Dow AgroSciences Product Guide
Dow AgroSciences Product Guide
THE PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 INTRODUCTION This product guide will give you label details for registered Dow AgroSciences products within Australia. You will find comprehensive directions for use, spray drift requirements and general information such as compatibility with other crop protection products, plant back restrictions, withholding periods and information on the cleaning of application equipment. When choosing your next Dow AgroSciences crop protection product please refer to the Table of Contents. Should you require more detailed technical information on Dow AgroSciences products, please contact our customer service team on 1-800 700 096. They will ensure that your local Dow AgroSciences representative follows up on your enquiry. Thank you for choosing Dow AgroSciences products. Regards, Kirsty Ebert National Sales Manager Dow AgroSciences Australia Ltd PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 i IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM THE DOW AGROSCIENCES CUSTOMER SERVICE TEAM Toll-Free Phone Number: 1-800 700 096 (press 3 - for order and general enquiries) Contact Email (General): Customer Service Office Hours are 8:30 am – 5:30 pm AEST Please fax orders to 02 9776 3432 Order Information: Orders are delivered Free into Store (FIS) with Dow AgroSciences paying for the freight. One of our Customer Service Representatives can confirm the day your order is expected to be delivered. At time of printing minimum order value is $1,000.00 Warehouse Information: Warehouse information is subject to change. If you require up to date information, please call Customer Service. For Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne and Albury warehouses: If your order is received at Customer Service by 12:30 pm (your local time) your order will be picked and dispatched that day. For Queensland warehouse (ISDS – Toowoomba): If your order is received at Customer Service by 1:30 pm (Qld time) Mon - Thurs or by 11:30 am (Qld time) Friday, and dependant on local trucking cutoff times, your order will be picked and dispatched that day. If your order is urgent then please contact our Customer Service team to confirm when it will be dispatched. You can also pickup or have your transport pickup from any one of our warehouses however we generally require at least a 2 hour turnaround time from receipt of order at Customer Service. Please speak to one of our Customer Service Representatives to arrange. ii PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Warehouse pickups can be made at any time during opening hours. Urgent situations can usually be accommodated, please speak to one of our Customer Service Representatives. The information provided in this Guide was correct at the time of publication. However, new products or changes to our existing product labels will occur over time. Therefore user’s should; READ THE LABEL INSTRUCTIONS ON THE CONTAINER PRIOR TO USE This book supersedes all Dow AgroSciences Australia Ltd Product Guides produced prior to January 2013. The Dow AgroSciences Product Guide is a collection of product labels and other information assembled at one point in time. The most up to date repository of our Product Labels and MSDS and other information is our website Use of information in this guide is done at the readers own risk. Dow AgroSciences has taken all reasonable care in producing this guide, it does not represent or warrant that it is error free, and accordingly Dow AgroSciences Australia Ltd takes no responsibility for any error omission relating to this information, and to the maximum extent permitted by law, Dow AgroSciences Australia Ltd disclaims all liability for any errors or omissions contained in this guide. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 iii EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEM In the case of an emergency such as poisoning, product spillage or fire associated with a Dow AgroSciences product call: Be prepared to state: • This is an emergency call • Your name • The telephone number where you can be contacted • The location of the emergency and what has happened • Whether anyone has been injured or exposed to chemicals • Name of the product(s) and approximate quantities involved iv PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Dow AgroSciences Australia Ltd proudly supports the drumMUSTER program Dow AgroSciences now supplies customers with a wider selection of pack sizes for crop protection products. The Storage and Disposal section on the Specimen Labels in this Product Guide may state: The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE AND DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. Disposal Instructions for plastic container(s) include: 1 L pack size Rinse container before disposal. Add rinsings to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Dispose of at a local authority landfill. If no landfill is available, bury the containers below 500 mm in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots. Empty containers and product should not be burnt. 5 L, 10 L & 20 L pack sizes This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 v disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. Returnable containers: 100 L & 110 L pack sizes Do not tamper with the dry valves or security seal. Do not contaminate the drum with water or any other foreign matter. After each use of the product ensure that the dry valve coupler, delivery system and hoses are disconnected, triple rinsed with clean water and drained. Add the rinsings to the spray tank. When the drum is empty close all valves and return to the point of purchase. The drum remains the property of Dow AgroSciences and must be returned. Refillable containers: 1000 L pack size Empty contents fully into application equipment. Close all valves and return to point of supply for refill or storage. Mode of Action Amendments CropLife Australia and Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority have updated the Australian Mode of Action grouping systems for Herbicide, Fungicide and Insecticide groups on product labels to be more consistent with international classifications. Dow AgroSciences has amended product labels in this guide to reflect these changes. vi PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Abound™ 400 Herbicide ................................................................................... 1 Access™ Herbicide ......................................................................................... 10 Amine 625 Herbicide ...................................................................................... 16 Applaud® Insecticide ....................................................................................... 32 Barnstorm™ Herbicide .................................................................................... 37 Broadstrike™ Herbicide .................................................................................. 42 Canvas™ 750 Selective Herbicide ................................................................... 64 Conclude™ Herbicide ...................................................................................... 77 Crusader™ Herbicide ...................................................................................... 82 DAS LVE 600 MCPA Selective Herbicide ......................................................... 89 Delegate™ Insecticide ..................................................................................... 94 Dithane™ Rainshield™ Neo Tec™ Fungicide ................................................. 100 Entrench™ Nitrogen Stabiliser....................................................................... 109 Esteron™ LV Herbicide ................................................................................. 112 Gallery™ 750 Dry Flowable Herbicide ........................................................... 123 Garlon™ FallowMaster™ Herbicide ............................................................... 127 Garlon™ 600 Herbicide ................................................................................. 131 Goal™ Herbicide ........................................................................................... 141 GoalTender™ Herbicide ................................................................................. 149 Graslan™ Herbicide ...................................................................................... 157 Grazon™ Extra Herbicide .............................................................................. 163 Hotshot™ Herbicide ...................................................................................... 176 Indar™ Fungicide .......................................................................................... 184 Kerb™ 500 SC Selective Herbicide ............................................................... 189 Legend™ Fungicide ....................................................................................... 193 Lontrel™ Herbicide ....................................................................................... 197 *Note ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow Applaud® Registered Trademark Nihon Nohyaku Co., Ltd PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 vii Lontrel™ Advanced Herbicide ....................................................................... 205 Lontrel™ 750 SG Herbicide .......................................................................... 214 Lorsban™ 500 EC Insecticide ....................................................................... 225 Lorsban™ 750 WG Insecticide ...................................................................... 238 Mycloss™ Xtra Fungicide .............................................................................. 243 Naturalure™ Fruit Fly Bait Concentrate ......................................................... 247 Prodigy™ Insecticide .................................................................................... 250 PropiMax™ Fungicide ................................................................................... 255 Reldan™ Grain Protector .............................................................................. 263 Reldan™ pluS IGR Grain Protector ............................................................... 267 Ripper™ 480 Herbicide ................................................................................. 271 Rizacon™ S Grain Protector ......................................................................... 288 Starane™ Advanced Herbicide ...................................................................... 291 Statesman™ 720 Herbicide ........................................................................... 322 Success™ Neo Insecticide ............................................................................ 343 Systhane™ 400 WP Fungicide ...................................................................... 354 Tordon™ 242 Cereal Herbicide ..................................................................... 358 Tordon™ 75-D Herbicide ............................................................................... 363 Tordon™ Double Strength Herbicide ............................................................. 375 Tordon™ Granules Weed and Brush Herbicide ............................................. 381 ➊ Tordon™ RegrowthMaster Herbicide........................................................... 384 Torpedo™ Herbicide ...................................................................................... 385 Treflan™ Herbicide......................................................................................... 391 Trojan® Insecticide ........................................................................................ 400 Uptake™ Spraying Oil ................................................................................... 409 Verdict™ 520 Herbicide ................................................................................ 412 X-Pand™ Herbicide ....................................................................................... 421 *Note ➊ Registration Pending ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow Rizacon™ Trademark Wellmark International Inc Trojan® Registered Trademark Cheminova A/S viii PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 ABOUND 400 CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Abound 400abe L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 400 g/L 2,4-D present as the isopropylamine salt ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 400 g/L 2,4-D present as the isopropylamine salt For the control of emerged broadleaf weeds prior to sowing crops and pastures in conservation For thesituations control of and emerged broadleaf weeds priorintocrops sowing and pastures tillage for selective weed control andcrops situations detailedininconservation the tillage situations and for selective weed control in crops and situations detailed in the Directions for Use. Directions for Use. This is a PHENOXY HERBICIDE that can cause severe damage to susceptible crops. This is aread PHENOXY that can cause severe damage to susceptible crops. Please the DriftHERBICIDE Warning Statement. Please read the Drift Warning Statement. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 1 ABOUND 400 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: DO NOT spray if rain seems likely within 6 hours or if strong winds prevail. Weeds should be actively growing at the time of treatment. Do not treat weeds under poor growing or dormant conditions (such as occur in drought, water logging, disease, insect damage or following frosts) as reduced weed control may result. Reduced results may also occur when treating weeds heavily covered with dust or silt. Prior herbicide application may also induce stress in weeds. 1. CONSERVATION TILLAGE (Tank mixtures with glyphosate) SITUATION & CROP WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE mL/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS l e b a L n e m i c e p S Preparatory spray for fallows and seedbeds or prior to sowing the following crops: Balansa clover Barley Chickpeas Cotton Faba beans Field peas Lentils Linseed Lucerne Lupins Narbon beans Navy beans Oats Perennial Ryegrass Persian clover Phalaris Rapeseed Rice Safflower Sorghum Soybean Subterranean clover Sunflower Triticale Vetch Wheat White clover 2 Fumitory (white) Ball mustard Indian hedge mustard Common sowthistle Turnip weed Wild turnip Wild radish Seedlings up to 10 cm diameter/high Australian bindweed Bellvine Caltrop New Zealand spinach Raspweed Seedlings only (NSW, Qld only) Ageratum spp. (Blue Top) Dock Volunteer lupins Volunteer peas Volunteer sunflowers Charlock Fumitory (red) Medic Paterson’s curse Prickly lettuce (Wild lettuce) Saffron thistle Spear thistle Variegated thistle Bathurst burr Blackberry nightshade Californian burr Horehound Lincoln weed Marshmallow Sorrel Thornapple Volunteer vetch Volunteer safflower Common ice-plant Storksbill (Erodium) Ivyleaf speedwell Melilotus spp. Shepherd’s purse Skeleton weed (suppression only) Subterranean clover Ward’s weed Wireweed (Hogweed) White clover PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Seedlings up to 10 cm diameter /high 500 - 900 + glyphosate at recommended label rates RATE SELECTION: Use the lower rate for seedling broadleaf weeds and increase to the higher rate for broadleaf weeds more than 10 cm diameter/high. Always add the mixture product at recommended label rates. If grazing has occurred allow regrowth to 6-8 cm before spraying and use higher rate. Always add a 100% non-ionic surfactant in accordance with label directions on the mixture product. 675 - 900 + glyphosate at recommended label rates 900 - 1350 + glyphosate at recommended label rates Observe plant-back periods given in the table in this booklet. For skeleton weed, spraying should only be done 6-8 weeks before anticipated sowing date and subsequent cultivation limited to a minimum. 1. CONSERVATION TILLAGE (Tank mixtures with glyphosate) continued Preparatory spray for fallows and seedbeds or prior to sowing the following crops: Balansa clover Barley Chickpeas Cotton Faba beans Field peas Lentils Linseed Lucerne Lupins Narbon beans Navy beans Oats Perennial Ryegrass Persian clover Phalaris Rapeseed Rice Safflower Sorghum Soybean Subterranean clover Sunflower Triticale Vetch Wheat White clover WEEDS CONTROLLED Amaranth Apple of Peru Mexican poppy Annual ground cherry Bladder ketmia Fat hen Melons Native rosella Noogoora burr Potato weed Cow vine Yellow vine Rapeseed WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE mL/ha Seedlings up to 10 cm diameter /high (NSW, Qld only) 1350 - 2025 + glyphosate at recommended label rates CRITICAL COMMENTS ABOUND 400 SITUATION & CROP RATE SELECTION: Use the lower rate for seedling broadleaf weeds and increase to the higher rate for broadleaf weeds more than 10 cm diameter/high. Always add the mixture product at recommended label rates. If grazing has occurred allow regrowth to 6-8 cm before spraying and use higher rate. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Always add a 100% non-ionic surfactant in accordance with label directions on the mixture product. Observe plant-back periods given in the table in this booklet. For skeleton weed, spraying should only be done 6-8 weeks before anticipated sowing date and subsequent cultivation limited to a minimum. 2. FALLOW WEED CONTROL A. Fallow or Stubble Spray prior to Direct Drilling or Sowing Winter Cereals (Victoria only) WEEDS CONTROLLED Mustards Wild turnip Spear thistle Wild poppy Charlock Fumitory - white Hoary cress Saffron thistle Capeweed Docks Hexham scent (Melilotus spp.) Wireweed (Hogweed) Skeleton weed Sorrel Soldier thistle Sunflower Wild cabbage Wild radish Vetches (Tares) WEED GROWTH STAGE Seedlings or young rosettes only. RATE mL/ha 0.35 - 0.825 0.825 0.825 - 1.2 1.2 1.35 - 2.2 CRITICAL COMMENTS Observe plant-back periods given in the table in this booklet. Can be mixed with chlorsulfuron, paraquat or paraquat/ diquat (e.g. Spray•Seed®) where grasses are present. For skeleton weed, spraying should only be done 6-8 weeks before anticipated sowing date and subsequent cultivation limited to a minimum. 1.725 2.2 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 3 B. Fallow or Stubble Spray prior to Direct Drilling or Sowing Winter Cereals (NSW only) ABOUND 400 WEEDS CONTROLLED Amaranthus spp. Apple of Peru Blackberry nightshade Charlock Mustards Potato weed Turnip weed (Rapistrum spp.) Wild turnip WEED GROWTH STAGE Seedlings or young rosettes only. 0.825 - 1.725 Observe plant-back periods given in the table in this booklet. For skeleton weed, spraying should only be done 6-8 weeks before anticipated sowing date and subsequent cultivation limited to a minimum. l e b a L n e m i c e p S 0.825 - 2.1 Fat hen Variegated thistle 0.825 - 2.55 Bathurst burr California burr Noogoora burr Thornapple 1.2 - 1.725 Slender thistle Stinkwort 1.2 - 2.1 Caltrop Lupins Rapeseed 1.2 - 2.55 Mintweed Rough poppy Clover CRITICAL COMMENTS Can be mixed with chlorsulfuron, paraquat or paraquat/ diquat (e.g. Spray•Seed®) where grasses are present. Safflower Saffron thistle Sunflower Hoary cress New Zealand spinach Paterson’s curse Shepherds purse Skeleton weed 1.725 - 2.55 1.725 1.9 Sorrel Wild radish 4 RATE mL/ha PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 2.55 C. Fallow or Stubble Spray prior to Direct Drilling or Sowing Winter Cereals (Queensland only) WEED GROWTH STAGE Turnip weed (Rapistrum sp.) RATE mL/ha Seedlings or young rosettes only. CRITICAL COMMENTS 0.825 Observe plant-back periods given in the table in this booklet. Amaranthus spp. Apple of Peru Bathurst burr Blackberry nightshade California burr Caltrop Fat hen Mintweed Mustards Noogoora burr Potato weed Sunflower Variegated thistle Wild radish 1.35 Can be mixed with chlorsulfuron, paraquat or paraquat/diquat (e.g. Spray•Seed®) where grasses are present. Docks Hexham scent (Melilotus spp.) Hoary cress Wireweed (Hogweed) Mexican poppy Paterson’s curse Saffron thistle Spiny emex (Doublegee) 2.2 ABOUND 400 WEEDS CONTROLLED l e b a L n e m i c e p S 3. PASTURES (All States) SITUATION PASTURES: Conservation Tillage Direct Drilling, Surface Sowing or Fallow Maintenance WEEDS CONTROLLED Charlock Mustards Shepherd’s purse Saffron thistle Slender thistle Spear thistle Variegated thistle Turnip weed Wild radish Wild turnip Clover Sorrel WEED GROWTH STAGE Apply to actively growing young weeds before sowing. RATE mL/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS 0.825 - 2.5 Observe plant-back periods given in the table on this leaflet. 1.725 + 0.28 - 0.4 dicamba (500g/L) Do not sow pasture seed for at least 30 days after application. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 5 4. PASTURES and NON AGRICULTURAL AREAS (Western Australia only) ABOUND 400 WEEDS CONTROLLED Amsinckia Docks Bindweed Caltrop Flatweed Spear thistle Capeweed Doublegee/spiny emex Saffron thistle Mustard Wild radish Wild turnip Annual thistles Paterson’s curse WEED GROWTH STAGE Seedlings or young rosettes only RATE mL/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS 1.725 For pastures not containing legumes. Only seedling docks, spear thistles and saffron thistle will be controlled. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Afghan melons 2.5 + 1% crop oil Paddy melons 1.2 - 1.725 Prickly saltwort/roly poly 2.5 Stinkwort 2.5 - 5 + surfactant Dove weed 5 Spray when plants are actively growing preferably before flowering or running. Spray when plants are small. Best results are obtained when plants are small. Use high rate on larger plants. Spray after good emergence of seedlings. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIODS: Pasture & Cereal Crops: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. IN TASMANIA, THIS PRODUCT MAY ONLY BE USED FROM 15 APRIL TO 15 SEPTEMBER UNLESS OTHERWISE PERMITTED BY THE REGISTRAR OF PESTICIDES. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Abound™ 400 is a water soluble liquid product with non-selective herbicidal activity against broadleaf weeds. Abound 400 will control emerged weeds only and provides no residual control although certain plant back periods should be observed. Abound 400 is absorbed by plant foliage and accumulates to toxic levels in the regions of growth and reproduction, upsetting the ability of plants to balance the synthesis and use of nutrients. Visible effects are a gradual yellowing and wilting of the plants which advances to complete browning of above ground growth and deterioration of root systems. Effects may not be apparent for 7-10 days or even up to 21 days under cold or cloudy conditions. DO NOT treat weeds under poor growing or dormant conditions such as occur in drought, water-logging, disease, insect damage, following frost, weeds heavily covered with dust or silt. Reduced results may also occur if weeds are under stress from previous herbicide application. Rainfall occuring up to 6 hours after application may reduce effectiveness. DO NOT spray if strong winds prevail. 6 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 MINIMUM RECROPPING PERIODS FOR ABOUND 400 APPLICATION RATE L/ha Up to 0.825 0.825 - 1.725 ABOUND 400 CROP 1.725 - 2.55 Plant - back Periods (Days) Barley ➊ 1 1 3 Triticale ➊ Wheat ➊ 1 3 7 Oats 3 3 7 Sorghum ❸ 3 7 10 Balansa clover Faba beans Lentils Lucerne Medic Narbon beans Perennial ryegrass Persian clover Phalaris Subterranean clover Vetch White clover 7 7 10 Linseed Rice 7 7 14 Sunflower ❸ 7 10 14 Field peas 7 14 14 Chickpeas ➋ Lupins ❹ Safflower ➋ 7 14 21 Navy beans 10 10 14 Cotton l e b a L n e m i c e p S 10 14 21 Soybeans 14 14 21 Canola / Rapeseed ➋ 14 21 28 IMPORTANT: WHEN APPLIED TO DRY SOILS AT LEAST 15 mm OF RAIN MUST FALL PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE PLANT-BACK PERIOD. NOTES: ➊ In Queensland, no rainfall is required to fall prior to commencement of plant-back period for wheat, barley and triticale. ➋ In Queensland, planting of canola / rapeseed, chickpeas and safflower must be delayed for at least 14 days following rainfall of at least 15 mm. ❸ In Central Queensland, when using 1.2 L/ha or less of Abound 400, the plant-back period for sorghum and sunflower is 1 day irrespective of rainfall. ❹ In WA the plant-back period for lupins at all rates is 28 days. NOTE: Before using Abound 400 in tank mixes with other herbicides, check the plant-back information on all product labels. The time between spraying and planting will be determined by the most residual products, i.e. the product with the longest plant-back period. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 7 ABOUND 400 COMPATIBILITY HERBICIDES Abound 400 is compatible in tank mixes with atrazine, chlorsulfuron, dicamba, dimethoate, glyphosate e.g. Ripper™ 480, Lorsban™ 500 EC, metsulfuron-methyl, omethoate, paraquat/diquat (e.g. Spray•Seed®), phosmet, and simazine. INSECTICIDES Dimethoate, Lorsban™ 500EC, omethoate and phosmet can be introduced into the tank mix for specific control to prevent insect damage to emerging crops. When chlorsulfuron or metsulfuron-methyl herbicides are included in the mixture a minimum spray volume of 30 L/ha are recommended. When simazine is included in the mixture a minimum spray volume of 100 L/ha is recommended. Flat fan nozzle equipment is recommended using pressures in the range 240-280 kPa. Boom height must be set to ensure double overlap of nozzle patterns at the top of the weed canopy. AERIAL EQUIPMENT Application of Abound 400/glyphosate mixtures using either Micronair® or boom equipment should occur in a minimum spray volume of 15 L/ha. Droplets with an average size of 250-350 micron diameter are recommended. Swath width should be 15-17 metres. Application under hot conditions: High temperature and/or low relative humidity cause excessive evaporation of spray droplets which may reduce results. When temperatures reach 25°C increase water volume to 30 L/Ha, and increase droplet size to at least 300 micron diameter. DO NOT apply by aircraft when temperature is above 35°C. DO NOT use in intensive horticultural cropping areas. Thoroughly wash aircraft, especially landing gear after each day of spraying to remove herbicide residues. l e b a L n e m i c e p S SURFACTANT ADDITION DO NOT add surfactant except for CONSERVATION TILLAGE where the product is to be tank mixed with a glyphosate product. In this situation always add a 100% non-ionic surfactant in accordance with label directions on the glyphosate product. DO NOT mix with spraying oils, or any other materials or agricultural chemicals except as directed on this label. TANK MIXTURES The Abound 400 DIRECTIONS FOR USE on this label are designed to be used as a tank mixture with glyphosate herbicides. However as shown in the compatibility and surfactant addition sections of this label, it is possible to extend/improve weed control to include other foliage applied and/or residual herbicides and adjuvants. A mixture of Abound 400 and glyphosate may be tank mixed with the following herbicides, insecticides and adjuvants where recommended in the Directions for Use tables. Read and follow all label Directions, RESTRAINTS and PLANT-BACK PERIODS, WITHHOLDING PERIODS and SAFETY DIRECTIONS for the tank mix products. MIXING INSTRUCTIONS Abound 400 mixes readily with water. Ensure the spray tank is free of any residue of previous spray materials. 1. Fill the spray tank with clean water to one half of the required amount and start agitation. Do not use mechanical agitators as these may cause excessive foaming when herbicides are added. 2. Where an acidifying surfactant such as LI-700 is recommended at either 100 mL or 300 mL/100 L, add to tank through top mesh screen. 3. Add recommended herbicide additive / insecticide to the spray tank and mix thoroughly. 4. Add Abound 400 and mix thoroughly. 5. Add the glyphosate product and the remaining water. 6. When a non-ionic surfactant is used, add near the end of the filling process to minimise foaming. 7. Always maintain adequate agitation during application and use the tank mix promptly. APPLICATION BOOM EQUIPMENT Application of Abound 400/glyphosate mixtures in spray volumes of 25-100 L/ha is recommended. 8 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE Spray solutions of Abound 400 and glyphosate should be mixed, stored and applied only in stainless steel, aluminium, brass, copper, fibreglass, plastic-lined containers. Do not mix, store or apply spray solutions in galvanised steel or unlined steel (except stainless steel) containers or spray tanks. Abound 400 and glyphosate spray solutions may react with such containers and tanks to produce hydrogen gas which may form a highly combustible gas mixture that can flash or explode if ignited by open flame, spark, welder’s torch, lighted cigarette or other ignition source. CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT Thoroughly clean all equipment after use either by using hot soapy water or 1% solution of ammonia followed by several clean water rinses or use a proprietary cleaner such as Spraymate® Tank & Equipment Cleaner. If using sulfonylurea herbicides such as chlorsulfuron or metsulfuron-methyl, follow decontamination procedures detailed on those product labels. RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Abound 400 Herbicide is a member of the Phenoxys group of herbicides. Abound 400 has the disrupters of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management Abound 400 is a Group I herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to Abound 400 and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by Abound 400 or other Group I herbicides. PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NONTARGET PLANTS. Drift Warning: Direct spray contact or even slight drift may cause severe injury or destruction of any growing crop or other desirable plants including trees and native vegetation. DO NOT use when breeze is blowing towards nearby desirable plants. DO NOT apply under meteorological conditions or from spraying equipment that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants, adjacent crops, crop lands or pastures. Equipment settings which produce fine droplets (150 microns or less), winds over 8 km/h, “still air” and hot dry days all contribute to drift. Avoid spray drift onto susceptible crops such as cotton, tobacco, tomatoes, flowers, vegetables, vines, fruit trees, legume crops and pastures, oil seed crops or other susceptible crops and trees (eg Kurrajongs, Belahs, Eucalypts). DO NOT use unless wind speed is more than 3 kilometres per hour and less than 15 kilometres per hour as measured at the application site. DO NOT apply with smaller than coarse to very coarse spray droplets according to the ASABE S572 definition for standard nozzles. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Poisonous if swallowed. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • DO NOT inhale spray mist. • When preparing spray, wear PVC or rubber apron, elbow length PVC gloves and face shield. • When using the prepared spray, wear face shield. If product on skin, immediately wash area with soap and water. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms, and face thoroughly with soap and water. After each day’s use wash gloves, face shield and contaminated clothing. ABOUND 400 Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Abound 400 to control resistant weeds. l e b a L n e m i c e p S PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for ABOUND™ 400 HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 61182/0407 Low hazard to bees. May be applied at any time as recommended in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEA AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used container. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE AND DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face-shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 9 POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Access b a L n e m i c e p S ACCESS ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: SOLVENTS: SOLVENTS: 240 g/L TRICLOPYR present as the butoxyethyl ester 240 g/L PICLORAM TRICLOPYRpresent presentas asthe theisooctyl butoxyethyl 120 esterester 120 g/L LIQUID PICLORAM present as the isooctyl ester 389 HYDROCARBON 389 g/L LIQUID HYDROCARBON For selective control of a wide range of woody and noxious weeds in commercial and industrial For selective of a wide of woody by andbasal noxious in stump commercial and industrial areas, public control lands, fence linesrange and pastures, barkweeds and cut applications as areas, public lands, fence lines and pastures, by basal bark and cut stump applications as specified in the Directions for Use. specified in the Directions for Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 10 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: DO NOT add water to Access Herbicide. DO NOT apply to weeds which may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logged or drought affected), poor nutrition, presence of disease, or previous herbicide treatment as reduced levels of control may result. DO NOT apply to charcoal coated or wet stems as this can repel the diesel mixture. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FENCE LINES, FORESTRY, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. l e b a L n e m i c e p S WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /60 L DIESEL CRITICAL COMMENTS Acacia spp. including: Black wattle* Brigalow* Hickory wattle* Mimosa bush Mulga* Sally wattle* Silver wattle* Basal bark method: Plants with stems up to 5 cm basal diameter. 1L Ensure all stems on multi-stemmed varieties are treated. Delay treatment until all regrowth on bulldozed or ploughed land has had time to emerge to a height of at least one metre. Root suckering wattles will need follow-up treatment. African boxthorn Cut Stump method: Plants up to and in excess of basal bark size. Apply immediately after cut is made. Angophora spp. regrowth Treat all stems on multi-stem plants. Australian blackthorn This species may become dormant so should not be treated during winter. Bitterbark Regrowth from roots may occur. Broadleaf privet 2L Brush box Cacti including: Common pest pear Harrisia cactus Prickly pear Snake cactus Tiger pear Tree pear ACCESS Algaroba (Prosopis spp.) Treat single stemmed seedling plants only. 1L Apply as an overall spray, wetting all areas of the plant to ground level. Cockspur thorn* Corkwood wattle Basal bark application only. Species with old, rough bark require more thorough wetting than smooth barked species. Some regrowth may still occur. Corymbia spp.* Ellangowan poison bush Eucalyptus spp. regrowth False sandalwood Green cestrum Grevillea spp. Groundsel bush PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 11 AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FENCE LINES, FORESTRY, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED Guava Hard milkwood Hawthorn WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /60 L DIESEL Basal bark method: Plants with stems up to 5 cm basal diameter. 2L CRITICAL COMMENTS Regrowth may occur from roots of the main tree. 1L Heartleaf poison bush Honey locust l e b a L n e m i c e p S Kiteleaf poison Leucaena* Limebush Lantana Cut Stump method: Plants up to and in excess of basal bark size. Apply immediately after cut is made. Treat single stem plants only. Narrow leaf hop bush Needlewood ACCESS Oleander Parkinsonia* Punty bush Red ash (white myrtle) Rubbervine Swamp box 2L Treat single stemmed seedling plants only. Sweet briar 1L Do not treat during winter. Tea trees Turpentine Turpentine bush Whitewood Wild orange Basal bark treatment only. Wild peach Wild Rosemary Wild tobacco tree Cut stump treatment only. Wilga Yellow bells (Tecoma spp.) 12 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Some root suckering may occur. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FENCE LINES, FORESTRY, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED Camphor laurel Peppercorn tree (Schinus molle) WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /60 L DIESEL Basal bark method: Plants with stems up to 10 cm basal diameter. 1L CRITICAL COMMENTS Species that become dormant should not be treated during winter. Basal bark method only. Prickly acacia Sisal hemp Tree of Heaven Willow Cut stump method: Plants in excess of basal bark size. Apply immediately after cut is made. Basal bark method only. Species that become dormant should not be treated during winter. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Chinee apple Basal bark method: Plants with stems up to 15 cm basal diameter. 4L Cut stump method only. Complete control may not occur due to the multi-stem growth of plant and difficulty treating all stems. 1L ACCESS Cut stump method: Plants up to and in excess of basal bark size. Apply immediately after cut is made. *The smooth stemmed species Acacia spp. (excluding Mimosa bush), Cockspur thorn, Corymbia spp., Leucaena and Parkinsonia can be treated using the alternative Access™ ThinLine method for basal bark application. Please refer to the following table. ACCESS™ THINLINE BASAL BARK APPLICATION FOR SMOOTH STEMMED SPECIES: See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FENCE LINES, FORESTRY, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /10 L DIESEL Acacia spp. including: Black wattle Brigalow Hickory wattle Mulga Sally wattle Silver wattle Basal bark method: Plants with stems up to 5 cm basal diameter 1L CRITICAL COMMENTS Spray the bark around the stem from ground level up to 5 cm high. Ensure all stems on multi-stemmed varieties are treated. Delay treatment until all regrowth on bulldozed or ploughed land has had time to emerge to a height of at least one metre. Root suckering wattles will need follow-up treatment. Cockspur thorn Corymbia spp. Leucaena Parkinsonia NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. FOR NATIVE VEGETATION Use of Access on native vegetation must be done in accordance with STATE and/or LOCAL legislation. WITHHOLDING PERIOD: The use pattern of this product is such that no withholding periods are required. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 13 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MIXING Access herbicide is designed for use with diesel distillate only. It will NOT mix with water. Quarter fill the spray unit or mixing container with diesel and add the required amount of Access. Add the remaining diesel and shake or agitate thoroughly to mix the contents. Only mix sufficient chemical for each day’s work, mixing periodically. CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT Access is compatible with diesel and should not be used or diluted with any other chemicals. Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and watercourses. After completion of spraying, use a degreaser such as Caltex Kwik-D-Grease® to remove traces of diesel from the sprayer. Rinse tank and spray through nozzles thoroughly with water to remove degreaser. After the above, quarter fill the tank with clean water and add a alkali detergent, (e.g. liquid SURF®, OMO®, DRIVE® at 500 mL/100L of water or the powder equivalent at 500 g/100L of water). If using a concentrated laundry detergent use 250 g (or mL)/100 L water. Do not use chlorine based cleaners. Shake the water around the sprayer and spray the solution through the nozzles to thoroughly clean the lines and nozzles. Rinse well with clean water to remove detergent. To clean brushes and container, spray liberally with degreaser. Hose off thoroughly with water and repeat using detergents (see above). DO NOT use this equipment for any other purpose. GENERAL APPLICATION RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Dilution Table: l e b a L n e m i c e p S RATE ACCESS Cut Stump Method Stems should be cut less than 15 cm above ground level. Immediately apply Access/diesel mixture liberally to the freshly cut stump by spraying the cut surface and sides of the stem. VOLUME OF ACCESS HERBICIDE 1 L/60 L 17 mL 83 mL 167 mL 250 mL 2 L/60 L 33 mL 167 mL 333 mL 500 mL 4 L/60 L 67 mL 333 mL 667 mL 1L 1 L/10 L 100 mL 500 mL 1L 1.5 L Volume of diesel added after Access fill to 1L fill to 5L fill to 10 L fill to 15 L COMPATIBILITY Apply only with hand-directed equipment such as a pneumatic sprayer. The use of diesel as a herbicide carrier may affect the rubber seals in some sprayers. To avoid this, use sprayers, which use Viton® seals and fittings. Spray equipment should be used at low pressures, up to 200 kPa, to avoid splashing. Ensure all stems on multi-stemmed varieties are treated. Delay treatment until all regrowth on bulldozed or ploughed land has had time to emerge to a height of at least 1 metre. Species that lose their leaves e.g. sweet briar; or become dormant, e.g. Australian blackthorn or camphor laurel, should not be treated during winter. Species with old, rough bark require more thorough wetting than the smooth barked species. DO NOT apply to charcoal coated or wet stems as this can repel the diesel mixture. Basal Bark Application Method Dilute the indicated volume of Access Herbicide with diesel up to a total volume of 60 L. Liberally spray the bark around the stem from ground level to 30 cm high, wetting thoroughly to the point of runoff (unless otherwise stated). Access™ ThinLine basal bark application method: Alternatively, the application band can be reduced to 5 cm high but with the concentration increased proportionally (one part Access diluted with 9 parts diesel) for the treatment of the smooth stemmed woody weed species: Acacia spp. (excluding Mimosa bush), Cockspur thorn, Corymbia spp., Leucaena and Parkinsonia, also indicated with asterisks in the Directions for Use tables. 14 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Access Herbicide is a member of the pyridines group of herbicides. The product has the disrupters of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management the product is a Group I Herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or other Group I Herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Access Herbicide to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, or local Dow AgroSciences representative. Treat target weeds only. DO NOT allow mixture to contact non-target species. DO NOT use on land to be cultivated for growing sensitive plants. Legumes, vines, vegetables, cotton, tomatoes, ornamentals, coniferous species and many other broadleaf plants are highly susceptible to Access during both growing and dormant periods. Picloram, one of the active ingredients in this product, can remain active in the soil for extended periods depending on soil type, rainfall, temperature, humidity, soil moisture and soil organic matter. DO NOT move soil, which has been sprayed, to areas where desirable plants are to be grown. DO NOT apply when the treated soil may be washed to areas growing, or to be planted with desirable plants. DO NOT apply close to, or on, areas containing roots of desirable plants, or sites where surface water from heavy rain can be expected to run off to areas containing, or to be planted to, susceptible crops or plants. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Harmful if swallowed. • Will irritate the eyes, nose, throat and skin. • Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorders. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • Avoid inhaling vapour or spray mist. • When opening the container and preparing spray and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrists, a washable hat and elbow-length neoprene gloves and a face shield or goggles. • If product on skin, immediately wash area with soap and water. • If product in eyes, wash it out immediately with water. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. • After each day’s use wash gloves, face shield or goggles and contaminated clothing. l e b a L n e m i c e p S PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK, WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. Alongside waterways treat only noxious weeds and poisonous plants. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a cool, wellventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. Triple rinse empty containers with diesel before disposal. Add rinsings to spray tank. DO NOT dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE AND DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. If in eyes, hold eyes open, flood with water for at least 15 minutes and see a doctor. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for ACCESSTM HERBICIDE, which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit Made in New Zealand ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® Registered Trademarks APVMA Approval No: 46640/55330 SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 15 ACCESS PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN AMINE 625 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Amine 625 abe L n e m i c e p S Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 625 g/L 2,4-D present as dimethylamine salt ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 625 g/L 2,4-D present as dimethylamine salt For the control of broadleafed weeds in fallow before direct drilling or sowing of cereals and For the control broadleafed in fallow beforepeanuts direct drilling or sowing of cereals and pastures; and inofcereal crops, weeds pastures, sugar cane, and non-agricultural areas as pastures; and in cereal crops, pastures, sugar cane, peanuts and non-agricultural areas as per the Directions for Use. per the Directions for Use. This is a PHENOXY HERBICIDE that can cause severe damage to susceptible crops. This is aread PHENOXY that can cause severe damage to susceptible crops. Please the DriftHERBICIDE Warning Statement. Please read the Drift Warning Statement. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences 242086 003 771 659 20 Rodborough RoadAustralia FRENCHSLimited FORESTABN NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER TOLL FREE 1-800 700(“Dow”) 096 or an affiliated company of Dow ® TrademarkSERVICE of The Dow Chemical Company ® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 16 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: AMINE 625 DO NOT spray if rain seems likely within 6 hours or if strong winds prevail. DO NOT apply if crop or weeds are stressed due to dry or excessively moist conditions. 1. FIELD CROPS SITUATION & CROP Wheat Barley WEEDS Refer Weed Table STATE RATE (/ha) NSW, ACT, SA only 320 mL - 1.7 L Apply after the first node can be felt at the base of a tiller and before swelling of the head can be felt in a tiller (NSW, SA only). l e b a L n e m i c e p S Vic only 225 mL - 1.4 L Qld only 560 mL - 1.4 L Tas only 800 mL - 1.4 L NSW, ACT, SA only 320mL - 1.4 L Apply from mid tillering to before boot stage (Qld only). Vic only 225 mL - 1.4 L Apply at 5 leaf to fully tillered (Tas only). Qld only 560 mL - 1.4 L Tas only 800 mL - 1.4 L Cereal Rye Triticale NSW, ACT, SA only 320 mL - 1.4 L Vic only 225 mL - 1.4 L Oats NSW, ACT, SA only 320 mL - 800 mL Vic only 225 mL - 800 mL WA only 640 mL - 1.3 L Cereals: Wheat, Oats Barley Cape Tulip Dock, Flatweed, Saffron Thistle 1.1 L 800 mL Indian Hedge Mustard, London Rocket, Lupin, Matricaria, Rapistrum, Wild Radish 640 mL 200 mL + 500 mL diuron (500g/L) Capeweed, Doublegee, Erodium, London Rocket, Lupin, Mustard, Rapistrum, Wild Radish, Wild Turnip Wild Radish Apply from tillering to boot stage (Vic only). Apply from the 5 leaf stage up to jointing stage (Zadoks 15-33). Apply after the 6 leaf stage (Z.16) for Cranbrook, Jacup, Aroona and spear wheat and Mortlock oats to avoid possible damage. DO NOT spray if lucerne is present. WEED STAGE: 10-15 cm. Docks should be sprayed before 5 leaf stage. Cape tulip – low rate for cormils only. Wild Turnip Wheat Barley CRITICAL COMMENTS Vic, SA, ACT, NSW only 80 mL + 850 g methabenzthiazuron (700g/kg) Apply when crop has 4-5 leaves and most weeds have germinated and are in 2-5 leaf stage. Crop and weeds should be dry at time of application. Some temporary yellowing of crop may occur after application. Undersown sub-clovers may be slightly retarded. DO NOT apply to undersown medics. Spray 2-6 weeks after sowing and not later. Do not use on crops undersown with lucerne. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 17 AMINE 625 1. FIELD CROPS (continued) SITUATION & CROP WEEDS Fallow, Stubble Spray prior to direct drilling or sowing Winter Cereals, Grain legumes (peanuts Qld only) and Canola Refer Weed Table Millet Refer Weed Table STATE RATE (/ha) CRITICAL COMMENTS All States 225 mL -1.7 L Observe plant back periods given in the table on this leaflet. Can be mixed with chlorsulfuron, paraquat or paraquat/ diquat (e.g.Spray Seed®) where grasses are present. Select appropriate rate from the Weed Table. For skeleton weed spraying should only be done 6-8 weeks before anticipated sowing date and subsequent cultivation limited to a minimum. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Saccaline, Broom Millet, Millet Sugar Cane (Q80, Q96, & H56 varieties) NSW, SA, ACT, Vic only 560 mL - 1.1 L Qld only 560 - 900 mL Cape Tulip, Dock, Saffron Thistle, Indian Hedge Mustard, London Rocket, Lupin, Rapistrum, Radish, Wild Turnip WA only 1.1 L Bellvine Qld, NSW only 280 mL/100 L water Apply in spring, using directed spray. 560 mL - 1.1 L Apply in summer using high clearance tractor. Morning Glory Pink Convolvulus Star of Bethlehem Sugar Cane Bindy Eye (Star Burr), Blue Top, Cobblers Pegs, Fleabanes, Jute, Leucas, Needle Burr, Spear Thistle, Water Primrose, Ipomoea Vines, Convolvulus Vines 1.1 L Qld only Chinese Mint, Blue Snakeweed Peanuts Broadleaf Weeds; except Noogoora Burr. 1.8 - 3.5 L 18 Dessicate broadleaf weeds PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Spray when crop is 10-30 cm high and secondary roots have developed and before tasselling. Apply as direct spray to weeds. Apply in autumn by aircraft. Add a 100% non-ionic surfactant (e.g. BS1000®) at 100 mL/100 L of water. Agitate well. DO NOT use on Q63, Q67, Q80 or Q96 varieties. 3.5 L Qld only 1.8 - 3.6 L LOWER RATE: Apply as BAND SPRAY as soon as possible after planting in a 55 cm band. HIGHER RATE: Apply as OVERALL SPRAY after planting and before crop emergence. Some crop damage may occur if heavy rain falls between application and crop emergence. All States 1.2 - 1.7 L Apply after dough stage. Grasses; except Mossman River Grass Harvest Aid or Salvage Spray - Winter Cereals Spray when secondary roots have developed, when fully tillered and before heads start to form at the base of the tillers. Do not use on panorama millet or panicum. 1. FIELD CROPS (continued) Bananas WEEDS To destroy Banana suckers STATE RATE (/ha) CRITICAL COMMENTS Qld only 160 mL/10 L water Inject at the rate of 15 mL per fully grown plant, 10 mL per medium sized plant and 5 mL for small suckers. 320 mL/100L water Allow suckers from corms of treated plants to form broad adult leaves, then spray. Isolated spots may require a second spray. AMINE 625 SITUATION & CROP l e b a L n e m i c e p S Common Stylo forage or seed crops Carribean Stylo forage or seed crops Refer to Weeds Table 800 mL 800 mL - 1.6 L Apply post-emergence when weeds are 3 weeks old and crop is at least 3 weeks old. Apply post-emergence when crop is 3 weeks old. 2. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL, RIGHTS OF WAY, INDUSTRIAL (Boom Application) SITUATION & CROP Pastures and NonAgricultural Areas Pastures and NonAgricultural Areas WEEDS STATE RATE (/ha) CRITICAL COMMENTS NSW, Qld, SA, ACT, Tas only 560 mL - 1.7 L Pasture legumes including lucerne, clovers and medics may be damaged unless well protected by grasses. Spot spraying is preferred. Amsinckia, Docks, Bindweed, Caltrop, Flatweed, Spear Thistle, Capeweed, Saffron Thistle, Mustard, Wild Radish, Wild Turnip, Annual Thistles, Paterson’s Curse, Heliotrope, Ragwort, Three cornered Jack Doublegee (Spiny Emex) WA only 1.1 - 2.4 L For pastures not containing legumes. Only seedling docks, spear thistle and saffron thistle will be controlled. SUMMER WEEDS: Use low rate for seedlings, 1.6-2.4L/ha for larger plants. Stock poisoning may occur when grazed after spraying if large amounts present, particularly heliotrope. WINTER WEEDS: Use low rate for seedlings, 1.6 - 2.4 L/ha for larger plants. If stock present, use spray/ grazing rates. Afghan Melons WA only 1.6 L plus 1% crop oil Spray when plants are actively growing preferably before flowering or vining. Refer Weed Table Paddy Melons Prickly Saltwort (Roly Poly) Stinkwort Dove Weed 800 mL - 1.1 L 1.6 L 1.6 - 3.2 L plus surfactant 3.2 L Spray when plants are small. Best results are obtained when plants are small. Use high rate on larger plants. Spray after good emergence of seedlings. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 19 AMINE 625 2. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL, RIGHTS OF WAY, INDUSTRIAL (Boom Application) (continued) SITUATION & CROP Pastures, Rights of Way and Industrial Areas WEEDS Groundsel Sesbania Pea STATE RATE (/ha) Qld, NSW, ACT, SA, Tas only 2.9 - 4.4 L Qld only 560 - 900 mL All States 560 mL - 1.6 L Water Hyacinth Conservation Tillage - Direct Drilling, Surface Sowing or Fallow Maintenance Charlock, Mustards, Shepherd’s Purse, Saffron, Slender, Spear and Variegated Thistles*, Turnip Weed, Wild Radish, Wild Turnip 3.5 - 5.3 L CRITICAL COMMENTS AERIAL APPLICATION: Spray when groundsel is actively growing. Apply to 2200 to 3300 L water/ha. Apply to actively growing young plants. Before sowing: Observe plant back periods given in the table on this leaflet. * Warning: Treated plants may become toxic to stock. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Clover, Sorrel 1.1 L + 280-400 mL dicamba (500g/L) *PRECAUTION. An increased quantity of poisonous plants may be eaten by stock using Spray/Graze e.g. Caltrop, Capeweed, Paterson's Curse, Variegated Thistle and deaths could result from causes such as nitrate poisoning. With Paterson's Curse, preferably graze stock soon destined for slaughter and avoid extended periods of grazing. Avoid grazing with young or breeding stock. Do not graze horses or pigs on Paterson's Curse. Pastures – Spray/Graze Techniques Pastures – Spray/Graze Techniques 20 Apply to actively growing plants in autumn. Do not sow pasture seed for at least 30 days after application. Amsinckia, Thistles, Capeweed, Doublegee, Mustard, Paterson's Curse, Wild Turnip, Wild Radish, Docks, Geranium, Erodium SA only Annual Thistles, Capeweed, Doublegee, Mustards, Paterson's Curse, Turnip, Saffron Thistle, Spear Thistle, Geranium, Slender Thistle Tas, Vic only Amsinckia, Docks (Seedling only), Capeweed, Doublegee, Mustard, Wild Radish, Wild Turnip, Paterson’s Curse, Annual Thistles WA only PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 560 mL 600 – 800 mL Apply from 6 weeks after opening rains in autumn until the end of August. Seven days after spraying stock paddock at 4-5 times normal rate, preferably with sheep. Maintain this level of grazing for 6 weeks or until pasture shows signs of over grazing. Then return to normal stocking levels. Use high stocking rates in following spring to prevent weeds from flowering. Repeat treatments may be required for 2-3 years for complete control. SITUATION & CROP Pastures – Spray/Graze Techniques WEEDS STATE RATE (/ha) CRITICAL COMMENTS Spear Thistle, Saffron Thistle WA only 1.2 L Apply to saffron thistle at the end of September when plants are running up to flower. Sub-clovers may be damaged at this rate and use is not recommended for all medic pastures. Melons WA only 1.6 L + 1 % oil continued Heavy stocking on young plants sprayed with 800 mL/ha provides effective control. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Docks Caltrop, Capeweed, Charlock, Mustards, Paterson’s Curse, Shepherd’s Purse, Saffron, Slender, Spear or Variegated Thistle*, Turnip Weed, Wild Radish, Wild Turnip Vic only 1.1 L NSW, ACT only 280 mL - 1.1 L Apply in September only and follow other recommendations above. Spray actively growing 6-8 week old weeds. Introduce stock 7-10 days after spraying, preferably sheep (cattle are less effective). Stocking rate should be at least 5 times heavier than normal until weeds have been reduced, but before survival of desirable pasture species is threatened. Lucerne and medics may be damaged and should be grazed short before spraying. Other legumes may be affected. 3. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL, RIGHTS OF WAY, INDUSTRIAL (High Volume Application) SITUATION & CROP WEEDS STATE RATE (/100 L of water) CRITICAL COMMENTS NSW, ACT only 320 mL Apply to young actively growing weeds. Ensure thorough and even coverage of plants. Note: Treated plants need to be burnt to destroy seeds. Vic, SA only 800 mL Spot spraying. For boneseed only, thoroughly wet plants or seedlings. Groundsel NSW, Qld, ACT, SA only 320 mL Thoroughly wet plants. Lantana NSW, Qld, ACT, SA only 320 mL Use a coarse spray with sufficient pressure to penetrate canopy and wet stems as well as foliage. Spray at the end of a wet summer (March to May). Defoliation should occur but respraying of new growth will be necessary in following autumn. Broadcast grass seed and keep stock off following summer to allow the pasture to establish. Damage may result to pasture legumes. Pastures and NonAgricultural Areas Galvanised Burr Pastures, Rights of Way and Industrial Areas Boxthorn, Boneseed, Hawthorn PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 21 AMINE 625 2. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL, RIGHTS OF WAY, INDUSTRIAL (Boom Application) (continued) AMINE 625 3. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL, RIGHTS OF WAY, INDUSTRIAL (High Volume Application) (continued) SITUATION & CROP WEEDS STATE RATE (/100 L of water) CRITICAL COMMENTS NSW only 400 mL Hand gun and knapsack only. A thorough coverage of leaves and plantlets is necessary. Add a 100% non-ionic surfactant (e.g. BS1000) at 100 mL/100 L of water. 160 mL In all cases apply to young, actively growing weeds, ensuring thorough coverage. Pastures, Rights of Way and Industrial Areas Mother of Millions continued Noogoora Burr, Weir Vine (Ipomoea), Scarlet Pimpernel (seedlings only), White Eye (Mexican Clover) Qld only Annual and Perennial Pigweed, Artichoke Thistle, Bathurst Burr, Billygoat Weed, Blue Snake Weed, Burr Medic, Clockweed*, Fleabanes, Galvanised Burr, Hemlock, Hoary Cress, Kyalinga Weed (Whisker Grass), Knobweed, Milky Cotton Bushes, Parthenium Weed, Paterson’s Curse, Saffron Thistle, Star Burr, Thornapple, Variegated Thistle* Qld only 320 mL In all cases apply to young, actively growing weeds, ensuring thorough coverage. * Spray rosette stage. • Repeat spraying necessary. High Volume Spraying Refer to Weed Table All States Add 1/10th of rate on weed table to 150 L of water. Each 150 L of mix will cover 1000m2 (1/10th ha). If rate in weed table is 1.4 L use 140 mL /150 L water. Knapsack Application Refer to Weed Table All States Add 1/100th of rate on weed table to 10 L of water. Each 10 L of mix will cover 100m2 (1/100th ha). e.g. If rate in weed table is 1.4 L use 14 mL/10 L water. l e b a L n e m i c e p S 4. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL, RIGHTS OF WAY, INDUSTRIAL AREAS (Cut Stump Application) SITUATION & CROP Pastures, Rights of Way and Industrial Areas WEEDS STATE RATE (/ha) Vic, SA only Undiluted Groundsel Tas only 240 mL Rubber Vine Qld only African Boxthorn, Boneseed, Hawthorn Wild Tobacco Tree 22 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply or paint undiluted Amine 625 to freshly cut stumps. Swab the cut stump immediately. Apply by a pouring can or knapsack spray. Apply to freshly cut stump. Swab cut stump within 1 hour of cutting. Apply by pouring can or knapsack sprayer. 5. LAWNS AND PLAYING FIELDS WEEDS CONTROLLED Lawns, Playing fields Refer Weed Table STATE RATE (/ha) Qld, ACT and NSW only 1.5 - 3 mL/1 L of water or 1.6 - 3.2 L/ha WA only 40 mL per 10 - 15 L water/100m2 CRITICAL COMMENTS AMINE 625 SITUATION & CROP Wet foliage thoroughly. DO NOT mow lawn for 1 week before and at least 1 week after application. DO NOT use on Buffalo grass (WA only). l e b a L n e m i c e p S MAXIMUM TOLERANCE FOR USE IN WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS AND TRITICALE INCLUDING TOLERANCE FOR UNDERSOWN LEGUMES. Crop Cereal Rye Wheat Barley Oats Qld - NSW, ACT - Vic Vic EARLY TILLERING TILLERED BOOT STAGE - - SA 1.4 L/ha WA Tas TILLERED TO BOOT (JZ15-35) TILLERED TO BOOT (JZ15-35) - - 1.8 L/ha 1.7 L/ha 225 mL/ha 1.4 L/ha 1.7 L/ha 1.7 L/ha 1.7 L/ha 1.4 L/ha 1.4 L/ha 225 mL/ha 1.4 L/ha 1.4 L/ha 1.4 L/ha 1.4 L/ha - 800 mL/ha 225 mL/ha 800 mL/ha 900 mL/ha 1.3 L/ha - Triticale - 1.4 L/ha 225 mL/ha - 1.4 L/ha 1.7 L/ha 800 mL/ha Undersown Clovers - - 225 mL/ha - - 680 mL/ha 560 mL/ha Undersown Medics - - 225 mL/ha - - NIL 560 mL/ha Undersown Lucerne - - 225 mL/ha - - NIL - NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIOD: Pasture, Cereal Crops: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. HARVEST WITHHOLDING PERIOD: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. IN TASMANIA, THIS PRODUCT MAY ONLY BE USED FROM 15 APRIL TO 15 SEPTEMBER UNLESS OTHERWISE PERMITTED BY THE REGISTRAR OF PESTICIDES. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 23 AMINE 625 WEED TABLE NOTE: Where weeds are to be sprayed in a CROP or PASTURE refer to the particular crop or situation indicated under the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table before using this table. In most cases these rates will give control, however some hard to kill weeds or those in advanced stages of growth may only be suppressed. This product should only be used in those states where a rate or range of rates is indicated for the particular weeds listed. WEEDS APPLICATION RATE PER HECTARE CROP Vic NSW, ACT SA CRITICAL COMMENTS PASTURE Qld Tas WA NSW, ACT, SA, Qld, Tas only l e b a L n e m i c e p S Amaranthus spp. - 560 mL - 1.1 L - 900 mL - - - Spray young plants. Amsinckia - - - - - 1.1 L - - Apple of Peru - 560 mL - 1.1 L - 900 mL - - - Spray young plants. Susceptible when young. Bathurst Burr - 800 mL - 1.1 L 1.7 2.2 L 900 mL - - 800 mL 1.1 L not SA Spray seedlings only. Bellvine - 1.8 L - 1.8 L - - - Spray before seeding. Advanced stages susceptible. Billygoat Weed - 3.4 L - 3.4 L - - - Spray at young stage. Bindweed - - - - - 1.1 L - - Blackberry Nightshade - 560 mL - 1.1 L - 900 mL - - - - Blackeyed Susan - 1.8 L - 1.8 L - - - Apply at preflowering, preferably young stages. Blue Snakeweed - 1.8 L - 1.8 L - - - California Burr - 800 mL - 1.1 L - 900 mL - - 800 mL 1.1 L not SA Spray seedlings only. Cape Tulip - - - - - 640 mL - 1.3 L - Low rate for cormils only*. Capeweed 1.4 L - 1.7 L - 1.4 L 1.1 L 1.7-2.8 L Caltrop - 800 mL - 1.7 L - 900 mL - 1.1 L - Moderately susceptible. Castor Oil Plant - 3.4 L - 3.4 L - - - Spray at young stage. Charlock 560 800 mL 560 mL - 1.1 L 560 mL 1.4 L - 800 mL 1.1 L Spray at rosette stage. - 1.2 L - - - - Clover 24 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 - Spray seedlings at young stages only. Spray seedlings to rosette stage. - WEED TABLE (continued) APPLICATION RATE PER HECTARE CROP Cobbler’s Pegs CRITICAL COMMENTS PASTURE Vic NSW, ACT SA Qld Tas WA NSW, ACT, SA, Qld, Tas only - 1.8 L - 1.8 L - - - AMINE 625 WEEDS Apply at preflowering, preferably young stages. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Common Ice Plant - - 1.1 L - - - - - Common Sida - 1.8 L - 1.8 L - - - Spray seedling or young stages only. Common Sowthistle - 1.8 L - 1.8 L 1.4 L - - Apply at preflowering, preferably young stages. 1.4 L - 1.4 L 1.4 L 1.4 L 1.1 L 3.2 L SA only Spray at multiple leaf stage. – Effective only on seedlings. Docks Doveweed - - - - - 1.1 L - - Fat Hen - 560 mL - 1.7 L - 900 mL 1.4 L - - Spray pre-flowering. Flannel Weed - 1.8 L - 1.8 L - - - Spray seedling or young stages only. Flat Weed - - - - - 1.1 L - - Fumitory - red - - 1.7 L - - - - - 800 mL - 560 mL - - - - Spray at multiple leaf stage. - - - - 1.1 L - 1.4 L - 1.1 L 1.4 L - - 1.1 - 1.7 L Spray multiple leaf stage before seeding. Hoary Cress 900 mL - 1.4 L 1.1 1.7 L 1.4 L 1.4 L - - 1.4 - 1.7 L Spray rosettes and pre-flowering. Hogweed (Wireweed) 1.4 L - - 1.4 L - - - Horehound - - 1.4 L - - - 2.2 - 3.2 L SA only Indian Hedge Mustard - - - - 1.4 L 1.1 L - Khaki Weed - - - - - - 1.1 - 2.2 L not SA Knobweed - - - 1.8 3.4 L - - - Fumitory white Heliotrope Hexham Scent or Melilotus - Spray at multiple leaf stage (Vic). Spray at seedling and young plant stage (Qld). Spray seedlings. Spray seedlings only. Lower rate for seedlings; higher rate for later stages. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 25 WEED TABLE (continued) AMINE 625 WEEDS APPLICATION RATE PER HECTARE CROP CRITICAL COMMENTS PASTURE Vic NSW, ACT SA Qld Tas WA NSW, ACT, SA, Qld, Tas only Lincoln Weed - - 1.7 L - - - - Spray early rosettes. London Rocket - - - - - 1.1 L - - Lupins - 800 mL - 1.7 L - - - 1.1 L - - Melons Camel, Paddy - 560 mL - 1.1 L - - - - - - Mexican Poppy - - - 1.4 L - - - Spray seedlings plants become more resistant with age. Mintweed - 1.1 L - 900 mL - - - Spray seedlings resistant in later stages. Morning Glory - 1.8 L - 1.8 L - - - Spray at seedling to flowering stage. 225 560 mL 560 mL - 1.1 L 560 mL - 1.4 L 900 mL - 800 mL 560 mL 1.1 L Needle Burr - 1.8 L - 1.8 L - - - Apply at preflowering, preferably young stages. New Zealand Spinach - 1.1 1.7 L - - - - - - Noogoora Burr - 800 mL - 1.1 L - 900 mL - - 800 mL 1.1 L not SA Spray seedlings only. Paterson’s Curse - 1.1 1.7 L - 1.4 L - 1.3 L 1.7 - 2.2 L Spray rosettes or before plants have 10 leaves. Later stages harder to kill. Pinkburr (Pink Flowered Burr) - 1.8 L - 1.8 L - - - Spray seedling or young stages only. Potato Weed - 560 mL - 1.1L - 900 mL - - - Spray at young stage. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Mustards Spray at 2-4 leaf up to rosette stage. Purpletop - 3.4 L - 3.4 L - - - Radish - - - - - 1.1 L - Ragwort - - - - 3.8 L 1.1 L - Spray up to early rosette stage (Tas only). Rapeseed - 800 mL - - - - - - Rapistrum - - - - - 1.1 L - - 26 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 WEED TABLE (continued) APPLICATION RATE PER HECTARE CROP CRITICAL COMMENTS PASTURE Vic NSW, ACT SA Qld Tas WA NSW, ACT, SA, Qld, Tas only Rough Poppy - 1.1 L - - - - - - Safflower - 560 mL - 1.1 L - - - - - - AMINE 625 WEEDS l e b a L n e m i c e p S Shepherds Purse - 1.1 1.7 L - - 1.4 L - 800 mL 1.1 L Siratro (Purple Bean) - 1.8 L - 1.8 L - - - Spray seedling or young stages only. Skeleton Weed 1.4 L 1.1 1.7 L 1.4 L - - - Spray rosettes before aerial growth commences. Sorrel 1.4 L 1.7 L 1.4 L - - - - Only moderately susceptible. Speedwell Ivy leaf - - 1.1 L - - - - - Spinyhead Sida - 1.8 L - 1.8 L - - - Spray seeding or young stages only Starburr - 1.8 L - 1.8 L - - - Spray before seeding, advanced stages susceptible. Spiny Emex (Doublegee) - - - 1.4 L - - - Only young plants are susceptible. Star of Bethlehem (Cupid’s Flower) - - - 1.8 L - - - Spray before seeding, advanced stages susceptible. Stinkwort - 800 mL - 1.4 L - - - - - - Storkbill (Erodium) - - - - 1.4 L - 1.6 - 3.2 L Sunflower (seedlings) 1.4 L 560 mL - 1.4 L - 900 mL - - - - Thistles: - Annual - - - - - 1.1 L - - - Californian - - - - 2.7 L - 3.2 - 3.8 L Repeated applications may be necessary (NSW, ACT and Tas only). 1.1 L 560 mL - 1.7 L 1.4 L 1.4 L 950 mL 1.1 L 1.1 - 1.7 L Low rate only sufficient to control weeds in crops at rosette stage when sprayed early. - Saffron Spray young rosettes. Spray seedlings to young rosettes. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 27 WEED TABLE (continued) AMINE 625 WEEDS APPLICATION RATE PER HECTARE CROP CRITICAL COMMENTS PASTURE Vic NSW, ACT SA Qld Tas WA NSW, ACT, SA, Qld, Tas only - 800 mL - 1.7 L - - 1.4 L - 1.1 L - Soldier 1.4 L - - - - - 1.1-1.6 L not NSW, ACT and Tas - Spear 560 mL - - - 1.4 L - 1.1 - 1.6 L Spray young rosettes. - - - - - - 1.6 3.2 L SA Only Use higher rate as flower stalk appears. - Variegated - 560 mL - 1.7 L - 900 mL 1.4 L - 1.1 - 1.7 L Spray at rosette stage. - Thornapple - 800 mL - 1.1 L - - - - 1.6 - 2.4 L not SA Spray seedlings only. Tridax (Tridax Daisy) - 1.8 L - 1.8 L - - - Turnip Weed/ Rapistrum - 560 mL - 1.1 L - 560 mL - 800 mL 560 mL 1.1 L Vetches/Tares 1.4 L - 1.1 L - - - - Wards Weed - - 1.1 L - - - - Wild Cabbage 1.4 L - - - - - - - Slender / Shore - Star Suppression only. Spray young rosette. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Spray seedling or young stages only. - Spray at multiple leaf stage. Spray multiple leaves. Wild Poppy 560 mL - - - - - 1.1 - 1.7 L Spray rosettes. Wild Radish 1.4 L 1.4 1.7 L 1.4 L 900 mL 1.4 L 800 mL 800 mL 1.1 L Spray up to young rosette stage. Wild Turnip 225 560mL 560 mL - 1.1 L 320 mL - 1.4 L 640 mL 560 mL 1.1 L Spray 2-4 leaf up to rosette stage. Plantback Periods (days) for Dow AgroSciences Amine 625 Herbicide CROP RATES Up to 560 mL/ha 560 mL - 1.1 L/ha 1.1- 1.7 L/ha Balansa Clover 7 7 10 Barley ❶ 1 1 3 Chickpeas ❷ 7 14 21 Cotton 10 14 21 Faba Beans 7 7 10 Field Peas 7 14 14 28 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Plantback Periods (days) for Dow AgroSciences Amine 625 Herbicide (continued) RATES Up to 560 mL/ha Lentils 7 560 mL - 1.1 L/ha 7 1.1- 1.7 L/ha 10 Linseed 7 7 14 Lucerne 7 7 10 Lupins ❹ 7 14 21 Medics l e b a L n e m i c e p S Narbon Beans 7 7 10 7 7 10 Navybean 10 10 14 Oats 3 3 7 Perennial Ryegrass 7 7 10 Persian Clover 7 7 10 Phalaris 7 7 10 Canola / Rapeseed ❷ 14 21 28 Rice 7 7 14 Safflower ❷ 7 14 21 Sorghum ❸ 3 7 10 Soybean 14 14 21 Sub-Clover 7 7 10 Sunflower ❸ 7 10 14 Triticale ❶ 1 3 7 Vetch AMINE 625 CROP 7 7 10 Wheat ❶ 1 3 7 White Clover 7 7 10 IMPORTANT: WHEN APPLIED TO DRY SOILS AT LEAST 15 mm OF RAIN MUST FALL PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE PLANT BACK PERIOD. NOTES: ❶ In Queensland, no rainfall is required to fall prior to commencement of Plantback Period for wheat, barley and triticale. ❷ In Queensland, planting of canola / rapeseed, chickpeas and safflower must be delayed for at least 14 days following rainfall of at least 15 mm. ❸ In Central Queensland, when using 800 mL/ha or less of Amine 625 the Plantback Period for sorghum and sunflower is 1 day irrespective of rainfall. ❹ In WA the Plantback Period for lupins at all rates is 28 days. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 29 AMINE 625 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Before opening, carefully read DIRECTIONS FOR USE, PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON TARGET PLANTS, SAFETY DIRECTIONS and FIRST AID Instructions. APPLICATION INFORMATION BOOM SPRAYING – Use 30-120 L/ha of water. AERIAL SPRAYING – Use 10-90 L/ha of water. HIGH VOLUME SPRAYING – Use 1500-2500 L/ha of water. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND USAGE COMPATIBILITY This product may be tank mixed with dicamba, diuron (500 g/L or 900 g/kg), Garlon™ 600, chlorsulfuron, atrazine 900 g/kg, atrazine 600 g/L, paraquat, Grazon™ Extra, Spray•Seed®, Starane™ Advanced, Tordon™ 75-D, methabenzthiazuron® and propiconazole 250 g/L. 1. As formulations of other manufacturers’ products are beyond the control of Dow AgroSciences all mixtures should be tested on a small scale before mixing in the spray tank. 2. Tank mixing instructions: Fill the spray tank 1/4 full of water and agitate. Add wettable powders and water dispersible granules first. Agitate until these are uniformly dispersed, meanwhile adding water until the tank is 90% full. Add suspension concentrates (flowables) then soluble concentrates. Emulsifiable concentrates go in last. Top off the tank with water and continue agitation until all the ingredients are properly mixed. Observe any mixing sequence instructions mentioned on the tank mix products. RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Dow AgroSciences Amine 625 Herbicide is a member of the Phenoxys group of herbicides. Amine 625 has the disruptors of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management Amine 625 is a Group I herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to Amine 625 and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by amine 625 or other Group I herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Amine 625 to control resistant weeds. 30 DO NOT spray in high winds. DO NOT spray cereals if lucerne is present. DO NOT spray crops or weeds outside the stages indicated in "CRITICAL COMMENTS" as damage, loss of yield or inadequate weed control may result. Drift Warning: DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. Avoid spray drift onto susceptible crops such as cotton, tobacco, tomatoes, vines, fruit trees, vegetables, legume crops and pastures, oilseed crops and susceptible trees (e.g. Kurrajongs, Belahs and Eucalypts). DO NOT use unless wind speed is more than 3 kilometres per hour and less than 15 kilometres per hour, as measured at the application site. DO NOT apply with smaller than coarse to very coarse spray droplets according to the ASABE S572 definition for standard nozzles. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Equipment that has been used for this chemical should not be used for the application of other materials to sensitive plants, unless it has been well washed out with hot soapy water or 1% solution of ammonia, followed by several clear water rinses. NOTE: PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK Low hazard to bees. May be applied at any time as recommended in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEA AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used container. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for AMINE 625 HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 61117/1008 l e b a L n e m i c e p S SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Poisonous if swallowed. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • DO NOT inhale spray mist. • When preparing spray, wear PVC or rubber apron, elbow length PVC gloves and face shield. • When using the prepared spray, wear face shield. • If product on skin, immediately wash area with soap and water. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms, and face thoroughly with soap and water. • After each day's use wash gloves, face shield and contaminated clothing. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 31 AMINE 625 SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Applaud abe L n e m i c e p S APPLAUD ® ® Insecticide Insecticide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 440 g/L BUPROFEZIN ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 440 g/L BUPROFEZIN For the control of red scale and white louse scale, jassids (leafhoppers) and longtail, citrus For the control ofmealybugs red scale and whitecrops; louse mealybugs scale, jassids (leafhoppers) and mealybugs longtail, citrus and citrophilous in citrus in grapes and pears; citrophilous mealybugs custard in citrusapples crops;and mealybugs in grapes and pears; and scales in persimmons, passionfruit and mango scalemealybugs in mangos as and scalesininthe persimmons, custard specified Directions for Use. apples and passionfruit and mango scale in mangos as specified in the Directions for Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER TOLL FREE 1-800of700 096 Nohyaku Co Ltd ® Applaud isSERVICE the Registered Trademark Nihon Applaud is of theThe Registered Trademark of Nihon Nohyaku Ltd ® Trademark Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or anCoaffiliated company of Dow ® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 32 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DIRECTIONS FOR USE (All States) RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply by air. DO NOT apply apply more than twice per year in any crop. Wine grapes: DO NOT apply later than 80% capfall. In the following table, all rates are given for dilute spraying. For concentrate spraying refer to the “Concentrate Spraying” Section. TREE AND VINE CROPS Citrus including: Oranges Lemons Mandarins Grapefruit Limes INSECT PEST RATE/100 L WATER CRITICAL COMMENTS Red scale, White louse scale, Longtail mealybug, Citrus mealybug, Citrophilous mealybug 30 - 60 mL Scales: Apply when there is heavy crawler emergence, particularly in late summer. Where the infestation is severe, a second application may be required 14 - 28 days later. Applaud® Insecticide works best in an integrated pest management (IPM) programme where parasites such as Aphytis spp. are active. Mealybugs: Apply if thresholds are exceeded in spring-summer. Repeat after 21 - 28 days if necessary. Rate: Use the high rate when heavy infestations of the pests occur and/or where IPM systems have not effectively managed pest populations. Jassids (leafhoppers) 30 mL Apply when thresholds are exceeded in January and again in February if required. Apply when juvenile stages predominate. Custard apples Mealybugs, Scale insects 30 - 60 mL Apply a maximum of two sprays per season, 21 days apart, as a high volume cover spray to run-off using air blast or high volume hydraulic nozzles. Grapes Longtail mealybug and Tuber mealybug 30 - 60 mL Apply twice, 14 - 21 days apart, starting when the first emergence of crawlers is observed. Use the high rate when heavy infestations occur and/or where IPM systems have not effectively managed pest populations. Mangos Mango scale 60 mL Passion fruit Mealybugs, Scale insects 30 - 60 mL Apply a maximum of two sprays per season, 21 days apart when significant pest infestations develop. Apply as a high volume cover spray to run-off using air blast or high volume hydraulic nozzles. Pears Longtail mealybug 30 - 60 mL Apply twice, 10 - 14 days apart between swollen bud and the end of flowering in sufficient volume to ensure the bark is soaked, with thorough coverage to the point of run-off. Use the high rate when heavy infestations occur and/or where IPM systems have not effectively managed pest populations, particularly under harsh environmental conditions. Persimmons Mealybugs, Scale insects 60 mL APPLAUD l e b a L n e m i c e p S Monitor scales and apply when the majority of crawlers have emerged. This usually coincides with tree flushing after harvest and in spring when fruit are 1.5 to 2.0 cm across. A repeat application within 14 - 28 days may be necessary. DO NOT use mineral oils as fruit blotching may occur. Apply a maximum of two sprays per season, 14 days apart. Apply when the first batch of scale or mealybug crawlers occur after winter. NOTE: To optimise control of mealybugs in most crops it is critical to time treatment to coincide with the first emergence of crawlers. If it is intended to release Cryptolaemus ladybeetles as part of an IPM system, the last application of Applaud should be made no later than 60 days before the anticipated release date. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 33 WITHHOLDING PERIODS (HARVEST): Passion Fruit: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 1 DAY AFTER APPLICATION Custard Apple: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 2 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION Citrus, Mango & Persimmon: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 4 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION Pears & Table Grapes: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 8 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION l e b a L n e m i c e p S Wine Grapes: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED (i.e. DO NOT apply Applaud after 80% capfall). Crops such as table grapes grown for export may require a longer interval before harvest to comply with residue standards of importing countries. Please check with your exporter before using Applaud Insecticide. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS APPLAUD EXAMPLE ONLY 1. Dilute spray volume as determined above: For example 1500 L/ha 2. Your chosen concentrate spray volume: For example 500 L/ha 3. The concentration factor in this example is: 3 X (ie 1500 L ÷ 500 L = 3) 4. As the lower dilute label rate is 30 mL/100 L, then the corresponding concentrate rate becomes 3 x 30, that is 90 mL/100 L of concentrate spray. The chosen spray volume, amount of product per 100 L of water, and the sprayer set up and operation may need to be changed as the crop grows. Do not use a concentrate rate higher than that specified in the Critical Comments. For further information on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult relevant industry guidelines, undertake appropriate competency training and follow Industry Best Practices. Application Instructions: Citrus Only Apply Applaud Insecticide in sufficient water to ensure complete wetting of all surfaces. Oscillating booms A spray volume of 7,000 to 12,000 L water/ha should be used for trees up to 5m high. To optimise control the following application procedures are recommended: a) ground speed 2.3 to 2.75 km/h b) pump pressure 3000 to 5000 kPa c) oscillation rate 90 - 110 oscillations per minute d) spray pattern adjacent cones marrying at about 1.75 m (i.e. narrow cone angle, but the maximum angle consistent with good tree penetration). e) agitation 1 large paddle per 500 L; paddles should clear the bottom of the vat by about 10 mm and should have the same orientation. f) boom set set angle of top to match tree size. Airblast sprayers Airblast sprayers may be used for control of jassids/ leafhoppers, but are less suitable for control of scales and mealy bugs. For jassid control, use spray volumes of approximately 5000 L/ha. Mixing/Application Prior to pouring, shake container vigorously, then add the required quantity of Applaud Insecticide to water in the spray vat while stirring or with agitators in motion. Dilute Spraying Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of run-off and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of run-off. Avoid excessive run-off. The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice. Add the amount of product specified in the Directions for Use table for each 100 L of water. Spray to the point of run-off. The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set up and operation may also need to be changed, as the crop grows. Concentrate Spraying Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying (that is a sprayer which applies water volumes less than those required to reach the point of run-off) and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen water volume. Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (see Dilute Spraying above) for the crop canopy. This is needed to calculate the concentrate mixing rate. The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following way: 34 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 COMPATIBILITY Applaud Insecticide is compatible with Dithane™ Rainshield™ Neo Tec™ Fungicide and a number of other agricultural chemicals commonly used on the same crops. Please contact your supplier or Dow AgroSciences representative for further information on compatibility. Applaud Insecticide is not compatible with Sacoa BioPest® Oil or with products that are highly alkaline or highly acidic. CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT PROTECTION OF NON-TARGET INSECTS After using Applaud Insecticide, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the tank using a pressure hose, drain the tank and clean all filters in the tank, pump, lines and nozzles. After cleaning the tank and filters as above, quarter fill the tank with clean water and circulate through the pumps, lines, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area, or if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from plants and water courses. Applaud Insecticide at label rates of 30 to 60 mL/100 L water has been demonstrated to be safe to a range of predatory and beneficial insects including bumblebees and honeybees, parasitoid wasps such as Aphytis lignanensis, Leptomastix dactylopii and Encarsia spp., predatory mites such as Phytoseiulus persimilis and Typhlodromus occidentalis and the green lacewing (Mallada signatus). Applaud Insecticide has no significant effect on adult ladybeetles but is known to be toxic to early instars of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri, Chilocorus circumdatus and Harmonia conformis. Applaud Insecticide may also affect egg hatch of these species for 2 to 3 weeks after application. l e b a L n e m i c e p S INSECTICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING For insecticide resistance management Applaud is a Group 16 insecticide. To minimise the risk of resistance developing, a total of no more than two applications of Applaud Insecticide should be made on a crop per season. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Applaud and other Group 16 insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if Applaud or other Group 16 insecticides are used repeatedly. The effectiveness of Applaud on resistant individuals could be significantly reduced. Since occurrence of resistant individuals is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Applaud to control resistant insects. Applaud may be subject to specific resistance management strategies. For further information contact your local supplier, Dow AgroSciences representative or call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096. PRECAUTIONS Re-entry Period: DO NOT enter treated areas without protective clothing until the spray has dried. PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NONTARGET PLANTS DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment, that may cause spray to drift onto nearby plants/ crops, cropping lands or pastures. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK Keep out of reach of children. Store in the closed, original container in a cool wellventilated area. Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near foodstuffs, fertilisers or seed. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. SMALL SPILL MANAGEMENT Wear protective equipment (see SAFETY DIRECTIONS). Apply absorbent material such as earth, sand, clay granules or cat litter to the spill. When absorption is completed, sweep up material and contain in a refuse vessel for disposal (see STORAGE AND DISPOSAL section). If necessary wash the spill area with an alkali detergent and water and absorb the wash liquid for disposal as described above. DO NOT allow stock to graze grasses or weeds under treated trees. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. May be toxic to crustaceans. Runoff from treated areas should be prevented from entering waterways. DO NOT apply if heavy rain is imminent. Irrigation should not take place within 24 hours of treatment. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 35 APPLAUD STORAGE AND DISPOSAL SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Will irritate the eyes. • Avoid contact with eyes. • Wash hands after use. • When opening the container, preparing spray and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls, over normal clothing, buttoned to the neck and wrist, a washable hat and elbow-length PVC gloves. • After each day’s use, wash gloves, and contaminated clothing. FIRST AID l e b a L n e m i c e p S If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET APPLAUD Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for APPLAUD® INSECTICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® Applaud is the Registered Trademark of Nihon Nohyaku Co Ltd ® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow Made in Japan APVMA Approval No: 51547/0905 36 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 BARNSTORM CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Barnstorm abe L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 285 g/L CYHALOFOP BUTYL ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 607 285 g/L LIQUID CYHALOFOP BUTYL SOLVENT: HYDROCARBON SOLVENT: 607 g/L LIQUID HYDROCARBON For post-emergent control of barnyard grasses and silver top in rice as specified in the For post-emergent Directions for Use. control of barnyard grasses and silver top in rice as specified in the Directions for Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 0032086 771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 37 BARNSTORM DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply if crop or weeds are stressed due to periods of extreme cold, dry conditions, poor nutrition or previous herbicide treatment as a reduced level of control may result. DO NOT apply directly into floodwater either by SCWIIRT (Soluble Chemical Water Injection into Rice Technique) or the aerial Bickley Boom. Apply only as a foliar spray. DO NOT treat weeds if mud, cracks or firm soil have appeared throughout fields prior to treatment, as poor control will result due to moisture stress. CROP/SITUATION: Barnstorm Herbicide may be applied to any direct seeded rice crop (combine sown, sodseeded, dry broadcast sown followed by flooding and aerial sown into flooded bays) from the 1-2 leaf stage up to late tillering of the rice. Within these rice stages, choose the rate and timing as required by the growth stage of the target weeds (see below). l e b a L n e m i c e p S WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE (L/ha) CRITICAL COMMENTS Always use Integrated Weed Management (IWM) practices for best weed control and to limit development of weed resistance. For best IWM, the application of alternate mode of action grass herbicides as a pre-plant, pre-emergence and/or at sowing treatment prior to Barnstorm is recommended. Barnyard grasses (Echinochloa spp.) Silver top (Leptochloa fusca) Barnyard grasses (Echinochloa spp.) 3 to 5 leaf 0.75 - 1 L/ha + 1 L/ha Uptake™ Spraying Oil 1 to 2 tillers (early tillering) 1 L/ha + 1 L/ha Uptake™ Spraying Oil 3 to 4 tillers (mid tillering) 1-1.5 L/ha + 1 L/ha Uptake™ Spraying Oil Barnstorm Herbicide must be applied directly to the foliage of actively growing weeds by aircraft or ground boom equipment. Apply post-flooding. Water must be at least 1-2 cm deep in fields at spraying to ensure active growth of weeds and sufficient exposure of weeds to allow coverage by the foliar spray. See under General Instructions – Water Management. Commence reflooding after 2 hours and fill as soon as possible to limit germination of new weeds and maximise weed control. Only use 0.75L/ha for 3-5 leaf weeds when light weed infestations, excellent soil moisture and good crop competition is present. Use the 1L/ha rate if any of these conditions are not present at treatment time. Use 1.5 L/ha to treat larger weeds. Only weed suppression (reduced seedset) will be obtained if Barnstorm is applied to advanced grass weeds (5 tiller or larger), high weed densities and/or moisture stressed weeds. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. HARVEST WITHHOLDING PERIOD: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. GRAZING WITHHOLDING PERIOD: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 8 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. DRAINAGE WITHHOLDING PERIOD: DO NOT drain water into regional drains within 7 days after Barnstorm Herbicide application or as defined by the local irrigation authority, whichever is the greater time period. 38 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 sufficient solution for immediate use. Barnstorm and any other tank mixes should be applied immediately for best results. Barnstorm Herbicide is a member of the aryloxyphenoxy propionate group of herbicides. The product has the acetyl CoA carboxylase inhibitor mode of action. For weed resistance management Barnstorm Herbicide is a Group A herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group A herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by the product or other Group A herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of the product to control resistant weeds. APPLICATION Aerial Application conditions - DO NOT apply under hot, dry conditions which could adversely affect spray deposition on the target weeds. Spray volume - Apply by an accurately calibrated aircraft using a minimum water volume of 40 L/ha for early season application to pretillered weeds when rice canopy is open and light. Later in the season when rice canopy is closed over and heavy, use 80 L/ha or more to achieve effective spray coverage of tillered weeds. Spray quality - Aim to apply medium quality spray (BCPC/ ASABE S-572), throughout the season. Mixing for odd shaped rice bays - ensure the area to be treated receives the full recommended rate after allowing for spray out of headlands, banks or other obstacles and clean up runs. To achieve this Barnstorm Herbicide rate may need to be increased by 10%. Swath width - Do not exceed the optimum swath width recommended for the particular make and model of the aircraft to minimise the likelihood of striping and poorer control. Precautionary Statement: DO NOT use human flaggers/ markers unless they are protected by engineering controls such as enclosed cabs. Ground Apply using a vehicle mounted boom to enable application when floodwater is present, using a minimum water volume of 100 L/ha. Sprayers should aim to apply medium quality spray based on BCPC specifications and in accordance with ASABE S-572. l e b a L n e m i c e p S GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Barnstorm Herbicide is a post-emergence foliar herbicide for selective control of specific grass weeds in drilled and water seeded rice. Barnstorm Herbicide does not provide pre-emergence or soil residual weed control. Only actively growing grass weeds already emerged at the time of treatment are controlled. Barnstorm Herbicide will not control broadleaf weeds or sedges. WATER MANAGEMENT There must be at least 1 to 2 cm of water in fields at spraying to ensure active growth of weeds while allowing adequate exposure of weeds to the foliar spray. Use steel wheeled tractor, all wheel drive motorbike (or similar) ground boom sprayers or aeroplanes to ensure Barnstorm is applied when water is present in fields to be treated. For 3-5 leaf weeds, ensure that 75% of foliage is exposed above floodwater. For 1-2 tiller weeds, tillers and 75% of foliage must be exposed above floodwater. DO NOT treat weeds if mud, cracks or firm soil have appeared throughout fields prior to treatment, as poor control will result due to moisture stress. For 3-5 leaf weeds ensure that 75% of foliage is exposed above floodwater and for 1-2 tiller weeds all tillers and 75% of foliage must be exposed above floodwater. MIXING Add water to the spray tank to 10 cm above the level of agitation and ensure the agitation device is working vigorously. If tank mixing, firstly add any soluble liquid formulations and allow agitation for approximately one minute. Then add Barnstorm at the point where agitation is strongest. Allow further agitation for one minute. Half fill the spray tank. If using wettable powder or water dispersible granules, or other emulsifiable concentration formulations (e.g. Lorsban™ 500 EC Insecticide) these should be added after the Barnstorm to the half-full spray tank, ensuring vigorous agitation. Finally add Uptake™ Spraying Oil and continue filling the tank to the required volume, maintaining agitation at all times. Only mix COMPATIBILITY Barnstorm Herbicide can be tank mixed with Lorsban™ 500 EC Insecticide or with the herbicide pendimethalin. DO NOT apply Barnstorm as a tank mix with MCPA, Basagran® M60, bensulfuron methyl or carfentrazone as reduced grass weed control will occur. If these products are to be used in the same spray program as Barnstorm, separate applications by at least 7 days. ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® Basagran M60 Herbicide Registered trademark of BASF Australia Ltd CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT If broadleaf herbicides, particularly sulfonylureas, have been used in the spray equipment at any time prior to use of Barnstorm, particular care should be taken to follow the directions on the relevant broadleaf herbicide label for equipment cleaning, or damage to the rice may occur. After using Barnstorm, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the tank using a pressure hose, drain the tank and clean any filters in the tank, pump, line and nozzles. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 39 BARNSTORM RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING BARNSTORM To rinse: After cleaning the tank as above, quarter fill the tank with clean water and circulate through the pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. To decontaminate: Before spraying other cereals, maize, sorghum or other sensitive crops, wash the tank and rinse the system as above. Then quarter fill the tank and add an alkali detergent at 500 mL/100 L of water or the powder equivalent at 500 g/100 L of water, and circulate throughout the system for at least fifteen minutes. Drain the whole system. Remove filters and nozzles and clean them separately. Finally flush the system with clean water and allow to drain. Chlorine-based cleaners are not recommended. Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area, or if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and water sources. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed original container in a cool, wellventilated area. Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near feedstuffs, fertilisers or seeds. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. l e b a L n e m i c e p S RE-ENTRY PERIOD DO NOT allow entry into treated areas for irrigation and scouting until the spray has dried unless wearing cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and chemical resistant gloves. Hand harvesting should not be allowed for 5 days after product application. Clothing must be laundered after each day’s use. PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS Other cereals (eg. maize and sorghum) and grasses (eg. seed crops, turf) are highly sensitive to damage from Barnstorm Herbicide, as may be non-target native grasses/vegetation. Maintain a buffer zone of at least 50 m downwind from these for aerial applications. Peaches and nectarines are very sensitive to spotting from spray drift. Ensure that these crops are more than 5 kms downwind before spraying Barnstorm Herbicide by air and 200 m downwind when applying by ground. DO NOT rotate treated land to crops other than rice for 3 months after application. DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment, that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK DO NOT graze or cut treated crop for stock food except as specified under withholding periods. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT Barnstorm Herbicide is toxic to aquatic organisms. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used container. DO NOT drain water into regional drains within 7 days after Barnstorm Herbicide application or as defined by the local irrigation authority, which ever is the greater time period. 40 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 SMALL SPILL MANAGEMENT Wear protective equipment (see SAFETY DIRECTIONS section). Apply absorbent material such as earth, sand, cat litter or clay granules to the spill. When absorption is complete, sweep up material and contain in a refuse vessel for disposal (see STORAGE AND DISPOSAL section). If necessary wash the spill area with an alkali detergent and water and absorb this wash liquid for disposal as described above. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Will damage the eyes. • Will irritate the nose and throat and skin. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • Do not inhale vapour. • If product in eyes, wash it out immediately with water. • Wash hands after use. • When opening the container and preparing spray wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and a washable hat, goggles, elbow-length butyl rubber gloves and a disposable fume mask covering mouth and nose. • After each day’s use, wash gloves, goggles and contaminated clothing. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET BARNSTORM Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for BARNSTORM™ HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 58613/51146 l e b a L n e m i c e p S PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 41 READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Broadstrikeabe L n e m i c e p S BROADSTRIKE ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 800 g/kg FLUMETSULAM ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 800 g/kg FLUMETSULAM A water dispersible granule formulation for the post-emergence and salvage control of certain A water dispersible granulecereals formulation for the post-emergence andclover, salvage controlorofmedics); certain broadleaf weeds in winter (including those undersown with lucerne broadleaf weeds inlathyrus, winter cereals (including those undersown with clover, only) lucerne or crops medics); clover, fenugreek, lucerne, medic, serradella and vetch (Popany seed and clover, fenugreek, lathyrus, lucerne, medic, serradella (Popany only) seedcontrol crops and pastures; chickpeas, field peas, lentils, maize, peanuts;and andvetch for the pre-emergence of pastures; chickpeas, fieldinpeas, lentils, maize, peanuts; and for pre-emergence control of certain broadleaf weeds maize, pigeon peas and soybeans as the specified in the Directions For Use. certain broadleaf weeds in maize, pigeon peas and soybeans as specified in the Directions For Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 42 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply to plants which may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme temperature (less than 5ºC or greater than 30ºC), moisture stress (water-logged or drought affected), poor nutrition or previous herbicide treatment as reduced levels of control may result. DO NOT apply to plants which have suffered frosting for extended periods. Allow at least 2 days frost free prior to treatment. DO NOT apply post-emergence treatments if rain is likely within 4 hours. DO NOT irrigate (any method) treated crop or pasture for 48 hours after application. l e b a L n e m i c e p S DO NOT apply to crops affected by disease or by previous herbicide treatment (eg triazines or sulfonylureas). CROP GROWTH STAGES CROP TOLERANCE SPRAY ADDITIVES/TANK MIXES DO NOT use any spray additives, or tank mix any other chemicals with Broadstrike™ Herbicide when using on chickpeas or field peas. Chickpeas 4-6 branches (no later than 6 weeks after emergence) Broadstrike™ Herbicide usually causes some transient crop yellowing and can cause reddish discolouration and height suppression. Flowering may be delayed resulting in yield suppression. Field Peas 2 to 6 nodes (no later than 6 weeks after emergence) Broadstrike™ may cause transient crop yellowing and height suppression. On light soils in dry seasons flowering may be delayed resulting in yield suppression. Lentils 4-8 fully expanded leaves DO NOT apply later than 6 weeks after crop emergence Broadstrike™ may cause transient height reduction, crop discolouration and delayed flowering, although yields are normally unaffected. However, stress conditions after application (eg. frost, drought, nutrient deficiency, disease) may lengthen the time needed for lentils to recover. In seasons where a dry spring occurs, yields may be suppressed. Tank mixes with other products may result in growth suppression and delayed flowering which can result in yield suppression. Uptake™ Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L or BS-1000 at 200 mL/100 L may be applied with Broadstrike™ to lentils. Fenugreek Lathyrus Vetch (Popany only) 3 fully expanded leaves onwards Use Broadstrike or Broadstrike plus a wetter only. Tank mixtures with other herbicides are not recommended. Serradella 3 fully expanded leaves onwards Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L or BS-1000 at 200 mL/100 L may be applied with Broadstrike to serradella. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 43 BROADSTRIKE TABLE 1A: CHICKPEAS, FIELD PEAS, LENTILS, FENUGREEK, LATHYRUS, VETCH (POPANY only), and SERRADELLA TABLE 1B: WEEDS CONTROLLED OR SUPPRESSED IN TABLE 1A CROPS WEED WEED GROWTH STAGE Up To Leaf No. or Up To Plant size (cm) Amsinckia (Yellow burrweed) 10 leaf 10 cm diameter Ball mustard 6 leaf 5 cm diameter Charlock 8 leaf 10 cm diameter Indian hedge mustard 6 leaf 5 cm diameter Lupins 10 leaf 10 cm high Marshmallow (Small flowered mallow) 4 leaf 10 cm diameter Pheasant’s eye 8 leaf 10 cm diameter Shepherd’s purse 8 leaf 10 cm diameter Three-horned bedstraw 6 whorls 10 cm high Turnip weed 8 leaf 5 cm diameter Volunteer canola 8 leaf 10 cm diameter Ward’s weed 8 leaf 10 cm diameter Wild turnip 6 leaf 5 cm diameter RATE g/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS BROADSTRIKE CONTROLLED 44 25 Where recommended, use of either a wetter or Uptake Spraying Oil with Broadstrike will provide better weed control. l e b a L n e m i c e p S PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Spray charlock as soon as possible after the autumn break. Larger plants and any affected by stress or grazing prior to treatment may regrow and flower. TABLE 1B: WEEDS CONTROLLED OR SUPPRESSED IN TABLE 1A CROPS (continued) WEED WEED GROWTH STAGE Up To Leaf No. or Up To Plant size (cm) Capeweed (WA only) 4 leaf 10 cm diameter Doublegee (Spiny emex) (WA only) 4 leaf 10 cm diameter Wild radish 4 leaf RATE g/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS 25 Under ideal growing conditions, Broadstrike will provide useful suppression of capeweed and doublegee. SUPPRESSED Best results will be achieved when a preemergence herbicide has already been used. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Under ideal growing conditions, Broadstrike without an adjuvant will give a biomass reduction of 50% - 70% of wild radish. Surviving plants may flower and set viable seed. Best results will occur with treatment in conditions of >5ºC with bright sunny conditions and use of higher water rates of 75-100 L/ha with fine-medium quality spray droplets to get excellent spray coverage. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 BROADSTRIKE 5 cm diameter 45 BROADSTRIKE TABLE 2A: WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, TRITICALE, CEREAL RYE (INCLUDING THOSE UNDERSOWN WITH CLOVER, LUCERNE OR MEDICS), CLOVER, LUCERNE AND MEDIC CROPS AND MIXED GRASSES/LEGUME PASTURES CROP/SITUATION GROWTH STAGES Wheat 3 leaf until start of jointing (Zadoks 13-31) Barley Oats Mid-tillering to start of jointing (Zadoks 23-31) SPRAY ADDITIVES/TANK MIXES Always apply with Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L or a 100% concentrate non-ionic wetting agent such as BS-1000 at 200 mL/100 L. Transient stem shortening and crop discolouration may occur, although yields are normally unaffected. Where barley and oats are undersown, a vigorous legume component may lengthen the time needed for the cereal to recover, especially if the cereal is stressed by lack of moisture, trace element deficiency or disease. In severe cases, yields may be suppressed. Use only with a wetting agent such as BS-1000 when either applying Broadstrike alone or with partner products in barley and oats. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Stirling barley (WA only) Apply no earlier than Zadoks 31. Triticale Cereal rye Mid-tillering to start of jointing (Zadoks 23-31) Medic, lucerne, and clover seed crops, and pastures, including; Barrel medic Snail medic Spineless burr medic Subterranean clover White clover 2 to 3 trifoliate leaves onwards Grazing lucerne – high rate 4 trifoliate leaves onwards Fence lines, Stock camps, Stockyards, Commercial areas and pastures including medic, lucerne and clover pastures. 2 to 3 trifoliate leaves onwards (see crop tolerance) 46 CROP TOLERANCE Always apply with Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L or a 100% concentrate non-ionic wetting agent such as BS-1000 at 200 mL/100 L. Medic, lucerne and subterranean clover - When Broadstrike is applied at 25 g/ha + Uptake or wetter, yield reduction may occur when treating Serena or Paraggio medic or Nungarin sub-clover. DO NOT apply to lucerne seed crops less than 8 weeks before flowering. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Always apply with Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L or a 100% concentrate non-ionic wetting agent such as BS-1000 at 200 mL/100 L. In lucerne DO NOT use with MCPA. In medics DO NOT use with MCPA. Use the 50 g/ha rate in grazing lucerne only. DO NOT apply at 50 g/ha to lucerne used for seed production. Use Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L. TABLE 2A: WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, TRITICALE, CEREAL RYE (INCLUDING THOSE UNDERSOWN WITH CLOVER, LUCERNE OR MEDICS), CLOVER, LUCERNE AND MEDIC CROPS AND MIXED GRASSES/LEGUME PASTURES (continued) CROP/SITUATION GROWTH STAGES CROP TOLERANCE SPRAY ADDITIVES/TANK MIXES SALVAGE SPRAY Cereals: Wheat Barley Oats Triticale Cereal rye Flowering (anthesis) to early dough (Zadoks, 61-83) Pastures Lucerne Clover Medics Advanced seedlings or re-growth after cutting or grazing. Do not use more than 25 g/ha PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 BROADSTRIKE l e b a L n e m i c e p S 47 TABLE 2B: WEEDS CONTROLLED IN TABLE 2A CROPS BROADSTRIKE WEED WEED GROWTH STAGE Up To Leaf No. or Up To Plant size (cm) Amsinckia (Yellow burrweed) 10 leaf 10 cm diameter Ball mustard 6 leaf 5 cm diameter Buchan weed 8 leaf 10 cm diameter RATE g/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS 25 + Uptake or wetter Lucerne and/or clover only 25 + wetter + 2,4-DB (500 g/L) 1.5-2.5 L/ha l e b a L n e m i c e p S Grazing lucerne only 50 + Uptake or wetter Use the 50 g/ha rate in grazing lucerne only and apply from 4 trifoliate leaves onwards. DO NOT apply at 50 g/ha to lucerne used for seed production. Calepina (White ball mustard) 8 leaf 10 cm diameter 25 + Uptake or wetter Capeweed 4 leaf 10 cm diameter 25 + Uptake or wetter + 700 mL/ha bromoxynil (200 g/L) or 25 + wetter + diuron (500 g/L) 100 mL/ha Optimum results are obtained in a competitive pasture. For best results follow up with moderate grazing two weeks after application. In pasture, spray as soon as possible after the autumn break. Larger plants and any affected by stress or grazing prior to treatment may re-grow and flower. Charlock 8 leaf 10 cm diameter 25 + Uptake or wetter Spray as soon as possible after the autumn break. Larger plants and any affected by stress or grazing prior to treatment may re-grow and flower. Cotula (WA only) 4 leaf 10 cm diameter 25 + Uptake or wetter Use Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L or wetting agent such as BS-1000 at 200 mL/100 L. 48 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 TABLE 2B: WEEDS CONTROLLED IN TABLE 2A CROPS (continued) WEED Doublegee (Spiny emex) WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE g/ha Up To Leaf No. or Up To Plant size (cm) 4 leaf 10 cm diameter 25 + wetter + diuron (500 g/L) 100 mL/ha 6 leaf 15 cm diameter 25 + Uptake or wetter + 700 mL/ha bromoxynil (200 g/L) CRITICAL COMMENTS Optimum results are obtained in a competitive pasture. For best results follow up with moderate grazing two weeks after application. In pasture, spray as soon as possible after the autumn break. Larger plants and any affected by stress or grazing prior to treatment may re-grow and flower. Broadstrike + bromoxynil tank mix – use Uptake Spraying oil or a wetter. l e b a L n e m i c e p S or 25 + wetter + 2,4-DB (500 g/L) 1.5-2.5 L/ha or Broadstrike + 2,4-DB or Broadstrike + diuron tank mixes – only use a wetter. BROADSTRIKE 25 + wetter + diuron (500 g/L) 1 L/ha for Mature lucerne only Dwarf marigold (Poverty weed) 10 leaf 15 cm high 15 + Uptake or wetter Fat hen 15 leaf 20 cm high Spring/summer pasture and lucerne only. 25 + Uptake or wetter Spring and summer pasture and lucerne application only. Grazing lucerne only 50 + Uptake or wetter Use the 50 g/ha rate in grazing lucerne only and apply from 4 trifoliate leaves onwards. DO NOT apply at 50 g/ha to lucerne used for seed production. Fumitory 6 leaf 8 cm diameter 25 + 300 mL/ha terbutryn (500 g/L) + wetter Hedge mustard Indian hedge mustard 8 leaf 10 cm diameter 25 + Uptake Lupins 10 leaf 10 cm high 25 + Uptake or wetter WA blue and narrow leaf lupins (WA only) 4 to 8 leaf Broadstrike + terbutryn tank mixes – only use a wetter. Note: This mixture is only approved for use in NSW, Vic and Tasmania on pastures. 10 + Uptake or wetter PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 49 TABLE 2B: WEEDS CONTROLLED IN TABLE 2A CROPS (continued) WEED Marshmallow (Small flowered mallow) seedlings WEED GROWTH STAGE Up To Leaf No. or Up To Plant size (cm) 4 leaf 10 cm diameter RATE g/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS 25 + Uptake or wetter Broadstrike + MCPA/terbutryn or Broadstrike + bromoxynil-MCPA tank mixes – only use a wetter. Only use bromoxynil/MCPA and terbutryn + MCPA mixes in cereals that are NOT undersown with clovers, medics or lucerne. or 15 + wetter + 700 mL/ha bromoxynil-MCPA (200 g/L + 200 g/L), l e b a L n e m i c e p S or BROADSTRIKE 15 + wetter + 350 mL/ha terbutryn (500 g/L) + 700 mL/ha MCPA amine (500 g/L) 10 leaf Paterson’s curse (Salvation Jane) 8 leaf 20 cm diameter 10 cm diameter 25 + wetter + 2,4-DB (500 g/L) 1.5-2.5 L/ha For older plants see Weeds Suppressed. Broadstrike + 2,4-DB tank mixes – only use a wetter. Grazing lucerne only 50 + Uptake or wetter Use the 50 g/ha rate in grazing lucerne only and apply from 4 trifoliate leaves onwards. DO NOT apply at 50 g/ha to lucerne used for seed production. 25 + Uptake or wetter + 700 mL/ha bromoxynil bromoxynil (200 g/L) In pasture, larger plants and any affected by stress or grazing prior to treatment may regrow and flower. For best results follow up with moderate grazing two weeks after application. With terbutryn, apply in a minimum spray volume of 100 L/ha from the ground or 50 L/ha from aircraft. or 25 + wetter + terbutryn (500 g/L) 300 mL/ha or 25 + wetter + diuron (500 g/L) 1L/ha + for Mature lucerne only 50 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Broadstrike + diuron tank mixes – only use a wetter. TABLE 2B: WEEDS CONTROLLED IN TABLE 2A CROPS (continued) WEED Peppercress seedlings WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE g/ha Up To Leaf No. or Up To Plant size (cm) 8 leaf 10 cm diameter 25 + Uptake or wetter 10 leaf 15 cm diameter 25 + wetter + 2,4-DB (500 g/L) 1.5-2.5 L/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS l e b a L n e m i c e p S 7 leaf 10 cm high Shepherd’s purse 8 leaf 10 cm diameter Three-horned bedstraw 6 whorls 10 cm high Turnip weed 8 leaf 5 cm diameter 15 + Uptake or wetter 12 leaf 10 cm diameter 25 + Uptake or wetter 8 leaf 10 cm diameter Volunteer canola Ward’s weed 25 + Uptake or wetter PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 BROADSTRIKE Pheasant’s eye 51 TABLE 2B: WEEDS CONTROLLED IN TABLE 2A CROPS (continued) WEED Wild radish WEED GROWTH STAGE Up To Leaf No. or Up To Plant size (cm) 6 leaf 15 cm diameter RATE g/ha 25 + Uptake or wetter + 700 mL ha bromoxynil (200 g/L) or When conditions at spraying are less than ideal (see RESTRAINTS above), or when the crop is not competitive, some radish plants may survive to flower and set viable seed. l e b a L n e m i c e p S 25 + wetter + MCPA amine (500 g/L) 500 mL/ha or BROADSTRIKE CRITICAL COMMENTS Wild radish (cereals) 6 leaf 15 cm diameter DO NOT use MCPA amine in cereals undersown with clover, medics or lucerne. 25 + wetter + diuron (500 g/L) 1 L/ha for Mature lucerne only In lucerne DO NOT use MCPA. In medics DO NOT use MCPA. Broadstrike + MCPA amine tank mixes – use Uptake Spraying Oil or a wetter. 15 + wetter + 700 mL/ha bromoxynil/MCPA (200 g/L + 200 g/L) Broadstrike + MCPA/terbutryn or Broadstrike + bromoxynil/MCPA tank mixes – only use a wetter. or DO NOT use MCPA amine or MCPA amine + terbutryn in cereals undersown with clover, medics or lucerne. 15 + Uptake or wetter + 700 mL/ha MCPA amine (500 g/L) or 15 + wetter + 700 mL/ha MCPA amine (500 g/L) + 350 mL/ha terbutryn (500 g/L) Wild turnip 10 leaf 10 cm diameter 25 + Uptake or wetter Wireweed 10 leaf 15 cm diameter Pasture and lucerne only 25 + wetter + 2,4-DB (500 g/L) 1.5-2.5 L/ha 52 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Undersown clovers and lucerne, spring and summer sown pasture and lucerne crops only. TABLE 2C: WEEDS SUPPRESSED IN TABLE 2A CROPS WEED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE g/ha Up To Leaf No. or Up To Plant size (cm) Buchan weed 8 leaf 10 cm diameter 25 + Uptake or wetter Deadnettle 6 leaf 5 cm diameter 25 + wetter + 2,4-DB (500 g/L) 1.5-2.5 L/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Broadstrike + 2,4-DB tank mixes – only use a wetter. l e b a L n e m i c e p S 4 leaf 10 cm diameter 25 + Uptake or wetter 6 leaf 15 cm diameter Grazing lucerne only 50 + Uptake or wetter 5-8 leaf 10 cm diameter 25 + Uptake or wetter New Zealand spinach 4 leaf 5 cm diameter Paterson’s curse (Salvation Jane) 8 leaf 10 cm diameter Peppercress 10 leaf 15 cm diameter Stagger weed 6 leaf 5 cm diameter 25 + wetter + 2,4-DB (500 g/L) 1.5-2.5 L/ha Wild radish 4 leaf 5 cm diameter 25 + Uptake or wetter Marshmallow (Small flowered mallow) Use the 50 g/ha rate in grazing lucerne only and apply from 4 trifoliate leaves onwards. DO NOT apply at 50 g/ha to lucerne intended for seed production. BROADSTRIKE Doublegee (Spiny emex) Broadstrike + 2,4-DB tank mixes – only use a wetter. