2012, bread bid and milk bid
were accepted.
• Appointed a part-time food service helper and student
summer workers.
• Approved a maintenance substitute.
• Approved two summer school staff.
• Appointed fall coaches for the 2012-2013 school year.
• Approved a cross-country merger.
• Revised and approved the Code of Conduct.
• Revised/approved the following policies: Dignity For
All Students Act Policy, Non-Discrimination and AntiHarassment Policy, Suspension Policy, Terms and Conditions for Use of Internet Policy and District Mission,
District Vision, Operating Principles Policy.
• Approved a Bully Prevention Plan.
• Appointed a Board Member to fill a one year term.
• The Board discussed the following topics:
2nd Reading BP 1311—District Mission, District
Vision, District Operating Principles.
Vacated Board Seat.
Meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
June 19
We are collecting the following:
Save Your GARBAGE—$$WOW$$
The GMU GreenTeam is still collecting items to generate
$$$$ for future environmental projects that will be beneficial for our students. Please continue to save the items listed
below throughout the summer months. If you feel yourself
being overwhelmed by the items you collect during July
and August, please stop by the school and drop them off.
At their regular meeting June 19, the Board heard the
Superintendent and Administration provide the following
Positive Highlights:
• Congratulations to Eddie Ray Cotton for placing 9th
overall at states for the 200 meter and to Christina
Hawkins for placing 6th overall in the discus.
• Students in grades 3-5 participated in a Binghamton
Mets game on June 14.
• The Elementary closing Olympic Ceremonies took place
on June 15. A special thanks to Chobani for donating
yogurt to our closing reception.
• The Senior Trip went well.
• The Middle School (gr. 6-8) took a trip to Great Escape,
Lake George. All went well.
• Our Middle School and High School Awards Ceremonies
were well attended.
• Regents week has started. Everything has gone smoothly.
• Habitat for Humanity sponsored a 5K Run/Walk. Over
• Juice Pouches—all brands (like Capri Sun). Remove the
straw and store them in a ziploc bag in your freezer until
you are ready to send them to school. This will keep them
from leaking and avoid odors. Give these to Ms. Dibbell
in the cafeteria. (Please—no juice boxes)
• Chip Bags—Any brand! Any size! Give to Ms. Dibbell.
• Dairy Tubs—All cream cheese tubs, all sour cream tubs,
all cheese/cottage cheese tubs, pudding cups, all yogurt
tubs/cups, all butter/spread tubs, any other dairy product
tub, foil tops, plastic tub tops/lids, any other type of packaging on all dairy tubs. Any brand! Please rinse/wash
clean before sending. They will be placed in temporary
storage. Give to Ms. Zehr or Ms. Cole. (Please—no milk
jugs or cartons)
GMU totals sent to TerraCycle thus far (cumulative earnings = $230). Drink Pouches= 6,054, Chip Bags= 6,200, Dairy
Thank you for your continued support!
Memo from the Health Office
News from the Health Office
The following is important information on bike helmet fit
from the Bassett Healthcare Network in their Healthy Decisions
Newsletter, Spring 2012:
Please keep this information handy for the start of
the new school year:
If your child must receive medication during the
school day, please follow the procedure below which
fulfills NYS Education requirements:
Must have a written order signed by a doctor with
the following information:
• Name of child
• Name of medication, dosage and time to be taken
• Reason for medication
• Side effect of medication
• Length of time medication is to be taken
• Medication must be in a current prescription bottle.
• Parent/Guardian must deliver medication directly
to school Health Office. Students may not bring it
in themselves.
• Parent/Guardian signs written permission for medication to be given.
• Medication will be destroyed seven days after final
dose is given.
These requirements include all over-the-counter
medications as well, including cough drops. These must
be in the manufacturer’s container/package as well,
with the student’s name affixed to the container/
Thank you for your assistance with these directions.
—Carol Angelone, RN, School Nurse
Is that Helmet on Right?
As the weather heats up, adults become just as eager as children to pump up the bike tires and hit the road. A bike helmet
that properly fits is important for all bikers, regardless of age.
“A properly fitting helmet can reduce a biker’s risk for head
injury by up to 85%,” says Coleen Vesely, R.N., B.S.N., Trauma
and Stroke Program coordinator for Bassett Healthcare Network.
“Look for a helmet with the U.S. Commission (CPSC) sticker
inside, and make sure the helmet fits and your child knows how
to put it on correctly.”
Follow these easy steps to ensure a proper fit
• The helmet should be level on the head, so that the front of
the helmet rests two fingers above the eyebrows.
• Straps should fasten under the chin so that the “Y” of the
side straps is on either side of the ears. Straps should be tight
enough so that the helmet cannot rock back to front or side
to side.
• The chin strap should fit comfortably and securely under the
chin. If the strap is uncomfortable and cuts into the chin, it’s
too tight and should be loosened slightly.
• Replace the helmet after an accident where the rider’s head
hits something.
Right Helmet, Right Sport
It is important to wear the right helmet for the right sport,
as opposed to wearing a lacrosse helmet while biking, for
example. Otherwise, the head is not properly protected.
The CPSC considers how the helmet protects the head based on
the type of impact the person may receive while participating
in a particular sport.
Just as essential as wearing a bike helmet is wearing it every
time you bike, regardless of the distance you plan to travel. Even
on a short ride in the back yard, you can fall and hit your head.
Parents Must Set a Good Example
“Many parents aren’t even aware that it is New York State
law that children wear helmets not just for riding, but for all
wheeled sports, including scooters and in-line skates,” Vesely
says. “But regardless of the law, adults should set a good example
for children and wear their bike helmets each time they get on
their bike.”
