product ca t alogue
product ca t alogue
PRODUCT CATALOGUE Implant line and Kits especially dedicated to the multi-unit screw-retained prosthesis INDEX INTRODUCTION BioSAF IN and WINSIX® Implant System...................................................... page3 Implant Packaging......................................................................................... page4 Color Code.................................................................................................... page4 Characteristics of Torque Type® Implants...................................................... page5 SURGICAL PHASE Internal Hex Torque Type® TTi Implants........................................................ page6 External Hex Torque Type® TTx Implants...................................................... page7 Use of Torque Type® Drills in relation to bone quality.................................... page8 Standard TT® Surgical Tray Content............................................................. page9 Standard TT® Drills........................................................................................ page 10-11 Intraoperative Instruments............................................................................. page12 Intraoperative Accessories............................................................................ page12 Instruments for TTi® and TTx® insertion and tightening................................. page13 PROSTHETIC PHASE Healing Screws............................................................................................. page14 Cover Screws................................................................................................ page15 Temporary Abutments .................................................................................. page15 Impression Copings....................................................................................... page15 Prostethic Abutments.................................................................................... page16-17 Milling Abutments.......................................................................................... page18 Esthetic Abutments........................................................................................ page18 Cement - retained Abutments........................................................................ page19 NEW RESTORATIVE TECNIQUES FOR SCREW-RETAINED PROSTHETICS Teeth Just on 4® - Teeth Just on 6®............................................................... page21 EA - Extreme Abutment® EAx® Prosthetic Line...................................................................................... page22-24 EAx® Prosthetic Accessories......................................................................... page25 WINSIX® Prosthetic Screws.......................................................................... page26 CAB® CLIP ABUTMENT BAR CAB® Components......................................................................................... page27 How to prepare the CAB® Bar....................................................................... page27-28 Composition of the CAB® KIT ....................................................................... page29 Material Characteristics................................................................................. page30 A story of Commitment and Competence BioSAF IN is a Company specialized in production and trade of Dental Implantology and Oral Surgery devices and instruments. BIOSAF IN joints its know-how and specific technical competences in the Dental Implantology field to a wide knowledge of the Dentistry field, in which it has been working for over 18 years in pursuing criteria of promotion of Scientific Research finalized to technological development, offer and implementation of a qualified and competent Commercial Service, professional honesty. Customer care and after Sales Service BIOSAF IN carefully takes care of the technical and commercial training of its partners, dealers and employees. They are available for clients for explanations and demos on the use of WINSIX® Implant System, for technical information on biomechanics or micromechanics related to implants, scientific updating and every other useful information related to traded products. Continuing Evolution Scientific Research for WINSIX® Implant System never stops, constantly committed as we are in perceiving and understanding the changing needs of the dentist, within a partnership based on the shared purpose of professional development and increasingly performing