JONAKI Aug 2015


JONAKI Aug 2015
she stood like a rock for the rights of women across the world
She was an inspiring lady pioneer who cared deeply about the welfare of others
A Tribute to Our Editor
all of us will be inspired by her passion and dedication Indrani will truly be missed by us
it's a tragedy to lose such a great women so soon Indrani was a crusader
She has been a strong activist Indrani Sinha cared about the world's prostituted women
August 2015
INDRANI SINHA (1950 2015)
Dear Friends,
I would take
this opportunity
to thank all
fora who had
stood beside
family at this
hour of grief.
However, I
would also
request you to
continue to
support us and
help us to take
forward the
fight against
as envisioned
by our departed
Alok Goswami
38B Mahanirban Road,
Kolkata - 700 029
91-33-2464 9596,
2465 3429
91-33-2465 3395
Born at Kolkata on 15th March 1950 in a middle class Bengali
family, she did her schooling at St. Joseph's Convent School,
Patna and Jodhpur Park Girls' High School, Kolkata, followed
by studying English Literature at Jadavpur University,
Kolkata. Subsequently she accomplished herself with a
number of Post Graduate Diplomas in various disciplines.
She was a champion athlete, a dancer and a stage actor par
excellence, in her academic days.
She started her professional career as an English teacher at
Tantia High School, Kolkata in 1972. She switched over to
the field of development in 1977. She worked for Terre des
Hommes, Lausanne, Lutheran World Service, Mennonite
Central Committee and Oxfam U.K. until 1987. This
exposure had helped her to envision her future activities.
She founded Sanlaap (Speaking for the Unspoken) on 30th June 1987 and led it from the
front till she breathed her last. In the last two and half decades many of Sanlaap's activities
were replicated in India and abroad by the respective governments and civil society
organisations. She had continued to combat Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Girl
Children in a holistic approach, a social injustice with she had observed from a mother's
perspective, which she said very often.
She had been acknowledged as a pioneer in this field, in India, South Asia and some other
regions of the world, who face the menace. Sanlaap had been awarded the coveted
National Award Bal Kalyan Puraskar in 1997 by the Hon'ble President of India. Indrani was
selected as one of the “One Thousand Women for Peace” by an International
Committee in 2007.
Indrani had moved across the length and breadth of the World to promote her mission of
protecting girl children and had been invited by various governments, academic institutions
to speak on behalf of these suffering humanity.
She leaves behind her husband, three children, a daughter-in-law, her favourite grandson,
two siblings, the entire Sanlaap family who treated her as their undisputed leader, a few
thousand girls who had been rescued from the mesh of trafficking and have been
reintegrated back to their families and a number of well wishers from all around the World.
She breathed her last at 11.50 p.m on Saturday the 22 August 2015 at Bangalore, ending
her illustrious and meaningful life.
Message of ECPAT International
Memorial Ceremony of Indrani Sinha,
Founding Director of SANLAAP and Longstanding Member of ECPAT
ECPAT International wishes that it could be present at this Memorial Ceremony of our beloved Indrani
Sinha. Although not physically present, we are with you in spirit. We are very grateful to Dr. Samir
Chaudhuri for reading this message on behalf of ECPAT's Board, Members and Secretariat.
Members of the ECPAT Network from around the world are deeply saddened by the passing of our
esteemed colleague and cherished friend, Indrani Sinha.
Indrani was a crusader, working tirelessly and fearlessly for the rights of some of India's most vulnerable
women and children. She was a leader and role model within the ECPAT Network. She set a standard
that other ECPAT members sought to achieve. Her commitment and passion was a source of inspiration.
As a member of the ECPAT International Board of Trustees, Indrani influenced -at global and regional
levels - the organization's work towards ending the sexual exploitation of children. She was an
exemplary member of the ECPAT South Asia Network.
The ECPAT family will forever be indebted to Indrani for her invaluable contribution to the movement.
Her expertise, insight and empathy in working with child victims of exploitation and abuse will always
guide our work.
May the many seeds of kindness that Indrani di sowed while she was with us continue to bless our earth
and its children.
Dear Members,
It is with deep sadness and shock that I am writing to inform you that our esteemed colleague and cherished
friend, Ms. Indrani Sinha passed away suddenly on Saturday, 22 August.
For almost three decades Indrani has been a crusader, working tirelessly and fearlessly for the rights of
trafficked women and children in India, since the founding of SANLAAP in 1987, which later became a
Member of the ECPAT Network. Indrani is a leader and role model within the ECPAT Network and in her home
country of India, where she has received numerous human right awards for her commitment to helping
society's most vulnerable. Indrani served as a member of the ECPAT Board of Trustees and was an exemplary
member of the ECPAT South Asia Network. The ECPAT family will forever be indebted to her invaluable
contribution to the movement and her expertise, insight and empathy in working with those who have been
affected by CSEC will always guide our work.