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 53 TABLE 3: SALVAGE SPRAY IN WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, TRITICALE, CEREAL RYE, MIXED GRASS/LEGUME PASTURES, LUCERNE, CLOVER AND MEDICS WEED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE g/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Wild radish Turnip weed Paterson’s curse Early flowering of the youngest weeds to early pod formation of the oldest weeds 25 or 50 + Uptake or wetter Use 50 g/ha only in established grazing lucerne clover, medic and legume/grass pastures Use Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L or wetting agent such as BS-1000 at 200 mL/100 L. For prevention of wild radish and turnip weed seed set, apply in a minimum spray volume of 100 L/ha from the ground or 50 L/ha from aircraft. Some re-growth may occur when wet conditions prevail after treatment. Do not use this technique if you have already applied a Group B herbicide to the crop or pasture this season. Only use this salvage spray technique with Broadstrike once per cropping cycle to minimise the development of herbicide resistance. If you suspect herbicide resistance in broadleaved weeds do not use this technique. DO NOT use a Broadstrike salvage spray in pastures for seed production. WARNING: Weeds that have not started to flower at application time may not be controlled by the salvage spray technique. For wild radish, time treatment to coincide with green, soft pods prior to embryo maturation in seeds. Squeeze pod between finger nails to see if any “green/white seeds” are present. Best time to treat is before seeds are visible. Use 50 g/ha only in established grazing lucerne clover, medic and legume/grass pastures. BROADSTRIKE l e b a L n e m i c e p S TABLE 4: AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS WEED WEED GROWTH STAGE Caltrop Capeweed Marshmallow (Small flowered mallow) (suppression) Paterson’s curse (Salvation Jane) Wild radish Rosette stage prior to running up to flower 54 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 RATE Spot spray: 25 g/100 L CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply to actively growing rosettes. To ensure complete coverage, spray to the point of runoff. Use Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L. TABLE 5A: SEED CROPS (Tasmania only): SUBTERRANEAN CLOVER, RED CLOVER, WHITE CLOVER, ARROWLEAF CLOVER AND LUCERNE CROP Seed crops of Subterranean clover Red clover White clover Arrowleaf clover Lucerne GROWTH STAGES 1 to 3 trifoliate leaves onwards CROP TOLERANCE DO NOT apply to lucerne or clover seed crops less than 8 weeks before flowering. DO NOT apply at 40 g/ha to lucerne intended for seed production. SPRAY ADDITIVES/TANK MIXES Use Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L or a wetting agent such as BS-1000 at 200 mL/100 L. In clover and lucerne Broadstrike may be tank-mixed with 2,4-DB and/ or bromoxynil at their respective label rates for complete control of suppressed weeds. l e b a L n e m i c e p S TABLE 5B: WEEDS CONTROLLED OR SUPPRESSED IN TABLE 5A CROPS WEED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE g/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS WEEDS CONTROLLED Up to 3½ leaf stage 25 + Uptake or wetter Fat hen Lesser swinecress Mustards Shepherd’s purse Wild radish Wild turnip Beyond 3½ leaf stage and up to 10 leaf stage 40 + Uptake or wetter Beyond 3½ leaf stage and up to 10 leaf stage 40 + Uptake or wetter Use Uptake Spraying oil at 500 mL/100 L or wetting agent such as BS-1000 at 200 mL/100 L. BROADSTRIKE Charlock WEEDS SUPPRESSED Capeweed Chickweed Fumitory Spurrey Wireweed In clover and lucerne, seedlings of these weeds will be suppressed with Broadstrike alone. In clover and lucerne, Broadstrike may be tank-mixed with 2,4-DB and/ or bromoxynil at their respective label rates for complete control of suppressed weeds. Only use a wetting agent at 200 mL/100 L with these tank mixes. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 55 TABLE 6A: SOYBEANS, LUCERNE, MAIZE, PEANUTS AND PIGEON PEAS CROP Maize GROWTH STAGES Post-plant pre-emergence (PPPE) APPLICATION METHODS Apply Broadstrike after planting and before emergence of crop and weeds. Apply to moist soil only. Post-emergent Up to 8 leaf stage SPRAY ADDITIVES/TANK MIXES CROP TOLERANCE May be tank mixed with pendimethalin. Apply with Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L spray volume or with a 100% concentrate non-ionic wetter such as BS-1000 at 200 mL/100 L. Some transitory crop yellowing and height suppression should be expected but yields will be unaffected. l e b a L n e m i c e p S BROADSTRIKE Soybean Pre-plant Incorporated (PPI) Incorporate into the soil within 4 hours by making two passes in opposite directions using a combine with trailing harrows or similar equipment, to ensure thorough incorporation. May be tank mixed with Treflan 480 or pendimethalin. Incorporated By Sowing (IBS) Ensure the planting operation is done within 4 hours of application, using a combine with trailing harrows or similar equipment, to ensure thorough incorporation. May be tank mixed with Treflan 480 or pendimethalin. Post-plant Preemergent (PPPE) Apply Broadstrike after planting and before emergence of crop and weeds. Apply to moist soil only. May be tank mixed with pendimethalin. Lucerne Post-emergent Up to 6 trifoliate leaf stage Peanuts Post-emergent Up to 6 leaf stage Pigeon pea (GM Cotton refugia) Post-plant pre-emergence (PPPE) 56 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DO NOT apply at 50 g/ha to lucerne intended for seed production. Apply with Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L spray volume or with a 100% concentrate non-ionic wetter such as BS-1000 at 200 mL/100 L. Apply Broadstrike after planting and before emergence of crop and weeds. Apply to moist soil only. Results will be improved by light irrigation or rain to incorporate. May be tank mixed with Treflan 480 or pendimethalin TABLE 6B: WEEDS CONTROLLED OR SUPPRESSED IN TABLE 6A CROPS WEED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE g/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Volunteer cotton (including Roundup Ready® Cotton) Pre-emergence 50 Caltrop Fat hen Turnip weed Wild radish Post-emergent Up to 4 leaf 25 or 50 + Uptake or wetter Cotton (including Roundup Ready Cotton) – may be banded (>40%) over the row or broadcast). WEED CONTROL: Minimum spray volume 150 L/ha for optimum results. In pre-emergent situations use the higher rate for longer soil residual effect and better suppression of more tolerant weeds (see WEEDS SUPPRESSED). In post-emergent situations use 25 g/ha on weeds up to 2 leaf stage and 50 g/ha on larger weeds up to 4 leaf stage and where more residual control is required. l e b a L n e m i c e p S WEEDS SUPPRESSED Black pigweed Bladder ketmia Caltrop Cobbler’s-pegs Pre-emergent 25 or 50 Annual ground cherry Anoda weed Bladder ketmia Boggabri weed Fierce thornapple (Qld only) Red pigweed Wild gooseberry Post-emergent Up to 4 leaf 25 or 50 + Uptake or wetter NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 57 BROADSTRIKE WEEDS CONTROLLED HARVESTING WITHHOLDING PERIODS Chickpeas, field peas, lentils, maize, peanuts, pigeon peas and soybeans: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED Winter cereals (barley, cereal rye, oats, triticale, wheat): DO NOT HARVEST FOR 4 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION BROADSTRIKE GRAZING/STOCK FOOD WITHHOLDING PERIODS Winter cereals (barley, cereal rye, oats, triticale, wheat), Chickpeas, field peas, lentils, peanuts, pigeon peas, soybeans, Popany vetch: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 4 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. Note: This 4 week WHP covers the use of Broadstrike tank mixed with bromoxynil (200 g/L) at 700 mL/ha (Table 2B) on cereals. Maize: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 14 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION l e b a L n e m i c e p S Fenugreek, lathyrus, lucerne, medic, serradella: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD OR HARVEST FOR SEED FOR 3 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Note: when tank mixing Broadstrike with bromoxynil (200 g/L) at 700 mL/ha (Table 2B) a 2 week WHP is required. Pastures (unless otherwise specified DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Note: when tank mixing Broadstrike with bromoxynil (200 g/L) at 700 mL/ha (Table 2B) a 2 week WHP is required. LIVESTOCK DESTINED FOR EXPORT MARKETS The grazing withholding period only applies to stock slaughtered for the domestic market. Some export markets apply different standards. To meet these standards, ensure that in addition to complying with the grazing withholding period, that the Export Slaughter Interval is observed before stock are sold or slaughtered. EXPORT SLAUGHTER INTERVAL (ESI) – 7 days: After observing the withholding period for grazing or cutting for stock food, livestock that have been grazed on or fed treated crops should be placed on clean feed for 7 days prior to slaughter. EXPORT ANIMAL FEED INTERVAL (EAFI) – 28 days: (Fenugreek, lathyrus, lucerne, pasture and serradella only) A minimum period of 28 days must elapse between the application of Broadstrike Herbicide and grazing or cutting the treated pasture as stockfeed for livestock intended for export. 58 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 MINIMUM RECROPPING PERIODS: Broadstrike is broken down in the soil by microbial activity. Warm, moist soil conditions favour highest microbial activity and quickest residue breakdown. For the recropping periods NNSW & Qld refers to summer dominant rainfall areas, where crops are grown on deep black earth soils (vertisols), with no impermeable sub-horizon in the top 30cm. SNSW, Vic, Tas, SA and WA refers to winter dominant rainfall areas on soils with no impermeable sub-horizon in the top 30cm. Also see the comments on rainfall and soil type below. CROP RATE (g/ha) REGION NNSW, Qld SNSW, Vic, Tas, SA, WA Cereal rye, medics, triticale, wheat, maize or soybeans 25 or 50 May be planted at any time after Broadstrike application May be planted at any time after Broadstrike application Barley, chickpeas, clover, field peas, lucerne, oats and peanuts 25 3 months 3 months 50 6 months 9 months Cotton, sorghum or sunflowers 25 6 months - 50 9 months - Canola, faba beans, fenugreek, lathyrus, lentils, lupins, serradella or Popany vetch 25 6 months 9 months 50 9 months 12 months BROADSTRIKE l e b a L n e m i c e p S Rainfall – is required to maintain soil wetness for at least one week over the warm months to enable microbial degradation of herbicide residues to allow safe planting of sensitive crops. For SNSW, Victoria, Tasmania, SA and WA a minimum of 25 mm and preferably 50 mm or more rain must have fallen over the warm months of the year. For NNSW and Qld a minimum of 50 mm and preferably 100 mm rain or more must have fallen over the warm months of the year. Soil type - on shallow, duplex, low organic matter soils with an impermeable sub-horizon within the root zone (30 cm deep or less) and alkaline surface soil, sensitive crops should NOT be planted until 2 years after application of Broadstrike at either 25 or 50 g/ha. (For crops grown in NNSW and Qld on soils other than vertisols, call Dow AgroSciences or your local reseller for more advice). PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 59 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS APPLICATION Broadstrike granules in water soluble bags readily disperse in water and will do so once added to fast moving water. Maintain agitation at all times, including during mixing as well as spraying. Only mix sufficient spray solution for immediate use and avoid storing. • Ground Application: Apply Broadstrike in 50 to 150 litres of water per hectare through a calibrated sprayer that delivers at least medium quality spray as defined by the American Society of Biological Engineers Standard S572. MIXING Spray rigs with premix hoppers l e b a L n e m i c e p S For spray rigs that have a drop down chemical induction hopper, three-quarter fill this hopper with water and have the rinsing sprinkler operating. Add the Broadstrike™ water soluble bags and when they are dissolved and the granules are dispersed, transfer this batch into the quarter filled main tank. Continue to rinse the hopper until the entire product has washed through. BROADSTRIKE • DO NOT apply Broadstrike under conditions likely to cause drift onto waterways, susceptible crops or land to be planted with susceptible crops. Unsuitable conditions are dead calm, excessive wind and/or small droplets. Spray rigs with limited bypass agitation When Broadstrike is added to the spray tank in water soluble bags, for spray rigs that have limited bypass agitation, then as for most granulated formulations, re-disperse the Broadstrike™ in a bucket before adding them to the main tank. Add Broadstrike while stirring until the granules have dispersed. Tankmixes – this order should be followed: 1. Quarter fill the spray tank and agitate 2. Add Broadstrike using the mixing procedure above 3. Add Verdict™ 520 if to be used 4. Half fill the spray tank 5. Add wettable powders, dry flowables, suspension concentrates, soluble liquids and/or emulsifiable concentrates 6. Add Uptake™ Spraying Oil when half full 7. Other adjuvants add according to their label 8. Add water to fill the spray tank 60 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 • Best results are achieved where applications are made on warm (greater than 5ºC), sunny days applying more than 50 L/ha of total spray volume (preferably more than 75 L/ha) and where spray coverage is maximised. COMPATIBILITY • Always allow 7 days between application of a grass herbicide and Broadstrike in chickpeas and field peas. • In lentils, adjuvant, broadleaf or grass herbicide, insecticide and foliar fertiliser tank mixes may result in transient height reduction, crop discolouration and delayed flowering, although yields are normally unaffected. However, stress conditions after application (eg. frost, drought) may lengthen the time needed for lentils to recover and in years where a dry spring occurs, yields may be suppressed. • Broadstrike is compatible with the following: Adjuvants Uptake™ Spraying Oil, Hasten® Spray Adjuvant, BS-1000 l e b a L n e m i c e p S Atrazine Diuron (liquid or wettable granule) Spinnaker® Herbicide Basagran® Herbicide Lontrel™ 750 SG Herbicide Lontrel Herbicide Starane™ Advanced Bromoxynil MCPA amine Stomp® 330E Herbicide 2,4-DB MCPA ester Terbutryn Diflufenican (lentils and field peas only) MCPA sodium salt Tordon™ 242 Cereal Herbicide Jaguar® Metsulfuron Treflan™ 480 BROADSTRIKE Broadleaf herbicides Grassweed herbicides Clethodim (lentils only) Simazine Hoegrass Selective Herbicide (ryegrass only) Treflan™ 480 Tristar® Advance Selective Herbicide Paraquat clodinafop Verdict™ 520 Herbicide ® Wildcat® Selective Herbicide (wild oats only) Insecticides – Dimethoate, esfenvalerate (lentils only), Lorsban™ Insecticides, omethoate Fungicides (lentils only) – Carbendazim, chlorothalonil, Dithane™ Rainshield™ Neo Tec™ Fungicide Foliar Fertilisers – Broadacre zinc (lentils only) ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 61 CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT After using Broadstrike, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the tank using a pressure hose. Drain the tank and clean any filters in the tank, pump, lines and nozzles. BROADSTRIKE • To rinse. After cleaning the tank as above, quarter fill the tank with clean water and circulate through the pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. • To decontaminate. Before spraying sensitive crops (which include canola, cotton, faba beans, lupins, sorghum and sunflowers), wash the tank and rinse the system as above. Quarter fill the tank and add an alkali detergent at 500 mL/100 L of water or the powder equivalent at 500 g/100 L) and circulate throughout the system for at least fifteen minutes. Drain the whole system. Remove filters and nozzles and clean them separately. Finally flush the system with clean water and allow to drain. Chlorine based cleaners are not recommended. PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS Refer to MINIMUM RECROPPING PERIODS for crop rotation information. Crops susceptible to Broadstrike include but are not limited to canola, cotton, faba beans, lupins, sorghum and sunflowers. DO NOT flood irrigate any treated crop or pasture for 48 hours after application. Where other types of irrigation are used, for example sprinklers, DO NOT irrigate to the point of runoff for at least 48 hours after application. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Nufarm Tank and Equipment Cleaner® is not recommended. Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and watercourses. RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Broadstrike Herbicide is a broadleaf herbicide with no annual ryegrass activity and is a member of the triazolopyrimidine sulfonanilide (sulfonamide) group of herbicides. The product has the acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor mode of action. For weed resistance management the product is a Group B herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group B herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or other Group B herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of the product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, or local Dow AgroSciences representative. 62 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DO NOT apply to waterlogged soils or if heavy rain is expected within 48 hours of application. Dangerous to aquatic plants and susceptible crops. DO NOT contaminate dams, waterways or drains with the product or its containers. DO NOT apply under weather conditions, such as dead calm or excessive wind, or from spraying equipment producing small droplets that may cause spray to drift onto adjacent areas, particularly wetlands, waterbodies, watercourses, susceptible crops or land to be planted with susceptible crops. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK DO NOT graze or cut treated crops for stock food except as specified under withholding periods. Poisonous plants may become more palatable after spraying, therefore livestock should be kept out of the area until the plants have died down. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL FIRST AID Keep out of reach of children. If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. Store in the closed, original container in a securely locked, dry, cool, well-ventilated place, out of direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. DO NOT dispose of any undiluted chemical on-site. When the foil bag is empty, shake any residual material into the spray tank. Shred and bury empty packaging in a local authority landfill. If no landfill is available, bury the packaging below 500 mm in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots. Empty packaging and product should not be burnt. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for BROADSTRIKE™ HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit l e b a L n e m i c e p S SMALL SPILL MANAGEMENT ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 40714/54437 BROADSTRIKE Sweep up material and contain in a refuse vessel for disposal in the same manner as for containers (see STORAGE AND DISPOSAL section). SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Product will irritate the eyes. • When handling the granules avoid contact with eyes. • If product in eyes, wash it out immediately with water. • Wash hands after use. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 63 CANVAS 750 POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Canvas 750abe L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Selective Selective Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 750 g/L MCPA present as the dimethylamine salt ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 750 g/L MCPA present as the dimethylamine salt For the selective control of broadleafed weeds in cereals, linseed, pastures, rice, sugar cane For of broadleafed and the turfselective as per thecontrol Directions For Use. weeds in cereals, linseed, pastures, rice, sugar cane and turf as per the Directions For Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800Company 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL DowFREE Chemical ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 64 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 RESTRAINTS: Avoid spraying if rain is likely within 6 hours as weed control may be reduced. DO NOT apply if crop or weeds are stressed due to dry or excessively moist conditions. 1. FIELD CROPS SITUATION & CROP Wheat, Barley, Oats, Triticale WEEDS Refer to Weed Table STATE RATE (/ha) CRITICAL COMMENTS SA, Tas only 460 mL - 1.4 L Apply through the tillering stage after the crop plants have 5 leaves and before they commence jointing. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Wheat, Barley, Triticale, Cereal Rye Qld only Apply from early tillering (4-5 fully emerged main stem leaves plus one of more tillers) until before the boot stage (visible swelling of the head at the top of the main stem). NSW, ACT only Apply 460 mL rate after crop has reached 2-3 leaf stage and weeds marked # in weed table have 3-6 leaves. Higher rates after the first node can be felt at the base of a tiller and before swelling of the head can be felt in a tiller. Vic only 460 mL - 1 L WA only 600 mL - 1.35 L Apply to crop from 5 leaf to flag leaf emergence (Zadoks 15-37). 270 mL + 350 mL flowable diuron Crop: 3-4 leaf stage (Zadoks 13-14). 330 mL + 400 mL flowable diuron Crop: 4-5 leaf stage (Zadoks 14-15) Capeweed, Doublegee (Spiny Emex) Erodium, Mustard, Rapistrum, Wild turnip, Wild radish Amsinckia (yellow burr), Capeweed, Charlock, Deadnettle, Doublegee (Spiny Emex), Three corner jack, Erodium sp., Mustard, Turnip weed, White ironweed (Corn gromwell, sheepweed), Wild radish, Wild turnip Apply 460 mL rate after crop has reached 2-3 leaf stage and weeds marked # in weed table have 2-4 leaves. Higher rate after the crop plants have 5 leaves to fully tillered. Apply by aircraft or boom with 20-100 L/ha water, when most weeds have germinated and are in 2-5 leaf stage. Crops and weeds should be dry at time of application. Some temporary yellowing of crop may occur after application. Undersown sub-clovers may be slightly retarded. DO NOT apply to undersown medics. NSW, ACT, Vic only 330 mL + 500 mL flowable diuron Apply by boom spray or aircraft when the crop is at the 3-5 leaf stage (NSW and SA only) and 5 leaf stage (Vic only). Weeds must be in the 2-5 leaf stage. DO NOT apply to undersown medic or lucerne. DO NOT use on Kamilaroi, Kite, Olympic or Shortim wheat. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 65 CANVAS 750 DIRECTIONS FOR USE CANVAS 750 1. FIELD CROPS (continued) SITUATION & CROP WEEDS STATE RATE (/ha) Wheat, Barley, Triticale, Cereal Rye Capeweed, Three cornered jack, Turnip weed, Wild radish, Wild turnip, Wards weed, Common ice plant, Pimpernel SA only 230 mL + 500 mL flowable diuron Continued CRITICAL COMMENTS DO NOT use on very light sandy soils. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Wheat, Barley, Oats, Triticale Linseed 66 Soldier thistle 460 mL + 200 mL Lontrel™ Herbicide or 80 g of Lontrel™ 750 Herbicide Apply to crop tillering stage after the crop has 5 leaves and before the crop commences jointing. Skeleton weed 660 mL + 500 mL Lontrel™ Herbicide or 200 g of Lontrel™ 750 Herbicide Apply to rosettes from 5-15 cm diameter when the crop is between the 5 leaf and late tillering growth stages. It is essential that all skeleton weed is emerged and minimum of 5 cm diameter which is usually not before August. This rate will provide control of skeleton weed until harvest and will substantially reduce seed numbers the following season. Qld only 460 mL - 1.4 L NSW, ACT, Vic, SA, Tas only 460 mL 730 mL Apply when crop is 10-15 cm tall with at least 170 L/ha water. DO NOT spray after buds appear. Some wilting effect may be seen following application but crop usually recovers quickly. DO NOT apply by aircraft. Refer to Weed Table PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 SITUATION & CROP Field Peas WEEDS Prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola) WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE (/ha) CRITICAL COMMENTS 4 leaf NSW, Vic, SA, Tas only 80 mL + 125 mL diflufenican (500 g/L) FIELD PEAS: Apply early post-emergent after the third node stage and before the start of flowering. Warning: Field peas grown on high pH soils in the presence of free lime may be less tolerant to diflufenican. 6 leaf 100 mL + 150 mL diflufenican (500 g/L) l e b a L n e m i c e p S Charlock, Wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) 4 leaf 80 mL + 125 mL diflufenican (500 g/L) 6 leaf 100 mL + 150 mL diflufenican (500 g/L) APPLICATION & WEED CONTROL: Apply when weeds are actively growing. For optimum results, apply 4 to 6 weeks post sowing. Application beyond 8 weeks post-sowing may result in reduced levels of weed control. In most situations the rate specified for each weed size will give satisfactory control. Under certain conditions such as: • high crop and weed density, • late season germinations, • abnormal weed growth (including early flowering); higher rates of product (up to the maximum rate of application specified for that weed) may be required. Diflufenican will not effectively control: • regrowth of suppressed weeds, • transplanted weeds, • weeds growing under stress from previous herbicide applications. SITUATION & CROP Sugar cane WEEDS STATE RATE (/ha) Blue top, Chinese burr, Flannel weed, Gambia pea, Bell vine, Streaked rattlepod, Bindweed, Pink convolvulus, Cupids flower, Merremia vine, Morning glory Qld only 930 mL As above plus Fat hen, Noogoora burr CRITICAL COMMENTS POST-EMERGENT: Apply as directed inter-row spray. DO NOT exceed rates with phenoxy sensitive varieties. 1.4 L PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 67 CANVAS 750 1. FIELD CROPS (continued) CANVAS 750 1. FIELD CROPS (continued) SITUATION & CROP Rice Flax WEEDS STATE RATE (/ha) CRITICAL COMMENTS Dirty dora, Starfruit, Sedges, Buddah (Butter) pea NSW only 485 mL 970 mL Apply by aircraft at early/mid tillering stage of rice but no later than panicle initiation. Use 460 mL/ha at 35 days after aerial sowing (approx. 2 L per rice plant). Use 930 mL/ha at 45 days or more after cereal sowing (3 tillers or more per rice plant). The crop should be sprayed before flowering of the weeds. WATER MANAGEMENT: Before herbicide application, lower water level in the bays to at least two thirds of the weed growth stage for direct contact with CANVAS™ 750 SELECTIVE HERBICIDE. Weeds covered by water will not be controlled. Raise water depth to normal levels 24 hours following spraying. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Refer to Weed Table Vic, Tas only 325 mL Apply to crop when 8-20 cm high. 2. NON-CROP AREAS, FALLOW LAND, INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL AREAS, RIGHTS OF WAY WEEDS Refer to Weed Table STATE RATE (/ha) All states Refer to Weed Table CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply at rates shown in Weed Table when weeds only are present and no crop or pasture is involved. 3. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL, RIGHTS OF WAY, INDUSTRIAL AREAS (High Volume Application) SITUATION High Volume Spraying or Knapsack Application WEEDS Wild turnip, Mustards, Wild radish STATE RATE ( /100 L OF WATER) All States 130 mL For easy to kill weeds. 270 mL For more difficult to control weeds. Docks, Hoary Cress, Bindweed CRITICAL COMMENTS 4. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL, RIGHTS OF WAY, INDUSTRIAL (Boom Application) SITUATION & CROP WEEDS STATE RATE (/ha) Grass Pastures Refer Weed Table All States 460 mL - 2.7 L SA only 660 mL + 400 mL flowable diuron Use in mixture only if spraying is delayed until early winter. Rosettes should not exceed 20 cm diameter. 460 mL - 1.45 L Use low rates on seedlings with no more than 2 true leaves. Use 100 L water for best results. If clover present do not exceed 575 mL/ha. Salvation Jane Soldier thistle 68 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply to established grass based pastures. Damage may occur to Legumes if present. See “Legume Tolerance” below. Note: Capeweed, Paterson’s curse and variegated thistle may be poisonous to stock after spraying. SITUATION & CROP WEEDS STATE RATE (/ha) CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply in Autumn when horehound plants are at the seedling stage. If sub clover or medic plants are present, they will be damaged by this application. Grass Pastures Horehound (Seedling and established) NSW, ACT only 2L Grass Seed Crops Refer Weed Table Qld, SA, Tas, Vic, WA only 460 mL - 2.7 L Vic, SA only 460 mL - 960 mL DO NOT exceed the rate specified. Spray in Autumn and early Winter. Caltrop, Capeweed, Charlock, Mustards, Paterson’s curse, Saffron thistle, Slender thistle, Spear thistle, Variegated thistle, Turnip weed, Wild radish, Wild turnip NSW, ACT, Vic only 230 mL - 930 mL Tas only 460 mL Refer Weed Table WA only 610 mL - 1.25 L Capeweed, Dandelion, Seedling dock, Three cornered Jack, Geranium, Erodium, Mustard, Annual thistles, Turnip weed, Wild radish, Wild turnip SA only 330 mL Spray actively growing 6-8 week old weeds. Introduce stock 7-10 days after spraying, preferable sheep as cattle are less effective. Use stocking rate at least 5 times heavier than normal until weeds have been reduced before survival of desirable pasture species is threatened. Lucerne and medics may be damaged and should be grazed short before spraying. See “Legume Tolerance”. PRECAUTION: An increased quantity of poisonous plants may be eaten by stock using Spray/Graze technique e.g. caltrop, capeweed, Paterson’s curse and variegated thistle and deaths could result from causes such as nitrate poisoning. With Paterson’s curse preferably graze stock soon destined for slaughter and avoid extended periods of grazing. Avoid grazing with young or breeding stock. DO NOT graze horses or pigs on Paterson’s curse. Observe Withholding period of at least 7 days after spraying. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Sub-clover Seed Crops Pastures Spray/Graze Technique Soldier thistle Turf Apply to established grass seed crops. Refer to Weed Table 395 mL All States 330 mL or 2.8 mL per 1002 metres 930 mL - 1.8 L or 10 - 19 mL per 1002 metres Newly laid - Delay until well established or at least two months old. Apply in high volume to actively growing weeds. See “Legume Tolerance”. Buffalo grass is more easily damaged than other grasses. Established - Apply in high volume to actively growing weeds. DO NOT mow for 2 days before application. Some transitory damage may occur to fine turf grasses and strawberry clover. See “Legume Tolerance”. Buffalo grass is more easily damaged than other grasses. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 69 CANVAS 750 4. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL, RIGHTS OF WAY, INDUSTRIAL (Boom Application) (continued) CANVAS 750 WITHHOLDING PERIOD: Pasture, Cereal Crops: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. HARVEST WITHHOLDING PERIOD: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. WEED TABLE: NOTE: Where weeds are to be sprayed in a CROP or PASTURE use only the rates given for particular crop or situation indicated under the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table. In most cases these rates will give control, however some hard to kill weeds or those in advanced stages of growth may only be suppressed. The rates listed in the Weed Table below are for use where weeds only are present and no crop or pasture is involved. Use at these rates in a crop or pasture other than for spot spraying may cause damage. This product should only be used in those states where a rate or range of rates is indicated for the particular weeds listed. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Weed Table 1: Field Crops (Wheat, Barley, Oats, Triticale, Linseed, Flax), Sub-clover Seed Crops & Turf. Weeds Application Rate per Hectare Critical Comments Vic NSW, ACT SA Tas Qld WA Ball mustard - - 1.15 L - - - Bathurst burr 1.35 L 660 mL - 1.35 L 1.35 L 1.35 L 1.35 L 1.35 L Spray young seedlings only. Black bindweed - 930 mL - 1.35 L - - 930 mL - 1.35 L - Apply at young stage prior to flowering. California burr - 660 mL - 1.35 L - 1.45 L - - Spray young seedlings only. Cape tulip - - - - - 1.35 L Apply just prior to flowering. Gives mild suppression only. Capeweed - 1.4 L 1.4 L 1.4 L 1.4 L - Carrot weed Apply at rosette stage. Apply at seedling stage. 1.35 L - - - 1.35 L - Apply at seedling stage. 460 mL# 660 mL# 460 mL 660 mL - 1.45 L 460 mL - Spray up to rosette stage. Cutleaf mignonette - - 1.4 L - - - Apply at young rosette stage. Dandelion 1.35 L 1.35 L 1.35 L 1.35 L 1.35 L 1.35 L Apply at young rosette stage. Deadnettle - 1.4 L - - 1.4 L - Moderately susceptible. Apply at seedling stage. Docks 1L - 1.4 L 1.4 L - - Apply at rosette stage and before flower heads emerge. Only the top growth of old established plants will be affected. Fat hen 1.35 L 660 mL - 1.35 L - 1.35 L 1.35 L - Spray up to rosette stage. Fennel 1.8 L 1.8 L 1.8 L 1.8 L 1.8 L - Apply at young stage. Field bindweed 1.35 L - 1.35 L 1.35 L 1.35 L 1.35 L Field cress - - - 1.45 L - - Charlock # refer to Critical Comments for wheat, barley, oats and triticale. 70 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Apply at bud stage, repeating over several seasons. Apply at young stage. Weeds Flatweed or Catsear Fumitory (red) Application Rate per Hectare Critical Comments Vic NSW, ACT SA Tas Qld WA - - - 1.45 L - 930 mL 930 mL 930 mL 930 mL - 930 mL - Apply when weeds are 10-15 cm high. Apply at young stage prior to flowering. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Hoary cress Horehound 3L - 1.4 L - 3L - Apply before flowering. - 2L 1.4 L - - - Apply at rosette stage. Hedge mustard 730 mL# - 460 mL 460 mL 460 mL 830 mL Apply at rosette stage. Hexham scent or Melilotus sp. 1L 800 mL 930 mL - 930 mL - Apply at young seedling stage. Lesser swinecress - - - 1.45 L - - Apply at young stage. Lincoln weed - - 460 mL - - - Apply at rosette stage. London rocket - - - - - 830 mL Lupins - 460 mL -1L - - - 830 mL 1.35 L - - 1.35 L - Spray at 10 cm high. Mintweed 1.35 L Mustards 730 mL 660 mL 730 mL 730 mL - 830 mL Spray up to rosette stage. Noogoora burr 1.35 L 660 mL - 1.35 L 1.35 L - 1.35 L 1.35 L Spray young seedlings only. - - - 1.45 L - - Apply at young stage. Paterson’s curse - 660 mL -1L - - 2.7 L - Apply early rosette stage. Pimpernel - - 460 mL - - - Apply at rosette stage. Plantains - 1.35 L - 1.35 L 1.35 L - Apply at young stage. Rapeseed - 660 mL -1L - - - - Spray up to rosette stage. Rough poppy - 460 mL -1L - - - - Spray up to rosette stage. Safflower - 460 mL - 660 mL - - - - Spray up to rosette stage. Shepherd’s purse - - - 1.45 L - - Apply at rosette stage. Opium poppy CANVAS 750 Weed Table 1: Field Crops (Wheat, Barley, Oats, Triticale, Linseed, Flax), Sub-clover Seed Crops & Turf. (continued) # # Spray young seedlings only. # refer to Critical Comments for wheat, barley, oats and triticale. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 71 CANVAS 750 Weed Table 1: Field Crops (Wheat, Barley, Oats, Triticale, Linseed, Flax), Sub-clover Seed Crops & Turf. (continued) Weeds Skeleton weed Sorrel Application Rate per Hectare Critical Comments Vic NSW, ACT SA Tas Qld WA - 1L1.35 L - - - - Spray rosettes before aerial growth commences. Apply at rosette stage. - - 1.4 L - - - 1.35 L 660 mL -1L 1.35 L - - 1.35 L - 660 mL -1L - - - - - Artichoke 1.05 L - 1.4 L - 1.35 L 460 mL - Nodding - 1.65 L - - - - - Saffron 1L1.65 L 660 mL - 1.35 L 930 mL - 1.65 L 930 mL - 1.65 L 930 mL - 1.65 L 1L1.65 L - Scotch or cotton 1.45 L - 460 930 mL 1.45 L - - - Slender 2L 660 mL - 1.35 L 660 mL 2L - 2L - Soldier 730 mL - 730 mL - - - Spray young seedlings. Use higher rate for larger weeds. - Spear - 1L1.35 L - 1.45 L - - Apply at rosette stage. - Star - - 660 930 mL - - - Apply at seedling stage. Use higher rate for larger weeds. 1L 660 mL - 1.35 L 460 930 mL 1L 1L 1L 730 mL# 660 mL# 660 mL - - - Spray up to rosette stage. - - 1.4 L - - - Apply at rosette stage. Wild radish 930 mL 660 mL# 930 mL 1.35 L 460 730 mL 800 mL Spray up to rosette stage. Wild turnip 730 mL# 660 mL# 460 mL 1.35 L 460 730 mL 600 mL Spray up to rosette stage. Stinkwort Apply when weeds are 10-15 cm high. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Sunflower (seedlings) Spray up to rosette stage. Thistles: Variegated Turnip weed Wild artichoke # refer to Critical Comments for wheat, barley, oats and triticale. 72 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Apply at rosette stage. Spray early rosettes. Repeat spray required in following Spring or Autumn. Spray up to rosette stage. (September WA). Apply at seedling stage. Spray young seedlings only. Spray young seedlings only. Use 1.35 L/ha (SA) for well developed weeds. Weed Table 2: Pastures, Non-crop Areas, Fallow Land, Industrial & Commercial Areas, Rights-of-Way. Application Rate per Hectare Critical Comments Other Situations Pastures Vic NSW SA Tas Qld NSW, Qld, SA, Tas, Vic Annual nettles - - - - - 2.65 L Young stages more susceptible. Regrowth likely to occur. Artichoke thistle - - - - - 5.65 L High volume, repeat following year. Add wetting agent. Bathurst burr 2L - - - - 2.65 L Earliest possible, moderate susceptibility California thistle - 2.65 L - 3L - - Catsear 2L - - 3L - 2.65 L Weeds become more resistant with age. Charlock 1L 600 mL 930 mL 1.35 3L - 660 mL Spray seedling or early rosette stage. - - - - 1.9 L - 2L - - 3L - 34.65 L Spray seedling. Spray repeat is necessary for older plants. 2L - - 1.35 3L - 2.65 L Spray young - later stages harder to control. - - - - - 3.65 L l e b a L n e m i c e p S Climbing buckwheat Docks Fat hen Fennel CANVAS 750 Weeds Suppression only. Field cress - - - 3L - - Hawkbit - - - 3L - - Hedge mustards - - - 3L - - Lesser swine cress - - - 1.35 3L - - Lincoln weed - - 660 mL - - 1.9 L Melilotus sp. Hexham scent 2L - 1.9 L - - 1.9 L Mustards 610 mL 600 930 mL 930 mL 1.35 L 3L 1.4 L 930 mL Narrowleaf plantain - - - 3L - - Noogoora burr - - - - - 2.65 L Spray young. Saffron thistle 2L 1.8 3.65 L 1.9 L - 2.3 L 1.9 L Early rosette, spray before leaves become spiny. Ragwort - - - - - 2.65 L Use lower rate on seedling; higher rate on rosettes. Spray seedlings or early rosette stage. Apply early rosette stage. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 73 CANVAS 750 Weed Table 2: Pastures, Non-crop Areas, Fallow Land, Industrial & Commercial Areas, Rights-of-Way. (continued) Weeds Application Rate per Hectare Critical Comments Other Situations Pastures Vic NSW SA Tas Qld NSW, Qld, SA, Tas, Vic Shepherd’s purse - - - 3L - - Slender thistle - - - 3L - 3.65 L Rosette stage. 2L - - 1.35 3L - 2.65 L Early rosette following Autumn rains. Stinkwort - - - - - 2.65 L Spray very young, before 10-15 cm high - add wetting agent. Storksbill - - - - - 1.4 2.26 L Spray weeds as early as possible after opening rains. Weeds become more resistant with age. Turnip weed - 600 930 mL 1.4 L - 930 mL - Variegated thistle 1.9 L 1.4 1.9 L - 1.35 3L 1.4 L 1.4 1.9 L Spray at pre-cabbage stage. Wild sage 2L - - - - 1.9 L Spray seedlings - add wetting agent. Wild turnip 610 mL 600 mL - 1.15 L 930 mL 1.35 L 3L - 660 mL Spray seedling or early rosette stage. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Spear, Scotch, Black thistle GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Before opening, carefully read DIRECTIONS FOR USE, PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS, SAFETY DIRECTIONS and FIRST AID instructions. Weeds should be sprayed while actively growing and at their most susceptible stage. As a general guide, annuals should be sprayed when young and perennials just prior to appearance of bud stage. Extremes of cold or drought are unfavourable. The best conditions are when soil is moist, weather is fine and rain unlikely within 6 hours of application. APPLICATION INFORMATION BOOM SPRAYING – Use 30-120 L/ha of water. Use a minimum of 170 L/ha water for LINSEED. AERIAL SPRAYING – Use 10-90 L/ha of water. HIGH VOLUME SPRAYING – Use 1500-2500 L/ha of water. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND USAGE Equipment that has been used for this chemical should not be used for the application of other materials to sensitive plants, unless it has been well washed out with hot soapy water or 1% solution of ammonia, followed by several clear water rinses. COMPATIBILITY This product may be tank mixed with Broadstrike™ Herbicide, bromoxynil, dicamba, diflufenican, diuron (500 g/L or 900 g/kg), chlorsulfuron, metsulfuron, Hotshot™ Herbicide, Lontrel™ Herbicide, Lontrel™ 750SG Herbicide, Sertin®, Spray·Seed®, Starane™ Advanced Herbicide, Flowable terbutryn, Tordon™ 242 Herbicide, Torpedo™ Herbicide and Tribunil®. The effectiveness of Imidan, Le Mat® and dimethoate may be reduced by alkaline hydrolysis if tank mixed with this product. 74 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 1. As formulations of other manufacturers’ products are beyond the control of Dow AgroSciences all mixtures should be tested on a small scale before mixing in the spray tank. 2. Tank mixing instructions: Fill the spray tank 1/4 full of water and agitate. Add wettable powders and water dispersible granules first. Agitate until these are uniformly dispersed, meanwhile adding water until the tank is 90% full. Add suspension concentrates (flowables) then soluble concentrates. Emulsifiable concentrates go in last. Top off the tank with water and continue agitation until all the ingredients are properly mixed. Observe any mixing sequence instructions mentioned on the tank mix products. Legume Tolerance: The use of Canvas 750 Selective Herbicide is preferred to 2,4-D amine or 2,4-D LV ester in situations where legumes are undersown in the crop. NB. The tolerance of pasture legumes to applied product can vary with species, variety, growing conditions, stage of growth and companion crop cover. DO NOT spray cereal crops undersown with lucerne as damage may result. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK Low hazard to bees. May be applied at any time as recommended in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEA AND ENVIRONMENT l e b a L n e m i c e p S RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Canvas™ 750 Selective Herbicide is a member of the Phenoxys group of herbicides. Canvas™ 750 Selective Herbicide has the disruptors of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management Canvas™ 750 Selective Herbicide is a Group I herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to Canvas™ 750 Selective Herbicide and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by Canvas™ 750 Selective Herbicide or other Group I herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Canvas™ 750 Selective Herbicide to control resistant weeds. PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS DO NOT spray in high winds. DO NOT spray crops or weeds outside the stages indicated in "CRITICAL COMMENTS" as damage, loss of yield or inadequate weed control may result. Drift Warning: DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. Avoid spray drift onto susceptible crops such as cotton, tobacco, tomatoes, vines, fruit trees, vegetables, legume crops and pastures, oilseed crops and susceptible trees (e.g. Kurrajongs, Belahs and Eucalypts). DO NOT use unless wind speed is more than 3 kilometres per hour and less than 15 kilometres per hour, as measured at the application site. DO NOT apply with smaller than coarse to very coarse spray droplets according to the ASABE S572 definition for standard nozzles. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used container. RE-ENTRY PERIOD Hand weeding should not be performed for 7 days after spray application unless workers wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing), chemical resistant gloves and footwear. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 75 CANVAS 750 NOTE: CANVAS 750 SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Harmful if swallowed. • Attacks eyes and will irritate the skin. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • When opening the container wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist, washable hat, elbow-length PVC gloves, goggles and half face piece respirator. • When using the prepared spray wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat, elbow length PVC gloves. • If product on skin, immediately wash area with soap and water. • If product is in the eyes, wash it out immediately with water. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. • After each day’s use, wash gloves, goggles, contaminated clothing and respirator. If rubber wash with detergent and warm water. l e b a L n e m i c e p S FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for CANVAS™ 750 SELECTIVE HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 62354/1208 76 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Conclude abe L n e m i c e p S CONCLUDE ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: 357 g/L MCPA present as the ethyl hexyl ester ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: 7357 MCPA present as the ethyl hexyl ester g/Lg/L FLORASULAM 7 g/L FLORASULAM A suspension emulsion formulation for post-emergent control of broadleaf weeds in barley, oats, A suspension emulsion formulation forDirections post-emergent control of broadleaf weeds in barley, oats, triticale and wheat as specified in the for Use. triticale and wheat as specified in the Directions for Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 0032086 771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 77 DIRECTIONS FOR USE For Application to Oats, Triticale and Wheat at crop growth stage between 3 leaf and flag leaf emergence and to Barley between 5 leaf and flag leaf emergence. RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply to crops or weeds which may be stressed due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logging or drought), nutritional stress, root disease, or previous herbicide treatment, as crop damage or reduced levels of control may result (see bottom of table below for additional comments on barley and oats). DO NOT spray if rain is likely to occur within four hours or if heavy rain is likely to occur within 48 hours. DO NOT apply later than flag leaf emergence (Z37). DO NOT apply by air and DO NOT apply this product by mister within a Chemical Control Area in Victoria without a valid permit. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Adjuvant with Conclude™ Herbicide: Always add Uptake™ Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 water (0.5%v/v) unless tank mixing with Ally 1. When tank mixing with Ally add a non-ionic wetter at 200 mL/100 L (0.2% v/v) CONCLUDE WEED WEED STAGE RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Bedstraw (Galium spp.) Up to 6 whorl and not more than 100 mm in height 700 mL/ha Doublegee (Spiny Emex) (Emex australis) Up to the 4 leaf stage and not more than 100 mm in diameter Indian hedge mustard (Sisymbrium orientale) Up to the 8 leaf stage and not more than 150 mm in diameter Appy to actively growing weeds. Best results are usually achieved when weeds are small (2-4 leaf). However, actively growing weeds larger than the range specified (in the weed stage column) will often be well controlled if treated under warm conditions. Some regrowth can occur when above average spring rainfall occurs. Turnip weed (Rapistrum rugosum) Wild turnip (Brassica tournefortii) Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) Volunteer canola (Brassica napus) Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) Up to the 6 leaf stage and not more than 120 mm in diameter Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) Up to the 4 leaf stage and not more than 100 mm in diameter Vetch (Vicia spp.) Up to the 6 leaf stage and not more than 120 mm in height Suppression All states Control WA only Crop volunteers including: Chickpea, Lentil, Lupin Faba beans Up to the 6 leaf stage and not more than 150 mm in height Peas Up to the 6 node stage and not more than 150 mm in height Integrated Weed Management: Weeds that survive treatment must not be allowed to set viable seed. Use another management technique or herbicide from different mode-of-action group to avoid viable seed production. Strong suppression and often control of capeweed can be expected if actively growing weeds are treated in warm conditions. Conversely, control may be reduced by frosts in the 1-2 days preceeding application as well as cold, wet conditions that slow plant growth. Some regrowth may occur when above average spring rainfall occurs. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. 78 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 HARVEST WITHHOLDING PERIOD COMPATIBILITY Barley, Oats, Triticale and Wheat: None required when used as directed. When using Conclude Herbicide in a tank mix with another product, observe the Harvest Withholding Period of the other product. Conclude Herbicide is compatible with the following: Broadleaf Herbicides: Bromoxynil, bromoxynil-MCPA, MCPA LVE, MCPA amine, Starane™ Advanced, Lontrel™, dicamba, Ally1 Adjuvants: Always use Uptake™ Spraying Oil unless tank mixing with metsulfuron. When tank mixing with Ally1 use a non-ionic wetter at 200 mL/100 L. DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT TREATED CROPS FOR STOCK FEED FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION of Conclude Herbicide. When using Conclude in a tank mix with another product, observe whichever Stockfood Withholding Period is the longer. BOOM SPRAYING: Apply Conclude Herbicide in sufficient water to obtain good coverage. It should be applied by an accurately calibrated ground rig using a water volume of 50 – 100 L/ha. Sprayers should aim to apply medium quality spray in accordance with ASABE standard S-572. If applying a coarse quality spray apply in a minimum of 80 L/ha. CROP SAFETY: Barley and Oats – While grain yields are unaffected, slight, transient yellowing and growth retardation may occur in some conditions. Crop recovery is usually rapid, but may be slower if crops are stressed due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logging or drought), nutritional stress, root disease, or previous herbicide treatment. CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT: After using Conclude Herbicide, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the tank using a pressure hose, drain the tank and clean any tank, pump, line and nozzle filters. PARTIAL CLEANING (Rinse only – before using rig to spray barley, triticale and wheat): After cleaning the tank as above, quarter fill the tank with clean water and circulate through the pump, line, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat procedure twice. COMPLETE CLEANING (Decontamination – before using rig to spray crops that are susceptible to Conclude Herbicide): After cleaning the tank as above, quarter fill the tank with clean water and add a liquid alkali detergent (e.g. Surf®, Omo®, Drive®) at 500 mL/100 L water and circulate throughout the system for at least fifteen minutes. Drain the whole system. Then remove filters and nozzles and clean separately. Finally rinse inside the tank thoroughly using a pressure hose and flush system with clean water and allow to drain. Note: Chlorine-based cleaners are NOT recommended. Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and their roots and watercourses. l e b a L n e m i c e p S GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MIXING: Conclude Herbicide is a suspension concentrate which may show some separation on storage. Roll, shake or invert the container several times to ensure that Conclude has completely resuspended before measuring to mix. Conclude Herbicide should be added to the spray tank with simultaneous agitation. If agitation is limited, premix the Conclude Herbicide in a bucket before adding to the main tank. Once diluted correctly, Conclude Herbicide remains in suspension. If tankmixing with other products, the following order should be followed: 1. 2. 3. 4. APPLICATION Quarter fill the spraytank, maintaining agitation, then: Add Conclude Herbicide (as described above) Add water to half fill the spray tank Add wettable powders, water dispersible granules or other suspension concentrates. 5. Add other emulsifiable concentrates. 6. Add Uptake™ Spraying Oil when spraytank is half-full. (or a wetter if applying with Ally1) 7. Add water to bring to the final spray volume. CROP SAFETY: Barley and Oats – While grain yields are unaffected, slight, transient yellowing and growth retardation may occur in some conditions. Crop recovery is usually rapid, but may be slower if crops are stressed due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logging or drought), nutritional stress, root disease, or previous herbicide treatment. ROTATIONAL CROPS: Susceptible winter crops may be sown the year following application. Susceptible winter crops include: chickpeas, faba beans, field peas, lentils and lupins or pastures with a lucerne, medic or clover component. Safety to summer crops is under investigation. Please contact your local Dow AgroSciences representative on 1 800 700 096 before planting a summer crop following use of Conclude Herbicide. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 79 CONCLUDE STOCKFOOD WITHHOLDING PERIOD CONCLUDE RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Conclude Herbicide contains members of the pyridine and triazolopyrimidine sulfonanilide group of herbicides. The product has the disrupters of plant cell growth and acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor modes-of-action. For weed resistance management, the product is a Group I + Group B herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group I and/or B herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or other Group I or Group B herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of the product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant or local Department of Agriculture. Conclude Herbicide is a broadleaf herbicide with no grass weed activity and exerts no selection pressure on annual ryegrass. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE AND DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. l e b a L n e m i c e p S INTEGRATED WEED MANAGEMENT Weeds that survive treatment must be managed by another herbicide with different mode-of-action and/or non-chemical technique/s to avoid viable seed production. PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS DO NOT apply under weather conditions or from spraying equipment that may cause spray drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. Avoid spray drift onto susceptible crops such as cotton, tobacco, tomatoes, vines, fruit trees, vegetables, legume crops and pastures, oilseed crops and susceptible trees (eg. kurrajongs, belahs, eucalyptus). DO NOT spray in high winds. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT Florasulam is very highly toxic to algae and aquatic plants. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with chemical or used containers. Overspray or drift to sensitive habitats should be avoided. For ground application, a buffer zone of 10 metres is required between the downwind edge of the boom and the closest edge of non-target native vegetation and a buffer zone of 5 metres is required between the downwind edge of the boom and the closest edge of waterbodies. 80 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Harmful if swallowed. • Will damage eyes. • Will irritate the skin. • Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorders. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • When opening the container, and mixing and loading, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat, elbow-length chemical-resistant gloves and goggles. • If product in eyes, wash it out immediately with water. • If product on skin, immediately wash area with soap and water. • Wash hands after use. • After each day’s use, wash gloves, goggles and contaminated clothing. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for CONCLUDE™ HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 1 Trademark of Dupont l e b a L n e m i c e p S PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 CONCLUDE APVMA Approval No: 62318/0709 81 POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CRUSADER KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Crusader abe L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: ACTIVESAFENER: CONSTITUENT: CROP CROP SAFENER: SOLVENT: SOLVENT: 30 g/L PYROXSULAM 30 g/L CLOQUINTOCETPYROXSULAM MEXYL 90 90 g/L MEXYL 750 g/LCLOQUINTOCETLIQUID HYDROCARBON 750 g/L LIQUID HYDROCARBON An oil dispersible liquid formulation for post-emergent control of grass and broadleaf weeds in An oil dispersible formulation post-emergent control of grass and broadleaf triticale and wheat,liquid excluding durumfor varieties, as specified in the Directions for Use. weeds in triticale and wheat, excluding durum varieties, as specified in the Directions for Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow 20 Rodborough AgroSciences Road Australia FRENCHS Limited FOREST ABNNSW 24 003 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER ® ™ Trademark SERVICE of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical 1-800 Company 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 82 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DIRECTIONS FOR USE: For application to triticale and wheat (excluding durum varieties) only from 3 leaf up to 1st node of the crop. CRUSADER RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply to crops or weeds which may be stressed due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logging or drought) or previous herbicide treatment, as crop damage or reduced levels of control may result (see crop safety warning below). DO NOT spray if rain is likely to occur within 6 hours. DO NOT apply later than the 1st node stage of the crops. DO NOT apply by air. DO NOT apply to durum varieties of wheat. DO NOT double overlap or double spray crop. DO NOT apply to paddocks where there is a high risk of weeds resistant to Group B herbicides. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Table 1. Grass weed control or suppression WEEDS Control Brome grass (Bromus diandrus), Phalaris spp., Wild oats (Avena spp.) WEED STAGE RATE/ha 1-3 leaf (pre-tillering) 500 mL CRITICAL COMMENTS Always use BS 1000 or Chemwet 1000 at 250 mL/100 L. Weed suppression: Weeds may only be suppressed where densities of > 150 plants/m2 are treated and may survive treatment, but will usually show reduced growth and seed set. Always use together with other methods of control to stop weed seed set. Suppression Annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) Barley grass (Hordeum leporinum) Silver grass (Vulpia spp.) Table 2. Broadleaf weed control WEED WEED STAGE & SIZE RATE/ha Bedstraw (Galium tricornutum) Cotyledon - 6 whorl Up to 10 cm 500 mL Canola (Brassica napus) Cotyledon - 4 leaf Up to 10 cm CRITICAL COMMENTS Always use BS 1000 or Chemwet 1000 at 250 mL/100 L. High weed density: For high densities (> 50/m2), use tank-mixes and highest rate of partner herbicide where a range is stated. Crop stage for tankmixes: treat crop at the labelled growth stage for the partner herbicide. MCPA tankmixes: LVE 600 MCPA at 400 mL/ha must be applied from 5 leaf stage onwards in NNSW and Qld. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 83 CRUSADER Table 2. Broadleaf weed control (continued) WEED WEED STAGE & SIZE RATE/ha Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) Cotyledon - 6 leaf Up to 12 cm 500 mL + 40-60 g of Lontrel 750 SG + 300 mL LVE 600 MCPA or + 500 mL Bromoxynil/MCPA (200 + 200 g/L) or + 500 mL Bromoxynil/MCPA + 40 g Lontrel 750 SG CRITICAL COMMENTS Always use BS 1000 or Chemwet 1000 at 250 mL/100 L. High weed density: For high densities (> 50/m2), use tank-mixes and highest rate of partner herbicide where a range is stated. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) Cotyledon - 6 leaf Up to 15 cm 500 mL Climbing buckwheat (Black bindweed) (Fallopia convolvulus) Cotyledon - 4 leaf Up to 10 cm 500 mL + 375-500 mL Hotshot Herbicide Deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule) Cotyledon - 4 leaf Up to 5 cm 500 mL Doublegee or (Spiny emex) (Emex australis) Cotyledon - 4 leaf Up to 10 cm 500 mL + 5 g Metsulfuron (600 g/kg) Faba bean (Vicia faba) Cotyledon - 4 leaf Up to 10 cm 500 mL Field pea (Pisum sativum) Cotyledon - 6 node Up to 12 cm Indian hedge mustard (Sisymbrium orientale) Cotyledon - 6 leaf Up to 10 cm 500 mL + 300-400 mL LVE 600 MCPA Lentil (Lens esculentum) Cotyledon - 6 leaf Up to 8 cm 500 mL Lupins - suppression (Lupinus albus) Cotyledon - 4 leaf Up to 6 cm Medic spp. Cotyledon - 4 leaf Up to 8 cm Prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola) Cotyledon - 6 leaf Up to 10 cm 84 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 500 mL + 400 mL LVE 600 MCPA Crop stage for tankmixes: treat crop at the labelled growth stage for the partner herbicide. MCPA tankmixes: LVE 600 MCPA at 400 mL/ha must be applied from 5 leaf stage onwards in NNSW and Qld. Table 2. Broadleaf weed control (continued) WEED STAGE & SIZE RATE/ha Small flowered mallow - suppression (Malva parviflora) Cotyledon - 4 leaf Up to 10 cm 500mL + 400 mL LVE 600 MCPA or + 300 mL LVE 600 MCPA + 5 g Metsulfuron (600 g/kg) or + 500 mL Conclude CRITICAL COMMENTS CRUSADER WEED Mallow suppression – ensure excellent crop competition for best suppression. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) Cotyledon - 4 leaf Up to 10 cm 500mL + 500 mL Hotshot + 400 mL LVE 600 MCPA Subclover (Trifolium subterraneum) Cotyledon - 4 leaf Up to 5 cm 500 mL Turnip weed (Rapistrum rugosum) Cotyledon - 4 leaf Up to 10 cm Vetch - suppression (Vicia sativa) Cotyledon - 4 leaf Up to 10 cm Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) Cotyledon - 4 leaf Up to 15 cm 500 mL + 300-400 mL LVE 600 MCPA Wireweed (Polygonum aviculare) Cotyledon - 4 leaf Up to 8 cm 500 mL NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OR IN ANY MANNER CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIODS When using Crusader Herbicide in a tank mix with another product, observe whichever Harvest or Grazing/Stockfood Withholding Period that is the longer. Harvest: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. Grazing/Stockfood: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT TREATED CROPS FOR STOCK FEED FOR 4 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. CROP SAFETY Yield is normally unaffected by treatment with Crusader Herbicide or tank mixes. However, transient stem shortening and crop yellowing may occur. Symptoms may be worse where the crop is stressed, heavy rain/irrigation follows application, crops are grown in alkaline soil conditions, crop has poor root growth, double overlap of spray has occurred or a combination of any or all the above. Where crop stress occurs, a longer period may be required for recovery, especially if the crop is stressed by root or foliar disease, poor nutrition, water logging, drought or cold stress. In severe cases and seasons where a hot, dry spring occurs, flowering may be delayed and yield may be reduced. Crusader Herbicide has been tested over major commercially grown crop varieties, but not all of those that may be grown. For information on crop variety selectivity consult your local reseller or Dow AgroSciences. Note: Application of another Group B herbicide to the same crop before or after Crusader’s use may result in more injury than described above. Consult Dow AgroSciences for advice. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 85 CRUSADER GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT Crusader is a selective sulphonamide herbicide. It is a foliar herbicide for post-emergence use in wheat. It will not reliably control weeds that emerge after treatment. Best results are achieved under good growing conditions. Treatment of crop or weeds that are stressed must be avoided. After using Crusader Herbicide, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the tank using a pressure hose, drain the tank and clean tank, pump, line and nozzle filters. Partial Cleaning – Rinse only before using sprayer to treat triticale or wheat: After cleaning the tank as above, quarter fill the tank with clean water and circulate through the pump, line, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat procedure twice. Complete Cleaning – Decontamination before using sprayer to treat crops that are susceptible to Crusader Herbicide: After cleaning the tank as above, quarter fill the tank with clean water and add a liquid alkali detergent at 500 mL/100 L water and circulate throughout the system for at least fifteen minutes. Drain the whole system. Then remove filters and nozzles and clean separately. Finally rinse inside the tank thoroughly using a pressure hose and flush system with clean water and allow to drain. Note: Chlorine-based cleaners are NOT recommended. These tank cleaning recommendations are for Crusader only. Please consult tankmix partner labels to determine requirement for decontamination for other products. Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and their roots and watercourses. MIXING Crusader Herbicide is an oil-based concentrate which may show some separation on storage. Roll, shake or invert the container several times to ensure that Crusader Herbicide has completely redispersed before measuring to mix. Crusader Herbicide should be added to the spray tank with simultaneous agitation. If agitation is limited, premix the Crusader Herbicide in a bucket before adding to the main tank. Once diluted correctly, Crusader Herbicide remains in suspension. Tankmixing If Crusader is to be mixed with other products, use the following order: 1. Quarter fill the spray tank, maintaining agitation, 2. Add Crusader Herbicide (as described above), 3. Add water to half fill the spray tank, 4. Add wettable powders, water dispersible granules or suspension concentrates, 5. Add emulsifiable concentrates, 6. Add wetter when spray tank is half-full, 7. Add water to bring to the final spray volume. Crusader Herbicide should be mixed and sprayed out within 8 hours. l e b a L n e m i c e p S RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING COMPATIBILITY Crusader Herbicide is compatible with the following: Broadleaf herbicides: metsulfuron (eg. Ally® Herbicide), bromoxynil, bromoxynil-MCPA, Conclude™ Herbicide, Hotshot™ Herbicide, Lontrel™ Herbicide, Lontrel 750 SG Herbicide, Dow AgroSciences LVE 600 MCPA, MCPA LVE, Starane™ Advanced Herbicide and Torpedo™ Herbicide. Adjuvants: Always use either BS 1000 or Chemwet 1000 at 250 mL/100L spray volume. APPLICATION Boom Spraying: apply Crusader in sufficient water to obtain complete and even coverage. It should be applied by an accurately calibrated ground rig using a water volume of 50–100 L/ha. Sprayers should apply a medium to coarse quality spray in accordance with ASABE standard S-572. Where coarse spray quality is to be applied, use a minimum of 70 L/ha spray volume. 86 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Crusader Herbicide contains a member of the triazolopyrimidine sulfonanilide group of herbicides. The product has the acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor mode of action. For weed resistance management, the product is a Group B herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group B herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or other Group B herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of the product to control resistant weeds. Do not rely solely on Crusader or other Group B herbicides for weed control. Always use an Integrated Weed Management program with herbicides that PRECAUTION Re-entry Period: Nil re-entry period if wearing cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and chemical resistant gloves. If not wearing protective clothing as described above, allow the spray to dry prior to re-entry. Protective clothing must be laundered after each day’s use. crops should not be planted for at least 12 months after application of Crusader Herbicide. Contact Dow AgroSciences, your farm chemical supplier, consultant or local Department of Agriculture for advice. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT Crusader Herbicide is highly toxic to algae and aquatic plants. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with chemical or used containers. DO NOT apply under meteorological conditions or from spraying equipment that could be expected to cause spray to drift onto wetlands, natural surface waters, neighbouring properties or other sensitive areas. For ground application, a buffer zone of 5 metres is required between the downwind edge of the boom and the closest edge of waterbodies. l e b a L n e m i c e p S PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS DO NOT apply under weather conditions or from spraying equipment that may cause spray to drift onto nearby native and other non-target plants or susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. Crop Rotation Recommendations Safe recropping periods apply for all crops following Crusader application. Planting crops ‘dry’ without the minimum rainfall (as stated in the table below) increases the risk of injury to susceptible crops. Susceptible crops include, but are not limited to, those listed in the table below. Plant-back Periods Area/State Rain or irrigation needed* Plant-back Interval Crops to be planted SA, Sth NSW, Tas, Vic, and WA (Winter dominant rainfall areas) All soils 25 mm rain or more 9 months Nth NSW and Qld (Summer dominant rainfall areas) Vertosol soils 50 mm or more rain or irrigation 6 months Barley, canola, chickpeas, cotton, faba beans, field peas, lentils, lupins, lucerne, maize, medics, oats, ryegrass, sub-clover, sorghum, soybeans, sunflower, vetches, and white clover Note: For all other crops, consult your reseller or local Dow AgroSciences’ representative. For all situations, sufficient rainfall to enable soil wetting for at least one week is essential to enable residue breakdown before planting following crops other than wheat. *on shallow, duplex or low organic matter soils and/or where rain or irrigation in one fall or over subsequent days is insufficient to thoroughly wet soil to 10 cm for one week or more in the summer to autumn period, extended plant-back times will apply and susceptible STORAGE AND DISPOSAL This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 87 CRUSADER have other modes-of-action, together with nonchemical methods of control. CropLife Australia resistance management strategies are available from local agricultural chemical suppliers or at Use these strategies to limit the build up of resistant weeds on your farm. CRUSADER SAFETY DIRECTIONS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET • Harmful if inhaled. May irritate nose and throat. Will irritate the skin. Will damage the eyes. Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorders. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • When opening the container and preparing the spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and a washable hat, elbow length chemical resistant gloves, goggles and disposable mist face mask covering mouth and nose. • If product on skin, immediately wash area with soap and water. If product in eyes, wash it out immediately with water. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. • After each day’s use wash gloves, goggles and contaminated clothing. Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for CRUSADER™ HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 61277/51143 l e b a L n e m i c e p S FIRST AID If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. Give a glass of water. 88 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING DAS LVE 600 l LVE 600 abe L n e m i c e p S MCPA MCPA Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 600 g/L MCPA present as the ethylhexyl ester. ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 600 g/L MCPA present as the ethylhexyl ester. For the selective control of certain broadleafed weeds in cereals and grass pastures as per For the selective the Directions Forcontrol Use. of certain broadleafed weeds in cereals and grass pastures as per the Directions For Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 DowRodborough AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 771 659 20 Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER TOLLChemical FREE 1-800 700 096 ® TrademarkSERVICE of The Dow Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 89 DIRECTIONS FOR USE: RESTRAINTS: Avoid spraying if rain is likely within 6 hours as weed control may be reduced. DO NOT use open mixing and loading systems for aerial application. DO NOT apply if crop or weeds are stressed due to dry or excessively moist conditions. 1. FIELD CROPS (Wheat, Oats, Triticale and Cereal Rye only) CROP GROWTH STAGE 3 to 5 leaf stage (Z13 to Z15) WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha Charlock (Sinapis arvensis) Young seedling rosette 420 mL Up to 4 leaf and not more than 12 cm diameter 170 mL + 350 mL Tigrex® Up to 6 leaf and not more than 15 cm diameter 170 mL + 500 mL Tigrex® CRITICAL COMMENTS Do not use on Kulin wheat. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Wild turnip (Brassica spp.) DAS LVE 600 3 leaf to fully tillered (Z13 to Z30) Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) Do not use this tank mix if cereals are undersown with lucerne or annual medics. Optimum results are achieved when sprayed at 3-4 leaf crop stage (generally 4-8 weeks post-sowing). Warning: Tigrex® may cause transient crop yellowing of cereals. 2. FIELD CROPS (Wheat, Barley, Oats, Triticale and Cereal Rye only), Established Grass Pastures & Grass Seed Crops (damage may occur to Legumes if present). CROP GROWTH STAGE 5 leaf stage through to flag leaf (Z15 – Z37) 90 WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha Bathurst burr (Xanthium spinosum) Young seedling 1.33 L Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) 2-4 leaf up to 5 cm diam 1.42 L Charlock (Sinapis arvensis) Young rosette 420 mL – 1.33 L Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Early rosette stage 1.33 L Fat hen (Chenopodium album) Young seedling 830 mL – 1.33 L Fumitory (Fumaria spp.) Up to first true leaf stage 920 mL Hedge mustards (Sisymbrium spp.) Young rosette 460 mL – 920 mL Lincoln weed (Diplotaxis tenuifolia) 580 mL London rocket (Sismybrium irio) 920 mL CRITICAL COMMENTS May be poisonous to stock after spraying. Tolerance increases with age. Moderately susceptible. (Not Tas) Noogoora burr (Xanthium occidentale) Young seedlings 1.33 L Tolerance increases with age. Paterson’s curse (Echium plantagineum) 2-4 leaf stage 1.42 L May be poisonous to stock after spraying. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 2. FIELD CROPS (Wheat, Barley, Oats, Triticale and Cereal Rye only), Established Grass Pastures & Grass Seed Crops (damage may occur to Legumes if present). (Continued) CROP GROWTH STAGE 5 leaf stage through to flag leaf (Z15 – Z37) WEEDS CONTROLLED Saffron thistle (Carthamus lanatus) WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Young rosette 920 mL – 1.58 L Spray before leaves become spiny. Scotch (Cotton) thistle (Onopordum acanthium) 580 mL – 1.42 L Skeleton weed (Chondrilla juncea) 920 mL – 1.33 L Moderately susceptible. Spray before aerial growth commences. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Spear thistle (Cirsium vulgare) Moderately susceptible. 1.25 – 1.75 L Moderately susceptible. Stinkwort (Dittrichia graveolens) young plants up to 15 cm high 1.33 L Turnip weed (Rapistrum rugosum) up to rosette stage 580 mL – 920 mL seedlings 1.25 L before pre-cabbage stage 700 mL – 920 mL Volunteer safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) Seedlings 830 mL Volunteer sunflower (Helianthus annus) Seedlings 1.25 L 2-3 leaf stage 920 mL – 1.33 L Up to 8 leaf and not more than 18 cm diameter 340 mL + 500 mL Tigrex® Young seedlings 920 mL Up to young rosettes 420 mL – 1.25 L Volunteer canola (Brassica napus) Variegated thistle (Silybum marianum) Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) 5 leaf to fully tillered (Z13 – Z30) 5 leaf stage through to flag leaf (Z15 – Z37) 1.75 L Wild sage (Salvia verbenaca) Wild turnip (Brassica spp.) Apply lower rate to seedlings. DAS LVE 600 Slender thistle (Carduus tenuiflorus) May be poisonous to stock after spraying. Reduced efficacy (suppression only) may be achieved on wild radish larger than 8 leaf or greater than 18 cm diameter. Do not use this tank mix if cereals are undersown with lucerne or annual medics. Optimum results are achieved when sprayed at 3-4 leaf crop stage (generally 4-8 weeks post-sowing). Warning: Tigrex® may cause transient crop yellowing of cereals. Lower rate for seedlings. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIOD: Pasture, Cereal Crops - DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. HARVEST WITHHOLDING PERIOD: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 91 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Before opening, carefully read DIRECTIONS FOR USE, PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS, SAFETY DIRECTIONS and FIRST AID instructions. Weeds should be sprayed while actively growing and at their most susceptible stage. As a general guide, annuals should be sprayed when young and perennials just prior to appearance of bud stage. Extremes of cold or drought are unfavourable. The best conditions are when soil is moist, weather is fine and rain unlikely within 6 hours of application. BOOM SPRAYING - Use 30-120 L/ha of water. AERIAL SPRAYING - Use 10-90 L/ha of water. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND USAGE DAS LVE 600 Dow AgroSciences LVE 600 MCPA Herbicide is a member of the Phenoxys group of herbicides. Dow AgroSciences LVE 600 MCPA Herbicide has the disruptors of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management Dow AgroSciences LVE 600 MCPA Herbicide is a Group I herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to Dow AgroSciences LVE 600 MCPA Herbicide and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by Dow AgroSciences LVE 600 MCPA Herbicide or other Group I herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Dow AgroSciences LVE 600 MCPA Herbicide to control resistant weeds. l e b a L n e m i c e p S APPLICATION INFORMATION Equipment that has been used for this chemical should not be used for the application of other materials to sensitive plants, unless it has been well washed out with hot soapy water or 1% solution of ammonia, followed by several clear water rinses. COMPATIBILITY This product may be tank mixed with Broadstrike™ Herbicide, bromoxynil, dicamba, diflufenican, diuron (500 g/L or 900 g/kg), chlorsulfuron, diclofop-methyl, glyphosate, metsulfuron, Hotshot™ Herbicide, Lontrel™, Lontrel™ 750 SG Herbicides, Sertin®, Spray·Seed®, Starane™ Advanced Herbicide, flowable terbutryn, Tigrex®, Tordon™ 242 Herbicide, Torpedo™ Herbicide, triasulfuron, Tribunil® and Wildcat®. When mixing with diclofop-methyl, add an approved surfactant and do not exceed 580 mL/ha of Dow AgroSciences LVE 600 MCPA Herbicide. For consistent results, use a minimum of 80 L water per hectare by ground and 30 L water by air. NOTE: RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING 1. As formulations of other manufacturers’ products are beyond the control of Dow AgroSciences all mixtures should be tested on a small scale before mixing in the spray tank. 2. Tank mixing instructions: Fill the spray tank 1/4 full of water and agitate. Add wettable powders and water dispersible granules first. Agitate until these are uniformly dispersed, meanwhile adding water until the tank is 90% full. Add suspension concentrates (flowables) then soluble concentrates. Emulsifiable concentrates go in last. Top off the tank with water and continue agitation until all the ingredients are properly mixed. Observe any mixing sequence instructions mentioned on the tank mix products. PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS DO NOT spray in high winds. DO NOT spray crops or weeds outside the stages indicated in "WEED GROWTH STAGE" as damage, loss of yield or inadequate weed control may result. Drift Warning: DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. Avoid spray drift onto susceptible crops such as cotton, tobacco, tomatoes, vines, fruit trees, vegetables, legume crops and pastures, oilseed crops and susceptible trees (e.g. Kurrajongs, Belahs and Eucalypts). DO NOT use unless wind speed is more than 3 kilometres per hour and less than 15 kilometres per hour, as measured at the application site. Legume Tolerance: While Dow AgroSciences LVE 600 MCPA Herbicide is preferred to (2,4-D amine) or Esteron™ LV (2,4-D LV ester) in most situations, this product will cause greater damage than MCPA 500 Amine. NB. The tolerance of pasture legumes to applied product can vary with species, variety, growing conditions, stage of growth and companion crop cover. DO NOT spray cereal crops undersown with lucerne or medics as severe damage will result. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK Low hazard to bees. May be applied at any time as recommended in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEA AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used container. 92 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 STORAGE AND DISPOSAL MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE AND DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and bury empty containers in a local authority landfill. If no landfill is available, bury the containers below 500 mm in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots. Empty containers and product should not be burnt. Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for DOW AGROSCIENCES LVE 600 MCPA HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 62477/51061 l e b a L n e m i c e p S SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT DAS LVE 600 Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face-shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Harmful if swallowed. • May irritate the skin. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • When opening the container, mixing and loading and using the prepared spray wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist, washable hat, elbow-length PVC gloves, goggles and half face piece respirator. • Wash hands after use. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 93 CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN DELEGATE KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Delegate abe L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Insecticide Insecticide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 250 g/kg SPINETORAM ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 250 g/kg SPINETORAM For the control of various caterpillar pests, such as codling moth and lightbrown apple moth in For the control of various caterpillar pests,flower such as codling mothand andstone lightbrown moth in in grapes, pome and stone fruit and western thrips in pome fruit asapple specified grapes, pome and stone fruit and western flower thrips in pome and stone fruit as specified in the Directions for Use. the Directions for Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 94 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DO NOT make more than 4 applications to any crop in any one season, except where otherwise indicated in the CRITICAL COMMENTS (also see the RESISTANCE statement). DO NOT apply during surface temperature inversion conditions at the application site. DO NOT apply from aircraft. DO NOT direct the spray above trees or vines during airblast applications. TURN OFF outward pointing nozzles at row ends and outer rows during airblast applications. Except when applying with orchard airblast equipment, DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than a MEDIUM spray droplet size category according to nozzle manufacturer specifications that refer to the ASABE S572 Standard or the BCPC Guideline. l e b a L n e m i c e p S SPRAY DRIFT RESTRAINTS DO NOT apply if there are livestock, pasture or any land that is producing feed for livestock downwind from the application area and within the mandatory no-spray zones shown in the table below: DECLARED SPRAY DRIFT RISK AREA – Spray drift deposits that can cause residue violations in livestock feeding on pasture and forage can result from typical applications out to distances downwind from the application area as shown in Table 1 below: Table 1 – No-Spray Zones for Protection of International Trade FOR GROUND APPLICATION TO TREE CROPS: Wind Speed Range at Time of Application Downwind No-Spray Zone 3 to 8 kilometres per hour 140 metres FOR GROUND APPLICATION TO GRAPES: Wind Speed Range at Time of Application Downwind No-Spray Zone 3 to 20 kilometres per hour 10 metres SPRAYING TREE & VINE CROPS: In the following table, all rates are given for dilute spraying where spray volumes may vary in order to obtain good coverage to the point of run-off. For concentrate spraying refer to the “CONCENTRATE SPRAYING” section on this label. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 95 DELEGATE DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS DELEGATE CROP PEST RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS FOR ALL TREE & VINE CROPS: Carefully monitor crops for eggs and larvae of pest species by regular field scouting. Target sprays against mature eggs and newly-hatched larvae. Apply repeat applications at 14 day intervals as egg hatch continues or as new infestations occur unless otherwise directed in the CRITICAL COMMENTS. RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT: DO NOT make more than 4 applications to any crop in any one season. Grapes Lightbrown apple moth 10 g/100L* Grapevine moth 3 g/100L* See comments under “FOR ALL TREE & VINE CROPS” above l e b a L n e m i c e p S Pome fruit, including Apples, Pears and Nashi Pears Stone fruit, including Apricots, Cherries Nectarines, Peaches Plums Codling moth Lightbrown apple moth and Oriental fruit moth 15-20 g/ 100 L* 10 or 15 g/100 L* Use higher rates when adverse weather conditions may cause the spray interval to become greater than 14 days, or in high pressure conditions, in orchards with a history of damage or when mating disruption does not provide adequate protection. Looper, pear and cherry slug, Helicoverpa 10 g/100L Western flower thrip 20 g/100 L* Use this product as part of the WFT Resistance Management strategy (see end of table for details). 5 g/100L Use the higher rate under high pest pressure or when adverse weather conditions may cause the spray interval to become greater than 14 days. Pear and cherry slug Lightbrown apple moth and Oriental fruit moth Western flower thrip 10 or 15 g/100 L* 20 g/100 L* Use this product as part of the WFT Resistance Management strategy (see end of table for details). WFT Resistance Management Strategy: Make 3 consecutive applications at either 3-5 day intervals when temperatures are greater than 20°C or at 6-12 day intervals when temperatures are less than 20°C. For any further sprays required, use an approved product from another chemical group. DO NOT make more than 3 consecutive applications of Delegate before switching to an approved product from another chemical group. *Addition of a non-ionic wetting agent at its label rate, such as Agral® at 10 mL/100 L, may improve control under less than ideal application conditions. DO NOT add non-ionic wetting agent if tank-mixing Delegate with any other products PEST NAMES: Codling moth: Cydia pomonella; Grapevine moth: Phalaenoides glycinae; Helicoverpa caterpillars, corn earworm, native budworm: Helicoverpa spp.; Lightbrown apple moth: Epiphyas postvittana; Loopers: Phrissigonus spp., Ectropis spp., Chloroclystis spp.; Oriental fruit moth: Grapholita molesta; Pear and cherry slug: Caliroa cerasi; Western flower thrip: Frankliniella occidentalis. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. 96 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DELEGATE DO NOT GRAZE ANY TREATED ORCHARD OR VINEYARD OR CUT THE ORCHARD OR VINEYARD FLOOR FOR STOCKFOOD WITHHOLDING PERIODS: Grapes and Pome Fruit: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 7 DAYS AFTER THE LAST APPLICATION Stone Fruit: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 3 DAYS AFTER THE LAST APPLICATION l e b a L n e m i c e p S The grazing limitations above apply specifically to stock slaughtered for the domestic market. Export markets may apply different standards. To ensure compliance with residue standards in export markets, comply with the above grazing withholding periods and ensure that the Export Slaughter Interval (ESI) is observed before stock are sold or slaughtered. Export Slaughter Interval: 14 Days. This means that livestock that has grazed on or was fed treated crops or byproducts should be placed on clean feed for at least 14 days prior to slaughter. PRECAUTION: Delegate Insecticide may leave detectable chemical residues in harvested produce. Overseas markets may not have appropriate residue tolerances in place or may have established tolerances which are lower than Australian maximum residue limits. Some crops for export to these destinations may require a longer harvesting withholding period. If you are using this product on crops destined for export, please contact your exporter for advice. WINE GRAPES: If you are growing grapes for export wine production, please check with your exporter or the AWRI for the latest information on MRLs and import tolerances before using Delegate Insecticide. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 97 DELEGATE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Insecticide Resistance Warning For insecticide resistance management, Delegate is a Group 5 insecticide. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Delegate and other Group 5 insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if Delegate and other Group 5 insecticides are used repeatedly. The effectiveness of Delegate on resistant individuals could be significantly reduced. Since occurrence of resistant individuals is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Delegate to control resistant insects. Delegate may be subject to specific resistance management strategies. For further information contact your local supplier, Dow AgroSciences representative or local agricultural department agronomist. volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice. Add the amount of product specified in the Directions for Use table for each 100 L of water. Spray to the point of runoff. If volume to be applied is < 1000 L/ha then use the low volume (concentrate) application method for calculation of chemical rate. For volumes > 1000 L/ha use dilute spray rate. CONCENTRATE SPRAYING Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying (that is, a sprayer which applies water volumes less than those required to reach the point of run-off) and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen water volume. Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (see DILUTE SPRAYING above) for the crop canopy. Consult your local adviser, agronomist or Department of Agriculture to determine this volume. This is needed to calculate the concentrate mixing rate. The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following way: l e b a L n e m i c e p S MIXING Concentrate Spraying Example Half-fill the spray tank with water, add the appropriate amount of accurately measured Delegate Insecticide, then complete filling the tank. 1. Dilute spray volume as determined above: e.g. 1500 L/ha Ensure thorough agitation by mechanical or hydraulic action at all times during mixing and application. 3. The concentration factor is 3X (1500 / 500) Use only clean water within the range pH 5-9 to dilute Delegate Insecticide. DO NOT add non-ionic wetting agent if tank-mixing Delegate with any other products. APPLICATION Thorough coverage of the crop is essential. DO NOT apply when conditions are unsuitable for waterbased spray applications. Avoid high temperature, strong winds, inversion conditions, imminent rain or any conditions that may reduce the quality of spray coverage or result in drift from the target area. Techniques to minimise drift should be employed at all times when applying sprays to, or near, sensitive areas. DILUTE SPRAYING Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of run-off and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of first run-off. Avoid excessive run-off. The required water volume may be determined by applying different test 98 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 2. Your chosen concentrate spray volume: e.g. 500 L/ha 4. If the dilute label rate is 10 g/100 L, then the concentrate rate becomes 3 X 10, i.e. 30 g/100 L of concentrate spray The chosen spray volume, amount of product per 100 L of water and the sprayer set up and operation may need to be changed as the crop grows. For further information on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult relevant industry guidelines, undertake appropriate competency training. Always follow Industry Best Practices. RAINFASTNESS Rain can wash Delegate Insecticide from treated plant surfaces and result in reduced insect control. Avoid making spray applications if rain is expected before the spray can dry completely. CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT After using Delegate Insecticide empty the tank and completely drain the system. Rinse the tank, pumps, lines, hoses, filters and nozzles by circulating clean water through the system. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. DO NOT allow entry into treated areas until the spray has dried, unless wearing cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and chemical resistant gloves. Clothing must be laundered after each day’s use. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK Bee Safety: This product is highly toxic to bees; will kill bees foraging in the crop to be treated or in hives which are over-sprayed or reached by spray drift. Residues may remain toxic to bees for several days after application. Once the spray deposit has dried, foraging bees should not be affected when using spray volumes of 2000 L/ha or less. However, if using spray volumes greater than 2000 L/ha, it is possible that foraging bees may be affected for some days after spraying. pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. SMALL SPILL MANAGEMENT Sweep up material and contain in a refuse vessel for disposal in the same manner as for the container (see STORAGE AND DISPOSAL section). SAFETY DIRECTIONS l e b a L n e m i c e p S PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT Very Toxic to aquatic life. DO NOT allow the product or used containers to enter dams, ponds, waterways or drains. DO NOT allow irrigation water from treated paddocks to enter adjacent pastures, crops or water supplies. DO NOT apply in strong winds, inversion conditions or any other conditions that may result in drift onto adjacent pastures, crops or water supplies. PROTECTION OF NON-TARGET INSECTS Risk to non-target insects. Delegate may have adverse effects on some non-target beneficials, such as foliage dwelling predators, particularly where IPM is practiced. Will irritate the eyes. Avoid contact with eyes. Wash hands after use. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for DELEGATE™ INSECTICIDE, which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 61717/54479 STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a cool wellventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 99 DELEGATE RE-ENTRY CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN DITHANE RAINSHIELD KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Dithane b a L Rainshield n e m i c e p S ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ Neo Tec Neo Tec™ Fungicide Fungicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 750 g/kg MANCOZEB ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 750 g/kg MANCOZEB For the control of certain fungal diseases of fruit, field crops, tobacco, turf, vegetables and For the control certain fungalFor diseases ornamentals asofper Directions Use. of fruit, field crops, tobacco, turf, vegetables and ornamentals as per Directions For Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 DowRodborough AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 0032086 771 659 20 Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 100 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 CROP FIELD CROPS Cotton – Pima var. only DISEASE RATE PER 100 L RATE PER HECTARE WHP Harvest (H) Grazing (G) CRITICAL COMMENTS Alternaria leaf spot - 2.5 kg 14 days (H) Dithane™ Rainshield™ Neo Tec™ is a protectant fungicide. To maximize control ensure thorough coverage of all plant surfaces. Begin applications as soon as disease symptoms appear. Repeat before each infection period (e.g. dew or rain) but no later than 7 to 10 days after the last application. DO NOT apply more than 4 sprays per season. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Cercospora leaf spot Rust - 1.7 to 2.2 kg 14 days (H) 14 days (G) Apply at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing when disease symptoms first appear. If rust is anticipated, apply at 7 to 10 day intervals. Use higher rate and shorter spray interval during weather conditions favourable to disease development. Downy mildew - 2.5 kg 7 weeks (H) Apply as protectant spray when weather conditions favour disease development. Repeat spray at 14 day intervals if conditions persist. Broadbeans faba beans Ascochyta blight Chocolate spot Rust Cercospora - 1 - 2.2 kg 4 weeks (H) 14 days (G) Chickpeas Ascochyta blight Botrytis grey mould Field peas Ascochyta blight Black spot Botrytis grey mould Rust Lentils and vetch Ascochyta blight Botrytis grey mould Rust Spray when leaves, flowers or pods show first signs of infection and weather conditions are likely to remain humid or wet and favour disease development. If disease pressure is severe and conditions favour spread of disease, repeat sprays at 2-3 weeks to protect new growth and developing pods. Use high rate for dense crops and if disease is severe. Repeat more frequently if severe disease persists. For improved coverage add a registered surfactant at 10-20mL/100L of spray. Lupins Botrytis grey mould Anthracnose Beans (Phaseolus spp.) Rust Anthracnose Ascochyta blight Angular leaf spot Soybeans Rust - 2.2 kg 7 days (H) 14 days (G) Apply when disease symptoms first appear and repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals while warm rainy weather conditions prevail. Peanuts Poppies Pulses grown for dry beans PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 101 DITHANE RAINSHIELD DIRECTIONS FOR USE: For use in all States where appropriate for the crop and/or disease. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: For use in all States where appropriate for the crop and/or disease (continued). CROP Tobacco FRUIT Bananas DISEASE RATE PER 100 L RATE PER HECTARE WHP Harvest (H) Grazing (G) Blue mould Brown spot Frog eye leaf spot 200 g 2.2 kg Not required Field Treatments: Apply at 7 day intervals commencing 10 days after transplanting and ceasing 7 to 10 days before the first harvest. Increase the spray volume accordingly as plant size increases. Seed bed Treatments: Apply when seedlings are 1.5 cm across and then repeat twice weekly. Wet the seedlings evenly without runoff. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Leaf spot (Mycosphaerella musicola) 200 g* product plus spray oil (used according to its label directions) 2.2 to 4.5 kg plus spray oil (used according to its label directions) Black pit Cordana leaf spot Fruit speckle Leaf speckle 200 g 2.2 kg ORNAMENTALS Carnations Rust Alternaria leaf spot 150 to 200 g /100 L spray Chrysanthemums Gladioli Grey mould (Botrytis) Septoria leaf spot Flowers Shrubs Septoria leaf spot Roses Black spot Ferns Botrytis leaf spot 75 to 100 g /100 L spray TURF Fusarium Helminthosporium Rhizoctonia 200 to 250 g /100 sq. metres DITHANE RAINSHIELD CRITICAL COMMENTS Nil (H) Apply when weather conditions favour disease outbreak. Repeat treatments in accordance with locally recommended spray schedules. Use sufficient water to ensure good coverage. Choose a spray oil appropriate or recommended for use on bananas. New South Wales: Ground Application: Apply at 3 week intervals from December or January until May. Aerial Application: Apply at 7 to 10 day intervals from December or January until May. South Queensland: Apply at 3 week intervals from December or January until May. North Queensland and NT: Apply every 2 weeks during the wet season. Extend to 3 weeks after this and then to 4 to 5 weeks during the drier months returning to 3 weeks prior to the next wet season. * for concentrate spraying using misters, refer to Concentrate Spraying under APPLICATION to determine appropriate rate. - Apply when disease symptoms first appear and then repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals. During weather conditions favourable to disease development, use the higher rate and shorter spray interval. Rust 102 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Caution: Dithane Rainshield Neo Tec may be phytotoxic to some ornamental species (in particular some varieties of ferns). It is recommended to test a few plants before widespread use. Apply as a protective spray schedule at 7 day intervals throughout the susceptible season. Use sufficient water for adequate coverage. Do not feed grass clippings from treated areas to poultry or animals. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: For use in all States where appropriate for the crop and/or disease (continued). CROP DISEASE RATE PER 100 L RATE PER HECTARE WHP Harvest (H) Grazing (G) CRITICAL COMMENTS l e b a L n e m i c e p S Broadbeans faba beans Peas (including sugar snap and snow peas). Green Beans (Phaseolus spp.) Cercospora leaf spot - 1.7-2.2 kg 7 days (H) 14 days (G) Apply when disease symptoms first appear and then repeat at 7-10 day intervals. Use the higher rate and shorter spray interval during weather conditions favourable to disease development. Spray when leaves, flowers or pods show first signs of infection and weather conditions are likely to remain humid or wet and favour disease development. Chocolate spot Ascochyta blight (suppression only) 1.7-2.5 kg 7 days (H) 14 days (G) If disease pressure is severe and weather conditions favour spread of the disease, repeat the spray treatment at 2-3 week intervals in order to protect new growth and developing pods. Use higher rate for dense crops and if disease pressure is severe. Volume of application: for ground apply 100 L/ha; for aircraft apply at least 30 L/ha. Rust 1.7-2.2 kg 7 days (H) 14 days (G) Apply when disease symptoms first appear and then repeat at 7-10 day intervals. Use the higher rate and shorter spray interval during weather conditions favourable to disease development. Spray when leaves, flowers or pods show first signs of infection and weather conditions are likely to remain humid or wet and favour disease development. Ascochyta leaf blight (suppression only) 1.7-2.5 kg 7 days (H) 14 days (G) If disease pressure is severe and weather conditions favour spread of the disease, repeat the spray treatment at 2-3 week intervals in order to protect new growth and developing pods. Use higher rate for dense crops and if disease pressure is severe. Volume of application: for ground apply 100 L/ha; for aircraft apply at least 30 L/ha. Rust Anthracnose Angular leaf spot 1.7-2.2 kg 7 days (H) 14 days (G) Apply when disease symptoms first appear and then repeat at 7-10 day intervals. Use the higher rate and shorter spray interval during weather conditions favourable to disease development. Spray when leaves, flowers or pods show first signs of infection and weather conditions are likely to remain humid or wet and favour disease development. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 103 DITHANE RAINSHIELD VEGETABLES Green legume vegetables, including peas and beans grown for fresh consumption. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: For use in all States where appropriate for the crop and/or disease (continued). CROP Beetroot Silver Beet Spinach Cercospora leaf spot Downy mildew Capsicum Target Spot Carrots Alternaria leaf spot Cercospora leaf spot Celery DITHANE RAINSHIELD DISEASE RATE PER 100 L RATE PER HECTARE WHP Harvest (H) Grazing (G) CRITICAL COMMENTS - 1.7 to 2.2 kg 14 days (H) 2 to 3 kg 14 days (H) 1.7 to 2.2 kg 7 days (H) Apply when disease symptoms first appear and then repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals. Use the higher rate and shorter spray interval during weather conditions favourable to disease development. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Septoria leaf spot (leaf blight) Cole Crops: Broccoli Brussel Sprouts Cabbage Cauliflower Alternaria spot Anthracnose Downy mildew Ring spot Cucurbits: Cantaloupe Cucumber Melons Pumpkin Squash Zucchini Anthracnose Downy mildew Gummy stem blight Septoria spot Fennel (Tas only) Leaf blight (Cercosporidium) - 2.2 kg Lettuce Anthracnose Downy mildew Septoria leaf spot 150 to 200 g 1.7 to 2.2 kg 14 days (H) Onions & Garlic Downy mildew Purple blotch 2.2 to 3.5 kg 7 days (H) Potatoes Early blight (Target spot) Late blight (Irish blight) 1.7 to 2.2 kg Not required Rhubarb Downy mildew Rust 1.7 to 2.2 kg 14 days (H) Tomatoes Anthracnose Early blight (target spot) Grey leaf spot Late blight (Irish blight) Leaf Mould (Fulvia fulva) Phoma rot 2 to 3 kg 7 days (H) 104 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 150 to 200 g Apply as a ground spray if disease symptoms are present in November, allowing for one repeat treatment 10-14 days later. Aerial application may be required in prolonged wet periods. Apply when disease symptoms first appear and then repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals. Use the higher rate and shorter spray interval during weather conditions favourable to disease development. Apply when disease symptoms first appear and then repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals. Use the higher rate and shorter spray interval during weather conditions favourable to disease development. TREE AND VINE CROPS CROP Citrus DISEASE Black spot Brown citrus mite Citrus rust mite RATE PER 100 L WHP 200 g plus spray oil (used according to its label directions) Not required On heavy soil: Spray at 8 and at 15 weeks following a Bordeaux (5-5-100) spray at petal fall. On light soil: Add an adjuvant (spreader/sticker) according to the adjuvant label recommendation per 100 L. Spray at 6 and at 13 weeks following a Bordeaux (3.5-3.5-100) spray at petal fall. Choose a spray oil recommended for use on citrus. Queensland, NT: Spray at 6 and 12 weeks after a copper spray at ½ to ¾ petal fall. Apply at first sign of mite activity on fruit, usually between December and May. Choose a spray oil recommended for use on citrus. Apply when blossom malformation is observed, usually February. Choose a spray oil recommended for use on citrus. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Citrus bud mite Custard apples Pseudocercospora fruit spot Grapevines Blackspot Downy mildew Mangos CRITICAL COMMENTS For all uses in this table: Apply by dilute or concentration spraying equipment. Apply the same amount of product to the target crop whether applying this product by dilute or concentrate spraying methods. Passion fruit 200 g 1 day (H) Do not apply during flowering. Apply at 3-4 week intervals from first fruit set until harvest. Apply at 2 week intervals in wet, cloudy weather. 30 days (H) For black spot control apply at budburst and then repeat 10 to 14 days later. If downy mildew is expected, continue spray programme at 10 to 14 day intervals until the threat of disease has passed. Use the shorter spray interval during weather conditions favourable to disease development. Phomopsis Cane and Leaf spot 150 to 200 g Anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes) 200 g 1 day (H) Apply at weekly intervals during flowering and then at monthly intervals until near harvest. Brown spot (Alternaria passiflorae) Septoria spot 150 g 1 day (H) Apply at 10 to 14 day intervals from October to May and every 21 to 28 days for remainder of year. Anthracnose (NSW only) 200 g + 600mL miscible summer oil Pawpaws (Papaya) Black spot POME FRUITS Apples Pears Apple Scab (Black spot) Bitter rot Fly speck Pear Scab Ripe fruit spot Sooty blotch Target spot Apply at budburst and then repeat 7 to 10 days later. Spray at weekly intervals during flowering and then fortnightly until near harvest. 200 g 150 to 200 g Apply mancozeb plus a wetting agent at 10-14 day intervals during periods conducive to disease. 14 days (H) Apply at 7 to 14 day intervals following a copper spray at green tip. Use the higher rate and shorter spray interval during prolonged wet conditions. Dithane Rainshield Neo Tec Fungicide can be tank-mixed with Systhane™ 400WP Fungicide for the control of apple scab (black spot). Read and follow all recommendations on the label of the tank-mix partner. Dithane Rainshield Neo Tec Fungicide may be harmful to Typhlodromus pyri and its use in orchards where integrated control is practiced, should be avoided. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 105 DITHANE RAINSHIELD RATE In the following table, all rates are given for dilute spraying. For concentrate spraying, refer to the Application Section. TREE AND VINE CROPS (continued) RATE In the following table, all rates are given for dilute spraying. For concentrate spraying, refer to the Application Section. CROP DISEASE DITHANE RAINSHIELD STONE FRUITS Almonds Apricots Cherries Nectarines Peaches Plums* (see CRITICAL COMMENTS*) Brown rot Freckle Rust Shot Hole RATE PER 100 L WHP 150 to 200 g 14 days (H) CRITICAL COMMENTS For all uses in this table: Apply by dilute or concentration spraying equipment. Apply the same amount of product to the target crop whether applying this product by dilute or concentrate spraying methods. Apply at early bloom (1-10%), then repeat at mid to full bloom (50-100%); at petal fall, and at shuck fall. Continue with a protective spray program at 2 week intervals. * Caution: Dithane Rainshield Neo Tec Fungicide may be phytotoxic to Wilson, Wickson and Bellarosa varieties of plums. It is advisable to test any new plum variety on a small-scale with Dithane before applying to the whole crop. l e b a L n e m i c e p S NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIOD: HARVEST Bananas: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. Mangos, Passion Fruit: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 1 DAY AFTER APPLICATION. Custard apples and Pawpaws (papaya) DO NOT HARVEST FOR 1 DAY AFTER APPLICATION. PAPAYA LEAVES MUST NOT BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. Beans, Carrots, Celery, Cole Crops, Cucurbits, Garlic, Onions, Peas, Soybeans, Tomatoes DO NOT HARVEST FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Almonds, Beetroot, Cotton, Capsicums, Fennel, Lettuce, Passion Fruit, Peanuts, Pome Fruit, Rhubarb, Silver Beet, Spinach and Stone Fruit DO NOT HARVEST FOR 14 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Grapevines DO NOT HARVEST FOR 30 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Poppies DO NOT HARVEST FOR 7 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. Green Legumes, Pulse Crops GREEN CROPS: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. GRAIN CROPS: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 4 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. Citrus, Potatoes, Tobacco WITHHOLDING PERIOD NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. WITHHOLDING PERIOD: GRAZING Cotton DO NOT ALLOW LIVESTOCK TO GRAZE COTTON CROP, STUBBLE OR GIN TRASH THAT HAS BEEN TREATED WITH DITHANE RAINSHIELD NEO TEC FUNGICIDE. Green Legumes, Peanuts, Pulse Crops DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCKFOOD FOR 14 DAYS AFTER LAST APPLICATION. Papaya DO NOT USE OR SUPPLY TREATED PAPAYA INCLUDING LEAVES FOR STOCK FOOD. Soybeans DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCKFOOD FOR 14 DAYS AFTER LAST APPLICATION. 106 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Dithane Rainshield Neo Tec Fungicide is a protectant fungicide for the control of certain fungal diseases in many crops. For best results, apply as a regular spray programme. Thorough coverage of the treated crop is essential. FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING For fungicide resistance management Dithane Rainshield Neo Tec Fungicide is a Group M3 fungicide. Some naturally occurring individual fungi resistant to Dithane Rainshield Neo Tec Fungicide and other Group M3 fungicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any fungal population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the fungi population if these fungicides are used repeatedly. These resistant fungi will not be controlled by Dithane Rainshield Neo Tec Fungicide and other Group M3 fungicides, thus resulting in a reduction in efficacy and possible yield loss. Since the occurrence of resistant fungi is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Dithane Rainshield Neo Tec Fungicide to control resistant fungi. The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice. Add the amount of product specified in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table for each 100 L of water. Spray to the point of runoff. The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set up and operation may also need to be changed, as the crop grows. CONCENTRATE SPRAYING - TREE AND VINE CROPS ONLY Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying (that is a sprayer which applies water volumes less than those required to reach the point of run-off) and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen water volume. Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (see DILUTE SPRAYING) for the crop canopy or consult your local advisor, agronomist or Department of Agriculture to determine this volume. This is needed to calculate the concentrate mixing rate. The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following way: l e b a L n e m i c e p S MIXING Slowly place into spray tank as it is being filled, or thoroughly premix in a nurse tank for concentrate or aircraft sprayers. Add other co-applied fungicides, insecticides, surfactants etc after Dithane Rainshield Neo Tec Fungicide has been placed into suspension. Maintain sufficient agitation during mixing and spraying to prevent the product settling out and to ensure a uniform spray mixture. Rinse out spray tank, pumps and nozzles at the end of the day. When preparing spray solutions for use in a hand sprayer, premix as a slurry in a small container, and then add to sprayer containing 1/3 to 1/2 the desired final water volume. ADJUVANTS The addition of agricultural adjuvants to Dithane Rainshield Neo Tec Fungicide may improve initial spray deposits, fungicide redistribution and weatherability. See DIRECTIONS FOR USE on adjuvant label for specific recommendations. APPLICATION DILUTE SPRAYING - TREE AND VINE CROPS ONLY Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of run-off and match to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of first run-off. Avoid excessive run-off. Concentrate Spraying Example 1. Dilute spray volume as determined above: e.g. 1000 L/ha 2. Your chosen concentrate spray volume: e.g. 500 L/ha 3. The concentration factor is 2X (1000 / 500) 4. If the dilute label rate is 40 mL/100 L, then the concentrate rate becomes 2X 40, i.e. 80 mL/100 L of concentrate spray The chosen spray volume, amount of product per 100 L of water and the sprayer set up and operation may need to be changed as the crop grows. For further information on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult relevant industry guidelines, undertake appropriate competency training. Always follow Industry Best Practices. AERIAL APPLICATION May be applied by agricultural aircraft. Use at least 30 to 50 litres of spray mixture per hectare. Consult the DIRECTIONS FOR USE for the correct rate to be applied in specific crop situations. SPRAY TIMING Treatments should begin prior to disease infection and continue until the threat of disease has passed. Repeated applications are necessary to protect new plant growth. Reduce the spray interval when weather conditions favour disease development. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 107 DITHANE RAINSHIELD GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS COMPATIBILITY MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Dithane Rainshield Neo Tec Fungicide may be harmful to Typhlodromus pyri, and its use in orchards where integrated control is practiced should be avoided. This product is compatible with most commonly used agricultural fungicides and insecticides. However, before preparing tank mixes, the user is advised to check compatibility with the other manufacturer’s recommendations. Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for DITHANE™ RAINSHIELD™ NEO TEC™ FUNGICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK, WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEA, THE ENVIRONMENT AND OTHERS ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow l e b a L n e m i c e p S This product is toxic to fish. Drift and run-off from treated areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in neighbouring areas. DO NOT contaminate ponds, waterways or drains with the chemical or used containers. DO NOT re-use container. DITHANE RAINSHIELD Expiry Date: 2 years after date of manufacture in unopened bags APVMA Approval No: 59688/0110 STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a dry, cool, wellventilated area out of direct sunlight. Keep away from fire and sparks. DO NOT allow to become wet or overheated in storage: decomposition, impaired activity or fire may result. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. Users are reminded this product should be used before the stated expiry date. Shake empty bag into spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Puncture or shred and bury empty bags in a local authority landfill. If no landfill is available, bury the bags below 500 mm in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots. Empty bags and product should not be burnt. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • May irritate the eyes, nose, throat and skin. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • DO NOT inhale dust or spray mist. • After use and before eating, drinking and smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. • After each day’s use, wash contaminated clothing. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. Avoid giving alcohol. 108 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 UN No. 3077 ENVIRONMENTALLY, HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE SOLID, N.O.S. (MANCOZEB) MARINE POLLUTANT PACKING GROUP: lll, HAZCHEM 2X ENTRENCH l eNtrench abe L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Nitrogen Nitrogen Stabiliser Stabiliser CONTAINS: 200 g/L (17.7%) NITRAPYRIN CONTAINS: 200 g/L (17.7%) NITRAPYRIN For use in crops to reduce nitrogen losses from ammonia and urea based nitrogen fertilisers For crops to to the reduce that use are in applied soil.nitrogen losses from ammonia and urea based nitrogen fertilisers that are applied to the soil. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. DIRECTIONS FOR USE DIRECTIONS FOR USE SITUATION SITUATION Crops [including] wheat, sorghum, maize, sweet corn and cotton. Crops [including] wheat, sorghum, maize, sweet corn and cotton. RATE (L/ha) RATE (L/ha) 2.5 L/ha 2.5 L/ha Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 109 ENTRENCH GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS CLEANING CONTAINERS FOR DISPOSAL eNtrench nitrogen stabiliser is a water based microencapsulated formulation of nitrapyrin that may be used with urea ammonium nitrate (UAN), aqua ammonia, other ammonia or urea based nitrogen fertilisers including animal manure. It is not a substitute for a fertiliser. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. MIXING SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE Liquid fertilisers eNtrench may be mixed with liquid fertilisers such as urea ammonium nitrate (UAN), aqua ammonia or other liquid ammonia or urea nitrogen fertilisers. Addition of eNtrench will not increase corrosivity to standard liquid fertiliser equipment. eNtrench is not compatible with anhydrous ammonia. Compatibility eNtrench may be applied in tank mixtures with other products. eNtrench is not compatible with anhydrous ammonia. For a list of compatible products consult Dow AgroSciences or your local reseller. l e b a L n e m i c e p S APPLICATION DO NOT apply more than 5 L/ha per year. eNtrench must be applied to the soil. During or after application eNtrench should be incorporated by either light cultivation or rain/ irrigation of 12.5 mm or more. Incorporation may occur any time up to 10 days after application but for best effect this should occur as soon as possible after application. If rainfall of 12.5 mm or more occurs within 10 days, incorporation by cultivation is not required. CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT eNtrench alone: triple rinse with clean water is sufficient to remove eNtrench residues from equipment. eNtrench tankmixes: use the cleaning and decontamination procedure recommended on the partner product. If a pesticide is used in the mixture the rinse water should be discharged onto a treated area or designated disposal area, or if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and water sources. DO NOT contaminate water when disposing of equipment wash water or rinsate. 110 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 WITHHOLDING PERIODS No special grazing or withholding periods are required following use of this product. Treated crops are safe to livestock. PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT eNtrench is highly Toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. NICNAS concluded eNtrench is not considered to pose an unreasonable risk to the environment. DO NOT apply product directly to water; or contaminate regional drains, streams, rivers or other waterways with the product or used container. Refer to the Safety Data Sheet for further information. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in a dry place. Store in original container. Keep container tightly closed when not in use. Do not store near food, foodstuffs, drugs or potable water supplies. Hazard Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect. Risk Kidney effects and/or tumours have been observed in male rats. These effects are unlikely to occur in humans. NICNAS concluded eNtrench is not considered to pose an unreasonable risk to worker or public health when used in the proposed manner. SAFETY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (SAFETY DATA SHEET) Additional information is listed on the Safety Data Sheet for eNtrench™ Nitrogen Stabiliser which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow Made in USA l e b a L n e m i c e p S • When opening the container, preparing or using spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and chemical resistant gloves and boots; and eye protection. After each day’s use, wash contaminated clothing. • If product in eyes, wash it out immediately with water. • If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. • Wash hands after use. • If exposed or concerned about exposure seek medical advice. Approved under the National Industrial Chemicals Notification Assessment Scheme (NICNAS); Certificate Number 3601. FIRST AID In case of accident or if you feel unwell contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre: 13 11 26 immediately (show label or Safety Data Sheet where possible). Transfer the patient to fresh air. If breathing has stopped begin artificial respiration immediately. Wash exposed skin or eye thoroughly with water. Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Give a glass of water. Spills/leaks Contain spilled material if possible. Small spills: Absorb with materials such as: clay, dirt, or sand. Sweep up and collect in suitable and properly labelled containers. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences at 1800-033-882. Fire This material will not burn until the water has evaporated. Residue can burn. Container may rupture from gas generation in a fire situation. To extinguish combustible residues of this product use water fog, carbon dioxide, dry chemical or foam. Under fire conditions some components of this product may decompose. The smoke may contain unidentified toxic and/or irritating compounds. Also read the Safety Data Sheet. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 111 ENTRENCH SAFE USE DIRECTIONS CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Esteron LV abe L n e m i c e p S ESTERON LV ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 680 g/L 2,4-D present as the ethylhexyl ester ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 680 g/L 2,4-D present as the ethylhexyl ester A low volatile herbicide for selective control of various weeds in crops, pastures and nonA low volatile herbicide for selective control offor various agricultural areas according to the Directions Use. weeds in crops, pastures and nonagricultural areas according to the Directions for Use. This is a PHENOXY HERBICIDE that can cause severe damage to susceptible crops. This is aread PHENOXY that can cause severe damage to susceptible crops. Please the DriftHERBICIDE Warning Statement. Please read the Drift Warning Statement. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 112 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: Avoid spraying if rain is likely within 6 hours or if strong winds prevail. DO NOT apply if crop or weeds are stressed due to dry or excessively moist conditions. SITUATION & CROP Wheat, Barley WEEDS CONTROLLED Refer to Weed Table STATE RATE (per ha) WHP (days) CRITICAL COMMENTS 7 CROP STAGES: ALL CEREALS WA, Vic only: Apply at tillered to boot stages. NSW only: Apply after when the first node can be felt at the base of a tiller and before swelling of the head can be felt in a tiller. Qld only: Apply from mid-tillering (5 to 6 fully emerged main stem leaves plus one or more tillers) to before boot stage (visible swelling on the head at the top of the main stem). SA, Tas only: Apply from completion of tillering to early jointing stage. Vic only 210-800 mL QLD, NSW only 405-800 mL SA only 230-800 mL Tas only 620-800 mL l e b a L n e m i c e p S WA only 800 mL QLD, NSW, SA only 405-800 mL Vic only 210-800 mL NSW, QLD, only 405-800 mL Vic only 210-800 mL Sugar Cane QLD only 1.15-2.38 L Stubble/Fallow Spray prior to Direct Drilling or Sowing Winter cereals, Grain legumes (Peanuts - Qld only), Canola All States 210-800 mL N/A Observe the plantback periods given in the table in this leaflet. Must be tank mixed with a knockdown herbicide such as glyphosate, paraquat or paraquat/ diquat (e.g.Spray Seed®). Select appropriate rate from the Weed Table. For skeleton weed, spraying should only be done 6-8 weeks before anticipated sowing date and subsequent cultivation limited to a minimum. All States 1.68 L 7 Apply after dough stage of crop. Interval between application and effectiveness is 10-20 days. For desiccation of green matter, estimate harvest date and spray approximately 14 days earlier. Rain between spraying and actual harvest can negate results. NB. Where thistles are tall and branching above crop, spraying can turn the branches down into the crop, presenting more stalks to cause header comb blockages. Spraying may increase seed contamination of harvest by accelerating maturity. Do not use with undersown legumes that have not set seed. Triticale Cereal Rye Harvest Aid or Salvage Spray Broadleaf Weeds Winter Cereals Refer to Weed Table Post-emergence PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 113 ESTERON LV 1. FIELD CROPS 1. FIELD CROPS (continued) SITUATION & CROP Potatoes Pre-harvest Preparation WEEDS CONTROLLED STATE RATE (per ha) WHP (days) CRITICAL COMMENTS Broadleaf weeds such as Clover, Variegated thistle & Cruciferous weeds Vic, Tas only 1.15-2.38 L N/A Apply approximately 4 to 5 weeks before harvest after the potato haulms have dried off. Use the highest rate where weeds are more than 30 cm in height. For boom spraying apply at least 100 L of spray mixture per hectare. If grasses such as rye grass and winter grass are also present add amitrole. l e b a L n e m i c e p S 2. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL, INDUSTRIAL SITUATION & CROP ESTERON LV Improved Pasture containing Clover WEEDS CONTROLLED Refer to Weed Table Pastures non legumes, Rights-of-Way, Industrial Pasture Direct Drilling or Surface Sowing 114 Charlock, Clover, Medics, Mustards, Paterson’s Curse, Saffron, Slender, Variegated and Spear Thistles, Turnip Weed, Wild Radish, Wild Turnip STATE RATE (per ha) WHP (days) CRITICAL COMMENTS Qld, NSW, SA, Tas only 405-800 mL 7 Clover must be well covered by the grass or extensive damage may result. Qld, NSW, SA, Tas, WA only 800 mL-4.68 L Control of most perennial weeds, but due to the rooting habits of most species control may take a number of years. Damage may result to legumes in pasture. Vic only 800 mL-4.68 L 70-620 mL Boom spray. Spot spraying. NSW only 800 mL-1.5 L (Aerial application) Apply to young, actively growing weeds. SOWING: Do not sow pasture seeds for at least 21 days after application. If soil moisture is dry, delay sowing for at least 30 days. As above plus: Capeweed, Wireweed, Storksbill/ Erodium, Flatweed, Horehound (seedlings), Skeleton Weed, Nodding or Star Thistles 800 mL-1.15 L (Ground application) St. John’s Wort 3.26-4.68 L (Aerial or Ground) All of the above plus grasses As above plus glyphosate PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 3. SPOT SPRAYING SITUATION & CROP Spot spraying (All situations) WEEDS CONTROLLED Refer to Weed Table STATE RATE (per ha) WHP (days) CRITICAL COMMENTS All States 1/100th of rate on Weed Table per 10 L water per 100 m2 7 Apply with a knapsack. Thorough wetting of weed is essential. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. IN TASMANIA, THIS PRODUCT MAY ONLY BE USED FROM 15TH APRIL TO 15TH SEPTEMBER UNLESS OTHERWISE PERMITTED BY THE REGISTRAR OF PESTICIDES. l e b a L n e m i c e p S WITHHOLDING PERIOD: Pasture, Cereal Crops - DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION HARVEST WITHHOLDING PERIOD: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED WEED TABLE: APPLICATION RATE (per Hectare) WEEDS CONTROLLED PASTURE – NON LEGUMES CROP CRITICAL COMMENTS VIC SA Tas NSW QLD WA VIC QLD, NSW, SA, Tas, WA only Amaranthus spp. - - - 800 mL - - - - Angled Onion - - - - - - 3.26 L 800 mL-1.68 L Apple of Sodom - - - - - - - 2.9-3.26 L Bathurst Burr - - - 800 mL - - 1.683.26 L 1.68-3.26 L Black Knapweed - - - - - - 3.26 L - Buffalo Burr - - - - - - - 800 mL-1.15 L (not QLD & WA) California Burr - - - 800 mL - - 1.68-3.26 L - Caltrop - - - 620800 mL - - 1.68-3.26 L - Cape Tulip - - - - - 1.15 L 3.26 L 1.68-3.26 L Spray before flowering. - 2.47-3.26 L Spray up to rosette stage. Capeweed 800 mL 800 mL 800 mL 530800 mL - - Charlock 405 mL 405 mL 800 mL 405 mL - - - 800 mL Clover - - - 620800 mL - - - 800 mL Colocynth - - - - - - 3.26 L - Spray when buds forming or early flowering. Spray from seedling to pre-flowering. Use higher rate as plant matures. Spray before flowering. DO NOT cultivate these infestations. Spray from seedling to pre-flowering. Use higher rate as plant matures. Spray at seedling stage only. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 115 ESTERON LV NOTE: Where weeds are to be sprayed in a CROP or PASTURE, use only the rates given for the crop in the table below. In most cases this will give control, however some hard to kill weeds or those in advanced stages of growth may only be suppressed, e.g. Rumex spp. (docks) and Polygonum spp. (wireweed, climbing buckwheat) are killed to ground level only. WEED TABLE (continued): APPLICATION RATE (per Hectare) WEEDS CONTROLLED SA Tas NSW QLD WA VIC Deadnettle - - - 800 mL - - - - - - - 800 mL - - 1.32 L - Flatweed Spray prior to pods forming. l e b a L n e m i c e p S 800 mL 800 mL Fat Hen CRITICAL COMMENTS QLD, NSW, SA, Tas, WA only Devil’s Claw Dock Fumitory - red Fumitory - white ESTERON LV PASTURE – NON LEGUMES CROP VIC - - 800 mL 800 mL - 1.68-2.47 L - - - 405800 mL - - - - - - 800 mL - - - 2.47-3.26 L - 800 mL - 800 mL - - - 2.47-3.26 L - Spray up to rosette stage. Spray up to rosette stage. - 800 mL - - - 2.47-3.26 L Galvanized Burr - - - - - - 4.68 L 4.68 L (not Qld & WA) Goosefoots - - - 800 mL - - - - Hard Head or Russian Knapweed - - - - - - 3.48-5.2 L - Hoary Cress, Whiteweed - - - 1.68-3.26 L 1.68-2.12 L Spray from late rosette to pre- flowering. - - 1.15-1.68 L (not SA) Spray up to rosette stage. Late autumn to early spring. Hogweed / Wireweed 800 mL 405 mL Spray at rosette stage to kill top growth only. 800 mL 800 mL 800 mL 800 mL 800 mL - 800 mL 800 mL Spray from seedling to pre-flowering. Spray before flowering. Horehound (seedlings) - 800 mL - - - 840 mL - 1.68-3.26 L Iron Weed, Corn Gromwell - - - 800 mL - - - 1.15-1.68 L Khaki Weed - - - - - - 800 mL-1.15 L (not SA) Lincoln Weed - 800 mL - - - - - - London Rocket - - - - - 575 mL - 1.59-2.47 L (WA only) Lupins 800 mL - - 405800 mL - - - - Spray up to rosette stage. Melilotus / Hexham Scent 800 mL 800 mL - - 800 mL - - 1.15-1.68 L Spray up to rosette stage. - 405800 mL - - - - Melons-Camel, Paddy Mustards 116 - 330 mL - 230800 mL 405620 mL 620 mL 800 mL 800 mL PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 3.26 L 1.68-2.47 L Spray young seedlings only. Autumn spray before sowing improves control. Spray up to rosette stage. WEED TABLE (continued): APPLICATION RATE (per Hectare) CROP PASTURE – NON LEGUMES CRITICAL COMMENTS VIC SA Tas NSW QLD WA VIC QLD, NSW, SA, Tas, WA only Mexican Poppy - - - 800 mL - 840 mL - 800 mL-1.15 L (1.15-1.5 L WA only) Spray rosette stage and before flowering. Mintweed - - - 800 mL 620 mL - - 800 mL-1.15 L Spray active seedlings only. Muskweed 800 mL - - - - - - - New Zealand Spinach - - - 800 mL - - - - Noogoora Burr - - - 800 mL - - 1.68-3.26 L 1.68-3.26 L Nut Grass - - - - - - 3.26 -5.2 L - Spray within 4 weeks of foliage emergence, repeat spray necessary. Paterson’s Curse - - - 800 mL - 840 mL 1.68-3.26 L 800 mL-1.68 L (1.15-1.5 L WA only) Spray seedling to rosette stage. 405 mL - - - - - - 2.12-3.3 L Spray up to rosette stage. - - - - - - 3.26 L 3.26 L 800 mL - - 405800 mL - - - - Rapistrum spp. - - - - - 650 mL - 840 mL (WA only) Rough Poppy - 405 mL - 405800 mL - - - 800 mL Spray young seedlings only. St. John’s Wort - - - - - - 3.26-5.9 L 3.26-4.68 L Spray before flowering. Spray before plants 40cm high. Safflower - - - 405800 mL - - - - Sand Mustard / Sand Rocket - - - - - - 3.26 L - Shepherds Purse - - - 800 mL - - - - Silverleaf Nightshade - - - - - - 3.26 L - Skeleton Weed - 800 mL - 800 mL - - 3.26 L 1.15-1.68 L Stingless Nettle (Deadnettle) - 800 mL - - - - - 2.12-2.47 L Stinging Nettle 800 mL - - - - - - - l e b a L n e m i c e p S Poppy Wild Ragwort Rapeseed Spray up to rosette stage. Spray seedling to pre-flowering. Spray at rosette to cabbage stage. Spray up to rosette stage. Spray before flowering. Spray at flowering. Fallow land: controls top growth only. Spray rosettes before aerial growth commences. Spray up to rosette stage. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 117 ESTERON LV WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED TABLE (continued): APPLICATION RATE (per Hectare) WEEDS CONTROLLED SA Tas NSW QLD WA VIC QLD, NSW, SA, Tas, WA only Stinkwort - - - 800 mL - - 1.68-3.26 L 1.68-3.26 L Storksbill / Erodium - - 800 mL - - - - Sunflower seedlings 800 mL - 405620 mL 800 mL - - - - - - - - - 3.26 L 3.26 L - - - - - - 3.26 L 1.15-1.68 L 800 mL1.68 L 800 mL-2.47 L Thistle: - Golden Thistle: - Saffron - Sheep CRITICAL COMMENTS Spray younger plants, use higher rate as plants mature. l e b a L n e m i c e p S - Nodding ESTERON LV PASTURE – NON LEGUMES CROP VIC 620 mL 800 mL - - - - Slender / Shore - - - Soldier - - - 800 mL - - Stemless - - St Barnaby’s - Star Spray rosette to preflowering. Spray up to rosette stage. 840 mL - 840 mL-3.26 L (WA only) - - 1.68-3.26 L 800 mL-3.26 L Spray at rosette stage. - - - 3.26 L - Spray at rosette stage. 800 mL - - - 0.8-2.47 L 1.15-2.12 L Spray at seedling to rosette stage. Use higher rate as plants mature (pastures). - - - - - 3.26 L 2.47-3.26 L Spray rosette stage to flowering. - - - - - - - 1.15-1.68 L - - - 800 mL - - 1.68-3.26 L - - Variegated - - 800 mL 405620 mL 800 mL - 800 mL2.47 L 800 mL- 3.26 L Spray at rosette stage. Can cause stock poisoning. Thornapple - - - 405800 mL - - 3.26 L 800 mL-1.68 L Spray at seedling stage. 800 mL - - - - - - - - 405 mL - - 800 mL Tree Hogweed Turnip Weed Vetches/Tares - Spray up to rosette stage. - - Spear - 405800 mL 800 mL 800 mL Spray multiple leaves. 800 mL 800 mL 800 mL 620 mL 800 mL 405405 mL 620 mL 800 mL - - - - - Spray seedling to rosette stage. Use higher rate as plants mature. Spray up to rosette stage. Spray seedlings only. Wards Weed - 405 mL - - - - - - Spray at seedling stage. Wild Cabbage 800 mL - - - - - - - Spray up to rosette stage. 118 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 WEED TABLE (continued): APPLICATION RATE (per Hectare) CROP PASTURE – NON LEGUMES CRITICAL COMMENTS VIC SA Tas NSW QLD WA VIC QLD, NSW, SA, Tas, WA only Wild Garlic - - - - - - 6.62 L - Suppresses aerial growth only. Wild Mignonette - - - - - 840 mL 3.26 L - Spray at rosette stage. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Wild Mustard - - - - - 650 mL - - Wild Radish 800 mL 800 mL 800 mL 405800 mL 650 mL 800 mL Wild Sage - - Wild Teasel Wild Turnip - - - - - 210 mL 230 mL 800 mL - - 1.8-2.47 L (WA only) Spray up to rosette stage. 800 mL (840 mL WA only) - 2.47-3.26 L - - - 1.68-3.26 L 405800 mL - 450 mL - Spray at rosette stage. Use higher rate as plants mature. - Spray up to rosette stage. 800 mL (840 mL WA only) Plantback Periods (days) for Esteron LV CROP RATES Up to 510 mL/ha 510 mL - 1.15 L/ha 1.15 L - 1.59 L/ha Balansa Clover 7 7 10 Barley ➊ 1 1 3 Chickpeas ➋ 7 14 21 Cotton 10 14 21 Faba Beans 7 7 10 Field Peas 7 14 14 Lentils 7 7 10 Linseed 7 7 14 Lucerne 7 7 10 Lupins ❹ 7 14 21 Medics 7 7 10 Narbon Beans 7 7 10 Navy Bean 10 10 14 Oats 3 3 7 Perennial Ryegrass 7 7 10 Persian Clover 7 7 10 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 119 ESTERON LV WEEDS CONTROLLED Plantback Periods (days) for Esteron LV (continued) CROP Up to 510 mL/ha 510 mL - 1.15 L/ha 1.15 L - 1.59 L/ha Phalaris 7 7 10 Canola / Rapeseed ➋ 14 21 28 Rice 7 7 14 Safflower ➋ 7 14 21 l e b a L n e m i c e p S Sorghum ❸ 3 7 10 Soybean 14 14 21 7 7 10 Sunflower ❸ 7 10 14 Triticale ➊ 1 3 7 Vetch Sub-Clover ESTERON LV RATES 7 7 10 Wheat ➊ 1 3 7 White Clover 7 7 10 IMPORTANT: WHEN APPLIED TO DRY SOILS AT LEAST 15 mm OF RAIN MUST FALL PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE PLANT BACK PERIOD. NOTES: ➊ In Queensland, no rainfall is required to fall prior to commencement of Plantback Period for barley, triticale and wheat. ➋ In Queensland, planting of canola/rapeseed, chickpeas and safflower must be delayed for at least 14 days following rainfall of at least 15 mm. ❸ In Central Queensland, when using 730 mL/ha or less of Dow AgroSciences Esteron LV, the Plantback Period for sorghum and sunflower is 1 day irrespective of rainfall. ❹ In WA the Plantback Period for lupins at all rates is 28 days. 120 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Before opening, carefully read DIRECTIONS FOR USE, PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS, SAFETY DIRECTIONS and FIRST AID Instructions. DO NOT spray in high winds. DO NOT spray crops or weeds outside the stages indicated in the CRITICAL COMMENTS as damage, loss of yield or inadequate weed control may result. APPLICATION INFORMATION This product may be used in either high or low volume sprays. Just pour into water and stir. Boom Spraying - Use 30-120 litres water/ha. Aerial Spraying - Use 10-90 litres water/ha. Note: Refer to the Department of Agriculture / Primary Industries in your state for the current restricted spraying areas. Dow AgroSciences Esteron LV Herbicide (Esteron LV) is a member of the phenoxys group of herbicides. Esteron LV has the disruptors of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management Esteron LV is a Group I herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to Esteron LV and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by Esteron LV or Group I herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Esteron LV to control resistant weeds. l e b a L n e m i c e p S EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND USAGE Keep the spray unit for herbicides only if possible. Otherwise wash out the unit with hot soapy water followed by several clear water rinses. DO NOT use wooden spray vats as they cannot be cleaned. Hoses cannot be cleaned and new hoses should be fitted when the unit is to be used for any other purpose. COMPATIBILITY This product can be tank mixed with atrazine, dicamba, chlorsulfuron, Garlon™ 600, glyphosate, metsulfuron, paraquat, paraquat/diquat (e.g. SpraySeed®), Starane™ Advanced and triasulfuron. NOTE: RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING 1. As formulations of other manufacturers’ products are beyond the control of Dow AgroSciences all mixtures should be tested on a small scale before mixing in the spray tank. 2. Tank mixing instructions: Fill the spray tank 1/4 full of water and agitate. Add wettable powders and water dispersible granules first. Agitate until these are uniformly dispersed, meanwhile adding water until the tank is 90% full. Add suspension concentrates (flowables) then soluble concentrates. Emulsifiable concentrates go in last. Top off the tank with water and continue agitation until all the ingredients are properly mixed. Observe any mixing sequence instructions mentioned on the tank mix products. PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS Legume Tolerance: If clovers are present, care should be taken to ensure that they have reached the 3-4 leaf stage before spraying. Rates above 405 mL of this product per hectare will destroy most clovers, whilst lucerne and medics are susceptible at any strength. Drift Warning: DO NOT apply under meteorological conditions or from spraying equipment which could be expected to cause spray drift onto nearby susceptible plants, adjacent crops, crop lands or pastures. In particular, avoid spray drift and vapour movement onto susceptible crops such as: cotton, tobacco, tomatoes, vines, fruit trees, ornamentals, oil seed and legume crops and other susceptible plants and trees (e.g. Kurrajongs, Belahs, Eucalypts). • DO NOT use unless wind speed is more than 3 kilometres per hour and less than 15 kilometres per hour as measured at the application site. • DO NOT apply with smaller than coarse to very course spray droplets according to the ASABE S572 definition for standard nozzles. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK Low hazard to bees. May be applied on any plants at any time as recommended in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used container. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 121 ESTERON LV GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ESTERON LV STORAGE AND DISPOSAL FIRST AID Storage of all containers: Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for Dow AgroSciences ESTERONTM LV HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow l e b a L n e m i c e p S SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Poisonous if swallowed. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • DO NOT inhale spray mist. • When preparing spray, wear PVC or rubber apron, elbow length PVC gloves and face shield. When using the prepared spray, wear face shield. • If product on skin, immediately wash area with soap and water. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms, and face thoroughly with soap and water. • After each day’s use wash gloves, face shield and contaminated clothing. 122 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 APVMA Approval No: 60216/0106 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Gallery 750ab L n e m i c e p S ™ Dry Flowable Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 750 g/kg ISOXABEN A dry flowable herbicide for selective pre-emergence control of certain broadleaf weeds in non-bearing and bearing tree fruit and nut orchards, vineyards, nursery and amenity tree plantings and pyrethrum crops as specified in the Directions for Use table. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 123 GALLERY 750 CAUTION GALLERY 750 DIRECTIONS FOR USE Restraints: DO NOT apply to new transplants until soil is sealed by packing or irrigation and no cracks are present or crop injury may occur. DO NOT apply to existing weeds as poor control may result. Treatments, including with tank-mix partners, should be made prior to weed emergence and followed by significant rainfall or irrigation (see Soil Activation section below). DO NOT apply to dry soil or in dry conditions as poor control may result. DO NOT apply more than 2 applications within a 12 month period. For Restraints specific to pyrethrum crops, see “Restraints for Pyrethrum Crops” box below. CROP WEEDS RATE g/treated ha CRITICAL COMMENTS 167 to 333 Use higher rate where weed pressure is high, or where longer residual activity is required. Gallery must be activated by at least 12.5 mm rainfall or sprinkler irrigation within 21 days of application. Reduced weed control will result if this does not occur. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Pyrethrum (after crop established but before bud initiation) Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) Non-bearing and bearing tree fruit and nut orchards, vineyards, nursery tree stock and amenity tree plantings See the list of weeds controlled in the row below 375 to 750 *(see row below) *Note: The 375g – 750g use rate above relates to band spraying and refers to per hectare of treated soil, not the total area of crop. Adjust spray application to your specific situation. Weed Control: The following broadleaf weeds are controlled by Gallery 750 Dry Flowable Herbicide. The degree of control depends on the rate applied, surface conditions and time to activation (see APPLICATION section below for more information): Amaranths (Amaranthus spp.), Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum), Caltrop (Tribulus terrestris), Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula), Chickweed (Stellaria media), Clovers (Trifolium spp.), Deadnettle (Lamium spp.), Erodium (Erodium spp.), Fat hen (Chenopodium album), Flat weed (Hypochaeris radicata), Indian hedge mustard (Sysimbrium orientale), Milk thistle (Sonchus oleraceus), Ox tongue (Picris echioides), Peppercress (Lepidium spp.), Pigweed (Portulaca oleracea), Plantains (Plantago spp.), Salvation Jane (Echium plantagineum), Scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis), Small flowered mallow (Malva parviflora), Volunteer Canola (Brassica spp.), Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) and Wireweed (Polygonum aviculare). FOR BROAD SPECTRUM GRASS AND BROADLEAF WEED CONTROL, Gallery 750 Dry Flowable Herbicide should be tank-mixed with products containing either pendimethalin or oryzalin. For weed control up to 4 months use the lower rate of Gallery 750 Dry Flowable Herbicide and the partner herbicide at its lower rate. For weed control of up to 6 months, use the higher rate of Gallery 750 Dry Flowable Herbicide plus the highest rate of either oryzalin or pendimethalin. Obey the Critical Comments and/or application instructions imposed by the label of the mixing partner. Where grass weeds are more important in perennial crops, use the recommended label rate of either oryzalin or pendimethalin for length of weed control and/or soil type, in tank-mix with Gallery 750 Dry Flower Herbicide. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OR IN ANY MANNER CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIOD: (Harvest): ALL Crops: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. WITHHOLDING PERIOD: (Grazing): All Crops (except Pyrethrum): NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. Pyrethrum Crops: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 12 MONTHS AFTER APPLICATION. Restraints for Pyrethrum Crops DO NOT apply to Pyrethrum crops within two weeks of another herbicide. DO NOT apply in a mixture with other products in pyrethrum. DO NOT apply to crops older than two years. DO NOT plant susceptible crops (see PROTECTION OF CROPS section below) for at least 2 years after application. DO NOT treat the same areas of land more than two years in a row. 124 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Gallery 750 Dry Flowable Herbicide is a member of the amide group of herbicides. The product has the diverse sites mode-of-action. For weed resistance the product is a Group O herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or other herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control resistant weeds. Soil Activation: Moisture as rain or sprinkler irrigation (>12.5mm) is required within 21 days for activation of Gallery 750 Dry Flowable Herbicide or tank-mixes with oryzalin or within 10 days for activation of tank-mixes with pendimethalin. If adequate moisture is not received within the specified period, poor weed control may result. COMPATIBILITY Gallery 750 Dry Flowable Herbicide is compatible with products containing only oryzalin or only pendimethalin. CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT After using Gallery 750 Dry Flowable, empty the spray unit completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the spray unit using a pressure hose. Drain the spray unit and clean any filters in the tank, pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. l e b a L n e m i c e p S GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MIXING Half fill the spray tank and add the required amount of Gallery 750 Dry Flowable Herbicide. If tank-mixing, add the partner herbicide slowly into the spray tank once Gallery 750 Dry Flowable Herbicide is completely dispersed. Complete filling with the agitator running. Maintain the agitation during spraying. Only mix sufficient spray solution for immediate use and avoid storing. Gallery 750 Dry Flowable and tank-mixes may settle out if agitation is stopped or poor. If settling occurs, re-suspend the residue (re-agitate) before continuing the spray application. APPLICATION DO NOT APPLY AERIALLY Apply Gallery 750 Dry Flowable and tank-mixes in 200 to 450 litres of water per hectare (higher spray volumes may give better soil coverage in some soil types). Filter screens should be 50 mesh or larger. Use a medium quality spray as defined by the International BCPC Spray Classification System or the ASABE S572 definitions and apply uniformly, especially within the drip line of trees and vines, so that application above label rates does not occur. Use high enough spray volume to ensure thorough coverage of bare soil for best weed control results. Where tank-mixes are used, apply as a directed spray to the base of grapevines or tree crops. Soil Preparation: Areas to be treated should be free of established weeds, clods, stones and surface trash or cover. Remove surface prunings or trash (weed or crop residue) before applying the product/s. Apply treatment to a fine, even soil surface to obtain best coverage of soil. Failure to apply evenly to soil surface that is free of weeds, clods, stones, surface trash or cover will result in reduced weed control or possible failure. To rinse: After cleaning the spray unit as above, quarter fill with clean water and circulate through the pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. To decontaminate: Wash the tank and rinse the system as above. Quarter fill the tank and add an alkali detergent (e.g. liquid SURF®, OMO®, DRIVE® at 500 mL/100 L of water or the powder equivalent at 500 g/100 L of water) and circulate throughout the system for at least 15 minutes. Drain the whole system. Remove filters and nozzles and clean them separately. Finally flush the system with clean water and allow to drain completely. Equipment that has been used to apply Gallery 750 Dry Flowable should be thoroughly decontaminated before using to spray other crops. Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and water courses. PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS A minimum of 2 years should elapse before planting all broadleaf crops, and 3 years before planting sensitive crops such as brassicas, peas, beans, onions and poppies. Grasses are normally unaffected and establish quickly after treatment. Individual crop sensitivity to soil residues should be checked with your field advisor, or Dow AgroSciences representative, before planting any crop following application of this product. Spraydrift or runoff containing isoxaben may result in reduced germination or emergence of non-target plants adjacent to treated areas. DO NOT apply under weather conditions or from spraying equipment that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands, pastures or waterbodies. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 125 GALLERY 750 RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING GALLERY 750 PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT Isoxaben is very highly toxic to aquatic plants. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers, or waterways with the chemical or used containers. DO NOT apply if heavy rainfall (i.e. sufficient to cause widespread runoff of water from the treated areas) is likely within 24 hours. After application, DO NOT irrigate to the point of run-off for 24 hours. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. Store in tightly closed, original container in a securely locked, cool and well ventilated place out of direct sunlight. DO NOT re-use containers. Before disposing of empty containers, triple rinse, adding the rinse water to the spray tank. DO NOT dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Dispose of at a local authority landfill. If no landfill is available, bury the containers below 500 mm in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots. Empty containers and product should not be burnt. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Will irritate the eyes and skin. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • If product in eyes, wash it out immediately with water. • When opening the container and preparing the spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat, elbow-length PVC gloves and a face shield or goggles. • Wash hands after use. • After each day’s use, wash gloves and face shield or goggles and contaminated clothing. l e b a L n e m i c e p S SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. 126 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for GALLERYTM 750 DRY FLOWABLE HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow Made in USA APVMA Approval No: 47333/0805 CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Garlon b a L FallowMaster n e m i c e p S GARLON FALLOWMASTER ™ ™ ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 755 g/L TRICLOPYR present as the butoxyethyl ester ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 755 g/L TRICLOPYR present as the butoxyethyl ester For the control of melons as specified in the Directions for Use. For the control of melons as specified in the Directions for Use. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 127 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply to weeds which may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (waterlogged or drought affected), poor nutrition, presence of disease, or previous herbicide treatment as reduced levels of control may result. DO NOT spray if rain is likely within 1 hour or if foliage is wet from rain and dew. However, when tank mixed with glyphosate, this time extends to 6 hours. FALLOW / CROPPING SITUATIONS See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. FALLOW, STUBBLE, FIREBREAKS WEEDS CONTROLLED GARLON FALLOWMASTER WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE mL/ha Up to 20 cm diameter 95 ➊ Runners from 20 to 40 cm diameter 130 ➊ CRITICAL COMMENTS l e b a L n e m i c e p S Camel (Afghan) melon (Citrullus lanatus) ➊Add Uptake™ Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L water. 95 - 130 + 750 mL – 1.5 L Ripper™ 480 (glyphosate) Prickly paddy melon (Cucumis myriocarpus) Up to 20 cm diameter 65 ➊ Runners from 20 to 40 cm diameter 130 ➊ DO NOT add crop oil. Add ammonium sulphate (AMS) and a 100% non-ionic surfactant. ➊Add Uptake™ Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L water. 65 – 130 + 750 mL – 1.5 L Ripper™ 480 (glyphosate) DO NOT add crop oil. Add AMS and a 100% non-ionic surfactant. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. SORGHUM (Apply between 4 to 6 leaf stage, when secondary roots have developed) WEEDS CONTROLLED Prickly paddy melon (Cucumis myriocarpus) WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE mL/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Up to 20 cm diameter 65 DO NOT add crop oils, as severe crop damage may occur. Fusing of sorghum prop roots may be observed. This may be worse under stress conditions (e.g. moisture stress, heat stress or root disease) and may cause some yield loss. Should only be mixed with Starane™ Advanced Herbicide and atrazine (500 or 600 g/L flowable only) for increased weed spectrum. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIODS: Sorghum: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. 128 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 MIXING RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Garlon FallowMaster Herbicide is a member of the pyridines group of herbicides. The product has the disrupters of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management, the product is a Group I herbicide. Some naturally-occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or Group I herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, or local Dow AgroSciences representative. Half fill the spray unit with water and add the required amount of Garlon FallowMaster. Add the remaining water with the agitator running. If required, then add crop oils or wetters (surfactants). Maintain mechanical or by-pass agitation in the spray tank during spraying. Only mix sufficient solution for immediate daily use and avoid storing. APPLICATION A. Boom Application Application of Garlon FallowMaster in a minimum spray volume of 50 L/ha is recommended. Use nozzles that produce a MEDIUM to COARSE spray quality at the target (ASABE S572). Boom height must be set to ensure double overlap of nozzle patterns. l e b a L n e m i c e p S COMPATIBILITY FALLOW SITUATIONS: Garlon FallowMaster is compatible with the following products: Abound™ 400 Herbicide, Dow AgroSciences (2,4-D) Amine 625 Herbicide, Esteron™ LV Herbicide, glyphosate, Lontrel™ Herbicide, Lontrel™ 750 SG Herbicide, Ripper™ 480 Herbicide, Roundup® CT Broadacre Herbicide, Roundup® PowerMAX, Starane™ 200 or Starane™Advanced Herbicide, Touchdown® HiTech, Lorsban™ 500 EC Insecticide. When mixing with glyphosate in fallow, refer to the glyphosate label for use rate and adjuvants recommended. DO NOT use Uptake™ Spraying Oil or D-C-Trate® Crop Oil. SORGHUM: Garlon FallowMaster is compatible with: Starane™ 200 or Starane™ Advanced Herbicide, atrazine (500 or 600 g/L flowable product only). ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PVC gloves are not recommended for Garlon FallowMaster Herbicide, therefore, when tank mixing with products that need to be handled with PVC gloves, workers should wear nitrile/neoprene gloves. MINIMUM RECROPPING PERIODS Before using Garlon FallowMaster in tank mixes with other herbicides, check the plant-back information on all product labels. The time between spraying and planting will be determined by the product with the longest plant-back period. Observe the following recropping periods for Garlon FallowMaster: • wheat, barley, sorghum, maize • chickpeas, soybeans, sunflowers • cotton 7 days 7 days 14 days B. Aerial Application DO NOT allow Garlon FallowMaster to physically drift onto desirable plants. Aircraft may be used to apply Garlon FallowMaster in fallow situations, when ground application equipment cannot be used due to prolonged wet conditions. A minimum spray volume of 35 L/ha should be used with nozzles that produce a MEDIUM to COARSE spray quality (ASABE S572) at the target are recommended. DO NOT apply Garlon FallowMaster by aircraft unless wind speed is more than 3 km/hr and less than 15 km/hr as measured at the application site and/or air temperature is above 30°C. Avoid application when relative humidity falls below 35%. Human flagging is not authorised unless protected by engineering controls such as vehicles with cabs. CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT WATER-BASED CLEANING Rinsing After using Garlon FallowMaster, empty the spray unit completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the spray unit using a pressure hose. Drain the spray unit and clean any filters in the tank, pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. After cleaning the spray unit as above, quarter fill with clean water and circulate through the pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. Decontamination Before spraying cotton and other sensitive crops, with equipment that has been used to apply Garlon FallowMaster, see PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS section. Wash the tank and rinse the system as above. Then quarter fill the tank and add a standard alkali based laundry detergent at 500 g (or mL)/100 L water and circulate throughout the system for at least 15 minutes. If using a concentrated laundry detergent use 250 g (or mL)/100 L water. Do not use chlorine based cleaners. Drain the whole system. Remove filters and nozzles and clean them separately. Finally flush the system with clean water and allow to drain. Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and water courses. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 129 GARLON FALLOWMASTER GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NONTARGET PLANTS GARLON FALLOWMASTER Crops susceptible to Garlon FallowMaster include, but are not limited to: peas, lupins, lucerne, navy beans, soybeans and other legumes; cotton, fruit, hops, ornamentals, shade trees and Pinus spp, potatoes, safflower, sugarbeet, sunflower, tobacco, tomatoes, vegetables and vines. Garlon FallowMaster is damaging to susceptible crops during both growing and dormant periods. Grasses are normally unaffected and establish quickly after treatment. DO NOT allow physical spray drift onto waterways, native vegetation and susceptible crops. When using Garlon FallowMaster and glyphosate by aerial application in fallow situations, observance of a buffer zone of 150 metres to protect native tree species is required. DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment, that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for GARLON™ FALLOWMASTER™ HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow l e b a L n e m i c e p S PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK Poisonous plants may become more palatable after spraying and stock should be kept away from these plants until they have died down. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT This product is highly toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in closed original container in a cool, well-ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE and DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Harmful if swallowed. • Will irritate the eyes and skin. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • If product on skin, immediately wash area with soap and water. • When opening the container, mixing and loading, and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and elbow-length chemical resistant gloves. • Wash hands after use. • After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing. 130 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 APVMA Approval No: 64746/53709 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Garlon 600 abe L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 600 g/L TRICLOPYR present as the butoxyethyl ester ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 600 g/L TRICLOPYR present as the butoxyethyl ester For the control of a range of woody weeds and melons as specified in the Directions for Use. For the control of a range of woody weeds and melons as specified in the Directions for Use. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 DowRodborough AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 771 659 20 Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800Company 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL DowFREE Chemical ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 131 GARLON 600 POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN GARLON 600 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply to weeds which may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logged or drought affected), poor nutrition, presence of disease, or previous herbicide treatment as reduced levels of control may result. DO NOT spray if rain is likely within 1 hour or if foliage is wet from rain and dew. However, when tank mixed with glyphosate, this time extends to 6 hours. DO NOT burn off, cut or clear blackberry or other woody weeds for 6 months after spraying. 1. WOODY WEED SITUATIONS Table A: High Volume Spraying See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. l e b a L n e m i c e p S AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /100 L water African boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum) Less than 2 m tall Tas only 170 mL Angophora spp. and Banksia spp. regrowth. 1 to 2 m tall All States 400 or 560 mL Use the higher rate on larger regrowth. Ensure the weed has dense foliage. Active growth during late spring to early autumn All States 170 mL Where herbicides other than Group I herbicides have been used, allow two seasons regrowth to occur before spraying with Garlon™ 600. Any subsequent regrowth and seedlings should be sprayed after hardening off. In association with: St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) During flowering (Nov-Jan) NSW, Vic and Tas only Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) 1 to 2 m tall NSW and Qld only Brooms: (Genista spp.) English (Cytisus scoparius) Spring to mid summer prior to pod formation All States Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) Apply as a thorough foliage spray. Use at least 1000 L of water/ha. Seedlings up to 3 m tall Camphor Laurel (Cinnamomum camphora) Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) Rosette Tas only 80 mL Common prickly pear (Opuntia spp.) Active growth All States 3L Active growth during late spring to late summer Vic only 1 L + 750 mL Ripper™ 480 (480 g/L) glyphosate English ivy (Hedera helix) 132 CRITICAL COMMENTS PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DO NOT treat ivy growing up trees or on other plants as death of the host may result. This mixture is not selective to grasses. Table A: High Volume Spraying See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED Eucalyptus spp. WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /100 L water CRITICAL COMMENTS Seedlings and regrowth from small lignotubers, 1 to 2 m tall Qld, SA, WA, and NT only 400 mL Add a 100% concentrate non-ionic surfactant (e.g. BS® 1000) at 100 mL/100 L of water for best results. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) 1 to 2 m tall Green cestrum (Cestrum parqui) Groundsel bush (Baccharis halimifolia) Gorse (Ulex europaeus) NSW, Tas and Vic only 560 mL Tas only 170 mL NSW, Qld and Vic only Seedlings, 1 to 2 m tall All States Some regrowth may be expected the following season which can be sprayed after hardening off. 160 mL 2 to 3 m tall 320 mL Spring to mid summer 170 mL or 340 mL Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) Rosette Tas only Saffron thistle (Carthamus lanatus) Up to bud stage Tiger pear (Opuntia aurantiaca) Active growth Wattles, including Silver wattle Black wattle Acacia spp. Seedlings, 1 to 2 m tall 160 mL 2 to 3 m tall 320 mL Add a 100% concentrate non-ionic wetting agent at rate of 125 mL/100 L water. Retreatment of regrowth may be necessary. Use higher water rate on older hardened off plants. 170 mL 80 mL All States 3L PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 133 GARLON 600 1. WOODY WEED SITUATIONS GARLON 600 Table B: Aerial Application Helicopter NSW, SA, Tas, Vic and WA only Helicopter or fixed wing aircraft (Qld only) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /ha Late spring to autumn All States 4.8 L CRITICAL COMMENTS AVOID overspray/drift onto waterways. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Table C: Controlled Droplet Application (C.D.A.) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /1 L water Late spring to autumn All States 170 mL CRITICAL COMMENTS Table D: Low Volume High Concentrate Application Techniques (Gas Powered Gun, Sprinkler Sprayer) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /10 L water Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) Late spring to autumn All States 280 mL Eucalypt seedlings (Eucalyptus spp.) 1 to 2 m tall CRITICAL COMMENTS 400 mL Table E: Basal Bark and Cut Stump Treatment See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /60 L diesel African boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum) Basal bark: Plants up to 5 cm basal diameter All States 2L Australian blackthorn (Bursaria spinosa) Broom (Genista spp.) 134 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 1L Tas only 1.25 L CRITICAL COMMENTS Table E: Basal Bark and Cut Stump Treatment (continued) GARLON 600 See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED Brown salwood (Acacia aulacocarpa) Bitter bark (Alstonia constricta) WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /60 L diesel Basal bark: Plants up to 5 cm basal diameter All States 500 mL NSW and Qld only 1L CRITICAL COMMENTS l e b a L n e m i c e p S Castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) Chinee apple (Ziziphus mauritiana) All States Cut stump: Plants up to and in excess of basal bark sizes Qld only 2L Eucalyptus spp. (except Dawson gum) All States 1L False sandalwood (Eremophila mitchellii) All States 1L SA only 2L NSW only 4L All States 1L Dawson gum (Eucalyptus cambageana) Green wattle (Acacia decurrens) Lantana (Lantana camara) Needlewood (Hakea leucoptera) Olive (Olea europaea) Paperbark tea tree (Melaleuca spp.) Rubbervine (Cryptostegia grandiflora) Silver wattle (Acacia dealbata) Sweet briar (Rosa rubiginosa) Yellow-wood (Terminalia oblongata) Basal bark: Plants up to 5 cm basal diameter Cut stump: Plants up to and in excess of basal bark sizes 2L Qld only PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 135 Table E: Basal Bark and Cut Stump Treatment (continued) GARLON 600 See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED Camphor Laurel (Cinnamomum camphora) WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /60 L diesel Basal bark: Plants up to 10 cm basal diameter NSW and Qld only 1L All States 800 mL Apply as a thorough foliage spray. 500 mL Treat from early summer rains to end of April when regrowth is apparent. 5L Treatment may be carried out at any time of the year. Common prickly pear (Opuntia spp.) CRITICAL COMMENTS l e b a L n e m i c e p S Groundsel bush (Baccharis halimifolia) Prickly acacia (Acacia nilotica) Privet (broadleaf) (Ligustrum lucidum) Smooth tree pear (Opuntia monacantha) Tiger pear (Opuntia aurantiaca) Cut stump: Plants up to and in excess of basal bark sizes 800 mL Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) Apply as a thorough foliage spray. 1L FENCELINES AND FIRE TRAILS only. WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /60 L diesel Broadleaf hopbush (Dodonaea viscosa) Narrowleaf hopbush (Dodonaea viscosa ssp. angustissima) Turpentine bush (Eremophila sturtii) Basal bark: Plants up to 10 cm basal diameter NSW only 1L 136 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 CRITICAL COMMENTS 2. CROPPING/FALLOW SITUATIONS FALLOW, STUBBLE, FIREBREAKS. WEEDS CONTROLLED Camel (Afghan, Bitter) melon (Citrullus lanatus) WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Up to 20 cm diameter NSW, Qld, SA, Vic and WA only 120 mL ➊ There are some strains of melon that are not controlled. Contact your Dow AgroSciences representative for more information. Runners from 20 to 40 cm diameter 160 mL ➊ Up to 20 cm diameter 80 mL ➊ Runners from 20 to 40 cm diameter 160 mL ➊ l e b a L n e m i c e p S Prickly paddy melon (Cucumis myriocarpus) ➊ Add a crop oil such as Uptake™ Spraying Oil at 500 mL /100 L water or D-C-Trate® Crop Oil at 1 L/100 L water. DO NOT use oils when tank mixing with glyphosate. See COMPATIBILITY section. This mixture is not selective to grasses. When using Garlon 600 and glyphosate by aerial application, observance of a buffer zone of 150 metres to protect native tree species is required. SORGHUM (Apply between 4 to 6 leaf stage, when secondary roots have developed). WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Prickly paddy melon (Cucumis myriocarpus) Up to 20 cm diameter NSW and Qld only 80 mL DO NOT add crop oils, as severe crop damage may occur. Fusing of sorghum prop roots may be observed. This may be worse under stress conditions (e.g. moisture stress, heat stress or root disease) and may cause some yield loss. Should only be mixed with Starane™ 200 or Starane™ Advanced Herbicide and atrazine (500 or 600 g/L flowable only) for increased weed spectrum. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. IN TASMANIA FOR BLACKBERRY: DO NOT treat bushes carrying mature or near mature fruit. FOR NATIVE VEGETATION: Use of Garlon 600 on native vegetation must be done in accordance with STATE and/or LOCAL legislation. WITHHOLDING PERIODS: Pasture: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. Sorghum: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 137 GARLON 600 See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. GARLON 600 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS APPLICATION COMPATIBILITY 1. WOODY WEED SITUATIONS Weeds need to be actively growing for herbicides to have optimum effect. Delay treatment until all regrowth has had time to grow to one metre high in situations which have been bulldozed, slashed, burnt, ploughed or areas having a previous chemical treatment. A. High Volume Spraying • Thorough coverage of foliage and stems to the point of runoff is essential, however, avoid excess spraying which is wasteful of chemical. Hand Gun • Apply the recommended mix to give full coverage of leaves and stems through a No. 6 to 8 tip at 700 to 1500 kPa. • A spray volume of 3,000 to 4,000 L per infested hectare (30 to 40 L/100 m2) should be used on the weed infestation. Knapsack & 12 volt Sprayer Packs • Only recommended for the control of herbaceous weeds such as capeweed, horehound and saffron thistle. DO NOT use knapsacks or 12 volt sprayer packs to treat woody weed infestations. B. Aerial Application • Apply in 100 to 200 L water/ha. Use a calibrated aircraft to apply in half overlap passes. Nozzle configurations should produce a COARSE spray quality at the target (ASABE S572). • The potential for damage from drift can be greatly reduced by avoiding unsuitable spraying conditions and using spray pressure and nozzles to minimise the production of small droplets. • DO NOT spray when wind exceeds 15 km/hr, air temperature is above 30°C or low humidity conditions (<35%). C. Controlled Droplet Application (C.D.A.) • Results similar to high volume spraying can be obtained using Micron Herb® or similar equipment. Select a nozzle to give a flow rate of 2 mL/sec and sweeping action of approximately 1 m/sec to ensure a droplet density of 20/cm2. Use a marking agent as recommended by the equipment manufacturers, to check spray coverage. Also, consult directions provided with C.D.A. unit. D. Low Volume High Concentrate Application Techniques • Good control will be achieved, similar to high volume application, where bush size enables good coverage of the bush. Use a marking agent, as recommended by the equipment manufacturers, to check spray coverage. • Gas powered gun: Apply 50 mL shots to obtain uniform coverage of 4 to 5 m2 of surface area of bush. This relates to 20 droplets/cm2 of leaf surface. • Sprinkler sprayer: This technique involves using a micro sprinkler which is connected to a hollow fibre glass rod attached to a pressure knapsack sprayer. Use at low pressures (50 to 200 kPa) and apply with a slow sweeping action over the top of the plants ensuring even coverage on the leaves. FALLOW SITUATIONS: Garlon™ 600 is compatible with the following products: Abound™ 400 Herbicide Esteron™ LV Herbicide Lontrel™ Herbicide Lontrel™ 750 SG Herbicide Starane™ 200 or Starane™ Advanced Herbicide Ripper™ 480 Herbicide Roundup® CT Broadacre Herbicide Roundup® PowerMAX Touchdown HiTech Dow AgroSciences (2,4-D) Amine 625 Herbicide glyphosate Lorsban™ 500 EC Insecticide When mixing with glyphosate in fallow, refer to the glyphosate label for use rate and adjuvants recommended. DO NOT use Uptake™ Spraying Oil or D-C-Trate® Crop Oil. SORGHUM: Garlon™ 600 is compatible with: Starane™ 200 or Starane™ Advanced Herbicide atrazine (500 or 600 g/L flowable product only) PVC gloves are not recommended for Garlon™ 600 Herbicide, therefore, when tank mixing with products that need to be handled with PVC gloves, workers should wear nitrile/neoprene gloves. l e b a L n e m i c e p S MINIMUM RECROPPING PERIODS Before using Garlon™ 600 in tank mixes with other herbicides, check the plant-back information on all product labels. The time between spraying and planting will be determined by the product with the longest plant-back period. Observe the following recropping periods for Garlon™ 600: • wheat, barley, sorghum, maize • chickpeas, soybeans, sunflowers • cotton MIXING 7 days 7 days 14 days Half fill the spray unit with water and add the required amount of Garlon™ 600. Add the remaining water with the agitator running. If required, then add crop oils or wetters (surfactants). Maintain mechanical or by-pass agitation in the spray tank during spraying. Only mix sufficient solution for immediate daily use and avoid storing. Basal Bark and Cut Stump Application: Quarter fill the spray unit or mixing container with diesel and add the required amount of Garlon™ 600. Add the remaining diesel and shake or agitate thoroughly to mix the contents. Periodically shake or agitate to stop product settling out. Only mix sufficient solution for immediate daily use and avoid storing. 138 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT WATER-BASED CLEANING Rinsing After using Garlon™ 600, empty the spray unit completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the spray unit using a pressure hose. Drain the spray unit and clean any filters in the tank, pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. After cleaning the spray unit as above, quarter fill with clean water and circulate through the pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. l e b a L n e m i c e p S 2. CROPPING/FALLOW SITUATIONS A. Boom Application • Application of Garlon™ 600 in a minimum spray volume of 50 L/ha is recommended. Use nozzles that produce a MEDIUM to COARSE spray quality at the target (ASABE S572). • Boom height must be set to ensure double overlap of nozzle patterns. B. Aerial Application • DO NOT allow Garlon™ 600 to physically drift onto desirable plants. • Aircraft may be used to apply Garlon™ 600 in fallow situations, when ground application equipment cannot be used due to prolonged wet conditions. • A minimum spray volume of 35 L/ha should be used with nozzles that produce a MEDIUM to COARSE spray quality (ASABE S572) at the target are recommended. • DO NOT apply Garlon™ 600 by aircraft unless wind speed is more than 3 km/hr and less than 15 km/hr as measured at the application site and/or air temperature is above 30°C. Avoid application when relative humidity falls below 35%. • Human flagging is not authorised unless protected by engineering controls such as vehicles with cabs. Decontamination Before spraying cotton and other sensitive crops, with equipment that has been used to apply Garlon™ 600, see PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS section. Wash the tank and rinse the system as above. Then quarter fill the tank and add a standard alkali based laundry detergent at 500 g (or mL)/100 L water and circulate throughout the system for at least 15 minutes. If using a concentrated laundry detergent use 250 g (or mL)/100 L water. Do not use chlorine based cleaners. Drain the whole system. Remove filters and nozzles and clean them separately. Finally flush the system with clean water and allow to drain. Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and water courses. DIESEL-BASED CLEANING Rinsing After using Garlon™ 600, empty the spray unit completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the spray unit using a pressure hose. Drain the spray unit and clean any filters in the tank, pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. On completion of spraying, use a degreaser agent to remove traces of diesel from the sprayer. Rinse tank and spray through the nozzles with water to remove degreaser. Decontamination After the above, quarter fill the tank with clean water and add an alkali detergent at 50 mL/10 L of water or the powder equivalent at 50 g/10 L of water. Shake or operate spray to circulate the washing solution throughout the sprayer and spray the solution through the nozzle. Rinse well with clean water to remove detergent. To clean brushes and container, spray liberally with degreaser. Hose off thoroughly with clean water and repeat using detergents (see above). DO NOT use this equipment for any other purpose. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 139 GARLON 600 E. Basal Bark and Cut Stump Treatment • Mix Garlon™ 600 in diesel. The use of diesel as a herbicide carrier may affect the rubber seals in some sprayers. To avoid this, use sprayers which use Viton® seals and fittings. When using Garlon™ 600 with diesel, nitrile/ neoprene gloves should be worn instead of rubber gloves. Basal Bark Method • DO NOT apply to wet stems as this can repel the diesel mixture. Apply only with hand-directed equipment such as a pressure sprayer or a paint brush. Spray equipment should be used at low pressures, up to 200 kPa, to avoid excessive splashing or drift. Species with old, rough bark require more thorough wetting than smooth barked species. Liberally spray or paint the bark around the stem from ground level up to 30 cm high, wetting thoroughly to the point of runoff (unless otherwise stated). Cut Stump Method • Stems should be cut less than 15 cm above the ground. Immediately apply Garlon™ 600/diesel mixture liberally to the freshly cut stump by spray or painting the cut surface and sides of the stem. GARLON 600 RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Garlon™ 600 Herbicide is a member of the pyridines group of herbicides. The product has the disrupters of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management, the product is a Group I herbicide. Some naturally-occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other disrupters of plant cell growth herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or other disrupters of plant cell growth herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, or local Dow AgroSciences representative. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in closed original container in a cool, well-ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE and DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. l e b a L n e m i c e p S PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS Crops susceptible to Garlon™ 600 include, but are not limited to: peas, lupins, lucerne, navy beans, soybeans and other legumes; cotton, fruit, hops, ornamentals, shade trees and Pinus spp, potatoes, safflower, sugarbeet, sunflower, tobacco, tomatoes, vegetables and vines. Garlon™ 600 is damaging to susceptible crops during both growing and dormant periods. Grasses are normally unaffected and establish quickly after treatment. DO NOT allow physical spray drift onto waterways, native vegetation and susceptible crops. When using Garlon™ 600 and glyphosate by aerial application in fallow situations, observance of a buffer zone of 150 metres to protect native tree species is required. DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment, that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK Poisonous plants may become more palatable after spraying and stock should be kept away from these plants until they have died down. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT This product is highly toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. 140 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Poisonous if swallowed. • May irritate the eyes and skin. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • When opening the container and preparing the spray and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat and elbow-length nitrile/ neoprene gloves. • Wash hands after use. • After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for GARLON™ 600 HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 31898/1009 CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Goal b a L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: SOLVENTS: SOLVENTS: GOAL Herbicide Herbicide 240 g/L OXYFLUORFEN 240 108 g/L OXYFLUORFEN N-METHYL PYRROLIDONE 108 g/L LIQUID N-METHYL PYRROLIDONE 606 HYDROCARBONS 606 g/L LIQUID HYDROCARBONS For selective weed control of broadleaf weeds and some grasses as specified in the For selective control of broadleaf weeds and some grasses as specified in the Directions Forweed Use Table. Directions For Use Table. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 DowRodborough AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 0032086 771 659 20 Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 141 DIRECTIONS FOR USE Goal™ Herbicide can be used on weed-free soil to prevent germination of a wide variety of weeds or it can be applied to existing weeds at seedling stage especially with a tank mix partner to increase the variety of weeds controlled and/or the length of residual control. Goal Herbicide can also be added at a low rate as a “spike” to glyphosate or paraquat and diquat/ paraquat herbicides to improve knockdown. 1. Goal Herbicide applied as a “spike” with glyphosate OR with either paraquat or a diquat/paraquat mixture. RESTRAINT: DO NOT disturb weeds by cultivation or sowing for 1 day following application to annual weeds and 7 days for perennial weeds to ensure herbicide absorption, unless specified in the CRITICAL COMMENTS. GOAL SITUATION FOR WEEDS CONTROLLED & TIME OF APPLICATION RATE of Goal Herbicide CRITICAL COMMENTS l e b a L n e m i c e p S Summer and Winter Fallow - Before sowing Refer to label of the glyphosate product (such as Ripper™ 480, Roundup®, Roundup CT®, PowerMax®, Touchdown® or Touchdown HiTech® ) 75 mL/ha plus a glyphosate product at its recommended label rate Addition of Goal Herbicide to glyphosate products will improve knockdown and increase the speed at which treated weeds develop visible symptoms of phytotoxicity (compared to results achieved with glyphosate applied alone) and give control of annual nettles, (Urtica spp.), barley grass, Paterson’s curse, small-flowered mallow and storksbill. For rates of glyphosate, refer to the appropriate label. Read and follow all label directions. See SAFE SOWING INTERVALS section of this label. Fruit & nut trees, vines including: Grapevines, Olive trees, Pome fruit (eg. apple, pear, nashi, quince), Stone fruit (eg. apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, plum) Tree nuts (eg. almond, macadamia, pecan, walnut). Refer to label of the glyphosate product (such as Ripper™ 480, Roundup®, Roundup CT®, PowerMax®, Touchdown® or Touchdown HiTech® ) 75 mL/ha plus a glyphosate product at its recommended label rate Addition of Goal Herbicide to glyphosate products will improve knockdown and increase the speed at which treated weeds develop visible symptoms of phytotoxicity (compared to results achieved with glyphosate applied alone) and give control of annual nettles, (Urtica spp.), barley grass, Paterson’s curse, small-flowered mallow and storksbill. For rates of glyphosate, refer to the appropriate label. Read and follow all label directions. DO NOT apply the tank mix of glyphosate and Goal near trees or vines less than 3 years old unless they are effectively shielded from spray and spray drift. Refer to label of the paraquat or diquat/ paraquat products (such as Spray.Seed® or Tryquat® 200) 250 mL/ha plus a paraquat or diquat/paraquat product at its recommended label rate Addition of Goal Herbicide in a tank mix with a paraquat or diquat/paraquat product will improve control of small flowered mallow, evening primrose and other weeds sensitive to Goal Herbicide. For the rate of the paraquat or diquat/paraquat product, refer to the appropriate label. Read and follow all label directions. 142 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 2. Goal Herbicide applied to weed-free soil or weeds at seedling stage. RESTRAINT: If applying to weed seedlings, DO NOT disturb weeds by cultivation or sowing for 1 day following application to annual weeds and 7 days for perennial weeds to ensure herbicide absorption, unless specified in the CRITICAL COMMENTS. Brassica Crops; Broccoli Cabbages Cauliflower WEEDS CONTROLLED Refer to Weeds Controlled list WEED OR CROP STAGE Weed free soil (prior to crop transplanting) RATE 1.5 to 2 L/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply Goal Herbicide to prepared ground 4 to 7 days prior to transplanting. If soil is dry, irrigation or rainfall is required prior to transplanting for activation of Goal Herbicide. Utilise transplanting techniques which cause minimal soil disturbance. Excessive soil disturbance will lessen herbicidal activity. Use the higher rate in situations where weed pressure is known to be heavy. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Coffee (after transplanting or under established bushes) Refer to Weeds Controlled list Duboisia (after transplanting of young seedlings or after harvest of mature plants) Refer to Weeds Controlled list (best results are achieved when applied to moist soil free of weeds) Weed free soil Forestry Plantations: Eucalyptus spp. and Pinus spp. (either before or preferably within 4 weeks of transplanting) Refer to Weeds Controlled list Weed free soil (either before or preferably within 4 weeks of transplanting). Weed free soil 2 to 4 L/ha Weeds at the 2 to 4 true-leaf stage When seedlings are present, apply as a tank mix with paraquat to give both knockdown and residual control. A non-ionic surfactant should be used in the spray mixture at its recommended rate. Apply as a directed spray to avoid contact with coffee plants. Mature, established weeds must be eliminated by mechanical or chemical means prior to application. 4 or 8 L/ha Weeds at the 4 to 6 true-leaf stage Broadleaf weeds and grasses Weeds at the 4 to 6 true-leaf stage Use the higher rate where longer residual control (up to 6 months) is required. An “over-the-top” application will be tolerated. Recently germinated small seedling grasses and broadleaf weeds (4 to 6 true leaves) will be controlled with these rates. Established larger weeds must be eliminated by mechanical or chemical means prior to application of Goal Herbicide. Add a non-ionic surfactant at its recommended rate to enhance activity. 3 or 4 L/ha Under weed-free conditions, apply as a directed or “over-the-top” spray. Disturbance of the herbicidal barrier on the soil surface at transplantation may reduce the length of weed control. If weed seedlings are present, apply as an “over-the-top” spray. In either situation, use the higher rate for longer residual control. Goal Herbicide can be applied in a tank mix with simazine to extend the spectrum and length of weed control. DO NOT use this tank mix in Eucalyptus plantations grown on sands, with no clay or organic matter. The likelihood of foliar damage to trees (especially eucalypts) will increase if applied to foliage that has not hardened off and/or if the temperature exceeds 20°C. However Goal Herbicide is generally regarded as safe to commonly planted forestry species but the sensitivity of less common species should be tested on small areas before a large-scale application is made. 4 L/ha or 4 mL/10 m2 For the establishment of trees for approved farm practices such as wind breaks, erosion control, woodlots and forestry plantings. When applying as a post-plant spray, ensure spray is directed to the base of seedlings, or that seedlings are protected. Do not apply under hot or windy conditions. Weeds at the 4 to 6 true-leaf stage Forestry Trees Use the higher rate where longer residual activity (up to 4 months) is required. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 143 GOAL CROP OR SITUATION 2. Goal Herbicide applied to weed-free soil or weeds at seedling stage. (continued) CROP OR SITUATION WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED OR CROP STAGE RATE Pyrethrum; - as bare rooted transplants or seedlings Refer to Weeds Controlled list (except chickweed) Pre-plant incorporated into weed free soil worked to a fine tilth 4 or 6 L/ha - more than 4 leaf stage Blackberry nightshade, Cleavers, Field bindweed, Fumitory, Groundsel, Sorrel, Volunteer potato, Wireweed Emerged weeds present 100-150 mL/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply prior to final soil preparation. The preferred implements for final soil preparation would be either a multiple tyne cultivator or rotary harrows. Use the 6 L/ha rate for heavy black clay soils only (as found in the Derwent and Coal River Valleys, Tasmania). Goal Herbicide will not provide consistent control of chickweed. l e b a L n e m i c e p S as above, plus Sow thistle, Spear thistle Tobacco Refer to Weeds Controlled list Trees (Fruit & Nut) and Vines at least 3 years old as a dormant application, including: Grapevines, Olive trees, Pome fruit (eg. apple, pear, nashi, quince), Stone fruit (eg. apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, plum), Tree nuts (eg. almond, macadamia, pecan, walnut). Refer to Weeds Controlled list GOAL - established crops, >1 yr old 144 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 200 mL to 4 L/ha Apply when pyrethrum is > 10 cm rosettes. Apply rates of more than 1 L/ha ONLY between 1st of February and 31st of March. DO NOT apply later than 25 weeks before harvest. Weed free soil 4 L/ha Use to control weeds along spray lines only. DO NOT apply to tobacco crop. Apply to soil after solid-set irrigation system has been laid out in the field. Goal Herbicide should be applied to a moist soil. Where very small weeds (2-3 leaf) emerge prior to spraying, the addition of a non-ionic surfactant to the spray mixture is necessary for effective control. Should the weeds be more advanced, the addition of 2 L/ha of Tryquat 200 is required. Avoid spray drift. Weed free soil 3 or 4 L/ha DO NOT apply Goal Herbicide once bud swell has occurred. Apply to freshly cultivated weed free soil. Use the higher rate when longer residual control is required (up to 4 months). Where grass weeds are expected to be a major problem, or when control of a wider weed spectrum is required, mix the lower rate with 4.5 L/ha of an oryzalin (500 g/L) product or 4.5 kg/ha of a napropamide (500 g/ kg) product. Refer to product labels for crops, rates, states and weeds controlled and follow all label directions. Emerged weeds present (4-6 leaf stage) DO NOT apply Goal Herbicide once bud swell has occurred. Use the higher rate when longer residual control is required (up to 4 months). When young seedling grasses and/or broadleaf weeds are present, apply as a tank mix with glyphosate or paraquat or diquat/paraquat to obtain both knockdown and residual control. A non-ionic surfactant such as BS-1000 should be used at 0.1%v/v. Read and follow all label directions. Where weed growth is large and dense, weeds must be eliminated prior to application of Goal Herbicide, using chemical or mechanical means. Macadamias: Apply in 250 to 500 L water/ha. Apply after harvest to prevent spray contacting nuts. Avoid spray contact with the foliage and stem. DO NOT apply to nuts on the ground. 2. Goal Herbicide applied to weed-free soil or weeds at seedling stage. (continued) CROP OR SITUATION Tropical and subtropical fruit crops (inedible peel), including; Avocado, Cherimoya, Custard apple, Durian, Feijoa, Guava, Jackfruit, Kiwifruit, Longan, Lychee, Mango, Mangosteen, Papaya, Passionfruit, Persimmon, Rambutan, Star apple. WEEDS CONTROLLED Refer to Weeds Controlled list WEED OR CROP STAGE RATE Weed free soil 4 L/ha Emerged weeds present CRITICAL COMMENTS Best results are obtained when applied to moist weed free soil and followed by rainfall or irrigation. If weeds are present, Goal Herbicide should be applied as a tank mix with recommended rates of glyphosate or paraquat or diquat/paraquat. Read and follow all label directions. l e b a L n e m i c e p S GOAL NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION WITHHOLDING PERIODS: Grazing: DO NOT ALLOW LIVESTOCK TO GRAZE TREATED WEEDS. Harvest: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 145 GOAL Weeds Controlled List: BEFORE GERMINATION Amsinckia (Amsinckia spp.) Barley grass (Hordeum leporinum) Barnyard grass (Echinochloa spp.) Blackberry nightshade (Solanum nigrum) Bladder ketmia (Hibiscus trionum) Burrgrass (Cenchrus australis) Caltrop (Tribulus terrestris) Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) Chickweed (Stellaria media) Crowsfoot grass (Eleusine indica) Deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule) Fat hen (Chenopodium album) Giant pigweed (Trianthema portulacastrum) Liverseed grass (Urochloa panicoides) Lovegrass (Eragrostis spp.) Pigeon grass (Setaria spp.) Pigweed (Portulaca oleracea) Prickly lettuce (Lactuca spp.) Red Natal grass (Rhynchelytrum repens) Redshank (Amaranthus cruentus) Ryegrass (Lolium spp.) Sesbania pea (Sesbania cannabina) Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Small flowered mallow (Malva parviflora) Soursob (Oxalis pes-caprae) Sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus) Starburr (Acanthospermum hispidum) Stinkgrass (Eragrostis cilianensis) Summer grass (Digitaria spp.) Thornapple (Datura stramonium) White eye (Richardia brasiliensis) Wild mustard (Sisymbrium spp.) Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) Wireweed/Hogweed (Polygonum aviculare) SEEDLINGS Amsinckia (Amsinckia spp.) Barley grass (Hordeum glaucum, H. leporinum)* Bellvine (Ipomoea spp.) Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) Common cotula (Cotula australis) Crowsfoot grass (Eleusine indica) Deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule) Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) Liverseed grass (Urochloa panicoides) Paterson’s curse (Echium plantagineum)* Pigweed (Portulaca oleracea) Potato weed (Galinsoga parviflora) Redshank (Amaranthus cruentus) Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus) Small flowered mallow (Malva parviflora)* Stinging nettle (Urtica urens) Stinkgrass (Eragrostis cilianensis) Storksbill (Erodium spp.)* Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) l e b a L n e m i c e p S 146 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 * When mixed with a glyphosate product at its recommended rate. MIXING Goal Herbicide is a selective herbicide for the control of certain annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in dormant apples, grapes, peaches, pears, plums, apricots, almonds, macadamia, duboisia, tobacco, coffee, pyrethrum, winter cereals, topical/ subtropical crops, brassicas, onions, Eucalyptus and Pinus spp. and other forestry trees, applied either to weed free soil or to seedling weeds up to the 4-6 true-leaf stage. Goal Herbicide applied to well prepared, weed free soil should not be disturbed or incorporated after application. Weed control for up to 6 months can be expected with high label rates, but spot treatment of escape weeds or perennial grasses may be necessary with knockdown herbicides. When Goal Herbicide is applied to seedling weeds at the 4 to 6 leaf stage, a non-ionic surfactant such as BS-1000® should be added at recommended rates to improve activity, where suggested in the CRITICAL COMMENTS. Goal Herbicide can also be used at low rates as a “spike” to improve the weed spectrum of knockdown herbicides such as glyphosate and paraquat or diquat/paraquat mixtures. Shake well before use. When using Goal Herbicide alone, fill the spray tank at least 1/3 full with clean water and add the recommended amount of Goal Herbicide while the pump and agitator are running, then complete filling the spray tank. A non-ionic surfactant, if required by label directions, should be added near the end of the filling process to minimise foaming. If tank mixing with oryzalin (500 g/L) or napropamide, add the product to a 1/3 filled tank and then add Goal Herbicide during the filling operation. Maintain agitation during mixing and until spraying is completed. When tank mixing with glyphosate formulations, paraquat, diquat or paraquat/diquat, add these after Goal Herbicide during the filling operation. l e b a L n e m i c e p S RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Goal Herbicide is a member of the diphenyl ether group of herbicides. The mode of action of Goal Herbicide is to inhibit protoporphyrinogen oxidase. For weed resistance management, Goal Herbicide is a Group G herbicide. Some naturally-occurring weed biotypes resistant to Goal Herbicide and other inhibitors of Group G herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These weeds will not be controlled by Goal Herbicide or other inhibitors or Group G herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Goal Herbicide to control resistant weeds. TIMING Residual control For optimum residual weed control, Goal Herbicide should be applied to the soil surface prior to weed emergence after all other agricultural operations, such as mechanical cultivation and re-shaping of irrigation furrows, have been completed. The area should be left undisturbed during the time period of desired weed control. When applied to seedling weeds, they should be young and actively growing. Weed control for up to 6 months can be expected with high label rates, but spot treatment of escape or perennial grasses may be necessary with knockdown herbicides. Post-emergence weed control For optimum post-emergence weed control, Goal Herbicide + glyphosate tank mixes should be applied to small seedling weeds up to 4-6 true-leaf stage. Use of a non-ionic surfactant such as BS-1000 is recommended to improve activity. Weeds should be actively growing and free from environmental stress (drought, cold, insect attack, nutrient deficiency). Cultivation after treatment and prior to or at planting is beneficial for final fallow weed control. Goal Herbicide + Glyphosate tank mixes Ensure thorough agitation when mixing, filling the spray tank and during application, irrespective of glyphosate formulation used. Follow recommended order and directions for tank mixing Goal and glyphosate. Use all spray mix immediately after preparation. • DO NOT tank mix Goal Herbicide and glyphosate without agitation. • DO NOT allow mix to stand unagitated. • DO NOT store Goal Herbicide and glyphosate tank mixes. • DO NOT mix other agrochemical products with Goal and Roundup PowerMax tank mixtures. APPLICATION Spray equipment should be calibrated carefully before use. Goal Herbicide should be applied uniformly with an accurately calibrated, low pressure herbicide sprayer, as a directed treatment to the base of tree and vine crops using flat fan or hollow cone nozzles. Complete coverage of seedling weeds is required for maximum knockdown effect. Ensure both weed foliage and the soil surface are sprayed. Apply using a vehicle mounted boom, calibrate to deliver a droplet spectrum classification defined as medium by ASABE Standard S572, using water volume of 250 to 500 litres per hectare for bare soil or 100 to 1350 litres per hectare when seedling weeds (4 to 6 leaf stage) are treated. Use the higher volumes where weed density is high. Tank mixtures of 75 mL/ha of Goal Herbicide with glyphosate herbicides should be applied in 30 to 200 litres spray volume per hectare. For maximum residual control, Goal Herbicide should NOT be incorporated or disturbed after application. CROP SAFETY Goal Herbicide may be applied as a directed and/or shielded spray around dormant peach, plum, apricot, almond, apple and pear trees and grapevines of all ages when applied at rates of less than 1 L/ha. When applied at 3 L/ha and above, the trees and grapevines should be at least 3 years of age. DO NOT apply Goal Herbicide once bud swell has occurred when using rates greater than 1 L/ha. Duboisia seedlings and mature plants will tolerate “over-thetop” applications of Goal Herbicide. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 147 GOAL GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS SAFE SOWING INTERVALS planting zone or covering seed with treated soil may result in injury to emerging crop seedlings. Avoid covering the seed with soil treated with Goal Herbicide during the planting operation to minimise crop injury. Goal Herbicide has residual soil activity, especially when applied at rates greater than 75 mL/ha and on small-seeded horticultural crops. Plant back intervals in the following table for horticultural crops must be observed if more than 75 mL/ha Goal Herbicide has been applied. Goal Herbicide at up to 75 mL/ha may be safely applied 1 day prior to planting broadacre crops such as cereals (wheat, barley, oats, triticale), canola, pulses (lupins, faba beans, field peas) and undersown pastures (lucerne, clover, medics, ryegrass, phalaris, cocksfoot) and 7 days minimum prior to planting cotton or soybeans, provided minimum tillage planting equipment is used with minimal soil disturbance. Inversion, mixing of surface soil with that in the Safe Sowing Intervals for Horticultural Crops (Days) Goal Herbicide rate GOAL Beans Up to 75 mL/ha 1 L/ha l e b a L n e m i c e p S 7 60 Brassicas 14 90 Capsicums 14 90 Carrots 14 90 Cucurbits 14 60 Lettuce 14 90 Potatoes 7 60 Tomatoes 14 60 COMPATIBILITY FIRST AID Goal Herbicide is compatible with glyphosate products (with agitation), oryzalin (500 g/L), diquat, paraquat, paraquat/diquat and Basta®. If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment, that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK Use with care when applying in areas frequented by stock. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT This product is highly toxic to wildlife and fish. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. Use care when applying in areas frequented by wildlife or adjacent to any body of water. DO NOT apply when weather conditions favour drift from target areas. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE AND DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Will damage the eyes and irritate the skin. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • When opening the container and preparing spray and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat, elbow-length butyl rubber gloves and goggles. • If product on skin, immediately wash area with soap and water. • If product in eyes wash it out immediately with water. • Wash hands after use. • After each day’s use, wash gloves, goggles and contaminated clothing. 148 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for GOAL™ HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 54271/52065 l GoalTenderabe L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 480 g/L OXYFLUORFEN ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 480 g/L OXYFLUORFEN For selective control of broadleaf weeds and some grasses as specified in For selective control broadleaf weeds and some grasses as specified in the Directions for Useoftable. the Directions for Use table. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800Company 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL DowFREE Chemical ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 149 GOALTENDER READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING GOALTENDER DIRECTIONS FOR USE GoalTender™ Herbicide can be used on weed-free soil to prevent germination of a wide variety of weeds or it can be applied to existing weeds at seedling stage especially with a tank mix partner to increase the variety of weeds controlled and/or the length of residual control. GoalTender Herbicide can also be added at a low rate as a “spike” to glyphosate or paraquat and diquat/paraquat herbicides to improve knockdown. 1. GoalTender Herbicide applied as a “spike” with glyphosate OR with either paraquat or a diquat/paraquat mixture. RESTRAINT: DO NOT disturb weeds by cultivation or sowing for 1 day following application to annual weeds and 7 days for perennial weeds to ensure herbicide absorption, unless specified in the CRITICAL COMMENTS. SITUATION FOR WEEDS CONTROLLED & TIME OF APPLICATION RATE OF GoalTender Herbicide Refer to label of the glyphosate product (such as Ripper™ 480, Roundup, Roundup CT®, PowerMax® , Touchdown or Touchdown HiTech® ) 37.5 mL/ha plus a glyphosate product at its recommended label rate CRITICAL COMMENTS l e b a L n e m i c e p S Summer and Winter Fallow Before sowing Addition of GoalTender Herbicide to glyphosate products will improve knockdown and increase the speed at which treated weeds develop visible symptoms of phytotoxicity (compared to results achieved with glyphosate applied alone) and give control of annual nettles, (Urtica sp.), barley grass, Paterson’s curse, small-flowered mallow and storksbill. For rates of glyphosate, refer to the appropriate label. Read and follow all label directions. See SAFE SOWING INTERVALS section of this label. Fruit & nut trees, vines including: Grapevines, Olive trees, Pome fruit (eg. apple, pear, nashi, quince), Stone fruit (eg. apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, plum) Tree nuts (eg. almond, macadamia, pecan, walnut 150 Refer to label of the glyphosate product (such as Ripper 480, Roundup, Roundup CT, PowerMax, Touchdown or Touchdown HiTech) 37.5 mL/ha plus a glyphosate product at its recommended label rate Addition of GoalTender Herbicide to glyphosate products will improve knockdown and increase the speed at which treated weeds develop visible symptoms of phytotoxicity (compared to results achieved with glyphosate applied alone) and give control of annual nettles, (Urtica spp.), barley grass, Paterson’s curse, small-flowered mallow and storksbill. For rates of glyphosate, refer to the appropriate label. Read and follow all label directions. DO NOT apply the tank mix of glyphosate and GoalTender near trees or vines less than 3 years old unless they are effectively shielded from spray and spray drift. Refer to label of the paraquat or diquat/ paraquat products (such as Spray.Seed or Tryquat® 200) 125 mL/ha plus a paraquat or diquat/ paraquat product at its recommended label rate Addition of GoalTender Herbicide in a tank mix with a paraquat or diquat/paraquat product will improve control of small flowered mallow, evening primrose and other weeds sensitive to GoalTender Herbicide. For the rate of the paraquat or diquat/ paraquat product, refer to the appropriate label. Read and follow all label directions. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 2. GoalTender Herbicide applied to weed-free soil or weeds at seedling stage. RESTRAINT: If applying to weed seedlings, DO NOT disturb weeds by cultivation or sowing for 1 day following application to annual weeds and 7 days for perennial weeds to ensure herbicide absorption, unless specified in the CRITICAL COMMENTS. CROP OR SITUATION Brassica Crops; Broccoli Cabbages Cauliflower WEEDS CONTROLLED Refer to Weeds Controlled list WEED or CROP STAGE Weed free soil (prior to crop transplanting) RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS 0.75 - 1 L/ha Apply GoalTender Herbicide to prepared ground 4 to 7 days prior to transplanting. If soil is dry, irrigation or rainfall is required prior to transplanting for activation of GoalTender Herbicide. Utilise transplanting techniques which cause minimal soil disturbance. Excessive soil disturbance will lessen herbicidal activity. Use the higher rate in situations where weed pressure is known to be heavy. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Coffee (after transplanting or under established bushes) Refer to Weeds Controlled list Duboisia (after transplanting of young seedlings or after harvest of mature plants) Refer to Weeds Controlled list (best results are achieved when applied to moist soil free of weeds) Forestry Plantations: Eucalyptus spp. and Pinus spp. (either before or preferably within 4 weeks of transplanting) Refer to Weeds Controlled list Weed free soil 1-2 L/ha When seedlings are present, apply as a tank mix with paraquat to give both knockdown and residual control. A non-ionic surfactant should be used in the spray mixture at its recommended rate. Apply as a directed spray to avoid contact with coffee plants. Mature, established weeds must be eliminated by mechanical or chemical means prior to application. Weeds at the 2 to 4 true leaf stage Weed free soil 2 or 4 L/ha Weeds at the 4 to 6 true leaf stage Use the higher rate where longer residual control (up to 6 months) is required. An “over-the-top” application will be tolerated. Recently germinated small seedling grasses and broadleaf weeds (4 to 6 true leaves) will be controlled with these rates. Established larger weeds must be eliminated by mechanical or chemical means prior to application of GoalTender Herbicide. Add a non-ionic surfactant at its recommended rate to enhance activity. Weeds at the 4 to 6 true leaf stage Weed free soil (either before or preferably within 4 weeks of transplanting). Use the higher rate where longer residual activity (up to 4 months) is required. 1.5 or 2 L/ha Under weed-free conditions, apply as a directed or “over-the-top” spray. Disturbance of the herbicidal barrier on the soil surface at transplantation may reduce the length of weed control. If weed seedlings are present, apply as an “over-the-top” spray. In either situation, use the higher rate for longer residual control. GoalTender Herbicide can be applied in a tank mix with simazine to extend the spectrum and length of weed control. DO NOT use this tank mix in Eucalyptus plantations grown on sands, with no clay or organic matter. The likelihood of foliar damage to trees (especially eucalypts) will increase if applied to foliage that has not hardened off and/ or if the temperature exceeds 20°C. However GoalTender Herbicide is generally regarded as safe to commonly planted forestry species but the sensitivity of less common species should be tested on small areas before a large-scale application is made. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 151 GOALTENDER DIRECTIONS FOR USE (continued) GOALTENDER DIRECTIONS FOR USE (continued) 2. GoalTender Herbicide applied to weed-free soil or weeds at seedling stage. RESTRAINT: If applying to weed seedlings, DO NOT disturb weeds by cultivation or sowing for 1 day following application to annual weeds and 7 days for perennial weeds to ensure herbicide absorption, unless specified in the CRITICAL COMMENTS. CROP OR SITUATION Forestry Trees WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED or CROP STAGE RATE Broadleaf weeds and grasses Weeds at the 4 to 6 true leaf stage 2 L/ha or 2 mL/10 m² CRITICAL COMMENTS For the establishment of trees for approved farm practices such as wind breaks, erosion control, woodlots and forestry plantings. When applying as a post-plant spray, ensure spray is directed to the base of seedlings, or that seedlings are protected. Do not apply under hot or windy conditions. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Pyrethrum; - as bare rooted transplants or seedlings Refer to Weeds Controlled list (except chickweed) Pre-plant incorporated into weed free soil worked to a fine tilth 2 or 3 L/ha - more than 4 leaf stage Blackberry nightshade, Cleavers, Field bindweed, Fumitory, Groundsel, Sorrel, Volunteer potato, Wireweed Emerged weeds present 50-75 mL/ha - established crops, >1 yr old as above, plus Sow thistle, Spear thistle Tobacco Refer to Weeds Controlled list 152 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Weed free soil Apply prior to final soil preparation. The preferred implements for final soil preparation would be either a multiple tyne cultivator or rotary harrows. Use the 3 L/ha rate for heavy black clay soils only (as found in the Derwent and Coal River Valleys, Tasmania). GoalTender Herbicide will not provide consistent control of chickweed. 100 mL to 2 L ha Apply when pyrethrum is > 10 cm rosettes. Apply rates of more than 1 L/ha ONLY between 1st February and 31st March. DO NOT apply later than 25 weeks before harvest. 2 L ha Use to control weeds along spray lines only. DO NOT apply to tobacco crop. Apply to soil after solid-set irrigation system has been laid out in the field. GoalTender Herbicide should be applied to a moist soil. Where very small weeds (2-3 leaf) emerge prior to spraying, the addition of a non-ionic surfactant to the spray mixture is necessary for effective control. Should the weeds be more advanced, the addition of 2 L/ha of Tryquat 200 is required. Avoid spray drift. 2. GoalTender Herbicide applied to weed-free soil or weeds at seedling stage. RESTRAINT: If applying to weed seedlings, DO NOT disturb weeds by cultivation or sowing for 1 day following application to annual weeds and 7 days for perennial weeds to ensure herbicide absorption, unless specified in the CRITICAL COMMENTS. CROP OR SITUATION WEEDS CONTROLLED Trees (Fruit & Nut) and Vines at least 3 years old as a dormant application, including: Grapevines, Olive trees, Pome fruit (eg. apple, pear, nashi, quince), Stone fruit (eg. apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, plum) Tree nuts (eg. almond, macadamia, pecan, walnut) Refer to Weeds Controlled list Tropical and sub-tropical fruit crops (inedible peel), including; Avocado, Cherimoya, Custard apple, Durian, Feijoa, Guava, Jackfruit, Kiwifruit, Longan, Lychee, Mango, Mangosteen, Papaya, Passionfruit, Persimmon, Rambutan Star apple Refer to Weeds Controlled list WEED or CROP STAGE Weed free soil RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS 1.5 or 2 L/ha DO NOT apply GoalTender Herbicide once bud swell has occurred. Apply to freshly cultivated weed free soil. Use the higher rate when longer residual control is required (up to 4 months). Where grass weeds are expected to be a major problem, or when control of a wider weed spectrum is required, mix the lower rate with 4.5 L/ha of an oryzalin (500 g/L) product or 4.5 kg/ha of a napropamide (500 g/kg) product. Refer to product labels for crops, rates states and weeds controlled and follow all label directions. l e b a L n e m i c e p S DO NOT apply GoalTender Herbicide once bud swell has occurred. Use the higher rate when longer residual control is required (up to 4 months). When young seedling grasses and/or broadleaf weeds are present, apply as a tank mix with glyphosate or paraquat or diquat/paraquat to obtain both knockdown and residual control. A non-ionic surfactant such as BS-1000 should be used at 0.1%v/v. Read and follow all label directions. Where weed growth is large and dense, weeds must be eliminated prior to application of GoalTender Herbicide, using chemical or mechanical means. Macadamias: Apply in 250 to 500 L water/ha. Apply after harvest to prevent spray contacting nuts. Avoid spray contact with the foliage and stem. DO NOT apply to nuts on the ground. Emerged weeds present (4-6 leaf stage) Weed free soil Emerged weeds present 2 L/ha Best results are obtained when applied to moist weed free soil and followed by rainfall or irrigation. If weeds are present, GoalTender Herbicide should be applied as a tank mix with recommended rates of glyphosate or paraquat or diquat/paraquat. Read and follow all label directions. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 153 GOALTENDER DIRECTIONS FOR USE (continued) GOALTENDER WITHHOLDING PERIODS: Grazing: DO NOT ALLOW LIVESTOCK TO GRAZE TREATED WEEDS. Harvest: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. Weeds Controlled List: BEFORE GERMINATION Amsinckia (Amsinckia spp.) Barley grass (Hordeum leporinum) Barnyard grass (Echinochloa spp.) Blackberry nightshade (Solanum nigrum) Bladder ketmia (Hibiscus trionum) Burrgrass (Cenchrus australis) Caltrop (Tribulus terrestris) Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) Chickweed (Stellaria media) Crowsfoot grass (Eleusine indica) Deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule) Fat hen (Chenopodium album) Giant pigweed (Trianthema portulacastrum) Liverseed grass (Urochloa panicoides) Lovegrass (Eragrostis spp.) Pigeon grass (Setaria spp.) SEEDLINGS Pigweed (Portulaca oleracea) Prickly lettuce (Lactuca spp.) Red Natal grass (Rhynchelytrum repens) Redshank (Amaranthus cruentus) Ryegrass (Lolium spp.) Sesbania pea (Sesbania cannabina) Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Small flowered mallow (Malva parviflora) Soursob (Oxalis pes-caprae) Sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus) Starburr (Acanthospermum hispidum) Stinkgrass (Eragrostis cilianensis) Summer grass (Digitaria spp.) Thornapple (Datura stramonium) White eye (Richardia brasiliensis) Wild mustard (Sisymbrium spp.) Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) Wireweed/Hogweed (Polygonum aviculare) Amsinckia (Amsinckia spp.) Barley grass (Hordeum glaucum, H. leporinum)* Bellvine (Ipomoea spp.) Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) Common cotula (Cotula australis) Crowsfoot grass (Eleusine indica) Deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule) Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) Liverseed grass (Urochloa panicoides) Paterson’s curse (Echium plantagineum)* Pigweed (Portulaca oleracea) Potato weed (Galinsoga parviflora) Redshank (Amaranthus cruentus) Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus) Small flowered mallow (Malva parviflora)* Stinging nettle (Urtica urens) Stinkgrass (Eragrostis cilianensis) Storksbill (Erodium spp.)* Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) l e b a L n e m i c e p S * When mixed with a glyphosate product at its recommended rate. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS GoalTender Herbicide is a selective herbicide for the control of certain annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in dormant apples, grapes, peaches, pears, plums, apricots, almonds, macadamia, duboisia, tobacco, coffee, pyrethrum, winter cereals, topical/subtropical crops, brassicas, onions, Eucalyptus and Pinus spp. and other forestry trees, applied either to weed free soil or to seedling weeds up to the 4-6 true leaf stage. GoalTender Herbicide applied to well prepared, weed free soil should not be disturbed or incorporated after application. Weed control for up to 6 months can be expected with high label rates, but spot treatment of escape weeds or perennial grasses may be necessary with knockdown herbicides. When GoalTender Herbicide is applied to seedling weeds at the 4 to 6 leaf stage, a nonionic surfactant such as BS-1000 should be added at recommended rates to improve activity, where suggested in the CRITICAL COMMENTS. GoalTender Herbicide can also be used at low rates as a “spike” to improve the weed spectrum of knockdown herbicides such as glyphosate and paraquat or diquat/ paraquat mixtures. 154 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING GoalTender Herbicide is a member of the diphenyl ether group of herbicides. The mode of action of GoalTender Herbicide is to inhibit protoporphyrinogen oxidase. For weed resistance management, GoalTender Herbicide is a Group G herbicide. Some naturally-occurring weed biotypes resistant to GoalTender Herbicide and other Group G herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These weeds will not be controlled by GoalTender Herbicide or other Group G herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of GoalTender Herbicide to control resistant weeds. APPLICATION DO NOT apply using spraying equipment carried on the back of the user. Re-entry periods DO NOT allow entry into treated areas until the spray has dried, unless wearing cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and chemical resistant gloves. Clothing must be laundered after each day’s use. Spray equipment should be calibrated carefully before use. GoalTender Herbicide should be applied uniformly with an accurately calibrated, low pressure herbicide sprayer, as a directed treatment to the base of tree and vine crops using flat fan or hollow cone nozzles. Complete coverage of seedling weeds is required for maximum knockdown effect. Ensure both weed foliage and the soil surface are sprayed. Apply using a vehicle mounted boom, calibrate to deliver a droplet spectrum classification defined as medium by the ASABE Standard S572, using water volume of 250 to 500 litres per hectare for bare soil or 100 to 1350 litres per hectare when seedling weeds (4 to 6 leaf stage) are treated. Use the higher volumes where weed density is high. Tank mixtures of 37.5 mL/ha of GoalTender Herbicide with glyphosate herbicides should be applied in 30 to 200 litres spray volume per hectare. For maximum residual control, GoalTender Herbicide should NOT be incorporated or disturbed after application. TIMING Residual control For optimum residual weed control, GoalTender Herbicide should be applied to the soil surface prior to weed emergence after all other agricultural operations, such as mechanical cultivation and re-shaping of irrigation furrows, have been completed. The area should be left undisturbed during the time period of desired weed control. When applied to seedling weeds, they should be young and actively growing. Weed control for up to 6 months can be expected with high label rates, but spot treatment of escape or perennial grasses may be necessary with knockdown herbicides. Post-emergence weed control For optimum post-emergence weed control, GoalTender herbicide + glyphosate tank mixes should be applied to small seedling weeds up to 4-6 true leaf stage. Use of a non-ionic surfactant such as BS-1000 is recommended to improve activity. Weeds should be actively growing and free from environmental stress (drought, cold, insect attack, nutrient deficiency). Cultivation after treatment and prior to or at planting is beneficial for final fallow weed control. l e b a L n e m i c e p S MIXING Shake well before use. When using GoalTender Herbicide alone, fill the spray tank at least 1/ 3 full with clean water and add the recommended amount of GoalTender Herbicide while the pump and agitator are running, then complete filling the spray tank. A non-ionic surfactant, if required by label directions, should be added near the end of the filling process to minimise foaming. If tank mixing with oryzalin (500 g/L) or napropamide, add the product to a 1/ 3 filled tank and then add GoalTender Herbicide during the filling operation. Maintain agitation during mixing and until spraying is completed. When tank mixing with glyphosate formulations, paraquat, diquat or paraquat/diquat, add these after GoalTender Herbicide during the filling operation. GoalTender Herbicide + Glyphosate tank mixes Ensure thorough agitation when mixing, filling the spray tank and during application, irrespective of glyphosate formulation used. Follow recommended order and directions for tank mixing GoalTender and glyphosate. Use all spray mix immediately after preparation. • DO NOT tank mix GoalTender Herbicide and glyphosate without agitation. • DO NOT allow mix to stand unagitated. • DO NOT store GoalTender Herbicide and glyphosate tank mixes. • DO NOT mix other agrochemical products with GoalTender and Roundup PowerMax tank mixtures. CROP SAFETY GoalTender Herbicide may be applied as a directed and/or shielded spray around dormant peach, plum, apricot, almond, apple and pear trees and grapevines of all ages when applied at rates of less than 500 mL /ha. When applied at 1.5 L/ha and above, the trees and grapevines should be at least 3 years of age. DO NOT apply GoalTender Herbicide once budswell has occurred when using rates greater than 500 mL /ha. Duboisia seedlings and mature plants will tolerate “over-the-top” applications of GoalTender Herbicide. SAFE SOWING INTERVALS GoalTender Herbicide at up to 37.5 mL/ha may be safely applied 1 day prior to planting broadacre crops such as cereals (wheat, barley, oats, triticale), canola, pulses (lupins, faba beans, field peas) and undersown pastures (lucerne, clover, medics, ryegrass, phalaris, cocksfoot) and 7 days minimum prior to planting cotton or soybeans, provided minimum tillage planting equipment is used with minimal soil disturbance. Inversion, mixing of surface soil with that in the planting zone or covering seed with treated soil may result in injury to emerging crop seedlings. Avoid covering the seed with soil treated with GoalTender Herbicide during the planting operation to minimise crop injury. GoalTender Herbicide has residual soil activity, especially when applied at rates greater than 37.5 mL/ha and on small-seeded horticultural crops. Plantback intervals in the following table for horticultural crops must be observed if more than 37.5 mL/ha GoalTender Herbicide has been applied. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 155 GOALTENDER PRECAUTIONS GOALTENDER Safe Sowing Intervals for Horticultural Crops (Days) GoalTender Herbicide rate Up to 37.5 mL/ha 500 mL/ha Beans 7 60 Brassicas 14 90 Capsicums 14 90 Carrots 14 90 Cucurbits 14 60 Lettuce Onions SMALL SPILL MANAGEMENT Wear protective equipment (see SAFETY DIRECTIONS section). Apply absorbent material such as earth, sand, clay granules or cat litter to the spill. Sweep up material for disposal when absorption is completed and contain in a refuse vessel for disposal (see STORAGE and DISPOSAL section). If necessary wash the spill area with an alkali detergent and water and absorb as above, the wash liquid for disposal. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • When opening the container and mixing and loading, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and elbow-length chemical resistant gloves. • If applying by hand wear cotton overalls, over normal clothing, buttoned to the neck and wrist and elbow-length chemical resistant gloves. • Wash hands after use. • After each day’s use wash gloves and contaminated clothing. l e b a L n e m i c e p S 14 90 21 180 Potatoes 7 60 Tomatoes 14 60 COMPATIBILITY GoalTender Herbicide is compatible with glyphosate products (with agitation), oryzalin (500 g/L), diquat, paraquat, paraquat/diquat and Basta®. FIRST AID PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment, that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK Use with care when applying in areas frequented by stock. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT This product is highly toxic to wildlife and fish. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. Use care when applying in areas frequented by wildlife or adjacent to any body of water. DO NOT apply when weather conditions favour drift from target areas. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Keep out of reach of children. Store in the closed, original container in a cool, wellventilated area. Store above 5°C. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers and seeds. The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE and DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. 156 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for GOALTENDER™ HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow Made in France APVMA Approval No: 62671/10B/0410 POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Graslan abe L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ GRASLAN Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 200 g/kg TEBUTHIURON ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 200 g/kg TEBUTHIURON For control of brigalow regrowth, tea tree regrowth, Mimosa pigra and certain problem woody For control of brigalow tea in tree certain problem woody weeds on grazing landsregrowth, as specified theregrowth, DirectionsMimosa for Usepigra tableand by hand application. weeds on grazing lands as specified in the Directions for Use table by hand application. GRASLAN will kill trees and shrubs. Carefully read the GRASLAN will kill trees and directions beforeread using. shrubs. Carefully the directions before using. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 DowRodborough AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 0032086 771 659 20 Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 157 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS DO NOT apply this product to salt or erosion prone areas. DO NOT apply this product within 100 metres of a recognised water course. DO NOT apply Graslan™ on land with a slope greater than 20 percent (11 degrees). DO NOT apply Graslan™ under conditions which will cause pellet movement to non-target areas during application. RETAIN at least 20 percent of the original tree population in wildlife corridors that are at least 100 metres wide. These are essential for shade and protection of livestock and native fauna. Ideally, shelter belts should traverse variable terrain, particularly ridgelines and hill tops as well as water courses, and link other vegetated corridors where possible. FOR LONG TERM VIABILITY retain a minimum of 5 hectares for shade areas, regardless of vegetation type. DO NOT apply Graslan™ on field crops, near desirable trees or shrubs or to areas into which their roots may extend or in locations where the chemical may be washed into contact with their roots as injury or death may occur. DO NOT apply Graslan™ to land to be put under field crops within 5 years of application. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Table 1: Hand Application (NT and WA only) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. GRASLAN SITUATION Tea tree regrowth and associated woody weeds on grazing land WEEDS CONTROLLED Black tea tree 1 Cocky apple* 2 Swamp box Coolibah Prickly acacia Rubbervine 158 1.5 2 CRITICAL COMMENT Estimate the area within 30 cm beyond the drip zone of each target weed or group of weeds and calculate the amount of Graslan™ to cover are to be treated. Distribute the required dose uniformly within this area. Use the higher rate for heavy density regrowth and heavy clay soils. *Some suppression of these species is provided by the rates given. African boxthorn Parkinsonia Giant sensitive tree on grazing land and other grasslands 1.5 Broadleaf tea tree Paperbark tea tree Poplar gum Other woody weeds on grazing land RATE g/m2 1 1 to 1.5 1.5 Whitewood 1 Mimosa pigra 1 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Apply after the onset of storms (to moisten soil, close soil cracks (where applicable) and freshen growth of giant sensitive tree) and before wet season surface flooding. Repeat application may be required in year two for long term control. Some grass suppression may occur. Table 2: Hand Application (Qld only) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details SITUATION Brigalow regrowth and associated problem woody weeds on grazing land WEEDS CONTROLLED Belah RATE g/m2 1.5 Brigalow Currant bush 1 to 1.5 Dawson gum 1 False sandalwood* 2 CRITICAL COMMENT Estimate the area within 30 cm beyond the drip zone of each target weed or group of weeds and calculate the amount of Graslan™ to cover are to be treated. Distribute the required dose uniformly within this area. Use the higher rate for heavy density regrowth and heavy clay soils. *Some suppression of these species is provided by the rates given. Use only for re-growth control, not clearing of virgin bush. l e b a L n e m i c e p S 1.5 Limebush Poplar box Whitewood Yellowwood 1 Black tea tree 1.5 Broadleaf tea tree Cocky apple* Paperbark tea tree Poplar gum Swamp box Other woody weeds on grazing land African boxthorn Silver leaved ironbark Brown box Coolibah Gidgee 1 2 1.5 2 2 1.5 1 0.5 to 1 Gum-topped box 1.5 Groundsel bush 1 Lantana* Parkinsonia GRASLAN Tea tree regrowth and associated woody weeds on grazing land Holly bush 2 1 to 1.5 Pink bloodwood 1 Prickly acacia Rubbervine Wild Rosemary 1.5 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 159 Table 3: Hand Application (NSW only) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. SITUATION Brigalow regrowth and associated problem woody weeds on grazing land WEEDS CONTROLLED RATE g/m2 Brigalow Currant bush Holly bush Limebush Whitewood 1 to 1.5 1.5 1 1 False sandalwood* l e b a L n e m i c e p S Other woody weeds on grazing land African boxthorn Blue heliotrope ➊ 0.5 Groundsel bush 1 Lantana* 2 Wild Rosemary GRASLAN 2 CRITICAL COMMENT Estimate the area within 30 cm beyond the drip zone of each target weed or group of weeds and calculate the amount of Graslan™ to cover area to be treated. Distribute the required dose uniformly within this area. Use the higher rate for heavy density regrowth and heavy clay soils. *Some suppression of these species is provided by the rates given. ➊ DO NOT use within 30 m of trees. DO NOT apply to single continuous area greater than 0.5 hectares in size 1.5 NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. FOR NATIVE VEGETATION APPLICATION Use of Graslan™ on native vegetation must be done in accordance with STATE and/or LOCAL legislation, including the Vegetation Management Act 2000 in Queensland. It is recommended that gloves be used during hand application. Apply Graslan™ by uniformly distributing by hand over the desired area after weighing out the recommended quantity of pellets. The best way to calibrate yourself is to weigh a normal handful of pellets. If, for example, a handful weighs 20 grams, then this will treat 20 to 40 m2 at the rate of 0.5 to 1 g/m2. DISPENSER PACK: Apply GRASLAN™ by uniformly distributing by hand after dispensing a single dose (7g) from the dispenser unit. Apply the pellets at 1 to 2 g per metre square. One dose (7g) will treat 7 to 3.5 square metres at these rates. WITHHOLDING PERIOD NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Graslan™ may be applied at any time of the year. Treatments become effective after sufficient rainfall has occurred to move the chemical into the root zone where it is absorbed by woody plants. Applications just prior to seasonal rainfall give the most rapid response. Herbicidal activity will continue for several seasons after application. During this time woody plants may go through repeated defoliation’s and regrowths until death occurs. A single application is normally effective for several years. Forage grass production usually increases as woody weed competition is reduced. Increased grass production is also dependant on adequate rainfall an acceptable grazing management programme. It is important to allow grasses to seed and seedlings to become established after treatment before grazing pressure is increased. Areas treated with Graslan™ may be overseeded with suitable pasture species. Consult your agricultural specialist for details on suitable seeding rates, timing and fertilizer application programme. The residual action of Graslan™ may be impaired if fire occurs before clay pellets are dissolved and the chemical has moved into the root zone. 160 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS When applying pellets, distribute them under the tree or regrowth canopy from the root crown or stems to 30 cm beyond the drip zone of the plants you want to control. The time required for complete plant death depends on soil type, amount of rainfall, root depth, plant species, plant density and rate of Graslan™ used. Some species may go through several defoliation’s from 6 months to 2 years before dying. Timber and regrowth control with Graslan™ pellets may be variable when used on soils with high clay content high organic matter or when treating deep rooted or more tolerant species. TREATING INDIVIDUAL TREES TREATING FENCE LINES Estimate the area within 30 cm beyond the drip zone, i.e. the area under the plant canopy. It is essential that this area is treated as evenly as possible with pellets being spread from the tree trunk to slightly beyond the drip line formed by the branches. Do not throw all the pellets at the base of the tree trunk. This will waste material and could result in poor control. Example Estimate the area to be treated, along the fence line and then apply Graslan™ pellets on both sides of the fence line as evenly as possible within the area extending 30 cm out beyond drip zone. Example l e b a L n e m i c e p S CLEANING APPLICATION EQUIPMENT RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING TREATMENT OF CLUMPS OF TREES OR PATCHES OF REGROWTH Graslan™ pellets are particularly effective in treating areas of regrowth. Estimate the area within 30 cm beyond the drip zone and apply the Graslan™ pellets on a grid pattern to uniformly cover the area. Pellets should be applied over the top of regrowth if at all possible in an attempt to maintain a good distribution pattern. Example Graslan™ Herbicide is a member of the Ureas group of herbicides. The product has inhibitors of photo-synthesis at photosystem II mode of action. For weed resistance management, the product is a Group C herbicide. Some naturally-occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group C herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or other Group C herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture of local Dow AgroSciences representative. PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS DO NOT allow any roots of desirable plants, trees or ornamentals to contact Graslan™. Graslan™ may cause temporary herbicidal symptoms to appear on perennial grasses, including buffel grass, particularly after extended dry periods. Higher rates of application of Graslan™ (2g/m2) may kill grasses, particularly native annuals. This effect can be minimised by application when grasses are dormant (autumn application). Graslan™ may seriously injure desirable forage plants such as pasture legumes and other broadleaf plants. These species may regenerate in subsequent seasons. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 161 GRASLAN Thoroughly clean all traces of Graslan™ from vessels holding pellets e.g. bucket and gloves after use. Residues cleaned from this application equipment should not be emptied on areas where they will contact roots of desirable trees, shrubs or plants. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK SAFETY DIRECTIONS Poisonous plants may become more palatable after application of granules and stock should be kept away from these plants until they have died down. • Harmful if swallowed. • Will irritate the eyes. • Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorders. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • When opening the container and preparing the product and using the prepared product wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat and elbow length gloves. • Wash hands after use. • After each day’s use wash gloves and contaminated clothing. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the granules or used containers. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL GRASLAN Store in the closed original container in a dry, cool wellventilated area out of direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. Do not dispose of granules on site. Shake bag contents into the spray tank until the bag is empty. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Puncture or shred and bury empty bags in a local authority landfill. If no landfill is available, bury the containers below 500 mm in a disposal pit specifically marked out and set up for this purpose clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots. Empty bags and product should not be burnt. l e b a L n e m i c e p S SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face-shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. 162 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 FIRST AID If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for GRASLAN™ HERBICIDE, which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 41257/0507 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Grazon Extra b a L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: 300 g/L TRICLOPYR present as butoxyethyl ester ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: 300 presentas ashexyloxypropylamine butoxyethyl ester 100 g/L TRICLOPYR PICLORAM present salt PICLORAM present as as hexyloxypropylamine saltsalt 8100 g/Lg/L AMINOPYRALID present hexyloxypropylamine 8 g/L AMINOPYRALID present as hexyloxypropylamine salt For control of a range of environmental and noxious woody and herbaceous weeds as specified For control of a range of environmental and noxious woody and herbaceous weeds as specified in the Directions For Use table. in the Directions For Use table. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 163 GRAZON EXTRA POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN GRAZON EXTRA DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS • DO NOT apply to weeds which may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logged or drought affected), poor nutrition, presence of disease, damage or previous herbicide treatment, as reduced levels of control may result. • DO NOT spray if rain is likely within 1 hour or if foliage is wet from rain or dew. • DO NOT burn off, cut or clear blackberry or other woody weeds for at least 6 months after spraying. • DO NOT apply by aerial application in wind in excess of 15 km/hr and/or air temperatures above 35oC. • In areas prone to flooding treatment should commence after any annual flooding as such areas flooded within 9 months following application may have reduced results. • DO NOT make hay or silage, from pastures treated with Grazon Extra, for 6 months after application. l e b a L n e m i c e p S 1. WOODY WEED SITUATIONS Table A: High Volume Spraying See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. Note: Dow AgroSciences only recommends the use of knapsacks or 12 volt sprayers for use on low growing herbaceous weeds and woody weeds that are not regrowth less than 60 cm high or 60 cm diameter. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED African boxthorn Angophora spp. WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /100 L Water CRITICAL COMMENTS Less than 2 m tall All States 500 mL Apply when bushes have good leaf cover, growth and no leaf fall. 1 to 3 m tall 350 mL Less than 2 m tall 500 mL Banksia spp. 1 to 3 m tall 350 mL Biddy bush (Chinese shrub) (Sifton bush) Autumn when actively growing ACT, NSW only 500 mL Add BS-1000 or an alternative (see compatibility section) at 125 mL/100 L of water for best results. Blackberry in association with: Docks Ragwort Smartweed Thistles Late spring to autumn All States 350 mL or 500 mL Use the higher rate on plants that have been damaged by grazing stock or insects and on known difficult to kill blackberry. Australian blackthorn Blue heliotrope Apply from late spring to early autumn. Where herbicides other than Group I herbicides have been used, allow 2 seasons regrowth to occur before respraying with Grazon™ Extra. Flowering ACT, NSW, NT, Qld only 500 mL Apply in a minimum spray volume of 1250 L/ha. Brooms: Cape English Flax leaf Montpellier Spring to mid-summer prior to pod formation All States 250 mL Apply as a thorough foliage spray. Camphor Laurel Less than 2 m tall Capeweed Casuarina spp. 164 Autumn to winter 350 mL All States Above 2 m tall 500 mL Flowering 150 mL 1 to 3 m tall 350 mL PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 GRAZON EXTRA Table A: High Volume Spraying continued See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /100 L Water Chinee apple Less than 2 m tall NT, Qld, WA only 350 mL Cockspur thorn Spring to autumn ACT, NSW, NT, Qld only Common sensitive plant Any time when actively growing NT, Qld, WA only 200 mL To avoid leaves closing during application, spray plants while moving forward. Add BS-1000 or an alternative (see compatibility section) at 100 mL/100 L of water for best results. Crofton weed Spring to autumn ACT, NSW, NT, Qld only 350 mL Apply as a thorough foliage spray. Eastern cotton bush (Maireana microphylla) Spring to autumn ACT, NSW NT, Qld only 500 mL Add Uptake™ Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L of water. Some bushes may require a follow-up spray to control regrowth. Eucalyptus spp. Seedling and regrowth from small lignotubers, 1 to 3 m tall All States 350 mL or 500 mL Apply the high rate where difficult to control species of Eucalyptus regrowth is present. Addition of an adjuvant may improve results. Contact Dow AgroSciences for details. Giant bramble Gorse Add BS-1000 or an alternative (see compatibility section) at 100 mL/100 L of water for best results. Apply as a thorough foliage spray. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Fireweed Galenia CRITICAL COMMENTS Groundsel bush (Baccharis halimifolia) Green cestrum Hawthorn Flowering 350 mL Apply as a thorough foliage spray. Fresh growth in spring to summer 500 mL Use 2000 L of spray mixture/ha. Spring to autumn NT, Qld, WA only 1 to 1.5 m tall All States Penetration of thick clumps may be difficult and respraying may be necessary. Add BS-1000 or an alternative (see compatibility section) of water for best results. 250 mL Spring and summer treatment only. Add BS-1000 or an alternative (see compatibility section) at 100 mL/100 L of water for best results. Over 1.5 m tall or autumn treatment 350 mL Add BS-1000 or an alternative (see compatibility section) at 100 mL/100 L of water for best results. Winter treatment 500 mL Brownout may not be complete until summer. Add BS-1000 or an alternative (see compatibility section) at 100 mL/100 L of water for best results. 250 mL Apply as a thorough foliar spray. 1 to 1.5 m tall in spring to summer All States Over 1.5 m tall or autumn treatment 350 mL Late spring to early autumn ACT, NSW, NT, Qld only Less than 2 m tall All States 500 mL One application may give satisfactory control. Any subsequent regrowth and seedlings must be resprayed at approximately 1 metre high. Apply from late spring to early autumn. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 165 GRAZON EXTRA Table A: High Volume Spraying continued See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED Horehound WEED GROWTH STAGE Pre-flowering Japanese sunflower STATE RATE /100 L Water All States 350 mL CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply as a thorough foliar spray. ACT, NSW, NT, Qld only l e b a L n e m i c e p S Lantana (Lantana camara) (Lantana montevidensis) Up to 1 m tall in summer to autumn All States 1 to 2 m tall in summer to autumn Lion’s tail (Leonatis nepetifolia) Add one of the following adjuvants, when using 350 mL rate: Uptake Spraying Oil @ 0.5% v/v. Pulse® Penetrant @ 0.1% v/v. 500 or 750 mL Thoroughly wet foliage stems and soil around the base of the plants. Use higher rate on known harder to kill varieties. Pre-flowering NT, Qld only 200 mL Apply as a thorough foliar spray. Add BS-1000 or an alternative (see compatibility section) at 100 mL/100 L of water for best results. Any time of year with good leaf cover and soil moisture NT, Qld only 350 mL Penetration of thick clumps may be difficult and respraying may be required. Addition of an adjuvant may improve results. Contact Dow AgroSciences for details. At flowering Vic only 500 mL For optimum results, add Pulse Penetrant at 200 mL/100 L of spray. Thoroughly wet foliage, stems and soil around the base of the plants. Seedling, full leaf and flowering before podding ACT, NSW, NT, Qld, WA only 350 mL DO NOT spray plants bearing pods. Add BS-1000 or an alternative (see compatibility section) at 100 mL/100 L of water for best results. NT, Qld only 670 mL Flowering ACT, NSW only 350-500 mL Spring to Autumn ACT, NSW, NT, Qld only 350 mL Apply as a thorough foliar spray. Flowering ACT, NSW, NT, Qld only 500 mL Add BS-1000 or an alternative (see compatibility section) at 100 mL/100 L of water. Paddy’s lucerne Active growth ACT, NSW only Parkinsonia Under 2 m tall NT, Qld, WA only Limebush Manuka Mesquite (Prosopis spp.) Prosopis velutina Milfoil (Yarrow) Mistflower Mother-of-millions 166 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Use low rate when in close proximity to highly sensitive vegetation. Plants that have been continually slashed or grazed over many seasons may be difficult to control and regrowth may occur. 350 mL Add Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L water. Avoid spraying under dry conditions when plants are stressed or bearing pods. Thoroughly wet foliage. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE Paterson’s curse Flowering All States Prickly pear (common) Smooth tree pear Active phyllode growth RATE /100 L Water CRITICAL COMMENTS 250 mL 500 mL Apply as a thorough foliage spray. Regrowth may occur, so a follow-up application may be necessary. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Rubber vine (Not infected with rust) Up to 1.5 m tall at flowering NT, Qld, WA only Dense stands greater than 1.5 m tall at flowering 350 mL 500 mL Spray all leaves and stems just to the point of runoff and thoroughly spray the base of the plant. With larger, more dense stands, regrowth may occur. Subsequent control of any regrowth should be done by basal bark spraying. Siam weed Active growth NT, Qld, WA only 350 mL Add BS-1000 or an alternative (see compatibility section) at the rate of 100 mL/100 L water for best results. Sicklepod Up to flowering NT, Qld, WA only 200 mL DO NOT apply to podding plants. Add BS-1000 or an alternative (see compatibility section) at the rate of 100 mL/100 L water for best results. Rosette to flowering All States 150 mL Spear thistle St John’s wort Sweet briar From flowering to early seed set 500 mL Late spring to early summer. Up to 1.5 m tall 350 mL Add metsulfuron-methyl at 10g/100 L water to obtain more reliable results with the lower rate of Grazon Extra. Full leaf to ripe fruit prior to leaf fall. Thorough wetting including the crown is recommended. 500 mL Tobacco weed Actively growing plants NT, Qld, WA only 300 mL 1 to 3 m tall All States 350 mL Wild Rosemary (Cassinia laevis) Active growth 0.5 to 1.0 m tall NT, Qld only 350 to 500 mL Wild tobacco tree Spring to autumn up to 2 m tall ACT, NSW, NT, Qld only 350 mL Wattle (Acacia spp.) (except corkwood wattle) Add BS-1000 or an alternative (see compatibility section) at 100 mL/100 L of water for best results. Use lower rate on seedlings 0.5 m tall. Apply as a thorough foliar spray. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 167 GRAZON EXTRA Table A: High Volume Spraying continued See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. GRAZON EXTRA Table B: Aerial Application See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED Blackberry Gorse WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Summer to autumn ACT, NSW, NT, Qld, SA, Vic, WA only 10 L Where herbicides other than Group I herbicides have been used, allow two seasons regrowth to occur before respraying with Grazon Extra. WARNING: Eucalyptus species up to 4 m may be killed if sprayed during this treatment. Mature trees which are 15 to 20 m tall may be partially defoliated but are likely to recover. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Tas only Cockspur thorn Crofton weed Lantana Mistflower ACT, NSW, NT, Qld only (helicopter only) 1.5 L + 6.L 2,4-D 625 amine (625 g/L formulation) When flowering NT, Qld only (helicopter only) 3 L to 5 L Lantana Rubber vine (Not infected with rust) Helicopter application only. Late autumn 10 L Spray with calibrated equipment using the half overlap opposite pass technique applying a minimum spray volume of 150 L/ha. Follow-up respraying will be required. Helicopter application only. Use rates will depend upon the density and height of the rubber vine stand. The higher rate should be used on dense stands, however, complete coverage and penetration may be difficult. Follow-up respraying will be required. Any reqrowth should be sprayed with a suitable basal bark herbicide. St John’s wort Flowering to early seed set (Nov-Jan) ACT, NSW only 4L Helicopter application only. Follow-up spraying will be required in the following season. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS ON FLOOD PLAINS. WEEDS CONTROLLED Parkinsonia WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /ha Seedlings 1-2 m tall, or 12-24 months old Qld and NT only (helicopter only) 3L CRITICAL COMMENTS Add Uptake Spraying Oil at 1 L/ha. Table C: Controlled Droplet Application (C.D.A.) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED Blackberry in association with: Docks Ragwort St John’s wort Thistles 168 WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Summer to autumn All States Apply undiluted One application may give satisfactory control but subsequent regrowth and seedlings should be resprayed after hardening off. Where herbicides other than Group I herbicides have been used, allow 2 seasons regrowth to occur before respraying with Grazon Extra. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 GRAZON EXTRA Table D: Low Volume High Concentrate Application Techniques (Gas Powered Gun, Sprinkler Sprayer) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /10 L Water Late spring to autumn All States 335 mL Less than 1.5 m high ACT, NSW, NT, Qld only 500 mL Seedlings up to 2 m tall All States 335 mL Mistflower Less than 1.5 m high ACT, NSW, NT, Qld only 500 mL Sweet briar 1.5 m tall, full leaf to ripe fruit ACT, NSW only Gas Powered Gun only: Apply to actively growing bushes not more than 1.5 m tall that have not more than 5 stems from the crown. St John’s wort During flowering to early seed set ACT, NSW, Tas, Vic only Gas Powered Gun only: One application should provide control. Minor regrowth and seedlings may be retreated the following summer. Less than 1.5 m high ACT, NSW, NT, Qld only Apply to actively growing bushes which are able to be sprayed on all sides. For larger bushes, the high volume application technique is recommended. Blackberry Camphor Laurel Cockspur thorn Crofton weed CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply to actively growing bushes which are able to be sprayed on all sides. For larger bushes, the high volume application technique is recommended. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Eucalyptus species Wild tobacco tree Table E: Boom Application See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED Galenia Sicklepod St John’s wort WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Fresh growth during spring to summer All States 5L Rough mine sites will require adequate spray equipment such as boomless nozzles for effective coverage. Up to flowering NT, Qld only 3L DO NOT apply to podding plants. Add BS-1000 or an alternative (see compatibility section) at the rate of 100 mL/100 L water. Flowering to early seed set (Nov-Jan) ACT, NSW only 2 to 4 L Use the higher rate on dense infestations and when longer residual control is required. Follow-up respraying will be required in the following season. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 169 GRAZON EXTRA 2. FALLOW SITUATIONS Table A: Boom Application See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. FALLOW WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /ha Blackberry nightshade - suppression only 10 to 25 cm tall, prior to flowering ACT, NSW, NT, Qld only 200 to 400 mL 1.125 L + Ripper™ 480 (glyphosate) + adjuvant CRITICAL COMMENTS For use by ground equipment only. Plants must be actively growing. Use the lower rate on the smaller weeds, as specified in the weed growth stage (or up to 5 cm diameter for Polymeria pusilla). l e b a L n e m i c e p S Camel melon Prickly paddy melon Cucumber melon (Cucumis melo) From 2 leaf to 50 cm diameter Common sowthistle From 8 leaf to flowering Refer to Ripper 480 label for use of adjuvant. For Northern New South Wales and Queensland, DO NOT plant susceptible crops for up to 9 months after application, as specified in GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - MINIMUM RECROPPING PERIODS – Table A. Cow vine From 2 to 5 leaf up to 15 cm diameter, prior to flowering Lucerne (established) Active growth, 15 to 25 cm high, during spring 300 to 500 mL + 1.125 L Ripper™ 480 (glyphosate) + adjuvant Dry conditions after application will increase the re-cropping interval. Polymeria pusilla 2 to 12 leaf up to 20 cm diameter, prior to flowering 200 to 400 mL + 1.125 L Ripper™ 480 (glyphosate) + adjuvant For Southern New South Wales, please refer to MINIMUM RECROPPING PERIODS – Table C. Table B: Blanket Wiper Application See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. FALLOW WEEDS CONTROLLED Bitterbark (Alstonia constricta) WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS From summer to end of autumn NT, Qld only 1:4 (1 part Grazon Extra to 4 parts water) For use with blanket wipers only. 2 % solution for spot spray (eg. 100 mL Grazon Extra in 5 L water) Follow up “missed” plants with a spot spray application. These will be obvious after 6 weeks. For best results apply in autumn to tall (> 60 cm) plants using two opposite directional passes (up and back). Blanket wiper applications can be made in summer when plants are smaller but follow up spot spraying may be necessary. Do not disturb (cultivate) the treated patches for at least 3 months. Best long term control is achieved when patches are left undisturbed for as long as possible after treatment (at least 6 months). Spot spraying “missed” plants: thoroughly wet all stems and leaves without producing any solution run-off. Avoid any spray reaching the soil surface. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. 170 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 FOR NATIVE VEGETATION Use of Grazon Extra on native vegetation must be done in accordance with STATE and/or LOCAL legislation. WITHHOLDING PERIOD Pasture: Cutting or Grazing Pastures for Stock Food: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. LIVESTOCK DESTINED FOR EXPORT MARKETS The grazing withholding period only applies to stock slaughtered for the domestic market. Some export markets apply different standards. To meet these standards, ensure that in addition to complying with the grazing withholding period, the Export Slaughter Interval is observed before stock are sold or slaughtered. l e b a L n e m i c e p S EXPORT SLAUGHTER INTERVAL (ESI) – 3 days: Livestock that has been grazed on or fed treated crops within 42 days of application should be placed on clean feed for 3 days prior to slaughter. EXPORT GRAZING INTERVAL (EGI) – 42 days. Livestock that has been grazing on treated crops or pasture should not be sold for export slaughter for 42 days (6 weeks) after application of the chemical product, unless the export slaughter interval has been observed. When Grazon Extra is used as directed and the above withholding periods and/or export intervals are observed, treated grain and livestock commodities are considered acceptable for export. However, export requirements are subject to change. Consult your exporter for updated information about specific market requirements. IMPORTANT: Read the MANAGEMENT OF RESIDUES IN COMPOST, MULCHES AND ANIMAL WASTE in the PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVES AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS section of this label. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MINIMUM RECROPPING PERIODS Aminopyralid and picloram remain active in the soil for extended periods depending on the rate of application, soil type (clay content), rainfall, temperature, humidity, soil moisture and soil organic matter. The following tables show plant-back periods to particular crops following application of Grazon Extra in different areas/situations of Australia. Table A: Northern New South Wales & Queensland Plant-back periods for rotational crops following application of Grazon Extra for rates up to 600 mL/ha on black cracking clay soils. These plant-back periods are based on a normal rainfall pattern. During drought conditions (or when the rainfall is less than 100 mm for a period of 4 months or greater) the plant-back period may be significantly longer. Plant-back periods for crops following the application of Grazon Extra for rates up to 600 mL/ha. RATE mL/ha 200 300 CROP 400 600 Months Wheat 2 2 4 4 Barley 2 2 4 4 Canola 2 4 4 4 Faba bean 4 4 6 6 Chickpea 4 6 6 6 Lucerne 6 9 9 9 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 171 GRAZON EXTRA IN TASMANIA FOR BLACKBERRY DO NOT treat bushes carrying mature or near mature fruit. GRAZON EXTRA Table B: Blanket Wiper Application Plant-back periods for crops following blanket wiper application. CROP Months Broadleaf crops Lucerne 18 6 This will allow any potential soil residues to dissipate, if any, and allow effective control. Table C: Southern New South Wales Plant-back periods for rotational crops following application of Grazon Extra for rates up to 500 mL/ha. CROP l e b a L n e m i c e p S Plant-back Period (months) Barley, Canola, Wheat 9 Chickpea, Faba bean, Field pea, Lucerne, Lupin, Medic, Subclover 24 Note: Before using Grazon Extra in tank mixes with other herbicides, check the plant-back information on all product labels. The most residual product, i.e. the product with the longest plant-back period, will determine the time between spraying and planting. COMPATIBILITY Follow any regional restrictions, and all directions and restrictions on the label, of any chemical mixed with Grazon Extra (e.g. 2,4,-D amine). Grazon Extra is compatible with the following herbicides: Dow AgroSciences Amine 625,(2,4-D), Abound™ 400, AgriCrop Lantana 600, Ripper™ 480, glyphosate, metsulfuron-methyl, Roundup® CT, Starane™ Advanced. Grazon Extra is compatible with the following adjuvants, as per Directions for Use on this label; Uptake™ Spraying Oil, BS1000 Biodegradable Surfactant, (alternatives are Chemwet 1000, and Spreadwet 1000 Wetting Agent), or Pulse® Penetrant. Not all surfactants or crop oils are of equal quality, Dow AgroSciences does not support the use of alternative products other than those listed in the COMPATIBILITY section. MIXING Mix only with water. Half fill the spray unit with water, and add the required amount of Grazon Extra. Add the remaining water with the agitator running. If required, then add spray oils or wetters (surfactants). Maintain mechanical or by-pass agitation in the spray tank during spraying. Only mix sufficient solution for immediate daily use and avoid storing. 172 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 APPLICATION Only apply Grazon Extra under atmospheric conditions that do not allow drift onto sensitive crops to occur. 1. WOODY WEED SITUATIONS Weeds need to be actively growing for herbicides to have optimum effect. Delay treatment until all regrowth has had time to grow to approximately 1 metre in situations which have been bulldozed, slashed, burnt, ploughed or areas having a previous chemical treatment. A. High Volume Spraying Thorough coverage of foliage to the point of run-off is essential; however, avoid excess spraying which is wasteful of chemical. Hand Gun Apply the recommended mix to give full coverage of leaves and stems through a No. 6 to 8 tip at 700 to 1500 kPa (400 to 500 kPa for St John’s wort). A spray volume of 3000 to 4000 L per infested hectare of 1 to 2 metre high blackberry (30 to 40 L/100 m2) should be used. Use 2000 L of spray mixture/ha of galenia infestation (i.e. 20 L /100 m2 infested area). Knapsack & 12 volt Sprayer Packs Apply the recommended spray mix to give full coverage of leaves and stems. Only recommended for the control of herbaceous weeds, such as capeweed, fireweed and spear thistle, and woody weeds that are not regrowth less than 60 cm high or 60 cm diameter. C. Controlled Droplet Application (C.D.A.) Results similar to high volume spraying can be obtained using Micron Herbi® or similar equipment. Select a nozzle to give a flow rate of 2 mL/sec and sweeping action of approximately 1 m/sec to ensure a droplet density of 20/cm². Use a marking agent, as recommended by the equipment manufacturers, to check spray coverage. Also, consult directions provided with C.D.A. unit. the blanket may require more frequent solution recharge (rewetting). Ideally, a scraper bar should be mounted in front of the blanket in order to scrape or damage the bark (but not sever the stems) prior to the blanket wiping the stems. This scraper may be mounted at the front of the vehicle. Two passes (in opposite direction) with the blanket increases the contact with the plant. Ground speeds of 10-15 kph are ideal for blanket wiping application. CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT l e b a L n e m i c e p S D. Low Volume High Concentrate Application Techniques Good control will be achieved, similar to high volume application, where bush size enables good coverage of entire bush. Use a marking agent, as recommended by the equipment manufacturers, to check spray coverage. Gas powered gun: Apply 50 mL shots to obtain uniform coverage of 4 to 5 m² of surface area of bush. This relates to 20 droplets/cm² of leaf surface. Sprinkler sprayer: This technique involves using a micro sprinkler that is connected to a hollow fibre glass rod attached to a pneumatic knapsack sprayer. Use at low pressures (50 to 200 kPa) and apply with a slow sweeping action over the top of the plants ensuring even coverage on the leaves. E. Boom Application Application in a minimum spray volume of 200 L/ha for galenia and St. John’s wort and 600 L of water/ha for sickle pod. Use nozzle configurations to produce medium droplets as defined by ASABE S572. Boom height must be set to ensure double overlap of nozzle patterns. 2. FALLOW SITUATIONS A. Boom Application Application of Grazon Extra in a minimum spray volume of 50 L/ha is recommended using nozzle configurations to produce medium droplets as defined by ASABE S572. Boom height must be set to ensure double overlap of nozzle patterns. B. Blanket Wiper Application Blanket needs to be made from durable and wettable material with a rigid backing. Blanket should be rigidly mounted behind motorised vehicle (eg. tractor, 4-wheel drive vehicle) and set low but never touching the ground. The chemical solution should be fed to the blanket at a flow rate sufficient to keep the blanket wet but not dripping. In thick patches Rinsing After using Grazon Extra, empty the spray unit completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the unit using a pressure hose. Drain the spray unit, and clean any filters in the tank, pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. After cleaning the spray unit as above, quarter fill with clean water and circulate through the pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. Decontamination Before spraying cotton and other sensitive crops with equipment that has been used to apply Grazon Extra (see PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NONTARGET PLANTS section). Wash the tank and rinse the system as above. Then quarter fill the tank and add a standard alkali based laundry detergent at 500 g (or mL)/100 L water and circulate throughout the system for at least 15 minutes. If using a concentrated laundry detergent use 250 g (or mL)/100 L water. Do not use chlorine based cleaners. Drain the whole system. Remove filters and nozzles and clean them separately. Finally flush the system with clean water and allow to drain. Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and watercourses. RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Grazon Extra Herbicide is a member of the pyridines group of herbicides. The product has the disrupters of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management, the product is a Group I herbicide. Some naturally-occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group I herbicides may exist through PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 173 GRAZON EXTRA B. Aerial Application Apply in 200 L of water/ha using an aircraft to apply 100 L per pass on a double overlap pattern using nozzle configurations to produce coarse to very coarse droplets as defined by ASABE S572. GRAZON EXTRA normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by the product or other Group I herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of the product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, or local Dow AgroSciences representative. DO NOT send straw from treated pastures off-farm for these purposes or for animal bedding. DO NOT send animal manure, dairy shed and feed pad effluent that has been collected from animals grazing or fed pastures treated within the previous 6 months off-farm. Spreading/irrigating this manure/effluent may cause damage to clover and other susceptible plants. DO NOT send compost made from animal waste that has been collected from animals grazing or fed pastures treated within the previous 6 months off-farm. Such compost may cause damage to clover and other susceptible plants. DO NOT apply animal waste (e.g. manure, slurry) collected from animals grazing or fed pastures treated within the previous 6 months to susceptible plants or land to be used to grow susceptible plants. DO NOT grow susceptible plants within in the relevant plantback period in fields treated with manure/effluent from farms where animals have grazed or been fed treated pasture until a field bioassay shows there are no residues in the soil at levels injurious to the susceptible plants (see the crop rotation section). To promote herbicide decomposition, manure should be evenly incorporated in the surface soil. Breakdown of residues in decomposing plants or manure is more rapid under warm, moist soil conditions and may be enhanced by supplemental irrigation. l e b a L n e m i c e p S PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS Crops susceptible to Grazon Extra include, but are not limited to: peas, lupins, lucerne, navy beans, peanuts, soybeans and other legumes, cotton, flowers, fruit, hops, ornamentals, shade trees and Pinus spp., potatoes, safflower, sugar beet, sunflowers, tobacco, tomatoes, vegetables and vines. Grazon Extra is damaging to susceptible crops during both growing and dormant periods. Grasses are normally unaffected and establish quickly after treatment. Picloram and aminopyralid, two of the active constituents in this product can remain active in the soil for extended periods depending on soil type and application rate, rainfall, temperature, humidity, soil moisture and soil organic matter. DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment, that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands, pastures, waterways or native vegetation. DO NOT allow physical spray drift onto waterways, native vegetation and susceptible crops. DO NOT apply close to, or in areas, containing roots of desirable vegetation, where treated soil may be washed onto areas growing (or areas to be planted with) desirable plants. DO NOT apply on sites where surface water from heavy rain can be expected to run off to areas containing, or to be planted with susceptible crops or plants. DO NOT move soil, which may have been treated to areas where desirable plants are to be grown. MANAGEMENT OF RESIDUES IN COMPOST, MULCHES AND ANIMAL WASTE DO NOT cut pasture for hay or silage production within 6 months of application, where it is intended for use off-farm. DO NOT use treated plant material to make, compost, mulches or mushroom substrate. 174 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 SOIL BIOASSAY A simple bioassay can be conducted by collecting at least 10 spade spits of soil to a depth of 200 mm from around the paddock and thoroughly mixing the soil together. Place some of this soil in a shallow container to a depth of 3-5 cm and sow 100 seeds of the susceptible plant to be grown (subterranean or white clover is a good indicator plant where it is not practical to use the susceptible crop) into the soil. Keep in a warm and well light location and ensure the soil does not dry out. After plant emergence, check the number of plants that have germinated and seedling vigour. Symptoms of Grazon residues include non-germination or low plant emergence, leaf cupping, leaf whitening, stem elongation and twisting. If these symptoms occur do not grow the susceptible plant. Repeat the bioassay again after a further time interval. Further information on residues in composts, mulches and animal wastes can be found at Poisonous plants may become more palatable after spraying and stock should be kept away from these plants until they have died down. Many plants remain poisonous after death, and stock should not be allowed access, as there is a likelihood that they may graze the dead material. Such material should be burnt if possible. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT FIRST AID If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. If in eyes, hold eyes open, flood with water for at least 15 minutes and see a doctor. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for GRAZON™ EXTRA HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit l e b a L n e m i c e p S DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE AND DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 60830/53997 SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Will irritate the eyes and skin. • Avoid contact with the eyes and skin. • If product in eyes, wash it out immediately with water. • When opening the container and preparing the spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrists, a washable hat, elbow-length PVC gloves and a face shield or goggles. When using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrists, a washable hat, elbow-length PVC gloves and a face shield or goggles. • After each day’s use, wash gloves, face shield or goggles and contaminated clothing. • Wash hands after use. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 175 GRAZON EXTRA PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Hotshot b a L n e m i c e p S HOTSHOT ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: SOLVENT: SOLVENT: 10 g/L AMINOPYRALID present as triisopropanolamine salt 10 g/L presentas asmethylheptyl triisopropanolamine 140 g/LAMINOPYRALID FLUROXYPYR present ester salt 140 g/L LIQUID FLUROXYPYR present as methylheptyl ester 418 HYDROCARBON 418 g/L LIQUID HYDROCARBON For the control of climbing buckwheat and other broadleaf weeds in winter cereals, lantana For control of pasture climbingweeds. buckwheat and other broadleaf weeds in winter cereals, lantana and the certain other and certain other pasture weeds. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 176 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply to crops or weeds which are not actively growing or to plants which may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logged or drought affected) or previous herbicide treatment, as crop damage or reduced levels of control may result. DO NOT spray if rain is likely to occur within one hour. AVOID double overlaps to reduce risk of injury to rotational crops the following season. DO NOT apply by aerial application. Table 1: Northern New South Wales and Queensland l e b a L n e m i c e p S Barley, Oats, Triticale, Wheat Wheat CROP GROWTH STAGE WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha Apply from 3 leaf to first node (Z13 to Z31) Climbing buckwheat (Fallopia convolvulus) (black bindweed) Seedling up to 2-4 leaf 500 mL Seedling up to 6-8 leaf 750 mL Prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola) Vetch (Vicia sativa) Volunteer chickpea (Cicer arietinum) Volunteer faba bean (Vicia faba) Volunteer field pea (Pisum sativum) Seedling up to 4 leaf Common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) Deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule) Wireweed (Polygonum aviculare) Seedling up to 4 leaf Apply from 4 leaf to first node (Z14 to Z31) Common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) Spiny emex (Emex australis) Variegated thistle (Silybum marianum) Apply from 3 leaf to first node (Z13 to Z31) Wild oats (Avena sterilis spp. ludoviciana) (Avena fatua) (non ‘fop’ resistant) 500 – 750 mL + 5 g metsulfuron (600 g/kg) CRITICAL COMMENTS HOTSHOT CROP DO NOT USE in oats. Add BS1000 or an alternative (see compatibility section) at the rate of 100 mL/100 L water. Note: this mixture will also control non ALS resistant weeds such as mustards, turnip weed, volunteer canola and wild turnip. 2 to 4 leaf 500 – 750 mL + 420 or 580 mL MCPA LVE Use the higher rate of LVE 600 MCPA Selective Herbicide only from 5 leaf cereal growth stage onwards. Mustards,turnip weed,volunteer canola and wild turnip will also be controlled. 500 – 750 mL + 85 mL Topik® 240 EC Add Uptake™ Spraying Oil at the rate of 500 mL/100 L water. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 177 Table 2: Northern New South Wales and Queensland SITUATION WEEDS CONTROLLED Fallow Climbing buckwheat (Fallopia convolvulus) Red pigweed (Portulaca oleracea) WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Seedling up to 4 leaf 500 mL + RipperTM (glyphosate) When mixing with Ripper to control both grass and broadleaf weeds, refer to the Ripper label for use rates and adjuvants recommended for the grasses. Table 3: Southern New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia CROP CROP GROWTH STAGE WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha Seedling up to 4 leaf 500 mL CRITICAL COMMENTS l e b a L n e m i c e p S Barley, Oats, Triticale, Wheat Apply from 3 leaf to first node (Z13 to Z31) Volunteer faba bean Volunteer field pea Volunteer lupin Volunteer vetch DO NOT plant susceptible crops for up to 20 months after application, as specified in GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - MINIMUM RECROPPING PERIODS. HOTSHOT Table 4: Woody Weed Situations – High VolumeTreatment/Spot Spray AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /100 L Water Fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis) Flowering plants up to 30 cm tall All States 500 mL Thistles, including Spear thistle (Cirsium vulgare) Rosette stage prior to stem elongation Lantana (Lantana camara) Seedlings and regrowth from 0.5 to 1.2 m high Mature plants and regrowth from 1.2 to 2 m high Cockspur thorn (Maclura cochinchinensis) Up to 3 m high Creeping lantana (Lantana montevidensis) At flowering Crofton weed (Ageratina adenophora) Mistflower (Ageratina riparia) Seedlings and young plants up to flowering 178 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 700 mL CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply to actively growing plants from October to April. Spray to ensure thorough coverage of all foliage, including stems, to the point of runoff. Table 4: Woody Weed Situations – High VolumeTreatment/Spot Spray (continued) AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /100 L Water All States 700 mL CRITICAL COMMENTS Docks (Rumex spp.) Seedlings and rosettes up to 30 cm high Small flowered mallow (Marshmallow) (Malva parviflora) Seedlings and young plants up to flowering St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) From flowering to early seed set Late spring to early summer. Wattles, including Acacia aulacocarpa A. decora A. harpophylla A. leiocalyx A. salicina Seedling plants or regrowth 0.5 to 1.2 m high Apply to actively growing plants when soil moisture is plentiful. Some regrowth may occur particularly when treating old woody plants with sparse canopies and under dry conditions. HOTSHOT l e b a L n e m i c e p S Table 5: Woody Weed Situations – Boom Application AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED Fireweed (Senecio madgascariensis) WEED GROWTH STAGE Seedling plants up to flowering RATE /ha 1.5 L CRITICAL COMMENTS Legumes present at application will be controlled. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION WITHHOLDING PERIOD Cereals (Barley, Oats Triticale and Wheat,): Harvest: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. Cutting or Grazing for Stockfood: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT CROPS FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Pasture: Cutting or Grazing Pastures for Stockfood: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. Fodder Intended for Export: Some countries have limits on the level of residue acceptable in animal feeds. Please consult your exporter before using this product on crops destined to be used for export fodder. LIVESTOCK DESTINED FOR EXPORT MARKETS The grazing withholding period only applies to stock slaughtered for the domestic market. Some export markets apply different standards. To meet these standards, ensure that in addition to complying with the grazing withholding period, that the Export Slaughter Interval, Export Grazing Interval or Export Animal Feed Interval is observed before stock are sold or slaughtered. EXPORT SLAUGHTER INTERVAL (ESI) – 3 days: After observing the grazing withholding period, livestock that has been grazed on or fed treated pasture should be placed on clean feed for 3 days prior to slaughter. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 179 EXPORT GRAZING INTERVAL (EGI) – 42 days: Livestock that has been grazing on treated pasture should not be sold for export slaughter for 42 days (6 weeks) after application of the chemical product, unless the export slaughter interval has been observed. EXPORT ANIMAL FEED INTERVAL (EAFI) – 42 days: DO NOT cut treated pasture for 42 days (6 weeks) after application of the chemical product for stock feed or animals intended to be slaughtered for export. When Hotshot Herbicide is used as directed and the above withholding periods and/or export intervals are observed, treated grain and livestock commodities are considered acceptable for export. However, export requirements are subject to change. Consult your exporter for updated information about specific market requirements. l e b a L n e m i c e p S IMPORTANT: Read the MANAGEMENT OF RESIDUES IN COMPOST, MULCHES AND ANIMAL WASTE in the PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVES AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS section of this label. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS HOTSHOT MINIMUM RECROPPING PERIODS Aminopyralid remains active in the soil for extended periods depending on rate of application, soil type (clay content), rainfall, temperature, humidity, soil moisture and soil organic matter. The following tables show plant-back periods to particular crops following application of Hotshot in different areas in Australia. Northern New South Wales & Queensland Plant-back periods for rotational crops following application of Hotshot for rates up to 750 mL/ha on black cracking clay soils. These plant-back periods are based on normal rainfall pattern. During drought conditions (or when rainfall is less than 100 mm for a period of 4 months or greater) the plant-back period may be significantly longer. Winter Crop Plant-back Period (months) Summer Crop Plant-back Period (months) 4 4 4 6 6 6 Sorghum Mungbean Sunflower Soybean Cotton 3 5 5 5 9 Wheat Barley Canola Chickpea Faba bean Lucerne Southern New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia & Western Australia Plant-back periods for rotational crops following application of Hotshot for rates up to 500 mL/ha. Crops Plant-back Period (months) Barley, Canola, Wheat 9 Chickpea, Faba bean, Field pea, Lucerne, Lupin, Medic, Subclover 20 Note: Before using Hotshot in tank mixes with other herbicides, check the plant-back information on all product labels. The most residual product, i.e. the product with the longest plant-back period, will determine the time between spraying and planting the next crop. MIXING Hotshot can be mixed with water only. Mix only sufficient chemical for each day use and avoid storing mix. Half fill the spray tank with water and add the required quantity of Hotshot and complete filling. Agitate continuously to ensure thorough mixing before and during application. Tank mixtures: Wettable powder or dry flowable formulations (e.g. water dispersible granules) should be added to the spray tank first, followed by suspension concentrates (flowables), water soluble salts and then emulsifiable concentrate formulations (e.g. Starane™ Advanced Herbicide). Add spraying oils and surfactants (wetters) last, if required. 180 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Hotshot is compatible with the following: (Read and follow all label directions, RESTRAINTS, PLANT-BACK periods, WITHHOLDING PERIODS and SAFETY DIRECTIONS on the partner label as well as those on the Hotshot label). Broadleaf Herbicides LVE 600 MCPA Selective Herbicide (MCPA LVE), metsulfuron-methyl, Starane™ Advanced, (chlorsulfuron), Eclipse1®, Ripper™ 480 (glyphosate). CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto wasteland away from desirable plants and water courses. Rinsing: After using Hotshot Herbicide, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the spray unit using a pressure hose. Drain, and clean any filters in the tank, pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. After cleaning the tank as above, quarter fill with clean water and circulate through the pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Grass Herbicides Topik1® 240 EC (wild oats only). Adjuvants BS1000 Biodegradable surfactant (when mixed with metsulfuron-methyl) or its alternatives Chemwet 1000, and Spreadwet 1000 Wetting Agent. Uptake™ Spraying Oil (when mixed with Topik® 240 EC). Not all surfactants or crop oils are of equal quality, Dow AgroSciences does not support the use of alternative products other than those listed in the compatibility section. ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow Decontamination (before spraying cotton and other sensitive crops; see PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVES AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS): Wash the tank and rinse the system as above. Then quarter fill the tank and add a standard alkali based laundry detergent at 500 g (or mL)/100 L water and circulate throughout the system for at least 15 minutes. If using a concentrated laundry detergent use 250 g (or mL)/100 L water. Do not use chlorine based cleaners. Drain the whole system. Remove filters and nozzles and clean them separately. Finally flush the system with clean water and allow draining. RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING APPLICATION METHODS Broadcast application in cropping situations. A. Ground Application (Boom) Apply Hotshot with an accurately calibrated boom sprayer, in at least 80L/ha water. Use a medium quality spray as defined by ASABE (S572). Set the boom at a height to ensure a double overlap of the nozzle pattern. Woody weed situations A. High Volume Spot Spraying Application Apply the recommended mix to obtain full coverage of leaves and stems using a coarse to very coarse quality spray as defined by ASABE (S572) eg a number 6 – 8 spray tip at 700 to 1500 kPa. To obtain good coverage, a spray volume of 3000 L water/ha is required per treated hectare. Spray to ensure thorough coverage of all foliage, including stems to the point of runoff. Hotshot Herbicide contains members of the pyridine group of herbicides. The product has the disrupters of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management, the product is a Group I Herbicide. Some naturally-occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or other Group I herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, or local Dow AgroSciences representative. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 181 HOTSHOT COMPATIBILITY HOTSHOT PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVES AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS DO NOT use on land to be cultivated for growing susceptible crops for up to 20 months of applying Hotshot, except where indicated in the MINIMUM RECROPPING PERIODS section of the GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. Legumes, vines, vegetables, cotton, tomatoes, ornamentals and many other plants are highly susceptible to this herbicide during both growing and dormant periods. Cereal crops, canola and grasses can be sown safely after using HOTSHOT. This product will kill legumes (clovers, medics) present in the crop at the time of spraying. In the season, following application of this product the regeneration or establishment of sensitive legumes (clover, medics, peas, and lupins) may be adversely affected by soil residues. DO NOT allow spray drift onto sensitive native vegetation or susceptible crops, such as cotton, tomatoes, vines, fruit, potatoes, vegetables, ornamentals, tobacco, lupins and other legumes, safflower, sugar beet, hops, flowers or shade trees. DO NOT use under meteorological conditions or with spraying equipment likely to produce drift. Minimise spray drift by using low pressures and nozzles, which DO NOT give a fine droplet size. DO NOT apply close to or on areas containing roots of desirable vegetation, where treated soil may be washed to areas growing, or to be planted to desirable plants, or on sites where surface water from heavy rain can be expected to run off to areas containing or to be planted to susceptible crops or plants. DO NOT move soil, which may have been sprayed, to areas where desirable plants are to be grown. DO NOT send compost made from animal waste that has been collected from animals grazing or fed crops treated within the previous 6 months (pasture) or 6 weeks (cereals) off-farm. Such compost may cause damage to clover and other susceptible plants. DO NOT apply animal waste (e.g. manure, slurry) collected from animals grazing or fed crops treated within the previous 6 months (pasture) or 6 weeks (cereals) to susceptible plants or land to be used to grow susceptible plants. DO NOT grow susceptible plants within the relevant plantback period in fields treated with manure/effluent from farms where animals have grazed or been fed treated plants until a field bioassay shows there are no residues in the soil at levels injurious to the susceptible plants (see the crop rotation section). To promote herbicide decomposition, manure should be evenly incorporated in the surface soil. Breakdown of residues in decomposing plants or manure is more rapid under warm, moist soil conditions and may be enhanced by supplemental irrigation. l e b a L n e m i c e p S MANAGEMENT OF RESIDUES IN COMPOST, MULCHES AND ANIMAL WASTE DO NOT cut pasture for hay or silage production within 6 months of application, where it is intended for use off-farm. DO NOT cut cereals intended for hay or silage production within 6 weeks of application, where it is intended for use off-farm. DO NOT use treated plant material to make mushroom substrate. DO NOT send straw from treated crops off-farm for these purposes or for animal bedding. DO NOT send animal manure, dairy shed and feed pad effluent that has been collected from animals grazing or fed crops treated within the previous 6 months (pasture) or 6 weeks (cereals) off-farm. Spreading/irrigating this manure/effluent may cause damage to clover and other susceptible plants. 182 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 SOIL BIOASSAY A simple bioassay can be conducted by collecting at least 10 spade spits of soil to a depth of 200 mm from around the paddock and thoroughly mixing the soil together. Place some of this soil in a shallow container to a depth of 3-5 cm and sow 100 seeds of the susceptible plant to be grown (subterranean or white clover is a good indicator plant where it is not practical to use the susceptible plant) into the soil. Keep in a warm and well lit location and ensure the soil does not dry out. After crop emergence, check the number of plants that have germinated and seedling vigour. Symptoms of Hotshot residues include non-germination or low plant emergence, leaf cupping, leaf whitening, stem elongation and twisting. If these symptoms occur – do not grow the susceptible plant. Repeat the bioassay again after a further time interval. Further information on residues in composts, mulches and animal wastes can be found at PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. If in eyes, hold eyes open, flood with water for at least 15 minutes and see a doctor. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for HOTSHOT™ HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit l e b a L n e m i c e p S ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow HOTSHOT APVMA Approval No: 59173/0310 SMALL SPILL MANAGEMENT Wear protective equipment (see SAFETY DIRECTIONS). Apply absorbent material such as earth, sand, clay granules or cat litter to the spill. Sweep up material for disposal when absorption is completed and contain in a refuse vessel for disposal (see STORAGE AND DISPOSAL section). If necessary wash the spill area with an alkali detergent and water and absorb as above the wash liquid for disposal as described above. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Will damage the eyes. • Will irritate the skin. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • If product in eyes, wash it out immediately with water. • If product on skin immediately wash area with soap and water. • Wash hands after use • When opening the container, preparing spray and using prepared spray wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat, elbow length PVC gloves and goggles. • After each day’s use, wash gloves, goggles and contaminated clothing. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 183 CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN INDAR KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Indar b a L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Fungicide Fungicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 240 g/L FENBUCONAZOLE ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 240 g/L FENBUCONAZOLE For the control of certain disease in bananas, nectarines and wheat as specified in the For the control of certain disease in bananas, nectarines and wheat as specified in the Directions For Use. Directions For Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 184 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: SPRAY DRIFT RESTRAINTS DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than a MEDIUM spray droplet category as defined by the ASABE S572 Standard. Users MUST ONLY USE nozzles classified as suitable for delivering a MEDIUM spray droplet category according to the nozzle manufacturers specifications. DO NOT apply when wind speed is less than 3 or more than 20 kilometres per hour as measured at the application site. DO NOT apply during surface temperature inversion conditions at the application site. Users of this product MUST make an accurate written record of the details of each spray application within 24 hours following application and KEEP this record for a minimum of 2 years. The spray application details that must be recorded are: 1. date and start and finish times of application; 2. location address and paddock/s sprayed; 3. full name of this product; 4. amount used per hectare and number of hectares applied to; 5. crop/situation and weed/pest; 6. wind speed and direction during application; 7. air temperature; 8. nozzle brand, model and type and spray system pressure measured during application; 9. name and address of person applying this product. (Additional record details may be required by the state or territory where this product is used). l e b a L n e m i c e p S MANDATORY NO-SPRAY ZONES DO NOT apply if there are livestock, pasture or any land that is producing feed for livestock within 15 metres downwind of the application area. THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT IS SUBJECT TO A CROPLIFE AUSTRALIA, RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY CROP Nectarines DISEASE Brown Rot (Monilinia spp.) RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS 15 mL/100 L For Concentrate Spraying refer to the APPLICATION section For protection against brown rot of fruit apply 2 sprays at 3 weeks and 1 week before harvest. In the case of susceptible varieties or conditions which are favourable for disease development, additional sprays before or during harvest may be required (note Resistance Management Strategy). Apply by dilute or concentrate spraying equipment. Apply the same total amount of product to the target crop whether applying this product by dilute or concentrate spraying methods. Do not use at concentrations greater than 40 mL/100 L of water. Resistance Management Strategy (Nectarines) Apply Indar Fungicide in a protective spray program. DO NOT wait until disease levels have built up to make applications as this reduces the effectiveness of control and increases the risk of resistance development. DO NOT apply more than 2 consecutive sprays of Indar™ Fungicide or other Group 3 fungicide before changing to another group. Bananas (NSW, NT, Qld & WA only) Leaf Spot/ Yellow Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella musicota) Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) 420 mL/ha + 5 L of water miscible oil Tropical Areas (Nth Qld, NT and Northern WA) Apply on a schedule of 14-21 day intervals using the shorter interval during periods of high disease pressure (e.g. during the wet season). When changing to protectant products (e.g. Dithane™ Rain Shield™ Neo Tec™ Fungicide) in the program after using Indar Fungicide, ensure the protectant is applied within 14 days of the last Indar application. Sub-tropical Areas (Sth Qld and Northern NSW) Apply on a schedule of 21-28 day intervals using the shorter interval during periods of high disease pressure. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 185 INDAR DO NOT apply by aircraft to nectarines or wheat. DIRECTIONS FOR USE (continued) INDAR THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT IS SUBJECT TO A CROPLIFE AUSTRALIA, RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY CROP DISEASE RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Resistance Management Strategy (Bananas) Tropical Areas: Apply a regular schedule of protectant fungicides. When disease potential is high apply 2-3 consecutive Indar Fungicide sprays before changing to a fungicide from a different activity group (not Group 3). No more than 6 Group 3 sprays should be used in any 12 month period (Indar is a Group 3 fungicide). DO NOT use Group 3 fungicides during July, August or September. Sub-tropical Areas: When using Indar Fungicide, always apply at least 2 consecutive sprays. DO NOT use more than 5 Group 3 fungicides in any 12 month period (Indar is a Group 3 fungicide). Wheat l e b a L n e m i c e p S Stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) 150 to 300 mL plus Uptake™ Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L IMPORTANT: This product must be used with Uptake™ Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L. Apply before 1% of the leaf area is infected. Best results will be achieved when applied before disease is detected in the crop. Use the higher rate when disease is present at application; or when conditions favour disease development; or where longer residual protection is required. If a spray is applied prior to flag leaf emergence and conditions are favourable for disease development, then a second spray may be required. In this situation, spray at full flag leaf emergence and before 1% of the leaf area is infected. Crop growth stages: Do not apply later than head emergence (ZGS 59). Do not apply more than 2 applications of 300 mL/ha. Adjuvants: Always apply with Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIODS Nectarines, Bananas: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 1 DAY AFTER APPLICATION. Wheat: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED GRAZING WITHHOLDING PERIOD: Nectarines, Bananas: DO NOT ALLOW LIVESTOCK TO GRAZE ORCHARDS OR PLANTATIONS OR CUT FODDER FROM TREATED AREAS FOR STOCKFEED FOR 4 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. Wheat: DO NOT ALLOW LIVESTOCK TO GRAZE CROP OR CUT HAY FROM TREATED AREAS FOR STOCKFEED FOR 14 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. ANIMAL SLAUGHTER INTERVAL: LIVESTOCK DESTINED FOR EXPORT MARKETS The above grazing withholding period only applies to stock slaughtered for the domestic market. Some export markets apply different standards. To meet these standards, ensure that in addition to complying with the grazing withholding period, the below Export Slaughter Interval is observed before stock are sold or slaughtered. EXPORT SLAUGHTER INTERVAL After observing the withholding period for grazing or cutting for stock food, livestock that have been grazed on or fed treated crops should be placed on clean feed for 3 days prior to slaughter. MANDATORY NO-SPRAY ZONE DO NOT apply when there are livestock, pasture or any land that is producing feed for livestock within 15 metres downwind of the application area. 186 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING For fungicide resistance management the product is a Group 3 fungicide. Some naturally occurring individual fungi resistant to Indar Fungicide and other Group 3 fungicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any fungal population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the fungal population if these fungicides are used repeatedly. These resistant fungi will not be controlled by Indar Fungicide or other Group 3 fungicides, thus resulting in a reduction in efficacy and possible yield loss. Since the occurrence of resistant fungi is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Indar Fungicide to control resistant fungi. Note: Indar Fungicide may be harmful to beneficial arthropods and may not be suitable for use in IPM programs. APPLICATION: Nectarines DO NOT apply to nectarines by aircraft. Apply in a sufficient volume of water to achieve thorough coverage of all blossoms, fruit and foliage. The volume of water required to achieve this will depend on the size of the trees. Apply by dilute or concentrate spraying equipment. Apply the same total amount of product to the target crop whether applying this product by dilute or concentrate spraying methods. DO NOT use at concentrations greater than 40 mL/100 L of water. Dilute Spraying Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of run-off and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of run-off. Avoid excessive run-off. The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice. Add the amount of product specified in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table for each 100 L of water. Spray to the point of run-off. The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set up and operation may also need to be changed, as the crop grows. Concentrate Spraying Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying (that is a sprayer which applies water volumes less than those required to reach the point of run-off) and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen water volume. Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (see Dilute Spraying above) for the crop canopy. This is needed to calculate the concentrate mixing rate. The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following way: Example only 1. Dilute spray volume as determined above: For example 1200 L/ha 2. Your chosen concentrate spray volume: For example 600 L/ha 3. The concentration factor in this example is: 2 X (i.e. 1200 L ÷ 600 L = 2) 4. If the dilute label rate is 15 mL/100 L, then the concentrate rate becomes 2 x 15, which is 30 mL/100 L of concentrate spray. The chosen spray volume, amount of product per 100 L of water, and the sprayer set up and operation may need to be changed as the crop grows. For further information on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult relevant industry guidelines, undertake appropriate competency training and follow industry Best Practices. APPLICATION: Bananas l e b a L n e m i c e p S Ground Application Apply by misting or air-blast machines to provide thorough coverage of all foliage. Aerial Application Apply by aircraft in a minimum total volume of 20 L/ha. APPLICATION: Wheat DO NOT apply to wheat by aircraft. Ground Application Apply in spray volumes from 50 to 100 L of water /ha using a medium quality spray. Good coverage is required for best results. PRECAUTION: Re-entry Period DO NOT allow entry into treated areas until the spray has dried unless wearing cotton overalls (or equivalent clothing) and chemical resistant gloves. Clothing must be laundered after each day. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 187 INDAR GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS INDAR PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT apply Indar Fungicide to nectarines or wheat by aircraft. Spray drift may occur under adverse meteorological conditions or from certain spray equipment. DO NOT apply under weather conditions or from equipment that may cause spray drift onto sensitive areas including, but not limited to, non-target plants/crops, cropping land, pasture, natural streams, rivers, wetlands or waterways and human dwellings. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for INDAR™ FUNGICIDE which is available on request from Dow AgroSciences. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow l e b a L n e m i c e p S Store in the closed, original container in a dry, cool, wellventilated area out of direct sunlight. Store in a locked room or place away from children, animals, food, feedstuffs, seed and fertilisers. The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE and DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • When opening the container, preparing spray and using the prepared spray (by ground application only), wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and a washable hat and elbow-length chemical resistant gloves. • After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing. 188 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 APVMA Approval No: 54526/10B/0210 POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Kerb 500 SCabe L n e m i c e p S KERB 500 SC ™ ™ Selective Selective Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: SOLVENT: SOLVENT: 500 g/L PROPYZAMIDE 500g/L g/LETHYLENE PROPYZAMIDE 42 GLYCOL 42 g/L ETHYLENE GLYCOL For the control of emerged broadleaf weeds prior to sowing crops and pastures in conservation For thesituations control of and emerged broadleaf weeds priorintocrops sowing and pastures tillage for selective weed control andcrops situations detailedininconservation the tillage situations and for selective weed control in crops and situations detailed in the Directions for Use. Directions for Use. This is a PHENOXY HERBICIDE that can cause severe damage to susceptible crops. This is aread PHENOXY that can cause severe damage to susceptible crops. Please the DriftHERBICIDE Warning Statement. Please read the Drift Warning Statement. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 189 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: DO NOT use Kerb on heavy red and peat soils. CROP WEEDS CONTROLLED RATE L/ha Lettuce (Direct sown) Barnyard grass, Summer grass, Winter grass, Rye grass, Portulaca, Prince of Wales feather, Blackberry nightshade, Chickweed, Nettles, Shepherd’s purse and Wireweed All States 4.5 L/ha in 330-550 L of water Lettuce (Transplanted) Apply pre-emergence immediately after sowing. To ensure best results, the seed-bed should be well prepared and free from clods. Sprinkler irrigation after application is desirable. Apply immediately after transplanting to clean, freshly worked soils, well prepared and free from clods. Sprinkler irrigation after application is desirable. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Lucerne, clover, medics etc., grown for forage, hay or seed production KERB 500 SC Victoria only 2.3 L/ha in 330-550 L of water CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply on light sandy soils, low in organic matter. Annual ryegrass, Winter grass, Barley grass, Silver grass, Prairie grass, Canary grass, Great brome, Squirrel tail Fescue and Rats’ tail fescue ACT, NSW, SA, Tas & WA 1 – 1.5 L SEEDLING CROPS: Apply after the third trifoliate leaf is fully developed. Wild oats, Perennial ryegrass, Bent grass, English couch, Yorkshire fog grass, Chickweed, Seedling sorrel, Blackberry nightshade, Paterson’s curse, Seedling wireweed ACT, NSW, SA, Tas & WA 1.5 – 2 L WEEDS: Apply when weeds are at post- or preemergent stages. ESTABLISHED CROPS: Apply any time before the end of July. BEST RESULTS: When applied during cool and moist conditions. Rain or irrigation is necessary to thoroughly wet the top 3 to 4 cm of soil. This is similar to 25 mm of rain. Use higher rates on heavy soils, if conditions are not optimal or where a heavy grass population is expected. Grazing or cutting BEFORE treatment is recommended. TURFS & LAWNS CROP RATE L/ha RATE PER BOWLING GREEN (37 m x 37 m) CRITICAL COMMENTS All States 1.2 L (12 mL/100 m2) 170 mL Queensland blue couch Qld only 0.6 L (0.6 mL/100m2) 85 mL Apply during the autumn and winter to established turf infested with seedling winter grass. Sufficient water should be used to ensure uniform coverage. Irrigate immediately following application with equivalent of 12 to 25 mm rainfall and repeat watering after 24 hours. A repeat treatment may be necessary on Queensland blue couch after 4 weeks. Buffalo grass WA only 1.2L (12mL/100m2) 170 mL Common couch WEEDS CONTROLLED Winter grass DO NOT RE-SEED FOR 60 DAYS AFTER TREATMENT. Use only on established turf. DO NOT use on bluegrass, ryegrass, fescue or bent grass lawns. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIOD: Pasture: DO NOT HARVEST, GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD OR SEED FOR 25 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. 190 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Best results are obtained when application is made to a cool wet soil. Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well ventilated area. Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near fertilisers, insecticides, fungicides and seeds. Protect from frost. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. MIXING Prior to pouring, shake container vigorously, then add the required quantity of Kerb 500 SC to water in the spray vat while stirring or with agitators in motion. DO NOT mix with other pesticides. EQUIPMENT The product should be applied with properly calibrated spray equipment. Select nozzles to give uniform ground cover. Equipment which has previously been used for the application of other weed killers must be thoroughly decontaminated before use. A suggested method is: Drain the tank, hoses and boom completely of any remaining residues. Flush with water and drain completely. Refill with a solution containing 300 mL household ammonia per 120 litres of water with detergent. Leave to stand overnight, drain and finally flush again thoroughly with clean water. Wash spray equipment thoroughly after use. l e b a L n e m i c e p S RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Kerb is a member of the amide group of herbicides. Kerb belongs to the herbicide group with diverse sites of action. For weed resistance management, Kerb is a Group D herbicide. Some naturally-occurring weed biotypes resistant to Kerb and other Group D herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by Kerb or other Group D herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Kerb to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, or local Dow AgroSciences representative. SMALL SPILL MANAGEMENT PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. Wear protective equipment (see SAFETY DIRECTIONS). Apply absorbent material such as earth, sand or clay granules or cat litter to the spill. Sweep up material for disposal when absorption is completed and contain in a refuse vessel for disposal. (see STORAGE AND DISPOSAL section). SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Will irritate the eyes and skin. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • When preparing spray and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrists, a washable hat and elbow-length PVC gloves. • Wash hands after use. After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing. FIRST AID DO NOT apply under weather conditions or from spraying equipment which may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK, WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 191 KERB 500 SC GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for KERB™ 500 SC HERBICIDE, which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 54521/1002 KERB 500 SC l e b a L n e m i c e p S 192 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 l e Legend b a L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Fungicide Fungicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 250 g/L QUINOXYFEN ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 250 g/L QUINOXYFEN For use as a protectant against powdery mildew in grapevines as specified in For use as a protectant the Directions For Use. against powdery mildew in grapevines as specified in the Directions For Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 DowRodborough AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 0032086 771 659 20 Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 193 LEGEND READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING DIRECTIONS FOR USE LEGEND CROP Grapes DISEASE Powdery mildew (Uncinula necator) RATE Dilute Spraying: 10-20 mL/100 L water CRITICAL COMMENTS Use as a protectant treatment only. Legend Fungicide has no curative activity and does not control existing infection (powdery mildew between infection and visible stage). Use 10 mL rate as part of a protectant spray program. Retreat every 7-10 days as necessary. Concentrate Spraying: Refer to the Mixing/Application Section Use 20 mL rate during periods when high or sustained infection pressure is expected. Retreat every 10-14 days as necessary. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Apply by dilute or concentrate spraying equipment. Apply the same total amount of product to the vines whether applied by either method. DO NOT use more than 3 applications to any vine crop in one season. Legend Fungicide is a foliar applied protectant fungicide that only has preventative properties. The protectant activity demonstrated by Legend Fungicide when applied to plant foliage is primarily by volatilization and reabsorption onto new, untreated plant material. Protection is not limited to the leaf to which it is applied. Legend Fungicide is strongly bound to leaf waxes and therefore not easily washed off the foliage by rain if allowed to dry after application. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIOD HARVEST WITHHOLDING PERIOD: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 14 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. STOCKFOOD WITHHOLDING PERIOD: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. Grapes For Export Wine: REFER TO THE AWRI WINEGRID. EXPORT OF TREATED PRODUCE Table grape growers should note that suitable MRLs or import tolerances may not be established in all markets for table grapes treated with Legend Fungicide. If you are growing table grapes for export, please check with Dow AgroSciences for the latest information on MRLs and export tolerances before using Legend Fungicide. 194 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 MIXING Agitate or shake the container vigorously prior to use. The required amount of Legend Fungicide should be added to a half-full spray tank and agitated well during completion of filling. Ensure constant and thorough agitation by mechanical or hydraulic action during mixing and application. Do not leave spray solutions to stand overnight. STORAGE OF DILUTED SPRAY MIX Whenever possible use the spray mix immediately after it is prepared. However if undesirable weather conditions or mechanical breakdown occur, the stored spray mix may be used up to 6 hours after initial mixing. Ensure regular agitation by mechanical or hydraulic action to thoroughly remix every 3 hours. The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following way: Example Only 1) Dilute spray volume as determined above: For example, 1500 L/ha 2) Your chosen concentrate spray volume: For example, 500 L/ha 3) The concentration factor in this example is: 3 x (i.e. 1500 L ÷ 500 L = 3) 4) If the dilute label rate is 10 mL/100 L (low Legend rate), then the concentrate rate becomes 3 x 10, i.e. 30 mL/100 L of concentrate spray. The chosen spray volume, amount of product per 100 L of water and the sprayer set up and operation may need to be changed as the crop grows. For further information on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult relevant industry guidelines, undertake appropriate competency training and follow industry Best Practices. UNIT CANOPY ROW (UCR) APPLICATION Another method for determining the amount of product to spray is called the unit canopy row method. This method is not based on planted area (rate/ha) or row spacing but considers the width and height of the foliage to determine the appropriate volume to apply either as a dilute spray or a concentrate spray. The applied volume per hectare increases as row spacings become smaller and canopy sizes increase. This method of application is described in a Fact Sheet (Agdex 210/744, June 2000 by Geoff Furness and Peter Magarey) obtainable from SARDI Loxton Centre. For further information on how to apply this method, contact your local advisor, department of agriculture staff, the factsheet above or the authors. l e b a L n e m i c e p S APPLICATION For volumes of, or greater than, 1000 L/ha, use the dilute spray rate. If volume to be applied is less than 1000 L/ha then use the concentrate spraying application method. Application volume will vary with vine growth stage, canopy density, pruning regime and crop vigour. For best results follow the recommendations below. DILUTE SPRAYING APPLICATION Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of run-off and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of first run-off. Avoid excessive run-off. The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice. Add the amount of product specified in the Directions for Use table for each 100 L of water in the tank. Spray to the point of run-off. The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set up and operation may also need to be changed, as the crop grows. Thorough coverage of the grapevines and bunches is essential. CONCENTRATE SPRAYING APPLICATION Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying (that is, a sprayer which applies water volumes less than those required to reach the point of run-off) and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen water volume. Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (see DILUTE SPRAYING above) for the crop canopy. Consult your local advisor, agronomist or Department of Primary Industries to determine this volume. This is needed to calculate the concentrate mixing rate. COMPATIBILITY Legend Fungicide is NOT compatible with fungicides containing fosetyl as the aluminium salt. However Legend Fungicide is compatible with a range of products as follows: Insecticides Lorsban™ 750 WG Miticides Pyridaben and tebufenpyrad Fungicides Chlorothalonil, copper hydroxide, copper oxychloride, dithianon, Dithane™ Rainshield™ Neo Tec™, mancozeb, iprodione, procymidone, spiroxamine, pyrimethanil, sulphur and thiram. RAINFASTNESS Legend Fungicide is rainfast one hour after application. CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT After using Legend Fungicide empty the spray tank and completely drain the system. Rinse the tank, pumps, lines, hoses, filters and nozzles by circulating clean water through the system. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 195 LEGEND GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS LEGEND FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING Legend Fungicide is a member of the phenoxyquinoline group of fungicides. For fungicide resistance management the product is a Group 13 Fungicide, which interfere with spore germination and appressoria formation. Some naturally occurring individual fungi resistant to the product and other Group 13 Fungicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any fungal population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the fungal population if these fungicides are used repeatedly. These resistant fungi will not be controlled by this product or other Group 13 Fungicides, thus resulting in a reduction in efficacy and possible yield loss. Since the occurrence of resistant fungi is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control resistant fungi. Since Legend Fungicide has a unique mode of action, it will control powdery mildew that may be resistant to fungicides from groups with other modes of action. To help prevent the onset of resistance DO NOT apply more than three applications of Legend Fungicide or any product containing an active ingredient from the same class or mode of action group, to any grapevine crop in any one season. SMALL SPILL MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. l e b a L n e m i c e p S SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorder. • When opening the container, preparing spray and using prepared spray wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and elbow-length PVC gloves. Wash hands after use. • After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. PRECAUTIONS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET DO NOT allow entry into treated areas until the spray has dried. When prior entry is necessary, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and chemical resistant gloves. Clothing must be laundered after each day’s use. Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for LEGENDTM FUNGICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the product or used container. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL KEEP OUT of REACH of CHILDREN. Store in the closed original container in a cool, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. 196 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 53607/0602 CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Lontrel b a L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ LONTREL Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 300 g/L CLOPYRALID present as the triisopropanolamine salt ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 300 g/L CLOPYRALID present as the triisopropanolamine salt For control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, oats, triticale, canola, For controlfallow of a wide of and broadleaf weeds in wheat, oats, triticale, canola, pastures, land,range forests industrial situations as barley, specified in the Directions For Use. pastures, fallow land, forests and industrial situations as specified in the Directions For Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 DowRodborough AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 0032086 771 659 20 Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 197 DIRECTIONS FOR USE IT IS ESSENTIAL to select a rate appropriate to weed size. Best results will be obtained when weeds are actively growing at treatment. RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply to weeds which may be stressed (inactive growth) due to prolonged periods of extreme heat or cold, moisture stress (water logging or drought) or previous herbicide treatment as reduced levels of control may result. DO NOT apply immediately before sowing susceptible crops, or sow susceptible crops into paddocks treated the previous year with Lontrel until after the required plantback period has elapsed (see PROTECTION OF CROPS NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS section). DO NOT compost material from treated plants or crops before reading the PROTECTION OF CROPS NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS section. l e b a L n e m i c e p S DO NOT spray if rain is likely within 3 hours. CROP Barley Oats Triticale Wheat CROP STAGE Pre-sowing WEED Capeweed WEED STAGE RATE mL/ha STATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Up to 8 leaf and maximum 10 cm diameter 150 plus knockdown herbicide WA only Pre-sowing: This rate should only be used in tank mixture with formulations of paraquat/diquat or glyphosate. 150 plus diuron at 300 mL/ha Post sowing pre-emergent to 3 leaf: This rate should only be used in tank mixture with diuron for control of transplants. Cotyledons to 6 leaf and maximum 5 cm diameter 150 Early post-emergent: Weeds should be growing actively and not larger than 5 cm diameter. Capeweed Soldier thistle Up to 10 cm diameter (4 to 8 leaf) 300 Volunteer chickpeas, Lentils and Safflower Up to 6 leaf 250 Volunteer faba beans and Lupins Up to 4 leaf Volunteer field peas Maximum 10 cm high or 6 nodes Volunteer medics and seedling lucerne Up to 8 leaf Volunteer sub-clover Up to 6 leaf Volunteer vetch Runners up to 10 cm maximum 16 leaf LONTREL Post-sowing pre-emergence through to 3 leaf Early postemergence (2 leaf to jointing) 4 to 5 leaf onwards Prickly lettuce 198 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 4 to 6 leaf and maximum 8 cm diameter NSW, Vic, SA, Tas and WA only Weeds should be young and actively growing. Weeds will become stunted and not be competitive soon after application although final results may not show for some weeks. Faba beans and lupins will only be suppressed. 150 75 plus 700 mL/ha MCPA LVE 150 100 75 plus 700 mL/ha MCPA LVE 150 plus 700 mL/ha MCPA LVE Use 75 mL/ha rate only in combination with MCPA LVE. (Table continued) CROP Barley Oats Triticale Wheat CROP STAGE 4 to 5 leaf onwards WEED WEED STAGE RATE mL/ha STATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Thistles including: Nodding Saffron Scotch Slender Spear Stemless Variegated Rosettes up to 10 cm maximum diameter 50 plus 1 L/ha MCPA amine (500 g/L) or 50 plus 700 mL/ha MCPA LVE NSW, Vic, SA, Tas, WA and Qld only Weeds should be young and actively growing. Weeds will become stunted and not be competitive soon after application although final results may not show for some weeks. Faba beans and lupins will only be suppressed. Canola l e b a L n e m i c e p S 5 leaf to late tillering Skeleton weed 5 to 15 cm rosettes 500 plus 1 L/ha MCPA amine 500 g/L NSW, Vic and SA only Weeds should be a minimum 5 cm in diameter, and growing actively. This rate will give control until harvest and substantially reduce weed numbers the following season. 2 to 8 leaf Capeweed Saffron thistle Skeleton weed Soldier thistle Up to 10 cm diameter (4 to 8 leaf) 300 NSW, Vic, SA, Tas, WA and Qld only Volunteer chickpeas, Lentils and Safflower Up to 6 leaf 250 Weeds should be young and actively growing. Weeds will become stunted and will not be competitive soon after application although final results may not show for some weeks. Skeleton weed will only be controlled until harvest. Volunteer faba beans and Lupins Up to 4 leaf 250 Faba beans and lupins will only be suppressed. Maximum 10 cm high or 6 nodes 150 For the control of annual grasses, Lontrel may be tank mixed with Verdict™ 520 Herbicide. Volunteer field peas Volunteer medics and seedling lucerne Up to 8 leaf Volunteer sub-clover Up to 6 leaf Volunteer vetch Runners up to 10 cm maximum 16 leaf 100 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 199 LONTREL Use 75 mL/ha rate only in combination with MCPA LVE. (Table continued) CROP CROP STAGE Pastures and Fallow land Post-emergence WEED WEED STAGE RATE mL/ha STATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Hardhead thistle (creeping knapweed, Russian knapweed) Actively growing plants Hand gun: 500 mL /100 L of water. Boom spray: 2 or 4 L/ha Vic only Hand gun: 500 mL/100 L of water. Boom spray: 4 L/ha Qld only 50 or 70mL/ ha plus 1 to 1.5 L MCPA amine (500 g/L)/ha Drench gun: 50 mL /1 L of water Hand gun: 250 mL /100 L of water NSW, Vic, Tas, SA and Qld only NOTE: DO NOT USE ON LUCERNE. CLOVERS AND MEDICS WILL BE ELIMINATED FOR AT LEAST ONE YEAR. Victoria only: Use the lower rate only on light soils (sand and sandy loam) where a slightly lower degree of control is acceptable. Use the higher rate on all soil types where complete control is required. Addition of a wetting agent at label rates is recommended for treatment of hardhead thistle. Spray between September and April on actively growing plants for effective control. Thorough coverage is essential. Apply in 200 to 250 L of water/ha. BOOM SPRAYING: Use the higher rates of Lontrel plus MCPA on multicrowned plants or rosettes larger than 30 cm in diameter. Spraying may be done at any time during active growth, usually in early winter or spring. Avoid spraying during the dormant winter period or at any time when thistles are not actively growing. Do not spray flowering thistles. PRE-SPRAY MANAGEMENT: The pasture should be slightly grazed prior to spraying to reduce clover and grass cover and expose the smaller thistles to the spray. The grazed pasture should be left 7 days to allow thistles to freshen prior to treatment. POST-TREATMENT MANAGEMENT: Response of thistles to treatment with the Lontrel plus MCPA mixture will be slow compared to the standard treatments with 2,4-D or MCPA. If possible delay grazing of sprayed thistles for 14 days after treatment. CLOVER DAMAGE: The Lontrel plus MCPA mixture can be very damaging to subterranean clover. The lower rate is no more damaging than label rates of 2,4-D or MCPA. The higher rate of the Lontrel plus MCPA mixture will reduce the clover component of the pasture for about 2 months. Clover recovery will be quicker during periods of active growth. HANDGUN (Spot spray): Treat from rosette stage to early flowering. Thorough spraying is necessary. DRENCHGUN: Apply 10 mL to rosette crown. To multicrown plants, apply 10 mL to each crown. l e b a L n e m i c e p S LONTREL Thistles including: Nodding Variegated Scotch Spear Slender Saffron 200 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Rosette stage prior to stem elongation. Treat rosette stage prior to stem elongation. (Table continued) CROP STAGE Pastures and Fallow land Post-emergence WEED Nodding thistle WEED STAGE RATE mL/ha STATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Rosettes up to 20 cm diameter 100 NSW only Apply the spray from September to October. Apply by boom spray only. DO NOT apply to thistles over 20 cm in diameter. When thistles are over 20 cm in diameter use Lontrel plus MCPA (referred to above). Clover Damage: Damage to white clover will be no greater than damage with MCPA alone and less than damage from Lontrel plus MCPA mixtures. Damage to subclover may be greater than with MCPA or 2,4-D alone. DO NOT use for spot treatment. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Californian thistle From early buds to flowering (December to February) Hand gun: 250 mL /100 L of water Boom spray: 2 L/ha Vic and Tas only Pastures, Forests, Rightsof-Way Industrial situations Groundsel bush Young seedlings to mature plants Hand gun: 330 or 500 mL /100 L of water Qld and NSW only Spray foliage when growth is active. Use the lower rate on young seedlings and the higher rate on plants more than 2 metres tall or when growth is slow. Pasture and Pinus radiata plantations Silver wattle Active growth spring to summer Hand gun: 500 mL /100 L of water Boom and aerial spray: 5 L/ha (weeds 30 cm to 2 m) NSW, Vic and Tas only For effective control apply when bushes are growing actively. Large trees will not show complete necrosis. HANDGUN: Means high volume NOT low volume knapsack. Spray to give full coverage of leaves and stems. Add organosilicone surfactant at 200 mL/100 L for optimum results. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS for handgun spraying. BOOM AND AERIAL SPRAYING: For boom spraying apply in 150 to 200 L of water/ha. For aerial treatment apply in a minimum of 50 L/ha of water containing 25 to 50% by volume of anti-evaporant oil such as BP Ulvapron®. Mix Lontrel and water first and then add BP Ulvapron®. Maintain continuous agitation. Clovers and other legumes will be eliminated for at least 1 year. Vic and Tas only Apply by hand held weed wiper or C.D.A. at dilutions with water at 1:3. Application may be made at any time of the year provided foliage is dry at the time. Avoid spraying non-target plants. 7 L/ha (weeds 2 to 4 m) 8.5 L/ha (weeds 4 to 8 m) Forests Cape ivy Any growth stage Hand gun: 3.3 L/ha Addition of a wetting agent at label rates is recommended. Retreatment of regrowth in the year following treatment will usually be necessary to achieve a high level of control. NOTE: Clovers and medics will be eliminated for at least 1 year. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 201 LONTREL CROP WITHHOLDING PERIODS Pastures and Fallow Land: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Cereals and Canola: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Cereals: DO NOT APPLY LATER THAN 10 WEEKS BEFORE HARVEST Canola: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 12 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. Forests, except Pinus radiata Plantations: DO NOT GRAZE FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Pinus radiata Plantations: DO NOT GRAZE FOR 14 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. PARTIAL CLEANING (before spraying other labelled or tolerant crops): After using Lontrel, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the tank using a pressure hose. Quarter fill the tank with clean water and circulate through the pump, line, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat procedure twice. COMPLETE CLEANING (before spraying susceptible crops): After using Lontrel, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the tank using a pressure hose. Quarter fill the tank with clean water and circulate as above, then drain. Quarter fill the tank again and add a liquid alkali detergent at 500 g (or mL)/100 L water and circulate throughout the system for at least 15 minutes. If using a concentrated laundry detergent use 250 g (or mL)/100 L water. Do not use chlorine based cleaners. Drain, remove filters and nozzles and clean separately. Rinse inside the tank thoroughly using a pressure hose and flush system with clean water. l e b a L n e m i c e p S GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MIXING LONTREL CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and water courses. Half fill the spray tank with water and add the required quantity of Lontrel and complete filling. Agitate continuously to ensure thorough mixing before and during application. Only mix sufficient chemical for each day’s work. Tank mixtures: Wettable powder or dry flowable formulations should be added to the spray tank first, followed by suspension concentrates (flowables), aqueous concentrates (Lontrel) and the emulsifiable concentrate formulations (e.g. Verdict™ 520 or MCPA LVE). RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING COMPATIBILITY Lontrel is compatible with the following: BROADLEAF HERBICIDES: Starane™ 200 or Starane™ Advanced, Ally®, bromoxynil, chlorsulfuron, diuron, glyphosate, MCPA amine, MCPA LVE, paraquat, SpraySeed®, terbutryn, 2,4-D amine. GRASS HERBICIDES IN CEREAL CROPS: Diclofop methyl, Grasp®+, Puma®+ (+ Grasp and Puma for wild oat control only). GRASS HERBICIDES ON BROADLEAF CROPS: Verdict™ 520 Herbicide. APPLICATION BOOM SPRAYING CROP and PASTURES: Apply Lontrel in sufficient water to obtain good coverage. It should be applied by an accurately calibrated ground rig or aircraft, delivering 200 to 300 micron droplets and not less than 50 L/ha water volume for boom sprayers or not less than 20 L/ha for aerial applications. Hardhead thistle - Use a spray volume of 200 to 250 L/ha of water. Silver wattle - Use a spray volume of 150 to 200 L/ha of water by ground boomspray and a minimum spray volume of 50 L/ha by aircraft. HIGH VOLUME HAND GUN: Apply the recommended mix to give full coverage of leaves and stems through a No. 6-8 tip at 700 to 1500 kPa. Spray volume for effective coverage of dense 2 metre high silver wattle should be 30 to 40 litres of spray per 100 m2 (10 m x 10 m) of infestation. For larger areas an equivalent would be 3000 to 4000 litres per infested hectare. 202 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Lontrel Herbicide is a member of the pyridines group of herbicides. The product has the disrupters of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management, the product is a Group I herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other disrupters of plant cell growth herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by the product or other disrupters of plant cell growth herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of the product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, or local Dow AgroSciences representative. PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment that may cause spray drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. PLANTBACK PERIODS FOR SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN WINTER DOMINANT RAINFALL AREAS (Sth NSW, VIC, SA, WA) Required rainfall - A minimum 25 mm rain event in the post harvest summer to autumn period, with a subsequent extended period of at least 1 week where the top 10 cm of the soil stays moist is required to enable breakdown of soil residues. Fastest residue breakdown will occur under good soil moisture and warm conditions, which promote microbial activity. Where significant rain (> 25 mm) has fallen in summer to autumn, with soil wetting for at least one week, the following plantback periods apply: l e b a L n e m i c e p S Following Crops Rate (mL/ha) Clover, chickpea, faba bean, field pea, lentils, lupins, medics and vetch Up to 300 9 months 300 - 500 12 months > 500 24 months All label rates 1 week Barley, canola, wheat, oats Plantback Interval PLANTBACK PERIODS FOR NORTHERN AUSTRALIA SUMMER DOMINANT RAINFALL AREAS (Nth NSW, QLD) Required rainfall before plantback: If planting susceptible summer crops – at least 100 mm rain If planting susceptible winter crops – at least 150 mm rain This rain or irrigation should wet the soilf or extended periods (at least one week) this is essential for breakdown of soil residues prior to planting susceptible crops. If planting a cereal or canola crop – at least 50 mm of rain or irrigation is required to enable soil wetting for at least one week. Where these requirements have been met the following plantback periods apply: Following Crops Rate (mL/ha) and Plantback Interval Up to 75 mL/ha >75 - 300 mL/ha Chickpea, cotton, soybean, sunflower 3 months 6 months Lucerne 9 months 9 months Maize, sorghum 1 week 2 weeks Wheat, barley, oats, canola 1 week 1 week Note: Susceptible crops should not be sown for at least 2 years where Lontrel Herbicide at more than 300 mL/ha has been used in northern Australia. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 203 LONTREL Composts and mulches - DO NOT apply Lontrel Herbicide to crops or pastures that will be used for the production of compost or mulches or mushroom substrate. Such compost or mulch made from plant material treated with Lontrel may cause damage to susceptible crops and plants. Susceptible crops and plants include, but are not limited to chickpeas, clover, cotton, faba beans, field peas, fruit trees, lentils, lupins, lucerne, medics, ornamentals, potatoes, safflower, tomatoes, vegetables, grape and kiwifruit vines, vetches, and wattles. Field peas, faba beans, lentils and vetches are particularly susceptible and should not be sown the season following an application of Lontrel at 500 mL/ha. Where Lontrel residue carry over from use rates of less than 500 mL/ha is suspected and susceptible crops are to be planted, test the treated area as follows: • Field bioassay - where rain allows, plant a small area of the susceptible crop 4 to 6 weeks before desired planting date and take note of any symptoms of injury. If any herbicide symptoms are observed, only plant either canola or a cereal (see recommendation for northern and southern Australia below). • Pot bioassay - where not practical to do field bioassay, plant a small number of seeds of the susceptible crop into pots containing soil from the treated field. Do this 4 to 6 weeks before desired planting date. If any herbicide symptoms are observed, only plant either canola or a cereal (see recommendation for northern and southern Australia below). Stubble from treated crops - ensure that harvesters effectively spread crop straw and do not leave a heavy ‘header trail’ after harvest. Burn (if legal in the area), bale and remove, slash or incorporate stubble as soon as practical after harvest and as long as possible before planting next year to allow microbial breakdown of any residues in straw. Heavy stubble loads may carry more residue into the following season. Where heavy stubble burdens and/or non-wetting soils exist and less than recommended rain amount have occurred from application to planting the susceptible crop (see below), only plant a winter or summer cereal or canola. Planting crops following use of Lontrel herbicide in previous crop - planting crops ‘dry’ without significant rain (see below) in the ‘autumn break’ increases the risk of injury to susceptible crops. This practice should be avoided, or only plant a winter or irrigated summer cereal crop or canola. In severely dry conditions, where less than 30% of average annual rainfall and/or less than the minimum rain (see below) has fallen between application and planting the next year, only plant a winter or irrigated summer cereal or canola. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK SAFETY DIRECTIONS DO NOT graze or cut treated crops for stock food except as specified under WITHHOLDING PERIODS. • May irritate the eyes and skin. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • DO NOT inhale the spray mist. • When preparing the spray, wear elbow-length PVC gloves and a face shield. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. • After each day’s use, wash gloves and face shield. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT Lontrel has low toxicity to fish, birds, honey bees, livestock, earthworms and aquatic organisms. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with chemical or used containers. LONTREL STORAGE AND DISPOSAL FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26 l e b a L n e m i c e p S Storage for all containers Store in the closed original container in a cool, wellventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. 204 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for LONTREL™ HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval: 31635/20/0306 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Lontrel b a L Advanced n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 600 g/L CLOPYRALID present as the dimethylamine salt. ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 600 g/L CLOPYRALID present as the dimethylamine salt. For control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, oats, triticale, canola, For controlfallow of a wide of and broadleaf weeds in wheat, oats, triticale, canola, pastures, land,range forests industrial situations as barley, specified in the Directions for Use. pastures, fallow land, forests and industrial situations as specified in the Directions for Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 DowRodborough AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 7712086 659 20 Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICEofTOLL 700 096 ® ™ Trademark The FREE Dow1-800 Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 205 LONTREL ADVANCED CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN LONTREL ADVANCED DIRECTIONS FOR USE IT IS ESSENTIAL to select a rate appropriate to weed size. Best results will be obtained when weeds are actively growing at treatment. RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply to weeds which may be stressed (inactive growth) due to prolonged periods of extreme heat or cold, moisture stress (water logging or drought) or previous herbicide treatment as reduced levels of control may result. DO NOT apply later than the 8 leaf stage of canola. DO NOT compost material from treated plants or crops before reading the PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS section. DO NOT spray if rain is likely within 3 hours. DO NOT apply more than one application per crop. l e b a L n e m i c e p S SPRAY DRIFT RESTRAINTS DO NOT apply Lontrel Advanced with spray droplets smaller than a COARSE spray droplet size category according to the “APVMA Compliance Instructions for Mandatory COARSE or LARGE Droplet Size Categories” located under this title in the GENERAL INSTRUCTION section of this label. DO NOT apply when wind speed is less than 3 or more than 20 kilometres per hour as measured at the application site. DO NOT apply during surface temperature inversion conditions at the application site. Users of this product MUST make an accurate written record of the details of each spray application within 24 hours following application and KEEP this record for a minimum of 2 years. The spray application details that must be recorded are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Date with start and finish times of application; Location address and paddock/s sprayed; Full name of this product; Amount of product used per hectare and number of hectares applied to; Crop/situation and weed/pest; Wind speed and direction during application; Air temperature and relative humidity during application; Nozzle brand, type, spray angle, nozzle capacity and spray system pressure measured during application; Name and address of person applying this product. (Additional record details may be required by the state or territory where this product is used.) 206 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 IT IS ESSENTIAL TO OBSERVE PLANTBACK PERIODS FOR SUSCEPTIBLE CROPS WHEN USING THIS PRODUCT. CROP Barley Oats Triticale Wheat CROP STAGE Pre-sowing WEED Capeweed WEED STAGE RATE mL/ha STATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Up to 8 leaf and maximum 10 cm diameter 75 plus knockdown herbicide WA only Pre-sowing: This rate should only be used in tank mixture with formulations of paraquat/diquat or glyphosate. Post-sowing pre-emergence through to 3 leaf Post sowing pre-emergent to 3 leaf: This rate should only be used in tank mixture with diuron for control of transplants. 