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• Office ofthe County Clerk Cathy M. Garrell W.qyne co~ Clerk February 25, 2015 Sent by Email KaamalaEI carlarene23fa? RE: Freedom ofInformation Act request received Tuesday, February 10,2015, for the following Oaths of Office: (calendar years 2000-2012) Eric Sabree - Dep-Reg of Deeds; Kym Worthy - Prosecutor & Apportionment Comm.; Bernard Youngblood - Reg of Deeds & Apportionment Conun; Felicia Tyler- Reg of Deeds; David Szymanski - Judge; David Szymanski - Dep Treasurer; Benny Napoleon - Sheriff; Dalton Roberson - Judge (Retired); Edward M. Thomas - Retired Judge; Virgil Smith - Judge; Robert Columbo -J~ldgc. Tracey Gilbert - Clerk/Administrator; James Spivey - Dep Sheriff; Raymond Wojtowicz- Apportionment corum.j Cathy Gmrett - Apportionment carom. PleaSe include Bond Info. Dear Ms. Kaamala EI: The above-described request for infonnation was received and reviewed. This request is granted in part and denied in part. The following Oaths of Office: (calendar years 2000-2012) Kym Worthy -ITos«utor & Apportionment Comm; Bernard Youngblood - Reg of Deeds & Apportionment Cumm; David Szymanski - Judge; Benny Napoleon - Sheriff; Edward M. Thomas - Retired Judge; Virgil Smith - Judge; Robert Columbo - Judge; James Sph'ey - Dep Sheriff; Raymond Wojtowicz -Apportionment Comm; Cathy Garrett - Apportionment Comm~ This request js granted. The following Oaths of Office: (calendar years 2000-2012) Eric Sabree'- Oep - Reg of Deeds; Felicia Tyler - Reg ofDceds; David Szymanski - Dep Treasurer; Dalton! Roberson JUdge (Retired); Tracey Gilbert - Clerk/Administrator. . . .'.. , After a diligent search for the requested :records, I have determined ~nd certify the records do not exist in this department. Therefore this·rj:quest is denied. r~ I . .:1·'· 1 :,-, :;. : . , .. Bond Info for Erie Sabrcc - Dcp - Reg of Deeds; KYm'W·oHhY".:.:Prosecu:tor & . Apportionment Comllli Bernard Youngblood - Reg Deeds & Apportionment Commj Felicia Tyler - Reg of Deeds; David Szymanski - Judge; David Szymanski - Dep Treasurer; Benny Napoleon - Sheriff; Dalton Roberson - .Judge (; Edward M. Thomas - Retired Judge; Virgil Smitb - Judge; Robert Columbo - Judge; Tracey GilbertClerk/Administrator; James Spivey - Dep Sheriff; Raymond .Wojtowicz":" Apportionment Comm; Cathy Garrett - Apportionment COlllm. of -p= 211 CDleman A. YOllng Municipal Cenie~. DelToil, Ml 4822~ _! "., ... '.. ' ! (313,224-6262 Fax (313) 224·5364 .~ ,,, , . ., ~m I .'! ~ After a diligent search for the requested records, I have determined and certify the records do not exist in this department. Therefore this request is denied. The amount due before the records can be released to you is $ 0.00. The granted documents are enclosed. With respect to the records that have been denied,. you have the right to do either of the following: (1) Submit a written appeal to the County Executive, which specifically states the word "appeal" and states the reason or reasons the denial should be reversed. (2) Commence an action in the circuit court to compel disclosure. Should you prevail, you win be entitled to have reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and disbursements assessed against the County by the court. If you or the County prevails in part, the court may, in its discretion, award you all or an appropriate portion or reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and disbursements. If the court determines that the County has been arbitrary and capricious in its denial, you will also be entitled to punitive damages in the amount of$500.00. OR If you have any questions regarding this response, you can either contact me by telephone at (313) 967R3391 or by email sstewart@waynecounty.l;:9m. Sincerely, S e Stewart FOIA Officer Enclosure Xc: FOIA File Janet AndersonMDavis, Corporation Counsel KhaliJRahal Denial Appmved, C~2b/ JanetAn~:m~is, C01poratiQn Counsel / ,, • Ms. Crystal Price 11425 WahrmanStreet .Romulus, Michigan 48114 Dear Ms. Price: RECEIVED fOR fiLING .34th DISTRICT COURT OCT 2 0 2014 CLERK OUr office has completed its review oftbe documents you recently provided to us. While we believe that most olyOUt' concerns were addressed in the~ber 15,2014, letter from Donald Harper, Region I Adtninimative Office Analyst, we want to clarify the following: • It was asserted that Chief1\Jdge Tina Oreen failed to acknowledge or respond to your written complaints about the alleged misconduct in your case· and speculated that it is because ofsome familial relationship to Deb Green. First, Deb Gteen is not related to Tina Green. More importantly, however, Canon 3 of the Code ofJudicial Conduct states that "(a] judge shall not initiate, pemiit, or consider ex parte oommunieatiODS or (;onsider other