Many New York counties participate in the Safe Kids program, which offers free or low-cost helmets and helps ensure
that your child’s helmet fits properly. Call 607-547-4812
to learn more or email Coleen.Vesely@bassett.org.
Also, it is important to remember, anyone with a head injury
showing some signs of a concussion (dizziness, headache,
nausea, vomiting, confusion, dazed) should always be checked
by a doctor.
—Carol Angelone, RN, School Nurse
Boys’ and Girls’ Varsity Soccer
Begins August 13
Girls’ Start Time—7:00 a.m.
Boys’ Start Time—8:00 a.m.
Please note: there will be only one practice a day.
(Girls: Please bring both cleats and sneakers)
Middle/High School News
PE Sneaker/Attire Requirements
Elementary School
Congratulations to the Class of 2012! I wish them much
success and happiness in all that they choose to do in life!
They will be missed!
This year got off to a difficult start for all with the flood
on the first day of school. We returned to school three days
later on the following Monday, and quickly began working
to meet our goal of having each student college and career
ready upon graduation. I am thankful to the teachers for
their hard work in learning about the new initiatives in the
New York State Educational Reform Agenda.
As Principal, it was exciting to gain the 6th grade into
the Middle School this year. There were many adjustments
that needed to be made by students, parents and staff and
overall it was a successful year for 6th grade. We will be
hosting an orientation for all incoming 6th grade students
in July. Orientation gives students the opportunity to get
to know their teachers and each other better, review some
basic rules, follow their schedules, and try their locker
combinations. I am looking forward to meeting each and
every one of our new 6th grade students.
I am planning to have student schedules mailed home
on or before August 17 so that students have time before
school begins to review their schedules and make changes
if necessary. Have a restful and safe summer! I will be here
throughout the summer preparing for September, so please
do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
—Annette Hammond, 6-12 Principal
As the new school year approaches, we would like to give
a helpful reminder to parents and guardians that appropriate
footwear/clothing is required for Physical Education class.
For safety reasons, please avoid purchasing heelies, slip-ons
that do not cover the top of the foot, platform or the new style
of walking sneakers that have a curved / rounded bottom.
These examples are not appropriate for the activities we
do in PE, and may result in serious injuries or cause future
damage to your child’s feet. Students must have properly
laced or Velcro sneakers; the fashion trend of loosely tied
and tucked under laces on sneakers is not only dangerous but
not allowed. The heel of your foot should not be coming out
the back of your sneaker when walking or running. Keep in
mind that sneakers should be laced in such a way that they
can easily be tightened if needed. Sneakers that are heavily
padded at the back of the heel and on top where the laces are
make it impossible to tie appropriately. We also appreciate
you taking the time to teach your son or daughter how to tie
their own sneakers. Valuable PE time is wasted when activities have to be stopped for teachers to tie sneakers. Please
check your child’s schedule and help them make appropriate
clothing choices on PE days. Comfortable pants/shorts and
a loose fitting top will help the students move with ease and
although dresses are comfortable, they are not suitable for
most of the activities we are doing. Low cut or high waist
tops are not permitted. Thank you for your support and we
look forward to seeing your child next school year.
—Ms. Zehr and Ms. Cole
Middle/High School
While preparing for the new school year, class lists
include paper, pens and pencils to help students be prepared
for their classes. Please take into consideration the necessary items for Physical Education class as well.
Starting in middle school (7th grade), students are
required to change their clothes for PE class. This is for
personal hygiene reasons. Students need to have a different
top and bottom for class. T-shirts and workout shorts are
preferred. Sweatpants and sweatshirts are also acceptable
for those cool days outside. Footwear is also quite important.
Sneakers need to have good treads, fit well, be supportive,
and be able to tie to secure the shoe to the foot. If it doesn’t
fit, it creates a safety issue. Please stay away from the fitness walkers and skater sneakers as they don’t fit, provide
support or are tied by students. Socks are also required.
In addition to proper clothing and footwear, personal
hygiene items like deodorant, a towel and brush or comb
are also acceptable. Please note however, no glass bottles
or aerosol bottles will be allowed in the locker room.
Pump and plastic are acceptable.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Estabrook.
Thanks and have a great summer!
—Ms. Estabrook
On May 16, the Middle and
High Schools were given the
opportunity to see a private showing of the movie Bully at the AMC
Theaters in Vestal. This opportunity was part of a grant program
from Donors Choose, a website
that allows individuals to donate
money to classroom projects.
Bully focuses on the stories of
several children and families that
have been affected by bullying in
schools and communities. Many students expressed that
this was an eye-opening experience for them. The ability
to see the impact of bullying in other places made them
analyze their own behaviors and experiences. You can visit
www.thebullyproject.com for more information on Bully.
For more information on Donors Choose, you can go to
—Rick Mohrien
Fair Exchange Update
June Honor/Merit Roll
I n t he May Newslet t e r t wo d r a ma club ca st
members were regretfully omitted. Thank you and
congratulations to Skyla Moyer who played Janice,
Mrs. Alebran’s secretary, and Cameron Earl, back stage
and ensemble.
—Winnie Sortman
Honor Roll
Devon Gehricke
Zachary Grabo
Sawyer Hinman
Vanessa Nelson
Sam Piedmonte
Garrett Proskine
Raymond Tavian
Naamah Romano
Sadra Smith
Shalleigh Taranto
Skye Wildfeir
Corey Wilson
Zara Zeidman
Technology Department Update
The Furniture Design Class and several Independent Study
students spent the year building various pieces of furniture in
Technlogy. The furniture that was designed and built included
two gun cabinets, six end tables, a buffet table, a butcher block
table and three coffee tables.
