Annual Report 2008 - Academy of Mount St. Ursula
Annual Report 2008 - Academy of Mount St. Ursula
Academy of Mount St. Ursula Four Years to Last a Lifetime Academics | Arts | Service 2008-2009 Annual Report Dear Alumnae and Friends, As I begin my second year as Chair of the Board of Trustees, I want you to know how fortunate and proud I am to be a part of this special place, surrounded by so many special people. We are connected to one another in our commitment to the Ursuline mission. To secure that mission for the future we continue to need your help. As we embark on the new academic year, I invite you to make an investment in the Academy of Mount St. Ursula once again and I thank you for your great support this past year. The dedication of our Board of Trustees, our administration, and our teachers and staff, motivates our school to be an educational leader year after year. Our students consistently achieve academic excellence, take our breath away with their many talents, and serve their community with their time and their caring hearts. Ms. Lisa Harrison, our former assistant Principal, takes on her new role as Principal this year. She is a welcome addition to our administrative team along with our President, Fr. John Vigilanti. Each is committed to the needs of our students and their families. Mount St. Ursula is very lucky to have such impressive leaders. Letter from the Chair of the Board of Trustees Next year, Mount St. Ursula will be 155 years “young” and I will celebrate my 45th reunion. The ladies pictured with me are my classmates from the Class of ‘65. After all these years we still remain friends from our high school days and have the fondest memories of our alma mater. We all know what an excellent education we received and how the foundation was laid for our successes in life. We also know how important it is for that tradition to survive and thrive. Our benefactors, in spite of the uncertain economic times, have continued to be very generous with their financial support. The Ursuline Bedford Park Community in particular has been our greatest champion. Investing in the education of our students has given these young women, just like me and my classmates, “Four Years to Last a Lifetime.” “This is a place where dreams come true for the young women who will be the future leaders of our country.” In our newest recruiting brochure we invite prospective students to “walk on our ten acre campus,” “join our family,” and “create memories.” This is a place where “dreams come true” for the young women who will be the future leaders of our country. Give them the chance to some day come back for their 45th reunion and recall how it all began on Bedford Park. The “Girls of Mount St. Ursula” THANK YOU! With much appreciation, Susan McCarthy Cronin ‘65 Pictured in photo above from left to right: Arlene Mahoney Stump, Christine Condon Desmond, Dolores Rieth Hannon, Kathy Warnken Flanagan, Susan McCarthy Cronin 3 2008-2009 Members of the Board of Trustees Susan McCarthy Cronin ‘65 Chair Fr. Kenneth Boller, SJ President Fordham Preparatory School Members of the Corporation Martin Moran President Moran Consulting Services, Inc. Mary E. Cronin ‘70 Teacher Mamaroneck HS Joseph Muriana, Esq. Associate Vice President Office of Government and Urban Affairs Fordham University Barbara Montenero DeAngelo ‘69 President Monte Press, Inc. Dr. Regina Peruggi ‘63 President Kingsborough Community College Sr. Julia Dennehy, osu ‘45 Ursuline Bedford Park Community Sr. Bridget Puzon, osu Ursuline Director of Advancement Ursuline Provincialate Dr. Mary Erina Driscoll Associate Professor, Ed. Admin. New York University Dr. Joseph Fusco (ex-officio) Principal Academy of Mount St. Ursula Sr. Shelia Campbell, osu ‘61 Chair Mr. Daniel Houlihan President, Houlihan & O’Malley Real Estate Services, Inc. Sr. Pascal Conforti, osu Sr. Bernadette Hannaway, osu Sr. Regina Kehoe, osu ‘46 Sr. Marie-Celine Miranda, osu Sr. Jean Humphries, osu ‘89 Teacher St. Ignatius School Dr. Diane Ramos-Kelly ‘69 Superintendent Valhalla School District Mrs. Kerri Gould Reynolds ‘86 Group Head Global Staffing MasterCard Worldwide Sr. Mary Shea, osu ‘60 Director of Religious Education St. Barnabas Parish, Bronx ‘ Mrs. Claudia Toni-Smith ‘92 Vice President-Finance Goldman, Sachs Co. Mrs. Anne Marie Nichol Hynes ‘67 Sr. Marion Lynch, osu Director of External Relations The College of New Rochelle Mrs. Patricia Houlihan MacRae ‘81 Mr. Kevin Meenan Managing Partner ORCA Asset Management, LLC 2 Jean Hannigan Moran ‘81 Mrs. Denise Dalton Tormey ‘72 Partner Sonnenchein Nath & Rosenthal, LLP Jo-Ann Heilferty Verrier ‘55 Co-Founder Primepak Group Fr. John A. Vigilanti, Ed.D. (ex-officio) President Academy of Mount St. Ursula Dear Alumnae, Benefactors, and Friends: Message from the President It should be obvious from just a cursory glance at this report that the Academy has not remained unscathed by the recent economic downturn. Like many private institutions, we found ourselves in the unenviable position of meeting our commitment to our students while, at the same time, attempting to shore up our financial house. has become more competitive. We must forcefully and clearly make our case to a wide audience of potential students based on our special strengths: Academics, Arts, and Service. We are proud of our students and their accomplishments. This message must be broadcast far and wide. This past Spring we made some difficult, but essential, decisions. We laid off three teachers and one staff member. One other instructor decided to retire after many years of dedicated service. One assistant principal position was not filled. Several administrative offices have also moved out of the convent to cut costs. The estimated savings is roughly $250,000. However, this leaves us with a continuing operation deficit of $300,000. In order to close this gap further, the duties of staff and instructors will be realigned for further savings. A wage freeze for all employees has been instituted. Tuition was raised to $6,300. We will more aggressively seek competitive bids from vendors, especially in health insurance, auditing and transportation. Other cost cutting measures are under review by administration and a committee of the Board of Trustees. Since its inception on November 6, 2008, our special $1 million Fund For The Future campaign has raised the one million dollars with major gifts given by the Ursulines and several private donors. This is in addition to our Annual Appeal, to which many of you have been extremely generous. Do not be fooled by the bottom line in this report. It looks great for the past year, but it does not reflect the growing concern we have in meeting this year’s financial obligations amidst a smaller enrollment, more requests for financial aid, rising unemployment, and a precarious economic environment. This year will be more challenging than ever, for families, for the Ursulines, for our school. I defy anyone to name a girl’s high school of our size where the alumnae are more generous. If you have not contributed to our Annual Appeal or the Fund For The Future, leave your mark now and provide another generation of young women with the same solid, academic foundation from which so many benefited for nearly 155 years. We can do this, but it requires, as they say in the Navy, “all hands on deck.” Our greatest challenge, in my opinion, is to increase our enrollment. In so doing, we will make every effort to implement the recommendations of the Taproot Foundation regarding marketing and branding the school. We have also established a connection with the Student Sponsor Partners. As a result, they have provided us with six 9th graders this year. One third of their tuition will be covered by SSP. With the rise of Charter Schools, the environment “. . . leave your mark now and provide another generation of young women with the same solid, academic foundation from which so many benefited for nearly 155 years.” Please digest this Annual Report. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me personally. Sincerely, Fr. John A. Vigilanti Ed.D. President 2008-2009 Administration, Faculty and Staff Rev. John Vigilanti, Ed.D President Dr. Joseph Fusco, Ph.D Principal Carolyn Duggan Assistant Principal for Student Affairs Lisa Ann Harrison* Assistant Principal for Academics English Gladys Grimaldi Guidance Secretary Diana Papa Director of Guidance Susan Acocella Administrative Assistant Michael Henry Social Studies Nathan Peluso Math Natasha Alejandro ‘03 Development Associate Gary Horn * Art Linda Peri * Spanish/Italian Jillian Asaro * Physical Education/Health Denise Kannar Finance Office Paulette Pezzella Guidance Kathleen F. Boland Guidance Joanne Kelly * Religious Studies Sr. Barbara Calamari, osu Admissions Coordinator/Spanish Mary Knopp Library and Media Services Anna Ramos Director Development/Alumnae Relations Katherine Corticcio Social Studies Keri Masick English Rafael De La Rosa Maintenance Diana Mera Spanish Monica DeLaurentis ‘70 * Mathematics Joan McCarthy Food Services Director Jeanne DiBenedetto Religious Studies Richard McGowan Supervisor, Main Lobby Barbara Dingee ‘65 English Edward Moran Mathematics/Network Coordinator Sr. Ann Duggan, osu Administrative Assistant Donna Nelson Guidance Marie Fabrizio * Social Studies James O’Brien Religious Studies Tracy Feerick French Aroon Rampersaud Science Amy Geiger Math Margie O’Reilly Assistant to President Mary Ellen Genovese Health Services Kate Ostrander ‘97 Director Recruitment/Admissions Sr. Alice Marie Giordano, osu ‘52 Religious Studies Joan Paciello English Cecilia Granda ‘99 Webmaster/Public Relations Associate Luis Pantojas Maintenance Foreman Laura Ravotti * Music Holly Riccobono Physical Education/Health Patricia Rooms * Business/Computer Joan Sipe English Rosemary Sitler Science Leonardo Soliman Latin/Spanish/Religion Glenn Stordeur Social Studies Ruth Taveras Science Deryck Thomas Maintenance Dr. Suroj Tiwari * Science Rosemary Twomey Administrative Assistant Willy Valentine Maintenance *Department Chair Dear Parents, Alumnae, Faculty, and Friends: Message from the Principal Fr. Vigilanti has both clearly and candidly develop professionally and serve as role models delineated the varied challenges our school for the student body, demonstrating that has and will continue to face as a result of the growth and learning are life-long, enduring current economic climate. It should comfort processes. you to know, however, that in the midst of such MSU continues to maintain an expansive challenges, teaching and learning have not been compromised. In fact, the opposite is the case. The 2009-2010 academic year has begun with full emphasis on the commitment to academic excellence and service for which MSU has long been recognized and which solidly distinguishes MSU from its competition. vision of learning, one that recognizes the critical importance of the pursuit of artistic and service-based endeavors to the development of the whole person. The school seeks to isolate and nurture each young woman’s individual interests and talents, building her confidence and pride in that Following St. Angela’s counsel to “build which makes her distinctive and unique. In an community wherever you go,” MSU remains environment where financial resources are so a place where a true culture of learning is important yet so very scarce, we are continually sustained. Strategic planning efforts in the area reminded that it is today’s youth that are of the of teacher professional development continue utmost value. MSU strives to emphasize this by to be emphasized. Faculty are engaged in the continuing to enable its young women to lead and process of developing professional goals and to serve one another and their community. Such action plans intended to enable goal attainment, an holistic approach to education is certainly worth while working toward curriculum planning and supporting, and will no doubt continue to prove a development initiatives that will ensure that great success, in spite of the obstacles that will course offerings are properly preparing our inevitably continue to present themselves. students to be well-educated, well-rounded, Sincerely, productive members of society. Through their “MSU continues to maintain an expansive vision of learning, one that recognizes the critical importance of the pursuit of artistic and servicebased endeavors to the development of the whole person.” self-reflection and collaboration, the faculty Lisa A. Harrison Principal 5 Financial Summary $3,0003,000 Fiscal Year ‘08-’09 (Audited Figures - $s in thousands) Development Income $2,5002,500 Revenue: $2,0002,000 Tuition and Fees $2,551 52% 2,127 43% Other Operating Income 277 6% Interest and Investment Income -29 -1% Development Income Tuition and Fees $4,926 100% $1,5001,500 Interest and Investment Income $1,0001,000 Other Operating Income $500 500 $0 0 ($500) -500 1 2 3 4 Expenses: General Institutional Development Expense Instruction Instruction Student Services Depreciation Expense Scholarships Administration Staff Benefits $1,373 28% 1Administration 808 16% 2Plant Operation and Maintenance 602 13% 3Staff Benefits 524 11% 4Scholarships 458 10% 5General Institutional 365 8% 6Student Services 228 5% 7Development Expense 310 6% 8Depreciation Expense 154 3% $4,822 100% 9 Net Surplus/ $104 Plant Operation and Maintenance Actual cost of educating a student: $11,373 Tuition and General Fee: $6,800 S 2008-2009 Donor Societies Sesquicentennial Society $150,000 and above Academy Society $5,000 to $9,999 Ursuline Community of Bedford Park Mrs. Joan M. Delaney (Gorman) ‘60 Ursuline Provincialate Maureen D. Donovan, Esq. (Driscoll) ‘58 Ms. Mary Eggert ‘72 Legacy Society $100,000 to $149,999 Anonymous Serviam Society $50,000 to $99,999 Guerrerio Family Foundation (Maria Finaro Cleary ‘65, Joanne Finaro Guerrerio ‘67) Mrs. Kathrene Houlihan Mrs. Dorothy Mazaitis (Fitzgerald) ‘62 Members of the Class of 1964 celebrate 45th anniversary Mrs. Judith A. Boyle (Coyle) ‘57 Mrs. Anne Michaels (Lafferty) ‘60 Inner City Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mosman Mrs. Maureen Kozma (Burns) ‘70 Taproot Foundation Mr. James E. O’Shea Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muriana (Annelen Madigan) ‘65 Mrs. Ellen Pennell (Wilson) ‘59 Ms. Maureen McDyer ‘76 Montis Society $20,000 to $49,999 Dr. Regina Peruggi ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murphy Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pollard, III Ms. Joan Cashman ‘47 Saint Ignatius School Mrs. Kathleen Probst (McQuillan) ‘63 Mrs. Rose Coviello (Cuomo) ‘37 Ursuline Community of Linden Place REACH Children’s Scholarship Fund Ursuline Community of Mount Vernon Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Reilly (Patricia McLaughlin) ‘50 Estate of Mary T. O’Malley ‘49 St. Jude School Brescia Society $10,000 to $19,999 Arch Capital Services Inc. Blackmer Foundation Mrs. Susan Cronin (McCarthy) ‘65 The Endowment for Inner-City Education Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Houlihan, Jr. Mr. James Houlihan KIPP Academy Leventhal Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. St. Vincent De Paul Foundation, Inc. Principal’s Circle $1,000 to $2,499 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schmelkin Mr. and Mrs. Jose L. Alejandro Vice Admiral Patricia Tracey ‘66 Miss Ann Bangert ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Unrein Mrs. Marie Borelli Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa Estate of Nancy P. Brennan Ursuline Sisters of Hering Avenue Mrs. Catherine Bridge (Lynch) ‘68 Whitaker International, Inc. Mrs. Patricia Brown (Meegan) ‘46 Mrs. Joan Winant (O’Meara) ‘69 Joan Carroll, M.D. Windows of Hope / Dept. of Social Services Ms. Margaret Casey ‘56 Mrs. Carole Cavanaugh-Fettig ‘57 Dr. Angele M. McGrady (Vial) ‘59 President’s Circle $2,500 to $4,999 Child, INC. Mrs. Jean Moran (Hannigan) ‘81 Mrs. Mary Ellen Beitel (Fitzpatrick) ‘71 Ms. Debra O’Connor (Kiernan) ‘77 Mrs. Margaret Conroy (Mitty) ‘45 Brooklyn Benevolent Society Mrs. Jane Reichle (Scully) ‘63 Ms. Florence Cucchi (Alaimo) ‘58 Mrs. Susann Ciaccia (Lundberg) ‘79 Mrs. Kerri Reynolds (Gould) ‘86 Ms. Noreen Culhane ‘68 Ms. Karen Coneys ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tangney Ms. Patricia Curley Mr. John W. Davis Mrs. Kathleen T. Tashner (Treanor) ‘59 Mr. Thomas P. Curley Mrs. Barbara DeAngelo (Montenero) ‘69 Ursuline Community of Kimball Avenue Dr. Maria De Blasio Mrs. Marion Driscoll (Gyves) ‘57 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Verrier (Jo-Ann Heilferty) ‘55 Mrs. Anne Marie Duignan (LeGuyader) ‘71 Mr. John T. Elser Reverend John Vigilanti Mrs. Kathleen Dunne (McKay) ‘58 Mrs. Margaret Friedberg (Giordano) ‘81 Reverend Thomas Fenlon Mrs. Ann Gannon (Keenan) ‘62 Ms. Bridget Gaffney ‘76 Ms. Cecilia Granda ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. David Graham Ms. Carole Kakos ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hannigan (Eleanor Donlon) ‘50 Mrs. Kathleen Civetta (Murphy) ‘74 Mrs. Donna Kelly (McAuley) ‘54 Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 Investor’s Circle $500 to $999 Mrs. Mary Jane McKenna (O’Reilly) ‘52 Mrs. Anne Abbatecola (Di Maria) ‘58 Ms. Judith McPartland ‘60 Abraham House Mrs. Milagros Mendez Mr. Peter J. Altman Mrs. Kathleen Menten (McAvey) ‘79 Mrs. Eithne Bearden (Cotter) ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Mondare (Beatrice Lynch) ‘59 Mrs. Concetta Bele (Pollio) ‘54 Mrs. Jane Moore (Callahan) ‘64 Reverend Kenneth J. Boller, S.J. Mrs. Ann Morison (Frank) ‘56 Monsignor Patrick J. Boyle Ms. Patricia Murphy ‘72 Colonel Donna M. Brazil ‘78 Dr. Maureen Nutting (Murphy) ‘64 Ms. Joan Close ‘65 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Read Mrs. Jean Colligan (Barrett) ‘46 Mrs. Ethel Reese (McKeon) ‘64 Ms. Patricia Connolly ‘61 Administration, students, Julia Myers-Bartley ‘85, and her mother, at dinner to honor Sr. Mary Beth Read Mrs. Susan Cote (Baltera) ‘72 Ms. Mary Cronin ‘70 Joseph Holland III Memorial Fund Mrs. Joan Crosson (Dekan) ‘61 Ms. Rita Houlihan Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Cruz-Stapleton (Karen Cruz) ‘78 Horace Mann High School Ms. Theresa Davis ‘69 Ms. Elizabeth Jennings ‘84 Ms. Tania Degen ‘69 Ms. Kathleen Kearns ‘75 Ms. Veronica Dengler ‘83 Ms. Kathleen Keber ‘66 Mrs. Beatrice Dinger (Smith) ‘59 Mrs. Patricia Kelleher (Byrne) ‘42 Dr. Mary Driscoll Mr. Raymond J. Kenny Mrs. Judith Dugan (Travers) ‘58 Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club, Inc. Mrs. Carolyn Duggan Dr. Virginia Livolsi ‘61 Mrs. Elke Durden (Furthman) ‘66 Mrs. Patricia MacRae (Houlihan) ‘81 Mrs. Mary Ferguson (Melvin) ‘74 Mrs. Mary Jane McCann (McPartland) ‘64 Ms. Patricia Forbes ‘63 Mrs. Joan McGreevy-Glatzl ‘69 Ms. Kay Forbes-Fandetti ‘57 Ms. Nancy Oakes ‘64 Fordham Preparatory School Mrs. Geraldine O’Sullivan Ms. Ann T. Graham ‘45 Mr. Luis Pantojas Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayward (Joan Curry) ‘50 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Perna Mrs. Mary Hill (Jones) ‘48 Raleigh Charter High School Mr. Joseph B. Houlihan Ms. Rosemary Rinder Mrs. Anne Marie Hynes (Nichol) ‘67 Ms. Adrienne Rolla ‘76 Mrs. Dian Jennings Mayo ‘49 Ms. Camille Roman Jostens Mrs. Anne Ryan (Rippon) ‘51 Dr. Diane Kelly (Ramos) ‘69 Sacred Heart School Mrs. Veronica Kiernan (Keefe) ‘65 St. Jerome School Ms. Patricia Kiernan ‘40 Mr. Edward Schwind Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Landrey Mrs. Nancy Shannon (Prior) ‘57 Mr. Armand Lauren Mr. and Mrs. John Signorini Lee Llambelis, Esq. ‘79 TEAK Fellowship Mrs. Elizabeth Lynch (Garvin) ‘57 Mrs. Claudia G. Toni-Smith ‘92 Mrs. Susan Lyons (Krunocky) ‘66 Mrs. Germaine Trabert (Keogh) ‘54 Ms. Cornelia Mahon ‘50 Mrs. Susan Trank (Kofer) ‘66 Ms. Judy Martinez ‘73 Ms. Eileen Walsh O’Shea ‘72 Mrs. Margaret Maybury (Bartley) ‘65 Dr. Terri Yannaco ‘73 Ms. Eileen McCabe ‘69 Ms. Brenda McMahon ‘79 Mrs. Isabel Rodriguez (Mendez) ‘97 Mrs. Catherine Sagurton (Tuohy) ‘45 Mrs. Donna Sasso (Dircks) ‘71 Ms. Mary Sayers ‘53 Scholastic Specialty Corporation Ms. Kathleen M. Slakas ‘72 Mrs. Margaret Slyngstad (Malloy) ‘49 Mrs. Makiko Takayama ‘81 The Ursuline School Mrs. Lynne Toumey (Berne) ‘65 Mrs. Gertrude Trier (Craven) ‘62 Ursuline Academy Mrs. Mary Jane Vonnegut (Spohr) ‘60 Mrs. Marguerite Weibel (Crowley) ‘64 Mrs. Veronica Weyrauch (Walsh) ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Willemin St. Ursula’s Guild $250 to $499 Dr. Mary Jane Alexander ‘66 Ms. Katherine Babiak ‘67 Miss Ann Black ‘51 Mrs. Debra Boyle (Brown) ‘80 Miss Florence Bricker ‘59 Mrs. Eileen Burke (Moore) ‘51 Ms. Rashida Burnham ‘06 Ms. Helene Butler ‘90 Ms. Veronica Casey ‘62 Mrs. Mary Crabill (Tauranac) ‘51 Ms. Catherine Daly ‘91 Davis Studio Mrs. Monica DeLaurentis (Signorini) ‘70 Ms. Katrina Dengler ‘85 Mrs. Barbara Dingee (Farrell) ‘65 Mrs. Margaret D’Ippolito (Collins) ‘84 Mrs. Winifred Farrell (Sieger) ‘44 Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 Dr. Ann Finegan ‘73 Mrs. Mary K Pinto (Krupp) ‘66 Mrs. Anne Fried (Kelleher) ‘70 Mrs. Kathleen Prince (Malone) ‘79 Mrs. Susan Gannon (Ryan) ‘51 Mrs. Maria Rafferty (Gaffney) ‘80 Dr. Mary Garner (Linhard) ‘71 Mrs. Anna Ramos Gellert & Rodner: Attorneys at Law Mr. and Mrs. E. James Read Mrs. Patricia Gillin (Ahearn) ‘48 Mrs. Paula Read Mrs. Linda Gimlett (Malang) ‘70 Ms. Margaret Reilly-Brooks ‘80 Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Golaski (Louise Toner) ‘64 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rogers Mrs. Karen Goodwin (Anderson) Mrs. Judith Roldan (Rivera) ‘65 Mrs. Rita Gorman (Moriarty) ‘58 Mrs. Patricia Rosen (O’Hare) ‘69 Mrs. Alice Grant (Duffy) Mrs. Margaret Roth (Desmond) ‘66 Mrs. Theresa Hannah (Donini) ‘63 Sr. Patricia M. Schifini, osu ‘78 Mrs. Claire Hartman (Cullinan) ‘43 Mrs. Joanne Shea (McLean) ‘65 Mrs. Therese Holder (Manley) ‘45 Mrs. Helen K. Simon (Kearney) ‘33 Mrs. Susan Jennings (Walsh) ‘73 Mrs. Kathleen Smith (Horgan) ‘52 Mrs. Elizabeth Kaming (Collins) ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sohr Miss Alice Kearney ‘36 Ms. JoAnn Stonier ‘80 Sr. Regina Kehoe, osu ‘46 Ms. Barbara Stronczer ‘60 Mrs. Sheila Kelly (O’Neill) ‘47 Mrs. Alice Sweeney (Quill) ‘54 Mrs. Mary Kelly (Murray) ‘57 Mrs. Marjorie Tabak (Joyce) ‘71 Mrs. Patricia Kerrigan (Stapleton) ‘65 Mrs. Clare Thomenius (McKeon) ‘65 Mrs. Maria Lamari-Burden ‘85 Mrs. Mary Tierney (Duffy) ‘70 Mrs. Mariana Ljuljdjuraj (Kalaj) ‘93 Ms. Mairead Treacy (Scully) ‘95 Dr. Helene Lutz ‘66 Mrs. Julia Turk (Murphy) ‘67 Ms. Joan Maisch ‘62 Mrs. Eileen Tweedy (O’Rourke) ‘70 Mrs. Eileen McCarthy (Mulligan) ‘69 Mr. Peter G. Ulrich Mrs. Joan McCarthy Ursuline Community of Wilmington Mrs. Patricia McCormack (Groark) ‘69 Mr. Myles V. Whalen, Jr. Ms. Maryann McEvoy ‘59 Ms. Julia Whalen ‘51 Ms. Marita McMahon ‘71 Mrs. Lillian McNulty Ms. Vivian Medina ‘83 Mrs. Ellen Miller (Hartman) ‘71 Mrs. Maureen Mirabile Miss Patrice Mitchell ‘02 Ms. Mary Beth Mulligan ‘59 Julia A. Murphy, Esq. (McKeon) ‘61 Ms. Jeanne Murphy ‘57 Mrs. Catherine Murtha (Frank) ‘64 New York Botanical Garden Mr. James J. O’Brien Ms. Jo Ellen O’Callaghan (Langdon) ‘59 Ms. Meaghan O’Toole ‘89 Mrs. Margaret Padnos (Mais) ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Parra Mrs. Diana M. Parra Mrs. Dolores Peden (Valmonte) ‘57 Art Academy student, Angelica Ortiz ‘11 Mrs. Anne Barrins-Slaby ‘69 Mrs. Catherine Barth (Goodwin) ‘31 Ms. Francoise D. Bartlett Mrs. Sharon Baylis (Rozsas) ‘87 Ms. Mollene Benison ‘93 Mrs. Elizabeth Bergmann Mrs. Edna Mae Beston (Spears) ‘53 Mrs. Patricia Blessington (Murray) ‘52 Mrs. Joan Ann Bonsignore (Spinelli) ‘58 Sr. Mary Jane Bookstaver, O.P. Mrs. Francesca Bossey (Kosick) ‘86 Mrs. Joanne Boyle (DeMarzo) ‘71 Mrs. Patricia Braun (Ferrara) ‘69 Mrs. Estelle A. Brocks (Harper) ‘45 Mrs. Margaret Broderick (Farrelly) ‘70 St. Angela’s Guild $100 to $249 Ms. Kathleen Brosnan ‘97 Ms. Patricia Ahern ‘54 Mrs. Nancy Bruckmann (Brocks) ‘70 Miss Natasha Alejandro ‘03 Ms. Marion Bulman ‘45 Mrs. Ginger Alexander (Monz) ‘61 Mrs. Ann Burke (O’Shaughnessy) ‘53 Mrs. Rita Alicks (Doyle) ‘65 Mrs. Virginia Burke (Fitzpatrick) ‘45 Mrs. Rosemarie Amoroso (Grillo) ‘51 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burke Mrs. Kathleen Anderson (Edery) ‘62 Ms. Loretta Burke ‘66 Mrs. Susan Anderson (Weldon) ‘59 Mrs. Margaret Bush (Schmidt) ‘64 Mrs. Cecelia Andretta (Falcone) ‘52 Mrs. Anne Byrne (McElligott) ‘60 Mrs. Mary Ann Angelone (Wilson) ‘62 Mr. and Mrs. Julian Calamari Dr. Roanne Angiello (Schmidt) ‘62 Sr. Barbara Calamari, osu Mrs. Madeleine Anglim (Martyn) ‘48 Mrs. Mary Callahan (Zweifel) ‘43 Mrs. Lillian Arater (Murray) ‘46 Mrs. Theresa Cameron (Buckley) ‘75 Mrs. Debra Ann Baker (Barry) ‘73 Ms. Dianne Campbell ‘92 Mrs. Sheila Baldwin-Cohen ‘73 Mrs. Dale Candela (Evans) ‘63 Mrs. Christine Barberet (Colligan) ‘70 Mrs. Diane Carcaterra (Conway) ‘65 Ms. Geraldine Barelli-James ‘69 Dr. Donna Casella ‘71 Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 Mr. Luvaghn Brown Class of 2004 celebrates 5 year reunion Ms. Eileen Casey ‘61 Mr. William Catucci Mrs. Virginia Cerussi Mrs. Ann Marie Ciaramella (Duminuco) ‘58 Mrs. Carolyn Clarke (Grant) ‘47 Mrs. Kathleen Clarke (Diskin) ‘60 Mrs. Sheila Clifford (Everett) ‘54 Mrs. Jeanne