1_RIGHTS LIST 2015_Deckblatt
1_RIGHTS LIST 2015_Deckblatt
RIGHTS LIST NEW TITLES 2015 YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S LITERATURE Literarische Agentur Agencia Literaria Die Literarische Agentur Saskia von Hoegen vertritt Autoren weltweit sowie spanische Verlage und Agenturen im deutsch- und niederländischsprachigen Raum und deutsche Verlage im spanisch- und niederländischsprachigen Raum. Die Bandbreite der Agentur reicht von erzählender Literatur über das Sachbuch bis hin zu Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. The literary agency Literarische Agentur Saskia von Hoegen represents authors worldwide as well as Spanish agencies and publishers in German and Dutch language territories and German publishers in Spanish and Dutch language territories. Our catalogue includes fiction and nonfiction, adult, juvenile and children’s books. SvH Literarische Agentur Stolzenfelsstrasse 1A 10318 Berlin Germany Phone: +49 30 48811267 Email: info@saskiavonhoegen.de www.saskiavonhoegen.de Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH INDEX CHILDREN’S BOOKS Anna Cammany Almudena Cid & Montse Martin Horacio Convertini Gabriel García de Oro Inés Garland Christian Gálvez Carlos Rodrigues Gesualdi Martina Klein Mario Levrero Raquel Diaz Reguera Care Santos Esther Sanz 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 13 14 15 18 19 YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS Ana Alonso and Javier Pelegrín Santi Baró Rocio Carmona Justine Evans Carlos Fajardo Calpe Inés Garland Gemma Lienas Francesc Miralles & Javier Ruescas Moon River Jordi Ollorquequi Alejandro Palomas Núria Pradas Ricardo Riera Care Santos Cliff Seymour Inaki Echeverría 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 NON-FICTION CH YR Carla Baredes & Lleana Lotosztain Ellen Duthie & Daniela Martagón José Nesis & Paula Szuster Inamiqué-Series: Curious Dreams Science for counting Science Soup What Beasts! Questions to make Your Hair Stand on End Things weren’t always like this Strange Destinations Scientific Detectives Gemma Lienas Dorian Lucas 1 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 51 51 53 54 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CHILDREN’S BOOKS 2 CH Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH Anna Cammany Diario de una Friki (Friki’s Diary) Lía Abellán is a first grader in secondary school. In this diary she tells in a very ironic and entertaining way about her daily life, her family, her pets and grouchy neighbour as well as about her adventures with her friends and some disagreements with her schoolmates. Spain: Montena, 2014 (288 pp | Age 9+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Penguin Random House) About the author Anna Cammany is a television series screenplay writer from Barcelona. She contributed to TV-series like Ventdelplà o Infidels. Friki’s Diary is her debut in narrative fiction. 3 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH Almudena Cid & Montse Martin Olympia (series) Dreams, failures, successes, love, companionship and friendship! All this is Olympia, the new series for girls written by Almudena Cid, the Olympic ex gymnast. Olympia is a very special girl, and is having a dream: Olympia wants to be an Olympic gymnast. Before, she must overcome many obstacles and many difficulties. Sometimes it seems that is a pipe dream! But also live magical moments; Olympia has the support of her colleagues and the love of their parents... and there is David, who is always at her side making her laugh even in the worst moments. Spain: Penguin Random House / Alfaguara Juvenil 2014 (Age 7+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Penguin Random House Spain) All titles of the series Olympia. Black Points, Spain: Penguin Random House / Alfaguara Juvenil 2014 (176 pp) Olympia. One step further, Spain: Penguin Random House / Alfaguara Juvenil, 2014 (128 pp) Olympia. A two flavour world, Spain: Penguin Random House / Alfaguara Juvenil, 2015 (128 pp) About the author Almudena Cid is an Olympic gymnast recognized and praised in the world of gymnastics. Eight times absolute champion in Spain. She is the only gymnast in the world who has played four Olympic finals. An athlete with a lot of charisma and determination that currently trains young gymnasts and begins to take its first steps into the world of acting. 4 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH Horacio Convertini La Isla sin Regreso (The island without return) Due to a lack of jobs and new opportunities, Daniel and his family abandon their native neighbourhood to settle down in Turquesa, a promising village near the Argentinean coast. There, they hope to find a better life. But not everything turns out to be the way they expected it. Some signs that they see on the road announce an imminent nightmare. Eventually, a sinister island near the beach and the request of a girl from the place attract Daniel, but he is moving towards a dangerous adventure… Spain: Editorial Sigmar, 2014 (71 pp | Age 10+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights CBQ agencia literaria) About the author Horacio Convertini is a journalist. He worked as chief editor of the police news section for the newspaper Clarín. Besides, he is one of the most powerful voices of the new Argentinean thriller literature. He has been awarded with important prizes such as the international thriller and detective literature award Azabache. The solitude of evil received The Silverio Cañadas Memorial 2013 as the best debut work. His novel The last miracle won the thriller contest Extremo Negro – BAN! For his short stories, Convertini also has received several awards in Spain and Argentina, among them the Cosecha Eñe, the Adolfo Bioy Casares and the Tierra de Monegros. His first novel for Young Readers, El misterio de los mutilados, was published by SM in 2014. 5 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH Gabriel García de Oro Los Caníbales Leo has to do a job about Don Quixote for class, but when he is about to begin his book he falls into the cage of the zoo chimpanzees and gets into a gigantic mess. Unleashes a thrilling chase with Octavio, a monkey obsessed with reading, the perfect Topgirl, the clown Ruben and the technology freak Yumiko . Don Quixote contains the keys to save Octavio before Zebra Men take him to the lab forever! Spain: Anaya, 2015 (208 pp | Age 8+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) El primer libro que conseguí terminar de leer (The first book that I finished reading) One, two, and even three days elapsed without the reader opening the book. What was happening? Had he left Prince Medialuna and Koriat, the seven-headed dragon, for good? Had he forgotten them? All the characters in the story, even the bookmarker, were beginning to fear the worst; only the prince was keeping calm. But how would they be going to charm the reader to keep on reading if they were no magicians? Spain: Edebé (Spanish and Catalan), 2014 (173 pp | Age 8+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) Marciano García & Cosmochucho (Cosmochucho Series) In these books, there’s a bit of everything: aliens who want to play hide and seek, green baddies who want to destroy the Earth, killer burgers, even evil vets. And also games, tests, challenges … written with Purificación Hernández Spain: Edebé (Spanish and Catalan), 2012 (112 pp | Age 8+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) 6 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH About the author Gabriel Garcia de Oro was born in Barcelona in 1976. Although he graduated in Philosophy, he ended up working in the field of advertising, where he has won a number of awards. Currently, he is an Executive Creative Director at OgilvyOne, one of the leading agencies in relational marketing, and a designer of renowned campaigns such as “The Monster” for ING Direct. García de Oro combines this activity with writing. He is the author of many books for children and young adults, non-fiction, and regular pieces for the weekly supplement El País Semanal. Other works Las aventuras de Nito Alpesto, el Principe Verde (The adventures of Nito Alpesto, the Green Prince), Spain: La Galera, 2010 (128 pp | Age 9+) El gusano que pudo ser rey (The worm who could be king), Spain: Edebé (Spanish and Catalan), 2013 (128 pp | Age 8+) Superexamen final (Super final exams), Spain: Anaya, 2011 (104 pp | Age 9+) 7 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH Inés Garland El jefe de la manada (The leader of the pack) Nina and her cousin Milo are eleven years old. They live in Buenos Aires, facing a huge park, El Rosedal, where they usually play. There, they meet Gudrek, a vagabond who looks like a big tree when he’s standing up. He lives in the park with his dogs. Nina and Milo want to fly and learn telepathy. Every time they visit their grandfather, who lives in Colonia, across the river, they practice with him. Then one day, the neighbourhood dogs mysteriously disappear, even Gudrek looses one of his. Nina and Milo decide to help him find it and investigate what has happened to the rest of them. Nina starts to have nightmares and through them she gets some clues that will guide them in the mystery of the disappearances. “Entertaining novel that combines suspense with the praise of friendship and the respect for animals.” – El Cultural Argentina: Alfaguara infantil, 2014 (152 pp | Age 10+); Spain: Siruela, 2014 German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights CBQ agencia literaria) About the author Inés Garland works as a free-lance journalist and coordinates creative writing workshops. Her collection of short stories, Una Reina Perfecta, received a prize by a National Arts’ Fund jury in 2005. Besides, several of the stories in the book were awarded Latin-American prizes and the title story, A Perfect Queen, was translated into English for the National Welsh Review. Garlands short stories have been published in several issues of the literary magazine La mujer de mi vida and she was chosen for the section “El elegido” to celebrate the magazines’ fifth anniversary. Her novel Piedra, papel o tijera was elected Best Novel of the Year by ALIJA, the Argentinean Children’s and Young Adult’s Literature Association. It was translated into French and German (Wie ein unsichtbares Band) and awarded with the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis 2014. 