Denied Trip Requests
Denied Trip Requests
WILSON COUNTY SCHOOLS Lebanon, Tennessee REQUEST TO ATTEND-CONFERENCES/CONVENTIONS/VISITS (ADULT TRAVEL ONLY - FORM MUST BE COMPLETED ON LINE, ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE, AND REQUEST MUST BE EMAILED OR THE FORM WILL BE RETURNED) Today's Date: 03/26/10 School(s): Mt. Juliet Middle School Name of Employee(s): Tim Bell, Matt Deckard, Anne Barger, Joe Eskew Title(s): Principal and Assistant Principals Name of conference/convention/visit: Nuts & Bolts Symposium Location (city, state): Destin, FL Date(s) of conference/convention/visit: June 15-18,2010 Staying overnight? Yes: x No: Date(s) of travel (to and from): June 14 & 19,2010 Purpose of conference/convention/visit. (Please describe the reason for attendance in relation to professional development and/or school improvement.): Professional Development and networking opportunity to meet and learn instructional strategies with nationwide middle school teachers/administrators. Conference focuses on learning proven strategies for school improvement, student success, and excellence in educational leadership. Number of Substitutes required: Number of days each: Traveling by: Personal Vehicle: x County Vehicle: Air: Total days out of school: Other: Lodging per day: $200 per day Estimated Cost: $4,000 Transportation Costs ("'Rental Car See Below): 931.8 miles @ .46 per mile Estimated Cost: $1,714.5 I Number of days per diem requested for food: 5 days Estimated Cost: $600 (Do not include meals covered by the registration fee) Other expenses: (registration, etc.): $440 per person Estimated Cost: $1,760 Total Estimated Cost of Trip: $8,074.51 If expenses are NOT to be paid by school system, who pays? Per Felicia Duncan - she will payout of Professional Development funds if approved Principal's Comments: Principal/Supervisor Approved: Yes x No Principal's/Supervisor's Name: Tim Bell Date: 03/26/10 Director's Comments: Director's Name (APPROVED): Director's Date: NameIED~~,.".. . £ a..--::. Date: ~o/ /D9/JlJ --- OFFICE USE ONLY -- Board Agenda; Yes No Approval copy sent to: Approval e-mail sent to: ("'READ PRIOR TO REQUESTING RENTAL CAR APPROVAL) Justification for any car rental must be provided below prior to any trip request being authorized. At least the following should be considered before renting a car: 1) Availability of hotel shuttle services and taxi cabs, 2) Airport transfers included at some hotels, 3) Proximity of hotel to destination or convention site, 4) Number oftravelers for car sharing, and 5) length of stay. No reimbursement will be made for specialty vehicles, i.e., luxury car, large SUV, etc. It is important to inspect any rental vehicle before driving it. Make sure any dents, scratches, or other damage to the vehicle are noted on the rental form. ***Justification for request of rental car"'*'" (7/09) .. '\ ' ' ,~.~ Page 1 of 1 Nuts and Bolts Symposium '\ . • ',I ft~ ~ ~flSiUt.n" A Focus on the Practlcal BOULDER 2010 .............. '~' --.--J I Destin Agenda __.N,h...." " .....""""'" ....., ..... , _ _ DE~~~~10--l ~RIVE'INS ~ESO\.lRCt~.J ~ONT~cr us- '} "Very uplifting, affirming, and exciting! I'm leaving with a toolbox full of new strategies for next year. H - Katie Baker, Wayzata East Middle School, Plymouth, MN Tuesday-June 15 j 8:30 a.rn. - 5:30 p.rn, Registration, Bookstore Open 9:00 a.rn. - 12:00 p.m. Pre-Conference Sessions (additional fee) · Motivating the Middle (Berckemeyer) , Iei:lmjng_i:ln(L8JtYls.QIY.(!::!!int:VJIQ~K) , Classroom Management (McLeOOl · Close the Achievement GQQ...(Mama J) 12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.rn. Lunch provided 12:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Pre-Conference Sessions (additional fee) · Ditt. Instruction and the Digital Learner (Boatman} · Reading. Writing. and Vocabulary (Fabw · Bricks and Bridges: At-Risk Students(Limoges) 4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. Opening General Session 5:15 p.m. - 7:30 p.rn. Welcome Reception Wednesday-June 16 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Registration, Bookstore Open 7:00 a.rn, - 8:00 a.rn. Breakfast 8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. Second General Session 9:30 a.m. - 12:05 p.m. BreakoutSessions 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Door Prizes & Lunch 1:30 p.rn, - 2:40 p.m. BreakoutSessions .~~li~~RE (PDF)' j ' . . _.-.....- ....... ·....i I ~REGl~TAA'!:?N ""'J AGENDA" __ .'SPEAKERS . . . . . '.-. 1m J. (;Allio 'PRESENT I '''v"_''. .~. . . Thursday-June 17 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Bookstore Open 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.rn. Breakfast 8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.rn. Third General Session 9:30 a.m. - 12:05 p.m. Breakout Sessions 12:05 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Door Prizes & Lunch 1:30 p.m. - 2:40 p.rn. Breakout Sessions Friday-June 18 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Bookstore Open 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Breakfast 8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m, Fourth General Session 9:00 a.rn, - 11:35 a.rn, BreakoutSessions 11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Final Celebration & Door Prizes 2010 BoulderSymposium I 2010 Qe.stin SYffiQQsiuffi I Drive-Ins I Incentive Publications' Resources. I Contact Us Copyright 2009, All Rights Reserved. http://www.nutsandboltssymposiums.comldestinagenda.shtml 3/26/2010 -;:>:'--' ........"'!'".x.;~", .... ;+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SCHOOLPOSITION, "' .... ~~~,..,. (lndude your subject arM and grade level ifapplicable., SCHOOL DISTRICT/SCHOOL NAME, _ SCHOOL AOORESS _ r STATI_ _ZIP STATI_ _ZIP Register early and save up to $40 per person! \' I _ "i E.MAIL_.,--...,,-~7.7""-_,__--,--,-----O /Your r~gbtration wilt be t:onfrtmed via ~mail.) HOME ADDRESS T PHONE I PHONE SUPER EarlyBirdRegistration (postmarked by December 31,2009)........ EarlyBirdRegistration (postmarked byApril 1,2010) RegularRegistration (postmarked afterApril 1,2010) . Motivate the Unmotivated (Berckemeyer,Pre-Conference-AM) reamingand Advisory (Hunt Ullock, Pre-Conference-AM) Class100mManagement (McLeod, Pre-Conference-AM) Differentiated Instruction andthe Digital Learner (Boatman, Pre.(onference·PM) Reading, Writing, and Vocabulary (Faber, Pre-Conference-PM) Bricks and B,idge"At-Risk Students (Limoge~ Pre-Conference-PM) . _ 5400.000 ..5420.00 i) 5440.000 ! ,I S8S.00 i) S8S.oo 0 S8S.00 0 S8S.00 0.) 585.00 () ...585.000 Ihaveencloseda checkpayable 10Nuts &Bolls Symposiums·US Funds ONLY. Check # Ihaveattachedan Official Purchase Order, Please sendan invoice to myschool district. PO # o VISA 0 MasterCard 0 American Express i) Discover _ Credit Card #: Exp. Date'~ _ --,_ _...,.-:_--,_--, _ _ - Zpo...l~tt.:l Cardholder Name: Signature: ~g~,<' ~~~, z 3 ;§ w 0 "'Q C' ~;~a V"IO n' earlyBirdSa.ings. . .. . .Makeyourregistration checkpayableto Register bythe Early·Bird datesshowno"the registrillion . Nuts& BoltsSymposiums and mailit to: forms and saveupto $40.00 perregistration! NutsandBolt< Symposiums CancenationPol!cy c/o.lncenlive Publications .' ji:.. All cancelletions mustbe inwriting andmailed orfaxed to 2400Crestmoor Road,Sutte 211 Nuts and BoltsCancellations aresubjectto a 550perperson . Nashvllle,TN 37215 s..-vice chargeifreceived before May 15,2010 forDestin atid;'.:" (BOO) 421-2B30 •(615) 385-2967 (Fax) beforeJuly1,2010forBoulder. After thesedatesnorefunds VIsit our Web Site at can be processed, hmwver. substitutions maybemadeat , anytimewithoutpenalty. lHrIail:info@nutHndlioltssymposiums-com .... t) P. e. -'" " ~O ~ ~ 5:-0 55-0 \ ~4. j -f .if" ... rngjlJlJ~ 85:~&5~ =1=<°j;!CIl fTl=#:. ;;!~ G)"""'i mO :l ":" "~ Tu~sdaY'Jun~ Thursday-June 17 15 8:30a.m.- 5:30p.m. 9:00a.m.-12:00 p.m. Registration. Bookstore Open Pre-Conference Se:~ions (additionalfee) 12:00 p.m.-12:45p.m. lunch provided for Pre-Conference attendees 12:45 p.m.-3:45 p.m. Pre-CDhferetiC~ Ses~lons (additional fee) 4:oop.m.-5:15 p.m. OpeningGeneralSession 5:15p.m.- 7:00p.m. Welcome Re<eption 7:00a.m.- 3:00p.m. 7:00 a.m.- 8;00a.m. B:OO a.m.-901S a.m. 9:30 am,-12;05p.m. 12:05 p.m.-l:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m.- 2:40prn. 7:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m.- 8:00a.m. 8:00am- 8:45a.m. 9:00 am.- 11:35a.m. 11':45 a.m.-12:1S pm Registriltion;Bookstore Open BrealCfastG' • SecondGeneralSession Bre.koutSes,lon' . OoorPrizes &lunch Breakout Ses,ion, Breakout Session, ·•'. ti. ,. ..". if' " [ . "Tilemastimporte1nr rhingmYf/rOlJP will rake backis rl'fCpo,itiveener9y'we navegoteen. Youhavemade a differellcein our ,chaol -Mama J-isa national speaker, performer,and consultant recognized forherwork withreaching andteaching today'5 youth. Motivating andrefreshing individuals across theUnited States,sheisahighly requested keynote speaker andprofessional development trainer witha proven track record of twodecades. -Mama J'has ;~\c _ experience inelementary, middle. andsecondary education attherural.suburban, andurban settings andhas served inthe classroom teaching students withmultiple abilities lndudlnq special education, gifted. andat-risk ] {(::' ] students. Shehasalsoutilized herleadership strengths asa principal at themiddle addition to hertravels throughout the nation,-Mama currentty serves asa middle school principal anda -": , . doctorate candidate ineducatlonalleadersbip at Baker Uniwrsity inOverland Park.Kansas.. .. . .. '7,"'" ~~~ ,,",,,,~-,~,,,,,,~""" -"''"'':'-'~ • ., Thursday-July 22 . . 8:Q1) am,- 4:00p.m.. Regi!\ration, Bookstore Opefl;gr.;: 8:.l0a.riH 1:3\} a.m. Pre-C~~ference Ses'ions.;,;,;!:" (additIOnal feel : /,;k l1:3Gam.· 12:15 p.m. lunchon yourOwn ',':." 12:15 p.m.-3:15 p.m. Pre-Conference Session, (.ddrtionalfeel 3:30p.m,-4:45 p.m. OpeningGeneral Session 4:45p.m'·fd5 p.m. YrekomeReception I I Frlday~July23 ~ '''_-'_'~''V< .. .. 7:15a:m.· 3:30p.m. Registration. Bookstore Open· 7:15 •.m.-8:15• .m. 8:15 a.m.- 9:45 .:m. Second General· Session l(}:OO am.-l1:10a,m. Bre.koutSessions 11:1 Oam.· 12:25 p.m. ·Doorf'rize~,& lunch 12:25pJ'r!. ~ 3:00p.m... BreakoutSession< 3:15p.m, ? .' . N.twotklng. ACtivities speciali"" in innovative proqrams and. practices atthemiddl.leve!. Kalhy hasbeena.-jUnior high andmiddl. schoolteacher.administutor,and,fuDtfme conwllantlspeaker.She IS thefeaturedpresmteron teaming in twoCDs published by NMSA.Xathy hasalso coauthored twobooki,Becuuse You reach andMiddle SChool Marren with Ilebbie SilYer,R andMor11e s.iby. 1iCkWoflnefi. I BiN McBride isa well-known national speaker, educator, andauthor. Aformer middle andhighschool teacher andreading specialist. Bill presently trains teachers bothnationally andinternationally incontent areareading . methodotogies,student motivation,and teaching to genderdifferences. Heisalsoknown forhisheartwarming , novel EnteffainingonElephant. Already initseighteenth printing andusedbyschool districts across thenation, thebocktellsthemoving storyofa burned-cut teacher whobecomes re-inspired with, bothhisprofession and hislir.. Hi'otherbooks indud.ll<Ji/ding lirerocy inSociolstudies, IITheyCon A'9IIe Well. TherCon I'm.. Well. and • hislatestbook. the muchanticipated sequel to fntmaining anElephant entitled Carrying al..oadofFtathtrs. Mark~~~'od (Dutin) , . . Bookstore.Open: Breakfast .. Third GeneralSe<sion Breakout Ses"on< DoorPrize,&lunch Bre.koutSessions Networl<ing Activities OJPartyTIme at the '".:" Omni Tap. Room 7:15a.m...12:30 p.m. 7:15 • .m.-8:15••m. 8:15 a.m.' 9:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m.-l1:50a.m. 12:00 p.m. ; , ,'<Z,~: .- ·}~t,:";,, 'Excellentf Piesenters "re veiy':<'l'praach<ilJle, ". even Oll,fon-one. nley arewo.nderfur an.drhe ,_: ',. . rellson i~/lY 1bringmany staffmembers. 