spring 2015 - aBridge International
spring 2015 - aBridge International
SPRING 2015 Meet Ellie Claire Y ou may not have realized it but our company is named after a real person—Ellie Claire. And if you had the chance to know Ellie like we do, you would see why we are so proud of this fact. Ellie (pictured on right) is a compassionate young lady who is quick to see a need and step in to VHUYH6KHFDQLQWXLWLYHO\VHQVHZKHQVRPHRQHLVKXUWLQJDQGZLOOFKHHUIXOO\RͿHUDQDUPLQJ word. She feels for the discouraged and thoughtfully encourages from her heart. Her beautiful compassion was seen during a recent visit to a nursing home when Ellie entered a dark room with her father to visit one of the patients. As her eyes adjusted in the dim light, a malformed hand reached out to her, longing for a connection or a smile. Instead of recoiling at the sight like her father, she stepped toward the man, extended her hand, and said, “Hi there,” with a sincere smile and nod. The young patient whose body was twisted but whose mind was bright, squirmed with delight as Ellie brought a bit of grace and love to his dismal world. In the same way that Ellie was a beautifully packaged expression of God’s love in that nursing home, our hope is that the products in this catalog will be irresistible expressions of God’s love DQGWUXWK:HKDYHFDUHIXOO\DQGWKRXJKWIXOO\FUHDWHGHDFKSURGXFWWRDUPHQFRXUDJHUHÁHFW grace, and celebrate God’s love to our world. Ellie Claire…inspired by life. CONTENTS 2.................SPINNER AND PREPACK 4.................SIGNATURE JOURNALS 13...............COMPACT INSPIRATION JOURNALS 14...............LEATHERLUXE™ JOURNALS 16...............INSPIRATIONAL JOURNALS 18...............FLEX JOURNALS 19...............JOURNALS FOR KIDS 20...............ON-‐T HE-‐GO JOURNALS 20...............ELEMENTS JOURNALS 21...............365-‐DAY DEVOTIONAL JOURNALS 22...............WOMEN OF JOY GIFTS 24...............GIFT BOOKS 28...............MINI BOOKS 30...............MAJESTIC BIBLE ACCESSORIES 32...............POCKET INSPIRATIONS DELUXE 33...............REP GROUPS ౨ Ellie Claire Spring 2015 Catalog © 2014 Ellie Claire® Gift & Paper Expressions Ellie Claire is a registered trademark of Worthy Media, Inc. Ellie Claire, an imprint of Worthy Publishing Group, a division of Worthy Media, Inc. 134 Franklin Road, Suite 200, Brentwood, TN 37027 615.932.7600 | Info@EllieClaire.com Printed in the USA ĕĎēēĊėĘƭĎĘĕđĆĞĘ BULJKWHQXS\RXUVWRUHZLWKRXUZLQQLQJÁRRU display. The Ellie Claire® Gift Center is designed to GHOLYHUVLPSOLFLW\HOHJDQFHDQGSURÀWWR\RXUUHWDLO VDOHVÁRRU7KLVDWWUDFWLYHDFU\OLFVSLQQHULVVWXUG\ SUDFWLFDODQGFRQYHQLHQW0D[LPL]HSURÀWDELOLW\ZLWK its large capacity and small footprint! Eye-catching graphics and smooth-rolling casters will allow you to IHDWXUHH[TXLVLWH(OOLH&ODLUHMRXUQDOVJLIWERRNVDQG %LEOHDFFHVVRULHVDQ\ZKHUHLQWKHVWRUH SPINNER PREPACK COLLECTION (See opposite page) :HKDYHSXWWRJHWKHUDQDVVRUWPHQWRIMRXUQDOVEDVHG on our experience and historical sales