8 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH Christian Gálvez The Da Vinci Gang (series) Leo Da Vinchi and his friends Miguel Ángel and Lisa Mona are the members of the Da Vinci gang and they are waiting for their next big adventure. With fun and colourful illustrations by Paul Urkijo Alijo, this series combines fiction and non-fiction with the aim of introducing one of the most important and surprising figures of the history of art and science to children by the hand of Christian Gálvez, the charismatic TV presenter. All titles of this series Lisa’s Stolen Portrait Someone has stolen Lisa’s portrait that Leo painted for his Art class. If they don’t find it, Leo will fail the exam and he won’t be able to go on vacation in the summer. Luckily, the distracted thief has left some clues behind… Will the gang be able to find the painting in time for the exam? Spain: Alfaguara 2014, (128 pp | Age 7+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Penguin Random House Spain) The Magical Sneakers Leo, Lisa and Miguel Ángel’s soccer team always wins… because Boti has magical sneakers that allow him to score every time! But, oh no!, one day the sneakers lose their powers! Leo and his gang will have to use all their wit to try to recover them. Spain: Alfaguara 2014, (128 pp | Age 7+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Penguin Random House Spain) The ghost Pirates Leo and his gang have to solve the mystery of Brazen Jack the Pirate, as they sail the high seas and rescue Lisa from the clutches of the suspicious ghost. Legend has it that Brazen Jack returns every year from his grave for revenge... Spain: Penguin Random House / Alfaguara Juvenil 2015, (128pp | Age 7+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Penguin Random House Spain) 9 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH The venetian masks mystery case The Da Vinci Gang has won the schools theatre competition thanks to Leo’s incredible inventions. The prize is a trip to Venice during Carnival, but the minute they arrive, three mysterious thieves dressed as crows attack them and steal the device. Leo and his friends go into action to unmask the robbers. Spain: Penguin Random House / Alfaguara Juvenil 2015, (128pp | Age 7+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Penguin Random House Spain) About the author Christian Gálvez is a well-known Spanish television presenter. For his work on «Desesperado Club Social» he was honoured with the Premio Ondas and for «Pasapalabra» he won the Premio TP de Oro. 10 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH Carlos Rodrigues Gesualdi Golazo Life isn’t easy in Barracas, a poor district in the south of Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires. Since the local factory has been shut, most of the residents are unemployed. But Golazo, who always has the best ideas, and his gang don’t let these problems bother them too much. Together, they live through the daily adventures that challenge them, and of course: they play soccer. Because, obviously, nobody knows as much about soccer as Golazo and his friends. An exceptional, captivating novel, told with great humor by the unmistakable voice of the protagonist himself. Argentina: El Barco de Vapor (Ediciones SM), October 2010 (175 pp | Age 8+) All rights SvH Literarische Agentur Peces gordos (Big fish) Peces gordos is a thrilling novel that treats topics of current importance such as the protection of the species and environmental conservation wrapped up in a gripping crime plot. As she has been living on three different continents so far, 12-year-old Pilar is quite used to changing her place of residence. For that reason, she doesn’t even feel nervous when her mum announces that soon they will move from their hometown Cologne to Patagonia. Before they leave for Argentina, Pilar’s biology teacher tells her about the mysterious “salmon dolphin”, a species in danger of extinction that can only be found in Patagonia… Spain: Editorial Planeta, January 2007 (172 pp | Age 8+) All rights SvH Literarische Agentur El ángel de Cristina (Cristina’s angel) Despite the fact that she is only ten years old, Cristina manages her life independently. In the small German town she’s living in, nobody seems to understand her. Not even her adoptive parents are willing to recognize her special gift and devote themselves to her unbearable brother Bruno instead, while she devotes herself to her violin. But one cold morning, everything is about to change… A passionate novel told with a poetic (and sometimes angelic) voice, in which classical music plays a leading role. Argentina: Alfaguara Infantil, October 2006 (266 pp | Age 8+) All rights SvH Literarische Agentur 11 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH Una gata con todos los nombres del mundo (A cat with all the names of the world) This moving children’s book demonstrates how life becomes more interesting when different nations live together under the same roof: Nobody knows the multicultural neighbourhood of the old castle as well as the cat that accompanies the children during their daily adventures and is ready to help whenever she is needed. Therefore, she knows the story of Vitali and Alexis and their overcautious father. She was there when Larissa helped her Indian classmate out and she cannot be missing when little Anna gives a party to celebrate that she’s finally three feet tall. Ecuador: Libresa, September 2009 (137 pp | Age 6+) All rights SvH Literarische Agentur Raros peinados (Weird hairstyles) Val is a young witch who experiences her first love with Zak, a classmate and rock fan. However, she soon has to learn that she and her entire family will lose their special gift forever if she kisses Zak. And even worse: The whole family would have to leave the community of witches and wizards… A novel about dreams and loyalty, about being different and the sound of rock music. Argentina: Alfaguara Infantil, October 1997 (144 pp | Age 8+) All rights SvH Literarische Agentur About the author Carlos Rodrigues Gesualdi was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1963. After his graduation in philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires, he worked as a headmaster and university professor in various institutions. He spent some time in Spain and Venezuela and, meanwhile, has been living near Cologne, Germany, for more than 15 years. Beside his successful children’s books such as Raros peinados (Weird hairstyles), Golazo and Una gata con todos los nombres del mundo (A cat with all the names of the world), he has published several stories in various anthologies. His book Raros peinados became a classic in Latin-American children’s literature. Apart from that, Carlos Rodrigues Gesualdi also writes for the series España de arriba a abajo (Spain from top to bottom), published by Schmetterling Verlag in Stuttgart, as well as bilingual short stories published by Amiguitos – Sprachen für Kinder in Hamburg. He has been presented with awards for his works in Spain, Ecuador and Argentina. 12 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH Martina Klein ¡ZASKA! Zaska has six hands, six feet and three heads, but it isn’t a monster. Zaska are Lula, Nito and Beth, three siblings with a mission: write a book! But they don’t know what to tell, so they decide to look for adventures in order to have exiting stories to tell afterwards. But the truth is they don’t know how to have adventures either… But there is this magician, who sends them to amazing, but also dangerous places… Spain: Montena, 2015 (120 pp | Age 9+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Penguin Random House) About the author Martina Klein was born in Argentina and grew up in Barcelona, Spain. She is a model, televison presenter and humorist. The three characters in Zaska are inspired by her children. Zaska is her first novel. 13 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH Mario Levrero Cuentos cansados (Tired stories) Despite the fact that he feels very, very, very tired, the narrator of this heart-warming short story cannot go to sleep before having told his eager listener Nicolás a story. And as soon as he finishes a story, Nicolás begs him for more. Being just as tired as their narrator (and maybe as the author himself), the characters of his stories fall asleep in every possible and impossible place and position without noticing what is happening around them. A refreshing and expressive work with an almost theatrical character, that combines complexity with the clarity of a well-done short story. Uruguay: in El portero y el otro, Arca, 1992 (6 pp | Age 4+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights CBQ agencia literaria) El Sótano (The cellar) Carlitos lives in a very special house with rooms that appear every day. Things change always in a way that he never gets to know them all. One day he discovers a cellar. The door is closed with a locker and Carlitos starts to discover the secret on the other side. When he asks his parents about what is hidden on the other side, they strictly forbid him to enter. Carlitos begins to search the keys that could leave him to the mysteries of this hidden and forbidden room. His grandmother, his grandfather, the head of gardeners know details that can help or confuse him….on his attempt to discover what is hidden in the Uruguay: Alfaguara, 2008 (58 pp | Age 7+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights CBQ agencia literaria) About the author Mario Levrero (1940–2004) was an Uruguayan author with an extensive literary work including stories, novels, essays and newspaper articles, but also a photographer, bookseller, comic scriptwriter, humorist, creator of crossword puzzles and other ingenious games. He became a reference in Latin American literature. 