Information for candidates applying for the role of


Information for candidates applying for the role of
Information for candidates
applying for the role of Head
Godolphin and Latymer is an exceptional, vibrant and happy day school for approximately 800 girls aged between 11 and 18. It
has membership of HMC as well as GSA.
Academic standards are outstanding, as evidenced by the 2015 ISI report and the IB, A Level and GCSE results but what sets
the school apart is its pastoral care. Girls at Godolphin and Latymer are not statistics: they are each recognised, valued and
encouraged as individuals. From the Governing Body, the staff, the parents and the pupils the same message comes across clearly:
the school cares about each girl and works alongside her.
This is a principled, warm and friendly community where a strong sense of social responsibility is encouraged and where respect
for other human beings is paramount. Those who are fortunate enough to attend the school know that they are blessed and
recognise that with such privilege comes responsibility.
Every day at Godolphin and Latymer is about challenge: challenge in the classroom, in the rich and varied programme of extra
and co curricular activities, in spiritual and creative opportunities, and in terms of doing good and caring for others within the
immediate and the wider community. The Challenge Your Limits programme is designed to help pupils build resilience.
A glance at the list of regularly weekly activities and school visits shows that pupils have an extraordinary range of opportunities.
Sport, music, drama and art are outstanding. There are all the expected clubs and societies but a wonderful range of minority
interest groups too, from a History Documentary Society to a Lost in Translation Club. School visits range from the Houses of
Parliament and the museums and galleries of London to a History and Politics trip to Washington, an orchestral exchange to
Hamburg, a History of Art trip to Rome and a skiing trip to Vermont.
Godolphin and Latymer has long played an important role within the local community and currently both the Public Lecture Series
and the Ancient World Breakfast Club are very well-supported. Both attract speakers of high calibre, recent examples include
Clare Balding, Mary Warnock, David Starkey, Simon Sebag Montefiore, Dr Sam Moorhead and Professor Mark Smith. The school is
an educational partner for the Kensington Aldridge Academy and also supports a number of local primary schools in a variety of
imaginative ways.
The school’s facilities are superb, with recent additions including the Bishops Centre which includes a Grade 2* listed church now
used as a flexible performing arts centre and a stunning new Sports and Fitness Centre. The school site is a little like a tardis:
the imposing front gives no hint of the size of the site which opens up as you step inside to include extensive laboratories, an
impressive library, an enormous astro-turf and small courtyard gardens, planned to give girls a place to pause and reflect.
“At Godolphin and Latymer, we aim to provide our girls with an outstanding education. Through the lessons and activities in
which they participate, girls learn for life. They develop habits of mind that promote curiosity and initiative, intellectual rigour and
independence of thought, reflective learning and flexible thinking, the ability to maintain an open mind and to reach a balanced
judgement. They achieve excellent examination results and follow the higher education pathway of their choice at leading
institutions in the UK and beyond.
At Godolphin and Latymer, we recognise that all our girls are different and we aim to provide each one with a stimulating and
enjoyable education. We offer an exciting range of intellectual, creative and physical challenges and opportunities, encouraging
the development of individual passions and particular skills alongside the self esteem and confidence with which to succeed in
unfamiliar situations.
At Godolphin and Latymer, our long history of providing education for girls from a wide range of backgrounds creates an
enriching and inclusive atmosphere. Within this principled, caring and friendly community, girls learn to lead, to work together
for mutual benefit, to communicate and to forge firm friendships.
At Godolphin and Latymer, we encourage girls to learn about local, national and global issues and, in so doing, we believe
they become considerate, compassionate and courageous young women who fully expect to take active responsibility for the
community and the environment in which they live, as well as for themselves, both now and in the future.”
Built in 1861 as the Godolphin School for boys, in 1905 it became Godolphin and Latymer School, an independent day school for
girls associated with the Latymer Foundation. In 1951 the school received Voluntary Aided status but in 1977 it reverted to full
independent status.
The ISI inspection in November 2015 concluded that the school was exceptional in the quality of the achievements of the girls
and excellent in every area.
The curriculum is designed to develop a love of learning in all the pupils, motivating and enthusing them with skills appropriate
to the 21st century. Again, the girls are seen as individuals and helping each one develop her potential is central to the
school’s ethos. It is clear, too, that the curriculum is designed to prepare the girls to be global citizens, with a sense of personal
and social responsibility.