services for the Patient, according to the present expectations and needs. Trademarks ‘95 WINSIX ‘09 WINSIX Micro Rough Surface ® ® ‘98 Free Tense System ‘10 Extreme Abutment ‘01 Bioactive Covering ‘10 Teeth Just on 4 ‘01 Free Lock ‘10 Teeth Just on 6 ® The story of the Company commitment is written on the progressive evolution of new products, tested and introduced into the market, year after year, with the care and dedication of speciality constantly searching for the best solution. ® ® ® ® ® ® ‘07 Full Contact Covering ‘11 TT Torque Type ‘09 Flat Shift System ‘11 CAB Clip Abutment Bar ® ® ® ® ‘12 WINClinic WINSIX® Implant System WINSIX® Implant System was first introduced into the market in 1995 with the aim to offer a performing implant device, ideal for the different anatomic and esthetic restorations, and of easy and linear usage in the clinical praxis. WINSIX® Implants are made of commercially pure titanium (degree 4), coming from certified and monitored extraction sites. They offer different implant shapes - straight, cylindrical or tapered - all morphologically selfthreaded, sharing the same prosthetic platform, of constant size through the different diameters. The different implant shapes allow to apply both single and two-stages surgery procedures, according to the patient’s anatomic conditions and to the clinical needs. Prosthetic accessories are simple and unified, but at the same time they offer excellent esthetic and functional solutions, thanks to a wide range of abutments for screw - retained or cement-retained prostheses, or for overdentures. They are all made of pure titanium, degree 5. Technological competence and specific know-how allow to simplify and optimize the instrument sequence, and as a consequence the surgical and prosthetic procedures. That is why they are of easy use and management for auxiliary personnel and dentists starting up with Dental Implantology. The innovative TORQUE TYPE® Implants and CAB® Device are perfectly integrated within WINSIX System®, exploiting synergies of prosthetic platform and operative Instruments in order to optimize and make the organization of work as easy as possible, according to the functional, esthetic and economical expectations of the Patient. 3 Implant Packaging WINSIX® Implants are delivered sterile, inside a transparent vial, in a titanium box holder reporting the correspondent colour code. The direct implant engagement inside its titanium holder is a specific characteristic of WINSIX® Implant, which in such a way: • has a reduced vertical dimension, making the insertion of the implant into the mouth easier with the insertion instruments • never comes into contact with other materials but titanium, so avoiding any kind of contamination • in case of software guided implant therapy, it allows to engage the implant with specific mounters, without any other support. On the Vial: • Product Code • Production Batch Inside the Box: • Information Leaflet • Label with stickers for the precise documental management of the Patient data: • 1 sticker for the clinical record • 1 sticker for communications with the laboratory • 1 sticker for the Patient Personal Card On the Blister: • Product Code • Production Batch • Sterilization Batch • Sterilization Date • Expiration Date The EXTERNAL CARDBOARD BOX reports all the necessary instructions for the immediate identification of the product, besides the necessary indicators required by the law, according to the rules that regulate medical devices. The packaging adequately preserves the product, allows its easy storage and immediate visual identification thanks to the colour code well visible on the external box. OPENING OF THE PACKAGING The nonsterile assistant peels back the tray lid and drops the vial onto the sterile drape. The sterile user opens the vial by lifting the top where the implant cover Screw remains anchored. The implant is anchored inside the sterile vial. To extract it, it is necessary to use the specific instruments without turning the vial upside down. TTi and TTx Implants are engaged and extracted from the vial by means of specific and different instruments. EXTRACTION OF THE IMPLANT TTi® or TTx® Implant is engaged by the user directly inside the titanium holder using the handpiece, manually or by means of the ratchet, never interrupting the sterile chain. The 6 Color Codes Color Code for each implant, instrument or prosthetic accessory for a fast visual identification of the use sequence and of accessories matching. WINSIX® Color Code 3.3 mm. 3.8 mm. 4.5 mm. 5.2 mm. 5.9 mm. 6.5 mm. The color code is obtained through a toned image process which does not bleach away in contact with saliva. It is therefore easy to identify immediately the accessory diameter when opening the implant. 