14 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH Raquel Diaz Reguera There’s only one mother, and all of them are here There’s no mother like your own mother… but there are many kinds of mothers! Some of them are Foretellers, and they know everything, sometimes even before it happens! Some others are Adventurous and they take their children out for a new adventure at every chance. There are Executive moms who work so much they have developed the ability to do three things at the same time! Some mothers are more creative, some are more practical, but they all have one thing in common: they love their kids more than they love themselves! Spain: Lumen, 2013 (80 pp | All Age) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Penguin Random House Spain) Look inside These are the moms who take work home with them and back to the office without ever getting a hair out of place. One moment she is talking about the exact amount of cough medicine her kid is taking and in the next second, she is discussing some annual statistics on interplanetary economies. Inevitably, she spends many hours in front of her laptop, but that can’t stop her from caring for her kids at all times, since they are able to set up an improvised office almost anywhere. They are the clear that women can do about hundreds of thousands things at the same time. They are organized and efficient and in their planners you’ll find work meetings and paediatrician appointments galore. When they are home, surrounded by their kin, one would think they have six arms, because an Executive Mom can cook a stew while writing an important report, playing Monopoly with the older kid and feeding the youngest, all without ever losing track of the conversation she’s having on her phone about the meeting she missed because the kid had a fever. 15 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH Grannies. A Handbook Kids tend to think that grandmothers are old and out of touch with the modern world, but it’s easy to recognize a super granny if one knows what to look for. A super granny can line up for a week to get tickets for the One Direction concert; she can cook a meal for 3 and feed 250 people; and she can skydive to get the best spot at a crowded beach. Grannies were once the coolest kids in town, and here’s a handbook to spot every type of grandmothers. Spain: Lumen, 2014 (64 pp. | All Age) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Penguin Random House Spain) Look inside Don’t be fooled by the classical look of many grannies. They may not be fashionable but they know what’s going in the world because they are lucky to have time for almost everything and they like to keep up to date. There are no insurmountable distances and the world becomes small when it comes to being close to their grandsons and understanding their jargons. If they need to modernize their vocabulary and learn to use the computer like they’ve done it all their lives, they do it. Some might say that in their time there wasn’t anything of the likes of internet, or Skype or Facebook or Whatsapp, but… who said these times aren’t their time as well? Don’t they have a future, too? A supergranny can adapt to anything if it’s necessary. 16 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH Grannies from A to Z In the magical universe of grannies one can find the tastiest recipes, rollercoasters of memories and the sweetest candies. Dreamy grannies tiptoe to catch dreams while other grannies travel around the world or weave the greatest stories. They all have their secrets, their favourite objects and particular smells that distinguish them. And some grannies seem to be the sum of many grandmothers. This book presents twenty-nine kinds of grannies. Can you tell what kind of granny is your own? Spain: Lumen, 2012 (80 pp. | All Age), Brazil: Sur Livros (rights sold) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Penguin Random House Spain) Look inside They always look like they just arrived from a far away fairy tale. Some experts insist that they´ve seen them fly in through the bedroom window. The most particular trait of these grannies is their unique stare, which changes colour depending on the story that comes to their minds: blue iris is for fairy tales with clear skies and bright suns; leaf green for the stories about enchanted forests; rich brown when they tell autumn stories. They know all the words in the world and when to use them right, that’s why nobody can beat them when it comes to inventing characters that are always so real that some kids are even able to touch them. They weave stories that leave their grandchildren open-mouthed. Having a sleep-over at a Storyweaver granny’s place is always an adventure: it’s up to their grandchildren to choose where they want their imagination to travel to. 17 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH Care Santos Milena Pato Series #01: La rastreadora de historias (Milena Pato Series #01: The history tracker) Milena Pato is a ten-year-old girl. She would be perfect, except for the fact that she’s always in trouble because she’s too used to do what she mustn’t do. Since her grandmother told her that she would be a writer one day, she has started to look for stories with the help of her best friends, Frida and Sarai, and her cousin Teo. In this first adventure, they help Diana and Nadia, two eccentric and very absent-minded twins. Spain: Montena (Spanish), 2012 (112 pp | Age 8+); Base (Catalan) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) About the author Care Santos was born in Mataró, Barcelona, in 1970. She is the author of a vast number of publications including novels and short stories – literature both for young readers and adults. She received many literary awards, such as the Narrative Prize of Alcalá de Henares, the Alfonso de Cossío Short Story Prize, the Ateneo Joven from Seville, the Carmen Conde Poetry Prize, and was shortlisted for the Primavera Novel Prize. Her books for children and young readers were awarded the most important Spanish prizes: Protagonista Jove (2001), Edebé (2001), Gran Anular (2004), Alandar (2005) and Barco de Vapor (2009). More CH titles Se vende mamá (Mum for sale), Spain: Ediciones SM, 2009 (176 pp) Un camello en la cornisa (A camel in the cornice), Spain: Macmillan Iberia (Spanish, Galician and Catalan), 2009. (48 pp) Series La agencia de detectives HO (The detective agency HO), Spain: Edebé, 2014. (192 pp) Arcanus, Spain: Destino, 2007–2011. (184 pp) El genio Ifigenio (The genius Ifigenius), Spain: Macmillan Iberia (Spanish, Galician and Catalan), 2009. (76 pp) 18 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 CH Esther Sanz Yes, we dance Yes, We Dance is the story of Martina, Sofia and Liu, inseparable friends and fans of the BB Brothers. When they find out that there’s going to be a contest in their neighbourhood to choose the dancers for the boys’ next video clip, they have no doubts: they are totally going for it! For this goal, the girls are willing to do anything. But their dance skills are pretty basic, so they need to train hard if they want to succeed. Besides, there are people trying to get in their way, such as the Fashion Girls … Will Martina, Sofia and Liu get what they want? Spain: Penguin Random House (Spanish), 2015 (294 pp | Age 6+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) About the author Esther Sanz (Barcelona, 1974) holds a degree in Journalism. She has written for women’s magazines and currently works as an editor for a publisher of practical books. Since she was a teenager, her greatest passion has been romantic literature. After publishing Vive rápido, siente despacio (Talismán, 2007) and Los siete soles de la felicidad (Umbriel, 2011), she engaged in a new adventure with the young adults’ trilogy El bosque, an absorbing romantic thriller with a bit of fantasy, formed by El bosque de los corazones dormidos (Montena, 2012), El jardín de las hadas sin sueño (Montena, 2013) and La ciudad de la luna eterna (Montena, 2013). After a brief creative pause, she published Si el amor es una isla (Destino), a novel inspired by the master works of British Romanticism, in 2014. Other works Si el amor es una isla (If love is an island), Spain: Destino, 2014 (296 pp | Age 14+). The –Magic Forest-Trilogy: El bosque de los corazones dormidos (The forest of the sleeping hearts), Spain: Montena (Spanish and Catalan), 2011; Circulo de lectores; Italy: Edizioni Piemme SPA. (352 pp | Age 14+). El jardin de las hadas sin sueño (The garden of the sleepless fairies), Spain: Montena, 2012. (352 pp | Age 14+). La ciudad de la luna eterna (The city of the everlasting moon), Spain: Montena, 2013. (352 pp | Age 14+). 19 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS (AGE 12+) 20 YR Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Ana Alonso and Javier Pelegrín La Reina de cristal I (The Crystal Queen I) At the age of seventeen, all the young people of Hydra go through the ritual of the sea, but only a few — mostly women — turn into sirens and discover the gift of their new condition: clairvoyance, memory, compassion … The day Kira discovered her gift began with a bad dream. Yet, despite it, she had no idea of how much her life was about to change: from the fishermen’s village to the court, palace intrigues, power struggles between the fraternities, the war with Decia … And in the middle of it all, Kira, the ultimate weapon, the Crystal Queen, in conflict between love and treason to her people. La Reina de cristal II (The Crystal Queen II) Kira is in Decia, her enemies’ country, as a captive. She has been taken there to prevent her people, Hydra, from using their magic gifts in the war against the Decians. Because she is the Crystal Queen, capable of ruling the waters. And, worst of all, everything is Edan’s fault — Edan, the only man Kira has been really in love with. He has offered her to his brother, King Kadar, who has made her his fiancée. For her, there is no greater humiliation, and nevertheless, there is something that prevents her from hating Kadar. After all, love and hate can be two sides of the same coin. – The ending – treacheries, ambition and love! La Reina de cristal III (The Crystal Queen III) Kira has become the queen of the Decians, people who hate her. She is the Hydran foreigner who commands the waters, who has woken up the damned, and caused a civil war … She can’t trust anyone — not even her compatriot Ode, thirsty of power, nor Edan, the love of her life. Driven to despair, she turns to an old witch, the only one who might understand the nature of the Crystal Queen and the conspiracy that hovers over her destiny, much more terrible than she imagines … Spain: Edebe, 2014. (240 pp | Age 12+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) 21 