To see the full range of products please our
To see the full range of products please our
Decorative Metal Wiring Accessories in Assorted Plate Finishes Switches Power Socket Outlets 13A Fused Connection Units Control Switches TV Telephone Data Sockets Deco unique product codes Decorative Metal Wiring Accessories in assorted plate finishes now available under the single DECO brand. A brand that is contents synonymous with high specification, high quality, long life Switches A comprehensive range of decorative metal wiring accessories and unprecedented value for money. Each product is supplied individually packaged in its own distinctive printed box complete with comprehensive fitting instructions. DECO switches feature the same modular switch design as b5 Power Socket Outlets b14 13A Fused Connection Units b16 Control Switches b18 TV, Telephone and Data b24 New Media b26 Galvanised / Cavity boxes and Longer Screws b27 our moulded ranges. All of the switch modules featured in our dedicated MODULES brochure can therefore be used in any combination on DECO accessories. When ordering any Deco products, SOHDVHVSHFLI\WKHUHTXLUHGÀQLVKE\ following the simple code structure as demonstrated here. )RU*HRUJLDQVW\OHFDVWEUDVVSOHDVH replace the ‘Plate style’ and ‘Product ÀQLVK·ZLWK*&%5HJ*&%5%. Plate style Product ÀQLVK Product no. Insert colour VP BN 036 BK Every DECO product featured in the pages of this brochure are available in 9 distinctive quality finishes: Antique brass*, polished brass, polished chrome, satin chrome*, satin brass*, black nickel, pearl nickel, stainless steel and Georgian style cast brass. *UK Design Registration 3015621. All DECO products are available with black or white inserts, excluding antique brass and black nickel finishes which are supplied with black insert and gasket only. Polished Chrome (CH) Antique Brass (AB) Satin Chrome (SC) Black Nickel (BN) Satin Brass (SB) Polished Brass (BR) Stainless Steel (SS) Pearl Nickel (PN) Georgian Style (GCBR) All Deco 13A Sockets and Fused Connection units are tested and approved to BS1363 offering assured quality and safety. b2 b3 Switches 10AX Plate Switches (Modular) Switches Modular Ingot Plate Switches Dimmer Switches | Toggle Switches All DECO switches are supplied complete with requisite switch PRGXOHV+RZHYHUVKRXOGORFDO conditions dictate, the installer may customise a switch arrangement E\VXEVWLWXWLQJVZLWFKPRGXOHV E\PHDQVRIDVLPSOHVLQJOH fixing screw. LQWHUPHGLDWH $FRPSUHKHQVLYHUDQJHRIDYDLODEOH modules is illustrated in our dedicated 0LQL*ULGEURFKXUHVHFWLRQ 8QIXUQLVKHGPRXQWLQJSODWHVFDQEH ordered separately and furnished ZLWKZKDWHYHUVHOHFWLRQRIVZLWFK PRGXOHVPD\EHUHTXLUHG 10AX Plate Switches (Modular) 011 10AX 1 Gang 2 Way Switch 012 10AX 2 Gang 2 Way Switch 013 10AX 3 Gang 2 Way Switch 10AX Plate Switches (Modular) 019 10AX 4 Gang 2 Way Switch 105 10AX 6 Gang 2 Way Switch 025 10AX 1 Gang Intermediate Switch Switch modules interchangeable with MiniGrid Modules Switch modules interchangeable with MiniGrid Modules For the complete range of MiniGrid modules, see the dedicated MiniGrid section, page h1. All Deco switch plates are