4 TORQUE TYPE® IMPLANT just one implant body TTi internal hex external hex TTx® TTi® 0.7 3° 0.7 3° POLISHED COLLAR TTx® specific macromorphology to obtain maximum implant stability, the ideal for immediate loading ® Polished collar for an optimal soft tissue management External hex with constant 2.7 mm. 0.7 mm height BIO ENGAGING THREADS Double threaded and double step threads for an easier insertion of the implant, with half of the screwing laps. The groove in the underneath side of the threads decompresses the bone by dissipating the forces and helps the deposit of blood clot and of bone chips, facilitating cell neoformation. MRS® IMPLANT SURFACE WINSIX® Micro Rough Surface® obtained through a process of subtraction and etching on the titanium surface of the implant, allows a faster osteogenesis and a wider bone to implant surface of contact, helping the osseoconductive process. Multifunctional Apex Strongly tapered apex in order to obtain an osteotomic effect and to enhance the insertion of tilted implants, also in case of soft bone availability, according to the Teeth Just on 4®/6® Tecniques. It allows to modulate the initial stability according to the bone quality. Tapping chambers Wide and deep to collect bone chips and blood clot deposit during implant insertion. CONICAL APEX 3 big tapping chambers Each of 120° with the osteotomic function of bone expansion and decompression. Ø underseized from 1.3 to 1.8 mm compared to the implant Ø. The apical Ø so reduced allows to easily decide the underpreparation of the surgical site in relation to the kind of bone, so modulating the primary stability, the necessary assumption for the immediate loading. 5 Free Lock®connection shares the same prosthetic accessories with all WINSIX® implants with internal hex. TTi® Implant Internal hex Surgical Phase Item Code ee Lock ® Co Fr nn al n n io ct e int er TORQUE TYPE® IMPLANT 2.3 mm esa exm go2n.3 a2l.3h m om inm tercnooncsotasntat nintetern Product TTi® IMPLANT Straight to tapered shape, internal Free Lock® connection, self threaded, MRS® surface, 0.7 mm polished collar, Cover Screw included (code VT...) 38009TTi/MRS 38011TTi/MRS 38013TTi/MRS 38015TTi/MRS 45009TTi/MRS 45011TTi/MRS 45013TTi/MRS 45015TTi/MRS 52009TTi/MRS 52011TTi/MRS 52013TTi/MRS 52015TTi/MRS 3.8 mm. x h. 9 3.8 mm. x h. 11 3.8 mm. x h. 13 3.8 mm. x h. 15 mm. mm. mm. mm. 4.5 mm. x h. 9 4.5 mm. x h. 11 4.5 mm. x h. 13 4.5 mm. x h. 15 mm. mm. mm. mm. 5.2 mm. x h. 9 5.2 mm. x h. 11 5.2 mm. x h. 13 5.2 mm. x h. 15 mm. mm. mm. mm. PLATFORM SWITCHING The constant geometry and dimension - both in TTi® and in TTx® - allow for the application of the Platform Switching Technique whenever it results convenient for a better soft tissue management and an increased crestal and bone stability. 3.3 3.8 4.5 5.2 5.9 TORQUE TYPE X® Implants, the only ones within the WINSIX® System with external hex connection, offer a constant dimension of the prosthetic connection hex. 3.3 3.3 3.8 3.8 4.5 5.2 4.5 5.2 5.9 5.9 Platform Switching with TORQUE TYPE IMPLANTS®. 6 Impianti TTx® External connection of TORQUE TYPE x® with 2.7 mm constant 0.7 mm height external hex Surgical Phase Item Code 2.7 mm 2.7 mm constant external hex Product TTx® IMPLANT Straight to tapered shape, external hex connection, self threaded, MRS® surface, 0.7 mm. polished collar, Cover Screw included (code VT...) 33009TTx/MRS 33011TTx/MRS 33013TTx/MRS 33015TTx/MRS 3.3 mm. x h. 9 mm. 3.3 mm. x h. 11 mm. 3.3 mm. x h. 13 mm. 3.3 mm. x h. 15 mm. 3.8 mm. x h. 6 3.8 mm. x h. 9 3.8 mm. x h. 11 3.8 mm. x h. 13 3.8 mm. x h. 15 3.8 mm. x h. 18 mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 45015TTx/MRS 4.5 mm. x h. 6 4.5 mm. x h. 9 4.5 mm. x h. 11 4.5 mm. x h. 13 4.5 mm. x h. 15 mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. 