Coburn (Calamari) ‘60 Ms. Dianne Coffino ‘72 Mrs. Mary Coleman (Houlihan) ‘76 Mrs. Celia M. Combs (Ruiz) ‘69 Mrs. Mary Ellen Connerty (Kubinec) ‘73 Mrs. Mary Connolly (Tkaczyk) ‘64 Ms. Deirdre Corio ‘77 Ms. Katherine Corticcio Mrs. Adrienne Cosgrove (Matthews) ‘54 Mrs. Marie Cronin (Sullivan) ‘59 Mrs. Adelaide Cudone (Schubert) ‘46 Mrs. Sheila Cugell (Sheehan) ‘45 Mrs. Ruth Cunnion (McNamara) ‘37 Mrs. Patricia Curtis (Miller) ‘65 Dr. Rosemary Dale ‘65 Mrs. Sarah D’Amico (Bonilla) ‘92 Mrs. Sheila Darken (Keane) ‘52 Mrs. Julia Deegan (Noonan) ‘39 Ms. Elizabeth DeGiorgio Ms. Aileen Del Prado ‘83 Mrs. Mathilde Dengler (Edwards) ‘43 Mrs. Margaret Desimone (McKeon) ‘70 Mrs. Christine Desmond (Condon) ‘65 Dr. Camille Di Paola ‘67 Dr. Grace O. Dickinson (O’Malley) ‘73 10 Mrs. Joan DiGiulio (Nugent) ‘56 Ms. Myra Goggins (Mahoney) ‘55 Mrs. Maureen Donlon (Cafferky) ‘78 Mrs. Kathryn Goldsmith (Anner) ‘51 Mrs. Helen Donoghue (Deiser) ‘67 Mrs. Karen Gormley-Vitale ‘75 Mrs. Teresa Donohue ‘79 Ms. Elaine Green ‘95 Mrs. Mary Jane Dooley (Coyle) ‘61 Mrs. Maryanne Greene (McNally) ‘63 Mrs. Claire Downey (Cunnion) ‘59 Ms. Muriel Grim (Smith) ‘56 Mrs. Patricia Draddy (Shea) ‘49 Mrs. Ann Grodzicki (Apicella) ‘68 Mrs. Susan Dugan (McEntee) ‘73 Mrs. Linda Guglielmo (Christof) ‘69 Mrs. Mary Jo Dunleavy (Doody) ‘70 Mrs. Virginia Gunn (Kappler) ‘59 Ms. Ann Marie Eagan ‘64 Mrs. Jacqueline Halpin (Mullarkey) ‘82 Mrs. Beatrice Easton (Cunningham) ‘54 Mrs. Adrianne Hamilton (Attanasio) ‘86 Dr. Kathleen Elkins (Calmel) ‘57 Mrs. Joan Hanel (O’Keeffe) ‘47 Mrs. Catherine Enright (Gormley) ‘46 Mrs. Catherine Haney (Kilian) ‘62 Ms. Virginia Enright Mr. Joseph Hanley Ms. Joan Ericsson ‘62 Mrs. Christine Hanlon (Giordano) ‘85 Mrs. Maureen Fabel (Sullivan) ‘64 Mrs. Margery Hardy (Hunter) ‘42 Dr. Cathy E. Fagan (Mirenda) ‘68 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harmon Dr. Rosemary Farley (Carroll) ‘70 Ms. Lois Harr Ms. Jane Fay ‘51 Ms. Jean D. Harrigan (Mirenda) Ms. Mary Fay-Zenk Ms. Lisa A. Harrison Mrs. Barbara Feeney (Bonsaing) ‘57 Mrs. Patricia Hawkins (Deacy) ‘86 Mrs. Cynthia Fermin (Estevez) ‘86 Mrs. Margaret Healy (Lohan) ‘60 Ms. Barbara Ferrante (Frey) ‘59 Mrs. Marilyn Healy-McDermott ‘71 Mrs. Jacqueline Fitzgerald (Healy) ‘64 Ms. Kathy Henn (Cole) ‘73 Mrs. Mary Flanagan (Cameron) ‘68 Mrs. Monica Henneberry (Horan) ‘65 Mrs. Kathryn Flanagan (Warnken) ‘65 Mrs. Marie Hermann (Lynch) ‘56 Mrs. Mary Ann Flynn (Ward) ‘53 Mrs. Joan Hickey (McCabe) ‘36 Mr. John W. Foley Mrs. Mary Hickey (Culhane) ‘73 Mrs. Lisa Fox (Wasielewski) ‘64 Mrs. Mary Hoden (Griffiths) ‘64 Mrs. Carryl Frank (Page) ‘45 Mrs. Arleen Hoffmann (Groark) ‘71 Ms. Margaret Franzone (McGuirk) ‘59 Mr. John F. Hogan Ms. Catherine Fuller ‘82 Home Depot Mrs. Jeanne Gaffney (McGuirk) ‘64 Ms. Kristina Hosch ‘85 Ms. Nancy Gallagher ‘73 Sr. Jeannie M. Humphries,osu ‘89 Mrs. Ann Gallo (MacClave) ‘62 Ms. Ann C. Hunt ‘61 Mrs. Bernadette Garigliano (Raftery) ‘49 Mrs. Julia Hurley (Loughran) ‘37 Mrs. Dolores Gartner (Burckardt) ‘65 Jane G. Iacobellis, Esq. (Grantmyre) ‘65 Mrs. Elizabeth Gelbord (Ahern) ‘68 Mrs. Nancy Imhof (Hanish) ‘65 Mrs. Mary Ellen Genovese Dr. Carol Ivory ‘65 Mrs. Catherine Giammatteo (Arcoleo) ‘51 Mrs. Elizabeth Jensen (Mundy) ‘77 Mrs. Nanette Gibbs (Jew) ‘70 Ms. Erica Johnson ‘89 Mrs. Catherine Giegerich (Rosa) ‘71 Mrs. Camille Johnston (Cardon) ‘54 Mrs. Alice Gillespie (Murphy) ‘33 Ms. Nancy Kamilakis (Hoag) ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ginipro Mrs. Denise Kannar Mrs. Sara Glaser (Martinez) ‘92 Ms. Christine A. Karatka Ms. Veronica Glynn ‘36 Mrs. Jeanette Kavanagh (Lumelleau) ‘75 Ms. Djinna Gochis ‘72 Dr. Janet Keane (Dillon) ‘74 Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 Mrs. Donna Keane (Abele) ‘69 Ms. Patricia McCann (Brunke) ‘71 Mrs. Nancy Keane (McAuliffe) ‘68 Mrs. Eileen McCulloch (Buckley) ‘44 Ms. Mary Keber ‘70 Ms. Jane McDonnell ‘62 Mrs. Marion Keegan (O’Gara) ‘52 Mrs. Jean McDonough (Welden) ‘62 Ms. Marie Keegan ‘61 Ms. Mary Jane McGahan Mrs. Ruth Keegan (Soychak) ‘45 Mrs. Joan McGauley (Whalen) ‘55 Ms. Judy Kehoe ‘84 Mrs. Frances McLoughlin (Cloonan) ‘54 Mrs. Ellen Kehoe (Pacia) ‘56 Mrs. Mary C. McShane (Colligan) ‘77 Ms. Evelyn Kelly ‘62 Mrs. Lisette Melendez (Santiago) ‘93 Mrs. Peggy Hayes Kelly ‘66 Ms. Consuelo Mendez-Hanlon ‘95 Mrs. Barbara Kennedy (Boarman) ‘44 Mrs. Pamela Menk (Reasoner) ‘71 Ms. Maureen Kiernan (O’Hara) ‘79 Mr. John F. Mennis Mrs. Susan Kloc (Smrcka) ‘70 Ms. Jenny Mercado ‘93 Mrs. Jayne Knips (Fox) ‘64 Mrs. Constance Miller (Stanionis) ‘61 Mrs. Dorothy Koster (Boyce) ‘31 Ms. Aline Miller ‘57 Mrs. Margaret Kubasiak (Durner) ‘58 Mrs. Carole Mills (Ciccarone) ‘58 Mrs. Marie La Tourette (Sherry) ‘70 Mrs. Lorna Minor (Hurley) ‘61 Mrs. Maureen Lambert (Baldwin) ‘47 Sr. Marie-Celine Miranda, osu Mrs. Patricia Lammers (Byrnes) ‘49 Mrs. Jane Mitrovic (Cunningham) ‘51 Mrs. Eileen Larkin-Sullivan ‘68 Ms. Sien Mittiga ‘97 Mrs. Anne Lauenstein (Durner) ‘56 Dr. Noreen Moran (Deane) ‘59 Ms. Ann Marie Lavery ‘81 Morgan Stanley Matching Gifts Program Mr. Preston J. Law Mrs. Ann Moroney (McCabe) ‘62 Mrs. Eileen Leahy (Cooney) ‘76 Miss Margaret Moroney ‘49 Ms. Ann Leahy ‘60 Ms. Ann C. Morrissey ‘63 Lehrman Kronick & Lehrman, LLP: Ms. Rosemarie Mullin ‘75 Mrs. Lorraine Limbert (Moore) ‘40 Ms. Joan Loretta Munn ‘66 Mrs. Marie Lumelleau (Rooney) ‘36 Mrs. Alice Munzo (Pisani) ‘66 Mrs. Virginia Maar (Kennedy) ‘60 Ms. Jane Murphy ‘47 Mrs. Ruth Macnamara (Robb) ‘57 Mrs. Linda Murphy (Carroll) ‘67 Mrs. Margaret Mahoney (Hartigan) ‘48 Mrs. Dorothy Murphy (Madden) ‘51 Mrs. Kim Mahoney ‘91 Mrs. Ellen Murphy (Kissane) ‘50 Mrs. Margaret Maloney (Carrig) ‘46 Mrs. Linda Nagle (Fortuna) ‘70 Ms. Jo Ann Maloney (Walls) ‘66 Mrs. Carol Nealon (Donlon) ‘52 Mrs. Rosemarie Mangan (Molé) ‘45 Dr. Patricia Nee O’Keefe ‘77 Mrs. Claire Manto (Colangelo) ‘65 Mrs. Mary Niedzwiecki (McKeon) ‘63 Ms. Regina Marengo ‘75 Mrs. Margaret Nix (Timoney) ‘47 Mrs. Barbara Marsh Dr. Maureen Norris (Riordan) ‘62 Ms. Josephine Martello Mrs. Doreen Oates (Socorro) ‘80 Mrs. Mary Ann Martin (McGrath) ‘58 Mrs. Barbara O’Brien (Murphy) ‘73 Mrs. Mary Martin (McIntyre) ‘65 Mrs. Ann O’Connell (McGuire) ‘51 Mrs. Dianne Martingano (Platoni) ‘60 Mrs. Teresa O’Connell (Smith) ‘45 Mrs. Sandra Masiello (Benedetti) ‘64 Mrs. Catherine O’Connor (White) ‘49 Mrs. Rosaleen Mason (Byrne) ‘71 Mrs. Mary O’Gorman (Curtin) ‘68 Dr. Linda Mauro (Mastrangelo) ‘63 Mr. Jerome O’Keefe Mrs. Georgia Mazarakis Mrs. Carol O’Neill (Kwalwasser) ‘71 Mrs. Jean Mc Glinn (Carden) ‘57 Mrs. Eileen Ostrander Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 Dr. Fusco, Fr. Vigilanti, Vanessa Williams and Susan Cronin ‘65 at Christmas Assembly Mrs. Sharon O’Sullivan (Kelly) ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. John V. O’Toole Mr. and Mrs. James Pagano Mrs. Anna Parasiliti (Multari) ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parra Mrs. Jeannette Parshall (Carry) ‘51 Mrs. Carole Pegoraro (Nela) ‘55 Ms. Teresa Peloso ‘56 Mrs. Barbara Pennipede (Moravek) ‘63 Mrs. Marie Peterson (Wolf) ‘47 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Petrovich (Rosemary Joyce) ‘71 Ms. Lorena Pizarro Mrs. Ida Pompeo (D’Ambrosio) ‘46 Mrs. Veronica Porter (Beach) ‘41 Ms. Theodora Prentice Mrs. Mary Priolet (O’Hanlon) ‘45 Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mrs. Gilda Puzio (Cardillo) ‘44 Mrs. Margaret Quinn (Corcoran) ‘33 Mrs. Patricia Quinn (Carney) ‘71 Sr. Mary Beth Read, osu Mrs. Mary Regan (O’Connell) ‘57 Mrs. Margaret Rice (McCullen) ‘63 Mrs. Angela Richards (Gagliardo) ‘69 Mrs. Siobhan Rini (O’Toole) ‘83 Mrs. Georgina Robillard (Rodriguez) ‘72 Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Robles Ms. Nancy Rodrigue ‘87 Mrs. Alice Rogers (Bolger) ‘38 Mrs. Annemarie Romagnoli (Russo) ‘52 Ms. Amaris Rosario ‘99 Mrs. Patrice Rossettie (Gentsch) ‘68 11 Members of the Young Alumnae Committee Ms. Joan Russell ‘72 Ms. Maureen Russell Ms. Norine Ryan ‘42 Mrs. Alice Salmon (Sullivan) ‘67 Mrs. Rose Ann Salvate (Rush) ‘82 Dr. Wendis Santana-Joyce ‘95 Mrs. Claire Santoro (Pacia) ‘56 Mrs. Marie Sasso (Santone) ‘54 Mrs. Elizabeth Sauthoff (Muller) ‘60 Mrs. Patricia Savage (Giebelhouse) ‘63 Mrs. Valerie Schoeck (Wilson) ‘57 Dr. Josephine Scotto-Di Carlo, M.D. ‘74 Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Seivwright Mrs. Carol Sforza (Smith) ‘74 Mrs. Kathleen Sheehy (Kearns) ‘70 Mrs. Dorothy Shillinglaw (Hanrahan) ‘46 Mrs. Hannah Siano (Crandall) ‘45 Mrs. Eileen Sibson (Case) Mrs. Mary Skibinski (Kearns) ‘74 Mrs. Denise Smith (Delaney) ‘54 Mrs. Penelope Smith (Leonard) ‘54 Ms. Mary Snipes Mrs. Carmen Taime (Vasquez) ‘69 Ms. Jennifer Atkinson Dr. Ellen Tedaldi ‘71 Ms. Melissa Audain ‘05 Mrs. Danielle Tezcan (Harris) ‘85 Mrs. Margaret Bavosa (Lenihan) ‘69 Mrs. Anne Thiel (Mitchell) ‘48 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Benedetti Mrs. Agnes Thompson (Johnson) ‘70 Ms. Sandra Bligen-Doyle Mrs. Virginia Tierney (Andriola) ‘66 Ms. Barbara Blumers ‘76 Ms. Margaret Timmins-Knoesel ‘63 Ms. Patricia Bommicino ‘60 Ms. Noreen Tobin ‘64 Mrs. Janet Bonsignore (Flanagan) ‘77 Ms. Regina Tobin ‘66 Mrs. Isabel Bossong (Brust) ‘41 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tormey Mrs. Mary Jane Boyle (Denneen) ‘53 (Denise Dalton) ’72 Ms. Alicia Brookes ‘05 Mrs. Elena Torregrossa (De Matteo) ‘55 Mrs. Theresa Brosnan (Lyons) ‘61 Mrs. Maritza Torres (Delgado) ‘99 Mrs. Donna Brown-Redding ‘80 Ms. Francine Toupin (Grumm) ‘51 Mrs. Elizabeth Bryden (Baga) ‘70 Ms. Christine Tralongo ‘66 Mrs. Eileen Buckley (McGrory) ‘70 Mrs. Louise J. Troisi Mrs. Kathleen Burke (Cuddy) ‘49 Mrs. Florence Turner (Reisdorff) ‘46 Mrs. Ursula Burke (Hutchinson) ‘59 Ms. Eileen Twiggs ‘85 Sr. Patricia Burke ‘59 Mrs. Rosemary Twomey Ms. Marian Burke ‘73 Ursuline Community of Morton Street Mrs. Patricia Cademartori (Dailey) ‘45 Ursuline Sisters of Liberty Avenue Miss Sarah Campbell ‘57 Mrs. Lois Van Fleet (Neggesmith) ‘63 Mrs. Suzanne Campbell (Beltran) ‘78 Mrs. Rosemary Vander Wyde (Kudro) ‘58 Mrs. Joan Carney (Benvenuto) ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. John Vazquez Mrs. Elaine Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Verhaegen Ms. Helen Casey ‘57 Mr. Joseph P. Vericker Ms. Josephine Caulfield ‘56 Ms. Jo-Ann M. Verrier Ms. Barbara Cavaliere (Decker) ‘59 Mrs. Lillian von Brockdorff (Koenig) ‘54 Mrs. Laurel Cavanagh (Varian) ‘57 Ms. Betty Wald ‘49 Ms. Angela Chandracomar ‘05 Ms. Mary Wallace ‘67 Mrs. Anna Chielli (Scaccia) ‘67 Sr. Marie Albert Walsh, osu Ms. Tatjana Chung ‘05 Miss Edwina Weisheit ‘42 Mrs. Cathy Ciocci (Garofalo) ‘74 Mrs. Dorothy Welch (Poloso) ‘45 Mrs. Ann Marie Clancy (Williams) ‘66 Mrs. Kathleen Whiteside (Brocks) ‘67 Dr. Alice Clement (Meehan) ‘60 Mrs. Ellen Zuercher (Potdevin) ‘59 Mrs. Kathleen Clifford (O’Leary) ‘69 Mrs. Mary Clifford (Crowe) ‘52 Mrs. Marijean Sommer (Shea) ‘59 Maroon and White Club up to $99 Mrs. Ann Marie Stangenberg (Lorum) ‘73 AMSU Parent Association Mrs. Anne Stanton (Hickey) ‘54 Mrs. Patricia Adreance (McMahon) ‘79 Mrs. Nina Strattner (Sheehan) ‘51 Mrs. Jacqueline Alexander (West) ‘92 Mrs. Mary Stump (Martin) ‘62 Mrs. Ellen Alger (Smith) ‘62 Mrs. Dorothy Sturek (Johnson) ‘59 Mrs. Sheila Allan (Lynch) ‘77 Mrs. Mary Sullivan (Burke) ‘62 Mrs. Marie Ambery (Jordan) ‘57 Dr. Donna Sutter ‘71 Mrs. Rita Anderson (Gerhardinger) ‘65 Mrs. Eileen Sutter (Tobin) ‘66 Mr. Joseph Arcoleo Mrs. Lorraine Sweeney (Hodgson) ‘43 Mrs. Cynthia Arne (Rosario) ‘79 Ms. Jane Syracuse ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin L. Ashley 12 Mrs. Mary Agnes Coady (Dress) ‘60 Mrs. Eileen Collins (Murphy) ‘57 Mrs. Mary Condon (O’Donnell) ‘63 Mrs. Pamela Conlon (Mantegazza) ‘64 Ms. Mary Connor ‘71 Mrs. Mary Conry (O’Sullivan) ‘69 Mrs. Melanie Conte (Cehelsky) ‘68 Mrs. Mary Cooper (Flanagan) ‘71 Mr. Ellis Cose Mrs. Vivienne Courtney (Frohlich) ‘74 Miss Mary Courtney ‘75 Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 Mrs. Julia Crisci (Zinzi) ‘70 Mr. Charles Greiter Mrs. Carroll Cronin (Elliffe) ‘35 Mrs. Susanne Grossman (Lynch) ‘63 Mrs. Elizabeth Crookston (Harper) ‘49 Mrs. Rita Gruber (Tierney) ‘59 Mrs. Maureen Crowley (Glynn) ‘76 Sr. Michelle Guerin, osu ‘34 Mrs. Marion Crowley (Haggerty) ‘54 Mrs. Eleanor Guerriero (Walters) ‘53 Ms. Jessica Cruz ‘08 Ms. Chris Haggerty ‘70 Mrs. Veronica Davison (Daly) ‘44 Sr. Mildred Haipt, osu Mrs. Mary Jane De Phillips (Lawlor) ‘42 Sr. Jeanne Hamilton, osu ‘52 Mrs. Elizabeth DeBartolo (Terp) ‘76 Mrs. Eileen Hanly (Monahan) ‘46 Ms. Rosemarie Delia ‘59 Mrs. Hilda Hare (Johnston) ‘44 Mrs. Elizabeth DeLorenzo (Saviola) ‘52 Ms. Mary Harvey ‘79 Mrs. Mary DeRosa (Van Shea) ‘66 Mrs. Patricia Hatfield (Lyttle) ‘63 Ms. Camille DeSantis