Issue - Portsmouth Virginia Parks, Recreation and Leisure Services


Issue - Portsmouth Virginia Parks, Recreation and Leisure Services
Recreation that Encourages Ageless
Livability Neighborhoods
Winter 2016
Welcome to our Recreation For Generations
2016 Winter Issue
Introducing the New Director
In this
Facilities & Staff
Virginia Cooperative
Extention Programs
Recreation Center
As I write this message, I have
been in the role of Director for six
days and I still have much to learn
about all of the wonderful staff,
programs, and facilities that make
up the Department. As the new
Director of the Department of
Parks, Recreation, & Leisure
Mark Furlo, CPRP
Services in Portsmouth, I am
extremely excited at the Recreational opportunities the City
of Portsmouth currently offers its citizens and the potential
to expand and improve those offerings. Whether you
decide to visit one of our many neighborhood playgrounds, have a picnic at City Park, play a round of golf
at Bide-A-Wee, or attend our popular Umoja festival,
make sure you take time out to recreate.
Summer RAYS
fees for 2016:
• $25 Registration Fee
• $250 camp fee (7:30am
to 5:30pm)
• $250 Cheer camp registration fee (7:30am to
5:30pm) + supply fee of
$55 to cover uniform
• $85 Field Trip fee (optional)
Before and After camp care only available at
Churchland Elementary, Simonsdale Elementary and
Cradock Middle School
• Before camp care (6am to 7:30am) - $75
• After camp care (5:30pm to 6 :30pm) - $50
• Before and After camp care - $100
Mark Furlo
Pokey Smokey II
6 to Six
HIGH 5 Spring
Break Program
Parks, Playgrounds
and Athletic Areas
Senior Station
Summer Rays
2016 Summer RAYS Program registration will begin on
Monday, March 7, 2016. Summer RAYS is a 9 week
program held June 21 – August 19, 2016 and will take
place at the following sites: Cavalier Manor Recreation
Center (sports camp), Port Norfolk Recreation Center, JE
Parker Recreation (TEEN camp) Center, Cradock Recreation
Center, Cradock Middle School, Churchland Middle
School (cheer camp), Churchland Elementary School,
Churchland Primary School, John Tyler Elementary School,
Neighborhood Facility and Simonsdale Elementary School.
Five days of high impact recreational activity
at four different locations: Cavalier Manor,
Carl Painter
JE Parker, Port Norfolk. Cradock Recreation
Recreation Superintendent
Center and Neighborhood Facility. Transportation NOT Provided Date: March 28 – April 1, 2016
Time: 6:00am – 6:00pm Where: 900 Elm Ave (Neighborhood
Facility) Ages: 5-15 years old Cost: $25pp for the entire week
(Lunch Provided) Registration: March 1 – March 25, 2016
*Sites subject to change*
City of Portsmouth Parks, Recreation & Leisure Services
Facilities and Staff:
Main Office:
Department of Parks, Recreation
and Leisure Services
801 Crawford Street, Portsmouth, VA 23704
Mark Furlo, CPRP Director
Assistant Director
Mark Palamarchuck
393-8481 x 4125
Recreation Supervisor
393-8481 x 4116
Tony Colden
Portsmouth City Park
7 CPL. J.L. Williams Avenue
Portsmouth, VA 23701
393-8481 x 4116
Tony Colden
(Park Operations &
Recreation Supervisor –
393-8481 x 4119
Clifton Jones
Cavalier Manor
Recreation Center
404 Viking Street
Portsmouth, VA 23701
558-2805, Gym 558-2804
Elizabeth Stackhouse
JeNene Credle
Cradock Recreation
Center Therapeutic
342 Allen Road
Portsmouth, VA 23702
Ericka Bynum
J. E. Parker
Recreation Center
2430 Turnpike Road,
Portsmouth, VA 23704
Vernon Griffin
Neighborhood Facility
Recreation Center
900 Elm Avenue,
Portsmouth, VA 23704
Byron Joyce
Port Norfolk
Recreation Center
432 Broad Street,
Portsmouth, VA 23707
Angela Hollingsworth
The Senior Station
3500 Clifford Street,
Portsmouth, VA 23707
Sandra “Gail” Burton
Ruenda Gray
Recreation Program
Coordinator –
393-8481 x 4127
Chad Gray
Michelle L. Eady x 4112
Carl Painter x 4244
6 TO SIX Before and
After School Program
393-8481 x 4105
Angela Hollingsworth
Bide-A-Wee Golf
Course/City Park Links
1 Bide A Wee Drive
Portsmouth, VA 23701
393-8600 x 3642
Virginia Cooperative
Extension Service
105 Utah Street
Portsmouth, VA 23701
Cyndi Wyskiewicz
Environmental Horticulture
Unit Coordinator
Crystal Barber
Food, Nutrition and Health
DeAnna Heggen,
Program Assistant –
Family Nutrition Program
Greg Costanza,
4H Youth Development
Grant Funding
Community Development Block Grants (CDBG)
Mobile Kids Meals Mobile Mobile Kids Meals provides evening snacks and
dinner meal to school aged youth 4-18 years of age Monday-Friday from January
2016 to June 2016. The program incorporates
tutoring/homework assistance, athletics, fitness
and recreational activities. This program supports
the Recreation Centers, afternoon activities at
Michelle Eady
Recreation Superintendent schools and the 6 TO SIX aftercare program. The
program will operate Monday January 4, 2016-Friday June 17, 2016
with the evening snack and dinner. This program is supported by the
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Senior Transportation The Senior Transportation program provides transportation to Portsmouth
seniors daily to and from the Senior Station (3500 Clifford Street) for activities and socialization. In
addition there is transportation to medical appointments, pharmacy, business appointments (bank,
post office, social security office etc.), monthly grocery shopping, visits to sick/shut-in, bereavement
services, cultural events and to special Senior programs in other Hampton roads cities. Many of
our seniors would not otherwise be able to meet these needs due to inadequate transportation.