45018TTx/MRS 4.5 mm. x h. 18 mm. 52006TTx/MRS 5.2 mm. x h. 6 mm. 52009TTx/MRS 52013TTx/MRS 5.2 mm. x h. 9 mm. 5.2 mm. x h. 11 mm. 5.2 mm. x h. 13 mm. 52015TTx/MRS 5.2 mm. x h. 15 mm. 59006TTx/MRS 5.9 mm. x h. 6 mm. 59009TTx/MRS 5.9 mm. x h. 9 mm. 59011TTx/MRS 5.9 mm. x h. 11 mm. 5.9 mm. x h. 13 mm. 38006TTx/MRS 38009TTx/MRS 38011TTx/MRS 38013TTx/MRS 38015TTx/MRS 38018TTx /MRS 45006TTx/MRS 45009TTx/MRS 45011TTx/MRS 45013TTx/MRS 52011TTx/MRS 59013TTx/MRS TTx® 6 mm TORQUE TYPE® ULTRA SHORT IMPLANT • in case of minimally invasive surgery • below the maxillary sinus • above the mandibular nerve 7 Use of Torque Type® Drills in relation to bone quality Surgical Phase SOFT BONE Implant nominal Ø Actual endosseous Ø Drill Ø Last Drill code Cortical Drill 3.3 3.5 2.2/2.6 TT2 NO 3.8 4.0 2.6/3.0 TT3 NO 4.5 4.7 3.0/3.4 TT4 NO 5.2 5.4 3.4/3.8 TT5 NO 5.9 6.1 3.8/4.2(4.2/4.6) TT6(TT7) NO Medium BONE Implant nominal Ø Actual endosseous Ø Drill Ø Last Drill code Cortical Drill 3.3 3.5 2.6/3.0 TT3 NO 3.8 4.0 3.0/3.4 TT4 NO 4.5 4.7 3.4/3.8 TT5 NO 5.2 5.4 3.8/4.2 TT6 NO 5.9 6.1 4.2/4.6(4.6/5.0) TT7(TT8) NO MEDIUM cortical BONE Implant nominal Ø Actual endosseous Ø Drill Ø Last Drill code Cortical Drill 3.3 3.5 2.6/3.0 TT3 CD33 3.8 4.0 3.0/3.4 TT4 CD38 4.5 4.7 3.8/4.2 TT6 CD45 5.2 5.4 4.6/5.0 TT8 CD52 5.9 6.1 5.0/5.4 TT9 CD59 Cortical Drill DENSE BONE Implant nominal Ø Actual endosseous Ø Drill Ø Last Drill code 3.3 3.5 3.0/3.4 TT4 3.8 4.0 3.4/3.8 TT5 4.5 4.7 3.8/4.2 TT6 CD45 5.2 5.4 4.6/5.0 TT8 5.9 6.1 5.4/5.8 TT10 TT® Drills Code TORQUE TYPE® KIT Cortical TT® Drills Ø Code Ø TT1 2.0 TT2 2.2/2.6 TT3 2.6/3.0 CD33 3.0/3.3 TT4 3.0/3.4 CD38 3.4/3.8 TT5 3.4/3.8 TT6 3.8/4.2 CD45 4.2/4.5 TT7 4.2/4.6 TT8 4.6/5.0 CD52 5.0/5.2 TT9 5.0/5.4 CD59 5.4/5.9 TT10 5.4/5.8 Plastic Tray, fully perforated on the top and on the bottom for an adequate cleaning and sterilization of the instruments. 8 Surgical Tray Content Torque Type® standard Surgical Phase Item Code Product TTST Autoclavable plastic Tray TTK TT Precision Drill TT1 Long Pilot Drill Ø 2 mm - L.6-7-9-11-13-15-18 TT2L Long Drill Ø 2.2/2.6 mm - L.6-7-9-11-13-15-18 TT3L Long Drill Ø 2.6/3.0 mm - L.6-7-9-11-13-15-18 TT4L Long Drill Ø 3.0/3.4 mm - L.6-7-9-11-13-15-18 TT5L Long Drill Ø 3.4/3.8 mm - L.6-7-9-11-13-15-18 TT6 Long Drill Ø 3.8/4.2 mm - L.6-7-9-11-13-15-18 TT7 Long Drill Ø 4.2/4.6 mm - L.6-7-9-11-13-15-18 TT8L Long Drill Ø 4.6/5.0 mm - L.6-7-9-11-13-15-18 99000 Drill Extension Shaft CD33 Cortical Drill for TT Implants Ø 3.3 mm CD38 Cortical Drill for TT Implants Ø 3.8 mm CD45 Cortical Drill for TT Implants Ø 4.5 mm CD52 Cortical Drill for TT Implants Ø 5.2 mm CD59 Cortical Drill for TT Implants Ø 5.9 mm BM33 Bone Mill for EA Ø 3.3 mm BM Bone Mill for EA Ø 3.8 mm BM Bone Mill for EA Ø 4.5 mm BM Bone Mill for EA Ø 5.2 mm BM Bone Mill for EA Ø 5.9 mm 62SI TTi Implant torque wrench driver short for Ratchet 62MI TTi Implant torque wrench driver medium for Ratchet 62LI TTi Implant torque wrench driver long for Ratchet 99SI TTi Implant torque wrench driver short for Handpiece 99M TTi Implant torque wrench driver medium for Handpiece 99LI TTi Implant torque wrench driver long for Handpiece 62SX TTx Implant torque wrench driver short for Ratchet 62MX TTx Implant torque wrench driver medium for Ratchet 62LX TTx Implant torque wrench driver long for Ratchet 99SX TTx Implant torque wrench driver short for Handpiece 99MI TTx Implant torque wrench driver medium for Handpiece 99LX TTx Implant torque wrench driver long for Handpiece DI Direction Indicator DPI Depth Indicator SDS Manual short Screwdriver SDL Manual long Screwdriver SDTS Manual short Torx Screwdriver SDTL Manual long Torx Screwdriver 30000 Screw Driver with Handpiece connection 30000T Torx Screw Driver with Handpiece connection 60000 Ratchet KMP Manual Adapter for Ratchet Instruments 9 TT® Standard Drills® Surgical Phase Item Code Product TTK In surgical stainless steel, cutting edge length 5 mm PRECISION DRILL STANDARD DRILLS in surgical stainless steel, different lengths SHORT DRILLS, with 13 mm depth stop Depth Stop TT short Drill ® TT1S TT2S TT3S TT4S TT5S TT6S TT7S TT8S TT9S TT10S Ø 2.0 mm L. 6-13 mm Ø 2.2/2.6 mm L. 6-13 mm Ø 2.6/3.0 mm L. 6-13 mm Ø 3.0/3.4 mm L. 6-13 mm Ø 3.4/3.8 mm L. 6-13 mm Ø 3.8/4.2 mm L. 6-13 mm Ø 4.2/4.6 mm L. 6-13 mm Ø 4.6/5.0 mm L. 6-13 mm Ø 5.0/5.4 mm L. 6-13 mm Ø 5.4/5.8 mm L. 6-13 mm 13 mm. 9 mm. 6 mm. STOP 11 mm. 7 mm. Depth markings of TT® short Drill LONG DRILLS TT long Drill TT1L TT2L TT3L TT4L TT5L TT6L TT7L TT8L Guide Drill Ø 2.0 mm L. 6-18 mm Ø 2.2/2.6 mm L. 6-18 mm Ø 2.6/3.0 mm L. 6-18 mm Ø 3.0/3.4 mm L. 6-18 mm Ø 3.4/3.8 mm L. 6-18 mm Ø 3.8/4.2 mm L. 6-18 mm Ø 4.2/4.6 mm L. 6-18 mm Ø 4.6/5.0 mm L. 6-18 mm ® 13 mm. 9 mm. 6 mm. 18 mm. 15 mm. 11 mm. 7 mm. Depth markings of TT® long Drill CORTICAL DRILLS in surgical stainless steel, L. 5 mm CD33 CD38 5 mm. 3 mm. 17 mm. CD45 CD52 CD59 3.3 mm L. 5 mm 3.8 mm L. 5 mm 4.5 mm L. 5 mm 5.2 mm L. 5 mm 5.9 mm L. 5 mm 10 TT® Standard Drills Surgical Phase Item Code Product Bone Mill for EA® in surgical stainless steel BM33 3.3 mm. used with Code VG3305X - VG330 BM38 3.8 mm. used with Code