Quad City British Auto Club
Quad City British Auto Club
http://qcbac.home.mchsi.com August/September 2008 Newsletter In this issue: Roger and Bradley Waugh’s MG history. Short Cheri Top Drive Inn Report July cook out report QCBAC Rudy’s Wednesday evening dinner report Carl Jamison’s MGB repair adventure Flicks car show I‟ve had this newspaper clipping for AGES! Thought you might enjoy it. Exact date unknown, but you can certainly take a guess from the cars in the background. I owned my MGA back in around 1970-1972, which probably also helps determine the photo‟s age. Of course the dog was not the driver, just patiently waiting for his master to return. Time to be announced October 5 - Sunday—Dinner/social event. The QCBAC returns to Old Chicago 3030 Utica Ridge Road in Bettendorf (just off of I-74, across from Jumers). More information inside this issue. September 6—Saturday—Classic Cars for a Cause, car rally and military benefit at the Bettendorf Christian Church, 3487 Towne Point Drive (behind Lindquist Ford). This show runs from 10am-6pm. There is a $10 per car entry fee. There will be food and activities for families and kids, awards and prizes for individual categories, People‟s Top Choice of Show, in fact, all entries receive awards! August 27—Wednesday—Dinner meet up at the BEAUTIFULLY remodeled 11 Street Bar and Grill in the Village of East Davenport at 2108 E. 11 Street. We plan on getting there between 5:30 and 6, so come on out! More information inside this issue Next events: Quad City British Auto Club Newsletter editor XXXX-XX Street A Moline, IL 61265-4308 Quad City British Auto Club Note from Newsletter Editor Ed Hello everybody. I should be working on our website, but since Mediacom came and left my alley to do an “emergency repair”, I have no internet connection or cable tv to watch… so might as well do something constructive while I wait for their return….. –sigh– one sure does get used to the luxuries. 2 nights before the cookout, I drove up to Muscatine to the Cheri Top Drive Inn to check out their cruise/car show. They have a gathering, once a month. In a different part of this newsletter, there will be 1 or 2 photos from that evening with a test question for you all. Wonder how many of you will know the answer? Met a lot of nice people there, saw some cool cars, and had some yummy ice cream (but then, what ice cream isn‟t?). I‟d like to pop up there again sometime…. A nice way to spend a couple of hours on a warm Friday evening in the summer. We had some nice turn outs at recent events. 18 people and 7 British cars made it out to our July cookout hosted by President Dave and First Lady Colette. It was a magnificent day for an outside gathering…. Dave sure knows how to operate that grill (Hank Hill would be proud)… and all of the attendees brought something delicious to share. We discussed several things about the upcoming Autofest, and made arrangements for a goodie bag stuffing night. About 1.5 weeks later, we had a dinner meeting at Rudy‟s in Moline. We had a nice turn out, even though the Derecho wind storm that had come through the Quad Cities on Monday morning really caused major problems due to wide spread power outages. The Moline Rudy‟s still had no power that evening, so we had to move the event. The adventure of being “powerless” and having to deal with fallen tree limbs was certainly a hot topic at the dinner. The “secondary” dinner events seem to be enjoyed, and we have nice turn outs for them. In August, on the 27th, we‟ll go to the 11th Street Bar and Grill in The Village of East Davenport. If you have ever eaten there during an Autofest or at any other time, you will be amazed at the transformation. It‟s so spiffy now, I hope they let me in! Some of you will be receiving this newsletter at our big annual event, The Heartland British Autofest. Personally, I have a couple of wishes for our event this year… I hope every body that attends has a great time…. And secondly, I hope that the weather is cooler than last year! 2007 was the hottest Autofest weather I remember, and I‟ve been attending since 1990. A BIG thank you to all who attended, as well as a BIG thank you to all of the volunteers who helped make the event happen. As Number Six used to say: “Be seeing you”. Upcoming events, ours (in blue) and others (in black): August 9, 10 - Saturday/Sunday - Heartland British Autofest. Saturday, August 9, A drive to dinner will BEGIN at 3pm. We will meet in the parking lot of Northpark Mall in Davenport in the North-East corner, behind Sears, and drive straight to the restaurant. The scenic drive will be AFTER dinner, when it should be a bit cooler. If you have given us your RSVP for dinner, and don‟t want to go on the drive, you can just meet us at the AuJus 1213 W 10th Avenue in Milan, IL. Sunday, August 10, will be the Auto show in the Village of East Davenport. Enter the show at Jersey Ridge Road. Registration and car clean up is from 9am until Noon. More details to come. August 27—Wednesday—Dinner meet up at the BEAUTIFULLY remodeled 11 Street Bar and Grill in the Village of East Davenport at 2108 E. 11 Street. Anybody who has ever attended our yearly Autofest knows of the tasty tenderloins and other delights served here. They recently reopened for business and you would never know it‟s the same place. Come join us for fine food and a visit with some of the nice Quad City British Auto club people We plan on getting there between 5:30 and 6, so come on out! September 6—Saturday—Classic Cars for a Cause, car rally and military benefit at the Bettendorf Christian Church, 3487 Towne Point Drive (behind Lindquist Ford). This show runs from 10am-6pm. There is a $10 per car entry fee. There will be food and activities for families and kids, awards and prizes for individual categories, People‟s Top Choice of Show, in fact, all entries receive awards! All money raised through donations, car entries and food will be given to military families of need. Come help stir up some interest in British cars and the QCBAC, while at the same time having some fun, knowing you are helping others. For more information on the show itself, call Keith September 7—Sunday—British Car Festival, Moraine Valley Community College. This is the 21st British Car Festival. Hundreds of British cars will be there. If you have