Students included Galen Wind, Phil Shaffer, Whitney
Gilbert, Cameron Earl, Mathew Utter, Jarrett Girardi,
Courtney Williams, Tyler Pope, Keegan McCumber
and Dakota Cook. Some of the furniture is shown below.
A special thank you to Mr. Duane Jacobs for donating his
time and expertise as a volunteer in the class.
—Mr. Held
Merit Roll
Zachary Carpenter
Ethan Charron
Nina D’Amato,
Joseph Feege,
Ethan Newman
Mara Nolan
Chelsea Pope
Brandon Seward
Bernard Volpi
Alyssa Zaczek
Year End Awards
Achievement Award—Honor or Merit all Four Quarters
Zachary Carpenter
Devon Gehricke
Sawyer Hinman
Tavian Raymond
Sadra Smith
Skye Wildfeir
Sam Piedmonte
Vanessa Nelson
Garrett Proskine
Shalleigh Taranto
Corey Wilson,
Zara Zeidman
Joseph Feege
Zachary Grabo
Ethan Newman
Naamah Romano
Bernard Volpi
Alyssa Zaczek
Principal Award—all A’s all Four Quarters
Vanessa Nelson
Butternut Valley Grange Citizenship Award
Emily Hammond
Theodore Sharkey
Thomas Mealey
Hunter Christian
Healthy and Physically Fit Active Leadership Awards
Ethan Newman
Sadra Smith
Terry Christian Memorial Award
Ian LaBar
Shalleigh Taranto
Daughters of the American Revolution Award
Zara Zeidman
Joseph Goodrich Awards
Silas Moyer
Naamah Romano
High School Awards
Outstanding Achievement—Studio Art
Mariah Bliss
Victoria Hawkins
Brianne MacPherson
Yodai Tanaka
High Achievement—3D Art
Dalton Theodore
Gavin Loitsch
High Achievement—Drawing and Painting
Megan Winchester
High Achievement—Senior Theme
Tammy Lawrence
High Achievement—Photography
Jenny Wilkinson
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award for Highest Average in
Tayler Nichols
Neyen Romano
Mackenzie Burnside
Senior Literature
Kayla Zinn
I Love to Read
Kayla Zinn
Pre-College Reading and Writing
Katlyn Meers
Public Speaking
Katlyn Meers
Creative Writing
Megan Winchester
Jensen Wiltsie
Advanced Placement English Award
Alicia Sebeck
Travis Taylor
Mock Trial Awards
Jennifer Mason
Lauren Hill
Whitney Gilbert
Gavin Loitsch
Victoria Hawkins
Sabrina Brooks
Mackenzie Burnside
Kali Murphy
Neyen Romano
Jenna Bakhuizen
Tayler Nichols
Autumn Butler
Nichole Savarese
Outstanding Performance—Spanish II
Tayler Nichols
Nicholas Weidman
Outstanding Participation—Spanish III
Mariah Seward
Ashlyn Farrell
Outstanding Achievement—Algebra 2 & Trigonometry
Neyen Romano
Marissa Mehlrose
Mariah Bliss
Outstanding Achievement—Calculus
Victoria Hutzley
Mackenzie Burnside
Outstanding Achievement—Statistics
Mikaela Mehlrose
Calculus Completion Awards
Mackenzie Burnside
Whitney Gilbert
Lauren Hill
Victoria Hutzley
Gavin Loitsch
Jennifer Mason
Megan Winchester
Statistics Completion Awards
Mikaela Mehlrose
Travis Taylor
Blake Stensland
Logan Eltz
Alicia Sebeck
Outstanding Achievement—Geometry
Tayler Nichols
Outstanding Achievement—Math & Financial
Mackenzie Burnside
Outstanding Achievement—Algebra
Levi Stebbins
Outstanding Participation in Global History
Joshua Green
Lucas Seneck
Tayler Nichols
Darby Champion
Discussion in Genocide
Lauren Hill
Outstanding Participation—U.S. History & Government
Rian West
Jennifer Mason
Outstanding Participation—Economics
Jenny Wilkinson
Outstanding Participation—Government
Gregory Delaney
Outstanding Participation—U.S. History Through
Culture & Music
Travis Taylor
Continued on next page
Area All-State Concert Band
Mariah Bliss
Alicia Sebeck
Neyen Romano
Area All-State Chorus
Tammy Lawrence
NYSSMA Solo Festival (Instrumental)
Mariah Bliss—V AMaggie Clune—III Outstanding
Victoria Hawkins—Festival
Marissa Mehlrose—VI ANeyen Romano—VI A+
Kacey Strong—III Excellent
Tiffany Sullivan—III Good
NYSSMA Solo Festival (Vocal)
Jennifer Mason—VI B
Marissa Mehlrose—V B+
Victoria Hawkins—VI AJenna Bakhuizen—IV Excellent
Drum Majors
Miranda Hill
Alicia Sebeck
Outstanding Performance in Musical—Lead Role
Tammy Lawrence
Victoria Hawkins
Outstanding Performance in Musical—Supporting Role
Rian West
Jennifer Mason
Outstanding Performance in Musical—Ensemble
Kayla Zinn
Outstanding Performance—Drama Lead Role
Kayla Zinn
Sabrina Brooks
Outstanding Performance—Drama Supporting Role
Darby Champion
Glimmerglass Opera Young Artist Award
Victoria Hawkins
Outstanding Band Members
Gregory Delaney
Demario Reed
Alicia Sebeck
Outstanding Choir Members
Victoria Hawkins
Jenna Bakhuizen
Blake Stensland
Yodai Tanaka
Rian West
Musician of the Year
Rian West
Tyler Costello Memorial Music Award
Neyen Romano
Jennifer Mason
Continued on next page
High School Awards, cont.