VG3305X - VG330 BM45 4.5 mm. used with Code VG3305X - VG330 BM52 5.2 mm. used with Code VG3305X - VG330 BM59 5.9 mm. used with Code VG3305X - VG330 Bone Mills must be used together with the straight Healing Screws 5 mm high inserted into the implant. TT® Standard Drills Surgical Phase Item Code Product TT® Drill Stops - short TT1S – TT2S – TT3S in surgical stainless steel STP6N STP9N STP11N STP13N for TT Implants L 6 mm for TT Implants L 9 mm for TT Implants L 11 mm for TT Implants L 13 mm TT® Drill Stops - short TT4S - TT5S - TT6S - TT7S in surgical stainless steel STP6R STP9R STP11R STP13R for TT Implants L 6 mm for TT Implants L 9 mm for TT Implants L 11 mm for TT Implants L 13 mm TT® Drill Stops - short TT8S - TT9 - TT10 in surgical stainless steel STP6W STP9W STP11W STP13W for TT Implants L 6 mm for TT Implants L 9 mm for TT Implants L 11 mm for TT Implants L 13 mm All Short Drills are provided with a 13 mm Stop to cover the screw thread. 11 30° 45° TT® Standard Drills Surgical Phase Item Code Product WG46 Just Guide®: guided inclination of the Drills WINSIX Just Guide for Just on 4 / 6 ® ® ® ® in surgical stainless steel, It guides the inclination of the drill from 0° to 45° through a specific laser marketing. Fully removable for cleaning and sterilization. To assemble it use the Short/LongTorx manual Screw Driver (SDTS – SDTL) DI Direction Indicator DPI Depth Indicator 99EA Screwdriver for handpiece for straight EA® 62EA Screwdriver for ratchet for straight EA® in surgical stainless steel, To be used on both sides, to verify the surgical site axis, after the 2.0 mm Drill. Provided with a central passing through hole, total length 25 mm. in surgical stainless steel, To verify the depth of preparation of the surgical site, from 6 to 18 mm, after the 2.0 mm Drill. in surgical stainless steel, sterilizable in surgical stainless steel, sterilizable Straight EA® must be inserted at 30 Ncm Intraoperative Accessories Surgical Phase Item Code Product X - RAY TEMPLATE It faithfully reproduces the Implant series in their different sizes in the following scales: 1:1 - 1.1:1 - 1.2:2. By placing it on the patient X-rays, it is possible to plan the proper implant to be used. 76000 TTi Implant X - Ray Template 77000 TTx® Implant X - Ray Template TTST Autoclavable Tray ® 12 Instruments for the Insertion and tightening of TTi® and TTx® implants Surgical Phase Item Code Product INSTRUMENTS in stainless steel 62SI TTi Implant torque wrench driver short for Ratchet 62MI TTi Implant torque wrench driver medium for Ratchet 62LI TTi Implant torque wrench driver long for Ratchet 62SX TTx Implant torque wrench driver short for Ratchet 62MX TTx Implant torque wrench driver medium for Ratchet 62LX TTx Implant torque wrench driver long for Ratchet 60000 Ratchet KMP Manual Adapter for Ratchet Instruments 99SI TTi Implant torque wrench driver short for Handpiece 99MI TTx Implant torque wrench driver medium for Handpiece 99LI TTi Implant torque wrench driver long for Handpiece 99SX TTx Implant torque wrench driver short for Ratchet 99MX TTx Implant torque wrench driver medium for Ratchet 99LX TTx Implant torque wrench driver long for Handpiece 99000 Drill Extension Shaft SDS Short Manual Screwdriver SDL Long Manual Screwdriver SDTS Short Manual Torx Screwdriver SDTL Long Manual Torx Screwdriver 30000 Screwdriver Machine 30000T Torx Screwdriver Machine 13 CATAL OG O P RODO TT I PROSTHETICS performing implant syste m Healing Screws External hex connection Prosthetics Item Code TTi® Implants share the same Prosthetics accessories with all WINSIX ® Implants with internal Free Lock® connection, and are available in the General Catalogue of Products. Product HEALING SCREWS in titanium STRAIGHT VG3803x 3.3 mm. x h. 3 mm. 3.8 mm. x h. 3 mm. VG4503x 4.5 mm. x h. 3 mm. VG5203x 5.2 mm. x h. 3 mm. VG5903x 5.9 mm. x h. 3 mm. VG3305x 3.3 mm. x h. 5 mm. VG3805x 3.8 mm. x h. 5 mm. VG4505x 4.5 mm. x h. 5 mm. VG5205x 5.2 mm. x h. 5 mm. VG5905x 5.9 mm. x h. 5 mm. VG3303x Straight Healing Screws 5 mm high can be used also as a guide for Bone Mill BM range (see page 11) COUNTERBORE VG333x 3.3 mm. x h. 3 mm. VG383x 3.8 mm. x h. 3 mm. VG453x 4.5 mm. x h. 3 mm. VG523x 5.2 mm. x h. 3 mm. VG593x 5.9 mm. x h. 3 mm. VG335x 3.3 mm. x h. 5 mm. VG385x 3.8 mm. x h. 5 mm. VG455x 4.5 mm. x h. 5 mm. VG525x 5.2 mm. x h. 5 mm. VG595x 5.9 mm. x h. 5 mm. ! Sterilize prosthetics accessories before use 14 Cover Screws External hex connection Prosthetics Item Code Product COVER SCREWS in titanium VT33x 3.3 mm. VT38x 3.8 mm. VT45x 4.5 mm. VT52x 5.2 mm. VT59x 5.9 