data. These twenty journals represent a wide range of designs, WKHPHVDQGÀQLVKHV:HKDYHLQFOXGHGRXUEHVW sellers and our newest titles so that when you open WKLVVSLQQHUSUHSDFN\RXZLOOKDYHHYHU\WKLQJ\RX need for a successful journal program. FEATURES &RPSDFWGHVLJQXVHVRQO\RQHVTXDUHIRRWRIUHWDLOVSDFH &RQYHQLHQWVPRRWKUROOLQJVWXUG\FDVWHUV $WWUDFWLYHKLJKTXDOLW\HOHJDQWDFU\OLFVKHOYHV *UHDWYDOXHZLWKDIXOO\ORDGHGGLVSOD\IRUXQGHU ISBN 9781935416029 Empty Spinner 12 x 12 x 68 tall 20 pockets hold 5 books each Compact design uses only one square foot of retail space Attractive, high-quality, elegant acrylic shelves Holds 100 units when full Spinner and prepack (see page 3) of 100 journals $1509 MSRP/$754.50 NET 9 781935 416029 2 ĕĎēēĊėėĊĕĆĈĐĔđđĊĈęĎĔē ISBN: 9781609369507 Hope Pray Love Compact Inspiration $9.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609369514 All Things Are Possible Compact Inspiration $9.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781633260085 Strength and Dignity $14.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609369521 Sweet Thoughts $14.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781934770733 For I Know the Plans—Butterfly $14.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609369149 I Can Do All Things $14.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609368159 For I Know the Plans—Bird $14.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609368630 Faith Journal $14.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609369316 Better is One Day $14.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609369347 Be-You-tiful $14.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609368654 Psalms Flocking $14.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609369323 It’s a Beautiful Day $14.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609369309 Awake My Soul $14.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609369354 With God, Everything Is Possible $14.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609369842 Cruise Journal $16.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609365455 Travel Deluxe $16.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609368074 Serenity Deluxe $16.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609368616 Amazing Grace Deluxe $16.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609368623 Psalms Deluxe $16.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609368265 Travel Journal & Sketchbook $16.99 MSRP 3 ĎČēĆęĚėĊĔĚėēĆđĘ Whether looking for gifts for family, friends, or acquaintances, our Signature Journals have elegant touches that make for memorable gift giving. Exquisitely crafted FRQWHQWDQGOX[XU\ÀQLVKHV elevate these chic gifts to a new level, making a remarkable impression. Deep debossing creates a rich tactile experience. 