communications made to thejudge outside the p:teSeIlCe ofthe parties concerning a pending or impending proce.eding." The ROA indicates that you dropped offcorrespondence to ChiefJudge Green on 3-5-14 (while the matter was still pending), and then called on 3~-14, and 3-7-14, to inquire when the judge would be contacting you about the matter. While seemingly a letter to the judge regarding administrative procedures, the issues likely dealt with substantive matters or issues on the merits similar to the complaint filed with the SCAO. JI • There were several allegations regarding how your colJtlter..claim was processed including complaints regarding the case being eventually removed to federal coUJ1: and the stay ofthe eviction proceedings pending the outcome of the counter-comp1aint. Whether it was appropriate to remove the matter to the federal courts was an issue that should have been raised during the pendency ofthe action. Your attomey stipulated to the transfer ofthe counter-claim to the circuit court and to the stay ofthe eviction matter in district court (whim (;onsequently allowed you to stay in your home while awaiting the outcome of your counter-claim). therefore, those matters are not relevant to a discussion regarding procedural misconduct. _.L ,_,1,_11_,,,,_:111." -"'_11111111111' __ • You also alleged improper use oftbe escrow monies ~werepaid to the court (estimating SlS,OOO) and inquired as to the wherea1:ff>~ of1hose monies. MCR 4.201(H)(2) states that in SlJmtnary proeeedinss toteeoverpo$S8SSion ofpremises~ "[t]he court may order the defendant to pay a reiI$Onable rent for ~}».'emises from the date the escrow order is entered." See also MCL600.8302(3).~ .• " , 9DlY theQ()urt may order ~4isb~mentoftbe money collected•.ft!.~,·' . '. "" 'i~W • •• ..... • -"", • to:" '.•.,....' :'- ' . ' ., •. ·-B;·.~ ': ' '",' '.'" . ~:.~· 1_~'~l1"·'~ .""...,.. ' I'm sorry that we were not able to provide you with the desire<loute;Ome, but please be assured that your file has been thoroughly reviewed and our office can take no further action on your behalf. Sincerely, a~J-. 10 A. Hohman, lr. ---tat""e Court Administrator 0_ . . . . . w 7/26/2015 State Court Administrator John Hohman, Jr. to retire > Detroit Legal News Public Notice Quick Search CITY, ZIP, ID NUMBER Advanced Search Disclaimer What is a public notice? legal News + public Notices Home Calendar Contact Us about Us + Statistics Courts Classifieds Notices Columns Archives Posted March 23, 2015 Tweet This | Share on Facebook State Court Administrator John Hohman, Jr. to retire The Michigan Supreme Court announced last week that State Court Administrator John A. Hohman, Jr. is retiring to focus his efforts on helping atrisk children and families. While leading the administrative arm of the court, Hohman focused on strengthening ties to trial courts and positioning the State Court Administrative Office (SCAO) as an expert source of information and advice. "John has been a superior ambassador to the trial courts," said Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Robert P. Young, Jr. "John's optimism inspired staff and focused efforts on helping make Michigan's judiciary a national model of efficiency and customer service." "I will miss the wonderful staff at SCAO," said Hohman. "They are kind, professional, and truly dedicated to serving the trial courts and the public. I am grateful to the Court, and especially to Chief Justice Young, for giving me the opportunity to serve my former colleagues on the bench and to work together toward the goal of making SCAO a consultancy to the trial courts." Prior to becoming State Court Administrator, Hohman was a Monroe County Probate and Family Court Judge for 16 years. As a jurist, Hohman was often recognized for his work in juvenile justice and child welfare. Prior to his service on the bench, Hohman was in the private practice of law for 16 years. Published: Mon, Mar 23, 2015 Comments No comments Sign in to post a comment » headlines Detroit 'Crusader' Keith book reaches publishing milestone 1/2 :3 4th DC never responecl'+O +his l ~-Uev, a.:5 { ' October 20, 2014 State of Michigan 34th Judicial District Court 11131 Wayne Rd. Romulus, MI 48174 Crystal Price, 11425 Wahrman St. Romulus, MI 48174 (734) 788-8421 RECEIVED fOR flUNG 34th DISTRICT COURT WITHOUT PREJUDICE RE: Request a Receipt of Acknowledgment Requesting Escrow Monies to be returned to me TODAY. OCT 2 0 2014 CLERK Attn: Clerk of the Court, Court Administrator AI Hindman, Chief Judge Green, Judge Brian Oakley and the Finanical Director Sandy Crout, CRYSTAL R.J. PRICE DID NOT RECEIVE ANY NOTICES REGARDING THIS ESCROW HEARING SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 20, 2014 IN THE 34TH i " JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT ROMULUS I received a Letter dated October 3, 2014 from the State Court Adminstrator John A. Hohman, Jr. He is stating "We understand that an Escrow hearing is scheduled for October 20, to determine how the funds "will be'disbursed." see: Attac'hed Letter dated October 3, 2014. I have the Right to be notifi'ed~ and present in any hearing concerning ME!! I contacted the State Court Adminstrative Office in Lansing and talked to the Executive Staff Lynn Se~ks, she stated "the 34th Judicial District Court of Romulus informed the State Cour:t Administrator and staff that a Escrow hearing is scheduled for toQ·ay.