Diseño de la puerta
Diseño de la puerta
C E R S L A N T E • A C E R O 2438 mm X 2125 mm Relante Lisa en Blanco C O N S T R U C C I Ó N D E 3 C A PA S I G A R A J E A P A R A • S E C C I O N A L E S O P U E R T A S E S T Á N DA R A Serie de puertas Raynor Innovation O R E C A • E T N A L S I A • R E C A E S T Á N DA R O C O N S T R U C C I Ó N D E 3 C A PA S La puerta Relante es la opción perfecta cuando desee una puerta fiable. Las puertas seccionales aprovechan al máximo el espacio disponible de su garaje. Por fuera, le permiten estacionarse en espacio reducido. Por dentro, la puerta se abre hasta el límite superior del techo de su garaje, dándole así el espacio suficiente para los grandes vehículos modernos. Secciones con grosor de 35 mm Las secciones Relante tienen un grosor de 35 mm y están fabricadas de un acero de 0,43mm galvanizado, fuerte, resistente al óxido y además tienen como acabado un revestimiento a base de laca de poliéster horneada para hacerla más resistente y prolongar su duración. Acabado al horno Epoxy Capa galvanizada Acero de Alta calidad Aislante de poliuretano Acero de Alta calidad Grosor de 35 mm Colores Estándar Blanco (similar al RAL 9016) Tono Arcilla (similar al RAL 1019) Almendra (similar al RAL 1013) Gris (similar al RAL 7040) Marrón* (similar al RAL 8028) Verde oscuro* (similar al RAL 6005) Para colores adicionales, contacte a su distribuidor de área. Coeficiente de transmisión térmica de las secciones k=0,47 W/m2K 2 *Características del proceso de laqueado en fluorocarbono, pvf2, que le brinda una prolongada protección contra los rayos UV para que no se decoloren las secciones. Relante Colonial en color Marrón de 2438mm x 2125mm 2 Grosor de 35 mm Coeficiente de transmisión térmica de 0,47 W/m K Herraje Garantía Estándar Los rodillos de nylon y los cojinetes de acero tienen un Secciones de las puertas: 10 Años Herraje/Muelles/Resortes: 3 Años suave desplazamiento, reduciendo el ruido en la parte superior. Las puertas Relante tienen guías de acero galvanizado. Llame al +1-800-472-9667 o visite la página www.raynor.com para contactar un distribuidor del área. 3 Funcionamiento & Durabilidad Apertura Silenciosa Acoplamiento Perfecto de las Guías Los rodillos de nylon con cojinetes de acero tienen un suave desplazamiento, reduciendo el ruido en la parte superior - una gran ventaja cuando la vivienda esta cerca del garaje. Las bisagras están fabricadas con un acero de alta calidad, que le ofrecen un atractivo y sencillo diseño, además están laqueadas en blanco para brindarle máxima protección contra el óxido. Ahorro de Energía Las guías son ajustables para una rápida instalación y para un perfecto acoplamiento en el hueco de apertura previniendo así la pérdida de energía. Máxima Protección Térmica El aislante de poliuretano no contiene clorofluorocarbono, le brinda un ahorro de energía, y ocupa totalmente el espacio entre las chapas de las secciones. Coeficiente de las secciones k= 0,47 W/m2K, de toda la puerta k= 1,01 W/m2K. Muelles/Resortes de larga duración A La protección térmica que le brinda la junta térmica de una pieza (A), previene el escape del calor y el contacto de metal a metal entre la chapa interior y exterior. La Efectividad de la Junta Perimetral TM Los muelles EnduraCote tienen una laca electrostática negra para resistir el óxido y darles mayor duración. Están diseñados de manera precisa y calculados de acuerdo al peso de la puerta para levantarla y bajarla sin esfuerzo alguno. 4 La junta perimetral garantiza máxima impermeabilización e impide el paso de corrientes de aire, lluvia y nieve. Seguridad Protección para los dedos Al abrir y cerrar la puerta, el sistema de Protección para dedos Raynor previene que los dedos queden atrapados, ya sea por dentro o fuera de las secciones. Protección Lateral La barra protectora lateral del marco impide el aprisionamiento accidental en ambos lados. Los cables siempre quedan por dentro de esta barra protectora. Protección del Cable Como medio de protección contra accidentes y lesiones, el cable está diseñado para que no pueda ser liberado mientras esté tensionado. Protección contra Rotura del muelle/resorte El sistema de protección contra rotura del muelle/resorte impide que la puerta caiga más de 300 mm. 5 Opciones y Ventanas Dintel reducido Cerradura Como opción para puertas de operación manual contamos con una cerradura cilíndrica tipo europea. Para casos donde no cuente con suficiente dintel, el sistema de apertura puede montarse en la parte trasera de la guía. Vitrales Decorativos L O Ú L T I M O E N Acristalamientos tipo DimensionsTM E L E G A N C I A Estilo Snap'In Acrílicos Serigrafiados y Biselados Sunburst Colonial Sunburst Ranch Stockton Colonial Stockton Ranch Cascade Colonial Cascade Ranch Sherwood Colonial Cathedral Colonial Antique Charcoal Ranch Antique Brass Ranch Regency Brass Colonial Expressions Brass Colonial Serigrafiados Sunray Ranch Nota: se muestran las ventanas instaladas en un garaje sencillo, con la excepción del modelo Sunray Ranch. Sherwood Colonial Cathedral Colonial Sunburst Ranch 6 Claro y Opaco Cristal Claro Templado Cristal Opaco Templado Colonial Colonial Rancho Rancho Diseño de la puerta E L E V A C I Ó N Y T A M A Ñ O S Colonial 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 1829mm - 2108mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 2125mm - 3124mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 5944mm - 6096mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 1829mm - 2108mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 2125mm - 3124mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 5944mm - 6096mm Ancho Liso Rancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 2125mm - 2108mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 3150m - 4114mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 5944mm - 6096mm Ancho 1829mm -2134mm Alto 1829mm - 6096mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 2125mm - 3124mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 3150mm — 4114mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 5944mm - 6096mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 1829mm - 6096mm Ancho Cuarterones Combinados Ridgelake Baypoint Highcrest Millcreek Bridgeport 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 2125mm - 3124mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 2125mm - 3124mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 7 Croquis para puertas de garaje Detalle de la Jamba Ancho del Hueco 102mm (4") 127mm (5") 92mm (3,625") 92mm (3,625") Dintel EstÆndar Dintel Reducido Altura de la puerta + 546mm Altura de la puerta + 692mm Altura de la Puerta - 140mm (5,5") = Altura con OperaciÛn Manual Altura del Hueco 133mm (5,25") Altura de la Puerta - 76mm (3") = Altura con Mecanismo Autom·tico 476mm (18,75") La dimensiÛn que se le muestra no incluye el espacio necesario para el mecanismo autom·tico 120mm (4,25") + Altura de la Puerta Altura de la Puerta - 140mm (5,5") = Altura con OperaciÛn Manual Altura del Hueco Altura de la Puerta - 76mm (3") = Altura con Mecanismo Autom·tico 210mm (8,25") + Altura de la puerta La dimensiÛn que se le muestra no incluye el espacio necesario para el mecanismo autom·tico 476mm (18,75") 133mm (5,25") www.raynor.com Raynor Worldwide • P.O. Box 448, 1101 East River Road • Dixon, IL 61021-0448 USA Esta información al momento de imprimirse es completa y verídica. Sin embargo, nos reservamos el derecho de hacer cambios al producto en especificaciones y disponibilidad sin previo aviso. Se muestran los colores lo mas exacto posible de acuerdo al proceso de impresión utilizado. Para una apreciación más correcta del color, favor utilice la muestra real del producto. Las características, especificaciones y demás opciones, están sujetas a cambio sin previo aviso. © 2005 Raynor Hecho en los Estados Unidos de América 2900144S-03/05 S E E L + I N S U L A T I O N + S T E E DELUXE•3-LAYER CONSTRUCTION T ™ Raynor Traditions Series L “FOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR HOME” SECTION WARRANTY S H O W C A S E Strength Is Its Strong Point. With its deeply embossed woodgrain texture, the Raynor ShowCase™ adds beauty and instant curb appeal to any home. But good looks are just part of the story. Beneath the surface, ShowCase is also one of the most tightly engineered garage doors you can own. Its rugged two-sided steel design provides superior strength, added durability and maximum protection against noise, impact and weather. ShowCase is made from rugged galvanized steel inside and out. Its superior two-sided steel design encases a core of thermally bonded, CFC-free, expanded polystyrene insulation. A full 2" thick, this sandwich style construction delivers an R-value of 10.25, keeping your garage cooler in summer and warmer in winter. What’s more, the finished interior of your door is just as attractive as its exterior. Designed To Weather The Elements 1 5 2 4 Decade ShowCase has heavy-duty, hot-dipped galvanized steel sections with an epoxy primer and a baked-on polyester finish to resist rust and impact.To assure durable, long-lasting performance, standard features include: 1 Rugged, hot-dipped galvanized steel track 2 Steel wheel, ball-bearing rollers 3 Vinyl thermal break between interior & exterior skins 4 Section joint seal to prevent weather infiltration 5 Bottom weatherseal to keep out elements 6 Adjustable track for precise fit 6 3 2" Thick Door Sections ShowCase's 2" thick door sections are made from high-strength, impact-resistant steel. Baked-on finish Epoxy primer Galvanized layer High-strength steel Polystyrene insulation High-strength steel 2 Cover: 16' x 7' ShowCase Ranch in ClayTone with Stockton Colonial Snap-In Windows S E L E C T I O N S Sizes Raynor Decorative Windows Our beautiful window designs put the perfect finishing touch on your new Raynor Tradition Series garage door. TM Acrylic Leaded & Beveled Windows Silkscreen Styles Heights: 6'-6", 6'-8", 6'-9', 7'-0", 8'-0" Widths: 4'-0" to 18'-0" Door Designs Colonial Sherwood Colonial Antique Charcoal Ranch Sunburst Ranch Ranch Antique Brass Ranch Cathedral Colonial Regency Brass Colonial Snap-In Styles Flush Colors White Expressions Brass Colonial Almond Brown ClayTone BronzeTone Sherwood Colonial Frosted Leaded Glass Openers Sunburst Colonial Raynor has a complete line of dependable openers to choose from. Sunburst Ranch Deluxe Diamond Ranch Aviator™ 1/2 hp Belt Drive Diamond Colonial Cathedral Colonial Ovals & Diamonds Ranch Commander™ 1/2 hp Screw Drive Frosted Beveled Glass Stockton Ranch Sunrise Ranch Cascade Colonial Pilot™ 1/2 hp Chain Drive Economy Cascade Ranch Sunrise Colonial Sunray Ranch Pinnacle Colonial Clear Glass Obscure Glass Navigator™ 1/3 hp Chain Drive Deluxe Warranty Door Sections: Pinnacle Ranch Colonial Ranch Colonial Ranch Standard Stockton Colonial “For As Long As You Own Your Home” against rust Hardware/Springs: 5-Year See your Raynor Dealer for complete details. 