6SHFLDOOD\ÁDWELQGLQJULEERQPDUNHUHQKDQFHMRXUQDOLQJ 4 The inside back pocket is perfect for protecting keepsakes. FEATURES L)7B:3A>317J11=<B3<BE7B67<A>7@/B7=</:?C=B3A prayers, and Scripture LC::1=:=@7<B3@7=@:/G=CBA=<6756?C/:7BG>/>3@ L&@3A3<B/B7=<>/534=@>3@A=</:7H/B7=< L&3/@:3A13<B>/>3@1=D3@E7B63;0=AA7<5 spot UV, ribbon marker L!33>A/93>=193B=<B637<A7230/191=D3@ SPECIFICATIONS Trim size: 6 x 8 Hardcover/Smythe-Sewn Binding Deboss/Spot UV 160 Pages NEW ISBN 9781633260115 Footprints $14.99 MSRP 9 781633 260115 (YHU\RQHORYHVDFODVVLF2XUEHVWVHOOLQJFRQWHQWDQG IUHVKXSGDWHGGHVLJQFRPELQHIRUWKHXOWLPDWHJLIWDEOH journal. Every other page is full of encouraging and comforting quotes and Scriptures while the other side is lightly lined for journaling. $YDLODEOH God is our refuge and strength. In quiet moments that strength LVSRXUHGLQWRRXUOLYHVEXLOGLQJIDLWKDQGRͿHULQJKRSH,Q MXVWDIHZTXLHWPRPHQWVHDFKGD\WKLVMRXUQDOFDQEHÀOOHG ZLWKLQVLJKWVSUD\HUVRUREVHUYDWLRQVDERXWOLIH*RGDQG whatever the day may hold. Scripture and gentle quotes add encouragement and comfort. $YDLODEOH NEW ISBN: 9781633260092 Be Still and Know that I Am God $14.99 MSRP 9 781633 260092 5 ĎČēĆęĚėĊĔĚėēĆđĘ NEW ISBN: 9781609369842 Cruise Journal $16.99 MSRP 9 781609 369842 Based on the success of our popular travel journal, the Cruise Journal KDVFRQWHQWWDLORUHGIRUWKHFUXLVHPDUNHWZKLFKLVPLOOLRQFUXLVH passengers strong each year. Going on a cruise is a luxury that deserves WREHUHPHPEHUHGDQGH[SHULHQFHGLQDMRXUQDODVVSHFLDODVWKHWULS Ellie Claire’s elegant journal is the perfect companion for cruise ship travelers who want the most out of their experience. In addition to room IRUUHÁHFWLQJLWDOVRLQFOXGHVVSDFHIRUUHFRUGLQJDGGUHVVHVRIWKRVH\RX meet, travel details, ship details, a daily log, and more. NEW ISBN: 9781633260085 She Is Clothed with Strength & Dignity $14.99 MSRP 6 9 781633 260085 An empowering journal for the wisest of women who put their future in God’s hands and face OLIHZLWKMR\3XEOLVKHGLQSDUWQHUVKLSZLWK:RPHQRI-R\0LQLVWULHVShe Is Clothed with Strength 'LJQLW\ is the perfect place to write conversations with God, prayers and answers, or the GDLO\GHWDLOVRIOLIH6HHWKHZKROHOLQHRI:RPHQRI-R\SURGXFWVRQSDJH SPECIFICATIONS Trim size: 6 x 8 Hardcover/Smythe-Sewn Binding Deboss/Spot UV 160 Pages ISBN: 9781609369330 Whispers of Grace $14.99 MSRP 9 781609 369330 Filled with encouragement of God’s deep love for us, this journal inspires us to love and give love in response. By following His example, reading His Word, and FRPPXQLFDWLQJZLWK+LPZHFDQEHSDUWRIWKHJUHDWHVW love of all time. All we have to do is open our eyes, ears, and souls to listen for the whispers of His grace. ISBN: 9781609369521 Sweet Thoughts Art © Terri Conrad $14.99 MSRP 9 781609 369521 &DSWXUHWKHVZHHWWKRXJKWVSUD\HUVRUREVHUYDWLRQVWKDWFRPH into each day. Inspirational quotes and verses add encouragement WRHYHU\SDJHDGRUQHGZLWKDUWE\7HUL&RQUDG 7 ĎČēĆęĚėĊĔĚėēĆđĘ ISBN: 9781609369354 With God, Everything Is Possible $14.99 MSRP SPECIFICATIONS Trim size: 6 x 8 Hardcover/Smythe-Sewn Binding Deboss/Spot UV 160 Pages 9 781609 369354 Filled with God’s timeless promises, this is the