SKATE AUSTRALIA Inc COMMISSIONED ARTISTIC OFFICIALS’ COMMITTEE Chairman – Patricia Wallace AGENDA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING COMMISSIONED ARTISTIC OFFICIALS’ COMMITTEE SUNDAY 3 JULY 2016 AT 8.30 A.M. at Gloria Pyke Netball and Sports Stadium Greave Reserve Bennet Street Dandenong. Note: Registration will be available from 8.00 a.m. Voting members must be current members of Skate Australia Inc and accredited with NOAS to obtain a voting slip. AGENDA 1 Open & Welcome 2 Roll Call & Apologies 3 Minutes 2015 AGM Adelaide Matters Arising from Minutes 4 Chairman’s Report 5 a b c d e f Chief Examiners Report Calculating Dance & Freedance Figures Freeskating & Pairs Precision & Show Referrees 6 a b c d e State CAOC Chair Report NSW Qld SA VIC WA 7 AAC Chair Report 8 AACC Chair Report 9 Course co-ordinator Report Sign Sheets 10 Requirements Committee Minutes 11 Australian Championship 2016 Roster of Officials Other matters 12 Australian Championship 2017 Requirements Venue 13 Oceania Championship 2016 2017 14 a Changes to Manuals Confirmation to allow Chair to update manuals in line with FIRS changes and CAOC minutes Protests Calculating Rules Proficiency Requirement for Juvenile Solo Dance Minimum Mark 1st bronze bar tests Proficiency Test Schedule - Freeskating b c d e f 15 AAC Agenda Selection policy Worlds and Oceania Entry into open short – preliminary skaters Change to International dance to bring in line with FATC schedule Change preliminary CSD to Preliminary Solo Free Dance Change open original dance to open style dance Please refer AAC agenda for further information 16 Election Chairman for 2 years 17 Next Meeting 18 Close Meeting National CAOC Chair SKATE AUSTRALIA Inc COMMISSIONED ARTISTIC OFFICIALS’ COMMITTEE Chairman – Patricia Wallace 23July2015 1 2 COMMISSIONEDARTISTICOFFICIALS’COMMITTEE MINUTES2015ANNUALGENERALMEETING 5July2015Adelaide OpeningandIntroduction Themeetingwasopenedat8.35am The Chairman Patricia Wallace declared that the meeting is convened in accordance with the Skate Australia Inc (SA) constitution and the rules of the AustralianArtisticCommittee(AAC)andthataquorumispresent. The chairman welcomed all to the meeting and introduced the State Panel ChairmenandChiefExaminers Rollcallandapologies Queensland KarenAronis JasminBall JamesBeard ChristopherClough MargaretClough LynetteCole AnitaHunt JohnLane HelenLloydJones KevinWilkins WesternAustralia RhondaBright SusanBrooks CarolHerbert LorraineKealley DianePalmer NarelleSaward LisaCottrell CarolHerbert KarenTonkin BarbaraRye PatriciaWallace NSW DaveCurtis GordonHomes SouthAustralia RobertCracknell VickieCracknell MikeEngland KimberleyVictory Victoria ShelleyHaughey SusanneHaughey SeonaMartin ElffieSchenker ChristineTurner PamYoung Visitors KymGriffiths MidgeBell RachelDonnelly 3 Apologies Apologies BarbaraRye KathrynBeck TrishaGundlach JodieGarufo SarahWatson ValerieParkin RachaelSketcher ValerieLeftwich BradFraumano KathleenMcPhail JodieNelson RobertMcPhail PeterRye BarryAndrews RachelTonkin KatherineGoldsworthy AleeshaHanczakowski AllanWehlow KathrynBall Minutes2014AGM Resolvedtheminutesofthe2014CAOCAGMbereceivedandacceptedasatrue recordofthemeeting MovedLisaCottrellSecondedPamYoung Carried 4 BusinessArising Nil 5 ReportCAOCChair Chairman’sreportwascirculatedwiththeagenda. MovedCAOCChairman’sreportisaccepted MovePatriciaWallaceSecondedLorraineKealley Carried Businessarising-nil 5a ReportRequirementsCommitteeChair Chairman’sreportwascircularisedwithagenda MovedRequirementsCommitteeChairsreportisaccepted MovedPatriciaWallace SecondedShelleyHaughey Carried Discussion MotionbeforeAACtoremoveproficiencytestrequirementswasdiscussed Meeting was strongly in favour with maintaining proficiency requirements for all grades at Australian Championship. Jurisdiction to set entry requirements is with requirementscommittee It was confirmed by AAC AGM that proficiency tests as published remain mandatoryforentryintotheAustralianChampionship. States may opt to remove proficiency test requirement from all competition includingtheStateChampionshipsattheirdiscretion. 6a 6a 7 8. SituationrelatedtorequirementsforcadetandyouthsolodanceatOceaniawas discussed. Meeting reaffirmed decision of requirements committee to follow European schedule and for Chair of AAC to contact NZ with a view to further discussion. Note SincethemeetingNZhaveemailedtosaytheywillacceptrequirementssetfor AustralianChampionshipfortheOceaniacompetitionsotheissueisresolved. RequirementsOceaniaSoloDance Cadet FederationFoxtrot,SiestaTango Youth EuropeanWaltz,ImperialTango Requirementsfor2016AustralianChampionshipwereaccepted. Adjustments will be made in accordance with AAC AGM decision on grades for Australian Championship and also in line with changes at CIPA meeting in at the WorldChampionshipinCali.Changeswillbenotifiedassoonaspossibleafterthe meetinginlateSeptember Oceania Championship Requirements were accepted with proviso for cadet and youthsolodance–seeaboutunder5a ReportAACChairman ReportofAACChairmanwascircularisedinadvance.Movedthereportbe accepted MovedPamYoung SecondedDaveCurtis OceaniaArtisticCommitteeReport Pam’sreportwascircularisedwiththeagendaandaccepted MovedPamYoung SecondedKevinWilkins ThemeetingcongratulatedPamonherfirstyearasAACChair ReportAACCChair AACCchairreportwasreadbyShelleyHaughey. Thereportwasaccepted MovedJohnLane SecondedShelleyHaughey BarryAndrewsdidnotstandforelectionfor2015to2017period.JodieGarufowas elected to the position of AACC Chairman. The meeting congratulated Jodie and acknowledged and thanked two very good candidates for making themselves availableforelection. Barry received a standing ovation from the meeting for his contribution to coaching, officiating, development of current calculating and competition 9 10 managementsystemandartisticskatingingeneralonanAustralianandataworld level Trainingco-ordinator’sreport JimBeard’sreportwascircularisedwiththeagenda ItwasmovedJim’sreportisaccepted MovedJimBeard, SecondedSusanBrooks Carried Discussion The meeting emphasised the sourcing and training of new officials starts at club level. Experienced bronze level judges and silver judges can train new bronze judges.StatePanelshavesufficientexpertisetotrainsilverjudges.Thementoring processisalearningopportunityforthecandidateandthementor.JimBeardand Chief examiners are available to give help and guidance. Gold level commissions can be supervised by other gold level judges and international judges. Judges, especiallythoseworkingforthehigherlevelcommissionsareencouragedtowork togetherusingvirtualtechniques.JodieNelsonisdevelopingonlinecourses. Funding raising for provision of coach, skater and officials education used by Bunbury club in Western Australia was discussed to demonstrate how training programscanbeorganisedatclublevel ReportNSW NSWreportwascircularisedwiththeagenda. MovedNSWreportisaccepted MovedDaveCurtis, SecondedGordonHomes Carried Discussion DavecommentedthatthepoliticalsituationinNSWwasimpactedonofficials. QueenslandReport Queenslandreportwascircularisedwiththeagenda ItwasMovedthattheQueenslandreportisaccepted MovedJasminBall SecondedLynCole Carried Discussion JimBeardwillworkwithShannonGarnhamtoupdatehercommissionsusingvideo review.ShannonisavaluableresourceinNorthQueenslandandwerecognisethat opportunities for practical judging experiences are limited due to Shannon’s coachingactivitiesanddistancefromBrisbane. SouthAustralianReport SouthAustralianreportwascircularisedwiththeagenda. 8 ItwasmovedthattheSouthAustralianreportisaccepted MovedKymGriffith SecondedBobCracknell Carried Discussion Kym commented on difficulty in getting commissions finalised due to lack of skatersandcompetition.KymhasbeenprovidedwithacopyoftheDVDsfromthe Australian Championship in Boxhill that can be used for training and commissioningofjudges VictorianReport Brenda Roberts, ASVI Chair, provided the Victorian report as there is no CAOC ChairmaninVictoria. ItwasmovedthatBrenda’sreportisaccepted MovedSeonaMartin SecondedShelleyHaughey Carried Discussion–PatReevescommentedthatshehasbeenCAOCChairinpastyears andthatalthoughsheispreparedtohelpitisnowtimeforayoungerpersonto takeontheposition WestAustralianReport TheWAreportwascircularisedwiththeagenda ItwasmovedthattheWAreportisaccepted MovedLisaCottrell SecondedSusanBrooks Carried Discussion Nil ChiefExaminerCalculating TheCalculatingreportwascircularisedwiththeagenda Itwasmovedthatthecalculatingreportisaccepted MovedChrisClough SecondedLorraineKealley Carried Discussion Transitiontonewcalculatingprogramwasdiscussed.Themeetingacknowledged workdonebyBarryAndrews,ChrisCloughandtheirteamtodevelopandtrialthis program. ChiefExaminerDanceandFreedance Thedanceandfreedancereportwascircularisedwiththeagenda Itwasmovedthatthedanceandfreedancereportisaccepted MovedKarenAronis SecondedLynCole Carried Kimberley Victory of South Australia questioned progress with her bronze dance commission. ChiefExaminerFigures Thefigurereportwascircularisedwiththeagenda Itwasmovedthatthefigurereportisaccepted MovedJimBeard, SecondedPatReeves Carried Discussion – applications for commissions and updates since the report was writtenwereoutlinedforthebenefitofthemeeting ChiefexaminerFreeskatingandPairs Thefreeskatingandpairsreportwascircularisedwiththeagenda Itwasmovedthatthefreeskatingreportbeaccepted MovedSusanBrooksSecondedPatReeves Carried Discussion SusanoutlineddecisionattheFIRS/CIPAjudgesseminarespeciallyinrelationto the “B” mark being less tied to the “A” mark and its use to reflect performance values. Susanprovidedextensivematerialfromtheseminarforeachpanelchaironjump drives.Thesecanbecopiedforanyoneinterestedandrequirea32GBjumpdrive VictorianTemplate–notesubsequenttoChampionship Someskatersprovidedroutinesforthereferee–thesewereveryhelpfulandthe officialswouldliketoencouragetheiruseintothefuture. ChiefexaminerPrecision Precisionreportwascircularisedwiththeagenda Itwasmovedthattheprecisionreportisaccepted MovedJimBeard SecondedCarolHerbert Carried Discussion Nil ChiefExaminerReferees Therefereeingreportwascircularisedwiththeagenda Itwasmovedthattherefereesreportisaccepted MovedKevinWilkinsSecondedJimBeard Carried 12 Discussion Separatingrefereescommissiondiscussedinagendaitem12ai Plan,withinthereferee’scommission,isto o Createmodulescommontojudgingcoursestoqualifyreferee’satdifferent levelsanddisciplines o Tocreateonlinecourseswithvideoandmultiplechoiceoptions. o Tohavechiefexaminersworkingtogethertoachievethis o Torefereefreeskatingeventsandtestsrefereesmusthavebeensuccessful inthefreeskatingmodulesatanappropriateleveltothetestorevent. At the moment referees who do not have adequate freeskating knowledge will needtoworkwithafreeskatingofficial. JodieNelsonisprogressingwiththeplanabove(from2014minutesinred)witha viewtotriallinginVictoria CAOCManuals 12aReferees’Commission The motion submitted by Jodie Nelson “that the following wording be added to section1.01oftheCAOCmanualfollowing1.01.07inedition22rev02014”was puttothemeeting “Individualsmaybecommissionedasarefereeforoneormoredisciplineswithin artisticskatinginAustralia” MovedKarenAronis SecondedSeoniaMartin Afterexplanationthattheintentofthemotionwastoallowpeoplewhodidnot feelconfidentand/orfeltoverwhelmedbythevolumeofknowledgerequiredfor thereferees’commissionacrossalldisciplinesbeintroducedtotherequiredskills gradually and benefit the organisation by being allowed to commissions as refereesinonedisciplineonly,themotionwascarried 12aii Allmotionsrelatedtoupdatingmanualstoreflecttheresolutionof2014AGMthat time to retake a test is changed from 30 days to 10 days were presented to the meetingfornoting.Thereisalreadyprovisiontoupdateallmanualsinaccordance withanamendmenttotherules 12b FreeskatingManual;item6.2Evaluation Note:theserulesapplytoFreeskatingproficiencytests Currentrules: “Shouldthecontentbeskatedoutoforderinthetest,therewillbeapenaltyof0.5 fromtheArtisticImpressionmark.Omittedcontentwillcarryapenaltyof1.0from theTechnicalMeritmark,foreachomitteditem.Additionaljumporspinelements maynotbeskated.Shouldadditionaljumporspinelementsbeskated,thesewill begivennocreditandtherewillbeapenaltyof0.5fromtheArtisticImpression mark.” Proposedrule: Penaltiesregardingroutinecontentwillbeappliedbytherefereeasfollows: • • • Omittedcontent-1.0fromtheA-mark o Appliedforeachitemomittedfromthesubmittedroutinelist Additionalcontent-0.5fromtheB-mark o Appliedforeveryadditionalitemnotinthesubmittedroutinelist o Nocreditgivenbythejudgesforanyadditionalitem Contentoutoforder-0.5fromtheB-mark o Thispenaltycanonlybeappliedonceperskater o Itisappliedwhentheitemsskatedarepresentedinadifferentorderfrom thesubmittedroutinelistregardlessofhowmanyitemsareoutoforder. o Note:aroutineisnotoutoforderifanitemismissedoromitted MovedPatReeves Amendment Seconded BobCracknell Anyamountofadditionfootworkispermittedwithoutpenalty MovedKarenAronis Carried SecondedSusanBrooks Theamendedmotiontoreplaceexistingrule6.2wasputtothemeeting Penaltiesregardingroutinecontentwillbeappliedbytherefereeasfollows: • • Omittedcontent-1.0fromtheA-mark o Appliedforeachitemomittedfromthesubmittedroutinelist Additionalcontent-0.5fromtheB-mark o Appliedforeveryadditionalitemnotinthesubmittedroutinelist o Nocreditgivenbythejudgesforanyadditionalitem o Anyamountofadditionalfootworkispermittedwithoutpenalty • 12ci Contentoutoforder-0.5fromtheB-mark o Thispenaltycanonlybeappliedonceperskater o Itisappliedwhentheitemsskatedarepresentedinadifferentorderfrom thesubmittedroutinelistregardlessofhowmanyitemsareoutoforder. o Note:aroutineisnotoutoforderifanitemismissedoromitted Moved PatReeves SecondedSusanBrooks Carried DanceManualPart3SoloDance,CreativeSoloDanceandSoloFreedance