3 L E E T S + N O I T A L S N door gives you reliable performance day in and day out, year after year. T E E L + Our expert installers make sure it’s done right the first time, so your I U Professional Installation From Your Raynor Dealer. Every Raynor garage door is installed by a trained Raynor professional. S DELUXE • 3-LAYER CONSTRUCTION S H O W C A S E Sections Warranted “For As Long As You Own Your Home.” ShowCase is covered by a "For As Long As You Own Your Home" section warranty against rust. ShowCase is also backed by a 5-year track, spring and hardware warranty. See your Raynor Dealer for complete details. Exclusively Distributed By: RAYNOR WORLDWIDE P.O. Box 448, 1101 East River Road, Dixon, IL 61021-0448 1-800-4-RAYNOR (472-9667) www.raynor.com This information was as complete and factual as possible at the time it was printed. We do, however, reserve the right to make product changes in specifications and availability without notice. Product colors have been reproduced as well as possible with present commercial printing processes. For absolute accuracy in color matching, use actual product samples. Features and options may be different in countries other than the United States. © 2002 Raynor Made in U.S.A. Form No. 2901350-10/02 20K T R A C T I V E D P E N D A B L E V E I S I B L E Phone: 1-800-4-RAYNOR Fax: 1-815-288-7142 A T www.raynor.com AlumaView STANDARD, bronze-anodized AlumaView doors have long been the standard fixture for facilities that require dependable, attractive doors that offer maximum visibility. With an anodizedfinished extruded aluminum frame, AlumaView door sections are a full 13⁄4" or 2" thick. AlumaView OPTIMA Designed for peak performance and strength, this 2" thick door is available in larger sizes and features bold rail construction for maximum durability, reliability and beauty. AlumaView STANDARD This benchmark product provides Raynor reliability and durability to meet or exceed the requirements of daily use. With 1 3⁄4" thick door sections and streamlined rail construction, this door is engineered for lasting beauty and durability. Series MODEL Max. Opening Width Max. Opening Height Overall Section Thickness Bottom Panel Thickness End Stile Width 1 AlumaView OPTIMA (HL) 24' 24' 2" 0.05" 1 3 ⁄4" or 6 ⁄4" AlumaView STANDARD (L) 14' 14' 13⁄4" 0.05" 2 ⁄8" 5 AlumaView STANDARD, clear-anodized, with bottom section aluminum panels Center Stile Width Colors Warranty 5 3 ⁄8" Clear-Anodized Finish* or 187 ArmorBrite™ Colors 1-Year 7 ⁄16" Clear-Anodized Finish* or 187 ArmorBrite™ Colors 1-Year *Special anodized finishes available WARRANTY AlumaView doors carry a 1-year limited warranty. See your local Raynor Dealer for complete details. Meeting Commercial Door Needs for Over 50 Years M O D E L O P T I O N S A N D U P G R A D E S 2 1 1 Choice of windows. For maximum design flexibility, choose from tempered, tinted, double-strength, insulated, acrylic or polycarbonate glass in a variety of thicknesses. 4 3 2 187 ArmorBrite™ colors . Choose your color! AlumaView door rails and stiles can be powdercoated in any of 187 colors for an attractive appearance and exceptional durability. 5 6 8 3 Aluminum panels. For busy work environments and to prevent glass breakage, aluminum panels protect your investment. 7 4 High-cycle counterbalance systems. For reliable operation in high traffic areas, choose high-cycle torsion springs with 25,000, 50,000 or 100,000-cycle life. For reduced maintenance and ultra-smooth operation in heavy-use applications, choose a weight counterbalance system. 5 Locks. In applications where control and access are important, choose from a variety of locking options to help keep your building secure.* Locks come in both inside and outside variations. 6 Carbon monoxide vent. Allows you to channel fumes to the outside when door is closed. Available in a variety of sizes. 7 Pedestrian doors. Pedestrian doors are designed for convenient entry and to help minimize energy loss.* 8 Customized track and hardware systems. Track systems are supplied to fit special clearances, inclines or contour applications. Hardware and track systems can be customized to fit any need.* Additional trussing is available for special windloading applications. * Some options may be limited to door size or model. Contact your local Raynor Dealer regarding availability for your application. P O W E R H O I S T TM O P E R A T O R S PowerHoist operators. Raynor offers a full line of rugged PowerHoist operators. Trolley operators (top) are mounted overhead and suspended from the ceiling. Jackshaft operators (middle) are sidemounted and attached to the side. Manual chain operation is also available. Control options. A variety of control stations, photoelectric eyes and remote activation devices are available. E N E R G Y- S AV I N G O P T I O N S Header seal. Flexible vinyl flap header seal reduces air infiltration and energy costs by sealing the top of the door against the header. Jamb seal. EPDM rubber jamb seal also helps to reduce air infiltration and decrease energy costs by sealing the side of the door when closed. Phone: 1-800-4-RAYNOR Fax: 1-815-288-7142 www.raynor.com A L U M AV I E W F E AT U R E S Every AlumaView door is built for superior performance and includes the features listed below. For additional options, please see the inside spread. 2 1 2 Years of durability. Door sections are clear-anodized for maximum durability and are designed to withstand windloads up to 20 p.s.f. 1 Rugged hardware and springs. Your AlumaView door comes packaged with the right combination of hardware, track and springs to match your door’s size and application. 3 (AlumaView OPTIMA model shown) 3 Decreased energy costs. AlumaView doors help you reduce energy costs with a U-shaped, vinyl bottom weatherseal secured by a sturdy aluminum retainer. C O N S T RU C T I O N C O M PA R I S O N AlumaView OPTIMA AlumaView OPTIMA panels and glass are completely encased in soft vinyl channels and held firmly in place with a rigid, snap-in retainer. This adds strength and security while reducing the chance of breakage. (AlumaView STANDARD model shown) A P P L I C AT I O N AlumaView OPTIMA (HL) GUIDE AlumaView STANDARD (L) Auto Dealerships Car Wash/Corrosive Environments Fire Station/Ambulance Large Opening Size AlumaView STANDARD AlumaView STANDARD panels and glass are sealed and held in place with a snap-in retainer. Quick Lube Centers Service Station Thermal Environments Underground Parking Warehouse/Manufacturing Best Choice Good Solution Applicable R AY N O R D E A L E R N E T W O R K SINCE 19 4 4 Depend on Professional Installation By Your Raynor Dealer When you select Raynor, you’re not just getting a superior commercial door, you’re getting professional door installation and service expertise. Every Raynor door is installed by an experienced Raynor professional. And that means added benefits for you. Because it’s done right the first time, your door will deliver performance and reliability from the day it’s installed. Your technician will check your door for everything from safety to performance to appearance. Trust your Raynor door to someone who knows it better than anyone else — your professional Raynor Dealer. We have over 600 authorized dealers serving North America and over 50 countries worldwide. Raynor also offers a full line of rolling service, fire and traffic doors as well as security grilles and counter shutters. See your Raynor Dealer or visit www.raynor.com for more information. Raynor Worldwide P.O. Box 448, 1101 East River Road, Dixon, IL 61021-0448 Exclusively Distributed By: CALL 1-800-4-RAYNOR CLICK www.raynor.com FAX 1-815-288-7142 This information was as complete and factual as possible at the time it was printed.We do, however, reserve the right to make changes in product specifications and availability without notice. Features and options may be different in countries other than the United States. Product colors have been reproduced as well as possible with present commercial printing processes. For absolute accuracy in color matching, use actual product samples. © 2001 Raynor Form No. 2903484-03/01 50K (P) Columbia, 1-car with arch top & no windows S ince the inception of the automobile in the early twentieth century, the once freestanding garage has been incorporated into a home's design and its architecture. Today a garage door can make a statement, reflecting the unique style and personality of a home and its owner. Hand-crafted with care, as doors were over 100 years ago, the American Rivers CollectionTM adds architectural detail and elegance to any home. Inspired by the heritage of custom-made carriage doors, this collection complements the unique facade of both significant older homes and newly designed residences. Appearing to swing, fold or slide open like old fashioned carriage doors, the American Rivers CollectionTM will integrate into your home's design providing architectural continuity and unsurpassed character. 2 model overview. The simplicity of Vermilion reminds you of one-piece swing up doors of the past. Windows are added to break up the strong vertical orientation of the design, creating the perfect complement to modern, traditional or rustic architecture. The classic split-look of Columbia is reminiscent of swing out doors from turn-ofthe-century carriage houses, country homes and cottages. Cross bucks and windows add variety to the design, while accenting with optional wrought iron handles and hinges complete the look. The three-segment Potomac may look like it accordions to the side, but horizontal section breaks allow the door to open upward. Half bucks add character to the design, while the arch top satisfies architectural styles that dictate a curved top appearance. Savannah imitates the classic beauty and strength of bi-fold carriage doors with its four-segment facade. Windows offer great variety to the design, often balancing a homes architectural period and style. 5 style begins with craftsmanship. Savannah, 1-car with square top, 4 lites across, 2-over-2 pane 1 You can’t truly achieve architectural style if your door’s beauty is only skin deep. 3 2 That’s why each American 4 Rivers design is crafted using only the finest woods and 6 5 materials - from the inside out. 7 3 8 1 . s o l i d d o u g l a s f i r f r a m e . Providing unsurpassed strength and structural integrity, doors are framed using high-density, non-finger jointed, 2 . c e d a r t r i m b o a r d s . Trim boards are constructed from 5 1/4" X 5/8" Western Red Cedar. With natural tannin oils acting as preservatives to resist decay and insects, cedar offers both durability and beauty. 3 . e x t e r i o r - g r a d e p l y w o o d . 1 3/8" thick (35mm) Douglas Fir. The door’s interior is backed with 1/4" exterior-grade plywood. No footballs or patches are allowed, resulting in a smooth finished appearance that readily accepts stain or paint. 4 . p o l y s t y r e n e i n s u l a t i o n . American Rivers doors are insulated with 1 3/8" thick CFC-free expanded polystyrene, providing an R-value of 7.70. 5 . c e d a r o r M D O s u r f a c e m a t e r i a l . Choose from Western Red Cedar surface material in 4" v-groove or bead-board millwork options. Western Red Cedar’s rich grain texture and warm tonal range offers an outstanding surface for either stain or paint. Also available is flush medium density overlay (MDO). This smooth surface provides an excellent primed area for painted doors. 6 . i n t e g r a t e d d r i p c a p . A specially-crafted drip cap in the bottom section channels water away from the face of the door. 7 . c o p e & s t i c k j o i n e r y . Cope & stick joinery (mortise tenon joint) provides increased strength and stability. 