\ stated I didn't receive any correspondence from the court, and that Ir~'qu~sted an Internal Audit for Employee Ernbezzelment of my escrow monies,throughthe State Court . 1 Administrative Office, she replied (III had to request this at the hearing.II) I spoke with Detective Manners of the Romulus Police Dept. regarding this Escrow schedule hearing for today, and expressed to her I have not received no correspondence regarding this Escrow scheduled Hearing for today. I was also made aware that the 34th Judicial District Court Romulus is trying to give my monies to the bank in this hearing today. (The bank was not a Party to this case at the time of filing, nor is Federal National Mortgage Association aka Fannie Mae whom the Stipulated Escrow Order dated March 27, 2012 is named as the Party, (FNMA is not a Party in this case either). As well I have been advised to request for a Subpoena of the Banks and Courts records. I was not made aware of this matter, nor did I receive any correspondence, from the 34th Judicial District Court in regards to any Escrow Scheduled Hearing for October 20 to determine how MY funds will be disbursed. The 34th Judicial District Court Romulus did not have jurisdiction at the time of filing, because the Complaint was fraudulent, nor do they have the right to determine how the funds will be disbursed in regards to MY MONIES, except to Lawfully and rightfully return MY Monies to me today. The 34th Judicial District Court Romulus has jurisdiction only to release my escrow monies back to me through a Court Order on the Record ... I have followed the Chain of Command and met and spoke to the FHFA CEO Mel Watts for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and the 7 Panelist in Detroit on October 2, 2014 in regards to the fraud in this entirer case. I was advised to file a Complaint and through their request regarding this case it was forwarded to the FHFA Office of Inspector General in Washington, DC. for an Investigation which now has been forwarded to the appropriate personnel at FHLM CORP and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency for their review and appropriate handling. see: Attached Letter Dated October 16, 2014. To date 34th Judicial District Court Romulus still can not provide Proal and 2 Verification to me in regards to any Escrow Account set up in my name from the Court to the Bank (banking info. regarding any/all transactions deposits, ledgers etc). Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, I await reply, Crystal R.J. Price All Rights Reserved Dated: Ck~d.O, aOltj cc: FHFA Office of Inspector General Washington, DC Micheal P. Stephans, FHLM CORP Fraud Dept. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Romulus Police Dept. Chief J Leacher, Lieutenant Ladach and Detective Manners, Michigan Supreme Court State Court Administrator John Hohman Jr., Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette, Criminal Division, First Assistant Attorney General Donna Pendergast, Judicial Tenure Commission, 3 WQl"tF /Lf/OCJj ~0007lf~ RAYMOND J. WOJTOWICZ Wayne County Treasurer DAVID J. SZYMANSKI CHRISTA J. MCLELLAN ChlefDepuly Deputy/Financial Services ERIC R. SABREE Deputy/Land Management September 15,2014 Crystal Price 11425 Wahrman St, Romulus, MI 48174 RE: FOIA Request - "Cancel checque & receipt of the payments, copy of front and back, a Quit Claim Deed and Sheriffs Deed on Mortgage Sale July 27,2011 . Dear Ms. Price: The above-described Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") request for public records from the Office of the Wayne County Treasurer has been received and reviewed. The infonnation requested is denied; please reference enclosed "Exhibit L - Response to Request for Public .Records - FOIA". After a diligent search, I have determined and certify that the records you have requested do not exist within the records of this department under the name or description given to us. (' With regard to the denial of your request, you have the right to do either of the following: 1) Submit a written appeal to the County Executive, which specifically states the word "appeal" and