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Odio el Rosa – Historia de Dani / Historia de Sara (I hate pink – Dani’s story / Sara’s story) It’s the year 2050: The western democracies have fallen into a slow and irreversible spiral of degeneration, becoming authen-tic plutocracies. In a globalized world, people’s signs of identity are sold in the market, through the most sophisticated tech-niques of online advertising. From early childhood on, boys and girls are bombarded trough the internet and social networks with advertising tailored to their tastes, psychology and weaknesses, making them ideal consumers, so that all their vital decisions will be conditioned by their aspirations as consumers. Even education has only one goal: to create ideal consumers. – But Sara and Dani, two young people who represent the large brands, try to recover their freedom. And in order to do that, they need to break the rules. Spain: Oxford, 2014 (399 pp / 407 pp | Age 14+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) About the authors Ana Alonso (1970) graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of León and completed her studies in Scotland and Paris. So far, she has published eight collections of poetry and won – amongst others – the prizes Poesía Hiperión (2005), Ojo crítico de poesía (2006), Antonio Machado (Baeza, 2007) and the Alfons el Magnànim València award for poetry in Spanish (2008). She has published 22 YA books within the collection Pizca de Sal (Anaya) as well as several children’s books for Oxford. Javier Pelegrín (1967) graduated in Spanish at the University of Murcia and completed his studies in Paris and Turin. He works as a high school teacher in Toledo. 22 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Santi Baró La Lluna de Gel (Ice moon) La lluna de gel narrates the true story of a girl who fled from prostitution. Young Ileana, the protagonist, recalls very vividly her origins in a village in the Romanian region of Moldavia, the poorest in the country. When she was only fourteen years old, her parents sent her away with two of her brothers to work in Bucharest, since they couldn’t support her. In the capital, Ileana found much more than an underpaid job; she found modelling agencies that could make her dreams come true. Thus begins the story of a girl who, at sixteen, is harassed by a worldwide prostitution network. This is history with fictional characters, scenes, settings and situations, but with a heart that beats vigorously. Spain: Barcanova (Catalan), March 2011, SM (Spanish) 2015 (192 pp | 14+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) About the author Santi Baró was born in Olesa de Montserrat (Barcelona) in 1965. At a very young age, driven by his experiences at the Passion of Olesa, he decided he wanted to be a playwright and actor. But things didn’t turn out the way he wanted them to, and at only sixteen, he was working as a jeweller in the workshop of his parents’ jewellery shop. Little by little, nevertheless, having done all kinds of odd jobs, Baró finally caught up with his old dream, nowadays writing novels instead of plays. 23 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Rocio Carmona Huziel significa te quiero (Huziel means I love you) Zoe is a shy college student who decides to prepare a paper on language spoken in ancient Atlantis. For this she contacts a guy who claims that he sings in Atlantean. An incredible story that combines romance with action and fantasy that you can not miss. Spain: La Galera, 2015 (348 pp | Age 14+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) Robinson Girl The day after her she turned 18, Ona wakes up on a paradisiacal beach. She walks through a desolate landscape and finally admits the obvious: she is a castaway. Soon she realizes that she is not alone: there is also a young man of delicate appearance and strange behaviour… Spain: Montena, 2013 (256 pp | Age 14+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) El corazón de Hannah Hannah is living in an isolated Amish community. Daniel, a journalist and photographer, is doing an report on her village. When they fall in love her parents don’t approve and Daniel is expelled from the village. Hannah now has to leave her closed world in order to reach Daniel. Spain: La Galera, 2012 (456 pp | Age 14+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) About the author Rocío Carmona is Chief Editor in Urano and Tendencias, singer of the band Nikosia, and the author of the successful La gramática del amor. Avid reader of romantic novels, she distilled in this unforgettable title the essence of the best works in the genre through an inspiring adventure. It became quickly a bestseller, and was translated into six languages. In her second novel, El corazón de Hannah, she managed to reach again great heights of emotion. With Robinson Girl she won the Jaén Award for YA fiction in 2013. Now she presents Huziel, an unforgetable novel. 24 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Justine Evans El Octavo Clan (The Eighth Clan) What used to be the flourishing city of New York is now a ruin of glass and metal, submerged in polluted water, with only the top floors of the skyscrapers poking out. The few survivors of the catastrophe have divided into clans and specialized their crafts to find a means of living. Survival, however, is a constant fight, because resources are scarce in the city now called Nyork by its inhabitants. In this hostile environment, there is little hope for the small group of Seagrass Shepherds, the only remaining members of their clan that have not been enslaved or killed by the omnipotent Techs and their assassins, the Predators. Belonging to the weakest clans of Nyork, they live in the lower apartments touching the water, under the constant threat of being attacked by one of the dreadful monsters that lie in wait beneath the surface. As their leader, it is young Syren’s responsibility to assure their survival during the cold period that is approaching. Surrounded by enemies, there is only a remote chance that either of the seven clan members will make it. Then, suddenly, Logan comes to their world, and with him the chance of a better life for all of them. But in order to achieve this, the Seagrass Shepherds have to confront their worst enemies and accept the risk that not all of them will make it. In their incessant struggle to survive, Syren has to realize more than once that following the voice of her heart is not always the best choice for the rest of the clan – especially when it comes to Logan. A thrilling fantasy novel with a breath-taking plot full of love, hatred, jealousy, conspiracy, courage and revenge, that shows how hard it can be to put one’s wishes aside for the good of the community. All this happens in front of the impressive scenery of a semi-submerged New York that is slowly being recaptured by nature. Spain: Ediciones B (Spanish and Catalan), April 2015 (294 pp | Age 16+); Brasil: Rocco. German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) About the author Justine Evans was born in Nebraska. From an early age on, she devoured every book that fell into her hands. Her passion for storytelling has persisted up to now, when she devotes her time to writing the stories she imagines. El Octavo Clan is her first novel. 25 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Carlos Fajardo Calpe Blackout In his dystopian debut novel, Carlos Fajardo Calpe paints a dark vision of the future: In a post-apocalyptic world where electricity, technology and modern achievements have vanished over night and the urge to survive in the midst of destruction and savagery predominates over everything else, only the strongest will survive. It has been four years, since the mysterious power outage set back society to the Stone Age and Lucas arrived to the small selfsufficient farm far away from the city where he was born. To keep the little community alive, it is strictly forbidden to leave the valley they live in. But when Mara, the girl he’s in love with, suddenly falls ill, Lucas and his friends decide to leave nevertheless and search for the medicine that can save her life. A breath-taking journey begins – through a world in which nobody can be trusted and other survivors can be your worst enemies. But although there is only a remote chance to find the life-saving medicine, his love for Mara prevents Lucas from giving up, even when all hope seems to be gone. A gripping novel with constant unexpected plot twists and a shocking ending that shows a scenario which doesn’t seem unlikely in our industrialized world where almost everything depends on technology. Spain: Círculo de Lectores, 2014 (316 pp | Age 14+); ArrobaBooks (e-book), 2014 (344 pp). German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) About the author Carlos Fajardo Calpe was born in Barcelona and has been working as a journalist for La Vanguardia and El Observador amongst others. During his career, he mainly reported on conflicts in various parts of the world. Apart from dedicating himself to his great passion for cinema, literature, comics and history, he is currently working in the editorial sector. Blackout is his first novel. 26 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Inés Garland Piedra, papel o tijera (Stone, paper or scissors) In the 1960s, Alma lives with her parents in Buenos Aires. They spend the weekends in their house on an island of the Delta del Tigre. There, Alma meets Carmen and Marito, the children of her neighbour, Doña Angela. They become friends and spend the weekends of their childhood together. Alma is not aware of the social differences between her friends’ and her parents’ world, her possibilities and the difficulties that her friends will have to face. In their paradise, these things have no importance. Then, the military dictatorship takes over power. Alma, a non-political, privileged girl, ignores this reality. She falls in love with Marito and her only goal is to conquer him. She doesn’t realize that her friends belong to an underground organization that fights against the government until they disappear. Only then she begins to understand that things will never be the same as before. 