Outstanding Participation—AP US Politics &
Katlyn Meers
Outstanding Achievement—Earth Science
Marissa Mehlrose
Outstanding Achievement—Environmental Science
Courtney Williams
Outstanding Achievement—Living Environment
Nicholas Weidman
Outstanding Participation—Chemistry
Neyen Romano
Mackenzie Burnside
Jennifer Mason
Mikaela Mehlrose
Whitney Gilbert
Outstanding Participation—Physics
Katlyn Meers
Outstanding Achievement—CADD Architecture
Whitney Gilbert
Outstanding Achievement—CADD Technology
Dalton Theodore
Outstanding Achievement—Technology
Trevor Duncan
Excellence in Technology
Galen Wind
Excellence in Furniture Design
Tyler Pope
Excellence in Wood Working & Furniture Design
Mathew Utter
Outstanding Consistent Performance
Tayler Nichols
Austin Burnside
Lucas Seneck
Lauren Hill
Whitney Gilbert
David Laman
Otsego All-County Concert Band
Sarah Baker
Mariah Bliss
Victoria Hawkins
Marissa Mehlrose
Skyla Moyer
Neyen Romano
Alicia Sebeck
Travis Taylor
Jenna Bakhuizen
Maggie Clune
Tiffany Sullivan
Otsego All-County Chorus
Victoria Hawkins
Kayla Zinn
Jenna Bakhuizen
High School Awards, cont.
Honor Society Awards
Shay Christian
Sarah Baker
Mikaela Mehlrose
Jensen Wiltsie
Honor Roll
12th Grade
Sabrina Brooks
Elizabeth Champion
Gregory Delaney
Shelby Hartwell
Miranda Hill
Tammy Lawrence
Kali Murphy
11th Grade
Angela Beers
Eddie-Ray Cotton
Jonathon Davis
Nichole Savarese
Emily Steckline
Hannah Strenck
10th Grade
Austin Burnside
Ashlyn Farrell
Keegan McCumber
Brianna Nober
Levi Stebbins
9th Grade
Darby Champion
Maggie Clune
Larissa Eccleston
Nathan Fuller
Hannah Gross
James Mealey
Joseph Nolan
Nathan Winans
High Honor Roll
12th Grade
Clayton Burnside
Brittany Lindenthaler
Katlyn Meers
Demario Reed
Alicia Sebeck
Blake Stensland
Dalton Theodore
Jenny Wilkinson
Courtney Williams
Jensen Wiltsie
Megan Winchester
Kayla Zinn
11th Grade
Mariah Bliss
Mackenzie Burnside
Whitney Gilbert
Victoria Hawkins
Lauren Hill
Victoria Hutzley
Gavin Loitsch
Jennifer Mason
Mikaela Mehlrose
Dillan Osborne
Yodai Tanaka
Rian West
10th Grade
Sarah Baker
Michael Lewis
Marissa Mehlrose
Skyla Moyer
Neyen Romano
Lucas Seneck
Jesse Theodore
9th Grade
Jenna Bakhuizen
Autumn Butler
Shay Christian
Meghan Meers
Tayler Nichols
Nicholas Weidman
Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Award
Delegate: Marissa Mehlrose
Alternate: Neyen Romano
Boy’s State Representative
Delegate: Dillan Osborne
Girl’s State Representative
Delegate: Jennifer Mason
Alternate: Whitney Gilbert
University of Rochester Frederick Douglass & Susan B.
Anthony Humanities in Social Sciences Award
Jennifer Mason
Bausch and Lomb Science Award
Victoria Hutzley
Butternut Valley Grange Award
Rian West
Brianna Nober
Guilford Historical Society Award
Gregory Delaney
Liberty Bell Award
Katlyn Meers
National Association of Secondary School Principal’s
Leadership Award
Meghan Meers
Lucas Seneck
Jennifer Mason
Codi Mabie
Continued on next page
High School Awards, cont.
Senior Switch Day
National Association of Secondary School Principal’s
Citizenship Award
Mackenzie Cabrinety
Jesse Theodore
Mikaela Mehlrose
Nate Beach
Presidents Education Award for Outstanding Academic
Achievement—Silver Certificate
Justin Whitehill
Michael Lewis
Emily Steckline
Mathew Utter
Presidents Education Award for Outstanding Academic
Excellence—Gold Certificate
Tayler Nichols
Marissa Mehlrose
Mackenzie Burnside
Katlyn Meers
GMU Booster Club Athletic Award
Gregory Delaney
GMU Booster Club Expressive Arts Award
Demario Reed
RIT Computing Medal
Whitney Gilbert
RIT Innovation and Creativity Award
Mackenzie Burnside
University of Rochester George Eastman Young
Leaders Award
Lauren Hill
Xerox Award for I nnovat ion and I nfor mat ion
Mikaela Mehlrose
Wells College—21st Century Leadership Award
Lauren Hill
N YS Comptroller Achievement Award
Alicia Sebeck
New York State Attorney General’s “Triple C Award”
Brittany Lindenthaler
Lauren Hill
Deborah Barnes Award
Clayton Burnside
Clarkson Leadership Award
Jennifer Mason
Clarkson Achievement Award
Victoria Hutzley
Rensselaer Math and Science Award
Mackenzie Burnside
Senior Switch Day was held on May 22 at GMU.
This tradition has been a way for the High School Student Council and the seniors to say thanks to our staff.
