ealifornia means many things to many people and offers almost
ealifornia means many things to many people and offers almost
ealiforniameansmanythings tomany peopleand offersalmostevery kind of scenicdelight and vacation attraction. Therearesnowymountains,Fascinating desertsandwarmseabeaches. Its four NationalParksareLassenVolcanic,Sequoia,KingsCanyonandworld-renowned Yosemite. Fascinatingindeed is the orangeempirecountryofSouthernCalifornia.Below arange ofsnowypeaksthat giveprotectionfromthenorth,the fertile valleys lie inasub-tropicalclimate. In onesweeping glancetheeyeviewslongrows of palm, eucalyptusandotherwarmclimatetrees; betweenandamongthemendlessorchards oforanges,lemonsandothercitrus fruits; andbeyond, the majestic, protective mountains. Thegreatcities of Californiaareamong themostinterestingandromantic in the world,SanDiego with its yeararound equableclimate,LosAngeleswith itsnearbymoviecolonies,andSanFranciscoat theGoldenGate,redolent of pioneerand gold-rushdays. 1 OrangeGrovesand SnowyPeaks—Adelightful vista in Southern California's citrus fruit area. 7,9x/ppie 11624 /,1 6,0ana14,the 4 4, / / . S That u i a g,e/pilo14 - - - ..Z0J, qn,CIdeS 1,1-ti/te 19—.23, /950 24,/,ar,144 Illustrious Potentate R Chief Rabban L Assistant Rabban a o u n s i d a . N o L r r l n Roy Muchow A. Dunham o m e Pilgrimage Chairman o r n l w J o a e i a E D V u C Ceremonial Director a c h u y l e r C. Peck A r t h u r Vos, Jr. C l a r e n c e L. Bartholic o Assistant Treasurer C. Erb K. Brown Dale Houston d F. Eno C Captain of the Guard Outer Guard L Chaplain Orator o W Recorder Emeritus S 1st Ceremonial Master 2nd Ceremonial Master Marshall m Louis R. Simmons High Priest and Prophet Oriental Guide H Treasurer Recorder y l o o d p i a d l n d r o n n o e v C. Juergens t a s r D s h M. Ray DeLue M. Brooks A. Miller e C. Bayless S. Warriner d O. Schreck, P.P. 2,u/u4e4 - S' 250 MELONBALLCOCKTAIL CREAMOFCORNSOUP T O M A T O JUICE BROILEDYELLOWTAIL,MAITRED'HOTEL OLDFASHIONEDCHICKENPIE ROASTPRIMERIBOFBEEFAUJUS SCALLOPEDPOTATOES B R O C C O L I AUBEURRE glao,dftel7 Sh444e, 4 4. 0 /I. MS. HOTRAISINMUFFINS HEADLETTUCE,THOUSANDISLANDDRESSING PEACHMELBA TUTTIFRUTTISUNDAE B E R R I E S WITHCREAM THECHEESETRAY,TOASTEDSALTINES g,i/t-ci,i/de VAati/biLAn pz 4 c P,adizoact lane23, t950 COFFEE TEA M I L K ICEDTEAORCOFFEE Pricesshownsubject to SalesTax in Stateswhereapplicable. H. I. NORRIS,ManagerDining Car and Hotel Department,Union Pacific Railroad,Omaha,Nebr.
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