MotiontodeleteentireexistingSection5SoloDanceProficiencyTestsandreplace withtheattachedschedulefrom1stOctober2015. MovedSusanBrooks Carried SecondedKarenAronis 12cii Marylee Foxtrot – Dance Manual 3 Solo Dance, Creative Solo Dance and Solo Freedance Judgingpoints–point2(e)willnowread Thestraightawaysequencesteps15through20(LIFtoRIF)musttakethefloorin theangularposition MovedChristineTurner SecondedSusanBrooks Carried 12d Proposal to add Solo Freedance proficiency tests as presented to the proficiency testschedule(seeattachment2) MovedKarenAronis SecondedChristineTurner Carried Addedfrom1October2015 Please note freedance proficiency tests will not qualify skater to enter the AustraliaChampionshipinanyevent 13 MeetingdiscusseditemsonAACagendaandagreedtosupportallchangesexcept motiontodeleteproficiencytestrequirementsfromentrygradesattheAustralian championship 14 RosterforAustralianChampionshipwasadjustedasnecessary LynColewascongratulatedonherappointmenttothejudgingpanelforthe2015 WorldArtisticChampionshipinCali 15 16 17 18 19 Officials’rosterwasdiscussedandamendedasnecessary Events2016 AustralianChampionship–MelbourneJulyTBC OceaniaChampionship–NewZealandSeptember/October WorldChampionship–Novara–Italy ElectionofChiefExaminer2015–2017 AllincumbentChiefExaminershaverenominatedandtherearenoother nominations.Appointmentofthefollowingchiefexaminerswasconfirmedbythe meeting • Calculating MrChrisClough • Dance&FreeDance MsKarenAronia • Figures MrJamesBeard • Freeskating&Pairs MsSusanBrooks • Precision&Show MrJimBeard • Referee MsJodieNelson UrgentNewBusiness Nil NextMeeting Inconjunctionwith2016AustraliaChampionship.DateandvenueTBC Closemeeting 10.40am NationalCAOCChairman SKATE AUSTRALIA Inc COMMISSIONED ARTISTIC OFFICIALS’ COMMITTEE Chairman – Patricia Wallace 20May2016 REPORTFROMCAOCCHAIRMANTOTHEANNUALGENERALMEETINGOFTHE COMMISSIONEDARTISTICOFFICIALS’COMMITTEE 3JULY2016–MELBOURNE I am pleased to provide this report on behalf on the Commissioned Artistic Officials Committee. PanelChairmencurrentlyare:- DaveCurtis NSW JasminBall Qld SeonaMartin VIC LisaCottrell WA HannahKnott SSA SeonaMartinhastakenoverthepositionofCAOCChairinVictoriaandisdoinganexcellent job.HannahKnottisAACChairinSouthAustraliaandisbeingassistedbySeonaMartinin administering the officials’ committee. I have regular communication with Jasmin and Lisa. CommunicationwithDaveislessfrequent. ChiefExaminers Chiefexaminerswereelectedin2015fora2-yeartermandremainedunchangedfrom20142015. Calculating ChrisClough Dance&Freedance KarenAronis Figures JimBeard Freeskating&Pairs SusanBrooks Precision JimBeard Referees JodieNelson DuaneVossisresponsibleforthecoachingandofficiatingportfolioforSkateAustralia.Hehas had some difficulty in accessing the portal although ASC say it should be satisfactory. CommissionrecordsarebeingsavedontheSkateAustraliadatabase Results,PanelMeetings&Communication IamreceivingresultsoftestsandcompetitionsfromQld,Vic,andWAonaregularbasisina timelymannerandnowfromNSWviadropboxandSSA.Oneoftheissueswiththecurrent methodofreportingproficiencyresultsisthatIdonotreceivethefreeskatingmarkingsheets soitcanbeverydifficulttofathomwhatwentwronginatesttocreateafailurewithcertain CAOC Chairman: Pat Wallace, PO Box 403,Augusta WA 6290 Tel: (08) 9531 1845 (H) Mob 0418 920 466 E mail -1- pattern of marks. Thank you Jodie Nelson for examining all of proficiency marking sheets withgreatdiligenceandaskingthepertinentquestions. IhavereceivedasetofminutesofPanelmeetingsfromVicbutnonefromelsewheresoIam assuming no one is holding any. I know Lisa in WA is most efficient at sending out information to WA Panel members. Panel meetings are important vehicles for communication,discussionandfurtheringknowledgeandcanberunbyvirtualmeansusing digitalmeans.Itconcernsmethatimportantinformationthataffectsboththecoachingofthe athletesandtheassessmentofathleteperformanceisbeingmissed.Ireallydon’tknowwhatI candotoavoidthishappeningandIamopentosuggestions. Sincemylastreportthefollowingpeoplehavesuccessfullycompleted commissions:- Queensland SouthAustralia Name ValParkin TrishWinter JohnLilley Level Gold Bronze Silver Silver Name VickiCracknell NSW Discipline Level Freeskating Bronze ShannonGarnham Discipline Precision Figures Figures Freeskating GailDane Figures Silver ShannonGarnham Figures Silver VickiRatcliffe Figures Silver ShannonGarnham JohnLane Dance Figures Silver Gold Victoria WesternAustralia SeonaMartin SeonaMartin MartinHass Freeskating Pairs Dance Silver Bronze Gold CarolHerbert RhondaBright RhondaBright Dance Dance Figures Silver Bronze Silver MartinHass SimonReeves SimonReeves SimonReeves MichelleEvans MichelleEvans SeonaMartin Freedance Figures Pairs Freeskating Figures Freeskating Freeskating Gold Silver Silver Silver Silver Bronze Gold AnneEdwards AllanWehlow AllanWehlow AllanWehlow AllanWehlow AllanWehlow AllanWehlow Dance Freedance Pairs Dance Freeskating Figures Precision Bronze Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold SeonaMartin SeonaMartin LaurenPurcell Pairs Figures Figures Silver Gold Bronze SamanthaCudmore SeonaMartin SeonaMartin LaurenPurcell MichelleEvans Figures Dance Freedance Dance Dance Bronze Gold Gold Bronze Silver SeonaMartin Pairs Gold Congratulationstoallthosepeople.Victoriaisthewinneroftheofficialstrophywith19new commissions Officialsintraining CAOC Chairman: Pat Wallace, PO Box 403,Augusta WA 6290 Tel: (08) 9531 1845 (H) Mob 0418 920 466 E mail -2- AllStateshaveregisteredstudentofficialsinalldisciplines;Manyhavebeenonthelistforan extended period of time. I would appreciate it if Panel Chairs would contact all people who havenominatedforcommissionexaminationsometimeagotofindouttheircurrentinterest sothatthelistcanbeupdated. OfficiatingCourses Victoria,WAandSouthAustraliahaverunorareplanningtoruncoursesinthenearfuture. This is excellent. I attended a workshop in WA hosted by the Bunbury Roller Skating club which was a great success and attracted participants from interstate. It is great to see the results in Victoria due to largely to the efforts of a very enthusiastic Panel Chair who has createdacohesiveteamworkingwithher . NOASCourses The Australian Sports Commission have made changes to the format of how the NOAS and NCAS will work. Karen Doyle has negotiated with Sports Commission for all courses to be valid until 31 December 2016 with courses on new format to be submitted by 31 October 2016.Thechangeswillmeantheformatofhowwewritethecourseswillhaveanewlookbut inpracticeitwillbemorealignedtohowweconductourtrainingprograms.Theonlyissueis theworkinvolvedtoconstructthecoursesinsuchashorttime. Competitions APanel2016AustralianChampionship ThefollowingofficialshavebeenappointedtoAPanel.Kevinwasaskedbutdeclinedfor personalreasons. Judges&Referees Calculators PatriciaWallace ChrisClough LynCole MaureenRose JamesBeard KarenAronis LisaCottrell SeonaMartin AllanWehlow The Australian Championship will be very busy for the officials and I sincerely thank all officialsespeciallyBpanelofficialsforgivingtheirtimetoassist. OceaniaChampionship–Wanganui–NewZealand Judges Karen Aronis, and Lyn Cole have been appointed Australian officials for the OceaniaChampionship. Worlds2016–NovaraItaly NZwillbeinvitedtosupplyajudgefor2016. InternationalCommissions CAOC Chairman: Pat Wallace, PO Box 403,Augusta WA 6290 Tel: (08) 9531 1845 (H) Mob 0418 920 466 E mail -3- Currently Australia has 13 International officials including 3 A judges, 7 A calculators, 2 AR judges,1referee,and1Bjudge.IhavenotsupportedtherenewalofPipaWan’scommission for2016asshehasbeeninactivefor2years. Seona Martin and Lisa Cottrell are working towards FIRS Artistic Technical Committee (FATC),formallyCIPA,Internationalcommissions. Manuals, Barry, Jodie Nelson, Chris Clough and I have been working updating the manuals to incorporatethechangesmadebyCAOC,AAC,andFATCcommittees.Thisisadifficulttaskthe FATC changes are not all announced and you surprise across them in the updated FIRS manual. I recommend that you check the FIRS webpage frequently and check for and download the latest version of the FATC manual. Also the changes occuracrossallmanualsandareeasytomiss.Wehaveblanketpermissiontoupdateagreed changeswhereevertheyoccurweappreciatenotificationofareasinthemanualsthatneedto bebroughtintoline.AcurrentversionoftheAACandCAOCmanualswillbeforapprovalat theAACandCAOCmeetingandwehopetoincorporateanyfurtherchangesbytheendofthe Championship OceaniaChampionship2016 The 2016 Oceania Championship will be held in New Zealand in 2nd to 5th September. This means that we can select athletes from the Australian Championship in the year of the competitionwhichwillbemuchmoresatisfactory.Therequirementsforsolodance,figures and free skating are the same for both the Australian and Oceania Championship. Unfortunately, some of the dance requirements differ for youth/intermediate, however the Oceaniarequirementsareeasierandhopefullythiswillnotposetoomuchofanissueforour athletes.IthinktheOceaniacompetitionisofvalueandIobservedanincreasedmaturityof performancethisyearinskaterswhohadcompetedatOceania. 2017AustralianChampionshipandOceaniaRequirements Australian Championship requirements are presented for approval. The requirements committee have opted to wait for European requirements for dance and solo dance to be publicised in November before setting the requirements for the Australian Championship. Freeskating requirements for Primary and Juvenile have been brought into line with Europeanrequirements. Requirements committee recommend that solo freedance replaces CSD for preliminary solo dance. FreedancerequirementsforallgradesexceptJuniorandSeniorremainthesameasfor2016. NZhavebeencontactedwithregardtoOceaniarequirementsandtheywillprovidefeedback asap.OceaniameetingwillbeinSeptemberwithOceaniaChampionship. ProficiencyTestSchedule Victoria have submitted changes to the proficiency tests schedule for freeskating. The requirementscommitteearefullyinsupportofthesechangesandIencouragethemeetingto endorsethem.ThankyoutoVICcoachescommitteeforprovidingthisschedule Conclusion WearefacingalotofchangesnowandinthefutureresultingfromFATCchanges.Someofthe rulesareveryproscriptivehoweverthethinkingseemstobethattheassessmentencourages interestingandentertainingperformances.Thiscanonlybegood.FATCisexperimentingwith CAOC Chairman: Pat Wallace, PO Box 403,Augusta WA 6290 Tel: (08) 9531 1845 (H) Mob 0418 920 466 E mail -4- anewjudgingsystemsomewhatsimilartotheoneusedonice.Ithinkthiswillalsoencourage quality across the total performance rather than concentration on the technical elements, especiallyjumps. IwouldliketothankeveryoneforthehelpandsupporttheyhavegiventotheCAOCandalso to the coaches and athletes who show great sportsmanship in their attitude to officials. As officialswealwaystrytodoourbestfortheathletesandthesport. Special thanks to all the Panel Chairmen, Chief Examiners, Barry, Jodie, Pam and the AAC executivefortheirsupportandassistance. Thankseveryoneforyourcontributiontothesport.Itisapleasuretoworkwithyouall. Regards DrPatriciaWallace National CAOC Chairman CAOC Chairman: Pat Wallace, PO Box 403,Augusta WA 6290 Tel: (08) 9531 1845 (H) Mob 0418 920 466 E mail -5- SKATE AUSTRALIA Inc COMMISSIONED ARTISTIC OFFICIALS COMMITTEE CHIEF EXAMINER CALCULATORS REPORT TO CAOC AGM FROM THE CHIEF EXAMINER FOR CALCULATING – 2016 Introduction Activities carried out during the year included the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Calculating examinations NOAS Courses Maintenance of the national proficiency test database Calculating Program sk8calc Calculating Examinations There is a number of calculating candidates working with mentors around the country. There have been no successful calculator examinations since the last CAOC AGM. The table below indicates those candidates who are still officially candidates, although a number appear to be no longer actively pursuing their commissions and need to be confirmed by their State CAOC VP: Chapter NSW NSW Name Leonard Karp Brett Beatty Level Applied For 1 2 Status Ongoing Ongoing QLD Kathleen McPhail 1 Ongoing SA Rosemary Beck 1 Ongoing VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC Karen McKeown Jane Cachia Patricia Earle Tamara Hudson Seona Martin Shelley Purcell Brenda Zetzmann 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ongoing Commenced Commenced Commenced Commenced Commenced Commenced WA WA WA Debbie Martin Laree Bond Karen Wrankmore 1 1 1 Ongoing Commenced Commenced Christopher Clough 29 Feather Close Forestdale Queensland 4118 T: +61 7 38001109 F: +61 7 38093767 M: +61 419 645423 E: SKATE AUSTRALIA Inc COMMISSIONED ARTISTIC OFFICIALS COMMITTEE CHIEF EXAMINER CALCULATORS NOAS Courses NOAS Calculating Courses for levels 1 and 2 calculating were revised in 2014 and approved by ASC. ASC has now changed the format for NOAS courses. At present the Calculating courses are still current. However, we will be reviewing these to see what updates are required to make them compliant with the new format, and to determine if such changes need to be made before the next update is due in 2018. National Proficiency Test Database It is important that all States continue to send proficiency test forms and results to AAC/CAOC, so that the National Proficiency Test Database can be maintained. This is used for compliance checking of State nominations for the Australian Championships. Thanks to all those who continue to provide these results. Please ensure that everyone is using version 53.4 of the proficiency test spreadsheet, and that users have received user documentation on how to use the spreadsheet, in particular with reference to preparing summary results to send to CAOC. Calculating Program The new