modular as standard, allowing you to create virtually any switch plate you require e.g. Two way switch next to an intermediate switch (shown above). b4 Standards: BS EN 60669 Back Box Depth: 16mm Minimum Cable Size: 4 x 1.5mm² / 2 x 2.5mm² / 1 x 6mm² Maximum Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm) 'HFRSODWHVDUHPDQXIDFWXUHGIURPVWDLQOHVVVWHHODYDLODEOHLQWKHIROORZLQJÀQLVKHV$QWLTXH%UDVV$%3ROLVKHG%UDVV%56DWLQ%UDVV6%3ROLVKHG&KURPH&+ Satin Chrome (SC), Black Nickel (BN), Pearl Nickel (PN) and Stainless Steel (SS). Georgian Style (GCBR) plates are manufactured from cast brass. Please note: Antique Brass and Black Nickel are only available with black inserts. Understanding the code: VP - Plate Style BN - Plate Finish 011 - Product No. BK - Insert Colour b5 Switches ‘Ingot’ 10AX Plate Switches (Modular) Switches Modular Switch Plates (Unfurnished) LQWHUPHGLDWHVZLWFK 414 471 413 ‘Ingot’ 10AX Plate Switches (Modular) 411 10AX 1 Gang 2 Way ‘Ingot’ Switch 412 10AX 2 Gang 2 Way ‘Ingot’ Switch 413 10AX 3 Gang 2 Way ‘Ingot’ Switch ‘Ingot’ 10AX Plate Switches (Modular) 414 10AX 4 Gang 2 Way ‘Ingot’ Switch 416 10AX 6 Gang 2 Way ‘Ingot’ Switch 425 10AX 1 Gang Intermediate ‘Ingot’ Switch Switch modules interchangeable with MiniGrid Modules Switch modules interchangeable with MiniGrid Modules For the complete range of MiniGrid modules, see the dedicated MiniGrid section, page h1. Switch Plates (Unfurnished) 401 1 Gang Plate Single Aperture 402 1 Gang Plate Twin Aperture 403 1 Gang Plate Triple Aperture 404 2 Gang Plate (2+2) Aperture 406 2 Gang Plate (3+3) Aperture 426 2 Gang Plate 6 In-Line Aperture 432 2 Gang Plate 3 In-Line Aperture Please note 432 is not available in BN, BR, PN, SB or GCBR. Architrave Switch Plates (Unfurnished) 471 1 Gang Single Aperture Architrave Switch Plate 472 2 Gang Twin Aperture Architrave Switch Plate These plates must be used with the dedicated architrave back boxes WA571 / WA572 and can only be flush mounted. See page b27 / k4. For the complete range of MiniGrid modules, see the dedicated MiniGrid section, page h1. See range of MiniGrid Modules in the MiniGrid section Standards: BS EN 60669 Back Box Depth: 16mm Minimum Cable Size: 4 x 1.5mm² / 2 x 2.5mm² / 1 x 6mm² Maximum Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm) b6 call: 01827 63454 fax: 01827 63362 email: visit: Back Box Depth: Dependant on modules used Cable Size: Dependant on modules used Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm), Single architrave (35mm x 88mm x 8mm), Twin architrave (35mm x 150mm x 8mm) 'HFRSODWHVDUHPDQXIDFWXUHGIURPVWDLQOHVVVWHHODYDLODEOHLQWKHIROORZLQJÀQLVKHV$QWLTXH%UDVV$%3ROLVKHG%UDVV%56DWLQ%UDVV6%3ROLVKHG&KURPH&+ Satin Chrome (SC), Black Nickel (BN), Pearl Nickel (PN) and Stainless Steel (SS). Georgian Style (GCBR) plates are manufactured from cast brass. Please note: Antique Brass and Black Nickel are only available with black inserts. Understanding the code: VP - Plate Style BN - Plate Finish 011 - Product No. BK - Insert Colour b7 Switches 12 & 18 Module Plates (Unfurnished) Back Boxes Yokes | ‘Back Boxes *5 Example of yoke furnished with modules The furnished plate shown here contains DVHOHFWLRQRIERWKVLQJOH and twin width MiniGrid modules. 