Health and Wellness The Health and Wellness program serves youth 4-17 years and seniors
using traditional and trend style fitness activities to get participants to be more active. The
program focuses on the problem of childhood obesity through aerobics, yoga for kids, Zumba
for youth, sports drills, fitness boot camp, obstacle courses and motor skills drills. The Surgeon
General’s report on Physical Activity and Health recommends that children aged 6 years and
older participate in activities for muscle strength and endurance. The Health and Wellness
program will offer activities targeted towards addressing issues of physical fitness and proper
nutrition. This program will be offered in the Recreation Centers beginning January 2016.
Other Federal Grants
Community Rites of Passage This is a mentoring and empowerment program for families.
The program will focus on elevating the number of youth that graduate from high school and
increasing parental involvement in school matters related to their children. The program will
also seek to decrease the number of children involved in criminal behaviors by redirecting the
families to more constructive programs or events. This program will be offered in the Recreation
Centers beginning January 2016.
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Kids
Meals The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) provide
the funding that allows for the purchase of the food for the
Mobile Kids Meals program. The program is under the auspices
of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and is
administered through the Virginia Department of Health (VDH).
Commit To Health Nutrition Literacy Grant Association (NRPA) for an Out-of-School
Time Program to be administered by the Department of Parks, Recreation & Leisure Services.
The grant will be used to increase the number of healthy meals children in low-income communities
receive through the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and the Child and Adult Care Food
Program (CACFP) during out-of-school hours.
The program will provide evidence-based, age-appropriate nutrition literacy to children that
create behavior change by teaching the importance of healthy eating and implement nutrition
and physical standards that increase access to healthier foods and increase opportunities for
physical activity with OrganWise Guys equipment.
Virginia Cooperative Extension Programs
Health and Wellness:
Virginia Cooperative
Extension’s FIT Extension –
Date: April 6th - May 28th, 2016
Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Location: Online
Target Ages: City Residents
and City Employees
Kickoff for this program
is April 5th 2016 Time: 6:30-7:30pm Location:
VCE office- 105 Utah Street, Portsmouth, VA
Description: FIT Extension is an 8 week,
evidence-based, online, healthy lifestyle
program. You will be asked to sign up in
teams of 5 and compete with increasing fruit
and vegetable intake and physical activity.
Registration: $5.00 per person. Registration
Deadline: April 1, 2015 Your participation
will also support our Healthy Portsmouth
CHIP (Community Health Improvement
Program) 2016!
Walk A Weigh (WAW) Adult Healthy
Lifestyle Program
Date: January 21st – February 27th 2016 Time:
10:30am-11:30am Location: Sessions start on
Saturdays at various library locations TBA. Target
Ages: Adults 18 and over Kickoff for this program
is January 21, 2016 Time 6:30-8:30pm Location:
VCE office- 105 Utah Street, Portsmouth, VA
Description: WAW is a 6 week, award winning,
healthy lifestyle program that provides sessions on
nutrition, physical activity, and some healthy recipe
sampling. The program includes 3 weigh-ins for
healthy weight management. Minimal registration
fee of $10.00 applies per person. Your participation
will support CHIP 2016!
Please call Crystal Barber, MNS, RD at 393-5125
or email for more information.
393-5125 for more information.
Virginia Cooperative
Master Gardener
lecture series
New Plants for 2016
Date: Tuesday January 12, 2016
Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm Location: Portsmouth
Public Library- Churchland Branch- Coleman room
Target Ages: Adults 18 and over Description:
Free gardening lecture
Pruning Basics
Date: Tuesday February 9, 2016 Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Location: Portsmouth Public Library- Churchland
Branch- Coleman room Target Ages: Adults 18 and
over Description: Free gardening lecture
Seed Starting and Seed Swap
Date: Tuesday March 8, 2016 Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Location: Portsmouth Public Library- Churchland
Branch- Coleman room Target Ages: Adults 18 and
over Description: Free gardening lecture
Tasty Tomatoes and Vegetable Growing
Date: Tuesday April 12, 2016 Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Location: Portsmouth Public Library- Churchland
Branch- Coleman room Target Ages: Adults 18 and
over Description: Free gardening lecture
Rain Barrel Workshop
Date: Thursday April 28, 2016 Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Location: Portsmouth Extension Office- 105 Utah
Street, Portsmouth, VA 23701 Target Ages: Adults
18 and over Description: Water Conservation and
Rain barrel Workshop. Participants will make and take
home their own rain barrel. Fee for materials-$50.00.