calculating program was released to all commissioned calculators for general use shortly after 2015 Australian Championships. However please note that It is NOT available to other than commissioned calculators. New versions continue to be released to address issues of usability/enhancement and to correct bugs which have been found in the program. Please understand that a program like this is a complex thing and it will continue to evolve, and we will continue to find and fix problems. Having said that, it is now being used in all States for all competitions. The proficiency test area of the program is not being used at present as we continue to test this area, and to develop procedures for the use of the proficiency test part of the program. Note that Clubs will continue to prepare test information on the current spreadsheet at the present time, for nominating skaters for tests. Sk8calc will NOT be issued to clubs. Many thanks to Barry Andrews and to all of the test group for their input to the development of this program. Summary Thanks to Kathleen McPhail, Pam Young, Patricia Wallace, our judges and referees, and everyone else who has helped out during the year. In particular, a special thanks to all of our calculators who do a mighty job behind the scenes – a job that is little appreciated by the general public, who see you just sitting in front of a computer screen entering marks and getting results, without any understanding of the work that goes on before, Christopher Clough 29 Feather Close Forestdale Queensland 4118 T: +61 7 38001109 F: +61 7 38093767 M: +61 419 645423 E: SKATE AUSTRALIA Inc COMMISSIONED ARTISTIC OFFICIALS COMMITTEE CHIEF EXAMINER CALCULATORS during and after a competition, especially a major event, to make this all seem so simple during the competition. Your help is very greatly appreciated. Always remember that everything we do is for the skaters. I move that my report be accepted. Christopher Clough Chief Examiner of Calculating Christopher Clough 29 Feather Close Forestdale Queensland 4118 T: +61 7 38001109 F: +61 7 38093767 M: +61 419 645423 E: SKATE AUSTRALIA COMMISSIONED ARTISTIC OFFICIALS' COMMITTEE Chief Examiner of Dance and Freedance Karen Aronis Item 5b 27 May 2016 Ref Chief Examiners Report CHIEF EXAMINERS DANCE REPORT CAOC AGM 2016 Over the past 12 months we have welcomed a newly commissioned judge at the Gold level for Dance and Freedance. Congratulations must go to Seona Martin for her hard work in completing and achieving these commissions. We also have a number of other judges working towards and achieving our highest level of commissions. We are getting some new judges coming through as well as increasing the levels of judges in some states. There are also a number of commissions currently underway and it is good to see some experienced judges undertaking new commissions. Congratulations must go to the following officials who have successfully completed and those currently completing their commission. Cheryl Jackson VIC Bronze Dance Completed Lauren Purcell VIC Bronze Dance Completed Michelle Evans VIC Silver Dance Completed Seona Martin VIC Gold Dance Completed Seona Martin VIC Gold Freedance Completed Rhonda Bright WA Bronze Dance Completed Anne Edwards WA Bronze Dance Completed Carol Herbert WA Silver Dance Completed I would like to wish all competitors and officials a very successful 2016 Australian Championships. I am looking forward to seeing all skaters doing their best this week. I ask that my report be accepted. Regards Karen Aronis Chief Examiner Dance and Freedance Karen Aronis Chief Examiner of Dance and Freedance Postal Address – 62 Sugarglider Lane, MUDGEERABA QLD 4213 Mobile: 0419 682 817 Email: Ite ROLLER SPORTS AUSTRALIA Inc COMMISSIONED ARTISTIC OFFICIALS’ COMMITTEE Chief Examiner of Figures Jim Beard Item 5c Chief Examiners Figure Report CAOC AGM 2016 Several commissions are in process along with new approvals across the board. A reminder to all existing Judges, Chair Persons and club Presidents to continue to source new suitable applicants within their local clubs and States. Once the application process has commenced I can then work closely with the candidate .I would like to extend an invitation to all new judges and applicants to call on me and other senior judges for support and assistance with their new commissions. The following officials have completed their commissions or are in the process to be completed. BRONZE COMMISSIONS COMPLETE Lauren Percelle VIC Samantha Cudmore VIC Patricia Winters QLD BRONZE COMMISSIONS IN PROCESS. Kym Griffiths SA Jessie Buck QLD Craig Barry QLD Rachel Beck QLD Larree Bond WA Jo Wilson VIC Alexandra Templar VIC SILVER COMMISSIONS COMPLETED Michelle Evens VIC Simon Reeves VIC Jayson Sutcliffe VIC Lisa Cottrell WA Rhonda Bright WA John Lillie QLD Gail Dane NSW Vicki Ratcliffe NSW CAOC Chairperson: Pat Wallace, PO Box 285, Pinjarra WA 6208 Tel: (08) 9531 1845 (H) (08) 9531 1866 (W) Fax: (08) 9531 3030 (H) Mob 0418 920 466 E mail Ite ROLLER SPORTS AUSTRALIA Inc COMMISSIONED ARTISTIC OFFICIALS’ COMMITTEE Chief Examiner of Figures Jim Beard SILVER COMMISSIONS IN PROCESS. Cheryl Jackson. VIC Jackie Wakefield. VIC Jennifer Paynter. VIC Samantha Gatherum. VIC GOLD COMMISSION IN PROCESS. John Lane. QLD GOLD COMMISSIONS COMPLETE Seona Martin VIC Allan Wehlow WA. Congratulations to the officials who have completed their course and a reminder to communicate with more experienced judges and to get out and judge as many local events as possible. It is particularly important to keep in touch with the basics of figure skating. In closing I would like to thank my colleges and in particular our CAOC Chairperson Pat Wallace for their valuable support. Wishing all competitors and officials a very successful 2016 National Championships. I ask that this report be accepted. James Beard. 10 Coronation Ave Pottsville Beach 2489 NSW 0266761079 0438761079 CAOC Chairperson: Pat Wallace, PO Box 285, Pinjarra WA 6208 Tel: (08) 9531 1845 (H) (08) 9531 1866 (W) Fax: (08) 9531 3030 (H) Mob 0418 920 466 E mail Item5d ROLLER SPORTS AUSTRALIA Inc COMMISSIONED ARTISTIC OFFICIALS’ COMMITTEE Chief Examiner for Freeskating & Pairs Report by Susan Brooks As of the 20th of May 2016 I’m pleased to report this position is now assisted by Seona Martin from Victoria, we both hope to be able to improve the way the Commission is currently marked, presented and processed. My thanks go to Seona for getting on board with this and being so proactive in the official’s education. This year between us we have been able to do in person seminar presentations for the benefit of both officials and communicating with coaches. Having the coaches so involved allows us as a skating community improve communication and future directions. January 2016 in WA I presented freeskating, pairs and the B mark for judging outlook into the future. Then February 2016 Seonia presented something similar in both Victoria and South Australia. These in-person seminars have also helped increase current training numbers and improve new official’s confidence. The New Commissions Activities Currently in Progress (August 2015-May 2016) WesternAustralia AnneEdwards RonMartinez MitchellAdams RebeccaAllen WojciethBankowski LisaCotrell Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Gold Free Pairs Free Pairs Free Pairs Free Free Pairs Free inprogressjustwaitingon Asupplement&Prac. waitingWorkbook waitingWorkbook waitingWorkbook waitingWorkbook waitingWorkbook waitingWorkbook waitingWorkbook waitingWorkbook Silver Silver Bronze Bronze Silver Silver Silver Silver Gold Gold Free Pairs Free Free Free Pairs Free Pairs Free Pairs Competed Competed waitingWorkbook Competed waitingWorkbook waitingWorkbook CompetedRPL CompetedRPL Competed waitingonmarking Victoria SeonaMartin AlexandraTemplar MichelleEvans PamYoung SimonReeves SeonaMartin Item5d QLD RachelBeck CraigBarry ShannonGarham Bronze Bronze Silver Free Free Free waitingonmarking waitingWorkbook Competed-waiting SouthAustralia AmyBigg HannahKnott VickiCracknell Bronze Bronze Bronze Free Free Free waitingWorkbook waitingWorkbook Competed NSW DaveCurtis EvieKarp Bronze Bronze Free Free waitingWorkbook waitingWorkbook Judging into the future & reward the quality That never ending lists of deductions that constantly appear in the freeskating judge’s paperwork can be quite daunting, so I would like to take this opportunity to point out it’s not only the technical side of freeskating we as judges need to stay savvy with. The B mark is the future of our sport and will become more critical to the future of judging artistic events. It seems we get so caught up in this that we have forgotten the general public outside our sport. Ask yourself if you would buy tickets and to watch our sport for a National, State or league-based competitions? As judges the search for the quantity and the quality, yes, of course, both are possible. But it's VERY DIFFICULT! So we must begin to think like this. Learn to train our eye, educate our mind and practice to do this and then have the courage to stand up and reward it. Have you ever just sat on the side of the rink and judged a skater purely from the B mark? A few key questions to ask yourself when you are assessing the artistic score. What's the theme, conceptual or narrative, history or plot? How's the costume? How is the program constructed, is it rich and multi-faceted, regarding technical vocabulary? Does it correctly reference the theme from the beginning to the end? Does it reflect musicality and shades? Does it use the entire skating surface? How are the technical elements distributed within the choreography? Are they well balanced and connected within the program? Does the preparation of the technical element affect the harmony and courage of the program? Does the skate expressiveness and interpretation reflect the character of the music? What's the message projected by the program? Does it have an artistic value? Can they skate well, sureness, accuracy of feet and the ability to push and move. Did they use multi-directional turns, a variety of turns, depth of edges? In the choreography, have you seen it all before? Five good points of focus for the B Mark 1. Skate Skill 2. Technical Transitions Item5d 3. 4. 5. Performance and execution Choreography and Composition Interpretation and Timing A question for you to ask yourself Can you possibly give a skater? TM 9.5 AI 6.0 Perhaps this score could be possible with some programs. Would you even have the courage to do it? Perhaps I am stepping too far into the future with these concepts but from what I have learnt over the past 18 months in seminars and watching the new judging systems beginning, I think it’s only around the corner. Yours truly, Susan Brooks E: ph. 040 825 6946 ROLLER SPORTS AUSTRALIA Inc COMMISSIONED ARTISTIC OFFICIALS’ COMMITTEE Chief Examiner of Precision Jim Beard Item 5c Chief Examiners Precision Report CAOC AGM 2016 There clearly still needs a lot of work to be done in this area to increase the number of new commissions. There is a growing interest in the new Quartet event and it is hoped that more new applications come in to cater for these events. It must be made clear that my roll is to mentor and access the candidate through the commission process. The new applicant has to be sourced, encouraged and supported at a local club and State level to apply for a commission. Thank you to my colleges and in particular Pat Wallace for their continued support. PRECISION COMMISSIONS IN PROCESS Michelle Evens VIC Lauren Purcel VIC Carol Herbert WA Lisa Cottrell WA PRECISSION COMMISSION COMPLETED. Val Parkins QLD Allan Wehlow WA I ask that this report be accepted. James Beard 10 Coronation ave Pottsville 2489 NSW. 0266761079 0438761079 CAOC Chairperson: Pat Wallace, PO Box 285, Pinjarra WA 6208 Tel: (08) 9531 1845 (H) (08) 9531 1866 (W) Fax: (08) 9531 3030 (H) Mob 0418 920 466 E mail Chief Examiner‘s Report 2016 – Referee 2016 has seen a significant increase in the number of referee commission applications received and currently being undertaken. NSW currently has two applicants and Victoria has two applicants. Each of the applicants are using the revised Referee Workbook and I look forward to getting their feedback on the benefit of the workbook once they have finished their commissions. One of the applicants will take advantage of being able to do the commissions for the disciplines separately and will soon be commissioned in Figures prior to completing Freeskating, Dance and Precision. Carrying out the administrative side of this position is easily completed via the internet and therefore is not negatively impacted by the fact that I live in Switzerland. However getting a feel for refereeing issues and what is actually happening with refereeing etc is far more difficult to accomplish when you aren’t on the ground in Australia. For this reason, it is essential that there is a succession plan. If anyone is interested in taking on the role I would be happy to support them in the process. The major role for the person would be to drum up interest in undertaking a referee commission and supporting the person through it. We need more applicants while we still have mentors. Without mentors, the whole system falls down and therefore we can’t wait until the mentors leave before replacing them. Jodie Nelson SKATE NSW ARTISTIC - CAOC REPORT 17th May 2016 Item 6a The SkateNSW executive saw Brett Beatty continue in the role of NSW Artistic Chair following the last AGM in November. Len Karp although having stepped down after two years in the job, continues to provide support as a SkateNSW director and SkateNSW executive member continuing to support his son Robert’s skating. Sincere thanks to Len for his continued assistance. A warm welcome to Brett, again in this position. 