Emphasis is placed on teaching the girls to develop critical, problem-solving and creative thinking skills.
In the Lower School (Years 7, 8 and 9) a very broad, balanced curriculum is provided with girls being encouraged to sample a
wide range of subjects before their choices are narrowed at GCSE. In the Middle Years (Years 10 and 11), girls normally take ten
subjects to GCSE/IGCSE. In the Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13) there is a choice between A Levels and the IB Diploma.
Higher Education and Careers Advice is offered from Year 9 upwards and work experience is taken after GCSEs at the end
of Year 11.
For those who need additional help, there is an Individual Learning Co-ordinator with a specialist qualification in teaching
pupils with specific learning difficulties, who liaises closely with subject teachers.
Exam results are stunning. In 2015, 71% of GCSEs were passed with an A* and 94% with A*/A. At A Level, 25% were passed
with an A* and 64% with A*/A. At IB, the average points score was 40.
Typically, 15-20% of leavers win places at Oxford and Cambridge and 15-20% go to American, Canadian and other overseas
universities. The others usually attend Russell Group universities with a small but significant number going to Art College. ADMISSIONS
The school is part of the North London Independent Girls’ School Consortium (Group 2). Within this Consortium, certain schools
have grouped together to ease pressure on schools and candidates by having common papers and using the same mark scheme.
The results are made available to all the schools in the consortium and those to which the candidate has applied consider whether
or not to offer a place.
At Godolphin and Latymer, every candidate is selected on her merits and it is immaterial whether she comes from a maintained
or independent school. At Year 7, offers are made on the basis of results in the entrance tests in Mathematics and English, the
school reference and two interviews.
The Governing Body consists of 19 people and is chaired by Clifford Hampton, who will be handing over the Chair to Alison
Paines in December 2016.
There is an impressive range of skills on the Governing Body and it is a very supportive body, deeply committed to the core values
of the school.
The Head leads a Senior Leadership Team of nine people, all of whom report directly to the Head. They meet every week and take
it in turns to produce the agenda (in consultation with the Head) and chair the meeting. The Head also meets every week with
each member of the SLT.
The Godolphin and Latymer Bursary Fund is a separate charity whose aims include the advancement of the charitable objects
of the school. The Bursary Fund makes significant sums available to the school each year to enable the school to supplement
the means-tested bursaries that it awards; it has also loaned funds to the school to help fund the development of the school’s
facilities. The Head is a Trustee of the Bursary Fund.
There is an active Parent Teacher and Friends’ Association, chaired by the Head.
The Association, which meets four times a year, seeks to ensure that all parents feel able to be involved in and contribute to
school life. It encourages parents to meet up socially, as well as providing a forum for discussion and raising funds. OLD DOLPHINS’ ASSOCIATION (ODA)
All girls become members of the strong ODA. It holds regular reunions, which are well attended and offers real support for
current girls in the areas of careers, advice and offers of work experience. They regularly visit school to speak to current girls and
staff. The ODA coordinator is a member of the Development Office and reports to the Development Director.
It is expected that the Head of Godolphin and Latymer will demonstrate a wide range of qualities and skills.
These will include:
• • The ability to understand, empathise with and enjoy the
distinctive culture, ethos and values of the school
• • The skills to remain up to date with educational change
and to select judiciously what is best for the school
• • A commitment to the broad, balanced and holistic
education which is a hallmark of the school and is
framed in the aims listed above
• • The ability to analyse and to think and plan strategically
for the future of the school
• • The ability to inspire and motivate pupils to fulfil
their potential
• • A determination to ensure the school remains at
the cutting-edge in key areas, including the best of
educational technology
• • The ability to inspire and motivate staff to be and do
their best
• • Strong ambassadorial skills with which to promote and
market the school
• • Care and concern for the individual as well as the school
as a whole
• • A commitment to the education of girls and an
understanding of the benefits of a girls-only environment
• • The ability to win and retain the confidence and trust
of parents
• • Well developed soft skills, including the ability to listen,
but an inner strength and a willingness to make decisions
• • The skills with which to work effectively and productively
with the Governors
• • A willingness to assist effectively with the fundraising
and development needs of the school
• • A collaborative approach to leadership and management
• • An understanding of and empathy with teenage girls
• • Strong financial and business sense
• • The skills to ensure that the school is compliant with all
required legislation and regulation, including health and
safety and safeguarding
• • Excellent communication skills from the written word to
public speaking
• • A commitment to social responsibility for those
less fortunate
• • High academic standards and a passion for all that
is best in education, including enthusiasm for the IB as
well as A Levels
• • Organisational and time management skills
• • Outstanding teaching skills
• • Determination to continue the process of personal
development thus becoming a better leader, year by year.