mm. Temporary Abutments External hex connection Prosthetics TEMPORARY ABUTMENTS FOR PICK UP TECNIQUE 15 mm high, provided with VMILx prosthetic screw 3.3 mm. 3.8 mm. 4.5 mm. 5.2 mm. 5.9 mm. IMPR33x IMPR38x IMPR45x IMPR52x IMPR59x Impression Copings External hex connection Prosthetics UNIVERSAL IMPRESSION COPINGS in titanium A33x A38x A45x A52x A59x 3.3 mm. 3.8 mm. 4.5 mm. 5.2 mm. 5.9 mm. 15 Prosthetic Abutments External hex connection Prosthetics Item Code Product STRAIGHT TEMPORARY ABUTMENTS in titanium, VP2x prosthetic screw included MP3301x MP3801x MP4501x MP5201x MP5901x MP3302x MP3802x MP4502x MP5202x MP5902x 3.3 mm. x h. 1 mm. 3.8 mm. x h. 1 mm. 4.5 mm. x h. 1 mm. 5.2 mm. x h. 1 mm. 5.9 mm. x h. 1 mm. 3.3 mm. x h. 2 mm. 3.8 mm. x h. 2 mm. 4.5 mm. x h. 2 mm. 5.2 mm. x h. 2 mm. 5.9 mm. x h. 2 mm. STRAIGHT FINAL ABUTMENTS in titanium, VP2x prosthetic screw included MD3300x 3.3 mm. MD3800x 3.8 mm. 4.5 mm. 5.2 mm. 5.9 mm. MD4500x MD5200x MD5900x 16 Prosthetic Abutments External hex connection Prosthetics Item Code Product ANGLED FINAL ABUTMENTS in titanium, VP2x prosthetic screw included MIN3315x MIN3815x MIN4515x MIN5215x MIN5915x MIN3325x MIN3825x MIN4525x MIN5225x MIN5925x 3.3 mm. angled 15° 3.8 mm. angled 15° 4.5 mm. angled 15° 5.2 mm. angled 15° 5.9 mm. angled 15° 3.3 mm. angled 25° 3.8 mm. angled 25° 4.5 mm. angled 25° 5.2 mm. angled 25° 5.9 mm. angled 25° 17 Milling Abutments External hex connection Prosthetics Item Code Product MILLING ABUTMENTS in titanium, VP2x prosthetic screw included MF3300x 3.3 mm. MF3800x 3.8 mm. MF4500x 4.5 mm. MF5200x 5.2 mm. MF5900x 5.9 mm. Esthetic Abutments External hex connection Prosthetics CASTABLE ABUTMENTS in PMMA and PLATINOR,VP2x prosthetic screw included GP33x GP38x GP45x GP52x GP59x 3.3 mm. 3.8 mm. 4.5 mm. 5.2 mm. 5.9 mm. 18 Cement-Retained Abutments External hex connection Prosthetics Item Code Product CEMENT RETAINED ABUTMENTS in PMMA, VP2x prosthetic screw included MC33x 3.3 mm. MC38x 3.8 mm. MC45x 4.5 mm. MC52x 5.2 mm. MC59x 5.9 mm. 19 ® just on Teeth MANDIBULE: TEETH JUST ON 4® For a full and firm prosthetic solution of the mandible just on 4 implants. MAXILLA: TEETH JUST ON 4®/6® For a full and firm prosthetic solution of the maxilla just on 4 or 6 implants, in relation to the bone morphology. 20 NEW RESTORATIVE TECNIQUES FOR SCREW-RETAINED PROSTHETICS TEETH JUST ON 4® - TEETH JUST ON 6® EA - Extreme Abutment® Aming to offer restorative prosthetic solutions, fully satisfactory and economically sustainable to a significant share of population, BioSAF IN has studied specific surgery and prosthetic protocols to provide adequate solutions in those cases of extended edentulism both in the mandible and in the maxilla: Teeth Just on 4® and Teeth Just on 6® Clinical studies and researches prove that the tilted insertion of the two distal implants is an effective and simple technique to compensate for bone deficiency, thus extending the prosthetic base in a functional and firm way. In the mandibule, this technique provides prosthetic support also in the final part of the arcade, avoiding interferences with the mandibular nerve. Teeth Just on 4® and Teeth Just on 6® Techniques allow for full prosthetic restorations of both arcades, in many cases avoiding bone regeneration surgery with the related costs and discomforts for the Patient. 21 EAx Prosthetic Line 0° external hex connection Extreme Abutment® EA® Extreme Abutments - straight or 17°or 30° angled - find their ideal application in the innovative Just on 4®/6® Techniques, allowing prosthetics on strongly tilted implants, up to 45°. Item Code MAX 45° 30° 90° Product EAx ABUTMENTS 17° angled in titanium, tissue engaging 2 mm high VP3x prosthetic screw included EA33172x EA38172x EA45172x EA52172x 3.3 mm. EAx 3.8 mm. EAx 4.5 mm. EAx 5.2 mm. EAx Angled EA® Mounter Pre - assembled Mounter included in the EAx® angled Abutment package, for the correct positioning and check of the angle. EAx ABUTMENTS 17° angled in titanium, tissue engaging 3 mm high VP3x prosthetic screw included EA33173x EA38173x EA45173x EA52173x 3.3 mm. EAx 3.8 mm. EAx 4.5 mm. EAx 5.2 mm. EAx EAx ABUTMENTS 17° angled in titanium, tissue engaging 4 mm high VP3x prosthetic screw included EA33174x EA38174x EA45174x EA52174x 3.3 mm. EAx x 3.8 mm. EAx 4.5 mm. EAx 5.2 mm. EAx 22 EAx Prosthetic Line External hex connection Extreme Abutment® Item Code Product EAx ABUTMENTS 30° angled in titanium, tissue engaging 4 mm high, VP3x prosthetic screw included EA33304x 3.3 mm. EAx EA38304x 3.8 mm. EAx 4.5 mm. EAx 5.2 mm. EAx EA45304x EA52304x EAx