Open Garden Event
Date: Saturday May 7, 2016 Time: 9:00am -2:00pm
Location: Portsmouth Extension Office- 105 Utah
Street, Portsmouth, VA 23701 Target Ages: All
Ages Description: Free gardening lectures, Plant
sale, Garden tours, gardening activities for youth
All about Hops- The Herb that Makes Beer Better
Date: Tuesday May 10, 2016 Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Location: Portsmouth Public Library- Churchland
Branch- Coleman room Target Ages: Adults 18 and
over Description: Free gardening lecture
Rain Barrel Workshop
Date: Thursday May 26, 2016 Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Location: Portsmouth Extension Office- 105 Utah
Street, Portsmouth, VA 23701 Target Ages: Adults
18 and over Description: Water Conservation and
Rain barrel Workshop. Participants will make and take
home their own rain barrel. Fee for materials-$50.00.
Hydrangeas- More than just Mopheads
Date: Wednesday June 16, 2016 Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Location: Portsmouth Public Library- Churchland
Branch- Coleman room Target Ages: Adults 18
and over Description: Free gardening lecture
Rain Barrel Workshop
Date: Thursday June 23, 2016 Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Location: Portsmouth Extension Office- 105 Utah
Street, Portsmouth, VA 23701 Target Ages: Adults
18 and over Description: Water Conservation and
Rain barrel Workshop. Participants will make and take
home their own rain barrel. Fee for materials-$50.00.
For more information or to register for these program
contact Cyndi Wyskiewicz- Horticulture agent at
(757) 393-5314 or via email
4-H Youth Development:
Portsmouth/Norfolk Junior 4-H Camp
Date: July 25 – 29, 2016 Location: Airfield 4-H
Education Center in Wakefield Description: The
Airfield 4-H Educational Center Junior Summer
Camps provide youth between the ages of 9 and
13 with programming designed to learn through
experiential education and character development.
4-H camping is cooperative group living in a natural
environment which focuses on the individual’s
social, spiritual, mental, and physical development
for both boys and girls. Contact: Greg Costanza at for more information on camping and/or
teen counselor opportunities. Find us on Facebook: or on
Twitter: @2CitiesOne4H
4-H Adult
4-H is actively seeking adult volunteers
for community clubs, summer camp, and in-school
or after-school programs. To be an adult volunteer,
the State 4-H office requires training, an application,
references, and a background check. Volunteering not
only impacts the life of youth, but provides adults with
opportunities for personal development. A variety
of topics are available, including from STEM to healthy
living to environmental education to citizenship. The
possibilities are endless! Curriculum is provided to
instructors, but the enthusiasm and passion is all of
ours to share. of ours to share.
Airfield 4-H Center Specialty
Date: January – August 2016 Location: Airfield
4-H Education Center in Wakefield Ages: 5-19
Description: Airfield 4-H Education Center serves
youth 5 – 19 in the Tidewater service area of 15
counties and cities and traditionally has nine weeks
of summer camping. Additionally in the spring and into
the first part of the summer, the Center also hosts
special weekend camps such as Back to Nature Camp
or Cloverbud camps designed for 5 – 8 years olds.
January 15-17 Food Challenge (youth 9-13)
February 19-21 Space Camp (youth 9-13)
March 19-20
Winter Cloverbud (youth 5-8)
April 8-10
Spring Teen Fling (teens 14-19)
May 6-8
Environmental Camp (youth 9-13)
July 22-24
Summer Cloverbud Weekend
Camp (youth 5-8)
August 15-19
District Camp (youth 9-13)
Contact: Greg Costanza at or 3938109 for more information on camping and/or teen
counselor opportunities. Find us on Facebook: or on
Twitter: @2CitiesOne4H
Visit us on Facebook or our website
Recreation Ce
Cavalier Manor Recreation Center
Program: Celebrating the New Year … Bring 2016 in with a Bang
Date: Friday, January 7, 2016
Time: 4:00pm
Target Ages: Teens and Youth
A youthful celebration of the New Year with Music, food, and fun.
A carnival atmosphere which allow participants test their skills
Program: February – Mardi Gras Celebration
Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Time: 4:00pm
Target Ages: Youth
Come join us down Bourbon Street to celebrate Mardi Gras with music, games,
crafts, entertainment, interesting foods, sparkling drinks and lots of fun.
Program: Valentine Day Celebration –
Date: Friday, February 12, 2016
Time: 4:00pm
Participants will play Valentine games, exchange cards, honor their loved
ones with flowers they made and end the celebration with a sock hop.
Program: Leprechaun Hunt
Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2016
Time: 4:00pm
Target Ages: Youth
The participants will be sent on a mind challenge adventure to find Mr.
Leprechaun’s hidden treasures.
Program: Let Them Fly
Date: Friday, April 8, 2016
Time: 4:00-7:00pm
Target Ages: Youth and Teens
A workshop on how to make kites and then we fly them. The participants will
get a chance to create their own designs and see who can get them to fly
high. All materials will be furnished.
Cradock Recreation Center
Program: New Year Celebration
Date: January 6, 2016
Target Ages: 6-17 years old
January is Art Appreciation Month
Program: Valentine's Day Social
Date: February 12, 2016
Target Ages: 6-17 years old
Program: Feast of St. Patrick
Date: March 17, 2016
Target Ages: 6-17 years old
Program: Father Daughter Dance
Date: Friday, June 3, 2016
Time: 5:00 to 7:00pm
Target Ages: Adults, Youth and Teens
This Semi-formal affair for fathers, uncles, etc. to dance with their little girls
and socialize with one another. Light refreshments and an inspirational
speaker on the importance of a man in their daughter’s lives.