8 . c e d a r f i l l e r s t r i p . The cedar filler strip protects the door’s surface material endgrain from direct moisture exposure. V-Groove (Cedar) Boards cut at a 45O angle and fit together to form a V-groove, spaced approximately 4" apart. Bead-Board (Cedar) 1/8" rounded profile, spaced approximately 1" apart, run vertically on tongue and groove lumber (wainscoting). Flush (MDO) Joints of tongue and groove butt up to each other to form flat exterior surface. American Rivers doors are also available for various windload applications. Contact your Raynor dealer for additional details. 4 Vermilion, 1-car with square top, 4 lites across, 3-over-3 pan simulates 1-piece swing-up style. The simplicity of Vermilion reminds you of one-piece swing up doors of the past. Windows are added to break up the strong vertical orientation of the design, creating the perfect complement to modern, traditional or rustic architecture. 6 # of Simulated Vertical Segments Size Availability Top Bucks Decorative Bucks Finish 1-segment Width: 8', 9', 10', 15', 16', 18' Height: 6'-6", 7’, 8' Available (must have top buck with windows) X-Buck Paint-grade (gray primed), Stain-grade (natural/no finish) Glass Type # of Lites Across Pane Pattern Environmental Borate Treatment Track/Hardware Finish Decorative Hardware Clear 1/8" DSB, Water Glass, Insulated, None Single Car: 2, 3, 4 Double Car: 4, 6, 8 1-pane, 2-pane, 3-pane, 4-pane, 2-over-2, 3-over-3, 4-over-4 (2 & 3 lites across only), 9-pane prairie Available (extends warranty to 3 years) Galvanized (standard), Antique Copper or White Powdercoat (optional) Handles available ne single-car panel configurations.1 square top square top with top buck square top with X buck arch top arch top with top buck arch top with top buck & X buck square top with top buck & X buck double-car panel configurations - without simulated center post.2 square top square top with top buck square top with X buck arch top arch top with top buck arch top with top buck & X buck square top with top buck & X buck double-car panel configurations - with simulated center post.2 square top square top with top buck square top with X buck arch top arch top with top buck arch top with top buck & X buck square top with top buck & X buck single-car configurations shown in 9' x 8' sizes double-car configurations shown in 16' x 8' sizes 1 2 millwork options v-groove bead-board flush (MDO) 6 millwork options v-groove bead-board flush (MDO) Columbia, 1-car with arch top, X buck, 3 lites across, 3-over-3 pane with Raynor IronWareTM decorative hardware. simulates 8 The classic split-look of Columbia is reminiscent of swing out doors from turnof-the-century carriage houses, country homes and cottages. Cross bucks and windows add variety to the design, while accenting with optional wrought iron handles and hinges complete the look. swing-out style. # of Simulated Vertical Segments Size Availability Top Bucks Decorative Bucks Finish 2-segment Width: 8', 9', 10', 15', 16', 18' Height: 6'-6", 7’, 8' Available (must have top buck with windows) A-Buck, V-Buck, X-Buck Paint-grade (gray primed), Stain-grade (natural/no finish) Glass Type # of Lites Across Pane Pattern Environmental Borate Treatment Track/Hardware Finish Decorative Hardware Clear 1/8" DSB, Water Glass, Insulated, None Single Car: 2 Double Car: 4 1-pane, 2-pane, 3-pane, 4-pane, 2-over-2, 3-over-3, 4-over-4, 9-pane prairie Available (extends warranty to 3 years) Galvanized (standard), Antique Copper or White Powdercoat (optional) Handles and 36" hinge straps available single-car panel configurations.1 square top square top with top buck square top with X buck square top with top buck & X buck square top with A buck square top with top buck & A buck square top with V buck square top with top buck & V buck arch top arch top with top buck arch top with top buck & X buck arch top with top buck & A buck arch top with top buck & V buck double-car panel configurations - without simulated center post.2 square top square top with top buck square top with X buck square top with top buck & X buck square top with A buck square top with top buck & A buck square top with V buck square top with top buck & V buck arch top arch top with top buck arch top with top buck & X buck arch top with top buck & A buck arch top with top buck & V buck double-car panel configurations - with simulated center post.2 square top square top with top buck square top with X buck square top with top buck & X buck square top with A buck square top with top buck & A buck square top with V buck square top with top buck & V buck arch top arch top with top buck single-car configurations shown in 9' x 8' sizes double-car configurations shown in 16' x 8' sizes 1 arch top with top buck & X buck arch top with top buck & A buck arch top with top buck & V buck 2 9 Potomac, 1-car with arch top, A buck, 3 lites across, 3-over-3 pane simulates side accordion style. The three-segment Potomac may look like it accordions to the side, but horizontal section breaks allow the door to open upward. Half bucks add character to the design, while the arch top satisfies architectural styles that dictate a curved top appearance. 10 # of Simulated Vertical Segments Size Availability Top Bucks Decorative Bucks Finish 3-segment Width: 8', 9', 10', 15', 16', 18' Height: 6'-6", 7’, 8' Available (must have top buck with windows) A-Buck, V-Buck Paint-grade (gray primed), Stain-grade (natural/no finish) Glass Type # of Lites Across Pane Pattern Environmental Borate Treatment Track/Hardware Finish Decorative Hardware Clear 1/8" DSB, Water Glass, Insulated, None Single Car: 3 Double Car: 6 1-pane, 2-pane, 3-pane, 4-pane, 2-over-2, 3-over-3, 4-over-4 (2 & 3 lites across only), 9-pane prairie Available (extends warranty to 3 years) Galvanized (standard), Antique Copper or White Powdercoat (optional) Handles and 22" hinge straps available single-car panel configurations.1 square top square top with top buck square top with A buck square top with top buck & A buck arch top arch top with top buck arch top with top buck & A buck arch top with top buck & V Buck square top with V buck square top with top buck & V buck double-car panel configurations - without simulated center post.2 square top square top with top buck square top with A buck square top with top buck & A buck square top with V buck square top with top buck & V buck arch top arch top with top buck arch top with top buck and A buck arch top with top buck & V buck double-car panel configurations - with simulated center post.2 square top square top with top buck square top with A buck square top with top buck & A buck square top with V buck square top with top buck & V buck arch top arch top with top buck arch top with top buck and A buck arch top with top buck & V buck single-car configurations shown in 9' x 8' sizes double-car configurations shown in 16' x 8' sizes 1 2 millwork options v-groove bead-board flush (MDO) 11 Savannah, 1-car with arch top, 4 simulates bi-fold style. Savannah imitates the classic beauty and strength of bi-fold carriage doors with its four-segment facade. Windows offer great variety to the design, often balancing a homes architectural period and style. 12 # of Simulated Vertical Segments Size Availability Top Bucks Decorative Bucks Finish 4-segment Width: 8', 9', 10', 15', 16', 18' Height: 6'-6", 7’, 8' Available (must have top buck with windows) Not available Paint-grade (gray primed), Stain-grade (natural/no finish) Glass Type # of Lites Across Pane Pattern Environmental Borate Treatment Track/Hardware Finish Decorative Hardware Clear 1/8" DSB, Water Glass, Insulated, None Single Car: 4 Double Car: 8 1-pane, 2-pane, 3-pane, 4-pane, 2-over-2, 3-over-3, 4-over-4, 9-pane prairie Available (extends warranty to 3 years) Galvanized (standard), Antique Copper or White Powdercoat (optional) Handles and 17" hinge straps available single-car panel configurations.1 square top with top buck square top arch top arch top with top buck double-car panel configurations - without simulated center post.2 square top square top with top buck arch top arch top with top buck double-car panel configurations - with simulated center post.2 square top square top with top buck arch top arch top with top buck single-car configurations shown in 9' x 8' sizes double-car configurations shown in 16' x 8' sizes 1 2 millwork options v-groove bead-board flush (MDO) 4 lites across, 3-over-3 pane 13 reflect your style with the element of glass. Vermilion1 Columbia2 Vermilion1 Potomac3 Vermilion1 Savannah4 (1-car door) (1-car door) (1-car door) 2 lites across 3 lites across 4 lites across 1-pane 2-pane 3-pane 4-pane 1 2-over-2 3-over-3 4-over-4 9-pane prairie 1-pane 2-pane 3-pane 4-pane 2-over-2 2 3-over-3 Add flair to your American Rivers CollectionTM door with window and glass options. Choose from arch tops or square tops in various pane configurations. (see chart at right) Also select from three glass options. 1 . w a t e r g l a s s . Reminiscent of antique float glass, water glass elegantly adds old-world style with true divided lites. 2 . c l e a r g l a s s . For an unobscured view, clear 1/8" DSB (double strength) glass is also available with true divided lites. I n s u l a t e d g l a s s ( n o t p i c t u r e d ) . For increased thermal efficiency clear insulated glass is available with simulated divided lites. True-Divided Lites - Water & Clear Glass Clear DSB or Water Glass Douglas Fir Interior Muntin 4-over-4 1 Vermilion 2-car doors available with 4, 6 & 8 lites across. Columbia 2-car doors available with 4 lites across. 3 Potomac 2-car doors available with 6 lites across. 4 Savannah 2-car doors available with 8 lites across. 2 Simulated Divided Lites - Insulated Glass Insulated Glass Cedar Trim Boards Wet Glaze (outside surface) Douglas Fir Exterior Muntin Cedar Trim Boards Douglas Fir Interior Muntin Wet Glaze (outside surface) Douglas Fir Exterior Muntin 3/8” Round 10o Bevel Stop 14 3/8” Round 10o Bevel Stop Solid Douglas Fir Frame Cedar Backer Exterior-Grade Plywood Solid Douglas Fir Frame Cedar Backer Exterior-Grade Plywood explore the hardware behind it all. 1 2 3 4 5 1 . f i n i s h e d i n t e r i o r . The interior of American Rivers CollectionTM doors are backed with 1/4" exterior-grade plywood. No footballs or patches are allowed, resulting in a smooth finished appearance that readily accepts stain or paint. 2 . e x t r a h e a v y d u t y h a r d w a r e . Operation is smooth and reliable with commercial-grade heavy-duty hardware, including precision ballbearing nylon-tired rollers and full-angle mount (pictured). 3 . s t a n d a r d g a l v a n i z e d f i n i s h . All interior steel hardware comes standard with a galvanized finish. 4 . a n t i q u e c o p p e r p o w d e r c o a t f i n i s h . For a more polished and historic look, choose an optional antique copper powdercoat finish, an excellent complement on stained doors. 5 . w h i t e p o w d e r c o a t f i n i s h . For painted doors, choose an optional white powdercoated finish. Copper Powdercoat seal out the weather. 1 2 1 . c l i m a t e s e a l . Climate seal along the sides and top of the door helps seal out wind and rain. 2 . f o u r b l a d e c o l o r s . Seal comes standard to match your door in either stainable-grade finish or prime-painted gray. Vinyl blades are available in 4 standard colors: white, gray, tan or brown. 