Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning
Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning
. Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning” Continuing Education Programme for updating Knowledge of University Graduates: “Modern Development in Offshore Structures” George D. Manolis, Professor Department of Civil Engineering Aristotle University, Thessaloniki GR‐54124, Greece Tel: (+30 2310) 99 5663, Fax: (+30 2310) 99 5769 E‐mail: gdm@civil.auth.gr 1 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΟ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ «ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΑ ΒΙΟΥ ΜΑΘΗΣΗ» Πρόγραμμα Δια Βίου Μάθησης ΑΕΙ για την Επικαιροποίηση Γνώσεων Αποφοίτων ΑΕΙ Χρονική Περίοδος: 2014‐2016 ΠΕΓΑ: ΣΥΓΧΡΟΝΕΣ ΕΞΕΛΙΞΕΙΣ ΣΤΙΣ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΕΣ ΚΑΤΑΣΚΕΥΕΣ SECTION 8: ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF MARINE STRUCTURES 8.1: ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΩΝ ΚΑΤΑΣΚΕΥΩΝ ΣΤΑΘΕΡΟΥ ΠΥΘΜΕΝΑ 8.1.3: Basic Principles of Dynamics (2) Γεώργιος Δ. Μανώλης, καθηγητής Α.Π.Θ. Εργαστήριο Στατικής και Δυναμικής των Κατασκευών Τηλ: +30‐2310‐995663, Fax: +30‐2310‐995769 E‐mail: gdm@civil.auth.gr 2 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . LIST OF SYMBOLS FOR THE SDOF FORMULAS k M c y y y : stiffness : mass : damping : displacement : velocity : acceleration F1 f t : external load, with f t the dimensionless time variation y0 : initial displacement y 0 : initial velocity ω DLF yst ζ : natural frequency : dynamic load factor : equivalent static displacement : damping ratio c ccr c 2M ωd : damped natural frequency d 1 2 Ω : external load frequency 3 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . TABLE 1: SDOF SYSTEM RESPONSE SYNOPSIS M y k y c y F1 f t Dynamic equilibrium equation y k y 0 M Dynamic equilibrium for free vibration y y 0 sin t y0 cos t Free vibration solution y k F y 1 M M Dynamic equilibrium for zero damping and constant force y F1 1 cos t k Zero damping solution DLF y y ky yst F1 k F1 4 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM Dynamic load factor definition . DLF 1 cos t y y0 cos t y 0 sin t yst f (t) sin t d Dynamic load factor for constant force Duhamel's integral for the SDOF system, zero damping t 0 t DLF 1 cos t 1 cos 2 t t d T DLF cos t t d cos t t td DLF for a rectangular pulse load in time t t t cos 2 d cos 2 T T T DLF 1 sin t sin t t d cos t t d 5 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM DLF for a triangular pulse load in time . DLF for a triangular load in time with rise sin t 1 and fall 0 t 1 td 2 t 2 1 DLF t d t 2 sin t d sin t t d 2 1 t tt d 2 d t 2 DLF 2 sin t d sin t sin t t d t d 2 td t DLF 2 td sin t t t tr 1 sin t t r sin t t t r DLF 1 t r 1 DLF tr 6 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM DLF for a ramp load in time . y y0 y e t 0 sin d t y0 cos d t d 2 t yst f (t) e t sin d t d d 0 y F1 1 e t cos t sin t k M y k y F1 sin t DLF 1 1 2 2 sin t sin t M y k y c y F1 sin t 7 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM Duhamel's integral for the SDOF system SDOF system solution for a time‐harmonic load SDOF system equation for a time‐harmonic load, zero damping DLF for a SDOF system solution under time‐ harmonic loads SDOF system equation for a time‐harmonic load . y et C1 sin d t C2 cos d t F1 k 1 2 DLF max 2 sin t 2 2 cos t 1 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 DLFMAX for a SDOF system solution under time‐ harmonic loads 8 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM SDOF system complete solution for a time‐ harmonic load . Figure 1: Dynamic Load Factor (DLF) for a SDOF system to (a) rectangular and (b) triangular pulses 9 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . Figure 2: Dynamic Load Factor (DLF) for a SDOF system to (a) triangular and (b) ramp loads 10 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . Figure 3: DLFMAX and corresponding time tMAX values for a SDOF system to (a) rectangular and triangular pulses, (b) triangular load and ((c) ramp load 11 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . 12 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . 13 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . 14 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . Figure 4: DLFMAX values versus dimensionless frequency ratio for a SDOF system subjected to a sinuisodal load F(t)=F0sin(Ωt) 15 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . 16 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . Figure 5: Plasticity index μ and corresponding time tMAX values for an elastoplastic SDOF system subjected to (a) rectangular pulse, (b) triangular pulse, (c) ramp load and (d) triangular load 17 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . 18 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . 19 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . 20 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . 21 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . 22 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . 23 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . 24 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM . 25 ‐ SECTION 8.2 ‐ GDM
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