Program: Hello Summer Luau
Date: Friday, June 10, 2016
Time: 5:00pm
Target Ages: Youth and Teens
A Hawaiian Theme Festival that include games, music, end of the year gifts
and theme outfits. Food will consist of hot dogs, hamburgers, drinks and fruit
Program: Mother’s Retr
Date: May 5, 2016
Time: 5:00-7:00pm
Target Ages: 6-17 years old
A day of pampering for mothers provid
contact: Vernon Griffin (757) 393-834
Program: Backyard Carn
Date: June 9, 2016
Time: 4:00-6:00pm
Target Ages: 6-17 years old
An extravaganza to celebrate the end
contact: Vernon Griffin (757) 393-834
Program: Light it up for Autism
Date: April 2, 2016
Target Ages: 6-17 years old
Target Ages:
Staff vs Kids Basketball Game
May 18, 2016
6-17 years old
Cradock Middle School
Program: Therapeutic Summer Camp Kick off
Date: June 20, 2016
Target Ages: 6-17 years old
For more information please contact Ericka Bynum at Cradock Recreation
Center at (757) 393-1046 ext. 12
Neighborhood R
Program: I Love Me Poe
Date: February 11, 2
Time: 6:00pm – 7:30
Target Ages: 6-17 years old
Do you have skills on the microphone
are an inspiring poet or rap artist and
please come and inspire someone el
Program: Clean the Community Day
Date: Thursday, April 14, 2016
Time: 4:00-7:00pm
Target Ages: Youth and Teens
With picks and trash bags in hand the groups will clean up their center
grounds and nearby neighborhood.
Program: Mother Daughter Tea
Date: Thursday, May 7, 2016
Time: 6:00pm
Target Ages: Mothers, Grandmothers, Foster Moms and their children
A child or children will accompany a Mother Figure to honor them on this day.
A program will consist of poems read about moms, handmade gifts presented to
them, games played and pictures taken. Everyone will sip tea and enjoy finger
Program: An Egg-strava
Date: April 14, 2016
Time: 6:00-7:00pm
Target Ages: 6-17 years old
Hunt for candy filled eggs along with
area. For more info contact: Vernon G
J. E. Parker Recreation Center
Program: Bringing in the New
Date: January 7, 2016
Time: 5:00-7:00pm
Target Ages: 6-17 years old
Dance designed to celebrate the arrival of the New Year. For more information
contact: Vernon Griffin (757) 393-8340
Program: Black History
Date: February 25, 2
Time: 6:00pm – 7:30
Target Ages: 6-17 years old
How knowledgeable are you with Afric
and the best at figuring out clues and fi
prove yourself. If this describes you the
on black history and see how good you
Program: Talent Showca
Date: March 10, 201
Time: 6:00pm – 7:30
Target Ages: ALL
Come out and enjoy an exhibition of lo
fashion. This event is open to all ages
Program: Sweetheart Speed Rounds
Date: February 11, 2016
Time: 5:00-7:00pm
Target Ages: 6-17 years old
Meet and greet to celebrate the Valentine season. For more information
contact: Vernon Griffin (757) 393-8340
Program: Easter Egg Hu
Date: March 24, 201
Time: 4:00pm – 5:00
Target Ages: 5-12 years old
Join us for a good old fashioned egg
Program: Lucky Charm Sock Hop
Date: March 17, 2016
Time: 5:00-7:00pm
Target Ages: 6-17 years old
Dance to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. For more information contact: Vernon
Griffin (757) 393-8340
Program: April Madness
Date: April 14, 2016
Time: 6:00 – 7:00pm
Target Ages: 6-17 years old
Is basketball your favorite sport? Com
see how you measure up against you
nter Programs
h other prizes throughout a safe and open
Griffin (757) 393-8340
Program: Step and Talent show
Date: May 5, 2016
Time: 6:00 – 7:30pm
Target Ages: ALL
This will be the biggest gala of all time. Local step teams will come to compete
for the title of Neighborhood’s Finest. Come out and enjoy the steppers and
other talent to be presented.
ed by loved ones. For more information
Program: An Evening of Remembrance
Date: May 19, 2016
Time: 6:00 – 7:30pm
Target Ages: 6-17 years old
Come join us as we remember those that were lost trying to gain our freedom.
There will be arts & crafts projects, poem recitals & expressions as well as
d of the school year. For more information
Recreation Center
etry & Rap Contest
e? If you do, come share with us. If you
d have some things you want heard
se to speak their mind in a positive way.
Scavenger Hunt
an American history? Are you competitive
nding hidden objects and want a chance to
en come join us as we test your knowledge
are at finding our hidden objects.
cal talent. Dancing, singing, rapping and
and promises to be an exciting time.
g hunt.
s Basketball Clinic
me see how you can better your skills and
ur peers on the court.
Port Norfolk Recreation Center
Program: January – New Year’s Celebration Kick Off!
Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30pm
Target Ages: 6-13 years old
8th – New Year’s Celebration with refreshments, streamers, horns, and confetti
14th – Martin Luther King “I have a dream” Essay contest
Program: February -Valentine’s Day Celebration
Time: 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Target Ages: 6-13 years old
12th – Pre Valentine’s Day Celebration, Month Long Black History Celebration
Program: March – Dr. Seuss Birthday Celebration
Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Target Ages: 6-13 years old
2nd – “Cat in the Hat” author Dr. Seuss Birthday celebration – storytelling
and snacks, 17th – St. Patrick’s Day Four Leaf Clover Arts/ Crafts event
Program: April – 22nd Earth Day Recycling Event
Time: 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Target Ages: 6-13 years old
Plan a special community service project
Program: May – Mother’s Day Celebration
Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Target Ages: 6-13 years old
7th – Mother’s Day Craft Project – make special gifts for the Mom in your life
27th – Memorial Day “Remembering Those Who Died for our Country” event
Program: June – Welcome Summer- School’s Out!
Time: 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Target Ages: 6-13 years old
Youth Association Directory
Cavalier Manor Football
Tammie Smith
2115 Lansing Ave
Portsmouth Va. 23704
(757) 536-8011 (h)
683-4256 (w)
(757) 754-6050 (c)
Cradock Little League
Jon Young
Cavalier Manor Baseball
David Harris
(757) 776-1712
Girls Basketball
Aaron Sawyer
(757) 714-5470
Charles Peete Little
Antonio Lamb
(757) 729-0166
Manor Basketball
Robert Tucker – (757) 615-3768
Churchland /Barney Stevenson
Basketball League
B. Hawkins (Girls)
484-1040 (h)
435-3567 (c)
393-6262 (w)
Nate Miller (Boy)
(757) 749-5416
Churchland Football
Marfett Wellons
P.O. Box 6101
Portsmouth, VA 23703
(757) 483-6056 (h)
(757) 537-1101 (c)
Churchland Little League
Vickt Tiller
3708 Shannon Rd.
Portsmouth, VA 23703
686-8111 (h)
295-7325 (c)
Marry Dock: 777-7874
Hotline: 541-8008
Churchland Soccer
Cindy Robins
City Liaison
404-2650 (c)
P.O. Box 5096
Portsmouth, VA 23703
Churchland Softball
Little League
Dennis Wieckert
10 Blue Heron Point
Portsmouth 23703
DanZa Competition
February 13, 2016, 10:00am
Mr. Vegas and Friends
March 18, 2016, 8:00pm
Dream Dance Challenge
February 20, 2016, 9:00am
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.
Debutante Cotillion
March 19, 2016, 6:00pm
Geoff Gallante
Sunday, March 6, 2016, 3:00pm
The Secrets She Never Told
Saturday, March 12, 2016, 3:00pm
The Young Irelanders
Friday, April 15, 2016, 7:30pm
Chrystal E. Williams
May 1, 2016, 3:00pm
District 6 Baseball
Jean Albertson
(757) 615-2950
Olive Branch Baseball
John Gardner
(757) 407-0692
Ports. Inter-City Football
Ruth Edwards
314 Starboard
Portsmouth, VA 23702
396-9571 (w)
393-7651 (h)
719-76510 (c)
M. Lathan
(757) 488-3011 (h)
(757) 372-6039 (o)
Pop Warren Football
Terry Clark
(757) 409-3124
Portsmouth Soccer Club
Edna Rosenfeldt
122 Chowan Drive
Portsmouth, VA 23701
Office: (757) 488-3892
Hotline: (757) 673-4796
295-7325 (c)
Marry Dock: 777-7874
Hotline: 541-8008
Westmoreland / Mt Hermon
Tyrone Hines
403-6760 (c)
R. Walker
(757) 303-2388
Wilson Little League
Darnell Fisher
Maureen’s School of Dance,
Dance Recital
May 21, 2016, 4:30pm
Maureen’s School of Dance,
Dance Recital
May 22, 2016, 1:30pm
Unlimited Dance Dynamics
June 18, 2016, 1:00pm
Youth and Adult Athletics
For information on all athletic activities, contact the athletic division at 393-8481.
For a listing of the Sports Association Directory, please go to our website
Portsmouth Cares:
Healthy Lifestyles Initiatives
Clifton Jones Recreation Supervisor – Athletics
Youth Soccer
Date: Registration Now
Location: Churchland, John Tyler
Description: Girls & Boys
Soccer Leagues
Ages: over 18
Days: Mon-Thur
Location: Sportsplex
Description: Adult Basketball
Youth Basketball
Date: Saturday, Jan. 9
Time: 9am-2pm
Location: JE Parker
Ages: 5-15
Location: Neighborhood
Portsmouth Sportsplex
Description: Youth Basketball
Youth Baseball
Date: March
Locations: Wilson, Churchland
Park, Cavalier Manor
Charles Peete
Ages: 5-15
Description: Youth Little League
Adult Basketball
Date: Monday, Jan. 11
Time: 630-730pm
Location: JE Parker
Girls Softball
Date: March
Location: Churchland Park
Description: Girl’s softball League
Spring Softball
Date: April 18
Time: 630 thru 930pm
Location: Churchland
Ages: over 18
Location: Douglas Park
Men’s A&C leagues
Highland Biltmore
Description: Adult Coed, Church,
Men’s A&C leagues
Youth City Wide Basketball
Date: March 7-10 & March 14-15
Time: TBA
Ages: 9-15
Description: Youth City
Basketball league
championships Boys & Girls
• Adults will be able to participate in programs from
11:00 am-2:30 pm.