7KH\RNH¶*5·LVUHTXLUHGWR mount the MiniGrid modules into SULRUWRDVVHPEOLQJWKH front plate. 12 Module Plate Range 512 12 MiniGrid Module Plate 18 Module Plate Range 518 18 MiniGrid Module Plate Back Box Depth: 47mm Minimum Cable Size: Dependant on module used Dimensions: 0RGXOH (146mm x 146mm x 8mm) 0RGXOH (146mm x 227mm x 8mm) b8 call: 01827 63454 fax: 01827 63362 email: visit: :$ Yokes GR100BK 6 MiniGrid Module Yoke - Black GR100PW 6 MiniGrid Module Yoke - Polar White :$ Galvanised steel back boxes supplied for flush mounting of the large MiniGrid plates. Mounting Yoke facilitates pre-assembly of required modules. Fitted with twin earth terminals. Back Boxes WA512 2 Gang Double Row K/O Box 47mm Deep WA518 2 Gang Triple Row K/O Box 47mm Deep Dimensions: 512: 137mm x 137mm 518: 137mm x 197mm 'HFRSODWHVDUHPDQXIDFWXUHGIURPVWDLQOHVVVWHHODYDLODEOHLQWKHIROORZLQJÀQLVKHV$QWLTXH%UDVV$%3ROLVKHG%UDVV%56DWLQ%UDVV6%3ROLVKHG&KURPH&+ Satin Chrome (SC), Black Nickel (BN), Pearl Nickel (PN) and Stainless Steel (SS). Georgian Style (GCBR) plates are manufactured from cast brass. Please note: Antique Brass and Black Nickel are only available with black inserts. Understanding the code: VP - Plate Style BN - Plate Finish 011 - Product No. BK - Insert Colour b9 Switches Dimmer Switches for Tungsten, Halogen & Low Voltage Switches Modular Dimmer Plates | Interchangeable Dimmer Modules & Nut Runner 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ Interchangeable Dimmer Switch Modules MD9010 1-10V Analogue Dimmer Module (25X62x22mm) MD9001 6A 2 Way Push On/Off (Non-Dimmable) Module (25x62x22mm) MD9022 250W/Va 2 Way Resistive/Inductive Dimmer Module (25x62x22mm) MD9042 400W/Va 2 Way Resistive/Inductive Dimmer Module (25x62x22mm) SP900 Dimmer M10 Nut Runner Tool 63 Dimmer Switches For Tungsten, Halogen & Low Voltage 140 1 Gang 2 Way 400W/Va Resistive/Inductive Dimmer Switch 152 2 Gang 2 Way 400W/Va Resistive/Inductive Dimmer Switch 153 3 Gang 2 Way 400W/Va Resistive/Inductive Dimmer Switch 154 4 Gang 2 Way 400W/Va Resistive/Inductive Dimmer Switch Switch modules interchangeable with MiniGrid Modules. We recommend the use of branded halogen lamps with all DECO dimmers. The use of inferior, non-branded lamps may require the nominal rating of the dimmer to be reduced. These dimmer switches have not been designed for use with LED lamps. However, they may be suitable for 0' Use the nut runner to easily exchange dimmer modules and create customised dimmer switch plate. Dimmer Mounting Plates & Dimmer Knobs 140PL 1 Gang 2 Way Dimmer Plate 650W Max. (Single Plate) 152PL 2 Gang 2 Way Dimmer Plate 800W Max. (Single Plate) 153PL 3 Gang 2 Way Dimmer Plate 1200W Max. (Double Plate) 154PL 4 Gang 2 Way Dimmer Plate 1600W Max. (Double Plate) 185 Single Dimmer Plate 1000W Max. (Double Plate) 186 Twin Dimmer Plate 1630W Max. (Double Plate) The dimmer modules are supplied separately to the plates listed above. ® some good quality LED lamps. For further information please contact the Click Technical support team. Standards: BS EN 60669, BS EN 