2016 for NSW has seen the loss of one our long term officials. Changes in work and lifestyle continue to impact the availability of officials for competitions. We have to accept those directional changes are inevitable driven by personal and career challenges. NSW State Championships 2016 were run almost exclusively using the “RevolutioniseSport” web based application for registration and information. The application enables a great central administration and database repository, and like all new web based applications, with time, continued use and feedback to the developer, there may be further customisation and streamlining available. Special thanks to Jim Beard, Seona Martin and Michelle Evans who helped with our States this year and gave valuable feedback and advice when it was needed. Mentoring was also provided for a few of the upgrading and student officials. Thanks also to Jim Beard who with Seona Martin made themselves available to conduct a 2 hour “Officiating Seminar” while warm-ups were being run on the main floor. The seminar had 10 attendees, (all current, upgrading and student officials) Two new commissions have been completed this year, and all those currently active NSW officials have renewed their commissions where necessary, however we have lost one silver level judge. Recently completed, Vicki Ratcliffe and Gail Dane Silver Figures. Congratulations to Vicki and Gail !! Still in the process – Bronze Freeskating - Toni Brown, Evie Karp, Dave Curtis. Silver Figures - Evie Karp, Silver Dance – Evie Karp Referee - Dave Curtis (under the new system). Quite a number of skaters also made the most of the opportunity to do some student judging, so future officials are in the process. Thanks Once again sincere thanks to all those NSW officials and volunteers, who assisted behindthe-scenes, and in the front line to ensure that the state competition ran pretty smoothly and to time. Pat Wallace (and I believe Peter Rye) continue to work on officials’ databases and records, making the tracking somewhat easier; however without direct access to the ASC database there is a disparity between the two. Hopefully this can eventually be resolved. The adoption of CIPA rules and regulations,{given that “Worlds” are run by CIPA (FIRS)} means that Australia now falls into line with those standard rules and regulations. Most grades of skating now have an additional year added. Juvenile previously having CSD has now adopted SFD. Style Dance The introduction of the style dance format shows that dance skaters now vying for worlds also need to have a repertoire of footwork, spins and jumps. Judging these events will also be made up of 3 percentage component indices and quality of execution. Just one more challenge to meet ! Rgds Dave Curtis. CAOC NSW Queensland Commissioned Artistic Officials Committee ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Item 6b I am pleased to provide this report for the Queensland officials for the period to 7 May, 2016. Officials have been provided by the Queensland Panel of CAOC since my last report for 19 competitions and 4 test centres, as well as a number of tests completed at the end of some competitions. This includes competitions and test centres held in north Queensland. Our experienced Officials continue to mentor the newer Officials, which is always appreciated. COMPETITIONS AND TESTS We have a very full calendar of competitions and tests in Queensland, with something happening every two weeks in most cases. Only one test centre and one League have been held in north Queensland since my last report. The Queensland Panel of CAOC provided officials for these. There are two more test centres and Leagues planned for later this year in north Queensland. Thank you to the officials who make time in their busy lives to travel to these centres to officiate and mentor student officials. Novice League has grown in size this year - Round 1 spanned approximately 11 hours. It is great to see so many new skaters, although the length of the day is difficult for the officials. The Novice and Elementary Leagues continue to provide new skaters, most of whom then move into the higher Leagues. These competitions are sometimes followed by a test at the conclusion of the competition. The larger test centres are run independently of competitions. Tests are continuing to see skaters progress to the next level and to allow skaters to meet the requirements for specific events. Splitting the Advanced League over two weekends, one of which is combined with the Secondary League, has eased the burden of long days on the officials. State Championships were held in April, 2016. The format of Friday night, Saturday and Sunday is continuing to work well. Everything ran very smoothly. The Prep-States Competition was incorporated into the program for States and provided skaters from the Elementary and Secondary Leagues an opportunity to gain an appreciation of skating at a State level competition. Many skaters from Prep-States 2015 moved to successfully compete in the 2016 State competition, including several skaters from north Queensland. Susan Brooks travelled from Perth to officiate at States/Prep States this year, and her time and effort is very much appreciated. Susan also assisted our newer Officials and students through the mentoring process. OFFICIALS Thank you to all officials who have acted as mentors to our student officials. Congratulations to those who attained commissions during this year. New officials are continuing to apply for commissions, and some of our officials who already hold commissions are working towards upgrading their commissions. Chairperson Qld Panel CAOC Jasmin Ball 1749 Wynnum Road Tingalpa QLD 4173 Mobile: Email: Page 1 0407 510 665 Queensland Commissioned Artistic Officials Committee Commissions have been completed by the following people since last year’s report. Bronze Figures Tricia Winter Silver Figures John Lilley Gold Precision Val Parkin The following people are completing commissions and their applications to sit have been submitted. The mentors are working hard to ensure that the process is successful. Bronze Dance Jessie Buck Kelsey Chittick Helen Wolfenden Silver Dance Kathryn Ball Anita Hunt Gold Dance John Lane Gold Freedance Christine Keogh Bronze Figures Craig Barry Rachel Beck Jessie Buck Silver Figures Anita Hunt Gold Figures John Lane Chairperson Qld Panel CAOC Jasmin Ball 1749 Wynnum Road Tingalpa QLD 4173 Mobile: Email: Page 2 0407 510 665 Queensland Commissioned Artistic Officials Committee Bronze Freeskating Craig Barry Kathy Beck Rachel Beck Gold Freeskating Pairs Tony Keogh Calculating – Level 1 Kathleen McPhail Calculating – Level 2 Brett Beatty David Coulter Recognition of Previously Held Commissions – to be completed Val Parkin - Gold Pairs WORKSHOP We have tried to arrange two workshops in the last 12 months, but there haven’t been enough people available on each occasion to go ahead. We will persevere. I would like to thank Helen Lloyd-Jones, Queensland Artistic Committee, and Kathleen McPhail, President of Skate Queensland, whose on-going assistance and advice is greatly valued and appreciated. Also thanks to Helen, Robert McPhail and Chris Clough for their support in setting up computers for competitions. And a special thank you to Barry Andrews and Chris Clough for the great work that they continue to do with the Sk8Calc program. This program is working extremely well and has made life so much easier for me, particularly with preparation of paperwork. Finally I would like to thank all Officials for their contribution to the successful running of the competitions and tests. Well done to all. Jasmin Ball Chairperson Qld Panel CAOC Jasmin Ball 1749 Wynnum Road Tingalpa QLD 4173 Mobile: Email: Page 3 0407 510 665 SkateSouthAustraliaArtisticCAOCReportHannahKnott Item6c Judges Thisyearwehadonlyfourcommissionedjudgesregisterasmembers,losingfourofourjudgesfor variousworkandfamilyreasons.Ourbiggestchallengethisyearwasfindingnewstudentjudges willingtogaincommissionsacrossalldisciplines.Wecurrentlyhavetwostudentjudgeslookingto gaintheirbronzefreeskatingaccreditation.AmyBiggandIhavealmostcompletedallofour necessaryhoursthroughworkshops,competitionsandvideojudging.Webothhopetohaveallof ourhourscompletedatNationalsandhaveourcommissionsbytheendoftheyear. SeonaMartincamedownforourfirstcompetitioninFebruarywhereshepresentedafreeskating seminarwherecoaches,studentjudgesandskatersattended.Greatfeedbackwasgiveninregards tobridgingtheknowledgegapforskatersandcoaches.Wehavehadissuesinthepastthathave stoppedknowledgesharingbetweenskaters,judgesandparentsandhardlyanyfeedbackwas offeredorasked.BothatthiscompetitionandourPre-StatecompetitionheldinAprilskaters,judges andparentsweremorecomfortableaskingquestionsandgivingfeedback. AtourPre-Statecompetitionwestruggledtofindaccreditedjudgesacrossalldisciplines.Insteadwe offeredcurrentaccreditedjudgeswithinter-disciplineknowledgetojudgeeventstheywerenot accreditedfor.Indoingthiswehavepersuadedoneofouraccreditedfreeskatingjudgestotakeup studentjudginginFigures.Wealsohadoneofourmemberswithnopriorjudgingexperiencejudge anelementaryfigureseventandhavealsopersuadedhertotakeupstudentjudgingnextyearin FiguresandDance. Ouraimfortheendofthisyearandcomingintothenewskatingyearistoencouragethosejudges whodidnotbecomememberstore-joinnextyearwiththehopetheirschedulesarenotasbusy. Wealsohopetohavemorecurrentskaters,ex-skatersandcoachestakeupstudentjudgingacross alldisciplinestoincreasetheirknowledgeaswellasincreasingthenumberofaccreditedofficialsin thestate. Calculators Thestatecurrentlyhastwoaccreditedcalculatorswhohavere-joinedasmembersthisyear.Onehas beenhelpingoutwithjudgingduetoourlackofcommissionedofficialsbuthasmanagedtojuggle bothrolesatourtwocompetitionsthisyear.Wehaveonestudentcalculatorwhoisstillgaining hoursandattendedthecalculatorseminarheldinVictoriaearlierthisyearalongwithoneofour commissionedcalculators.Bothcamebackwithgreatfeedbackandabetterunderstandingofthe newprogram. Wehavehadtwoparentswhoareinterestedinstudentcalculatingnextyear;ouraimistohavean introductorysessionforthoseinterestedtounderstandtheroleofacalculator. Proficiencies Thestatehashostedtwoproficiencyteststhisskatingyear,thefirstheldinNovembersaw23tests passedfrom10skatersacrossalldisciplesandthesecondtestheldinFebruarysaw4testpassedin figuresandfreeskatingfrom3skaters. Viewing Thisyearwehadthreeskaterswhoneededtohaveaviewinginordertobeconsideredforselection onthestateteam.Asperourrulebook,skatersmustreceiveanaverageofsixfromthemajorityof judgestobeconsidered.Threefreeskatersattendedtheviewingonthe16thMaywhereoneofour accreditedjudgesgavehermarkfortechnicalmeritaswellasartisticimpression.Theroutineswere recordedandsenttoSeonaMartinandJimBeardfromVictoriaaswehadnootheraccredited freeskatingjudgeswithoutbiastoofferscores.Seona,JimandKimallgavepassingscorestothe threeskaterswhowillallbeattendingnationalsonourstateteam. Item 6d ASVI COAC Report – 2015-2016 2015/2016 has been a positive year for CAOC in Victoria, with the position of CAOC Chair being filled after Nationals 2015 and many new commissions being attained/applied for and updated. OFFICIALS DEVELOPMENT The focus for 2015/16 was on official development, to increase Victoria’s number of officials across the board in all disciplines and levels. Thank you to Karen Aronis, Jim Beard, Lyn Cole, Allan Whelow and Susan Brooks who have been working with Victoria to assist in the education and training of judges and officials. We have had 13 commissions attained, 5 RCC approved, 28 commissioned updated and have a further 38 commissions in progress (7 submitted and awaiting approval). Commission’s Attained Bronze Freeskating – Seona Martin, Michelle Evans Bronze Figures –Samantha Cudmore, Lauren Purcell Silver Freeskating – Seona Martin Silver Figures – Seona Martin, Michelle Evans Silver Dance – Seona Martin, Brad Fraumano Gold Freeskating – Seona Martin Gold Figures – Seona Martin Bronze Pairs – Seona Martin Silver Pairs –Seona Martin RCC Applications Approved Silver Figures – Simon Reeves Silver Freeskating – Simon Reeves Silver Pairs – Simon Reeves Gold Dance – Martin Hass Gold Freedance – Martin Hass Commissions in Progress Bronze Dance – Brittany Hammond, Maddison Stubbs, Jo Wilson, Sam Cudmore, Lauren Purcell, Cheryl Jackson Bronze Figures – Ally Templar, Jo Wilson, Jessica Maloney Bronze Freeskating – Sam Cudmore, Jessica Maloney, Ally Templar Bronze Pairs – Michelle Evans Referees – Brenda Zetzmann, Bradley Fraumano Silver Figures – Victoria Cook, Nadine Bowen, Samantha Gatherum-Goss, Cheryl Jackson, Jackie Wakefield Silver Freeskating – Samantha Gatherum-Goss, Pam Young, Mary Slade Silver Dance – Michelle Evans, Jackie Wakefield Gold Precision – Michelle Evans, Victoria Cook, Lauren Purcell Gold Dance – Seona Martin Gold Pairs – Seona Martin Gold Freedance – Seona Martin Calculating 2 – Karen McKeown Calculating 1 – Tamara Hudson, Patricia Earle, Mandy Edwards, Diana Drijfhout, Shelley Purcell, Brenda Zetzmann, Seona Martin Commission’s updated Anita McLardie, Candace Harrison, Jackie Wakefield, Shelley Haughey, Victoria Cook, Christine Turner, Annette Ducommun, Karen McKeown, Maureen Rose, Elfie Schenker, Bernie Walden, Erin Ascenzo, Nadine Bowen, Susanne Haughey. Presenters Applications attained Seona Martin & Shelley Haughey SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS In November 2015 workshops were held for new bronze commissions presented by Shelley Haughey and Seona Martin, Silver Figures & Freeskating presented by Karen Aronis and Gold Dance/New Events presented by Lyn Cole & Allan Wehlow. 