• Access to the fitness room from 11:00am-2:30pm.
• Currently putting together a GED readiness
program for adults wanting to get their GED.
Cradock Recreation Center
• Youth hours are from 3:00pm-6:00pm, programs
include tutoring, SOL strengthening, teaching
writing format for SOL, SAT & ACT
• Cradock Recreation Center will be open to the
community from from 11am - 6 pm.
• Feeding takes place at Cradock Middle School
from 2:30pm-3:30pm for school age children 4 - 17.
Ericka Bynum Therapeutic Recreation Specialist
In a commitment to maintain
a healthy environment for our
citizens and promoting fitness,
the following programs and
facilities are available for
adults 18 and over.
Chad Gray Recreation Program Coordinator
Introducing the Recreation
Center Membership Card
Beginning in February 2016, all recreation center
participants will receive a yearly membership card
good for all City of Portsmouth recreation centers
(Neighborhood Facility, Cavalier Manor, Cradock,
J.E. Parker, Port Norfolk, Senior Station). Participants will be required to present their membership
card each time they use one of the recreation
centers. The membership will grant adults and
seniors access to the gymnasium, game room,
fitness center and other adult programs (excluding
adult classes). Youth membership will grant
access to all youth programs including: homework
assistance, active games, arts and crafts, sports,
special events, and much more.
Cost (yearly fee):
Adults (18 and up) - $20 Youth (up to 17) - $10
Seniors (65 and up) - $5
Payment plans are available for those registering
multiple children and/or adults. Registration
required for all memberships. Payments must be
made at the main Parks, Recreation & Leisure
Services office at 801 Crawford St, Portsmouth,
VA 23704.
All Classes are 6-week session
Senior Aerobics
Before &After
School Child Care
Angela Hollingsworth Recreation Activity Leader
2015-2016 School Year Fees
Registration Fees
Registration Fee is $25.00 per child
and nonrefundable.
Monthly Fees:
For Discounts on Multiple children –
first child pays full amount and the other
children pay the discounted price.
Before Care - $140.00
Discount cost for Multiple Children - $112.00
After School Care - $190.00
Discount cost for Multiple Children - $152.00
Before and After Care - $245.00
Discount cost for Multiple Children - $196.00
Late Fee Charges:
A late fee assessment of $20.00 will be
applied to all accounts that are paid after
the due date. Any pick-ups after designated pick up time, will receive an assessment fee of $1.00 for each minute
Discounted Rates:
Time: 9:30am Days: Mon/Wed/Fri
Location: JEP Ages: 55 and up Costs: $25
Zumba in a Circuit
Time: 10:30am Day: Mon Location: JEP
Ages: 18 and up Costs: $10
Time: 7:00pm Day: Tues. Location: JEP
Ages: 18 and up Costs: $10
Time: 8:00pm Day: Tues. Location: JEP
Ages: 18 and up Costs: $10
Discounted rates may be applied
approximately at mid-month with
new participants only upon registration.
Line Dancing
Contact Information:
The Department of Parks, Recreation and
Leisure Services at 757-393-8481 ext 4105.
Time: 9:30am Day: Thurs. Location: JEP
Ages: 18 and up Costs: $10
Time: 10:30am Day: Wed. Location: JEP
Ages: 18 and up Costs: $10
Slide Out
Time: 10:30am Day: Fri. Location: JEP
Ages: 18 and up Costs: $10
*All class information subject to change*
5 CPL J. M. Williams Ave.
Portsmouth City Park –
Shelter Reservations
Date: Starting January 11, 2016 Park
Opens: March 7, 2016 Reservations end:
October 29, 2016 Contact Number: 393-8481
Pokey Smokey II Schedule
The train will operate weekends only until school
closes. Infants at no cost. Starting date: April 30, 2016,
Saturdays and Sundays Only Hours of Operations:
10am-7pm. Cost: $2 per person for Ages 3 and older.
Regular Train Operations: Tuesday – Sunday,
Starting June 21 – September 5, 2016. Spilt Time
Schedule (10am-1pm) (3-pm – 7pm)
Boat Ramps
Playground Equipment
Picnic Shelters
Track Walk Trail
City Park
Outdoor Basketball
CHARLES PEETE LITTLE LEAGUE - Elliott Ave. and Deep Creek Blvd.
COTTAGE PARK - 1919 County St.
DOUGLAS PARK - Manteo St. at Calvin St.
EBONY HEIGHTS PARK - Tyre Neck Road and Fawkes St.
EIGHTH AND JEFFERSON PARK - Eighth St. at Jefferson St.
FORT NELSON - 700 Crawford St.
FOUNTAIN PARK - Broad St. and Woodrow St.
GOSPORT PARK - Lincoln St. at First St.
GEORGE WASHINGTON PARK - George Washington Hwy at Parkside Place
HODGES MANOR SOCCER - 1201 Cherokee Rd.
HIGHLAND BILTMORE BALLFIELD - Deep Creek Blvd. and Elliott Ave.
HIGHLAND & LANSING PARK - Highland Ave. and Lansing Ave.
J.F. KENNEDY CENTER - 12 Grand St.
JOHN TYLER SOCCER - 3649 Hartford St.