30 years later, Alma visits Doña Angela and her only grandson – Carmen’s son. He was born in prison and survived the dictatorship. For many years and with the help of many people, they had searched for him… Argentina: Alfaguara juvenil, 2009 (192 pp.; age 14+); Uruguay: Criatura Editorial; Germany: Fischer, 2013 (young readers); France: L’école des loisirs, 2014; Netherlands: to be published by Querido. German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights CBQ agencia literaria) About the author Inés Garland works as a free-lance journalist and coordinates creative writing workshops. Her collection of short stories, Una Reina Perfecta, received a prize by a National Arts’ Fund jury in 2005. Besides, several of the stories in the book were awarded Latin-American prizes and the title story, A Perfect Queen, was translated into English for the National Welsh Review. Garlands short stories have been published in several issues of the literary magazine La mujer de mi vida and she was chosen for the section “El elegido” to celebrate the magazines’ fifth anniversary. Her novel Piedra, papel o tijera was elected Best Novel of the Year by ALIJA, the Argentinean Children’s and Young Adult’s Literature Association. It was translated into French and German (Wie ein unsichtbares Band) and awarded with the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis 2014. 27 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Gemma Lienas El rastro brillante del caracol Sam is a 16 year-old and has Asperger’s syndrome, a mild variety of autism. He is a computers crack, but has few friends, and it’s hard for him to interact with others in ordinary life. One day he meets Martina. He likes her a lot, but he doesn’t know how to get closer to her, and soon he discovers that there are strange things going on in her life… Spain: Fanbooks, 2014 (Catalan); Planeta, 2014 (Spanish), (352 pp | Age 12+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) About the author Gemma Lienas (Barcelona, 1951) is a writer, and regular contributor to mass media. She is the author of more than eighty books, some of them for young adults, such as Callejón sin salida, Así es la vida, Carlota (IBBY Mention of Honor, 1990), El diario violeta de Carlota (Unesco Award for tolerance) or Billete de ida y vuelta (La Odisea Award, 1998). She has also written children’s books, such as mistery series La Tribu de Camelot, and the emotional education series El hada Menta, as well as books for adults, including Atrapada en el espejo, El final del juego (Ramon Llull Award, 2003), and Anoche soñé contigo. 28 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Francesc Miralles & Javier Ruescas Pulsaciones Elia just woke up from a coma and is a little lost. The last thing she remembers is a concert and a phrase: “I can not give you back your song, but I can show you how to dance the fish.” Now that her parents bought her a Smartphone, Elia finally has access to Heartbits ( a program line WhatsApp ) s readers and we are witnesses of all their conversations. With the help of her best friend, Sue, Elia will attempt to recover the three days forgotten and, meanwhile, will meet Tommy, an American exchange student; Marion , a girl with half burnt face attending group therapy, and Phoenix, a stranger who loves aphorisms. Spain: SM, 2013 (Spanish); Cruïlla, 2013 (Catalan), (200 pp | 12+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) About the authors Francesc Miralles has been awarded with several prestigious literary awards and lots of his books have become bestsellers and has been translated to more than 15 languages. Javier Ruescas is a brilliant young voice of YA literature in Spanish and a social networks phenomenon. 29 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Moon River SERIES: El clan de los náufragos (The clan of the shipwrecked) In the lives of Victor, Martina, Lauren, Abril and Max, signs are pointing to doom. When destiny brings them together, they won’t blow this chance, but found the „clan of the shipwrecked“. It offers them a piece of solid ground on which they can share their doubts and wishes, grow together, overcome their nightmares and even fall in love. But nevertheless, they are no massive, indestructible sea wall. Instead, every one of them stays a single rock in the surf, independent from each other – and very different. Still, they support each other and resist the headwind … #1: De aquí a al luna … y vuelta (From here to the moon ... and back) One Sunday afternoon, Victor has nothing better to do than, time and again, taking the Underground Number 3 in search of inspiration. In the literal sense of the word, he is an “underground poet” who finds his muses “under the ground.” Then, he exchanges glances with a girl who seems to be fallen straight out of heaven … Martina has been sitting the whole day on the platform, trying to find the strength to take the next train. She is absolutely afraid to do so. Fortunately, Victor “saves” her by inviting her to have a cup of hot chocolate at the next station. At their table, there are two female students supposed to jointly write a thesis although they are totally different: Lauren is annoyed with the whole world, but luckily, Abril believes in the power of destiny and immediately talks to Victor and Martina. When Max, the waiter, joins them, they find that any of them aimlessly drifts through life, even if each in his or her own way. They are shipwrecked, but from this moment on, they have something to hold on to: each other. A novel about friendship, impossible dreams and love: the perfect book to read during a sunny afternoon, sitting in the shade of a tree and enjoying the first breezes of spring. Spain: Montena, 2014 (320 pp | Age 14+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) 30 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR #2: Por una sonrisa un beso (A kiss for a smile) Víctor, Martina, Lauren, Abril and Max are closer than ever... Especially Martina and Max. Finally they are dating! But her parents do not let her have her own life. Martina will have to fight for her dreams, but, will they be the same as Max’s? April is in a tough spot: she has to face alone the reappearance of her mother. She and Víctor are in love, but as one lives in Boston and the other in Barcelona, distance might prove to have more power than love... And Lauren is on the brink of success: she has been casted for a TV series that might catapult her to stardom... or absolute failure! Whatever happens, whoever they face, nothing can separate them... or can’t it? At their return from vacations, the Castaway’s Clan gathers again at their isle in the Barcelona Eixample district. Only two months have passed, but everything has changed. Víctor, the gang’s underground poet, is living his American dream with a scholarship to attend a poetry campus. He is in a complicated long-distance relationship with Abril, who is having one of the hardest times in her life: after a decade without news from her mother, she has made contact... Martina, on her side, is fighting a double war against her parents, who oppose that someone of her social status pursues a degree in Art and, moreover, have forbidden her to see Max. Meanwhile, he is saving money secretly to leave his foster home and move in with her when he is eighteen. Lauren, the toughest – and luckiest – girl in the Clan, has got a supporting role as an actress in a TV series and now has to struggle with fame every time she steps into the street. Spain: Montena, 2014 (288 pp | Age 14+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) About the author Moon River is the pseudonym of two authors who have joined forces to write El Clan de los Náufragos (The clan of the shipwrecked). Moon grew up among books by Enid Blyton and adventure novels, dreaming of becoming one of their protagonists some day. Reaching adulthood, she decided to create worlds and characters with her own words so she would not have to let go of those summer evenings on treasure islands and tree houses. River is a journalist and the author of many YA novels. As a kid, he was an avid reader of the Three Detectives and the Secret Seven’s exploits. He found out that he loved writing YA novels after a long trip to Asia. 31 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Jordi Ollorquequi Exo In his imaginative debut novel, Jordi Olloquequi introduces the reader to the most important concepts of biology, showing how thrilling and entertaining science can be: Ziggy is an extraterrestrial teenager with a great passion for earthly rock music, who wins a trip to our planet to find out more about it. Quite soon, he falls in love with the young earthling biologist Eva – although relationships with people from other planets are completely forbidden. Thanks to Eva, Ziggy gets to know all about the climate change that is currently threatening the existence of all living creatures on earth. Soon, the scientific committee of his planet that observes his activities on earth instructs him to explore a human cell from the inside. Together with Eva and the robot Tryton that accompanies Ziggy on his trip, Ziggy starts a breathtaking journey through the human body. This trip initiates them into the secrets of our metabolism. But when Eva’s roommate suddenly falls seriously ill, Eva and Ziggy are shocked to find out that all the while, Tryton has been on another secret mission, the consequences of which neither of them could have imagined … Spain: La Galera, 2014 (240 pp | Age 12+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) About the author Jordi Olloquequi, born in 1982, has a PhD in Cell Biology and lectures at the University of Barcelona. For more than seven years, he did research in the field of Biomedicine, and has published in international journals. He is also a member of two rock bands. With his first novel, he wants to share his passion for Biological Science in an attractive manner with the readers. 