15 character is in the details. Tulip Fleur-De-Lis Punch & Judy Bean CrownBean Marigold Handle Crafted to replicate the style of 18th and 19th century hardware, the Raynor IronWare SeriesTM offers handles along with 10 strap designs to complement your American Rivers CollectionTM door. Acorn Tu lip Sh iel d Round In the details. That’s where character is found. Historically-accurate hinge straps and handles are hand-crafted and forged by modern blacksmiths to give your American Rivers doors added authenticity. Hingham Tulip 16 All Raynor IronWare SeriesTM hardware is hand forged hot-rolled steel with a black powdercoat finish. To complete the look, fasteners are square head black wood screws. Straps are available in a variety of sizes. Due to the handcrafted nature of these authentic pieces dimensions will have slight variances. single-car decorative hardware configurations.1 Columbia Vermilion Savannah Potomac double-car decorative hardware configurations.2 Vermilion Columbia Potomac Savannah single-car configurations shown in 9' x 8' sizes double-car configurations shown in 16' x 8' sizes - with simulated pillar post 1 2 a m e r i c a n r i v e r s c o l l e c t i o n TM l i m i t e d w a r r a n t y . Door Sections: Standard: 2 years With Environmental Borate Treatment: 3 years (Recommended for coastal environments. The Douglas Fir door frame is treated with EPS-approved Borate Rods to reduce the possibility of termites, carpenter ants, a variety of beetles, and many other wood-boring species. Hardware/Springs: Galvanized: 1 year Antique Copper or White Powdercoated: 2 years *See your Raynor dealer for a detailed copy of the warranty. Raynor Ultra - the perfect match for your American Rivers door. 3/4 Horsepower Chain Operation Designed to handle even the heaviest American Rivers CollectionTM doors, the Raynor Ultra combines a 3/4 hp motor with a rugged I-beam rail and chassis support for added strength and reliable operation. A dual-drive sprocket allows the opener’s speed to be adjusted to optimize door and opener performance. Each unit comes standard with a premium motion-detecting control panel, burled walnut 3-button remote control with rolling code security technology and 200 watts of lighting for brighter illumination. Lifetime Motor Warranty - 5 Year Parts Information in this brochure was as complete and factual at the time it was printed. We do, however, reserve the right to make product changes in product changes in specifications and availability without notice. Product colors have been reproduced as well as possible with present commercial printing processes. Features and options may be different in countries other than the United States. 17 www.raynor.com 1-800-4-RAYNOR (472-9667) Raynor Worldwide P.O. Box 448, 1101 East River Road Dixon, IL 61021-0448 © 2003 Raynor Made in the USA. Item No. 2903001 8/03 S SI STEEL PAN DOORS STEEL INSULATED DOORS 16' x 7' BuildMark SI, Colonial in White with Plain Colonial Windows BuildMark STM and SITM sections Defined raised panel styling combines with an 4 are constructed from high- 3 5 authentic woodgrain texture to give your garage 2 steel and are coated with a 1 baked-on polyester paint finish door curb appeal with BuildMark S and SI for extended life. BuildMark SITM sections include a layer of garage doors. The clean lines of colonial or polystyrene insulation for additional thermal-efficiency. ranch panels add charm in an economically priced pan or insulated door. strength, rust-resistant galvanized 1 Baked-on Finish 4 High-Strength Steel 2 Epoxy Primer 5 Polystyrene Insulation (SI Only) 3 Galvanized Layer W A R R A N T Y: www.buildmarkdoors.com Sections*: Limited Lifetime (Rust-Through) Hardware/Springs: 1-year *See full warranty details, available at www.buildmarkdoors.com Hardware Sizes Insulation Track formed from strong galvanized steel, paired with durable, long-wearing steel rollers ensures smooth, quiet operation. An energy-saving core of polystyrene insulation provides added comfort and helps keep your garage quieter. Insulated Heights: 6'6", 7'', 8'' Widths: 6’, 8'', 9'', 10'', 12’, 15’, 16'', 18'' Panel styles* 1-Car Colonial 2-Car Colonial 1-Car Ranch 2-Car Ranch Non-Insulated Section Joints Authentic Woodgrain Strong, roll-formed tongue-and-groove meeting rails seal out wind, rain, and snow, keeping your garage dry and secure. Authentic wood-grain texture on the door’s exterior adds visual appeal. *1-car doors shown in 8'' x 7'' configuration. 2-car doors shown in 16'' x 7'' configuration. Colors White Weatherseal Tamper-Resistant Cable Attachment Bottom vinyl weatherseal attached to a sturdy aluminum retainer runs the length of the door helping to protect your garage against the elements. The tamper-resistant counter-balance cable attachment cannot be released while the cable is under tension, helping prevent injuries or accidents. ClayTone Almond Snap-In Window Styles* Plain Colonial Plain Ranch Sunburst Colonial Sunburst Ranch Stockton Colonial Stockton Ranch Choose from 1/3 HP or 1/2 HP Chain-Drive BuildMarkTM Residential Openers to complement your BuildMarkTM Door. 1/3 HP Openers come standard with a single-button remote and single-button wall station. A single-button remote and Deluxe Multi-Function Control Panel are packaged with 1/2 HP Openers. Cascade Colonial Cascade Ranch Sherwood Colonial Cathedral Colonial 1/3 HP Opener: 2-Year Motor Warranty/1-Year Parts & Labor 1/2 HP Opener: 4-Year Motor Warranty/1-Year Parts & Labor Sunray Ranch+ Find more information on openers & accessories at www.buildmarkdoors.com. *Not all styles are available in all door sizes. Check for availability. + Windows are shown in single-car configurations, with the exception of Sunray Ranch. 877-405-DOOR (3667) www.buildmarkdoors.com P.O. Box 448, 1101 East River Road • Dixon, IL 61021-0448 BuildMarkTM is a registered trademark of Raynor Worldwide. 2904146 07/06 15K Traditional Raised Panel & Carriage House Design 8' x 7' and 16' x 7' BuildMark STS, Colonial in White With a durable, two-sided steel design and a layer of polyurethane insulation, BuildMark STSTM residential garage doors deliver the perfect combination of durability, quiet operation, and energy-efficiency. Choose from standard panel options in ranch, colonial or flush. Or, for a distinctive look on your home, choose the carriage house panel option. www.buildmarkdoors.com 1 3/8” Thick Door Sections The 1-3/8" thick door sections of Buildmark STSTM 4 5 3 6 are made from two layers of strong, rust-resistant 25-gauge galvanized steel and are coated with a 2 baked-on polyester paint finish for long life. 1 Hardware 1 Baked-on Finish 4 High-Strength Steel 2 Epoxy Primer 5 Polyurethane Insulation 3 Galvanized Layer 6 High-Strength Steel Thermal Protection Track formed from strong galvanized steel, paired with durable, long-wearing steel rollers ensures smooth, quiet operation. Finished Interior B A Our innovative process fills 100% of the door’s interior space. The energy-saving polyurethane core delivers an exceptional 12 R-Value and helps to reduce noise. A continuous thermal break (A), prevents heatloss by eliminating metalto-metal contact between inside and outside door surfaces. An air seal (B) blocks airflow between sections. Weatherseal BuildMark STSTM features a steel interior backing for a finished appearance and added durability. Insulation Tamper-Resistant Cable Attachment A vinyl weatherseal attached to a sturdy aluminum retainer helps keep out wind and rain. The tamper-resistant counter-balance cable attachment cannot be released while the cable is under tension, helping prevent injuries or accidents. Snap-In Window Styles* Plain Colonial Plain Ranch Sunburst Colonial Sunburst Ranch Sherwood Colonial Stockton Colonial Stockton Ranch Sunray Ranch+ Cascade Colonial Cascade Ranch Arched Stockton Ranch Available for ranch, flush & carriage house panel options. *Not all styles are available in all door sizes. Check for availability. + Windows are shown in single-car configurations, with the exception of Sunray Ranch. Cathedral Colonial www.buildmarkdoors.com Standard Sizes Carriage House Panel Option Heights: 6'6", 7', 8' Widths: 6', 8', 9', 10', 12’, 15’, 16', 18' Panel styles* 1-Car Colonial 2-Car Colonial 1-Car Ranch 2-Car Ranch 1-Car Flush 2-Car Flush Carriage House Option Sizes Heights: 6'6", 7', 8' Widths: 8', 9', 10', 16', 18' Panel styles* 8’ x 7’ BuildMark STS with Carriage House panel options in ClayTone with Arched Stockton Ranch windows and decorative hardware. 1-Car 2-Car Decorative Hardware *1-car doors shown in 8'' x 7'' configuration. 2-car doors shown in 16'' x 7'' configuration. Colors Bean Handles Fleur-de-lis Handles White The Carriage House panel option is available in widths of 8’, 9’, 10’, 16’ and 18’ and in white, claytone or almond. Add character to your door with attractive decorative face hardware in either Bean or Fleur-de-lis handles or straps. Bean Strap Fleur-de-lis Strap The black matte powdercoated straps and handles are designed to appear hand-forged, adding a historicallyaccurate dimensional quality to your door. Choose from handles and straps with Bean or Fleur-de-lis designs. ClayTone Almond Warranty Sections*: Limited Lifetime (Rust-Through) Hardware/Springs: 1-year *See full warranty details, available at www.buildmarkdoors.com 1/3 HP Chain-Drive Opener 1/2 HP Chain-Drive Opener Safety and Security Devices TM PosiLock Security System. Once your garage door goes down, it’s securely locked so an intruder cannot gain access. For smooth, dependable operation provided by a 1/3 Driven by a powerful 1/2 HP chain drive motor, you get HP chain drive motor, you get lasting performance. lasting performance and smooth, dependable Features. Chain drive system, 1/3 HP motor, and single operation. light with lens cover lighting system. Features: Chain drive system, 1/2 HP motor, and single Protector Syste m Photo Eyes. Project an invisible beam across the door opening. If any object breaks the light beam while closing, the door will stop and reverse direction to full open position. light with lens cover lighting system that produces 100 watts of light! Standard Accessories Standard Accessories 1 1 2 1. Lighted Door Control Button. Conveniently raises and lowers your door from the comfort of your garage. 2. Hand-held Safety SignalTM Rolling Code Transmitters. Select a new code from over 100 billion possibilities each time you press the button. Makes it virtually impossible for burglars to capture your transmitter’s code. 2 Manual Disconnect Pull Cord. Allows the door to be operated by hand in case of power failure. The door automatically reconnects when the wall button or transmitter is used. 1. Deluxe Multi-FunctionTM Control Panel. Opens/ closes door and turns garage door lights on/off from inside garage. Locks out all remote control signals when you're away. Includes an adjustable light timer and illuminated oversized push button. 