perfect SODFHWRH[SORUHDOOOLIH·VSRVVLELOLWLHVZKHUHYHUOLIHWDNHV \RX:KHWKHUWKH\OLNHWRVHHWKHZRUOGIURPEHKLQGD windshield or from their living room windows, journalers FDQSORWWKHMRXUQH\UHFRUGWKHEOHVVLQJVDQGH[SORUHWKH SRVVLELOLWLHVRIDOLIHOLYHGZLWK*RG&RQWHPSRUDU\GHVLJQ LVSDLUHGZLWKWLPHOHVVTXRWHVDQG6FULSWXUHWRPDNHD MRXUQDOWKDWÀWVDQ\RFFDVLRQRUORFDWLRQ ISBN: 9781609369316 Better Is One Day $14.99 MSRP 8 9 781609 369316 'D\E\GD\PRPHQWE\PRPHQWFDSWXUHWKHMR\WKDW FRPHVIURPZDONLQJZLWK*RG-RXUQDODERXWDOOWKH days—the challenging, the triumphant, the monotonous, WKHVHUHQGLSLWRXV³NQRZLQJWKDW*RGLVZLWK\RXHYHU\ moment. Inspirational messages warm the pages with DUPDWLRQDQGMR\ ISBN: 9781609369323 It’s a Beautiful Day $14.99 MSRP 9 781609 369323 (YHU\GD\FDQEHIXOORIPHDQLQJDQGEHDXW\UHJDUGOHVVRI WKHFLUFXPVWDQFHVVXUURXQGLQJLWEHFDXVHRI*RG·VIDLWKIXO love and presence. Whether the sun is shining or the clouds DUHPRXQWLQJZLWK*RGHYHU\GD\LVDEHDXWLIXOGD\6HHN RXWWKHEHDXW\6RDNXSWKHZDUPWK$QGUHPHPEHULW IRU\HDUVWRFRPHE\MRXUQDOLQJ4XRWHVDQG6FULSWXUHDUH LQFOXGHGWRLQVSLUHWKRXJKWDQGUHÁHFWLRQ ISBN: 9781609369347 Be-YOU-tiful $14.99 MSRP 9 781609 369347 7KLVVWXQQLQJMRXUQDOÀOOHGZLWKLQVSLUDWLRQDO TXRWHVDQG6FULSWXUHVKHOSVUHFLSLHQWVFHOHEUDWHWKHLU XQLTXHQHVV,WLVWKHSHUIHFWSODFHWRUHÁHFWRQ*RG·V EHDXW\LQ\RXUOLIH 9 SPECIFICATIONS Trim size: 6 x 8 Hardcover/Smythe-Sewn Binding 160 Pages ĎČēĆęĚėĊĔĚėēĆđĘ ISBN: 9781609369408 When God Speaks, Take Good Notes $14.99 MSRP 9 781609 369408 9 781609 369309 *RGVSHDNVWRXVLQYDULRXVZD\V³WKURXJKWKH %LEOHZLVHIULHQGVFKDOOHQJLQJVLWXDWLRQVDQGWKH EHDXW\RIQDWXUH7KLVMRXUQDOLVWKHSHUIHFWSODFH WRUHFRUGKRZ*RGLVVSHDNLQJLQ\RXUOLIH Life is too wondrous, too exciting to sleep through. 7KHVHTXRWHVDQG6FULSWXUHVZLOODZDNHVRXOVLQWKH morning or encourage hearts throughout the day. ISBN: 9781609368159 For I Know the Plans BIRD $14.99 MSRP ISBN: 9781609368524 My Beautiful Life $14.99 MSRP 9 781609 368159 7KH\HDUDKHDGKDVWKHSRWHQWLDOWREHXQOLNHDQ\ \HDUWKDWKDVFRPHEHIRUH,WLVZDLWLQJWREHÀOOHG ZLWK*RGJLYHQGUHDPVFRPHWUXHSODQVIXOÀOOHG goals accomplished, and opportunities explored. 10 ISBN: 9781609369309 Awake My Soul $14.99 MSRP 9 781609 368524 6RPHWLPHVHYHQWKHPRVWVHHPLQJO\LQVLJQLÀFDQW PRPHQWVFDQUHÁHFW*RG·VKDQGRQRXUOLYHV7KLV MRXUQDOZLOOKHOS\RXFDSWXUHDOOWKHEHDXWLIXO moments of life. ISBN 9781609368265 A Travel Journal & Sketchbook $16.99 MSRP 9 781609 368265 7KLVMRXUQDOKDVERWKEODQNSDJHVIRUVNHWFKLQJRU GRRGOLQJDQGOLQHGSDJHVIRUMRXUQDOLQJ7UDYHOVSHFLÀF quotes and Scripture add inspiration for the journey. Size GLͿHUVVOLJKWO\IURP6LJQDWXUH-RXUQDOV SPECIFICATIONS Trim size: 5.5 x 8.375 Hardcover/Smythe-Sewn Binding Recycled Paper Craft paper endsheets 160 Pages ISBN: 9781609362379 When God Thinks of You He Smiles $14.99 MSRP 9 781609 362379 ISBN: 9781609369132 Amazing Grace $14.99 MSRP 9 781609 369132 ISBN: 9781609369149 I Can Do All Things $14.99 MSRP 9 781609 369149 11 SPECIFICATIONS Trim size: 6 x 8 Hardcover/Smythe-Sewn Binding Deboss/Spot UV 160 Pages ĎČēĆęĚėĊĔĚėēĆđĘ 12 