32 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Alejandro Palomas Un hijo (A son) Un hijo is a crossover novel full of tenderness and intrigue that readers of The curious incident of the dog in the night-time will love. Guille is an introvert child with a permanent smile and a passionate reader. His favourite is Mary Poppins. He has only one friend, Nazia, a girl from Pakistan. So far, so good. But hidden behind his calm façade, there is a world as fragile as a house of cards and a mystery waiting to be solved. The pieces of this puzzle comprise a father in crisis, an absent mother, a scheming teacher and a psychologist, who tries to get to the bottom of Guil A choral novel suffused with deep feelings, tenderness, with words that are left unspoken and an enthralling mystery. Alejandro Palomas has created a real child that thinks, behaves and reacts as a child. Maybe as a fantastic one, but as a child with secrets, with great sadness and courage. A story with a taste noir and The little prince flavouring, written with intelligence and affection, a novel that does justice to children. Spain: La Galera (Spanish and Catalan), March 2015 (288 pp | Age 16+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) About the author Alejandro Palomas (Barcelona, 1967) graduated in English philology from the University of Barcelona, before doing his master’s degree in Poetry at the New College of San Francisco. He translated the works of Katherine Mansfield, Gertrude Stein, Willa Cather and Jack London, amongst others. Beside his contributions to several newspapers and publications, Palomas published various adult books and a poetry collection that have been translated into eight languages. His latest adult novel La madre was met with great success in Spain. Palomas was nominated for several awards in his homeland. Un hijo is his first novel for young and adult readers alike. 33 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Núria Pradas Nebbia Nebbia is a Gothic novel set in the fascinating Venice of the 18th century. A mysterious oath enfolds the secrets that torture Goia’s soul with sharp and painful letters. In fact, the mysteries that the young woman inherited from her mother, who – just before dying – entrusted her to a dear sister living in Venice, are numerous. Thus, Nebbia takes us into playful and carnivalesque setting, with dark and threatening hidden corners. In aunt Gertrude’s magnificent mansion, where Goia now lives, luxury is mixed with a terrible feeling, a deep sadness that comes with ominous forebodings. Spain: Bromera (Catalan), 2014 (296 pp | Age 14+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) About the author Núria Pradas (Barcelona, 1954) is part of a generation to whom, according to her own words, “many things were denied, among them their own culture”. She graduated in Catalan Philology in 1980 and began teaching Catalan Language and Literature in several schools, until she got a permanent position in the Mistral school in Sant Feliu de Llobregat, where she worked for over twenty years. In Sant Feliu, she started a juvenile theatre company, since theatre is her great passion. It was by writing stage plays that she entered the world of literature. She published her first book in 1995. So far, Pradas has published over forty books and collaborated with a number of publishing houses. One of her most recent works is the noteworthy trilogy Grandes Viajes (Heka, Raidho and Koknom), published by Bambú both in Catalan and Spanish. She won the Carlemany award for her novel Sota el mateix cel. At present, she lives in the small town of Sant Esteve Sesrovires (Baix Llobregat). 34 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Ricardo Riera Dragún-Triology I. Dragún II. El habitante de la sombra (The inhabitant of the shadow) III. El espejo y la piel (The mirror and the skin) Dragún When the once great city of Silam is destroyed, Lea, the last survivor, is sheltered and trained by the mighty dragons of Xinji. Honouring their old allegiance to mankind, they help her to become a Dragoon, a powerful warrior with the knowledge of old and forgotten skills. Armed with this power, young Lea fights to accomplish her one goal: destroy the demon Yoshamaat, who brought doom upon her people. But every great power comes at a great price, and Lea will soon learn that the road to vengeance might bring her dangerously close to her own destruction. Venezuela: Plaza & Janés, 2010; Spain: Montena, 2012. (332 pp | Age 14+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Penguin Random House Spain) El habitante de la sombra (The inhabitant of the shadow) Four years after defeating the demon Yoshamaat, Lea-Naa still searches desperately for a way to bring back her friend and mentor Zágor, who was banished to the demon world as a price for her victory. Now, when everything seems lost, Lea-Naa finds the answer in the Brotherhood of the Smoking Mirror, a mysterious order of sorcerers who claim to be able to help her. With them, Lea-Naa goes on a long journey filled with new and unknown dangers, but none of them as terrible as the mysterious secret that the brotherhood keeps under their citadel. It is there, in the dark tunnels of the order, that the shadow-dweller hides, and with him a great and terrible power that will change Lea-Naa’s life forever. All rights SvH Literarische Agentur About the author Ricardo Riera was born in Valencia (Venezuela) in 1978. He majored in Spanish and LatinAmerican Literature at the Andrés Bello Catholic University (Caracas, Venezuela) and the University of Navarra (Pamplona, Spain). At the age of 18, he became a finalist for the 1st Children & Young Adult Literary Award by Norma-Fundalectura. In the field of fantasy fiction, he has published the novels Dragún (Plaza & Janés, 2010; Montena, 2012) and Burami y el Rey Rojo (Íkaro Ediciones, 2014) as well as a volume of short stories, Damas, bestias y otras (Ìkaro Ediciones, 2012). He currently lives in Berlin. 35 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Care Santos Amaranta Amaranta is the only daughter of the directors of Bancomundo, who try to educate her to follow their steps. However, she is a free spirit: she wants to have a normal life and be a stage actress… For her eighteenth birthday, her mother organizes a big party, and invites the country’s high society. But Amaranta feels very lonely among so much luxury. She is more interested in Isma, the mysterious and handsome bartender, than in Sergio, the boy whom her parents would like her to date… Spain: Montena (Spanish), 2014; Grup 62 (Catalan) (249 pp | Age 12+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) About the author Care Santos was born in Mataró, Barcelona, in 1970. She is the author of a vast number of publications including novels and short stories – literature both for young readers and adults. She received many literary awards, such as the Narrative Prize of Alcalá de Henares, the Alfonso de Cossío Short Story Prize, the Ateneo Joven from Seville, the Carmen Conde Poetry Prize, and was shortlisted for the Primavera Novel Prize. Her books for children and young readers were awarded the most important Spanish prizes: Protagonista Jove (2001), Edebé (2001), Gran Anular (2004), Alandar (2005) and Barco de Vapor (2009). More titles for young readers Bel: amor más allá de la muerte (Bel: love beyond death), Spain: SM (Spanish), 2009 (448 pp | Age 12+), Cruilla (Catalan); France: Du Seuil; Germany: Baumhaus; Portugal: Planeta. Crypta, Spain: Espasa Calpe, 2010 (288 pp | Age 12+). Esta noche no hay luna llena (Tonight, there’s no full moon), Spain: SM, 2012 (230 pp | Age 12+). Tengo tanto que contarte (I’ve got so much to tell you), Spain: Planeta, 2013, written jointly with Escudero Angeles (256 pp| cross-over). 36 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Cliff Seymour Los secretos del Viejo Horace Scott is 27 years old and the only thing he can brag of until now is to have failed in each and every aspects of his life. After giving up two degrees, he has passed through different jobs without taking roots in any of them. Love has been a constant failure for him, too. Since his last girlfriend abandoned him, Scott feels his life as an endless desert. With his self-esteem on minimum, he is forced to accept a simple – and apparently underpaid job in his own building. Since the first day, the hermit-like tenant of the attic will ask Scott to play snakes and ladders with him, which Scott has not played since he was a kid. Very soon, Scott will discover that the elder uses the squares of the board to give him essential lessons – one every morning- for his life. This simple pastime (created by the Greek soldiers during the Troy’s siege) will help Horace to teach Scott the keys of the art of living and how to repair those mistakes that led him to failure until now. While the mornings pass by among coffees, rounds and conversations, Scott will begin to understand the cause and effect that has given shape to his present. However, Horace will also advise him that knowing the rules of the game is not enough. Once you are aware of the tramps and dangers, the labyrinths and shortcuts, you must be brave enough to move forward the board of life with courage and sense of adventure. Spain: Nuve de tinta, Penguin Random House, 2015 (208 pp | cross-over) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) About the author Cliff Seymour is a journalist. He spends the whole year working and living along the US, Japan and Southern Europe. From an early age, he was deeply attracted by the symbolism of the games and their relation to the realization of the challenges and stages of life. 37 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 YR Inaki Echeverría Padre abrumado (An overworked father) In his humorous cartoon compila-tion, Inaki Eche-verría shows that being a father can be very hard at times. Despite all efforts to pamper his little girl, the protagonist’s parental care does not always pay off. Because, after all, little girls know very well how to get their own way – even when dad is tired and stressed out. This funny and entertaining book gives an insight into the everyday situations that a father has to struggle with. Spain, Argentina, Mexico: to be published by Random House . German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights CBQ agencia literaria) About the author The illustrator and cartoonist Inaki Echeverría was born in Argentina in 1974. He collaborates with publishing houses and print media there and in several foreign countries. His works are published weekly in the newspaper Página/12 and monthly in the magazine Fierro. Echeverría has participated in numerous exhibitions, such as “Nos tocó hacer reír”, “Encuentro Federal de la Palabra” and “Buenos Aires Negra”. Since 2013, he has painted murals denouncing female sex slavery and trafficking during important literary events like the Buenos Aires International Book Fair. He also takes part in a series of events of the Fondo Nacional de las Artes, where he paints live, accompanying narrative and poetry recitals. Other works Beya (co-authored with Gabriela Cabezón Cámara), graphic novel, Argentina: Eterna Cadencia, 2013 (128 pp). Muffins, graphic novel, Argentina: Manoescrita, 2011 (64 pp). Negro al 10 (co-authored with Santiago Maisonnave), graphic novel, Argentina: Manoescrita, 2010 (112 pp). 