2. Hand-held Safety SignalTM Rolling Code Transmitters. Select a new code from over 100 billion possibilities each time you press the button. Makes it virtually impossible for burglars to capture your transmitter’s code. BuildMark offers a full Product Line of Residential and Commercial Garage Doors. for more information, visit us online at www.buildmarkdoors.com 877-405-DOOR (3667) www.buildmarkdoors.com P.O. Box 448, 1101 East River Road • Dixon, IL 61021-0448 2900206 07/06 20K BuildMarkTM is a registered trademark of Raynor Worldwide. C E R S L A N T E • os de æ A 0 1 t a Garan A C E R O 2438 mm X 2125 mm Centura con Cuarterones Combinados Millcreek en Color Almendra C O N S T R U C C I Ó N D E 3 C A PA S I G A R A J E A P A R A • S E C C I O N A L E S O P U E R T A S DE LUJO A Serie de puertas Raynor Innovation O R E C A • E T N A L S I A • E C A DE LUJO R O C O N S T R U C C I Ó N D E 3 C A PA S La Puerta Centura está diseñada con un estilo y fiabilidad superior. Las puertas seccionales aprovechan al máximo el espacio disponible de su garaje. Por fuera, le permiten estacionarse en espacio reducido. Por dentro, la puerta se abre hasta el límite superior del techo de su garaje, dándole así el espacio suficiente para los grandes vehículos modernos. Secciones con grosor de 51 mm Las secciones Centura tienen un grosor de 51 mm y están fabricadas de un acero de 0,43mm galvanizado, fuerte, resistente al óxido y además tienen como acabado un revestimiento a base de laca de poliéster horneada para hacerla más resistente y prolongar su duración. Acabado al horno Epoxy Capa galvanizada Acero de Alta calidad Aislante de poliuretano Acero de Alta calidad Colores Estándar Blanco (similar al RAL 9016) Tono Arcilla (similar al RAL 1019) Almendra (similar al RAL 1013) Gris (similar al RAL 7040) Marrón* (similar al RAL 8028) Verde oscuro* (similar al RAL 6005) Grosor de 51 mm Coeficiente de transmisión térmica de las secciones k=0,31 W/m2K 2 Para colores adicionales, contacte a su distribuidor de área. *Características del proceso de laqueado en fluorocarbono, pvf2, que le brinda una prolongada protección contra los rayos UV para que no se decoloren las secciones. Centura con Cuarterón Colonial Blanca de 2438mm x 2125mm Grosor de 51 mm Herraje Coeficiente de transmisión térmica de 0,31 W/m2K Garantía De Lujo Las puertas Centura tienen guías de acero gal- Secciones de las puertas: 10 Años Herraje/Muelles/Resortes: 10 Años vanizado. Los rodillos de nylon y los cojinetes de acero tienen un suave desplazamiento que ayudan a reducir el ruido en la parte superior. Llame al +1-800-472-9667 o visite la página www.raynor.com para contactar un distribuidor del área. 3 Funcionamiento & Durabilidad Apertura Silenciosa Acoplamiento perfecto de las Guías Los rodillos de nylon con cojinetes de acero tienen un suave desplazamiento, reduciendo el ruido en la parte superior - una gran ventaja cuando la vivienda esta cerca del garaje. Las bisagras están fabricadas con un acero de alta calidad, que le ofrecen un atractivo y sencillo diseño, además están laqueadas en blanco para brindarle máxima protección contra el óxido. Ahorro de Energía Las guías son ajustables para una rápida instalación y para un perfecto acoplamiento en el hueco de apertura previniendo así la pérdida de energía. Máxima Protección Térmica El aislante de poliuretano no contiene clorofluorocarbono, le brinda un ahorro de energía, y ocupa totalmente el espacio entre las chapas de las secciones. Coeficiente de las secciones k= 0,31 W/m2K, de toda la puerta k= 0,97 W/m2K. Muelles/Resortes de larga duración La protección térmica que le brinda la junta térmica de una pieza (A), previene el escape A del calor y el contacto de B metal a metal entre la chapa interior y exterior. Otra junta labial (B) que se encuentra entre las secciones impide la circulación del aire y la filtración del agua. La Efectividad de la Junta Perimetral TM Los muelles EnduraCote tienen una laca electrostática negra para resistir el óxido y darles mayor duración. Están diseñados de manera precisa y calculados de acuerdo al peso de la puerta para levantarla y bajarla sin esfuerzo alguno. 4 La junta perimetral garantiza máxima impermeabilización e impide el paso de corrientes de aire, lluvia y nieve. Seguridad Protección para los dedos Al abrir y cerrar la puerta, el sistema de Protección para dedos Raynor previene que los dedos queden atrapados, ya sea por dentro o fuera de las secciones. Protección Lateral La barra protectora lateral del marco impide el aprisionamiento accidental en ambos lados. Los cables siempre quedan por dentro de esta barra protectora. Protección del Cable Como medio de protección contra accidentes y lesiones, el cable está diseñado para que no pueda ser liberado mientras esté tensionado. Protección contra rotura del muelle/resorte El sistema de protección contra rotura del muelle/resorte impide que la puerta caiga más de 300 mm. 5 Opciones y Ventanas Dintel reducido Cerradura Como opción para puertas de operación manual, contamos con una cerradura cilíndrica tipo europea. Para casos donde no cuente con suficiente dintel, el sistema de apertura puede montarse en la parte trasera de la guía. Vitrales Decorativos L O Ú L T I M O E N Acristalamientos tipo DimensionsTM E L E G A N C I A Estilo Snap'In Acrílicos Serigrafiados y Biselados Sunburst Colonial Sunburst Ranch Stockton Colonial Stockton Ranch Cascade Colonial Cascade Ranch Sherwood Colonial Cathedral Colonial Antique Charcoal Ranch Antique Brass Ranch Regency Brass Colonial Expressions Brass Colonial Serigrafiados Sunray Ranch Nota: se muestran las ventanas instaladas en un garaje sencillo, con la excepción del modelo Sunray Ranch. Sherwood Colonial Cathedral Colonial Sunburst Ranch 6 Claro y Opaco Cristal Claro Templado Cristal Opaco Templado Colonial Colonial Rancho Rancho Diseño de la puerta E L E V A C I Ó N Y T A M A Ñ O S Colonial 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 1829mm - 2108mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 2125mm - 3124mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 5944mm - 6096mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 1829mm - 2108mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 2125mm - 3124mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 5944mm - 6096mm Ancho Liso Rancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 2125mm - 2108mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 3150m - 4114mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 5944mm - 6096mm Ancho 1829mm -2134mm Alto 1829mm - 6096mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 2125mm - 3124mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 3150mm — 4114mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 5944mm - 6096mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 1829mm - 6096mm Ancho Cuarterones Combinados Ridgelake Baypoint Highcrest Millcreek Bridgeport 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 2125mm - 3124mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 2125mm - 3124mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 7 Croquis para puertas de garaje Detalle de la Jamba Ancho del Hueco 102mm (4") 127mm (5") 92mm (3,625") 92mm (3,625") Dintel Estándar Dintel Reducido Altura de la puerta + 546mm Altura de la puerta + 692mm Altura de la Puerta - 140mm (5,5") = Altura con Operación Manual Altura del Hueco 133mm (5,25") Altura de la Puerta - 76mm (3") = Altura con Mecanismo Automático 476mm (18,75") La dimensión que se le muestra no incluye el espacio necesario para el mecanismo automático 120mm (4,25") + Altura de la Puerta Altura de la Puerta - 140mm (5,5") = Altura con Operación Manual Altura del Hueco Altura de la Puerta - 76mm (3") = Altura con Mecanismo Automático 210mm (8,25") + Altura de la puerta La dimensión que se le muestra no incluye el espacio necesario para el mecanismo automático 476mm (18,75") 133mm (5,25") www.raynor.com Raynor Worldwide • P.O. Box 448, 1101 East River Road • Dixon, IL 61021-0448 USA Protegido por Patentes de los Estados Unidos, Europeas y otras Monarquías. Quedan por protegerse otras patentes. © 2005 Raynor Esta información al momento de imprimirse es completa y verídica. Sin embargo, nos reservamos el derecho de hacer cambios al producto en especificaciones y disponibilidad sin previo aviso. Se muestran los colores lo mas exacto posible de acuerdo al proceso de impresión utilizado. Para una apreciación más correcta del color, favor utilice la muestra real del producto. Las características, especificaciones y demás opciones, están sujetas a cambio sin previo aviso. Hecho en los Estados Unidos de América 2900140S-03/05 • R A Y N O R G A R A G E D O O R S Attractive and Attractively Priced. E C O N O M Y C H A R L E S T O N F O R A S L O N G A S Y O U O W N Y O U R H O M E Charleston gives you features not usually found in an economically-priced residential garage door - distinctive raised colonial panel styling and an A full 2-inches (50.8 mm) thick, Charleston door sections are made from durable, hot-dipped galvanized steel with welded and stainless steel riveted construction. S E C T I O N authentic woodgrain texture. Featuring an attractive baked-on white polyester finish, a variety of decorative at an affordable price. W A R R A N T Y window options, and available energy-saving insulation, Charleston offers style Sizes C H A R L E S T O N • R A Y N O R G A R A G E D O O R S Heights: 7'-0", 8'-0" Widths: 8'-0", 9'-0", 10'-0", 16'-0", 18'-0" Panel Styles 1 5 4 Colonial 2 Colors White 3 Snap-In Style Windows Available with clear or obscure glass Sherwood Colonial Sunburst Colonial Cathedral Colonial Built Tough To Last. Charleston has heavy-duty, hot-dipped galvanized steel sections with an epoxy primer and a baked-on polyester finish to resist rust and impact. A galvanized steel track 1 and durable, steel wheel, ball bearing rollers 2 assure long lasting performance. To protect against the elements, a bottom weatherseal 3 provides an effective barrier along the entire length of the door. Roll formed tongueand-groove meeting rails 4 seal out wind, rain and snow. Finally, a thick core of optional polystyrene insulation helps keep your garage quieter and more comfortable. 5 Stockton Colonial Steel Cascade Colonial Galvanized Layer Epoxy Primer Raynor has a complete line of dependable openers to choose from. Baked-on Finish Deluxe Openers FliteStar™ 1/2hp Chain Drive Professional Installation From Your Raynor Dealer. Aviator™ Standard 1/2hp Belt Drive Commander 1/2hp Screw Drive Warranted Top To Bottom. Pilot 1/2hp Chain Drive Economy Every Raynor garage door is installed by a trained Raynor professional. Our expert installers make sure it’s done right the first time, so your door gives you reliable performance day in and day out, year after year. The Charleston garage door is covered by a “For As Long As You Own Your Home” warranty against the door sections rusting through. Charleston is also backed by a 1-year track, spring and hardware warranty. See your Raynor Dealer for complete details. Navigator 1/3hp Chain Drive Exclusively Distributed By: RAYNOR WORLDWIDE P.O. Box 448, 1101 East River Road, Dixon, IL 61021-0448 RAYNOR CANADA 6311 Vipond Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5T 1T7 1-800-4-RAYNOR (472-9667) www.raynor.com This information was as complete and factual as possible at the time it was printed. We do, however, reserve the right to make product changes in specifications and availability without notice. Product colors have been reproduced as well as possible with present commercial printing processes. For absolute accuracy in color matching, use actual product samples. © 1999 Raynor Made in U.S.A. Form No. 2902733-8/99 50K (P) Features and options may be different in countries other than the United States. T E E L O R S T E E L + I N S U L A T I O N STANDARD•1 OR 2-LAYER CONSTRUCTION S ™ Raynor Traditions Series “FOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR HOME” SECTION WARRANTY CLASSIC Affordable And Built To Stay That Way. Constructed of high-quality materials with special attention to details and durability, Classic offers the standard features and upgrade options you might expect in a more expensive door. Classic comes standard with tongue-and-groove meeting rail joints that seal out the elements. To make your door even more energy efficient, add optional, environmentally friendly polystyrene insulation. A unique stucco texture gives Classic a look all its own. Customize Classic with Colonial or Ranch panels, windows and other options to create your own “classic” look. Built To Take The Elements. 