15 judges attended these workshops. In January 2016 a Dance workshop was held that focused on the 2016 requirements and was attended by 13 commissioned dance officials. Presenters at this workshop were our advanced coaches who are also commissioned dance judges; Brad Fraumano, Martin Hass, Shelley Haughey, Candace Harrison and Christine Turner. In March 2016 a freeskating workshop was held that focused on judging freeskating, 2016 rule updates and the ‘B’ Mark. 5 officials and 5 coaches attended this workshop presented by Seona Martin. In March 2016 we had 8 new applications for calculating commissions and Maureen Rose has begun the training for these people. We have had two new applications for Gold Referee. Brenda Zetzmann is currently being mentored by Bernie Walden and Brad Fraumano is being mentored by Bill McLardie. LEAGUES The four league competitions (so far in 2016) and Victorian Championships have all been well attended with some panels having 5 Judges. At the Victorian Championships, it was great to be able to draw on the knowledge and expertise of International Judges James Beard (QLD), Karen Aronis (QLD) & Leigh Hudson-Coe (N.Z). Two new computers were purchased for the Victorian calculators to use. These were loaded with the Sk8calc program and calculators have now been using this program since March 2016. Thanks to Chris Clough for your time in assisting with the training and updating of this program. MEDAL TESTS Six test centres have been held by clubs and one by CAOC in the past 8 months. Thanks to judges, calculators and referees for all their work in preparing for and attending these test centres. On 29th November 2015 we had three interstate Gold officials (Allan Whelow, Lyn Cole and Karen Aronis) with skaters attempting Gold, Silver and Bronze proficiency tests. CAOC MEETINGS CAOC meetings are being held quarterly and have provided officials with the opportunity to update their knowledge on the 2016 requirements, new events including style dance and quartets, officials’ ethics, giving feedback and the marking scale. All meetings have been well attended. CONCLUSION AND THANKS The focus for the rest of 2016 is to continue to develop our officials in Victoria by providing regular CAOC meetings, workshops and seminars and mentoring opportunities for all officials at every competition. I would like to thank all the Victorian officials for their enthusiasm and support in 2015/16. Thanks to ASVI committee and their continued encouragement and support. Thanks to those who have mentored and assisted me in this role in particular Patricia Wallace and chief examiners Susan Brooks, Karen Aronis and James Beard. Seona Martin VIC CAOC Panel Chair Item6e WesternAustralia’sCAOCReport2016 IampleasedtoprovidethisreportforWA’sofficialsforthe2016skatingyear.Sofarthisyearin WesternAustraliawehavehadthefirstPerthLeaguethefirstweekendofFebruary,firstRink CompinBunburythelastweekendofFebruarywhereJimBeardwasbroughtoverbySusan BrooksandtheRink.ThesecondPerthLeaguewasthesecondweekendofMarchandthesecond RinkCompinBunburywasthefirstweekendofAprilwhereSeonaMartinwasbroughtoverby SusanBrooksandTheRink.ThethirdPerthLeaguewasthesecondweekendinApril.Iwouldlike tothankSusanBrooksandTheRinkforbringingovertheseinterstatejudgesforhercompetitions; theyaregreatforourofficialstoworkwithandlearnfrom.WehadStateChampionshipsonthe firstweekendofMaywith2interstatejudges,JimBeard&SeonaMartinandalso1local internationaljudge,PatriciaWallace.IorganisedasmallseminarheldontheSaturdayofourState ChampionshipsbetweencompetitionsessionsatWASkillsTraining.ThiswaspresentedbyJim Beardandwehadasmallerturnoutthanourusualseminarsbutwehadacoupleofcoaches attendwhichwasgreatforustoworktogethertoimproveourskaters.Wediscusseddance patternsfortheweekend’scompetitionandothertopicsthatwerebroughtupaswewentalong. OurfourthPerthLeaguewillbethesecondweekendofJune.Afternationalswewillhaveanovice rinkcompinBunburyonthesecondweekendofAugustandourNoviceChampionshipsattheend ofAugust.Thankyousomuchtoallofficialsandvolunteerswhohelpmakethesecompetitions run,wewouldn’tbeabletodoitwithoutyou. IorganisedaWAOfficialsSeminarwithinformationforcoachesonJanuary15th–17thheldin BunburyatWASkillsTraining.Abigthankyoutoeveryonewhosponsoredthisevent,including WASkillsTraining,thankyoutoSusanBrookswhopresentedmajorityofthesessionsand organisedtheinformationthatwasprovidedtoeveryoneonaUSB.TheUSB’sweredonatedby MorleyRollerdromeanddistributedbyPeterRye.Wecoveredhowtobecomeanofficial, Freeskatejudging,FigurespresentedbyAllanWehlow,FIRSSeminar–Choreographyanduseof theBmark,FreeskatePairs,DancefromtheHugoCampandQuartet/Show/Precisiondiscussion. Therewasalsoacalculator’sseminarheldbyLorraineKealleyatthesametime,abigthankyouto Lorrainefororganisingthisportionoftheseminar.WehadasocialdinnerontheSaturdaynight whichwasverywellattended;itwasgreattobeabletotalktoeveryoneinarelaxedenvironment. Wereceivedalotofnewcommissionapplicationsfromthisseminarwhichisalwaysgreattosee. Wehadagreatturnoutfromcoachesandofficialsandverygooddiscussionsbetweenus.We wantedtoencouragecoachestotalktotheofficialssoeveryoneisonthesamepageregarding whatwillberewardedandwhatjudgeswanttosee. Sincemyreportatlastyear’sAGMwehavehadthefollowingpeoplesuccessfullyachieve commissions: • • • • • AllanWehlow–GoldAcrosstheboardfromRCC CarolHerbert–SilverDance LisaCottrell–GoldFreedance RhondaBright–SilverFigures&BronzeDance AnneEdwards–BronzeDance Thefollowingpeopleareworkingtowardscompletingtheircommissions: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CarolHerbert–Precision/Show LisaCottrell–SilverFreeskatePairs&Precision/Show KylieWebb–Freedance,SilverDance,BronzeFreeskating&Precision/Show RhondaBright–SilverFreeskate AnneEdwards–BronzeFreeskate&Pairs PeterRye–GoldDance RebeccaAllen–BronzeDance&BronzeFreeskating MitchellAdams–BronzeFreeskating&Pairs RonaldMartinez–BronzeFreeskating&Pairs LarreeBond–BronzeFigures&Level1Calculating WojceichBankowski–BronzeDance&BronzeFreeskating&Pairs AdamBeattie–Level1Calculating DianePalmer–Level2Calculating KarenWrankmore–Level1Calculating Iwouldliketotakethisopportunitytothankallofficialsfortheirhardworkanddedicationtoour sport.Wewouldnotbeabletocontinuerunningcompetitionswithoutyou.Hereistoanother greatskatingyearin2017! Regards LisaCottrell WACAOCRepresentative Item7 AACREPORT2016 ThisskatingyearhasbeenoneofconservatismduetothefinancialstatusoftheBranchand thechangestoSkateAustralia.Howeverthissituationhasn’timpactedontheenthusiasmof theStatestoforgeaheadinthedevelopmentofArtisticSkating.Itisthereforeimportantto acknowledgetheworkthatsomanyStateandClubCommitteesputintocluboperations andcompetitions.Acknowledgementmustalsogotothemanyparentswhohelpoutand alsosupporttheirchildrenintherealisationoftheirdreams. Oceania2015 AstrongcontingentofskatersfromAustraliaandNewZealandalongwithasmallteamfromChina andJapancreatedagreatatmosphereforthe2015OceaniaChampionships.Therewassomegood skatinginallventshoweverNewZealandcameoutvictorsinallcategoriesexceptforMasters. ThanksgotoNigelFoster,AnitaHuntandBrendaRobertsfortheirmanagementoftheteam.Thanks alsogotoQldAACfortheirsupportofthisevent,setupandorganisationofvolunteers. WiththeagreementtochangethetimingofOceaniapostNationalseachyeartotheSeptember/ Octoberperiodmakesselectionoftheteameasierasnowskaterswillcompeteinthesameyear thattheyareselected. 2016OceaniawillbeheldinWanganuifromSeptember2nd–5th(Friday–Monday)Itisoutsideof eithercountry’sschoolholidaysthatiswhyithasbeensetoveraweekendtominimisethenumber ofdayspeoplemightneedtotakeoutofschool.Oceaniaisclosetotheworldchampionshipssothis mayhaveanimpactoncoacheswhomayhaveskatersattendingbothchampionships. NationalChampionships2015 The2015NationalChampionshipswereheldinAdelaide.CongratulationstotheSouthAustralian Committeefortheorganisationoftheevent.Itwasclearfromtheoutsetthattheeventhadtobe kepttobudgetandthatSkateAustraliacouldnotunderwriteanydebts.Thesechampionshipswill alwaysberememberedforthetributetoSteveBowmanwithspeechesfromJodieGarufoand RachaelSketcherandtheannouncementofaperpetualtrophybyGwaineandEstherDavisending inaskatingtributebyJaysonSutcliffe. Thetrophywhichwasawardedbythejudgesasoneofthemostentertainingskatesofthe championshipswenttoRoryArmfieldforhisJuniorSoloFreedance..“CountryBoy” The2014/5Awardswere StateVolunteers Queensland WendyandJohnLane Victoria DebbieWalden SouthAustralia WesternAustralia TrishaGundlach LorraineKealley SeniorSkater KathrynChristensen JuniorMaleSkater JuniorFemaleSkater AlexandraTemplar MostpromisingFemaleSkater JaydePayne MostpromisingMaleSkater CharlieVoudouris CoachoftheYear SkyeHarrison ContributiontoSkating BarryAndrews HonourAward SteveBowman(Inmemorial) WilliamAndrewartha ThenewQuarteteventattractedconsiderableattentionandwillIbelievebeasignificanteventin yearstocome.6teamsenteredthisinauguralevent.Styledancewasalsoshowcasedasaprelude toitbeinginthecompetitionscheduleatworldsin2016. QueenslandwontheoveralltrophyplusFiguresandDanceleavingonlytheFreeskatingand Precision/ShowShieldtoVictoria.WehavecometoanagreementthatPrecision/Showand Quartetwillbecombinedinthepointscoring. TheAGM’sofCAOC,AACandAACCwereheldinaccordancewithrequirements.BarryAndrewsdid notseekre-electionasAACCChair.JodieGarufowaselectedasthenewAACCChair.Itisimportant toacknowledgethehugecontributionthatBarryhasmadeasAACCChairandtothesportoverall Severalchangestotheagerequirementsandotheramendmentsweremadetothe2016schedule. WorldChampionshipsCarliColombia Ateamof24skaters,TeamManagerand5coachesattendedthe2015WorldChampionshipsin Carli. Resultsasfollows: JuniorFiguresFemale. AlexandraTemplar17th SeniorFiguresFemale. AlliraHanczakowski18th JuniorFreeskatingFemale SaraButler14th JuniorFreeskatingMale RobertKarp12th JuniorSoloDanceFemale NitsanneFedida22nd MelanieGollagher23rd JuniorSoloDanceMale WilliamAndrewartha9thNicholasSingh10th SeniorSoloDanceFemale CassandraSellars14th TeresaChittick17th Quartet Infinitas12th Platinum14th SmallShowGroup RachelBeck18th Fourplexity15th SadlyKathrynChristensenhadamajoraccidentweekspriortoleavingfortheworldchampionships leavingherhospitalisedandunabletoskatewhichwasdevastatingforher.TeresaChittickablytook herplaceinSeniorSoloDancehoweverinordernottochangetoomuchoftheSmallShowGroup EstherAmbrusDavis(coach)tookherplaceintheShowgroup. Toreduceexpensesthisyearwedidnotappointafulltimeassistantteammanagerappointing Esthertofulfilpartofthisrolewiththeothercoachessupportingtheteam.Myunderstandingwas thatmostoftheindividualskatersandtheircoachesweregenerallypleasedwiththeirperformance. Thecoachinggroupworkedwellasateamandsupportedeachoftheskatersandtheteams.(See teamreport) ThanksgotoNigelFosterforallhisworkintheorganisationoftheteam.Itwascertainlyagreat helptohavesomeonewhowasabletospeakthelanguage.Howevergiventhedemandsofteam managementwemaywellneedtoreviewwhetheritisthebestthingfortheteamnottohavethat secondpersonwhodoesnothaveanyotherindividualresponsibilities.Ifwearenottohavean assistantandcoachesagreetocarryadditionalresponsibilitiestheseneedtobeclearlydefinedprior toleavingAustralia. IwouldalsoliketoacknowledgetheroleofArtisticSkatingVictoriainthemanagementofthe financesfortheworldchampionships..inparticularBernieWaldenwhoveryefficientlykeptthe accountsandpaidimmediateonapproval.Itmadeadifferencetotheorganisationoftheevent. Seminars WewerepleasedtohostHugoChapoutotoprovidedanceseminarsinNSWandQueensland.All seminarswerewellattended. DuetotheAACfinancialsituationnoadditionalfinancialcontributionswereabletobemade. Todatetherearenospecificplansforinternationalcoachesfor2016. InternationalCompetitions WhiletheBranchhasnotarrangedforparticipationinanyadditionalcompetitionsithasbeen pleasedtosupportJayson’sventureintakingagroupofskaterstoAmericatocompeteina competition.ThisseemsideaforfuturereferencegiventhatitisinourSchoolholidays. OneskaterhasalsoparticipatedintheGermanCup. TheattendanceatsuchcompetitionsdoesrequireBoardapprovalandthereforetheissueofan appropriatetracksuitwhichcanbewornbyskatersneedstoberesolvedaswhilenotaformal AustralianTeamsuchskatersareseenbytheorganisingcountryasstillrepresentingAustralia.A readilyaccessibletracksuitinAustraliancoloursonwhichcanbemonogrammedtheactual competitionwouldbeaninexpensiveoption. 