On behalf of the entire Network, ECPAT extends its deepest condolences to her family, friends and
colleagues across the world. I invite you to share your fond memories of Indrani on the Hub here
<>. Your condolences and messages will be shared with
Indrani's family and colleagues. Indrani will truly be missed by us all and forever cherished for her kindness
and the relentless pursuit of justice for those she served.
Yours Sincerely,
In Honor of Indrani Sinha, CATW-AP Vice Chair, anti-trafficking pioneer in India, Founder of Sanlaap India
(feminist anti-trafficking NGO started in Kolkata and given the National Commission for Women award for
best women's organization in 2000), author of Guilty without Trial and Mothers for Sale, President's
awardee in 1997.
"She was an inveterate campaigner for women and girls. I remember the many times we were together, I
think for me not-so recently at the CATW-AP meeting in Chiang Mai. Afterwards, I went to Calcutta with her
and Roy. She will be greatly missed."
- Dr. Janice Raymond, International Woman of the Year Awardee, 2007 (Zero Tolerance Trust, Scotland).
Co-Executive Director of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW)-International, 1994-2007.
Author of Not a Choice, Not a Job.
"What a tragic loss. Our hearts are with her family. We must march on to honor Indrani's vision."
- Taina Bien-Aime, CATW-International Director and Founding Board Member of Equality Now
"What a shock to all of us. She was the pillar of the abolitionist movement in India, a loving mother to all!
Our deepest condolence to you, Roy, and the family. We will miss her terribly! The whole CATW network
internationally sends its sympathy and prayers."
- Aurora de Dios, Philippine Representative to the ASEAN Committee on the Rights of Women and
Children, CEDAW Expert, and President of the Board, CATW.
"My condolences to you and all the women she
helped out of a life of slavery and gave them
hope. I'm thinking of all the people who loved
her that must be in state of shock!! I had the
honor of meeting Indrani in 2005 in Montreal.
She was the first international guest that CLES
had invited to start our work to bring back the
fight against prostitution at the heart of the
fight to end men's violence against women. She
brought her passion and her political analysis to
us and shared her vision of a world without
- Diane Matte, Executive Director of CLES. First
International Coordinator of the World March
of Women.
Dear all,
It is with a heavy heart that I mourn the death of Indrani Sinha: a friend in struggle since
decades, she stood like a rock for the rights of women across the world. Indrani was an
institution in herself and her contribution to providing a safe life of dignity to survivors of
trafficking is immeasurable.
I cannot imagine losing her so early as her welcoming smile and warm hug will remain
with me as a remembrance always.
She gave unconditional support to WPC and as an invaluable Board member her
partnership gave us support, strength and inspiration.
My deepest condolence to her family in this hour of extreme grief.
With great sadness,
Ranjana Kumari
New Delhi 110 029
Acitonaid Kolkata regional staff
We are shocked to hear the news of her demise. It was hard to believe Indirani Di is no more
with us. It was just couple of week back, 30 July 2015 at ICMARD she came to the
consultation on One Stop Centre and assured all support for a collective efforts to OSCC
process in West Bengal. She has been quite supportive and part different collective efforts.
Indrani Di who had been a leader on women's rights and taking forward the issue of
trafficking. She had empowered hundreds of women, girls who were trafficked ,women
and children who had been sexually abused through her relentless efforts to foster the
journey for a life with dignity for the women in difficult situation. Today morning Acitonaid
Kolkata regional staffs observed one minute of silence in her memory. Our heartfelt
condolences to her bereaved family and staff members of SANLAAP. We pray to God to give
her family the strength to withstand in this tragic moment. May her soul rest in peace.
Dear friends,
With deep pain and grief, we would like to share the passing away of our dear friend, mentor, guide and
President of Initiatives: Women In Development, Indrani sinha on 22nd August 2015. Her last rites will be
performed at Kalpalli, Hindu Crematorium in Bangalore on 24th August 2015 at 10.00 am.
She has been a strong activist who lived her life to address many critical issues and concerns of women ,
especially her work in addressing trafficking against women was remarkable. Her passionate support for
women like us in IWID moved us deeply to firm ourselves to work with commitment.
I remember her care and support with deep sense of gratitude. To believe that she has passed away, sets
heavy heart.
We would like express our deep condolences to Mr. Pinaki sinha, her son, grandson, daughters, the entire
family, Sanlaap Team and the innumerable women whom she touched through her value based work. May
God's Divine grace comfort and strengthen all of us to continue the passionate work she carried out.
Indrani ji we truly miss you and your leadership which was filled with love, compassion and hard work.
With deep condolences,
I am sorry that I am unable to attend the memorial
service for Ms. Indrani. I was saddened by the news
of her death. She was a strong and good woman who
cared deeply about the welfare of others. She has left
a good legacy in the work that she did and the lives
that she changed. My thoughts and prayers are with
Indrani's family and with the Sanlaap family at this
Omar C. Garcia
Omar C. Garcia
Missions Pastor | Kingsland Baptist Church
"I am so sorry to hear about the
passing of Indrani Sinha, I will
keep the family up in my prayers."
- Vednita Carter, Founder of
Breaking Free.