38 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 NON-FICTION CHILDREN 39 NF–CH Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 NF–CH Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotosztain Vitamin, where are you? Original and fun images made entirely of food invite the little ones to work out what they are and what vitamins are for. Ideas to help children enjoy a varied and healthy diet. Food Carving Illustrations by Luciana Fernández Argentina: Iamiqué, 2012 (32 pp | Age 5+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Abuelas with Identity This book tells the story of the “Abuelas de la Plaza de Mayo”movement and their restored grandchildren. It highlights the importance of the collective struggle for democracy and human rights and leaves us a message against indifference and impunity. A lesson of peace and non-violence. Illustrated by Eleonora Arroyo Argentina: Iamiqué, 2011 (52 pp | Age 10+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) About the authors Carla Baredes and Ileana Lotersztain are the directors of the argentine editorial Iamiqué. They work together since 1997 and have collaborated in several projects and created different series of books that explain scientific topics to children. 40 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 NF–CH Ellen Duthie & Daniela Martagón I, Person I, Person is both a book and a game. It comes in a box and is an invitation to play and think about some of the big philosophical questions about personal identity and artificial intelligence. Through the questions prompted by the scenes in the box, the readerplayer can go building their own definition of ‘person’ and go establishing the implications being a person has in terms of rights and responsibilities, intelligence and emotions, and knowledge and learning. Cruelty Bites Cruelty Bites is the first in the Visual Philosophy for Children series by Wonder Ponder. Half-way between a book and a game, it comes in a box and invites readers to think about cruelty and our relationship with cruelty in a playful and careful way. Engaging scenes and intriguing questions prompt reflection and discussion encouraging children to develop their own thoughts and arguments and to build a visual and conceptual map of the issue addressed in each box. Each box contents • 14 illustrated scenes • More than 100 carefully worded questions • 3 blank cards for own scenes and questions • Visual philosophical guide-map • A-3 thematic poster Spain: Wonder Ponder, 2014 (Cruelty Bites), 2015 (I, Person) (Age 8+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights CBQ agencia literaria) About the series Wonder Ponder, Visual Philosophy for Children, is an innovative interdisciplinary project that uses thought-provoking visuals to help readers aged eight and over develop their own philosophical maps on a range of philosophical issues, fostering fun, critical and independent thinking. The project includes the publication of a series of six boxes, each of them on a specific philosophical topic, and a website containing free, quality educational support materials to use with the boxes. The project also includes designing and launching an online magazine that aims to become a philosophy for children site for practitioners but also seeks to reach a broader audience and build an online community for wondering and pondering together. 41 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 NF–CH José Nesis & Paula Szuster From Family to Family A folder travelled from house to house. Each child introduced him or herself and talked about who they lived with, what their families were like, the things they enjoyed doing, and others they felt like sharing with everyone. 15 stories and 15 illustrators bring us 15 very different families. Or then again, maybe not so different… Argentina: Iamiqué, 2015 (40 pp | Age 4+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) 42 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 NF–CH Curious Dreams An ideal series for younger children to take their first steps in the world of science. As he dreams, the main character investigates and finds out why animals have the shapes they have. Books in which information and image join together to investigate, discover and carry on asking questions. The perfect formula to awaken a love for reading, art and knowledge. This Isn’t my Tail Joaquin will find out that animals have very different kinds of tails and that all of them prove to be very useful for their owners. Text by Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain Plasticine illustrations by Luciana Fernández Argentina: Iamiqué, 2003 (24 pp | Age 4+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Those Aren’t my Legs Sophie will find out that animals have very different kinds of legs and that all of them are very useful for their owners. And what’s so special about Sophie’s feet? Text by Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain Découpage illustrations by Istvansch Argentina: Iamiqué, 2003 (24 pp | Age 4+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Those Aren’t my Ears Lola will find out that different animal have lots of different kinds of ears all of them very useful to their owners. And what’s so special about Lola’s own ears? By Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain Collage & high reliefs illustrations by Luciana Fernández Argentina: Iamiqué 2004 (24 pp | Age 4+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) 43 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 NF–CH Science for counting Numbers are everywhere you look… and they’re also hidden in nature. Discovering them is a perfect excuse for getting started on reading information books. Beautiful images and an innovative and attractive aesthetic. A captivating series from 1 to 10! Your Body from 1 to 10 Count round and find out how you can tell when food’s off, where your food goes after you’ve eaten it, why you can breathe even though you’re asleep and all the interesting things your fingers can do. By Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain Photographs by Pablo Grancharoff Argentina: Iamiqué, 2006 (24 pp | Age 5+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Bugs from 1 to 10 Discover what’s so special about a scorpion’s tail, how a praying mantis works out to grow, how many spots a ladybird’s got, how glow-worms send messages and why ants’ mouths are úberstrong. Text by Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain, Illustrated by paleoartist Gustavo Encina Argentina: Iamiqué, 2006 (24 pp | Age 5+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Dinosaurs from 1 to 10 Find out why Maiasaurs were ‘good mothers’, how Styracosaurus defended itself from attackers, and what was so special about Carnotaurus. By Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain, Illustrated by paleoartist Gustavo Encina Argentina: Iamiqué, 2006 (24 pp | Age 5+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) 44 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 NF–CH The Moon from 1 to 10 Find out why the moon doesn’t fly away from the Earth, why we always see the same face in the moon, what eclipses are, why there are so many craters on the moon and what kind of telescope Galileo used to observe the moon. By Mariano Ribas Argentina: Iamiqué, 2014 (24 pp | Age 5+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) The Solar System from 1 to 10 Take a look and find out what the Sun is made of, what space stations are for, what asteroids are, the difference between a shooting star and a meteorite and who the first explorer on Mars was. By Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain Argentina: Iamiqué, 2007 (24 pp | Age 5+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Extinct Animals from 1 to 10 Read and find out why Titanis was called “terror bird” and what is the difference between elephants and mamuts, among other curious things animals that no longer exist did or had. Text by Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain Illustrated by Paleoartist Gustavo Encina Argentina: Iamiqué, 2008 (24 pp | Age 5+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Sea Dwellers from 1 to 10 Take a journey and find out what’s so special about the flatfish’s eyes, how a leatherback turtle manages to stay warm and how the mimic octopus tricks its predators. By Mariela Kogan & Ileana Lotersztain Argentina: Iamiqué, 2014 (24 pp | Age 5+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) 45 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 NF–CH Science Soup This series leads children to the discovery that science is both fascinating and present in many of the activities we do on a daily basis. Chemistry Even in Your Soup! How does an airbag work? Why are pencils like diamonds? Why do fizzy drinks go flat? Why do we cry when we chop onions? Discover the wonders of this enthralling subject! Text by Silvana Fucito & Ileana Lotersztain Illustrated by Pablo Picyk Argentina: Iamiqué, 2011 (48 pp | Age 6+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Ecology Even in Your Soup! What is it all made of? What happens when a species dies out? What does it mean to be a responsible consumer? What is the greenhouse effect? Discover more about it! Text by Mariela Kogan & Ileana Lotersztain Illustrated by Pablo Picyk Argentina: Iamiqué, 2014 (48 pp | Age 6+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) 46 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 NF–CH What Beasts! This series has the tricky task of trying to explain why animals are the way they are. Based on the theory of evolution, the information is enhanced with oddities from the past and beautiful illustrations. As the icing on the cake, there is a final