LAFAYETTE ARCH PARK - 407 Crawford St.
LAKE SHORES GREEN - 400 Block Lake Shores Dr. and 500 Block Potomac Ave.
MAPLEWOOD PARK - Portsmouth Blvd. at Truxton Ave.
MIDDLE STREET PARK - 402 and 411 Middle St.
MOUNT HERMON PARK - 901 Florida Ave.
Movies in the Park
June 19th – August 28, 2016
(Sundays only)
Location: The Park Pavilion Cost: Free Times: TBA
Tentative Movie Schedule for 2016
June 19 Space Jam • June 26 Pan •
July 3 Daddy Day Care • July 17 The Lego Movie
• July 24 Minions • July 31 Wreck – It - Ralph •
August 7 Kung Fu Panda 3 • August 14 Cinderella
• August 21 Inside Out • August 28 The Game Plan
OWENS CREEK PARK - 1500 McDaniel St.
PARADISE CREEK PARK - 1141 Victory Blvd.
POINT PLEASANT PARK - 4815 High Street West
PORTSMOUTH SPORTSPLEX - 1801 Portsmouth Blvd
RELECTION WALK PARK - Bayview Blvd. at Florida Ave.
SCOTTS CREEK PARK - London Blvd. at Constitution Ave.
WASHINGTON STREET PARK - London St. at Washington St.
WAVERLY PARK - Waverly Blvd. at Court St.
Revised 12/14
64th Portsmouth
Invitational Tournament – PIT
April 13-16, 2016
4301 Cedar Lane - Churchland High School
Breakdown of Tournament Schedule
Wednesday, April 13th 7pm/9pm
Thursday, April 14th
Friday, April 15th
Saturday, April 16th
*12 noon/*2pm/6pm/8pm
*Free Admission
Cost: $10 per night $32 for a book of tickets for all four nights
26th Annual Umoja Festival
Annual Seawall Festival
Date: May 27-29, 2016 Festival Times:Friday,
May 27, 2016 - Opening Ceremony begins at 5:30,
Entertainment/Food/Activities begin at 6:00 and end
at 11:00 pm, Saturday, May 28, 2016 - Festival
Opens at 12:00 noon until 11:00 pm Sunday,
May 29, 2016 - Festival opens at 2:00 until 6:00 pm
(Gospel Sunday) Location: n”Telos Festival Grounds
Date: Saturday, June 11, 2016 Times: 3:00-9:00 pm,
Fireworks at 9:15 pm
Sunset Thursday after work
concert series
Date: June 9, 16, 23, & 30, 2016 Times: 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Location: Water Stage at Portside Park
133rd Annual Memorial
Day Parade
Date: May 30, 2016 Times: Parade begins at
10:00 am
Senior Station Programs
Senior Station is the Hub for Senior Activities!!! Whether it is our daily activities, weekly trips or
special events, this is the place to be for anyone 55 and over. Here are a few of our Trips and Special
Events planned for the upcoming season:
Sandra “Gail” Burton
Recreation Program Specialist
Educational Programs
AARP Driving Course
Dates: Tuesday & Thursday; January 12 & 13, February
2 & 3, March 1 & 2, April 5 & 6 ,May 3 & 4, June 7 & 8,
2016 Location: Senior Station Time: 9:30am-1:30pm
Target Ages: Adults aged 50 and older Description:
Pre registration is required. Registration will be held at
the Senior Station. AARP members fee $15 and nonmembers $20. Instructor, Eddie Carr
Lunch & Learn
Date: 2nd Mondays Time: 10:30am-11:30am Location:
Senior Station Target Ages: Age Adults 55 and older
Description: :A variety of topics that are health, financial,
community and wellness related. So staying informed is the
best way to stay healthy. One of our goals is to keep you
informed. Come out and hear the lateness information
on these topics. Registration is required.
Health and Wellness
Chair Exercise
Days: Tuesday & Thursday, Time: 10:30am-11:00am
Target Ages: Adults aged 55 and older Description:
Exercise that is low impact and designed to help keep
you flexible and mobile. Please come dress comfortable,
loose clothing and tennis shoes. Instructed by staff.
Fitness Room
Date: Beginning January 19, 2016, Open Monday –
Friday Time: 9am-12 noon and 1:00pm-4:00pm
Target Ages: Adults aged 55 and older Location:
Senior Station Description: Come, work out in our
fitness room. Our equipment will help keep you fit.
You must be a registered participant. Proper athletic
footwear and gym wear required.
on Wednesday & Friday beginning Wednesday January
6-29; February 3-26; March 2-30; April 6-29; May 4-27;
June 1-24, 2016. Target Ages: Adults Age 55 and older
Location: Senior Station Description: Registration
is Required. Space is limited. Registration session. Learn
about the computer, its parts and the basic functions and
maintenance. Basic skill will be emphasizing the ethical
uses of the internet and email.
Email & Internet
Dates: Classes run for one month at a time. Must pre
registrar one week prior to beginning class date.
Classes are held on Monday & Thursday beginning
Monday, January 4 through Friday, January 28; February
1-25; March 7 – 31; April 4-28; May 2-26; June 6-30,
2016. Target Ages: Adults Age 55 and older Location:
Senior Station Description: Registration is Required.
Space is limited. Learn to surf and use the internet
along with setting up, answering and sending email.
