Localization of Trichinella spiralis in muscles of commercial and
Localization of Trichinella spiralis in muscles of commercial and
Article available at http://www.parasite-journal.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/parasite/200108s2246 LOCALIZATION OF TRICHINELLA SPIRALIS IN MUSCLES OF COMMERCIAL AND PARASITOLOGIC INTEREST IN PORK RIBICICH M., MIGUEZ M., ARGIBAY T., BASSO N. & FRANCO A.* Summary: Trichinellosis is widespread around the world with different representatives of the genus Trichinella found in almost every continent. In Argentina the main source of transmission for the disease to humans is pig meat infected with Trichinella spiralis. The object of this work was to determine the distribution of Trichinella larvae in fresh meat cuts which are sold for human consumption and in the muscles traditionally used for the disease diagnosis at meat-packing plants. Cranial muscles to the last rib showed more Trichinella spiralis larvae than those with a caudal location (p < 0.01). No significant differences were found (p > 0 . 0 5 ) between bilateral left and right muscles. Significant larval concentrations were found in the neck muscles, even in carcasses with a low parasitic load; these muscles are used to prepare cold meats (boston butt). Commercial cuts of meat had a substantial larval burdens in animals experimentally infected with 5 0 0 to 5 , 0 0 0 Trichinella spiralis larvae, with parasite burdens similar to infection levels in muscles evaluated at the meat packing plant. MATERIALS AND METHODS PIG INFECTION T h e w o r k w a s carried out with 14 c o m m e r c i a l hybrid pigs, Landrace a n d Large White crossbred, originating from a cattle-breeding ranch in the province o f B u e n o s Aires. T h e y w e r e 6 0 days old at t h e b e g i n n i n g o f the experiment and weighed approximately 20 kg e a c h . All animal w o r k w a s perf o r m e d in the swine breeding facility b e l o n g i n g to the Faculty o f Veterinary S c i e n c e s at the University o f B u e n o s Aires. T h e parasite Trichinella spiralis was m a i n t a i n e d b y serial p a s s a g e in f e m a l e CF-I m i c e o b t a i n e d from the Department o f Parasitology, ANLIS. Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán, Argentina. Muscle larvae w e r e r e c o v e r e d from m i c e b y acid- KEY WORDS : Trichinella spiralis, pigs, meat inspection. pepsin digestion o f striated m u s c l e c o l l e c t e d at least 3 0 days after infection. I Pigs w e r e orally inoculated with infective larvae o f Trin Argentina the main source o f transmission o f tri- chinella chinellosis to humans is pig meat infected with Tri- cator bolus-flowing gun. T h e pigs w e r e experimentally chinella inoculated with d o s e s o f 100 (group 1), 5 0 0 (group 2 ) , spiralis. The muscles where Trichinella spiralis larvae esta- blish vary according to the host ( G o u l d et al., 1970; Campbell et al., 1 9 9 3 ; Reina et al, 1994; Pozio et al., slaughter i n s p e c t i o n using a Coopers® Cattle pellet appli- 5,000 (group 3 ) or 5 0 , 0 0 0 (group 4 ) larvae o f nella Trichi- spiralis. 1996; Kapel et al., 1998). The muscles for Trichinella spiralis used for infection (dia- phragm, tongue, masetters, intercostals) are t h o s e that contain the highest n u m b e r o f larvae p e r gram (Kotula et al., 1 9 8 4 ; Zimmerman et al., 1 9 7 0 ) . T h e objective o f this w o r k w a s to determine the distribution o f larvae o f fresh meat cuts which are sold for human c o n s u m p tion and in the muscles traditionally used for inspection in meat-packing plants. TISSUE RECOVERY On day 100 post-inoculation, all 14 pigs were sedated and euthanized by exsanguination. Following euthanasia, the animals were eviscerated and tongue muscle, tongue base, masseters, diaphragm, intercostals and commercial cuts such as ham, shoulder, boston butt, fillet, spare ribs and belly were collected for artificial digestion. DIGESTION TESTING Distribution o f T. spiralis larvae in e a c h tissue s a m p l e w a s determined b y digestion o f 100 g o f tissue ( G a m ble, 1 9 9 6 ) . STATISTICAL ANALYSIS * Faculty of Veterinary Sciences. University of Buenos Aires, Chorroarin 280 (1427) Argentina. Correspondence: Mabel Ribicich. Tel.: 54-11-4580-2820 - Fax: 54-11-4514-8962. A test for proportion w a s m a d e with the Z statistic, E-mail: mribicich@fvet.uba.ar Differences w e r e considered significant at p < 0.05. S246 using the software Statistic for W i n d o w s . X ICT. August 2000 th Parasite, 2001, 8, S246-S248 CONTROL AND VETERINARY DIAGNOSIS RESULTS DISCUSSION B oth animals in group 0 w e r e negative by artificial digestion. T h e predilection sites o f muscle larvae o f Trichinella spiralis in pigs infected with 100 larvae (group 1) w e r e in the b a s e o f the tongue, the tongue, diaphragm, intercostals and the shoulder; this muscle w a s the only representative o f the commercial cuts w h e r e larvae were found. T h e five most infected m u s c l e s in the others groups w e r e : group 2: tongue, b a s e o f the tongue, diaphragm, left fillet and b o s t o n butt. group 3: diaphragm, left masseter, tongue, b a s e o f the tongue, and boston butt and group 4: diaphragm, tongue, left ham, boston butt and b a s e o f the tongue. (Figs 1, 2 and 3 ) . Cranial muscles to the last rib s h o w e d m o r e Trichinella spiralis larvae than those with a caudal location ( p < 0 . 0 1 ) . No significant differences w e r e found ( p > 0 . 0 5 ) b e t w e e n bilateral left and right muscles. Parasite, 2001, 8, S246-S248 T h e muscle groups in man that are most frequently the sites o f e n c y s t m e n t o f n e w b o r n larvae are the extraocular muscles, the masseters, the muscles o f the tongue and larynx, the diaphragm, the m u s c l e s o f the n e c k , the intercostals muscles and the deltoids. In addition, the portions o f the muscle fibers nearest to the sites of attachment to tendons and joints are most heavily infected (Campbell, 1 9 8 3 ) . T h e artificial digestion o f tissue samples from 6 0 various muscles from 13 different sites of an infected horse carcass s h o w e d that the muscles levator labii maxillaris, hyoideus transversus and buccinator w e r e the most heavily infected muscles. Muscles from the tongue, the masseter and the diaphragm, which have normally b e e n considered the muscles of c h o i c e for meat inspection, w e r e the 4 , 6 and 1 3 most infected muscles, respectively (Pozio et al., 1998). In t h Fig. 1. - Distribution of Trichinella spiralis larvae in muscle of pigs of group 2. Fig. 2. - Distribution of Trichinella spiralis larvae in muscle of pigs of group 3. X ICT. August 2000 th t h th S247 R I B I C I C H M . , M I G U E Z M., A R G I B A Y T . , B A S S O N . & F R A N C O A . Fig. 3. — Distribution of Trichinella spiralis larvae in muscle of pigs of group 4. experimentally infected pigs the tongue and diaphragm w e r e t h e heaviest infected muscles f o l l o w e d b y the muscles obliquus abdominis internus, serratus ventralis, psoas major, triceps brachi, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, intercostal, semimembranosus a n d longissimus muscle (Kotula et al, 1 9 8 4 ) . In this work, fillet, h a m a n d shoulder w e r e t h e most heavily infected followed b y other commercial cuts: b o s t o n butt, spare ribs a n d belly. W e e m p h a s i z e that Trichinella spiralis w a s found in all the pigs inoculated with m o r e than 5 0 0 larvae. In t h e case o f bilateral muscles (masetters, intercostals, for e x a m p l e ) it is recom e n d e d to sample from both sides in order to avoid falses negatives. It must b e noted that there w a s significant higher larvae concentration in the n e c k muscles ( b o s t o n butt), e v e n with l o w parasitic load; these muscles are used to prepare cold meats. Commercial cuts s h o w e d substantial w o r m burdens a n d in animals infected with 5 0 0 to 5,000 Trichinella spiralis larvae these muscles s h o w e d a parasitic load similar to the s a m e muscles evaluated at t h e meat packing plant. KOTULA A . W , MURRELL K . D . , ACOSTA-STEIN L. & LAMB L. Distri- bution of Trichinella spiralis larvae in selected muscles and organs of experimentally infected swine. Journal of Animal Science, 1984, 58 ft), 94-98. POZIO E, CELANO G . V . , SACCHI L., PAVIA C , ROSSI P., TAMBURINI A . , CORONA S. & LA ROSA G . 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