The role of the Head is to lead, manage and further develop the school’s delivery of an outstanding education, meeting the needs
of the approx. 800 girls (aged 11-18 years) in its care.
Building on the ethos and traditions of the school that are highly valued by girls, staff, parents, Governors and alumnae, the
Head will articulate a clear vision for the school that ensures it continues to achieve its ambitious aims to provide girls with an
outstanding, stimulating and enjoyable education.
The Head leads an SLT that includes:
• • Bursar
• • Senior Teacher: Head of Sixth Form
• • Senior Deputy Head (Pastoral)
• • Senior Teacher: Staff Development
• • Deputy Head (Academic)
• • Senior Teacher: School Organisation
• • Development Director
• • Senior Teacher: Teaching and Learning
The Head is accountable to the Governing Body. All members of the SLT report to the Head, although there is a strong
communication between all members of the team and the Governors. The Bursar is also the Clerk to the Governors. The Head is
in attendance at all Governors’ Committees.
The principal Governors’ Committees are:
• Policy and Governance Committee, made up of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and the Chairs of all the other committees
mentioned below, the purpose of which is to ensure a common understanding of the major issues that the School faces and
co-ordinates a consistent approach to these between the Governors’ committees and the School’s Senior Leadership Team.
The Committee also recommends appointments of a Head, Governors, the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Governors, and
considers membership of Governors’ committees
• The Education Committee, which considers matters relating to the curriculum and, more widely, to teaching, learning and
pastoral matters generally
• The Finance, Audit and Investment Committee which assesses the School’s financial position and to review the capital
and operating budgets, cash forecasts, management accounts, audited accounts and the annual report for presentation
to the Governors
• The Development, Communications and Alumnae Relations Committee, which principally works with the school’s Development
Office, which raises funds for bursaries and for additional facilities for the school, and maintains contact with the school’s
alumnae, Old Dolphins
• The Health, Safety and Risk Management Committee, which has responsibility delegated from the Governing Body to review
any major risks associated with the operation of the School and the Foundation.
The SLT works closely with staff, governors, girls and parents and, together with the Head, the full team actively engages with all
members of the school’s community, participating fully in school life.
Key Responsibilities
• • Strategic Vision and Direction of the school
• • Together with the Governing Body, provide strategic direction, in line with the school’s aims
• • Ensure that the ethos and values of the school are maintained and developed, through leadership by example
and mutual respect
• • Ensure that appropriate planning processes and plans are in place to enable the agreed vision to be realised, with
appropriate targets in place against which delivery can be monitored and measured and in which priorities and costs are
clearly identified and maintained using robust self-evaluation
• • Enhance the performance and reputation of the school, keeping it at the forefront of academic, cultural and pastoral
developments in education.
Educational Provision and Quality
• • Ensure that the educational aims of the school are met so that all girls develop a love of learning and achieve the best of
which they are able, as they learn for life, developing habits of mind that promote curiosity and initiative, intellectual rigour
and independence of thought, reflective learning and flexible thinking, the ability to maintain an open mind and to reach a
balanced judgement
• • Ensure that the highest standards of teaching and learning are delivered in an environment in which all pupils can fulfil their
potential; ensure that all staff have high expectations of pupils and that performance is regularly and effectively reviewed
• • Lead, encourage and support innovative teaching and learning, with a particular focus on the development of the use of
ICT for learning
• • Ensure that the curriculum remains challenging and appropriate for high ability students and that it is reviewed regularly in the
light of national and international developments
• • Ensure that the school retains its reputation as a place of academic excellence
• • Maintain the school’s commitment to the offer of a choice of pathways in the sixth form; IB and A level comprise the offer
available since 2005.