4 . , KdrhySoorer. Logan '(, )un;C;i,l:ligh, Topeka, K5 'f. .¥. )tk. Melba Ricllardson' (Destin) r Debbie Sitver isanaward-winning edUtator andhumorist with30years experience asadassroom teacher, naffde>R:lopmenl instrudor.and uni>R:nity professor. Her numerous recognitions indudebeing namedthe Louisiana StateTeacher oftheYear. Along the wltJshehastaughtalmost every gradelevel andalmost Mry kind ofstudentOr. Sil>R:r hasbeenaninvfted authorfor5e'rerateducational journals andhasgiven keynott\at sta~ national. andinternational conferences in49states, Canada,Europe, A$ia andtheUnited Emirates.. Debbie's, book. Drumming to lheBear ofDiffermr Morchm:Finding theRhythm for-Differentioted learning, isa bestseller;and songsshe-co-wrote withMonte Selby are~atured onhisCOS. Bookstore Open Continental Breakfast FOurth Gener.1 Session Bre.ko",Sl11Sion,{ Final Celelitttion &OoorPriz"r~!; . Wrth.Overtwenty-eight yea"01",peri""'. ""rl<ing with middle sd\ool'studonts, Melba Ridlanlson served , "principalofSaint Ja""" Middle SChool inAlabama hlrnine yeatSwhere;under h.. l'oadOrship. thetrue middleschootconcepts were impl.mented Now"Head ofSChonhhebring, innovation intoallgrad., K- UjllSt a' .hedidinthemiddle s.rve,asAlabamis d.legateon [heNM5A~ . schoolShecurrenrly ... . . ." . Public . :of ,I Dr. D~bble SlInr (Keynot~ Speaktr - Boulder) .' . - < . School ~riet's Administrator of t~ ~r andMississippi'sRegion:k1ur Administrator of.~Year. His enthu~sti~:~nd encouraging presentations leaveparticipantS: ii'lspl~.toplant seeds:~f-S';Jccess in ,th~r:sttlden1:s. '. ~ -- ': ,,,:", .: >h '~t: ll5 . prosentatiOn,. Marie Mcl,eod "" fortnerly prin, . ' J 'School InCoIiin"MS. Heisc'rrendy a, fultirne moli'lalionahpeake,; professional dev.fopiiIent instructor, .nd edutationalconsultantRecogni:ied asoneofMi11issippi',topschool administraton,Mark halshared h~"perme at,tat. andnationaf conferences and conducted iriany worluhop1 and. keynotes forsdooob anddistricts throughout theUnited States, As a lifelong edutator, hisedutational experience indudes high "hootandmiddle school math teacher, coac:t. "'stant principalandprincipal. Hewas !WK. s.letted." Teacherofthe forLumberton Pubf<5chool District. InlOOl;h.was ,elected asCmington County .: I(nown forhisdynarriic andtnotivating Or. Monte Selby's distinctive work is internationally applauded. H~ isa popular kt'ynote speaker, co-authcr of sevenbooks, columnist. andsongwriter/recording artistwithfive critically acclaimed albums. His comiced and insightful music (~atured onnetwork television, radio, podcasts, stageproductions, and-Videos) iscurtivated fromanaward-winning,career asateacher, principal, andprares50r. Saturday-July 24 Sunday~Jllly r Dr. Monte Stlby (K~ynote Sp~aker - Boulder) ....."" 1:15 a,m.·3:30p.m. 7:1s.:m.-8:15a.m. 8:15a.m."9:30a.m. 9:45a.m. -12:20pem. . 12:20 p.m...1:30 p.ri>. 1:30p.m•.- 2:40p.m' 3:00p.m.. .' :. 9:00 p.m......, :QI) •. m..... ."":7-\l, . ~_._" ..... conferen:~es in48staresand16foreigM cou.ntries..She is pr~ident andfounder ofCr~tf~,Sotutions whic~ ; .. :t:,->: ;., I KathyHuntUllock (Dutln, Boulder)' Well known forherhumor andpta<1iCal1lands-1Jn' approach. Kathy has presentedat KhooIs and "Dr.BillMcBride (K~ynote Sp~aker - Dtstin) Mary LeVron. e""ironment." ,'""",.:~.<,, Theresa Hinkle (BOUlder) Theresa Hinkle isa presenteiwho bdieves. inmiddle lem education. Sheis. actiwintheNOfth Carolina andNational Middle School Associations. Shewasthefirst dassreom teac~J President ofNCMSA andaha sel"'l"ed asPresident oftheNational Middle School Association. Shehasbeena trainer forthe U5 Department ofEducation's Teacher toTeacher Initiative which provided profes~ional, development forschools, and teachers across thecountry forsixyears. For the pasttwoyears she. hasserved: as,a consultant tothe National Dairy Council astheyprepared therelease ofa newhealth. nutrition, andBtness. initiative gearedtoward middle fevelschools. Shelscurr.ntlyan InslrUctionalleadership Partn.r with B&D Consulting worl<ing In theareaof «hocljmprwerrem.Through theseaffiliationsTheresa haspresented worhhopsessions and Khoolldistrirt pro'fussional development inover30states, Canada. andMexico,Her sessions are bestknown forbeingresearch-b.:lsed anddasSfOOm-testN. ', _ " -_ ,: '~:"'~~ Bookstore OPen Breakfast FourthGeneral Session Breakout Se'ssions . Fin.lCelebration.& DoorPrizes .. Montegut Middle Sg,opt,Houma,LA ,.. Jack B~rcktmtyer (Keynott speaker - Dtstin, Presenter - BOUlder) Anationalty-recogniled presenter, author. andhumorist. Jack Berckemeyer beganhiscareerasa middle school teacher inDenver, Colorado. After twoyears ofteaching hewasnamed asanoutstanding educator at hisschool andshortly thereafter wasidentified asoneoftheoutstanding educators inthedistrict.Jilck ispassionate about middle leveL serving as Assistant Executive Director for9 ofhis13yem at theNational Middle Level A$sodation. Hebrings hisenergy, humor, and€'Xpertise ofthemiddle level adolescent toaD staffdevelopment ashe helps teachers andadministrators remember wily thisjobmakes a difference. Cynthia"Mama J" Johnson(Keynote Sptaktr - Dtstin) Friday-June 1S Wednesday-June 16 . 1:00a.m.- 3;00 p.m. 7:00a.m.:,~1J0 a.m. B:oo arn..-'9:l5 am, 9:30a.m.·-12:05 p.m. 12:00 p.m.-1:30· p.m. 1:30 prn.»2:40p.m. 1:30p.m.- 2:40p.m. Bookstore Open 8reakfast Third General Session Breakout Session, DoorPrize, & lunch Bre.koutS~'lon, National Middle 5<:honlAnnual Conference.Her SlKCe1S atcreating a positiveschonldimate i<the roSllk ofcombining herlove andundentanding,ofchildren with theinsight shebrings tothefaculty,ltU<!ents,and parent. David Sandm (Destin) SteVt Spangltr (Ktynot~ - Bould~r) He's beendescribed astheguywho shootspotatoes, makes toiletpaperfly, andmim upa perfe(f batchof slime. But'he maybebestknown forteaching millions ofpeoplehowto turnanordinary bottleofsodaintoan erupting geyser orfun.His nowfamous Mentos Geyser Experiment beame anInternet .sensation inSeptember of2005 andspawned morethanathousand related exploding sodaexperiments onvideos siteslikeYi:luTube. com.Spangler startedhiscareer asascience teacher intheCherry Creek School District inCoJorado and, today tl'iMls extf11sivety, training teachers inways to makE' learning moreengaging andfun.His hands-onscience 'I -bootcamps\!nd.summer institutes fOf teachers inspire andteachreachers howto prepare a.