55015 Type: Leading Edge Back Box Depth: 25mm Cable Size: 2 x 1.5mm² Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm) b10 call: 01827 63454 fax: 01827 63362 email: visit: Maximum Wattage: 1000W, 1630W Back Box Depth: 8SWR: 25mm Cable Size: 2 x 1.5mm² Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm) 'HFRSODWHVDUHPDQXIDFWXUHGIURPVWDLQOHVVVWHHODYDLODEOHLQWKHIROORZLQJÀQLVKHV$QWLTXH%UDVV$%3ROLVKHG%UDVV%56DWLQ%UDVV6%3ROLVKHG&KURPH&+ Satin Chrome (SC), Black Nickel (BN), Pearl Nickel (PN) and Stainless Steel (SS). Please note: Antique Brass and Black Nickel are only available with black gaskets. 3/3/3/3/DUHRQO\DYDLODEOHLQ&+6&ÀQLVKHV Understanding the code: VP - Plate Style BN - Plate Finish 011 - Product No. BK - Insert Colour b11 Switches Toggle Switches Power Socket Outlets, Fused Connection Units & Control Switches $:DOO6RFNHW2XWOHWV_5RXQG3LQ Wall Socket Outlets | Fused Connection Units Fan Isolation Switches | DP Switches 10AX Intermediate Toggle Switch Module MD9125 10AX Intermediate Toggle Switch Module Module Finish Plate Finish CH - Chrome Chrome PN - Pearl Nickel Pearl Nickel, Satin Chrome & Stainless Steel BR - Brass Brass & Satin Brass BN - Black Nickel Black Nickel AB - Antique Brass Antique Brass 10AX Toggle Switches 421 10AX 1 Gang 2 Way Toggle Switch 422 10AX 2 Gang 2 Way Toggle Switch 423 10AX 3 Gang 2 Way Toggle Switch 424 10AX 4 Gang 2 Way Toggle Switch Intermediate module available, see above. Not interchangeable with dimmers or other MiniGrid modules. :LWKWKHHYHULQFUHDVLQJGHPDQG for power supplies in all areas RIWKHKRPHFRPHVWKHSUREOHP RIVHOHFWLQJDQGÀWWLQJRXWOHWV ZKLFKEOHQGKDUPRQLRXVO\ZLWK the décor of the room in which WKH\DUHWREHÀWWHG 7KHGLIIHUHQW'(&2SODWHÀQLVKHV RIIHUDVROXWLRQIRUDOPRVWHYHU\ SRVVLEOHGHVLJQQHHGDQGZLOO enhance the décor of any area ZKHWKHULQDNLWFKHQEHGURRP lounge or study etc... 0' Plate Finish Toggle Switch Finish Chrome Chrome Stainless Steel, Pearl Nickel & Satin Chrome Pearl Nickel Brass & Satin Brass Brass Black Nickel Black Nickel Antique Brass Antique Brass Standards: BS EN 60669 Back Box Depth: 25mm Minimum Cable Size: 2 x 2.5mm² / 4 x 1.5mm² Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm) b12 'HFRSODWHVDUHPDQXIDFWXUHGIURPVWDLQOHVVVWHHODYDLODEOHLQWKHIROORZLQJÀQLVKHV$QWLTXH%UDVV$%3ROLVKHG%UDVV%56DWLQ%UDVV6%3ROLVKHG&KURPH&+ Satin Chrome (SC), Black Nickel (BN), Pearl Nickel (PN) and Stainless Steel (SS). Georgian Style (GCBR) plates are manufactured from cast brass. Please note: Antique Brass and Black Nickel are only available with black inserts. Understanding the code: VP - Plate Style BN - Plate Finish 011 - Product No. BK - Insert Colour b13 Power Socket Outlets Round Pin Socket Outlets Power Socket Outlets UK Switched Socket Outlets | UK ‘Ingot’ Switched Socket Outlets Round Pin Socket Outlets 038 5A Round Pin Socket Outlet 039 2A Round Pin Socket Outlet 13A UK Socket Outlets 035 13A 1 Gang DP Switched Socket Outlet 036 13A 2 Gang DP Switched Socket Outlet (Twin Earth) 13A ‘Ingot’ Switched Socket Outlets 535 1 Gang DP ‘Ingot’ Switched Socket Outlet 536 2 Gang DP ‘Ingot’ Switched Socket Outlet (Twin Earth) Standards: BS 546 Back