We usually try to hold it during Teacher/Staff Appreciation
Week, but with all of the events held in May, we held it a
bit later. Please enjoy the photos included as we wish our
graduates well!
—Mrs. Delaney and HS Student Council
1- Miranda Hill as Mrs. Delaney, 2- Megan Winchester
as Mrs. Cabrinety, 3- Nate Beach as Mr. Mohrien, 4Sabrina Brooks and Maranda Conrade as Mrs. Krupp,
5- Sarah Wildfeir as Mr. Johnson, 6- Tammy Lawrence
as Mr. Luettger, 7- Travis Taylor as Mr. Oram, 8- Jared
Moyer as Mr. Connell, 9- Kayla Zinn as Mrs. Monaco,
10- Kristen Barnes as Mr. Zietz, 11- Lizzy Champion as
Mrs. Costello, 12- Logan Eltz and Alicia Sebeck as Miss
Cole, 13- Matt Utter as Mr. Held, 14- Dalton Theodore
as Mrs. Waghorn-Muller, 15- DeMario Reed as
Mrs. Hammond, 16- Greg Delaney as Mr. Hamilton, 17Jenny Wilkinson as Miss Haskins, 18- Blake Stensland
as Mrs. Sakoulas, 19- Codi Mabie as Maintenance Staff
Graduation 2012
Elizabeth Mareance Champion
NYS Education Department Academic Excellence Award
GMU Teacher’s Association Scholarship
Elizabeth will be attending Mercy College and will be
majoring in Criminal Justice and Psychology.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Kayla Christine Zinn
Kayla will be attending SUNY ESF and will be majoring
in Conservation Biology and Wildlife Science.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Morris Rotary Scholarship
Miranda Rae Hill
Miranda will be attending SUNY Cobleskill and will be
majoring in Animal Science.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Student Council Award
Carolee’s Run Scholarship
Jensen Rose Wiltsie
Jensen will be attending Western Kentucky University
and will be majoring in Nursing.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Gordon Hughes Scholarship
Blake Cecelia Stensland
Blake will be attending Stonehill College and will be
majoring in Psychology.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Stonehill College Dean’s Scholarship
Terrence and Bridget McCusker Memorial Award
Sabrina Mary Brooks
Sabrina will be attending Broome Community College
and will be majoring in Dental Hygiene.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Rumery Art Award
Megan Elizabeth Winchester
Logan Dakota Eltz
Megan will be attending SUNY Morrisville and will be
majoring in Early Childhood Development.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
GMU Alumni Association Scholarship
Mt. Upton Class of 1964 Scholarship
Matt O’Hara Good Citizen Memorial Scholarship
Logan will be attending Tompkins Cortland Community
College and will be majoring in General Studies.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Gilbertsville Fire Department Scholarship
Austin Michael Beardslee
Katlyn Emilie Meers —Valedictorian
Austin is pursuing various fields of interest and plans to
seek employment after graduation.
Katlyn will be attending Penn State University and will
be majoring in Veterinarian Studies.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
NYS Department of Education Academic Excellence
GMU Alumni Association Scholarship
Board of Education English Award
Board of Education Mathematics Award
Board of Education Social Studies Award
Board of Education Science Award
Board of Education Music and Performing Arts Award
Raymond Seaman Math and Science Award
Raymond Seaman Advanced Biology Award
Alice V. Poole Memorial Award
Acco Brands (Meade WestVaco) Scholarship
Kali Ann Murphy
Kali will be attending St. John Fisher College and will
be majoring in Pre-Med Studies.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
St. John Fisher First Generation Scholarship
Class of 2003 Scholarship
Codi Daniel Mabie
Codi is exploring various fields of interest and plans to
seek employment after graduation.
Recipient of:
Arnold E. Slade Memorial Award
Tamarah Cheryl Lawrence
Tammy will be attending Broome Community College
and will be majoring in Theatre.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Leatherstocking Brush and Palette Club Award
Board of Education Art Award
Angie Haynes Art Award
Alicia Nicole Sebeck —Salutatorian
Alicia will be attending Lycoming College and will be
majoring in Ecology.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Lycoming Trustees Scholarship
GMU Alumni Scholarship
Reeve Curtis—Mt. Upton Lions Club Scholarship
Sarah Elizabeth Wildfeir
Sarah will be attending Mohawk Valley Community
Continued on next page
Graduation 2012, cont.
College and will be majoring in Biology.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Larry Pearsall Memorial Scholarship
Lucy Funk Scholarship
Tyler Costello Memorial Music Scholarship
Shelby Marie Hartwell
Shelby will be attending Mohawk Valley Community
College and will be majoring in Nursing.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
GMU Alumni Association Scholarship
Gregory Thomas Delaney
Gregory will be attending Broome Community College and will be majoring in Business Administration and
Marketing and Sales.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Community Bank Scholarship
American Legion Memorial Award
GMU Alumni Association Scholarship
Angie Haynes Music Award
Mathew Wayne Utter
Mathew is pursuing various fields of interest and plans
to seek employment after graduation.
Brittany Rae Lindenthaler
Brittany will be attending Tompkins Cortland Community College and will be majoring in Paralegal Studies.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Gilbert Fuel Award
Travis Jay Taylor
Travis will be attending SUNY Oswego and will be
majoring in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
and Robotics.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Thomas and Anne McGovern Keene Memorial Award
Patrick F. Keane Memorial Award
CSEA Local #1000, Unit #839 Scholarship
Kristen Eileen Barnes
Kristen will be attending Mohawk Valley Community
College and will be majoring in Physical Education.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Courtney Emma Williams
Courtney will be attending SUNY Cobleskill and will
be majoring in Equine Studies.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Larry Pearsall Memorial Scholarship
Dalton Dean Theodore
Dalton will be attending Broome Community College
and will be majoring in Engineering.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Douglas B. Willies Leadership Excellence Scholarship
Dorothy Chynoweth Eagle Scout Award
Rumery Art Award
Jared Ashwin Moyer
Jared will be attending Pace University and will be
majoring in History Education.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Jenny Sue Wilkinson
Jenny has joined the United States Navy and will pursue
a career in the field of Welding and Construction.