~ew generation - . foranever-dianglng work force. OverthelastISyears- he has alsomademorethan500teleVISiOn. appearances asanauthoritypn hand!l-{)n ~encea~ inquiry-based lea~rning.j' David Sandef5 isanenetgetic presen~er immer~ inmiddle rMI ed1.h:ation. ~ aneducatOr he" hastaughtin f\lfaL sublirll,anand:inner<i~schook andcurrentty wcrks,wjthttte Georg.iaState ~erif_o,f Education. His wor!<l'1iaVe been.publi,hedin &lucation Digest, Middle'';'-'ne.n Magazine<and ontheNOtl/inal Middle SChool ~tion's COs:on:!~aming.~.~has presented fornu~~l.lS con~rences and;districtfal'Ound thecountry'and isonrheNational Middle School A1sociation~ arBitellatldewlopnient tearnDa'lid i' known forhiswifandhand>-on practi6lJd."for thedassroiim.. making hispr"""titionsi!ntertaining and h~ passionandability [0 proWie motivational andi"spfting ido" for ' r.achenandschools love a.insightlul.. eduGlt.m·, I. ." 9rd (Outln, 'riationaly,ecogl ~r) and..autho~'~~ j0"..h'eates"l!!nteJta!ni~h~_~s-on .);;, i~c~ing,As it; former dasstoorri-teacher..'She fmmediatefy.ln add~te:tptesenting at .theOklahoma Middle level&lucation NM5AoIHltecadtemember.Dedra ispassionate about middle I.... edueation andwiD energiZE- participants with new andi inrioYative ways totearn.l!ld teach,the students of today. . TheNuts & Bolts pre-conference sessions are the m()stusefulyou'" .ever attend! Cost is$85 per perso9jpersession.For more detailsanddescripti<;?~s;()f each s.ession, visit www.nutsandboltssymposiums,(:om;" ; q".. .... !:~ ,,, , .;,..,',: -" G I '<; ,--, :'i ,',:" ~rT:Jnwm"I'J["', j It, .// ~.r'JI[, tt).:, onnors (BOIjlder) ?,," . :JTY5' ) ' I ; ; : U " ' : : .~, 1 _, ;{~~ ': Neira kCOnnOls isone-ol.. -ldnd inthefieldofedutation. Theenthu1iasm and.nergyforher lir.~ worl<.!, evldonced inhereveryday fir.'nd canbe anested to bya. Who haveworked with h.ror heard herspeak.Neila. focuses onlOathing people how to"build their own bridgefora\Uc<essful life:Nei~ haiWrin.n ""merou, . articles andpre1ented to.. edoGltoB from thepnmarythlough urilversity levelin a~ 505tates,Canada,and Europe andispresently thefounder andpre1id.nt ofNAC. (Networking And Cfientl. CONNEtnoN5,1Nc. He'bonk (fYou DonitFeed rh~~NChm. Thty.EQnhe ~Mtt continlJes,toreceiveJave- reviews. ' !. ."(. Dr.SbaroitFaber (Destin) . •... AnationaUY-1erngni1ed pr"""t.r andconsultan~ !It.faber h..beenaleacher.mi'tant principal principal EngrlSh andReading Supervi<or. Director oll.admhipTraininq.and Middle 5chooI facilitator.she hasalso beena professor atth. Univenityof North Carolna andBemont AbbeyColII! ha' wiln.n.xt.nsivelyin rho are" 01literacy andlea<lenhip atthemiddle andhigh schonllevek andauthored rhe How mreoch Reod'mgWh<n You're Not 0 Reading Teoch... How mTeach Academic Vocabulary.and ""e"lteachin!l'tips hlldllUts. boo"" humor~,SI1aron administ~,thro\ighout the Unit~'Stat~ar'ld Canada, hasmotivated andinspired teachers and . ' . Jand V~m9ri(Destin) ' . .'. . ..< Known asil:,~tbdor middfelewl teathersa~ admlnlstrators,J~net Vernon's (al'i'[;d~~'nor humorous presentation style have: madehera,favcrite atmiddlesihoo~a:mference:S'in-the,South.She has laught middle sdoool English. studi""and reading andi,currontlythe executiVe Director ofTeaching andlearning inOklahoma Cny Public 5chooI~Jan.t hassetved ontheOklahoma Middle level EduGlla!<' Association andi' thePast-l're1ident ofNMSA afterserving astheSouth RegionTru_ ror5i>yea", ...' J~ RIck Wotmtll (Boulder) ." Noted forhff high-energy level praakililty. and~hi!r ' . . . . . One ofth. rintNationally Board Certified teach.",ln Am.riC••Rick brings Inn<lVation,energy. validily.and high standard' tobothhi.p",sentations andhisinStructional pract•••which includes mare thanlWenly years toofng, EngOsh, heatth,and history. Rick's work hasbeenreported innumerous media. including ABC\ Good Morning.. America. NOtionalGeographlc andGood Hous.keeping magazi""" Whilt Mattets MostTeaching forthe21stCentury, andtheWashingtonPost.He isa cotumnist fortheNational Middle School A$socjation's Middle Ground magazlM and'is the authorofseveral award-winning books. HIS lar." book Meraphon & Analogie.·l'lJwer Tool, for reaching anySubject. Rick isavet.ran ofmany International WfbcoUts,and he ISDisney's,AmerkanTeacher Awards' 1996Outstanding EngDsh Teachet orthe Nation. ..~ WILSON COUNTY SCHOOLS Lebanon, Tennessee REQUEST TO ATTEND-CONFERENCES/CONVENTIONS/VISITS (ADULT TRAVEL ONLY - FORM MUST BE COMPLETED ON LINE, ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE, AND REQUEST MUST BE EMAILED OR THE FORM WILL BE RETURNED) Today's Date: 4-15-10 School(s): Wilson Central High School Name of Employee(s): Ann Nored Title(s): Library Media Specialist Name of conference/convention/visit: American Library Association Annual Conference & Exhibition Date(s) of conference/convention/visit: June 25-28, 20 I0 Location (city, state): Washington, DC Date(s) of travel (to and from): June 24 & 29, 2010 Staying overnight? Yes: X No: Purpose of conference/convention/visit. (Please describe the reason for attendance in relation to professional development and/or school improvement.): This conference is for the purpose of attending educational meetings, viewing exhibits from publishers and authors, the opportunity to meet book authors, to attend auditorium speakers series, and connect with colleagues, and learn new techniques that will improve our library's services. Number of Substitutes required: 0 Number of days each: 0 Traveling by: Personal Vehicle: X County Vehicle: Total days out of school: 0 Air: Lodging per day: $179 Transportation Costs ("'Rental Car See Below): N/A Number of days per diem requested for food: N/A (Do not include meals covered by the registration fee) Other expenses: (registration, etc.): $210 Other: Estimated Cost: $819.84 Estimated Cost: N/A Estimated Cost: N/ A Estimated Cost: $210 Total Estimated Cost of Trip: $1,029.84 If expenses are NOT to be paid by school system, who pays? Title 2 Funds per Felicia Duncan Principal's Comments: Principal/Supervisor Approved: Yes X No Principal's/Supervisor's Name: Darian Brown Date: 4/16/10 Director's Comments: Director's Name (APPROVED): Director's ~ate: ~D~~..y~_ .1~' Date: ~Lf/~llllJ --- OFFICE USE ONLY -- Board Agenda: Yes No Approval copy sent to: Approval e-mail sent to: ("'READ PRIOR TO REQUESTING RENTAL CAR APPROVAL) Justification for any car rental must be provided below prior to any trip request being authorized. At least the following should be considered before renting a car: 1) Availability of hotel shuttle services and taxi cabs, 2) Airport transfers included at some hotels, 3) Proximity of hotel to destination or convention site, 4) Number oftravelers for car sharing, and 5) length of stay. No reimbursement will be made for specialty vehicles, i.e., luxury car, large SUV, etc. It is important to inspect any rental vehicle before driving it. Make sure any dents, scratches, or other damage to the vehicle are noted on the rental form. ...... "'Justification for request of rental car ...... '" (7/09) \ I ! WILSON COUNTY SCHOOLS Lebanon, Tennessee REQUEST TO ATTEND-CONFERENCES/CONVENTIONS/VISITS (ADULT TRAVEL ONLY - FORM MUST BE COMPLETED ON LINE, ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE, AND REQUEST MUST BE EMAILED OR THE FORM WILL BE RETURNED) Today's Date: 04/13/2010 School(s): Lebanon High School Name of Employee(s): Charles Howard Title(s): CTE Teacher Name of conference/convention/visit: Greenhouse Operations and Management Workshop for Ag. Educators Location (city, state): Earth City, MO Staying overnight? Yes: X No: Date(s) of conference/convention/visit: June 22-24, 2010 Date(s) of travel (to and from): June 22-June 24, 2010 Purpose of conference/convention/visit. (Please describe the reason for attendance in relation to professional development and/or school improvement.): In-Service Horticulture workshop for greenhouse operations and standards update Number of Substitutes required: 0 Number of days each: 0 Traveling by: Personal Vehicle: County Vehicle: Lodging per day: $85 Transportation Costs (*Rental Car See Below): $178 Number of days per diem requested for food: 3days (Do not include meals covered by the registration fee) Other expenses: (registration, etc.): $250 Total days out of school: 0 Air: X Other: Estimated Cost: $255 Estimated Cost: $178 Estimated Cost: $150 Estimated Cost: $250 Total Estimated Cost of Trip: $933 If expenses are NOT to be paid by school system, who pays? FF A / Greenhouse Principal's Comments: Principal/Supervisor Approved: Yes x No Principal's/Supervisor's Name: Nancy Ash Date: 4/14/10 Director's Comments: Director's Name (APPROVED): Date: Director '~ED~ sN ~~oc;,r-'J'?-". ~a.--~ Date: oft5,/~() --- OFFICE USE ONLY -- Board Agenda: Yes No Approval copy sent to: Approval e-mail sent to: (*READ PRIOR TO REQUESTING RENTAL CAR APPROVAL) Justification for any car rental must be provided below prior to any trip request being authorized. At least the following should be considered before renting a car: 1) Availability of hotel shuttle services and taxi cabs, 2) Airport transfers included at some hotels, 3) Proximity of hotel to destination or convention site, 4) Number of travelers for car sharing, and 5) length of stay. No reimbursement will be made for specialty vehicles, i.e., luxury car, large SUV, etc. It is important to inspect any rental vehicle before driving it. Make sure any dents, scratches, or other damage to the vehicle are noted on the rental form. ***Justification for request of rental car** * (7/09) C'.I Hummert .nI TEAIV.A.T.DftI.AL m - - -_ _- _ . Worldwide Distributor 01 Holtlcultural Products ,...\CL. . April 8. 2010 ~ 0' , <Y""l tLr'\ , C'.I e (0 = LEBANONHIGH SCHOOL CHARLES HOWARD 415 HARDINGDRIVE LEBANON, TN 37087 Dear Educator, Hummert International cortflBny inyiles you to our Earth City, MO rocalion to aflend one of our annual Greenf'louse Operations and Management, In-Sel"ilce Horticul!LHe Workshops for Agricultural Educators, SClenc~fand BloJogy Teachers. We have (educedthe reglstratklrl fees to $250 and we hope lhat yoo v.1lllake advantageof thIs newlowprice. The Greenhouse Operations and Mlln.ment VltJfkshop wilt be held from June 2200 thnu June 241h, 2010 and then again on July 131lt thru July 15".2010. Subjects indude handS-01l planl propagation, greenhouse maintenance. hands-on drll) Irrigation, Poinsellia and Spring Crop prodUcllon fechniques. plant nutrition.waler quailly and many more. This yeBl we will be touring some of !he basi Sl Louis city greenhouses! At our June session we "'1I1 be visifing SI. Louis CommunilyCollege al Meramec, Horticulture Program and lhen Wei1hop Greenhousea third generation grower v.1tl1three acres In production, During lhe July session Vie IMI be visiting Baisch & Skinner Floristand "flower Row", the MIlt.vesthub of the cut fIoItIN industry. You will see all the events from receiving inlernatlonsl shIpments, processing. production, maTkeling. dislribullon and sales of cut flowers. Next, our group will !Javel10 the Clyde C. Miller Academ~ whicfl was spotlighted In People magazine for its outslanding FFAchapfer and plant blotecl'mology career J)attrways J)logram. This Is sure fo inspire and give you new ideas tor your dassroom. ' , . ; CL ~. U-J '= ~ ~ -ec Registration fees include !he course materials, Hummert International cataJolJ and publications. meals EI11d refreshments, S.,,;!