75 plus diuron at 300 mL/ha l e b a L n e m i c e p S Early postemergence (2 leaf to jointing) 4 to 5 leaf through to booting. Cotyledons to 6 leaf and maximum 5 cm diameter 75 Capeweed Soldier thistle Up to 10 cm diameter (4 to 8 leaf) 150 Volunteer chickpeas, lentils and safflower Up to 6 leaf 125 Volunteer faba beans and lupins Up to 4 leaf Volunteer field peas Volunteer medics and seedling lucerne Up to 8 leaf Volunteer sub-clover Up to 6 leaf Volunteer vetch 4 to 5 leaf onwards Prickly lettuce Thistles including: Nodding Saffron Scotch Slender Spear Stemless Variegated 5 leaf to late tillering Maximum 10 cm high or 6 nodes Skeleton weed Runners up to 10 cm maximum 16 leaf Early post-emergent: Weeds should be growing actively and not larger than 5 cm diameter. NSW, Vic, SA, Tas and WA only Weeds should be young and actively growing. Weeds will become stunted and not be competitive soon after application although final results may not show for some weeks. Faba beans and lupins will only be suppressed. 75 Use 40 mL/ha rate only in combination with MCPA LVE. 40 plus 700 mL/ha MCPA LVE 75 50 40 plus 700 mL/ha MCPA LVE 4 to 6 leaf and maximum 8 cm diameter 75 plus 700 mL/ha MCPA LVE NSW, Vic, SA, Tas and WA only Rosettes up to 10 cm maximum diameter 25 plus 1 L/ha MCPA amine (500 g/L) or 25 plus 700 mL/ha MCPA LVE NSW, Vic, SA, Tas, WA and Qld only 5 to 15 cm rosettes 250 plus 1 L/ha MCPA amine 500 g/L NSW, Vic and SA only Weeds should be young and actively growing. Weeds will become stunted and will not be competitive soon after application although final results may not show for some weeks. Weeds should be a minimum 5 cm in diameter, and growing actively. This rate will give control until harvest and substantially reduce weed numbers the following season. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 207 LONTREL ADVANCED DIRECTIONS FOR USE (continued) LONTREL ADVANCED DIRECTIONS FOR USE (continued) IT IS ESSENTIAL TO OBSERVE PLANTBACK PERIODS FOR SUSCEPTIBLE CROPS WHEN USING THIS PRODUCT. CROP Canola CROP STAGE 2 to 8 leaf WEED WEED STAGE RATE mL/ha STATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Capeweed Saffron thistle Skeleton weed Soldier thistle Up to 10 cm diameter (4 to 8 leaf) 150 NSW, Vic, SA, Tas, WA and Qld only Volunteer chickpeas, lentils and safflower Up to 6 leaf 125 Weeds should be young and actively growing. Weeds will become stunted and will not be competitive soon after application although final results may not show for some weeks. Skeleton weed will only be controlled until harvest. Faba beans and lupins will only be suppressed. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Volunteer faba beans and lupins Up to 4 leaf 125 Maximum 10 cm high or 6 nodes 75 Volunteer medics and seedling lucerne Up to 8 leaf 75 Volunteer sub-clover Up to 6 leaf 75 Runners up to 10 cm maximum 16 leaf 50 Volunteer field peas Volunteer vetch 208 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 For the control of annual grasses, Lontrel Advanced may be tank mixed with Verdict™ 520 Herbicide. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO OBSERVE PLANTBACK PERIODS FOR SUSCEPTIBLE CROPS WHEN USING THIS PRODUCT. CROP CROP STAGE Pastures and fallow land Postemergence WEED WEED STAGE RATE mL/ha STATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Actively growing plants. Treat rosette stage prior to stem elongation Motorised Hand gun: 250 mL/100 L of water. Boom spray: 1 or 2 L Vic only Motorised Hand gun: 250 mL/ 100 L of water. Boom spray: 2 L/ha Qld only Treat rosette stage prior to stem elongation 25 or 35 mL plus 1 to 1.5 L/ha MCPA amine (500 g/L) Drench gun: 25 mL/1 L of water Motorised Hand gun: 125 mL/100 L of water NSW, Vic, Tas, SA and Qld only NOTE: DO NOT USE ON LUCERNE. CLOVERS AND MEDICS WILL BE ELIMINATED FOR AT LEAST ONE YEAR. VICTORIA ONLY: Use the lower rate only on light soils (sand and sandy loam) where a slightly lower degree of control is acceptable. Use the higher rate on all soil types where complete control is required. Addition of BS1000® at 0.2%v/v is recommended for treatment of hardhead thistle. Spray between September and April on actively growing plants for effective control. Thorough coverage is essential. Apply in 200 to 250 L of water/ha. BOOM SPRAYING: Use the higher rates of Lontrel Advanced plus MCPA on multicrowned plants or rosettes larger than 30 cm in diameter. Spraying may be done at any time during active growth, usually in early winter or spring. Avoid spraying during the dormant winter period or at any time when thistles are not actively growing. Do not spray flowering thistles. PRE-SPRAY MANAGEMENT: The pasture should be slightly grazed prior to spraying to reduce clover and grass cover and expose the smaller thistles to the spray. The grazed pasture should be left 7 days to allow thistles to freshen prior to treatment. POST-TREATMENT MANAGEMENT: Response of thistles to treatment with the Lontrel plus MCPA mixture will be slow compared to the standard treatments with 2,4-D or MCPA. If possible delay grazing of sprayed thistles for 14 days after treatment. CLOVER DAMAGE: The Lontrel Advanced plus MCPA mixture can be very damaging to subterranean clover. The lower rate is no more damaging than label rates of 2,4-D or MCPA. The higher rate of the Lontrel Advanced plus MCPA mixture will reduce the clover component of the pasture for about 2 months. Clover recovery will be quicker during periods of active growth. MOTORISED HANDGUN (Spot spray): Treat from rosette stage to early flowering. Thorough spraying is necessary. DRENCHGUN: Apply 10 mL to rosette crown. To multicrown plants, apply 10 mL to each crown. Rosettes up to 20 cm diameter 50 mL NSW only Apply the spray from September to October. Apply by boom spray only. DO NOT apply to thistles over 20 cm in diameter. When thistles are over 20 cm in diameter use Lontrel Advanced plus MCPA (referred to above). Clover Damage: Damage to white clover will be no greater than damage with MCPA alone and less than damage from Lontrel plus MCPA mixtures. Damage to sub-clover may be greater than with MCPA or 2,4-D alone. DO NOT use for spot treatment. Californian thistle From early buds to flowering (December to February) Motorised Hand gun: 125 mL/100 L of water Boom spray: 1 L/ha Vic and Tas only Addition of BS1000 at 0.2%v/v is recommended. Retreatment of regrowth in the year following treatment will usually be necessary to achieve a high level of control. NOTE: Clovers and medics will be eliminated for at least one year. Groundsel bush Young seedlings to mature plants Motorised Hand gun: 165-250 mL/100 L of water Qld and NSW only Spray foliage when growth is active. Use the lower rate on young seedlings and the higher rate on plants more than 2 metre tall or when growth is slow. Hardhead thistle (creeping knapweed, Russian knapweed) l e b a L n e m i c e p S Thistles including: Nodding Variegated Scotch Spear Slender Saffron Nodding thistle Pasture, Forests, Rightsof-Way Industrial situations Postemergence PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 209 LONTREL ADVANCED DIRECTIONS FOR USE (continued) LONTREL ADVANCED DIRECTIONS FOR USE (continued) IT IS ESSENTIAL TO OBSERVE PLANTBACK PERIODS FOR SUSCEPTIBLE CROPS WHEN USING THIS PRODUCT. CROP CROP STAGE Pinus radiata plantations Forests Postemergence WEED WEED STAGE RATE mL/ha STATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Silver wattle Active growth spring to summer Motorised Hand gun: 250 mL/100 L of water Boom spray: 2.5 L/ha (weeds 30 cm to 2 m) 3.5 L/ha (weeds 2 to 4 m) 4.3 L/ha (weeds 4 to 8 m) NSW, Vic and Tas only For effective control apply when bushes are growing actively. Large trees will not show complete necrosis. MOTORISED HANDGUN: Apply as a high volume spray to give full coverage of leaves and stems. Add Pulse penetrant at 200 mL/100 L for optimum results. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS for handgun spraying. GROUND BOOM AND AERIAL SPRAYING: For ground boom spraying apply in 150 to 200 L of water/ha. For aerial treatment apply in a minimum of 50 L/ha of water containing 500 mL/ha Uptake Spraying Oil. Mix Lontrel and water first and then add Ulvapron. Maintain continuous agitation. Clovers and other legumes will be eliminated for at least one year. Hand held CDA: 1.7 L/ha Vic and Tas only l e b a L n e m i c e p S Cape ivy Any growth stage Apply by hand held weed wiper or C.D.A. at dilutions with water at 1:3. Application may be made at any time of the year provided foliage is dry at the time. Avoid spraying non-target plants. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIODS Pastures and Fallow Land: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Cereals and Canola: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Cereals (Harvest): DO NOT APPLY LATER THAN 10 WEEKS BEFORE HARVEST. Canola (Harvest): NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. Forests, except Pinus radiata Plantations: DO NOT GRAZE FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Pinus radiata Plantations: DO NOT GRAZE FOR 14 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MIXING Tank-mixing: The following order should be followed: 1. Quarter fill the spraytank maintaining agitation. 2. Add any wettable powders or dry flowable formulations with continuous agitation, ensure product is completely dissolved. 3. Add Lontrel Advanced Herbicide. 4. Add water to half fill the spray tank. 5. Add other suspension concentrates (flowables), aqueous concentrates and the emulsifiable concentrates including other selective grass herbicides or broadleaf herbicides. 6. If UptakeTM Spraying Oil or BS1000 is to be used add when spray tank is three quarters full. 7. If other adjuvants or a wetting agent is to be used, add these according to their label. 8. Add water to bring to the final spray volume. Only mix sufficient spray solution for immediate use and avoid storing. 210 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 COMPATIBILITY CONVENTIONAL CANOLA: LontrelTM Advanced + VerdictTM 520 + UptakeTM Spraying Oil are compatible and selective. TRIAZINE TOLERANT CANOLA: Atrazine + Lontrel Advanced + Verdict 520 + Uptake Spraying Oil are compatible and selective. CLEARFIELD CANOLA: Intervix® + Lontrel Advanced are compatible and selective. Lontrel Advanced is compatible with the following: BROADLEAF HERBICIDES: StaraneTM Advance, Ally®, bromoxynil, bromoxynil MA, chlorsulfuron, diuron, RipperTM 480, MCPA amine, CANVASTM 750 LVE, paraquat, Spray-Seed®, terbutryn, 2,4-D amine, BroadstrikeTM, Eclipse®, Eclipse/MCPA LVE, Ally/MCPA LVE,GarlonTM 600, atrazine, simazine, TordonTM 242, TorpedoTM, ConcludeTM,Tigrex®, Precept®, Jaguar®, Velocity®, Ecopar®, Paragon®, and Affinity® Force®. GRASS HERBICIDES ON BROADLEAF CROPS: VerdictTM 520 Herbicide, clethodim, Intervix®, atrazine and simazine. GRASS HERBICIDES IN CEREAL CROPS: Diclofop methyl, Achieve® WG, Wildcat®, Topik® 240EC, Tristar®, Atlantis® Selective OD, Hussar®, Axial®, CrusaderTM ADJUVANTS: UptakeTM Spraying Oil, BS1000 ™ Trademark Dow AgroSciences, ® Registered Trademarks GROUND BOOM USE ONLY nozzles that the nozzles’ manufacturer has rated to deliver a COARSE, a VERY COARSE or an EXTREMELY COARSE droplet size category as referenced to ASABE S572 or BCPC. Choose a nozzle specified to provide the droplet size category required in the label Spray Drift Restraints. DO NOT use a higher spray system pressure than the maximum the manufacturer specifies for the selected nozzle to deliver the droplet size category required in the label Spray Drift Restraint. Quarter fill the tank again and add a liquid alkali detergent at 500 mL/100 L water and circulate throughout the system for at least 15 minutes. If using a concentrated laundry detergent use 250 g (or mL)/100 L water. Do not use chlorine based cleaners. Drain, remove filters and nozzles and clean separately. Rinse inside the tank thoroughly using a pressure hose and flush system with clean water. These tank cleaning recommendations are for Lontrel only. Please consult tankmix partner labels to determine requirements for decontamination. Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and water courses. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Apply in 50-100 L water/ha using at least a coarse spray through accurately calibrated equipment. Hardhead thistle – Use at least a coarse spray and 200 to 250 L/ha of water. Silver wattle – Use at least a coarse spray and 150 to 200 L/ha of water. AERIAL APPLICATION Apply in not less than 20 L water/ha using a COARSE spray through accurately calibrated equipment. DO NOT use less than 50 L/ha for silver wattle. Fixed wing: For up to a maximum aircraft speed of 120 knots and a COARSE droplet size category, USE ONLY narrow angle flat fan nozzles with spray angle less than or equal to 40° and oriented straight back to the light direction. USE ONLY a spray system pressure greater than or equal to 4 bar. Helicopter: For helicopter applications requiring a COARSE or a VERY COARSE spray droplet size category, USE ONLY nozzles selected with the methods previously specified for fixed-wing aircraft in Section 2. MOTORISED HIGH VOLUME HAND GUN Apply the recommended mix to give full coverage of leaves and stems through a No. 6-8 tip at 700 to 1500 kPa. Spray volume for effective coverage of dense two metre high silver wattle should be 30 to 40 litres of spray per 100 m2 (10 m x 10 m) of infestation. For larger areas an equivalent would be 3000 to 4000 litres per infested hectare. CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT PARTIAL CLEANING (before spraying other labelled or tolerant crops): After using Lontrel Advanced, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the tank using a pressure hose. Quarter fill the tank with clean water and circulate through the pump, line, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat procedure twice. COMPLETE CLEANING (before spraying crops that are susceptible to residues of Lontrel Advanced). After using Lontrel Advanced, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the tank using a pressure hose. Quarter fill the tank with clean water and circulate as above, then drain. RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Lontrel Advanced is a member of the pyridines group of herbicides. The product has the disrupters of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management, the product is a Group I herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by the product or other Group I herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of the product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, or local Dow AgroSciences representative. PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment that may cause spray drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. Composts and mulches - DO NOT apply Lontrel Advanced to crops or pastures that will be used for the production of compost or mulches or mushroom substrate. Such compost or mulch made from plant material treated with Lontrel may cause damage to susceptible crops and plants. Susceptible crops and plants include, but are not limited to chickpeas, clover, cotton, faba beans, field peas, fruit trees, lentils, lupins, lucerne, medics, ornamentals, potatoes, safflower, tomatoes, vegetables, grape and kiwifruit vines, vetches, and wattles. Field peas, faba beans, lentils and vetches are particularly susceptible and should not be sown the season following an application of Lontrel Advanced at 500 mL/ha. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 211 LONTREL ADVANCED APPLICATION LONTREL ADVANCED Where Lontrel Advanced residue carryover from use rates of less than 250 mL/ha is suspected and susceptible crops are to be planted, test the treated area as follows: • Field bioassay – where rain allows, plant a small area of the susceptible crop four to six weeks before desired planting date and take note of any symptoms of injury. If any herbicide symptoms are observed, only plant either canola or a cereal (see recommendation for northern and southern Australia below). • Pot bioassay – where not practical to do field bioassay, plant a small number of seeds of the susceptible crop into pots containing soil from the treated field. Do this four to six weeks before desired planting date. If any herbicide symptoms are observed, only plant either canola or a cereal (see recommendation for northern and southern Australia below). Stubble from treated crops – ensure that harvesters effectively spread crop straw and do not leave a heavy ‘header trail’ after harvest. Burn (if legal in the area), bale and remove, slash or incorporate stubble as soon as practical after harvest and as long as possible before planting next year to allow microbial breakdown of any residues in straw. Heavy stubble loads may carry more residues into the following season. Where heavy stubble burdens and/or non-wetting soils exist and less than recommended rain amount have occurred from application to planting the susceptible crop (see below), only plant a winter or summer cereal or canola. Planting crops following use of Lontrel Advanced in previous crop – planting crops ‘dry’ without significant rain (see below) in the ‘autumn break’ increases the risk of injury to susceptible crops. This practice should be avoided, or only plant a winter or irrigated summer cereal crop or canola. In severely dry conditions, where < 30% of average annual rainfall and/ or less than the minimum rain (see below) has fallen between application and planting the next year, only plant a winter or irrigated summer cereal or canola. PLANTBACK PERIODS FOR NORTHERN AUSTRALIA SUMMER DOMINANT RAINFALL AREAS (Nth NSW, QLD): PLANTBACK PERIODS FOR SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN WINTER DOMINANT RAINFALL AREAS (Sth NSW, VIC, SA, WA): DO NOT graze or cut treated crops for stock food except as specified under WITHHOLDING PERIODS. Required rainfall before plantback: If planting susceptible summer crops – at least 100 mm rain or irrigation. If planting susceptible winter crops – at least 150 mm rain or irrigation. If planting a cereal or canola crop – at least 50 mm of rain or irrigation. For all situations, sufficient rainfall or irrigation to enable soil wetting for at least one week is essential to enable residue breakdown before planting susceptible crops. Where these requirements have been met the following plantback periods apply: l e b a L n e m i c e p S Required rainfall - A minimum 25 mm rain event in the post harvest summer to autumn period, with a subsequent extended period of at least one week where the top 10 cm of the soil stays moist is required to enable breakdown of soil residues. Fastest residue breakdown will occur under good soil moisture and warm conditions, which promote microbial activity. where significant rain (> 25 mm) has fallen in summer to autumn, with soil wetting for at least one week, the following plantback periods apply: Following Crops Rate (mL/ha) used previously Plantback Interval Clover, chickpea, faba bean, field pea, lentils, lupins, medics and vetch Up to 150 9 months 150-250 12 months >250 24 months All label rates 1 week Barley, canola, wheat, oats 212 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Following Crops Rate (mL/ha) and plantback interval Up to 40 mL/ha >40 -150 mL/ha Lucerne 9 months 9 months Chickpea, Cotton Soybean, Sunflower 3 months 6 months Maize, sorghum 1 week 2 weeks Wheat, barley, oats, canola 1 week 1 week Note: Susceptible crops should not be sown for at least two years where Lontrel Advanced at more than 150 mL/ha has been used in Northern Australia. Cereals and canola may be safely planted less than one week after application. However, post-emergent weed control may be reduced due to soil disturbance if one week is not allowed after application. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT Lontrel Advanced has low toxicity to fish, birds, honey bees, livestock, earthworms and aquatic organisms. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with chemical or used containers. FIRST AID Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well ventilated area which is securely locked. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for LONTREL™ ADVANCED HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow l e b a L n e m i c e p S APVMA Approval No: 65587/51369 SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • May irritate the eyes, nose and throat. Avoid contact with eyes. • DO NOT inhale the spray mist. • When opening the container and preparing spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing), elbow-length chemical resistant gloves and a disposable dust face mask covering mouth and nose. • If applying by hand, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing), elbow-length chemical resistant gloves and a disposable dust face mask covering mouth and nose. • Wash hands after use. • After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 213 LONTREL ADVANCED STORAGE AND DISPOSAL CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Lontrel 750aSG b L n e m i c e p S LONTREL 750 SG ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 750 g/kg CLOPYRALID present as the potassium salt ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 750 g/kg CLOPYRALID present as the potassium salt For the control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, oats, triticale, canola, For the control of a wide of broadleaf in wheat, barley, oats, triticale, canola, pastures and fallow land range as specified in the weeds Directions for Use. pastures and fallow land as specified in the Directions for Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 DowRodborough AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 0032086 771 659 20 Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 214 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DIRECTIONS FOR USE IT IS ESSENTIAL to select a rate appropriate for the weed size. Best results will be obtained when weeds are actively growing at treatment. RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply to weeds which may be stressed (inactive growth) due to prolonged periods of extreme heat or cold, moisture stress (water logging or drought) or previous herbicide treatment as reduced levels of control may result. DO NOT apply immediately before sowing susceptible crops or sow susceptible crops into paddocks treated the previous year with Lontrel™ 750 SG until after the required plantback period has elapsed – see PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS section. DO NOT apply this product by air or mister within a Chemical Control Area in Victoria without a valid permit. DO NOT spray if rain is likely within 3 hours. DO NOT apply later than the 8 leaf stage of canola or the 1st node stage of winter cereals. DO NOT compost material from treated plants or crops before reading the PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS section. l e b a L n e m i c e p S WEED Capeweed, Chickpea (volunteer), Faba bean (volunteer), Vetch and Sub-clover WEEDS STAGE RATE g/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Up to 8 leaf and maximum 10 cm diameter 60 plus a knockdown herbicide Pre-sowing: This rate should only be used in tank mixture with formulations of paraquat/diquat or glyphosate. Table 2. Winter Cereals and Canola: Post-sowing Pre-emergence to 3 leaf crop stage WEED WEEDS STAGE Capeweed (In cereals only, WA only) Pre-emergence to 8 leaf and maximum 10 cm diameter Capeweed, Faba bean (volunteer) and Sub-clover Pre-emergence RATE g/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS 60 plus diuron at 300 mL/ha Post sowing pre-emergent to 3 leaf: This rate should only be used in tank mixture with diuron for control of transplants. 120 – 240 Rates of 120 – 200 g/ha give good suppression (reduced seed set and up to 80% weed control). 240 g/ha is required for good control of capeweed and sub-clover. Apply to moist soil and time treatment for major germination of weeds. Good soil moisture and application close to time of weed germination is essential for best control. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 215 LONTREL 750 SG Table 1. Winter Cereals and Canola: Pre-sowing Knockdown Table 3. Winter Cereals: Early Post-emergence 2 leaf to 1st node crop stage LONTREL 750 SG WEED WEEDS STAGE RATE g/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Early post-emergent: Weeds should be young, actively growing and not larger than listed size. Weeds will become stunted and non-competitive soon after application, although final results may not show for some weeks. Capeweed (WA only) Cotyledons to 6 leaf and maximum 5 cm diameter 60 Capeweed Soldier thistle St Barnaby’s thistle Up to 10 cm diameter (4 to 8 leaf) 120 Chickpea Lentils and Safflower (volunteers) Up to 6 leaf 100 Faba bean and Lupins (volunteers) Up to 4 leaf 100 Field pea (volunteers) Maximum 10 cm high or 6 nodes 60 Medic and Lucerne seedling (volunteers) Up to 8 leaf Sub-clover (volunteers) Up to 6 leaf Vetch (volunteers) Runners up to 10 cm and maximum 16 leaf l e b a L n e m i c e p S 60-80 Faba beans and lupins will usually survive, but will be stunted, uncompetitive and generally not set viable seed. For best control of hairy leaved medics such as snail medic, add 500 mL Uptake™ Spraying Oil /100 L of water. 40 Table 4. Winter Cereals: Post-emergence tank mixtures WA, SA, Vic, Tas, NSW only (unless specified) Weeds should be young and actively growing. Weeds will become stunted and non-competitive soon after application although final results may not show for some weeks. Where a rate range is listed use low rate mixtures for small weeds to 5 cm across and higher rate mixtures for weeds up to 10 cm across. Use a surfactant such as BS-1000 for granular herbicides or the recommended adjuvant on the partner herbicide label. WEED Capeweed WEEDS STAGE Up to 4 leaf, 10 cm diameter RATE g/ha 80-120 plus 20 g/ha Glean® CRITICAL COMMENTS Glean® mixes – 2 leaf to 1st node crop stage. 40 plus 5-7 g/ha Eclipse® + Eclipse®/MCPA LVE mixes – 3 leaf to 0.35-0.5 L/ha MCPA LVE 1st node. Where 0.5 L/ha MCPA LVE added apply from 4-5 leaf to 1st node crop stage. 40 plus 5 g/ha Ally® + 0.5 L/ha MCPA LVE 40 plus 0.75 L /ha Tigrex® 216 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Ally®/MCPA LVE mixes – 4-5 leaf to 1st node crop stage. Tigrex® mixes – 3 leaf to 1st node crop stage, but not on barley or kulin wheat in WA. Table 4. Winter Cereals: Post-emergence tank mixtures WA, SA, Vic, Tas, NSW only (unless specified) - continued WEED WEEDS STAGE Field peas (volunteer) Up to 6 node, 10 cm diameter Vetch (volunteer) Up to 4 branch, 10 cm diameter RATE g/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS 40 plus 5-7 g/ha Eclipse® + 0.5-0.7 L/ha bromoxynil / MCPA bromoxynil/MCPA mixes – 3 leaf to 1st node crop stage. l e b a L n e m i c e p S 40 plus 5g/ha Ally® + 0.35 L/ha MCPA LVE or 30 plus 0.7 L/ha MCPA LVE Use 30 g/ha only in combination with MCPA LVE. Lontrel™ 750 SG + MCPA LVE mixes – 4-5 leaf to 1st node crop stage. 40 plus 5-7g/ha Eclipse + 0.5-0.7 L/ha bromoxynil / MCPA bromoxynil/MCPA mixes – 3 leaf to 1st node crop stage. 40 plus 5-7 g/ha Eclipse + 0.35-0.5 L/ha MCPA LVE Eclipse/MCPA LVE mixes – 3 leaf to 1st node. Where 0.5 L/ha MCPA LVE added apply from 4-5 leaf to 1st node crop stage. 40 plus 5 g/ha Ally + 0.35-0.7 L/ha MCPA LVE Ally/MCPA LVE mixes – 4-5 leaf to 1st node crop stage. Chickpea (volunteer) Up to 4 branch, 10 cm diameter Faba bean (volunteer) Up to 4 node, 10 cm tall Lupin (volunteer) Up to 6 leaf, 10 cm tall Sub-clover (volunteer) Up to 5 trifoliate, 5 cm diameter Prickly lettuce Up to 6 leaf, max. 10 cm diameter Medic (volunteer) Up to 6 leaf, max. 5 cm diameter Prickly lettuce Up to 6 leaf, max. 10 cm diameter Thistles including: Nodding, Saffron Scotch, Slender Spear, Stemless, Variegated Rosettes up to 10 cm max. diameter St Barnaby’s Thistle 4 to 8 leaf, 5 to 10 cm across 20-40 + 2,4-D amine 0.5 – 1 L/ha or MCPA amine 1 – 1.5 L/ha Sowthistle (common) (WA, SA, Vic, Tas, NSW and QLD) Young rosettes up to 8 true leaves 40 + 0.8 L/ha Tordon 242 or 5 g/ha Ally + 0.7 L/ha MCPA LVE Apply to actively growing young rosettes. Use Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L of water for improved control with Tordon™ 242 tank-mixes or BS-1000 with Ally/MCPA LVE tankmixes. Apply tank-mixes from 4-5 leaf to 1st node crop stage. Skeleton weed (NSW, Vic and SA, WA only) 5 to 15 cm rosettes 200 plus 1 L/ha MCPA amine (500 g/L) Weeds should be a minimum 5 cm in diameter, and growing actively. This rate will give control until harvest and substantially reduce weed numbers the following season. Apply from 4-5 leaf to 1st node crop stage. 60 + 700 mL/ha MCPA LVE 20 plus 1 L/ha MCPA amine (500 g/L) or 20 + 700 mL/ha MCPA LVE Lontrel™ 750 + MCPA LVE mixes – 4-5 leaf to 1st node crop stage. For thistle control, Lontrel™ 750 SG rate will depend on density, growth stage, climatic conditions and time of application. Use higher rates for best control where high density and/ or large weeds occur. MCPA or 2,4-D mixes apply from 4-5 leaf to 1st node crop stage. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 217 LONTREL 750 SG 40 plus 5-7 g/ha Eclipse® + Eclipse®/MCPA LVE mixes – 3 leaf to 0.35-0.5 L/ha MCPA LVE 1st node. Where 0.5 L/ha MCPA LVE added apply from 4-5 leaf to 1st node crop stage. LONTREL 750 SG Table 5. Canola Post-emergence 2 to 8 leaf crop stage WEED WEEDS STAGE RATE g/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Capeweed, Cotula, Saffron thistle, Skeleton weed, Soldier thistle Up to 10 cm diam. (4 to 8 leaf) 120 Chickpea, Lentils and Safflower (volunteer) Up to 6 leaf 100 Weeds should be young and actively growing. Weeds will become stunted and will not be competitive soon after application although final results may not show for some weeks. Skeleton weed will only be controlled until harvest. Faba beans and Lupins (volunteer) Up to 4 leaf Field peas (volunteer) Maximum 10 cm high or 6 nodes Medics and Lucerne seedlings (volunteer) Up to 8 leaf Sub-clover (volunteer) Up to 6 leaf Vetch (volunteer) Runners to 10 cm max. 16 leaf For the control of annual grasses: Lontrel™ 750 SG is compatible with Verdict™ 520 Herbicide. Uptake Spraying Oil should be added to this tank-mix for best grass control. Lontrel™ 750 SG + Verdict 520 + Uptake Spraying Oil is compatible and selective to canola. l e b a L n e m i c e p S 60 40 Faba beans and lupins will usually survive, but will be stunted, uncompetitive and generally not set viable seed. For best control of hairy leaved medics such as snail medic, add 500 mL Uptake Spraying Oil / 100 L water. Will not control woolly pod vetch. St Barnaby’s thistle 4 to 8 leaf, 5 to 10 cm diameter 60-120 Lontrel™ 750 SG rate will depend on weed density, growth stage, climatic conditions and time of application. Use higher rates for best control where high density and/or large weeds occur. Table 6. Herbicide Tolerant Canola: Post-emergence 2 to 8 leaf crop stage WEED WEEDS STAGE RATE g/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Clearfield Canola Cotula (common) Capeweed Up to 6 leaf 60 + 40 g OnDuty® Where capeweed is a significant component of the weed spectrum, a tank-mix with Lontrel™ 750 SG Herbicide may be needed postemergence. DO NOT exceed this rate as reduced control of grass weeds may occur. Triazine tolerant Canola Capeweed, Lupins (volunteer), Saffron thistle, Skeleton weed, Soldier thistle and weeds from conventional canola 218 Up to 6 leaf PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 120 Lontrel™ 750 SG is compatible with atrazine and simazine for use in triazine tolerant canola. Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L of water should be added to this mix for best grass and broadleaf weed control. For the control of annual grass weeds Lontrel™ 750 SG + atrazine + Verdict 520 + Uptake Spraying Oil are compatible and selective to triazine tolerant canola. Table 7. Pastures and Fallow Land – Post-emergence (Established perennial grass and sub-clover based pastures) (Boom spray application if not specified) WEEDS STAGE RATE g/ha State Hand gun: 200 g/100 L of water. Boom spray: 800 or 1600 g/ha Vic and Qld only Hardhead thistle (creeping knapweed, Russian knapweed) Actively growing plants St Barnaby’s thistle 5 to 8 leaf and 5 to 10 cm diameter 20 or 40 plus 0.5-1 L/ha 2,4-D amine or 1.5-2.5 L/ha 2,4-DB or 1 L/ha Gramoxone® or 1-1.5 L/ha simazine + 1 L/ha 2,4-DB NSW, Vic, Tas, SA and Qld only Thistles including: Nodding, Scotch, Spear, Slender Saffron, St Barnaby’s, Variegated, Rosette stage prior to stem elongation 20 or 28 g/ha plus 1-1.5 L/ha MCPA amine (500 g/L)/ ha Drench gun: 20 g/1 L of water Hand gun: 100 g/100 L of water WA, NSW, Vic, Tas, SA and Qld only Nodding thistle Rosettes up to 20 cm diameter 40 NSW only CRITICAL COMMENTS See CRITICAL COMMENTS below for spraying thistles in pastures and fallow land. Only use the 1600 g/ha rate in Qld by boom spray. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Apply the spray from September to October. Apply by boom spray only. DO NOT apply to thistles over 20 cm in diameter. When thistles are over 20 cm in diameter use Lontrel™ 750 SG plus MCPA (referred to above). Clover Damage: Damage to white clover will be no greater than damage with MCPA alone and less than damage from Lontrel™ 750 SG plus MCPA mixtures. Damage to sub-clover may be greater than with MCPA or 2,4-D alone. DO NOT use for spot treatment. Californian thistle From early buds to flowering (December to February) Hand gun: 100 g/100 L of water Boom spray: 800 g/ha Vic and Tas only Addition of a wetting agent at label rates is recommended. Re-treatment of regrowth in the year following treatment will usually be necessary to achieve a high level of control. NOTE: Clovers and medics will be eliminated for at least 1 year. Lucerne 30 to 40 cm high preflowering 120 plus 1.5-2 L/ha Roundup® CT Broadacre + either 2 L/ha MCPA amine or 2 L/ha 2,4-D amine or 2 L/ha 2,4-D ester Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA Treat healthy, actively growing lucerne in early spring prior to flowering. After grazing or cutting, allow lucerne to regrow for approx. 4 weeks before treatment. For best control, do not re-graze for > 2 weeks after application. For complete control of lucerne in pasture, cultivate approx. 1 month after herbicide treatment. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 219 LONTREL 750 SG WEED LONTREL 750 SG CRITICAL COMMENTS - Thistle control in pasture. 1. Hardhead thistles – DO NOT USE HANDGUN APPLICATION ON LUCERNE, CLOVERS AND MEDICS AS THEY WILL BE ELIMINATED FOR AT LEAST ONE YEAR. Victoria only: Use the lower rate only on light soils (sand and sandy loam) where a slightly lower degree of control is acceptable. Use the higher rate on all soil types where complete control is required. Addition of a wetting agent at label rates is recommended for treatment of hardhead thistle. Spray between September and April on actively growing plants for effective control. Thorough coverage is essential. Apply in 200 to 250 L of water/ha. 2. BOOM SPRAYING: Use the higher rates of Lontrel™ 750 SG plus MCPA on multi-crowned plants or rosettes larger than 30 cm in diameter. Spraying may be done at any time during active growth, usually in early winter or spring. Avoid spraying during the dormant winter period or at any time when thistles are not actively growing. Do not spray flowering thistles. 3. PRE-SPRAY MANAGEMENT: The pasture should be slightly grazed prior to spraying to reduce clover and grass cover and expose the smaller thistles to the spray. The grazed pasture should be left seven days to allow thistles to freshen prior to treatment. 4. POST-TREATMENT MANAGEMENT: Response of thistles to treatment with the Lontrel™ 750 SG plus MCPA mixture will be slow compared to the standard treatments with 2,4-D or MCPA. If possible delay grazing of sprayed thistles for 14 days after treatment. 5. CLOVER DAMAGE: Lontrel™ 750 SG plus MCPA or 2,4-D mixtures can be damaging to clover. The low rate is no more damaging than label rates of 2,4-D or MCPA. Use 20 g/ha mixes when clover is at the 6 trifoliate leaf stage to just prior to flowering. The 28 g/ha mix will reduce the clover component of the pasture for about two months. Use the 28 g/ha mix from 6 trifolate leaf stage to flowering to minimise clover injury, and when clover has reached the 6 to 8 trifoliate leaf stage and where thistles are large due to early germination. Clover recovery will be quicker during periods of active growth. If clover damage is the major consideration, use the lower Lontrel™ 750 SG rate to minimise damage. 6. Gramoxone mixes are for lucerne pasture use only. Simazine mixes are for silver grass control and for lucerne based pastures only. 7. HANDGUN (Spot spray): Treat from rosette stage to early flowering. Thorough spraying is necessary. 8. DRENCHGUN: Apply 10 mL to rosette crown. To multicrown plants, apply 10 mL to each crown. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Table 8: Agricultural Non-crop Areas, Commercial and Industrial Areas, Forests, Pastures and Rights-of-Way – Stem Injection Application on Acacia Species Mix 200 g Lontrel™ 750 SG with 2.5 L of water and apply the diluted mix as directed below WEED GROWTH STAGE APPLICATION RATE Single stems less than 25 cm diameter at base 1 mL of the diluted mix per cut @ 10 to 13 cm centres Multiple stems or more than 25 cm diameter at base 2 mL of the diluted mix per cut @ 10 to 13 cm centres CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply to waist high cuts. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Application section for application method details DO NOT exceed the recommended spacings from the centre of one cut to the centre of the next cut. Inject each stem of a multistem tree where possible. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIODS Pastures and Fallow Land: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Cereals and Canola: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Cereals: DO NOT APPLY LATER THAN 10 WEEKS BEFORE HARVEST. Canola: DO NOT HARVEST, EARLIER THAN 12 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. Forests: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. 220 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 MIXING Measure the required quantity of granules by weighing on scales. Lontrel™ 750 SG granules are highly soluble in water and will dissolve rapidly once added to fast moving water. Maintain agitation at all times, including during mixing as well as spraying. Spray rigs with premix hoppers For spray rigs that have a drop down chemical induction hopper, three-quarter fill this hopper with water and have the rinsing sprinkler operating. Add the Lontrel™ 750 SG and when dissolved, transfer this batch into the quarter filled main tank. Continue to rinse the hopper until the entire product has washed through. GRASS HERBICIDES ON BROADLEAF CROPS: Verdict™ 520 Herbicide, Select®, OnDuty®, atrazine, simazine. GRASS HERBICIDES IN CEREAL CROPS: Diclofop methyl, AchieveWG®, Wildcat®, Topik® 240 EC, Tristar®. Compatibilities for each herbicide and key grass weeds can be obtained from your Dow AgroSciences Representative of from Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096. ADJUVANTS: Uptake™ Spraying Oil, BS-1000 APPLICATION BOOM SPRAYING CROP and PASTURES: Apply Lontrel™ 750 SG in sufficient water to obtain good coverage. It should be applied by an accurately calibrated ground rig or aircraft, delivering 200 to 300 micron droplets and not less than 50 L/ha water volume for boom sprayers or not less than 20 L/ha for aerial applications. Hardhead thistle – Use a spray volume of 200 to 250 L/ha of water. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Spray rigs with limited bypass agitation For spray rigs that have limited bypass agitation, then as for most granulated formulations, pre-dissolve the Lontrel™ 750 SG in a bucket before adding them to the main tank. Add Lontrel™ 750 SG while stirring until the granules have dissolved. Tank-mixes: The following order should be followed: 1. Quarter fill the spray tank maintaining agitation. 2. Add Lontrel™ 750 SG granules, using the mixing procedure above. 3. Add Verdict 520 if it is to be used in the tank-mix. 4. Add water to half fill the spray tank. 5. Add wettable powders, water dispersible granules or suspension concentrates. 6. Add other emulsifiable concentrates including other selective grass herbicides. 7. If Uptake Spraying Oil is to be used add this when spray tank is half full. 8. If other adjuvants or a wetting agent is to be used than add these according to their label. 9. Add water to bring to the final spray volume. Only mix sufficient spray solution for immediate use and avoid storing. COMPATIBILITY Conventional Canola: Lontrel™ 750 SG + Verdict™ 520 + Uptake™ Spraying Oil are compatible and selective. Triazine Tolerant Canola: Atrazine + Lontrel™ 750 SG + Verdict™ 520 + Uptake™ Spraying Oil are compatible and selective. Clearfield Canola: OnDuty® + Lontrel™ 750 SG are compatible and selective. Lontrel™ 750 SG is compatible with the following: BROADLEAF HERBICIDES: Starane™200 or Starane™ Advanced, Ally®, bromoxynil, bromoxynil/MCPA LVE, chlorsulfuron, diuron, glyphosate, MCPA amine, MCPA LVE, paraquat, Spray-Seed®, terbutryn, 2,4-D amine, Broadstrike™, Eclipse®, Eclipse/MCPA LVE, Ally®/MCPA LVE, Garlon 600™, atrazine, simazine, Tordon 242™, Tigrex®. HIGH VOLUME HAND GUN: Apply the recommended mix to give full coverage of leaves and stems through a No. 6-8 tip at 700 to 1500 kPa. Spray volume for effective coverage of dense pasture weeds should be 10 to 15 litres of spray per 100 m2 (10 m x 10 m) of infestation. For larger areas an equivalent would be 1000 to 1500 litres per infested hectare. STEM INJECTION To make a stem injection pocket at waist height, use a ¾ length axe with a blade width of 5 to 7 cm. The axe cut must be through the bark and deep enough to place all the chemical in contact with the sap wood. The chemical must be applied immediately after the injection pocket is made. Apply chemical with a Phillips 5 mL vaccinator fitted with a tree injector kit which can be accurately calibrated. Set vaccinator to deliver 1 mL of the diluted mix. When treating regrowth less than the width of the axe, ensure chemical does not run out the sides of the cut, as reduced control will result. This can be overcome by using the corner of the axe to make the pocket in the stem. CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and watercourses. PARTIAL CLEANING (before spraying crops that are selective to Lontrel™ 750 SG): After using Lontrel™ 750 SG, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the tank using a pressure hose. Quarter fill the tank with clean water and circulate through the pump, line, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat procedure twice. COMPLETE CLEANING (before spraying crops that are susceptible to Lontrel™ 750 SG residues): After using Lontrel™ 750 SG, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the tank using a pressure hose. Quarter fill the tank with clean water and circulate as above, then drain. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 221 LONTREL 750 SG GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Quarter fill the tank again and add an alkali detergent (e.g. Surf®, Omo®, Drive®) at 500 mL/100 L water or 500 g/100 L water and circulate throughout the system for at least fifteen minutes. If using a concentrated laundry detergent use 250 g (or mL)/100 L water. Do not use chlorine based cleaners. Drain, remove filters and nozzles and clean separately. Rinse inside the tank thoroughly using a pressure hose and flush system with clean water. Chlorine based cleaners are NOT recommended. Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area, or if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and watercourses. l e b a L n e m i c e p S RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING LONTREL 750 SG Where Lontrel™ 750 SG Herbicide residue carryover from use rates of less than 200 g/ha is suspected and susceptible crops are to be planted, test the treated area as follows: • Field bioassay – where rain allows, plant a small area of the susceptible crop four to six weeks before desired planting date and take note of any symptoms of injury. If any herbicide symptoms are observed, only plant either canola or a cereal (see recommendation for northern and southern Australia below). • Pot bioassay – where not practical to do field bioassay, plant a small number of seeds of the susceptible crop into pots containing soil from the treated field. Do this four to six weeks before desired planting date. If any herbicide symptoms are observed, only plant either canola or a cereal (see recommendation for northern and southern Australia below). Stubble from treated crops – ensure that harvesters effectively spread crop straw and do not leave a heavy ‘header trail’ after harvest. Burn (if legal in the area), bale and remove, slash or incorporate stubble as soon as practical after harvest and as long as possible before planting next year to allow microbial breakdown of any residues in straw. Heavy stubble loads may carry more residues into the following season. Where heavy stubble burdens and/or non-wetting soils exist and less than recommended rain amount have occurred from application to planting the susceptible crop (see below), only plant a winter and summer cereal or canola. Planting crops following use of Lontrel™ 750 SG Herbicide in previous crop – planting crops ‘dry’ without significant rain (see below) in the ‘autumn break’ of increases the risk of injury to susceptible crops. This practice should be avoided, or only plant a winter or irrigated summer cereal, or canola. In severely dry conditions, where less than 30% of average annual rainfall and/or less than the minimum rain has fallen between application and planting the next year, only plant a winter or summer cereal or canola. Lontrel™ 750 SG Herbicide is a member of the pyridines group of herbicides. The product has the disrupters of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management, the product is a Group I herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or other Group I herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of the product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, or local Dow AgroSciences representative. PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment that may cause spray drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. Composts and mulches – DO NOT apply Lontrel™ 750 SG Herbicide to crops or pastures that will be used for the production of compost or mulches or mushroom substrate. Such compost or mulch made from plant material treated with Lontrel™ 750 SG may cause damage to susceptible crops and plants. Susceptible crops and plants include, but are not limited to chickpeas, clovers, cotton, faba beans, field peas, fruit trees, lentils, lupins, lucerne, medics, ornamentals, potatoes, safflower, tomatoes, vegetables, grape and kiwifruit vines, vetches, and wattles. Field peas, faba beans, lentils and vetches are particularly susceptible and should not be sown the season following an application of Lontrel™ 750 SG at 200 g/ha. PLANTBACK PERIODS FOR SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN WINTER DOMINANT RAINFALL AREAS (Sth NSW, VIC, SA, WA): Required rainfall – A minimum 25 mm rain event in the post harvest summer to autumn period, with a subsequent extended period of at least 1 week where the top 10 cm of the soil stays moist is required to enable breakdown of soil residues. Fastest residue breakdown will occur under good soil moisture and warm conditions, which promote microbial activity where significant rain (> 25 mm) has fallen in summer to autumn, with soil wetting for at least one week, the following plantback periods apply: Continued overleaf 222 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 PLANTBACK PERIODS FOR SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN WINTER DOMINANT RAINFALL AREAS (Sth NSW, VIC, SA, WA) continued Following Crops Rate (g/ha) used previously Clover, chickpea, faba bean, field pea, lentils, lupins, medics and vetch Barley, canola, wheat, oats Plantback Interval Up to 120 9 months > 120 – 200 12 months > 200 24 months All label rates 1 week l e b a L n e m i c e p S PLANTBACK PERIODS FOR NORTHERN AUSTRALIA SUMMER DOMINANT RAINFALL AREAS (Nth NSW, QLD): Required rainfall before plantback: If planting susceptible summer crops – at least 100 mm rain. If planting susceptible winter crops – at least 150 mm rain. If planting a cereal or canola crop – at least 50 mm of rain or irrigation is required to enable soil wetting for at least one week. Where these requirements have been met the following plantback periods apply: Following Crops Rate (g/ha) used previously Plantback Interval Up to 30 > 30 – 120 Chickpea, Cotton Soybean, Sunflower 3 months 6 months Lucerne 9 months 9 months Maize, sorghum 1 week 2 weeks Wheat, barley, oats, canola 1 week 1 week Note: Susceptible crops should not be sown for at least 2 years where Lontrel™ 750 SG Herbicide at more than 120 g/ha has been used in northern Australia. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK DO NOT graze or cut treated crops for stock food except as specified under Withholding Periods. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT Lontrel™ 750 SG has low toxicity to fish, birds, honey bees, livestock, earthworms and aquatic organisms. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with chemical or used containers. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Storage for all containers Store in the closed original container in a cool, well-ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. Store in area sheltered from rainfall. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 223 LONTREL 750 SG This rain or irrigation should wet the soil for extended periods (at least one week). This is essential for breakdown of soil residues prior to planting susceptible crops. SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for LONTREL™ 750 SG HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit APVMA Approval No: 52261/56331 l e b a L n e m i c e p S SAFETY DIRECTIONS LONTREL 750 SG ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow • Will irritate the eyes. • Avoid contact with eyes. • When mixing and loading wear cotton overalls, over normal clothing, buttoned to the neck and wrist, and chemical resistant gloves. If applying by hand wear cotton overalls, or equivalent clothing, buttoned to the neck and wrist and chemical resistant gloves. • Wash hands after use. • After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. 224 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Lorsban 500abEC L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Insecticide Insecticide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: SOLVENT: SOLVENT: 500 g/L CHLORPYRIFOS (an anticholinesterase compound) 500 g/L LIQUID CHLORPYRIFOS (an anticholinesterase compound) 495 HYDROCARBON 495 g/L LIQUID HYDROCARBON For the control of certain insect pests of fruit, vegetables, field crops, pasture and other For the control of certain pests of For fruit,Use. vegetables, field crops, pasture and other situations as specified in insect the Directions situations as specified in the Directions For Use. THIS PRODUCT IS TOO HAZARDOUS FOR USE BY HOUSEHOLDERS. THIS PRODUCT ISMUST TOO HAZARDOUS FOR USE BY AROUND HOUSEHOLDERS. HOUSEHOLDERS NOT USE THIS PRODUCT THE HOME. HOUSEHOLDERS MUST NOT USE THIS PRODUCT AROUND THE HOME. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 DowRodborough AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 0032086 771 659 20 Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 225 LORSBAN 500 EC POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN LORSBAN 500 EC DIRECTIONS FOR USE FRUIT and VEGETABLES CROP Apples Pears INSECT San Jose scale RATE STATE Qld, NSW, SA, WA only VOL/HA VOL/100 L WATER Not applicable 100 mL (2% miscible winter oil may be added to the dormant spray) WITHHOLDING PERIODS 14 days Wingless grasshopper Avocado leafroller Ivy leafroller Ivy leafroller Apply when infestation build-up is first noticed ensuring thorough coverage. NSW only 500 mL 50 mL Qld only 1 or 2 L 50 or 100 mL Apply to areas of crop infested with grasshoppers. Also apply as a barrier across the line of advance, when grasshoppers are invading the crop. 7 days NSW only 226 Apply when populations indicate treatment is required. Spot spray affected trees only. Repeat as necessary. Use higher rate when populations are high. Banana scab moth Qld only Aerial: 1 or 2 L in a minimum of 10 L water 200 mL Apply a minimum of 500 L water/ha Banana weevil borer Qld, NSW only Not applicable 1 or 1.8 L Caterpillars NSW only Not applicable 200 mL PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Use this rate in tank mix with 1 L/ha (500 mL/100 L of water) of dichlorvos (500 g/L). For low volume spray equipment use L/ha rate. Apply at first sign of pest activity before larvae move to fruit. Use higher rate when populations are high. Apply at first sign of pest activity before larvae move to fruit. Use higher rate when populations are high. For low volume spray equipment use L/ha rate. Latania scale Hairy caterpillars Light brown apple moth Redshouldered leaf beetle Bananas Dormant period: Apply as late as possible ensuring thorough coverage of all branches. Seasonal period: Apply to coincide with crawler activity in mid-late November and later as necessary. Ensure thorough coverage of all branches, foliage and fruit. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Woolly aphid Avocado CRITICAL COMMENTS 14 days Apply from the first appearance of flower bell and repeat as populations indicate until fingers are exposed. Use high rate with onset of wet weather and/or heavy insect pressure. Note: Burning of young fruit may occur under poor drying conditions. After removal of trash, apply 500-700 mL of spray depending on butt size, to the lower 30 cm of the butt and to the surrounding soil within a radius of 30 cm, ensuring thorough coverage of butt and suckers. Sub-tropical areas: Use high rate for annual control of borers. Tropical areas: Use high rate in September-November for initial spray and a follow-up with low rate in February-April should insect presence warrant a second application. Apply from the first appearance of flower bell and repeat as populations indicate until fingers are exposed. Use as ground application only, do not apply by air. CROP INSECT Carrots Lightbrown apple moth Cassava Cutworms Citrus California red scale STATE RATE VOL/HA VOL/100 L WATER NSW, WA only 500 or 700 mL Not applicable Qld only 700 mL NSW, Vic, SA, WA only Not applicable WITHHOLDING PERIODS CRITICAL COMMENTS Not applicable Apply when moths are first detected. Repeat at the higher rate if there is a re-occurrence of infestation. Apply to seedlings and soil at base of seedlings, when cutworm activity is observed. 100 mL alone or 50 mL + 1L miscible summer spraying oil 14 days Apply during November-March period. Two sprays may be required under conditions of heavy scale infestation. Apply with high volume sprayer to point of runoff. Note: Do not use on citrus in areas where integrated control programmes are in operation. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Qld only Citrus Pome fruit Wingless grasshopper Cole crops including,: Cabbage Cauliflower Brussels sprouts Broccoli Cabbage Cauliflower 100 mL alone or 100 mL +1L miscible summer spraying oil Vic, Tas, SA only 500 mL 50 mL Cabbage moth Cabbage white butterfly Cabbage aphid Cluster caterpillar Cabbage cluster caterpillar NSW, Vic, Tas, SA, WA only 1.5 or 2 L 150 or 200 mL Corn earworm Native budworm Qld only 1.5 L 150 mL Apply when pests first appear. Large plants: Use 1000 L of spray/ha. Corn earworm NSW, Vic, SA, WA only 1.5 or 2 L 150 or 200 mL Apply at 10 to 14 day intervals. Use high rate under heavy pest pressure. Large plants: Use 1000 L of spray/ha. Native budworm NSW, Vic, Tas, SA, WA only Wingless grasshopper NSW, Vic, Tas, SA only 500 mL 50 mL Redlegged earth mite Blue oat mite NSW only 140 or 300 mL Not applicable 2L (Boom spray) 300 mL (Drench) African black beetle NSW only Spray areas of crop infested with grasshoppers. Also apply as a barrier across the line of advance, when grasshoppers are invading the crop. 5 days Spray at 10 to 14 day intervals. Use high rate under heavy pest pressure. Large plants: Use 1000 L of spray/ha. To improve spray coverage add non-ionic wetting agents as recommended. Apply at 10 day intervals commencing when pests first appear. Apply at 7 day intervals under heavy pest pressure. Large plants: Use 1000 L/ha. Spray areas of crop infested with grasshoppers. Also apply as a barrier across the line of advance, when grasshoppers are invading the crop. Use higher rate for severe infestations. Headlands and vegetation surrounding the crop may also need to be sprayed. 5 days Boom spray: Apply in 500 - 1000 L of water/ ha at or soon after planting as a 10 - 15 cm band spray. Drench: Apply 100 mL of diluted spray to base of each plant. Treat as soon as the first signs of infestation are observed. Note: If attack is prolonged follow up boom spray or drench treatment may be necessary. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 227 LORSBAN 500 EC FRUIT and VEGETABLES (continued) LORSBAN 500 EC FRUIT and VEGETABLES (continued) CROP INSECT RATE STATE VOL/HA VOL/100 L WATER WITHHOLDING PERIODS CRITICAL COMMENTS Cucurbits White flies NSW only Not applicable 50 mL /100 L of water 5 days Apply when pest is first detected. If required repeat applications every 10 to 14 days. Ginger Cutworms Qld only 700 900 mL Not applicable Not applicable Apply when pest population is evident from damage to the primary shoot at or below ground, or to the first leaf during growth. Grape vines Light brown apple moth All States 500 mL 50 mL 14 days Grapevine moth Qld, NSW only Apply initial spray just after berry set (early October). Later schedule sprays should be made as required. Grapevine scale Tas, SA, WA only Not applicable 100 mL alone or 50 mL + 1L miscible winter oil Apply as a dormant spray, post-pruning (July). Common armyworm Southern armyworm Lightbrown apple moth NSW, Vic, WA, SA, Tas, Qld only 1L 50 mL Apply at green tip at least 10 days after dormant lime sulphur application and pre-blossom. Do not apply post blossom. Common mango scale Qld only Not applicable 100 mL 21 days Apply to coincide with crawler activity. Ensure thorough coverage of all branches, foliage and fruit. Pineapple mealybug Ants Qld only Not applicable 50 or 100 mL Not applicable Apply when pests are first seen and repeat at 90 day intervals or as necessary. Use a minimum of 3000 L of spray/ha. Use higher rate under heavy pest pressure. 5L Not applicable 3 or 6 L Not applicable Kiwi fruit Mango l e b a L n e m i c e p S Pineapples White grubs Potatoes African black beetle NSW, WA only 900 mL Whitefringed weevil Wireworms Silver beet 228 Redlegged earth mite Blue oat mite PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Apply as a pre-plant spray to a freshly cultivated soil surface. Incorporate immediately by rotary hoeing to a depth of 10-20 cm. Not applicable Apply the spray to the soil immediately prior to planting, ensuring thorough immediate incorporation to a depth of 15 cm. Use higher rate under heavy pest pressure. Apply as a second spray as bands on either side of plants at final hilling-up. Ensure good incorporation of the spray immediately into the soil in the hill. NSW, Vic, WA only 6L Apply pre-plant and incorporate into the soil immediately after application WA, NSW only 1L Apply at hilling-up or 7 weeks after planting as a follow-up to pre-plant incorporation. Vic only 6L Apply as a band spray to the soil surface incorporating immediately. Use before planting in areas where wireworms are a known problem. NSW only 140 or 300 mL Use higher rate for severe infestations. Headlands and vegetation surrounding the crop may also need to be treated. CROP INSECT Stone fruit (excluding cherries) European earwig STATE NSW only RATE VOL/HA VOL/100 L WATER 2L 100 mL WITHHOLDING PERIODS 14 days LORSBAN 500 EC FRUIT and VEGETABLES (continued) CRITICAL COMMENTS Spray application: Apply in a minimum of 2000 L/ha in spring. If lower volume used increase concentration to apply 2 L of product/ha. Bait application: Apply 5 kg of bait/ha in spring by fertiliser spreader. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS on preparation of cracked wheat or cracked sorghum bait. 200 mL + 250 mL sunflower oil/5 kg cracked wheat or cracked sorghum bait l e b a L n e m i c e p S San Jose scale Strawberries Field crickets Mole crickets Tomatoes Tomato grubs Dormant period: Apply as late as possible ensuring thorough coverage of all branches. Seasonal period: Apply to coincide with crawler activity in mid-late November and later if necessary. Ensure thorough coverage of all branches, foliage and fruit. Note: Some fruit marking may occur if high volume spraying is carried out under hot, dry conditions. Qld, WA, NSW only Not applicable 100 mL (2% miscible winter oil may be added to the dormant spray) Qld only 100 mL/ 10 kg bran bait/ha Not applicable Not applicable Qld, NSW, Vic, WA only 1.5 or 2 L 150 or 200 mL 3 days Apply in recently ratooned strawberry patches or newly planted runners when damage or pest populations indicate. Broadcast, preferably in the late afternoon, to base of plants and interrow space. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS on preparation of bran baits. Spray on 7 to 10 day schedule commencing at flowering. Use high rate under heavy pest pressure. Native budworm Tas only Green vegetable bug Tas, SA, WA only Green peach aphid Qld, Vic, Tas, SA, WA only 1L 100 mL Spray when aphids are seen. Large plants: Use 1000 L/ha NSW, Vic, Tas, SA only 500 mL 50 mL Spray areas of crop infested with grasshoppers. Also apply as a barrier across the line of advance, when grasshoppers are invading the crop. Wingless grasshopper Spray at first sign of bug activity. Use higher rate under heavy pest pressure. Wireworm False wireworm Qld only 5 L/ha sprayed Not applicable African black beetle NSW only 2L (Boom spray) 300 mL (Drench) Not applicable Apply as a band at least 10 cm wide into the open furrow at planting. Spray the entire furrow width using a nozzle directly behind the planting tyne. Use a minimum spray volume of 20 L/ha. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS on soil application. Boom spray: Apply in 500-1000 L of water/ha at or soon after planting as a 10-15 cm band spray. Drench: Apply 100 mL of diluted spray to base of each plant. Treat as soon as first sign of infestation is noticed. Note: If attack is prolonged follow up boom spray or drench treatment may be necessary. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 229 LORSBAN 500 EC FRUIT and VEGETABLES (continued) CROP INSECT Vegetables Including; Asparagus Beans Beetroot Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Cauliflower Capsicum Carrot Celery Eggplant Onion Peas Potato Radish Rhubarb Shallot Sweet potato Tomato Turnip STATE RATE VOL/HA VOL/100 L WATER WITHHOLDING PERIODS CRITICAL COMMENTS Wingless grasshopper NSW, Vic, Tas only 500 mL 50 mL Tomatoes 3 days Spray areas of crop infested with grasshoppers. Also apply as a barrier across the line of advance, when grasshoppers are invading the crop. Cutworms All States 700 mL 70 mL Cole crops 5 days Apply immediately infestation is observed. Increase concentration to compensate if application is below 1000 L/ha. Spray should cover soil out to at least 20 cm on both sides of row crop. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Field crickets Mole crickets Vegetable weevil Qld only 100 mL /10 kg bran bait/ha Not applicable NSW only 800 mL Not applicable Apply as pest populations indicate. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS on preparation of bran baits. Asparagus 14 days Celery 14 days Apply immediately infestation is observed. Apply as a band over the young plants and adjacent soil along the row. One treatment should be sufficient if plants are sprayed at the seedling stage or soon afterwards. FIELD CROPS and PASTURES CROP INSECT Cereals Pasture Forage crops Southern armyworm Common armyworm Cereals Pasture webworm STATE VOL/HA WITHHOLDING PERIODS CRITICAL COMMENTS All States 700 or 900 mL Cereals 10 days Spray over total crop area when infestation is widespread. When pests are moving as an “army” treat a broad strip over and in advance of the infestation. Late stage instar: Use higher rate when larvae 3 cm in length. Apply follow-up treatment as required. Grazing 2 days NSW, Vic, Tas, SA only 700 mL Spray at first sign of damage. Apply with ground-rig boom or mister or by air. WA only 300 mL Pre-plant: Apply with the label rate of an approved tillage herbicide to foliage prior to any cultivation. Post-emergence: Apply at first sign of damage. Apply with ground-rig boom or mister or by air. Qld, NSW, Tas, WA only 900 mL in a minimum of 100 L water Apply immediately infestation is observed. Apply follow-up treatments as required. Vic only 700 mL in a minimum of 100 L water Cereals Pasture young plants of oil seeds Cutworms Cereals Pasture Oil seeds Cutworms (Agrotis munda and A. infusa) SA only Cereals Cereal curculio SA, WA only 230 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 120 mL/ 100 kg seed Not applicable Apply as a seed dressing just prior to sowing through an accurately calibrated applicator. Note: A sowing rate of 95 kg/ha (min.) is necessary to ensure economic responses are achieved. CROP INSECT Cereals Pasture Forage crops Spur-throated locust STATE VOL/HA WITHHOLDING PERIODS Qld, NSW, Vic, WA only 1.25 or 1.5 L Cereals 10 days Grazing 2 days Australian plague locust Vic only SA only 560 mL 350 mL l e b a L n e m i c e p S Migratory locust Blue oat mite Redlegged earth mite Qld only All States Wingless grasshopper Field Peas Broad beans Chickpeas Lupins Lucerne Lucerne pastures Clover seed crops Rapeseed Linseed Safflower Wheat Oats Barley Rye Triticale Improved annual pastures Established perennial pastures Blue oat mite Redlegged earth mite Cotton (young plants) Cutworms 140 mL Spray when pests appear in large numbers, 3-6 weeks after autumn rains. Re-spray as necessary. Avoid spraying when pests are sheltering. Spray when at least 2.5 cm cover of pasture or crop is present. DO NOT spray if rain is imminent. 70 mL NSW, Vic, Tas, SA only 500 mL Spray area of crop or pasture infested with grasshoppers. Apply also as a barrier across the line of advance, when grasshoppers are invading the crop. NSW only 140-300 mL Apply as a ground spray immediately prior to seedling emergence using sufficient water to give good coverage. If mite activity is severe also spray headlands and surrounding vegetation prior to seedling emergence. Qld, NSW only 900 mL in a minimum of 100 L water Southern armyworm Common armyworm Pink spotted bollworm moth Spray areas of crop, trees and roosting sites infested with locusts. NSW, Vic, WA, SA, Tas only Lucerne flea Cereals Pasture Oil seeds Spray areas of crop or pasture infested with locusts. Apply spray to trees or roosting sites to control swarming adult locusts. Late stage hoppers and adults: Use higher rate. Adults: Spray areas of crop or pasture infested with locusts. Hoppers: Spray a swath in advance of marching band and then spray along the dense marching front. Continue spraying until all hoppers have been contacted. 560 mL 350 mL Qld, NSW, WA only CRITICAL COMMENTS 700 mL or 900 mL Qld only 1L Cotton 4 weeks Apply immediately infestation is observed. Apply follow-up treatments as required. Grazing 4 weeks Spray over total crop area when infestation is widespread. When pests are moving as an “army” treat broad strip over and in advance of the infestation. Late stage instar: Use higher rate when larvae 3 cm in length. Apply follow-up treatments as required. Apply when 10-15 moths are trapped on two consecutive nights. This prevents infestation of bolls by larvae. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 231 LORSBAN 500 EC FIELD CROPS and PASTURES (continued) LORSBAN 500 EC FIELD CROPS and PASTURES (continued) CROP Cotton (young plants) continued INSECT Spur-throated locusts STATE VOL/HA WITHHOLDING PERIODS Qld, NSW only 1.25 or 1.5 L Cotton 4 weeks Wingless grasshopper 500 mL 300 or 400 mL Cotton flea beetles Redshouldered leaf beetle Springtails Lucerne (young plants) Lucerne and Medics in Pasture and Forage crops 300 mL Spray when large numbers of pests occur and damage is evident. Re-spray as necessary. Spray areas of crop, trees and roosting sites infested with locusts. 350 mL Wireworm False wireworm Qld, NSW only In-furrow: 5 to 15 mL /100 m row or 500 mL to 1.5 L/ha for row spacing of 1 metre Cutworms Qld, NSW, Tas, WA only 900 mL in a minimum of 100 L water Vic only SA only 700 mL in a minimum of 100 L water Qld, NSW only 700 mL Webspinner caterpillar Spotted alfalfa aphid Bluegreen aphid NSW only Use higher rate with extreme population numbers. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS on soil application. Grazing 2 days Apply immediately infestation is observed. Apply follow-up treatments as required. Spray when pests appear. 300 or 400 mL Apply when pests first appear. Late stage instar: Use higher rate when larvae 1.5 cm in length are present and /or under heavy pest pressure. 200 or 300 mL Spray when aphids first appear. Use the higher rate when large numbers of aphids are invading the crop. Seedling lucerne, medics: Apply when 1-2 aphids/plant are observed. Established lucerne, medics: Apply when 20-40 aphids/stem are observed. Qld, Vic, Tas, SA, WA only Pea aphid Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas, SA only Sitona weevil NSW, Vic, Tas, SA only 350 mL African black beetle NSW only 20 mL/100 m or row or 2 L/ha for row spacing of 1 metre PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Apply when pests first appear. Re-spray as indicated by field inspection. Use higher rate for higher populations. Apply when pests are present. Use higher rate under heavy pest pressure. Qld only Lucerne leaf roller 232 Spray areas of crop infested with grasshoppers. Apply also as a barrier across the line of advance, when grasshoppers are invading the crop. 900 mL or 1.5 L Migratory locust Cutworms (Agrotis munda and A. infusa) Maize Spray areas of crop infested with locusts. Apply spray to trees or roosting sites to control swarming adult locusts. Late stage instar: Use higher rate. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Cotton aphid Lucerne Grazing 4 weeks CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply October to December, or in autumn when adults occur in damaging numbers. Not applicable Apply at sowing as a 15-20 cm band spray. For best results spray nozzles should be in front of press wheels on planter. Press wheels assist in establishment. CROP INSECT STATE VOL/HA WITHHOLDING PERIODS CRITICAL COMMENTS Not applicable Apply at planting of crop. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS on preparation of cracked wheat or sorghum bait. Maize Soybeans Sunflower False wireworm Cockroaches Field crickets Qld only 100 mL + 125 mL sunflower oil/2.5 kg cracked wheat or cracked sorghum bait/ha Maize Sunflower Wireworm False wireworm Qld, NSW only In-furrow: 5 to 15 mL /100 m row or 500 mL to 1.5 L/ha for row spacing of 1 metre Pasture Lawn armyworm Use higher rate with extreme population numbers. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS on soil application. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Sod webworm Pasture Forage crops 700 mL Grazing 2 days Qld only Blackheaded pasture cockchafer NSW, Vic, Tas, SA, WA only Underground grass grub NSW, Vic, SA, WA only Brown pasture looper NSW, Vic, Tas, SA, WA only Spray as early as possible once pests appear. Apply with ground-rig boom or mister. Re-spray as necessary. 900 mL Treat when larvae are actively foraging as indicated by numerous piles of fresh soil, or casts on the surface. This usually occurs after showers of rain following short dry spells. Apply by ground-rig boom. Apply when caterpillars are actively feeding. Spray before noticeable damage has occurred. Graze pasture prior to spraying to ensure penetration of spray into the pasture sward. 700 mL Spray at first sign of pasture infestation. Pasture webworm Rapeseed Wireworm False wireworm Rice Bloodworm Brown planthopper Sorghum Note: (DO NOT use on Sugar Drip or Alpha sorghum. Check new varieties before applying to entire crop). Southern armyworm Common armyworm Cutworms Spur-throated locust Spray over total crop area when infestation is widespread. When pests are moving as an “army” treat a broad strip over and in advance of the infestation. Apply follow-up treatments as required. Spray at first sign of damage. Apply with ground-rig boom or mister or by air. Qld only 1 or 1.5 L/ha Not applicable Apply as a broadcast application. Use higher rate with extreme population numbers. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS on soil application. NSW only 60 or 150 mL 10 days Use higher rate when water more than 15 cm or amount of decaying plant material is high. Qld only 1.5 L Qld, NSW only 700 or 900 mL 900 mL in a minimum of 100 L water 1.25 or 1.5 L Apply when pest numbers reach 1-2 per tiller and repeat as necessary. 2 days Spray over total crop area when infestation is widespread. When pests are moving as an “army” treat a broad strip over and in advance of the infestation. Late stage instar: Use higher rate when larvae 3 cm in length. Apply follow-up treatments as required. Apply immediately infestation is observed. Apply follow-up treatments as required. Spray areas of crop infested with locusts. Apply spray to trees or roosting sites to control swarming adult locusts. Late stage instar: Use higher rate. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 233 LORSBAN 500 EC FIELD CROPS and PASTURES (continued) LORSBAN 500 EC FIELD CROPS and PASTURES (continued) CROP Sorghum Note: (DO NOT use on Sugar Drip or Alpha sorghum. Check new varieties before applying to entire crop). continued INSECT STATE VOL/HA WITHHOLDING PERIODS Australian plague locust Qld, NSW only 350 mL 2 days Migratory locust Qld only Sorghum midge Qld, NSW only CRITICAL COMMENTS Adults: Spray areas of crop infested with locusts. Hoppers: Spray a swath in advance of marching band and the dense marching front. Continue spraying until all hoppers have been contacted. Spray all areas of crop, trees and roosting sites infested with locusts. 500 mL Check regularly (preferably in the morning) and apply when 1-2 midge per head are present from first emergence of boot to pollen shedding. With repeated attack spray at intervals of 5 days or less. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Wireworm False wireworm Corn aphid False wireworm Cockroaches Field crickets Sugar cane Qld only Southern armyworm Common armyworm Symphylids 234 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 500 mL 2 days Apply when damaging populations of aphids occur. 100 mL + 125 mL sunflower oil /2.5 kg cracked wheat or cracked sorghum bait/ha Grazing 2 days Apply at planting of crop. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS on preparation of cracked wheat or cracked sorghum bait. 700 or 900 mL 7 days Spray over total crop area when infestation is widespread. When pests are moving as an “army” treat a broad strip over and in advance of the infestation. Late stage instar: Use higher rate when larvae 3 cm in length. Apply follow-up treatments as required. 1.25 or 1.5 L Australian plague locust Migratory locust African black beetle Black beetle Not applicable Grazing 2 days Spur-throated locust Sugar cane wireworm In-furrow: 5 to 15 mL/ 100 m row or 500 mL to 1.5 L/ha for row spacing of 1 metre Use high rate with extreme population numbers. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS on soil application. Spray areas of crop infested with locusts. Apply spray to trees or roosting sites to control swarming adult locusts. Late stage hoppers and adults: Use higher rate. 350 mL Adults: Spray areas of crop infested with locusts. Hoppers: Spray a swath in advance of marching band and then spray along the dense marching front. Continue spraying until all hoppers have been contacted. Spray areas of crop, trees and roosting sites infested with locusts. 2L Apply as a low pressure (less than 35 kPa) or gravity feed spray onto the plant sett and adjacent to soil, at the point of exit from the rear of the planting machine, immediately prior to soil cover being brought in over the sett. Qld, NSW only 1.5 L NSW only 1.5 L Apply at planting or ratooning. Apply as a low pressure (less than 35 kPa) or gravity feed spray onto the plant sett and adjacent soil through a nozzle placed above the planter boards. Repeat treatment within 12 weeks of planting if black beetles re-occur. CROP Tobacco INSECT Wireworm False wireworm Cutworms STATE VOL/HA WITHHOLDING PERIODS Vic only 3L 7 days Grazing 2 days LORSBAN 500 EC FIELD CROPS and PASTURES (continued) CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply as a pre-plant spray to cultivated soil surface. Incorporate immediately by rotary hoeing to a depth of 10 cm. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. l e b a L n e m i c e p S WITHHOLDING PERIODS Cereal Grains, Legume Animal Feeds, Grasses, Grass-Like Plants, Pastures and Other Forages/Forage Crops: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 2 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. DO NOT spray the following crops later than the number of days shown, before harvest: Mango - 21 days Bananas, Citrus, Grape vines, Kiwi fruit Pome fruit, Stone fruit, Asparagus, Celery - 14 days Cereal grain crops - 10 days Avocado, Sugar cane - 7 days Cole crops, Cucurbits - 5 days Tomatoes - 3 days Sorghum grain crops - 2 days Cotton: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 4 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 4 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS COMPATIBILITY Thorough coverage is essential. For application by aircraft apply in 10-50 L of water/ha. Lorsban 500 EC Insecticide is compatible with the following: MIXING Slowly add the required amount of product to the water in the spray tank under agitation. Soil Application In-furrow: Apply as a band spray to the open furrow at planting. Spray the entire furrow width using a nozzle located directly behind the seed tube. Ensure all spray is directed into the furrow contacting bottom, sides and all soil drawn in to the furrow at closure. Use a minimum of 20 L of water/ha. Use the higher rate under extreme population numbers. Bait Application Bran bait: Mix 10 mL/kg of bran using sufficient water to give a moist crumb structure. Allow to stand for 2-3 hours before application. Gloves should be worn when preparing and applying the bait. Cracked wheat or cracked sorghum bait: Mix the required volume of this product and sunflower oil together. Then, add to the wheat or sorghum, mixing thoroughly. Gloves should be worn when preparing the bait. Herbicides Atrazine, bromoxynil, chlorsulfuron, diclofop-methyl, diuron, flamprop-methyl, fluometuron, glyphosate, paraquat, paraquat + diquat, pendimethalin, trifluralin. Insecticides and Miticides Acephate, azinphos-methyl, carbaryl, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, demeton-S-methyl, diazinon, dichlorvos, dicofol, dimethoate, endosulfan, ethion, fenvalerate, maldison, methidathion, methomyl, monocrotophos, oils, oxythioquinox, parathion, phosalone, phosmet, tetradifon, trichlorfon. Fungicides Benomyl, chlorothalonil, thiram, triadeimefon, zineb, ziram. Fertilisers Diammonium, phosphate, limestone, miloreanite, monoammonium sulophate, potash, sulphur coated urea, triple superphosphate, urea. INCOMPATIBILITY Lorsban 500 EC Insecticide is not compatible with the following: Herbicides Dicamba, MCPA, Tordon™ 75-D, Tordon™ 242, 2,4-D. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 235 LORSBAN 500 EC Fungicides Fixed coppers, liquid and organic coppers, wettable sulphur. Fertilisers Iron sulphate, manganese sulphate, zinc oxysulphate. INSECTICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING For insecticide resistance management Lorsban 500 EC Insecticide is a Group 1B insecticide. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Lorsban 500 EC Insecticide and other Group 1B insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if Lorsban 500 EC Insecticide or other Group 1B insecticides are used repeatedly. The effectiveness of Lorsban 500 EC Insecticide on resistant individuals could be significantly reduced. Since occurrence of resistant individuals is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Lorsban 500 EC Insecticide to control resistant insects. Lorsban 500 EC Insecticide may be subject to specific resistance management strategies. For further information contact your local supplier or Dow AgroSciences representative. A spray drift management strategy such as those in the ‘Best Management Practices Manual for Cotton Growers’ or the ‘Pilots and Operators Manual’ should be applied. Option for minimising drift to sensitive areas include not spraying within a certain distance of sensitive areas when the wind is blowing towards them (see table for guidance) or ensuring that drifting spray will be intercepted by a catching surface such as a row of shelter trees, an unsprayed row of orchard trees, or hail netting. Situation Recommended buffer distance (m) l e b a L n e m i c e p S PRECAUTIONS Re-entry periods Field crops, tree crops and vines: DO NOT allow entry into treated crops until spray deposits have dried. If prior entry is required, limit duration of entry and wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and chemical resistant gloves. Clothing must be laundered after each day’s use. Cotton chippers: DO NOT allow entry into treated areas until spray deposits have dried. After this time wear shoes, or boots, socks, long trousers, long sleeved shirt, gloves and hat. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK DO NOT feed grass clippings to poultry or other animals. Dangerous to bees. DO NOT spray any plants in flower while bees are foraging. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate food, feed or domestic water supplies. HIGHLY TOXIC TO BIRDS AND REPTILES. VERY HIGHLY TOXIC TO FISH AND AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES DO NOT re-apply to the same crop within 7 days (unless specifically recommended in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE) Spray drift may occur under adverse meteorological conditions or from certain spray equipment. DO NOT allow spray to drift onto sensitive areas including, but not limited to, natural streams, rivers or waterways and human dwellings. 236 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Orchard (dormant trees, citrus, large trees) 30 Cotton (aerial application) 300 Other crops (aerial application) 100 DO NOT apply if heavy rains or storms that are likely to cause surface runoff are forecast in the immediate area within two days of application. DO NOT apply when irrigating, or to waterlogged soil, or while water remains on the surface or in furrows, unless tailwater is captured on farm. DO NOT allow contaminated runoff water from treated paddocks to enter adjacent areas or water bodies. Runoff contaminated by irrigation events (tailwater) and a 25 mm rain storm should be captured on farm for 2 days after application. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for LORSBANTM 500 EC INSECTICIDE which is available on request from Dow AgroSciences. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow Made in New Zealand l e b a L n e m i c e p S APVMA Approval No: 32887/56655 SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Product is poisonous if absorbed by skin contact, inhaled or swallowed. • Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorders. • Repeated minor exposure may have a cumulative poisoning effect. • Will irritate eyes and skin. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • Do not inhale vapour or spray mist. • When opening the container, preparing the spray or bait, using the prepared spray or bait, wear chemical resistant clothing buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat, elbow-length (PVC) gloves and goggles and chemical resistant footwear and half facepiece respirator with combined dust and gas (cartridge) or (canister). • If clothing becomes contaminated with product or wet with spray remove clothing immediately. • If product on skin, immediately wash area with soap and water. • If product in eyes, wash it out immediately with water. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. • After each day’s use, wash gloves, goggles, respirator and if rubber wash with detergent and warm water and contaminated clothing. FIRST AID If swallowed, splashed on skin or in eyes, or inhaled, contact the Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26 or a doctor at once. Remove any contaminated clothing and wash skin thoroughly. If swallowed activated charcoal may be advised. Give atropine if instructed. If in eyes, hold eyes open, flood with water for at least 15 minutes and see a doctor. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 237 LORSBAN 500 EC SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN LORSBAN 750 WG KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Lorsban 750aWG b L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Insecticide Insecticide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 750 g/kg CHLORPYRIFOS (an anticholinesterase compound) ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 750 g/kg CHLORPYRIFOS (an anticholinesterase compound) For control of certain insect pests in FRUIT and OTHER SITUATIONS as specified in the For controlFor of certain insect pests in FRUIT and OTHER SITUATIONS as specified in the Directions Use Table. Directions For Use Table. WATER SOLUBLE PACKAGING. KEEP DRY. WATER SOLUBLE PACKAGING. KEEP DRY. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 DowRodborough AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 0032086 771 659 20 Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 238 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply if bees are actively foraging. INSECT PEST STATE RATE Apple dimpling bug NSW, Qld, SA, Vic and WA only 67 g/100 L water (1 measure pack per 500 L water) Apply up to late pink (balloon stage). Re-apply at the end of the flowering, if necessary. DO NOT apply for a minimum of three days before bees are actively foraging. Light brown apple moth All States 33 g/100 L water (1 measure pack per 1000 L water) Commencing after petal fall, apply as a full cover spray at intervals of two weeks. This rate will also suppress mealy bug populations present at spraying (not in Tasmania). Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) NSW and Qld only 80 g plus 600 mL yeast hydrolysate per 30 L water (1 measure pack plus 2.5 L yeast hydrolysate per 122 L water) Use 50 to 100 mL of mixture/tree as a strip or patch low on the tree every seven days. AVOID CONTACT WITH FRUIT. Banana weevil borer NSW and Qld only 333 g/100 L water (1 measure pack per 100 L water) OR 333 g/4 kg sand (1 measure pack per 4 kg sand) Remove trash and apply 600 mL of spray or 30 g sand mixture as a 30 cm band around the base of the plant. Apply one application at maximum weevil activity in spring (October to November) and in autumn (March to April). NOTE: Complete season’s control is dependent on timely application. Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) NSW and Qld only 80 g plus 600 mL yeast hydrolysate per 30 L water (1 measure pack plus 2.5 L yeast hydrolysate per 122 L water) Use 50 to 100 mL of mixture/tree as a strip or patch low on the tree. Use every seven to ten days during periods of crop susceptibility. AVOID CONTACT WITH FRUIT. Container plants in soil or other growing media Argentine ants (Iridomyrmex hymilis) Tas only 167 g/25 L water (1 measure pack per 50 L water) To meet requirements to enter Tasmania, treat the base of plants and the surface of growing media. A white deposit will remain. Grapevines Light brown apple moth All States 33 g/100 L water (1 measure pack per 1000 L water) OR 333 g/ha (1 measure pack per ha) Apply initial spray just after berry set. Later schedule spray should be made as required. Kiwi fruit Light brown apple moth All States 33 g/100 L water (1 measure pack per 1000 L water) OR 666 g/ha (2 measure packs per ha) Apply the first application at green-tip, pre-blossom or post-blossom, after bees have been removed. The second application should be 14 days then every 21 to 28 days as required. Apply at least 10 days after dormant lime sulphur application. Macrocarpa hedges Dimpling bug (Niastama punctaticollis) Tas only 33 g/100 L water (1 measure pack per 1000 L water) OR 333 g/ha (1 measure pack per ha) Spray hedges adjacent to orchards in late winter to early spring to prevent adults entering the orchard. Avocado Bananas Citrus CRITICAL COMMENTS l e b a L n e m i c e p S PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 239 LORSBAN 750 WG CROP Apples INSECT PEST STATE RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Passion fruit CROP Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) NSW and Qld only 80 g plus 600 mL yeast hydrolysate per 30 L water (1 measure pack plus 2.5 L yeast hydrolysate per 122 L water) Apply 30 L of spray mixture per hectare in a strip along the bottom of the vines. Repeat every 7 to 10 days during periods of fruit fly susceptibility. AVOID CONTACT WITH FRUIT. This treatment is preferred in integrated pest management (IPM) programmes where the use of cover sprays would be too disruptive. Pears Light brown apple moth NSW, SA, Tas, Vic and WA only 33 g/100 L water (1 measure pack per 1000 L water) Commencing after petal fall, apply as full cover spray at intervals of two weeks. This rate will also suppress mealy bug populations present at spraying (not in Tasmania). l e b a L n e m i c e p S LORSBAN 750 WG Stone fruit (excluding cherries) Light brown apple moth Tas and WA only 33 g/100 L water (1 measure pack per 1000 L water) Commencing after petal fall, apply as full cover spray at intervals of two weeks. This rate will also suppress mealy bug populations present at spraying (not in Tasmania). Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) NSW and Qld only 80 g plus 600 mL yeast hydrolysate per 30 L water (1 measure pack plus 2.5 L yeast hydrolysate per 122 L water) Use 50 to 100 mL of mixture/tree as a strip or patch low on the tree every seven days. Use as an alternative to cover sprays, especially as an aid to integrated pest management, particularly integrated mite control. AVOID CONTACT WITH FRUIT. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIODS Apples, bananas, citrus, grape vines, kiwi fruit, passion fruit, pears, stone fruit: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 14 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Avocado: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS COMPATIBILITY MIXING Lorsban 750 WG is compatible with benomyl, carbendazim, dicofol, dinocap, dodine, fenarimol, mancozeb, propargite, superior oils, tetradifon, thiram, thiophanate-methyl, ziram. SPRAY MIX One third fill the spray tank with water and add the required number of water soluble pre-packs to the strainer/sieve. Complete filling allowing the remaining water to run over the bags. The bags will completely dissolve in a few minutes. OR Add the required number of pre-packs to a mixing bucket and add enough water to completely cover the bags. Stir until the bags are completely dissolved and pour the premix into the spray tank. Triple rinse the bucket and stirring implement, adding the rinse water to the spray tank. Agitate continuously to ensure thorough mixing before and during application. Only mix sufficient chemical for each day’s work. Tank mixtures: Lorsban 750 WG should be added to the partially full spray tank first, followed by other dry flowables, suspension concentrates (flowables), aqueous concentrates and then emulsifiable concentrate formulations. 240 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 APPLICATION Unless specified, it is essential to apply Lorsban 750 WG in sufficient water to obtain thorough coverage. Apply through accurately calibrated equipment. CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable onto unused land away from homes and water courses. After using Lorsban 750 WG, empty the spray equipment completely and drain the whole system. Quarter fill the spray equipment with clean water and circulate through the pump, line, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat procedure twice. For insecticide resistance management Lorsban 750 WG Insecticide is a Group 1B Insecticide. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Lorsban 750 WG Insecticide and other Group 1B insecticides may exist through genetic variability in any insect population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if Lorsban 750 WG Insecticide or other Group 1B insecticides are used repeatedly. The effectiveness of Lorsban 750 WG Insecticide on resistant individuals could be significantly reduced. Since occurrence of resistant individuals is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from failure of Lorsban 750 WG Insecticide to control resistant insects. Lorsban 750 WG Insecticide may be subject to specific resistance management strategies. For further information contact your local supplier or Dow AgroSciences representative. Option for minimising drift to sensitive areas include not spraying within a certain distance of sensitive areas when wind is blowing towards them (see table for guidance) or ensuring that drifting spray will be intercepted by a catching surface such as a row of shelter trees, an unsprayed row of orchard trees, or hail netting. Situation Recommended buffer distance (m) Orchard (dormant trees, citrus, large trees) 30 l e b a L n e m i c e p S PRECAUTIONS Re-entry period Tree crops and Vines: DO NOT allow entry into treated crops until spray deposits have dried. If prior entry is required, limit duration of entry and wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and chemical resistant gloves. Clothing must be laundered after each day’s use. Greenhouses: DO NOT allow entry into greenhouses until spray deposits have dried and treated areas are adequately ventilated. If prior entry is required, limit duration of entry and wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing), chemical resistant gloves and half-facepiece respirator. Clothing must be laundered after each day’s use. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK Dangerous to bees. DO NOT spray any plants in flower while bees are foraging. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS, AND ENVIRONMENT HIGHLY TOXIC TO BIRDS AND REPTILES. VERY HIGHLY TOXIC TO FISH AND AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES. DO NOT re-apply to the same crop within 7 days (unless specifically recommended in the directions for use). Spray drift may occur under adverse meteorological conditions or from certain spray equipment. DO NOT allow spray drift to occur onto sensitive areas including, but not limited to, natural streams, rivers or waterways and human dwellings. A spray drift management strategy such as those in the ‘Best Management Practices Manual for Cotton Growers’ or the ‘Pilots and Operators Manual’ should be applied. DO NOT apply if heavy rains or storms that are likely to cause surface runoff are forecast in the immediate area within two days of application. DO NOT apply when irrigating, or to waterlogged soil, or while water remains on the surface or in furrows, unless tailwater is captured on farm. DO NOT allow contaminated runoff water from treated paddocks to enter adjacent areas or water bodies. Runoff contaminated by irrigation events (tailwater) and a 25 mm rain storm should be captured on farm for two days after application. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical, used containers or containers used for mixing or holding treated seed. SMALL SPILL MANAGEMENT If the water soluble bag is ruptured and a spill occurs, wear protective equipment (See SAFETY DIRECTIONS). Remove granules from surfaces and sweep up residual material. Place in a container that will prevent further dispersion of the granules. If spilled inside a building, wash contaminated surface to deactivate the chlorpyrifos with a solution of bleach (sodium hypochlorite) prepared according to the bleach label instructions. Prevent entry of spilled chemical or damaged containers into drains, dams or waterways. If the liquid spray mix is involved, apply absorbent material such as earth, sand, clay granules or cat litter to the spill. Sweep up material when absorption is completed and contain in a refuse vessel for disposal in the same manner as for containers (see STORAGE AND DISPOSAL section). STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in closed, original container in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. Puncture or shred and bury empty containers in a local authority landfill. If no landfill is available, bury the containers below 500 mm in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots. Empty containers and product should not be burnt. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 241 LORSBAN 750 WG INSECTICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Harmful if swallowed. • Repeated minor exposure may have a cumulative poisoning effect. • Will irritate the eyes. • Avoid contact with eyes • When preparing the spray and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist, a washable hat, elbow-length PVC gloves and a face shield or goggles. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. • After each day’s use wash gloves, face shield or goggles and contaminated clothing. APVMA Approval No: 51211/0306 l e b a L n e m i c e p S FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a Doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. LORSBAN 750 WG ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for LORSBANTM 750 WG INSECTICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit 242 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Mycloss Xtra b a L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Fungicide Fungicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: SOLVENT: SOLVENT: 200 g/L MYCLOBUTANIL 200 g/L LIQUID MYCLOBUTANIL 274 HYDROCARBON 274 g/L LIQUID HYDROCARBON For the control of powdery mildew on grapevines. For the control of powdery mildew on grapevines. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 243 MYCLOSS XTRA CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN MYCLOSS XTRA DIRECTIONS FOR USE CROP Grapevines DISEASE Powdery mildew RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Dilute spraying 16 mL/100 L Apply when new shoots are 10 to 20 cm long and then at 14 to 21 day intervals. Apply by dilute or concentrate spraying equipment. Apply the same total amount of product to the target crop whether applying this product by dilute or concentrate spraying methods. The use of this product is subject to a CropLife Australia Fungicide Resistance Management Strategy. Please refer to GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS for details. Concentrate spraying Refer to the Mixing/ Application section l e b a L n e m i c e p S NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION WITHHOLDING PERIOD: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 14 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING Mycloss Xtra Fungicide is a member of the DMI group of fungicides. For fungicide resistance management the product is a Group 3 fungicide. Some naturally occurring individual fungi resistant to the product and other Group 3 fungicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any fungal population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the fungal population if these fungicides are used repeatedly. These resistant fungi will not be controlled by this product and other Group 3 fungicides, thus resulting in a reduction in efficacy and possible yield loss. Since the occurrence of resistant fungi is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that result from failure of this product to control resistant fungi. Fungicide Resistance Management Strategy MIXING Two-thirds fill the spray tank with water and agitate or stir while adding the required quantity of Mycloss Xtra Fungicide. Add other products after Mycloss Xtra Fungicide has been fully mixed. Top up spray tank to the required level and agitate before commencing spraying. APPLICATION in VINEYARDS Mycloss Xtra Fungicide may be applied with conventional drive past orchard sprayers. DO NOT apply by aircraft. DILUTE SPRAYING Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of run-off and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of run-off. Avoid excessive run-off. The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice. Add the amount of product specified in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table for each 100 L of water. 1. Apply no more than 3 Group 3 sprays per season. Spray to the point of run-off. 2. Use a non-Group 3 fungicide for mid to late season control of powdery mildew. The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set up and operation may also need to be changed, as the crop grows. For grapevines, a minimum volume of 800 L/ha pre-flowering and 1000 to 1500 L/ha from flowering onwards is recommended. 244 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying (that is a sprayer which applies water volumes less than those required to reach the point of run-off) and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen water volume. Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (see DILUTE SPRAYING) for the crop canopy or consult your local adviser, agronomist or Department of Agriculture to determine this volume. This is needed to calculate the concentrate mixing rate. Additionally, some export markets have established MRLs different to those in Australia. If you are growing grapes for export (either fresh, dried or wine), please check with your exporter or the Australian Wine Research Institute for the latest information on MRLs and import tolerances BEFORE using Mycloss Xtra Fungicide. PRECAUTION: Re-entry Period DO NOT enter treated areas until the spray has dried unless wearing cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing), elbow-length PVC gloves and footwear. Grape girdling should not be performed for 4 days after application, unless wearing cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing), elbow-length PVC gloves and footwear. l e b a L n e m i c e p S The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following way: Concentrate Spraying Example 1. Dilute spray volume as determined above: For example 1000 L/ha 2. Your chosen concentrate spray volume: For example 500 L/ha 3. The concentration factor in this example is: 2X (ie 1000 L ÷ 500 L = 2) 4. If the dilute label rate is 16 mL/100 L, then the concentrate rate becomes 2 x 16, that is 32 mL/100 L of concentrate spray. The chosen spray volume, amount of product per 100 L of water, and the sprayer set up and operation may need to be changed as the crop grows. Do not use a concentrate rate higher than that specified in the CRITICAL COMMENTS. For further information on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult relevant industry guidelines, undertake appropriate competency training and follow industry Best Practices. COMPATIBILITY Mycloss Xtra Fungicide may be mixed with some formulations of the following chemicals: metiram, phosphorus acid, mancozeb + benalaxyl and wettable sulphur. Before preparing tank mixes of Mycloss Xtra Fungicide with other products, the user is advised to check the manufacturers’ recommendations on the product labels. As formulations of other manufacturers’ products are beyond the control of Dow AgroSciences Australia Ltd, all mixtures should be tested prior to mixing commercial quantities. Export of Treated Fruit Growers should note that MRLs or import tolerances do not exist in all markets for fruit treated with Mycloss Xtra Fungicide. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK Low hazard to bees. Application of Mycloss Xtra Fungicide to vines at any time will not cause harm to bees. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used container. Spray Drift DO NOT apply in weather conditions, or from spraying equipment which may cause spray to drift onto nearby crops, crop lands, pasture or livestock. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a cool wellventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 245 MYCLOSS XTRA CONCENTRATE SPRAYING MYCLOSS XTRA SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT FIRST AID Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. SAFETY DIRECTIONS APVMA Approval No: 60013/5/0506 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for MYCLOSS™ XTRA FUNGICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit l e b a L n e m i c e p S • Harmful if swallowed. • Will irritate the eyes and skin. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • If product in eyes, wash it out immediately with water. If product on skin, immediately wash area with soap and water. Wash hands after use. • When opening the container and mixing and loading, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing), elbow-length PVC gloves and goggles. • After each day’s use, wash contaminated clothing and gloves. 246 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow Made in New Zealand READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Naturalure abe L n e m i c e p S NATURALURE ™ ™ Fruit Fruit Fly Fly Bait Bait Concentrate Concentrate ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 0.24 g/L SPINOSAD ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 0.24 g/L SPINOSAD For the control of Fruit flies, including Queensland fruitfly and Medfly, infesting various tree, For control of Fruit flies, including fruitfly and various tree, fruit,the nut, vine and vegetable crops andQueensland ornamentals and on flyMedfly, resting infesting sites, including fruit, nut,vegetation. vine and vegetable crops and ornamentals and on fly resting sites, including non-crop non-crop vegetation. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 247 DIRECTIONS FOR USE SITUATION Tree, fruit, nut, vine and vegetable crops and ornamentals Non-crop vegetation and other fruit fly resting sites (for use in area-wide fruit fly eradication or control programs) PEST Fruit flies, including: Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) & Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) USE RATE 1 L/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Mix 1 part of Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait Concentrate with 6.5 parts of water. Spray solution can be applied as a band or spot spray (see Application section) Dilute as above or use as a concentrate spray by mixing 1 part of Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait Concentrate with 1.5 parts of water and apply as a spot spray (see Application section). l e b a L n e m i c e p S AVOID spraying the fruit as phytotoxicity may occur. Mangos and pears are particularly susceptible to blemishes, discolouration or severe spotting (superficial on the skin only) from protein-based baits. The risk of phytotoxicity is increased during hot, dry conditions and re-application of spray to the same location on the plants. If using a weekly spray program, alternate tree or crop rows to which the product is applied. Re-apply if rain washes bait off the foliage. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. NATURALURE WITHHOLDING PERIOD: All crops Not required when used as directed GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MIXING Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait Concentrate is a protein and sugar based bait containing the active ingredient spinosad. Once applied, fruit flies can detect the bait from several metres away. Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait Concentrate can be diluted with water (see MIXING section below) to produce either a concentrated or a dilute solution. Use the concentrated solution if application equipment will allow, as this will maximise bait longevity and improve rainfastness. If necessary, remove filters and strainers from spraying equipment to avoid blockages. Note: Baiting for fruit fly control should be supplemented by good orchard management practices such as removal of fallen and/or rotting fruit. Once mixed, constant agitation of the spray solution is recommended to ensure uniformity of spray mixture. Allow agitation system to operate for at least 5 minutes before applying. Once diluted, the solution should be used within 24 hours. Concentrated Solution: Mix 1 part of Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait Concentrate with 1.5 parts of water. First add water (equivalent to one-half of the volume of Naturalure Concentrate to be mixed) to the spray tank and start the agitation system. Then add the full amount of Naturalure Concentrate followed by an equal amount of water. Dilute Solution: Mix 1 part of Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait Concentrate with 6.5 parts of water. First add water (equivalent to the volume of Naturalure Concentrate to be mixed) to the spray tank or premixing tank and start the agitation system. Then add the full amount of Naturalure Concentrate followed by the remaining amount of water. INSECTICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING For insecticide resistance management Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait Concentrate is a Group 5 insecticide. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait Concentrate and other Group 5 insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait Concentrate or other Group 5 insecticides are used repeatedly. The effectiveness of Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait Concentrate on resistant individuals could be significantly reduced. Since occurrence of resistant individuals is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait Concentrate to control resistant insects. 248 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 APPLICATION Begin applications as soon as monitoring traps indicate flies are present and fruit is at a susceptible stage. Repeat applications every 7 days, re-applying sooner if rain washes off the deposit. A large spray droplet size of 4000 to 6000 µ (4-6 mm) is recommended to optimise duration of bait’s attractiveness to flies. Apply as either a band or spot spray to the lower canopy of fruiting plants as follows: Band sprays (concentrated or dilute solution): Apply as a coarse spray in a 1m wide band to the skirt of trees. Apply to one side of every row or every second row of trees. Spots should be distributed evenly throughout an orchard to optimise effectiveness. Adjust the application of the spots to suit the number of trees per hectare, but do not exceed the application rate above. water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • May irritate the eyes. Avoid contact with eyes. • If product is in eyes, wash it out immediately with water. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. After using Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait Concentrate empty the tank and completely drain the system. Rinse the tank, pumps, lines, hoses, filters and nozzles by circulating clean water through the system. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait Concentrate contains proteins from a plant extract to which some people may be allergic. If you are concerned about a potential allergic response, it is advisable to wear gloves and/or some face protection such as a dust mask when mixing or using the product. Take care to avoid contact of the product or spray solution with skin and eyes. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK FIRST AID CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT l e b a L n e m i c e p S Dangerous to bees. Avoid direct application or drift of the spray mix onto beehives. DO NOT spray on plants in flower if bees are active. Once the spray deposit has dried, foraging bees will not be affected. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT allow the product or used containers to enter dams, ponds, waterways or drains. DO NOT apply in strong winds or any other conditions that may result in drift onto adjacent pastures, crops or water supplies. PROTECTION OF NON-TARGET INSECTS Beneficial insects contribute to control of pest outbreaks. Applications of Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait Concentrate are unlikely to affect lacewings (Chrysopa spp.), predatory bugs (Geocoris, Orius and Nabis spp.), spiders and most species of ladybird beetles (Coccinella, Diomus and Harmonia spp.). However some species of beneficial insects may be sensitive to Naturalure Fruit Fly Bait Concentrate and its use may temporarily reduce populations of parasitoid wasps (especially Trichogramma spp.), ants, some beetles and tachinid flies. This may lead to some disruption of IPM systems based on these species, but generally populations will recover. If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Safety Data Sheet for NATURALURE™ FRUIT FLY BAIT CONCENTRATE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 58234/1104 STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Keep out of reach of children. Store in the closed, original container in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight. The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE AND DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 249 NATURALURE Spot sprays of the concentrated solution: Apply to trees and foliage as coarse spots of 20 mL per spot of 1m2. Apply 125 spots per hectare. Spot sprays of the dilute solution: Apply to trees and foliage as coarse spots of 50 mL per spot of 1m2. Apply 150 spots per hectare. PRODIGY READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Prodigy b a L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Insecticide Insecticide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 240 g/L METHOXYFENOZIDE ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 240 g/L METHOXYFENOZIDE For the control of lightbrown apple moth on apples & pears (pome fruit), blueberries, citrus, For the control lightbrown on apples & pears fruit), blueberries, citrus, grapevines andofkiwifruit; andapple for themoth control of various other(pome lepidopteran pests of apples grapevines and fruit), kiwifruit; and forcoffee, the control of various other lepidopteran pests ofpeppers apples & pears (pome avocado, custard apple, egg plant, longan, lychee, & pears (pome fruit), avocado, coffee, custard apple, egg plant, longan, peppers (capsicum and chilli), okra, macadamia and tomatoes as specified in thelychee, Directions for Use. (capsicum and chilli), okra, macadamia and tomatoes as specified in the Directions for Use. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 250 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: PRODIGY DO NOT apply if rain or overhead irrigation is expected within 6 hours. Retain the first flush of irrigation tailwater/storm water in the tailwater dam after application. DO NOT use more than 3 sprays per season in any single crop. DO NOT use in covered or protected situations such as glasshouses, greenhouses, shade houses or plastic tunnels. DO NOT apply by air. USE ON TREE AND VINE CROPS In the following table, all rates given are for dilute spraying. For concentrate spraying, refer to the MIXING/APPLICATION section. Apply by dilute or concentrate spraying equipment. Apply the same total amount of product to the target crop whether applying this product by dilute or concentrate spraying methods. For concentrate spraying, DO NOT use at rates greater than 5 times the dilute spraying rate. l e b a L n e m i c e p S CROP PEST RATE/100 L CRITICAL COMMENTS Apples and pears (and other pome fruit) Lightbrown apple moth 25 mL For control of the spring generation of lightbrown apple moth, commence spraying at petal fall and apply in a series of 3 applications at 14 day intervals. Alternatively, in areas where a later summer generation occurs, spray when moth activity is indicated by pheromone traps or lure pots. Apply a minimum of 2 sprays with a 21 day interval. Ensure thorough coverage of developing fruit clusters. When insect pressure is high in blocks with large, vaseshaped trees and with short-stemmed, bunchy varieties, Prodigy must be applied by dilute spraying to ensure run-off into fruit clusters. Loopers Control of these pests is best achieved using a schedule of 3 sprays of Prodigy in spring (see above). Avocado Avocado leafroller 25 mL Crop monitoring is recommended from pre-bloom. Apply at first sign of pest incidence and target eggs and newly hatched larvae. Additional sprays may be required if re-infestation occurs. Blueberry Lightbrown apple moth 25 mL Thorough coverage of the plant is essential. Target eggs and newly hatched larvae. Apply when locally determined thresholds are exceeded. Citrus Lightbrown apple moth 25 mL + a wetting agent at 10 mL / 100 L Coffee Custard apple Use with high volume spraying equipment only. Thorough coverage is essential. Spray to runoff. Apply when eggs and very small larvae are first seen in flower clusters or developing fruitlets. A second spray may be required 2-3 weeks later if larvae hatch over an extended period. Avocado leafroller 25 mL Crop monitoring for pest incidence is recommended from pre-bloom. Apply at first sign of pest incidence, targeting eggs and very small larvae before they are protected in retreats. Additional sprays may be required if re-infestation occurs. Yellow peach moth 25 mL Apply when locally determined pest thresholds are exceeded as indicated by field checks. Additional sprays may be required if re-infestation occurs. Spray to thoroughly cover fruit. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 251 PRODIGY USE ON TREE AND VINE CROPS (continued) In the following table, all rates given are for dilute spraying. For concentrate spraying, refer to the MIXING/APPLICATION section. Apply by dilute or concentrate spraying equipment. Apply the same total amount of product to the target crop whether applying this product by dilute or concentrate spraying methods. For concentrate spraying, DO NOT use at rates greater than 5 times the dilute spraying rate. CROP Grapevines PEST RATE/100 L CRITICAL COMMENTS Lightbrown apple moth 25 mL Thorough leaf tip and bunch coverage is essential. Spring generation: Apply from pre-flowering onwards targeting eggs and small (5-6 mm long) larvae (up to 3rd instar). Apply a second spray 14 - 21 days later. Summer generation: Apply at first sign of activity targeting eggs and larvae up to 5-6 mm long (up to 3rd instar). The summer generation can only be detected by monitoring. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Kiwifruit Lightbrown apple moth 25 mL Monitor pest activity from bud burst onwards. Target sprays at eggs and first instar larvae. Longan Macadamia nutborer 40 mL Spray thoroughly when pest numbers reach economic threshold levels according to field checks. Target sprays against eggs and early instar larvae. Macadamia flower caterpillar 25 mL Monitor for eggs and very small larvae on flowers and apply at a threshold of 50-80% of racemes infested. Macadamia nutborer 40 mL Spray to thoroughly cover nuts when pest numbers reach economic threshold levels according to field checks. Target sprays against eggs and early instar larvae. Lychee Macadamia USE ON NON-TREE AND VINE CROPS Note: Prodigy is a moult-accelerating insecticide that requires ingestion for control. Feeding ceases almost immediately after ingestion. Larvae in protected feeding sites (eg. flowers) will not be controlled. Mortality of larvae will not be evident until 4-6 days after application. CROP PEST RATE Tomatoes, Peppers (capsicum and chilli), Egg plant and Okra Native budworm Tomato grub Cluster caterpillar 125 or 170 mL/100 L or 1.25 or 1.7 L/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Use the higher rate under heavy egg pressure. Apply Prodigy to brown eggs or at egg hatch when pest numbers reach treatment threshold levels as determined by field checks. Maintain field checks and reapply after 7 days if necessary. Ensure thorough coverage of plants. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIOD Tomato, Peppers (Capsicum and Chilli), Eggplant and Okra: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. Citrus fruits: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 1 DAY AFTER APPLICATION. Longan: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 3 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Blueberry: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Avocado, Coffee, Custard Apple, Kiwi fruit, Lychee and Pome Fruit: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 14 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Grapes (for domestic consumption): DO NOT HARVEST FOR 21 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. 252 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Macadamia: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 28 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. MIXING/APPLICATION MIXING Prior to pouring, shake container vigorously, then add the required quantity of Prodigy to water in the spray vat while stirring or with agitators in motion. NOTE – CROPS INTENDED FOR EXPORT: Prodigy Insecticide may leave detectable chemical residues in harvested produce. Overseas markets may not have appropriate residue tolerances in place or may have established tolerances which are lower than Australian maximum residue limits. Some crops for export to these destinations may require a longer harvest withholding period. If you plan to use this product on crops destined for export, please check with your exporter before using Prodigy Insecticide. COMPATIBILITY GRAZING WITHHOLDING PERIOD DILUTE SPRAYING Prodigy is incompatible with mineral spray oils. DO NOT mix concentrates together but add each to the spray tank separately. As formulations of other manufacturers' products are beyond the control of Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited, all mixtures should be tested prior to mixing commercial quantities. As changes in climatic conditions can alter the sensitivity of plants to mixtures of sprays, Dow AgroSciences cannot be responsible for the behaviour of such mixtures. l e b a L n e m i c e p S All crops, orchards, plantations and vineyards: DO NOT graze treated crops. DO NOT allow livestock to graze within treated orchards, plantations or vineyards. Grapes, blueberries and coffee: DO NOT apply when there are livestock, pasture or any land that is producing feed for livestock within 5 m downwind of the application area. Tomato, peppers, egg-plants and okra: DO NOT apply when there are livestock, pasture or any land that is producing feed for livestock within 15 m downwind of the application area. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Prodigy Insecticide is very suitable for use in orchards and vineyards using integrated pest management (IPM) programs. INSECTICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING For insecticide resistance management, Prodigy Insecticide is a Group 18 insecticide. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Prodigy and other Group 18 insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if Prodigy and other Group 18 insecticides are used repeatedly. The effectiveness of Prodigy on resistant individuals could be significantly reduced. Since occurrence of resistant individuals is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Prodigy to control resistant insects. Prodigy may be subject to specific resistance management strategies. For further information contact your local supplier, Dow AgroSciences representative or local agricultural department agronomist. Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of run-off and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of run-off. Avoid excessive run-off. The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice. Add the amount of product specified in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table for each 100 L of water. Spray to the point of run-off. The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set up and operation may also need to change as the crop grows. CONCENTRATE SPRAYING Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying (that is a sprayer which applies water volumes less than those required to reach the point of run-off) and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen water volume. Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (see DILUTE SPRAYING above) for the crop canopy. This is needed to calculate the concentrate mixing rate. The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following way. EXAMPLE ONLY 1. Dilute spray volume as determined above: For example, 1500 L/ha 2. Your chosen concentrate spray volume: For example, 500 L/ha 3. The concentration factor in this example is 3X (i.e. 1500 L ÷ 500L = 3) 4. If the dilute label rate is 25 mL/100 L, then the concentrate rate becomes 3 x 25, that is; 75 mL/100 L of concentrate spray. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 253 PRODIGY Grapes (for export or wine production): Consult your winery, industry spray diary or peak industry body for the recommended withholding period (export harvest interval) required to meet export residue requirements. PRODIGY The chosen spray volume and the sprayer set up and operation may need to be changed as the crop grows. DO NOT use a concentrate rate higher than that specified in the CRITICAL COMMENTS. For further information on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult relevant industry guidelines, undertake appropriate competency training and follow industry Best Practices. PRECAUTIONS RE-ENTRY DO NOT allow entry into treated areas until the spray has dried. If prior entry is necessary, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and chemical resistant gloves. Clothing must be laundered after each day's use. SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. l e b a L n e m i c e p S PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK Low hazard to bees. May be applied on plants at any time. Keep livestock out of operational areas during treatment. Avoid spray drift onto adjoining properties or stock areas. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. DO NOT spray across open bodies of water. DO NOT apply under meteorological conditions or from spraying equipment which could be expected to cause spray to drift onto adjacent areas, particularly wetlands, waterbodies or watercourses. DO NOT contaminate wetlands or watercourses with this product or used containers. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Keep Out of Reach of Children. Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. 254 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 SAFETY DIRECTIONS • When opening the container, preparing the spray and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and elbow-length chemical resistant gloves. • After each day's use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for PRODIGYTM INSECTICIDE, which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 61605/57650 POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Prodigy PropiMax ab L n e m i c e p S ™ PROPIMAX ™ Insecticide Fungicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 240 g/L METHOXYFENOZIDE ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 435 g/L PROPICONAZOLE SOLVENT: 453 g/L HYDROCARBON LIQUID For the control of lightbrown apple moth on apples & pears (pome fruit), blueberries, citrus, grapevines and kiwifruit; and for the control of various other lepidopteran pests of apples Forpears the control certain fungalcoffee, diseases of bananas, stonepeppers fruit, sugar & (pome of fruit), avocado, custard apple, peanuts, egg plant,pineapples, longan, lychee, cane, wheat and other okra, cropsmacadamia as specifiedand in the Directions for Use. in the Directions for Use. (capsicum and chilli), tomatoes as specified SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 255 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINT: DO NOT apply more than 6 sprays per season. 1. FRUIT CROP Apricots DISEASE Prune Rust (Tranzschelia discolor) STATE SA only RATE WHP Per Hectare High Volume / 100 L - Dilute spraying 18 mL / 100 L 1 day Apply by dilute or concentrate spraying equipment. Apply the same amount of product to the target crop whether applying this product by dilute or concentrate spraying methods. Curative Control: Apply when the disease first occurs on new growth. Further applications should be made when the disease occurs on new growth. DO NOT make more than 5 applications to any individual tree during the season. Protective Treatment: Spray mancozeb or zineb mixed with PropiMax at the full recommended rates of application. This use is subject to a DMI anti-resistance strategy. 1 day This use is subject to a DMI anti-resistance strategy. Ground Application: Apply by misting machine or air blast sprayer. Use rates towards the higher end of the range where weather conditions favour diseases or where equipment or terrain does not permit thorough spray coverage of all foliage. NSW, Sth Qld: Ground and aerial application: Commence spraying at the start of the summer rainy season and apply a maximum of 5 sprays per season at 21 to 28 day intervals. For effective control the product must be applied for at least 2 consecutive sprays at 21 to 28 day intervals before further treatments of an alternative recommended protective fungicide are applied. NT, WA, Nth Qld: Ground and aerial applications: Commence spraying at the start of the wet season and apply a maximum of 6 sprays per season at 14 to 21 day intervals. For effective control the product must be applied for at least 2 consecutive sprays at 14 to 21 day intervals before further treatments of an alternative recommended protective fungicide are applied. Continue with treatments of an alternative recommended protective fungicide for the remainder of the season. Use the lower rate of oil in Nth Qld. DO NOT apply in July, August, September and October. l e b a L n e m i c e p S PROPIMAX Concentrate spraying Refer to the Mixing/ Application section Bananas (including bananas interplanted into avocados) 256 CRITICAL COMMENTS Ground Leaf spot NSW, Application: (Mycosphaerella WA, musicola), Sth Qld 115 - 230 mL + 3 to 5 L Leaf Speckle only of a water (Mycosphaerella miscible musae), Cordana oil, in a Leaf Spot convenient (Cordana johnstonil) volume of Leaf spot NT, water. (Mycosphaerella Nth Qld, Aerial musicola), WA Application: Leaf Speckle only 230 mL + (Mycosphaerella 3 to 5 L musae), of a water Cordana Leaf miscible Spot (Cordana oil, in a musae) minimum of 30 L of Black Sigatoka Qld, water. (Mycosphaerella WA Aerial fijiensis var and NT Application difformis) only without water: 230 mL + 8 to 10 L of spraying oil. (This use does not require further dilution with water). PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 - 1. FRUIT (continued) DISEASE STATE RATE Per Hectare Pineapples WHP CRITICAL COMMENTS High Volume / 100 L Base Rot (Trielaviopsis paradoxa) Qld, NT only 6 - 12 mL / 100 L water Plums Prune Rust for Prune (Tranzschelia Production discolor) NSW, WA, SA, Vic only Dilute Spraying 18 mL / 100 L water Pre-plant dip: Ensure thorough coverage by totally immersing the planting material in the dip solution. Allow 50 mL of the dip solution per plant. Apply the higher rate under conditions of high disease pressure. 1 day Apply by dilute or concentrate spraying equipment. Apply the same total amount of product to the target crop whether applying this product by dilute or concentrate spraying methods. Curative Control: Apply when the disease first occurs. Further application should be made when the disease occurs on new growth. DO NOT make more than five applications to any individual tree during the season. Protective Treatment: Spray mancozeb or zineb mixed with PropiMax at the full recommended rates of application. This use is subject to DMI anti-resistance strategy. 1 day Apply by dilute or concentrate spraying equipment. Apply the same total amount of product to the target crop whether applying this product by dilute or concentrate spraying methods. This use is subject to a DMI anti-resistance strategy. Apply at early (1 to 10%) blossom and again at full bloom. A further application is made at shuck-fall. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Concentrate Spraying Refer to the Mixing / Application Section Stone Fruit Brown Rot (Blossom Blight) (blossom phase) (Monilinia laxa) Vic, Tas, WA only Brown Rot (blossom phase) (Monilinia fructicola) NSW, WA, SA, Qld, Tas only Brown Rot (fruit phase) (Monilinia fructicola) Qld, WA, NSW, Tas, Vic, SA only - Dilute Spraying 15 mL / 100 L water Concentrate Spraying Refer to the Mixing / Application Section Apply by dilute or concentrate spraying equipment. Apply the same amount of product to the target crop whether applying this product by dilute or concentrate spraying methods. Apply 3 weeks and 1 week before harvest. Only 2 consecutive applications of DMI fungicides can be made during this period. The last Blossom Blight spray and the first Brown Rot (fruit phase) spray should be regarded as consecutive applications. For varieties with extended harvesting periods, a third spray during the picking period may be applied if conditions are favourable for disease development. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 257 PROPIMAX CROP 2. FIELD CROPS CROP Cereal: Barley DISEASE STATE Powdery Mildew (Blumeria graminis hordei) All States RATE WHP Per Hectare High Volume / 100 L 85 - 285 mL - Harvest Spray at the first sign of the disease during the 4 tillering stage. A repeat spray 21-28 days later may weeks be required. Ensure thorough coverage of stems and Grazing leaves. Powdery mildew - higher rates provide longer 7 days protection. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Barley Scald (Rhynchospori um secalis) 285 mL Spot Form Net Blotch (Pyrenophora teres f.maculate) PROPIMAX Cereal: Oats Apply after flag leaf is around 70% emerged and before infection averages 10% on the flag-2 leaf. Ensure thorough coverage of the leaves and stem. Stem Rust (Puccinia graminis f.sp. avenae) All States Crown Rust (Puccinia coronata f.sp. avenae) 285 mL - Stripe Rust (Puccinia striformis) Apply after flag blade leaf is fully emerged or Z39 and before disease levels reach 1% of flag leaf area. Consider control if disease is greater than 5-10% on any lower leaf layer. Use higher rates under high infection pressure or when longer residual protection is required. Lower rates are effective under low disease pressure but have reduced residual effect. Ensure thorough coverage. Apply after flag blade leaf is fully emerged or Z39 if infection averages 10% on the flag-2 leaf. The high rate of application gives a longer period of protection than the lower rates. Use higher rates on high potential crops when conditions favour severe disease development during flowering. Lower rates are effective under low disease pressure but have reduced residual effect. Ensure thorough coverage. Qld, WA, NSW, SA, Vic only 145 or 285 mL Tas only Powdery Mildew (Blumeria graminis tritici) 258 Harvest Apply at the first sign of disease and before there is an average of over 2 pustules per tiller. Ensure thorough 4 weeks coverage of stems and leaves. Grazing 7 days 145 - 285 mL Suppression of Septoria Leaf Blotch (Leptosphaeria avenaria) Cereal: Wheat CRITICAL COMMENTS PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 All States - Harvest Spray between jointing and end of flowering when 4 10 to 20% of leaves are infected. A repeat spray weeks 21-28 days later may be required. Use higher rate Grazing under high infection pressure or when longer residual 7 days protection is required. Spray when 10 to 20% of leaves are infected. A repeat spray 21 to 28 days later may be required. Use higher rate under high infection pressure or when longer residual protection is required. 85 - 285 mL Spray at the first sign of disease during the tillering stage. A repeat spray 21 to 28 days later may be required. Ensure thorough coverage of stems and leaves. Higher rates provide longer protection. 2. FIELD CROPS (continued) DISEASE STATE RATE Per Hectare Cereal: Wheat continued Stem Rust (Puccinia graminis) All States Septoria nodorum blotch (Phaeosphaeria nodorum) WHP Harvest Apply at first sign of disease and before there is an 4 average of over 2 pustules per tiller. Ensure thorough weeks coverage of stems and leaves. 285 mL Grazing Apply after flag leaves are around 70% emerged if 7 days infection averages 10% on the flag-2 leaf. The higher rate of application gives a longer period of protection than the lower rates. Use higher rates on high potential crops when conditions favour severe disease development during flowering. Lower rates are effective under low disease pressure but have reduced residual effect. Ensure thorough coverage. 145 - 285 mL l e b a L n e m i c e p S Wheat leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) All States Yellow Spot (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis) 85 - 285 mL - Harvest Apply after flag leaves is 70% emerged and before 4 disease levels reach 1% of flag leaf area. Consider weeks control if disease is greater than 5-10% on any lower Grazing leaf layer. Use higher rates under high infection 7 days pressure or when longer residual protection is required. Lower rates are effective under low disease pressure but have reduced residual effect. Ensure thorough coverage. 145 - 285 mL Apply after flag leaves are around 70% emerged if infection averages 10% on the flag-2 leaf. Higher rates provide longer protection. Use higher rates on high potential crops when conditions favour severe disease development. Lower rates are effective under low disease pressure but have reduced residual effect. Ensure thorough coverage. Septoria Tritici Blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) Peanuts CRITICAL COMMENTS High Volume / 100 L Early Leaf Spot NSW, 230 - 345 mL (Cercospora WA, arachidicola), Sth Qld Late Leaf Spot only (Cercospondium personatum) Rust (Puccinia arachidis) Perennial Ryegrass Stem Rust (Puccinia graminis) Blind seed disease (Gloeotinia granigena) Sugarcane Pineapple disease (Ceratocystis paradoxa) - 2 weeks This use is subject to a DMI anti-resistance strategy. Spray when disease symptoms are first observed. Apply at 14 day intervals while weather conditions favour disease. Use rates towards the higher end of the range when wet conditions prevail. Use a fungicide from a different activity group (non-DMI) after 3 consecutive sprays using PropiMax alone. Apply a maximum of 5 sprays per season. The leaves of peanuts sprayed may become darker green in colour and modified in shape. These effects will not adversely affect yield at recommended rates. Sth Qld, WA only 345 mL Vic only 285 mL - 4 weeks Apply at ear emergence and again at anthesis. NSW, WA, Qld only - 12 mL/100 L - Ensure thorough coverage of the cut ends of sugarcane sets. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 259 PROPIMAX CROP 3. MISCELLANEOUS CROP PROPIMAX Boronia DISEASE STATE Rust (Puccinia boroniae) WA, Tas only RATE WHP Per Hectare High Volume / 100 L 285 mL 570 mL - - CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply 2 to 5 applications at 10 to 14 day intervals during the main disease period. Use the lower rate when application is made protectively before disease occurs. Use the higher rate when disease is first observed and when the minimum number of applications are applied. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Peppermint, Mint Rust Spearmint (Puccinia grown menthae) for oil production only Tas, Vic, NSW only 285 mL - 5 weeks Apply 2 to 5 applications at 10 to 14 day intervals during the main disease period. Do not use on mint grown for the fresh market. Poppies Leaf Smut (Papaver (Entyloma somniferum) fuscum) Tas only 285 mL - 4 weeks Usage recommended by poppy contract-companies. Apply as a mid-season application in the full flower/petal drop period when disease is present. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIOD: Bananas, Stone Fruit: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 1 DAY AFTER APPLICATION. Peanuts: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 2 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. Barley, Poppies, Wheat, Oats: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 4 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. Perennial Ryegrass: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 4 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. Peppermint, Spearmint: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 5 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. Pineapple, Sugarcane: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. Wheat, Barley, Oats: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. 260 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Dilute Spraying: DO NOT apply more than 6 sprays per season. NOTE: For cereals, the flag-2 leaf is the 3rd last fully emerged leaf, i.e. the second leaf below flag. Wheat - Stripe rust - susceptible varieties - apply when 10% leaves infected. Wheat - Stripe rust - moderately susceptible varieties apply when 15% to 20% leaves infected. Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of run-off and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of run-off. Avoid excessive run-off. The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice. Add the amount of product specified in the Directions for Use table for each 100 L of water. Spray to the point of run-off. The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set up and operation also may need to be changed, as the crop grows. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Dow AgroSciences PropiMax Fungicide is a member of the DMI group of fungicides. For fungicide resistance management the product is a Group 3 Fungicide. Some naturally occurring individual fungi resistant to the product and other Group 3 fungicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any fungal population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the fungal population if these fungicides are used repeatedly. These resistant fungi will not be controlled by this product or other Group 3 fungicides, thus resulting in a reduction in efficacy and possible yield loss. Since the occurrence of resistant fungi is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control resistant fungi. MIXING Shake well before use. Fill the spray tank and then add concentrate. Mix well. Pineapples - Pre-plant dip: Add the required amount of PropiMax directly to the dip and mix well. Avoid excessive contamination of the dip with organic matter. APPLICATION PropiMax may be applied by ground rig, high or low volume, or by air. Cereals: May be applied by boom spray or aircraft. Ensure complete coverage of all leaves and stems is obtained. The objective of spraying is to keep the upper 2-3 leaves green and functioning through grain filling stage. With aircraft, as a guide, apply 10 - 20 L/ha with the lower rate being used when applications are made with a cross wind of not less than 5 knots. Use the higher volume when applying to dense crops. Bananas: Apply by misting machine, air blast sprayer or aircraft. Use a minimum of 30 L water if applying by air. Apricots, Plums and other Stone Fruit: Apply by high volume (dilute) sprayer or by concentrate sprayer. Concentrate Spraying: Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying (that is a sprayer which applies water volumes less than those required to reach the point of run-off) and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen water volume. Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (see Dilute Spraying) for the crop canopy, this is needed to calculate the concentrate mixing rate. The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following way: Example only: 1. Dilute spray volume as determined above: for example 1500 L/ha. 2. Your chosen concentrate spray volume: for example 500 L/ha. 3. The concentration factor in this example is: 3 x (i.e. 1500 L ÷ 500 L = 3). 4. If the dilute label is 10 mL/100 L, then the concentrate rate becomes 3 x 10, that is 30 mL/100 L of concentrate spray. The chosen spray volume, amount of product per 100 L of water, and the sprayer set up and operation may need to be changed as the crop grows. For further information on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult relevant industry guidelines, undertake appropriate competency training and follow industry Best Practices. RE-ENTRY PERIOD DO NOT enter treated area until spray has dried. COMPATIBILITY PropiMax may be mixed with any one of the registered products containing azinphos-methyl, chlorothalonil, copper oxychloride, demeton-s-methyl, diazinon, dimethoate, mancozeb, metalaxyl, methomyl, parathion, propargite and zineb. PROTECTION OF CROP, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment, that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands and pastures. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 261 PROPIMAX FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK SAFETY DIRECTIONS Low hazard to bees. No special precautions are required. • Harmful if swallowed. • Will damage the eyes. • Will irritate the nose, throat and skin. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • DO NOT inhale vapour. • If product in eyes wash it out immediately with water. • If product on skin immediately wash area with soap and water. • Wash hands after use. • When opening the container and preparing the spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist, a washable hat, elbow length PVC, nitrile or neoprene gloves, goggles and disposable fume mask. • After each day’s use wash gloves, goggles and contaminated clothing. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEA AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. PROPIMAX STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a cool, wellventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. l e b a L n e m i c e p S SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face-shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. 262 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting. Give a glass of water. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for PROPIMAXTM FUNGICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow Made in USA APVMA Approval No: 59517/0605 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Reldan b a L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Grain Grain Protector Protector ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: SOLVENT: SOLVENT: 500 g/L CHLORPYRIFOS-METHYL (an anticholinesterase compound) 500 g/L HYDROCARBON CHLORPYRIFOS-METHYL 495 LIQUID (an anticholinesterase compound) 495 g/L HYDROCARBON LIQUID For the control of insect pests in stored grain and lupins (except for malting barley and rice) For the control ofofinsect pestsand in stored grainasand lupins (except for malting and on surfaces buildings equipment specified in the Directions forbarley Use. and rice) and on surfaces of buildings and equipment as specified in the Directions for Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 DowRodborough AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 0032086 771 659 20 Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 263 RELDAN POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN DIRECTIONS FOR USE RELDAN In W.A. only - for use by Bulk Handling Authorities only. DO NOT use on stored maize destined for export. SITUATION INSECT RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Stored grain (except malting barley & rice) Rice weevil Granary weevil Rust-red flour beetle Confused flour beetle Saw-toothed grain beetle Tropical warehouse moth Lesser grain borer (susceptible strains) Maize weevil For up to 3 months’ protection: 1 L/100 L water. Apply 1 L of diluted spray per tonne of grain. Apply through standard grain spraying machinery. The output of spray through the nozzle must be regulated according to the flow of the grain. For 3-9 months’ protection: 2 L/100 L water. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Lesser grain borer (multi-resistant strains) For up to 3 months’ protection: 1 L/100 L water + an additional grain protectant* at the recommended rate for the desired period of protection. *Choose the additional grain protectant to control resistant strains of lesser grain borer e.g. Rizacon™ S IGR Grain Protector. For 3-9 months’ protection: 2 L/100 L water + an additional grain protectant* at the recommended rate for the desired period of protection. Stored lupins Vic only Surface of buildings, bins and machinery used for grain storage except for rice storage Rice weevil Granary weevil Rust-red flour beetle Confused flour beetle Saw-toothed grain beetle Tropical warehouse moth For up to 3 months’ protection: 1 L/100 L water Warehouse beetle Rice weevil Granary weevil Rust-red flour beetle Saw-toothed grain beetle Tropical warehouse moth Lesser grain borer (susceptible strains) Maize weevil 20 mL/1 L water Apply 1 L of diluted spray per tonne of grain. For up to 6 months’ protection: 2 L/100 L water Spray infested areas to point of run-off. 5 L of diluted spray will treat approximately 100 m2. Repeat application at 6-week intervals when required. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIOD: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED ™ Trademark of Wellmark International Inc. 264 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 INSECTICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING For insecticide resistance management Reldan Grain Protector is a Group 1B insecticide. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Reldan Grain Protector and other Group 1B insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if Reldan Grain Protector or other Group 1B insecticides are used repeatedly. The effectiveness of Reldan Grain Protector on resistant individuals could be significantly reduced. Since occurrence of resistant individuals is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Reldan Grain Protector to control resistant insects. Reldan Grain Protector may be subject to specific resistance management strategies. For further information contact your local supplier, Dow AgroSciences representative or call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. l e b a L n e m i c e p S MIXING Slowly add the required amount of Reldan Grain Protector to the water in the tank. Use clean water only. The special formulation ensures rapid mixing. APPLICATION ON STORED CEREAL GRAIN AND LUPINS Uniform application through the grain is essential for maximum efficacy. It is essential to ensure that the grain is free from infestation and of sufficiently low moisture content at intake i.e. less than 12% moisture and a storage temperature below 27°C. EXPORT OF TREATED PRODUCE Users should note that suitable MRLs or import tolerances may not have been established in all markets for produce treated with Reldan Grain Protector. Before treating grain for export, please check with Dow AgroSciences for the latest information on MRLs and import tolerances. PRECAUTION DO NOT contaminate food, feed or domestic water supplies. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT Dangerous to fish and other aquatic organisms. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. SMALL SPILL MANAGEMENT Wear protective equipment (see SAFETY DIRECTIONS). Apply absorbent material such as earth, clay granules, and or cat litter to the spill. Sweep up material for disposal when absorption is completed and contain in a refuse vessel for disposal in the same manner as for containers (see STORAGE AND DISPOSAL section). If spilled inside a building wash contaminated surfaces to deactivate the chlorpyrifos-methyl with a solution of bleach (sodium hypochlorite) prepared according to the bleach label instructions for normal cleaning purposes. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Product is poisonous if absorbed by skin contact or swallowed. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • Do not inhale spray mist. • When opening the container, preparing the spray and using the prepared spray wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat, elbow-length PVC gloves and faceshield or goggles. • If product on skin, immediately wash area with soap and water. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. • After each day’s use, wash gloves, face shield or goggles and contaminated clothing. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 265 RELDAN GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS RELDAN FIRST AID If swallowed, splashed on skin or in eyes, or inhaled, contact a Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26 or a doctor at once. Remove any contaminated clothing and wash skin thoroughly. If swallowed, activated charcoal may be advised. Give atropine if instructed. If in eyes, hold eyes open, flood with water for 15 minutes and see a doctor. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for RELDANTM GRAIN PROTECTOR which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit l e b a L n e m i c e p S ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 56177/0206 266 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Reldan pluSabe L n e m i c e p S RELDAN PLUS ™ ™ IGR IGR Grain Grain Protector Protector ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: SOLVENT: SOLVENT: 500 g/L CHLORPYRIFOS-METHYL (an anticholinesterase compound) 500g/L g/LS-METHOPRENE CHLORPYRIFOS-METHYL (an anticholinesterase compound) 30 30 g/L 465 g/LS-METHOPRENE HYDROCARBON LIQUID 465 g/L HYDROCARBON LIQUID For the control of insect pests in stored cereal grains (except for malting barley and rice) For the control pests For in stored as specified in of theinsect Directions Use. cereal grains (except for malting barley and rice) as specified in the Directions For Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 DowRodborough AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 0032086 771 659 20 Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 267 DIRECTIONS FOR USE In W.A. only - for use by Bulk Handling Authorities only. DO NOT use on stored maize destined for export. SITUATION RELDAN PLUS Stored cereal grains (except malting barley & rice) INSECT RATE Lesser grain borer, Rice weevil, Granary weevil, Rust-red flour beetle, Confused flour beetle, Sawtoothed grain beetle, Tropical Warehouse moth & Maize weevil For 3-9 months’ protection: 2 L/100 L water. Warehouse beetle, Rice weevil, Granary weevil, Rust-red flour beetle, Saw-toothed grain beetle, Tropical warehouse moth, Lesser grain borer (susceptible strains) Maize weevil 20 mL / 1 L water CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply 1 L of diluted spray per tonne of grain. Apply through standard grain spraying machinery. The output of spray through the nozzle must be regulated according to the flow of the grain. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Surface of buildings, bins and machinery used for grain storage (except for malting barley & rice storage) Spray infested areas to point of run-off. 5 L of diluted spray will treat approximately 100 m2. Repeat application at 6-week intervals when required. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIOD: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED 268 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 STORAGE AND DISPOSAL For insecticide resistance management Reldan pluS IGR Grain Protector is both a Group 1B and Group 7A insecticide. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Reldan pluS IGR Grain Protector and other Group 1B and 7A insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if Reldan pluS IGR Grain Protector or other Group 1B & 7A insecticides are used repeatedly. The effectiveness of Reldan pluS IGR Grain Protector on resistant individuals could be significantly reduced. Since occurrence of resistant individuals is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Reldan pluS IGR Grain Protector to control resistant insects. Store in closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. MIXING SMALL SPILL MANAGEMENT INSECTICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING l e b a L n e m i c e p S Slowly add the required amount of Reldan pluS IGR Grain Protector to the water in the tank. Use clean water only. The special formulation ensures rapid mixing. Uniform application through the grain is essential for maximum efficacy. It is essential to ensure that the grain is free from infestation and of sufficiently low moisture content at intake i.e. less than 12% moisture and a storage temperature below 27°C. Wear protective equipment (see SAFETY DIRECTIONS). Apply absorbent material such as earth, clay granules, and or cat litter to the spill. Sweep up material for disposal when absorption is completed and contain in a refuse vessel for disposal in the same manner as for containers (see STORAGE AND DISPOSAL section). If spilled inside a building wash contaminated surfaces to deactivate the chlorpyrifos-methyl with a solution of bleach (sodium hypochlorite) prepared according to the bleach label instructions for normal cleaning purposes. EXPORT OF TREATED PRODUCE SAFETY DIRECTIONS APPLICATION ON STORED CEREAL GRAIN Users should note that suitable MRLs or import tolerances may not have been established in all markets for produce treated with Reldan pluS IGR Grain Protector. Before treating grain for export, please check with Dow AgroSciences for the latest information on MRLs and import tolerances. PRECAUTION DO NOT contaminate food, feed or domestic water supplies. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT Dangerous to fish and other aquatic organisms. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. • Product is poisonous if absorbed by skin contact or swallowed. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • Do not inhale spray mist. • When opening the container, preparing the spray and using the prepared spray wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat, elbow-length PVC gloves and faceshield or goggles. • If product on skin, immediately wash area with soap and water. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. • After each day’s use, wash gloves, face shield or goggles and contaminated clothing. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 269 RELDAN PLUS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FIRST AID If swallowed, splashed on skin or in eyes, or inhaled, contact a Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26 or a doctor at once. Remove any contaminated clothing and wash skin thoroughly. If swallowed, activated charcoal may be advised. Give atropine if instructed. If in eyes, hold eyes open, flood with water for 15 minutes and see a doctor. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for RELDANTM PLUS IGR GRAIN PROTECTOR which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit l e b a L n e m i c e p S RELDAN PLUS ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 58562/0206 270 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Ripper 480 abe L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 480 g/L GLYPHOSATE present as the isopropylamine ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 480 g/L GLYPHOSATE present as the isopropylamine Non-selective herbicide for the control of many annual, perennial and woody weeds according Non-selective herbicide for the control of many annual, perennial and woody weeds according to the Directions For Use. to the Directions For Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 DowRodborough AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 0032086 771 659 20 Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 271 RIPPER 480 CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN RIPPER 480 DIRECTIONS FOR USE CONSERVATION TILLAGE RESTRAINTS: To ensure herbicide absorption, DO NOT disturb weeds by cultivation, sowing or grazing for 6 hours following treatment of annual weeds and 7 days for perennial weeds, except where noted. Weeds should be actively growing at the time of treatment. DO NOT treat weeds under poor growing or dormant conditions (such as occur in drought, water logging, disease, insect damage or following frosts) as reduced weed control may result. Reduced results may also occur when treating weeds heavily covered with dust or silt. Prior herbicide application may also induce stress in weeds. If heavy grazing has occurred allow regrowth to 6-8 cm before spraying. 1. SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA (Cultivation) l e b a L n e m i c e p S SITUATION Prior to sowing a crop or pasture with full soil disturbance by cultivation or sowing with a tyned implement WEEDS CONTROLLED Barley grass Brome grass Volunteer cereals Wild oats STATE RATE/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS WA, SA, Vic and NSW only 375 - 750 mL pre-tillering RATE SELECTION. Use higher rates for advanced weed growth or when treating under cold/overcast conditions. Cultivation or planting may proceed 6 hours after application to seedling annual weeds if a necessary seedbed can be created for crop germination and seedling establishment. ANNUAL RYEGRASS, SILVER GRASS and PERENNIAL GRASSES. Addition of a 100% non-ionic surfactant at 200 mL/100 L spray solution may improve control. When treating dense infestations of silver grass, use low volume nozzles (e.g. SS11001, Hardi No. 10) and a spray volume of 70 L/ha or more. TANK MIXTURES. For improved control of clover and volunteer legumes, add Lontrel™ Herbicide (clopyralid). Read and follow all label directions, for the tank mix products. PERENNIAL WEEDS. Ripper™ 480 will provide seasonal control and reduction in plant numbers. Control of skeleton weed requires addition of full soil disturbance at planting. 750 - 940 mL post tillering 750 - 940 mL pre-tillering Annual phalaris Annual ryegrass Silvergrass Winter grass 940 mL - 1.125 L post tillering 375 - 750 mL less than 8 cm diameter /height Calomba daisy Capeweed Doublegee/Spiny emex Fumitory Volunteer lupins Volunteer peas 750 mL - 1.125 L greater than 8 cm diameter /height 750 - 940 mL less than 12 cm diameter Amsinckia Dock (seedling) Paterson’s curse Saffron thistle Scotch thistle Spear thistle Variegated thistle Wild turnip 940 mL - 1.125 L greater than 12 cm diameter 1.125 L Perennial phalaris Skeleton weed Sorrel Sub clover All the weeds above 272 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Tas only 1.125 - 2.25 L Use the 1.125 L/ha rate on annual weeds. Increase to 2.25 L/ha where perennial weeds are being treated. To improve control of sorrel and dock, add 1 L/ha Banvel® (dicamba). Observe Banvel label for Directions and Plant-back periods. SITUATION To commence a fallow prior to planting a crop or pasture with an implement that gives minimal soil disturbance or prior to surface seedling of pastures WEEDS CONTROLLED Barley grass Canary grass Volunteer cereals Wild oats STATE RATE/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS WA, SA, Vic and NSW only 750 mL - 1.125 L RATE SELECTION. Use the lower rate on young weeds; increase to the higher rate where grasses reach full tillering or where broadleaf weeds commence stem elongation or budding. Use higher rates in Spring and under cold conditions. PASTURE or CROP ESTABLISHMENT. Do not sow into excessive trash. Excessive plant residues may be removed by grazing after treatment. Planting may proceed 6 hours after application to seedling annual weeds if a satisfactory seedbed can be created for crop germination and seedling establishment. AERIAL (or SURFACE) SEEDING. Delay seeding until trash level is reduced to allow satisfactory placement of broadcast seed on the soil surface. 1.03 L - 1.54 L Annual ryegrass Brome grass Capeweed Paterson’s curse Saffron thistle Scotch thistle Spear thistle Variegated thistle Wild mustard Wild radish Wild turnip Winter grass l e b a L n e m i c e p S Silvergrass When treating dense infestations, add a 100% non-ionic surfactant at 200 mL/100 L spray and use water volumes of 70 L/ha or more and small droplets to improve coverage. 1.125 L Hoary cress Soursob Treat from late rosette to early flowering. Treat at tuber extension. 1.875 L Bent grass 1.41 L - 2.25 L Couch Apply in late Spring following initiation of seed-head emergence. Follow up with full disturbance with a tyned implement 10-21 days after spraying. Use the higher rate on dense infestations. Apply sequential treatments during Summer and Autumn. Repeat applications will be required for full control. For improved control, use in conjunction with cultivation. Dock Flatweed Use the maximum rate for full control. Kikuyu Paspalum Use the lower rate for suppression, the higher rate for control. Erodium Plantain Perennial phalaris Sorrel Sub clover Yorkshire fog 2.25 L - 3 L Poa tussock All the weeds above Tas only 1.125 - 2.25 L Timing. Treat fresh regrowth (at least 14 days after heavy grazing) after Autumn break and before onset of heavy frosts. Sowing may start from 14 days after spraying. Use the 1.125 L/ha rate on annual weeds. Increase to 2.25 L/ha where perennial weeds are being treated. To improve control of sorrel and dock, add 1 L/ha Banvel® (dicamba). Observe Banvel label for Directions and Plant-back periods. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 273 RIPPER 480 2. SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA (Minimum tillage) RIPPER 480 3. NORTHERN AUSTRALIA (Queensland and Northern New South Wales) SITUATION In fallow or prior to planting a crop. COTTON (not less than 20 cm high): Shielded sprayers. WEEDS CONTROLLED Paradoxa grass Volunteer cereals Wild oats RATE/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS 375 - 750 mL RATE SELECTION. Use the lower rates on young weeds and increase to the higher rate where weeds are dense or well developed. Dense infestations of some weeds (e.g. barnyard grass and liverseed grass) may need follow-up treatments for complete control. PASTURE or CROP ESTABLISHMENT. Do not sow into excessive trash. Excessive plant residues may be removed by grazing after treatment. Cultivation or planting may proceed 6 hours after application to seedling annual weeds if a satisfactory seedbed can be created for crop germination and seedling establishment. TANK MIXTURES. Read and follow all label directions, for the tank mix products. Tank mixes with atrazine may give unacceptable knockdown of certain weeds. Do not apply the tank-mix for control of barnyard grass, liverseed grass and milk thistle. Ammonium sulphate may enhance knockdown weed control where tank mixtures of atrazine are used. SHIELDED SPRAYERS. Apply Ripper 480 to weeds growing between crop rows using a shielded sprayer. DO not apply spray drift to contact any part of the cotton plant as severe injury may result. African turnip weed Black pigweed Boggabri weed Caltrop (yellowvine) Columbus grass Deadnettle Mintweed Milk (sow) thistle New Zealand spinach Stink grass Sweet summer grass Variegated thistle Volunteer sorghum 560 - 750 mL up to 5 true leaves or 3 cm in diameter/ height Annual ground cherry Barnyard grass Bladder ketmia Button grass Camel (Afghan) melon Caustic weed Liverseed grass Mexican poppy Native millet Noogoora burr Spear thistle Thornapple Turnip weed Wild/Prickly lettuce Wireweed 750 mL - 1.5 L 750 mL - 1.5 L greater than 5 true leaves or 3 cm in diameter/height l e b a L n e m i c e p S Prickly paddy melon Red pigweed (up to 25 cm diameter) SUGAR CANE Ratoon spray out 274 750 mL - 1.5 L plus 80 mL Garlon™ 600 750 mL - 1.5 L DO NOT add crop oil. Control over a wide range of growth stages can be obtained with the addition of Starane™ Advanced Herbicide. Observe re-cropping intervals. Climbing buckwheat (less than 12 leaves) Couch Johnson grass (30 cm new growth) 1.5 - 2.25 L Use the higher rate on plants at the flowering/ seed head stage. For long term control of couch and Johnson grass, repeat application will be required. Nutgrass (Cyperus rotundus) 2.25 L + 2.25 L Make first application to actively growing plants when at least 20% have reached the head stage (normally Feb). Allow for maximum re-emergence (normally 6-8 weeks) before re-treating. Sugar cane ratoon regrowth PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 3 L - 6.75 L Apply under good growing conditions only to active growing ratoons 60 - 120 cm tall. Do not apply if plants are stressed from low moisture or water logging. Use the lower rate for suppression or where cultivation is to follow. Use higher rate for control. PASTURE MANIPULATION SITUATION PASTURE TOPPING STATE RATE/ha Annual ryegrass WEEDS CONTROLLED WA, SA, Vic, NSW and Tas 360 - 770 mL Barley grass Brome grass Capeweed Silvergrass WA, SA, Vic and Tas only 225 - 360 mL CRITICAL COMMENTS Remove livestock prior to application to allow even regrowth. Use lower rate if grasses are flowering and higher rate if at milky dough stage. Apply to capeweed and calomba daisy at flowering. Do not apply to clover or medic crops intended for seed production or hay. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Calomba daisy NSW only 360 mL SEED-HEAD suppression Bent grass WA, SA, Vic, NSW and Tas 280 - 470 mL Treat from late October to late November, before seed-heads have emerged. Add a 100% non-ionic surfactant at 200 mL/100 L spray solution. Use the higher rate where growth is excessive. Graze hard after spraying. For prevention of seed head emergence and seed formation Serrated tussock NSW, Vic, Tas only 560 mL - 1.125 L Apply to actively growing and stress free plants. Best results obtained during mid-September to mid-October. Apply prior to any seed head emergence. Surfactants: The addition of a 100% non-ionic surfactant at 200 mL/100 L of spraying solution may improve results. Rates: The lower rates will be less damaging to desirable pasture species. If seed head emergence is imminent then higher rates will give better control. 3 L - 4.6 L Best results from May to October. Application. Boom spray volume of 70 L/ha or more is recommended to improve plant coverage. Surfactants: The addition of a 100% non-ionic surfactant at 200 mL /100 L of spraying solutionmay improve results. Site Preparation. Burning 10 - 12 months before spraying or slashing / heavy grazing (cell grazing) 2 weeks before spraying is essential for good results. Rates. Use lower rate on regrowth after burning (no residual dead foliage). Use higher rate plants that have been slashed or grazed (may contain some residual dead foliage). 1.03 - 4.5 L LEUCAENA. Apply 1.875 L/ha through a single taper fan nozzle LFI-80 mounted at the rear of the single row planter providing a 1 m swath. Planting rows to be 4 m apart. BAND SPRAYING. Band spraying may be done immediately after the sowing operation. Mount the nozzles behind the coulter/tyne/press wheel assembly of the band seeder. Adjust to spray 0.5 to 1 m strips. Ensure minimal disturbance of the pasture. Excessive dust created in the seedling operation may reduce herbicide activity. Pasture seed must be drilled at the appropriate depth and covered by soil. For control/ suppression prior to establishing crops or improved pasture species PASTURE MANIPULATION For suppression or control of pasture species prior to drilling improved pasture, forage species, Soybeans or Leucaena Carpet grass Paspalum Kikuyu Barbed wire grass Black spear grass Love grasses Red natal grass Wire grasses Qld only 470 mL - 4.5 L 2.25 L PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 275 RIPPER 480 PASTURE SITUATIONS RIPPER 480 PRE and POST HARVEST USES SITUATION WEEDS CONTROLLED Sorghum control BOOM RATE/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Grain sorghum (pre-harvest) 1.125 - 1.5 L DO NOT apply if crop is under stress from low moisture, frost, cold or water logging. Apply when grain moisture is less than 25%. Use the higher rate where the crop has produced significant number of late tillers or where following crops will be established without further treatment. Do not apply to crops intended for seed production. Treatment may increase potential for crop lodging. Grain sorghum (post-harvest) 900 mL - 1.5 L Slashed/grazed stubble. Apply when fresh growth is at least 20 cm high. Use the higher rate on standing stubble or where re-growth from slashed sorghum has advanced beyond 50 cm in height. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Cotton (pre-harvest) Bathurst burr Noogoora burr Winter annual weeds 1 L- 2.025 L Treatments may be applied alone or in tank mix with Dropp® or Harvade®. Apply when 60% of bolls are open. When tank mixed with conditioner/defoliant treatments, a slightly higher proportion of cotton leaf may be retained particularly where higher rates are used and conditions are unfavourable for defoliation. PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION to reduce viable seed set of weeds in: Annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) 360 - 765 mL Use lower rate if ryegrass is flowering and higher rate if ryegrass is at milky dough stage. Application should be made at or after crop maturity. Application before this time may significantly reduce yields (in practice losses in excess of 25% can occur). Apply when the average seed moisture content is below 30%. For faba beans, this is indicated by the pods going black and for field peas by the pods going yellow. Do not harvest within 7 days after application. Do not use on crops intended for seed or sprouting. Annual weeds 1 L - 2.025 L Apply to mature crop from late dough stage (28% moisture) onwards. The higher rate will be required when crops are heavy and leaf shading effects may occur. Do not harvest within 7 days after application. Do not use on crops intended for seed or sprouting. When wheat is grown in rotation with any herbicide tolerant crop, management should be consistent with implementation of any management plan for herbicide tolerant crops. Annual weeds 765 mL - 2.025 L Apply with boom or by air. Use higher rates where crops or weeds are dense and where faster desiccation is required. Application should be made at or after crop maturity: Chick peas and lentils - apply to mature plants with less than 15% green pods. Soybean - apply only after seed pods have lost all green colour and 80-90% of leaves have dropped. Use only on soybean crops grown for crushing. Mung beans, adzuki and cow pea - apply to mature crops when pods are brown/black. Field peas - apply when seeds turn yellow and average seed moisture content is below 30%. Faba beans - apply when pods turn black and average seed moisture content is below 30%. Do not harvest within 7 days of application. Speed of crop desiccation is dependant on crop stage, growing conditions and weather conditions during and after application. Field peas Faba beans PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION as harvest aid and weed control: Wheat PRE-HARVEST APPLICATION to desiccate a crop as a harvest aid and weed control Adzuki beans Chick peas Cow pea Faba beans Field peas Lentils Mung beans Soybean NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIODS: Cereals and Legumes: DO NOT HARVEST, GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. All Other Uses: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. 276 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply as a spray, near trees or vines less than 3 year old unless effectively shielded from spray and spray drift. DO NOT allow spray or spray drift to contact any part of the plant including the trunk. SITUATION Avocado Banana Blueberries Citrus fruits Custard apples Duboisa Figs - dessert Guava Kiwifruit Litchi Mango Monstera - fruit Nuts, including Almond Pecan Macadamia Pistachio Walnut Olives Pawpaw Persimmons Pome fruit Raspberries Stone fruit Tea Vineyards WEEDS CONTROLLED Amaranth Barley grass Barnyard grass Brome grass Caltrop Canary grass Capeweed Chickweed Cobblers peg Deadnettle Doublegee/Spiny emex Fumitory Ground cherry Hedge mustard Lesser swinecress Liverseed grass Mintweed Noogoora burr Paradoxa grass Paterson’s curse Potato weed Red pigweed Ryegrass Saffron thistle Silvergrass Sow thistle Spear thistle Spiny burrgrass Spurge Subclover Thornapple Wild mustard Wild oats Wild turnip Winter grass Variegated thistle Volunteer cereals APPLICATION RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Boom: 1.5 - 2.25 L per ha Use the lower rate on weeds up to 15 cm tall. Apply as a directed or shielded spray or using wiper equipment. Do not allow wiper surface to contact any part of the tree, vine of palm. Citrus fruit, nuts, olives, pome fruit & vineyards. Do not allow spray drift to contact green bark or stems, canes, laterals, suckers, fresh wounds, foliage or fruit. Tea. Apply a maximum of 2.25 L/ha by shielded boom or directed off-centre nozzle or 375 mL/100 L by directed handgun or knapsack to avoid application to the crop. CAUTION. Where split bark on kiwi fruit and green stems on pawpaw occur, extreme care is required. Handgun: 375 - 560 mL per 100 L l e b a L n e m i c e p S Knapsack: 55 - 75 mL per 15 L NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIODS: Cereals and Legumes: DO NOT HARVEST, GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. All Other Uses: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 277 RIPPER 480 TREE and VINE CROPS RIPPER 480 GENERAL WEED CONTROL Application Checklist: DO NOT treat weeds under poor growing conditions due to moisture stress, water logging, severe frosting, insect damage etc. Reduced performance may also occur where weeds are covered with dust or silt. DO NOT add surfactants, adjuvants or other pesticides except as specifically directed on this label. Rain within 1 hour of application which causes run-off may require re-treatment. Rain fastness is reduced if weeds are not actively growing, under stress or conditions of low light intensity/darkness. The addition of a 100% non-ionic surfactant may improve rain fastness on Winter annual weeds. A withholding period for grazing is not required. However, it is recommended that grazing of treated plants be delayed to ensure herbicide uptake. Certain plants such as soursob, variegated thistle, sorghum and Johnson grass may be naturally toxic to stock when eaten in large quantities under certain conditions. Where plants are known to be toxic, grazing should be delayed until complete desiccation of treated plants has occurred. Apply treatments to weeds which have at least one true leaf (broadleaf weeds) or two leaves (grasses) to provide adequate surface area for herbicide uptake. If heavy grazing has occurred, allow regrowth to 6-8 cm before spraying and use the higher rates recommended. l e b a L n e m i c e p S SITUATION Domestic areas (Home gardens) Commercial, Industrial & Public Service areas Agricultural buildings and other farm situations Dry Drains and Channels Forests Non-Agricultural areas around Buildings, Commercial & Industrial areas,Domestic & Public Service areas, Rightsof-way. Agricultural areas 278 WEEDS CONTROLLED Amaranth Barley grass Barnyard grass Brome grass Caltrop Canary grass Capeweed Chickweed Cobblers peg Deadnettle Doublegee/Spiny emex Fumitory Ground cherry Hedge mustard Lesser swinecress Liverseed grass Mintweed Noogoora burr Paradoxa grass Paterson’s curse Potato weed Red pigweed Ryegrass Saffron thistle Silvergrass Sow thistle Spear thistle Spiny burrgrass Spurge Subclover Thornapple Wild mustard Wild oats Wild turnip Winter grass Variegated thistle Volunteer cereals PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 APPLICATION RATE Boom: 1.5 - 2.25 L per ha Handgun: 375 - 560 mL per 100 L Knapsack: 55 - 75 mL per 15 L CRITICAL COMMENTS For control of many grasses and broadleaf weeds. RATE: 7.5 mL per litre of water. Apply to ensure complete and uniform wetting of foliage. Visible symptoms may take from 3 to 7 days to develop. DO NOT apply to weeds growing in or over water. DO NOT spray across open bodies of water, and do not allow spray to enter the water. DO NOT allow water to return to dry channels and drains for 4 days after application. Ripper 480 may be used prior to establishment of nurseries, for site preparation prior to planting and amongst established trees using a directed or shielded spray, or using selective wiper equipment. DO NOT allow wiper surface to contact any part of the tree. DO NOT allow spray or spray drift to contact foliage or green bark of desirable trees, since severe injury may result. Ripper 480 does not provide residual weed control. For residual control of annual weeds, Ripper 480 can be tank mixed with certain residual herbicides. See TANK MIXTURES/COMPATIBILITY. Ripper 480 may be used to control annual weeds, as directed in agricultural land prior to sowing of any edible or non-edible crop, but not prior to transplanting tomato seedlings. Table A: High Volume Spraying Apply to actively growing plants. DO NOT apply to drought stressed plants. Burning (after complete brownout), pasture improvement or further treatment is recommended to control seedlings and/or regrowth. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. NON AGRICULTURAL AREAS (AROUND BUILDINGS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, DOMESTIC AND PUBLIC SERVICE AREAS, RIGHTS-OF-WAYS) WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE/100 L WATER 375 mL or 750 mL CRITICAL COMMENTS African boxthorn Regrowth 1 to 2 m tall Use higher rate for large, mature bushes. Bamboo Foliage/regrowth is 1-2 m tall Only use the higher rate. Regrowth 1 to 1.5 m tall Apply higher rate on bushes greater than 1.5 m high. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Bitou bush Boneseed Crofton weed Actively growing Gorse Actively growing Add Pulse Penetrant at 200 mL/100 L of spray mix. Groundsel bush Regrowth 1 to 2 m tall Use higher rate on bushes greater than 2 m tall. Lantana Actively growing plants from with full foliage Addition of Pulse at 200 mL/100 L of spray mix may improve control. ® Mistflower Actively growing Blackberry Apply from flowering to leaf fall Chinese scrub (Sifton bush) Actively growing Use higher rate on bushes greater than 1 m tall. Eucalyptus spp. Actively growing seedlings <2 m tall Add Pulse at 200 mL/100 L of spray mix. Hawthorn Apply from flowering to leaf fall Use higher rate on bushes greater than 2 m tall. Pampas grass Allow regrowth to reach 1 m tall For best results apply after flowering. Use the higher rate on plants over 1 m high. Sweet briar Apply from late flowering to leaf fall Use higher rate on bushes greater than 1.5 m tall. Willow Less than 2 m tall 750 mL or 1 L Use higher rate on old dense infestations greater than 2 m high. In Tasmania, do not treat bushes bearing mature fruit. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 279 RIPPER 480 DIRECTIONS FOR USE - WOODY WEED SITUATIONS RIPPER 480 Table B: Low Volume High Concentrate Spraying Apply to actively growing plants. DO NOT apply to drought stressed plants. Burning (after complete brownout), pasture improvement or further treatment is recommended to control seedlings and/or regrowth. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. NON AGRICULTURAL AREAS (AROUND BUILDINGS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, DOMESTIC AND PUBLIC SERVICE AREAS, RIGHTS-OF-WAYS) WEEDS CONTROLLED Bitou bush WEED GROWTH STAGE STATES RATE/ 9.25 L WATER Regrowth 1 to 1.5 m tall Qld, NSW, Vic and Tas only 370 mL 750 mL Boneseed CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply 3 mL to every m2 of treated area. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Groundsel bush Regrowth 1 to 2 m tall Qld and NSW only Lantana Actively growing plants with full foliage All States Mistflower Chinese scrub (Sifton bush) Actively growing Hawthorn Apply from flowering to leaf fall Sweet briar Apply from late flowering to leaf fall Pampas grass Apply after flowering Eucalyptus spp. Seedlings up to 1.5 m tall Apply 2 x 2 mL dose per 0.5 m bush height. Qld and NSW only Apply 3 mL to every m2 of treated area. All States Apply 40 mL per 0.5 m height. NSW, Vic, SA, WA and Tas only Apply 2 x 5 mL dose per 0.5 m bush height. Ensure spray contacts all foliage. All States Apply 2 x 2 mL per 0.5 m height. 1.3 L Apply 5 mL per 0.5 m tree height. Add Pulse at 20 mL/10 L spray mixture. Table C: Stem Injection Application Ensure trees are actively growing at time of treatment and not under stress of drought, waterlogging or cold. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. NON AGRICULTURAL AREAS (AROUND BUILDINGS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, DOMESTIC AND PUBLIC SERVICE AREAS, RIGHTS-OF-WAYS) WEEDS CONTROLLED Flooded gum Ghost gum Gum topped bloodwood Messmate Stringy bark Narrowleaf ironbark Pink bloodwood Poplar box Privet Rhus Silverleaf ironbark Silvertop ash Spotted gum Swamp mahogany White mahogany Willows Camphor laurel 280 WEED GROWTH STAGE Basal diameter up to 25 cm Basal diameter from 25-60 cm STATES APPLICATION RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Qld, NSW, Vic, WA, Tas and NT Undiluted 0.75 mL/cut Use an applicator calibrated to deliver 0.75 mL or 1.5 mL per cut. Make 5 cm cuts at an oblique angle to penetrate the sapwood beneath the bark. Space the cuts at 13 cm centres around the tree circumference below any branching, otherwise remove or treat all branches below cuts. On multiple trunk trees ensure each trunk is treated. Undiluted 1.5 mL/cut Basal diameter up to 25 cm Mixture 1:1 1.5 mL/cut Basal diameter from 25-60 cm Undiluted 1.5 mL/cut PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 NON AGRICULTURAL AREAS (AROUND BUILDINGS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, DOMESTIC AND PUBLIC SERVICE AREAS, RIGHTS-OF-WAYS) WEEDS CONTROLLED Bracken WEED GROWTH STAGE Fully unfurled fronds in March/May but prior to first frosts APPLICATION RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Mix 800 mL with 2.2 L clean water Bracken should be slashed in Winter/Spring prior to treatment. Visible symptoms may not be fully apparent until next season. Complete control will not be achieved from one application. Repeat treatment is recommended, preferably associated with pasture improvement. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Cumbungi Early head to full head stage Guinea grass Early head stage Hoary cress Stem elongation Johnson grass Early head stage Rushes Regrowth following slashing Where there is a large proportion of dead foliage, pre-slashing is recommended. Allow adequate regrowth before slashing. Plants up to 1 m tall Double pass application is required. Application is best made to small green bushes. NSW and Qld only. Sifton bush / Chinese scrub Re-treatment may be required to restrict seedling re-establishment. Not Tas. Table E: Perennial Weeds - Boom and High Volume Application Apply to actively growing plants. DO NOT apply to drought stressed plants. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. NON AGRICULTURAL AREAS (AROUND BUILDINGS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, DOMESTIC AND PUBLIC SERVICE AREAS, RIGHTS-OF-WAYS) WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE BOOM /HA HAND GUN /100 L WATER CRITICAL COMMENTS Bent grass Late Spring, with some seed-head development 1.875 L 375 mL Follow-up management is required. Full disturbance with a tyned implement should follow 10-21 days after spraying. Then follow with a Summer crop and/or re-seeded pasture or crop in the following Autumn. Vic and Tas only. Blady grass Early head stage 6.75 L 975 mL Qld and NSW only. Bracken Fully unfurled fronds in March /May before frosts 1.125 L Always add Pulse at 200 mL/100 L of spray mixture, otherwise reduced results will occur. 375 mL Do not apply to partially submerged plants. NSW only. Brown beetle grass Actively growing Carpet grass Early head stage Cocksfoot Early head stage Couch Early head stage Cumbungi Early to full head stage Flatweed (Cat’s ear) Rosettes to early flower stage 2.25 L 525 mL 6.75 L 975 mL Apply during Oct/Nov for best results in SA and WA. Summer/Autumn application. Re-treatment may be required to restrict seedling re-establishment. Not Tas. 2.25 L 525 mL Table continued PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 281 RIPPER 480 Table D: Wiper Equipment - Selective Application Apply to actively growing plants. DO NOT apply to drought stressed plants. RATE: Mix 800 mL Ripper 480 with 2.2 litres clean water. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. RIPPER 480 Table E: Perennial Weeds - Boom and High Volume Application (continued) Apply to actively growing plants. DO NOT apply to drought stressed plants. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. NON AGRICULTURAL AREAS (AROUND BUILDINGS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, DOMESTIC AND PUBLIC SERVICE AREAS, RIGHTS-OF-WAYS) WEEDS CONTROLLED Glyceria WEED GROWTH STAGE Mature head stage in late Summer/Autumn BOOM /HA HAND GUN /100 L WATER CRITICAL COMMENTS 4.5 L 750 mL Add a 100% non-ionic surfactant at 100-125 mL/100 L spray mix. Tas only. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Guinea grass Early head stage 6.75 L 975 mL Hoary cress Late rosette to flowering stage 1.125 L 375 mL Johnson grass Kangaroo grass Kikuyu grass Early head stage 4.5 L 750 mL Lovegrass, African Actively growing plants Re-treatment and/or pasture improvement is recommended to restrict seedling re-establishment. NSW, Vic and WA only. Nutgrass Cyperus rotundus Late Summer / Autumn Apply to actively growing plants (Feb/Apr) when at least 20% have reached the head stage. Paragrass Early head stage Paspalum Pellitory Prior to seeding 6.75 L 975 mL 4.5 L 750 mL - For maximum long term reduction, apply from late July to September. Application may be integrated with long fallow. Cultivation may start 7 days after spraying. Add a 100% nonionic surfactant at 100-125 mL /100 L water. Repeat applications may be necessary to control seedlings and/or regrowth. NSW only. Knockdown during Winter 2.25 L 375 mL Knockdown rate prior to burning of firebreaks. Burning can usually start 14-21 days after spraying. NSW, Vic and SA only. Long term control 4.5 L 750 mL NSW, Vic and SA only. Phragmites Common reed Fully developed plants at early head stage 6.75 L 975 mL Visible symptoms of control may be slow to develop and may not be fully apparent until next season. Plantains Early head stage 2.25 L 525 mL Symptoms may be slow to develop. Prairie grass Old Blue grass Red-leg grass Rhodes grass Early head stage 4.5 L 750 mL Rope Twitch Foliage at least 20 cm high Sedge, tall Flowering to post flowering period Silverleaf nightshade Late flowering to berry stage Sorrel Early bud stage Phalaris Apply in late Summer/Autumn. To ensure maximum shoot emergence, the area should NOT be cultivated in the period from the proceeding Winter until the time of spraying. Vic and Tas only. 1.5 or 3 L 375 or 750 mL - 1.5 L 4.5 L 750 mL Use the lower rate only if the stand has been slashed prior to treatment. Re-treatment may be necessary. Visible symptoms may not be fully apparent for 3 months. NSW, Vic and Tas only. Use only under good soil moisture conditions. Repeat spraying will be necessary to restrict regrowth and seedling re-establishment. NSW only. Table continued 282 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 NON AGRICULTURAL AREAS (AROUND BUILDINGS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, DOMESTIC AND PUBLIC SERVICE AREAS, RIGHTS-OF-WAYS) WEEDS CONTROLLED Soursob WEED GROWTH STAGE Late July to early September BOOM /HA HAND GUN /100 L WATER CRITICAL COMMENTS 1.125 L 375 mL If heavy frosting or heavy grazing has occurred, allow recovery of foliage to at least 5 cm before spraying. NSW, Vic, SA, Tas and WA only l e b a L n e m i c e p S St. John’s wort Flowering to post flowering stage (Nov-May) Thistle, Artichoke Rosette to early head stage Thistle, Californian Flowering stage Water couch Late Summer-Autumn (Feb-Mar) Yorkshire fog Early head stage 2.25 L Re-treatment, or over-sowing with improved pasture species may be necessary to restrict seedling re-establishment. Vic and SA only. 750 mL To ensure maximum shoot emergence, the area should NOT be cultivated prior to spraying. Re-treatment and/or pasture improvement may be necessary to restrict seedling re-establishment. Vic and Tas only. 6.75 L 975 mL Do not treat after March because of the onset of Winter dormancy; full results may not be visible until the following Spring. 2.25 L 525 mL Table F: Cut Stump Application Ensure trees are actively growing at time of treatment and not under stress of drought, waterlogging or cold. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. NON AGRICULTURAL AREAS (AROUND BUILDINGS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, DOMESTIC AND PUBLIC SERVICE AREAS, RIGHTS-OF-WAYS) WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE APPLICATION RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS NSW, Qld, Vic, WA, Tas and NT only Mixture Product : Water 1:20 Cut tree close to the ground and immediately wet stump surface thoroughly using splatter gun, spray, swab or brush. Remove any branches on the stump and treat cut surface. Jarrah Longleaf box Marri Messmate Stringybark Narrowleaf peppermint Basal diameter up to 10 cm Privet Rhus Basal diameter up to 30 cm Mixture 1:1.6 Mature Plants Mixture 1:8 Bamboo Mature Plants Cut stems back to 20 cm high, pour mixture down hollow stem and wet the cut. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIODS: Cereals and Legumes: DO NOT HARVEST, GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. All Other Uses: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 283 RIPPER 480 Table E: Perennial Weeds - Boom and High Volume Application (continued) Apply to actively growing plants. DO NOT apply to drought stressed plants. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. RIPPER 480 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS PRODUCT INFORMATION Ripper 480 is a non-volatile, non selective, water soluble liquid herbicide with non-selective herbicidal activity against many annual, perennial and woody broadleaf weeds and grasses. Ripper 480 may be used prior to sowing any crop (edible or non edible) but not prior to transplanting tomato seedlings. When applying this product prior to transplanting crops into plastic mulch, care must be taken to remove residues of this product from the plastic prior to transplanting. Residues can be removed by 2 cm of natural rainfall or by applying water via a sprinkler irrigation system. Ripper 480 will control emerged weeds only, and provides no residual weed control. Apply treatments to weeds which have at least one true leaf (broadleaf weeds) or two leaves (grasses) to provide an adequate surface area for herbicide uptake. Ripper 480 is absorbed by plant foliage and green stems. It is inactivated on clay and organic matter in soil and does not provide residual weed control. Ripper 480 moves through the plant from the point of contact to and into the root system. Initial visible effects on annual weeds take 3-7 days, but may not be noticeable for 2 to 3 weeks under cool cloudy conditions or on some perennial weeds. Visible effects are a gradual yellowing and wilting of the plant which advances to complete browning of above ground growth and deterioration of underground plant parts. Unmerged parts rising from unattached underground rhizomes or rootstock of perennials will not be affected by spray and will continue to grow. For this reason best control of most perennial and woody weeds is obtained at late growth stages approaching maturity. Rainfall occurring up to 6 hours after application may reduce effectiveness. Heavy rainfall within 2 hours after application may wash the chemical off the foliage and a repeat treatment may be required. Delay treatment of plants wet with dew or rain, if water droplets run off when plants are disturbed. MIXING Ripper 480 mixes readily with water. Reduced results may occur if water containing; suspended clay or organic matter e.g. from dams, streams and irrigation channels, or if hard water containing calcium, magnesium or bicarbonate ions is used. Do not mix, store or apply this product or spray solutions of this product in galvanised steel or unlined steel containers or spray tanks, since a highly flammable gas mixture may be formed. Use stainless steel, aluminium, brass, copper, fibreglass, plastic or plastic lined containers or spray tanks. Ensure the sprayer is free of any residue of previous spray materials. Use spray solutions promptly and certainly within 5 days since a gradual loss of activity will occur. l e b a L n e m i c e p S CROP ESTABLISHMENT Ripper 480 is recommended for control of emerged weeds prior to crop establishment. Suitable cultivation and/or sowing operations are required to provide seed bed conditions satisfactory for crop germination and development. Spraying early to control young weeds will favour preparation of suitable seed beds. On friable soils and where there is only light cover of young weeds, sowing may proceed satisfactorily from one day after spraying. In situations of heavy weed growth sowing should be delayed until weed decay and soil conditions allow formation of a satisfactory seed bed. Incorporation of green or decaying vegetation and roots into the seedbed by cultivation or sowing may cause retarded crop emergence, particularly in cold and/ or wet conditions. Vegetation may be reduced by grazing and weed decay may be assisted by cultivation to leave trash on the surface. In marginal seedbed conditions take care to achieve correct seeding depth, and avoid use of pre-emergence herbicides where label directions advise of risk of retarded crop emergence. 284 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Mixing Instructions: 1. Fill the spray tank to ½ full with clean water and start and maintain agitation. 2. Where crystalline ammonium sulphate (crystalline or liquid form) is recommended, wash crystalline form at 2 % w/v (2 kg/100 L spray solution) through a top mesh screen into the tank OR add Liase® at 2 % v/v (2 L/100 L spray solution) and mix thoroughly for several minutes. 3. Add Ripper™ 480 and allow mixing thoroughly for several minutes. 4. For other tank-mix partners: add dry flowable formulations (e.g. metsulfuron) first, followed by suspension concentrates (flowables e.g. atrazine), water soluble salts (e.g. Abound™ 400) and mix thoroughly. 5. Then add emulsifiable concentrate formulations, such as Starane™ Advanced, and allow mixing thoroughly for several minutes. 6. Add remaining water to desired final fill level. 7. Add Pulse® or 100% non-ionic surfactant, if required, near the end of the filling process to minimize excessive foaming. 8. Removing hose from tank immediately after the filling will prevent back siphoning into water source. Always maintain adequate agitation during application and use the tank load promptly. TANK MIXTURES/COMPATIBILITY Ripper 480 may be tank-mixed with the following herbicides, insecticides and additives. Read and follow all label directions, for the tank mix products. Tank Mixtures - Herbicides Esteron™ LV, 2,4-D Ester 800 (2,4-D ester), Abound™ 400 (2,4-D isopropylamine), atrazine# flowable or granular (Do not apply the tank mix for control of barnyard grass or liverseed grass), chlorsulfuron, Express1®, Eclipse1®, Garlon™ 600, Goal™, Grazon™ Extra, Hammer1®, Lontrel™ Herbicide, Lontrel™ 750 SG, metsulfuron, MCPA LVE, Monza1®, Oust1®, pendimethalin, Starane™ Advanced, simazine# flowable or granular, Tordon™ 75-D, triasulfuron and trifluralin. # Ammonium sulphate may improve the performance of tank mixtures of Ripper 480 and atrazine or simazine. See directions below. Tank Mixtures - Insecticides Ripper 480 is compatible with the following insecticides: Imidan®, Le-mat®, Lorsban™ 500 EC, Sumithion® ULV, Trojan™ and emulsifiable concentrates of dimethoate and fenitrothion. Other insecticides have not been tested. Adjuvant - Crystalline Ammonium sulphate Rate: 2 kg per 100 litres spray solution. (DO NOT apply the tank mix for barnyard grass control). The addition of ammonium sulphate to Ripper 480, when used to control annual weeds, MAY improve the performance of Ripper 480 under adverse environmental conditions such as cool cloudy weather. Ammonium sulphate may also improve the performance of tank mixtures of Ripper 480 and atrazine or simazine. Use only crystalline ammonium sulphate, NOT prilled or granular forms. To test quality, dissolve 2 tablespoons in 2 litres of water. Swirl gently for 2 minutes. If undissolved particles remain, it is advisable to pre-dissolve prior to adding to spray tank through a screen. Ammonium sulphate may be corrosive to metal parts of the sprayer. Thoroughly flush tanks, pumps and nozzles with water after use. APPLICATION Ripper 480 is a non-selective translocated herbicide. Direct spray contact, or even slight drift, may cause severe injury or destruction of any growing crop or other desirable plants including trees. Clean all equipment after use by thoroughly washing with water. Boom Equipment Application of Ripper 480 in spray volumes of 25 to 200 litres of clean water per hectare is recommended. When using Ripper 480 at 375 mL to 1.125 L/ha, spray volumes in the range 25-100 L/ha are preferred. Fan nozzle equipment is recommended, using pressures in the range 240-280 kPa. Boom height must be set to ensure double overlap of nozzle patterns at the top of the weed canopy. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Adjuvant - Pulse® Penetrant Pulse is recommended for the control of bracken and many wood weeds. Rate: 200 mL/100 L of spray solution. Adjuvant - Wetter® TX Surfactant Add when treating annual ryegrass, silvergrass and perennial grasses in late Winter and Spring. Wetter® TX is NOT a general purpose surfactant and should be used only where recommended. Rate: 200 mL/100 L of spray solution. SURFACTANT ADDITION The addition of Turbo® Plus or a 100% non-ionic surfactant MAY improve weed control where water rates are high or product rates low. Determine from the following chart. Rate: 200 mL/100 L of water. Do not add spraying oils, agricultural chemicals or any other material except as directed on the label. Ripper 480 Herbicide 2 Hand gun Apply the recommended mix to ensure complete and uniform coverage of leaves and stems through a D6 to D8 spray tip (Spraying Systems Australia P/L), or equivalent, and an operating pressure of 400 to 700 kPa. Knapsack & 12 Volt Sprayer Packs Only recommended for the control of herbaceous weeds such as flatweed, plantains and thistles. Apply the recommended spray mix to give full coverage of leaves and stems. DO NOT use knapsacks or 12 volt sprayer packs to treat woody weeds. Low Volume High Concentrate Application Techniques Good control will be achieved, similar to high volume application, where bush size enables good coverage of entire bush. Use a marking agent, as recommended by the equipment manufacturers, to check spray coverage. Gas powered gun Apply 50 mL shots to obtain uniform coverage of 4 to 5m2 of surface area of bush. This relates to 20 droplets/cm2 of leaf surface. Sprinkler sprayer This technique involves using a micro sprinkler which is connected to a hollow fibre glass rod attached to a pneumatic knapsack sprayer. Use at low pressures (50 to 200 kPa) and apply with a slow sweeping action over the top of the plants ensuring even coverage on the leaves. Surfactant Addition Chart No Turbo Plus Needed 1.6 High Volume Application Weeds need to be actively growing for herbicides to have optimum effect. Delay treatment until all regrowth has had time to grow to approximately 1 metre in situations which have been bulldozed, slashed, burnt, ploughed or areas having a previous chemical treatment. Thorough coverage of foliage to the point of run-off is essential; however, avoid excess spraying which is wasteful of chemical. 1.2 0.8 0.4 Add Turbo Plus 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 500 Boom Output L/ha PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 285 RIPPER 480 Goal™ Herbicide The addition of Goal at 75 mL/ha to recommended rates of Ripper 480 prior to planting Winter cereals will improve knockdown and increase the speed at which treated weeds develop visible symptoms of phytotoxicity. RIPPER 480 Wiper Equipment Wiper equipment (e.g. ropewick, canvas, felt or carpet applicators) may be used to apply Ripper 480. Avoid contact with desirable vegetation. Operate wiper equipment a minimum of 10 cm above the crop or pasture. Weeds should be at least 15 cm above the crop or pasture at time of application. Speed of travel should be no greater than 8 km/h. Best results are achieved at lower speeds and where two applications are made in opposite directions (double pass). Where weeds are of variable height, or occur in dense infestations or clumps, some plants may be contacted by the herbicide solution. In these cases repeat treatment may be necessary. Mix only enough herbicide solution for immediate use. Do not store mixed solution for more than a few days. Flush out equipment with water after use. RATE: Mix 800 mL Ripper 480 with 2.2 litres clean water. Adjust flow rate to suit equipment. CAUTION: CDA equipment produces a fine spray pattern which is not easily visible. Ensure spray pattern or drift does not contact foliage or any other green tissue of desirable plants, since severe injury or destruction may result. Aerial Equipment Aerial equipment may be used to apply Ripper 480 only in pasture or fallow situations prior to establishment of field crops, fodder crops, or new pasture, and for pre-harvest application to cotton and sorghum crops. DO NOT use in intensive horticultural cropping areas. Use recommended rates of Ripper 480 specified in this label up to a maximum limit of 3 L/ha. For Micronair and boom equipment, apply in a minimum spray volume of at least 20 L/ha. Droplets with an average size (or VMD) of 250-350 micron diameter are recommended. Swath width should be 15-17 metres. Thoroughly wash aircraft, especially landing gear, after each day of spraying to remove herbicide residues. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Stem Injection Equipment To make an injection pocket at waist height, use a ¾ length axe with a blade width of 5 to 7 cm. The cut of injection must be through the bark and deep enough to place the entire chemical in contact with the sap wood. The chemical must be applied immediately after the dose pocket is made. Apply chemical with a Phillips 5 mL vaccinator fitted with a tree injector kit which can be accurately calibrated. Set vaccinator to deliver 0.75 mL of herbicide mix. When treating regrowth less than the width of the axe, ensure chemical does not run out the sides of the cut, as reduced control will result. This can be overcome by using the corner of the axe to make the pocket in the stem or treating by cut stump application. Cut Stump Application Stems should be cut less than 10 cm above the ground. Remove and treat the surface of any suckers present below the cut surface and ground level. Immediately apply Ripper 480/water mixture liberally to the freshly cut stump by spraying the cut surface and sides of the stem. If cut surface is oily, add a 100% non-ionic surfactant at 100 mL/100 L water to improve penetration. When using a brush cutter with an herbicide attachment, read all safety and operating instructions in the brush cutter manual prior to use of the equipment. Controlled Droplet Application (CDA) Results similar to high volume spraying can be obtained using Micron Herbi® or similar equipment. Select a nozzle to give a flow rate of 2 mL/sec and sweeping action of approximately 1 m/sec to ensure a droplet density of 20/cm2. Use a marking agent, as recommended by the equipment manufacturers, to check spray coverage. Also, consult directions provided with CDA unit. DO NOT add oils to Ripper 480/water mixture, otherwise difficulty in application and reduced weed control may occur. 286 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Application on hilly terrain As spraying height may vary, to maximise target contact, increase water volume to 30-80 L/ha and increase median droplet diameter of output to at least 300 micron VMD. Air Temperature and Relative Humidity DO NOT apply Ripper 480 by aircraft when temperature is above 30°C. Avoid application when relative humidity falls below 35%. High temperatures and/or low relative humidity cause excessive evaporation of spray droplets which may reduce results. When temperature reaches 25°C, increase water volume to at least 30 L/ha, and increase droplet size to at least 300 micron VMD. Avoid Drift DO NOT apply treatments with spraying equipment or under weather conditions which are likely to cause spray drift onto nearby susceptible crops, pastures or other sensitive plants. DO NOT use with spraying equipment, which produce fine droplets (150 microns or less) or under meteorological conditions conducive to drift e.g. wind speeds over 12 km/h, inversion conditions, still air or hot dry days. CLEANING APPLICATION EQUIPMENT Spray tanks, pumps, lines and nozzles should be thoroughly cleaned with clean water following application. Ripper 480 is a member of the Glycines group of herbicides. Ripper 480 has the inhibition of EPSP synthase mode of action. For weed resistance management Ripper 480 is a Group M herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to Ripper 480 and other inhibitors of Group M mode of action herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by Ripper 480 or other inhibitors of Group M herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Ripper 480 to control resistant weeds. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Product will irritate the eyes and skin. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • When using controlled droplet applicators, wear protective waterproof clothing and impervious footwear. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. • When preparing product for use, wear elbow-length PVC gloves and face shield or goggles. • After each day’s use wash, gloves, face shield or goggles and contaminated clothing. l e b a L n e m i c e p S PROTECTION OF CROP, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS Avoid contact with foliage, green bark or stems, canes, laterals, suckers, fresh wounds, exposed non-woody roots, flowers or fruit of crops, desirable plants and trees, since severe injury or destruction may result. DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment, that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK A withholding period for grazing stock is not required. However, it is recommended that grazing of treated plants be delayed for one day after treatment of annual weeds, or 7 days of perennial weeds are present, to ensure absorption of Ripper 480. Certain plants (eg. soursob, variegated thistle) may be naturally toxic to stock. Where known toxic plants are present, do not allow stock to graze until complete browning of treated plants has occurred. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for RIPPER™ 480 HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No. 60370/1209 PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEA AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate dams, rivers or streams with the product or used container. DO NOT apply to weeds growing in or over water. DO NOT spray across open bodies of water. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. Do not store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE AND DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 287 RIPPER 480 RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Rizacon S abe L n e m i c e p S RIZACON S ™ ™ Insecticide Insecticide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 300 g/L S-METHOPRENE ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 401 300 g/L LIQUID S-METHOPRENE HYDROCARBONS 401 g/L LIQUID HYDROCARBONS For mixing with uninfested cereal grain for protection against immature stages of Lesser grain For mixing with flour uninfested grain for protection against immature stages of Lesser grain borer, Rust-red beetlecereal and Sawtoothed grain beetle, including organnophosphate-resistant borer, flour beetle and FOR Sawtoothed grain beetle, including organnophosphate-resistant strains,Rust-red as per the DIRECTIONS USE table. strains, as per the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096Inc. Rizacon ™ Trademark of Wellmark International Rizacon ™ Trademark of Wellmark Inc. or an affiliated company of Dow ® Trademark of The Dow ChemicalInternational Company (“Dow”) ® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 288 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: DO NOT move treated grain within 24 hours after treatment. RIZACON S IGR Grain Protector is only effective against insects in their immature stages. In WA for use by Bulk Handling Authorities only. PEST Lesser grain borer, Rust-red flour beetle, Sawtoothed grain beetle, including those resistant to organophosphates RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS 100 mL in 50 L of water, for up to 9 months’ protection Apply at the rate of 1 L diluted spray per tonne of grain l e b a L n e m i c e p S Stored grain insect pests including Grain weevils As above, plus Reldan® 500 EC Insecticide at rates shown on the approved label NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIOD: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Check rate of treatment Insecticide Resistance Warning The spray rate, measured in litres per hour, must equal the auger or elevator uptake in tonnes per hour. Cleaning up For insecticide resistance management, Dow AgroSciences Rizacon S IGR Grain Protector is a group 7A insecticide. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Rizacon S and other Group 7A insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if Rizacon S or other Group 7A insecticides are used repeatedly. The effectiveness of Rizacon S on resistant individuals could be significantly reduced. Since occurrence of resistant individuals is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Ltd accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Rizacon S to control resistant insects. Rizacon S may be subject to specific resistance management strategies. For further information contact your local supplier. MIXING Using clean water only, dilute sufficient material for the job at hand. Diluted spray should be used within 48 hours. On completion, wash out spraying equipment and mixing and measuring utensils with water. Export of Treated Produce Users should note that suitable MRLs or import tolerances may not have been established in all markets for produce treated with Rizacon S. Before treating grain for export, please check with Dow AgroSciences Australia Ltd for the latest information on MRLs and import tolerances. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE AND DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. EQUIPMENT The diluted spray should be applied through special grain spraying equipment. The spray nozzle(s) must be capable of delivering an even spray pattern, and the output of spray pattern, and the output of spray must be regulated according to the flow of the grain. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 289 RIZACON S CROP/SITUATION Stored cereal grain SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Harmful if swallowed. • Will irritate the eyes, nose, throat and skin. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorders. • Do not inhale vapour or spray mist. Ensure adequate ventilation during use. • When preparing spray and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist, a washable hat and elbow-length PVC gloves. • Wash hands after use. • After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing. l e b a L n e m i c e p S FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. If swallowed do NOT induce vomiting. Give a glass of water. RIZACON S MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for RIZACON™ INSECTICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit Rizacon ™ Trademark of Wellmark International Inc. ® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow Made in USA APVMA Approval No: 55854/0702 290 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 l Starane abe L Advanced n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 333 g/L FLUROXYPYR present as meptyl ester ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 333 g/L FLUROXYPYR present as meptyl ester For the control of a wide range of Broadleaf weeds in Fallow, Lucerne, Maize, Millets, For the control of a Sorghum, wide rangeSugar of Broadleaf weedscorn, in Fallow, Pastures, Poppies, cane, Sweet WinterLucerne, cereals. Maize, Millets, Pastures, Poppies, Sorghum, Sugar cane, Sweet corn, Winter cereals. Also for the control of Woody Weeds in Agricultural Non-Crop Areas, Commercial and Industrial Also forForests, the control of Woody Weeds in Agricultural Non-Crop Areas, Commercial Areas, Pastures and Rights-of-Way, as specified in the Directions for Use.and Industrial Areas, Forests, Pastures and Rights-of-Way, as specified in the Directions for Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 291 STARANE ADVANCED READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING STARANE ADVANCED INDEX Section 1 WOODY WEED SITUATIONS Table A High Volume Application 3 Table B Aerial Application 6 Table C Basal Bark Application 7 Table D Cut Stump / Brushcutter Application 9 Table E Table F Page l e b a L n e m i c e p S Low Volume, High Concentrate Application 9 Boom Application 10 Section 2 BROADACRE CROPPING SITUATIONS Table A Sorghum 11 Maize and Sweet Corn 13 Millets 15 Winter Cereals (Wheat, Barley, Oats and Triticale) 17 Established Lucerne 18 Sugar Cane 19 Poppies 21 Table B Table C Table D Table E Table F Table G Section 3 FALLOW SITUATIONS Table A Winter Fallow 22 Summer Fallow 23 Table B 292 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 STARANE ADVANCED DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply to plants which may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (waterlogged or drought affected), poor nutrition, presence of disease, or previous herbicide treatment as reduced levels of control may result. Thorough coverage of both foliage and stems, to the point of runoff, is essential for high volume applications (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS; APPLICATION METHODS WOODY WEED SITUATIONS section). DO NOT spray if rain is likely within one hour. 1. WOODY WEED SITUATIONS l e b a L n e m i c e p S Table A: High Volume Spraying: Dilute product with water. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. • Legumes present at the time of spraying will be severely damaged. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS (including SOFTWOOD PLANTATIONS), PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /100 L WATER Seedlings and young plants up to 40 cm high 45 mL Seedlings and young plants up to flowering 300 mL Flowering 600 mL Black bindweed (Climbing buckwheat) (Fallopia convolvulus) Seedlings and young plants before flowering 180 mL Blackberry nightshade (Solanum nigrum) Seedlings and young plants up to flowering 300 mL Bokhara clover (Melilotus albus) Seedlings and young plants up to flowering Broad-leaf pepper tree (Schinus terebinthifolius) Mature leaves, fruiting Caltrop (Yellow vine) (Tribulus terrestris) (T. micrococcus) Seedlings and young plants up to 30 cm diameter Bathurst burr (Xanthium spinosum) Bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypiifolia) Blue heliotrope (Heliotropium amplexicaule) Cobblers pegs (Bidens pilosa) Cockspur thorn (Maclura cochinchinensis) 300 mL CRITICAL COMMENTS Winter application only. Contact Alan Fletcher Research Station, Biosecurity Qld, for more information. Up to 15 cm high Up to 3 m high PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 293 STARANE ADVANCED Table A: High Volume Spraying: Dilute product with water (continued). See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. • Legumes present at the time of spraying will be severely damaged. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS (including SOFTWOOD PLANTATIONS), PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /100 L WATER CRITICAL COMMENTS Common sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) Seedlings and young plants up to flowering 300 mL Add Uptake™ Spraying Oil (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: OILS and SURFACTANTS section). Common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) Seedlings and young plants up to bolting l e b a L n e m i c e p S Creeping lantana (Lantana montevidensis) At flowering Crofton weed (Ageratina adenophora) Seedlings and young plants up to flowering Docks (Rumex spp.) Seedlings and rosettes up to 30 cm high Add a surfactant (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: OILS and SURFACTANTS section). Flannel weed (Sida cordifolia) Giant sensitive tree (Mimosa pigra) Apply from mid to late summer 180 mL Add Uptake Spraying Oil (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: OILS and SURFACTANTS section). Hexham scent (Melilotus indicus) Seedlings and young plants up to flowering 300 mL Boom spray: Starane™ Advanced at 180 mL/ha + 400 mL/ha of 2,4-D amine (625 g/L). Hiptage (Hiptage benghalensis) Seedlings plants up to 1.3 m high Honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) Seedlings and young plants up to 2 m high Lantana (Lantana camara) Seedlings and regrowth 0.5 to 1.2 m high Plants and regrowth 1.2 to 2 m high 600 mL Limebush (Eremocitrus glauca) Infestations up to 1.5 m high only Madeira vine (Anredera cordifolia) Apply at time of active growth 300 mL 3 leaf to flowering 600 mL Milkweed (Euphorbia heterophylla) 294 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Apply to actively growing plants from October to April. Some regrowth may occur particularly when treating old woody plants with sparse canopies. Repeat applications will be necessary to control subsequent germinations. STARANE ADVANCED Table A: High Volume Spraying: Dilute product with water (continued). See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. • Legumes present at the time of spraying will be severely damaged. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS (including SOFTWOOD PLANTATIONS), PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /100 L WATER Mistflower (Ageratina riparia) Seedlings and young plants up to flowering 300 mL Mother-of-millions (Kalanchoe spp.) Seedling and young plants before flowering 360 mL Seedlings and young plants up to 40 cm high 45 mL Ochna (Ochna serrulate) Plants up to 2 m high 600 mL Paddy’s lucerne (Sida rhombifolia) Active growth CRITICAL COMMENTS l e b a L n e m i c e p S Noogoora burr (Xanthium pungens) Prickly acacia (Acacia nilotica) Add a surfactant (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: OILS and SURFACTANTS section). Plants which have been continually slashed or grazed over many seasons may be difficult to control and regrowth may occur. Seedling and young plants up to 2 m high that are actively growing. 450 mL Scrub nettle (Perennial) (Urtica incisa) Flowering plants up to 1 m high 300 mL Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) Plants up to 2 m high and up to flowering 210 mL Seedlings and young plants up to flowering 600 mL From onset of flowering to early berry-set (usually spring to mid-summer) 300 mL To ensure maximum effect, delay application until the majority of shoots have emerged. Follow-up treatment of regrowth is critical for best control. Sida (Sida spp.) Silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium) Add Uptake Spraying Oil (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: OILS and SURFACTANTS section). Consult Tropical Weeds Research Centre, Biosecurity Qld, Charters Towers for specific advice on application. Small flowered mallow (Marshmallow) (Malva parviflora) Seedlings and young plants up to flowering Snakeweed (Dark and light blue) (Stachytarpheta spp.) Seedling and young plants before flowering 450 mL Add Uptake Spraying Oil (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: OILS and SURFACTANTS section). St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) Flowering to early seed set 300 mL Late spring to early summer. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 295 STARANE ADVANCED Table A: High Volume Spraying: Dilute product with water (continued). See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. • Legumes present at the time of spraying will be severely damaged. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS (including SOFTWOOD PLANTATIONS), PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /100 L WATER CRITICAL COMMENTS Stinking passion flower (Passiflora foetida) Established plants and regrowth 270 mL Wandering Jew (Tradescantia albiflora) Young plants up to and including flowering 900 mL Some regrowth will usually occur and will require re-treatment. Seedling plants or regrowth 0.5 to 1.2 m high 300 mL Plants or regrowth 1.2 to 2 m high only 600 mL Apply to actively growing plants when soil moisture is plentiful. Some regrowth may occur particularly when treating old woody plants with sparse canopies and under dry conditions. White lupin (Lupinus albus) Young plants up to and including flowering 300 mL Yellow-flowered devil’s claw (Ibicella lutea) Seedlings and young plants up to flowering l e b a L n e m i c e p S Wattles including; Acacia aulacocarpa A. decora A. harpophylla A. leiocalyx A. salicinas Table B: Aerial Application See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED Giant sensitive tree (Mimosa pigra) 296 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Actively growing plants 1.8 L Add Uptake Spraying Oil at the rate of 1 L/100 L spray mix. Apply to actively growing plants from mid to late summer. Contact the Department of Natural Resources, Environment and The Arts, NT for further information. STARANE ADVANCED Table C: Basal Bark Application Dilute product with diesel only. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS (including SOFTWOOD PLANTATIONS), PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /100 L OF DIESEL CRITICAL COMMENTS Broad-leaf pepper tree (Schinus terebinthifolius) Plants up to 5 cm basal diameter 2.1 L Calotrope (Calotropis procera) Plants up to 3 m high and 10 cm basal diameter 3L Chinee apple (Ziziphus mauritiana) Up to 15 cm basal diameter 1.8 L Treat circumference of stem to a height of 45 cm from the ground. Contact the Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries, Qld, for further information. Young plants up to 2 m high and 20 cm basal diameter 2.1 L Treat stems from ground level to where multi-stemmed trunks branch. Up to 5 cm basal diameter 1.2 L l e b a L n e m i c e p S Chinese celtis (Celtis sinensis) Cockspur thorn (Maclura cochinchinensis) Giant sensitive tree (Mimosa pigra) Honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) 1L Plants should be cut as close to the ground (5 cm) as possible for reliable results. Apply during active growth periods. Plants up to 10 cm basal diameter 900 mL Treat circumference of stem to a height of 45 cm from the ground. Plants 10 to 20 cm basal diameter 1.8 L Plants >20 cm basal diameter 3L Contact the Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries, Qld, for further information. Mimosa bush (Acacia farnesiana) Up to 5 cm basal diameter 1.8 L Ochna (Ochna serrulate) Plants up to 2 m high and 10 cm basal diameter 2.1 L PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 297 STARANE ADVANCED Table C: Basal Bark Application (continued) Dilute product with diesel only. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS (including SOFTWOOD PLANTATIONS), PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /100 L OF DIESEL CRITICAL COMMENTS Pond apple (Annona glabra) Plants up to 20 cm basal diameter 900 mL DO NOT apply to trees growing in a body of water. Treat circumference of stem to a height of 50 cm from the ground wetting thoroughly to allow the spray mix to soak through the bark. Prickly acacia (Acacia nilotica) Up to 10 cm basal diameter l e b a L n e m i c e p S Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata) Sisal hemp (Agave spp.) 298 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Plants up to 2.5 m high and 10 cm basal diameter All growth stages 1.8 L Treat as an overall spray. Contact the Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries, Qld, for advice to control large infestations. 6 mL undiluted product per plant Lever out centre of plant with crowbar and immediately treat the exposed cut area. STARANE ADVANCED Table D: Cut Stump/Brushcutter Application Dilute product with diesel only. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS (including SOFTWOOD PLANTATIONS), PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /100 L OF DIESEL CRITICAL COMMENTS Calotrope (Calotropis procera) Plants up to 3 m high and 10 cm basal diameter 3L Chinee apple (Ziziphus mauritiana) Up to 15 cm basal diameter 1.8 L Contact the Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries, Qld, for further information. 1L Apply during active growth periods. Plants greater than 1.3 m high 2L Plants should be cut as close to the ground (5 cm) as possible for reliable results. Up to 5 cm basal diameter 1.8 L Up to 10 cm basal diameter 900 mL All plants up to and greater than 20 cm basal diameter 3L Plants should be cut as close to the ground (5 cm) as possible for reliable results. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Giant sensitive tree (Mimosa pigra) Hiptage (Hiptage benghalensis) Mimosa bush (Acacia farnesiana) Prickly acacia (Acacia nilotica) Honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) Contact the Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries, Qld, for further information. Table E: Low Volume, High Concentrate Application Using a drench gun or gas-powered gun. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS (including SOFTWOOD PLANTATIONS), PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /10 L WATER Limebush (Eremocitrus glauca) Isolated bushes up to 1.2 m high only 600 mL Ochna (Ochna serrulate) Isolated bushes up to 1 m high only 300 mL Apply from late flowering to green fruit up to 1.2 m high 600 mL Tree Violet (Hymenanthera dentata) CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply a 50 mL dose per 5 m2 of bush surface area. Apply a 50 mL dose per cubic metre of bush. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 299 STARANE ADVANCED Table F: Boom Application See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. ESTABLISHED GRASS PASTURES WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha Blue billygoat weed (Ageratum houstonianum) Common sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) Giant sensitive plant (Mimosa invisa) Spinyhead sida (Sida acuta) Apply before flowering 900 mL CRITICAL COMMENTS Add Uptake Spraying Oil at 1 L/ha. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Paddy’s lucerne (Sida rhombifolia) Apply to actively growing plants from late spring to late summer 2.4 L or 1.2 L + 1.6 L 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) Apply from bud to full bloom (usually late Nov to early Jan) 1.8 L Silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium) From onset of flowering to early berry-set. (usually spring to mid-summer) 450 - 600 mL or 225 mL + 1.2 L - 1.6 L 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) Some regrowth will occur. Treat regrowth the following season for best results. Use at least 200 L water/ha. Add Uptake Spraying Oil at 1 L/ha. To ensure maximum effect, delay application until the majority of shoots have emerged. Follow-up treatment of regrowth is critical for best control. FORESTRY (SOFTWOOD PLANTATIONS), ROADSIDES, INDUSTRIAL AREAS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED Woody and herbaceous weeds, as above WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha Pre-plant spray operations in forestry or general broadleaf weed growth 600 mL - 1.8 L Post-plant spray operations 300 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 CRITICAL COMMENTS Helicopter (Forestry (softwood plantations only)) or ground base application only. Can be mixed with rates of glyphosate up to 2.9 kg a.i./ha. Ground based directional spraying to the inter-row zone only in forestry. Table A: Sorghum See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. CROP GROWTH STAGE Apply when secondary roots are present, from 4 fully expanded leaves (15 cm tall) up to boot (also see CRITICAL COMMENTS) WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Annual ground cherry (Physalis angulata) Wild gooseberry (Physalis minima) 2 to 8 leaf up to 15 cm tall 300 mL 15 to 30 cm tall 450 mL Apple-of-Peru (Nicandra physalodes) Seedling plants up to 15 cm tall Sorghum: From 8 leaf to boot stage, use dropper nozzles to prevent herbicide coming in contact with the crop’s leaves and the growing point (meristem). Bathurst burr (Xanthum spinosum) Noogoora burr (Xanthium pungens) 2 to 8 leaf up to 20 cm tall 300 mL 20 to 50 cm tall 450 mL Red pigweed (Portulaca oleracea) Up to 10 cm diameter 300 mL 10 to 30 cm diameter 450 mL 2 to 6 leaf up to 10 cm tall 900 mL Full flower to early berry 450 mL + Uptake at 1 L/ha 2 to 8 leaf up to 15 cm tall 450 mL 2 to 5 leaf up to 20 cm tall 600 mL l e b a L n e m i c e p S Sesbania pea (Sesbania cannabina) Silverleaf nightshade ➊ (Solanum elaeagnifolium) Thornapples (Datura spp.) Volunteer sunflower (Helianthus annuus) ➊ This treatment may be slightly damaging to the crop. To minimise crop damage apply using dropper nozzles at all crop stages. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 301 STARANE ADVANCED 2. BROADACRE CROPPING SITUATIONS STARANE ADVANCED Table A: Sorghum (continued) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. CROP GROWTH STAGE Apply when secondary roots are present, from 4 fully expanded leaves (15 cm tall) up to boot (also see CRITICAL COMMENTS) WEEDS CONTROLLED Amaranthus spp. including; Boggabri weed (A. mitchellii) Dwarf amaranth (A. macrocarpus) Green amaranth (A. viridis) Redshank (A. cruentus) WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha Seedling plants up to 15 cm tall or rosettes up to 15 cm diameter 300 mL + 1.25 L atrazine flowable (600 g/L) or 450 mL + 1.67 L atrazine flowable (600 g/L) CRITICAL COMMENTS Use the low rate (300 mL + 1.25 L) when weeds are small (5-7 cm tall/diameter). Use the high rate (450 mL + 1.67 L) when weeds are larger (7-15 cm tall/diameter). l e b a L n e m i c e p S Anoda weed (Anoda cristata) Bladder ketmia (Hibiscus trionum) Black pigweed (Trianthema portulacastrum) Add a surfactant (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: OILS and SURFACTANTS section). Butterfly pea (Clitoria laurifolia) DO NOT add an oil to mixtures of Starane Advanced and atrazine. Caltrop (Yellow vine) (Tribulus terrestris) Spineless caltrop (Tribulus micrococcus) Cowvine (Peach vine) (Ipomoea lonchophylla) Hairy wandering Jew (Commelina benghalensis) Mintweed (Salvia reflexa) 302 Euphorbia davidii Cotyledons to 4 nodes up to 15 cm 600 mL + 1.67 L atrazine (600 g/L) Starburr (Acanthospermum hispidum) Up to 12 leaf and before flowering 900 mL or 450 mL + 1.67 L atrazine (600 g/L) Volunteer peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) Up to 15 cm diameter 600 mL + 3.75 L atrazine (600 g/L) PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Starane Advanced is generally more compatible with liquid atrazine products. (See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS; COMPATIBILITY section). CROP GROWTH STAGE Apply when secondary roots are present, from 3 fully expanded leaves (10 cm tall) up to just before tasselling. (See CRITICAL COMMENTS) WEEDS CONTROLLED Annual ground cherry (Physalis angulata) Wild gooseberry (Physalis minima) WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha 2 to 8 leaf up to 15 cm tall 300 mL 15 to 30 cm tall 450 mL Apple-of-Peru (Nicandra physalodes) Seedling plants up to 15 cm tall Bathurst burr (Xanthum spinosum) Noogoora burr (Xanthium pungens) 2 to 8 leaf up to 20 cm tall 300 mL 20 to 50 cm tall 450 mL Red pigweed (Portulaca oleracea) Up to 10 cm diameter 300 mL 10 to 30 cm diameter 450 mL Sesbania pea (Sesbania cannabina) 2 to 6 leaf up to 10 cm tall 900 mL Thornapples (Datura spp.) 2 to 8 leaf up to 15 cm tall 450 mL Volunteer sunflower (Helianthus annuus) 2 to 5 leaf up to 20 cm tall 600 mL CRITICAL COMMENTS Maize: From 6 leaf to just before tasselling, use dropper nozzles to prevent the herbicides coming in contact with the crop’s leaves and the growing point (meristem). l e b a L n e m i c e p S Sweet corn: From 4 leaf to just before tasselling, use dropper nozzles to prevent the herbicide coming in contact with the crop’s leaves and the growing point (meristem). PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 303 STARANE ADVANCED Table B: Maize and Sweet Corn See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. STARANE ADVANCED Table B: Maize and Sweet Corn (continued) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. CROP GROWTH STAGE Apply when secondary roots are present, from 3 fully expanded leaves (10 cm tall) up to just before tasselling. (See CRITICAL COMMENTS) WEEDS CONTROLLED Amaranthus spp. including; Boggabri weed (A. mitchellii) Dwarf amaranth (A. macrocarpus) Green amaranth (A. viridis) Redshank (A. cruentus) WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha Seedling plants up to 15 cm tall or rosettes up to 15 cm diameter 300 mL + 1.25 L atrazine flowable (600 g/L) or 450 mL + 1.67 L atrazine flowable (600 g/L) CRITICAL COMMENTS Use the low rate (300 mL + 1.25 L) when weeds are small (5-7 cm tall/diameter). Use the high rate (450 mL + 1.67 L) when weeds are larger (7-15 cm tall/diameter). l e b a L n e m i c e p S Anoda weed (Anoda cristata) Bladder ketmia (Hibiscus trionum) Black pigweed (Trianthema portulacastrum) Add a surfactant (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: OILS and SURFACTANTS section). Caltrop (Yellow vine) (Tribulus terrestris) DO NOT add an oil to mixtures of Starane Advanced and atrazine. Spineless caltrop (Tribulus micrococcus) Cowvine (Peach vine) (Ipomoea lonchophylla) Hairy wandering Jew (Commelina benghalensis) Mintweed (Salvia reflexa) 304 Euphorbia davidii Cotyledons to 4 nodes up to 15 cm 600 mL + 1.67 L atrazine (600 g/L) Starburr (Acanthospermum hispidum) Up to 12 leaf and before flowering 900 mL or 450 mL + 1.67 L atrazine (600 g/L) Volunteer peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) Up to 15 cm diameter 600 mL + 2.7 L atrazine (600 g/L) PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Starane Advanced is generally more compatible with liquid atrazine products. (See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: COMPATIBILITY section). CROP GROWTH STAGE Sweet corn (Tas only) 3 to 5 leaf WEEDS CONTROLLED Blackberry nightshade (Solanum nigrum) Volunteer potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha 3 to 5 leaf 600 mL CRITICAL COMMENTS l e b a L n e m i c e p S Table C: Millets See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. CROP GROWTH STAGE Spray when secondary roots have developed, usually early to mid-tillering, and not later than before heads start to form at the base of tillers. (See CRITICAL COMMENTS) WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE/ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Millets: DO NOT use mixes of Starane Advanced + atrazine on Japanese millet (Echinochloa esculenta). Annual ground cherry (Physalis angulata) Wild gooseberry (Physalis minima) 2 to 8 leaf up to 15 cm tall 300 mL 15 to 30 cm tall 450 mL Apple-of-Peru (Nicandra physalodes) Seedling plants up to 15 cm tall Bathurst burr (Xanthum spinosum) Noogoora burr (Xanthium pungens) 2 to 8 leaf up to 20 cm tall 300 mL 20 to 50 cm tall 450 mL Red pigweed (Portulaca oleracea) Up to 10 cm diameter 300 mL 10 to 30 cm diameter 450 mL Sesbania pea (Sesbania cannabina) 2 to 6 leaf up to 10 cm tall 900 mL Thornapples (Datura spp.) 2 to 8 leaf up to 15 cm tall 450 mL Volunteer sunflower (Helianthus annuus) 2 to 5 leaf up to 20 cm tall 600 mL Starane Advanced + atrazine can be safely applied to: French millet (Panicum miliaceum) Foxtail millet (Setaria italica var. panorama) PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 305 STARANE ADVANCED Table B: Maize and Sweet Corn (continued) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. STARANE ADVANCED Table C: Millets (continued) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. CROP GROWTH STAGE Spray when secondary roots have developed, usually early to mid-tillering, and not later than before heads start to form at the base of tillers. (See CRITICAL COMMENTS) WEEDS CONTROLLED Amaranthus spp. including; Boggabri weed (A. mitchellii) Dwarf amaranth (A. macrocarpus) Green amaranth (A. viridis) Redshank (A. cruentus) WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE/ha Seedling plants up to 15 cm tall or rosettes up to 15 cm diameter 300 mL + 1.25 L atrazine flowable (600 g/L) or 450 mL + 1.67 L atrazine flowable (600 g/L) CRITICAL COMMENTS Use the low rate (300 mL + 1.25 L) when weeds are small (5-7 cm tall/diameter). Use the high rate (450 mL + 1.67 L) when weeds are larger (7-15 cm tall/diameter). l e b a L n e m i c e p S Anoda weed (Anoda cristata) Bladder ketmia (Hibiscus trionum) Black pigweed (Trianthema portulacastrum) Add a surfactant (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: OILS and SURFACTANTS section). Caltrop (Yellow vine) (Tribulus terrestris) DO NOT add an oil to mixtures of Starane Advanced and atrazine. Spineless caltrop (Tribulus micrococcus) Cowvine (Peach vine) (Ipomoea lonchophylla) Hairy wandering Jew (Commelina benghalensis) Mintweed (Salvia reflexa) Starburr (Acanthospermum hispidum) 306 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Starane Advanced is generally more compatible with liquid atrazine products. (See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS; COMPATIBILITY section) Up to 12 leaf and before flowering 900 mL or 450 mL + 1.67 L atrazine flowable (600 g/L) WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS and TRITICALE CROP GROWTH STAGE Apply from 3 leaf to flag (Zadoks 13 to 39) WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Bedstraw (Galium tricornutum) 3 to 6 whorl 300 mL + Uptake Add Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L water. Black bindweed (Climbing buckwheat) (Fallopia convolvulus) 2 to 4 leaf 300 mL + Uptake ➊ Useful suppression only 2 to 6 leaf 450 mL or 300 mL + 5 g metsulfuron (600 g/kg) ➊ 1 to 3 whorl 600 mL Common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) 2 to 5 leaf 600 mL Deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule) 2 to 6 leaf Doublegee (Spiny Emex) (Emex australis) 2 to 4 leaf 900 mL or 300 mL + 5 g metsulfuron (600 g/kg) ➊ Prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola) 2 to 5 leaf 300 mL + Uptake or 600 mL Volunteer lupins (Lupin angustifolius) 2 to 8 leaf 900 mL Volunteer potato (Solanum tuberosum) 10 to 15 cm tall Wireweed (Hogweed) (Polygonum aviculare) 2 to 3 leaf l e b a L n e m i c e p S Cleavers (Galium aparine) Mixtures: Mixing partners with Starane Advanced may reduce crop selectivity. Apply at crop growth stages according to the mixing partner’s recommendation. DO NOT use Starane Advanced + metsulfuron mixtures on oats or durum wheat. Plants 15 to 30 cm tall will only be suppressed. 300 mL + 5 g metsulfuron (600 g/kg) ➊ ➊ Add either Uptake or a surfactant (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: OILS and SURFACTANTS section). PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 307 STARANE ADVANCED Table D: Winter Cereals Boom Application See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. STARANE ADVANCED Table D: Winter Cereals Boom Application (continued) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS and TRITICALE CROP GROWTH STAGE WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply from 3 leaf to flag (Zadoks 13 to 39) Bittercress (Coronopus didymus) Mustards (Sisymbrium spp.) Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursapastoris) Turnip weed (Rapistrum rugosum) Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) Wild turnip (Brassica tournefortii) Up to 8 leaf and up to 15 cm diameter 300 to 900 mL + metsulfuron (600 g/kg) ➊ or Dow AgroSciences LVE 600 MCPA or Canvas 750 or Conclude The Starane Advanced rate depends on what other weeds are present as listed above. See Mixtures comment above metsulfuron @ 5 g/ha (This mix does not control wild radish). Dow AgroSciences LVE 600 MCPA (MCPA LVE @ 580 mL/ha, Canvas 750 (MCPA Amine) @ 670 mL/ha, Conclude @ 700 mL/ha. l e b a L n e m i c e p S ➊ Add either Uptake or a surfactant (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: OILS and SURFACTANTS section). Table E: Established Lucerne (NSW only) Boom Application See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. CROP GROWTH STAGE WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Established crops at least 18 months old Annual ground cherry (Physalis angulata) Bathurst burr (Xanthum spinosum) Noogoora burr (Xanthium pungens) Wild gooseberry (Physalis minima) 2 to 8 leaf up to 15 cm high 300 mL Red pigweed (Portulaca oleracea) Up to 10 cm diameter To minimise crop injury and to maximise weed control, cut, slash or heavily graze the lucerne before application. Wherever possible, irrigate before application to stimulate weed growth. DO NOT treat crops growing on sandy or stony soils. DO NOT treat crops after the summer growing season (after end of March). To broaden the spectrum of weeds controlled, Starane Advanced can be mixed with 2,4-DB amine. 308 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 CROP GROWTH STAGE From early tillering to maturity WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Balsum pear (Momordica charantia) Apply from 2 to 3 leaf until flowering Ground: 780 mL For optimal weed control, delay application until just before the “close-in” stage. Blackberry nightshade (Solanum nigrum) Aerial: 900 mL Aerial application: Apply in not less than 60 L/ha water and add Uptake Spraying Oil at 1 L/100 L spray mixture. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Blue billygoat weed (Ageratum houstonianum) Centro (Centrosema pubescens) Cowpea (Vigna unguiculate) Giant sensitive plant (seedlings only) (Mimosa invisa) Ground application: Apply in 100 - 400 L/ha water and add Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L of spray mixture. Lablab bean (Lablab purpureus) Noogoora burr (Xanthum pungens) Phasey bean (Macroptilium lathyroides) Pinkburr (Urena lobata) Prickly African cucumber (Cucumis metuliferus) Spinyhead sida (Sida acuta) Stinking passion flower (seedlings only) (Passiflora foetida) PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 309 STARANE ADVANCED Table F: Sugar Cane See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. STARANE ADVANCED Table F: Sugar Cane (continued) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for APPLICATION METHOD details. CROP GROWTH STAGE From early tillering to maturity WEEDS CONTROLLED Bellvine (Ipomoea plebeia) Morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea) WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply from 2 to 3 leaf until flowering Ground: 780 mL For optimal weed control, delay application until just before the “close-in” stage. Aerial: 900 mL l e b a L n e m i c e p S Pink convolvulus (Ipomoea triloba) As above + 800 mL 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) Red convolvulus (Ipomoea hederifolia) Star-of-Bethlehem (Ipomoea quamoclit) 310 Aerial application: Apply in not less than 60 L/ha water and add Uptake Spraying Oil at 1 L/100 L spray mixture. Ground application: Apply in 100 - 400 L/ha water and add Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L of spray mixture. Milkweed (Euphorbia heterophylla) Seedlings and young plants up to flowering 1.8 L or 1.38 L + 3.33 L atrazine flowable (600 g/L) Better control will be achieved with the atrazine mixture. Delay application until just before the cane reaches the “close-in” stage. This will improve control and minimise the number of seedlings that germinate. Stinking passion flower (Passiflora foetida) Established or ratoon plants with at least 1 m of regrowth 270 mL Spot spray application: Thoroughly wet plants to the point of run-off. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 CROP GROWTH STAGE 4 to 6 leaf WEEDS CONTROLLED Cleavers (Galium aparine) Fumitory (Fumaria spp.) WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha 2 to 6 leaf 600 mL CRITICAL COMMENTS l e b a L n e m i c e p S Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Wireweed (Hogweed) (Polygonum aviculare) 8 to 10 leaf Common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) Prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola) Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) Fumitory (Fumaria spp.) 8 to 10 leaf Volunteer potato (Solanum tuberosum) 600 mL + 5 L Asulox® 2 to 5 leaf 600 mL Cotyledon to 4 leaf 900 mL DO NOT apply Starane Advanced to poppies later than the 8 to 10 leaf growth stage as a reduction of alkaloid content could occur. 6 to 10 leaf From tuber initiation to flower bud 900 mL This rate will provide season long control of volunteer potato, but will not control all daughter tubers and will only suppress potatoes over 15 cm tall. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 311 STARANE ADVANCED Table G: Poppies (Tas only) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for application method details STARANE ADVANCED 3. FALLOW SITUATIONS Table A: Boom Application See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for application method details. WINTER FALLOW WEEDS CONTROLLED Bedstraw (Galium tricornutum) WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha Up to 5 whorl 600 mL ➊ CRITICAL COMMENTS When mixing with Ripper™ 480 to control both grass and broadleaf weeds, refer to the Ripper 480 label for use rates and adjuvants recommended for the grasses. (See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS; COMPATIBILITY section). l e b a L n e m i c e p S Cleavers (Galium aparine) Black bindweed (Climbing buckwheat) (Fallopia convolvulus) 2 to 8 leaf up to 10 cm diameter 450 mL ➊ Common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) 2 to 5 leaf up to 10 cm diameter 600 mL ➊ 2 to 8 leaf 900 mL ➊ Prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola) Doublegee (Spiny emex) (Emex australis) Wireweed (Hogweed) (Polygonum aviculare) Doublegee (Spiny emex) (Emex australis) 2 to 3 leaf up to 10 cm tall 2 to 8 leaf Wireweed (Hogweed) (Polygonum aviculare) 2 to 3 leaf up to 10 cm tall Common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) 2 to 5 leaf up to 10 cm diameter Prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola) Wireweed (Hogweed) (Polygonum aviculare) 2 to 3 leaf up to 10 cm tall 300 mL ➋ + 5g metsulfuron (600 g/kg) 300 mL ➋ + 560 mL Ripper* 480 (480 g/L glyphosate) When mixing with Ripper™ 480 to control both grass and broadleaf weeds, refer to the Ripper 480 label for use rates and adjuvants recommended for the grasses. (See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS; COMPATIBILITY section). ➊ Add Uptake Spraying Oil (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: OILS and SURFACTANTS section). ➋ Add Uptake or a surfactant (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: OILS and SURFACTANTS section). 312 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 SUMMER FALLOW WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Annual ground cherry (Physalis angulata) 2 to 8 leaf, up to 15 cm tall 450 mL ➊ Bathurst burr (Xanthium spinosum) 2 to 8 leaf, up to 20 cm tall ➊ Add Uptake Spraying Oil (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: OILS and SURFACTANTS section). ➋ Delay treatment until the maximum number of shoots have emerged, but before the onset of fruiting. (late summer) DO NOT treat plants showing symptoms from previous treatment. Use the high rate when longer term weed control (6-10 months) is required and delay planting crops during this period. The low rate will require follow-up treatments. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Noogoora burr (Xanthium pungens) Perennial ground cherry ➋ (Physalis virginiana) Bud to early flowering up to 20 cm tall 900 mL ➊ or 1.8 L ➊ Polymeria (Polymeria pusilla) 2 to 10 leaf up to 20 cm diameter 600 mL ➊ Red pigweed (Portulaca oleracea) Up to 10 cm diameter 300 mL ➊ Rhynchosia (Rhynchosia minima) Seedlings to early flowering 600 mL ➊ Silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium) Full flower to early berry-set (usually Dec - Feb) 450 to 600 mL Small-flowered mallow (Malva parviflora) Up to 8 leaf or up to 20 cm diameter 600 mL ➊ Thornapples (Datura spp.) 2 to 8 leaf up to 15 cm tall 450 mL ➊ Sesbania pea (Sesbania cannabina) 2 to 6 leaf up to 10 cm tall 900 mL ➊ Volunteer sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) 2 to 5 leaf up to 20 cm 600 mL ➊ 2 to 8 leaf, up to 15 cm tall 450 mL ➊ Wild gooseberry (Physalis minima) Add Uptake Spraying Oil at the rate of 1 L/100 L spray mixture. To ensure maximum effect, delay application until the majority of shoots have emerged. Followup treatment will be required to control regrowth and is critical for optimal control. If wanting to prevent seed set repeat applications may be needed in the same season, although this does not lead to better long term control. ➊ Add Uptake Spraying Oil (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: OILS and SURFACTANTS section). PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 313 STARANE ADVANCED Table B: Boom Application See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for application method details STARANE ADVANCED Table B: Boom Application (continued) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for application method details SUMMER FALLOW WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Red pigweed (Portulaca oleracea) Up to 10 cm diameter Rhynchosia (Rhynchosia minima) Seedlings to early flowering 225 mL + 1.125 L Ripper 480 (480 g/L glyphosate) When mixing with Ripper 480 to control both grass and broadleaf weeds, refer to the Ripper 480 label for use rates and adjuvants recommended for the grasses. (See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS; COMPATIBILITY section) l e b a L n e m i c e p S Bellvine (Ipomoea plebeia) Pre-flowering Bladder ketmia (Hibiscus trionum) 4 to 8 leaf up to 10 cm tall Black bindweed (Climbing buckwheat) (Fallopia convolvulus) 2 to 10 leaf up to 20 cm diameter Cowvine (Peach vine) (Ipomoea lonchophylla) 2 to 10 leaf up to 10 cm diameter Caltrop (Yellow vine) (Tribulus terrestris) Up to 15 cm diameter Polymeria (Polymeria pusilla) 2 to 10 leaf up to 20 cm diameter Red pigweed (Portulaca oleracea) 10 to 30 cm diameter Spineless caltrop (Tribulus micrococcus) Up to 15 cm diameter Thornapples (Datura spp.) 2 to 8 leaf up to 15 cm tall Sesbania pea (Sesbania cannabina) 2 to 6 leaf up to 10 cm tall Black bindweed (Climbing buckwheat) (Fallopia convolvulus) 10-12 leaf up to 30 cm diameter Red pigweed (Portulaca oleracea) Up to 60 cm diameter 314 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 300 mL + 1.125 L Ripper 480 (480 g/L glyphosate) 300 mL + 1.125 L Ripper 480 (480 g/L glyphosate) 450 mL + 1.125 L Ripper 480 (480 g/L glyphosate) When mixing with Ripper 480 to control both grass and broadleaf weeds, refer to the Ripper 480 label for use rates and adjuvants recommended for the grasses. (See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS; COMPATIBILITY section) SUMMER FALLOW WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium) Full flower to early berry-set (usually Dec - Feb) 225 mL + 1.2 - 1.6 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) Add Uptake Spraying Oil at the rate of 1 L/100 L spray mixture. To ensure maximum effect, delay application until the majority of shoots have emerged. Follow-up treatment will be required to control regrowth and is critical for optimal control. If wanting to prevent seed set repeat applications may be needed in the same season, although this does not lead to better long term control. Add a surfactant (see GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: OILS and SURFACTANTS section). Important: (See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS; COMPATIBILITY section). l e b a L n e m i c e p S Volunteer peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) Up to 15 cm diameter 600 mL + 3.75 L atrazine (600g/L) Volunteer Roundup Ready Flex Cotton (Gossypium spp.) 2-6 leaf, up to 10 cm tall 450 mL 5-7 node, up to 25 cm tall 600 mL NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIODS Crops and Pastures: DO NOT GRAZE FAILED CROPS AND TREATED PASTURES OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Poppies: DO NOT SPRAY POPPIES LATER THAN 10 WEEKS BEFORE HARVEST. Winter and Summer Cereals, Sugar Cane: NO WITHHOLDING PERIOD REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 315 STARANE ADVANCED Table B: Boom Application (continued) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for application method details STARANE ADVANCED MINIMUM RECROPPING PERIODS Plant-back periods for crops following the application of Starane Advanced for rates up to 900 mL/ha. RATE mL/ha 225 CROP 450 900 Days Barley 7 7 7 Wheat 7 7 7 l e b a L n e m i c e p S Chickpea 7 7 7 Cotton 14 14 28 Soybean 7 7 14 Sunflower 7 7 7 Maize 7 7 7 7 7 7 Sorghum Restraint: DO NOT plant susceptible crops, including cotton, pigeon peas and other pulse crops, into irrigated fields with soils containing less than 25% clay content, within 12 months of treatment with Starane Advanced. Note: Before using Starane Advanced in tank mixes with other herbicides, check the plant-back information on all product labels. The time between spraying and planting will be determined by the most residual product, i.e. the product with the longest plant-back period. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS OILS AND SURFACTANTS MIXING Oils: Use only Uptake Spraying Oil at the rate of 500 mL/100 L of spray mix. When using less than 100 L/ha spray volume, ensure a minimum of 250 mL/ha of Uptake is used, unless 1 L/100 L or 1 L/ha is specified. Surfactants (wetters): Use a 100% concentrate non-ionic surfactant such as BS1000® at 100 mL/100 L of spray mix where required. Starane Advanced may be mixed with water or diesel. Mix only sufficient chemical for each days use and avoid storing. Mixing in Water: Half fill the spray tank with water and add the required quantity of Starane Advanced and complete filling. Agitate continuously to ensure thorough mixing before and during application. Mixing in Diesel: Half fill the spray tank with diesel and add the required quantity of Starane Advanced. Add the remainder of the diesel and agitate or shake to mix contents. Tank mixtures: Wettable powder or dry flowable formulations (e.g. water dispersible granules) should be added to the spray tank first, followed by suspension concentrates (flowables), water soluble salts and then emulsifiable concentrate formulations (Starane Advanced). Add spraying OILS and SURFACTANTS (wetters) last. (See COMPATIBILITY section for Ripper™ 480 (glyphosate) for additional instructions when mixing with glyphosate.) 316 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Starane Advanced is compatible with the herbicides listed. Follow any regional restrictions, and all directions and restrictions on the label, of any chemical mixed with Starane™ Advanced. atrazine (see below), Broadstrike™, Dow AgroSciences LVE 600 MCPA Herbicide™ (MCPA LVE), Canvas™ 750 (MCPA amine), Conclude™, diclofop methyl, Dow AgroSciences (2,4-D) Amine 625, Eclipse®, Esteron™ LV, Garlon™ 600, glyphosate, Hotshot™, Lontrel™, MCPA, metsulfuron methyl, Ripper™ 480 (see below), Topik® 240 EC (see below), Tordon™ 75-D, Tordon™ 242, Touchdown®, Wildcat® 110 and 2,4-DB amine. AGITATION IS VERY IMPORTANT WHEN MIXING STARANE ADVANCED AND ATRAZINE. Starane Advanced plus atrazine tank mixes must be agitated vigorously and continuously during mixing and application. After mixing DO NOT allow to stand without agitation. Ensure that the time from mixing to the end of application is not more than 2 hours. If settling out occurs re-suspension is difficult, even with vigorous agitation. Agitation using only the pump’s by-pass is usually inadequate, particularly with larger tanks (more than 2000 L). Additional mechanical agitation will be necessary in large tanks, computer sprayers and mixing tanks. When additional surfactant is required, add a 100% concentrate non-ionic surfactant at 100 mL/100 L of spray mix. DO NOT use a spraying oil when tank mixing Starane Advanced and atrazine. l e b a L n e m i c e p S ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ATRAZINE AVOID USING HARD WATER WHEREVER POSSIBLE. Where hard water cannot be avoided, the addition of a water conditioning agent to the spray tank, at 100 g/100 L water, before adding any herbicide may improve compatibility. Guidelines For Tank Mixing Starane Advanced And Common Atrazine Formulations: Tank Mix Rate (/ha) Water Hardness Minimum Water Volume (L/ha) Soft Medium Hard Ground Aerial Comments Starane 450 mL 4 4 4 50 35 Starane + Gesaprim® 600 FW 450 mL + 1.67 L 4 4 4 50 - 100 35 Starane + Atradex® 900 WG 450 mL + 1.1 kg 4 6 6 100 Do not use Precipitate may be difficult to resuspend and may block nozzles Starane + Nu-Trazine® DF 450 mL + 1.1 kg 4 6 6 100 Do not use Sediment may be difficult to resuspend and may block nozzles Starane + Nu-Trazine® 500 FW 450 mL +2L 4 4 6 100 Do not use Precipitate may be difficult to resuspend and may block nozzles Precipitate can be easily resuspended PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 317 STARANE ADVANCED COMPATIBILITY STARANE ADVANCED TOPIK 240 EC Always use Uptake Spraying Oil with Starane Advanced + Topik 240 EC tank mixes at 500 mL/100 L of spray mix with a minimum of 250 mL/ha. DO NOT mix Starane Advanced with Topik 240 EC if the grass weeds are not actively growing. Always use the maximum label rate of Topik 240 EC for the appropriate grass growth stage. DO NOT use Starane Advanced at more than 450 mL/ha in tank mixes with Topik 240 EC. RIPPER 480 (glyphosate) When mixing Starane Advanced with Ripper 480 to control both grass and broadleaf weeds, refer to the Ripper 480 label for use rate recommended for grasses. DO NOT use Ripper 480 at less than 1.125 L/ha in tank mixes with Starane Advanced, when barnyard grass, buttongrass, crowsfoot grass, native millet and liverseed grass are the target species. Mixing Instructions for glyphosate + Starane Advanced + other tank-mix partners: Step 1: Fill the spray tank to 1/2 full with clean water, start and maintain agitation. Step 2: Where ammonium sulphate (crystalline or liquid form) is recommended, wash crystalline form at 0.08 % w/v (800 g/100 L spray solution) through a top mesh screen into the tank OR add Liase® at 2 % v/v (2 L/100 L spray solution) and mix thoroughly for several minutes. Step 3: Add Ripper 480 (or other glyphosate formulations) and allow mixing thoroughly for several minutes. Step 4: For other tank-mix partners: Add dry flowable formulations (e.g. metsulfuron) first, followed by suspension concentrates (flowables e.g. atrazine), water soluble salts (e.g. Abound™ 400). Step 5: Then add emulsifiable concentrate formulations, such as Starane Advanced, and allow mixing thoroughly for several minutes. Step 6: Add remaining water to desired final fill level. Step 7: Add a 100% non-ionic surfactant at 0.2% v/v near the end of the filling process to minimize excessive foaming. Step 8: Removing hose from tank immediately after the filling will prevent back siphoning into water source. Always maintain adequate agitation during application and use the tank load promptly. APPLICATION METHODS and WATER RATES BROADCAST APPLICATION IN CROPPING, PASTURE AND FALLOW SITUATIONS. A. Ground Application (Boom) Apply Starane Advanced with an accurately calibrated boom sprayer, in at least 50 L/ha water (100-400 L/ha for sugar cane). Flat fan nozzles applying a medium quality spray (ASABE-S572) are recommended. Set the boom at a height to ensure a double overlap of the nozzle patterns. B. Ground Directed Application (Dropper nozzles) To minimise crop effects, dropper nozzles should be used in sorghum when the crop is beyond the 8 leaf growth stage and in maize and sweet corn when the crop is beyond the 6 leaf growth stage. Adjust the nozzles to direct the spray into the base of the crop and away from the leaves and the growing point. See manufacturers’ directions for setting up and calibration of dropper nozzles. C. Aerial Application Apply in a minimum volume of at least 35 L/ha water (60 L/ha in sugar cane). Use equipment calibrated to produce a coarse quality spray (ASABE-S572). DO NOT apply when the temperature is above 30°C, when there is no wind or when the wind is blowing toward susceptible crops. DO NOT spray when wind speed is less than 3 km/hr or more than 20 km/hr. WOODY WEED SITUATIONS Weeds must be actively growing to attain optimal effect. Delay the treatment of re-growth following bulldozing, slashing, burning, ploughing or a previous chemical treatment until it has at least 1 metre of new, vigorous, growth. A. High Volume Application Hand Gun Apply the recommended mix to obtain full coverage of leaves and stems using a number 6 - 8 tip at 700 to 1500 kPa. To obtain good coverage, a spray volume of 1500 to 4000 L/ha (15 to 40 L/100m2) is required per infested hectare. Ensure thorough coverage to the point of runoff. Knapsack and 12 Volt Sprayer Packs Only recommended for the control of herbaceous weeds such as cobblers peg, docks and wandering jew. DO NOT use knapsacks or 12 volt sprayer packs to treat woody weeds. l e b a L n e m i c e p S 318 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto wasteland away from desirable plants and watercourses. Cleaning equipment after using water-based sprays: Rinsing: After using Starane Advanced Herbicide, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the spray unit using a pressure hose. Drain, and clean any filters in the tank, pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. After cleaning the tank as above, quarter fill with clean water and circulate through the pump, lines and nozzles. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. Decontamination (before spraying cotton and other sensitive crops; see PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS): Wash the tank and rinse the system as above. Then quarter fill the tank and add an alkali detergent at 500 mL/100 L of water or the powder equivalent at 500 g/100 L and circulate throughout the system for at least 15 minutes. If using a concentrated laundry detergent use 250 g (or mL)/100 L water. Do not use chlorine based cleaners. Drain the whole system. Remove filters and nozzles and clean them separately. Finally flush the system with clean water and allow to drain. Cleaning equipment after using diesel-based sprays: On completion of spraying, use a degreaser to remove traces of diesel from the sprayer. Rinse tank and spray through nozzles with water to remove degreaser. Then, quarter fill the tank with clean water and add an alkali detergent at 50 mL/10 L of water or the powder equivalent at 50 g/10 L of water. Shake sprayer, to circulate the washing solution throughout the sprayer, then spray the solution through the nozzles. Rinse well with clean water to remove the detergent. To clean brushes and containers, spray liberally with degreaser. Hose off with clean water and repeat using detergents as above. DO NOT use this equipment for any other purpose. l e b a L n e m i c e p S PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 319 STARANE ADVANCED B. Aerial Application Apply in 200 L of water/ha using an aircraft to apply 100 L per pass on a double overlap pattern using nozzle configurations to produce a coarse quality spray (ASABE-S572). The potential for damage from drift can be greatly reduced by avoiding unsuitable spraying conditions and using spray pressure and nozzles to minimise the production of small droplets. DO NOT spray when wind speed is less than 3 km/hr or more than 20 km/hr and/or air temperature reaches 35°C. C. Basal Bark and Cut Stump Application Basal Bark DO NOT apply to wet stems as this can repel the diesel mixture. Spray or paint the recommended mixture around the base of each stem from ground level to a height of at least 30 cm from the ground, wetting the bark to the point of runoff. Apply with a paint brush or a pressure sprayer with an appropriate lance and solid cone nozzle. If using spray equipment use low pressures (≤ 200 kPa) sufficient to form a cone of spray. Old rough bark will require more spray than smooth or young thin bark. Cut Stump Apply the recommended mixture liberally to the freshly cut stump immediately after cutting. Apply by spraying or painting the cut surface and sides of the stump. Best results are obtained when the stems are cut less than 15 cm above the ground. D. Low Volume, High Concentrate Application Drench Gun or Gas-Powered Gun Apply the recommended mixture uniformly across the foliage by applying 50 mL shots to cover 4 to 5 m2 of surface area of plant. This is approximately equivalent to 20 droplets per cm2 of the leaf surface. Use a marking agent as recommended by the equipment manufacturer to check spray coverage. STARANE ADVANCED RESISTANT WEED WARNING Starane Advanced Herbicide is a member of the pyridine group of herbicides. The product has a disrupters of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management the product is a Group I Herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or Group I herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, or local Dow AgroSciences representative. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK DO NOT graze or cut treated crops for stock food except as specified under withholding periods. Poisonous plants may become more palatable after spraying, therefore livestock should be kept out of the area until the plants have died down. DO NOT allow stock to re-enter paddocks containing treated poisonous plants, until the plants have died down. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT l e b a L n e m i c e p S PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS Susceptible crops include but are not limited to clovers, cotton, fruit, hops, lupins, ornamentals, peas, pine tree, potatoes, navy beans, safflower, shade trees, soybeans, sunflower, tobacco, tomatoes, vegetables, and vines. Starane Advanced can be damaging to susceptible crops during both growing and dormant periods. Grasses are normally unaffected by Starane Advanced and establish quickly after treatment. Transitory damage can occur on some species particularly those that spread by stolons such as couch grass (Cynodon dactylon), Kikuyu grass and carpet grass (Axonopus spp.). DO NOT allow spray to drift onto susceptible crops, shade trees and Pinus spp. DO NOT use under weather conditions or from spraying equipment which could be expected to cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants. 320 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. Alongside waterways, treat only noxious weeds and poisonous plants. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Keep Out of Reach of Children. Store in closed, original container in a cool, wellventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE AND DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET • Will irritate the eyes and skin. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorders. • When opening the container, and preparing spray and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat, (when using the spray for high volume applications with a hand gun or knapsack wear cotton overalls, over normal clothing, buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat) and elbow-length PVC gloves, a face shield or goggles. • After each day’s use, wash gloves, face shield or goggles and contaminated clothing. • Wash hands after use. Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for STARANE™ ADVANCED HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow l e b a L n e m i c e p S APVMA Approval No: 62287/56695 FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 321 STARANE ADVANCED SAFETY DIRECTIONS CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Statesman 720 b a L n e m i c e p S STATESMAN 720 ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 720 g/L 2,4-D present as the dimethylethanolamine salt and ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: the 720 dimethylamine g/L 2,4-D present as the dimethylethanolamine salt and salt. the dimethylamine salt. A non-volatile product for the control of broadleafed weeds in fallow before direct drilling or A non-volatile product for the control broadleafed in fallow direct drilling sowing of cereals and pastures; and inofcereal crops, weeds pastures, sugar before cane, peanuts and or sowing of cerealsareas and pastures; in cerealFor crops, non-agricultural as per theand Directions Use. pastures, sugar cane, peanuts and non-agricultural areas as per the Directions For Use. This is a PHENOXY HERBICIDE that can cause severe damage to susceptible crops. This is aread PHENOXY that can cause severe damage to susceptible crops. Please the DriftHERBICIDE Warning Statement. Please read the Drift Warning Statement. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 322 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply if rain is likely to occur within 6 hours DO NOT apply if strong winds prevail. DO NOT apply if crop or weeds are stressed due to dry or excessively moist conditions. 1. FIELD CROPS WEEDS Barley Cereal Rye Triticale Oats STATE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS l e b a L n e m i c e p S Refer Weed Table Cereals: Barley Oats Wheat Cape Tulip Dock, Flatweed, Saffron Thistle NSW, ACT, SA only 280 mL 1.5 L Vic only 200 mL 1.2 L NT, Qld only 485 mL 1.2 L Tas only 700 mL 1.2 L NSW, ACT, SA only 280 mL 1.2 L Vic only 200 mL 1.2 L NT, Qld only 485 mL 1.2 L Tas only 700 mL 1.2 L NSW, ACT, SA only 280 mL 1.2 L Vic only 200 mL 1.2 L NSW, ACT, SA only 280 700 mL Vic only 200 700 mL WA only 560 mL 1.1 L 970 mL Apply after the first node can be felt at the base of a tiller and before swelling of the head can be felt in a tiller. (NSW, ACT, SA only) Apply from tillering to boot stage. (Vic only) Apply from mid tillering to before boot stage. (Qld, NT only) Apply at 5 leaf to fully tillered. (Tas only) Apply from the 5 leaf stage up to jointing stage (Zadoks 15 - 33). Apply after the 6 leaf stage (Z.16) for cranbrook, jacup, aroona and spear wheat and mortlock oats to avoid possible damage. DO NOT spray if lucerne is present. WEED STAGE: 10 - 15 cm. Docks should be sprayed before 5 leaf stage. Cape tulip – low rate for cormils only. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 323 STATESMAN 720 SITUATION & CROP Wheat 1. FIELD CROPS continued SITUATION & CROP Cereals: Barley Oats Wheat Continued WEEDS Indian Hedge Mustard, London Rocket, Lupin, Matricaria, Rapistrum, Wild Radish STATE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS WA only 700 mL Apply from the 5 leaf stage up to jointing stage (Zadoks 15 - 33). Apply after the 6 leaf stage (Z.16) for cranbrook, jacup, aroona and spear wheat and mortlock oats to avoid possible damage. DO NOT spray if lucerne is present. WEED STAGE: 10 - 15 cm. Docks should be sprayed before 5 leaf stage. Cape tulip – low rate for cormils only. l e b a L n e m i c e p S STATESMAN 720 Wild Turnip 560 mL Capeweed, Spiny Emex (Doublegee), Erodium, London Rocket, Lupin, Mustard, Rapistrum, Wild Radish, Wild Turnip 175 mL + 500 mL diuron (500 g/L) Apply when crop has 4 - 5 leaves and most weeds have germinated and are in 2 - 5 leaf stage. Crop and weeds should be dry at time of application. Some temporary yellowing of crop may occur after application. Undersown sub-clovers may be slightly retarded. DO NOT apply to undersown medics. Spray 2 - 6 weeks after sowing and not later. Do not use on crops undersown with lucerne. Wheat Barley Wild Radish Vic, SA, NSW, ACT only 70 mL + 850 g methabenzthiazuron (700 g/kg) Fallow, Stubble spray prior to direct drilling or sowing - Winter cereals, grain, legumes, (Peanuts - Qld only) & Canola Refer Weed Table All States 200 mL 1.5 L Observe plant-back periods given in the table on this leaflet. Can be mixed with chlorsulfuron, paraquat or paraquat/diquat (e.g. Spray•Seed®) where grasses are present. Select appropriate rate from the WEED TABLE. For skeleton weed spraying should only be done 6 - 8 weeks before anticipated sowing date and subsequent cultivation limited to a minimum. Millet Refer Weed Table NSW, ACT, SA, Vic only 485 970 mL NT, Qld only 485 780 mL Spray when secondary roots have developed, when fully tillered and before heads start to form at the base of the tillers. Do not use on panorama millet or panicum. WA only 970 mL Saccaline Broom millet Millet 324 Cape Tulip, Dock, Saffron Thistle, Indian Hedge Mustard, London Rocket, Lupin, Rapistrum, Radish, Wild Turnip PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Spray when crop is 10 - 30 cm high and secondary roots have developed and before tasselling. Apply as direct spray to weeds. 1. FIELD CROPS continued Sugar cane (Q80, Q96, & H56 varieties) WEEDS STATE RATE /ha NT, Qld, NSW only 245 mL / 100 L water Apply in spring, using directed spray. Morning Glory 485 970 mL Apply in summer using high clearance tractor. Pink Convolvulus Star of Bethlehem 970 mL Apply in autumn by aircraft. Bellvine CRITICAL COMMENTS l e b a L n e m i c e p S Sugar cane Bindy Eye (Star Burr), Blue Top, Cobblers Pegs, Fleabanes, Jute, Leucas, Needle Burr, Spear Thistle, Water Primrose, Ipomoea Vines, Convolvulus Vines NT, Qld only Chinese Mint, Blue Snakeweed Peanuts Broadleaf Weeds; except Noogoora Burr Grasses; except Mossman River Grass Harvest aid or salvage spray - Winter cereals Dessicate broadleaf weeds Bananas To destroy Banana suckers Common Stylo Forage or seed crops Carribean Stylo Forage or seed crops Refer to Weeds Table 1.55 - 3 L Add a 100% non-ionic surfactant (e.g. BS1000®) at 100 mL/100 L of water. Agitate well. DO NOT use on Q63, Q67, Q80 or Q96 varieties. 3L LOWER RATE: Apply as BAND SPRAY as soon as possible after planting in a 55 cm band. HIGHER RATE: Apply as OVERALL SPRAY after planting and before crop emergence. Some crop damage may occur if heavy rain falls between application and crop emergence. NT, Qld only 1.5 - 3.1 L All States 1 - 1.5 L NT, Qld only 140 mL / 10 L water Inject at the rate of 15 mL per fully grown plant, 10 mL per medium sized plant and 5 mL for small suckers. 280 mL / 100 L water Allow suckers from corms of treated plants to form broad adult leaves, then spray. Isolated spots may require a second spray. Apply after dough stage. 700 mL Apply post-emergence when weeds are 3 weeks old and crop is at least 3 weeks old. 700 mL 1.4 L Apply post-emergence when crop is 3 weeks old. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 325 STATESMAN 720 SITUATION & CROP 2. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL, RIGHTS OF WAY, INDUSTRIAL (Boom Application) SITUATION & CROP Pastures and Non-Agricultural areas WEEDS STATE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS NSW, ACT, NT, Qld, SA, Tas only 485 mL 1.5 L Pasture legumes including lucerne, clovers and medics may be damaged unless well protected by grasses. Spot spraying is preferred. Amsinckia, Docks, Bindweed, Caltrop, Flatweed, Spear Thistle, Capeweed, Saffron Thistle, Mustard, Wild Radish, Wild Turnip, Annual Thistles, Paterson's Curse, Heliotrope, Ragwort, Three cornered Jack, Spiny Emex (Doublegee) WA only 970 mL 2.1 L For pastures not containing legumes. Only seedling docks, spear thistle and saffron thistle will be controlled. SUMMER WEEDS: Use low rate for seedlings, 1.4 - 2.1 L/ha for larger plants. Stock poisoning may occur when grazed after spraying if large amounts present, particularly heliotrope. WINTER WEEDS: Use low rate for seedlings, 1.4 - 2.1 L/ha for larger plants. If stock present, use spray/ grazing rates. Afghan Melons WA only 1.4 L plus 1% UptakeTM Spraying Oil Spray when plants are actively growing preferably before flowering or vining. Refer Weed Table STATESMAN 720 l e b a L n e m i c e p S Pastures, Rights of Way and Industrial areas Paddy Melons 700 970 mL Prickly Saltwort (Roly Poly) 1.4 L Stinkwort 1.4 - 2.8 L plus 100 mL/100 L BS1000 surfactant Dove Weed 2.8 L Groundsel Sesbania Pea Water Hyacinth 326 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 NT, Qld, NSW, ACT, SA, Tas only 2.5 - 3.8 L NT, Qld only 485 780 mL 3 - 4.6 L Spray when plants are small. Best results are obtained when plants are small. Use high rate on larger plants. Spray after good emergence of seedlings. AERIAL APPLICATION: Spray when groundsel is actively growing. Apply to 2200 to 3300 L water/ha. 2. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL, RIGHTS OF WAY, INDUSTRIAL (Boom Application) continued WEEDS STATE RATE /ha Charlock, Mustards, Shepherd's Purse, Saffron, Slender, Spear and Variegated Thistles*, Turnip Weed, Wild Radish, Wild Turnip All States 485 mL 1.4 L CRITICAL COMMENTS Apply to actively growing young plants. Before sowing: Observe plant back periods given in the table on this leaflet. *Warning: Treated plants may become toxic to stock. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Clover, Sorrel 970 mL + 280 400 mL dicamba (500 g/L) Apply to actively growing plants in autumn. Do not sow pasture seed for at least 30 days after application. *PRECAUTION: An increased quantity of poisonous plants may be eaten by stock using Spray-Graze e.g. caltrop, capeweed, Paterson's curse, variegated thistle and deaths could result from causes such as nitrate poisoning. With Paterson's curse, preferably graze stock soon destined for slaughter and avoid extended periods of grazing. Avoid grazing with young or breeding stock. Do not graze horses or pigs on Paterson's curse. Pastures - Spray Graze Techniques Amsinckia, Thistles, Capeweed, Spiny Emex (Doublegee), Mustard, Paterson's Curse, Wild Turnip, Wild Radish, Docks, Geranium, Erodium SA only Annual Thistles, Capeweed, Spiny Emex (Doublegee), Mustards, Paterson's Curse, Turnip, Saffron Thistle, Spear Thistle, Geranium, Slender Thistle Tas, Vic only Amsinckia, Docks (seedling only), Capeweed, Spiny Emex (Doublegee), Mustard, Wild Radish, Wild Turnip, Paterson's Curse, Annual Thistles WA only 485 mL Apply from 6 weeks after opening rains in autumn until the end of August. Seven days after spraying stock paddock at 4 - 5 times normal rate, preferably with sheep. Maintain this level of grazing for 6 weeks or until pasture shows signs of over grazing. Then return to normal stocking levels. Use high stocking rates in following spring to prevent weeds from flowering. Repeat treatments may be required for 2 - 3 years for complete control. 520 700 mL PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 327 STATESMAN 720 SITUATION & CROP Conservation Tillage - Direct Drilling, Surface sowing or Fallow Maintenance 2. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL, RIGHTS OF WAY, INDUSTRIAL (Boom Application) continued SITUATION & CROP Pastures - Spray Graze Techniques WEEDS Spear Thistle, Saffron Thistle STATE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS WA only 1L Apply to saffron thistle at the end of September when plants are running up to flower. Sub-clovers may be damaged at this rate and use is not recommended for all medic pastures. Continued l e b a L n e m i c e p S Melons Docks STATESMAN 720 Caltrop, Capeweed, Charlock, Mustards, Paterson's Curse, Shepherd's Purse, Saffron, Slender, Spear or Variegated Thistle*, Turnip Weed, Wild Radish, Wild Turnip 1.4 L + 1% Uptake Crop Oil Heavy stocking on young plants sprayed with 800 mL/ha provides effective control. Vic only 970 mL Apply in September only and follow other recommendations above. NSW, ACT only 245 970 mL Spray actively growing 6 - 8 week old weeds. Introduce stock 7 - 10 days after spraying, preferably sheep (cattle are less effective). Stocking rate should be at least 5 times heavier than normal until weeds have been reduced, but before survival of desirable pasture species is threatened. Lucerne and medics may be damaged and should be grazed short before spraying. Other legumes may be affected. 3. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL AREAS, RIGHTS OF WAY, INDUSTRIAL AREAS (High Volume Application) SITUATION & CROP WEEDS STATE RATE /100 L OF WATER CRITICAL COMMENTS NSW, ACT only 280 mL Apply to young actively growing weeds. Ensure thorough and even coverage of plants. Note: Treated plants need to be burnt to destroy seeds. Pastures and Non-Agricultural areas Galvanised Burr Pastures, Rights of Way and Industrial areas Boxthorn, Boneseed, Hawthorn Vic, SA only 700 mL For boneseed only, thoroughly wet plants or seedlings. Groundsel NSW, ACT, NT, Qld, SA only 280 mL Thoroughly wet plants. 328 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 SITUATION & CROP Pastures, Rights of Way and Industrial areas WEEDS Lantana STATE RATE /100 L OF WATER CRITICAL COMMENTS NSW, ACT, NT, Qld, SA only 280 mL Use a coarse spray with sufficient pressure to penetrate canopy and wet stems as well as foliage. Spray at the end of a wet summer (March to May). Defoliation should occur but re-spraying of new growth will be necessary in following autumn. Broadcast grass seed and keep stock off following summer to allow the pasture to establish. Damage may result to pasture legumes. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Continued Mother of Millions NSW, ACT only 350 mL Hand gun and knapsack only. A thorough coverage of leaves and plantlets is necessary. Add a 100% non-ionic surfactant (e.g. BS1000®) at 100 mL/100 L of water. Noogoora Burr, Weir Vine (Ipomoea), Scarlet Pimpernel (seedlings only), White Eye (Mexican Clover) NT, Qld only 140 mL In all cases apply to young, actively growing weeds, ensuring thorough coverage. Annual and Perennial Pigweed, Artichoke Thistle, Bathurst Burr, Billygoat Weed, Blue Snake Weed, Burr Medic, Clockweed*, Fleabanes, Galvanised Burr, Hemlock, Hoary Cress, Kyalinga Weed (Whisker Grass), Knobweed, Milky Cotton Bushes, Parthenium Weed, Paterson's Curse, Saffron Thistle, Star Burr, Thornapple, Variegated Thistle* NT, Qld only 280 mL In all cases apply to young, actively growing weeds, ensuring thorough coverage. *Spray rosette stage. Repeat spraying necessary. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 329 STATESMAN 720 3. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL AREAS, RIGHTS OF WAY, INDUSTRIAL AREAS (High Volume Application) continued 3. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL AREAS, RIGHTS OF WAY, INDUSTRIAL AREAS (High Volume Application) continued SITUATION & CROP High Volume Spraying STATE RATE /100 L OF WATER CRITICAL COMMENTS Refer to Weed Table All States Add 1/10th of rate on weed table to 150 L of water. Each 150 L of mix will cover 1000 m2 (1/10th ha). If rate in weed table is 1.4 L use 140 mL /150 L water. Add 1/100th of rate on weed table to 10 L of water. Each 10 L of mix will cover 100 m2 (1/100th ha). If rate in weed table is 1.4 L use 14 mL/10 L water. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Knapsack Application STATESMAN 720 WEEDS Refer to Weed Table All States 4. PASTURES, NON-AGRICULTURAL AREAS, RIGHTS OF WAY, INDUSTRIAL AREAS (Cut Stump Application) SITUATION & CROP Pastures, Rights of Way and Industrial areas WEEDS STATE RATE /15 L WATER CRITICAL COMMENTS African Boxthorn, Boneseed, Hawthorn Vic, SA only Undiluted Apply or paint undiluted StatesmanTM 720 to freshly cut stumps. Groundsel Tas only 210 mL Swab the cut stump immediately. Apply by a pouring can or knapsack spray. Rubber Vine NT, Qld only Wild Tobacco Tree Apply to freshly cut stump. Swab cut stump within 1 hour of cutting. Apply by pouring can or knapsack sprayer. 5. LAWNS AND PLAYING FIELDS SITUATION & CROP Lawns, Playing fields 330 WEEDS CONTROLLED Refer Weed Table PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 STATE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS NT, Qld, NSW, ACT only 1.3 - 2.6 mL /1 L of water or 1.3 2.6 L/ha Wet foliage thoroughly. DO NOT mow lawn for 1 week before and at least 1 week after application. DO NOT use on Buffalo grass (WA only) WA only 35 mL per 10 - 15 L water/100 m2 Crop Cereal Rye Qld, NT NSW, ACT Vic Vic Early Tillering Tillered Boot Stage SA WA Tas Tillered to Boot JZ15-35) Tillered to Boot JZ15-35) - - - - 1.2 L/ha - - 1.55 L/ha 1.475 L/ha 200 mL/ha 1.2 L/ha 1.475 L/ha 1.475 L/ha 1.475 L/ha 1.2 L/ha 1.2 L/ha 200 mL/ha 1.2 L/ha 1.2 L/ha 1.2 L/ha 1.2 L/ha - 700 mL/ha 200 mL/ha 700 mL/ha 780 mL/ha 1.12 L/ha - Triticale - 1.2 L/ha 200 mL/ha - 1.2 L/ha 1.5 L/ha 700 mL/ha Undersown Clovers - - 200 mL/ha - - 590 mL/ha 485 mL/ha Undersown Medics - - 200 mL/ha - - NIL 485 mL/ha Undersown Lucerne - - 200 mL/ha - - NIL - Wheat Barley Oats l e b a L n e m i c e p S NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIOD: Pasture, Cereal Crops: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. HARVEST WITHHOLDING PERIOD: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. IN TASMANIA, THIS PRODUCT MAY ONLY BE USED FROM 15 APRIL TO 15 SEPTEMBER UNLESS OTHERWISE PERMITTED BY THE REGISTRAR OF PESTICIDES. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 331 STATESMAN 720 MAXIMUM TOLERANCE FOR USE IN WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS AND TRITICALE INCLUDING TOLERANCE FOR UNDERSOWN LEGUMES. WEED TABLE: NOTE: Where weeds are to be sprayed in a CROP or PASTURE refer to the particular crop or situation indicated under the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table before using this table. In most cases these rates will give control, however some hard to kill weeds or those in advanced stages of growth may only be suppressed. This product should only be used in those states where a rate or range of rates is indicated for the particular weeds listed. WEEDS APPLICATION RATE PER HECTARE STATESMAN 720 CROP PASTURE CRITICAL COMMENTS l e b a L n e m i c e p S VIC NSW, ACT SA Qld, NT Tas WA NSW, ACT, SA, Qld, NT, Tas only Amaranthus spp. - 485 960 mL - 780 mL - - - Amsinckia - - - - - 960 mL - Apple of Peru - 485 960 mL - 780 mL - - - Bathurst Burr - 700 960 mL 1.5 1.90 L 900 mL - - 690 960 mL (not SA) Bellvine - 1.55 L - 1.55 L - - - Spray before seeding. Advanced stages susceptible. Billygoat Weed - 2.95 L - 2.95 L - - - Spray at young stage. Bindweed - - - - - 960 mL - Blackberry Nightshade - 485 960 mL - 780 mL - - - Blackeyed Susan - 1.55 L - 1.55 L - - - Apply preflowering, preferably young stages. Blue Snakeweed - 1.55 L - 1.55 L - - - Spray seedlings at young stages only. 332 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Spray young plants. Spray young plants. Susceptible when young. Spray seedlings only. WEED TABLE continued APPLICATION RATE PER HECTARE CROP PASTURE CRITICAL COMMENTS VIC NSW, ACT SA Qld, NT Tas WA NSW, ACT, SA, Qld, NT, Tas only California Burr - 690 970 mL - 780 mL - - 960 960 mL (not SA) Spray seedlings only. Cape Tulip - - - - - 560 mL 1.12 L - Low rate for cormils only*. Capeweed 1.2 L - 1.475 L - 1.2 L 960 mL 1.475 2.4 L Spray seedlings to rosette stage. Caltrop - 690 mL 1.475 L - 780 mL - 960 mL - Moderately susceptible. Castor Oil Plant - 2.95 L - 2.95 L - - - Spray at young stage. Charlock 485 690 mL 485 960 mL 485 mL - 1.2 L - 690 960 mL Spray at rosette stage. - 1.04 L - - - - - Cobbler's Pegs - 1.55 L - 1.55 L - - - Common Ice Plant - - 960 mL - - - - Common Sida - 1.55 L - 1.55 L - - - Spray seedling or young stages only. Common Sowthistle - 1.55 L - 1.55 L 1.2 L - - Apply preflowering, preferably young stages. 1.2 L - 1.2 L 1.2 L 1.2 L 960 mL 2.78 L (SA only) Spray at multiple leaf stage. – Effective only on seedlings. Doveweed - - - - - 960 mL - Fat Hen - 485 mL 1.475 L - 780 mL 1.2 L - - Clover l e b a L n e m i c e p S Docks Apply preflowering, preferably young stages. Spray preflowering. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 333 STATESMAN 720 WEEDS WEED TABLE continued WEEDS APPLICATION RATE PER HECTARE STATESMAN 720 CROP PASTURE CRITICAL COMMENTS VIC NSW, ACT SA Qld, NT Tas WA NSW, ACT, SA, Qld, NT, Tas only Flannel Weed - 1.55 L - 1.55 L - - - Flat Weed - - - - - 960 mL - Fumitory red - - 1.475 L - - - - Fumitory white 690 mL - 485 mL - - - - Spray at multiple leaf stage. Heliotrope - - - - - 1.1 L - Before weed sets viable seed. Hexham Scent (Melilotus) 1.2 L - 960 mL 1.2 L - - 960 mL 1.475 L Spray multiple leaf stage before seeding. 780 mL 1.2 L 960 mL 1.475 L 1.2 L 1.2 L - - 1.2 1.475 L Spray rosettes and preflowering. Hogweed (Wireweed) 1.2 L - - 1.2 L - - - Spray at multiple leaf stage. (Vic) Spray at seedling and young plant stage. (NT, Qld) Horehound - - 1.2 L - - - 1.9 2.8 L (SA only) Indian Hedge Mustard - - - - 1.2 L 960 mL - Khaki Weed - - - - - - 960 mL 1.9 L (not SA) Spray seedlings only. Knobweed - - - 1.55 2.95 L - - - Lower rate for seedlings; higher rate for later stages. Hoary Cress 334 Spray seedling or young stages only. l e b a L n e m i c e p S PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Spray seedlings. WEED TABLE continued APPLICATION RATE PER HECTARE CROP PASTURE CRITICAL COMMENTS VIC NSW, ACT SA Qld, NT Tas WA NSW, ACT, SA, Qld, NT, Tas only Lincoln Weed - - 1.475 L - - - - London Rocket - - - - - 960 mL - Lupins - 690 mL 1.475 L - - - 960 mL - Melons Camel Paddy - 485 960 mL - - - - - Mexican Poppy - - - 1.2 L - - - Spray seedlings plants become more resistant with age. Mintweed - 960 mL - 780 mL - - - Spray seedlings resistant in later stages. Morning Glory - 1.55 L - 1.55 L - - - Spray at seedling to flowering stage. Mustards 200 485 mL 485 960 mL 485 mL 1.2 L 780 mL - 690 mL 485 960 mL Spray at 2 - 4 leaf up to rosette stage. Needle Burr - 1.55 L - 1.55 L - - - Apply preflowering, preferably young stages. New Zealand Spinach - 960 mL 1.475 L - - - - - Noogoora Burr - 700 960 mL - 780 mL - - 700 960 mL (not SA) Spray early rosettes. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Spray seedlings only. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 335 STATESMAN 720 WEEDS WEED TABLE continued WEEDS APPLICATION RATE PER HECTARE STATESMAN 720 CROP PASTURE CRITICAL COMMENTS VIC NSW, ACT SA Qld, NT Tas WA NSW, ACT, SA, Qld, NT, Tas only Paterson's Curse - 960 mL 1.475 L - 1.2 L - 1.12 L 1.475 1.95 L Spray rosettes or before plants have 10 leaves. Later stages harder to kill. Pink Burr (Pink Flowered Burr) - 1.55 L - 1.55 L - - - Spray seedling or young stages only. Potato Weed - 485 960 mL - 780 mL - - - Purple Top - 2.95 L - 2.95 L - - - Radish - - - - 960 mL - Ragwort - - - 3.3 L 960 mL - Rapeseed - 680 mL - - - - - Rough Poppy - 1.1 L - - - - - Safflower - 485 960 mL - - - - - Shepherds Purse - 960 mL 1.475 L - - 1.2 L - 690 960 mL Siratro (Purple Bean) - 1.55 L - 1.55 L - - - Spray seedling or young stages only. Skeleton Weed 1.2 L 960 mL 1.475 L 1.2 L - - - - Spray rosettes before aerial growth commences. Sorrel 1.2 L 1.475 L 1.2 L - - - - Only moderately susceptible. 336 l e b a L n e m i c e p S PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Spray at young stage. Spray up to early rosette stage. (Tas only) Spray young rosettes. WEED TABLE continued WEEDS APPLICATION RATE PER HECTARE CROP PASTURE CRITICAL COMMENTS VIC NSW, ACT SA Qld, NT Tas WA NSW, ACT, SA, Qld, NT, Tas only Speedwell - Ivy leaf - - 960 mL - - - - Only moderately susceptible. Spinyhead Sida - 1.55 L - 1.55 L - - - Spray seeding or young stages only. Starburr - 1.55 L - 1.55 L - - - Spray before seeding, advanced stages susceptible. Spiny Emex (Doublegee) - - - 1.2 L - - - Only young plants are susceptible. Star of Bethlehem (Cupid's Flower) - - - 1.55 L - - - Spray before seeding, advanced stages susceptible. Stinkwort - 690 mL 1.2 L - - - - - Storskbill (Erodium) - - - 1.2 L - 1.4 2.8 L Sunflower (seedlings) 1.2 L 485 mL 1.2 L - 780 mL - - - - Annual - - - - - 960 mL - - Californian - - - - 2.35 L - 2.78 3.3 L STATESMAN 720 l e b a L n e m i c e p S Spray seedlings to young rosettes. Thistles: Repeated applications may be necessary. (NSW, ACT, Tas only) PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 337 WEED TABLE continued WEEDS APPLICATION RATE PER HECTARE CROP VIC NSW, ACT SA PASTURE Qld, NT Tas WA CRITICAL COMMENTS NSW, ACT, SA, Qld, NT, Tas only STATESMAN 720 Thistles: (continued) l e b a L n e m i c e p S - Saffron 960 mL 485 mL 1.475 L 1.2 L 1.2 L 830 mL 970 mL 960 mL - 1.5 L Low rate only sufficient to control weeds in crops at rosette stage when sprayed early. - Slender (Shore) - 690 mL 1. 5 L - - 1.2 L - 960 mL Suppression only. - Soldier 1.2 L - - - - - 960 mL - Spray young 1.4 L rosette. (not NSW, ACT, Tas) - Spear 485 mL - - - 1.2 L - 960 mL 1.4 L Spray young rosettes. - - - - - - 1.4 2.8 L (SA only) Use higher rate as flower stalk appears. - Variegated - 485 mL 1.475 L - 780 mL 1.2 L - 960 mL 1.475 L Spray at rosette stage. Thornapple - 690 960 mL - - - - 1.4 2.1 L (not SA) Spray seedlings only. Tridax (Tridax Daisy) - 1.55 L - 1.55 L - - - Spray seedling or young stages only. Turnip Weed (Rapistrum) - 485 960 mL - 485 mL - 690 mL 485 960 mL Vetches (Tares) 1.2 L - 960 mL - - - - Wards Weed - - 960 mL - - - - Star 338 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Spray at multiple leaf stage. WEED TABLE continued APPLICATION RATE PER HECTARE CROP PASTURE CRITICAL COMMENTS VIC NSW, ACT SA Qld, NT Tas WA NSW, ACT, SA, Qld, NT, Tas only 1.2 L - - - - - - Spray multiple leaves. Wild Poppy 485 mL - - - - - 960 mL 1.475 L Spray rosettes. Wild Radish 1.2 L 1.2 1.475 L 1.2 L 780 mL 1.2 L 690 mL 690 960 mL Spray up to young rosette stage. Wild Turnip 195 485 mL 485 960 mL 240 mL - 1.2 L 560 mL 485 960 mL Spray 2 - 4 leaf up to rosette stage. Wild Cabbage l e b a L n e m i c e p S Plant-back Periods (days) for Statesman™ 720 Herbicide CROP RATES Up to 485 mL/ha 485 - 960 mL/ha 960 mL - 1.475 L/ha Balansa Clover 7 7 10 Barley ➊ 1 1 3 Chickpeas ➋ 7 14 21 Cotton 10 14 21 Faba Beans 7 7 10 Field Peas 7 14 14 Lentils 7 7 10 Linseed 7 7 14 Lucerne 7 7 10 Lupins ➍ 7 14 21 Medics 7 7 10 Narbon Beans 7 7 10 Navy bean 10 10 14 Oats 3 3 7 Perennial Ryegrass 7 7 10 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 339 STATESMAN 720 WEEDS Plant-back Periods (days) for Statesman™ 720 Herbicide continued STATESMAN 720 CROP RATES Up to 485 mL/ha 485 - 960 mL/ha 960 mL - 1.475 L/ha Persian Clover 7 7 10 Phalaris 7 7 10 Canola (Rapeseed) ➋ 14 21 28 Rice 7 7 14 Safflower ➋ 7 14 21 Sorghum ➌ 3 7 10 Soybean 14 14 21 Sub-Clover 7 7 10 Sunflower ➌ 7 10 14 Triticale ➊ 1 3 7 Vetch 7 7 10 Wheat ➊ 1 3 7 White Clover 7 7 10 l e b a L n e m i c e p S IMPORTANT: WHEN APPLIED TO DRY SOILS AT LEAST 15 mm OF RAIN MUST FALL PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE PLANT BACK PERIOD. NOTES: ➊ In Queensland, no rainfall is required to fall prior to commencement of Plant-back Period for wheat, barley and triticale. ➋ In Queensland, planting of canola / rapeseed, chickpeas and safflower must be delayed for at least 14 days following rainfall of at least 15 mm. ➌ In Central Queensland, when using 695 mL/ha or less of Statesman 720 the Plant-back Period for sorghum and sunflower is 1 day irrespective of rainfall. ➍ In WA the Plant-back Period for lupins at all rates is 28 days. 340 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS COMPATIBILITY Before opening, carefully read DIRECTIONS FOR USE, PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NONTARGET PLANTS, SAFETY DIRECTIONS and FIRST AID instructions. Ensure thorough agitation occurs when tank mixing products with Statesman 720. This product may be tank mixed with the following products: BOOM SPRAYING - Use 30 - 120 L/ha of water. Herbicides Ally®, atrazine (600g/L or900g/kg), Broadstrike™ Cadance®, chlorsulfuron, dicamba, diuron (500g/L or 900 g/kg), Garlon™ FallowMaster™, Hotshot™, Lontrel™ Advanced, Lontrel, Dow AgroSciences LVE 600 MCPA, metsulfuron, methabenzthiazuron, paraquat, Ripper™ 480, Roundup® CT, simazine, Spray·Seed®, Starane ™ Advanced, Tordon™ 75-D Herbicide. l e b a L n e m i c e p S AERIAL SPRAYING - Use 10 - 90 L/ha of water. HIGH VOLUME SPRAYING - Use 1500 - 2500 L/ha of water. Apply in coarse to very coarse spray quality in accordance with ASABE S572. MIXING As formulations of other companies products are beyond the control of Dow AgroSciences, all mixtures should be tested on a small scale before mixing in the spray tank. Ensure the spray tank has been cleaned or decontaminated. Flush chemical suction equipment with fresh water between products, and between fills, when adding to the spray solution. 1. Fill the spray tank with clean water to ½ the required volume and start agitation. DO NOT use mechanical agitators as these may cause excessive foaming when herbicides are added. 2. Add wettable powders and water dispersible granules first. Agitate until these are uniformly dispersed. Fill the spray tank to 90% of the required volume. Compatibility with glyphosate formulations Compatible products are those containing: a) glyphosate IPA are compatible e.g. Ripper™ 480; or b) glyphosate potassium and mono-ammonium salts e.g. Roundup® DST Herbicide; or c) Glyphosate mono-ammonium salt e.g. Macphersons Glyphosate Bi-dri® Herbicide Non compatible products are those containing glyphosate K salt e.g. Roundup® PowerMax® Herbicide, Roundup® Attack Herbicide or Touchdown® Herbicide Insecticides Trojan DO NOT mix with 500 g/L EC formulations of chlorpyrifos, e.g. Lorsban™ 500 EC Fungicides Propimax™ 3. Add suspension concentrates, then soluble concentrates (including Statesman 720) and finally emulsifiable concentrates. Mix thoroughly. Adjuvants BS1000 Biodegradable Surfactant or its alternatives Chemwet® 1000, LI700®, Uptake™ Spraying Oil 4. Add spray adjuvant just prior to complete filling to minimise foaming. LI700 tank mixes apply in less than 24 hours. Maintain excellent agitation at all times after initial tank mixing. Observe any mixing sequence instructions on partner product labels. Maintain adequate agitation during application and use the tank mix promptly. Not all surfactants or crop oils are of equal quality, Dow AgroSciences does not support the use of alternative products other than those listed in the compatibility section. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND USAGE Equipment that has been used for this chemical should not be used for the application of other materials to sensitive plants, unless it has been well washed out with hot soapy water or 1% solution of ammonia, followed by several clear water rinses. ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Dow AgroSciences Statesman 720 Herbicide is a member of the Phenoxys group of herbicides. Statesman 720 Herbicide has the disruptors of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management Statesman 720 Herbicide is a Group I herbicide. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 341 STATESMAN 720 APPLICATION INFORMATION (see also PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS) Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to Statesman 720 Herbicide and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by Statesman 720 Herbicide or other Group I herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Statesman 720 Herbicide to control resistant weeds. Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. l e b a L n e m i c e p S PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS STATESMAN 720 SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT DO NOT spray in high winds. DO NOT spray cereals if lucerne is present. DO NOT spray crops or weeds outside the stages indicated in CRITICAL COMMENTS as damage, loss of yield or inadequate weed control may result. Drift Warning: DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. Avoid spray drift onto susceptible crops such as cotton, tobacco, tomatoes, vines, fruit trees, vegetables, legume crops and pastures, oilseed crops and susceptible trees (e.g. Kurrajongs, Belahs and Eucalypts). DO NOT use unless wind speed is more than 3 kilometres per hour and less than 15 kilometres per hour, as measured at the application site. DO NOT apply with smaller than coarse to very coarse spray droplets according to the ASABE S572 definition for standard nozzles. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK Low hazard to bees. May be applied at any time as recommended in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEA AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used container. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE AND DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. 342 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Poisonous if swallowed. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • When preparing spray, wear PVC or rubber apron, elbow length PVC gloves and face shield. • When using prepared spray, wear face shield. If product on skin, immediately wash area with soap and water. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. • After each day’s use wash gloves, face shield and contaminated clothing. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for STATESMAN™ 720 HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 61116/0707 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Success Neo b a L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Insecticide Insecticide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 120 g/L SPINETORAM ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 120 g/L SPINETORAM For the control of certain insect pests in fruit, herbs, ornamentals, vegetables, canola, forage For the control of certain insect pests inand fruit,Tea herbs, vegetables, canola, forage brassicas and forestry (Eucalyptus spp. Tree)ornamentals, as specified in the Directions for Use. brassicas and forestry (Eucalyptus spp. and Tea Tree) as specified in the Directions for Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences 242086 003 771 659 20 Rodborough RoadAustralia FRENCHSLimited FORESTABN NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 343 SUCCESS NEO CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN SUCCESS NEO DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: DO NOT make more than 4 applications to any crop in any one season, except where otherwise indicated in the CRITICAL COMMENTS (also see the RESISTANCE statement). DO NOT apply during surface temperature inversion conditions at the application site. DO NOT apply by aircraft, except for canola, forage brassicas and forestry uses. Except when applying with orchard airblast equipment, DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than a MEDIUM spray droplet size category according to nozzle manufacturer specifications that refer to the ASABE S572 Standard or the BCPC Guideline. l e b a L n e m i c e p S DO NOT direct the spray above trees or vines during airblast applications. TURN OFF outward pointing nozzles at row ends and outer rows during airblast applications. SPRAY DRIFT RESTRAINTS DO NOT apply if there are livestock, pasture or any land that is producing feed for livestock downwind from the application area and within the mandatory no-spray zones shown in the table below: DECLARED SPRAY DRIFT RISK AREA — Spray drift deposits that can cause residue violations in livestock feeding on pasture and forage can result from typical applications out to distances downwind from the application area as shown in Table 1 below: Table 1 – No-Spray Zones for Protection of International Trade FOR GROUND APPLICATION TO VEGETABLE CROPS: Wind Speed Range at Time of Application Downwind No-Spray Zone 3 to 20 kilometres per hour 30 metres FOR GROUND APPLICATION TO TREE CROPS EXCEPT CITRUS: Wind Speed Range at Time of Application Downwind No-Spray Zone 3 to 8 kilometres per hour 140 metres FOR GROUND APPLICATION TO CITRUS: Wind Speed Range at Time of Application Downwind No-Spray Zone 3 to 20 kilometres per hour 250 metres FOR AERIAL APPLICATION TO EUCALYPTUS FORESTS (by Helicopter): Wind Speed Range at Time of Application Downwind No-Spray Zone 3 to 8 kilometres per hour 600 metres 9 to 14 kilometres per hour 700 metres 15 to 20 kilometres per hour 800 metres DO NOT apply if there are aquatic and wetland areas including aquacultural ponds, surface streams and rivers downwind from the application area and within the mandatory no-spray zones shown in Table 2 below. 344 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Table 2 – No-Spray Zones for Protection of the Aquatic Environment Wind Speed Range at Time of Application Downwind Mandatory No-Spray Zone 3 to 20 kilometres per hour 20 metres SUCCESS NEO FOR AERIAL APPLICATION TO EUCALYPTUS FORESTS (by Helicopter): FOR GROUND APPLICATION TO TROPICAL TREE CROPS: Wind Speed Range at Time of Application Downwind Mandatory No-Spray Zone 3 to 20 kilometres per hour 10 metres FOR GROUND APPLICATION TO CITRUS: l e b a L n e m i c e p S Wind Speed Range at Time of Application Downwind Mandatory No-Spray Zone 3 to 20 kilometres per hour 20 metres FOR AERIAL APPLICATION TO CANOLA and FODDER BRASSICAS (by Helicopter or Fixed Wing Aircraft): Wind Speed Range at Time of Application Downwind Mandatory No-Spray Zone 3 to 20 kilometres per hour 20 metres CROP FRUIT: Bananas PEST RATE Banana rust thrips, Sugarcane bud moth 20 mL/10 L CRITICAL COMMENTS Bunch spray: Apply as a fine spray to point of run-off (50-60 mL of solution) ensuring complete coverage of the bunch. Application should be made no later than 2 weeks after bunch emergence. Application should be made immediately after placement of the bunch cover. Good coverage of the bunch is essential. Do not make more than 2 applications per crop. VEGETABLES: Carefully monitor crops for eggs and larvae of pest species by regular field scouting. Target sprays against mature eggs and newly-hatched larvae when numbers exceed spray threshold. Apply repeat applications at 7-14 day intervals as new infestations occur or as specified under Critical Comments. As part of IPM programs for potato moth, Helicoverpa and diamondback moth, it is important to plough crops in immediately after harvest. Brassica vegetables; including Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Cauliflower Brassica Leafy vegetables (*see list at end of table) Radishes1 Swedes1 Turnips1 Diamondback moth, Cabbage white butterfly, Cabbage cluster caterpillar, Cabbage centre grub, Loopers 1 (See also under Root & Tuber Vegetables below) Cucurbits; including Cucumbers, Melons, Squash & Zucchini Helicoverpa 200 mL/ha + wetter Use a minimum spray volume of 250 L/ha and ensure thorough crop coverage by increasing water volume with plant growth stage. Add a non-ionic wetting agent at the recommended rate. 200 - 400 mL/ha + wetter Use the lower rate when good coverage can be achieved and the high rate in maturing crops if crop canopies prevent good coverage. Western flower thrips 400 mL/ha + wetter Use this product as part of the WFT Resistance Management strategy (see end of table for details). Cucumber moth, Helicoverpa 200 - 400 mL/ha Western flower thrips 400 mL/ha Use higher rates during periods of high insect pressure or when crop coverage is difficult. Use this product as part of the WFT Resistance Management strategy (see end of table for details). PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 345 SUCCESS NEO CROP Culinary Herbs (**see list at end of table) Fruiting vegetables; including Eggplant Okra Peppers (Capsicums & Chillies) Tomatoes, but excluding Sweet Corn PEST RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Diamondback moth, Loopers, Lightbrown apple moth 200 mL/ha + wetter Use a maximum spray volume of 250 L/ha. Ensure thorough coverage of the target area by increasing water volume with plant growth stage. Add a non-ionic wetting agent at the recommended rate. Helicoverpa 200 - 400 mL/ha + wetter As above, plus use the lower rate when good coverage can be achieved and the high rate in maturing crops if crop canopies prevent good coverage. Potato moth (tomato leaf miner), Helicoverpa 200 - 400 mL/ha or Dilute 20 - 40 mL/100 L Use the per hectare rate when applying to bush tomatoes and the dilute rate (per 100 L) in trellised crops (see the “Dilute Spraying” Section in this booklet). Use the lower rate as part of an IPM program when Helicoverpa is the dominant pest and good crop coverage is possible. Use higher rates during periods of high insect pressure or when crop coverage is difficult. Addition of a non-ionic wetting agent may improve control. Western flower thrips 400 mL/ha or Dilute 40 mL/100 L Use this product as part of the WFT Resistance Management strategy (see end of table for details). l e b a L n e m i c e p S Leafy vegetables; including Lettuce, Endive, Silverbeet, Spinach & Brassica leafy vegetables (*see list at end of table) Loopers Helicoverpa Western flower thrips 200 mL/ha 200 - 400 mL/ha See above under “VEGETABLES” Use the lower rate as part of an IPM program when Helicoverpa is the dominant pest and good crop coverage is possible. Use higher rates during periods of high insect pressure or when crop coverage is difficult. 400 mL/ha Use this product as part of the WFT Resistance Management strategy (see end of table for details). 200 mL/ha Do not make more than 3 applications per crop. Use higher rates during periods of high insect pressure or when crop coverage is difficult. Note: Entrenched larvae will not be controlled. Legume vegetables (succulent seeds and immature pods only); including Beans, Peas, Snow peas & Sugar snap peas Loopers Western flower thrips 400 mL/ha Use this product as part of the WFT Resistance Management strategy (see end of table for details). Root and tuber vegetables; including Beetroot, Carrots, Celeriac, Galangal, Parsnips, Potatoes, Radishes (incl. Daikon), Sweet potato, Swedes & Turnips Lightbrown apple moth, Loopers 200 mL/ha See above under “VEGETABLES” Use the lower rate when good coverage can be achieved and the high rate in maturing crops if crop canopies prevent good coverage. Entrenched larvae will not be controlled. Only target foliar infestations of potato moth. Potato moth larvae within stems or below the soil will not be controlled. Add a non-ionic wetting agent at the recommended rate. Helicoverpa 200 - 400 mL/ha Helicoverpa 200 - 400 mL/ha Potato moth 200 - 400 mL/ha + wetter Stalk & Stem vegetables; including Celery and Rhubarb Helicoverpa 400 mL/ha ORNAMENTALS Pear and cherry slug 10 mL/100 L Caterpillars 20 mL/100 L Western flower thrips 40 mL/100 L 346 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 See comments under “VEGETABLES” above Apply when infestation first identified. Repeat applications at no less than 10 day intervals. Caterpillars feeding in entrenched sites may not be controlled. Use this product as part of the WFT Resistance Management strategy (see end of table for details). In the following table, all rates (except in FORESTRY) are given for dilute spraying. For concentrate spraying refer to the “Concentrate Spraying” Section in this booklet. Apply the same total amount of product to the target crop whether applying this product by dilute or concentrate spraying methods. CROP PEST RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS FOR ALL TREE & VINE CROPS: Carefully monitor crops for eggs and larvae of pest species by regular field scouting. Target sprays against mature eggs and newly-hatched larvae when numbers exceed spray threshold. Apply repeat applications at 7-14 day intervals as new infestations occur unless otherwise directed in the Critical Comments. Avocados (see also under Tropical & SubTropical Fruit Crops below) Leafrollers (including Avocado leafroller, Ivy leafroller and Lightbrown apple moth), Loopers (including Ectropis looper) Berryfruit; including Blackberries, Blueberries, Boysenberries, Cranberries, Currants, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Strawberries Loopers 20 mL/100 L + wetting agent See comments under “FOR ALL TREE & VINE CROPS” above 20 mL/100L See comments under “FOR ALL TREE & VINE CROPS” above 20 - 40 mL/100 L Use the higher rate in dense canopies and when larvae have begun webbing leaves and fruit. Use the lower rate under an IPM system or where good coverage is assured. 40 mL/100 L Use this product as part of the WFT Resistance Management strategy (see end of table for details). Do not apply by air. Citrus leafminer: Best results will be achieved when horticultural oil is used in place of a wetting agent. Only use oils when applying to non-bearing trees due to the risk of fruit phytotoxicity. For the other pests, use higher rates for heavy infestations. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Lightbrown apple moth, Helicoverpa Western flower thrips Citrus Fruits; including Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Mandarins, Oranges Citrus leafminer, Lightbrown apple moth 10 - 20 mL/100 L + wetting agent Helicoverpa (Corn earworm and native budworm) 20 - 40 mL/100 L + wetting agent Coffee Avocado leaf roller 20 - 40 mL/100 L + wetting agent Kiwifruit (see also under Tropical & SubTropical Fruit Crops below) Lightbrown apple moth 20 mL/100 L Mango (see also under Tropical & SubTropical Fruit Crops below) Flower-eating caterpillars, Small mango tipborer 20 mL/100 L + wetting agent Large mango tipborer 5 mL/100 L + wetting agent Use higher rates for heavy infestations. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 347 SUCCESS NEO TREE & VINE CROPS: SUCCESS NEO CROP Tropical and subtropical fruit crops (inedible peel); including Avocado2, Cherimoya, Custard apple, Durian, Feijoa, Guava, Jackfruit, Kiwifruit2, Longan, Lychee, Mango2, Mangosteen, Papaya, Passionfruit, Persimmon, Rambutan & Star apple 2 (See separate listings above also for these crops) PEST RATE Flower-eating caterpillars, Leafrollers and loopers, Yellow peach moth 20 mL/100 L Red-banded thrips, Sorghum head caterpillar 40 mL/100 L CRITICAL COMMENTS See comments under “FOR ALL TREE & VINE CROPS” above. Addition of a non-ionic wetting agent at its recommended rate may improve control on difficult to wet foliage & fruit. l e b a L n e m i c e p S FORAGE BRASSICAS AND CANOLA: RESTRAINTS DO NOT make more than 2 applications to any forage brassicas or canola crops in any one season (see the RESISTANCE statement). CROP PEST RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS ALL FORAGE BRASSICA AND CANOLA CROPS: Carefully monitor crops for eggs and larvae of pest species by regular field scouting. Target sprays against mature eggs and newlyhatched larvae when numbers exceed local spray threshold. Any subsequent sprays to control insects in that crop should be made with a product from a different chemical group. Forage Brassicas including Choumoellier, Kale, Fodder rape, Swedes, Turnips Diamondback moth (cabbage moth), Cabbage white butterfly, Cabbage cluster caterpillar, Centre grub, Corn earworm (heliothis), Native budworm, Soybean looper 100 mL + Uptake spraying oil 100 mL/ha or a wetting agent Apply with Uptake spraying oil or with a non-ionic wetting agent at the manufacturer’s recommended rate. Apply in a minimum of 50 L/ha water. This treatment will provide knockdown of light infestations of early instar larvae in crops where good spray coverage has been attained. Larvae that are entrenched (hidden in leaves, stems, bulbs or heads) may not be controlled. Canola Diamondback moth (cabbage moth), Cabbage cluster caterpillar, Cabbage white butterfly, Centre grub, Corn earworm (heliothis), Native budworm 150 mL + Uptake spraying oil at 100 mL/ha or another non-ionic a wetting agent Success Neo can be applied once at any time up to 14 days before harvest (windrowing). If initially applied at any time up to early pod formation, then a second application can be made from 7 days after the 1st application or at any time up to 14 days before harvest. If not using Uptake, apply with a non-ionic wetting agent at the manufacturer’s recommended rate. Apply in a minimum of 50 L/ha water by ground or 30 L/ha by air. Larvae that are entrenched (hidden in leaves, stems or pods) will not be controlled. 348 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Eucalyptus Plantations CROP Larvae of Eucalyptus chrysomelid leaf beetle PEST 25 - 50 mL/ha + sticker or wetter Use higher concentration for larger larvae and older trees. Larval mortality will not occur for at least 4 days after spraying. Note that Success Neo is not effective against adult beetles. Do not spray if rain expected in the following 24 hr. Follow code of practice for aerial spraying for relevant state, including appropriate buffers. Add a non-ionic wetting agent at the recommended rate. Tea tree (Melaleuca spp.) Pyrgo beetle 100 - 250 mL/ha + wetting agent Closely monitor plantation for egg, larval numbers and age of larvae. Use the higher rate for heavy infestations and for larger tea trees. Apply by ground based application equipment only in a minimum of 100 L/ha water. Use sufficient spray volume to ensure thorough coverage of flush leaf, and adjust spray volumes to stage of crop growth. For 1st - 2nd instar larvae, apply 100 mL/ha. For 3rd - 4th instar larvae, apply 100-150mL/ha. For control of adults apply 150-250 mL/ha. Add a non-ionic wetting agent at the recommended rate. l e b a L n e m i c e p S WFT Resistance Management Strategy Make 3 consecutive applications at either 3-5 day intervals when temperatures are greater than 20°C or at 6-12 day intervals when temperatures are less than 20°C. For any further sprays required, use an approved product from another chemical group. Do not make more than 3 consecutive applications of Success Neo before switching to an approved product from another chemical group. * Brassica Leafy Vegetables: Includes Pak choi, Bok choi, Choi sum, Chinese broccoli (Gai lum/Gai lan/Kai lan), Chinese cabbage (Pet sai/ Wong bok/Haksukai), Mibuna, Mustard spinach (Komatsuma), Kale, Indian mustard, Kai choi, Gai choi/Am soi, Tat soi and Leafy mustard. ** Culinary Herbs: Includes Basil, Bay leaves, Borage, Chervil, Chives, Coriander, Dill, Fennel, Galangal, Lemon balm, Lemon grass, Lemon verbena, Kaffir lime leaves, Marigold flowers, Marjoram (Oregano), Mints, Mizuna, Nasturtium leaves, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Salad Burnett, Sorrel, Tarragon, Thyme, Tumeric, Savory. PEST NAMES: Avocado leafroller: Homona spargotis; Banana rust thrips: Chaetanaphothrips signipennis; Cabbage cluster caterpillar: Crocidolomia pavonana; Cabbage centre grub: Hellula hydralis; Cabbage white butterfly: Pieris rapae; Citrus leafminer: Phyllocnistis citrella; Cucumber moth: Diaphania indica; Diamondback moth: Plutella xylostella; Elm Leaf Beetle: Pyrrhalta luteola; Eucalyptus chrysomelid leaf beetle: Chrysophtharta bimaculata and C. Agricola; Helicoverpa caterpillars, corn earworm, native budworm: Helicoverpa spp.; Ivy leafroller: Cryptoptila immersana; Large mango tipborer: Penicillaria jocosatrix; Lightbrown apple moth: Epiphyas postvittana; Loopers: Chrysodeixis spp., Thysanoplusia spp., and Geometrid loopers, Ectropis looper: Ectropis savulosa; Potato moth/tomato leaf miner: Phthorimaea operculella; Pyrgo beetle: Paropsistema tigrina; Red-banded thrips: Selenothrips rubrocinctus; Small mango tipborer: Chlumetia euthysticha; Sorghum head caterpillar: Cryptoblabes adoceta; Soybean looper: Thysanoplusia orichalcea; Sugarcane bud moth: Opogona glycyphaga; Western flower thrips: Frankliniella occidentalis; Yellow peach moth: Conogethes punctiferalis. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 349 SUCCESS NEO FORESTRY: SUCCESS NEO HARVESTING WITHHOLDING PERIODS Bananas, Subtropical and Tropical Fruit (excluding Kiwi Fruit): NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. Coffee and Kiwi Fruit: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 7 DAYS AFTER THE LAST APPLICATION. Brassicas, Cucurbits, Culinary Herbs, Leafy Vegetables, Legume Vegetables, and Root and Tuber Vegetables: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 3 DAYS AFTER THE LAST APPLICATION. Berry Fruit, Citrus Fruit and Fruiting Vegetables (except Sweet Corn), Stalk and Stem Vegetables: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 1 DAY AFTER THE LAST APPLICATION. Canola: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 14 DAYS AFTER THE LAST APPLICATION. Crops for Export: Some crops for export to particular destinations outside of Australia may require a longer interval before harvest to comply with the residue standards of importing countries. Please check with your exporter. l e b a L n e m i c e p S GRAZING AND STOCKFOOD WITHHOLDING PERIOD (WHP) Brassica and Leafy Vegetables: DO NOT USE ON BRASSICA VEGETABLES GROWN FOR FORAGE OR FODDER. DO NOT GRAZE TREATED BRASSICA or LEAFY VEGETABLE CROPS. Legume Vegetables: DO NOT ALLOW LIVESTOCK TO GRAZE CROPS FOR AT LEAST 14 DAYS AFTER THE LAST APPLICATION. DO NOT GRAZE ANY TREATED ORCHARD OR CUT THE ORCHARD FLOOR FOR STOCKFOOD. DO NOT GRAZE ANY TREATED FOREST OR CUT THE FOREST FLOOR FOR STOCKFOOD. Canola: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCKFOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Forage Brassicas: DO NOT ALLOW LIVESTOCK TO GRAZE CROPS FOR 7 DAYS AFTER THE LAST APPLICATION. The grazing withholding periods above apply specifically to stock slaughtered for the domestic market. Export markets may apply different standards. To ensure compliance with residue standards in export markets, comply with the above grazing withholding periods and ensure that the Export Slaughter Interval (ESI) is observed before stock are sold or slaughtered. Export Slaughter Interval: Legume vegetables (including Beans, Peas, Snow peas and Sugar snap peas): 14 days. Canola and Forage Brassicas crops: 28 days. This means that livestock that have grazed on or were fed treated crops or byproducts should be placed on clean feed for at least the periods stated above prior to slaughter. 350 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 APPLICATION Insecticide Resistance Warning Thorough coverage of the crop is essential. Ensure this by increasing water volume with plant growth stage. Do not apply when conditions are unsuitable for waterbased spray applications. Avoid high temperature, strong winds, inversion conditions, imminent rain or any conditions that may reduce the quality of spray coverage or result in drift from the target area. Techniques to minimise drift should be employed at all times when aerially applying sprays to, or near, sensitive areas. For insecticide resistance management, Success Neo Insecticide is a Group 5 insecticide. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Success Neo Insecticide and other Group 5 insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if Success Neo Insecticide and other Group 5 insecticides are used repeatedly. The effectiveness of Success Neo Insecticide on resistant individuals could be significantly reduced. Since occurrence of resistant individuals is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Success Neo Insecticide to control resistant insects. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Success Neo Insecticide may be subject to specific resistance management strategies. For further information contact your local supplier, Dow AgroSciences representative or local agricultural department agronomist. MIXING Agitate or shake the container immediately prior to use. Half fill the spray tank with water, add the appropriate amount of accurately measured Success Neo Insecticide, then complete filling the tank. Ensure thorough agitation by mechanical or hydraulic action at all times during mixing and application. Use only clean water within the range pH 5-9 to dilute Success Neo Insecticide. STORAGE OF DILUTED SPRAY MIX Whenever possible the spray mix should be used immediately after it is prepared. However, if weather conditions or mechanical breakdown prevent immediate use, the spray mix may be stored for up to 72 hours without loss of activity. The spray mix should be agitated thoroughly by mechanical or hydraulic action at regular intervals during storage to prevent sedimentation. Ensure that the stored spray mix is thoroughly agitated at least once every 8 hours. The spray mix must be stored out of direct sunlight. For optimum results follow the application specifications listed below: Ground Spraying: Apply in a minimum of 250 L/ha of water. Increase spray volumes as the crop grows. Ground Spraying Forage Brassicas and Canola ONLY: Apply in a minimum of 50L/ha of water. Aerial Spraying: Success Neo must only be applied by aircraft fitted with accurately calibrated equipment. Apply a minimum total spray volume of 30 L/ha with nozzles (e.g. Micronnaire rotary atomisers, CP nozzles or conventional hydraulic nozzles) set to medium spray quality according to ASAE S572 definition for standard nozzles. A spray drift minimisation strategy should be employed at all times when applying this product. DO NOT apply Success™ Neo using Ultra Low Volume (ULV) methods. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENT (Aerial Application) DO NOT use human flaggers/markers unless they are protected by engineering controls such as enclosed cabs. DILUTE SPRAYING Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of run-off and match to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of first run-off. Avoid excessive run-off. The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice. Add the amount of product specified in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table for each 100 L of water. Spray to the point of runoff. If volume to be applied is < 1000L/ha then use the low volume (concentrate) application method for calculation of chemical rate. For volumes > 1000 L/ha use dilute spray rate. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 351 SUCCESS NEO GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS SUCCESS NEO CONCENTRATE SPRAYING CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying (that is a sprayer which applies water volumes less than those required to reach the point of run-off) and matched to the crop being sprayed. After using Success Neo Insecticide empty the tank and completely drain the system. Rinse the tank, pumps, lines, hoses, filters and nozzles by circulating clean water through the system. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen water volume. RE-ENTRY Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (see DILUTE SPRAYING above) for the crop canopy. Consult your local advisor, agronomist or Department of Agriculture to determine this volume. This is needed to calculate the concentrate mixing rate. DO NOT allow entry into treated areas until the spray has dried, unless wearing cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and chemical resistant gloves. Clothing must be laundered after each day’s use. The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following way: PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK l e b a L n e m i c e p S Concentrate Spraying Example 1. Dilute spray volume as determined above: e.g. 1000 L/ha 2. Your chosen concentrate spray volume: e.g. 500 L/ha 3. The concentration factor is 2 X (1000 / 500) 4. If the dilute label rate is 40 mL/100 L, then the concentrate rate becomes 2 X 40, i.e. 80 mL/100 L of concentrate spray The chosen spray volume, amount of product per 100 L of water and the sprayer set up and operation may need to be changed as the crop grows. For further information on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult relevant industry guidelines, undertake appropriate competency training. Always follow Industry Best Practices. COMPATIBILITY Success Neo is compatible with most herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. Always conduct a bucket test to confirm physical compatibility. Always follow the instructions on both products and, if in any doubt, consult Dow AgroSciences, your agronomist or consultant or the maker of the other product. RAINFASTNESS Rain can wash Success Neo Insecticide from treated plant surfaces and result in reduced efficacy. Avoid making spray applications if rain is expected before the spray can dry completely. 352 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 This product is highly toxic to bees; will kill bees foraging in the crop to be treated or in hives which are over-sprayed or reached by spray drift. Residues may remain toxic to bees for several days after application. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT Very Toxic to aquatic life. DO NOT allow the product or used containers to enter dams, ponds, waterways or drains. DO NOT allow irrigation water from treated paddocks to enter adjacent pastures, crops or water supplies. DO NOT apply in strong winds, inversion conditions or any other conditions that may result in drift onto adjacent pastures, crops or water supplies. PROTECTION OF NON-TARGET INSECTS Risk to non-target insects. Success Neo Insecticide may have adverse effects on some non-target beneficials, such as foliage dwelling predators, particularly where IPM is practiced. SAFETY DIRECTIONS Store in the closed, original container in a cool wellventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. • Will irritate the eyes. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. • Avoid contact with the eyes. • When opening the container, preparing spray and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and elbow-length chemical resistant gloves. • After each day’s use, wash gloves. • Wash hands after use. l e b a L n e m i c e p S SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for SUCCESS™ NEO INSECTICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 64109/54350 Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 353 SUCCESS NEO STORAGE AND DISPOSAL CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN SYSTHANE 400 WP KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Systhane abe L 400 WPen m i c e p S ™ ™ Fungicide Fungicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 400 g/kg MYCLOBUTANIL ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 400 g/kg MYCLOBUTANIL For the control of black spot on apples and pears and powdery mildew on apples and For the control black on apples and Table. pears and powdery mildew on apples and strawberries asofper the spot Directions For Use strawberries as per the Directions For Use Table. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 354 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DIRECTIONS FOR USE TREE and VINE CROPS CRITICAL COMMENTS In the following table, all rates given are for dilute spraying. For concentrate spraying, refer to the APPLICATION section. CROPS DISEASE Apples and pears Apples Black spot (scab) Protective treatment RATE /100 L Dilute spraying: 12 gms For all uses in this table: Apply by dilute or concentrate spraying equipment. Apply the same total amount of product to the target crop whether applying this product by dilute or concentrate spraying methods. Apply at green tip, or at spur burst following a recommended green tip fungicide spray. Repeat at intervals of 7 to 10 days or as indicated in district spray schedules. After petal fall, and whenever spray intervals may exceed 10 days, add a protectant fungicide. A protectant should always be added to the last Systhane spray. The use of Dow AgroSciences Systhane for black spot (scab) control is subject to a CropLife Resistance Management Strategy. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Black spot (scab) Curative treatment Apply within 5 days after the commencement of an infection period. Powdery mildew Apply at early pink stage, and repeat at intervals of 10 to 14 days until December or as indicated in district spray schedules, and depending upon varieties and susceptibility. NON TREE and VINE CROPS CROPS Strawberries DISEASE Powdery mildew RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS 120 g/ha Use where spray volume is less than 1000 L/ha. Do not apply volumes less than 500 L/ha Reduce background levels of disease by removing plant debris and rotted fruit. Commence spraying before disease appears. Plants should be thoroughly and evenly sprayed to run-off on both sides of the leaf. If conditions favour powdery mildew development, apply Systhane at 7 to 10 day intervals. To prevent or delay the onset of resistance to Group 3 fungicides, do not apply more than two successive Group 3 sprays before switching to a fungicide of a different group. Where spray volume exceeds 1000 L/ha use 12 g/100 L NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIODS Apples and Pears: DO NOT APPLY LATER THAN 21 DAYS BEFORE HARVEST. Strawberries: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 355 SYSTHANE 400 WP RATE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS SYSTHANE 400 WP FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING For fungicide resistance management Dow AgroSciences SYSTHANE™ 400 WP Fungicide is a Group 3 fungicide. Some naturally occurring individual fungi resistant to the product and other Group 3 fungicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any fungal population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the fungi population if these fungicides are used repeatedly. These resistant fungi will not be controlled by Dow AgroSciences SYSTHANE™ 400 WP Fungicide and other Group 3 Fungicides, thus resulting in a reduction in efficacy and possible yield loss. Since the occurrence of resistant fungi is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Dow AgroSciences SYSTHANE™ 400 WP Fungicide to control resistant fungi. CONCENTRATE SPRAYING - Apples and Pears Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying (that is a sprayer which applies water volumes less than those required to reach the point of run-off) and matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen water volume. Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (see DILUTE SPRAYING above) for the crop canopy. Consult your local advisor, agronomist or Department of Agriculture to determine this volume. This is needed to calculate the concentrate mixing rate. The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following way: Concentrate Spraying Example 1) Dilute spray volume as determined above: e.g. 1500 L/ha 2) Your chosen concentrate spray volume: e.g. 500 L/ha 3) The concentration factor is 3X (1500 ÷ 500L) 4) If the dilute label rate is 12 g/100 L, then the concentrate rate becomes 3 x 12, i.e. 36 g/100 L of concentrate spray. The chosen spray volume, amount of product per 100 L of water and the sprayer set up and operation may need to be changed as the crop grows. For further information on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult relevant industry guidelines, undertake appropriate competency training and follow industry Best Practices. l e b a L n e m i c e p S MIXING/APPLICATION Mixing: Add the required number of water soluble sachets direct to the vat when about one third full with agitators in motion. Add other products after Dow AgroSciences Systhane has dispersed. If premixing, use at least 2 litres of water for each sachet. Do not mix with water with high free chlorine content, or with borax, as it may affect solubility of sachets. Application: Dow AgroSciences Systhane 400 WP Fungicide may be applied with hand wands or conventional orchard sprayers. APPLICATION DILUTE SPRAYING - Apples and Pears Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of run-off and match to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of first run-off. Avoid excessive run-off. The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice. Add the amount of product specified in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table for each 100 L of water. Spray to the point of runoff. The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set up and operation may also need to be changed as the crop grows. 356 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING Ensure spray equipment is well maintained and calibrated before using. Check the pump, nozzles and hose lines for leaks or wear. After use flush lines thoroughly with clean water. COMPATIBILITY Systhane 400 WP Fungicide may be mixed with most commonly used insecticides and fungicides. As formulations of other manufacturers’ products are beyond the control of Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited, all mixtures should be tested prior to mixing commercial quantities. EXPORT OF TREATED PRODUCE SAFETY DIRECTIONS Systhane may leave detectable chemical residues in harvested strawberries. Overseas markets may not have appropriate residue tolerances in place or may have established residue tolerances lower than Australian maximum residue limit. If you are using this product on strawberries destined for export, please contact Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited for up to date information. RE-ENTRY (Strawberries): DO NOT allow entry into treated area until the spray has dried. When prior entry is necessary, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and chemical resistant gloves. Clothing must be laundered after each days use. • May irritate the eyes, nose and throat and skin. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • When using the prepared spray wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat. • Wash hands after use. • After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK: Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for SYSTHANE™ 400 WP FUNGICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. l e b a L n e m i c e p S PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a securely locked, dry, cool, well-ventilated place, out of direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. DO NOT dispose of any undiluted chemical on-site. Shred and bury empty packaging in a local authority landfill. If no landfill is available, bury the packaging below 500 mm in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots. Empty packaging and product should not be burnt. ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow Made in USA APVMA Approval No: 54696/0602 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 357 SYSTHANE 400 WP Low hazard to bees. May be applied to plants at any time. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET TORDON 242 CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Tordon 242 abe L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Cereal Cereal Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: 420 g/L MCPA present as the potassium salt ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: 426 20 g/L PICLORAM MCPA present as theaspotassium salt salt present the potassium 26 g/L PICLORAM present as the potassium salt For the control of climbing buckwheat, common sowthistle, skeleton weed, capeweed, For the control climbing buckwheat, sowthistle, weed, capeweed, doublegee and of other broadleaf weeds incommon winter cereals and skeleton linseed crops. doublegee and other broadleaf weeds in winter cereals and linseed crops. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800Company 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL DowFREE Chemical ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 358 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply to crops or weeds which are not actively growing or to plants which may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logged or drought affected) or previous herbicide treatment, as crop damage or reduced levels of control may result. DO NOT use in high winds. DO NOT spray if rain is likely to occur within four hours. DO NOT apply close to, or on areas, containing roots of desirable vegetation, where treated soil may be washed into areas growing, or to be planted to, desirable plants, or on sites where surface water from heavy rain can be expected to run off to areas containing, or to be planted to, susceptible crops or plants. DO NOT move soil which may have been sprayed to areas where desirable plants are to be grown. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Table 1: NEW SOUTH WALES and QUEENSLAND only CROP CROP GROWTH STAGE WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Barley, Canary grass, Oats, Triticale, Wheat Apply from early tillering (when the main shoot has 4-5 leaves and 2 or more new tillers have formed) to start of jointing (first node (Z30)). Climbing buckwheat (Black bindweed) Up to 6 leaf 1L Common sowthistle Doublegee (Spiny emex) Mustard Saffron thistle Skeleton weed Turnip weed Variegated thistle Wild radish Wild turnip Young rosette or seedling plants up to 8 true leaves For best control of climbing buckwheat apply at early tillering as this weed becomes increasingly difficult to control as it becomes larger. To avoid possible crop damage, DO NOT spray outside the early tillering to early jointing stage. Barley, Triticale, Wheat Linseed Linola Apply when crop is 8-20 cm high. N.Z. spinach➊ Wireweed➊ Up to 4 leaf Common sowthistle N.Z. spinach Wireweed Apply up to 4 leaf stage 800 mL + 5 g Ally® Climbing buckwheat (Black bindweed) Doublegee (Spiny emex) Mustard Saffron thistle Skeleton weed Variegated thistle Wild radish Wild turnip Young rosette or seedling plants up to 4 true leaves. 670 to 840 mL N.Z. spinach➊ Wireweed➊ Up to 2 leaf ➊ Suppression only - Spray early. Add a 100% concentrate non-ionic surfactant (e.g. BS-1000®) at the rate of 100 mL/100 L water. Use the higher rate when climbing buckwheat is present or weed growth is advanced. ➊ Suppression only - Spray early. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 359 TORDON 242 DIRECTIONS FOR USE TORDON 242 Table 2: WESTERN AUSTRALIA only CROP CROP GROWTH STAGE Barley, Canary grass, Oats, Triticale, Wheat Apply from 3 leaf to early tillering (when the main shoot has 4-5 leaves and 2 or more new tillers have formed) to start of jointing (first node (Z30)). WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Capeweed Doublegee Saffron thistle Turnip weed Wild mustard Wild turnip Young rosette or seedling plants up to 4 true leaves. 600 mL Capeweed Doublegee Saffron thistle Turnip weed Wild mustard Wild turnip Young rosette or seedling plants up to 6 true leaves. 750 mL To avoid possible crop damage DO NOT spray outside the early tillering to early jointing stage. Caution: DO NOT use this product where the land to be treated will be sown to lupins or peas the following year or where a volunteer medic or subclover pasture is required in the following season. Only use when a cereal crop will follow the cereal crop to be treated. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Wireweed➊ Apply from early to mid-tillering. Docks Sorrel Up to 4 leaf Active growth ➊ Suppression only - Spray early. 1L NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIOD DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT CROPS OR PASTURES FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Harvest: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. MINIMUM RECROPPING PERIODS Picloram, one of the active constituents in this product, remains active in the soil for extended periods depending on rate of application, soil type, rainfall, temperature, humidity, soil moisture and soil organic matter. Northern New South Wales and Queensland Plantback periods for rotational crops following application of Tordon™ 242 at 1 L/ha on black cracking clay soils (Table below). These plantback periods are based on a normal rainfall pattern. During drought conditions (or when rainfall is less than 100 mm for a period of 4 months after application) the plantback period may be significantly longer. Winter Crop Plantback Period (Month) Summer Crop Plantback Period (Month) Wheat 2 Sorghum 2 Barley 2 Cotton 12 Canola 4 Mung bean 12 Chickpea 6 Soybean 12 Faba bean 4 Lucerne 9 Western Australia and other soil types not mentioned above DO NOT plant susceptible broadleaf crops within 12 months of applying the product. Cereal crops and grasses can be sown safely after using Tordon™ 242 for in crop weed control. 360 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 B. Aerial Application MIXING Apply in a minimum volume of 35 L/ha water. Use calibrated equipment. Do not apply with smaller than medium to coarse spray droplets according to the ASABE S572 definition for standard nozzles. DO NOT apply Tordon™ 242 by aircraft unless wind speed is more than 3 kilometres per hour and less than 15 km/hr as measured at the application site and/or the air temperature is above 30°C, or when the wind is blowing towards susceptible crops. Tordon™ 242 can be mixed with water only. Mix only sufficient chemical for each day’s use and avoid storing mix. Half fill the spray tank with water and add the required quantity of Tordon™ 242 and complete filling. Agitate continuously to ensure thorough mixing before and during application. Tank mixtures: Wettable powder or dry flowable formulations (e.g. water dispersible granules) should be added to the spray tank first, followed by suspension concentrates (flowables), water soluble salts and then emulsifiable concentrate formulations (e.g. Starane™ Advanced). Add spraying oils and surfactants (wetters) last, if required. CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT l e b a L n e m i c e p S COMPATIBILITY Tordon™ 242 is compatible with the following: (Read and follow all label directions, restraints, plant-back periods, withholding periods and safety directions on the partner label as well as those on the Tordon™ 242 label). Broadleaf Herbicides Eclipse® Herbicide Lontrel™ Herbicide MCPA amine MCPA LVE Metsulfuron-methyl Starane™ Advanced Herbicide 2,4-D amine Grass Herbicides Hoegrass® (annual ryegrass only) Topik® 240 EC (wild oats and phalaris only) Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto wasteland away from desirable plants and water courses. Rinsing: After using Tordon™ 242 Cereal Herbicide, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the spray unit using a pressure hose. Drain, and clean any filters in the tank, pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. After cleaning the tank as above, quarter fill with clean water and circulate through the pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. Decontamination (before spraying cotton and other sensitive crops): see PROTECTION OF CROPS): Wash the tank and rinse the system as above. Then quarter fill the tank and add an alkali detergent at 500 mL/100 L of water or the powder equivalent at 500 g/100 L and circulate throughout the system for at least 15 minutes. Drain the whole system. Remove filters and nozzles and clean them separately. Finally flush the system with clean water and allow to drain. RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Adjuvants BS-1000 (when mixed with metsulfuron-methyl) Uptake™ Spraying Oil (when mixed with Topik® 240 EC) Insecticides Lemat® Rogor® Tordon™ 242 is not compatible with zinc products (such as Zinc dextrase and Zinc heptahydrate), copper salts (such as sulphate) and manganese sulphate. Do not use with hard water or water clariifed with alum. ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APPLICATION METHODS A. Ground Application (Boom) Apply Tordon™ 242 with an accurately calibrated boom sprayer, in at least 50 L/ha water. Do not apply with smaller than medium to coarse spray droplets according to the ASABE S572 definition for standard nozzles. Set the boom at a height to ensure a double overlap of the nozzle pattern. Tordon™ 242 Cereal Herbicide contains members of the pyridine and phenoxy groups of herbicides. The product has the disrupters of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management, the product is a Group I Herbicide. Some naturally-occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other disrupters of plant cell growth herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or other disrupters of plant cell growth herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, or local Dow AgroSciences representative. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 361 TORDON 242 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TORDON 242 PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVES AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spraying equipment, that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible crops and plants, cropping lands or pastures. Crops and plants susceptible to Tordon™ 242 include, but are not limited to clovers, medics, lupins, peas and other legumes, cotton, flowers, hops, grape and kiwi fruit vines, ornamentals, potatoes, safflower, shade trees, sugar beet, tobacco, tomatoes, tree fruits, and vegetables. DO NOT use on land to be cultivated for growing susceptible crops within 12 months of applying Tordon™ 242. Susceptible crops and plants can be damaged by soil residues during both growing and dormant periods. In the season following application of this product the regeneration or establishment of sensitive legumes (clover, medics, peas, lupins) may be adversely affected by soil residues. Cereal crops and grasses can be sown safely after using Tordon™ 242. This product will kill legumes (clovers, medics) present in the crop at the time of spraying. DO NOT apply close to or on areas containing roots of desirable vegetation, where treated soil may be washed to areas growing, or to be planted to desirable plants, or on sites where surface water from heavy rain can be expected to run off to areas containing or to be planted to susceptible crops or plants. DO NOT move soil which may have been sprayed to areas where desirable plants are to be grown. Cereal crops may be reduced in height following use of this product. This height reduction is a normal response and does not represent any yield loss. DO NOT apply Tordon™ 242 to crops or pastures, which are to be used for the production of compost or mulches for use with susceptible crops or plants. The use of straw, hay or other plant material treated with Tordon™ 242 for composting or mulching susceptible crops may damage these crops. SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. l e b a L n e m i c e p S PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well ventilated area. Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE AND DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. 362 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Harmful if swallowed. • Attacks eyes. • Will irritate the skin. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • If product in eyes, wash it out immediately with water. • DO NOT inhale spray mist. • When preparing the spray and using the prepared spray wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat, elbow length PVC gloves and goggles. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. • After each day’s use, wash gloves, goggles and contaminated clothing. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for TORDON™ 242 CEREAL HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 41258/0809 CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Tordon 75-Dabe L n e m i c e p S TORDON 75-D ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: 300 g/L 2,4-D present as the triisopropanolamine salt ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: 75 300g/L g/LPICLORAM 2,4-D present as the salt salt present as triisopropanolamine the triisopropanolamine 75 g/L PICLORAM present as the triisopropanolamine salt For the control of a wide range of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, as specified Forthe theDirections control offor a wide in Use.range of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, as specified in the Directions for Use. This is a PHENOXY HERBICIDE that can cause severe damage to susceptible crops. This is aread PHENOXY that can cause severe damage to susceptible crops. Please the DriftHERBICIDE Warning Statement. Please read the Drift Warning Statement. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 0032086 771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 363 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: TORDON 75-D DO NOT apply to crops or weeds which are not actively growing or to plants which may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logged or drought affected) or previous herbicide treatment, as crop damage or reduced levels of control may result. DO NOT use in high winds. DO NOT spray if rain is likely to occur within 4 hours. DO NOT apply close to, or on areas, containing roots of desirable vegetation, where treated soil may be washed into areas growing, or to be planted to, desirable plants, or on sites where surface water from heavy rain can be expected to run off to areas containing, or to be planted to, susceptible crops or plants. DO NOT move soil which may have been sprayed to areas where desirable plants are to be grown. Picloram, one of the active constituents in this product remains active in the soil for extended periods depending on the rate of application, soil type, rainfall, temperature, humidity, soil moisture and soil organic matter. In some states some uses of this product are controlled by legislation. Check with your local Department of Agriculture or Primary Industry for details. Table 1: Winter Cereals (Wheat, Barley, Oats and Triticale) l e b a L n e m i c e p S CROP GROWTH STAGE WEEDS CONTROLLED Apply from 3-4 tiller stage to start of jointing (first node) Z23 to Z31 for least effect on the crop. Climbing buckwheat (Black bindweed) New Zealand spinach docks Doublegee (Spiny emex) Saffron thistle Sow thistle WEED GROWTH STAGE Young rosette or seedling plants up to 8 true leaves. STATE RATE /ha Qld and NSW only 300 mL Mustards Radish Turnip weed Hexham scent Mintweed Variegated thistle Sunflower Wireweed ➊ Winter cereals may be treated using an aircraft or ground boom (see APPLICATION section). For best control of climbing buckwheat, apply early as this weed becomes increasingly difficult to control as it becomes larger. 300 mL + 375 mL 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) Skeleton weed CRITICAL COMMENTS The additional 2,4-D is required for effective control of these weeds. ➊ Suppression only - spray early. SA only Table 2: Stubble or Fallow Land prior to sowing Winter Cereals WEEDS CONTROLLED Amaranthus spp. Bathurst burr Bellvine Fat hen Morning glory Noogoora burr Parthenium weed Redroot amaranth Sesbania pea Stinking Roger Thornapple (Datura spp.) WEED GROWTH STAGE Young rosette or seedling plants up to 25 cm height or diameter. Fleabane (Conyza spp.) 364 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 STATE RATE /ha Qld only 1L CRITICAL COMMENTS May be applied using an aircraft or ground boom (see APPLICATION section). This rate will provide control of weeds present at the time of application and residual control of later germination’s. DO NOT apply two months prior to sowing winter cereals as some damage to the crop may occur, particularly if conditions are dry after application Qld and NSW only 700 mL/ ha + glyphosate Rate of glyphosate required determined by the grass species present at application. Table 3: Summer Cereals (Sorghum and Maize) – NSW and Qld only Spray when the crop has between 4 and 6 fully expanded leaves and secondary roots have developed. WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Thornapple (Datura spp.) and other broadleaf weeds including: Amaranthus spp. Annual ground cherry Bladder ketmia Caltrop Bellvine Black pigweed Mintweed Noogoora burr Red pigweed Sesbania pea Wild gooseberry Wandering Jew Young rosette or seedling plants up to 15 cm height or diameter. 330 or 500 mL + 1.25 L or 1.67 L atrazine flowable (600 g/L) or an equivalent granular product Use the lower rate when weeds are small and actively growing. Use the higher rate for larger weeds. (Datura spp.) and other broadleaf weeds, as listed above. Young rosette or seedling plants up to 15 cm height or diameter. 500 mL/ha + 280 mL 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) This mixture will result in reduced residual control of Datura spp. WEED GROWTH STAGE RATE /ha Caution: If rotating to atrazine susceptible crops. DO NOT apply later than November. Add either a wetter or a crop oil as required according to the atrazine label. DO NOT add a crop oil when using on sorghum. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Caution: This mixture may cause crop damage. To minimise damage, avoid applying these chemicals when the crop is rapidly growing under high temperature and soil moisture conditions. Use droppers and avoid spraying the growing points of the crop. DO NOT cultivate for 10-14 days after application while plants are brittle. For further advice seek information from your State agriculture department or your local spray adviser. Table 4: Sugar Cane (Qld only) CROP GROWTH STAGE Vegetative WEEDS CONTROLLED Sicklepod Less than 50 cm tall 700 mL+ 800 mL 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) 50 to 100 cm tall 1 L + 800 mL 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) Greater than 100 cm tall 1.5 L + 800 mL 2,4-D amime (625 g/L) CRITICAL COMMENTS May be applied using an aircraft using at least 50 L/ha of water or ground boom using at least 200 L/ha of water (see APPLICATION section). Always add Uptake™ Spraying Oil at 1 L/200 L, or a 100 % concentrate non-ionic surfactant such as BS-1000® at 200 mL/200 L or spray mixture. Apply only once per season. DO NOT add 2,4-D amine to known 2,4-D susceptible varieties. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 365 TORDON 75-D CROP GROWTH STAGE Table 5: Stem Injection Application Dilution Rate: Mix 1 part Tordon 75-D with 1.5 parts water. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for application method details AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE Eucalyptus spp. Seedling regrowth no more than 2 metres high. Zamia Palm Any time STATE APPLICATION RATE Qld, NSW, Vic, SA and WA only 2 mL of diluted chemical per cut Qld only CRITICAL COMMENTS Most timber regrowth can be controlled by stem injection application. Inject 1 mL into growing point for every 2.5 cm of plant stem diameter. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Table 6: Cut Stump Application See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for application method details AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY TORDON 75-D WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE Eucalyptus spp. Seedling regrowth no more than 2 metres high. Hawthorn During full leaf Tree of Heaven STATE RATE 10 L / WATER Qld, NSW, Vic, SA and WA only 500 mL Vic only Undiluted CRITICAL COMMENTS Most timber regrowth can be controlled by cut stump application. Apply undiluted to freshly cut stump Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA only Table 7: High Volume Application See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for application method details AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED Alkali Sida WEED GROWTH STAGE Pre-flowering STATE RATE 100 L /WATER Qld, NSW, Vic and WA only 300 mL SA only 150 mL Vic and SA only 75 mL 650 mL Amsinckia (Yellow burr weed) During rosette stage Apple-of-Sodom Flowering to early fruiting Vic only SA only 300 mL Artichoke thistle Late winter to spring before flowering. Vic only 200 mL Bindweed During budding Blackberry SA only 125 mL Qld, NSW, Vic, SA and WA only 1.3 L December - January Vic only 1.3 L August pre-flowering SA only Black knapweed Bladder campion 366 650 mL PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 CRITICAL COMMENTS Use double rate at flowering. Spray regrowth in autumn. Spray plant and soil for 1 metre around base of plant. Table 7: High Volume Application (continued) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for application method details AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED Boneseed (Bitou bush) WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE 100 L /WATER CRITICAL COMMENTS Flowering to fruiting Qld, NSW, Vic, SA and WA only 650 mL Treat freshly cut stumps with 1 L/10 L water at any time. Qld only 150 - 300 mL Use higher rate on older plants. Add a non-ionic wetting agent. Borreria (Square weed) l e b a L n e m i c e p S Prior to bud burst Broom, Cape Prior to pod formation Broom, English Burr Ragweed Californian (perennial) thistle Qld, NSW, Vic, WA only 1.3 L Treat small plants only. Thorough coverage essential. Spray soil to drip line. SA only 300 mL Thoroughly wet foliage and soil around base of plant. Vic, SA only Qld only 650 mL During budding stage Qld, NSW, Vic SA, WA only SA and Vic only 1.3 L Cape honeyflower At flowering stage 650 mL Chilean or Green Cestrum During full leaf Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA only Chinese shrub Autumn Colocynth Seedling and established plants Crofton weed All stages Cut leaf Mignonette Before flowering Camel thorn Devil’s fig Docks Full leaf to early flowering. Dog Rose During summer Eucalypts NA Garlic, Wild Before new bulbils form Golden thistle Seedling and rosette stage Gorse (Furze) Spring Groundsel bush TORDON 75-D Boxthorn, African Vic only Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA only 300 mL 650 mL Very susceptible SA only Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA only SA only 75 - 150 mL 650 mL Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA only Vic only Do not treat seedlings more than 2 metre high. 300 mL SA only 250 mL Qld, NSW, SA, WA only 300 mL Vic only 500 mL Qld, NSW only Heliotrope, Blue Use lower rate on seedlings only. 650 mL Thorough coverage needed. 1L Hoary cress Rosette to pre-flowering SA only 1.3 L Inkweed During full leaf 500 mL Khaki weed During full leaf in summer Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA only 650 mL PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 367 Table 7: High Volume Application (continued) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for application method details AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE Knapweed, Creeping During late spring to summer Lantana March-May STATE Vic, SA only 1.3 L Qld, NSW, WA only 1.3 - 2 L Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA only 650 mL Qld only Mayne’s pest 1.3 L 600 mL Mistflower TORDON 75-D CRITICAL COMMENTS Thoroughly wet foliage and soil around base of plant. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Limebush Onion weed Pre-flower Ox-eye Daisy Up to early flowering Pampas Lily-ofthe-valley Parthenium weed During rosette stage Paterson’s curse (Salvation Jane) Rosette to pre-flowering Prairie ground cherry Flowering to fruiting Quena (Tomato weed) Ragwort RATE 100 L /WATER Rosette to cabbage stage Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA only 650 mL Vic, SA only 75 mL + 125 mL diquat (200 g/L) Vic only 150 mL Vic, SA only 650 mL Qld, NSW only 125 mL Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA only 150 mL Vic only 300 mL Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA only 650 mL Qld, NSW, Vic, WA only 300 mL Thorough coverage to point of run off. Thorough coverage essential. Respraying will be necessary. See Table 2. Use at least 3,000 L water/ha in dense infestations. Retreatment will be necessary. SA only 150 mL Qld only 1.3 L ACT, Qld, NSW, SA, Vic and WA only 500 mL Apply by calibrated handgun with D5 or D6 (2-3mm) nozzle plate and operated at 400-500 kPa (60-70psi). Apply 3000 L/ha (i.e. 3 L /10 square metres) to dense infestations. Regrowth and seedlings may be retreated the following season. Sicklepod Qld only 300 mL See also Table 4. In pastures a repeat spray may be necessary for control of subsequent seedling germination. Silverleaf nightshade NSW, Vic, SA only 650 mL Qld only 1.3 - 2 L Rubber vine St. John’s wort Skeleton weed Late spring to early summer, during flowering to early seed set. Summer and autumn Winter Summer and autumn Smartweed 368 Seedling to pre-flowering PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Vic, SA only 650 mL NSW, WA only 1.3 - 2 L Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA only 150 mL Thoroughly wet leaves and also the soil around the base of plant. See Table 1. Very susceptible. Table 7: High Volume Application (continued) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for application method details AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED Spiny broom WEED GROWTH STAGE During full leaf stage Doublegee (Spiny emex) Star thistle Seedling to rosette STATE RATE 100 L /WATER CRITICAL COMMENTS Vic only 650 mL NA Qld, NSW, Vic only 300 mL See Table 1. Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA only 300 - 500 mL Use higher rate for older plants. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Full leaf to ripe fruit Tangled hypericum 650 mL Vic only Thornapple (Datura spp.) Tree-of-Heaven Plants during full leaf up to 1.5 m high. Tufted honeyflower All growth stages Tutsan During full leaf Spray thoroughly. NA Qld, NSW only 150 - 300 mL Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA only 650 mL Vic only Use higher rate on older plants. NA TORDON 75-D Sweet briar Results can be variable. Variegated thistle Rosette to pre-flowering Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA only 150 - 300 mL Wild Tobacco tree During full leaf Qld only 650 mL Use higher rate on mature plants. See Table 1. Very susceptible. Table 8: Boom Application See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for application method details AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED Alkali Sida WEED GROWTH STAGE Pre-flowering Amaranthus spp. Amsinckia (Yellow burr weed) During rosette stage Annual ground cherry Artichoke thistle Late winter to spring before flowering. Bathurst burr STATE RATE /ha Qld, NSW, Vic, SA and WA only 3.5 L Qld, NSW only 1L Vic and SA only 2L Qld, NSW only 1L Vic only 7.5 L SA only 2.5 L Qld, NSW only 1L Qld, NSW, Vic, SA and WA only 7.5 L Qld, NSW only 300 mL + 375 mL 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) CRITICAL COMMENTS See Table 2. SA - Use double rate at flowering. See Table 3. Bellvine Bindweed During budding Bladder Ketmia NA PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 369 Table 8: Boom Application (continued) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for application method details AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED Borreria (Square weed) WEED GROWTH STAGE STATE RATE /ha CRITICAL COMMENTS Flowering to fruiting Qld only 1 - 2.5 L Use higher rate on older plants. Add a non-ionic wetting agent. Qld, NSW only 300 mL + 375 mL of 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) Caltrop (Yellow vine) l e b a L n e m i c e p S Camel thorn Climbing buckwheat (Black bindweed) Early growth stage Vic only 30 L Qld, NSW only 300 mL Cobbler’s Peg TORDON 75-D Fat hen Garlic, Wild Golden thistle 1L See Table 2. Before new bulbils form Seedling and rosette stage Heliotrope, Common Vic only Lucerne 7.5 L SA only 5.5 L Qld, NSW, SA, WA only 3.5 L Vic only 4L Qld, NSW only 300 mL Hexham Scent Knapweed, Creeping See Table 1. 300 mL + 375 mL 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) During late spring to summer Vic only 7.5 L Qld, NSW only 1L See Table 1. Mexican Poppy Mintweed 300 mL + 375 mL 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) Morning glory Mustards Qld only 1L See Table 2. Qld, NSW only 300 mL + 375 mL 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) See Table 1. New Zealand spinach 1L Noogoora burr See Table 2. Onion weed Pre-flower Ox-eye Daisy Up to early flowering Parthenium weed During rosette stage 370 See Table 1. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Vic, SA only 2L+3L diquat (200 g/L) NA Vic only 1L Respraying will be necessary. Qld, NSW only 3L See Table 2. Table 8: Boom Application (continued) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for application method details AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED Paterson’s curse (Salvation Jane) WEED GROWTH STAGE Rosette to pre-flowering Pigweed, black STATE RATE /ha SA only 4L Qld, NSW only 1L CRITICAL COMMENTS Potato weed l e b a L n e m i c e p S Flowering to fruiting Vic only 7.5 L Qld, NSW only 300 mL + 375 mL 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) Qld, NSW, WA only 3.5 L Vic, SA only 4L Qld, NSW only 1L See Table 2. Saffron thistle 300 mL See Table 1. Sesbania pea 1L See Table 2. Radish, Wild Ragwort Rosette to cabbage stage Redroot (Amaranthus spp.) Retreatment will be necessary See Table 1. TORDON 75-D Prairie ground cherry Redshank (Amaranthus spp.) Sicklepod Qld only 700 mL - 1.5 L + 800 mL 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) Silverleaf nightshade NSW, Vic, SA only 15 L Skeleton weed Summer and autumn Qld only Winter Vic only Summer and autumn Sowthistle See also Table 4. In pastures a repeat spray may be necessary for control of subsequent seedling germination. See Table 1. SA only 300 mL + 375 mL 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) NSW, WA only 15 - 22 L Qld, NSW only 300 mL Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA only 3.5 - 7.5 L See Table 1. Doublegee (Spiny emex) Star thistle Stinking Roger Seedling to rosette Qld, NSW only Sunflower Thornapple (Datura spp.) Qld only Use higher rate for older plants. 1L See Table 2. 300 mL + 375 mL 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) See Table 1. 1L See Table 2. 500 mL + 280 mL of 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) See Table 3. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 371 Table 8: Boom Application (continued) See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – APPLICATION section for application method details AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH STAGE Turnip weed Variegated thistle Rosette to pre-flowering STATE RATE /ha Qld, NSW only 300 mL + 375 mL of 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) Vic, SA, WA only 2-4L Qld, NSW only 300 mL + 375 mL 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) See Table 1. Use higher rate on mature plants. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Wandering Jew See Table 1. 1L Wireweed TORDON 75-D CRITICAL COMMENTS 300 mL + 375 mL 2,4-D amine (625 g/L) See Table 1. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIOD DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT CROPS (EXCEPT SUGAR CANE) OR PASTURES FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Sugar Cane: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 8 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 8 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Mixing: Mix only with water. It will not mix with oil or diesel fuel. Mechanical or by-pass agitation in the spray tank is recommended, and it should be maintained during spraying. Quarter fill the spray tank and add the required amount of herbicide in the following order: Wettable powder or water dispersible granules; suspension concentrates (atrazine flowable); aqueous concentrates (e.g. Tordon™ 75-D, 2,4-D amine); emulsifiable concentrates and finally surfactant or crop oil. Adjuvants: DO NOT add surfactants (such as BS-1000) or crop oils (such as Uptake Spraying Oil) unless specifically recommended to do so in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE Tables, 1 and 2. APPLICATION Tordon 75-D may be applied by: Ground boom. Spray using accurately calibrated equipment delivering 50 - 100 L water/ha. DO NOT use less than 200 L/ha in sugar cane. When treating maize and sorghum, the risk of crop injury will be reduced if dropper nozzles are used to avoid spraying the growing point of the crop. Misting machines and boomjet sprayers should not be used for treating crops. 372 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Aircraft. Use accurately calibrated equipment to deliver not less than 20 L water/ha. DO NOT use less than 50 L/ha in sugar cane. High volume. Apply using a calibrated handgun with D5 or D6 (2 - 3 mm) nozzle plate and operated at 400 - 500 kPa. Spray to thoroughly wet the weed, usually 2,500-3,500 L water/infested ha is required. Stem injection. Treat only trees with good sap flow. Make injection cuts at 13 cm spacing around the diameter of the tree at waist height or at 15 cm spacing at ground level. The cuts should be made using a 5 to 7 cm wide narrow bladed axe. The cut must be made through the bark and deep enough to place all the chemical in contact with the sap wood. Treat each stem of a multistem tree where possible. Inject the chemical mix into each cut immediately after the cut is made. Apply the mix with a vaccinator or similar equipment which can be accurately calibrated or a tree injector which can apply the measured dose at or near ground level. Injection at or near ground level is essential in the Traprock area of south-eastern Queensland and is preferred for optimum results in Bimble box (poplar box) areas. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or other Group I herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, or local Dow AgroSciences representative. l e b a L n e m i c e p S COMPATIBILITY Tordon 75-D is compatible with: atrazine (600 g/L flowable or an equivalent granular product) Dow AgroSciences (2, 4-D) Amine 625 diquat metsulfuron-methyl Topik® glyphosate 450 Ripper™ 480 glyphosate PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS After using Tordon 75-D, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the tank using a pressure hose, drain the tank and clean any tank, pump, line and nozzle filters. To Rinse: After cleaning the tank as above, quarter fill the tank with clean water and circulate through the pumps, lines, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. To Decontaminate: Before spraying sensitive crops (see PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS section) wash the tank and rinse the system, as above. Quarter fill the tank and add an alkali detergent at 500 mL/100L of water or the powder equivalent at 500 g/100 L of water) and circulate throughout the system for at least fifteen minutes. If using a concentrated laundry detergent use 250 g (or mL)/100 L water. Do not use chlorine based cleaners. Drain the whole system. Then remove filters, nozzles and clean them separately. Finally, flush the system with clean water and allow to drain. Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or if this is unavailable, onto unused (and away from plants and water courses). Crops susceptible to Tordon 75-D include but are not limited to; peas, lupins, lucerne, navy beans, soybeans, and other legumes; cotton, fruit, hops, ornamentals, potatoes, safflower sugarbeet, sunflower, tobacco, tomatoes, vegetables and vines. DO NOT plant susceptible crops within 12 months of applying winter or summer cereal Use Rates of this product. Cereal crops and grasses can be sown safely after using Tordon 75-D. Rates in excess of these will result in more persistent soil residues. Therefore, do not rotate susceptible plants until an adequately sensitive bioassay or chemical test shows that no detectable picloram is present within soil. Drift Warning DO NOT allow spray to drift onto susceptible crops. DO NOT apply under weather conditions or from spraying equipment that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. Avoid spray drift onto susceptible crops such as cotton, tobacco, tomatoes, vines, lupins, fruit trees and ornamentals. DO NOT use unless wind speed is more than 3 kilometres per hour and less than 15 kilometres per hour, as measured at the application site. DO NOT apply with smaller than coarse to very coarse spray droplets according to the ASABE S572 definition for standard nozzles. Equipment that has been used for application of Tordon 75-D should not be used for application of other materials to susceptible plants until it has been decontaminated. RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT Tordon 75-D Herbicide contains members of the pyridine and phenoxy groups of herbicides. The product has the disrupters of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management, the product is a Group I Herbicide. DO NOT graze or cut treated crops or plants for stock food except as specified under withholding periods. Poisonous plants may become more palatable after spraying and stock should be kept away from these plants until they have died down. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 373 TORDON 75-D Cut stump. Cut the trees as close to the ground as practicable, leaving stumps no higher then 10 cm. Spray, swab or brush the chemical mix immediately to the freshly cut surface so as to thoroughly wet the surface. If the cut surface is oily, add a non-ionic wetting agent to assist penetration. Frilling. Make successive overlapping cuts into the sapwood around the entire circumference of the base of the tree. Spray to thoroughly wet the frilled area. Injecting spray into centre of weed. Inject using a vaccinator or similar equipment, 1 mL of treatment mix into the growing point for each 2.5 cm of the plant stem diameter. (See Zamia palm). PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers, waterways, water used for irrigation, drinking or other domestic purposes, with the chemical or used containers. TORDON 75-D STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in closed, original container in a cool, well ventilated area. Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Poisonous if swallowed. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • DO NOT inhale spray mist. • Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorders. • When preparing the spray and using the prepared spray, wear PVC or rubber apron, elbow-length PVC gloves and a face shield. • If product on skin, immediately wash area with soap and water. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. • After each day’s use, wash gloves, face shield and contaminated clothing. l e b a L n e m i c e p S SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. 374 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for TORDONTM 75-D HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 40487/0409 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Tordon b a L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Double Double Strength Strength Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: 200 g/L TRICLOPYR present as the triethylamine salt ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: 100 200 g/L PICLORAM TRICLOPYRpresent presentas asthe thetriisopropanolamine triethylamine salt salt 100 g/L PICLORAM present as the triisopropanolamine salt For the control of unwanted timber by stem injection or cut stump/brushcutter application For the control of unwantedgorse timber stem injection orfoliage cut stump/brushcutter application and control of blackberry, andbyharrisia cactus by spray as specified in the and controlFor of blackberry, gorse and harrisia cactus by foliage spray as specified in the Directions Use. Directions For Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 0032086 771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 375 TORDON DS POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN TORDON DS DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: DO NOT treat trees with poor sap flow. DO NOT apply to plants which may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logged or drought affected) or previous herbicide treatment, as reduced levels of control may result. DO NOT apply close to or on areas containing roots of desirable vegetation, where treated soil may be washed to areas growing, (or to be planted with), desirable plants. DO NOT apply on sites where surface water from heavy rain can be expected to run off to areas containing or to be planted to susceptible crops or plants. DO NOT move soil, which has been sprayed, to areas where desirable plants are to be grown. DO NOT burn treated areas for 9 months after application or mechanically clear treated areas for at least 12 months after application. For High volume spraying, DO NOT spray if rain is likely within 1 hour or if foliage is wet from rain or dew. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Table A: Stem Injection Application DILUTION RATE: Mix 1 part Tordon Double Strenth Herbicide (DSH) with 4 parts water. See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED Acacia (except Qld), Angophora, Casuarina, Corymbia, Eucalyptus (except Yellow box), Lophostemon and Melaleuca species. Camphor laurel. 376 WEED GROWTH SIZE STATE APPLICATION RATE Single stems less than 25 cm diameter at base (Waist height application) All States 1 mL of diluted chemical per cut @ 10 to 13 cm centres NOTE: Control of Acacia, Casuarina and Lophostemon species may be variable. Use ground level application to reduce variability. Single stems less than 25 cm diameter at base (Ground level application) 1 mL of diluted chemical per cut @ 12 to 15 cm centres Multiple stems or more than 25 cm diameter at base (Waist height application) 2 mL of diluted chemical per cut @ 10 to 13 cm centres Multiple stems or more than 25 cm diameter at base (Ground level application) 2 mL of diluted chemical per cut @ 12 to 15 cm centres DO NOT exceed the spacings shown from the centre of one cut to centre of the next cut. Inject each stem of a multistem tree where possible. Injection at or near ground level is essential in the Traprock area of south-eastern Queensland and is preferred for optimum results in poplar box areas. In areas where experience has shown that results are variable because species are harder to kill or due to marginal soil and/or climate factors, higher doses may improve control. Contact Dow AgroSciences for more detail. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 CRITICAL COMMENTS TORDON DS Table B: Cut Stump/Brushcutter Application See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH SIZE STATE RATE /10 L WATER Acacia (except Qld), Angophora, Casuarina, Corymbia, Eucalyptus (except Yellow box), and Lophostemon species Cut stem as close to the ground as possible, leaving stump no higher than 10 cm All States 500 mL CRITICAL COMMENTS NOTE: Control of Acacia, Casuarina and Lophostemon species may be variable. If cut surface is oily, add wetting agent (e.g. BS 1000) for penetration. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Table C: High Volume Spraying See GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - APPLICATION section for application method details. AGRICULTURAL NON-CROP AREAS, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS, FORESTS, PASTURES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WEEDS CONTROLLED WEED GROWTH SIZE Blackberry STATE CRITICAL COMMENTS RATE /100 L WATER Late spring to autumn All States except NT 500 mL Always add an adjuvant (see COMPATIBILITY section for details). Where herbicides other than Group I herbicides have been used, allow two seasons regrowth to occur before respraying with Tordon Double Strength Herbicide (DSH). September to March when actively growing NSW, Vic, SA and Tas only 375 mL Treat any regrowth in the following season. Use a minimum of 3000-4000 L of spray mixture/ha for dense gorse. Qld only 2.5 L ™ Gorse Harrisia cactus Treat all stems thoroughly. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. FOR NATIVE VEGETATION Use of Tordon DSH on native vegetation must be done in accordance with STATE and/or LOCAL legislation. WITHHOLDING PERIOD NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 377 TORDON DS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS COMPATIBILITY Tordon DSH is compatible with the following adjuvants: Hasten® @ 500 mL/100 L water Supercharge® @ 500 mL/100 L water Uptake™ Spraying Oil @ 500 mL/100 L water. MIXING Mix only with water. It will not mix with oil or diesel fuel. Only mix sufficient solution for immediate daily use and avoid storing. When using the Tree Injector, make sure that the pump handle is held in whilst striking the tree, otherwise unnecessary strain will be placed on the pump and valve, and chemical will be ejected onto the bark. Use injector with groove in blade uppermost. Strike tree, cutting through bark to sapwood. Lower the upper end of the injector to open the cut, then move pump handle out and in to inject the dose. A smooth action will give better results than a quick “snapping” action. The chemical must be applied immediately after the dose pocket is made. B. Cut Stump/Brushcutter Application Stems should be cut less than 10 cm above the ground. Remove and treat the surface of any suckers present below the cut surface and ground level. Immediately apply Tordon DSH/water mixture liberally to the freshly cut stump by spraying the cut surface and sides of the stem. If cut surface is oily, add a 100% non-ionic surfactant (e.g. BS-1000) at 100 mL/100 L water to improve penetration. When using a brushcutter with a herbicide attachment, read all safety and operating instructions in the brushcutter manual prior to use of the equipment. l e b a L n e m i c e p S A. Stem Injection Application Mix one part Tordon DSH with 4 parts clean water. Agitate well before commencing work. After use, clean equipment thoroughly and rinse several times with water. B. High Volume Application Half fill the spray unit with water, and add the required amount of Tordon DSH. Add the remaining water with the agitator running. If required, then add spray oils or wetters (surfactants). Maintain mechanical or by-pass agitation in the spray tank during spraying. APPLICATION A. Stem Injection Application Waist Height Application To make an injection pocket at waist height, use a 3/4 length axe with a blade width of 5 to 7 cm. The cut of injection must be through the bark and deep enough to place all the chemical in contact with the sap wood. The chemical must be applied immediately after the dose pocket is made. Apply chemical with a Phillips 5 mL vaccinator fitted with a tree injector kit which can be accurately calibrated. Set vaccinator to deliver 1 mL of herbicide mix. When treating regrowth less than the width of the axe, ensure chemical does not run out the sides of the cut, as reduced control will result. This can be overcome by using the corner of the axe to make the pocket in the stem or treating by cut stump application. Ground Level Application To make an injection pocket at ground level, use a narrow blade axe, as described for waist height application, or a C.M.B. Engineering Tree Injector designed for this application method. 378 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 C. High Volume Spraying Weeds need to be actively growing for herbicides to have optimum effect. In areas that have been bulldozed, slashed, burnt, ploughed or previously treated with chemical, wait until all regrowth has reached approximately 1 metre before treating. Thorough coverage of foliage to the point of run-off is essential, however, avoid excess spraying which is wasteful of chemical. Hand Gun (blackberry and gorse) Apply the recommended mix to give full coverage of leaves and stems through a No. 6 to 8 tip at 700 to 1500 kPa. A spray volume of 3000 to 4000 L per infested hectare of 1 to 2 metre high gorse and blackberry (30 to 40 L/100 m2) should be used. Knapsack (harrisia cactus) Apply the recommended spray mix to give a full coverage of all stems from the crown. Treatment should start from the end of each stem to the centre of the plant, with a final dose to the plant crown. Complete coverage of every stem is required for adequate control. Rinsing After using Tordon DSH, empty the spray equipment completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the unit using a pressure hose, if necessary. Drain the spray unit, and clean any filters in the tank, pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. After cleaning the spray unit as above, quarter fill with clean water and circulate through the pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice. Decontamination Before spraying cotton and other sensitive crops with equipment that has been used to apply Tordon DSH, see PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS section. Wash the tank and rinse the system as above. Then quarter fill the tank and add an alkali detergent at 500 mL/100 L of water or the powder equivalent at 500 g/100 L of water) and circulate throughout the system for at least 15 minutes. If using a concentrated laundry detergent use 250 g (or mL)/100 L water. Do not use chlorine based cleaners. Drain the whole system. Then remove filters, nozzles and clean them separately. Finally, flush the system with clean water and allow to drain. Drain the whole system. Remove filters and nozzles and clean the separately. Finally flush the system with clean water and allow to drain. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture or local Dow AgroSciences representative. PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVES AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS Crops susceptible to Tordon DSH include, but are not limited to: peas, lupins, lucerne, navy beans, peanuts, soybeans and other legumes; cotton, flowers, fruit, hops, ornamentals, shade trees and Pinus spp., potatoes, safflower, sugarbeet, sunflower, tobacco, tomatoes, vegetables and vines. Tordon DSH is damaging to susceptible crops during both growing and dormant periods. Grasses are normally unaffected and establish quickly after treatment. Picloram, one of the active constituents in this product can remain active in the soil for extended periods depending on soil type and application rate, rainfall, temperature, humidity, soil moisture and soil organic matter. DO NOT allow physical spray drift onto waterways, native vegetation and susceptible crops. DO NOT apply under weather conditions, or from spray equipment, that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands, pastures, waterways or native vegetation. DO NOT apply close to, or on areas, containing roots of desirable vegetation, where treated soil may be washed onto areas growing (or areas to be planted with) desirable plants. DO NOT apply on sites where surface water from heavy rain can be expected to run off to areas containing, or to be planted with susceptible crops or plants. DO NOT move soil which may have been treated to areas where desirable plants are to be grown. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and water courses. RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Tordon DSH is a member of the pyridines group of herbicides. The product has the disrupters of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management the product is a Group I herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or other Group I herbicides. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK With high volume spraying, poisonous plants may become more palatable after spraying and stock should be kept away from these plants until they have died down. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 379 TORDON DS CLEANING HIGH VOLUME SPRAY EQUIPMENT TORDON DS STORAGE AND DISPOSAL FIRST AID Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers, seed, insecticides, fungicides or other pesticides. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor, or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. If in eyes, hold eyes open, flood with water for at least 15 minutes and see a doctor. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet for TORDONTM DOUBLE STRENGTH HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll free on 1-800 700 096 or visit l e b a L n e m i c e p S SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. SAFETY DIRECTIONS • May irritate the eyes. • Avoid contact with the eyes and skin. • DO NOT inhale spray mist. • Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorders. • When preparing spray and using the product, wear elbow-length PVC gloves and face shield. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. • After each day’s use, wash gloves and face shield. 380 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 52066/0609 READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Tordon b a L Granules n e m i c e p S TORDON GRANULES ™ ™ Weed Weed and and Brush Brush Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 20 g/kg PICLORAM present as the triethanolamine salt ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 20 g/kg PICLORAM present as the triethanolamine salt For the control of ragwort and woody plants including sweet briar, African boxthorn, For the apple, controllimebush, of ragworteucalypt and woody plantsand including sweet Africanasboxthorn, chinee suckers seedlings, andbriar, blackberry specified in chinee apple, limebush, the Directions For Use. eucalypt suckers and seedlings, and blackberry as specified in the Directions For Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 381 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply to weeds which may be stressed (not actively growing) due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logged or drought affected) or previous herbicide treatment, as reduced levels of control may result. DO NOT apply during high winds. SITUATIONS Grazing pastures Forests Rights-of-way WEEDS CONTROLLED Sweet briar African boxthorn STATES RATE CRITICAL COMMENTS Vic, Qld, SA, WA only 35-45 g per square metre Use the higher rate on larger bushes, on blackberry, and also on very sandy, gravelly or rocky soil and in areas where very high rainfall is usual. Apply granules over an area extending from the main stem to 30 cm outside the dripline to cover the main part of the root system. Where it is difficult to apply granules to the soil they can be thrown over the top of the bush taking care to obtain even distribution. NSW ONLY For Eucalypts: Apply only to actively growing regrowth which is less than 5 years old and under 3 m tall. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Chinee apple Qld and NT only Limebush Eucalypts - suckers and seedlings Vic, Qld, NSW, SA, WA only TORDON GRANULES Blackberry Ragwort Vic, Tas only 2 g per plant Crush centre of plant with heel of boot or with WEEDSTICK† Granule Applicator immediately prior to application. † NZ Patent No. 190285, 188725 NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. FOR NSW ONLY: With the exception of regrowth less than 5 years old and under 3 m tall, the clearing of more than five hectares of trees by aerial, ground or spot application in NSW is prohibited unless specifically authorised by permit. This restriction does not apply to noxious woody weeds. WITHHOLDING PERIODS NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Tordon Granules are recommended as a spot application for treatment of scattered target plants, particularly in areas where access for spray equipment is difficult or water supplies are limited. Treat before growth begins or during vigorous growth when good rainfall can be expected. Rain after application is required to move the herbicide into the root zone and the effect on treated plants will not be observed until then. Picloram, the active constituent in this product remains active in the soil for extended periods, depending on rate of application, soil type, rainfall, temperature, humidity, soil moisture and soil organic matter. 382 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Tordon Granules Weed and Brush Herbicide is a member of the pyridines group of herbicides. The product has the disrupters of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management the product is a Group I herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group I herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or other Group I herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture or local Dow AgroSciences representative. Will kill medics and clover present at time of treatment. After use wash hands thoroughly before handling susceptible crops. DO NOT allow the dust of this product to drift onto susceptible crops, such as, but not limited to: peas, lupins, lucerne, navy beans, soybeans and other legumes; cotton, fruit hops, ornamentals, shade trees and Pinus spp., flowers, potatoes, safflowers, sugarbeet, sunflowers, tobacco, tomatoes, vegetable and vines. DO NOT use under meteorological conditions likely to produce physical drift onto waterways, native vegetation and susceptible crops. DO NOT apply close to or on areas containing roots of desirable vegetation, where treated soil may be washed onto areas growing, or areas to be planted with desirable plants. DO NOT apply on sites where surface water from heavy rain can be expected to runoff to areas containing, or to be planted with susceptible crops or plants. DO NOT move soil which may have been treated to areas where desirable plants are to be grown. DO NOT use on land to be cultivated for growing susceptible crops. Legumes, vines, vegetables, cotton, tomatoes, ornamentals and many other plants are highly susceptible to this product during both growing and dormant periods. Grasses are normally unaffected and establish quickly after treatment. specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. l e b a L n e m i c e p S PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with the chemical or used containers. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK Poisonous plants may become more palatable after spraying and stock should be kept away from these plants until they have died down. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Keep Out of Reach of Children. DO NOT store container near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers, seed, insecticides, fungicides or other pesticides. Store in the closed original container, in a secure cool, well-ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. Shake empty pail into granule applicator. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Avoid contact with the eyes and skin. • DO NOT inhale dust. • After use and before eating, drinking and smoking wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. FIRST AID If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor, or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for TORDON™ GRANULES WEED AND BRUSH HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 31430/58196 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 383 TORDON GRANULES PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVES AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS TORDON REGROWTHMASTER POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING Tordon n o i t RegrowthMaster a r t Herbicide ™ ™ s g i n g i e d R en P Herbicide For the control of unwanted timber by stem injection or cut stump/brushcutter application For control of unwantedgorse timber stem injection orfoliage cut stump/brushcutter application and the control of blackberry, andbyharrisia cactus by spray as specified in the and controlfor of Use. blackberry, gorse and harrisia cactus by foliage spray as specified in the Directions Directions for Use. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800 700 096(“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL Dow FREE Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 384 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l Torpedo abe L n e m i c e p S TORPEDO ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: 300 g/L CLOPYRALID present as the monoethanolamine salt ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: 350 00 g/L FLORASULAM CLOPYRALID present as the monoethanolamine salt 50 g/L FLORASULAM A suspension concentrate formulation for post-emergent control or suppression of broadleaf A suspension concentrate formulation control or suppression of broadleaf weeds in barley, oats, triticale, wheat for andpost-emergent ryegrass pasture as specified in the Directions for Use. weeds in barley, oats, triticale, wheat and ryegrass pasture as specified in the Directions for Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800Company 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of TheTOLL DowFREE Chemical ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 385 DIRECTIONS FOR USE For Application to barley, oats, triticale, wheat and ryegrass pasture only; from 3 leaf up to 1st node of the crop. RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply to crops or weeds which may be stressed due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, moisture stress (water-logging or drought) or previous herbicide treatment, as crop damage or reduced levels of control may result (see CROP SAFETY for additional comments on barley and oats). DO NOT sow susceptible crops into paddocks treated the previous season with Torpedo until after the required plantback period has elapsed - see under label heading “PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS” below. DO NOT spray if rain is likely to occur within three hours or if heavy rain is likely to occur within 48 hours. DO NOT apply later than the 1st node stage of the crops. DO NOT apply by air, and DO NOT apply this product by mister within a Chemical Control Area in Victoria without a valid permit. DO NOT double overlap spray to avoid injury to following susceptible crops. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Adjuvant: Always use Uptake™ Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L (except when tank mixing with metsulfuron). For specific recommendations see COMPATIBILITY – Adjuvants section. Torpedo in tank mix: Apply tank mixes from the 3 leaf crop stage onwards. Ryegrass: Only apply Torpedo Herbicide once per season in ryegrass pasture. WEED TORPEDO WEED STAGE RATE (mL Torpedo/ha) Bedstraw (Galium spp.) Up to 6 whorl &/or 10 cm high 100 mL (alone) or 75 mL + either 500 mL MCPA LVE* or 350 to 500 mL Bromoxynil-MCPA* Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula) Up to 4 leaf &/or 8 cm diameter WA only: 75 mL + either 500 mL MCPA LVE or 350 to 500 mL Bromoxynil-MCPA Up to 6 leaf &/or 12 cm diameter 100 mL + either 500 mL MCPA LVE or 350 to 500 mL Bromoxynil-MCPA Doublegee/Spiny emex (Emex australis) Up to 4 leaf &/or 10 cm diameter 75 mL + 5 g Metsulfuron (600 g/kg) Do not use this mix on oat crops. Apply with BS1000 surfactant at 100 mL/100 L. Indian hedge mustard (Sisymbrium orientale) Up to 6 leaf &/or 15 cm diameter 75 to 100 mL + 500 mL MCPA LVE Small flowered mallow (Malva parviflora) suppression Up to 4 leaf &/or 10 cm diameter 100 mL + either 500 mL MCPA LVE or 5 g Metsulfuron + 350 mL MCPA LVE Where a range of rates is labelled, use the higher rates of Torpedo and/or its tank mix partner when weeds are large, at high density, crop is non-competitive or any of these situations in combination. Paterson’s curse (Echium plantagineum) suppression Up to 4 leaf &/or 10 cm diameter 100 mL 100 mL + either 500 mL MCPA LVE or 5 g Metsulfuron + 350 mL MCPA LVE Paterson’s curse control Snail medic (Medicago scutellata) Up to 5 leaf &/or 6 cm diameter 75 to 100 mL + either 500 mL MCPA LVE or 350 to 500 mL Bromoxynil-MCPA Turnip weed (Rapistrum rugosum) Up to 8 leaf &/or 15 cm diameter 100 mL (alone) or 75 mL + 500 mL MCPA LVE 386 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 CRITICAL COMMENTS Always use a higher rate for larger weeds or high weed density. Note: Large weeds at treatment time may not be completely controlled. Adjuvant: Always use Uptake™ Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L (except when tank mixing with metsulfuron). For specific recommendations see COMPATIBILITY – Adjuvants section. Torpedo in tank mix: Apply tank mixes from the 3 leaf crop stage onwards. Ryegrass: Only apply Torpedo Herbicide once per season in ryegrass pasture. WEED Toadrush (Juncus bufonis) suppression WEED STAGE RATE (mL Torpedo/ha) Up to 4 leaf &/or 5 cm heigh 100 mL 100 mL + 500 mL Bromoxynil-MCPA Toadrush control Vetches (Vicia spp.) Up to 6 leaf &/or 15 cm high 100 mL (alone) or 75 mL + either 500 mL MCPA LVE or 500 mL Bromoxynil-MCPA Up to 6 leaf or node &/or 15 cm high 75 to 100 mL Up to 6 leaf &/or 15 cm diameter 75 to 100 mL + 500 mL MCPA LVE CRITICAL COMMENTS Where a range of rates is labelled, use the higher rates of Torpedo and/or its tank mix partner when weeds are large, at high density, crop is non-competitive or any of these situations in combination. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Volunteer legumes, (including Chickpea, Faba bean, Field pea, Lentil & Lupin) Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) Always apply in tank mix with MCPA. Use the higher Torpedo rate if weeds are large (> 4 leaf stage) and/or high density (> 50 /m2). TORPEDO *MCPA LVE refers to any product composed of 500 g/L of MCPA present as the ethyl hexyl ester. Bromoxynil-MCPA refers to any product composed of 200 g/L bromoxynil present as the n-octanoyl ester + 200 g/L MCPA present as the ethyl hexyl ester NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. HARVEST WITHHOLDING PERIOD: Barley, Oats, Triticale and Wheat: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. When using Torpedo in a tank mix with another product, observe the Harvest Withholding Period of the other product. STOCKFOOD WITHHOLDING PERIOD: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT TREATED CROPS FOR STOCK FEED FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION of Torpedo. When using Torpedo in a tank mix with another product, observe whichever Stockfood Withholding Period is the longer. CROP SAFETY Barley and oats – Under certain conditions which result in crop stress, Torpedo or tank mixes may result in transient crop effects (height reduction and yellowing). Grain yield is normally unaffected. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MIXING Torpedo is a suspension concentrate which may show some separation on storage. Roll, shake or invert the container several times to ensure that Torpedo has completely resuspended before measuring to mix. Torpedo should be added to the spray tank with simultaneous agitation. If agitation is limited, premix the Torpedo in a bucket before adding to the main tank. Once diluted correctly, Torpedo remains in suspension. If tank mixing with other products, the following order should be followed: 1. 2. 3. 4. Quarter fill the spray tank, maintaining agitation, then: Add Torpedo (as described above). Add water to half fill the spray tank. Add wettable powders, water dispersible granules or other suspension concentrates. 5. Add emulsifiable concentrates. 6. Add Uptake Spraying Oil when spray tank is half full. 7. Add water to increase to the final spray volume. COMPATIBILITY Torpedo has not been tested in all tank mix combinations over all cereal varieties. All mixtures should be tested prior to mixing commercial quantities. Broadleaf Herbicides Torpedo is biologically compatible for broadleaf weed control with Ester 800, Esteron™ LV, Amine 625 Herbicide, bromoxynil, bromoxynil-MCPA, MCPA amine, MCPA LVE, metsulfuron, Lontrel™ 750 SG, Lontrel™ Herbicide, Starane™ Advanced or Tordon™ 242. Tank mixes must be applied at the appropriate labelled cereal growth stage for the partner herbicide and rate. For best control of wild radish, Indian hedge mustard or turnip weed, always tank mix Torpedo with MCPA. Grass Herbicides For wild oat control, Axial® Herbicide, Wildcat® 110 EC and Topik® 240 EC are biologically compatible with Torpedo. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 387 Some reduction in wild oat control may occur with Topik 240 EC or Wildcat® 110 EC tank mixes under good growing conditions. The grass herbicide must be applied under excellent growing conditions and at the highest label rate or wild oat growth stage, size and density. Torpedo + MCPA LVE at up to 500 mL/ha may be tank mixed with Axial with some reduction in wild oat control under good growing conditions. Adjuvants For broadleaf weeds always use Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L, except when using metsulfuron in a tank mix. Use BS1000 at 100 mL/100 L with metsulfuron tank mixes. For wild oat control with Axial and Torpedo mixes, always use either Uptake Spraying Oil or Adigor® at 500 mL/100 L. For wild oat control with Topik 240 EC and Torpedo tank mixes, use Uptake Spraying Oil at 500 mL/100 L. For wild oat control with Wildcat 110 EC and Torpedo tank mixes, use BS1000 at 250 mL/100 L. Torpedo contains members of the pyridine and triazolopyrimidine sulfonanilide group of herbicides. The product has the disrupters of plant cell growth and acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor modes of action. For weed resistance management, the product is a Group I + Group B herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to the product and other Group I and/or B herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or other Group I or Group B herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of the product to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant or local Department of Agriculture. Torpedo is a broadleaf herbicide with no grass weed activity and exerts no selection pressure on annual ryegrass. l e b a L n e m i c e p S APPLICATION TORPEDO RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Boom Spraying: Apply Torpedo in sufficient spray volume to obtain good coverage. It should be applied by an accurately calibrated ground rig using a water volume of 50–100 L/ha. Sprayers should aim to apply medium to coarse quality spray in accordance with ASABE standard S-572. Where coarse quality spray is to be applied, aim to apply a total spray volume of at least 80 L/ha. CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT: After using Torpedo, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the tank using a pressure hose, drain the tank and clean any tank, pump, line and nozzle filters. Partial Cleaning (Rinse only – before using rig to spray barley, oats, triticale and wheat): After cleaning the tank as above, quarter fill the tank with clean water and circulate through the pump, line, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat procedure twice. Complete Cleaning (Decontamination – before using rig to spray crops that are susceptible to Torpedo): After cleaning the tank as above, quarter fill the tank with clean water and add a liquid alkali detergent (e.g. Surf®, Omo®, Drive®) at 500 mL/100 L water and circulate throughout the system for at least 15 minutes. Drain the whole system. Then remove filters and nozzles and clean separately. Finally rinse inside the tank thoroughly using a pressure hose and flush system with clean water and allow to drain. Note: If using a concentrated laundry detergent use 250 g (or mL)/100 L water. Do not use chlorine based cleaners. Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or, if this is unavailable, onto unused land away from desirable plants and their roots and watercourses. 388 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS DO NOT apply under weather conditions or from spraying equipment that may cause spray drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands or pastures. Composts and Mulches Compost, mulch or mushroom substrate made from plant material treated with Torpedo may cause damage to susceptible crops or plants. DO NOT apply Torpedo to crops or pastures that will be used for the production of compost, mulches or mushroom substrate. Stubble from Treated Crops Ensure that harvesters effectively spread crop straw and do not leave a heavy ‘header trail’ after harvest. Burn (if legal in the area) or bale and remove, slash or incorporate stubble as soon as practical after harvest and for as long as possible before planting next year to allow microbial breakdown of any residues in straw. Heavy stubble loads may carry more residue into the following season. Where heavy stubble burdens and/or non-wetting soils exist and less than the recommended amount of rain has fallen from application to planting the susceptible crop (see below), only plant a winter or summer cereal. Susceptible crops and plants include, but are not limited to, canola, chickpeas, cotton, faba beans, field peas, fruit trees, lentils, lupins, lucerne, medics, ornamentals, potatoes, safflower, subclover, tomatoes, vegetables, vetches, vines (grape and kiwi fruit), wattles and white clover. Field peas, faba beans, lentils and vetches are particularly susceptible. Where Torpedo residue carryover is suspected and susceptible crops are to be planted, test the treated area as follows: Field bioassay – where rain allows, plant a small area of the susceptible crop 4 to 6 weeks before desired planting date and take note of any symptoms of injury. If any herbicide symptoms are observed, only plant a cereal crop (see recommendations for northern and southern Australia below). Pot bioassay – where not practical to do field bioassay, plant a small number of seeds of the susceptible crop into pots containing soil from the treated field. Do this test 4 to 6 weeks before desired planting date. If any herbicide symptoms are observed, only plant a cereal crop (see recommendations for northern and southern Australia below). Planting Crops Following Use of Torpedo in Previous Cereal Crop Planting crops ‘dry’ without appropriate rain (see below) in the fallow prior to planting increases the risk of injury to susceptible crops. This practice should be avoided or only plant a cereal crop. In severely dry conditions, where less than 30% of average annual rainfall and/or less than the minimum rain has fallen between application and planting the next year (see below), only plant a cereal crop. Soil type On deep soils (with no impermeable sub-horizon), susceptible crops may be planted as shown in the table below after Torpedo application. On shallow, duplex, low organic matter soils with an impermeable sub-horizon within the root zone (30 cm deep or less), susceptible crops should not be planted for at least 9 months after application in northern Australia and 12 months after application in southern Australia. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Plantback Periods for Deep Soils Minimum Rain/Water requirements before sowing crops following use of Torpedo Crops to be planted Sth NSW, Vic, SA, WA, Tas (Winter dominant rainfall areas) At least 25 mm of rain or irrigation in the summer to autumn period, with a subsequent extended period of soil wetting (at least 1 week) Canola, clover, chickpea, faba bean, field pea, lentils, lucerne, lupins, medics, vetch 9 months Barley, oats, triticale, wheat, 2 weeks For susceptible summer crops; at least 100 mm rain or irrigation. For susceptible winter crops; at least 150 mm rain or irrigation. This rain or irrigation should wet the soil for an extended period of 1 week or more. Canola, chickpea, cotton, lucerne, soybean, sunflower 6 months Barley, maize, oats, sorghum, triticale, wheat 2 weeks Nth NSW and Qld (Summer dominant rainfall areas) (Vertosol soils) Plantback Interval TORPEDO Area/State For all situations, sufficient rainfall to enable soil wetting for at least 1 week or more is essential to enable residue breakdown before planting susceptible crops. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT Torpedo has low toxicity to fish, birds, honey bees, livestock, earthworms and aquatic organisms. Overspray or drift to sensitive habitats should be avoided. For ground application, a buffer zone of 15 metres is required between the downwind edge of the boom and the closest edge of non-target vegetation and a buffer zone of 5 metres is required between the downwind edge of the boom and the closest edge of waterbodies. Florasulam is very highly toxic to algae and aquatic plants. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with chemical or used containers. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the tightly closed original container in a securely locked place, out of direct sunlight. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. This container can be recycled if it is clean, dry, free of visible residues and has the drumMUSTER logo visible. Triple or pressure rinse container for disposal. Dispose of rinsate by adding to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on site. Wash outside of the container and the cap. Store cleaned container in a sheltered place with cap removed. It will then be acceptable for recycling at any drumMUSTER collection or similar container management site. The cap should not be replaced but may be taken separately. If not recycling, break, crush or puncture and deliver empty packaging for appropriate disposal to an approved waste management facility. If an approved waste management facility is not available, bury the empty packaging 500 mm below the surface in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose, clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and tree roots, in compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. DO NOT burn empty containers or product. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 389 SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data Sheet for TORPEDO™ HERBICIDE which is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit l e b a L n e m i c e p S SAFETY DIRECTIONS • May irritate the eyes and skin. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • When opening the container and preparing spray wear elbow-length PVC gloves and goggles. • Wash hands after use. After each day’s use, wash gloves and goggles. FIRST AID TORPEDO ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow Wildcat® Registered trademark of Bayer Crop Sciences Axial®, Topik®, Adigor® Registered trademarks of Syngenta Group Company If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. 390 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 APVMA Approval No: 59789/49594 KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Treflan b a L n e m i c e p S ™ ™ Herbicide Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 480 g/L TRIFLURALIN ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 500 480 g/L LIQUID TRIFLURALIN SOLVENT: HYDROCARBONS SOLVENT: 500 g/L LIQUID HYDROCARBONS For the pre-emergent herbicide control of certain annual grasses and broadleaf weeds Forhorticultural the pre-emergent herbicide control certain annual grasses and weeds in and agricultural crops asofspecified in the Directions forbroadleaf Use. in horticultural and agricultural crops as specified in the Directions for Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 0032086 771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 391 TREFLAN POISON POISON KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN DIRECTIONS FOR USE TREFLAN RESTRAINTS This product must be incorporated into the soil within 4 hours of application. 1. FIELD CROPS SITUATION & CROP Chickpeas WEEDS STATE RATE/SOIL TYPE CRITICAL COMMENTS Light Medium Heavy 1.25 1.7 L /ha 1.25 1.7 L /ha 1.25 1.7 L /ha Annual Ryegrass, Paradoxa Grass (Canary Grass), Wireweed (Hogweed), Black Pigweed, suppression of Climbing Buckwheat (Black Bindweed), Wild Oats Qld only Use 1.25 L/ha when applying immediately prior to sowing. Use 1.7 L/ha when applying to dry soil before the planting rain. Annual Ryegrass, Wireweed (Hogweed), Deadnettles and Wild Oats Vic only Red & White Fumitory, Rough Poppy, Wireweed (Hogweed), Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Canary Grass, Sand Fescue, suppression of Deadnettle, Speedwell, Three Cornered Jack, Yellow Burr Weed, Brome Grass, Cereal Oats and surface Wild Oats SA only 1.25 L/ha 1.25 L/ha 1.25 L/ha Apply to level seed bed 0 to 4 weeks before sowing. See Incorporation Table 6 for method of incorporation. Amaranthus, Annual Ryegrass, Barnyard Grass, Caltrop, Crab Grass, Paradoxa Grass (Canary Grass), Pigweed, Wild Oats, Winter Grass, Wireweed (Hogweed), suppression of Fumitory ACT, NSW, only 1.2 - 1.5 L/ha 1.5 L/ha 1.7 L/ha Apply from 4 weeks up to just prior to sowing. See Incorporation Table 3, 4 or 5 for method of incorporation. Faba Beans Annual Ryegrass, Barley Grass, Capeweed, Corn Gromwell (Sheepweed), Fumitories, Geranium, Ivy Leaf Speedwell, Mustards, Turnips, Wireweed (Hogweed), suppression of Brome Grass, Soursob and Wild Oats SA, WA only Pigeon Peas Amaranthus, Barnyard Grass, Canary Grass, Crowsfoot Grass, Pigweed, Spiny Burrgrass, Summer Grass, Wild Oats, Wireweed (Hogweed), suppression of Yellow Vine (Caltrop) l e b a L n e m i c e p S Adzuki Beans, Cowpeas, Lablab, Mung Beans Borlotti Beans, Red Kidney Beans 800 mL/ha plus 1 L/ha triallate (500 g/L) ACT, NSW, Qld only Incorporate as per recommendations for wheat, barley and triticale. 800 mL/ha plus 1.1 kg/ha simazine (900 g/kg) Apply to bare moist soil and incorporate to a depth of 5 cm just prior to sowing. Incorporation should be made within 4 hours of application. Application should not be made to ridged or excessively cloddy soil. For full reliable results, significant rainfall (20 or 30 mm) is necessary within 2 - 3 weeks of application. ACT, NSW, only 1.2 L 1.5 L 1.7 L Apply between 4 weeks and just before sowing. See Incorporation Table 3, 4 or 6 for method of incorporation. Annual Phalaris, Annual Ryegrass, Wild Oats, Wireweed (Hogweed) ACT, NSW only 800 mL 1.2 L/ha 1.2 L/ha Fumitory – Red and White, Rough Poppy, Wireweed (Hogweed), Barley Grass SA only 1.25 L/ha 1.25 L/ha 1.25 L/ha From seed only: Columbus Grass, Guinea Grass, Johnson Grass, Liverseed Grass Lentils 392 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Apply 1 to 4 weeks before sowing. 1. FIELD CROPS (continued) Navy Beans Soybeans WEEDS STATE Annual Ryegrass, Barnyard Grass, Canary Grass, Caltrop (Bullhead/ Yellow Vine), Crab Grass, Mossman River Grass (Innocent Weed), Pigweed, Redroot (Amaranthus), Redshank (Prince Of Wales Feather), Summer Grass, soil surface Wild Oats, Winter Grass, Wireweed (Hogweed) All States RATE/SOIL TYPE CRITICAL COMMENTS Light Medium Heavy 1.2 L/ha 1.5 L/ha 1.7 L/ha 1.2 L/ha 1.5 L/ha 2.3 L/ha Spray between 4 weeks and just before sowing takes place. See Incorporation Table 3, 4, & 5 for method of incorporation. l e b a L n e m i c e p S From seed only: Columbus Grass, Guinea Grass, Johnson Grass, Liverseed Grass (Urochloa) Vetch Cotton Legume Seed Crop Establishment: Annual Medics Clover (Berseem, Red Strawberry, Sub and White) Lucerne Lucerne for Hay and Seed crops Annual Ryegrass, Deadnettle, Wireweed (Hogweed) soil surface Wild Oats, suppression of Brome Grass, Rough Poppy, Speedwell, Three Cornered Jack, Yellow Burr Weed, Sheepweed Annual Ryegrass, Barnyard Grass, Canary Grass, Caltrop (Bullhead/ Yellow Vine), Crab Grass, Mossman River Grass (Innocent Weed), Pigweed, Redroot (Amaranthus), Redshank (Prince Of Wales Feather), Summer Grass, soil surface Wild Oats, Winter Grass, Wireweed, (Hogweed) Black Pigweed (Qld only), Phalaris spp. Fumitory From seed only: Columbus Grass, Guinea Grass, Johnson Grass, Liverseed Grass (Urochloa) SA, WA only 1.7 L/ha 1.7 L/ha 1.7 L/ha Apply to level seed bed 0 to 4 weeks before sowing. See Incorporation Table 6 for method of incorporation. NSW, Qld, WA only 1.2 L/ha 1.7 L/ha 2.3 L/ha Spray between 6 weeks and just before sowing takes place. See Incorporation Table 1 & 2 for method of incorporation. ACT, NSW, SA, WA, Vic, Tas only 1.2 L/ha 1.2 L/ha 1.7 L/ha 1.2 L/ha 1.7 L/ha 1.7 L/ha Autumn Sowing – Apply from 4 weeks to 7 days before sowing takes place. See Incorporation Table 6 for method of incorporation. Spring Sowing – Apply between 4 weeks and 3 days before sowing takes place. See Incorporation Table 6 for method of incorporation. In both cases seedling disease, cold weather, excessive moisture, high salt concentrations and drought could weaken crop seedlings and damage could occur from the use of this product. Temporary crop suppression could result. All States Linseed ACT, NSW, SA, WA, Vic only Peanuts Qld, WA only 1.2 L/ha 1.5 L/ha 1.7 L/ha Spray 2-4 weeks before sowing. Sowing depth should be 1.3 - 2.5 cm. Deeper sowing may result in some stand reduction. See Incorporation Table 6 for method of incorporation. Spray between 4 weeks and just before sowing takes place. See Incorporation Table 3, 4 or 5 for method of incorporation. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 393 TREFLAN SITUATION & CROP TREFLAN 1. FIELD CROPS (continued) SITUATION & CROP Peas Canola Safflower Sugar cane Early Season STATE Annual Ryegrass, Barnyard Grass, Canary Grass, Caltrop (Bullhead/ Yellow Vine), Crab Grass, Mossman River Grass (Innocent Weed), Pigweed, Redroot (Amaranthus), Redshank (Prince Of Wales Feather), Summer Grass, soil surface Wild Oats, Winter Grass, Wireweed, (Hogweed) Black Pigweed (Qld only), Phalaris spp. Fumitory All States Sunflowers From seed only: Columbus Grass, Guinea Grass, Johnson Grass, Liverseed Grass (Urochloa) CRITICAL COMMENTS Light Medium Heavy 1.2 L/ha 1.5 L/ha 1.7 L/ha 3 L/ha 3 L/ha 3 L/ha Spray between 4 weeks and just before sowing takes place. See Incorporation Table 6 or 11 for method of incorporation. Apply to plant cane after emergence to ‘out of hand’ stage. Apply to ratoon cane immediately after harvest. See Incorporation Table 3, 4 or 10 for method of incorporation. All States 2.3 L/ha 2.3 L/ha 2.3 L/ha 1.2 L/ha 1.5 L/ha 1.7 L/ha Spray between 4 weeks and just before sowing takes place. See Incorporation Table 3, 4 or 5 for method of incorporation. Spray between 4 weeks and just before sowing takes place. See Incorporation Table 6 for method of incorporation. WA only: Use higher rate for heavier stubble coverage. Stubble coverage above 40% 50% ground cover can reduce weed control below acceptable levels. See Incorporation Table 13 for method of incorporation. Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds Capeweed, Turnip, Radish, Doublegee (Spiny Emex) suppression of Annual Ryegrass and Wild Oats As above plus suppression of Brome Grass 394 Qld, NSW only RATE/SOIL TYPE l e b a L n e m i c e p S Late season Lupins WEEDS PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 ACT, NSW, Vic, Qld only 800 mL/ha plus 1.7 kg/ha simazine (900 g/kg) WA only 1.25 L/ha plus 560 - 830 g/ha simazine (900 g/kg) 1.25 L/ha plus 1.1 kg/ha simazine (900 g/kg) Use a low volume boom applying 50 - 100 litres spray mixture per hectare. Apply to bare moist soil and incorporate to a depth of 5 cm just prior to sowing the crop. Incorporate within 4 hours of application. DO NOT apply to a ridged soil. Rate for yellow sand. See Incorporation Table 11, 12 or 13 for method of incorporation. Rate for all other soil types. Apply to bare moist soil and incorporate to a depth of 5 cm just prior to sowing. Incorporation should be made within 4 hours of application. Applications should not be made to ridged or excessively cloddy soil. For simazine to be effective sufficient rainfall (20 - 30 mm) to wet the soil through the weed root zone is necessary within 2 - 3 weeks of application. Results with simazine can be variable if seasonal conditions are dry prior to sowing and lupins are sown into dry or low moisture seed beds. 1. FIELD CROPS (continued) WEEDS STATE RATE/SOIL TYPE Light Lupins Capeweed, Doublegee (Spiny Emex) Wild Radish, Wild Turnip plus suppression of Annual Ryegrass, Wild Oats and Brome Grass WA only Heavy 1.25 L/ha plus 1.1 kg/ha diuron (900 g/L) DO NOT use on white or grey sands as severe crop damage may result. Use tank mix of diuron & Treflan Herbicide where annual ryegrass is present. Apply at pre-sowing stage. See Incorporation Table 13 for method of incorporation. For post preemergent application ensure seed is adequately covered with soil. See Incorporation Table 12, 13 for method of incorporation. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Red & White Fumitory, Rough Poppy, Wireweed, (Hogweed), Barley Grass, Canary Grass, Annual Ryegrass, Sand Fescue, suppression of Deadnettle, Speedwell, Three Cornered Jack, Yellow Burr Weed, Brome Grass, Cereal Oats, soil surface Wild Oats SA only Above weeds plus Capeweed, Common Fumitory, Geranium, Indian Hedge Mustard, Sheepweed, Shepherd’s Purse, Toadrush, Turnips, suppression of Ice Plant, Soursob Tobacco Medium CRITICAL COMMENTS Wheat, Barley, Triticale 1.25 1.7 L/ha 1.25 1.7 L/ha 1.25 1.7 L/ha 1.25 L/ha to 1.7 L/ha plus 1.1 - 2.2 kg/ha simazine (900 g/L) Summer Grass, Crowsfoot Grass, Red Natal Grass, Love Grass, Button Grass, Rhodes Grass, Pigweed Qld only Crowsfoot grass NSW only Annual Ryegrass, Wireweed (Hogweed), Phalaris spp. ACT, NSW, Vic, WA only Fumitory WA only 1. Pre-sowing only Canary Grass Vic only 2. Pre-sowing & post sowing (self mulching soils) As above, except for Fumitory Vic only 800 mL/ha 800 mL/ha 1.2 L/ha 800 mL/ha Spray between 4 weeks and just before sowing takes place. See Incorporation Table 6 for method of incorporation. Use a low volume boom applying 50 - 100 litres spray mixture per hectare. Apply to bare moist soil and incorporate to a depth of 5 cm just prior to sowing the crop. Incorporate within 4 hours of application. Do not apply to a ridged soil. - Apply to soil 3 - 4 weeks prior to transplanting. The longer period to be used for applications made during June & July. Incorporate to a depth of 10 cm. 1.2 L/ha Apply to light sandy soil 2 to 3 weeks before transplanting. DO NOT incorporate to a depth greater than 6 cm. Apply to loam (medium soil) 2 to 3 weeks before transplanting. DO NOT incorporate to a depth of greater than 6 cm. 800 mL/ha Apply 1-4 weeks before sowing. Sowing depth should be at least 5 cm. Use cover harrows behind combine. Ground should be left flat. DO NOT use pre-sowing on self-mulching soils as damage may occur from wheel tracking and poor control of wild oats. See Incorporation Table 6 for method of incorporation. Pre-sowing: Apply more than 4 weeks before sowing to prevent crop damage. Post-sowing: Apply within 2 days after sowing to well prepared seed bed. See Incorporation Table 5 for method of incorporation. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 395 TREFLAN SITUATION & CROP TREFLAN 1. FIELD CROPS (continued) SITUATION & CROP Wheat WEEDS Annual Ryegrass, Paradoxa Grass (Canary Grass), Wild Oats, Wireweed (Hogweed) STATE Qld only RATE/SOIL TYPE CRITICAL COMMENTS Light Medium Heavy 800 mL/ha 800 mL/ha 800 mL/ha On non self-mulching soils apply 1 - 4 weeks before sowing. Sowing depth should be at least 5 cm. Use cover harrows behind combine. Ground should be left flat. On self-mulching soils, as above except apply more than 4 weeks before sowing to prevent crop damage. See Incorporation Table 6 for method of incorporation. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Barley Apply to self-mulching and non self-mulching soils from 1 - 4 weeks before sowing. Sowing depth should be at least 5 cm. Use cover harrows behind combine. Ground should be left flat. See Incorporation Table 6 for method of incorporation. Wheat, Triticale, Rye Annual Ryegrass, Red & White Fumitory, Phalaris spp., Wireweed (Hogweed), suppression of Deadnettle, Rough Poppy, Yellow Burr Weed Barley As above for SA plus Sand Fescue and suppression of Brome Grass Wheat, Triticale only Annual Phalaris SA only 1.25 L/ha ACT, NSW only 1.25 L/ha 1.25 L/ha 800 mL/ha plus 20 g chlorsulfuron (750 g/kg) Apply 1 - 4 weeks before sowing. Sowing depth should be at least 5 cm. Use cover harrows behind combine. Ground should be left flat. DO NOT use pre-sowing on self-mulching soils as damage may occur from wheel tracking and poor control of wild oats. See Incorporation Table 6 for method of incorporation. If possible, spray and incorporate into the soil in one operation. If this is not possible incorporation should take place within 4 hours of spraying. Delay may cause inferior weed control. 2. FIELD CROPS: PRE-SOWING OR INCORPORATED BY SOWING (IBS) (Using Incorporation Table Method 13) SITUATION & CROP Wheat, Barley, Triticale WEEDS STATE RATE (L/ha) CRITICAL COMMENTS Annual Ryegrass, Wireweed (Hogweed), Phalaris spp. Fumitory NSW, SA, Vic, WA only 1.5 L - 2 L Use higher rate on lighter sandy and sandy loam soils. DO NOT use on heavy soils. Use with knife/ blade point sowing equipment. Use higher rate for heavier stubble coverage. Stubble coverage above 40% - 50% ground cover can reduce weed control below acceptable levels. See Incorporation Table 13 for method of incorporation. WA only 1.25 to 1.7 plus 1.1 kg/ha simazine (900 g/kg) Chickpeas 396 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 Incorporate as recommended. See Incorporation Table 13 for method of incorporation. 3. VEGETABLES, ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS WEEDS Transplants only Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflowers, Tomatoes Annual Ryegrass, Barnyard Grass, Canary Grass, Caltrop (Bullhead/ Yellow Vine), Crab Grass, Mossman River Grass (Innocent Grass), Pigweed, Redroot (Amaranthus), Redshank (Prince of Wales Feather), Summer Grass, Wild Oats, Winter Grass, Wireweed (Hogweed) Direct Seeded only Broccoli Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage Chicory All States RATE/SOIL TYPE CRITICAL COMMENTS Light Medium Heavy 1.2 L/ha 1.7 L/ha 2.3 L/ha Spray between 4 weeks and just before sowing takes place. See Incorporation Table 3, 4 or 5 for method of incorporation. l e b a L n e m i c e p S From seed only: Columbus Grass, Guinea Grass, Johnson Grass, Liverseed Grass (Urochloa) Cauliflower Carrots STATES Vic only All States Vic only Green Beans All States 1.2 L/ha 1.5 L/ha 1.7 L/ha Orchards & Vineyards Qld, SA, WA, Vic, Tas only 1.2 L/ha 1.7 L/ha 2.3 L/ha Apply to new planting during pre plant cultivation. Apply to established crops in spring after weeds and green manure crop has been ploughed into ground. See Incorporation Table 8 or 9 for suitable method of incorporation. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIODS: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTED. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS THIS PRODUCT MUST BE INCORPORATED INTO THE SOIL WITHIN 4 HOURS OF APPLICATION, WHERE THE CROP IS SOWN WITH MINIMUM TILLAGE SOWING EQUIPMENT (FITTED WITH KNIFE POINTS OR BLADES LESS THAN 12MM WIDE, USUALLY WITH PRESS WHEELS) WHERE APPLICATION MAY OCCUR UP TO 24 HOURS BEFORE INCORPORATION BY THE SOWING PROCESS. INCORPORATION TABLE 1. Prior to furrowing out: 2 workings at an angle required using Offset or Tandem disc harrows. 2. After furrowing out: 2 workings required using Go-Devil discs or Lilliston cultivators set at 10 cm depth. 3. Rotary Hoe: 1 working required at 5 - 7.5 cm depth. Sugar Cane: 7.5 - 13 cm depth. 4. Offset or Tandem Disc Harrows: (preferably with spiked harrows in tandem) 2 workings at an angle required at 7.5 - 15 cm depth at 6.5 - 10 km per hour. 5. Heavy Diamond or Stump Jump Harrow: (weighted 20 - 30 kg per section) at 10 - 13 km/hr speed. Then cross work with offset or tandem disc harrows set to 7.5 - 15cm depth at speed 6.5 - 10 km per hour. 6. Weighted Heavy Diamond or Stump Jump Harrow: (weighted 20 - 30 kg per section) at 10 - 13 km/hr speed. Cross work with combine at 5 - 7.5 cm depth at speed 10 - 13 km per hour. 7. Disc Ratoon Cultivator: 2 workings needed with discs and cultivator set at 7.5 - 13 cm depth. 8. Offset or Tandem Disc Harrows: set at 7.5 - 15 cm depth. A second discing is required working opposite direction with discs set to throw treated soil into tree or vine row. 9. Rotary Hoe: 1 working needed at 5 - 10 cm depth. 10. Offset Discs (Bumpers): 2 workings needed at depth of 7.5 - 13 cm. 11. Incorporation by sowing (IBS) on suitably prepared seed bed with heavy diamond harrows trailing or as a separate operation. 12. Post-sowing/Pre-emergence: Use heavy diamond harrows cross working at right angles to the direction of sowing. Do not attempt this method of incorporation on poorly prepared, clumpy or cloddy soils. 13. Incorporation by sowing (IBS) with knife or blade points. Use press wheels to avoid dragging treated soil back into the seed furrow. Maintain slow to moderate speed to ensure that soil throw is not into adjacent furrows. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 397 TREFLAN SITUATION & CROPS TREFLAN INCORPORATION TABLE 13. (continued) Note: (a) Knife or blade point systems can result in poor weed control in the seed furrow as chemical displacement from this zone occurs. Stubble coverage above 40% - 50% ground cover can reduce weed control below acceptable levels. (b) A knife or blade point of 12 mm or less, has no wings, inverted T or blade, and is generally placed on a minimum (20 cm) 8 inch tyne spacing. MIXING This product is an emulsifiable concentrate which mixes readily with water. Add the recommended amount to the spray tank during filling operation and apply 70 - 450 L of water per hectare (broadcast basis) dependent on soil type. Under hot conditions or where possible, spray and incorporate into the soil in one operation. Delay may cause inferior weed control. Use properly calibrated standard low pressure (170 - 340 kilopascal) boom type sprayer with fan tips. Ensure adequate agitation is continued throughout the operation. Leaving the prepared spray mixture for long periods of time without agitation is not recommended. COMPATABILITY This product may be mixed in the spray tank with: Herbicides: Broadstrike™, Spinnaker®, chlorsulfuron, cyanazine, diuron, metribuzin, paraquat, simazine, triasulfuron and triallate. Insecticides: Lorsban™ 500 EC, endosulfan. NOTE: 1. As formulations of other manufacturers’ products are beyond the control of Dow AgroSciences all mixtures should be tested on a small scale before mixing in the spray tank. 2. Tank mixing instructions: Fill the spray tank 1/4 full of water and agitate. Add wettable powders and water dispersible granules first. Agitate until these are uniformly dispersed, meanwhile adding water until the tank is 90% full. Add suspension concentrates (flowables) then soluble concentrates. Emulsifiable concentrates go in last. Top off the tank with water and continue agitation until all the ingredients are properly mixed. Observe any mixing sequence instructions mentioned on the tank mix products. l e b a L n e m i c e p S CONDITIONS FOR BEST RESULTS This product must be thoroughly incorporated as recommended. Soil should be well worked and free of weeds at time of application. Product effectiveness may be reduced by inadequate incorporation, high organic matter, excess clods, crop or trash residues, stones or other foreign matter and in areas of unnaturally high weed seed population such as header tracks or livestock rest areas. Treflan Herbicide is volatile and disappears from exposed surfaces. Loss is hastened by high temperatures, winds or warm moist soil. INTEGRATED WEED MANAGEMENT The use of Integrated Weed Management (IWM) techniques in conjunction with Treflan Herbicide is always recommended. Agronomic practices that reduce the weed seed bank in the soil prior to the use of Treflan Herbicide will result in higher weed control levels from Treflan Herbicide. Failure to use Agronomic and IWM practices that reduce the weed seed bank in the soil will result in higher weed seed populations. Paddocks with excessively high weed seed banks may have sufficient weed numbers surviving such that final weed control may be considered below a commercially acceptable level and additional herbicide treatments may be necessary. The use of IWM techniques will also reduce the potential for the development or survival of Group D herbicide resistance weed biotypes. WILD OATS Germinating wild oat seeds lying on soil surface will be controlled. Therefore, specific oat control is only possible with shallow cultivation. Poor control will occur on selfmulching soils and all soil types where deep cultivation is practised. 398 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND USAGE Keep the spray unit for herbicides only if possible. Otherwise, spray tanks, pumps, lines and nozzles should be thoroughly rinsed several times with clean water following application. Spraymate® Tank & Equipment Cleaner is suitable for this purpose and will also remove Treflan Herbicide stains. RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING Treflan Herbicide is a member of the dinitronilines group of herbicides. Treflan Herbicide has the inhibitors of tubulin formation mode of action. For weed resistance management, Treflan Herbicide is a Group D herbicide. Some naturally-occurring weed biotypes resistant to Treflan Herbicide and other Group D herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by Treflan Herbicide or other Group D herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Dow AgroSciences accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Treflan Herbicide to control resistant weeds. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. Contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, or local Dow AgroSciences representative. DO NOT use in high winds. DO NOT exceed rate specified, to avoid crop damage. DO NOT plant sensitive grasses such as oats, sorghum, millets, Phalaris spp., ryegrass or wheat for 12 months following the use of this product, except where wheat follows wheat or other winter crops. DO NOT plant oil seed poppies when a detectable residue of trifluralin is present in the soil. Levels as low as 0.02 ppm may interact with other unfavourable factors (moisture, stress, disease etc.) to reduce poppy growth and vigour. DO NOT apply to orchards and vineyards after first flush of growth or when residues can lodge on or in fruit. Reduced germination of wheat and barley may occur due to a combination of following circumstances and the use of this product: • Short coleoptile cultivars • Use of seed dressings (except Vitavax®) • Shallow or uneven seedling depth SAFETY DIRECTIONS • Harmful if swallowed. • Will irritate the eyes and skin. • Repeated exposure may cause allergic disorders. • Sensitive workers should use protective clothing. • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. • Do not inhale spray mist. • When opening the container and using the prepared spray, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist and a washable hat and elbow length PVC gloves and face shield or goggles. • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. • After each day’s use, wash gloves, face shield or goggles and contaminated clothing. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Drift Warning DO NOT apply under meteorological conditions or from spraying equipment which could be expected to cause spray drift onto nearby susceptible plants, adjacent crops, crop lands or pastures. PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEA AND ENVIRONMENT DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers, or waterways with the chemical or used containers. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL FIRST AID If poisoning occurs contact a Doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone: Australia 13 11 26. If swallowed DO NOT induce vomiting. Give a glass of water. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET A Material Safety Data Sheet for TREFLAN™ HERBICIDE is available from Dow AgroSciences on request. Call Customer Service Toll Free on 1-800 700 096 or visit ® ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow APVMA Approval No: 58759/51326 Store in the closed original container in a dry cool wellventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. DO NOT store below 5°C. Extended storage below 5°C can result in the formulation of crystals on the bottom of the container. If crystallisation does occur, store the container on its side at room temperature and rock occasionally until the crystals re-dissolve. Ensure any crystals are dissolved before adding to the spray tank. DO NOT store near food, feedstuffs, fertilisers or seed. The method of disposal of the container depends on the container type. Read the STORAGE and DISPOSAL instructions on the label that is attached to the container. SPILL AND LEAK MANAGEMENT DO NOT touch or walk through spilled material. Wear a face shield or goggles, overalls buttoned to neck and wrist, chemical resistant gloves and footwear. Stop leak when safe to do so. Dam area and prevent entry into waterways, and drains. Small spills/leaks: Absorb with material such as sand, soil or sawdust. Collect spilled product and place in sealable container for disposal. Spill residues may be cleaned using water and detergent. Contain and absorb wash water for disposal. Absorb and collect washings and place in the same sealable container for disposal. Dam the area of large spills and report them to Dow AgroSciences Emergency Services at 1-800 033 882. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 399 TREFLAN PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS CAUTION CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING l e Trojan b a L n e m i c e p S TROJAN ® ® Insecticide Insecticide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 150 g/L GAMMA-CYHALOTHRIN ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 150 g/L GAMMA-CYHALOTHRIN For the control of certain insect pests in cotton, barley, wheat and various field crops as For the control certain insect pests in cotton, barley, wheat and various field crops as specified in theofDirections For Use. specified in the Directions For Use. Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABN 24 003 771 659 Dow AgroSciences Australia Limited ABNNSW 24 003 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST 2086771 659 20 Rodborough Road FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOLL FREE 1-800 700 096 CUSTOMER SERVICETrademark TOLL FREE 1-800 700A/S 096 Trojan ® Registered Cheminova Trojan ® Registered Trademark Cheminova A/S ® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow ® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 400 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 DIRECTIONS FOR USE For ULV application: Trojan Insecticide can be mixed into mineral spraying oil for all uses except those indicated in the CRITICAL COMMENTS in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table below. PEST CONTROLLED BRASSICA VEGETABLES: Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower ONLY APPLICATION RATE/ha WITHHOLDING PERIOD CRITICAL COMMENTS All states 20 or 30 mL plus surfactant 2 days harvest/grazing Apply at first sign of infestation. For schedule spraying on a weekly basis, use the lower rate. For spraying ‘as needed’ use the higher rate for longer persistence. Use a minimum of 500 L water/ha. Add a 100% concentrated non-ionic surfactant at 6 mL/100 L of spray volume. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Forage brassicas Canola Diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella), Cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae), Cabbage cluster caterpillar (Crocidolomia pavonana) STATE Cabbage moth (Plutella xylostella) Cabbage white butterfly (Pleris rapae) 20 mL Rutherglen bug and Grey cluster bug (Nysius spp.) 30 mL Thrips (Thrips tabaci) Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) Apply as soon as larvae reach threshold numbers. Check with local officer of the Department of Agriculture for thresholds applicable to the particular growth stage of the crop. Apply only near maturity when severe infestations are likely to down-grade yields. Qld, NSW, NT, Tas, Vic & WA NSW, Vic, Tas, SA & WA only Redlegged earthmite (Halotydeus destructor) CEREALS: Barley, Wheat ONLY 7 days harvest/grazing Pasture webworm (Hednota spp.) 20 or 30 mL For best results, apply at hatching or soon after. Use higher rate if the crop is dense or the larvae are larger than 10 mm. 8 mL* (see footnote) If mites are present on an establishing crop, apply at the first sign of crop emergence. Monitor the crop regularly for reinfestation and respray if necessary. 10 mL Pink or brown cutworm (Agrotis munda) All states Common cutworm (Agrotis infusa) NSW only Blackhead pasture cockchafer (Aphodius tasmaniae) NSW, Vic, Tas, SA & WA only 14 days harvest/grazing Pre-seeding - the product can be tank mixed with knock down herbicides. Post crop emergence - inspect crop regularly from sowing. Spray at first sign of damage. Use a minimum of 50 L water/ha. Apply at first sign of infestation before larvae are 10 mm long. 10 or 15 mL For best results apply at first sign of infestation before larvae are 10 mm long. If larvae are larger than 10 mm use the higher rate. Use a minimum of 50 L water. 17 or 35 mL Treat as soon as possible after the autumn rains stimulate egg hatching and activity of existing larvae. This can be ascertained by monitoring soil populations in known areas. For best results spray when the larvae have surfaced to feed after rain. Preferably use a boom spray delivering 70-100 L water/ha. Use the lower rate until early June and the higher rate after mid-late June. DO NOT USE ULV APPLICATION FOR THIS PEST Redlegged earthmite (Halotydeus destructor) 8 mL* (see footnote) If mites are present on an establishing crop, apply at first sign of crop emergence. Monitor crop regularly for reinfestation and respray if necessary. Aphids (Rhopalosiphum spp.) (Barley yellow dwarf virus vectors) 10 or 15 mL To control aphids, sprays should be applied at 4 and 8 weeks after emergence to reduce aphid colonisation and suppress Barley yellow dwarf virus. Use the higher rate when greater than 15 aphids on 50% of tillers is expected during the season. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 401 TROJAN CROP CROP PEST CONTROLLED STATE APPLICATION RATE/ha WITHHOLDING PERIOD CRITICAL COMMENTS CITRUS: Oranges, Lemons ONLY Fuller’s rose weevil (Asynonychus cervinus) All states 250 mL/100 L as a directed spray 4 weeks harvest Firstly ensure that the trees are skirted and all weeds under the trees are removed. Apply 250 mL of spray solution to the tree trunk at about 300 mm from the ground in a 100 mm band. Deliver the spray through a “U” shaped wand fitted with 4 nozzles evenly spaced around the tree. Trees must be treated in the early stages of the adult weevils emerging from the ground. Cotton Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) Qld, NT, NSW & WA only 50 mL 21 days harvest Apply when egg laying is light - less than 25 eggs/100 terminals and no larvae are present. TROJAN l e b a L n e m i c e p S Field peas Apply when egg laying is moderate - greater than 25 eggs/100 terminals and/or when less than 12 newly hatched larvae/100 terminals are present. 70 mL Apply when egg laying is heavy and continuous and/or when H. punctigera larvae are greater than 10 mm in length. For H. armigera, apply only to larvae less than 5 mm in length. For suspected resistant populations add the label rate of PBO synergist or mix with the label rates of chlorpyrifos. Pink-spotted bollworm (Pectinophora scutigera) NT & Qld Only 60 mL Controlled with the Helicoverpa program when used at this rate. If the Pink-spotted bollworm is the only pest present, apply when more than 10 adult moths are caught in pheromone traps on two consecutive nights. Green mirid (Creontiades dilutus) Brown mirid (C.pacificus) Apple dimpling bug (Campylomma liebknechti) Brokenbacked bug (Taylorilygus pallidulus) Cottonseed bug (Oxycarenus luctuosus) Pale cotton stainer (Dysdercus sidae) Leafhoppers (Austroasca viridigrisea & Amrasca terraereginae) Qld, NT, NSW & WA only 50 mL Apply at recommended threshold levels as indicated by field checks. Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) NSW, WA, Vic & SA only 20 or 30 mL NSW & SA only 20 mL Vic & WA only 30 mL Pea weevil (Bruchus pisorum) 402 60 mL PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 7 days harvest/ grazing For best results, apply at hatching or soon after. Use higher rate if the crop is dense or the larvae are larger than 10 mm. Follow State Department of Agriculture (South Australia only) guidelines for controlling pea weevil. If these are unavailable, monitor the crops regularly once flowering commences and apply as soon as adult weevils are detected. Adults must be controlled before egg laying begins. Both native budworm and pea weevil populations can be easily monitored using a sweep net in the top section of the crop. WA only: Commence monitoring the crop for Pea weevil presence using a sweep net, prior to flowering. Spray when one weevil per one hundred sweeps is found for milling grade seed, or one weevil per twenty-five sweeps for feed grade seed. Continue monitoring after spraying and respray if necessary. Use either a border spray (most cases) or whole crop spray, depending on pea weevil penetration of the crop. CROP PEST CONTROLLED STATE APPLICATION RATE/ha WITHHOLDING PERIOD CRITICAL COMMENTS Field peas Redlegged earthmite (Halotydeus destructor) NSW, Vic, Tas, SA & WA only 8 mL* (see footnote) 7 days harvest/ grazing If mites are present on an establishing crop, apply at the first sign of crop emergence. Monitor crop regularly for reinfestation and respray if necessary. Control of Lucerne flea will not be obtained with this application. Lucerne Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) All states 20 or 30 mL 14 days harvest/grazing For best results apply at hatching or soon after. Use higher rate if the crop is dense or the larvae are larger than 10 mm. Lucerne leaf roller (Merophyas divulsana) For best results apply at hatching or soon after. Use higher rate if the crop is dense or the larvae are larger than 10 mm. Apply the first spray when about 30% of the terminals are rolled. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Blackhead pasture cockchafer (Aphodius tasmaniae) 20 mL NSW, Vic, Tas, SA & WA only Redlegged earthmite (Halotydeus destructor) Lupins 17 or 35 mL Treat as soon as possible after the autumn rains stimulate egg hatching and activity of existing larvae. This can be ascertained by monitoring soil populations in known areas. For best results spray when the larvae have surfaced to feed after rain. Preferably use a boom spray delivering 70-100 L water/ha. Use the lower rate until early June and the higher rate after mid-late June. DO NOT USE ULV APPLICATION FOR THIS PEST 8 mL* (see footnote) If mites are present on an establishing crop, apply at first sign of crop emergence. Monitor crop regularly for reinfestation and respray if necessary. Control of Lucerne flea will not be obtained with this application. Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) WA, SA, Vic & NSW only 20 mL Brown pasture looper (Ciampa arietaria) NSW, WA, SA, Vic & Tas only 10 mL Once crop has emerged, inspect regularly and apply at the first signs of damage. Use a minimum of 50 L water/ha. DO NOT USE ULV APPLICATION FOR THIS PEST 8 mL* (see footnote) If mites are present on an establishing crop, apply at the first sign of crop emergence. Monitor crop regularly for reinfestation and respray if necessary. Control of Lucerne flea will not be obtained with application. Redlegged earth mite (Halotydeus destructor) Pasture Good coverage, particularly the stems, is essential. Use hollow cone nozzles. Pasture webworm (Hednota spp.) Vic, NSW, Tas, SA & WA only Brown pasture looper (Ciampa arietaria) All states Pink or brown cutworm (Agrotis munda) Common cutworm (Agrotis infusa) 10 mL 14 days harvest/grazing For best results, apply at hatching or soon after when larvae are small. WA only: Environmental factors may cause populations of small caterpillars to decline, reducing damage potential, spraying should commence once caterpillars are 12 mm in length. Apply once larvae are present using adequate water to ensure good penetration. DO NOT USE ULV APPLICATION FOR THIS PEST 10 or 15 mL NSW only 14 days harvest/grazing For best results apply at the first sign of infestation before larvae are 10 mm long. If larvae are longer than 10 mm, use the higher rate in a minimum of 50 L water/ha. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 403 TROJAN Pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) CROP Pasture (continued) PEST CONTROLLED Blackhead pasture cockchafer (Aphodius tasmaniae) STATE APPLICATION RATE/ha WITHHOLDING PERIOD CRITICAL COMMENTS NSW, Vic, Tas, SA & WA only 17 or 35 mL 14 days harvest/grazing Treat as soon as possible after the autumn rains stimulate egg hatching and activity of existing larvae. This can be ascertained by monitoring soil populations in known areas. For best results spray when the larvae have surfaced to feed after rain. Preferably use a boom spray delivering 70-100 L water/ha. Use the lower rate until early June and the higher rate after mid-late June. DO NOT USE ULV APPLICATION FOR THIS PEST 8 mL* (see footnote) Redlegged earthmite (Halotydeus destructor) TROJAN Potatoes l e b a L n e m i c e p S PULSES: Faba beans, Chick peas, Lentils, Vetch ONLY Navy beans Mung beans Chickpeas Faba beans Sorghum Vegetable leafhopper / Jassids (Austroasca viridigrisea) All states 20 mL 7 days harvest Apply only when numbers are excessive. Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) Southern NSW, WA, VIC & SA only 20 or 30 mL 7 days harvest/ grazing For best results, apply at hatching or soon after. Use the higher rate if the crop is dense or the larvae are larger than 10 mm. Redlegged earthmite (Halotydeus destructor) NSW, Vic, Tas, SA & WA only 8 m/L* (see footnote) Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) Corn earworm (Helicoverpa armigera) NT, Qld & Northern NSW only 50 or 60mL Sorghum midge (Contarinia sorghicola) NT, Qld & NSW only 15 or 30 mL Corn earworm (Helicoverpa armigera) Sunflower 404 If mites are present on an establishing crop, apply at first sign of crop emergence. Monitor crop regularly for reinfestation and respray if necessary. Control of Lucerne flea will not be obtained with this application. 14 days harvest/grazing 7 days harvest/ grazing Apply when flower or pod feeding larvae have reached a population of 1-2 per metre of row in navy beans and 1 per metre of row in mung beans. Use the higher rate if pest numbers are high or if larvae are larger than 10 mm. In Northern NSW and Qld where Corn earworm has established resistance to pyrethroids do not apply to Corn earworm larvae larger than 5 mm. 14 days harvest/grazing Apply when midge numbers reach 1-2 per head. Use the higher rate for residual control. 50 or 60 mL Rutherglen bug and Grey cluster bug (Nysius spp.) All states 30 mL Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) Corn earworm (Helicoverpa armigera) Qld & Nth NSW only 60 or 70 mL Southern NSW & Vic only 40 or 50 mL PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 If mites are present on an established crop, apply at first sign of crop emergence. Monitor crop regularly for reinfestation and respray if necessary. Control of Lucerne flea will not be obtained with application. Apply when larval numbers reach 2 per head. Use the higher rate if pest pressure is severe. Best results are achieved on small larvae. 28 days harvest Apply when numbers reach 10-15 adults per plant at budding in dry land crops or 20-25 in irrigated crops. If Helicoverpa armigera are also present in Northern NSW or Queensland, use a minimum of 50 mL product. Apply when an average of 2-3 larvae are present per head or when larvae are damaging plants. Use the higher rate if pest numbers are high and/or H. punctigera larvae are larger than 10 mm in length. In Northern NSW and Qld, do not apply to resistant H. armigera larvae larger than 5 mm in length. GENERAL COMMENTS: If flowering has started, application should be deferred until after flowering but before the heads turn down. If treatment is unavoidable during flowering and bees are actively foraging in the crop, there will be minimal effect in the colony if spraying occurs early morning or late afternoon. CROP Soybeans PEST CONTROLLED Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) Corn earworm (Helicoverpa armigera) Tomatoes (trellis) Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) Tomato grub (Helicoverpa armigera) STATE APPLICATION RATE/ha WITHHOLDING PERIOD CRITICAL COMMENTS Qld, NT, NSW & Vic only 50 or 60 mL 21 days harvest/grazing Apply when flower or pod feeding larvae reach a population of 2 per metre of row in soybeans. Use the higher rate if pest numbers are high or if larvae are larger than 10 mm. In Northern NSW and Qld do not apply to resistant H. armigera larvae larger than 5 mm in length. All states 3.5 or 4 mL/100 L 1 day harvest Treat plants on a 7 to 14 day schedule. In Northern NSW and Qld, DO NOT apply to Helicoverpa armigera larvae larger than 5 mm in length. In other areas for best results apply soon after egg lay. To help manage resistance, alternate sprays between different chemical groups. Check the crop every few days and follow the Summer Crop Insecticide Strategy. There may be phytotoxicity with some varieties especially “Floradade”. l e b a L n e m i c e p S Tomatoes (bush) 3.5 or 4 mL/100 L or 25 or 30 mL/ha Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) Tomato grub (Helicoverpa armigera) Vic, SA, Tas, WA only Qld, NSW, NT only 3.5 mL/100 L or 50 mL/ha TROJAN * Blue oat mites often co-occur with Redlegged earthmites and the 8 mL/ha rates of Trojan Insecticide may be less effective against Blue oat mites. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE, OR IN ANY MANNER, CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION. WITHHOLDING PERIODS HARVESTING: Tomatoes: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 1 DAY AFTER APPLICATION. Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 2 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Field Peas, Canola, Faba Beans, Chick peas, Vetch, Potatoes, Lentils: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Lupins, Sorghum, Mung Beans, Navy Beans, Barley, Wheat, Pasture: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 14 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Cotton, Soybeans: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 21 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. Sunflower, Oranges, Lemons: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 4 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION. GRAZING AND CUTTING FOR STOCKFEED: Forage Brassicas: Field Peas, Canola, Faba Beans, Chick Peas, Vetch Lentils: Lupins, Sorghum, Navy Beans, Mung Beans, Barley, Wheat, Pasture, Lucerne: Soybeans: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 2 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 7 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 14 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 21 DAYS AFTER APPLICATION. PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 405 CUTTING CROPS AND PASTURES FOR STOCKFEED If the crop or pasture is to be cut for stockfeed, do not sell any stock that have been fed cut material for export slaughter until the Export Slaughter Interval (ESI) set below has been observed. The ESI is the minimum period that must elapse between removal of grazing livestock to clean pasture or clean feed and slaughter. GRAZING TREATED AREAS AND CROPS FOR DOMESTIC & EXPORT MARKETS & FOR LIVESTOCK PRODUCING MILK FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION: LIVESTOCK DESTINED FOR THE DOMESTIC MARKET Trojan may persist on dry pasture (or in harvested and stored animal feed, e.g. hay) for long periods. Livestock fed on pastures that were treated when drying off or while dry, may have residues at levels unacceptable to our overseas markets. Similarly, feeds harvested from pastures or crops treated when drying off or while dry, may have unacceptable levels of residues. The pasture, or crop, must be regarded as contaminated until such time as there has been substantial regrowth (i.e. following good rains or the Autumn break). Livestock grazing or receiving contaminated feed should be managed in accordance with the Export Intervals described above. If further advice is required, contact your local State Department of Agriculture or Primary Industries, or the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) l e b a L n e m i c e p S Observe the grazing withholding periods as specified above before grazing treated pastures or fodder crops or cutting them for stockfeed. OR If over-spraying of grazing livestock is unavoidable and does occur, withhold stock from slaughter until the Export Grazing Interval (EGI) or Export Slaughter Interval is met. The EGI is the minimum period that must elapse between the application of the chemical product and slaughter of the stock, where grazing has continued on the crop/pasture from the time that the chemical product was applied. TROJAN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: LIVESTOCK DESTINED FOR EXPORT MARKETS The label withholding period for grazing only applies to stock slaughtered for the domestic market. Some export markets apply different standards. To meet these standards, ensure that the Export Slaughter Interval or the Export Grazing Interval is observed before stock are sold or slaughtered. LIVESTOCK PRODUCING MILK FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION Observe the grazing or cutting for stockfeed withholding period specified above before grazing lactating dairy stock on treated pastures or fodder crops, or before cutting treated crops as feed for lactating dairy stock. EXPORT SLAUGHTER INTERVAL (ESI) - 42 DAYS: Livestock that have been grazing on or fed treated crops and/or over-sprayed should be placed on clean feed for 42 days (6 weeks) prior to export slaughter. EXPORT GRAZING INTERVAL (EGI) - 56 DAYS: Livestock that have been grazing on treated crops/pastures and/or over-sprayed should not be sold for export slaughter for 56 days (8 weeks) after application of the chemical product, unless the Export Slaughter Interval has been observed. 406 PRODUCT GUIDE 2013 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Insect Resistance Warning INSECTICIDE For insecticide resistance management Trojan Insecticide is a Group 3A insecticid