Mrs. Marion Haughey (McCarthy) ‘59 Mrs. Carol DeSouza (Cancellere) ‘65 Ms. Kathleen Healy ‘68 Mrs. Mary DiBello (McCormick) ‘73 Ms. Barbara Heaney ‘58 Mrs. Rosemary Dilgard (Rando) ‘65 Ms. Deborah Higgins ‘76 Dr. Mary Rita Donleavy ‘40 Ms. Barbara Higgins ‘61 Mrs. Jean Donnelly (Frohlich) ‘44 Ms. Gloria Hildebrand ‘84 Ms. Michelle Dunkley ‘81 Mrs. Linda Hoffman (Kramer) ‘71 Ms. Francesca Durner ‘71 Mrs. Eileen Hogan (Cooney) ‘60 Ms. Rosemary Eivers ‘74 Mr. Kenneth Holbrook Mr. Thomas Ekkers Mrs. Helene Holohan (Douglas) ‘59 Mrs. Marie Fabrizio Miss Anne Hughes ‘42 Mrs. Loretta Fallo (Johnson) ‘81 Mrs. Mary Humphrey Mrs. Elizabeth Farrar (Vousden) ‘62 Mrs. Judy Hynes (Killeen) ‘54 Ms. Tracey Fedele (Coates) ‘89 Mrs. Karen Jackson (Dugas) ‘72 Mrs. Mary Fedigan (Baldwin) ‘63 Mrs. Valentina Jaureguizar Ms. Maricon Fernandez ‘05 Mrs. Andrea Johnson (Moore) ‘66 Carol Ann Ferraro-Lennon, Esq. ‘69 Ms. Catherine I. Johnson Mrs. Donna Figueroa (Antone) ‘03 Mrs. Eileen Jones (Hargadon) ‘45 Sr. Kathleen Finnerty, osu ‘56 Ms. Tabrizia Jones ‘05 Mrs. Ann Foley (Hogan) ‘40 B. J. Kakos Dr. Anita Franzione ‘75 Mrs. Susan Kane (Duggan) ‘50 Mrs. Elizabeth Frey (Werths) ‘62 Mrs. Kathleen Kane (Leddy) ‘51 Mrs. Mary Ellen Furlong (McLaughlin) ‘69 Mrs. Margaret Keating (Brennan) ‘62 Ms. Melissa Gabriel ‘67 Sr. Margaret Kelleher, osu ‘58 Ms. Florence Galassi ‘62 Sr. Anne Marie Kelleher, osu ‘36 Ms. Grace Gambino (Longo) ‘54 Mrs. Geraldine Kelly (Burr) ‘60 Mrs. Helene Gannon (Leddy) ‘67 Miss Virginia Kelly ‘46 Mrs. Joan Garber (Ott) ‘54 Mrs. Audrey Kelly (Kearns) ‘46 Mrs. Eunice Geagan (Kelly) ‘34 Mrs. Joanne M. Kelly Mrs. Patricia Germinario (Sammon) ‘59 Ms. Linda Kelly ‘83 Mrs. Marie Gianatasio (Musella) ‘58 Sr. Geraldine Kennedy, osu ‘59 Ms. Bernadette Gillis ‘61 Sr. Marion Kennelly ‘47 Mrs. Ann Marie Gizzi (D’Alisera) ‘79 Ms. Susan Kentler ‘85 Miss Ines Goldin (Tosto) ‘81 Mrs. Lydia Kettani (Anaclerio) ‘60 Ms. Patty Gonzalez ‘93 Dr. Rosanne Kiely (Kelly) ‘65 Ms. Mary Greene ‘62 Mrs. Mary Lou Kintz (Cronin) ‘53 Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 MSU Cheerleaders at Pep Rally Ms. Margaret Knoesel Mrs. Mary Knopp Dr. Deirdre La Porte ‘59 Ms. Francine Lampidis (Napoliello) ‘61 Mrs. JoAnn Leahy (Gorham) ‘63 Mrs. Angela LeClerc (Bozza) ‘91 Mrs. Elizabeth Leitner (Maier) ‘62 Ms. Jessica Lima ‘05 Mrs. Laurie Lutz (May) ‘77 Sr. Marion Lynch, osu Mrs. Patricia MacDonald (Ryan) ‘59 Ms. Monica Magner ‘55 Mrs. Carol Maher (Ferguson) ‘57 Ms. Mary Malloy ‘61 Mrs. Rebecca Malone (Sheridan) ‘82 Mrs. Joan Maresca (Ryan) ‘44 Ms. Mary Martin (Messner) ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Martinez Mrs. Theresa Massimi (Shanley) ‘69 Ms. Anne McAuliffe-O’Donnell ‘59 Mrs. Beth McCahey (Caldwell) ‘81 Ms. Bridget McCarthy (Smith) ‘70 Mrs. Elizabeth McDermott (Shea) ‘56 Mrs. Catherine McElroy (Cunningham) ‘66 Mrs. Regina McEneaney (Roth) ‘67 Mrs. Barbara McEneney (Cavanagh) ‘62 Mrs. Mary McGloin (Donohue) ‘41 Mrs. Josephine McGlynn (Moran) ‘62 The Honorable Maureen McIntyre ‘65 Mrs. Kathleen McKay (Barry) ‘68 Mrs. Eileen McLaughlin (Hagan) ‘51 Mrs. Catherine McManus (Winkler) ‘63 Mrs. Grace McNamara (Monahan) ‘70 13 Fr. Vigilanti marches with Student Council in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Mrs. Patricia McShea (Casey) ‘55 Mrs. Susan Melnyk (Zior) ‘63 Mrs. Mary Ann Michalski (Reuther) ‘65 Mrs. Sestina Miller (Rao) ‘72 Ms. Virginia Minicucci (DeCicco) ‘62 Mrs. Clasina Mittiga Ms. Jesenia Monge Mrs. Regina Monte (McGrory) ‘62 Mrs. Maureen Mooney (Griffin) ‘57 Mrs. Joan Mooney (Pizzoli) ‘61 Mrs. Nancy Moreira (Madden) Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan Mrs. Louise Morgner (Roy) ‘60 Ms. Michelle Morley ‘75 Mrs. Jean Morrissey (Gibney) ‘51 Mrs. Dorothea Muccigrosso (Maiuzzo) ‘57 Ms. Joan Mullee ‘75 Mrs. Michelle Mullen (Burke) ‘89 Mrs. Mary Muller (Casey) ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Murabito Ms. Grace Murphy Mrs. Margaret Murphy (Walsh) ‘69 Mrs. Mary Murphy (Smith) ‘50 Mrs. Ann Marie Murray (Johnson) ‘78 Mrs. Barbara Napholtz (Zygmunt) ‘73 Mrs. Donna Nava (Benza) ‘71 Mrs. Rosemarie Navatta (Martemucci) ‘58 Mrs. Margaret Nealon Ms. Linda Nissen ‘67 Ms. Sade N. Nobels ‘05 Mrs. Jennifer Nolan (Goddard) ‘96 Mrs. Eileen Normile (Walsh) ‘69 14 Ms. Joanne O’Beirne ‘73 Ms. Bernadette Scolaro ‘76 Mrs. Geraldine O’Brien (Hubbard) ‘40 Sr. Mary M. Shea, osu ‘60 Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Ocasio Miss Helen Shubik ‘43 Mrs. Sharyn O’Connor (Lloyd) ‘65 Mrs. Claire Skoglund (McElroy) ‘60 Dr. Mary O’Grady (Steele) ‘52 Mrs. Irene Smith (Mannix) ‘60 Mrs. Marie O’Hanlon (Milde) ‘48 Mrs. Joan Sorgi (Darcy) ‘70 Ms. Josephine O’Hara ‘77 Ms. Linda Spagnuolo (Trentacoste) ‘81 Mrs. Elizabeth O’Mara (Johnson) ‘68 Mrs. Mary Fran Stamm (Hage) ‘82 Mrs. Catherine O’Neil (Irwin) ‘46 Mrs. Stella Steiner ‘74 Mrs. Anna Marie O’Neill (Dineen) ‘84 Mrs. Arlene Stump (Mahoney) ‘65 Mrs. Margie O’Reilly Mrs. Mary Summo Mrs. Maureen O’Rourke (Quinn) ‘55 Ms. Audrey Sutton ‘56 Mrs. Barbara Packwood (Gehan) ‘49 Ms. Virginia Syron ‘58 Mrs. Mary Paolino (Doyle) ‘62 Mrs. Audrey Tarantino (Milde) ‘53 Mrs. Tara Patterson (Ambery) ‘85 Target, Take Charge of Education Program Ms. Laura E. Pennell Ms. Veronica J. Taylor ‘65 Mrs. Joanne Pergolis (Limberg) ‘61 Mrs. Ursula Thomas (Chase) ‘76 Mrs. Angela Peteani (Nieves) ‘82 Dr. Ruth Anne Thompson (Cronin) ‘50 Mrs. Joan Peterson (Blewitt) ‘52 Col. Sheila Toner ‘60 Mrs. Denise Phalan (Shamoun) ‘65 Mr. and Mrs. Eamon F. Toscano Mrs. Eileen Phelps (McGowan) ‘61 US Globe Service Corp. Mrs. Barbara Phillips (Gibney) ‘54 Ms. Catherine M. Urtz ‘60 Ms. Fabiola Pierre-Louis ‘07 Mrs. Joan Vaillancourt (Kelly) ‘69 Ms Flordeliz Polanco ‘08 Mrs. Joan Van Gieson (Rogers) ‘42 Mrs. Maria Posey (Caretti) ‘59 Ms. Joan Vertigan (Miller) ‘73 Ms. Catherine Pragoff ‘68 Mrs. Patricia Voorhees (Lace) ‘47 Sr. Bridget Puzon, osu Mrs. Lois Weeks (Lekow) ‘59 Mrs. Mary Ann Raph (O’Connor) ‘65 Ms. Joanne Welty ‘69 Raytheon Charitable Giving Ms. Ellen Wentworth ‘75 Mrs. Margaret Redmond (Myers) ‘77 Mrs. Josephine Wernau (Scottino) ‘63 Mrs. Bonnie Regan (Mays) ‘78 Mrs. Marguerite Witte (Hoffmann) ‘57 Mrs. Jeanne Reidy (Gough) ‘52 Ms. Patricia Wright (Carbotti) ‘59 Mrs. Patricia Reynolds (Hofmann) ‘60 The Honorable Patricia Yonushonis (Delaney) ‘65 Mrs. Mary Jo Ricci (Guadagno) ‘59 Mrs. Maureen Riemer (Woods) ‘62 Miss Mercy Rios ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Perez Mrs. Corane M. Robinson (Hinckson) ‘85 Mrs. Helen Rossler (Noonan) ‘54 Mrs. Mary Rowden (Oliva) ‘53 Ms. Patricia Ruggieri ‘65 Mrs. Phyllis Ryan (De Simone) ‘69 Mrs. Claudia Sangiuolo (Chiappano) ‘52 Mrs. Joanne Sarrica (Reisman) ‘58 Mrs. Kathleen Schneller (Ferguson) ‘62 Mrs. Patricia Schulder (O’Driscoll) ‘51 The Academy of Mount St. Ursula has made every effort to compile and present an accurate listing of all donations in this Annual Report. If your name is omitted or incorrectly listed, we apologize for this error. Please inform the Office of Development/Alumnae Relations of any corrections. Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 MSU in the news Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 15 Academics 16 Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 Arts Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 17 Service 18 Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 Class of 2009 College Acceptances Adelphi University Barnard College Barry University Berkeley College Boston University Brandeis University Brown University Canisius College Cazenovia College Cedar Crest College Central Pennsylvania College Chestnut Hill College City University of New York: Baruch College Borough of Manhattan Community College Bronx Community College Brooklyn College City College College of Staten Island Hunter College John Jay College of Criminal Justice Lehman College NYC College of Technology Queens College Queensborough Community College York College Colgate University College of Mt. St. Vincent College of New Rochelle Concordia College Coppin State University Cornell University Daemen College Dartmouth College DePaul University Drexel University Drew University Emmanuel College Fordham University Hartwick College Haverford College Hofstra University Howard University Iona College Iowa State University Ithaca College Keane University LaSalle University Lehigh University LeMoyne College Long Island University /Brooklyn Long Island University /CW Post Manhattan College Manhattanville College Marquette University Marist College Marymount Manhattan College Mercy College Middlebury College Mt. St. Mary College Mt. St. Mary’s University Pace University /NYC Pace University /Pleasantville Pennsylvania State University / Hazleton Quinnipiac University Regis College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Richmond University Rider University Rochester Institute of Technology Rutgers University St. Francis College St. John’s University St. Joseph’s College /NY St. Peter’s College/JC St. Thomas Aquinas College Seton Hall University Smith College Southern Connecticut State University State University of New York: Albany Binghamton Buffalo Fredonia Geneseo New Paltz Old Westbury Oswego Plattsburgh Stony Brook Stevens Institute of Technology Suffolk County Community College Suffolk University Syracuse University The Catholic University of America The College of St. Rose The College of Westchester The George Washington University University of Bridgeport University of Connecticut University of Hartford University of Maryland University of New Haven University of Rochester Vassar College Villanova University Virginia State University Wells College Wentworth Institute of Technology Wesleyan University West Virginia Wesleyan College Worchester Polytechnic Institute Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 Class of 2009 celebrates Ring Day Academic Achievements Graduates earned over $4.4 million in academic scholarships and $2.7 in financial aid. General Excellence Danielle Flores Second in Excellence Erica Moses Gates Millennium Scholar Nicole Ketter Art Jomur Islam Yaejin Song Business Erica Moses Stacey Vargas Mathematics In Honor of Matilda Morelli and Evelyn Bahr Curry '38 Nicole Ketter Physical Education Karin Michilena Natalie Michilena Religious Education In Honor of Jane and Joseph Coyle Christine Cerrada Jennifer Rodriguez Computer Mathematics Jennifer Henriquez Science In Honor of Anthony and Ellen Ferrante Nhi Cao English In Honor of Michael Hannigan, Sr. Sheryl Hado Spanish In Honor of Maria Delgado Massiel Marte French In Memory of Mary Power Jerenée Charles Character and the Pursuit of Excellence In Memory of Marcella C. Maher Danielle Flores Massiel Marte History In Honor of Theresa Haipt Massiel Marte Jennifer Viera Italian In Honor of Alba Fazia, PhD '45 Sethleen Allen Latin In Memory of Gertrude E. McCarthy Danielle Flores Imani Palanque Spirit, Leadership and Service In Memory of Ruth McEvoy '25 Keona Campbell Ursuline Serviam Award for Service to School/Civic/Church/Community Marita Keane Cover photo: Members of the Class of 2009 with their college sweatshirts 19 Alumnae Donors We are extremely grateful for the generosity of our alumnae and friends for another successful year. The giving statistics below reflect the participation of our alumnae donors. Our figures are based on the number of alumnae with correct addresses for each class. Class of ‘31 ‘33 ‘34 ‘35 ‘36 ‘37 ‘38 ‘39 ‘40 ‘41 ‘42 ‘43 ‘44 ‘45 ‘46 ‘47 ‘48 ‘49 ‘50 ‘51 ‘52 ‘53 ‘54 ‘55 ‘56 ‘57 ‘58 ‘59 ‘60 ‘61 ‘62 ‘63 ‘64 ‘65 ‘66 ‘67 ‘68 ‘69 ‘70 ‘71 ‘72 ‘73 ‘74 ‘75 20 # of Donors Out of 2 3 2 1 5 3 1 1 5 3 7 5 8 18 14 10 6 10 8 20 15 9 21 9 13 25 18 36 28 19 32 23 21 25 24 14 15 29 28 25 11 19 12 11 26 20 23 31 13 22 30 40 37 30 49 49 46 62 62 79 65 55 44 60 58 47 58 54 58 80 57 88 140 128 150 135 132 147 137 132 130 144 184 178 166 118 126 159 % of Participation 7.69 15 8.7 3.23 38.46 13.64 3.33 2.5 13.51 10 14.29 10.2 17.39 29.03 22.58 12.66 9.23 18.18 18.18 33.33 25.86 19.15 36.21 16.67 22.41 31.25 31.58 40.91 20.00 14.84 21.33 17.04 15.91 17.01 17.52 10.61 11.54 20.14 15.22 14.04 6.63 16.1 9.52 6.92 Members of the Class of 1969 celebrate 40th anniversary Class of ‘76 ‘77 ‘78 ‘79 ‘80 ‘81 ‘82 ‘83 ‘84 ‘85 ‘86 ‘87 ‘89 ‘90 ‘91 ‘92 ‘93 ‘95 ‘96 ‘97 ‘99 ‘00 ‘02 ‘03 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 # of Donors Out of 12 10 7 11 6 11 6 5 5 10 5 2 5 1 3 5 5 4 1 2 3 1 1 2 8 1 1 2 152 180 126 149 151 133 127 144 125 148 108 114 123 116 109 138 90 119 109 130 96 93 78 76 104 108 72 81 % of Participation 7.89 5.56 5.56 7.38 3.97 8.27 4.72 3.47 4 6.76 4.63 1.75 4.07 0.86 2.75 3.62 5.56 3.36 0.92 1.54 3.13 1.08 1.28 2.63 7.69 0.93 1.39 