Box Depth: 25mm Minimum Cable Size: $ 2 x 2.5mm² / 3 x 1.5mm² $ 2 x 2.5mm² / 3 x 1.5mm² Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm) b14 call: 01827 63454 fax: 01827 63362 email: visit: Standards: BS 1363 Back Box Depth: 25mm Minimum Cable Size: 4 x 2.5mm2 Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm) 'HFRSODWHVDUHPDQXIDFWXUHGIURPVWDLQOHVVVWHHODYDLODEOHLQWKHIROORZLQJÀQLVKHV$QWLTXH%UDVV$%3ROLVKHG%UDVV%56DWLQ%UDVV6%3ROLVKHG&KURPH&+ Satin Chrome (SC), Black Nickel (BN), Pearl Nickel (PN) and Stainless Steel (SS). Georgian Style (GCBR) plates are manufactured from cast brass. Please note: Antique Brass and Black Nickel are only available with black inserts. Understanding the code: VP - Plate Style BN - Plate Finish 011 - Product No. BK - Insert Colour b15 13A Fused Connection Units Fused Connection Units With Flex Outlet | Fused Connection Units Without Flex Outlet 13A Fused Connection Units With Optional Flex Outlet 050 FCU with Flex Outlet 051 FCU Switched with Flex Outlet 052 FCU Switched with Flex Outlet & Neon 053 FCU with Flex Outlet & Neon 13A Fused Connection Units (Without Flex Outlet) 650 FCU 651 FCU Switched 652 FCU Switched with Neon 653 FCU with Neon Standards: BS 1363 and BS 1362 (fuse) Back Box Depth: 25mm Minimum Cable Size: 4 x 2.5mm² Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm) b16 ‘Ingot’ Fused Connection Units With Flex Outlet | ‘Ingot’ Fused Connection Units Without Flex Outlet 13A Fused Connection Units call: 01827 63454 fax: 01827 63362 email: visit: 13A ‘Ingot’ Fused Connection Units With Optional Flex Outlet 550 FCU ‘Ingot’ with Flex Outlet 551 FCU ‘Ingot’ Switched with Flex Outlet 552 FCU ‘Ingot’ Switched with Flex Outlet & Neon 553 FCU ‘Ingot’ With Flex Outlet with Neon 13A ‘Ingot’ Fused Connection Units (Without Flex Outlet) 750 FCU ‘Ingot’ 751 FCU ‘Ingot’ Switched 752 FCU ‘Ingot’ Switched with Neon 753 FCU ‘Ingot’ with Neon Standards: BS 1363 and BS 1362 (fuse) Back Box Depth: 25mm Minimum Cable Size: 4 x 2.5mm² Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm) 'HFRSODWHVDUHPDQXIDFWXUHGIURPVWDLQOHVVVWHHODYDLODEOHLQWKHIROORZLQJÀQLVKHV$QWLTXH%UDVV$%3ROLVKHG%UDVV%56DWLQ%UDVV6%3ROLVKHG&KURPH&+ Satin Chrome (SC), Black Nickel (BN), Pearl Nickel (PN) and Stainless Steel (SS). Georgian Style (GCBR) plates are manufactured from cast brass. Please note: Antique Brass and Black Nickel are only available with black inserts. Understanding the code: VP - Plate Style BN - Plate Finish 011 - Product No. BK - Insert Colour b17 Control Switches 20A DP Switch With Flex Outlet | 20A DP Switch Without Flex Outlet | Fan Isolation Switch ‘Ingot’ 20A DP Switch With Flex Outlet | ‘Ingot’ 20A DP Switch Without Flex Outlet | ‘Ingot’ Fan Isolation Switch 20A DP Switch with Optional Flex Outlet (11mm Dia.) 20A DP Switch with Flex Outlet 023 20A DP Switch with Flex Outlet & Neon 022 020 Fan Isolation Switch 10A 3 Pole Fan Isolation Switch 520 This Product Is Not Modular Fan Isolation ‘Ingot’ Switch 10A 3 Pole Fan Isolation ‘Ingot’ Switch This Product Is Not Modular 20A DP ‘Ingot’ Switch with Optional Flex Outlet (11mm Dia.) 522 20A DP ‘Ingot’ Switch with