2016Nationals IwouldliketoacknowledgeinadvancealltheworkthathasbeenundertakenbytheVictorian Committeeintheirorganisationofthisyear’sNationalChampionships.Iamsurethatitwillbea greatevent. Thankyou IwouldliketoexpressmythankstotheStateVPsfortheircollaborationandquickresponsetothe manyissuesthatariseovertheyear.ThanksyoufortheworkthatyoudoinyourState.AlsotoDr PatriciaWallaceasCAOCChairwhoseknowledgeofallthingsskatingisinvaluable.Itisappreciated thatthishasbeenaverydifficultyearforPathowevershehasalwaysbeenavailabletorespondto mymanyquestions. PamYoung AACChair2016 Item8 SKATE AUSTRALIA Inc. ACCREDITED ARTISTIC COACHES COMMITTEE AUSTRALIA Jodie Johnson-Garufo – PO Box 3143, HENDRA 4011 19th May 2016 REPORT - Annual General Meeting 2016 Dear Members Firstly I would like to thank everyone for the patience while I have been settling into the role. The assistance from Barry has been (and still is) amazing and I thank him very much for his patience and help. Barry still continues to play a vital role with quite a few of the aspects of artistic skating including updating the accreditation courses, calculating program, sk8info website amongst other things including still being an integral part of the requirements committee. Our state representatives this year are: Kerrie Curtis NSW John Lane Queensland Vacant South Australia Rachel Sketcher Victoria Bill Foster Western Australia Anita Hunt High Performance I thank all of the above representatives as they support the coaches at a state level and this is very important. It has been tough year to finalise accreditations with a break down in the system at the Australian Sports Commission level in relation to the processing. So we do have quite a few coaches waiting for final confirmation of their accreditation or update which unfortunately is taking longer than ever expected. I am hoping that this is resolved soon. In the meantime I have been issuing confirmation letters from myself for anyone that has required written confirmation. I hope to be able to provide accurate figures of updates and newly accredited coaches at Nationals. I have asked all states to provide a list of their presenters and examiners. I am still waiting for a couple of states but thank you to states that have had the opportunity to respond. Also Barry has been updating the accreditation courses and we have been asking for feedback from the States. To date there has been limited feedback but still hopeful that we may receive more before he needs to finalise and present the documents for approval. Most coaches have now finished doing their Intermediate accreditations. Mentor coaches at nationals has worked well so far but more experienced coaches need to complete their Advanced accreditation and we may need to look at incentives to encourage completion of this General Principles so we don’t revert back to people not educating correctly. The fully hosted web page for artistic skating information Is working well and allows for nationals marshalling area passes as well as the spreading of information to coaches and officials. Barry is still maintaining this website and I am very thankful. Finally I would once again like to thank the state AAC chairpersons, state Artistic VPs, Pam Young (AAC) and Pat Wallace (CAOC) for their assistance and patience and all of the coaches in our sport. Regards Jodie Johnson-Garufo AACC Chairman Item 9 ROLLER SPORTS AUSTRALIA Inc COMMISSIONED ARTISTIC OFFICIALS’ COMMITTEE Jim Beard 2016 COAC AGM REPORT FROM ARTISTIC COMMISSION COURSE CORDINATOR. Requests to conduct a work shop needs to come from the COAC State Chairpersons. These are valuable experiences to guide candidates interested in judging and for those candidates undertaking new commissions. These work shops are intended to help candidates applying for judging commissions with emphasis on understanding the Work Book subject and to broaden knowledge generally . Once a candidate has commenced the accessing process they need to make contact with the respective Chief Examiner for any assistance and to give an indication on their progress. The log keeping component of the process is vital and please remember to have your logs signed by a supervisor/mentor and to attach a copy of the official calculators results. Work Shops held so far this year include Bunbury WA in Feburay with Susan Brooks organising and presenting .The work shop was very informative and well attended. Also a special thanks to Bob Budson for the use of his training facilities both in Bunbury and Perth where I had the opportunity to run a workshop during WA state titles in May. Seona Martin Victoria has been very active with organising workshops and the results are obvious when you see the number of new commissions coming from that state...well done Seona. Queensland were all ready to go early in the year with a work shop with Lyn Cole Karen Aronis Chris Clough and Myself able to present but unfortunately didn't achieve the numbers to make it viable. Jasmin Ball and Helen Loyd-Jones continue to be very active and supportive in running these work shops and intend to organise another one later in this year. NSW also arranged time during their State Championships to allow Seona Martin and myself to meet with their officials a cover many judging points. Thanks goes to Gwaine for organising this. Over all there is much room for improvement with programmes to develop our officials. Any assistance is very welcome and I feel it's important to remind everyone once again that the process starts at local club and State levels. I ask that this report be accepted. James Beard. 0266761079 0438761079 CAOC Chairperson: Pat Wallace, PO Box 285, Pinjarra WA 6208 Tel: (08) 9531 1845 (H) (08) 9531 1866 (W) Fax: (08) 9531 3030 (H) Mob 0418 920 466 E mail Skate Australia Inc. Commissioned Artistic Officials’ Committee PO Box 403 | Augusta| Western Australia 6290 Email | Mob +61 418 920 466 | Fax08 95313190 | Item 10 MinutesRequirementsCommitteeMeeting7May2016 Opening Themeetingopenedat10.00am Present PatriciaWallace Chair SusanBrooks CAOCMember BarryAndrews AACCMember JodieGarufo AACCChairviaSkype Apologies KarenAronis MinutesofPreviousMeeting Themeetingagreednottodiscussfurther.Acceptedviaemailpreviously 2017AustralianChampionshipRequirements Figures Agreedtoacceptwithoutamendment Dance AgreedPrimary.Juvenile,CadetandIntermediatecompulsorydancerequirements wouldbethesameasCEPArequirementswhichwillnotbedecideduntilNovember 2016.RequirementswillbeannouncedtoAACCChair,CAOCPanelsandAACChairas soonasavailable(predictearlyDecember2016). PatternsforCompulsoryDance Agreedthatin2017itwillbeobligatorytoskatethepatterndictatedby requirementscommittee.Pattern2forLaVistaChaChahasindentedpatterninthe corner. AgreedtosubstituteFiestaTangowithCasinoMarchforAdvancedMastersdueto difficultyinfittinglargepatternforFiestaTangointherink.Thisissubjectto agreementbyNewZealandforOceania Preliminary MirrorWaltz 108 Waltz DenverShuffle 100 Polka Page 1 Advanced DenchBlues 88 Blues InternationalWaltz 168 Waltz Masters LaVistaChaCha(pattern2) 100 ChaCha DutchWaltz 138 Waltz AdvancedMasters CasinoMarch (ShortPattern) 104 March CoronationWaltz(36beatPattern) 120 Waltz Inline Skater’sMarch 108 March SwingFoxtrot 104 Foxtrot Junior&Senior AsperCIPAfor2017WorldChampionship PattoconfirmwithNZ Masters-Pattern2insteadofpattern1forLaVistaChaCha AdvancedMastersCasinoMarchinsteadofFiestaTango OSP&StyleDanceRequirement ItwasagreedtoretainPreliminaryOSPandchangeOpenODtoOpenStyleDance. (RequiresAACapproval) PreliminaryOSP Rock“N”Roll OpenStyleDance AsperJuniorstyledancefor2016WorldChampionship Freedance Preliminary 2minutes30seconds+/-10seconds Open 3minutes+/-10seconds Rulesforfreedanceasforthesegradesin2016(2015InternationalRules) SoloDance AgreedPrimary.Juvenile,CadetandIntermediatecompulsorydancerequirements wouldbethesameasCEPArequirementswhichwillnotbedecideduntilNovember 2016.RequirementswillbeannouncedtoAACCChair,CAOCPanelsandAACChairas soonasavailable(predictearlyDecember2016). Preliminary MetropolitanTango 100 Tango Page 2 ChaseWaltz 120 Waltz Advanced RockerFoxtrot 104 Foxtrot InternationalWaltz 168 Waltz Masters OlympicFoxtrot 96 Foxtrot DenverShuffle 100 Polka AdvancedMasters SpringBlues 92 Blues Delicado 100 Shottische Junior&Senior AsperCIPAfor2017WorldChampionship CreativeSoloDance ItwasagreedtochangePreliminaryCSDtoSFD.(RequiresAACapproval) PreliminaryathleteswhocompetedinIntermediateSFDin2016maymovebackto PreliminarySFDin2017only. PrimaryCSD Disney/AnimatedMovie(sameas2016–lotsofchoice) InlineCSD Rhythmofskater’schoice JuvenileSFD 2minutes+/-10seconds PreliminarySFD 2minutes+/-10seconds CadetSFD 2minutes30seconds+/-10seconds IntermediateSFD 2minutes30seconds+/-10seconds AdvancedSFD 2minutes30seconds+/-10seconds Masters&AdvancedMastersCSD Disco1minute50secondsto2minutes40seconds(SubjecttoNZagreement) RestrictiontoMastersCSDasfor2016toapply Page 3 Solofreedancerequirementsforthesegradesarethesameasforthesegradein2016 Junior&Senior AsforCIPArequirementsfor2017WorldChampionship OceaniagradesaresubjecttoconfirmationwithNZ Freeskating ItwasagreedtoadopttheEuropeanrequirementsforPrimary,&Juvenilegrade. TinyTot Time upto2minutes Jumps maximumone(1)revolutionjumps+singleaxel. Maximum10jumpsintotal Footwork/Stepsequence Theroutinemustincludeastraightlinestepsequenceincorporatingprimary,secondaryor advancedleveloffootworkanda“loopstep”withthefreeleginwrappedposition(likea double three starting on the outer back edge with OB rotation) – must be good quality. Straightlineisdownorparalleltothelongaxis Allotheritemsasbefore Penaltiesforomittedobligatorycontent–noreferee’spenalty,butwillbedowngradedby thejudges Penaltyforextracontent,0.2from“B”bytherefereeandandnocrediton“A”fromthe judges. Badmapesandpumponspinswillbedowngradedbythejudgesonthe“A”mark Bonuses-Themeetingdecidednottoawardbonusesin2017foranygrade OpenShort,Cadet,Intermediate,JuniorandSeniorretainedasfor2016. Openinlineretainedasfor2016 International inline freeskating – agreed to continue with existing requirements until notifiedbyCEPA/CIPA–noteFIRSrequirementscircularisedFeb2016–notimplementedby CEPAin2016–waitforoutcomeCEPA/CIPAmeetingtofinaliserequirements FreeskatingPairs It was agreed Susan Brooks would review pairs requirements and advise and proposed amendment before 20 May. If not possible then retain pairs requirements a they are and reviewforapproval2017AGM SkatingupaGrade Page 4 Thecommitteeforeshadowedthedesiretoenforceparticipationintheappropriateage gradeforanyskater.Thiswillrequirealoweragelimittobesetforprimary,juvenilecadet, intermediate,advancedandpreliminaryandistheresponsibilityofAAC.Thereasonisthat fewskaterstaketheopportunitytoskateupoutofthereownagegrade.(ThisrequiresAAC approval) NewProficiencyTestSchedule AgreedweliketheproposalandthankstoRachaelandVictorianAACCforsubmittingthe proposalforconsideration Agreedtorecommendkeepingparagraphfiguresinthetestschedule Agreedtoreducepassmarkfrom12.00to11.00forallfirstbarproficiencytests Therewasmixedopinionwithregardtoreducingproficiencyrequirementforjuvenilesolo dancefrom4thbronzebarto3rdbronzebar.Recommendstatusquotoremain. AgreedtosupportamendmentstofreeskatingtestssuggestedbySusanBrooks.Move“A” classspinfrom2ndsilverbartestnumber5,tosilvermedaltestnumber6. Meetingclosed12.45 PatriciaWallace ChairmanCommissionedArtisticOfficials’Committee SkateAustraliaInc M+61418920466 Page 5 Item14a AACAGM–RATIFICATIONOFCHANGESTOTHEMANUALBASEDONPRIORAPPROVALS,CHANGES TOFIRSREGULATIONS,ANDITEMSCOVEREDBYBLANKETAPPROVALTOCLEANUPWHERE NECESSARY BackgroundtotheMotion Overthelastcoupleofyears,therehavebeenmanychangescomingthroughduetochangesfrom FIRS,changesapprovedatAGMsanddocumentedinminutes,andchangesallowedtocleanup conflictsandclarifyintentofmotions. Consequently,thereareanumberofthesethatneedtobeincorporatedintothemanual.Theseare coveredinthisMotionwhichisageneralcleanupmotion. TheMotion ProvideapprovaltoCAOCChairtoupdatethecurrentmanualwithchangesthatneedtobemadeto bringthemanualintolinewithapprovalsalreadyreceived,motionsalreadypassedbutnotyet incorporated,changesrequiredduetoFIRS,andchangestoclarifyandcorrectgrammar. SpecificElementsoftheMotion 1. Miscellaneousadjustmentsundertheareaofchangestoclarifyintentandgrammar. 2. Minoradjustmentstowordingtoallowtheuseofelectronicdevicesforcalculating,draws fororderofskatingandotherareaswhereelectronicdevisearecurrentlybeingused,but wherethedocumentationdoesnotspecificallyallowforsuchuse.Theuseofelectronic devicesisincreasingandpermissiontousesuchdevicesshouldbegeneralthroughoutthe manual. 3. Updatetoclarifyhowtoaverageinternationaldanceeventrequirementitemsduring judging. 4. Inclusionofclarificationofhowrotationofstartingfootishandledwhenanyofthefiguresin therequirementsdonothaveachoiceofaorbstartingfoot.Thiswasamotionpassedata previousmeeting,wasincorporatedintothemanual,butseemstohavebeendroppedout again. 5. Updateofthepre-qualificationrequirementsforskatingintheOpenShortFreeskating event.Thiswaspreviouslypassedatameetingbutwasnotincorporatedintothemanual, resultinginaconflictinthisareabetweentheCAOC/AACRulesandtheSABy-law11. 6. ChangestoProtestRuleallowingtheuseofaRapidReviewprocessinthepre-Protest ClarificationSection,toallowafasttracktoresolvesimpleissuesquicklywithoutthedrawn- outfullprotestprocess.ThishasalreadybeenusedwithgoodresultsinWAandatPerth Nationals.ARapidReviewRequestFormisattached. 7. ChangestocalculatingrulescoveringInternationalDancePairsandInternationalSoloDance tocomplywiththechangesfromFIRSrestructureoftheeventfrthese2grades.Thisalso incorporatesremovalofthesplitofinternationaldancepairsintocompulsoryandcreative, whichbecomesunworkableinthenewFIRSdancestructure. Moved: ChristopherClough Seconded: Item14b CAOCAGM–MOTIONTOBEPUTTOTHEMEETINGINMELBOURNEJULY2016 Motiontomodifytheprotestrulesinsection2.00oftheCAOCRulestoprovidefacilityforaRapid Reviewofanissueforquickresolution. Backgroundtothemotion Althoughtheprotestruleswerechangedlastyear,itisstillanextensiveprocesstolodgeand adjudicateaprotest. Therearemanyissuesthatsimplyrequireaclarificationofwhathashappenedduringtheevent, whichcanberesolvedveryquicklybyaquickreviewofthevideooftheissue. Therefore,thismotionproposesthatanotheroptionbeaddedtothepossibleprotestprocessbya skater. ThisoptioniscalledaRapidReviewrequestandasksforaquickreviewofvideorelatedtotheissue withaviewtoresolvingitveryquickly,avoidingthefullprotestprocess. Shouldtheskater,coachand/orparentnotbesatisfiedwiththeoutcomeoftheRapidReview,then theskatermaystillproceedtoafullprotestprocessaspertheexistingprotestrules. TheMotion RemoveallofSection2.02PRE-PROTESTCLARIFICATION(OPTIONAL) andreplacewiththefollowing: 2.02 PRE-PROTEST CLARIFICATION (OPTIONAL) 2.02.01 Askater(whois18yrsorolder)ortheircoachmayseekclarificationfromtheEvent Refereeregardingpenaltieswhichhavebeenappliedtotheirperformanceasindicatedby theredcard. 2.02.02 Therequestforclarificationistobemadewithinfifteen(15)minutesoftheendofthe eventto: (1) TheEventReferee;OR (2) TheChampionshipDirectorwhowillinformtheEventReferee;OR (3) AsperprocessagreedwiththestateforLeagues,MedalTestsandState Championship. 