3 1 2 4 5 Classic has heavy-gauge, hot-dipped galvanized steel sections with an epoxy primer and a baked-on polyester finish to resist rust and impact. A galvanized steel track 1 and durable, steel wheel, ball-bearing rollers 2 assure long-lasting performance. To protect against the elements, a bottom weatherseal 3 provides an effective barrier along the entire length of the door. Roll-formed tongue-and-groove meeting rails 4 seal out wind, rain and snow. Finally, a thick core of optional polystyrene insulation 5 helps keep your garage quieter and more comfortable. 2" Thick Door Sections Classic's 2" thick door sections are made from high-strength, impact-resistant steel. Baked-on finish Epoxy primer Galvanized layer High-strength steel Optional polystyrene insulation 3 Cover: 16' x 7' Classic Colonial in White SELECTIONS Sizes Raynor Decorative Windows Our beautiful window designs put the perfect finishing touch on your new Raynor Tradition Series garage door. TM Heights: 6'-6", 7'-0", 8'-0" Widths: 8'-0", 9'-0", 10'-0", 12'-0", 14'-0", 15'-0", 16'-0", 17'-0",18'-0", 20'-0" Door Designs Silkscreen Styles Snap-In Styles Colonial Sherwood Colonial Sherwood Colonial Ranch Colors Sunburst Ranch Sunburst Colonial Cathedral Colonial Sunburst Ranch White Almond Claytone Brown Openers Raynor has a complete line of dependable openers to choose from. Cathedral Colonial Clear Glass Ranch Stockton Colonial Deluxe Colonial Aviator™ 1/2 hp Belt Drive Stockton Ranch 1/2 hp Screw Drive Cascade Colonial Colonial Ranch Standard Commander™ Obscure Glass Pilot™ Cascade Ranch 1/2 hp Chain Drive Economy Sunray Ranch Navigator™ 1/3 hp Chain Drive Standard Warranty Door Sections: “For As Long As You Own Your Home” against door sections rusting through Hardware/Springs: 3-Year See your Raynor Dealer for complete details. 3 N O I T A L U S N I + L E E T S Professional Installation From Your Raynor Dealer. Every Raynor garage door is installed by a trained Raynor professional. Our expert installers make sure it’s done right the first time, so your T E E L O R door gives you reliable performance day in and day out, year after year. S STANDARD•1 OR 2-LAYER CONSTRUCTION C L A S S I C Sections Warranted “For As Long As You Own Your Home.” The Classic garage door is covered by a “For As Long As You Own Your Home” warranty against the door sections rusting through. Classic is also backed by a 3-year track, spring and hardware warranty. See your Raynor Dealer for complete details. Exclusively Distributed By: RAYNOR WORLDWIDE P.O. Box 448, 1101 East River Road, Dixon, IL 61021-0448 1-800-4-RAYNOR (472-9667) www.raynor.com This information was as complete and factual as possible at the time it was printed. We do, however, reserve the right to make product changes in specifications and availability without notice. Product colors have been reproduced as well as possible with present commercial printing processes. For absolute accuracy in color matching, use actual product samples. Features and options may be different in countries other than the United States. © 2002 Raynor Made in U.S.A. Form No. 2901437-02/03 20K S E E L O R S T E E L + I N S U L A T I O DELUXE•1 OR 2-LAYER CONSTRUCTION T ™ Raynor Traditions Series N “FOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR HOME” SECTION WARRANTY D E C A D E I I Rugged Inside, Outside And In-Between. Decade II, with flush-mounted stainless steel rivets, welded stile/rail construction, hot-dipped galvanized hardware and steel ball-bearing rollers, is built to work as great as it looks. Decade II features tongue-and-groove meeting rail joints to seal out the elements. And the optional, environmentally safe, expanded polystyrene insulation increases energy efficiency and provides you with quieter door operation — a big advantage if you have an attached garage. Choose the color that complements your home from a palette of five, then add your favorite panel design and window style to create a door that is uniquely yours. Built To Last. 3 1 2 4 5 Decade II has heavy-duty, 24 gauge hot-dipped galvanized steel sections with an epoxy primer and a baked-on polyester finish to resist rust and impact. A galvanized steel track 1 and durable, steel wheel, ball-bearing rollers 2 assure long-lasting performance. To protect against the elements, a bottom weatherseal 3 provides an effective barrier along the entire length of the door. Roll-formed tongue-and-groove meeting rails 4 seal out wind, rain and snow. Finally, a thick core of optional polystyrene insulation 5 helps keep your garage quieter and more comfortable. 2" Thick Door Sections Decade II’s 2" thick door sections are made from high-strength, impact-resistant 24-gauge steel. Baked-on finish Epoxy primer Galvanized layer 24-gauge steel Optional polystyrene insulation 2 Cover: 16' x 7' Decade II Ranch in White with Sunburst Ranch Silkscreen Windows S E L E C T I O N S Sizes Raynor Decorative Windows Our beautiful window designs put the perfect finishing touch on your new Raynor Tradition Series garage door. TM Acrylic Leaded & Beveled Windows Silkscreen Styles Heights: 6'-6", 6'-8", 6'-9', 7'-0", 8'-0" Widths: 4'-0" to 20'-0" Door Designs Sherwood Colonial Antique Black Ranch Colonial Sunburst Ranch Antique Brass Ranch Ranch Colors Cathedral Colonial Regency Brass Colonial White Almond Brown Claytone BronzeTone Snap-In Styles Openers Expressions Brass Colonial Sherwood Colonial Raynor has a complete line of dependable openers to choose from. Frosted Leaded Glass Diamond Ranch Deluxe Sunburst Colonial Aviator™ Sunburst Ranch 1/2 hp Belt Drive Diamond Colonial Cathedral Colonial Ovals & Diamonds Ranch Stockton Colonial 1/2 hp Screw Drive Frosted Beveled Glass Standard Commander™ Stockton Ranch Pilot™ 1/2 hp Chain Drive Sunrise Ranch Cascade Colonial Economy Cascade Ranch Sunrise Colonial Navigator™ 1/3 hp Chain Drive Sunray Ranch Pinnacle Colonial Deluxe Warranty Clear Glass Obscure Glass Door Sections: “For As Long As You Own Your Home” against rust Hardware/Springs: 5-Year Pinnacle Ranch Colonial Ranch Colonial Ranch See your Raynor Dealer for complete details. 3 N T S E E L + I N S U L A T I O I I Professional Installation From Your Raynor Dealer. Every Raynor garage door is installed by a trained Raynor professional. Our expert installers make sure it’s done right the first time, so your T E E L O R door gives you reliable performance day in and day out, year after year. S DELUXE • 1 OR 2-LAYER CONSTRUCTION D E C A D E Sections Warranted “For As Long As You Own Your Home.” The Decade II is covered by a "For As Long As You Own Your Home" section warranty against rust. Decade II is also backed by a 5-year track, spring and hardware warranty. See your Raynor Dealer for complete details. Exclusively Distributed By: RAYNOR WORLDWIDE P.O. Box 448, 1101 East River Road, Dixon, IL 61021-0448 1-800-4-RAYNOR (472-9667) www.raynor.com This information was as complete and factual as possible at the time it was printed. We do, however, reserve the right to make product changes in specifications and availability without notice. Product colors have been reproduced as well as possible with present commercial printing processes. For absolute accuracy in color matching, use actual product samples. Features and options may be different in countries other than the United States. © 2002 Raynor Made in U.S.A. Form No. 2901311-02/03 20K S E C T I O N A L RA I S E D PA N E L D O O R 14' x 10' DesignFormTM OPTIMA colonial in almond (left), paired with a Raynor Innovations SeriesTM 16' x 8' AffinaTM colonial in almond. T R E D U Y L L I R I A A S B B H L E L E CLick: www.raynor.com Call: 1-800-4-RAYNOR S When your building’s façade needs a classic raised panel design, choose from DesignFormTM doors. With style choices, like mixed panel designs and safety features including finger-protection, DesignFormTM doors offer the aesthetic options of a residential door, combined with the durability of a commercial door. Matches Innovations SeriesTM residential doors. A perfect commercial-sized companion for the residential CenturaTM doors, this full 2”, R-18 door will brighten up the appearance of any building, inside and out. Available in a wide range of colors, the DesignFormTM OPTIMA is your best choice for an over-sized, classic residential appearance. This 1 3/8”, R-13.08 door is perfect for the RV or boat storage garage and matches the Colonial, Ranch or Flush look of the residential Innovations RelanteTM doors. Available in White, Almond or ClayTone. Series MODEL Max. Opening Width Max. Opening Height Construction Panel Configuration Section Thickness End/Center Stile Steel Thickness 12’ x 14’ DesignFormTM STANDARD colonial in ClayTone with clear colonial windows (center), flanked by matching 9’ x 8’ Raynor Innovations SeriesTM RelanteTM doors. Insulation (R-Value) Thermal Break Exterior Colors Section Warranty DesignFormTM OPTIMA 20' 16' Steel Sandwich Colonial (24-gauge embossed) Ranch Mixed Flush (Woodgrain) 2" 18-Gauge/ 19-Gauge Plates Polyurethane R=18.0 Yes White, Almond, ClayTone, GrayTone, Dark Brown*, Hunter Green* 1-Year (Rust) DesignFormTM STANDARD 20' 16' Steel Sandwich Colonial (24-gauge embossed) Ranch Flush (Woodgrain) 1 3/8" 20-Gauge/ 19-Gauge Plates Polyurethane R=13.08 Yes White, Almond, ClayTone 1-Year (Rust) *Features the KynarTM paint process, which provides extended UV protection against fading. WARRANTY DesignFormTM door sections carry a 1-year warranty against rust and a 1-year limited warranty against any defects in materials or workmanship. See your local Raynor Dealer for complete details. D E S I G N F O R MTM F E A T U R E S ENERGY-SAVING INSULATION DURABLE DOOR SECTIONS Raynor DesignFormTM sections are constructed from hot-dipped galvanized steel and coated with a baked-on, faderesistant polyester finish for maximum durability, rust-resistance and color retention. RAYNOR FINGER PROTECTION SYSTEMTM Our state-of-the-art polyurethane insulation (shown) gives DesignFormTM OPTIMA and STANDARD doors the industry’s highest R-values. CUSTOM-FIT TRACK As your garage door closes, the exclusive Raynor Finger Protection SystemTM gently pushes fingers away from section joints and out of harm’s way. DesignFormTM OPTIMA DesignFormTM STANDARD 2” Thick (Steel two-Sided) R-Value 18.0 1 3/8” Thick (Steel two-Sided) R-Value 13.08 All Raynor custom-fit track