Flex Outlet 523 20A DP ‘Ingot’ Switch with Flex Outlet & Neon 20A DP Switch (without Flex Outlet) 622 20A DP Switch 623 20A DP Switch with Neon 20A DP ‘Ingot’ Switch (without Flex Outlet) 722 20A DP ‘Ingot’ Switch 723 20A DP ‘Ingot’ Switch with Neon 3 Pole And 20A DP Switches Are Non-Modular 3 Pole And 20A DP Switches Are Non-Modular Standards: BS EN 60669 Back Box Depth: 25mm Minimum Cable Size: $'3: 4 x 2.5mm² $3: 1 x 2.5mm² / 2 x 1.5mm² Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm) b18 Control Switches call: 01827 63454 fax: 01827 63362 email: visit: Standards: BS EN 60669 Back Box Depth: 25mm Minimum Cable Size: $'3: 4 x 2.5mm² $3: 1 x 2.5mm² / 2 x 1.5mm² Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm) 'HFRSODWHVDUHPDQXIDFWXUHGIURPVWDLQOHVVVWHHODYDLODEOHLQWKHIROORZLQJÀQLVKHV$QWLTXH%UDVV$%3ROLVKHG%UDVV%56DWLQ%UDVV6%3ROLVKHG&KURPH&+ Satin Chrome (SC), Black Nickel (BN), Pearl Nickel (PN) and Stainless Steel (SS). Georgian Style (GCBR) plates are manufactured from cast brass. Please note: Antique Brass and Black Nickel are only available with black inserts. Understanding the code: VP - Plate Style BN - Plate Finish 011 - Product No. BK - Insert Colour b19 Control Switches 45A Switches | Cooker Control Units Control Switches ‘Ingot’ 45A Switches | ‘Ingot’ Cooker Control Units 45A Switches & Socket Outlets 200 1 Gang 45A DP Switch 201 1 Gang 45A DP Switch With Neon 202 2 Gang 45A DP Switch 203 2 Gang 45A DP Switch With Neon 204 45A Cooker Control Unit + 13A DP Switched Socket 205 45A Cooker Control Unit + 13A DP Switched Socket & Neons 45A ‘Ingot’ Switches & Socket Outlets 500 ‘Ingot’ 1 Gang 45A DP Switch 501 ‘Ingot’ 1 Gang 45A DP Switch With Neon 502 ‘Ingot’ 2 Gang 45A DP Switch 503 ‘Ingot’ 2 Gang 45A DP Switch With Neon 504 ‘Ingot’ 45A Cooker Control Unit + 13A DP Switched Socket 505 ‘Ingot’ 45A Cooker Control Unit + 13A DP Switched Socket & Neons Only available in selected finishes: CH, SC, AB, BN, PN & SS Standards: BS EN 60669, BS 4177 Back Box Depth: 35mm Minimum Cable Size: $ 1x16mm² Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm) b20 call: 01827 63454 fax: 01827 63362 email: visit: Standards: BS EN 60669, BS 4177 Back Box Depth: 35mm Minimum Cable Size: $ 1x16mm² Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm) 'HFRSODWHVDUHPDQXIDFWXUHGIURPVWDLQOHVVVWHHODYDLODEOHLQWKHIROORZLQJÀQLVKHV$QWLTXH%UDVV$%3ROLVKHG%UDVV%56DWLQ%UDVV6%3ROLVKHG&KURPH&+ Satin Chrome (SC), Black Nickel (BN), Pearl Nickel (PN) and Stainless Steel (SS). Georgian Style (GCBR) plates are manufactured from cast brass. Please note: Antique Brass and Black Nickel are only available with black inserts. Understanding the code: VP - Plate Style BN - Plate Finish 011 - Product No. BK - Insert Colour b21 Socket & Blank Plates 20A DP Sink/Bath Switch | Dual Voltage Shaver Socket Outlet | Blank Plates TV, Telephone & Data Sockets 5-2XWOHW|8.7HOHSKRQHRXWOHWV Satellite Socket Outlets | Coaxial Sockets The following pages contain details of DECO products designed to deal with handling data and media transfer through telephone, computer, TV or radio. 