2.47 Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 Alumnae Donors 1931 Mrs. Catherine Barth (Goodwin) Mrs. Dorothy Koster (Boyce) 1933 Mrs. Alice Gillespie (Murphy) Mrs. Margaret Quinn (Corcoran) Mrs. Helen K. Simon (Kearney) 1934 Mrs. Eunice Geagan (Kelly) Sr. Michelle Guerin, osu 1935 Mrs. Carroll Cronin (Elliffe) 1936 Ms. Veronica Glynn Mrs. Joan Hickey (McCabe) Miss Alice Kearney Sr. Anne Marie Kelleher. osu Mrs. Marie Lumelleau (Rooney) 1937 Mrs. Rose Coviello (Cuomo) Mrs. Ruth Cunnion (McNamara) Mrs. Julia Hurley (Loughran) 1938 Mrs. Alice Rogers (Bolger) 1939 Mrs. Julia Deegan (Noonan) 1940 Dr. Mary Rita Donleavy Mrs. Ann Foley (Hogan) Ms. Patricia Kiernan Mrs. Lorraine Limbert (Moore) Mrs. Geraldine O’Brien (Hubbard) 1941 Mrs. Isabel Bossong (Brust) Mrs. Mary McGloin (Donohue) Mrs. Veronica Porter (Beach) 1942 Mrs. Mary Jane De Phillips (Lawlor) Mrs. Margery Hardy (Hunter) Miss Anne Hughes Mrs. Patricia Kelleher (Byrne) Ms. Norine Ryan Mrs. Joan Van Gieson (Rogers) Miss Edwina Weisheit 1943 Mrs. Mary Callahan (Zweifel) Mrs. Mathilde Dengler (Edwards) Mrs. Claire Hartman (Cullinan) Miss Helen Shubik Mrs. Lorraine Sweeney (Hodgson) 1944 Mrs. Veronica Davison (Daly) Mrs. Jean Donnelly (Frohlich) Mrs. Winifred Farrell (Sieger) Mrs. Hilda Hare (Johnston) Mrs. Barbara Kennedy (Boarman) Mrs. Joan Maresca (Ryan) Mrs. Eileen McCulloch (Buckley) Mrs. Gilda Puzio (Cardillo) 1945 Mrs. Estelle A. Brocks (Harper) Ms. Marion Bulman Mrs. Virginia Burke (Fitzpatrick) Mrs. Patricia Cademartori (Dailey) Mrs. Margaret Conroy (Mitty) Mrs. Sheila Cugell (Sheehan) Sr. Julia Dennehy, osu Mrs. Carryl Frank (Page) Ms. Ann T. Graham Mrs. Therese Holder (Manley) Mrs. Eileen Jones (Hargadon) Mrs. Ruth Keegan (Soychak) Mrs. Rosemarie Mangan (Molé) Mrs. Teresa O’Connell (Smith) Mrs. Mary Priolet (O’Hanlon) Mrs. Catherine Sagurton (Tuohy) Mrs. Hannah Siano (Crandall) Mrs. Dorothy Welch (Poloso) 1946 Mrs. Lillian Arater (Murray) Mrs. Patricia Brown (Meegan) Mrs. Jean Colligan (Barrett) Mrs. Adelaide Cudone (Schubert) Mrs. Catherine Enright (Gormley) Mrs. Eileen Hanly (Monahan) Sr. Regina Kehoe, osu Mrs. Audrey Kelly (Kearns) Miss Virginia Kelly Mrs. Margaret Maloney (Carrig) Mrs. Catherine O’Neil (Irwin) Mrs. Ida Pompeo (D’Ambrosio) Mrs. Dorothy Shillinglaw (Hanrahan) Mrs. Florence Turner (Reisdorff) 1947 Ms. Joan Cashman Mrs. Carolyn Clarke (Grant) Mrs. Joan Hanel (O’Keeffe) Mrs. Sheila Kelly (O’Neill) Sr. Marion Kennelly Mrs. Maureen Lambert (Baldwin) Ms. Jane Murphy Mrs. Margaret Nix (Timoney) Mrs. Marie Peterson (Wolf) Mrs. Patricia Voorhees (Lace) 1948 Mrs. Madeleine Anglim (Martyn) Mrs. Patricia Gillin (Ahearn) Mrs. Mary Hill (Jones) Mrs. Margaret Mahoney (Hartigan) Mrs. Marie O’Hanlon (Milde) Mrs. Anne Thiel (Mitchell) Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 Four Years to Last a Lifetime 1949 Mrs. Kathleen Burke (Cuddy) Mrs. Elizabeth Crookston (Harper) Mrs. Patricia Draddy (Shea) Mrs. Bernadette Garigliano (Raftery) Mrs. Dian Jennings Mayo (Jennings) Mrs. Patricia Lammers (Byrnes) Miss Margaret Moroney Mrs. Catherine O’Connor (White) Mrs. Barbara Packwood (Gehan) Mrs. Margaret Slyngstad (Malloy) Ms. Betty Wald 1950 Mrs. Eleanor Hannigan (Donlon) Mrs. Joan Hayward (Curry) Mrs. Susan Kane (Duggan) Ms. Cornelia Mahon Mrs. Ellen Murphy (Kissane) Mrs. Mary Murphy (Smith) Mrs. Patricia Reilly (McLaughlin) Dr. Ruth Anne Thompson (Cronin) 1951 Mrs. Rosemarie Amoroso (Grillo) Miss Ann Black Mrs. Eileen Burke (Moore) Mrs. Mary Crabill (Tauranac) Ms. Jane Fay Mrs. Susan Gannon (Ryan) Mrs. Catherine Giammatteo (Arcoleo) Mrs. Kathryn Goldsmith (Anner) Mrs. Kathleen Kane (Leddy) Mrs. Eileen McLaughlin (Hagan) Mrs. Jane Mitrovic (Cunningham) Mrs. Jean Morrissey (Gibney) Mrs. Dorothy Murphy (Madden) Mrs. Ann O’Connell (McGuire) Mrs. Jeannette Parshall (Carry) Mrs. Anne Ryan (Rippon) Mrs. Patricia Schulder (O’Driscoll) 21 Alumnae Donors Mrs. Nina Strattner (Sheehan) Ms. Francine Toupin (Grumm) Ms. Julia Whalen 1952 Mrs. Cecelia Andretta (Falcone) Mrs. Patricia Blessington (Murray) Mrs. Mary Clifford (Crowe) Mrs. Sheila Darken (Keane) Mrs. Elizabeth DeLorenzo (Saviola) Sr. Jeanne Hamilton, osu Mrs. Marion Keegan (O’Gara) Mrs. Mary Jane McKenna (O’Reilly) Mrs. Carol Nealon (Donlon) Dr. Mary O’Grady (Steele) Mrs. Joan Peterson (Blewitt) Mrs. Jeanne Reidy (Gough) Mrs. Annemarie Romagnoli (Russo) Mrs. Claudia Sangiuolo (Chiappano) Mrs. Kathleen Smith (Horgan) 1953 Mrs. Edna Mae Beston (Spears) Mrs. Mary Jane Boyle (Denneen) Mrs. Ann Burke (O’Shaughnessy) Mrs. Mary Ann Flynn (Ward) Mrs. Eleanor Guerriero (Walters) Mrs. Mary Lou Kintz (Cronin) Mrs. Mary Rowden (Oliva) Ms. Mary Sayers Mrs. Audrey Tarantino (Milde) 1954 Ms. Patricia Ahern Mrs. Concetta Bele (Pollio) Mrs. Sheila Clifford (Everett) Mrs. Adrienne Cosgrove (Matthews) Mrs. Marion Crowley (Haggerty) Mrs. Beatrice Easton (Cunningham) Ms. Grace Gambino (Longo) Mrs. Joan Garber (Ott) Mrs. Judy Hynes (Killeen) Mrs. Camille Johnston (Cardon) Mrs. Donna Kelly (McAuley) Mrs. Frances McLoughlin (Cloonan) Mrs. Barbara Phillips (Gibney) Mrs. Helen Rossler (Noonan) Mrs. Marie Sasso (Santone) Mrs. Denise Smith (Delaney) Mrs. Penelope Smith (Leonard) Mrs. Anne Stanton (Hickey) Mrs. Alice Sweeney (Quill) Mrs. Germaine Trabert (Keogh) Mrs. Lillian von Brockdorff (Koenig) 1955 Miss Ann Bangert Ms. Myra Goggins (Mahoney) Mrs. Elizabeth Kaming (Collins) Ms. Monica Magner Mrs. Joan McGauley (Whalen) 22 Mrs. Patricia McShea (Casey) Mrs. Maureen O’Rourke (Quinn) Mrs. Carole Pegoraro (Nela) Mrs. Elena Torregrossa (DeMatteo) Mrs. Jo-Ann Verrier (Heilferty) 1956 Ms. Margaret Casey Ms. Josephine Caulfield Mrs. Joan DiGiulio (Nugent) Sr. Kathleen Finnerty, osu Ms. Muriel Grim (Smith) Mrs. Marie Hermann (Lynch) Mrs. Ellen Kehoe (Pacia) Mrs. Anne Lauenstein (Durner) Mrs. Elizabeth McDermott (Shea) Mrs. Ann Morison (Frank) Ms. Teresa Peloso Mrs. Claire Santoro (Pacia) Ms. Audrey Sutton 1957 Mrs. Marie Ambery (Jordan) Mrs. Judith A. Boyle (Coyle) Miss Sarah Campbell Ms. Helen Casey Mrs. Laurel Cavanagh (Varian) Mrs. Carole Cavanaugh-Fettig Mrs. Eileen Collins (Murphy) Mrs. Marion Driscoll (Gyves) Dr. Kathleen Elkins (Calmel) Mrs. Barbara Feeney (Bonsaing) Ms. Kay Forbes-Fandetti Mrs. Mary Kelly (Murray) Mrs. Elizabeth Lynch (Garvin) Mrs. Ruth Macnamara (Robb) Mrs. Carol Maher (Ferguson) Mrs. Jean Mc Glinn (Carden) Ms. Aline Miller Mrs. Maureen Mooney (Griffin) Mrs. Dorothea Muccigrosso (Maiuzzo) Ms. Jeanne Murphy Mrs. Dolores Peden (Valmonte) Mrs. Mary Regan (O’Connell) Mrs. Valerie Schoeck (Wilson) Mrs. Nancy Shannon (Prior) Mrs. Marguerite Witte (Hoffmann) 1958 Mrs. Anne Abbatecola (Di Maria) Mrs. Joan Ann Bonsignore (Spinelli) Mrs. Ann Marie Ciaramella (Duminuco) Ms. Florence Cucchi (Alaimo) Maureen D. Donovan, Esq. (Driscoll) Mrs. Judith Dugan (Travers) Mrs. Kathleen Dunne (McKay) Mrs. Marie Gianatasio (Musella) Mrs. Rita Gorman (Moriarty) Ms. Barbara Heaney Sr. Margaret Kelleher, osu Mrs. Margaret Kubasiak (Durner) Mrs. Mary Ann Martin (McGrath) Mrs. Carole Mills (Ciccarone) Mrs. Rosemarie Navatta (Martemucci) Mrs. Joanne Sarrica (Reisman) Ms. Virginia Syron Mrs. Rosemary Vander Wyde (Kudro) 1959 Mrs. Susan Anderson (Weldon) Miss Florence Bricker Mrs. Ursula Burke (Hutchinson) Sr. Patricia Burke Ms. Barbara Cavaliere (Decker) Mrs. Marie Cronin (Sullivan) Ms. Rosemarie Delia Mrs. Beatrice Dinger (Smith) Mrs. Claire Downey (Cunnion) Ms. Barbara Ferrante (Frey) Ms. Margaret Franzone (McGuirk) Mrs. Patricia Germinario (Sammon) Mrs. Rita Gruber (Tierney) Mrs. Virginia Gunn (Kappler) Mrs. Marion Haughey (McCarthy) Mrs. Helene Holohan (Douglas) Ms. Nancy Kamilakis (Hoag) Sr. Geraldine Kennedy, osu Dr. Deirdre LaPorte Mrs. Patricia MacDonald (Ryan) Ms. Anne McAuliffe-O’Donnell Ms. Maryann McEvoy Dr. Angele M. McGrady (Vial) Mrs. Beatrice Mondare (Lynch) Dr. Noreen Moran (Deane) Mrs. Mary Muller (Casey) Ms. Mary Beth Mulligan Ms. Jo Ellen O’Callaghan (Langdon) Mrs. Maria Posey (Caretti) Mrs. Mary Jo Ricci (Guadagno) Mrs. Marijean Sommer (Shea) Mrs. Dorothy Sturek (Johnson) Mrs. Kathleen T. Tashner (Treanor) Mrs. Lois Weeks (Lekow) Ms. Patricia Wright (Carbotti) Mrs. Ellen Zuercher (Potdevin) 1960 Ms. Patricia Bommicino Mrs. Anne Byrne (McElligott) Sr. Jean Cashman, osu Mrs. Kathleen Clarke (Diskin) Dr. Alice Clement (Meehan) Mrs. Mary Agnes Coady (Dress) Mrs. Jeanne Coburn (Calamari) Mrs. Joan M. Delaney (Gorman) Mrs. Margaret Healy (Lohan) Mrs. Eileen Hogan (Cooney) Mrs. Geraldine Kelly (Burr) Mrs. Lydia Kettani (Anaclerio) Ms. Ann Leahy Mrs. Virginia Maar (Kennedy) Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 Alumnae Donors Mrs. Dianne Martingano (Platoni) Ms. Judith McPartland Mrs. Anne Michaels (Lafferty) Mrs. Louise Morgner (Roy) Mrs. Patricia Reynolds (Hofmann) Sr. Patricia Russell, osu Mrs. Elizabeth Sauthoff (Muller) Sr. Mary M. Shea, osu Mrs. Claire Skoglund (McElroy) Mrs. Irene Smith (Mannix) Ms. Barbara Stronczer Col. Sheila Toner Ms. Catherine M. Urtz Mrs. Mary Jane Vonnegut (Spohr) 1961 Mrs. Ginger Alexander (Monz) Mrs. Theresa Brosnan (Lyons) Ms. Eileen Casey Ms. Patricia Connolly Mrs. Joan Crosson (Dekan) Mrs. Mary Jane Dooley (Coyle) Ms. Bernadette Gillis Ms. Barbara Higgins Ms. Ann C. Hunt Ms. Carole Kakos Ms. Marie Keegan Ms. Francine Lampidis (Napoliello) Dr. Virginia Livolsi Ms. Mary Malloy Mrs. Constance Miller (Stanionis) Mrs. Lorna Minor (Hurley) Mrs. Joan Mooney (Pizzoli) Julia A. Murphy, Esq. (McKeon) Mrs. Joanne Pergolis (Limberg) Mrs. Eileen Phelps (McGowan) 1962 Mrs. Ellen Alger (Smith) Mrs. Kathleen Anderson (Edery) Mrs. Mary Ann Angelone (Wilson) Dr. Roanne Angiello (Schmidt) Ms. Veronica Casey Ms. Joan Ericsson Mrs. Elizabeth Farrar (Vousden) Mrs. Elizabeth Frey (Werths) Ms. Florence Galassi Mrs. Ann Gallo (MacClave) Mrs. Ann Gannon (Keenan) Ms. Mary Greene Mrs. Catherine Haney (Kilian) Mrs. Margaret Keating (Brennan) Ms. Evelyn Kelly Mrs. Elizabeth Leitner (Maier) Ms. Joan Maisch Mrs. Dorothy Mazaitis (Fitzgerald) Ms. Jane McDonnell Mrs. Jean McDonough (Welden) Mrs. Barbara McEneney (Cavanagh) Mrs. Josephine McGlynn (Moran) Ms. Virginia Minicucci (DeCicco) Mrs. Regina Monte (McGrory) Mrs. Ann Moroney (McCabe) Dr. Maureen Norris (Riordan) Mrs. Mary Paolino (Doyle) Mrs. Maureen Riemer (Woods) Mrs. Kathleen Schneller (Ferguson) Mrs. Mary Stump (Martin) Mrs. Mary Sullivan (Burke) Mrs. Gertrude Trier (Craven) 1963 Mrs. Dale Candela (Evans) Mrs. Mary Condon (O’Donnell) Mrs. Mary Fedigan (Baldwin) Ms. Patricia Forbes Mrs. Maryanne Greene (McNally) Mrs. Susanne Grossman (Lynch) Mrs. Theresa Hannah (Donini) Mrs. Patricia Hatfield (Lyttle) Mrs. JoAnn Leahy (Gorham) Dr. Linda Mauro (Mastrangelo) Mrs. Catherine McManus (Winkler) Mrs. Susan Melnyk (Zior) Ms. Ann C. Morrissey Mrs. Mary Niedzwiecki (McKeon) Mrs. Barbara Pennipede (Moravek) Dr. Regina Peruggi Mrs. Kathleen Probst (McQuillan) Mrs. Jane Reichle (Scully) Mrs. Margaret Rice (McCullen) Mrs. Patricia Savage (Giebelhouse) Ms. Margaret Timmins-Knoesel Mrs. Lois Van Fleet (Neggesmith) Mrs. Josephine Wernau (Scottino) 1964 Mrs. Margaret Bush (Schmidt) Mrs. Pamela Conlon (Mantegazza) Mrs. Mary Connolly (Tkaczyk) Ms. Ann Marie Eagan Mrs. Maureen Fabel (Sullivan) Mrs. Jacqueline Fitzgerald (Healy) Mrs. Lisa Fox (Wasielewski) Mrs. Jeanne Gaffney (McGuirk) Mrs. Louise Golaski (Toner) Mrs. Mary Hoden (Griffiths) Mrs. Jayne Knips (Fox) Mrs. Sandra Masiello (Benedetti) Mrs. Mary Jane McCann (McPartland) Mrs. Jane Moore (Callahan) Mrs. Catherine Murtha (Frank) Dr. Maureen Nutting (Murphy) Ms. Nancy Oakes Mrs. Ethel Reese (McKeon) Ms. Noreen Tobin Mrs. Marguerite Weibel (Crowley) Mrs. Veronica Weyrauch (Walsh) Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 1965 Mrs. Rita Alicks (Doyle) Mrs. Rita Anderson (Gerhardinger) Mrs. Diane Carcaterra (Conway) Ms. Joan Close Mrs. Susan Cronin (McCarthy) Mrs. Patricia Curtis (Miller) Dr. Rosemary Dale Mrs. Christine Desmond (Condon) Mrs. Carol DeSouza (Cancellere) Mrs. Rosemary Dilgard (Rando) Mrs. Barbara Dingee (Farrell) Mrs. Kathryn Flanagan (Warnken) Mrs. Dolores Gartner (Burckardt) Mrs. Monica Henneberry (Horan) Jane G. Iacobellis, Esq. (Grantmyre) Mrs. Nancy Imhof (Hanish) Dr. Carol Ivory Mrs. Patricia Kerrigan (Stapleton) Dr. Rosanne Kiely (Kelly) Mrs. Veronica Kiernan (Keefe) Ms. Annelen Madigan Mrs. Claire Manto (Colangelo) Mrs. Mary Martin (McIntyre) Mrs. Margaret Maybury (Bartley) The Honorable Maureen McIntyre Mrs. Mary Ann Michalski (Reuther) Mrs. Sharyn O’Connor (Lloyd) Mrs. Denise Phalan (Shamoun) Mrs. Mary Ann Raph (O’Connor) Mrs. Judith Roldan (Rivera) Ms. Patricia Ruggieri Mrs. Joanne Shea (McLean) Mrs. Arlene Stump (Mahoney) Ms. Veronica J. Taylor Mrs. Clare Thomenius (McKeon) Mrs. Lynne Toumey (Berne) The Honorable