Kodye William Brown
Kodye is pursuing various fields of interest and plans to
seek employment after graduation.
Recipient of:
DCMO Boces Academic Achievement Award
Maranda Elizabeth Conrade
Maranda will be attending Genesee Community College
and will be majoring in Fashion Merchandising.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Cody Gene Wiswell
Cody is pursuing various fields of interest and plans to
seek employment after graduation.
Nathan Raymond Beach
Nathan will be attending Adirondack Community College and will be majoring in Forestry and Conservation.
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
DAR Good Citizen Award
Dorothy Chynoweth Eagle Scout Award
NYS Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association Scholarship
Samantha Noel Ceparano
Samantha is pursuing various fields of interest and plans
to seek employment after graduation.
Elizabeth Ashley Smith
Elizabeth is pursuing various fields of interest and plans
on seeking employment after graduation.
Clayton Dakota Burnside
Clayton is pursuing various fields of interest and plans
to seek employment after graduation.
Recipient of:
Christopher Fuller Memorial Scholarship
Demario Derrick Reed
Demario will be attending SUNY Potsdam and will be
majoring in Liberal Arts
Recipient of:
Marie Stokes Gilbert Award
Middle School Awards Recipient List
High Achievement in Art
6th Grade Mathew Antao
Elizabeth French
Meredith Hammond
Rachel Lyons
Scarlett Newman
Jenna Nolan
Michael O’Connor
Madison Owens
Lucas Piedmonte
Haley Williams
Marena Zaczek
Ethan Butts
Jessica Conklin
Delaney Coughlin
Vasiliki Drapaniotis
Bryant Hill
Karli Hinman
Michael Pope
Mallory Robinson
7th Grade Daniel Backman
Anna Hunter
8th Grade Michelle Primrose
Elaina Palada
Media Festival Awards
1st Place
Alyssa Hotaling
Haley Williams
2nd Place Lucas Piedmonte
Michael O’Connor
3rd Place
Rachel Lyons
Scarlett Newman
Outstanding Participation in Technology
Daniel Backman
Molly D’Amato
Benjamin O’Connor
Elle MacPherson
Outstanding Achievement in Technology
Dylan McCumber
Otsego All-County Band
Andrew Baker
Nicole Grabo
Elaina Palada
Auttum Hartwell
Lucas Piedmonte
Michael Pope
Mickenson Clune
Otsego All-County Chorus
Molly D’Amato
Felicia Musson
Elaina Palada
Makayla Lewis
Madison Owens
NYSSMA Solo Festival—Instrumental
Mathew Antao—II Excellent
Daniel Backman—III Good
Andrew Baker—III Outstanding
Savana Conrade—II Excellent
Delaney Coughlin—I Good
Shawn Doherty—II Excellent
Vasiliki Drapaniotis—III Excellent
Jocelyn Duncan—Festival
Elizabeth French—II Excellent
Nicole Grabo—III Excellent
Meredith Hammond—II Excellent
Auttum Hartwell—III Excellent
Rachel Lyons—Festival
Elle MacPherson—IV Excellent
Camden McKown—II Excellent
Scarlett Newman—I Festival
Michael O’Connor—Outstanding
Madison Owens—II Excellent
Elaina Palada—V A+
Lucas Piedmonte—I Excellent
Michael Pope—II Excellent
Marena Zaczek—II Excellent
NYSSMA Solo Festival—Vocal
Savana Conrade—I Good
Jennifer Davis—I Good
Molly D’Amato—II Excellent
Nicole Grabo—I Excellent
Auttum Hartwell—II Excellent
Anna Hunter—II Good
Makayla Lewis—I Excellent
Rachel Lyons—I Good
Elle MacPherson—4 Excellent
Felicia Musson—III Excellent
Elaina Palada—IV Outstanding
Most Improved Band Members
Cecilia Caietta
Madison Owens
Outstanding Band Members
Andrew Baker
Michael O’Connor
Outstanding Choir Members
Auttum Hartwell
Felicia Musson
Michael O’Connor
Elle MacPherson
Elaina Palada
Lexis Coughlin
William Schwartz
Outstanding Performance in Musical—Supporting Role
Brandon Barrows
Outstanding Performance in Drama—Supporting Role
William Schwartz
Brandon Barrows
Elle MacPherson
Outstanding Performance in Spanish
Spanish IA—Molly D’Amato
Spanish IB—Elaina Palada
Outstanding Performance ELA—Grade 6
Madison Owens
Outstanding Performance—6th Grade Math
Karli Hinman
Mickenson Clune
Highest Average in Math Awards
Grade 7—Nicole Grabo
Grade 8—Katlyne Gad
I Love Math Awards
7th Grade—Tyler Lindsley
8th Grade—Brandon Barrows
Most Improved in Math
Katie Schultes
Outstanding Achievement—Algebra
Elaina Palada
Outstanding Achievement in Science
6th Grade—Meredith Hammond and Makayla Lewis
7th Grade—Molly D’Amato
8th Grade—Elaina Palada
Outstanding Performance in Science
7th Grade—Andy Baker
8th Grade—Jillian Butts
Outstanding Performance in 6th Grade Social Studies
Ethan Butts
Social Studies Innovator of the Year
Brandon Barrows
Social Studies—Citizen of the Year
Elaina Palada
Social Studies—Most Energetic Person
Anna Hunter
Social Studies Respect Award