20A DP Sink/Bath Switch 20A DP Sink/Bath Switch 024 Blank Plates 060 1 Gang Blank Plate 061 2 Gang Blank Plate $VZHOODVWKHÀQLVKHGSURGXFWV SOHDVHDOVRÀQGGHWDLOVRIXQIXUQLVKHG mounting plates designed to accept custom selections of New Media modules from our dedicated 02'8/(6VHFWLRQ Dual Voltage Shaver Socket Outlet 100 115V/230V Dual Voltage Shaver Socket Outlet CLICK® dual voltage shaver outlets incorporate a double wound isolating transformer rated 20Va at 230V or 115V and meets BS EN 61558-2-5: 1998 making it safe for use in bathrooms. Shaver outlet is not continuously rated and therefore not suitable for use as a permanent charging outlet. Standards: BS EN 60669 BS EN 61558 Back Box Depth: 25mm min 47mm min. Cable Size: 3 x 2.5mm² 2 x 1.5mm² / 1 x 2.5mm² Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm) b22 'HFRSODWHVDUHPDQXIDFWXUHGIURPVWDLQOHVVVWHHODYDLODEOHLQWKHIROORZLQJÀQLVKHV$QWLTXH%UDVV$%3ROLVKHG%UDVV%56DWLQ%UDVV6%3ROLVKHG&KURPH&+ Satin Chrome (SC), Black Nickel (BN), Pearl Nickel (PN) and Stainless Steel (SS). Georgian Style (GCBR) plates are manufactured from cast brass. Please note: Antique Brass and Black Nickel are only available with black inserts. Understanding the code: VP - Plate Style BN - Plate Finish 011 - Product No. BK - Insert Colour b23 Telephone & Data Sockets RJ11 Outlet | UK Telephone outlets Satellite & Coaxial Outlets Non-Isolated Coaxial Socket | Satellite Socket Outlets | Isolated Coaxial Socket | Signal Outlet Plates RJ11 Data Outlets 115 Single RJ11 Flush Socket - Ireland/USA UK Telephone Outlets 120 Single Telephone Socket - Master 121 Twin Telephone Socket - Master 125 Single Telephone Socket - Secondary 126 Twin Telephone Socket - Secondary Twin outlets are 2 separate sockets and not internally linked together. Back Box Depth: 16mm Minimum Termination Type: IDC Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm) b24 call: 01827 63454 fax: 01827 63362 email: visit: Satellite Socket Outlets (Unshielded) Non-Isolated Single Satellite Socket 157 Isolated Satellite & Isolated Coaxial Socket 170 Non-Isolated Satellite & Non-Isolated Coaxial Socket 156 Isolated outlets will filter out any interference, if a 2 way signal is required, i.e. for use with satellite hard wire extensions, then a non-isolated outlet is required. Non-Isolated Coaxial Socket (Unshielded) 065 Single Non-Isolated Coaxial Socket 066 Twin Non-Isolated Coaxial Socket Isolated Coaxial Socket (Unshielded) 158 Single Isolated Coaxial Socket 159 Twin Isolated Coaxial Socket Back Box Depth: 16mm Minimum Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm) 'HFRSODWHVDUHPDQXIDFWXUHGIURPVWDLQOHVVVWHHODYDLODEOHLQWKHIROORZLQJÀQLVKHV$QWLTXH%UDVV$%3ROLVKHG%UDVV%56DWLQ%UDVV6%3ROLVKHG&KURPH&+ Satin Chrome (SC), Black Nickel (BN), Pearl Nickel (PN) and Stainless Steel (SS). Georgian Style (GCBR) plates are manufactured from cast brass. Please note: Antique Brass and Black Nickel are only available with black inserts. Understanding the code: VP - Plate Style BN - Plate Finish 011 - Product No. BK - Insert Colour b25 New Media Unfurnished Single And Twin New Media Plates Galvanised Boxes Galvanised Steel Boxes | Longer Fixing Screws :$ 311 63 63 