\ magni~er (for insed and disease ldeotiflcalion) BOO chartered bus lransportatlon for the varioustours. Othertlansportatloll, lodging and dInner is the responsibility of the attendee. Forfurther delails. please see the enclosedagendas. Horticultureinstructorswill find these Workshops irwaluable rOf honing their skills used In teaching hortictJlfura. as well as basic on-!1Oing hol'liooltUlai knOYiledge. H ummert Inlernational will award cestlflcafes of completion for each of Ihe coursesattended. 10 regisler. simply complele lhe enctosedreglstraoon form and fax. email or mall If to the attenlion of In-Service Hofticu/tUf& ~shop Regis1rafion. If you would like further Info(lll(llion please oontact Shannon Died<man extension 1124 at 1-800-325-3055 or e-mail seles@hurTlll.lllrLcccn.Re!J1strnlion is limiled, so please reply as 80011 as pOS8.ible. We feel that the WorkshGp will be highly beneficial to you and your students. Our goal at Hummert Interna!lonal is to assisl you in hetping your students reach their full poIenfial. Sincerely, t. = = e--.. = C'.I HUMMERTINTERNAnONAL ~/--~ Pete Hummerf Encrosures ~ = <t: 4500 Eatfh City Exprenway • Eatfb City, MissDuri 63046 U.S.A. 314-606-4500 • Fax 3'4--506-45'0 • sa/es@bummfN' ",www.hummetf.cDm ~"''1''''''''''~~~'.f''"'''Tl''7'' , -r- * ,'1:" Apr.20. 2010 11:42PM -. -;l"~ k"",,"·OIl~} LHS AG DEPT . '. ~,;l~,",,'" c~ ."f"Il\'~~- _ 'l.,-·_~1:l'P"" .. Hummert™ -."".;J:..,..,....~ ..... -......~~"~ ....,.. No. 2539 P. 3 , RITE ARlA""~nlA&. Gr~~nhQU8~ Operations & Management Agenda In - Service HorticulNte Wodcshol' for. A,griculnual Educators, Science and Biology l"eac:hen Tuesdav. TllIl.e W4 12:15-12:45 12;45-1:00 1:00-1;55 2:00-3:00 3:00-3:15 3:15-4:10 4:15-5:00 5:00 Wed.oe~dI\Y_ Iune 23n! - ..... R~tntiQ;> --- , ,-,.",-,.,- Welcome/Introductions Greenhouse Mainteno,nce HII1d:!-cm Irri"ation, Miltinlto & Environmental Control Sntetn~ B~eak Supplemental Lilthtinll for Greenhouses Plaat Nuedticn & Watet Oualitv E"l:lliM: on vour own Gre~hO\1~e etC'" llQd Greenheuses or St. Louis - Tour 7:13-7:55 8:00-8:55 \1:00-10:.00 10:00-10:15 10:15-11:25 Continental Breakfast 11:30-12:30 Spdn~ CrO~8 12:30-1:30 1:30-2;00 2:00-3:30 . 3:00-3:15 3;15-4:15 4:15-5:00 5:00 Luc,ch Provided bv Hummcrt Depart Humrnert's arrive St Louis Community Cclleze St. Louis Community Colle~ at Meramec, J-iorticult\ll:e erezrsrn DeDttt SLCC an;i,·. Weithop Greenhouse WrithoD G~ee.ohQuse Demrt Weitbop arrive Hummert Internaticnal Evewtl2 on 0WtI l"butllday, I.-oe 24'b 7;15-7:55 8:00·9:00 9:00-10:00 10:15-10:30 1CY.30-t1:30 11:30-12:30 12:30-1:15 1:15-1:30 1:45-2:00 2:00-2:45 2:45-3:00 ') ""'VA,V Geeenhcuse ~eratioo" & MllnalZement Fundamenw. of Commercial GrowinlZ& Horticulture Careers Poinsettia C1.Ilrot't and Vuietie. Bre>.k Hsnds-oe Plant Prot>a2ati<>1! Greenbouee Ol)eNt:!one & MaJ;1."'R"Uleot Conw,.~t"l :8te;!siast Soilless Media Exeedse Plant Gto"lY'th Rc~lato .. Brelk Gtcenho~e mtelZ:tated Pest Mana.~mellt Lunch provided bv Hummen Hottieulture History snd Trends . Tour of Hurnrnerr International l'bntP4e~~ Virtual Growe.!' Wrap-up, evaluttion and ecrti!l.atQ Sneaker Pete Hummeet, Dr. St""e Millett. Hummen Intematiollal Pete HUInnlut, Hummen International Cliff H~and, Ke1s<!Y Keylor Phyl'otronlCll & Pete Hummen TamesGrouzos P.L. UlI;bting; Dr. Steve Millett Hummelt IntetnAtioruU Spcaker Provided bv Hummen's Patrick Steppuhn Humtl'ert Ineematiensl Patrick Step!>u!m Hummert lntcm.tioml Dr. Sveo Svenson Southeast Mis.ouri Smtc Univ~it; Patri& SteP1>1>h1lo Hurtlroert Imernit.ioDl101 C\lt~d by "Stumpy's' Trsnspcrtsdon bv Hummert International Paul Roberts SLCC-Meramec Tl'Q.1I8Po~ti.on b • Hvmmerr International Tlfile. Yeunz, Hummert Iute!l1\ltion.1 Trsnsportstion by Hummc!t Inrernaticnal Sneaker Provided by HUrl'Itnl!rt'$ Dr. St....e Mjllrn, Hummert lntcIDl1otional Patrick Steppuhn Humrnert International Dr. S~e Millett, Hummert Internadcnal Ca~y Webb, Hemmert International Mike Mever Pete: Hummert, Hwnmen Illttmationol ~atridf, StetlPulm, Hummen Dr. Sto:ve Millett Huromert Intemational Pete Hummert, Pt. Steve .MilIett, HumlDert Intemstional Hummert Tlt 'IV TEAIVAT.DIVA L. r .Worldwide Distributor of Holt/cultural Producfs to April 8. 2D10 ; co ~ cY""'I '~ i c-.... f . r~ LEBANON HIGHSCHOOL CHARLES HOWARD 415 HARDINGDRIVE LEBANON, TN 37087 Dear Educator, Hummert International cordIally Invites you 10 our Earth City. MO location 10 atle~ one of our annual Greenhouse OperaUon$ and Management, In-Servioe Horticulture WOfkshops for ~rlcultural Educators. Science and Biology Teachers. We have reduced the registrationfees to $250 and WI: hope (hat you will take advantage ofthis new low price. The GreenooLJSe Operatlcms and Manarment workshop \\IiII be held from June 22'" thlll June 24"'. 2010 and then again on July 13'" Ihru Jtlly 15 • 2010. SUbjects Indude hands-on plant propagaticll'l, greenhouse maintenance, hands-<ln drip irrigation.Poinsellia and Spring Crop productiontechnIques, plant nutrition, water qualityand many more. This year we w1U be touring some of the basi St Louis city greenhouses! At our June session we- will be vlslling St. Louis Commllllify Colrege al Meramec.Horticulture Program and then Weithop GreenhDllse a third generalion grower wilh Ihree acres in produclicm. During (he July ses5ion we will be visiting Baisch & Skinner FIOfist and "Rower RoW', lhe Midwest hub of the cut !lower Industry.You \\Iill see all the evenls from receiving inlemational shipments. processing, production, markeling, distribution and sales of cui flowers. Next, OlK group will lravello the Clyda C. MillerAcademy whfch was spotlighted in Peopfe magazine for Its outslanding FFA chapler and plant blofedmology career pafhwaysprogram. This is sure to inspIreand give you new ideas for your classroom. Reglstralion fees indude thlt course materials. Hummert IntemalJonal catalog and publications, meals anel refreshments. S'llift magnlfler (for insect and disease ldenliflcalion) and