Andrew Baker
Thomas Edison Most Driven Award
Katlyne Gad
PE and Health Award
Elle MacPherson
Elaina Palada
Gabby Charron
Michael Cardoza
Keep on Pluggin Award
Brittany Lambright
Tyler Lindsley
Angie Welch
NYSAHPERD Healthy & Physically Active—
Leadership Awards
Andrew Baker
Shelby Burnside
Excellence in FCS
7th Grade—Molly D’Amato
8th Grade—Lexus Coughlin
Most Enthusiastic Worker
Rylee D’Addezio
Honor Society Awards
7th Grade—AJ Prostak
8th Grade—Katie Gross
Honor Roll Awards
6th Grade
Ethan Butts
Mickenson Clune
Savana Conrade
Delaney Coughlin
Auttum Hartwell
Bryant Hill
Karli Hinman
Kobe Lambright
Makayla Lewis
Rachel Lyons
Michael Pope
Mallory Robinson
7th Grade
Michael Birdsall
Rylee D’Addezio
Kinzie-May McCumber
Dylan Nichols
8th Grade
Matthew Delaney
Kaitlyn Gross
Morgan Kelly
Matthew Lyons
Courtney Vaccaro
High Honor Roll Awards
6th Grade
Vasiliki Drapaniotis
Elizabeth French
Meredith Hammond
Scarlett Newman
Michael O’Connor
Madison Owens
Lucas Piedmonte
Haley Williams
Marena Zaczek
7th Grade
Continued on next page
Middle School Awards, cont.
Daniel Backman
Andrew Baker
Cecilia Caietta
Michael Cardoza
Liam Champion
Gabrielle Charron
Molly D’Amato
Jocelyn Duncan
Kayla Grabo
Nicole Grabo
Anna Hunter
Felicia Musson
Jade Osterwald
8th Grade
Courtney Baker
Madison Banks
Shelby Burnside
Jillian Butts
Brianna Christian
Lexus Coughlin
Katlyne Gad
Logan Hartwell
Elle MacPherson
Summer Mealey
Elaina Palada
Michelle Primrose
Kelsey Ross
Katherine Schultes
William Schwartz
Colin Wind
Butternut Valley Grange Award
Meredith Hammond
Lucas Piedmonte
National Association of Secondary School Principal’s—
Leadership Award
6th Grade
Vasiliki Drapaniotis
Meredith Hammond
Lucas Piedmonte
7th Grade Molly D’Amato
Andrew Baker
Jocelyn Duncan
8th Grade
Courtney Baker
Brandon Barrows
Summer Mealey
National Association of Secondary School Principal’s—
Citizenship Award
6th Grade
Madison Owens
Bryant Hill
7th Grade
Cecilia Caietta
Daniel Backman
8th Grade
Shelby Burnside
William Schwartz
Presidents Education Award for Outstanding Academic
Achievement—Silver Certificate
6th Grade
Haley Williams
Hunter Lockwood
7th Grade
Rylee D’Addezio
Nicholas Cammer
8th Grade
Katie Gross
Gary Conklin
Presidents Education Award for Outstanding Academic
Excellence—Gold Certificate
6th Grade
Scarlett Newman
Meredith Hammond
Michael O’Connor
7th Grade
Molly D’Amato
Daniel Backman
8th Grade
Elaina Palada
William Schwartz
Annette “Bootz” Bernholtz Award
Meredith Hammond
Michael O’Connor
Marie Stokes Gilbert Awards
Molly D’Amato
Elaina Palada
Cong ll o ur
to a
6-8 Soaring Eagles
Elementary News
Thank you to all the parents and families that attended
our Year End Celebrations! The students did a great job
with their presentations! Thank you to the staff who helped
organize it, to the students who worked hard all year to be
rewarded with the various awards, and again to you, parents
and family members, who supported and encouraged your
child(ren) throughout the year. Congratulations to our PreKindergarten students as well! They had their PK Moving
Up Ceremony on Wednesday, June 20 and the students did
an awesome job!
In your child’s report card you should have received a
supply list and a letter from your child’s teacher. We try to
get these out early so that parents are able to buy supplies
when they are on sale. As you may be looking to purchase
new school clothes, please keep in mind the school’s dress
code—there should be no spaghetti straps, skirts should
be at your finger tips or longer when your arms are at your
sides, any statements on t-shirts should not be offensive to
others, boys’ bottoms should cover their underwear, and
shirts should cover the stomach. Please recognize that these
guidelines go for all PK–12 students. I will also be mailing
out a letter in August to all families with information for
next school year, including information regarding the higher
standards and expectations for all students.
Have you or your child read any good books this
summer? If you answered No or I don’t know, then get to
the library and look for a summer pick! Reading is a great
way to relax—especially with a big bowl of ice cream on
a hot summer day!
Have a child entering PK or kindergarten? Here are just
a few books that could help your child ease into school: Do
You Want to Be My Friend? by Eric Carle, Will I Have a
Friend? by Mariam Cohen, Annabelle Swift, Kindergartner
by Amy Schwartz, Willy Bear by Mildred Kantrowitz.
Have a great rest of the summer!