2.02.03 AfterdiscussingthepenaltieswiththeEventRefereeanyofthepartieslistedin2.01.01 mayelecttoeither (1) Submitaprotestasper2.04SubmittingaProtest,OR (2) ForstraightforwardRefereepenaltiesonly(notpenaltiesrequiringaperformance assessmentsuchasabadmapespenalty),andifvideooftheskater’sperformanceis available,requestaRapidReviewoftheissueasper2.03.Thisreviewisamore informalreviewthanafullprotestandisintendedtoprovideaquickresolution wherepossible.TheprocessforthisRapidReviewisasfollows: a) Therequestorshallcompletethedetailsofthereviewonthestandardformtitled “RapidVideoReviewRequestForm”availablefromtheRefereeortheCAOC ChairmanorAACChairman,andhandtotheReferee.SeeAppendixB. b) TheeventRefereeshallselectanotherRefereeorSeniorJudgequalifiedinthe discipline(mayormaynotbefromtheeventjudgingpanel),andshallgatherthe personsinvolvedinthereview. c) Thepersonrequestingthereviewshallpresenttheprotestfee(asdefinedbelow in2.03.01Step2)andthevideoevidence.Thevideoevidenceshallbereviewed withtheRefereeandhisappointedassistant,andthepersonsinvolvedinthe review,toconfirmtheapplicationofthepenaltyortomakeanyappropriate adjustment. d) If,onviewingthevideo,allagree,then,ifanadjustmentisrequired,themarks shallbeadjustedandtheeventrecalculated.Theprotestfeewillberefunded. e) Ifnoadjustmentisrequired,thefeewillbeforfeited. f) Ifthevideodoesnotclearlyresolvetheissueraised,thentheoriginalReferee penaltywillstandandtherequestormayeitheraccepttheoriginalpenaltyand forfeitthefee,ormayproceedtolodgeafullprotestasper3.0below.The alreadysubmittedfeewillcarryover.TheresultoftheRapidReviewshallbe madeavailabletothefullprotestpanel. g) TheRefereeshallcompletetheReviewRequestForm,notingtheoutcomeofthe review,andshallhandtheformtotheAACChairman(withanyforfeitedfeeif applicable). h) Anannouncementshallbemadetothepublicifthereviewisupheld.No announcementisnecessaryifnoadjustment/recalculationismade. Moved: ChristopherClough Seconded: ROLLER SPORTS AUSTRALIA Inc Commissioned Artistic Officials Committee Rapid Video Review Request Form This form is required to be completed by the person or persons requesting a Rapid Video Review, and handed to the event Referee, within the time frames defined in the CAOC Rules under Section 2.0 Protests. To Be Completed by the Review Requestor Event Number Event Name Reason for request for review Person Requesting the review Relationship to the skater(s) involved Signed X X Person Requesting the review Guardian (if under 18 years old) To Be Completed by the Referee Outcome of the Review Adjustment to Marks Accepted by Requestor Referee Name Signed Yes / No Second Official Name X X Referee Second Official Item 14d Motion “That the test requirements to compete in Juvenile Solo Dance be changed to 3rd Bronze Bar from its current 4th Bronze Bar” Moved Rachael Sketcher for AACC Victoria This motion is made on the basis that the 3rd Bronze bar is more congruent with the dances that Juveniles are required to skate. Item 14e Motion That the minimum mark for all 1st Bronze bars of all disciplines be lowered from 12 to 11 Moved Rachael Sketcher for AACC Victoria Item 14f Motion “That the Freeskating tests be amended to read as per the following schedule 7.1 TEST (Award. First Bronze Bar) All three judges must hold a Bronze Freeskating Commission. This test may be refereed by a Bronze Freeskating Judge or a commissioned referee 7.1.1 Routine Requirements MARK: Minimum mark from a majority of judges. Minimum passing total from a majority of judges 5.0 for TM 5.0 for AI 11.0 TIME: Up to 2 minutes (+ 5 seconds) REQUIREMENTS • • • • • • • 1 Forward spiral to be a minimum of ½ the length of the skating surface displaying 1 edge. 1 diagonal sequence of primary footwork (to be a minimum of ½ the length of the skating surface) IB Upright Spin IF Upright Spin Heel & Toe Waltz Jump Mape Jump • • • Bunny Hop Salchow A jump combination of 2 jumps from any of the compulsory jumps. 7.2 NO 2 Test (Award- Second Bronze Bar) All three judges must hold a Bronze Freeskating Commission. This test may be refereed by a Bronze Freeskating Judge or a commissioned referee 7.2.1 Routine Requirements MARK: Minimum mark from a majority of judges Minimum passing total from a majority of judges 5.0 for TM 5.0 for AI 12.0 TIME: Up to 2.30 minutes (+ 5 seconds) Requirements • • • • • • • • 1 diagonal sequence of secondary footwork ( using at least ¾ of the length of the skating surface) OF Upright Spin. OB Upright Spin Either an Upright Change spin or an upright Combination spin Loop (OB) Jump Flip A jump combination of 3 jumps from any of the following o Waltz Jump o Mape Jump o Salchow o Loop o Flip A forward serpentine spiral sequence including 1 change of edge on one foot.( ½ the length of the floor. 7.3 NO 3 Test (Award- Bronze Medal) All three judges must hold a Bronze Freeskating Commission. This test may be refereed by a Bronze Freeskating Judge or a commissioned referee 7.3.1 Routine Requirements MARK: Minimum mark from a majority of judges Minimum passing total from a majority of judges TIME : Up to 2.30 minutes (+ 5 seconds) 5.0 for TM 5.0 for AI 13.0 Requirements • • • • • • • • • 1 Diagonal sequence of Advance footwork (using at least ¾ of the length of the skating surface) Upright Change spin Upright combination spin 1 Spin from the following list o IB Sit o OF Sit o OB Camel Flip Jump Euler Jump Lutz Jump Jump combination of 3 Jumps from the following list o Mape Jump o Salchow Jump o Loop (OB) Jump o Lutz Backwards spiral (½ the length of the skating surface) 7.4. NO. 4 Test (Award- 1st Silver Bar) All three judges must hold a Silver Freeskating Commission. This test may be refereed by a Silver Freeskating Judge or a commissioned referee 7.4.1 Routine Requirements MARK: Minimum mark from a majority of judges Minimum passing total from a majority of judges TIME: Up to 3.30 minutes (+ 10 seconds) Requirements • • • • A sequence of advanced serpentine footwork. 1 Sit Spin form the following list. o IB Sit o OF Sit o OB Sit 1 Camel Spin from the following list o OB Camel o OF Camel 1 Spin from the following list o Sit – Change- Sit o Sit Combination 5.0 for TM 5.0 for AI 14.0 • • • • 7.5 o Combination Camel – Sit o Camel – Change- Camel Axel Jump 1 Jump from the following List o Double Salchow o Double Mape A Jump Combination of 3 jumps one of which must be an axel and the other 2 of at least 1 revolution. A backward Serpentine spiral sequence including a change of edge on 1 foot. NO 5 Test (Award- 2nd Silver Bar) All three judges must hold a Silver Freeskating Commission. This test may be refereed by a Silver Freeskating Judge or a commissioned referee 7.4.1 Routine Requirements MARK: Minimum mark from a majority of judges Minimum passing total from a majority of judges 5.0 for TM 5.0 for AI 14.0 TIME: Up to 3.30 minutes (+ 10 seconds) Requirements • • • • • • • • 7.6 Circular sequence of Advanced footwork Camel combination 1 Spin from the following list. o Sit Combination o Sit- Jump- Sit o Sit- Jump- Change-Sit o OF Camel –OB Sit o OB Camel – OB Sit o OF Camel- IB Sit o Sit- Change- Sit Double Mape Double Salchow Double Flip A jump combination of 3 – 5 jumps which includes at least 1 double jump. One spiral sequence with a change of foot. (over ¾ of the length of the skating surface) NO 6 Test (Award- Silver Medal) All three judges must hold a Silver Freeskating Commission. This test may be refereed by a Silver Freeskating Judge or a commissioned referee 7.6.1 Routine Requirements MARK: Minimum mark from a majority of judges Minimum passing total from a majority of judges 5.0 for TM 5.0 for AI 14.0 TIME: Up to 3.30 minutes (+ 10 seconds) Requirements. • • • • • • • • 2 pieces of advanced footwork. 1 Class A spin Any Camel – Change- Camel Any Camel Combination 1 Spin from the following List o Sit- Jump- Sit (OF Camel Optional*) o Sit- Jump- Change- Sit ( OF Camel Optional*) o Camel- Sit- Change- Sit o OB Camel- OB Sit o IB Camel – IB Sit OF edge optional Double Flip 1 Jump from the following list o Double Lutz o Double Loop A jump combination for 3 – 5 jumps inclusive of at least 1 double jump. * As an International skater it is usual to use a camel to enter these spins to develop enough speed to execute 3 revolutions on each> 7.7. NO 7. Test (Award- Gold Medal) All three judges must hold a Gold Freeskating Commission. This test may be refereed by a Gold Freeskating Judge or a commissioned referee 7.7.1 Routine Requirements MARK: Minimum mark from a majority of judges Minimum passing total from a majority of judges TIME: Up to 4 minutes (+ 10 seconds) Requirements. • • • • 2 Pieced of Advanced footwork 1 Class A Spin Camel combination with a sit spin 1 combination spin including 1 A class spin 5.0 for TM 5.0 for AI 15.0 • • • 7.8. Double Loop Combination A Jump Combination containing any 2 double revolution jumps A Jump combination containing 3 – 5 jumps including 2 double jumps. NO 8. Test (Gold Challenge) All three judges must hold a Gold Freeskating Commission. This test may be refereed by a Gold Freeskating Judge or a Commissioned Referee 7.8.1 Routine Requirements MARK: Minimum mark from a majority of judges Minimum passing total from a majority of judges 5.0 for TM 5.0 for AI 15.0 TIME: Up to 4 minutes (+ 10 seconds) Requirements. • • • • • • • • • • 2 A Class spins Layover camel ( any edge) Inverted Camel ( any edge) Broken Ankle ( Forward or Backward) Heel Camel ( Forward or Backward) Combination spin including an A class spin and a sit spin Double Axel A Jump combination containing a Double Flip plus any other double revolution Jump A Jump combination containing a Double Lutz and Double Loop plus another double revolution jump A choice of any triple jump A Euler or a Loop jump may be used as an extra jump to connect the jump sequence “ Moved Rachael Sketcher for AACC Victoria As a group of AACC Victorian coaches we met and discussed the purpose and the reason behind why we wanted to review the current Freeskating medal test schedule. From a coaches perspective the medal tests are to ensure that we can set a minimum for each level of competition. We also felt that the items of content had not been updated for a very long time and don’t reflect the requirements we have in 2016. Some of the content items are no longer seen in competitive skating. This would not stop a coach from still adding these elements into their routines however they should not be in a proficiency test if they are that uncommon. We also felt that we would like the medal tests to reflect our learning as coaches over the past 5 years coming together for seminars. Our main changes are to the footwork (only having 2 compulsory pieces to match international level), we feel the need to add spiral sequences in to the lower levels and the jumps should be encouraging full revolutions rather than teaching to stop the rotation at 1 ½. ITEMSFROMTHECAOCMEETINGTHATAFFECTTHEAACMEETING ThefollowingitemswerediscussedattheCAOCmeetingforbringingtotheAACmeeting: 1. RecommendedchangetotheTeamSelectionPolicyintheAACRules,andareorderofthe variousteam/gradeinformation. a. Motionto i. RevisetheTeamSelectionPolicyasperthedetailsbelow: ii. ReordertheTeamSelectionPolicyintothefollowingorder: 1. D1.0SELECTIONOFATEAMFORJUNIORORSENIORARTISTIC WORLDCHAMPIONSHIPS 2. D2.0SELECTIONOFATEAMFORINLINEWORLDCHAMPIONSHIPS 3. D3.0SELECTIONOFTEAMSFORPRECISION,SHOWANDQUARTET WORLDCHAMPIONSHIPS 4. D4.0SELECTIONOFATEAMFORJUNIORANDSENIOROCEANIA CHAMPIONSHIPS 5. D5.0SELECTIONOFATEAMFORCADETOCEANIACHAMPIONSHIPS 6. D6.0SELECTIONOFATEAMFORYOUTHOCEANIACHAMPIONSHIPS 7. D7.0SELECTIONOFATEAMFORMASTERSOCEANIA CHAMPIONSHIPS 8. D8.0SELECTIONOFATEAMFORINLINEOCEANIACHAMPIONSHIPS 9. D9.0SELECTIONOFATEAMFORPRECISION,SHOWANDQUARTET OCEANIACHAMPIONSHIPS 2. MotiontocorrecttheOpenShortFreeskatingentryqualificationsinaccordancewith minutesofpreviousmeetings,tomaketheAACRulesconsistentwithSABy-law11. 3. Requestforpermissiontoremoveduplicateandconflictinginformationtoensure consistencyofallinformationacrossSABy-law11,AACRules,andCAOCRules.TheNotice ofAustralianChampionshipsshouldthenonlydrawinformationfortheafore-mentionedBylawandRules. a. Precedenceofdocumentsshouldbe i. SABy-Laws ii. AACRulesFollowed iii. CAOCRules iv. NoticeofAustralianChampionships 4. MotiontochangethewordingofJI/SIInternationalsolodanceandInternationaldancepairs toreflectthenewstructureoftheseeventsfromFIRS,andtomakeInternationalDance Pairsasingleeventagain(removethesplitinto2events,whichclearlydidnotencourage furtherparticipationinInternationalsDance) 5. MotiontoremovereferencestocombinedfiguresandfreeskatingeventfromtheRules,in accordancewithchangesfromFIRS 6. MotiontoaddQuartettosectionA3.15oftheAACRules 7. MotiontoupdatesectionA8.00torequiretheuseof.mp3filesforallmusicforallevents requiringmusic,includingtherequirednamingconventionformatforthefiles.Thisalso meansremovingallmentionoftheuseofCDs. 