is constructed from heavy-gauge steel for maximum stability and long life. Made specifically to order, our track is adjustable so your door always fits perfectly against your door opening, preventing energy loss. DESIGNFORMTM PANEL CONFIGURATIONS STANDARD DESIGNS RANCH COLONIAL 9’0” — 10’6” Height 10’4” — 13’6” Width 9’0” — 10’6” Height 13’7” — 20’0” Width 9’0” — 10’6” Height 19’6”— 20’0” Width FLUSH 9’0” — 10’6” Height 10’4” — 13’6” Width 9’0” — 10’6” Height 13’7” — 19’5” Width 9’0” — 10’6” Height 19’6” — 20’0” Width 9’0” — 10’6” Height 4’0” — 20’0” Width OPTIONAL DESIGNS Note: Optional designs available only with DesignFormTM OPTIMA. EDGEWATER BROOKVIEW RIVERSIDE BRIDGEPORT MILLCREEK 9’0” — 10’6” Height 13’7” — 19’5” Width 9’0” — 10’6” Height 13’7” — 19’5” Width 9’0” — 10’6” Height 13’7” — 19’5” Width 9’0” — 10’6” Height 10’4” — 13’6” Width 9’0” — 10’6” Height 7’0” — 10’3” Width SPRINGFIELD SHORELAND BAYPOINT RIDGELAKE HIGHCREST 9’0” — 10’6” Height 13’7” — 19’5” Width 9’0” — 10’6” Height 13’7” — 19’5” Width 9’0” — 10’6” Height 13’7” — 19’5” Width 9’0” — 10’6” Height 10’4” — 13’6” Width 9’0” — 10’6” Height 13’7” — 19’5” Width Illustrations represent doors from 9’0” -10’6” high. Ask your Raynor Dealer for specific size availability for each design. COLORS See chart (left) for color availability on models. Standard White ClayTone Almond Dark Brown* Hunter Green* Optional GrayTone *Features the Kynar® paint process, which provides extended UV protection against fading. APPLICATION GUIDE Visit us at www.raynor.com for CSI Master FormatTM specifications, Raynor Quick Specs and Standard Drawings D E S I G N F O R MTM W I N D O W O P T I O N S DIMENSIONSTM Silkscreen Styles DimensionsTM leaded and beveled-style windows add unmatched character to your door.Translucent designs illuminate your garage interior, while maintaining privacy. Give your door a touch of sophistication with Raynor silkscreen window designs. Enjoy the divided light that radiates through these split window patterns. Acrylic Leaded And Beveled Create the appearance of authentic leaded and beveled windows with these four stunning acrylic designs. Sherwood Colonial Antique Brass Ranch Antique Charcoal Ranch Cathedral Colonial Regency Brass Colonial Expressions Brass Colonial Sunburst Ranch Snap-in Styles Frosted Leaded Glass Snap-in window designs add charm. Choose from a variety of colors to match your garage door or paint them to complement the exterior facade. Frosted leaded glass styles give you soft, diffused light and more privacy. Diamond Colonial Sunburst Colonial Sunburst Ranch Stockon Colonial Stockton Ranch Cascade Colonial Cascade Ranch Sherwood Colonial Cathedral Colonial Diamond Ranch Ovals & Diamonds Ranch Frosted Beveled Glass The bevel designs in these frosted glass windows create a subtle elegance. Sunrise Colonial Sunrise Ranch Pinnacle Colonial Pinnacle Ranch Sunray Ranch Clear and Obscure Clear Colonial Clear Ranch Obscure Colonial Obscure Ranch Note:Windows are shown in one-car configurations, with the exception of Sunray Ranch. Match your door with one of our many operators. Choose from our full line of powerful commercial operators for maximum performance in a commercial setting. Or, for compliance in residential applications, opt for PowerHoistTM SELECT, the perfect choice for DesignFormTM doors up to 14 feet high. Raynor ControlHoistTM operators with solid state logic board control are available in various motor and voltage combinations to meet many commercial applications. Operation Mode Duty Cycle Drive Environmental Options (NEMA) Trolley or Jackshaft 30/hr Gear Trolley ControlHoistTM STANDARD or Jackshaft 30/hr ControlHoistTM Trolley BASIC or Jackshaft 10/hr Series MODEL TM ControlHoist OPTIMA Wiring Options Motor Logic Power Brake NEMA 1 Continuous Duty 1/2hp Solid State Trolley115V, 230V-3 Jackshaft 115V, 230V-3 Solenoid Type 24V Class 2, On-board Selection 2-Years Belt NEMA 1 Continuous Duty 1/3 or 1/2hp Solid State Trolley115V Jackshaft 115V Jackshaft-Optional 24V Class 2, On-board Selection 2-Years Belt NEMA 1 Intermittent Duty 1/2hp Solid State 115V Included on Jackshaft, Optional on Trolley 24V Class 2 2-Years NEMA 1 Intermittent Duty 1/2hp Solid State 115V Gear Reduction Single-Button 1-Year Trolley 8/hr Gear/Chain ControlHoistTM SELECT* *Compliant for use in residential applications. Warranty Rugged Raynor PowerHoistTM operators are available in a variety of motor, voltage and phase combinations for any commercial or industrial application. Environmental Options (NEMA) Hand Chain (Jackshaft Only) Warranty Jackshaft-Standard Trolley-Standard Standard 2-Years 115/230V, I-Phase 230/460V, 3-Phase Jackshaft-Standard Trolley-Optional* Optional 2-Years 115V Jackshaft-Standard Trolley-Optional Optional 2-Years Series MODEL Operation Mode Duty Cycle Drive Motor Logic Power Brake PowerHoistTM OPTIMA Jackshaft or Trolley 30/hr Gear 1-Standard 4-Water 7-Explosion 9-Explosion 12-Dust Continuous-Duty 1/2-2hp O.D.P.-Standard T.E.F.C.-Optional Relay 115/230V, I-Phase 230/460V, 3-Phase PowerHoistTM STANDARD Jackshaft or Trolley 30/hr Belt 1-Standard 12-Dust 7-Explosion 9-Explosion Continuous-Duty 1/3-3/4hp O.D.P.-Standard T.E.F.C.-Optional Relay PowerHoistTM BASIC Jackshaft or Trolley 12/hr Belt 1-Standard Intermittent-Duty 1/2hp Relay Raynor offers a complete line of commercial sectional doors, and also commercial rolling and fire doors and traffic doors. P.O. Box 448, 1101 East River Road, Dixon, IL 61021 CLICK www.raynor.com CALL 1- 80 0 - 4 - RAYNOR FAX 1-815-288- 7142 © 2007 Raynor Exclusively Distributed By: This information was as complete and factual as possible at the time it was printed. We do, however, reserve the right to make changes in product specifications and availability without notice. Features and options may be different in countries other than the United States. Product colors have been reproduced as well as possible with present commercial printing processes. For absolute accuracy in color matching, use actual product samples. 2903495 02/07 C E R S L A N T E • A C E R O 2438 mm X 2125 mm Affina Lisa en Blanco C O N S T R U C C I Ó N D E 3 C A PA S I G A R A J E A P A R A • S E C C I O N A L E S O P U E R T A S PREMIUM A Serie de puertas Raynor Innovation O R E C A • E T N A L S I A • R E C A PREMIUM O C O N S T R U C C I Ó N D E 3 C A PA S Las puertas Affina son elegantes y resistentes, ofreciéndole las características del sistema EnduracoteTM. Las puertas seccionales aprovechan al máximo el espacio disponible de su garaje. Por fuera, le permiten estacionarse en espacio reducido. Por dentro, la puerta se abre hasta el límite superior del techo de su garaje, dándole así el espacio suficiente para los grandes vehículos modernos. Secciones con grosor de 51 mm Las secciones Affina tienen un grosor de 51 mm y están fabricadas de un acero de 0,43mm galvanizado, fuerte, resistente al óxido y además tienen como acabado un revestimiento a base de laca de poliéster horneada para hacerla más resistente y prolongar su duración. Acabado al horno Epoxy Capa galvanizada Acero de Alta calidad Aislante de poliuretano Acero de Alta calidad Grosor de 51 mm Colores Estándar Blanco (similar al RAL 9016) Tono Arcilla (similar al RAL 1019) Almendra (similar al RAL 1013) Gris (similar al RAL 7040) Marrón* (similar al RAL 8028) Verde oscuro* (similar al RAL 6005) Para colores adicionales, contacte a su distribuidor de área. Coeficiente de transmisión térmica de las secciones k=0,31 W/m2K 2 *Características del proceso de laqueado en fluorocarbono, pvf2, que le brinda una prolongada protección contra los rayos UV para que no se decoloren las secciones. Affina Colonial Blanca de 4877mm x 2125mm Grosor de 51 mm Sistema de Herraje EnduraCote TM El sistema de Herraje EnduraCoteTM, únicamente Coeficiente de transmisión térmica de 0,31 W/m2K Garantía Premium Secciones de las puertas: 10 Años Herraje/Muelles/Resortes: 10 Años disponible, con las puertas Affina, le aporta una larga duración a los muelles/resortes, guías y herraje. Éstos están recubiertos mediante un proceso de laqueado electrostático que a la vez les da un acabado limpio y una máxima protección contra el óxido. Los rodillos de nylon y los cojinetes de acero ayudan a reducir el ruido en la parte superior. Llame al +1-800-472-9667 o visite la página www.raynor.com para contactar un distribuidor del área. 3 Funcionamiento & Durabilidad Apertura Silenciosa Los rodillos de nylon con cojinetes de acero tienen un suave desplazamiento, reduciendo el ruido en la parte superior - una gran ventaja cuando la vivienda esta cerca del garaje. Las bisagras están fabricadas con un acero de alta calidad, que le ofrecen un atractivo y sencillo diseño, además están laqueadas en blanco para brindarle máxima protección contra el óxido. Ahorro de Energía El aislante de poliuretano no contiene clorofluorocarbono, le brinda un ahorro de energía, y ocupa totalmente el espacio entre las chapas de las secciones. Coeficiente de las secciones k= 0,31 W/m2K, de toda la puerta k= 0,97 W/m2K. Muelles/Resortes de larga duración Los muelles EnduraCoteTM tienen una laca electrostática negra para resistir el óxido y darles mayor duración. Están diseñados de manera precisa y calculados de acuerdo al peso de la puerta para levantarla y bajarla sin esfuerzo alguno. 4 Acoplamiento Perfecto de las Guías Las guías EnduraCoteTM están laqueadas en blanco para un desplazamiento suave y a la vez atractivo. Las guías son ajustables para una rápida instalación y para un perfecto acoplamiento en el hueco de apertura previniendo así la pérdida de energía. Máxima Protección Térmica La protección térmica que le brinda la junta térmica de una pieza (A), previene el escape A del calor y el contacto de B metal a metal entre la chapa interior y exterior. Otra junta labial (B) que se encuentra entre las secciones, impide la circulación del aire y la filtración del agua. La Efectividad de la Junta Perimetral La junta perimetral garantiza máxima impermeabilización e impide el paso de corrientes de aire, lluvia y nieve. Seguridad Protección para los dedos Al abrir y cerrar la puerta, el sistema de Protección para dedos Raynor previene que los dedos queden atrapados, ya sea por dentro o fuera de las secciones. Protección Lateral La barra protectora lateral del marco impide el aprisionamiento accidental en ambos lados. Los cables siempre quedan por dentro de esta barra protectora. Protección del Cable Como medio de protección contra accidentes y lesiones, el cable está diseñado para que no pueda ser liberado mientras esté tensionado. Protección contra rotura del muelle/resorte El sistema de protección contra rotura del muelle/resorte impide que la puerta caiga más de 300 mm. 5 Opciones y Ventanas Dintel reducido Cerradura Como opción para puertas de operación manual, contamos con una cerradura cilíndrica tipo europea. Para casos donde no cuente con suficiente dintel, el sistema de apertura puede montarse en la parte trasera de la guía. Vitrales Decorativos L O Ú L T I M O E N Acristalamientos tipo DimensionsTM E L E G A N C I A Estilo Snap'In Acrílicos Serigrafiados y Biselados Sunburst Colonial Sunburst Ranch Stockton Colonial Stockton Ranch Cascade Colonial Cascade Ranch Sherwood Colonial Cathedral Colonial Antique Charcoal Ranch Antique Brass Ranch Regency Brass Colonial Expressions Brass