ABUTMENTS 30° angled in titanium, tissue engaging 5 mm high, VP3x prosthetic screw included EA33305x 3.3 mm. EAx EA38305x 3.8 mm. EAx 4.5 mm. EAx 5.2 mm. EAx EA45305x EA52305x 23 EAx Prosthetic Line external hex connection Extreme Abutment® Item Code Product EAx ABUTMENTS, straight in titanium, tissue engaging 1 mm high pre - mounted Mounter included EA33001x EA38001x EA45001x EA52001x 3.3 mm. EAx 3.8 mm. EAx 4.5 mm. EAx 5.2 mm. EAx EAx ABUTMENTS, straight in titanium, tissue engaging 2 mm high pre - mounted Mounter included EA33002x 3.3 mm. EAx EA38002x 3.8 mm. EAx 4.5 mm. EAx 5.2 mm. EAx EA45002x EA52002x EAx ABUTMENTS, straight in titanium, tissue engaging 3 mm high pre - mounted Mounter included EA33003x 3.3 mm. EAx EA38003x 3.8 mm. EAx 4.5 mm. EAx 5.2 mm. EAx EA45003x EA52003x EAx ABUTMENTS, straight in titanium, tissue engaging 4 mm high pre- mounted Mounter included EA33004x 3.3 mm. EAx EA38004x 3.8 mm. EAx 4.5 mm. EAx 5.2 mm. EAx EA45004x EA52004x EAx ABUTMENTS, straight ® in titanium, tissue engaging 5 mm high pre- mounted Mounter included EA33005x 3.3 mm. EAx EA38005x 3.8 mm. EAx EA45005x 4.5 mm. EAx 5.2 mm. EAx EA52005x 24 Pre - assembled EA Mounter included in the EAx straight Abutment package, for the correct positioning and the first screwing laps. The Abutment must be subsequently tightened at 30 Ncm by means of the Screwdriver for Handepiece item code 99EA. EAx® Prosthetic Accessories external hex connection Extreme Abutment® Item Code Product EAx PROSTHETIC ACCESSORIES EAAx EATx Impression Copings for EAx in titanium Abutment Impression Copings for EAx in titanium, complete with Guide Pin VEATx EARx Temporary Copings for EAx EASx Abutment for EAx EAFx Cement - retained Abutment for EAx VGEAx in titanium, complete with Prosthetic Screw VP4 in titanium, complete with Prosthetic Screw VP4 in POM, complete with Prosthetic Screw VP4 Healing Screw for EAx in POM 25 ® WINSIX Prosthetic Screws Item Code Product WINSIX® PROSTHETIC SCREWS in titanium VP2x Screw for TTx Implants VP3x Screw for EAx connection - TTx Implant VP4 Screw for EA /EAx Abutments VMILx Screw for Abutment Impression Copings, long for TTx® VEATx Screw for Abutment Impression Copings EAx TORQUE VALUES TO APPLY DURING POSITIONING OF THE SCREWS USING TORQUE WRENCH VT and VG 10 N/cm VP4 20 N/cm VP2X 30 N/cm VP3X 30 N/cm EA straight 30 N/cm 26 CAB® CLIP ABUTMENT BAR EP Patent Pending n.11425032.7 The new CAB® CLIP ABUTMENT BAR device allows the joining of dental implants through a combination Abutment - Bar - Clip to be applied on the screwretained prosthesis with or without immediate loading, according to the protocol of the restorative Techniques Teeth Just on 4® and Just on 6®. CAB® is used to realize a passive titanium structure, to be accomplished in a very short time during the immediate loading application. The CAB® bar constitutes a strengthening of the provisional prosthesis, minimizing the risks of its breaking and of consequent implant failure. CAB® Components How to prepare the CAB Bar ® Code BTO Bar without Clip After the implant insertion and the positioning of the respective EAx Line Abutments, the impression is taken with the specific EATx® Abutments. Code BT1 Retentive Bar with male Clip 1 mm thick and cylindrical hole Subsequently a laboratory model is created by using the positioned Impression Copings for EAx®, then the ATxx Abutments are chosen in relation to the margin height to allow the bar to be parallel to the occlusal plan. Once the ATxx Abutments are positioned, each single bar is cut by using the specific Cutter Bar (CB) device. Code BT2 Retentive Bar with male Clip 2 mm thick and cylindrical hole Code BT3 Retentive Bar with male Clip 2 mm thick and elliptical hole After all the bars are cut, the dedicated Clip - CF1 or CM1 - is inserted inside of them, and to finally assemble the whole structure, this is placed on top of the ATxx Abutments and fixed on them by means of special cements. Code CM1 Male Clip 1 mm thick and cylindrical hole Code CM2 Male Clip 2 mm thick and cylindrical hole Code CM3 Male Clip 2 mm thick and elliptical hole CAB® Kit Code CF1 Female Clip Code ATxx Variable margin Abutment, where xx shows the different height of the margin from 1.7 to 4.2 mm Cod. CB Cutter Bar 27 CAB® CLIP ABUTMENT BAR elliptical The CAB® device can be used with the most widespread implant systems with external hex connection. 