8. MotiontoremovebracketednumberfromtheCadetagesection–minorcleanupfor consistency ADDENDUM:PROPOSEDREVISEDWORDINGFORSECTIONdOFTHEAACRULESREFERREDTO ABOVEIN1a. SECTION D: INTERNATIONAL ARTISTIC COMPETITIONS & CHAMPIONSHIPS D1.00 SELECTION OF A TEAM FOR A JUNIOR OR SENIOR ARTISTIC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP D1.01 Skaterswhoplacefirst(1st)andsecond(2nd)intheJuniorInternational,(1st) and(2nd)inSeniorInternationalSoloDanceandfirst(1st),second(2nd)and third(3rd)intheSeniorInternationalgradeatanAustralianChampionshipshall bethefirstconsideredforinclusionintheteamsforthefollowingJunior& SeniorWorldArtisticChampionships. D1.02 If,however,oneormoreofthefirsttwoplacedinJuniorInternational,orfirst three places in Senior International at the Australian Championship is not nominated,thentheselectioncommitteeandAACExecutivemayconsiderthe nextplace-getter(s)indescendingorder. D1.03 Immediately following the Australian Championship, eligible skaters will be invitedtoparticipateinthenextWorldArtisticChampionship. D1.04 Reservesshouldbeselectedtocoverdrop-outsandanymajorchangesinform. D1.05 If a Dance or Pairs team separates after selection, new partners may be consideredbytheselectioncommitteeandAACExecutive. D1.06 TheSelectionCommitteeandAACExecutivemayconsidernewadditionsto anydisciplinetoenableAustraliatofieldafullartisticteam. D1.07 All International team selections must be ratified by AAC executive and SA Board. D2.00 SELECTION OF A TEAM FOR INLINE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP D2.01 Skaterswhoplacefirst(1st)andsecond(2nd)inInlineInternationalfreeskating atanAustralianChampionshipshallbethefirstconsideredforinclusioninthe teamforthefollowingInlineWorldFreeskatingChampionships. D2.02 If,however,oneormoreofthefirsttwoplacesisnotnominated,thenthe selectioncommitteeandAACExecutivemayconsiderthenextplace-getter(s) indescendingorder. D2.03 Immediately following the Australian Championship, eligible skaters will be invitedtoparticipateinthenextWorldArtisticChampionship. D2.04 Reservesshouldbeselectedtocoverdrop-outsandanymajorchangesinform. D2.05 TheSelectionCommitteeandAACExecutivemayconsidernewadditionsto anydisciplinetoenableAustraliatofieldafullartisticteam. D2.06 All International team selections must be ratified by AAC executive and SA Board. D3.00 SELECTION OF TEAM FOR PRECISION, SHOW AND QUARTET WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS D3.01 Teams who place first (1st) and second (2nd) and (3rd) in International Precision,ShowGroupsLarge,ShowGroupsSmallandQuartetatanAustralian Championshipshallbethefirstconsideredforinclusionintheteamforthe followingPrecision,ShowandQuartetWorldChampionships. D3.02 If,however,oneormoreofthefirstthreeplacesisnotnominated,thenthe selectioncommitteeandAACExecutivemayconsiderthenextplace-getter(s) indescendingorderforeachevent. D3.03 Immediately following the Australian Championship, eligible skaters will be invited to participate in the next World Precision, Show and Quartet Championship. D3.04 Reservesshouldbeselectedtocoverdrop-outsandanymajorchangesinform. D3.05 Ifateamseparatesafterselection,newmembersmaybeconsideredbythe selectioncommitteeandAACExecutive. D3.06 TheSelectionCommitteeandAACExecutivemayconsidernewadditionsto anydisciplinetoenableAustraliatofieldafullartisticteam. D3.07 All International team selections must be ratified by AAC executive and SA Board. D4.00 SELECTION OF A TEAM FOR JUNIOR AND SENIOR OCEANIA D4.01 Skatersplacingfirst(1st)toseventh(7th)intheJuniorandSeniorInternational events at the Australian Championship will be first considered for selection intotheJuniorandSeniorOceaniaChampionshipteam. DELETE CURRENT SECTION D1.02 IN ITS ENTIRETY AND RENUMBER REMAININGSECTIONS D4.02 ResultsattheAustralianChampionshipandpotentialforfuturerepresentation atWorldChampionshipwillbeconsideredbytheselectioncommittee D4.03 ImmediatelyfollowingtheAustralianChampionship,eligibleskatersshallbe invitedtoparticipateinthefollowingJuniorandSeniorOceaniaChampionship. D4.04 Reservesshouldbeselectedtocoverdrop-outsandanymajorchangesinform. D4.05 ArtisticVice-PresidentsshallconformtotherulessetbytheAACexecutiveand SAIncwithregardtoconfirmingavailabilityofskatersfromtheirStatewho have been selected to represent Australia in the Junior and Senior Oceania Championshipevents. D4.06 If a Dance or Pairs team separates after selection, new partners may be consideredbytheselectioncommitteeforratificationbyAACExecutive. D4.07 TheselectioncommitteeandAACExecutivemayconsidernewadditionsto anydisciplinetoenableAustraliatofieldafullartisticteam. D4.08 All International team selections must be ratified by AAC executive and SA Board. D5.00 SELECTION OF A TEAM FOR CADET OCEANIA D5.01 CadetOceaniacompetitionisprimarilyaneventforthedevelopmentoffuture Worldlevelskaters. DELETE THE CURRENT SECTION D3.02 IN ITS ENTIRETY AND REPLACE WITH NEWSECTIONSD5.02ANDD5.03BELOWANDRENUMBERTHEREMAINING SECTIONS D5.02 Skatersplacing1stto7thinthecadetgradesattheAustralianChampionship willbethefirstconsideredforselectionintheteamforthefollowingCadet OceaniaChampionship. D5.03 TheselectionPanelandAACexecutivemayconsiderotherskatersforselection whoareeligiblebyage. D5.04 Freeskaters MUST skate the Open Short Program event at the national championshipstobeconsideredforselectionfortheCadeteventatOceania’s D5.05 SoloDancersMUSTskatebothcompulsorydanceandcreativedanceevents attheAustralianChampionshipstobeconsideredforselectionfortheCadet eventatOceania’s D5.06 ImmediatelyfollowingtheAustralianChampionship,eligibleskatersshallbe invitedtoparticipateinthefollowingCadetOceaniaChampionship. D5.07 Reserveswillbeselectedtocoverdrop-outsandanymajorchangesinform. D5.08 ArtisticVice-PresidentsshallconformtotherulessetbytheAACexecutiveand SAIncwithregardtoconfirmingavailabilityofskatersfromtheirStatewho havebeenselectedintheCadetOceaniaTeam D5.09 If a Dance or Pairs team separates after selection, new partners may be consideredbytheselectioncommitteeandAACexecutive. D5.10 TheselectioncommitteeandAACExecutivemayconsidernewadditionsto anydisciplinetoenableAustraliatofieldafullartisticteam. D5.11 All International team selections must be ratified by AAC executive and SA Board. D6.00 SELECTION OF A TEAM FOR YOUTH OCEANIA D6.01 Youth Oceania competition is primarily an event for the continued developmentoffutureWorldlevelskaters. DELETETHECURRENTSECTIOND4.02INITSENTIRETYANDREPLACEWITHTHE FOLLOWING SECTION D6.02 AND D6.03, AND RENUMBER THE REMAINING SECTIONS. D6.02 Skatersplacing1stto7thinIntermediateGradeattheAustralianChampionship whoareeligiblebyagewillbethefirstconsideredforinclusionintheteamfor thefollowingYouthOceaniaChampionship. D6.03 TheselectionpanelandAACexecutivecommitteemayconsiderotherskaters forselectionwhoareeligiblebyage D6.04 Freeskaters MUST skate the Open Short Program event at the Australian Championships to be considered for selection for the Youth event at the OceaniaChampionship D6.05 SoloDancersMUSTskatebothcompulsorydanceandcreativedanceevents at the national championships to be considered for selection for the Youth eventattheOceaniaChampionship D6.06 ImmediatelyfollowingtheAustralianChampionship,eligibleskatersshallbe invitedtoparticipateinthefollowingYouthOceaniaChampionship. D6.07 Reserveswillbeselectedtocoverdrop-outsandanymajorchangesinform. D6.08 ArtisticVice-PresidentsshallconformtotherulessetbytheAACexecutiveand SAIncwithregardtoconfirmingavailabilityofskatersfromtheirStatewho havebeenselectedintheYouthOceaniaTeam D6.09 If a Dance or Pairs team separates after selection, new partners may be consideredbytheselectioncommitteeandAACexecutive. D6.10 TheselectioncommitteeandAACExecutivemayconsidernewadditionsto anydisciplinetoenableAustraliatofieldafullartisticteam. D6.11 All International team selections must be ratified by AAC executive and SA Board. D7.00 SELECTION OF A TEAM FOR MASTERS AND ADVANCED MASTERS OCEANIA D7.01 SkaterscompetinginanygradeattheAustralianChampionships,whoqualify byageforMasterscompetitionattheMastersOceaniaChampionshipwillbe considered,inadditiontoskatersinAdvancedMastersandMastersgradesat the Australian Championships, for inclusion in the team for the following MastersOceaniaChampionship. D7.02 ImmediatelyfollowingtheAustralianChampionship,eligibleskatersshallbe invitedtoparticipateinthefollowingMastersOceaniaChampionship. D7.03 Reservesshouldbeselectedtocoverdrop-outsandanymajorchangesinform. D7.04 ArtisticVice-PresidentsshallconformtotherulessetbytheAACexecutiveand SAIncwithregardtoconfirmingavailabilityofskatersfromtheirStatewho wereintheMastersgrades. D7.05 If a Dance or Pairs team separates after selection, new partners may be consideredbytheselectioncommitteeandAACExecutive. D7.06 TheselectioncommitteeandAACExecutivemayconsidernewadditionsto anydisciplinetoenableAustraliatofieldafullartisticteam. D7.07 All International team selections must be ratified by AAC executive and SA Board. D8.00 SELECTION OF A TEAM FOR INLINE OCEANIA D8.01 Inline Oceania competition is primarily an event for the continued developmentoffutureWorldlevelskaters. D8.02 Skaters placing 1st to 7th in International Inline Freeskating Grade at the AustralianChampionshipwhoareeligiblebyagewillbethefirstconsideredfor inclusionintheteamforthefollowingInlineOceaniaChampionship. D8.03 TheselectionpanelandAACexecutivecommitteemayconsiderotherskaters forselectionwhoareeligiblebyage D8.04 ImmediatelyfollowingtheAustralianChampionship,eligibleskatersshallbe invitedtoparticipateinthefollowingInlineOceaniaChampionship. D8.05 Reserveswillbeselectedtocoverdrop-outsandanymajorchangesinform. D8.06 ArtisticVice-PresidentsshallconformtotherulessetbytheAACexecutiveand SAIncwithregardtoconfirmingavailabilityofskatersfromtheirStatewho havebeenselectedintheInlineOceaniaTeam D8.07 TheselectioncommitteeandAACExecutivemayconsidernewadditionsto anydisciplinetoenableAustraliatofieldafullartisticteam. D8.08 All International team selections must be ratified by AAC executive and SA Board. D9.00 SELECTION OF TEAM FOR PRECISION, SHOW AND QUARTET OCEANIA D9.01 Teams who place 1st to 7th in International Precision, Min-Precision, Show Groups Small, and Quartet at an Australian Championship shall be the first considered for inclusion in the team for the following Precision, Show and QuartetOceaniaChampionships. D9.02 If,however,oneormoreofthefirsttwoplacesisnotnominated,thenthe selectioncommitteeandAACExecutivemayconsiderthenextplace-getter(s) indescendingorderforeachevent. D9.03 Immediately following the Australian Championship, eligible skaters will be invited to participate in the next World Precision, Show and Quartet Championship. D9.04 Reservesshouldbeselectedtocoverdrop-outsandanymajorchangesinform. D9.05 Ifateamseparatesafterselection,newmembersmaybeconsideredbythe selectioncommitteeandAACExecutive. D9.06 TheSelectionCommitteeandAACExecutivemayconsidernewadditionsto anydisciplinetoenableAustraliatofieldafullartisticteam. D9.07 All International team selections must be ratified by AAC executive and SA Board. D10.00 RESPONSIBILITIES OF AUSTRALIAN ARTISTIC TEAM MEMBERS D10.01 Members of Australian Teams have a responsibility to be physically and mentallyfit.Prospectiveteammembersmayberequiredtoundergotestsof abilityandaptitudeastheSAorAACmayfromtimetotimedirect.Thecost ofthetestsshallbebornebytheindividualskater. D10.02 ExpensesfortheNationalDevelopmentProgram,inadditiontothosecovered bytheAACorbygrantallocationshallbebornebytheparticipantsonacost sharingbasis. D10.03 Allteammembersshallshareequallytheexpenseoftheteam'sparticipation intheWorldorInternationalChampionship.Failuretocomplywithpayment requirementswillresultinthepositionontheteambeingofferedtothenext inlinefromthelistofreserves. D10.04 FortheWorldArtisticTeam,withinseven(7)daysfollowingselectiontothe team,eachnomineeshalldepositwiththeSAasumrepresentingfiftypercent (50%)oftheestimatedcostoftraveltotheWorldArtisticChampionshipsite. D10.05 ForallotherInternationalArtisticTeams,depositswillbecalledforbytheAAC Chairmanwhoshallspecifya"payby"date. D10.06 DepositsreceivedshallbeheldinatrustaccountsetupbytheSA. D10.07 OntheadviceoftheAACChairman,theSAshallreturnthedepositsofskaters whohavetowithdrawforvalidreasons.Otherwithdrawalsshallforfeitall depositspaidinadvance. D10.08 Thefinalteams(includingofficials)shouldbeannouncedbeforetheclosingof theAustralianChampionshiporatatimedesignatedbytheAACChairman. D11.00 DECISION BY POSTAL VOTE D11.01 On all matters affecting Australian Teams, the AAC Executive may make a decisionbypostalvoteifandwhentheneedarises. MotionstoChangeAACRules OriginalDancetoStyleDance Itisproposedthat OpenOriginalDanceischangedtoOpenStyleDanceatthe2017AustralianChampionship IfthemeetingresolvestochangeOpenOriginalDancetoOpenStyleDanceatthe2017 AustralianChampionship,permissionisrequestedtomakeallnecessaryamendmentstothe AACrulestoaccommodatethisresolution MovedPatriciaWallace(CAOCChair)onbehalfofRequirementsCommittee PreliminaryCSDtoPreliminarySoloFreedance Itisproposedthat PreliminaryCSDischangedtoPreliminarySoloFreedanceatthe2017Australian Championship. IftheresolutionisinfavourItisproposedthat PreliminaryskaterswhohavecompetedinIntermediateSoloFreedanceattheState Championshipand/orAustralianChampionshipin2016mayopttonominatein PreliminarySoloDanceattheStateandAustralianChampionshipin2017only. IfthemeetingresolvestochangePreliminaryCSDtoPreliminarySoloFreedanceatthe 2017permissionisrequestedtomakeallnecessaryamendmentstotheAACrulesto accommodatethisresolution MovedPatriciaWallace(CAOCChair)onbehalfofRequirementsCommittee SKATE AUSTRALIA Inc COMMISSIONED ARTISTIC OFFICIALS’ COMMITTEE 10 CYGNET CRESCENT AUGUSTA WA 6290 NOMINATION FORM FOR THE POSITION OF CHAIR COMMISSIONED ARTISTIC OFFICIALS’ COMMITTEE 2016 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Nominees, Nominators and Seconders must be current members of Skate Australia. Name of Nominator Jasmin Ball SA Number 14154 Name of Seconder Kathleen McPhail SA Number 541 Name of Nominee Patricia Wallace SA Number 286 Signature of Nominator Date 09/05/2016 Signature of Seconder Date 09/05/2016 Signature of Nominee Date 15/05/2016 THIS NOMINATION FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY: Pam Young at With a copy sent to Skate Australia Karen Doyle No later than 4.00pm 20th May 2016 CAOC Chairperson: Pat Wallace PO Box 403 AUGUSTA WA 6290 Tel: (08) 9758 0995 (H) Fax: (08) 9531 3190 (H) Mob 0418 920 466 E mail