Staff and Pupil Well-being
• • Ensure that the ethos is maintained of high academic achievement in the context of a mentoring and supportive environment
in which pupils develop appropriate habits of mind, skills and qualities in an enriching and inclusive atmosphere, becoming
considerate, compassionate and caring young women
• • Ensure that the extra-curricular programme is as full and varied as possible in line with the school’s aims to offer an exciting
range of intellectual, creative and physical challenges and opportunities, encouraging the development of individual passions
and particular skills
• • Build and maintain strong relations with all staff and pupils
• • Ensure the well-being of individual staff and pupils through maintenance and development of appropriate strategies offering
training, support and guidance
• • Ensure that all safeguarding policies and procedures are fully understood and implemented by all staff
• • Ensure that appropriate access to training and development is available to all staff and that a system of effective performance
management is in place for all staff
• • Ensure that the needs of individual pupils are well-met through appropriate academic and pastoral monitoring and measures.
Communication, Marketing and Admissions
• • Maintain and develop the excellent reputation of the school
• • Promote the school to all audiences and in a variety of media/ways
• • Ensure that excellent channels of communication are maintained throughout all sections of the school community
• • Maintain and develop appropriate recruitment strategies in order to continue to attract high calibre pupils, from as wide a
range of backgrounds as possible
• • Maintain excellent links with parents
• • Maintain and develop links with local schools and other institutions, enhancing the school’s position within the local area
• • Maintain and develop local, national and international links
• • Maintain and develop effective working relationships with other schools that may send children to Godolphin and Latymer
• • Build and maintain strong relationships with those members of staff responsible for these areas of work.
Development, Fundraising, Alumnae Relations
• • Lead and support the school’s Development function to ensure that all future fundraising efforts are as successful
as possible in order to develop the school’s Bursary Fund and to allow the school to invest further in facilities, buildings
and resources
• • Encourage the support of parents, alumnae and the local community through involvement in events and other
fund-raising activities
• • Support the school’s Old Dolphins Association.
Management of resources, risk-management and compliance
• • Recruit, lead and manage a high quality team of staff, committed to the success and well-being of the students;
ensure staff are retained and developed
• • Ensure the smooth running of the school
• • Work closely with the Bursar to ensure that all of the school’s resources are used wisely; to identify alternative sources of
funding; to generate surplus for on-going development of the school; and to develop the annual budget to identify priorities
for capital projects
• • Ensure appropriate resources are available to staff to provide the outstanding education identified in the school’s aims
• • Ensure compliance with all relevant legislation and health and safety requirements, develop appropriate policies as required
• • Evaluate and monitor all risks in consultation with the governing body
• • Ensure that the school is fully prepared for all inspections
• • Lead and manage change effectively.
The successful candidate will be offered a very generous package. The post will be offered subject to the necessary preemployment checks, including medical fitness and enhanced DBS check.
Interested candidates are invited to contact RSAcademics by email or telephone to arrange a confidential discussion with one of
the consultants handling this appointment:
Holly Fitzgerald T: 01743 358170 M: 07801 522913
Claire Oulton
T: 01983 761352 M: 07738 737482
Alternatively, call our Head office on +44(0)1858 467449 where Alice Matcham will be able to help you.
The deadline for receipt of applications is Monday 9th May 2016 at 10am.
Candidates should complete their application form electronically and email to RSAcademics, together with a short covering
letter addressed to Clifford Hampton Chairman of Governors, which explains their motivation for applying. There is no need
to submit a CV.
Please email these two documents to RSAcademics, as PDF files, to Alice Matcham:
The process is as follows:
• • All applications will be acknowledged by email. If you have not received acknowledgement that your application has been
received within two working days of sending it, please contact our Head Office by telephone
• • Selected candidates will be invited for preliminary interviews with Claire Oulton at the Institute of Directors on Monday 16th
or Tuesday 17th May
• • Long list interviews with the Governors’ selection panel will be on Tuesday 14th or Wednesday 15th June at the School.
Candidates will only be required for part of one day
• • Final interviews will take place over two days on Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd June. Candidates will be required for
both days.
Godolphin & Latymer School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. The post is
subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check, sight of original qualification certificates, satisfactory references and
a medical. The post is also subject to a negative response to an enquiry as to whether a prohibition order has been made by the
Secretary of State.
Founded in 2002 by Russell Speirs, RSAcademics specialises in schools, in the UK and internationally, advising on marketing
strategy and research, leadership consultancy and the search and selection of Heads and senior staff. Comprising a team of the
best schools’ marketing professionals and respected former school leaders, RSAcademics provides a high quality service to schools
with rigour, experience and warmth. Please visit for more information.