—Mrs. Karen Volpi, Elementary Principal
On May 31, the Middle School Team held its final Soaring Eagles assembly of the school year. Students were
honored for demonstrating the characteristics of Respect
and Sportsmanship. The following students were chosen
for showing respect: 6th Grade—Bryant Hill, Scarlett
Newman and Haley Williams; 7th Grade—Andrew
Baker, Gabrielle Charron, Felicia Musson and Dustin
Nesbitt; 8th Grade: Brandon Barrows and Shelby Burnside. Students chosen for their sportsmanship included:
6th Grade—Michael O’Connor and Madison Owens; 7th
Grade—Molly D’Amato; 8th Grade—Courtney Baker,
Matt Lyons, Elle MacPherson, Nathaniel O’Hara, Elaina
Palada and Michelle Primrose. Congratulations to all of
the honorees! We hope that all of the middle school students
have an enjoyable, relaxing, and safe summer vacation.
—Mr. Mohrien
KUDOS Awards were presented to some very special
GMU students at Morning Raiders on June 1.
Congratulations to PK—Quinn Covington; Kindergarten—Thomas Breslau and Rylee Lum.
And a special congratulations to Devon Hartwell,
Kindergarten, for knowing 100 reading sight words!
Enjoy Your
3-5 Soaring Eagles
Five students were recognized for May’s Soaring Eagle
of Respect. The students who won the award had to meet
two different criteria:
• Be polite, considerate, and show appreciation for others’,
their property, and their differences.
• Display acts of concern for the environment.
Please join Gilbertsville-Mt. Upton Elementary School
in recognizing the following winning students:
Mrs. Bennett—Hannah Hartwell
Mrs. McMullen—Dylan Raymond
Mr. Trass—Sawyer Hinman
Mrs. Cummings—Kyli Odell
Mr. Cimineri—Ian LaBar
Five students were recognized for June’s Soaring Eagle
of Sportsmanship. The students who won the award had to
meet two different criteria:
• Show a positive attitude as a team player and spectator.
• Inspire others by setting a positive attitude in group
Please join Gilbertsville-Mt. Upton Elementary School
in recognizing the following winning students:
Mrs. Bennett—Logan Lenhardt
Mrs. McMullen—Rebecca Fuller
Mr. Trass—Tavian Raymond
Mrs. Cummings—Naamah Romano
Mr. Cimineri—Katherine Backman
Basket Making
Last newsletter I had pictures that showed the work in
progress for making the baskets. This group of pictures
shows the last step for completing the basket. We had a
wonderful time working with Bonnie Gale, and hope she
enjoyed it as well!
This project was made possible by a grant from the
Chenango County Council of the Arts under the 2012
Chenango and Otsego Arts in Education Local Capacity
Building Program. We thank them for their help in making
this project a reality.
—Mrs. Theis
Girls on the Run
Artist of the Month
This month’s artist is Shalleigh
Taranto, a fifth grader in Mr. Cimineri’s class. There were so many
excellent Hairy Heads made this year,
I just had to get another one in the
newsletter. Shalleigh is a student who
you can always count on to do her best,
and this clay piece is an example. It is
so unusual, with the mouth being the
container instead of the top of the head.
I asked Shalleigh what she liked
about doing this particular project,
and she said that she made it to give
her grandfather. She likes creating
in all the different mediums art has
to offer, and art and poetry are her
favorite things. Shalleigh said that
the Surreal Room was her favorite
project this year because she could
mix up so many things together
and use bright and bold colors, different animals, jewelry,
whatever she wanted. Shalleigh’s favorite colors to use in
her artwork are teal, black and orange.
Next year I will have Shalleigh for sixth grade art,
and I am looking forward to the things she will create!
Great job Shalleigh!
—Mrs. Theis
Congratulations to all the girls who participated in
Girls on the Run this spring! Thanks to numerous adults
volunteering their time, all 25 girls who signed up for the
program were able to participate! Girls on the Run is a
national program that teaches girls in grades 3-5 (with Girls
on Track for 6-8) healthy life skills, such as positive self
image, conflict resolution skills, eating right and exercise.
At the culmination of the 12-week program the girls
participated in a non-competitive 5K race to celebrate their
accomplishments with girls from across Central New York.
GMU had a great turnout at the race on June 3! They worked
hard, were motivated and encouraging to each other throughout the whole program! Keep up the healthy lifestyles girls!
— Leah Trass
Student Council Poster Contest
The Student Council is proud to announce the first, second
and third place winners of the Favorite Pet poster contest!
• First Place: Kaitlyn Fuller and Alivia Retz
• Second Place: Dominick Carey and Kathryn Hawkins
• Third Place: Ashlyn Marron
Thank you to everyone who participated and thanks for
a great year!
—The Elementary Student Council
Great Job!
Non-Profit Org.
New York 13776
693 State Highway 51
Gilbertsville, New York 13776-1104
Gerald Theis, President
Larry Smith, Vice-President
Harold “Manny” Button
Jose Gonzalez
Rebecca Moyer
Zachary Proskine
Katherine Schmidt
Amber Birdsall, District Clerk
Glenn R. Hamilton, Superintendent
Calendar of Events
Varsity Track and Field
Board of Education, D104, 7:00 p.m.
Kindergarten Bridging Begins
PK Meet and Greet
Kindergarten Bridging Ends
Fall Practices Begin
Board of Education Meeting, D104, 7:00 p.m.
Boys’ and Girls’ Varsity Soccer vs. OV,
Scrimmage, 10:00 a.m.
Mark Your
This year we had two students go to States for Track
and Field. Christina Hawkins for discus and Eddie Ray
Cotton for the 200 meter dash.
Christina made the podium coming in 6th place and
Eddie Ray came in 9th missing finals by one place.
This is a great accomplishment to be ranked 6th and 9th in
all of New York State.
Thank you to the coaches, the parents and the Elementary
running program where it all began.
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