Troubleshooting problems with the PDMWorks Enterprise database
Troubleshooting problems with the PDMWorks Enterprise database
Troubleshooting problems with the PDMWorks Enterprise database server The PDMWorks Enterprise database server is a helper service that periodically polls any PDMWorks Enterprise databases on the SQL server it is configured to connect to for changes. The following operations in PDMWorks Enterprise are dependent on the PDMWorks Enterprise database server being installed: o Automatic notifications – workflow and other automatic notifications, such as change state, lock, unlock, add and deadline. o View updates – automatic updating (refresh) of listings in file vault views and add-ins. o Card list updates – periodically updates card lists that use SQL queries for its content. o Cold store scheduling – update archive servers with changes made to cold store schedules. o Replication scheduling – updates archive servers with changes made to replication schedules. o Index server administration – allows administering the indexing service for content searches. If you have problems with any of these operations in PDMWorks Enterprise, try the following troubleshoot steps. Troubleshooting • Verify that the ConisioMasterDb database has correct vault and database names defined in FileVaults table. If this entry is missing, the PDMWorks Enterprise database server service will fail to process notifications. • Verify that the PDMWorks Enterprise database server is installed (normally on the SQL server hosting the file vault database). Ensure that the service called “PDMWorks Enterprise Database Server” is started and running. If not, install the PDMWorks Enterprise Database Server from the installation CD. • Ensure that correct authentication information for mail service is entered under Start, Programs, PDMWorks Enterprise, Database Server Configuration. Ensure that a SQL user login with at least “db_owner” access to all PDMWorks Enterprise databases (vault databases and PDMWorks Enterprise MasterDb) is entered correctly (for troubleshooting purposes, enter the “sa” user login). Ensure that the database polling time (normally every 60 second) is not set too high (try lowering it) or too low. • Check the Application Event Log (on the system running the PDMWorks Enterprise database server) for any errors reported from the “PDMWorks Enterprise Database Server”. If there are errors – most likely this is the cause of the failing service. Read the error information and try to correct the problem. For example, the following error points to a network related problem. Once corrected, restart the PDMWorks Enterprise Database Server service and verify that the error disappears. • The connection settings for the PDMWorks Enterprise Database Server are stored in the registry under the following key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\Applications\PDMWo rks Enterprise\MailService] The following values may have effect on the database server service and operation: Server – should contain the name of the SQL server hosting the PDMWorks Enterprise file vault databases to poll. If the PDMWorks Enterprise database server service is installed on the same system as the SQL server, and the “default” instance is used, the server value can be left blank. If incorrect, enter the SQL server name (and instance if used) and restart the PDMWorks Enterprise database server service. User – the SQL login that is used to poll any PDMWorks Enterprise file vault databases for new changes. This user needs at least “db_owner” access to the databases. If incorrect, use the “Database Server Configuration” described above to set the correct user and password. EventPollInterval – controls all operations in PDMWorks Enterprise that relies on “events” for updating, such as automatic view refresh, list updates, replication or cold storage changes, etc. This value is by default set to 10 (seconds). If missing or incorrect, enter correct value (DWORD) and restart the PDMWorks Enterprise database server service. PollInterval – controls how often the database server service should check the file vault databases for any new automatically generated notifications (e.g. workflow notifications). This value is by default set to 60 (seconds). If missing or incorrect, use the “Database Server Configuration” described above to set the correct interval. • When an automatic notification is generated, it is added to a file vault database table called “DocumentActionInfo” – the PDMWorks Enterprise database server service then polls the table (using the PollInterval setting described above) and sends the message to a user. Use SQL Server Management Studio to open the table “DocumentActionInfo”. Any rows displayed are automatic notifications waiting to be sent out – they should be processed by the PDMWorks Enterprise database server service. If the rows are not removed, the database server fails processing. Check for errors in the Application Event Log and incorrect settings. If the table is empty, the messages have either not been set up / triggered correctly, or they have been processed but not delivered to the correct user. Verify for instance the SMTP settings and that the correct group or user set has recipients. • When an “event” is triggered in PDMWorks Enterprise (changes to file listings, list updates, replication schedule changes, etc.), it is added to a file vault database table called “BroadcastEvent” – the PDMWorks Enterprise database server service then polls this table (using the EventPollInterval setting in the registry described above) and performs the event update. Use SQL Server Management Studio to open the table “BroadcastEvent”. Any rows displayed are events waiting to be sent – they should be processed by the PDMWorks Enterprise database server service. If the rows are not removed, the database server failed processing. Check for errors in the Application Event log and incorrect settings. If the table is empty, the events are processed correctly. • If using SMTP – ensure the SMTP settings are correct and that the user email address is valid (use the Configure MailSystem option in the administration tool, launch this by double-clicking on Message System). Start by making sure that normal notifications are working correctly using the “Database” setting under the General tab before troubleshooting the SMTP mail (note that if you are testing with for instance transition notifications, notifications are not processed if you set “yourself” as the recipient – the target user must be other than the logged in user triggering the notification). • Enable logging for the PDMWorks Enterprise database server by adding a registry value called “Log” with DWORD value “1” in the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\Applications\PDMWo rks Enterprise\MailService The log will be created in the C:\ root folder and called “DbServerLog.txt”. Open the file in a text editor and check for any problems or inconsistencies that may affect the database server operation. Note make sure you disable the logging (remove the value or set it to “0”) once you are finished, otherwise the log file will grow and fill up the disk. • If the service has been incorrectly installed it might not function correctly. You should try a “clean” reinstall of PDMWorks Enterprise Database Server using Add / Remove Programs (it is called PDMWorks Enterprise). If you have more PDMWorks Enterprise components installed, you can run the Change / Modify option to remove just the PDMWorks Enterprise Database Server. Once uninstalled, open the Registry Editor and delete the following key to remove any “old” incorrect settings: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\Applications\PDMWo rks Enterprise\MailService Reinstall the PDMWorks Enterprise Database Server from the PDMWorks Enterprise installation CD.