ISBN: 9781934770245 Serenity $14.99 MSRP 9 781934 770245 ISBN: 9781934770313 Travel Journal $12.99 MSRP 9 781934 770313 ISBN: 9781609365790 My Prayer Journal $14.99 MSRP 9 781609 365790 ISBN: 9781934770733 For I Know the Plans BUTTERFLY $14.99 MSRP 9 781934 770733 ̈́ͻǤͻͻĔĒĕĆĈęĎēĘĕĎėĆęĎĔēďĔĚėēĆđĘ %XGJHWIULHQGO\FRPSDFWMRXUQDOVKDYHDOORIWKH(OOLH&ODLUHVSHFLDOÀQLVKHV6PDOOHU[VL]H LVSHUIHFWIRUWRVVLQJLQDEDFNSDFNGXHEDJRUDWWDFKp/LJKWLQVSLUDWLRQDOFRQWHQW³SULQWHGRQ every third spread—helps these compact journals uplift spirits without being overpowering. NEW ISBN: 9781609369514 All Things Are Possible $9.99 MSRP 9 781609 369514 NEW ISBN: 9781609369507 Hope, Pray, Love $9.99 MSRP 9 781609 369507 NEW ISBN: 9781633260146 Amazing Grace $9.99 MSRP 9 781633 260146 SPECIFICATIONS Trim size: 5.5 x 7.5 Hardcover/Smythe-Sewn Binding Pearlescent Cover/Rounded Corners Elastic Band Closure (Except Amazing Grace) 144 Pages ISBN: 9781609369460 Serenity $9.99 MSRP 9 781609 369460 ISBN: 9781609369477 Footprints $9.99 MSRP 9 781609 369477 13 ĊĆęčĊėĚĝĊ™ĔĚėēĆđĘ (OOLH&ODLUHLVSURXGWRH[SDQGRXUH[FLWLQJOLQHRI/HDWKHU/X[H MRXUQDOVEDVHGRQVRPHRIRXUEHVWVHOOLQJWLWOHVPsalms and Amazing Grace. We’ve taken proven content to new heights by DGGLQJGHOX[HGHWDLOLQJRQIDX[OHDWKHUDQGIRUHHGJHSULQWLQJ around the trimmed edges. Four unique felt need titles makes JLIWJLYLQJPHPRUDEOH NEW ISBN: 9781609368623 Psalms $16.99 MSRP 9 781609 368623 $WKRXJKWSURYRNLQJFROOHFWLRQRIWKHPRVW EHORYHG3VDOPVFUHDWLYHO\WKHPHGWRLQVSLUH UHÁHFWLRQDQGPHGLWDWLRQ8VHDVDSUD\HUMRXUQDO SHUVRQDOMRXUQDORU%LEOHVWXG\QRWHERRN ISBN: 9781609368074 Serenity $16.99 MSRP 9 781609 368074 $/HDWKHU/X[HMRXUQDOEDVHGRQRQHRI RXUDOOWLPHEHORYHGWLWOHV([SHULHQFH serenity, courage, and wisdom through the classic prayer and complementary quotes and verses. 14 SPECIFICATIONS 6x8 LeatherLuxe Cover Heat-burnished embossing Fore-edge printing Smythe sewn binding Ribbon marker 160 Pages NEW ISBN: 9781609368616 Amazing Grace $16.99 MSRP 9 781609 368616 5HÁHFWXSRQWKHGHHSDQGDZHVRPHVLJQLÀFDQFHRI grace through the words of the classic hymn, stirring quotes, and uplifting verses. Add your own songs, thoughts, prayers, or memories. ISBN: 9781609365455 Travel $16.99 MSRP 9 781609 365455 Printed on the trimmed edges of WKLV7UDYHO-RXUQDO´(YHU\VWHSLV an adventure” sets the tone for a journey of discovery whether that MRXUQH\WDNHVXVDFURVVWKHVWUHHWRU DURXQGWKHJOREH 15 ēĘĕĎėĆęĎĔēĆđĔĚėēĆđĘ Our Inspirational Journals take high design and thoughtful, WKHPHVSHFLÀFFRQWHQWWRQHZDQGYHUVDWLOHIRUPDWV)URP compact journals that are sprinkled with encouragement WRZRUGVDWXUDWHGGD\GHYRWLRQDOMRXUQDOVWKH(OOLH Claire style shines through. Heartwarming. Encouraging. Irresistibly giftable. 