chartered bus lransportaflon for the vari01JS lours. Olhet ftanspor1a1ion, lodging and dinner is the responsibilityof the attendee. For further delails, pleasesee Ihe enclosedagendas. Horticultureinstructors will find these Workshops Invaluable for honinglheir skilJs used in teachlng hortbJlture, as well as basic OIl-golng horticultural knlM«&dge. Hummert International will award certlflcales of cOll1pleoon for each of Ihe coursesattended. To register,simply complele the endosed registrationIorm and lax, email or mail It to the attention of In-Service HoolciJlture Worlrshop Reglstrafioo. If you would like further inforrnalion please OOl'ltacl Shannon DiecMlan extension 1124 at 1-800-325-3055 or e-mail sales@hurrvnerlc:om. Registration is limited, so please reply as soon as possible. We feel that 1I1e Worl<6hQjl will be highly beneficial to yoLi and your students. Our goal at Hummert Infemallonalls 10asslsl you in helping your studentsreacl1 their full polenliaf. Sinoerely. HUMMERT INTERNAT10NAL I!re-t:-~ Pele Hummert End05ures ~~-----------------Expre•• way • 4600 Earth City Earth City, Missouri 63045 U.S.A. Fax 314·506·4510 • SlJ/es@hummfH't.oom • www.hummsff.eom 31~508-4500 • .. ·4·4 .u ~ . Ii ~"_. --··LH S· A 'G''DEPT' 20. 2O10: 11 :40PM, , ' . '4" '" ' .• "_.. Apr. 4 .'141 ,.a t "~:i.,'" h,;P _ " ... ;ow '.Ii t ,iI. N""2P53 8 , 0 : ' Hummert™ P,z¥2; .. 'nlTEAJV,AY'06VAL Gteenh01,16e Operations & Management Agenda. In· Setvice Ho(ticultwt; Workshop for· As'ricuJnuaJ Educaron;, Science and I1iology 'reachers Tucsdav. Tune22M 12:15-12:45 12:45-1;00 1:00-1:53 2:00-3:00 -~- ,,....., ., - ......... ~ --. "'VAY &eebhoU$e Ov<:r..tlons & Man_cment 3:15-4:10 4:15-5:00 5:00 Re2istrltion Welcome/Introductions Greenhouse Milintenance Hands-on M.i$t1n2. & Envi.t:olltl1enw Control Srslem$ Break Supplemental LiAAtinll for Greenhouses Plant Nutrition & Ws.ter Quality :Cveninl1: on vow: own Wednesdav. Tune Z3..I 7:15-7:55 8:00-8;55 9:00-10:00 1(}.00-10:15 10:15-11:25 11:30.12:30 1:2:30-1:30 1:30-2:00 2:00-3'30 . 3:00.3:15 3:15-4:15 4:15-5:00 5:00 Greenhouse CroDS and Greenhouses of Sf. Lows - 'rour Continental Breakfast Fundamenws of C~erci:al G~owinll: & Horticulture Careers Po~.ttia Cu.I_" ~nd 'V'~detie$ Break Hands-en Plant PrOD3lZllti.on SUrinll Crops Lunch Provided bv Hummert Depart Hummert's atrive St. Louis Communi tv Coll.sre S~ Leuie Community Coli"!!,, ~t Mc:nro"C, Horocultuxc prOlZnm Depart SLCC. wive Weithop Greenhouse Weitboo Greenhouse Deoart Weilhoo arrive Hummett Iht~mational Evcninll: on yOWown 'I'btltsdav. June 24·b 7:15-7:55 8:0()-9:00 9:00-10:00 10:15-10:30 10:30-11:30 11:30-12:30 12:30-1:15 1:15-1:30 1:45-:2:00 2:00-2:45 2:45-3:00 Gl'eenbou&e O~,I;'Ildon$ & M\ln"'lIemcn~ Continental Breakfast Soilless Media E:lCc:rcis" Plsnt Growth Rel!lliators Stlo:..ko:r Pete Hummer!. Dr. Steve Millett. H~ett Intemation~ Pete Humrnett. HumXllett Io.temation91 Cliff .HOO2land.Kelsev Keylor. Pby1:olromCl; & Pete Hemmert Iartlc:.l Gxou.tos. P.L. Lilthtin~ Dr. Steve Millett. Hummert Xnternatiollll1 Provided bv Hummm's Patritk Steppuho. Hummerc Intemational Patrick Steppubll, Hummert Imemuional Dr. Sven Svenson, Soutbea$t ~souri State Uruversi", Patrick Steppuhn HummerlInremarional Cmtu..d bv "5tumDV's" T rlU1sDomlion by Hurmtl<:rt Inte.madoJ;l~1 P~ul Roberts, S:lCC-Meramcc Transpottation by Hllmmet! Intemstional Jllm•• Yout\ll:. Hummerl II1Ic:maUol1d Transportati",n bv Hummert Intuoatioo~l Sllo:..ker Provided by Hummerrs Dr. Hummere Intul1o.tiOtl:al Patrido;Steppubn, H\1rnIXl"~ Intcl;nation:al Bresk Greenhouse Inteltfated Pen Man~ent LWlCh prc:>"'id..d by Hummert Horticulture Historv and 'trends Tout of B.u=at Int=ati.Olld lE'lll.llt Diseases vh:ttlal Gr(:tl>'ltt Wo.p..uP. c:v-alu~tion. Mod tertificatl:'5 Dt. Ste'VeMillett. Hulnmett International Cathy Webb Hummert Internlltional Mike Mt:Vcx Fete HUlDmen. Hummert International Patrick Steeeuha, Hummut latetnatiQnal Dr. Steve Millett. Hummert International Pete Hummert. Dr. Steve l\fillett. Hummeet Intemational z' =; WILSON COUNTY SCHOOLS Lebanon, Tennessee REQUEST TO ATTEND-CONFERENCES/CONVENTIONS/VISITS (ADULT TRAVEL ONLY - FORM MUST BE COMPLETED ON LINE, ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE, AND REQUEST MUST BE EMAILED OR THE FORM WILL BE RETURNED) Today's Date: April 8, 2010 School(s): Wilson County Career Technical Center Name of Employee(s): Sherry Buchanan Title(s): Marketing Instructor Name of conference/convention/visit: DECA Advisor Summer Institute(Johnson & Wales University) Date(s) of conference/convention/visit: June 16-19,2010 Location (city, state): Denver, Colorado Date(s) oftravel (to and from): June 15-20,2010 Staying overnight? Yes: yes No: Purpose of conference/convention/visit. (Please describe the reason for attendance in relation to professional development and/or school improvement.): To learn how to intergrate DECA's competitive events into the classroom and learn what paperwork and test goes with each competitive event. Number of Substitutes required: n/a Number of days each: n/a Traveling by: Personal Vehicle: County Vehicle: Lodging per day: Included in institue price Transportation Costs (*Rental Car See Below): Number of days per diem requested for food: included (Do not include meals covered by the registration fee) Other expenses: (registration, etc.): Total days out of school: n/a Air: yes Other: I have airplane miles Estimated Cost: Estimated Cost: Estimated Cost: Estimated Cost: Total Estimated Cost of Trip: $350 If expenses are NOT to be paid by school system, who pays? Principal's Comments: Principal/Supervisor Approved: Yes yes No Principal's/Supervisor'sName: William H. Moss Date: 04/13/10 Director's Comments: Director's Name (APPROVED): Date: N~EjQ Date Director's Z ~~ .ey-~ ~ • tJ 11a~ It' cJ --- OFFICE USE ONLY -- Board Agenda: Yes No Approval copy sent to: Approval e-mail sent to: (*READ PRIOR TO REQUESTING