states the reason or reasons the denial should be reversed. (2) Commence an action in the circuit court to compel disclosure. Should you prevail you will be entitled to have reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and disbursements assessed to the County by the court. If you or the County prevails in part, the courtmay, in its discretion, award you all or an appropriate portion of reasonable attorneys' fees; costs and disbursements. If the Court determines that the County has been arbitrary and capricious in its denial, you will be entitled to, in addition to actual damages, punitive damages in the amount of $500.00. Sincerely, RAYMOND J. WOJTOWICZ Wayne COWlty Treasurer David J. Szymanski Chief Deputy Treasurer RJW: DJS: smw 400 Monroe • 5th Floor • Detroit, Michigan 48226 ~= . , EXHIBITL RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS..FOIA NamaJNumber:l!r¥sta, Address: jltf.?8 ItJ/a b rma n / ~p»,,/tI~ tf,A1 1/9;/1'I This Ie In response to your request dated fj;'-f. received In this office on (copIH) (lnllpecllonl of the following roco~ - do~~ ~J:S1:J: ~ u 81Z§{/~ for _ a;ft~ • Your request for publIc recorda has been reviewed and Ule following action has been taken In compliance with the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (Ohec;k the appropriate box or boxes. If more than one applies). REQUEST APPROVEO: Requested documents enclosed Requested documents Will be sent upon receipt of payment In the form of a or money order payable to the County of wayne (no cash) In the amount of • Send payment to the attention of the at the retum address Indicated bn the envelope. b. REQUEST APPROVED IN PART: Certain portions of the request~d documents are exempt from disclosure. _ Non-exempt requested documen~ enclosed, Non-exempt requested documenle will ~e sent upon reoelpt of payment in the form of a check or money order payable to the (no cash) In the amount of ~:-",,:--:---=:--_,. Send payment to the attention of the at the retum address Indicated on the envelope. . 2. a. REQUEST DENIED: The record IIOU have requested Is exempt frolT! dlsclo~l!r~_ un.!f!r_", , . Sfictl6-ri'''3 Tor the followlri'greasOn~:' -'. b. - ' - REQUEST DENIED: After a diligent search, I have determined and certify that the reoords you have requested do not exist within the records of this department under the neme or desorlptlon given to us. ' o. REQUEST DENIED: Your request does not describe the Information SUfficiently to enable ueto determine what record Y04.are seeking. d. REQUEST DENIED; As provided In Section 2 of the Freedom of Information Act, you are not eligible to request publlo records beoause you are a prisoner In a statG, county, or federal correctional facility. '. 3. An additional 10 business days are needed to properly process your request as provided by Sec. 5(2)(d) extension Due Date: ;....- _ 1. a If your request has been denied In whole or In part, you may do one of the following at your option: (1) (2) Commence an sCUon In the circuit court to compel disclosure. Should you prevail, you will be entitled to have reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and disbursements assessed against the County by the Clourt, If you or tho Oounty provpllo In part. ttlo oourt may. In Its discretion. award you all or an appropriate por,tlon of rea801:l801G attorneys' fees, costs, and disbursements. If lhe court determines that the County has been arbitrary and capricious In Its denial. you will also be entitled to punitive damages In the amount of $500.00. Submit to the County Executive a written eppeal that speolfically states the word "appeal" and Identifies the reason or reesons for reveraal of the denial. • • • • • • • • • • • SIGN"~URE:"~ DENIAL APPROVED: ~~ {;tw.df/L/ / LbJ3 ~C?O()7L/3 RAYMOND J. WOJTOWICZ . 'Wayne County Treasurer DAVID J, SZYMANSKI CHRISTA J, McLELLAN Deputy J Financial Services Chief Deputy ERIC R. SABREE Deputy I Land Management FOIA.REQUEST FQRM • Toda 's Date Name of Re uestor , Mailin Address Tele hone Number Fax Number· ParcellD Nwnber Pro en Address Information ~eque.sted t,..l>o :-::~. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS FORM TO: . DAVlD J. SZYMANSKI, ESQ. ~ :i= , :l:J,. ;.>'.~ ~ .... , I\) CHIEF DEPUTY TREASURER . WAYNE COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE' en 400 MONROE. SUITE ssd DETROIT. MI 48226 -.. FAX; 313-224-0939 or 313-224-2921 .".. w ~ IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDIN0 YOUR FREEDOM OF'INFORMATION'ACT (FOtA) REQUEST.. PLEASE CONTACT CHRJSTINA HORVATH, TELEPHONE: 313-224-5950. . . THERE'IS A FEE ASSOCIATED WITH PAPERWORK PROVIDED"IN OUR F.O.LA. RESPONSE. \' TU~A~OUNDTIME FRAME FOR'RESPONSE IS BETWEEN FIVE (5) TO FIFI'EEN (1S) BUSINESS DAYS \ •' . .... I' , ,;" , .. ;