16 SPECIFICATIONS Trim size: 6 x 8 Hardcover/Smythe-Sewn Binding Textured Cover, Foil, Debossing 144 Pages NEW ISBN: 9781609369217 Dear Mom $14.99 MSRP 9 781609 369217 This touching expression of appreciation for mom will EHFRPHDFKHULVKHGJLIWIRUOLIH(DV\WRDQVZHUSURPSWV ÀOOVWKLVPHPRU\ERRNZLWKPHDQLQJIXOPHPRULHVWKDW ZLOOEHWUHDVXUHGE\PRPIRUDOLIHWLPH $YDLODEOH0DUFK NEW ISBN: 9781609369224 Dear Dad $14.99 MSRP 9 781609 369224 With sections for your earliest memories, what I love DERXW\RXKRZ\RXKHOSHGPHPRVWDQGPRUHWKLV MRXUQDOZLOOEHDNHHSVDNH\RXUGDGZLOOZDQWWRNHHS RSHQRQWKHWRROEHQFK7KHUHLVVSDFHIRUSKRWRVFDUGV DQGQRWHV$QGWKHLQVSLUDWLRQDOFRQWHQWVSULQNOHG throughout will encourage his heart. $YDLODEOH0DUFK 17 SPECIFICATIONS 7x8 Lay-flat binding Closure band Pearlescent Flexi Case Rounded corners Smythe Sewn UV coating 144 Pages đĊĝĔĚėēĆđĘ NEW ISBN: 9781609369538 Just Mom & Me $14.99 MSRP 9 781609 369538 With simple sophistication,-XVW0RP0HEHFNRQV PRWKHUVDQGGDXJKWHUVWRÀOOVLGHE\VLGHSDJHVZLWK memories, facts, and fun. Developed to help mothers and GDXJKWHUVOHDUQPRUHDERXWHDFKRWKHU NEW ISBN: 9781633260122 Go Into All the World $12.99 MSRP 18 9 781633 260122 $ERXWRI$PHULFDQVEHWZHHQWKHDJHVRIWKLUWHHQ and seventeen go on a missions trip every year. That’s two million Americans travelling annually on a shortWHUPPLVVLRQVWULS:LWKDSRFNHWLQEDFNIRUNHHSVDNHV and a value price, this journal is perfect for teenagers and DGXOWVDOLNH$YDLODEOH0DUFK ĔĚėēĆđĘċĔėĎĉĘ Finally there’s an inspirational journal, sketchbook, and QRWHWDNLQJFRPSDQLRQPDGHHVSHFLDOO\IRUNLGV'HVLJQHG to help boys and girls capture notes and thoughts for church, youth group, or Bible study, these journals HQFRXUDJHPHPRU\HQKDQFLQJQRWHWDNLQJ,QFOXGHV 6FULSWXUHDQGWKRXJKWSURYRNLQJSURPSWV ISBN: 9781609368692 Church Notes and Doodles Boys $9.99 MSRP 9 781609 368692 SPECIFICATIONS: 7x8 Lay-flat binding Closure band Flexi Case/Rounded corners Textured UV coating 128 Pages ISBN: 9781609368708 Church Notes and Doodles Girls $9.99 MSRP 9 781609 368708 19 ēĘĕĎėĆęĎĔēĆđĔĚėēĆđĘ NEW ISBN: 9781609369200 Faith, Hope, Love On-the-Go Journals Paperback Set of Three 6X8 Smyth Sewn, Rounded Corners 120 Pages (40 pages each) $9.99 MSRP 9 781609 369200 SET OF THREE! 6LPSOHEXWVRSKLVWLFDWHG&RQYHQLHQWEXWKDUG\7KUHHMRXUQDOV WKDWPHHWWKHQHHGRISHRSOHRQWKHPRYH2QHKDVEODQNSDJHV one has graph paper, one has traditional lines. The versatility of these on-the-go journals and the small touches of inspiration ZLWKLQPDNHVWKHPDSUDFWLFDO\HWHQFRXUDJLQJJLIW SPECIFICATIONS Faith/Psalms 6 x 8 Hard Cover Smythe Sewn Binding *:B@/A=4BJ<7A6 160 Pages ISBN: 9781609368630 Faith Journal (Letterpress Detailing) $14.99 MSRP 9 781609 368630 :H·YHFKRVHQRXUDOOWLPHEHVWVHOOLQJWLWOHVDQGWUHDWHG WKHPZLWKVSHFLDOWDFWLOHÀQLVKHV³VSHFLDOW\SDSHUOHWWHUSUHVV GHWDLOVVRIWÁRFNLQJ³DQGFUHDWHGDEHDXWLIXOQHZMRXUQDOLQJ experience. ISBN: 9781609368654 Psalms Journal (Flocking) $14.99 MSRP 9 781609 368654 20 ͵ͷĊěĔęĎĔēĆđĔĚėēĆđĘ GD\GHYRWLRQDOMRXUQDOVRISUD\HUDQGJUDWLWXGHKXPRUDQG real life, with ample space to write thoughts and prayers. NEW ISBN: 9781609369569 Be Still…And Let Your Nail Polish Dry $16.99 MSRP 9 781609 369569 :LWKFRQWHPSRUDU\KXPRURXVEXWUHDOOLIHGHYRWLRQV women will renew their spirits and grow closer to God in the