See our dedicated New Media brochure for more information on the range of New Media Modules available. :$ :$ :$ :$ :$ 03 00%. New Media Plates 310† 1 Gang Plate Single Aperture (Unfurnished) 311 1 Gang Plate Twin Aperture (Unfurnished) 312 2 Gang Plate Quad Aperture (Unfurnished) Semi Modular Media Plate (Unfurnished) MP606* *Available in Chrome (CH), Satin Chrome (SC) and Polar White (PW) All plates supplied with black and white gaskets where applicable. Excludes GCBR Finish 00:+ 00%. :$ 00%. Selecting from a range of module inserts covering all manner of media transfer, the installer will now be able to configure their own arrangement of tv, radio or satellite reception, plus speaker, telephone and data outlets. All modules can be inser ted into single or double wall plates, fitted onto standard switch and socket boxes. The plate has its own dedicated 47mm deep galvanised steel mounting box (MP525) for flush fitting, featuring segregation walls which is supplied separate to the plate. † Longer Fixing Screws SP650 50mm Long Screws (bag of 100) SP675 75mm Long Screws (bag of 100) Screws available in brass (BR), Chrome (CH) and black nickel (BN). Suffix code with preferred finish. Galvanised Steel Boxes 1 Gang 25mm Deep Galvanised Steel K.O. Box WA094 2 Gang 25mm Deep Galvanised Steel K.O. Box WA095 1 Gang 35mm Deep Galvanised Steel K.O. Box WA096 2 Gang 35mm Deep Galvanised Steel K.O. Box WA097 1 Gang 47mm Deep Galvanised Steel K.O. Box WA093 Galvanised Steel Boxes (Deco only) WA370 1+1 Dual Accessory Box - 35mm Deep WA375 1+2 Dual Accessory Box - 35mm Deep WA571 1 Gang Architrave K/O Box - 25mm Deep WA572 2 Gang Architrave K/O Box - 25mm Deep For the complete range of back boxes see Essentials page k4. Back Box Depth: dependant on module used. 03 47mm Cable Size: 03 13A 4 x 2.5mm Dimensions: 1 Gang (88mm x 88mm x 8mm), 2 Gang (146mm x 88mm x 8mm). 03 250mm x 216mm x 9mm b26 call: 01827 63454 fax: 01827 63362 email: visit: Dimensions: :$ 85mm x 30mm x 25mm :$ 145mm x 30mm x 25mm call: 01827 63454 fax: 01827 63362 email: visit: b27 Dry Lining Boxes Cavity Wall Dry Lining Boxes | ‘Ezylink’ Dry Lining Box Connector :$3 :$3 *$ :$ :$ Cavity Wall Dry Lining Boxes 1 Gang 35mm Deep Dry Lining Box WA088P 2 Gang 35mm Deep Dry Lining Box WA106P 1 Gang 47mm Deep Dry Lining Box WA107P 2 Gang 47mm Deep Dry Lining Box WA108P Circular Ceiling Dry Lining Box WA087P ‘Ezylink’ Dry Lining Box connector GA100 ‘Ezylink’ Dry Lining Box Connector For the complete range of back boxes see Essentials page k4. b28 FlameGuard Cavity Wall Dry Lining Boxes 1 Gang 35mm Deep Dry Lining Box WA4235 2 Gang 35mm Deep Dry Lining Box WA4147 1 Gang 47mm Dry Lining Box WA4247 2 Gang 47mm Dry Lining Box WA4135 FlameGuard back boxes have been tested and conform to both fire and acoustic BS EN standards. Fire: BS EN 1363-1: 1999 & BS EN 1364-1: 1999 Acoustic: BS EN ISO 140-3: 1995 & BS EN ISO 717-1: 1997.Complies with Building Regulations Fire tested up to 90 minutes with the capability of the boxes being mounted back to back. call: 01827 63454 fax: 01827 63362 email: visit:
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