Colonial Serigrafiados Sunray Ranch Nota: se muestran las ventanas instaladas en un garaje sencillo, con la excepción del modelo Sunray Ranch. Sherwood Colonial Cathedral Colonial Sunburst Ranch 6 Claro y Opaco Cristal Claro Templado Cristal Opaco Templado Colonial Colonial Rancho Rancho Diseño de la puerta E L E V A C I Ó N Y T A M A Ñ O S Colonial 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 1829mm - 2108mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 2125mm - 3124mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 5944mm - 6096mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 1829mm - 2108mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 2125mm - 3124mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 5944mm - 6096mm Ancho Liso Rancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 2125mm - 2108mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 3150m - 4114mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 5944mm - 6096mm Ancho 1829mm -2134mm Alto 1829mm - 6096mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 2125mm - 3124mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 3150mm — 4114mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 5944mm - 6096mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 1829mm - 6096mm Ancho Cuarterones Combinados Ridgelake Baypoint Highcrest Millcreek Bridgeport 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 2125mm - 3124mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 1829mm - 2134mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 2125mm - 3124mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 3150mm - 4114mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 2286mm - 2667mm Alto 4140mm - 5918mm Ancho 7 Croquis para puertas de garaje Detalle de la Jamba Ancho del Hueco 102mm (4") 127mm (5") 92mm (3,625") 92mm (3,625") Dintel EstÆndar Dintel Reducido Altura de la puerta + 546mm Altura de la puerta + 692mm Altura de la Puerta - 140mm (5,5") = Altura con OperaciÛn Manual Altura del Hueco 133mm (5,25") Altura de la Puerta - 76mm (3") = Altura con Mecanismo Autom·tico 476mm (18,75") La dimensiÛn que se le muestra no incluye el espacio necesario para el mecanismo autom·tico 120mm (4,25") + Altura de la Puerta Altura de la Puerta - 140mm (5,5") = Altura con OperaciÛn Manual Altura del Hueco Altura de la Puerta - 76mm (3") = Altura con Mecanismo Autom·tico 210mm (8,25") + Altura de la puerta La dimensiÛn que se le muestra no incluye el espacio necesario para el mecanismo autom·tico 476mm (18,75") 133mm (5,25") www.raynor.com Raynor Worldwide • P.O. Box 448, 1101 East River Road • Dixon, IL 61021-0448 USA Esta información al momento de imprimirse es completa y verídica. Sin embargo, nos reservamos el derecho de hacer cambios al producto en especificaciones y disponibilidad sin previo aviso. Se muestran los colores lo mas exacto posible de acuerdo al proceso de impresión utilizado. Para una apreciación más correcta del color, por favor utilice la muestra real del producto. Las características, especificaciones y demás opciones, están sujetas a cambio sin previo aviso. © 2005 Raynor Hecho en los Estados Unidos de América 2900136S-03/05 • R A Y N O R G A R A G E P R E M I U M M A S T E R P I E C E D O O R S A Work Of Art For Your Home. W A R R A N T E D F O R A S L O N G A S Y O U O W N Y O U R W I T H E N D U R A C O T E H O M E MASTERPIECE A Look That’s Tough To Resist. Every product line has its flagship, and the Raynor Masterpiece is ours. Masterpiece combines all the features homeowners want. Its eye-catching, deeply embossed woodgrain texture adds instant curb appeal to any home, while its two-sided steel design keeps your home safe and secure. Best of all, our EnduraCote Hardware System is standard on Masterpiece, so the entire package – door and hardware – is warranted “For As Long As You Own Your Home.” Cover: Masterpiece One- and Two-Car Colonial in White with Dimensions™ Expressions Brass Colonial Windows 2 S E L E C T I O N S Sizes Heights: 6'-6", 6'-8", 6'-9", 7'-0", 8'-0" Widths: 4'-0" to 18'-0" Panel Styles Colonial Ranch Flush Colors White Almond Brown BronzeTone* ClayTone *Not available after Dec. 31, 1999 Textured white interior finish standard. Product colors have been reproduced as best as possible with present commercial printing processes. For absolute accuracy in color matching, use actual product samples. Masterpiece Flush in Almond The standard EnduraCote Hardware System provides a clean, finished look and smooth, quiet operation with maximum rust protection. 3 STRENGTH & DURABILITY Beautiful Inside And Out. A textured white interior finish is standard, giving the inside of your garage a brighter, more attractive appearance. Protection Laid On Thick. An environmentally safe, 17/8" core of polystyrene insulation keeps noise out and comfort in. 4 Masterpiece with Standard White Interior Finish and EnduraCote™ Hardware System There’s Two Sides To This Steel Door. Masterpiece is made from rugged galvanized steel inside and out. Its superior two-sided steel design encases a core of thermally bonded, CFCfree, expanded polystyrene insulation. A full 2" thick, this sandwich style construction delivers an R-value of 10.25, to keep your garage cooler in summer and warmer in winter. What’s more, the finished interior of your door is just as attractive as its exterior. The result is the strongest, quietest, best insulated and finest-looking garage door you can buy. H A R D W A R E Built To Withstand The Elements. 2 Masterpiece has heavy-duty, hot-dipped galvanized steel sections with an epoxy primer and a baked-on polyester finish to resist rust and impact. To assure durable, long-lasting performance, standard features include: 1 1 2 3 4 5 Vinyl thermal break between interior & exterior skins Section joint seal to prevent weather infiltration Bottom weatherseal Adjustable track for precise fit Optional perimeter weatherseal to seal door along the top and sides 3 4 5 Steel Polystyrene Insulation Steel High Strength Steel Polystyrene Insulation High Strength Steel Galvanized Layer Epoxy Primer Baked-on Finish 6 Standard EnduraCote Hardware System Keeps You Covered. ™ 8 Raynor’s EnduraCote Hardware System is standard on the Masterpiece, and offers significant aesthetic and performance benefits. The powder-coated white track 6 and black springs 7 give the inside of your garage a clean, finished look. The powder-coated finish also provides the springs, track and other hardware with maximum protection against moisture and rust. And nylonencased, steel wheel, ball bearing rollers 8 provide smoother, quieter operation. Most important, with the Masterpiece, the entire package – door and hardware – is warranted “For As Long As You Own Your Home.” 7 5 O P E N E R S Deluxe Raynor offers a full line of garage door openers. Powerful, safe and reliable, Raynor openers provide maximum security for you, your family and your home. Choose belt, chain or screw drive models, from 1/3 to 1/2 hp, each with convenient hand-held transmitters. FliteStar™ 1/2 hp Chain Drive Economy Standard Aviator™ 1/2 hp Belt Drive Commander 1/2 hp Screw Drive Our beautiful window patterns put the perfect finishing touch on your Raynor Garage Door. Choose from a wide variety of decorative window styles to fully complement our door designs and your home’s exterior. Windows also let in natural light to brighten and warm the interior of your garage. Pilot 1/2 hp Chain Drive All three decorative styles are available in a variety of eye-catching designs. Choose practical snap-in style inserts to perfectly match your door’s panels. Our silkscreened glass window styles offer charm to any home. And for the ultimate in beauty and distinction, ask for our Dimensions™ leaded and beveled glass and acrylic windows. Navigator 1/3 hp Chain Drive Safety Sentinal™ photoelectric eyes come standard with all Raynor garage door openers. 6 See The Difference Raynor Decorative Windows Make. W A R R A N T Y Dimensions™ Regency Brass Colonial Antique Black Ranch Expressions Brass Colonial Antique Brass Ranch Diamond Colonial Diamonds 3 Ranch Sunrise Colonial Ovals & Diamonds Ranch Pinnacle Colonial Pinnacle Ranch Sunrise Ranch Silkscreen Styles Sherwood Colonial Sunburst Ranch Cathedral Colonial Snap-In Styles Available with clear or obscure glass. Sunburst Colonial Sunburst Ranch Stockton Colonial Stockton Ranch Cascade Colonial Cascade Ranch Sherwood Colonial Cathedral Colonial MASTERPIECE W I T H E N D U R A C O T Warranted “For As Long As You Own Your Home” We’ve backed Masterpiece with the Raynor “For As Long As You Own Your Home” Section Warranty against any rust– the industry’s finest! And with the EnduraCote Hardware System, all track, springs and hardware are covered, too. “For As Long As You Own Your Home” ▲ SECTION WARRANTY Raynor warrants Masterpiece door sections against cracking, splitting or deterioration due to rust as follows: (a) in residential single-family installations, for as long as the original purchaser owns the home; (b) in all other residential installations (including installations on facilities owned in common by condominium associations or similar organizations) for ten (10) years from date of delivery to the original purchaser. “For As Long As You Own Your Home” ▲ ENDURACOTE TRACK, HARDWARE & SPRING WARRANTY Raynor warrants Masterpiece hardware components against failure as follows: (a) in residential single-family installations, for as long as the original purchaser owns the home; (b) in all other residential installations (including installations on facilities owned in common by condominium associations or similar organizations) for ten (10) years from date of delivery to the original purchaser. Chips or surface imperfections due to abrasion on coated materials after installation are not considered failures. See your Raynor Dealer for additional warranty information. Sunray Ranch Clear Glass Colonial Obscure Glass Ranch Colonial Ranch E 7 P R E M I U M M A S T E R P I E C E • R A Y N O R G A R A G E D O O R S Professional Installation Gets The Job Done Right. When you select a Masterpiece from Raynor, you’re getting more than one of the finest garage doors in the world. You’re also getting the best service in the industry. Every Raynor Garage Door is installed by a trained Raynor professional. We do it right the first time, to assure performance and reliability from day one. From operation to safety to appearance, your installer will check to make sure everything meets Raynor’s strict performance standards. At Raynor, we take pride in how our doors are built. We’re also proud of the way they’re installed and serviced. Trust your Raynor Garage Door to the people who know it best: your professional Raynor Dealer. Exclusively Distributed By: RAYNOR WORLDWIDE P.O. Box 448, 1101 East River Road, Dixon, IL 61021-0448 RAYNOR CANADA 6311 Vipond Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L5T 1T7 1-800-4-RAYNOR (472-9667) www.raynor.com This catalog was as complete and factual as possible at the time it was printed. We do, however, reserve the right to make product changes in specifications and availability without notice. 8 © Copyright 1999 Raynor Garage Doors Made in U.S.A. Form No. 2902791-4/99 B&S 100K Features and options may be different in countries other than the United States.