WLPHLWWDNHVWRSDLQWWKHLUÀQJHUQDLOV7KLVH[SDQGHGHGLWLRQ of %H6WLOODQG/HW<RXU1DLO3ROLVK'U\ now includes lines for journaling responses, prayer requests, or pleas for help. :ULWWHQIRUZRPHQE\ZRPHQLWFHOHEUDWHVZKDWLWPHDQVWR EHDEXV\TXLUN\ZRPDQRI*RG NEW ISBN: 9781609369576 Come Away with Me $16.99 MSRP SPECIFICATIONS 7x9 Flexi-case Ultrasoft Finish Smythe-Sewn Binding 368 Pages 9 781609 369576 $GD\GHYRWLRQDOMRXUQDORISUD\HUDQGJUDWLWXGH with ample space to write thoughts and prayers. Filled with encouragement of God’s deep love for us, this ERRNLQVSLUHVXVWRORYHDQGJLYHORYHLQUHVSRQVH(QMR\ a devotion every day of the year and then write your prayer for the day following the prompt provided. Or use the space to respond, to dream, or to pray for others. 21 The world moves so fast, sometimes you need a little time to break away. Our friends at Women of Joy have been encouraging women with the Word of God, the joy of music, and the spirit of friendship through Women of Joy Weekends IRUPRUHWKDQDGHFDGH2ͿHULQJWHDFKLQJDQGZRUVKLSZLWKWLPHIRUIXQ VSULQNOHGLQ\RXZLOOEHDPD]HGDWZKDWDGLͿHUHQFHIRUW\HLJKWKRXUVZLWKD group of women, friends, or daughters can make. PHIL AND DEBBIE WALDREP Ministry leaders Phil and Debbie Waldrep have gathered some of the most beloved Christian leaders to share their passion for God and His Word at Women of Joy Conference across the country. ANITA RENFROE Anita tells it like it is at Women of Joy Conferences. “All my stuff is about my life—it’s real and it connects people—and that’s a wonderful thing.” 22 WOMEN OF JOY CONFERENCES Each Women of Joy weekend is designed around a core of deep Biblical teaching and moving worship, with time for fun sprinkled in. www.womenofjoy.org NEW ISBN: 9781633260214 Stronger 365 Daily Devotions for a Courageous Heart $14.99 MSRP 9 781633 260214 5x7 Inspirational/Devotional Hardcover Smythe Sewn 368 Pages Spot UV/Deboss 7DNLQJWLPHHYHU\GD\WRIRUWLI\RXUVSLULWXDOVWUHQJWK WDNHVSXUSRVHIXOSODQQLQJDQGGHWHUPLQDWLRQ%XW when we do, the outcome is amazing. StrongerRͿHUV GHYRWLRQVWRLQVSLUHZRPHQWREXLOGWUXHVWUHQJWK E\VRDNLQJLQWKHZLVGRPDQGFRPSDVVLRQRIWKHVH GHYRWLRQVZULWWHQE\ZRPHQIRUZRPHQ,QFOXGHVDQ LQWURGXFWLRQE\PLQLVWU\OHDGHU'HEELH:DOGUHS NEW ISBN: 9781633260221 Secret Strength Pocket Inspirations Deluxe $9.99 MSRP 9 781633 260221 Words of inspiration and encouragement will inspire silent strength and remind women that God is stronger WKDQDQ\VWUXJJOHWKH\ZLOOHYHUIDFH+LGGHQEHQHDWK the surface of every woman is a secret strength that is WHPSHUHGE\IDLWK7KHPRUHFRPSOLFDWHGWKHVWUXJJOH the deeper the strength. The quotes and Scriptures in this JLIWERRNKDYHEHHQVSHFLÀFDOO\VHOHFWHGWRKHOSZRPHQ draw strength and joy from God and His Word. (See VSHFLÀFDWLRQVRQSDJH NEW ISBN: 9781633260085 She Is Clothed with Strength & Dignity Journal $14.99 MSRP 9 781633 260085 An empowering journal for the wisest of women who put their future in God’s hands and face life with joy. 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