reflection on protecting the environment. How Did Zebra Get Its Stripes? Get to know some of the weapons animals use to avoid getting devoured by predators: from the most elaborate camouflages over the deadliest venom to the wackiest strategies. Text by Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain Illustrated by Gonzalo García Rodriguez Argentina: Iamiqué, 2003 (60 pp | Age 6+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Why Do Elephants Have Long Trunks? Learn about some fascinating facts about what animals do at dinner time: from the most sophisticated tools over the most revolting table manners to the most disgusting dishes. Text by Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain Illustrated by Gonzalo García Rodriguez Argentina: Iamiqué, 2003 (60 pp | Age 6+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Why Are Peacocks so Handsome? Discover the strategies animals use to get a mate: from the most romantic courtships to the most bloodthirsty couples, from the most fretful parents to the most dangerous relationships. Text by Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain Illustrated by Esteban Tolj Argentina: Iamiqué, 2003 (60 pp | Age 6+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) 47 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 NF–CH Questions to Make Your Hair Stand on End This series gives simple answers to some of the mysteries of everyday life. From two central ideas, the book opens out into a range of questions, answers, challenges and experiments. The information is backed up with fun illustrations, a dose of humour and curious facts. The Sun and the Earth for Curious Kids Discover why things don’t fall upwards, where the Sun goes at night, why it’s hot in the summer and why wool keeps you warm are just some of the crazy questions that this book answers. By Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain Illustrated by Rocío Alejandro Argentina: Iamiqué, 2003 (60 pp | Age 8+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Light and Colours for Curious Kids Find out why you can’t see when the lights are out, why red roses look red, where the moonlight comes from and why paintings are coloured, plus lots more. By Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain Illustrated by María Lavezzi Argentina: Iamiqué, 2004 (60 pp | Age 8+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Earthquakes and Volcanoes for Curious Kids Find out what lies at the center of the Earth, what tsunamis are, where lava comes from, what islands are, plus a whole lot more. With a host of e-ideas to boost reading and learning. By Fernando Simonotti & Gabriela Baby Illustrated by Javier Basile Argentina: Iamiqué, 2014 (60 pp | Age 8+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Storms and Tornadoes for Curious Kids Discover what are clouds made of, why does it rain stones, how is lighting formed, where do hurricanes come from and lots more. By María Inés Campos & Andrés Cosarinsky. Illustrated by Eugenia Nobati Argentina: Iamiqué, 2013 (60 pp | Age 8+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) 48 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 NF–CH Things weren’t Always like this Things haven’t existed forever, and they haven’t always been the way we know them now. This series looks at what lies behind each thing: people of flesh and blood, years of work, successes, failures, dreams, frustrations and even strokes of luck. An original and funny look at the history of objects and technology, ideal for enjoying with all the family. Books Weren’t Always Like This A fascinating journey through the history of books and the printing press. Find out how many skins were used to make a Bible, why antique books were erased without trace, who copied them out one by one, or the connection between wine and printing. By Gabriel Glasman & Ileana Lotersztain Illustrated by Javier Basile Argentina: Iamiqué, 2006 (36 pp | Age 8+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Movies Weren’t Always Like This In the history of the movies there is an abundance of creative people, customs, ways of life, technological progress… From the first public screening in France to the arrival of television in homes, a large part of the 20th century is told through the movies and its creators. By Marcelo Cerdá, Patricio Fontana & Pablo R. Medina Illustrated by Javier Basile Argentina: Iamiqué, 2006 (40 pp | Age 8+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Bathrooms Weren’t Always Like This A look at the history of personal hygiene full of fascinating stuff like the invention of the toilet, luxury Roman baths, what astronauts do with their waste products, how the first sewers were built and much more. By Federico Kukso & Ileana Lotersztain Illustrated by Javier Basile Argentina: Iamiqué, 2007 (40 pp | Age 8+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) 49 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 NF–CH School Wasn’t Always Like This An entertaining trip through the history of education, harking back to the times when school was a privilege for a few. Children wore donkeys’ ears, women weren’t allowed to teach, left-handers had to write right-handed and there was no playtime. A sideways glance at history, promoting group identity and respect for diversity. By Pablo Pineau & Carla Baredes Illustrated by Javier Basile Argentina: Iamiqué, 2008 (40 pp | Age 8+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Medicine Wasn’t Always Like This An interesting look at the history of medicine, recreating the moments when doctors were sorcerers, operations were done without anaesthesia, surgeons weren’t doctors but hairdressers and people died of illnesses that are easily curable today. History told through the scientific discoveries and advances that made medicine what it is today. By Martín de Ambrosio & Ileana Lotersztain Illustrated by Javier Basile Argentina: Iamiqué, 2011 (40 pp | Age 8+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) 50 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 NF–CH Strange Destinations Written in a tour guide format –with sections like What to take, What to do, Places to see– each title takes a profound and entertaining trip to an intriguing and unlikely destination. A series designed for those who dream of travelling to Neptune, exploring the Milky Way or spending a season on the North Pole… Ideal for dreamers and the inquisitive. Solar System Tour Guide Seven strange destinations for those looking for a holiday One of a kind! A detailed, original and funny description of each of the planets in the Solar System. Every “visit” ends up with a list of the planet’s main features and includes information on space missions which have visited them and details of official websites that update the information every day. By Mariano Ribas & Carla Baredes Illustrated by Javier Basile Argentina: Iamiqué, 2008 (60 pp | Age 10+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) Scientific Detectives As Detective Intringulis cracks a case, this series shows how science helps to solve crimes. A highly original combination of information book and detective story. “Detective Intríngulis and the theft of the Mona Louisa” The investigation of an art theft gives an explanation of the techniques and know-how involved in forensic science: what are fingerprints and how are they collected, how does the lie detector work, how can you tell if a painting is authentic, etc. Also includes activities, anecdotes from the world of art and famous detectives from literature. By Amaicha Depino & Carla Baredes illustrated by Fabián Mezquita Argentina: Iamiqué, 2010 (48 pp | Age 10+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other translation rights CBQ agencia literaria) 51 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 NON-FICTION YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS 52 NF–YR Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 NF–YR Gemma Lienas Los diarios de Carlota (series) Los diarios de Carlota is a series of non fiction books for teenagers, told by a teen. Carlota talks about gender equality, sex education, violence, drugs, and humans rights... Spain: Planeta, 2013 (272 pp | Age 12+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) All titles in this series El diario rojo de Carlota, Spain: Planeta, 2004 (336 pp | Age 12+) El diario violeta de Carlota, Spain: El Alpeh, 2007 (176 pp | Age 12+) El diario amarillo de Carlota, Spain: Planeta, 2010 (200 pp | Age 12+) El diario naranja de Carlota, Spain: Planeta, 2011 (208 pp | Age 12+) El diario azul de Carlota, Spain: Planeta, 2013 (272 pp | Age 12+) About the author Gemma Lienas (Barcelona, 1951) is a writer, and regular contributor to mass media. She is the author of more than eighty books, some of them for young adults, such as El rastro brillante del caracol (Planeta, 2014) Callejón sin salida, Así es la vida, Carlota (IBBY Mention of Honor, 1990), El diario violeta de Carlota (Unesco Award for tolerance) or Billete de ida y vuelta (La Odisea Award, 1998). She has also written children’s books, such as mistery series La Tribu de Camelot, and the emotional education series El hada Menta, as well as books for adults, including Atrapada en el espejo, El final del juego (Ramon Llull Award, 2003), and Anoche soñé contigo. 53 Literarische Agentur | svh@saskiavonhoegen.de | Phone: +49 (0)30 48811267 NF–YR Dorian Lucas 99% Feliz For thousands of years, Orient and Occident philosophers have been looking for the answers to the same questions that worry us today: What’s the secret to happiness? Are there any shortcuts to success? How can we discern real love? What can we do when everything seems to be against us? Fresh, practical and amusing, also accompanied with fine illustrations, this book collects the best ideas from the most privileged minds of the Human History. Spain: Nube de tinta, Penguin Random House (E-Book | Age 12+) German and Dutch translation rights SvH Literarische Agentur (All other rights Sandra Bruna agencia literaria) About the author Dorian Lucas is editor and publisher of trends in spirituality and psychology. He collects aphorisms of great minds in history and this work demonstrates his ability to compress large life lessons in confined spaces. 54
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