1.Measurement of the CAB® bar by using the Cutter Bar device 2.The CAB® bar is cut by a splitter disk 28 cylindrical Fully Adaptable Bar Thanks to the unique cylindrical or elliptical design of the special Clips, the Clip - Abutment connection allows for maximum fit and versatility of application, also in case of strong disparallelism. These features make CAB® the ideal device for multiple screw-retained prosthesis with immediate or late loading. 3.The assembled CAB® bar is easily to be positioned on the abutments, even in case of strong disparallelism. COMPOSITION OF THE CAB® KITS In order to carry out the first CAB® structure it is necessary to have a complete CAB® KIT at your disposal. After the first case a minimum of 20 to maximum 50 abutments are left in the Kit. For treating the following cases only the missing material will have to be purchased. All Kits include ATxx Abutments for every margin height from 1.7 to 4.2 mm. KIT Just On 4® Code Product KIT Just On 6® Quantity Code Product Quantity CM1 Male Clip 1 mm thick and cylindrical hole 1 CM1 Male Clip 1 mm thick and cylindrical hole 1 CF1 Female Clip 2 CF1 Female Clip 4 BT1 Retentive Bar with male Clip 1 mm thick and cylindrical hole 1 BT1 Retentive Bar with male Clip 1 mm thick and cylindrical hole 3 BT2 Retentive Bar with male Clip 2 mm thick and cylindrical hole 2 BT2 Retentive Bar with male Clip 2 mm thick and cylindrical hole 2 BT3 Retentive Bar with male Clip 2 mm thick and elliptical hole 2 BT3 Barra + CM Ellittico spessore 2 mm 2 AT17 Abutment 1.7 mm margin height 4 AT17 Abutment 1.7 mm margin height 6 AT22 Abutment 2.2 mm margin height 4 AT22 Abutment 2.2 mm margin height 6 AT27 Abutment 2.7 mm margin height 4 AT27 Abutment 2.7 mm margin heigh 6 AT32 Abutment 3.2 mm margin height 4 AT32 Abutment 3.2 mm margin height 6 AT37 Abutment 3.7 mm margin height 4 AT37 Abutment 3.7 mm margin height 6 AT42 Abutment 4.2 mm margin height 4 AT42 Abutment 4.2 mm margin height 6 EAAx Impression Copings for EA 4 EAAx Analogo linea EAx 6 KMP Adapter for Manual Instruments 2 KMP Adapter for Manual Instruments 2 62T Torx Screwdriver Manual 2 62T Torx Screwdriver Manual 2 CB Cutter Bar 2 CB Cutter Bar 2 Tray Instrument container 1 Tray Instrument container 1 KIT Just On 4® + 6® Code Product Items available for separate purchase Quantity Code Product CM1 Male Clip 1 mm thick and cylindrical hole 2 CM1 Male Clip 1 mm thick and cylindrical hole CF1 Female Clip 6 CM2 Male Clip 2 mm thick and cylindrical hole BT1 Retentive Bar with male Clip 1 mm thick and cylindrical hole 4 CM3 Male Clip 2 mm thick and elliptical hole BT2 Retentive Bar with male Clip 2 mm thick and cylindrical hole 4 CF1 Female Clip BT0 Bar without Clip 30 mm long, divisible BT3 Retentive Bar with male Clip 2 mm thick and elliptical hole 4 BT1 Retentive Bar with male Clip 1 mm thick and cylindrical hole AT17 Abutment 1.7 mm margin height 10 BT2 Retentive Bar with male Clip 2 mm thick and cylindrical hole AT22 Abutment 2.2 mm margin height 10 AT27 Abutment 2.7 mm margin height 10 AT32 Abutment 3.2 mm margin height 10 AT37 Abutment 3.7 mm margin height 10 AT42 Abutment 4.2 mm margin height 10 EAAx Impression Copings for EA 10 KMP Adapter for Manual Instruments 2 62T Torx Screwdriver Manual 2 CB Cutter Bar 2 Tray Instrument container 1 29 BT3 Retentive Bar with male Clip 2 mm thick and elliptical hole AT17 Abutment 1.7 mm margin height AT22 Abutment 2.2 mm margin height AT27 Abutment 2.7 mm margin height AT32 Abutment 3.2 mm margin height AT37 Abutment 3.7 mm margin height AT42 Abutment 4.2 mm margin height EAAx Impression Copings for EA KMP Adapter for Manual Instruments 62T Torx Screwdriver Manual CB Cutter Bar Tray Instrument container Material Characteristics METALS Type Composition Titanium Titanium Ti grade 4 ASTM F67 Ti grade 5 ASTM F67 Stainless steel AISI 630 Platinor Alloy Au 60%, Pd 15%, Pt 24,9%, Ir 0,1% Melting interval 1350°-1460° C SYNTHETIC RESINS Type Composition Polymethylmethacrylate PMMA Melting interval 150 - 160° C Polyoxymethylene POM Melting interval 164° - 168° C 30 31 Edition n.3/EN/01-13 UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 UNI EN ISO 13485:2012 BioSAF IN has obtained the following certificates: UNI EN ISO 9001: EN 2008 which certifies the whole work process at 360° in accordance with quality standards considered optimal to safeguard the Users of the product - the Professional Dentist and the final user - the Patient. UNI CEI EN ISO 13485: 2012 relates specifically to the Quality of the Medical Devices. BIOSAF IN srl via Tiraboschi, 36/G 60131Ancona (AN) ITALY phone +39 071 2071897 (r.a.) fax +39 071 203261 follow us on Smile at Life! WINSIX PERFORMING IMPLANT
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