RENTAL CAR APPROVAL) Justification for any car rental must be provided below prior to any trip request being authorized. At least the following should be considered before renting a car: 1) Availability of hotel shuttle services and taxi cabs, 2) Airport transfers included at some hotels, 3) Proximity of hotel to destination or convention site, 4) Number oftravelers for car sharing, and 5) length of stay. No reimbursement will be made for specialty vehicles, i.e., luxury car, large SUV, etc. It is important to inspect any rental vehicle before driving it. Make sure any dents, scratches, or other damage to the vehicle are noted on the rental form. ***Justification for request of rental car*** (7/09) Advisor Summer Institutes The purpose of attending the advisors summer institute is to stay abreast of the upcoming competitive events for marketing and DECA students. This academy is designed to help advisors incorporate DECA's comprehensive learning program into the classroom and provide strategies for chapter management. DECA's Advisor Academy will spark new ideas and innovations. Advisors of all levels of experience are invited to attend and learn how DECA supports instruction and makes classroom learning interesting and meaningful. There are over 180,000 members in DECA. The DECA association this year gave away 1,000,000 in scholarships. One of our students here at Wilson County Career Technical Center received $1,000 from Kmart for a scholarship for the first time. My goal is to help students achieve excellence and obtain more scholarships for college. This summer institutes is for the advisors interested in staying on top of their game and being the best of the best for our students in a world that is constantly changing. ~~ Page 1 of 1 NEWS & EVENTS UBRARY OFFICES & SERVICes UCONNECT EMAIL SEARCH ~' " JOHNSON & WALES • UNtVER.~ITY PROVIDENCE CAMPUS Your Admissions Rep Tuition & Fees Providence Home> Admissions & Ald > Educators :> Education & Training mmWilffWfW: Undergraduate Transfer Education & Training International Students )WU provides several' important training opportunities for educators at the Providence Campus. Graduate Adult & Continuing Education Online Leaming DECA Chapter Advisors Summer Institute Tailored for all skill levels and focusing on competitive events strategies and professIonal networking, this three-day institute will send you back into the classroom armed with resources and ideas to create the most exciting learning. experience for your students. Training is suitable for CEU credits and fee-based graduate credits. Financial Aid HIgh School Juniors Educators Prospective Students! Current Students Pa rents Alumni Faculty/Staff Community Institute sessions will be conducted on the Johnson & Wales University campus, with accommodations at a nearby hotel. Providence- North Miami Denver July 26-29 July 19-22 June 16-19 Courtyard by Marriott Westin Diplomat Doubletree Hotel Donors For Your Students Education 8r. Training Degree Programs SChedule a High School Visit Accepted Students Contact Us *An optional post-institute local focus on hospitality and tourism will be held at JWU's Providence Campus on Fri, Jul 30. $350 Registration Fee includes three nights: lodging with two per room, training materials, eight meals and transportation to/from institute sessions. Single rooms are available for $225 upgrade charge. Early bird registration by May 15. After May IS, registration increases by $50. For more information, read the DECA Summer Institute brochure (280K PDF). To register, contact Michelle Walker, DECA director of education, at 703-860-5000. Summer Educator Programs in the Culinary Arts "I've attended JWU's Summer Educator Programs for the past six summers. The teaching techniques by top chef-instructors, the hands-on experience and the networking with teachers from all over the US make the week so worthwhile." Penny Reynolds, Carson City High School ProStart/SkilisUSA Summer Food Service Educator Training: Participants in the one-week educator forums receive credit for professional development hours. Our training programs are designed to give educators insight into the industry-driven programs offered at the university. Updating Your Skills Programs in Culinary Arts and Baking 8t Pastry Arts: These two programs build upon your knowledge of these fields by choosing one of two levels of culinary arts or baking & pastry arts, or one level of culinary nutrition, based upon which topics best meet your educational needs. The Certified Culinary Essentials Educator Program Is designed for food service educators who want to improve their knowledqe and teaching skills using the Culinary essentials program published by Glencoe/McGraw-HilI. For more information on culinary programs for educators, download the brochure (1.2MB PDF). <02008·2010 lohnson & Wales Unlvet!>lty . B Abbott Park Place, prevrdenee, Rhode Island 02903 contact Us . Terms of use . Employment· Feedback· l-BOO-OlAl-lWU 4/26/2010 ",:", -- ~-",--.: ,'"-1'I..' ·' "';:','<~-'r-''' ......'',:",:':,' ::,)~~~:::.,"l/·· -,1':""""'._" _•.• -r"---:"' :t(s.;::', '-":.,,:,~, /,/~~ OEM 'll,:;,e~Ylmger.I~I~tit~!~\>?) J' ,i,' tr -.' -.,.".'.".' -., ,"-" .,- j "'t, .. Chapfer'4fdvisor; ilj.:~~:~O'C ( i ,r' i t Innovative Idea~'. C,ompetittve Events Strategies • ~r~~~siIO?~1 ~~t~?rk~ngll ,~ These three-day J ~~ •., New Advisors • • • , . i i. '. , ~ institut~s will serd you back ,intp the c,lassr9om, arrfed with reso~rces and ideas III ~e~te ~~~,~.e, 5c~~earnin:.~ I , , ',', >"":":" ! .; n I' • . r.orY~r ~ulqen~,;:, ~;~i:;~~ , Experienced Advisors lj • Introduction to DECA ,i Learn what's in itfor you i' r 1 How to bring your teaching to Ii f e : : " i ir : If • Advanced strategies for integrating DECA How to cornrnunicate the effectiveness of your prograrn ~.; ,\I' '. &~ ·;":.}.~~~,:::~,:::,,~~Ht:'!:":.';.;--;;::;,,,,:;',,::--:-===:::z::Ji f"\ .