"Maiti Nepal expresses its deepest sympathies on the sudden demise of Mrs. Indrani Sinha, Founder of
Sanlaap. It came as a great shock to hear of Mrs. Sinha's sudden demise. She will be greatly missed by
everybody who knew her, particularly those who, like us, had the good fortune to work together against the
crusade of human trafficking. She was an inspiring lady pioneer and a friend we are proud to have had, and
we can be justly proud of her contributions towards the society. We the entire team of Maiti Nepal extend
our condolence to the entire bereaved family. We hope that time and memories will help lessen the burden
of sorrow, and that the entire Sanlaap family may draw some measure of comfort knowing that others care
and share in your loss."
- Anuradha Koirala, CNN Hero and Founder of Maiti-Nepal
Dear Tapoti Di and Sanlaap colleagues,
On behalf of Child Protection team of Save the Children in Bangladesh, I am writing to express our
profound sadness after hearing that Indrani Di has passed away. Our thoughts are with her family,
friends as well as Sanlaap team, and we hope that all of you are facing this irreversible loss with
patience and strength.
As we mourn Indrani Di's death let us also celebrate her life that was committed to bring changes in the
lives of some of the most marginalized groups of people in South Asia. I hope all of us will be inspired by
her passion and dedication to make a meaningful contribution to social justice issues, and will
continue to work to create societies where each human being is treated with respect and dignity.
We shall not be able to participate in the memorial service today due to geographical distance, but we
shall be there in spirit.
Best wishes,
Laila Khondkar| Director-Child Protection | Save the Children in Bangladesh |
"Indrani Sinha cared about the world's prostituted
women. She was part of a delegation visiting Nevada
legal brothels in 2004. Connecting the experiences of
women in prostitution in India and in USA, Indrani told
me that a woman in a Nevada legal brothel said to her,
'If you have any small option at all, you leave (from)
here.' I have no doubt that Indrani's work saved many
many women's lives. Her loss is a loss to all of us in the
abolitionist movement."
"This is sad news for the feminist
community in India and our global
community. She has left a legacy of
commitment to women's liberation
that we hope the young women of India
will carry on. Our sincerest sympathies
to her family and colleagues."
- Melissa Farley, American Clinical Psychologist and
Founder, Prostitution Research and Education.
- Ana Maria "Princess" Nemenzo,
Founder of Woman Health Philippines
"My condolences to the family and friends of
Indrani Sinha, and to the movement women
and men who worked with her. I am so sorry
to hear of this."
- Rachel Moran, Irish survivor leader. Author of
Paid For.
"This is a terrible loss. My deepest
condolences to all who loved and worked
with Indrani."
- Julie Bindel, English writer and founder,
Justice for Women. Author of Exiting
"It was my great pleasure to meet and work with Indrani on several occasions including the wonderful two
weeks in Vancouver a couple of years back at the meeting to look at trafficking in the Pacific rim, and on the
board of CATWAP. I was very sorry indeed to hear of her death."
- Sheila Jeffreys, Author of The Idea of Prostitution, Beauty and Misogyny, Industrial Vagina.
"Thank you for your support for
trafficked persons. I'm so lucky that I
was able to meet you personally. In
behalf of Bagong Kamalayan Collective
Inc., a group of survivors of prostitution,
I salute you, Ma'am."
- Rogelie Mondejar,
Filipino survivor leader
Homage to the Institution called Indrani Sinha. The sudden
demise of Indrani Sinha, our Indranidi, is a rude shock. Indeed a
great loss to the family and to all of us who have been espousing
the mission of anti human trafficking. Indraniji is a torch bearer
in this field, where survival and existence are extremely difficult
and yet Indranidi did commendable work in this field, with
great poise, professionalism, dedication, concern and care.
Indranidi's persuasive persistence and pleasant demeanor,
staunch faith in the system, despite all odds and benevolent
care did enchant all of us and made a great difference to the
lives of many. A highly respected soul not only in India and the
region, but even beyond the oceans. I offer my heartfelt
condolences to the bereaved family and pray for their strength.
(Spoke over cell to Mr Anindit today morning). I pray the
departed soul rest in peace. Am sure the torch that Indranidi
had been upholding will inspire all of us to work further with
more commitment and dedication. Personally, I am very
grieved, as we have been sailing together in this mission against
human trafficking for more than two decades and it was only
recently that she said I must go for the next event Sanlaap India
is planning and I, as always, agreed to the same too. Indranidi
was not just an indivisual, but she was an insitution. Salute the
Institution and the spirit called Indrani Sinha.
Dr PM Nair, P.S. former D.G. of police and nodal officer NHRC
It was a real honor to meet such an
inspirational woman that affected positive
change in so many individual lives through
her dedicated life work. Meeting Indrani
Sinha through the course of our filming &
speaking with her about Sanlaap India
changed my life & it's a tragedy to lose
such a great women so soon. I pray her
legacy will live on and her vision will
continue to grow with the work ahead
through the Sanlaap organization. Peace
and Possitive prayers to her children,
family & friends around the globe.
Blessings, Respect & love heart emoticon
feeling heartbroken.