Patricia Yonushonis (Delaney) 1966 Dr. Mary Jane Alexander Ms. Loretta Burke Mrs. Joan Carney (Benvenuto) Mrs. Ann Marie Clancy (Williams) Mrs. Mary DeRosa (Van Shea) Mrs. Elke Durden (Furthman) Mrs. Andrea Johnson (Moore) Ms. Kathleen Keber Mrs. Peggy Hayes Kelly (Hayes) Dr. Helene Lutz Mrs. Susan Lyons (Krunocky) Ms. Jo Ann Maloney (Walls) Mrs. Catherine McElroy (Cunningham) Ms. Joan Loretta Munn Mrs. Alice Munzo (Pisani) Mrs. Margaret Padnos (Mais) Mrs. Mary K Pinto (Krupp) Mrs. Margaret Roth (Desmond) Mrs. Eileen Sutter (Tobin) Mrs. Virginia Tierney (Andriola) 23 Alumnae Donors Ms. Regina Tobin Vice Admiral Patricia Tracey Ms. Christine Tralongo Mrs. Susan Trank (Kofer) 1967 Ms. Katherine Babiak Mrs. Anna Chielli (Scaccia) Dr. Camille Di Paola Mrs. Helen Donoghue (Deiser) Ms. Melissa Gabriel Mrs. Helene Gannon (Leddy) Mrs. Anne Marie Hynes (Nichol) Mrs. Regina McEneaney (Roth) Mrs. Linda Murphy (Carroll) Ms. Linda Nissen Mrs. Alice Salmon (Sullivan) Mrs. Julia Turk (Murphy) Ms. Mary Wallace Mrs. Kathleen Whiteside (Brocks) 1968 Mrs. Catherine Bridge (Lynch) Mrs. Melanie Conte (Cehelsky) Ms. Noreen Culhane Dr. Cathy E. Fagan (Mirenda) Mrs. Mary Flanagan (Cameron) Mrs. Elizabeth Gelbord (Ahern) Mrs. Ann Grodzicki (Apicella) Ms. Kathleen Healy Mrs. Nancy Keane (McAuliffe) Mrs. Eileen Larkin-Sullivan Mrs. Kathleen McKay (Barry) Mrs. Mary O’Gorman (Curtin) Mrs. Elizabeth O’Mara (Johnson) Ms. Catherine Pragoff Mrs. Patrice Rossettie (Gentsch) 1969 Ms. Geraldine Barelli-James Mrs. Anne Barrins-Slaby Mrs. Margaret Bavosa (Lenihan) Mrs. Patricia Braun (Ferrara) Mrs. Kathleen Clifford (O’Leary) Mrs. Celia M. Combs (Ruiz) Mrs. Mary Conry (O’Sullivan) Ms. Theresa Davis Mrs. Barbara DeAngelo (Montenero) Ms. Tania Degen Carol Ann Ferraro-Lennon, Esq. Mrs. Mary Ellen Furlong (McLaughlin) Mrs. Linda Guglielmo (Christof) Mrs. Donna Keane (Abele) Dr. Diane Kelly (Ramos) Mrs. Theresa Massimi (Shanley) Ms. Eileen McCabe Mrs. Eileen McCarthy (Mulligan) Mrs. Patricia McCormack (Groark) Mrs. Joan McGreevy-Glatzl Mrs. Margaret Murphy (Walsh) Mrs. Eileen Normile (Walsh) 24 Mrs. Angela Richards (Gagliardo) Mrs. Patricia Rosen (O’Hare) Mrs. Phyllis Ryan (De Simone) Mrs. Carmen Taime (Vasquez) Mrs. Joan Vaillancourt (Kelly) Ms. Joanne Welty Mrs. Joan Winant (O’Meara) 1970 Mrs. Christine Barberet (Colligan) Mrs. Margaret Broderick (Farrelly) Mrs. Nancy Bruckmann (Brocks) Mrs. Elizabeth Bryden (Baga) Mrs. Eileen Buckley (McGrory) Mrs. Julia Crisci (Zinzi) Ms. Mary Cronin Mrs. Monica DeLaurentis (Signorini) Mrs. Margaret Desimone (McKeon) Mrs. Mary Jo Dunleavy (Doody) Dr. Rosemary Farley (Carroll) Mrs. Anne Fried (Kelleher) Mrs. Nanette Gibbs (Jew) Mrs. Linda Gimlett (Malang) Ms. Chris Haggerty Ms. Mary Keber Mrs. Susan Kloc (Smrcka) Mrs. Maureen Kozma (Burns) Mrs. Marie La Tourette (Sherry) Ms. Bridget McCarthy (Smith) Mrs. Grace McNamara (Monahan) Mrs. Linda Nagle (Fortuna) Mrs. Kathleen Sheehy (Kearns) Mrs. Joan Sorgi (Darcy) Ms. Jane Syracuse Mrs. Agnes Thompson (Johnson) Mrs. Mary Tierney (Duffy) Mrs. Eileen Tweedy (O’Rourke) 1971 Mrs. Mary Ellen Beitel (Fitzpatrick) Mrs. Joanne Boyle (DeMarzo) Dr. Donna Casella Ms. Mary Connor Mrs. Mary Cooper (Flanagan) Mrs. Anne Marie Duignan (LeGuyader) Ms. Francesca Durner Dr. Mary Garner (Linhard) Mrs. Catherine Giegerich (Rosa) Mrs. Marilyn Healy-McDermott Mrs. Linda Hoffman (Kramer) Mrs. Arleen Hoffmann (Groark) Mrs. Rosaleen Mason (Byrne) Ms. Patricia McCann (Brunke) Ms. Marita McMahon Mrs. Pamela Menk (Reasoner) Mrs. Ellen Miller (Hartman) Mrs. Donna Nava (Benza) Mrs. Carol O’Neill (Kwalwasser) Mrs. Rosemary Petrovich (Joyce) Mrs. Patricia Quinn (Carney) Mrs. Donna Sasso (Dircks) Dr. Donna Sutter Mrs. Marjorie Tabak (Joyce) Dr. Ellen Tedaldi 1972 Ms. Dianne Coffino Mrs. Susan Cote (Baltera) Ms. Mary Eggert Ms. Djinna Gochis Mrs. Karen Jackson (Dugas) Mrs. Sestina Miller (Rao) Ms. Patricia Murphy Mrs. Georgina Robillard (Rodriguez) Ms. Joan Russell Ms. Kathleen M. Slakas Mrs. Denise Tormey (Dalton) Ms. Eileen Walsh O’Shea 1973 Mrs. Debra Ann Baker (Barry) Mrs. Sheila Baldwin-Cohen Ms. Marian Burke Mrs. Mary Ellen Connerty (Kubinec) Mrs. Mary DiBello (McCormick) Dr. Grace O. Dickinson (O’Malley) Mrs. Susan Dugan (McEntee) Dr. Ann Finegan Ms. Nancy Gallagher Ms. Kathy Henn (Cole) Mrs. Mary Hickey (Culhane) Mrs. Susan Jennings (Walsh) Ms. Judy Martinez Mrs. Barbara Napholtz (Zygmunt) Ms. Joanne O’Beirne Mrs. Barbara O’Brien (Murphy) Mrs. Ann Marie Stangenberg (Lorum) Ms. Joan Vertigan (Miller) Dr. Terri Yannaco 1974 Mrs. Eithne Bearden (Cotter) Mrs. Cathy Ciocci (Garofalo) Mrs. Kathleen Civetta (Murphy) Ms. Karen Coneys Mrs. Vivienne Courtney (Frohlich) Ms. Rosemary Eivers Mrs. Mary Ferguson (Melvin) Dr. Janet Keane (Dillon) Dr. Josephine Scotto-Di Carlo, M.D. Mrs. Carol Sforza (Smith) Mrs. Mary Skibinski (Kearns) Mrs. Stella Steiner 1975 Mrs. Theresa Cameron (Buckley) Miss Mary Courtney Dr. Anita Franzione Mrs. Karen Gormley-Vitale Mrs. Jeanette Kavanagh (Lumelleau) Ms. Kathleen Kearns Ms. Regina Marengo Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 Alumnae Donors Ms. Michelle Morley Ms. Joan Mullee Ms. Rosemarie Mullin Ms. Ellen Wentworth 1976 Ms. Barbara Blumers Mrs. Mary Coleman (Houlihan) Mrs. Maureen Crowley (Glynn) Mrs. Elizabeth DeBartolo (Terp) Ms. Bridget Gaffney Ms. Deborah Higgins Mrs. Eileen Leahy (Cooney) Ms. Mary Martin (Messner) Ms. Maureen McDyer Ms. Adrienne Rolla Ms. Bernadette Scolaro Mrs. Ursula Thomas (Chase) 1977 Mrs. Sheila Allan (Lynch) Mrs. Janet Bonsignore (Flanagan) Ms. Deirdre Corio Mrs. Elizabeth Jensen (Mundy) Mrs. Laurie Lutz (May) Mrs. Mary C. McShane (Colligan) Dr. Patricia Nee O’Keefe (Nee) Ms. Debra O’Connor (Kiernan) Ms. Josephine O’Hara Mrs. Margaret Redmond (Myers) 1978 Colonel Donna M. Brazil Mrs. Suzanne Campbell (Beltran) Mrs. Karen Cruz-Stapleton Mrs. Maureen Donlon (Cafferky) Mrs. Ann Marie Murray (Johnson) Mrs. Bonnie Regan (Mays) Sr. Patricia M. Schifini, osu 1979 Mrs. Patricia Adreance (McMahon) Mrs. Cynthia Arne (Rosario) Mrs. Susann Ciaccia (Lundberg) Mrs. Teresa Donohue (Donohue) Mrs. Ann Marie Gizzi (D’Alisera) Ms. Mary Harvey Ms. Maureen Kiernan (O’Hara) Lee Llambelis, Esq. Ms. Brenda McMahon Mrs. Kathleen Menten (McAvey) Mrs. Kathleen Prince (Malone) 1980 Mrs. Debra Boyle (Brown) Mrs. Donna Brown-Redding Mrs. Doreen Oates (Socorro) Mrs. Maria Rafferty (Gaffney) Ms. Margaret Reilly-Brooks Ms. JoAnn Stonier 1981 Ms. Michelle Dunkley Mrs. Loretta Fallo (Johnson) Mrs. Margaret Friedberg (Giordano) Miss Ines Goldin (Tosto) Ms. Ann Marie Lavery Mrs. Patricia MacRae (Houlihan) Mrs. Beth McCahey (Caldwell) Mrs. Jean Moran (Hannigan) Mrs. Anna Parasiliti (Multari) Ms. Linda Spagnuolo (Trentacoste) Mrs. Makiko Takayama 1982 Ms. Catherine Fuller Mrs. Jacqueline Halpin (Mullarkey) Mrs. Rebecca Malone (Sheridan) Mrs. Angela Peteani (Nieves) Mrs. Rose Ann Salvate (Rush) Mrs. Mary Fran Stamm (Hage) 1983 Ms. Aileen Del Prado Ms. Veronica Dengler Ms. Linda Kelly Ms. Vivian Medina Mrs. Siobhan Rini (O’Toole) 1984 Mrs. Margaret D’Ippolito (Collins) Ms. Gloria Hildebrand Ms. Elizabeth Jennings Ms. Judy Kehoe Mrs. Anna Marie O’Neill (Dineen) 1985 Ms. Katrina Dengler Mrs. Christine Hanlon (Giordano) Ms. Kristina Hosch Ms. Susan Kentler Mrs. Maria Lamari-Burden Mrs. Sharon O’Sullivan (Kelly) Mrs. Tara Patterson (Ambery) Mrs. Corane M. Robinson (Hinckson) Mrs. Danielle Tezcan (Harris) Ms. Eileen Twiggs 1986 Mrs. Francesca Bossey (Kosick) Mrs. Cynthia Fermin (Estevez) Mrs. Adrianne Hamilton (Attanasio) Mrs. Patricia Hawkins (Deacy) Mrs. Kerri Reynolds (Gould) 1987 Mrs. Sharon Baylis (Rozsas) Ms. Nancy Rodrigue 1989 Ms. Tracey Fedele (Coates) Sr. Jean Humphries, osu Ms. Erica Johnson Mrs. Michelle Mullen (Burke) Ms. Meaghan O’Toole 1990 Ms. Helene Butler Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 1991 Ms. Catherine Daly Mrs. Angela LeClerc (Bozza) Mrs. Kim Mahoney 1992 Mrs. Jacqueline Alexander (West) Ms. Dianne Campbell Mrs. Sarah D’Amico (Bonilla) Mrs. Sara Glaser (Martinez) Mrs. Claudia G. Toni-Smith 1993 Ms. Mollene Benison Ms. Patty Gonzalez Mrs. Mariana Ljuljdjuraj (Kalaj) Mrs. Lisette Melendez (Santiago) Ms. Jenny Mercado 1995 Ms. Elaine Green Mrs. Consuelo Mendez-Hanlon Dr. Wendis Santana-Joyce Ms. Mairead Treacy (Scully) 1996 Mrs. Jennifer Nolan (Goddard) 1997 Ms. Kathleen Brosnan Ms. Sien Mittiga Mrs. Isabel Rodriguez (Mendez) 1999 Ms. Cecilia Granda Ms. Amaris Rosario Mrs. Maritza Torres (Delgado) 2000 Miss Mercy Rios 2002 Miss Patrice Mitchell 2003 Miss Natasha Alejandro Mrs. Donna Figueroa (Antone) 2005 Ms. Melissa Audain Ms. Alicia Brookes Ms. Angela Chandracomar Ms. Tatjana Chung Ms. Maricon Fernandez Ms. Tabrizia Jones Ms. Jessica Lima Ms. Sade N. Nobels 2006 Ms. Rashida Burnham 2007 Ms. Fabiola Pierre-Louis 2008 Ms. Jessica Cruz Ms Flordeliz Polanco 25 Adopt-a-Student Program The Academy of Mount St. Ursula appreciates the generous support of the contributors to the Adopt-a-Student Program. These donors have allowed many students the opportunity to attend MSU. During the school year major donors to this program may receive report cards on their student(s) and have the opportunity to meet them at various MSU events. This personal relationship contributes to a stronger commitment between the student and the sponsor, allowing this program to blossom. We are grateful for your dedicated support. Joan Cashman ‘47 and friend meet MSU students Mary Sayers ‘53 with student at annual gathering Mrs. Anne Abbatecola (Di Maria) ‘58 Abraham House Arch Insurance Group, Inc. Estate of Nancy P. Brennan Miss Florence Bricker ‘59 Ms. Dianne Campbell ‘92 Joan Carroll, M.D. Ms. Joan Cashman ‘47 Child, INC. Mrs. Ann Marie Ciaramella (Duminuco) ‘58 Mrs. Ann Marie Clancy (Williams) ‘66 Colgate-Palmolive Company Ms. Karen Coneys ‘74 Mrs. Susan Cronin (McCarthy) ‘65 Mr. John W. Davis Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Ms. Francesca Durner ‘71 Ms. Mary Eggert ‘72 Ms. Tracey Fedele (Coates) ‘89 Mrs. Anne Fried (Kelleher) ‘70 Ms. Bridget Gaffney ‘76 Mrs. Ann Gannon (Keenan) ‘62 Mrs. Joan Garber (Ott) ‘54 26 Mrs. Nanette Gibbs (Jew) ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. David Graham (Malloy) Guerrerio Family Foundation Ms. Jean D. Harrigan (Mirenda) Mr. John F. Hogan Horace Mann High School Ms. Kristina Hosch ‘85 Mr. James Houlihan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Houlihan, Jr. Mrs. Karen Jackson (Dugas) ‘72 Ms. Carole Kakos ‘61 Ms. Kathleen Keber ‘66 Ms. Mary Keber ‘70 Mrs. Donna Kelly (McAuley) ‘54 KIPP Academy Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club, Inc. Mrs. Maria Lamari-Burden ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muriana ‘65 Mrs. Dorothy Mazaitis (Fitzgerald) ‘62 Ms. Bridget McCarthy (Smith) ‘70 Dr. Angele M. McGrady (Vial) ‘59 Mr. John F. Mennis Mrs. Clasina Mittiga Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Mondare (Lynch) ‘59 Mrs. Jean Moran (Hannigan) ‘81 Mrs. Catherine O’Connor (White) ‘49 Ms. Debra O’Connor (Kiernan) ‘77 James E. O’Shea Pfizer Foundation Mrs. Mary K. Pinto (Krupp) ‘66 Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pollard, III Mrs. Kathleen Probst (McQuillan) ‘63 Mrs. Ethel Reese (McKeon) ‘64 Mrs. Jane Reichle (Scully) ‘63 Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Reilly (McLaughlin) ‘50 Mrs. Kerri Reynolds (Gould) ‘86 Mrs. Mary Jo Ricci (Guadagno) ‘59 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rogers Ms. Camille Roman Ms. Amaris Rosario ‘99 Sacred Heart School Ms. Kathleen M. Slakas ‘72 St. Jerome Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tangney Mrs. Kathleen T. Tashner (Treanor) ‘59 TEAK Fellowship Vice Admiral Patricia Tracey ‘66 Mrs. Louise J. Troisi Verizon Matching Gifts Mrs. Lois Weeks (Lekow) ‘59 Mr. Myles V. Whalen , Jr. Whitaker International, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Willemin Mrs. Joan Winant (O’Meara) ‘69 Windows of Hope / Dept. of Social Services Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 1855 Society Miss Ann Bangert ‘55 Ms. Margaret Casey ‘56 Mrs. Mary Flanagan (Cameron) ‘68 Mrs. Bernadette Garigliano (Raftery) ‘49 Miss Urania Giordano ‘37 Dr. Elizabeth Gregory (Kennedy) ‘61 Ms. Barbara Keane ‘77 Mrs. Bernadette Kearney Pian ‘41 Mrs. Patricia Kerrigan (Stapleton) ‘65 Mrs. Ann Larkin (Burke) ‘76 Mrs. Mary Jane McKenna (O’Reilly) ‘52 Mrs. Maria Posey (Caretti) ‘59 Mrs. Mary Regan (O’Connell) ‘57 Mrs. Kathleen T. Tashner (Treanor) ‘59 Ms. Joan Ungaro ‘67 Angela Cruz Stapleton Memorial Fund PepsiCo Foundation Raleigh Charter High School Alliance Bernstein, L.P. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Cruz-Stapleton ‘78 Mr. Kenneth Holbrook Mrs. Elizabeth Jensen (Mundy) ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sohr Bequests Estate of Mary T. O’Malley Blanca de Aguila Memorial Scholarship JP Morgan Chase Bank of America Matching Gifts Ms. Cecilia Granda ‘99 Mrs. Valentina Jaureguizar Mrs. Mariana Ljuljdjuraj (Kalaj) ‘93 Mrs. Milagros Mendez Mrs. Isabel Rodriguez (Mendez) ‘97 Board of Trustees Reverend Kenneth J. Boller, S.J. Mrs. Susan Cronin (McCarthy) ‘65 Ms. Mary Cronin ‘70 Mrs. Barbara DeAngelo (Montenero) ‘69 Sr. Julia Dennehy, osu ‘45 Dr. Mary Erina Driscoll Dr. Joseph Fusco Mr. Daniel Houlihan Sr. Jean Humphries, osu ‘89 Mrs. Anne Marie Hynes (Nichol) ‘67 Dr. Diane Kelly (Ramos) ‘69 Sr. Marion Lynch, osu Mrs. Patricia MacRae (Houlihan) ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Martin Moran (Jean Hannigan ‘81) Joseph Muriana, Esq. Dr. Regina Peruggi ‘63 Sr. Bridget Puzon, osu Mrs. Kerri Reynolds (Gould) ‘86 Sr. Mary M. Shea, osu ‘60 Mrs. Claudia G. Toni-Smith ‘92 Mrs. Denise Tormey (Dalton) ‘72 Mrs. Jo-Ann Verrier (Heilferty) ‘55 Reverend John Vigilanti Current and Past Faculty/Staff Miss Natasha Alejandro ‘03 Mr. Joseph Arcoleo Mrs. Judity Ashley Mrs. Elizabeth Bergmann Ms. Kathleen F. Boland Mrs. Estelle A. Brocks (Harper) ‘45 Sr. Barbara Calamari, osu Mrs. Elaine Carroll Mrs. Virginia Cerussi Ms. Katherine Corticcio Ms. Mary Cronin ‘70 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Cruz-Stapleton ‘78 Ms. Patricia Curley Mrs. Renee DeGroat-Dillon ‘89 Mrs. Monica DeLaurentis (Signorini) ‘70 Sr. Julia T. Dennehy, osu ‘45 Ms. Jeanne Di Benedetto Mrs. Barbara Dingee (Farrell) ‘65 Dr. Mary Driscoll Mrs. Carolyn Duggan Mrs. Marie Fabrizio Dr. Joseph Fusco Mrs. Mary Ellen Genovese Ms. Cecilia Granda ‘99 Mrs. Gladys Grimaldi Ms. Lisa A. Harrison Mrs. Mary Humphrey Jane G. Iacobellis, Esq. (Grantmyre) ‘65 Mrs. Denise Kannar Sr. Regina Kehoe, osu ‘46 Mrs. Joanne M. Kelly Mrs. Mary Knopp Mrs. Josephine Law (Pirrone) ‘89 Sr. Marion Lynch, osu Mrs. Joan McCarthy Mr. Richard McGowan Mrs. Regina Monte (McGrory) ‘62 Mrs. Nancy Moreira (Madden) Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan Mrs. Donna Nelson Mr. James J. O’Brien Mrs. Margie O’Reilly Sr. Mary Virgina Orna, osu Ms. Kate Ostrander ‘97 Mr. Luis Pantojas Mrs. Anna Ramos Ms. Laura A. Ravotti Sr. Mary Beth Read, osu Ms. Regina Rodriguez ‘04 Mrs. Patricia Rooms Sr. Patricia M. Schifini, osu ‘78 Sr. Mary M. Shea, osu ‘60 Mrs. Mary Summo Ms. Margaret Timmins-Knoesel ‘63 Mrs. Germaine Trabert (Keogh) ‘54 Mrs. Rosemary Twomey Ms. Catherine M. Urtz ‘60 Reverend John Vigilanti Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 Current and Past Parents AMSU Parent Association Mr. and Mrs. Jose L. Alejandro, P ‘03, ‘09 Mrs. Marie Ambery (Jordan) ‘57, P ‘85 Ms. Sandra Bligen-Doyle, P ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cremins, P ‘06 Mrs. Elizabeth DeLorenzo (Saviola) ‘52, P ‘74 Mrs. Lilliana Estrella-Castillo, P ‘06 Mrs. Gladys Grimaldi, P ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harmon, P ‘12 Ms. Lois Harr, P ‘05 Mrs. Therese Holder (Manley) ‘45, P ‘70 Mrs. Marie Lumelleau (Rooney) ‘36, P ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Martinez, P ‘01 Mr. Richard McGowan, P ‘07 Mrs. Milagros Mendez, P ‘84, ‘89, ‘95, ‘97 Mrs. Clasina Mittiga, P ‘97, ’99, ‘01 Ms. Jesenia Monge, P ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Ocasio, P ‘05 Mrs. Eileen Ostrander, P ‘97 Mrs. Geraldine O’Sullivan, P ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. John V. O’Toole, P ‘83, ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Petrovich (Joyce) ‘71, P ‘10 Ms. Lorena Pizarro, P ‘12 Ms. Theodora Prentice, P ‘06 Ms. Gwendolyn Rivera, P ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Robles, P ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rogers, P ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Seivwright, P ‘09 Ms. Mary Snipes, P ‘09 Wanda Thomas, P ‘12 Mr. and Mrs. Eamon F. Toscano, P ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. John Vazquez, P ‘12 Ms. Valarie Watson, P ‘10 Foundations Aetna Foundation, Inc. Blackmer Foundation Brooklyn Benevolent Society Children’s Scholarship Fund The Endowment for Inner-City Education GE Foundation Guerrerio Family Foundation Inner City Scholarship Fund Macy’s, Inc. Matching Gifts Program New York Botanical Garden PepsiCo Foundation Pfizer Foundation REACH St. Vincent De Paul Foundation, Inc. Taproot Foundation Friends Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Benedetti Reverend Kenneth J. Boller, S.J. Luvaghn Brown Mr. Thomas P. Curley Mr. Thomas Ekkers Reverend Thomas Fenlon Gellert & Rodner: Attorneys at Law 27 Mrs. Anna Ramos Scholastic Specialty Corporation Ursuline Provincialate Reverend John Vigilanti Heilferty Scholarship Fund Sr. Mary Jane Bookstaver, O.P. Mr. and Mrs. James Pagano Mr. and Mrs. John J. Verrier (Heilferty) ‘55 Ms. Jo-Ann M. Verrier Karen Marsh Award Ms. Mary Cronin ‘70 Mrs. Barbara Marsh Matching Gifts A&E Television Networks MSU participates in two annual blood drives Aetna Foundation, Inc. Alliance Bernstein, L.P. Amgen Foundation Mrs. Alice Grant Arch Insurance Group, Inc. Mr. Charles Greiter Bank of America Matching Gifts Sr. Mildred Haipt, osu Beckman Coulter Foundation Home Depot Becton Dickinson and Company Mrs. Kathrene Houlihan Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Mr. Joseph B. Houlihan Colgate-Palmolive Company Ms. Rita Houlihan Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Ms. Christine A. Karatka GE Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Landrey JP Morgan Chase Mr. Armand Lauren Macy’s, Inc. Matching Gifts Program Lehrman Kronick & Lehrman, LLP: MasterCard Worldwide Matching Gift Program Attorneys at Law Merck Company Foundation Sr. Marion Lynch, osu Morgan Stanley MasterCard Worldwide Matching Gift Program New York Life Foundation Mrs. Georgia Mazarakis Pfizer Foundation Sr. Marie-Celine Miranda, osu Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mr. Jerome O’Keefe Scitor Corporation Laura E. Pennell The Goldman Sachs Educational Sr. Bridget Puzon, osu Matching Gift Program Raytheon Charitable Giving Wells Fargo Matching Gift Ctr. Sr. Mary Beth Read, osu Ms. Rosemary Rinder Scholastic Specialty Corporation Mrs. Eileen Sibson Mrs. Rosemary Twomey US Globe Service Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Verhaegen Sr. Marie Albert Walsh, osu Samira Ahmed Award Academy of Mount St. Ursula Ms. Sandra Bligen-Doyle Ms. Katherine Corticcio Ms. Margaret Knoesel Mr. and Mrs. Eamon F. Toscano Ursuline Sisters of 2456 Gifts in Kind Miss Natasha Alejandro ‘03 Mrs. Susan Cronin (McCarthy) ‘65 Davis Studio Mrs. Barbara DeAngelo (Montenero) ‘69 Home Depot Jostens Mrs. Joanne M. Kelly Mr. Armand Lauren MasterCard Worldwide Matching Gift Program Mr. Luis Pantojas Scholarships Joseph Holland III Memorial Fund Saint Ignatius School St. Jude School Mr. Peter G. Ulrich Windows of Hope / Dept. of Social Services 28 Ms. Mary Connor ‘71 Mrs. Margaret Conroy (Mitty) ‘45 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Cruz-Stapleton ‘78 Mrs. Barbara DeAngelo (Montenero) ‘69 Mrs. Monica DeLaurentis (Signorini) ‘70 Dr. Mary Driscoll Mrs. Susan Dugan (McEntee) ‘73 Mr. John T. Elser Mr. and Mrs. David Graham (Malloy) Ms. Elaine Green ‘95 Ms. Chris Haggerty ‘70 Mrs. Adrianne Hamilton (Attanasio) ‘86 Mr. Joseph B. Houlihan Mrs. Dian Jennings Mayo ‘49 Dr. Diane Kelly (Ramos) ‘69 Ms. Eileen McCabe (McCabe) ‘69 Mrs. Joan McCarthy Ms. Judith McPartland ‘60 Mrs. Nancy Moreira (Madden) Mrs. Ann Morison (Frank) ‘56 Mrs. Catherine Murtha (Frank) ‘64 Ms. Debra O’Connor (Kiernan) ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Petrovich (Joyce) ‘71 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Read Mr. and Mrs. E. James Read Mrs. Paula Read Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Perez Ms. Maureen Russell Mrs. Kathleen T. Tashner (Treanor) ‘59 The Ursuline School Ursuline Sisters of 2456 Mr. Joseph P. Vericker Mrs. Marguerite Weibel (Crowley) ‘64 Mrs. Joan Winant (O’Meara) ‘69 Stephani Diaferia Award Miss Katherine Corticcio Mrs. Mary Summo Tracy Edwards Award Lee Llambelis, Esq. ‘79 Thomas J. Parra Scholarship Monsignor Patrick J. Boyle Mrs. Diana M. Parra Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parra Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Parra Mrs. Anna Parra Ramos Sr. Mary Beth Read Scholarship Fund Aetna Foundation, Inc. AMSU Parent Association Arch Capital Services Inc. Dr. Donna Casella ‘71 Ursuline Communities Ursuline Sisters of 2456 Ursuline Community of Linden Place Ursuline Community of Bedford Park Ursuline Community of Kimball Avenue Ursuline Sisters of Liberty Avenue Ursuline Community of Morton Street Ursuline Community of Mount Vernon Ursuline Community of Wilmington Ursuline Community of Kimball Avenue Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa Ursuline Provincialate Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 Fund for the Future This year we kicked off the Fund for the Future campaign with two area receptions for alumnae at the Kittle House and the Davenport Club. We are extremely appreciative of the generosity of our donors for helping us to raise $1 million for the campaign. With this three year endeavor we hope to close our operating deficit and implement an action plan to secure MSU’s future. If you wish to contribute, please contact the Development Office. Judy Coyle Boyle ‘57 and Kerri Gould Reynolds ‘86 Dr. Regina Peruggi ‘63 Deborah Blades ‘85, Sr. Sheila Campbell, osu ‘61, Sr. Marie-Celine Miranda, osu and Arianna Corretjer Pineiro ‘85 Mrs. Kathleen Prince (Malone) ‘79 Mrs. Kerri Reynolds (Gould) ‘86 Mr. Peter J. Altman Mrs. Maureen Mirabile Mr. Edward Schwind Arch Insurance Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mosman Ms. Linda Spagnuolo (Trentacoste) ‘81 Ms. Jennifer Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murphy Mrs. Susan Trank (Kofer) ‘66 Ms. Francoise D. Bartlett Ms. Grace Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Unrein Beckman Coulter Foundation Ms. Debra O’Connor (Kiernan) ‘77 Ursuline Community of Bedford Park Mrs. Marie Borelli Mr. James P. Pennell Reverend John Vigilanti Ms. Margaret Casey ‘56 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Perna Mr. and Mrs. Richard Willemin Ms. Joan Cashman ‘47 Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Mrs. Susann Ciaccia (Lundberg) ‘79 Ms. Elizabeth DeGiorgio Ms. Virginia Enright Ms. Mary Fay-Zenk Mrs. Margaret Friedberg (Giordano) ‘81 Mrs. Mary Hill (Jones) ‘48 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Houlihan, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth Jennings ‘84 Ms. Catherine I. Johnson Fr. John Vigilanti and Sr. Pascal Conforti, osu Jane Scully Reichle ‘63 and Rita Mastrangioli Fletcher ‘75 Cassandra Campbell ’81, Elaine Green ’95 and Mary Cronin ‘70 Mary Sheridan ‘46, Sr. Regina Kehoe, osu ‘46 and Antoinette Taddonio Bonnanzio ‘51 Ms. Carole Kakos ‘61 Ms. Judy Kehoe ‘84 Mr. Raymond J. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Landrey Leventhal Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Margaret Maloney (Carrig) ‘46 Ms. Josephine Martello MasterCard Worldwide Matching Gift Program Mrs. Margaret Maybury (Bartley) ‘65 Mrs. Lillian McNulty Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 29 Honorary and Memorial Gifts Gifts made in honor of a loved one have become a significant form of charitable giving at Mount St. Ursula. We deeply appreciate those who remember MSU by honoring their loved ones, both living and deceased. In Honor of Eileen Calmel Dr. Kathleen Elkins (Calmel) ‘57 In Honor of Susann E. Ciaccia Mrs. Susann Ciaccia (Lundberg) ‘79 In Honor of Class of 1959 Mrs. Beatrice Dinger (Smith) ‘59 In Honor of Sr. Mary Clare Curry, osu ‘38 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayward (Curry) ‘50 In Honor of Rita M. Fitzpatrick Dr. Regina Peruggi ‘63 In Honor of Kathleen D. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Perez In Honor of Michelle Guerin Mrs. Nancy Shannon (Prior) ‘57 In Honor of Monica Horan Mrs. Monica Henneberry (Horan) ‘65 In Honor of Aimee Kakos Ms. Carole Kakos ‘61 In Honor of Carole Kakos Mrs. Georgia Mazarakis In Honor of Michael Kakos Ms. Carole Kakos ‘61 In Honor of Frances Lyle Dr. Helene Lutz ‘66 In Honor of Mary Beth Read Mrs. Virginia Cerussi Ms. Maureen Russell In Honor of Jo-Ann Verrier Sr. Mary Jane Bookstaver, O.P. Ms. Jo-Ann M. Verrier In Honor of the St. Philip Neri Ursulines Mrs. Margaret Nix (Timoney) ‘47 In Honor of the Women’s Association Mrs. Maureen Mirabile 30 In Memory of Samira Ahmed Ms. Katherine Corticcio Mr. and Mrs. Eamon F. Toscano Ursuline Sisters of 2456 In Memory of Florence Alaimo Ms. Florence Cucchi (Alaimo) ‘58 In Memory of Vincent Andretta Mrs. Cecelia Andretta (Falcone) ‘52 In Memory of Mary Austen Mrs. Camille Johnston (Cardon) ‘54 MSU students visit The Ursuline School In Memory of John Bele Mrs. Concetta Bele (Pollio) ‘54 In Memory of Rose-Marie Kiernan Clay Ms. Patricia Kiernan ‘40 In Memory of Lena Benedetti Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Benedetti Mrs. Pamela Conlon (Mantegazza) ‘64 In Memory of Bridie Conway Mrs. Diane Carcaterra (Conway) ‘65 In Memory of Leanor Bergen Rinder Ms. Rosemary Rinder In Memory of Michael Crowley Mrs. Marguerite Weibel (Crowley) ‘64 In Memory of Robert Bergmann Mrs. Elizabeth Bergmann In Memory of Sr. Annunciata I. Bethell, osu ‘33 Ms. Norine Ryan ‘42 In Memory of William A. Brocks, III Mrs. Estelle A. Brocks (Harper) ‘45 In Memory of Nellie Crowley Mrs. Marguerite Weibel (Crowley) ‘64 In Memory of Marina Veronica Cucchi Ms. Florence Cucchi (Alaimo) ‘58 Ms. Christine A. Karatka In Memory of Mary Brooks Mrs. Dian Jennings Mayo ‘49 In Memory of Helen T. Cunningham Mrs. Beatrice Easton (Cunningham) ‘54 Mrs. Jane Mitrovic (Cunningham) ‘51 In Memory of Charles Brust Mrs. Isabel Bossong (Brust) ‘41 In Memory of John J. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayward (Curry) ‘50 In Memory of Gloria G. Calamari Mr. and Mrs. Julian Calamari In Memory of Veronica M. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayward (Curry) ‘50 In Memory of Joseph W. Carroll Dr. Rosemary Farley (Carroll) ‘70 In Memory of Mary C. Davis Mr. John W. Davis In Memory of Bridget Casey Ms. Eileen Casey ‘61 In Memory of Sophia De Blasio Dr. Maria De Blasio In Memory of Edith Schiff Cavanagh Mrs. Barbara McEneney (Cavanagh) ‘62 In Memory of Joseph N. Dengler Mrs. Mathilde Dengler (Edwards) ‘43 In Memory of Natalie Ciccarone Mrs. Carole Mills (Ciccarone) ‘58 In Memory of Thomas Derivan Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Murabito Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 In Memory of Cornelius Flanagan Mrs. Janet Bonsignore (Flanagan) ‘77 In Memory of Nuo Kalaj Mrs. Mariana Ljuljdjuraj (Kalaj) ‘93 In Memory of Joseph Flanagan Mrs. Janet Bonsignore (Flanagan) ‘77 Mrs. Mary Flanagan (Cameron) ‘68 In Memory of Florence Kearns Mrs. Mary Skibinski (Kearns) ‘74 In Memory of Fred Frank Mrs. Carryl Frank (Page) ‘45 In Memory of Frank M. Galassi Ms. Florence Galassi ‘62 In Memory of Mollie Garvin Mrs. Elizabeth Lynch (Garvin) ‘57 Artistic vision from Victoria Hasbun ’12 In Memory of Bernard Gillis Ms. Bernadette Gillis ‘61 In Memory of Stephanie Diaferia Mrs. Mary Summo In Memory of Elizabeth Gillis Ms. Bernadette Gillis ‘61 In Memory of Sr. Elizabeth Therese Doyle, osu Ms. Barbara Higgins ‘61 Dr. Noreen Moran (Deane) ‘59 In Memory of John Gormley Mrs. Karen Gormley-Vitale ‘75 In Memory of Sr. Pierre Drury, osu ‘29 Mrs. Lillian Arater (Murray) ‘46 Ms. Patricia Bommicino ‘60 Ms. Carole Kakos ‘61 Ms. Francine Lampidis (Napoliello) ‘61 Julia A. Murphy, Esq. (McKeon) ‘61 Mrs. Mary Niedzwiecki (McKeon) ‘63 Mrs. Joan Peterson (Blewitt) ‘52 Mrs. Ethel Reese (McKeon) ‘64 In Memory of Mary Gormley-Martin Mrs. Karen Gormley-Vitale ‘75 In Memory of Mary J. Greiter Mr. Charles Greiter In Memory of John Hallihan Ms. Francine Toupin (Grumm) ‘51 In Memory of James Hartigan Mrs. Margaret Mahoney (Hartigan) ‘48 In Memory of Ethel Edery Mrs. Kathleen Anderson (Edery) ‘62 In Memory of Lily Hartigan Mrs. Margaret Mahoney (Hartigan) ‘48 In Memory of Jane M. Ekkers Mr. Thomas Ekkers Mrs. Margaret Kubasiak (Durner) ‘58 In Memory of Thomas J. Hickey Mrs. Joan Hickey (McCabe) ‘36 In Memory of John J. Kearns Mrs. Mary Skibinski (Kearns) ‘74 In Memory of Sr. Dorothy Ann Kelly, osu Mrs. Alice Grant (Duffy) In Memory of Anne Kendall Dr. Janet Keane (Dillon) ‘74 In Memory of Susan E. Kennedy Ms. Patricia Bommicino ‘60 In Memory of Felix Krupp Mrs. Mary K Pinto (Krupp) ‘66 In Memory of Mary Krupp Mrs. Mary K Pinto (Krupp) ‘66 In Memory of Eileen Larkin Mrs. Eileen Larkin-Sullivan ‘68 In Memory of Margaret Leddy ‘69 Mrs. Donna Keane (Abele) ‘69 In Memory of Nancy K. Levinson Mrs. Susan Trank (Kofer) ‘66 In Memory of Allan Lundberg Mrs. Susann Ciaccia (Lundberg) ‘79 In Memory of Virginia Madigan Mrs. Barbara Kennedy (Boarman) ‘44 In Memory of Gladys Mais Mrs. Margaret Padnos (Mais) ‘66 In Memory of Joan Vail Hogan Mrs. Marie O’Hanlon (Milde) ‘48 In Memory of Karen Marsh Ms. Mary Cronin ‘70 Mrs. Barbara Marsh In Memory of Martin J. Holder Mrs. Therese Holder (Manley) ‘45 In Memory of Winifred M. Marwick Mrs. Nancy Imhof (Hanish) ‘65 In Memory of Thomas Jew Mrs. Nanette Gibbs (Jew) ‘70 In Memory of Dorothy McGreevy Mrs. Joan McGreevy-Glatzl ‘69 In Memory of Pat Finegan Dr. Ann Finegan ‘73 In Memory of Catherine Jordan Mrs. Janet Bonsignore (Flanagan) ‘77 Mrs. Anna Parasiliti (Multari) ‘81 In Memory of William McGreevy Mrs. Joan McGreevy-Glatzl ‘69 In Memory of Kitty Fitzgerald Mrs. Margie O’Reilly In Memory of Agnes Kakos Ms. Carole Kakos ‘61 In Memory of Sr. Amadeus M. McKevitt, osu ‘35 Sr. Barbara Calamari, osu Ursuline Sisters of 2456 In Memory of Michael A. Fitzpatrick Mrs. Virginia Burke (Fitzpatrick) ‘45 In Memory of Michael Kakos Ms. Carole Kakos ‘61 In Memory of Johanna McLean Mrs. Joanne Shea (McLean) ‘65 In Memory of Maria Ericsson Ms. Joan Ericsson ‘62 In Memory of Sonia Feenaghty Mrs. Francesca Bossey (Kosick) ‘86 In Memory of Ena Finegan Dr. Ann Finegan ‘73 Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 31 In Memory of Dorothy Mirenda Ms. Jean D. Harrigan (Mirenda) In Memory of John Mirenda Ms. Jean D. Harrigan (Mirenda) In Memory of Alice Monz Mrs. Ginger Alexander (Monz) ‘61 In Memory of Hans Monz Mrs. Ginger Alexander (Monz) ‘61 In Memory of Elizabeth Mooney Mrs. Joan Mooney (Pizzoli) ‘61 In Memory of John Moore Mrs. Eileen Burke (Moore) ‘51 In Memory of Mary Moore Mrs. Eileen Burke (Moore) ‘51 In Memory of Loretta Munn Ms. Joan Loretta Munn ‘66 In Memory of Vincent Munn Ms. Joan Loretta Munn ‘66 In Memory of Josephine Murphy Ms. Patricia Murphy ‘72 In Memory of Sr. Mary de Sales Murphy, osu ‘36 Mr. Peter J. Altman Sr. Michelle Guerin, osu ‘34 Mrs. Linda Murphy (Carroll) ‘67 Mrs. Joanne Shea (McLean) ‘65 In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Murray Mrs. Patricia Blessington (Murray) ‘52 In Memory of Joseph Nagle Mrs. Linda Nagle (Fortuna) ‘70 In Memory of Virginia Navin Mrs. Margaret Rice (McCullen) ‘63 In Memory of Margaret and Jimmy O’Hara Ms. Maureen Kiernan (O’Hara) ‘79 In Memory of Martin O’Hare Mrs. Patricia Rosen (O’Hare) ‘69 In Memory of Mary O’Hare Mrs. Patricia Rosen (O’Hare) ‘69 In Memory of Virginia M. O’Keefe Mr. Jerome O’Keefe In Memory of Agnes O’Reilly Mrs. Mary Jane McKenna (O’Reilly) ‘52 32 MSU students plant tree in memory of Samira Ahmed ‘11 with her family In Memory of Albert O’Reilly Mrs. Mary Jane McKenna (O’Reilly) ‘52 In Memory of James E. Shannon Ms. Patricia Forbes ‘63 In Memory of James E. O’Shea James E. O’Shea In Memory of John Smith Ms. Bridget McCarthy (Smith) ‘70 In Memory of Denise A. O’Sullivan Mrs. Geraldine O’Sullivan In Memory of Mary Smith Ms. Bridget McCarthy (Smith) ‘70 In Memory of Mary O’Sullivan Mrs. Mary Conry (O’Sullivan) ‘69 In Memory of Margaret Timmins Ms. Margaret Timmins-Knoesel ‘63 In Memory of Ellen E. Pennell Mrs. Mary Ann Angelone (Wilson) ‘62 Mr. James P. Pennell In Memory of Thomas Timmins Ms. Margaret Timmins-Knoesel ‘63 In Memory of Raymond Pisani Mrs. Alice Munzo (Pisani) ‘66 In Memory of Bernard Pompeo Mrs. Ida Pompeo (D’Ambrosio) ‘46 In Memory of Sr. Loretta Powers, osu Mrs. Laurie Lutz (May) ‘77 In Memory of Margaret Reehill Nash Ms. Carole Kakos ‘61 In Memory of Eileen Reres Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan In Memory of Reginald Lovett Rinder Ms. Rosemary Rinder In Memory of Francine Scioli Ms. Loretta Burke ‘66 In Memory of Lucette Tralongo Ms. Christine Tralongo ‘66 In Memory of Frank Tralongo Ms. Christine Tralongo ‘66 In Memory of Margaret Treanor Ms. Carole Kakos ‘61 In Memory of Julia F. Verhaegen Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Verhaegen In Memory of Susan Walsh Ms. Eileen Walsh O’Shea ‘72 In Memory of Margaret Waters Ms. Mary Fay-Zenk In Memory of Sr. Kristen Wenzel, osu Sr. Marie-Celine Miranda, osu Listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 Academy of Mount St. Ursula Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 5198 White Plains, NY Office of Development / Alumnae Relations 330 Bedford Park Boulevard Bronx, New York 10458 Matching Gift Companies YOUR EMPLOYER MAY MATCH A GIFT YOU MAKE TO MSU WITH THESE MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES. SEE YOUR PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT FOR MORE INFORMATION. 3Com Demont & Associates, Inc. Lend Lease Real Estate Investments, Inc. Rohm and Haas Company Advanta Corp. Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Liberty Funds Group RONIN Development Corporation A&E Television Networks Donaldson Company, Inc. Loews Corporation Ross, Johnston & Kersting, Inc. AES Corporation Eaton Corporation Lyondell Petrochemical Company Ryco Division Aetna Foundation, Inc. Eaton Vance Corp. Macy’s Inc. Safeguard Business Systems Allegro Microsystems Inc. Fiduciary Trust Company (Boston) Maguire Oil Company Safeguard Scientifics, Inc. Allianz of America, Inc. Fisher Scientific Markem Corporation Saint Gobain Corporation Altria Company Follett Corporation Marley Company Sasol North America, Inc. American Fidelity Assurance Co. Franklin Covey Massachusetts Financial Services Company Schlegel Corporation American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Frederic W. Cook & Company Mastercard Worldwide Scitor Corporation Amgen Inc. Freedom Forum, Inc. McKnight Foundation Serono=Merck Serono, Inc. Anchor Capital Advisors, Inc. Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc. Merck Company Shaklee Corporation Andersons Inc., The GE Foundation Meredith Corporation Sheldahl Inc. Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. General Atomics Technologies Corporation Mitsubishi International Corp. Soft Sheen/Carson, Inc. Apache Corporation Georgia Gulf Corporation Mitsui & Co. (U.S.A.), Inc. Soros Fund Charitable Foundation Archer Daniels Midland Co. Gilman Investment Company, Inc. Morrison and Hecker, L.L.P. SPX Corporation Arch Insurance Group, Inc. Glenmede Corporation, The Murphy Oil Corporation State Street Corporation Argonaut Group, Inc. GMAC Mortgage Corporation National Grid Transco Stream International Inc. Aspect Software Goldman Sachs New York Life Susquehanna Partners Aventis=Sanofi Aventis US LLC Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co. New York Tribune Swisher International Group AWG Dewar, Inc. GreenPoint Financial Corp Norfolk & Dedham Group Sysco Corp. Bank of America Hale and Dorr Pew Charitable Trust TCF Financial Corporation Baupost Group, LLC. The Clemens Family Corporation Pfizer, Inc. Techneglas Inc. Beckman Coulter Inc. Hewlett-Packard Company Phoenix Life Insurance Company Teleflex, Inc. Becton Dickinson and Company Hinrichs Flanagan Financial Pinnacle West Capital Corporation Tesoro Corp. Bemis Company, Inc. Holyoke Mutual Insurance Company in Salem Brink’s Company Inc., The Tetley USA Inc. Brakeley Briscoe Inc. Hoover Precision Products, Inc. PJM Interconnection LLC THAT Corporation Broderbund Software, Inc. Humana Inc. Plum Creek Timber Company, Inc. Thomson Reuters Calvert Group Illinois Tool Works, Inc. PNC Financial Services Group, The United Technologies Corporation CambridgeSoft Instron Corporation Price & Pierce International, Inc. UnumProvident Corporation Carnegie Corporation of New York Intelligent Electronics, Inc. Prospect Hill Foundation US Oil Corporation Charles Stewart Mott Foundation International Flavors and Fragrances Providian Financial Corporation Varco=National Oilwell Varco Chevron Humankind International Multifoods Corporation Prudential Velcro USA Inc. CIT Group, Inc. John Grenzebach & Associates, Inc. Puget Sound Energy Wells Fargo Colgate-Palmolive Company Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation Reid & Riege, P.C. White Mountains Insurance Group, Inc. Columbia Funds JP Morgan Chase Rexnord Corporation Whitman Corporation Costco Wholesale Corp. Keefe, Bruyette and Woods, Inc. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation W.K. Kellogg Foundation CPI Corporation Kirby Corporation Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc. W.W. Grainger, Inc. Cranston Print Works Company Kirkland & Ellis Rockefeller Family & Associates Data Services Direct LandAmerica Financial Group, Inc. Rockwell Automation
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