never experienced it, you should, probably the largest accumulation of British cars you could ever see. http://www.britishcarunion.com October 5 - Sunday—Dinner/social event. The QCBAC returns to Old Chicago 3030 Utica Ridge Road in Bettendorf (just off of I-74, across from Jumers). It‟s been a long time since the QCBAC has stopped here… in fact, a QCBAC dinner meeting is how I learned of their excellent food. Please RSVP so we can have an idea of how many to make room for. Time to be announced Carl Jamison’s MGB Adventure, as told by Ed Young For some time, poor Carl has been struggling with drivability issues with the beautiful black MGB owned by Carol and him. He cleaned and rebuilt the carburetors, temporarily swapped the fuel pump, changed out the gas tank, and probably much more. The gas tank was pretty much fouled with rust, so changing the tank and cleaning the carbs was probably a good thing, but no matter what he tried, the solution to the problem eluded him. Occasionally, he felt the problem was solved, but upon a drive, the problem resurfaced. It was quite frustrating for him. One day though, a friend stopped over…. He happened to look into the distributor and asked Carl, what‟s going on with your condenser? They took a closer look, and found that the DPO (Dread Previous Owner) had soldered the lead onto it! He put a new condenser on it, and it‟s run perfectly since. Sometimes the resolution to a problem can be so simple, you don‟t notice it right away…. I‟ve been there before myself. Congratulations Carl for getting the problem taken care of, and thanks for sharing your story. ========================================================== Dinner at Rudy’s Your Quad City British Auto Club contact information President: Dave Bishop Vice President: Ed Young Treasurer: Membership: Secretary: Board: Carl =================================================== Event reminder offer…. Have a memory as bad as mine? As scary as that seems to me that anyone has a memory even remotely as bad as “Blank Frank”, I can certainly understand and sympathize. It can be easy to loose track of time and forget the next event. Want a gentle reminder e-mail a couple of days before upcoming events? It‟s easy, all you need to is send me an e-mail at qcbac@mchsi.com and ask to be put on my list. =================================================== Quad City British Auto Club Membership Application We had 11 members, with 5 British cars and 1 German car arrive to find that Rudy‟s still had no power. Due to the power outages everywhere, we decided to head for Rudy‟s in East Moline as they had power there. Milt and Gloria couldn‟t come along though as they lost something like 9 trees in the storm and had to head back home to meet someone who was coming to deal with the mess. A nice time was had, and we were all able to share our storm power outage stories. ========================================================= Print and mail the information below to: Quad City British Auto Club Moline, IL 61265 Dues: $15.00 yearly Flicks Car Show E-mail address: _________________________________ We found out about this show late in the month, so several of us brought our cars to show there really is a fun alternative to American iron. It was a nice day, and there were many other nice cars there to look at. Name: ________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ City, State, Zip: _________________________________ Phone number: _________________________________ British Car(s): ___________________________________ Current Project/comments:_________________________________ What’s wrong with these 2 pictures, taken at the Cheri Top? The answer is quite simple…. There are no British cars! Mine was off to the side waiting for more.. Dwayne Paul had a reason, what was yours? ===================================================== July cook-out report We left the Quad City Times parking lot and headed for the QCBAC Presidential grounds at about 1:10. A nice caravan of 2 MGBs, 2 Triumph Spitfires, my Lotus and Roger (along with Marjorie) in his „regular‟ car. It was a nice drive that President Dave led us on and it wasn‟t hot either, which made thing nicer. Shortly after passing Wild Cat Den park, I looked in my rear view mirror to discover we had gained another MGB! I found out later, when we got to Dave and Colette‟s that Keith Johnston had been waiting in the park for us to pass by. He had driven down from Denver, Iowa and picked up his Son who lives in Muscatine. Norm Smith and his wife Marilyn came out from Muscatine as well. Although Norm had his TR4 radiator repaired, he chose to drive their PT Cruiser. A BIG thank you to all (we had 18 people in attendance) for coming out and joining us. Left: Chuck enjoying an issue of Snic-Braap while Carol and Dave have a chat. Right: Carl and Norm talking engineering Roger, who is a long distance member of the QCBAC come out with his Dad for the June 15th Father‟s Day drive. I asked him if he would be willing to tell us all his interesting story and share some pictures. The photos above are from when the car was pulled out of a storage building for 16 years. The car is amazing today…. Nice work Roger and Garret, and thank you for sharing your story. Roger’s MGB The car was bought by my parents in about 1979 from Jerry Motors in Silvis. I have a picture of the trunk with a Jerry Motors decal on it. My folks, Bradley and Joanne drove it only on special outings. They liked to take it to White Pines state park, rent a cabin for a couple of days. In 1987, the car developed a stripped spline on the rear hub and was put in the shed until there was time to fix it. 16 years later in 2003 when Grandson Garret was thinking about starting to drive he asked his Grandpa if he could get it and "fix it up" Garret and I worked on it and had it ready by Garret's 16th birthday. The motor was froze up, the mice had eaten much of the interior, oddly and luckily enough though… the only wiring the mice ate was some speaker wires. There was some body work needed. We had some things rechromed, and became very friendly with all the MG parts suppliers. We have enjoyed having it in the "Auto Fest" car show, and took a 2nd place one year in the "B" chrome bumper division! Roger and his Dad, Bradley pictured with the car at the June 15th event.