Open Computer Lab
Dates: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 12:30
– 4pm, Tuesday 9am-12pm & 1pm – 4pm Target Ages:
Adults Age 55 and older Location: Senior Station
Description: Open Computer Lab is for registered
participants. You must sign in and out.
Sewing Class
Dates: Three eight week sessions; Thursdays beginning; Session #1 January 7 – Session #2 February 25;
Session #3 March 10 – April 28 and May 5 – June 30,
2016. Time:1:30pm-3:30pm Target Ages:Adults age
55 and older Location: Senior Station Description:
Registration is required. Supply and project list may
be picked up at time of registration.
Special Events
Community Resource Center/Senior Center
Dr. King Breakfast & Celebration Breakfast
Day: Tuesdays Time: 10:30am-1:30pm Target Ages:
Adults aged 55 and older Location: Senior Station
Description: Portsmouth Health Department and
Portsmouth Parks and Recreation introduce: The
Community Resource Center. Community Health
Workers are available every Tuesday from 10:30am1:30pm to consult and provide information on local
resources for the Senior population. The volunteers
are there to complete necessary intake paperwork
with clients and to address their needs concerning
topics from chronic disease to housing assistance!
Our biggest priority is closing the gap to care, and
linking our Portsmouth residents with the information
they need to live long, healthy lives! If there are any
questions, or if you are interested in learning about
the Community Health Worker program, please feel
free to contact Brittany Watson at 757-393-8585
extension 8597 or email at Brittany.Watson@vdh.
Dates: January 15, 2016 Time: 10:00am -12:00pm
Target Ages: Adults age 55 and older Location:
Senior Station Description: Celebrating the life and
achievements of Dr. Martin L. King in his words
accompanied by songs. Breakfast will be served. A
reservation and $6.00 donation and is request by
January 8, 2016.
Classes and Workshops
Introduction to Computers
Dates: Classes run for one month at a time. Must pre
registrar one week prior to class dates. Classes are held
Senior Sweetheart Ball
Dates: February 12, 2016 Time: 11am – 2:00pm Target
Ages: 55 years and older Location: The Pavilion at Bide
A Wee Gold Club Description: Let us call you Sweetheart as you enjoy musical entertainment for dancing by
DJ Melvin White, entertainment, door prizes and the
selection of a 2016 Sweetheart, male and female. Heavy
Hors d oeuvres will be served fun by all. A donation of
$15 is due by February 5, 2016.
Spring Craft Explosion
Dates: March 11, 2016 Time: 10am – 2:00pm Target
Ages: Adults aged 55 and older Location: Senior Station
Description: Craft time, learn something new. Crafts will
be make and take. A variety of station will be available for
you try different crafts. A donation fee of $5.00 per person
will be used for materials. This is due at the time of
sign up. Lunch will be provided by Senior Services of
Southeastern VA. You must registrar and a donation for
lunch is requested the day of this event.
Senior Prom/ A Night to Remember…….
Dates: April 15, 2016 Time: 11:00am – 2pm Target
Ages: Adults aged 55 and older Location: Senior Station
Description: A Night to Remember…… Dress to impress
and come dance the night away. A prom queen and king
will be selected and crowned. Tickets will be on sale
begining February 16, 2016. Donation: $10 per person. An
afternoon of dancing, food and fun. Come join us..
Senior Sports Day
Dates: May 18 & 19, 2016 Time: 11:00am – 2pm
Target Ages: Adults aged 55 and older Location: TBA
Description: May is “Older Americans Month” and in
order to celebrate and promote a healthy lifestyle for our
mature adults. We are hosting our 26th Annual Senior
Sports Event. This event will include over 20 events to
include; track & field, basketball, ping pong, softball hit
and throw. Some of our table games include spades,
dominoes and checkers, We will have a Wellness Day,
Opening and Awards Ceremonies. Registration begins
March 1 –April 30th, 2016. Application can be picked up
at the Senior Center.
Wildwood Seafood Feast
Dates: June 6 – 9, 2016/Days & 3 Nights Time: Departure
time will be listed Target Ages: Adults aged 55 and
older Description: Come enjoy 4 days and 3 nights
in Wildwood, NJ. This trip includes 3 nights’ accommodation, 3 breakfast, 3 dinners, a visit to Atlantic City and a
One Special All you can eat Seafood Feast Buffet.A $50
nonrefundable payment is due upon registration. Travel
insurance is recommended. For additional information
please see staff.
Shopping Trip to Arundel Mills
Date: August 12, 2016 Time: 6:00am – 10:00pm Target
Ages: Adults age 55 years and older Description: Time
to shop! Enjoy a day at Arundel Mill. Plenty of time shop,
eat enjoy the adult amusements and sites. A $25 dollar
deposit is requested at time of registration. Donation is
$50 per person. Motor coach travel, games and refreshments will be provided.
Lancaster Pennsylvania
Date: June 2016 Time: TBA Target Ages: Adults age 55
years and older Description: Enjoy a 2 day/ 1 night trip to
enjoy the newly featured production “Samson”. Included in
this trip; round trip motorcoach transportation, 1 night
accommodations, 1 breakfast. 1 dinner in a local Amish
Restaurant. Admission to the show, a visit to Kitchen Kettle
Village and more…… $250.00 per person. A $50 deposit is
required at registration. Travel insurance is recommended.